Insane Minecraft Series Prep | Epic Datapack Testing

Video Information

Hello again viewers and greetings fellow space Travelers this is storn of night and let me turn this down there we go and welcome to Wednesday December the 13th it is uh What uh 12 days until Christmas that’s less than two weeks away wow anyway uh today I’m going to be

Working on the refugee to Regent data pack assortment uh and testing a few mods that I’m going to be running alongside it to to make things go a little bit smoother and I might even find a couple other mods that can help me keep track of maybe things uh perhaps

Having some sort of ingame method of having like a a scoreboard or a tally or something to keep track of what’s going on cuz I can do it outside like on paper or whatever but uh if if I have something more on screen that I can use to uh keep track

Of what um progress I’ve made uh it feels like that that might be a little bit better maybe a little bit more immersive or something I’ll see what I can figure it out um anyway I have about 70 I think it’s 74 mods or data packs I should say

And many of them are just terrain generation uh ruins and structures and and and stuff like that that happens just it it just generates the world I’m not concerned about checking that stuff today today what I’m doing is I am seeing which data packs have progression

That is going to need to start at What stages during the refugee to Regent challenge so that I can assimilate them into the sequence of of events and know when I get to use what excuse me so that that’s largely what I’m going to do today but I have also installed a

Number of mods like I was saying uh for quality of life and also for performance uh one of them purported to help with performance but it seemed like it increased my M seconds per tick by about 12 but it seemed seems to at the same time be managing my memory so

Stupendously that I don’t even necessarily need all 10 gigs it looks like it’s going to be happy even if I dropped it down to four gigs I’m not going to but if if it’s going to take a a little bit of a a trump into the uh

Milliseconds per tick make me go from 20 ticks per second to 17 ticks per second I’m okay with that if if the rest of everything else is running buttery smooth I think I could live with that uh but we we’re just going to give

It a test and see how things go I might take some of those muds out replace them maybe add more who knows uh but that’s what we’re going to do today I’m going to be starting a whole new world uh insert Disney song here and uh just start from scratch do the uh

Initialization and all that kind of stuff and then just uh dive into it I have prepared a spreadsheet over here on the right to help me keep track of where I am uh but I’ll bring that up in just a minute before I do I would like to say thank you to the

People who are able to help support the channel and uh make it so that things can run a little bit more smoothly here uh and the primary way I have set up for that is patreon there’s also streamlabs uh and right now the people who are able to help support me on

Patreon are elmaz 11’s ogma Infinium Shan Robert km little cuddles and X blazs Ninja zero but if uh money’s tight you can’t even afford a buck a month I’m I hear you and if all you can do is just like And subscribe and and uh comment and and

Share the Channel with people you know hey I watch this dork who’s doing bigger things than he probably ought to be doing on YouTube then uh uh that would be fantastic that’s that’s just fine uh speaking of xplays Ninja zero let’s come over here to the Discord which you can join the Discord

By the way by following the link down in the description and then picking a rooll this channel this channel x boy Ninja zero has summoned today’s dad joke it is excuse me two guys walked into a bar the third one ducked Love dead jokes I love them I

Love Shaggy Dog jokes too I was talking about Shaggy Dog jokes yesterday because of the first dad joke that appeared um but I I categorize Shaggy Dog jokes A Step Beyond or beside dad jokes I don’t they they are similar in intention but one is a joke and one is a

Story and I make the distinction there so dead jokes are more short and sweet kind of things they don’t need a whole lot of lead in whereas a Shaggy Dog joke you need the whole story to to lead up to the punch line and then the

Punch line boy that hits you in the gut but uh I I like them both and uh today’s dead joke is just fine let’s see here I need to come back over to this page on my Discord okay there we go and I need to bring up let’s see here

This this folder over here and bring that over there bring this back up and then bring that back up put this over on actually I need to adjust this so that I can better see things uh let’s put you let’s make this more visible over here turn this off

Make this oops oops that’s not what I wanted to do spreadsheet why are you not picking up on the spreadsheet there is it because I took it out of full screen is is because I took it out of full screen okay so that means that I need

To shrink this down I need to scoot this over to here I need to move let’s see here this grab this window scoot it over here like so juggling some things bear with me and then if I unlock this and move this over here there now it’s visible again

There trying to do a whole bunch of stuff all at once lock you in place so I don’t accidentally grab that now what I was saying before is there are a number of them that are are just terrain generation and I don’t really even have to worry about whether or not I can

Interact with those mods because if I’m there then I can interact with them so I’m just going to go ahead and say um I’ll just say default let’s Center this column there we go copy and then I’ll just select all of these to their default the first 25 out of

74 are are just you know if I’m standing on the ground then it works it’s everything Beyond this that I’m going to have to make a decision on so let’s come over here to single player let’s create a new world let’s allow cheats on let’s open the data packs folder uh open pack

Folder where is that other window here we go select all copy to here not move and then close this and close that and then you know what I have to do here come all the way down to the bottom and move all of these over to the right one at a

Time because they need to be loaded in order and in order to work so while I’m doing this I wanted to mention that in the world of terrific news good news everyone I have managed to my channel has managed to reach the 2,000 subscriber Mark I am very excited also I was not

Prepared for it to be this soon uh so I’m going to have to figure out something to do perhaps this weekend uh as a a celebration or something for the 2,000 subscribers mark because I i’ I’ve made it it’s there I mean it’s not 10,000 I think 10,000 is

Where you get your first reward from uh YouTube but I I wanted to chop it up into smaller Milestones I don’t have some big marketing team I don’t have people I can pay to do stuff for me it’s just me and I’m working with what I’ve

Got and I’ve managed to get to 2,000 subscribers uh thanks largely to the recent video that I put out uh in response to the Skyrim update which has been getting just tons and tons and tons of views well at least tons from my channel anyway and lots of good responses there’s

There’s one rotten egg in the bunch who seems to be a Bethesda apologist and I actually had to moderate one of their comments because it went from normal conversation comment followed by comment followed by comment to uh them asking for you know some examples of of

Uh mods and modders that quit in the past and so I gave them examples and then not only are they I I don’t mind if people attack me I’m fine with that I’ve got thick skin then they started griping at the other people who enjoyed the

Video and the other people who who don’t want to have to update unnecessarily and then they went on to use profanity and I said you know what you crossed the line so I’ve removed their profanity post everything else is still up there if they want to repost without

The profanity that’s fine that’s on them but uh I have a certain criteria for my channel and I I don’t like profanity it’s not my brand you can have have good discourse all you want I think that’s everything done here I click on done but as soon as you start spitting vile and

Profanity uh no sorry you’re in the wrong place for that go go back to your your Echo chamber if you uh want to bark at people who are just trying to enjoy what they have your zipper for your only jacket decided to break during a a cold snap okay I

Don’t know if that was a an intended pun but let me tell you it should be a cold snap your zipper broken a cold snap come on that that could have been glorious there anyway uh I I don’t know what to suggest uh Michaels I if you have a Michaels out

Near you they tend to have uh buttons and zippers and and fasteners and things a plenty that’s where uh we’ve gotten some of our stuff all right my phone has gone let’s see here I don’t think I need to do anything else let’s name this world uh 2023 December 13 uh

New ah wait wait wait mods that’s the new thing it’s got mods at it CU I know that the data packs are all working I don’t really need to test those there’s a little functionality that’s kind of wishy-washy but as far as the data packs they seem to be working now I’m just

Testing what ones I get to use when but I also need to test out these new mods so let’s go ahead and create the new world these settings are experimental continue yes and just get a good old metal zi zipper ziler wow zipper oh there’s the screen it was just black for a

While oh you put me in the water oh no um hello yeah yeah yeah yeah okay all right back in the water uh okay uh hope I don’t drown while I go to space this is actually kind of not good news because that means that since it tries to um it it tries

To give you a oh here let me do this a a landing spot within a kilometer oh simulation distance that was defaulted at 12 there we go so these were the default settings from this mod that I’ve installed to make the uh the the frames and everything run better and it renders a

Full 23 chunks away without sacrificing too much of the uh tick here in the top left it says integrated server at 30 milliseconds per tick and I’m only using not even half of my memory over on the right oh look at that there’s a ship over there on the left what’s generating now

Okay I don’t think these clouds are meant to be here I thought the clouds were supposed to be shut off for the space Dimension this is kind of funny seeing clouds in here the next should be gany me there’s the sun there’s another ship over there oh And all right let’s try to find some land oh I do need to do you know what uh game mode creative be oh I don’t have OptiFine but I I installed a mod that allows you to do the OptiFine Zoom well I found some land okay let’s grab this command from

Over here so that I don’t accidentally open a chest to crash the world 25 commands executed that’s what I needed to see all Right going to say this is good enough qualified fire for land all right that chicken’s walking pretty smooth I’m over the ocean and I am generating new chunks and it’s a brand new world I want to see you walk come on buddy walk oh wait you’re walking yeah that’s not jittery at all

And that says about 40 milliseconds per TI that leaves a little breathing room now I haven’t started like uh new in town stuff or anything like that but yeah this is this is acting pretty nice so one of the things that I installed well first off I’m I’m launching through the fabric

Interface and I’ve installed a mod that allows me to uh have several mods that allow me to have better frame rates uh less TPS issues tis per second uh and uh just general smoothness in in generating of terrain and rendering and all that kind of stuff it it hides things that aren’t

Supposed to be visible during the render it uh there’s one that reduces some of the what did I just do oh I picked up a cactus um it it reduces a lot of the issues that stem from uh just the the fact that it’s single-threaded JavaScript

Bloat and it uh there’s some that help with garbage cleanup and and just other aspects of it um and included are uh let’s see here I I have what is the name of the one for the video card um starts with an S hold on it is

Sodium uh sodium is what has allowed me to be able to have this massive massive render oh I was having a hard time going Beyond about 10 rendered chunks and here I am at 23 rendered chunks I can see really far away uh I’m still leaving my simulation distance down that

Way it’s not having to do the math but the render that that’s fine and and like I said it’s staying at below 50 milliseconds per tick it’s it’s 20 TPS uh let’s see here F3 and three is that no F3 and two there we go F32 I’m getting tiny little hiccups that

Jump up to 20 up to 20 it looks like oh wait no no no no no SEC okay yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go uh 52 milliseconds Max that’s still 20 ticks per second now granted I haven’t started actually playing or anything like that but these are some good good

Stats right there oh there it is right there on my screen on the right side uh it says sodium renderer 0.5.1 uh yeah I’ve added up just a number of things that help with that but what really got me interested in adding the mods was the

Fact that I was able to actually add a mod that helps specifically with the issue that I have been having as a result of putting all these data packs together uh here let me minimize this and that I don’t need this anymore that can go over there uh the mod that I

Added does this now I haven’t on this world I haven’t unlocked a lot of things so I won’t have all 26 filled up quite yet right now it’s 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 already it’s 21 I haven’t even done anything and it’s 21 look at that um so as I dip into some of these data packs that’s going to expand way off to the side but I was able to talk to someone who put me in contact with

Someone else who led me to a mod developer well a mod developer page and I I just pred them a message I said hey here’s the issue that I’m having I I got your mod in hopes that maybe it might fix it but it doesn’t uh do you have any

Idea how I might be able to fix it and they said well if you give me a little bit I could probably fix that and so they added to their mod uh it’s called advancements info they added to their mod the ability to just scroll through the tabs instead of

