Insane Minecraft Skyblock LIVE – Day 3 with Two Tonne Tommy

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I didn’t change the thumbnail to sex two sex two sex hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up change day three perfect perfect perfect bit of an impromptu stream tonight but I was ke to get on and grind some Deb so I thought why not jump on and stream cuz I

Feel like I’m making a lot of progress on the uh on the island and I feel like it’s great to share that progress so I thought why not why not why not why not hold up I think we’re all good yes perfect easy easy easy easy easy welcome welcome

Welcome let’s quickly jump straight in yo what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up WIS are we in at some point I guarantee he’ll be in the chat at some point oh no I messed up my hold up hold up give me two seconds I’ve just real

I’ve messed something up on my webcam I reckon I is in normal okay that should fix it okay I’m sorry guys I’m sorry I goofed around I goofed around yo what’s up what’s up what’s up I should probably put some in the chat one sec come as the title might suggest too guys

Today we are getting around a little bit of deboss I’ve been making some serious damn cash and I feel like it’s I feel like it’s time I feel like it is damn time we make some more cash um one thing I have done since the uh last uh stream

Is I got myself a multi- kill 5 book I paid 35 mil for it um I’m currently waiting to upgrade it to multi 6 So currently grinding a ton of Toby what’s up Nicole what’s up welcome welcome I’m currently grinding a ton of netherite

Scrap um we have a ton more to go though so um that’s a work in progress um I’ve maxed out the three servants too they’re doing a great job Iron’s on Triple cell at the moment I’m pretty sure um so if you have got a servant make sure you Max

Him out it’s not on Triple Cale anymore um but it was on Triple sale yesterday I was getting about 500k of no maybe more it was it was worth it I was making cash I was making some serious cash um so it’s definitely definitely worth it yeah I’ve been very

Very busy since the last stream though I haven’t really I’ve just done a lot of grinding um farming wise um what do we at we’re at 41,000 crop brakes I’ve also got a farming Souls five on which is pretty damn solid no stress at all bro

No stress at all I I had a spare one so you’re more than welcome man um thanks for supporting the channel man I I do appreciate and you pointed out the thumbnail was wrong so it helped me out um farming I’ve finished up all of these uh four levels here um sugarcane I’ve

Added a little bit more I haven’t done anything more with uh the uh Nether wart and the pumpkins and the melons I haven’t really I haven’t been working on too hard yeah I’ve been I’ve been playing quite a lot Toby I’ve been playing quite

A lot that’s why I haven’t been on S SMP at all I’ve just been I’ve been out here grinding um grinding pretty damn hard um so we got uh 21 mil at the moment so the goal is to get a bit of a deboss set going we have one summoning eye as well

Um I reckon we’re going to need some enchants cuz that’s where we were struggling just a little bit last time that’s our slave we also got so sorry we got soul Hunter 6 too we are killing it we are definitely killing it Victor what’s up bro welcome welcome

Welcome that’s no stress at all bro no stress at all um let’s grab our Christmas bow out that’ll be our base deboss bow that should be nice and sick and then we’re also going to get uh we have a Christmas sword it’s got multi kill T we’ll use that that can go away

That can go away that can go away that that that and that can stay okay perfect guys in the chat let me know let no I’ve got the multi I’ve got the multi kill 5 but we haven’t got it to multi kill 6 yet so I’m I’m saving it um I I

Was so tempted just to jump to multi kill 5 but the the amount that I had to pay for that book I just I I didn’t want to have to buy another multi kill five books so that’s why I’ve just stuck with um the one I’ve got we’ll wait and we’ll

Upgrade it when we get when we get to that point um in terms of inchant for deboss guys let me know in the chat what do I need what do I need um obviously dragon slayer 5 is kind of clutch but I know that’s not like a bill I think the

The bow the bow is where we got to n you’re all good bro you’re all good hold on to it for yourself bro that’s no stress at all I’m trying to also get the souls um so we can unlock these slots cuz I know that’s going to make life a

Lot easier we do have a level three Shuler pet which is 10% chance of our insta kill which is awesome yo what’s up bro what’s up no way well that was that happened to me I lost my lra literally in the Nether and it’s just I once I die with full kit

I just I can’t bear to get back on a world I just I don’t know what it is man it just absolutely kills me yeah that the uh multi kill 5 book was a lot of money um I sold all of my valy blocks I’d grinded in these two

Chests these were both stacked like fully stacked with diamond blocks and emerald blocks um that gave me about 14 mil and then yeah just it was expensive was very very damn expensive I also sold my defensive frags um I sold my I’ve now hit ancient debris uh T8 so I sold all

Those minions pretty cheap I think about 2 and a half million a piece um and I’ve switched back to wheat carrot and potato just cuz in terms of masteries I don’t really know what’s left to do like most of my um mining ones are already maxed yeah they are all

Maxed um and then from there like I guess farming is the next big one I don’t know whether it’s worth um getting the mobs up a bit or um mobs are the only ones that haven’t really ranked um farming I’m pretty much moving well on

Uh T6 wheat T5 carat T5 potato uh Cactus I’m at T4 but I haven’t built a cactus farm yet that’s why I turned off the cactus minions I didn’t think it was worth it for the time being um but yeah I reckon we’re going to have to switch

To some uh Mob Mastery minions and then some fishing Mastery ones after that I reckon that’s probably going to be the play from here but guys in the chat please let me know what um what chance do I need to get this bow rocking rolling um obviously um we’re going to

Need a it’s Dragon Hunter isn’t it for the bow probably going to have to is ah Um Dragon Hunter maybe Bounty I’ve got storm I think it’s is it storm or missile any of those two any good 20 mil for Dragon Hunter 5 oh my oh I’m going to have to spend all my money on one enchant here I reckon the other option oh no I’ve used my Wizard’s

