Insane Minecraft Nomad Challenge – Delete Your Inventory Every Day! 😱

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Hello I’m ABX toy cat and today I’m going to be trying a silly Minecraft challenge I had because after playing Minecraft with only one block being limited to me a day it seemed like a more logical and fun thing to do might be an unlimited number oh Minecraft just crashed

Oh whoopsie I figur I figured a more logical thing to do a more challenging thing to do perhaps even would be what if at the end of every day my inventory was deleted and I figured something up been wanting to do forever was this idea of man Minecraft’s a bit broken right

Now but it’s fine uh there there’s this idea I’ve wanted to do for a while where every single day we have to move byome and what if every day when we do move byome we have to also lose our inventory that sounds like quite the challenge

Doesn’t it and so that is precisely what I’m doing today um just to see exactly what progress we can make anything I do I need to know that my inventory is reset again to nothing at the end of the day and so it makes this hard difficulty playthrough just that little bit extra

Hard and so let’s see how it goes for me by first of all making friends with a be oh look how cute they are oh by the way we’ve got the third rendering on this is a brand new Minecraft preview setting I wanted to play with it and this seemed

Like a good challenge to give it a shot on because where else can we truly appreciate all the blocks will have to be breaking uh other than a deferred uh preview anyway with that said uh yeah this is uh a beautiful beautiful world and uh one of the reasons you might

Recognize it is if you’ve been uh checking out uh Sunday recently you might know what’s just over this hill here that’s right it’s a woodland Mansion so um yeah this is my my first biome for the day is going to be uh I I guess we’re going to we’re going to

Count it as this Meadow biome right here and we’re going to try our very best to have a good first day that gets us ahead of the game while also acknowledging that like yeah we could go mine diamonds right now and tomorrow what would we

Have to show for it and so my first day is all about coming up ahead in terms of food and and uh you know I feel like even uh depending on how you count uh your inventory I feel like armor might even count too right like these are

Inventory slots you might argue oh let chat decide on that one but um ultimately we have to come out as far ahead as we can so that we start day two ready to RI ready to go and ready to find somewhere to make cuz you know the

Only things that stay put are if we were to get an if Ender we can throw that in the end portal and it’s in the world same with these planks this plank will be deleted tomorrow unless I were to say place it down then it stays stuck in the

World so we need to make as many things as we can that stick in the world I’m also going to say we can’t just empty our stuff into chests chests are also gone after a day if I put things into a chest it is gone forever um is a rule

We’re going to have to say but um yeah I I think it’s going to be a lot of fun also I don’t think armor should count actually you’re not okay you’re not I I I I like your thinking bird life but I don’t want to be undemocratic here um

What what do you reckon sh chat is armor and inventory slot let’s do a poll let’s let’s work it out oh there’s actually a Ru portal right over there which might be the perfect thing for day two so day one is about surviving this mess um we

Can even set our spawn point Even and Day two is going to be another another day I think I we we could do the never on day one like set up the portal at the very least but I think just being prepared to do it on day two wait

Actually yeah let’s let’s let’s skip ahead the whole progression if we can um if we can get to the ne early we and then we just need to get one if Ender on our second or third or whatever day also it’s very weird what’s happening here

I’m not sure how comfortable I feel with it is this is this normal is this just okay that’s just what you do I’m just going to leave you be and I’m going to get myself into this structure over here I love Woodland Mansions cuz they give

You all the tools that you need to easily get in I’m not just going to mine my way in my fist like a peasant uh also uh destroy armor every day no armor yeah I I I can see the iic that it is an inventory slot I kind of lean towards

That personally um but again I I I would hate to claim something is an inventory slot when many people believe it’s not by the way one of the best things about the update uh that came out to date I’m obviously playing a preview and not it but the ability for your inventory to

Stay like you know like fixed basically very very big Improvement H Cobblestone looks a little bit blue uh someone should ask it what is wrong with it also look there’s cows in here is this there meant to be cows in here or you know it’s not it’s fine there’s not cows in

Here anymore that’s that’s what really matters right and oh this guy becomes a lever worker cuz he can access his table now so um yeah this is a really spooky place with the with the lighting changes huh but we are going to eat as much as

We can because food you know this is the whole thing about when you die you can’t take it with you it’s something oh there’s an iron golem in here that’s useful that’s very useful um so that’s my source of iron worked out for tomorrow um we’ll work out we’ll go

Find some other secret rooms in here maybe uh easiest way to find is get a creeper get him to blow up is there anything through there not that I see so we’ll blow that up again break through the rest of the wall as you can see

There are some zombies in here I thought they were villagers but they’re not um I believe when you dig below the chest you find the weird piece of armor also it’s so dark I need some coal it’s so this is like spookily dark I I do like this

Better than most uh oh no it’s not is it not down here is that not a chest I can’t see anything chat I like I feel like it is this room that gives you the no I guess this room gives you the axe if you look below it there’s a pair of

Leggings in here somewhere and I’m just desperately looking for it I’d say armor slots are not inventory slots since you cannot place any items in there um this guy is just really fast at dressing and dressing again yeah that’s there’s an interesting thing about what is an inventory really

Also I realized we’ got torches up there let’s just grab one and then inventory there we go and now we can place it down oh yeah isn’t that exciting then we can break that again and we’ll see what’s in the next one over here what do we see I

See okay so yeah we’re going to take this into all the dark rooms like when we break through this wall and we don’t know what we’re about to see that is hand okay this is the room that I was thinking of also we are so dead um I

Don’t know what my plan is precisely okay dead that’s fine should have I I said I should have set my spawn it was one of the first things I said I should have done um getting getting cornered by two skeletons is a bad death it’s seems unavoidable but the real way to avoid

That was just to not go into a dark room until I was sure what was in there uh two skeletons was brutal though I I should have I I mean yeah honestly what like should have had a shield should have had armor what could I have done

I’m I’m on day one and I’m taking my nomadic life to an extreme by not just deleting my inventory at the end of the day but dropping it on the ground anyway also I’m give us a Prem as this looks sick not going to lie yeah I I Do I Do

Love the way this looks it is a it is a big improvement over just the r ra tracing stuff um very very very pretty um I have a whole video about the like comparing this to R tracing in case you want to see it at some point soon but uh

Yeah let’s dive in oh yeah look look at these bubbles something special going on there and let’s get out this and let’s go right back in pretend none of that ever happened and get my efficiency two leggings don’t we all want them um odd color from the uh o okay so that’s a

Villager I hope yeah when you can’t see through the the fog is really weird cuz there is light in here right but we still can’t see through it there’s a fog being added almost like look at this wall why is it like that what what could

Possibly is is it only is the uh is maybe the issue that only the sun is causing light okay whatever it’s fine what do we got a chain helmet with efficiency one chat they’ve they’ve changed they’ve they the the the efficiency helmet has gone from being to

Being chain I wonder how that even happens I I really would love to know um it feels like a fun fun bit from Mojang at this point which I I admire them for sticking to go okay so one more hit before he hits me again okay I said

I should have slept in a bed and somehow I still got killed by the exact same Source a second time um absolutely disastrous absolutely disastrous um explain the Nomad challenge to me says Anakin low ground you know Anin I should have taken the high ground so I wouldn’t

Have to explain it to you um but the idea is is that every single day at the end of the day which is it coming soon it is we’re going to delete our inventory um so that when the next day starts we’re starting over fresh you

Know like a nomatic person I will also have to move biome I can’t just be in the same place and so it’s going to force me to continuously start from scratch but towards the same common goal my common goal was obviously to make it

To the end of the game uh that would be pretty cool however um that would be pretty TR that’s going to be pretty tricky you might say uh rightfully so and so yeah I’ve got my kind of strategy for tomorrow I found a ruin foral I’ve

Got some water buckets I’ve got all the good stuff why are you so buggy I’m going to punch you maybe does that fix you no no if if someone’s if someone looks weird and you punch them it does not solve the problem it just gets a much bigger person angry with you please

Don’t kill me okay he doesn’t know he doesn’t know I’ve done something wrong so now we’re going to grab it oh no issues whatsoever put this on and we’re out okay so I’m going to make sure I get like a a good grasp on what is inside the

Structure um we’re going to kill any other animals we find in here I I really can’t get over the fact that there’s just random pigs walking around this place uh there’s cats as well it doesn’t feel like a true wood mansion and oh yeah look how look how much better it

Looks outside that is the problem with the Deferred rendering it’s like inside it just looks so spooky ke in a wrong way and we’ll continue looking around until we find some stuff you want to set your spawn I’m pretty sure I set my spawn that time did I not set my spawn

Did I did I walk past it thinking I was setting my spawn and then not do it again okay so let’s just grab some red wool hope he doesn’t notice me here I am you know this uh he’s he’s not going to oh no no no he noticed he noticed um and

Then we’re going to walk back through this one hit did 9 and a half hearts right did I did that just happen I feel like that did and then he’s not following me yes he is okay okay he’s running he’s running so I’m going to walk him towards my iron golem and I’m

Just going to back out of the okay so Iron Golem is busy but that’s fine I’m just going to place a block there sorry he can’t get over problem solved now we can make ourselves a bed oh yeah perfect Golem has got me covered and now we make a bed

Inside this place right next to the Golem would be convenient actually um respawn Point set and so now if I die oh no no no no I’m going to die actually that’s convenient that saves me from a creeper death run right past that the creeper explodes not quite destroying my bed

Okay it destroys my bed and uh don’t don’t question the number of deaths we’ve had so far and so for this for this challenge to work I basically have to think not about current stuff I’m only thinking about moving the game further forward and so tomorrow I’m going to the nether with no

Stuff I’m going to want to have a totem and dying so I set my bed up in a way where I get an ax real quick I go find a a evoker and then I get to the nether and make the most of my full day turn

Off fog please yeah I think I think that’s the the thing we’ve got to do here right let’s uh let’s go into our settings Let’s uh oh no we’re going to die if we do that okay so sorry let’s let’s kill the spider first as you

Should always do then we’ll go into the settings we’ll see I think it is that volumetric fog or whatever it’s called let’s just turn that way down Shadow quality you know normal normal Shadow quality looks great to me it actually does look much better now right um T

Tiny difference but an important one so now we’re going to set down our bed near the staircase to the top floor um assuming it has one I’m pretty sure they always have a top floor just to be sure we’ll make sure we find it it’s not over

Here it’s not over here we’ll we’ll break through a wall and we’ll find it that way I guess are you over here staircase oh nope yeah there’s okay so I guess we could stack ourselves up if was came to was but I do need to find okay

Here it is here’s the staircase I go to sleep right here I may not rest there are monsters nearby and then as soon as I rest I have to throw all my stuff on the ground and not reclaim it which does sound real bad I wish I hadn’t picked up

