Video Information

Hello everyone and welcome back to all the mod 6. now this episode we’re going to try and check out ice and fire so uh ice and fire essentially i think it adds like dragons yeah it adds a whole bunch of mythical creatures i don’t think it’s just

Dragons as you can see there’s some weird deathworm stuff going on some hippogriffs or something like that so we’re going to try this out there’s also incredibly cool swords and armor which is obviously cool um and so i’m also scared that we might die now our weapon’s pretty good i mean

72 hearts of damage or half hearts of damage or whatever it’s pretty good um our armor on the other hand and our jetpack not that good now i actually looked at what the jetpack can be used in and there’s other jet packs right and they hold more um you know fuel and whatnot

More energy i guess and they also have other modifiers like the speed and the flying speed and stuff but they use a lot more fuel and currently that’s our issue like this jetpack eats through fuel our flux capacitor is constantly being empty so i think we’re going to stick to the

Wood jet pack for now i guess the other addition is these guys give you a bit more armor don’t they yeah three four yeah these guys are a little bit more strong but i mean i guess we’ll see what happens do i not have any boots either i swear i had some

We are not gonna be wearing gold boots i’ll tell you that much um yeah i don’t i don’t know what we should use but i guess we’ll just make well we can make some silent gear boots actually perhaps we should do something like this okay we actually have a little bit of

Vibranium that we got from um when we were getting quartz the other day i think i recall that’s how it happened so i’m going to smelt this up because i think we can combine that with materials and get a cool boots i’m not sure if that works

Or if or if it works differently but we can give it a shot oh it’s looking like it does vibranium boot plates synergy 111 um they have some pretty crazy stats going on right um i don’t know how this works i’m going to just do it

We’re going to make them i assume i have to com oh do you just do oh my god is that accurate the numbers there for the armor just for scale um these guys say six armor pieces and one armor piece this says 142 armor pieces and 219 like

I don’t know what these mean but that is ridiculous that is this real so it’s armor and armor toughness the diamond is the armor toughness okay i mean i guess we’ll just make the what what can you combine it with you can combine it with lining

Okay so how do we make lining we get a lining template or a lining blueprint okay so i’m not going to make the boots yet because i think we can make them a little bit better let’s search lining template and make one of these guys we need a little bit of wool

So we’ll probably have to get our string out for that assuming we have something we have a little bit i think we have just enough so do that um lining i assume oh my god i just used all of the string to make walls and now we don’t have a

String for the thing we should have um this though the industrial hemp and i’m pretty sure this oh three of it makes string there we go okay okay lining up oh are we what’s happening well all right here we go lining lining template um what can i use

In this does it tell me whoa i can only use wool did we make an extra wool we did so i guess i’ll make this wool lining and so currently it’s at what 142 219 if i combine this it’s the same right is it wait yeah it looks like it’s the exact same

But it has this extra new thing on it um it has this other symbol what’s that knockback resistance okay i mean sure why not and it also looks like uh it adds the flexible trait which um gear occasionally takes less damage cancels with brittle we don’t have brittle where malleable

Gear sometimes takes less damage and increases armor and decreases attack damage as gear is damaged okay um sorry if i wear these boots look look at the bottom here if the text goes away which i think i can do this um we’re five armor pieces if i put these boots on

It’s now maxed um i don’t know how to test it out reliably oh my god this is a mess all right let me clean this up and then maybe we’ll just head into the ice and fire dimension alrighty there we go it’s a little bit nicer now

Um we can just dump this stuff in here for now i guess it doesn’t really matter too much um apparently we’ve got chickens in here too so i i don’t know what’s going on there let’s head into the other dimension and i guess give out these

Give these boots a try and see if we can i guess get a jar hacking now word on the street is we get this teleport pad we pick it up assuming it lets us yep and we put this in the nether and that will take us to the ice and

Fire dimension now normally i don’t think there is an ice and fire dimension but in this mod pack there is i guess to keep the dragons out of the overworld um i have some food on me i have my building blocks this is going to end horribly i already

