Insane Minecraft Modded Livestream Gameplay

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Everyone and welcome to the stream from the outright CMP I’m a little bit late I had some uh electrical issues so I hope that’s over now I look a little bit different than normally because I had a long day let’s call it that way let me quickly see if I can bring up

My chat yay hi Sean welcome to the stream I’m good how are you let’s do it like this so guys I’m got to be honest I don’t know if all the redeems are working but I worked on them hi pting F welcome to the Stream hello hello I’m having some technical

Difficulties I have a technical difficulty I’m inside your head oh you’ve got beautiful eyes thank you from the inside your head looks really beautiful from the inside it is right yes it’s I think there were lots of beautiful thoughts in there yes what’s going on um I dropped my uh Coke over my

Keyboards like in the last 5 seconds and before that my hobby decided that it was now good time after dinner to also change up all the electricity and stuff so I didn’t have electricity hey count welcome to the stream as well that’s like everybody’s nightmare dropping drinks on your

Keyboard is not recommended oh my nope sorry I’m just drinking my Coke and I’ve literally put my glass even further away from my keyboard than it was before y okay guys I’m going to fix redeems if you give me a sec okay uh um so um I’m going to go and help zero

On the ice uh on on on on okay I need to ask you something yeah can you talk or are you busy uh yeah you can talk to me well my stream I’m also streaming right now hello need free stream hello Hello I’m I’m trying to get it uh my stream about to connect because I actually reset most of the redeems only the warden one isn’t working dudes I just looked out some people just need to work during the day uh painting fin can you try the redeems

Uh for me not the warden one I believe the I fixed the goose one and I fixed the uh Phantom yeah what what were you going to ask dippy’s voice is really low okay wait no hang on my but everybody was complaining too too loud I turned my

Desktops out uh L okay is she better now hello hello one 12 one2 testing testing testing need free stream can you hear me a it should be working I don’t know why it’s not working sorry I need to look into it I’m I I was going to ask you

Yeah so zero is losing his mind with the um with the uh mini golf but we have a lot of empty space and I don’t think we have that many people sort of signed up to do more stuff so I was thinking that we should make the mini golf as big as

Possible so it takes up all this space but he’s going to finish at 9 he’s already working on us right now yes but he was going to make this like the last bit and I mean if we but if we kind of go instead of this way kind of

Go that way we could sort of you know double it up and the rest of the space with mini go do you think we should do that or do you think nine holes is long enough and we should do something else over there I think nine holes is long

Enough I still have one more game as well I think we should also drop down more trees and stuff okay we can put down more trees that’s always a good idea oh I need to check on my horses uh I lost dippy dippy has a favorite Canadian ooh dippy

There she is sorry I forgot we’re not in a group I lost you I’m sorry I forgot we’re not in a group is the rest in a group no nobody’s in nobody’s in the group okay so my chat my chat is having a war uh about who is your favorite

Canadian I think wisely because I have fit Chad and Sean okay right I I I was just in my own stream and I was saying to Sean you are my favorite Canadian but I cannot say that out loud when vid or Maggie are here because they are also my

Favorite Canadians and I don’t want to upset them so I have already fluffed up big type so everybody’s my favorite Canadian yay also um I have to say I have a real Canadian friend like a a person that I actually know In the Flesh and not just online and she’s also my favorite

Canadian she’s called and she is is amazing and and also very Canadian B said it’s okay if Sean wins no I I have no favorite I have only favorite Canadians I don’t know any bad Canadians okay they’re all amazing okay so it’s that it’s that stupid oh hello

There’s something how how how does this there’s a new game okay the go won’t work I don’t know about the other ones yeah I think I still need to look into what’s what’s wrong guys game that’s a new game does any game oh guess who does

Anybody know how this work and will it work where did they go I don’t know why I’m in gaps is there a group yeah that that’s lot better because I keep losing you okay where did you go you got on ad well I hope you

Didn’t get an ad I tried to turn them off Z where did you and dippy go oh here guess who yay and then you have to yeah what happens if I go on where’s the reset button is there a reset button oh that’s cool

Oh okay I I don’t know uh there is one slight problem with this because the the the the bird but it’s actually Maya the birds keep activating it there must be a reset I love this why is it still in gaps do they come back up if you the group

Okay I love it hello hello hello I have no idea how this game is supposed to work but we have to talk to Maya if you step on it again they will pop up yeah but what are you we need sort of instructions everyone knows who how guess who works

No I actually I actually still need to paint instruction at the volcano ask who name ne’s favorite Canadian well I have I I have like this bag where I put my favorite Canadians in so f is in there at the bottom and then I have Sean

And I have ETO I have a lot of favorite canadi Oho is Canadian I didn’t know that you didn’t know that no share viewers I’ve got it’s like I’ve got my own viewers okay you’re way too loud again oh because you’re I I I promised Diamond a spoiler for her

Birthday okay so I gave her a picture of me with a certain book okay oh okay let me guess the book is I told I told dippy what the book was about yes yes well basically I’m not tell I’m not telling if people have seen all the

Spoilers have been sharing I think they will know what was on the cover of the book just I want to do this maze uh okay can somebody tell me how to play Guess Who because I really don’t know oh this is cool have you never played guess who

No no uh did you never play uh re is it what re is it no really not even the Dutch the the German version no oh dippy okay this is my you okay so what do I do what how does this work is okay so there will be heads

On the on this and then I need to try by asking yes or no questions I need to try and figure out which one which card or you have so I can ask you have to ask is it like somebody with red hair or something or is it an animal yeah does

It have glasses um oh so is it oh this is so Weir who when are we who’s going to put the the the heads on and I think the one that made the game okay so Maya is still going to do that okay I hope so so

Then okay and do you like hockey my chat is chatting with each other that’s cute okay that’s so cool yeah okay right I’m going to um so I’m going to why am I so bad at mazes I just am okay how are you are you are you doing

The where’s the water maze it’s back here isn’t it okay so I only have one and a half hours because then I need to go just saying yeah okay oh my God this looks so cool I don’t know what this game is I want to know it but it’s not

Ready yet so yeah this is a goose game this is from jot bar I I know it’s I can see the geese the geese look amazing by the way I just love the Derpy eyes they’re just so cool and I can see some command blocks some some uh barrier

Blocks here and I see that somebody knows the secret trick of putting uh pressure plates onto pots how did you wait what well if you want to change the appearance of a a a a Minecraft pot you know the big pots you can put a pressure plate on them and

They look amazing just that’s really cool yeah yeah I made a whole video about that because I I was so impressed by it you can also put Carpets on and other stuff but I think pressure plates work best ah oh my God okay can I just

Change the light a bit because it’s sort of day but I think noon is better uh okay set okay what I’m going to do this stream or at least for this part I uh oh maybe I should first talk with count about that oh why am I so slow flag has got a

Render hole in it uh dippy yes hang on there is a oh there’s a cloud okay yes I’m here wait can we take this can we take this away am I getting somewhere possibly maybe are you in the who who’s talking to can I can I first get dippy

Because um I really want to do stuff instead and you’re just running a maze sorry yeah I’m I’m just talking to myself I’m that’s that’s where are you uh near count thing yes count is in his Counting house counting all his money so I thought this was the entrance no no no

No this is not the entrance this is the P area the entrance is here is this so that means the road needs to go from here to there yeah so there is going to be a bridge going over here right and then I think we’re going to have like

The path curving in and coming over this way so we can I don’t have axium so um oh okay I can do that I can do that if you can do that need to do it today right yeah then I’m going to I’m going to finish it till here yeah okay and

Then I can I can I can I can quickly axum some of the road no it doesn’t need I will install AUM this coming week but I accidentally deleted all my mods when installing another folder okay uh so I actually need to reinstall my normal AUM as well what’s he

