Insane Minecraft Live Stream! Don’t miss it!! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

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Good morning everyone and welcome to the stream y’all welcome welcome welcome M beautiful we love it to hear it I told you we’ve been in the Christmas mood nothing is changing today Still rocking the Christmas tunes y’all happy Saturday saw we’re running uh 30 minutes late

Here but we’ll do an extra 30 minutes usually I’ve kind of decided at least for the time being that uh weekend streams would go till about 2:00 so we’ll push it till 2:30 uh Today and yeah so we add add a little time here because we were a little late we went out and got breakfast with the Buddy and just uh didn’t quite get back in time so y’all happy day time to get some Minecraft in chat was uh a little upset you know

We had to talk to the manager about me being late you know getting a write up or promotion I like where Phoenix said I like the I like the promotion better I like that promotion a little bit better uh I don’t know if anybody’s in the Discord or not

Here we’ll hop in we’ll see if uh we’ll see if anybody comes in anyways Sky faran Phoenix oril everybody else that’s in here maybe not talking morning morning morning game’s getting going y’all I had a wonderful morning I got to catch up with uh I don’t want to say an

Old buddy but it’s a buddy I haven’t seen in a couple months so that was super nice we went to this place called butter milk uh it’s just like kind of localish restaurant joint I think there’s actually a few of them uh it was pretty good what do we get we got kind

Of like a it was like a a hot chicken and biscuit it was pretty good honestly I wasn’t a huge fan of the biscuit and usually I’m like a cheddar biscuit you know I love me some cheddar biscuits let’s just say that let’s just say that

Y’all uh so oh lots of been going on over here um so that was that was decent that was decent I’m trying to turn on the music in my ear uh yeah and then it came with some potatoes crispy potatoes fried crispy potatoes and two eggs and it was

Delicious I didn’t I didn’t eat the whole thing I back on my diet you know so we’re kind of we’re working through that but it it was wonderful uh okay so I know RI was kind of working yeah po rck you are late RI was working on

Getting a pathway to the top side this is where we had our whole encounter as we’ll call it with um with warded yeah to the already push back stream how dare bot reck be late Chad how’s the music it feels it feels way too loud to me feels way too loud in my

Ears it’s better it’s better uh yeah bck needs to be fired couldn’t agree more how dare you B rck um so I know rles was trying to make a pathway to the top side I’m not sure exactly where he put that so we’re going to take ourselves a little

Gander here but it should be should be around here somewhere I know think he said he made a staircase up uh we’re going to probably go through and make a little uh we’re going to make are these a stairs right here yeah there it is uh we’re going to make like a

Waterfall down here using some Soul Sand and magma uh actually let’s just do it right into this spot if we could take down these coordinates let’s see – 622 let me write this down myself myself negative 622 comma 900 easy uh we can make ourselves a little little little portal uh so the

Great thing about these streams today on the or not today but on the weekends is that a bunch of the gang isn’t at work and we have more people online which is super sweet super sweet so I’m hoping everybody’s going to be on here hanging out having a good time today if they’re

Able and available we’re also going to break a a core rule here and I think I’m just going to dig straight down oh my gosh look at this oh my gosh this is oh my gosh we’re going to make it up here Chad and we’re going to make this way more

Accessible because we want to get to that geode now the geode you know there’s certain parts of geod that you have to leave so I can keep having the amethyst crystals uh keep spawning on it so that’s why it’s important to kind of leave them not touch them at all oh my

Gosh this is a long way up it’s a lot of jumping um and so we’re going to do that I I feel like we got to have more geod down here I feel like we have to right like these areas generally have so many GEOS and I think all the way down there

I don’t know if you can see right all the way there I think I see some green I think that’s our top side over here y’all anyways happy freaking Saturday I’m glad to be spending it with y’all I said I had a fantastic morning I’m feeling

Great I’m back on my diet I did a lot of soul searching over the past couple days getting my head and a much better place it’s like you know like I said things have been a little rough up and down uh so I’m feeling in a much much better

Place I didn’t even know sky was in here too oh shoot um and I just I really do feel good really feel like I did a lot of lot of work on me over these past couple days I’m in a great spot right now so it’s good to be here hanging out

With y’all and feeling uh feeling up to the task and up to the challenge of of hanging out and I know it sounds weird the challenge of hanging out and streaming but it can be taxi you know and if we’re not in a great mental space

Uh that makes it even harder let’s see we’re trying to get over to our spot 622 Trevor what’s up Trevor likes horror listen I like horror too uh it’s just you know it’s just it’s just been while me and horror it scares me wait uh going

The wrong way you you go – 622 900 we’re breaking we’re breaking the core rule here guys okay so so we got to be careful Fenix is in too man we got a whole we got the whole party today all right so we’re right here and then we need to go

900 50 blocks this way chat feeling this I am feeling this jazzy Christmas music all right so this is negative it’s right where we need to be so if we dig down right here ideally this should take us right into that little hole now is this the

Smartest move is this the smartest move no no it’s not are we going to do it anyways we sure are uh forgot that jungle temples were a thing they are yeah they are we found a couple of them uh on the server I think we found like two or three of

Them uh on this server in our general area I know at least two of them oh yeah there it is it’s right there that’s the one yeah this is the one I want to double check but like nine yeah but we already dug out the top of this but it is the

Temple I was going to put torches on the top of this that’s all right we shouldn’t be too far from home base then y’all what I’m doing right now is crazy this this is not something you should do this is not something I ever recommend doing but you know I’m feeling I’m

Feeling a little impatient feel a little impatient so we’re digging straight down and if we fall you know what we should do I’m debating if we should just put the water in now and dig through the water I know it sounds kind of silly but I think we might do it Actually so I think if we can keep the water if we just keep like one actually that’s not going to work either we’re doing it though and we’re going to try to not drown I think we’ll be we’ll be fine in Dandy here honestly we have a lot of uh the

Aqua affinity or whatever the respiration so we can go a while and then every once a while we can kind of just dig in like you know one or two blocks here we’ll get ourselves a little little breath of fresh air Talia what’s up you want to drown I’m not drowning

Anywhere no no no we have we have some magical magical things going on with our uh our helmet and then this should also stop us from uh falling to our death hopefully here we go a little bit of that action how far are we oh we’re at

52 so we have I didn’t actually look at the see uh the X what the y coordinate uh but I think it’s somewhere around like -40 or50 CU we’re right by the lava laks so I know we’re relatively close to all that what is what is what is this for oh

Was that gra it’s Clay that’s what it was I was like it doesn’t quite look like gravel all right beautiful all right so let’s see palci to make large Temple that if you set off one trap the whole Temple blows up oh my gosh yeah that’s a frame rate killer is it

Uh it is it is I’m I don’t think anybody’s noticed that that is 100% a Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny reference thank you for understanding that one one of my favorite movies honestly hi shiny shiny do you need in here do you need end here come take a breath there

You go ah shiny just scared the Daylights out of me no big no big deal no big deal it’s all right it’s all cool yo chat how’s the level sounding today are we leveled out everybody think we we sound good with the music the game the little bit of everything

Tenacious D is Top Notch I’ve seen The Pick of Destiny a lot a lot a lot a lot of times honestly I can see every song from The Pick of Destiny like word for word pretty much maybe there’s there might be one that I can’t like the uh I

Feel like I can’t remember the uh the Sasquatch song but besides that I got it and look it boom I think we just getting rid of some lava out here too look at that perfect it’s kind of making like a little Cobblestone little cobblestone generator out there anyway it’s like it boom it’s

All we needed uh we’ll go and we’ll grab I think it’s a we need what is it chat magma I think it’s a magma for this one and we can do one next to it with like Soul Sand and that can be our elevators up and down so shiny this

Is let just let’s just fix that it’s going to dve me nuts uh this is the geode I think I think we can Harvest all these right chat we can Harvest all these bad boys uh this is where we fought the warden we fought the warden over here

And I think we’ve got rid of all the like little shers I think I not fully certain on that though so it is very possible that we are going to recall that bad boy chat we we destroyed the warden what four or five times in our last stream it was

Completely unexpected we kind of came across him and oh it was it it was rough but you know we kind of used it yeah and no loot there’s no ancient city so that’s a big look down um but we kind of worked this to our advantage there’s a lava lake down

Here that we kind of lured him into if you all didn’t see it you can obviously go back and watch it I’m sure we’ll probably make a video on it um but so we kind of lured them into this Lava Lake I cut off you can see there’s

Some obsidian over here I uh threw down a bucket of water we just got ourselves some room and we just tank them with our bows this one’s got flame Infinity power five punch two Unbreaking three and we just alternated shots on the uh on the warden and I mean eventually eventually

We got him uh I think I only died once I think Riley died twice from the warden and then um died let’s see died twice from the warden and then once trying to get back to him but I think he ended up getting all this stuff Chad should we grab some

Of this stuff I think R said we can maybe we make like a little base up here I think R said we can Yeah we actually get experience from all this maybe we’ll make like a little we’ll make like a little little home base up here little operating base close to all

This lava I think this would be really cool we’ll make like a window out this front side and we’ll be able to see over here and over here I know that’ be cool let’s do it the song karate by which song is karate do I know that one I don’t know

If I know that one we’re going to have to look it up I can’t do it did we get any catalysts uh shiny is that is that something we’d have to grab a silk touch cuz if so no but I know there’s more of the dark uh the deep dark that we

Can um that we haven’t completely explored I just don’t think that there’s ancient video Interesting uh ooh Diamond o oh a big vein of diamond oh oh CH look at this was this a seven Banger wait is this a ge2 oh yeah oh we just that’s that streamer luck right there chat a seven vein of diamond leading into another geode don’t mind if we do oh yeah don’t mind if we do Riley’s going to be so happy about this all right so we have a little of

The little of the deep dark uh kind of peeking its its face in through here oh this is sweet what a win what a win uh let’s drop some of this what don’t we need don’t really need puff not not really too concerned about that see this is a perfect area for little Base yo Trevor I I feel like I’ve somehow not heard that song I’m going to have to look I’m going to listen to that later I’m might have to listen to that later you should go on the Discord if you can and uh post a link towards it uh to the

The song that would be actually a huge help and I have to go hunt it down later oh wait where did that go where was that geod at hold on it’s right here like don’t lose it sarle don’t lose it let’s throw down let’s throw down a little block of uh

Amethyst out front so we know this leads up to one there we go beautiful beautiful all right Gang This is sweet okay so we’re going to have plenty plenty plenty plenty of uh of good areas to get our uh what am I trying to say amethyst uh from the geod

Uh yeah you can do exclamation uh Discord in the chat my friend and it should pop up if not me or one of my mods one of the Fantastic beautiful mods we uh we’ll get that posted in here for you all right y’all this actually pretty sweet uh underground area here this is

Pretty darn sweet should we go ahead and like some us up a little bit you can just get out of my way that’d be great thanks buddy oh hang on who there’s a voice in my ear what’s up big guy oh shiny’s in here too I don’t know shiny’s in here but she

Muted all right beautiful Mr RI what’s up buddy y can you hear me I just found second geod in that same area oh I know dude there I think there’s like three or four of them oh no way all right then we’re going to be rolling we rolling an amethyst I mean

All we really need is four of them to make you purple armor but it’s it’s good yeah but but we have it nonetheless yes that’s what’s important yes if I’m more deep dark area we have not uh we’ve not explored yet watch me call the warden

In yeah we’re going to have to I thought so did you hear him at all no I don’t hear him at all just go there was as I was like tunneling up above I felt like I kept could be I I kind of felt like I

Heard a second one that one day when we were coming down but I think if eventually he despawns though yeah I think you’re right I think he despawns which is good you’re down there getting after it right now yeah yeah that’s where I spawned I put our little

Waterfall in we have to get the uh magma and the Soul Sand okay we should be good dude uh there the portal for this is negative was it negative it’s actually tagged in my chat – 622 900 oh the hole yep the hole I think I’m real close to the little

Staircase anyways beautiful uh I feel like let’s let’s just get rid of this I’m not sure wait I don’t know if shiny wanted this shiny K are you in chat oh wait I think you’re you’re in the Discord anyways do you want this thing whatever the heck this thing

Is what do you think they shines hello that’s fine we we’ll leave it for now we’ll leave it for now we can come back I just don’t want to get uh fix your mic all right that’s fine I’m just trying to just want to know if you want this bad Boy yes okay we’ll leave that up here that’s these are the coordinates for it 580 888 oh there’s these little guys down here too yeah we got a lot of stuff going on uh where should you post the link um I think there’s like a where there’s so many uh second it should be under Community uh you can put under like there’s music and podcasts roll under

The Community once you accept your role you can uh get access into that all right can you turn yourself up at all shiny I cannot hear her at all yes you is a little bit quiet oh a slime we found a slime yeah slime time live

Baby oh yeah dude oh yeah so good stuff right here see this is this is a great great little place here finding all the Slime that we haven’t found yet found some geod we defeated the warden we found a spawner dude this kind of a it’s

Kind of a clutch spot kind of clutch not going to lie yo Trevor congrats on leveling up to level one my friend start of many many wonderful levels I am certain of it all right so is that all we got was 11 slimes you know what you know what

That silly I should have used my sword cuz it’s got looting three I was like I don’t want to ruin the durability on it wasn’t even thinking wasn’t even thinking straight about that uh where the heck were we supposed to go I think it’s over this Sorry I’m just trying to find our stairs up again no biggie biggie wherever the heck that was I think I have to go up the waterfall yeah sounds about right swim like a little fishy all right I’m going to go grab the magma or whatever the heck it was that we need