Blessing I think oh no 18 mil I guess that I let’s just check we don’t have another Wizard’s blessing I feel like I had another one so what was the so maybe Bounty okay Bounty three uh is Storm storm’s supposed to be pretty good too isn’t

It or is Storm not good what’s the one Dragon track is only useful if you can’t hit your shots yeah that’s probably true um for those of you that have watched I got to pay him for the Wizard’s blessing how much a Wizard’s blessing worth

How much is it worth chat what are we paying for Wizard’s blessing we giveing what two and a half mil hold on let me check the ah let me check the ah uh 6 to 10 mil we we we’ll we’ll pay a f uh name name

Name we saved ourselves cuz we can get a dragon um we can get a Dragon Hunter 4 for about 13 or 12 I think oh we can get one for nine okay yeah we saved cash thank you for that bro I paid you five for it I hope that’s

Enough yo what’s up Sparrow welcome welcome welcome long time though see welcome back to the stream SL mcraft let’s go Dragon Hunter 4 wizards blessing is it just do I just do it in here oh you literally just drop it on top that’s fine that was my mistake um we

Have got I was about to say we’ve plenty of of of XP but we actually don’t so um let’s hope we get a uh let’s hope we get a a good roll early here cuz otherwise talk about luck talk about luck oh my God that I’ve never been so

Happy in my life um oh my God I can’t type I cannot time to save my life enchant okay let’s go um one two three perfect we should get and I keep reloading my shaders on accident what we got here we got four okay so we got a Dragon Hunter 5

Bow power Infinity Unbreaking Power Six Unbreaking five so that should obviously help us that’s a massive job first first reroll sometimes it takes ages is Storm worth using or not because I thought last season everyone was using storm and then obviously B is Bounty 3 the other highest

One that’s so fair I usually stream like four or five hours earlier but I just um bit late to the party today but it’s all good it what’s it 10:30 here so yeah we’ll be live for a bit I know man I know I was I was

Considering I was like oh do I stream do I not stream today and then last minute I was like n Ken has the stream missile is that worth it we got missile four I think missile and storm and Bounty are they worth it let me know let me know

Let me know we don’t need that we don’t need that let’s just um let’s just quickly uh put these like get the XP from these books like scrap them rebound two not worth it toxic Spore not really worth it I don’t really do a lot of PVP so I’m not too uh too

Stressed about a lot of these books that’s fair that’s fair and time zones just time zones just do be crazy you know let’s just quickly trash all of these books guys give me some guidance on these books please I don’t know what I’m doing I love that I played six seasons

And I still don’t know what um enchantments are worth are worth using what not worth using this should at least give us enough XP for a couple of R rolls storm ain’t worth it for deboss what about missile chance for arrows to explode upon hit I feel like that’s worth

It hey that’s F I’m from Adelaide South Australia the the the uh the coolest city as voted by uh the Wall Street Journal in the world apparently it’s a very very very very chill City okay well the chat has voted let’s just leave them in the uh let’s just

Leave them there for now and then let’s head into deboss and I guess get rocking and rolling is anything worth putting on the sword I know obviously um slay can be pretty helpful but I don’t tend to do a lot of uh melee hits so oh fire

Barrage that’s true we might have enough for a a uh a dragon tracker book too I didn’t even think about that especially cuz I can’t hit my shots um they didn’t load I didn’t think there was any there and then suddenly Dragon tracker uh 20 mil come on 10

Mil 8 mil oh we can almost afford that hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up 600,000 Sky no shot um let’s just sell our overflow quickly and we have enough perfect Dragon tracker perfect okay we should have enough for where’s the one that was I I guarantee

No hasn’t perfect um let’s quickly just roll this book uh SL enchant perfect uh item shop roll can we get good luck again 8 ah perfect um uh I’m stressing I’m stressing um item shop perfect let’s just get let’s just get a a couple of bright

Scrolls what do we at 91% so we need 9% here I’m just going to chance it chance for breaking was it was was definitely going to be minimal the other thing I don’t have as any arrows as well which I’ve just realized um uh perfect where’s my kit um oh my

God I’m in shambles I’m in actual shambles we three pet eggs as well Legend I can’t pick why can’t I oh that’s so good that’s so good oh thank you bro thank you okay well we’re good to go we’re good to go no way I don’t think I pulled an all

Ner in ages literally ages I don’t I don’t even know if I could do it I reckon like I would literally just die at that point perfect perfect perfect well debos should be nice and chill today I’m kind of I’m kind of keen I’m kind of keen

Guys if you’re just chilling in the chat too feel free to drop a like like it tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad it helps a brother out these are going to be so loud oh my Lord hold up hold up hold up hold up whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that was just a little bit a little bit too much let’s hope this Shuler pet comes in clutch here too um level three I feel like it should hopefully help us out a little bit here obviously I would love to just get

A t I’m not too concerned what frags they I’m just ke to kind of get some more frags um I wish I didn’t sell the uh the six defensive I had but um I guess that’s kind of the sacrifices I had to make to to get multi- kill five

Hey thank you bro I appreciate it I appreciate it man I the only time I stay awake for for like a full 24 hours is if I’m traveling I just can’t sleep on the plane I’m not sure what it is just I just can’t do it

Okay let’s hope we can sort of get some good drops here on the uh on the summoning eyes as well man I’m getting rocked these things hit so hard use my R 20 seconds hold up um I’m swear I’ve probably got some I do have got perfect 400 golden apples

Just what I needed I wish you could just remove like one stack of something from your overflow I feel like that would make things so much easier is that the Shuler pet with the one hit let’s just check we’ve got it um in the uh in the pet cage we do perfect I

