Insane Minecraft Seeds Revealed!! Explore 100 Worlds!

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What makes a good Minecraft world in my experience Minecraft worlds always start at the spawn in my first ethereal realm series I spawned right next to this Village however what really cemented me to build in this world was this beautiful terrain generation the beautiful Lake and just overall I could see myself

Building in this world and so to today in this video I’m going to be going through a 100 different world seed spawns and ranking them from 1 to 10 I hope you enjoy starting off with seed number one here we have a spruce biome followed

With an ocean biome oh no wait this is a mega Tiger Biome didn’t realize and over there it seems like we got some flat land and a regular Forest overall this spawn is kind of baren uh about three biomes I’m going to give this a three out of

10 okay right seed two we seem to spawn in a Plains however there’s seems to be a small Savanah biome and a big savan biome And I think this is a regular f Forest followed by a jungle biome and over here we have a village so overall a structure one two three different biomes I say I’m going to give this a solid five out of 10 this is an all right

Spawn we spawn into seed three now and it seems we have a regular Forest a giant tiger a dark oak some PLS and there’s also a cave down here with a little bit of Iron Coal copper it looks like it doesn’t go deep so you don’t have to worry about many

Mobs but this would instantly help you start getting iron tools and everything in your world overall I’m going to give this another uh 5 out of 10 this one’s a fairly all right spawn onto seed 4 now here we have a nice Spruce biome a giant forest some

Pumpkins over there some dotted caves and a giant a few islands and a giant Beach here uh so you can get sand for Windows and all that you could possibly get some over there as well or if you wanted to you could build on those islands up to you but overall is all

Right personally if I was just starting out I wouldn’t really build like in this type of area I would probably end up going to build on the islands because it seems like the islands over here have some good flat terrain it would be way easier to

Um form like terraform to make a house oh and there’s a glacier biome over there so there we are another biome overall I’ll give this a 4 out of 10 it’s all right not as good as the ones we uh saw though yeah I say a four out of 10 bits of seed

Good in this spawn you start off in a dark oak forest then there’s some pretty good terrain generation there’s two Birch biomes there plus I think that one just leads into there so that’s the same jungle biomes and then if we go over here just

A little bit there’s a small cave if you want to get some early resources some more caves in the side of the um Mountain there if you want to just make that a small starter base or something however this spawn has a abandoned nether portal and

Let’s just look and see what’s in this chest one bit of obsidian a flint and steel and some gold tools so not half bad and not to mention this only has one bit of crying obsidian so you would only need a few more bits of obsidian to make

That a working portal and there’s a savan over there I think I’m going to give this a six out of 10 because I really do like dark oak and with it being right next to a savan jungle and Birch biomes not to mention I really like how the generation

Is set out with the rivers going like all across like I I could see myself clearing out all of the trees on this Middle Island and building here overall I think I’m going to give this a 7 out of 10 actually or you could build over there

With that huge flat land yeah I’m going to give this a 7 out of 10 this is a fairly decent SP uh seed spawn onto seed six now we spawn in what seems to be a forest biome next to the o ocean we got some Stony Island over there uh Spruce Biome what seems to be a series of small Islands let’s check out this small cave I think this one doesn’t go that deep either yeah has oh it does go Fairly deep has some early ores pretty high up though which is nice yeah this one goes fairly deep so

Uh if you’re looking to explore a fairly big cave straight off the bat uh this world is probably for you and with oh there’s also a snowy tiger over there you don’t usually see them a lot at spawns okay I’m going to give this a

Good 5 out of 10 I think even if there’s no uh structures this is an all right seed Mhm right on to seed number number seven here we spawn in a desert there seems to be a tiny little Mesa biome over there uh oh and a desert village okay two desert Villages and a desert temple okay this was from the looks of it this is going

To be worse than I was expecting this is actually fairly decent world generation is me however I do like that up there I do see myself S Building in the middle of here the restructures as well wait there’s another there’s another desert temple that’s four structure there’s another desert

Temple there’s three desert temples 1 2 3 five structures and a Terrain generation’s nice you know what I’m going to give this a solid eight out of 10 actually no I think that’s a little bit too overboard there ain’t that many biomes I’ll give this a seven out of 10

This is a really decent spawn three desert temples right up off the bat in spawn and two Villages that you can ransack for food while going for those desert temples this is great this is a really nice spawn uh-huh overall I expected this to be bad but this is a fairly decent

Spawn righto on to seed number eight it seems like it’s just flatland there is a small Beach over there so you can get a good amount of um sand and there’s also two Villages fairly near each other which is fairly decent the place I’m oh wait there’s a

Third Village over there I did not see that one that that’s neat three villages at spawn all right um the place I mostly see myself building in this seed seeing as the um generation’s kind of linear I’d probably build probably over here just on this uh like area right

Here there’s good flowers and stuff although that generation is kind of neat over there oh and there’s also a nether portal just out of Spawn so um yeah if you want to go for that abandoned nether portal that’s good as well overall three villages just of Spawn not that bad not that bad

Indeed I’ll give this a h for the three villages plus the aband never portal however there’s linear gen generation and only basically one biome so I’ll give this a 5 out of 10 linear but all right if you’re just starting out if you want to explore to find better generation you

Can if you want to overall I’ll probably build over there near that nether portal where the generation starts getting good though this is a fairly all right spawn spawning in seed n here it seems like you start off in a birch biome over there is a um dark oak there’s also a

Snowy Spruce biome there’s a cherry blossom biome over there nice fat lands and another cherry blossom biome it also looks like there’s some cave networks just over here let’s quickly go take a look at them actually because if you’re building somewhere near here these probably might

Be the first caves you go into and it looks like they split off into three completely different caves so overall this is a fairly decent spawn I’m going to give this two three four five biomes plus the cave generation and less linear um generation I’ll give this a solid um 7

Out of 10 yeah seven out of 10 that seems reasonable spawning into seed number number 10 here you spawn in a fairly small little island here with a ravine there is what seems to be a forest going up along here a jungle biome with an abandoned nether portal right next to it a

Village and a giant cherry blossom biome overall this generation is fairly all right one two 3 4 five I’m going to give this another 7 out of 10 I think um yeah this world is a fairly decent one to start off in spawning into C10 here it looks like

You spawn inside a fairly giant um Birch biome it looks like it goes all around there there’s some ocean structure there’s an abandoned nether portal and a wrecked ship W right next to each other so this is a fairly decent start plus there’s also a snowy Spruce biome over

There overall with the three biomes and the three structures I think I’m going to give this a six out of 10 it’s fairly decent start 100% if I was going to build on this seed I would probably either build near the mountain over there or right on spawn here because there’s some

Fairly good flatland here you would not need to terrain generate that much terrain generate terraform what am I on about today spawning into C2 here it looks like we see a desert village over there way up in the distance a jungle biome there another wrecked ship and this small desert biome

Um spawning in a desert isn’t ideal you would have to head straight over to the Village or straight into the jungle biome or you would probably head straight off to the ship because that’s the first thing you would usually end up seeing overall though this is a fairly all right

Seed um I’m going to give this uh yeah just as I predicted four out of 10 oh wait hold on one minute I just saw that out the corner of my eye is that an abandoned nether portal if it is I’ll give this a 5 out of

10 and it is and it’s also fairly decently done you only need one two three four bits of uh but it comes with no bits of obsidian that’s all right though that’s fairly decent and look at these structures here this is actually fairly neat oh wait these are dig

Sites okay I’ve never came across them I’ll boost this up to a 6 out of 10 then this ain’t that bad yeah 6 out of 10 this is a fairly decent spawn then uh if I was to build here I’ll probably build in the jungle biome probably right

There like in the middle of it uh yeah 6 out of 10 fairly decent seed on to the next one welcome to seed number 13 uh fairly decent terrain generation here um giant ass cherry blossom biome holy moly some good little cave spotted around some all right um flat land I

Guess uh a few Forest do around the outside small little uh snow biome on top of that mountain I find that kind of cute and a saana over off in the distance overall oh that’s a big cave down there actually oh and a spruce so one two three

Four five oh and a village six I just want to quickly check out this mountain over here oh no it wasn’t what I thought it was I thought it was going to be like a Gorge or something uh overall I think I’m going to give

This another six out of 10 this is a pretty decent place to start out in onto seed 14 number here we have a giant ocean biome uh dark oak Birch Forest regular Forest well seems to be some fairly big caves doted around a snow biome and a cherry blossom

Biome and some all right flat land but eh overall I think I’m going to actually I’ll probably build over there um if I did stay on this type of seed and there is what seems to be a little bit of iron for early tools I I

Think I’m going to give this uh five out of 10 righto spawning on seed number 15 we have a forest that goes on for a fairly long while a village a snowy um Tiger Biome however if we go over here this looks like a fairly big Gorge

I love like these type of things that looks like a meteor crashed down into them I find it really dope and overall this is fairly decent there’s some good flat land a lot of trees a little Lake here so you could like put your um house

Right next to the little Lake and some caves some places to get some early Iron Coal overall this spawn is actually pretty decent in terms of terrain generation structures biomes I’m going to give this a s out of 10 I feel like if it just had one more structure maybe two I’d make this a 9 out of 10 but overall I feel like s out of

10 fits this for what it is onto seed number 16 now it seems we have a glacier biome and a shipwreck right over there um is that it yeesh okay um let’s go see what’s in this shipwreck then might as well seeing as the seed is so small

Uh only one biome on spawn I guess eventually if you traveled you would get to a new biome is there even going to be a chest there is no treasure map though really oh wait hold on is there going to be another chest here okay thank God there is a treasure

