INSANE Minecraft Maizen Animation CHALLENGE: JJ and Mikey vs Neighbor

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in this video we will find an abandoned house and there we press the lever not knowing what it will open from there we’ll be monsters not my neighbors and attack the village as we stop them see in the video These boards will be enough for us to rebuild the house then let’s run home quickly come on we’re almost there just a little more yeah I’m right behind you here just a few more things to fix and that’s it we’re free let’s fix it up and go have fun I’m tired of fixing up your house you should have built it with bricks like me that’s it I’ve done everything now we can go to rest what shall we do really I thought it would be till night look there’s an abandoned house over there it’s true I don’t remember it why don’t we go see what’s inside it maybe we’ll find something interesting why not let’s see what’s inside the house who’s stopping us I think this house has no owners so no one will stop Us JJ that’s what I meant use your brain and read between the lines I’ll knock this wood out with my axe it’s a good thing I didn’t put it out after our work well let’s see what’s inside I’m already curious it seems seems there is nothing interesting here everything is cobwebbed and abandoned let’s look in the other rooms maybe they left something for us I don’t see any forgotten things or anything that might be of interest to us there was another room let’s go and see what’s in it as they say last chance to find something worthwhile just as I thought there’s nothing here either I think someone’s been here before us oh what’s that lever what happens if I pull it would it open some kind of Secret Door don’t make it up there’s no secret door they only show that in the movies we’ve wasted our time let’s go do something else yeah let’s go have some fun I’m tired of working all day [Music] oh look a resident is worried about something what do you think happened I think he sold the rotten flesh one Emerald cheaper and now he’s worried about it yeah then let him worry about it let’s go let’s not distract him [Music] [Music] there’s some sort of fair let’s go see what they have in stock maybe we can get something for ourselves sure let’s have a look he sells cereal I love it and this one seems to sell Christmas decorations look it’s toys he’s 100% popular at the fair and this is the Apple Baron look how many varieties of apples he has in his tent I’m not really interested in anything here shall we keep walking what else are we going to do we have to entertain ourselves somehow let’s go on an adventure that’s what we need soccer good fun [Music] [Music] goal I win Mikey pH I’m tired let’s go back to the fair and get some food as you can see I’m hungry great idea let’s go and get some food God what happened here oh my god let’s take a closer look what are those blotches on the floor I don’t know but it’s best not to touch them oh my God what happened here some kind of natural disaster I don’t think there’d be a tornado if there was a natural disaster it’s so scary it’s creepy we need to find who did this from the smudges on Theo we will find the cause of This Disaster let’s follow the trail oh no it’s that Resident something’s been done to him too too bad for him but we have to keep going to make sense of it all the blots led us to this abandoned house but we’ve been there and found nothing what’s the big deal I don’t feel right let’s go and check again maybe we missed something last time don’t be afraid nothing will happen to us that’s right sir these blocks lead to that far room look this hatch wasn’t here before where did it come from I don’t know where it came from but we have to go down there all roads lead there oh my God look at this there are traps and it’s covered in lava we have to get over that obstacle and get to that door on the other side we have to be very careful not to fall off that fence down there there’s lava that will fry you in seconds I will be extremely careful for me do not worry better watch your feet and do not fall into the lava come on Mikey you can do it halfway there and we’re there come on come on Mikey keep up we’ve done it shall we go on of course we do there’s no turning back H it’s kind of a maze but what’s it for let’s try to get through it there’ll be something at the end I’m sure here’s the first number for the locked door three more to go I have the second number too I hope JJ finds the other two I don’t feel comfortable in this maze whoa what do we have here some kind of chest we need to get to it slowly yeah and here’s the number for the password Mikey must have found them too oh my God what happened here I don’t even want to know [Music] Mikey it’s so good to see you I was a little nervous but here we are at the end I see you found the numbers for the password too there should be the last one yeah I thought so we have the last number we need to arm ourselves there’s no telling what’s waiting for us behind that door I’m armed and dangerous we can go to that locked door here’s my numbers they’ll give you the full code yeah let’s move out follow me and keep [Music] up get ready I’m going to enter the password and no one knows what’s behind that door well godspeed oh my God those monsters aren’t my neighbors we have to stop them yay we did it now we have to get all the residents out of this godforsaken place yes you’re right we need to rescue all the residents we’ve come to rescue you just bear with us a little longer thank you so much for watching don’t don’t forget to like And subscribe we love you come on Mikey let’s go find some Adventures on our heads yeah I need something to do I’m sick of sitting around the house Mikey why are