Insane Minecraft Mayhem: FireBreathMan vs Cyan Cucumbers

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Uh uh uh I still got to say hello to my parents God damn it uh I’m send the team skins in chat I’m back okay we’re back I need to put team skins on everyone dance we need we need the hype going through our body right now everyone dino dance hey now hey

Now do the pig is dying M thank you so much for the thank you so much for the 9 months Benji boy thank you so much for the 10 months let’s go we like the party everyone we like the party yipp we like to party we like to

Party yo let’s get the hype train going for the beginning of the stream for this massive W where about to get Happ fair warning going to be a little chaotic of a stream probably lot lots and lots of yep and everybody’s jumping all right we got the team skin on

Where the event there it is want me to pin something you can if you want drunk stream or not technically I don’t know how much drinking will happen oh like the texture pack is just not turning on wait hold on let me hide my screen all right

All right there we go we’re good now we don’t have a lots of time chat so we need to does this go away okay we get it yeah all right good all right it’s gone wait you’re not on my team why does it look like we’re matching We need we need to get the hype songs going we don’t have lots of time we’re going to play pimpz yeah that was good R thank you I sing In I’m throwing what’s going JB how you doing my goat I th it I can’t see I literally made the jump then jumped off who are you where’s the Frog for it’s coming football’s coming home it’s coming home it’s coming home it’s coming it’s coming home it’s coming football’s coming home it’s coming Home never stop me Dreaming never stop me dreaming three lines on the shirts Joel’s R still Gleaming the 30 years of heart all right hello team oh just in time Yi where what am I looking at I I planned it how do we show how cool we are when

We walk out how do we manage to do that uh do nothing yeah do light work no reaction light work no reaction light work how will we take a shot wait down no when we walk wait we prep we prep a shot for when we walk out wait

Actually I’m done I’m done I’m ready I’m ready get sh ready okay everyone get ready every get ready uh I’ll just take a very big gulp okay wait I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready I’m going to shot I’ve got a shot cheers guys when we walk

Out no we don’t even walk we don’t even move I’ll be going to be us it’s going to be us now it’s going to be us it’s going to be us we don’t walk we don’t move just shot Yep God oh my God that was too going to look great in the Highlight it’s going to look great for my POV without a face cam going to be like what was bro doing oh my do I turn my camera on yeah absolutely of course you do I’m wearing my old

Merch the pig why can’t I get out why can’t I move it’s the pigs oh y welcome to H High pixel party games holy moly someone’s stealing my pig um I’m just fishing [ __ ] this [ __ ] is imag you catch like like a like a [ __ ]

Can we get a can I get a flame bow how am I supposed to get that [ __ ] get over here a fish give me a fish dude I feel like oh we supposed to choose a game probably fishing phase over oh no we pick one now

Why do they tell us oh we got oh we got the second M what’s like the least which game do let’s not do spliff I like spliff so let’s save one come on Shane you got this let’s do the bingo bingo no bingo I voted the bingoing

V I didn’t vote how do you votom okay well I didn’t do that so that’s you know Bingo yes Bingo yes we got the B ballistic bistic Bingo y I love ballistic Bingo guys I voted what’s ballistic about it oh I fell dude I’m going to go for why can you

Like what do you lame AF yo so true for bar that’s what I’m saying what he’s saying you are lame you didn’t you also vote for that [ __ ] I didn’t vote for anything I’m a no voter wait okay is Bingo’s count for something in this or is it no is it not cool

Man bingo card so last time I carried my despite being team with a speedrunner so I’ll Focus I’ll I’ll focus on underground so anything that that involves ores so the clock Redstone iron door I’m I’m going to get dude I bet no one all right what’s the [ __ ] Bingo

Thing bingo card wait did you say we’re going Shane were you going I’ll Focus the I’ll Focus the iron stuff how about that I’ll stay up and see is there like any team things like oh what the [ __ ] is a team teleport device oh that’s W there’s Co dirt

That’s gravel and what it’s a gravel andt right dude no no one in this [ __ ] Lobby does a craft coer I’m just saying I’ll go for the bed I guess though oh there’s blue L give me this flow I’m going to [ __ ] beat the Border I’m going to get to the edge

Before the Border does I found like concrete I Found A M I found too we need iron for shears I got wait wait uh carve pumpkin I’m going to get glow Lan guys I’m going to do it should I grab a pumpkin already just in uh wait do we

Have so clutch or do I just need iron and I need you need like ha for anything I don’t think so oh CO’s right there I’m just grabbing it in case I need lapis I’m better carry I’m actually I’m lowkey better carry yeah are you where’s the trees where’s the trees there’s no

Trees oh we go oh some someone make a smoker where where is iron some someone smoked that pack what do we need Diamond boot stone sword white wool diamonds if anyone SE diamond boots and diamond pickaxe well I found one so that’s not great you found one Sheep No One diamond

Diamond oh I’ve got oh okay get guys this is too much for me I haven’t played Minecraft in a week and a half I I I’ve only been building I haven’t played yeah I haven’t played any wait since when did I have nine iron where does one find sheep do they

Not spawn oh wait I have four where did I get this from this gravel this gravel what else can we make coar dirt how do you make coar dirt I I did it don’t worry I did did it with my own hands I no I did it like like

It’s done like it’s done like I did it like it’s done like I did it it’s done he did it I think it’s done I’m making a grind St I’m making a grind Stone I got a smoke a GU what do I miss uh find Redstone an armor how do you make an

Armor wait Dr box is hold up I can make a no one knows how to make a I do I do no I do I do I do cuz I’m the [ __ ] goat oh wait that’s a notle I did it juke box Bo we get any

How do we FL like how do I get the smooth Stone slap that’s don’t you like don’t you like double smell right yeah I’m going to do that I’m doing it right now I’m doing it right now can you make wool out of um Cobbs yeah no I don’t

Uh yes cuz you can make string into wall string into wall four string for one wall yeah okay if anyone sees spider let me know is there coal here what am I going to do to get some [ __ ] coal around here a lot come here ow oh you take damage I should have

Been more careful now never mind uh we need red stone and I need more iron need a actually hate this game I’m actually so cool at this [ __ ] game honestly I might be the coolest person in the world wow I’m not too sure though like I’m

Pretty cool I don’t know about you yeah like that’s what I I wasn’t too certain I didn’t want to take the title away from somebody else yeah Fair yeah I’m like I don’t know if it’s me being like [ __ ] face but like these textures are

Confusing me did we how do you make a um the thingy with the the scary thing in the middle the the stone what the [ __ ] what do you mean what the [ __ ] I oh my god oh dude [ __ ] now I have to find my [ __ ] again wait I might be Jesus did

You die red stone white wool if you find a sheep let me know oh there’s popups here oh yeah I’m so dumb hold on I’m so mad I’m actually so mad oh my gosh get me out of the Cobb I’m stuck in the Cobb I got

Oh I’m making the bed Chaine don’t worry you like I’ll make that here I did it I got w Wait it might be here I’m looking for Redstone and gold now uh actually I was I was about to get the [ __ ] oh my God I was about to get that grind Stone

And then I accidentally used my team teleport device and I’m halfway across the I made a gr Stone what dude I’m just like pathetic oh oh wait I have wood here I’m so smart am I doing with my life I’m going to get red stained glass that sounds easy for

Anything probably not do not attack me oh for bed no I’m making bed I’m making Bud oh okay I in like I got it like don’t worry about it oh okay what you even worry about it how do you get a barrier oh wait [ __ ] never mind I died to K energy

I only have two oh I need one more blue Flite wall That’s I found a blue FL as well where are you at can I T it oh can someone make the cut thing all right all right all right oh I don’t know who I don’t

Worry Shane I’ll try and figure it out you need a stone cutter to me T to me how do you make a stone cut how do I wait I know where to make a stone cutter never mind see if I can do it oh well I

TP to Sam great wait hold on die wait okay okay here blue flower thank you thank you thank you oh red I need all right um and then it’s like I’m going to um end is there that’s the border wait my stuff’s over here oh you get double the

Stuff when you mine stuff okay I got like when you mine when you mine something it comes out as wait how do you make a oh I need diorite what’s diorite I’m going to get the diorite I’m getting it okay you get back Diamond anywhere I found a

Diamond I’m looking for do we knock your Rockets no it’s a weird looking like blue thing in your inventory speed boost yeah yeah oh my God I have 38 of them start [ __ ] using him oh my gosh that was not I did not know that was it where is the

Sand wait chaos my God and then where is sand red sand oh my god oh yeah wait are you with the Mesa christe I’m at a Mesa right now okay cool guess you’re here I think this is a Mesa right it looks like it but we need

Red stain glass do we have sand yeah chat was Giga Chad though I like used the Red Sand and I’m oh my God that’s so there’s no red sand or is there is this red sand I can’t tell cuz they have a texture bag I found I found it I found

The red sand are youing wait we need one red forch wait I have a smooth stone do I swear I’ve seen a r Alex do you have a diamond still uh no I used it for juke box okay gold gold is that useful do we need

Gold yeah yeah yeah yeah we need a block of gold cool mine gold in the Mesa cuz there’s more gold in Mesa usual you also get like double the thing when you mine it if that makes sense yeah yeah I can I can probably make a gold block now if I

Smel the rest of this that’s good oh my gosh I need so much glass I’m making a diamond pickax need eight I don’t have any wood again oh I have wood can you I have four Gold by the way I have four gold uncooked oh

Thank you do you need that I’ve got I’ve got six gold Shane six what’s the button it’s the red the red one I’ve just been right clicking it and then it just TPS you to a random person uh the closest hello hi hello what else do you

Have look to do sh I’m working on the copper now redstone torch yeah I just hav’t found Redstone I have Redstone I have Redstone I have Redstone red here’s a stick if you want it I didn’t know I could do that oops okay what else do we need almost

I’ve almost got the red stained glass someone I have copper I have copper I just don’t know how to make a I have a stone cutter TB to me TB to me okay let’s hope and pray that it works yes wooo I’m on CY oh well that works too

We’re all I’m going to go look for diamonds if I go yeah might as well that’s the last thing we need we just need wait Shane have you done the gold block I got it I got diamond diamond boots that’s all we need okay start strip

Bing y low ke okay hold up how many do need four four yeah what y level am I at I got to go low as [ __ ] just go underneath the map that’s what I was doing that’s L smart scanning with my eyes my eyes ain’t working right now oh

I found one I some offense some red we need four it’s it looked like a vein I’m just trying to get to it [ __ ] I see you you see it it’s like underneath here I don’t know how found two I found one oh 30 seconds no I got

To get to it no where is it where is it oh that wasn’t you wait hold on oh I see you how do we get that it’s like here somewhere there it is oh this is impossible to get to yeah this is so hard to do how many do you have

Chrisy oh not right now but I’m what the [ __ ] we got fourth H we would had enough but it just ran out of time yeah we basically got we basically got second all right that calls for a shot guys yeah that calls for a shot yeah yeah good work everybody I’m taking a

Shot now wait wait wait for me I’m waiting I’m waiting I’m L away from me he’s Louise I didn’t know that serious [ __ ] H it was that serious okay are we ready I’m ready I already took I already did it yeah yeah three two one shots

Yipp God I’m forgetting SP M SP no we won SP late sp’s goed what did we imagine like we’re all like [ __ ] face and for that game like it’s cool then it’s cool then it’s like so much cooler dude I’d win first first in sh sh that’s the most teamwork I’ve

Ever had in bingo I know right that’s wild dude better than I did so I’m better when I’m not so okay hold up let me blow one can we let it can we smoke one can we pull up that song’s called not sober we’re all going to be the same

We’re all going to be the same placement idiot I know I just have to come and check oh Shane bottom frag o Shane bottom frag bottom FR yikes better than ant Frost though better than an oh true though true though mid Frost who wait who’s who’s number one FaZe Ray

Nah bruh why is there an the like a default skin oh there is a default skin yeah there’s two for me I guess the NPC just Andre said take a shot Shane she honestly Crazy One More I ain’t taking another one what is this guy this guy is trying to

Manipulate us he’s trying to manipulate us into doing doing what do making us play worse he’s trying to make us make good decisions guys he’s trying to make us make good decisions having shots is not good decisions decision they’re fun decisions though and that’s what’s they’re fun

Someone pick a color I’m I’m walking around the at look at me banana Al let me show you something insane wait wa wait banana ban banana man banana the Banana Man Alex you put that [ __ ] in your off hand and then click the Banana Man banana two banana two banana two one for

The [ __ ] and one for the hoes I got two bananas I think it’s broken for left yeah we got that [ __ ] big ass banana oh my God go in first person no no one on the left the one on the left that’s the one I’m talking to one on the