Map so you would be able to get some loot from that but overall I don’t really see this as a good spawn I’m going to give this a two out of 10 this is kind of bad spawning on seed 17 here we already have a abandoned NE portal over to the

Left a village behind us however this is what makes the seed epic there’s also a forest biome over there but this giant tresy a tresy uh Giant Cherry Bloss awesome biome all along this Gorge some nice waterfalls huge forest biome in the actual Gorge another Village on the

Other side of the gorge that goes actually up the gorge wow overall for Generate for derin I cannot speak today what’s with me for terrain generation I’m going to give this Four Points alone like especially with all of the uh things in the background there’s another

Village plus the what that one two three four structures I think this is our first eight out of 10 this is a really nice spawn to start off with I really do like this spawn spawning in seed 18 here we have some caves so you can get your early um ores

Melons so you can get some quick Food Giant jungle biome so if you love jungles this is probably the world for you Savana over there and an abandoned nether portal I think I’m going to give the oh Jesus Christ voice crack this is why I can’t speak today I don’t know what’s

Wrong with me I think I’m coming down with something overall I think I’m going to give this a good six out of 10 a good amount of biomes structure I feel like if this just had a little bit better terrain generation this would easily be a 78 maybe 9 out of

10 if it also had a cherry blossom or Spruce biome as well but yeah I say six out of 10 this one’s fairly all right seed number 18 uh not seed number 18 seed 19 uh another glacier biome yeah we spawn in a spruce snow biome which is fairly all right and look

At this little terrain generation like Mound here I mean this could be where you get some of your early um sand I guess and if you wanted to build on here that would be cool as well however overall I don’t think this is a good spawn there is an igloo down here tell

You what if this is an igloo with a basement I’ll give it six oh my God it is it’s actually an igloo with a basement no way that’s actually insane that’s sick that’s epic so you could instantly get two villagers maybe breed them up down there somehow make yourself your own like

Little villager trading system down there possibly a ton of blue ice as well you could mine once you get silk touch to be honest with that that just makes this spawn so much better so I am going to give this a six out of 10 even though it doesn’t really deserve it this

Could literally that one Igloo makes this spawn like 10 times better actually onto seed number 20 now we spawn in a forest next to the oon next to a spruce biome an abandoned NE portal just over there fairly decent uh H this is an all right spawn oh wait is

That that’s an abandoned ship over there right oh and that’s a Giant Tiger Biome yeah that is an abandoned ship all right so one two structures one two biomes I might give this a four or five out of 10 I think I’m going to give this as a h

I cannot speak what’s with me uh I think I’m going to give this a five out of 10 purely because of the um broken ship that could potentially have a treasure map in it and that could lead you to some really early diamonds so overall yeah not that bad not that

Bad five out of 10 right seed 21 here uh just don’t pay mind to this pillar I wanted to Mark spawn right cherry blossom biome Glacier epic an abandoned NE portal down there however if I go upwards I believe yes that’s another an aband abandoned nether portal right over there two

Abandoned Nether Portals plus a small cherry blossom biome I’ll give this another five out of 10 oh actually there is a spruce biome over there though yeah with the lack of cherry blossom though I’ll give this another five out of 10 this is decent plus with the two um what youall it

Um thingies uh the abandoned Nether Portals they might have enough uh obsidian in the chest to get one of them running so you could get to the nether fairly early maybe if it has enough obsidian so overall fairly all right see yeah I’ll give this a five out of 10

Okay right spawning in c22 here we spawn on what seems to be a fairly large island okay cherry blossom biome and a village a abandoned nether portal over they’re there in the distance just inside spawn uh two biomes two structures it is a village though I guess another five out of 10

We’ve been getting some fairly mediocre spawns they’re all right just not overly decent spawning on seed 23 here we have a forest and that just seems to be it oh there’s a dark o over there uh yeesh anything in the ocean oh I think that’s a ocean Monument there yeah that

Is an ocean Monument so overall one structure one biome oh wait two biomes I think I’m going to give this a three out of 10 I mean it’s okay actually what’s this terrain generation over here that’s kind of cool oh wait no there’s three biomes regular Forest Birch

Forest dark oak and a jungle in the distance uh this terrain generation is kind of funky uh I’ll give this a four out of 10 then but still not really the best C 24 you you spawn in one of the new new Swamp biomes tiny little savan over

There and a fairly all right um forest biome uh what’s over this side is it just going to be ocean seems like it oh there is an abandoned shipwreck there though I don’t know I guess it is a new biome so I do have to give it an extra point for

That I’ll give this another five out of 10 if you do like the new Swamp wood then this is probably the one for you seeing as fairly close we are on to seed 25 we are 1/4 of the way done with this video um we have some really good terrain generation to be

Fair uh savan biome Forest Birch Forest jungle and a snowy uh Spruce bi I like that little forest in the mountains up there I feel like that’s where I’ll probably end up building is there any caves up there that would prevent me from building the because I don’t like it when there’s like

Caves that just oh my God the amount of coal and iron here this would help you humongously and start in a base now the there ain’t really caves it’s just that you would have to do a lot of terraforming but the amount of iron you would be able to get up here is

Insane this would definitely instantly start you off in full iron armor so good generation good ores instantly one two three four five biomes I think I’m going to give this a seven out of 10 Haun seed 26 now what is in store for us here good flat land that’s actually

Some really good flat land over there some all right terrain generation seems like a pretty nice looking Ravine Gorge over there I do like that little Lake in the middle of the forest there and a village and an abandoned nether portal right next to it that’s good I’d probably build near that probably

Over on that like little bit of um flat over there I think so overall one two biomes good flat land good generation two structures I’m floating between seven or six out of 10 I think I’m going to give this a seven out of 10 I feel like I would definitely build on this

World on to c27 don’t mind the uh Oak um pillar again uh I overview the seeds before I review them what oh that’s where it went uh right so a village just over there with an abandoned nether portal swamp there really nice um I think I saw something else somewhere as well didn’t

I that’s why I put the tower there I don’t know I swear I did see another abandoned nether portal that’s why I put that there Maybe not maybe I just put it there to go out to see that NE portal that’s probably it so two structures

Um is that savan down there it’s a really small savan but yeah it is so that means that two structures two biomes there another biome over there a five out of 10 I’d say this is this is an all right seed I definitely see myself definitely building on here

Mhm c28 let’s see what we got on here we have some flat land Birch Forest regular Forest um Savana and some flatland no abandoned NE portal huh I think that might be a jungle over there as well let’s quickly creep up on it see if it is a

Jungle I think it is yeah from the way I see the oh there is an abandoned NE portal right in the middle of the trees there neat so jungle savan regular Forest abandoned never portal so I’m all right flatland if I was to build on this I’ll probably build in the middle of

Here like I could definitely terraform this out this would be a nice little island base I could have Bridges going across Each corner here I think I’m going to give this a six out of 10 this definitely fits oh wait and a dark oak over there okay you know what I’m going

To give this a seven out of 10 then a good amount of biomes near each other if this was a village there was a village it might have been higher but yeah 7 out of 10 right here then onto seed 29 here we spawn in a jungle right next to a dark oak biome uh seems to be a spruce off in the distance with a birch forest and I believe that’s it um I don’t really see anything else so overall oh is that swamp as well

I think that is a swamp but eh I I’ll count that as well so what one two three four five five different biomes five different biomes and no um structures I’ll give this a five out of 10 then a low five out of 10 I Think right then on to seed 30 here let’s head up uh we got a birch Forest dur aush a village over in the distance and an abandoned NE portal oh that’s a giant tiger as well huh so how many biomes 1 two three four four different biomes okay and two structures so four

Biomes two structures terrain generation is all right I’ll give it an extra point for that I think so overall a seven out of 10 seed 31 you can tell how tired I am I’m literally recording this all in one sitting well I’m recording 50 in one sitting I’m going to be recording

Another 50 later but anyways giant jungle biome which is all right fairly few caves um FL land over there I think that’s a savan yeah that’s a savan and a birch biome so one two three uh I just want to check out this terrain generation over here because if so I’ll give this

Like oh I do like that Island I would definitely build there that gets uh but there’s that little water bit there I’d have to to terraform that out if I built there this terrain generation is kind of all right yeah um I think this is going to be

A four out of 10 this is all right it’s definitely workable 100% workable but um not really a seed I would focus on but hey if you guys want to play it remember seeds down in the description all of you guys can play these worlds

But uh yeah this is a four out of 10 on see number 32 here uh nice little Beach right here um dark oak Spruce Forest another Spruce Forest over there seems like we’re surrounded by basically all ocean though e uh uh yeah this ain’t good kind of looks a bit like Australia

Though I don’t know why it looks a little bit like Australia that’s kind of funny I’ll give an extra point just for that but I think I’m going to give this a three out of 10 not a good spawn at all spawning in seed number 33 here

You’re met with a Stony Beach a forest some more Stony Islands uh I think that’s a yeah that’s a birch Forest over there terrain generation is actually fairly nice here though I’m going to give this I say two points how deep is the cave if it’s fairly deep I’ll give it a extra

Point ooh let’s jump down this real quick I like the way this is laid out this is a really nice looking cave uh-huh I do like this cave so I’ll give that an extra two points uh so with those two biomes plus the snowy Spruce biome I just saw over

There while I went out of the spawn I’ll give this a four out of 10 yeah I have four out of 10 if you want to explore a big cave you can if you want to however it does look like it does go down deep but I don’t think there’s a skull down

There there might be you never know however um yeah I’m going to give this a four out of 10 righto on to seed number 34 here let’s see what we have here we got a giant forest Spruce Forest another Spruce Forest dark oak uh terain generation is M however only three biomes no