you so far behind me are you tired no I was just looking at the rabbit wait look over there what is it where yeah I saw it let’s go take a closer look what could it be I’m very curious I’m also curious I’ve never seen this before what happened here it looks very mysterious what’s this Jay maybe it’s a treasure map it’s some kind of map look there are some marks maybe it’s going to lead us somewhere let’s follow those marks maybe they will lead us to the treasure yay we found what we’re going to do today let’s follow the marks to the treasure Mikey just keep up with me or I’ll take all the treasure for myself no way I’m not going to let you get away from me we’re here look there’s a chest yeah I see it what do we do let’s open it up and see what’s inside okay I’m looking Mikey I’m going to disappoint you there’s nothing in there how come let me see for myself there’s nothing there we’ve wasted our time it was just trash what a shame I thought there was Treasure waiting for us I also thought we’d be rich now wait do you hear that sound yes I hear it [Music] JJ it’s a wolf let’s run or it will bite us run but where to let’s run wherever we can [Music] see help me help me help me help me let’s go to the tree he can’t climb it get away from us dog hurry up H we’re relatively safe here we just have to wait until the wolf gets away from us okay let’s wait that’s it the wolf is gone look over there what is that where oh my God that’s the start building that’s where Iron Man lives we have to get in there I really want to get inside that building so what are we waiting for let’s go and break into that building I think this is the entrance look at all these security cameras why don’t we try to get in discreetly I’m not afraid of detection I just want to get inside let’s go through the main [Music] entrance yay here we are inside let’s take a look around yeah let’s go look there are Iron Man suits and the most popular one is here too how cool they are yeah let’s go see what else is [Music] here let’s eat all this food it’s just beckoning me Mikey we don’t have time for this JJ look there’s suit missing what where is it oh my God the automatic defense system has activated it’s going to catch us let’s get away from it run oh no there’s a castle we can’t get through let’s find another way out let’s go this [Music] way oh no they’re just as drunk as we are let’s see what’s behind this door there’s a garage but all the doors are locked what do we do where’s the iron man there’s a hammer here I’ll take it just in case oh my God the Iron Man is so close hurry up and give me a like And subscribe to make the Iron Man break H the subscribers helped us and he’s out of juice now we have time to find a way out of here let’s hurry up while he’s out there’s a door we haven’t been through there’s some kind of stairs hopefully he won’t find us here let’s keep moving there’s no point in sitting here what do we got oh my God traps Mikey follow me and repeat after me or you’ll fall into a trap and we’ll be stuck here forever and we don’t want that well done Mikey keep looking at me and doing exactly as I do and we can easily get out of this huge Stark mansion at this rate Mikey we’ll be out of this damn place in no time now it’s a little more complicated but I can do it you just watch me and repeat it’s not that complicated we’ve done it a 100 times oh no now the lasers they’re very hot if you get hit by them you’ll be fried to a crisp in no time last stretch and we’ll be at the exit let’s push a little harder attaboy Mikey let’s do it I’m scared JJ don’t be scared Mikey you can do it I believe in you come on just a little bit more and we’re at the exit jump Yahoo we made it I’m so happy I’m so tired we’re going to get out just wait a little bit look we’re on the roof of this giant building how do we get down from here look there’s a chest maybe there’s something useful in there let’s check it out oh my God there’s tons of weapons get yourself some too let’s give the Iron Man a fight with these guns he’s not afraid of us at all [Music] [Laughter] Yahoo we beat him yay we did it thank you dear viewers for your help we couldn’t have done it without them thank you for your likes and subscriptions we love you it’s a beautiful sunny day something for us to do Mikey look over there what’s that wow is that some kind of race Mikey they have great prizes for winning why don’t we enter I’d love to but where are we going to get a train for the race we don’t have one and it’s too expensive to buy one yes you’re right we don’t have that kind of money but I want to participate in this competition so badly hey JJ what’s this over there I’m pointing with my green hand H really what is this place first time I’ve seen it let’s go see what’s in there this place has a nasty smell it smells really bad what’s that pile what a weird pile like they wanted to hide something I hear a sound coming from over there why don’t we dig it up good idea Mikey let’s get some tools and dig out that pile I’m ready let’s get rid of the Annoying cobwebs first done now we can get a shovel and dig up this pile h i see something come on Mikey a little more pick pick up the speed okay we’re all dug in oh my God it’s a Thomas you could race it but it’s in such bad shape it’s broken it has something sparking we need to go get tools with our knowledge we can easily fix it and make it ready let’s go on an adventure I almost forgot in addition to the tools we’ll take some fuel for Thomas here’s the tools and some fuel I’m ready to go and fix it then let’s go let’s not waste time let’s get to work before we start before we finish all right Thomas is good as new now we’ve got to talk him into racing Hey Thomas will you help us out what but how JJ Thomas