INSANE Minecraft Server Gameplay – NOT a Waffle

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e e e e e e e e e e e e okay hello I need to change something probably do I should I change chat color should I I can’t I don’t know if I should change chat color it kind of Blends in with the thing now hello oh and I forgot that I am off my game today I have not streamed in a while I’m off my game can you read it all okay I want to make sure you can read it because like you know whatever oh I I was thinking about I don’t remember what I was doing I’m not even holding alt we gained a subscriber today oh there we go close enough well no oh gosh why is it showing okay there we go allor right this is It’s kind of Jank whatever it don’t matter close that open this do all the 5,000 steps hold on where’s that yeah I don’t know what to do about not paying child support that’s I don’t I don’t know what to do about that cheese chz all right we got three days I’m not going to add that bro you got three days left we got three days to get 95 badges let’s go we just got to play like the first thing that pops up that isn’t roll playay here we go I should probably put it somewhere on the stream that you can just join my Roblox account through my thing I got to pull up chat there there we go I can help you almost got 95 you want to making chat Windows smaller so I can move things around and see everything Among Us okay yeah I I I great I didn’t even read that what’ that say hang on hang on we got I got look at the stream now what’ that say welcome to the undead Defense Tycoon the hunt event collect 150 eggs to by defeating egg zombies to receive your reward okay so we just got to defeat egg zombies whatever that means A or B uh do like a should still to do a that sounds good why how do I get money do I kill things how do okay I see now oh it’s an egg zombie it’s the egg zombies we need the egg zombies to German no no die getting boy no come back come back okay now go away hi Jonathan I like dance sub what we got to kill this guy so we can get ah no another one spawned on top of me I’m in your server oh nice go over over here I’ll shoot you okay now get away no this is really annoying okay I just shoot that one yellow ones oh no yellow ones seem to be not as strong as the blue ones apparently why do I only have this weak gun I guess it’s like Ty makees sense just going to see oh uh all right I’m going to put on I should probably after I get done with this game I’m probably going to put on the stream that you can just join to my Roblox account like the easiest to get stream sniped and I don’t even care I got stream sniped once one time when I did this it was cool no how many eggs I need to get 15 or something God dang oh there’s an SMG if I can buy the SMG right there [Music] run all right we use this like bring him over and then we’ll use this to kill him oh no it’s reloading die ah they teleported I died by the evil grass wait how much do I need to get I said 150 right something like that walls perfect wait they’re throwing stuff at me spitter what’s a spitter the heck rip waffle that harder than I thought it was I thought it was going to be like something like you killed this boss and you get some not like this I guess nuke the grass all right so we got like armor or something I guess 6% damage reduction all right I can do that I can do that I can do that that’s good that’s good uh okay all great why do I have my okay I had my drawing tablet like balanced on something okay that’s a 10% ah die so yeah uh let me actually put on oh God I’m getting shot again stop go away ah I have sent 100 nukes I say run waffle no the grass the grass kills me why does the grass kill me no I died again hang on I need the egg one I don’t really care about the rest of them I just need the egg one no not all of you just the egg one that’s what I said no just the egg one die egg one no he’s almost dead hello die eggin no no the grass kills me oh yeah so oh yeah someone subscribed let’s go eggin die yes finally I died like 17 times fast oh there’s another egg zombie [Music] yippe yeah 125 and next stream I’ll do Minecraft challenge which we’re gonna have to figure out what that is together so I completely forgot what it is not going to lie oh I remember now okay it took me a sec I I I remember now I remember now I need that guy over there what the heck why are you so fast no I don’t want to pay Roo make that one die yellow egg zombie everything needs to reload unfortunately oh God no this damage reduction doesn’t do anything lies that’s what it is fake promises why are you mewing upgrade walls oh yes this is much better walls thanks assault rifle oh yeah knife okay we just shoot every zombie in the vicinity on top of this wall look see now they can’t get me oh well I guess unless they climb on top of each other so how much damage does the knife do is it like one shot or something if the knife one shots that’d be cool if I can actually hit it okay let’s see there’s a blood zombie right oh that’s oh that’s not very good for the advantage of not getting hit I feel like guns are better yeah we need the egg zombie right there ah door we just let him come through the door we can pretty much kill him like kind of like it kind of takes a second but we kind of can um weapons table all right we can buy more weapons shotgun all right uh grenade oh this is goingon to be good right here die no you’re not coming through my window all right so we have like a sniper rifle now I guess so we can kind of like Target the the egg zombies in particular okay I need to close the door I also might need to get a roof it might help a little bit you know a roof I have no idea how much money I have ah I don’t like that one oh there’s an egg zombie all right man I’m too short all right that’s good the egg zombie is good or the sniper is good I mean why ah got in he just exploded what the heck first aid kit uh yes please machete uh what is that medical table oh okay um just need to get like we just need like a couple more egg zombies we only really need the egg zombies we don’t really need anything else I just keep shooting the sniper rifle down here and then like maybe some burst of the SMG whenever I get a minute yo who’s that the heck I don’t know I will find you WAFF hi finally the zombies are smarter than you [Laughter] thought yeah a little bit oh yeah you left your you you left your R I left my joins on you mean on then I know but if you mean r i don’t know what that I don’t know what you’re trying to say I know that my joins are on I like it that way all right nice it’s dark I need like 95 before I sto doing this just stop playing random games like I might do like all of them but I don’t unless I can’t but I don’t really want to unless I get all of them first unless I get 95 first so shoot why do I why did I open the door close the door no what what are you suspicious about I like this because now we can head shots deal 50 more damage okay whatever got me a little drink I really why where are the zombies excuse me excuse me I need oh okay there you are okay we need eggs so apparently the only the zombies only spawn if you’re on the first floor is what I’m seeing right now my sniper is reloading need to turn on my ah it’s reloading oh what guess what guess what what yeah s let snow what I like Turles gas zombie I like turtles I’m gonna click this again make sure I refreshes I got should make I go to make sure my windows refresh every now and then that way they actually like show what they’re supposed to I they have babies waffle are you epe uh yes I am I am very epie always I’m actually less EP today but I’m still EP so ah I didn’t thr a child on me first aid kidding I ran too far to die oh so yeah silence so I’m a little I’m like I’m epe but I’m less EP today so w w oh egg onomie nice nice ni thank you hello um how many I’m gonna uh Chad let me know if I’m getting attacked I want to do something oh egg zombie oh that didn’t kill it yeah the babies ah 223 let’s go thank you what why he jumping the heck nice snipe enraged ah my stops reloading all right ah 222 that’s all right that’s all right that’s all right it’s fine ah the babies no okay we’re good I’m gonna open the door in case he wants to like get in there or something I don’t really know why Phantom zombie oh gosh oh oh he turns invisible ah oh yeah we’re back up to 223 thank you cheese the cheese Tex the cheese Tex oh care package okay there we go fix the problem I’m put more lights in oh I just figured out where my money is I didn’t see it until like right now so uh I have a care package can I spawn that on the roof or some stay inside don’t come out okay 222 ah um watching and uh I don’t know I don’t know now 18% damage reduction oh yeah AK47 let’s go I’m going to unequip everything except for like the sniper cuz I like the sniper I’m GNA keep this I’m going to keep the SMG and the sniper SMG AK-47 and uh sniper rifle remember you are able to remember you’re able to skip five badges Choose Wisely I I didn’t I didn’t even know you could do that to be honest uh what is this game called in Roblox uh I have no idea it’s like something for the hunt there are 100 games all you need is 95 badges oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right that’s nice it’s like um military shooter tycoon or something I don’t really know though sniper rifle first a k uh is that say does that say do I like turtles because I like turtles I do like turtles uh yeah un equip the pistol you don’t lose the key when you die oh waffle do you like cheese oh yeah I like cheese it’s delicious okay so we got the SMG the sniper rifle and the revolver I’m going to unequip everything just so I can like refresh the slots because it’s 2 five seven and eight right now which is kind of annoying yeah I think that huh huh yeah I found that uh cute fire though this yeah 223 subs thank you I think the I can’t get rid of the revolver the AK47 I can refresh we’ll get that then we’ll go grab the SMG if I could find it okay we’ll go grab the sniper can I do a a video with you sometime yeah sure I mean yeah not right now because I’m streaming but you know ah they’re getting in ah how do you get in hello is senzo I need that blue egg or I would like that blue egg okay now this yellow egg are pretty easy okay these guys are easy too reloading that’s all right that’s all right got tactics all right we got strategy I’m running into more zombies yeah look we’re farming these eggs oh no there’s a little boy ah no frak I died BR where is he taking him what the heck I said the revolver too but I don’t really want to use that no he died no the guy died the other guy I don’t know plume yeah plume plume died no bro welcome to you need to collect 150 eggs so we’re almost done with this game then we can do um a different game because after 150 because we’re at 128 after 150 we can do it so yeah we’re almost done w croissant Emoji ah how do they keep getting in ah oh that I know how that one got in I guess barrier oh that worked I’m just kidding okay sniper rifle where’s my sniper rifle there it is reloading we got to got to spray all right so we got that so we got 100 kills I guess oh no is a lightning oh no they’re getting up where those lightning zombies coming from all right I’m gonna go reload everything and I’m going to cut everything around ah oh my gosh they’re so fast ah I joined VC and I doubt anyone will join lol I might join but not right now excuse me oh my gosh [Music] snipe oh no oh no that’s not good ah oh oh great no no why is it so hard to kill this one zombie okay there we go we’re good okay I’m G to try to shoot like the the little ones ah no no he get up here ah ah There’s a Zombie Army ah I died but bye I’m G okay bye yeah get those yeah yeah get the yeah get the egg yeah okay so we only need a couple more egg zombies before we’re good to to go yeah okay we got it we got it we got it we’re good might s that guy all right I’m going to go back to the hunt we’re going back to the hunt um by the way I’ve already gotten the one in natural disaster survival and some like wood chopping games that’s why I have like two extra from last stream like I did another thing I even had two extra it was like a little more than that at least what I get I don’t know okay let’s see here um music legends ninja Legends what you need to do and please donate does chat know what we need to do and please donate to get the thing uh steep steps nope I bet it’s something I bet it’s something cool hang on let me let’s go to please donate let’s go and please donate and let’s see what it is and if it’s something stupid where you have to pay roblo I’m not doing it I’m not even doing the hunt do Barry prison all right I’m going to do Barry prison next I want to look at please donate to see what it would do if it’s Roblox if it’s Robux related then I will do it don’t get me wrong this this is professional beg I get I get a spe I get a scheduled paycheck why is that one of the things I read okay anyway how do we get the hunt we have to get donated to or something uh limited time oh why am I I clicked the letter o on my keyboard please help spring oh Sprint how do I Sprint uh I didn’t even know you could Sprint in this game what the heck all right all right all right I’m going what is do this qu all right oh they got like a cut scene oh wait hang on I got to turn on my volume in the music world but alas I’m scraping by like a lone Leaf in a Gusty storm well this is cool I heard Rumblings about Treasures hidden in the nuke bunker nearby maybe just maybe there’s a glimmering diamond waiting for me there help me get donations and together we’ll uncover the secrets of the bunker what do you say friend just be like no [Music] that’s I think I’m done I need to talk to him again ah great hey there young adventur can you spare a moment for an old man’s dream I’ve been struming my guitar dreaming of making it big in the music world but alas I’m scraping by like a lone Leaf in a gust I clicked it again I thought I would I heard Rumblings of treasures hidden in the nuke bunker nearby maybe just maybe there’s a glimmering diamond waiting for me yeah I think there’s a little more than just a diamond bro you need 5,000 uncover the secrets of the bunker what do you say friend all right now I’m going all right now I’m going bro who’s bro who’s role playing and please donate right now that’s dumb yeah we got to go in here then hack okay I’m going hack this oh okay you got to test waffle intelligence what huh oh okay I see now I see now I see now it took me a second I took me a second okay then we need to go oh we need to go to the other one okay and do that yeah this very Advanced hacking I guess oh I just realized it’s all timed now I’m scared the heck would you rather be sick or meet Rick ow am I stupid am I just dumb oh my gosh you have the longest name it doesn’t even I can’t even I can’t even read your comment cuz your thing is so long hang on I’ll look at it in a second am I just stupid I feel like I’m just stupid how do you this doesn’t turn there’s nothing to turn here can you drag him no you’re just you’re just screwed you can’t this this isn’t possible I can get up here like that’s not hard I don’t is this possible I’m going read your comment uh I kind of gave up on H quarter way yeah that’s fair I’m not tripping I just this is not not possible you can’t [Music] okay this possible oh my OBS is being [Music] ridiculous would you rather be bright or be scared of the light would you rather make it bright or be scared of the light uh I don’t know there’s one is this possible dang it now I feel stupid now I do feel stupid okay wait it’s like this right but then you do that yeah all right all right all right so then you do that this is the same one as before your mic keeps glitching out I’m sorry I can’t help it this isn’t this one isn’t Poss oh wait no it is okay now I see so I was just being an idiot so that was just me being stupid all right that’s fair I [Music] guess we have [Music] that please blitzy don’t call me that um am I just being dumb again feel like I’m kind of just being dumb again okay well then you can’t I wish that one was curved it’s not let me do something like this please play evade uh I’ll have to see what it is if it’s weird I’m not going to play it am I just dumb can any of you guys in chat figure this out am I just being stupid I can’t tell blitzy if you do something like that again I’m uh un timing you out please stop okay yeah I was just being dumb okay I got it I got it we’re good it took like two attempts but I’m good we’re good waffle my new my M my new display name is Airy okay why uh because you’re being I don’t know like I’m okay I’m okay with being stupid but like just don’t be like too stupid like or not like if he doesn’t like it don’t press and hold we’re playing Minecraft we’re playing Minecraft let’s go this is just Minecraft M Minecraft okay we got to play first person guys we got to get the full Minecraft experience bro so my Mee all right we got two all right there’s another one over here I think we get the the diamonds so we can get we need 5,000 diamonds to get the quest done so we just H wait we can see our hand n boys we play Minecraft speaking of Minecraft I’m play M I’m going to play Minecraft while listening to the stream nice you think the farther down we go the more diamonds we’ll find is there like exactly 500 5,000 diamonds in here I just realized I can hold down my mouse and just strip mine oh nice look there’s a bunch of diamonds over here we must find a must have found a diamond Grove or something can I have the battle pass uh [Music] no something’s sparkling over here I can hear it you here what what game is this on Roblox it’s um so this is a this is a uh no it’s not mining simulator it’s uh please donate it’s doing the hunt Quest on please donate chat we’re almost to a thousand oh who subbed yo who subbed let’s go waffle you should make an SMP and call it waffle smpp uh yes I should that’s just that that’s what Minecraft challenge is the challenge of me trying to find a free Minecraft hosting server thing because I’m a little Brokey I could do that if you guys want I could add oh we got 225 hey I’m I’m CL I’m I’m clapping my hands you can’t hear it because my microphone sucks we got 225 [Music] yeah oh it’s my game’s lagging [Music] yeah nice oh hey waffle I’m oh okay that’s you okay that makes a lot more sense now oh oh [Music] yeah all right uh next stream next stream is Minecraft challenge next stream is Minecraft challenge so now I got to now I got to figure out um what the next thing is now I got to figure out what the next goal is and I will definitely not take me the entire stream to figure out what is that noise oh darn it why is my game becoming so laggy yeah 225 let’s [Music] go oh that feels weird no I’m going back to first person I like first person better we’re strip mining yeah sorry this might be a little boring cuz um I’m turning sound off for you guys so this might be a little boring because um you know we have to get 5,000 gems and we’re only at 1,300 Who Who Are You the heck just keep going down we just keep going down will it just like okay um what can we hey I’m going to start a poll I’m going to start a poll what should um uh when should uh I’m sorry okay so I’m going to I started a poll uh that’s when the next challenge goal is going to be like how 225 was that’s going to be the new number so you guys can decide upon that and I’m going to look at that in like a couple minutes you guys probably just G to pick 245 how many oh we already have three votes nice uh not that deep okay so we’re just going to go in a straight line we’re just going to find every single diamond on this two block layer 250 is winning oh my gosh I didn’t expect 250 to win I thought you all would just immediately agree on 240 I feel like 250 is more even though I guess that makes sense we’ll just go in 25s each goal ever will be like 25 after the next no this diamond spawned outside of the our range of we can’t break this wall I’m turn sound background because I don’t think it’s being annoying now no it’s still being annoying it’s just not okay nah bro Minecraft challenge this stream this is Minecraft challenge welcome to the Minecraft challenge stream the Minecraft challenge stream today we’re playing Minecraft very original Minecraft Gameplay right now chat we’re almost halfway done I know this is really boring I’m sorry I didn’t expect please donate to be that boring of a thing I guess it is please donate though so a can you join the VC in a minute uh yeah sure why not just spice things up I’m coming back when it’s less boring all right I’m sorry bye-bye I’m going to join VC so it’s probably going to go a lot more exciting since uh you know according to our Discord um everything is exciting bye-bye what did he say after this I can help you with steep steps okay okay yeah let me join uh voice chat real quick like let me join the the VC and Discord because I think everybody’s W that right now hello I turned Discord sounds on so hello all right so hey uh Sans are you looking at the stream right now yeah n great Minecraft challenge guys true though I’m just kidding oh wait I forgot I had Xbox on my phone you’re Echo there we go much better hang on I gotta make sure my computer doesn’t crash because everything opens we’re almost done with this section though or we’re almost done with this game I think CU after the diamonds it doesn’t do anything else I don’t believe so some reason I can’t uh launch Minecraft Java ah yeah probably won’t be today if I make a if I make a Minecraft server it’ probably be like sometime this week just because of like the research I’d have to do and stuff yeah wait a minute on see what the error is real quick the operation requires more free dis space [Music] uh you know that makes sense I have a bunch of junk inside my freaking computer anyway h that would have been really bad do you like horror games uh yeah I mean kind of depends on the horror game I mostly just sit in the corner if I play a horror game but I mean that’s I don’t know I kind of just sit in the corner and repetitive die but I like him like I’ll play him but I’ll sit in the corner do you love God uh sure sure oh is there something on my computer like a virus or something because my Storch was like not even halfway full yesterday but now it’s just one megabyte left what do you mean sure someone asked me do you love God and I said said Okay I I said sure and they go what do you mean sure what do you mean sure again I expected yes n bro I’m sure sure man MC donut okay uh steep steps no say you’re not sure wait did I get the thing did I get the badge for this