Insane Minecraft RL Craft Live Stream with ExoBeaver

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Yeah Ahahahahahahahahah Yeah what’s going on door knob welcome back from Camp Boy well how was it sir huh I hope you uh I hope you had a good time man but I imagine you’re probably pretty happy to be back well ladies and gentlemen that is the biggest sword you’ve ever seen that

Thing’s huge it’s bigger than our body Camp sucked oh man well at least it’s over now you know what I mean at least you don’t have to worry about it or think about it anymore holy fastness let’s get rid of this let’s do something just a little bit

Different last episode we were uh on this big adventure going into the Lost Cities and today we ain’t doing that I I’m done I’m done with the lost cities for now you woke up at 2:00 a.m. to white kids saying that word okay Well Small Potatoes I don’t know what El what is he going to say what’s going on with my camera here is it just me or is there like this like glare on the camera is it just me it might hold on wait wait wa wait a second wait a second no more

School nice dude there is a glare on the camera must be the lens I wonder if my camera’s take it a poo I don’t know it it doesn’t look that bad you don’t even hardly notice it the only reason I see it like in the normal display is cuz I have a secondary

Display up on the left hand side I don’t know if that’s bothering you guys let me know I might have to look into a new camera we’ll see we’ll think about it uh and people dancing nice noce people dancing sir uh let’s let’s put that on too all 25% bonus I mean it doesn’t matter we’re in the Overworld who cares we’re going to build today all right Mr D Noob I’ll catch you later B all right that’s fine too let’s go fill our water bottle up we’re going to build our Base today we’re going to make

As much progress as we can specifically on the walls um and then some right it’s not going to be the whole stream doing walls uh our belts on right yeah all right belt looks good I think we got everything we need in there so for the walls we cleaned up our inventory

Yesterday let’s do a little bit of this action let’s grab a shulker box and just fill it with stiff we’re almost out of stiff oh we’re going to actually put all that in there just cuz we’re we’re we had like an excessive amount of Cobble so we just started fill

Other chest with it so now that we’re out of Cobble in this one we’ll take it out of the other ones we want Mossy Cobble we want sturdy Stone we want regular Cobble we want regular Stone we want bricks it wouldn’t hurt to throw some bricks now and

Then especially since we’re going into like a deeper area of the like we’re going underground though I’ll show you guys what I mean here in a second let’s take some of these take some Mossy Stone just to sprinkle it in now and then we’ll we’ll try to keep the stone itself

Pretty sparse um what else do we Need we could do with andesite let’s do yes we want polished andesite and I think I mean we could stick a bit of limestone in there every now and then we do want cobbled Limestone though how do we get cobbled limestone oh oh okay wait Limestone

Rock so you’re telling me if I just mine this with like a regular pickaxe it just gives me plain Limestone back that’s not Limestone we’re we’re the theory testing what’s up right sorry sorry I was going to call you Ragnarok for a second what’s up

Simon hey buddy silk touch we got to get Fortune that’s fine Ragnarok DLC has come and have to play that tomorrow man I I want to play that game so bad so bad you have no idea all right so that makes Limestone Rock which is a bit of a pain in the tou

I don’t really care to collect all that or well it’s not the mining part that’s the the a nuisance it’s the placing all this stuff down that’s the nuisance so let’s do something real quick this won’t take long at all at least I don’t think it will so let’s grab this

Tool yeah we’re going to take this with us do we yeah we have that too all right and we’re going to bring that we’re going to go in like a brief ad Adventure dude I can’t wait to play Ragnarok you have no idea you you have

No idea how badly I want to play that game but like I can’t I I’m not going to go back to PC or to PlayStation for one I I wouldn’t be able to stream in the same manner that I would I stream now right and I can’t play Ragnarok and not

Stream it right that’s just not going to happen um so I’m waiting I’m waiting I don’t care if it takes another 10 years for them to come out with it on PC I will not play that until it’s out on PC and I’m not going to buy it either I I

Ain’t spending no money until you release that game for PC hurry up whoever develops that game Who develops that game you know what I mean like I I’m a like massive fan of the God of War series and uh I’m going to instab buy that like seriously that’s one of

Those games that comes out and I’m like yep don’t even need to look at it I know I’m buying it uh but if they’re not going to release it for PC then like what what am I going to do what’s wait what’s a good idea

Streaming it on or uh waiting for it on PC what you mean I’m looking for um Limestone by the way I know I’ve seen it before you know where I’ve seen it for sure in the ocean Sorry I’m in Focus mode I’m looking for blocks we’re going to fall we’re going to fall we didn’t make it well we took damage huh I didn’t know we could take damage oh not buying PlayStation just to play one game game well the problem with that is that I already have a

PlayStation I I’ve always played PlayStation um up until recently when I decided to swap a PC and to be fair I ain’t going back like I have no reason to ever play Playstation again and like I love God of War but I like my life is now revolving around PC right like I’m

Trying to make a YouTube channel I’m trying to do streaming every day I’m trying to do all this different stuff that specifically requires PC and to be fair man PC is just better like PC is better in every single aspect like there is not one thing that PC does not do

Better and then some that like console does right it just not to say that there’s anything wrong with with consoles I love consoles you know I played PlayStation for like over a decade um and then you know all sorts of other I guess you’d call them consoles

As well before like like uh like Xbox and GameCube and Atari and all that stuff for old people like but man I I think gaming has evolved and developed into something different and not that you can’t play games on on consoles right like it’s where it originated and

It’s still phenomenal but PC man it’s just a whole different level it really is I don’t know how else to say it I just needed some food cuz I didn’t bring enough with me am I not wearing a dragon eye I am oh we have we already had night

Vision on that’s crazy we’re looking for Limestone real quick real quick we’re doing it we’re going to find some Limestone we’re going to collect a bunch of it and then we’re going to get out of here that’s true yeah man I mean I don’t feel like there’s any

Reason why they shouldn’t be oh whoa what the heck is this we have to read this we have to read this 30 breezes fall and I’m ominously sorry wait got start over 30 breezes fall ominously why do the sunbeams hear love so ominously when do sunbeams become bones all the nights

Discovered unique so a light the hours yet there sleep in the winds and the sunbeams wind is an empty weapon on terror and rivalry Lord we painted the horse in the agony why not wink captains explode in about them dusk Falls the sanguine our gently seeks a field laws

Exist aof where did allies go when did we lose the dawn we felt the Heavenly forests before we gave zepha why do the hes waste Zep so devotedly when catapult rivid count the forks paint the June uh I still don’t understand any of these poems that we find in the

World oh is that what I’m looking for that’s not what I’m looking for is that what I’m looking for not what I’m looking for I think the mostly 2024 Ragnarok it comes to PC but it’s a rumor not confirmed hey man 2024 is only a couple

Weeks away you know it but then again it’s also 12 months away in that same as ECT so who knows I I would love to see it as soon as possible Right the sooner the better in my eyes cuz the I man I I know that they they likely have some sort of

Contract um sorry Lucy welcome brother I I was not ignoring you I did read your chats um it’s likely they have a big fat contract specifically with Sony that prevents them from releasing it on other platforms I mean you’re never going to see you’re never going to see God of War

On Xbox right um it that’s it’s a PlayStation exclusive however they did put it on PC years ago I I think in like I don’t remember when they they released the 2018 version to PC but they did right so in theory it’s not technically a PlayStation exclusion but I’m

Imagining that like whatever contract they have with Sony needs to either run out or uh has like a specific date or timeline involved where they can’t release on other things and it’s just a cash grab for Sony is all it is I would imagine that what Sony did was they paid

The company that developed God of War Sony went and paid them a bunch of money specifically to only allow that game to be on Playstation so that people buy more PlayStations so that they can play God of War and then what God of War does is they’re like well um whenever that

Contract runs out then we’re going to be able to release it for other things like PC and what have you and uh it’s a real shame that that’s how it tends to happen it really is I I wish that like why can’t we all just like get

Along man I don’t see why there’s any reason why Halo can’t be on PlayStation and why Halo can’t be on PC and like there’s so many and Forza Forza is an XBox exclusive 2 which is like a phenomenal racing game it’s one of the it probably is the best racing game

That’s ever existed and Xbox just owns it like they won’t you have to buy an Xbox if you want to play that game and I freaking can’t stand that I think it’s ridiculous and I’m sure there’s a lot of other people out there that feel that

Way right like there’s going to be a lot of people that have the same opinion of myself that are like well I’m not going to just buy a freaking PlayStation just to play one game I’m not going to buy an Xbox just to play one game um but there

Are a lot of people out there that will so they make that money dude that is literally silk touch oh H oh wasn’t supposed to happen I was supposed to get the uh the regular version of this it has efficiency 4 for is on PC oh I didn’t know that well you understand

My point though um it I was it Forza was just like an example um I didn’t realize that it was on PC but either way you see my my the point I’m trying to make is like what why why do we have to play this this game where it’s like

Oh you got to buy my console if you want to play this specific game like no dude if your console was good people would buy it you don’t need to have specific games on your console to convince people to buy it right sorry Xbox lovers n i I’m I’m just talking smack

There’s nothing wrong with an Xbox but PC is better than all of them just saying uh what am I doing dude I just want Cobble Limestone bottom line I can’t wait for God of War to come out right I’ll spend money you can have my

Money for God of War but only when you put it for pie see no exceptions well this is not how I really anticipated this adventure going I thought I was going to use this other tool and like mine gigantic chunks of this out at once but here we are not doing that

Ah did I say you could do this all right as soon as we get just like a couple of stacks of this we don’t need that much maybe like I don’t know maybe like three stacks played a little Doom today it was fun and we’ll play it properly tomorrow

M wait so which Doom isn’t there like a whole bunch of different Dooms um I’ve never played that series myself but I do know that Doom was like an absolute Staple in the world of gaming like the the level of innovation that it it made like the original Doom

Right was like the first of its kind ever ever ever uh Just Like a Dungeon Crawler right first person shooter where it was crazy and people were just like running through Dungeons and slaying stuff and is like just game changing man nobody had ever seen anything like that

Before there was no firsters shooter like Dungeon Crawler monster Slayer demon killer game in existence it was freaking awesome I mean I think it was awesome that’s what everybody says I I wasn’t there uh I missed that one we’re full does that work no it doesn’t work Doom was from 2016 wait

Really I must be thinking of like the old like way original Doom unless we’re speaking of different what the speaking of different games we could be just talking about totally different games but I like is it Doom Eternal that I’m thinking of can’t remember my brain my brain ain’t not with

It sorry Riley I missed your chat sir uh well what to say everyone is greedy yeah they want they just want everything to themselves yeah you’re right you’re totally right it’s a shame though cuz like these multi-trillion dollar companies like Sony and whatever like Microsoft like there’s I don’t see any

Reason why they need like to to contract in that manner like they make so much money in other ways that like at when you develop a contract that is just like essentially taking like life out of your community uh of people that like specific games but only in a particular way like people

That there’s people that only ever play PC there’s people that only ever play Xbox and only ever play Playstation and most people can’t afford a PlayStation an Xbox and a PC it’s ridiculous it’s outrageous a lot of people can’t even afford one of them like so for them to

Just like greed that hard kind of like rubs me the wrong way uh I’m just like eh like you guys make enough money in all these other ways like do you have to greed that hard you know they released another Doom with better graphics in campaign in 2016

Oh really I did not realize that I might have to look that one up I would definitely be interested the original Doom was from the 1990s and is still available to play that’s the Doom I’m thinking of the one from the 90s the one that I

Missed that I um we’re getting to an age in life where it’s like um there’s kids nowaday that are you know the well kids nowadays right that are like 18 20 years old and they were born in the 2000s and like missed this entire era of just like life

That existed before us I don’t know I was born in ‘ 98 right I’m still fairly young um well for now you know how it goes It Don’t Stop Till You Drop um but I definitely missed like the earliest versions of game gaming um which I would

Say the earlier the better right there was like this Heyday that existed in the early years of video games that uh don’t get me wrong video games have obviously improved um like tfold like video games are not what they used to be they’re just they’re totally different we would have

Never expected them to go the way they did um but like when video games first came out it was a game changer it changed people’s lives like never before could you sit down in front of a television or an iPad or a computer or a PlayStation and just like live in this

Completely other alternate Dimension with is which was like infinitely entertaining um in so many ways that regular life like wasn’t right like obviously there’s people out there that don’t like video games and that’s totally fine like you don’t have to love video games but for people that do find

Video games like in interesting and enjoyable that was lifechanging and uh to be around for that era right to be around for the era of like Doom Eternal and like all the Atari and and all these other g game things that that came out game things like game things like the

Atari like I sound like I’m not 30 uh but it was just like revolutionary man it definitely changed people’s lives it must have been so unique to be like to physically be there for it I think we’re also in a very similar age uh in that same manner not like

Obviously not the exact same um but in a sense of like we are in this like revolutionary stage of life where technology has turned into something completely unrecognizable like the capabilities of some of the the um like the new generations of gaming um like the the new Unreal Engine if you guys

Have ever seen stuff from the new Unreal Engine man it it it doesn’t even look real it looks more real than real life it makes no sense like I can’t comprehend some of the stuff that’s going on anymore it’s incredible it really is I can’t wait to see what happens in the

Future I’m excited oop we could probably do with old shoger box just for Limestone but now we have have a whole bunch of that so let’s get to building Bud let’s go do something let’s go build a thing uh we do need some food though I don’t want to use these

Though well we’ll like we’ll eat anything but that cuz the cooked dinosaurus meat I know we have like tons and tons of battle burritos but if we ever need to make more that’s what’s used for or that’s what the meat is used for okay put that away um nope take those with

Us are we missing anything else I don’t think there’s anything else we need dude I’m I hate to jinx this cuz I know I’ve been saying it for a while now and I’ve been like trying not to say it cuz I’m afraid that it’s going to go

South but like we’ve gone a ridiculous amount of time without seeing some big scary event like okay we are on hard mode like it’s time it’s time we just get clapped by an event it really is I think the madic could probably go away um uh yeah that’s how that’s going to

Go I think we’ll leave the bricks away for now I think this will work right trying to stay organized that’s all here we go here we go this is um we got to get the shapes down first um L guys I don’t know if you guys missed it or not you might have not been here for this stream but our sea Serpent’s

Gone um your boy here made an oopsie and I didn’t realize what I was doing until like it was already done and I was so confused for a hot minute and then I was like oh that’s what happened I started making this new type of video for shorts

And uh to do that I made a creative world uh separate from this one right um but specifically with rlcraft and I made it in peaceful mode so that I could like put together a bunch of stuff and like put Clips together and whatnot and uh

When I came back into this world somehow some reason or another the peaceful mode from that creative world carried over to this one and got rid of our trumpet skeleton got rid of our sea serpent got rid of all the mobs that we started collecting that were not passive or like

Non-aggressive right so we still have these guys we still have these guys um and we still have like the crab I don’t know why because he’s not passive but he’s still here still have like that guy and and whatnot but the sea serpent despawned cuz we were in peaceful mode

When we logged in somehow I don’t know how it happened I have no idea but since then I have locked it on hard mode so that should never ever change again so at some point in the near future we’re going to have to go on another adventure