doesn’t want to race he says he’s too old for this game I have an idea wait here but what do we do Mikey now I’ll make something for JJ that’s what I need now we’re going to brew a potion done now go back to JJ and see what happens I’ve got a potion for you if I’ve done it right we can do this I don’t understand what’s the potion for don’t worry you’ll see I got it just the way I wanted it wow I’m a steam train now and we can race I’m going to drag you to the start just hang on good for you Mikey we’re ready to go let’s get this race started [Music] [Music] come on JJ pass him can beat him I believe in you that’s it we got him good job JJ keep up the [Music] pace there’s an obstacle up ahead you can get past it JJ make it [Music] well done now overtake him oh no someone’s left a trap up ahead break quickly oh my God the evil Thomas has passed us because of this slide I’m going to remove it and we’ll catch up with him don’t worry JJ done now let’s get after him or we won’t win the grand prize he now he’s in trouble but it’s not our problem just speed up JJ we’re going to win this race what why did you stop did something happen did you break down Mikey I’m out of fuel we got to find something to fill up or or we’re going to lose oh no the evil Thomas is catching up to us JJ take your tools and let’s go to the mine there’s sure to be coal there and we’ll refuel yeah good idea come on I’ll follow you there are zombies here let’s deal with them and get some coal done we’ve dealt with the zombies now the main goal is coal that’s enough let’s run back to Thomas and refuel him come on hurry up I’ll turn you into a steam train again stand next to Thomas Yahoo come on J J top speed yes we’ve beaten him come on JJ just a little bit more and Victory Is Ours yay we got him we got him the victory is ours and the trophy is ours I’m so tired and hungry let’s go have that first place Place cake let’s go hey loser we’re going to eat that cake can you taste it yeah it’s good yeah that sweet taste of Victory thanks for watching don’t forget to like And subscribe we love you once again we are on a new job we are now wardens in a police station and we have to keep an eye on the prisoners [Laughter] we could use the extra money let’s get on our laptops and keep an eye on the prisoners from poppy playtime yes we have to get to work and we’ve had such a long break from everything [Music] [Laughter] [Music] oh no the prisoners have disappeared we need to see where they alive let’s go to the bars where do you think they are I can’t even imagine JJ maybe they’re in the corner of the cell look there’s a hole in the floor I think they decided to escape from our prison by digging a hole they can’t have gotten far we need to arm ourselves and meet them outside that way we’ll get them back great idea let’s go to the Armory and get some fireworks here we go now we’re armed and especially dangerous yeah now let’s go outside and wait for them to dig a passageway right to us I think it’s this way this is where they’re going to come out ready always ready then we wait for them and be ready well hello friends I think you’re a little lost are you coming back on your own or do you need some help that’s it now let’s get back to the post yeah let’s go let’s see if all the monsters from poppy playtime are behind bars they seem to be in place we didn’t let them Escape let’s go put our ammunition back it’s too heavy yeah we need to unload a little bit that’s it uh-oh I think there’s something wrong with my stomach oh no something’s coming JJ I got to go for a little bit I’ll be right back what a scary sound coming from the bathroom all right I’ll get back to work H where are the monsters where did they go did they escape while we were distracted we need to check on them right away oh no they’re really gone but where could they have gone what am I supposed to do now how do I find them now what oh my god I’ve trapped myself now they’re free because of my mistake open the cage or you’ll only get worse oh my god what have I done hey somebody officer in the cage oh man come on open the cage please I can’t last a day in [Music] here where the monsters are what JJ what are you doing in there where are the monsters they tricked me locked me in here and escaped what do we do now how do we find find them and catch them I don’t know but we have to figure something out I don’t see them at all where could they have gone I have no idea either I think we failed in our mission looks like [Music] it JJ don’t cry look at this all right rookies here’s a mobile prison put all the escaped monsters in it I’m going to rest hey hey that’s the solution we’ll catch them all with the car you’re right Mikey help no [Laughter] [Music] oh no kick and chicken destroyed the bridge how do we catch him now the bridge is completely destroyed but don’t worry I have a tree for that Mikey you’re a genius all right the bridge is completely rebuilt let’s go after kick and chicken no God no God please no no no no [Laughter] surprise [Music] [Music] catnap has punctured all our Wheels we need to replace them somehow any ideas we need to check if all the monsters are still there it looked like someone might have fallen out yeah they’re all there let’s go find a junkyard I’m sure there’ll be Wheels there here’s the junkyard we’ll find something here the first wheel is I also found one wheel a little more and we will restore I found another one me too now we can go back to the car yeah let’s get back to the car let’s fix the car and go after catnap he’s the last one left all right the car is ready for further Pursuit Yahoo we got all the monsters yes here they are all four monsters thank you for watching Dear viewers don’t forget to like And subscribe to our Channel