Was going to say otherwise otherwise it’s such a waste it’s such a waste but yeah I haven’t done a lot of deboss besides obviously the little bits I’ve done on on stream so I thought it’d be nice I know it’s not the most interesting for everyone but I feel like

It’s it’s it’s kind of a chill thing to do it’s a chill thing just to hopefully uh hopefully kill some dragons hopefully make some cash that’ be sick that’d be very very sick I know yeah it’s from all the kits it’s it’s it’s all the kits yeah I’ve

Got I’ve got Infinity on the bow yeah I’ve got the Christmas bow Infinity power four Power Six sorry Unbreaking five Dragon Hunter five Dragon tracker three I’m not sure if I’m missing anything is anything to help kill the Summoners or is that kind of or is that just a skill issue for me

That I keep getting almost killed every single time some uh some some uh defensive armor is definitely going to be huge if we can get it hopefully we can get enough damage on one we might get an armor drop and that would be that would

Be you know kind of that would be a big old Victory Royale for the two time Tommy Channel hope everyone’s having a lovely festive season 2 everyone’s staying busy enjoying themselves spending plenty of time grinding obviously Sky Block as as as that’s what I’m doing who can believe that tomorrow in

Literally an hour and a half it’s a 31st of December then we’re rolling into 2024 that is absolutely Wild I feel this this year’s just gone past way too damn quickly it’s been a huge year for the channel too so I can’t thank you guys enough but M that is absolutely

Wild that’s fair enough bro that’s fair enough so this season of Sky Block has been very very enjoyable so far I’m loving it loving love life I definitely want to get some custom enchants for my pickaxe too um I thought that’ll help me get a little bit

Higher up on the uh on the uh solos Island rank um I think I’m still sitting in the top 50 but I can definitely be more competitive than that we at three how nice yeah we’re can definitely be more competitive than that I think definitely getting a lot of valy

Blocks um from Mining and I haven’t yeah I haven’t bought any yet this season the goal is not to buy a whole lot until sort of super late in the season um but yeah see seem to be getting a lot mining especially I’ve got um what are we at

Fortune 12 um so we’re getting we’re getting pretty good drops at this point I’m pretty sure the pickaxe caps at 15 to um which is like uh Fortune 15 which is pretty solid um but then obviously you can get Treasury and a few other enchants to try and try and boost up the

Amount of drops you get hey that’s so fair I’m glad everyone enjoys the accent to watch Bluey sounding that’s so fair no I’m glad you had I’m glad you had a lovely Christmas Sparrow have you been playing on the S SMP much I saw the other day there was like

Six concurrent players on that I was like everyone on the on the Discord just getting around the S SMP I didn’t do a whole lot for Christmas I stay Stayed pretty pretty casual pretty chill my uh my lovely girlfriend did get me an awesome gift though um as a lot of

You guys know I’m a commercial photographer sort of content creator so I work for like restaurants and then bars and stuff to make photos and videos and stuff for their advertising um and I want to film a lot more BTS so my girlfri got me a GoPro Hero 10 which is

Sick I’m so excited decided to use it I’ve been had a GoPro since like the Hero 3 maybe um so yeah I’m Keen as I’m Keen as to uh I’m Keen as to to uh get it out and about it should be good fun no stress at all bro no stress at

All again happy birth happy early birthday for 5 days bro hope you have an awesome day bro enjoy enjoy thank you for stopping by the stream man I appreciate it surely where we must be pretty close to uh to getting a drag in here put 12 up in the chat guys I

Appreciate all the love and support I think there’s only a two or three more eyes that need to be placed in deboss has been it’s weird a lot of people like have got a lot of deboss stuff but I don’t really see a lot of people in deboss

So bit of a weird I don’t really know but it’s also I know it’s a bit of an weird time on the server like what are we the kind of what mid morning in America obviously late night in Australia like I feel like it’s that transition period where like it’s super

It’s super busy overnight in Australia cuz um a lot of the American players are on and then during the Aussie day it’s very very quiet so I’m hoping it sort of ramps up a little bit yeah that’s so fair what um guys let me know is the music loud enough in the uh

In the Stream or is it too loud or what’s kind of what’s kind of the overall Vibes um obviously running some non-copyright music cuz cuz mans doesn’t need another another copyright claim but let me know if it’s uh if it’s loud enough cuz I can hear it in my headset

But obviously I I don’t know if I need to turn it up in the mixture a little bit only need one more IE needed maybe if we can get this last one we got four in that’s pretty damn good oh don’t don’t worry don’t worry oh surely it’s oh defensive that’s actually nice

Too thank God we got Dragon tracking cuz I still can’t hit my shots oh we’re already doing so much better we’re aaging like 3 400 damage the other night and now look at us we’re already at 109 oh this is so much better or we need is

A bit of deboss armor and we’ll be a defensive armor and we’ll be absolutely smoking it sorry guys I’m going into sort of hyper Focus mode cuz I want to get as many frags here as humanly possible our endstone rank is also super high like I

Think we’re T9 or T10 so we should be able to get the max amount of um of of dragon frags every time which is awesome we’re already at 400 we might even go top I don’t even know there’s five players I say we might go top five here

But I don’t think there’s five players here so we should be we should be a to rank pretty damn High hold up Spar I’ll read that I’ll read that message as soon as I finish this fight oh there’s 41 thou 45,000 damage is got to be done oh yeah we should be

Able to do plenty here I think if we can do like 5,000 out of the 40 that’ be sick but I don’t know where that’s a little bit ambitious might be a little bit ambitious actually there’s only 5,000 done and we’ve done a th000 of it so