Structures my go to build area on this would probably most likely be on the little island over there it would need a fair good amount of terraforming though because of the little water holes on it but yeah with the two three biomes I’m going to have to give this another three out of

10 right then onto seed 35 here we got a birch Forest an ocean a dark oak which has a pretty big big um Mountain next to it which I find kind of dope but again just no good terrain generation what is this what is this bro

Why why bro how why are we getting no good seeds bro hopefully it gets better let’s hope but overall with the two biomes and the terrain generation I’m going to have to give this a three out of 10 spawning in World 36 we have two Villages finally some

Structures also what seems to be a cave there as well let’s load in this area um cherry blossom and a snowy Spruce biome uh I want to quickly head over to this cave real quick but yeah two Villages uh Forest snowy tiger and um cherry blossom that’s fairly decent

Round mushrooms oh spooky cave noise no Meo like spooky cave noise oh a glacier all right so that makes two structures oh my goodness and there’s an abandoned NE portal but I forgot where spawn is bro uh I think it’s over this way yeah spawns this way here so just

That spawn here you would find yourself the snowy Spruce biome the cherry blossom biome oh my God there’s a Pillager Outpost as well plus um the abandoned nether portal two structures and terrain generation is fairly all right so I’m going to give it an extra point for that uh the amount of

Structures as well I’m going to give give an extra point for that uh yeah I think this might be I’m just going to quickly look over here if this has a Lae I might give this a 8 out of 10 because LA are really rare and I can barely find them in my

Worlds Iron Golem and no alls damn alls are too rare man you can’t find any of them but four structures one two three four biomes yeah I say this is a solid 8 out of 10 this is a definite eight out of 10 seed 37 here let’s take a look at what this is you spawn on a desert island not really a good start um is this seriously all ocean oh there is a abandoned nether portal here so I guess that’s a good thing uh how complete is It all right so it needs one two 3 four five six obsidian to complete it you get no obsidian with it um yeesh no trees around so you can’t even make a boat the only good thing about this is the abandoned nether portal but you can’t even get the gold

Block on top because you need a iron pick for that I think so overall I think this is a 1 out of 10 this is the worst seed to get there’s not even in a village so you can’t even start up that’s how bad this

Is onto seed 38 now we have a Savana an abandoned nether portal over in the distance uh what else um sick looking terrain generation and a village so mhm and a swamp so two biomes two structures and good terrain generation really good looking terrain generation as well I’m

Going to give that an extra two points making this a six out of 10 world I would definitely build here just look at that terrain generation and there’s a floating island we are in world seed I should say 39 now uh giant snowy Spruce biome whoa look at that drain generation over there

I’ll check that out in one minute let’s just wait until all of this has spawned it seems like a snowy desert maybe I know they deserts can sometimes be snowy but that just looks like a snowy Beach so I’m just going to count that as flatland um any igloo igloo

Igloo scanning over I cannot see any uh so basically like what one by iome so far one biome let’s hope this Terra terrain generation is good uh this definitely looks cool 100% uh jeez this snow goes on for ages doesn’t it um I don’t know how you would

Build here though it I guess it could be cool if you like made these kind of into your house and then had like Bridges going between like these floating islands I feel like that would be kind of dope and then you could just have like a staircase from like there going all the

Way down to the bottom here or even better maybe a mine cart a minecart would work really well with this type of build in fact you can make all of this kind of like intertwined like here you could build out a wall and then like have something there

There like houses just connected to each other overall this Sparks creativity and is a fairly I guess you would only have access to really Cobble and Spruce which is why I think I’m going to put this as a four out of 10 I’m giving three points to this generation right here I feel

Like this Sparks creativity a lot and you can do a lot with this or to some of you it may just look kind of which to be honest I kind of agree with you but yeah barely if not no structures um yeah I’m going give this a four out of

10 here we go now on to World 40 uh seed 40 um one two barely all right terrain generation I’ll give that a point for that uh jungle over there so that makes one two three biomes um let’s check out this so right now it’s at four points does this cave go deep

Or no dungeon that’s epic instant mob spawner I’ll give an extra point for that because that’s right next to spawn so that makes what five I think uh go down this way see if there’s a skull probably not but you never knew I haven’t done many spawn cave Explorations

So which is why yeah let’s head back up then was that more Moy Cobble there no I don’t think that was all right then so with the spawner the how many um biomes uh one two yeah two biomes oh wait there’s a village over there did not see that

Probably didn’t go high enough so two structures the spawner and the village two biomes and the terrain generation I’ll give this a five out of 10 solid five out of 10 you can make a easy mob grinder down there because it’s not that far down the spawner either l number

41 um let’s take a look here we have some me terrain generation I put this here so apparently I must have seen something ah yeah I remember right abandoned never portal over there which is Hur that’s already two structures and I believe I saw one more somewhere that’s it over there the

Village and then I think I went a little bit closer to this Village and saw another abandoned NE portal I think I don’t know I can’t remember no however that village is all on the water which I find kind of dope so yeah three structures witch’s

Hut is a mass structure but it still counts as a structure so that’s three points train generation is I’ll give an extra point for that because water Village so that makes it four points two biomes two extra points that makes it uh 6 out of 10 righto seed 30 uh not 30 do

42 let’s take a look see at this one I don’t think I looked around much on this one no I didn’t Village right there abandoned NE portal already two structures um terrain generation looks fairly cool death um how many biomes one two three four four biomes four biomes two

Structures and good terrain generation um a seven out of 10 that’s fairly decent right then seed 43 I also marked this spawn so this has got to have some all right stuff a ocean structure which I guess that counts as one point um terrain generation is fairly all right I

Like this mountain how it goes upward from like one side and the other so I’m going to give an extra point to that how many biomes 1 two three four uh that seems to be another Spruce over there yeah so four biomes one structure that makes it five train

Generation gets an extra point six out of 10 not that bad not that bad we’re slowly getting up and up There seed number 44 righty Odin so we got a regular Forest a village a snowy Spruce uh what seems to be is that a glacier I don’t know if that’s just a glacier or just regular part of the snow biome uh ooh cool looking terrain generation as well anything else any other

Structures right so one structure how many biomes one two two biomes terrain generation I’m going to give it a two that Mountain’s huge and I feel like that’s where I’ll probably end up building oh wait I think that’s another Birch Forest just off in the distance

So or is that just one l oh there’s an abandoned NE Port over there so two structures um two points for terrain generation two um biomes so overall six out of 10 again not that bad not that bad onto seed 45 let’s have a look s

Here um giant Spruce bi which is kind of neat uh forest biome abandoned NE portal Village so that’s two biomes two structures also right next to a cave so you could probably end up getting some of those early ores let’s have a look see down here yeah there’s instantly a

Good amount of iron and because of the lava there’s enough lighting to BAS Al make it so that you have enough time to get down here get the ORS and get out before it turns nighttime then you could end up heading over to the village and sleeping there for the

Night there’s also more caves over there so that’s probably going to end up being like your main cave exploration so with the terrain generation I’m going to give it two points uh Biomes two points and structures two points and another six out of 10 we’re getting so many six out of 10 it’s actually insane come on we need Better okay right seed 46 here we go we have a jungle biome a Savana biome uh whatever that biome is I for Gore uh the other swamp biome also we have a comically funny two tiny um Jungle bies right next to each other so I just kind of find that very

Funny a little strip of kind of like Forest here however what I find cool about this is how it goes into a Ravine and then that’s where it kind of like stops but it kind of looks like the trees have fell into the Ravine which I

Just find kind of cool but no structures I’m going to give two points to terrain generation though one to the small jungle biomes and the other to the Ravine uh but yeah with the what three how many biomes one two three four biomes that makes another

Six out of 10 bro how many six out of 10 are we Getting righto seed 47 here we spawn in a sub van um Forest right behind us what else is there Village over there okay not half bad uh train generation is a me oh there’s a um jungle biome though that’s epic uh damn it um man I think I’m going to have to give

This one two three four Terin generation is me oh hold on what’s this cave down here if this is if this is a good cave I’ll give it a five out of 10 but overall it’s looking a four out of 10 and it’s a drip Stone that’s like the worst kind of

Cave in my opinion anyways let’s drop down a bit further there’s some amethyst um um no skull though that’s kind of a bummer more amethyst up there though let’s quickly take a look over here just in case you never know there actually might be a skull biome here and there is

Oo interesting uh ancient city near here perhaps or is it going to be an ancient city L skull biome let’s look over here uh you guys might see it as really dark which I’m sorry about um yeah that’s literally just how Minecraft is sometimes but it seems like

The skull all around here so I wonder if I mine into somewhere will I get to this is tricky I’m leaning towards a four out of 10 more than five out of 10 I’ll give it the five out of 10 yeah five out of 10 for this One right spawning on seed 48 here we have Forest very large cave cherry blossom wow holy moly hold up this terrain generation ooh no structures damn terrain oh weight Village over there nice one structure so how many biomes one two three uh 4 5 six six points just on the biomes and

The struct sure alone and this terrain generation man especially uh like this part here I see myself building here 100% like around this area or maybe in the gorge next to the Village over here I think I’m going to give it an extra two points so our first

Eight well it ain’t our first eight out of 10 but it’s the closest we’ve gotten to a nine out of 10 which I got to give it props this is a really good one definitely an eight out of 10 high eight out of 10 as Well spawning in in seed 49 we have a birch Forest an ocean which ain’t looking good um is that dark oak yep that’s a dark oak if we got a woodland man on spawn that would be instant TW pointer but it seems like we only got three biomes I guess if you like

Oceans but they’re not really good for the early game so I think three biomes terrain generation over there I guess is kind of cool I think I would build most likely over there oh there is a village over there so I’ll give it one point for the terrain generation three points for the