Right that [ __ ] on hold that’s what I’m saying she’s on hold I’m saying y wait look at my mustache hold up where you at I can’t see I can’t [ __ ] see I need a mustache wait wait wait wait I can’t see my eyes I’m blind actually that oh my God bro you’re what

Do you mean you your lashes grew out oh my God I have a little froggy on my head what oh my God frog MK oh my [ __ ] god Terrifying I like the mask the mask is epic I got a beanie I got a Beanie Beans what the [ __ ] beans what the [ __ ] how do I get rid of this oh I figured it out you don’t n you just go in your inventory can I put banana on my head oh

Man oh man why did you who put that we’re not ready dude who put that they’re not ready we actually are ready I press I just want to let you know just for the chat I press I press yes I pressed yes yeah I pressed yes I

Pressed yes I I didn’t press anything I didn’t respond to it probably the problem then all right guys one of these bananas are above average or one of these bananas are below average which one are you I’m both I I got my girl on one banana and

Then I got my side chck on the other Banana Phone the pigs are dropping I fish I’m fishing oh [ __ ] wait who fish me I I can’t get rid of it in the oh you can’t wait wait no wait I’ve got turbo piggy I’ve got turbo piggy I’ve got

Him I’ve got one of the lime team I’ve got one of the lime team oh wait the called me no fishing phase over okay how many do we get what do we want to play guys I have PP can we get PVP out the way I [ __ ] hate PVP which one

Which one I don’t care no but I like combat C wait oh so much for the seven months I did it I went with my heart mean all right gang we going to win this [ __ ] type Sho G all right game right quck geek and lock the [ __ ]

In why are they called orange orange but Apple ain’t called red oh my goodness e burger with mustard mustard bur with mustard mustard mustard mustard all right so so do we want to just just decide that one person’s going to be our enemy or are we just

G enemies got a lot of enemies got a lot of and we do our Str okay okay first person we see we just W them they they die we keep chasing them no matter what we keep chasing so forget the keys just pick the kits that have like the best

Armor and swords no no no not even first person you lock eyes with they’re dead no but I’m saying like usually usually my strateg like grab like the kits with like the most like key fragments and Key Parts and then oh there’s kids oh my bad that’s what I’m

Saying I’m picking I’m picking whatever kit looks cool to me and I’m running at someone oh gosh oh gosh yeah perect right so so we spawn in we spot someone we’re like all right lock in I have a really I have a really good idea who who wants to who wants to

Be my meat Shield I will be don’t worry so Christie you’ll be the tank kit and I’ll I’m going to bait you wait but I’m usually a Healer okay then someone else beat my bait I’m a w healer you know what Shane Shane I want to be Shane’s meat Shields

All you’re going to do all you’re going to do is get hit first by the person I’m going to attack and then I’m just going to use you and then combo them off of the hit that you if there’s a if there’s a boit I’ll just stand in the back and

Just start spamming I’ll heal if anyone needs heals shout okay exactly and I’ll come towards you yeah bark for heels guys uh yeah yeah you got to bark no I’ll accept meow as well but that’s it it’s the exact same thing my team did in Block last no other no other animal

Sands can we not like can we not like tweet can we each can we we each have our we each have our own animal sound yeah you all got otherwise I don’t know who’s who I’ll be a cow I’ll just moo moo moo moo oh we just don’t know so like if I’m

Silent you just know Alex going to be walking asking for he like what please not you I’d heal what’s another one happy oh my gosh I’m taking elephants I’m [ __ ] scream oh doing elephant I should do my alarm s can I be an alarm clock can i b off the animal

Finger do my can we be the can we be the the that’ll be my my I need heals side effect that’s the Healer make how noisy usually wouldn’t make and I’ll heal oh there a gunner Hey where’s the Healer well Shane it’s it’s um magic healer wait Shane am I

Your meat Shield yeah sure oh this kid is awesome I like it heavy I got a [ __ ] pickaxe yeah but then like so like so like you’ll get hit I’ll be like right here and I’ll go boom boom boom [Laughter] die the World Around The World the World Around the World Around

The World Around the World well I can off hand wait hold up this is broken guys oh [ __ ] I beg you just walk into aight I’m walk like this they’re not ready they’re already okay slowly I’ll make my way over there are we Starting oh [ __ ] first person we lock eyes with they’re dead I use this in pregame wait this kid doesn’t let me pregame this isn’t fit the I pre gaming I’m not going to even have my map on my map my we don’t need a your M I’m not

Even going to have my goddamn map on me no map okay I’m down for no Map oh that’s the key never mind I already have a key fragment let’s just go this way okay what way yeah I feel sorry for the poor souls that lock eyes with us they got no time for oh you need three key fragments now oh well anyways who’s Lo

I see them I see them it’s Carter your days are numbered oh k aome k aome k friend friend n friend n friend n wait isn’t early kills worth more some [ __ ] like that I no okay cool awesome oh I’m going to die I’m going to die [ __ ] I

Won [ __ ] inome you’re you’re a nin animal come over here I’m Hunter this [ __ ] tank [ __ ] ain’t [ __ ] man cut him over C over K aome he on five he’s on five kill him K A’s on five kill K kill k no where is he he’s in the middle

Car’s in the middle you have to kill Carter you have to kill him get his ass get his ass [ __ ] his ass [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him don’t do with the first thing [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him up he messed it up he’s right above

Youy come on Christy you’re the goat you’re the [ __ ] goat he’s so laggy 8 five one more one more one more he’s dead run run you guys are stuck you guys are stuck oh you’re dead gg gg gg wait what oh yeah you’re dead good how

Was I supposed to what okay well that’s great we did it guys guys we first yes we are first let’s go yes cuz we did a good job that game hey our Strat worked temporarily it did you we just have to like you guys to help me at the end

There if help I’ll be real I had no clue what was going what was work like what what I didn’t know where you was I was trying to get to you but I didn’t know where you were in I had absolutely zero like map awareness huh what do you mean huh it’s

Like that Meme huh huh huh like the cat how many points did I get uh how many points do you get for I say yeah who got all the kills I got I got three points that’s what I was doing I baited all you guys and I got three kills I got

One I got Carter I did 74% of Thea I did 83% of kosum and I did oh yeah there’s damage points right so we get points at theend wait where do you see the damage points 90% of come the end okay I think right no you get him through out oh how

The ow oh maybe yeah yeah oh 8% let’s hope that next time let’s hope next time this happens it’s not colossum it’ll be quite nice well if it happens maybe next time you know some weaker players perhaps I don’t even care if it’s stronger players need to not get locked in the Border

Yeah that’s true we would have actually probably been able to do a little bit more I only died because um Cal hes me I think I’m not too sure I think it’s a little interesting that they have a border like that and then there’s no way

Leave a room if you’re in the corner but it is it is what it is wait Alex are you baby raging right now on I’m criticizing game design are you are you constructive criticism in right now on stream messed up dude look at this the teams are like

Fighting and [ __ ] look at them hey I mean half the lobby is gone who should we root for I want fruit ber I think I love fruit Berry let’s go fruit Berry I’m red I like red team I think B should win not not pink just is it what’s the thing that Jack

Jackass says um uh BOS BOS BOS BOS BOS let’s go fighting and [ __ ] do the winning do the winning according to my calculations guys I think blue team might win this round actually according to my calculations I think orange is going to win this round I think pink is going to

Win this let go according to my calculations it’s still going to be orange no no no aa’s got this watch this AA better clutch AA watch um that’ll be us next round guys that’ll be us next round is there survival points right no uh maybe I think that is me personally I

Think wait can I change game mod man okay so got wait okay I got points for no no I got zero points that game okay cool uh I I was the first one dead how do you see that I’m just like using my mind and [ __ ] Necromancer Ste sword this one’s

Good oh wait chrisy look is this not just standard 05 look at him that’s just I’m this it’s it’s SN lingering lingering lingering n he was link n if he was link range fixed Tri according to my it’s n as as a sky from [ __ ] valerant and when the sky falls

I we will yo look at me look at me are you like the Avatar got Cosmetics on I got I got the trendor sh Around the World Around the World Around the World around the world around the world around the world I just realized my armor is

Absolute [ __ ] ass like holy [ __ ] why are there 100 Trident you got a cool ass [ __ ] hat on yeah but it doesn’t do [ __ ] it’s a skull you can see all of your facial features through the mouth of thaty that is freaking freaking epic I’m like I’m

Like one of those like UK soldiers you know the guys at the [ __ ] doorway left or right left left yeah this way yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I see I see people yell it’s orange go Charge they’re getting in the middle what [ __ ] oh what up bit oh well I’m dead again that’s not good I’m going we got to we got to lock on one person and get them out mind’s low I’m freaking melting this person they’re dead last one last one Mas I just dropped that [ __ ]

I right there in front you [ __ ] you little [ __ ] what up [ __ ] don’t you mean sorry sorry I love masy masy your streams are great you’re a really cool how many keys do we have any keys do we have any I won I here here here boom use it that’s a that’s a

Fragment do we all have one fragment here I’ll drop them I have two I have two fragments we got to go to the guy we got go to damn it we got to go to the Roblox guy what’s up key smith wait wait is this is this one still open

Wait wait is it unlocked wa wait over over here unlock it unlock it go go go we this way right this way right yeah this way this way this way this way no no no no no no go go dead you’re dead you’re dead you’re all dead you’re all

Dead you you’ve all died no I’m fine good we’re good we’re good both good does anyone have any more key fingies no [ __ ] hi right here right here right here oh that’s that’s a full team account let’s not do that I’m sorry I’m sorry nobody okay wait just just go

They’re not chasing that’s fine it’s good actually let’s go to Mid let’s go to m let’s go to Mid let’s go to go for Border by the way wait there’s a team in front of us let’s go let wait are they fighting wait wait wait right here wait right here shift team where

There’s a team over there oh it’s that’s mid is there any more key fragments anyone have any wait wa here wait right here wa here wait right here wait wait wait wait 3 2 1 it’ll come right here Sam stand right there stand right there now get one

Right here right here let’s go yeah y straight this one’s already been taken let’s go to the middle and do the one in mid wait wait wait wait oh God we’re in the corner I’m running back we should have just just this way yeah [ __ ] yeah just come here commit Comm here come

Here come here go go go go go go go go one I’m out does so much oh God I don’t know if I’m going to get out okay I’m out you will oh my God oh my God wait let me see if there’s anyone yellow’s going yellow’s going for

You f run run that [ __ ] we don’t have it anymore cuz car killed us oh oh they’re on they’re going for you they’re being they’re being just run into another team if you can yeah bet K’s it’s only kill on you by the way yeah but I’m dead we’re fine

We fine we’re fine Alex kill you’re good okay any healing I have a healing sword wait okay keep running though wait yeah they’re coming they’re coming they’re coming jump down jump down jump down and then we got to go back up okay they’re going to fall they’re Chasing You cter Chasing no one’s on you Shan where are you Alex I’m de Carter Carter seemed to be really upset about last round they did they did that was a little interesting but I just chill I did damage before I died why I just realized Andre and pixel

Crafting are on the same team so cool right is so [ __ ] awesome oh my God guys there’s too many people in the final Zone I think cu no that’s good no that’s good that’s good though cuz we’re the only ones that get like the first kill bonus points thing oh

That’s true I mean I think we need to do more I think we need to make this game well paced ourselves do we kill more yes okay well there’s going to be like there going to be all the kids now so there’ll be like two really good kits we wiped the orange

Team like 5 Seconds didn’t they win the last round yeah yeah and they’re still in second we’re the game deciders we you just do and they’re still in second we’re the game deci who you just do the [ __ ] we won all right we decid the game

No um no I like I like the was I like the stand I like the stand5 kit I feel like long range is good right I like the the sword where’s the one with the the iron sword oh wait which one was the I need the the ranger or whatever

The [ __ ] it was called oh it’s over there Alex it’s this one right here where the Gunner Gunner oh yeah I’ll be this one this one has 30 arrows and two crossbows I’ll take that I need to like okay I just need to I need to keep

A distance cuz if I’m too close I can’t use my crossbows I can’t recharge them at least I only have two healing potions by the way but if you stand in a five to me I can heal you a bit what does that mean

Do I still have to make an alarm clock s to get move patory sign effect I need to know you’re low to heal you been like basically only healing myself though in fights cuz I die quickly that’s fine you guys seem to survive so we’re good all right going left again yep yeah

Okay wait what do these do Necromancer charms right click to get a random potion effect oh I didn’t know that well well it could be negative all right gang I feel sorry for the poor team that’s about to encounter us it is orange again okay wait this feels BM should we do a

