Insane Minecraft Records Broken in 2 Years

Video Information

So I’ve spent over 2 years breaking minecraft records and along the way I’ve broken some of the hardest and rarest records Minecraft has to offer as well as some incredibly stupid ones but with a journey as fun as this trust me when I say this is not a story you want to miss

So join me as we go all the way back to when I first attempted the most consecutive double jumps ever completed with over 2,000 to beat world record here we come all right first checkpoint 100 jumps done 200 jumps done 300 jumps done 400 jumps done 500 600 700 800 900

Oh my God I got to go all over again I’m sad all the way back to zero there is a thousand 1,000 has passed the Redstone up ahead that’s the record but you know where we’re going to we’re going to 2,000 I will not stop

Until I get there my hand is starting to hurt so much Focus yes yes keep going there it is I see the 2,000 come on we’re so close we’re so close yes that’s right I’d officially set a brand new world record except I hadn’t because after a Google resarch I

Found out the most recent record was 2001 jumps I’d lost by one all right time to go again Rock jump Rock jump Rock it’s getting so difficult we know the record to beat we know how we got to do it we know what we got to do 600

Blocks done now though 900 blocks are done no I think this is literally that’s where I landed before God my finger is really hurting I see 800 800 jumps done oh come on no 400 jumps done 500 jumps done 600 jumps success okay I see another green checkpoint coming up and

1,000 done 1 1200 jumps done come on oh God my left hand start to cramp up yeah my whole left arm actually in fact it’s not even just my left fingers okay lowkey this Run’s actually going quite well I can’t be that far away now from 2,000 jumps either oh my

God I see it come on and officially a new record I’m going to keep going oh I officially broken the world record oh I fell after 3 hours of jumping I’d finally broken the world record 2,126 jumps next up I was going to attempt to set a new record by running

As far as I possibly can in 1 minute the only rules with this record is that you must be in survival mode and you have to be running I decided to attempt this with two different methods one using Soul Sand and soul speed three boots alongside a speed potion and two running

Along the ice spam jumping with a speed potion as well we’re starting on 01 X and we’re going to start the timer in 3 2 1 This Record is basically just me testing my space Bar’s durability we’re doing pretty well so far though although saying that my arm is really really

Stting to wait now all right so we did about 730 blocks all right attemp number two starting in three 2 1 purely a stamina game this how long can I spam this space bar for seconds to go oh my God my arm is cramping really badly ah yeah only 730 blocks again can

The ice perform any better than that all right come on space bar we are going incredibly quick this is insanely fast I did not think this was going to be this quick 500 we should go over 1,000 blocks on this I don’t know if I’ve done 1,000

Blocks I might have to extend it yeah we’re out blocks we didn’t even get to reach we got it’s going to be over 1,000 okay I need to extend this then right let’s try this again shall we so to be exact we’re starting on minus 2.9 block we see how

Far we can get in 1 minute 3 2 1 Let’s got to concentr I’m not even going to look at the time for a little bit because need to make sure I’m just spamming this Spaceball as much as I possibly can once again this is feated

Really quick we’re well on the way to Breaking 1,000 x as well maybe even more this is looking good this is looking good oh that’s it I’m pretty sure I’ve just broken the world record oh breath so with the distance of 1,100 blocks ran in 60 seconds and a Bruce

Spacebar i’ officially got myself two World Records to beat record number three I had to craft all 10 tools you see on your screen right now in less than 13.6 seconds sounds easy enough okay this record’s actually a lot harder than I thought I am really really struggling This Record

Is literally requiring all my brain power like this is actually so difficult yep 23 seconds ah 20 seconds again if the record was only 20 seconds this would be easy despite how hard I was trying I was really struggling with this record after fail and fail and fail and

Fail and fail I finally started to see some improvement oh 18 okay okay that’s a lot better oh yeah that was a terrible run I still got 18.6 seconds all right all right all right all right this should definitely be doable this should definitely be doable 18 that’s better we are

Definitely improving the speed of my clicks is incredible I just made Iron nuggets oh best one by far best one by far 15.96% 6 to beat so interestingly I just checked the record again and the guy actually uses the numbers on his keyboard to help speed up the crafting

And I think if I change my method to doing that I have a really really good chance of actually being able to break break this record new method new th here we go okay yeah that was incredibly slow again but I think this method has a lot more

Potential best one best one at doing the numbers I’m starting to have a bit of belief 18 seconds 1674 all right at 16 seconds that is definitely my best time on this so far by far my best time this is more like it 13.95 that one’s going to be really

Close I need to check right now after careful examination I can confirm that I have broken the world record I have officially beaten the record by 300 milliseconds at this point I completed half of the Minecraft records I set out to get and trust me I was as surprised

As you are okay so the record I attend in here is to build the longest bridge in Minecraft the current record is 52,000 blocks I’m literally starting on basically bang on zero I’m going to go that way now for 50,000 blocks only 51,9 199 to go

Now 152 of the way there is that word 152 15 minutes gone 3,500 blocks almost placed this is going to take a long time 4, 5,000 blocks 6,000 7K done and 10 10,000 blocks is now done we are 1/5 of the way there all right 1 hour is

Passed all right we’re closing in on 20,000 now which means we are almost halfway through almost and 20,000 blocks done I’m officially halfway through the challenge now the record is 52,000 I’m on 26,000 we’re getting there 30k done I’ve been doing this record down for 2

Hours as well so it’s taking me 2 hours to do 30,000 blocks 39,000 Blocks place this record will be mine I’ve got less than 12,000 blocks to go 2,000 to go I know each block I’m just getting closer and closer and closer now and I honestly cannot

Wait for this to be done this has now almost been 3 hours 30 minutes of just block placements 51,000 blocks a place less than 1,000 away and 3 hours 30 minutes have literally just passed as well doing this record alone and every block I now place is a new

World record I have officially done it have to sit in here for way too long I’m placing 52,000 blocks I’m officially a world record holder for the longest bridge in Minecraft and 53,000 I’m going to stop there I finally done the record I genuinely can’t believe I placed 53,000 blocks but

I have four out six of the records I set out to beat this video I had now beaten however that does not mean that they’re about to get any easier so for this record I’ve got to build the tallest staircase I can in under 60 seconds the

Current record is 62 starting in 3 2 1 well what a a great start that was yeah I’m definitely okay this record’s going to take a while I can tell already I can tell already I’m struggling okay I got that one at the

End so that is 1 2 3 25 26 26 on my first go I’m halfway there and go all right that was by far my best run we got to here which is 42 blocks at the End of This Record there was just going to be tons of these staircases scattered

Around it’s now been 2 hours and I still can’t complete this record okay how many was that 58 okay okay no no oh right okay I got to be big moment there big moment oh no 67 yeah I’ve done it I’ve absolutely done it I’ve broken yet another Minecraft a record five out

Of six I had beaten five out of six of the world records I set out to beat and to beat the final record I had to place as many Iron Golems as I could in 60 seconds the current record was 24 all right starting in 5 4 3 2

1 all I’ve got to do is make sure I’m not rushing with this record 60 seconds is gaining on me now I haven’t got a clue on how many I’ve actually done yet either time time time how did I just do no way did I just break the record first

Time hold on hold on 1 2 3 21 22 23 24 I’m on par with the record on my first go three two one go okay let’s see how many that was not very many I messed up a lot 18 19 20 21 22 no what am I doing what am I doing

What am I doing okay I got one more off at the end I don’t know how many that is now so let’s count 24 25 26 we broken the record and that’s sick but I know I can do better okay we’re doing doing all right we’re doing all right okay that

One took a little while that that one took a little while ah getting so angry here I wasn’t very many ready for again oh my brain but I know I’ve already broken the the record but I just know I can do better it’s like it’s really

Kicking on me here I will not stop until I do it for example now 3 2 1 go 29 again all right that time I got 31 no I was doing so well yeah 32 done I made 33 iron golems in this run starting now okay we’re almost there with time

Now oh I think I just missed that guy at the end so 1 2 29 30 right we are improving we are improving but I can still do better okay starting in 3 2 1 okay we’re halfway through and this Run’s actually going quite well I don’t want to speak too soon

Though just got that one in time 36 I’m not going to get any better than that so with six records now under my belt I just decided to move onto some of the oldest Minecraft records I could find starting with the longest Redstone line in Minecraft the current record to beat

Is 26,000 and just to prove that I am actually doing this legit here is my hand here is Minecraft I legitimately placing all of this Redstone and just like that we have placed 2,000 Redstone 4,000 done 7,000 Redstone place and that is 10,000 Redstone place in just over 1 hour and

Compared to some of the other records coming up that’s literally nothing one is even going to take me probably about 10 hours to try and complete and I really hope this one doesn’t take that long just like that A New World Records have been set but I would to completely

Obliterate This Record 26,000 is simply not enough 35,000 Redstone play 42,000 Redstone play 50,000 Redstone ples 58,000 Redstone ples and 62,1 154 Redstone been placed I’m going to stop there cuz my finger literally feels like it’s about to fall off and just like that I’d already set a new world record

But the question still remain will any of these records be too difficult well to beat the next record I would have to Speed Run finding both a diamond and emerald in under 1 minute and 18 seconds and we’re in structures are the key cuz I literally don’t have time to mine we

Want either a village shipwreck or Temple we do have a village how long we got uh we only got 20 seconds ain’t looking too promising no blacksmith and just like that we got to go again oh yes okay temple temple temple temple this record all comes down to luck which

Means I could sit here for another 10 minutes and find it or I can Lally sit here for another 10 hours and not be able to even get a chance it is completely plausible that could be the case and if it is you’ll hear in my

Voice because I’ll be absolutely F I am absolutely human I have explored ocean biomes jungles shipwrecks everything I cannot find a diamond or an emerald This Record was about the most infuriating thing I ever experienced in this game I spent about 2 to 3 hours just loading

Into new worlds running around for 30 seconds to not see any decent structures to then leave and then repeat the cycle all over again or even worse was that I saw a decent structure I ran into loot it and found awful awful loot o we have

A village come on give me a big old diamond and a big old Emerald be done with this stupid record Z I’m so early here I’m so early come on we can get under a minute here oh my got Diamond horse armor no way so lost of diamond horse armor oh

That’s a hell of a village spawn treat me treat me treat me ah oh was that Temple I see Temple I see Temple I see Temple go go go go 10 seconds breaking a block has never taken so long no I got in in time as well nice

Desert spawn Temple right there 30 seconds no emeralds yet no emeralds one Emerald no Diamonds oh got V right here there’s a blacksmith oh my God Ah that’s a temple is it that’s a temple spawn on this is nuts behind me bro I can’t break the block cuz I me to shot by

Skeleton I can’t break the block cuz you’ve got to be kidding me I decided then to take a break for a little while and when I came back I decided to come up with a new plan so previously I was mainly focused on temples as that was

How the current world record was set however if I found a shipwreck with either the correct Loop or a map inside that has a chest nearby I worked out that I might actually stand a slightly better chance of finding both a diamond and an emerald in under 1 minute and 18

Seconds it still would be easy but it might be my best plan of action ship ship I need the nuttiest loot right now all right we got emeralds come on there’s one more chest there’s one more chest diamonds no one more oh I’m actually so sor and I’m

Miles away from the treasure oh my God I keep finding emeralds man I think I just saw a shipwreck I think I just saw one ship it’s going to be really tight on time though I’ve got 15 seconds to find an emerald and the diamond

No no time oh time’s gone if there any ARS gone okay only Emerald I Emerald Oh Ship shipwreck luck right now is unbelievable the loot inside them is not so unbelievable maybe maybe maybe it’s close do I have enough time literally right here apparently yes yes yes I got it I beat you by 10 seconds let’s go I needed that one bit

Of good luck and I got it I had those one Diamond the plan worked the shipwrecker led me to find a chest with both a diamond and emerald in 1 minute in 7 Seconds this meant I’d set two new world records the next record I had to

Break was the longest bow kill in Minecraft to allow myself to reach the furthest angle I could I built a tower to Sky height and put a pig down on ground level I then used coordinates to try and reach the furthest amount of blocks I could okay let’s try this now we

Wait oh yes first time first time using the cords to see if I can actually pull it off here it was here he was oh my God so that was blocks away all right we’ll see if we can do it a little bit further now you may be wondering why the change

Of scenery I had found that by shooting from the x coordinate of 256 all the way to 1 I could reach around 215 blocks therefore I carved that huge space myself I got to work again trying to shoot the boat as far as I could oh slightly Too Short

Okay to far oh okay well the good news is I can now get further oh that’s looking good yeah with a bow shot of 219 blocks we have set another world record with three records now broken you’re probably thinking to yourself these records can’t get much harder than this I wish you

Were right the next ccle was similar to the one I did in my last video where it was as many consecutive jumps as possible but instead of just a two block Gap it was a three block Gap the record to beat was 1,378 jumps let’s

Go okay this a bit more difficult than I thought the problem I was facing was that as you hold Sprint forward and jump at the same time your character naturally gains momentum and therefore eventually jumps further than three blocks so I just somehow find a way of resetting that momentum mid jump without

