Insane Minecraft Secrets Revealed! Mallow – 222 Hidden Things!

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From a way to get infinite netherite to a white Enderman here are 222 super secret Minecraft things you probably didn’t know when pigs fly is something that you never see in Minecraft but it should be when squids fly since this hilarious mistake has led to squids

Being found flying in the air due to how squids are coded for a while players would find them flying through the air squids work by always flying it is just normal for them to be flying underwater as opposed to above water this led to hilarious looking flying squids Mojang

Repeat says that the block that causes the most mistakes in the game is the Piston however one of their biggest mistakes actually turned into a well-known feature of the game today the mistake allowed Pistons to be activated by a nearby block which was directly above or diagonal to them this was long

Before the introduction of redstone conductivity within blocks and therefore it was something people really began to like so Mojang decided to implement Redstone conductive blocks into the game sand and gravel are two of the only blocks in the game to be affected by gravity but sometimes you can find sand

Just floating there this was actually a bug created by one of the Developers for Mojang which then went on to become a feature the sand and gravel was meant to be fast traveled to the ground when it generated like this but it was so fast that the game could not make it move

Eventually the developer decided instead to add in dust particles so it could become a feature the creeper is quite literally the face of Minecraft however Mojang is still desperately trying to make people forget that the creeper was a texture accident When developing the pig while developing the pig texture the

Texture suddenly drastically changed and would lead to the creeper Mojang will never be able to cover this up Minecraft’s biggest problem is that the Ender Dragon doesn’t look like a dragon at all so we’re going to be fixing that with Ender Dragon revamped this texture pack transforms him from a harmless

Lizard to an actual terrifying Dragon combine this with these enhance bus bars and your pants are going to be going from Blue to Brown real quick someone help there’s hot singles in my area if you want to have the same problem as me this pack allows you to change that

Awful boring message as you go to bed you can’t sleep here mon get out of here looking at the textures for crops and flowers makes me want to throw up I mean why even use Sprites and 2D models in 2024 instead Mojang should have taken a page out of

3D Tomato’s book not only does this pack use much better models you can even see the tomatoes at each stage of their growth being stuck in a cave without any torches is one of the worst places a player can find themselves in but this rejected minus helmet would have brought

An end to that this helmet was intended to have a torch on top of it that would light the way as you explored the caves but why was this rejected well probably because it would require Dynamic lighting similar to how OptiFine does lighting and torches but who knows maybe

One day we will see this helmet Again Minecraft skins are kind of pointless you can’t see your own skin in first person leading to most single players just never setting a skin obviously you have access to F5 but what would Minecraft have looked like if our next

Rejected idea got into the game mirrors imagine the builds people would have made using mirror Maes huge reflective art and so much more this one is a real shame I just want to stare at myself all day I hate having to take my bed everywhere in Minecraft I could be

Planning a huge adventure to find a hidden treasure and I’d have to pack all the essentials my tools some food and an entire queen-sized bed it just feels wrong and I now see why there was a rejected Minecraft idea that was always intended to take over for beds in this

Style the sleeping bag the sleeping bag would have been more like a portable bed but then Mojang realized there was not much point in adding this to the game when people could just make another bed being in the ground at night is so much safer than being above ground there are

Less places for enemies to born and were places for you to hide however imagine a world where this was perhaps not the case if this rejected idea had gotten into the game caves could have been far more terrifying ghost miners are intended to be added into Minecraft to

Be an exclusively underground enemy for you to fight able to slide through walls while slowly approaching you I do not like ghosts if you’re still using Oak Acacia or wood you’re a massive Noob use bamboo instead this is because bamboo is wood but on steroids how you may ask

Well bamboo grows super fast and the best part you can Farm These almost instantly with just a stone sword all the bamboo is mine wait maybe I should just buy wood from AER instead there are quite literally thousands of duplication glitches in Minecraft but one of these is beyond overpowered all

You have to do is Place fences below an end portal and drop a gravity block from three blocks above the portal unfortunately though Mojang hates us having fun since there only existed in Java 1.19 wait what if I do this with Gardens in Minecraft are kind of boring

You could have an amazing house but have a bad garden and it brings down the entire aesthetic of the house so how can you have brilliant Lighting in your garden without placing torches everywhere instead use glow Len a perfect block for lighting up your Pathways whenever you do not want to

Line your Pathways and torches or lanterns and it’s hidden from your sights unless you really look for it creating a lawn in Minecraft is normally done by just using grass blocks however if you want to bring some texture and color to your lawn use this technique by

Using moss blocks and grass blocks you will create this golf course looking grass aesthetic it certainly makes my lawn look a lot cleaner you’ve heard of going above Bedrock but what about below it in an older version of Minecraft you could phase through the bottom layer of

Bedrock by placing a boat on the thinnest part of the water okay this was a horrible idea dad I wish I could unsee the flower textures forever Mojang decided to curse My Eyes by using 2D Sprites for all potted plants and not making them 3D this almost feels as

Wrong as mining diamonds with a stone pickaxe where the the diamonds being able to place floating lava should be a war crime however by using seven slime blocks five sticky pistons four redstone blocks and four obsidian you can set up this machine that lets you place floating lava blocks the best part is

This isn’t even limited to Lava you can do the same thing with water rails are one of the best things moang added to the game but we can make them even better by simply putting a trap door below them which makes it so they can float in midair bear this up with a

Contraption like the one shown to get mine carts with infinite momentum and you can quite literally have the most illegal rail away in the game you should always have a hoe that is Enchanted with fortune 3 when farming which will allow you to quite literally triple the rate

At which you can get food for example you can get up to nine melon slices for each melon block farmed this enchantment is so broken bone meal is one of the most important resources as you need in order to get riched fast and in the Cherry Grove biome you can get a huge

Amount of it in just a few minutes to do so quickly Harvest all the Ping petal as you see or you can be even faster and use a water bucket and place the water like this to get a huge flow give me all those bals blue axelos have a very

Different chance of spawning naturally in the wild at a roughly 1 in 1,200 chance but the reason this is so specific is for a really tragic reason there are actually only 1,200 axelos left in the world so if you ever come across one of these definitely make sure

You report it to the authorities when it comes to Textures in Minecraft most blocks and items will have a maximum of seven but the compass clock and Recovery Compass are on an entirely different level as these items have over 100 textures this is because back before Minecraft snapshot 13 w2a these items

Were actually procedurally generated but it caused a surprising amount of lag so it was just easier to give them more textures did you know that Minecraft actually changed the Laing relation to what you can say on the internet early in 2023 someone said that they were going to kill someone within Minecraft

But it was taken as an actual threat in the real world this actually ended up with the guy in court before they decided that it was made in chest and the guy was let go without any repercussions eventually this law was changed and now it is a lot harder to

Get away with this did you know that the millionth purchase of Minecraft actually got a very exclusive item a user by the name of Akron Man 1 received a special Cape alongside with his purchase of the game which cemented his legacy as a millionth person to buy Minecraft let’s

Hope he migrated his account I was building the other day when I suddenly realized that this block is a directional version that I never noticed deep slades can actually be placed like Logs with different directions and I the only one who didn’t know this Minecraft

Is a game of luck you always have a chance to come across a villager or to even come across a vein of 100 diamonds however there is one thing in Minecraft which has a considerably larger percentage and these are the igloo did you know that these igloos have a 50/50

Chance to spawn with a zombie villager underneath that makes this one of the biggest chances in Minecraft Redstone or is the only reactive ore whenever you walk past redstone ore or interact with it it will light up and then go dark again except for deep slate redstone ore

Mojang clearly forgot to make deep slate redstone ore go darker after a while so now you can use it as a light block wait why is it so dark ah everyone knows that you can fly in survival Minecraft you can do this with an elytra boats and

Even with a pig however what most people didn’t know is that you used to be able to fly up using a fishing rod all you need to do this is a fishing rod and a mine cart between updates 1.9 and 1.15 and then just Spam away uh I think I’ve

Flown a bit too high uhoh item duping has been a huge issue in Minecraft since day one no matter what Mojang does they just can’t fix it however in the current version this feels way too easy simply place a chest and save and close your game reopen the world and instantly open