Different team should we find they’re run they’re just going to run though they’re just going to run we just follow okay fine okay fine all right but then but then we’ll like we’ll look as soon as we see a different team go for them instead I want I want to bully orange

Again let’s go right here perfect oh there’s a team here is it’s still I’m they found a team tees berries yeah man [ __ ] you what’s up I dropped ant I ant what’s up wait that’s not our teammate they’re just walking inside of us they went up

They went up they went up yeah wait let’s go here wait wait wait there two of them up on me two of them up on me I’m coming up I’m coming up I’m coming up yes murder if on me where are you guys sh what the [ __ ] murder just kill more kill more

Kill everyone where [ __ ] is you oh we’re getting clean nothing I’m sorry wait another team up here another team up here wait wait wait up up here 3 2 1 go go go go go go f [ __ ] you nuke nuke’s slow I’m getting out oh they’re chasing me down

Oh I’m running i r run run run wait I got to get oh I died to ham it’s fine run run run I’m me oh you’re dead [ __ ] come up here Sam all right yeah yeah up up up oh I’m on my way run Al get out of there [ __ ] you

[ __ ] you weo weo weoo I’m just going to move move Mo I just I just [ __ ] drained pixel holy crap his his HP is gone are they chasing let’s stand right here and see if anyone shift right here guys shift right here see if anyone come [ __ ] [ __ ]

Wait wait for to come up oh wait I see people below us below us below us I think it’s red yeah maybe they’ll come up they’ll come up surely they’ll come up they’re fighting someone [ __ ] you want to clean it we clean if they fully fight [ __ ] you [ __ ] Sam you’re

Alone sh come a [ __ ] it’s a j a joke over here over here over here wait wait please I got the kill I think yep yep yep yep yep yep yep I’m run run run run run run I’m running I’m running I’m running I’m running R run R oh [ __ ] I

Got another kill wait wait behind you Shane oh God leave me alone leave me alone team you’re not mo mo mo mo mo mo there’s no healing there’s buddy buddy I just realized the cross was op no I’m better than you I’m better than you

Dude the cross I’m not no no I’m I’m no I’m not I’m not I’m I’m I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not I’m not get this guy get this guy get the orange get the orange see see get the orange voidable 20 there’s full but you

Can crit about 10 okay [ __ ] well Green’s bleeding okay well of course it was an a of course it was an a no yeah that makes sense actually never mind hey we pretty good I got eight kills uh I got one I got one whopping

Kill and it was in round [ __ ] two I need more [ __ ] drink I need more alcohol I more [ __ ] alcohol in my system I need more drink I need more alcohol hey but we we did mid that’s good last time I played this game I got

Bl by like 500 so last time we played we got like top half I think right yeah uh are we going are we a good parkour team Sam um yeah okay we would be pretty good at that yeah oh normally normally which individual which individual come on let

Me be first for once my life yeah you got to be there you got like a bajillion kills you got like I got eight yeah you got to be there for sure eight hello individual okay there is no oh I’ll cry that’s okay maybe after this I’ll just

Cry it’s going to be there there it is there it is okay I was oh my god oh Carter’s above unlucky that’s pretty awesome that’s you you got that with your own hands pretty awesome my hands were built for murder no way more like Mur Judas so okay so

I think what we want to do so parkour late actually maybe s not late cuz we probably I’m second I want more I want more alcohol that’s these parkour andies got nothing on me these parkour andies got [ __ ] on me I’m 17th dippy I can hardly keep my propeller cap on oh my

God Shane second how are you second Shane you need more alcohol in your system let me go see if I can find some more shots I just took aot cuz Cloud asked me to this guy’s try Harding wait I’m 29th again okay let’s go oh yeah Carter’s out

Fragging cell by like 200 points wait I’m going [ __ ] insane bro I’m in 18th let’s go holy [ __ ] that’s a new Peak for me that’s actually that’s actually new best but but for real on paper on paper signed contract like is is it actually lowy a new best for me oh my

God low key a new best I like I like drop some I like drop some kids in that like l okay as you drop kick people you drop kicked and got Drop Kicked I did get Drop Kicked uh I get oh yeah it was Carter little little um how can I insult

Him what can I say what can I I get up again never me down I’m going to I’m going to Rod new Carry I’ve got ham Sandage got him the for the Deep pigs time to get wasted yeah I’m going for the Deep pigs I got H Sage I’ve got

Him oh [ __ ] he’s got me wait can’t we just get this pig Hold up this can’t be that hard well unlucky um wait what do we want I’m thinking y maybe you like my old merch I’m wearing my old faded merch I don’t know if you guys can see it wait no I

Like Guardians old fad merch like rapid racer Sky Skirmish we could we could do we could do this actually Sky Skirmish would have probably been the the play yeah don’t worry I voted Sky let’s just hope that we didn’t get the votes you know hope that we we didn’t get it let’s

Just hope that we got Sky whatever the [ __ ] BOS wait how b b that’s okay that’s okay Sky Skirmish is not okay they’re going to try get it game eight Guardians of the chamber that’s what I’m saying I I like this game Sky not everything’s about you

Christie everything is that’s oh my bad my bad I forgot I forgot guys we need guys everyone on your best behavior Minecraft Mayhem themselves are in my twitch chat no they’re in my twitch chat give me 10 Subs give me 10 Subs I’ll I’ll leave right

Now 10 10 Subs to quit the event right now 10 subs for five shots right now back to back 10 subs and I’ll you can’t you can’t do that you can’t do it you can’t uh you can’t like a drink yeah it is against to you can pay me to leave this event

CH 10 gifted for each round I won’t play the round oh no no no no no one give him money no one give him money I get shot down I won’t play until everyone’s dead on my team why is there just a random turtle egg on the floor imagine I clutch

Up I can’t play guys I can’t play I can’t play 10 Subs same look same look there’s a turtle leg I get knocked down but I get up again you’re never keep me down I get knocked down wait guys I gotta be I got I got to turn into Gojo

Hold on my bad guys golden grapefruit oh that’s hell awesome grapefruit aren’t gold okay I say stay away from Carter save a [ __ ] up cuz you Carter is a hater I’m finding Carter and I’m running straight at him Carter is a lagger like you can’t win but you find K all right

Let’s left left left left I’m looking for Carter they’re here they’re here I think we found him oh my wait the FL 2 one me the flank of the century I was not ready I was turning into Gojo infinite infinite void that was the flank of the Century’s oh I died

One are we dead oh yeah you have to play the r now H we died to the sweat Team guys don’t worry they’re tring they’re TRS that’s you know they triing on on drunk wait what is his hands when he does infinite void infinite void Gojo power infinite

Power by the fat rat that’s in rocket League he does this infinite Void you can’t touch me Now yeah I’m going to do the flank of the century again they should give us more arrows wait wait I got I got an idea I got an idea I’m going to bait you guys super hard dude that’s not a good idea that means I’m going to die go left

Go left besides Sam no Sam you can go that way I’m doing what I want what I want when I want oh there we go fly they not here did we place down the guardian box no place down the guardian box yeah yeah yeah wait this is

Theirs I’m breaking it where are they right they they tried to flly C just keep breaking it come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come On yes who do we be no kill points but we win the round defuse infinite void actual actual snipe I’m I can’t my go ninja got a low taper face have you seen the just the guy sing ninja got Lo ninja with dreads oh no oh no wait wait yep I mean to

Start we won this one ninja what if ninja got a loc I mean they’re not ready for this infinite void I need a trap remix of this who are we fighting Pinkberry oh more like midberry they’re not ready for the they’re not ready for the flight

I’m going to go this doorway they yeah they’re not ready wa hold up they’re not ready for the they totally didn’t see us there absolutely no shot they can see us we haven’t placed it down I hit someone uhoh I’m in trouble Sam I got you I can’t see anything they’re all

Low I got and I’m like one heart though nice I killed someone oh fruit killed me wa where did FR justy I can’t see anything I can’t see anything oh it’s cuz we didn’t have our thing place down oh I was wondering why I was getting BL never mind

Oh one of us needs to do that yeah I was like I can’t see through I don’t know where he is I’m like blind that though so much we need to place it down can someone be the designator Placer yeah yeah I got it I

Got it I got it so you are my special oh [ __ ] oh freck man I would have won is all I’m saying if I didn’t have blindness I would have won I killed a frost is that a cool thing to I could do yeah is that impressive well I did

Help you I killed cupcake cupcake gaming more cupcakes for you AA JC we should just rush people together as a group okay I’m what are they going to do if there’s four of us running at them answer nothing the entry is pretty funny though yeah but then they’re just

Targeting us when we’re alone like I’ve gone 3v1 twice now that’s pretty upsetting okay I’ll make sure that doesn’t I actually also got real special I did not but oh well everyone left we spoted the issue let’s go to asight everybody asight where hey hey hey this like C

Go really I wonder if it’s up or that no they would never do that ohing place that thing they went the other side keep pop this [ __ ] wait but they’re going to break ours if we keep on going but we break theirs wait let’s flank back and make sure that they’re not

Break someone here I’m breaking space brownies we are we are separate they’re on our thing stop them Soul’s cheating I can’t stop him yeah he is cheating he’s cheating okay move to a different country I swear to God oh my God can we just never mind coming they’re coming they’re

Coming you’re not going to get it in time I was going to suggest governmental assistance to to get rid of the Australians but I don’t think that’s all oh my gosh I swear I did so much damage to one of them but you just can’t see

How low they are SOL just SOL just cheats yeah he’s just he’s oh never mind nobody will it show how much percent I did on someone after this round cuz I swear I think they have to die for the damage to do anything can we can we nuke

Australia we don’t need the continent salty Che go we don’t need six we need five what about like New Zealand uh they’ll catch astray from the nuke F uh guys we’re going to win the rest of the round no yeah no we will okay like the it was just unfair because

Of ping Advantage you know we won who are we gun all right here we go gang let’s win this blue FaZe Justin arrow and Chaos corpse we got this we’re going a again yeah all just rush hope wait lock in everyone lock inck everyone just stack on top of each other

So there’s a high chance that they miss St on stack on stack on SE on video oh yeah wait yeah you got the bomb bomb bled bombed all right I’m going this way they’re not ready oh there’s like two of them coming towards us I fell oh

Shane wait one’s going to be on whoever is Alex they’re breaking it they’re breaking it stop them I can’t I can’t wait they stopped okay they’re going to go back to breaking it I can’t I’m dead I’m dead I’m so dead I’m not dead yet oh K cor has eight hearts eight HP

Yeah this guy’s [ __ ] impossible we need to stick more together we keep on taking 2v ones this game this game inates me [ __ ] it let’s plant it and then let’s run down mid [ __ ] this [ __ ] plant mid okay no no not plant mid plant it and mid

Yeah know I get what you mean I’m saying plant mid like plant then mid no plant mids let’s plant mids plant mid can we go mid plant mid plant mid mid plant planting planting in the mid while planting of the mid crusty crab Pizza is the pizza

Crusty I don’t want to do that no no no no no no no no you know I was debating making my username that like instead of crusty Krab chrusty Krab wa that that would have been so much cooler that would have been you would have been so much cooler yeah

Honestly just getting so much all right everyone go but I kind of felt like crab is if something I wanted my user to the left to the left what’s wrong what’s wrong with crap wor about what’s wrong with crap I’m going to wide wide swing okay that

Sh that [ __ ] mid mid yeah [ __ ] our box man [ __ ] that [ __ ] [ __ ] that [ __ ] man F that [ __ ] [ __ ] you there’s a lot of come back come back come back I’m back oh I’m I’m dead I’m so dead go go go go they don’t see they see they don’t see you yeah

Baby yeah we’re still in oh no wait not oh [ __ ] four points from last like three you like three b b b why is the point D in this game so huge cuz we’re losing every round that’s the doy D I have doy skin and we lost that

R oh my gosh they ran past you like four times we got a secret 15 members doy the skit just got me to Wi that right that’s crazy yeah oh my Go yeah oh though oh it’s standing old [ __ ] let’s kill this [ __ ] oh he’s [ __ ] M wait a minute honestly why to put your [ __ ] address in your name wait shouldn’t we go right we always lose when we go left let’s go right yeah let’s go right one

Let’s go cuz Sam ninja diffused yeah I know it’s so cool Right I I actually might stab someone this round I’ll think about it they went left of course the one time we don’t go left take all up hold up I shot an air they are they going for the SN flank oh yep I’m oh and is I’m going to

Die I’m going to die okay okay I bet you get a job huh you thought about that and you’re a [ __ ] M right oh my God you killed him yeah he was low there’s no one there Alex there’s no one there there my own okay hold up you got this Alex you