Having them wrap around the sides and by having that scroll option on another one of the worlds it was up to 31 and I was able to scroll through and interact with all 31 tabs and I bet it’s going to be just peachy for every single other tab

That’s going to appear I have the solution and I probably am among the if not the only PE person or people to have the ability to scroll through more than 26 mods right now uh it only works on 1.2.2 and you know what that’s exactly what I need ah

So let’s just get to this I’m going to ah holidays and happenings night is coming Crafters all right let’s go with uh oh I don’t have any of that installed let’s go with in chest and I will put this excuse me I’ll put it right

Here that way I have nice easy access to it okay so we have ah we have a zombie boy hello actually I believe I unlock another tab on the advancements yeah and then That let’s just go ahead and look over here oh okay that looks like a a few more 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 there that’s 26 right there that would go all the way

Around the normal one and I’ve literally just stepped into the game yeah Kano carab yeah yeah there’s there’s some good mod developers out there but when it comes to some how managing to talk to just the right one my my wife calls me the dev Whisperer which I think is

Adorable all right so we’re just going to go down this list from top to bottom and see now the Bonsai pots it it doesn’t actually add anything new it uses existing items in the game to do what needs to be done so it uses the the clay

Pots and that will be at the very at the very minimum Stone stage but in order to get things to work you need to have uh a diamond axe if you want to chop down trees so that’s I believe the gold City stage um and and in addition to that there’s the

Whole uh using Hoppers and and things like that so I’m I’m going to say that that’s just going to be something that will be useful once I get to the Redstone stage so I’m just going to make a note here that says red stone uh the book of

Experience that feels like it’s going to be magic um and if I come down here the recipe involves emeralds AB book Gold and amethyst and I should have all of those by the time I get to the lapis stage so I’m going to go ahead and light write this down as

Lapis build plan now build plan is just a piece of paper and a blue dye to help with building but I think in the spirit of the challenge I’m going to limit this to not being used until I’m done with at least the stone stage because up to up two and during

The Stone stage it’s all about getting the stuff and and trying to build up so that you can begin growing and then after the stone stage you get the iron and Beyond it is more uh not I wouldn’t say necessarily automation but but it’s more I guess

Growth and expansion and not you know development so I’m going to put this build plan I’m going to say at least Stone stage for that cauldron concrete powder uh if I can find a cauldron that that I could use in the world I I would be able to justify using that

As a container that that’s that would be Iron stage if I have to make it myself uh I I’ll just pencil in Iron stage for that copper Beacon that’s also iron stage but needs a beacon and Beacon comes from the nether but build building with the copper base that

Is just any old metal will do and copper Beacon I I do have during the Stone stage you can gather Metals but you can’t use them and then right after that is the iron stage so yeah I’m just going to say iron stage for the copper Beacon um if if I

Happen to find a beacon or receive a beacon I can use it if I can build the beacon base cutable wood that requires the stone cutter which the recipe for the stone cutter there we go I should have unlocked it just then I need a crafting table okay

Stone all right so why aren’t you I’m in this interface and I put a stone cutter in my inventory what am I missing is it the iron ingots is it the it’s not that it’s here polished was it this or this maybe all right let’s try that

Again Stone cut there we go there’s the recipe so it was iron ingot all right so that’s iron stage but I feel like if I manag to get an iron ingot organically and I’m just using this for the stone cutter and not for actually making you know like an axe or something

This is just for being able to make different kinds of stone into different kinds of wood more easily I think I could justify that during the Stone stage same thing with deep cutting drop ladder that’s just wood stage enchantment plus that’s going to have to be lapis stage

Going to wait for these guys to go away cuz I want to open the tab for that actually why don’t I also make the book of experience while I’m here uh two emeralds two gold and a book book of experience I I have to assume that that probably added a tab oops uh

The enchantment Plus for this I’m going to need a Wandering Trader I’m going to need or is that technical enchantment I’ll find out I’m going to need emerald diamond uh I think a book was another thing that I needed or a written book I’ll grab one of

Each and I’ll put you in the hole here yeah hello take this and take this thank you for playing put that Away put this down just a regular book and quill don’t don’t you do it there we go MH hold on to that for now uh so the end right upgrade in the sequence of stages glow stone you go to the nether so stage eight you go to the nether

Emerald is more on the lines of expanding a little bit more of what you’ve got in preparation for the next couple stages Diamond capital is going to the end defeating the End Dragon yada yada so if the endite upgrade revolves around end themed things I’m going to put this in the diamond

Stage furnace plus this is I’m sorry Yeah I I’m I’m sorry I’m sorry anyway the furnace plus is just regular furnace that you throw block of diamond block of iron block of gold you throw the blocks of materials on to up upgrade and then later on some enchanted books to upgrade further but bare minimum in order to get

Them to work it’s going to have to be block of iron block of gold so I’m going to put that in the iron stage grael processor now this is a good question we have oh yeah also the endite upgrade uses Shuler shell in addition to the world anchor and the the end

Crystals but specifically shulker shells to make one Ingot of endite so for sure that’s end that’s the diamond stage grapple processor now the grapple processor uses iron and red stone and it is a machine so I’m going to have to call that one Redstone but I am going to

Craft it so that I can open a tab or or summon the tab if it has one I need that I need this I need glass I need two of these so it’s you it’s you it’s u3 U2 and you two and I’ll put you down all right I I am being over

Stimulated by sound right now spider go away ah thank you okay so that’s going to be red stone oh boy hot air balloon and hello kbx how are you oh and also hello there’s an eight in there what am I supposed to do with that wh whim

Acer going back home now and then I’m going to take my dog out for dinner so if there’s any chance you can bring me a bone I I could throw you a bone here uh I I had a bone over here somewhere no I guess I guess you’re too late the bone

Desp what on oh right there’s a chain I that threw me for a loop for a second I just climbed up gravel processor that was weird feeling okay yep no bone sorry um but yes hello there kbx also hi and welcome I am doing some testing for uh some stress

Tolerances of my my new setup but also to test and see which of the data packs I can start using at which point during my playthrough Refugee to Regent by any chance can you contribute to the data pack you can do texture pack I interestingly enough I have let’s see

Here uh if you go options resource packs over here I have because this one won’t cooperate and Shuffle in uh I have to keep that one separate but I have inside of this a whopping I think 17 texture packs all merged by hand all merged together for the

Purposes of doing this challenge it is why if you look in my inventory I’ve got a ring there but if I do let’s see here where is a oh no no no where’s the other thing oh it’s because this is that in that interface let’s see here uh game

Mode survival that should there we go then I have these here and also as an artifact uh where is the spy glass I have a a sort of a a steampunk looking spy glass there uh as an artifact from another of the resource packs but uh yeah I I have I have thrown

My hat in with uh merging all of the data packs resources into one single resource pack and the reason for that is if I didn’t I was going to have to manually figure out what order all 17 or so of the resource packs would have to go in and not

Interfere with each other and it turns out that the answer is there is no way to have that happen um it is uh there uh let’s say that there are no fewer than four I think it’s five for sure actually uh that have some replacement textures for

The iron axe that’s just one item that’s I’m that I’m remembering right now the iron axe is in five at least of the resource packs and if you don’t know how to manually merge them then only one of the five is going to work and you’re going to just be

Miserable because you won’t know what you’re supposed to be holding because it doesn’t actually match the resource pack that is is supposed to go with the item that you’ve crafted so instead I I went in and I had to merge everything Together Halloween night is approaching tonight will be a night of Mischief oh no I think Halloween happens too frequently for that I need to mess with those settings anyway uh we’re not messing with the holidays though that is its own thing uh yeah windcraft I I loved windcraft when windcraft came out I

Played that for quite a long time uh at least a good couple years solid and then they had the uh they they rebuilt it kind of from the ground up and I haven’t really joined since I I joined once and my previous login didn’t work it didn’t remember who

I was so obviously that old character is gone but uh yeah windcraft is awesome uh windcraft is actually part of the inspiration for what I put together the the U uh server that I did for uh my uh Discord users uh back in 2018 yeah 2018 um anyway let’s see here I need

Now I did the gravel processor I need the hot air balloon we have if I go trigger hot air balloons help to get the book then oh wait a minute that’s supposed to be a p there we go helps to spell right scoot this over there like so there we

Go and now I need to move this oops oops oops spreadsheet move this over no that is not what I clicked on please and thank you scoot this over to Here There we go lock that in place okay so so your question is what kind of series am I preparing for all

Right uh hello popcorn uh I am preparing to do the refugee to Regent challenge which you start off Bare Bones you get to use your fist to punch down the dirt and make a little clay hut and then after you get enough progression in that you get to graduate onto using wood

Tools and then once you get enough progression with that stone tools and then more progression iron tools and all the while you’re doing this you are building a uh first a little village and then a town then a city and then that’s your capital city and you while you’re

Doing this you’re building a little city over there as well and another one over there then eventually you get to the end and you build a city in the end and then the nether but you have to do it in a sort of a sequence and there there’s

This huge rule set that uh over the years has has kind of morphed and changed uh since the challenge was first created and even today the rules are incomplete because the person who tried to put together the wiki got to a certain point and then

Gave up and so since I have access from all of my old files to all the previous Refugee to Regent stuff and all the current stuff I’m going to shuffle them together incorporate all of these data packs and update the the requirements to include stuff like you know using bees

And going down into the uh deep slate depth because that was uh created in Minecraft after the challenge was and so there are are rules in the challenge you can only go certain depths underground things like that so I I’m going to be expanding the rules and

Trying to fit things in where they belong I’m sure I’m going to come across something as I’m playing that I’m going to go oh no how am I incorporating this uh and have to come up with a solution on the Fly hopefully I won’t interfere too much with the flow of

Things when I encounter those things I’m going to try to account for everything that I can in advance but right now what I’m doing is twofold today I am adding items to my inventory until until I get to the end of the creation of these tabs just so I can see how very

Many tabs there are on the advancement page and then also I’m seeing what stages I need to reach in order to justify using some of the content of the data packs that I have installed a lot of them are are just terrain generation but a good more than half of them are

Functional and I have to craft or build things in order for them to actually come into play like this one for instance uh this is hot air balloons and obviously I’m going to say that because of how Contraption this is I’m going to put this in the Redstone

Stage I am going to build it real quick though so I need six logs the hopper cart uh what is that iron block that’s an iron block right yeah I see the lines now and a campfire all right let’s get two block or a block of iron let’s get a campfire let’s get

A uh you let’s get logs let’s get six of them 1 two 3 four five six oh yeah there’s the new in town thing I’ll put that book in here let’s craft this so I have the basket and now I need to craft the balloon which is that’s

Obviously wool I need I never remember if that’s a dispenser or dropper it’s the circle one I need a string two chain Circle dropper and Wool Wool five of you I need it’s a dispenser string I need two chain okay fine make it 10 chain see if I

Care and then I can just come over here and put that down and put this right uh oh uh uh how do I place the basket on the ground then place a balloon and shown two blocks above the hopper so there’s the hopper one two oh wait a minute what’s my

Altitude no I’m I’m plenty low something is a foot it’s not wanting to create is it because of the tree here oh I have to go in and also change the timber settings hello jitty fat hello just passing by hope you have a great day I hope so too uh I’m I would

Also like to know why this is misbehaving do I okay so why are you going in there is it because I’m in creative mode it might be because I’m in creative mode hold on set that down come up here uh game mode Survival let’s try that Big Brain all