This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey vs That’s Not My Neighbor CHALLENGE in Minecraft Maizen Animation’, was uploaded by Rynez on 2024-06-17 17:12:17. It has garnered 7237 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:10 or 2110 seconds.

Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: vs That’s Not My Neighbor CHALLENGE / Maizen animation. Surivie From Not My Neighbor in Roblox. Today JJ and Mikey but That’s Not My Neighbor in Minecraft. New video Maizen That’s Not My Neighbor vs JJ and Mikey Maizen in Minecraft / Roblox We hope you enjoy our videos! Have a great day! Watch a new video! #maizen #minecraft #jj #mikey Original Maizen channel: @maizenofficial

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license to use the track Mechanolith (artist: Kevin MacLeod)

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    Can You Handle This Minecraft Throwback? #nostalgiaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOSTALGIA 🥺 #shorts’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:39:19. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Live with Jatayu OP

    Insane Minecraft SMP Live with Jatayu OPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Smp Live || Public Smp || Pe+Java 24/7 Online || JatayuOpLive #minecraft’, was uploaded by Jatayu OP Live on 2024-07-06 08:47:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Live || Public LifeSteal Smp || Pe+Java 24/7 Online || JatayuOpLive #minecraft #minicraftlive. Minecraft public smp live … Read More


    🔥 UNBELIEVABLE MINECRAFT BEDROCK CONTINUATION! (LIVE) 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘CONTINUANDO – MINECRAFT BEDROCK!!!! (LIVE)’, was uploaded by jonzin on 2024-07-22 09:59:56. It has garnered 205 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:45 or 9885 seconds. I hope you enjoy the videos and the channel. Towards 72,000 subscribers!!!!! Read More

  • Qnark Anarquico

    Qnark AnarquicoQnark is an Anarchic server without a lobby and without rules. Just by typing the IP and logging in, you can play Anarchic survival with your friends or other people. Read More

  • 3 Lives Hardcore PvE SMP Hardcore Whitelist 18+ 1.20.6

    Welcome to 3 Lives Hardcore! On this PvE-only server, you have 3 chances before you’re put into spectator mode. No pay-to-win, no buying or crafting lives. Your legacy is what you leave behind. Join us in this world shaped by the living and the dead. Server Details: Server age: Over a month No full enchanted netherite PvP Plenty of building spaces Interested in PvE SMP Hardcore? Message for whitelist! Rules: 18+ mature players only Respect and kindness towards others No hacking, cheating, griefing, or stealing Additional Information: Difficulty: Hard Vanilla gameplay with adjustments Large biomes in overworld Worldborder: 10k Spawn… Read More

  • MortalMC Beta | Fantasy Survival Server

    Welcome to MortalMC Beta! 🌍✨Greetings, adventurers! We’re excited to introduce you our Fantasy Survival server. Here, every player will find their place and role in exciting Fantasy world, making the experience unique and engaging for everyone. Choose Your Race:Our server offers 4 distinct raceseach with its own strengths and weaknesses, adding diversity to your gameplay:- Humans: Ideal for players who thrive in groups. Together, they are stronger.- Orcs: Perfect for those who choose the path of the sword.- Elves: Best for players who love to explore new horizons swiftly, avoid conflicts, and maintain control.- Dwarves: Great for players who enjoy… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting my AFK fish farm, oh wow”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting my AFK fish farm, oh wow"Looks like this meme is just average, it’s not a 10 but hey, at least it’s not a 0! Read More

  • Minecraft Masters: Top 3 YouTubers Dominate Servers!