Chat what’s the what’s the damage goal here what are we aiming for I’m just trying to land head shots I know want that sort of damage buff but we’re already at 1,000 there’s only only 6,000 damage being done already so we we could really we could really go ham right

Now Dragon Hunter 5 was a huge play worth every single dollar we spent on it honestly cuz realistically we get 10 frags here we’ve made the money’s already made back you know it’s an investment it’s an investment oh we’re getting smoked we didn’t put Bounty thr I don’t

Know whether we need it or not yet either yeah I don’t know man I I don’t know I’m honestly so confused I’ve never seen it with this much health I’m not complaining though cuz it’s it’s nice just to get some practice in usually it’s got like

15K I know maybe it’s like a super rare one maybe we’ll get like extra extra frags for this one but this thing’s taking yonks to kill hopefully get me up on my my dragon my dragon damage on the leaderboard cuz I reckon I’m sitting pretty damn low on there at the

Moment this thing’s going to take another 5 minutes to kill at this rate we’re at 2,000 damage so I think five is definitely on the cards here Spar I didn’t have time to read the message before you retracted it I’m sorry I was so I’m so focused on trying

To get these Dam this Dam damage in just trying not to get hit but man is just just absolutely running straight at me at this point okay we’re at 2,300 damage I don’t think I’ve ever done this much damage to a dboss so I’m feeling really good feeling very

Positive okay we we’re a third of the way in on the overall damage and we’re at 2500 so we could really go like 7 and 1 half 8,000 at this rate which is sick surely we get a piece of dragon armor that would be so damn good only time will

Tell oh my God we’re getting rocked just for safety just for safety okay we’re almost at 3,000 but that’s what I was hoping with the uh with the with the uh amount of Health that we’d be able to you know hopefully get an increase in frags I’d know that I don’t

Know fingers crossed fingers crossed we’re at 3,00 th000 I thought the champ Dragon had increased Health but I didn’t think the rest of it maybe they’ve just buffed them just to make it a little bit a little bit more interesting you need about 100 more players I to finish this thing off

Quickly we’re almost we’re almost halfway in I wonder how everyone else is doing for damage I wonder whether I’m on par or whether I’m sort of whether I’m struggling a bit okay so we’re halfway through now we’re at 3 and half thousand so Seven’s definitely on the cards here yo what is up

Wns no way yeah I this dragon’s got so much health man it’s ridiculous ridiculous man if we don’t get 20 frags I’m going to be fuming I wish we’d got that last um summoning iron that would have been so good it’s all good though it’s all good we we’re we’re we’re working hard

Still you should be high yeah I feel I’m I’m landing most of them the dragon track is definitely helping too I feel like I’m being pretty consistent I should make sure I’m drawing the bow back enough that’s the one thing I always release it touch too

Early I need to get that um that mod where you can see when the Bow’s fully charged honestly oh my God he’s targeting me I must be doing I must be doing all the damage okay perfect perfect perfect 15,000 to go so we’re 2/3 the way

Through as long as I get over 5,000 I be buzzed and we’re at 4,400 so I think 5,000 is a very very very achievable goal from here perfect still 13,000 damage so we should we still got plenty of time okay we’re back about to hit 5,000 that’s actually

Ridiculous 5,000 I don’t think I’ve ever done 5,000 damage on on deos ever like literally never ever ever so this is definitely a PR for us we should still be on track to get six here I reckon 9,000 damage left there’s probably about 10 players so if everyone everyone’s probably going to

Get hopefully around a th000 each see if we can get 700 more here we’re still on track we’re still on track I’ve never ever seen a dragon with this much health it’s honestly ridiculous such an effort we’re up 5500 56 50 almost 57 5700 need 290 more 125 more

How long’s this dragon fight this is taking us literally I reckon 10 minutes to kill this drag 6,000 can we get a little bit more here 6 and a half surely used about half of my bow Health trying to kill this thing it’s actually ridiculous come

On I don’t know if we’re going to get 6 and a half we’re going to get close though 6.4 we got 20 frags oh that’s huge we got fifth we got fifth that was actually insane that was insane oh my God we got 20 frags of that’s actually cooked that’s so funny

From three oh that’s so good I’m so happy with that what a start what a start and we got a legendary boss pouch too oh my God that was ridiculous absolutely ridiculous three Advanced books with 100K and 15,000 Sky coins that is really damn nice I don’t think we have any more

Summoning eyes do we nope that is all good oh my God is the uh is the is the Hostile Mobs noise too loud cuz it’s kind of too loud it’s kind of too loud for me hold up that’s a bit better that that should be a bit

Better okay well one Dragon down we’re 34 minutes into the stream so it did take a little bit longer than I thought it was going to be that was a that was a good effort though I feel feeling good I don’t know what a defensive frag is worth but I

Sold the other ones cheap and then the prices went up so say oh even at 2 million a piece you know that’s 40 mil right there that’s a good start that is a good start we’ve paid off everything we invested into our bat in one Dragon so I cannot really

Complain good it’ be nice to unlock some more pet slots cuz then I can um throw a skeleton pet and and a few others in there that’ll make life a little bit easier but no I cannot complain with that sorry SP I did I did miss the about

Above message I’m sorry about that you 18’s still pretty good Victor it’s still 36 million on the Ah that’s it’s not a bad day out that’s not a bad day out it’s a good good good profit maybe we’ll be a billionaire by the end of the

Stream at this rate I don’t want to sell um I don’t really want to sell defensive or if we get champ obviously we don’t reallya want to sell the champ ones for now um defensive is definitely the one we need to hold on to cuz I need to make

