INSANE Minecraft Shenanigans with Arkay!

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I totally a jack of this dude I totally did not forget to do my uh stream goal no I would never do that okay now stream is live and my dog ass has to remember to go send the link in my Discord because I’m going to forget to do that my

Bad I love how we we’ve brought you from having like orbiters that are just like friend orbiters to having like content creator orbiters like you’ve got fans now I would I wouldn’t go that far but I I do appreciate the people who have been regularly tuning in my streams I haven’t

Been able to stream this past week because I’ve been sick as a dog but like um what’s it called I I I’ve had like consistent like 20 viewers and whatnot um like like through everything at least which is pretty [ __ ] good for uh uh literally who who never streams uh or

Hasn’t streamed before all right let me send up my everyone oh everyone live now okay let me make sure that I get my chat up all right I have to find some squids to kill so I can make fluid bladders from their uh from their ink sack oh yeah why

Do we need fluid bladders again what do we use that for oh pre metal and pre clay bucket buckets and um like we need them to make leather we need them to make dough for bread we need them basically to carry water around but you can’t place water source blocks with

Them big draw back yeah yeah okay cool I found cows all right so stream is live um um my mouse oh sorry I was going to say you can do exclamation point RK in my chat I think to to get a link to Ethan’s Channel you should subcribe that [ __ ] is

Bugged to hell in back um we couldn’t get it to work okay well Ethan just posted it in chat true go drop a like too and subscribe or I’ll kill you in Minecraft H I would appreciate viewed you don’t have to view though but like

If you do I’d love you and I kiss you on the lips you absolutely have to you also have to like my stream it’s the rules hair is cut hey top of the morning all right chat is now [ __ ] actually working on my stream there we go hi everybody uh is it just

Me or does YouTube chat like barely like function oh it barely functions yeah when it but when it functions it barely functions H when itun there’s two sh players right next to each other fantastic if you guys can drop a like it works for me uh it helps me

Out all right let me run back to the the base I got to Scurry back uh why is my audio broken um uh oh okay chat I have to relog or like relaunch a modded Minecraft uh instance you know what that means it’s going to be a FIV minute

Intermission [ __ ] God that’s so real though broke might just been from tabing out can you hear me oh I hope I’m not talking to myself holy [ __ ] oh wait what can he not hear me I can hear you hello hello hello oh I’m stupid as hell I unplugged my headset can you hear

Me yeah I can hear you just fine I just you couldn’t hear me I am so sorry Alex I hope I wasn’t talking over you yeah my my headset can unplug without the the actual ox cord coming out and I’m sitting here [ __ ] tripping I’m like oh why isn’t my Minecraft working and

Then I’m like why why isn’t Alex speaking and then it hit me I’m I’m so sorry I I’m really good at this guys I hope you know really great at this’s very experienced at streaming he knows exactly what he’s doing hold everything against him as if he were a professional someone said friendship

With xan stream ended friendship with RK stream started this is how I leech this is how I’m my I’m done Ethan’s gonna take my spot it’s over Xander you’re going to be my editor Honestly though Ethan would like Ethan does not want to do like Lefty content not because he disagrees with anything

Like Lefty content is supposed to be about because he’s seen what it’s like to be in this community I think that the vast majority of leftist content creators are not actually leftist and really like money but can’t bring themselves to look like racists yeah that sounds about right

Because like the right wing [ __ ] is the much easier grift but I do think that like they’re not necessarily bigots but they’re more like uh a lot of the people in the space are just like you you get there’s a lot of lefties who really like

Be a progressive oh yeah you good they like they like being uh Progressive through the lens of getting to be a mean girl Progressive that that’s all they’ll ever do though they won’t ever do anything past that you know what if you want to be a mean girl Progressive and

Make fun of bigots that’s fine but I hope you do a little bit more than that just a little bit yeah okay I’m making some fluid bladders I don’t know if you’ve got that advancement we’ll have to see if once you get in you get the advancement um yeah we’ll see it should

Be fine I mean I think we can sync it like forcefully sorry that you guys are watching a loading screen CU my ass thought my game bugged out apologies it’s all your fault you ruined the stream it’s unwatchable if you guys see me muting over and over again it’s because I’m

[ __ ] dying so so sorry I’m sick you know if you donate me all of the money you’ve made at your wage slave job while while I do nothing but play video games uh it will make me feel better and I would be very happy and you should give me your

Labor give me the fruits of your labor please thank you hello I would like uh I would like your value as a human in a capitalistic Society uh please God I would like you to give me the paper that your um that your you know what I want you to your for your

Last time open your wallet for me take a photo of the front and back side of your debit card and DM it to me on for fraudulent activity please that that actually actually do that yeah I bet if I bet if I had any

Kind of a platform if I said some [ __ ] like that like I would actually get my Discord account nuked though because discord’s [ __ ] psycho about [ __ ] like that can’t solve grooming problems but the second they think you’re doing anything that you’re not you’re [ __ ] it’s over God yeah true God

H what show or movie do you want to watch like a show or movie tonight after streams um maybe I’m thinking if if we watch some breaking bads St would have to be in for it but I’m thinking I’m thinking I don’t know what I want to

Watch I don’t know if ste’s in I’ve not been able to talk to him uh ever since I told him dude I want a Vegas trip for your birthday and then I was not eligible for the one Vegas trip he has not seen has spoken to you I I I told

Him that I will just pay for one on his birthday which is months and months from now I’ll save up and pay for one for us it’s not as expensive as you guys think plus I don’t think we’ll be actually gambling flying to Vegas is cheap as

[ __ ] flying out of Vegas is expensive not really actually I mean it’s like 200 each way for a 400 total um and that was in like height of Summer you know and it was uh fly out than in usually I I I just flew through Vegas from uh Phoenix

Like to get back home uh and I think the I didn’t pay for it but the flight was only like uh 160 so I mean it’s it’s not the worst and if you’re doing it for like a big group Meetup you know uh Xander I I

Don’t know if you’d want to come this would be sometime in like uh March I want to say uh sorry I was totally not trying to count on my fingers to remember what month his birthday was I would never do that um we’re going to be having like our whole friend group meet

Up so if you’d ever want to hang out with us you could yeah well it is that does sound a bit expensive uh the traveling but hopefully I’m able to like uh like recover from the costs of moving being a bit of a being a bit of a blight

On my wallet yeah by then someone in chat says uh I’m always dying and do nothing but play video games you can have $5 of my disability check one of these days I need streamlabs to do something right now I should be able to take Poor People’s food stamps as

Donations they should be able to give F people should be able to donate people should be able to donate with food stamps that’s amazing that is the most I want your food stamps I want your skin graphs I want your plasma if you can

Give it to me I’ll take it I do not care about the ethics the legality I need you to put me first me numar Runo I need to go I need to be a priority I’m sorry chat I’m number one half my chat’s like what the other half is like true true

Okay oh [ __ ] what do you [ __ ] uh I fell into a hole and then press M and as soon as I pressed m i saw all of the universe so I just saw uh reality uh yep that’s uh that’s space someone said do you want

My unwashed dishes uh I love I love it unwashed uh I’m always down uh actually are you ready H okay sorry I was going to say Ethan go ahead and press M and then click on any of the planets in our solar system and click on like uh I

Think it’s click again to zoom hold on and some of the planets don’t have them but if you look at say I don’t know Mars I think Mars has one uh one second two Mars has two moons so it’s planets and their moons that we have to colonize andamos for Mars I

Apologize I’m having a Minecraft moment where for some reason the uh the full screen is not actually working weird oh I don’t full screen my Minecraft I have it um Wind full screen Window mode and then I’m capturing Minecraft uh as like its own application instead of screen capturing and I

Stretch the screen I I right click and do stretch to screen it’s not it you won’t notice I I [ __ ] hate this dog [ __ ] game I I’ll I’ll do a Windows capture in just a second guys I need to get back it’s very dark dark uh I’m I’m

So glad that 13 people did uh found it entertaining to hear me Eagle Eagle maniacally ramble while my stream was [ __ ] Frozen I’m so sorry everybody God shit’s so scuffed but I love it I feel like this is fun like after segments content there’s 125 people watching us

Do this on my end and you’ve got like what 13 people on your end my end you know I’m I’m really the one like pulling the weight here you know I made you [ __ ] I made you I oh [ __ ] okay that’s true I’m one of your orbiters actually let me let me set

Up my stream my uh Windows capture real quick or window capture sorry guys yeah you just to add like an individual Source window capture the game and you also want to get audio capture separate too if you can but that you might not have that plugin like I do

Oh I do I’ve already got that all set up window capture ad source window septech ages okay how am I not getting another Apple ah transform dis oh I’m dead I’m dead oh [ __ ] I’m sorry I got trapped inside a tree and like I had no knock back I do I

Fixed my stream now I got to fix my hair and uh I mean you got you got [ __ ] keep inventory so it’s no big deal right yeah yeah it’s just once we start getting uh nutrition like Buffs it’s going to suck to die because it takes

Away your nutrition buff and you have to yeah have to eat I will make us a great feast after each death that’s F oh what the [ __ ] I just saw some magic [ __ ] happen I totally oh no a meteorite hit or something what is that what is that

What is that what is that the meteorite if you follow that you get some [ __ ] items that are are really really useful for later so no no there there was okay so I couldn’t pick it up but there was this that’s from astral sorcery there was this like woof of magic there’s some

Items on the ground there yeah when we aquamarine okay yo when we played this a while back I got it careful not to put it in your main hand because it’ll instantly drop it but it seems pretty rare I found it like once every five

Nights and then you have to run to it um but yeah yeah I happen to just be underneath where a meteor drops so there are shooting stars that will happen in the sky every once in a while oh spider jockey there are shooting stars that’ll

Happen in the sky at night and if you follow where they fall they like streak across the the sky really slow if you follow them they’re like an item drop and you get some like you get some stuff it’s from astral sorcery thank you for telling me that I

I I I put two and two together yeah uh I don’t know I just I I knew that [ __ ] was good and I picked it up uh okay so hold on I got to make myself a a knife so that I can actually get us some uh string because this plant fiber [ __ ]

Ain’t cutting it I got to link I got to sync our progress again I made three fluid bladders too so I’ll give you two I I think it already sank yeah it already sank it did when I logged in it said sinking in like 20 seconds so it it

Sinks every time you log in nice okay perfect so yeah what you want to do is anytime you see like ripe plants or ripe crops that have like just that are just around just right click them and you can Harvest them and they’ll regrow on their

Own that’s going to be our main source of like food for a little while until we can Farm on our own was that Apple oh my God I got an apple [ __ ] finally I got an hell yeah hell yeah we’re about to be so set for apples in a moment I am the

[ __ ] string Lord okay I have 20 string what wait hold on what uh I think my game crashed oh I’m back it it’ll just freeze every once in a while wait apple seeds what I swear you get them like this oh no wait no but you do oh oh God I have

To make the wall into Cobble too cuz this is starting to come down I think you have to get the apple seeds in a later age maybe I don’t think I’ve unlocked the crafting to make apple seeds yet that’s so weird maybe you have to buy them I think you might have to

Buy them from villagers actually a farmer villager yeah I’ve got one locked up he’ll never see the light of day again so oh you got a farmer locked up perfect good call bro okay so unfortunately we we need to buy the apple seeds that kind of sucks that kind of

Blows there’s so many different colors of Autumn Leaves put xan and Ethan streams beside each other and mute one so you can get both povs yeah well if you mute one it actually doesn’t count as a viewer for them by the way mute them with a uh what’s it called with a

Muted tab instead of using the uh mute button in the ined or uh or if you’re if you’re Giga based you can mute using like a volume booster app set to zero that’s what I do whenever I want to give a streamer my view but I don’t want to actually listen

At the moment not that I’d ever fraudulently boost someone’s views no I’d never okay so it seems that those items I picked up can’t be stored because if I do then they H H oh you’re just going to have to inventory tax them for a while maybe

Maybe I think you can make backpacks though yeah we can make backpacks so that’s it’s uh seven leather leather cordage which you just get from cutting up a a piece of leather with your work Blade the Flint work blade and then a chest so that’s literally like an extra

Half chest worth of storage we need to make those as soon as we can make leather okay cool which we actually we have everything we need to make leather actually what you do is like we need to kill some okay so here’s what we should do primarily I think we should dig a

Hole um here let’s let’s dig a hole and it’s going to be a two block deep hole and we’re going to like attract some cows with wheat to the hole and get them stuck in it and then make them mate because both we need the cows for their

Meat we need the cows for their hides and then later we need the cows uh for a breeding population of Buffalo and we do the to totemic ceremony so like here’s probably good like I’d like you know we want to be able to fit a fair amount of

Cows and Minecraft has this thing I assume you know about it where like when keeping animals in like like they start to die if you have too many animals in your uh entity cramming actually isn’t in this version of Minecraft I don’t think it’s entity cramming cuz

It’s not that there’s not enough space for them and they get like uh they they suffocate it’s more so like there’s too many in the chunk and they just start culling um if they can’t move more than I think it’s 12 blocks in any direction they should not

Cull there’s like a I used to know the rules for this really tight um they they shouldn’t call out of a small hole like this they can’t despawn oh also Ethan you can you know you can make stone tools for yourself right yeah I know I’m just lazy

I’ve been intending to do it but I’ll add an extra layer around here that’s valuable dirt right there Ethan what are you doing throwing that away um it’s dirt my dog it’s 20 blocks or 10 I want to go uh safe and say 10 I

I want to say it was like 12 for some [ __ ] reason maybe 16 could be a chunk they might need to be able to move out of their chunk to despawn I see oh man feels good to stream again it’s been a minute it does feel good to

Stream again I took too much time off streaming true my OBS or not my restream like logged out what the [ __ ] hold let me log into my restream really fast chat it is the first of the month it does tend to do that it does I’m so glad that I don’t

Care to [ __ ] [ __ ] with twitch well I use restream primarily because it actually shows my viewer count across multiple platforms but just in general um it shows it so that’s like just alone a pretty good benefit of the of the thing is that I can have a chat

That combines my YouTube and twitch chat all in one and it shows me how many viewers I have really a capture you’re gonna make me do a capture while I’m live to to see my chat restream that’s what we’re doing that’s crazy I’m glad it didn’t like cut

Off my stream to make me log in to restream again Jesus okay am I am I the world’s dumbest man I don’t think so no I might actually be my ass cannot read hey chat you should donate if you’ve got the money for it it helps a

Lot and I appreciate it true Shameless Shilling here I am uh we’re we’re in the Shameless Shilling Arc okay I literally watched a I watched Paul Joseph Watson today put out a video that was literally 50% sponsored segment it was a 4 minute video two minutes of

It was the video and then after that it shows his like logo out of nowhere like after he like does his dunk and then it’s literally the last two minutes is a sponsored segment for a service that you pay 59 bucks a month it seems and they mail you print outs of

Famous like like public domain letters between famous people that that you can literally just find and print offline $59 a month so weird it’s the most Shameless [ __ ] [ __ ] ever the right has like an insane grift going for themselves Ethan like you don’t even know dude guys it might be time to put

On the uh the chud mask uh rin’s getting a little a little tight Christ okay like I wonder how much like the these conservative grifter types had to have like they had to have sold their souls like on like a deep down like moral level there was a point where they

Were just like I don’t care about doing the right thing like that had to happen right they don’t they don’t think they’re good people I know that Tucker car Carlson has said on uh on a call with someone before like he genuinely doesn’t believe any of the [ __ ] but

Um it was in text but yeah yeah yeah and he hates Trump and he oh yeah that was Alex Jones who said he hates Trump and regrets meeting him of all people Alex [ __ ] Jones has Trump regret now they’re all obviously falling in line again because you know

That that’s what they have to do it’s their best chance of winning it’s their only chance of winning um but like these people all like As Trump fell and Biden Rose they were all so Doomer they just all Let The Mask slip on how much they really never like Trump at all and

Always thought he was a buffoon but they defend him no matter what because it’s team sports strainer base strainer base oh I am actually so [ __ ] stupid okay oh are you making the strainer you put those in the water and they capture like random stuff for you although yeah

Actually we do need to make a strainer um it’s the like largest size strainer don’t make the small one the stra yeah cuz and we need to like move it around until it gets dark oak wood every chunk you have to turn on like your chunk thing or just go to each area

Like move about a chunk in distance and put it in then check it and each chunk has a random percent chance for the strainer to catch a certain type of wood dark oak forests are ridiculously rare like ridiculously rare and we’ll never find one so the only way to get dark oak

For progression later on is going to be from the strainer catching some so we need to find a dark oak Chunk in the on the river all right thank you for reminding me of that like it wasn’t on purpose but like that would have been a

Big pain in the ass later for us to have to deal with but now we can just get on top of it hoping to glitch through the the first stage here soon yeah it’d be nice to be able to get through stage zero huh yeah but some

Some of the [ __ ] later on in stage zero is like annoying like darklands so we’ll see yeah dark land’s a little Annoying there’s a there’s a point that you get to particularly in Age 2 where everything just immediately speeds up and you’re just like grind and it’s so

Fun um the early game I have a lot of like love for just because of its like charm but uh nothing really beats like once you get to age2 the my biggest problem with this pack is how [ __ ] ugly some of the uh the models look particularly the Rocks what were they

Thinking it’s just like a like like a eight polygon Rock for no no reason your bum ass stole My Wood oh here’s some wood all good a lot more it’s a lot more for you God damn all right I’m making Hoppers so that I can make the uh strainer

Base tell me I’m the goat tell me I’m the goat someone says like they just fit 60 on video games and another DLC I can’t justify donating right now you’re completely fine not to donate the it’s a bit it’s a joke I don’t actually care