Three biomes and one point for the village making it a five out of 10 not half bad okay right so I had to restart this recording because I got some math wrong on um this uh right let me quickly change the time of day to daytime basically it was an eight out of

10 I did on the recording when this is actually the first n out of 10 let me explain right so we have a birch Forest which is one point dark oak which makes two um Jungle and a regular Forest which makes four points for that however there’s also a savan which makes Five

Points terrain generation one point that’s six and then over here we have abandoned NE portal seventh point jungle temple eighth point and a pillar Outpost which is the ninth point which means this is our first n out of 10 map which is actually insane first n out of 10 seed

Sorry so um yeah this is a really good seed I definitely recommend this seed if you’re going to start out those chunks haven’t loaded in bro there we go but um yeah this this is a definitely really nice seed um definite 9 out of 10 the dark oak biome

Is kind of small however that doesn’t really matter because you’ll be able to get a ton of saplings from that and make your own dark oak trees anyways which is why I’ve just counted that as its own biome so overall our first 9 out of 10 directly on the halfway mark that’s

Perfect let’s hope in the next 50 we get our first 10 out of 10 righto spawning into seed number 51 here wow wow the I’m oh my God the terrain generation is actually beautiful I kid you not this might be the some of the best terrain generation

We ever had right how many biomes 1 two 3 three biomes already which ain’t half bad I want to quickly check around is this like a whole giant Island I know I’m not supposed to go out of Spawn but this might be one of the best spawns

Yet and we already got like a 9 out of 10 in the last seed so it’s like oh my goodness an abandoned NE portal right there I believe that is anyways chunks aren’t spawning in properly yeah it is it’s one of those Fallen abandoned Nether Portals though

So it’s going to be hard to turn into an actual one do you at least get the chest here yes you do what’s inside it two obsidian so not as bad to be fair wow though the terrain is actually crazy I kid you not this might be some

Of the best terrain generation I might give this three points alone for terrain generation I I know I’m supposed to just stay like next to the um what you call it spawn but oh my God there’s some no what is that is that a floating that’s a floating portal okay n this is

Sick it’s another Fallen one but that’s fine I think anyways let me just remove some of this leafage here what the oh my goodness there’s the chest and there’s another piece of obsidian there so that makes three pieces of obsidian which means I don’t think you can make an Ever portal with this

However this look looks like an incredibly Good Start look at all of this terrain man you know what even though what is that I did not even see that over there bro I know I went out of Spawn here and I know I’m not supposed to but oh my God

The terrain is actually insane look at this look at that you can make like your own cave base type thing in here this is genuinely cracked oh my goodness oh accidentally uh unded the flying all let’s head back to spawn I terrain generation alone right so we have the three biomes

The big tiger the snowy tiger and the forest that’s three points I’m going to give this another three points alone on terrain generation this is actually an insane seed and I might actually have a personal world for this seed because this is just wow this is

Actually so good and you can see that abandoned NE portal from here which this is basically the spawn so I’m going to count that as another point so that’s seven and then that other one over there this is an eight out of 10 I feel like it

Should be more though that is actually cracked what if there’s like I swear to God if there’s like bro kid me not kid me not if there’s like an actual abandoned city down here here sorry if you guys can’t see but oh my God there’s actually a

Scul no fudging way right on spawn you get everything perfect terrain generation insane cave generation I mean look at this cave look at this cave bro I’ve never seen such a beautiful cave before an abandoned nether portal at two abandoned Nether Portals fairly close to spawn that one’s

A bit far away but still and it’s also floating not to mention this is just an absolutely insane seed I’m sorry this segment has gone on for so long I might have to give this a 10 out of 10 you know the terrain generation’s just perfect three points for dest

Structures three points for the terrain generation and it’ll be three points for the biomes I think I might just give it an extra point because just wow this terrain is absolutely stunning this is definitely probably the best world we’ve had 100% just wow oh my God unbelievable this is actually

Spectacular do I give this the first 10 out of 10 I mean we just got our first nine out of 10 and now I’m on this seene and I’m like holy this might be our first 10 out of 10 right where would I build if I built here well I think I

Wouldn’t want to build near the cave however I want to build semi near the cave I might build on top of the mountain you know because then if I cleared all of this out I could have like a Giant Mountain Base going up there I could have like some type of

Something to do with the water here plus there’s plenty of ores there’s literally ores on the surface so you don’t even have to go into a cave to get your first ores that’s actually cracked oh my God wait hold up is that a dig site okay no this isn’t a dig site it’s

Just a random placement of sand and stuff I was about to say like if this was a dig site I would have just been like holy moly that would have been cracked but yeah um I think I’m going to have to give this a 10 out of ten you

Know is genuinely a perfect seed like apart from it not having a village which I’m personally fine with this is just wow the terrain generation is absolutely perfect good amount of biomes cave generation topnotch a floating abandoned nether portal an abandoned nether portal just over that

Side in fact is it let me see if I can refind it again because I’m pretty sure it’s just right here right yeah just right over there you could even build like in that quarry over there as well there’s so much like buildability in this seed it’s actually

Cracked I’m going to have to give this a 10 out of 10 this world alone has had an 8 minute segment that’s how amazed I am by the seed really quick let me turn it back to today there we go let me come up here to the

Peak I don’t want to explore too much because I want to leave this for the other players of the world but just wow wow look at that you could build on those flat lands if you wanted to make a bridge over just wow genuinely stunning I think this is

The first 10 out of 10 this is the first 10 out of 10 this has had its own 10 minute segment now so I am going to go on to the um next seed but wow seed 51 man right now on to seed 52 don’t know

What can top that but let us see um so right here we have spawned into a Flatlands not off to the best start um the terrain generation is very linear especially compared to the last seed uh any structures anything don’t think So how many biomes two I mean I guess if you are looking for S linear this would be good but it’s kind of too linear yeah I’m going to have to give this a um H I’ll give this a three out of 10 I feel like that’s what it

Deserves spawning into seed 53 here let’s see what we got Glacier so not off to a good start um is an island I think looks kind of like an island uh meh overall hold up two biomes I guess that counts as a spruce so we got two biomes three

Biomes because of the glacier a structure just there um is that going to be it for this seed I think so so um one two 3 four so I guess a four out of 10 right yo onto seed 54 we have an ocean biome we have a birch Forest we have a

Mini jungle here down this Birch Forest is actually humongous and another jungle biome over there uh I guess if you like Birch Forest go for this um this is basically Birch Forest heaven really but no structures as far as I can see is that a no that’s just the ocean

Floor yeah no structures as far as I can see is a fairly all right looking seed though to be honest like the terrain generation’s definitely there big caves close to spawn and hey if you like to be in a jungle biome small jungle biome over there there you

Go but yeah this is a okay seed I say um I’ll give it an extra point for that so one two three four yeah I say I’m going to give it a four out of 10 tried to record the review of of this seed but sorry got caught up in a

Conversation let me just say this again Beautiful World Generation there’s a giant Gorge here there’s a Mesa biome a desert biome a um desert temple over there a jungle biome there and just off a little bit into the Horizon you see a savan and if you go just a little bit over

Here you see another desert temple right coming into view just about there just over there and there’s also another Gorge type thing over there which I like the generation of that so I’m giving this seed a 9 out of 10 very very epic seed this one’s really

Nice if you guys want to play this one you can especially if you guys like deserts # desert if you’ve gotten this far already or Mesa desert I don’t know hasht that in the Comments spawning into seed 56 now let’s see what’s in store for us here okay right so we got a small tiger then we got a giant tiger a forest and a snowy Tundra and a birch Forest not half bad and there’s also an abandoned nether portal there which is actually

Perfect uh I just want to quickly take a gander in this cave does it go Fairly deep kind of don’t know whether it classes as I think it more classes as a starter cave so I’m going to give that to that uh yeah let’s just fly up here

Right then so how many biomes 1 2 3 4 5 6 and then the abandoned NE portal so this is a s out of 10 not half bad not half bad indeed 7 out of 10 I call that an absolute win for the seed to be honest

Seeing as it only has really one structure does it have a yo a mushroom biome okay this is an eight out of 10 then damn I did not see that probably because the spawns like right about here and it was in the fog but wow yeah that’s good

Eight out of 10 for this seed definitely right then spawning into seed number 57 we have what seems to be a long tundra biome oh and a village not that bad uh oh Igloo over here let’s go go see if it has a basement and another Village okay that’s four structures

Damn no basement damn all right that’s fine now that’s fine uh right so that’s one two three four structures how many biomes one two three oh wait there’s another Village three villages so that’s one two 3 four five structures one two don’t tell me that’s another Village is that four Villages one

Two three four villages five on the iGo six on the um Pillager Outpost seven point on the um snowy uh what you might call it tiger and um an eighth point on the regular Tundra and also the glacier that makes this a n out of 10 four Villages literally in the render

Distance of each other and that looks insane because that mountain is like surrounded by glacier I think I’m going to have to give this a 9 out of 10 you know maybe even a 10 out of 10 because like just look at that World Generation does that Glacier go all the way around

It I want to quickly check this it does this would actually be a sick place to build a base you could build on like these shelves here because there are like shelves to the um Mountain so if you cleared out some of these Igloo you can make yourself some nice like Village type

Base I might give this a 10 out of 10 you know I can’t believe we’ve had like what two three out of 10 now I think this is the second 10 out of 10 I don’t know I can’t remember I’m recording this a few days after I did

The last recording but wow four Villages plus the Pillager Outpost I say this is a really good spawn definitely a 10 out of 10 especially if you like the tundra this is a good one a really good one spawning into seed number 58 a village right in front of us not