Those gold leggings I could have had them tomorrow chat I could have had them tomorrow but yeah what we have to do now drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it uh drop it drop it drop it drop it drop it okay this is actually a pain let’s

Drop drop drop drop drop and chat uh we haven’t come to a full conclusion cuz we didn’t do a poll yet on uh on Armor so for now we’ll say even though this is the the legendary efficiency one hat the efficiency one hat you know the

Efficiency one hat must go it’s sad to say that it must go but it must go um and so now we go to sleep and tomorrow we wake up with nothing we start all over again effectively in a brand new biome uh or rather we have to travel to

A brand new biome we’re not going to stick in the same place every single day uh we can use the start end of the day to connect to the start of the next one but now this is my last day in the Mansion let’s make it count so first

Things first we need wood we need Stone we make a stone ax or a sword or something uh I didn’t realize my food situation would be so okay so we eat that rotten flesh that fills me up thank God it’s just on the ground I didn’t

Pick it up it’s not my food it just happened to be there then we make a crafting table and some sticks as fast as we can um then we’re going to need to break another one of these to get a pickaxe going then we get we have to do

The whole Tech Tree again today and it will be and then after we’ve done that all of our problems go away so wood pickaxe in straight into the stone get enough Stone to make a sword and an axe I’m not going to make a stone pickaxe yet even though that seems like

A handy idea but let’s just not do it um make a few more sticks and make a stone ax and a stone sword now that I’ve got both these two things I am going to do the very busy decision of trying to get a a totem them dying a totem them dying

Is really really good longterm and really good shortterm like it sucks oh God okay I forgot that you I forgot they do so much damage um yeah 9 and a half hearts of damage is just too much I I don’t know what to do what to do about

That um so we’re just going to find a wait what oh did you see that I was I was hitting him he how did he hit me through okay it’s fine I I oh okay so we’re almost immediately dead again that’s the bad news the good news is um

That we can okay we we’re dead again that’s fine it’s again that the it’s only the end of the day that resets me not the deaths I feel like if you you could probably make a more airtight uh game mode by making it the deaths that

Reset to but that’s fine I have not done so we’re going to run past them run past him get trapped in a corner here and then just accept that we’re going to oh what they’re attacking me at such great distances I know the Vindicator is powerful because of their range but it

It feels unfair sometimes it feels like you never stood a chance and sometimes I start to think that you don’t okay it’s over okay okay we got this chat I’ve I’m I’m in over my head hard difficulty plus vindicators plus no armor means one hit

Koos lots of the time I don’t know why are they doing like Critical Hits sometimes but others or something I don’t know where my stuff is and I don’t know where the evokers more crucially are come on please please my friend you you need to you need to

Not they put their arms together so quickly after I die um I don’t think there’s a single evoker in this whole place I think my whole strategy is built on a brutal idea we’re having a great time they they they attack from such odd angles if you’re I think you have to be

Straight on to have a chance of hitting them before they hit you they definitely have a greater reach range on a okay so yeah we’re just going to walk around him knock him back that way and then get round yes okay with fruit so I need to

Get my old stuff back I have no idea where it could possibly be it’s in that left room there then we need to find an aoka oh how is there one of you up here how is that even possible okay there’s a witch she’s just started to fight I hope

Now we grab our stuff it’s in here you can see there’s some sticks and then there’s a and then there’s some blocks these are just no this this is not relevant and oh God please stop throwing things at me oh there’s the uh okay there’s the Shipwreck we’re going to go

For the Shipwreck this time instead we’re going to accept everything I got so far was a lost cause that sucks that was a whole part of my day plan that has just gone out the window um but as long as we don’t get hurt I’m going to walk

Around the outside where no one expects me straight to the Shipwreck cuz that’s been chaotic that has been too chaotic by the way uh Jaden not you are almost a member for a year I’m excited for you I um it’s it’s good to hear I IX is being

Hunted says SEL M it’s it’s very true I sometimes this happens to you uh okay so in we go in here we’re going to find I mean I’ll take it Protection free it’s better than no protection right we got some bread that’s probably enough for

The whole day and is this the only chest in there yeah it is so we still need iron from elsewhere and I still would like to get my hands on a totem UND dying what do I have to do to get one do you think chat I I don’t I don’t know

What what it is I I assumed they’d just be hanging out on this top floor there’d be no issues with me going in and getting one but seemingly it’s a bit more than that so let’s jump off instead let’s just go kill the tote uh kill the

Golem and make sure we at least get into The Nether today as our biome of the oh this is the wrong part of the village hello guys don’t mean to intrude not here to be rude just going to grab a bed get myself out of here so um yeah I um

Make uh aoka command abilities with commands recently oh that’s awesome I uh I think one of the cool things about Bedrock is they’re effectively making coding in stuff into Minecraft easier uh you know like C for a whole new generation it’s uh it’s one of the things they’re always pushing and like

It’s you know like maybe a lot of people like don’t pay attention to it for that reason but it is actually very cool like on every level and it’s I’m glad they’re doing it I think it’s uh I think more people learning just to Tinker with

Stuff you know just to goof around a bit here there everywhere is a generally good thing for Our Generation there’s a lot of people I think the term is like iPad babies is like uh people who have no concept of like how anything Works they just know how it gives them what they

Want which is like understandable it’s like oh that was easy wonderful that was a lot easier than I was expecting um it’s a it’s a thing that exists in all aspects of life like you know I I don’t understand how electricity works I just expect it to be

On when I turn on a switch right um and so but it’s it’s cool when you understand the underlying behaviors that affect the world that you live in and care about in my opinion at least maybe we should all not care about anything and it should just magically work for us

That is also a valid if strange opinion so now we’re going to make one more crafting table I should have probably made more sticks but again it’s all going to vanish tomorrow so if it all goes terribly for me I’m not mad and we’re going to set up a miniature base

Here that tomorrow me can appreciate too and then we’re going to place it down can only sleep at night and during thunderstorm that’s fine then I’m going to make myself a bucket and then I’m going to grab some water and I’m going to make a nether portal sorry I’m having terrible acid reflux

Recently you know why is it even called acid reflux it feels like warm it feels like there’s curry in my stomach or something anyway um I think uh one hit KO now You’re The Vindicator you know what dashy you’re right I I should have thought about it

That way it’s not it’s not that the mob was weak and I killed him it’s that I am a Vindicator it is hard difficulty and so he had to go down honestly yeah the Iron Golem is one of the harder mobs to kill i o i I think I’m now going

To uh do the classic version of this technique so we’ll place this down with like a hole over here I probably should have a pickaxe out in fact I I I I instinctively removed my wooden pickaxe thinking I had a better one but I do not

Which is a problem and uh yeah now we’re going to filter the water down there we’re going to grab some lava and we’re going to put it in the hole easily said and easy done as you can see I am building a nether portal and it’s going to take me

Places um so yeah the cool thing about the nether portal is unlike everything else cuz I I disos my inventory every day but the progress I’m making in the actual world can stay cuz obviously you know like uh that that’s kind of the way that we make forward progress is we we

Put it physically into the world rather than sory and again it’s kind of that M I was kind of saying like I I I went through a death in a family recently I’m not going to pretend I’m unique in that I I feel like um everyone everyone has

Some huge loss in their life um and I I I know like trying to trying to explain any form of loss like it’s Unique is like no like I I feel like loss is one of the the central themes of what makes us human if I was to be uh perfectly

Frank but um the the much more important thing than what I was saying there is the fact that um the the the thing about it that almost everyone goes through is realizing like oh yeah you can you can spend forever uh preparing for something and it never actually come up and the

The the classic example of that is you can’t take everything with you when you die and so this challenge is forcing us to live that way but in Minecraft we can’t take stuff with us when it all resets so we have to make a difference to the world itself

Right uh which is indeed what I am here to do let’s eat the POR chop actually as we go through the portal we have about 12 minutes left in the day before we have to delete our stuff let’s see what we can find in that time again we don’t

Actually want to kill anything by the way I’ve got I’ve got a very festive cup and a very festive Drinker um and uh oh wow oh this looks so weird with the the Deferred Graphics oh oh no I’m I’m in lava okay am I dead am I is it over for

Me chat um probably not right okay let’s get somewhere away from lava just in case okay I’m alive barely uh it’s laggy and I can’t see much but I am alive I forgot that this was the worst never spawn I forgot that’s one of the key characteristics of this seed I don’t

Know where the portal or where the Fortress or where the nearest Bastion would be and and I regret wanting to know um I’m hoping that this lag will go away if if you’re seeing any lag chat I’m sorry can’t see heha okay yeah we can only really see

Lava is that is that intentional is that what the game wants for us right now yeah right now this is this is unplayable um like I’m not going to live very long let alone oh yeah see I can’t I can’t get away from stuff wait what

Where did the Magma Cube like I I saw the Magma Cube be attacked okay you know it’s fine so we have to turn down our something in here I guess just render distance for now nice and easy turn that down a notch go to sleep lose our inventory for the

Day and then accept the oh God I have not prepared for this in the slightest but I’m still going to do my best today so new set of gear um we’ve got a new nether portal though so we’re we’re still again we’re making forward progress but it’s like you know the three steps

Forwards two steps back that is how we must get to school um but school is an ender dragon and you know has anyone ever tried walking that way that’s a great way to realize how close everything is I was reading um I was reading a Fred the other day uh

Yesterday actually on like you know it’s it’s 1:00 a.m. you should be sleeping and I’m reading about people who move from the city to the country and don’t regret it and so they’re talking about like their favorite things and they’re like you know what’s great is like we

Can just drive for an hour in One Direction without hitting traffic lights it’s wonderful like without ignoring the crucial context that they have to drive in an hour without traffic lights to get somewhere it’s um it’s like interesting perspective right that you can take almost any negative and turn it into a

Positive and you can take almost any positive and turn it to a negative like oh wow I live so close to stuff that I you know like a every one of these intersections is so major that it requires traffic lights is actually like a hidden upside hiding in your downside

Uh Al so I’m going to make myself a stone sword it just seems like a like an essential thing question name at chat but for toy cat what block do you like most uh the questions for stream most you know I’ll let stream answer it then

Deb be hum at home I feel like it’s one of those classic Minecraft questions that like I don’t know what answer I can give you um but I would like to give you one I um well Al W free turkey I want free turkey give that to me oh but yeah

Oh it’s it’s coming from David Sol you hear that chat free turkeys for everyone that’s definitely what I’m I’m reading in chat right now um yeah I I I bu build traffic lights yeah you know that’s that’s the solution build traffic lights everywhere I like cuz what what a

Traffic light actually just represents right is when multiple Junctions come together and there’s so many people that you need to have it I know I guess it’s like every good sign of population density can be a bad sign every every you know like um and every good sign of every bad

Sign that there’s no people here can be interpreted as a good thing like I love going to like a man it’s so laggy in this biome like I turned it down but it’s still just impossible to do anything chat I’m just I’m just I’m just