That much like I would you’re not okay I I had your address I’m coming it’s over it’s over for you I love playing into like the greedy awful like uh listen eventually I’m going to convince my chat to watch me play set in League League of Legends and

Body slam like Teemo into a tower like one one day one day they’ll they’ll stop asking me about like complex political issues and they’ll ask me about like dude how do you how do you freeze Top Lane you will never you will never see your viewership drop like when you boot

Up League my friend I’m not joking I mean you could you could do League at your own risk I feel like I could pull it off I could pull it off I’m him God I’m him okay because I ended up replacing that [ __ ] with stone I think I should

Just be able to like peel back this uh this fireplace now and make it far less ugly you guys don’t understand league is awesome because I play a funny catboy that punches [ __ ] really hard and I get to body some people also really hard and then one shot

Them I I I take I take a particularly like like strong pleasure from League because league players are like actually trites and they get really mad at me and then I kill them and that that’s like cathartic that’s my favorite like uh gameplay Loop ever beating dumb the

Ground yeah you know they’re mad because they [ __ ] tell you they are they won’t shut up they’re playing League cuz they’re still on League they’re mad you know they’re mad cuz they’re they’re the type of people that can’t just quit a game that makes them upset true and League makes everyone

Upset one one of my one of my one thing that makes me really happy is that I when I was a little kid I used to get really [ __ ] mad at games like um OverWatch dude oh my God over Overwatch made me pissed like I would I wouldn’t say it was like

Terrible or anything like I’ve seen grown men act worse but it was bad I I I I used to get [ __ ] pissed at OverWatch um and for some reason I I I had this one one day I just thought man man I’m cringe man it’s it’s really

Cringe that I get that upset and I stopped being able to get mad at games like um anytime I get [ __ ] over really bad worst case you’re going to hear me sigh a little bit and like like look look sad and that’s that’s the end of it

You know I I hear your soul leave your body but yeah I just don’t I don’t know I I don’t get angry anymore with games for me it’s like I still get angry at games but once I start to get too angry I stop like I I used it used to be a

Meme for a while that like the second I got pissed off at a game or I died and I was going to get pissed to just alt f4 and go do something else and maybe I’d come back to it maybe I’d just uninstall and never play again which I think is

Like maybe a bit too far but I mean it works I don’t I like when I do that I I’d stop I don’t rage so it it works some myat that’s why I don’t play Oh Sor yeah you good some my asks uh um Ethan do you have have you had the opportunity

To play Spider-Man 2 uh I’ll play that [ __ ] when it’s on PC maybe uh and one of my buddies who game shares me buys it uh it’s a it’s hard to justify spending that much money on uh like a Spider-Man game for me because it doesn’t have a

Lot of replayability and then also it’s a [ __ ] console exclusive so no I’ve not played it but it looks really good um and then another person says uh please play Pikmin instead yes I will sorry then all good all good I’m trying to find these cows that I I went past

Like earlier they were by the river I’m going to find these cows I’ve got my wheat and I’m going to lead them back home I’m being touched by a skeleton’s trumpet leave me oh you’re getting touched bro yeah I [ __ ] am you’re going to get your Skittle didd literally oh

God where are the cows I don’t know hello Ro boy hello hope you’re having a good night I’m looking for cows right now risking death doing it too you know what I actually take it back uh I did get angry at a game recently Xander it was World

Of Warcraft a retail I got angry because it it felt like like coming from a a hardcore like classic wow right to retail I was immediately like oh they they [ __ ] something here like something something went very wrong and that was like the last time I was angry

At a game I think are you excited for a Bobby codic free wow listen Bobby kodic getting fired is the thing that I’m second most excited for in the events of Bobby kodak’s late life um I do not like that individual he’s going to live a long time you just know

It too will he will he really yeah I I listen I don’t think it’s uncommon for Rich folk to pop their [ __ ] heart on cocaine and honestly it wouldn’t be the biggest loss you know if he died in a raid and we had to remake and go through

The whole process of getting a new raid group because the raid group fell apart yeah it would be really rough um but you know what he’s a bad Raider and if we have to gank him to get rid of him and make him delete his character then that’s what we got to

Do God okay yeah uhhuh uh-huh I see someone asks what’s making sounds the skeletons yeah they love toting I’ve got four cows following me Ethan God I’m just trying not to let them get blown up by creepers because if a creeper just like gets between me and the cows and Pops his

Cherry it’s j Minecraft’s like animal leading mechanics are so [ __ ] but right now they’re being good and I just know eventually they’re going to stop being good and I’m going to start like having to take out my wheat put it away over and over again until they start

Following me again oh good now we’ve got sheep that are following this is great H and there’s a zambi what do I want to do right now I got that up I guess salt okay I think that’s the cliff proper chest Primal chest okay keep following cows you’ll get your

Wheat I promise I have to breed you in the hole nope don’t you fall behind get back here mother oh we lost a cow oh I lost the cow cows [ __ ] hell damn it okay I have to kill some monsters okay Primal chest a wolf darkland oak wood

Planks okay hopefully the wolf doesn’t kill cows yes follow me follow me cows yes I just need at least two okay two will do two will do we’re so close we’re so close I think this is it I think this clearing is where the hole

Is oh there’s a Speed Ray no I’ll go around it yes this is the hole come cows come creepers dog no not creepers stay away from my Bine friends please hearing hearing you say creepers I I swear to God I really expected an a man uh well you should have said a man

That that’s your job listen I thought it was going to happen organically I thought you were genuinely about to say that oh help I’m outside help me at the hole I need help with the hole okay there two cows and I need to get them pushed into

The hole but there’s a lot of monsters man all right I’m one shot you kite don’t fight okay you got one in good I’m going to Kill The Creeper nice got the Creeper down ooh oh another creeper oh nice Jesus man uh this this is a hard mod pack do

Not whatever you do don’t hit the cow yeah I got you okay push l in let’s go and then now they [ __ ] winning all right we are [ __ ] winning okay there’s a couple cows left in the woods you can go off and kill them if you want

I don’t care the only animals that matter for our progression are cows sweet sweet in bread beef let’s go oh I love the beef nice and in breed all right makes it more fall off the bone no offense to my inro viewers of course yeah let’s be real though sin makes me

Even more tender shut up one thing that’s always bugged me in Minecraft is how cows are only waste tall true actually yeah why are they so small that’s actually a good point they’re really small also Minecraft Steve is [ __ ] huge to be fair like Minecraft Steve is literally like 2 m tall

Yeah like 3 MERS tall is literally the shortest titans in Attack on Titan um hold on I’m going to give you some [ __ ] that you will have more use for than I do currently don’t worry a chest is coming with it as well because I’m going to be

Going on a bit of a trip no problem we’ll do organization once we can make normal chests that’s when organization happens yeah I’m going to the dark lands oh you’re going to go get yeah get a lot of wood and we also need like multiple dark crystals and lots of Dark Crystal Shards

And there’s also this stuff called coralium you’ll have to go underground to mine it it’s one of the few ores you can mine it’s more common under the ocean though um so yeah also if you want to die really quick I could kill you maybe and then you have a death Compass

Back here but it’s no I can follow the compass backwards just fine okay it I don’t think it works that way though but what do you missan see if I find the thing and then I just fall out it backwards it it doesn’t matter though

Cuz if you just you can always just kill yourself it’s like a backup plan so it’s you know you’re really pushing that option on me I just wonder if you have an ulterior listen Ethan I just really think you should consider you know just jumping off just jump jumping off it you

Know just [ __ ] taking the plunge like obviously if your friends told you to jump off of a bridge you would because of peer pressure right so someone in chat talks about um the animals being kind of weirdly short right um and like as much as you’re absolutely just

Objectively correct could you imagine if they weren’t though imagine if the horses were like actually horse sized or something in Minecraft that would feel weird as hell the horses are actually Reon like re realistically sized it’s the C like the the cows should be like as tall as Horses are though may maybe

It’s because in Texas some of uh some some of the dudes who have horses around here have the uh you know the limp dick truck yeah you know like like the dudes who drive big old [ __ ] lifted lame ass limp dick trucks the horse equivalent of that right uh but I’m used

To seeing horses that are bigger than cars where I live the hores muscles have muscles yeah literally like the freaky [ __ ] yeah and when you know what go like what kind of [ __ ] goes on in a horse’s head seeing a giant horse like that is even scarier cuz they like horses have so

Much personality they they’re like psychotic horses you have you guys ever seen horses interact with baby chicks it’ll it’s the most heartwarming thing you’ll ever see look it up don’t look it up don’t look it up oh can I tell you guys a story um you got to you got to

You guys got to promise me you’re going to you’re going to think of me charitably okay you’re gonna interpret this charitably okay I know you won’t so a while back my girlfriend sends me this reel and my girlfriend is this like super super sweet hyper innocent like um

Don’t take this the wrong way about her but I’m just going to say it for the sake of knowing how like uh like like uh what’s the word I’m looking for not isolated but like uh not under a rock sheltered how sheltered she is she’s like rich girl type um like college hit

Her pretty hard stuff like that she’s so sweet great person though um and so imagine you have this girl who’s like always been super sweet super innocent right and I don’t know why the hell she’s dating me to begin with but she sends me this reel on Instagram and I

Click it and this guy’s like handling a fish and he tries to release the fish and he throws it into the water right and the fish misses the water and Falls like 200t and hits the concrete and shatters and when it shatters it plays like a Lego death sound and now this

Girl is like super super sweet super [ __ ] like innocent right I I it was like a flashbang receiving that from her and I asked like babe this isn’t like anything you’d normally ever send me what’s up with that she said oh the video it just reminded me of you and I

Had to sit back for a second and think what the [ __ ] do you mean a fish shattering to the Lego noise reminded you of me cuz she said it so genuinely POG fish dude I had to do some reflecting Christ I’m making us Leather by the way hell yeah first

Leather pain in the ass to make despite being like horribly grotesque the video was a little funny I will admit I’m I’m a good person I normally don’t enjoy animals dying but like like listen the Lego sound me I oh I’m actually I lied to you guys yeah I love clubbing seals I

Can’t stop going out with my big old Mallet and bashing their [ __ ] heads in I am evil and I Club seals I I I I really hope ke Clips you honestly at this point it would just be funny if she it be it’d be hilarious I

Think it’d be funny I I I I really I don’t know I have no interest in her I think she’s kind of childish but like well CU well I the joke is that like I I always joke about how like ah I’m saying something that if you clipped out of

Context it would look bad ah clip chimp like people joke about that in the chat but then it actually happened unironically God I I don’t know I I I would almost prefer just having a conversation with her where I’m real like like did you actually go after my

Friend who is a victim of similar things you were for doing the same thing you do that’s [ __ ] nasty right like listen Dogg and me and Alex whatever we made ourselves public figures but like vaguely [ __ ] mentioning my friend who you know nothing about having looked at

Kiwi farms and you make these wild ass assumptions no she’s a victim of sexual abuse and extortion that’s why she browses kiwi Farms that [ __ ] was [ __ ] nasty made me mad that she would weaponize that she has no [ __ ] clue what she’s talking about yeah I understand why you’re upset cuz like

Especially cuz Keel was also a victim of kiwi farms and that’s why she browsed it the same reason she’s a she’s a [ __ ] hypocrite about it that’s the thing listen hey kiwi Farms all you want right but like you’re a massive hypocrite you regularly have people on who are kiwi

Farms poster posters and then you critique someone for doing the exact same thing you’re doing or or like act like Alex wasn’t regularly getting harassed and doxed by kiwi Farms especially like with the whole Lonnie situation kiwi Farms was all over that [ __ ] well the thing is that that that

Upset me about that and it was really hurtful when she claimed that cuz like I my entire like me and my family like my my parents address was dox by kiwi Farms back in 2019 I was 20 at the time this is back like before ke it even

Started streaming me and my family were docks by kiwi farms and I literally had to lie about like where I was I had a lie and say that I’d moved across Florida and was living with a roommate so I could continue streaming without the risk of my parents getting SW oh my

God yeah I I I remember when you eventually like told me the truth like your roommate was actually your [ __ ] mom and I was like oh it makes so much more sense yeah I was like I even behind the scenes with friends I was telling

Them that I had moved cuz like I I didn’t want to risk it getting out that I hadn’t moved CU I didn’t want to get swatted and I didn’t want my parents to have to suffer the consequences of having me be streaming in their house and that was my experience that’s how I

Discovered kiwi farms and it it really was F that she accused me of being like Pro kiwi Farms or friends with a kiwi Farm like the the way she framed it was that like I’m backhandedly like buddies with kiwi Farmers behind the scenes and it was just

Really I don’t know felt it felt unfair and people believed it and UNS said because of it too it’s it’s disingenuous as [ __ ] yeah i’ SE I’ve seen people really [ __ ] and run with it right um like like I saw on Twitter someone was saying like like Xander’s mods are kiwi

Farm members and [ __ ] like that that it’s like no what the [ __ ] are you talking about a friend of a friend was yeah a friend of a friend was a victim of like kiwi Farms fortune and whatnot like just posted and like you know like right like would you [ __ ] threads where

Dudes post like other girls nudes and [ __ ] like absolutely degenerate nasty [ __ ] like she’s a victim of like regularly being posted in that and having people like text her phone number text her family right um and then having having that [ __ ] like like claimed to be like she’s a kiwi Farms poster is

[ __ ] nasty and it’ be one thing if you actually were like wholesale against kiwi Farms poster that [ __ ] um it’s [ __ ] uh what’s what’s the name I’m sure M will correct me on this uh she had like a necro necro file on her stream a while back uh who was like

Actually a kiwi Farm poster regularly um yeah and and just didn’t question it when it was pointed out and her defense was well kiwi Farms always lives about people and it’s like yeah but that person’s also a kiwi I don’t know I don’t think she actually has any

Principles other than I don’t like them uh when it comes to that yeah I don’t I don’t remember that person’s name is but I remember people were talking about that that like she did have a kiwi farmer um regularly that she platformed but yeah I don’t know it’s not it’s not

Really anything that I’m too upset about it’s just like it’s more so that I’m sad people heard what she said about me being friends with the Kiwi farmer and don’t know the fact that like my most interaction I’ve ever had with kiwi Farms is getting harassed by them when I

Was 19 or when I was 20 and literally like it it throwing my family life for a loop and like not knowing what the [ __ ] to do cuz I’ve had my my family’s address posted online by these like weirdos on some website I’ve never heard of and then there’s also the [ __ ]

Pedophile flamco um who who loves stalking you on QB Farms Maddie actually helped check kep stalker too that gu literally a stalker of mos and and and Matty Mattie went out of her way to help Xander check through some of the emails that had signed up for his website that

Were obviously Flamingo alt accounts and compare them to alt accounts on kiwi Farms to confirm they were him right like [ __ ] like that like MADD gen genuinely does nothing but like dog on like real kiwi Farmers she doesn’t have a [ __ ] account even which is like

Come on man she she she browses to make sure her nudes aren’t being spread around and because she thinks it’s cathartic to see uh people who who regularly victimize infight God they do infight man seeing Nazis infight is always fun it’s like when you go on forchan or whatever it’s

It’s weird cuz like no one would ever make this claim about 4chan like if you said my friend saw this on 4chan the other day and it was like a meme that was referenced or like a post that was referenced no one would freak out I I

Guess yeah I mean kiwi Farms is of course like much say k Farms is like a degree worse of forchan easily way way i’ say it’s way worse yeah it’s just interesting that like mentioning a post on it means that you’re a user of it

It’s it it was a very weird stretch just to take that and go with it I feel like 4chan’s been kind of whitewashed a little bit because sometimes they’re funny like a little whitewashed you know I for chance been hella [ __ ] whitewashed dude no I’d love to have

This combo I feel like a lot of people like dick ride forchan so much like there’s some super internet detectives or something no listen guys I I I browse V for fun all right like I’m actually a [ __ ] um forchers are are just as bad as kiwis um they’re a little less

Intelligent though dude I just found Pig city um oh my God kill a lot of animals cuz we need the meat and we need the hives so I already post about this publicly so this isn’t private anymore but do chat do you guys want some uh

Spicy spicy flamco lore about uh how bad some of his problems are like in in regards to his behavior uh so real quick let me go through my chat real quick someone says does the sphere have a longer reach than the sword uh I don’t know and then someone says love from

Xanders Community hello xan hi I think it does okay so fellas um if you guys watch my president Sunday debate you may notice that I uh so someone got mad at me saying I name drop a lot the truth is guys I know a lot of [ __ ] people like

Genuinely I like I I I have the funny connections for no reason other than I just do um and that led a that led flamingo’s always wins seven degrees away from Kevin Bacon he always wins that game but um what’s it called um flamingo’s real life family messaged me

A while back uh literally begging me to help them out with uh the fact that they were getting doxed uh by uh what’s it called they they were getting doxed by uh um uh uh Farms regularly right um and they had to help out and they they they

Gave me pretty [ __ ] solid evidence um I is is flamingo’s face public yeah okay okay cool cool cuz I I know that someone I know I know that a trustworthy Source showed me his face and then they showed me their FA a photo with him in it to confirm so I can

Confirm this was his family they came to me begging for help I explained what flamingo’s been doing and why he’s known at all and they they were like oh yeah we know he’s basically disowned by the family because we think he’s a [ __ ] pedophile um and and we we’ve read about

The [ __ ] he’s been caught in with like lollycon [ __ ] groups on Steam and whatnot and like we’ve read through the threads we think he’s a horrible person and we just want to stop getting we just want to stop getting swatted uh because we we we disown this guy we want nothing