Stopping This Record is no doubt going to be incredibly Difficult no a again 100 jumps done 200 jumps 300 done 400 done 500 done all 600 now Done I want to cry I’m pressing I’m let get on that W to Quick i’ got to make sure all right this is the Run quote me This Record see looks way easier than it is I promise you that I give up at this point I was

Drained i’ spent around 2 hours just jumping away trying to break this record and I could not see myself doing it that was until I had an idea if when I jump I move my mouse from left to right I think I kind of counter trct that momentum by

Doing so I’m not 100% sure if this will work but to be honest I’m out of options at this point and away we go again okay this method actually seems a little bit easier I can’t like also the one that’s hurt my hand the least so that’s a

Win ah all right all right we reached 200 jumps my first run that’s not too bad ah almost got myself to 400 jumps there we are gaining on the record ah 439 jumps no I’ve got to 779 jumps that’s my best have had in a long time right come

On all right 500 jumps done 900 done 1,000 done 1300 done 13601 to beat yes every jump I’m now doing is a new world record I got to keep going for as long as I possibly can until I’m literally falling apart 2,000 jumps done oh my God I fell

2044 I had broken yet another Minecraft jumping record and now is the time for me to attempt one of the most infuriating records I have ever had to experience this record involved replacing over 100,000 rails all right let’s break this record I’m estimating this is probably going to take me around

10 hours to complete this record is all about endurance and and how I see if I can sit here for 10 hours placing nothing but rails in Minecraft I could do anything record to beat is 107,2 169 rails and I am utterly confident I will break that record today

I’m also not actually sure if I meant to be doing this on one sitting or not but just in case I am I’m going to literally just do this flash out and that is our first 1,000 rails Place 5,000 rails have now been placed only 10 12,26 night to

Go I’m also not allowed to use any mods that play box VI which does mean I have to literally place over 100,000 rails and since this is going to take so long let’s skip ahead a bit all right so since we’ve last spoke I’ve done a decent amount of rails we’re up to

25,000 rails place I’ve also managed to get it so it lines up perfectly so that when I just hold my right Mouse button and backwards key it automatically places for me we are now at 50,000 rails done and 60,000 rails of now been placed and now I’ve officially placed more

Rails than I did Redstone for the earlier record 75,000 rails are now placed in this Minecraft world I should also mention though that I have been doing this for 6 hours straight and we still have at least 22 ,000 more rails to place we are at 90k rails 100,000

Rails have now been placed this is now the final straight of taking this record and if 3 2 1 I have now broken the most infuriating Minecraft world record I have ever had to experience my aim is to get to 110,000 rails so I’m going to

Keep going till I get there we can finally stop I’ve reached my goal have broken that stupid Minecraft world record despite that record literally taken a whole day I’d broken it the next record was for the long long EST flight using elytra in Minecraft the current standing for this record is

22550 blocks traveled I plan to smash that all right let’s go all I have to do really is hold down shift and W and wait until that Z coordinat says a number higher than 22550 blocks who knew elyra was so loud 1,000 blocks traveled and fairly quickly too this is definitely

Quicker than placing all those rails despite my finger out cramping and twitching really badly we flown 5,000 blocks and we have less than 200,000 to go okay I’m losing my mind a bit the stupid wind side effects and the plain Sky surroundings I am slowly going insane we have traveled 10,000 blocks

20,000 blocks traveled in just over 10 minutes 50,000 blocks traveled and I’ve lost track time 100,000 blocks traveled and one hour of my life gone 150,000 blocks have now been traveled my eyes are consistently blurred and I can’t feel my finger and I’ve been doing

This for about an hour and a half and now we are only 2,000 blocks away from breaking this world record and we have have done it finally broken another one of these stupid endurance World Records all right I’m going to stop there I know I haven’t beaten it by very much but

2600 it is done another record is mine and just like that I have now broken six Minecraft world records that had been broken in 4 years and from the oldest to the newest I decided to challenge myself by breaking 14 of the most recent records starting by mining over 10,000

Copper in as quick a time as possible I now have three copper meeing only 9,9 997 away from completing the record now this pickax is doing a good job but I need an upgrade 143 diamond pickaxe acquired the clock sticking away time to mine some

More copper and the timer was sof and so I filled each slot in these three chests completely full with stacks of copper ingots nice we found our first bit of copper and Bal copper copper copper after all that mining in 3 hours into the strule we’ve now filled half a

Chest I have that mind 3,456 copper it’s going well but I need to hurry up okay we made it back let’s do some more SM and we have two chests full of stacks of copper I don’t even know how many hours we are in right now but fatig is

Really starting to set in we’re filling up this third chest now and we’re probably only two trips away from completing This Record 12 Stacks left just waiting for this last lot of copper smelt now and we have done it 10,000 coppers be minded 10 hours 12 minutes 44 seconds I’m

Confident I’m the first to hold this record and that is only the first of 14 records we’re going to be attempting in this video this is a spy glass and to craft it you need two copper ingots and one amethyst Shard my aim is to try and

Craft it in world record time 3 2 1 sort of like that but a lot quicker and to make sure I could hold this record for a very long time I wanted to get the best possible time I could all right there a decent start 1.65 1.6 ah

That was looking good okay that one was better that one was better I’m using the keys on my keyboard now and I can definitely tell this is the best method 1.15 there that was us in the second okay that one was good decent decent yes I think that might be the best time

I’m going to get and therefore the new record was 0.68 seconds to craft the spy glass and from here the difficulty in this record was starting to increase This Record I’m going to try and tame at least 100 axles in under 60 seconds as you can see you tame axles by picking

Them up in buckets therefore I’ve made this so that I’m able to pick up each one by one without them escaping 3 2 1 got Go rhythm so far all right time’s almost up time time I got to that one I don’t know how how many that was all

Right let’s do this again go but I’m doing really well on this run I went a little bit over time there so I’m not sure exactly how many I got oh it’s hard this actually the problem I was facing was it took roughly 0.7 seconds to pick up each a slot meaning

The maximum I could get with zero mistakes in 60 seconds was 85 that was however until I found out this wait a minute I think I could fit 24 of these in one hole that means I can even double or triple my the best 3 2 1

Oh yeah this is so much quicker already the speed of the clicks is like absolutely vital for this we have 20 seconds left Let’s see we get the right last okay I got the last that lot we’ve just tamed 360 ax lles in 60 seconds and set another Minecraft 1.7 world record

Next This Record is for the tallest copper staircase in Minecraft and the quickest method I found for completing this record was to do it at a side angle my previous best that I completed in this video was at a height of 63 and it took me 2 hours straight so this is

Going to be quite difficult three 2 1 all right we’re almost there almost there 5 seconds left okay that was my last one there I managed to just get that one in time we are at 61 61 for our first effort that’s not too bad’s go again we are

At I’ve already beaten my old personal M must have just developed as a human since my last record video let’s see how tall I can actually make the staircase to where no one can beat it okay that was better I’m improving that’s a really good run God that run was

Terrible okay I’m doing really well on this run so far need to keep concentrated keep my head in the game click up click up click up oh my God not only have I broken the tallest copper staircase record I’ve Splash my old C best out the par so with

Another record broken I decided to challenge myself with my most mentally draining record yet technically I’ve just broken the world record for the longest bow kill on a glow squid however I’m trying to say impossible to beat records meaning it’s now time for me to do some actual big

Brain plays the reason for that is an arrow doesn’t travel more than 220 blocks in Minecraft and even then it is insanely difficult for the arrow to travel completely straight As the tiniest little mouse movement will throw it off so we’ve got all our ghost squids

Set up I should now have the best possible chance of being able to hit them now what’s very important is that I say exactly the coordinates I’m at now and slightly Too Short again yeah we are two blocks short unless I’ve tested so many different

Ways to face and to try and get the S to land straight and I think I finally got the right one let’s see yes we’ve officially got a 2117 block glow squid kill and another Minecraft 1.17 world record with the glow squid bow kill completed it was time to be

Able to a record that all came down to Lu to complete this one it was all about finding an abst Shard as fast as time as possible since as anyone could attempt this record it was extremely important that I set a good time see now I’m torn

Do I go look for a cave first or do I just dig down and hope for the best all right let’s go look for a cave again come on let me just see some big old bit of purple please I might die here I might have

Just let’s go look for a cave we have everything we need one minute yeah this is hard after attempting this record for a while I realized something if I built myself a boat and got a stone pickaxe as quickly as I could I’d stand a way better chance

Of seeing an amethyst spawn and have less chance of ding to mobs therefore from now on I was only going to focus on getting into the sea okay that’s the Ocean 60 seconds in we have all the tools we need is that one that’s one

What we at 2 minutes 28 and it’s not too low down either okay this is Doable and I was one of these can I not mind any of these oh oh my God you have to be killing me record is for The atist Shard not block meaning I’m still yet to complete this record ocean I need to be eag idea 1 minute 15 oh if we saw one

Now this would be hu that’s one one more oh God how many I must be close oh good there’s a why is there so many mobs yes we have found an Ary shot in 2 minutes 2 seconds Crossing one more record off my list but make sure to

Stick around as the records come up get even more difficult I’m going to attempt to place the most snow powder that anyone in the history of Minecraft has ever placed this is going to take a few hours as I will not stop until I place 50,000 and as you can see we’re starting

On the coordinate of zero let’s go 1,000 blocks of ser I’ve been placed let’s Place Another thousand by the end of this record we should be looking at 50 rows of 1,000 of just pure snow 10,000 blocks have now been placed I’m getting there this is a

Very very very tiring record and we’ve just passed an hour now so we’ve done 13,500 blocks suppose at least the sound of the block being placed as nice I have just realized how much of a mistake I’ve made I was meant to be putting this down instead of this down

So the past hour of my life has been for nothing right let’s go again 1,000 5,000 10,000 okay I’m now back to where I was before I realized the mistake I made but we’ve got a long old way to go yet andone I’m understanding how much I like

The noise there so block being placed it’s quite the opposite with this one and we’ve almost done our 18,000 block 20,000 are i’ done 21,000 ,000 blocks done 25,000 done we are halfway to where I want to get to it’s taking us 2 hours to get to this point I’m

Exhausted and I’m only halfway through 30,000 sow powder has now been placed I’ve not been holding the click button on my mouse and the SQ on my keyboard for 3 hours straight without letting go 40,000 is now done we are less than 5,000 away from completing this record

And we have done it I’m officially the first person in Minecraft history to place 50,000 snow powder without using any mods onto the next record with the new update bringing in copper ore I decided to try and speed and get the copper Ingot this record all comes down

To see GL all I have to do was to fight the copper spelt it down as quickly as possible then I’ve completed the record it’s that simple okay we found a cave okay we have copper see co co as well this is really good this is looking

Really good right now and 1 minute and 16 seconds we managed to get some copper and despite many other efforts this is by far the best time I managed to get and sticking with the speedr running theme the next record was to try and

Kill a glow squid in as quick a time as possible all right we’re in let’s just get ourselves a as quickly as we can and then look for a cave Noe we need a new seed all right I found a cave already probably find a squid down here this is

Huge oh my God okay speed speed speed ignore the skeleton just go for the squid this is Unbelievable yes let’s go oh I’m so happy with that one unbelievable run this is an amethyst block to break this record I’m going to attempt to place as many amethyst blocks as I can in 60 seconds let’s go right we missed one there but we can

We can we can count that L all right we almost at 30 seconds all right we miss two three with Miss three four got long left less than 10 seconds all right stop 394 blocks placed in 60 seconds a good Benchmark start let’s see if we can do

Any better right we Haven missed a single block yet oh we were doing so well we missed like two there I think maybe in three we got L I don’t think we’re going to beat the last time no okay oh we were slightly behind the last

Time and we missed how many here three right I’ve had enough for this I breaking this record this run let’s go this is feeling really good right now let’s keep this space up my hand is really aching I’m clicking away that’s by far the best one we

Missed one there but we got an extra one there so the end result is 409 amethyst blocks placed in 60 seconds this meant 10 records of D been completed out the 14 and the last four I had coming up were about to get 10 times more

Difficult so the aim of this record is to try and craft a pure block of metal as quick as possible this could be Iron copper anything like that I can see some iron down there and I see some coal we can actually get a really good time

Straight off the bat here get this tree get stone pickaxe and start melting some iron straight away I’m going to go for the iron there’s more iron here than there is copper three we need nine we need nine we do 5 7 nine now what we’re

Going to do is we’re going to split that in half put that in there split that in half make that start going there’s nothing I can do right now except wait one more one more one more come on okay that was 2 minutes and 26 seconds that

Was not too bad hey grab this copper anyway we got four 1 minute 20 we need five more copper check around there nothing all right just head down here and hope maybe copper I have enough oh my God I forgot it drops more than one thought I have mining 10,000 copper I’d

Be kind of used to how it works but all right 2 minutes 53 seconds that could have been probably about 1 minute 30 but that’s all right yeah see some copper already need to get myself some stone tools pretty quick this SE is looking really good right now actually

Need to focus 3 5 8 11 three more three more three more come on more one more one more come on 2 minutes and 15 seconds and with the time of 2 minute 15 we set another Minecraft world record one of the items Minecraft added in this new update was