Oh where is oh stair there there we go I was just thinking about using the lava to jump like I do with water uh that would not have the same effect that would not that would not do us too well try to do that instead oh my gosh

Um oh that’s fine you don’t have to leave a it’s fine you don’t need to make the uh content warning I think you should be fine look it’s Tenacious D right we should probably all know that tenacious ste’s got some some things in there and some stuff in there

Take those diamond back top side all right I am heading back wait where’s my coffee where’s my coffee there it is right next to me I’m hungry hi hungry I’m dead sorry I have to dude it’s an obligation because I have children I got

You I must be oh yeah there you go I got you The wait I can barely hear you what I can barely hear you you’re talking I was I wasn’t talking to you oh well I was like oh you got me a cave and that’s so sweet but no no I did not get you wow are you going to drown nope I’m

Good I made little cubbies in here so we can breathe along the way until we get our little our little elevator set up I’m at shiny oh dude if you just Sprint going up here it’s way faster yeah the new uh tunnel down is like west of my place yeah

Beautiful there’s a lot of a lot of baggies out any there where the heck is Mine I just need to find the Base oh okay all right well all right let’s let’s dispatch a couple of these enemies here and go find home Yeah it 900 um all right where is this flipping Bas set I’m not even looking at my coordinates right now I’m just going which way I think is correct which is notoriously not my smartest move Like oh wait I see something oh there is some Christmas Vibes going on in my ear holes tell you that much there’s talia’s place shiny’s place whatever I never know what to call you I feel like I flipflop sometimes it’s Talia sometimes it’s shiny Rogue Z Rogue either way rogue’s

Pretty cool too honestly I get down uh there’s just a treacherous Mountain treacherous jungle I mean I know we’ve already raided this thing but yeah it is right next to that uh probably could have just made it in there if I would have known if I have known I would have just made

It inside of it it’s actually not a bad idea you could just move it over if you wanted to I’m just unloading a bunch of junk all right let’s see I think our base is Over Yonder right also like let’s take a second to admire Rogues builds hold on

We should go up and take a little peek cuz they’re sweet look at this y look at this Perfection the little Oasis up here you got going on working on it I’ve been finishing the trading Hall so we have almost all of the uh oh yeah I forgot you even had

That tra oh my gosh yeah we have almost all of the uh enchantments wow I think I’m missing Thorns does anybody want Thorns I don’t even know what Thorns does so right you get hurt oh all right all right and this is where the bridge is going to be eventually got little aot

Hanging out down here and we really need to dispatch these lava thank you Sly for the Catalyst I just collected it oh nice yeah now we can generate our own skull nice nice that is very cool see things are happening over Here things are happening in dude these candy canes over here kill me this is this is hilarious wait what is this oh my gosh where’s Phoenix I even notic he did this do you see what he did what a turd all right uh we’ve got a lot of lot

Of random stuff on us that we need to get rid of here a lot of random stuff wasn’t me nonsense I don’t believe it for a minute I don’t believe for a minute Phoenix uh okay we need to sh R do we have a home for the amethyst

Yet yeah in my inventory pretty much okay I’m going to put it in this second to last chest here by the clay we’ll put it over here for now oh a little ugly in there few weapons all right so I’m going to change this really quick this one’s kind of

This says As Weapons I think this should be tools this one will be weapons we need to go through and rearrange all that um weapons weapons weapons it would actually help if we had more inventory space but we a bunch of do and we don’t do that sword that

Should be all of our our weapons correct I mean besides the obviously uh so today right now we’ve got on uh let’s take a look I think sky was on I don’t he might have got off uh let’s see so shiny which is tally on here uh there’s Woodson he’s

On here Woodson Flo Phoenix is on and like I said sky was on I’m guessing we’re going to see Sky a little little later too so we got we got a lot of the crew in Here trying to keep some of these like the same type of armor Let’s get some this action going there we go beautiful beautiful chain mail action Perfect all right let me get rid of the rest of the stuff it’s going to be so much easier oh you don’t have Java that’s a big bummer that’s a big bummer my friend

Okay I’m getting rid of we wish that you had it as well the blocks that are not budding oh perfect yeah so even with silk touch that kind of destroys those right yeah that’s such a bummer it’d be nice to be able to make like a good looking uh farmer Garden out

Of it you know right you really just have to kind of got to work with what what they give you huh yeah Cal site trying to drop off everything my inventory is a little bit of a mess after our Venture down there all the back down here uh yeah I

Will be come back we’ll grab some grab some more supplies and whatnot I want to fix the uh can you bring elevators lots of torches when you do lots of torches I can I can do that Timmy Timmy my boy what’s up you know what Bedrock you know

There’s there’s some pros and cons to bedrock as well but I I get the feeling my friend it stinks not being able to play with everybody buddy um but we do have a Bedrock realm I haven’t really been playing on it cuz we’ve been kind of just doing this it’s

Way better for content if I play on here because I have this beautiful replay mod that’s always recording and I can go through and edit videos really nicely uh but well we we might do some days where we play on Bedrock maybe like some Community days I’ve ever done oh it’s like dinging

Dinging making your own Christmas music over there my dude all right what else we Have think you put mob drops down low one your Java logs out of your computer dude what is going on with Java yeah absolutely man when we get the uh I need to think more about how to do those Community Days cuz I think it’ be

Fun to play the the whole Community it’s just hard cuz like you have Griefers and stuff which just sucks um but we will figure that out I I promise that some were kind of always in the work so I was trying to figure out how to give back to

The community a little more and play with you guys a little more so we will we will be figuring that Out R where the heck was the clay the gunpowder in the it’s kind of by I got it I got it I say it’s in like the loot area yeah it is it’s kind of a different like a more high-end loot I guess we’ll call it

I think we’ll probably put the slimes in there as well yeah little separation of those bad boys lock amyst are in here we’ll move those Out a little bit of that there we go all right what else do we have to do let’s drop off the rotten flesh so I guess I don’t know what we do with these shards besides oh I have no clue no clue whatsoever it’s got to be something else

You do uh you can make a spy glass right there is something else you can do too what’s that uh you take the shards and combine them with glass and then it makes tinted glass which uh light doesn’t penetrate so it’s super cool to use that for like a creeper farm

So you can see your creeper spawning dude you know what that’d be good for a mushroom farm as well yep that is pretty cool I like that the more you know heyy are you are you clearing skull by the way am I what are you clearing skull I’m clearing

Uh I’m like uncovering all these budding amethyst oh gotcha gotcha gotcha I did find out that it SK with the ho this super efficient that is good to know gosh we’re learning so much on today’s episode of of the stream just learning left and right over

Here you boy glad you finally were able to get in here you’ve yet to discover G you’re going to find one you’re going you’re going to you’re going to find one going to find one I know it all right what else do we have to get rid of we’re

Going to keep this on us we need to keep at least one Arrow oops oh well darn we got Foods on us jungle saplings we don’t need this is kind of organized out a little bit I want to organize this really quick be careful with a efficiency pick and this

White stuff around oh yeah the calite it’s crazy oh my gosh also Riley I I I hear you trying to watch your language I appreciate it I see you I see you brother did I did I SL flip up no not at all I’m I’m commending you on your uh

Oh thank you thanks oh this my this is my nice hoe got to go put this nice hoe up top right after he talks to me about language hey it’s I’m talking about the tool young man ridiculous you’re ridiculous uh all right said you need a bunch of torches right

We need a magma q a magma block and Soul Sand do we have Soul Sand I don’t know if we have Soul Sand anywhere we have it’s in the sand one it’s in the regular sand one yeah all right let Let Me Go a Gand over here ah Soul soil I wouldn’t I

Wouldn’t um oh boy um I wouldn’t segregate them just because one is a little bit more Soulful you know no yeah yeah yeah for sure for sure for sure the background music is the beat that’s what I’m hoping for but never waste that what did you uh they’re just

Different peoples I have my this is my nice one uh efficiency 3 Fortune two that was somebody else’s um from before all right so we have all that we need to grab a little bit of water where the heck did the oh torches are in the

Bottom I think I might have to make more oh no we got plenty how much is how much is a lot of torches you I don’t know a few Stacks like we only have two down six Stacks I mean you shouldn’t need to make oh yeah you

Definitely know what should I just bring I just bring everything that’s in this chest yeah that’s fine which make which make more yeah superb all right I’m on my I’m on my track back to you get a quick night’s sleep here oh RS did you ever recover my R did you ever

Recover my second uh suit of armor uh no not yet I still need to do that but I lost the coordinates oh so I’ll have to go back to the old stream cuz it should show up in your yeah it should show in the chat o h

What I mean it’s down here somewhere mhm and I think I have an idea oh show that’s I mean at the end of the day it’s no bigy if we don’t have it I was just thinking about it I looked at my little my little Armory area and I

Was like oh it’s not here uh do we need any food brought down there I’m good on food all right oh this this is cute who’s been working down here just look at this y’all D I haven’t seen this this little like kind of dock area going down to our water is that

You that looks super good it does it might have been toast or Phoenix it does look really that kind of Screams toast to me a little but maybe Phoenix dude also Phoenix how dare he my trees what up these these other chests over here such a heathen

Dude such a Heen also why isn’t he streaming right now that was me see now I don’t know what to do I I don’t know if I can trust Phoenix now whoa bold words no yeah I was going to say that’s kind of Screams FY or toast

They got a little bit of a similar building style but I love it yeah this uh this rum’s coming along nicely this rum’s coming along nicely we did a little bit of building the other day we get up here a little bit of building the other the

Other day there we go um and our our second house our second house is getting pretty uh it’s getting there we’ll probably finish that build tomorrow maybe later today but probably tomorrow we’re probably going to do a bit of fair bit of adventuring today Oho toast you or so toasty did the

Build and you just destroyed the trees SP you know it’s kind of hard to see you know what I should probably I don’t know if I should put you guys up here so you can actually like see the chat so on that path up is where you found that other geode

Right uh I can come show you I’ll come show you really quick I he at900 also s you to helping clear out I hope this is the right one I’m helping clear the bases of the blooming ones oh nice you see like a teamwork this this teamwork is so

Beautiful we’re working together that’s right it’s wonderful so if I keep going straight here yep there’s the pillar right there I should probably light that bad boy up but see if we can get to the top there’s no way we can get to the top of that it’s way too high

Don’t worry about it did you just make a tower so you can see it from far away absolutely absolutely I did also if you just Sprint while going down the water you go really quick yeah it’s it’s crazy uh okay let me put the so Magma

Cube should be the one that that brings you down right correct is it Magma Cube yes so I don’t feel like it’s doing anything I think there’s something you have to do to are they Source blocks water are Source blocks I think if you grow kelp for the whole duration

Huh well I don’t know also buty can you put it one more down so I can move these chests I’m going to of turn this into a little Yeah well I’m not sure about this but the worker won’t so uh and then Riley the other the other geod is over Here show you br if you want to check the other geod that’s right over here we have to kind of go straight ahead from over Here yeah what I mean does it have to all be like water source blocks the whole thing I mean we have well I’ve never made an elevator before I am a little per FX by this uh Rouse do you want I can load these up with here dude who trimmed iron

Armor me you tried iron armor yeah it does look cool I’ll give you that does look cool um this dude hilarious yeah I felt like your other yeah you down I remember shout out shout outy okay so we need to get K uh I don’t have any of that on me Mr

Feny Mr gandal Mr gandal feny Mr James gandle FY all right cool and at this point we’re going to need a door on thise so R if you go towards like where that where we fought the warden where that spawner was uh that’s where the other um the other geod

Is so you’ll see a nice little amethyst area that’s lit up you’re going to know you’re in the right spot when it’s that all right it’s and I stop clearing it for you yeah let’s go let’s go check this out look at this beautiful I should be good GE are super

They’re really sweet though oh so we want to clear it out onto the other side so the so it can grow on every side right correct okay okay okay so pretty much any of these like kind of fractured looking blocks is what we want yes we don’t need the calite doesn’t

Need to be in there either right correct all right we’re clear out around this really quick I see any the water sources even to activate the magma block that’s what it looks like that’s what it seemed like I didn’t know that before I thought we could put the magma block to

Be good but uh I think we’re going to have to do that cuz it doesn’t look like working otherwise must not be the same one all right you said over where we fought the warden is where we found that yes sir over where we fought the warden uh between the two lava

Legs should brought an axe uh I’ve got an extra one if you need it well I wouldn’t say extra but I’ve got mine if you need it all right you want me to show you where to go rals I kind on do a little bit of like nether venturing but I’m a little

Afraid s oh this where we put those always kind of it’s terrifying be honest doesn’t always at the best for I mean I didn’t I don’t think I died that day when we went to the Nether uh CH bear with me in 10 seconds I’m got to deal something about my daughter really Quick let me see here sorry guys she’s going to a sleepover and I’m trying to schedule them to meet up I forgot to do that before Uh beautiful y’all my phone is charging slow so slow I don’t know why it’s doing this it’s a new phone and nothing is like working I me nuts all right I come bearing some extra chests if you want them you want some you want some more chests in here bad

Boy got some smooth B salt cide all sorts of random stuff we don’t really need that’s good to have right mob drops good stuff something we don’t need boo Soul Sand so does a Soul Sand work at least without the uh try that so Soul wait so Soul Sand doesn’t

Work either I’m so confused all right whatever why we can’t have nice things really that’s why we can’t have nice things uh I’m going to go find some kelp is there anything you need me to bring topside right now you want me to take some of this

Armor what up to you uh yeah I’ll take up I’ll take up one of these Diamond do you want me to take up the diamond set or do you want to leave down here in case of emercy I mean I’ll probably run up there with you and I’m going to take