Know it but we’ll give it a shot we’ll give it a shot we’ll head on in so so we’ve got to place the teleportation pad in the nether to get to this dimension so here we are let’s place it here let’s equip our nether right vibranium axle shift right

Click and then we go now i don’t know if it’s going to lag i don’t know if it’s even going to work i don’t know anything the fact that it hasn’t worked yet worries me um we’ll try again oh that one worked oh other we’re in the other the wastelands

Of the other and look at the mini map that is horrific that’s a lot of mobs and wither skeletons and stuff okay so there are a lot of ores here this seems really good what’s this tin this is ridiculous oh iron as well what is um here let me pick up one of

Them oh look at how long they take to mine all right let’s vamping all of this luckily our paxil is good enough to mine it so we can’t actually do it we just got a stack of iron ore from mining that from mining that vane out what that is ridiculous uh okay okay

Let’s see how the gold works then oh oh it looks like it’s just never gold it’s nothing too special um lapis yeah i’m i’m on board with lapis this takes so long to mine oh actually i can’t even mind this i need to make an unobtainium pickaxe

And currently we’re only at vibranium so we need to upgrade the epx again to get that or i’ve heard you can use a block breaker uh i was told that that is a way to do it this looks like it’s a bit of vibranium doesn’t it

Can we perhaps oh we definitely can um yeah let’s grab this bomb well there we go this is awesome okay so i mean my plan was to you know find some dragons and apparently to get a dragon you must defeat an alpha or like an elder dragon or something like that

And steal its baby steal its egg um so i guess we’ll try that let’s here let’s get in this pocket here i can’t mind this it needs unobtainium i can mine the quartz however delicious um okay what’s this uh purple stuff on the ground is this unobtained no it’s crimson iron

I need to look out for unobtainium because then obviously we can start getting all the cool stuff what’s this more iron ore i i’m actually gonna mine it because that i mean irons being our problem and so if mining like two veins of this is gonna take care of that problem

Then i am on board so i mine one of this which is vain mind and i’ve got what three stacks of why didn’t you guys tell me about this this is insane this is actually insane okay okay let’s try and make our way to the top let’s actually here let’s double check

Real quick we have plenty of power okay we’re good i hear oh we’re the skeletons i’ll i’ll try and take him out how much okay i can’t kill him i was a little scared that i couldn’t we’re the skull fragments and wither bones um hopefully we can you know get some

Skulls or whatever we probably to be fair if we want to fight the wither i don’t think we’ll do it like manually killing them we’ll probably set up a like some powered spawners or something i don’t even know if they’re in this pack but i’m pretty sure what are they oh you

Scared the heebie jeebies out of me okay okay you know i think i read that these uh vibranium stuff gives the effect of gold armor to in terms of piglens like they don’t attack you i could be wrong but i think that’s right okay there’s blazes this is where you find the blazers

Awesome i mean we currently have infinite blaze rods so it doesn’t really oh my god okay okay do you see all these weird creatures oh my god i am sorry for the viewers at home that is dizzy okay this looks safe to drop i’m gonna quickly drop down here

And try and mine up this it’s not really why we’re here but the fact that it is here we will take it now i think that’s what yeah yep see it shot a laser at me it showed a withering uh dizzy laser it looks like okay is this diamond

It is it’s other diamond or you need unobtainium though um oh my god oh i almost turned my jet pack off that would have been horrific okay i don’t know what exactly i meant to look for here um i kind of if i’m honest just want to be gathering this

Vibranium and stuff we can make full vibranium armor and then i think we’re pretty much invincible just based off how well these boots do seven that’s awesome um okay let me check as well unobtainium what does that look like the actual ore oh and highlands biome only so we will not find that

Here or at least i assume we won’t find it here um yeah okay i’m just sort of looking around i know that there was a lot more i think on this wall yeah all right guys let’s um let’s look a bit more we’ll adventure around a little bit

Um okay so should we try and first kill one of these creatures i reckon we should let’s um get this stuff out of the inventory for the most part is this do we own that i think we own that i need to make sure that i don’t have like any cheated in stuff