Right and then I would just put fuel in There uh I don’t know creative Let’s Get Some Coal or something put that in there and then I can just go uh up and then from here I can go that way yeah it’s working okay get rid of all this and this so I believe that should have also

Created a tab for the hot air balloons I think I might might be wrong about that it wasn’t this was it no is this ah there we go a tab for the hot air balloons Taada yeah everyone wants tab and this info on the right just lets me know uh a little bit more about the data required for the uh event this this is more of a development tool the advancements info is than it is a more of a user side thing

But I am more interested in this here at the top all right now I need to put Redstone there mechanization now mechanization for sure is going to be at the very earliest Redstone stage um I’m almost tempted to push it forward to the emerald stage that way I have gone to the Nether

And it can be a uh I I have the first Redstone stage beginning to uh to automate and beginning to do like vanilla mechanization and things like that then I start getting into some of the magic and then I go to the Nether and then I was thinking the next

One it could be the emerald stage could be uh do the next tier of mechanization begin that and then the next stage after that uh introduce any additional magic I don’t really think there is much additional magic but at that point I’m going to the end and then the final stage 11 the

Nether star Imperium at that point I will be going to all the remaining uh Dimensions that I will have unlocked by that point point I’m going to hold off going to the skull Dimension until I uh I have fully dealt with the end cuz the way I look at it

Is the the skull Dimension although it’s in the Overworld going to the ancient city the way I perceive it as far as the flow of things because now I have it attached to its own Dimension is that timeline wise it needs to happen after I have done the

End so I’m thinking the skulk is going to be after the diamond Capital it’s going to be nether start in fact while I have that on my mind right now uh where let’s see here ncape okay ncape is going to be diamond incendium is going to be glow

Stone uh this is the end that’s going to be Diamond uh this one is Diamond oops other side there we go the other side I’m going to put this in the nether star also nether star for the expansion that’s going to be space Oh these are actually going to be

The meat and potatoes of them for the ass simple energy and a stardust those are going to also be let’s put that an Emerald yeah all right then everything else is actual terrain generation yeah okay so mechanization I’m going to put that in Emerald owl’s ultimate quality of life that’s just stuff like you can climb chains you can I believe owls is the one that allows you to uh take two slabs and combine them

Back no no that’s not in here I guess I don’t have that data pack okay um quality of life oh that was that data pack and it was having some issues with some of the other stuff so I had to take that one out right either way the the House’s

Quality of life is just general things that happen just as you’re interacting with the game so that’s just I’m going to put that at default uh paragliders that’s the next one to look at let’s see here in order to craft it you need two planks two sticks leather a banner of some

Kind and a lead All Right Now the recipe for the lead ah will that give me yeah there we go is string and a slime ball theoretically that can just be early on that can be almost whenever but it is for sure a wood stage thing bare

Minimum because you have to use the oak planks and the sticks and all that kind of stuff and it is to to justify its use you’re going to not be doing it on day one anyway so I’m going to put the parag glider on wood stage so we have a wood

Stage Transportation option that’s cool let’s go ahead craft this and now I’ve got slowfall hooray but only one I’m holding it when I’m not holding it it is normal Slowfall huzzah all right and that should probably have also opened a tab hello cuddles all right the waist Stones now this one one kind of tricky for I mean what what what’s the recipe for a load stone do I know how to make a load Stone Uh load no what do I need to put my inventory to unlock a load Stone oh Google Minecraft load Stone we have Ah recipe that oh that aha that’s a netherite Ingot so that’s going to be the nether oh I just had a meteor land on me I have a spirit Shard hello Spirit Shard so in order to make a load Stone it is ner right netherite you get and a bunch of chiseled stone

Bricks that should be yep so since that is the core of the way Stone and it takes iender as well and on here I believe iender needs an extra item yeah need an emerald blaze powder I’m going to say that that’s also going to be nether

Related so we’re going to put the waist stones at the earliest absolute earliest we’re going to put that here in the glowstone stage because that’s the first we’re allowed to progress to the nether all right plant wax now this one anytime you can just cook something in either Blast Furnace or a

Furnace uh you can either using a dead Bush or jungle leaves you can get plant wax now in order to get the dead Bush and to get the jungle leaves you’re going to need at the very earliest the iron stage to silk touch the things so cuz I can’t

Think well maybe Villages do Villages do the some of the village loots like the desert Villages do they have dead bushes as part of their loot table is there a way I could look that up actually uh Minecraft desert village loot table bread meat sticks

Oaks and this is just okay this is just listing all of the Village types so no no no no no no no no no no no no no no weapon Smith wouldn’t be in the weapon Smith that’s Bedrock Edition the desert house there we go dead Bush uh one to three it’s 26.6%

Chance at average dead bushes per chest is 611 it says on average you search about 3.8 chests and you can start getting dead bushes uh well then potentially you can start getting this as early as the stone stage because what this is is Furnace and get some fuel and get oh well I guess I should probably have kept the load Stone cuz I still need to craft that thing as well I need you I need a couple of you and I need some polished andesite all right anyway I need dead Bush so what this is

Is uh a way to get honeycomb or plant wax but it’s honeycom uh out of just a couple of kinds of vegetation and this is for some sort of uh vegan mod Jam or something like that and it’s jungle leaves or dead bushes and and the way the reasoning that they

Put into it was there specifically is a uh a bush that resembles the dead bushes that you can get a a very very wax-like substance from in in deserts and also jungle leaves specifically some of the palms and petow and things like that their leaves you can extract the

Uh what was that little pause for why why did you let me watch this again why are you not cooking with the plant wax in there oh because it will have to be manually extracted because it doesn’t know what to do with this that’s right that’s

Point yeah you can use shears to get dead bushes for sure but shears are iron and so that’s since that’s an iron tool that would be the iron stage where you can start using iron copper gold any Metals but you can find dead bushes in some Village chests so I’m going to say

At the earliest if you manage to find the dead bushes or you manage to somehow find jungle leaves then you can get plant wax early so I’m going to say stone at the absolute earliest but that’s it all right the recall potion cannot craft it have to find

It do I count it as magic no and here’s why in the rules for the refugees Regent challenge it states that if you find something in a chest you can within reason you can use it before its appropriate stage so like if you find iron armor you can wear it if you

Want you can’t use an iron pick but you can just go ahead and store it you don’t have to just ignore it if an iron pick is used as an element in crafting something especially if it’s a oneoff thing uh then you can use that but you

Can’t use the iron pick as an iron pick until the iron stage so because the recall potion can be found in just any old loot chest potentially and because the magic mirror likewise can be found in the same way I’m going to say that that is

Default I’m going to say that this can be used early on because all you can use it to do is get back to your bed spawn it’s not even World spawn it’s your bed spawn so because of this that limitation and because it can’t be crafted can only be

Found I’m going to say can use it as soon as you find it Soul catcher all right this one is interesting let me go ahead and craft this guy here just to see if it unlocks another tab I don’t know if it does but we have that and oh this this that

Um okay the soul catcher I need to have what what is it it’s well it’s crying obsidian I believe it’s crying obsidian it might be nor normal obsidian let me just grab both I need a glass block I need a diamond I need an emerald I need two blaze powder which are somewhere

Here I needs an ender pearl and let’s just do this and drop you on drop you on there and put the glass block it is crying obsidian and then it takes well first you have to crouch then it asks for an ender pearl then it asks for blaze powder

Um I think I have to throw them both on at once yep okay then it asks for an emerald and then you sacrifice 5 XP get that do I I qualify this as magic or machine it’s at least gold stage because you well I mean you can find crying

Obsidian and you can trade crying obsidian to well well actually jumping ahead of myself you have to get to the nether to trade with those guys to get the crying obsidian that’s glowstone stage at the earliest um and the blaze powder is also nether so we’re calling this glowstone stage all right making

Progress technical enchant I’m I want to just put that the normal that’s enchantment plus I want to put this in just normal magic uh because let’s get a bookshelf I have chisel book bookshelf as an option yay all right uh let’s get some lapos lapis Oops let’s Get an enchanting table and I’ll just put this over here enchanting table goes there and then oh I need a book and quill and I get the technical Enchantment guide that is how I start it and then from there I have to have lapis and I think some levels to be able to get the charged bookshelf but there’s nothing too terribly fancy that I need to do Beyond just normal enchanting just to get this done

And the enchanting table recipe slightly modified because of uh what is it Dev survival something like that uh you get block of emerald emeralds are easy enough to get now almost every mob can drop emeralds so that’s important to note but you have to be able to dig the

Obsidian and you don’t get to use regular enchanting magic until you are in the lapis stage you can if you find an enchanted book you can use it with an anvil to enchant something but you can’t make the enchantments yourself you can’t do the magic yourself until lapis stage so technical enchant for

Sure is lapis Enchanted jewelry this use is metery effectively um let me grab a chest and just store some garbage over here okay uh let’s grab some of this some of these and a couple these guys oh well no you have to get the gems for mining special

Things uh I think the earliest you can find one of the gems from that is I think you can get it from diamond oh no I know you can get it from Diamond I think you can get it sooner than that though but in order to craft like for instance the uhoh the

Bracelet I’m going to have to rearrange the resource packs it looks [Laughter] like uh options resource packs uh move you up and done no that’s not it options resource packs uh oh enhanced jewelry there it is taada I had it moved over this is one that can’t merge for

Whatever reason uh well actually it merges but it doesn’t work merged however it works perfectly if I both merge and have it side by side because there’s no order conflict that’s what it is so I have to have three resource packs moved over the one that’s merged

And then the two stragglers which the other one is Ellers Uh what What’s the ers4 I don’t remember one of them anyway so these parts you can just craft in a crafting table and you make the the bracelet the necklace the ring but in order to get the gems themselves you have to do the mining and I don’t know the

Minimum drop option for some of the gems I do know you can get some from killing mobs so if you can get them from killing mobs and you can get you can craft these in metal then that means the earliest stage is the the iron stage for

Sure and I would even go so far as to call this pre magic anyway so I’m comfortable with calling this the iron stage but I do need to look uh weather clear I do need to look at the recipes for the Jeweler station aha diamonds one for sure is going to use

Wool and iron but the other one the advanced one is wool and Diamond so judgement call let’s let’s think about this let me craft these things just think about it real quick while I craft oh my alarm my alarm my alarm I olizee lots of sound we

Have a block of diamond we have a that’s block of snow a block of iron and then wool I need two of you and one of you and two of you and one of you I come here I put this like so Tada and then you like so and then you just combine

The bangle with the gem to get the pseudo Enchanted object um can you use the diamonds when you mine them I let’s see here iron Village technology is J is just being discovered magic like if you have ours magic or thury and have the thomon you can begin working on that

Um be because you can technically get diamonds without digging all the way down to Diamond level and because there is some minimal magic that you can do in the iron stage I’m going to say iron stage that feels Fair iphon lift mechanics absolutely Redstone stage absolutely no questions about it it must

Be Redstone stage that’s the absolute earliest that you could even justify using that uh D deon’s true survival that’s default okay just better recipes that’s another default that adds some additional recipe stuff all right the fishing extended I can’t think of any good reason not to using the

Advantages cuz all it does is it gives you some some minor uh expansions to the loot tables for fishing especially based on zones and and altitudes and things like that uh I’m going to see I could do this in Wood stage all right so because I have messed with it a

