Insane Minecraft Realm Win! Wither & Elder Dragon Defeated! 🐉

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Y yeah yeah Yeah what the [ __ ] no Way game is [ __ ] trash for that did like a [ __ ] delayed attack all down [ __ ] it freezes and it goes to another [ __ ] like shows the I don’t know how to take it off just delete the games he has all of them I don’t know whatever

The [ __ ] he has I don’t even know what game just delete all of them let him get them back wasn’t b a Pray oh you already in the game yeah I’m already live streaming you already you already in here right yep let me just put my [ __ ] books away of libros you were fishing was fishing oh it’s [ __ ] do you ever you hopped on back Omar last

Night no I think I think he went went back but I think go was knock out I I get left I know like you’re not going to come back oh what we going to do I don’t even know we go mine we still hav explore anywhere

More I already I already the temp we just got to get a lot of res yeah yeah you say you got a extra bow for me yeah it’s it’s in my chest it’s infinite B it’s a little damage it’s a little damage like in the middle but you can

Repair with how much xp you got all right oh which chest is it I don’t know looking bro be honest what what you say what do you say it has he has uh uh infinite I don’t know you should you should know which one is better

Should know it says infinite on it it’s that one there’s infinite one but it has like Crystal vanish one uh no it’s not that one it’s not not this one back much damn let me I [ __ ] up I left my glasses um yo bro it’s not here my [ __ ] no the only one

That’s think in there cuz I swear I duplicated like three of those [ __ ] it’s not here I don’t know it could be the what is it called you again it’s a yeah that’s the only one that’s right here yeah it’s here I have maybe I have on me

I doubt it have that on me unless you have a secret chest yeah I think it is bro cuz it’s not here cuz I think I think I was said like I couldn’t risk it for these [ __ ] having these bows I think I said that I I think I did put in

A secure chest what the heck put wood right here next to my house oh oh yeah was we need I’m trying to find the disc I keep finding the same disc the yellow disc you got to Kill The Creeper with the uh with the skeleton um I’m just going to

Do well I got food we could go already bro you want to go mine oh you want to go I’m done yeah let me just get let me make a couple more torches I need oh you have you have uh food by any yeah I

Do did I take my D yeah I’m going to take my diamondo you sure yeah [ __ ] it or do I need it what what was it bro my diamond pck yeah take it with you bro take it with you unless unless you want to waste I

Have silver no [ __ ] iron I have iron too but but I have iron like I’m never going to use no more I don’t know you want them I just I have like five all right for sure I’m going take some too yeah but if you want to take

Your N I think you should leave it since you’re taking like well there’s four one’s about to break iron I got I got I got iron too so we’re going we’re going to get iron over there too I’m [ __ ] bu the but I’m going give you all my iron though I

Don’t need that [ __ ] no more I’m going to be I’m just going to be sticking with um diamond I should give you all these IR pickax Diamond know when you’re ready I’m right here by my house let me I’m going go get the uh hold on let me get some car real

Quick oh you say you wanted food huh got yeah yeah do yeah we out I’m my way a [ __ ] oh my God you L [ __ ] because to steal food from these new see Kevin has oh why it does damage when they die um nonsense no Kevin doesn’t have food what the [ __ ] be

Surviving I don’t know oh he does he got 33 sheep bro going to take that [ __ ] from go away go away this game’s [ __ ] selling bro I don’t want to play all right let me know when you want to go cuz I’m going burn this food that I got from Kevin’s chest

You get he could get it back it’s a lot of [ __ ] bro the C D the mango one fire here I’m going give you this hold up half of this right here give you this that’s cool that’s cool that’s cool God damn this I don’t know you want to wait

Before we leave I have it’s getting cook 30 more um cheap I think I’m I’m good right now I think I’m decent decent all right all right all right let’s go then all right you going to go with us all right we’ll wait for him then we could teleport him

Though it’s up to him because he’s at the temple the whatever that [ __ ] called we I could bring him in right now so he could leave from there let me know when you want me to tell teleport right now course all right [ __ ] am I make it I don’t know what’s going me

Everything’s like see the empty it’s probably because you’re barely loaded in you want me to teleport you towards yeah I remember the all right I got you I’m going teleport you right now whatever you want to go get resource and just get it and then we’ll get the Lo man

Oh I got a mom see I got him oh good looking bro you got have one arrow on oh one Arrow yeah that’s only that’s legit one I only have one left it right here actually I have three three but all right bro let me know when you ready all

Right there was this cave that I was at yesterday bro it’s over here should well let’s let’s keep going this way because I haven’t explored this side of the map we always going the same way that’s funny bro you know what we need like the most is coal [ __ ] we don’t have

That yeah but we should get all yeah oh wait did I bring that with me oh yeah I did I did it was like par BR in this house came back look oh yeah I wonder I wonder they ever going to play again D I

Used to live my house like this all the time hell yeah same cuz I haven’t explored the whole map and since my map is Big since y’all made it it’s like more stuff I had to but it’s better though because like I get to explore more far

And and then what’s it called I get to find more caves I don’t think there’s nothing right here I feel like people been here already you could tell look there torches so let’s skip this side feel like people been here already oh this is yeah this is where I went down

Let’s go over this time I finally got Fortune three bro holy [ __ ] took me a decades to get that [Laughter] oh have you talked to um Kevin yeah why well since he hasn’t been joining the party CH know yeah yeah just TI yesterday mom makes sense been this too I mean he

Won’t mean he does join at that he going to pay my with us to him is kind of crazy Kevin di in the nether n fall in lava yeah Kevin he lost everything he had I think I had that live stream can know or no no I don’t think so since

Since that day I don’t think so yeah I don’t know maybe I’m not sure I may I may have live streamed that maybe he might come back it’s probably make stuff for him like basic stuff that has like more resource resources than us how you found the how you found the

Temple whatever just go you use the ey yeah oh nice you loed you looted everything um probably not positive but probably I want I’m not sure they have the the dimension in this world you know the that we were talking about yeah with the big trees should be around this around

Thisick wait what happened I lost you it’s a cave right here we go that one that big I see him far I’m I’m I’m a uh um Modern Warfare 3 is going to be for free trial on the 14 but the thing is I check on it

It’s not going to have search on it so what day what day is it today the 12 yeah a dam I’m still not going to be able to play I’m going be at work probably during the night time I want to come back yeah but you only be able to

Play domination other mode instead of search [ __ ] there’s another big ass kid over here I don’t know I think they might discount it maybe in that they might discount it they do I might sh only 10 bucks more that’s it yeah I might I might get it but I’m not

Sure like this week or Christmas Day for should be I feel like it’s going to get a discount around this day around these days I get a discount the game like probably only like 10% off or 20 15% oh I see a Okay biger C right

Here oh I think this is one I was talking about oh no never mind it this cave yeah it’s this one this is the one I was talking about like the one that’s like the big ass meteor and [ __ ] landed here and [ __ ] this one I didn’t have a water bucket same I

Do you do y we need coal bro we’re going we need all that coal or put in it we put in the water um I’m not sure Chris what where we put the water don’t use water the water I know I know we don’t need the

Water now I’m just saying we need it for later on wait if I use my f three it also works on coal yeah and and iron all right nice I me CH down right now hold on of War I already have two stacks of already nice spider can’t

Everybody don’t worry guys I’m jumping down like right kind of outside same that’s a I’m about to go for I good I heard yeah was on me there all D ding so you just saw this and but never went here CHR I se it but I never I never went

In this I was talking about like think about going back thing is like the map made it different now cuz like seems more closer now than before cuz from the the map like the first map we had is like so small it was seem pretty far away but not really

You know how you UPG the map or like close honest [ __ ] I made a [ __ ] find some diamonds pretty sure what about l no never mind that already gives you L what the [ __ ] I see churches down here some reason are you sure I haven’t been here maybe I don’t

Know maybe I I have but I don’t I to the C over there like over be in this side there’s lapis on top of you oh we got a lot of lap yeah see some Diamond here ooh you guys should have came this way where you at oh I see

You be care careful you going to dig down towards me be really careful because this is a big ass cave you want you guys want me to get you guys look it’s really big like we go different ways wait where you guys at I don’t see

You guys thing tags I found a m sh no way yeah but it’s not that no it is bro I side yeah I just don’t know where you guys I just go towards you where did you guys go y i myself oh there people been in here already

It could probably be me because I was right here last like around here wait no I think this is the m sh we had found yeah I think so yeah I think this connects damn bro everything connects everything bro yeah hell yeah I think it’s this

One you know what we found haven’t found like emeralds yeah everybody everybody’s been through here already already all lit up should had a gang of chest too [ __ ] damn oh my God teleport me niort me now all right I’m trying my best I’m trying my best hurry up watch out watch out

The [ __ ] was that just my total up D you were going to you were going to die you were dying yeah you fell in lava yeah no way oh my God bro being careful bro careful that’s why you have a tot of D in your hands go this way bro you

Want this is where I went this where I diamonds this is where I fell found diamonds bro ow I got to watch down this where um this where I went yeah no I don’t even know where went though is fuing H yeah yeah this is [ __ ] cute oh my

God look at all this lava D this is crazy with yo scared I’mma fall bro ah ah I fell where oh the [ __ ] out of my surpris we haven’t found that one one temple in cave the big scary Big B oh yeah usually those are common bro

In the in the other world that we were playing I found it God what what which D there a lot of skeletons bro [ __ ] witch poison me [ __ ] came out of nowhere got be careful bro your phone this massive [ __ ] skeleton right here Dam the F was that I don’t know it’s like a girls like mumbling and [ __ ] I don’t know probably a good d

I trapped myself in the box right now cuz that [ __ ] just last when the point of your health is like 1% yeah it does you could go away when you have like a milk a bucket of milk I don’t I don’t damn oh you guys are down there look I see you

Guys you on top of us oh was you yeah you the one who call the phone she she blocked you she muted you n you keep calling your goof I’m so confused that that that that’s why your mom blocked you cuz you’re you’re annoying I [ __ ] witch because because

She said he said he call her but takes off oh I see the [ __ ] that was you the one who called cuz the phone was ringing that’s a good thing she left her phone cuz I know you would have bother her so many times I don’t know what you call her for

To be honest you’re with you’re with uh what’s his name green I see a witch you’re separator from Oh no I got hit Chris yeah I’m separated from Chris hold I got to box myself bro I’m about to die [ __ ] hit by which yeah

I just got one second I’m get hit by a [ __ ] skeleton n box cuz that shites you one hell oh I see a [ __ ] I think I see a a spider spawner yeah careful those spiders can poison but the poison for them don’t last that long but they

Still no idea bro why you sh right now still late cereal bro doesn’t mean you didn’t I’m not sure if I should eat some I’m right here bro Kevin SC to go down fool I need y help what hell [ __ ] mobs in the bottom with me to get smack

D the Wonder my shit’s full man I pick up all the [ __ ] bows from the skeletons I know I hit her with the [ __ ] Arrow do we need um that [ __ ] gunpowder or not anymore um just get it we might need it all rightz we’re really not done in the

Nether we still haven’t got we don’t even got enough nether R though I mean I have armor of nether I was get this way bro where the witch go though yeah I was right there you see how right here you’re close I now yeah I’m I’m with Chris now

Yeah you should come work work I don’t know what where it was It was kind of new over there where I went it’s all dark where where you at all right we’ll go your way need know where Omar at though I se I seen Wow’s name right

Now oh yeah it is I put this what the Weir we haven’t spotted that a new mob in your world in your other world in before we found that [ __ ] right away and but right next to it that didn’t happen here oh yeah damn what are you doing you see oh I see

Diamonds I was going to tell you what you do if you see diamonds in the middle and there is diamonds in the middle right straight ahead the middle I can see like a little I can see it see that [ __ ] Omar will go forar with this sh sh Dam should I go for

It nah too risky proba only one diamond two diamonds Fortune three yeah but bu luck probably only get one you actually going to go for it get it it was someone right here like right here yeah be careful bro ready there go I got it nice here

Skeleton I got like four diam out of that tell the fun I swear to God these [ __ ] are aim B yeah they’ve been in this K before this is pretty big yeah this cave is [ __ ] massive oh oh I’m out need torches oh now you died to the lava hit that F hit

That should we go this way now I trying get a sword F [ __ ] Fu n like the mood from 9 300 oh oh oh there’s two skeleton bro wonder I was like what the [ __ ] it’s like I got hit like three times or something there’s creeper over there oh oh oh this

[ __ ] he came back I think we should yeah we should be in this area bro this [ __ ] hasn’t been lo oh what the [ __ ] what the hell n like vanish and [ __ ] the [ __ ] the [ __ ] [ __ ] demolish n one more by himself oh oh was slower something

I want I want another way that’s why bring together Warriors o over there oh I think he sees me a there a witch over here too you ready to kill him need his eyes could distract for me I we just use a shield and I geted him plus I have the looty St

So get the eye out of it right I me let me find him where the [ __ ] he go oh there’s a witch right there that [ __ ] disappear I got the zombie for you oh there you go he’s behind you the end where right here Huh [ __ ] going no [ __ ] look at me [ __ ] look at me when I talk to you [ __ ] that nice I pick him up oh I got three just killing them nice we need them we need them we need um six more ice and then we can pull up the portal nice

Yeah wait so fortune 3 doesn’t work on gold should oh it should I’m breaking with my regular when you mine it like you see like three coming up hard creeper behind you a sh the gold are gone oh [ __ ] which way we going now what the [ __ ] I did I

Missed on me which way BR which way I’m to this side I’m getting mobs whiches okay okay we’re L going back where we used to so let’s go back over there all right I he chares over there damn F over here watch out oh ouch a dog I got to gain on lapis

Already I need to that didn’t even sound real what say a okay right here down here oh my goodness you find diamonds go down czy down here holy [ __ ] there has to be diamonds right here it has to watch out behind you Dam they got triple kill

[ __ ] where the diamonds at [ __ ] we going have to [ __ ] thr the old school way old scho got like I already got like 15 diamonds On I seen this D why is there so many zombies in here getting shorty over there I can see that I see Enderman no me me right now next to you yeah all right make sure you don’t get me kill oh two end oh he’s folling already bro oh what the

Hell oh he’s already following me I killed them I don’t know what sure where’ the other one go oh it’s right here [ __ ] with meal oh he got dropped too yeah with the cuz I have my sword have looting three on it oh nice it’s pretty

Cool hey under I already B it already oh diamonds I want to where what I found cuz I couldn’t get it cuz theend making me anxious so what we do now uh still keep mining we already got the pting [ __ ] already we got the eyes teleport to teleport to me teleport to

You yeah need help it’s the same more farther we well you want me to teleport you to us this sh big as [ __ ] this sh over here too but like a big PE have a chance to find that big [ __ ] yeah this [ __ ] is Big right here said a big

[ __ ] oh watch it watch it I need help no I’m coming watch out watch out watch out my boy oh up [ __ ] oh send me Oh I thought two skeleton oh diamonds [ __ ] I should I should I should have gave the boat I have more BS like like

The on we have I should have G one I have what’s up n more diamonds yeah don’t have a a crafting table no I thought you would have that dang I don’t I should have [ __ ] wood from I think I had some I don’t even have a Sword just watching this for get Dam [ __ ] got a diamonds over here this n got a strong ass sword SL [ __ ] ass [ __ ] want go protect me bro go ahead go ahead thank you bro I was laying the dog out oh my God I just left us SP like zombies