Your chest and put everything in before closing your game with shift and Escape open up task manager and close Minecraft reload the game and you have all your duplicated items I’m rich breathing underwater is impossible unless you have a helmet with respiration but what if you wanted to explore a submerged cave

And did not have this enchantment well why don’t you just make a bucket since if you swim forwards and just keep clicking with the bucket your oxygen should not go down take that Mojang the far lands have become an iconic part of Minecraft’s history and now Jang want

You to forget they ever existed due to how they were actually an accidental bug the way this worked would be that eventually the world would stop generating chunks and therefore the chunks would try to generate themselves and would cause the area to completely bug out this is a Minecraft trails and

Tals trailer and this is normal Minecraft yeah this sucks but we can fix this by using the Bare Bones pack this just seems to bring everything to life and we can make it even better by using the Nostalgia shaders I guess I won’t be needing to bleach my eyes now but

There’s one more pack that we can can add to make this even better than the trailer I’m talking about simple hot bar which changes all the vanilla hunger bars hearts and even the UI boxes moving on to one of Minecraft’s most important items cakes according to the way cake

Disappears in the game it’s clear that good old Steve is eating it vertically this is clearly gamebreaking and ruins my immersion Mojang should have used better cake slices instead which makes the cake disappear chunk by chunk instead finally the game is playable one of the most poor decisions was to make

Every single enchantment book look the same look at all these books I bet you can’t even tell the difference however using visual enchantments not only adds these sick animations to each book but it also applies the same animations to whatever you enchant now this is something that should have been in the

Game for years people often wonder why it took Mojang 5 years to add in a new Overworld biome and it is because of this rejected Minecraft idea originally Mojang were working on a giant redwood forest biome this most likely would have come out at some point around 2020 or

Perhaps even replace a biome like the giant tree tiger I certainly hope Minecraft brings us back one day the most useful chest in Minecraft is certainly the Ender Chest but sometimes it feels way too small and as though there is never enough room for all of my valuable items if this next rejected

Idea had been made you would have said by to all of your storage issues expandable Ender Chest were originally planned up around the same time as the end Islands update as Mojang wanted players to be able to transfer important blocks from one location to another however Mojang decided that the best way

To do this would be through shulkers as opposed to expanding an Ender Chest this villager trade is so incredible be overpowered you won’t believe it exists if you have a villager who trades emeralds for wheat in a desert village you’ve just hit the jackpot baby all you

Need to do is go around the village collect an absurd amount of hay bales and craft all of them into wheat voila your very own Emerald machine the only downside to trading with villagers is that you’ll be running out of emeralds very fast so if you’re a bit of a

Cheater like me chains the difficulty of Your World to hard with a slash difficulty command and lure a zombie to a villager with the best trades once the Villager gets zombified trap him an iron blocks place a bed and start stuffing him with golden apples and Potions now

You’ve got yourself the best deals on the planet although this does feel kind of wrong what’s better than food free food and you can get this easily if you use a campfire to cook it because this uses zero fuel I know I’m being a cheap

Skate here but a penny saved is a penny earned am I right you can even attach a hopper to the campfire and always have food ready for you be honest how many times have you died at the worst time possible and lost everything so if you

Don’t want to end up like filza here’s a trick to get infinite health and save all your goodies first eat an enchanted golden apple and follow that up immediately with a plain Golden Apple wait for the absorption effect to run out and then do this all over again do

This correctly and even the Ender Dragon can’t do anything to you okay maybe you can but you get the point Have You Ever Wanted a house that your friends will never find well thanks to the giant mushroom you can hide your entire base within this small mushroom and then

Everyone will just stroll on by I would never know you were there the perfect hiding spot and if you are lucky enough to find the Mushroom Island is is completely mob proof too my garage in Minecraft is very uh empty however thanks to this build hack I can create a

Car within my garage unfortunately it is a little bit expensive to do simply use slabs a mine cart and some signs and you can create the body of your car the best block to finish off the wheels is definitely the weather skull sheesh time to go Gathering I guess this next build

Hack breaks the golden rule in Minecraft using stairs for your roof however you should be using walls instead it makes this really interesting and different style to your roof desp to everyone using stairs for the past 10 years I may consider giving this a go but how

Exactly do you get lots of bone meal fast if you can’t find a cherry blossome biome one of the best supplies for this is the Soul Sand valleys in the nether you should be breaking each bone block you see here since they give nine bone meal a piece couple this up with the

Farming techniques I told you about and you could dominate your entire server with the amount of food you’d have yeah I’m starting to think I like food a bit too much what if I told you that it’s possible to have ladders without having any ladders for some reason my Minecraft

Freaks out when it comes to scaffoldings and lets you jump on their Edge this means you can spam the space bar and get all the way to the top super fast however this isn’t limited to scaffoldings alone you can do this with powdered snow too and getting down is

Incredibly simple just hold Crouch while you’re on the edge bad idea if you thought that it rains because of clouds you’re a noob above the first set of clouds you see is another set of clouds that you can’t see according to notch this gray area is actually where the

Rain actually comes from from what’s even weirder is that the rain falls one block into the void layer yeah this was definitely never meant to happen I hate Gathering books in Minecraft it takes forever and it’s not even any fun to do so instead I use this Minecraft secret

To get 700 blocks within an instant if you find a stronghold with a single library and break each one you get a maximum of 699 books I can finally go on my cow killing spree Minecraft’s music discs are really quite weird however the weirdest is probably music disc 11 the

Music disc is so true to itself that it actually lasts 1 minute 11 seconds and 101 milliseconds or 111 1111 there truly is no disc in Minecraft quite like it Minecraft has some amazing structures and some less amazing structures a stronghold is a perfect structure whereas the underwater ruins are just

Kind of meh well little do people know that these ruins can have some of the rarest items in the game and are considerably more valuable than you would initially think have you ever looked at a map of your world and thought how similar they all look well

This is actually because of how the Terra is generated and this fact will shock you Minecraft wants to create a world for the viewer that feels as natural and real as possible and so they use an algorithm based on pearing noise which leads to the incredibly diverse Landscapes you see in Minecraft honestly

Just compare this image to a Minecraft seed and you will see what I mean x-ray is something that almost every server will ban you for using however in single player it can make finding items considerably easier this glitch allows you to x-ray within your single player world find those valuable items Mojang

Just cannot get rid of this horrendous mistake on Bedrock preview 1.19 Mojang messed up and made a glitch that gave you unlimited bone meal in the patch Bedrock Edition would not see grass as something that used bone meal however when you use bone meal on grass it would

Grow without using the bone meal in your infantry not sure how useful this is but it was certainly a bad mistake getting experience is very annoying in Minecraft however in Bedrock Edition you could actually get unlimited XP when the skull block was added using a silk touch ho on

The Block would both break the block and give you experience but the silk touch would let you pick up the block meaning that you had a free XP farm Shields have become one of the most useful items in Minecraft defending yourself from a skeleton use a shield blocking a massive

Nuclear explosion use a shield but what happens when you find yourself trapped in the middle of a raid but you have no shield with a ravager tearing down your door well let’s hope you grabbed a Pillager Banner as crafting this of your Shield will actually restore it this

Seems a bit gamebreaking but hey I’m not going to complain Minecraft Java and Bedrock editions are the same in every way except for coding right well actually no since in Bedrock Edition with the new sniffer plants you actually get less value if you were to craft a pitcher plant in Minecraft Java Edition

You would get two s and die however on Bedrock Edition the exact same Craft only gives you one this feels very unfair to those on Bedrock if everything in Minecraft is a cube it only makes sense that the Sun and Moon should be too while Notch made them into squares

In an old version of the game we can take this one step further by using the cubic Moon and Sun packs this makes it so that your world’s day and night cycles are controlled by these massive cubes although you don’t want to look at them directly ah my eyes I can proudly

Say that I’ve never been scared of mobs in Minecraft but this kind of Pride goes down the drain after using gra mob overhaul the simple texture pack makes every mob look like a Frankenstein creation from the skeletons to the zombies to Striders to the weather every

Single mob is going to force you to either take a quick trip to the washroom or just set your monitor on fire did I also mention that creepers actually look creepy now instead of looking like Snot balls Redstone can be used in two different ways you were either a genius