To go find another sea serpent and bring it all the way back here yes it’s really sad I’m like kind of upset about it I didn’t realize that like put making a separate World on peaceful mode was going to carry over and make this uh world peaceful as well it doesn’t make

Any sense but that’s what happened so it is what it is yes Lucy I what you what I I did I made a world on Creative but not to like cheat I’m not cheating on this world right I would I didn’t want I was frustrated cuz I was

Like well now we got to go get like a new sea serpent whatever it’s fine it’s not that big a deal um we actually found this like really easy way well not really easy but like a more simplistic way of transporting a sea serpent that uh we

Had originally had big oopsy for sure I know dude but I was confused cuz it doesn’t make sense to me why like peaceful from a whole different world like I’ll show you guys real quick right so so I made a separate World completely different right and this one’s in

Creative this one’s in survival mode we can still earn like achievements and whatnot right like there’s nothing that’s blocked in this one it’s never been in Creative but for whatever reason turning the creative world into peaceful mode made this world peaceful too it makes no sense to me I think it’s a bug

I think that might have been just like an issue um I would imagine most people don’t jump into rlcraft in Creative anyway right uh but I was doing it for like Creator purposes I was just trying to make some clips and videos uh like educational stuff right um Lucy knows

What I’m talking about if you guys don’t know uh I’ve developed some new clips um check them out they’re on the shorts check them out check them out go go right now I mean don’t go right now watch this video but then after we’re done here you can go

There it is a bug happened to me too so I always lock the difficulty all right well as long as it’s lockable um I I’m not like devastated or anything it’s not like it it broke our game we can still learn achievements it didn’t break our questing like uh like our better

Questing is fine you know all this stuff is okay our uh our um whatever this thing is called your beastiary is okay there’s nothing wrong there um it all it did was swap it from uh hard to Peaceful for like a day until I figured out that

It was on Peaceful still waiting for another educational short I think wait let me double check let me double check there was one that came out today um I I did put one out today so the the thing is the educational shorts take much more time than some of the other

Stuff that I collect right because it got to like bring the information together got to develop the short itself like visually and then put the the audio overlay on top of it um and the thing is with that is that uh oh speaking of I need to remember hold on let me write

This down my pen hang on one second sorry I just making a note for myself so I don’t forget to do something later on um yeah so I I dropped one today but the the thing is with that is that they uh they take some time and I

Have a bunch of shorts backlogged from games that I’ve played and whatnot so I don’t want to like if I drop more than one short a day um YouTube does not promote those videos um unfortunately so like unless it’s directly searched for by individuals in YouTube uh it will

Never show up on anybody’s feed except for my subscribers um right and uh it’s a little unfortunate that that’s a goes right but uh I’ve got a whole bunch of videos backlogged uh and more so of the more like fun goofy ones than I have of the

Educational ones I’ve only got a few of the educational ones built up yet um and I just made another one today uh I don’t know when I’m going to release it but um it is there so if you guys are into the more like educational content things that you can learn about specifically

About video games I’m not talking about math like this ain’t no freaking 3.1 3.41 14 3.14159 3.14159 there ain’t none of that all right I mean there’re might be one day but like um as of right now it it’s like straight video game content but educational in a sense right

We we’re trying to learn about these things uh especially a game like rlcraft which is incredibly in-depth when it comes to uh like mechanics and how how different things interact with one another and uh even something as simplistic as enchanting is incredibly complicated inside of rlcraft so I want

To develop some educational stuff for that if you guys like that hit me let me know give me like a comment or just like shoot me a DM on the Discord if you’re new here check out our Discord uh that’s fun that’s a thing um yeah I like making them I enjoy doing

That and I wish that other people did it too the reason why I opted specifically for educational content for one I feel like shorts uh need more education in them just shorts in general not just video game shorts and not just my shorts but just shorts in general um so I want

To see more of that uh from other people as well but rlcraft has a lack of educational content in at least in my eyes um and now I don’t necessarily go specifically looking for um RL content rlcraft content um but there’s not as much of it out there

As as there could be so why not contribute right better to use 22/7 for the value of pi what 3.14159 3659 I don’t know the rest I I think I jacked up the last ones anyway all right we’re just getting the shape of this right first so that we can

Wait you know what we need a Bird you guys mind if I turn the music up a smidge I don’t want it to be too loud but we’re trying to jam out Mr chat I’m sorry uh I will see see it once I’m done with this stream by the way play Plants versus Zombies why why Plants versus Zombies I’ve played it like years and years ago on the phone um I didn’t expect it to be something that would be

Interesting on stream though uh I wouldn’t be against it I would not be against it The shape of this is so odd I want it to look natural but I also wanted to like go a very specific Direction and to have that happen that’s not something I’ve really done before like normally if I’m trying to carve a build out of a mountain uh and I’m going for a

Particular shape it doesn’t really matter where it goes usually doesn’t really matter where it goes just as long as it looks and feels right with the shape and and size and and whatnot the direction tends to develop itself but to put them both together and have like the direction take

Precedence but as well as like you know you still you can’t like make it look like poo it’s got to look good it’s an interesting challenge say it’s a small game uh small and fun game plus it has constant action going on plus it’s on sale right now all

Right well I mean it’s hard to pass up a big old sale like that I do like me a sale I thought about doing um uh uh Clash Royale like small game uh constant action fun I mean that’s not the reason I was doing it or thought

About doing it I I used to play a lot of clash Royale I haven’t for quite a long time but it was definitely one of my favorite games uh years and years ago at least on the phone right If we get the shape right the texturing will come naturally I think I hope CR incredibly p2w nowadays what okay I do not know what you just said see oh Clash Royale incredibly p2w pay to win pay pay got it sorry lingo see I was born in the 80s

Um Clash Royale incredibly paid to win nowadays yeah I mean I feel like it’s always been PID to win but I never paid to win I just played it to play it it was second favorite mobile game after Clash of Clans yeah dude Clash of Clans was phenomenal too I used to play

The life out of that game um I don’t know I just got bored with Clash of Clans I think um but D this doesn’t look right it’s too uh um sorry I I got heavily distracted um loved Clash of Clans I did I I thought Clash of Clans was phenomenal

And I think I just got bored with it but uh CL yeah Clash Royale sorry I get them mixed up sometimes Clash Royale is definitely a pay to win game but I mean you don’t have to play or excuse me you don’t have to pay to play

Uh you’re probably going to lose often cuz there’s other people out there that are going to just like spam buying like all their card upgrades and uh there’s definitely a specific meta involved in the game too um personally uh if you guys know what Clash Royale is uh let me

Know hit me with that one cuz I I want to know what your thoughts are on like the game style I loved the Pekka goodness I love the Pekka that was my jam right there if if if I built a deck the Pekka was in it every single time

The. Pekka was in it like the other cards were interchangeable but the. Pekka was my only constant in that game and the Pekka was just so easily countered dude there was like I don’t know like three cards in the game that the count the Pekka countered and then

There was like a hundred other cards in the game that countered the. Pekka which made it incredibly difficult to work a. Pekka build uh but I love the challenge of it I liked uh it being really really difficult to win a game with the Pekka um like if you know anything about Clash

Royale you know that like the meta typically was like hog rider uh or um Royal giant or uh something to do with like the goblin Barrel right the goblin Barrel was pretty good meta back in the day and and it bounced around back and forth but those were the main cards that pretty

Much everybody used and I freaking hated it dude I was like dude man W it’s the same cards every game and I think that’s kind of why I stopped playing that game too cuz it was just so dry they never changed the meta it never it was only

Ever like Goblin barrel and hog rider and Royal giant that’s all you ever saw I freaking couldn’t stand it um but I did really enjoy the challenge of that game it was a phenomenal game one of the thing that was sort of kind of like those games that I really enjoyed which

I think it was from the same company was brawl stars um I couldn’t get my buddies into brawl star but I really enjoyed it too uh which is I don’t think that is a pay to win game I’d be interested in playing that too if you guys want to see

Some goofy phone games hit me up I’m curious to to see what your opinions are on those off topic but Germaine’s steam profile is pretty interesting if you look deep enough uh you know I have not looked pretty deep at his steam profile how do you know wait did you add him how

Do you are you creeping how do you I know every now and then it pops up I tried to disable um notifications on my for steam so that I could like hide his profile for for whenever he’s playing the game u i mean it doesn’t show any personal

Information but I just didn’t want to like blow him up if he was not trying to be blown up but if you added him that’s cool dude he was uh talking to me the other day about getting predecessors he said it was free so he got it and uh I would

Love to play that game with him dude cuz he’s freaking sweaty dude he is so so good at those games and he’s such a good dude I love Germaine man he’s so good he’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met you can see your oh you can see my

Friends on Steam got it cuz I’m your friend understood understood that makes sense What you know what I’m thinking it might be kind of cool to like let the pathway itself hang over the edge just a little bit right would that be cool not much just a little smidy poo just so it it gives like this like uh three-dimensional feel to the staircase

Itself dude I had a good time playing albian last night I didn’t stream it or record it um cuz we were just kind of hanging out we were big chilling we weren’t doing anything um too interesting it was a big learning experience for Bryson and myself with playing with Lucy um

But I liked it man uh I definitely would be interested in playing it some more in the future you know what we should wait a second let’s just float up out of here real quick for just a minute who are you if you burn my stuff down I’m going to

Kill you I’m going to kill you before you burn my stuff down we’ll put it that way um okay we have this like thing going here you know what would be cool is if we created like a little bit of a platform so if you don’t know guys if

You’re new here to what we’re doing this is essentially a managerie uh or Museum or a zoo I guess uh you know OSHA approved Zoo for the animals uh but I’m thinking like this little platform that’s sticking out cuz uh the pl the the pathway that comes down

Here is going to be difficult to kind of like separate from this it would be interesting if we just like made this little raised up PL right about here actually like this height right here if we just made a little platform and made this one of the introductory platforms

To some of the stuff that we’re putting on display in the Menagerie wouldn’t that be interesting I mean it’s got a good shape to it it’s got a decent amount of space for uh for some smaller mobs uh or even just like some stuff to display it doesn’t have to be mobs in

Here and it would also help integrate this shape that we’re trying to push right cuz I like this shape so far that feels right feels natural feels uh very cavey but it’s getting really far away from this path which is not where I had intended it going but it might actually work itself

Out really nicely if we turn it into a one of the like first display platforms I look forward to playing with you guys again I had a sore throat today so I had a hard time speaking but it’s getting better good well dude um first

Of all thank you very much for uh taking the time out of your your day to help teach us that stuff cuz Bryson um he’s hard to get into a game he’s hard to to like convince like hey man you want to play this game and uh he liked that one

I could tell he seems like he’s definitely going to be jumping into in the future and uh you definitely uh helped him like um first of all become more engaged but also learn about a bunch about the game so thank you for your time with that and uh I look

Forward to playing with you again as well um you know who else mentioned it and uh actually Luc you probably already know this but silver had mentioned um albian online to me as well and uh he said that he’s got a character on the west server

No sorry excuse me he’s got a character on the East server um and unfortunately we turned our characters into uh ones on the west right and I mean it made sense for us and Bryson said he didn’t even have any other options for servers he

Was only allowed to make one in the west um so I don’t know how that works it would be really cool to play with silver um cuz Silver’s awesome too man uh we’ve met so many like incredible people through the like the stream and whatnot and the YouTube

Channel and I would love to play with him man but uh we’d have to like be all be on the same server which is a little iffy I don’t know if Bryson would be willing to swap over um maybe if we catch him if I shoot him a message today cuz I wouldn’t

Have an issue swapping right um we kind of just started playing I I haven’t really made uh that much progress so I wouldn’t have an issue with like swapping over to the east server as long as we have like decent connections for everybody uh we just got to convince Bryson to do it

Too I’m getting lost in the sauce here I uh I don’t know where I’m taking this now he can make another character on West because I got 300 ping on the west and have no issues playing the game all right yeah man I don’t know if Bryson’s

Going to be interested in PvP um he may be but I if I know Bryson he’s probably not going to want to play PVP and if he does he’s not going to play it like competitively to a serious like I don’t know maybe um the issue with the PVP in

That game well it’s not so much an issue as it is like a a taste thing um that you lose all your stuff you know the stuff that you work very hard to get uh is up for grabs if you go into PVP and you risk your biscuit you lose that

Biscuit sometimes so I think that Bryson may not be as like open to the idea of playing PVP especially if we try to get competitive about it but um I think he would absolutely love to play that game in other means oi oi Mr Harry sir you said you’ll

Chat with him on Discord and see what he says awesome sweet man thank you har you missed it yesterday we went to the Lost Cities we did oh yesterday you were playing Resident Evil oh sorry not yesterday the day before excuse am the the previous day not yesterday you said old don’t

Worry I’ll get presid in the PVP no problem you’re going to have to get me in the PVP I don’t know if I like the idea of risking my biscuit if I’m being honest it depends once we get to a certain point in the game it’s probably

Like personally for me I’m going to have to get to a certain point in the game game where I’m like all right you know I’ve got not only do I have good stuff but I also have like decent stuff and then I’ve got like good stuff on top of

That right um and by that I mean like if I die and lose this gear I still have somewhere to like stand you know I’m not completely out of luck I haven’t lost all the gear that I own I still have the potential to to get back up on my feet

And and go again um which I I think is like kind of how that game is meant to be played sort of nice sea serpent thank you we worked really hard to uh have them just disappear wh That’s not Stone oh you were there for the enchanting of the cleaver oh wait really

Nuh-uh were you uh dude did I just miss you I was probably talking to you and like I don’t know I might have had like this Gap in my brain where I thought you weren’t there for some reason either way there you go reiterating the fact that

We went to the Lost Cities yesterday the day before yesterday I don’t know my brain’s a little bit everywhere today but I guess that’s kind of how it usually is anyway what you going to do about it uh you said oh don’t worry chill sir I’ll explain it all next time it’s simp

It’s incredibly simple oh get reach potions it’s easier to build oh it would be easier to build what’s up Bri I’m doing good man how you doing silver was there also was he or no I was talking to Silver I do remember seeing him there sorry Harry I uh for some

Reason I don’t remember talking to you at that time uh sorry buggy whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh I thought we were getting attacked oh I hear toot toot moo oh you were there for like 20 minutes and had to go that’s probably why I thought you weren’t there my bad

Brother I apologies you say you’re studying got to go no no worries dude I wish you the best of luck in your studies whatever exam you got going on man good luck this shouldn’t be square should it or is that acceptable is it uh wait what if

We we we don’t have any torches on us do we we need a stack of torches real quick so we can just light that place up so that there’s not a bunch of nasties spawning everywhere we should just sleep yeah dude I was going back through a

Couple of like my older Clips like I don’t know how old the Channel’s not even that old to begin with but like some of the older stuff that uh I posted when I first started making YouTube videos and dude it’s it’s cringy it is it’s rough looking like I not to toot my

Own horn but I’m I’m impressed with myself and how I’ve improved so quickly um I I was worried that like the uh the whole like audio quality and just like every aspect of streaming was just going to be like a hit or miss for me or it

Would just take like an excessive amount of time for me to get better but I feel like I’ve improved pretty pretty good over the uh past few months I definitely uh was trying to pull a clip for one of the educational shorts and uh needed to just like remove