Half bad not half bad indeed jungle regular Forest Savana and Mesa and desert and a desert village over there this ain’t half bad you know I’m just thinking if I go high enough will I be able to see like a jungle temple in there I don’t

Think I will right let’s count these so we have a Plains with a village that’s two points a desert with a village that’s another two points so that’s four points already then jungle Five Points Forest six points savan seven points Mesa eight points I’m I think I’m going to give it

Uh extra point just for terrain generation because there are so many biomes that just blend in together here like there’s a Plains savan Forest jungle desert and they all just blend together I think I might give this an extra point give it a 9 out of 10 we are getting some good

Seeds this is a good seed 100% if I were to build on this seed I would probably build in the middle of those three mountains like on the on those Plains over there there there’s also melons for early food and stuff and you could get golden melons for Brewing once you have

A nice supply of like gold there’s also a ma the Mesa you could build like a Cowboy Village type stuff it just looks really sick this is definitely easily a 9 out of 10 I spawn in what is it seed 59 we spawn right next to one of the new swamps again we’ve been spawning in a lot of these new swamps is right next to a jungle which is right next to a desert do we see any desert temples I don’t think we do damn

It uh so this is only really three biomes I do got to hand it to it though I’ve never seen a um one of these uh swamps this big before I’ve usually only seen small ones so that’s nice to see uh H let’s count up the biomes 1 2 2 3 4 wait hold on 1 2 3 4 five five biome zero structures yeah I think this deserves the title of five out of 10 mhm it’s good just not the best five out of 10 I think it deserves it

Though there’s some good biomes I do like the jungle and I do like the um new Swamp wood and having a desert would be good for glass so yeah five out of 10 seed 60 here let’s have a look see okay okay ocean biome so I don’t

Think this is going to be a out of 10 but who knows uh right okay okay there’s some good stuff here big Forest a village a Pillager Outpost and a cherry blossom biome and the planes and a giant tiger so how many points is that in biomes one two

Three four points in biomes two points points and structures making this a six out of 10 H just thinking is there a monument is that a monument actually I think that might be a monument n it’s just some sand br oh um yeah 6 out of 10 it’s a fairly good

Seed but um there’s just yeah Jesus Christ I had a bit of a lisp then there’s just too little yeah six out of 10 for this one onto seed 601 here let’s see what we have tiger Village and tiger and a snowy tiger off to a great start a great

Tiger which means that’s already like what three biomes and then the forest here that makes five a dark oak okay that’s six in biomes and a birch Forest that’s seven points in biomes alone oh no actually I think I counted the village in that as

Well hold on let me check 1 2 3 4 5 6 yeah I did count the village in that counting whoops but that’s still six um biomes in uh like spawn alone which is pretty good not to mention the village as well it’s a fair good starter you

Know this definitely deserves the title of seven out of 10 I’m just trying to look because sometimes I do forget like not see stuff so I want to make sure that I fully surveyed the area doesn’t look like there’s anything else though to be honest oh wait hold on did I count the

Dark oak yeah I did six points yeah 7 out of 10 not half bad not half bad Indeed onto seed 62 now oh jungle tree um obviously a jungle that’s all I really see oh an abandoned never portal okay is it seriously just a jungle or is that a normal Forest over there no it seriously is just all jungle oh there’s another abandoned NE portal though that makes two structures

Uh I do got to hand it to it though this jungle biome is pretty big I bet there’s a jungle temple in this biome somewhere I’m sorry I just can’t see it so you know what I’m going to give it a extra point for potentially being able to have a jungle

Temple so if the jungle it looks like that’s a jungle Plains kind of so I might count that and the two structures and the possibility of it having a jungle temple I’ll give it a solid um five out of 10 I think it deserves that yo what

Is that it looks like a chunk has just been taken out of the world there kind of but yeah five out of 10 oh wait hold up there’s a uh Birch biome over there was that in my distance I think it was it’s just that I was blind again see

I can’t see like anything so I’ll give it a 6 out of 10 them onto seed 63 here we have jungle more jungle why why the jungle oh jungle temple there this time though and another Birch biome uh do we get two jungle temples question mark As far as I can see

No but we do get a birch forest and a snowy tiger and a dark oak so that’s how many in biomes 1 2 3 four Biomes uh is there a regular Forest somewhere that is just snowy tiger four biomes and one structure you know I did give the last one a 6 out of 10 so I think I’m also going to give this one a 6 out of 10 purely because it does have more biomes

Than the last one just less structures in a way though I don’t know if it deserves it however I did give the last one a six out of 10 and it did only have like one biome yo is that a jungle tree with tiger leaves hold on let me take a look at

That I won’t count any biomes I see oh yeah as like tiger colored leaves that’s sick can I see that from Spawn if I see that from Spawn that swamp then it counts but I think this was like spawn I can’t really remember uh yes I can see it from Spawn

So you know what I’ll count it so it’s a 6 out of 10 I’ll just keep it as a 6 out of 10 onto seed 64 now we’ve done a stack of seeds um seems to be some big mountains dark oak over there I’m surprised we haven’t seen one Mansion o a abandoned nether portal not bad uh seems to be like no Villages or anything though o i let’s count the biomes then

So we got forest plains Birch Forest dark oak that’s it and we have the abandoned of P so a five out of 10 right on to seed 65 here is that a monument down there I can’t tell no I right so we got one of these big

Swamps a desert any desert temples a Mesa no but we do have a desert village over in the distance and a desert temple right next to it we also have a savan even though it is kind of small so right let’s count the biomes desert Mesa oh another desert temple over there um

Savana and the swamp so we have four I might count the coral reef do I I’ll count the coral reef that’s five uh one two three structures anym yes another desert village over there so that makes what one 2 3 4 that means that we have a nine out of 10 on

Our hands folks another desert temple three desert temples two Villages that makes Five Points and with the five biomes that makes a 10 out of 10 that’s absolutely crazy I did not expect this seed to be a 10 out of 10 well I didn’t expect it to be a 9 out of

10 let alone a 10 out of 10 but you know what I’m going to count it wait hold up is that a monument down there like over there I can see better if I look to the side uh no it is not oh well though I mean it can’t be an 11 out

Of 10 so any other structures you guys can see is just added bonus but yeah I can’t believe there’s like three desert temples right next to each other that’s some really good early game loot then you could go over to like the villages and get some hay for food

Before you go to all of the um desert temples so it ain’t that bad it’s really not this is a super good starting seed I think this does deserve a 10 out of 10 I would prefer a Plains but you know people can build good like builds in the desert like a pyramid

Something cool like that but yeah 10 out of 10 man this is a really good one 66 here let’s have a look see we have a Plains snowy tiger forest what seems to be an extreme Hills a vano and an ocean and it doesn’t have a c oh it does

There is a um abandoned ever portal over there so let’s count it up one 2 3 four five biomes and one point for the abandoned NE portal that makes six points wait did did I count the planes yeah I did count the planes uh 6 out of

10 it’s an all right starter but I don’t know where I would build maybe in the Extreme Hills or over there next to the savan probably in the Extreme Hills but yeah 6 out of 10 not half bad indeo onto seeds 67 now let’s see what we have in store

For us this looks like it’s already going to be a good one and there’s an ocean so probably not but let’s see okay dark oak Birch Forest regular forest and a cherry blossom and a tiger so that adds up to Five Points already wait hold up does it add up to

Six because of the planes hold on one two 3 four five oh wait I think I did count the planes let me count one more time 1 2 3 4 5 yeah I did count the planes okay and then a sixth point for the abandon the another portal is there anything else

That I haven’t saw or seen uh it don’t seem like it pretty bland to be honest so I think I am just going to give it a six out of 10 not bad not super good though either if I were to build I’ll probably build on that mountain in the Cherry Blossom

Biome or on the plane over there next to the abandoned NE portal but yeah 6 out of 10 again not that bad not that bad indeed okay we are on 68 now I think I did some math wrong so I’m back on here to check here we have a savan a forest Jungle

Desert Mesa Extreme Hills PLS Tundra and snowy Tundra which adds up to nine out of 10 biomes however we also have two abandoned Nether Portals so this seed is another 10 out of 10 I did not expect this one to be a 10 out of 10

Uh yeah this one’s really good I would give it an extra two points for that um cool looking like gorge in there with the um Extreme Hills and jungle but it’s already a 10 out of 10 so I mean I can’t do really nothing about that this is a really good one we

Have gotten so many 10 out of 10 we barely got any in the first 50 now we’ve gotten like four that’s just mind-bogglingly like insane it’s actually cracked but yeah 10 out of 10 really good seed really recommend on to seed 69 we have a abandoned nether portal a

Jungle oh yeah I forgot to say nice nice um dark oak uh is that it jungle Plains and what seems to be like a birch Forest so let’s count this up one 2 3 wait did I count it one 2 3 four in biomes and then an extra point for the

Um abandoned never poort anything else like a jungle temple or something like that I don’t think there is 6 out of 10 for six 69 not very uh very epic of 69 I expected more from the Nice Seed but seed 17 now let us have a look see

Seems we met with another ocean we’ve been getting unlucky with the oceans lately but that’s fine that’s not stopped us from getting 10 out of 10 however I think it will this time the ocean’s just wai too big Um yeah there’s a tiger and a regular Forest that is it oh there’s a um what you call it ocean Monument I’ll give it an extra point for that so three out of 10 not good not good at all but hey if you want to spawn here and

Just to fight the guardian by all means you can three out of 10 though for me spawning into seed 71 we have a forest a birch Forest a village a PLS and a great tiger and a dark oak so that is one two three four five in biomes and 6.4