You can create a working computer in Minecraft or you place a button next to a note block this next rejected Minecraft idea would have brought an entirely different level to Redstone engineering the timer block would have given off a redstone pulse after the timer had reached zero this would have

Been amazing for setting up traps and messing with your friends Minecraft’s Food Solutions are kind of boring the only food in the game you can actually place is the cake and the need it too however did you know that originally the pumpkin pie was intended to be a

Placeable block similar to the cake it would have worked the same way as the cake where you take a couple of slices at a time until your hunger is full I am honestly not sure Mojang never indented this step right up step right up come and try for your prize we have iron

Horse armor Diamond horse armor gold horse armor and a regular boring saddle well those prizes hardly seem fun I wish there was a different type of Saddle well originally there would have been before they decided to make horse armor they were originally planned to be different saddle types instead now we

Get the same regular boring saddle one of Minecraft’s most valuable objects is ender pearls unfortunately getting them can prove to be quite difficult because of a certain someone but I’ll let you in on a secret we can fix this problem in seconds all you need to do is build a

Massive hole like so and build a tower right above it when you’re in the end demension but this should be at least three blocks high this is because Endermen Are roughly the same height as this so once they fall in they can’t even touch you a come here you cutie

Look he’s harmless a I spoke too soon look at how boring this armor looks and look at it now did you see how much of a difference having an armor trim makes and my personal favorites are the silence and water armor trims but when it comes to looting them from ancient

Cities my luck is straight up Horrible no stay away from me anyway there are a few things you can do to maximize both your loot and safety in ancient cities one of these is always using a recovery Compass to make sure that your loot is Never Last and you can continue from

Where you left off tired of having to line your garden and torches well why don’t you try this building hack which lets you have the same brightness as glowstone without having the ugly blocks be visible break a hole into the ground place a piece of Glowstone or another

Light block and then cover it with MK obviously this only works in plaines biomes have you ever wanted to build a secret base inside of a Snowy Mountain you should use powdered snow if you place two powdered snow in front of the entrance to your mountains side base and

As long as you remember to wear your leather boots you can go in fine and everyone else will fall into the snow everyone knows about hiding a secret entrance behind a painting but this house will tear apart your friendships since you can create this huge lava Ravine behind the painting make sure you

Make it obvious that there is something behind your painting and voila you have tricked your friend into one of the most embarrassing deaths ever I can’t tell you the amount of times I’ve missiles on a shipwreck because of not being able to see through the damn ocean however this

Is easily fixable with a little bit of a help back in 1.19 if you set your camera at just the right angle on the water surface you could see through the entire ocean and find anything on the seabed but but but Maro isn’t this technically xray what else did you expect nerd you

Will never believe where the sound design for gas came from everyone ‘s favorite Minecraft song maker C418 had a cat that often made Disturbed noises while it slept during the development phase he thought that these noises would be the perfect tracks to use for the guest no wonder they seem so disturbing

For years Mojang has been fixing thousands of bugs but there is one that is detrimental to the entire game what is it you might ask cookies don’t have sugar in their crafting recipe I would actually be better off eating cement leaves of TNT gun powder and cookies

Without sugar is that even a cookie at that point for this one I want you to look at the Sun very closely hey no not in real life not had some crazy ideas back in the day from a red dragon to a Sky Dimension there was one change that

Was so weird no one could have guessed why it was even implemented I’m talking about not’s decision to make the sun round in fact he did exactly that for One beta pre-release weird decision for a game based on literal cubes Minecraft 10 years ago was a very different game

To what it is nowadays the game used to be filled with bugs reused textures animations and so much more however this next fact may make you rethink the origins of the creepers since they used to explode into leaves maybe at one point the creepers are meant to be some

Kind of leaf monster but who really knows as this may have been just lazy coating sometimes you want to get different colored wool but you are far too lazy to search for the different types of dye well did you know that you can breed different colored sheeps together to make different colors for

Example a blue and red sheep breed together will make a purple sheep this is some really good attention to detail players will often use coal in their furnaces however this next secret is going to make your smelting considerably easier if you were to smelt a single

Block of coal you would be able to cook 80 raw pork chops but if you Ed nine coal you would only be able to cook 74 this might be the most confusing math question I have ever heard everyone knows that Minecraft was originally called cave game before becoming

Minecraft but did you know there was actually another name in between these Minecraft was originally going to be far more story driven and therefore it needed a name truly befitting of this style and therefore Mojang once worked with the name Minecraft order of the stone this is Mo most likely also where

The name of the group in Minecraft story mode came from when Minecraft was still being developed Mojang did not have any in-game commands to summon items or Ms so what they would do was code a Minecraft player to have loads of items the mistake with this however came from

One of Minecraft’s developers Jeb came forward to tell the public how there was a bad glitch but players would spawn in with hundreds of new items simply because they forgot to remove the code Jeb said that this even led to them creating a release document that said

Remember to remove all the debug items one hilarious mistake Mojang made k creating the squid M back when Minecraft was just a small indie game the developers were struggling to code in the squid since they did not entirely understand how the system worked they decided to copy the cow and just mess

Around with it copying a cow however led to squids being able to be milked meaning that for a Time squid milk was actually a thing in Minecraft one mistake the Mojang developer surge made actually stayed in the game for 3 years and no one noticed according to Surge he

Messed up parts of the world generation so that the direction right was actually forward and back was actually left the funny part of this is that nobody noticed despite how infuriating this mistake may be fireworks and elytras have become paired with each other you will never use an elyra without having

Its trusty sidekick nearby however this was not always the case when the elytra was first added to the game firework Rockets did nothing the elytra was meant to be more of a glider than wings and so Mojang decided to not Implement a way for them to fly until players discovered

All they had to do was shoot themselves with a punch to Bow then they would be able to fly to their heart’s content while Gray’s mob overhaul is horrifying we can grade that to trauma inducing by using spawn animations instead of appearing out of thin air like they

Usually do mobs now dig themselves out of the ground even though this is scary making mobs scarier than they are right now is something that Mojang should have added to the game long ago the current textures for leaves look as bad as a bald man sticking chunks of hair on his

Head yeah it’s disgusting however better leaves can fight this absolute Tragedy by making the leaves look like well actual leaves by adding death to each individual part of the leaf block it was this simple a nether portal of Mojang designed just feels empty by that I mean

It’s like someone threw up a purple poster however we can see its true potential by using the Mystic nether portal not only does this give a massive texture overhaul but also adds these ancient letters into the portal animations itself fun fact the symbols you see how the actual letters that

Minecraft uses throughout the game the standard galactic alphabet but that’s not even the best part your portal can be green orange or even red depending on whether or not you use traditional texture packs time to hit the town for a shopping spray let’s see a Fletching villager well that makes sense a

Librarian selling books that also makes sense a cleric selling and Engineering component wait what surely there must have been a redstone villager well actually it turns out yes there was meant to be a redstone villager a villager who would only sell and accept Redstone components and torches the

Problem was the rest of his trades it was very difficult to find a balanced way to get emeralds and trade them back to him without being insanely expensive or way too easy to obtain decorating in Minecraft is really difficult and frustrating imagine a world where your first Furniture could look like actual

Furniture now this is better this was actually Mojang’s original plan however at the time it was a lot more difficult to implement this and Mojang had so many bugs to fix across their versions so they just abandoned the idea leaving it to amazing moders to make this time to

Kick back and watch some mow YouTube videos where you should subscribe secondly only massive Noob search for ancient cities manually just head on over to chunk base and plug in your world seed to find all the ancient cities next to you but moo isn’t this cheating hey we want to get rich all

Right who cares about ethics you might not believe me but it’s possible to x-ray through the entire ocean without downloading any external help all you need is a potion of night vision Shug this down and immediately go into your settings to turn your brightness to 50

This allows you to See For Miles without the danger of Mojang and Al living you in seconds finding Ocean Monuments geodes strongholds and ultimately insane amounts of treasure has never been easier alerting skull sensors is one of the most horrifying experiences in the game and there’s a huge probability that

You’ll die and lose all your goodies but this is easily fixed by setting up an infinite sound machine just place down a skull sensor redstone repeater and trapo not only does this prevent the warden from chasing you but it will give you enough time to sweep through the entire