Little bit and I know what to expect from it the Gilded data pack Yes you can just go adventuring and find one of the guild houses day one you could find it but no matter what the absolute first Quest they give you is to bring four skull catalysts four skull something it’s skull something so now the decision needs to be made at what point point do

I go to skull depth let’s think about this realistically wood stage you can only go 20 blocks below surface level Stone stage I believe let’s see here it’s no longer referring to surface level it’s referring to actual y level so if your your if your base is up in the

Mountain and and you’re setting up on a Mountaintop and your town or or some Highlands or something and your town is at quote ground level for the the Highlands and you are in the dirt stage you cannot go more than 10 blocks below the surface that’s not why 50

That’s why 10 less than the surface for the wood stage it’s 20 less than the surface but for the stone or yeah for the stone stage y level 30 is far down as you can go iron stage you can go all the way down to bedrock well old Bedrock you can go down

To zero So I’m going to say that for the gold City is when you can dig down to the skull and if you happen to have silk touch on something then you can at that point uh get any of the things that require silk touch including the skull items so I’m going to

Say that that’s the gold stage and that makes perfect sense gilded gold that works default for the holidays and happenings casts skill system that’s another one of the fancy books that you have to craft let me look up the recipe for that all right so to make this you need

To have iron gear minimum Shield iron gear uh you need to have a book and quill you need to have bottle of enchanting you need to do this and that chest on the bottom shield on the left sword on the right and you get this and then you can just spend your

Experience levels on this cool that is solidly in the iron stage now morbid curiosity let’s see what my I’m still at 30 something milliseconds per tick granted I haven’t been building a town or anything but still I’m above the ocean my render distance is 23 chunks so it it should

Be at least a little bit Lively down there because I believe that the water is within eight chunks vertically I might be wrong on that okay for sure this Is within eight chunks of the water there’s some bloops some fish a dolphin things are spawning and moving around still in the mid-30s okay wanted to check that out before I got too far ahead okay so now we’re on the new in town and I have run into a

Realization while I was looking forward to starting the new in town immediately day one for the challenge and just use a new in town town to build my initial City inside the problem is just building some of the slopes I need Stone and not just any stone it needs to be you know

Stone stone not cobblestone so I have to have either silk touch or I have to in some other means get stone that that’s going to require the stone stage that’s just to build the sloped uh ramp units the stair units take even more kinds of stone in fact the only thing the only

Thing thing that you can craft uh City blockwise that doesn’t require at least some advancement through the refug to Regent challenge is the uh empty plot I believe it’s called and with the empty plot it’s eight dirt surrounded by eight seeds and that’s easy enough to do but if you

Are working on any sort of a slope it’s going to look absolute garbage if you can’t make slopes uh now there is a way to get stone and that requires the mine which requires an iron pick and an iron shovel now that right there already that limitation puts

Me stone or iron stage and bare minimum to get started using new in town but then I was thinking about it while I was doing some more play testing uh like last week or whatever and I realized uh I I’m going to be having to deal

With uh wither skeletons on day one and I don’t get tools until I’m at least in the wood stage and that’s probably not going to happen on day one so I cannot use new and town immediately off the bat I’m going to have to set a stage for it

So I have decided decided that the iron stage is where new and town is going to start I will have established enough of uh a resource Supply to be able to get started uh will have stored away hopefully enough smooth Stone to begin some of the

Buildings and the way I figure it is when it comes to expanding to make that outlier that I need for the iron stage cuz during the iron stage you need to start an outlier just like almost every stage after the stone stage my iron stage outlier can just be the new in town

Town and I can use that as as a uh an expansion that way so as long as the things that I’m building during that stage don’t Pro don’t require elements that are beyond the iron stage for for building the the structures and whatnot I could just go ahead and do

Most of the new and town initial builds during that stage and just have a massive iron uh what’s what’s the stage called it’s Iron iron Village I could have the iron Village stage just be supremely convoluted it’s I have to build work more on the initial capital city I have to be working on several of the outliers I have to start accumulating resources toward the next stage and and doing my my Mining and all

That kind of stuff so it’s not too many extra steps to use the new town to start that outlier and here’s my other reasoning for for it uh I I have noticed that this is part three I guess I’ve noticed that the the new in town environment is as soon as you start

Growing and building the town there is a sudden surge in milliseconds per tick it goes up about anywhere 10 to 15 milliseconds per tick once you establish your town it doesn’t matter if all you’ve got is the Caravan and you are being inundated by the occasional Wither

Skeleton portal thing and and all You’ built are just the the singular flat plots the empty plots your ticks per second to drop not significantly just a little bit but I think that as long as I keep that away from my actual original my my foundational Capital

Town that it won’t be as much of an issue and I can just travel back and forth I think that that is justifiable to say that new and town is going to be the iron stage and the new and town dimensions are going to be the nether

Star stage because that puts it at the far end sorry about the sniffle I still recovering from being sick all right the upgradable wolves are next I I’m sorry I spent a lot of time on the new in town and that’s because I really wanted to think it through because I hadn’t

Actually decided during the stream yet or it was it was just I was going to cross that bridge when I got to it I I I got to the bridge all right we have upgradeable wolves and I need to come over here to where I have uh see here upgradeable

Wolves okay so the smallest upgrade for the upgradeable wolves requires an amethyst now I know I can get Amethyst from digging Stone small chance but I know I can but that’s the earliest I can get it because I don’t believe that geodes happen at ground level and I’m starting at ground level or

Higher so I’m going to say that the upgradable wolves have to start at the stone stage because I need to be able to get the amethyst just to start it I may have some wolves sitting around around and if I manage to find like in Al loot somehow some amethyst cool I can

Go ahead and use it early but if I am going out and actively getting a geode it has to be Stone stage or higher cuz at Stone stage you can start going down to Y level 30 and for sure by about that depth you should be able to start getting geod I

Think hold on let’s actually look that up if geod can happen at the surface I don’t think they can Minecraft geode geod spawn spot amethyst GEOS how to find amethyst shards yada yada yada uh Rock Paper Shotgun might have the answer uh says what version what is okay that doesn’t tell

Me the depth at all okay where did Minecraft geod spawn Underground though occasionally they may be visible from the surface well you can break them by hand I’ll dial it back to Wood stage if I can find an amethyst in the wood stage an amethyst geode then I I

Will just ify being able to harvest it uh wanted this happens you know whenever wolf gifts all you have to do is tame wolves that’s that’s whenever you can get tamed wolves M carts that’s iron stage all the items challenge that’s just going to be default blazing caves advancements default default Journey

That’s the signs iron stage keep some inventory that’s default B tool tips uh need silk but need axxe uh by the way I find it it entertaining Tyson that you said hi sorry for bad English I can assure you that saying hi there was no bad English at

All uh let’s see here B tool tips you need silk to get the bead Nest but if you can find Silk then you can apply it as early as the iron stage there is also a very slight chance of finding an already Enchanted silk Axe I’m going to call this default if you can manage to get silk then you can make use of this all right my cards default can get up from mobs start collecting early Mr chibi that’s default as well Norse Adventure here we go this is one of the things that I need

The advancement tabs for because here is the Norse Adventure achievements page but here is the tab for how to actually craft the things now all of these require iron ingots 16 for that one eight for that one 32 for that one so I’m going to say iron stage for

This better compass compass is a redstone object uh it doesn’t I I would call this default uh let’s see Here wait a minute red St dust to Red die I think that is just better recipes or maybe that’s the quality of life thing so the compass you can see what direction I’m facing there on the bottom and you can see what my coordinates are I run around you can see the coordinates

Changing I added this so I could have slightly more immersive way of keeping track of where I am without having to pop back to this window all the time So I don’t think you can get a compass from a a loot table can you are compasses possible to find in any of the village chests let me look compass uh obtaining crafting chest loot chest loot ancient city shipwreck stronghold Village cartographer’s chest that’s right it’s like a a quarter chance to

Find one in the cartographer’s chest I I guess I’ll put this as default all right the quest system okay this comes from occasionally looting chests sometimes killing mobs sometimes mining sometimes Chopping Um or no is that Quest or is that side Quest let me scroll back up to Here that side quest is this one and and then I go function side what was the one for the trigger uh there’s toggle no that’s kill uh what is we we found it purely by accident which one was it to get rid of the beeps was it setting that was it so I

Will go ahead and do this and come over here edit this post that to get rid of beeps and then there we go so that is the side quest one and I decided that I’m going to get this initially set up during the wood stage and then I’m going to add an additional

Board for each stage as I get to it so this one is wood stage but the quest system that’s the one where you just chop down the the trees and dig and you kill mobs and then you get a a quest item and then with that Quest item you

Can begin a quest and that can happen at any time so I’m going to call that default talentum is effectively another MC C MMO kind of thing this here next level will be in 2450 experience that’s Mr chibi’s MMO but there were some things popping

Up in the middle of the screen saying I unlocked sneak and and some other things that’s talentum so that happens just whenever so I’m going to call that default Timber need an axe I’ll call that just default now there’s one that I don’t remember seeing in this Loadout and sorry about the

Sniff it was treasure there it is did I maybe get rid of the treasure because it was being a bit too invasive no there’s my treasure right there that is going to be the wrench in the works I mean I’m not going to be getting a lot of digging done during the first

Couple of stages so I’m not going to be encountering it much but once I do start encountering it in the stone stage there’s just going to be loot everywhere and I’m going to have to figure out how to store it uh let me think about that until then

Though there is one thing that I wanted to test so let’s get a crafting table uh let’s upload this stuff here oh uh bed let’s do this let’s grab one of these set to spawn point all right I need a crafting table I need a what is it a bookshelf

I think it’s a bookshelf I need a stone pickaxe yeah there that’s uh talentum advancement made mining Talent route of mining tab um is it just a book quill qu there we go crafting table there’s that and I was right so I need end crystals 1 two three four I need an

Anchor and I need uh what was it shulker shell and I need this and then this now I don’t have an uh OptiFine installed instead because OptiFine is still not updating uh and it has been several more versions since I have to come up with some other

Solution if I want to get the other stuff that relies on optify visualizations and shaders and stuff to work so I’m hoping that this will do it we’re going to find out end inot that’s normal this this and this it’s just the regular indite chest and that means that this is just going

To be just an elyra okay well that’s fine I’m okay with that now we’re going to fly around and see about loading new chunks I need rockets and gravity let’s go this way why this way cuz I’m facing this way what I’m going to do is just load and load and load and

Load certainly faster than my world can keep up with but I’m also doing this to stress test because it it says that I should not run into that issue where the chunks immediately in front of me fail to load and I have definitely spawned on an ocean world uhoh uhoh I had a

Crash mesh Builder get renderer uhoh whilst rendering entity in World cannot invoked net fabric MC fabric API renderer V1 renderer mesh Builder because of the return value of renderer access get renderer is null uh oh let’s go back in this is why I’m testing things oh let me save this over

Here now that I’ve got that generally figured out single player this guy yes I generally know what I’m doing I don’t need to have the spreadsheet open anymore on there uhoh uhoh an issue well let me think about this new folder new mod let’s go date modified this Is all here let’s keep the soda let’s keep the sodium and the indium and that put these in here for now and let’s relaunch this is why we’re testing stuff single player this no crashes no crashes okay so it was one of the other mods this is still

30 I’m going to guess that it was the lighting mod anyway as I was saying this seems to be an ocean world look how far away I had to go just to get to land that was well beyond the calculation radius for finding land that’s hilarious uh oh when it comes to making