Some defensive armor ASAP I was hoping we’re going to get an armor piece from that Dragon but it just didn’t kind of work out but that’s it’s all part of the game it’s all part of the game hopefully we can get some dragons spawning at a slightly faster rate too

Need more damage no way did how many summoning eyes do you have in cuz I had three eyes in as well and also depends on your on your endstone Mastery as well so there’s a few few factors okay well I can’t really complain with that that’s kind of the

Start we it’s kind of the start we dreamed of you know hopefully we get a few lucky drops on the uh on the summoning eyes too and then we can kind of Spawn them in a little bit faster oh my God I’m going to die at this rate perfect we’re surviving we are

Surviving I definitely defend I think oh I think deboss is probably going to be where I’m going to make most of my money this season so I think having a defensive set is going to be huge um other than that probably I probably explosive set be

Sick too um I can’t really complain with the explosive set just cuz I spend a lot of time Mining and an explosive set means I can get build one of those bigger um Cobblestone gens so that would probably be probably a nice one to get early days yo what’s up bro welcome welcome

Welcome I’m not sure I hope I don’t mind it being that high CU obviously gives you plenty of time to get damage up but at the same time like that was a very that was a very very long fight you look how much oh my B this was like almost full

I’m pretty sure when we started like it was it was a pretty pretty decent fight um so I would prefer that maybe they’re not quite as long I’m really good how are you okay we got um nine uh summoning eyes already in which is awesome and

We’ve got two ourselves in so at least we we guarantee we’re going to get a couple of frags from the next one perfect at least that Summoner pet is is really really working well I wouldn’t mind um getting a like I’m definitely getting more and more pet eggs from

Farming so I think um spending a bit of time farming this week trying to get as many pet eggs as possible so we can get a level five Shuler pet would be um I think a big play too oh my God they’re all running away perfect oh it’s gone really really well

It’s it’s not not as busy as as last season last season it was sometimes there was almost way too many people here um but it feels like probably a lot more maybe a lot more people aren’t really focused on it yet um which is probably not a bad thing means we’re

Probably ahead of the pack a little bit but um it’s always it is a little bit easier when there’s a few more people around in here cuz you can kind of Spawn dragons in a little bit faster but it’s all good it’s all part of the game it’s all part of the game

It’s good to get my leaderboard stats up for like um Shadow Summoner kills and um man this Shuler Pet’s really coming in clutch now um for uh Shadow Summoner kills and deboss damage it’s kind of nice just to have less players in for sure how’s your Island going this season

Bro 23 out of 35 so we should be able to get another one surely another defensive drag that’ be sick that’ be so good and to be fair any dragon if if it’s explosive uh defensive or um or champ obviously I’m not complaining aquatic I’m not to too FAS

Back cuz I don’t do enough fishing to really need a full set um uh which are the other ones uh experience I’m not too fussed about colossal they change colossal is not for Mob killing anymore is it when colossal was for for Mob killing that was sick um

But I just don’t think it’s that worth it now um if it I think it’s it’s changed from memory maybe we check maybe we check hold up SL d boss armor yeah so colossal got the farming boost which is probably not too bad considering I do a lot of farming um

But the farm Fortune plus one for melons and pumpkins doesn’t really affect me cuz that’s the one two crops I don’t really Farm a lot explosives awesome for mining um experien might be pretty good for grinding mobs but XP is very easy to come by especially like game if you got

XP gen so it’s not really that important oh we got a dragon spawning um um so yeah explosive defensive and en champ oh my God another defensive and it’s got 45,000 again oh my God okay guys I’ll catch in about 10 minutes time oh damn that’s funny as I don’t

Understand why it has got so much health um obviously I’m not complaining but uh it is a it is a lot my goal is obviously I’m just going to aim for 5,000 again this kind of good though cuz realistic we get another 15 20 frags

Here um or anything north of 15 we you know halfway to our first piece of armor which is really really good so you know to only be two dragons in and already have what what could be 35 to 40 um defensive frags I feel like is probably a pretty successful um afternoon you

Know if we survive oh my God okay so we were a little bit further in front last time but I feel like there’s maybe a few more people here this time um we are currently we’ve done 500 of the 5,000 damage we’re sitting at about

10% um so we should be able to get about 4 and 1 half to 5,000 damage if my if my calculations sort of add up right oh my God I don’t think there’s that many people here I think there’s only on this side there’s only about five of us

Okay we’re still sitting about 800 which is pretty good as I said yes yesterday the the second stream 2 days ago I think we were averaging like two two to 500 damage per Dragon so we’re definitely Dragon Hunter 5 Dragon tracker 3 have definitely come in clutch right

Now I just wish we got a few more summoning eyes in but you know we we can’t complain we can’t complain we’re still sitting we’re actually sitting at just over 10% of the damage so that’s a good sign so we we’re about 10,000 in and we’ve done about 1,200 so we’re

Sitting close to probably 11 12% which is nice okay just going to keep hitting the shots we just can’t miss can’t miss that’s all we got to do just keep hitting the shots going to have to repair my bow after this I reckon where doing well here still we’re doing

Well oh my God there’s so much noise going through my headset right now too it’s it’s it’s buzzing my brain out a bit so 10 uh 15,000 and we’re sitting at yeah 1,700 damage surely yeah 5,000 should be on the cards it’s not bad two dragons back to back and we have 10,000

Damage between them which is pretty damn good oh my God we’re not even halfway in yet it’s all good we’re about H 2,000 damage guys if you’re on the server at the moment come the deboss come grind some dragons I’ll be grinding for the next sort of hour hour and a half so

Plenty of time if you guys want to catch some champ dragons cuz I’m guaranteeing we’re getting some Champs we are we we’ve got to get a champ so make sure you come to deboss it’s good fun good times make some money get some new armor sets can’t really complain