To [ __ ] do with him we just want this to be over so I I told the poor folks that they just really need to disengage with it and there’s not a whole lot they can do and I walk them through the process of contacting uh like local

Authorities to let them know of like their potential for being swatted um and helped them out with that but yeah that that was uh that was my experience with his family coming to me begging begging me to help them stop him from being a [ __ ] degenerate online flamco is like

Like legitimate lcow [ __ ] loser unlovable son of a [ __ ] yeah even the people part of the community that he blew up and ha him now it’s pretty uh pretty beautiful to see deserve TBH is’s a weirdo yeah I mean listen Karma always does come around in the end I do feel like maybe

Not like I I feel like on the internet in particular Karma always comes around like I’ve I’m I’m going to try not to vague post too much but all I’m going to say is I’ve had a lot of [ __ ] talking set about me and I vague posted about it before but

There’s just a lot of stuff that happens behind the scenes that people don’t know about but it always becomes public eventually somebody always Springs a leak because there’s just so many people that like get involved in these things and I always find that like as long as

I’m patient and I wait even when I’m getting like a lot of hate eventually people are like oh I I I saw some people mocking you for talking about quote unquote secret memes and it’s like I’m sitting there thinking like Yeah the secret memes are not just

Memes they’re career Enders dog uh okay shit’s so funny like they they dog on you for talking we yeah we can’t vag poost too much but people will dog on Alex for uh saying that [ __ ] goes on behind the scenes as if that’s not like a completely [ __ ] reasonable statement God

Yeah and I’m goingon to be real like I’ve been I’ve gotten so many [ __ ] messages that like from like other YouTubers and [ __ ] not not from other YouTubers but from random people just like giving me sh so I’ll give an example this is one that’s like so old

At this point that I feel like I can just like drop this and not worry about it I um I I mentioned it on on uh uh tw Twitter Twitter recently um uh uh John Doyle his ex-girlfriend maybe even his current because it’s been so long they might have gotten back together they

Might have been on break when this happened messaged me on Instagram after seeing one of my video takedowns of him and like sent a picture of them together on a date to prove it and like told me about how he was like super pushy with

Um uh uh with that kind of [ __ ] like really like would push uh uh like tradwife [ __ ] on her and it made her uncomfortable and they they were like taking a break from their relationship or whatever and and just not to tell anybody especially not Vos I think was

The quote and I was like I won’t tell anybody but now it’s been like that was 2019 or 2020 it’s been long enough I feel like I can talk about it and it’s so vague no one’s going to find out who this person is yeah um and then okay the

Crazy part is I posted that and another girl messaged me on Instagram that same day I posted that on Twitter like hey I saw you posted this and I don’t think you’re talking about me but I dated John Doyle and I have some things that I’d

Like to talk about I didn’t even respond when because after she added like the you can’t talk about it though I was like I don’t even want to know I’m sure you’ve got real juicy [ __ ] to tell me I I just didn’t even respond because I

Don’t even want to know if I can’t drop screenshots with allegations it like I I’m not I don’t like holding on to a Forbidden Knowledge I can’t make public I I’ve had to do enough of that and mostly it’s just like meme [ __ ] too it’s not even like really bad [ __ ] like for

You you’ve got like high tail stuff that that you can’t talk about no I don’t but like the the [ __ ] hey Xander m i want you to look at me right now why why I’m flossing dude got a problem [Laughter] what it’s a part of the uh the

Essentials mod I know they added emotes they added the [ __ ] floss yeah H it cost like $8 to get that but they gave it to me for free so I I have the floss now oh God but yeah like Mo most of it’s like weird [ __ ] like you’ll hear like a rumor

From a YouTuber or something and and i’ I’ll tell you like Ethan if you hear anything that’s a hight tail spoiler or anything that hasn’t been publicly announced I will kill you well I’ve never hear something from a I don’t want to know I don’t want any leaks if any

Come out I don’t want to know and so like I I like I I know what it’s like to be basically in this position where it’s like oh oh oh creeper I know what it’s like to be in this position where a [ __ ] hell yeah can you handle

It it’s trying to get inside yeah I know what it’s like to be in this position where somebody is like no you can’t talk about this and you really want to you know yeah I don’t know I I can’t say anything um so Zan I love it it’s so fun for anyone

Potentially listening I want you guys to know that I have not said anything and xan does not know he just knows that I know because he knows all right so what why did you say that in the most intentionally like that that was like inally confusing possible that was a

Rick and Morty joke I’m pretty sure he did that in Rick and Morty like an overly complicated explan like nothing sentence is like a literal running joke they do in Rick and Morty okay so okay hold on one sec but yeah I made it explicitly clear that because Ethan’s way more in the

High taale Community than me like he’s tuned into YouTubers and stuff that if they get any leaks he can’t say Zan dude this [ __ ] leaked on like Reddit or forchan I I don’t want to know I can’t know and so like there’s going to be a time where something leaks eventually

And Ethan’s just going to have to bite his tongue and not tell me because I want to experience as much of the game blind as possible true yeah forbidden knowledge as a content creator is so fun I’m trying to think of other things that I’ve been told over the years that

Have been like they’re expired for B knowled like I can talk about it now yeah cuz most of it’s just funny like it’s usually I find out something funny and I’m not allowed to like talk about it cuz it’s embarrassing I have that’s like 90% of things my my ex-girlfriend

Got in with a bunch of commentary Community people oh sorry I got trapped in a tree with a zombie I thought I said something I wasn’t supposed to for like half a second I’m like [ __ ] dude I couldn’t make it five words um I have an exgirlfriend who got

Really into the content Creator community and I found out something that I don’t know if it’s public at all um but I have images of the event of a uh like a really respected Creator doing probably the single most cringe thing you can do for a girl um I’m not going

To say who it was cuz I don’t know if it’s like public but I have the photographs of this of them carving her name into into their skin a real thing I’ve seen the photo I can’t say who it is obviously um but I I just you know

Just a massive [ __ ] individual uh got that image in my demmons it’s so funny I I think uh stupid [ __ ] drama with content creators is the most mildly amusing [ __ ] ever it’s insane I’m honestly like I’m leaning more towards for like future content just not even

Like I I’m friends with a YouTuber named uh cron T and he has this like very strict like no drama policy not like he’s really strict with it I I might not go as far as him where he just won’t like get involved in drama like if there’s like some [ __ ] that’s happening

Behind the scenes and it’s like drama stuff or it’s likely to lead to drama he’s just like I’m out don’t get me involved I want nothing to do with this um or if like someone’s like hey do you want to hear a crazy secret he’s just like nope yeah that’s literally where

I’ve moved to now somebody somebody messages me like dude you want to hear a crazy secret you can’t talk about it though I’m like nope I don’t want to hear it someone in chat’s being a dip [ __ ] oh someone in chat is being a [ __ ] didn’t xan last week threaten

People to leak ke’s stuff in private DMS and then the person who runs his website shut him down and now he is making memes about leaking private stuff wow learned absolutely nothing sad all I’m going to say about that entire situation is that not even close to half of it is public

And you will look very dumb if you try try to jump on me for it now um I I feel like there’s offend myself I I feel like there’s one mild thing you can say without naming anyone or adding anything and it’s just you didn’t ask for the information

It was given to you initially for a long period of time under the under the the guys of it needing to be released and then like a weekend pulled back so Xander right less than a less than a week before but a a week into making your response

Pulled back uh like retroactively like like imagine right you Something’s Happened right and someone comes to you and they say here’s information that can solve this whole situation for you and prove quite a few things right um and you’re like okay and you spend the next week forming a solid defense and then

That person then says okay well I’m not okay with this anymore so now you’ve talked about that you have a very strong defense coming and they’ve retroactively said that it’s uh not okay um and the the posing of Alex is having like threatened it out of them or some [ __ ]

Like that is absolutely neurotic uh like that that is that is like [ __ ] eight eight glasses of wine [ __ ] yeah especially when I’m still friends with this person yeah yeah but it’s okay me and white nervosa are on like fairly chill terms we’ve talked in private um so like it it’s like we’re

We’re probably going to have a call soon too she kind of jumped the gun there with with getting angry at me and and saying some stuff she didn’t mean but we’re we’re going to work it out and she’ll probably make a public statement about it I understand why people like

Are mad judging on her statement but yeah we we’re like I mean it is a hell of a St it’s a hell of a statement to just not back up at all that is what I will say the statement wasn’t backed up at all and people jumped to believe it

Well it was backed up in the well people think it was backed up because of the screenshot the scre want to add I wanted to add the the next thing below that screenshot but I I figured I didn’t want to feed further into we’ll we should probably jump topics but tldr lot of

[ __ ] uh um just wait and see like I want to move on from this stuff yeah so like we are going to jump topics but my my final statement on all of it is I genuinely don’t hate ke and like for those that don’t know I I work with ke

Like we do politically political advocacy together and I have no problem with it whatsoever like that’s fine like me and ke as far as like working together to achieve political means absolutely cool with that plus like I’m I know I have like a reputation for holding grudges

But you you guys know that when the [ __ ] about Sophie from Mars came out like when it came out that she had she was an abuser or whatever I asked why do we hate Sophie from Mars again that’s literally the question I asked Cherry what what what did Sophie

From Mars like why why did we hate her again what was the drama with that again because like after a while I I do forget about that stuff it’s proportional um But like after a while I tend to get over that kind of stuff even if I got

Like pretty badly wronged I can I can forgive people I’m not really that spiteful of a person um and I can still work with people too so uh yeah me and kle still technically work together and uh chat if you want my private opinions that will not of course

Be leaking anything Xander wouldn’t want to be leaked that will be voiced later when Xander is not uh for some reason held accountable for another adult’s Words which is really you’re gonna be called xan’s friend for a while and anything you say is to be help to me

Like yeah it’s it’s going to be one of those things they did it to me and vosch for a long time for no reason like I start I remember like I started streaming like Minecraft and and fortnite I like I I I do this for for

Like a year and a half one day I I start really getting back back into um like Lefty content after taking a pretty long break from even watching politics content I feel inspired since at that point I was like doing YouTube pretty hardcore to actually like maybe do some

Politics streams and I start streaming politics my main inspiration was Destiny and then one day out of the blue Vos follows me and he dunks on a friend that I had at the time who was like making some dumb arguments to defend PewDiePie of all people and Vos like said

Something ableist about them and the replies I was like oh that’s pretty funny I end up following him and I never watched one of his videos until like months after he followed me and then because we became friends after that and he had more subs than me people assumed

That like I’m I’m like I am vos’s friend but they like referred to it like I have to like anything vosch does I have to answer for or anything I do Vos has to answer for is it’s really weird time people don’t do it as much anymore but

That that was literally like it’s so odd it’s like it’s like it’s one thing if one of your buddies does some [ __ ] like like severe like domestic abuse right I hope my dogs can’t be heard uh I think my family’s just arrived then um and it’s a complete another thing if your

Friend has like a take about some [ __ ] or something and it’s like why why the [ __ ] do you think my like my being friends with him is like a like a wholesale endorsement of like a mild take like it’s one thing this person’s like a [ __ ] abuser or gets outed as

Like literally a member of the Third Reich with a time machine right it’s a whole another when it’s like they disagreed on a Neo pronoun discourse in the most mild of ways you’ve ever heard of clearly you were omnipotent and Endor this when there’s no harassment going on

Or whatever it’s like no big deal right like I don’t I don’t necessarily get like I don’t I’ve never I don’t think I’ve ever burned the bridge with anyone over them having a take like just a take that I disagree with like the only time I’ve ever burned Bridges with people

Personally has been well personally is because it’s been personal um and I’ve I felt like personally slighted and I was like oh I’m hurt by this person’s actions I don’t want to engage with them anymore um you can say it’s like emotional or childish or something well

God forbid you feel emotions you know you’re not allowed to do that true true actually true I’m a YouTuber could you imagine if someone said I I just think she’s acting super emotional during all of it like come on man it’s it’s St it’s stupid [ __ ] but I see it used against

You constantly like it’s it’s one thing uh I I I don’t know I think that you have acted overly emotional occasionally but that’s completely expected of a person who’s getting [ __ ] total [ __ ] thrown his way it’s like guy who gets [ __ ] over reacts like person who gets [ __ ] over soy Jack wave we

Got to talk about the okay so this isn’t really I guess it’s adjacent to the KE stuff but I want to move off top off the topic but it’s it’s more so like something that came out of like the wake of it okay um so we basically entered

This era where people want to piggy back off of the drama and the way they’re doing it is by claiming that Sho on head had never done anything wrong oh my God like loner box and um uh uh chud logic uh chud logic’s been mad at me ever

Since I blocked him and his editor because like I tweeted whenever I had Co for the first time that I had Co and uh chud logic’s editor quote tweeted me saying praying to God that long Co takes this [ __ ] out um and so I blocked him and chud logic after that

Cuz that was chud logic’s editor and um I feel like that’s pretty reasonable but he’s hated me ever since so he’s now like been making Non-Stop videos about how like my career is over and Shuan head did nothing wrong and Shuan head has taken the W in the end it’s like

Really pathetic attempts at dunks I I think it’s really funny cuz like there was that conversation I had with uh president Sunday where I like uh verbally inseminated his entire bloodline and it was like it was [ __ ] embarrassing man he he he [ __ ] screamed at me like like or not screamed

At me I wouldn’t say cuz that that’s overstating it but he he yelled a few times and he [ __ ] told told me uh [ __ ] you whenever I asked him to clearly State his position cuz I was a little lost on it right like I I don’t think

That’s a def like defending shoe there isn’t a defensible stance at all but it’s one that they’re going to have because it’s not it’s against you and they they got to jump on the bandwagon so they’re going to look really [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah hey Cherry I hope you’re doing well hello we’re playing

Sevtech yo Cherry do you want to do you want to maybe hop on Minecraft playing Minecraft I’d be down to have I I would be down to have extra people on especially if we’ve got our shared progression I didn’t even know that was a [ __ ] thing and that made me like

Testy on bringing any extra people in but if you just want to have this be like a open server for friends to join but it’s just us and call and everyone else can like progress on their own I’m editing videos your your videos Kord I’m sorry Cherry true thank you for

Editing with that videos I will not be able to eat and I will not be able to buy you a new Bugatti H my eyes hurt how long you want to do SE I’m coming back with uh what’s it called it’s been 5 hours I

Think I want to go for at least until 5:30 but if we could do if we could do 6 hour stream solid do you think we could push for another uh what would it be 44 minutes or 49 minutes I mean most of that’s just going

To be me walking back with this dark wood yeah I’m getting the leather made so I’ll be able to I don’t know if I’ll to make us both backpacks but I can make one I woke up in a new Bugatti that’s Cherry every day because I I I pay

Cherry 99% of everything that uh I make it’s true un ironically though my um I think I can talk about this like this isn’t like a private thing but um my policy is once there’s like a threshold met um and it’s not super high or anything for ad Revenue like monthly

I split the ad Revenue with my editor 50/50 so that that’s the that’s the ideal policy and whenever we have rough months I can’t do it but on good months yeah that’s when we can my hair’s [ __ ] up so right now what I’m doing is I’ve got some wet

Tanned hide I know this doesn’t make any sense to you all so far but here’s what I’ve done chat here’s what I’ve done so you start off with random hide from a given animal every animal in the game has a different hide you take the Flint

Work blade to it and it transforms it into Raw Hide a simple base item simple as that and then once you’ve got your raw hide what you do is you take a fluid bladder which you have to fill up with water from a water source and it empties

After each use so it can be a bit of a pain in the ass to do this part and you take the Raw Hide and some salt which you get from mining up salt at the bottom of lake and it turns into salted hide you hang it up like I’ve done with

This and I’ve just made a bunch of proper Leather by the way um let me set up some more of this to dry uh you uh dry The Salted leather like so you can see this is the drying process on these drying racks I put them

Up on and then once you’ve got your dried hide which is what that produces you take more fluid bladders all over again but this time combine it with ground resin which you make from the bark of like tree stumps like tree logs um ground down in the mill combine that

With the flu BL and everything it turns into wet tan hide dry that and then that turns into leather and that’s what we’re doing right now we’re turning this wet tan hide into proper real leather I’m killing like so many [ __ ] KS right now oh good we need you’re

Going to be on leather making Duty after me okay all right bet let me read the stone now Larry Banks 78 thank you for the $5 adinos says um finally got a gaming laptop that arrived in the mail hope to one day get upgraded to table to

A table to PC hell yeah yeah laptops are um you know I mean a game if it’s a new modern gaming laptop for the next year or so maybe two three years you might you’re going to feel pretty powerful um I know that there are some pretty

Powerful gaming laptops if you spent top dollar and it’s like a newer one um but yeah definitely save up and um maybe even sell that laptop like as the final push for a proper desktop PC even if its specs are weaker the performance will be higher on a desktop compared to a laptop

Um something you can do to immediately improve your performance is going to be to get a pad that you put your PC on and plug into the wall and it’s got external fans and everything and it’s it’s an external cooling system and it acts as a

Dock for your PC I think they even have ones that charge your computer um like through it so definitely get an external cooler and like latch your PC into that and have fans blow on your PC or on your I’m talking about like a laptop sorry

Not a PC um blow on your laptop cooling is one of the biggest throttles of uh laptop gaming um even if the laptop is like pretty strong they overheat so fast and start thermal throttling the hardware and that affects your frame rate and your performance hope that advice helps thank

You you’ll also probably need a mouse with your laptop and that answer is g502 SE hero um cabled of course okay big advice if you’re going to laptop like anything here’s the best thing you can do literally when you’re at home use your laptop as a PC Tower what you can