Already all right I’m staying with one more oh I see you Chris you’re not that far I’m not I’m not far we need to keep looking for diamonds watch out watch out watch out get that [ __ ] oh I dang what broke oh my boots broke got him oh what the [ __ ] there’s still

More my God a man oh accidentally duplicate my [ __ ] um carrots that wa wait you did something back yeah I had like 211 golden carrots and I duplicated for my bow I I only had two golden apples I’m done Mama you’re dead Fu that [ __ ] on let that dogs out go other

End thing is I’m out of food down hold on be right back F can I do can I do he has to ah Green Eyes Green Eyes Green Eyes going on up H I don’t know where you am [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you guys win you guys doing over

Here there’s hella mops up there a [ __ ] over here this sh goes up more diamonds on this side right here duplicating the apples I have eight have 18 end 30 well let me know you guys need some apples I got some golden apple I got two stacks of golden apple

Damn on my left this [ __ ] I’m stuck myself there f oh h puty yeah I’m back I did a glitch right now what I got like two stacks of of apples so you need some with apples all right bro where you guys go next you over here oh oh I see you guys

Are close to me what oh no never mind I but this looks like the [ __ ] place where I was at I’m trying to do my [ __ ] and hear people calling me hello uh no but I don’t think she’s here but do you see killer over

There I don’t know uh that’s why um but he doesn’t know she’s next door now she probably probably next door but yeah go see if she’s there she might be in room I went I went straight ahead where at there’s nothing over there you sure I

Found go got the killers being like got that just leaves the house no the time I told her when she when she used to B them she never came back yeah go to Just Telly she’s not there so I don’t know well later on you try to look for it guess I don’t

Know all right where’d you go though I’m like burning all my where I don’t see your name oh you went down BR just [ __ ] SL clim towards me probably there’s nothing over there and no it was just uh gold I signed up I don’t know CU P sent me a code to sign

Up to sun 4 games sure spice things up with we all start with with a bang what do you need what do you need why the reason why you need a crapping I need a sword sword here take this you want to use a bat I got one too I don’t got

[ __ ] you don’t have you you only need one Arrow this infin Infinity there I think I got one I think I got one Arrow yeah send me this AO again hello you went this way yeah winter as a [ __ ] [ __ ] so you tell me there no I didn’t go all the way over

Here I went somewhere over here but I didn’t come all the way okay nice here here’s your big h of nothing bro goes up damn look at the Z that we missed all right where’ you go where in same spot should not be that far no we’re going back to you actually kind

Of you see our name because there like nothing over here But yeah there’s nothing over here we got to go back we got to go back nothing where we come from we come from on top right right here we came from here top no did we yeah yeah yeah right here this way yeah we did let hit the left side one yeah left

That’s there’s good [ __ ] over there just a lot of Bo I mean and [ __ ] is was yeah who came in gang shorty on the gang try to make sure you don’t hit me with that I’ll die diamonds baby the door wait wait wait let me get it for you let me get it

For you so you can pick it up no no no I was going to kill that spider right there more diamonds down here too I got the whole mob on me oh yeah that’s what I was listening to [ __ ] that [ __ ] oh my God that sh was about to blow on me I

Know goof don’t goofy you my boy that was my Diamond look at all this iron bro holy [ __ ] oh my God turn to an Indian there’s one there’s a DI right here I oh yeah I got you bro here and there’s another one right there in the bottom go for it oh yeah I got you on that one too oh Chris got

You oh my God you got a lot yeah block help them help them out you six from those oh I found diamonds over there watch out bro oh Dam oh behind you oh [ __ ] daddy want to fight back die B villagers we bring Life haveen App the keep go deeper down here I three over here green nice what three diamonds we need to find coal not Diamonds oh yeah I got you I know it’s hold on let’s see how much are you going to get for me 14 six yeah six must to deal with h more finding

Diamonds why could it be me why why why down here down being careful don’t fall is there lava down there down there there then we keep going up then the [ __ ] out of here went mental I already have like 36 31 diam now just go back to the house CRA

The iron go back to end Temple if you want to go with me check it out yourself a good for now bye baby what will you do bro he just die right now by four creepers y Brian oh I got the whole mod on me bro where help me I let me have

The the dam what n tell something he’s not telling naked woman or something you’re lagging said just lagging the [ __ ] is coming from oh I see him what are you seeing Omar what are you seeing nothing now found diamond like 10 blocks damn look at this cave right here which cave you

A going tell me to get more for three play that [ __ ] you know I’m better than you that’s [Laughter] cting on a young [ __ ] be like try so oh what the [ __ ] a creeper passed by me he’s he’s going for you oh not anymore oh he could have killed

Me he literally passed by me bro he didn’t even like like I was like I wasn’t even there you know is there lava down the oh where you at bage you at that the that so [ __ ] that [ __ ] oh that’s you already oh [ __ ] where Y at

Right here we’re fighting on want me to teleport you to us let me know let me know and then end didn’t drop a eye broky no balls hello you want have torches me neither bro I only have 177 you guys want to dig up go down what you say to me broy

Down everything get up be your it’s a g goofy s be able to find damage at five that little [ __ ] I have P but I just don’t have no more sticks same we have to dig up bro my oh I think I found a mine [ __ ] [ __ ] ass like w what is

That he I didn’t say my friend did like that you about Kobe [Laughter] [ __ ] oh W Kobe W oh Kobe God you cuz the way you say it or you probably saying like he was saying come to me go to you [ __ ] massive [ __ ] massive [ __ ] I’m talking

About like massive all right we’ll go right now hold up we find mine oh no who whoa what oh wow I don’t I love where you You we got to help that find SH now he was Far can’t spawn to me I could spawn you I could spawn you but we were not even you can’t spawn to me yeah we could yeah we could but we’re not going to oh no like when you die no you

Can’t I lost everything man damn and I was going to spawn next to you right now like when you told me you found a big ass cave I don’t even want to play this game no more n Last Hope he that zombie waitting for me so Buster why bro

Why I I found an enchanted book bro it says projectc protection to I think that’s you say I think don’t come after me oh [ __ ] damn bro no oh my God I don’t think we never been here at this mine I would have pick up these torches since when then they became like

Kevin don’t want to play no more oh it’s a spawner right here bro you hear me yeah it’s like a it’s a poison spawner spider whatever next get I should have get I have going his hand alive This the m just eating I’m just eating pure golden apples CU I don’t think I have we Spa to home right now de in we got to go on top the M say is on top of us how do we go on Top This Way that’s mine bro that’s mine you go BB

Kidding I wish you could duplicate that holy [ __ ] look at all the lapis and we used the fortune 3 look at holy [ __ ] duplicate I don’t know I don’t think trying to find cheat I already have have two stacks of golden apples so I pretty much that his golden apple is

Good yeah of course gives you more defense it gives you two more extra heart The song die all right we got to build up fortnite we just play [ __ ] fornite Lego i d we we start doing it from here now I don’t think nobody we have been to this mine peoplein you’re next bro be like them bro you going to give up yeah I’m going die like

Never don’t say that bro don’t change yourself is see what happened to Kevin he drinks himself twice and he died okay I found what happened to Kevin your first tripping Kevin D a celebrity see what happened to Kevin hold I’m come back I got to take a leak I’ve been drinking this [ __ ] banana go for oh I think we have been here it looks familiar then we have how did I go over there how do I get over there Omar ohar Guy like like a big homie my no we haven’t we haven’t been to this one no this one looks different we haven’t we haven’t been to this mine oh my God I’m no I found more found more stuff yeah we’ve been here we’ve been here mind goofy [ __ ] sh your

Goofy that far from home at all we’re here before I don’t know when like [ __ ] week ago we’ve been here no W be like years oh my God you seen that black dude kill that [ __ ] right now where I want him to see I kind of want him he kind of knock

Us off but he’s fighting he’s he’s he’s AG on us I’m not scared I’m ready to fight to the end yes swear here [ __ ] became like him like w we kill that [ __ ] you killed them yeah I only have Max I could only carry 16 I already have 16 good

Nice got to go back home let me see Omar’s at the Village no he hasn’t spawned in Omar spawn in [ __ ] we trying to get out of here oh yeah I like die B go like oh cool o [ __ ] [ __ ] scare me got the Je what mental we didn’t need web no more right I’m going the web not really but just use that for [ __ ] that [ __ ] to REM the portal you good bro I don’t know I need to I don’t know has a sh in his hand there will

We I need that [ __ ] more to come back oh there’s more up there I’m going that way bro I’m going that way what do I do I see mag are you tripping I see magma up there what the water you’re Ines there w we whose alarm is

That I don’t think he’s not going to come back bro we’re going to have to dig up we did it I did it come right here where I at all get out of here we just got to make it bre bro I’m teleporting to you to you that even that far let’s

Go go go go he magma he could bre with that [ __ ] out where you now left or right we got to go up oh what the F for again that should takes you down bro that’s is scary never mind I found a way to get out already you did n Ro Here I’m out are you didn’t play my no more my [ __ ] die just go to Apex yeah yeah I’m going back home out there’s coal over there I’m going go I’m going go for I’m go for the comb Manal ow to S to me see my house back come on spawn next to you Mr Beast I’m my back right now you TR start to make yourself good [ __ ] wants to be like dream like3 he is N Miss C make today we’re back home home I guess this house is going to

Be guess this how going to be for sale huh going to be first kind of like this house there will we uh too far damage [ __ ] up how you [ __ ] up cuz there was one in the middle like a a ra the rail [ __ ] carry one with

You no no no no like I know I’m saying you carry I just barely made one Jesus bro it’s a lot of [ __ ] pig n they lagging the [ __ ] out of the server with p [ __ ] swears a wait what let me get some Takis [ __ ] my [ __ ] Tak what is this I end

Crystal I can make a I can make an Ender Chest I what’s this with you right now I’m 12 bro I left this [ __ ] cooking the sheep and still hasn’t finished what the fu you using the weekend you still using old school stuff you’re not even using a smoker a blast [ __ ]

[ __ ] shut your mouth you still using old [ __ ] you even using nothing new all I got 18 Ender let’s go to the end Temple theend can’t handle [ __ ] back I’m going go serve myself some more juice be right back good night right there yeah we have a we have a choice we could

Fight the weather [ __ ] but we could cheese them you could cheese them you can L be in a cave make a a whole hole in the bottom but make a whole TR far away have a chance to kill him I just give you my bow and I give

You some of my apples but I’m give you a lot of apples right now right you can beat him for sure and you shoot him with the power bow kill him easily especially the golden apples I have bro you want to do it it’s going to be easy though where are we

Die B far away be next to our house what about is he going to survive just here are you you like d you see that my oh my God right here bro doing [ __ ] you know know I I could get more Golden Hearts I didn’t know that I have like a

Total in help I have like 16 now I’m eting the apples already one of us die I di when I going die you know I’m going to hide the up I’m going get the three heads and get my powerful armor ahead we just going to try to build Trail like

Cuz the thing is we need to break like a Long Trail because he can break through the walls like he can break through like just L like run it to them and break it the walls and [ __ ] make like a long look at Mar look at me

Nice what man make some get some bucket and get some milk and when when somehow he hit us drink the milk cuz he he’s going to give us like that that same effect from the wizard from the nether but the difference from his is he heals

From he we take damage from that he heal up mean the thing is the more Health he gets anyways doesn’t really matter because you’re going do more damage than him going to make a straight Trail cuz you careful you might have a chance to kill me probably not I’m going to take some

Of a diamond you should put one on your hand when you start it have one in your hand right let’s go wait I don’t have the hold I’m fixing stuff here quick he has like I got it right got to build this space far away as possible go build it and I’ll teleport

Myself you right if we kill him we got to get the Little Star Beacon and to like that Nel you know his base has little Beacon what Mel has like that Beacon a little yeah he has like the little Beacon thing gives you boost which Miguel

Uhel wait but he hasn’t played this map I know but I’m saying we played his world before he had to do the beacon thing do remember yeah and then that Beacon gives us gives us boo that’s I’m talking about if we kill him we got to get the

P all right it’s kind of far enough I’m going to start it’s not far enough toga find our BAS uh what happen we just don’t kill him just like being around the world I know I’m com oh [ __ ] oh my God I took 50 my I took 50 53 diamonds with

Me we just take turn we just take turn shooting him we don’t want to shoot each other accidentally I be to kill him going to be moving around crazy E I get out Sam I need to dig more down that’s the case I should take more down H yeah SP down we the

Takis little boys which is it blue one regular I’m just eating that [ __ ] quick I’m [ __ ] up I’m [ __ ] muching I’m getting like three three at one eating I should [ __ ] why you Qui I love Takis that’s why I’m [ __ ] dying last [ __ ] dying [ __ ] with this [ __ ] eating this [ __ ]

Teleport give me a minute I fight him by myself fight him by yourself not ding [ __ ] you dying yourself oh my God water here like w like that [ __ ] Wy go that Dam my my like my armor bars bro is that sh full I’m going to make didn’t have he didn’t have didn’t

Have B goofy boy we would to cheese the [ __ ] out of it but said we need to beat [ __ ] m that [ __ ] night w come come come back over here you have torches I don’t have torches Right Now obey me going crazy lot make some Tores right

Now I’m just fixing my chest cuz I never got the chance to fix my chest I’m just putting random [ __ ] I just took five damage I WBY body FL as fck light face what you say to me go that should be pretty far making it already no bro don’t you’re going to die

[Laughter] B hurry up you goofy say I’m fixing my [ __ ] blood you’re doing the extra [ __ ] saying you got to fix chest and yeah F my whole chest right now bro I have to like Kevin I am Kevin I’m Kevin homie all right I already put three

Things I you got to put one head [ __ ] stop camping bro you always love to Camp I don’t even know what you’re talking about spy don’t know know [ __ ] don’t talk to me like that [ __ ] I’m a [Laughter] legend all right the work I’m scared making this

[ __ ] all right well I really do here bro hurry up get your Goofs here n you going to die your you’re going to die by yourself [ __ ] hell no hurry up no [ __ ] I’m not going yes you are n no I’m no stop talking me like

That hold up no I just keep fixing this L what do you need a torches just the light of the place everything’s so dark all right I don’t so you’re saying you’re ready to die [ __ ] I’m positive we got this we got to go to Apples bro and make

Sure to bring your t d and put that [ __ ] on your hand what if I don’t I might live how many torches do I need to make 50 I got two two two yeah two stacks right two STS is enough right yeah all right to teleport to M to you w

Wait wait if we’re going to fight this [ __ ] I’m going put a new [ __ ] suit you know what I’m talking about put your good suit [ __ ] put your good [ __ ] God dang I’m about to go crazy right now either ways I do need a new suit my sho’s already

Like break about to break it was like it was like one [ __ ] one health for each all all right I’m ready I got going to go crazy right now all right I got no food I though youle you don’t you’re not going to need food you your golden

App the golden apple gives you more defense and say your quicker get [ __ ] we’re gonna die right here [ __ ] what are you talking about use the stairs right here look I made stairs give me the Torches right stairs look at look at this is what I’m talking about like we need to

Be careful where we shoot cuz look it it Justa straight roll one of us is going to take our time to shoot oh cool sh and you didn’t get it [ __ ] I’m getting this [ __ ] before we die [Laughter] everybody be no give up so I’m confidence he