Hey 20 over 20,000 damage done now we’re about to hit halfway and we are also halfway to 5,000 so we’re looking pretty good here yeah of course bro of course man what’s your in-game name man I’ll come and visit maybe after this deot after this Dragon I I’ll come visit and we’ll take

A quick breather and then we’ll uh we’ll get another Dragon spawned in okay we’re almost at 3,000 5,000 is going to be pretty tight from here but I feel like it’s still on the cards we’ve hit 3,000 so under 2 2,000 to go now what 15 up in the chat too if you

Guys are enjoying the stream so far drop a like tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad it helps a brother out and it’s always greatly greatly appreciated 3200 3,300 okay we got 15,000 to go it’s going to be cutting up pretty close to get the 5,000 from here I reckon but we we’ll do our best we got 13 12,000 damage to go we need just more than 10% of the damage come on

Surely just got to make sure my accuracy doesn’t let me down now and hopefully this Dragon un fire straight into me the first one like so many times just absolutely rocked us whereas this one hasn’t I don’t think he’s hit us too badly touch W obviously

Touch W but um feel like this one’s s of less aggressive towards the two ton Tommy Channel okay 10,000 to go we’re just just over four now oh my God my hands starting to cramp up it’s all good that’s all good oh my God is that from people using storm or

Is oh my God I I jinxed myself before oh my God I reckon I just missed about eight shots back to back there there’s still 5,000 damage to do but I don’t know whether it’s a little bit too little bit too late here hold up hold up hold up

Surely we got 450 left to go W we’re going to need a lot of hits here no we’re going to need like 300 of the last thousand I think we’re going to end up at 4,800 oh my God we got 15 okay that’s not bad at all we get an epic boss pouch

As well let’s quickly open that one up that’s not bad backto back defensive dragons we got 35 frags cannot complain 2 seconds Brown I’ll visit your Island as well that’s not a bad way to start this stream honestly or we 48 minutes in two dragons that’s not too bad not bad at

All I think I just missed a few too many shots in the middle there I visit uh the done done done done and then we’ll head back into deboss yo this is a serious base bro slash fly perfect I need to do my daily login as well hold up hold up otherwise I’ll

Completely forget to do it I just saw it pop up in the chat and it’s the one thing I always forget to do Sky coins nice this a nice base bro the Farms rolling got the valley blocks rolling you got a do that four chunks four chunk cactus farm me can’t

Complain with that that’s a good setup bro it’s a really good setup what with is that the lavas on the outside of the it’s on the outside that’s all good though man what’s your Island value at this got to be at at least 5 million

Surely got up to the top is oh there’s a top section as well man this is sick this is a sick base bro done an awesome job of course bro of Course this is nice this build’s really tough too bro at the trees oh you got the the um so nether desert Overworld what’s going in this last one that would be sick this is such a sick base bro well done man that’s honestly a really really solid base

That’s dope well done brother 3.7 that’s still pretty decent Victor bro your in game is is uh evil isn’t it no Victor bro what’s your ing game name again I’m so sorry man I’m trying to keep up with all these in-game names that’s solid bro that’s it’s good

To get your like bass design rolling oh you got the hot air balloon too the darkest fire thank you bro um it’s always good to get your base design rolling super early at least you don’t leave it to the end of the uh end of the season oh that’s

Dope I’ve definitely got to build a farm like this like the um where you can obviously run straight through it a that’s sick yeah that’s sick yeah that cuz especially if you’re flying along that this thing become so damn helpful now that’s solid bro how how long is day to

Build so what is it two blocks a four deep I I can build one of these surely I reckon we might build one of these in the next couple of streams cuz I reckon that might come in clutch this is solid though bro you’re doing an awesome job man awesome job

Let’s head back to deboss yeah that’s fair well considering we just got 35 uh defensive frags we could turn we could turn that into some serious cash 100K bank note nice um okay well let’s get back to trying to get more summoning eyes because that is where that is where SL fix

Oh there we go um so that’s what’s that’s what’s going to slow us down but I feel we’re doing quite well deboss always tends to be one of those oh nice tends to be one of those slightly slower um streams but it’s all good I said I I really enjoy just grinding and

Chatting away so I hope you guys enjoy that too yeah I reckon I might build Victor oh my God we got back toback summoning eyes there that’s actually sick um yeah I reckon I’m going to build one of those vert Farms that they um we had one last

Season it was really really good um probably like the big farm works well for like I guess how I play but um I probably it’s probably I probably would have been better off building a farm over the farm I currently built but it is what it is the the farm I

Currently have is is serving its purpose it’s doing a really good job for what for what I need two defensive right I’m I’m guessing the next one’s probably going to be a heisty dragon oh my God no stress at at all bro no stress at all man enjoy the

Walk well done on the island too bro it’s looking really really good I want to make sure I finish the grind pass this season I didn’t finish it last season which is kind of a waste considering I paid for it um so this season my goal is to make sure I finish

It especially with the amount of mining I’ve been doing I feel like I should be able to finish it quite not quite quickly but at a at a quite a steady rate guys we got 15 up in the chat too so if you guys just V out enjoying the

Stream drop a like tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad it helps a brother out and it it means a lot to me it does it does it means a lot to me so I would really really greatly appreciate it that’s fair did you use a um did you

Plant it manually or did you use a super seed bag cuz that I spent 5 mil on a super seed bag it was the best investment I ever made that’s why that farm down that I’ve got like that big 64x 64 didn’t take that long at all to plant like it

Honestly was cuz you don’t have to till it you just place a super seed bag it was just so damn easy we’ve got two in on this one there’s four slots left I don’t know if we’re going to get another summoning eye but we’ll give it a go I really want to