whatever it don’t matter say it say what what am I meant to say Can someone tell silent snow in the Discord that it’s not boring anymore oh okay yes there you go did I already get Obby Patron bike I might get that one um at some point evade all right let me look up evade if it’s something if it’s something like stupid though I’m not playing it is it um it’s not a Hunt game it’s not it doesn’t have I would play it but it’s not my friends on my phone they’re asking if they want to play something with me so I got to go off the call bye all right bye okay okay so explain to me how evade didn’t get hunt but evade but bad did this is what I’m laughing about it evade the actual game didn’t get didn’t get it didn’t get the hunt but evade but bad did it’s hard oh H we’ve already done SCP 308 we already did that one at some point uh I’m just going to play evade but bad because it’s a Hunt game what am I hearing right now find five eggs for the badge okay well there’s one this shouldn’t be too hard there’s another one over there if we can get all these before the round starts I don’t have to play the game chocolate chips VR after uh after what the heck Carl the NPC it’s not in the haunt it’s fake oh what is that this this game looks goofy there’s an egg over there I don’t care about winning I just want to get the eggs if they don’t Target me it’s fine oh there’s an egg over there bro he’s just hiding him why is he actually doing a good job though okay let’s just run away now okay so we need one more Egg and I believe it should be over here oh good it’s not coming in my direction whatever that is is it somewhere over here bro I Su at this why am I so bad at this stop man is it even over here no it’s not okay I don’t know oh it’s right there okay so we found it uh hey okay hi okay now I gotta go talk to Carl what are you talking about it’s a fake it says it it says the the hunt so what are you what chocolate chip what also I got that so we’re good we don’t need to do that anymore I didn’t even die okay what what what is it chocolate chips VR chocolate chips okay we got chips yeah see it was a game I think it was one hey maybe not I don’t know steep steps uh hang on I got to find it real quick then I’ll join it once I find it if it’s in here if it’s not in here I’ll just search it up real quick war machines hey I have 40 by the way it’s Carson hi Carson does that said cheese tax no it says chees cheese TD where is is uh steep steps a Hunt game cuz it’s not a Hunt game I oh wait here it is all right oh good job oh Dar oh yeah me uh C and me tried to do doors but I died to like the easiest one apparently okay uh acquire the badge and orb Leader by heading to the Tory Trail on completing the metaverse samurai quests this update we’ve added 50 meters to the trail and added full Xbox support oh great what what do you mean it’s boring wait I was about to say we haven’t even done anything but that would make it boring can we okay okay how do we even play this game I don’t even know oh okay is that the entire game oh dang it how do I oh okay I see I’m just going to climb your ladder sir excuse me very much so you just basically never take this off of your hand uh bridge I gu kind of a jerk okay then then we go no no freak God dang it can I use your ladder okay waffle if you’re done with the hunt will you play evade uh yeah probably I’ll try it out if I’ll try it out at some point I don’t really know uh we go for we got oh we got oh forgot we got to do the quest I gotta grab my ladder we got to grab the quest apparently uh I can help Okay okay now we go right oh if you best you can get this really cool ladder oh excuse me thank you I’m going to steal your ladder just kidding it’s not stealer I’m just kidding no gosh dang it I this is going to be one of those really annoying games one of the really annoying games that takes absolutely forever I’m G let you do this part I suck at this bit all right yeah you make the the you make the bridge or whatever okay hello hello chocolate chip no grab my ladder all right bye chocolate chips [Music] um excuse me you need my ladder for assistance all right bye chocolate chip I would throw my ladder but I don’t want to lose it not like I don’t know okay you got we’re good yeah there we go oh God dang it I fell gosh dang it I fell hang on I got this i got this i got this i got this I forgot to Sun what huh oh sub oh okay oh thank you thank you charate chip what is this got pick that up thank you Chate chip bye thank you for subbing oh my gosh that guyy speed running the heck you can’t tell but there’s very intense uh you can’t tell but there’s very intense uh classical music playing in the background right now excuse us excuse us sir sir okay go around and H all great uh I will be uh I will be there and it back okay okay I’m GNA sit here in the corner and um watch you actually I can’t my camera doesn’t go out that far I’m the highest person up right now apparently oh wait no I’m not uh I’m just top of the leaderboard apparently I just to I got me a root I got me a root beer right now just chilling Jee uh right now we’re waiting for that guy to get back he fell off or his ladder fell off root be hello [Music] sir can I use your ladder thank you thank you sir I appreciate it okay can I no I can’t ah okay oh no oh I’m not doing it I think he just Rage Quit uh and root beer all right move oh just pulled it off on that nerd just pulled it up on that guy all right there we go yeah we did it ah if I throw my ladder down will it just slide off I think it’ll just slide off yeah wait sen your big ball disease can I use your okay thank you oh no please don’t let me fall if I put my ladder right no I should probably because I don’t want it to fall over because it falls that I’m like basically just dead all right sit I don’t want to sit I don’t know who this guy is he’s being nice I hope you fall from a tall building what oh no wait does he just get his ladder back since it kind of fell in the void he what the is that name what the heck is that [Music] name I don’t know that’s an interesting name Choice we’ll say that Senor pig ball disease um what oh I think it’s okay if I lose my ladder here oh my God I need to turn off my sound sorry this there was very intense classical music playing in the background like it was like if Rock and classical music had had a baby it was just goofy so I don’t know if I should like oh can I oh no okay I don’t really know what this guy’s doing to be honest oh he in a bridge you got that bridge uh should I go over there I’m kind of being untrustworthy because I don’t want somebody to like troll me into something I guess yeah I’m coming I just don’t want to fall oh oh oh uh uh not going to lie that was kind of funny what w w that another guy leave oh no he’s still here how is he above me oh he’s over there I just he just walked past me and I didn’t notice okay what if I like I did something like this oh big what disease so I did that kind of push it a little bit oh push it Timber all right so we got it we got over we got over just place your lad I don’t on blank blank blank blank oh okay oh oh um do we need to go that way which which way oh okay this doesn’t seem much like speed running much uh yeah that’s why this quotations around it is cuz I’m slow as heck that’s why it’s quotation quotation speed running is because I’m actually super slow at it see it’s it’s it’s Mind Games wow so fast picked up the core block shield from the floor we G to have to fight something okay all right I got it wow [Music] so all right bro imagine it lands on that ledge to be honest at ladder fine yeah yeah just keep pushing your super cool ladder off the edge Noah wait what it’s your boy the narrator back with another story in [Music] the oh well um oh I didn’t even notice he fell shows have observant I am okay what if I just like I did that and I pushed it oh it’s all right it’s all right I get the ladder back okay this is going to fall every single time that I try to do that oh no get off after oh no oh no all great AK I wish this game would be in first person so I could like I don’t know oh okay there we go figured out okay and then we push it okay or not or not okay no no a great wa now we got to restart all right uh is that guy still here or did he leave oh he’s still here okay I just like oh oh gosh dang it no come back here cheese the cheese text the cheese text why is everybody having so much difficulty with this thank you ah um okay everybody yep yep Frick bro why are there so many people here yeah I’m going to move my ladder may this is Goofy I don’t think you can make it over there bub okay excuse me okay everybody go on my ladder go on my ladder go go go yeah go on my ladder all right all right we got it oh God has both got 800 Robo from a free roblo site and they were surprised they got a second chance they got the chance for threee roblo okay okay oh no no no no no no no I’m not letting that happen bro you did not just pull that out at the last moment what the heck or not that that’s not what I meant but you know whatever oh okay go go go go go bro who left their ladder over there oh no he left his ladder ah okay well a new Challenger I tried excuse me sir excuse me thank you n who’s named lgbtq everyone go go go go go go everyone go go go go go go okay man I need to stop helping people or something Milo chocolate powder Noah and their name is Noah official smiley face okay go grab my ladder go across all right there we go I already got this so I don’t need to grab it again is that one still here I don’t even know uh yeah he’s still there somewhere I don’t really know where he is perfect oh the cheese text but they what what I’m goofy Noah official installed something quite sus too wait what oh nobody’s risking their ladder huh fine I’ll risk my ladder bro go go go push it push it not not like that but yeah oh what if I did something like that yeah there we go oh what bro really hello please please I’ve suffered through War okay don’t call this time [Music] I know what you mean I just find that funny oh okay okay okay there we go go go go dcore jump is just not using their ladder at all they said no no letter Noah official broke the 12th wall and has two 2,000 more brain power than Albert Einstein ripped to him by the way oh my god oh I was about to say I was about to say um what are you g to do next I’m going to do whatever chat says next I’m ending the poll by the way right now and it looks like 250 so we’re going to figure out what 250 is yeah okay go two two play jelly beanies next I’ll join you uh if it’s on the hunt and if it’s not weird I’ll play it Roblox or no Roblox um I don’t know oh for next wait what oh uh like are we going to be doing Roblox next stream or what do you mean by that okay what do you mean by that silent snow after you’re done oh uh I don’t know what what what oh okay I see now here pick up the core blocks portal stabilizer okay now I’m coming I’m scared of this I don’t like that I go on this side is that okay can I go on this side or oh okay there’s your ladder okay I see it now I see I see I see I see I said I’m going to jump I’m I’m too powerful I’m going to jump off a cliff and so he died Earth was nothing as well oh what oh huh oh he jump oh goang I didn’t I didn’t make it up here hang on hang on I’m slightly bad at the yeah all right we did it we made it up here at least we are 63 miles up apparently they said they added 50 more like meters or miles to it or whatever I think it’s meters something like that they said they added like 50 more meters to it in the update so unfortunately that means we’re going to have to be in this game longer but K so a girlfriend can you play gtag after the hunt uh I might play some gtag maybe I don’t know I don’t know hey that’s just a theory a game p Theory rip mat Pat that’s true it’s facts why am I so bad at this there we go I’m so bad at climbing things what about evade uh I played evade but bad earlier and um I could tell it bad um but it’s not on Hunt so I’m not going to do it this stream this stream all right I might do a different stream where I do it but I’m not gonna do it this stream because it’s not Hunt related yo what are you you pick up the core blocks helmet okay jell games is not what yo there’s a guy named stinky up here what the heck hey oh my nose hurts I want to join you badly you can join me on my Roblox account you can just join whatever game I’m playing one second I’m G mute up for a second all right I had to schniff I had to sniffle so and my nose hurts really bad okay all right all right we’re doing this got this he’s doing it I I I’m bad at this oh that would have been really bad okay okay oh hi hi chocolate chips no oh okay it’s okay it’s void it’s void it’s void we’re good we gota wait for a second though I hate this part yeah that’s fair waffle what happened to talat oh they got banned from my channel what’s up Mr streamer waffle hello no no no oh my God yeah okay scarred me I’ll come back trust me wait here what okay wa hang on who was what’s up Mr streamer waffle what was her name Bubba jaxi is there over oh excuse me excuse me sir stop okay there we go last one is here okay oh gosh why do we got to do this that seems a little risky for me okay yeah okay here we go balls hi chocolate chip hello do you have a VR uh yes I do it I can’t I can’t oh gosh skill moment help me waffle uh I don’t know where you were uh Hey There we go when you get done with the stream will you uh can you join Cod the code can you join code uh I’m not doing uh gorilla tager a VR stuff today I’m mostly just doing hunt so AB wait what all right I got it kick the child and POS TP back to zero uh that’s that’s it that’s that’s it really all right hang on I got two people to zero how oh it’s a Tik Tok meme uh buffer so do I can I do I reset or something open menu settings what the heck just follow oh okay I just now saw he saw he said just follow then watch my parkour skills okay they’re awful but yeah waffle can you scream mac and cheese in real life uh sure mac and cheese there you go I’ve scream I’ve I I didn’t scream it but I put the microphone next to my mouth so it’s close enough oh W Park skill parkour skills talk to her okay you have succeeded in locating my artifacts yes quick epilepsy warning the next cut scene contains flashing lights do you want to skip it not recommended for normal users uh play the cut scene please PE PE PE PE eat the CH oh wait isn’t that that dance isn’t that the dance is that that’s like a dance right yeah cuz it’s like um whatever it’s like how you D teaches you how to dance that’s what that Meme is Builder man man is that you oh my gosh the CEO of Roblox I had a vision a prediction of as you will a customer support ticket I can’t access other experience on the platform it’s been 300 days I wanted to upgrade from steps to doors but I’ve been stuck on the homepage not to worry we could help you turn S not a waffle thanks for helping and a special core blocks ladder ah thank you for my specialized ladder Builder man died in real life oh I don’t I don’t think um I don’t think that’s Builder man guy I I don’t guys I don’t think Builder I don’t think that’s Builder man I think they’re lying to us all right so that’s the next game done we have a 14 now he did oh I I totally forgot that he died in real life okay what game we playing next chat I don’t I haven’t done uh Obby Butcher on a bike I want to do that this stream at some point I do want to do that what um that’s block man blockman man uh doors I ain’t able to do doors I’m going to die I want to get some of the easy ones out of the way before I do like the hard ones like doors or something like how they had to put the toothless meme for this game just for it to get like seen at all Lumber jacks simulator I can guide you it’s easy well yeah that’s what Cass said and then we died like 2 minutes in which I get you only have two minutes to do it but still and I know I know you only have two minutes to do it but still I died like immediately and I was with voice chat murderer versus Sheriff duels let’s do like um I’m just going to go get Obby betatron bike out of the way like before I do anything else since I don’t I can’t really think of any other games all right let’s get this one out of the way and then we can do um something else like another one so here we go uh I need to make chat bigger chat is uh itty bitty chat and hey I have a question should I put chat behind me or should I keep chat on top of me I know that sounds weird but should I keep chat behind me should I put chat behind me so it goes all the way down or should I put it um or should I keep it above me so I have my own little square on top okay okay I’ll keep it all right I’ll keep it on top I do want to make the font bigger though at some point I probably need to do that let me put chat all right we’re playing Obby but we’re on a bike I know it’s boring but apparently we need to do this because I didn’t do it at some point uh okay hunt uh okay quest one beat world one and under 13 minutes okay world one oh okay can you add uh Bray Bray baller boy if you’re done with that game what wait do don’t I have a motorcycle didn’t I I got a oh wait no that was on my other account never mind I thought it was on this account but no it was on that other account I’m G do a daily spin while I’m just sitting here maybe I’ll get something cool I hit some no I just got gravity CL for two minutes all right that’s fine I guess makes things go faster Yahoo you many the best uh you only need to best the third one yes gravity ah darn it I fell like the first death is like just this random ramp that’s here no no the gravity coil yeah yeah I oh you died yeah that happens to person to people who um don’t play games very often wonder who I’m talking about oh maybe my I think I’m talking about me I’m I’m talking about me I I don’t play this I used to play it a bunch but then I beat the game so I didn’t play it now I haven’t beat now I got to beat it on this account cuz I didn’t beat it on the I beat it on the last one bro when people say these are hard I’m just like no I’m going to gravity gravity coil up real quick excuse me what probably been trolled you’ve been oh reply to this guy he’s just okay is chat like scrolled down or something the heck is going on you guys just half commenting wow okay rise out of you what no my gravity clo removed in 10 seconds no chat we lost the gravity coil I don’t think it’s a problem though what read the okay fine I’ll read the whole thing you you’ve been trolled you’ve been trolled yes you’ve Pro probably been trolled don’t don’t reply to this guy he’s just right he’s just rise out of you read the whole thing it’ll make sense there you go I read the whole thing it just still doesn’t make sense but I read the whole thing so if we beat this in uh 13 under 13 minutes we get the first thing so we’re going to have to redo this if we um get it under if we get it over 13 minutes why yeah I know it’s a mean I’ve heard of the mean before you’ve been trolled you’ve been trolled yes you’ve probably been told I don’t know the rest of the song that’s the only part I know all right time to leave there we go I feel like since I told everybody that my Roblox thing um is just you can just join it without whatever I feel like now people are just going to constantly join me which isn’t a problem I like I like um I like being stream sniped it’s fun just um well I like it now because nobody’s being mean about it or like nobody’s um being mean they don’t stream snipe for bad reasons like they usually do it to help which I like so keep stream sniping specifically set it up so you can stream snipe now water on the hill and fire in the hole I played an UNO reverse card all right we got to keep going chat halfway oh we’re halfway through and we’re halfway to 12 minutes oh gosh dang it of course I fell I’m going to die to this section like 177,000 times for no reason it’s going to be like the one section I died like deaths are going to go up to like 50 something just because of this you’ve been trolled you’ve been trolled yes you’ve probably been be trolled uh he’s just trying to get I can’t I can’t read it all right now I’m trying to focus that was a voice crack trying to I’m trying to read chat while focusing on the game while speed running so um yeah stop ruining the silence what do you mean stop ruining the silence okay that was terrible of Me no frick I put my dog harder each time oh my gosh I fell again ah this is wasting time go I don’t even know my record it’s probably like half an hour or something go it’s all these ones that stop your momentum that’s the real problem w w okay okay okay buddy my dog is [Music] missing bro you evap you made him evaporate it you evaporated him you made him evaporate cuz you pet him so hard you’ve been trolled you’ve been trolled and I fell off the map again if we get 13 minutes before I finish um I’m just going to restart like I’m going to go to world two and then go back to world one probably is what’s going to happen and then I’m going to try again CU I don’t think any of the other quests are timed so you got this thank you try your best all right I’m gonna try my best and that was my best no freak I don’t have any boxes or anything this level’s going to be so we’re going to have to like come back another day to like get like the spin just so I can get like a skip or something we have two we have like three we have four we have like five minutes that took I don’t know why it took so long to figure out numbers we have five We have basically five minutes before this before um we have to restart I might do this last if I don’t get a second try still w w think this is like the easy one too go go go go no okay okay okay okay okay okay go go go go go go go go go go go go we got to go chat we have three minutes we’re at 69% it’s wamp wamp instead of wamp wamp is how I say it oh h BR who just bought limited time cber Spike heck go you got this yeah I’m trying oh freak so close yet so far true um why why what what what what is happening right now am I just having a seizure all right there we go finally took long enough okay these are really big momentum stops which I don’t like very much buto I know what you’re about to say stop bro I don’t really care that’s a skill issue I don’t have skill in this game it’s it’s of course it’s a skill issue uh silent snow Lo see bro we got we have uh 40 seconds bro imagine I get this in the last 40 seconds if I don’t get it this time um I’m either going to try again or I’m going to not I’m going to try again or I’m going to save till the very end bro I stopped but it didn’t okay whatever I didn’t touch it see is Spanish oh ex man I