Insane Minecraft Live – Join Now for EPIC Adventure!

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Okay we should be live it’s been AG since I’ve been live holy crap dud when was the last time I went live again holy crap it’s been like I think I go live with um we should be working right we should be fine we should be live yes is what I’m assuming that we’re live on right now not sure though but I hope we’re live but uh okay you know what yeah we’re live forever let me just check some settings

Real quick um okay um def minimal minimal okay we should be fine we should be fine I hope so I hope we’re chilling we better be chilling please please why stream chilling please good good please not bad please good good what’s up long time see actually

Forgot how your voice sounds hi yo what is up edits Master oh my God yo what is good what is up what is up what is up welcome welcome welcome it’s been a while it’s been like a very very very long while when I was since like I’ve seen you I was like

Everything I’m just I’m just testing like the stream like the stream right now cuz I haven’t streamed in a while so I’m just checking if everything is fine but everything should be good well that’s what I’m hoping I’m hoping everything like the stream is fine dude I miss you

Bro y but how is everything edits Master how you how have you been how have you been you know how’s life been treating you how’s like life how’s life oh freak actually let’s go kill some mobs actually should I kill some mobs not really I think I’m actually going to go for an

XP farm today so we’re going to do that we have so touch here do we have mending here yeah let’s actually do that First I’ve been watching Vinnie Lamborghini he’s a cool guy he also stream oh that’s sick what does he do what does he do does he like does what does he specifically stream though does he do like Lamborghini videos or something like showcases I don’t know okay we should get some XP sword

Um what’s like okay we have good sounds okay we’re good we’re chilling we’re chilling man has it been a freaking long while since I’ve stream holy crap bro I don’t know what I’m going to like do today’s stream but I’m just going to do whatever I can get up to Today cuz every time I stream there’s never a plan like you can tell like I don’t pre-record because I don’t have a plan for these streams you just streams games you only has 300 Subs school’s been boring through freshman year boring yeah I remember when I was in freshman

Year it’s it’s it’s pretty boring sometimes I think I think actually yeah I’ll be honest High School is really boring I really don’t like high school never liked high School I’m I’m glad I’m not in high school anymore that’s cool 300 Subs that’s nice bro I’m sorry if my commentary is kind of bad it’s been like ages since I streamed oh I’m sorry the personing too oh man I’m really bad right now holy

Crap I’m bad with this whole thing dude how are you how are you the kids oh they’re fine they’re going to school you know I’ve been taking them to school you know obviously I’ve been taking them to school every day you know I’m a single

Father so I have to do this like on my own which you know it’s tough but you know I’m I’m getting there but thank you thank you for uh thank you for asking it’s really really polite of you yeah that’d be good you know you’ve been all right I’m looking for

A I’m looking for a stepmom right now because you know the real mother isn’t in any of my kids lives so I’m I’m looking for someone to help me uh take care of my children you know all I have to do is geometry this year and it is a 2hour long

Class yeah I hated geometry school I hated math at school honestly I never liked math math was never like I mean I was I was good at math and like middle school and then just like everything I don’t know just everything started falling apart I just never like is that stone what is

That oh what the freak is that can’t tell is this a stone sword or is that an iron sword me he I need a boat I kind of want to keep him I don’t have any let’s go get a bow dude you will find your one I’m here for you bro thank

You edits Master thank you thank you thank you thank you um I appreciate it bro math and English on my wor classes I don’t actually English is actually pretty good easy class I don’t think it’s be hard for you English was my best class actually I was good at I was good at

English a lot I was like top student a lot of the times I was top student okay let’s see let’s get this you stop shooting at me please thank you okay I want to get this Dude can we get this oh we have no wood wait okay let me just get grass down here get on this okay that should kind of be enough but let’s get some more there we go and then boom you’re safe you’re safe and sound I know high school was pretty easy

Honestly wasn’t really hard it wasn’t really match I I never really struggle with high school I’m be honest I was always like a pretty decent student I don’t know I just didn’t really care for a lot of the subjects I’ll be honest I really don’t like care about high school that

Much in fact I I barely remember any of my high school days honestly if I’m going to be for real here I really remember anything from high school I don’t remember any names or any teachers you know I I can easily say that I’m one of those people that have

Not peaked in high school and I’m proud of that you know people people who say you know people who tell you that their High their their best days are in high school that’s how you know they peaked that’s not a good thing if people tell you that

High school is their best like is the best years of their life that’s very sad if I’m be honest it’s it’s just sad thing dude I bet you had great kids they got a good D yeah they have I have I teach them well you know I always got to teach my kids

Wello you know they’re pretty good in school you know they’re in kindergarten right now and they’re learning you know they they’re they you know they can be a little trouble sometimes you know oh what the freak where the freak did he blow up from what the hell I’m really

Happy you trust me another share with me n you’re good you know you’re good you’re good I mean you are the one that ask about my you know my children in me like you know like nobody usually asks that kind of thing but you know

What since you’re the one to ask it then I’m the one that’s going to like answer you cuz I Mak sense I mean I guess you could say because like not a lot of people like tell me if I have kids you know if they

Did I would tell them I have kids like you know but no one asked me that so you’re probably like the only one that actually actually genuinely like like like remembers that I have like children you know high school was the worst days of years of my life my son’s in grade for

The years since you’ve been born since my but Contin to be the best yo what is up eron’s Corner what is up what is up welcome welcome welcome to the Stream Welcome oh yeah I can definitely feel that I feel like you know I can definitely say that yeah like having like how do you say this uh how do I say this in like very like General way um I’d say just having a child in general or just having

Like like I’m not going to lie it’s been a challenge yes it’s been hard right it’s been hard but you know it’s it’s worth the while you know it’s always nice always nice you know when like how do you say this uh oh I’m sorry I I’m like really bugging

Right now because I haven’t streamed in a while it’s like man late at night so I don’t know how to really like explain and like good enough words about these kind of topics but P could stream glad to be here and yes my science teacher said one of the

Graduations to seniors if this is your greatest achievement you have failed oh jeez I mean that is true I mean you know you’re not so you know like as much as like you know high school day like high school years are like cool and all like you know you

Shouldn’t take that as like your best years you know cuz eventually down the line you will have better years years you know you you have better years you know like those things can’t be your good years you shouldn’t have those things as good years okay wait I

Okay I came here because I want some I want them deep SL I want to make like a creeper Farm today or try to make a creeper Farm cuz I need something I need um I need um uh whatam I call it um um I need deep slle cuz I want to

Make the creeper Farm out of deep slle even even though it might look ugly with like it might look kind of bad with deep slate but freed I really don’t mind man I am all over the place holy crap science he should lay down the truth for real actually you know

Sometimes you know you just got to tell them straight up you know you know if you think these is going to be your best you know then you know you don’t got to crush those High Hopes honestly I mean if my if my science teacher ever

Said that I would have agreed with him honestly i’ been like yep cuz I know demo like I know D well it’s like you know like it gets like more different when you graduate you know things just change like as much as I like as much as

Like how you say this as much as like I’m struggling right now like at the current moment you know obviously I’m not going to to talk about it because you know I’m literally playing Minecraft and I’m not going to try to get super personal into it but regardless I’d say

Like these years regardless of like a lot of struggles I’d say these are way better than high school cuz I feel like I’m actually like like doing something you know sure you want to come when you least suspect oh yeah for real definitely yeah take your time while

Having kids it’s amazing but is hard I became a father at 18 it was a struggle by manag to get by take your time and enjoy your life thanks Aaron yeah you know sometimes they just hit you with that I mean you think everything is fine and then Boom Child oh

God oh yeah this like I don’t have I don’t have full bright I don’t have the full bright mod on probably like probably like a little later whenever I do like um a kind of like um whenever I do like a a sort of like cave

Kind of like project where I have to dig like a lot inside a cave I’ll probably have to get full bright cuz right now it is definitely dark I have like the settings all the way up for um the brightness but I don’t have the mod and I saw you’re at one 1.12k