Get MK6 in the next couple of days too I’m trying to grind um mobs a lot more at the moment and I know that’s just like obviously having MK6 is going to get me through tier two and tier three spawners a way quicker hey what’s up swaggy welcome in yeah it’s going to

Make grinding t2s and t3s a lot easier um so yeah I if we can get multi 6 but I got to do a lot more mining um which is not a problem I just use so much netherite scrap to make the um to make

The what do you call them the the uh the minions um and I wish I honestly wish I didn’t waste as much as I did but it is what it is it is what it is what do we got this time experience it’s not too stress restful only 30k required damage

This time which is a little bit nicer the goal here is probably anything around 2 and a half 3,000 damage I think is pretty solid if I can hit my shots okay we’re at 200 oh my I’m missing everything hold up I got to focus in got to focus in here

With the defensive I feel like everyone when when when there’s a call out that there Defensive Dragon everyone comes into debu so quickly but because it’s an experienced Dragon I got a feeling no one’s probably uh no one’s probably too stressed sorry with the experienced Dragon I thought no one’s probably too

Stressed might as well claim that does not hurt does not hurt to get a vote party that’s so fair that’s always the worst I think I I had it like three times and it just it it just never gets better can’t win especially over Christmas you

Know 700 damage out of the 7 half oh 6,000 damage so we’re actually doing quite well here we’re sitting at about 10% and I’ve just landed all my shots which is so nice oh I missed that one though spoke too soon maybe we might start ranking on the uh on the deos

Leaderboard yeah I it’s no good at all it is honestly no good I’ll probably be streaming for another hour or hour hour and a half yeah it it um it it it’s it’s no good especially like I didn’t find it last like I wasn’t sick for that long

But it was like the two days in the Middle where I just got absolutely rocked every single time it’s it was always the same I remember the first time I was getting like full body aches like sweating like was just so uncomfortable it’s crazy that it took

What it was it three years now first time to catch it though that’s crazy ass yeah it’s the worst the the body aches is the worst part though dead set I I can’t deal with it I remember like getting like growing pains in like my my

Shins and my knees and stuff as a kid and just so uncomfortable anytime like my joints ache like that’s just a that’s the worst for me I hate it absolutely hate it with 10% would be 3,000 damage which we are we’re not halfway in and we’re over halfway there

So um it’d be nice to rank top three on this one if we could honestly um we do have two summoning eyes in so we should get you know at least 15 as well which is nice done bro Eric man what’s your in-game name sorry it’s it’s so hard to

Keep track if if in-game names are not um if if you have a different name in chat and and a different name in Game it just it spins my my brain out so I’m just trying to keep up man send me your in-game name and as soon as I I finish

Fighting this one I’ll check out the cactus farm bro pretty sure on Twitch you can like give nicknames I I saw some like streaming hack and I’m not sure if you can give nicknames to viewers like in the twitch console so that if people have different in-game names it’s easy to keep track

Of that’s so fair so not worth it is it um I just wouldn’t mind getting the frags honestly just to sell them so I’m hoping I get 1520 here that’ll be mint also haven’t got much deboss damage this season so it’s actually nice just

To get get my uh get my stats up a bit here they must have buffed CU I’m pretty sure there was an update yesterday uh cuz I tried to get on and and I was having a lot of trouble loading in about like 10: p.m. last night so almost 24 hours ago I

Don’t know whether they buff the deboss uh Health it would make sense yeah I wish the Colossal armor would buff every single crop not just um melons and pumpkins cuz that would make it so much worth getting it but when it only Buffs such a like two crops that I

Don’t think anyone really Farms it’s just not really quite worth it oh done bro hold up hold up one second trying trying to read and trying to shoot this thing at the same time is honestly the sketchy thing ever oh done done done oh thank you bro

Legend that makes it so much easier you didn’t have to change your username cuz I asked you to man but I do appreciate it thank you for that man I do I do honestly appreciate it oh we go 4,000 damage here surely that’s not bad Three Dragons we’re pretty much sitting very

Very close about averaging about 5,000 damage like we done almost 15,000 we did like six on the first one four 48 on the second one and then we’ve done what four on this one so we’re pretty much sitting on about 15,000 between the three which is not bad at

All there’s 4,000 still still another th000 damage to go so we might get 425 here I reckon oh okay so so colossal is worth if you rank it all up on everything but potatoes we got 17 there that was pretty good okay oh George so I might actually start

Collecting colossal cuz I do do a lot of farming so that’s that’s definitely handy now I appreciate I appreciate the Intel brother I do appreciate it um let’s put those ones there not a bad day out so far with deboss how do you set a warp on your

Island uh slet warp I think and then you put the name of it in like set warp Cactus like set Spa set space warp set space Cactus done what sets are you collecting George are you collecting everything or or or specific ones slash fly cactus farm up oh yeah

Eric bro do you not do you not have a rank do you not not have fly I set warp yeah that’s the one thank you for that thank you for that Eric bro have you not got fly cuz I’m pretty sure this rank has fly in

It oh done bro yo Fable what’s up welcome into the stream yeah swaggy what’s your in game name I’ll I’ll check out the cactus farm biggest soccer ball trying to break a Guinness World Record or something man this is this is solid build so far bro yo Fable thank you so

Much you didn’t have to do that five gifted massive W’s in the chat for fable the realest OG of the two ton Tommy Channel thank you Fable I can’t thank you enough all the support honestly the best the greatest the greatest of all time thank you so much Fable again

Really really appreciate it hope you’re having an awesome day thank you thank you thank you massive W’s in the chat for fable evil I’m pretty sure that rank has fly it bro so um that that might help you out a bit slash de boss oh swaggy sorry I got to visit you too