Candles you’re able to place up to four candles in each individual block so for this record the aim is to try and place as many candles as you can in under 60 seconds I have two methods I want to test out and to start with we’re trying

The staircase method right go it’s all about basically just spamming my mouse and hoping I can get as many down as I possibly can yeah this method isn’t looking too great right now all right we have 5 seconds left at time yeah okay that wasn’t great we only managed to do

66 blocks this method is a little more simple but I think it might give me a better chance we have 60 seconds do it and we’re start in 3 2 1 I’m tired this is hard this is really really really hard and stop now I’ve just placed 320

Candles in 60 seconds it’s good but I think I could do better let’s have another attempt okay there’s my previous This Record was right here going to be storming past this okay this time we placed 332 candles right let’s see if we can get even better than that got good

Speed here all right we got 70 I don’t know if I’m going to be able to beat 80 all right we beat 83 can we get to 90 no okay we got to there we got 352 candles placed each time I’m getting a little bit better all right let’s make this my

Best run come on okay I didn’t get the last one we got to here which is 372 we have reached a new record which is good 376 candles plac this time ah no I can’t do this see only got two there only got three there there multiple threes I’m rushing a bit

Now where is that further like six that is further that is a lot further in fact that means I placed 384 candles in 60 seconds I don’t think I’m going to be able to do much better than that and therefore this record was complete goats in Minecraft to breed a goat you need

Another goat and some hair what would be the fastest time to breed two goats that’s what I’m going to try and find out and I’m going to try and set an incredible time which will be a new Minecraft world record my method was to try and find a village as fast as

Possible get some hay find a hill bre the goats simple okay well that’s a good start we need a village we are quite reliant on a good seized so I’m going to ignore everything else I’m literally just going to grab some wheat that’s a big hill there’ll definitely be goats up

There no way am I going to do this first time and get an unbelievable time on my first run I can’t believe that think I just saw a goat jump over the top of that hill come on we at 3 minutes come On yes 3 minutes 18 seconds it’s a decent time it’s not great but it’s decent vage okay oh and a hill right this is good right we’re going to use this waterfall how can I even get over there quick I don’t think I can get there quick

Enough I feel like just need that one good seed where I actually stand a good chance but I’m just not getting it at all Village Hill there’s the hay let’s go me this is record time right now quick nice 1 minute 35 let’s go that is

By far the best time I’m going to get meaning we were now onto our final record we are going to attempt to build the longest copper bridge in Minecraft all right we’re start at zero and the aim is to get to 50,000 one block place 49,999 to go and 1,000 blocks has not

Been placed this copper sound is lovely but hearing it this much is going to genuinely trigger me 5,000 blocks have now been placed we’re getting there we’re 1/10th the way there in fact it’s just turned day2 which means I’ve now been placing copper for 40 minutes straight 10,000 done 12,000 is now done

15,000 done 20,000 done and we now have a copper bridge that 25,000 blocks long we are 50% of the way there this record is really really mentally draining 30,000 blocks done we’re now only 10,000 blocks away from finished stop this record 5,000 blocks to go and we have done it a

53,000 block Bridge has now been completed I ended up pushing myself to 53,000 that’s the last bridge I did was 52 and that means the 14th record that was on my list has now been completed giving me a whopping 26 records now broken but we haven’t even scratched the

Surface of all the records I want to break therefore I’ve collected some of the most extreme and impossible records I could and we’re going to attempt to break as many as we can this is a completely flat biome and my aim is to play place over 100,000 Redstone that

Means a lot of clicking the first 1,000 blocks of redstone has now been placed 2,000 blocks are they done 3,000 blocks done 96,9 185 to go we have now placed 20,000 Redstone we’re almost there and 50,000 blocks are done all right we’ve beaten the previous record there’s now only that much redone

Left 90,000 blocks is now done and we’re officially now at ,000 we’re it way closer less than 20 blocks come on and we have placed 10 14,917 Redstone it is the longest Redstone line in Minecraft and now you’re probably thinking no one would ever need that much Redstone what

You do if you’re doing any of these records here I have 2,500 pieces of sand being held up by pistons and they’re all controlled by this one lever and once I press it we will set a brand new Minecraft world record let’s do this oh that looks so sick

This one L was set of $772,000 which is a new world Record the current best of the most amount of fireworks launch is 1 million I’m about to set off 3 Million this is the world record for the most arish shot of wants with a number of 100,000 and if you think some of these records were insane were only just getting started how many of these houses could you build in 1 hour well the record is 80 and I’m going to try and beat it 3 2 1 right we need that that

That that we need a chest crafting table Anvil furnace door and a bed let’s do the interior first actually we’ll build around it bed put crafting table underneath there we can put a one of them under there and then we just put chest there as well right house number one

Done how many houses is that now 8 9 10 11 in 11 minutes that’s really bad I need to hurry up all right 21 minutes now pretty happy with the speed I don’t know if I’ve made any time back yet we got 35 minutes remaining to do this 15

Minutes no idea how many I’ve done but I’m going to hurry up just in case 30 seconds can I get this last one done 15 seconds oh that was bang on I don’t know how many I’ve got though we’re going to have to count one

Two 78 79 oh oh my God you cannot make this up the one that I finished within half a second 81 I’ve beaten the record by one so from the smallest mcraft house we’re now going to attempt to build the world’s largest Glass House the current record is 42,6

Blocks I’ve now built the base each one of these glass box will be build up all the way to Sky limit this house will be insane oh my God this looks so cool already I know this seems like most people’s idea of torture but honestly

For me this like fires me up I’ve done this much and I’ve got that much left to go both sides of this house are now completely finished we’ve also now placed more glass box to the current world record but the house still isn’t complete yet 72,000 blocks 75,000 80,000

82,000 the perimeter of the house is now completed the size of this building is insane we’re quickly just finishing off the roof and the floor now my hand is aching all right the floor is done the roof is done all four sides are done why

Have I done this I just finished off the house it’s that done and the house is officially a new world record house like this is undoubtedly pretty over the top but imagine how much loot you could store in it finding such rare loot can be difficult but in the next trle with

The challenge of trying to find both a diamond and emerald in under 1 minute and 7 Seconds the easiest way to do this is to find a structure and hope that there’s the correct loot in there Temple okay we have a temple 25 seconds in we’ll have about 5 Seconds to loot

These Emerald no diamond sadly This Record wouldn’t be easy to break I knew I’d have to sit for hours and hours and just hope that I could get the seed I needed I see I think I have time to loot that no I don’t have time I do not have

Time no okay we just need diamonds we just need diamonds perhaps the treasure map can save me no way we’re solely relying on having a good spawn on these treasure maps and this is not a good one come on please please please surely got

To be a ship here surely okay we have we have one it’s really far away seconds ah it’s going be really really tight I’m very reliant on there being a super close chest here or in this ship there needs to be both a diamond and an emerald let me

In yes yes yes 57 seconds I did not think I was confident that would not be it but I’ve got less than a minute I broken my record speedr running finding diamonds to speedr running running I have 1,500 blocks of blue ice laid out and I’ll be attempted to break the

Record 1,100 blocks ran in 60 seconds 3 2 1 go I think this is going well so far 100 blocks in 6 seconds that’s really good actually 300 blocks done H 4 blocks done I’m just going to concentrate clicking the space bar right now nice

700 1050 this is the one I’ve had enough of it now no don’t know how I managed to get this record before got bit slower maybe is that quicker I found that by spamming my keyboard as fast as I could I did it at a slower Pace than I did when I did

It consistently therefore I revised my strategy and try it again 900 blocks new record 1150 that’s the Rhythm right there I’m not glitching through the blocks I’m not like slowing down this is like the perfect Rhythm here and if I can keep this throughout the whole way I think I

Can actually break the record I don’t think this is going to be better there’s my past record oh no this is really good stop I think I just got my best and with 1,164 blocks ran I set a brand new world record how far can I shoot this Arrow well according to the

Current world records only this far I’m here to prove that wrong where are these Landing aha right okay that was on power on my last record right there the arrow oh another 218 ah that was a bit short stole that one then yes 219 come on come on come on

Where is it there is oh no I thought I got it come on yes yes that was a 220 oh my God I didn’t think I’d be able to get it this record is the most difficult one in the entire video I have to try and get the

Hero of the village achievement in under 1 minute and 26 seconds first things first I make a sword I kill this guy nice now I’ve got the B effect I got to run over to the Village okay the ra gun come here bro now I have to hope and pray that it

Doesn’t start another wave damn it this was the issue it’s incredibly rare for there to be only one wave for the village raid but that’s what I need to send any chance of breaking This Record I’m just going to have to keep trying this over and over again aren’t

I right quickly make a sword I’ve never had this guy so close to me off spawn come on Mr P make keep up come on stop just die now we need all the RNG in my favor please game I bet eg a oh right you and me got to break world roord

Let’s go come on give me that little bit of orange you need please a come on Mr P don’t give up mate come on holding out the banner 125 to beat ah oh no they all just come I don’t understand really oh my God and just as I was ready to give

Up this happened come on mate come on we’re so we’re so late we’re so late come On so here we Go yes yes yes that is 100% it 100% I’ve just got the record I’m over the moon that I’ve done this one especially since this gave me my 37th Minecraft world record but I wanted more of a challenge so I’m going to attempt to break 22 of the world’s toughest Minecraft records

In 24 hours starting with the longest ever bow kill no that was slightly Too Short oh that felt good that felt really good yes let’s go and if I do break them all I’ll be the first player ever to hold 22 records at once this is for

Record number two I’m attempting to mind the most diamonds ever completely on my own 1,000 diamonds 2,000 diamonds 3,000 diamonds Min so I’m 1% of the way there and now we have mined 54,000 diamonds which is the first row of this Cube we have to do that six more times

Three row done we’re halfway there now 100,000 more diamonds to go to break the record we are so close 250,000 270,000 290,000 and 300,000 we have now broken the world record 344,373 diamonds have been mined and I’ve also broke the record for the most XP gained while mining this is currently

The world’s tallest Minecraft house but thanks to Minecraft increasing the height limit I can now break it and not only that but once I’ve completed this house it will be categorically unbreakable meaning I will hold this record forever we’ve now complet the basics of the house we got furnace chest

Bed crafting table ill some nice little Aesthetics outside and a way in an a however it’s clearly not very tall thankfully I do have a plan for this record any part of the house can be reached Sky limit meaning this is now the tallest ever Minecraft house and on the topic of

Toist we’re now going to try and reach y 320 as quick as possible that’s a big hill that’s a really really big hill that Hill looks like is at about y 180 that we need 140 wood so think this is the highest point in the round let’s build up we’re getting there we’re

Getting there and boom we have broken the record with 4 minutes and 10 seconds and from the tallest to the smallest we’re now going to try and reach y – 63 as quick as possible big hole there there’s a big load of water in here can I make That we at 47 oh my God this I’m real can I get below 2 minutes unlikely unless this is the perfect one yes 1 minute 50 now things really get difficult we’re going to try and speedrun the new advancement caves and cliffs under 9 minutes and 26 seconds

Yes shipwreck oh my God I have so much iron we can easily craft two buckets Now using this door we can mine down to- 60 while having water above my head yes that’s Bedrock Place Another bucket water here and then swim back up and with my remaining blocks I’m going to

Build all the way to Sky limit 318 319 320 so now if I jump from here all the way to that one block at the bottom I should get the caves and cliffs advancement in record time unfortunately to get the advancement you have to free

Fall from 320 to- 60 oh wow give me a bit luck now we’ve got a great spawn nice I’ve just got to craft my items now go go go uhoh now we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine app heart calculated this is going to be really really tight and we’re at 320 come on

Please yes let’s go this is the longest ever Cannon shot oh my God they went flying 109 blocks traveled another record done fastest time to turn 5,000 sheep blue 14 minutes 21 seconds is the current world record 3 2 1 we’re going pretty quick at the moment I’m so sick here of the

Shave just got past the 10minute mark and I think I’ve got them all next up is the most chicken shot in midair but there must be miles oh my god there they are oh my goodness me what am I looking at I got 40 This Record is for the

Fastest time to get pink wool there is a 01558 chance of a pink sheep spawning and if you mix in all the other variables the likelier to me breaking This Record is 0.001 I’ve spent the last hour just going through different worlds hoping to

Get the luck I need but at the moment I don’t know if this record is actually possible I think I’m just going to attempt this again later cuz I’m running seriously low on time we’re now going to speedrun finding both a diamond and an emerald this is a record I’ve

Significantly struggled with in the past 20 seconds it’s not a great shipwreck okay we got a close ship right here oh I can’t even find the chest come on come on don’t even know if this is the right chest to be honest H wait yes yes yes wait what I’ve

Got it Di Emerald that was in 30 seconds for the next record we’re going to attempt to activate the most pistons and drop the most sand ever bya one lever 3 2 1 yes that is another two records broken next the most horses following one Golden Apple I wonder how crazy this