    Minecraft Masters: Top 3 YouTubers Dominate Servers! In the world of Minecraft, where legends roam, Three YouTubers stand out, in their own home. Vario,, a server to explore, With more than 100k subs, fans adore. SoyCubo,, a name to know, With views over 10k, their fame does grow. Danomc,, a realm of fun, Their server, for everyone. These YouTubers shine, in the Minecraft scene, With servers and content, that’s always keen. So join the fun, in their virtual land, And let their creativity, expand. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Creeper’s Hot Mess 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Minecraft Meme: Creeper's Hot Mess 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraft #memes #relationshipgoals #boom Read More

  • Diagonal Barn & Stables in Minecraft – Easy Tutorial

    Diagonal Barn & Stables in Minecraft - Easy Tutorial Exploring the Versatile Diagonal Barn, Stables, and Storage in Minecraft Step into the world of Minecraft where creativity knows no bounds! Today, we delve into the intricacies of building a versatile structure that can serve as a barn, stables, or storage facility. This beautifully simple design is perfect for various themes, from Medieval to Fantasy and even Modern Minecraft worlds! Never Leave Your Animals in the Rain Again! With this stunning building, you can ensure that your horses, donkeys, cows, sheep, pigs, camels, and more are sheltered from the elements. Say goodbye to leaving your beloved animals out in… Read More

  • Minecraft Mod News: Updates 8-14 June 2024

    Minecraft Mod News: Updates 8-14 June 2024 Exploring the Latest Minecraft Mod Updates from June 8th to June 14th, 2024 Embark on a journey through the vibrant world of Minecraft with the latest mod updates from June 8th to June 14th, 2024. Dive into the exciting features and enhancements that these mods bring to the game, promising a thrilling experience for players of all levels. 1. Villager Recruits Experience a new level of interaction with villagers in Minecraft with the Villager Recruits mod. This mod allows players to recruit villagers for various tasks, adding a dynamic element to gameplay. Whether you need assistance in farming, mining,… Read More

  • SHOCKING! I Built a SURPRISE CLUB HOUSE in Minecraft SMP – Episode 2

    SHOCKING! I Built a SURPRISE CLUB HOUSE in Minecraft SMP - Episode 2Video Information This video, titled ‘I opened a CLUB HOUSE on a Minecraft SMP – Episode 2’, was uploaded by Sev on 2024-07-12 12:15:09. It has garnered 9193 views and 695 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:07 or 1267 seconds. I opened my own secret little club on guild smp. Of course I have to get into lots of trouble with the other youtubers first and then use the new 1.21 blocks to create a beautiful club house Guild SMP members: @Brookella @DaLilRedMC @InfiniteDrift @knivesbow @MadisonElizabethGaming @megiibyte @moonintensity @Sevaris @SparkleEgg @TheAmbear_ @trashpanda7B 🌻Shaders: Complementary Join this channel to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge on Weekends!

    Insane Minecraft Parkour Challenge on Weekends!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parkour Pt 19 | #19 | @WeekendG0 | #edit #minecraft #mcparkour #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Weekend Gamer on 2024-04-28 06:07:05. It has garnered 1415 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Hello Guys please dont forget to like, share, and Subscribe this video and comment me Links: YouTube: Subscribe: Discord: And wee thanks for watching this Video About me: I want to become a gamer and a big content creator on youtube and me weeeeeee keep watching and thanks for love and support… Read More

  • Secretly infiltrating base for loot – shocking ending!