Congrats thank you I mean shoot you know it could be a little higher I could have like made it a little higher because like I’m on break right now I I want to say I’m on break I’ve been like really sick cuz last week and then I’ve been like overall like this

Whole month I’ve been really down so right now like as I’m streaming I feel like slightly better you know like I feel like I can talk into the microphone and actually like speak my words and like speak my thoughts you know I don’t know it’s like it’s kind of

Sucks you know it’s like since it’s like the holiday SE like season and everything you know you you think like i’ be like all like up and like you know like all joyful and cheerful but not really you know it’s like oh man it’s been like a hard month

Not hard month November was a hard month this month was hard um like half of October was hard damn you know it’s been like hella hard I’m wondering if the music is kind of low cuz I’m not sure if the music is like good enough cuz I have I have like

Some Animal Crossing music in the background right now I’m not sure if it’s like really low enough or the audio the game audio L enough I really can’t tell sometimes it’s take okay bro take your time no cuz this is this is the thing

Right I set myself I set myself up a go I told myself I’d get 2,000 subscribers before the end of the year but I don’t think that’s happening anytime soon like it’s sad enough to say that that was a goal that I made like a few months

Ago but I guess you say I have like I’ve been having a lot of like IRL just hit me like off and on so then it’s like you know it’s like that goal is just going to be like even further away from me like I won’t be able to like hit that

Gold sooner or later it’s going to like suck like crap I don’t know maybe I’ll hit it next year who knows take get out of your own pace BR music and sounds fine relaxing thank you I appreciate it yeah I try to have like a lot of um try

To have a lot of like music like different types of like like cuz I usually use Nintendo music cuz um I’m a very big fan of like Nintendo music in general like any like soundtrack from like Legend of Zelda Mario or like any like anything like that like such as animal crossing the

Play one that I’m playing right now like I usually play these like like okay cuz like some streams yes like sometimes they will have songs in these playlists that will get me copyrighted like like one of my streams will get copyrighted but then you know it’s fine you know

It’s fine I’d rather listen to this music than listen to like I don’t know like some like other like other like um some like just like non copy right music I don’t know I feel like this is more like more thrilling in a way like more

Like like I feel like my ears can like listen and like more stuff I don’t know I I don’t know I don’t know how to really like put it out yeah bro I love Minecraft music it’s calming thank you I me yeah that be this does sound like Minecraft music

You know I’m sorry if like this is kind of boring if I’m be honest cuz like like usually when I do these kind of streams I don’t really have like a plan I don’t really have like a plan I just like I just tell myself okay I’m

Just going to stream I’m just going to like press the go live button I’m like boom here like here I am playing Minecraft like you know like I just find whatever like anything I just I’m basically imp like improvising basically like I improvise on stream like like

I’ll be like okay what do I need right now oh I need to like fix my pickaxe okay I’m going to go fix my pickaxe or I I need some type of ore or something or like I need diamonds or iron like okay I’m going to go get iron you know or

Like if I need gunpowder I’m going to like kill creepers or something again you know speaking of creepers I definitely should make gunpowder farm and I will try to make a gunpowder Farm I also a sugar G Farm cuz like I need Rockets again cuz cuz I feel feel like it’s

About time like I start like actually like doing like bigger projects cuz like at this point I’m really like not doing much right now like I need to like engage myself into like some bigger stuff I don’t know I’m like a messy streamer you know freck what the hell oh my God don’t

Tell me to grabble here yeah I’m like a messy streamer I really don’t have like I mean usually I would like it really depends you know cuz usually I would I would like take my time to like like think of something to do on stream but then I

Ultimately just like I’m like okay you know what I’m just not going to do it and I just end up doing other stuff like right now this isn’t like this isn’t like like how do you say this this isn’t like what I’m doing isn’t like um

Um like this is something that I would actually need to do cuz like you know I need to get some deep slate cuz I want to build something like you know this isn’t just like useless like mining like I’m actually like you know I actually needed

Do this yeah that was my suggested from last stream remember the mob farm kind of thing oh yeah yeah dude if you are able to keep this for and beat it I will definitely be there when you fight the Ender Dragon edits Master I’ve already beaten I’ve already beaten the Ender Dragon my

Dude I’ve slain the okay look you want to see okay um wait let in um statistics um mobs see look you have killed one Ender Dragon I’m sorry Ed it’s Master I’ve killed the Ender Dragon Dude okay I have a I have a 100 days video see I have a 100 days video that int tells like that gives like all the like all the stuff that I’ve done in this world world I just haven’t been able to like edit it like I I mean like

I’ve like done like 40% of the edits like you know like it’s not done done but it’s like somewhat done but I’ve just been like off and on with it because like like this whole week like all of like last month like just like these last past two months have been like

Hectic you know it’s been kind of tough man yeah I’ve beaten it it’s already at its Master it’s it’s it’s dead the dragon died I killed it long time ago oh I killed okay I killed the Ender Dragon in a very cool way by the way you

You’ll see it in my video you’ll see it in like a future video that I’ll post it I killed it in a very cool way it’s very cool way I’m not going to give any spoilers but it’s very cool how old are you how old are your kids

Though I’m just curious you don’t have to tell me uh shoot like like they’re like one is like three and the other one is like like two yeah we just celebrated yeah we just celebrated my um 3-year-old’s birth like 3-year-old’s birthday part like like what was it again it was like

3 months ago yeah it was in like September yeah bro I swear to God I have like bad Mo or something man I just have I just been having like a bunch of stuff in my head you know that’s like some things like I just don’t

Remember until like I need to take like a little bit of like a minute for me to think about like the exact date again Man I’m taking care of these kids when my parents BR I miss when my son was that age he was a quiet baby now he w’t stopped talking laughing my I’m like taking care of like these kids with my parents because like I don’t know I don’t want to talk about like the

Personal issue with like the mother or anything you know but it just been me my parents and mostly that’s it it’s just been me like doing a lot of Hell things honestly I mean obviously like I do the usual you know like I take him to school

Like you know take him like the little one to like to Like Preschool or daycare or whatever right but it’s like damn you know it’s going to be tough because you know their mother isn’t there anymore you know their mother is like Mother’s gone you know so it’s

Like it’s like one day I’m going to have to tell them like you know like you know like it’s either listen right I don’t I don’t know how to really like say it but it’s either like I replaced him with a new mother without them knowing

Or I just like they just get raised with no mother then you know I mean my mom is there but you know that’s like their grandma that’s like they not the real mother you know dude when I’m older and I have kids I just really want to be there for them

As much as possible see what I’m saying like I try to be see okay listen right this is why like I know for sure like I had to raise in with my parents you know like there was no there was no like there was no like there was no way I was

Going to do them by myself right like there was no way like I’m going be honest so much like I can like there’s so little stress like there’s so much stress that I can take on my onto myself right so obviously like you know

I don’t want to be like a messed up or anything right but them oh man you know sometimes you know they bring they bring a lot of stress out so then it’s like like I need a break man you know this is the break you know

This is right now this is the break you know they’re sleeping they’re sleeping like safe and sound and and then this is my break basically you you know playing this game you know I’m I really don’t play like much of this game if I’m be honest like as in

Like uh uh like a Pastime cuz I am trying to make this work you know I am trying to make this whole YouTube Biz work right so I’m most playing this kind of thing like for like recording or like live streaming other than that I do not play

This for fun well I mean I still have fun with it but like you know like I don’t play this just to play then you know have to to like get some like get something out of it is what I mean yo Yi Buck what is up the a’t easy

Decision to make but you do the best you can do and that’s what they remember all right you know what I’m just going to stop I’m just going to stop because I’m kind of tired of like I’m kind of like getting a little too personal now I’m getting a little too

Personal you know this is like this is the the time that I’m like taking up like away from like you know this is the time where I’m taking away from all of that stuff so I’m I’m just going to talk about other stuff right now cuz damn you know oh oh

Man actually to be honest I don’t even know what to talk about I want be honest like I’m all over the place I really don’t have like the slightest idea it’s like it’s like almost 2: a.m. in the morning dude just know if you need to