Do is on the side of your laptop most likely 99% chance there’s going to be a little slot that’s an HDM HDMI slot if you don’t know what it looks like you can Google it you probably do though it’s an HDMI slot if you have an HDMI

Cable you can plug that slot into one end and a PC monitor or TV even in some cases um into the other and it will display what is on the laptop onto the TV or you can set up the TV or monitor as a second screen like a second monitor

Like what I have going on I prefer just I would recommend just using your laptop as a PC Tower and plugging HDMI cable into it and having it project the screen onto the Monitor and then plug in a mouse and keyboard you can get a Bluetooth one or you can get um wired

Ones I’d recommend wired for Less late like lower latency and just straight up use your PC that way and it’ll feel like you’re using a desktop PC just not exactly performance- wise and that that’ll get you like 85% of the way there oh man oh I’ve gotten that to work many

Times uh or chony and I guess it depends on what Hardware you’re using unplug and drain the battery I do have a slight thing to put in for what Xander said I honestly disagree about the idea of selling your laptop when you get your uh your desktop

Um generally anytime you replace your PC try to do it before your PC breaks uh in this case going from laptop to desktop and use your other one as a backup it is literally career saving like there will be times when you’re working where you need a computer uh honestly keep the

Spare um if if you can’t pay for the desktop outright you aren’t ready for the desktop yeah I’d agree actually now that I think about it I bet I could probably dig up like my old laptop in Florida from when I was like 17 and find some Minecraft worlds on it that are

Like really old now I really wish I’d had I’d like not been so prone to Leading Minecraft worlds I I’ve got [ __ ] stupid ass like old man mentality when it comes to ride it till it dies anyways so guess what this cell phone died on a flight

Back uh to my home uh and I had to to navigate without it so I will no longer be writing it till it dies when it’s obviously dying I will let it do so and get a replacement uh I have made that mistake one too many times don’t let

Your tech tech [ __ ] die Trust yeah definitely I I’m I’m a bit like that with my PC but at the same time it’s like you don’t want to be not ready for your PC to just brick especially as a streamer oh God yeah that’s the worst

I don’t know whether or not I’d be able to like crowd fund enough money to build a new pc if just my PC bricked right now well my my PC bricked um and Sam she decided that she was the most charitable woman in the world in that moment and

Bought me a $2,000 computer as a replacement I have genuinely the best friends in the world I think that’s [ __ ] crazy you do you do I i’ to be fair I I’m a good friend too I bought you a fair amount of like this dude has covered this dude

Has oh [ __ ] I’m dying this dude has covered my [ __ ] cats like like seizure medication and [ __ ] Xander real I did yeah I did do that I forgot man I am a good person I G bad person time Jer yourself off you [ __ ] you [ __ ] narcissist you [ __ ] narciss istic I I

Just think it’s narcissistic that he doesn’t like shoe on head I just I’m sorry I I keep seeing like complete nonsense thrown around about the whole situation it’s silly as [ __ ] if it feels weird that it’s not a topic you can’t just make like jokes about because it’s

Like these people are real they actually believe these things cuz if I make jokes about it or talk about it too much in passing they’ll clip and that’s why like the when I do talk about it I try to be careful you got be formal not formal but like

I know I’m going to get clipped out of context so whatever out of context clip they get I want it to be the kind of thing that makes people go hm I feel like he might have been saying something else than what I’m being told he was

Saying here but then again I haven’t been treated with that much charitability and all this before so I mean there’s actually been some people to be fair I I’m not going to pity party all that much there’s actually been a fair amount of people who saw my

Response video and we’re like oh okay I mean and it’s been nice oh my left testicle has just decided to this time to [ __ ] throb in the greatest pain known to man holy [ __ ] guys I’m trying to make it back to the base so badly Zan I’m so sorry my

Man I know you’re you’re you’re trying you’re getting there you’re getting there I pissed off a 30 people just vibing whoa watching us play SE tech hell yeah time flies when we’re gaming we’re we’re uh we’ve got 40 minutes or less 39 minutes left I think until I

Wrap up stream and that should get us to the end of age well we’re not going to get to the age end of age zero today you didn’t get a Dark Crystal ah oh [ __ ] I forgot I got dark wood in the saplings did did you get the

Shards no uh okay I should have told you more of what you’re supposed to do basically have to go to the darklands and then you have to stay a night there and kill as many mobs as you can ideally you want to be decked out in full

Leather you kind of went there a bit early um and uh oh yeah we can also make a wooden or by now Stone Shield we should also make stone Shields I forgot um so yeah Stone Shields full leather armor um and then we go to the dark uh

The dark lands and we kill as many mobs as we can to get dark crystals and dark shards that’ll be tomorrow’s like opener I think so we’ll do everything else we need to do besides the dark wood [ __ ] so we we can go down the Press uh and grinder tree and we can

Start totemic in the meantime oh and we can also try to get some bone I’ll grind up some bones so we can trade with the farm I’ve got snap snap snap we’re going to fishing fishing you mean 15 uh no 14 oh I I thought you said making a dick joke oh my

Bad you know I hope this is the base I’m lost somewhere very nearby you can just die to get back home instantly by the way yeah well I’m stubborn you are stubborn God could you imagine if I could get Vos to play this mod pack he

It’s hard to get him to even play Minecraft to get him to play hyper autism craft would be like trying to get like a horse inside of a inside of a twoo car I don’t know if you could do it listen I [ __ ] hate this game I

Despise this game with every fiber of my being right uh I I I am a bit forcing myself to log on to it every time I make myself a new mod pack right uh vos’s criticisms of this game are too much for me I think they’re dumb I don’t know if it’s

Possible he he hates Minecraft for the wrong reasons and sometimes the right reasons at the end of the day Minecraft’s most fundamental flaw is that and you’ve said this before Ethan I’m stealing your quote is it is it’s as wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle

This mod pack makes it as wide as an ocean and as deep like there’s literally interplanetary colonization as the end game like at at a certain point you turn all of your items into data and store them in cloud storage and to retrieve items from your storage you go to a

Terminal type in the name of the item you’re looking for click select how many you want and it like materializes it for you like the replicator from Star Trek like that that’s that’s the the kind of Technology you get in the end game I um of course all this happens in

Your moon base powered by a super fision reactor sorry you go ahead I’ll I’ll show this more one sanders off stream and whatnot and like uh doing his own thing and we’re done with SE Tech I made myself a a really [ __ ] awesome mod pack in the latest version of Minecraft

I won’t say too much about it until we get there but like it it revamps the game to be much more of a uh Terraria Style Adventure game I guess you could say um and I’m really [ __ ] excited to play it I’m going to be playing a

Hardcore playthrough of it it’s going to be I’m going to lose my save a few times there’s no way I beat it on the first go it’s [ __ ] difficult oh someone Dono to me let me go ahead and check that I also got a Dono it might be the same

Dono that we might have gotten the same amount from the same same person here I really hope so Guardian Bell thank you for the $50 donation holy [ __ ] that’s Sam that’s the person who got my PC for me H can you do the W do it better than

Me W that was the donation message holy [ __ ] thank you Guardian Bell and that auto added the Dono goal because streamlabs donos are based another based another basic Victory another based victory for hyperborean space Stoners there we go I [ __ ] hate that [ __ ] so much it’s so

Stupid I can’t stop like like joking about it though do you love the have you seen the colaw Rick and Morty memes yeah or not Rick not Rick and Morty yeah shit’s funny as hell Stone all good let’s see um how much did Sam

Dono to me $50 with a me too Sam me too you just paid for my dinner and made me feel a lot less bad about having to buy a new phone yeah it’s like that’s that’s like half of a grocery order unironically thank you unironically yeah Sam you’re

Super sweet thank you so much if anyone else is feeling charitable please do give me all your box tops uh all of your food stamps your box tops you know if you got bottle caps I got a plan for those too you know really just anything that’s like mildly

Valuable you got copper in your walls pull it out I got a PO box with your name on it my name on it actually to receive things but I want your scrap metal give me anything with value you know you think you don’t need your mullers people need those mullers may

Not be you I can sell them make money send them to my PO Box anything you can give me and can rip off the ground you should give me I deserve it I’m so [ __ ] lost just kill yourself kill yourself no I want to make it back die no I’m I’m

Probably gonna drown oh wait no I think I found it I think I found the way back holy [ __ ] please please kill yourself you are tosing the [ __ ] out of yourself right now actually that song’s I’m not we’re we’re literally talk we’re I’m unironically in Minecraft talking about this like I I’m

I’m literally talking about Minecraft uh-huh uh-huh all right so no I am one bone meal away from being able to buy apple seeds dude damn okay I need bones and then I can come to this farmer villager and buy it but if the sun goes down a zombie might kill the

[ __ ] so right a creeper seems to have blown up whatever infrastructure you had to trap that farmer villager by the way I’m so sorry no it’s all good he’s just walking around he’s fine but I found the way back that means the house is over here yeah oh your little nuts

Are going to be quaking they’re going to be quaking when you find the [ __ ] house of the sech age zero Ethan you know what show we should watch after stream what we should watch the new Percy Jackson show cuz you read those books right I love those books oh and oh

H back on brother yeah hold on He Man hop back on the horse what the [ __ ] just happened I got exiled what hold on let me rejoin why you might have just had like the weirdest just little lag Spike yeah hey f i that you joined lag Spike so you should be

Joining good bring you in a sec I found the home the house and then immediately got [ __ ] exiled I’m so sorry everybody you know how hard it is to like try to be like mildly amusing and commentate at the same time while being as sick as I am guys it’s it’s

Really rough I’m actually like the the poorest little like [ __ ] Victorian boy right now and you should give me all of your all of your silver filings Ethan I have a present for you Ethan oh wow hold this in your right hand in your hand and right click oh my [ __ ] Kino

Yeah seven or actually no technically 7. 7.3 uh uh leather is what that takes to make dude you got any bones yeah I do you want 14 bones yes please also I’ve got our first piece of Farmland if you I’ll you want this farmland find some nice actually you know what we

Should do is we should build like a little raised area like um okay think about it like this the reverse of how we’re storing our cows cuz we can’t make fences yet instead what we do is we make like a two block tall like little area and then

There’s like a one block tall little wall around it and then inside that we make our farm and we expand it as we need more yeah I I think that would work it would protect it better monsters and animals out yeah cuz we can’t make

Fences and we don’t want it to be a hole cuz things will fall in yeah someone in my chat says bro I have a or Su I have a I have a question that’s a dope mod pack what’s your question the mod pack sevtech if that’s the question sevtech

Ages my friends and it is not by the way sevtech ages of the sky that is the Sky Block version of this mod pack which as cool as I’m sure it is um I I prefer this I really do um I think just the more more basic like you’re in a normal

World you’re caveman like very primitively building your way up to literal Interstellar travel I I think it’s pretty cool dude the backpack on your back looks so cool also the essential mod is so [ __ ] essential am I right uhhuh yeah I I actually don’t use it for the

Port forwarding anymore I use uh E4 MC which is uh just lets you do it with natively through Minecraft without the extra ship I I like essenti cuz the extra stuff it comes with that’s F the the C cool cap yeah I do have a cool Cape also why am I

Why am I in my I’m still in my Christmas version of my skin I should switch to my I need someone to make me like a a flannel version of my xanderhal skin um that I can wear during the cold months I’ve already got my like summertime one and we’re definitely this

Year going to do like a a tropicraft server we’ll have to find a way to make tropicraft work cuz it was like that version of tropicraft was literally fundamentally broken so that really sucked but hopefully there’ll be a more like stable version of tropicraft that’s

Recent by then that we can work with CU I really want to do a summertime tropical mod pack I did the I did the meme I thought I was having a slower chat than normal guys I was on top chat this whole [ __ ] time yeah oh yeah

Every I’m going to help you like eventually will literally become like second nature that you’ve got this like ingrained step-by-step process you always follow when prepping stream for me it’s always um gather topics like I wake up at usually around uh I mean you’ve seen how early I wake up it’s

Usually like 5:00 a.m. 530 sometimes 6:00 a.m. at the latest I get up I grab a monster that’s my version of coffee and I drink it while I scroll through Twitter redit every news like website that I generally frequent and um I just catch up up on the news I also look

Through YouTube at like large chud channels that I’m aware of and I look at Twitter Trends and I see what’s going on in the day and anything that stands out as something that I should really cover that that like Sparks something within me I write down in a Google doc and I

Put a link to whatever I plan to cover that’s like the main thing to go to and once I’ve got like a set amount of topics I um will usually like wait a couple hours and then once it’s like 3 hours out from stream I will go into YouTube analy like my

YouTube channel dashboard I think it’s called and I’ll click new stream and I go to schedule stream always schedule streams don’t just go live like out of nowhere always schedule your streams and then um I title it you know my format of titling I add my thumbnail I put it in

New uploads and in stream bods so that it’s like the when I’m live it’s the first and foremost thing that anyone who goes to my channel will see no matter where they look and I also um add you know I schedule it for for whatever time

It’s going to be and then I um make sure to pin it as the featured video on my channel and then this is not where it stops by the way it’s it’s a complicated process and any of these steps if I [ __ ] them up for the most part like some of

Them are fine but if I [ __ ] up most of these steps any of them I have to completely end my stream and do all this again and lose all my viewers and start from scratch so um it really sucks it really sucks but from there what I have

To do is um go into restream and then select the YouTube stream that I’ve just scheduled as the stream that like is connected to restream because I use my restream key to live stream and then from there I have to copy the title and then paste it over for the twitch title

And then from there I have to clear the donation goal and reset the date and amount in there everything to zero and the next like tomorrow like whatever day it is right um and then I have to uh go through and um type out my announcement

And I do an announcement at 1 hour before I go live and then I repost the announcement um on the hour or when I do go live so I have to be present at my computer to post the announcement manually an hour before I go live which

Kind of gets in the way of some things like making food and like showering so I have to very carefully schedule this stuff oh I also have to very carefully and I have to do this before I go live select ultra low Laten on the stream before I click that live button

If I forget that step the stream has like a 15 second delay it’s unwatch bad um and then on top of that I have to open up my chats restream chat YouTube chat select live chat instead of top chat open up my website chat and then

Open up chat Areno I have to like move them around so they’re all the right size and then I have to open up OBS but always always always always in admin ministrative mode or games like this will lag out and be unwatchable uh cuz it’s a weird thing having to do with

Processor like as how much power available yeah it’s processor priority [ __ ] so yeah like it’s a whole thing and I literally left steps out that I I completely forgot because it’s it’s like it’s not something you know off the top of your head it’s something that’s just

Become muscle memory at this point like I have most of these tabs open like 24/7 too so it’s easy to like do it all like my computer is primarily dedicated to streaming it’s actually crazy this dude’s still are are you still on your hard drive yeah but this is currently on my

Uh C drive which is a SSD okay thank God yeah you have like a 256 or something like a SSD and the rest is hard drive that’s [ __ ] hellish I’d kill myself dude and um like in the games I’m playing because I wouldn’t be able to react in time because the assets would

Be streaming too slowly and I ended up dying because of my own like Folly yeah yeah yeah mhm that’s what you meant yep I think we lost the farmer V oh no they’re they’re running around out in the outskirts oh I think I might be able to catch one of the farmer villagers

Before a zombie gets them oh [ __ ] this isn’t looking good man I think we might have lost the oh there’s another villager over there we might still have a farmer I’m going to come over I mean at least we got the the progress needed from the farmer why are

The villes in the most shitty little Villages I’ve ever seen in my life like these poor sad saxs of [ __ ] are like yeah they’re suffering yeah they don’t have doors cuz cuz if they had doors then you could steal them but then then again like well I guess

Make the idea is that you’re not even Advanced enough to have door technology at your disposal like the neighboring tribe gave us [ __ ] Farmland I guess they don’t even have doors yet either I wonder if that changes we haven’t advented door technology yet Ethan yeah you can’t put a rock in front

Of the cave wall sorry well that’s actually what you have to do is literally seal yourself in and then break yeah that’s actually the equivalent of what you have to do is put like pile rocks up I hope that my viewers enjoy me running in circles for no [ __ ] reason okay I’ve disconnected

Again why it’s your internet is [ __ ] I don’t anyone who’s viewing my stream has my stream been smooth it might be Minecraft it it could literally just be Minecraft I mean wrapping up in in a little over 20 minutes anyway so I mean there not too

Much to bear through how many creep okay I I have to stop letting these creepers explode in our land yeah you’re [ __ ] making this [ __ ] full of potholes I failed it’s free dirt all right that’s why I collect dirt I don’t throw it away cuz it’s useful for killing in creep I’m

I’m sorry sir please stop touching me okay we’re back that’s what I said to Ethan when we first met it’s true um he and I met on a a uh what’s it called a bus right uh you know those you know those [ __ ] ass buses you can take like cross state that no

One ever takes and are really uncomfortable to be on and half the dudes on there are like coming back from Prism he and I met on one of those in uh Florida I was coming back from Disney World and uh we S I sat right next to

Him the bus was completely empty but him I went right to the back and sat next to him yeah and I I put my hand on his thigh and he looked over and he’s like dudee what the [ __ ] and you know he couldn’t stop me so that’s how we became

Friends we sat next to each other and he couldn’t get rid of me just like that just like that not a not a greyhound the the Greyhounds are one thing right but there’s also like these um these like State shuttle buses that anyone can go on but the only people I’ve ever seen

Use them are dudes who like are fresh out of jail and just got off their Greyhound um I don’t I don’t know what they’re called though you should tell them how we actually met though it’s funny as [ __ ] though oh my God yeah so um I was like 15 right and Xander you