When i do stuff in between episodes at other people’s bases all right let’s uh it’s slowly rise up with our jet pack which is actually about to run out of power so let’s land so it can charge there we go okay let’s kill that thing that shoots lasers at us

Shall we where is it where is the laser shooter all right here’s one yep i should be able to kill him surely okay look at our how our health is doing as well we’re actually doing oh my god look at this it it has 18 000 health okay

Okay i’m gonna retreat a little bit i think we can kill it i think we can kill it oh we can’t kill two of them okay let’s fly away a bit oh my god if we die here i think we lose everything oh my look at the range they’re shooting me out

Okay okay okay okay okay can we keep rising there’s ghast in here yeah i mean it makes sense this is like a horrific dimension oh no we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good if i keep saying we’re good i think we’re good okay

This looks pretty cool the pyramid that bridges worlds the pyramid enter another pyramid okay so that’s what this is this is a nether pyramid okay i don’t know if there are traps in here i do not know what i’m looking for nether bricks blackstone i’m going to open it i hear a trap

Oh what should we take oh okay okay okay okay okay all right so i think all that stuff broke but we did we did get this uh experience beheading loyalty and mana regen and then assist my four golden sword nice you know that’s that’s really something what’s this other diamond or okay crying

Obsidian and another portal that’s pretty cool i don’t have oh you know what there were magnet charges in that chest i could have grabbed and lit this portal up and that probably would have been cool but we can’t do that now okay let me know if there’s something else at

This pyramid that i meant to check out um otherwise oh my god they have infinite range that is ridiculous they have infinite range and they shoot you instantly okay okay okay um i feel like i saw something else what do we see is it that over there oh

And it looks like there’s like dragon bones or something let’s see how does this work how does this work it’s a fire dragon yep you hold right click and it falls apart and you get a bunch of stuff okay so we got like skulls and stuff let’s try and

Get in here mainly i’m just trying to break a line of sight of these monsters so that i can oh not get hit by them and and throw up um okay what’s going on in here do these guys like me no it does not look like they do

That’s fine that’s fine these guys we can kill the scary things outside we cannot um hmm okay do you like me okay you’re fine you’re fine let’s head down here oh nice i love levers you know what we might oh i saw a trip wiring i thought that was it

All right there’s another trip right here i’m hearing horrible things above okay these have some cool enchants i think we can take some of them off so that that’s sort of why i’m grabbing them the rest of this stuff oh it was you you oh my god um

I don’t know if we have nether boards so i’ll grab those as well might as well i guess oh okay there’s this stuff here are you do you like me okay yeah there we go that’s how you do it um a zombified piglet spawner that’s pretty cool i’m just gonna loot this there

Uh i think we can ignore that maybe indestructible that sounds like an enchant that we want um and i don’t think i really care too much about this stuff maybe leech i don’t know if that’s good or not but we might as well grab it what’s that harming arrow grab the quartz

Okay the sticky pistons ah we don’t even need them okay okay what sounds like a dragon because is it a dragon you know what the fact that we can’t even kill these little things i don’t know if we’re gonna be able to kill a dragon

Oh my okay let’s let’s go check it out let’s go what is this stuff i feel like i should grab them while i’m here i don’t know what it is but i feel like i might as well did they drop i don’t no i don’t think

They dropped i don’t know what that is i have no idea what i’m doing okay so there’s creepers here that’s nice um Not sure what to make of this oh we just dodged accidentally so what is this massive gravel oh wow we can use this to make um glass i like that that’s what i’m thinking about but yeah we actually this is pretty good what can we get rid of that we don’t

Really need the raw fire shards here i don’t i don’t need those the weather burn ah we can get more later i really feel bothered the golden sword even then gold nuggets i don’t really mind and let’s just grab let’s grab a bunch of a bunch of gravel

Oh yeah oh you know what it’s probably going into my um into this guy isn’t he let’s see yeah he is okay yeah that’s fine um okay we have a booking quill oh yeah this book and quill actually i think it was from the other day when we had that image of

Us that got taken by the tree people i think they also threw the book at us um oh my oh my oh my oh my okay okay okay yep yep all right all right all right what are we dealing with okay hey little buddy yeah i just killed your whole family i’m