All these I mean essentially we can take everything if we can fit it yeah I’ve got a a little bit of a full inventory already I only have a few spots I’ve got like six spots I can drop some stuff though there’s like I have string and stuff that I don’t need

Obviously you grab everything you can and I’ll I’ll try to fit whatever’s left whatever’s left that we need so we need a but the the kelp should grow right yeah keep adding kelp if you can so you just need to go I’ll just go grab a bunch dude maybe I’ll just make that

My mission right now go run and grab a bunch of kelp so you got everything you can oh all right so why don’t we leave I don’t know what we need how about we leave that diamond sword the extra diamond pickaxe the diamond armor you want to do that leave all that

Stuff in case uh yeah one of us dies down here some of it down there it’s night time oh it’s night time perfect and hopefully I’m headed the right direction there’s a fish stuck in here uh just go up the hill towards talia’s place and

Then we can get get up don’t know which direction that is it’s all covered by Woods go up I don’t know if there’s like a we figured I think it’s I’m start trying to light this place up was that uh creeper it was it was not anymore okay can you guys stop fighting

Oh my gosh things are happening holy crap whatever you guys just okay I’m just going to die here cuz I’m my I’m having a brain meltdown cuz I can’t think for something Reason like I was just like I was just thinking about what to do there and I for some reason I just couldn’t brain what to do I was like he’s getting attacked by a bunch of creepers and skeletons and I’m like you should eat meat a yeah what if that’s how we died

Today what if that’s how happen Ed Bedrock you need to place kelp on regular soil first all the way up then you got to replace the soil with Soul Sand to activate the bubble elevation all right we’ll I mean we’ll give that shot I mean it might be the same way I

Really don’t know what I’m doing So how much longer before we figure out the elytra stuff you want to go get elytra I don’t even know how to do that uh we just have to go to the end oh yeah it’s an end City It’s loot from the end SE I think that’s the only place only way you can get it and then you need the um the phantom mob drops what they drop I think you need to fix them if I am correct I’ve actually never had one dude I’ve never legitimately had one in the

Game Yes mine oh where going I’m following the mine cart Trail I don’t I’m just like I’m just traveling around this thing like a goon there a the friendly chicken for good luck all right so that’s the base over there so yeah our C should be like yeah

Our base is over here that’s fine we’re getting there just love it steady we’ll make this weird outer path not the best way to get there but it’s a way it’s away food is almost here I forgot I ordered it I’m so excited egg C

Dude did you get their soup I think they only have it on Sunday never mind they’ve got a really good uh soup on Sunday you should try it 10 out of 10 would recommend they dude they run out really quick everybody gets the soup it’s phenomenal don’t miss out don’t

Miss out I’ve been on like a real soup kick I eat soup like four or five times a week now I’ve never tried to kick soup before bro you should try yeah you should try that was a good one that was a good one

I like I like what you did there I like what you did what wow I’m going to go put all this I have a lot of copper to smell this is going to be sick it’s going to be uh be some good stuff there we should all sleep if

We can yeah Well’s on no it’s just me you so I think we can arrange that you want to just sleep right now while we’re here I’m I just walked through the front door uh let me yeah unload all this copper slumber party and oh my goodness that’s fine dude I should

Probably start eating my my lunch today it’s kind of depressing lunch but oh my gosh Phoenix what a monster dude he turned all my items in the item frames dude what what kind of who does this did what all the items the item frames he turned them

Off oh yeah oh gosh he’s such a terst dude let me know when you’re ready you can count it down I’m putting I’m putting a bunch of stuff away first are you putting all away first all right let me come down as well I got so

Excited I mean we should be able to do this quick and Then there it is I was just like where the heck did I put that all right uh dude so many building blocks I’m still trying to remember all of our inventory system where everything’s stored so smelt all this we got lock of rock copper oh uh I’ve got an armor set here

That’s yours RS the one that’s uh here you go buddy your beautiful iron armor is right here just made 14 sticky pistons here oh there’s helmet too I picked it up by accident got the sticky piston action all right dude we’re like real we’re like real Minecraft players now dude

Most of my stuff is put away uh all right give me bear with me one second Here soft deep slat Deep little mob Drop uh where do we keep Bamboo do we have a good home for that right now po po all right chat I’m going go drop off all my Redstone and all that goody I should have done that when I was down here but I was space it

We’re spacing on a little bit that’s all right it’s all right you got plenty of time mob drops over here put the bones away that’s all we have to find where the heck the bamboo goes I just do not know that question the answer that question Rather just go ahead and we’ll fix a couple these bat up so it’s not taking so much space go save ourselves a little space we do it little by little that we don’t have to worry about it later let’s go see also I never really used the crossbows chat hases

Anybody ever used a crossbow I don’t know why I’ve just never I’ve never done it I mean we’ve been using the the bone arrow a lot so maybe we’d like the maybe we’d like the crossbow I don’t know we need to get some more of those before we even really testing out though

Because the durability on that is pretty low put our magma block away for now we’ll go find some health you know we could just we just go through a nether portal to the uh over to our underwater uh ocean minent that’s what we’ll do go throw this stuff in the smelter and it’s Daytime that is all right now do we SM can we smell a full block of iron full block of copper no we cannot we do it can we break it down there we go there we go we night time do we still have time nope it is day that is all right though So for lunch dude I’m eating a little pack of chicken look at I’m eating a little pack of is that not working there you go little pack of chicken and I have a pepper that’s that’s what I’m eating today it’s a sad little sad little meal’s it’s a sad little meal but I’m

Trying to you know we’re trying to be healthy I had a big breakfast so you I’m just trying to go protein and a little bit of vegetables are we just sitting here threatening each other right now is that what’s going on dude is that what’s Happening Here

R uh no nothing nothing nothing whatever do you mean I don’t I don’t know dude you know before I go I’m going to just do a quick Harvest here where go to all my other Stuff to this see our Garden’s pretty small but I don’t really think it needs to be bigger cuz we’re kind of out of the like necessity for food like this you know now that we have all the cows really more just to have it to have it you know

So we can say we have an entire chest full of Pumpkins make pumpkin PL pumpkin pie next year the timing is Right all right Honestly though for as far as like a starter base goes this thing’s actually pretty decent for a little CER base really don’t mind this at all let’s get this planted up all right after we plant this up oh our torch is gone after we get this planted we’re

Going to go look for some help all right actually I need to watch wash my depressing uh I shouldn’t even be depressing I should be happy I’ve got food here that’s the good thing you know what how many people would love to have this meal plenty plenty of people stop

Whining sarle we’re going to clean this in just a second after we drop off the food and then we can go Venture for some Kel I think food was on the second level over here yep right Here Melons Pumpkins carrots dude what back here pretty soon I’m going to go Munch this breakfast real quick dude munch it up my friend I’ll be back yes sir uh all right all right all right all right once Riley’s back we’re going to go clean off food I kind of want to make

My smoothie but maybe I’ll to make my smoothie till a little later uh we don’t need trying to figure out this inventory CU we have a kind of a split uh don’t have enough room really what we we don’t have that’s the carrots in here pumpkins as

Well some melon seeds and some pumpkins seeds here we go in case of emergency we have put plenty of baked potatoes um all right potatoes we have two and a half stacks that’s kind of Overkill of uh meat but hey you never you don’t want to

Run out right you don’t want to run out keep a stack of 64 that should be enough all right y’all all right have everything I need let’s venture out oh you know what oh he didn’t get the armor back that’s our Aqua the AR that’s fine

Fine we’ll worry about that in a little bit uh okay just have was going to get the mine cart but I don’t really think we need to I don’t think we’re be grabbing enough underwater that it’s necessary for us to get the uh mine cart All right sorry y’all getting a little this just trying to get all the stuff figured out with the kid little bit of a challenge when we’re trying to stream but that’s all right I’ve got like three people I’m trying to coordinate with for this pickup um all right beautiful let’s head over we

Just need to grab the kelp I think we should be able to go and grab a couple of the like deeper strands and should be plenty of that actually in the general area cuz we are well in an ocean monument and there’s plenty of kelp around we have to be careful for the

Guardians so we’ll have to go far enough away from them that they’re not kind of making our day a little a little more challenging making our task a little more challenging but you got it beautiful so for the where the heck see there’s plenty of kelp over there but

That like I said that one’s going to be kind of more of a challenge uh trying to get there with all those baddies but we have plenty of ocean around here so we should be able to find something yeah I see right over in this section that’s going to be a really good

Spot for us and then I think we just need to stack the K honestly I’m not even that concerned because like the grand scheme of things we do go down that tunnel pretty quick but if we don’t have the like respiratory uh if we don’t

Have what do we have respiration 3 uh on the helmet it does get a little more dangerous when it comes to uh you know trying to work through that uh that under water path how much do we get from this yeah okay so we should get one for every single

Piece let’s just dig it up just Dig It Up chat and we’ll just going CL it should all come to the surface which is really nice uh I don’t know how much we’re going to need I mean that pathway is somewhere around like I think it’s

Somewhere like 100 tall uh to go up and down cuz I think we’re at 50 Y and then we’re around 40 or uh NE 40 or50 um in the bottom side of things so just go through we grab I mean this should be I mean we already

Have 120 but we might need it for the uh the second path as well so let’s figure all that out so we’ll probably need closer to like 200 for This and I’m not certain I haven’t done a lot with kelp but I think maybe it grows on it own right if there’s still is it like a sugarcane kind of where if there’s one block it’ll keep growing on top I think that’s I think that’s how it

Works see oh yeah we got plenty okay so it is like that perfect thank you Mr fenie hey honestly that’s all we need I think we I’m sure we’ve already hit this boat I Chad there’s no chance we didn’t hit this boat right Right there is like a small chance that it’s so close to that that maybe we did it like that’d be crazy though yeah that’s empty so either Had No Loot or we already got which I’m sure the fact that we already got it Yep all right beautiful beautiful see if there’s any Guardians lurking about here y look there’s a couple over there couple right under us uh where’s the doorway at oh oh got to cut eyesight okay cut cut the the Sight now chat this place is pretty much done out I think that’s about everything um as far as the rooms go for this whole thing we actually cleared most of it out um we want to tra kind of we talked about turning this into like a big villager trading Hall which actually

Would be would be pretty sweet uh do I care about any of this right now I really you bring like the warm blocks home I think there’s some of that on the on our venture home we’re going to see some of that in the uh the chest

That we have in in the um hallway leading to the other NE portal but what Riley is back we’re going to I’m have him stream on his page you guys are going to watch that when I go and uh I go and clean my clean my delicious yellow pepper right let’s grab This let’s put all bit over here cuz we’re need more space than we have over there Crimson plug chat I started watching the bear now I don’t know if y all have seen that show but I’m actually really enjoying it so far I watched like an episode or two

Before and I was pretty into it uh that I just kind of fell off I like have a tendency sometimes to do that shows but this one’s it’s really caught my my interest this time around I’ve like five or six episodes in the past couple days there is a chicken

Chad did y there’s a chicken in the nether being ridden by a little piglin y’all see that did did yall see that I think it’s the first time I’ve ever seen that in this game yeah that’s funny that is a that’s a site that you don’t get to see very often

Chat we’re going to take the shortcut today jingle with me Babying we have food up here too uh okay magma blocks we over here let’s drop these off Crimson Roots should also go over here Warp block beautiful B of warped roots in that is everything as far as that goes let’s drop up our sand or glass rather in the sand area all right perfect all right so let’s go and try and figure out I I’m not sure how to do this then

With the with the K we’re going to we’re going to give it a Shot cuz if they’re saying that the kelp turns it into a no get to bed I want to sleep through the night too woo that’s close one um so if they’re saying that help is what turns it into a water source block which then allows it hold

On in met you need to place the kelp on regular soil first would this be regular soil like on are we talking about on Dirt my Empire of Dirt were you thinking hurt yes now which version which there is only one version Scott I mean Johnny Cash yes yeah I I I mean there are technically two versions probably more than two versions also I don’t know if I’ve found a recording where the levels don’t sound

Like they’re way too high and it’s all like distorted and messed up for Johnny Cash is her yes oh I thought there was a good one on Spotify carefully there is one on Spotify but like it’s it’s just not right I mean it is the song it’s the legit one but it just

There was never a huh it’s a good song dude it’s really good I actually just showed uh Al that the other day cuz she hadn’t thought that she’d heard it and I’m like I cuz I you know oddly enough I listened to Nish nails and I’d listen to

Like some Johnny Cash I didn’t even like realize it was the same song for the longest time and then eventually I’m like oh really wait wait wait wait wait wait I’m like this is this the and then I thought it was 9 in nails that covered Johnny Cash but it’s the other way

Around crazy anyways phenomenal song All right so we should be able to place where are you headed two or from two I’m headed two two yes I’m also headed to oh snap we going to get some is it time are we about to do the adventuring now

Well here’s the deal here’s what we’re going to do when I get down there if you could stream on your page I’m going to I was going to pull it up and let chat watch well I was going to have him watch you while I clean my

Pepper but that’s only going to take me like not even a minute so maybe that’s just a lot of what why I clean off my pepper my yellow pepper my Lunch my gosh I was like excuse me what uh party but that might just be like way too much work for a one minute one minute being gone that’s cool dude I’m all right so I do have so they’re saying I should be able to place directly on the Soul

Sand whoa I never oh dude I never like looked back at our uh our stuff from rogue’s place oh I I don’t know if I have either dude it’s pretty cool so my got some of the trees so tall I don’t understand what I’m doing with this T

Whatever just uh whatever dude oh yeah I don’t want to talk about it here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to do the thing I should do I’m just going to put all the Kel in this and let somebody that’s smarter deal with it well hey