don’t like this very much this isn’t this isn’t fun these are meant to be fun this is not fun this is annoying all right well we’re yeah um what’s the other quests Place top three in a race and beat world four uh I’ll just do the easiest one real quick okay I don’t I have to beat this one yeah I know I don’t play this game so I haven’t unlocked world four apparently so we got to go through all world one two and three and then we got to go through world four and then and then we can do it which I guess I could hone my skills at that point so I’ll probably be a lot better I guess I didn’t expect um I guess I didn’t expect a game about being on a bike the whole time to be um hard do the second bike do the second Quest the bike is op you get a bike for it I I’ll try I’m goingon to finish this though because I want to get this done cuz we’re at 86% so all right I’ll do that one next then that one be we’ll go um two we’ll do Quest two Quest three and then we’ll do quest one in that order is it like overpowered fast or is it like um overpowered like cool looking waffle uh uh I don’t I’m not that good at Spanish I know a little bit of that hash cancel Monday op fast and fly well I don’t have uh Roo to pay for that oh wait does that is that what you get from it because if that’s what you get from it that’d be awesome do you like Monday uh not really it’s not my worst it’s not my least favorite but I don’t like it but I still don’t like it you don’t have to pay uh beat a world beat world one uh what’s your least uh I don’t really like um I don’t know I don’t my least is probably like Thursday because it’s not Friday so it’s not so it’s not good and it’s not the weekend but it’s still like it’s kind of like I just don’t I just don’t like Thursday I’m weird okay hang on so how do we get to the races three um okay [Music] I hi Trio Google translate all right one second I’ll Google translate it once I get done with this race man can’t my legs be going crazy with the what don’t what do you mean don’t don’t what Yahoo I doubt that I win but I think I only need to get in third place if I remember correctly so if I can get up like up to there where like behind her then I think I could do it don’t translate silent you are not bored boop boop boop boop boop just jump over all this oh oh oh all right there we go you just have to place top three yeah that’s what I was saying all I have to do I I fell off but all I have to do is Place top three and then I win or and then I get the thing or whatever so I don’t really care about winning break I don’t like this area this is stupid can I go over it all or okay I can so if I just stay over it all I don’t have to deal with those all right or you know just fall into one because that’s cool oh okay I got it I got it I got the thing we’re good we’re good we’re good let’s just keep going uh did you know that the uh that is of the now can is of the now can okay I’m not reading all that kazzy and tongue what who’s kazzy and tongue the heck did you know that the okay your guys are just okay caz’s just spamming stop you’re ruining the silence all right bro someone sped up the timer or something CU they finished I don’t think I’m getting top three though I could probably get top three if it had just started but I don’t think I can get top three now you ruined it again what no I don’t understand what you guys are talking about right now can we can I [Music] two one go go go okay we got to go we actually okay we got to finish the race now okay now we have a chance of getting third at least what’s 9 time 9 uh 80 wasn’t it like 81 or 82 or something if something like that 89 something stupid like that wait till tomorrow uh okay go you’re so slow probably all the Pay to Win people are going to win first it’s 81 yeah let’s freaking go I got it waffle wait what’s 90 time 90 uh one I don’t actually know yeah I haven’t done math in 63,000 years sorry that’s a skill issue on my part ah great oh a freak I was in first place too respawn hurry up it’s 8K and one the heck I guess that makes sense AK isn’t a number yeah 8,000 I think 8,000 is a number ah these stupid pads I hate these things no see I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them I hate them so much they’re so annoying no I don’t want to hit them no no okay there we go so we’re not first place anymore and um I fell off again are we got going to be able am I going to be able to get this one or am I just too autistic too we’re going to need everybody to stream snipe we’re going to need like a 100 stream snipers just to be able to get this okay you sped I could tell what oh yeah go fast go fast yeah okay I’m falling again I can’t even reset character either that’s what’s annoying there’s no like respawn button like usually there’s okay yeah there is okay never mind I’m just I’m just stupid hang on AFK players are the best national autism day was a field how could you what do you mean how could you tell me when National waffle day is and I’ll do a stream how much you think how much you think you worth I don’t know it’s tomorrow no it’s not you’re just joking bro it’s not tomorrow wait is it tomorrow hang on hang on is it tomorrow August 24th uh okay I’ll make sure to stream on August 24th for some reason I don’t like this section very much it’s very annoying and that dude was able to get a first try for some oh wait no he didn’t he died what I pressed jump button it doesn’t jump excuse me okay okay go why does it jump less why does it jump L okay there we go we’re good we’re good chat we got it yahoo yeah I’m not getting first place some people already got past me so got to do it again hi waffle hi super chicken you finished the race wait I did teleporting back in 5 seconds oh did I get it or no no I didn’t Le top three in a race W I have a special game for you okay I think you did it well no I didn’t unfortunately I did not do it um I did the opposite of it I I did not it did not work so close get so far F okay so I can claim these okay so in two minutes I get two times trophies I guess in 20 minutes I get flying and whatever that is [Music] oh wait another race started go go go go go a freak I didn’t even notice sorry this part’s going to be pretty boring because um I suck and that’s an honest skill issue on my part I ate my pet B what what why’ you eat your pet bird pet bird it’s probably not a good thing bro bro okay there we go go Yahoo you think jumping makes me go faster or no I can’t really tell I can’t I’m not reading that I’m I’m focusing I’m sorry okay here we go go go go on an adventure so I’m in like top like seven right now freck no just I hate that that was an option only respa your character okay yeah so we need to click the big button whenever we click reset go why does it do that it’s annoying I don’t get it this time I’m not playing this one and I know that sounds stupid and I know that sounds stupid I know it sounds stupid but I’m I’m not doing it just saying that now I will naturally just not do it yeah so if I don’t get this Quest done right now I’m not what is up with doors like what is it with doors why does everybody like doors what if I didn’t like doors would that be such tragedy sorry sorry that probably sounded mean it would be tragic I get five games to not do right so I just don’t do I don’t do doors I don’t do uh this I don’t do uh block I don’t do um battle strongest Battlegrounds and I don’t do what I don’t know any other ones that are hard hash cancel waffle why all I said is that I don’t like doors yeah I’m not getting third I’m not getting I’m I’m not getting at least third strong strongest Battlegrounds you got to pass for Oh I thought just me you don’t want to do fruit battle I’m just going to go on the next game I can already tell I’m not going to win so let’s just go on to the next one because I don’t want to deal with this one anymore I just want to cancel you oh yeah you should go talk to Lemon cartoon he’s in my Discord he has the same goal my dog ate my dog ate my butt my cat and my cat ate my sister and my my sister Ate My Karen doors can you add me doors never mind uh I think I’ve played war machines before not on this account I don’t know like I gu a couple of these that I could be like okay yeah that’s okay to play like I I’ll play that whatever um so do you automatically get a pass for strongest Battlegrounds or is that like something I’ve to collect still jeez why do you have 78 all right kind of want to get all the like Tycoon games done and I that sounds like I don’t know I that sounds goofy but I do just because like I don’t know all right I’m gonna believe you because I got a p i got I I’m GNA believe you let’s go what chocolate chip what are you mad about I don’t want do FL is lava right now uh deadly decisions you never said anything uh no a game all right go what’s your game we’ll play we’ll play deadly decisions or wait wait what princess first the heck um oh 227 let’s go thank you I need to set up the new goal hang on okay then we’ll do um I think Chad decided on 250 so we’re going to do 250 I’m going to set it to goal right now just cuz um I don’t have any an idea right now uh what do he say um it’s either this or doors all right um no that’s not the one I meant to go into I’m sorry that’s not the one I meant to go into I meant to go into uh another one but I guess we can do this one just to get it over with we do this one anyway so don’t care okay whatever discover 530 so we got to get like what is Elemental Tycoon I’ll do Elemental Tycoon after the one that plume wants me to do and then I’m going to do this one before plume cuz I already went into it and I don’t know okay we going to discover 30 pets I guess whatever that is or whatever that means um we just like oh okay after you’re done with Tycoon can you add me uh I don’t know maybe depends I guess it probably end up happening yeah I this just takes too long yeah this is this looks uh very easy not going to lie just yeah it takes very long unless you buy eggs yeah I’m not buying eggs sorry no thank you so we GNA have four slots apparently okay can I like no I just have to wait for them to to wait for them to do their thing I guess I my oh my gosh what’s the gold used for to make eggs or to buy eggs with the monies or something oh yeah okay I see now you have to buy the egg you have to get the monies with the eggs to get things well have run with the qu oh have fun with the quest okay when are you going to be done with the hunt I don’t know I was planning to do hunt all stream but I don’t really know now can I just got to let these guys like just chill my spoon it’s stuck oh no I take a break after this uh like what kind of break what do you mean like a different game or like what non Hunt related I don’t I’m g go buy an egg real quick I already have one of those give me another one give me a different one yes sir game break I just wanted to E my Wendy’s what what do you mean stupid cheap waffle super cheap bones what different game oh I don’t really maybe I don’t really know if I did it would probably have to be something chat decid because I’m like too I’m too not um motivated enough to pick a game by myself I like Po world like that’s my that’s my entire game range is just po world and like Minecraft mods bad 78 different badges gorilla tag um maybe I don’t know I think my thing might be dead I don’t know though bro I have to get a few more and I’m done or and you’re done nice snow uh see if it’s charged at some point but it might not be come on there we go there’s another one this one’s going to take a while I can already tell two many of the same games to do I can’t keep up [Music] oh apparently once I get 15 of like these pets I can go over there I guess however that works also waffle the knee of my pants no the knee on your pants are ripped all right yes chocolate chip this kind this game’s interesting I like your voice oh thank you I got a [Music] sloth okay I’m going to fuse all these guys and see what I can get probably won’t get anything oh okay I did okay well about to say I probably won’t get anything good but then I did so look at this look at this thing he’s a little angry boy destroy crystals that’s not bad all right we got another egg we got another egg porcupine okay I don’t care let’s do another one all right I don’t have enough money I got to go around collick more money another egg thankfully you get eggs a bunch in this in this game collect drops so we need one more please just drop one more so I can go collect it there’s one yink all right now we got the mustache mushroom look look at the mushroom it’s a mushroom mustache guy cheese is it possible to destroy the world can I merge all these together okay I can I’m gonna merge all these and see what I get all right nice I honestly could care less about I could honestly couldn’t care less about this game I literally only want to get this done otter it’s cute but what what is that oh me yes destroy crystals ah thank you for my $2,000 instead of my egg that I was supposed to get I just need to earn gold to get another thingy uh sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry uh want to know what’s better than cheese what’s better than cheese chocolate chips okay let’s go in here because we can go here is that my thing or is that somebody else’s thing that’s somebody else’s thing all right hello I’m still here I’m sorry did I no I’m sorry oh Sushi oh it’s G yeah hi K Prime waffle await huh [Music] air collector drops so I can get monies again what are you angry about so we don’t need to ever go in there because um we’re never going to get that many things before I figure out that I’ve done it so what are you saying it’s still waiting one hour left what do you mean one hour left oh there’s an egg in here I didn’t know there were eggs around the map I would have just run around the map we got to collect uh droppings more droppings I say cheese better oh the prime sanctum uh okay now we got monies destroy crystals okay okay maybe assis is eating a waffle how do how do you feel about your kind uh I don’t know I don’t know now I don’t know how to feel about chocolate chips VR now they’re eating my kind so I can buy another pet slot which I don’t really care about but I want to get it so I can get the crystals or whatever so there we [Music] go [Music] hey oh nice we got another one uh we need like a couple more yeah we need like 15 more or something something like that oh there’s an egg up there let me go parkour up there real quick parkour we have more waffle we have more waffle is in my freezer no no that’s not there we go okay that one’s actually kind of cute some of them are actually kind of cute like some of the little pet things y we get another egg have we gotten everything from the common egg or okay no we have not not at all core core 4 equals data store failed okay we only need uh 10 more pets and then we can I don’t know go do something else go do a different game or go do some engd 41 has been released oh no I’m gonna let these guys just like mine here and I’m gonna go grab all these eggs that are like floating around everywhere there’s one over there how do I can I even get up there hello can I stand on this thing no I can’t ID 41 equals waffle am I oh okay so we got to get on top of the mountain or whatever your VR is fully charged nice okay platypus okay got an angry boy how do I how do we get up on top of there is that a thing we can do I got eight left before I can leave this for before I can leave this um bad place I don’t like it here buy another one surprised to be honest I uh I’d hide one behind here oh okay well big big spoiler just a couple just a small spoiler oh let me grab another egg because I got a reward egg earn gold in the forest okay not very hard [Music] um how the Heckle berries okay just need four more before I can get uh uh out of here or I can stop doing this waffle what what wello what chocolate chips stop yelling at me what no we need um like four more like pets quote unquote I guess I need four more like pets or something seems to be a lot on top of these but I don’t know how to get up there apparently they’re just parkouring okay you can just jump up here okay well I wish I I knew I could just jump up here I would have grab them all yoink okay so now I only need one more before I can get out of here or be done with this and there we go all right I’m done okay got that hey [Music] [Music] hey okay wait I didn’t even ask ask him what his next game wanted to be oh wait he’s right here watch it be doors he’s looking for it he’s looking for doors I can tell uh here I’ll look for you I’ll help you out okay here’s doors oh no he’s going somewhere different I guess oh this one which one doors okay now it’s just fooling around how do I join you uh go to Roblox go to my account just join okay he wants to do doors so whenever you join we’re going to do doors I guess better hurry up because I bet this guy’s going to speedrun it [Music] oh no who’s this I’m just kidding so yes I will repetitively die by the way oh thank you for the sub I’m gonna die I know like some of them like some of them I can do like the one where it flickers the lights or whatever I can understand that all right I’ll try but I’m probably going to hide in a closet half the time I try not to but you know whatever Al my mouse is being dumb [Music] go I’m here not going in there yippe in advance waffle all right I’m hiding un hiding is it just me or is it like every single time you get into a closet at a game it’s like nah it’s like n someone’s going to eat you through the closet oh great right here oh he’s lagging oh okay well we have 20 seconds before we explode so uh byebye waffle I’ll come back waffle all right bye hiding don’t have to tell me twice un hide I need to turn on my sound I’m here Hide hiding and turning on my sound bu will check your DMs okay I will yeah we’re GNA die oh yep I died what got you what got you this time looks like you ran out of time yeah I think I did just a little bit try a bit harder next time CZ what did you send me we died time to restart yeah okay I’ll play again sorry I was looking at the cut scene I subscribed to you just now thank you close my window thank you for subscribing uh I don’t know if it went up it might not be loaded okay there we go last time I died to the guy who um pretends to be a door um C knows what I’m talking about I like your little I like your little camera by the way it looks nice oh thank you remember the more badges the rare your account is oh that’s good to know I guess I didn’t know that oh God the lights flickered how do I Sprint I can’t I don’t know how to sprint vacuum yeah I died to vacuum oh hiding I don’t really uh wait where is that guy oh okay I’m just gonna follow this guy he knows where he knows where he’s going probably I don’t great I think I’m dead yeah I died oh nope still here run oh I ow he’s bullying me hiding uh bro what is going on out there a war hello oh there you are I you got to slow down I’m slow my mouse is being stupid again where are you oh there you are I have a key why do I have a key oh okay we have a minute and a half uh I found it I found it I found it found it yeah sorry my phone died that’s all right sorry I’d rather not die okay that was the spooky man there’s a spooky man oh no that’s not good there’s a spooky man well not anymore there was he was red well that’s not very good run I’m hiding okay OK man go [Music] run oh lag Spike he’s coming nope okay where’d you go oh you’re over there all right I found you we’re good ah It’s a Spooky man spooky man got me again it’s the spooky man or not that that that’s not the spooky man that’s the that’s the other [Music] guy [Music] go hiding this is not a good thing see you over there open the doors okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming the spooky man Oh I thought it would the spooky man isn’t here oh wait for me okay there you are spooky man is Sands we gota go we gotta go I’m in a [Music] closet hiding from the the other guy okay I think it’s so it’s safe right yeah it is because you open the door hello I’m here that’s not good noises those are not good oh we got to go I think I’m going to die again yep I died I am the spooky man under your bed oh no if I die one if I if one die the other can get okay okay oh no he disconnected I’m going back to Lobby okay okay I want to join all right so uh go to my account on Roblox and just join me it’s definit not a waffle got something for you waffle in the DM I know mutant waffle PR oh there you are hello okay we go go in here go to go to my account and just go to death not a waffle and then join it’s pretty much it you don’t even need to friend me or anything death not a waffle no sorry we were loading into a thing already while you while I was explaining we gotta gota go maybe um maybe because I get to choose next game if we lose this one and if we win this one so I’ll probably pick something you can join don’t worry don’t worry chocolate chip you’ll be able to get in here wrong way got to go this way why do we go faster in some spots and slow in other spots ow I I got hit by the spooky man the spooky man hit me again the spooky man no I’m good I don’t want that spooky man hit me again like not a third time but I I just mean like the second time he did that mean spooky man he’s a mean boy just left that other guy I’m in a I’m in I’m in a thing okay oh no oh great uh I’m Gonna Leave This one I’ll leave this one go back into hunt and then or not hunt I meant freaking doors I freaking I’m going to back into doors uh I don’t know if you’re watching the stream but uh plume but if you’re I’m going to go back into doors and then uh we can join from there I freaking join hunt instead of doors so okay here’s doors here we go here we go here we go why am I quiet now oh okay I’m not I’m not I’m just talking quiet we’re good all right um open my brother’s door and blamed my all right so I went back into the doors uh plume I’m back in here so you can um what chocolate chip you can join too if you want by I’m going to join you all right uh go to my account just click join experience you don’t even have to be friended to me oh join you in the next game all right plume I think plume joined no that was somebody else wait did they join I can’t even tell so many people I have three deaths I’ve died to this game like twice or I guess three times but what oh wait four 478 football nice hello I can’t jump but I would how you guys able to jump what the heck I can’t jump hello I think we’re waiting for plume but I don’t know where they are did they H just says that it said it said that they uh disconnected or something or wait no that was a while ago never mind that was Plum uh not