Is going to get I just keep seeing a little shade of blue every now and then this is it now that’s that’s the record that that that there there there I’ve got so many here now we have milk sugar eggs Wheats ready to craft as many kicks

As I possibly can within 5 minutes go I’ve got eight cakes in just under a minute we’re making good time and that’s 24 done come on that clock is ticking away we need some speed nice yeah nice done all right I managed to get all the

Place down that is 58 cakes in 5 minutes now we’re attempting to travel the farthest distance ever on a stride and I still have to attempt the insanely difficult pink wall record again at the end 69 km to be oh almost 5 km done now

I think if I do this kind of like snake method here where I walk like this I actually cover way more distance we’ve done our first 10 km I have as many of these little fungus sticks as I can get just like and keep like rejuvenating

Them 20 km done I have to be very very careful not to die we traveling around here thankfully I haven’t seen any gests yet 50 km is now done and 69 km done every centimeter I now travel with this rder is a new world record we have now

Traveled 100 km on this Strider unfortunately that record took a very long time so I need to hurry up this is for the tallest ever Minecraft staircase in 60 seconds the record to beat is 72 blocks we got two here it’s not high enough if by building the staircase

Sideways it means I can stay relatively still while placing each block 11 oh my God we’re one away from the record and go this is feeling pretty clean right now I haven’t actually made any mistakes yet okay nice keep going keep going keep going 30 seconds come on just hang on

This is feeling good oh let’s go 74 this is the base for what will be the world’s biggest Minecraft mushroom start with a fairly wide base because I want it look realistic then each of these sides I need to build to around 275 blocks now we’ve got the stem done it’s time to

Work on the top of the mushroom yeah this isn’t really how mushrooms look but you know what we’re going for it it’s reaching y 320 and it’s somewh what in the right shape so just got to fill in these little walls now and this is now the world’s largest Minecraft mushroom

This Record is for the most aelia trees ever planted the current record is 177,000 and if my math is correct I should end up with 17,5 but how can I complete this record quickly this is my plan if I go and place every single bush

First later I can just use bone meal and grow each tree quicker I’ve split this up into four quarters probably used over a 100,000 bone already but we are about 56% of the way through planting all these trees so far this record is the one that’s

Mentally trained me the most I am really struggling final part now we could do this time is ticking so i’ got to get a move on and we have done it 17,5 Foria trees have been planted I’ve now got less than 3 hours to break three records thankfully this record should be pretty

Quick all I have to do is spawn in more than 5,000 cows into this world 1 3 four slightly more than four uhoh um okay well it was for a second ago we have now spawned more than 7,000 cows this is where my time could end up going if I

Don’t concentrate currently the most snowballs thrown is 171,00 because the Snowballs have to come out my hand as well I can’t find some sneaky ways to get around this I have no option but just to sit here and it’s not the quickest of techniques but we’re getting there I just know that

Every minute this is taken it’s making my life so much more difficult for the last record there is a very high percent chance of me failing this whole video at this point but despite this I kept throwing my snowballs and spending subscriber in the air until I did my

First 34,200 this means I’ve thrown one fifth of what I need to it’s such a mind bogging plain record to do I don’t have to move around all I’m doing is sitting here holding one btle on my mouse 136,00 done we’ve thrown four fifths to the final goal 140,000

150,000 165 the final th000 sobles we are just 200 away this is now on par with the current record therefore to break it all I have to do is that is the most sbl ever thrown in Minecraft after completing that record I’m left with less than 1 hour to break the hardest

Record I’ve ever had to attempt although it’s all based on luck to give me the best chance I’m going to stay in the world if they’ve got certain biomes or if I see the Sheep straight off spawn but despite all this predictably I was getting no luck at all words cannot

Describe to you how difficult this record is oh I do see some sheep oh no pink sheep the previous record was broken by crafting pink dye and making the wall that way but I wanted to find a naturally spawned pink sheep and what I’m about to show you is the luckiest

Moment I’ve ever had in Minecraft oh we’re in the right biome don’t see any sheep yet I think this is another bus isn’t it don’t look very likely come here come here come here come here kill it come on yes yes yes I’ve done I’ve actually done it there is no joke 5

Minutes left of my I’ve actually broken the record and that meant i’ broken 59 Minecraft records therefore the natural Next Step was to make things even harder so I’m going to attempt to break 28 of the toughest Minecraft world records in just 24 hours starting with

The fastest ever death oh come on this is a great spawn no I was 2 seconds over I just need that perfect seed oh my God yes in just 2.84 seconds that is the first of 28 records broken next up is the furthest distance travel across lava

Without effects the record speed is 37 blocks and I have a plan see if you time perfectly placing a boat on top of lava you can actually jump on and off of it therefore 1 2 3 no oh I was doing so well come on come

On ah no come on now let’s make this the one please do it okay so far almost there wait was that the record let me check the replay and have a look it just has to be over that green line oh let’s go I beat the record by one I’m

Currently building the outline to what will be the world’s largest emerald block I’ve now built the bottom layer of this and my finger is starting to hurt a lot but I still have four more sides to complete and the roof this is actually looking pretty

Good good I’ve just got fill in the roof and we’ll be pretty much done we have now placed every block let’s go and from the largest to the fastest we’re going to attempt one of the toughest ever Minecraft speedruns the fastest time to craft every tool which was done in 12.32

Seconds this was actually one of the first ever records I broke when I started making Minecraft videos and recently the YouTuber Preston who I used to watch all the time when I was younger beat my record and I can’t let that stand so today I’m getting my record

Back okay that wasn’t great press time was over a second faster than my previous best and I practiced for hours but the best time I could get was over 2 seconds slower than his current record I don’t know if I can make up that time to

Beat him I’m going to have to give up on this record for a bit and attempt it again later on cuz right now I need to make some time back this record is for the longest ever Trident kill the current record is 109 snip blocks but if I manag to perfect my

Throw come on come on that one felt good it must be close yes 20 one blocks traveled that is a new world record this is the current best for the furthest height reached in 60 seconds but by using a mixture of these Vines and bone

Meal I’m going to attempt to break it I just have to get above 125 blocks Ah that’s not high enough this method definitely stands potential I just have to time it right 125 no I’m literally on par with the record and go 5 Seconds of bow this is the time to start climbing

This does feel pretty fast right now I have to say clock’s ticking down though yes 129 blocks in 60 seconds I’m attempting the longest active Redstone line the most p is activated by one lever and the most anvils dropped at once this line in front of me is 69,000

Blocks of just Redstone pistons and anvils so by flicking this lever once I have the longest active Redstone line and the most Pistons activated then by flicking it back again that is now the most anvils dropped as well I’m currently standing in front of 9,123 blocks each with a two block gap

Between and I’m trying to break the current record of 2,48 jump that’s 100 jumps done 150 jumps so ah and now I have to start all the way back at zero and 1,000 jumps done this is better 2,000 jumps crossed I’m coming for that record less than 50 jumps to go now

We’re on the final straight and 3 2 1 yes now let’s see how far we can keep going is that the end of the course I think it might be we’ve officially beaten the old best with 3,31 jumps the current record for the most be killed is

7,400 however if I beat that and do it in another 2 hours I’ll break not one but two world records and the timer starts right now it’s quite a slow break progress to kill each of these so to do this in less than 2 hours will be a

Challenge we’re making good time right now though that’s 1 hour pass and 3,700 bees killed okay that is now 2 hours up 7,437 bees have been killed in that time period two more records broken this is a mushroom with just a 0.09% chance of spawning they often take hours to find

However today I’ve attempted to speedrun kill one in less than 2 minutes and 34 seconds time to load into thousands of Worlds and hope for the best come on game give me that luck I need oh my God is that yes yes it is it is I’m just

Going to swim screw a boat a this is really slow it could be quite close all I need to do is kill that mushro as quick as I can come on come on come on yes with 1 minute and 31 seconds we’ve absolutely smashed the old world record

I may have an opportunity to set the strangest Minecraft world record in history currently frog tongues can only reach three or four blocks but with some slight modifications that a professional modern named easy B has made for me we can be the first people to make a frog

Tongue do this oh my God this looks crazy and move the pig the pig the Pig new record let’s go next up is the fastest time toit experience level 100 oh my God yes we are flying right now 10 minutes past and we’re already at level

85 the Curr record is 14 minutes and 29 seconds so it’s going to be close yeah this is going to be a lot closer than I thought level 90 XP pass come on these last few minutes are going to be tense oh my God I don’t think I’m going to do

It am I yes yes yes level 140 minutes and 17 seconds I’m currently trying to travel over 50 km on a pck This Record is what I’m super concerned about because of how long it’s going to take me 5 km done so far but this is so incredibly

Slow we’re going to does this actually work oh my goodness I could in fact be a genius by putting a pig in a mineart and riding it that way you could check the game into thinking you’re still just riding on the pick and by being in this mineart I’m moving four times faster

Than I was before 15 km done 30 km I don’t even need the carrot on the stick anymore either because the pig is literally doing nothing 40 km done now we’re gaining on that record and 49 km done we’ve passed the record I’m going to keep going for a bit longer we have

Now traveled over 50 km on a pig at this point the clock had just pass 14 hours leave me with less than 10 hours to break 13 records one of which being the fastest crafting record by Preston which I failed earlier but before attempting that record again I decided to get some

Revenge I’m going to attempt to beat press’s record of three 3 minutes for the fastest time to find Berry treasure I think we can beat it provided I get that perfect seed okay well this spawns insane but what is this shipwreck it’s going to take me 10 minutes just to find

The chest room no I I give up on be close be close be close no why is the treasure not spawning close to me wait we have a shipw which chest is the map in nope must be the other one aha now if this is Clos oh my God time’s

Tight but if I find this quick we can do it it should be around here yes yes yes 59 seconds I’m absolutely demolished that record wait I can also get the half the SE speed run here too yes that’s two records broken take that Preston time’s

Still ticking though so I need to keep going here is 10,000 logs and did my hand as an axe to beat this record I have to right click every log and make each of them strip logs I don’t know how long this will take but I’m determined

To break this record all right we’re probably like 20% of the way through I’m actually powering through this a lot quicker than I thought yes this is going nicely two rows left and done let’s go this record is for the advancement zombie doctor and the only way to get it

Is to feed a zombie villager a golden apple and the best place to do that Igloo the only problem is it takes roughly 5 minutes and 30 seconds for the zombie to heal and the record is 5 minutes 45 seconds therefore I have to find a igloo in less than 15 seconds ooh

This Spa’s insane this is the best possible opportunity I can get for this and now I just wait come on zombie hurry up mate this time’s getting far too close oh okay I didn’t think it was going to happen but that is a new world record this next level I have to attempt

To craft over 29,8 121 cookies in less than 5 minutes 3 2 1 go good start every second is vital here I cannot afford to make a mistake and that’s my first 5,000 cookies crafted in 1 minute time to empty my inventory and start again we’re halfway there now 20,000 22,000 25,000

29,000 only 15 seconds left this is going to be really close please yes I’ve just has barely beaten the record of 29,8 185 cookies crafted in 5 minutes this record is for the most endites in one world by using this command and spamming it a few times I

Should spawn in a lot of endites okay yeah that’s definitely over a thousand record broken this is the fastest ever time to punch an ax lottle oh good spawn is that an ax lottle in the water there as well oh my God it is this time could

Be unreal let’s go we beat the previous record by over 20 seconds longest time spent on fire the only two rules for this record called R you must be taking damage from the fire at all times and you’re only allowed five stacks of food

The timer has begun we have a time of 43 minutes to beat the food I’ve chosen is golden apples this is going to be tough that’s my first 5 minutes St that we’re doing pretty well okay we’re halfway there now to Breaking the world record this is going

To be close oh come on come on yes I think we should do it let’s go that is a brand new world record I am now attempting to find an enchanted golden apple in less than 33 seconds all I need is a rune portal and I had a good chance

Of breaking this speaking of this is my best chance it’s a great spawn I just need that Golden Apple please oh my God enchanted golden apple yes that was insane at Tom hour: CL has just started and I have to try and plant as many seats as I can within that time

Frame the previous record for this is 35,000 I have a method of dual wielding the seeds to get as many down as I can at one time or I feel Unstoppable right now knowing how little time I had left and the difficulty of some of the

Records coming up I had to get this right Thank thankfully My Method paid off and I broke the record with over 44,000 wheat planted in under 2 hours let’s go this set me with three records to beat two of which had me floating over 1 million wide by Falling all the

Way down to ground level I’ll set a world record for the world’s longest fall but by placing this water just before I land I’ll also break the record for the tallest ever water bucket clutch the only issue is this record is going to take me about 4 hours to get down

There and if I fail my water bucket clutch the entire video is failed but if I succeed I still have one more record to attempt we now fallen 100,000 blocks in 21 minutes we are getting there but this is long 200,000 blocks have now been Fallen we’re halfway there now and

While I’m here I remind you all it’s my dream to hit 1 million subscribers and we are so close now please check to see if you are subscribed 200,000 blocks remaining before the hardest water bucket clutch I will ever attempt 100,000 blocks to go I