Talk to anyone you just know I’ll be there but I’m only like 15 might can still try I I appreciate it I appreciate it how’s the weather it’s like it’s like Calico it’s like 40° it’s been man it’s been really cold actually been really cold I mean that’s

Like one of the reasons why I got sick it’s like I go I tried like going out to the gym like at night cuz like usually usually I would go to the gym in the day right so this time I was like H cuz like the gym didn’t doesn’t like the gym

Didn’t close until like 11:00 right so I told myself like I should go to the gym at night you know because like I had to miss out gym on a day I’m like why not you know why not go at night so then like go at night and I spend like two

Hours there and then I come back right like obviously I didn’t like obviously like I think yeah like I went out with like a sweater you know and then you know I came out of that place with still the sweater on but you know I guess you could say you know i’

Still got sick regardless you know it wasn’t the best idea to go at night you know cuz I mean it was a little bit more colder at night you know like the temperature dropped at night and then like you know then I oh shoot diamonds holy

Crap I don’t need them right now so then you know like I was sick I was feeling a little sick and then the next day I had a fever and then I’m like you know and then like eventually I did get better eventually I did get

Better like down the line I did get better like in two days I got better so I’m pretty glad about that you know thank God for like modern day medicine and like you know like modern day like like you know like modern day stuff you

Know a lot of sweat and cold is not a good idea oh for sure almost must 2m here too I got to be up early for work damn Aaron wait wait wait Aaron you think it’s a good idea to be on the street right now like

I mean like I appreciate you being here man but like damn like if you got to go to work in the morning then sh by all means you know I’m not like really like keeping you here like I’m not keeping you captive here you know I mean you are

Regardless like free to stay but like you know I I don’t think you know it’s kind it’s kind of like damn damn you’re really staying on the stream you know you got work in the morning sheesh hi I mean I’d love to stream early but I really can I really can’t

Like these are like the only times when I’m am actually able to stream help I’m being forced to watch against my will Aron chill I am not doing anything you can go man you can go like no one’s putting you at gunpoint chill listen I don’t keep my viewers at

Gunpoint you know like if they really want to they can go oh shoot diamonds a I don’t need them stri mining for 2 hours and finding Redstone only I mean I’m not really strip my I’m just getting like deep sleep that’s really like all I’m looking

For I think I’m going to like yeah yeah I’m going to oh wait wait wait actually yeah we got to go back wait where did we go back we we went back from here or fre I forgot where I came back he’s over here right Oho I forgot where I came back I

Forgot where I came back no dude I forgot the like little like path is this it this is it right I forgot this better be in I swear like only forgot where I once okay we found it yeah cuz I need XP like I need XP like my freaking pickaxe is literally

About to break I have like few durability on it at this point I might just like I have 24 levels I might just like get a diamond pickax and just heal it that way what the hell is that zombie doing how the hell did you find me what the freak how did

You dude that was scary you just coming down like this the stairs like he like noticed me all the way from over here that’s kind of scary after my son goes to bed that’s the only time I get to myself so I feel like watching a stream

L well ah I feel you I understand I understand I got you I got you makes total sense makes total sense plus I’m kind of insomniatic since I was 12 L little kicks my ass sometimes Z to be stream sniping for real like where the hell did he come from that’s scary

Man oh it’s still daytime okay wait wait was it newly daytime was something like some is like super high up yeah listen I’m just going to get a pickaxe and I’m just going to mend it like this way oh shoot I don’t have any diamonds here you know what I should have

Actually grabbed those diamonds back then oh my God cuz now I got to like fly all the way back to my house go fly all the way here now even trying to find diamonds but still finding some me 10 iron pickaxes later I mean I’m not really trying see

That’s what I haar that’s what I haar right see this is going to happen again this is going to hit me in the butt again this is going to hit me in the butt right when I go looking for diamonds I’m not going to find no diamonds right for the second I’m not

Looking for diamonds boom diamonds just right there not even looking I hate that you know when you’re looking for something it doesn’t come out and when you are looking for something like when you’re not looking for something you know it’s like it’s like damn you find it easily and I hate that

I really do we have camels oh I forgot I don’t I I haven’t named these camels these are just like regular camels I don’t know you can call this one like steart and you can call this one like Jonathan or Something okay um let’s see I diamonds over here yes I do do I have like some extra sticks yes okay I just realized I have no Anvil here so we got to go back I got to go back you have no Anvil here literally got no Anvil see I should have just stayed

Here made a full set of diamond armor laugh in my all my years of playing MC the most pH was like 12 I swear though my brother finds diamond so easily I don’t know like it really depends you know sometimes you you got to get lucky like an RNG based I mean well

Obviously like fighting like or is RNG you know it’s not like a guaranteed thing I should really you know what okay you know you know I’m just going to spoil it you know what I I’m thinking of like for a whole video I’m thinking of changing this whole thing and turning

This into like a city or something cuz this Village kind of like una appeasing for me like I feel like there needs to be a drastic change in this place you know like this needs to go this needs to go this needs to go uh that needs to go um what else

Needs to go um this thing this thing this thing this thing this whole place I’m not going to blow it up obviously but I’m just going to like destroy all of it and then I’m going to start like mapping a kind of like a kind of like a city kind of

Build cuz I would like this to be a city we have our own world and one time he went strip mining comes up to me 13 minutes later playing them in half with me and then in my inventory I see 20 oh damn that’s crazy okay cuz like where’s my

Anvil you know I’m going to name this what should I name in um I’m going name in MO there we go very very very very very very very very very very very very casual name okay I’m just going to like mine for like one more one more okay just one more deep

Slate one more deep slay box and then I’ll just like God damn you’re big just one one more deep slay box and then we’ll like I think if I remember actually I’ll try and go in my other hardcore world and I like I’ll see what I need so remember remember I need like

Hella deep SL stairs if I remember correctly I have a world that I like I don’t play on anymore and I build a creeper Farm on it so I’m going to try and use that design especially the water espe seriously where the found you find a shaders um they

Are they are called BSL version 8.2 whatever just search up BSL shaders if you search up BSL shaders you’ll find them Bell shaders for fabric cuz I use fabric cuz for some reason freaking fors doesn’t want to work on my freaking laptop and I don’t get it I don’t get

Why it’s the most frustrating thing ever few days ago I was mining in my buddy’s room mined for 4 hours found 18 diamonds today I mined for 48 minutes cuz I need a deep stay for my base and I found a stack and a half of diamond

Shake in my head see that’s what I’m saying that’s what I’m saying literally like you can like not like not a single thought in your head no diamonds not a single thought of finding diamonds in your head and then boom you just start finding diamonds out of nowhere like

That’s frustrating as hell like damn like where was this like when I wanted diamonds okay we’re going to need D deep slay we’re going to need oh frak I just realiz we’re going to need cats we’re going to need like a ton of cats and I

Don’t know if I can I don’t know if there’s there is any cats oh my God I’m going to have to fish for the first time in this world holy I just thought about that cuz I don’t usually fish I don’t I don’t I mean who fishes like who really

Fishes let’s be honest here like I don’t I feel like not much people fish but I’m going to have to fish I’m going to have to get like a lot of fish so then I can get some cats I kill Salon or something I don’t

Know yo what is what is up Shanel Y what is up welcome to the stream welcome welcome it’s been a a while it’s been a while yo what is up how are you today I guess they might not work on my phone yeah they’re they don’t work on mobile they work on

PC I think there there should be like certain shaders for mobile though mobile users I’m not sure it’s been a while since actually if you guys didn’t know I originated on Pocket Edition I played I played I used to play Pocket Edition very well like very way back and then

Like I think in 2020 I think in yeah I think in 2021 I got I finally got Java and then I just started playing like I just stopped playing Pocket Edition I kept you know turned a whole new Leaf I fish a lot LOL free books bro I fish all the time in

Minecraft I mean I don’t know I mean fishing is nice but like you know I really like found a use for it sometimes cuz usually I just use like a a Mob Grinder like I just use my Enderman farm and I just like get levels and then