I can’t I can’t live like this also I have no food uh I guess I could make myself some mushroom stew I guess I’m going to have to right what else am I going to do okay so that’s fine I’m going to find myself a a nether fortress today that’s what I’m

Going to do it’s going to be wonderful um I’m not going to be able to get any blaze rods today but then I just have to get a blaze rod early on go to the nether fortress get an if Ender and then find the the stronghold and then

Once I found the stronghold I’ll make a oh the it’s so painful it’s I this this not not having food is a is a hard one so we need to build up a decent supply of food and not go to the never too early or we could just go across the

World like if this never spawn sucks it’s entirely possible to just invoid avoid it right we need to move around the world anyway why don’t we just move around it in a more consistent way yeah yeah yeah let’s go for it when the never

Is that bad and you know like I I I I feel like this is a a total reset try again nope that’s that’s not good enough not accepting it um you know you just s you have the the right and the ability to do that and so today I’ll be

Exercising mine uh I don’t know what’s over here but we’re going to find out together chat yeah find a better never spawn yeah one of the one of the beautiful things about not doing a speedrun is we don’t just have to commit to our first option we can

Say no bad never won’t be going in today uh and so you better believe that is my plan not going into that never we’ll find a better never with Blackjack and hookers your arm has a shadow but your body doesn’t it’s weird in when you’re in third person your body has a shadow

But when you’re in first person only your arm does I’m guessing it’s because when you’re in first person the game doesn’t actually render you as a character for your screen it renders other characters but I’m you know like that’s it’s it’s a small difference when you

Think about it but it does save the game some necessary rendering like I could never see myself maybe like in the reflection of the water or something is there other Reflections in the water I don’t think so but you can never actually see yourself um and so as a result uh also

Nomad how can you be Nomad in these conditions I’d be yes mad you know too too right Alex Leo wolf but um yeah I think uh I think ultimately uh um the the the the right to say no is a very valid one remember it in your Minecraft world Reflections

Coming in 1.23 it is known I mean it’s one of those features where like if they added a mirror block to Minecraft it massively complicates the game but it would be cool it’s a really fun idea it seems simple we have mirrors in real life why don’t you just

Add a add a block that has a mirror reflective surface then you realize there’s a lot more like programming and code required to that also another shipwreck so we’re I felt like it was getting dark chat do you feel that like it feels like it’s

Like the end of the day but we’ve still got like 4 five 6 minutes left so it might be worth raiding the Shipwreck or we could use the Shipwreck as a we know we can come back here tomorrow thing um also where’s the world gun where chat why is my render distance

Vanished is this is this an artsy thing has it started raining I’m I’m so I’m so I’m so scared okay so we’re going to go to sleep you can’t sleep underwater am I’m not mistaken very very annoying of Minecraft to enforce that you know it does doesn’t

Make any sense to me and then we’re going to go back up and pray that my render distances come back why is it so low okay so whatever we’re just going to we’re going to get in the ship we’re going to see if there some great iron

For us I can’t see that’s a door that’s nothing more over here get out and okay easy enough I do know this was the way out but uh the terrain is not helping me with that also um I think it’s the clouds that make it look darker in veins wait where so my

Rendance comes back now I’m at the edge of the water what happened there is that a is that a bir kill fish while you’re at it I think I’d rather eat raw chicken I like to live life on the edge that way um yeah you know when has raw

Chicken ever done anything negative to anyone seriously name name one case I don’t think you can Checkmate but uh you know actually let’s see let’s let’s kill this uh this pork over here get just that little bit more hunger so I go into tomorrow a little bit more successful than today um three

Pork chops one right now one for when I’ve regenerated and then one for just in the morning before I sleep then we’ll go find another nether portal and we’ll just pray it’s not a oh we found a trail ruins that’s cool there’s nothing I can do with that but it’s cool right what

Should I what should I do about it is there is there something good I could do about this chat like I could dig down and I might find some I could brush it and yeah I’m not I’m not sure I can do much of any of that honestly so um

Shaders make my computer fans go bur oh yeah right now though it’s winter so I appreciate the like it’s creating extra heat for my room cuz fun fact basically everything that uses electricity creates heat it’s a it’s a near one to one of like electricity is almost all lost

Through heat output even when you’re trying not to make heat and so if your fans are going that’s because they’re blowing away the hot air and so you’re getting a free space heater uh in the summer it’s brutal cuz you’re you’re paying for something you’re later

Going to have to get rid of um if you have air conditioning and if you don’t have air conditioning you’re making your life more miserable lose lose there really but um yeah otherwise it’s good I so cat you need red stained glass pain I mean imagine what a red stain glass pain

Could do for me it’s Limitless things I tell you Limitless things but uh positive outlooks on life with toy cat you know some people would say that there is no way you can be positive in today’s world I would say you can always be positive or negative it just depends

What you feel like you know just had your you just been run over you know you could feel sad or you could feel like you’re about to make a lot of money uh depending on the country you’re in I uh I hear being run over is big money you

Know you get you like you know think about how how uh you get paid for lost income which is great cuz by the way lost income works is you don’t have to work to earn that income anymore you get it paid to you by some anyway long story

Short may maybe getting hit by a car is the best thing that ever happened to you um you haven’t set them on fire yet I haven’t set anything on fire yet my kids use electricity why are they not generating heat I mean actually they are

Though right you’re you know like uh I I didn’t I’ve never appreciated how much heat humans make until you have like a party in your house or something uh and you realize like just how like especially in the hotter months body heat just adds so much temperature to a

Room it’s like ludicrous the amount it goes in um and again you just you just don’t realize so you have a lot of people in a space where you previously had not very very many even like I don’t know like getting on a bus or a train

It’s always warm right cuz people are miniature heaters too like you heat a heater up to like you know 100° or something and people only go up to 38 uh that is Celsius to be clear but um yeah the the same do you hear that music oh

It’s updated quet music in my mind I hear it as um creative music it’s got the similar Vibe right do you hear the creative vibe to this song chat but uh yeah I’m just I’m just out here I don’t want to give up my my place to sleep the

Night until I’m good I I don’t have anything to lose but I really want to find a pile of lava somewhere cuz that’s what I’m going to need before I can confidently sleep but if I if I keep seeing skeletons I’d rather die I’d rather lose my bed than die a thousand

Blocks away from Spawn just come on game give me a Village if I don’t have a village I know for a fact I’m not getting iron easily so we just going to keep on going till we find one we can get a boat tomorrow maybe oh do you see that in the distance

Chat there’s a there’s purple in the distance does that mean there’s a nether portal there what does that mean is that do you see it oh it’s a ruined portal and those are okay so that’s perfect this is the place to go to sleep I’m going to sit down my

Spawn point and my crafting table and then get right to bed okay go okay before I sleep though place this down throw this down has to all be gone actually wait I’m eat the pork chops going to just eat those real quick um okay so drop drop the feathers on the

Ground drop the seeds on the ground eat the pork chops probably avoid the guy with the shovel although maybe maybe he drops the shovel on the ground and that benefits me tomorrow that would be something huh I just don’t want to kill this many zombies with my fist but if we

Have to do it we have to do it I would love to see some light again I think that is the biggest benefit of these deferred rendering packs Etc it’s just like there’s so little light most of the time that when light comes back you just feel so grateful you just you feel

Blessed by the sunlight it takes absence of something to appreciate what something is um anyway yeah that was that was a waste of my time but let’s go to sleep and let’s enjoy day four with a new biome a new place and a new set of nothing empty inventory for Another

Empty day uh hopefully it’s not empty so we’ve got a ruin portal uh I actually don’t know if it has lava I should have really checked shouldn’t I okay it’s got the pile of lava it’s even got free obsidian and a golden axe and a golden

Apple and Flint steel so we can make some good food sorry sheep uh we can go to the Nether and we can yeah we we can get a good start basically everything today remember the Golden Axe usually you would you should preserve you should use it for real stuff but in this case

We have a literal you know like we we have an expiry date for the axe so we might as well use it to get a good head start on wood and maybe kill another mob uh like a good mob maybe whatever whatever we can find would be great then we’re going to

Use the wood to make stone to get iron to blah blah blah blah blah blah um we we want to go up if we’re going to find some iron but yeah let’s let’s do our best regardless cuz without a bucket we’re not going to be oh no pleas that

Was very unfortunate without a bucket we are not going to the Nether and so we need one of those I don’t know how Fire Works ever I don’t know how that just happen happen but uh feel like I’m to getting some of the benefits of my cooked meat

At this point so um I think iron ore is a big priority and finding a cave like this is a good place to find it Alo there we go nice come towards me I’ll kill you pork chop one more pork chop would be great uh yeah and I think this

Will be enough food for a bit yep two and three or one and three should get me through through the day not in a great way but like in a I’m technically through it way so now we’re just going to look around for any source of exposed

Iron if we don’t find it that does point to problems let’s expose copper you seeing any iron down here chat going to be honest I don’t see anything down here like this is what it looks like normally I can see everything perfectly can see if there’s any ores and this is what it

Looks like with deferred rendering I have no idea what blocks I’m looking at just good luck so we can get to Stone but how do we get to iron then we seem to have we seem to have arrived at a crucial juncture and not know how to get through

It so here is a much bigger cave I’m guessing by the water flow um I also cannot see oh okay that’s weird so we have to turn off our light so we can see correctly oh actually should we just do that with def fertilizing yeah that’s the solution

Right we just we just have to turn on our own light cuz there without light the game is very very bad speaking of being very very bad one click forest fire it feels like it sometimes it feels like it feels like that’s all we invented so we’re going to swim up here

That’s not working for me we’re going swim up here and you know there we go that’s that’s fine no swimming needed so I’m sure there is another cave that does have some iron easily found in it but I think we might be better off getting in a boat and just looking for a

Shipwreck at this point at this juncture let’s do it so crafting table yink it on the ground get in a boat go find a shipwreck do you see one chat I don’t see one I would like to see one so um look for my ship says sussy Finley okay I’m looking out

For you right now where are you to clarify this is not a multiplayer server that jug only works if you’re aware of that I feel like a lot of people do just play Minecraft on a multiplayer like in a multiplayer context they’re like yeah this is just

How you play I have my good friend Stevie hanging out here with me oh God I forgot the render distance goes down when you’re on water why is that true who wants this who is this for um so there is a ocean ruin those don’t contain iron in large

Quantities I don’t know what they realistically do contain like a stone Axe and some wool and some coal sorry maybe a fishing rod if you get really lucky um I don’t even know where to look for them honestly I don’t even have a good shovel so I’ll break one block call

It a day and then say yep that was fine but not for me so yeah without a shipwreck uh we are just going to have to find the tallest piece of terrain or find another Cave the Cave without cave like we’d be searching for a very long time by the