While you while while you’re sharing my screen yes you’re going to clean your pepper I’m going to clean my pepper not ever a sentence that I don’t think anyone has ever said and then you’re also going to Google how the heck to do the elevator thing that seems like so much work uh

But yes maybe all right so remember you’re going to be streaming so nothing nothing bad over here RS um it’s just my screen it’s not me even better uh let me see how the heck I can do this I’m going to have to add a source here I’m playing a dangerous game of

Trying to add sources while streaming I’m not even uh sharing my monitor I’m sharing a program nice it only show it’ll only show Minecraft uh let’s see display capture Z chat’s just getting to see everything right now no not a big deal that’s not what I wanted hold on uh

Window capture that’s what we’re looking for all right chat I know this is a lot of work for like 1 minute but it’s something hav’t wanted to do anyway so we’re going to try and throw this On all right so D if we do This Christmas you know it’s not perfect it’s not perfect but I think it’s going to work yeah not me just completely randomly wandering around chat we’re trying it okay this is what we’re doing I’m going to be right back I’m going go clean my freaking I’m going to go clean clean my

Pepper yeah dude 62 too we we’ll make something a little brighter for this all right yeah this is what we’re doing this is good cuz nobody wants to watch you clean your pepper this just sounds dirty um yes hold on what going to do on we’re

Going to trust I’m putting this on a different one what if we put it on we’ll put on the B right back dude that’s what we’re going to do oh shoot hold on hold on Did something dumb there you go now let’s add this I’m going to figure this out it’s really not that hard I’m just like little I can’t get down because of bubbles oh the soul Sand’s working yes but now now I can’t get down Soul Sand’s working

Baby well just come grab a breath next to me hilarious dude hilarious all right let’s see all right dude this works like this it’s not perfect but I like it y I’ll be right back let go clean my Pamper Okay yeah this is going to Be do you have any wood need to go all the way up the water with the kelp that’s Insane All right I’m back not only my back but I have a clean pepper oh my gosh my hair looks greasy gross now would I rather cook this pepper sure did I have time to cook this pepper no did not so I’m doing this the old fash right Here I mean if it’s better for us anyways if we don’t cook it right right mind you making that up at this point probably bell pepper for fun what’s that got some cream cheese or something D you just having a yellow pepper I’m just yellow pepper dude just that is that look at

That look at that meal has your food up you know I listen I I do love peppers are like my favorite vegetable raw but doesn’t me I Neally just want to eat it raw though you know you know what I’m saying you know what I’m saying it’s all right

Though it’s good it’s healthy for me and I was a big boy and ate boatload of uh chicken it was like chicken and waffles the chicken biscuits whatever I’m just like happy that I didn’t like the uh I’m happy that I didn’t like the biscuits cuz then I

Didn’t eat too many calories that way having a hard time hearing your ril sorry I’m a bit far from the mic it’s all right dog just letting you know chat’s just watching me cut a pepper right now they can’t even see it so they just watch me focus on cutting a pepper

This is exhilarating this is the kind of content that you come here to get swy Pepperman someone pulled up the stream from Thursday to tell me where I died the second time yet did they really I don’t know have they Oh I thought you said somebody dead What dude I know you were like right in that bottom area weren’t you I I thought you were cuz when you died the third time I thought you had like no no armor very minimal armor yes all right all right I’m curious about this chicken it’s Costco chicken I’ve never tried it before So guess we’ll see actually know it’s pretty good good good good good to put this all right oh Oh wait R did you close this off R what did you close off this water tunnel yeah you have to dig out from the bottom sorry oh there so there we go made it out perfect perfect perfect all right dude what are we what are we doing are we vent

I’m hammering some sensor blocks at the moment nice nice I kind of want to like go to the nether but I think it’s a bad idea as well it’s a bad Idea all right so what the heck do we do now so have to be casually eating my food over Here oh christmase leaves are so you know okay the chicken’s like decent there’s like this slight like weird aftertaste that I can’t quite put a finger on but I think it’s really not bad for what it is I mean prepackaged chicken it’s kind of a it’s not always the best you know it’s

Actually pretty good pretty tender it does definitely beat having to cook all right so we came down for the kelp which we got uh maybe we’ll just do we we didn’t bring the magma block did we that was silly of us all right I’m going to drop down here

A little bit we’re going to light this bad boy up a little bit came through here I don’t think there’s really anything down here it looks like at all yep it’s good all right well what do we what do we want to do now rals like I’m still just exploring

Brother just exploring down a lot of this cave man yeah I guess we haven’t even hit all this cave where did you go I’ll kind of come your way um I’ll come back to you cuz I’m not exactly sure all right deal deal I like it I’ll be grabbing a little little assets while we’re here little Redstone or Something what are your coordinates uh my cords are 530 900 oh we’re literally 30 blocks from each other oh okay yeah I not by the lava L I’m just down there oh oh oh I think I’m I think I’m just above you oh yeah I think I know where you’re at I’ll come

Up there’s kind of that little that little thing above me that little lip if we Will come and on up my calm down did you say you came down oh uh okay where’s down here I’m uh 458 918 458 oh how did we get so far so I I don’t know dude uh what’s the y coordinate are you higher up um no I’m I’m oh hang on

Um 19 oh so you’re low low wait no that would be a little yeah I see you how much you left oh there’s skulks over Here did you just get shot but what you shot you what’s I don’t see a skeleton Anym all right so now we got to be kind of careful again huh sh you you know what Ral we never went and we never checked out that uh M shaft true that’s top side I kind of my gosh are you seeing what’s this direction I did not grab enough torches

For this I don’t I only have like a stack and a half oh man it just keeps going yeah like I saw the like the distance thing whoa this is nutty Dude I wonder does Hope work on the uh all the repeaters and everything or whatever you want to call them sensors yeah don’t know we’re going to find out we’re going to find out really quick Here oh does works really good y sure does let’s go ahead and take care of some of these really quick oh you’re just do we not have to like be quiet anymore um I don’t see any shriekers oh I see one up there never Mind okay so it’s only the okay I’m still trying to figure this out so that sends the signal to the shrier the shrier is what calls in the Wardeness yes yes and then these other blocks are what what did Rog say they’re just the like the Catalyst Yeah whatever that Means yeah did this thing is pretty expensive oh hey there’s two Catalyst down there or whatever two two shriekers whatever whatever you said they’re called they’re down there and I’m scared okay I’ll go get him got him two right next to each Other dude I don’t want to have to fight that Warden again make sure uh make sure you know where the nearest lava lake is yeah right oh boy What I set one off uhoh that’s all right I don’t hear don’t hear him yet no I think we have to do that a couple more times all right all is good for Now oh there’s one right next to me so what you can do to prevent them from setting another one off near it is surround it with a block okay like if you have Um what do you call it oh my gosh dude there’s three of them right up here on yeah don’t move you’re right by them yep you just set it up Yep I don’t know if that’s P of them All right woo dude this place is huge though yeah it’s a bat I was like what the heck is down here just a bat nothing to be alarmed by bats are kind of like a useless mod right they don’t really do much of anything do they spooky just spoopy little spoopy boys thank

You I was like what I’ll just hold on I wonder like is that how they felt with leg loss you know like we just just need to hold them off long enough for leg loss to start legless leg loss why am I saying that so weird um just wait long enough for

Legless little Viller seemed he seemed to have perfectly good legs to me yeah they are passive mobs that have no drops right that’s what I thought I’m like what’s the what’s the point no please more of those jokes I don’t know I don’t know why I’m like this why are

You the way that you are no I love it dude I have it no other way uh little Lush area here oh I found a spawner beautiful uh some horse armor some of the stuff like really is not even worth it anything good in this one name tag I know you don’t want That you got to take those Saddles brother all the hes uh they’re just you can’t make saddles so any Saddles you find you should just probably keep we getting we’re getting up top huh yeah yeah we are cing a little higher we’re at what8 yeah where am

I I mean I’m about to run out of torches to be honest uh I’ve got another stack of 64 on me this doesn’t really go anywhere down here there’s a little bit of goodies but that’s about it I really need to like not pass up

Iron and stuff like so I get this bad habit where I’m like we have plenty we don’t right now but we should just we should still just collect it anyway iron is one thing but like coal yeah I guess as far as iron we go have iron Farms but yeah Rogue has that

Ridiculous farm and you can’t really make a coal Farm I don’t think I don’t think there’s an option for a coal farm right um I’m sure there is somebody has to have figured out a coal yeah somebody smarter than us that in like worst case you can still use charcoal like we can

Still that is true trackco is always an Option oh I found dude I found another huge Ravine area where oh yes okay okay hang on it just keeps going I don’t even know how to get back to our base at this or our other area at this point know the coordinates luckily but that’s about

It I’m just going to sit here and eat my chicken with a knife knife what are your coordinates right now right now dud 550 – 607 at a height of two I really should I brought a Forup What you going to Do all Right there you are yep right through here we go up and Around more beIN dud it’s all connected whoa see we got a Skelly down There sorry sorry sorry sorry all good my man uh here you know what Nice let’s see what we got going on down here I really like how these Lush caves kind of work work their way In how far down are you going a dude this thing goes down pretty Dar far find a little bit of Diamond I mean it just go those baby oh it’s more of the freaking deep Dark wow I mean I’m kind of that bucket is literally the lowest point of this cave what’s that right where you put that bucket is quite literally the lowest point di skill bro P skill no biggie I keeping we’re hoping we’re going to find like an ancient city trekking through

Here I got a Shri whatever the hell this thing’s called were you on the other side of me Probably all right well the goodness is we haven’t triggered the ward yet bad news is I just said that so we’re probably going to trigger the ward Now or did you go off to the right dude I I just want I don’t know look for the the Torches I’m not even sure where I went anymore this is huge up here and there’s a I got to get up there because there’s another one of Those all right problem is I don’t know how to get up to this thing without setting it off let’s see did I might have been a good move might have been a good move woo I’m not scared at All all right I’m out of that deep dark section for a minute here going up a little bit we another little Lush Stone But I’m just like it’s so cool how far caves have come since this game like Started all the cool little stuff we can find in them now all right I’m going to go back oh you found me kind of ends up there um so I kind of want to try to find the way back and go hit the uh I’m go hit the abandoned M shaft that

We saw yeah there’s also where we came into this area is uh I also you still have more torches uh I have a little not a whole lot I can definely for a little bit we need to find our base cuz we definitely going to need some more touches yeah we’re we’re

Pretty far away um I also have no nicotine within Arms Reach of me right now I will be right back oh no whatsoever what we do chat we got uh Sky back in the server glad to see that it’s good day everybody’s playing some Minecraft what better way way find the

Saturday off you know oh just making sure we get rid of these cuz I don’t know where any of those little horned boys are I don’t want to fight daddy right Now uh let’s see so we’re like pretty much on our x coordinate we just need to go over so x coordinate if we go over this we kind of head over this way let’s do this what we’re going to do grab this Redstone I think if we go back it’s a

Few hundred blocks that way but I think it’s going to be the easiest way to do this really eventually we’re going to kind of just get all this connected here because it’s a lot of craziness a lot of uh ups and downs lefts and rights that we’re going to need to hook up

Here so I think we can keep going though through here look at that little gold little gold don’t mind if we do um we could also do a gold Farm that’s something we’re going to do that’s something to do in the nether though for sure um yeah let’s go go through

Here we chill I’m going to eat some I’m going eat some some beautiful Peppers all Right All right nothing over here beautiful keep checking trust the process we keep going straight all righty oh y’all I’m thinking about that build a lot the one we started the other day it’s kind of our our new house our barn whatever we want to call it a

Little bit of everything uh the horse living quarters all that I thinking about that build a lot I’m really excited to uh kind of sink our teeth into it a little more I mean it’s going to be a lot of fun that’s it’s going to be a sweet

House now I’ve kind of got like the floor layout what we’re working on is like still figuring out the design of everything I’m going have to try and play some catchup did you where are you at all right so if you go down keep going down I just started building a

Tunnel back to our other area okay I think I just saw your name hold on where’d you go yeah to your right behind you I’m just tunneling I’m just tun over yeah I’m just like screw it we’re tunn we’re about at the right height we’re at

The right uh x coordinate I was like we just got to get there on the Z yeah cuz there’s too many UPS Downs lefts rights lava pools everything so I’m just going to dig oh you want me to do the oh we can’t do this we can’t co-

Do this can we uh no you can start a one right next to me if you want to build it too wide I don’t really know what the purpose of that is but that be something we can do you want to give me torches so

You don’t have to stop doing that yeah I don’t know why here just take them all I don’t know why I’m doing that one at a time yeah you just light the way Daddy I’ll dig us away you like the way here I’ll leave any like stuff like

That any Redstone or anything if you want to grab that you feel fre oh strip mining in teams this is that’s right dude we work in tandem we all we need is a canary and we’re set dude oh my gosh we we only have like another 100 blocks to go it’s not too

Bad honestly it’s really not so bothers me the way they have the coordinates set up in this it’s so Jank dude I get so confused like in general I get confused but this game’s even worse dude sorry one sec don’t know why I’m holding shift really don’t need

To you’re right though about tough and iron dude if you find tough there’s always iron about you know it’s always like right around all right any minute now we’ll be coming through the other side also have you found silver fish at all like have you fought any of

Those sorry I have been muted um oh you’re good no I feel like I haven’t seen any silverfish in a long time I’m like are they still in the game oh yeah uh man we’re like right there I don’t know what height we’re supposed to be at though

Like I need to go down well I say you go down I’m going to go one to the right and go up I have no torches though oh yeah that’s going to be a problem whatever here there’s there’s half than hopefully we find where we need go in each Direction