    Secretly infiltrating base for loot - shocking ending!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sneaking Into A Base In | Arjun Mp Anarchy Server | Minecraft മലയാളം @Sudhy @ArjunMPPlayz’, was uploaded by DAMOO YT on 2024-05-04 14:38:14. It has garnered 553 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:10 or 550 seconds. #ithihasa #arjunmpanarchy #arjunmpanarchy #kemics @malluarenagaming @ArjunMPPlayz #minecraft #new #malayalam #minecraft #new #malayalam #server #pmrp #powermalayalaliroleplay #rpserver #roleplay #minecraftroleplay @mallugameraswin @GAMETHERAPISTYT @malayalamtechieslive @MalayalamTechGames1 @MrQuitGamerofficial @MrBeast @Sudhy @HipsterGaming @eaglegamingop @jinshatechandgaming @UNBOXINgdude @perfectgamingmachan @MrPerfectTechofficial JOIN DISCORD IP IN DISCORD JOIN NOW minecraft malayalam server minecraft malayalam download minecraft malayalam sudhy minecraft malayalam live minecraft malayalam… Read More

  • Shocking Expose: Minecraft’s Fake Instagram!

    Shocking Expose: Minecraft's Fake Instagram!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exposing Minecraft’s Fake Instagram Reels’, was uploaded by Jooonah on 2024-03-02 15:42:31. It has garnered 30890 views and 1746 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:30 or 810 seconds. my discord: MY LUNAR CAPE: the most unhinged platform, but does it lie? server ip: no pack: default twitter: animations by stcubing: thumbnail designer: Title: Exposing Minecraft’s Fake Instagram Reels Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Comeback with CRAZY Populur Panda!

    EPIC Minecraft Comeback with CRAZY Populur Panda!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Returns’, was uploaded by Populur Panda on 2024-03-31 06:57:46. It has garnered 79 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:04 or 13984 seconds. I’m playing on Minecraft! Enjoy the stream and subscribe if you want to see more! Join The Community: Support My Channel: Minecraft Server: Read More

  • Unstoppable Enoki BR Dominates with OP Armors – Project E Begins! #11

    Unstoppable Enoki BR Dominates with OP Armors - Project E Begins! #11Video Information This video, titled ‘Armaduras OP e o início do PROJECT E – Minecraft Project Sacrifice #11’, was uploaded by Enoki BR on 2024-03-23 15:00:32. It has garnered 339 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:42 or 2682 seconds. From now on things will change and the sacrifice will be less…I hope! Pix donations: If you like the content, don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss the next episodes and also support the video with your like and comment to help spread the word. Modpack link: Link da playlist: My social… Read More

  • Insane Build: Japan-inspired Kingdom in Minecraft!

    Insane Build: Japan-inspired Kingdom in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Aus| Building a Japanese kingdom in Minecraft’, was uploaded by StellaGaming on 2024-03-02 07:59:30. It has garnered 98 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 05:38:35 or 20315 seconds. Welcome in to the Aurora Isles Stream series where I stream my long-term world that is over 2.5 years old and has around 26800 days!. A bit of a back story! This world was created on the 21st of July 2021. The plan for this world was to create a vast and interactive world that allowed me to develop not only my building… Read More

  • Insane Gamer Mastering CLUTCHES in MCPE!!😱

    Insane Gamer Mastering CLUTCHES in MCPE!!😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I did every CLUTCH in MCPE!!🤩’, was uploaded by Kanhiya Gupta Gaming on 2024-07-24 09:30:01. It has garnered 18 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. YouTube 2nd channel Discord My video Minecraft 100 days- Minecraft all mlgs- Minecraft iron farm- ____________________________________________ @totalgaming @desigamers @AnshuBisht @Yessmartypie M ____________________________________________ TAGS AND KEYWORDS:- minecraft mlgs all minecraft mlgs best minecraft mlgs ever list of minecraft mlgs hard minecraft mlg best minecraft mlgs minecraft mlg water bucket minecraft mlg clutch minecraft mlg gif minecraft mlg practice map minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: Solo Leveling Statue in Minecraft!

    UNBELIEVABLE: Solo Leveling Statue in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘A ESTÁTUA DE SOLO LEVELING NO MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Kyck on 2024-04-19 15:00:40. It has garnered 9306 views and 647 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:33 or 33 seconds. ‹ In today’s video, each subscriber kyck shows all the solo leveling characters in minecraft !! › ❤LIKE Subscribe: and leave your like! 🏹My Social Networks: 🏹Twitter: 🏹Instagram: Contato Profissional: [email protected] #Kyck #sololeveling #anime #jogos #games #Minecraft #youtube Kyck,KyckGames,minecraft,minecraft mods,Kyck_,kyck minecraft,solo leveling,sololeveling,solo leveling minecraft,mod solo leveling,addon solo leveling,minecraft addons,anime,jogos,games Read More