Can feel my heart beaten now as I get closer to the ground we’re going so fast on yes oh my god brother is Fallen broken and toest ever water MLG broken let’s go oh wait there’s only 28 minutes left and I have to try and beat the most extreme Minecraft speedrun before that

Time runs out this time though I have a new plan when I previously set this record over a year ago I used the keys on my keyboard to help assist my crafting this way I wouldn’t have to click and drag the items into the crafting menu however this method requires extreme

Precision okay how quick was that that felt decent 13 seconds okay that is an improvement with the time tick it down I kept trying over and over again wow that felt so good no I’m literally 4 milliseconds away that’s a joke it felt at this point that even if

I had another 24 hours I wouldn’t be able to break this record I knew that giving up at this point wasn’t an option 12.3 seconds to beat come on come on let’s just get the clicks right decent decent come on that felt quick but I don’t know let’s have a look

Oh my God yes I have taken my record back with a time of 11.52 seconds and by doing so with just a few minutes left I’ve broken 28 records in 24 hours making me the first ever player to break 87 Minecraft records which even just saying out loud is crazy however it

Wasn’t going to be all smooth sailing especially since these are the 11 rarest mobs items and occurrences in Minecraft history the chances to breaking the speedrun record for some of them is as low as 0.01% and I seem to love torturing my myself so I’m going to

Attempt them all we’re starting with the fastest time to punch a baby turtle with the 2% chance I knew this would be difficult but this is basically impossible the time to beat is 15 seconds so I have to spawn into the perfect biome and hope for there to be a

Baby turtle within a 30 Block radius around me oh oh my God yes yes yes wait no it’s after the time that was literally the first baby turtle of sin in over 2 hours and I failed it this needs to be the one wait I think that’s a baby

One yes 7 Seconds that is a brand new speedrun world record however now things get a bit more difficult next we have to find the rarest monument in the game the Woodland mansion on average they spawn over 3,000 blocks away from where you start your world and the current record

Found one in 40 seconds but I reckon I could beat that this is the right biome I’m just going to keep looking right now and hope for the best I’m out of hunger and there is no side of a mansion wow this is my fifth or sixth attempt and I’ve already found

One that is ridiculously rare come on come on come on come on let’s go 38 8 seconds and after breaking that record I started speed running breaking speeduns fastest time to punch baby arctic fox I see one come here come here done 9 seconds fastest time to find

The heart of the sea we have a shipwreck where’s the chest oh it’s close it should be here somewhere there it is 1 minute 32 that’s a new record then I managed to break a pink sheep speedrun that wasn’t even on my list oh my God

That’s a pink sheep come on come on come on let’s go I wasn’t even trying to break that record what is going on right now but this was the definition of I spoke too soon the next speedrun is for the hero of the village advancement I’ve broken this before but somebody beat me

Right away by over 20 seconds and I would to reclaim what’s rightfully mine first you kill a Pillager with a banner and get the effect bad Omen then you run to this Village trigger a raid and kill the enemy sorry pal the issue is if a second wave spawns we fail please please

And with a 99.4% Chance of that happening it’s almost impossible nope ah where is my luck this is my last attempt because I’m losing my mind come on mate we’ve got a record to break 3 2 one nice and N I think the time’s too

Late oh we got it but no we’re too late right now I don’t know if I can beat this so I think I’m just going to attempt it again later which means next I have to find an enchanted golden apple in under 40 seconds oh I see a room

Portal I need that 0.6% chance right now oh it’s quite far away but I think I can make it oh let there be a golden apple in here please yes yes that is a brand new world record 33 seconds with a 0.5% chance I’m going to try and find a music thing

Under 2 minutes my plan is to get a skeleton to kill a creeper and get one that way however there’s far too many mobs in these caves for this method to work instead it was all going to depend on getting a ridiculously lucky spawn near a chest which is exactly what I got

Oh we got cave come on I’m got to go this way I think oh yes yes yes yes 52 seconds that was Unreal and I needed that luck to stay as next up I’m going to attempt to be the first person in history to set this record I will be

Speedrunning the Minecraft LA because I’ll be the first person I’ve had to get onto the newest V of Minecraft Bedrock which means I have to learn a whole new game and quickly all the controls were different thankfully to break this record all I had to worry about was

Walking sprinting and swimming all spawn in two places Woodland mansions and Pillager outposts I was going to focus on finally one in a Pillager right post however these prove to be a lot rarer than I anticipated oh oh we have a pite post this is where my time’s going to

Get lost the physics on this game is so difficult no sign yet there’s only a small chance when I get to one of these of an Aly actually spawning there too maybe another cage there’s another one here there’s nothing in it one more cage I don’t see anything in that one

Either all right let’s see what we can do yes okay we have a p the drve post fairly close I swear I see some blue flying around in there I do I do I do see some yes yes yes come on come on come on come on let’s go and after

Breaking that record I’ve now got the confidence to attempt to find two of the rarest mobs in Minecraft history the first one is the brown panda to break this record I need to touch one in less than 2 minutes in order to do that though I need to find one and I can’t

Find any nope nope that’s another bust oh this is a good spawn H there’s two pandas next to each other here if I breed them could they spawn a brown one come on no it’s a regular one I think I was on to something there though if I

Find two together I can breed them and there is a small chance that they will Spa a brown one alternatively I could just run into a brown panda but that is extremely unlikely please please please please no if this works this will be an unbelievable time oh my

God o okay this is a really really good jungle spawn yeah wait wait wait wait come on come on yes yes that’s a new record I’ve actually done it and from a brown panda to a baby brown sheep things are about to get even more difficult or

So I thought all right let how we go what we saying sheep pretty much spawn everywhere so that makes things a bit more difficult here we need like more Open Fields like this yes this looks a bit more like it maybe over here oh my God oh my

God yes yes yes what’s going on 50 seconds that is another speedrun broken with a 0.09% Chance of spawning in next speedrun is going to feel impossible and one of the hardest records I’ll ever attempt I’m speedrunning the fastest time to kill a mushroom the current best

Time is sitting at 330 and has been held for over 2 years until today right how do I find one moan biomes are notoriously rare as they spawn in high X and Zed coordinates and often when you spawn you’ll be on 0 x and z z this makes things quite tricky the best

Chance I think I have is to spawn on islands near the water and build boats to cover as much distance as possible the other concern is that even if I do find one there is always a chance no mushrooms will SPO I’ve invested far too

Much time to the speedrun now to fail we will get this m no time’s gone ah that did look promising for a bit but I don’t think it’s looking likely anymore o it’s a decent spawn I just need to build a boat and now we go

Searching oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God my God do not see a single cow yet oh don’t tell me it’s one of these where there’s no cow what unbelievable time right now it’s so small oh there may not be I’ll be

Heartbroken I’ll be absolutely heartbroken if you click subscribe maybe a cow will spawn yes there’s one yes on this whole island there was one cow next up is an ax lter but not just any I’m looking for a blue axter with a 0.08% Chance of spawning if I can punch

One in under 2 minutes and 22 seconds I will be a world record holder I had a strategy of loading into a seed searching for an aelia tree digging down and then praying for a miracle and I kept getting really really good runs but I could not find a blue one anywhere yes

S OT tree it’s under waterer that’s a good sign if we’re going to find one that’s going to be one of these little holes around here no no if that was a blue one that would have been the record I spent 2 hours finding different axotal but the

Blue one would just not spawn this speedrun I just cannot do I hate giving up but I think I have to and because I gave up on that one it was now vital that I did The Impossible we are now going to attempt the hero of the village

Speedrun again after spending 10 hours on this one speed run I am now committed to breaking it if I complete the speed run we will still have broken 11 I was refusing to give up on this I wanted my persistence to pay off if I gave up now

All of my hard work could have been for nothing surely all my patience would pay off right okay the pill is here right this is a good time so far ah that was a good effort oh no if I had it then that would have been a world record I’m not even

Able to get world record times now and even if I was I’m consistently getting a second wave spawning which immediately sabotages the run I kept trying and trying for another 2 hours until right before I was about to give up this happened come on then let’s do this make

A sword come on mate you and me we got to break record here come on thank you all right we’ got one a please just die please thank you let’s hope and pray now let’s hope and pray I need nothing but luck time looks decent

Yes I have now broken 11 of the rarest Minecraft speed runs however I definitely hadn’t because this is a Minecraft record that sounds impossible finding and obtaining an emerald in 0.167 milliseconds that is literally this much time but I think I’ve got what it takes to beat it attempt number one

Here we go come on you know what that wasn’t terrible Maybe This Record isn’t impossible yep I have been humbled the current record is just such an insane time to try and beat what was that 4un 17 milliseconds I’ve just got to stay persistent here come on o 267 I am

Slowly starting to see some improvement oh my god did I just do it yes 133 milliseconds that is a brand new world record however this is just the first of the 10 most Elusive and difficult speedruns of all time but see as I’ve already broke one surely I could

Break them all right well next up I’m attempting one of Minecraft’s toughest ever records the fastest time to fill your inventory to beat it you have to fill all 36 slots with completely unique items and somehow the current world record did that in 12.96 seconds so naturally my aim is to absolutely

Demolish that time and 19 seconds that’s not that far away if I keep this up I reckon I’ll beat this pretty quickly it has now been 3 days and I still cannot break this record in fact it’s so tough I’m revising my goal to just be in third

Place and I am getting somewhat close like my average run is around 14.8 seconds now but I don’t know how I meant to do this any faster you see the key to these fast records is training your brain to do certain actions automatically as you don’t have time to

Think each pixel you aim at and each tiny movement has to be perfectly Master to stand any chance of getting a decent time this explains why no one has been able to get a top three run in over 6 months but for some reason I was still

Confident like a big I will have my name in that top three leaderboard mark my words this feels pretty good never mind 14.5 what was that oh I’m 3 milliseconds away here we go come On nice good pace so far oh that was really please please yes yes 13.85 by just 0.01 milliseconds I’ve got third place what you currently looking at is one of Minecraft’s rarest items the Golden Apple currently the fastest time to find this item is 12.63 seconds until today my plan is to look

For words that have a ruined portal within a 50 block radius of Spawn and then I’ll just hope that I get that 1.5% chance of a golden apple being in the chest is that yes that’s a ruin portal give me what I need I hate you ooh this spawn is

Actually perfect I could make great time here oh my God I’m still one R portal like every hundred worlds here but none have a golden apple I am a Broken Man unless apple apple apple apple yes finally all that stress just to find a golden apple but that is the third of

The fastest ever Minecraft world records beaten next up I’m attempting to break fellow YouTuber C’s record for the fastest time to find card with a time of 21 seconds to beat the key to do of this is to spawn near a shipwreck dig down at the quars of 99 and then

Hopefully find cook con I will open every every Berry treasure chest in Minecraft until I break this record and so I did how have I not beaten this yet I’m consistently a few seconds away it was clear this record was not an easy one to beat but despite this I kept

Looking for hours and hours until finally I dug down and found cooked C but in over 20 seconds I feel like I need a new strategy the issue is it takes too long to find the right Beach and the right place to dig as well

However I did have a trick up my sleeve the timer doesn’t actually start until you begin moving therefore I could legally cheat by going into third person I can work out which way to go to find the buried treasure before I begin moving give me c now let’s hope this new

Strategy actually works ooh decent spawn I think I need to go backwards right come on 99 here we go no way I have beaten the previous record by over 10 seconds however from this point onwards the time I have to beat each of these records gets less and

Less for example this the fastest time to get XP level 8 with the time of 12 seconds to beat now normally I’d attempt the same seed that the current world record used and try and beat their time however on this record I paid a professional seed fighter to hunt down a

Seed that I might be able to beat the record on and he’s found me this with a chest full of emeralds buried only a few blocks underneath the trading villager he theorized I could beat this record in around 11 seconds come on I can do

This here we go please fella help me out here 10.71 seconds ha I feel like I could do better than that as well 10.14 seconds get in I didn’t even think that would be possible speaking of things I didn’t think were possible I’m about to attempt to perform a survival

MLG in less than 10 seconds the current record did this in 1 minute which isn’t very fast however I recently saw a method that would allow me to make it one of the fastest ever in Minecraft history by spawning with no items in your inventory it is possible to do this

Holy yeah this could be a game changer see if you perfectly time pressing W and Crouch just before you hit the ground you will perform form a Crouch MLG This Record is now possible I’ve just got to get Consistent aha one yes all right I think I’m ready to break this record wow this spawn is good ah that was the one ooh this looks a bit better this looks good come on come on come on come on come on yes oh it’s so slow though I feel

Like I could do better than that come on come on come on this is better yes let’s go next up I’m attempts to find and slap one of Minecraft’s rarest mobs the mushroom the time to beat is 12 seconds which means my only chance of beating it is to spawn on the musham

Island now the chance of that happening is around 1 in 100,000 so surely that would never be beaten right oh my God I just got to go for it yes yes let’s go I cannot overexpress how lucky I’ve just gotten this is record number eight so fastest ever death I’ve actually

Attempted This Record before with a time of 2.84 seconds and at the time I thought it was a world record however the actual record was 2.53 seconds therefore my one goal here is Revenge oh yeah this is a good spawn ah 4 seconds please just die already nope nope this is actually