I mean we’re like right there we’re right on it uh James hi welcome thank you for coming in and calling me a loser I love you too Merry Christmas you found it yeah all right well I found somewhere that we’ve been already at least yes

Yes here we go here we go all right beautiful yes see oh we’re we’re close we have arrived we have do you have any wood I do here cuz we need uh we need signs we need to make two signs here come here big daddy we at here here’s some wood for you

Thanks I forgot all yours I forgot how to take care of I remember how to take care of this now how goes mining with without torches the struggle uh it’s a struggle uh okay this takes us back to our little path think we could got to go up with

What like one or two More we’re just going to build the path going out this side know we’ve sadly been doing this too often with uh where’s he he’s like right over there um we find ourselves without torches far too often for comfort There we go there we go there’s our little little path Here beautiful cool signs stop water signs stop oh there we go Downey junor oh my gosh you finally got the oh dude I have been muted sorry you finally got the bubble elevator and magma column very nice dude very nice Chat does that ruin everything if I just what I just Did whoa I dude I have no idea what I don’t understand this at all I think I just ruined everything who knows uh anyways there’s no clue bus over here no clues are had here uh I’m going to drop off some of the raw ore and whatnot that I found in

This bad boy over in this chest we can to It good news is dude plenty of Cobble deep slate you know I was worried we’d run out don’t worry we’re good now uh keep some of this some of this is decent horse armor is cool oh that’s right we’re going to go head back up to that

Uh want to head back up to that abandoned M Shaft I’m going need a few blocks of iron here uh Ral do you have any coal on you my Man oh Sky I was I was being a little sarcastic about the uh about the Cobble deep slate but I do appreciate the I think Riley stepped away I need some coal cuz I want to make ourselves a new Shield here cuz our Shield is oh wait actually you know there’s Shield right

Here let’s do it that way we save that in case of emergency dropping some of these goodies off here we have some raw gold as well we don’t need string on us we definitely don’t need bamboo on us keep the name tag in case we die I still think we

Should be able to make a diamond Shield but I mean hey that’s just yeah we do have a whole thing of torches here whole chest torches I’m going to take three and a half Stacks I think it’s a good idea beautiful Yo yo it gets luny that hey I’m going to finish eating my chicken really quick while he’s away I’m just going to I’m just look at I’m just mashing this chck just just pounding Down the Hatch right no time like the present we got to get

Our protein up y’all also I keep putting my ear off I don’t know it’s habit I can’t stop doing it now uhoh you guys going to watch me some chicken how about that man what a what a day to be alive what a day time to be alive watching Mr Minecraft streamer

Guy eating some chicken just enjoying life and then my beautiful dessert of yellow peppers be bo what’s up be that’s right we’re we’re just Goblin for some reason Chad likes us so you know when we’re taking breaks you guys get to watch me eat food it’s disgusting but hey is what

It is I didn’t bring for so I’m using a knife why she have to kind of like put down the Hatch we’ll say Costco chicken’s actually pretty good never tried this before um after this we’re going to head back up we have to find there’s a m shaft abandoned M shaft somewhere um we’re going to go loot that bad boy I I’m trying to enjoy it it’s not

The most glamorous thing in the world but does a job I will Hy here look at this right this bad boy it’s almost it’s actually about a third only a third full at this point we’re just drinking chicken right now just drinking Chicken hly s you guys saw me tongue that and I’m just talking in my mouthful like how dare you you see this I fixed it now the water doesn’t come out the signs stop it wait you fixed it you have to put yeah you have to put

Signs cuz the water doesn’t go through those if you take the sign out the water will come through interesting indeed I remembered that I am a Minecrafter a Minecraft Legend uh Legend is that’s tough that’s I don’t know about that you’re Legend of my book uh let’s

Grab buttons also work that’s good to know be Boop what a name yeah buttons be Boop of course beep boop knows about buttons yeah oh my gosh very beep boopy of him uh of of them of them I know for a fact it’s not a him come on Riley hey

I pull your together seconds what is this uh let’s go find that I’m going to go find that M shaft if you want to come up uh yeah hang on I’m putting these materials away herewhere you grabbed plenty of torches I grabb three and a half stacks there’s more in

There okay for you to grab what are we doing uh what are we doing tonight uh I don’t know I don’t know I don’t think we’re doing a whole lot tonight I think it’s kind of having like a more chill uh Chiller roony night but how you go ex

Lady I’m having a chill night uh dude I think we had to go up this water like all the way did you pelp it all the way up oh not at all dude I didn’t pelp it at all so I’m not even sure how it’s working if we’re being honest with each

Other so that’s a thing Uh let’s see let’s get this guy out of here of course you move last Second all right so I think we need to keep going up upwards here I don’t think we’re at the right level at all grab a little coal though never have enough coal that’s our mantra for Minecraft never have enough coal until I have like four chest fulls of blocks of coal I’m grabbing

It um Mr RS dude I don’t remember how the heck we got here we’re being we’re being honest you remember how the heck we got here I’m not even watching my screen I’m just falling all the way up I’m to a lush area but I don’t remember it being my a lush area

Huh I mean we had some kind of like janky path to get in there the bottom side remember that janky path yeah when we came back down we made like a janky path we put the bed remember I think we actually need to go back down it’s been so long I know this

Just happened the other day but it was such a whirlwind of events I like do not remember where the heck be wack okay I think we’re going to need another one to come back down but oh yes yes that’ll be easy cuz we just dig straight up just that’s right dig

Straight up or you can dig straight down right next to it either or uh let’s see newer Minecraft versions have better generation and the older ones it was more easy to get lost yeah yeah you’re probably right we’re on 1.21 gigawatts what Chi Lots cha what did you

Say um where did you go uh I should have exclamation Discord uh try it out oh you’re all right hey try exclamation Discord uh it should work if not I’ll uh me or one of the mods will pop it in here come out dude cuz I feel

Like dude I don’t even remember where the heck we went I I also blocked off a part of this tunnel with a bunch of mobs in it earlier oh okay okay o copper yes I need more of that copper bro all right so when we came back it was over here question

Mark oh boy rally I’m surprise lost that bridge across we did you build that uh the bridge cross I built when watch out there’s a Skelly uh I built that when I was fighting the warden all right so there’s stairs or oh it’s your staircase what’s this gosh dang

It I didn’t I didn’t bring my uh I didn’t bring an arrow oh one Arrow I need uh that shouldn’t be too hard let’s go get that Skelly base to some all right for sure for sure for sure dude spam your world on there I want to see

It I’m all I’m all open for it uh yeah so we’re just completely lost we don’t know where our path back up was oven’s in the wall bro bro I did I think this is is that where we came out from I think this is where we came out

From right I could be wrong I probably am wrong but I’m going to go I’m going to go R this section over here this seems Vaguely Familiar oh wait here’s a little path down here let me find you n no not that torch it’s torched but this is not the right

Way it’s not the right way I have I have an idea yeah yeah I’d like to uh explore it’s definitely not over here it’s dark so uh yep yep that’s the thing I did think it was like somewhere roughly over here though could be problem is it’s probably be like a 1

By two little Hole h well I’ll be Lava Hot Lava Hot indeed Lava Hot don’t go swimming in the Lo chat don’t you tell me what to do I’ll go swim wherever I want to kitten you tell me what to do strong independent man I don’t need

No no I do need chat dang it can’t even say that this is our tunnel down who knows dude at this rate it’s a lost cause um we’ll find it what is wait what is this solo blocked off no F buddy it was great seeing you

I’m trying to figure out where the heck you’re at it was great seeing you we’ll see you on the next one I’ll be back tomorrow 10 my yeah at the blocked off area I feel like it was is that the way we came from then uh uh I don’t know originally cuz

That’s good uh I don’t know maybe because if we have been that means that there’s a chance that if we’ve been there that’s where that M shaft was and it’s pretty dark over here holy mobs Batman uh yeah definitely wasn’t here oh there’s Diamond though can never say not a diamond I will get sidetracked to that really quick okay we do have to be careful I think I see a shrier over there you see a shrier where that’s like just full send It so many mobs it would actually be cool if the mobs could set it oh there is a streer dude yep go for that bad boy don’t let don’t let anything hit me hold the mob off you I’m holding the mobs off you all right here we

Go we take care of this too while we’re here I’m supposed to find out if Riley works tonight does Riley work tonight does Riley work tonight um I work today at we do work um oh I know who be poop is Du yeah you know who be poop is hey there’s a

Spawner over there where right across here I open today so I go in at like 2 oh dude it’s already 1:00 yeah dude uh there was a name tag and iron horse armor here get out of here another creeper across the Way uh dude yeah I mean we’re never going to find that path right it’s Mama it’s not Dana it’s Mama but iel like this was the generally maybe the right area but I I already thought that once before too so Find another geode my dude or maybe it’s the same geode find out oh dude another geode we are geod Rich oh my gosh dude this thing is expansive I don’t even know where you want to to uh the other way oh my gosh so big in here whoa chill maybe going out for a little bit later nice nice um yeah sorry so I go in at I open

At 3: but then I’m done early today cuz me and another one of the bartenders down there are going to a concert tonight in West Chicago oh nice dud all right I’m back well where you at um where that spawner was okay I’m to the right of that’s like from where we

Originally came from okay can show you where I went oh there’s a little water up that way yeah so that’s water okay here so if we go this way there’s a huge opening over here too you and I just like exploring caves like there there probably not even anything like

Good but oh I just punched my that stupid ow watch out Creeper help me Ready I’m just trying to eat my Peppers here in peace Peppers another geod that’s good and it pours my Riley protect me protect me Riley protect me they can’t get me I’m fast as [ __ ] boy nerds good job Riley good job buddy did you like that I was just just you

Know being the distraction there is that is that what I normally am is just the distraction we don’t need to talk about That is there is there like another spawner or something probably Oh dude look at all the mobs in here here that’s what I’m saying Bro uh I feel like there’s got to be one right I mean maybe just that such a large dark area but there’s lots of baddies in here dude this just keeps going too oh my gosh why do we love cave so much I’m Prett I I’m pretty M I am

Legalist with this bow dude it it feels good right dude when you there’s a a a video I haven’t uploaded yet but it’s where we got into a shiny me and toast myself that sounded good look at this big boy dude I’ve got more up here too I’m

Coming uh but dude we were just scoping just arrows flying everywhere dude it’s like we’re at Helm’s Deep it was it was so weet RS where am I finding you for this this cool big boy that you found oh it’s it’s cool he’s gone Oh I thought you found like a big cave

No a big slime oh big slime did you shoot an arrow At Me Maybe I thought I saw something I was like wait did an arrow Fly Fast good think you’re not quite legless it’s hard not hitting the homies though right dude all right so we got some lava down There he just like 360 Just Juke us how dare he nobody is safe when Riley has a bow nobody hey we’re definitely going to get lost again all right anything up top here let’s like a whole lot of nothing that’s cool though oh there’s more Pathways that break off over here creeper totally

Cool we love to see it o that’s a little that’s a little precarious uh let’s creeper under Me is he dead nope nope he is Not found him oh nice dude youus sculp it from over there I told you the bone arrow is life Chang in this game oh I should buy that yeah no kidding not having to get like close and personal yeah is’s a win being able to snipe

Right dude who needs Call of Duty as much as I hate sniping and it’s the way to Go try to make you little staircase down all right dud this is D we’re going to get so lost it just keeps going h all right dude who so chat sorry I was not really expecting to explore this much today but 27 dude look at this you look down

Here this looks treacherous let’s go ah sorry my it’s just my back no biggie no biggie I think it’s actually might come up the other side I was just looking at weird weird crevice what an odd crass notos that is right nothing like over here is probably where

You were yep that’s Right Where I Was dude good You all right brother how about this way that end oh not that end what have we here that was a g out for a second oh dude so I good Skelly watch out that’s deep like And subscribe oh my gosh that just popped up on the stream that’s on the realm that’s

Hilarious oh my Gosh all right any idea how to get back to where we were uh deep dark so tired of seeing deep dark did you come down here I don’t know where you went so now you that U kind of back to that where we kind of came down in this whole area

There’s like a million little offshoots here none of them really lead anywhere but I’m in a very narrow [Applause] Offshoot okay I’m going to try and get Back There’s not really much going on over here just a bunch of little side little side tunnels that’s all right it’s all right all right my dude I’m going start heading back to our base all right if I can find it and I’m going to go take the top side down cuz I

Know we can find the uh tunnel that way where we come from up here roll through gosh there it is staircase all right R uh I’m at the coordinates for like our kind of staircase deal I think we need them like kind of 800 930 somewhere over here anywhere near

That but all right sounds good I’m going just start heading yeah just yeah just start heading it’ll work its way out okay if you heard an explosion that means you’re close yeah dude I think I’m going the wrong way I did hear an explosion are you dead yeah that means you’re close

Dude uh but I’m not going the right way either so oh Yep this is not the way you want to go this way this way this way collectively we’re going to find our way this is it this looks good yeah oh yeah this looks right got have a hole

There whoa do you see how far it goes that direction slime Straight Ahead oh found some Diamond here as well how do we miss this the first time beautiful yeah dude I this is back home over this way correct amundo my friend uh did you pick up all the Slime

Want make so you uh where you headed what are you trying to do I want to go back and find that M shaft so I’m going to head back to our home base cuz I know we went topside down a different way right yeah so we can go down how we

Originally went down and find it that way easily see that’s what we do here Le that’s what I’m going to do uh I think this back up to home is up here I think yeah we got to go across over here cross I thought it was down here think it’s over here that