Said what was the question the question was why is count to Epic oh what why is Count epic why is Count epic because he’s a great Builder look at this I know it’s amazing right look at this most people would be afraid to use this block ballot I mean

Respect okay so the count is fearless that’s the one thing you need to know about the count he is totally Fearless Fearless that’s good that’s good where are the where are the picnic Vans where have the where have I hidden the picnic Vans um more that way found them I found

Them they over my brain is dying right now okay is your brain not braining I Rec I I would love for someone to come in this Maze and try and do it shall we make another tree here just like one big one and then put a picnic van next to

The picnic uh next to the area with the um with the picnic benches oh you’re going to you’re going to put it in next to yeah I also want a big tree there I think okay I will build a tree here and then it will hang over the picnic fan

Yeah that’s nice okay let’s see if we can find wood oh you’re making a new tree I was going to just I was just going to be lazy and cut and paste the one that we have already but um yeah you can also cut and paste the one that I have here I

Like this one because it’s a little bit different we have some really weird stuff going on with my shaders I think I need to turn the shaders off yeah the shaders and AUM together like each other no video settings Shader packs disabled done oh I and and the weirdness has

Instantly disappeared okay so Chad I didn’t even have the chance to ask this but how are all of you doing yeah and my chat as well how is everybody and while we’re waiting for an answer dippy how is your day been going how was your weekend your it was your

Hobby’s birthday right okay so it was my Hobby’s birthday it was epic we had um anybody who knows Scotland knows that we have uh parties with dancing traditional Scottish parties that are called ky’s and it is basically it’s basically wild wild dancing and Scottish music and men

Wearing Kilts and we had a buffet and uh lots of friends from Germany came to visit it was pretty pretty good so yeah that was that was fun where do you think this thing should go maybe about here next to me wait oh yeah okay I just I

Just sunk it in I just sunk it in the ground sorry okay yeah I can see it so for me it’s uh it’s magic no no I know you can’t see great just messing around in Minecraft sounds good I know what you’re doing or at least I hope that I

Know what you’re doing okay F always knows what he does right huh F always knows what he’s doing right he’s not he’s not like me that he’s just why what is vid in your chat vid is in my chat yes what’s he saying uh D is great just

Messing around in Minecraft no and then I said oh I think I know what he’s doing and then I think I know what he’s doing H I’m not I’m not certain he sometimes he surprises me H H the mysterious vid yep okay I’m going to

You know what I’m going to do I’m going to actually uh he sometimes he’s a little bit predictable but not always I’m going to put the the the same stuff that um boring right it’s just a simple the simple Trace okay I can do the rest of

That shall I put another should I put another Food Van here no okay okay I just it’s just because there’s a bit of space on the side here oh it took me 98 no no make a do another of the of these things of what what was this uh oh picnic picnic

Bench yeah just just a small Ben just just one just one yeah okay okay maybe I can just I’m just going to take this away and yeah like that yeah and also I think we need to take the water away so okay so how are we going to call the

Villager Bob always Bob in if in doubt call if it’s always Bob okay uh so I learned this trick from fed I know he’s there I will be honest for a while not for the best reason but hey finally enough Minecraft time okay okay right okay he can’t escape from here so they

Just need to go here oh you put putting a villager in in in in the van yep did you put him on a slime block I’m going to put him on honey blocks yes honey a honey block that’s what I meant oh no I’ve lost my hat oh no okay Chad I want

To have a creative name first one to give me a name get a name family friendly please okay it’s almost as if you know your chat too well yeah I was thinking exactly the same well my chat is actually oh I need to call him chunk

Okay chunk my chat is nicer than me let’s say it that way uh my chat’s definitely not yep I know but you both chats are fun yep yep uh junk h i I think I think he likes his name what um should we give him a profession as well um librarian they

Always look funny butcher it’s a maybe a butcher what was that thing called again that workstation from the smoker oh was it that there you go yay okay let’s put the bin here we need to rotate the bin the only problem we have now that’s why I’m putting a slap on

There is that um people might want to jump in there with him and then they can’t jump out anymore so I’ve now plac uh two slabs there oh s Jane fell from a high place oops okay so we have a bin now and we have a picnic little picnic area

Here uh no no no maybe we should do one more row of bricks the green stuff yeah yeah I was just thinking that yeah it’s a little bit it’s a little bit um it’s a little bit funny this okay let’s do this and do it oh that’s too

Far no on okay uh for logs right okay confirm there that’s pretty and that’s it okay and I think I’m going to put one row behind as well no Maybe not maybe not okay cool right okay everybody we need to do something with this uh zer0 tell me exactly where you want to

Finish which can you can you maybe do the outline can build another another funny stat don’t forget to like the button yay sorry just wait no that’s the wrong one uh we have these so just that way okay okay so I have a have a lot of space here what

Am I going to do with all this space Oh wait that’s a better idea okay uh I have a unicorn what other mythical creatures are there do you want a little dragon in here or something um I don’t mind sorry Sally’s just floating me to space INF hello hello you floaty

People you’re a pain okay would never be AES in your game what do you want to see something wait hold on I’m scared I tell you what I’m just going to make some giant flowers cuz giant flowers wait hold on giant flowers are never a mistake no it doesn’t work let’s add some

Leaves hi room welcome to the stream okay we’re just we’re just floating these might be pretty H we need green okay I think I’m going to just make this out of oldfashioned wool I got the achievement okay and did you find the sky the is the sky the limit bye

Maybe sky the limit okay okay I’m just going to I’m just going to do like funny I really confused because I was just about to go on one of your games and I was like what was that oh what I didn’t say anything for Flip’s sake that’s what you

Want to say right for flip sake realized I was in Creative in survival still I already died at my game this is why we can never get things so sh how’s your day going yeah I want to see what this is and I think I know what this is

I think this is the void one isn’t it just try them all okay that’s what I was doing and then I started floating I was like what the heck how is this a death okay um um zero this one doesn’t do anything stair Crea let’s go and find some green

Stairs so that’s the inside we still need to fix okay oh there are some more green stairs they look fun okay we’re going to make some funny flowers hang on don’t don’t I thought you’d put lava on my head white there he’s putting wait what he’s putting lava on your head is this

Just a fall damag one then no confused S one going down to the void s would never your head right s the was oh just want to see what happens there was but what uh there was but if you actually hold on if you come to the one with the

Fall damage okay so we need to get it just as side so we need to have more of if I go one block lower this happens no okay okay where I good luck good luck finding the way out I’m clicking on the wrong side each

Time what is he like where am I I think this is uh is it Ben’s game yeah yeah it’s going to be among us but it’s not done yet oh there’s only three weeks you need to you need to go I know I know he’s been super

Busy um but I I I uh how can you play Among Us in thingy in Minecraft lots of command blocks on some very very weird Voodoo I have no idea but we he built he built among us before so uh I know I know it’s perfectly possible

Because and let me just put all these blocks down so I can I’m just going to build a lot of really big flowers here okay wait oh no what you are KN at nothing I lost night vision it’s fine oh so it’s a little bit squary so I want to well I

Was but I just wanted to see where I was cuz I couldn’t actually see oh but fall damage works that’s fine I was just confused because I wasn’t should we do it like this that that we have like the hanging things I like the hanging things I don’t know

Why does the ferris wheel work or does it just sit there no it just I think it’s I I think it’s a Parkwood type thing I don’t know you’ll have to ask Maggie I she hasn’t told me oh wait hold on shall we okay so these are for making

Stocks okay oh by the way uh I don’t know if I told you this but uh we can actually uh sign up on the tiltify page only thing I haven’t figured out how to work is the special kind of redeems your personal redeems that you have um for