Ancient city why the hell does this work so well this treehouse has the most bizarre staircase ever if you ever want to make a natural looking staircase use trap doors and slabs this lets the staircase blend into the natural environment surrounding it however it does make the staircase slightly

Unbearable to climb armor stands are boring however I found a way to build an awesome base defense mechanism by using a number of different blocks you can build these amazing looking statues to defend your house from any un wanted Invaders they are certainly a lot more imposing than anything else I’ve ever

Seen tables are kind of Bing within Minecraft you can either have this fence with a pressure plate on top or this one however there is one way to build a table for your dining room that breaks the rules simply use trap doors instead this still makes the table look normal

But does not make it too big what a love design starting out on any Minecraft world can be tough however did you know that technically every house you build Breaks the Rules according to the official Minecraft Hamburg your first house should always look like this you are kidding right Mojang I’ve been in

This world for years and I still live in a rectangular wooden box there is only one thing worse than a zombie with a weapon a zombie with two weapons or actually two pieces of armor in this case because of a Burg in 1.8.9 or mobs that could wear armor began holding it

In their hands instead but the weirdest part is that they would only hold leggings and boots wait so does that mean they don’t have pants on the skeleton just got a million times scarier you’ve never paid attention to this but there is something horribly wrong about buried treasure chest for

Starters they generate a chunk coordinates nine on both the Z and x coordinates however the weirdest part is that you’ll always find them facing towards the east I’m never going to be able to INE this the next time you decide to use rib tide without an elyra

You might want to think again this is because full damage Stacks up for all the time that you’re in the air meaning no matter how softly you land you’re going to be an alive in yourself in second what’s the most horrifying mob in the game the warden ender dragon or even

Enderman nope it’s parrots on the surface they might seem Innocent but in reality they’re Beasts for starters parrots and Minecraft are coded to gather around every mob they see because Mojang thought it would be close to their real life nature yeah maybe Jeb should be surrounded by a thousand

Dancing parrots and then decide whether that’s fun this is so creepy stop staring at me you might already know that any items you throw on a cactus get destroyed immediately however there is one block that can even make the almighty Cactus seem harmless and that is snow snow will never get destroyed

When placed next to a cactus so if you’re really afraid of cacti you can use this trick to have a cactus force field most Minecraft players nowadays play on Java Edition but there is a hidden feature within Bedrock Edition that desperately needs to come to Java Edition in the Bedrock version of

Minecraft the fire aspect enchantment has such a useful feature fire aspects can actually light blocks like TNT campfires and candles I would love this in my world but I know I would accidentally let my house on fire or something the sniffler is the newest addition to Minecraft with the ability

To find some incredibly rare flowers for your world but did you know that the baby version of the sniffler actually has its own name the sniff flet is the baby versions name and I just love this name and want to have a thousand of them Minecraft has had some real attention to

Detail during their lifespan but this next Minecraft secret is actually quite surprising as the skeleton has a very specific chance to be left-handed if Minecraft most mobs will carry items or weapons in their right hand however the skeleton has an 11% chance to carry its bow in its left hand mirroring the

Amount of people in the world who are actually left-handed I am very impressed Minecraft blocks will have a set rotation but back in the beta version of Bedrock 1.16 Mojang were trying to figure out a way to give certain blocks a different rotation the texture of

Copper ore in particular had a chance to be randomly rotated but for some reason this was eventually scrapped anyone who has played a lot of Minecraft will know that a tick refers to every moment Minecraft is processing however did you know that there is a difference between

A redstone tick and a Minecraft tick one Minecraft tick is roughly 1th of a second however a redstone tick is 1/10th of a second unfortunately I’m not smart enough to tell you why this is though the elytra may actually be the most overdesigned item in Minecraft elytra well yes technically wings are not

Actually used for flying they work as a shell for a Phantom’s wings that the players then use to fly does this mean that once upon a time Phantoms existed within the end gosh I hate them enough in the Overworld I don’t want to deal with them in the end signs are one of

The most useful items in Minecraft perfect for organizing your items once and then completely disregarding them however did you know that you can see s Tex through a candle in the Bedrock Edition this glitch desperately needs to be patched by Mojang but hey you should listen to the sign there are very few

Blocks in Minecraft that will speed up mine carts and even to this day people are infuriated by how slow they can be but if you mix a boat and a mine cart and then add a villager into the mix you can actually make mine carts go faster

And the best part is you do not need to mine for hours to get all the gold and redstone now I can make my massive gold statue everyone knows how to break bedrock with TNT but did you know that there is an even easier way to break bedrock that doesn’t require you to

Spend hundreds of hours building elaborate machines just to get yourself a drip leaf and bone meal it that will destroy anything in this pth one of my favorite items in the game is the goor however in snapshot 22 w7a if you went into your creative inventory on the

Snapshot it seems that Mojang wanted the goat horn to be the do- it all block doo doo dooo come my goat Army have you ever noticed how item drops in Minecraft are always vertical I’m no Einstein but how can a piece of armor stay upright well item physics makes this much more

Realistic by making all items drop horizontal not only that it also manipulates how items lay on the ground to trick you into thinking that they are actually in contact with the blocks below them H I love playing Minecraft for realism Brewing charts will be the end of me why couldn’t the devs have

Just told us what potion each item makes kind of like what Alchemy helper does by adding what kind of potion will be made if you brew an item this even goes as far as adding extra information to flowers to make it easier to craft suspicious stews the nether is a pretty

Uneasy place and none are quite as uneasy as the sstand valley with massive expanses of sand containing trapped Souls but one day they decided to add in these massive bone structures to resemble the long dead species now what if I told you that this species was originally going to have lived in the

Overworld that is right as there was originally going to be large skeletal remains found deep underground but unfortunately they had some issues with spawning and were rejected and instead used as the structure for the Soul Sand valleys andesite boring diorite boring Granite boring Stone why are all these

So boring but did you know there was initially meant to be another Stone variant called Blue Stone why this was rejected as largely unknown but I imagine it would have looked kind of weird villagers cover the world in Minecraft but there are some biomes where the villagers were just kind of

Forgotten jungle villagers are confirmed to have at one point been a thing but I bet you didn’t know that initially there were plans to have a village in the mushroom biome well this is one that certainly makes sense experts I would argue that this biome was interesting

And rare enough that adding a village would make it next to impossible to find I bet you never knew how weird Cal generation really is usually Minecraft creates two batches of coal per chunk with each batch existing a different y values one of these exists between y

Equals 136 and Y = 256 while the other is between y = 0 and Y = 192 this gives us a perfect estimate for where we can find the most call which is from y = 136 and Y = 92 since the ranges for both badges will overlap at these values but

Most times this generation isn’t equal and blobs spawn randomly with most of them being found at y = 96 now you know exactly where you should be farming it when a warden starts chasing you good luck surviving that so what are you do in a situation like this well you’re

Going to have to make sure your armor is Enchanted with swift sneak 2 or higher which will allow you to get away however you still need to be careful of the warden’s ranged attack because that thing is no joke and if you have the time pull down your render distance down

To 2 chunks the moment you stop hearing his footsteps means that he’s far enough and will most likely calm down I’m finally safe contrary to popular belief growing crops isn’t as simple as just smacking down a few seeds into the ground there actually a technique that

Goes into how you plant them from your water source move out four blocks diagonally and then from this one continue tiling until you’re almost two blocks ahead of your water source then start tiling in the opposite direction until you have an almost checkerboard pattern like this now I know this looks

Insanely cursed but it’s the most efficient way to farm and since these need at least a Night level of nine to grow properly don’t forget to throw on a few torches don’t mind me and my infinite supply of melon there is nothing better than a nice relaxing bath

After an immensely stressful day and now you can have one of these in your house all you have to do is use stairs slabs some water and a mine cart and you can create this relaxing looking B time to kick back well too hot I love building houses with a nice medieval aesthetic

And one thing every medieval house needs is a well and thanks to this rule breaking Minecraft build you can create the illusion of a bucket going into a well this is very satisfying to look at there are no food items I can have on display in my house so I found out that