Way so not really ideal uh I’m going to quickly turn off the oh no I’m not okay bad news the the third rendering doesn’t turn off when you’re in a boat I don’t know how that is a feature but trust me when I say that it

Is the good news is oh coal okay so we’re going to find some in here I can’t even light a fire down here we we do have some bubbles to breathe Pro tip okay looking good looking wonderful oh iron okay so now if that is enough iron okay there’s IR over

There too so this is a bit of a risky strategy chat but let’s just go for it okay so I’m going to I don’t know why I’m okay so crouching doesn’t properly hold when you’re underwater useful to know it’s okay though so then we make a wooden pickaxe Down Under Water I guess

I could turn this on it’s just it’s just so useless like I don’t know how anyone’s meant to tell anything at this level but that’s fine do you want to see it pro tip don’t shift on magma that’s a valuable lesson I would say uh um if you don’t if

You like death there’s only one way that can compete with it okay so back up here there we go now we can make a stone pickaxe we’re going to get a little bit of water oxygen from this rather so swim upwards okay so we’re just going to swim

Upwards hold that down that’s our crafting table there’s no way to know that though right um then we’re going to take one of these blocks with me over to the oh and there’s there’s just magma right below it one of these blocks is going to go with me over to the where

I’m going do you think this this touches the surface at all no it doesn’t okay it just takes a while for the bubbles to form and we’re going to go find the iron oh the the thing went away do you see how impossible that is by the way okay

So place that down hope that it starts working soon hope that it starts working soon and then get on it and mine the blocks from here get fre fre free Iron together for a bucket and then into the into the never we can go this is a ridiculous challenge but I’m

Down okay um wow it looks terrible under the water says Gage plays yeah I have to say um there’s a point you there’s a lot of development that needs to be done on them clearly that is one of the biggest bits okay so let’s go through

Here get some more oh yeah just it just doesn’t hold my my crouching preferences correctly but that’s fine and then let’s get out of there and finally okay is that taking us an entire day I really hope not now finally make a furnace use the furnace to go in there

And how much day have we got left plenty of day wait did you look at the sun it’s like it’s going in an offset way chat that’s not how the Sun works is it is that how the Sun works okay it it feels like it’s all the way over is that is

That is that normal have I never noticed that isn’t it meant to like be perfectly in the middle of the sky am I the weird one for thinking that it should be in the middle of the sky um it is now okay so let’s make a furnace real

Quick smell go to the nether good time and then even if we l you know once we made the portal even if we lose everything we’re still set for a good day tomorrow and even that better we’ve still got all of today and tonight to get some stuff in so please give me

Some Stone real quick one and a two and a three and a four and a five and a six a seven and an eight perfect we are ready to go and oh maybe we’re not ready to go maybe maybe we just need one more of

These have we got it I hope we’ve got it I my pork chop Supply is going to have to carry me all the way through the rest of the day but then I have a golden apple which I’m going to eat just before night anyway to get the absorption effect

Tomorrow and yep Ready to Go where’s my I I I’m I’m making crafting tables everywhere today but again you can’t take them with when you’re dead that is the lesson we’re all learning slowly and so I’m going to learn it right here put in my wooden pickaxe cuz

No one wants those plus some Oak planks I guess and let’s do it um who’s going to tell them it’s not really Square either is the Sun not Square in the real World I’d swear it is wait go take a look at the sun right now

That joke only works for people who have sunlight but hopefully you went slightly blind and you realize the valuable lesson and if you didn’t learn a valuable lesson then I don’t even know what to say I hope you don’t have a terrible housefire tonight because you’re probably subscribed and therefore

You don’t deserve one okay so I can actually make a shield of the the last of these IR I think I’m going to do that because I I needed a shield so badly last time um just traditional never portal style no issues place it down and place it down over here as well

And then Place one down over there is that going to cause issues that might cause me issues eventually so we’re going to be real careful about it place a block there yeah this is real real real sticky territory actually so let’s deliberately grab I’ve got free obs need to finish

This if it come if it comes to it if I mess things up too bad I can always recover later as long as I have at least seven blocks down so now we’re going to place another block but on the I guess just right there works and just really really have to not

Mess this up in one more block Then I then I allow to make all the mistakes I want place that on the corner place this over there there we go everything’s good no more issues also by the way all this gold will be useful in the future

There’s like quite a few Gold Blocks here a surprising number in my opinion and that is really oh no glad I a spair into The Nether and we’ve got just over 10 minutes till we have to do another wipe on our inventory please be a better

Never SP please don’t suck that’s all I ask what what is this what what are my odds of having this happen chat seriously so well this this this flint and steel will be gone tomorrow so I’m going to use it to light up the ne cuz I literally cannot see otherwise and I

Will die um so just going to place lava over there and hope that it burns some skeletons maybe somehow that works wow perfect um we have to place a lot of these these fire Stacks around I think uh yeah this is this is the worst biome to be in with deferred rendering

We have and also there is a basol Delta right there anyway too just just in case we felt we had some upside no it’s all downside anyway um okay it’s fine it’s fine I’m going to I’m going to live uh I did say I was going to make myself a shield and I

Think I’m going to have to go double down on that pledge um so oh okay we’re back here it’s fine just uh yep Carr me needs the shield this biome single-handedly is the reason I started using shields in Minecraft um that’s that’s how bad it is

Chat oh why does nobody use two portals to farm obsidian I think a few people do it’s not like obsidian isn’t that rare for resource at a certain point that’s why you’re not saving too much effort okay that’s fine oh I’m on fire it’s not

Fine um am I on fire again okay so um this is bad this is bad this is very bad this is extra bad uh I’m going to make some fires light a lot of them I this is this is so bad chat this is this is terrible okay I’ve got another boat

Hopefully I’ve got an arrow to go of it I just need a fully charged shot and then the gas is dead no okay it’s fine I could reset right now but I want the I want the flint and steel first I mean I want the absorption

First I have no idea how to do the never and deferred like it just it sucks so bad but I’m going to try and get through this chat there’s gas and there’s skeletons and I have I have no vision on my side but I’m going to work through

Those thing okay so everyone’s fighting each other which is exactly what I want I’m just going to run through all of this hope no one even notices me okay okay that was good reflected there okay so just burn baby burn there’s nothing of value here for me there’s nothing oh

It sucks so bad being alive is so terrible it’s close to feeding time for my cat so he’s sitting here like meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow thank you so much Chris H it’s so close to feeding time I that I was so

Focused that I just started hearing that and wondered like what what have I just but you know that was a bit of POS so there’s a there’s an Enderman there it might be worth going to sleep actually okay hear me out here um so if

I pick up a block at any point it becomes part of my inventory has to be destroyed what if we kill an Enderman also look at the way they’re holding no blocks which is a bit goofy if you ask me uh I’m going to drop an ender pearl

On the floor so that future me has an ender pearl and we’re going to pray that I find a blaze rod tomorrow and that alone will be gamechanging okay just just come at me man come at me again bro that is terrifying yeah have to admit with his eyes whole different experience whole

Different experience go just wanted to help you light up the ne come on I’m sorry uh for slandering the Ghasts they were assisting me on my go uh they were also exploding it so they were Terror lighting me but Terror you know terror is important even when it’s bad Terror

You know we can’t we can’t pick and choose the terrorism that we want um for every for you know it’s for for every good I I don’t think this is a chain of thought that I can think saying about affecting my ability to um enter and

Leave countries in the future so what I will say is oh yes I would I do hate terrorism it’s bad okay so that’s that’s so the that end pear leaveing It On The Ground now I haven’t picked it up it’s not part of my inventory but future me

Can take full advantage of that so now I just need a blaze rod I’ve got maybe four 5 minutes I’m just going to get whatever progress made I can hello new phone who this that’s an important question oh so it’s so hard to see anything who is this that is the

Question that we all should be asking ourselves really finding finding your voice finding the the version of you that you believe to be your most authentic self is uh surprisingly hard oh God this is terrible I why are there so many Gs by the way also this is a dead end there is

Nothing in any direction of me I I thought I was just unlucky but no this is just I’ve spawned into a a never that is a Hest there is no way out of that there is how how have I had that happen twice on the same

World this is the worst never I’ve ever experienced um the the the extra mob spawning is screwing me too on Bedrock too many mobs spawn um it’s been a bug forever but the never has far too many mobs um I I think it also applies to the other world but it’s just

Noticeable um so to to get out of this is going to require something special and I just can’t I can’t put it up while I’ve got all these mobs attacking me all right I’m fine uh so I didn’t get the most important things but I do have a

Bucket of lava so I can at least survive for a bit and we can see if there’s a fortress around here somewhere I I don’t know where I’m looking I I I mean I’m not looking realistically and then when I die it’ll be tomorrow so my inventory

Will be wiped by that so let’s accept there is a death and just make as much exploration progress as we can sometimes we’ll lead down dead dead ends we’ll be led down dead ends but uh sometimes we will oh that’s scary that’s fine this is such a hellish

Never this is the never experience for someone who wants okay gu so we’re back here okay this is a dead end I’m in a cave that is just two biomes it’s the two worst biomes and there’s no way out without significant amount and significant amounts of

Mining okay well that’s bad I’m going to hot take don’t don’t live that one um I’ve got the golden apple though so it’s not all too bad and if I just light this area up a little bit better then maybe everything will go away and it’ll go

Back to being okay I think realistically I’m just going to I’ve just got to start mining I’ve got to start mining a tunnel and I’ve got to ignore everything that’s on this side of it if I see or hear anything over here it’s not my problem you can’t get me you can’t get

Me and I can’t be a oh he can get me I don’t know how he can get me I think he’s gone to the Overworld hope he has a good time there you know what we we all need to go on adventur sometimes I’m glad that he’s found one for him I don’t

Have that flint and steel so we can only get one light source in this tunnel it’s going to be a piece of lava down there and we’re going to have to rely on that lighting it until I go somewhere else however my time today has run out we

Have but a few minutes remaining and so what I’m going to have to do chat is reset start all over again and try to turn this into something later so to save myself but learning a lot of stuff we’ll get rid of everything in here uh except my golden apple which I’ll eat

Just before I go to sleep um because that will be a Big Boon for future me it’d be nice to have some real food before but you know I can accept that that’s not a realistic outcome right now um also I knew that okay I knew something went through as

You can see tomorrow is here so we are going to find my bed I guess we don’t need to find the bed at this point we just say new day is here it inventory has been reset it is tomorrow so first thing I want to do is pick up that ender pearl from

Earlier if I can just find a blaze rod today I can throw one if Ender and I can find the stronghold and that’s going to make an immeasurable difference immeasurable um I uh oh great there is a bug making 1250 unplayable on Windows good job Microsoft the good news is if