For example that people could take my totem away I I can’t get that to work that’s the only thing I couldn’t get to work I could like get it to work that if people donate it will only come up in my chat but I couldn’t get that one to work

I I I have absolutely no idea what I have to do or where to start so I I will seriously seriously bug you I I will show youen in the Maze that’s mean oh I think that might have been Sam she looks all sweet and innocent but she

Definitely isn’t Y is there actually a warden in the Maze or is it just blindness because I think there’s a lot of command blocks cuz it gives it gives me nause it’s command blocks it gives slowness I can hear the the skull sensor so yeah okay no I can’t do this no shift

All the way around the mze what going to do go into um go into yeah dictator and look underneath a yeah there’s a lot of really weird stuff going onle for a very small amount of redstone I’m not going to lie yeah yeah that’s Ben that’s Ben that’s

Ben I was just expecting to see a load when I looked at it hey there’s SC hello who’s this I would like to say that at the beginning I don’t intend to uh distract you by working but this will most probably happen okay okay okay yeah we

We are very okay hang on I need to turn your volume down because the count is here okay count say something something okay you are definitely very loud that’s okay that’s okay count count count count count count count we we are very good we are very good at distracting ourselves we have

Already done it several times for ages oh my god there are balloons here everywhere that’s so cute can we place it oh we can put put it there it’s the count it’s the count yay this is looking so good where I’m here hello you just floated past me hello you’re so

Fast the fast I’m fast I’m super fast flowers I’m not fast I can also be fast look that a you did the axum you did the axium fast thing didn’t you you did that thing where where you did the axium super fast cheat I’m a cheater super fast cheater minus points s I’m

Listening to right now he’s a he’s a he’s a is he a cheetah or is a cheetah as in like that fast animal that kind of really runs both a cheating cheetah yeah probably a combination of both oh I don’t have I don’t have axium anymore so I can now

Finally grab all the birds without like letting them explode okay not do it again okay I got it it’s a cotton bird yay I am I am very disorientated right now okay I want to have Lantern story of my life it’s a super super fast time lapse

Mode okay super fast timelapse mode it’s literally the song that’s playing on my stream right now o super fast time lapse mode okay yeah SC music oh that one oh yeah I should have like I’m G have to restart it do you think we have more

Leaves sorry chat uh it’s not it’s not the leaves that I need it’s is it a hatch it is a hatch oo it’s been an hour already yeah I told you time is First when how what how well exactly well I need a pink wall this is Cherry right yeah Cherry wait

This up okay I think that looks like a kind of tulpy flower okay yeah maybe we need to get some um lightning rods it’s a shame that that doesn’t connect okay right okay guys guess what guess what what the go Stone oh amazing yay we have another aquarium what confused okay

Wow okay yes Sally that’s not an aquarium what it’s got dolphins on it oh yeah that’s a that’s an underwater maze yeah how how do you call that plants people people have people have been very uh very much into into the watery things I think people just really kind of went with the

Water I’m trying to do something I’m trying to do it in like super speed what the heck I went inside I went in a I went through a wall I was very confused what I don’t know I was going so quickly I went through a wall this is decoration with

Need freeze we just run around and we just randomly play stuff okay so welcome to the stream that works that works small bird so cute yeah yeah I’m probably ruining my stream doing this Z take this okay I think we need that one there I think actually let’s do this okay that’s

Better okay and these things are going to go like that and no don’t put glowing on me take the effect off me are okay there it looks the kids are the kids are having fun it looks it looks rude I’m not that young anybody’s a kid compared to me

Okay hey dippy you are as old as you feel right yes I feel very old today because we a weekend of partying and oh my God I feel so old hey I I yeah I’m not not even yeah okay oh I see I see S I don’t see

Anything apparently I just I just see a bright white blob on my screen whoa whoa are you call you Call blob it’s not very kind you’re not a gentleman you can’t call S sh in I don’t know what it looks like yeah it’s Elder so cute right I know what I

Can do dippy is I can paste the other game here that I had instead of basing it next to the the sple where the glowing people are yeah yeah let’s do that let’s do that no no no uh there I mean I meant here what glowing people me there’s no

People where where the pig is yeah I can paste here another game yeah yeah that would be amazing yeah that would be really good and then we just have this big area here which we don’t know what to do with find I can’t do Sally Sally don’t

Jump wait what this looks if this looks familiar to anybody I did uh I did a parkour with flowers uh um at uh for for noad craft and yeah but um my jump boost is is it’s I really really like the flow again okay okay there we go I doing any jump boost

Wait hang on I can’t do anything to test I actually still have BS in the bin or all all of them escaped no are still BX in the Ben yeah you’ve just given me jump boost for like a minute zero just G me it just doesn’t work no

Cuz I can’t get over the D yes can you do me a favor no yes I mean what’s the correct answer maybe maybe maybe yeah can can you Exum that uh tree with the pink leaves uh to here and then one like only two blocks away from it I did it to

Theong one I don’t know where here is because I was over there so what would you like you want one of the pink trees I want that pink now put a block where you want the roots to be Um I want you to put one here and I want you then to rotate it and I want you to put the next one here so we actually have two in each other of and then I will make it one big tree these two these two trees but do you want no

That’s one tree yeah and you want two of those so quickly so I want you to paste one here and then I want you to move it and paste it there as well mhm hang on a minute oh no I’m in the water okay no don’t give me slowness I’m going to

Drown maybe I should just make a I I I still wanted to make a schematic from it so it should probably also do that and then I can just Bas the schematic that’s just as easy yeah the thing is with the schematics it’s so difficult at the it’s

So difficult yeah but it works yeah does it work now okay it does work slowness so okay okay so you want to rotate this tree uh uh first want you to just paste it here okay I have rotated it though do I need to not rotate it do I need to un

Rotate it I don’t care I just want you to paste it here and then rotate it and then past it on the other okay and do you want the stem to be like on the same side or on the same spot or do you want

To be them just two trees right just two trees next to each other f just two trees next to each other am I just levitating from like one thing I’m not actually going up anywhere zero wait what I if I can get to you I will show you

I look I’m not I’m so slow I’m not going up very fast hang on am I even rising at all no just see what that looks I was going to say if you give me speed and then give me levitation do I just shoot up in the

Air so going to go over okay okay okay what are you in survival okay so that’s one tree is that roughly what you had in mind yeah but if you if I put the next one right where you put that block yeah it’s a little bit too close Okay I need

To but you want just leave it like this do you want another tree sort of a bit further away you can place one more here yeah I’m going where overz yeah but that was me I was in C where standing no yeah where the slab

See it’s not even oh at the slab okay I couldn’t go down before in Creative okay where the slab is okay and I’m going to rotate it again what levitation did you give me like you me in one spot I’m also in the wrong I’m actually going to make it one

Lower hang on so it’s looks a tiny bit different yeah most still adjusting them by the way they also have like all of holes and I don’t know why I’m so confused okay confirm what do you mean they have holes well something happened uh after an update from okay

The server and which like in the when I replaced it a lot of the leaves actually decayed oh okay right okay so I’m still do you want any more of these trees anywhere else today no okay you are in creative though yeah but I was in Creative before thank you dip okay two

Trees you are amazing I’m no I have I have a I have a mouse with a button what have I done okay hang on right amazing um so I’m okay let’s go back to making ugly flowers here because I don’t like this at all there you go I fixed

It well I like can’t you he’s out of the group you fix it now okay so what if I do this scared okay let’s also fix these you supposed to give me speed first and then what did you what the heck why are you stopping it what I’m so confused you

Applied levitation again and it’s like broke me okay hang on let me see if I can do to okay the like when I don’t have the money I’m broken like here that’s fine but it’s like the sides at the winner see yeah I go up when you I go up