Thanks to this neat little trick you can make different kinds of fruit barrels by using different Coral blocks surrounded by Spruce trap doors you can make a blueberry Barrel an apple or Berry barrel and a banana Barrel sponge Barrel some kind of yellow fruit Barrel but what if you hate long build tutorials

And just want a house that keeps it simple well this base is that and more I mean it’s so small you can’t even stand up fully but who cares just be careful since it only takes one creeper explosion for it to be completely destroyed wait what is that you done

Villager noises are almost as big as Minecraft itself at this point that’s why you’d be surprised to know that until Java Edition 1.6.1 they made no noises at all trying to imagine a silent villager is almost as bad as imagining a white Enderman that’s racist night vision is one of the most useful

Enchantments in the game but use this incorrectly and you’ll be getting yourself into a fever dream oddly enough looking at the Horizon with this effect active makes it so that the entire Sky flashes with different colors would you believe me if I told you Minecraft came

Out 17 years before it release in 2011 I’m talking about Minecraft 3D that was released April 1st 1994 if you haven’t figured it out already this was an April fools joke by Mojang but I have to say it looks amazing did you know it’s possible to burn yourself to death

Underwater I don’t know why you’d want to do this but just place a cauldron filled with lava and sit inside laa how did you even find out about this Hey listen here stop asking so many questions everyone knows about iconic Minecraft music created by David Rosenfeld or as he is better known C418

But did you know he actually has a plethora of songs that were never added to the game whether that be for disagreements with Microsoft or for his own personal requirements for a song to be good enough you will likely never know Minecraft seed hunting is really quite cool and players have even found

Things like the title screen the world icon seed and even this next secret seed which has a huge generation of not’s face sometimes you can’t help but feel like Minecraft is lacking a lot of customizability however in older versions of the game this wasn’t the case as back in Minecraft 1.7.2 there

Was some super secret endings that would let you change how the entire game looked my favorite addition to the game from the caves and cliffs update was definitely the axelos and in particular the highly elusive blue axelo however did you know that this is the only version of the axelo that cannot be

Found in real life the blue axelo was actually suggested by user dark eyes flame on Reddit but He suggests a blue Axel lot will be added to reference Mudkip from Pokémon just look how Ador horrible he is have you ever wanted to place the same sign above multiple

Different chests well this little known detail will save you tons of time doing this if you in a creative world and you press control+ middle click on a block it will copy everything about the block including any writing this even works for chests and let you duplicate the

Items I will be riched Beyond Your Wildest Dreams lightning is one of the weirder weather types ofin Minecraft if lightning strikes a creeper you get a Charged Creeper if it strikes a pig you get a Zombie Pigman but what happens if it strikes a tur all well you get a bowl

Now all I need is some milk and cereal the compass is probably one of the most useless items in Minecraft it’s only function in vanilla Minecraft is pointing towards the world spawn well actually that is not entirely true if you were to go into your inventory you

Would notice that the direction of the compass can actually change based on where you are in your world that is because the compass will always point to the north when you in your inventory now I know where to avoid it’s cold up there everyone knows that raw chicken in

Minecraft has a chance to poison you this is largely based on real life however did you know that crouching in Minecraft while eating raw chicken can actually lower the chance you have of getting poisoned I think this is a reference to what happens when you eat

Chicken that may not be as good as you thought everyone knows about Minecraft Java bedrock and education Edition but did you know there is actually one secret version of Minecraft you probably didn’t know existed Minecraft much like many other games has an entire version that is solely for China because China

Is the largest video game Market in the world of course Minecraft would make an exclusive version for China there are so many Mobsters in the game however there is one mob still in the game Who Mojang have forgotten about themselves the giant was introduced over 11 years ago

To be this brand new dangerous mob but then nothing ever happens with it imagine walking through the plains biome and suddenly coming face to face with a giant I know I would be terrified I found an item that was immensely broken in its pre-release but the weirdest part

Is that it’s not even an item anyone would use in a normal playthrough in pre-release 1.17 Mojang made the hanging rout item have way too big of an icon when dropped on the floor making it considerably larger than anything else in the game and it isn’t even that nice

Of a block for the most part Mojang has made a lot of textures very successfully however have you ever had a deeper look at some textures that perhaps are not as good as they should be time for a quick fire the first Master up block is actually Redstone Dust it does not even

Connect up properly iron armor is a really useful early game armor set but have you ever noticed how the iron helmet does not even match what it looks like in your inventory oh my personal favorite the cold being misaligned by one pixel I have ruined Minecraft for a

Lot of people today if you’re a psycho and actually play Bedrock this chunk visualizer is the only thing that can keep you sane not only that it even displays a coordinat without having to bring up this ugly menu that takes up half the screen but mow can we just use

The F3 shortcut stop Bedrock players aren’t allowed an opinion imagine if Minecraft had a setting where you can make all the utility tweaks you ever needed better textures a real time clock a coordinate Hood everything that’s why vanilla Twigs is the most overpowered mod to exists in the game this is the

Ultimate all-in-one pack that allows you to modify any texture and download utility within seconds most importantly you can rehaul the way your entire game looks with tons of block textures look at my massive crop field can you even tell which of these are ready to be harvested yeah not even Herobrine would

Be able to do that fortunately though easy Farm can be outlining fully grown crops in was this is especially useful for nether warts because they all look the same for God’s sake mobs in Minecrafts just seem to plop over as they die and this is awfully boring

Something like tortur or health bars as far better the warden loses an ear the Enderman starts looking like he went through war and Jaws for skeletons fall off fleshier mobs like the zombie and husk lose parts of their head wait this game just became PGA have you ever been

Sitting watching YouTube in your bed at 2 a.m. and suddenly the brightness on your phone screen has gone up a rejected idea for Minecraft was to have a opposite potion to the darkness effect a brightness effect where the screen would become so bright that you could not see anything and you essentially became

Sunblind I can see why this one was rejected is wow this is Right Care don’t make a sound oh no run away I think I got away I wish I had this next rejected Minecraft idea the potion of Silence which course as you would expect makes

You silent Swift sneak is a very useful enchantment but sometimes I do not want to break my finger holding down the Crouch key if I had this potion I could run straight by this Warden and he would not even Flinch BS have not had many updates since their release besides new

Or retextured versions popping up here and there there was however originally a plan for an iron boat but I think we can see why this one was rejected the boat probably would not work very well I want a pet no I’m not after a cat H parrots

Are kind of boring dogs ew wait I haven’t seen this one before Yes you heard it here originally Dolphins were meant to be tameable and ridable like an underwater horse why this idea was scrapped is beyond me please Minecraft give me a mob I can ride underwater you

Should always have a hoe that is Enchanted with fortune 3 when farming which will allow you to quite literally triple the rate at which you can get food for example you can get up to nine melon slices for each melon block farmed this enchantment is so broken farming

Levels can be one of the the most timec consuming aspects of playing Minecraft especially when you don’t have an XP farm starting out so one of the best ways to get levels while being relatively safe is by farming nether quartz in the nether not only does this

Have a 45% chance of spawning meaning it’s literally everywhere but it is also the best source to farm for experience right after Diamond since it’ll give you experience ranging anywhere between two to five points once you reach higher levels you might find yourself struggling with experience so here’s how

To get infinite XP while using a furnace smelter material like iron and just as it’s done swap it out with an already smelted iron the only currency this will cost is your patience I love connecting my Treehouse to other trees in Minecraft however I have never found a good way to

Make these authentic looking rope Bridges until now if you use Acacia slabs and lightning rods you can create this unique bridge design that even matches the area you are in just make sure you don’t fall through the sharks are almost added to Minecraft and even

To this day I wish they were however did you know that you can actually have jellyfish in your exotic fish aquarium simp use a pink glass block and a hanging rout underneath it to give you this amazing jellyfish for your own personal aquarium sometimes people want

To have some fun and sell some items to their friends on a server and this next build hack really let you have that amazing Japanese inspired Design This Ramen stand uses armor stands underground to create these truly authentic seats I just love this design as far as seating goes in Minecraft

There really is not many options however this seat completely Breaks the Rules by using blocks like slabs stairs iron trap doors and a mine cart you can make this this amazing modern chair design and the best part is it actually works nether stars are incredibly important for crafting beacons but there’s something