They’re really really big bugs they get fixed really quickly they have good emergency bug pixes I find um I uh gapple up and go back to being a nomad yeah I mean I I am in a better situation right now all I have to do to uh realistically make out of it

Make out of this good is have some good food so I go back to full health and like Beyond and then also have some progress made today which is unshakably good so three pieces of stone one and two and it’s so weird the way blocks like

Persist on the screen very weird then we make a stone pickaxe and I realistically I’m going to want to go for a second stone pickaxe cuz I I think it’s going to be a while of mining I’m not I’m not optimistic enough to say that I’m going

To mine 20 blocks and find a fortress we’ll see what it takes and I’ll do what that is in fact maybe yeah no two pickaxes is still not quite appreciating the task enough so I’ll just get a ton of stone just too much stone for the job is the

Right amount of stone for this job on the third stream of stream L on the third stream of stream that’s my toy in of in comedy toy cat all your efforts at entertainment are appreciated smiley face thumbs up heart Christmas tree present Santa Claus I’m glad I’m glad

I’m I’m glad you’re liking it i I do enjoy these silly challenges sometimes I’m Midway through them I’m like does why why am I putting myself through this does anyone does anyone care am I am I suffering and people are going yeah it’d be more fun if he wasn’t

Suffering I think that’s the worst thing about uh I think that’s like the worst fear but like the realest one you can have as a content creator is like am I putting a lot of work into something when people would prefer less work like it’s one thing to fail at something

Because you didn’t try hard enough it’s another thing to fail at something because you tried too hard that’s like a a disastrous feeling that is all is actually real a surprising amount of the time okay so we’re going to smelt up my uh raw beef I guess we could go for more

Raw beef yeah let’s let’s let’s let’s believe in ourselves let’s get like a little bit more food and we’ll chop down at least one more tree or something maybe make a stone sword yeah that’s that seems logical make a stone sword I if there’s a baby chicken

There’s usually an adult to go with it so we’re going to find that actually the bab chicken follows the adult so we could wait for him to grow we can just leave him around but realistically if I want more food I’m going to have to find

It is that is the bee going to give me food is the pig going to give me food he actually is yeah here is the pig there is my food what a good trade okay so as you can see every day I’m resetting entirely but I am building up to

Something right it’s fun this this Challenge almost feels like me when I have like a real bad adversity coming at me and I die and lose all my stuff in lava but that’s happening every day and it’s teaching me a lot about recovery so

I I I feel like I’m getting a real skill from this I appreciate your misery says um Dasher you know thank you sometimes that’s all you need to hear is that someone is gaining from your pain um I don’t know if you should suffer just for content oh I don’t think like obviously

That’s like something a bit more there is like uh not not suffering is the wrong I you know actually it’s a it’s a valid word but the point is to say sometimes are you like are you going through effort and work you know cuz you

Know a lot of life is about like doing things you don’t want to do it’s a a hard lesson for some people it’s one you don’t want to believe by the way James marks thank you so much for gifting five channel memberships um I hope everyone enjoys their new ability to watch toy

Cat bathing and iron Brew I don’t know how you couldn’t enjoy such an ability pass me but um yeah thank you so much okay so now we are um what’s the next entry in the baves in series it’s a good question isn’t it um hey toat how’s your December going so far

Oh uh to answer your question about my December I have to put on a formal voice and say My December is going pleasantly so far now I um I also what I miss in the the past 2 minutes YouTube gives weird sponsors they they’ve really tried to roll out like monetization for

Streams recently I think I think they’ve got the wrong approach I think like every business YouTube should focus on growth first and say how do we get people watching on our platform versus others and one of those valid strategies is saying okay well we don’t we would

Rather have more viewers right now you know later you can make the hard decisions about monetization versus like for right now it should be focusing entirely on like yeah we just want more viewers spend the money make it work then later switch over to it that that

Seems to be the tradition but they’re not going for it so we’re going to just leave this let it spill out um as you can see that that lava G very strangely and then just continue mining this way I guess yep seems great to me I need to get oh we’re really

Really high up that’s why this is happening so we want to mine downwards basically yeah we mine we mine straight down and if we mine down then eventually I’ll find something I don’t know what’s down there so we’ll find out what it is YouTube needs money not

Grow um so here’s the thing YouTube as a platform needs money not grow but in particular areas like it’s worth it’s worth expanding the you know obviously the idealist have both right the dream business has more customers every single day and also makes more money from each of those

Customers but in reality the reason marketing as a whole exists is because yeah it is a good idea to spend money sometimes so that you have more customers later or or the old adage it takes money to make money uh if you you feel like

Oh God it’s so bad how what’s over there how do I know how am I meant to know it feels like I need to have torches in the Nether and I don’t think that’s how I meant to feel okay it’s very dark chat I’m trying to find something that’s

Something okay this cave leads me nowhere um so we’ll just keep on mining down it’s not the greatest of strategies but it’s a strategy uh we could also go this way a bit maybe just to see what’s down the cave it’s just some light it’s it’s nice light it’s very pretty it’s

It’s very well radiated I guess I could say uh and then we’ll continue mining down from here just see where it takes me really um yeah I um I I think the how do we know when the new dungeon update comes out the new dungeon update also I thought Google

Already had all the money TM that’s that’s the weird thing I mentioned this on Twitter today the for Notch basically made one of the worst decisions financially speaking his 2.5 billion purchas of Minecraft or S sold of Minecraft it’s now worth something closer to 100 billion um and so also

It’s look how look how visible things get the moment lava becomes visible it’s wonderful so we’ll just mine this way for a bit now use that light to hopefully see something yep there we go just just keep on following it uh if we don’t see something soon then we’re

We’re lost forever and I have no clue but we we’ll see what happens for us I need to find a fortress I really really really really do and I’ve gotten to the point where I’ve now mined at the lay where it makes sense to which going we keep on going forwards into the

Darkness this is something I wish I could I should find like a a resource pack that fixes this like true darkness in Minecraft shouldn’t ever be true Darkness for your viewers like even if I didn’t have to see this but viewers could have be great but right now I’m

Like this this sucks like I’m mining I’m mining a black screen that occasionally goes white around the outl um this one of my this is a version of like suffering and thinking oh I think I’m making the your experience worse by suffering if I wasn’t suffering you were wouldn’t be suffering right now

OptiFine fixes it on Java I hear a lot of people switched from using OptiFine recently uh I think people are fans of what is it called sodium I wonder why it’s called sodium is there some pun about salt in there that I’m missing um the dungeon that acts like as a

Battle arena that rewards you after completing rounds oh the trail Chambers it is fun like uh from an outside perspective like if you follow updates a lot it’s like yeah everyone knows the name of these makes sense for some people you’re like yeah it’s like it’s a brand new

Type of Spawner in a brand new type of dungeon it is fun though cuz the oh man the dungeon has basically existed um okay just place that down I didn’t that be in the way that’s fine make two more Stone pickaxes and then just pray we don’t need any more past that

Point chat I I’m having such a bad never I’ve never had such a bad never in my life is it ever going to end I’m I’m committed to this but I worry I shouldn’t have what where’s okay it’s fine I’m just I just I just got to power

Through um it’s cuz it’s salty to OptiFine it’s cuz people are salty about OptiFine I can’t imagine being sad cuz I got 2 billion instead of 100 billion especially in not’s case cuz the 2 billion made him sad in that case it sounds like he’d be better off having a 100 billion

Theoretical money rather than 2.5 billion cash I think it’s the mistake a lot of uh like you know newly wealthy people make is thinking that money is money but it’s like yeah cash is the best type of money in that it can be spent the easiest but it grants the least other benefits

To you oh god oh no where did he come from okay good news is it was already night time bad news is I’m dead well there goes my whole strategy of having an ender pearl and a blaze rod pulling him together where did he come from I how did I have no

Warning it doesn’t even tell me what killed me it was probably a magm cute like I feel like it was a magnu at least you won’t need to clean your inory can’t ah this is the worst never I’ve ever experienced it usually doesn’t suck this

Much chat this is an abnormally bad oh I I’m going into the ne with no blocks what am I expecting to find yeah this is I should turn back chat but I’ve it’s called the sunk cost B seed and um if I can teach you about

It then maybe it will make up for all the terribleness you have nothing to dig with I have nothing to dig with I have nothing to to I I I can’t I can’t do anything in the nether besides pick up S sand however uh I want to I want to see this

I want to see what killed me or where where it came from at least and I want to see oh man it’s such a long tunnel but there is a light at the end of it now what do you have to lose one sand oh good point okay dark detective we

Should turn back right now it’s there oh and there’s a crafting table in here so we can bring our stuff in craft it in the nether see should have been making crafting tables all the way along knowing this would have happened eventually where did it come from I even

Right now I’m right here it would have been a skeleton I guess so actually this happens to be the one biome where I can break blocks in my fist and we’re going to make a little connection point like there and now we can jump over to

It oh that’s scary okay so we’re in we’re in a Hell biome with one Soul Sand block chat make bets on how long I can survive is that a NE Fortress there at least I there’s no way of knowing this is okay this is a bad challenge for this

But we don’t give up we think about it what can we do we can pick up a Strider and we could use the light source to our advance by using it a mode of travel yeah I have I have the the lava is so bright that you can’t see anything

Else when there’s lava on your screen and then everything else is so dark that you can’t see anything at all when there’s no lava on your screen you’re either blinded or you’re blind I mean I guess the never is a is a dark and scary place

Um okay how long can I survive this the good good question bad answer oh come on let me let me there we go um yeah so the bad answer seems to be not very long um it’d be nice if there was a good answer to I don’t think there is it’s so

It’s it’s so ridiculous looking right now chat can you interpret what’s happening right now I am I am barely alive and barely able to okay so we run across here we get to about 400 blocks on the x- axis that’s where I expect a find a NE Fortress if we don’t we’re

Going to move to the right oh yeah okay there’s a gas if I can just kill the GH where did the oh that was laggy huh okay so everything’s laggy that might work in my benefit it’s not working in my benefit um okay it’s over oh yep okay so

I I think I’m going to survive with half a heart oh no no the skeletons invite okay well I didn’t survive with half a heart so that was brutal um chat what’s the what do you what do you how do I how do I do anything what do

I what what’s what what can I do genuinely I um I should have I should have realized that I would be screwed in three out of five Minecraft NE biomes and I should have realized the chances of me yelling it twice but I’m going to work around this okay so we’re

Going to go into the ocean today um and we’re going to find some iron get enough iron to make a shield and that’s honestly it one iron would be great then once we have a shield even then what does a shield do for me turn your difficulty down no it

Is hard difficulty we are UND deferred graphics and our inventory goes every day the challenge is the challenge and if the captain has to go down the ship y he’s not turning the ship’s difficulty down first I’m a bad Captain don’t let me pilot your ships let’s walk 500 blocks then walk