Structure so overall not that bad not that bad indeed 6 out of 10 it’s a good starter I guess um I’m I was hoping for more because of the amount of villages but you know it’s a fair decent one uh any Ocean Monuments I can spot in the water I don’t think there

Is n i don’t know maybe you guys can spot one but yeah 6 out of 10 for me onto seed 72 we have Bist oh hold on what was that down there oh and no a giant nether portal abandoned one so that’s not half bad a birch Forest savan that terrain generation looks

Sick uh any ocean Monument that I can see of no I don’t think I can a swamp and a regular swamp so right let’s count up the biomes then pling Forest Birch Forest Tiger snowy tiger did not see that Savana swamp and new Swamp so that adds to eight out of 10 wait hold up I need to recount 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 yeah that’s eight in biomes and then there’s two structures making it a 10 out of 10 bro what the hell we’ve

Just been getting 10 out of 10 in biomes I want 10 out of 10 structure seeds like that one before I might have to get stricter you know I might not count the um snowy Tundras anymore if it’s next to a regular tundra in fact I don’t even think that’s a snowy

Tundra because it’s just on top of high altitude so I just won’t count that point I’ll drop a point down making it a 9 out of 10 yeah I’ll make it a 9 out of 10 but still a really good seed yeah because there’s like no snow up

There because it’s just high altitude so yeah that isn’t a snowy Tundra yeah so this is a 9 out of 10 still really good though insanely good with the amount of uh like biomes that are close to each other 100% on have seed 703 here let’s have a look see okay um um

PLS B A NE portal Village Forest Tiger all right let’s oh another Village that one’s kind of tiny but still oh yo that cave over there is ginormous all right let’s count it up then one 2 three that’s only three points in um biomes is there a birch Forest anywhere

No that’s only three points in biomes four five six so six points for yeah three points for the biomes three points for structures there is a lot of flatland and there’s that giant cave over there though so this could be really good for getting early ores and

Of course because of the villages if you find like a brewing stand in one you can get a cleric get some early ender pearls this could be a really good way to just finish the game insanely quickly because it looks like there’s barely any crying obsidian over on that

Uh abandoned NE portal either so you could really make this work if you just like your goal is to basically just defeat the Ender Dragon so yeah not half bad it’s definitely a 6 out of 10 100% onto seed 74 now oh my goodness Jesus holy moly all right we have snowy

Tiger a giant tiger a regular tiger and Glacier biome any Igloo I can see I don’t see any Igloo if I don’t right let’s oh I do see a village now epic let’s count up the biomes then one 2 3 four biomes one structure I definitely don’t see any Igloo anywhere yeah five out of 10 this is definitely a medium seed unless there’s something over the mountain no there’s nothing damn

It oh well five out of 10 it’s about in the middle it’s a okay seed seed 75 we are 34s of the way done we are in a Savana then there’s a forest then there’s a jungle then there’s an abandoned nether portal uh is that

It damn it I was hoping for there to be oh is that Mesa that’s a Mesa let’s go added all right so let’s go savan Plains jungle Mesa Forest wait is that a birch Forest just a regular Forest so that adds to five and the structure for 6 out of 10

However just a little bit over there is a snowy uh tiger so you know what I’m going to count that making it a seven out of 10 very very nice very very good yes sir seven out of 10 not half bad indeed on to 76 now we have a savan well

Seems to be in like a nice Gorge I like this I’m going to give it an extra point for terrain generation a village a jungle biome and another Village PLS cherry blossom so right let’s add it up 1 2 3 4 five is that it hold on one two 3

4 five six six all right six points for biomes plus the terrain generation two Villages which means that 78 8 out of 10 can we get a n maybe if we see son I don’t think we are oh hey there’s another Village over there making that a 9 out of 10 I do Believe onto seed 77 here we have the new Swamp again jungle that is the tiniest jungle I think I’ve ever seen uh Forest whoa okay that’s cool I think I’m going to give it an extra point for terrain generation uh Savana and that’s it oh and there’s a bigger

Um thing here right so Forest swamp jungle terain generation wait did I count as Savanah savan Forest swamp jungle terrain generation and that’s it so that’s 5 out of 10 all right but what I want to quickly go see is I want to quickly see this bit

Over here because this looks kind of dope oh my goodness look at that like this whole entire little bit of like planes kind of just like encapsulates that swamp I really like that you can make like a hidden Grotto or something I dig that I’m going to add an extra point to

That making it a six or seven out of 10 I don’t know I think it deserves 7 out of 10 because there is some really cool terrain generation and and there’s a good amount of biomes for you to get your early woods and also exotic Woods like the um swamps and the

Jungles so yeah overall not half bad spawn for having no structure is definitely a 7 out of 10 right on to seed 78 here we have a giant tiger oh no the ocean and it’s a big one there’s an abandoned neport over there and I think that’s it there’s

Literally only two things this is a two out of 10 my goodness this one’s bad yeah I can’t even really say anything more about this one is it two out of 10 spawning into seed 79 let’s hope we don’t have one bad as the last one uh okay already three points from

Biomes and I think that’s a savan over there so that’s four overall though I can’t see anything else this might just be a four out of 10 there’s damn we’re getting really unlucky with these ones I can’t really say anything else yeah there’s nothing nothing not any more biomes

Structures nothing four out of 10 spawning into seed 80 let’s hope we have a better one than the last two we have a forest a tiger a snowy tiger so that’s already three points a grand tiger that’s four points eight ples that’s five points then what I

Quickly want to do here is I want to go over here because the terrain generation looks kind of dope but eh I overhyped it in my mind still though a dark oak I’ll count that so that’s one two 3 4 5 six uh making this a six out of 10

So at least it’s better than not yeah it’s better than not definitely a 6 out of 10 not half bad indeed oh wait there’s a village seven out of 10 then epic let’s go huge onto seed 81 we have ples V Village Forest Tiger snowy Tundra snowy tiger

Okay oh wait is that a grand tiger not a snowy tiger it is that’s a grand TIG is that a grand tiger no the tiger trees are just unnecessarily big and there’s also another tiger Village over there that I actually spotted out of the corner of my

Where’s that other Village at I lost sight of it is there so it’s how many points do we have in biomes one two three 4 oh God damn I need to recount already one two three four five five in yeah five in biomes two in structure making this another seven out of

10 bro anything else come on I want an eight out of 10 here on a village yipp eight out 10 let’s Go three villages they’re fairly far apart however they are in the render distance so I’m going to count it that Village is just barely in the render distance but yeah out of 10 not half bad not half bad indeed this one surprised me onto seed 82 we have

A birch Forest a dark oak a ship to be honest that’s some really cool terrain generation I might count that I’ll count that terrain generation but again I mean this is not good but yeah that would actually be a sick place to build I do not lie uh so one two three

4 only four points damn is there an ocean Monument maybe we can make it a five doesn’t look like here four out of 10 then or is that a PLS biing behind there do I count that n that’s just another little island I won’t count that

So yeah five out of 10 or is it four out of 10 I think it was four wasn’t it yeah four I no I’m losing track now I’m going mad yeah four out of 10 it’s me it ain’t good ain’t bad either though I would say

So I’m just going to give it 4 out of 10 seed 83 I am dying there’s pumpkins there that’s epic uh Tundra snowy tiger um Forest Tiger Grand tiger I believe that’s it damn oh wait Village epic so that all adds up to six out of

10 this is better than a four out of 10 so I’ll take it yep four uh 6 out of 10 not that bad not that bad indeed all right on to seed 84 here this looks like a really great start with a desert temple right in

Front of us jungle we spawn on uh seems to be a lot of ocean which is kind of bad Mesa over there though and a Pillager outp post so let’s count it up then 1 2 3 is that only three in biomes damn and two structures making it a five out of

10 that kind of sucks oh wait that’s a forest up there do we count that as a forest because it is in a Mesa but I guess it doesn’t have any guess it does still count as a Forester just a Mesa Forest I’ll give it a six out of 10 Then because it has all of the regular biomes and there’s a forest on top of the Mesa but it would just be kind of annoying to go there to get Oak saplings to then place them like AR know over there or wherever you’re building so you would probably most likely grab

The desert temple and just be on your Merry like merry way but I’ll still give it the six out of 10 this ain’t a half bad seed you know onto seed 85 now we have the glaciers ooh hell yeah this means this is probably going to be a bad one but oh well

Um all I see is Glacier I literally only see Glacier okay there’s at least a village no trees around there oh wait there is a PLS B with trees over there there we go and there’s also some spruce trees over there I’m not going to count that as a

Tiger though so we have one two points in biomes and one point in structure three out of 10 this is a bad seed but if you want want spawn again all of the seeds are in the description below so just go through it and you’ll

Find a seed but yeah I am uh this seed is bad this is so bad very bad seed nuh-uh I wouldn’t I wouldn’t dream of building on this if I did I’ll probably build over there but yeah oh wait do I count that a tiger that seems too small again oh there we

Are so it is the start of a tiger so I can count that good thank you game it’s a four out of 10 thank God it’s at least somewhat okay you can potentially live on this seed if you choose to I wouldn’t recommend it though four out of 10 we

Are entering the home stretch in this video now and it has taken me a lot of work to make this so if you have been enjoying this please leave me a subscribe down below like comment all of that good stuff you know and um yeah let’s get back into rating these seeds

So we are in seed 86 we have a ocean structure down there a abandoned NE portal and a Sav a village so not that bad that’s three um points alone on structures only two points in biomer which makes this a five out of 10 that does look kind of dope though yo I

Actually want to quickly go see this what it has like Natural Bridges as well this is kind of dope yo this is sick if you like connected this to the oh this is kind of dope you could have like right you could have like a base