So sorry um i’ll look at that book in a second i’ll show that book to you guys but it is creepy um oh yeah you you stay on the other side of the fence mister they have villages bunch of stuff magnets that’s pretty cool i guess um

Now that i know you can find indestructible i’m kind of just really looking for that to be honest soul bound looting looting is pretty cool i think we’re fine don’t check all these yeah okay i i assume that’s all the loot that is to be looted let’s perhaps keep on our way um

Now i haven’t seen a dragon yet i assume maybe they’re underground or something um okay yep we’re getting shot by everything make sure we eat so that we don’t die all right we only have two foods as well so we’re probably gonna teleport home soon as well okay um hmm

Maybe i should consider going to the end what is that oh um to try and get unobtained i really need to be more prepared for that my thing losing charge okay i mean we’ve traveled pretty far we haven’t seen a dragon so i don’t think we

Know what to do like we can’t just stumble upon one is what i’m going to assume what is this a warped worshipping a warped temple ow okay oh oh my god we actually need a we we need this this is awesome so enderman spawn here

Okay this is the same thing uh only this one has buttons but once again we can just completely blatantly ignore them and check out this what do we have instigating and disarming that sounds pretty cool but i don’t know we don’t really need it now the chords i think we could turn the

Blocks into quartz might as well why not what’s this an enderman spawner and a strider spawner sweet um so this is a farm right here that we essentially have um okay yep dodge that real quick okay looks like we have another chest coming up here oh

Why did he take so long did you see that i looked that man i looked him i looked at him and he did nothing all right let’s i’ll show you the book and quill um fatten yourself up for us from the tree people um this was because

They threw the chickens at us or they spawned the chickens and so i guess they’re wanting to eat us or something i i don’t make the rules but um yeah here we go uh this is a trap chest yep there’s nothing in it okay good chat hopefully it’s not a massive chain reaction

Yes yes yeah this is what we’re after though oh nebula is hard i think this yeah this gives us ender pearls oh yeah yeah i’m on board with that um we’ll drop the coal we don’t need that is that all the other bits awesome oh that’s the it’s the shivering

Things those are what striders are that is awesome oh hey enderman this is a okay this is a massive win this dimension is ridiculous i don’t think you they drop anything so i don’t want to kill them i feel like that’s that’s a mean thing to do if i were to kill them

Um cover that up thank you oh that’s another one of those nebulous heart things i would like you yep turn you into ender pills oh yeah we we can do a lot of crafting now let’s um let’s turn this into a little spawning room a little spawner room

Boom make sure i don’t break the um the spawner i i won’t even break the uh the strider spawner they can just do their thing okay how many ender pills should i farm or should i just put a waypoint i should probably just put a waypoint

Um so we’re gonna open our map add waypoint enderman spawner oh wow it’s spawned with a with a pigment on its head riding it that was that was very morbid um okay how much more charge do we have we’re actually doing pretty good on charge um okay there we go

That’s pretty good uh any more enderman doesn’t really look like it let’s uh leave this be for now then i guess instantly i’m attacked okay i do not know what our next target would be like i don’t know what’s the next cool thing would stumble upon obviously i mean i mean still i’m

Thinking we want to find a dragon and at least see how much health they have um oh my god this is so disorienting i am very sorry for everyone at home um okay if i okay we are completely out of hunger here’s another here’s another dragon though

Maybe we can get another skull i don’t ow okay we got another skull now this okay yeah i think there’s a dragon underneath us or something um okay oh you know what you know what do i have my shield on me oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

What did he shoot through my thing okay we’re just gonna yeah let’s just let’s just cheat we cheated we cheated no no shame no shame i didn’t even care look at this look at the loot we got once we load i guess i guess the server isn’t happy with me

For cheating okay here we are now as if the iron in that dimension is ridiculous that is awesome we our iron problems are solved um the rest of this stuff will keep um which one was it this guy indestructible that’s the exact same enchant that we have on our pickaxe and it makes