Got this at at four at like 11 maybe oh you’re [ __ ] this turbo piggy guy was spam clicking but I was on one HP it’s okay guys it’s only game three okay well think about we did this first no yeah that the third game but you get

What I mean thank God we did get it out the way though we got it hottest styles every shoe every cover when you’re famous kind of fun isn’t this not even multiplied yet no it’s like 1.5 I think oh my [ __ ] God I can’t be fighting these [ __ ] players get they [ __ ]

Paid to play UHC I can’t be asked to this [ __ ] man I can’t be [ __ ] to play block more points oh my God oh my God [ __ ] it I’m locking in I’m locking in [ __ ] this [ __ ] I’m locking in of how the [ __ ] did how the [ __ ] did

Kell and Carter get a person who can second frag in the game like this hello what they got ticken who the [ __ ] is this the [ __ ] is bamp underscore bit who the probably really cool he’s probably really [ __ ] cool he’s probably such a cool dude they’re

Probably a nice person but such a great dude but [ __ ] that guy man like absolutely no a wonderful audience vote time right hopefully audience involved well now I am I went from I went from I went from second dude I’m in 25th wait this is actually a

New best for me oh I’m probably way lower yeah the yellow team and the yellow team I’m placing ham sandwich yellow team and are you bottom no Chris’s bottom Fring never mind chy ch’s up what’s up where you placeing right now I I need to find out if I’m bot

Fragging CHR is below you okay that’s last yeah but don’t worry look on tab by the also for I’m doing it Sim because personified gets me in 30 second so I don’t want to upset him and make him his oh you’re so nice that’s true I don’t

Know how you’re low cuz i s you’re just doing more than me I’ve done nothing oh I’ve done nothing I got two kills in guard I got zero that’s a lie I got one I kill I got no I got like maybe one or two I don’t remember you’re just doing

More than me I’ll be honest don’t worry cuz we have parkour help no we’re going to we’re going the ball we got sple dude our best for last games we’re gonna we’re going to get from all of blue you can vote oh is it yeah it’s half time

Yes uh where the vote at there’s only seven games yeah yeah not eight yeah I don’t know why they do it like that isn’t it usually eight yeah nope not for this event they haven’t added a new game events oh yeah another events it is yeah okay me and chy forget how many

Games oh okay let’s what do we want what is it next game third most will be the next game I don’t even tell my chat to vote anything oh yeah we don’t want checkpoint yeah all right chat vote checkpoint all right vote Che I don’t

Have the I don’t have the link if Mom want to put it in there I’m lazy I don’t know how to send my link in my chat you you copy it and paste it wait no I have a I have a better shot okay you show people it put on the

Screen this NPC doesn’t work vot checkpoint go checkpoint oh but we also don’t want spliff but spliff is first right now so I’m sure we’ll be fine let’s see if this works what’s the link it’s um it’s what MJ I don’t have my it’s thing open we voting like my stream

Checkpoint it’s fine it’s fine they don’t need it oh everyone is muted or deafen I’m not chat oh I am deafened how long have I been deafened well you’re muted but only since the break oh ma m did they mute what did you what did they mute I can’t

See they’re deafened oh that’s why I only said hi to you cuz they couldn’t even hear me they wanted hi hello how’s your chat doing hello chat hello hello tiny my favorite why you in my in my chat we’re shipping we’re shipping out to Boston right now

Shing Up To Boston you know I um one of the schools I signed up for like for an exchange was in Boston oh so we’re going to hang out it’s actually my first choice if I get in sure really yeah W I won’t say which one because there’s

Multiple and I don’t want to where I’m going but is Tiny riot in your chat yeah probably oh hello it’s my favorite mod I’m a sailor’s Peg and I lost my leg are you going to DM me like holy DM me the school you want to go to oh um where Are did you change your profile picture it’s just me oh it is just you I found it I oh hi MC Mayhem do we have a do we have a do we have a preference for oh my God checkpoint yeah checko okay cool why did you say oh my God like that Shane

Oh what is that hello team that’s the name hello team that’s like what people call it oh I’m down sure you can get me iner oh never mind yeah yeah sucks to suck we’re shipping out to Boston whoa shipping out to Boston whoa need to

Pee how much time do you have left a minute I’m speed running I’ll be back yeah speedrun I’m shipping off the Bost how do we vote uh MJ post the link again look at look for MJ and then that’s how you vote and then you vote for checkpoint Champions what’s uh third

Right now the Okay so so three of yellow are in top four yep and then two of lime are in top five sick oh three of blue are in top 10 it’s always like that this event very like cuz then Pink’s fourth and then ant

And fruit are in ninth and sixth it’s l like the order of the teams yeah that’s just a lot of people in the top and no wait I’m told I’m being told that we’re playing checkpoint Champion sure not we doing just fine God let me look surely not infinite

Void uh we are playing check checkpoint Champions no and she’s calling a cab while she’s having a smoke and she’s taking a drag now it’s all in her bed and my stomach is set and it’s all in my head but she’s T in his chest now he breaks off her

Chest now let me go let me go Alex let me go uh-huh Sam you’re not here yeah no oh not trolling this time guys jealousy turning Saints the see turning through SI why are you like so British it’s coming home it’s coming home it’s coming BS it’s chat we need to everyone listen

Along chat chats we need to get hyped yeah yeah I think it’s bad news hello okay just don’t say hello back thank you it’s coming home it’s coming home it’s coming football’s coming home it’s coming home it’s coming home it’s coming fo I’m doing another shot I’m doing another shot anyone else

Down no okay you [ __ ] I’m going seems to know the score I’m straight 40% [ __ ] this [ __ ] man oh God is it chat this is definitely a bad idea and you guys yep I’m like I’m just like in awe at this we’re ready it yay

B are we going to start this break is like really long wait we’re doing yeah we won no we lost no we didn’t win no we didn’t win the means it got third oh we didn’t want s’s big sad okay that’s it I’m locking in I’m locking in

This is it we’re coming Aton and lock in all of us got right now wait let me put on my own music screw the stupid game I’m fully sweating this I’m not I’m not going to say I would unless you I’m fully song should I listen to I’m not defining that’s boring what

What song should I listen to guys like oh yeah wait I’m going to get running through the 90s wait you should listen to like some 80 song that’s like really happy okay I’m not doing running in the ‘ 90s you should listen to like a really UNFI wait listen to to heya he

Who the outcast I already listen to let me get some funk I’m just going to listen to a bunch of anime songs okay I’m dropping I’m dropping the music I’m done on my own music what should I I put on my confidence playlist we got this shut it

What the hell am I listening confidence playlist that sounds interesting Christian I’m going to take your confidence playlist no it’s not good the first one is when when uh when I grow up does any of you have a spottify that I can link up to I mean if you want to

Listen to anime songs [ __ ] it they’re they’re hype [ __ ] it [ __ ] it do a listen along in theat right oh wait no I found it I found it I found it never mind wait are we we’re starting yeah we’re starting okay what [ __ ] I don’t think okay [Applause] okay I can’t see cine

Sorry no you’re good you’re good now Sam’s in my way so don’t worry dude well you’re you are though dude you are literally so in my way you know that means you’re in my way too you don’t hit me bitching wait a fair point never mind

All right I tried I tried to do freaking music it’s just it sounds like us so it’s pretty awesome sound am I right guys no okay I’m I’m fully focused I’m this is as locked in as I can possibly be in this state I I lit okay you seem awfully talkative for

Being locked in shut up shut up shut up you’re distracted me see I fell because of you whose issue is that no I’m oh oh you’re so lucky what happened did you just fall did you just fall no you were in my face you know you’re talking a lot

For being locked in right now now I’m not locked in why aren you locked in lock in are you throwing wow I just Adit that just admit that you’re throwing I am wait there a lot of head hitters it would be a shame if you didn’t know how

To burst am I right Gamers am I right Gamers right so right so right is that a triple Neo oh it’s a fake is this it’s a fake it’s a fake I I would have actually been happy with a triple oh I would love a triple Neo like genuinely they should

Have just kept her dude this is so hard oh my God that’s so smart Alex maybe for a n Sam that’s not how you’re supposed to do it but wait actually not wait did I just cheese it I just saw that immediately yeah but I saw what you did and now

I’m go there okay okay okay okay I with that that’s fine this is genuinely where I lock the [ __ ] in we’re going to break the point record in this game wait is that where I was supposed to go confused that’s a Neo okay oh I’m so dumb Oops I messed

Up and then on the pain yep here yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep yep I’m throwing guys I’m Throwing I’m not locked in dude Christie I’m so sorry chis just admit that you’re throwing for the team I’m throwing for the team we’re not allow to win Ione has to throw that’s true that’s true we figured it be me you know okay that’s true that’s true

Honestly I’m I’m glad you’re the one taking the bullet yeah of course yeah that’s not an easy thing to do that’s a very mature thing to do Christie I hear that a lot do you no do you really no I lied I’m sorry lying on stream it’s crazy of

Course Neo that is a Neo they just threw a Neo in there they just okay they’re not going to mine this that’s fine oh I almost jumped on there just not going to the my God you know what screw this I’m just running it these levels are way too long give me

A halfway checkpoint maybe they maybe they lied about it being um uh like easier you know I baby it was supposed to be easier but it doesn’t seem like it look for the you know what we’re going medium I was so far as well and then I have to go to medium Med

I no you can’t be throwing Shane okay yep yep yep yep I with that okay up here up there by got no set up for that okay yep yep yep where do I go y y yeah I go there that just seems impossible what if it is impossible they

Just decided to Dr an impossible stage you know the vine one uh-huh no I don’t I don’t know why I’m so sorry I’m so sorry Christie I actually just had no clue and I lied to you yeah that’s I’m did it don’t worry you you are did it yeah I did

It job honestly play thank you I think that alcohol’s kicking in no I stood up to go to the bathroom and it’s like oh no I feel it in my arms for some reason less than half by the way what do you mean half the time left

Oh that means I’m on Pace I think I’m not medium yeah I’m on Pace I think I actually could do this lowy whoops oh oh not meant to go there hey I stop falling what I was shifted no that’s [ __ ] I want a refund okay ask for

One I just did okay good oh my god Oh I’m cooking right now no I didn’t I didn’t head hit or time it okay where am I supposed to land okay oh my God it’s going to be tight I don’t know if I’m going to okay that was Karma that was I didn’t burst a head hitter and I failed it all

The way at the end end of a Level okay oh my God getting the alcohol Nerf NE okay and then I’ve got to slime into here and have five in 2 and a half minutes 2 and a half minutes it’s going to be it’s going to be close yeah yep up you mean up oh I’m going to do some medium

Okay just to the end hey okay y oh I’m couldn’t it close here that’s why I just start doing medium cuz I want to like finish yeah but you don’t get extra points for finishing right I thought they added that they do did no that’s uh yeah it’s

PB you don’t get points you do in this I’m going to I think I’m going to do it guys if I don’t [ __ ] up this last stage oh okay never mind the last stage is really hard I might not I I spoke soon sorry guys I Jin it unlucky

Unlucky that’s evil this is evil do easy no oh no oh no I’m a Cho CST I’m a Cho CST on the last Turtle That’s so evil you can’t the pezi one more in 30 seconds I did it I did them all I did

Them all I did all hard I did all hard I 19 go w w I Finished let’s [ __ ] go I’m run Alex get on the Boost pad go go go Alex go go go go go go go yeah yes not even close not even close not even close I had like a few more left oh we won we won we what the

Okay were me and soul the only person people to the people of the persons the only people everyone else is not people literally the only ones ever oh my God we got a l i what I don’t like is how long the levels are and how they love the hardest

Jump at the end they’re so yeah like they’re very oh godamn godid wait is that total event hey we caught up we’re in fourth yeah yellow team is in first by 1500 points difference are be surprised shocker any surprises in chat a sh I’m so surprised F what going

On can everyone please give me validation no way you did that wild Dr oh my gosh that’s so insane thank thank you thank oh my gosh you beat all 19 that’s insane thank you oh my god thank you chrisy thank you chrisy this is literally why we’re best friends this is

Literally why we’re best friends I went up to 27 by the we’s go my God this is what begin let’s have I think I think a shot because you did you got first dude Christy that’s such a good idea oh my God that’s actually crazy yeah you doing it with us I’ll but

I’ll take a I’ll take a drink I’ll take a sip of the scissor perfect yep yep y just wait a second I almost finished my entire drink ready yep yeah yeah let’s go go oh my [ __ ] god it never gets better oh it’s just it’s just always as bad it stays it’s stay