unless football knows how to do it I don’t really know I guess they have the like title thing got pull that uh yeah one second all right I’m back I put it on the charger and I got myself some some footage cuz I’m hungry so uh good I just got leftovers from yesterday uh like like a cheeseburger it’s like it’s just a cheeseburger for McDonald’s literally just leftovers from yesterday what are you doing the heck I think I might move on to something else I don’t think plume’s coming back I don’t know where he went and I don’t know where when he coming back I’m dancing chat what game do we play next sorry football I’m going to have to leave I got to complete the the thing you don’t the uh you get a free thing for you don’t have to do it I don’t think we strongest Battlegrounds um um so we got 15 badges we need 20 badges get that and whatever um Lee Taio Tycoon oh element Tycoon yeah sure why not I’ll let’s go into element Tycoon got to find it real quick I might play Pet simul X if it’s not annoying like if it’s not um like after this I might do pet Simulator X the back rooms my d p some letter X after Elemental Tycoon it’s gonna be like the very last game I look at oh wait that’s plume I plush plush darn it I don’t know why I called him plume I just feel bad [Music] hello uh okay trying to find [Music] s okay is this literally just going to be the very last game I look at or what okay here we go elemental power Tycoon it’s uh easy get to area 20 in it oh uh the back rooms you mean oh man and tell this is going to be terrible not terribly made or anything it’s just oh no peton all right I feel like that wouldn’t be too hard I guess I’ll do time time sounds fun okay I don’t need to know the tutorial thank you I got this that it’s probably the paid thing oh my God a bridge was it’s going to be really annoying I’m just kid uh drop that’s not a waffle ooh oh sorry sorry sorry Q oh okay so we got to beat we got to like do the Tycoon apparently like one of the quests is just just just to do the Tycoon apparently so we got to do that appar we got to do that all right o there’s a guy there’s a boss over there oh the egg is over here oh yeah there is eggs [Music] uh rip miles the heck oh okay I gota gota go help kill the boss I guess so what you just got to hit him or what oh I died I’m sorry did I did I help at least search the map for green okay man I just want to why are they attacking me trying get the boss oh the boss isn’t even here anymore all right never mind so o that sounds cool I have the I have like time Powers fizzy what I just get my own Dimension hang on yo what are you doing hello oh so you guys get this too all right nice you just casually seal other people’s ability I’m becoming the Green Goblin I don’t even know who half of these people are man I know who B I know who you are but air strike yeah I know it’ be paid whatever whatever it doesn’t matter it casually just goes into another dimension I’m going to turn off the stream so that they can’t hear the they can’t hear it because five will be really annoying every time I do that oh oh let me take your soul wild dancing oh my God man I got the best stream people oh lag Spike I’m at the final boss of the ocean um okay okay mhm H who is oh yink oops okay so lava and Bone are my friends okay good to know I’m an eagle oh yeah oh yeah that’s cool it’s noise ow I’m the kid-friendly Grim Reaper ow okay I don’t lose my money what is this oh ah great we got someone else in here uh we need oh we need [Music] 600 when I get stronger will Target you look okay I’m looking I’m the undertales oh my gosh the undertales hi silent snow welcome back I’m the dancing undertales oh my gosh oh my oh it’s like double jump okay now for my final Act I become my dad peace ow oh my gosh oh shift is also shift is also Dash my dad did not come back but I did oh look I got the green Batman oh well yeah I guess Green Lantern’s better my M I think green Batman Batman ate too much Skittles bro was feeling the rainbow uh can I buy this no I can’t oh I exploded okay so we have one minute before the uh the boss comes in healo now we kind of have stuff kind of now I can attack from a long distance oh that’s good so now oh oh okay now we GNA we oh no I not attacking you I was attacking the boss that’s going to come in a minute not you mie yink see the problem is if I get close to the boss then I’ll die but this ability makes it so so I can hit her without dying just good because um I don’t know it’s just good a run oh not done oh is it over did I get the thing for it or do I have to go into like a private for that okay we did yeah so now we just got to wait what are you sorry for we got it we got it we’re good you don’t need to be sorry for anything we got it search uh the map so now we just need to beat the Tycoon and then after we get done with the Tycoon we can uh go go to a different game yeah pet give me pet I have I have Green Lantern as a pet let me oh okay I I got you I got you there you go yay okay we got 19k let’s do Elemental body sounds interesting I’m transforming who are you Roblox Avatar Store oh I don’t know I don’t know you look likeu if he was worse all right uh we can do big Dropper one okay now we now we need to go get big dropper now we need to get ability three you’re becku beu oh sorry I hit my plate again why do you get two different we oh cuz you picked up my weapon okay now we can go get the um now we can go get the third ability Tempo beam hi chocolate chip oh [Music] ah bones I’ll join the next game all right uh it’ll probably be some other Tycoon not going to lie it freeze it freezes time Tempo oh Tempo beam freeze time but put your hands up my disabled dog will kill you help you oh no no stop killing him no no I’m sorry I didn’t mean to kill you I didn’t think that would do damage over time I just thought it would do like disabled dog the ball it’s the death ball now feel the wrath of ligma you’re freezing the time Master have ligma we’re like halfway done with the Tycoon One V one me if you lose jelly F if you lose you’re not a jelly fish oh BR just died like my balls I’m nature sorry I haven’t sorry I haven’t said anything um I’m eating time trap that sounds cool let me out go I’m dead that don’t count okay three two one go almost time waffle what do you mean almost time our time trap freezes longer oh c what is it almost time for the sanctum awaits oh so I need to get 80k that GG I failed my f i don’t remember the Robux you don’t remember you don’t I think you don’t remember the robo what we make money fast look at this like 2K a second basically no that’s tomorrow oh oh my gosh it’s sand I’m the undertale why way waffle makeup please donate thing for 1K I have a gift for you uh right now or for tomorrow he is the undertale yeah oh my thing’s like going off my my uh okay I’ll make one in a second I’m gonna I’ll finish this Tycoon which has 40% left and then I’m and then I’ll uh get into to please donate and make one oh my God guys look it’s the look it’s the undertales it’s the undertales bro you go so high it’s the undertales 150k exactly s grand clock I have a disabled dog companion what does grand clock do oh stop oops oops this is Goofy oh my dog almost ate me whole oh no just got to finish the Tycoon Spirit Bomb oh my gosh Spirit bombs oh I need to get 200 monies I need get 200 uh whatever monies I’m Goku bro football is the undertales if he was in Nightmare Before Christmas H this tyer takes forever stairs 11,000 I don’t care about the boss anymore because I don’t need it so feat any boss spawns every 10 minutes okay is popped Y and a with me or at me what air strike air strike walls potion pad whatever that is Yahoo okay let’s collect our 77,000 and go all the way back up here we go go what type of cat you uh waffle I don’t know something speed potion I just keep speed boosting or no what it’s over look down oh my gosh what what oh my gosh so you choose a cat that you don’t even know LOL uh yeah I have to look up with the name of it I think it’s like a manun or something as a manun it’s like the it’s the big ones it’s the big chunky ones that’s the big fluffy waffleo is most likely a burmes cat as they they have the same Shades oh I have to hang on let me look up what a burmes cat looks like okay I’m look okay let’s see here yes yes I am Cass is right I am that type of cat okay I’m gonna I’m a real grimp Grim Reaper for kids what is say grimp portal potion oh that’s useful but I wasted it just buy everything play everything for the next floor I’mma just fly Okay g bye sanss use my portal potion use it in battles if you’re low uh well yeah that yeah I guess you could come up waffles okay I’m coming okay I’m coming a great I’m in the ground I can’t come I’m in the ground I can’t come up here all right here we go hello energy turret if I buy this will it kill him I won’t buy that because it’s going to kill him I like football being here by I not buy it oh I have to use the turret okay now I understand I just like hang on a second okay that was fun well I’m going to go down to the first floor I got to be a jerk for a minute so I’m happy uh want to know want to know mystery block sure sure I want to know mystery block I can’t even buy anything here go back down I’m not I’m just GNA walk down that way I don’t I get more monies surprise good to know I have Sans on my team get a random power every four minutes oh see I knew it was 250 I doubted myself and now I have to walk all the way back there okay you know I’m going to do the annoying Neighbor Next Door 100K oh my God I’m GNA do this to the this is this annoy my neighbor is being annoying there we go I fixed the problem I’m a jerk wasn’t doing anything and I was just like okay bye it okay uh what by what oh my God I have a million jeez jeez oh Sans disappeared again security C oh no no no no freak I didn’t mean that oh dang it I thought I read it sorry sorry darn it I didn’t want to oh okay here we turn it off I turned it off I turned it off but the rock yeah okay so I turned off uh I get a random power every four minutes is that a good thing or a bad thing just remember I always come back oh wait why is ice in my base the heck oh yeah come on come on shoot me with your lasers oh oh oh oh oh no oh you grabbed my ability you and and get your pink yeah that’s it you die stupid die stupid you stole my abilities go away there we go closing my door Sans can just fly in if he wants I like the game oh wait that’s the server ra uh so I have a bunch of money now how do I um what do I do now air strike okay Bet okay let’s um we got to think about this reasonably okay all right all right um so I’m right here this is my neighbor see what we’re going to do see how they’re coming over right just gonna see and then they’re going to do a little thing called possibly die yeah see they died hey we got the hunt I don’t care about the game noral so I’m I’m a I’mma leave I’mma leave by oh well not after shooting my neighbor obviously L not after um okay now I’m done okay so Cass said um to going to please donate and do that I texted them hopefully they respond I’m gonna go to please donate and I’m gonna make a thingy a thingy Roblox Studio what’s your name again uh death not a waffle it’s the same thing as my YouTube name except there’s an a I guess oh I sent a request to you yeah um uh let’s see here we gotta go to H this one gotta go to manage I’m correct no not manage maybe it was manage I don’t know I had to do it from home so uh Avatar items passes here we go I gotta make it my face real quick obviously okay that’s a different one in set the [Music] price okay sales and then we go that and we do one th000 like that see and then why is it okay uh and cancel okay there we go I did it what what what you guys fighting about man I just got I was just looking at my other screen what are you looking at what oh okay uh my cult has followed anyway it’s not g to work is it no it’s not I hate that it sensors stuff out I gotta all right there we go B enough hey cazzy responded let’s go hi G hello oh sitting on a bench my thing’s over here just a little gift for now huh can you add me uh yeah maybe in a second I’m we’re doing I’m doing something right now oh yeah thank you I’ll give you the big okay thank you so much 1,000 oh gosh oh oh at 1,000 oh they jumped and then disconnected bro yeah yay so all right so um I guess we we’ll go back to our our things thank you C we’ll just we’ll go back to what we were doing thank you kez oh um I think pet simulator is um pet simulator is one of the ones on the hunt so I’m GNA do that oh I forgot to add forgot to I forgot to add chocolate chip completely forgot to add chocolate chip sorry chocolate chip I’ll add you after I leave this game for sure pick two pets I like this boy and I like this boy okay oh look at him he’s so cute H area 20 sounds annoying uh yeah sure why not just going to have a bunch of random people friended for for no reason why not look I got the a boy that’s cute hey cute this game is so loud I know you can’t hear it but it is loud for like no reason stealing all this money can I got you joining nice uh sure oh my gosh you have so many why do you have so many oh my God the heck oh thank you thank you oh 500 oh my wait I didn’t realize you gave me five oh my gosh oh my gosh keep going oh my God uh yeah I want to buy the next area thank you oh my gosh that’s crazy that sounded stupid I’m sorry chocolate chip [Music] oh my gosh football thank you it’s so bouncy oh that that just my play was on my space bar you’re so bouncy thank you so much oh my gosh it’s so fast that’s the description it’s just meow okay let me just buy the next area real quick I can buy the next next area okay what’s this oh okay now I have uh five of those look at mine oh you got a banana banana I need more gems apparently I need more gems what is this oh okay I don’t complete for Rewards okay I won’t do the Obby oh well I guess I know where the cat hoverboard came from oh my gosh open eggsit the shop where’s the shop uh no I don’t want to teleport guess it doesn’t really matter where the shop is I just oh okay I found it uh don’t I give you better pets okay I yeah sure I don’t think a trade request from football has ended horribly yet oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh [Music] uh oh oh wow oh wow um thanks oh my gosh oh my gosh guess I didn’t expect um I guess I didn’t expect that new item strong pets too uh no thank you next area is 15 gold bars item jar the heck oh what does the item jar do oh yeah uh uh oh my gosh you don’t you don’t have to you don’t have to um have been free gifts what does that mean oh my gosh I’m going to place the flags in the next area I think maybe oh might help with coin jar uh should I go do that then or should probably go do that how do I do this the heck will Beres I can’t even tell what’s going on chocolate chip I said I would do it after um after pet Sim okay chill it’s okay it’s okay I have no idea what’s going on right now all right I’m going to move on then if you said it’s taking forever I don’t know what these things are they’re cool though my game my game is lagging so bad I spawned that oh wait what did you spawn what what did you spawn it’s not existent anymore what huh oh there’s a coer yeah there we go get the chest chests are good have no idea what is going on right now my game is going to crash potentially oh the coin jar wait hang on there’s a diamond over here I’m G grab this all right now we’re going to go over here um here we go okay there we go there’s a coin jar there’s another one ranks yeah I have no idea like oh there’s car jar I don’t I have no idea what is I still have no idea what is going on right now Chad I’m sorry about the lag if there is lag on the stre stre I’m sorry oh my gosh giant coin jar big big coin jar I’m GNA play Blox fruits all right oh okay there we go it keeps telling me I’m unlocked eggs but I don’t think I need them oh my God one more area all right okay get the big coin jar oh all right well the quest is done now apparently what pinata y uh okay I guess that’s uh this game I might actually come back and play this game like at some point uh again this game is actually pretty fun yeah uh football do you want your stuff back or can I give it back to you or do do you want your stuff back I don’t all right um yeah we’ll just go on to the next game then I guess I got a friend chocolate chip real quick I’m gonna friend football too football is nice okay see here yep and yep yeah there you go I have friended you both the funny man all right well that was fun uh h let’s see here bro what are you got to do in adopt me for the hunt that’s my question Oh there’s uh here they come uh um I think I might no I I want to play D me but then also at the same time I don’t I want to get the hunt done in it but at the same time I don’t so I don’t really I don’t like that game very much what do you need to do in 3,008 to get um the badge all right I’m going I’m I’m follow I’m following I’m following I’m following what okay oh five more minutes it’s almost time it’s almost time for what what’s in five minutes Cass oh wait are you making Ultra kill or something I’ll be right back Chad I need to go I’m gonna go do something I’ll be right back but the chat was broken for a second oh yeah why not in five minutes there’s more dancing i c I should close my eyes from Spawn and walk in a direction until I jump into a game I should what the next election be not this one but like the next one after this the after this game three minutes left Tower Defense which uh is it this one or is it like a different one oh hi hi plush hello PL hello uh yeah we just do this one I think so and I’m gone again bye-bye bye here we go uh we’re playing this now not because we want to but because uh we got to do the hunt we can only really skip five games so unfortunately we have to go through all the role plays and stuff too but I haven’t even gone through any of them bro became my dad bro became my dad oh my God Easter event nope nope nope I can show you where it is all right uh I don’t know where it is so yeah you’re gonna have to show me you found the spawn egg okay okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m right here I’m right here man face man oh wait it’s man face man oh okay so we just got to find a bunch of eggs find eggs to get boosts and the badge wait uh wait did you go somewhere where’d you go come okay where where oh okay now I see you I found you I found you I’m coming parkour all right I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming here here I go oh it’s camouflage camo camo fled oh yep there’s another one no not you this one yeah Green stripy Egg oh hang on I’m coming football yeah uh oh there he is okay I found him again I found him again we’re good hello are you just watching a tutorial okay oh nice chocolate chip came I’m G rename I’m going to rename um I’m going to rename chocolate chips uh Roblox account chocolate chips cuz uh cuz wait there’s an egg right there there’s an egg right here oh wait no that’s that’s something else never mind that’s the Easter event never mind I’m just stupid I’m just stupid go jump around all right all right all right all right coming I’m coming I’m coming uh I don’t know who that is do we have to actually go into the game uh check the ground lights no thank you the ground lights it said apparently heck yeah ground lights I’m just going to look around uh if you see it if you find it let me know I guess oh wait it’s right here it’s right here I found it where are you go to go to the middle area if you’re if you don’t have it already all right all right it’s over here it’s over here football oh you finished this one okay uh the trading paza oh great okay nope nope nope nope nope all right there we go all right so we’re going here apparently I’m forced to be here I’m not forced to be here but like uh hunt the hunt Okay uh football football joined me waffle when you’re ready click click the link I sent you okay I will uh say man face man three times what I think you have to say man face man in chat okay I got you all right uh the portal will close in 30 minutes good luck also it’s a quick thing by the way LOL all right if I don’t get it can you like reopen it uh I lost you darn it oh there you are okay egg this feels like a game for like seven year olds okay there we go where’s the check the crates nope we got to check the crates apparently it’ll be reopened uh tomorrow or later this night okay I’ll try to get it I if can uh I’ll I’ll do it after this real quick oh okay yeah oh fizzy okay it’s an egg uh check the crates are there any other crates maybe there’s some over here come okay I’m coming where are you I lost you darn it okay there you are here we go I might wear some of the stuff on my avatar just to like show it off I got that one uh okay or wait no I got the crates I have all I have all of them for here next okay we got to go back to the Lobby [Music] apparently okay where are you uh uh where do we need to go now we need to go to matches ah great no thank you where oh joining you all right apparently we need to do matches quote unquote so I guess we got to do that now I don’t want to but you know just like everything I guess we have to Yo who’s who nah what want free Roblox want free free Robux visit scam hello hello football we gotta go in the desert first if I’m correct yeah we got to go in the desert [Music] I don’t have I have it I just spelled it [Music] [Music] wrong uh oh I don’t care get this off my screen this is so stupid this is so stupid what this is so stupid okay okay or sorry yeah okay uh [Music] so leave or okay yeah we just leave so I got glitch egg and the other one the desert or something I got the desert uh thing and the uh glitch one I I guess I don’t really care I mean yeah uh so we just need to go through every map apparently o excuse me no okay I’ll re I’ll join you real quick let me I’m want to look at the thing that c sent me I’m not going to click on it yet but I’m going to look at it oh my God at uh the city I don’t know I can’t spell I don’t know I’m stupid this is I just looked at what Cass sent me and I bet it’s going to be ridiculous like in a good way obviously but [Music] now waffle welcome oh no I haven’t joined it yet I haven’t uh I haven’t joined it yet I uh literally just looked at it that’s it I just looked at the link and I saw that it was a a thing or a Roblox game so it’s right there y e all right I know all right C am I even getting credit for that am I even getting credit for the the thing the egg the egg trying to place I’m trying to place more down so we can yeah we can credit or something I have no space feel like I’ve beat more than 10 