Spawner yeah okay yeah yeah yeah you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right you’re right oh yeah dude yeah we’re home well we’re not home but we’re in our little our little home base yeah the place that I the fob okay drop some stuff off here uh well if

We’re going to go back to home base I’m going to pick up some of this yeah um I’m just I’m just grabbing I’m leaving Cobblestone and tough and all the yeah all that nonsense um no I’m going to bring these torches rotten flesh yeah we’re going to leave

That don’t need that don’t need that don’t need a carrot or a spider you don’t need a carrot bro okay you got it some that up we’re good to go good the Iron’s cooking all right buddy let’s fly brother let’s do it dude it’s so fast holy cow where is

Zooming uh then I kind put some torches out here somewhere yeah we need to this home it’s kind of over this way it’s kind of a pain in the butt though um it is definitely a pain in the butt to get there yeah we’ll we’ll make this a

Little better I think if we head around this make a Skyway we could make a Skyway we just got to make it look pretty see this is where the elra would be clutch yes I think we lost other it’s fine we’ll find our way yeah I’m I’m pretty much on you

Found those torches I put down last time no I’m making my own way I’m making my own path all right bro I like it I’m making my own way we could actually just have a we should have a path underneath her base like under this whole Mountain yeah

That goes from the bridge you didn’t go through that what yeah so from our nether room that can be like our Hub yeah yeah where like from there we can get anywhere we can get to her place we can get down there we can get into our

Places oh I like she’s got some like oh uhoh that’s that doesn’t sound good Ghouls and gas and goblins the flying things are after me we need to sleep oh where they at let’s kill them let’s I want some of their goodies yeah what do we need from them uh they Dro

Some stuff that eventually we can use to uh fix the elyra when we get it you know our base does look pretty cool from here yeah weird okay I can hear him dude where are you at you can hear him I can hear him I’m trying to find them so I can find

You I’m up at her base I’m in her base oh you’re in her base oh I see dude looking at this ridiculous pile of cows oh my gosh you did look away look away don’t look at it did I think my music is done let’s see what else we find how are

They spawning rning I think they’re breeding I think she’s somehow breeding them you just walk up with a pile of weed and start yeah just go to down shoving it how heinous would that image be in real life that’s like that’s a bad episode of Law and Order or something dude

Heinous because you said heinous exactly I did GH almost 130 so stupid yes work is no fun dude unless hey are you going to be on again tomorrow though bro 10:30 right and early I’m not doing a single thing tomorrow exact what I want to he tomorrow night but that is exactly

What I want here we’ll be doing plenty of Minecraft um where do we put horse armor uh horse arm on the bottom I think it’s in the back corner yeah see just add my two little cute diamonds to the pile Oh yeah here’s the horse

Armor well the good news is if we ever get horses we’ve got some good armor I don’t think we have any yeah no diamond armor yet though the horses oh let me try to find some new Loi for lighten our day a little by little little by little bit little

By let’s see that is only five songs so that’s not going to work for us mirror mirror on the wall who has the most Redstone of them all is it you it’s you isn’t it it is us we have two hearts of the sea I like to

See it I’d like to see it didn’t even mean to do that one we need to fish we need to do a lot of fishing and get a couple conduits going yep yep we sure do some enchanting stuff all right let’s got to go for the mob drops again all

Right clean all this up Powder name tags we throw in this bad boy um hey Scott what’s up buddy you going to make your armor purple now dude can we though like don’t have to make brand new armor for that no I can just rrim my armor yeah oh yeah cool yeah I think we should do

That all right so I should only need like what four pieces oh [ __ ] hang on I need I think it’s um don’t worry I got the I got the template on me I’m going to dup it you dup the temp all right dude that’s like where the majority of

Our uh Diamond goes this like these days Correct your armor where are y I just went upstairs really quick wom minut I was taking all right where are we doing this I’m a NY man just treat me well all right be nice to it nice to that armor oh do you want the shards got them okay now you have four

Extra woo all right chat we’re going to have some nice purple trimmed armor compliments of Mr Woodson oh dude oh dude sick oh yeah brother look at that it actually does look really sweet big Fan thank you sir are you got to take all your copper out of these uh bad boys over here are you going to unmute yourself in the Discord thanks thank you I’m thinking about retrimming mine cuz right now it’s copper oh yeah the copper does look

Pretty cool though but I don’t know what I want to do though I mean I I know what I want to do but I don’t have the right tools it’s a bubber what what what are you trying to do you you know what I want netherite

With something I do black trim bro yeah yep that would be really cool yeah toast says copper looks good with netherite it sure does I don’t I don’t mind this copper with my diamond to be honest no the copper with the diamond looks pretty sweet I do like this purple I feel like

The purple would look really nice with netherite El actually like that would be pretty pretty sweet toasty’s in nice all right he needs to show me where he mined all that netherite dude I need to I need to go do that oh my gosh you’re feing I know All I’ve Ever Wanted

Black that is kind of your aesthetic though in all fairness yes like holy uh I’m trying to decide I like I had something I was going to do here next and I cannot remember what the heck was I going to do we were going to go try and explore that

M shaft oh that’s what we’re do I have to get off and like okay let me let me think let me be a bad employee and see how late I can show up if I show up at 2:45 right that means I leave I need to

Leave here at 2:20 okay which means I need to shower at 2 showering is overrated dude I toast show off uh uh this is where we went look at this dude throwing all these templates down here he’s a mad man I don’t even want to see oh that’s Disgusting netherite inot dude what a oh my gosh what just happened what did I walk out into this this is what happened let me open up your inventory yeah look at all what is This oh my gosh and the worst part is does he have there he literally has all of them but the thing is I’m too big of a dweeb I’m like I want to get them myself oh wait no no no they’re all going into I guess this way I can

Actually look at them there you go that’s cool I Think You’re missing two or three well you got quite a bit where’d he go where do he where’d he go you don’t ask that question you’re not allowed to know toast just peers and he leaves that’s it yeah but is does he not

Want this stuff back I don’t think so and so he gave you he gave us eight ingots so we could trim armor with black oh my gosh such a sweet angel I’m going to kiss you come here I’m going to do something really dumb I made it that was close uh R I

Think I’m going the right way get down I don’t fully remember but we’re going to find out think we went over this way I think I think that’s where we go right yeah we go we bust through this bad boy uh yeah everything’s fine Chad everything’s

Fine I just don’t remember how to get back to that area so the what’s pretty NE is the um the Dune I I think the Dune is my favorite okay and my featuring my skin currently in this realm is Paul a Tres from the movie Dune there you go dude meant to be

Yes I’ve not even seen Phoenix’s build Yet all right um how am I going to do this I’m kind of tired of getting lost in these M shafts oh this is a dangerous little one all right all right I’m here for it dude the auto Miner is really cool that’s cool there’s so complicated to

Build at least for my small feeble brain yeah I’ve got to go check out sky build I haven’t seen that I haven’t seen what Phoenix is doing there’s a there’s a lot I’ve have not seen yet in this realm maybe we’ll have to go in a tour

Tomorrow maybe I get everybody on we’ll do a little Tour where sky place I no clue bro all right care about Iron it’s kind of a problem like sometimes going through these places I’m like my equipment is too good the pickaxes that we have and everything are too Good all right and I’m grabbing all these uh I’m grabbing all these little rails because I figure at this point we’re we’re doing enough like railing that sounds bad God that was not the phrasing to use um we we’re making enough rail systems that it’s worth it to grab them especially if

We’re close to home how mind I’ll be resourceful did toast just get on to drop tempet off what a mad man just drops in is like hey here’s every template in the game pretty much see you love to see it all right Chad there hasn’t been a

Whole lot in this I mean we did have that one little section but besides that the loot has been fairly light we can go up there so that is a win oh you have to use a template nowadays to turn your stuff into netherite who scared the crap out me where you

At uh I’m down in the uh M yeah I forgot that my stream here there we go just went down while you’re doing your thing find any goodies in here not a whole lot so far but that’s all right can I just keep on checking

Kitten does your cat have a name or are you just calling it kitten I call him all kinds of things but I his name is Crowley Crowley that’s cool that’s cool dude what’s that from Supernatural ah I I’ve only watched like the first three three seasons of that show I think

You are missing out my brother see I started watching it but there was a stipulation so my buddy who you know do actually CH he got me into it so I told him i’ would watch it but he had to watch Parks wreck so I watched three

Seasons waiting for him to start parks and R and he didn’t start it so out of he started and finished it by now he hasn’t even touched it dude hasn’t even touched it he refuses I’m like that was the deal it’s a monster and now I’m missing

Out on a good show because my pride is is a little too much you Know but I can’t lose on this one R you can’t I mean and did he tell me he was going to watch it technically no but I assume so that’s now his fault that’s it’s now his problem that I assume that okay seems fair right yeah yeah I’d say yeah that’s I was

Thinking I think s of fair too oh goodness the ovens were full I did not know that of copper and food and stuff yes that’s actually a cool little area in here oh dude we’ve actually already been here there was like nothing in this m shaft very little I’m not completely done going

Through yet but not not a lot so far but good news is we’re finding some coal I guess I don’t know I guess I don’t know what I’m expecting to find down here honestly this R I’m not sure but I just was expecting to find some more name

Tags more uh more armor for the horses if we come across the diamond armor that would be that be topnotch side is done uh goodness where else does this does this go anywhere else we might be about at its limit for this m shaft there is where was the original

Entrance oh was in my house yeah it’s in your house dude in my room in your room yes sir okay I got about 20 minutes and then I have to last pretty much the rest of the day deal well I mean there’s not too much crazy going on right now my man

I’ve already gone through this whole thing there and I only have to work until like 5:30 Little 3 hour Shifty here for it get yeah I’m thinking there bunch of skeletons over there those guys are going to murk me got to 3v1 some skeletons here no biggie no

Biggie they don’t know I’m using the meta right now get that meta uh chat video at the end for meta Loadout meta build all right wrong direction yeah I think I I think I hit that wait why is there a magma block here oh D this goes underw oh

Riley this cool what I like dug through and this just goes into this like water area yeah so have you we still have not even we haven’t tched the bulk of the beginning of this cave yeah dude I was like oh yeah we already hit it all no no no no

No not even like remotely yeah like I found this other little little waterfall area oh yeah dude we got a lot to do in here uh let me know when you’re down your cave to like the kind of the uh Minecraft or the mine cart area I’m currently attempting to search

For one of the gravestones oh all right here for it you know I’m thinking about aggroing this uh Enderman because like we need more IE Vender like we need more of those in our lives Generally Hey I found youy so I really want to say I was in this area but for sure I mean there’s torches here so that’s a good sign yeah problem is I wish I wish it would like light up the uh tombstone in a certain way or something

Yeah I mean the fact that it’s there I’m thankful for that yeah that’s a big win uh yeah goodness um yeah where the if I take a second protect can you protect me so I can go to the stream from Thursday well where are you still back up top I Dro

Down and come back up though yeah I’m kind of right where you saw me or right where you R into me all right let me get up there oh there you are yeah I’ll protect maybe get away from the edge yeah dude look at us right now just a

Couple of cool looking boys some arrows in us oh it looks like Phoenix is in a deep dark as well is he here swear okay yes sir yes sir two days ago look at you in your apocalypse looks good right it’s good look for me oh dude we went through here for sure

I remember going through this area with you Woo I’m I’m Scrubbing cuz it should pop up in the chat should yeah s it’s I I was hoping I could scroll back uh today and look but when you had died I had already yeah You’ already died Twice Chad I got to eat my that burst keep forgetting this is my snack so why to get the snack on it I’m hoping that it showed Riley died and says where H that’s right baby pepper Min Peppers mouthful of pepper lots of pepper no biggy we’re trying to find R uh lost

My armor okay that’s when no luck I’m still looking let’s try some I’m going to try and look Too I can’t go back in the chat far you know what I mean as soon as we sign out it’s gone yeah well we going find it there’s me with some armor On uh I thought you were like right down that main area this where I died hold I found where I Died was think where I Died huh well we’re going to figure this out I thought you were closer to I thought you’re closer to like where we defeated the warden I think so which means I need to go down yeah I thought we went like over this way cuz I think our like little bed was

Over here somewhere wasn’t It yes yeah this is where we put our bed right here we came back with no armor right there then we wrapped through here found our way down this is where I thought I triggered a second Warden but maybe not I think we have to go through this way to get to the

Border yeah this is back to the main area then over here yeah I was thinking you were like downloaded have to find where the heck that happened at what a crazy like area this whole okay so this is when you trigger it the first Time I D it so crazy oh is it hold on that’s all relative I’m going to find yeah feel we should have him up it was an accident uh so that s though right well that didn’t sound good did I die in water the second time well I didn’t see where you died

But I’m I’m trying to watch it I it like set up on my other screen I’m like trying to watch us while playing are you down there dude there are noises and I don’t know what’s happening oh my gosh dude we’re never going to find

This I mean it it it is down here somewhere there’s that like it legitimately is down here somewhere but dude where did he come from I think he snuck up behind us cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I we had a third player let’s

See so here’s the thing if I look at my chat I found where happened but if I look in my chat it doesn’t tell me the location of your death Mark so so let’s see you got obliterated sonically charged streak and then you got killed by a skeleton the second time

Yes the skeleton that’s where I need to find where I died and you don’t remember where that was right all right all right but it was on my way to try and find the first one obviously right so we’re like it’s got to be around here

Relatively I don’t think I made it as far down So yeah I feel like you weren’t all the way down here when that happened so you’re probably like on your Venture on your Trek here you got Clapped the issue is that it’s kind of it’s like a cobblestone grave and it is a little hard to see right kind of Blends in with a lot of this like I said though I’m very glad to have it over not have Maybe oh Gosh oh I see a I see a shrier that I I was Riley I was getting shot by uh gosh darn leave where would I go I’m not slowly running through a deep dark area that we’ve not completely cleared so I’m playing a bit of a dangerous game here