The the world that I’m going to be starting my Challenge on I am going to say that If I start out in the middle of the ocean uh hello how electrico um I’m going to say that even if I start out in the middle of the ocean before I can actually start my first town I need to get to land because I want the

Capital city to actually be on land somewhere anything that I do after that is going to be its own thing but oh here here’s that if if what’s their face comes back uh if Wind Maker comes back I’ll have some bones oops uh but anyway I I’m going to need to have

Structure if I’m going to be building a capital city and I’m also going to need structure if I’m going to be building the new in Town’s Place uh so that means that my new in town location is going to need reasonable access so what I’m contemplating is before I actually decide on a

World I I think I need to to make sure that I at the very least have reasonable access to land uh if not for the refugees region aspect of things then for sure the new in town because the new and town has aspects of it that seem to require being

Landbased and I don’t want to mess up the uh the cating for it CU there are some things like it it it generates some uh some structures in the world once you establish your town it places things nearby is oh it’s one of these yeah I remember yep oh I touched a

Copb yeah there’s going to some enchanted books oh you can get amethyst chars in there potion of regeneration e so yeah electric bread oh ah bread that makes perfect sense anyway um if it was strictly Refugee to Regent I would not have a problem with starting

Out in the middle of the ocean and just working to build up from there starting in Ocean town but if I’m going to be thousands of blocks away from any reasonable land like this would be reasonable land I could justify building here is for new in town um but if it

Was just thousands and thousands of blocks away I really don’t think that I could reasonably do that um I I know that you’re not supposed to build your outliers right next to your initial town and I could see maybe I don’t know a kilometer away a th000

Blocks but like this where it’s two or 3,000 blocks away just to get to land I don’t think that I could justify that so there’s a chance when I start my world that I might have to just do the initial stream get it set up and then afterwards make a decision sort of

Off camera and and go okay this is uh not going to work for the new in town aspect I’m going to have to why do I have a speed boost oh I have been blessed by the vagle uh I I will just off camera make a

New map get to the point where I ended up at the end of the stream and just set everything up so that I’m within spitting distance of at least land maybe even stay on the same map and just explore around and then move my spawn point to a new location but I need

There to be at least some land if I’m going to be building the uh new in town structures like even this I could I could build on this level all the way around the mountain and have just this massive encircling City that would be cool that would be really

Neat but I need land if I’m going going to do the new in town it does not like it if it’s out in the water that’s neat Cove over there all right so we know that one of the mods probably the lighting mod had an issue with

Rendering I disabled uh about half dozen of them kept the most important core ones in including the one where I can zoom in in cuz I didn’t figure that that was having any effect on it uh let’s see now that I explored an awful lot including jungle and

Mountainous region and new ocean and it’s night time and I found a village with a lot of AIS let’s take a look there we go that says 6070 but if you look over on the right it says that I’m hovering anywhere between 40 and 70% of the memory usage let’s bring

Up pie chart and this guy Red’s dangerous the frames per second I don’t care about but but red they say is dangerous because well 50 milliseconds per tick minimum is or 59 or whatever that is right right above 20 TPS 75 milliseconds per tick is 15 TPS so if it’s 65 that would

Be 20 19 18 it’s about 17 17 ticks per second I’m that’s what I’m hovering at my average about 65 is milliseconds per tick I get some spikes up to it says 122 but that pie chart isn’t dancing a lot that’s one of the things I’m looking at and also keep in

Mind I am rendering all the way over there I am rendering 23 chunks I I don’t have to kick it back to 10 or eight or whatever simulation distance is at 12 I could even kick that back down to 10 oh one of these options went away oh whatever that render was

All right let’s do that and then it refills out all the way out to there that’s so fast let’s see here still still about 65 is so that didn’t make much of a difference at all but now let’s save and exit and relaunch and if it stays at 65 I won’t be distraught

But actually let’s fully disengage Minecraft from the ram where is my task manager it is somewhere why why are you such a dinky little thing in the top Corner what happened to you task manager who hurt you performance resource monitor there we go that’s what I want

Okay yeah Minecraft is fully out of memory let’s relaunch take a drink very fruity all right what other mods did I disable immediately fast I wonder if that might have been it farite core maybe it might be the entity calling but I’m going to guess it was lighting related cuz it was render

Related so it’s probably Starlight that did it I’m going to fiddle around with these not tonight I’m just going to load a world and then just take off and see I’m going to add one mod at a time load World New World take off see what happens and if I crash then I’ll

Know it was probably that mod all right let’s minimize that let’s click on play and yes that spreadsheet earlier cuddles I forgot to respond to that that spreadsheet was on purpose so you guys could see what I was going through with all the testing and whatnot in fact I do this

Stretch this over to here select all these go data sort do not include the column uh sort by column A and then I guess colum B afterwards okay okay excuse me drink too fast uh there are a few that unlock in basically each level that’s actually kind of what I was hoping to

See all right single player let’s go into this let’s see if it just start starts up at 65 milliseconds per tick if it does like I said it won’t be heartbroken because there’s a whole lot of other features that are functioning very nicely let everything load First just load everything in a nice big circle all the way around me come back out to the water here and let’s look at this ah aha F32 that’s only spiking up to 20 ticks per second which is perfect as long as everything stays inside that

Box it is as smooth as you can expect it to be that means that all that empty space above that yellow and the top of the box is just idle time it means that it it has an opportunity for the game to just sit and

Rest um I am using if you look in the top right over here it says Java memory allocation rate allocated and off Heap the allocated I’m using 71% of the memory to do stuff oh there was a spike there uh I’ve allocated 10 gigs now it’s cycling through

Through and then emptying the trash and cycling through and emptying trash over over again for this but even if this gets up to high 90s this allocated line right there it’s not a huge issue it’s not having a massive impact on the computer but this is having even less of an impact than

Originally uh assessed because now I’m down to 35 milliseconds per tick now granted as soon as I go exploring again and flying around and loading new chunks and deserts and jungles and and uh and oceans and things I will have to save an exit relaunch and then it’ll it’ll just

Sort itself out again ideally but if I’m near new in town location that may not be a viable trick which is like I was saying before I’m I’m planning on having my new in town removed from my original capital city we’ll see how that goes yeah I

Think this is actually going to work pretty nicely now what have I learned from the uh the testing here I’ve learned that oh here let me just add another column uh insert column let me make the spreadsheet visible again and I suppose I can just unlock the spreadsheet part and move you over

Here to the middle and let’s get rid of some of this busy going on background for this uh I’m counting default as zero so what I mean by that is let me Center this I can start interacting with these basically right off the bat oh what happened here gilded I made that

Gold why didn’t that Stay Gold did I I must have hit a button or something that doesn’t look like I have anything else that messed up okay so we are going to go with zero in all of these except that oh okay paste and then delete that sweet then I come over

Here this is the only gold that I have that is stage five wood is stage two so technically I guess these are all stage one stone is stage three red stone is stage six nether star is stage 11 lapis is seven iron is stage four wait hold on why is this oh I

Did ah I see one of the zip files is a false zip file aha delete row that’s stage five glow stone is stage eight Emerald is Stage Nine diamond is stage 10 and I believe that’s everything in here yes so now I will select all of this and

I will come up to data sort ascending a followed by I guess C okay there we go so all of these here are going to be just available right off the bat I don’t have to worry about them I I don’t have to think about these 34 or I can use the functionality

Of them uh some of them are just terrain generation but some of them like for instance the wolf gifts I could theoretically uh tame some wolves and be expecting to get drops from them without you know breaking the sequence then we have stage two the wood stage drop ladder fishing extended parag

Glider side quest and upgradeable wolves there’s more wolves okay stuff that I can immediately start diving into uh as far as uh utilizing things from the wood stage and and these can merge into it without me having to worry about breaking the the vibe of the

Challenge uh then we have let me zoom in a little bit so you can read some of this there we go and we have here the stone stage ones we’ve got the build plan I can start using this to build walls uh and and larger structures if I

Want um cutable wood and deep cutting I can I can justify if I find an iron ingot I can justify using the uh stone cutter in order to craft the different kinds of stone for building cuz the way I look at it is is the the stone cutter is just you know a

Way to skip a step of using your your crafting table manually making a slabs and then chiseled and stuff like that this this is a way to have a bit of a quality of life so I don’t count this as breaking the sequence if I’m just using it we making building materials

That’s not a problem uh and also the plant wax same sort of thing if I can manage to get dead bushes then cool uh next stage is the iron oops cauldron uh copper Beacon enhanced jewelry that’s that’s dipping a little bit into semi magic but not really same thing with cast skill system

Eh not really magic furnace plus you know it’s a little bit more functionality we aren’t actually getting into mechanizing things it’s just you know you can have a little bit faster of of smelting Journey if I want to name an area I can spend the uh materials to do so and design the

That’s not a problem mine carts obviously that’s that has to be in the iron stage or later if I’m going to be making rails and and laying track and and doing mine cart stuff new and town the base I am happy with where I put this it’s in the iron stage it’s given

Me enough time to solidify my initial City it’s giv me enough time to inspect around and find a place to build the new in town start cuz it does need to be relatively flat in order to be at least enjoyable not perfect but relatively and then the Norse Adventure

More adventuring more exploration needs iron though and I’m happy with waiting until then to get into that then there’s the Gilded at this point I will have been able to go all the way down to the the skull area and that will start the adventuring uh then we have Redstone

Stage where I can start using and making redstone contraptions and basic mechanization sorry that’s that’s what this is it’s uh I can automate the Bonsai pots gravel processor is a machine of sorts hot a balloon and lift mechanics that’s that’s Mobility but it’s it’s mechanized during the Redstone stage is

When I want to maybe make a a flying steampunk City to get that started uh anyway then we have the lapis stage which is where magic really does start to come into play uh normal enchanting both of these enchanting things the book of experience restoring my experience

Magic I had two data packs that added extensive magic systems but both of them absolutely break with the rest of these data packs and I don’t want to sacrifice too many of the rest of these just to add a little bit of magic there’s already a bunch of stuff going on

Anyway I’m fine with what I’ve got uh the glowstone stage access to the nether uh way stones for fast travel Soul catcher and that also sort of makes sense anyway uh for being able to uh capture and move other mobs the emerald stage this is called the emerald megalopolis

Stage this is where I figure I can start doing the heavy mechanization simple energy Stardust fragment mechanization that’s what those are and this is perfect spot for them to go because there’s not really a whole lot that they have described for what you do during the emerald stage other

Than you know expand and prepare for moving into the next dimension uh well the next Dimension anyway cuz at this point you’ve already been to the nether then we have going to the end in the diamond stage the diamond uh Capital Stage I have ncape and the two end Villages

Those are really only only going to come into play in the end anyway uh and at this point I will be also doing the in related things for new in town uh and then there’s the indite upgrade which I just demonstrated that uh netherite to indite to indite elytra that’s that’s

What that was now I am going to have to mess with the new in town and see which individual structures I’m okay to use at What stages cuz some of them I can use right off the bat in the iron stage but some like the ones that send

Me to the nether or to the end or whatever I can’t use those yet so I am going to have to mess with that uh maybe over the weekend maybe next week uh and then finally we have the nether star Imperium newon Town Dimensions the expansion that’s where