It so our pickaxe doesn’t use any durability um so that means we can add it to our special armor too which we now have a bunch of vibranium so we can make a lot more we also got a lot of ender pearls which is good um we’ve got some dragon skulls i don’t

Really know what we can do with them but we’ve got them i’ll put all this stuff away a few enchantment books nothing too crazy okay i mean it was the success i’m also going to shove the um yeah the vibranium over here into this guy get that all processed up okay

You know what i’m not opposed in going right back in there i’ll gather up some food i’ll wait for the vibranium to uh smelt and i might try and make some vibranium armor and then we’ll go back in all right i think we’re going to get a

Helmet template so we’ll grab this bad boy um we’re going to need a few more template boards it looks like um do we not have a knife i think i think we did have a knife and then it it disappeared and by disappeared i mean it literally disappeared um so we’ll

Make a knife just out of i don’t know a bit of iron i guess now that we have a billion iron um so we do this and i think we get a stick and then this will let us get more of those boards now you can make blueprints um and they’re not

Single use whereas these guys are single use um you know where’s their knife um the reason i’m not doing that is because i’m too lazy to even look up the recipe what’s how do you make it blueprint paper just paper and die so we honestly could um and maybe we will

Maybe we will for the um do we need where’s the lapis oh we don’t have much lapis so i guess that’s why um let’s put this guy oh let’s clear it put this guy do we need it to be oak woods would to do this no we don’t we can just

Make normal templates okay let’s get lagging templates once again because we have the jetpack i’m not going to make a chess piece yet now you might be able to combine it with a chess piece i don’t know but i’m not going to bother trying so vibranium we have 19 should be plenty

Boom boom boom boom boom vibranium leggings now we don’t have any all the modium so we’re not going to be using that we’ll just use vibranium i think that should be fine let’s just do it anyway um helmet boom boom boom and that should be the helmet beautiful and once again can these

Be put in with linings they can i now once again i don’t really know why you would in the wool department we don’t have any in the string department we have barely any um you know i guess i’ll go harvest this and we’ll get some all right yeah i got some hemp let’s

Turn that into string beautiful do i make it all into wool how much do i make into wool i guess we only need two right let’s get the lining template we have to make two lining templates which ah maybe it would be better to make a blueprint for this

Since it uses a lot of wool and we don’t have a lot of wool i think that’s what we’ll do let’s um we’ll make one of these so one set of blueprint paper which uses the blue die will make one lining blueprint what is this a binding blueprint awesome um string

Then we’ll make two bits of wool and we should be able to use them both on this one blueprint so let’s see white lining white lining perfect okay let’s um make our gear so yep it’s still got the insane amount of armor toughness hell yeah here we go so we

Should now be extremely powerful extremely right um these look a little bit different because they have all the modding mixed in with them i think so they should look a little bit lighter or at least they do in my inventory oh ah now i don’t recall if you can

Enchant them but we can give it a shot right no harm in trying you can oh here we go i’m just gonna chuck on whatever the best enchant is and i’m not okay what’s this magic protection blast protection and projectile protection it’s awesome you know it doesn’t even

Appear as or insight what’s that projectile protection fire protection okay they don’t like um highlight as if they’re enchanted like the the jet pack does very interesting um tombstone soul bound i don’t really care about that protection five on the level one enchant you know what i’m gonna go for the soul

Band oh the surface restarting um when we log back in i’ll go for the soul bounce oh you know what did i just lose the boots because they’re in an enchantment table i don’t think so but i’m a little scared um uh i’ll hopefully the the tombstone

Soldier will be one of many enchants that’s what i was trying to say all right i’ll be back once the server’s up i’ll see you there alrighty it is back up um i did lose the boots but i cheated them back in because i mean

It’s not is it my fault that the server restarts i mean i guess in a way it is but in another way i mean if i was playing a single player that issue never would have happened so at least i’m honest all right let’s um let’s click this and see what we get

All right it only gave us tombstone soul bound so i’m going to simply get rid of the enchant and we’re back to normal uh tallbound soul bound sorry i don’t really care too much it doesn’t really bother me since we already have tombstones feather falling five that sounds awesome