The audio from it because of how rough it was it was pretty rough I don’t know some of yall have been here since day one on or like even really early on why why were you guys watching me right why are you guys watching me now man I don’t understand

It I don’t get it I’m not telling you to go away though stay here don’t go anywhere please you’ve improved in streaming not in gaming oh you savage a ah ah that was a good one that was a good one you got [Laughter] me we’re almost there with the

Shape we might want to take the Shader pack off just to work around here for now it doesn’t have to come off okay that’s why what oh s dude that’s going to remove a bunch of torches a bunch of torches you’re just here to roast me

That’s fine dude I mean uh someone’s got to right like you got to knock me down a pig every now and then right I have no issue with that huh what okay that’s temporary we’ll fix that for later I think that’s fine we’ll we’ll fix this later

Um is the shape good is the shape what we’re looking for dude I I saw a short of uh if you guys know who Dr disrespect is I I saw a short of him today and uh he was just freaking roasting his chat like every time somebody donates he just roasts him

Like straight up like and it’s it’s real roast it’s not like oh I’m just just yanking your chain here it’s like nah dude he goes freaking in on his the people that donate to him and like they’re giving him money and he’s just like ripping them and I’m like dude like

First of all it’s hilarious like he’s really funny uh but second of all like bro those people are giving you money like what what the world you’re just going to rip them to shreds like that the people that are like essentially paying you like to do what it is that

You do for a living uh it is entertaining though without a doubt uh why did I stop naming my streams uh well a couple of reasons your serpent looks like a squid uh a couple of reasons to stop naming the streams um one reason I I don’t always always know

What the plan is for the day and I don’t want to like name the stream and then find out like oh we did something completely different from what I had originally intended on doing or even if I don’t have any intentions it’s difficult to come up with a name for the

Stream and some kind sometimes I I felt like I was fudging it just a little bit I was kind of like like which one for an example let me hold on give me a second I’ll try to find an example real quick okay there’s a couple that I’ve gone

Back and changed right um specifically rlcraft live stream episode 45 um it’s currently named fishing and philosophy I feel like that’s a good title but I changed it from what it was originally named um I don’t exactly remember what it was originally named off the top of

My head but it was it was had nothing to do with what we did that day it was completely irrelevant and uh it felt kind of bad it uh it felt kind of bad a little bit um I don’t know that reason and also um I I have a better time

Coming up with the names for the regular videos so like the more condensed versions the uh the videos where I chop it all up and it’s like maybe 8 10 minutes long give or take um some of them are a little bit longer but what

Have you and uh I I think I preferred to name those rather than the streams I don’t know if you guys want me to name them I will um but I was having trouble like feeling good about it if that makes sense I don’t know I I’ve been trying

Real hard to just roll with my gut like if I if it feels wrong I’m staying away from it and if it feels right then I’m sure keep going with it um that was one of those things that I just like it felt right at first but over time it just

Felt not as right it’s hard to explain I don’t know I hope that’s a good enough explanation but like I said if you guys want me to name him uh I don’t have an issue with that but Smithy came in one day and Smithy was like Hey dude you’re

Not playing Minecraft like why is your stream labeled Minecraft and uh I felt bad about that too I was like well you know I don’t want to like name the stream Minecraft and then go and play predecessors on stream and then have a bunch of people be like well why aren’t

You playing Minecraft this is a it’s labeled Minecraft um so I figured like with the term live stream on the title it’s a little bit more open to interpretation you know like we’re not necessar I mean the the majority of what we do is what it’s labeled right so if

It’s called Minecraft we’re playing freaking Minecraft for a good few hours at the very least um but I do like to play other stuff too so I don’t know if you guys have any ideas or suggestion questions in that give me give me some of that give me give hit

Me all right I think this shape is fine I don’t want to spend too much time here we’ve been going for the for like an hour on just the shape of this and I feel like this isin’t that bad I kind of like it and uh it’ll kind of get tweaked

A little bit here as we go as we um you know do our do with all these other shapes guys by the way guess who I found guess who I found his name is goodness and uh he came out of one of the wintertime Happy Time

Boxes and I was like I need to keep him he’s going in the Menagerie he seems to be nice to all the other mobs he’s not nice to us but uh and he doesn’t seem to like water very much either I don’t know we’ll figure out what to do

With him in the future but I liked him a lot so I was like I like some and I want some we got to hasm okay let’s do this let’s uh dump This didn’t know I had a twin hey whoa do I look like that is that wait you could tame them with wait really an anthonian treats we may do that anthonian oh that’s easy roots are quite simple-minded could be any SW could any be suede Harry you calling me simple-minded you might be

Right that’s all I have to say I don’t have a comeback dude I I I don’t know I I can’t roast like Dr disrespect can it’s not in me I just don’t have it in my my gut to roast like that every now and then it works like

It’s mostly with Bryson for some reason or another Bryson brings the roast out of me so [Laughter] um oops all right all right we got to be real particular here so we don’t lose the shape too hard Do we like that dude I have no idea what that noise was but it sounded like it was going to try to kill us dude somebody commented on one of my videos um given like a huge tip that like just completely went over my head uh it was specifically about this thing

Um we we made a video that was like uh essentially detailing like this portion of the the game and we had water freezing over here and I was talking about it in the clip saying like how I want to build something that’s going to help the water from freezing so we can

Still fish during the winter time and he was like hey by the way what you can do is put glass way up at build height so that you can’t see it but it still stops it from freezing and I was like freaking genius dude that’s a huge play right

There we may end up doing that at some point um wait who who was that was that a Donald Trump was that a Trumper I saw that guy just get freaking yeed out of the chat well I mean it’s fine I don’t I don’t have an issue with him being here

Or not but uh if he ain’t not belonging it’s fine do wait Oh’s Indian [Laughter] government Lucy you got something up against that guy is uh I don’t know anything about that is there some like underlying political s issues Shenanigans going on a politically aligned uh but mentally declined individual oh

Well I doubt that person was uh genuinely trying to get that who where where am I from I am from uh America and that’s all I’m giving you you’re not allowed to know anything else hey whoa whoa whoa get out of here pal kind of feel

Like uh I don’t need to replace all of it tried carefully Mr guy man oh day I’m from my house that’s a I mean if that’s how you want to put it man the vibe just swapped the vibe went from being like something else to something else it’s funny how that happens when

Politics gets introduced into the conversation we were having a good time all right we were having fun we were talking smack Harry if you’re going to roast anybody uh roast politics I’m just kidding don’t let’s not do that that’s so bad we’re not going to start that oops

Nice good for your cousin I hope he likes it here that’s going to look good oh I forgot we could throw some bricks in here too maybe we’ll go back over it later and texture it like with like if we find any areas that look a little off we’ll

Throw some bricks in there instead and uh maybe like as we get lower we get a little heavier on the structural blocks like like less focused on like like looser looking blocks like blocks like I don’t know I don’t know I kind of like this texture though we’ll

See how it looks if it looks a little too like overwhelming as far as like this goes we’ll probably swap it up later on all I got to say is Joe Biden spaghetti sauce you’re supposed to roast the queen buddy or is that illegal who is best Joe Biden or Trump

Um I don’t like any of them if I’m being honest if I’m being bluntly honest uh I’m not a fan of politics I think it’s gross she’s dead all right what why was that that shouldn’t have been as funny as I thought it was was that the roast that she’s dead

Like that’s all you get it’s like a comic that goes up on stage and he’s like all I got to say is the Queen’s dead and everybody just cheers why why don’t I like politics it’s gross man it’s gross I’m not I don’t want to like get into that

Conversation cuz uh it it gets too hot and heavy and everybody’s got like very strong opinions and I don’t want to like turn the stream into like the politics we’re here to have fun we’re just here to have a good time man we don’t need to be doing about all that

Crap if we could like I don’t know if it was easier to have like a more like civil and uh respectful conversation about it sure maybe um why is she dead I don’t know go I’ll go ask her quick good luck [Laughter] har personally I think she’s been dead a

Long time and uh ain’t nobody going to stop me from believing that that Earth conspiracist surprise oh yeah that’s a conversation we’re not having thank you for removing that one Lucy that was almost a jariah esque question right there but uh even jiah knows not to bite that one off

Is it going to end up too chaotic here but we’re going to have too many randomized blocks I don’t know how a polit political extremist ended up on an rlcraft stream that’s a good question I don’t I doubt he’s an extremist what I would imagine is that

Uh he’s just goofing just trying to get a rise out of people that’s fair you can support whoever you want dude um by all means support anybody you want to support some people just like to watch the world burn Lucy some people want to make others angry and upset and uh there’s no

More explanation to it it’s like um it it’s a simple thing like right it’s the people that are like specifically trying to get a rise out of everybody they’re trying desperately to upset other people with with their words um they’re not out there like innovating they’re not doing anything with their

Life they’re not like they’re not you know prospering with their job they’re not uh they’re not like starting like a healthy stable family they’re not you know those types of people are usually pretty miserable um and uh they find joy out of just upsetting other people which is really sad man

Yeah we’re getting there I’m okay with how this is turning out so far drink water yes sir water’s healthy one two three it does feel like like if I look at this wall man does that feel too like overwhelmingly gray I feel like we need more grass

Going on like maybe like we add these little bits of stone maybe later on as we come back through and retexture everything um we should probably add some grass and some Greenery like shrubs and and flowers and whatnot just to kind of bring it to life a little bit more I’m

Afraid it’s going to end up too gray the mossy looks wrong and need lights in it oh lights too we we’ll definitely be adding lights you think the mossi looks wrong I kind of liked having some green in there add lights I think we’ll add some lights we’ll we’ll come back through an

Add lights later on that’s going to be an after fact an after the fact um but right now we’re just texturing the the main shape and detail of the build maybe it is too much Moss well maybe we’ll come back and like take out some of the Moss and add some more

Stone I was just trying to like add some color variation because like it’s very gray right it might be a little heavy on the Moss I do like the Moss as well um but we might come back and remove it or excuse me not remove it but like lighten

It up a little bit just take some of the Moss Out Enchanted bushes yeah Enchanted bushes would look good in Here okay get this out of here which country has three names I do not know I don’t know the answer to that one hit me what is it I’m sure it’s going to be some awful thing that’s going to get removed from chat but hit me anyway oops too

Much feel like did I have one out here I think that was there India has three names uh I don’t necessarily understand all the connotations revolving around Indian culture but have a feeling that might not be the greatest answer uh I’m sure that’s going to upset somebody

Maybe Lucy I’m sure you’ve already done your research here but I’m curious I just need to look at something real quick this was a brand new account made today interesting a big old burner account huh which means if you ban him he’ll come back what research I was just looking at the

Uh the channel and when it was created yeah I know you did you’re freaking slick dude nothing ever gets past Lucy like nothing not never which is I yeah I know I know I trust you I have faith than you sir your judgment is uh better than most

I have no issue with with your decisions feel like it might be easier to work from the back oops like if we start in the deepest portion of the the wall I think it’s easier to work the rest of it afterwards cuz it’s a little bit more distinguished from the rest of the

Blocks who I think this looks pretty good so far did I play fortnite no I have not played fortnite um I’ve had a couple people ask me about it um but uh it’s not my favorite thing in the world um not that I won’t ever play it

Like I’m open to the idea of it all right Bird it’s good to outle your boot dude scoot your boot dude you play pubg nope nah no no that’s a big old NOA in the pubg fortnite reminds me you still haven’t tried valerant I was strongly advised against valerant by a few people

Um Zach was talking about playing valerant but I don’t know if I wanted to I don’t know if I want to I know I know I know I don’t I don’t know if I want to but I’ll tell you what what will convince me to play it is if Zach gets

On the game and he’s like dude you got to play this with me and then I’ll play it and I’m going to hate it and then I’ll be like all right I’m done and he’ll be like all right that’ll be the end of that I have not played valerant no

No harm in trying out you’re right I agree with you there is no harm in trying it out can you play valerant uh um I try to keep things to a tight group of people um but that doesn’t mean that I won’t try valerant all right this is getting

Weird and not just this conversation but the build itself is getting weird feel like these actually should be grass blocks as well as like these along the edge here like why not right oh yeah we don’t have any on us okay wait 2 minutes I am coming with my real ID in three

Uh I was wondering if this was somebody I knew before not a huge fan either but it’s a good game to play every now and then I think first person games are in general uh shouldn’t be played for a long time dude I agree with you to a certain

Extent I was just talking to Zach about that the other day man I was saying that like we need him and I specifically we need like a good firstperson shooter games and then uh I was like but they don’t make them they don’t make good firstperson shooter games they’re all

Bad dude I bet it’s Jah no that’s not Jah uh I do not believe that’s jariah um I think I know Jah a little bit too well to say that that’s him if it is I’d be pleasantly surprised but uh I would say that that’s not him um yeah I don’t think it’s

Jay but oh what I was saying is that I I don’t I don’t know man they just they don’t really make good firstperson Shooters um I want like a firstperson shooter that is like well-made first of all that has like decent Fair graph it doesn’t even have to have the best graphics right

He’s unhinged sometimes but he’s not that that’s not I don’t know I feel like I know J’s personality well enough to say that he’s he’s not like that um um but with first person shooters man it does take very particular taste right it’s not for everybody person Al I I get fairly

Competitive so I get frustrated with those games um and I start to enjoy them less the longer I play them um one of the games that I loved like I loved this game so much um but it just fell apart Lucy I was talking to you about it last night

Um about uh Destiny 2 man and not even just Destiny 2 but just Destiny in general phenomenal game it has so much potential but they ruin it they they just ruin it with all their crap and their garbage that they put in it and I’m like well

I’m not playing that not going to play it we’re good we’re good all right good night xdr the unknown I have a slight idea of who who that might be but uh either way unhinged I don’t know Lucy I know what you’re thinking man uh you’re thinking

Like Man Hunter is too too cold he’s too na or he’s not he’s not cold enough he’s too naive he’s too uh like he just he wants to love everybody don’t worry I’m starting to hate people the best part about valerant in my opinion is the gun playay the shots

Land incredibly accurately and each head shot feels satisfying well in that case um I I mean like I said I would be interested in trying it we’ll put it that way uh it’s not high up on my list of games to play that’s for sure but

I’ve heard it’s good you know I’ve heard a lot of people talk positively about it uh and on the other foot I’ve also heard people talk pretty poorly about it um I don’t know I’ll have to I’d have to try it for myself to know for sure

I like doing the larger areas better I feel like I get a better idea of uh the flow of the blocks and how randomized they Are wow cute Beaver what’s up jariah well in your side of the world a small small part of the country has turned the game into an editing Sim yeah they have I’ve noticed um and I don’t really enjoy it I don’t like it I I don’t I don’t like the content of

Valerant I think it’s it looks stupid um and unfortunately it’s not because it’s a bad game it’s just because of the community that plays it and does the edits and whatnot and like creates the content revolving around it I’m just like G oh why is it all so bad dude

It I was very nice yesterday so I think no ji you’re doing fine man you’re doing fine brother if I find out that the person that was just in here was actually an alternate of your account though you’re going to be in trouble although I I have a feeling

Yeah oh jiah you’re getting awful suspicious now if I find out that’s you with some more alternate accounts I’m going to be disappointed in you sir don’t let me find that out don’t seriously don’t don’t do this jiah I’m going to be thoroughly disappointed in you some random Troublemaker don’t worry yeah