Enchant books and get levels and enchant books like I feel like the only time like I would ever fish is just to like P the fun of it or something or when I need something early game for real but to be honest when I fish I usually fish for an hour or two

Been thinking of moving to Java too I’d say um I’d say like Java is like I mean yeah obviously Java’s like the originator you know that’s the original Minecraft you know that’s when where Minecraft started on Java I mean I mostly moved to Java because like I want to like I wanted to

Play hardcore you know you know Bedrock doesn’t have like much like game features to really like change the game so then I’m like okay I’m just going to play hard like you know wanted to play Java specifically for this also also because I’m mods too cuz it’s easier to mod Java off like

Than Bedrock oh my God you even notice these guys and plus like oh wait wait were those diamonds already de yeah they were already there one I don’t know I’m used to like a lot of java now my BR my brother grew up on MC education bro I swear I’m on the

Luckiest Fisher ever I fished out five luck of the SE three rods with just my first rod in the beginning of my world I was actually really lucky holy with your first raw that’s actually like crazy that’s crazy look if I’m be honest I never had anything like that

To be honest fishing is unrated my my buddy likes to fish a lot he’s a Fisher in Minecraft sorry I I didn’t mean like in IR you was going To where’s the mobs yeah yeah I’m just like I’m just oh by the way Shanel I’m just getting defl cuz I’m getting like I’m getting stuff ready for a um a creeper Farm I’m going to make an very ugly creeper Farm I’m make it very far away

Too I’m not trying to make it in any like build vicinity like of any like future builds like I’m going to build like this thing kind of like a little pretty far I mean it’s not it’s not going to be a waste for me to travel like decently

Far to it because like I have a bunch of rockets anyway so there’s nothing wrong with like traveling a little far or like placing or like making this thing a little far away yeah I want to play hardcore and turnning mods and shaders make it look so much nicer plus it moveth lighting

From torches in your hands of flame arrows fishing arrow is so peaceful yeah you can get so much op things from fishing I know fish before I mean like I I live in a well I don’t want to exp I don’t want to expose myself right but you know like I live in

A place where like you know you can’t really fish anymore like you have to go like really out out like you have to go like like you know like like out of like the area to really fish but I’d be down to fish honestly I think that’s like an

Experience that I think would be really cool to to have okay we have enough here okay we have like just a few more Left man I like the John Smith texture pack give it that evil look you what I want right now I kind I’m feeling a little hungry I wouldn’t mind like a ham and cheese and egg sandwich right now be honest it’s actually been a while since I had like a turkey sandwich

Kind of want one of those again I think it’s been yeah it’s been like a few years since I like a turkey a turkey sandwich man you know what all this food on my mind is kind of sad because like I’m going to die right now but you know it’s

Like damn like feeling hungry you know when you’re hungry you know that’s when like your mind just like starts like thinking about food not just like any food sometimes you want to like you just think about like specific Foods they’re like damn like I would like I would kill

For some wings right now like for like burger oh yeah I definitely kill for some weeks right now holy have you ever tried the AI Hunter mod pack yet I’ve seen a couple of people try it no I haven’t is that like um is that like a new mod pack or

Something that they add like they released bro I suck at fishing i r I’ve literally never caught a fish before I want to catch a fish I want to catch a big one I want to like I I wanted to tug on a string and then I want to like reel it

In I want to re it in I want to ring a big fish biggest fish man how long I been streaming for I lost track of time it’s a Terminator AI that just must jums you as you try to beat the game I feel like I’ve seen that before I

Feel like I’ve seen those kind of things before but no I haven’t seen that or I mean like I haven’t seen like a video on someone making like those mod packs but if there is I my look it up I feel like that could be a cool video

Idea cuz you know I did say like I would start making videos and start posting videos I just like how how do you say this I I don’t know like I just have like on my mind oh sorry for cursing but I have like a bunch of stuff

On my mind so it’s like oh man now I’m also kind of like lowy like a perfectionist in a way so like a lot of the times I get unsatisfied with certain stuff and then I try like I put it off and then I take it back on again and

Then like I take it off again because then you know like I like I I like every time like I edit a video I always like start editing a segment and then like when I finish that segment I think of like a new idea as I’m like working on the next segment and

I’m like damn like I should add this in and then I have to go back to that other segment and add that kind of idea in so it’s like I’m always like retracting myself it’s like I I always never get anything done cuz I’m always constantly like

Getting ideas in my head so then like it’s like some videos are never finished and I have like that kind of like sort of problem that I always had and I need to fix that cuz otherwise if I keep doing those kind of things if I keep like thinking like a perfectionist

And everything I’ll never be able to get anything done so that’s like something I really need to work on Myself oh oh got to go to bed Jason I got sco tomorrow by I give you like a like two thanks for chatting with me really them miss your streams all right edit Master to you it probably decimate me the a upgrades and chases you it’s pretty hard

Looking have a good night edits Master it’s been a good a good good time talking to you always nice seeing like old people like you know like old people called back in the streams it’s nice seeing a familiar face oh damn I’m oh my God I

Keep cursing FR I swear I’m PG-13 have you been back to a purity server see y in the next stream all right see you no I haven’t um I’ve been like I’ve been like really like how you say this I’ve actually haven’t been even been playing Minecraft like that like for a

Good while I haven’t been able to like play Minecraft for some like time like every time I do play Minecraft I just end up like running around like a world just like talking to people like like now like right now as I’m streaming like I’m actually doing something for the first time I’m

Actually now like actually like putting in some type of work cuz I’ve just been off and on with this kind of like YouTube thing which is not a good I you know it’s not a good thing I should really be focusing on like like trying to like upload videos

And stream and stuff but I don’t know just like my mind isn’t like in the best place right now but no I have not like I haven’t joined that server like at all W be honest I don’t know I don’t really join I I don’t really like play servers that much

Monday night stream Jason you ain’t tired yo what is up what is on my my favorite mod my number one mod of all time iron X welcome welcome no no I’m not well no I’m not tired I mean I was going to go to bed early but then like I like oh

Sorry for cursing I swear I slapped myself open like I slapped myself awake and I told myself I’m going to stream and here I am streaming cuz like I need something El you know like I need to like tell people like oh look I’m alive you know like I’m

Actually like you know like you know please don’t unsubscribe you know like I’m actually doing something you know I’m like I’m actually here you know I’m providing uh somewhat of like some I don’t know if it’s enjoyable content but I’m providing something you know so I

Hope you you can take it and appreciate it did you get an X account yet oh yeah I did actually I did I did I did funny enough I did I did make an a next account or a Twitter account I did make a Twitter account it’s called

Um my if you want to want to follow me my ad is um Jason is me so uppercase Jason uppercase j my name uppercase i s and uppercase m e so Jason is me but the that every word has an uppercase letter that’s my Twitter

Handle so if you like if you want to follow there you go I should start linking stuff you know I should start linking stuff if I’m be honest oh wait wait I already you freaking mind all this stuff I’m like not paying attention to my inventory

S okay I think we just need one more set of like be playe we’ll be good you know what as like okay let’s just do like I don’t know just not no personal questions but if anybody wants to ask me a question about anything then I will give you my

Thoughts I’ll give you my my most honest opinion about anything just anything you know as I’m mining deep slay yo Mr Bo bucks what is up what is up what is up what is up what is up welcome welcome welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome

Welcome I am mining deep slate because I am trying to get blocks to make a creeper Farm basically that is what I’m doing that is all I’m doing and if you want to ask me anything then you can ask ask me anything you know that’s like that’s

Like what I’m doing right now sort of Q&A kind of thing Q&A Q&A Q&A Q&A Q&A so please don’t be afraid to ask questions I’m here I’m your streamer I the streamer that just know like I don’t know just don’t make it like sexual or something

Thing CU I’m trying to like stay PG trying to stay PG friendly even though I do curse sometimes you know I try to refrain from that trying to be a new man you know it may be hard sometimes you know drop a thought-provoking question anyone for