Bad oh I’m swimming never mind get the pigs get the pigs who should I Rod this time I’m going to get S no5 I don’t want andr give me s no5 yes I’ve got him yes I’ve got him I’ve got him I’m just not going to fish I can’t get any anything anymore

Think the pig wait can we take him out of the thing I’m going still alive what do we want to do next we got the PVP game uh uh racing and multi Sky surely yeah I was going to say should we do sky and get our favorite two games

Last dude we actually might pull us off we’re very movement team and we have movement games late how are we going to win I’m of the I’m of the movement team I do I do the I do the running fast by the way I suck at rapid Racers yeah but

We got a very topheavy team for that I’m pretty good at it yeah like I I suck I got top five in some of the things last time okay pop off okay I beat Kell a we got it wait oh we did get it yes nice no remember no uh survival points besides

Winning obviously winnings in important if we can win obviously but like um fighting I’m going to try my absolute best listen to you I’m I’m gonna genuinely try Fe I’m gonna genuinely try last time I played this I jumped into the void twice at the start of the round usually

One of them I has to be TP back up don’t you get like thingy at the start jum Boose or like soow falling you do get slow fall slow falling yeah that was it yeah wait is that gold blocks on top of that you get you get like full armor don’t

You though just like off a bat uh kind of yeah I was just say is it I swear last time we did this Sam our team um we didn’t know there was like chests up top all right what we’re going to do who want Sam are you comfortable

Bridging why am I are youning I can staircase I don’t think I can flat bridge is staircasing okay that’s fine don’t like you don’t need a speed Bridge yeah I mean like I can make bridge I’m not yeah it’s like I can do I can do a thingy that goes off yeah I

Guess I can are you guys spinning in a circle no um I was spinning in do weit ccle let’s go up let’s see you see that thing right there we’re going to go up over up there I’m going to go to that Shrine and then we’re going to go left

Or right which way do we want yeah the green one up here see where I’m looking up here okay do we want to go left over that or right was it was this the event where you shouldn’t off blocks or was that PB I mean you should I think who so

Sam’s going to bridge um immediately jump down by the way to those like platforms like we can get the chest at that green area but forget about these chests here we need to be all there in aggro the the area cuz if we’re not all together someone’s just

Going to die okay okay so I’m going to that left Shrine and then walk left what do you mean left go forward like up here green up forward and then we’ll go left you see the thing to the left over there like the giant one us go s I have no

Game what the [ __ ] is a Decay grenade it block it’s really oped to our if you throw it on blocks it like they break it breaks the floor yeah over here guys yep so where do we want to go on top left no but there’s like somewhere that

Has like I don’t think it’s this island chrisy I think it’s one of the have pants for someone I have full armor I have a chest plate for someone a better one and better pants uh we already have okay okay let’s move forward here here

Oh I don’t have did you want me to do that oh shoot oh [ __ ] oh wait who’s oh there build one more AB unless you don’t care about taking fall damage uh I have no better armor for you he an iron to what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] over to our left

Fruitberries would rather not wait you can see could you imagine though could you imagine though that would be funny any want a crossbow anyone want a cross I don’t have any arrows anyone have diamonds you wait there’s chest down there you guys want to go get these chest here down here go

Down here wait I have diamond boots okay let’s let’s go over here got what was that I think these just spawned right I’ve got a a gamer sense what is game probably let you see everyone you Shane take it there it is any we have [ __ ] that

Diamond Helmet over here look at this chest guys over here come to me what’s up CH better armor I have sword for someone all right let’s go over here guys this this area sucks by the way let’s come back come back to me and Sam okay hi oh

[ __ ] can I have the iron sword here uh here thank you a cross I I have spare iron boots if got more I’ve got more game sense is anybody for you I have pants for you Sam oh you have you already Havey you you gave it ow he what

The you [ __ ] hey hey hey you think you’re real [ __ ] cool huh yeah that’s what I go this way you think you’re real [ __ ] cool huh hey you think you’re real [ __ ] cool that’s what you get that’s what you get [ __ ] You O [ __ ] where are we

Going just running around I don’t know we’re just chilling I think we can take this right here hold on we should try to get some damage in watch out for the Decay are there people above us we got okay well I don’t want to fight either

Yellow or pink and no one’s dead yet they’re pinched they’re pinch look at them they’re terrified yellow yellow’s in trouble yeah yeah they’re terrified calm down calm down calm down calm down calm down whoa I just tried to make cter take knock back what’s wrong with me yeah that won’t

Work okay watch out watch out help back up back up back up back up oh I got it I’m low just back out back out back out I have a healing pot if needed you want to see him I’m okay you got it right I I have only one Arrow left wait

Hold on I’m going to mess up pink real quick okay I’m going to come with you I’m going to Decay their eyes oh never mind they’re decayed now oh [ __ ] we should probably start building yeah I buil something we have this we have this little thingy oh okay nice we can just

Like play underneath other people and like we could make something like right below the middle area let’s play underneath aqua and then sple the wait n’s here alone do you guys want to kill n he’s alone honestly yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah go Shane go Shan

Okay he’s on one p out for the creeper pixel pixel pixelx pixel low I got pixel move up a little bit cuz honestly this is a good place the the the Border oh right on Emily Emily dead Emily’s dead Emily’s dead I’m boxing I’m boxing go I’m boxing

Go TNT look out guys TNT I put a tnt down for to I killed chaos 21A and I’m died in the Border F I can’t [ __ ] talk wait you guys are going to win you guys are doing well look out Andre is above you and then there’s like fruit and all of

All of orange are alive so be careful for that they’re going to drop down afterwards get kandr and fruit berries fruitberries is above you is dead fruit’s above and it’s all of orange team so you guys should just I just hide box up box up I

Think yeah good job good job I think you’re going to win F box there’s no there’s a not it never ends never end you need to work with fruit where is you need to work with fruit and you need next to the game Never Ends by the

Way the name game never ends okay yeah so Orange Is All Above they’re slow SL coming down now get ready cuz you can hit one of them off if you mine a block no no no you want to play for damage damage takes damage takes fruit’s below

You fruit’s below you so not going to attack you help yeah right next to you Christie you could there’s your yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect perfect perfect St up St go up up up up go up nice perfect perfect perfect nice nice behind your fruit behind your fruit

Fruit get hits all hits all got a kill amazing Christie amazingy we won that round one all right again so go go up there I got four kills Sam you you did so good chrisy up there again I’ll take that and then we’ll go up there and then we’ll go

Left or right again okay I’m telling you I get better at PVP when I’m drunk I’m chugging and [ __ ] okay I’ll take this chest behind again I’ll take the one in front again I’m like shaking now oh my gosh take we take over down chill chill chill

Uh don’t go go right by the way go right after this uh Sam I got I got gold P for some I’ve got a diamond one Diamond I have a diamond as well oh perfect we need a everyone come down here to me there you go I got a

Diamond I can’t see my I can’t see my cor I have a present for you too here’s gold pants dude that’s [ __ ] Alex it’s crazy you gave it to me they turned into oh lime and red are fighting over here guys wait come to me come to me okay I

Have two TNT I have two TNT by the way there’s one one lime solo to everyone come over here everyone over here over here I’m with you everyone jump down yep we’re going yep let’s go sorry nice I got L’s coming down L’s coming down just killed me oh my

God dude that was oh you oh no Alex died noly early on me like I couldn’t do anything UND nice good job Perfect Right Here Right Here Right Here Right Here Right here did you hit I hit him I hit him he fell he fell

Fell where’d he go oh my God I hit him off I H off I hit him off he’s dead he’s dead okay yes on top on top is chaos on top is chaos let’s go move forward what do you mean on top like he’s like standing on on top I don’t see

Anyone have a stick no I do I do I do I do it’s fine it’s fine up here can we mine the tree maybe but like up here guys up here up here up here don’t get it I’m coming hi Shane let’s Go he just fell off he he died oh okay wait they’re shooting us they’re shooting get off the get off the bridge is there like woodwood anywhere guys oh s s J hi take this oh my God that’s so polite of you of course of course anyone have better

Pants wait hold on yeah I do good job for asking because there you go there you got it you I’m say that I appreciate that wait is there any fights yellow’s fighting someone all the way at the bottom are we going down here I’m below you they’re just chilling there I’m

Trying to TNT them okay um watch out for cuz height is coming they’re moving moving you I’m going to make a way down maybe over here oh nice wait wait go okay yep yep I’m coming back com back on one that sus Oh I thought sh

Just walked on [ __ ] a help help help help help oh run just run just run just run run they’re not they’re not they’re going for Shane they’re going for Shane out get out come down come down come down uh sh looking at you and we’re with you

We’re with you again you can gr nice here uh Chrissy take this boom boom boom Oh my God if I can get to this middle I can make a diamond sword uh yeah should we go for it do you have huh I have two I have two diamonds

On me Shane I already have two diamonds yellow’s literally right above you they’re not be careful they don’t look like they’re jumping yet but Carter is aggro so I can go from over here if anything yeah this is probably easier just watch out for pink this is it’s a little rat uh

There’s aqua team in mid below but there’s a full team though I can’t see my Crosshair does anyone need an iron sword dropped no I have watch out let’s like pink right above you pink right above you I’m trying to geta aqua’s all the way at the

Bottom yellow you can go for aqua I’m going down though no they’re they’re full team go down go down go down go down just just sit above Aqua for now yeah like right there that’s good orange is down as well now yeah I tnted orange oh things are

Decaying below what the hell the map’s King there’s a TNT watch out watch out you’re going to have tobly yeah box up or fight nice TNTs okay Shane yeah you’re just just start pvping start pvping watch out below the the K it’s very very close to just you dying I got

A couple kill I I killed s nice nice stay alive above you above you above you above you’s above you R’s not going for you yet he’s she’s not looking at you hit her off nice nice nice for orange above you nice you win this fight you win this fight you’re

No we’re still winning by so much we’re winning by so much guys we’re winning by so much look at that let go let’s Go that’s a how many kills you guys have uh zero Sam i’ got three I have 10 kills what the I got three I’ve got three hello oh we’ll go left if they wait I don’t have my BL offhanded I don’t either yeah it resets your hot bar at

The start of the round jump everyone left I’ve got a Grenade the [ __ ] anything left up top up top oh yeah here Sam take uh take chest plate boots falling on the ground okay thank you can we to break this oh does it just break break I think it just

Break breaks dude why can’t I see my Crosshair Chad spam why I can’t see my Crosshair I have a iron iron uh sword right there I need an extra I don’t have a good sword I need a sword I only have an axe but I’m fine with an axe I

Dropped an iron sword somewhere Alex did you Rob I have an ax so you can have this iron sword if you want okay we should go we should go guys appreciate it thank you oh my gosh this is going to hurt oh it didn’t jump I shift the

Tree I shift the tree I was trying to block want go two yellows right here oh my right here right here guys right here right here right here I have a gamer sense [ __ ] him up wait Shane you’re a little far ahead I’m here don’t

Worry a theme is one te is one nice ramp one oh look at look at TNT TNT someone alone I’m coming to you Al I’m coming we’re coming Alex coming go to the right go to the right over here over here someone this way you Shan yep with you Shane you

Guys we could kill Rampage maybe I have an extra take the fight take the fight take the fight have sword uh Sam I have an extra iron sword before window F over just a minute is dead oh they just loot dropped like a [ __ ] behind behind behind behind

Behind we just got run forward run forward keep running I just got cleaned so hard God ignore Carter ignore Carter yeah you want to survive here you’re getting cleaned by orange come here guys come here guys oh get killed I’m dead no no I was way let survive just stick

Together and try to get some try to get as many kills as you can there is lime team with two people lime only has two people yeah but n n has half leather n has half leather go up go up go up go up go up oh he’s getting attack he’s getting

Attack he’s getting attack they might fall they might fall wait just fall above the the rest of the team oh never mind there’s orange right there they don’t see you you have better stuff for me Sam what do you have I had a bunch of stuff you behind you behind you behind

You behind you behind you watch out pink they’re coming run let’s run let’s run line right in front of you line right in front of you near [ __ ] you you little [ __ ] you little [ __ ] you little twink you you’re in the way as [ __ ] I’m going to beat the [ __ ] out of you

Full full s a [ __ ] hit him hit him hit him he fell down oh he fell you you’re fine you’re fine Sam hide hide hide right there you’re good there you’re good there you’re good there you’re not there you’re not there you’re good there you’re good there you’re good

There no you’re fine you’re fine you’re fine box like a fish box like a fish stop stop going up border border border I think I think we I think I think we still win this game to be fair possibly probably not I think yellow team will probably end up like winning