I don’t feel like feel like I beat more than 10 but I I don’t think I’ve gotten the yeah I don’t think either of us have gotten the badge or the the egg or whatever just all right I’m gon let you do your thing and I’m GNA join him back yeah I know I’m joining I’m joining I’m joining once I get this done I’m gonna go do the C thing that Cass did and then I’m gonna go oh your server is full apparently you’re okay now I’m joining now we’re good all right here we go W this is the last day I don’t like being in this game got to go to the Fortress apparently oh okay I see it over there come all caps sorry I wasn’t paying attention I thought it was over [Music] there oh God warning pool ital closing in 15 minutes all right so we’re gonna pick up this egg and then we’re gonna go check out what C dude and then yeah so where is it over here oh I see the egg it’s over there how we get up there what casually runs across the lava warning I’m craving a sandwich and then attempts to say sandwich 7 million times just keep jumping just keep jumping okay so now that we’re up here just uh jump up on here and Boop we got it I think now we go talk to the manface man or something so I got the egg I got the egg Football let’s go I’m I’m going to reload into a new game and I’m going to um talk to manace man and then I’m going to go check out what C’s did and fix my oh okay all right nice we did it wa did it all right now let me go to that link let me go to that oh that’s uh wrong window but okay oh gosh C I’m kind of [Music] scared I have to close the game and reopen it in the new tab because I’m doing it from the website so it’s starting how long do you plan this stream to be uh I don’t know plan for it to go until like 9 probably of at my time of of my time which is uh I no been sent down here clear at the area click on oh no I didn’t get to read the whole thing I just in the back rooms trying to see what it said click on things to damage them oh okay now I know what it says how’s your day uh it’s been pretty good all right here we go one long tunnel oh my gosh cck on M see that guy click on him and he’ll be damaged if you get hit though once you die oh scared me I’m fighting him it’s you oh I died oh I to try that again that was fun it’s you Caz is Caz has made a masterpiece okay let’s try again I got this well not you know what I mean I I got it when I don’t die immediately third times the charm right third time you don’t get hit in the forehead with a laser okay now we need to attack him from over here instead Oh yay what really bad at this I won Cass I beat myself I won you just took a screenshot of my you took a screenshot of my guy here I’ll give you one glimpse of my green screen so you can C so you can do that prepare yourself for my green screen that’s not what I there you go chat that’s what you’re missing this is what you’re missing on a daily basis there you go you can clip that you can have my you can have my green screen face as an option now you’re welcome I can’t see the chat uh sorry I oh wait oh yeah yeah yeah okay yeah C you know what I’m going to do in cele in celebration that I won against myself Oh I thought I’d die you don’t even die you it’s just a void that’s funny I like that I thought I would die and get kicked but no I just I just hit the floor we got the we got the sad we got the sad ending the one where I don’t die by the way that is your clone oh I have to drop in on him every now and then and just drop kick him in the face every now and then all right what are we doing funky I’m just going to go in order on this one see over here how there’s like a line I’m going to go over there hand cake are are bad pancakes are bad all right how do we get the hunt how do we get the hunt here the big cheese cheese Rush project 3 The Hunt remixed oh complete the songs below okay so this looks like me trying to win by the way there’ll be more fights nice I can’t wait for that that’s going to be awesome can like nobody come over here that way I can like you know just do this I’m literally only doing this so I can get the badge I don’t I’ve I I’ve seen games like this I don’t [Music] know wait what do you mean wait I’m not waiting I’m not getting I don’t I don’t want to get I want to come uh okay well you can come next song I don’t want to go no I’m GNA die so how it just Auto did the song for me so like how do I the heck okay but I just fell through the map I went in and I fell through the map how unfortunate uh so like how do I oh hi hi chocolate chip so like how do I um okay is this like one where you can choose it okay hey hey um hey I don’t really care about winning but I um I don’t really I don’t really care about losing or winning I just wanted the hunt so oh my gosh they got the Among Us let’s go can um is this the is this the hunt one okay yeah all right spam Master the funny man guys we got the funny man the funny man spam Master [Applause] yeah I’m I’m how am I GNA win by spamming I’ve never done that before okay fine I’m turning my sound back on but it is Extremely Loud hi football I don’t really know no it was oh my gosh well that was fun the funny man the hunt uh wait hang on what song do I need to do so uh we need to do the big cheese the big cheese and we need to do Among Us can I make the rate just like I want this to go as fast as possible oh well that’s good you got the Sands things the undertale the undertales what about me uh yeah you can join if you want to I actually like this song this song’s nice e I would turn Chat uh honestly I would turn the chat thing on like chat sound but it was mostly just a bunch of record scratches so uh I Lo the hunt microphone nice how do I equip it wait hang on I want to go equip it real quick everyone against death waffle not a waffle yeah one second I want to go um I want to um how do you oh okay I see the shop okay I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m G okay microphones and this one yeah I got a special one let’s go we need to do the hunt remixed wait hang on what which one do we do uh project 3 and the hunt and then okay hello oh yo fight me okay the hunt uh remixed normal and we’ll do I don’t know this one okay I’m ready uh all right I’m going see now all right I’ll get in the voice chat real quick hello told you I was good at this game oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you did yeah yeah the undertales oh I was bro if I chose I would I would pick a really good song because it’s actually a song that goes with my outfit it’s more like a song of a generation you don’t really know well object shows yeah let me just say that I I think chat can tell him really bad at this game get good dream man I’m oh who’s 47 football I don’t know some dude in chat what some my friends like including me are like underated YouTub I’ve turned it down too say it again oh also I missed that Xbox controller oh y got a micophone [Music] um I wait what how did I win how did I win something that’s the thing I I I I was really bad I don’t know then all right I got one more song before um I do a different game so what’s the game I don’t know project o03 The Hunt is the next song um when can we play gtag uh I don’t know maybe some point I don’t know I’m trying to one of the games that are on the hood I don’t really know I’m even though it should have been well I’m joking because I don’t believe M um probably would have been easy how do I have negative oh you have negative all right let’s see I wonder how long you how am I winning like I’m not even trying to be mean but like how am I winning right now bro you’ve been live streaming for four hours about like 10 yeah that happens I’m so [Music] bad you don’t know am up whatever holy if I keep going say goodbye to my keyboard I think uh I think 55,000 is a good number to stop at I’m not even flexing I promise I’m literally just bad um okay Ching I got the I got the hunt badge yeah you’re rocking it you score you got this my phone died for a second all right thankfully I have my computer with me is it still charging all right here pleas donate I’m surprised that was I’m surprised it was doing so well not gonna lie did you already do 38 okay where’s that big line of uh ones I was doing earlier is it over there these are not all of them there’s like a big lames okay here we go all right let’s see we G to do SSS what’s SSS oh my God there’s a lot of them herey you guys want to do here you uh you want to do a Breakin Story 2 apparently oh Sonic Speed Sim actually I never played breaking story to but I have played the original W game though hold on let me just get my charger for my phone I lost the charger for my phone oh no can we play gag at 9:30 uh possibly like I might get off before then I don’t know though kind of I’m kind of eepe kid or adult man tell me that this is a role play I blind or something okay I’ll wait for you do kid okay I’ll do kid sorry I was talking to myself if you can even hear me not the best charger since I lost my actual good one I’ll do it’s not it’s on what all right oh I thought I I thought I saw one of my favorite games says this uh football says this game is fun okay you already done slap battles I’ll be uh I’ll have a lollipop I guess uh no I have not done slot battles I already I already did the hunt badge on slot battles I can show you how to get it oh Caz is in here hey [Music] um bro on one of them it’s just highlighted so I’m on this website right and I’m looking at the list of the uh Hunt games and one of them why are highlighted understand the highligh of is doors great I’m a little kid talking too much okay what was that is that some random person my wait what oh did C join Hi C in the server called silly stupid ad dog you WAFF oh now yeah we already joined a server how dare I guys oh darn it I’m back guys I’m sad Avatar is terrible by the way thank you uh I’m oh what if I what if I make my own freaking Minecraft SMP oh hey bro I just put the Minecraft smpp and like I’d make a video on like the SMP and well like yes I’d have to like make an entire well I don’t know how do you even make smps like cre a oh I can’t do I can’t make an smpp apparently oh what oh sad you guys without sorry left because my phone died so um I played one of these games with my friend once and it was weird and I liked it what game are you playing anyway breaking story to oh always PA Uncle Pete has joined your team in the chat I don’t know they just do whatever they want somebody at my school called me shorty what should I do bomb them eat their uh eat their ankles so they know who not to mess with maybe you should take them take the compliment and without Uncle Pete won’t talk to you unless you get a crowbar from the top of the stairs you can’t hate on them for saying the truth man like come on ah very secret I ate my pet pigon I am not short yo waffle what’s up it’s mid I’m at uh wait midow or I gotta look again you know I quit I quit I’m leaving a okay oh it’s Meo it’s Meo it’s Meo not mid it’s m yeah apparently oh no I’m good I don’t want to deal with that guy oh lag Spike did I just die hello guess I’m not playing blacks today okay Discord in about a second because it’s you have to keep up with all the messages hey C you can join now I’m going to join a different server because this one has a hacker in it I’ll be there in a second I’m currently getting a new okay 15 more games what so just wait there for a little and he’ll eventually be there okay eventually any how do we get the Hunt win by surviving three ways with attacks 20 minutes to wait what I at my family oh hi snow hi hi silent snow silent snow edible uh I mean they won’t be screaming about it if you try they’re silent be screaming about it yeah he’s silent I got the worst fruit in the game the spin fruit ah thing sucks it does like two damage I’m droing what who a med kit at me with uh by win by suring three waves of attacks okay how do we do that I have phone noise yeah you can take it buddy have fun let’s just go to a new game I guess hey let’s just go to guys I’m all right um let’s go on this one I guess where are you more like we’re on the right car we’re on the right car from the thing so you better hurry up I’m going to just find an what what are you it’s Halloween right silent snow look it’s Turtle it’s a turtle silent snow it’s a turtle that’s a lot of rats what seven big rats bro they’re literally some of the most best smps that nobody played anymore I might make it I I might make a Minecraft server after this stream I’ll join you go I need a I need S I need to turn down szo and I need to turn up cass I have Java but I don’t use it turn me up as loud as you can go in three two one go you done yet you winning yet son what are you saying I said I would make it I’m going to make a disc I’m going to make a Discord I’m going to make um a Minecraft amazing waffle wa look at my build look how look at my look how my back legs don’t even move bro by the way waffle did you just eat your entire lollipop no CU you only probably have like five more charges left no I have 12 actually waffle I dare you to say I like turtles in Roblox chat okay I don’t know jazy just gonna I I eat turtles I like turtles I what you’re saying because of tailing get indoors I’m getting indoors stop yelling at me okay there you go I did it with cap saying I said after this um after this uh whatever after this stream after the stream I’m going to make here come here after the stream I’m gon to make put it in the voice chat chat so I can actually understand what you’re saying because kazy is just I’m gonna make a I’m gonna make a Minecraft server after the stream and then I’ll promote it I have not murdered 18 families I dare to say I love man in chat3 billion I have consumed 15 pounds of dead an animal probably 1300 only 1300 no I’m joking three billion you know what if we just randomly joined games and then just like I was just a turtle thank you and just don’t say anything what what if you just what that’s relatable what if I just join random games and dressed up as [Applause] [Music] [Music] a realistic Turtle noise I have no idea what you’re trying to say or if you’re even speaking at all I don’t know my microphone just muted or something but did you guys hear that no I did not did you scream no it sounded a bit like kind of like a a giraffe going I don’t have an attacking these noises just not appear I guess am I muted with noises how terrible is Toad the dog has joined your team hen rescued him eat dogs I love spaking old men that’s what somebody said in chat you unate your dog football that’s offensive I need to go train in the gym real quick w w cookie cookie apple you Yumm yummy yum I ate my dog no it’s kind of offensive you know I find it offensive that you think it’s offensive you know I find it offensive offensive that toal I the turtle is working out tell to get my get my stretches in oh the turtle the turtle is working out silent snow is mewing and chocolate chips VR is talking about how they disrespect their family how fun I’m G to go beat up some people I find that nothing is go beat up some people when you’re literally like some random 5-year-old in this game like just some small little guy R it’s just some small little human running after people Evil news think of like some ba you’re basically a baby in this one so you just imagine just uh seeing a baby break into your uh secret evil villain base and it just has a crowbar group of noobs breaking into our base wait what um guys buff Turtle everyone isan computer found four food items inside they’re sing Old Man and I mean it on the name of God man what the W head are you okay I mean what the you know foret it yo help me beat up this bad guy he’s a meanie oh Sho can you heal me can someone Heal Me can someone heal me no I don’t have um I don’t have I hate you I’m not going to heal you I don’t have I don’t have a med kit I will murder your family detective Bradley beads why do I have you know what if I say I’m probably who’s detective Bradley Bradley beans detective Bradley detective like eating beans apparently silent noow City like detective all right can I finally play Minecraft now because I deleted like half my files including the system no no I deleted Geometry Dash so I could play Geometry Dash perfect sense sounds very relatable did that once but with U minecraft like I’m not even relatable I murdered my cat so I can get my cat to work waffle don’t die okay I won’t okay waffle will not die would work defin not a waffle bro the the the child did the most damage who just took my freaking sword I bought something and then they stole it bro watching R of YouTube shorts it won’t let me pick anything up bro someone took my my freaking weapon whoever did that I hope you die honestly I hope you get lit on fire I have a blue one now let’s go for real do it you died you remind me of my granddad he died 21 days ago free gym football May weapon that can you stop being insanely weird in the chat I don’t think people find it very relatable to spank old men stop it get help get some help hang on I gotta get my I got to get my um child muscles going eat your grand M Ultra kill yourself oh no well I find it relat I find it relatable angry [Music] face STI bug I hope he Ultra kills himself as the turtle running on the tread me I’m just watching you a turtle I can really go fast like actually guys you want to see me play Minecraft too bad I don’t have editing software no I can edit your videos I guess I can edit your videos I guess seen how amazing my edits are right yeah I didn’t mean to laugh I don’t I haven’t even the real only reason I laugh not actually going to show myself playing Minecraft want see me play the most stupidest game yo can can mods ban football he’s being weird thank you dude that is your fifth time doing that doing what stop healing everyone to Max HP this dude wants to have infinite Rob or something bro football sucks he’s being annoying stop standing over me I will eat you for breakfast the turtle’s gonna eat I will eat you I I love jellyfish I love eating them yes no it’s a more I ever do yeah sure try to whip me on the freaking PCH pressor I don’t know it’ll probably be sometime tonight for like the next like three days I’m gonna be streaming just the hunt and everybody’s going to be asking me to play different games Al I don’t know I think too slow I got stuck on the wall when I said too slow so I was just constantly getting into the wall silent snow says the turtles I’m in dreamer SMP and fresh smpp which one should I join uh how about you make your own Minecraft server I can’t why I’m gonna become the fastest wait wait wait wait I’m just goingon to sit on second of all didn’t you say that you need rounds I don’t have money no not for make a Minecraft server by literally just wait are you on Java or Bedrock Java oh on Bedrock you can literally make a Minecraft server with friends if you feel like it oh I’m become the I’m becoming the fastest toddler to exist I already have three speed wow three very it’s been a while okay it’s been a while all right hate my grandma open that’s true I literally ate her waffle can you play Gorilla tag please sodium sodium you think he has a choice uh play Gill tag when I get um when I get 25 badges yeah obviously guys like yeah that’s standard oh yeah try to Pi me up idiots a shield I take all of these bozos bro that shell the shell works okay I’m gonna go become is it just me or does literally everyone in this universe just have 10 bucks in their pocket like literally every single time yeah that is pretty goofy wait why do I have a waffle I have a rat I have an actual rat I’m not joking why do you have a rat look look I see it there’s ay tiny rat on my shoulder what a rat what do I do with this hey do you want this rat yeah sure never mind I can’t drop it oh I have a rat I have rat power I think chug chip unsubscribed because I wouldn’t play g a time I don’t know though flying powers activate what wait what are you bro hold on how are you doing that I’mma just end it all I can’t take this anymore chocolate chip chocolate chip is still subscribed so someone else unsubscribed look it’s waffle waffle I dare you to yell I like turtles all uppercase okay should I not have done that H waffle there’s no power still is you am I right I can still bench press I believe I can fly I can’t believe I can fly oh the treadmill still work by the way I believe I can’t fly oh oh oh can still hear me yeah no we can’t joking no I can’t I I can fly WAFF look I’m flying I just believed in myself oh my gosh I believed in myself ouch Red Bull gives you wing let Red Bull gives you wings I tried that but I freaking broke all my bones I want to say that and then jump off believe hard enough that’s that’s the way that’s how I’m going to die I’m just going to say Red Bull gives you wings and jump off the freaking like Bridge That’ll be amazing I’m sweating right now Red Bull gives you wings splat I heard Red Bull gives me wings so [Music] bye just watching the turtle run around he never heard from again Cass I have four speed yet I’m still not fast I have no speed I ate my dog guys is it abuse to eat my oh my God oh my God oh my God I ate my father okay Uncle Pete wants me to Kill Uncle Pete wants me to go fight things you fool my real IP is9 why do I hear random chanting in the background V some explaining to do well that’s not me that’s szo what Sansa what is happening I just watching this random video of all the times Matt Pat said but that’s just a theory I thought you were at like church or something bro like how am I at church bro you’re just in shirts like I snuck my computer into church I don’t go to church so I wouldn’t know uh you can wait until waffle okay everyone said that everyone says that Ma stands for um mental abuse for humans but I think it stands for onion rings what you know the thing about it why do people say rest in peace Matt Pat when he isn’t even dead bro didn’t he retire yeah he just reti still not dead oh just because someone uh retired doesn’t mean they’re dead okay I’ll be on y know something funny if we didn’t have a random dog we wouldn’t be able to beat this boss apparently what do you mean we need the dog no you can do the boss without no you could do it without this stupid dog in fact that dog is worth Y what you doing what you why you trying to go for me bro why you trying to go for me bro ow by the way I’m pretty sure um football is a hacker so he can literally do whatever he feels like all right I got the hunt badge want do the evil ending guys yeah should we finish this one or should we yeah I I would have finish this one I don’t to see what this in holds kazzy did the most damage I’m gonna nickname you Turtle nice no don’t you dare I’m Discord