500 more uh just to be the man of your desire and prevent your house from Catching Fire ultimately what more can we do okay I can also I I I just took the wandering Traer with me kind of unintentionally here um yeah I’m going I’m going to scan this entire body of

Water uh for any pieces of iron it might be a bit late in the day um but it’s fine it’s fine remember dying is no option no no obstacle for us why does the render distance go down randomly when you’re on the water what is it about is it the

Clouds I mean the clouds are doing something you can see them in a a dark PCH from being below one I have so many questions where are the big salmon yeah you know if there’s like 10 times as many skeletons spawning in the nether surely there should be 10 10 times as

Many big salmon spawning in the water he’s just got a death stare at the back of your head he’s letting me know that he doesn’t approve of this oh he he looked away for a second he does not approve of what’s Happening Here um I think it’s just struggling to render so much

Water I wonder if that is actually it the thing is though it’s too perfect of a circle usually you can tell the difference between rendered distance and poor rendering cuz rendered distance being slow will leave chunks out of your world but poor rendering is like you will see your circle of render distance

Goes down that’s how you can tell that rain doesn’t make it harder to render it just cuts down your render distance and the same is true right now you can see oh yeah look at that it’s coming in it’s deleting chunks that’s already rendered to make sure that it’s foggy and

Impossible to see because I’m on the water oh chat you know what the other day I was um I was mentioning the five personality traits and I did get one slightly wrong and I also missed out extra version when I was talking about them um why are you not sinking why

Should I be sinking this makes no sense I I’ve lost also I didn’t race he has a llama on the back of him that’s very fun um when did where did he come from he’s having a good time he’s having a very good time water in your boat oh

You’re right yeah the boat is filled with water huh that’s that’s very interesting oh yeah so the lead is not rendering instead there’s this you can see my Cape going through the back of the uh the dude here um water water abandon the boat you know the the

Captain does not go down with a ship wait now the captain go Downs with a ship that was the point I was just making metaphorically and now I must make it um uh physically also the captain’s your first mate so in the UK your first mate is uh usually someone

From like Nursery or or primary school but in this case they got a wondering Trader basically the same thing here okay so outside of uh like what can I do to survive in the nether that will work in just one day um I really I really am struggling with answers that

Question uh I guess I can go in with some food cuz I’ve got this furnace still go in with some food and a pickaxe and just run around like a crazy man like like we usually do to be fair yeah I think that I think so why is

The Sun at an angle like that did something break is it like everything tilted a little bit bring lots of sand okay so yeah I’m going to I’m I’m what I’m going to do is I’m going to just start tomorrow uh as a very good thing yesterday’s so you know today chat we

Got some spare time and I was talking about personality uh traits recently and like what what on What and so this the remainer of today because I can do nothing um let’s do something more fun right okay so so chat um I I think I vely mentioned the idea that there are

These different personality traits and so I recently found a uh uh uh this this is scary I’m going to just share with you uh my screen we’re going to we’re going to pray that it goes well um so I recently found a uh I found I found a

Website that claims it’s called open psychometrics it claims to work out which of the different personality traits you have and so I you know I couldn’t help but be curious hearing about that and so what we’re going to do is we’re going to is it this one right here I hope so

Yeah we go hello this is the Big Five personality test we’re going to do a quiz about my personality while we wait for nighttime so um there are 50 different items that you must rate on how true they are on a fiveo scale and

Chat if you think I’m in if you think I got one wrong I am the life of the party I slightly agree people like being around me I feel little concern for others I’m I’m neutral I don’t feel a lot or a little of concern I feel the

Concern I try to like bottle it in keep it away so that’s I think that’s neutral I get stressed out easily slightly agree maybe all agree I am always prepared slightly disagree at point in case this run right here but I should just uh Zoom

This in okay there we go look at that um always prepare you know should slightly smaller um I would slightly disagree with that I have a rich vocabulary I read a lot of books and so I think I have a better than average vocabulary I

Don’t talk a lot chat do I talk a lot I’m not sure if I talk a lot I I would say I talk uh the normal night I think I talk too much some would say oh no wait wait I I don’t talk a lot would be I

Disagree I am interested in people slightly disagree maybe full disagree but we going slightly disagree I am relaxed most of the time I’m laid back so yeah neutral I leave my belongings around my crafting table is going to have to put me on a grief for this one um I have

Difficulty understanding abstract ideas uh I think I slightly disagree um I feel comfortable around people I slightly disagree I think I full disagree honestly uh I I don’t feel uncomfortable around all people all the time but I feel uncomfortable around most people most of the time I insult people chat have I ever

Insulted you cuz if not you’re old and you should feel bad Okay so um agree nah okay by the way we have to we have to keep an eye on like making sure oh yeah we’re being we’re being shot at right now it seems okay tomorrow tomorrow’s almost here but it’s fine I

Worry about things H I worry about things a lot yeah I pay attention to details I pay attention to details I have a vivid imagination no I have I have a bad imagination I keep in the background I me I’m keeping Minecraft in the background right now does that what

Does that count for um I keep in the background no I wouldn’t say so um I would you say I keep in the background personality test yeah we’re working out which of the five characteristics I have in which degrees cuz that’s how you can summarize everyone I said so I’m

Summarizing myself um no I don’t really keep in the background uh I simplifies feelings disagree on that one I seldom feel blue um I think my logo is green so I’m pretty sure uh slightly agree I I I don’t know I I yeah I feel like I feel

Neutral in that one I make a mess of things uh slightly agree I’m not interested in abstract ideas disagree I start conversations oh it’s hard I don’t like doing it but I try uh slightly disagree I’m not interested in other people’s problems all the way agree I’m easily

Disturbed um nah slightly disagree I get shaes done right away o slightly disagree on that one I have excellent ideas oh I have the best ideas um I have little to say disagree I have a soft heart I it feels pretty firm but that

Might be my rib cage so I’m going to go slight disagree I get upset easily I don’t want that to be true but it’s true um I often forget to put things back in their proper place agree slightly agree I do not have a good imagination slightly disagree I

Talk to a lot of different people at parties slightly agree I I don’t feel great about it I’m not really interested in others um you know I I I I think I’m interested in others but not that much neutral I Chang my mood a lot slightly agree I like order slightly agree I’m

Quick to understand things I try to quickly I think I generally do I don’t like to draw attention to myself it’s odd cuz I make a career out drawing attention to myself so I can’t say I agree so neutral I take time out for others I try to I frequently have

Mood swings I wouldn’t say I have mood swings uh but maybe that’s maybe that’s what some of mood swings would say um I Sherk my duties I wouldn’t say that’s true or not true I use difficult words wrongly um slightly agree I don’t mind being the center of attention slightly

Agree I feel I I guess I I don’t mind it so I guess I really agree I feel other’s emotions I I feel them it’s all good um you are super interested in your other Mr Cat I uh would you do it if it wasn’t your actual job though that’s the

Messy bit right that’s the really messy bit um I feel other people’s emotions yeah more I I think in a way I don’t appreciate all the time but I do uh I get irritated easily ah this quiz is dumb why is it asking me these questions

I follow a schedule um no I want to I spend time reflecting on things uh neutral I am quiet around strangers slightly agree I make people you know I don’t think I am I feel like it’s one of those things I’ve tried to change about myself slightly disagree I make people

Feel at ease chat are you at ease right now I’m just going to skip that I don’t know if that’s true I often feel blue H I don’t know I am exacting in my work I guess so I am full of ideas agree chat so according to this um I would not want

To help us no get results immediately I am an extrovert with lots of intellect wait so I in the I’m I’m I’ve gotone intellect imagination I’m I’m pretty emotionally stable um so Factor one is extra version emotional stability or neuroticism on the lower end uh pretty pretty low if

You score high your characteriz is emotionally resilient calm and even tempted oh so is this bad to score so low so if I score low I’m more prone to negative emotions such as anxiety depression anger ah you know that’s ignore that agreeableness um I’m I’m it looks like I’m pretty I’m either really

High or really low on agreeableness but so percentile means two the second percentile means low right so I am not warm kind and considerate I tend to not be cooperative and motivated to uh if I score low I’m more competitive and skeptical they may even be less motivated to maintain social harmony and

More likely to express their opinions forcefully even if it may resolve conflict of others well that’s apparently that’s me um conscientiousness uh if you’re low on it more impulsive and disorganized so I’m not that impulsive and disorganized uh that’s fine whereas Factor five I’ve got high imagination curiosity and openness

To new ideas and experience so yeah openness to experience I tend to be intellectually curious so you can also Define people by saying they’re more traditional and conservative if you’re not open to experience you like what you have just great and yeah why why seek out novel experiences when you’ve

Already experienced the best and then finally back to this first one extroverts uh which I’m apparently high on uh is uh whereas low low extroversion is introverted and reserved they may prefer to spend time alone or in small groups and see that’s that’s how I feel

But that’s how I try to be it’s hard it takes a lot out of me it kills me um anyway so there that that’s what I am now I’m I’m the highest on apparently on extroversion then on intellect then emotional stability and then conscientiousness and I’m very not

Agreeable who would have met who would have guessed chat who would have guessed okay so there’s some Minecraft I believe I’ve got to be playing oh it’s not there there’s some Minecraft I believe I’ve got to be playing and um I think I might

Have wasted a bit of a day anyway so um yeah the I think everyone can be defined by those soap five factors basically right and I again like basically anytime you summarize people down people are like but that doesn’t summarize everything it’s like it’s not everything

But it is a very large percentage of what makes you what makes you a unique person in a lot of ways can be basically summarized down to that and if that doesn’t sound fun to you then it’s okay you know you you’re still a unique individual person um I don’t like what

It said about me I I don’t like it said it said some mean words that I don’t feel to be true uh but also if you you really think about it then you might find that it is anyway so I’m just going to grow some that because I’ve got to

Use it up and then we’re going to chop down some wood can’t have all your stats blew out need some balance um I think toy cat’s answers are different than Andrew’s toat is an aspiring extt yeah I try all my like um I think it’s probably

Bad in the very very long term I think it’s bad if it leads you to uh negative outcomes but I think Desiring to be more than you are or different than you are like you know like on the emotional instability or neuroticism Spectrum no one should

Desire to be neurotic um I had the most neurotic uh housemate for a while like a tenant whatever you want to call her like she lived she lived in my house um and she was just she’d be so triggered by such minor things and some of some

People start to learn that like people get really people don’t like how triggered you are over their things and they start to get it more and more like they get rewarded for their bad behavior effectively um and that’s like a that’s a terrible cycle but what a lot of people like just

Learn is is how it is done and so I think it is okay I’m going to get one cooked beef out of here and then use that to heal up as soon as the big salmon has done its work um yeah I uh I I think that’s that’s that’s the actual truth there