Getting ridiculous now like the seed I need to beat this has to be basically built for me to please game one good seed is all I ask o okay this one looks good come on come on please please please yes 1.97 next up is probably the simplest but yet the most confusing record

Because it seems so easy to break this is the fastest time to obtain an item the Only Rule for this record is that the item cannot come from a chest and for some reason the current record broke that by mining a tree and it took them 4

Seconds now I’m not the smartest man in the world but what I have worked out is an ingenious idea to break this record that’s it with a time of 0.63 seconds we have beaten that record but with one record left to go it was time to to attempts Minecraft’s hardest ever

Record the fastest time to obtain a diamond the time to be is 0.05 seconds when put into an editing software that is just three frames so how am I going to beat it to be honest I have no idea but I’m going to try and at

Minimum get a top three times okay I have to open that chest and right click the diamond into my inventory come on yeah this one might be impossible and nope ah we’re getting closer while I’m attempting this record please check to see if you’re subscribed and if you’re

Not consider subscribing thank you come on this is the one I’m getting so annoyed here after 4 hours of trying this I was getting nowhere however it was at this point that I had quite a good idea wait a minute because all I’m doing is flicking my mouse why don’t I

Just massively increase my sensitivity oh my Lord where’s it going I cannot control my mouse at all but this could help me break the record however predictably it didn’t as much as I didn’t want to admit it this record was by far the hardest I’d ever attempted

Nothing I’m trying now it seem to be working I really was just a few runs away from giving up until finally I did The Impossible come on wait a second 0.067 that’s second place I didn’t even realize let’s go the person in first can have the crown second place with how

Tough this record is is absolutely insane Minecraft’s fastest World Records completed the mate but it was at this point that a lot of other players and YouTubers started breaking my records however that would never happen again again because I put together 11 of the toughest Minecraft world records that

Will never be beaten starting with the world’s longest jump the current record is eight blocks and that is widely considered unbeatable however by using this course I’ve made I’m going to attempt The Impossible and Beat It by half a block here we go ah brush my toes

On it please please please oh so close I need the biggest leap here come on ah I feel like I’m doing everything right but I’m just consistently slightly off come on oh my god I’ve actually done it that is the first record completed and I am confident that it will never be beaten

Next up I’m attempted to set the record for the lowest possible height survive this is the current world record and this is what I’m going to do to make it unbeatable and I’m going to achieve that by breaking minecraft see if you push a shulker box off of Bedrock into the void

They basically become a floating platform oh my goodness gracious and if you push a boat onto those shulker boxes you have a safe place to land 67 blocks below Bedrock therefore this is the 447 Block Survival MLG here we go if I land in that boat this record will be

Unbeatable forever come on let’s go lowest possible survival level G completed and from the lowest to the tallest next up I’m attempting a 1 million block raft clutch it’s going to take roughly 4 hours to get down to the ground when I do get there I’ll only

Have about 10 milliseconds to place and sit in the rft so if I fail I’m going to cry all right that is now 900,000 blocks left to go we’re getting there slowly okay okay any second now let’s just start seeing the ground here we go here we go here we

Go I placed it second times’s the charm here we go come on I did the same thing again despite my best efforts those two attempts had taken me almost 8 hours and they’d all been for nothing I was showing no sign of improvement and I had no idea if I

Even had what it would take to set this record therefore I was left with no other choice than to put this on hold to attempt again later on right now I need to get my confidence back so I’m going to attempt one of the world’s most technically difficult speedruns the

Fastest time to get a full stack of blocks the record speed is 35 seconds but on this seed I’m going to utilize the fastest mining combo of gold and Netherrack and almost immediately I broke the current world record 30 seconds first attempt and have already set a new record but it’s not unbeatable

Yet I’ve got to keep going come on come on 29 seconds that time we’re moving now I feel like 27 seconds should be the goal if I can reach that this record will be for sure unbeatable I kept on practicing for hour after hour slow slowly improved my times until finally

My persistance paid off all right we’re into the Nether on really good pace so far yep that was super clean crafting please please yes 26.5 seconds I didn’t even think that was going to be possible next up I’m going to turn this camel into the longest mob you’ll ever SE in your life

You see this isn’t any ordinary camel because if I feed it a cactus it becomes massive one Cactus equals the camel grown by one block which means I need to spend multiple hours throwing at food and I will not stop until this record is completely unbeatable I am extremely bored but

Don’t worry I’m not stopping we’re only at 20,000 blocks so far I’ve got a long way to go yet 38,6 148 blocks long it has taken me 4 hours but this is the world’s longest camel for record number five I’m attempting to set the furthest possible distance traveled before day one in

Survival Minecraft I have a boat and a world with a lot of ice so there is only one thing left to do we’re going we’re going we’re going as long as I keep going on this diagonal angle I’m covering eight times as many blocks as I

Would be walking the only problem is if I slow down even just slightly I’d be giving time for someone else to be able to beat this record one Minecraft dat is 20 minutes and it’s already night time now so I’ve got maximum 10 minutes left okay yeah yeah I probably got about

60 seconds and day one 22 km in one day that’s five records down six to go and the next one needs me to achieve one of the rarest occurrences in the game let me explain this record is for the fastest time to obtain a piglin head and the only way to do that

Is to kill a piglin with a Charged Creeper the problem is to get a Charged Creeper you need lightning and to ensure this record is unbeatable I need to get lightning in under 60 minutes which only happens in one out of every 180,000 worlds but despite the odds I

Got to work and that’s 60 minutes out it’s not looking good H nope that’s 60 Minutes gone no sign of Thunder oh please get game what do I have to do I just need lightning one boolt of lightning no I can’t I can’t I need to

Get away from my computer for a bit or I’m going to disintegrate at this point I was mentally done I’d now spent 5 days straight trying hundreds of Worlds just waiting for Thunder but it had all been for nothing I genuinely felt I’d bitten off more than I could chew with this

Record but just as I was close to giving up the impossible happened oh my God it’s going darker yes right he’s in he’s in he’s in only a one in 180,00 a chance of this happening I cannot mess this up Yes I’ve finally done it what you are currently looking at is what will be the world’s largest bamboo block each side of this block is going to take minimum one hour so I’ve got a long way to Go 3 hours in now and my hand has just completely died but we have a floor and two sides of this block down we’re getting there just the roof to go to save our sanity I have an announcement and that is this is officially the world’s largest bamboo block built entirely by

Hand and from the largest bamboo block to the largest camel pyramid to make sure this record is completely unbeatable I’m going to keep pressing this button until either my computer dies or Minecraft dies my game is on the best possible settings for performance but still look

How bad this is lagging a NASA computer would struggle with this but we are now 112 camels stacked on top of each other and my game’s just crashed however that is now the eighth unbeatable record set for record number nine I’m going to use this raft to set the record for the

Furthest distance traveled across lava I have nine in my inventory and about 4.9 million along the side of the course but in order for me to make this record unbeatable I have to master the raft lava jumper to a level never before seen here we go I could do

This you know what that wasn’t terrible ah I mean I’m pass the old world record but we’re not at that unbeatable stage just yet I cannot be defeated by this come on I’ve had enough now nice we’re doing well so far yep that’s the old world record come

On yes yes yes that is over 70 blocks traveled across lava surely that won’t be beaten I have just spawned in a village and before 60 minutes is up I have to try and collect an unbeatable amount of emeralds my first plan to get

As many as I could was wheat as this was the easiest to come by resource all right 16 emeralds so far it’s not a bad start next I’m going to commit the foration as I need as many stick trades as possible that is already ticking

Down fast okay okay 75 M so far the pace is decent but in order for me to make this unbeatable I need to go faster I’ve been trading sticks now for about 20 minutes it’s decently quick but I think I need to try the tripy hook trade you

See usually trip hooks require difficult to get materials however there is a way you can get them infinitely each time I pass through these trap doors you get double the amount of trip hooks you put down yeah this is ridiculous I’m just going to do this for the next 10 minutes

And then just trade until the Runs Out come on now come on all the emeralds please done done done done done done I’ve got nothing else I can trade here we go Moment of Truth how many emeralds did I get 240 that is so much better than I

Was expecting now it’s time to once again attempt the tallest ever raft clutch I’ve got my raft in hand and a whole ton of confidence I cannot fail again however after 4 hours of falling I failed again there just isn’t enough time to place and sit in the raft

If you’ve ever wondered why it takes me so long to upload by the way this is why so please click subscribe to show me your appreciation here we go here we go oh my I’ve put so many hours into this and I just cannot do it I really

Wasn’t my Breaking Point with this record to sit and fall for 4 hours just to fail over and over again was painful but despite all this I was refusing to give up all it’s going to take is one run where I absolutely nail it but that

Is not going to be easy to do see but but eventually after countless hours my resilience paid off 1 million blocks all the way down to zero for about the 100,000th time all right come on come on yes finally I’ve done it that is the tallest ever raft clutch completed and

That meant I had now Rish to set 11 Minecraft records that for the rest of time to come will never be beaten and although that all sounded great and I’ve now broken 119 records I needed something fresh something more impossible to really test my skill so

I’m going to attempt to break 48 of the toughest Minecraft world records in under 48 hours starting with the world’s fastest death oh my god oh that was so close oh my God this seed looks perfect the timer starts once I begin moving stay calm yes come on 1.65 seconds that is

The first out of 48 World Records broken next up is the lowest possible height survived the record to beat is -127 and I’m going to do that by breaking the laws of Minecraft you see by pushing a Shuler off of Bedrock they get suspended inside the void at y -1 127 making it

The lowest possible number you can reach without dying or so people think see I have a theory that by throwing an ender pearl just after passing the shers I might be able to reach an even lower number all I have to do is nail the Pearl

Throw yes I think that might have been the world record I just need to check it just has to be below minus1 127 please yesus 134 46 hours remaining come on I’m currently attempted to break the record for the world’s largest gold block as well as the fastest time to

Play 60,000 blocks by hand meaning I need to build this entire thing in less than 4 hours I want to die all right 45 minutes later and we placed 10,000 blocks and have the floor done but we still have four more siid to do and the roof all right just the roof to

Go we are now on the last few blocks of this record which means that is both the world’s largest gold block done and the fastest t space 60,000 blocks by hand completed four records now done next up however is a record that is by far the most infuriating record I’ve ever

Attempted the fastest time to find and kill a pink sheep you see a pink sheep only has a 0.16 4% chance of spawning naturally that means I can load into over a million Minecraft seeds and only see a handful and to make things even worse to beat the current record I need

To find one in less than 6.8 seconds so as you’d probably predict This Record was not going very well it’s now been an hour of me just searching through seeds and I’ve seen nothing and even when my luck finally changed oh my first pck sheet but it’s so far away in past

Videos I’ve been lucky enough to break this and all the other records in this video however since since then all these records have either been beaten or accused of being faked so I want to not only reclaim all these records again but also prove all the comments wrong

Therefore the last thing I’m going to do is give up I give up my luck just isn’t there at the moment I’m going to try it again later and hopefully my luck changes thankfully for this next record I don’t need any luck as I’m attempting to grow the world’s largest sniffer

Right now is still a lot of SP than me but by feeding it a torch flower oh yeah this is going to get mental Um yeah this might have got slightly out of hand this is literally meant to be like one single Pixel however we now officially hold the world record for the world’s largest sniffer the current world record for the world’s longest Trident kill is 2011 blocks however by perfecting my

Throw come on one of these has got to be it please let’s go that is the world’s first ever 202 block try to kill next up I’m attempting two records the most diamonds mined and the most diamonds mined by one netherite pick both have a record to beat of

344,373 diamonds and this is a record that previously took me over 12 hours to complete but time is ticking and I don’t have 12 hours to spare however I might have found a way to bend the rules and complete this in just a couple of hours

See the rules State you cannot use any mods and you must be actively mining each block using the pickaxe but they don’t state that you can’t use commands so what I’ve done is made the most crack pickaxe known to man oh my word yeah this is going to be absolutely

Mental in just 20 minutes I’ve already mined over 100,000 blocks the speed is absolutely outrageous okay we are now only 2,000 away come on and let’s go that is two new world records I’m we’re going to keep going just a little bit longer and the final score is

357,96 diamonds M for this next record I’m going to become the fastest Steve to ever live and that’s because I’m attempting to travel over 1,000 blocks in less than 45 seconds sounds impossible right well I’ve got a world with 1,000 blocks of Soul Sand underwater and I have depth ster boots

With every single speed effect applied so oh look at that number it’s literally blurry yeah this is this is broken this is actually broken 200 blocks 100 blocks that’s a new world record piece of cake after just 10 hours I had broken nine insanely difficult records however as I

Went to sleep that night only one thing was on my mind all right it’s early morning and time for me to attempt some of Minecraft’s hardest speed runs starting with the fastest time to punch baby turtle the time to beat is 7 seconds and this requires me to spawn within a 10

Block radius of one of the rarest baby mobs in Minecraft therefore this should have taken me hours but after just a few tries this happened oh my God yes yes with a time of just 1.2 seconds next up we’re attempting two records at once as we’re looking to