Yeah trying to make some trouble all right it’s all right you need a little bit of like genuine chaos now and then just to keep things a little spicy uh just to keep it interesting keep you on your toes I sometimes I feel like I’m getting too comfortable and

Complacent with uh with you guys cuz most you you guys 99% of you guys um are so awesome seriously you guys are so kind and easy to get along with and respectful and loving and supportive in all manners and then every now and then you get a very unique individual that

Like takes the vibe and just like and like throws it completely around and it throws me off I’m like oh man what am I doing now like this the stream feels bad now uh you know what I like I don’t know no not that the stream feels bad it’s

Like uh the energy that was flowing before is just not as flowing as it was right I don’t know I felt like I was having a really good conversation with you guys and then that dude came in here and just like turned it all upside down it was weird timing though jariah not

Going to lie um now that that guy who you were talking about who I don’t even know it’s it’s someone else I was thinking about making an account named I deserve to be a mod on this channel all right see that sounds more like jiah I I don’t think that that guy was

Jiah uh I’m opting and it was odd timing but uh I’m I’m opting on the side of like that was not Jah however it was a very odd interaction and uh I don’t know I don’t care if that guy has 141 IPS uh even if he subbed with all 141 of

Them I’d rather talk to you guys not going to lie I feel bad cuz like I don’t want to be disrespectful for people that are just like socially bad at life um but I I think that like somebody that comes in talking about things like that is not necessarily like socially uncomfortable

Or just odd they’re like intentionally trying to cause chaos and and disrupt things which is unfortunate especially in like something as like as wonderful like we’re just chilling we’re having a good time what reason do people have to come in here to like start spewing like politics and and chaos and like

Essentially trying to turn people one against each other cuz that seemed like what he was doing right seemed like he was trying to turn us all against each other in a sense I unfortunately think that jariah seems too odd for the time it was very odd

Timing I’m not lying and uh it’s hard to argue there if it was me you guys can guess it in a second if it was me you guys can guess it in a sec I don’t even like politics that’s what I’m saying I feel like jiah’s never

Actually talked about politics and if he has it’s been very light hearted ly and not very deep in like he hasn’t had much depth in the conversation of of politics I don’t even know the P of it what the P of it I don’t know what you mean by that

I think you like that no jiah does like the chaos jariah is a uh a Bryson simp however um there I don’t know dry gives off a different type of energy man he does I feel it I even through the chat like even though I’m not like seeing jiah in

Person he did he gives off this vibe in this energy that I feel is much different than what that guy was giving off that guy made me uncomfortable and uh I think that was his intention was to make people uncomfortable by the way EXO how’s my

Life good I’m good dude how’s your life sir the last thing this world needs is a radicalized 14-year-old yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean the to be fair radicalized 14-year-olds are just going to like fall and hit the ground like they don’t they’re not going to get anywhere in

Life and and uh they’ll quickly learn that that level of radicalization is whoa GeForce driver get out of here sir U that level of radicalization is uh just a detriment to your life in many different forms it’s much more uh efficient and healthy and beneficial for yourself and

Everybody around you just to live your life peacefully and happily bring other people up around you like be kind to other people um you know just bring happiness to the world instead of like the misery and Chaos that that person was trying to bestow upon Us tomorrow is your exam what kind of exam is it like a big chunky one with every all the stuff or is it like a uh specific exam with like just math or just something else no son J that’s not what I meant I that’s what I’m saying like the dude

That was in here was not you like at least he didn’t feel like you I don’t know I feel like I’ve got a a a decent like Compass as far as like how to judge people usually I mean every now and then it leads me wrong but

For the most part uh I can just like smell somebody and be like let me smell your breath you drink my Mountain Dew boy Bryson would get that one that that was a joke for Bryson let me smell your breath you drink my Mountain Dew tomorrow is math then English then I

Don’t know all right well dude good luck with math and English and everything else that comes after that I’m sure you’re going to do just fine I’m sure you’re going to do just fine get good grades or or I’ll call your Mom jiah’s only weakness like you know how the seven deadly sins have like very few weaknesses good vand hello Smithers um like uh was it uh the lion sin the sin of Pride uh he’s got like one specific weakness and that’s like uh when somebody like rips his ego and like

Makes him feel bad about himself he just like Smalls and or shrinks into this like tiny little man and like I don’t know are we really out of andesite we’re out of andesite that’s all Granite dang it dude I’m going to 100% uh I’m going to

Die on 100% I would fail nah dude you got this Mr jiah sir I believe you I have faith you got to have faith in yourself though is there a way you can just make and aite no it looks good though cobbled all right also math test went insanely wrong oh

Smithers don’t say that to me what what happened to the math test dude wait I guess guess with diorite what bird poop we need to go find some diorite we actually we uh it’s kind of detrimental to our build it is required Diorite in the jungle biomes I’m looking for uh I don’t need diorite uh I don’t really like diorite if I’m being honest what I’m looking for is andesite did I say diorite I might have actually said diorite I I meant andesite sorry Excuse excuse me diorite uh in Jungle and its variance

Granite mountains uh and its andesite okay oh wait can I find andesite underneath of mountains like if I just dig straight down am I going to find it kind of like what we did with granite just the other day someone knows they’re Quirk Harry’s pretty slick not going to

Lie maybe you’ll do better Sanji I don’t know Jah or Jah he’s the both thing he’s both jiah is Sanji Sanji is Jah and a sight in the forest all right hold on Forest right here right next to me there we go just dig and hope you find andesite

That’s kind of what I’m thinking oh we’re going to lure on of Mana get a compass I should shouldn’t I I know I was just kind of guesstimating get a life oh Jah with the ribs well played sir Compass oh I was like do I not have a compass you’ve lost your mind

Woodlands whoa buddy r Plateau wait what did he say you being bad Sanji well it’s hard to take an opportunity here while we’ve got it or hard not to take this opportunity I know hry I’m getting you cave crystals dude this is Andes what no no no this is not

Andesite uh it’s hard not to take this opportunity I figured we don’t normally find these cave crystals so now that we’re here just looking at it we might as well take it you’re not going to leave me alone are you what is this thing called oh he’s

Dead I was going to ask what that thing was called um the what’s the the mob called that latches onto your face all right Lucy I will catch you later man thank you for uh doing a wonderful job today and thank you for just being here dude I’ll catch you later my

Friend dude Lucy is a phenomenal mod he was on top of that today all right Sanji take it easy brother I will talk to you later sir and good luck with your tests as well man I wish you the best of luck and uh I believe in you I think you’re going to

Do just fine I forgot that the cave crystals are considered like ores I thought he dropped an aite for some reason I don’t know if we’re ever going to build with cave crystals it would actually be really cool to uh build specifically with cave crystals in this little ledge that we’re

Making in that entrance I don’t know we could use cave crystals to kind of thematically like introduce the cave itself like the Menagerie because the entrance to it is kind of a cave right it would look cool maybe maybe not in the same manner that cave crystals spawn in but like we could

Definitely Implement them here and and there I’ll see how it looks we don’t have that many cave crystals though I know we could go to the end oops darkling oh is that what it’s called I was thinking about making a video on the darkling cuz they’re they suck they’re pain in the butt

That thing that sticks to you yeah I mean it doesn’t stick to us now because we have the Golem armor right the Golem armor prevents things from latching on to us uh but I was yeah I was thinking about making like a little short on uh like mobs that are essentially like the

Darkling that like latch onto your face and and run after you I thought that might be an interesting concept I’m looking for andesite and I’m not finding it you’re a baddy I just I just made a video on him the uh the spectral Fiend I put one

Together before we did the stream or before I started the stream today dude I’m excited about these like more educational based videos for rlcraft and and I’m not just going to roll with it on rlcraft uh specifically oh another one with green crystals okay um what biome am I in a birch

Forest I thought we were in a forest I mean it’s not like a plain forest does it does Birch Forest not count I don’t know I so I really enjoy diving just a little bit deeper into the details of rlcraft and not just rlcraft right like I enjoy all sorts of them uh

All sorts of different mods and I definitely don’t plan on like um only doing educational stuff for um rlcraft I would love to do it for all sorts of different like mods and other games as well uh it depends on the game um Minecraft goes pretty hard when it comes

To educational stuff um but other games would work pretty well with it as well uh too but it’s going to depend like I don’t really think I want to make educational videos on God of War right maybe it’s unlikely though thought the education was pretty

Good content you like it good man I I like it too I like doing it um I like learning and I like being able to like potentially teach other people too I feel like when it comes to shorts uh shorts and general there’s very little educational stuff in just as a whole um

Right rlcraft is a bit of a niche concept not many people play it and very even less people watch content on it right but that type of content with the educational manner to it uh is going to carry over from all sorts of other

Things and I like it I like I said I like making it and uh I I like the fact that like I can help other people learn as well and I mean the stuff that you guys teach me um has been massive and I’d love to be able to share that and

Pass that down if I can I mean obviously it’s not for everybody not everybody wants to like uh watch a short to learn stuff most people probably watch shorts just to like numb their brain you’re not good enough it God to work to make educational videos oh my

Harry Harry where’s Lucy at put him on time out you’re on fire today now I mean I I wasn’t good at rlcraft to start out with right um but it took some time um after uh quite a long time of just uh playing it and playing it I uh I started

Learning things and getting better at it and I I feel like I’m at a point now in RL craft where I’m capable of making educational content um obviously within limits to to my knowledge right I I don’t know everything and especially when it comes to certain things like

Like I couldn’t tell you how to make a villager farm I mean I could tell you but I’d have to watch somebody else’s video to figure it out myself and then explain it to you guys and that’s basically just copying their content and I don’t want to do that um I what I

Would like to do is things like the enchanting video where it’s like just RW knowledge that I’ve learned over time the things that have been shared with me and things that I’ve learned through gaml um I could just like condense it into these more digestable videos that

Are short and easy to understand and uh you know hopefully that also draws people into the channel as well at least that’s kind of the the goal right bringing people into the channel all right Harry where’s the uh where’s the end ofite out buddy I don’t know what this stuff is I don’t

Know what it’s used for but I like it and I wants it just want a little bit of it we don’t need much just for funs all right let’s find a different section of this cave this it in it it spawns in forest biome so no why wait what Holy One

Shot I found it wait it spawns in forest biome so don’t know why there’s none there oh yeah I think it was just unfortunate cuz I just found some do we want like raw andesite can we use this to make polished we can I think we we stick with this right

Next to yes thank you Harry much appreciated my friend we’re going to tear up like all this we’re going to take as much andesite as we can just so we don’t ever have to come searching for it again why not we do use it a lot in our builds

I don’t know I think as long as I have more time uh like that I can dedicate to making videos and whatnot I uh I’m definitely going to start doing more and more educational videos in fact I’d like to lean heavier towards those rather than like the goofy silly stuff that I

Normally do um although I like the goofy silly stuff don’t get me wrong um I do really enjoy the educational stuff and if you guys like them that makes me very happy what the heck okay I suck I don’t know if I’ve ever gotten a darkling skull before

All right we’re going to take more than this ah ah my face I don’t know my ear just started hurting I need to learn more on rcraft uh can you make a vid teaching how to play hardcore yeah in fact I’ll do it better buddy I’ll do I’ll do it twice as better

As good as you can Harry I will I going do it hardcore man that’s no joke barcraft is hard enough and then to like just delete your world if you die like that’s a real player right there I would like to do a hardcore run at some point just uh not right

Now like I said but I think I’ve mentioned this a couple of times but like I’d like to move on to some other stuff after our our allcraft adventure do a bunch of other mods and and stuff Vault Hunter is most definitely going to

Be the next one we do um unless we can squeeze like a really short Series in for our for Minecraft uh before Vault Hunters uh Vault Hunters is the next series that I would like to do um and with that being said uh after we do some other stuff some more interesting mods

Like dawncraft is one that I’m interested in um and there’s a whole bunch of list I I have a huge list of mods that I’m interested in um hang on one second but with that being said uh one day I would like to come back and do some rlcraft hardcore

Stuff and more than just rlcraft I’d like to do hardcore stuff for all sorts of things hang tight guys I got a phone call with Zachariah hello nothing much yourself what kind of grub what you eating sir Burg oh where wait did you make it yourself bacon oh all right the

Baconator is good but there’s nothing like a homemade cheeseburger dude SE the pr bacon on TV the other day actually it was actually last night and I was like you know what that’s what I’m e to lunch tomorrow dude there is a every time I open up Minecraft well specifically

Modded Minecraft uh there is an ad on curse Forge is the place you go to get your mods there’s an ad on curse Forge that is always McDonald’s fast food every single time and it looks so good it looks way better than actually tastes but uh oh my goodness but it always

Makes me hungry for freaking fast food iald man I hav McDonald’s probably years oh no it’s terrible it’s it’s awful and it’s bad for you it’s expensive too I us don’t even do fast food but you know what I used to love the pretzel bur

That they had from W like years ago so this pretzel Baconator I was like nostalgic I was like know what I’m one of um have you ever had sorry go ahead I was going to ask you if you’ve ever had Hardies cuz Hardies still has a pretzel

Burger City but uh it went out of business and uh it was really that good it was yeah it used to be really good like up and then I don’t know I guess switch kind just got good yeah yeah that happens unfortunately how was uh how was Al last

Night it was good man um I didn’t like record it or stream it just cuz it was it was pretty dry we weren’t really doing a whole lot it was Bryson and Lucy and I and uh we uh pretty much just like spent most of our time learning about

Certain concepts of the game we did a dungeon um but that’s about it in fact the dungeon that you and I did together was one of the most efficient dungeons according well one of the most efficient like lower level dungeons yeah of course that’s why I

Went to it what I told you about that you were following me yeah uhhuh what are you talking about you want to play Minecraft let me waste my uh you clicking enough button uh how about you get good kid yeah I’m gonna clean my keyboard after this it’s coming through the

Phone playing or not uh Minecraft um I don’t know man I I’m happy to play some predecessors I actually hold on let me check Discord real quick okay I have not heard back from um from uh gerain cuz Germaine I don’t know if you remember me telling you but

Gerain said that he got predecessor since it was free on steam or Discord or freaking whatever it was um so I would like to play it with him and he said he was going to download it either yesterday or today so if he’s got it downloaded would you be interested in

Playing that with him tonight yeah pretty awesome that’s what I’m saying I I didn’t even have to ask you I knew what the answer was I can let him car me with you so I can play other roles dude I was actually I was in the shower today

Thinking about it and I was like I should do that swap roll thing with Zach he should play support I should play Carrie oh know what I was in the shower thinking the shower is my thinking spot I don’t know it’s where I get my thoughts done um something about the

Water that like makes me think I don’t know whatever that’s the beside the point I was saying that uh I wanted to do that swap roll thing with you so that you can play support and I’ll play carry it’s just not going to be good yeah but you’re going to suck at

Support I’m not worried about like my carry DPS I’m worried about my support sucking when you’re on that role all right look look buddy you didn’t have to I’m streaming right now don’t tell people how it sound I did I did I know I know no I would like oh really

Play by myself I don’t have a specific Ro I want to play I just I got support a couple timesing bro I Wasing that’s crazy that like you fill and you when you fil you get support because I feel like often times when I’m trying desperately to