Somehow cuz cuz it’s [ __ ] why we got 21 kills oh my how many did you get CH I got 12 I got six wait chpp I got three I’m about to be the bottom frag oh no what the [ __ ] how do we have 21 K why

Are we F I mean it’s cuz it’s cuz no remaining games are good ones I this game this whole entire time I’ve just been like individual brained and I’m just like maybe that’s why Kell do so well like usually I’m super team focused but now I’ve been very individual

Brained and I’m just critting everyone them we still like survive so like because I mean I don’t care bro I’m drunk as [ __ ] man no but like but you guys are also surviving like I’m just critting them out when they hit you once and then they just die I’m trying to I’m

Trying to do my best for you man I’m just trying to do my best for you and then like one person will die and then I’m like oh my God ant got four ant’s got ant’s going crazy look at an got so many kills kill kill yellow Nerf myself yeah we won we

[Applause] wony Baby I love the I love the chat thing Shane you Shane surely your first in this game EI it’s either you or Cal one of the two look at that man that’s some points look at that and it’s our last two games CH go dude it wasn’t even by a

Little look at the gap between like second and third we like to drink with chain Shane is our mate and when we drink with Shane we’re you know what that calls for Captain Morgan okay guys odds on odds on for multip we just play FFA we’re not on a

Team we just play FFA multi we SP each other [ __ ] it I mean to be fair every multi I’ve played I’ve cross at least that smells so bad who’s taking a shot with me I already took it right after the game ended oh my you

Got over ready okay wait no no no no I’m oh my God Chris hey I’m sorry I was debating it I’ll do it I’m ready whenever you guys are I already took it you ready you ready you ready ready ready no I’m not chrisy hurry up oh my God so

CH actually bottom Fring actually bottom Fring the drink okay okay [ __ ] what do you mean bottom Fring drinking yeah 3 2 1 go one go oh that is terrible oh have you SE theboard Morgan you taste disgusting know also I never want to hear Carter complain about events ever again guys I

Guys I dropped my bottle cap for the VOD I don’t know where it’s gone guys I’m 22nd can someone help me SE let’s go Chrissy you’re literally insane I’m guys I pretty good right where am I guys does anyone know um you’re on the top 11 or 12 okay okay that’s just embarrassing

Isn’t it it’s okay it’s okay I’m in third so I’m carrying it’s okay okay I found out I’m 12T the pig fishing kind of loses its like it’s like magic after like two times I’m going to SP my wait hold on watch this ready oh I have it on Alex ready 360

Fish I didn’t hit anything who got me who got me okay it’s gone I got you I got you nuke I got you Christy I got n no I got you chrisy I need to stay oht careful I need to stay extra careful it’s on the floor thanks is the season to be

Drk no rapid rapid we want SPL last race last God split finale is very risky but [ __ ] it we but the thing is we don’t want to win do no we don’t not maybe you want to win maybe you want to win I wouldn’t mind I

Don’t care I don’t want to win I don’t care if I’m with my baby yeah all the bad things disappear and you making me feel like I’m loved by somebody I can deal with a bad night I need listen I need I need I need post Malone in my bones right

Now oh yeah I’m trying my game Crash rapid race music no I didn’t oh okay thank you Chrissy for answering my question my game Crash why I’m say why did I say I don’t think so I don’t know if your [ __ ] game crashed I immediately said no as if I knew just

Like no Shane don’t Worry Che she was a bad bad mycom for fire shop. firebreath and you can totally not get this merch baby don’t trip infinite void infite something think I should get first malevolent prison everyone wait wait wait you all have to listen to my sing along so we

All sing it at the same time I’m I’m restarting it I’m restarting it everyone everyone listen to my listen join Shan’s listen I joined it is it all Spider-Man yeah no it’s all um post Malone oh I’m so down I’m so down my game crashed pause the game pause the

Game pause the game it’s already paused by the way sh Wait guys Shane isn’t here guys Shane isn’t here NE Shan isn’t here guys I really need to pee I I I’m say I I want to pause this [ __ ] though unable to con possibly out of

Memory chy my my thought process is the need the need to piss will help me get the end of this race actually it’s aver it’s that is a big shot wait what’s the best path what’s optimal I those STS yeah and then you go up right right because it’s like yeah okay in a right in a right in a right in a right that’s that’s that’s the show I see it I because I need to do this fast so when we get to the building part you guys build

For I’ll be I I’ll be I I’ll wait for you okay I’ll wait you please please please cuz I suuck at that part that’s like my worst part like I don’t want to wait too long so like like like like CRA you be cracked just for me yeah so I have to

Wait just making yeah same same same I’m trying to relog or like trying to get in you’re not the only person that crashed C has gone as well so don’t wor okay wait hold on I’m going to restart my game actually cuz I can’t see my

So okay I’m going to just go in just checking in uh I’ll go and check on Carter but I’m going to check back in in a second okay just launching this game right now wait how long will it take Shane to launch like do you think I have

Enough time to PE yeah desate yeah check so that’s why I’m speed running I’ll be back Speed Run piss what the [ __ ] I’m I’m sticking to my guns I’m waiting I’m big man yeah I’m going to say C has got as well we’re here for the next 20 minutes

Alex you want to take a shot well okay he’s fine I have literally like potentially like 10 milliliters left of my drink I have drank the entire one liter bottle bro Alex I’ve got seven drinks left in my crate and like if you look at the Vodka it looks like I’ve hardly even

Started drinking it oh dude I was ready for this [ __ ] man I like oh my game’s loading I was working before this event so I didn’t get time to pregame I did like eight hours of work yesterday so I didn’t need to work today also quick as [ __ ] also before

Anyone says like the team’s busted with drinking possibly out of memory what does that even mean I’m I’m going to say chat I’m also 12th like I usually I’m usually like what like six fifth just got that like absent from just got that [ __ ] dog in him I don’t

Know what to say Shane’s got that Floridian in him at this the server issue not me oh someone get the admins you might need a alt IP if they have one so I’m going get an admin post’s getting turned off guys it’s serious mode I can walk in a straight

Line I’m going to have a donut I’m back can someone pick oh okay hello you’re having problems so it’s telling me that like that like I I need to look at what it said again but my chat’s saying it’s a server issue more than me like it’s like ran out of Ram or

Something thing it’s saying um are you on feather Climb by chance no I was on lunar Uhn Johnny you want me to try to what the way play like give me two seconds one two oh he left [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Fe flame I some music oh it’s still going us oh it’s

Encrypting I’m making another drink pour another shot oh my God I [ __ ] that up wait I’m live holy [ __ ] I’ve got a chat to talk to wait wait on what are they saying oh he’s I’m just encrypting like forever uh uh Shane try just give

You an alra IP and see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah do that do that okay here we go make it okay I was going to say do want me to read this out loud one wait on a second wait oh we’re encrypting infinite void one second one [ __ ] also

Left wait what did I crash what do you mean you crashed did I crash the service froze for me the the game’s just encrypting for me someone said [ __ ] also left did I crash the the I timed out I timed out as well I crashed the server woo

W can I get back in is everyone else still on Chrissy Alex anyone hello is it just me and Shane is it just me and Shane okay hello ah my camera hello housekeeping housekeeping hello keeping hello hello hey it’s not letting me log in the server anymore I got Ed

Nether say anyone want to play Hot plight I don’t have the hotl server on this freaking client it’s just Mayhem yo do you guys want to see Smalls project you guys want to do something that’s crazy that’s CRA that might be a contract violation I contract violation the WR so

We went down okay so we went down we’re in red mode we in red mode all right I got to practice we in the danger zone we in the danger zone where should I go should I go to zero Miner I’m going to zero Miner what up zero Miner so my [ __ ]

Minecraft Mayhem crash what that’s crazy that’s crazy what am I going to get but wait a thing you can do what so dude this is such an awesome joke I got kicked from the server everyone did also to pee man went to piss man that’s what that’s the problem is I’m still I’m

Still holding this [ __ ] I’m a big man go you little baby I’m going to go thought wait is the server back up yet or is it still crashed it’s crashed for me oh around oh okay please refrain from joining for around one to two minutes oops okay that’s so loud I fell

Oh put the Tunes back on I got you I got you I’m just going to turn down a little chy can you oh they’re all muted hi chat we’re in red mode have you been enjoying yourself it’s been a time been a time we want postone I’m playing post

I’m playing I’m playing poone is playing he is he is it is is this gone is Mayhem dead Mayhem 26 End Of Mayhem I killed Mayhem I murdered it I slaughtered it with my bare hand why would you why would you do that lowkey so wait wait I think I just

Logged in wait you’re not supposed to chane I logged in I just Lo what oh well the the whole Lobby is logging in so that’s kind of unfortunate for them there’s like 10 people my um me Joel Lizzy and someone yeah a lot of people are on yeah no Shane I

Think you can jump back I’m practicing no no BOS yeah everyone’s everyone yeah everyone’s logging back on who up here dein and talking to their chats God damn Christy Shane are you staying live after probably for a little you do hoplight I’m like I’m like like ly in

The streamer mood ly it depends on oh I’m here yeah yeah yeah this a fire song what’s the fastest way to go here uh I think like in a right is good I like this song A lot I’m I’m adding this to my every time I’m ready to make a

Change hey chat tell the other two to come back I’m going to go into everyone go into Alex’s and Christy’s streams and tell them that the server’s back up and if they don’t log on they’re really bad people cuz they’re holding up my him right now Wolfy’s on hey we’re back in

Minecraft guys what’s up guys ninja I was just I was happen and then I heard the thing was on I was like oh my God let me log on also it’s it’s sobering up time my drink is empty and I will not be refilling it dude my head is hurting

Though I literally slept from 12:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. oh wait can I log back on the server yeah woke up and then started drinking two hours after waking up it it’s just you and then o godfield and they’re going to start and they also R lowkey weird lowkey weird like now it’s

Just we like the party we like the party Alex you got listen musicy now what I say now Happ just now hey now hey now what I say I can’t believe you got your mods to go in my chat to tell me to UND well that’s crazy we needed we needed we needed

You someone stream to tell them to unde tell me what I got to do cuz it’s chemical are we starting almost I’m so not ready for this by the way I am completely out of focus I am so ready for this oh okay well that’s great I think my yeah anyways I’m

Ready whated to The Land by the way whated to the the land I was telling you we should do the land yeah but don’t have a laptop my I have a Macbook is that the one that’s a laptop or is that the one that’s a PC that’s a

Laptop okay so you did have a laptop yeah but I can’t well I can’t stream on it but I wouldn’t have I’m fine with not streaming okay I was gonna say might have to be an Origins then streaming doesn’t matter I think right I don’t [ __ ] remember wait Shane can you

CU Bo no postone one One mic and one is this go back to Noah con yes oh I can’t believe Rowan isn’t logged on right now they don’t want my anyways Alex it’s fine okay fair enough I’m feeling like a rockar New Perspective out and I taking yeah Poston wrote country songs banjo

[ __ ] well post melon raps in this oh does he oh damn we’re ready we ready right right I want no so bad but we are ready okay okay lock lock in lock in lock in ioud of all the punches every everyone right now show me

The show me the face you use to pull girls of the club low key right now uh I haven’t been to a club in like five years infinite void I actually I’m I’m clipping that later I’m clipping that Letter I’m sending that straight to Morgan I trying to Morgan the pickles oh my gosh Morgan is well familiar with that face that I do it to him is he is is he is he is he famar with that face do J why can’t I see you guys so

Clearly why am I like five meters behind you Guys post bone and losing my Cs and it’s all Any why am I going for the anyway oh I hit it never mind doesn’t matter I’m proud of all the I proud of all the punches that have thrown in the name of someone I no longer know not listening to the in game music the in game music Bops like crazy

I’m list this country year I got to turn on the music for multi because I heard it’s got a new song another one that’s what that’s what Jack C is saying my emergency my phone call Honey rang and rang even the cops thought you were wrong for

Hanging up I’ll die a drunk I’ll die a drunk I’ll die I’m lowkey a second frag I’m you’re GNA wait for building right like just stand still for like two seconds I’m like lit right behind you you see me okay okay I’ll you I’ll you I’ll bottom FR again oh [ __ ] my I’m

Behind you Alex you see do you see do you see my blocks Christy do you see them no I don’t do you know I kind of screwed up the water part like slightly oh they should it might still be there I see I see your block I’m I’m

Just riding on on your thing okay Alex so you like Place some for christe as well okay I’m trying I li by the way light on the internet for fun that’s messed up I completely forgot to place too oh we’re balling oh [ __ ] trans radio a come on there was a Roof oh [ __ ] okay I actually did really well there I think yeah good for you I did not you you went crazy Sam I just completely followed you the entire life guys fruit berries is in first we must stop this right now uh surpris in ch any