When you do it okay trapo let’s do a pink trapo I think that’s going to look better yeah whoa wait did you see how far you went yes what okay uh like this yay did that speed you up okay slightly maybe I don’t know how do we have more of the melium

Uh what was it what was the melium called again that actually changes color uh Prisma something it starts with Prisma okay I found it it’s Prisma M yeah what what practic levitation give me okay oh my God I don’t know we two flowers but they’re exactly the same

Height which is not good so I am going to actually aume one of them a little bit downwards okay first point second Point okay okay oh yeah that’s that sounds like really like zero I just I just pressed F3 F4 and hoped for the best you were already in

Creative idiot no I wasn’t I was in survival right I’m going to I’m going to leave the group and go Carry On Building because otherwise I’m never going to get this parkour door zero okay zero good luck Sy see you later bye see you okay no that’s not what I want I

Want to have that block in my inventory and what flower am I going to do I’m going to do little flowers okay wait hey dppy do you still need to sorry uh zero do you still need to put barrier blocks around the thing or does it not matter um barrier blocks would be

Good okay cool yeah yeah sorry sry dipp is answering now okay what can I do okay so I had a personal question oh oh dear okay do I need to be worried No Okay um so you also watch stuff on my channel right I I know you do so yeah I’m

Actually really considering about niching down and once outright is uh done yes I want to go yeah still really doubting but I want to either drop the hardcores or the creative stuff so I’m actually really doubting about what to do okay what do you like to watch the most all my

Channel that’s a really really tough question what do you like to what do you enjoy the most what you like you know what what you what you that’s the that’s giv you the most Joy I like both everyone always gives me that answer and I’m always like but the

Reason why I’m asking is because I can’t choose okay right okay I I I totally get that because I have exactly the same problem uh because I can never choose anything I literally I’m the person who spends like 3 hours in the sweetie shop trying to make up her mind you know

Which sweeties I’m going to get like me in the ice cream parlor is everybody’s nightmare no it’s like which ice cream do you want oh I’d like chocolate but I really fancy the the lemon oh my god oh that this one’s good as well and yeah it’s it’s it’s it’s an impossible

Choice okay um so I don’t know so what is the choice so you creative stuff why you I mean the creative stuff is just like this stuff right yeah so I now of outright and outright of course is going to stop but then I still have uh I have

I sometimes make build tutorials yeah yeah and I like making build tutorials it’s definitely also good for my channel because it’s Evergreen uh but when I I had a week that I only played on outright in creative and that literally burned me out so I know only playing creative is

Not an option but of course I’m never going to drop igniter yeah because those people are literally stuck with me I know there are some in my chat so yeah so you had to say that right yeah I had to say that no but the the the hardcore

Is like I know it’s really fun but to make hardcore really work you do need to play it in like Fast space and I’ve only been live streaming it and it’s not really helping with growth for that reason or at least some people believe that

So I I have decided that I’m going to need down I still haven’t decided on what mhm and yeah I’m super not helpful here right no but that’s okay that’s okay you’re still my friend I yeah no no I’m I’m I’m I’m Lally just thinking about this I I

Mean I would say what stre you want to do stuff that you stream right well I’m actually thinking about streaming less and making episode or something from the other okay right well that’s the big decision because I mean I think if you’re going to carry on with the

Hardcore which I really enjoy I would say then you know just you know if you’re just streaming that that’s probably that’s probably quite fun but I don’t know how that goes down with views I mean do you get like a lot of people watching that uh the fused one isn’t

Really um doing that well okay who us yes with you uh uh but the other hardcore it really varies sometimes I have a lot of Watchers and sometimes I don’t so it’s really yeah it’s really depending on how many people drop in so yeah yeah yeah I it’s really funny because with

The fuse that I do with uh Panda I mean sometimes I’ve got like you know not so many people dropping in but then afterwards I get like a lot of views and sometimes it’s like you know just like you know 30 40 and that’s it so it really varies and it doesn’t

Seem to be any rhal reason to it I don’t know why it’s just how it is so I am very confused about that as well yeah I don’t have many views afterwards mhm mhm H and I do have to say that my my channel I have a channel

Now on YouTube from 760 61 subscribers mhm and it’s stuck on there for like a really long time that really I could do short yeah but they’re not really helping the long firm content that I tried to focus well actually I I thought so too for a long time but I actually

Now tend to disagree because um yeah it kind of does help with the subs big time but also um it is somehow weirdly filtering back to my long form content I I don’t quite know how it works but it seems to be that the long form is now actually kind of I’m getting

More view time and yeah I I I I know who how that is because you actually have longform content that you can click with your uh shorts but the only shorts I have that do that are the ones from igniter and the hardcore because the streams they’re yeah yeah it it’s

Different it’s also you are really uh you have a really informative Channel as well and I basically don’t have that or I don’t have it yet because I don’t have enough build tutorials for that right now I think if you want to carry on with the build

Tutorials uh um you’d have to find a format that gets you more views and that is also easy to do I mean I I like did the little 10 tutorial and it didn’t fly at all yeah but um it it’s you know it’s sitting at 60 views or something like I

Can’t remember it’s definitely not like it’s definitely not the best thing I’ve ever done oops that didn’t work but um then I mean other stuff is done really well and I I don’t I don’t I don’t know it’s kind of it’s kind of weird 2024 yeah I mean if I die in my

Hardcore worlds before that then I don’t have a choice then the choice is made for me but yeah yeah I mean the thing that goes the best for me at the moment is actually what I do with panda and I I have a sneaky suspicion it’s just because everybody loves

Panda well I can’t deny we love Panda I I give you that but it’s not just that no but I mean it’s you know but it’s kind of it’s kind of weird because that’s the sort of stuff that actually goes that that actually goes like really

Well uh and I I yeah I don’t know I don’t know walls but uh yeah I mean I’m I’m I’m I’m kind of you know a little bit worried about you know you know what I’m about to do there’s going to be a big announcement

On on I think I’ve got the the video coming out on Friday there’s a big announcement uh yeah there’s going to be trailer video for something new I’m going to join an SMP again and uh it’s going to be super fun but I haven’t done

SMP stuff for a while and I’m just a little bit worried that you know it’s kind of not the sort of stuff that people will watch because editing SMP stuff is actually quite a lot of work and I I’m just you know I’m just thinking well I hope I

Hope I’m not going to run out of energy but I think I won’t because there’s so many really amazing people on that SMP and I think and and and also I’m enjoying it so much because I’ve already been on the server because yeah I’ve met some of those people and they are pretty

Good and hey if it doesn’t work out you can always come to me on the Ider server yeah the igniters are pretty awesome right the igniters are an absolutely amazing Bunch yeah but I don’t know I don’t know I think I I think I mean I I you know I

Really enjoy the playing hey Sean Sean’s back um yeah so I I I really is dropping from uh from uh stream to stream because it’s also balance his balance is 17 coins so he hasn’t yeah he can’t do anything yeah I I I I really want to I

Really want to play with other people because I kind of missed the kind of whole you know SMP stuff and it’s it’s yeah it’s it’s really good but it’s like a completely different kind of cont cont uh content content context content content I can’t I can’t more I’m you’re

Just tired yeah but you had a party yesterday so you have a good excuse oh my God honestly it’s like says that applications are still open if you want to okay a okay right okay I will I will see about that yeah well hey go hey I’m

I’m not going to talk about this anymore because um yeah you’ll find out you’ll find out on Friday when my new trailer comes out so yeah so yeah cool cool so this is going to be so cool but I promise you this is a very very

Cool very very cool SMP with some very very amazing people in it and yeah I just hope that people want to watch that sort of stuff okay Chad did I overdo this or do we think this is fine um you’re not my chat no I think it’s fine I think it’s