Play support um I have a hard time getting it cuz everybody else wants to play it what time 244 nice to yeah let me I’m pring about to buy this car in Ohio yeah I got to work some details out uh I was on the phone with him today uh

And I got some details worked out my bank and stuff and then well whatever those details are remember there phone calls on the Stream huh your phone calls on the stream just so you know all right I just make it sure details all right sorry I was just being

Sure uh but I got to go by my insurance company and make sure the insurance is going to be something uh manageable as well I would imagine I know newer cars tend to have more expensive insurance but uh if you’ve got a good history you shouldn’t have any issue yeah I’ve been

With these people for four and a half years now and I’ve got no no inces no tickets good I mean if that’s the case then you should be fine um I just like to kind of get a price that way I can do a whole monthly like this is what it’s

Going to cost me a month for everything on the car before I actually think about going through with it you know yeah no that’s that’s smart dude that’s honestly a very good way to do it um I don’t how uh how old is your car now one I got right now yeah

Oh okay and this one’s brand new that you’re talking about it’s oh that’s not that big of a gap I mean it might go up a smidge but if you’re like I said if you’ve got like a good history then you shouldn’t have any issues yeah driv

Records uh is the V but the DU have already fell off like the lookup record like they’re still on my record all but like as far as like making my insurance go up higher and stuff they don’t make my insurance go up anymore good dude that’s sick

Some I grew up a lot since then yes we all have man I’m I’m proud of you dude budy I don’t know what time it’ll be see if you can get a hold after you get streaming you see if does reach out to you shoot me a text or what not I’m

GNA work some more details out and call this woman back in Ohio and try to get something going before the end of the day okay okay um I mean I I can send him another message but I’m kind of just chilling waiting for him to respond to

Me just let me know if he hit you back up uh some stuff I gotta do that’s fine but I’ll hit you up I don’t hear me like around 5 o’ 5 530 I’ll give you a call okay dude I’ll be here see me all right sorry about that guys I

Found a way to like let Zach actually be on the stream like audibly but uh hello Mr Goose hi bu brother brother um all right let’s clean up our junk we got way more and aite that I think we need but we should never have to worry about going back

Right and sorry Harry I was not not intentionally trying to ignore your chat you said do one hardcore run before we end the Stream as tempting as that is I don’t think I want to I don’t think I want to I uh I mean for well to be fair it

Probably wouldn’t last very long right it would be very quick very very quick I’m a Ms Goose wait what is MS am I being dumb oh you’re scared I see yeah I well it’s not that I’m afraid of dying in rlcraft I like we’ve done it over a hundred times in this series

Right I was hoping to like make an actual series of Hardcore rlcraft one day um and that’s kind of why I was maybe like H maybe not do a hardcore run but oh miss Goose I’m a miss Goose oh Goose I’m sorry I’m so sorry I uh man

It’s so hard to know like who’s what anymore like I apologize Goose Miss Goose hello to you ma’am I’m sorry I uh I didn’t realize what I was saying there wait where is this huh what okay I don’t know what I was doing there actually you know what let’s just leave

It in the shulker Box our chests are getting a lot little bit out of hand and uh it’s probably going to be best to just like start putting bulk materials inside shulkers like That what’s this one okay okay let’s uh put the compass away and we’ll get back to Work can this go away it can it’s a little busy it is it’s a little bit busy I think I think the Moss cobblestone as well as some of the the um whatever this is called in reinforced stone or reinforced Cobble whatever it’s called I think maybe we

Dial that back just a little bit just add some like some good oldfashioned andesite in there or instead of like taking blocks out and putting new ones in trying to dial back the busyness what if we complement the busyness with some more Vines kind of like too many Cobble textures I agree I

Agree with you kind of like what we did here right like the way we kind of supplemented the the busy Cobble Textures in these areas was by adding some bushes just some like leaves and whatnot now I don’t know about the pink ones I think the pink might be a little

Bit overwhelming for down there um the pink is still a little much here I think it’s only a little much right now is because the the colors are muted because it’s time um whereas like the pink does not necessarily get muted for some reason it’s not part of the same mod so

It it doesn’t seem to be affected by uh Seasons uh but once it becomes like springtime and and summertime again like it looks really good with the pink but I don’t think pink makes a lot of sense down here maybe very few not as many as what’s over there right I think

Just a few would be a little bit better here um normally you don’t have like flowers and stuff growing underground um like in real life like plants that grow flowers want their flowers to be up and out in the open and bright and colorful and like in the air for pollinators and

Stuff to come collect the pollen and spread and whatnot whereas like if you got a plant with like tons and tons of flowers underground there’s not going to be anything that’s going to pollinate it that is going to like see that constantly so like typically you don’t

See flowers growing in areas like that not that there isn’t plant life in these types of areas but typically plants that grow in Darker more underground type areas are uh they have different means of like procreating right so I think a couple pink ones here and there might not hurt but we’ll

Definitely dial it back a little bit it is very busy there’s there’s a lot of Cobble textures dripstone and oh we don’t have dripstone unfortunately and Vines might look swag we do have Vines we could rock some vines in here um I wish we could trim Vines you know

How like I don’t know if it’s vanilla or not but there’s some form of Minecraft that like you can like right click with a pair of shears on Vines and it’ll just stop it from growing I wish you could do that here but like eventually The Vines

Are all going to like say I put a Vine here right it’s eventually going to end up up here and just like hang the whole way down just touch the bottom maybe mushrooms ooh ah see mushrooms are cool the issue with the mushrooms in is because like here like for example these

Mushrooms um they have to grow in a very particular way now we may be able to make them work underground here but like you you cannot place a mushroom right here even if you wanted to so we could do like custom mushrooms or I do like like the idea of mushrooms

Like wait watch this wait wait wait wait I want to see something real quick we’re going on a learning adventure real quick it’s not going to take long check this out I ain’t even scared okay well that’s not how that’s supposed to go it’s blue fire h no those are not

Mushrooms I’m looking for something pleas what glowstone paste how do you make these spectral arrows what the how do you make this stuff a Lucas [Applause] Spore I wasn’t planning on fighting everybody in the mother I saw it drop okay hold on I want these I want these to

Grow uh in that little entrance the mushroom idea I want it and I’m down with the sickness I don’t want some more black apples as well ink Bush we could definitely collect some of the stuff in the nether there’s some interesting things growing out here can we stop

Okay we’re having an inair battle here we’ll get it it’s the principles now we got to get it before we lose all our Mana I don’t know why that was so difficult black apples are used for something that I I don’t remember what they’re used for

Wait what no that’s that’s a recipe hold on demon treats I don’t know let’s get some more of these mushroom spores I get distracted so easily I don’t know what this is either what the come on now I’m trying to do something here man what’s that called Still agnate Still agnate Seed let’s find some mushrooms they look so good dude I don’t know exactly how they’ll work I really hope they grow outside the nether cuz I’ve never seen them anywhere but the nether so I guess that’s a little bit of a concern okay this thing an I seed these mushrooms would be freaking

Awesome but I think they just yeah yeah see they just turn into regular mushrooms I don’t think it works like that I don’t yes they grow on Netherrack in the Overworld wait these types of mushrooms grow on Netherrack we can work some Netherrack in the build um very little bits of it

But like how would you grow would it have to be on like NE my celium to grow a mushroom that looks like this cuz I would love mushrooms that look like that dude and like this what is that we didn’t spend enough time in the nether before you don’t know that one no

Worries we’ll figure it out we’ll learn together I am as they say uh the the educational beaver I don’t know I don’t know what they say red mold what the oh oh don’t do this I thought I was stuck in the lava all right well he’s

Gone like like look at dude the ne’s got some really interesting plants is that a cactus it is oh like what is this what is this I think I have some of this stuff but not much of it back home I do want some more of these seeds

Though cuz they do look freaking sick this is definitely my favorite block go the you can grow the mushrooms on nether melium all right we’re going to try it I would love some of them in the build you know what else we need to do is find

A a method of farming uh nether Stars we uh Harry I think you did leave before we went and did this portion of the stream the other day but we went and uh bought what’s his face um the the final boss that you find inside inside

The uh the end cities and uh I mean it was easy right like we did a a diamond Soul key and we we were just testing out our new weapon um but we only got we did like I think we killed him six times and only got half a stack of nether

Stars good old Wither spawning Hunter yeah that’s what I’m thinking I know you’ve mentioned that before and I I think I like that idea we need blaze rods I figured since we found this we might as well soak it up dang it I just killed one of the

Wither spawners or one of the Blaze Spawners I was trying to kill the skeleton spawner holy Advanced looting dude use higher level keys to get more from the bosses uh well I used diamond Keys which I I thought was like super high level right well I mean super high level

Like it goes to Emerald right but I was scared I was a little nervous go to the Doom like for Blaze and another Stars oh no I was just taking advantage of that opportunity there cuz uh I mean we don’t normally see Blaze Spawners so I figured we’re passing it we might as

Well take it how many of these do we have 25 I feel like that’s not that should be enough who are you and what are you doing I don’t know where it went let’s just go home your bio wither spawner uh that was the one wither spawner that we had um already like

Rampaged the uh there was only one wither left from it and I was having trouble finding them so I was just like whatever whatever we would have to find another Doom like in order to get a fresh spawner okay let’s throw all this stuff in the

Crates oh yeah we got all sorts of this stuff All right well that whole Adventure was for andesite right it’s back to building it’s time to get serious now Oops I did not mean to do that okay let me uh let me stand up for just a minute let me go use the bathroom I promise I’m not

Procrastinating put beacons in the floor for the beam and put tinted glass over the top to change the color for the beam wait put it in the floor where what are you talking about put beacons on the floor for the beam and put tinted glass over the top of them to change the

Color what as decoration all right time out let me use the bathroom I’ll be right back and then we’ll uh we’ll finish texturing the bottom half of this this whole pathway thing we forgot my mic was muted all right we’re doing this we’re finishing this and uh you said it all around the

Base it just looks good we could do that we could do that uh with the bigon the the beacon thing is what I’m referring to putting just uh a bunch of them here and there just kind of like going up into the sky I know we’ve got one over

There I do like the way it looks but for now let’s keep working this what we need is some grass as well hold on hang tight I want some grass just a little bit around the edges and like these portions that we’ve kind of opened up a little bit grass

Is that too much grass around the edge it might look a little funny just being a straight line of grass we’ll come back to it for now let’s make a grass but uh we’ll finish texturing the walls and then we’ll we’ll come back through like the entirety of this whole

Thing and just do little fine detail Tweaking right Moss oh we don’t have Moss the the rlcraft is actually in version 1.12 point something um so there’s a lot of things that we don’t have we don’t have Moss we don’t have uh dripstone uh no deep slate none of that either unfortunately but there’s like supplemental things right like there’s

Check this out where’s it at grass we have this oh that’s green concrete powder hold on no okay we have what’s called a Turf block which is kind of like moss but it literally is just the texture of grass it doesn’t look as good as Moss if I’m being honest you can paint

Wood no way still looking swag though yeah thank you very much thank you we uh we’re almost done here we’re we’re getting I mean it kind of looks completed from this angle but I think it’s coming together that’s awkward our little waterfall just got Frozen all right enough procrastination let’s just keep doing

It I always get a little burnt out when we’re texturing I just like I think I’d rather be doing other stuff although texturing is like crucial to any type of build especially if you’re up close right like if your build there’s there’s different perspectives to builds right there’s like your build

From from like this angle right here and then there’s your build from like this angle right here and texturing is not so important when you’re looking at it like this right it doesn’t make the biggest difference um it does help it really does but texturing is incredibly important when you’re standing right

Here um in the perspective swaps too right like it one thing might look really good up close but bad far away and then something might look really good far away but but not so much up close um but that one’s a tough one finding the happy balance between the

Two is something that I’m still learning um it’s difficult if I’m being honest uh especially when you have much larger builds um you kind of have to pick your battles right and you kind of have to predetermine like where your perspectiv is coming from like in here like this

Specifically this wall you’re never going to see that wall from the outside I I mean maybe just a little bit from like right here right but generally the way you see this wall right here is right up close right up in front of you um and you can kind of like decide how

You’re going to do your texturing and your build based on like your given perspective right so if you know you’re going to be only seeing a build from like right up close you can focus a little bit more heavily on this type of detailing and same goes for like

Interior right like like you’re never going to see the inside of the build from like a mile away or even like coming out of the air like so you can spend a little bit more time focusing on the details of it which we should do but we’re not going to think about that

Right now we’ll come back to it Harry’s like what’s building I just play hardcore I just kill stuff I build sometimes but I complete everything first oh we do I I tend to work in segments I do like one thing at a time and then I I

Let it go and I come back to it I’m not saying we’re not going to complete the build we’ll complete this build don’t you worry I don’t care if we have to spend the next 42 hours fishing we’ll complete this build imagine there was like a material

That you could collect from fishing that was like really really good looking and uh it was just like the perfect material for everything all the time and everybody wanted to build their houses out of it can you make a neptunium block no why why can’t you make a block out of

Neptunium you I you should absolutely be able to make a block out of neptunium it would look so good man is that not supposed to be there I feel like it looks really good up close when texturing keep the blocks together more instead of one block of uh

Wait keep the blocks together more instead of one block next to one another what you mean like like putting patches like like a patch of cobblestone here a patch of like what’s called here we kind of did that down here you mean like this like a a patch

Of this block and a patch of this block and a patch of that block so do like three together then the next color I got you I see what you’re saying no no not patches patches of Hulan what you mean like like three pieces of cobblestone three pieces of andesite three pieces of

Stone like do three or four blocks of the same then do the next block well you sir Harry are asking me to start over uh I’ll tell you what let’s retain the pattern that we’re doing now finish this and then the next area the next segment that we work on we’ll

Uh we’ll do exactly what you just said like all the Lush stone blocks oh oh oh oh oh like like this Yeah it does not look the same without Water [Laughter] what no where you are in the tunnel the left Stone one ones are just one block put them together more Lush Stone what where you are in the tunnel the Lush Stone ones are just one block put them together more oh they’re not wait which one are you

Talking about which one are you talking about this are you I think this is the reinforced or sturdy Stone sorry I keep calling it reinforced is that what you’re talking about put them together more they do kind of feel odd spread out right I think I don’t know I’ll tell you what

We’ll do this we we’ll keep the same pattern that we got going now uh and if it needs tweaked we’ll definitely tweak it later and uh we’ll definitely do that for like the next room cuz uh I’m curious to see what that looks like um I

Think that’s a good idea but if we do that we’re talking about like redoing this entire thing and it’s way too Checker boardy it is awfully Checker boardy isn’t it it doesn’t look bad from far away but when you’re up close it look it does look Checker boardy I was hoping that

Putting like green stuff like leaves and and bushes and growth and scenery around was going to supplement the the like the whole Checker boardy feeling cuz I agree with you it does look a bit like a checkerboard um and and I’m not like the biggest fan of how that is but like I

Said I was hoping that it was going to like correct itself when we uh start doing the other stuff trust the process we’ll get it it’s going to look good don’t redo just add some more okay all right hold on You might be on to something I agree I agree I do like that har I thought you were a a hardcore player you’re not allowed to build how about you knock that off right now you’re no longer allowed to give good tips on building that’s unacceptable a couple of individual ones