Surpris fruit dud come back here you little rap scallion little rap scallion you can’t get first on your first event that’s in criminal that’s criminal firstent it’s not his first event is it not oh [ __ ] no it’s not he literally won last event oh mind it’s fine you can get

First fruit it’s fine it’s honestly cool with me if you get first yeah it’s actually kind of tight oh I fell and so did fruit so it’s fine so now someone else is in first it’s okay honestly fruit’s such a cool dude honestly I’m completely fine if he gets fast shut up

Man are you talking yeah I think is that soul in first honestly I’m so happy for soul he’s such a cool dude yeah I’m throwing this ice s actually I’m not going to lie I’m going to try the shortcut I’ve never tried this before oh it’s there’s just nothing here it’s just blue

Eyes oh oh that was smooth as [ __ ] I just slid through that like a [ __ ] warm knife through butter I think in second [ __ ] we’re not going to talk about this what the what what no don’t worry about it don’t give a damn let the PO don’t give a

Damn I see Kos I’m getting Kos right now K [ __ ] Kell [ __ ] Kell and [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I didn’t know you had to manually elyra this goes very Down yeah oh I [ __ ] I [ __ ] it up Shane no I [ __ ] it up I [ __ ] it up as well why do I have J boost 57 like what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] I would have been fine if they didn’t have the jump boost excuse

Me can my Electra work than you find Berg or find like the burg I be in the heels [ __ ] dudes been [ __ ] dude oh my Trent didn’t do anything I trying didn’t do anything again I’m lcking back man what the hell it’s messed up low key I hit while you

Kiss that why I’m right with you I think good oh no never mind have been lost oh jeez where am I going oh hello I think I’m still such an interesting route I see fruitberries I feel like I might be doing pretty welle I think we’re doing really [ __ ] well

Right now I swear that’s those red boots are the only people in front of us I mean we might be get second and third I see someone front of them there’s like two people in front of them we might well be top five then hold up this might be

Disgusting oh never mind don’t wor guys I still exist no you’re good you’re good give me fifth I got fifth you finish already yeah take seventh how did you finish Go Alex go am I being I don’t know where fruitberries is you are you’re being fruit you being fruit no a

Dude I lost it by one go Christy gr go Christy go go chy you’re so close you’re close you’re going to do it you’re going to do it oh yeah guys we don’t have to worry about our team being too op cuz yellow team did the exact same thing we

Did oh really y they also just like swept oh girl I like you I beat the thema oh girl I like you I do I want to be your friend go shopping in the B I like you I do entire team let’s go h s got last out

Of that team oh I’ll take 26th that’s pretty good go down for that are we the second team finish uh we got fifth overall no it’s not over it’s zero points zero zero points boyfriend will never understand me but I’m trying to this J like a hamy hamy let’s take quick BL F

P180 and I’ve been thinking lately that I need someone to save me let’s go I got third and running you got first and Running Oh third and running third and running I got 12 second swimming second swimming Sam I got 12 12 Go Alex we got the same in blocks we got

The exact same time in blocks first elra let’s go Shane good job Shane eighth and third yeah let’s go let’s go 20th that’s okay so we won we got first yes yes oh [ __ ] guys we’re actually GNA win [ __ ] is crazy Jack Cass is going to be

In so much [ __ ] after this no but we’re not even like dominating the event we the best music I we’re in first oh wait that in this game never mind no no no yellow is still probably go wait Shane didn’t you finish before I have no idea okay guys we just

Got hey guys as long as we don’t l i be popping bottles so you got to come down and accept that okay I’m turning music back on because I think there’s new music that’s the wrong thing where the [ __ ] another one guys if if I do well

And sple I can totally beat Kell awesome an individual where are you indiv individual where are you where are you you made it here you’re here you’re here I cannot sleep I cannot speak tonight I need Exhale and I’m so sorry and as I stared I counted the whips from all the spiders catching things I don’t like spiders spiders scary and hear your voice of tre once you come home and stop this pink stop This what game it going to be games games and limited games gaming in the game of the games of the gaming gaming What if I can I be in the pig pit I want to be a pig I got stand [ __ ] I still yo Alex

Alex look at this [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] Alex look at this [ __ ] I got him I got his [ __ ] ass I got his [ __ ] ass wait let me get rid of this stupid how do I get rid of my oh like that I remember jump jump like like Van Halen like Van

Halen Jump Jump jump jump jump I don’t know the words jump jump criss cross will make you jump jump someone knows the words okay wait are we doing FFA man man I’ll think about it you know if you come near me and you piss me off

Are there of this how many rounds were there three three at least FFA if we do really bad let’s try in the last round down like we actually sweat our ass off in round three I’m trying no matter what cuz I just want to keep my

Individual we we we cook coms lock in I’m just I’m going to play Super aggro in the first round I will try to stay up top though because I I for some actually this time I won’t get cross teams because I need to pee again the edge problem The Edge the edge

The Ed I’m on the edge Ed of Glory oh there’s not there’s not French blea anymore okay I want french blea bget TNT blow Soul ice SP regular dude why are they muting chat for why are they suppressing my freedom of speech why are they not letting me

Talk I want to talk right now let’s actually messed up wait I wonder how they made these mens wait I know how they made these mountains guys do you want to know the secret of how they made these mountains sure they use G brush there’s a plugin

And it and there’s literally preset and it’s called and it’s called Volcano that’s what they did didn’t donut like look at Mayhem and then say how they made everything I know they made this it’s a they did a volcano and then they and then they did some Boulders and then

They did some smooth in [ __ ] and then and then and then they did a square in the middle low key that’s what that happens low key or high key honestly mid key mid key okay okay mid key I’m not too certain you know dude what the [ __ ] pixel isn’t

Pixel playing this event yeah he is uh why is the paer timed the the no you don’t have no wait is it V void iable they’ll probably be back in a infinite void chrisy Christy give me an estimate how fast can you piss give me an

Estimate how fast can you be one minute one minute that’s that’s plausible honestly cut that gold split 50 seconds I think you can do it I in time you can’t talk in chat oh you chy honestly if you gold split it 50 seconds oh never mind back they’re back they’re

Back just go after you die just go after you die yeah just like go super aggro die like I If I die I yeah yeah yeah I said never mind don’t worry what do you mean never mind in chat none if it will show never came up oh really I

Thought it was the kind of thing where no that’s just MCC the EV starting yeah it’s starting cuz I hate listening to samb De Janeiro yeah where’s your music Shane samban thank you but yeah wait I’m cranking the [ __ ] off I’m cranking the [ __ ] off I’m at I’m at

100 how do you reset the music Holy song is [ __ ] I forgot that this song is like insane oh my God this CRA back okay I’m I’m listening to the music in game oh I fell I fell a layer already the first like layer doesn’t matter

Oh that’s you Alex I’m trying to SPL you just I’m liter I haven’t shot a single egg I’m I got Andre is going gunning for my ass come on go I’m locked it as [ __ ] I’m locked it as [ __ ] 10 seconds 10 seconds 10 seconds I did it t run

H oh I love B oh God my God oh I’m so locked him right now he’s cheating no I’m in the second layer I’m on the second layer too I’m on the third layer oh there’s no way to go go higher up again right no I’m so locked him right

Now oh being on the lower layer sucks yeah just I can’t F five can’t see [ __ ] hello K awesome should I just I’m [ __ ] it I’m going to gun for K awesome [ __ ] I pleas Emily no I I actually feel bad I actually didn’t want to

Do dude no I just I’ll be real though once you once you’re at the bottom layer in the beginning of the game it’s just no longer fun cuz I can’t F5 anymore so I can’t see [ __ ] oh I couldn’t see wait s bring us up oh wait we’re all

In the I’m dead I just died I bet everyone I bet everyone’s celebrating right now they’re like oh my God yes you get honestly you guys stick together I think you guys can do okay we’re going to get targeted by the way just so you know well yeah it’s okay

It’s okay we’ll just we’ll just go it out honestly I was going really aggressive there so I can probably chill out yeah I mean if if if I just like a coming okay good job you guys just stay in your little like quadrant you know yeah oh server um server you guys oh

Shane okay it’s all on you Christie server is the server laging am I lagging the server is fine for me Alex I think it’s you huh what the the music is the music is fine it’s just the gameplay nobody’s M yeah the music’s just like a

Trigger at the start of the game so it wouldn’t stop m game okay the music will just re watch out don’t stand still okay okay well I was standing in a Four Corner that they had block yeah honestly Shane just died on my screen yeah relog Alex relog I will

Rel yeah you’re doing good Christie you’re doing very good really really Good nice uh it’s still I like you staying in a crowd right now because the arrows don’t hit the Flor they hit each other they really good want to team with you want team I think you did good you did good you did you did amazing you got up to top I

Think that’s top eight I think okay I’ll take that job christe I need to never mind it’s back to normal uh if you get if you get a gold split Christie you could I think no you could go you could go you could go okay I’m going I’m

It looks fast say pause if anything it looks so fast no it’s it’s back to normal it’s it looks so fast now cuz I’m used to it being laggy this is so weird no for B well we want for them to lose cuz they’re behind us oh oh yeah

Right L aa’s doing well AA needs the well AA can walk on [ __ ] air so like is everyone here a lager uh I don’t think actually on but the other two are oh there okay well okaya AA literally had an entire like second to react to her already being

Right above the point yeah I know wait wait wait wait I’m good by the way I’m good by the way Chrissy isn’t Chrissy being oh Christy is Christy is what prolong die contact contact put the to Harvey in chat colon L tole Harvey emote I love to Harvey

Yeah they kill our momentum for real we have so much momentum right now wait what’s up with me why did I what we’re back we’re back she’s back we’re barck we’re barck we’re ready we’re ready barck oh okay I’m here I’m here I’m here I want

Theong wait I don’t have my chat open though it’s fine we don’t care Oh CH won’t see me I won’t reat this round I’m sorry I’m locking in this round I’m locking in this round I was locked in last round I swear I do better going to lock the [ __ ]

In I’m just going to just hey oh my god oh you got snowballs okay he instantly SPL me he L run straight at me sick I told you we’re going to get targeted ice this always happens well I’m on second layer too now the second the best pinkle one of pink as well

Pinking me now let be chased next row yep yep okay I’m locked in I’m locked in I’m locked in I’m locked in ice oh [ __ ] so we need to go for pink right you said I mean pink would be the most viable I don’t see any pink on my layer

So I just won’t attack anyone then I pixel’s targeting us oh my God sick gunning for me chos is gunning for me oh I got again get away from me get away from me oh well I’m sweep I’m trying to SLI them from the top

Layer From Below but I don’t want to y That’s what I just said I don’t want to get targeted in the meantime let’s stay over here this is a good place just try to survive as long as you can I’m trying pixel’s just L made I made a plau pixel let’s go

That’ll last you this one entire round let’s go yeah that’s what I’m thinking I just want to stay safe especially on this round okay what’s next TT run oh [ __ ] honestly I I heard the strap for both B is just not shoot just chill and not

Shoot I shoot all the time just focus on yourself I’ve heard I’m going to go for up top is okay I’m getting shot at I’m getting shot at by who Faz come here come here come here yeah yeah look look I swear to [ __ ] God God I’m dead as well [ __ ]

[ __ ] why are why is it always [ __ ] happen okay it’s the next Round oh it’s literally I jump and then the floor gets the texture as a mid jump there’s literally nothing I can do about that that’s not even me like being drunk or anything that’s [ __ ] up I had so many people stay on the second layer I was gone instantly I

Couldn’t St there at all all right guys hold on S is you next to the [ __ ] is just chilling on the top by the way well yellow won’t sleep me cuz they’ll sleep each other so if I just as long as I stay like close to sleep up if you can

Cuz s is just by himself up there don’t r no this one gets rid of it this one gets rid of it you’re going to get punished you’re going to get punished if you sleep up oh my gosh did you see that barely I jumped right when I got rotted and then

Me down a layer oh are you’re double red Christie oh my God uh don’t worry well played very well played careful and I’m dead right away that was near yep that makes sense watch out yep just keep jumping Christy I’d say no I stay in people yeah

Yeah don’t don’t get near near okay you did good you did good I’ll take that God I’m going to f I’m going to focus really hard this last round I think yeah uh how much of a gap did we have over pink was it like a th 2,000 almost the

Stop is stand inside of people they’re not going to spliff you if you’re inside of them cuz they’ll spliff themselves it’s a good shot it’s wor I just keep getting like oh and I constantly have five I’m always in not in first person so you know everything