Fine okay I just going to put a little bit I’m not sure if these flowers are a little bit ug or not but they’re what they are I think I yeah I’m not sure hey we also have a j b online oh I didn’t even see him come in

No I didn’t he snuck in oh he joined he joined just after me guy go guy hello oh they have they have a bromance I’m going to leave them who has Bromance oh Z Jam zero jam and zero jam and zero they have a they have

A bit of a bromance yeah yeah no I think I think I think this is all going to be am noising I don’t know what else to do here I have got flowers I’ve got a unicorn I think I’m going to make a giant butterfly here yeah let’s make a giant butterfly I

I just filled have the the thing with two trees and lot of crystals yeah that’s that’s cool because I can I’m going to make a gigantic butterfly this is just going to be uh that’s going to be it so the butterfly body i b this right now what are we

Going to do with the body of the butterfly we need a cool block for the body of the butterfly and it is going to be yeah I’d honestly need freeze it’s so difficult to know because at the moment my content is a little bit all over the

Place as well because I’ve been trying various things and I’m not entirely sure where I’m going yeah but you’re still growing you’re not I want to you’re not frozen because I’m yeah but what because I’m doing tons of shorts it’s all it’s mostly coming from shorts it’s ah mostly

It’s mostly me jumping into lava I don’t know it seems that people really like to see me die that seems to be what people really enjoy yeah that’s I I I remember people playing My Water and my on igniter it’s live streaming that had the same yeah yeah I think

People just like danger and you know craziness and that’s cool so yeah I think yeah I think it’ll all be cool we’re going to see what’s going to happen we’re going to see what’s going to happen I definitely want to do more S&P content again because I

Haven’t done it for such a long time now do you know what my biggest downfall is H I get really bored if I play only on myself now I’ve noticed if I play a single player world like my hardcore and I stream then it’s fine but

When I’m only on there alone then I’m like I’m missing contact with people I also like like streaming and like streaming by myself I also get like you know I find it really hard I find that really difficult because it gets just you know it just gets a bit lonely did I

Just destroy something I did just destroy something undo what did you what did you destroy you did nothing nobody saw anything okay fine okay okay I didn’t see anything this is better right yeah this NE freeze didn’t destroy anything it fits perfectly I only need to like remove a few blocks [Applause]

Okay um actually should have done it one lower nah it’s not my my my problem um okay I saw a block that I thought would be perfect for what I want and I can’t find it anymore what was I thinking oh roof roof I was going to use roof

Stuff okay what those will be yes that’s the one I want oh but to come back on the conversation we had earlier I have an appointment with geek today at 11: my time okay uh and he’s going to show me how to do the last thing that I

Couldn’t okay sure and then I should be able to explain it to everyone so that’s really good it’s it’s actually simpler than I thought it would be so okay uhhuh do roofs work upside down no they don’t oh oh they do oh they do yes oh

That’s good okay um is that the one that I want the yes that’s the one I want okay this is the one that I want why is there one two what yeah Jim Jim just type that in chat that he’s busy with something okay um panicked for a second

Do we have slabs we do have slabs do we have yeah I thought I thought something was uh do you think something was oh we don’t have dirt slabs ah if I’m ever going to play modded again I want to slabs yeah totally yep that’s on my wish list mhm

Mhm did I bow me this as well I’m going to Bow me hey I have uh no GD do I pronounce it right he’s in my twitch yet yay your boy so you’re bored so you joined my stream well thank you oh welcome to the stream how are you

Today are you on Twitch I’m both on Twitch and YouTube at the moment o nice nice you clever clever person yeah I’m like with the amounts I’m going to stream it’s not much especially if I’m going to Niche down and do less but it’s uh oh why

Not right I mean I’m already streaming so why not do a second PL for the only problem is that sometimes the chat actually gets blocked off by my OBS because I need to have two chats open because twitch doesn’t allow me to have the text on screen while stream I don’t know

Why welcome I’m building a butterfly how are you how was your day oh fancy I know right okay we just going to ignore this body of the butterfly okay body of the butterfly count how are you okay you’re okay really concent really concentrated of this yeah you you are uncharacteristically quiet at the

Moment which makes me slightly worried because when you’re quiet usually there’s something bad happening no no no no I Pro I promise car it away from from the building but you gave me a nice idea I gave you a nice idea for what okay so

What I’m going to do is I don’t want to have this three exactly the same as the other one so I’m going to make the Leaves Long here so I need to make this yeah the is Count indeed SE the is Count yeah it’s the counting count it’s the

Count count you have fence of course where’s where’s the count the count is hiding in his castle he’s up there do you see the little dot flitting about by the colorful roofs that’s the count I’m not a little do I’m just far away yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s

What they all say heyy heyy going to I’m going to put this block right here look at him go with his XM speed you know where you sign up for account if you’re playing with me you will have a challenge I know you like challenges so you will be fine

Oh a lot of optimist yeah you think you think that I need to adjust to you but that’s not the case I I mean serious seriously I’ve um done stuff in the past that people are like really um pissed with me because of my prank so

I am actually trying I am trying yeah but don’t push it but don’t push it counts I’m if it’s not me it’s going to be zero hours just saying oh Z will be my best friend soon believe me I mean you do know that uh awesome I

Haven’t Shing pranked anyone yet this is awesome I was just talking about you wait what just talking about you about what who do you feel is better in pranks you or count me me by a mile we we wen’t there we go there we go said that don’t they’re making intrigues between

Us you’re not zero sorry um what I just started talking someone okay uh she’s making intrigues between US just ignore that I said that you’ll be my best friend soon and they’ll see then that’s yeah he did say that you would be his best friend but he said would be

Better I’m not saying you can’t prank your friends stop doing that stop doing that we have to be strong we have to be strong and you thought you thought you were the crazy one but I was the one building a water maze so and also apparently I don’t build are

You making butterfly wings I’m I’m just messing about honestly I don’t know what I’m doing so what do you think of this it looks different butterfly but stop it’s time that they sing together they promised us oh yes you promised oh the pizza song teach him the

Pizza song oh my God teach the pizza song Count counts no you’re in this with me forget it it’s like the when the moon’s in the sky like a big pizza aai it’s a Mor yeah it’s a moon in the sky yes yeah that one everybody loves that song everybody

Loves that song it’s a great song yeah great song it’s about pizza how can you not like it it’s not about pizza it’s yeah yeah I’m I was trying to convince Z it’s about mine it’s about pit it’s about all the good stuff but you promised to sing with goone now

Disappointed I never never said when would I ever promise anyone I would sing I’ve heard my voice and I’ve heard that nobody else would ever want to listen to it so when would I ever promise I would sing cuz I do not remember it one bit oh

I remember it I was I remember it I was was there definely I do not remember it I’m happy you remember this I me just made myself remember it do it for Sean if it’s not for us do it for Sean because he remers it oh he

Wants to hear you sing yes I am not singing he’s old you can you could you could be the the the sing bag hey you could do the beatboxing yeah what what if I what if I just do that like that that really useless thing where people in the back just go boom

Yeah yeah yeah boom boom I’m not sure I can join in that boom boom see you need what we need to some repetitions like General okay wait hold ONN what you doing at this oh wait hold on yeah okay I’ve got an idea that’s that look like a butterfly wing we could we could do this oh we need more we do need more we’ll get more but then what we can do is like

Get by the way for my chat zero is also streaming if you if he doesn’t sing you will be disappointed Sean you can go to zero stream and complain there no exactly yeah yeah my stream go to zero stream as well and complain we want to hear we want to hear

The count we want to hear the count sing to help me out no so one of my viewers he’s actually has the same last name as me that’s Bart and Bart is also a Dutch person and actually still knew him Fromm so that’s like one of my old viewers