About these objects that you never knew these are in fact explosion proof and this makes sense because they need to survive the weather’s death but that’s not the best part they are still not immune to Lava cacti and anvils wait hold up a Nether Star can survive TNT

But not by diamonds Minecraft has had a massive run of bugs and items that should never have existed but there was one that was far more insane than anything you’ll ever see in one of the earliest Alphas in 2010 pressing F4 would allow you to spawn in Nether

Portals what was Mojang even thinking did you know you can make TNT blocks freak out completely by placing an anvil on top of TNT before lighting it up you can make it do zero damage you can do this for massive amounts of TNT and give your friends a heart attack or if you

Want TNT to explode underwater place the block of sand above it and then light it up and you might be wondering how this works well you’d be surprised to know I don’t know either one of the most hyped features for the game was the Sky Dimension that NCH wanted to add during

Early development but unfortunately this never happened however there was something similar in its very first year of launch in the inep version you could set your map type to floating island this was similar to the buffet World types we’ve seen recently and the entire surface used to be covered with bedrock

Yeah we definitely need this back back when Minecraft was just a small indie game they were able to create updates incredibly quickly however the amount of time it took to fully create Minecraft was shock you it only took Notch 6 days to create the First full version of

Minecraft yet nowadays it takes him a year to implement a single mob from a rigged vote come on Mojang Notch is known for being a bit controversial however the reason he sold Minecraft is actually quite awesome when Notch was looking to sell his shares in Minecraft he took to Twitter and found out

Microsoft were interested in buying them but before selling them not asked that his staff be taken care of going forward well at least one good thing came out of the selling of Minecraft when you create a world in Minecraft you have a couple of different options from a regular

World to to an amplified Minecraft world there are so many options however did you know there is actually a hidden world type called debug mode debug mode is a hidden world type that can be accessed by holding the ALT key while pressing the world type button this

World is way too trippy for my liking Minecraft has a long history of canceled updates and features from the Satchel all the way to the numerous cancelled mob votes however one cancelled feature was actually removed all the way back in Java Edition 1.2.1 and these are hieroglyphic textures believed to have

Been planned to come into the game alongside the desert pyramids these hieroglyphics with scraps and never added one of the biggest mistakes Mojang has ever made is the exclusion of mobs that appeared in all the different mob votes mojan could add all of these mobs into each update and have it be an

All-inclusive mob vote update but instead they only ever decide to add one from a community vote that always seems unfair Mojang I did not want this speaking of missing updates one mistake Mojang is still not corrected is fixing the end the end is meant to be the final

Location in your Minecraft world you beat the dragon open a portal and boom you end up in this weird Baron Wasteland since the nether update people have speculated about there being a similar update for the end this is great except that the nether update was 3 years ago

And we still have nothing for the end I feel like Mojang employees just do not want to give us these updates one mob that we all miss is the OG zombie pigman this is for a couple of reasons firstly the zombie pigman was just a perfect enemy that really felt like it belonged

In the nether as a zombie counterpart but introducing the piglins ruins that feeling the thing that makes this an annoying mistake however is that they do not even drop rotten flesh anymore Mojang bring this back the next mistake was not entirely Mojang’s fault since Microsoft bought Mojang they’ve been

Trying to get Mojang accounts and Microsoft accounts linked however this proved to be massively hidden from people who perhaps use their parents’ account since there are now millions of Minecraft accounts that have been raised entirely from the earth people often say that Minecraft doesn’t feel as colorful

As it used to well in snapshot 18 w15a if you mess with a new biome blend feature you could turn your Minecraft world into a colorful fever dream just fly around and see blue leaves Pink Grass red rivers and so much more honestly can we have this back please

There is a feature in older versions of Minecraft that Mojang actually regretted adding people love playing Minecraft in different ways and Minecraft virtual reality now has a huge player base however did you know you used to be able to play Minecraft with 3D glasses back in 1.12 there was a 3D anaglyph setting

On Minecraft which would let you see the world in 3D yet I have never actually met anyone who used this so Mojang swiftly erased it from existence let’s take tortur will health bars a step further by using strien Health bus although having each mob display their health feels like it’s cheating it’s an

Awesome addition for newer players and could even potentially save you from an Al living a villager or two let’s use x-ray wait hit me out there are tons of illegitimate ways to get X-ray in the game but using x-ray ultimate is completely okay if you intend to use it

In a single player world this can be super useful if you’re looking for something like ancient debris or emerals but are the world’s unluckiest player but this is only for noobs who haven’t used it at all what else was I supposed to to do maybe the wrong Banner patterns

Has driven me insane I wish I’d known about Banner pattern Clarity much earlier this allows you to see small symbols on banners or you put them in a loom to ensure that you don’t end up wasting resources I’ve missed diamonds hundreds of times at this point all

Because this game is way too dark however mining helper is one of the most OP textures to exist since it gives every Aura glow-in-the-dark effect I’m never missing an or after this slabs are one of the most useful blocks in Minecraft for building a seriously I don’t ever use them for

Anything but what if I told you that at one point could have been able to use slabs as a war well originally Mojang planned on adding in vertical slabs but thought people would use them as a wall so instead they created the wall block right I can definitely find the

Stronghold now let me just throw this Ender ey wait where did it go oh it is trapped down there time to mine for it I guess how did I not find it I just wish the Ender ey cleared the blocks in its path well at one point this is an idea

That Mojang brought to the table however they were concerned this ruin the the adventure aspect of finding a stronghold so they removed it yeah there it is this is a straight Redstone Trail pretty simple right well this is a straight line of redstone going up why is this so

Complicated well originally it wasn’t supposed to be Mojang actually rejected the idea to have Redstone be vertical as well as horizontal imagine all the amazing elevator bills and more I could make if they had not ruined this for me most people think that when breaking melons in Minecraft you should use an

Axe but this is actually not true well yes it is true that axes are the best tool for breaking a pumpkin when it comes to Breaking melons you should actually use a sword instead I suppose it is the closest thing to a chopping knife in Minecraft swoosh SW swoosh

Enderman noises are really creepy but don’t worry as this Minecraft secret will make them far less creepy the Ender voices are actually just humans saying hello and what’s up but being played backwards and distorted making them far less terrifying well for the player for me like I’m more terrified flower

Picking is nobody’s favorite pastime but did you know that red flowers are actually considerably rarer than yellow flowers if you have not already know notice flowers spawn way too much so you’ll never actually see this fact in action climbing ladders is a very tiring job but imagine how much more tiring it

Would be if you did not have any arms well at one point creepers were actually able to climb up ladders and it looked hilarious normally to craft end crystals you need to have an Eye of Ender a gas tier and seven glass but what if I told

You that you could get it within a fraction of the time with just a little bit of luck in Minecraft 1.9 snapshot 15w 44A it was possible to obtain end crystals from Skeleton Trap horses all though finding one is rare it’s much less annoying than having to deal with

The Ender and gas I will never figure out why Mojang ended up removing this do they hate us or something call me a weirdo but I love the sniffers because I’m a massive farmer so you can imagine my surprise when I found out how to insta hatch their eggs all you have to

Do is place two Moss blocks and a sniffer egg in front of a sticky piston let this run for 10 minutes and the Moss blocks will now be glitched permanently allowing you to insta hatch sniffer eggs hey stop coming after me hey no I bet you wouldn’t believe me if I told you

That it’s possible Bo a loot Ocean Monuments without even entering them Mark the spots I’m showing you on these pyramid-like structures that are on the outside of the monument you can pick either side and all you have to do is place down a door and dig the block

Under you if you see dark prismarine congratulations because you’ve just hit the jackpot this makes finding gold a million times easier the only plant in Minecraft that grows on a wall is a cocoa bean however in a lot of house Gardens this can look a bit wrong what

You should be doing instead is mixing in redstone ore with the wall and then covering it up with vines this creates this incredibly unique hang roses design that’s certainly no one at Mojang ever planned unfortunately mirrors cannot be added into Minecraft this is largely due to how Minecraft runs and mirrors can