Happens so I don’t understand like we shoot one at a time or what was going to happen or it could just be me shooting you know we could um we could switch up a k like one of us somehow take I don’t have I don’t have a

Bow what the [ __ ] is the bow I gave it to Omar he died with it uh oh my God here I got an extra one have extra that was not my fault that [ __ ] oh my God how how I’m my that with a a good bow it I don’t know ask

Him oh wait wait wait wait wait okay I don’t understand your plan repeat your plan again so I okay so maybe cuz man somehow I take a lot of damage I’m really low I stay back to heal up and you take my side to shoot for shoot him

You know you know what I’m saying kind of like that turns in case one of us get take damage you know all right let me my Apple open ready yeah yeah I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready [ __ ] shoot that [ __ ] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you heard that [ __ ] shoot that [ __ ] [ __ ] shoot that [ __ ] the [ __ ] not he’s moving crazy but he’s not fting back that’s a good thing right we could hit him I can’t hit my shots there we go oh godo he up he up let’s going to heal up from this though that’s thing

The [ __ ] I’m not hitting him oh my God let me let me do it let me do it yeah yeah yeah go ahead oh wait do you have a arrow oh you don’t have Arrow here I got him no no all right thank you thank you forever I got though nice

[ __ ] the [ __ ] he go he’s going up bro no way he is what oh he put me down oh oh [ __ ] he’s diing up oh see [ __ ] bro he’s going to the Village bro that n is going to the Village what the [ __ ] okay shoot him

Shoot him bro shoot him I am I am I am I hit him I hit him I hit him in the we need to out him he’s going to leave that sh get out get out get out get out I got him I got him yeah keep

Doing it keep doing it keep doing it bro I hit him twice I hit him twice keep shooting him I hit him I hit him again I hit him like five times I hit him five times I see him I see him I see him okay I take turn you’re taking

Damage eat up yeah yeah yeah where is he I don’t see him I see him uh how do you join right now right now I’ll say go or we’re find this [ __ ] okay I I shoot you the Cod oh you good you good yeah how did

This this [ __ ] last that’s for a while why you press the big dpad on your controller it shows it oh what the [ __ ] oh my God come back come back come back I I got it’s my turn my turn my turn oh my God it’s a skeleton right

Here just keep shooting that N I am I am I am oh oh oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] come in come in I’m coming bro I’m coming holy [ __ ] n got me bro shoot the bow oh my God my bad my bad oh my god oh come on come on go back

Bro I’m dead bro no no no come back come back come back someone going to kill him he’s half Health bro got I I know I’m going go for when when when we get full health bro we start Sting with that [ __ ] I’m going go for him I’m going go for

Him oh I almost got you I almost got you bro oh god he has a shield I can’t hit him yeah I mean I was hitting him he wasn’t taking damage I think we got to swing now you want do it you ready go all right go go go go

Go oh [ __ ] Retreat Retreat Retreat Retreat Retreat oh my God St skeleton might man Z might kill me come on come we good we good we good we good we good we good we got him a little bit we got this we got we got this

Any he does go outside just hit him true all check check that’s for 16 seconds I I got seven 7 seconds left all right something oh what oh oh it’s a glitch hit that [ __ ] go go go go hit him go hit him might

Die I’m hit him I’m hit him I’m H him he hit him I can’t hit him I’m hitting him he disappeared oh my God come back come back come back come back I got this i got this I’m I’m right here I’m with you I’m want you I’m with you

Oh he’s right there go go go go go back go go back go back go back yeah yeah get him H hit him no the B’s not working no more okay I can hit him now I’m full health all right keep going keep going I’m going hit I’m getting up I’m

Getting up he’s low he’s low bro he’s low he just need oh you got him you got him got him got go go go one more that’s it hit him blow up go hit him go hit [Applause] him oh oh I died bro what the [ __ ] how did I

Die I’m a spawn I’m SP I’m going come back I’m come back I’m back yeah come back come back he blows up that’s I didn’t know he blows up in the end oh wow I have total a d so I survive oh I got I got right go get your [ __ ] go

Get your [ __ ] nice we did it bro that was scary bro that was stressful I didn’t know he was on blow up like that he look like he about to blow up to be honest yeah he L like he was on blow up but I thought it was

Going to be like it was not like it’s going to affect us you know I thought it was just like a damn you di holy [ __ ] oh my God we got that got live stream [ __ ] my hand got numbed and [ __ ] I know [ __ ] now you got the start I

Sh the it say a w weather Rose yeah I think so is this you you got like a star you like like a weird looking Star sheet it’s a rose like a is you should have something else on you though the [ __ ] oh yeah yeah I did I did nether stor

Me that [ __ ] broke through the walls like H and [ __ ] watch out watch out he just there you go H it oh there’s a purple dud over there get him damn I wish we have wood bro so we could put all this [ __ ] in the chest oh right

Here and this this n made a made a full [ __ ] like a house cave and [ __ ] wait we need to dig a hole we need to dig a hole so we could dump all this [ __ ] down here light up the place some there a lot of Co around here yeah some Co over

There get them bro for me I’m going start dumping [ __ ] right here I didn’t have a total of D bro we both would have died right there I know bro it’s all good though thing I lost just on my level but at least we got the N St right oh

Sh PR if you want you could start dumping [ __ ] right here bro in this little spawn that I made broke all this [ __ ] he broke all this I’m in level eight now I think I was like I think I was like 36 I think like he [ __ ] like was smart

Started like shooting up and [ __ ] huh Yeah nice bro we did it somebody was watching your stream somebody was somebody somebody was watching the stream like that’s how that’s how we fight that [ __ ] oh my God that was intense though that was fun Al it’s crazy we got to hit him eventually cuz he gets that barrier around

Him start dumping everything right here and we already almost survived with this Imagine The End Dragon I feel like the End Dragon will be easier though to be honest give me a minute you could join right now hold on hold up give me a minute bro I’m just over here [ __ ] cleaning up

This real quick this is a lot of resources for stone it that [ __ ] was fun bro [ __ ] was [ __ ] fun can I join yeah I got you bro just give me a minute hold up what you what do you what system do you play if you got PlayStation I’ll add you

On the PlayStation if you don’t you play a different console then I’ll just give you the code to join how did Omar die with a good B then was going crazy like woy now one bro we the game tired uh we just go Um make that little Beacon oh the

Temp we we’ll do that the we’ll go back to the Village to do the lightting first wait should we go to the temple what if we find a dragon maybe not only way we will go in there only way a lot of damage Dam a lot oh my God for the first

Time I can’t find where me he was almost so close escaping bro yeah I see light right here from the water yeah yeah almost yeah he almost like I think one more big EXP going up he would have got out but water water would have came down I think on

Him I mean we did fight I regularly outside Kevin everybody else me you and Kevin or I don’t know who but I think like I think one of us had to take the hit you know like one of us had to take the hit and then the rest of like few of

Us had to shoot him with the bow and after he gets that that barrier [ __ ] we have to go in there and swing on him je going back home there getting yeah I still there getting coal I I’ll teleport myself too yeah see one more big ass explosive that’s it

Oh we came out in the village how much you’re at the village already almost but you could teleport you can teport that n did kind of build like kind of have of the treeh house can come back bro why is so laggy like I’m dropping like

Right make the the beacon better we can just use up Diamond to make like you got diamond yeah I got how much where you going to put it where you going to put it how much how much does it take though I’m think like nine nine yeah let me

See really have any bro even in one stack I can only make five say I only can make two blocks all there go 9 bro I only have 62 diamonds that’s a lot uh got nine how we where we make it bro where the treeh house is at or right

Here right here right here mhm yeah right here literally right here like how it I don’t know how it works oh I even have enough no how much you need I don’t all but first I got I think I got to make how do we make I need glass

Andan I got idium I think yeah I got two right here it’s not enough it could just do iron diamonds are better K it is here bro that’s good bro I got to be a no though I’m only going to have like diamonds only going to have like 20 diamonds

I only think you only can make two of those even havean I don’t that that’s all my diamonds right there 18 how much do we need Kevin has 32 use that [ __ ] [ __ ] close sh I think no I made it how much we just like I think could

Just make it small I think this yeah yeah yeah yeah right there it’s not as big though right here right here depends the right now we can only get speed and or get we could go for Speed what the [ __ ] yeah I’m down if you guys speed you got to feed it we

Get what do we got for wait did I just press it I feeded in with diamond uh we got we got why did I do this and we have we have speed we have speed oh it goes away I rather have speed to be honest what’s the pickax

For just m faster I think what was the point of that we I got to find around here it’s still the same thing I think the speed n is better me somebody come somebody breaks the damage not big but we can make it big eventually M you don’t have enough diamonds for

That [ __ ] bro I have your diamonds here I need to take your diamonds I guess we just save them yeah we could go to the end I got to go in it though go there it’s funny cuz the [ __ ] was like I was I was flying in

There I know bro that’s crazy I jumped in when you were dying bro I jumped in I started beating the [ __ ] on them I like oh [ __ ] I can’t believe we did it bro yeah all right we’re going we’ll go let me put CH Happ a lot of

[ __ ] I didn’t use the milk I feel I had the milk it show it just shows how we just like not focusing at all I had a milk I could have just drink the milk up the right the realm code I know where he’s at what the [ __ ] what happened got a

A um I don’t think nobody could join them more whoever is trying to join um I think we got all like maxed out because I got people from from the comments too that I wanted to play too but I think it’s already 10 people already in the lobby so my bad

Bro I can’t put I can’t bring more people because if I bring more people in it’s like and then I’m going have to I’m going have to take out people yeah it doesn’t have good range when we upgrade it more it have better range I can’t sub subscribe to C

Where’s it go I he’s that that’s cool wait I haven’t put all my stuff need go over there I get some I there a house over here I need the bows I get the rose what the what does the road does the Rose it’s just a poison as Roo put on you

Place it you go towards it you take damage from it just hold it just hold it don’t thr it I’ll put in my cage my cage my chest all right I’m going to take out my diamonds the new diamond suit I’m going put my

Old one but I’m I’m going to take my new diamond suit just once it breaks yeah I put my I was still taking pretty decent amount of damage but low key I’m too lazy to walk bro I want let you do it yeah yeah yeah I know how to go over here that’s

Why here why took all my torches you got all my torches that I put down yeah I don’t what is Bro a cheater leave alone I didn’t know I didn’t know if you put like if you throw like a object on the door you know how you put the door thing like to open the the floor I didn’t know you put a you drop an object it opens it I did not know

That yeah I think the only difficult thing we have from the from the uh D dragon is just we got to shoot down those Deacon things top oh yeah the big yeah yeah you got to destroy he I have my dois M I think always

Get who even ninja was there too on the trailer me like the commercial I didn’t see it I don’t know where you never seen it no show e Tak like they eat [ __ ] Ninja Ninja on his prank F around here all time to get killed Piggies teleport hold I’m getan these piggies

Real quick got some Of after the [ __ ] that’s a good no where’s that little little entrance that hold up bro I’m fitting the piggies real quick hold Piggies Piggies Piggies part might be I don’t know I am not to teleport to you yeah thatal all right you’re in the safe spot y oh

How you how in the world you found this like oh co right here bro coming do we need more books nah reset we have the book right here yeah oops for where to go it’s right here checking the iron um you buil the ice already yeah I have it on

Me where I found it I remember it was Clos don’t wor we’re going to find upstairs maybe right here BR I’m right to find this cave like nothing back then ever since they added [ __ ] like make the map bigger make caves more bigger and they add a more stupid [ __ ]

That doesn’t even like like unnecessary things is it the same place or I think so books we should find books like that Dam we go back at the beginning cuz it was pretty close I should have made a like a lead of s good thing is I I don’t think I

Had well let’s separate and then we’ll we’ll see which one could find it first oh apples take those [ __ ] oh maybe app oh more iron apples they never got this oh I found it we had to cover that we had to cover that fire why because bro I still hate dying on the

Fire okay you ready I got to fight it we just uh die oh my God we’re actually going to do it it been a while bro it been a while I haven’t done this and I was a kid look triy H it does wait wait wait

Take a picture go in there you can just teleport towards [Laughter] me [ __ ] try to sacrifice me that you going to be like in a little hole I know I know I know no but sometimes they it spawns you like in some far distance that you could fall we could get the

Elytra hold on hold on hold on give me a minute yeah I was waiting I said I was waiting I was waiting I didn’t know that myom made some can’t see it you hop on see on my Instagram Instagram no I posted it I’m posting on my

Story is on really like PR SI I think going to hop on well I think he is on yeah last time he got on around this time maybe a little later it’s your first from the dude series that’s a crossover in War 3 put the bundle up on

Screen so you guys can get a good look at what’s actually in the bundle stay on it too long with a lot of these bundles was a to get M this bundle for today’s video the ex all right you ready I already Point you’re going there [ __ ] what you

Me both go in there we not be able to teleport out wait how do we go back over here bro how yeah you’re right like how do we get out from there if we go in um you kill the End Dragon and he makes he opens the portal then to get

Out we need to kill him if we go in there only way you could get out we got to kill him so if I go in there right now I can’t get out oh me yeah yeah you could get out cu you could just teleport with

Me all right you want you want me to go or I go oh you want you you want to go or I go you go oh oh my God I messed up the eyes eyes are gone so you know is it over there and where I’m in cirle I think I hear the

Dragon I hear the dragon yeah you know what I never came why I hear a g of [ __ ] Ender you’re good bro now I had to dig up or something dig up you be find to get one shot bro oh yeah I’m right here I’m up

Wait how do how do I like not make them attack me there’s not a way the only way you can do it is just get a water bucket and throw in the middle they won’t be able to hit you so tell me okay I found this on the for tell me check it

Out we did dude literally what the [ __ ] I’m not even talking to sir dude [ __ ] Dragon spawn it’s it’s on top oh my God above you yeah it’s above me what yeah I see the thing you can shoot at it shoot at it shoot at it oh

Hold up hold up hold up teleport teleport you’re dying how you dying how you dying because I’m [ __ ] oh it’s saying fire it it’s it pops out the Ender Dragon healing like there his health shot no but since like I attack like the [ __ ] other man is attacking me I’m guessing that’s

Why the is going to be the annoyingest thing over there I feel could kill it today don’t cap we could I think bro I just I just feel bad for Kevin you know like we need Kevin in here yeah I got him bro I don’t think he wants to play he

Would have been on right now or you text him than oh my God NE Dragon today Kevin you to come do it like so all I got to do is just look at their legs right yeah yeah out there [ __ ] I thought you just going to see and

Leave I’m trying to see oh I see the dragon yeah yeah I can’t really see it that well because or else if I look up and [ __ ] going to get me I see it though did your golden apple I only have 30 left I see yeah we could we could be there

Bro should have brought my armor my netherite armor I need to search how to make FEA we just need somebody we just need somebody to go like to be like in the village so we could teleport back if we’re going to die you know L you can watch my live stream oh

Yeah let me know you’re watching you hear me bro yeah I heard you Kayla be like Kayla yeah hold up I think we like we should go back home get better gear bro we could do it today only we just need is FEA falling and that’s it bro the PO like

The potion you fall you fall slowly I’m saying yeah cuz U the dragon could could make away so you’re saying we fall off we’re dead right too mhm D BR huh some Dragon kill dragon is pretty easy just uh are you watching watch up hold up bro you see