I’m going to be starting to and put all my colonies on space and stuff like that uh I I might I might start exploring like the moon uh let’s think um no I don’t want to start doing the Moon until I’ve been to the end okay uh and also the Stardust fragment I

I won’t be justifying going to any of those special dimensions until the nether start Imperium H yeah that the emerald it’s a good spot for that all right uh and then uh the other side going to the skull Dimension even though I have been able to go all the way down to the

Skull area back as far as stage four and five and all that I don’t want to go to the skull Dimension until I am already occupying other dimensions I’m I’m pass the end I’m going to the new and town other dimensions I’m going to space and colonizing planets going to the other

Side and uh colonizing there I want this all to be late late progression uh I can’t really think of anything that I want to justify moving to the gold stage from anywhere else to maybe add a little bit more balance to unlock more more stuff in the gold stage but then

Again the gold stage is more conceptual uh expanding like guilds and things oh oh that’s even more perfect guilded and gold okay that never even occurred to me okay guilds and schools and and yeah that’s that’s perfect one thing that I am going to be struggling with when it comes to this challenge

Is I need to I need to come up with the criminal element cuz just like there’s going to be Nobles like Lords and Barons and stuff there’s also going to be crime Lords and and uh like Bandits and things and Pirates and stuff like that and I am going to be setting

Aside outli is strictly for the criminal element and one of the ideas I was having was if I could figure out how to uh make additional uh things for the uh new in town building and build like this sewer system underneath the new and town

I could use that as the the base of operations for the uh the whole a criminal element at least for that part of it but that’s going to take a little bit extra doing I’m not sure if I can work that in I’m not even sure how

Much time and effort that’s going to take to set something like that up so I I’m not going to bank on it being immediately available so what I will probably end up doing is just manually building the uh stuff myself and uh just go from there uh see here let’s hide

This I want to what’s that say night is coming yes I know uh let’s go ahead and function quality of life oh wait ah okay this one here are you going to put me on land you put me on land look at you new Zone big flight

Area so this is something that I was thinking about utilizing if I can’t readily find a place for the new in town I might use this command to randomly select a position in this case I am 5,300 by 3,600 oh look at that it’s uh it’s averaging about 50 milliseconds per

Tick that’s 20 ticks per second still nice and it’s still rendering things anyway uh but use the command that I just did from the owl’s ultimate quality of life thing which is one of the reasons why I added it uh the ability to teleport to a random location

Without it being like a million blocks away from Spawn and then I would just set the the newly discovered location as the spawn point and then just proceed from there what is this thing oh my zombies all right I set you to normal start zombieing no there’s no loot in any of this

Why are you Not do you have to be on hard to start spawning zombies or has the world generated enough bad guys already oh there are bad guys just all over maybe that’s what it is but I thought spawner rules were different maybe I have to get away and then get close again cuz that’s plenty

Dark I don’t know what’s going on all right let’s run the command again definitely not nearby uh 8,000 by -700 and again I’m rendering 23 chunks out this ain’t too shabby obviously I have to allow it to render that far out let it think whoa hello imagine being being able to see

This far on performium that would be wild yeah it is still rendering new terrain you can still see it rendering over there yeah even the stars are saying hey what’s going on yeah big old Spike 86 milliseconds per tick then if I come over here and land and I save and

Quit I should be able to just go straight in from here and have it drastically reduce the tick lag still at 50 uh it’s still generating new chunks 50 60 something like that but that’s right at what I want it to be anyway I’m definitely not going to be adding the Bracken

Pack because that would tank everything just too drastically I would love to include the Bracken pack but I just don’t think it’s viable at all with this sadly that’s got loot uhoh oh good that’s a map some nice cyan candles cute little witch Village love it now what’s this this caught my eye

Earlier don’t know what mod or mod what data pack adds this might be struct that’s definitely iller related Oh look at that yeah you can definitely find iron ingots right off the bat I say right off the bat you have to be able to deal with these illagers but it’s still day one you can manage it oh look at this there’s parkour hidden loot be still my Beating Heart a Riptide

Three another ladder there’s stuff on top if there’s stuff on top I’m going to be just thrilled there’s not illager ship I love using this as as the Uh steering wheel H whole bunches of stuff spy glass Outpost map clock and a compass empty map yeah bye ow all right and that would put me yeah about 80 90 something like that revealed new stuff messing with illers but then if I come over here and I save and exit

I give it a few moments and then I go back in it it should be right back down to 50 or Less let’s go ahead render everything Tada and eh okay like I said I’m still not upset with 75 especially because it is still rendering new stuff and I’m out by the water let’s go somewhere else let’s uh function oh You oh you what on Earth I am in a mountain why level 16 woohoo and I’m in a jungle so that’s not going to help with the render much but let’s check it out yeah that dropped it down to 60 60 5 let’s do that one more time rendering water rendering

Terrain I’m sure there’s rendering lava happening somewhere and also do remember 23 chunks is where it’s trying to get to I could easily dial that back more stuff going on over here I don’t know anything about over there yet let’s see here yeah that’s still 70 it’s not bad

For rendering for still being in the process of rendering stuff that’s not bad in fact if I go options video settings and I just drop this down to say 10 apply bet you that’s going to start dipping down it’s 68 67 66 yeah there we go it’s dropping

So oh and the reason why I have it set at 23 is it autod detected what my Optimum settings were it said 23 for this and it said 12 for the simulation I went ahead and dialed the simulation down to 10 but I think it’s going to be

Nicer if I can see further out uh it’ll be a better effect for the well everything involved and once I establish an area I will be able to just go ahead and run around pre-render everything and not have to worry about it loading stuff new from

Scratch so I think that this is actually a good enough setting and then later on if it starts to feel like it’s going to tank if I’m building these massive things convoluted stuff all the time uh and it feels like it’s going to start actually tanking the

System I can dial that render distance back a bit there we go fog distance that is so awesome being able to see all the way over there on performium you get to see to here roughly somewhere around in that distance four chunks away from where you are one and then one two three

Four okay now I feel like things have generally rendered that says about 72 let’s relaunch again should have left memory by this point let’s go back in Now it just has to load what it knows I’ll spin around and let it do that let’s see if this is below 70 there we go it’s 40 as long as it’s not having to render new Terrain it’s it’s just there it’s just sitting I think this is going to work I really

Do I I feel like I have a little bit of Lee weight to to maybe even try to add a few other things that I took out but I’m not going to push the buck just yet because I did take them out since they were causing some issues as a result of

The new in town and really the new in town is very important to me uh when you start the new when you build any of the the plots in new and town by default a lot of the terrain is path block and in villages it’s path block

And so I had that one mod in called the Travelers mod or data pack I mean and it allows the use of certain block types to use as paths so you can travel more quickly it doesn’t give you speed boost as an effect it just you have speed boost it it just is

And because of it having to calculate the path blocks all over the place it was just going haywire especially because you could spread the path blocks by walking in a direction it was it was being iffy so I went ahead and took that one out uh but by taking

That out I might be able to squeeze in something else or I might be able to add that back in if I can properly disable the path blocks and just use other things like the the polished and whatnot because I’m okay to use polished as Road Blocks I’m fine with

That uh let’s see here was there any other testing that I feel like I should be able to knock out before I get too far into things uh while I think about that I did want to mention that over on my Discord I have a channel that I’ve I’ve been

Saving up some of the information that I’m using toward building this data pack collection and then I also have another separate Channel called R to data packs and then once I get all of this hammered out about when I can use what and during What stages and once I merge together all the

Information from the different versions of the challenge that have existed over time into one cohesive sort of a checklist for me to follow I’m going to open this channel to people who are Beyond just my patreon supporters so that it can be uh looked at now I will say that there are some

Decisions I’m making that are role of the dice uh how many of What kinds of structures to build for each given stage it says between this number and this number how do you pick that IAL dice so if for my original City say on the stone stage it asks me to build

Between 1 and 10 uh Shacks let’s call them Shacks I would roll d10 and maybe get a four or something and then later on when I’m in say the gold stage and I’ve got another town that is reaching its own Iron stage or stone stage or

Whatever and it and I need to add between one and 10 Shacks I’m going to have to roll the dice again when it comes to the additional outliers so it’s not going to be the same number every time time uh I’m going to have to figure out

A way to make a note of that at the beginning somewhere and say anything that that calls for a random amount needs to be rerolled for each outlier or something like that but what I’m trying to do is make the entire thing as understandable and accessible as possible to everyone so

They can go all right I need to build this structure and this structure and this structure for this stage they need to meet these requirements here here and here and once I get all of these items and these structures done I can move on to the next

Stage because there really is no longer a cohesive singular place to find all the information for the refugee to Regent Challenge and that’s it’s annoying because it’s a lovely challenge but I think part of the reason why so many people have given up on it is because once you get

To about the gold stage it just kind of goes guess you can build some of these at this point what I want to try to do is utilize the data packs and these other dimensions and things to drive the story forward so that I have more definitive objectives for my building and

Expanding uh by the time I get to the ne star Imperium I should have uh no fewer than 10 to 15 cities but I’m probably going to be more than that uh there will potentially be a few instances where some of my outliers are going to be

Merging together like I might have one outlier that’s solely dedicated toward farming and Agriculture and stuff and have a nearby outlier that is strictly for say uh some sort of Guild it’s a a college town basically and they might be close enough that I could justify adding an additional Guild like a farming

Guild next to the original Guild and have it be an even larger Guild town and have it merge with the farming area and use the fact that the farmers are able to get an education to increase the production because that is a a mechanic that’s kind of built into the the

Challenge you can use education to boost production so there’s a whole whole lot that’s going on with this that I need to do a whole lot of math and a whole lot of planning behind the scenes and I want to do it before I start the challenge so

That when I do start the challenge I’m just reacting to the environment and not the paperwork uh so that is largely what I’ve been working on I have set it up so that uh where did I put that Post it is over here over here over here no gift of Style no maybe later uh there we go so because I’ve been sick lately I’ve been having to put off a lot of the things that I’ve been wanting to do and now that I’m feeling better I I set

Aside a timeline for getting things done there are 11 stages is dirt wood Stone iron gold Redstone lapis glowstone emerald diamond and nether star okay so if there are 11 stages and there are 22 days left well there were 22 days when I set up this list that means I have two

Days to figure out what I need to do for each of the stages that’s the 10th and 11th for dirt those are gone and I Done Dirt 12th and 13th for wood it is right now the 13th I’ve already filled in the information for the wood so I’m on

Pace but I have the 14th and the 15th for stone and then I just have to keep going the last three emerald diamond and nether star those are kind of they’re wild cards sort of but I do have some information that I want to fill in for them and I need

To put in the rules for all right if you have followed the minimums you’ve set this outlier then that means on this outlier you need to bring it up to this stage on this outlier you need to bring it up to this stage and so on and so

Forth so there’s there’s a lot of busy work that needs to also still happen during those stages uh but I’m going to be up to my eyeballs and busy work for the rest of the year not only for the refugee to Regent to set up but also

For setting up the stuff for the Skyrim series because I want to start the Skyrim and The Refuge to Regent at or by the first of the new year so that I can have these already pre-planned large projects I already know generally what I’m doing don’t have to think too hard

About them I can just dive into them and then I can use the rest of my time to do my other stuff and that’s what I’m hoping to accomplish a whole bunch of work now so that I can you know not worry about it later uh so there’s probably going to be

Uh one more day of me stream testing for the data packs before the end of the year but I don’t really think I need to I I have identified the oh the mod that I need in order to see the tabs which I guess let’s go ahead and count the oh well