Were like 17 18 no you 18 right how much older than you think I was 18 yeah you were 18 yeah I’m four years older than you so I was like 18 and you were like 15 and I I stumbled across your videos on YouTube and I thought you were like a

Married middle-aged man so I I used to make videos with this one girl right um and she’s great person hope she’s doing well in my but uh circumstances we’ll say and um I I’m really [ __ ] good at talking I think I know it may not seem

Like it right now when I’m sick and have B’s policy but I swear to God I I can make some informational videos that are entertaining right uh and high tail had just been announced so I made a bunch of videos breaking down everything we knew

But I didn’t want to be the one to talk at the time uh I wanted to do all the writing so I had my friend Vienna do uh the uh the voiceover work right well I wrote the scripts and I did the editing and the editing was [ __ ] Immaculate

Um I was really proud of that editing right and so uh time goes on and eventually I start voicing some of the videos when Vienna couldn’t and so on and so forth she would make art and Xander stumbles upon my channel and he thinks oh these

Are like two like married this is like a married couple like this content’s like really high quality they seem to interact with each other very very well publicly and on the channel you know this is like like some dudes who got their [ __ ] together and he started

Talking voices are like very deep and the vocabulary is like oh yeah than you usually see from most YouTubers like in the high tail space across the board I have um you probably can’t tell right now cuz I’m sick guys but I swear to God

Normally I have uh like like a a very mature voice but um like like when I was younger right I played it up a little bit for my videos just to make it palatable for people listening so Xander meets me right and he talks to me and I

How long did it take before you realized I was like actually 15 like I feel I feel like it asked you I think I asked you like if you were married I think I literally you and her were married because I that was just like I I was

Literally like it just came off that way so strongly to me that I was just like out outright I was expecting a yes like oh yeah we’re like a married couple and we’ve been making videos together we saw the hight tail trailer and we got super

Excited we plan to play it together and we figured it would be a cool opportunity to make some videos about it like that’s what I was expecting your answer be you were like oh no she’s my friend I I met her on Discord and we like the game and we decided to make

Videos and you were like I’m 15 I turned 16 like next month and I was like what yeah it’s about how it went it was like I was like why is your voice deeper than me I was so I was so upset I’m still upset about that by the way wait Ethan

Come here come here I want to show you something see this tree over here this is a special tree never cut it down okay you see this little red bulb or any of the leaves no no no Ethan eth I’m joking I’m joking you see take some bone

Meal right click that red bulb or I guess you can’t see red but yeah and take that bone meal and and use it on the leaves and see what happens oh sick yeah yeah dude apple trees go hard you can see why I wanted apple seeds so hard right

Forever it’s literally infinite free fruit and over time this tree will literally just fill up with apples and eventually I think we can Mill the we might just have to buy more apple seeds from the Villager I think but um the more apple trees that we get going like

Eventually we just Harvest every leaf block that has an apple on it like they all end up growing an apple and you just end up getting a ton of apples this will literally 100% our fruit easily apples are right now the best source of

Fruit I I like the uh chatter in my chat who came in and said hi I’m Mr crazy and I’m from hell and they’re at is Mr crazy I hope that someone who like like a younger viewer who genuinely just likes Minecraft and hopped in because I’m a

I’m streaming Minecraft right now I think that’d be funny Ean you got to stop shutting the chest or I am going to kill you no [ __ ] you it’s got to be nice and pretty you bum right click the bottom stop stop shutting them stop shutting the chest you’re shutting the

Chest go to the bathroom you got to explain that you got explain that there’s a video of this kid playing mafia right and he’s like to say or something he’s got some mental impairments and his mom comes in the room and she starts yelling stop playing the game you’re [ __ ] yourself not

Yet stop playing the game you’re [ __ ] yourself go to the bathroom like she’s she’s mishandling the situation entirely right but he he’s so [ __ ] firm about it where he just says not yet no I don’t want to like over and over again funny as [ __ ] and then you

Hear him [ __ ] himself yeah you do yeah I love how you said that yeah you do yeah hey Ethan do you want to make some bread for me so um if you want any kind of food on this island I’m going to need you to do

A few tasks for me um I’m need you to get on your knees Ethan okay Ethan take the barley see The Barley here so you’re going to take it and then you’re going to put on this grinder and and right click the grinder until it turns into

Flour and then you’re going to take these fluid bladders and you’re going to go down by the lake down by the river and you’re going to fill them up they’re one use each and then I need to find some God damn it Ethan and I need to

Find some you’re doing it now just to piss me off and um where’s the salt I put some I I I know I stowed some salt away somewhere around here here it is you’re going to take this salt you’re combine the salt the fluid bladder which is full the full

Fluid bladder and the dough or the uh flow and it’ll become dough and then you can put the dough on the grill and it’ll become bread and then we can have something you can do is you can combine bread with meat and it’ll make sandwiches which give you it combines

Bread and meat it’s not only like really good food like really good food but it’s also gives you both grain and meat so if you just eat that you’ll get five Hearts once you hit full nutrition okay where’s the salt oh you already gave it to me I

Gave it to you yeah so yeah you just got to turn that in the dough and then the dough Cooks into bread and then combine any s like cooked piece of meat with bread and it turns into sandwiches and that’s like two slots worth of meat like

Food types you’ve taken up like you you freed up so I’m going to cook up all of our meat cuz we’re going to need it cooked to make sandwiches the cows are breeding but I’ve kind of been a little not on top of um breeding them as regularly as I could

Be so uh there’s not as many as as there should be but once we’ve got like one more breeding cycle done I think we can kill the adults and uh get a little extra meat well I don’t know oh God my lights just went out from the timer uhoh there we

Go nice you down to continue more uh SE Tech tomorrow by the way uh tomorrow I have a a Pathfinder session so no okay all good are you going to stream that by the way you should it’s not my session that I run I might stream my own but I I

Don’t know if my players would want that uh maybe I will do streamed Pathfinder content at some point because I think people would find it fun to watch cuz if you want to get me to play like Pathfinder and do like d and sessions it’s going to be at some point like in

The future for sure um because I want there to be people watching um like a lot of people watching if I’m going to do a D and D thing um but like I’d like to do one streamed like a full-on like streamed Pathfinder campaign um you could DM or we get

Someone else to DM but I don’t know I would probably DM in my setting um my chat asks what your favorite Pathfinder class is fighter easily hands down easily fighter nothing compares to how fun playing fighter is interesting listen Pathfinder actually has a good gearing system and

Playing a fighter means you get like a plus two more than everyone else to hit that means you crit 20% more often uh that’s [ __ ] awesome you can’t condense me otherwise you make I made the dough I gotta make the bread but I gota wait for your uh your meat to

Finish going let me um let me help you out with another thing here’s something else you’ll need to know so take the Sheep Pelt do you have a flint work blade yes I do oh oh I I’ll wait for you to get back in my bad uh good someone

Mentions the three Action System uh I the three Action System is the single reason you should never ever touch uh um like D and D 5e again uh Pathfinder just [ __ ] sweeps uh one moment let me be right back uh just a sec Ethan goes AFK unpredictable you know I’m that um but

What’s it called I I looked down and I saw a shirt right next to my chair and I thought I had taken my shirt off and not paid attention cuz I’m constantly [ __ ] Shir while playing games I’m like [ __ ] have have I been have I been shirtless the whole stream am I stupid

Uh and I panicked for like a millisecond before I was like wait that makes no sense I’m [ __ ] stupid what were you saying I have dreams that I’m shirtless on stream too and it’s never that I have like my dick out on stream or anything I guess I wouldn’t be embarrassed about

That but like being shirtless on stream mostly because that would get me banned and it’s the more likely thing that would happen to get me banned like me just like getting really stoned going to the bathroom and forgetting that like I’m live and just taking my shirt off to

Like relax and and walking back in and be like oh [ __ ] I was live I feel like it’s so much more likely than me like whipping my [ __ ] out on stream I I I got to do a stream where I uh I do I I I

Lean back with like a big [ __ ] like a can of like B B I can’t wow the it’s coming in strong it’s coming so I’m coming so basically you’re going to take that [ __ ] and you’re going to want to go to the river and I’ll help you find Salt

Cuz it your color blind it’s going to be a little hard to spot the salt and you want to combine the fluid bladders that are full with those and salt I believe let me make sure let me make sure let me make sure uh yes it’s going to be salt fluid

Bladder and that also if you have a crafting stump you can put the ingredients into the crafting stump and I I found that there’s a way to do a rotation that’s much faster personally H what was I saying a second ago sorry guys I I have a I have a wee

Bit of brain damage and my mouth is not very functional at all lately so uh sometimes it is a little easy to stumble in all my words 5 is bad oh my [ __ ] God yeah so Pathfinder 2E has this uh three Action System so Xander imagine

Every time in DN D you got you got basically three turns that’s what it was it’s [ __ ] awesome this stuff here is salt so basically it’s it it mines like uh uh uh like not like sand um clay so you get like a bunch of oh you’re attacked by a shark I’ll help

You bigger issue was I just drowning I I actually recommend um you can use those little pockets of air that are made by rocks spawning on the bottom I don’t know why it’s a thing but I guess it is and you can use those pockets of air to

Like distance mine some salt but you just need enough to uh to like match the um uh uh to match the why did my music stop it was looped uh to match the amount of um leather you have all right oh I’m [ __ ] dying person who asked you what your favorite class was

Says uh Fighter’s awesome so it seems like you have a good take oh of course I do listen I’m not I’m not wrong about anything to do with that game kidding kidding um is that crazy how I’m never wrong isn’t it isn’t it [ __ ] wild that I’ve never actually said something

Incorrect and totally didn’t open the SP hey guys is the Steven Hawking like [ __ ] fetish thing real you know that word’s considered a slur right is it wait really oh yeah I forget I always think little people wait is Little People the slur too they say dwarves dwarves feels [ __ ] demeaning

No that’s all I know is that’s what they say in Game of Thrones yeah can someone give me the preferred term for that because I I don’t know if it’s little people because I feel like little people is like the most demeaning one I literally only know

Like dwarves being used like that’s all I know someone in chat does need to tell me what upload wokeness to my brain please downloading woke yeah I need you guys to like do the little meme where it’s like the NPC guy has the like this the the chip switched

Out I need you guys do that for me tell me tell me what to be offended about please I just don’t want to see say something that hurts someone’s feelings by accident cuz it’s like free what is that it top free maybe top free no they’re they’re making a joke about taking your

Shirt off oh I see everyone who’s watching right now is listening while they’re at work or like doing art or playing games if you’re working 700 p.m. CST I am so [ __ ] sorry my dogs no I have the night shifters big time dude like night shift people love listening to my stream while

They uh while they do their job honestly like I If I ever like just got completely MD off of YouTube and I couldn’t do content anymore and I couldn’t make a living doing it and I had to like get a normal job or whatever I honestly wouldn’t mind like night

Security guard dude that seems so fun like like not like Five Nights at Freddy’s like inside of a building I mean that would be fine but like I wouldn’t mind being in like a little ideally climate controlled booth and just like being out like at a little

Ticket gate and having to like wave people in or out you know I feel like that would CU I feel like that’s I know literally somebody who was watching my stream a couple days ago who told me that’s what they were doing while listening to my stream they just had

Their earbuds in and they were sitting on their booth and they were doing security guard [ __ ] while listening to my stream and it’s like damn that’s cozy as [ __ ] I that would be a not too bad job I’m sure it’s not all I feel you’re

Damned if you do and damned if you don’t own this discourse I wouldn’t really call the uh what do they want to be called a discourse it is a genuine question from me as I just don’t want to make someone upset cuz it’s like it like

As as much as I as much as I may think that like little people is infinitely worse than [ __ ] like [ __ ] I guess if that’s not how a person feels obviously I’m going to call them what they prefer you know um um I I am your white

Savior what how I don’t know you keep saying the word I just told you was a slur I it might actually get it is is it a slur I thought I will say that it was considered a slur in like at the very least in like 2008 it was considered a

Slur back then too I thought it was just not like what the [ __ ] yeah man you haven’t uploaded the woke to your brain yet dude you haven’t uploaded the new woke update you guys got to give me some level of charitability uh I genuinely don’t wish

To off yeah yeah yeah yeah I know I know [Laughter] that sorry I I I actually had a uh nice I our entire fire setup just got blown up by a creeper oh [Applause] yeah oh wait wait we got our charcoal everything’s good everything’s good we

Lost the F the kill and furnace so I have to make a new one kils are easy uh Grill is fine the only thing we lost was the Kil I think God we need doors we we just have to seal all right new policy we’re shutting we’re we’re

Seal time yeah every time someone leaves and sharks have become one of our best sources of uh of meat and uh hide they come to us we don’t even have to feel bad about killing them because they respawn way too fast I had a I had

A I want to say it was algebra teacher in senior year or something uh I don’t I don’t remember which year it was um she had dwarfism and oh my God the skeleton just booted me up while I jumped and damn near killed me from Fall damage she

Had yeah you got it there dwarfism like that’s literally like the term for it right yeah but that’s not like the noun or like like the like that that’s the term for the condition it it I guess I guess you would call them a dwarf then I

Don’t know um I don’t know all I know is that when I think dwarf I think powerful despite being like physically small and I feel like that’s empowering so i’ I’d adopt that but I’m not one I’m not the one who decides yeah that’s just what I

Hope I hope that’s the case I hope that’s the woke word I really do I I yeah so I I had uh I had a teacher and she she she had dwarfism but she referred to it as the the MW I’m not going to say in case that is actually

Like a [ __ ] slur um it is Ethan I promise you it you promise me it is okay that’s so weird so that that’s I don’t know I the the only real encounter I ever had with that I I was not informed of this I Pro look okay just Google right

Now if it’s slur I’m G to Google it you’re right oh no we lost a bunch of our racks damn we’re down to five drying racks son of a [ __ ] that creeper that creeper took everything from us man also I made you some sandwiches enjoy some grain and beef

Increases to your nutrition God our Nutri you lose like 30 nutrition every time you die so it if you die a lot without gaining a lot of nutrition it sets you back a long ways and getting your heart buff okay so I’m going to avoid this topic as apparently this is a

Major point of contention within the uh the the community of people who have dwarfism um because some feel little person some feel little person is very demeaning some feel uh dwarf is demeaning some feel uh the the m word I won’t say is not demeaning or is demeaning um I

Yeah it’s definitely it’s definitely used Dem meaningly by most when I hear it not by you in that case I obviously know you’re not like a bigot I I know you personally and I I I can vet you um people not trust my I’m 5′ seven I’ve

Heard it plenty as an insult all right it was so [ __ ] weird meeting you in real life and you be like you being shorter than me because you have like I I’ve got big I’ve got like strongman build right like like my shoulders are [ __ ] huge and whatnot

But I’m literally like [ __ ] tiny I I’m imagine taking a big [ __ ] like Thor build dude and then shrinking them down like 20% that’s me I’ve been hit with a shr shrink ray I’m so teeny uh yeah whenever you criticize me this is who you’re making fun of show image of

Hummingbird okay I am repairing the dam Dage done by the creep dude we got our we got our buttholes blown out man we got our [ __ ] pushed in yeah we did oh I explained Ethan I explained to my mom today cuz I I got her into the

MCU um I explained to my mom today how we figured out that you and I are Canon to the MCU God okay so so real quick to to clarify dwarf is actually kind of frowned upon uh little person has points of contention but seems to be somewhat like

Accepted and uh um there is also the the one that uh seems to really piss people off which is Person of small stature which from what I’ve read on their their communities and forms and whatnot is disliked because it comes off as quote unquote trying too

Hard so that is that is my that does come off trying too hard that that seems like a meme like South Park would do yeah all right chat I’m so sorry you’ll have to forgive me oh [ __ ] dude there’s another one like that that I I Learned was a slur that I

Had no [ __ ] glue as a slur up until recently uh it starts with an E and it’s a a a word for people who live in the snow uh I thought that was genuinely just the term um yeah that’s a that’s a common like people don’t know and that’s

Fine I I think like a lot of people just straight up like you tell them by the way that word’s offensive it’s like yeah and then the crazy thing is when you find out that like okay chat um from my understanding and i’ I’ve I’ve looked into this like a pretty

Significant portion of like what you would say if if you’re trying to be woke Native American people um uh uh don’t really like care for the term Native American um and just straight up don’t mind like they don’t mind American Indian or Indian the thing is that’s

Crazy to me the left has started to adapt more recently and I think this is better terminology indigenous and everybody seems to be more um like on board with that from what I’ve seen and it’s also like more I don’t know it it it feels woker and it’s more inclusive

And it’s like more accurate cuz like when I was younger and I first found out like like dumbass colonizers were called them Indians because they’re [ __ ] stupid and thought they were in India or whatever yeah uh I I was like wow we so they should never be called that right

And then I found out like plenty of Native Americans are completely chill with being referred to as Indians or refer to themselves as such and it’s like okay listen this this is taught me an important lesson when I’m not sure about what the [ __ ] to call a person

Let’s just let’s just go around and ask him let’s just do that I think that’s the strategy yeah Ethan I have one last task for you to do before we wrap things up for the day bum ass all right well what um or actually yeah yeah so basically um once these salt salted

Hides oh oh you got cucked it’s okay um while you’re gone I’m drying The Salted hides I’m going to make some more um racks to put them up on so it’ll go a bit faster I’m going to show you how to finish the job uh to turn it into

Leather and then we can make some leather armor before we log off cuz you need and we can make stone I I’ll show you you how to make a stone Shield too yeah I’ll make you one cuz you cana you can use ji I yeah I