It yeah I see it look at that [ __ ] we don’t fall make sure I’m not looking at these [ __ ] look see we spawn right here look which remember from don’t care should I get close to him you want to die look at bro look at him I’m close to

Him oh oh [ __ ] right there what oh that [ __ ] hit me oh oh my God to make you fly away I Gody let me know when you’re back to the Village I could spawn oh [ __ ] I wasn’t even trying to do that yet I think it would have made you fly

In the sky [ __ ] get we need to go H we need to go find the wings bro you me get the wings to fly you can get it there we got to defeat him first oh um thing is um get a to um I’m going

Make some when I go back I’m going try to make some Fe falling potion right and I think I think I could duplicate them I have a lot EV what happen [ __ ] watching the stream he’s watching the stream I know he’s watching the stream we defeated the

Weather bro we just got to fight the Ender Dragon [Applause] me just didn’t tell you to hop back on on this [ __ ] waiting for you to hop on the dragon though all right the yeah I’m just going to cuz I’m going to make some fing potions right

Now and that’s it you’re watching the stream Kevin or what you see the dragon you see the Dragon No watch My Stream now just telling for when I join wait where’s your extra bow in my chest you guys got extra data uh totem ofy I should have more how do you make those [ __ ] oh you can’t you got to get them from the villagers from the pillagers

Oh makes sense I I CH a lot of golden apples so I can give you like aack oh my God I joined the wrong [ __ ] room press that I’ve been making I’m doing the glitches for the golden apples so I have like like seven stacks of golden apples God

Damn yeah so sure sure you won’t die in the oh we we defeated that [ __ ] three HED F [ __ ] was [ __ ] crazy yeah he was kind of hard but it’s cuz it was like he kept on blowing [ __ ] up oh sh we couldn’t cheese them cuz we

Build like a whole straight tunnel and we chop him in the cave we’re just shooting them but the thing is is kept blowing [ __ ] up he was trying to escape he trying to escape yeah so we had to hit him cuz about to leave if we don’t do nothing about it he

Was going to leave you guys meet the beacon yeah yeah nice it’s not enough though we got to make a better one yeah we need more diamonds there’s better versions of it yeah you have to build like a pyman beacons or diamonds diamonds um but

Um I see it the the thing is likez he got a barrier in the middle of the tub so we had to go in there push him him hit with the where’s the power [ __ ] you just gives us boost yeah yeah it just runs faster gives you you got to feed this

Stuff um like we built the big one a big pyramid like the the the level the big like to make it more better like we get second um Second Chance like secondary health yeah help you killing up like automatically yeah like like weat a golden apple so we need more diamonds so

K you got diamonds bro I got 32 yeah but he’s going to use it to make his armor set oh you don’t have enough I just let me know let me know when you back though I’m back buto I’m trying to or my sh I’m going leave I’m I’m I’m going

Teleport you teleport teleport myself back to Y all yeah you at the Village um Kevin yeah I’m yeah because um only we just need is this um res falling potion and water bucket in case you know man might be annoying and and yeah just got to shoot

The the little Beacon the top some of them you can’t shoot some you got to go on top and build all the way up break it do not do not do not break it when you go up cuz you break it it blows up it will throw you

Off bro that that show was fun beating the other [Laughter] Bots I took out my nether right armor out [ __ ] I use my [ __ ] Enchanted suit yeah n take out the big suit n Go came out like a unit and [ __ ] the god um hold up it’s in my secret chest

Oh okay this going to have damage but it won’t break through the fight I got regular 19 regular apples you guys got food um yeah but we just luy with just apples I have a lot I think I got some [ __ ] it give me some give me a

Stack wait bless you thank you I’m going to kill some cows but I’m going to make a game cuz I got like two stacks of wheat try to get more we’re almost done passing at the game Bro [ __ ] this game that [ __ ] Can’t Get that b i cows come towards me not to get feed the ones that survive is going to get Feed yeah I got like six STS i di like all right I’m going here I’m going here I’m going to make some that [ __ ] that uh a shield too you want I might take oh you got extra one wait who I I got you Kevin but all

You got to do is I think I I I think I put something in chest I got I got an extra Kevin you got to call me Daddy what Daddy okay Daddy I should I never seen one extra hold up imagine I don’t I know you say

It no I think I do have one this is my secret chest what oh you’re looking I do got one bro we need to kill Raven right here right here hey you got extra wood yeah why let me get some you guys have to hey what was my chest

[ __ ] the top of my chest broken who been getting my [ __ ] W what get what there secret chest yeah I’m going be honest bro okay I’m going be honest with you when the when I saw your chest it was already open like this this was already open

And I did and I did look in there and I I didn’t know how much damage you had and that’s why I was talking about how like oh you know like I need your diamonds you know but earlier when we were talking about the [ __ ] prer

Mission but I’ll be honest with you I did not break that [ __ ] bro that [ __ ] was like that oh you got one stole that [ __ ] what you get [ __ ] Geto about start crying Care get nothing hold on hold on we can’t leave I’m making food for

Us we have a chance to die here guys we do you do know that wait it’s cuz [ __ ] we need somebody at the [ __ ] no we got a Teleport we get a Teleport out when we kill it I know but what if we can kill it and we

Need to get out how are we going to get out we going to we are going to kill we both have power five B I don’t have a oh yeah you do yeah and my shit’s about to break should I should I upgrade it and I could duplicate some [ __ ]

Bottles you don’t need to hey bro tell me upgrade my how many uh where you at where you go where you where oh I see you why you want upgrade my [ __ ] here your shit’s fine no my [ __ ] is about to like die yeah but it’s I

Mean you got to kill it before he even dies but I still want here here upgrade it upgrade it for me Kevin [ __ ] I died oh yeah wait what’s your level Chris I even got a [ __ ] level yeah you see you C get him I’m on 20 come on

Bro hold up I got a bow as full I can just duplicate other the bow For You full health but I want this one [ __ ] want you you’re not understanding get mad at same [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right makebe a new one then so do I put this this one in my

Chest Chris all all hey yo Omar where you get off bro we’re about to go defeat the dragon look it go oh look at we you missed out bro we went we went against that one thread [ __ ] monster we got this [ __ ] re rewind rewind My Stream and you

Will see it like rewind it let me know when you see watching it rewind My Stream so you can see the where we’re fighting the [ __ ] three HED [ __ ] I’m making it we’re about to go go kill the dragon you had to come with us [ __ ] you become the shield for

Us it’s cuz that [ __ ] doesn’t want to play because he died too he lost his [ __ ] he lost all his diamonds that [ __ ] Omar Omar come back bro you’re going to miss out the experience bro wait hey Christ try my [ __ ] bro if we do this are we going to play Minecraft My

Sword I dropped it oh [ __ ] you make one already Chris my sh has sharpness four I don’t know if it’s same for you doing thetion all right here trying to make it get have more time on it I got a potion of instant health I don’t know where I got that

From forgot who dropped that you know you know how the bgs how do you use the bgs like the enchanted books how do you use that I don’t use it in the Forge or ambo whatever it’s called the one in Chris house all right I’ll be back real

Quick okay I made them they have 4 minute timer on it what you say to me we boy like May me make make some stuff out of this o i could duplicate it nice the [ __ ] you want what you want bro can’t find it what do you mean you can’t find the El

More what you can’t find the whole gang is here’s not going to have a lot of [ __ ] honest the battle can’t find the it’s right there bro no let let me help you let me help you oh all let me try to find it for you

All right I duplicate a lot of FEA falling why you want that book for bro you got have some point having that all right Omar put on my stream if you’re you’re still listening put 58 minutes with 50 seconds that’s what we started why shit’s going to be

Gone no no he’s trying to watch this the the the fight that we fought the boss yeah that’s why he was that’s why he couldn’t he said he couldn’t find it I’m like what you can’t find and then he put the battle and I told him on my

Stream put 58 minutes and 52 seconds or 50 seconds it doesn’t matter need to make a new B give me some of your wood I don’t think I have enough let me see I gave it to I gave it to [ __ ] what’s his name get out the way [ __ ] my God [ __ ]

I’m about to smip the [ __ ] out you yeah hey yeah I give it to Kevin hold on I’m going to see I have more I do not have wood bro Kevin took everything oh I have 16 you need that yeah I make nothing it nice I’m in level 20 yeah oh yeah I

Need I can’t believe we’re doing this you Shar there’s some bgs right here I know I know there there’s some books on the left side too wait should I take my doggies they all die they going to die bro yeah they’re not going to survive that

[ __ ] I made a to of a dinosaur cuz iy remember I put some in your chest you did I only had two I gave one my last one to Kevin Kevin’s weak Boy he we boy I’m going to go get water [ __ ] I’m taking water with me I’m taking four buckets of

Water yeah yeah damn man’s broken here spining my you my sword yeah you only got Shar three yeah BR ter if we if we kill the dragon we’re not going to play Minecraft no more we can still play it oh kill him again why he responds you need the egg

There oh we could take the egg huh what we going to do take the egg or make SP potion whats um I them how do I use them one two there we go in there it let us it let us for four minutes let hold on hold up before we go

In there I’m going take a piss because that’s going to be crazy [ __ ] just eat Golden Apple that’s the only thing you eat I only got 25 oh let get some Stone get more Apple get St cuz I’m going to dig up the bro the [ __ ] Ender’s going to be

After us Oro going to die get a bucket and water of Water you be in the middle of it ad won’t be able to do I got to put like a block though like this yeah like that it’s going to be like that yeah I just hit him or like this

We could kill we l have like [ __ ] power fire BS cuz you make me feel like i’ been Like he dies but I’mma take the [ __ ] I never took it what this what the [ __ ] [ __ ] broke back all right go for it [ __ ] the [ __ ] Kevin saw the picture and he joins well came home from work drink some beers chilling nigga’s going to die ready ready n Chris was missing you

Bro you know I’m saying where’s C where’s C Dam y’all gay for that what what do you mean we G for that back what do you mean what do you mean Omar you you want to do it too hop on let’s go where is it is it far

Hop On Hop on before we do it come on y didn’t take me come on n h on we’re going to do it right now just going to beat up watching he could just be the one running around if one of us die he could just teleportar come

On wait wait if you going to if you going to hop on right now I’ll stay back in a village so you could get some loot resources let me know right now let me know right now though far L ke I’m not going to I’m not going

To walk in I’m going just wait until I to teport myself to easy as am I’m looking sleepy TI wait what you you go see after this you going meet me bro hit hit the vapy before the Dragon H that [ __ ] [ __ ] this is fire bro like I need

It say he can’t live without it the vapy yeah I’m not sure another juice Florida C was caught on cam asking Texas rapper peso peso if he checks in with coldi black L for protection when he comes to Florida what a quota blind doesn’t got it like that bro say

I one of us might die I’m betting what die in his hand would have died when we when we killed the three-headed uh [ __ ] Kevin died Kevin would have died when we kill him we didn’t know he’s going to blow up like he just see him like freaking out like all white and

[ __ ] they got close to and then they went Boom I surviv because I had total of dying what almost dead yeah I die that was like an accident death and [ __ ] pass Kevin he’s like a duck oh it was in this Village yeah below it someone was here cuz someone BR the vill house was you right I think so that

[ __ ] wait not this one there no it’s pretty small as fu wait never no it’s not this one from the other Village here I see wow hey I lost you [ __ ] they they releasing that song recently yeah with marshmallow when was this when did you drop it like last month or not like two months maybe was fora yeah oh never man wait let me see hold up all right I’m getting Yeah damn bro can wait for Saturday bro you going to get I’m going go to the game bro oh yeah then after that I’m go to the stet club stop the C on dead ass [ __ ] don’t believe me I’ll post it on my story watch all right Wai want to r

N doesn’t like soccer he hates soccer with a passion the stet club [ __ ] you want to go what strip club into one no oh God what a b virgins like you swear I B you last night Dam I’m here already hear yeah I’m a teleporter on I’m tell trick shck shot this sh live stream bro we’re gonna this is going to be like a well in 10 years we’re going to watch his live stream and then we’re going to say like damn the first time we beat it together [ __ ] off me little [ __ ] all

Right I’m going teleport to Chris teleport me oh you oh you need to teleport too Yeah all right [ __ ] let me go first all right you ready were you ready I want to hear this [ __ ] my app I want to hear this [ __ ] no you’re good you don’t have to eat it right now I’ve been in there I’ve been in there already a

Tripping you guys ready I want to hear you guys say it come on look this [ __ ] go look at this [ __ ] in the back he’s scared my oh about to CH this [ __ ] go for it [ __ ] face find the End Dragon go yeah you

Guys ready we set look at me look at me bro I’m set [ __ ] you guys ready come on um eat the drink the potion drink the potion already case we get close there remember the one attack that the Dron does it makes you follow me follow me follow me [ __ ] targeted me

Already just look down bro just look down oh I fell down how the [ __ ] you fell no way you fell [ __ ] potion where you wait where you at the map oh where where exactly are you I’m going to teleport you to me I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good

Just just eat the potion I mean the the won’t do that much damage to be honest he hit me you only took away like few parts oh stman on Kevin I’m dead e e Apple I’m good I’m good I’m good use your water bucket remember oh okay I’m going to shoot the

Thing off right now I’m the post I forgot we could we can hit him now we got to destroy the pillars first he’s going to heal up yeah cuz he’s going to heal up yeah oh my God a damn that [ __ ] hard water bucket thr water

Bucket you up beat Apple [ __ ] I did I did I [ __ ] off me [ __ ] I’mma go I’mma break this one I’m going go for this one I’mma break this one yeah eating apples yeah careful kin don’t die on me please I’m good I’m good I got like five gold

Hearts my God bro slaughtering these [ __ ] hold I need to break some blocks to get up there God much [ __ ] a so I got fight remember if you guys need cover let me know the [ __ ] I could teleport y out to me I’m like in a inside like a little cave getting some

Blocks to go up I forgot to bring [ __ ] y let me let me know when to kill that [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] a dragon hit me I think oh I did holy [ __ ] my God [ __ ] off man go and hit your friends one time and I will

Stay until the live is over oh my God you’re my friends oh oh what the f y y yeah getting Jump by [ __ ] end what do we got to do we got to break the cube on top oh okay I’m on it but you have to yeah we got to build

Though all right nice I broke another one yeah do not break the ones you’re like closing cages cuz it will blow up on you oh no my water [ __ ] I broke my water messed up by water thing get apple you won’t die oh my God I’m build oh this n oh

Oh [ __ ] war zone over here how they die with oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I went to the wrong one this one this I a break oh my God bro oh what the [ __ ] end the went through me I like the it helps you but I feel like it kind of [ __ ]

Up a little Game Bang I think we need two more we need two more breaking I’m breaking when you break it I broke one I broke one that’s the last one you have the last one that’s the last one you’re doing I think I think I think that’s this God I’m fting

Like 10 of them wait so I could jump down without taking fall damage right or I still got to break down break down [ __ ] it all right oh my God who’s hitting me now oh my God who oh my God [ __ ] Dragon hits me at the same time the Enderman I almost died

Right there he’s in the he’s in the he’s in the middle oh destroy it I can’t even hit that fo oh my God I need damage I’m making it go down bro are you sure elant oh my God I got him way I got help