Here and there I think is okay but that does look good you’ve been playing Minecraft since Al wow dude that is a long time that is a long time oh yeah we’ll have to work the pathway a little bit let me go make some more of these blocks I think that’ll

Work we could we’ll probably end up using more than that but it’ll work for now he you should have been an interior decorator man well played H I hear something snarling man must be like below us that’s too much uh I feel like we do need a little

Something here I’m thinking like maybe some support like can we add like some sort of like structural thing right around here I don’t want the dirt to hang off the edge but I don’t want the stone to go all the way to the top and come through the

Top or do we want the stone to come all the way up to the top what if we did what if we it needs light what if we did something like this what the we’ll do light uh but not yet trust me we’re we’re going to add some light to

It we’re going to add a whole lot more to this this build um it’s just it it needs to be textured first does that look weird it look silly get rid of the t-shape t-shape oh that thing we’re nitpicking make a barrier I have a bit an idea here hold

On like bushes around the top yeah yeah yeah yeah you read my mind we’re not doing bushes yet but I figured just a little little something that might be a tad bit much Cobblestone yeah we’ll add bushes then but I think this is doing it for me that’s doing it for

Me okay come back to this ledge here we’ll uh we’ll come back over the entire thing and add more um more bushes and detail like that let’s finish up this B bottom half here we’re almost done the sooner we get it done the sooner we don’t have to worry about

It need our bird though what okay okay I was about to be what the what the thanks dude You got to flow you got to get the vibe you got to roll with it you going to let the vibe consume you be the vibe [Laughter] Uh we got to get this done today this was like our only goal that we set out to do today if we don’t finish it we’re failures what time is it almost 4:00 dude we’ve been going for 3 hours Harry how’d you let this happen dude the time honestly goes incredibly

Fast um I mean just streaming in general makes time go fast um but for whatever reason rlcraft dude just freaking rips it away from you time does not exist on rlcraft I’m not the slow one you are I like to take my time I do I feel like the best things come with

With patience and time even death that got dark it wasn’t supposed to come out that way Reach ring or potion would help I’m not that worried I feel like we’re doing fine without it I mean we we got really far anyway we’re almost done that might be a little bit too much limestone

Do do d you every time I make a shape like this I think of Tetris like I don’t know why I mean I do know why I just like kind of wish I didn’t think of Tetris not that there’s anything wrong with Tetris I just like it I just can’t

Get it out of my head whenever I see that shape for some reason M woo We’re cruising now we’re actually getting things done I don’t know man I’m thinking thinking maybe maybe this would be a cool area to display stuff from the nether like a plant growth from the nether specifically not like mobs and whatnot but like just like some of the mushrooms and and cactuses and and

Whatever that grow in there it might be cool to put in here on this little ledge H trying not to like break the wrong piece of glass here dang it who gosh dang it we’re almost done we’re I I got to keep telling myself that right cuz if I don’t I’m

Going to get bored and be like oh I won’t do anything but texture now we could do go do something else let’s go do something else d go get nether Stars we could do that that wouldn’t hurt us I just we need to finish this um got to got to finish

This we’re very close to being done it’s unfortunate that this is like kind of getting Hollow over here with this cave I don’t like it what’s going on ligma are those furnaces that you’ve used for decoration they it’s like the same texture as a furnace but it’s actually called sturdy Stone um it’s

Close it’s basically a furnace but it looks nice I got to get rid of that one piece of dirt okay I jacked this up somehow and I I can’t tell where cuz I’ve broken all the glass dude I was just talking about Dr disrespect today that’s funny it’s funny showed

Up this freaking texture man get that out of here Yeah got to get rid of some of this garbanzo we’re so close knuckle down boys you’re able to SM and catch your stream almost every time that’s funny dude I was I saw a short of a Dr D he was talking about uh or no sorry he was

Getting donations and uh just freaking ripping the people that were donating to him just riing him like straight like somebody would donate and say something nice to him and he’d be like nuh back it up and just like just freaking run him down dude and like I don’t know it’s

Hilarious what he does it really is but uh I I was thinking like man I could never like say anything like that to the people that donate to me I just I would feel so bad I would feel terrible about it it is hilarious though glad to see

This place receiving some makeovers yeah dude we’ve been working boy wh placeing every block one at a time it’s been a while since I’ve s you seen the place but the uh the place is really coming together dude bit by bit bit by bit we’re almost done with the texturing

Here Dr disrespect has Spidey senses apparently he’s got eyes everywhere boy I kind of like the iron naturally nice all right now once we’re done with this we probably will do something else um Harry’s got me interested in doing like a little bit of an adventure just a little little something

To keep things a little interesting it’s getting kind of boring I’m not going to lie but it was something that needed done so once we’re done we’re done we don’t have to think about it he’s like Santa but instead of giving gifts he roasts you that’s actually hilarious I thought that was was

Actually Bryson like Bryson instead of like being nice to you he just roasts you but like it’s done in a complimentary way in a way that can be appreciated that’s a solid way of entertaining someone right there it is it that is a solid way of entertaining he’s definitely got

Something going for him I mean obviously yeah take note right dude I don’t know I don’t have the roast in me man uh I love people too much I definitely can find like other ways of entertaining people though we’re progressing man the Channel’s slowly growing slowly nice and steady Pace that’s what

We like around here I think that was it right was that well we have a couple more blocks hold on don’t worry I’ve been taking notes I I like I like dude you know what’s fun not to like blow Dr disrespect up cuz like come watch my channel not his he doesn’t

Need the views but like one of the funniest things I think I’ve ever seen anybody do even outside of streaming like the funniest things dude he like he does he pulls one of these right and he’ll like all right it’s time to get serious and he he turns around in his

Chair I don’t have the room to do it right or else I would turn my chair around too my my setup’s a little but he turns around in his chair so he’s facing the opposite way of the camera and he like takes his glasses off and throws

Them and then he turns around and he’s still wearing glasses it’s like dude he freaking cracks me up dude it’s so funny I’m glad you’re here too man I’m glad you’re here Dr D slides down a chimney tells your grandma soggy knees okay all right um good old Dr D saucing up everybody’s Grandma’s soggy knees huh is that uh is that the thing all right we definitely have some touch-up work to do uh we could good let’s go sleep real quick return to the classics right so what I’m thinking come yep thank you actually we can just fly around for now it’s a little

Easier we got to get rid of you though what I’m thinking we got to get rid of all you guys oh you’re a pain in the freaking TSH dude are we done I think we’re done I don’t know where he went but we need to tweak this and uh oh you

Son of a dung thank you to guys look I’m trying to think here trying to use my brain thunker also have you considered mob events have some pesky dudes spawning in some of these places um we normally run away very quickly when a mob event

Spawns like uh I keep my warpstone on my hot bar at all times and as soon as an event spawns man we’re just out um but yeah I’ve considered it I mean it is what it is right like small potatoes I I think

That it if so if we spawn or if an event happens right and we warp out normally one or two mobs still spawn where we were before um so hopefully one or two mobs doesn’t cause so much damage that we can’t just like patch it up real

Quick but we have yet to see a mob event spawn for a long time like I know we’re do cuz we did this whole pathway we did the bridge we did the graveyards we did this pathway we did that building and then all the texturing along the this wall here we

Did this waterfall as well which is still frozen and I still have not seen a mob event spawn um fortunately you know it’s a good thing when when you have like a long break and things like that but it’s it’s due it’s going to happen again soon the Luso has stopped

Oops check the clock let’s do that let’s check the Clock where is our clock trueu and also have heard shiv changed the speed and made it later uh with how quickly the mobs start spawning when you start the or excuse me when you get the alert of the mob event that’s actually huge I didn’t realize that um but

Sweet we have lost our clock again I don’t know where it keeps going uh do we have a second clock in here though we do we are on day 1,251 today been going For 3 hours what session time says 3 hours we’ve been definitely going longer than that though oh I wonder if being in the nether just like stops that session time thing all right booms we definitely need to rip this up but the question is I think like what do

We do with the floor here do we continue like this pathway texture over or do we do something completely different cuz I think I like the idea of putting like the plants and the mushrooms and stuff from the nether I like that I think that

Would look really cool and if we do that we almost have to implement more nether blocks in the the walls a little bit maybe not too much but enough to like kind of say nether but also what if we just put the plants and stuff in here and said not nether right

Does it have to look like the nether I know we have to use like Netherrack and whatnot so like what if we sneakily squeeze in some Netherrack and mycelium specifically to kind of not look like the but still use some of the plants and whatnot and the mushrooms that are found in

There sounds like a good way to blend uh to make it blend and give it more options with the walls yeah well okay so we’re going to do plants and stuff too in fact we could do that right now cuz that would be quick and easy I think

Let’s put all this junk away let’s grab a bunch of leaves and start adding some Greenery cuz we could do that it’s not going to take long and it’s a little more entertaining than texturing like that you could try something with lanite blocks we’ve built a lot with lanite

Blocks I’m not uh done using them but like most of this build here actually the entirety of the outside of this build like the these are all lanite blocks and uh I was really really trying to get away from using them so much um so like we did the the cardinal sin of

Rlcraft and built with wood hopefully finger crossed that sucker doesn’t burn down um but I’ve been trying to like get a different balance like these are like night blocks right but we’re getting there we’re making some progress on the uh the variations it’s just a slow one we’re working on

It let’s grab some leaves we’re going to probably need more leaves and some Vines why not thank you so like kind of kind of this idea I know the leaves look kind of like buns right now just cuz it’s winter time and they’re all brown but sort of like

This idea what I was thinking for doing down here but a little bit more sparse I don’t want it to be like just completely filled with leaves and then we’ll come back through and we’ll slap a couple of pink ones in now and then what’s going on hello to you

Brother guess we could wrap that up here too why not please shout me out kidex what’s up sir I think this is really going to help break up like the cobbly texture cuz we’ve got a lot of Cobble going on and uh it’s not nearly as Checker boardy

As it was oh yeah yeah dude that helps immensely already I don’t know what I can’t remember what block went there but I must have missed that it’s all right you’ll never even see it you don’t even know it’s like goofed Thoughts on Cave crystals dude we were literally just collecting cave crystals earlier I mean not like with the intention of using them here but uh We’ve definitely talked about doing it I would like to use some cave crystals uh we don’t have a ton of them though running down from the ceiling or

Something like that dude I I like the idea I definitely would like to use some cave crystals here and there um I don’t want to do go too crazy with them right like if we use them I want them to be kind of sparse but uh we need to collect some

More is the problem we don’t have a a huge collection and and of those bad boys they are sick dude I know we could go to the end um and collect like massive amounts of like the pink and the brown or the black ones but or I think it’s

Pink and purple and black actually but I like the other colors like the green ones look sick the orange and the the yellow ones we’ll get there too I might have went a little hard with the plants we need to leave room for mushrooms and stuff on the walls

I did I think that helped immensely though I think for example if you were to do it here it would be like four streams running down and that’s it and break it up with break up the r repetitive pattern yeah dude I like the idea I’m

Down you know what though it we have enough I think to at least start using cave crystals we’re not going to be able to like put cave crystals throughout the whole build cuz we’ll run out of them but we could probably try it and see what it looks like

All right dang it we were supposed to go on a small Adventure we were going to go kill Withers but now I’m like in the building Zone again you guys got me you got me I could see Boomer just like in his grave screaming dude like no he’s

Building again like why we were going to go do something fun all right and we’ll add more bushes andu stuff later on too I do love building dude we were just in the Lost Cities yesterday or the day before sorry whatever day we played rlcraft last and it was freaking sick

Like we got the sentian great Cleaver online and uh we spent like like five 6 hours in that bad boy and uh I decided I was like you know what I’m building for like the next month I don’t I’m never going back there even we we still have a

Couple quests in the Lost Cities to work on but I was really proud and happy with the progress we made there and uh we’re taking a big old fat break from that scary place and we’re going to go do a bunch of building but but thank you dude

Thank you very much I appreciate that sir dude uh you know what uh while we got a few of you guys in here that don’t come in too often if you’re new here or if uh if you don’t know there’s a Discord channel the link to that’s in the

Description check it out yeah man everybody’s welcome there I would love to see uh all sorts of stuff from you guys we mostly just chill and hang out but there’s channels for like artwork there’s channels for Minecraft uh all sorts of different stuff so if you got

Anything you want to share if you just want to hang have a good time please by all means join that Discord uh we need more people man we need more good people good people like yourselves you oh you’re in wait what the heck I didn’t even know you were in

It I had no idea this almost makes me feel like it needs water would that look interesting as like a a water Pond the gift trading is invaluable I know right it’s a lot of gifts that’s that’s the main form of communication in there is like we just

Respond back to one another with gifts it’s funny I had ideas for what we were going to do here but like carving that area out and like kind of like putting that little dip in there with the missing blocks makes me feel like it needs like

A pond or like it should be a pond you know what we never build with is freaking clay blocks you don’t chat on the servers that’s okay man I was just letting anybody know man I and like I said I didn’t even know you were in there but uh I’m glad you’re big

Chilling yeah you guys are you’re not like required to participate right like if you don’t want to talk you don’t have to ain’t no big deal what all right maybe sorry I’m using my thinker here maybe like what if like instead of going with like a bit of another theme with all the

Different plants we create like a we devote an island down in this area for the nether kind of like what we plan on doing with all sorts of other checkpoints within our allcraft and then you don’t like the mossy Cobble Harry I like the mossy Cobble there is

Actually a lot of Mossy Cobble I think we could probably dial the mossy back a little bit I do agree with you there um but what if what if we made like a little divot in here that just went nowhere right and some water came out of

There and then like we filled this whole thing with water maybe not the whole thing but like created like a bit of a pond out of this bad boy and like put some lily pads in there and maybe I was thinking about getting a Sher a Strider uh Harry mentioned a

While back cuz if we’re going to do like um so you mostly send pictures of the scrungle cat is that goose is that your cat that I’ve been seeing in this CH the freaking the real scrungle one I like it I like it I like it I like it

Um but uh so we were talking about maybe getting a Strider cuz we’re cing try to collect all sorts of different creatures right but the strider’s huge situation being here is that there’s like a lot of verticality here cuz the Strider is very tall we might be able to

Squeeze one in here drop a few Lux silic in and call it a day that would be cool too that would actually be good Yeah let’s um I don’t want to go too crazy on the water but I think water would look really good here we could do some lily pads uh we could do some lily pads we could do some lily pads um I don’t know man what else goes in the

Water ice we can put ice in the water all right let’s try it let’s see what it looks like and we’ll do a little divot like right under this should we texture this we should but what if we just scatter little bits and Bobs sounds good actually just a stream of

Water oh boot for decoration oh wouldn’t it be sick if we made like like you know how in the end there’s like these like portals made of like glass and then like on the other side of the portal there’s like half a boat coming out of it um what if we did

Something sort of similar to that but not like an n city boat just like a a pirate ship boat just like coming out of this wall right here wouldn’t that be cool wouldn’t that be cool dude that actually sounds sick dude I saw a restaurant like I saw

A video of somebody in a restaurant like a while back and um it was close to the ocean and uh they had this like um heightened Pier that was like way up above the water and um the pier walked underneath of like the front half of a