Jason yeah make me think you know like make me really think you know especially since it’s 2: a.m. in the morning you know you know make me think you know don’t don’t you want to R you want to make me really think right now then you know I

Don’t mind it I don’t mind it at all like it might not be like in the utmost like Optimal kind of like way of me answering it cuz it is 2:00 a.m. in the morning it is like kind of late and I am kind of like a a bit sleepy in a

Way and I am kind of like you know it is you know it is late at night is cereal soup oh FR oh don’t say that does your ex icon have a black and white profile pick yeah it does it has um it has a a has a has a little like

Anime character yo Kester MC what is up hello hello hello is cereal soup M shoot uh frck oh damn a seral soup no no uh-uh my op oh freak oh my god oh my god dude y oh my God that freaking creeper came out of nowhere

Holy crap oh shoot maybe he was a superer or something oh oh my God that scared the hell out of me I just look back and he just right there but no in my utmost like foral opinion no I don’t think I don’t believe soup is I don’t believe cereal is

Soup like there’s a whole difference you know like to me soup is like actual like actual food you know this is like kind of like I mean cereal is food in a way but then at the same time it’s like it’s like no that’s not s like no bro like hell

No am I your first follower LOL yeah cuz like I haven’t linked I haven’t linked my Twitter to anything like my I haven’t linked my Twitter to like any like like like like things you know yes you are my first follower thank you Shanel I really appreciate it

And I feel honored for you to be my first follower that creeper is a hater man like that’s a that that creeper is a superp enjoyer a a a sup truer no I don’t think I don’t think like I don’t think seral is like soup I rather not call it a soup

Honestly like yes you put it in the bowl and yes you know you have like liquid in there and stuff you know you know and yes you can use a spoon and drink the milk you know in the way the soup can but it’s

Like you know I I don’t know I I rather would not cuz then like cuz cuz then like that would be like kind of like a question you would ask like for anything else like would you really call like a burger like a sandwich you know cuz a sandwich is also

The same thing you know in the way where like this you know you have like stuff in the middle and you have like two loaves of bread and you like them together and and such as like you know a burger is also the same thing you know

Like would you really call a burger a sandwich you know like would you be like oh here you know you can have this sandwich and then they’re referring to her burger like no just call it a burger like it has its own name like not a sandwich if you crack your totem right

Now I’ll give you $10 oh man I don’t know I want to do that what you name your CH I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what kind of name why do cook bacon but why do cook bacon but bake cookies I’m not understanding beware

Follow me back I will uh follow um some Peeps and like a some stuff Hol I had her Burger I had Burger sandwiches for supper that’s that’s confusing Aaron I I I don’t do you mean just burgers or do you mean just sandwiches like what do you

Mean like I’m not I’m not I’m not Computing like my head is kind of like it’s like are you saying burgers are you saying burger sandwiches like wait is a burger sandwich an actual thing I don’t know no I’m good I’m not cracking my totem I’m not trying to die

Bro maybe you give me like $20 I’ll do it why don’t we cook bacon but bake cookies why don’t we cook bacon but Bak cookies bro H would it be weird if you said that that that you know baking like no because wouldn’t bake be like mostly like referring to like putting in

The oven cuz you don’t like put bacon in the oven do you it’s like that’s kind of like odd is a hot dog in a bun a sandwich or a taco Aon wait no okay Aaron please please chillax why are you making me think so

Hard right now like I get it like I get like any questions anything like you know but like God damn these are too much this feels like a little controversial I don’t um what would I say to that or those are taco or no it’s just a hot dog man it’s just a

Hot dog it’s not a sandwich or a taco is its own thing you know it’s its own thing no no I wouldn’t call it anything like anything else other than like a hot dog okay do we have like enough deep Slate okay we’re good we’re chilling let’s get out of here Okay where do we go again yeah over here okay I’m going to actually take these diamonds with me oh freck oh my oh wait wait wait okay you know what we have silk touch anyways don’t worry oh shoot we have like oh damn okay have like nine diamonds bro that’s actually

Really crazy I don’t have like my my pickaxe like he stain the gears of his brain but we put red in green and yellow stuff in both tomatoes lettuce and cheese for would that really make it a sandwich though like that really be considered a sandwich man Aaron chill

Man can we like move on like can we get can I have like some other questions please Jesus why these are a little too much man he’s got me thinking I should go get some water for one and catch a Bish mustard and the other you know you know I’m down for a

Hot dog actually kind of want a hot dog also damn there’s a lot of food I want right now someone else ask a question I think I think I might be breaking him oh you definitely are you definitely are these hot dog these sandwich questions man oh what’s hurting the Iron Golem

What the hell okay do we have any string yes we do yes we do yes we do yes we do okay we’re going to go to bed and we’re going to start fishing cuz we’re going to need some cats we’re going to need some cats we got to get some cats you

Know or do I have even fish do I have fish Anything no I do not fishing here we go wait let’s enchant this like let’s enchant like a little bit let’s enchant like a little bit okay I’m using it up fre it you know what we’re just going to get any fish like doesn’t really matter we don’t have to be like high

Level just for like fish you know this fish there we go isn’t that view beautiful look at that look at that sunlight there we go nice what’s worse yo what is up Geo Nick chicken nugget what words pouring milk first before Ser in a bowl or eating the pizza

Crust first curious on response Jason oh eating the C like eating the pizza crust first is diabolical let’s be honest cuz I mean it is way worse you know you’re basically like you’re basically eating the handle you know like you just don’t eat the handle like that’s like that’s like

Odd cuz like then how you going to like hold the pizza you know like you can’t hold it by like the tip of the pizza cuz then that’ll be a little weird you know I’ll be a little weird be a little little odd like for me if I ever saw someone

Like eating pizza like like from the crust you know I think they’ be you know I thought you know I’d be scared I’d be like damn you’re buil different you know I don’t know i’ be astonished you know i’ be speechless you know I’d be like I I i’ I’d feel like a

Caveman is scaming fire for the first time oh by the way welcome to the stream Geon Nick sorry if I didn’t read like I I just like read your message but I didn’t read your name out my apologies I’m like kind of slow today I’ll be honest I’ll be honest I’m slow

Wait do we need raw gu we do need raw fish yeah yeah we need real raw fish more live stream night we should all join a calm server I I know that no one is ever in and play together it is an plus it’s not like P yellow isn’t too

Bad yeah I’m down actually I’m down for that I think that’ll be cool I think both are just as diabolical nah see I mean yeah I guess you could say the other one is but I don’t know I don’t have anything in it I just run it around for a while I’ll be

Down usually like I don’t play like I don’t play much servers cuz like I start lagging when I’m live streaming so it’s like you know I refrain from that a lot Okay how much okay this is kind of like it’s kind of like damn M okay we have enough fish you know what let’s just like we’re going to find a cat I know there’s a cat somewhere cuz I heard a cat like I was

Like I heard a cat like going up here or somewhere or something right here yeah I’m just going to like you’re not going to like be faster than me oh wait never mind this cat is pretty fast Frick oh this cat is fast as hell wait wait come here come here come here

No oh jeez this cat is like running forever there we go okay let’s fish for more fish we got the cat see it doesn’t matter as long as you chase it down and you keep right clicking you’ll have the cat it’s not it’s not a difficult at all Jason you

Chose the ladder because you pour milk before your shifts it slip no you can expose me I don’t mind I’m proud of it I’m a proud um I’m a proud I’m a proud person I’ll get the name of it I just rebuilt the Z on base on it for one fun when

I you what let’s just kill this Al salmon what am I do oh freck wait I can’t kill this Almon cuz I’m I’m get fire aspect so it’s going make it cooked I’m a proud I’m a proud user I have no shame you can shame me all you want but I have no

Shame I I I I do what I do and I’m fine with it you know I’m fine with it I’m not hurting anyone I’m not killing children I ain’t killing adults you know so I’m chilling deide at the end of the day I’m drinking the milk and I’m eting the cereal you

Know sometimes you just got to defy nature you got to defy what it’s know what it whatever we got seven solman we’ll just do whatever we want with this let’s go look for another CAT okay there going to like be like I don’t know what another cat is we have our one