Help still still had a thing still I see one on top still I’m [ __ ] getting hit he’s getting heal up right now see there’s one more one more yeah [ __ ] still more it’s still more you’re die you break the whole thing he’s not getting healed up I don’t see him getting healed up

Oh oh think we got it now we could we could kill him now yeah there’s no more oh just put the just just be in the water yo what the [ __ ] out to my bow you can’t do you can’t you can’t kill it with the bow with din Dragon yeah

Kill it with the bow no somebody somebody in the chat said you can’t kill it with the bow only the sword oh what do you mean I’m doing damage still one more like it’s still on top he’s getting healed by it where which one is it right

Here what I’m shooting at what the [ __ ] happened to my ball ready I’m going go for the hits I’m going go for the hits keep healing up bro nah he’s not that healing up D see still it’s still one on top I see it still bro but he not doing but it’s

Not doing nothing bro it’s not doing nothing literally he’s not doing nothing he’s half always dead all right we don’t need to focus on that that much there go oh going to sh get him get him bro yeah good [ __ ] good [ __ ] good [ __ ] oh my God hit him he’s almost

There I got another I got two extra bucket of water oh [ __ ] my bad hold hold on let me put it right here more yeah I got you he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming watch out he’s going to drop he’s going to drop he’s almost dead

Go at at the same time go go go go oh my God he’s one more hit here bro do not be in there Kevin you got to teleport back home you be in there be in the middle they’re not going inside the middle yeah yeah just stay outside the block yeah me

He’s almost there you get so much xp after this you’re get so much xp right now n x [ __ ] damn [ __ ] give me oh my God how what level you let me get that last one I the [ __ ] how much you got Kevin I

Was level two and I got to level 39 no way 55 I’m in 55 really what the [ __ ] 55 yeah well I’m only 36 bro imagine if I was sh G for more XP long we got to wait wait the eggy where’s the egg oh there he is he’s on top oh my

Oh get off my [ __ ] man come on God [ __ ] oh um this where we find the elytra right here look at him I found it it’s right here oh where I already did it yeah yeah it’s right here really oh what’s over here what is that yeah what is that

Chris you could go get the Electra Electra oh only one person only one person could get it they girl I’m about to kill you girl I’m going to fall off that the [ __ ] world get that goofy K it could be more it could be two or three we just got to

Get lucky I’ll call the next one bro the top the end bro End oh my god the guy said the guy in my chat said that multiple people could get it oh okay like Infinity he said what have a vetan here you wor veteran careful get ready I’m going to do it because I don’t want to turn um

Feel like we got to go out the world die cuz I got the ice here I got some of the ice here you use the iron to go in there I got three actually yeah we’ve been killing a lot of these so yeah yeah build up build

Up should I go get my bucket water I dropped like four buckets of watery why sh so up I I’m I’m just looking down so these [ __ ] won’t hit me the [ __ ] happened you doing what I’m just see just watch them die F that [ __ ] n that [ __ ] off I

Should keep breaking those little weird things down there what the this yeah what you sty I give to you could use it to go in the portal I got a stack bro no I’m just F want going to farm some ging these [ __ ] right now oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ]

Fell oh my bad don’t die you level hey protect me protect me I’m not in the bottom with you oh my God he’s going to die bro he’s going to die he’s going to die oh my God we almost there we’re almost there we’re almost there I’m I’m teleport up

Here with you cuz go I’m going go to the store real quick all right all right just be in the hole oh yeah take me I got four more hold on hold on let me do the if anything teleport me yeah t get I call them the next

Wings let me know what what do we got to do yo bent you’re the one communicating in the chat in there ready I’m go IR man oh that [ __ ] right pass by me oh my there three end on me oh [ __ ] zom I see I see I see I’m

Coming oh I’m about to die [ __ ] e Apple e Apple oh my God I’m there got you I got you I got You already did it oh there’s someone behind you the Apple eat apple I don’t have that much I only have two left really yeah e some right now my god dude my I hit him with the I got I got you I got you come here got you

Stack of a stack eating apple e Apple oh I’m dead I only have like five they just keep spawning bro yeah we got to get out of here bro keep looking down just keep looking down bro yeah I am I am I am I’m terrifying these

Guys oh my my netherite armor is going to break what about minine oh [ __ ] mine’s like halfways damn no way I sh’s going to break already I thought I thought we come here and they’re not going to spawn no more it’s not wait how do we go back

Though um going back how we came from is there a portal up there on top of us yeah he came from between you don’t need to eat five apples golden apples at the at a time it does nothing what what do you mean I don’t know he

Said don’t eat five apples is is a waste yeah I know but [ __ ] end I thought the going to throw me off get ready with the portal dier look down look at have your portal up I might fall around here maybe all I have your name already all right

Let me know when you make the bridge though en might [ __ ] throw me off bro oh my God that [ __ ] is crazy you got to find a boat a floating boat that’s pretty much it I like pills what do you mean by thato the dud that’s talking in chat the veteran guy the

R you like fany what you mean by that this is crazy bro I did him the cross all all coming the [ __ ] this kid looking down bro to be honest oh I see like Kevin should stay over there bring it for him think so Kevin should stay over

There so we could tell teport back to him yeah I I’m going to get lost around here insane bro say my pick by to break do you have a pickax on you give me a pickaxe I have two actually I have one extra but right now I need it where you

At where you at I don’t see the bridge the bridge I made bro I I I I passed it already the bridge where are you I’m by the bridge you not Crossing it though you by the bridge I didn’t I crossed it already you’re not moving [ __ ] move I

Am moving n I’ve been ring I see you here we need wart to hop on so we could go back to Safe yeah I know that’s the only thing we need walart for came all happy got the levels you guys got the levels and [ __ ] I got all the levels

Basically this pick is slow as a [ __ ] I’m make the bridge from over here for this one all right all right you fall bro you’re done so that teleport me I have toat make get the brid when I see was kind of close nice now I don’t think I’m going to have

Enough hold no here I have enough do it now why like crazy Tor in the bottom this game wants us to die God are you still looking down yeah same bro I see you can look up also yeah you could think to this we right yeah this one this one

Yeah why every realm so hard bro huh why is this realm so hard you did already yeah all right oh we need to find the village Spa can I don’t like type of oh I think I see oh never mind it’s just just a floating Boat you see it I wish I wish these are these [ __ ] were easier like the pigs I don’t see one is it this hard to find one yeah it is bro it is kind of hard to find it oh nice a path right here any hope hope Kevin doesn’t go in there

Here I hope not cuz we’re going to need that [ __ ] I’m just digging up the [ __ ] is this piece of [ __ ] they by me oh my God you’re not I know where you went though oh my God that one’s so far away all these [ __ ] are split so far

Away I just get a like an ender ey and throw it over there yeah but you got to make sure you you do a [ __ ] a good uh yeah I’ll go for the first one I’ll go first hold up yeah you keep I’m scared bro what the

[ __ ] I’m about to put this [ __ ] creative mode here don’t not they’re not going you going to be the one to get us out yeah oh my I already went in no freaking way wait where you guys going we’re trying to find the [ __ ] yeah

Stay let me go in pretty much lost in this point yeah we’re lost just you can teleport to to the coordinates just do locate structureal and City yeah later what do that mean what does that do if I do that what you put what do you mean if I you basically

Saying type local structure and City I don’t know I was just playing I think you could though no no no that’s it that’s all I got um have your tort already yeah in try like what what does that do though if I T that in oh cuz the same

Guy that I’m been been communicating he said uh just do um local structure and City I don’t know what that means though if I type that [ __ ] in chat NE location of close and City all right what get your teleporter bro yeah have any I want I want to throw

My eye over there right all right all all all all I’m me ready all right I’m ready all right do it I I’m going to die I did it teleport teleport what about me dog teleport towards me oh yeah you’re [Laughter] right you know where you is isn’t here

Where you find Warden or some [ __ ] yeah no yeah you do find a warden no we’re here in the Ender yeah no Ender I think so I seen some [ __ ] like that all we on this [ __ ] right now what the [ __ ] oh he went in there oh

I’m going to go back it’s a lot of Ender Kevin you might die yeah a [ __ ] Enderman teleported top of me they’re not don’t even try to engage bro on them [ __ ] we almost die [ __ ] so many of them it’s like I had like on me and [ __ ] and we don’t have

Water I left all my water in the [ __ ] Dragon area do now you have you guys didn’t find it okay guess you the want to make your life better what do you mean All right wait where you go bro oh there you are there no more oh yeah I got 30 let’s see I can make it to 30 where’s the portal to go back it’s not here it’s above you Oh the n city he’s saying like we could you could just tatort over there in the n city already I think that’s what he’s saying the n city we talking about right here the N you was dying all right I I’ll have that in mind okay I’ll put locate structure and City

Okay got you we on Call of Duty bro this [ __ ] we brought the weekend instead of Call of Duty bro [ __ ] my little bro bought that [ __ ] the cab like get it for me get it for me please that cabin S search right now yeah we in Call of Duty bro want to

Play search now you ass in search my boy what one me the best shut the [ __ ] up talking to a veteran of D I’m a veteran we playing since War play call D the First Call of Duty bro I did it bro no I think I’ve been playing since Black Ops one yep

Same then I bought like mod Warfare 3 Black Ops 2 infinite warfare ghost Black Ops 3 we can’t find it bro just do the thing the guy said to fight the warden not to get out here teleport with the but I want to go in there can I go in

There no oh but too bad I’m going in f d [ __ ] fight it bro he n city I think I saw n city what do you mean that me that’s inity bro that’s a p you need to go at no we don’t no [ __ ] no you got like stacks of golden

Apples [ __ ] that [ __ ] up bro type in the n city like cck on the n city it would take you there so do I do it right now or what or we keep searching I teleport [ __ ] I’m out oh I think I could teleport myself to

You oh [ __ ] I was about to teleport you to me I think I found it I see light I think oh how the [ __ ] he he’s attacking me oh this thing is right behind me he’s right behind me I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead oh my

God oh it’s the other portal he found the other portal Place Chris I need help a [ __ ] get an apple and teleport me [ __ ] I am [ __ ] what you talking about I have like 30 [ __ ] on me take down you have enough time to survive be

Back get oh I found it get in your Apple and just teleport [ __ ] I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead app you have apple eat

It I was like I was like like eating apple I [ __ ] okay he had I had 30 NES on me bro you only have one hurry up Jesus Christ are you still a veteran I’m die over there bro here found it I found it found it water let’s go let’s go are

They still trying to kill me I’m right here I’m right behind you I’m looking down let’s see your feets oh my God you saw that BR I almost di [ __ ] all right right here you got to eat your feather f u the PO drink the potion cuz there one of the mobs right

There it makes you fly oh I already I don’t have that no more wait wait wait oh yeah yeah I do I do I do I gave you three now me we need advice yeah I got you I’ll let you know the [ __ ] was that you heard that [ __ ] oh what the

[ __ ] you can make a chest out of these guys that sh’s following you bro that going to hit you it doesn’t do damage I’m going yeah fall you’re good what what that the [ __ ] is that they make the weird this noise though yeah oh my God keep [ __ ] up

Did I kill him with my crossbow going it’s still going yeah it’s still going up where’s the boat see the boat but I don’t know where oh it’s right there look at that [ __ ] why dangerous what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] hit me oh she follow me that should hit me a

I’m floating I know me too oh it’s chest over here if you if you get hit you start fly flying around if you have fall slow falling you would just be didn’t get to read it yeah we have that already yeah what the [ __ ] why

Am I doing what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] he hitting me [ __ ] a I keep floating lasses oh my oh mind is going to last for a okay I found a chest right here o Ender Chest I feel like I’m going to O diamond sword and Diamond pants that oh he dropped

Something yeah you could um I just uh just for you can make a crafting table out of them Instagram oh I found another chest oh there like [ __ ] like there’s like three of these [ __ ] they sound like frogs you waste potions already bro wait you already got this it was it this one

You you were looking you got your potion R off let me know I could give you other one I subscribe and turn on notification to me to me you guys are really funny oh thank you bro appreciate that sure it homie sure it damn [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] shooting damn [ __ ]

Damn [ __ ] has have water rabbit make sure to let me know you have po U you don’t have potions I got some I’m going go in we found it but we found it but I see the boat I see the boat over there light dick [ __ ] missing not on the good stuff bro

Rabbit I put torches down the [ __ ] you got your back yeah what the this [ __ ] oh you know what then this is actually cheating I’m floating all the way on top to the top follow to kill these guys oh my you didn’t bother to kill none of them no they

Teleported how you guys go in there with the eye ey oh with the eye oh my [ __ ] right now oh my he’s back to save us have you Che that you take that chest already right there yeah watch over there in the middle in the middle you

Probably did I think that’s where you came from yeah [ __ ] I’m going back right there bro over there bro I know I know bro I know I got us oh well you guys found one yeah we found one all hold on let me let me do it first and

Then I’ll you go next I got I’m should I make three or two to what I same me neither [ __ ] dying [ __ ] game over from me I’mma Farm these [ __ ] bro yo no what’s up BR you’re turn turn beat the game yeah [ __ ] many want without [ __ ] I that with my powerful

Bow oh I did too you’re not ping you’re heling how do you [ __ ] die I don’t know [ __ ] I mean he did had we did had a [ __ ] di too like you did had only bow and I only I only have like 14 Diamonds though either that or I give him my diamond

Sword no what he broke my enchanted helmet yeah my my my nether hel is about to break oh oh get out the way get out the way I shoot that [ __ ] oh what the [ __ ] you doing goofy [ __ ] tort me I know I know I know I know

Dud you’re goofy [ __ ] what are you doing I said move [ __ ] I going to hit that [ __ ] no you didn’t not bro you should have said that [ __ ] next time say that [ __ ] [ __ ] made my hard dve I got the one on top all when you ready teleport TOS me

I’m here you let me teleport hold up potion look at that elytra right there give me that [ __ ] [ __ ] give me that [ __ ] [ __ ] you bit give oh diamonds [ __ ] oh my God I can open oh Diamond Helmet protection four respiration three all right my elytra

Now all here here but help me find help me find one imagine I could duplicate it boy I give it to you we need to find another boat we need to find another boat oh c what is this instant Health two there’s two potions over

There all I’m going go to Call of Duty you guys could teleport to Omar your elytra all I’m staying I’m going now there’s only one though yeah because I’m about to dip you’re about to dip mm nah why bro I’m about to go find um tropical

Fish no oh we need to find that we’re going to We need oh I don’t have the feather [ __ ] no more I really got to be careful I really got to be careful getting down here looking for that fish what the boss yeah the boss fish temp I’m going teleport you I need

I need the drinking nose I’m out of here yeah I need I need I need a drink I need a drink teleport for me all right all hey I could just put the down I could down I’m afraid I don’t know how to use itot just risking risk

Reason [ __ ] get he’s giving me the chance like do you f I’mma do it first first falling slow falling my typ it you get it yeah on water place when I B them n g [Laughter] about to do I put all those nines [ __ ] what the [ __ ] do that or

What he told you to do that or what yeah you add a on accident where which one which one is it oh yeah yeah I see it blacksmith what the [ __ ] is a blacksmith Clash of Clans is that a new Building what a new building think I I did it like That that’s what the [ __ ] says really say that like that change I just PR it Now finish it you did it I had to put the one true wait no not yet like that too you want had to put this oh my risking it like this let me know yeah my [ __ ] let me know when to prush squirt what do you guys doing if I Happ