Also yes it was Ander and not to cat you do make me feel at ease thank you yes good point did you want toy C Andrew a lot of creators will say they’re effective different people and now there’s definitely there’s like a true thre it but I also think whether it’s

Healthy or not um there’s a lot of like what I learn you know it’s like for any job right the person who goes and works at like if you work as a waiter and you go Hi how are you doing welcome to tji Fridays well the way it works at our restaurant is

You order the food on the menu and then um when when when it is done we’ll bring it out to you and then you pay and then you leave wow I know it’s very unique but um like the person the the person who has that personality um is going to be different

To you at home but also if you do that job long enough I think it would seep into the rest of you a bit you’re not going to go up to your friends and be like hi good to see you well the way it’s going to work for our social

Engagement tonight is we’re going to go out to dinner and then if we like it enough then I will not Fain that I’m really tired and have work to get to tomorrow and then we will hang out again the next day okay looking forward to it um you know that sounds almost like

Insanity uh does it not so I need to bring a shield but I didn’t I don’t have a plan for that so I’m just going to bring some magma and hope that this lights up the way this is the best best light source I’ve found so far uh or a

Single fire charge that that’ll do me some amount I guess it kind of has to um so yeah I I think the I think your I think your my live stream personality is a bit different from you else’s Crystal now yeah you would be insane if you had this personality in

Real life imagine if we were playing Minecraft in the same room or even weirder I was playing with you know dozens of you like we are effectively doing right now wouldn’t that be literal insanity if I was speaking at this right and asking questions like so how do you

Guys feel about the weather I feel like you know like just Contin it it’s not how real conversations and real things flow if you but if if if you have this like a real conversation that’s also Insanity right right like uh there’s a lot of context to how you talk to people

If I were to talk to you right now um you know if I was to have a normal conversation staring you right now that also wouldn’t be very appropriate like so um how’s it going yeah I’m pretty good thank you for asking um I I had a I had a bit of a

Like an issue of my work stuff today I kind of lost something but I got I got the motivation ripped by the end and I I came up a really cool idea that I’m excited to work on Tom tomorrow uh I I don’t know if people will like it but I

I uh you know I made a video recently that I I was like really excited for spent dozens of my man hours on spent uh dozens of editor man hours on and like you know it’s it it did like kind of poorly by comparison but it’s what it’s

One of those things that like makes me learn so it was it was it was interesting uh yeah I’m I’m kind of looking forward to uh the weekend uh but ultimately I I’m you know I’m having a pretty busy January it’s it’s an important month for me it’s kind of like

Uh you know when people get um oh God it’s so bright okay it’s kind of like when people get paid to uh you know like time and a half or whatever people say when you get paid overtime my overtime is just one month a year and

This is that month so I oh God just it’s it’s so brutal it’s so ridiculously brutal one skeleton fight and I am dead I have no way to fight back anymore um I could probably kill the winning skeleton from that fight with a bow but I can’t

See him is that him there that is him there right did I get him I think I got him okay so we’re gonna get more arrows from that which we can use to kill more skeletons and get more arrows I have worked out an arrow Ponzi scheme and I

Will be using this to its fullest extent uh I’m now basically out of magma which is bad I’m going to place a block down over here you see if that helps future me it just doesn’t produce any light by comparison to the big big Abyss over

Here but yeah I think this way is the way to go I think this was something I got to take full advantage it’s so dark is up there the way up there is the way what’s through there though it looks so mysterious it’s like a doorway um but yeah the

Um like basically all human interaction is so context dependent and that is the hardest thing for a lot of people to so why I’m dead oh no no no no no I can’t be dead I can’t be dead w I I have no chance I have no chance in this biome

With with one day’s worth of stuff I can’t do it that was like a I was feeling so motivated I was feeling so ready I can’t I can’t I can’t make it work chat I want to make it work but I cannot what what can I do realistically I could go search

For a village and just dig down till I find a stronghold but without finding this nether fortress which I cannot do at this level of lighting um I think I might be doomed let’s throw our boat into the sunset um yeah I think um as a IRL Nomad I’ve

Never deleted my inventory daily it’s what happens at the end of every day when you when you move from country to country or state to state or Province to Province also I love that the uh somehow the LL is getting along with me I um but

Yeah I I I encourage you to learn about who you are some amount if only for the sake of even improving or at least knowing where your weaknesses are so that when it happens I think even like just knowing like oh yeah I’m in a bad

Mood and so I will feel this way and then counteracting it by being like okay either I should try not to be around people or if I’m a bad mood it’s not that everything’s terrible right now it’s that me is the thing that’s different uh and in the same way I think

Whatever you learn from your job can kind of integrate into your real personality hopefully in a way that is positive for you or maybe it can’t maybe this is is all terrible for today though I I I I I’ve suffered enough I think if I was going to do this I’d need to

Know if you knew if you had a set seed where you knew the Fortress and you knew uh like a Bastion maybe if you need the stronghold too you could have quite a bit of fun with this challenge but on a it’s not random seed but on a seed

Where you have no clue about anything spawning into the never and the worst but like honestly all the biomes suck without besides the Crimson Forest and the and the W Forest which we didn’t find today it’s all so bad and you’re just getting blasted randomly uh but if

You want to try it yourself give it a shot the seeds down below this is using deferred rendering uh and you know sure oh you can’t actually turn off the third rendering in a boat always forget that it’s something something so strange about Minecraft but yeah I hope you’ve

Enjoyed um if you want to learn more about this beautiful set of Graphics I’ve been using today I’ve got a video coming out on Monday hopefully and uh for now I look forward to seeing you all on Thursday I think okay actually I want to hear your thoughts here before we go

I hear there’s a new Lego fortnite game and I at first I rolled my eyes and then I learned they’re actually going like big in like a part of me is curious but am I buying into some wrong hype let me know but I’ll be streaming on Thursday

CU this has being the third day of streamers and uh yeah we need to we’ll we’ll chill out we’ll do some we’ll do some uh survival chill uh cuz I’ve been neglecting my let’s play World a bit for now though this was my second failed nether portal and uh just for one more

Reminder rather than dying peacefully in the in the over World let me remind you of how terrible it was so that you can appreciate just how bad this will be if you try this so I am no longer a no mad instead as P puts it I am just a mad or

Indeed a yes mad thank you for watching I hope you all enjoyed today because I’ll see you all in the next one oh look we found an Enderman that’s convenient he sees me too goodbye stream’s over now there’s nothing left in it it’s all gone we didn’t get to the end but

Sometimes sometimes at the end of the day you don’t what makes our successes great is that they come after many failures and today’s failure will lead me to a greater success next time f

This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOMAD CHALLENGE W/ Deferred Rendering (Delete inventory every day)’, was uploaded by ibxtoycat on 2023-12-05 22:13:51. It has garnered 9512 views and 464 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:53 or 5813 seconds.

Minecraft with deferred rendering! This challenge is to delete/throw away my inventory every day. Should be chaotic 🙂

Playing on one of the recent seed sunday seeds 🙂 Seed is from my recent natural disaster seed sunday

Hello I’m ibxtoycat and you can tip to show up on screen at:

I use elgato stream equipment for my capture card, webcam and lighting. You can find it here:


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    Hotter than a Nether portal: Minecraft Memes “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his phone!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Sneaky Pastor Minecraft Comedy

    Sneaky Pastor Minecraft Comedy The World of Minecraft: A Brief Overview Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. From building intricate structures to surviving in a blocky world, players immerse themselves in a unique gaming experience. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes, mine resources, and battle creatures. The game’s open-world design allows for limitless adventures, whether solo or with friends in multiplayer mode. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is building. Players can construct anything from simple houses to elaborate castles using various blocks and materials. Crafting… Read More


    🔥GRANNY GAMER'S INSANE MINECRAFT CHALLENGE! | Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Java Mod Pack Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge ep 3’, was uploaded by ukGrannyGamer on 2024-06-22 17:10:07. It has garnered 64 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:30 or 2310 seconds. Reimagining Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge Tired of the same old grind? This pack throws you into a unique Superflat world with nothing but ProjectE at your disposal. Embrace the Alchemy of Existence: Your journey begins with a Transmutation Table, the key to transforming your surroundings into a powerful magical currency – EMC. Unlock the Potential of… Read More

  • Fun with Numbers: Open Source Minecraft Alternative

    Fun with Numbers: Open Source Minecraft AlternativeVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Place to Call Home – Minetest w/ VoxeLibre (fka. Mineclone2) – Open Source Minecraft Alternative’, was uploaded by NumbersCanBeFun on 2024-04-23 11:33:37. It has garnered 165 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:00 or 6960 seconds. New Livestream Every Friday! 6pm EST Minetest Music by: @darkreavenmusic6235 Follow me on your Favorite Fediverse Platform: Did you enjoy what you watched? Consider supporting my channel! Texture Pack: Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Server Destruction 🚨

    Unbelievable Minecraft Server Destruction 🚨Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Server Griefing #6 | TrickyEmpire | w/MrRoused’, was uploaded by TheAdam on 2024-06-26 09:22:03. It has garnered 103 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:40 or 100 seconds. Tanko Mate Mad LunarAlts Website: LunarAlts Discord: My Discord: Tags / Ignore cheat montage best free alts accounts alt account gen generator thealtening the altening mcleaks leaks leak how to get free alts gameplay ranked bedwars skywars sw astolfo novoline sigma 5 sigma5liquidsense moon rise sight zeroday exhibition flux cracked crack fdpclient jartex network lucky pika cheatmine liquid bounce… Read More

  • Mr RDX’s Epic Domination of Minecraft SMP

    Mr RDX's Epic Domination of Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘the Horror SMP: How I Defeated Every Player in #Minecraft part 2’, was uploaded by Mr RDX on 2024-01-13 11:21:21. It has garnered 61 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:08 or 1088 seconds. minecraft shorts, minecraft challenge, minecraft but, Minecraft Minecraft Event Hidden Treasures Legendary Boss Battles Gaming Adventure Minecraft Loot Secret Dungeons Pixelated Surprises Minecraft Gameplay Epic Boss Fights Minecraft Secrets Enchanted Gear Gaming Strategy Minecraft Community Adventure Gaming Gaming Tips Minecraft Artifacts Gaming Surprises Minecraft Exploration Gaming Strategies Subscribe for More #YouTube #trending #Minecraft ——————————————————————————— For more Hollywood movie… Read More