Break both the berry treasure speedrun and the Heart of the sea speedrun the time to beat for each of these records is 21 seconds so the first thing I need to do is spawn on a beach line myself up at the coordinates 99 and dig down and

Pray for a chest but prayers weren’t needed this morning as my luck continued yes yes oh the luck oh my God the luck I needed for that and after breaking this record I started speed running breaking speeduns This Record is for the fastest time to punch wood the mansion with a

Time to beat of 38 seconds no way already this is one of the rarest structures in the game 100% the new world record if I get it there in time there we go fastest time to reach a woodland Mansion done next up we need to find a diamond in less than 23 seconds

Ooh this spawn could work actually if I can find one of those M shafts with a chest yes yes I see a chest come on please yes oh my days what is going on right now these next two records are for the fastest time to punch a panda and

The fastest time to burn one alive I have 30 seconds to punch the panda and just one minute to burn it alive here we go we have a panda super close nice okay that’s the fastest time to punch Panda done now come with me pal we have a lava

Pool of this world it is perfect but I need you to fall into it yes yes fastest time to per a panda completed this next speedrun is a bit of an odd one as I’m attempting the fastest time to obtain any item with a time to beat of 0.63

Seconds there really isn’t any strategy to beat this I’ve just got to Hope I spawn another piece of grass oh okay this could be it come on yes yes by just five of a second that is a new world record in this world I have a NeverEnding pile of bees and I’m

Attempting to break the records for the most bees killed and the most XP gained from just bees so this could take me a couple of hours but I’m going just sit here swinging my axe until we reclaim both of these records we are now on par with the

Current world record so just like this that is two more World Records completed in front of me a hundreds of pigs all crammed inside one block and I’m going to turn them into a literal Cannon as we attempt to break the furthest Pig Cannon shot with a record of 165 blocks to beat

There isn’t really much of a strategy to this so I’m just going to break this block and let chaos in Sue oh they’ve gone a weird Direction they’re still they’re still falling they’re still going they still going that’s the last one it has traveled over 600 blocks congratulations Pig pal

You’ve broken a record and from firing pigs out of the cannon to one of the hardest skill-based records I’m attempting the furthest distance traveled across lava to beat this I need to place sever boats down at the perfect time for over 70 blocks it’s not going to be particularly easy this but all

Right it’s Boat Boat never mind here we go oh now that was a lot better though come on this is good so far 70 blocks to beat come on yep yep yep oh that might be it that might be it I’m going to check the

Replay 70 blocks to beat so it just has to be over that line yes I’ve beaten the record by One Singular block what you’re currently looking at is what’s going to be the world’s tallest house I previously beat this record under the assumption that it was completely unbeatable however I’m

Utilizing the Sher truck I found earlier to make a pillar all the way down from -1 to7 up to 319 blocks bed chest furnace crafting table and we’ll put the fire there all I got to do now is build it up to Sky limit and just like that we now have

Officially have the world’s tallest Minecraft house next up is the fastest time to find a music disc with a time to beat of just 52 seconds I’m going to attempt this by looking for a mob spawner with a chest however to find one of these in less than 52 seconds I need

The perfect world and that’s exactly what I got come on oh my God come on please have a music disc yes 17 seconds that luck is absolutely outrageous that’s 23 records now broken come on I’m currently attempting to build Minecraft’s biggest farm in 1 hour I’ve built this massive

World ready to be filled with wheat and to beat this record I need to plant over 10,000 around 30 minutes of night passed and we planted just over 5,000 wheat which means I am neck and neck with the current world record 3 2 1 Stop I have somehow managed to plant

11,812 wheat in 1 hour next up we’re attempting the fastest is time to punch a mushroom with a time to beat of Just 4 seconds now they only have about 0.09% chance of spawning so this leaves me with no option but to just sit here and I have probably loaded into nearly

3,000 seeds at this point and I haven’t seen a single mushroom bi him nor have I seen a pink sheep which is a record I still need to attempt again this record was really starting to eat away at my time but regardless of how difficult

This was proving to be I knew I could not give up and finally after hours of searching through seeds that persistence paid off oh here we go come on yes yes yes yes less than a 1% chance of that happening but with a time of 1.82 seconds that is a new world record

Next up I have 10,000 drip Zone in front of me and I’m going to attempt to break two records by dropping every single one with this one lever please just work yes that is now the most drip Stone dropped with one lever and that is also

10,000 drip Stone dropped at once it is getting very late however for the next few hours I’m attempting the furthest distance ridden on a pig I’ve built the fastest possible Railway that utilizes Minecraft physics to help me travel 10 times faster than I did before we have

49 km to beat Mr Pig do your thing there is a slight chance I fell asleep but we have now traveled 15 km on this pig we’ve got a long way to go yet though I’m so tired how far have we gone all right 45 km 5 more to go come

On all right this should now be it please yes 50.4 km that is the furthest distance on a pig completed even though I was super tired at this point I had now broken 28 records so with just 24 hours remaining I would not rest until I’d broken every every last record it’s

Currently 6:30 in the morning I’m very tired however I cannot let these comments defeat me so I need to beat these 19 remaining records as fast as possible such as this one which is for the furthest distance travel within 1 day with a number to beat of 22.3 KM ooh

This spawn is perfect right let’s build a boat and get to Rowan as that’s by far the fastest way I can travel just under 20 minutes left to travel 22 km it takes around 20 minutes for a Minecraft day to pass and it’s currently night time so I’ve got maximum 10

Minutes left of this challenge okay okay the sun is starting to come up so any second now that is going to say day one and my time is up there here we go 30 km come on I have smashed the old world record next up I’m attempting the fastest time to receive

The achievement the parrots and the bats the time to beat is 13.5 seconds this spawn is perfect and I see some chickens come on okay this is going to be very tight please yes literally by a whisker I have beaten that world record and from breeding chickens to brutally murdering

Them I’m attempting the most chicken shot in midair my record to beat is 40 and I’m confident that with this crossbow and 48 that is 31 records broken and 15 hours left the current best for the world’s tallest staircase which I set is 72 blocks in 60 seconds

This means to beat it I need to place over 1.2 stairs per second I’m off to a pretty bad start here I’m going to be honest and yeah I got what’s that 59 in 60 Seconds come on I don’t have time for this and go this is feeling a lot better

I’m yet to make a mistake provided I can keep this pace up we could be pretty Close oh okay it was this one here what is that 18 have I just broken the record already 60+ 18 it’s 78 I’ve just broken the record on my second attempt am I just a professional well with only 8 hours remaining we were going to find out especially since these next two

Records are going to take a lot of time as I’m attempting the most mobs on one block and the most mobs spawned with one command block that’s what we want repeat here we go it doesn’t look like it but if you look at the top left of my screen

The entity number is flying this is going to be how my PC is going to die it’s literally one entity a second at the moment so I got about another what 10 minutes to wait and that’s 2001 frogs on one block and every single one was spawned with this one command block

And whilst on the topic of Records taking a long time these next two are for the longest time on a strier and the furthest distance travel on one and to beat these I need to travel over 69 km and spend at least 2 and 1/2 hours

Moving round I’m trying to move it a sort of like a diagonal angle to try and cover as much ground as possible and so far it’s working as we’ve traveled over 22 km in just over an hour and we’re not stopping yet all right we have now done

7.04 km purely on a stride and we’ve spent over 3 hours on the stride meaning we now only have 12 records left to go unfortunately however this next record previously took me 3 Days To Beat and I currently only have 8 hours remaining of this video the record is for the fastest

Time to fill your inventory with a time to beat of 13.85 seconds I’ve spent an hour so far attempting this and my best time was around 15 seconds so somehow I need to shave off over a second of my time no 14 seconds that felt so good but I must have messed up

Somewhere oh my God 13.9 seconds I am literally 0.8 milliseconds away from my record it had been 11 months since I last attempted this record so I knew it was going to be difficult however due to my time constraints I was convinced that despite how close I was getting I didn’t

Have what it would take to beat this record yeah I really don’t know if I could do this in time but just as I was on the verge of giving up come on come on come on come on this is really good so far yes 13.78 seconds let’s go that is

Giving me the motivation I needed come on 11 records to go and 6 hours to complete them next up I need to land over 26 water bucket clutches in 60 seconds the only chance I have of completing this record is not dying here we go I’m warmed up Now we are keeping it super clean at the moment just got to hold on for another 30 seconds come on yes that’s 27 I’m not going to get 28 but that is a brand new new world record with 27 water bucket clutches completed I’m currently attempting both the records for the most

Sniffers bread and the most sniffers in one world the goal here is to reach around 2,000 sniffers as that will break both records unfortunately however this is a very slow process I didn’t know I could hate the sound of Stiers until now but it’s happened however we are now at 1,

Stiffest Breads and around 3,000 in this world and just like that we have now bred 2,275 sniffers and we have over 6,000 sniffers in this one world and whilst on the topic of high numbers we’re attempting the record for the most creepers scared by one cat all right we

Now have roughly around 1,000 Creepers beneath me and with this one command we should now break this world record yes look at them go that is now over 1,000 creepers scared by one cat come on next up is the fastest time to complete a triple Neo the triple Neo on

Its own is one of the hardest jumps to perform in Minecraft and I not only need to successfully complete one first time but also build the entire platform for it and with a time of 1 minute 2 seconds I was expecting this to be impossible however wow this spawn is perfect I’m

Going to mine down this tree and then build the platform I cannot waste a second here here we go do it less than a minute here oh oh 50 seconds that is unbelievable in this world there is over 6,000 sheep and I’m attempting to turn every single one blue I’m hoping this

Isn’t going to take me too long but I guess we’ll find out try my best to do this as fast as possible but it’s quite hard my time to complete this video is starting to run low and I’ve still got to find a pink version of one of these Guys is that it yes that is over 6,000 sheep turned blue for this next record I need some of that good luck I had earlier to return as I’m attempting the the fastest time to find a diamond and emerald I have 31 seconds to beat meaning I need to find the perfect loot

Chest within 50 blocks of my spawn and after just a few attempts yo this could be it provided it has the loot I need come on block please hurry up yes yes 19 seconds I have beaten the previous world record by over 10 seconds this records for the most cakes crafted

In 5 minutes with a record to beat of 58 timer start in 3 two one every single second counts for this record my fingers have got to click at rapid speeds all right I don’t know how but we are not even 1 minute in and we are halfway to beating This Record I’m

Absolutely cooking right now 40 cakes done 50 cakes now done and 60 cakes now crafted so we’ve beaten the previous record and that’s time we crafted 128 cakes in 5 minutes I I now have only 2 and 1/2 hours remaining of this video and this next record is going to take 1

Hour of that time as we’re attempting the most blocks mind in 1 hour with a number to beat of 42058 blocks time starts in 3 2 1 go now I don’t have time to mess up with this record I have to complete this first time or I am

Screwed all right 10 minutes in and we’ve mined nearly 7,000 blocks we are on track to beat this but I cannot afford to lose any concentration here 8 minutes to go come on we are neck and neck with the current world record please please yes that is the current

World record now beaten in my last few seconds to by the skin of my teeth I have managed to mine 42,2 128 blocks in 1 hour come on this therefore left me with just over an hour to find and kill a pink sheep and if I

Did so I would also complete the final record by being the first person in history to break 48 Minecraft records records in 48 hours 6.8 seconds is the time to beat and unsurprisingly this went just as well as last time what do I have to do to have a pink sheep spawn

Close to me game a pink sheep’s all I want in life right now please no matter how many seeds I loaded into I was not getting the luck I needed and slowly but surely I was running out of time there is now only 7 minutes remaining of this

Challenge I think it might be impossible to beat now the chance of a pink sheet popping up is literally 0.1% but despite this for my last few remaining minutes I just kept searching seeds in hopes of the impossible becoming possible and that’s exactly what happened oh my God

Yes yes 48 records in 48 hours I cannot believe I’ve actually done that please click subscribe if you haven’t already this video was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life ah if only I knew the pain and suffering I had coming up ahead you see you’re looking at a

Collection of the rarest items to ever exist in Minecraft from blocks that are only obtainable through glitches to others that are considered impossible to find and I’m going to attempt to break the speedrun records for obtaining the nine rarest of these items by going back into some of the strangest versions of

Minecraft starting with the USB charging block so this block has a rarity of 2% and can only be found in side of one snapshot and to beat this record I need to craft it in less than 2 minutes 9 seconds I see a jungle temple this structure should have all the materials

I need but it doesn’t brilliant we go again come on game give me the loot I need oh my God why ooh okay we’ve got a jungle spawn now where is the temple oh my God okay the seed actually seems pretty good yes we’ve got the gold and

The Redstone I just need three more iron please let the second chest have it yes come on yes yes in just 1 minute and 59 seconds that is a new world record and honestly that was not as hard as I thought it would be this video might end

Up being easier than I think well I could not have been more wrong as from here these records get increasingly rarer until the last one which I need to find a block that only a few people have ever seen before but first we need to locate an item that has just a 1.8%