Know how to look at ji I be fine if you could make me one that’d be nice I’m trying to log back in yeah dude every time I learn like like like Niche slur [ __ ] it’s like cartoon racist are cartoon villain sometimes guys like some of the they come up with

Are like actual like like child level of insults it’s it’s like that that is that is your [ __ ] best man that sucks racists and bigots of all kinds are not known for their creativity ah I need to make a crafting Rock wait hold on add that

There no shot hold on did I forget how to make it brother oh okay that’s that’s an easy fix do not take that wooden Shield Ethan it’s garbage I’m making a better one for you okay don’t even tarnish your beautiful hands with that trash all right let me uh hang up the

Rest of this I’ll throw um here’s the rest of that leather and you can also have some of this if you want to transfer that into um yeah I’ve got some right here yeah there’s also some other like any other hides like any other like um

Over here maybe I’ve got the hides all right here oh yeah any hides that you can skin perfect yeah yeah yeah perfect perfect perfect that’s what I like to see um all right and we yeah we need to get it all turned into leather so that

We can make leather armor CU it’s the best stuff we can make until much later in the game when we can make uh I guess we can make clay armor but it’s garbage so we just want to push straight for leather and um from there we go to

Bronze once we progress to like I think we have to make it to age one and then we unlock bronze all right yeah we’re going to wrap up in a second I just want to make you your and for us to finish curing up our

Leather yep and we’ll have a lot to do tomorrow starting off with making our pilgrimage to the darklands to get uh Shadow crystals oh dreading that and well at the very least we’ve got um we’ve got backpacks now which means we can literally stuff our inventory meat we got to kill every

Animal we see um and just stuff our backpacks with different like materials we can get on our journey cuz like yeah it’s going to be handy yeah all right let me set this Up living near some P tribes I can confirm most Native Americans are okay with the designation of American Indian even if it is wrong and based on hundreds of years old misconceptions yeah I mean obviously if you can and you like know I feel like using the like

Exact Nation or tribe that they’re from would be ideal um because that’s Pro that’s probably what they they identify with more than some extremely broad label um but uh yeah here Ethan check this out add this to your off hand hell yeah uh there we go

Nice you got yourself a shield oh [ __ ] wait I can’t use off that’s annoying all right nice and then of course later on the way oh man hopefully that disconnection problem goes away next time we play tomorrow like not tomorrow but probably what do you think about the

Day after the day after tomorrow because like the day after tomorrow I’m not streaming because I’m streaming today and then tomorrow taking the day after tomorrow off but the day after the day after after tomorrow do you want to do more SE Tech I have no [ __ ] clue can

We do Sunday I don’t know what days you’re referring to there okay Sunday works thank you I have no [ __ ] clue what you were saying there yeah it’d be Sunday okay cool sorry I I I could I could just look at the calendar I don’t I don’t like

Track what day it is I literally never know what day it is it’s hilarious okay more of this cure that to the pile and put some up some more up on the thing I think after the stream I’m going to go play some day before really enjoy myself Ethan there are people here

Hypers in chat if you have no idea what the day before is I’m not doing the rant I can’t do it for the 80th [ __ ] time I beg you I’m sorry Ethan I feel they need to know if they need to know look up like big fry he’s made like 80 [ __ ] videos

On it this dude has that [ __ ] so hard that guy should have to pay fantastic yeah honestly a lot of those YouTubers are probably the fault of like why the game was so big on launch day like if it hadn’t blown up and become popular for being a scam I think it it

Probably wouldn’t have I think I think IGN is also majorly majorly at fault for continuing to push their trailers and and Nvidia Nvidia verified them which looked kind of [ __ ] legit it was really weird and then turns out they didn’t verify them so that tells you everything you need to know about

Invidia which you know what that’s honestly not that surprising in video is pretty [ __ ] stupid yeah it it just sucks oh okay you know what what rant we can have uh while we like finish up with our leather and stuff the dev’s bad uh po the popularity

Of the dev’s bad talking oh my [ __ ] god H like lazy devs or like uh woke devs or just like ah these devs are uncreative they don’t have ideas I like the idea that like developers are like these super like powerful entities at like different games and whatnot who get to

Dictate [ __ ] like like Tracer being gay or something and like like I listen guys Tracer being gay is fine and okay and anyone saying like blizzard is making characters gay to push away from the bad things that Bobby codic did because that’s totally like happening whenever they release a gay character like it’s

Everyone’s like totally forgetting like magically like that’s what’s happening you know people who are pushing [ __ ] like that are [ __ ] dumb asses okay um like like there’s there’s this like neurotic [ __ ] like like like asmin gold adjacent line of thought I’m going to say because asmin gold pushes this

[ __ ] a lot okay mhm of like the idea that these super Le woke Western devs are [ __ ] up everything they are are The Fall Guys for everything don’t like gays in your game it’s Le Western devs pushing the diversity and their they really like using the word um what what

Is it what is it that they [ __ ] not current day not current day um um agenda they love the word agenda for some [ __ ] reason they say it constantly okay they’re pushing the agenda on us okay now I’ll use the example of OverWatch okay so OverWatch has a few

Gay characters and I I do mean a few there’s like 33 characters in the game and you have uh tracer’s a lesbian far is a lesbian solders gay Baptist is pansexual or not Baptist uh uh life weever is panexual we’re at four all right um and then Baptist and

Cassidy are hinted at being bisexual and that’s Gold’s fully a CH now yeah dude what’s going on with Asen gold bro okay so I I I want to oh that’s that’s what I’m getting to okay so imagine right you have a cast of 33 characters

And like six of them are gay okay this is not some [ __ ] Grand conspiracy by devs to like push Le agenda on you the characters just happen to be that way and they happen to be that way in really subtle [ __ ] ways right and Leeves are

Not covering up for the abuse of their abusers this is something that I’ve seen asmin pedal a lot so everyone knows about like how uh devs at blizzard were getting abused by higher ups right but for some reason the devs are the ones who are getting accused of doing [ __ ]

Like drinking breast milk and whatnot like these people were literally the [ __ ] victims and because they’re the ones who face towards you and you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] you attack them like you see the nearest blizzard adjacent thing and that’s where you let out your [ __ ] like slimy green load because

You can’t realize like maybe maybe the person like looking at me could be being used as like a company Fall Guy anyways it’s crazy how like the people who were doing the creepy [ __ ] were the ones who were devs got fired most of them were upper management

Because like oh man you got to get back in um most of them were upper management because like to do that kind of [ __ ] generally you do it from a position of power cuz like those types of people want to have like a victim who’s not

Able to like fight back in any systemic way against their victimizer um so these weren’t like the overworked devs the the woke overworked devs that were um doing this like breast milk drinking or sexual harassment and any of them that were got fired obviously but like it was the

Upper management the upper management that got washed clean um from what I can main Activision specifically as well from what I can tell YouTubers who have like an inside just you know that no blizzard employees are have been saying that like the blizzard employees they know have been like thrilled about

Working at blizzard since like the the activis blizzard like acquiring like the the thing that happened that made it so activis blizzard isn’t like a thing you know like it’s not run by Bobby codic all that [ __ ] they’ve been really happy um Chris medson coming back has made a

Lot of them really happy um so that that’s a good sign it seems like they’re happy to be working on the game which is not what it seemed like for a few years you know yeah sorry my voice gave out a moment ago um I do

Apologize I I think um I think blizzard is a really funny situation because uh I’m going to say something that you guys are going to have to listen to with an open heart okay I think that blizzard is overhated in the sense that a lot of the

People who work at blizzard receive hate that is meant to be directed at their abusers for no [ __ ] reason and then blizzard is held to a weird standard when other companies have had the exact same issues and aren’t attacked in that way uh an example I can think of and

This is actually a company I’m quite fond of is Riot games I’m sure you guys are aware of Riot games’ controversies and whatnot like Riot games have plenty of [ __ ] issues and you don’t see like random League of Legends devs being accused of being like [ __ ] molesters on Twitter right because people are

Stupid and blizzard is an acceptable Target for them to act neurotic at and then they end up attacking devs um I think that the way that Gamers handled the blizzard situation is [ __ ] abysmal and I think that gamers are probably the lowest tier of individuals on this [ __ ] planet top tier

Consumers like put them on a cross please you’ll hear no one argue with that you you hear no one argue with that here God you’ll hear no one argue with that here all right you want to call it here uh hold on really quick the uh leather’s

Almost done curing the last three yeah I’m trying of chuds hey Z you be streaming tomorrow I want to see you cover the right freaking out about the news of a new Star Wars Ray movie being directed by a feminist oo definitely drop links to that Bal for some reason asked my

Content suggestions Channel I’ve been meaning to tell B to bring it back cuz it’s like made it harder to find topics um um and I need it back but uh yes definitely just DM me on Discord anything like that that you want me to

Cover and uh I’ll give it a look so yeah that could be a topic tomorrow but yes I am streaming tomorrow so uh yeah if you have anything you want me to cover DM it to me because like often times I’m like I wake up and I’m like looking for

Segments that’s what I do in the morning that’s my morning routine all right that was an infected villager I wish we had the means to cure these guys but we won’t have that till we go to twilight forest and we can loot the chest in the dungeons that’ll give us uh gold apples

Then I don’t know if we can even brew potions for a while so I don’t know if we can cure villagers I’m sure we can eventually yeah wow I’m [ __ ] dying go are you grinding that into sawdust yeah I want I would I’m hungry okay okay okay you got a problem

With that dude uh uh-huh uh-huh uh okay so last of the leather cured take this and um can you turn it into wet leather some wet Platinum yeah yeah yeah I should be able to do that like right now I have some I have some so basically

You’re going to take this G here and you’re going to take some fluid Bladers and you’re going to combine them and uh and it’s going to turn it into wet wet hide it’s going to be wet leather acquired yeah it’s going to oh yeah it’s

Going to be nice and wet and then also if you have any um if you feel like spending an hour doing this you can also take these and get some salt and do that as well so we can hang up some wow it’s really crazy that the discon bug

Happened again that was Oh I thought that was like really good comedic timing no no no it it was not I actually disconnected that there uh I do think that’s a half decent stopping point though now that I do know what we got to do with our leather leather I hope you

Like my sawdust you just made 12 sawdust out of our our wood logs I cut it myself to be fair to be fair um to be fair so I’m putting my my junk away and then I’ll I’ll hop off and I’ll wrap up stream um

Do you want to hop off call so you can do your stream and I’ll I’ll end mine all righty oh one second um I just want to say bye to anyone who’s not going to be jumping over to my stream um but I’m going to be streaming a hardcore

Playthrough of my own uh uh mod pack and I’ll be explaining like how I made the mod pack and why I made it the way I did but uh Alex it was nice talking to you and let me if you’re still up after my stream’s over uh I shouldn’t be

Streaming for more than another hour hell yeah man I’ll talk to you later okay all right talk to you later uh jump see you bye all right hey chat how’s everyone doing I’m [ __ ] dying anyone got anything they want me to talk about anything specific oh man You don’t know I’m so glad we had that thrilling interaction oh I am [ __ ] exhausted sup hey guys talk about Pathfinder as a system oh you want this to be a long stream um honestly I’d say the biggest like success in Pathfinder was the fact

That being a DM didn’t feel like I was [ __ ] lost okay do you guys know about the CR system uh in 5 the CR system is how you rate a monster to judge like how much they’re going to be used in combat right so to describe the accuracy of the

CR system I want you to go ahead and I want you to make a big like like go get as much dirt gravel and sand as you can okay and I want you to put in a bucket and Shake It Up that’s the CR system figure it out I don’t know what you’re

Supposed to do with it it’s a big mess it’s completely different things that mean nothing that’s the CR system it’s completely [ __ ] useless okay the CR system is awful and so Pathfinder did something insane uh the monsters all have a level and so you can tell how

Strong the monster is based off how close it is to your level uh something we invented like a thousand billion years ago so it’s actually [ __ ] crazy that uh the the 5cr system is that bad I just listen if you play 5e and you want

To mention any system in 5e I can tell you how Pathfinder does it better I don’t mean to be that guy who’s like you know Pathfinder way more fun but like I’m going to be thaty uh Pathfinder is way more fun and I’m willing to teach and share with anyone

Who wants to know more about it um okay I can close Xander’s stream now and open my chat to be a little bit bigger and refresh my stream really quickly to check to see how many viewers we’re at I’m dying currently the leveling system okay the leveling system of Pathfinder 2 is

[ __ ] awesome and the reason why it’s [ __ ] awesome is because you have a situation where instead of having to track like doubling amounts for whatever a reason like 5 it’s 1,000 XP to every level now you may think well what’s stopping me from grinded lowle mobs to

Level up one your DM two mobs have varying amounts of XP rewards based off how close they are to your level so if they’re uh four in either direction they have a different amount the DM covers all of this and knows exactly how much everything’s worth in advance leveling

Has never been easier it’s so nice you a hell taker fan I like pretty girls I enjoy 5e but objectively has a lot of problems I don’t mean to dunk on something that you probably enjoy I also enjoyed 5e I played a [ __ ] ton of 5 I

DMD it since its release um 5e just ended up not being something for me I guess um I found Pathfinder and it was it it was it was like uh leaving abusive relationship let’s say Okay um if I do this do you guys see my stream right now oh you do

Okay um I think that if you’re a 5 player you’re probably going to like it a lot more than someone who’s a 5 DM um a 5 DM has to jump through so many [ __ ] Hoops to do just about anything with that system it’s really rough all right I am the world’s sickest

Boy sorry man website won’t let me host I’ll try to host you but YouTube uh uh oh dude you’re fine man don’t worry too much about hosting me just give me a shout out to anyone who’s still watching and if they come over I’m happy don’t worry

Oh no I’m sure I would enjoy Pathfinder 2 more I just rarely play it only ever with normies that have no interest in learning that’s the [ __ ] problem though dude you know how many people it’s like hey dude I love playing DND with you do you want to try like any

Other system cuz I have like 30 of them and they’re all super different not all of them are like Pathfinder where they’re just like alternative DMD some of them are like city of mist or like these really cool other systems do you want to try them I don’t know man I just

Can’t learn like that yes you can you learned 5e you sad sack of [ __ ] uh How’s being a game master different okay so when you’re playing 5 you’re sitting back in your jacuzzi okay and somehow the game master has brought you some waterproof lube and he’s going to

Give you the best hand job you’ve ever had in your life and you’re not going to have to think at all whereas in 5e okay as the DM you know getting that waterproof lube for the hand job you had to fight six sharks to get their jelly

Okay you had to go through actual [ __ ] hell to make that work everything fought you every step of the way to make it work and this goes down to like the way the books are written okay let’s say you want to run curse of strad all right you’re running curse of

Strad you have the book for curse of strad and you’re going into room 11a okay in a manner room 11a contains a key you don’t know what this key does right but it unlocks a door in another area so you you play until you reach the other

Area they have the key for for it and oh turns out that that key was cursed but the information only told you when you made it to that area the books are by their admission made to be read not run so you’re supposed to read them like a

Novel and information is revealed to you in a surprising way rather than a useful one the system and the way the books are written actively fight you it’s infuriating uh I’ve seen people who barely play 5 because they they have to Jerry listen a lot of um most people don’t play

5V um most people who say they play 5 do not play 5V um they play like a they they play theater of the mine which is fine they have their fun I’m okay with that but if you talk to the average 5 player and you ask them about like

Balancing or something or like like certain sub classes or like certain rules they just won’t have an answer to it because a lot of the 5V players do not play tabletops they play they roleplay you know I’m sure everyone’s who’s done looking for group post have found games that practically weren’t a d

And d game and was just like a open roleplay group right which is fine if that’s what you want there’s no shame in that you’re fine to enjoy these things however you really piss me off if you play like that and then you go on to

Like the D and forms and start talking about balance changes that makes me when I explode my channel is an anomaly why is my channel an anomaly I’m so sorry man it doesn’t display a number of letter on your url oh yeah my URL shouldn’t be a number or a letter it’s

Uh it should be where the number and letter start at I’m RK like like uh capital i m capital A RK uh that’s how they do new channels now it’s weird hey if someone donates an obse amount of money I’ll open csgo crates into my hands hurt I love gambling I

Love gambling buy me scratch offs God I love the music in this pack so um I wanted to tell you guys a bit about oh I just realized that I have to do the thing so sorry everybody it’s okay Zan don’t worry too much about it man I’m not

Stressing all right you guys can tolerate having my bar right Xander don’t worry too much about it so um I did some things with this so Minecraft in my opinion is not hard at all in the slightest there’s no difficulty to Minecraft um so I wanted

To bring some of that back so one of the things I thought about in Minecraft is that it’s really easy to just face tank things like you don’t have to think too hard whenever you’re fighting [ __ ] you know you just kind of come in so you may

Have noticed already that I am um I don’t have a like a hunger bar and I think that hunger bars in games generally are useless they are a um they are a fun meter okay when the hunger bar is out your fun is out when the um when

The hunger bar is full you can have fun again uh I don’t like that uh Minecraft used to have a system where you would heal based off of the food you ate so I’ve brought that back using a mod um that has that as a feature and I’ve

Tweaked the numbers a little bit so now if I want to heal I have to stop and eat food now this means that this means that maybe maybe it would be really strong to hord like a [ __ ] ton of really cheap food right well I actually um I actually uh circumvented that using

Um one second I’m popping out my chat so that I can read yall a little bit better um I actually circumvented that a little bit uh the way I did so is that I made it so that food only Stacks to 16 so you’re encouraged to build better Foods

So that you heal more so instead of carrying a [ __ ] ton of berries that heal you for like half a heart for every two berries eaten you’re going to actually craft Good Foods because you’re very limited only being able to hold 16 of an item means that you want to hold the