you’re just going to be that randomed my friend one piece I nicknamed my friend one piece because he he one he just randomly came up to me it’s like I like one piece I’m like bro the one piece the one flashback stop it you know what waffle yo who’s that you forced me to do this I don’t [Music] know casually mute soundboard for you to the point where it’s not even there uh okay the point isn’t to be funny the point is to harass what the no I don’t want to open my folder to screenshots SC SC scary scary me shiver me timbers scary Shimmer what’s your favorite food in all caps let me do spooky real quick um I mean waffles that over relatable bro imagine hly I like more oh caps no you’re banned you’re banned by I like waffles more good yeah try to ban me I don’t care if you ban me I’ll just come back on hold my 50 alts I’m no no if you try to I’ll literally I will literally p a tow towel cap and unsubscribe on all of my alts p a towel cat what do you mean go across the bridge there ain’t no Bridge left goofy wait what says to go across the bridge but the bridge ain’t there I think I might have locked myself outside of the oh did C I think I may have gotten myself stuck outside of the map I got myself stuck outside of the map let me do the spooky puzzle let me do the spooky puzzle know what happened but waffles are better waffles are better by 1,000 Buster now let me get a let me get a look at you excuse me shiver my Timbers shiver me timbers K he just sold I like how she said I’m impressed with literally everything about you and then gets on me for my speed being too low and then immediately it’s like oh my God you’re so strong yeah you have a crappy speed oh my God you’re intensely strong though oh my God they’re laughing at me apparently because they said my they said my agility NPC team though they said my uh agility have an NPC team oh I didn’t said I I didn’t have an NPC team I said my diamond crowbar was weak what happens if you fall into the stop I’m getting low crap I have a bag of potato chips and I’m not eaten once so you’re mean waffle what did I do why am I mean can’t get me BR does anybody know my scho everybody says good warm up me stupid scary what C no the turtle you never answer what your favorite food I said it was waffles I just said it was waffles that’s what my favorite food was chocolate chip lava is nothing to me bro you hacking bro I swear if like 50 kids just report me for hacking okay is it safe now oh yeah it is can I Dr oh wait are you are you literally what are you doing right clicking the screen or right clicking the window or something you right clicking the window maybe I don’t really know what you’re trying I don’t really know what you’re doing oh sh believe I [Music] so goofy what if I just sat here all game until the um end I’ll tell you what it is so you eat your own kind uh wait I just got wait hang on uh chocolate chip just said so you eat your own not okay guys I have to drop a bombshell on you guys is not a waffle how dare you are very incorrect my bro he is a he is a cat I’m sorry to break all you guys hearts but cat WAFF is a cat oh unfortunately unfortunately okay the boss fight over is it safe yeah go ahead is it safe now yeah you fool I just got dropped into lava because of you I didn’t even see it I thought it was I thought it was let me up there Mary I’m G get to you one way or another you know screw screw I’m burning myself no I it work bro why is he sunu like healing everybody for like no reason why he’s he’s just Spam healing what the heck what do you mean my final dance bro you’re about to die I’m at full health Cass you just got spiked you just got spiked what it didn’t even do any damage I was cutting off remember Scary Larry yeah got healed by I just got healed by Infinity by the way why did you have to unlock the secret ending oh that you to do that man what’s about the secret ending wait what wait he just unlocked all of the secret ending items somehow like just now she’s going to get half Health it’s he’s coming so apparently there’s a dude coming Scary Larry is coming he’s gonna eat me dude coming I mean no because I mean you’re not dead so you saw that fight you can no longer pay to respawn how unfortunate I’m GNA run around in circles guys you’re floating above an area right now I know if I um stop Flying right now I’m just going to fall Street into the lava have you just been paying to respawn just no if you fall into the lava you only take 15 damage oh wait let’s test that theory yo wait what guys I think I’m like in the past right now cuz for me the boss fight literally just started well yeah it just did wait no I mean I literally broke it it just gave me the message that you can only pay to respawn oh dude why is he healing us stop dude that’s 40 Robux or 400 you’re paying five for this bro what the heck oh I just realized we’re fighting people so bad right now your what hurts you Scary Larry I RI to his bank account you think that will stop me get over here stops me found it hauh can’t get me what even happened there I don’t know I don’t really know what’s happening to be honest it’s still hit me let’s go I found I’m trying to pH to the ground right now but it won’t let me there we go okay just in the sky I guess I have no idea what to say right now other than the fact that this part is about timing I like actually you magically just bro Hua hu’s respawning us so or uh healing us so much that the boss got Hearts back he’s full restoring us so much that we got our hearts back from him from guys I think I’ve officially broken it oh my God ah he’ll not here oh wrong way he’ll never get me I keep here guys he still hit you’ll never you idiot you’ll never get me right here ah power of the Rat yeah you think that’s going to stop me I defy gravity I feel like he’s targeting me damag me anymore like I can walk around it without me actually being damaged now a bit confusing to say the least yo does anyone need healing you do you do I need a bit waffle I’ll heal you I watch you fall over oh no run run run no ouch dude thanks AQ keeps killing us run run no my face no run no freck you might think you’re smart you’ll never get me I C is floating yet again he’s Mr Beast someone said okay we got to go on this side bro put it down because he hit nobody including Cass he just hit the boss I think I don’t really know it works to be honest ah Cass I’m out of healing items now my POV was screwed up since I got hit oh no wait wait what dude oh my God can’t okay we just move over here I’m just going to be dancing in the corner real quick I thought we disabled scary lar free will I just realized there’s music playing in the background because I had my sound off I couldn’t hear it it’s still too loud though I don’t want to listen to that help hey waffle it’s a very interesting game of me yeah do you want to play reced room after the stream or something yeah sure I’m I mean I can get on a VR I’m probably going to get on um VR after this game after we get off of this all right oh oh I’m just going to close out Minecraft because I can barely even play it in the first place and I’m gonna get on it’s o’ fast actually we just gota wait for henu to rip his bank account again wa what uh quick question what’s your IP address um I just need to know no thank you like I don’t take it like personally or anything I just want personally that’s goofy hold up let me just get my IP generator here yeah yeah yeah let me just tell this random person who I’ve only known for two months my IP address sure why not gorilla tag after this maybe I’ll think about it I think we’re going into rec room though randomly enough if you guys give me your IP address I will give you free Roblox guaranteed no BR to think about it I do that you’re probably gonna spawn all the freaking demons that I really hate don’t no what do you mean all the freaking demons that I hate how do you just know the demons personally like I don’t run no hold on I’m gonna actually make it so I actually sound like szo what what do you mean actually sounds like szo wa a second a second I think I broke my game a bit bro you’re not even taking damage H something I think something might be insanely broken about my game because he’s using both hands to swipe if you guys don’t want me to then fine I just won’t what please what huh ouch ouch we did it he just stepped on him oh no no yeah Miss You misspelled it it’s nuh no no she’s just like okay wow she climbed away up we go into the strange suspicious van po Scary Larry not suspicious she look at who my question is who puts a random sign in the middle of the road saying days until next Purge like who thought of this hey guys maybe we should just freak everybody out by putting that there yeah it’s probably definitely not scary Larry oh my God I survived wait let me just I thought I saw some oh no a dang minute step on him kill him wait a minute I I’m I’m GNA dance over his dead body slash e dance no bro slash e dance bro you’re head me use this one oh my God bro there’s also the salute demonic Turtle there’s godik uh I think it’s this one that makes my head go insane I have no friend see that then there’s monkey dance or monkey dance no no monkey monkey dance monkey there we go oh wait I think it was three oh it’s definitely not 300 waffles I just shook my head no pause what pause I know you said no I just Shug my head but I think that’s what you said but it sound like something else no okay waffle I’mma have one last jump of f oh wait can wait how do you fly can I can I can I have flies oh freak I fell OU no I fell off again Gonna Stop Me game Cass how do you fly so basically you’re going to want to go Abra apostrophe [Music] in chat mhm and then you’re just going to go is it are you worried about this are you worried about the stream figing out it’s a b r a v o wait that was spelled a bit wrong here that lets you um this one lets you start to fly um on the wall you want me to turn off you in chat so you can tell me or I’m gonna land on your head I pushed you into the lava what is going on in here not much we’re just streaming and other things I’m I’m consuming a dog stupid little rat stupid little it’s in my stomach how am I physically alive anymore I wonder I ate TW you’re not I’m gonna go uh grab my VR I’ll be right back are we done with the stream okay bye okay wait oh it’s just wa guess sick still don’t like being sick it’s funny I’m just being so silent right now but in about a second it’s not going to be silent e e for just mute myself real quick all right right and I’m bored now like for real bored hello is anyone oh yeah you’re back oh hi why did everybody leave I don’t know maybe they thought that you were ending the stream I’m not sure oh sorry everybody I guess uh my rec room has to update and apparently I don’t have enough storage so I got to figure that out so whenever I get enough storage and it starts updating I’m going to um I’m going to share the screen and then I’m also GNA play girl tag until that whatever ends or gets whatever I guess wait when are you going to play girl ATT tag uh right now because my recck room is updating oh does it like show a timer on how long it’s going to take to update uh kind of yeah I don’t want to be like that annoying person but how much does it say until finish updating one second I’ll look in a second all right I do want to actually look at it if it is a short update uh it’s like halfway done already so oh yeah it’s like a fast one apparently hi C’s go I already updated the game guys I’m gonna be playing gorilla tag for like the next like 10 minutes or something oh all right why is bro why is ly L I don’t know why is this the heck why is lat Tomy inside of my freaking maker pens inventions it’s my chair hold up I gotta get it pulled up real quick I gotta get my thing pulled up it’s a [Music] chat chair it is a freaking chair you can sit on it you can throw it you wait throw it no for real I don’t remember having throw it on option okay is grabbable yes I made a grabbable chair in what room oh nice what would happen if I sit on it what would happen if I sit on the the with the chair while it’s grabbed chaos probably oh okay uh uh Cass I saw your I saw your messages Cass you don’t you don’t need to I can see I can see uh the code is uh not waffle one not waffle one and then I’ll show up on screen waffle one no it’s not definitely not a waffle one it’s just not waffle one hang I don’t know why my things imag just able to grab the chair while it’s being held I mean no imagine while I’m able to grab the chair while I’m sitting in it what would happen I don’t know would I go out of bounds wait can you change the wait what oh hi chocolate chip I’m setting stuff up on the Stream So you’re gonna have to give me a minute can I change the casting size or is that like I I’ll do it later you going Canyons okay not not waffle one is the code and I’m gonna put that in I’m gonna put that on chat or I’m gonna put that on uh the stream uh I think I made the biggest chair in the world oh text whatever hey guys look at my new gaming chair I only bought it for $300,000 literally just a giant chair that was very unfunny I’m sorry I’m not even not waffle one is code sorry for my terrible quality um I’m gon look at chat make sure nobody’s said anything what if I just make everything on the map big and it and it looks like I’m [Music] small why is that like that I don’t know probably change the RO not joining that heyy y I literally cannot breathe out of my nose anymore I put gorilla in tag yeah I think you just made a game buddy okay there we go got a glock marari oh wait hold up I forgot to record for real um what the heck turn off hand tracking there we go funny Mee I could do while recording a holar oh hello oh no chocolate chip I see you changed the oh wait uh waa you forgot to change your little PNG tuber oh yeah thank you for binding me I did welcome talk to me yeah that is the best username ever oh tag has been out since 2021 won two th gorill Tag’s been out since 2011 oh what oh wait no it’s two years never mind yeah never mind wait I can’t read what the rest of that says you’re in a private oh wait that’s I already know what that says but like wait I haven’t even played the new update clouds just collapsed huh who joined uh one of my friends joined on a oh hello wait does it look different from forest then I call with somebody on so oh like I finally revamped it after like 20 years I’m go look at the Cosmetics I’m GNA go look at the Cosmetics I trying to do earlier I’m trying to find I’m trying to find a funny like meme I could do on a uh on a holar there are o shirt oh another flashback Z what’s going on here hey is yo what the heck o huh cheese mouse trp balloon oh there’s a bee what’s this thing is this just a bunch of cleaning stuff I don’t know the fly oh wait I know where I can go free badge uh I think Cass should be joining but I don’t know when they are why am I a b oh close that why am I a bee oh no because um I’m in a really small space and I don’t want to deal with that right now the Bee wait there’s another bee look oh do nothing how could I cough fly oh no for real How could a car fly oh wait it can’t vacuum cleaner wait wait a second F you clean up I used to do that so much it’s wavy I’m cleaning myself on uh oh wait they left holy so much fire in the Hop hang on I’m clean I have to clean real quick grab the goofy thing my phone wait did my all right we gotta grab we gotta clean I’ll hop on back a little bit I got to charge my [Music] phone when my phone dies in the middle of playing a game or something you’re dirty whenever you’re like a game hey what is this hang on a second what’s this get back grab it oh another I like this one uh wait is C or anybody talking in chat I know Cass is dming me or not dming me but okay if nobody here knows Edge World they have not they had not okay I got you kez if nobody here knows edor they have not had a good childhood and I highly doubt anybody even knows that’s world at this point not waffle one C it’s can I like sorry I’m just messing with stuff in the oh okay went away it goes away after a minute so two viewers waffle one oh not waffle wait what what the heckber I just looking I guys I’m just gonna not read a book and whenever I’m waiting for my phone to charge sorry I was I was gorilla tagging hello yeah I was sorry okay I’m going to go anti put my Cosmetics on oh chocolate chip has died yet again it’s like the second time there’s a furry suit what look kez kez what what the that looks very comfortable I already there’s a furry suit didn’t play it because of course I still don’t have an Oculus but yeah I saw there’s a it’s a furry he doesn’t exist though I’m gonna go I’m GNA go I’m gonna go be a furry now oh wait I got to grab this stuff too apparently I thought you did support first I sniper shot I sniper what huh what are you actually buying it I only have 200 shiny rocks apparently I thought I had more raar hey guys are you scared of me in my broom if I could grab it it broke my phone never mind why whenever I slam my phone freaking across the room it turns on but whenever I tap it it’s just what it’s just broken you know what I can do anyway ha the cake is gone and now I have this I’m cleaning no bro I got that furry I got that furry [Music] fit at look at this I got the tail too I don’t wiggle though oh man I’m getting lag spikes what yo uh wff if you didn’t know I made an Obby okay I’m looking I’m looking coming I’m looking I’m coming coming what why you what what wholesome what is it just me or I fell no me at this point the what butterflies what are the butterflies I want some butterflies there a butterfly yeah butterfly yeah I’m gonna meute myself on Discord let me know whenever uh you’re playing recu room okay uh okay one second I I want to no no oh I tried to get a butterfly it didn’t work a butterfly there’s fishies wait what’s the bucket over there there’s fishes there’s like food for the fish there’s like oh the Rocks eat the co or the fish eat the Coconuts he children wait let me take can I take a no no get back here his children I picked one up and it went there’s one inside of me H you there was one inside of me at some point no Nom Nom wait wait wait wait are there are there little mats hang on are there little mats we got to go check wait the bees I’ve seen okay so I’ve seen the bees I’m not doing the bees is wait there is a new map oh nice Temple was boring no I haven’t seen anything from this update I just realized you guys aren’t showing through the screen to the stream just realize that you guys you can’t they can’t Matt what where’s Matt I don’t know I hear him I hear there he is and he is no he doesn’t have children imagine and not having children BR consume h delicious I turned but at least got custody but Matt his girlfriend left him and he didn’t even get custody he didn’t even get the custody I which one what s and lemon which one should I eat uh wait say say it one more time sorry I’m not I have uh orange okay I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming oh was way too many I’m coming they finally reached they finally released an official new map that isn’t a part of the rotation oh it’s a new no no no freak I suck at this game it’s no it’s chocolate chip wait watch this watch this what there’s a secret room let me see let me see hey I finally found it s I don’t think we’re going to be doing recck room tonight uh my thing isn’t downloading for some stupid reason PC what okay I don’t have it on my PC and I don’t I don’t have it on my PC and I wouldn’t know where to download it so oh I have a shirt like that I have a shirt like that somewhere every single time I you to play game you it’s a new sewer map dude what no if you come over here up into mountains there a new sewer map all right I’m coming guys sorry szo I’m right behind you way too much okay it’s hidden a bit but I know where it is come on guys come over here a I hit my head on a branch oh the slides are like pink now can I just ask you one question yeah are there any games that you don’t play on your yeah there’s a bunch of games I don’t play my Oculus Roblox Minecraft I think I know why it that there’s space on your Oculus not on my Oculus on my PC why I’m trying I’m bad wasy there isn’t actually new map there isn’t yay I don’t play Roblox and Minecraft on my Oculus temp I already man I’m already tired you check like did you check the yeah it said like it was too much storage or something are there any games on your UL that you don’t play yeah I’ve gotten rid of a couple and it hasn’t really done anything big update I guess that’s okay all [Music] right oh no I’m looking at I didn’t see the like stuffed animal things up here it’s weird I’m coming Cass Char chip is died again on computer you’re going to uninstall it on computer I just told you know to oh okay I I understand you now um there’s a well you probably I was really looking forward to rec room uh basically you go to the website right yeah I think should be a button [Music] whoa do you see me yeah I saw you this is Forest thing I like this map hi by the way the Tre trees are absolutely broken oh what oh wff yeah wait hold on which one would you prefer do you want to play Minecraft Bedrock or Java like you Java for sure oh I’m luy well there’s yeah I don’t think anybody else is really playing Gill tag right now and rec room isn’t working unfortunately my game might a little because well I play Oh trip came back hey CH chip so uh you got to a computer or better question do you have Minecraft Java me no no chocolate chip oh all right well it’s the computer you get it’s the Minecraft you get on uh computer do uh s I’m climb up this giant Tesla Cube real quick Tesla whatever and then I’ll try to make a m server real quick on Java and then we can play Java Y and everybody else can play too if they want obviously hey hey what uh hey hey hey what oh wait hang I’ll do it one more time I know what you’re doing now hey what because I don’t feel hon well yeah so Shin you it’s just I don’t feel yeah that’s fair oh can eat all of that yep I’m going to eat all of the spaghetti giant spaghetti noodle why is he so shocked about it S I wish I could send you a picture of the snowman in the new gorilla tag map it’s just sitting there screaming imagine if this was a slide be fun all right [Music] chat you think I can get up there just kidding I can’t VR waffle activated what’s your color code I’m not [Music] telling okay that’s enough one second I’ll be right back I S God if this is the thing where I can’t even play on Java I’m going to literally go insane [Music] I’m just going to listen to this this bring back to many memories e actually [Music] hello [Music] s