Really affect that however some players have taken it upon themselves to create a slightly different illusion to create mirrors and reflective surfaces rebuilding the entire room as a reflection this works really well for any reflective flaw and breaks the rules that there are no mirrors in the game

Personally I think dogs in Minecraft need more customization yes I know they are adding the wool Farmer in the next update but I want to dream bigger in the Bedrock edition of Minecraft there was a hilarious glitch that would actually let you die the entire dog why did they need

To have more dogs oh no I’m going to die in this lava well actually no as I have an expert way to get out of this certain death situation if you are burning in lava quit the game and then reload when you log back in you will actually have 3

Seconds of complete invincibility but to be warned it won’t get rid of the burning so you may still burn to a crisp would you get out Villages are a staple part of Minecraft needed for everything from exploiting the trade market to summoning their iron protectors just for

Them to burn in your iron farm however when villagers were first added they were only meant to spawn in the plains biome but one mistake within Minecraft code had them spawning in the ocean and having really nice wooden paths Mojang realized the mistake and panicked

Thinking of how to deal with it so they decided to make it a feature instead yeah it’s now a feature not a mistake there is a secret item in Minecraft that Mojang really does not want you to know about certain blocks in Minecraft are un attainable without the use of commands

The command blocks barriers and this elusive item the debug stick this was actually introduced as Mojang kept adding blocks to the game that were becoming buggier and buggier hitting a block with this stick will actually change the state of a block and the funniest part this mistake is meant to

Fix other mistakes no this guy is going to steal my diamonds quick quick wait what’s in this chest oh it’s scaffolding I can use this I just have to play scaffolding like this and then spam clicking and then I can get away yes this mistake is something that Minecraft

Seriously needs to remove as it can be very overpowered in these Manhunt situations but it is very fun to do Mojang missed out on one of the best jokes of the century but not making suspicious Sun sus additionally since this pack gives sus blogs such a unique texture it’s impossible to miss them

Unless there’s an impostor if you haven’t used Z’s potions yet you’re missing out on one of the greatest textures of all time this gives every kind of potion its own unique texture and also works for both lingering and splash potions Mojang you need to take notes you might have heard of faithful

But have you ever used kingdoms this is one of the craziest Texture Packs to ever exist as it completely overhauls the games for a medieval fantasy version of Minecraft from the U why to the animals to even the nether the creators of this pack have missed nothing hell

Take a look at the Striders and I guarantee you won’t be sleeping for a few days this is a must try cats in Minecraft have a pretty bizarre history when they were first introduced you would have to tame an oselot and then you would get a cat but this was

Eventually revoked and a separate cat mob was created but did you know that the ocelots are quite weird in how they spawn in Minecraft as technically they are considered a hostile mob this is true as they will not spawn in a peaceful world in Minecraft no come back

Little kid there is only one place you can find naturally spawning carpets and that is the Woodland Mansion however you cannot find every type of carpet here the Woodland mansion in Minecraft Bedrock Edition is enabled to spawn with orange or light blue carpets this is because light blue carpets are used in

The ancient cities and then orange carpets appear in villages within the Savanah meaning that every carpet can be found naturally within the game there are not many mobs in Minecraft that never touch the ground but the ones that we know of are alleys vexas and gas

However did you know that these mobs are still capable of destroying turtle eggs for those who do not know turtle eggs will break when a mob or player stands on top of them and this will also happen if an alley floats above them for some strange reason job blogs were first

Added in Minecraft 1.14 and this brought blocks like the lecturn Fletching table cartography table and more some of these blocks were actually meant to be added into the game beforehand such as the lecturn which dinnerbone developed back in 2012 however the job block proved to

Be far too buggy and was pushed all the way back to 2018 did you know that glaze terra cotta can actually spawn naturally well despite it being one of the ugliest blocks in the game you can actually find almost every type of glazed terra cotta in the wild the reason I say almost

Every is because you cannot find green magnetta or pink glaze terra cotta naturally in the Overworld again I hate these blocks so really would not have an issue if none of them could be found naturally when you grow sugarcane it can only grow up to three blocks tall

However did you know that sugarcane that spawns naturally actually has a one in N chance to generate four blocks tool wow so much sugar and it’s all for me when Minecraft were developing the deep dark they were trying to make the best best blocks and environment for the new part

Of the cave system so much so that at one point they were testing out some different names for deep slate and we at one point about to call Deep slate grimstone Instead This would have been a far more eerie name for the block bow charge animations are straight up boring

Mojang should have done something similar to this bow charger pack instead this changes the color of the bow as it begins to charge from red to Green once fully charged nothing hits harder than losing a bow contest to a skeleton one of the most annoying things is this

Disgusting overlay when you put on a pump luckily for us though we can fix this easily by using this no pumpkin overlay with that overlay gun you can finally see it’s like wearing glasses all over again waterless glass is something that we would never have to download just look at the difference

With and without this pack it’s crazy the best part is that you don’t even need OptiFine to run this finally my OCD is fixed what do you think of when I say degrading tools no we aren’t going to be yelling at them this pack makes tools

Lose parts of their UI models as you use them this works even for something like the flint and steel it’s a small change but makes a world of difference there’s only one thing worse than being on fire not being able to see because of these God awful textures who the hell thought

It would be a good idea to make the Fire cover half of my screen if you’re tired of this too you need to try Ryan’s lower fire this drastically reduces the amount of space that the Flames take up on your screen what it doesn’t change however is

That it’s still on fire wait subscribe quickly before I get burned there are some mods that add things like cookers and microwaves into the game but did you know you can actually do this in vanilla Minecraft well if you use iron trap doors and Surround a block with a

Painting on it you can create this amazing looking microwave as for the cooker just put an iron trap door on top of a furnace and it looks like a stove animal farms in Minecraft are boring you always have a fence surrounding some animals on a grass block plot however

This tiny little detail will help bring your animal pens to life if you have a chicken pen scatter some little hay beds around on an item frame and then place an egg within the item frame and all of this just uses a horn coral fan but to

Make sure you water log the block it is on otherwise it begins to look a little bit bit Dead Minecraft houses rarely come with bathrooms this is both due to your player never using the bathroom and also how hard they are to create however this exceptional design lets you create

A shower that actually looks like a shower so no longer conform to your gameer Tendencies build this shower today fish are some of the most underappreciated mobs in Minecraft however you can build these fish a rule breaking home using just one block scaffolding can be water logged and then

You can place your adorable little fishy friends into this fish tank just make sure you do not break the scaffolding mobs keep breaking into my bases and I am tired of it so I found this amazing house hack that will stop any mobs from entering my house whenever

A zombie chases me into my house I turn around open up this trap door and watch them fall to their death personally I think dogs in Minecraft need more customization yes I know they are adding the wool Farmer in the next update but I want to dream bigger in the Bedrock

Edition of Minecraft there was a hilarious glitch that would actually let you die the entire dog why did they need to have more dogs oh no I’m going to die in this lava well actually know as I have an expert way to get out of this certain death situation if you are

Burning in lava quit the game and then reload when you log back in you will actually have three seconds of complete invincibility but to be warned it won’t get rid of the burning so you may still burn to a crisp once you get out Villages are a staple part of Minecraft

Needed for everything from exploiting the trade market to summoning their iron protectors just for them to burn in your iron farm however when villagers were first added they were only meant to spawn in the plain’s biome but one mistake within Minecraft’s code had them spawning in the ocean and having really

Nice wooden paths Mojang realized the mistake and panicked thinking of how to deal with it so they decided to make it a feature instead yeah it’s now a feature not a mistake there is a secret item in Minecraft that Mojang really does not want you to know about certain

Blocks in Minecraft are unattainable without the use of commands the command blocks barriers and this elusive item the debug stick this was actually introduced as Mojang kept adding blocks to the game that were becoming buggier and buggier hitting a block with this stick will actually change the state of

A block and the funniest part this mistake is meant to fix other mistakes no this guy is going to steal my diamonds quick quick wait what’s in this chest oh it’s scaffolding I can use this I just have to play scaffolding like this and then spam clicking and then I

Can get away yes this mistake is something that Minecraft seriously needs to remove as it can be very overpowered in these Manhunt situations but it is very fun to do when copper was revealed to the community we all jumped with joy to finally get a new type of armor and