Right what what are you guys trying to do oh my God I didn’t I didn’t even look at him [ __ ] is so stupid what so [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God thank you bro [ __ ] like got like all the cheeko he’s like a [ __ ] guy BG I’mma teleport myself to

Chris all that [ __ ] R down God [ __ ] [ __ ] B has that [ __ ] in his notebooks I’m br you got that [ __ ] all we got to keep looking for those wings bro I need one um do the spawn location see you can teleport to one nearby remember what he said oh that’s

Cheating oh the thing he said huh yeah but is that’s what it’s called the n city that at all right [ __ ] put LOL yes s ski CH be to that H [ __ ] bro greedy in the roof and [ __ ] my bro it won’t work you’re too close to the other one you found oh so we got to go farther Chris goofy boy we got to go far we need to how far

Do we need to come how far bro how far we need to go like stupid far all not that far just go the opposite way or else I might teleport you to the same one all right true true true true I’m over there I might I might let

Me let me have that sh ready then hope I hope I didn’t went to the one we how far we need to it’s it said I guess far uh never mind let’s go back I I’m literally seeing the one we went to hey about to go about to go to the same

One well you mean that way like straight ahead over there oh you went that that one I went so far away you no to the other land but I real how it is back need to do like three more pistols and I’m done two pist what

Say you just have to be out of the radius of the other and city but you really don’t now when you have done the C let me see this goofy stream bro what’s your Twitch not twitch bro too you too the same thing BR he green eyes LS but uh space on the

On the green eyes n SAR he a l h yeah I’m a l since since like [ __ ] when I was a little kid h n Kevin swear he you are not a CR green eyes uhhuh and space LS l o w KS turn it day time well see don’t tell me don’t tell

Me what to do I’m all right my nether hel is going to the could have put Unbreaking on it do you want to become immortal no that’s cheating that’s weird cheaty right there that’s B the cheat the most cheaest [ __ ] ever you know we kind of you know we did

Cheat a little bit like just tort and all that that’s it but mean yeah that’s like basic though yeah but and and then we have it on hard mode too so going to even it out there all right I guess cheat to get XP hey B you heard that is there is

There a way to get um XP fast do you want to hack that [ __ ] has a hacking everything is that you bro that say hi no no type in the chat let me see what my name bro me what hi oh yeah he put the XP thing yeah he

Did oh T you took teleport to me all right me [ __ ] this Ed M really want me to look at them G ass [ __ ] are you do mod for two ranked yeah cuz your [ __ ] die and [ __ ] a lot yeah what’s up guys so today goofy I got five people watching holy

[ __ ] you’re going to make 50 cents right now one penny thank you guys for watching my stream bro now you’re feeding the poor you know you guys giving me one penny oh two people left already damn it that [ __ ] adds up thank you might here what do you mean

I’m teleport you back never mind I made it I’m going teleport I think I found all the net entity yes sir damn without doing that who’s calling this Electra hurry up call it me me me teleport me no hell no [ __ ] I’m calling this [ __ ]

[ __ ] man I I I just have it in my pocket the number one out of 10 and plus and plus and plus you put you could put um I think you could put on breaking three on the elra too I doubt it meny can you put on it These [ __ ] really want me to look at them no only two people watching look at it cave I don’t know about you Chris I’m already going to go up there already what I’m I already going to go up there already yeah it’s going to be for Kevin

Hell no n that Kevin don’t not deserve this [ __ ] hear that [ __ ] yeah deserve that [ __ ] bro I Died he lost his stuff he lost his powerful weapons you know why the that’s my what did we get two beacons doesn’t do [ __ ] no I put in the ne wait are you going to search up top or you want me to search it’s probably a chest up there no you the

Button oh [ __ ] a f a [ __ ] a f again yo B is is the fetishes going to stay on me the forever in the whole entire game this [ __ ] was lasting in a long time oh it is [ __ ] holy [ __ ] oh it’s four minutes no he he did not

Give me 4 minutes he basic he gave me Infinity type of [ __ ] oh my I sticking it it says uh 16, 656 and 49 Second holy [ __ ] L of says um break the End chest mean cuz I’m afraid [ __ ] might break just breaking it with a pickaxe break what end chest I haven’t

Been getting it all right hold up give me a minute [ __ ] [ __ ] are get [ __ ] hit me [ __ ] so I can fly up way easier right look you’re stupid like sound like frogs and [ __ ] getting there right now oh [ __ ] what the [ __ ] fine I think went through the wall

No I’m going to [ __ ] die I’m kid you want me to break this what the end chest yeah yeah yeah break it see what happen how do I break it how do I break it with what with a pickaxe all right he just gave me a gain of obsidian

Ah broke I’ll be back I’m going take a piss he broke it that’s why I think I think you need sub CH it’s not good though we can make some of that [ __ ] you fell down what happened I thought you fell down no I’m still stuck in try to get up there rib

Ribbit no can you come here would it help me out with this [ __ ] you got some block on you I’m I’m getting I’m I’m letting them hit me so I could flying doesn’t last that long I know so I got to be really careful you not dead what the

[ __ ] cuz a legend never D on me no talk about like the little sh what you want me to do that building a bridge over there I don’t know more oh I don’t have [ __ ] are you br this stupid [ __ ] right here I don’t have nothing

Bro I going to shoot you what going to shoot me little thing still falling around look oh come over here make it go go go you’re you’re not going to make it bro you’re not going to make it it make it make

It I made it I made it I made it I made it oh my God just literally rised my [Laughter] life n I’m a gig oh I suppos man let me get that bro you already got that [ __ ] for Kevin Kevin did not do nothing bro Dam the these armors are really good

Projectile protect 4 Unbreaking three mending one he has mending on it already holy [ __ ] let me get that [ __ ] [ __ ] you’re not getting [ __ ] [ __ ] okay I already find the elytra bro uh I’m going to put on the elytra and get down there bro only way I

Die I might I might die here okay so ly bro don’t do it I don’t want you to do it don’t do it I have to D though I’m good all right either ways I could just jump down and I could still be alive I’m Flying [ __ ] look at me y’all go find the other one go find the other one I made it down you go teleport all right oh I’m far fol wait how did I found this One Direction oh I me to help you oh what the [ __ ] is going on go inside I’m

Inside oh I just got here I want to go back to Village they time they time they time the [ __ ] is killing me hey teleport me to one more hold hold on I’m not even over there I’m like far as [ __ ] [ __ ] I I’m in Dubai and [ __ ] this

[ __ ] come on bro let’s get out of here bro let’s get out of here fly fly fly bus out [Laughter] here you try flying through the window yeah he breaks his arm about that mus in the background [ __ ] I fly fly [ __ ] music on you that’s a song that Chris be listen

To okay hey go okay this is the set we need to go to right find other one you just need to find one more and we’re done sorry Omar we don’t have no time for you bro y going to be all over here the [ __ ] oh I found another Village

[ __ ] hey this is far I know nobody’s been over here I’m B my phone die all right for sure bro no we need to find one for Omar at least it take too much time to find other one no we don’t we just got to go

Far so we could um so I could type in the chat no yes [ __ ] it’s not fair that [ __ ] is not yeah you’re going to die I made it oh my God oh God that [ __ ] that [ __ ] did everything with my diamonds bro still talk about his diamonds get

Diamond wish di find [ __ ] tropical waters [ __ ] that [ __ ] don’t even exist no more I don’t does it no it does ex can n I’m a rude G I’m teleported with the ey and [ __ ] bro stop the [ __ ] Camp bro [ __ ] what ifone do

It I did it [ __ ] I bro I did the riskiest one I was floating [ __ ] in the air bro [ __ ] we’re FEA falling yes but still I could have still fell down and died all right we’re far enough W try to use it right now all

Right my man all right Brent type it type in the chat again for it cuz that [ __ ] is all the way up out I can’t I don’t want to I don’t want to look up like go back to the comments trying to find the typing [ __ ] can you type it for

Me please should be please pretty please yeah I’m going go down these tag be hittings though Hy is that more taco meat Erica Kevin gring the camels wait are you Kevin Kevin Kevin for [ __ ] dead blue face baby yeah did he type it oh wait he just no he still hasn’t tped yet well we’re trying to we’re trying to find the nend city remember you you put it like the n

City we we trying to we I’m I’mma type it we we need another like two ready we got we got to find godamn it where is it where is it at bro it’s not here all right you going Ty again all right good no another Village [ __ ] damn like my Lally none left

Like like [ __ ] teleporting and [ __ ] [ __ ] no I’m too Health [ __ ] what are these look yummy yeah how you still can’t find him more no more do you see what I time no I don’t see what you time it doesn’t pop up most likely I’m going have

To I’m might have to [ __ ] go look up cuz I don’t see I think I’m f it they’re like Teleporting damn his what did you find is it like this let me know why bro why I had him he took you off when I hit you yeah know I Know there a PS5 you forgot underscore which one where oh okay I know which one in the city a [ __ ] name got the elyra we didn’t even need them what the [ __ ] day time daytime hey [ __ ] I can’t go back home [ __ ] how come lost wait we got to put the cords I

Thought going to take teleport us where are you oh [ __ ] oh my godb ass AI shited happened no nothing says no just walk or you can TP to the cords how how do I teleport to the cours my L man bro I hate this no we’re going to have to find it

Bro I don’t have time for that why you dying we just leave bro h no if we leave I’m taking that [ __ ] the wing from Kevin you to use you be scared to use it n no I don’t bro I I know how to use it you be scared to use it [ __ ] you know what what I’m just going to put Immortal this [ __ ] wow right after I die I don’t know how you but like it’s going to only going to be me though these [ __ ] not going to get it can I join now oh yeah you can join bro

You know what I save a spot for you because we have already nine players right here and we need 10 take one of the M no there’s a Code I Was Made It what if you got PlayStation I could add you it’s more faster the wing I’ll join later okay buy that

Maybe I BR made that [ __ ] I would have died I used end across the area over there you know I say the code oh look it there’s one over there but we been that one yeah well what we do now we go pass pass

It we pass it and then we go keep going straight what this side all right uh I don’t know where to go like like I’m kind of confus the direction like we came to this side right here already maybe if I’m a good boy can I

Have op what is what do you mean op this is new I haven’t seen this one like the I see see if we could teleport back with this here operator my god oh that is new one’s Hing me his face maybe we go this way bro maybe this way Come on bro we need to find one for me at least oh no no oh there’s another one over there a teleporter I think that’s where we came from maybe no might be one nearby maybe what does that do the one you say fake what what is that oh I’m going go right

Here and I know it’s just when I I’m back at the yig want to just come back yeah but I want to go back but I think water find his own lightra yeah you’re not going to leave until we find one so you better put the work

Bro for that look for that [ __ ] [ __ ] or I’m taking Kevin away oh it’s for speeding okay hold give me a minute I’ll is that hand I died think I found one I found one yeah it’s crazy far though oh I see it it that one I think it is a new one right get ready with the the teleport me I’m I’m going to risk this let me have my name ready on all

Right let me know hold on all right I’m ready all right did I teleport to you r and what yeah he’s following you yeah why en oh my God yes get out of the way [ __ ] oh you sure you have some of those white I have 60 hurry

Up I might I might just go for the chest no okay lava’s coming h shot got so many of them they really help me out though to get up no didn’t make it oh my hel bro see a chest down oh yeah I do see a chest no oh that was sh [ __ ] Yall want to play huh you want to play huh night time I mean day time hold up bro I’m getting kill up in this [ __ ] has some really good sh oh [ __ ] you’re to lazy to go over there no I fell again you look the chest looking me no it’s cuz I broke

It I need I need that [ __ ] to hit me don’t RK I put a daytime yet oh yeah I can do that hey no fair said don’t risk it he doesn’t want to see me dying that’s they can have backgound I’m getting that [Applause] [Laughter] [ __ ] I got it yeah I got three electras on me I’m just kidding I got you here all right we could teleport back now oh then we go find more you would do that by yourself no [ __ ] we’re not leaving we leaving [ __ ] yeah Chris help me are you look

Up oh [ __ ] is there really nothing up here no that’s just there an Ender head right here Ender head where like a mask oh oh sh it’s a polar bear did that sh do something to you oh so you’re saying all the three of them we saw there was some ass behind

Yeah oh my God [ __ ] the it fell down there I had to get it put this big bad baby on W [ __ ] like glitching trick shot [ __ ] let’s go you got to spin around circles you go in the bottom cuz took fall damage some reason that shit’s mine bro give me

It what what whatever you got like I know they dragon head oh why they attacking me they see as as a king bro they won’t attack me yeah we found one nice now we leave I’m out of here let me find out I just found the tropical

Water oh [ __ ] I have a chance to die here how I die here no no no no come here I think so this type of fish is get up get up I got you bro and I found hey they’re going on top with you just wait just wait it out just wait

It out let’s kill them first who’s at the Village I’m closer but I just don’t got a map to know where the [ __ ] it is you’re in the safe spawn n I’m like I’m closer to it though no but you’re in the same spot so we could teleport to you it doesn’t matter

Where he’s at bro we could just walk over there yeah that’s what if he take well I’m just asking what if he’s in around lava and then get your kill no I’m good I’m good I’m good right the [ __ ] creeper I just got to have fireworks on me and I can fly right

Now oh [ __ ] what do I throw your elytra away [ __ ] I take your [ __ ] [ __ ] I’ll kill you to kill me [ __ ] you we your sure your didn’t have sharpness [ __ ] do my [ __ ] does too you have on you right now is your what the [ __ ] where the

[ __ ] I don’t know dog to be honest where oh you just spawned in bro we finish a game nice I’m done with we foret how to kill the fish [ __ ] that [ __ ] my place is annoing to go you you say it was at the where you where you guys find it

At Kevin found it Kevin you w’t get B [ __ ] I’m going delete you well I can’t take no more fall damage bro you mean and the falling [ __ ] uh I got to remove it he said that he said that once I if I die it it goes away though

Oh we try to M you know see goo your homies couldn’t do this [Laughter] goo they even got tropies for this [ __ ] I got I did I only got trophies for playing God of War let me see I got a trophy oh we not going to get trophies

Because we did cheat just teleporting we’re not going to get trophies first of all bro able to getop we not using no teleport none of that [ __ ] would have be able you finish the game bro now to play Lego fortnite to finish now we got to do Minecraft uh Minecraft Lego

Fortnite haven’t done it yet I have played it the Lego yeah do Legos now completed it is even [ __ ] boss in that [ __ ] yeah yeah I don’t know maybe is like no purose that [ __ ] why why the car keep moving by itself I made it back home you didn’t

Even close it bro go close it made it back home move teleport to I didn’t move damn I got three elyas on me bro oh I got a diamond helmet protection floor stop playing w ass up [ __ ] that’s I can make the ne armor you’re not better than rela all right let’s put

It in my secret chest I can never get it give me that sh right now I delete this whole map they used to have so much damage bro I had to spend it so much that’s daytime what n Omar he lost we already made it to the

Village no no no I’m I’m going to find my get some [ __ ] bro I mean he doesn’t even have a b that’s why bro here I give you the one I already Ed I’m going to keep fresh here you you got you just got to make some fireworks fireworks oh yeah yeah then