excuse me hello uh nothing what I’m get conf are you talking to me or someone else I’m talking to you my out so you’re saying that you’re Ser right now or something yeah I’m going to figure out had to launch a Minecraft server for free real quick I’m just sorry it’s Bas the game car intro but just what okay uh one second I’m still here I’m just uh not leaving sorry that sounded walls I’m gonna watch a live stream now okay there’s not much going on so um what uh versions of Minecraft are you going to be doing next stream for the uh Java but I’m going to be doing single player most likely oh right is it going to be like a chat controls your game kind of thing or something like that uh no I got a different idea this would kind of spoil the whole thing but could you tell me it like like private message me or something yeah sure I guess all right but make sure it’s a private message and nobody else can see it casually pulls it up on stream that would be funny a landscape um this person called wi from the landscape was saying I was really forwarding to rec room yeah really forward to play rec room 2 but whenever I heard that well yeah I almost cried to be honest get S very easy oh no if you hear me like if you if you hear me do that it’s not because I’m sad it’s just because I’ve been sick for a little while I think oh all right that’s good enough I don’t know for real it’s I’m sick or something I’m SI no idea what the he is going on with my body I think this one was [Music] free I don’t think we can play un moded by the way like we have to do for like we have to do just regular but it’ll be on the latest version so it’ll be fine most likely bro I found this record mean when somebody forcibly teleports you to another room orientation beach sand oh no no no I thought sand was something else not a freaking sh for what should the server be called not a Minecraft server I’m just going to make it def not a waffle that is a good name though bro do you want to know something that I’m very sad about what hold on all right um did you know there’s like a like those chocolate ice uh Taco cone thingies I don’t know what they’re called yeah I think so they disced them you don’t know what I’m talking about I think they’re called no I don’t even know yeah I’m that they just Contin them [Music] sorry it’s taking forever it’s being annoying fine got to confirm this got to confirm that you know all whatever I’m not a robot [Music] m no bro we got air detector water on the Hill fire in the hole and rock on the ground I’m done watching shorts am I bro freaking YouTube shorts page is just full cringe I don’t even watch cring this is g to be it says with it’ll be ready within five minutes to delete to like what I’m using a different website I’ve already tried to use this one and it doesn’t work that well whats I did you use scalla Cube I already have a thing on it and it’s just it’s just messing up I’m not I’m not in the mood to deal with that right now what oh okay well that is my username so preinstall he SC until it’s uh the server’s done I don’t want to talk to your people stop how many players do you expect to be on the server at once um 100 plus probably that’s enough let me know whatever the server’s done is it because I picked a 100 plus e don’t know why this is being really annoying I know e almost done or something what why did you just have firework noises going off in the background oh sorry that’s my nose it’s still very running um sorry if I talk a little weird it’s um I am my nose um yeah anyway are you almost done with the uh server yet yep almost y God oh wait no I don’t want that my Chargers charges so slow like I used to have one like at this time like it would probably be like 50% now h do you want the uh because I have like full right on here I think no no I don’t no no I was thinking about something but then I was I didn’t I I never mind e okay my YouTube page at this point bro my YouTube page is little cringe oh that is not good just realized that you were echoing the entire time uh yeah what okay the server should be starting if I’m not wrong it doesn’t [Music] work what so the server should be starting if I’m not wrong oh all right because it’s it’s it says it’s starting now oh I have one person who’s just been watching me just watching this the whole time probably myself but I I doubt it well you’d be wrong maybe it’s football oh is it you I’m the only person watching the oh don’t worry as long as I’m not gone I’ll never not watch a stream yeah boys here for your bro whenever I get back if the server’s done let me know be right back okay what’s in this F what oh it’s done what okay that’s not good can I just okay there we go there we go excuse me what is going on in chat person turquoise waving person turquoise why is it showing up [Music] white I pop up chat in a minute I’m trying to get it fixed fix I did I did chat let’s get chat also sorry Minecraft is so small why okay it’s it’s not light anymore we’re good I’m back hello I’m seeing if Minecraft server worked all right no that one also sorry Minecraft is so small on the screen in chat or on stream it’s like itty bitty that’s fine as long as I can see it then yes oh some people joined maybe one I don’t no I don’t know I saw a new I saw something else no I saw somebody new type in the no I saw someone type in the chat I thought it was a the person I don’t know oh see now it’s too long that’s the problem H did you see the DM I sent you by the way hey someone’s watching yeah that person’s probably me yeah I know but still well you’ve been streaming for like 6 hours if I’m correct you should have been started streaming at 300 p.m I think so I don’t know probably if not then I have no idea nice to play high pixel yeah hello bit what’s the most recent thing that searched up on my YouTube why is it not working it always has to be Ed it should be working why is it not working bu to L in in valid session please ra starting your game or launcher oh okay that’s just a me thing it doesn’t work I’m gonna be very sad it doesn’t work I’m gonna find a different thing to do it on I’m getting this to work how to connect to the server oh shoot yeah I’m trying to figure out if it works if it’s working or not I might need to lower the player count a little bit just a little bit don’t forget there’s probably like servers that are like that can handle like one million people said it to more than one million people m in the FNAF movie what don’t you know Game Theory well yeah I know Game Theory I didn’t hear what you he’s in the FNAF movie apparently yeah I heard I saw a scene oh I don’t know if it’s though hey it’s working let’s go Chad it’s working Chad it’s working let’s go [Music] again I’m so freaking excited yeah you just load the player count just a little yeah just make it 9999999 hey I might blow up one day you can’t say anything I know I know I I know I was just joking I’m sorry just slamming my freaking headset into the wall not wall but I’m just let that’s not a bad thing I have two viewers let’s freaking go by the way uh what’s This Server thingy called I don’t know what do you mean I me like what’s the server ID or something oh okay here let me put it in chat I guess oh works I’m looking at the live right now you stupid heart thing go away no go away I can’t click it because player oh didn’t even need to looing I’m smart slightly smart I got a brain in there somewhere all right you spot on top of a tree unfortunately oh there’s a lush cave down there all right this should work use I’m going to break this tree that you spawn on so everyone dies hey I fell anyway GNA try joining okay have to connect the server hooray try uh restarting your Minecraft that’s what I did and then it worked oh all right I’ll do that we spawn in a dark oak biome I like dark oak I like dark oak too only like kind of because well like okay I keep on getting pinged well I keep on hearing the ping sound effect I don’t know what it is oh like half of the notifications are for some random server I don’t even go to wait the cheese I have a drawing tablet I’m using that to play Minecraft not of a surprise now well I guess it’s still a surprise nobody saw it wonder what Minecraft challenge is I invited 200 people into the server no not server uh live stream wait what probably maybe one person is watching like other than me I don’t know who it is though but probably nobody though there there’s nobody there it’s one person nobody in The Voice I can really hear other than me and you so uh I wonder how it how hard it would be playing Minecraft with a freaking drawing tablet I’m sure I can figure it out and I wonder and I wonder figure okay I’m gonna be Minecrafting by the way if nobody’s in the server it’ll shut off in five minutes so I need you guys to yell at me whenever you guys need to get on the server also I don’t wake up until 11:00 a.m. wait what the server will shut down in five minutes the server will shut down in five minutes after everybody in the server leaves so if there’s zero players it’ll shut down in less five and five or less minutes because it’s uh sa quote unquote save resources able to change that or something no not even if it’s paid it’s and it’s already nighttime how astonishing that’s it won’t be a problem most of the time it won’t be a problem because most of the time we play on it it’ll be a stream and then the other times you guys can probably just yell at me about it and I’ll be like okay and then I do it you know I just turn it back on or whatever I just thought I’d mention that in case it says like server is Clos you can just like add me I’ll be like all right and yes you can play the server without me it’s not that big of a deal I don’t care no it’s on normal difficulty so yeah I’m gonna go make a Hut next to spawn so I don’t die oh I’m already gonna die all right multiplayer all right uh here it is please let me play oh it didn’t work what oh what there’s a zombie right outside my door hold on uh can I share my screen real quick yeah sure I don’t care uh hold on please let me share my screen for once no there’s a zombie There’s a Zombie outside my door and I want him to go away look it’s right here right yeah I’ll look in a second I’m looking right now okay I’m looking look at now it’s working for a second it wasn’t even working at least now it’s working right also yeah it’s already night time by the way so um I’d recommend not staying still for more than three seconds just it’s loading yeah suddenly my game crashed I’m joking was go oh it’s night time yeah apparently the server’s been up still hold on I’m going to get my wire no I’m not my wireless I’m going to get my uh my wired cool L I’m just going to get my uh Mouse real quick all right I’m gonna not die all right and my game’s still a little laggy but it’ll do I’m going to make shorts about this server so we got to get some good Clips up in here of us being goofy and I see your name tag smooth now I don’t really see your name tag I’m like right in front of you oh there you are kill that sheep yes kill sheep all right let’s go to my small Hut in corner where I can jump down immediately going to get killed now good let’s come over to my small Hut over here that I’ve created out of the side of a thing I’m trying so hard not to fall off because you know I’m I’m still a little new to Java Minecraft and though not really the best player I’m going hey is AR aren’t there mods in this game like in Java Minecraft are there oh yeah yeah there’s mods Galore I don’t know what I’m going to have to but I don’t know if I’m able to do them on servers like this though we don’t have to use mods yeah oh also you can download personal mods only you can Ser that I made on my switch on uh yeah on my switch uh yeah I have to sell my switch you to sell your switch anymore yeah bad grades okay I guess yeah my gr is actually kind of harder than I thought even though should be easy well that’s okay computer and computers are better than that so also oh my God it’s okay they can’t get in here and if they do I have this I have the power of this spider then yeah we’re safe fire spider’s in a two block Gap really thing they can get in here are uh baby zombies which would be we’re gonna have to worry about that uh was I forgot we had a torch for a second wire is always in my way there you go [Music] hey it’s going to be our Cozy home our sticks in a pickaxe yeah that makes total sense I meant to say sticks in the I gave you a pickaxe just a second ago thank you I’m pretty did you know that I actually used to play Minecraft on a computer oh like I used to before I made this Discord account I did before I even like I did like I bought one of my friends computers and I played it like when I was like five years old I got diorite yeah I gave you a stone axe as well so you can like fight stuff hey can I can I tell something laggy so don’t mind if real quick okay just testing okay I was testing in case we got like stream snipe or something I didn’t want to I don’t know stream sniper oh boy well yeah put the code out if any if anybody joins the game and like they want to stream snipe no if anybody joins the live stream and they see the server what if they just stream snipe us and kill us okay I can ban him not that big of a deal right my loser stuff but I’m still new to Java servers I never really played on Java servers yet but um yeah well I put the uh Co join code there going to be another underground well not technically underground but like is it going to be like another Mountain Base oh no I just was building this to survive the night whenever the night ends we’re com we’re probably going to go build something cool check real quick wait did you already check no you can break you didn’t check not day yet pretty good at building like bro I used to Bro at my school you know I have a school computer right and basically I can just play Minecraft education Edition still play Minecraft on my computer whether it’s Java or not Bedrock I don’t know I haven’t been checking chat so people have been asking me questions and um one of them said uh what’s your Minecraft skin I’m sorry imposta sus I didn’t see it until now I didn’t see your comment until now and I believe nobody’s watching but here it is if you want to look wait hold on is my skin the same like as in a Bedrock I mean I can send you a picture hold on how do I go into like out of person or something oh hi chocolate chip uh shift even though that’s how to crouch uh F1 what are you trying to look at I’m trying to see how to like go out of person oh my God I got sticky keys I no I don’t want to enle sticky keys hold on you look like that szo you look like that I sent it in um chat main chat yeah on Main chat I just joining some streams hi something like my avatar at all it’s not even close to my Rock um thingy not day or is it day uh it’s like turning day of starting to hurt from being on the computer like all day um I’m gonna give I’m gonna give my hands a little rest all right second here I’ll go kill stuff ah skeletons hurt for real my hand are TR to hurt oh yeah that happens one of the joys of being a computer player I guess yeah so true how do I have like 13,000 mechanical pencils on my desk call over there I can’t even draw I can draw but it’s just G to look sloppy I like that one fan art you did I said I really like that one fan art you did yeah thank U actually I made that on for the clip okay stay yep we’re going to mine some trees and build some preferably I want to go down into that um that Lush cave that’s underneath the thing over there or that thing I made over there near yeah that cave down there it’s come on a shoot uh I’m gonna get down here so I can get my wood I’m gonna refresh this page there we go br [Music] all right I got eight pieces of wood now let’s see what I can make good job first time crafting on Java wait I I forgot forgot how to play this game a little I think I just heard an Enderman yeah there’s an Enderman over there just don’t look at their eyes you can look at everything else I know played Minecraft before cazy says they want to join but they how would I even know about the game darn wait okay it says they wants to join but they um but they’re on Bedrock oh yeah you’re were right that was an Enderman bro crafting in Java is very hard for me I’m just going to stick to using my keypad uh left click or left click is grab like a full stat grab right click is half grab shift click uh automatically puts it in there so if that helps any this is the largest tag box I’ve ever seen oh I’m is that a good thing or a bad thing I know I have a large tag box and I sword I don’t know nice I made a b no I’m just kidding I got it for a skeleton I don’t know what to do all right um I’m going to get off Minecraft in a little bit all right maybe another two hours joking I might not even get off at all I don’t know I might get off I’m probably I’m probably gonna end stream and get off in like 15 minutes not gonna lie or 15 uh 15 oh H I understand a lot of people are how how what do you mean how all right well good thing you have food now uh my Hunger bars are still all the way up hooray I’m not sure to what he told me in the chat to press Q oh I heard what actually happened if you yeah and press alt and press alt f4 for a special surprise no it’s deleting your game no getting off the game it’s um yeah force closing a tab I know what happens if you press Q you drop items now press Q for a special surprise he just throws their pickax into lava yeah literally all right let’s see here there’s got to be like some type of like Village or something around here can there be dark Spruce Villages or is that not a thing I don’t think that’s a thing I almost fell oh we spawned like right next to a mushroom there’s a bunch of mushrooms I think really mushrooms oh I’m go in this cave hey someone subscribe let’s go go okay for real my hands are starting to hurt a little I finally lost hunger I just wasted a steak no no a crepper defeated the crepper there’s a crepper behind me you have defeated a crepper successfully no ow okay it hurt yeah if half of my health bar is okay end nearby ending the life no I’m not ending the live why would I end the live dude I keep on bro I keep on hearing the ping sound effect help well what it’s like it’s stuck in my head hello chug chip welcome back can’t even focus my Minecraft without being bombarded with freaking Discord P you can turn on do not disturb and it won’t turn that it won’t do the little ping I’ll do that that helps actually I’m I’m getting up soon anyway like [Music] you if you actually are even getting off yeah I’m getting off at uh 10:30 so like 10 minutes uh yeah basically basic kind of like basically 11 minutes but like you know what I mean ah almost dropped my freaking Mouse ah all right run oh that cave looks nice but also run I know this a really stupid thing to say but there are Cheeto puff marks on my freaking computer [Music] screen I know now I find it less of an awkward thing to say more of like why get to your name tag oh yeah oh I can’t do your name tag anymore oh no oh hello never mind never mind uh if you guys want to I just saw silverfish there Ain there ain’t gonna be no silverfish up in here I swear I thought I saw silverfish oh you know what we need door well yeah but also chest chest valuable dude how you already what how you already have so much stuff uh I’ve I’ve been collecting okay that glowry I’ve been slightly colleting bro how do you already have so much stuff I’ve been slightly collecting yeah slightly more like too much I just did a bit of grinding a bit of grinding more like you grinded the entire cave oh that’s nice I like that all right I’m I’m taking a little rest from the game all right I gota wait till daytime so we gota wait till daytime anyway so yeah all right oh if there was one person who could meet in real life who would it be [Music] um probably you of course bro every single time I ask that it’s always me it’s always probably you or Cass you but in reality they mean me no I’m not really the type of person that would meet their Discord friends oh but hey I am planning a meet up um in a little bit some friends I met on mer room live in the same city oh I went to the Tampa International Airport like today my brother Nicholas guess what triple protected what bro you’re not going to believe me whenever I say this tor Swift was performing No Cap oh oh uh very very No Cap my guy let make a picture of your profile picture on YouTube what szo it’s triple protect got three billion subscribers Ho by the way minutes until I’m getting off what minut I don’t know summoning the forces hey hey szo it’s triple protected bro bro you should have seen my face it’s probably so unenthusiastic all right it was probably like blocky can you make moss carpet with moss block yeah I think so you can oh what is it [Music] in Mars 21 Moss carpets like grass [Music] oh my God where enemy carpets carpets are not my enemy they’re my friend ofy friendy you can’t really play on them unless you want them to be a block in the air I only got like five minutes so I’m going to get off all right yeah same and then we get the leafy boys uh the leafy boys don’t work triple protected imagine a creeper just walks through be funny I don’t think an Enderman can get in here ah I heard burning oh no I can’t touch the fire okay maybe don’t maybe I don’t die like no damage from that ah crispy my is going down like two per second to say like zero per second to be honest I didn’t get hung stay on like the entire night you think I’d get netherite I’m sure you get like iron or something or like yeah maybe diamond diamond who knows and I’m not doing that either um basically soon three minutes from now get off I’m actually kind of tired yeah me too I’m pretty eepe Eep yes the new word for sleepy is epie a waffle is always eepy you can ask silent snow I’ve always been epie from the beginning of time though um if I stay on the server the entire night would it uh shut down the server no it just stay on all night but like I said I can just turn it back on whenever we get back in the morning wait when do you normally wake up like 1100 a.m. I I I have no sleep schedule I could wake up at 5:00 a.m. in the morning or 11:00 a.m. you’re GNA get off yeah I might come back on at like 12 but you’re probably going to be asleep by then yeah all right bye-bye well I’m leaving the call until you leave well yeah I’m probably going to I’m not going to leave the game until I’m on like at least three hearts which I do not have enough food for good [Music] night okay well I guess I’m going to end the street well I’mma end the stream chat see you tomorrow bye-bye I guess I don’t know I’m bad at this