But worth it worth it we’re going to find you got rid of that shrier come here zom Bet huh well I know how to figure this out I can’t figure it out uh I just stumbled on it no you did yep dude well I got to come see I got to come see where you’re at I’m uh negative 570 955 570 555 955 you’re somewhere like over here dude

What’s your height um -20 dude yeah you’re like right over here oh did I find you what’s up bro there you go there we go that’s sick I barely had anything on me that’s funny did you just have the armor uh the armor and a sword that’s some recovery gear if I’ve

Ever seen that yeah Oh goodness I’m glad we found that dude I just like randomly was jumping up this little Hill and then it was in front of my face I was like dude it’s actually really funny cuz look you just found that over there I came this way and I messed

Up I was like oh it’s crazy that like literally when I was talking about how it’s a cobblestone grave this is where I was running through this section right here I was like it’s it’s a cobblestone we probably won’t see it and I was right here I went this way like how

Ironic in Minecraft what in Minecraft the time yeah you should just hop off dude let’s don’t push it man we got tomorrow right I don’t have a whole lot I’m doing I’m going to go like topside probably organize some stuff you know you don’t need to stress your day right dude I mean you do whatever you

Want you want to I do want to get back out of here though yeah that’s what I’m doing I’m going back to get out we’ve spent like our entire day down here yeah we still have more to do so much more to do uh get done early

Tomorrow or what uh I’m going to try I was hoping to get some recording done early I was hoping you guys would want to get in on it too so dude flying absolutely zoom in dude we got to make a path to this bad boy maybe we should make that a point of

Order tomorrow yeah we can build a little Highway maybe we’ll build that I want to finish my other house I was building but there’s a skeleton around here somewhere oh dude I got those was yellow pepper burps didn’t know that was a thing but apparently it

Is yeah dude we could just make a path all the way through the bottom of this from our bridge I think that’d actually be pretty cool like I said from that nether room would be yeah the nether room and it goes it can lead down to that bridge

Maybe like we get into a rail card I just got a bunch of uh rails for the rail card anyways if we want to do That get out of here zombie get out of here I’m trying to get some coal before I got to go to Work at least the show’s going to be sick yeah dude who who you going to see who are we going to see tonight RS um the headliner is born of Osiris we have uh definitely heard of them for sure rings of Saturn and the Browning opening up for

Them I’m yeah I know all three of those bands very well yep yep yeah I mean I have seen you wear a flush God apocalypse shirt yes especially um rings of brown Saturn rings of brown Saturn yes that’s actually super group the two of them they play a couple songs

Together I wouldn’t expect you to know it Riley like I know you’re not it’s not your world you know M um yeah J I am lying through my teeth yeah there’s there has to be a a direct path we’ll just have to get the coordinates um you mean -6 22900 those

Coordinates that’s uh that’s the elevator yep that’s the elevator right so we’ll take that me zoom over Dude under underground build a little tunnel yes not even going to ask Rog permission we’re just going to do no like what did you guys Do what a yeah we made I wonder wonder if we could figure out I Mean I wonder if that’s a silly thing to do considering we can get down there really fast yeah from my room we have to remember that that that cave starts underneath my room we can do that pretty quick we can make a more convenient path from I guess your room

You know yeah but we also do we also need to just build a bridge over to her house anyways yes yes so definitely should do that a very like big bridge big boist Bridge you still have do you still have that armor STI in here I don’t even know dude it’s been

Destroyed picked up moved stolen I don’t even know anymore dude my armor is sick I could not agree more that’s some pretty thickly looking armor all right let’s drop off some eyeballs drop off some strength uh do we have any more mob drops on us yes we have bones I think that’s it

Uh golden apples we need a let’s say is it golden or an enchanted I couldn’t couldn’t remember what we had we’re still on 12 though apples between the two Enchanted goldens and the 10 regular got a bunch of golden carrots on us too so it’s not not a bad Day like I know we didn’t do anything too incredibly crazy today but I did have fun just kind of goofing about and going caveen going spelunk and that’s that’s always a good time those Stone diorite all this nonsense let’s get rid of uh this that’s jungle

Wood this whole inventory I I I got to say this whole inventory system is really uh coming together nicely feeling feeling pretty good about it where everything is Yes Off um what’s I doing here Dro off Shield all right buddy you hopping off hell was a pleasure as always playing some video Gams with you woo I forgot I was sharing my sharing your screen I wasn’t I wasn’t anymore let’s see this is like a giant wall what I

Don’t know why we haven’t made a blast for it seems like a bit of an oversight look like a bit of an oversight here all right chat so what Riley’s saying is he and I think it’s a good idea is to make this our Central hub from here to connect to pretty much

A bunch of areas and then they can have like kind of separate sub little categories subsections I think this whole place goes the shinies uh we can do a path around the backside as well uh on the other side of this actually going down is what leads to where we’re going

To put in the whole uh um the whole uh the bridge cross to sh to rogue’s place we could also just do nether portal hubs as well um all right buddy I’ll uh [ __ ] my friend yeah I will see you see you later alligator tomori abely did you say app app so

Rely uh I need to find some I’m going to go put on some gold boots get a quick little venture into The Nether here do it I dare you don’t have long though so I’m like I want to oh you talk about uh new 100 days tomorrow fresh freshm that’s what

I’m talking about new 100 days fresh Realm might have to happen I got got to check the bank account make sure I can open another uh server and you know I’m also happy to I can open up one real fast that’s fine all right d we we we’ll we’ll chat

About it shoot me a text a textual message and should we do I feel like we should do it in the beta in the beta yes what do you mean in the like the tester uh we can the only issue is filming from my point of

View that’s right it’s only real issue I run into with that uh yeah we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out indeed dude I need morean all right buddy talk to you later all right adios adios uh check I need to go find a flint

And steel and I want to just make I think we should just make a nether portal to the uh the other base I think that’d be a great idea I don’t know why the heck we didn’t think about that already uh I don’t know where we put flint and steel

Ey I know we had some somewhere chat my kids comeing up to say bye I’m going to mute really quick I’ll be right back You All right y’all we are back sorry about that all right we have obsidian we have flinton steel we drop off my good boots before we go we need two more obsidian here which is fine because where we’re going plenty of that um so we’re going to head down I I don’t

Know I’m not fully certain about this one but I was thinking why don’t we just make another let’s just do another Hub that’s like that’s we didn’t discuss this but I think he’s going to be cool then if not then whatever we’ll do it the uh the other way but that just seems

Like such a maybe a smarter play on this so we’ll head over Um you know I should have brought a second thing of water yeah let’s do that before we go we yeah we want a second thing of water so we make our two obsidian right that’s how I’m trying to remember chat um yeah let’s grab another bucket here crafting table’s upstairs let’s go grab

It that did not work at all perfect love to see it take two buckets just in case we have an extra thing of water it is possible you can mess up making this you can actually make cobblestone instead so we should have the extra one here just in case of

Emergencies let’s head over yeah we don’t have too terribly long here we have like 10 15 minutes let’s get over there let’s get this built uh I’ve got a soccer game to get to here and maybe a haircut we’ll see if they can get me in But we got to be quick as Lightning get there build our portal uh get the coordinates we’ll probably just end up building gosh we’ll probably end up building our path tomorrow uh yeah I don’t know we’re have to end up building our path tomorrow Honestly the grand steem of things are really not too far from our house so uh in the in I was going to say the underworld but in the um the nether it really shouldn’t be that long on the portal has this one right here we actually could kind

Of could fire this one back up but I think we’ll wait think let’s go make our own down there we can get around a little little more quickly all right I know we’ve gone here like 12 times but I’m trying to remember it’s over here right it’s over

Here um yep over here there’s our pillar beautiful it’s exactly what we’re looking for more oh crap shoot this one this is not the way to get down because we did this weird uh okay fine fine we’ll just do it the other way we we dig down this way it’s fine

This was a little silly just keep going so I don’t know which side we’re going to be digging into though so I don’t know if we’re going to be on the correct side that’s fine the goodness is we shouldn’t hit any big drops here uh just because of

How close we are we pretty much know everything we’re going to see uh CU that’s two blocks away from other our other little one let’s get our breath oh we can’t get our breath here might be getting into some dangerous territory here chat here we go oh

Good all right we drop down put our portal In we’ll see where we’re at in the nether I like we have to be Close thought we were at the bottom I was sorely incorrect right but we shouldn’t really have too much more to go so let’s just keep on keep on cooking here come on come on we can do it we can do it and don’t drown swle don’t Dr

Sley there it isoo say that’d be a little embarrassing right go grab ourselves obsidian really quick from the bottom side over here uh I think we should do this in the lava lake I think it has to be a place of um I think the Lava can’t be moving when we do

It think if we do this there you go or I could just used any of that obsidian over there uh fine we’re going to leave those water sources then that was silly let’s just grab gra this obsidian over here really quick I forgot that we had this from when we F the

Warden there we go we should have 10 obsidian on us perfect we do now let’s go make ourselves a little uh Little Portal no worse than digging down into lava that’s right we don’t want to dig down into lava we’ve definitely done that before uh do we have a good little spot

That we want this Though actually might be kind of cool to do in the middle of this whole area what why am I doing this chat I’m crazy I mean like it would be kind of cool but that’s so crazy all right we’re doing it right here oh we got James in here or we got

Stanley in here today just for anybody that’s not very well versed if you’re building over lava in Minecraft it’s generally a good idea to have a water bucket on me generally but you know sometimes break the rules over here in our neck of the woods this goes out

To oh gosh who’s James I knew it all right uh got that let’s set up our portal here two three beautiful fin up the top of this now our the proud owner we’re brand new nether portal uh I’m going to build a little lip around the back side of this just in

Case we come out of there a little hot we don’t want to get even hotter all right let’s light this up oh cat and that is why you I always carry water with me but we used it we usually carry water but we used it on that one oh my

Gosh all right let’s see where we end up like I said we shouldn’t end up too terribly F it’s too close chat it’s too CL it’s too close that it used the other portal okay so we are going to have to do a top side one then that stinks and now it takes me here instead all right we’re going to have to deactivate this

One we’re going to have to deactivate that one uh okay that was not ideal that was not what we were looking to do here I was concerned that it’ be too close um so that means I think that means it’s within 100 blocks in the nether distance which is why we can’t do

It so we will have to do a top side uh little top side version of that so I am just trying to see who’s at my house no biggie all right uh that was not great but hey but hey dang I was really I was really

Thinking we were going to be far enough away on that going go ahead and give us a little infinite water down here here just in case we need it for whatever reason we might as well since we’re here we go all righty oh we got a little creeper we

Don’t see too many of you guys spawning down in these parts I mean it is not it’s not perfectly lit down here though that is 100% sure especially Behind These like waterfalls I think there’s some areas uh yeah like right back here that are pretty dark oh yeah this whole

Area whole area is super dark this is a little creeper Haven well we have been over here so that’s good yeah I was going to say I think this where we told uh Rogue to go grab that part of the uh the skuller or whatever the shrier huh

All right well yeah a for effort D for execution couldn’t agree more um and concept in theory really that was a good idea we’ll do it the nether portal style honestly we could go a little further out uh and try it but it’s really not worth it uh at this

Rate huh well chat I think we’re just about uh just about here for the day I was going to go till about 2:30 but I don’t really have much else uh to get done for the day I guess I guess really quick let’s here I’ll tell you what we

Will do we’ll just zip back up to the top we’ll head back over to our base And and we’re going to figure out what to do for the top side you know I I do like the concept of like building something underneath I swear it’s every every time it’s night time when we get uh so build like a little path underneath uh to get over here we can do

A rail cart system or something I do like that um or even for that matter we could just do like a cool like path and once we get horses we’ll be like we can fly in and out we can use the um the temple over there as like another

Storage area for the horses not a bad idea I’ve got the house that I’m building that I’m I was I don’t know I was thinking about maybe finishing tomorrow uh or on our next stream after that um but that’s going to have plenty of room for like I think I think I’ll

Have room for like six horses in there uh so we might might have to make that more of a priority and go find some horses also there’s some camels that we know where they are but they are a bit of a it’s a bit of a voyage to get the

Camels but the camels would be cool too to have so I’ll kind of ponder that today a little bit and kind of make a plan of attack for uh for tomorrow and in the following stream and kind of see get our head around what we need to do

Uh cuz it might not be a bad day for venturing tomorrow if we’re going to get the horses uh their their pins are roughly made I mean we could store horses in there horses donkeys um we could technically stor him in there it’s just it’s not the prettiest thing in the World oh that’s weird that one why did it defeat one of them and the other one didn’t maybe it’s a little bit of fall damage maybe they took a tiny bit that’s the Difference interesting yeah so that’s really kind of where we need to get our head at for uh for tomorrow what are we going to do I know R will be back on uh I’m guessing some of the other gang will I know Phoenix is on at least right now I think

Fenix is free tomorrow we’re going to try and do some early morning recording uh for our 100 days underground series we had to scrub the first part because the footage got destroyed uh got corrupted though not ideal but that’s all right cuz we kind of didn’t love the

Way we did it the first time so it does give us a good opportunity to go back through and uh figure some of that out all right man what a bummer though what a bummer with the nether portal I was really hoping that was going to come

In clutch and be a big win there store that up uh I should have grabbed the rest of that obsidian back probably but that’s fine what do we have here a little Cobblestone dirt random building blocks is what we have cestone de let’s get this put

Away you didn’t touch it so you didn’t corrupt it that’s fair we’ll let you off the hook this time James this one time you’re off the hook uh andite is right over here all right that’s fine we can put the rest of that all away next time

Anyways y’all it was a fun day I appreciate everybody hanging out it was uh like today we didn’t really have much of a plan but that’s totally all right with me sometimes it’s nice to have these chill days where we don’t really have much going on and we can kind of

Just Venture and see what kind of trouble we can get into which is usually ends up making for some funny times um yeah y’all we’ll be back tomorrow morning 10:30 a.m. Central Standard time I wouldn’t assume we’re going to be starting early if I can get the guys on

Board with recording so rather record that and get finally finally get a long form video put back out if been a long time long time too long but y’all it’s been a blast thank you so much for hanging out have a great evening be safe be healthy don’t get into any

Trouble and I’ll see you on the next one Sly out

This video, titled ‘🔴 Minecraft Live Stream | Stream 161 🔴’, was uploaded by Swarly on 2023-12-16 20:40:32. It has garnered 54 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:29 or 12509 seconds.