Gave me the one the one I already used I might keep the fresh one n n give me my [ __ ] n you already use it give me Kevin give me Kevin give me K give me K you could just put mending on it it would be unbreakable you just killed B

What you do it [ __ ] here I don’t know how to do that [ __ ] do it you sp you have a lot of [ __ ] levels no I don’t know how to do that [ __ ] it’s easy go to the thing right here [ __ ] don’t want where’s the book

At just put the book first and then put the lightra how much it cost you two levels now you just got to put un breaking on it it won’t break the easy remember I don’t have any Unbreaking book that’s I think I do F that’s a crazy book I

Got think Kevin might have some oh I just duplicate 17 more apples ACD no I never I was trying to do it always what I could use dirt I could use dirt what what you talk about yeah you can use dirt to duplicate really how you just duplicate

Hey D I’m doing it look at look at my chat what do you use what do you use to duplicate the same [ __ ] you got to use what do you mean same [ __ ] that you has to be F no bro it could be dirt watch look at my look at my stream

Look at my stream real quick look all right you’re watching all right one two three lat see oh I mean yeah I want to learn how to duplicate other thing show your mouth show your mou [ __ ] die what you say to me little [ __ ] I want to die little [ __ ] Kevin trying to

The D what do you have blood on your your or really make a small one that [ __ ] cost a lot bro I already use it like a whole stack of my dam so we don’t need food no more we got apples yall [ __ ] still in the in the

One thing a sh bro I have your Electra on me right now where you still in there no we’re in the village oh invite me I mean teleport me bro there was a [ __ ] Enderman just staring at me this whole time he didn’t do nothing tell

To Dam we need to do um braid where’s my [ __ ] at where’s my [ __ ] at yeah yours is fresh and new jeez just need fireworks you got to make some fireworks fireworks F bro what yeah how do you make them you need to have paper and gunpowder right here oh easy I already

Got all those sh you got one too um W yeah nice firework for some reason cuz you’re we bro I see it I’m about to make it already not hey may me some fireworks I got books I got 75 fireworks [ __ ] let’s go get out of my way [ __ ] get out my way [ __ ] have it on goofy [ __ ] let me get some on the train I thought you had it on going to fight watch he going to fight watch see what the [ __ ] why is not letting me put it on [ __ ] am [ __ ] let me get some let me get some yeah there you

Go oh I made a reg one no you just got to put on your pocket the [ __ ] my pocket I think so really you got to make a what do you me got a I thought you just fireworks wa you Enchanted your [ __ ] or that’s how it just looks oh you got to

Jump jump and oh yeah and jump the [ __ ] yes [ __ ] shig [ __ ] let me get some you guys got some no I I’m flying [ __ ] God you said you fall down I’m [ __ ] die [ __ ] I have I have slow falling you need to have you need to have a breaking three

On it bro cuz you put meny on it but you need to have a breaking I don’t I don’t have that I don’t have a let me check to enchant see what I got yeah I need to have Unbreaking three bro I want to use it that [ __ ] there [ __ ] over

Here we need un breaking he already put on why you hit me bro I want flame more oh [ __ ] I D I have that so that die anyways Bast oh I can’t enchant my [ __ ] need books there’s something there’s something we we need oh bruh I Enchanted my pickaxe and I only

Got Fortune wait we could enchant we could enchant the thing yeah you can put Unbreaking three it last longer let me let me see wait do we need the BS or we just do it like right there have Unbreaking on it that oh never mind one of my

My I have iron pi oh you can do it with tools too yeah I think so I have a breaking power four and punching four punching one and manyy one can I de with that way you [ __ ] monkey you hear me [ __ ] oh what can I do it with boots or

No oh never mind I [ __ ] can I do with boots we need [ __ ] we need bgs how do we do with bgs we just got to get lucky okay okay okay I’m about to do that right now you guys have the guys have level some Bush we didn’t even got the [ __ ]

Ender um egg we just leave it there could put it here have like you bro look at me bro look at me good Omar where you at money for everything I don’t give [ __ ] he’s trying to get his stuff back I got really unlucky no no no no keep

Doing it what here I got the books just keep doing it when you keep getting Unbreaking give me give me all the books actually okay you number three don’t have it just spend one level at top it doesn’t have it just spend one level cuz it will

Change anyway you spend like only one XP all right so you want me to put put the books first and then I put the lapis and then check the first one third one it doesn’t have it just spin it just SP on the first one the first one I got

You yeah keep doing it cuz power three wow I got a lot of [ __ ] I need to throw all this [ __ ] away hey K I got to fix his secret chest my goofy bye yeah you got unlucky yeah I no I still haven’t done all of them I can watch you death Strider Three Knock Knock by one ugly booty I need two more bgs I got two more bgs let me see what I go what I get P Form one more one more one more got F falling for wow you got more books could got so much booked in the nether in the oh [ __ ] me one of you guys need to go back you guys remember how to go right n yeah I know bro b I have

It why can you not play Brent no I’m talking to this look at me bro look at me only thing we could do is probably is that my dog why is that who is probably fing let Kevin test it I want to see the [ __ ] Kevin F [ __ ] not here yes he’s

Moving where’s my dog that’s my dog yeah [ __ ] it’s not him I think is floating what L exploding in there what do for me there Kevin you muted [ __ ] you’re muted Fly Away how do I do that [ __ ] jump jump and shoot jump and do at the same time keep jumping double

Tap you got to shoot it though you got to shoot fire make sure you don’t know X and L2 yeah L2 yeah look up in the sky wait how do I fly how do I oh CES around Circle you try to go down this [ __ ] [ __ ] oh oh

What the [ __ ] press the up up um the upad I already fell down I’m shoot that [ __ ] right now [ __ ] look like Mr [Laughter] Beast I lost my B let’s go fight om let’s go find tou me yeah I can’t even use let’s go find omart let’s go find omart bro it’s far

Away I don’t even come on map with me no more get that get that hey bro here yeah I might die from doing this I think I might die here he how much you got how much you got how much you got Kevin I got 10 you got 10 how about you Chris

Yeah okay what direction what you how much you got uh fireworks eight it’s in this side all yeah okay he let me see he in this side right here he’s yeah he’s in this side going straight that way all you guys ready nice all right oh [ __ ] I took so

Much damage oh my God someone hit me and then you press L2 again to go forward okay I’m [ __ ] lagging oh my God this is cool bro that sh runs out but this sh is way better bro hey where the [ __ ] go make a left go left yeah go no no

Yeah go that way go no make right go yeah yeah Straight Ahead straight ahead go that way yeah I don’t think I’m going to want to use this to go back cuz that sh’s running out I think my should be around here yeah she’s running now bro what the

Pretty sure he’s in the cave is he in the cave right here yeah I’m in a cave for no reason oh I take no damage nice I’m expert in this [ __ ] he’s underneath me right here wait what if he’s out of the map though are you guys close by I hear

Somebody took fall damage off you are damn [ __ ] I’m about to duplicate your [Laughter] goofy he’s in the cave is strugging over there not I use it just [ __ ] his is going to break faster than ours you need yeah you can put meny on it we just got to kill mobs that’s it

Back up or we could just go creative and just really thinking now how deep is he go my is I’m not sure he could probably be outside the map though imagine I’m just digging down here just for nothing I mean I’m at 30 right now Kev you can’t find or

What Kevin [ __ ] I’m going just mine diamonds [ __ ] if I go down I mean what we got to do next we need to find the fish bro just download war zone and war war zone is kind of ass bro you seen the graphics just like shitty right now cuz the

Server should be better now sh like it sh felt like I was playing on the PS4 for real well I’m going back home go back I’m going just keep mining I think Kevin yeah I don’t think Kevin made it this far though BR I I’m not even trying to like

Do all like good I just wanted we just really use the typing thing just for like like what when we need it you know like we don’t do it just need to get up got here I he’s going to hop on then I hop on yeah I’m just like pretty

Quick I should does yeah oh my sh is drowning CR you need to kill some mobs bro and turns night time just go out there kill the mom you get XP and it go up back up pretty slow though that’s the thing goes up though anyways wait don’t do not leave yet let

Me know you’re back to Village I’m back that’s it well we did it we won oh then we just got wait for what the B Call of Duty playing SE and and Omar I don’t know if he gets Call of Duty probably [Applause] not we passed it how long for in a week

We pass itek GG in the chat this holy shitty shot that’s right Ser pleas [Applause] me we did it bro we passed it how how many bars you take away from that how many bars you took away almost kill me bro five took away five bars yeah

Must Carlos Adventure Time go got come back oh when when you got to start doing this hearing stuff oh we did it already hey that that Supernova skin looks sick the [ __ ] C [ __ ] not the [ __ ] how do we make books [ __ ] how do we make

Books go back to the Head tur bro you go back to it bro come on oh what the [ __ ] the blueprint is sick for what gun is it is that one Bush gun I’m using right now yeah I think so Kevin Kevin give where left where he left back home [ __ ] that

[ __ ] give that elytra and [ __ ] should I get that skin bro get the you think it’s worth it Chris give that [ __ ] 20 bucks right now bro you get Call of Duty I think he has 20 bucks already on his account give you some ha [Laughter] for and you give him 20 bucks and I give him 20 bucks and you have a chance to get the game no I’m going get it I’m going get it I’m telling you bro I’m going to get it but I don’t know when like I know

It’s going to be this month but I’m not sure what day you better get it before rank comes out oh yeah for sure I’ll have it before ranks but bad thing is that I’m not going to have [ __ ] attachments rank everything’s locked but that [ __ ] should have been the Mastery

Camo that [ __ ] looks sick look weak I do something oh okay I know no in bra everything’s locked bro the guns everything is locked yeah I forgot I forgot about that you should remote the elyra your back bro I know n just trying to look cool wait is this for

The for the other side a you see the name of the what team is it let me see SP is that like I’m going to get it bro I’m going to get it bro get it he’s getting like a year he’s going get I understand he said this month like

What like next week week oh no it’s in the same side as Cybercat get it I need I need um sugar cane didn’t you guys put some here have in the back side where where the machines are at remember where where where where the loot the XP farm is

At this guy actually put some work in this house pretty nice like inside house make sure to un them All one V one me my n what to get his game Kevin [ __ ] B me one him came cheese bro Kevin I demolish that [ __ ] fck is so they is so much behind some behind you know I Know the [ __ ] what sh me all right time to make books now to commit for This I know I Know let me look at your [ __ ] secret chest B gu secret chest blast protection form how much Lev you got anyway what do I need Unbreaking yeah oh power four piering three like T like Nas B protection three wow ban of allop PODS three fire protection Three my baby I got I’m breaking one that’s nothing need to be three [ __ ] three I got no more I’m run I was all my XP how much you had it though like 50 right 55 hold up hold up I know I know that oh oh my God [ __ ] oh my God protection three oh my God oh my God I’m not getting it bro y Call of Duty bro how he huh how you head the headset is weird oh yeah that’s just’s loud no that’s just low get K oh fortune 3 bro I could use that I could put it in my mean you did it Kevin

But I can’t hear you no more I’m breaking too do I every time I put breaking on the wings I just got to keep doing it and keep doing it so it won’t go away you mean or it does it break it breaks yeah but you got

A got a so you’re basic if you keep up uh upgrading it I think it breaks after a while so we’re saying we’re not going to have the wings at all for forever now hell no just go out kill some Ms you kill some Ms oh yeah X you

Have oh yeah yeah I have to have it on so mending is better can it’s good cuz mending if if I do mending forever um what’s that kind it won’t go away I stay with me forever can know yeah especially you have stupid ass [ __ ] you can’t loud what the [ __ ] is it do I still get it with a bow if I kill people and kill the mods with the bow and that still works no yeah it should you know those flying things uh those things yeah about I’m hitting them with the bone so I’m not

Sure if my shit’s getting that’s good CU we need that to repair I think I it’s right there yeah So quick are you is it isn’t it repairing or know a little bit a little bit yeah it is you do that yeah I think I’m going just keep mending then if you do get Unbreaking three but I don’t want to go I don’t want to let it be gone forever

Forever when m i ke I could keep it forever because all I got to do is just fight bro we W bro how does it feel [ __ ] put green a in his character swear youing swear [ __ ] what n put green KN on his [ __ ] [Laughter] character want to be Mr Beast [ __ ] get

Out here Mr be knock [ __ ] then Mr Beast looks like me then nah [ __ ] just just play mod Minecraft ler yours kind of what you playing with him apex apex I don’t think Kevin has Apex I think he should I think he does he just play it

Kev I’m going be ass that so ass in Apex bro like my aim is completely off we’re dunies bro we’re dunies would have felt better we got but feel good how do you feel Omar oh my don’t know what to do anymore I gave up on life

Now only thing you get a c on Minecraft is when they add your mom no we need to [ __ ] fight that we need to fight the fish [ __ ] the fish he said a b he’s a side boss [ __ ] no he is a boss I’m not go in the water [ __ ] try to fight

That have get [ __ ] you want to get [ __ ] on by me you want to get killed by me know when what we doing now um be chilling now I know big ass houses [ __ ] big ass cities imagine building that in a world that you [ __ ] like you already like

Beat oh God I’m be like I’m going have a world like PewDiePie and [ __ ] oh God n that [ __ ] that [ __ ] been playing that game for like [ __ ] like 30 years yeah but the thing is he’s better because playing on Hardcore when he dies does everything in the world [ __ ] weak [ __ ]

Don’t hype that [ __ ] that’s how been playing [ __ ] [ __ ] it you should download you should you should get finals what it’s pretty cool the game the game I showed you fin yeah you should get it right now you play it pretty dope it’s like three teams like three of us it be

It be me you and Kevin I don’t know play can’t it’s final it’s for free the game is is is released now free I should play the the the Lego [ __ ] on [ __ ] fortnite that sh bad oh I need to download the game bag I

Got to downlo fin right now this sh is like [ __ ] Minecraft n crazy I I’m down find right now got downlo you should download it bro F that Deleted this to Charlotte marfia bro you go to the store you look at the bottom you see right trap house right now I downloaded what right now it’s only it’s taking only oh why about to finish downloading already just download Quick [ __ ] Now don’t B right Here I finish for me Already I [Laughter] B [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t know what I don’t know what to do no more bro I the D [ __ ] finals the [ __ ] is a final you want to do work they talking about school the finals is that game that’s what it called was that game you see go to play last

Time oh that game yeah I don’t know I really didn’t like it but be honest like didn’t get my attention that [ __ ] I know bro or charl Mia homie no bch that [ __ ] Knock my stomach is burning yeah so fast delicious is on me you can’t lie them [ __ ] be hitting when you haven’t eat them for a long time h h where’s my sh Place Another cave bro we get to play with him the [ __ ] we going to play

Man I don’t know some AP I guess on this cuz only got I only got Apex Uno F guys FIFA Hot Wheels recro they have [ __ ] Ro here is fun and all that but [ __ ] it let’s go to Apex F okay let’s go nice all right I’m end the live wait

Wait wait wait a hell no wait what what happened I don’t want you to [ __ ] leave me all right I just wait where is that [ __ ] what’s his name Kevin or can or a [ __ ] yeah I don’t even know how to get out of here yeah hold on hold on let me

Just over more thing what h h [ __ ] is going on [ __ ] playing h h wa Boy I know you h n would play Apex W hold on hold on hold on hold on h where where that to go Apex uh you could invite me invite you H oh wait actually I I don’t get off what that know where yeah yeah I know you I already know you