Cat oh I don’t know if there’s another cat that we could possibly find around here so we might have to go to a village to find one cuz like right now I got only one and what the freak are you doing there you’re just like chilling why is that Iron Golem stuck there

Though that’s strange you know what I’m just going to should I kill him should I put him on his misery I’m thinking about it if I’m honest cuz he just like swimming there he’s just like chilling you know what I’ll be honest oh

A a AAR what is up up what is up AAR Noob thank you I a pretty newbie Minecraft player if I do say so myself I I I’m very big Noob you know I’m very big Noob I’m I I’m I’m newbie Noob or whatever you want to call

Me like like look at me I’m so bad at the game holy crap shoot you know I’m such a noob wow amazing oh I think we have to go to a different village in order for me to find a freaking cat cuz I only found one cat and that’s all I

Found yeah cuz I can’t seem to locate another cat or another like stray cat or anywhere around this Village and I don’t know if I can like spawn one or something so zala shaders with high FPS since when what do you mean I have like 60 FPS because I have V vsync

On I guess just it’s just like pretty like decent frames 1.20.1 it hasn’t updated to recent one yet oh okay where the freak is my cat bro here you stay here wait we need Some we need some Rockets wait hold up I need some Rockets doesn’t look like 60 well it is 60 you know I have a ref fresh rate of 60 but I guess I’ll take it that you know I’ll take that as a compliment you know cuz I’ve always like I’ve always

Wanted more better fps you know I’m playing on a goddamn laptop you know I’m playing on the laptop with a refresh rate of 60 so I’m glad you know I’m glad you’re are saying that you know it it tells me that you know that my stream quality is pretty decent I guess

Even with 60 FPS I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take it I’ll take that take that easily yeah we’re going back to my house optify helps with frame rate doesn’t um so my monitor has a refresh rate of 60 so it doesn’t matter if I get like high

Ass FPS right doesn’t matter if I get super high FPS your monitor has like it sets itself to a certain monitor rate to where like you can only like if your monitor is like 60 HZ right if your monitor can only get like 60 like like for refresh

Rate then that means your your your like Optimal FPS is 60 right cuz if I bought okay if I bought a monitor right if I bought a monitor with like 200 htz then I’ll be able to get like my monitor will give me 200 FPS like like that’ll be

Like the optimal like 200 FPS Like if I can like like if you understand me so like vsync right only 600 like this is like all I can get I can only get mean not 60 I’m so stupid 60 I can I can I can only get 60 I could turn this off I could set the max with

Frame rate but that won’t do anything different my my my screen will still have like 60 FPS kind of like like it’ll still like it’ll still have the feeling of 60 FPS like nothing will change even if like I change it like the only way to like actually see a

Drastic change is if like I changed the monitor rate for this okay let’s find a cat that’s what we came here for you have like turtles Right actually never mind I won’t kill him I was planning on killing him but I’m not going to kill him mine’s 144

Herz and it’s clean as but it dies when I turn to a limited FPS I soon ah okay yeah I think you just just keep it at 144 like 44 Herz yeah cuz it it you know obviously like you know you’re not supposed to put unlimited FPS cuz then

Like if you’re like if whatever you’re like having can’t take it then yeah you know oh yeah my game is 50 I mean not 50 my my game is 60 my game is 60 60 60 60 you know it’s not it’s not the best FPS you know not the best but for me

It’s playable it’s playable I can play with this it could be better though that’s why like whenever I like when I get bigger I’ll have like a PC set up soon and then I’ll finally have like better like like FPS on like the stream and stuff are you sure there’s no freaking

There is literally no goddamn cat what the freak this Village does not carry a single cat it’s crazy to me okay we’re going back to my um we’re going back to my house in a way we’re going to like try and look for the this one Village like around here

Right yeah here it is okay let’s go to bed first and then let’s like find this goddamn cat I just checked on the server still the same L I still in the same village house nice look how beautiful this is God damn look how popping this look at that look the nice little

Atmosphere the Sun going up the sunlight beautiful shading oh yeah if I had a better freaking monitor yeah this place would look so much better I’d be able to have like better stuff better visuals okay um let’s see I don’t see no goddamn

Cat but I need a find a cat i d need to find a cat this is something that I need to find I need another cat so then I can breed so then I can breed with my other cat and then I can start getting like I can start getting like some cats

Going cuz I need I need a I need a cat to breed so I need to make my creeper farm and if I can’t have cats I can’t make this creeper Farm I can’t what’s the shaders name it looks good well what is up Anor ragn not here

Reacts it is BSO shaders right here BSO you can I guess you can search up the the file whatever it’s right here BSO B cell shaders there you go okay come on where is a cat when you need one I need a cat I need a cat I

Need a cat I need a cat cat cat I don’t see one I don’t hear one so kind of like screwed on that part I need this cat Dude I don’t see a single cat literally I’m might to like Purge this whole freaking place cuz I can’t find a cat you’re telling me this Village has not a single cat it’s crazy I need to get my laptop clean so I can use that op the in John Smith

Again I like how you’re calling it John Smith that’s funny is that really what like that texture Pack’s called John Smith John Smith like a freaking funny ass name bro literally there the cat isn’t here there’s no cats here yo what is up Viper Furious what is up welcome welcome

Welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to the stream welcome welcome welcome wait is the stream thing working like because I TI oh God this got is the title stream working because okay cuz it cuz I titled right I titled the stream I titled the stream Hardcore Minecraft stream please

Join is it really working is it really having people join because I just put the title like I put the title and I put with parenthesis please join like is that really working like does that really have people joining the stream now it’s kind of crazy to me that’s

Funny I find that pretty hilarious yep I remember using the John Smith texture pack in Pock Edition that’s funny you know you know something so simple something so simple like having like something say please join and then not have people joining that’s actually really funny I find out hilarious actually like people actually

Are joining from like that kind of thing give a cool medieval look to the blocks and windows exoric it’s cool makes things so pretty ah nice I can’t join I’m on Bedrock no no no it’s fine Viper it’s fine it’s not it’s not it’s not a server

I’m not playing on a server I’m playing on the hardcore world I’m playing on single player so I already know that you can’t join on Bedrock like like like like when I tell people that like the title says Please join but I’m implying that I want people

To join the live stream not join my world join the live stream that’s like literally what’s implied which is funny I think it’s funny you know like people are just joining this like people are joining the live stream cuz I told them to join I’m like please

Join okay yeah I’m going to go back home because I can’t find a single that does another cat not exist you shall also add a subc Conor to your stream techno know the Str I I should I’m going to try and get that kind of

Thing I forgot how to make those kind of things but I might try I’m going to try to do that I don’t know cuz like I’m not really really specifically hitting a certain goal right now so I don’t know if I would like really like put like a

Sub counter some server also allow better users as well oh yeah that is true that is true I forgot about that they do do that they have like com compatibility crossplay if anybody hasn’t seen my house here’s my house I still have yet to release a

Video on this kind of house tour and how I made it but here it is and on its Glory here it is here it is I’d say it’s one of like yeah it’s a good build I’m proud of it it’s a nice daughter house I should probably make like a mansion or

Something in the future I don’t know really this is tough this sucks I need a freaking cat I need a cat I need a cat chat I need a cat I can’t find another one I need to find a village that like gives me a cat but I

Can’t find a cat I I can’t for the life of me I cannot find a cat here’s a village let’s find a cat please listen I need a cat I need to make I need to make two cats breed I need to make creeper Farm okay so if I can just find a

Freaking goddamn cat in this goddamn Village then I’ll be freaking happy I’ll be excited so please please a cat something something of feline I don’t know I don’t know anymore just show me a goddamn cat please I’m here to find a cat for me to like yes come here

come here come here come here you’re not going anywhere no come here no no no no no no no no no no no come here come here come here come here no no come here come here come here no come here come here come here

Oh my God this this dude is so fast okay we’re good we’re chilling we’re chilling we’re chilling you did have sub goals such as 2K at the end of this year even if it’s next to Impossible you know what I’ve been thinking maybe if I do release a