Best of that item right I I like I want the game to have some difficulty but I don’t want to have to make it like stupid like rlcraft where you just get one shot out of nowhere and the way I’ve done that is I’ve restored some of the old difficulty

Feelings I had with Minecraft where I had to he I had to eat to heal I didn’t heal too fast and everything was well paced so that’s what I’ve done um along with that there is so much [ __ ] in this pack there is the combat got reworked uh third person looks different

I have a combat roll there’s more bosses more mobs just more [ __ ] to do but truthfully this is vanilla plus which is different from what I normally do I normally do something completely so devoid from vanilla that it that you wouldn’t you wouldn’t recognize it as uh unmodded you

Know but here sometimes I’m playing and it does just kind of look like normal Minecraft but behind the scenes there’s so much going on with this pack that’s just meant to make it uh more fun um and [ __ ] will kick your ass okay there are Wizards and whatnot in this pack that

Have really high quality nice spells that are well balanced that will [ __ ] your [ __ ] up God forbid I see a necromancer Bros it’s over like that’s a wizard tower right there actually funnily enough and that is a sunken Temple of some sort I’m going to make my base over on the

Hill I think that the hell looks really nice and I want live here so we’re going to go over here guys and we’re going to have some fun so uh how’s everyone doing today do you guys have any like silly [ __ ] you just want to share like uh I uh

Can I cast spells too yes um so I was actually going to get to that in just a second uh if you guys have any funny stories or anything I I I’m a chat reading addict I love reading chat more than anything whenever I stream or I’m

On a buddy stream I think chat is really silly and I like the idea of talking to people so if you guys have any silly [ __ ] you want to share with me uh please do I’d love to read it but um yes you can cast magic it’s a

Little hard to get um and it’s it’s a big uh it’s a big time sync I will say but the magic is really fun really high quality it looks amazing um another thing you may have noticed in this pack is that durability is gone it is still here whenever you die in this

Pack all your items drop like normal in Minecraft but all your XP goes into a totem right um and what ends up happening is that your uh items that dropped take durability damage so the higher value the item the less durability damage it takes the more durability it can take overall so that’s

Why you want higher tier [ __ ] aside from just bigger numbers right um but I feel like durability ends up being really boring because you eventually just ignore it entirely with mending in Minecraft uh it’s kind of a nothing feature so I thought it’d be silly to

Use the iron’s RPG tweaks mod to uh change that I think it’s better but yes in terms of the Minecraft uh or in terms of the uh what’s it called the Spells uh that’s actually what I want to do so spells are really really hard to get but

My end goal here is to get void magic which requires me to kill the warden quite a few times and the warden is a lot harder of a challenge in this pack to say the least so we will see how this goes can we get the mod pack uh join my

Discord maybe I’ll post it there um maybe I will post it there right now I don’t know if I want to post it cuz I still actively tweak it while I play it uh like I’m about to add salamanders and space flight um and the 1.20.1 mod scene

Is really taking off so I want it to be I I don’t know I want it to be good when I when I release it to everybody so we need okay so if I go into a cave like this I’m going to die like just straight

Up I will die um wild corn is useful let’s go ahead and make like a work platform for now it has the Dodge thing yes I love dodging in Minecraft okay and with the damage being a bigger deal I don’t think it prizes the game too much to now have

A Dodge button cuz the damage lingers anyway so I I have to I have to dodge it yeah someone yeah like a rocket you can fly yeah I’m adding a mod that letss you go to space I’m really excited I just got to make sure it fits in with everything

First um with this I’ve been adding mods slowly over the course of the past few weeks I have a server that my my girlfriend my uh my my other friends play on uh pretty regularly I’d be willing to open that up to viewers and whatnot to play with me if you’d like uh

You would just have to keep your mod pack up to date with mine um which should be fairly easy um but yeah I mean we’ll see about me opening that uh I might have to do a white list where it’s only donors because I’m a little anxious about someone joining who’s like

A [ __ ] and burning my [ __ ] down so maybe I make it where it’s like uh you have to have donated like $5 or something or like I just trust you I don’t know is that maybe maybe that’s too much to ask from people to

Just play on a server but I I do not wish to get my [ __ ] blown up and I would feel really bad if I introduce viewers to my world that I play on with my friends in private and my [ __ ] got blown up hope everyone is doing

Well first you should probably have a way to back up the world I already do um will you someday get a donation thing like what xan does with his website um what do you mean is there a mod to get rid of floating trees uh I don’t have

Tree Feller as I feel like tree Feller makes getting wood a little too easy almost like I can get wood really quick um but I do have fast Leaf Decay so there’s no real reason to not chop out your leaves please do it looks like

We’re going into a cave because it get a little too dark before I finish my platform I’m going to die I [ __ ] around a little too much I need to get underground immediately oh [ __ ] hold on guys so I did something weird that I would normally never do

Okay I made it so that you can’t actually do Dynamic lights so I mean you could probably figure out a way to get Dynamic lights working with the mod pack on your own but I actually intentionally did not include it um like I was having trouble with it and eventually decided

Wait I’m actually kind of cool with it not being in here um and the reason why I did that was I feel like being able to Sprint through a cave instead of having to clear it out makes it a little too easy and I want night vision potions to have a reason to

Exist you know uh so I ended up not including Dynamic lights um so uh like you plan on getting a website like xan so that people can donate uh I don’t want to put myself in the hands of a person who is not me to handle my website uh unless there there’s one

Person I’d be chill with it cuz I know him and he’s cool as [ __ ] but generally speaking I do not have interest in that service I think that that service is very volatile and I would not like to ever tie Revenue to it for now I stream

For fun cuz I I think it would be fun to have people to talk to games to play and I like talking I like my my voice I like listening to others you know it’s fun uh so I don’t see much of a necessity right now mostly right now when you guys

Donate to me um truthfully it goes into sometimes I’m a little hungry and I want like a sandwich or I want uh just something nice for myself and I do uh recently it came to um helping out with the cell phone that I had to buy because

My old one gave out on me I don’t know I I feel like lighting level zero should be pitch black you’re correct thank you for reminding me about hardcore Darkness that’s a mod I forgot I wanted that oh my God you’re the best yeah like the stream [ __ ]

I’ll kiss you on the lips uh yeah there’s a mod called oh echo my bad there’s a mod called hard darkness which you guys would uh probably enjoy uh basically it makes it so that uh it’s completely dark um I think with hardcore Darkness I would try to get uh the light

Working but maybe um no I actually want night vision potions to stay in the game because I think potions in alchemy generally and Minecraft is the most underrated and underused [ __ ] entirely and it makes me sad that it never gets used because I like the system like one of the changes

I did here is that potions now stacked to six okay so we’re going to venture out the cave a little bit all right that’s a runner holy [ __ ] he CR okay so there’s another feature okay it’s called random crits now I did this because sometimes

When you get a lot of armor mobs don’t really threaten you at all um but the first hit I’ve taken from a mob ended up being a [ __ ] crit so uh there’s like a uh I think it’s like a 5% chance or something low uh for a hit to just crit

You um and this is to make you never really feel comfortable tanking um if you need to host the channel instead of uh if you need that I I don’t know what you mean oh oh the website yeah uh I don’t know okay so yeah here’s a demonstration of the healing real quick

So this pork chop right heals four heart uh for Hunger normally um it’s going to heal about a heart and a half so you can see how in a fight having to eat that many of them really slows you down really slows you down fighting the urge to stay fair and Balan

ID that seems stupid it seems stupid now um hear me out though the random crits seem really and initially I was like what is the point of this and I ended up playing with it um eventually once you get iron armor you start hitting a point where you don’t get

Hit oh okay all good um eventually you hit a point where you don’t really feel threatened by lesser mobs and I never want that to be the case so having lesser mobs have the ability to crit you which does knock you back quite a bit to

Keep you safe keep in mind uh means that I want mobs to always be scary one thing I don’t like in Minecraft is that you can eventually hit a point where you’re just kind of safe it would make more sense if there was a consistent way to get critted um okay so

I agree with you yes however do you wish me to have to figure out a way to make that work cuz I really can’t um without developing my own mods and then making cross compatibility for every other mob mod that I’m using here uh it would be very hard to get like a

Standardized crit behavior and I believe that um keep in mind though that the Sprinter right had high damage and like four Hearts so that crit me for like six hearts completely unarmored uh meaning that’s its maximum damage and that’s one of the higher damaging random mobs right

Um mind you while it’s called a sprinter it’s still pretty easy to take care of um in armor that’s going to end up doing like two hearts on a crit which is still a big deal but it feels like much less of a big deal to get randomly crit like

That and it feels like sometimes they just hit you with a Power Attack I know it seems weird but it is an early game Funk only I promise I promise okay I want to make a to so I need paper and chains meaning I need iron so iron armor could be less effective

It’s if it’s just going to be random I think you’ve underestimated the effect the like the extent of these random crits a little bit um what’s the what’s the what’s the the thing uh the random crits are I think 1.4 damage or 1.5 it’s not 2.0 or anything extreme like that

It’s just occasionally a hit does a little bit more all this means is that damage across the board is slightly higher um and you’re not supposed to want to get hit and you’ll see once I introduce the magic and whatnot once I get to that why that is um I don’t want

You to ever be in a situation where you can see a chance of getting hit and feel completely comfortable with it it’s not that armor is going to be made useless by the crits it’s that you’re not going to see that you have like two hearts in

Your inventory and you have this much armor and no you can take a hit from the mob right you’re going to know that you have a chance to take a hit from the mob and a very slim chance that maybe it crits so it’s still better to just not get

Hit does your character still do crits with a jump attack no uh your character has crit rates on all of their weapons now so the the the sword has a 12% crit chance um and the combat has been reworked so the jump critting is

Something I want to get rid of as I felt like it was a little weird um and the swords just swing differently now like they have arcs and whatnot uh like um mobs don’t have uh what’s it called every five ticks their invol is gone compared to normal uh normal 20 ticks

Right oh my left ear is ringing I’m so sorry um so you’re able to really cleave them and whatnot like you have a lot of tools to not get hit right I would say the way I would describe armor right now is that instead of armor being something that lets you

Just tank armor is something that lets you survive longer so in my Minecraft right I should not be out here at night in Minecraft um whenever you have armor uh you can just take hits like a [ __ ] um with some of the changes I’ve done with how healing Works instead

Of just taking taking hits right you end up I’m probably going to go back to my hole um you end up in a situation where your armor is effectively a bigger health bar uh that’s how I’d describe it uh weird to say but I promise it makes

Sense the the the jump crit can be cheesy dealing with single mobs yeah I I agree um you I I understand the idea of preferring uh consistency but maybe it’s the tabletop lover in me I’m okay with small small amounts of uh variance with the goal of keeping you

Uncomfortable um and and mind you the crits usually aren’t that big of a deal uh I’ve not encountered much of it that’s why I was so taken back when I got CRI by that zombie it’s pretty low chance so um I need to make a a spell

Look so the first book I can make I’m sorry my voice is giving out the first book I can make is the flimsy book right which lets me use common spells which is a string copper so I’ll try to get to that uh I think I’m going to need to find like

A like a place a place to chill okay so I’ve just been hit by to king zombie right uh when they get to half Health they drop a skeleton and they give me a debuff called rotten stink so randomly uh like um what’s it called mobs are

Going to spawn around me that are these little flies right um uhoh I’m yeah these flies uh and they’re attracted to the stink that that zombie puts on me so I need to be careful okay so I think Runners might not burn in the Sun so I just need to

Kite them a little bit Yeah and sometimes zombies zombie mobs will drop maggots generally speaking mobs are scary and you want to stay away from them at least that’s my thing uh oh yeah copper has a [ __ ] ton of use in this um okay so here’s the

Deal that right there I believe is a uh a a wizard tower and I’m feeling like we do do some a little bit of risky [ __ ] on our first like couple days on the the hardcore world right I think I’m going to go to the wizard tower and I’m going to try to

Pillage it I’m not going to fight the wizard he will kick my ass but I am going to try to steal from him no no one in fiction has ever had a bad day after stealing from a wizard oh another thing ores don’t spawn in like

Like anywhere that isn’t a cave wall now um one sec sorry I had to sneeze so like let’s say you want to go mining you can’t strip mine anymore you have to take a cave meaning you have to take danger right uh I did this because otherwise strip mining was just so [ __ ]

Easy um it ends up making diamonds way rarer too um I I found that I actually enjoyed getting excited about finding diamonds diamonds and with the structure mods I’ve added I’ve tried to be very careful about not adding any structure mods that are like diamond spawn on the last level and are basically

Free it’s over okay oh I got to go so right when I was about to like try to cheese them with the water I got a [ __ ] Tomahawk throwing at me um holy [ __ ] yeah so mobs no longer are a [ __ ] non-threat holy [ __ ] that Tomahawk dealt so much

Damage that was so much okay let’s go ahead and try to chop down these trees what’s this mod pack it’s something I’ve made I might release it I’m not sure yet it’s just meant to rebalance the game to be challenging but not [ __ ] hard like rlcraft actually

I’m going to say it rlcraft is not hard there’s no difficulty to rlcraft rlcraft is unfair and boring yeah one thing you’ll notice is that I’ve removed like any and all cheese from the game as much as I think cheese is funny um and you could say oh

Just don’t do it this mod pack is meant to be where like sorry this mod pack is meant to be something where it’s not like oh just give yourself self-imposed restrictions it’s meant to give you the restrictions to change the way that you think about problem solving in the game uh because I

Think that having different uh having different restrictions on you with how you can approach certain situations changes how you problem solve with like uh I need to go raid that because I want early game [ __ ] oh no it can throw a tomahawk I’m going to leave and I’m

Going to actually go set up a base and I’m going to try to see if I can get some early game iron to make some daggers so I can sneak sneak up on the mobs right which is what I’m trying to do right now so yeah oh no

You know I love that I said that the crits don’t happen often and I’ve been crit twice out of the five mobs that have hit me that’s really silly I’m out of food now okay what’s the purple place I don’t know it’s a very pretty biome though I might try making a base

There okay so we got to be careful with damage here one thing I need to lower is the Raven spawn rate for some reason Ravens are [ __ ] everywhere um these little guys love to stalk me RL yeah like listen you’re not wrong for like liking rlcraft but I think that

It’s very frustrating that rlcraft is what Minecraft modded difficulty has become because it’s simply not that um something’s been hit by a glowing effect there I want to say that okay so my guess for what that was is it weird that you don’t like Terraria I

Don’t think it’s weird to not like a game um I’d be interested to hear why you don’t like Terraria though um I think I know what caused this to Glow so there’s a priest mob that can spawn sometimes only one of them can be in the

World at a time uh and this is one of the Wizards I’ve told you guys about like the spellcasters um and the priest will fight like undeads and whatnot right but it uses guiding bolt and whenever it uses the spell guiding bolt they get marked and you can see them

Through walls and so this has the silly consequence of sometimes when you’re out in the world you see a random zombie light up in a cave and then die okay let’s get to my platform and let’s try building this thing up progress is a lot slower in this like a

Lot slower getting to the nether in my server where we can freely die was something that felt like a massive accomplishment for me so I can only imagine when getting to the nether is going to feel like in a on a hardcore world you know oh oh yeah this thing a

Meure oh my voice woo a lot you’ll notice that a lot of the day mobs don’t hit very hard at all I get that I think that Terraria is really fun for me um but I can understand not liking rinding okay guys one two three one two

Three one two three so I can’t build for [ __ ] Minecraft by the way so you’re not allowed to make fun of me dying for some reason that is not where I wanted to be another meure are they coming out of the cave nearby ah whatever they’re fodder super easy

What’s your in in my opinion what’s flos is worth worst media take so I do need to make this clear I don’t watch flos um but his worst media take is rezero holy [ __ ] uh I respect the guy but he literally just lies in it for some

Reason it’s really weird um like oh God H anyways where are y’all coming from little Guys what does that creature have so much health um I use whenever though oh my cat’s below me hi girl oh byebye you do not want to be touched right now hey is there reason to kill goats do they drop meat I’m going to kill goats

Dying I don’t think that was a goat stream cut out for a second so sorry everybody is it back Lies We back hey guys where’ I cut out anyone need anything reset or re-explained yeah sorry my internet’s not the best it’s been better though which is nice um but anyways yeah I hope

You guys are having fun it’s a more mellow stream I know and I’m not talking about any interesting politics CU I’m sick as [ __ ] and I don’t feel good at all um Jesus man I think it was the whole explanation of why the mob was big oh yeah the mob

Has a lot of health because oh later on I deal a lot more damage um so some of the mobs have slightly like higher healths than a normal so like where a normal mob has like 10 Hearts if it’s like hostile that sometimes they might

Have like 14 um and later on you just deal a lot more damage oh another cool feature is that mobs are entirely solid um I do this for a couple reasons one I don’t like that you can just run past like Hostile Mobs I think that that’s kind of lame um and

Two um I like the idea of not being able to crowd your animals into like a really [ __ ] up pen and having to actually make like housing for them I don’t know I want to give like tangible reason to do things in this game more often if that makes any

Sense you can actually do that with [ __ ] like uh what’s it called oh can you use a ster without a saddle yeah but it’s way less safe like way less and then you can’t W it you’ll have to forgive me guys the roof’s going to be ugly I’m so

Sorry you know I may have crafted three crafting tables but you know I’m not stupid I swear no more livestock being crushed to death oh they’ll be crushed to death now even even worse if you treat them poorly um yeah I can how do you make white dye again bone meal

Ah that’s a pattern W that’s for something else sorry guys I’m having to mute because I’m coughing I’m so sorry I do apologize um not my best stream just kind of a rough day for me but I wanted to show off something I’d been making just answer some questions and chat with