Here let’s say with like a little dock you could have a boat going this way to get to this cave and then you can boat over this way to get into this cave and that looks like it goes fairly far down but yeah I’m still only going to

Give it a um damn that does go deep though not half bad for some early caves but yeah I’m only going to give it five out of 10 still not half bad seed though I would definitely build on this 100% this is an all right seed in my

Opinion definitely deserves the title of five out of 10 Onto seed 87 here we have Glacier uh anything in the glacier was there just nothing again because Glaciers are kind of ass oh there is an abandoned never portal actually in the glacier and a village okay not half bad then so one two three points alone in that four five

Six six points uh anything else I can see can’t really see anything else oh another abandoned NE portal that makes seven seven points not half badio indeo seven points to this seed epic onto seed 88 yippee we have a tiger a grand tiger a snowy tiger a

Forest and what seems to be a glacier so we have how many in um biomes one two 3 four in bioms we have five EMES I think I no I’m I’m getting miscounted bro I’m so bad at math today 1 2 3 four five yeah Five Points in uh biomes

Seems like we get one point in structure for the Pillager Outpost uhhuh yeah I don’t see anything else so six out of 10 for this one onto seed number 89 here o this looks like it’s going to be a good one uh righto so we have a forest jungle planes that’s really it

Oh wait jungle temple over there that makes four points but still this is just kind of ass that’s definitely a jungle temple yeah four points damn uh this seed is kind of bad seems like the longer it goes on the the like better seeds we get but then we

Just get seeds like this right we are on seed 90 now I think I did some bad math so I’m back on here just to take a look we have a forest a birch a tiger and a dark o and then we have two abandoned number

Portals one there one there and we also have a PLS God damn it I didn’t count it up properly 1 2 3 4 five in biomes two inst structures making it a seven out of 10 okay righto we are on to the final 10 now feed 91 oh my God this Glacier is

Huge um is there just going to be nothing there’s just going to be nothing ain’t there Glacier and snowy Tundra there’s like two trees for Miles my goodness I mean if you want packed ice this is great but oh my goodness this is so bad I’m

Going to have to give this a two out of 10 so good for our last 10 seeds yippy uh two out of 10 onto seed 92 we have a swamp a big abandoned NE portal over there uh jeez what is wrong with the lily pads uh a tiger a

Forest okay right let’s add it up so one 2 3 that’s it only three biomes epic and a fourth point for the abandoned never portals so four out of 10 we are not doing good for the last 10 seeds let’s hope we at least get one good

One seed 93 we spawn in here we spawn in a Savana a birch Forest there’s oak trees over there so I’ll count that as a regular Forest a tiger and is that a grand tiger over there that is so I’ll count that right so we have one two three

Four five six a six out of 10 anything more to make this a seven or is it just going to be cemented as a six to be honest this generation is kind of cool I wonder if in the middle of it there’s any dope stuff no there

Ain’t so so yeah uh 7 out of 10 I think this is 1 2 3 4 5 huh did I count this wrong one two 3 four five Oh I thought it was a six out of 10 to be honest this generation’s kind

Of cool so I might give it as six out of 10 anyways yeah I’ll give it a six out of 10 for that terrain generation because honestly this looks like it would be cool to build a base in six out of 10 then at least it’s going upward now righto again

I am on this seed to do a rem because you know I’m dumb uh uh we have one two three four four bies five 6 7 8 nine so yeah we have five structures overall not a half bad seed indeed definitely deserves the title of the nine out of 10 epic onto seed

95 holy moly we have a Plains a birch Forest regular forest and that seems to be it which is an ofus moment and we also have that abandoned number Port over there so we got one two three three biomes and the abandon of pole making it a four out of

10 God damn it and we just had such a good seed oh well I guess it is good for building seeing as there is a lot of flat land but still four out of 10 all I need to do another REM maath again because I’m dumb you know in it

Um however this might be another 10 out of 10 on our hands Let’s see we have a dark oak we have a birch Forest we have a regular Forest we have a jungle we have a snowy tiger Extreme Hills a plains biome and a savan making eight

Points and then we have a jungle temple down there which makes it nine damn yeah okay I think this is a N9 out of 10 then so I didn’t need the remat damn it oh well 9 out of 10 is still good on to seed 97

Now I it doesn’t look like it’s going to be good in the biomes capacity but who knows K Reef over there um Mesa Savana Plains Forest so overall Five Points not that bad um Village making it six uh no thingy nah there isn’t a

Um what you call it damn so I think it is just a six out of 10 maybe if I go high enough though I might be able to see something although I don’t think I will yeah render distance coming in 6 out of 10 then not that bad right on to seed

98 it seems that I had another one of these so I must have checked out this seed beforehand uh righty go so it seems like we have a Plains a cherry blossom a forest I think that’s three biomes yeah only three biomes all right then there’s the two structures which makes

It five I swear there must have been another structure then somewhere for me to place this this can’t just be a 5 out of 10 surely there’s got to be one more structure somewhere maybe there’s one more more like a little bit over this way if I go closer to the Village no

Maybe it’s this way why would have I place that there probably to just see the yo hold on one sec that train generation’s sick I want to go see that I won’t count it but still Oh I thought it was floating in the middle d still dope

Though yeah seems like we only have a five out of 10 on our hands I thought this was more than damn I was really hyped when I saw the oak planks in my thing because usually I make that post to signify it’s a good seed unless if I just didn’t spot what I

Spotted before but nah I think it is a five out of 10 well five out of 10 onto seed 99 we have a snow world of course we do sake uh hold on this might be good we already see two Villages Jesus Christ This goes on for Miles

Though one two Villages Glacier snowy tiger and Tundra so that makes three biomes two structures making it a five out of 10 are you kidding me right now bro oh wait hold up Igloo I do not know how I spotted this in the forest but I just did and it has a dungeon

Yes I mean there’s already Villages but you know I’m going to count that so that makes it three biomes three structures 6 out of 10 for 99 really underwhelming for the second to last seed but still it ain’t bad at least it ain’t bad you know it’s actually

Playable so yeah 99 6 out of 10 and finally on the last seed of the video we have seed 100 let’s hope this is a good one we have a forest a birch Forest a plain a cherry blossom and I think that’s it which means the one Village makes it

A five out of 10 for the last seed bruh even the last seed got more points than this last one bro although this is a nice looking seed to be honest I do got to give it that I might give it an extra point for that

Making it six out of 10 because it looks new player friendly which is what this is really trying to go for trying to make it as easy as possible to start out and even though there ain’t amount a good amount of structures the like area ain’t as

Hostile and there’s already a nice bit of flat land just down there so you can build like your own house or you can build like wherever really around here you can even just cut down all of these trees however there is that giant ass hole there so it’s probably best to build over

There but yes six out of 10 for the last two seeds um if you guys did enjoy the 100 seeds Minecraft video then please like share and subscribe it would be a huge help and I hope these 100 seeds depending on what seeds that you want to

Play on will help you in your goal of um building some neat stuff in survival so without further Ado I will see you guys in the next one Bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft 100 seeds!!! – Reviewing 100 world spawns’, was uploaded by Monble on 2024-02-26 15:30:03. It has garnered 438 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:44 or 8504 seconds.

Seed 1 8895347442621680762 Seed 2 6416025617616259756 Seed 3 2474197342831333662 Seed 4 4993943225074924168 Seed 5 -4482448470507037453 Seed 6 -1813462236123237816 Seed 7 -1458323033568717996 Seed 8 26099485443188856 Seed 9 8637625018609352219 Seed 10 3398947322566720143 Seed 11 -1179234177086808611 Seed 12 -2397230209273755964 Seed 13 2637685211021170468 Seed 14 -3666896153198455600 Seed 15 -9150357090190773022 Seed 16 -7729566331544285675 Seed 17 -4918297819424297505 Seed 18 1618478626315490154 Seed 19 -2307535723055176247 Seed 20 -2163085703737898480 Seed 21 -5373959354288712401 Seed 22 1773201670924493189 Seed 23 -1650414616708029080 Seed 24 2236478328135422714 Seed 25 4151711278543421621 Seed 26 8976257056103708083 Seed 27 -1219590513082786479 Seed 28 -324790690839394961 Seed 29 6115273709436463255 Seed 30 4837485139794948501 Seed 31 -4791607915262210297 Seed 32 3029565880623424925 Seed 33 -3451374363238901368 Seed 34 4229410227602031550 Seed 35 7684456026643665001 Seed 36 1908365028499979193 Seed 37 -3313013604112720257 Seed 38 1389818562814530479 Seed 39 -2279808048339982415 Seed 40 -7350975916903428968 Seed 41 -8222573956134778260 Seed 42 -2488456776395505207 Seed 43 4947034495239547166 Seed 44 -36922069566974360013 Seed 45 3780723619541232129 Seed 46 -4779633695910469921 Seed 47 6143424496291025030 Seed 48 2760472593477359267 Seed 49 -3064956290795244569 Seed 50 -1041509159987965955 Seed 51 178493733954244247 Seed 52 -8762123655794822410 Seed 53 -1477870575498396028 Seed 54 5603290100022321035 Seed 55 -541085686243292814 Seed 56 6202850439697022545 Seed 57 5826048038544227633 Seed 58 1416058674361961386 Seed 59 1630868036388956971 Seed 60 -7113016463558773618 Seed 61 5242905258993595448 Seed 62 -5633459512753686833 Seed 63 2354672861787170896 Seed 64 3321660463171443257 Seed 65 6853093541248445746 Seed 66 6137443569267321310 Seed 67 -285002410995093819 Seed 68 8513184769320850443 Seed 69 5010760907194615726 Seed 70 -8357098206974018725 Seed 71 3777231539704515015 Seed 72 -8647808650149197080 Seed 73 -6329197007800434406 Seed 74 7829221930956461779 Seed 75 -5043626778249040113 Seed 76 -4859353678881964442 Seed 77 -4885912231600729400 Seed 78 702321218176448936 Seed 79 1711300520828937056 Seed 80 -8141702608271043827 Seed 81 8223067642632082283 Seed 82 -2164951186289561289 Seed 83 4434200269577427098 Seed 84 4197738861144215300 Seed 85 6708623044116345680 Seed 86 -8846261140318803475 Seed 87 -4527059154159198907 Seed 88 2857387627693357802 Seed 89 7547815204013526569 Seed 90 -100731656231553362 Seed 91 8828941027976152445 Seed 92 7668943588567095519 Seed 93 -3118677160037758318 Seed 94 -6024134883499147104 Seed 95 5891374476141678607 Seed 96 -83515141473409987 Seed 97 8400605589677364710 Seed 98 -184668878846097818 Seed 99 8547981919687613936 Seed 100 9195188477809037197