Video maybe it might happen still never know honestly never know El must has been live streaming himself playing Diablo on X LOL Yeah he’s probably like trying to like he’s probably trying to like make that like make Twitter like a competing like live stream like platform which I think it’s funny okay so we’re going to probably like walk this like yeah we’re going to have to take a walk cuz if I I fly I

Feel like if I fly I feel like this cat won’t follow me so I’m just going to like make my way back to the Village Oh frak yeah we’re going to have to go on this okay you know what let’s get a boat let’s make a boat you know what I tell you what if Elon asked me to like stream on TW on Twitter that mother oh man I keep

Cursing he would have to pay me for me to stream on Twitter yeah yeah yeah I’d say he had to pay me you know like maybe like $150 million for like I don’t know like 10 years or something what am I doing bro I’m making

That like you know if El asked me to like stream on his platform you have to cut me a check let’s be honest here I need a check Elon I would need a check from you dude if you ever ask me to um stream on him on on this

Twitter I streaming on Twitter’s kind of like icky imagine streaming on Twitter I never thought I’d see the day okay cat I need you like to come over here I’m I need you to like get on this boat please on this boat thank you thank you thank you thank you IP

Vlands um this is not a server this is a single player world this is a single player hardcore world sorry there is no IP he definitely is building in making LS lots of people mad he allowed Alex Jones back on yesterday and he has huge

Spes all the top people in L it is the wild west right now unrealist IC expectations here Jason calm down now but I mean call me the check man you know Elon call me the check you know break it I’m betting on the check you know I’m betting on that Check taking this cat home yeah you know what yeah if Elon ever if Elon ever Tunes in to one of my streams I want to check I want to check I want $150 million dollar and I’ll stream on Twitter for 10 years PR good 150 million easy easy check easy

Easy money I take that money go l oh oh my God oh my God I almost killed you holy oh oh you almost died oh man let’s get out of here come on cat oh that was a bad idea oh my God my heart almost lost my cat yo what is up o

Has I have a server you want to join no don’t want to join not right now sorry Elon is playing posters right now it’s going to have so much followers and impression but the payouts are fast it’s more realistic that you got to kick de Elon is not buying streamers well not

Yet Pur soon imagine imagine he starts buying out streamers sh I’ll be in line you know what freaking I’d be in line I’d be like Elon come me that check now I’ll join your platform immediately I will immediately get to streaming cuz you know what Twitter needs Twitter needs a Minecraft

Streamer and I’ll be your a Minecraft streamer okay where’s my other cat come here dude he is paying them out though some of the payouts have been triple dig but those are big posters oh okay can y’all M no y’all going in the wrong bro bro y’all children bro

No what are y’all doing come over here what dude you guys just like are you guys going to breed or Not I guess not I’m from bangl Dash cool Revenue yes but he is not dishing our deals like kick oh fre wait how do I get oh uh Big Ups from from from from Bangladesh you know Big Ups Big Ups to y’all not yet but never know what’s

Coming it’s grown more or much already why can’t Elon you know if Elon ever streams Minecraft I’m going hit him up I’m be like Elon let’s make something happen you know play some Minecraft I’ll show you the ropes I’ll show you the ropes I’ll show you how to Play okay I’m going to start fishing cuz I need some I need some Fish yo Shake Nick dad what is up what is up welcome welcome welcome yo it it definitely been a while it’s been definitely a while how are you today how are you how has life been treating you man hello he plays on 2b2 T sometimes

Does he get killed does he get like like like like like spawn Killed I feel like he definitely would get targeted I stream there but he plays there oh so people know him then oh that’s sick I’m good you uh I been I could be better could be better you know I’ve been chilling though I’ve been I’ve been riding the wave this like

Tsunami kind of wave that I have right now going on but you know it you know the waves are getting a little lower you know the waves are getting a little less ferocious so I’ve been writing I’ve been riding pretty decently I’ve been fine I’ve been popping bottles oh

Shoot I’ll be popping botles no he’s too good and definitely not a spawn a while oh okay okay peaceful fishing peaceful fishing what the freak did these dudes just bro some weird freaking some weird freaking fish I mean some weird freaking cats cats are Strange some strange cats they just like teleported out of nowhere like what the hell was that sorry if this is like a little boring you know I’m just really just fishing right now that’s all I’m doing really I’m just getting like stuff done toby2 upd and it’s way hard now to get on

SP what do they have do they have like more Withers or something or like do they have like more like like they have mazes or something what do they have that makes it so hard now Okay come on let’s let’s breed some cats Here can y’all make a child or something what the Freak Please Finally oh my goodness gracious that took like a long time warens and now need gold to get through nether oh shoot is that really like is that really like what you need that’s kind of crazy that’s that’s even harder actually damn so really isn’t easy like really isn’t for

Like like it’s really not good for like the easy like easy players like you got to like really like get looking and strategize like how to get out it’s actually good though cuz like I I mean obviously 2b2 is like the biggest narcy server in Minecraft so obviously

You know it has to have some sort of difficulty to get out and stuff actually like succeed in that kind of game I mean server that makes sense actually o it’s raining they drag Warden there now LOL I’m glad I’m mil block out yeah that’s like crazy

Warning imagine like I had to like the ward and stuff damn War’s a scary man where is a hell scary a drown gargles what the freak dude don’t disturb my fishing don’t do this not nice okay I’m going to I’m going to like also drowns now so no oh okay okay

Okay okay chat I’m not going to lie um I’m going fish a bit more I’m going fish a bit more hiding in the water just swimming A you know what oh frak wait the music turned off let me just like let me put more music real quick I forgot like I’ve been streaming for a while so the music just ends sometimes man I’m tired bro I have to like wake up tomorrow and

I have to do something very important so uh I’ll probably stream tomorrow maybe Perhaps Perhaps it really depends like if I don’t have nothing like if I if I have to wake up early for something I might not stream but I might stream like might stream like tomorrow again I’ve

Been in the streaming mood I’m not going to lie it’s been fun streaming again hello there yo what is up wi’s the great what is up what is up what is up welcome to the stream uneasy vanilla was the hardest spawn I think I had to

Escape what did you have to do like did you like was there even like more stuff to escape or like what I’m just fishing really honestly whiz you know I’m just fishing because I I need I want to breed my cats I’m just fishing for more fish it’s really all I’m doing

Taking advantage of the rain right now to fish pry was hard that was harder now though oh damn oh man I’m starting to get tired bro it’s like mad late it’s like almost 3:00 a.m. in the morning I might just fish for a bit I might just like call it a Day I’ll probably like actually yeah next stream I’ll probably have something that I can do in the meanwhile I’ll probably build my creeper Farm next stream like I finally have something done yeah I expect like if I stream again I expect a creeper Farm cuz that’s what I’m going to be

Building it was a long time back been a while since I went that one I made a bit there at 5,000 levo 58 if someone needs it a Lev oh man stop giving me pish SC don’t need this by the way if anyone’s tuning in hasn’t subscribed already please

Consider subscribing I I I stream well frequently and I I post videos uh when I get the chance speaking of late I’ll head off see you streamer in chat all right see you see you fire and mod is signing out I might sign out too actually let me just fish for this last

One Lis thing cuz I’m also getting tired and I’m sleeping people get sleepy yeah in next stream I make please fish me out the loot man okay that’s weird all right anyways I’m ending stream all right if anybody hasn’t subscribed yet uh please consider subscribing um I made pretty decent MC

Content you know um I don’t know what to say uh uh I’m pretty tired um anybody that’s like you know been along for the ride for this whole stream I appreciate anyone that’s joined in and anyone that’s like stayed for a bit and chatted but I’ll head out I’m going head

Out I’m a bit tired and I need my sleep you know it’s Mt super late at night um I’m trying to get back into the streaming thing again cuz I it’s been a while since I streamed so I guess you can say you can trust me streaming for

Like you know me streaming again in general also I’ll probably hopefully have some videos out before like this year ends hopefully hopefully because like it’s been really I’ve been having like really tough months these months you know it’s been like tough it’s been really tough honestly but I’ve been

Getting better I’ve been getting better you know things have been getting better but anyways I hope you guys had a good day good night or whatever you are in the world you know and I hope you have a good night good morning afternoon whatever doesn’t matter I don’t know but

Anyways I shall see you later bye are you going back and forth are you actually going to kill me or not like like you’re going back came forth and you’re not like dude you’re like like make up your goddamn mind dude like is this like you two like you guys are just

Like make out of your mind are you going to kill the Villager

This video, titled ‘Hardcore minecraft stream (Please Join)’, was uploaded by ItsJaeson on 2023-12-12 21:13:06. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:06 or 6366 seconds.