Well let me finish what I’m saying first I have added some mods that help boost performance drastically and I have largely balanced out the data packs to the point where I am confident that I am where I need to be and I have a little bit of wiggle room at

Least uh in the short term let’s count these we have uh first off it’s monsters is the one that’s on the far right so 1 two three four five six seven8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

32 33 34 and I know I have not unlocked everything that’s 34 tabs that’s almost a full 10 more than Minecraft allows now uh we have like this could be merged with this so 34 that could be that could bring it down to 33 uh haven’t started this yet this

Actually is a whole bunch on this one this that’s utterly pointless there’s no information here that could be brought down to 32 um or it could be merged into this one uh this is nice information but it could be shuffled into something else so that could be

31 I don’t know how much this expands I won’t speak to it just yet uh could definitely lower it by at least three but that still puts it well above the 26 so I absolutely needed to have something like this I’m so glad I found the mod developer I’m so glad that they

Were willing and able to help and I’m very happy with the outcome this is great yeah like this expands a lot more once once you get going into it uh yeah I’m happy with this so I’m going to go ahead and say that today’s task is complete I don’t really have anything

New that I need to start with this today uh I can experiment a little bit with the uh different mods to figure out what was causing the render crash but honestly everything seems to be working right now as is uh I can save that let’s see here let’s open this

Up come back to the Discord go to my Minecraft Channel and click on this open that in the new tab please don’t autoplay please don’t autoplay please don’t autoplay thank goodness uh open this GitHub here all right which ones did I disable continuity that one oh that one just

Makes the connected textures like OptiFine I don’t really need that I don’t know if that had anything to do with the render it might so I wanted to pull that out entity calling makes the game not render entities that you can’t see in order to Pro improve

FPS that is a render issue and that might have been the problem uh faite core reduces game’s memory usage that might actually be able to get reincluded immediately fast what’s this make the game’s FPS higher uh again don’t really need that really let’s see here Iris add support

For Shader packs oh it was Iris that I was going to use to see if I could get the endite you know what I think I will re-include that and see if that will help let’s see here lithium improves performance of features like mob AI games physics and more internal

Stuff without changing so that’s not render Starlight though is render and starlight is improves Minecraft lighting performance significantly it says not necessary in okay don’t need that oh it says it’s not even necessary in more recent versions of sodium anyway so I’ll tell you what let’s save an exit let’s quit the game

There let’s reopen the launcher let’s go with Iris lithium and fair faite core and re-include those three relaunch the 1.20 point2 fabric launcher let’s go single player go into here I generally know what I’m doing with This it’s loading there’s no hang crash and I can move awesome let’s look at my it’s still still it does not look like an endite thing that’s all right you know what that’s fine I’m I’m okay with it not looking like a a neite chest plate or a purple netherite chest plate rather

I’m okay with that man look at all that so gorgeous I love these terrain gen advancements that people have come up with really honestly this game is beautiful the Simplicity adds a little charm to it but but when you look at it at scale with what they have been able to

Do with this game the core and with modding and and other stuff this is just so stunning hey Pumpkins well oh that’s one thing I need to mention when it comes to Refugee Regent during the dirt stage you do not get to make Farmland of your own you have to rely on farms uh now you have to in order to pass the stage you have to

Accumulate a number of farmed goods and you also need to have a certain number simultaneously planted so that means potentially you’re going to have to find a couple of villages in order to get some Farms started these Villages by rights ought to be some of your first outliers and will probably get

Assimilated into your first town now villager structures cannot count toward the number of structures that you need to build yourself these do not count even if you tear them down and rebuild them it’s it’s silly so you can use their Farms but you cannot count their houses Gman that one neat uh

Uh is that a pumpkin yeah that’s a pumpkin one of my concerns is I want to adhere as much as possible to the criteria but depending on just random chance I may get a crummy seed and not be able to have anywhere nearby that can spawn a

Horse or a pumpkin or some of the things that it would like for you to have so I’m going to stick to the spirit of the challenge but I I will try to find the things that are missing within reason problem with things like horses though is leading them home

Home don’t know what I’m going to do about that and some of the other mobs we’ll see but I think that today oh I guess I should probably hello holiday spirit you can also get these from the holiday spirit spooky cat black cat spawn egg Witch Hat zombie cap zombie tunic pants and

Boots Halloween spider spawn egg and pumpkin Scythe wow trick or treat indeed hello I don’t know if they have different stuff uh anyway as I was saying before they scared me into the bathroom um I I think that as far as the rest of the testing is going to be

Concerned for this I don’t necessarily have to do it on camera oh I was going to look at this look at that 30 3 no 30 milliseconds per tick that’s good that’s real good and as long as you stay in an area that is not rendering new terrain like it’s already pre-rendered

That’s largely going to be the experience about 30 maybe 50 if I have a lot of machines going anyway uh so I think that I can safely say that I have it pretty much hammered out and that this is working as intended and I can probably just when it comes time to

Start Just go with it I’m probably going to mess around with adding or subtracting a little bit here and there maybe a couple more mods quality of life stuff um performance related things that sort of stuff maybe a couple data packs if it feels like I can add a

Little bit more Adventure I will not going to press my luck I am going to try to add the Bracken pack going to try it and see how much it might tank things but here is my concern there might be a conflict between falling through the stages in Stardust and falling through the

Dimensions and then also falling through or Rising through the dimensions for the Bracken pack now I’m not going to hold my breath and and try to force the Bracken pack to work this right here this is my Baseline this is working perfectly fine I have

Enough in it to keep me busy for the rest of time but I do want to see if I can include the bracket pack and and or a couple of other data packs that add a little bit more spice to things now because I have dived into modding as well I might also

Include some ventury related mods I’m not going to go ham with it but I’m going to look into it and see what there might be maybe some Quest generating maybe a little bit of uh Transportation something like that I’m going to look and see what sort of voids might need

Filling and do what I can there uh I don’t want to lean heavy into the modding the modding is mostly for the functionality of performance and so that I can get this but if it feels like the mod belongs like if I can find a mod to help

Keep track of my my progression that’d be great but other than a little bit of looking for data packs a little bit of modding I I think that I am at a good enough Baseline to say that this is good to go and I just had to work on the

Paperwork end of things and figure out what I need to build and win for each of the stages and what I’m allowed to use of the data packs during those stages so at this point it’s just a little bit of busy work between now and when I start the

Series and I am actually thrilled with how well all of these came together today this is this is lovely I’m most thrilled with those numbers right there that’s 31 that is fantastic I’m very happy with that and again you can see in the the the top

Left it says on the first line Minecraft version second line 60 frames per second I I don’t need more than that my GPU is absolutely most using about a quarter of it integrated server uh 30 milliseconds per tick then that c line at the very end it says distance that’s the render distance

Number of chunks visible out of rendered uh distance is uh 23 chunks away so that’s 23 that way 23 left 23 right 23 behind L up and down 23 and then the Fifth Line e number of entities but it also has the simulation distance 10 it’s simulating 10 away so I

Am I’m rendering 23 chunks and I’m simulating 10 chunks and it’s 30 out of 50 it is staying firmly under 20 ticks per second I love this I’m so happy uh so I think that this is a a great uh success I think this is a good

Point to go ahead and wrap things up there’s nothing more that I need to look into I’ve been pondering it while I’ve been doing all this yammering to see if there’s anything that I’ve forgotten uh I I was scrolling through some of my notes and things uh there’s

There’s nothing it seems like I am caught up with all the news and everything else so uh I’m going to go ahead and wrap up thank you guys ever so very much for spending time uh chatting helping me stay on track keeping me company and uh putting

Up with my gibber jabber while I figure all this stuff out uh again this is going to be getting implemented very soon and uh I’m I am so happy to have been able to get this box checked off of my to-do list this is great uh if you have any questions comments or

Suggestions leave them in the comment section or you can message me over on Discord uh in order to join my Discord you just follow the link that I’ve got down below and you pick a rooll um then I also next to the Discord I also have links to my streamlabs and patreon if

You would like to uh maybe support my channel help me be able to do more things like this in the future uh maybe get some humble bundles and test them periodically uh be able to have uh a cup of tea every month or something like

That you can uh do a a single donation through streamlabs and get a little bit of fanfare uh some sort of little let’s see here where’s my widget for that do do a tip like that $9 there I could have some sort of meal or something uh that would

Be fantastic or if you want to do something more ongoing ooh I see Phantoms and they’re not staring while flying do you see that they’re not stuttering oh wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen Phantoms not stutter before anyway uh if you’d like to see if you’d like to do

Something uh more on going you can uh donate through patreon at I have different levels dollar a month $2 5 10 uh people who donate at the $10 a month level get uh free signed copies of any uh books or anything else that I publish uh I haven’t managed to get anything by

The end of this year because I’ve been so focused on getting this lined up but the reason why I’m getting all this lined up so fastidiously is so that I can have the time to just dedicate to editing and writing with the next year and I’m going to be even having a

Tracker on my uh Discord to to keep me online for that uh so uh next year for sure at least two books are going to be published whether I like it or not uh but uh that’s basically it for this if you like this video and you like what

I’m doing here please leave a like I appreciate it and it does help and if you haven’t already do please go ahead and subscribe we’ve just ma made the 2,000 subscriber Mark but I I have no interest in stopping there and I would love to see more people join the crew uh

So if you have not yet subscribed please do so now in fact uh but uh that’s basically it for today thank you once again ever so very much for spending time and watching this has been thorn of night testing a bunch of data packs and some new mods towards the refugee to

Regent series that I will be starting at or on the beginning of the New Year ah I can zoom in Ah that’s quality of life and I will talk to you later

This video, titled ‘Minecraft | Preparing for the Series | Datapack Testing’, was uploaded by thornofnight on 2023-12-15 10:31:05. It has garnered 85 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:47 or 13667 seconds.

Remember to subscribe! Let’s get to 2k subs!!! Support the channel: Support the stream: Support my writing: “Vacancy on Samson Lane” “My Father’s Son”

Join us on Discord at (remember to pick a role) Come play with me on Minecraft at

Let’s dive into the most recent setup for my Refugee to Regent series, and get a little more preparatory headway.

  • KinKi Kids’ Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab?

    KinKi Kids' Minecraft Vignettes: Fake or Fab? In KinKi-Socialist Minecraft, KinKi Kids-15 shines bright, Broadcasting news in Swedish, keeping it tight. With Channel AW by its side, the duo takes flight, Delivering updates with all their might. From Primetime quizzes to real money in sight, The channels’ logos gleam, a beacon of light. But when it’s time to close, the vignettes take flight, Based on Japanese YouTubers, a comedic delight. Failures and mishaps, a humorous sight, Different variations, each one just right. Weekdays, weekends, and holidays in sight, KinKi Kids-15 ends the day, with rhymes so bright. Read More

  • Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?!