It sounds awful we’re doing a complete P here what this can’t be like done what can’t be done you singing together don’t don’t ask are you building stuff yeah you’re also good F Well that’s also award for that yes there we go and then cuz we’ve got some random stuff what we

Can do now is oh you show off ah no no no this is Sean this is Sean Sean Sean likes speaking French he it’s it’s a it’s it’s a thing we have a we have a French thing right Sean we do a French thing yeah it’s it’s it’s fun the door

Is not here Sean is here Sean is here uh on Wednesday on Wednesday this time because I um I uh I have got my mom staying and we’re doing something special on Thursday so I can’t thirsty so I’m I’m trying I’m sry I’m thinking think think thinking

Should I remove this one or should I also give him long Le I will also give him long leaves not not that long but just a little bit okay and and R and R and hello say hello how are you is your game working properly I apologize I just accidentally

Made everyone glow when block things everyone was glowing uh yeah absolutely Sean wait yeah Sean likes Sean comes to Sean comes to my I think we survived at uh that’s that’s what we have established right Sean so uh Jim what have you made oh um well if anyone’s down for play

Testing we are always down for play testing I I quite like some play testing other than just me and Mr hours on the same team that’s not the yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely up for that let me just finish this one Wing here okay there’s a butterfly with too little wing power

Here need to be we need to build a stage here for all this uh uh is the C going to sing absolutely awesome setup music setup that you this is St and then and then we can go for a we can do a bit of a oh my back’s just

Set yeah well I live in the French part of Canada so already speak French a bit with people absolutely we should all go to Z stream to complain about the singing yes absolutely do that complain about the singing count count are you streaming as well C this streaming oh dang because I

Could have sent people to your streaming but you all online so I left I just hey count you were you were streaming earlier today right not today no when was it yesterday yeah I tried to join but I couldn’t because internet didn’t want me to okay okay yeah I will be the

Next time yeah I was I was I was hoping to send people over to complain to you as well because we like you singing We want to hear you sing I didn’t know that Bart need do you know how long I’m already with my hobby no but you’re going to tell us

Right yeah how long have you been with you h 9 years oo nice yeah that’s why I also was son that’s five yeah I see you J oh here hello there how are you doing I am jamot bong and I’m doing good yeah jeem jeem

Is the only one that I know that makes so many episodes that I can’t keep up I’m sorry I didn’t don’t do that on purpose but I’m a little bit there’s no pressure to keep up with my uploads I’m nearly on 60 fine there is no pressure

At all oh PT’s in my CH yay that’s s look like a butterfly with no don’t you have axum zero I don’t have axum oh okay I really like this gem the thank you what you did here with the what’s Zero’s channel name zero is on Twitch zero what’s your channel name uh

Zero hours it’s the same is my in game name yeah can so he’s on he’s on Twitch so so you want find him hello V how are you okay I will quickly mute myself for a second okay absolutely be doing that okay so uh I’m going to explain this in Dutch

Because then it’s a little bit easier for Bart uh Bart this this is a mop foral in the description um and yeah there’s a map that yeah okay so I’m gonna switch back to English because the rest of my viewers are all English and I’m going to mute

Myself flip it’s flip control flip okay so I did like a whole explanation in Dutch so I’m back boom there we go Cham okay I love your jumper it’s so glowy okay did you do that with the thing I sent to you or not Sean says Sean says you’re lucky I don’t have

Twitch well you got away with that one you got away with that one Sean okay I’m going to do the outside of the wigs later I’ll be coming I’ll soon I’ll be streaming my hardcore series I’ll be streaming my hardcore series on YouTube soon so uh you can you

Can come harass me amazing your hardcore series by the way oh you’ve got to you’ve got to watch his hardcore series because his hardcore series is is super super funny it’s like I built an entire Mansion for a cow oh my God it’s oh what

What did you call the cow again you had a name steo steo steo the cow was awesome I was that was the funniest thing ever that was just I honestly I loved your first I haven’t watched the second one yet yes I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming come because J is waiting for

Us oh sorry Rush no it’s fine he keeps telling me there’s no rush so I take him yeah there’s no rush at all know there is yeah but I’m in I’m um hello hello yes no no it’s fine I’m here I’m here okay we yeah everybody wants to hear the

Famous singing of the count and zero there is no famous singing okay so only singing so we need to set our spawn yeah um don’t press anything yet I want everyone here and I’ll do we need to go in survival um you’ll get put into survival

When the game starts Mr hours are you here oh wait what okay give me one second yeah this game works in adventure mode right uh it sets him to survival anyway so yeah yeah but in adventure mode there are certain things you can’t do like kill each other um well when when you

Kill each other in the game you’ll be put into survival anyway oh okay oh right okay oh I see okay uh even f is here for the same as singing of count and zero no no if you won’t sing for me uh for aie and a Hamilton yeah

Exactly but Z actually he’s building a stage already so I think yeah I built a stage saying I’m singing on it but I built a stage can we take a break from the stage and play the game because I want to play okay I’ve finished it

Anyway I’m here now okay I I have spawn at the red bed what’s going on what do we do what do we do so I I’ll everyone I’ll explain what we need to do so firstly if you have stuff on you I mean we’re we’re on a creative server right

Now so you could just he your stuff do whatever you want to do with your stuff vid why are you here for the famous singing There’s No famous singing you’re all for a famous sing is he no there is there is there is and and what you want

To do next is you’ll want to press that button there to choose a team very mind it is at pce it will just go to whoever’s closest so I recommend doing it okay in turns please select the goose team what I don’t know go into chat and

Click it you’ll need to click okay hang on on the interface so uh red Pond okay I I’m with okay I okay j a green then W we’re going green and then changed your name tags that’s cool Y and then there is an option to spectate if you

Press this and anyone wants to spectate the game you’ll be sent up to that drone there and your name will be purple and you’ll be just watching stuff are we good for me to start the game so this is sort of just a death match in a Goose

Pond basically there’ll be two teams of people who’ll be given boats and Bows hydrate has been redeemed but I’ve not got a drink you right around give me a second oh no I was I was talking to CH I’ll play this and then I’ll go get a

Drink yeah you will be going around the pond in boats and you’ll just have bows and you need to shoot the other team and the last team standing wi with like there’s only one person left of their Green Team Green Team would win but the twist is you need to get the arrows

Yourself so that you don’t just have a loads of arrows and you can easily just win the game you need to ride your over to the geese so far for only two out of four and you need to press a button and pick up the arrow from the dispensers

And you’ll be able to use those arrows to do what you meant to do and like shoot team and things like that okay and are we are we understood any questions yes yep so what do we do now how do we get into boats and stuff I will start

The game there’s a secret button that I will make public later when the game is finished okay okay okay right and ouch ow um J oh oh no greens were not teleported that went wrong okay I’m stopping and we are we are poison we are getting poison

Here yeah oh the poisoning wasn’t meant to take that long okay um I’m trying to stop the game we are definitely it’s oh jam apologies sometimes Z yeah Sean is asking if you would sing if someone donated 100 oh my God this is a good one for the

Stream for for the charity streaming by the way yeah y um I’ll TP you all back apologies that went I’ll fix the command block I think I know it went wrong does that mean I have to take damage again and also I’m this is why we play test exactly vid

Yeah I I’m I’m I’m wearing I’m wearing a funny thing on my head yeah it’s all play testing things like this happen there’s the reason exactly there is a reason we play test yes of course you wouldn’t want to be playing would want to be playing the actual game then

Something like this happens so test um I’ve still got a thing on my head uh yeah okay miss you I’m the only one who looks stupid you you can just take it off no I’m not going to there oh we cleared our inventory okay okay right so um right okay um

Effective you’re meant to given poison so you get down to one heart so it’s easier to be able to shoot people cuz what I found when I did the brief play test with zero is there when everyone’s in full heart and on full heart and you canot