And we also get fire protection five projectile protection five and also soul bound but we have a version of anyway this paxil i couldn’t enchant that’s why i thought that maybe silent gear you couldn’t you couldn’t do but i i don’t know i guess maybe there’s something wrong with um

The paxil um okay so here’s our armor it’s all ready to go i i mean we have the food shall we head back in i think we could ah i don’t i don’t know what the plan is because you know i just want to kill one of those little annoying things

We’ll see if we can do it you know what just an advice if you’re trying to teleport if you have the shield on it does not work if you like shift and right click so make sure you take the shield off and then it works okay we are in the dimension we have

Our weapon of choice which is still a paxil if we got a sword it probably would do a lot better to be honest um maybe i should have done that you know what we’re actually going to do that but we’re going to head back home and we’re going to give that a shot

I feel like that makes perfect sense does it not setting up a sword i think it does okay now here’s the problem there’s a lot of different swords you can make you make a classic sword a swift sword the jungle essential uh spear some survival tools a

Dagger i think i think as well you can make a is it like a cleaver or is that what this is the machete i guess um i think we’ll just make a normal sword i don’t know what’s the better but i guess we’ll go for the classic

It seems like it makes more sense the swift one doesn’t sound too bad like getting a katana we can we can try those out later i guess um all right let’s get the vibranium boom boom vibranium sword blade now what do i combine this with um

We combine it with a tool rod and it can be long or short apparently um okay no no it’s just yeah yeah wait wait yeah wait yeah i think it could be long or short so let’s search tool rod um now what’s the difference i don’t know

Tool rod template long tool rod template doesn’t seem to exist so i guess we’ll go with this how do we not have a template board i swear did we not make billions of them template boards i guess not all they’ve disappeared somehow but it’s fine let’s make a stack of them chuck them

Back in um Tool rod here we go boom tool rod template perfect um do we use vibranium for this or do we use like a stick right like if i put a vibranium this in does it do anything oh hold on vibranium tool rod vibranium a long tool rod interesting so this guy has durability

Um a lot of durability intangibility plus 13 if i take this away it’s the exact same but we can get a long tool rod what what else can we do here is that it you know what let’s let’s go for the long tool rod we might as well assume it’ll give us a

Little bit of extra reach yeah okay let’s i i mean i guess we’ll give it a shot what’s the worst that can happen chuck this in vibranium sword it doesn’t actually have as much um damage as this guy which is interesting um crushing hardly increase harvest speed or decrease range damage

Okay um i don’t know i honestly i do not know what the what the deal is we’ll get it i’ll make it there we go i’ve done it um but i’m also going to brownie um where are we where are we where are we i’m going to enchant it

Right because i assume hell infusion what hell infusion i don’t know what that does but it sounds awesome let’s use it on the cow Yeah sure so okay i don’t know i don’t know we’ll give it a shot we’ll give it a shot we’ll head into the dimension we’ll see if we can kill the stuff see what happens we might use the paxil instead not too sure alrighty in we are we’re in the amazing dimension okay

Uh we’ll try and get up to the top try and find one of those little little guys that attack us and are horrible and spit at us and i guess we’ll see if we can kill it and we’ll see how much damage we take as well i’m assuming we won’t take too much

Let’s see do we want tap stuff we still one tap stuff so that’s positive here he is here he is here he is so buddy how much damage do i do to you and how much damage do you do to me there’s two of you awesome i guess i will kill you both

Okay yep this is horrific this is actually horrific this guy is at just over 100 1 900. oh my god we’re actually doing really well health wise it’s just these guys are so annoying and they like charge you but they don’t charge you like they’ll be happy to sit

There and spit but then they’ll like they’ll run through you okay we hit this guy a few times we’re taking no damage as well this is awesome okay here we go [Laughter] this is so bad why is this gameplay am i meant to have something am i

Am i meant to have like something to stop them from from making me dizzy this is trash gameplay who thought this was a good idea what is going on yeah yeah maybe i could just sit in the corner what are they at okay they’re at both at 1500