Boat and like the restaurant itself I think it was actually a bar the restaurant itself was like the top half like the deck of the boat and it went like inside the boat and like in this like block of buildings and stuff that was like just kind of like buted up

Against the the road on the opposite side side it was really cool looking and you got to like walk under the boat like on the pier itself it was Sick let’s grab some texturing blocks again where do we go with it oh it’s in our inventory and a sight more and a sight this some of these some of those what are those what the Heck you got to chill with the noise it’s so loud oh I’m sorry I’m sorry I can like just tone it down on notch or to was that a an an fo in Florida by chance I don’t know where it was I have no idea where it was it was just like a

Deep fried mic was it that loud man I’m so sorry my bad guys I uh I’m actually working on getting another microphone here soon hopefully it’s going to increase the the sound quality and I’ll be able to like yell and not have to uh worry about breaking your guys’ eard

Drums and whatnot I know there’s like I’ve got um some filters on my microphone that are supposed to negate that but it’s not as efficient as I would like it to be but you’ll have a good laugh when you look back over the stream I normally

Don’t look back over the streams I try hard not to watch myself I do Let’s get this layer out texture it up a little bit and then fill it with water I think it’s going to look good hopefully H oops I don’t know we could probably create a little bit of depth in with the water as well like it doesn’t have to be totally flat

Right had a typo earlier who whoa whoa whoa oh it’s funny all right good as long as you guys are laughing at me that’s fine he said if an alternate reality version of you decided to suddenly look back over the stream they would have a good laugh all right

Well I do enjoy me a good chunky laugh I do MH you’re not even really going to see this but it’s like the the thought that counts I’ll like I won’t be able to sleep at night if I don’t texture the bottom of this little thing haa it’s looking like we’re going to

Play some predecessors later tonight I’m excited for that I don’t know if I’ll stream it or not we’ll see maybe my base would wait wait wait wait I’d have to find out if mob events happen in the end of the nether I don’t think they do um and I don’t think Blood

Moons count in the end of the nether either um we’ve tested out the blood moon specifically um as far as I’m aware it doesn’t seem to work uh Mob events mob events do spawn in the Nether um I don’t know if it’s like maybe particular mob events only spawn

In NE in the nether but I’ve seen them spawn like specifically the one lava event and if I can find a way to make a spawn proof and penetral base in the Lost Cities uh I would don’t ask why oh you trying to make a oh they don’t work in any other

Dimension oh dude I could have sworn I’ve seen event spawn in the the sorry the nether maybe I’m tripping well if you’re trying to make a a base in the Lost Cities I’m pretty sure that the parasites actually can’t break obsidian I think I think they can’t

Break obsidian at least that’s what my sources tell me um so if you were to try to make a spawn prooof Place obsidian would be the way to do it and also I don’t know if like maybe like filling the place with with buttons like cuz

They can spawn in the air and they can spawn on blocks but if you put buttons on the blocks I don’t think they can spawn on the blocks but how do you stop them from spawning in the air I don’t know I don’t know you can

Mostly spawn proof it I think but I don’t know if it’s going to be like 100% spawn proofed if you happen to figure something out though freaking tell me dude I would be interested we shall I would maybe make it underground surround the outer walls with very thick

Obsidian layers and just have a normal interior design I think they’ll probably unless like the blocks themselves are spawn proof they’ll probably still spawn there um but underground’s probably the good way to go and obsidian yeah then the problem lies in the Enderman that teleport things inside or

Other mobs that somehow sneak in yeah I don’t know man that would be a tough one I’d be really impressed if he figured it out excuse me figured it out um I’ve what the heck we got a piece of oh I think that’s from the treasure perk uh

I would definitely be interested but I’ve never seen anything like online and what the the heck I thought that was a a dude a dudely dude like a sea serpent dude we lost our sea serpent we had a sea serpent in there if you guys missed

That episode dude check out that one we um we like literally took a sea serpent from the ocean and brought it to our base and put it in that thing but then I jacked it up I ended up making him despawn like an absolute idiot but we’re

G to get another one here soon at some point in the near future oh speaking of sea serpent if we’re going to do any type of like creatures we need to not do it before we put the sea serpent in cuz the sea serpent will kill them all kill them dead

Guardian give me what water I need water all right we need one one more bucket I know we could have done it the other way around but it’s fine whoa what the world can I help you dude did I jack that up I think I did whatever dude we’re taking this one

You can’t make it fully spawn proof as some mobs spawn in the air and also you could you have a cloud effect that can still that still can get you in the bunker wait a cloud effect what a cloud effect that can still get you in the bunker what you talking

About why can’t I pick this water up what’s the problem am I losing my mind okay I don’t know what the deal is over there you know that Red Cloud what Red Cloud uh do I know that Red Cloud I don’t know I think I’m lagging

Oops I guess we could have used that one thing that we have I don’t remember what it’s called but it like spawns water infinitely it’s basically a bucket without the need to refill it but it can’t take water away I don’t think oh that Red Cloud wait I thought

That was spawned by a mob you’re talking about like the big like rectangular shaped Red Cloud that like expand banss very quickly and will absolutely murder you no not with the Ice Dude g g this place looks good you know not just realized oh no the lily pads stay I was thinking like

When ice forms shouldn’t the lily pads just like freaking get popped and go away but I guess not buddy you uh picked the wrong guy but they shoot mobs oh yeah okay well that sucks doesn’t it I don’t know man I I thought about like take biting off the whole little

Bit of an adventure of like what if we made a base in the lost cities and then I realized like how how long it would take to do that and how difficult it would be and uh the fact that like it’s just chaos constantly like there’s no

Chill at all like every single block you’re trying to place you’re just getting beat in the back dude I don’t know I would commend anybody that tries to build a base in the Lost Cities but I think that that’s maybe not for me if Channel blows up and we have like

A million people ask to like hey build a base in the Lost Cities I might change my mind but uh I’m not going to torture myself with that like right now also the longer in the game oh excuse me the longer in the same chunk

The worse it would get the best way to do it is at Max height and then you have to fill in like you know you have to be have this gigantic block of obsidian in the sky wait say no mobs can spawn as there is no

Floor Oh you mean like so the ceiling would be open like if you go all the way up to Max height and place a block like at the very top height like they can’t spawn on top of that because like above that is just nothing right it’s like

Essentially like void but it doesn’t kill you just build up with stone and then put the obsidian at the top and remove the stone it would be really interesting to see that’s quite a challenge you’re talking about right there all right let’s get some glowing bushes what other kind of

Lights do we want to put in there sorry forgot about that noise I can’t help it man I can’t stop won’t stop not till I drop no I’m trying I’m trying it’s addictive it’s a bad habit I see what you’re saying Harry that’s a good idea but then you can’t like can

You put anything on it then like can you put furniture and chests and whatever I I feel like you couldn’t okay we need more leaves we’re actually running out of leaves we’re running out of glow Stone too g g that’s better just casually beatboxing okay can’t stop it uh did I do this

Wrong what is this called enlightened Bush what if I want to make Christmas nice rainbow enlightened Bush I don’t know man like what color would we settle on here why do they change color I don’t know if I fully understand the enlightened bushes so if you make it two blocks down but

You could you would need to spawn proof the floor I got you yeah that would do it red or blue we do need some color dang it can I not just like craft it with the enlightened bush like if I do red this isn’t going to work is

It of course not you got to actually craft it well Hot Cross Buns dude we need some more stuff I don’t think this is going to be enough glow stone we’ll break it and see if we can get another out of this we’re still going to need some get or excuse me

We’re going to need to get some leaves but eventually we’re going to probably need to go farm some nether stone or glow stone whatever the heck this is what time is it 4:30 goodness so I think relatively soon we’ll be wrapping this up we’ll be going for okay we’ve been

Going for 4 hours so once we uh finish like the detailing here we’ll probably wrap this up and then I don’t think I’m going to do an extra stream later but I will record what we do on predecessors tonight and then uh probably slap that

Bad boy up for you guys one like an extended version I did post like a a long form thing of predecessors today and uh I like it I like the way it turned out I enjoyed the long reform content it’s kind of like a stream sort

Of kind of um but I cut out the boring Parts like when we’re sitting there waiting for a queue in between matches I cut that out it’s just like straight match match match all Bush B bunched together and uh I think we won four games in a row and we they forfeited

Every single time we freaking bullied everybody that time um so hopefully we get some more fun stuff like that and uh where are my Snips at man oh you know what I think they’re in here they are I don’t know let’s take this tree I try not to pick trees like right

Next to our house buddy don’t do it you have too much to live for dude don’t do it oh Harry Mr professional sir I need you to explain something to me why in the world does magnetic not work on shears it’s like a Despicable feature of this game I can’t believe it

We’ll end up needing more leaves one day but we got to fix our thing anyway get out leave me alone don’t do this I don’t want it all right I suck I’m coming after you you’re dying I don’t know why oh what in the world you can’t just not have an answer

For a man I’m just kidding no I was curious though cuz I was all excited I was like we’re going to make a pair of shears and we’re going to juice them up dude we’re going to put on breaking we’re going to put efficiency on them we’re going to

Put magnetic and mending it’s going to be so good and it doesn’t work the freaking well the efficiency I think works and the Unbreaking works and so does The Mending but the magnetic doesn’t I’m like freaking I was devastated dude couldn’t believe it the whole Squad is I know they all spawned

Out of that pond right there let’s see what this looks like before we go and make a whole bunch of them you guys are like just a nuisance right now I want your glow stone though can I have thank I forget if we like fall on bushes we uh we bust them

Up oh s don’t know if this will work but put magnetic oh put the magnetic pick in your offhand ooh that’s a good idea all right hold on don’t let me forget that we’re going to try it okay we need some more but you know what I think that’s going to

Look really good once we start getting some mushrooms in here I don’t mind it the way it is but it gives me like a red mushroom White Spot Vibe you know um so I think if we accent it with some other mushrooms and whatnot it might actually turn out

Really well I don’t like the pink though the pink and the red don’t go pink and the red got to go yo actually looks kind of nice I like that all right wait we’ve got a little bit of durability left we can make it work it does not work unfortunately right yeah magnetic

Nothing it was worth a shot though dude we are actually oh my gosh okay we’re actually out of XP bottles which is really sad dude I think we have like one stack of XP bottles in our box and it’s like an emergency set of bottles we could make like an XP farm

But for now those are just going to go in there red we need red Dy okay get a mending potion oh that too dude I forgot about those good call huge call man what’ I do with them oh did I put them in here or just use an anvil that

Too I mean we have like an infinite amount of XP levels on our person we’ve got like five full crates of XP TOS upstairs like I don’t think it’s going to hurt us to use a little bit of XP right what how do you huh fine fine all right do it the oldfashioned

Way make shears I know it’s like I don’t know I just expected iron to work for some reason get that out of here oh we’ll take that we need those saplings so that we can plant more of those trees later on dude I actually really like the red this is nice that’s

Nice all right how do we Implement Lighting in the floor though without making it look silly is there Green carpet that’s going to look like grass carpet not really sort of kind of what if we go like old school simplistic like just a fence post and a

Torch on top not a torch but like a lantern on top just around the edge of the pathway I think that would be kind of cool cuz it would provide like a bit of a barrier between you and like the lip that falls off of the okay it’s night

Time we’ve got plenty of lanterns we got plenty of wood let’s try it we’ll see what it looks like I’m not talking like making like these things I’m talking like something real simple I don’t know if the wooden steak would be okay or Not or like let me test something out real quick log post with a fence in between maybe log post with a fence in between what do you mean by that Christmas like red and white yeah do we not have any Spruce trap doors there’s no way we got one Spruce

Trapo Spruce oh is that the last of our Spruce Wood Ry where’ those lanterns go what I do with the lanterns oh they’re right there I don’t know is that silly looking what about like something thicker at the bottom like three high with wood logs and fence along the

Edge in between the logs oh oh oh oh wait I don’t know why I can’t picture it I can’t like get it in my face for some reason three high with logs and then fence along the edge near okay I think I say what you’re saying I I think I do

Compute oh that’s the same size can we make like a wall out of you know how you can make like walls out of blocks or like like not wooden blocks but like these W yeah can you make like a wooden one Jasper might look good we have a little bit of

Jasper Sandy brick wall dark oak bark wall Spruce oak bark wall wow okay holy expensiveness we’re going to experiment real quick we need something that’s like right in between the two of them or what if we did this I don’t know simple and small right does that connect oh it doesn’t

It does connect to that though all right work with me work with me here let’s go check this out probably going to need more Spruce if this is what we go with unless we change out the trap doors Uh something like that the issue with like trying to do fences is like it’s such an odd shape and it’s not flat I would like to do that but how do we make it work without like doing something like that whoa dude calm down

Put a base under it here I just want to get the position of it does that hang over the path too far is it too close or does it need I think it it it does need like a little something to help enclose it just a smidge I don’t like

That I don’t think those connect right maybe make it higher that’s what I’m thinking yeah okay so that’s fine that it doesn’t connect there I don’t mind that it does need to be one Higher okay that’s not going to work Anyways off to sleep got college tomorrow have a good stream dude thank you very much man take care of yourself Riley I uh I hope we catch you later sir and uh good luck with college me oops oh wait actually nah that looks silly doesn’t it that Helps what the yeah dude I kind of like That it needs a half slab in there like one of these half slabs where are they at you’re telling me I don’t have any freaking Spruce Spruce half slabs I like Spruce man what uh it’s dark Oak dang it all right side quest got to got to do

What you got to do me side quest let’s just like keep that stuff in there we don’t need like that much oak or um Spruce Wood where do we find Spruce though is the question I want to say there’s Spruce like that way I guess for you guys it would be that way

Uh it’s not the easiest thing to come by I guess we get a couple of saplings we could probably just plant some trees Farm it back home if we need to but it’s really not that hard to collect as long as we find a forest with it I’m looking

For a good place for Spruce a spruce Forest who would have thought that one huh oh man what’s that I know we’ve passed them before we’ve collected Spruce Wood before it’s just been a long time and I want to say that there was like a snowy Spruce Mountain somewhere in this

Direction wait a second wait a second wait a [Laughter] second who would have thought want your XP trying to repair the pickaxe one block or one mob at a time huh Mr leg that’s all I wanted was the blight okay give me your wood dudes here you said there’s a Ring Of

Reach like that permanently just gives you the reach effect cuz that that would be so good I feel like I would get too comfortable with it just like only ever use that don’t do it he didn’t have to do it thises his yeah okay you still haven’t found it oh so

You can’t craft it with like uh like crab claws or what have you I was expecting to be able to craft it but uh I haven’t found it either again I guess unfortunately you got it in your survival but not your hardcore it does sound super convenient we’re just shredding this

Forest man this is satisfying I mean what Spurs Forest there was nothing here couple of Timmy toot Lots huh it’s uncraftable that’s unfortunate yeah I would have assumed like crab claw right cuz I mean isn’t that how you make the potion of reach with like it’s either raw or cooked crab claw pretty

Sure hopefully we never need Spruce again oh it’s a raw CL crab leg all right I don’t really care to like run potions and wine while I’m building I would much prefer a ring feel like you just don’t get much wood from trees in this game