Absolutely there’s just no way to really to get anyone else um okay want to see the game and then I will go off but I want to see the game go go go get uh you did uh come and C this turn you did turn off your furnace right yeah yeah I I

Never started actually I prepared everything but it never reached the OV count count come and click this button what are you which button there’s a button I clicked the button oh no you’re spectating yay I clicked the button again but I don’t think no you’re still in the group

You’re still red oh I’m still in the group I’m look at your name your name is red my name is also okay the game should be working can’t see my own name because my own name doesn’t show oh I can only see your name but your name is red okay

Am I like a referee or something now the issue with the G game was that there wasn’t a command block saying to teleport the green to the correct place so it should be working out if we’re willing to do another test beautiful right your name is pink now go

Go press the magic command block button thing it’s mag your name is it’s exactly exactly col if you’re spectating your name is pink right right we’re both on the same side down it doesn’t matter you go you guys go to the other side I’m I haven’t

Got I haven’t I’ve still got Full Hearts though yeah me too do we get into the boats yeah get in the boats and yep I can’t place the boat you need to place a little bit further away are you allowed to get out the boat to get the arrow

What when do we start you don’t have to get out the we started already we have started already broke my boat team get the arrows get arrows yeah I’m trying I yeah there a there’s a there there’s a barrier block I can’t get there

Ah what I got your arrow go to the other side the other side the other the other Tower the left one the left side to I’m stuck my boat is boat is broken my boat if your boat broke break put it back where oh there’s the boat okay okay

Right I had like Five Arrows but they’re all down there okay oh no but uh Jam yeah I’m not getting any damage yeah I’m not getting any damage either oh everyone has resistance oh and I and I haven’t and I didn’t get any of the any of the oh I’ve got oh my

Survival once again this is why we play test um I was meant to remove a resistance effect okay whoops okay now I am now I’m dying definitely dying yes we’ll wait a sec for the game to reset it’sing resetting that with some command over there okay go yeah this is

Yeah I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m looking a little bit I’m a bit Twitchy here is there that way you can just do instant damage um there might be I can look I’m on to half a heart now I’m on half a heart I’m also hungry yes and I’m I’m I’m I’m

Also I’m also I I think I’m a bit gassy if you just do like hunger 255 I might have eaten too many beans that’s try try doing Hunger 255 okay okay hunger 255 instead of a poison it’s venty it’s der coins it’s exclamation mark der coins d r p coins

All one infinite resistance yes I remember if you go too further up in the chat you see how it’s spelled derp coins and it’s exclamation mark D coins okay what do we do now we just stand I’m just fixing the the poison things and then we can try another and

Hopefully this one will work apologies for do I kill myself so mistak being half thank you that’s the count you don’t need to ask hold on hold on we need to reselect teams oh okay okay okay hang on oh wait that’s given that to me

I’ll move away I don’t I don’t know it didn’t give me anything yeah I I’ve moved away gave it to me I don’t think you can do s with command block it has to be an ATP so it’ll just go to whoever standing there I’m going I’m I’m going to team

Red again yay we dipping yeah yeah you’re the losing team here I’m I’m the the roadblock you fing you’re the roadblock but I’m just as big of Roadblock so I don’t know what’s going on I have no idea what’s going on yes we’re going to do this doesn’t make much

Sense are we good to try another I whole time I don’t have the name dippy but I’m also pretty dippy so it’s basically dippy versus the you are the M the wardens so yeah but wardens are different than shooting the boy with AER boys L here we go let’s

Go okay I um oh oh God I have oh oh it doesn’t do the same amount of damage as it does hunger ah I thought like I thought with5 you lost a lot of Hearts really quickly oh I I can’t get I can’t get in there I I’m done get get me

In in and give me give me give me give me give me Arrow did you get my arrows uh my shot okay come on NE Sho I don’t have more arrows and there is a barrier block in the middle fighting with your B come on dppy why why my well

I’m I’m just getting damage here no shoot him shoot [Laughter] him GG I’ll spectate now how did I end up in J SP two one just just zero okay okay right zero you can do it you can do with z y oh I on I watch my boat my boat my

Beautiful boat game is nearly complete game is nearly complete you no Red’s win y we watch I’m very confused zero do you know what happened I accidentally clicked on Jeff’s boat so I jumped in with it m tried to shoot him and Zim actually killed je I believe I

Yes happened that’s so funny if anyone is very confused and has any questions about how the whole thing works now is a good time because we are of course play testing no I’m just I’m just too slow with this so I have a question got it I

Think I think we got it yeah we just why do we want to stop the Gees from coming that’s the that’s a good point you wouldn’t want to stop the geese coming would you think you know what of all things I think maybe make the game

Like I don’t know 5 Seconds longer or something you know just like that slight bit longer cuz I think it lasts a little bit it’s not quite long enough but I don’t know if you could do that yeah I I could definitely make it longer

Yeah sweet I want I want to play this over and over now this is yeah I want to play this again yeah AB this is so good well guys I’m wishing you a lot of fun I thank you for hanging out yeah actually actually I’ve got to go in about 15

Minutes so I’m better finish my butterfly So yeah thank you so much I’m I’m still I’m still suffering from slightly upset T tummy here I’m I’m producing gases I mean look at that I’m bubbling it’s that’s that’s oh God don’t get too close it’s it’s it’s it’s a bit

Toxic it smells bad oh okay okay byebye you did an amazing job Jim it’s amazing it’s a cool really cool game this butterfly looks a little bit rubbish I don’t know what to do with it you wanted to play some more yeah go again go again

Go again okay we’ll do a Zero versus Jam woo I mean who’s going to win game or a degenerate what are you going to do with all the BS I’m now REM moving the I’m still trying to work out a command to kill you can actually do a SL kill uh at

E and then a specific entity I’m pretty sure somehow make sure not to do this on the whole server because then we do that’s what I’ve been trying to do I’ve been trying to make sure there’s a range to it and it’s about getting the right

Range but I want to do that off camera lat to when I’m not streaming because that doesn’t make good stream content yeah sweet okay uh is there a way you can reset my health quickly cuz I’m at four Hearts um well Set set set your spawn okay boom and then wait hold on

Hey dipp okay that this uh blue line of wool was that to indicate where the game was going to be from this person no idea what the blue line is for I I saw the blue line and I don’t know what it means okay Mr so yeah Mr

Hours you want to be in a different group for this Mr hours or are you oh yeah okay okay I love how you call him Mr hours I nobody else calls you Mr no I also call him Mr hours you call him Mr ours really yeah sometimes okay do you

Know why when he wears a suit he’s Mr hours oh oh I see yeah he doesn’t always wear the suit oh it might still be in red oh okay no no it was just like everyone sees I’m still I’m still getting poisoned but oh there a little biggy now I am not

Convinced by this butterfly thing here um I don’t know if I need to make it from different colors maybe the shape is okay but the the blocks are not okay I think we need to make the wings from something else like colorful wool see actually build a whole stage so let’s go

How are we going to do this let’s do the okay um H should we fill this up then let’s do the Outside what color are we going to make it black maybe what okay um need to H on oh those are cute okay now I want to have a melon field here oh I found melons with faces on them you found melons with faces oh my God that is so

Awesome feel like a get in a candy store a maybe you are why why are some of them so yeah this one it looks angry oh that’s see oh I’m getting connection issues oh okay everyone is enjoying Zero’s music Sorry stream what’s zero zero is not Z zero is is is not

Singing that’s that’s not good right yeah yeah I’m very disappointed I thought he was I thought he was cool but he’s clearly he isn’t those are minus Point Z yeah yeah yeah totally he totally isn’t as cool as we think he is no no yeah maybe he’s just playing hard to