New tools and all we got was a weird Brown Rod what does this even do now ow ow ow thanks Notch wasn’t wearing an entire suit of armor dad wa how did this happen originally copper armor was meant to be attainable until Mojang realized having the lightning rod be made of the

Same material as armor was perhaps a bit dangerous it is so unfair this poor group of pillagers are trying desperately to take on this Village but somehow they have 100 Iron Golems defending their base unfortunately for these pillagers this rejected idea would have given them their own version of the

Iron Golem one that was instead meant to attack the villagers instead of defending them although they do have the ravager now so I think they win actually the World of Color update really did add a lot of new opportunities to to the game but the different colors they added

Are kind of restrictive you could either have pink wool or pink concrete however this next rejected feature would have seen various different colors of Oak planks by having them be diable imagine having a house made of entirely bright yellow wooden planks Perfection wait hang on these are just regular planks

When you think of rare blocks in Minecraft your mind instantly goes to things like ancient debris diamonds and deep slate Emerald however you do not think instantly of pumpkins and melons which is strange as these blocks are actually some of the rarest blocks in the game well that is until you find

Just one of them no I’m said forever everyone knows the main Minecraft versions are Java and Bedrock but where did the idea for Education Mode come from well back in 2013 a school in Sweden made Minecraft a mandatory part of their school curriculum I wish I had

Attended this school there are 79 mobs in Minecraft but you will never find four of these mobs naturally this is because these mobs are locked behind cheats obviously people know of the giant but then there is also the Zombie horse the illusioner and my personal favorite the Killer a bunny no please

Let me go when there is a piece of TNT about to destroy my base my first thought is always to get away from it but you should make sure your house has more windows because glass is surprisingly blast resistant obviously it is nothing compared to obsidian but

It does have a chance of protecting you I’m embarrassed to tell you the sheer amount of time I’ve spent looking for buried treasure with maps that was until I found out about this trick once you’re in the chunk the treasure is located in press F3 plus G and look at these

Numbers which are the sub chunk coordinates make sure that the first and last digits are 9 and nine after that dig straight down and you’ve got yourself the easiest loot of your life similarly you can do the same thing with strongholds which have tons of loot but it’s slightly more complicated use an

Eye of Ender several times to see which chunk the location of the stronghold crosses in this will indicate the general chunk it is located in after that you have to open the same menu and look at the sub chunk coordinates only this time the first and last digits need

To be four doing this helps you find strongholds almost instantly which have a boatload of loot the only downside is using the Eyes of Ender can get a bit expensive did you know you can jump up more than one block in Minecraft this is called a blip up basically you trick the

Game into thinking you on a higher block than you actually are this then lets you jump up multiple blocks however it requires a fair bit of setup so probably is not that useful people will often MLG into a bed it is certainly one of the biggest flexors you can do with your

Friends but how about swimming into the bed well if you position yourself just right as you approach the bed then you will actually have the swimming animation while you lie in bed is this some kind of water bed representation is huge in Minecraft however this next mistake I do not think was entirely

Intentional if you load up Minecraft in snapshot 20w 45a you would see some cats that really showed some representation that they only had three legs not sure how they would be able to balance like this I can barely stand on two legs there is nothing more embarrassing than

Dying from Fall damage but did you know you can actually do an MLG clutch without any block or item no water no cobwebs no beds or anything all you have to do is crash into a block as you fall at just the right angle and you are

Bounc up on the Block certainly one of the best mogs to make your friends believe you are hacking one thing that Minecraft is very bad for is Storage Solutions the only real storage options are chests barrels and throwing stuff onto the floor and hoping you sort out

Your inventory quick enough so it does not despawn however these rule breaking Storage Solutions can make your home look far better if you place campfires into a cupboard of trap doors you can make this meat drying cupboard certainly an interesting take on a kitchen accessory you didn’t know you needed I’m

A bit bored of my bed I think I want to get a bunk bed and thanks to this building hack I can create a bunk bed that finally lets me achieve my dream of having a bunk bed but I have no one to share it with not every person wants to

Live in a house on land some people want to live on a boat and this building hack let you have all of your Necessities on one small boat time to sail the seven seas see you later unfortunately there is no good C within Minecraft unless you use M however you can actually create

The illusion of there being pillows on your couch if you break the blocks out from underneath the couch and put armor stands with dyed leather helmets you can create these really cool pillows for your couch and really bring the house to life they are not very comfy though

This video, titled ‘222 Minecraft Things You Didn’t Know Existed’, was uploaded by Mallow on 2024-02-25 22:04:59. It has garnered 44116 views and 736 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:56 or 4016 seconds.

These are 222 Minecraft Things You Didn’t Know Existed!


#mallow #minecraft

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  • Minecraft Bedrock: Ultimate Jujutsu Kaisen Mod

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Build Hack

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  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 200 IQ Test!!

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  • Shocking Illegal Troll Build in Minecraft!! 💀 #shorts #minecraft

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  • Kenorey – TOP SECRET MODDED SERVER REVEALED🔥 #minecraftmods

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: First Legendary in LändØf CärNissän Modpack – Episode 3 Livestream

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  • Owlcean Ch. – Kaela’s Bank Card Stolen for Months?! 😱

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  • Ultimate Gamer Build Villager Hall – Mind-Blowing Minecraft Day 12!

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  • Ultimate Showdown: Herobrine vs Mutant Mobs!🔥 #Clickbait #Enderbrine

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  • Exploring Haunted Minecraft Cave with Scary Sounds

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  • Minecraft Pro Teaches Villagers How to Thrive

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  • EPIC MINECRAFT SERVER 24/7 PVP + SURVIVAL #minecraftlive

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  • OMG! Watch Igneo220’s insane entity overload!

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    SHOCKING! Airi Viridis RECYCLES THUMBNAIL?Video Information This video, titled ‘REUSING THUMBNAILS’, was uploaded by Airi Viridis Ch. 【V-Dere】 on 2024-05-28 23:15:53. It has garnered 781 views and 188 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:46 or 6406 seconds. Playing Minecraft on the V-Dere Server tippy. Please note that all tippy are non-refundable! I lick them all! rules. ♥ Be kind! Don’t insult others and don’t use bad words, always respect your fellow Viridevils! ♥ No back seating! I may be new to some games, but I would like to figure things out myself unless I specifically say “viridevils can help me now”… Read More

  • Unbelievable Twist in Unknown303x Minecraft Hardcore Series! #day1

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  • SHOCKING Transformation: Hindu to Muslim?! #CrazyMemes

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  • The 🅱️inecraft 🅱️ealm – 1.20.4 – SMP – Hard – Whitelist

    Welcome to the Binecraft Bealm! CHECK US OUT ON DISCORD! We are a small group of players who love making immersive builds, crazy redstone, and playing with friends. This world is never resetting, so come add to the history. Looking for people to help us expand our server and grow into an active community! Build or adventure, the choice is yours! Currently have community builds, looking for help creating a spawn area, community areas, and a shopping district. All suggestions will be heard and discussed within our group. Our Server is a democracy and every suggestion is valid. No griefing… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lukewarm mob voting experience

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  • Debt to Duo: Dave’s SMP Woe!

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  • “Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition” 😂🔥 #tiktokviral

    "Hot Minecraft Logic: Troll Face Edition" 😂🔥 #tiktokviral “Why do we spend hours building elaborate structures in Minecraft, only to panic and run away from a single creeper? Logic at its finest.” 😂🤷‍♂️ #minecraftlogic #trollface Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • 300 Days in Minecraft Mod – Journey to the Moon in Pure Insanity

    300 Days in Minecraft Mod - Journey to the Moon in Pure InsanityVideo Information This video, titled ‘I spent 300 Days to get to THE MOON In Minecraft Create Mod’, was uploaded by Dejojotheawsome on 2024-05-27 19:00:31. It has garnered 21381 views and 541 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:55 or 12295 seconds. Discord: Modpack download: Strap in for 300 days of Create Mod engineering and utter shenanigans as Dejojotheawsome begins his journey to conquer space itself in Create Mod! In this pack you’ll witness factories rise from the ground, vast exploration, and eventually space travel on a beautiful rocket ship! Get ready for my first 300 days… Read More