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  • “SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱” #Minecraft

    "SHOCKING: Find Out When Your Base Will Be Attacked! 😱" #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Age will attack your base?😵#minecraft #shorts #mrbeast’, was uploaded by カミル on 2024-05-09 01:00:18. It has garnered 16400 views and 553 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to the channel❤ Thank you for watching! Please subscribe to the channel 😚 X (Twitter) KEYWORDS AND RELATED INFORMATION: minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!

    Unbelievable Minecraft SMP Tower Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Filling out the tip (of my tower) [VOD] Minecraft SMP’, was uploaded by Exinerate VODs on 2024-09-25 19:57:17. It has garnered 41 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:50 or 12410 seconds. Minecraft SMP stream from September 25th 2024 Follow me on Twitch! Subscribe to my main channel! @Exinerate_EZX Check out my Instagram! Join my community Discord! Check out my TikTok Read More

  • Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft server

    Mind Control: TF2 YouTubers forced to join my Minecraft serverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I forced TF2 YouTubers to join my Minecraft server’, was uploaded by LucidLIVE on 2024-08-24 18:00:07. It has garnered 4943 views and 335 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. This was a mistake… FULL STREAM: People in the video: @ZestyJesus @orrenlane @PurpleColonel @RichterOvertime @SnowmanSixtyFour @bradleyg_ @furnset @Technicals @Lonqudor @PartyPugTV @daws__ Music by Karl Casey @ White Bat Audio thelucidletters, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, teamart, music, fixtf2, savetf2, lucid dreaming, lucid letters, lucid, tf2, team fortress, team fortress 2, team fortress two, team fotrees 2, tem fortress two,… Read More

  • Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viral

    Krishna Raja vs Zombie in MINECRAFT 🧟‍♂️👊🏼 #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Fight With A Zombie In MINECRAFT 😅 #shorts #minecraft #explore #viral’, was uploaded by Krishna Raja on 2024-06-07 23:49:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft minecraft,minecraft shorts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft challenge,minecraft funny,minecraft memes,shorts … Read More

  • SoulPvP

    SoulPvPVote for Us and Win Exciting Rewards! SoulPvP is a Network Consisting 2 gamemodes Lifesteal and FFA! Read More

  • Nothing SMP Modded Whitelist 1.20.1 13+

    Welcome to Our Modded Minecraft Server! Version 1.20.1, Online 24/7 Modded with Over 70 mods including Origins, Ice and Fire, Create, OTBWG, Stellarity, etc. Simple Voice Chat coming soon. Targeted Age Group: 13-25 Whitelisted Server Currently 15 active players Server has been running for 7 months, reset 3 days ago Located in Germany with players from Asia, Australia, and America No Griefing/Lifesteal, focuses on Building, Grinding, Hanging out Responsive and Friendly Staff No Land Claims Interested in Joining? Add zariaah on Discord to get whitelisted! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sip on that Minecraft tea

    Minecraft Memes - Sip on that Minecraft teaWell, I guess S’beve really knows how to mine for those upvotes! Read More

  • Frosty Facts: Minecraft’s Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don’t Know

    Frosty Facts: Minecraft's Hidden Show, Unearthed Secrets That Even Pros Don't Know In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. With funny animations and songs to sing, Each video a gem, like a shining ring. From classroom antics to songs so sweet, Cube Xuan’s channel is a joyful treat. With updates and facts that fans adore, Minecraft knowledge like never before. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Cube Xuan’s channel, a true gold mine. For gaming fun and laughter galore, Subscribe today, and come back for more! Read More

  • Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme

    Oh no why | Minecraft troll face meme | #hotmeme When you accidentally mine straight down and fall into a pit of lava, but your character’s face is just like “Oh no why” in the most nonchalant way possible. Classic Minecraft troll face moment! Read More

  • Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2

    Diamonds Galore: Minecraft PE Survival Pt. 2 Exploring the Depths: Diamond Mining in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft PE Survival Series as our intrepid gamers delve deep into the earth in search of the coveted diamonds. In this thrilling episode, they finally strike gold – or rather, diamonds – in their quest for rare resources. Unearthing Treasures As the players navigate the challenges of survival mode, they encounter various obstacles and adversaries along the way. From crafting tools to building shelters, every step brings them closer to their ultimate goal: finding diamonds. With perseverance and skill,… Read More

  • Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update!

    Sneak Peek: Minecraft 2024 Update! Minecraft LIVE 2024 Leaked | New Biome & Mob! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this latest update, players are in for a treat with the leaked information about the upcoming Minecraft LIVE 2024 event, featuring a new biome and mob. Let’s dive into the details and explore what’s in store for all the Minecraft enthusiasts out there! New Biome Unveiled: The Enchanted Grove One of the most anticipated additions to Minecraft is the Enchanted Grove biome. This mystical and magical biome is filled with vibrant colors, sparkling flora, and unique creatures…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerd

    Insane Minecraft Cobblemon with JoobiestNerdVideo Information This video, titled ‘mmmmmm funny creechers |Minecraft Cobblemon| August 1, 2024 Stream’, was uploaded by JoobiestNerd on 2024-08-02 14:29:37. It has garnered 26 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds. Stream rules: – Be nice! – Respect people’s orientations and pronouns – Have fun! Discord link: Read More

  • Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in Minecraft

    Building Underground Bunker with Giant Worms in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by JJ MAIZEN & Mikey on 2024-04-06 17:30:01. It has garnered 24117 views and 195 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:08 or 3788 seconds. How Mikey and JJ BUILD BUNKER from GIANT WORMS ? Underground Kingdom! – Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More


    DAY 1 HARDCORE MINECRAFT MADNESSVideo Information This video, titled ‘Some highlights of day 1 Hardcore #minecraft’, was uploaded by stan616 on 2024-09-25 15:56:27. It has garnered 63791 views and 7071 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge – Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!

    EPIC Tsunami House Build Challenge - Minecraft NOOB vs PRO!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft NOOB vs PRO: TSUNAMI HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE’, was uploaded by Wetz on 2024-04-11 08:00:32. It has garnered 104556 views and 2165 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:59 or 1379 seconds. Check out n’yo mga kaibigan ko: Raizu: @RaizuMinecraft Lyn: @KLlyn. Inspired by Eider, Maizen, Aphmau, Nico, Cash, Omzcool Minecraft Video, Challenges, Pranks and Building! Read More

  • Chill Tushar Fan Club – Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror Story

    Chill Tushar Fan Club - Haunted School Trip 😱 || Part 1 || Minecraft Horror StoryVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT HAUNTED SCHOOL TRIP 😨 || PART-1 || MINECRAFT HORROR STORY IN HINDI || VIDEO BY @tusharrr1’, was uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club on 2024-07-13 16:50:59. It has garnered 2 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:58 or 538 seconds. its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video uploaded by CHILL TUSHAR Fan Club its a horror minecraft roleplay in hindi video created by Chill Tushar #minecraft #roleplay #gaming . . . minecraft roleplay, minecraft, gaming, minecraft horror, minecraft scary, minecraft haunted, minecraft story, conjuring, minecraft dark, minecraft secret, minecraft smp,… Read More


    WARNING: SUBSCRIBES TO THIS CHANNEL = DEATH!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 SUB = DEATH – Minecraft Hexxit Mod’, was uploaded by Java on 2024-08-27 22:35:42. It has garnered 8597 views and 260 likes. The duration of the video is 01:07:01 or 4021 seconds. #minecraft #hypixel #Bedwars #shorts Read More

  • Unleash Dan’s Wild Power – Charity Streamer!

    Unleash Dan's Wild Power - Charity Streamer!Video Information This video, titled ‘I need more powah!! | FamilyFriendly | !extralife Charity Streamer’, was uploaded by WildWestDan on 2024-06-22 02:14:51. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:56 or 11336 seconds. ————————————————– About Me: Howdy! I am a community-first family friendly charity creator who loves Minecraft, Disney, Dungeons & Dragons, and Nintendo! My current super long-term project for my YouTube Let’s Play and Twitch streams is creating the entirety of Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom, as accurately as possible, in vanilla Survival Minecraft. I have been raising money for Boston Children’s… Read More

  • INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on Craftmir

    INSANE! Opening 50 BlockBande Boxes on CraftmirVideo Information This video, titled ‘ich ÖFFNE 50 KISTEN auf BlockBande Minecraft’, was uploaded by Craftmir on 2024-05-10 13:00:43. It has garnered 11136 views and 559 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:33 or 1413 seconds. we play on LIKE & SUBSCRIBE if you want to see more! If you want to play along: ►Main channel: @Amir1107 ►Become a channel member: ►Twitch: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ►Twitter: Production Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Read More