Everybody I I’ve missed streaming I’ve been busy I’ve been out I’m not some big streamer but I think it’s fun so I need to get a bed so sleeping’s been re reworked as well um sleeping consecutive nights in a row builds up nightmares and eventually you

Might not be able to skip a night right so you have to space out when you sleep I don’t like f fighting these fighting those are is a big deal those are enemies that will just [ __ ] you up these ones are a work in progress

They’re from a new mod so these are not balanced uh you may notice how quickly it hit me twice there um this this is kind of like one of the reasons like I’m not certain I want to release it yet cuz I have to test all stages of play and

Make sure that everything’s okay like that just hit me so [ __ ] hard those things are evil and they have quite a bit of Health um but uh what’s it called I don’t know they’re not the biggest deal uh but they do give me grief even in like iron armor I want to

Say so I got to be a little a little wary of them okay I need string which means I need to find spiders hey buddy hey Sprinter oh [ __ ] this looks bad I think I have to go inside everybody I think I think I’m uh I’m a little [ __ ] unmatched or out

Mouch you know what I do want a zombie arm decoration watch out for them breaking down your door um ah they left I should be fine I find that zombies don’t do that much in modern Minecraft I know that they change it so that it has to be

A leader zombie and have a hoorde but like it still feels really really uncommon okay oh these Stone creepers are so silly I don’t think they’ll actually blow up it’s over go away oh that’s another thing um I honestly want to say I want to get rid

Of these like pumpkin [ __ ] because they just hit me through walls sometimes times I feel like they’re buggy they’ll probably be something I remove I think oh oh oh my [ __ ] God yeah no thank you I’m going to stay in doors wow all right leather helmet give me that now

These [ __ ] do not wait hello zombie Clown maybe I can fix the little creepings um just through their confi they do however drop something that’s really useful they drop this creeping Sprout which is like a half a heart maybe uh heal but then it gives you regen for like 3 seconds make it one of

The better small healing items but you have to farm it from the really [ __ ] annoying to kill enemy this guy will mess me up if he hits me with that sword well there’s my wool sorted out okay so all right Phantom creeper all right this thing is going to

Split into two when I fight it so oh okay everyone I’m doing fine I I am not at all freaked the [ __ ] out by the the Phantom creepers no all right sorry trying to keep the commentary interesting but I am currently getting my ass kicked and while it is Hardcore

And I could just sit in the uh in the base until daytime I think that’s not fun to watch and I want to be entertaining it’s over I need to leave yep that’s it that’s it that’s it that’s it I need to go I need to go I

Need to go I need to go now I need to go now holy [ __ ] okay so um I don’t know if that was it it could have been something else but there’s a mob called a nightmare stalker now the nightmare stalkers are a not a mini boss I step

Below a mini boss like you know how in my Minecraft when you see a spider jockey it’s going to [ __ ] you up they’re kind of like a little bit above that right so um they’re invisible though but they’re really loud and they have big glowing eyes right and their whole thing

Is that until you hit them you can’t see them they’re meant to be nightmares right um they’re big demon guys they’re huge and they’re super easy to spot when they’re coming but they will they will [ __ ] me up bad I love that I was saying oh you know

What I’m not going to go back into base I’m going to stay out here and be a badass for all my viewers so that they can have a fun and good stream um and here I am [ __ ] about ready to cry because I get a nightmare stalker right outside my door I just

Wanted I wanted Knight to be scary again and I think I’ve achieved that I don’t have any [ __ ] wood you should all come away from my base oh I forgot the arrows do so much damage and I have no armor hey everyone you ready to see the first hardcore World

Lost I am cuz those are creepings I think they I’d get away with just lowering their spawn rate probably all right let’s lead everything away from my base okay let’s check the uh let’s check this 500 blocks in this direction yeah the skeletons are even worse than they

Are in vanilla you’re wrong on that one actually I think a lot of people forget the skeletons are really scary um they have so skeleton Arrow damage or just Arrow damage in Minecraft generally is calculated by its speed and so that skeleton hit the perfect shot on me that

Was a downhill shot at M like like the the peak of its angle right peak of it shot whatever the [ __ ] you want to call it right meaning that that skeleton had its Arrow at the fastest it could have been when it hit me dealing a whopping four Hearts right like that’s that’s

Just [ __ ] ridiculous and that’s vanilla vanilla damage is actually way higher than you think it’s just that you don’t really get challenged all that much because you rush armor very quickly and it’s not your fault as the player it’s just the game’s pretty easy so all right 12 berries I hope this

Heals like six hearts so this is why you got to make better foods from like uh like uh uh like what what the [ __ ] is it called Farmer’s Delight um right um because these lower tier Foods it takes this much to heal you right these are ingredients at best you

Know I don’t want you eating sweet berries to keep yourself alive I want you using them to make sweet berry pies um you know that kind of thing that’s my goal even then if you have a stone axe you can kill them with two crits oh yeah

Um axes are are really good in this they have a wide sweep being able to hit multiple enemies at once is really nice by the way I don’t feel like picking that all up okay so we are on a hunt for food a hunt for wood and a

Reason I want to get magic but right now that’s uh that’s uh looking a little rough for me cuz I need to get copper to get copper I have to go in a cave oh Mom you’re on the stre oh we have a missing cat so they we thought we had a missing

Cat he was actually trapped in my room get on out of here boy he want hang out sorry guys cat delivery can you see can you see him oh he he left okay oh scary cat is okay though so I’m going to take all of these saplings and I’m going to start planting

Them oh yeah it’s my favorite flavor of cat completely pitch black I love him okay so these guys are a problem I was going to talk about that so little brother ran at the door scream crying so this is why I was like H I

Kind of want to tweak it a bit more so um so uh oh wait SL G cre okay so sometimes for some reason some of the spawn weights on these are a little high so I’m actually okay with harder mobs being in the game but I want to show you

Why this one gives me some trouble sometimes so this is a mini boss this is not like a mob this is a mini boss it has 60 [ __ ] Hearts okay and it also deals like five no no I want to say hold on slash effect give at s regeneration infinite

255 true SL game mode survival oh wait slash game mode so how much does it do it does like eight to an un armored player this is a boss basically and it shoots really fast arrows I knew it shoot shot fast arrows I don’t know why I Stood Still they’re

Pretty easy to dodge um I I say that in fail to dodge too um and this thing this thing is busted as [ __ ] um it spawn weight feels a little high right so I want to work on that so like there are I want to say

Four mobs I have some troubles with so uh RPG or Creep one second so the bone the Supreme bone color this guy and the weedling sorry the halloweed uh these spawn a little too often for my likes I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t have an issue with these being like super low spawn weight you might only see them underground and I’m going to probably

Change them to that um but I want I’m in a tough situation where I want to have [ __ ] that challenges you but I don’t want it to immediately stomp an early game player right uh I want eventually like hold on let me slash uh let me let me show you some

Of the [ __ ] that’s in in here right um what is it called it’s called L Enders uh hold on I can’t find it okay cataclysm uh I don’t know which of these are the bosses I’m just going to start spawning [ __ ] so there are some like locations that have like proper bosses

In them okay now you can’t just run into this right um and I want to have gear that allows you to fight [ __ ] like this later on when you go out to seek it and I want to have an Overworld that still might be a threat to you not a constant

Threat but might be one and so the way I’ve tried to strike that balance is that I’ve added mobs like the Supreme bone color mobs like um like like the nightmare stalker where you encounter them and you have to play around them even if you’re geared no matter what

Right um so I mean I’ve played with this current balancing just fine with some friends uh We’ve died occasionally early game was honestly the hardest but I want to make sure that like things like this maybe don’t spawn for a little bit or maybe maybe I make days longer I think

I’ve been thinking of doubling the length of days and nights so that you can have big scary mobs but like uh like like uh you have more time to work on things and if I I I also need to make it so that the things like the Supreme bone color don’t stick

Around in the daytime I don’t know why it does I can easily fix that though but uh yeah that’s uh that’s kind of the the state of things do you guys want to see some of the magic though um I did want to show you guys that uh okay let’s just get some

Scrolls okay so we’ll just get some of the Blood Spells okay let’s just do three spells real quick so this is so the Spells are really high quality uh they look nice mind you this is the highest level of spell that you would be using in the end game right it’s like

Really good does a [ __ ] ton like these the I just oh my bad I like the way these look a lot so this is like uh like a Teleport spell [ __ ] like that like Wizardry [ __ ] gets busted okay uh but it’s really hard to work up

To and some of it is super [ __ ] cool like one of my favorite spells right is The Shield spell sometimes when I’m in a cave I use this to block off the cave and mobs can’t walk by this at all so it’s like an instant wall thrown up right or like um

What’s another one wall of fire is one that I find myself using a lot more than I probably even should um so like sometimes after doing that I’ll throw up a wall of fire mobs walk through that you know uh sometimes after taking damage I do a healing Circle uh

Which regen me and people around me like there is there is [ __ ] in this that balances out some of the harder mobs right now my current issue is finding a balance between early game uh and and allowing those harder mobs to exist if I could find some way to only let them spawn

After a set number of days I think I’d go with that but I’m not sure or maybe tie them to like a uh like an achievement like getting full iron gear you know that’s my thought uh I’m not sure how I want to go about fixing it

Currently um but once I have like rounded this all out I am really excited to show it to everybody and I I do plan to play like a server with anyone who wants to join me um just something small for everyone to hang out with um hold on

Slash game mode spectator SL effect give at s Night Vision Night infinite 255 uh yeah 255 true so one of the things I did is that I really wanted like uh caves to be super important so you can only get ores from caves um with caves being like this

Right SL game mode creative uh they populate really quick with they populate really quickly with Mobs right so you end up having to fight your way through resource Gathering the whole way through uh and it’s very fun to come in here with a team with someone who’s

Got like full armor and the biggest weapon they can craft like a Greatsword or something right like a [ __ ] Warden Greatsword or like a like a great Axe and they’re coming out here and they’re cleaving through everything and knocking [ __ ] back while while getting healed by a person who has healing

Spells and like a a person who has like [ __ ] ton of bow stuff like a traditional RPG party uh so that’s what I’m going for so I’m in this unfortunate spot where I’m trying to balance like uh I’m trying to balance uh keeping the game in difficulty with making it accessible to

A player trying to get started right uh I think I can fix that uh it’s just a matter of time so it’s not ready for that yet but uh that’s all I I don’t know I hope you guys think it looks like it has potential at the very least I’m proud of

It a lot of what’s in this is super fun and it’s been fun to get it all working together um don’t worry about that I’m back what are we looking at I’m just talking about my custom mod pack I’ve been working at for a little bit for

Context by the way the bones color of the normal one is fine this one is just a different skeleton that can summon little skeletons and shoot slower the Supreme bones color is the one that’s kind of busted anyways um I’m not sure how much longer I want to stream with my voice

Being out and whatnot reminds me when I I spent a month building a mod uh Skyrim mod list yeah it’s fun I like it oh dude I’ve reworked skull stuff so there’s a a certain event you can intentionally trigger that causes the skul to spread in your world and it does [ __ ] like

Infect mobs and rip them apart and whatnot it’s so cool the white and black mushrooms oh yeah I feel like they look better whenever um you don’t have night vision I feel like they look fine I like this but I get what you mean they look weird when they’re not

Glowing not the glowing ones oh maybe I’m stupid oh these yeah the little ink caps I like them but yeah I get what you mean I don’t know but um I don’t know I just wanted to show this off a little bit before I hopped off stream and I’m

Going to be working more on it uh hopefully by the time we talk again everybody I will have it in a much more suitable Place uh for playing um anyways I think I’m G to probably end that there uh hope you guys like the the new haircut and webcam uh yeah I’m sorry

Akira I will stream on Sunday okay I will promise you a Pikmin stream Sunday I swear to you guys Pikmin stream Sunday hold me to it okay um anyways I hope you guys enjoyed I hope that uh it was it was silly and and uh everyone have a good night de says

Yeah ending cu

This video, titled ‘Minecraft and Bullsh*tting’, was uploaded by Arkay on 2024-01-05 03:21:02. It has garnered 247 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 03:10:17 or 11417 seconds.

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  • Insane gamer marries chicken in Minecraft?!

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  • Lugad builds insane robot in mini Minecraft!

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  • Feather64 Semi-Anarchy Raiding No Claims 256k Border 1.20.2

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  • ————-(UNTLD)————-Website

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  • Ultimate Tree Farm for Minecraft! 13,000+ per hour!

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  • URUKA DOMINATES Capture the Crown – DAY 3

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  • Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert Madness

    Unbelievable ManTreKs dominates Guardian Tales 4-4 Desert MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guardian Tales (4-4) (Full 3-star) world 4 Desert Madness | Entrance to paradise’, was uploaded by ManTreKs on 2024-02-15 20:38:13. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:03 or 843 seconds. Guardian Tales ( 4-1 ) world 4 Desert of madness | Entrance to the desert Minecraft Pe,Minecraft,Minecraft Indonesia,Minecraft Survival,Minecraft Noda,Minecraft Hardcore,Minecraft Series,Minecraft Animation,Texture Pack,Resource Pack,Shader Pack,Mod Pack,Skin Pack,Erpan1140,minecraft mods,minecraft song,minecraft style,minecraft xbox 360,minecraft herobrine,guardian tales,guardian tales indonesia,guardian tales speedrun,guardian tales season 1,guardian tales season 1 story,guardian tales season 1 speedrun,GT,GT indonesia Guardian Tales Arena,Guardian Tales PVP,Guardian Tales… Read More

  • BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!

    BREAKING: NEW record-breaking TNT cannon in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: The fastest automatic TNT cannon.’, was uploaded by сreeper952 on 2024-03-26 13:33:31. It has garnered 56 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:47 or 47 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #mod #warden #minecraftmemes #experiment #tnt #cannon Tags:minecraft, tnt cannon, tnt, redstone, tutorial, cannon, tnt cannon minecraft, how to make a tnt cannon in minecraft, minecraft cannon, minecraft tnt cannon, minecraft tnt, creative, how to, redstone builds, survival, build, easy, rapid fire, minecraft pe, minecraft bedrock, minecraft tnt cannon tutorial, how to make, how, minecraft (video game), map, funny,… Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!

    Minecraft Pro Reveals Secret to Chest Shop Success!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to create a Chest Shop in Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Sir BigHead on 2024-05-12 12:48:50. It has garnered 420 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Welcome to my tutorial on how to create a chest shop #shorts #short #minecraft #tutorial Read More

  • Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit II

    Unbelievable! Discover the Hidden Secrets of the End City in Minecraft Hexxit IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Is The End City? ◆ Minecraft: Hexxit II’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2024-04-04 11:20:43. It has garnered 42 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:29:09 or 12549 seconds. We Do Gaming, Podcasting, Streams, and More! So Why Not Subscribe!!! All My Links Are Right Here: ◆ Discord: ◆ LinkTree: ◆ Patreon: ◆ Late Time Talks Spotify: ◆ Zach’s Basement Spotify: ◆ Instagram: ◆ Tik Tok: Read More

  • “DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!” #shorts #minecraft

    "DRAVEN LIVE: Epic Pennywise Face Sand Art!" #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Satisfying Falling Sand Art Minecraft – Pennywise face #shorts #minecraft #pennywise’, was uploaded by DRAVEN IS LIVE on 2024-01-05 06:45:01. It has garnered 5749 views and 310 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. This is a satisfying video Hope you like this Minecraft Sand Art Video and share it with your friends! #minecraft #shorts #minecraftshorts #shortfeed #youtubeshorts #trendingshorts #youtubeshortsviral #trendingshorts Read More


    MINECRAFT CHURCH BUILD TUTORIAL!!! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘HOW TO BUILD CHURCH IN MINECRAFT || #shorts #viral #minecraft #trending #youtubeshorts !’, was uploaded by Skypat_Gamerz on 2024-01-07 05:48:36. It has garnered 3981 views and 84 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Hello’ I’m Akash Patel welcoming you to my youtube channel. Read More

  • Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shorts

    Gamer Freakout! Which Will Win? #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Which will be Best …. #minecraft #shorts #viral #shortvideo #trending’, was uploaded by Triggered Gamer on 2024-04-17 10:30:36. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. Which Is Best . #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #shorts #viral #trending #shortvideo #minecraft #minecraft #shorts #short #shortsvideo #indianfestival #festival #diwali #festivalseason #festivevibes #festivals #musicfestival #rave #festivalfashion #festivalvibes #tomorrowland #techno #edm #festivallife #housemusic #festivaloutfit #festivalofcolors #holi #trance #festivalsofindia #durgapuja #navratri #edmlifestyle #dj #electronicmusic #festivalofcolours #holifestivalofcolours #holifestival #holihai #technomusic #ytool #deckthehalls… Read More

  • Billionaire City Economy Re-Imagined – PvE PvP 1.19.X-1.20.X, Economy, Competitive, Friendly Community, Jobs, Apartments, Community Goals, Houses, Businesses, Daily Quests

    NEW GAMEMODE: MOODYSMP (Earth-like SMP with Nations, Towns & War) New Player Rewards now available with /np -> 2x Sell Boost for all Items & Fish! How to Join! There are no requirements to play on Billionaire City! Simply add the Server with the following IP: IP: Discord: Join our Discord About Billionaire City Billionaire City is a revolutionary Economy & City Experience in Minecraft. Explore features like Buyable Ships, Proficiency & Collection System, unique Jobs-System, Community Goals, and more! Play however you like, with a welcoming and competitive Community. Our stable Economy sets us apart from other servers,… Read More