    Eating in Minecraft Gives Me Items?! Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the vast and immersive world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated universe. Discover Unique Peripherals Equip yourself with top-notch peripherals to enhance your gaming experience: Mouse: Logitech G102 Keyboard: Logitech G213 RGB Headset: HyperX Stinger Core Powerful Laptop Components Ensure smooth gameplay with high-performance laptop components: Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H Graphics Card: RTX 3050TI RAM: 16GB DDR5 SSD: 512GB Recording Software Capture your epic Minecraft… Read More

  • Unveiling the Dark Side of Minecraft Speedruns

    Unveiling the Dark Side of Minecraft Speedruns The Darkest Reality Of Minecraft MANHUNT SPEEDRUNS 😂 || Minecraft Are you ready to delve into the dark reality of Minecraft Manhunt speedruns? Join us as we explore the thrilling world of Minecraft and uncover the secrets behind this intense gaming phenomenon. Unveiling the Truth Behind Minecraft Manhunt Speedruns For those unfamiliar with the concept, Minecraft Manhunt speedruns involve one player attempting to complete the game while being hunted by others. The tension, excitement, and strategic gameplay make it a favorite among Minecraft enthusiasts. The Intense Gameplay In a typical Minecraft Manhunt speedrun, the hunted player must navigate the… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Pranks & Shenanigans: PondFairyVods Variety

    Pranks & Shenanigans: PondFairyVods Variety Minecraft Puzzle Map Adventure with Pond and Majikz Embark on a Mind-Bending Journey Join Pond and Majikz in their thrilling Minecraft adventure as they tackle the challenges of the Variety Puzzle Map. Dive into a world where logic, creativity, and teamwork are essential to overcome obstacles and progress through the game. Unraveling the Mysteries In the Variety Puzzle Map, players are faced with a series of intricate puzzles that test their problem-solving skills. From navigating mazes to deciphering cryptic codes, every step brings them closer to unraveling the mysteries hidden within the map. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work Pond… Read More

  • Crafty Casa Makeover: Minecraft Edition

    Crafty Casa Makeover: Minecraft Edition In Minecraft, I embarked on a grand quest, To remodel my house, to make it the best. From simple abode to a mansion so grand, With details and improvements, all carefully planned. I added new rooms, with colors so bright, Furniture and decor, to make it just right. Each block carefully placed, each corner well lit, My Minecraft house, a true work of wit. So join me on this journey, through blocks and through time, As we witness the transformation, in rhythm and rhyme. Don’t forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell, For more Minecraft content, that I… Read More

  • Crafted our first poke-fun, Minecraft style!

    Crafted our first poke-fun, Minecraft style! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Thyotherside is the name, crafting dreams. With a pokeball in hand, catching mobs with glee, Their humor and wit, a sight to see. From Twitch to YouTube, they bring the fun, Spinning rhymes and jokes, until the day is done. So subscribe and follow, join the ride, With Thyotherside, let’s take Minecraft in stride. Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Logic Meets Fun!

    Join Minewind: Where Minecraft Logic Meets Fun! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video titled “Minecraft Logic🤔 (はいよろこんで) #minecraft #shorts” that got us thinking – why not join the Minewind Minecraft Server and experience a whole new level of fun and excitement? With features like Minecraft shorts, animations, mods, memes, updates, challenges, and so much more, Minewind offers a unique and immersive gaming experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. So why wait? Join… Read More

  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

    Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable The Best Hidden Bases in Minecraft 1.21 In this exciting Minecraft video, we take you on a journey to uncover the mysteries hidden inside a secret Minecraft base! 🏰✨ Ever wondered what makes a perfect secret base? Join us as we reveal the intricate designs, clever traps, and hidden treasures that make this base truly unique. From sneaky entrances to elaborate redstone contraptions, you won’t believe what has been managed to hide away! Discover: The best locations for secret bases Tips for building an impenetrable fortress Creative uses of Minecraft blocks and items Hidden treasures and surprises waiting to… Read More

  • Sonic Speeds Past, Minecraft Movie Lags

    Sonic Speeds Past, Minecraft Movie Lags In the world of Minecraft, the movie did flop, But Sonic’s success was a real jackpot. Video game movies, a tricky domain, Some hit the mark, while others bring pain. Sonic 3 and Shadow, a dynamic pair, Mario’s movie, a wild affair. Angry Birds took flight, Halo in the mix, Uncharted on screen, a thrilling fix. Fallout and Pikachu, a detective’s tale, Each movie unique, each one a sail. So let’s learn from the past, let’s make it right, Craft a Minecraft movie that shines bright. With rhymes and with humor, we’ll tell the tale, Of blocks and of… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft’s Battle Royale

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft's Battle Royale In Minecraft’s intense battle royale, Friends compete, hearts set to prevail. KZA_, averalls, obvlogan too, Spricc, osomad, cactixz in the crew. Figfen joins the epic fight, In this virtual world, under the night. With swords and shields, they clash and spar, Crafting strategies, near and far. Each move calculated, each step precise, In this pixelated paradise. Watch ’til the end, the battle unfolds, As friendships tested, and stories told. Subscribe for more, join the fun, In Minecraft’s world, under the sun. Join the Discord, stay in the loop, For more adventures, more Minecraft scoop. Thanks for watching, thanks for… Read More

  • Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning

    Players outsmart traps like a boss! #minecraft #winning "Me: sees a popular trap in Minecraft Also me: avoids it by running straight into a different trap It’s all about that element of surprise, right?" Read More

  • Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage

    Crafting a Sassy Minecraft Cottage A Beautiful Minecraft Cottage – Easy Step-By-Step Tutorial Embark on a creative journey with this simple 15-minute Minecraft build tutorial! Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, this step-by-step guide will help you construct a charming cottage in no time. Let’s dive into the world of Minecraft building and unleash your creativity! Materials Before you start building, gather the necessary materials such as wood, stone, glass, and other resources. These materials will form the foundation of your cottage and add character to your creation. The Base Begin by laying down the base of your cottage. Create a sturdy… Read More

  • 100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken Over

    100 Days in Minecraft: My Mind Was Taken OverVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 100 Days On An MMORPG Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by BeenTaken on 2024-09-22 14:55:21. It has garnered 32595 views and 949 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:16 or 2296 seconds. I spent 100 days on a Minecraft’s BEST MMORPG Server. At first, I barley survived by killing low level bosses. Slowly but surely, however, I worked my way up the TavernMC food chain. I didn’t have the luxury of using my main account, BeenTaken. I had to completely start from scratch. And in the end, I accomplished wonders, obtaining some of… Read More

  • Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21

    Sneaky New Update: Minecraft Hardcore 1.21Video Information This video, titled ‘First Time Playing The NEW Update! | Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 | S9 E9 #minecraft’, was uploaded by Mr. Unprofessional on 2024-09-23 12:30:21. It has garnered 860 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:10 or 1630 seconds. First Time Playing The NEW Update! it went well… all the way up till I went back for the thumbnail and died!!! Ugh what a disappointment! but! We got one under our belts. Trial Chamber #1! Complete! #minecraft #trialchambers #update Join Us on Twitch! Temporarily Taking a break from streaming, Taking Care of a newborn… Read More


    INSANE MUSIC SYSTEM in MINECRAFT! 🔥 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘BEST MUSIC SYSTEM IN MINECRAFT/MUSIC SYSTEM OF MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #op’, was uploaded by SUMITXGAMING on 2024-04-30 07:25:35. It has garnered 4178 views and 119 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. minecraft minecraft challenge minecraft but minecraft animation challenge animation mcpe love story family friendly funny monster school minecraft monster school minecraft 100 days preston comedy minecraft hardcore monster school challenge trolling funny minecraft pocket edition minecraft pe adispot 100 days minecraft minecraft manhunt albedo op minecraft mod peppa pig huggy wuggy fnf mod hardcore minecraft minecraft meme steve… Read More

  • Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #Minecraft

    Shocking: Breaking Every SMP Rule! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[ Breaking every rule of notice smp ]#minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by AllMC_Gaming on 2024-03-07 01:11:38. It has garnered 204 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:11 or 971 seconds. Description: 🌟 Welcome to Crafted Ventures, where the enchanting world of Minecraft comes to life in pixels and polygons! 🌈 Immerse yourself in a realm of endless creativity, daring adventures, and captivating builds as we embark on an epic journey through the vast landscapes of this iconic sandbox game. 🔨 **Masterful Creations:** Join us as we delve into the art of… Read More

  • Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!

    Insane HermitCraft Secrets Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers?’, was uploaded by Λsk Λbout Solutions on 2024-05-24 06:27:53. It has garnered 7 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Unveiling the Unique Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Magic of HermitCraft 👉 Discover what sets HermitCraft apart from the rest – a tight-knit community, high-quality content, and a focus on creativity and collaboration. Join in on the magic today! Laura S. Harris (2024, May 14.) What makes HermitCraft different from other Minecraft servers? 🌐 ✋ Disclaimer: This video, titled ‘What… Read More

  • Ultimate Battle Royale Victory – POV: You vs. 3 on Bridge

    Ultimate Battle Royale Victory - POV: You vs. 3 on BridgeVideo Information This video, titled ‘POV: u win a 3v1 bridge fight…’, was uploaded by Air_Clips on 2024-02-17 05:53:28. It has garnered 206 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. go sub to main channel ​⁠​⁠ #minecraft #bedfight #minemenclub #hypixel #pvp other tags lmao minecraft,hypixel,skywars,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,handcam,mousecam,keyboard asmr,keyboard sounds,keyboard and mouse,mouse sounds,keyboard and mouse sounds minecraft,glorious model o,itzGlimpse,bedwars,hypixel bedwars,keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars,ducky one 2 mini,butterfly clicking,bed wars asmr,keyboard and mouse sounds,bedwars asmr,dragclick,clicky,asmr,family friendly,bedwars with handcam,iAim,modded keyboard,gamakay tk68,thocky keyboard,badlion,client,badlion client,jitter click,how to pvp,pvp,amongus,prediclips,maafer,pando,arctic,speedrun,clutch,block,block clutch,insane,shorts,youtuber,shorts youtuberlunar client, badlion client, forge, 1.7.10 forge, 1.8.9 forge,… Read More

  • INSANE Challenge in Minecraft – NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shorts

    INSANE Challenge in Minecraft - NO TOUCHING COLORS! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft pero NO puedo TOCAR los COLORES de tu FOTO 23 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Alexpolu8 on 2024-09-11 03:38:27. It has garnered 8817 views and 838 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. TODAY I BRING YOU A NEW MINECRAFT VIDEO I HOPE YOU LIKE IT AND IF YOU ARE NEW SUBSCRIBE ❤️ #Minecraft #yunque #yunques #minecraftmod #colores #inmortal #MinecraftSurvival #shorts #snapshot #minecraftupdate #mojang ——————————— —————————— 🚀 | Subs Discord | 🚀 My Texture Pack | 🚀 | Twitter | 🚀 | Twitch | 🚀 |… Read More

  • BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!

    BECOME UNSTOPPABLE on EnchantedMC Dungeons!Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO GET OP ON THE *NEW* DUNGEONS SERVER! | Minecraft Dungeons | EnchantedMC’, was uploaded by Zap on 2024-07-31 22:44:45. It has garnered 3352 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:02 or 962 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftpe #shorts *Server Discord*: *Java & Bedrock IP*: *Bedrock Port*: 19132 Series Playlist: soon Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure, where we explore new Minecraft servers, including the most thrilling OP prison servers and skyblock challenges! Our video takes you inside the newest OP prison, showcasing the intense escape gameplay and strategies… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!

    EPIC Minecraft Moments at Ender Cup in MCC-Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘MCC – ENDER CUP! (MINECRAFT POV)’, was uploaded by Twitch vods on 2024-07-28 16:00:07. It has garnered 3322 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 04:19:51 or 15591 seconds. on TWITCH VODS Read More

  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More