This video, titled ‘Playing on my Minecraft Server | Minecraft Java’, was uploaded by Def Not a Waffle on 2024-03-30 19:34:57. It has garnered 113 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 07:21:55 or 26515 seconds.

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    EndyCraftEndyCraft is a BRAND NEW lifesteal SMP that is striving to create a fun, challenging and safe environment for all to enjoy Read More

  • Lifesteal anarchy – semi-vanilla, anarchy

    Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Anarchy SMP We are a small and new community playing on a semi-vanilla server with lifesteal abilities, /home, and /tpa commands. We welcome all types of players, from serious to casual, even griefers! There are minimal rules, with the only restriction being no spawn killing. The server is located on the east coast. Join our Discord server to apply for whitelist and get the IP! Tags: Minecraft, Lifesteal, Semi-Vanilla, Small Community, New Server Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Creepers Chug Mountain Dew to Charge Up

    Looks like those creepers have been hitting the Dew a little too hard! Time to switch to decaf, guys. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay Revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘playing minecraft 😀 (Minewind)’, was uploaded by Expslep on 2024-07-17 01:22:39. It has garnered 5 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:00 or 0 seconds. server is called minewind to find server ip go to: Read More

  • Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players’ Chore

    Crafty Must-Dos: Minecraft Players' Chore In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Players must mine, build, and explore with glee. From crafting tools to battling mobs, Every adventure is filled with thrills and sobs. Join me, dear viewers, as we delve into the game, Discovering secrets and strategies, never the same. With each new update, the world evolves, And players adapt, with problems they solve. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your wit, For in Minecraft, there’s always a new hit. Let’s dive into the world, together we’ll roam, In this blocky paradise, we’ll make a new home. Read More

  • Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol

    Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol When you try to prank a stray in Minecraft but they end up pranking you by stealing all your diamonds instead. #karma #minecraftstruggles #strayshavetheupperhand Read More

  • OMG! I’m Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberlive

    OMG! I'm Stranded in RP Minecraft! 😱 #vtuberliveVideo Information [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] [Musik] next Don’t don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor don’t don’t Wor don’t Wor me [Musik] [Musik] [Tepuk tangan] Halo the people of the world ketemu lagi sama nekro di [Musik] sini halo halo ada netizen random ada alion Halo Kak baru spaw iya boleh Mamang aing live juga cepa openening keblet boker gue ya elah tinggal boker Ya bokertinggal boker first time kagak telat gue Anjay Muhammad yulias halo halo yang baru datang Jangan lupa di-like dulu ya teman-teman Aku suka main Minecraft Iya nanti ajarin aku ya Aku juga baru mau main ini baru… Read More

  • Yasha’s Minecraft Meltdown

    Yasha's Minecraft MeltdownVideo Information bro are you oh my [ __ ] God bro all right I can’t [ __ ] this Bro [ __ ] this bro oh my [ __ ] God bro like I know it’s small bro but bro this is like for another day bro I don’t know I do not [ __ ] know what oh my God bro oh my [ __ ] F [Music] God bro you already did your [ __ ] damage bro why would you do this oh my [ __ ] God bro oh my God [Music] man This video,… Read More

  • Dronio’s EPIC Minecraft Punishment – Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viral

    Dronio's EPIC Minecraft Punishment - Creepers Destroy Beautiful Builds! #viralVideo Information как же сломать бедрок в Minecraft Ну все мы знаем что это невозможно но так говорят в слухи на самом деле можно если ломать бедрок киркой то уйдёт много времени и ничего не выйдет но что если попробовать взорвать его при помощи TNT стой А ты знал что если ты поставишь лайк и подпишешься то завтра ты найдёшь iPhone под подушкой и напиши комментарий бедрок по буквам так чтобы тебя не перебили но и TNT не смогли сломать бедрок Это что получается невозможно но мы просто так не сдаёмся добываем и из неё делаем мотыгу добываем мир что… Read More

  • Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!

    Insane Truck Build Battle | Noob vs Pro Challenge!Video Information hello everyone dear friends the weather is just wonderful outside today I wonder what Adventures await me today what I think Mikey’s coming to me Mikey it’s open hi JJ tell me do you have a big car I would really like to move all my things to the city Mikey I’m sorry but no I have just a great idea JJ let’s build a truck today wow Mikey the idea is really great okay I agree but first let’s welcome our dear viewers of course JJ go ahead hello everyone dear friends Mikey and I are going… Read More

  • Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!

    Master XBOOM AIMER unleashes chaos in Lifesteal Smp!Video Information आज भी प्रॉब्लम सेम ही है गाइस प्रॉब्लम तो रोज का होता है मगर बस ज्यादा ज्यादा हो जाता है यार कभी-कभी लेकिन कोई ना लेट्स सी आज तो मैं प्रेयर करता हूं भाई प्लीज आज बस थोड़ा अच्छा चल जाए थोड़ा सा चल जाए बस इतना इतना बोलूंगा मैं फिर दो घंटे स्ट्रीम आराम से भाई मजा आ जाएगा नहीं तो भाई पता है ना तुम लोग को यार नेट का कैसा दिमाग खराब होता है नेट का प्रॉब्लम ही प्रॉब्लम है गाइस यार एक मिनट सर्वर ऑन कर रहा हूं फिर बाद में आता हूं दो… Read More

  • Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft – ZS’SKAYR #shorts

    Ultimate Destruction in Minecraft - ZS'SKAYR #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts’, was uploaded by ZS’SKAYR on 2024-05-23 14:45:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Destroy mace #shorts link in description:- search title:- #shorts #minecraft #viral … Read More

  • Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯

    Insane! SuperTails LIVE playing Minecraft with viewers 🤯Video Information [Music] hello is this thing on how we doing how we doing uh playing a little uh well today it’s a special day we’re trying something new today we’re playing multiple games today I’m trying this out and it’s all going to be the same stream that’s that’s the experiment today we’re going to play a little stumble guys start it out cuz we haven’t played that in a while and we’re going to play a little Roblox cuz everybody always loves Roblox and finish it out with Minecraft cuz we love doing Minecraft um so yeah we’re… Read More

  • Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattle

    Ultimate PvP showdown on Hypixel! #EPICBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘bro gavr up #minecraft #hypixle #hypixel #pvp #hitsync #swrz #dragclick #minecraftpvp #bedwars #pvp’, was uploaded by One_chance on 2024-05-12 10:18:24. It has garnered 2219 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Read More

  • Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parody

    Lemon unleashes haunting Minecraft parodyVideo Information greetings square ones let’s take a journey I SP the world where the MS are really mean blue black and green there must be something in the wall here we a diing just above a m yeah oh no yeah the mom break the neck trying to creep a little sneak peek you come to my world but no one comes close to my ey and thr watch you battle with us you’ll be rolling on night night Super Natural Mobs with undefeatable battle dues and all on the on top Mad Skills own so hard we’ll drop… Read More