I am back playing minecraft hardcore. I will be doing anything random in my hardcore world cause i usually don’t have a plan whenever i go live.

#hardcore #100days #minecraft #livestream #live #survival

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Crazy Builds! #101

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  • House Intruder: A Minecraft Adventure

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  • Cluckin’ & Paintin’ – Minecraft Chicken Speed Run in Indigo Park

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  • Ultimate Redstone Trick in Minecraft

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  • Mansion Mayhem: SMP Duo in the Woodland

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  • Crash Course Chaos: Minecraft Class Comedy!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

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  • Spritey Network

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  • Experium SMP – Vanilla SMP Whitelist 1.20 – New Season Soon – Hermitcraft-Inspired – 18+

    Experium SMP About Experium SMP: Welcome to Experium SMP, a whitelisted 1.20 vanilla server. Join us for a fresh new season starting on June 1st. We aim to create a fun and inclusive community of dedicated players. Details: Version: 1.20 (with 1.21 blocks) Edition: Java Difficulty: Hard Host: Apex Hosting Location: Vint Hill, Virginia Member Requirements: Must have Discord for voice chat Be active and experienced in Minecraft Age 18+ English speakers Server Rules: Show respect to all members No griefing or resource theft No cheaty mods/hacks Keep builds lag-friendly Datapacks: Multiplayer Sleep More Mob Heads Wandering Trader Coordinate HUD… Read More

  • Renaissance Craft [15th Century Alternate Historical Roleplay] [1.20.4]

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  • Minecraft Memes – The Spice of Life: Shulker Box

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  • Crafty Laughs: Minecraft Challenge

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  • Warden vs Golems: Ultimate Showdown! 🔥 #minecraftmemes

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  • Uncover the Mystery: Join Minewind Minecraft Server

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  • Unleashing My OP Powers in Minecraft Hardcore!

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  • Defeat Insane Bosses in Epic Minecraft Mod!

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  • Exploring Creepy Creatures in Minecraft #293

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    OMG! SPIDER ATTACK IN MINECRAFT DAY 1 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘THIS SPIDER KILL ME IN DAY 1😫 II MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY’, was uploaded by MURLIDHAR X ARMY on 2024-04-05 23:30:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. THIS SPIDER KILL ME IN DAY 1 II MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #jaishreeram #jaishreeram #jaishreeram IN THIS VIDEO : I think I … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Spiral Boss Build! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Android Rakun vs. Mine Planet Craft! 🚀

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    INSANE MONSTER IN MINECRAFT 😱Video Information गा यहां पर वो दोनों वो मतलब तीनों लड़ाई में लग चुके हैं और हम जल्दी से यहां से भाग के यहां से निकल जाते हैं हम यहां से ऊपर से भाग के यहां से निकल जाते हैं और वो दोनों जो है लड़ाई में लग चुके हैं और भाई भाग यार ओ ऊपर आ रहा है एलेक्स ऊपर आ रहा है वो भाग जल्दी से यार वो आ रहा है क्या ओ यस वो आ रहा है भाई अब हमें यहीं से कूदना पड़ेगा यार यार अब हमें यहीं से ही कूदना पड़ेगा और यहां से हम… Read More

  • “SHOCKING ADVENTURE! Minecraft SMP LIVE STREAM” #king_gamer_yt #smp

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  • INSANE!! Medium Rare Tree Prank!! LOL 😂🔥#viral

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  • Master Minecraft Building Skills Now! #shorts #viral

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  • VividMine

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  • AussierSMP Factions SMP survival factions towny

    AussierSMP Features: Make civilizations or join one Declare war/make treaties Make your own nations Build together Make friends! Upcoming mini-games: Bedwars Skywars Build battle Death run Server IP is in the discord. Sign the form to be whitelisted: Join now! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: Battle Royale Edition

    I guess you could say Minecraft: Verdun Edition is the ultimate battle royale game, where the only way to win is by building trenches and hiding from creepers! Read More

  • Roblox Blade Ball: Mastered All, We Stand Tall!

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  • Minecraft Logic: When you find diamonds before coal 😂 #hypixel

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  • Mastering Pig Breeding in Minecraft

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  • EPIC FAIL: Testing Old Minecraft Versions

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Dream House Build – A Magical Transformation!

    Ultimate Minecraft Dream House Build - A Magical Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building a Dream Minecraft House: Watch This Masterpiece Come to Life! 🔥🔥’, was uploaded by oak tree kids channel on 2024-03-02 05:00:02. It has garnered 255 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:25 or 685 seconds. 🏡✨ Dive into the world of Minecraft with Oak Tree Kids Channel as we embark on an epic journey to build the ultimate dream house! 🌟🔨 From the first block to the last, witness the creation of a Minecraft masterpiece that combines creativity, strategy, and a touch of magic. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or… Read More

  • Sneaky Gamer’s Secret Underground Base

    Sneaky Gamer's Secret Underground BaseVideo Information [Music] [Music] open I got and back keepy I’m show I got that I got that I got that back keep in the I’m with I got that I’m with I [Music] got This video, titled ‘underground base! Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #shorts #minecraft #minecraftcartoon’, was uploaded by WONDERFUL GAMER on 2024-01-04 05:30:00. It has garnered 13 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. survival house | Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #shorts #minecraft #satisfying #minecraftcartoon 34 #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial survival house | Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #herobrine #minecraft #shorts #marioluigi P17 Minecraft Oddly Satisfying #shorts… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Spider vs All Mob Fight Reveals Surprising Secret! #Minecraft

    Insane Minecraft Spider vs All Mob Fight Reveals Surprising Secret! #MinecraftVideo Information I St ow ow ow ow ow [Music] f a [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] yeah This video, titled ‘You will never get rid of minecraft spider vs all mob fight. until you do THIS|#minecraft’, was uploaded by Xzino Craft on 2024-03-29 20:11:35. It has garnered 4820 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:00 or 240 seconds. You will never get rid of minecraft spider vs all mob fight. until you do THIS|#minecraft b minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft… Read More

  • “Minecraft Madness! Insane Gameplay in Project Minecraft Shorts!” #Shorts #Minecraft

    "Minecraft Madness! Insane Gameplay in Project Minecraft Shorts!" #Shorts #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Project Minecraft Shorts Ep 882 #Shorts #Minecraft’, was uploaded by Plain and Simple Gameplay on 2023-12-26 19:00:07. It has garnered 2462 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Village to City! Join me on an epic adventure as I attempt to create a city with 1000 villagers in Minecraft! In these videos, I’ll show you how to build houses, farms, and other structures to support your growing population. We’ll explore the world and gather resources to create a thriving community. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Survival S1: Amazing House Building!

    EPIC Minecraft Survival S1: Amazing House Building!Video Information [Muziek] Yo Dames en Heren van mijn kanaal en super toof dat jullie kijken naar een nieuwe Minecraft Survival aflevering mijn naam is Walinga en mijn inventory Ah ik wou net zeggen zit op de bamboe vol maar dat valt dus nog wel even mee in ieder geval in de vorige aflevering zijn we even wat dieper eh de Mine ingegraven en hebben we even een beter eh systeem bedacht zeg maar om mezelf te laten vallen eh ja voor het geval voor eh dat dus nu kunnen we gewoon ooit een keertje gewoon lekker eventjes minen gaan… Read More