🔴 Minecraft Live Stream | Stream 161 🔴

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    Minecraft Bedrock: Ultimate Jujutsu Kaisen Mod The Exciting World of Jujutsu Kaisen Mod for Minecraft Bedrock Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Jujutsu Kaisen within Minecraft Bedrock? Look no further than the Jujutsu Kaisen Awakening Mod, created by the talented @heroicmaps1138. This mod brings the beloved characters and elements of Jujutsu Kaisen into the blocky world of Minecraft, offering players a unique and immersive experience. Discover the Jujutsu Kaisen Awakening Mod With the Jujutsu Kaisen Awakening Mod, players can explore a variety of features inspired by the popular anime and manga series. From powerful cursed techniques to iconic characters like Gojo,… Read More

  • The ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธinecraft ๐Ÿ…ฑ๏ธealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

    Minecraft Memes - Lukewarm mob voting experienceLooks like this meme got voted off the island by the mobs! Read More

  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

    Debt to Duo: Dave's SMP Woe! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Dave made a mistake, it may sound like a dream. But in Duo SMP, where teamwork is key, One wrong move can lead to a catastrophe. The viewers all gasped, as Dave’s error was shown, But Kroberto kept calm, in a rhyming tone. He described the mishap with humor and wit, Turning a blunder into a viral hit. So if you’re a fan of Minecraft and fun, Check out Kroberto’s stream, where the rhymes never shun. Subscribe, like, and follow along with the crew, For more epic moments and rhymes… Read More

  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects

    Minecraft Skinwalker Sound Effects Minecraft: The Skinwalker – Unleashing Terrifying Sound Effects Within the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, a new mod has emerged to send shivers down players’ spines. The Skinwalker mod, created by the talented @masoniscool864, introduces a chilling atmosphere with its spine-tingling sound effects and eerie encounters. Exploring the Depths of Fear As players venture into the dark woods, they may encounter mysterious entities like the Man from the Fog, the Cavedweller, and the Goatman. Each of these creatures brings a unique sense of dread, amplified by the haunting sound effects that accompany their presence. The Man from the… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: Modpack download: Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More

  • Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!

    Haunted Minecraft Lady Jumpscare!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DEMON LADY JUMPSCARE ๐Ÿ˜ญ#minecraft #fivenight #gaming #horrorgaming #scary #minecraftmeme’, was uploaded by Oldgamerj300 on 2024-05-01 05:35:49. It has garnered 11314 views and 253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • “Insane Gamer Block Craft – Ultra Realistic Minecraft!” #shorts

    "Insane Gamer Block Craft - Ultra Realistic Minecraft!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Realistic minecraft #shorts #blast #water’, was uploaded by Gamer Block Craft on 2024-05-06 16:35:36. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Read More

  • Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft – SHOCKING!

    Adopt Mikey the Enderman MIND in Minecraft - SHOCKING!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey Spikey on 2024-02-14 15:00:23. It has garnered 594232 views and 3231 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:47 or 947 seconds. JJ Control Enderman MIND to ADOPT Mikey in Minecraft (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you will enjoy my videos! Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!

    Ultimate Minecraft Goal! Donate Rp. 40,000 = End Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live: Setiap Donasi Rp40.000 = TAMATIN Minecraft 1 Kali… (hari 4)’, was uploaded by Clementdav on 2024-03-30 12:20:07. It has garnered 15017 views and 758 likes. The duration of the video is 03:27:12 or 12432 seconds. Livestream Minecraft Indonesia: Every donation = Speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft… Every donation of IDR 40,000 = I have to speedrun TAMATIN Minecraft random seeds (don’t use seeds) and can reset. ๐Ÿ™ Donate: Minimum IDR 40,000 ONLY FOR THIS LIVE, Text to Speech, Can GIF & Media Share Note: 1. You can also donate in multiples of 40k, for example… Read More

  • Fenwo’s Final Console Stream – Unleash the Mystical Hive

    Fenwo's Final Console Stream - Unleash the Mystical HiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Mystical Hive Live (Last Console Stream)’, was uploaded by Fenwo on 2024-05-19 22:11:33. It has garnered 1133 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:06 or 8766 seconds. Minecraft hive or zeqa or cubecraft live stream NEW STICKERS Pack is my classic mash I have a video on it Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Collab: Fubuki Introduces Haato to Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haato’s First Exposure To Minecraft [Fubuki POV] (Part 1/3)’, was uploaded by StrawHaaton on 2024-03-19 04:00:34. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:16 or 1636 seconds. HAACHAMA Ch: Heart of Akai: Fubuki Ch. Shirakami Fubuki: Source: Haato & Fubuki_Let’s make diamond blocks together in Minecraft! [Privated] 11 July 2018 ID: 64H0-5Ag96M Haato’s (edited) POV is still public! Thank you for watching and sorry for not knowing Japanese. If you want to use this clip and upload it on your own channel with translations, PLEASE… Read More

  • “OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! ๐Ÿคฏ” #viral #shorts #trending

    "OMG! Herobine sighted in Minecraft!! ๐Ÿคฏ" #viral #shorts #trendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobine spotted In Minecraft!๐Ÿ˜ถ๐Ÿฅถ #trending #viral #shorts #short #minecraft #comedy #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Azeem boyy on 2024-01-07 04:45:48. It has garnered 5021 views and 207 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Herobrine Spotted!๐Ÿฅถ๐Ÿ˜จ๐Ÿ˜ฑ #shorts #short #viral #minecraft #herobrine #trending #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe @Bebu @minecraft Tags used ๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿป minecraft, techno gamerz camera man Minecraft video Minecraft herobrine 1. Crafting 2. Redstone 3. Mods 4. Biomes 5. Enchanting 6. Exploration 7. Villagers 8. Nether 9. Ender Dragon 10. Adventure Maps1. Survival 2. Creative 3. Redstone 4. PvP (Player vs Player)… Read More

  • DJ dk’s Malibu Love Song – Subscribe Now!

    DJ dk's Malibu Love Song - Subscribe Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘#bhojpuri #pleasesubscribe #malibu #shortvideo #bhojpuri_status #minecraft #dj #ginfizz #song #new’, was uploaded by Love you DJ dk on 2024-02-19 04:03:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • HowlSteal

    HowlStealThere are many lifesteal servers, but there is only one Lifesteal, and is where you will find it! We strive to be the best available public lifesteal server there is and we are constantly innovating and adding new features, hosting events and giveaways, and listening to our community. Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants PetTeleport

    Server Information: Java & Bedrock IP: Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): Join our Discord server Online In-game map: Check out our online map Features: Backwards compatibility with latest Minecraft version Cross-play between Bedrock and Java (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Teleport mobs with a lead Free fly in the overworld every Sunday Land claiming with ProtectionStones Bartering economy system No griefing Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging and player teleportation options Minecraft-Discord integration for community interaction Responsive staff Voting ranks and rewards Server… Read More

  • tedsstr

    asdasdasdasdas das as asdas das das asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd a das asd das as asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd asd ad s asd ads ads asd asd asd asd asd da s das ads asd das da ads da ads ad a ds ads ad s ad ads Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Me after a cave bender!

    Minecraft Memes - Me after a cave bender!Me after leaving the cave: “I may have left the cave, but the cave never truly leaves me. It’s like a permanent echo chamber in my soul, reminding me of all the times I got lost and panicked in the darkness.” Read More

  • Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality!

    Cube Xuan: MC Players Unleash Fifth Personality! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Players explore, build, and survive. But when they venture into the realm of Identity V, The fifth personality adds a new level of glee. With fans urging me to give it a try, I jump in, ready to soar and fly. Choosing the cheerleader, a popular pick, I motivate him with passive skills, quick and slick. As the heartbeat pounds, I encourage him on, Stacking up his strength, until the fear is gone. But when he falls, I boost him up high, With 28 layers of health, he’s ready to defy…. Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up at him!” #minecraft #minecraftmeme Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Artistry and Community Thrive Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and most exciting updates from the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk to you about the art of storytelling in Minecraft and how it can bring people together in a fun and engaging way. Have you ever watched a hilarious Minecraft video like the one titled “Minecraft: ๅน็‰›ไนŸๆ˜ฏไธ€้—จโ€œ่‰บๆœฏโ€๏ผŒ็›ด็”ทๅƒไธ‡ๅˆซๅ’Œๅฅณ็”Ÿ่ฎฒ้“็†ใ€ๆˆ‘็š„ไธ–็•Œๆ–นๅ—่ฝฉใ€‘” and wished you could be a part of that creative and entertaining community? Well, now you can! Join us on Minewind, a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft server where players from all over the world come together to build, explore, and… Read More

  • Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6!

    Mastering the WOLF SHELTER in Minecraft 1.20.6! The Optimistic Gamer’s Wolf Shelter Tutorial for Minecraft 1.20.6 Welcome to another exciting build tutorial by The Optimistic Gamer! Today, we will be constructing the Dog House from the Optimistic Survival series. This build has been highly requested, and we are thrilled to guide you through creating a wolf-themed shelter to protect your furry friends. Let’s dive right in! Materials and Foundation To start, gather your Dark Oak Logs and place them strategically to form the structure’s base. Create a sturdy foundation by placing the logs in a specific pattern, leaving gaps for windows and doors. Utilize stone bricks… Read More

  • Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!

    Shocking Raizen Encounter with Monster JJ DogDay!Video Information I didn’t realize there would be so much interesting stuff in the lab trash yeah these are all old grw inventions it’s pretty cool that we came here yes there is why didn’t he tell us about his dump before I want to take something home well let’s keep [Music] moving wa no Mikey are you okay how did you get in there I don’t know this must be an old underground dump it’s so high up up here let’s go see what’s up there there’s something down there wao ah wo who’s that I don’t know some… Read More

  • Rare Minecraft PSX Footage Uncovered

    Rare Minecraft PSX Footage UncoveredVideo Information so before we start today uh I actually have to talk to you guys about something uh this is probably the most interesting bit of information I’ve received since I’ve started the channel and [Music] um yeah I think it would be safe to say that this is uh very very interesting to say the least so as some of you know I was supposed to upload this video yesterday but I ended up being busy turns out being busy was actually a blessing in disguise because I got an interesting email yesterday so let’s pull it up… Read More

  • Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ

    Dangerous Secret Revealed About Minecraft Players! ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information This video, titled ‘2 Types Of Minnecraft Players๐Ÿ˜ | #minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by Muqeeth-BG on 2024-05-08 16:42:00. It has garnered 21 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 2 Types Of Minnecraft Players๐Ÿ˜ | #minecraft #minecraftmemes #shorts . . Hey There, Iam Muqeeth I upload Minecraft And BlockmanGO Contents. Hope U enjoy my videos and content . . . #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes types of minecraft minecraft types shorts,minecraft,types of minecraft players which minecraft player are you? minecraft shorts minecraft memes minecraft funny minecraft tiktok minecraft meme shorts funny minecraft shorts… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ  Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2

    ๐Ÿ  Blockitecture Revealed: EPIC Modern House Tutorial #2Video Information Minecraft Simple house tutorial! This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tutorial: Ultimate Modern House #2 ๐Ÿ ’, was uploaded by Blockitecture on 2024-05-29 16:05:37. It has garnered 41 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:35 or 1295 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft creation – a stunning modern house! Join me as I take you on a tour of this sleek architectural masterpiece. From the spacious living area with floor-to-ceiling windows to the luxurious master suite and outdoor entertainment area, this house has it all. Whether you’re a Minecraft enthusiast or simply love beautiful designs, this is one… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY – EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    EPIC Minecraft 1.20.4 LONGPLAY - EmilyTheDemon Unleashed! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Honey Honey – Minecraft 1.20.4 Relaxing Modded Longplay (No Commentary) – Ep 27’, was uploaded by EmilyTheDemon on 2024-03-14 21:00:26. It has garnered 63 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:52:56 or 10376 seconds. Built another side for the honey farm for bottled honey, bred up a few nests in case anyone needs one, and went exploring for some warm ocean treasure. Playing on Minecraft 1.20.4 Java for Mac (M1 mini) ||Graphics Mods|| Iris: Complementary Shaders: Texture Packs from [Feel free to reach out if you’re interested in… Read More

  • Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with Saucari

    Unleashing Evil in Minecraft Hive with SaucariVideo Information I actually didn’t mean to go live oh shoot uh embarrassing I mean [ __ ] my shit’s not charged bro this is this is this is uh this is embarrassing uh it’s going to take a minute to set up [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] what’s this [ __ ] are we locked in and step this way and step this way and step this way I’m not signed in bro why am I not signed in hello tilt who the [ __ ] is bro I’m not emo tilt… Read More