That’s going on around you I keep getting like uh semi semi targeted at least where like people have like two options and I always am the one that people go for no I got hardcore targeted by chaos but he sucked so he didn’t get me yeah it’s just like multiple teams do

It but whatever yeah pink is I I see ant trying to Target me as well little Gremlin but it’s only a 400 difference between us and red well I’m instantly sleed now I got into the S too stay together where are you I’m already layer I’m running toward you let say together

Yeah the mid is good no one will go here if there’s three I’ve got I’ve got a pack with Kell awesome Kell’s chill Kell is Chill yeah Kell is Chill Kell is chill with me as well goodbye nuke oh someone just oh they’re trying to SPL us from down below

Sick C is just chasing you yeah I know I know he’s trying he said we’re going to fight so I was oh I’m down a ler we kind of need orange to lose I don’t know how low they were in placement but they’re doing well yeah they’re doing really well oh

[ __ ] oh I’m sweed CH good luck guys sple is a so social game is a social Game oopsies wait let me turn on my game music I’m sitting over here Alex if you want to come over stupid man all right Shane never mind you’re good make you guys as well yeah but I want to have a no way out cuz then yeah that’s going

I’m dead oh my God oh God man red is like gunning for us by the way I don’t know why maybe they’re the ones in fourth they’re not I don’t think oh okay y yellow’s cross nuk Sam I don’t know how you survived that yellow is Crossing with

Blue just survive as long as you can yeah I’m trying to get some I’m TR my best I’m try my best what behind you Alex or Sam all of Orange Is Alive um on top of kill awesome that’s awesome that’s good Mas is dead that’s good people don’t want Target kill cuz

They’re scared of him just with him you’re good he won’t SPL you if you’re standing on top of him cuz he can’t 10 seconds until A New Path it’s changing no Al or Sam watch out Sam God this is scary no watch out behind you

Sam who even who is that I can’t see your name got then oh let sure oh oh my god dude did one one nice just stay alive Sam oh get orange if you can that’s perfect s is still alive on a layer above you but watch out behind you

Behind you new area watch behind you okay I’m just going to chill just yeah where are you oh you’re over here okay no one’s going for you that I can see as of right now no dude lime is kind of just just chill there yeah just chill

Watch out people are shooting at you K is shooting at you I’m on a four block thing I’m on a block thing perfect yeah yeah yeah they need to shoot all four to kill you watch out watch out watch out I’m fine I’m fine I’m paying I’m paying

Very close honestly like shot yeah I’m watch out go with a new four left here move for move for y Co cool cool cool cool Nice you oh my God got got you’re looking for soul kill me he died too you this might be really close wait what’s the multiplier for last game three this is really bad oh we’re [ __ ] yeah it’s over orange would had have been like close to like top if they I

Think yellow was close as well it’s really bad they’re get a guaranteed first yellow was already first oh yellow’s first okay okay that’s really good that yellow’s winning then really really good okay I just I don’t remember how I I I don’t think we got it I don’t

Think like every time it’s okay it’s just like the way it happened is so [ __ ] scummy it’s like annoying which team was it was it pink pink was behind us third team like red team pink team freaking lime team like are just getting there was no breathing room no

No way no way no way yeah this is over we’d have to be in front by 1700 yeah we’re like fifth I think probably unfortunate man orange that was not even the team we expected that’s that’s really unfortunate that’s cringe I’m not going to

Lie W wamp w w w any want shots shots anyone I anymore shot shot shot shot I’m went from third to six oh God do I want to take another shot cringe targeting I got 24th where am I I can’t even see am I 10th did I get 10th I’ll take one

More ready I I got 10 overall are we actually doing it I’m down yeah one more I got 10 full drone come down I got 24 is higher though oh that’s funny we drinking ready yeah I’m ready three two one go iard it never gets better never gets better never gets

Better okay who’s in thing cuz I’ll how do I how do you how do you raid is it crazy you know I just I’ll just stop streaming it’s fine my five viewers go to what is it yellow or orange Carter Kell well I don’t know how to raid

Sam just like I tell people you know you know flash raid what’s his name car is it just the same as his usern the [ __ ] am I it’s like C or some [ __ ] like the [ __ ] [ __ ] Giants are still there that’s insane oh yeah I actually kind of want

To see how this new game plays out low key I’m I’m I’m curi I literally have to look it up I’m curious to see how this plays it’s best of best of nine what the f why is my game absolutely taking a poopy oh you can boost your teammates that’s

Cool Carter isn’t even live or is he messed up well Souls already in I think yeah okay yeah yep screw this it’s insane or just there’s two Australians this is just not fair yeah this is just not fair they didn’t really think this went through the day a game that was

Rely on knock back of Australians well anyways yeah can’t wait for soul to just run through them all again is the same C the same to be fair yeah CIS gets in C gets in yeah okay so it’s it’s just the Australia whichever Australia makes it first yeah aie ping versus Aussie Ping this game is a little bit easier to spectate at least that’s nice oh my gosh they got absolutely what’s the knock back on like the Carter just doesn’t move I don’t know what the sword knock back is but Carter just doesn’t move what’s the bow like what’s

The punch cuz it’s a lot punch two I think stone sword it doesn’t tell you what the stone sword has Kell is making it through no one even noticed Kell oh Soul’s going to make it there s in first yeah I like how it says GG where does it say G in

Chat it just lists the whole team and says GG why does it do that why does it do That oh you can boost each other I forgot about that oh yeah that’s actually a really good St yeah just someone from the start oh they actually why did you see that yeah from the right orange is scoring here for free Carter got it oh Carter got it first

Cter got boosted at the start it’s two for two yeah two for two think is a disadvantage guys it’s a Disadvantage why is it best of honestly Kell hitting Carter at the start is the most I’ve ever seen Carter take knockback best of 9 is very long oh orange scores o oh M the first time in non tralia in scor let’s go this game is um interesting it’s it’s

Better it’s an improvement I think from the last one with the bridges thing orang winning oh yeah no 100% C just didn’t move W jaas for creating this game it’s a bit long though space brownies is going to make it in space brownies just doesn’t move I literally saw space just

Get hit and like they just didn’t move what do you mean it’s a bit long I feel like it’s shorter than Bridges uh maybe I’ve never witnessed the bridges I’ve just been I always went AFK once it started is pretty short maybe the map should be changed so it takes longer to

Get in or something yeah and maybe make it like best of four instead of first of four I don’t know why the [ __ ] I’m trying to like critique a game right now I’m [ __ ] as [ __ ] man I can’t feel my lips and I can’t feel my hands but is going to make it

Honestly I can’t feel any part of my body low okay my head hurts okay God I’m going to start drinking water start drinking more I’m fine but I think if I have another shot I will die so I’m going to stop taking shots I thought that every

Shot I thought that like and then I took the shots after that I was like I don’t feel too well and then after like 10 minutes I was like oh let’s take another I I used every end of my focus in that last round of multi and then when I died

It just all hit me at once I used in the first two and then the third I died like first and I was like well never mind GG what the feeling was for that one round of M is like when you come home after you wer supposed to be

Drinking yeah you have Heth I think the chances you climb there that’s crazy have all of yellow on defense orange needs to like full send at least two yellow’s going yellow going yellow one orange slipping past and it’s over oh mask’s going but Kell and verm are here’re going oh they killed him

It’s all reset okay this is intense they they’re playing it properly see this is a good round this is a really good round is going through SP is getting first got it got it SP one won had the RM had potential left r g g g g let me put GG in chat

G oh is that it oh damn I did not expect honestly I would not have expected orange to win fair play fair play on orange fair play on orange taken that I did not expect them to take it no I’ve I would I saw I saw yellow getting

Get I was I think I was expecting yellowy blue I think well I think it’s because orange is more like a they’re all friends they’re for good friends more like chemistry so I feel like comms would be better on the last game and more like uh I feel like yellow is two

Like top top frags like s tiers I don’t know how the other two players are I’ll be honest but I feel like orange is just like a well-rounded team you know like all four of them have the ability to like score and everything you know wait which team do you not know the

Other which team do you not know the other two yellow oh golden oh I don’t know I only know Carter and K I don’t know the mean yellow team is just op like let’s be ramp and ramp and a themer are like both like lower lower mid but I

Would expect orange to win in the final game that’s what BR yellow doing that well is is an over performance I think cuz Carter also got like first which get first oh he did he literally got first oh wow damn well their their third frag was

11th K of wasn’t supposed to get first which I guess what did ramp get 11th yeah that’s still really good that’s really good for VM usually get like 25th I think that’s not bad that’s cool event looky a cool event I’m about to pass out

But that’s fine I’m going to end my now I’ll be back we did Jack cast Pro I’m honest I’m happy we didn’t get in that means jack Cas doesn’t get [ __ ] murdered but it was quite sad that we got like super targeted by like literally yeah I was hoping happened in

A different way yeah like I was hoping we just averagely did mid rather than having a chance and then getting absolutely donkey on in the last game you know would have been nicer if we at least it’s cuz people like when it comes to the last game like that people forget

That like when there a SP game they forget that like that happened in All Stars remember they forget that like a team might be in like a third or fourth and they just keep on targeting the team that they need to pass even though they forget about the team that’s dominating

The game and then it’s just like yeah like I mean in that all St yeah you talk about it like all stars like we got like team Bay got targeted a bunch you guys literally all five w a SP friend and no one went for you they still were going

On us even though we were getting shot on the whole game it’s just like yeah we’ve lost mate go for someone else I’m back yeah yeah my stream is over good job good job you’ve done it you successfully streamed I like finally ended my stream actually saying

Something and I just uh anyways bye and then just we’re also going to end because I need to go talk to my family so we’re going to raid let’s raate ant because he usually streams for a long time after it everyone go Raid ant everyone go ra ant and we’ll be back

Again tomorrow maybe later who knows oh aled me well follow along our table it’s broken thank you Alex for the raid but um everyone go say hi to whatever go say hi to um ant goodbye everyone byebye byebye

This video, titled ‘FireBreathMan Minecraft Mayhem 26 Cyan Cucumbers’, was uploaded by Matt Griffin on 2024-01-14 17:25:41. It has garnered 227 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:11 or 10631 seconds.

Shane/FBM’s POV of MHM26 on the Cyan Cucumbers

Teamed with ricekristys, Wolfeei, and DONG_FORTNITE

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  • Sonic Speeds Past, Minecraft Movie Lags

    Sonic Speeds Past, Minecraft Movie Lags In the world of Minecraft, the movie did flop, But Sonic’s success was a real jackpot. Video game movies, a tricky domain, Some hit the mark, while others bring pain. Sonic 3 and Shadow, a dynamic pair, Mario’s movie, a wild affair. Angry Birds took flight, Halo in the mix, Uncharted on screen, a thrilling fix. Fallout and Pikachu, a detective’s tale, Each movie unique, each one a sail. So let’s learn from the past, let’s make it right, Craft a Minecraft movie that shines bright. With rhymes and with humor, we’ll tell the tale, Of blocks and of… Read More

  • EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft

    EPIC Cave Base Build in Minecraft The Ultimate Cave Base in Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, offers players endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One of the most exciting aspects of the game is building unique bases, and creating an underground cave base is a popular choice among players. Let’s delve into the world of Minecraft and explore the ultimate cave base. Exploring the Depths Building a cave base in Minecraft allows players to immerse themselves in the underground world, away from the hustle and bustle of the surface. The dark, mysterious caves offer a perfect setting for a hidden sanctuary, filled with secrets… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fail on the Other Side

    EPIC Minecraft Fail on the Other Side Minecraft Hardcore: A Thrilling Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Hardcore! With intense challenges and high stakes, players must navigate carefully to survive in this unforgiving game mode. What is Minecraft Hardcore? Minecraft Hardcore is a game mode where players have only one life. If they die, they are permanently locked out of the world, adding a sense of urgency and excitement to the gameplay. Key Features of Minecraft Hardcore: Players must strategize and plan their moves carefully to avoid dangerous situations and ensure their survival. Permadeath: In Minecraft Hardcore, death is permanent. Players… Read More

  • Stressmen vs Kentang: Minecraft Animation Showdown

    Stressmen vs Kentang: Minecraft Animation Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Stresmen and Odo Kentang, with their animated lives. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing joy and delight, With funny animations, shining so bright. From the land of Indonesia, their talents do soar, Creating content that fans adore. Exploring the world in every frame, With each video, they rise to fame. So like, subscribe, and share with glee, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, the animation spree. Infinite beauty, in every scene, Crafted with love, so serene. Keep watching, don’t miss a beat, For Kulpi Semungku’s creations are oh so sweet. Thank you for tuning in, for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More