Get I don’t know I removed the wrong Thing oh I don’t know what is going on here but that’s definitely uh okay that’s not that’s not right this Wing is being weird okay that’s the other Wing okay and then let’s do would that work we’re just going to Try it’s kind of a little bit distracting that the kind of countdown for the game kind of turns up on everybody’s stream on everybody’s screen not just the people who are in the game yeah we should probably ask Jim if he can fix that yeah okay cuz if you’re not playing the

Stream and you don’t know what it is the game and don’t know what it is it might be a little bit confusing but it’s a good game it’s a really good game I want to play it again got 15 oh yeah absolutely totally only got 15 minutes left and

Yeah my mom is here and we need to make dinner so can’t just oh your mom is actually here oh she’s still here and she’s here until Friday lady oh yeah we’ll have fun yeah MH yeah do you have TK Max the what TK Max it’s a

Shop no okay well we uh dropped my brother off because my brother had to fly back today and we dropped him off at the at the bus station so he could catch his bus and then we went to TK Max and TK Max is this like discount um this discount store for

Clothes and oh my god um my mom was just looking for a coat and we both ended up buying tons of stuff yeah not good my mom my mom likes shopping oh sometimes you can also spend a little bit of money yeah like I also went shopping the other day and was like

Oh that’s a really big amount and then I just realized I hadn’t been shopping in like half a year so yeah yeah okay so okay so venty if you want to see what you can do with the derb coins you can actually go and um check the description

Of the video and then you see all the redeems I’m going to leave it like that no I think I need to let’s make it nice and bright how About yellow let’s make this yellow okay Okay what Okay I think I like this yeah I also like that we have a gameleon running around here oh the chameleon is so cute The Chameleons are so cute I did not release like 600 no no no no and they’re not kind of messing up anybody’s games at

All um they don’t end up in mine carts and stuff those were Birds I had no control over the birds they just exploded yeah you always have no control over these things now The Chameleons are actually Place voluntarily because I really like the chameleons the bir the birds accidentally exploded with axm Mod

Because I forgot I S the first place VAT on it’s place like three was so funny NE Tre completely spamed the server with with with weird creatures it was super funny yeah Okay so that’s the butterfly wings for this one and oh oh oh this is actually wait we’re going to do this differently okay I’m going to do this and then I’m going to close off my stream okay stream okay we are okay with it right I’m just going to walk the big

Back to where it belongs and there I’m going to log out can actually do this ooh oh this looks Spacey it also looks like I’m going really fast what is neat freeze up to she I’m R I’m riding a pig with a carrot on a stick oh pigs pigs with stick carrot

Sticks that’s just that’s just so fun woo I always have the slow BS I I don’t think they come at variable speeds need Tre I think they are all yeah you have mods for that oh right I did a pig race on on auto blocks when we

Had crossover oh okay yeah but like regular pigs like regular Minecraft pigs I think they’re kind of all the same speed so I believe they shouldn’t be able to escape now because I actually made all the fences bigger and they’re actually pretty spread out oh our famous

Escape pigs yeah yeah the I don’t know how the pigs keep getting out honestly it’s it’s a total mystery right I don’t know yeah no I don’t know I same as your chickens by chickens yeah that one I actually figured out she was just missing barri that was just yeah you

Know you know you know why that happened I I actually fixed the wall and uh did like a I moved a whole section but I didn’t move the uh uh the barrier blocks at the top so the barrier blocks were actually kind of not in the right place

Anymore I do Wonder I see as this row here but okay that can go okay and that can go as well oh but it’s really looking full at this side it’s really pretty okay I’m not entirely sure about this butterfly it looks really really strange does it look like a butterfly I

Don’t know not really do you know why why I know why because the you have like the two Wings here and they don’t connect up what so when a when a little child draws a butterfly they have the wings connected like the bigger one and the smaller one

The small one on top of the bigger one and you actually have holes between them I think if you just made it like it’s it’s closed but but butterflies have got like four separate wings I know but if you do it on a drawing you don’t see the gap between

Them that might be why it looks a little bit off okay I do think it’s pretty though yeah I’m not entirely sure maybe this this thing needs to be one Higher which thing the lower Wings needs need to be one higher so that it’s less of a steep

Climb uh you know what I mean no I where where do you want them to be just one block higher or two one so lift the whole lift the whole Wing up yeah lift the whole Wing up one or make it taller maybe just make it taller I don’t

Know okay I don’t know either that’s why I’m asking like that is that better I can’t see it you’re on the other side oh okay right is it better if it’s higher or maybe it needs bigger wings or maybe rounder wings or something I don’t

Know I feel like it needs to be like you do that it would be already a lot better it’s missing the black here on the other side on the lower side I think that’s what you’re missing oh okay oh yeah gu you have outline on all the other Wings except for

Underneath there oh yeah yeah that already makes a lot of difference I way that’s not black what you used where is it oh my shaders are really confusing me it’s definitely black yeah okay I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to yeah that looks much more butterfly is so can

I put this on my head no what what can you put on your head uh this right here it’s a melon oh I don’t know where you went I’m I’m on the other side of the butterfly making the wings bigger this one dippy look oh

There what is oh that’s so cute I told you melon is creeping hey do you know what it’s going to do then it’s going to look like this then it’s going to be angry because this is the normal one this is going to be the butterfly’s head

This is going to be the butterfly’s head I tell you but you also have it with glowing oh that’s a much better head oh yeah yeah yeah you can choose which one you want you can have an angry butterfly normal I want the smiley I I think I

Want the smiley I I think it looks more surprised than angry but yeah okay okay let’s see oh I’m going to make this I’m going to log off okay did you just say a bad word no I yawned yeah and then you said oh something with s no I

Didn’t I think you did no I didn’t what did you say I didn’t know I don’t remember but I didn’t say that okay you said something with O and then s and then I need to sleep yeah okay that’s what I said something like this NE needs to sleep

Yeah I will not go to sleep after this but I’m am closing off my streams yeah so wish you all a very good day very fine evening and I will see you guys next time okay I’ll see you soon e freeze I said Chad hey okay she’s not talking she’s not

Talking to me I’m going to go bye okay bye so maybe I need to make the body GRE

This video, titled ‘Working on the OutrightCMP #Minecraft #modded #minecraftlivestream’, was uploaded by Nietvries on 2023-11-28 09:45:47. It has garnered 35 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:11 or 6311 seconds.

Welcome to this live stream on the OutrightCMP! Here we team up with Outright International to create an unforgettable experience that combines the magic of gaming with the power of charity.

On OutrightCMP me and my friends get gifted the power of Creativity. Meaning our streams will be in creative mode as we build a theme park/animal sanctuary to celebrate and fight for diversity. However, there might catch to all this creative power…..

—————– OutrightInternational is there to ensure human rights for LGBTIQ people everywhere around the globe through advocacy, support, and research. If this is something you do not support, I would like to ask you to accept that there are a lot of people like me that do support this. My streams are family-friendly and everyone is equal to me. If you type things in chat that will hurt others or Outright I will remove you from the stream or even ban you from my channel.

———- What to help support our campaign?… ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

In this stream you will see the wonderfull people:



Nonfreeze: my Discord:

DippyBlether: ————————-

My redeems are called lucky droppes because people think I am lucky in Minecraft!

Lucky drops (points) and chat commands: Every minute you watch my stream you get 1 lucky point. You can save those points to triggere events on my screen.

!redeemphantom 30 drops !redeemcreeper 30 drops !feelgood 20 drops !redeemwarden 50 drops !redeemgoose 10 drops

!drops (show how many drops you have) —————– Music by stream Beats!

Now also using the new Axiom mod!

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  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP | Semi-Vanilla | 1.20.4 | Crossplay | HermitCraft Inspired | Whitelist | Squaremap

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    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More