GTA the best game [ __ ] talking about it’s boring I get a headache playing that [ __ ] it’s fun when you’re playing with peopleo trust like for me I’m the best at [ __ ] GTA bro [ __ ] how the [ __ ] is this supposed to work what supposed to what what the thing what thing I think

They they took off the rails I’m not sure where they there’s like two rails missing I think it’s probably like in your side of your house no no no right here like on this side there’s two Ra I [ __ ] with skinny [ __ ] you watching my stream [ __ ] that [ __ ] watch My Stream watch My Stream bro let me know you watching there keep doing it he has a lot of dirt you see it yeah you’re watching yeah what the hell it’s not working no more it’s not working no

More Ian no it’s not working no more know how to do it I was just doing that right now what the [ __ ] or maybe maybe it’s because it’s a little bit see you saw it yeah may it has to be over now maybe I was just doing it the

Wrong time cuz I know you could do it one is he see what I did I don’t need this goofy [ __ ] the [ __ ] it does want to do with this um we eggs maybe D you K the Phantom f wait what killed the Phantom I don’t know Phantom

FL oh cuz I made a daylight oh what happened oh [ __ ] I have here what the [ __ ] I can’t do it no more I can’t do okay no more it’s not en me no more dup cake a I almost had it what the [ __ ] no it’s not enemy anymore the [ __ ] is going

On wait you say you want a tropical fish yeah I have one where it was in my chest no way which one though I could bring it to you if you want the puffer one the orange one the Nemo looking one oh but is it alive I don’t know it was I’m pretty

Sure it is yeah this is hand I don’t know that been dead in my chest yeah I think it’s dead if you I think it’s dead let see hold on yeah cuz I have to go with my with the with the the what’s it called

Bucket yeah yeah yeah there you go I was L where the [ __ ] is my wait don’t tell me I D duplicate on them look look in the sky look at this guy H more she’s going to break bro [ __ ] a break no look good bro oh [ __ ] I

Just she’s going to break bro you have any bro he just fli to my house she she’s going to break at that [ __ ] oh damn here bro oh Dam you’re looking here that yeah can I eat that for can I eat this for like Health yeah where

[ __ ] Dam and it gives you like three extra Hearts no you know with the diamond with the Pro Club Shir come on you want to try to under if you go on the roof or the house you could you could literally break that one or put it on top take

Me that [ __ ] dead [ __ ] St in his hand is it de I think so I don’t know how the [ __ ] he’s going to put it in here look drop it n [ __ ] no it’s dead yeah if you drop it it’s dead you fish in there Bro Look at is alive bro look it’s

Moving up this wait what if I put him in the bucket maybe he turn back to life maybe yeah possible why do I I have a buget oh I let my buy over there yeah oh you have a buget it’s right there in the farm oh my stomach’s burning CU just

Dropped right there all right I need to go get water I’ll be back no you can’t unless wait un this in the crafting table we try to make it be alive oh God how get you could get a fish and a and that you could put that [ __ ] have your fish tropical

Fish you you talking about the big ones the big n there’s some that are like they’re like blue some them are different colors no you can’t do [ __ ] next to that there’s coral and all this type of stuff so I need to find that hole dead

Nemo dead so how do we got to keep fishing can n we got to find the whole Ravine like that little that little uh Pond Pond just that type of [ __ ] I found a light fish I get I did a you could get that one yeah you could put it

In here a life fish so that how you then what the [ __ ] you you do with this fish that I have then NE mod you eat that [ __ ] I think no you cannot eat it bro I tried doing that and it doesn’t let me for a potion maybe yeah maybe a potion oh

[ __ ] how do I get up there I forgot to this side over there over there on that side on the hill where on the hill right there oh yeahuh hey little guy I think he ate he ate the oh no he ate the fish it’s right there in the

Botom his own creature I can’t find the fish that I that I want I’ll block it later I’ll block it oh my stomach is burning don’t milk my it’s still long [ __ ] call duty nigga’s ass what we want them huh oh smack them on a One V one

Who Tom to M for 19 bro when the free to play version for Call of Duty you should be able to sh stop the [ __ ] cabinet and don’t have me on yeah all loud it blows up imag [ __ ] because I did this again you s us a firework up his house and

[ __ ] it catch on [Laughter] fire it doesn’t make no like explosive yeah I think outside no it doesn’t they watch I think it’s cuz it’s raining let me see let me see let me see that [ __ ] is n n no [ __ ] one me bro FIFA [ __ ] scared he doesn’t have it in

Him no more wait do we even have people I think so like I’m like [ __ ] what’s his name I forgot that soccer player what’s his name forgot his name I don’t know I’m like B and [ __ ] Dam the next Ronaldo last time I put fishes in there like that in

There yeah and they die why’ they die cuz they stuck they stay stuck sometimes they do die oh that’s why they die yeah that’s why I I think that’s why I put the grass in there you can put kelp in there too and [ __ ] I think that’s [ __ ] like

Twitching yeah been stuck right there for a long time he’s going to die bro yeah fortnite fortnite for Life what should we we do take a picture take a picture oh I want to do something else what screenshot has been uploaded where that uploaded the screenshot don’t

Know okay you know how you could take pictures like Press Start and then the bottom it’s like a camera you see it om yeah and then when you share it where where does where do you share it at oh I don’t know it depends n you’re logged

Into now why I’m not logging into YouTube the only thing it’s kind of weird one more I might take fall damage bro see me look I’mma do it I’mma do it I’mma do it look at look I’mma fly I’mma fly I can’t die bro because I got I got hacks I got

Immortal damn ment DN I feel like playing pro clo right now bro got have you guys are going to hop on tomorrow really I’m going to do that I don’t know probably have school tomorrow no don’t go school head ass boy he I’m not going to have the day off

Until like tomorrow’s my day off right so my next day my next week day off since it’s kind of busy I’m not going to get on till Monday Monday and Tuesday on my day off next week like on Wednesday I go to work no please please no no hold on

Stupid I’m just chilling right now bro I’m just laying down my stomach is burning stop I’m watch Jeffy oh I’m going tell my girl to buy me The Jeffy Shir no the last last last time we went to the mall and like do you know like sometime the mall has like stands inside

Like the stands like like little stands in the middle of the mall you know what I’m talking about right yeah and like the there’s a there’s this like a stand where like they make shirts and they have like different designs shirts but like they make them like they make they’re the one

That make them like a little spot so there was a Jeffy shirt right there bro that’s you just see Jeffy right there with his [ __ ] blue helmet and [ __ ] yeah yeah that one it was this one it was this one again hold up you show me when I I back hold

Up oh you know about it yeah I come back all right bro all right the N hopping up be right back yeah he probably going hop off he was waiting for me well you usually he gets off around this time though I didn’t know you know about that yeah

No actually I’m going tell her I’m going just wait until I see her I’m tell her you bought me The Jeffy shirt oh you’re not you’re at home right now no I’m in the middle of the [ __ ] open no no no like at your house oh no

I’m at my girl’s house oh she’s working no she went to the mom oh all right yeah that’s why that’s the reason why I bought up The Jeffy shirt cuz since we saw the mall and she went to the mall the same all that we Went gang gang turn D time oh [ __ ] h h here still have a picture of n Omar post it outside the block at my house I’m getting hit what the [ __ ] how the [ __ ] this Z [ __ ] this [ __ ] got in my house sh oh no om more he told was scared to play

FIFA I want to play FIFA with him fre bro I’m more freea bro play that game no more he’s that they too Scar the [ __ ] was that The Jeffy you s I miss The1 has big job and then weol partnership this is not a game to me this a [ __ ] way of life I got a [ __ ] family I got nothing no one gives a [ __ ] about me I [ __ ] you I saw your IED you it turns out that everything I [ __ ] thought about you

Was wrong every dead not what the [ __ ] are you I’m your [ __ ] nightmare up with your goddamn threats up in North Yankton exactly who was buried in your place I never gave it any thought you’re [ __ ] dead you’re [ __ ] dead TR hey in the dark out light I’ll give it a rest

Trevor there’s nothing there I didn’t know look we do what we got to do to survive this thing it didn’t work out the way it was supposed to oh how was that huh with Brad in the can and me in the ground or or or both of us in the

Cost Brad got shot you saw it he didn’t make it I got shot I did thing I didn’t go as plann was me showing up on your doorstep 10 years later mik I mourn you and I missed you I got a [ __ ] family tror we were all going to die he did die

You [ __ ] I didn’t want it to come to this yes you did you’re going to the [ __ ] balls to do it fans have fiercely defend close Soo instagr my boyfriend hasing princess with girl from bom of course I had to get myself a p controller he got so happy yeah [ __ ] I

Know for sure [ __ ] have I know that [ __ ] was [Applause] [ __ ] all around the [Applause] world BR you bir Island [ __ ] Omar he’s still trying to find diamonds for all the fragrance lovers world doesn’t exist anymore Gohan after I had saved it from the Androids and cell someone resembling your father attacked us nothing compared to the Androids he wanted to eradicate us all but unlike all the others he succeeded

Our world gone and all because I traveled back in time to prevent this future from ever happening it was my fault Gohan but I had no other choice I did what I had to do to give our world a second chance but apparently this was too much to ask for please forgive me

Gohan our world doesn’t exist anymore Gohan after I had saved it from the Androids and cell someone resembling your Father Okay favorite [Applause] song only real OG’s only real OG’s Mir PL this game Super Mario hting on a budget uh no I’m good with this but one more thing I just thought you was really beautiful and I was wonder if I get your number or something well I mean where he At and where’s not man I feel like it’s been a couple hours now I still haven’t heard anything from her you know what I’m going call her CU she’s taking way too long your call has been forwarded voice where’s my mom at she’s taking way too long it’s been 4 [Applause]

Hours some manle bro sh y look y [ __ ] with That what we want more be honest be honest I want judge what what ah what would you guys choose you to Chris yeah saying I still like M I should fire though I don’t know what to do in Minecraft no more bro who are you finished like legit I don’t know what to

Do yeah that’s what I’m just doing random [ __ ] now I’m just upgrading everything I just want so you’re saying you want to be better than me yeah type [ __ ] like I’m sorry to tell you this buddy but that’s never going to happen I tell him

So tell him if he’s trying to be better than me he’s like yeah type of [ __ ] and I I’m sorry to tell you this but that’s not going to happen she need a black horse now oh we should go look for [ __ ] the parro [ __ ] yeah jle I need a [ __ ] the Axel

Too stop the [ __ ] C [ __ ] just stop it right now I one I you know what you mean is for you to get [ __ ] on bro I can’t believe you don’t want to play FIFA with me bro [ __ ] scared he’s scared he doesn’t have it in him no more he’s scared [ __ ]

He’s scared I’m a beast [ __ ] regard he’s scared cuz he knows I’m better now just admit it bro just admit it just say right here oh oh let’s go let’s go let’s go all right let’s go all right all right all right I’m going end the live

Stream all right you guys who whoever watch live stream good night am I still live d That’s just all the way in the back [ __ ] that’s how you know I don’t play this [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realm ! Beating the Wither And Elder Dragon 🐉’, was uploaded by Greeneyes Lowks on 2023-12-13 06:44:37. It has garnered 44 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 06:21:31 or 22891 seconds.

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    PondFairyVods: Pog Games Galore Welcome to Pog Games 2: A Minecraft Puzzle Adventure! Embark on a Puzzle-Filled Journey Join Pond and Majikz in Pog Games 2, a Minecraft Puzzle map that will challenge your wits and creativity. Dive into a world where puzzles abound, and every corner holds a new mystery to solve. Get ready to test your problem-solving skills like never before! Meet Pond and Majikz Get to know Pond and Majikz, the dynamic duo leading the way in Pog Games 2. Follow their adventures as they navigate through intricate puzzles and unravel the secrets hidden within the map. With Pond’s fairy-like… Read More

  • Stressmen vs Kentang: Minecraft Animation Showdown

    Stressmen vs Kentang: Minecraft Animation Showdown In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Stresmen and Odo Kentang, with their animated lives. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing joy and delight, With funny animations, shining so bright. From the land of Indonesia, their talents do soar, Creating content that fans adore. Exploring the world in every frame, With each video, they rise to fame. So like, subscribe, and share with glee, Supporting Kulpi Semungku, the animation spree. Infinite beauty, in every scene, Crafted with love, so serene. Keep watching, don’t miss a beat, For Kulpi Semungku’s creations are oh so sweet. Thank you for tuning in, for… Read More

  • Minecraft AI: Lord of the Rings Adventures

    Minecraft AI: Lord of the Rings Adventures Embark on an Epic Journey Through Middle-Earth in Minecraft! Experience the magic of Middle-Earth like never before as you delve into the AI-created world of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ within Minecraft. This incredible video takes you on a breathtaking adventure through iconic locations from the beloved fantasy series, meticulously recreated with stunning detail in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Explore the Shire, Rivendell, and Mordor Step foot into the peaceful and picturesque Shire, home to the hobbits and their cozy hobbit-holes. Wander through the lush green fields, marvel at the quaint village of Hobbiton, and immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!

    Insane Minecraft Sweden vibes with Toastaku!Video Information This video, titled ‘sweden (minecraft lofi)’, was uploaded by Toastaku – Topic on 2024-08-23 06:04:55. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Provided to YouTube by toastaku. sweden (minecraft lofi) · Toastaku minecraft sleepy lofi ℗ 2024 Toastaku Released on: 2024-03-01 Main Artist: Toastaku Producer: Toastaku Composer: C418 Auto-generated by YouTube. Read More

  • Hypenos Network

    Hypenos NetworkHypenosNetwork sunucumuz hakkında; HypenosNetwork sunucumuz 2024 yılında kurulmuş olup yepyeni yenilikler ile birlikte oyunculara eşsiz deneyimler sunmaktadır.Yönetici ekibimiz yıllar boyunca Minecraft serverlerinde çalışmış olup çalışmalarını bizimle devam ettirmektedir.Sunucumuzun ana hedeflerinden birisi oyuncuların Minecraft dünyasında daha neler yapabildiklerini göstermektir. Yönetim ekibimiz ve yetkili ekibimiz 6 kişi olmakla beraber gece gündüz oyuncularımızın neler daha fazla dikkatini çekeceği üzerine çalışmaktadır Ekibimizi kısaca anlatmak gerekirse Mimarlar yazılımcılar ile doludur. Haydi sizleri birlikte sunucumuzda güzel vakitler geçirmeye davet ediyoruz. Read More

  • RigoloSMP – Vanilla SMP 1.21 – 100% Vanilla – Whitelist – Nice Community!

    JOIN THE DISCORD HERE – Hey! A few weeks ago, just after the success of the previous 1.20 season, my friends and I decided to start our next adventure in 1.21! The server is entirely vanilla and our community is amazing 😀 Now’s the best time to join us on this journey! Cracked and Bedrock players are also allowed! Simply join the Discord and we’ll be happy to whitelist you 😉 Read More

  • -+-+-+-+-+-+ GearsMC +-+-+-+-+-+–+-+-+-+ +-+-+-+-

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.4 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.4 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Is this truth or cap💀🙏

    Fact: This meme is so good it’s breaking the score scale. It’s like the Michael Jordan of memes. Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More