  • RAGE with ElDeneb – Mind-Blowing 60 FPS Renders

    RAGE with ElDeneb - Mind-Blowing 60 FPS RendersVideo Information This video, titled ‘MISS THE RAGE | smooth renders con 60 FPS’, was uploaded by ElDeneb on 2024-06-22 06:19:06. It has garnered 94 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. #minecraft #pvpmontage #blur #hitsync boxing? Inspirado en: Texture pack: Black 128x y ya po *Tags* (ignorar) #edit ​​​#jvke #space #killmiri #anime #oitc​​​​ #cake #amv​​​​​​​ #animeart​​​ #otaku​​​​ #animememes #naruto​​​​ #MinecraftClutch ​​​​ #edits​​​​ #animelover​​​​ #animelove​​​​ #animeamv #animeboy​​​​ #trippieredd #cinematic #kawaii​​​​​​ #onepiece​​​​ #godbridge​​​​ #weeb​​​​ #tiktok​​​​ #tiktokviral​​​​ #tiktokdance​ #sonyvegas #animeedits #minecraft #edit #pvp #shorts #combo #lunar #nodebuff #bedwars #minemenclub #remake #cancun #hitsync #tutorial #sonyvegas18… Read More

  • HIVE E S T LIVE CS on twitch new mods soon 🎮

    HIVE E S T LIVE CS on twitch new mods soon 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 HIVE LIVE CS w/ BLABIMC 👀 THEN MOD APPS? 👀 | !modapp !subgoal !discord 🔴’, was uploaded by On1can on 2024-04-21 19:28:11. It has garnered 445 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 03:06:05 or 11165 seconds. Hello! Im a Minecraft Bedrock Hive Streamer and YouTuber, I hope you enjoy the content :3 Just Grinding Hive Minecraft Bedrock / PE / MCPE / MCBE Today Doing another Hive Stream 🙂 BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS HIVE BEDWARS BEDWARS BEDWARS OMG BEDWARS DISCORD: #hivemc #hivelive #treasurewars #mcpe #mcbe #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • Insane TOE2 Beat + Modded Minecraft Server Chaos

    Insane TOE2 Beat + Modded Minecraft Server ChaosVideo Information This video, titled ‘Geometry Dash – Beating TOE2(final rob level) and Modded Minecraft Server!’, was uploaded by EndrrNobody on 2024-05-26 12:45:00. It has garnered 27 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:06 or 6846 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • LIVE: Shocking GoryBlox Co-Op Longplay!

    LIVE: Shocking GoryBlox Co-Op Longplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Co-Op: Picking up Beam from Spawn Longplay’, was uploaded by GoryBlox on 2024-06-04 15:25:48. It has garnered 79 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:57 or 7737 seconds. Join us as we attempt to pick up my Noob friend from spawn in Co-Op Hardcore and teach him the ways of Minecraft. Read More

  • Unbelievable! Defeating 100 Minecraft Bosses!

    Unbelievable! Defeating 100 Minecraft Bosses!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich habe gegen 100 BOSSE in MINECRAFT gekämpft!’, was uploaded by AwesomeElina on 2024-05-13 12:00:35. It has garnered 40839 views and 1661 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:26 or 1466 seconds. 🍟 Become a channel member and receive exclusive benefits: 👕 Merch ▸ 📷 Instagram ▸ 🐦 Twitter ▸ 🎵 Music: 📨 Business inquiries: [email protected] ¹ These marked links represent advertising. Read More

  • 💙 Robo’s World SMP | Semi-Vanilla | 1.20.4 | Crossplay | HermitCraft Inspired | Whitelist | Squaremap

    Apply now! Discord Link ⛏️Server Summary🪓 Join our small, whitelisted, community-driven, semi-vanilla SMP – Robo’s World. Inspired by Hermitcraft, we value collaboration and creativity in a grief-free environment. Your ideas and creations are safe on our non-resetting map. Crossplay enabled for both Java and Bedrock players. Let’s have fun together! Read More


    PixieMines.comA friendly Prison server, with a twist of extra RPG aspects, and brand new ideas with most plugins being home made giving us the ability to ship massive updates in a faster pace. Join us in our first season and help us shape the server together! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – No disappointment, Just Iron

    Looks like this Minecraft meme is definitely not a diamond in the rough! Read More

  • Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥

    Saved MrBeast with Minecraft time stop! 🔥 Looks like MrBeast finally found someone with the power to stop time…in Minecraft of all places! Maybe he can use that power to win even more challenges and give away even more money. #TimeStopper #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Town Center Construction Chaos

    Town Center Construction Chaos Minecraft – Daily Survival Let’s Play: Town Center Construction Begins Welcome to a daily Minecraft adventure with Solomon Leatherland, also known as PCG (PowerChordGames) on YouTube. In this vanilla survival let’s play series, Solomon embarks on a journey to build, explore, and collect all 145 trophies available for the game on PS4/PS5. The twist? Natural regeneration is turned off, adding an extra layer of challenge to the gameplay. A Relaxing Escape Unlike many high-energy gaming channels, Solomon’s approach is refreshingly calm and laid-back. Each episode offers a chance for viewers to unwind, chat, and enjoy some relaxing gameplay. The… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed 2024 Exploring the Best Minecraft Seeds for 2024 Discovering New Worlds Legend Manush has uncovered some of the top seeds for Minecraft Bedrock and Pocket Edition in 2024. One of the standout seeds is 39227070353904933, offering a unique and exciting world for players to explore. With new landscapes, resources, and challenges, this seed promises an unforgettable gaming experience. Exciting Features Players can expect the best seeds for Minecraft, including rare biomes, hidden treasures, and challenging terrains. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds offer endless possibilities for adventure and creativity. From lush forests to… Read More

  • Unlock Zultan’s MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Unlock Zultan's MASSIVE new world in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘HUGE NEW WORLD | Minecraft Vanilla Hardcore’, was uploaded by Zultan on 2024-05-21 21:28:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How long will this world last I wonder? Read More

  • Flight of Fear: Minecraft Creepypasta

    Flight of Fear: Minecraft CreepypastaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Creepypasta: Flight of Fear #shorts #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by MidNight on 2024-04-05 19:00:28. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:03 or 63 seconds. Gameplay- GianLeco Minecraft Gameplays Audio- ESN Productions I have been playing with AI and decided to test how far I can push it’s story telling capabilities. I plan to do this but have fun and entertain not only myself but others as well. Please comment bellow if this story sounds familiar or if is a complete copy of something you’ve heard before…. Read More

  • ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!

    ULTIMATE Speed Cheat for Endless Fun!Video Information This video, titled ‘демонстрация спидов на funtime бесплатные бесконечные спиды funtime bypasse’, was uploaded by kyst client the best cheat on 2024-06-22 19:27:21. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. скачать чит в коментах теги не читать:#minecraft #minecrafthacks #hacking #minecraftchallenge #hypixel #hackedclient #tommyinnit #minecrafthacker #dream #2b2t #minecraftclient #minecraftmods #client #themisterepic #kilab #hypixelskyblock #minecrafthacking #skyblock #hack #minecrafthackedclient #minecraftmanhunt #funny #hacks #cheater #minecraftmod #minecrafthack #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #minecraftbut #glitch #challenge #hacked #minecraftspeedrun #shorts #duplication #cheat #minecraftcheats #skeppy #hacker #oldestserver #hackingreview #review #1000challenge #wurstclient #minecraftserver #stream #mods #bedwars #minecraftmemes #minecraftdream #bug… Read More

  • DrunkenHyena’s CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!

    DrunkenHyena's CRAZY Drunk Minecraft Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘DRUNK STREAM IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by TheDrunkenHyena on 2024-01-13 14:31:12. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:16 or 3076 seconds. #minecraft Read More

  • Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYP

    Insane Bed Wars Clutch in Tacpac! #Minecraft #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘My epic clutch in bedfight! #bedwars #minecraft #montage #fyp’, was uploaded by Tacpac on 2024-05-28 07:16:31. It has garnered 417 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Instagram: Twitter: Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly click and how to dragclick and how to jitterclick in minecraft pvp, my butterfly can easy go up to 20 CPS. Sometimes i do make texture packs for minecraft pvp that packs fps boost… Read More

  • Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgaming

    Insane SKYBLOCK adventure in MCPE! #rajuartgamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 1 #minecraft #rajuartgaming’, was uploaded by Raju art gaming on 2024-02-18 08:18:00. It has garnered 81 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:20 or 560 seconds. playing skyblock in mcpe in cubecraft server part 2 #minecraft #minecraftpe #rajuartgaming server name- Cubecraft port-19132 hashtag #clonearmies #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft #minecrafthouse #minecraftcake #minecraftersonly #minecraftparty #minecraftindonesia #minecraftgirl #pewdiepieminecraft #minecraft_pe #minecraftdrawing… Read More

  • Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream – Join Now!

    Minecraft EPIC Chill Stream - Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Chill Stream Come Join’, was uploaded by B1onicJay on 2024-01-14 14:59:45. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:42 or 282 seconds. Read More

  • Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱

    Mughal Gamerz Reveals Mind-Blowing Minecraft Hack! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘”Unbelievable Minecraft Hack You Didn’t Know! 😱”Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-06-13 02:00:13. It has garnered 173 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel 🎮 Welcome to another exciting Minecraft Shorts episode! 🎮 In today’s video, we dive deep into the world of Minecraft with [specific content – e.g., “an epic build,” “a crazy Redstone contraption,” “a survival challenge,” etc.]. Watch as we [brief description of the action – e.g., “create a hidden base,” “showcase the top 5 builds,” “battle it out… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔” #minecraft #shizo #drama

    "Ultimate Minecraft Love Triangle: Who Will She Choose? 💔" #minecraft #shizo #dramaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Choose any One Guys ❤️ #minecraft #minecraftanimation #mine #minecraftshorts #song’, was uploaded by SAIRAJ Khatuuu on 2024-03-17 06:43:26. It has garnered 10251 views and 416 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. Read More

  • BiblioCraft

    BiblioCraftRegular Vanilla Minecraft server, griefing is allowed, hacking is not. This server was created over 4 years ago, and has a long history of different players, civilizations, and more! Read More

  • Fractus Politica SMP – Roleplay

    Fractus Politica SMP The Fractus Politica SMP is a geopolitical Minecraft server on an earth map. Players can create realistic nations with complex governments, conduct diplomacy, trade, and go to war. Build nations from any period in history, conquer land, and create colonies. This server focuses on realism and international relations. We are looking for developers to help with server maintenance and mods. Apply for staff if interested. Discord Link: Join our Discord Read More

  • The best city in Minecraft

    The nas🌟 Version 1.20.4 🌟📅 Edition start: July 1 📅🔹 Tryb FreeBuild 🔹Build your dream building on our plots! Create amazing structures, acquire resources and compete with other players in a world of unlimited possibilities⚔️KitPvP Mode ⚔️Ready for the challenge? Jump into the KitPvP arena, choose your favorite kits and prove that you are the best warrior! Fight with other players, earn points and move up in the rankings.🏆 Minigra MobArena 🏆Experience an amazing adventure in MobArena! Fight hordes of monsters, earn rewards and see how long you can survive. Do you have what it takes to survive?🌌 Tryb SkyWars… Read More