Chance of spawning called the amp block right the timer has begun and for me to beat this record I need to enter the ant Dimension and find this block in less than 7 Minutes 18 seconds you see I’m now playing on the infinite Dimension snapshot and in this version Mojang made

It possible to enter over 2 billion randomly generated Dimensions based on the words you type into a book so my goal is to gather the basic materials and then enter the ant Dimension ASAP right so if I type the word ant into this book we should open up the

Correct Dimension Moment of Truth here yes okay we’ve now got just under 2 minutes left to try and break this record but unsurprisingly yeah I’ve searched everywhere and I cannot find this block see my problem was despite how well I do in the Overworld I’d have to somehow locate the amp block that

Only spawns once inside this massive Wasteland that’s over 30 million blocks wide before my time runs out the odds are heavily stacked against me but I will load into thousands of Worlds if that’s what it’s going to take for me to beat this record although I’m almost

Certain that it’s not going to take that long all right we’ve got another Village after about 496 th000 hours of searching and the library okay this is actually a very very good start into the dimension we go now which way do I head oh I’m I’m

Going to go this way screw it I see it I see it I see it I may run out of hunger before I reach it it’s going to be really close wait actually I might make this please yes yes the luck I needed for that was outrageous but with a time of 7

Minutes and 6 seconds we have broken broen our second super rare world record and I need that luck to stay as next up I’m attempting to find an item that creates the rarest sound in Minecraft which is the screaming goat horn now these horn types only drop off the heads of a

Screaming goat which have just a 1.5% chance of spawning and to beat this record I need to get that goat to rra its head into a wall and drop its horn in less than 11 minutes and 19 seconds ooh I see a go over there I wonder I

Wonder oh my goodness not screaming right yes yes right come here you here we go please slam into me immediately come on let’s go 7 Minutes 5 Seconds that is actually unbel unbelievable I am currently playing one of the oldest versions of Minecraft Beta 1.9 as I’m attempting to

Get a block that should be completely impossible to hold in Survival Minecraft the end portal frame to beat this record I need to locate the portal room and then use a creeper to somehow obtain this item in less than 12 minutes and 22 seconds and although this record sounds

Pretty tricky Mojang very kindly left these massive glass pillars in the game that point directly to the portal road so I’ve just got a mine down here and let’s go right now I need a creeper yes come with me bro we’ve got a record to break and let’s go and portal record

Broken that is our four super rare records completed we are on fire however this is where things really start to get rare as to beat this next record I need to mine the bubble col this item has just a 0.34% chance of dropping and because of how tough this is to do no

One has ever attempted This Record until today now I can only get the bubbles to drop by building a redstone machine and Mining a water block with the silk touch pickaxe so I need quartz and Soul Sand for the machine and now I need to find

Myself a silk touch book is that yes that’s a desert temple please game give me the luck I need oh my God that is perfect okay now we need to build this machine very quickly all right I think this is done correctly so when I run into the pressure plate

Yep I can push to the side and instantly mine the torch the only issue now is my aim and timing has to be perfect and unsurprisingly this was a lot more difficult than I expected I’ve literally tried this hundreds of times and I cannot get these bubbles to drop I don’t

Know if I’m doing something wrong or please game why would’t you just help me out here for the first time in this video I was genuinely thinking of giving up that zero 34% chance was just seeming too hard to get however despite how difficult this was proven to be I just

Kept trying again and again and eventually my patience paid off oh oh yes I’m actually done it this next speedrun is going to feel completely illegal as I’m going to attempt to mine seagrass underwater at such a rapid speed that I beat the literal tick right of Minecraft and trik

It into thinking of Mind a water block like last time no one has attempted This Record for and to obtain the item I need a silk touch book so hopefully this desert temple has one silk touch already that is the best possible start I could have had so now

We can enchant this pickaxe and we are ready to mine some water all right it’s time to become a chainsaw please please can this pickaxe just mine a water block yeah I don’t think it’s working wait what the water when did that happen well somehow I didn’t even

Notice but I managed to m water toil with just a 0.24% chance get in come on and now we’re com down to a 0.2% chance this next item called the debug one block is physically impossible to obtain in Survival Minecraft in fact there’s only a small chance that this block will

Appear on Snapshot 18 w7a when a piston gets pushed into a bubble column and to beat this record I have to make it appear in less than 9 Minutes 51 seconds so given all this I was expecting this to take me ages however all right I need

Soul Sand to create some Bubbles and then we should be pretty much good to go okay I’ve got about 3 minutes remaining right we place the Soul Sand here and the Piston there and this should okay why is it not working ah please this time is so good maybe if I

Move the soul hand up ah yes I see it the debug one block just in the neck of time that is so sick come on two records left to go but with less than a 0.84% chance this next Rec would be the hardest thing I’ve ever attempted in

Minecraft as I’m looking to beat the speedrun record for punching a blue Axel lottle somehow the current record found one in 3 minutes 39 seconds which is insane considering I’ve spent 2 hours breeding as many Axel as I could and not a single blue one has spawned therefore

My only chance of beating This Record is finding a naturally spawning one which could take me days but regardless of how difficult the SC it would be I got to work right we are into our first scene and I see an axel is it NOP it’s bright yes there’s one down

Here come on please oh yellow that’s white pink another white one why game what have I done to upset you this record was proving to be a lot more difficult than I thought and if while watching this you’ve ever thought about torturing yourself as well by trying to

Break some Minecraft records I have good news for you because me and a team have been working on a world for the past 6 months that allows you to do exactly that we have an easy travel method that takes you to different Arenas where you can attempt to break loads of my records

Like the most triple drops ever completed longest bow kill furthest distance across lava and so much more go to the Bedrock Marketplace and search records or click the link in the description and go put your skills to the test we are super proud of this map and I’m sure you guys will absolutely

Love it and good luck breaking the records you’re going to need it just like I’m going to need luck to find this blue Axel lottle in fact at this point I’ve been searching for this mob for one week straight and I genuinely believe this record would be completely

Impossible to beat until only a couple of seeds into my seventh day of attempts all right we’ve got a decent spawn here time to make a boat and go searching wait wait oh my yes yes this AEL has been the hardest thing to find ever but

With a time of 3 minutes 18 seconds we have set a brand new world record this therefore leaves me with just one more record to break it’s for the rarest block in Minecraft with just a 0.1% chance of spawning the Minecraft brick let me explain I’m not looking for

Any ordinary Minecraft brick I’m looking for one that spawns in the rarest structure to ever exist in Minecraft the brick pyramid this structure is so old it can only be found on a version of the game that was released before Minecraft Alpha known as INF Dev nevertheless I

Need to mine a break from this pyramid in less than 11 minutes to beat this record there is an awful lot of conflicting information about what version this structure actually spawns on so I’m just going to try every single one until I find it however despite how

Hard I looked I could not find this structure everyone says this pyramid spawns 500 blocks Northwest of spa but none of these versions seems to be working also infd doesn’t even have the F3 menu which means I could be going completely the wrong way but regardless I just kept looking on version after

Version in the hopes that I would run into the structure and eventually I came across something that looked pretty promising wait a minute these obsidian lines are the same ones that I see in the screenshots of people who have found the structure that means I could be on

The correct version right I’m using these to count how many blocks I’ve traveled North and then when I reach 500 I’m going Sprint off to the left and just pray for that pyramid okay that is around 500 blocks traveled North don’t ask me why there are 999 blocks in my

Hot bar by the way cuz I don’t know okay we should be getting close now please I feel like I’ve already traveled well over 500 blocks west ah it’s not here is it I could just tell oh my gosh the brick pyramid it looks so ugly come here I need to M you

And we’ve done it the brick pyramid I cannot believe I’ve actually managed to find this it has taken me so long but we have now broken nine of the rarest records in all of Minecraft in fact over 2 years we have broken over 176 impossible world records and from

The bottom of my heart genuinely thank you guys so much for coming along for the journey you’re always supporting me in the comments and giving me likes on the videos and stuff I really really appreciate it and make sure you stay tuned to the channel because I have some

Really exciting content coming up thank you

This video, titled ‘I Broke 176 IMPOSSIBLE Minecraft Records in 2 Years’, was uploaded by Dom on 2023-12-16 14:00:07. It has garnered 42796 views and 1708 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:22 or 7462 seconds.

I Broke 176 IMPOSSIBLE Minecraft Records! (Full Movie) This video took me 2 years …

Timestamps for records: 0:00 Records 1-6 10:56 Records 7-12 21:45 Records 13-26 35:40 Records 27-37 43:46 Records 38-59 52:44 Records 60-87 1:04:34 Records 88-97 1:12:48 Records 98-107 1:30:14 Records 120-167 1:52:56 Records 168-176

Make sure to sub to this legend: @MeatyMarley

In 2 years we have broken 176 Minecraft Records which is just CRAZY… Thank you everyone for watching. It’s been so much fun!

Another Extreme, Insane Minecraft video that was incredibly challenging to do…

Minecraft is full of really rare Buildings and really complex world’s to pull off. Most players never get to see these!

#Minecraft #worldrecords

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  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

    Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft Recreating the Star Wars Tatooine Cantina in Minecraft Are you a Star Wars fan looking to bring a piece of the galaxy far, far away into your Minecraft world? Look no further than this step-by-step tutorial on building the iconic Tatooine Cantina from Star Wars in Minecraft. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, this project is sure to delight fans of both franchises. Getting Started To begin your Tatooine Cantina build, gather the necessary materials such as sandstone blocks, wooden planks, and glass panes. You’ll also want to choose a suitable location in your Minecraft world… Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More

  • Unbelievable Montage of China’s Top CPVP Player

    Unbelievable Montage of China's Top CPVP PlayerVideo Information This video, titled ‘China’s Best Restricted | Minecraft CPVP Montage’, was uploaded by ItzLuxifer on 2024-06-22 01:58:59. It has garnered 218 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:45 or 105 seconds. Best restricted #cpvp #minecraft #crystalpvp #pvpmontage #minecraftpvp #minecraftshorts ==================================== Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Leowook, RoshamboGames, ClownPierce and his LifeSteal SMP Season 2 / his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP / Brothers SMP/ LifeSteal SMP series/ Minecraft LifeSteal SMP season 2. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit /… Read More


    INSANE FACECAM REACTIONS IN ICYCRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘HIVE LIVE BUT FACECAM (CS AND 1v1s)’, was uploaded by IcyCraft on 2024-04-15 01:52:09. It has garnered 491 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:18 or 4398 seconds. hello guys this is my eleventh EVER LIVE STREAM so thats pretty cool but im gonna play minecraft on hive and zeqa AND u can play with meee ZEQA And HIVE With YOU (Hive Live) JOIN UPP MY FIRST EVER LIVE STREAM!!! (Hive Live) JOIN UPP Tags for algorithm (Credits to Squad of bozos) #hivelive #live #minecraftlive #hivelive #hivebedrock #mcpe #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock… Read More

  • “Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥” #games

    "Minecraft Fans Shocked: Create Giant Pixel Art on Car Moon! 🌙🚗💥" #gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Make Giant Pixel Art in Minecraft Fans 🤯💥 #games’, was uploaded by Car Moon on 2024-01-06 03:15:26. It has garnered 338 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWAR

    EPIC Minecraft Adventure with PixelNinja! #POTATOWARVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT EPISODE 1 (LIVE SERIES) | NEW WORLD NEW JOURNEY | POTATOWAR | #MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by PixelNinja on 2024-04-14 17:52:39. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:46 or 3586 seconds. SUBSCRIBE AND LEAVE A LIKE.. . . . 🎮 Welcome to the ultimate gaming destination! 🎮 Dive into a world where pixels come to life and every quest is an adventure waiting to unfold! 🌟 🔥 Join me on heart-pounding journeys through virtual realms, where we conquer bosses, unlock secrets, and level up our skills! 💪… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT SUMMONING: 5 STAR TITAN VS SKIBIDI TOILETVideo Information This video, titled ‘JAYGRAY TRIỆU HỒI THÀNH CÔNG NHỮNG LOẠI TITAN SIÊU CẤP TRONG MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS TITAN 5 SAO’, was uploaded by JayGrayTV on 2024-04-15 12:46:17. It has garnered 124930 views and 2672 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:51 or 951 seconds. JAYGRAY SUCCESSFULLY SUMMONED SUPER TITAN IN MINECRAFT*SKIBIDI TOILET VS 5 STAR TITAN ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 🎁 If you find this video interesting, please do to Please give me 1 LIKE and 1 SUBCRIBE (1 like and 1 subscription) to the channel ¯_(ツ)_/¯ 😄 SUBSCRIBE TO JAYGRAY CHANNEL ➡️​ 🔥 “GOAL” TO REACH 1 MILLION… Read More


    POLLANDQue tal camarada! Te presento POLLAND Un server donde puedes crear, destruir y transformar tu experiencia a tu gusto nwn, un survival-custom con factions listo para ser jugado! Contamos con: Jobs Misiones (Mas de 1220) Historia/lore Factions Custom Weapons-Enchants-Armors Koths/Zona pvp Razas Y muchas muchas cosas mas!!! es un server raro pero unico, a que esperas para unirte a nuestra comunidad!!! Read More