Right don’t stand still and then sprint these are so annoying these are cockatrice that’s what they’re called honestly we actually i think we can spam click yeah i think we can it seems to refresh very quickly luckily yeah i mean we’re taking a lot less damage than we previously were

So that’s good we still take a little bit after a while especially when the regen stops they start doing half parts okay that guy is just under a thousand or he’s about to be i think we accidentally just killed one of the piglets just from area of effect on these swings

Is there three of them now there’s three of them now i am gonna lose them okay two of them at just under a hun a thousand i think do you guys want to watch this like it’s all right guys it’s all right i’ve got this i’ve got to sit remain calm under pressure

You know what i need i need some sort of like potion thing that like or milk a milk dispensary that dispenses milks that i constantly am not dizzy this is horrific you know what uh maybe i should have gone for like a sharpness or something as opposed to just seeing the word hell

Infused and going whoa how are we doing are you you guys any of you dying even just one of you i just want to see if it’s worth killing you because i mean i’m pretty sure you can probably tame these guys right so that’s probably the point like you

Want to tame them they’re really powerful that’s awesome um let’s also yeah get rid of the fire so if i do kill them you know i don’t lose all this stuff i guess okay one of them still has all of his health one of them’s at 360. so he’s actually pretty low

We just have to be lucky and i guess hit him this is so bad i i mean i’ve almost got them right yeah 200 200 health 1000 or sorry 170. come on oh my god oh my god oh my god are they dealing damage to me too or

Like uh not damaged sorry are they lighting the fires obviously they’re dealing damage that’s like their whole thing this guy i think is almost dead one of them’s so close to being dead he might actually be that i heard a weird noise just did he just drop cooked chicken is that

What he drops did he drop cooked chicken are you serious we’re wasting our time this is useless what are these we got magma slimes look at that guy that guy looks pretty cool is he a boss or something yeah there we go oh he’s dead awesome

Oh we got a lot of achievements there okay special boots that’s cool god this is why did we even do that okay okay here’s the change of plans this is pretty cool actually maybe this is the change of plans if we stop throwing up that’d be awesome

That’d be really nice what are these terra cotta that looks like runes oh okay we can breathe we can breathe okay so fighting those guys is useless as far as i can tell um okay bunch of stuff i’m just making sure we don’t like run across some like never

Never right and we miss it um okay i mean oh there’s more of them oh my god they’re so annoying now that i know they don’t drop anything worthwhile they’re so useless warped fungus on a stick that’s how you ride those uh weird things okay i’m gonna try and find a dragon

Okay here is what looks to be a dead dragon right last time i harvested one we heard a dragon as well this is another just a fire dragon i’m pretty sure lightning dragon actually this guy is okay i wonder how you grow a lightning dragon because the fire one you need to like

You know light it on fire and stuff the egg um i wonder how this guy would work he didn’t seem to drop his skull either okay oh no he did lightning stage five oh ow ow oop there’s another dragon here just uh right next to it this guy is an ice dragon okay

We’re getting a lot of skulls um hmm i’m gonna yeah i’ll be back once i hopefully find a dragon you know what i’ve just found i’ve just found a cactus and i don’t think we have a cactus yet so now we’ve got unlimited green dye essentially so that’s good

Still haven’t found a dragon i’m not sure where to look for them um but i guess we’re still exploring maybe i should wrap it up here because i don’t know what i’m looking for the episode’s already pretty long um i reckon we can we can wrap up it looks like this is a

Wither skeleton spawner so that seems pretty cool i’ll check this base out and then we’ll wrap up looks like another one yeah another one of these temples all right let’s see the forbidden loot that we’re probably not meant to get fire aspect ender disruption um unbreaking netherrite scrap we’ll

Take that that’s that’s good i guess we’ll open this guy what’s back here oh sharpness okay nothing too crazy going on there let’s run back here try not to get shot run over here break this guy looting three you know it’s not horrible i’ll take the gold might as well

Um we’ll leave the rest what’s this little guy doing oh yeah all right let’s go home we can actually check out these achievements we got see if any of those hint towards something um fine i i think that’s because we got the cool we killed that boss right the apotheodic