We even have like all the passives that are supposed to like increase the amount of resources you gain increase the speed at which you gain them blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and uh for some reason wood still feels slow I’m sure it’s faster than vanilla right like instead of breaking every

Single block you just slapping the bottom one out dude I love this mod like uh I’m blanking on the name of it it’s like sophisticated trees or something like that I don’t I don’t whatever it is the mod specifically for trees it’s just so good man there needs to be like I don’t

Why is it not in vanilla I guess is what I’m saying like they’re most definitely needs to be trees that look like this trees that fall like this trees that grow like this and interact act with the seasons in vanilla Minecraft dude I guess there’s not actually seasons in

Vanilla Minecraft but if there were man this would be a way to do it D we’ve just decimated this forest look at this holy and we’ve only gotten oh I guess we did get a lot of wood I think that’s good enough we’re good let’s go home look at that

Beauty oh dude I’ll never forget this this was probably one of the like the Pinnacle moments in our game I think once we retire rlcraft for our shrine to like this cuz you know we’re trying to do the Menagerie right Dynamic trees thank you very much Harry that’s the name of the

Mod that I was trying to think of sorry guys the the to represent shivaxi and his Monument I think we’ll probably put our key that we got in an item frame like wherever we’re about to build his Shrine or whatever um just to symbolize like yeah we were here we did this

Um because I feel the key is like the most valuable item in the entire game um and I’m most definitely not just going to stick in in an item frame like now right if we stick it in an item frame we’re going to do it at a time where

We’re like all right we’re not going to we’re putting this world on retirement we don’t need to play it anymore we’re good I’d be afraid that something would break the item frame and then it would despawn that would crush me like that would just break my heart Dude wait how do you I think it’s that and sticks in the middle trying to figure out how to make a fence I swear I’m a professional I know what I’m doing don’t worry this song dude just press r on the fences in the inventory oh no I figured it out thank

You I like to try to like simple recipes I try to keep in my head I know it’s a little easier you just like press R to grab the recipe from everything right dude I love these blocks why do we never use these These are gorgeous dude

We could have used those all over the place they look so good man all right we’re almost done here oh we were going to make half slabs hold on uh where’ the spruce go Ro there imagine I just made 49 buttons I’ll be a little mad of Myself oh yeah dude check that out that’s it right there yeah dude I’m cool with that hang on back snapping time boys let’s get a couple more of these fence posts in or these lanterns whatever you want to call them and then I think we’ll wrap this bad mama up today Today flew by dude it like flew by I don’t know where it went oh yeah little fence post action dude it doesn’t really take much to make like a good looking Lantern it’s not hard you just throw a couple of things together and like you know if

It’s not feeling right you just change it up a little bit throw a couple of different things together and uh at some point it turns out really Nicely I don’t want to overdo it thinking like maybe that might be it I might just like leave bushes and stuff to the okay well that’s really unfortunate all right hang on we got to wait for our Mana to charge [Laughter] okay let’s go for 15 Mana this Time we did it we need some bushes in here we need just like some light or something like I don’t want to put a fence post here I think that would be too much we’ll stick some leaves in it as well we’re not going to just like leave it that but

Uh let’s grab some of these do they all have to be connected like that like is this fine I think that’s fine the way it is um I know they’re floating right now but we’ll fix it dang it I keep running out of Mana tell you what let’s go get some like

Uh Cobble and stone and some Andes s Cobble Stone and a site where’s the rest we need our bird man come on no no no no no we didn’t bring any dang it should have brought some bushes with us too think we could bring the bushes up

Just a little bit here to kind of like break up the fencing M yeah I think that might actually just do it the way it is maybe just a couple more fences here yeah yep yep yep yep yep I think that’ll toot my horn man I like that sort of it just needs a little little bit of love here like don’t oh good this okay

Yeah yeah yeah yeah all right let’s go get some bushes real quick too and then I think that might actually do it for now we will be back okay oops not quite that much just a couple spread out here and there maybe minus one sure dude yeah we got these with

Us I have a serious habit of just like oh I forgot this got to run back over here oh dang it forgot this got to run back over here dude this looks nice I think I’m totally cool with how this is turning out uh we definitely still have a little

Bit more to do here um we could tweak the water up a little bit but the lanterns came out nice the pathway came out nice it’s really immersive like you feel like you’re diving into like a dungeon most not necessarily a dungeon but like you know some sort of like more

Light-hearted adventure maybe I don’t know and then you get greeted with a freaking sea serpent but I don’t know about you guys but dang it it’s tough to get like an outer view of this bad boy but I think it turned out very well we can take another little little baby walk about

Here think we could probably stick a couple of Lights here and there even just like if it’s U just a hanging Lantern off of the side of the stone but maybe for another day we’ll sleep on it we’ll come back if it if it’s irking us and bugging us later on

Maybe I’ll change it we could definitely do with a couple of Lights in the water but we’ll we’ll have to mess around more with this water in the near future I think I’d like to get some like life in there some live creatures and whatnot some sxes some Lux

Sxes would be pretty sick uh but if we’re going to do that we need to get the sea serpent back in place first cuz he’s going to be nasty and trying to kill everything on the way down so um maybe that’s going to be the adventure

For the next episode of rlcraft maybe we dive into that pun intended we’ll get a sea serpent hopefully blasted right up in here again and he should stay there forever and ever maybe hopefully and we need another Timmy toots theot and we also need to go find another

Timmy toots LP for Harry’s grave cuz we know how much he loves horns and beeps and Toots and boots and Hees so yeah man that look good that look good dude I the first of all the red was a huge call shout out to Harry on that

One also the the uh the like whatever this stuff’s called the reinforced stone is freaking or the sturdy Stone sorry like it was a little patchy it just looked checkered boardy but now it looks freaking fantastic dude I’m actually really impressed I didn’t think

It was going to turn out so good so um thank you to you guys for helping me through this um this is more than just like oh I’m sitting here building and you guys are watching it’s like no you guys participate in this and I’m like so

Very grateful for for all the fun times that we we have and uh all the inspiration that you guys give me man so let’s check out some fan art real quick before we go what do we got today I think this one’s from Coffee Cat we actually have

Two of them cuz I actually jacked it up yesterday uh I missed one I forgot to change it so I gave you guys two pieces of fan art today uh Coffee Cat man with the Post-it note art man I love it I love it that’s Germaine man I mean

That’s not actually what Germaine looks like but that’s uh that’s coffee cat’s interpretation of gerain and maybe we’ll get to actually play the game with him a little later on today um he did get predecessors I think we’re going to try to play that together so if not tonight

Sometime soon hopefully and then boom another one and that was a piece of birthday art from like way back that was like I don’t know two or so months ago so man thank you very much to Coffee Cat for doing all this lovely stuff thank

You very much to all you guys if you’re new here check out the Discord channel the link to that’s in the description of the video and uh you know all that other crap that other people say subscribe do that please I would love I would love it

I’d be very grateful for it um but yeah man if you guys want to catch us the next stream it’s going to be 1: p.m. pretty much every single stinking Day Eastern Standard Time 1: p.m. Eastern um I don’t know that’s it tomorrow is going to be Resident Evil 4 remastered we’re

Flying through that I think we’re on chapter n something like that either way we’re getting pretty close to the end of it atast it feels like it so tune on into that stuff for a little bit more action and instead of just like placing blocks over and over again so uh good night

Everybody yeah yeah yeah man I will see you later Harry sir I will see all you guys hopefully in the next one and uh goodbye take care of yourselves have a good day hold the door open for an old

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft Ep. 55 Live Stream’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2023-12-12 22:46:23. It has garnered 31 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:55:24 or 17724 seconds.

Join us on our first adventure into RL Craft where we play on the hardest difficulty and attempt to complete just about everything. This will be a series played over a long period of time, yes we will die but that will not stop us from continuing our journey!

Join our Discord Channel for all the off-time shenanigans and great conversation with our community!

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    Steve's Sticky Situation: A Web of Escape in Minecraft In the depths of Minecraft, Steve finds himself trapped, In a spider’s web, his fate is now mapped. Can he escape, with skill and might? Or will he be stuck, in the web’s tight plight? The spiders crawl, with eyes so bright, Their hunger for Steve, a chilling sight. But our hero is brave, he won’t give in, With a swift escape, he’ll surely win. Watch as he jumps, and dodges with grace, Navigating the web, in this thrilling race. The tension mounts, as time ticks by, Will Steve break free, or will he sigh? Stay tuned for more,… Read More

  • Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy!

    Minecraft TNT Disaster v267: Explosive Comedy! When you accidentally blow up your entire Minecraft world with TNT and suddenly realize maybe you should have stuck to building houses instead of conducting explosive experiments. #minecraftfail #oops Read More

  • 25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds!

    25 Epic Minecraft Mountain Seeds! Exploring the Top 25 Best New Minecraft Mountain Seeds Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the top 25 best new mountain seeds for version 1.21. These seeds offer breathtaking landscapes, challenging terrains, and endless possibilities for survival, exploration, and base building. Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, these seeds will surely captivate your imagination and keep you entertained for hours on end. Discovering the Mountain Seeds From the towering cliffs to the lush valleys, each seed on this list promises a unique and exciting experience. Here are some highlights… Read More

  • Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!

    Unbelievable ROBLOX SHREDDER by OmzCrew!Video Information This video, titled ‘ROBLOX SHREDDER!’, was uploaded by OmzCrew on 2024-08-14 01:27:08. It has garnered 189206 views and 2886 likes. The duration of the video is 02:48:33 or 10113 seconds. Today Omz Crystal Luke Alexa Roxy Lily and Heather are playing roblox shredder! #roblox #omz #minecraft #minecraftmod Read More

  • Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying Remake

    Sweaky The John Mod: Terrifying RemakeVideo Information This video, titled ‘The John Mod got a HORRIFYING Remake…’, was uploaded by Sweaky on 2024-09-24 01:05:37. It has garnered 2440 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:00 or 720 seconds. Video concept: #minecraft #john #minecrafthorror #cavedweller #manfromthefog #mickeymouse #analoghorror _________________________________________________________________________ JOIN DISORD—- SUBSCRIBE OR I TAKE YOUR DOG ╔═╦╗╔╦╗╔═╦═╦╦╦╦╗╔═╗ ║╚╣║║║╚╣╚╣╔╣╔╣║╚╣═╣ ╠╗║╚╝║║╠╗║╚╣║║║║║═╣ ╚═╩══╩═╩═╩═╩╝╚╩═╩═╝ _________________________________________________________________________ who im recording with: @KingArthurYouTube thumbnail made by: ME Mod linked below: _________________________________________________________________________ Check out Viewstats! – follow all of these or i will kick you • tik tok – • Instagram – _______________________________________________________________________ #minecraft… Read More


    EPIC NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE!! 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘PLAY NEW SURVIVAL SMP LIVE || MINECRAFT LIVE || @realcoolx #shorts’, was uploaded by CoolX Gaming on 2024-08-21 04:45:56. It has garnered 3867 views and 122 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:08 or 10388 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #buildsmp #shorts #shortslive #shortsfeed #subscribe #coolxgaming #realcoolx #Minecraft #minecraftbut #minecraftshorts #shorts Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: – You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) 📷 Instagram:… 🎮 Discord… Read More

  • Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!

    Outrageous BMX Bedfight With My Bro!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Bedfight With My Brother’, was uploaded by BMX Rowdy Gaming on 2024-04-21 11:00:27. It has garnered 13 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. #shorts #minecraft #bmxrowdy #trending #trendingshorts #trendingvideo #video . . . . . Links 🔗🔗🖇:- . . . . . Discord link:- . . . . . Follow on Instagram:- . . . . . Subscribe The Channel and like The video plz.😘😘🥰😍🙂🙃 Title ;- Minecraft Trap Hacks That Will Blow Your Mind in Seconds #shorts #minecraft Minecraft Build Hacks That… Read More

  • Insane PvP – Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PvP - Backwards Keyboard Challenge! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘PvPing With A BACKWARDS KEYBOARD on PvP Legacy! #shorts #minecraft #pvplegacy’, was uploaded by Proficy on 2024-04-25 09:56:39. It has garnered 519 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. i had to change my keybinds for this… I STREAM ALMOST DAILY ON TWITCH: Discord (with mods and texutre pack): #shorts #short minecraft pvp,minecraft,minecraft hardcore,pvp,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft pvp tips,#minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft mod,minecraft funny,minecraft manhunt,minecraft pvp guide,minecraft 1.9 pvp,minecraft smp,crystal pvp,how to pvp in minecraft,minecraft crystal pvp,camman18 minecraft,minecraft speedrun,minecraft speedrunner,minecraft but challenge,minecraft 1.19,minecraft update,minecraft but i cant touch grass… Read More

  • REAL Scary Minecraft Experiments

    REAL Scary Minecraft ExperimentsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing Scary Minecraft Experiments That Are Actually Real’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2024-08-28 02:00:16. It has garnered 1342675 views and 21978 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. Uncovering TERRIFYING Minecraft Mysteries that are actually real including the WHITE ENDERMAN and WHITE ROSE… Play Minecraft with ME and be IN VIDEOS! 😝 Just click the ‘JOIN’ button here ▶ 👕 Buy EYmerch: 🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac) ❤️ Tik… Read More

  • Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS… #minecraft

    Surviving Deadly Ocean: PLAZA vs. SHARKS... #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Escaping an Ocean Full of DEATH… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Plaza on 2024-01-08 14:00:40. It has garnered 996184 views and 30352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Plaza does another Minecraft challenge, a Minecraft, But challenge, but not Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Grass, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue, Minecraft, But You Can’t Touch Sand, Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Green, or any of his other Minecraft 1.19 challenges in 2023! Today Plaza plays not Minecraft, But Water Rises or Minecraft, But Lava Rises, Minecraft… Read More

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Shovel Skins with Nova Gaming!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine’, was uploaded by NOVA GAMING on 2024-08-13 01:30:31. It has garnered 14514 views and 269 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Minecraft”Shovel Skins”#imaginedragons #song #artist #minecraft #viral #herobrine #herobrine#minecraft #vs #smp mrbeast vs herobrine whow will win #skin #morphe #viral #steve #Minecraft #MrBeast #Herobrine #Gaming #GamerLife #VirtualBattle #creativestrategy #CommunitySupport #EpicClash #PixelatedWorld #OnlineGaming #BuildBattle #LegendVsReality Minecraft showdown MrBeast vs Herobrine Gaming legends clash Creative strategy Community-driven gameplay Minecraft battle Virtual world conflict Epic gaming duel Supernatural powers Gaming mythology Strategy and innovation Minecraft creativit Read More

  • Minecraft’s Mind-Blowing New Update – Watch Now!

    Minecraft's Mind-Blowing New Update - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft’s Next Update Is Already Full of New Features’, was uploaded by wattles on 2024-06-18 17:57:40. It has garnered 108661 views and 3915 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:08 or 848 seconds. Minecraft 1.21.1 and Minecraft 1.21.10 are already getting loaded up with new changes to Minecraft Tricky Trials and more! Today we take a look at the new minecraft updates that have (mostly) happened after the release of 1.21! 📷 instagram 💗 patreon 🐤 twitter 📖 reddit 👕 my shop ☺ SOME PLAYLISTS ☺ Minecraft Guide… Read More