Boss and we got this affix item whatever that means um essentially it means we got this right his boots and items and chantability is increased by five that’s i guess i don’t know something that has on it i don’t i don’t know what the point of it is

Um it looks cool i’ll give it that but i don’t know the point so we’re just going to probably chuck it in here with the rest of the junk that we’ve got okay so far the cool thing we got was that that block reach in chairman’s actually pretty good um

A little bit of scrap we have a bunch of these skulls which i think oh there’s different types are there so we can get the ice one put that away the lightning one and the fire one and let’s head out here and place them so this guy is

Massive then these ones are a bit smaller because i think that was a stage five this was a stage five lightning dragon i think that looks awesome that that does look pretty all right i know i said it with a somewhat of a monotone voice but i’m running out of energy after after

That massive battle we had with the three cockatrice okay i don’t think the swords necessarily that good i might look up those in chance though and see what they do like the ender 5 and the hell infusion i don’t really know what they do um

Yeah so you guys need to let me know oh we can actually take these gold nuggets out of the trash can and now we have some gold nuggets um we also have an insane amount of iron now 400 iron just from lining like two or three veins i think there’s only two veins

Of that other iron okay so means a few things next episode we can do a lot more with like the solar panels and stuff which means we can leave the quarries on a lot longer so that’s good um and we can also you know see what the

Cool solar panels look like we can also make a bunch of different other things a bunch of different other things um oh i need to put like a staircase here um we also got ender pearls not not too many but a lot considering we had none

Previously so we can do more stuff with that right we can make a lot of different things um and yeah i would like to head into the end not necessarily to kill the end of dragon but to um Try and mine some of that unobtainium and upgrade my stuff and then mine some more oars in that dimension um but yeah let me know in the comments how to get a dragon or something i assume perhaps in the advancements under ice and fire maybe yeah

You know what maybe we need to make this we need to make a um the book for it it’s called bestiary beast yuri nope um beast nope um at ice and fire i swear it was called that oh it’s the bestiary it’s not a beastie area it’s the bestiary

Okay we need manuscripts though um do we have those nope we don’t have those so we’re gonna have to figure out how to get those two let me know how to get them let me know how to get a dragon and i i don’t know we might try it next

Episode or we might do more you know sciency stuff like more machines and then go back to it since it’s like an adventure type mod i guess um but yeah it was pretty fun it was interesting we’re we’re now very strong but um we didn’t even have to kill those guys

Oh yeah and let me know how to tame them because i guess that’d be pretty cool too okay thank you guys for watching if you did enjoy please do consider subscribing helps out the channel quite a lot um and i’ll see you guys in the next one goodbye You

This video, titled ‘Ep26 The Other Dimension – Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack’, was uploaded by DEWSTREAM on 2021-03-02 04:37:34. It has garnered 4671 views and 59 likes. The duration of the video is 00:45:25 or 2725 seconds.

This is a new series on the All The Mods 6 Minecraft modpack! This pack sounds interesting as it seems the creators are aiming for a really stable modpack, so hopefully performance stays with us! Hopefully I can make these vids shorter too!

Link to the modpack! Modpack –

We have setup an All The Mods 6 SMP Community Server. In order to join and play on the server you will need to have the All The Mods 6 modpack installed!

You will then need to join the Discord: and you should see the ip 🙂

Please consider Subscribing and helping me get to 1300 subs by the end of the month! 😀

Minecraft All The Mods 6 Modpack Playlist:

I would highly recommend checking out other YouTuber’s playing this pack so that you can see for yourself the variety at which this Modpack inspires people to play it.

ChosenArchitect’s first video “All The Mods 6 Ep. 1 New Mods New Builds”

47MarkIV’s first episode “All The Mods 6 – Ep 1 – Ore Doubling & Flight”

xBCrafted’s episode of All The Mods 6 “All The Mods 6! | Modded 1.16.3! [E01]”

#ATM6 #Minecraft #ATM6modpack

Join our new Discord channel! Talk to me and other content creators when we’re on and help us, and each other out 😀

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  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

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  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

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  • Cool-People

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  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

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  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

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  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

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  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

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  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

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  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

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  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More