The OG done done done thank you so much Fab I do I honestly appreciate it so much this is not this is not the right island island eyes visit swaggy how’s your day been you having a good one yeah of course space shuttle yeah D wolf visit for sure the valy blocks some

Serious value going down here what’s going on here though oh yeah got the pumpkins Cobblestone gen and the cactus farm what’s that one or two two chunks three chunks one chunk here two chunk here three chunk here and what’s going with the you got the fences rolling as well in the middle section

I kind of like it as like kind of a design Fable oh my God I did not even see sorry I’m I thought that was the one you gave before Fable thank you so much another five gift from Fable thank you thank you thank you the goat of the two

Ton Tommy Channel thank you so much you’re honestly way too kind I cannot thank you enough Fable honestly honestly honestly ah thank you so much for that massive massive W’s in the chat to Fable as I said the greatest of all time the biggest OG of the two ton Tommy Channel

Thank you so much for that that you’re way too damn kind you don’t have to donate to me you don’t have to donate it is it is we we all chill we’re all chill that’s fair that’s fair swaggy I kind of like it as like a little bit of

A design feature though because you got like a few rows of of of string in the middle and then you got some fences kind of like gives it that like a little element of of of of like architectural you know you know you get get the Vibes

Again thank you so much Fable it is greatly appreciate it I hope you having an awesome day I definitely am having an awesome day so thank you so much for that I greatly appreciate it um ingame name I got to scroll up now I got to I

Got to scroll through all of fables gifteds IGN Tito done bro I’ll visit you now thank you so much say if anyone needs spider spawners I do have uh Spider spawners at down at the bottom of my base with all the spawners pretty sure drops on to hold on

Let me just double check that uh settings um no no no where’s permissions is permissions visitor can interact with Mobs yeah that means you can pick them up but it’s not ah if I if um when we hit oh deboss in s minutes um hold up

Let’s try and get Fly let’s let’s see if we can get um fly boss from uh BM hold up hold up hold up hold up that’s no stress at all man I got it from a I got it from a Christmas crate so it’s no stress pv1 not too stressed about these valy

Blocks so let’s just click click perfect okay let’s go back to deboss and in seven minutes time we’re going to head to BM we’re going to see if we can get a temporary fly for for Eric that’s fair yeah I say so many people have got um uh public uh Mob

Grinders so you you’d easily be able to find string at least at this point of the season but for for you swagy I suppose you’ve already built so much on top that you probably don’t want to remove the uh those lower levels cuz it might just mess it all up a little

Bit I swear that rank had fly in it bro I’m sorry about that man what’s the base rank that’s got fly oh that’s for voting different one different one I didn’t oh my God Tito I didn’t even visit I’m so sorry bro hold up I

Didn’t no oh my god did I write the wrong thing in ice visit Tito done I’m so sorry bro sunflower has fly what’s the next um is it alium what’s the what’s the step from alium to Sunflower man I love the I love this pattern it’s not a combination I like I’ve ever

Built with but this looks sick ass seven ah 75k for it’s just not quite enough I was hoping to get a little bit more for them am I in am I in the shuttle is there a way to get out storage spawners can we go out can we go out of the

Shuttle Tito how do we get out of the shuttle fishing by cell there got to be a trapo somewhere what’s here oh dope oh the the inside of this base is sick Bro you guys have done an awesome job with this this is super dope I love the as I

Said I love the color combination it’s not something I’ve ever built with like um purple and white but it looks sick man it looks honestly really really sick Brody yeah done bro you online at the moment come back online bro I can visit your Island that’s no stress at all

Bro if you join in just send an in-game message just so I know you’re online and then I’ll then I’ll visit it’s purple white too like the end that makes so much more sense so much more sense okay let’s see if we can get a a couple of summoning eyes

Here so I’ve got the cash if there’s temporary fly we we can definitely get a a temporary fly nice is it bro NOP no play F oh I didn’t even know you could do that yo wins what’s up bro welcome back man welcome back as I said I still love

This this color combination bro sick is this way no spawners there’s got to be a way out there’s got to be a way out oh the door’s closed bro I can’t go I can’t go through that door unless there’s a way for me to sneak out here hold

Up I reckon I don’t think I can get out man I’m sorry go through the fishing area we go back this way and go I don’t know bro I can see the the fishing I can see the fishing stuff through that but I can’t I can’t get

Through to there man oh oh yeah I know I can that’s my fault oh yeah looking sick man Farms are definitely expanded got all the glob barriers too that grind for all 14 okay done done done that grind for uh for herbalism a th000 Bas is looking sick though bro

You’re doing a great job man haven’t got any frags in uh any uh summoning eyes in for this one done bro done done done welcome back vict um what was I going to say I was going to say something I’ve forgotten I’ve got

To do I’ve got to do BM in a minute so we might we might miss this Dragon oh my God oh my God good L my hits there we go hopefully there’s temp fly that’ll be sick if not there’ll be temp fly the next one for sure Um oh what is it what is it a hasty perfect I’m not too stressed let’s go go to um let’s go to spawn let’s go to BM quickly see if we can’t get this temp fly yeah that’s what I saying I was trying to trying to get one for for evil

He’s trying to build a cactus farm at the moment and uh I think it’s causing a bit of a headache evil has he got the cash to buy if not I I’ll buy one and just keep it in Pocket oh there’s not one oh I almost bought a tag rip oh that

Is okay well if he didn’t get one I’ve got one no I can’t you just put I can just put in my P and just give it to someone can I oh I put Pur it for myself oh that sucks okay did E did Evil did he get it s message

Uh surely he got it surely he got it sure yeah I thought I thought I was just going to get a tag like a a paper note for it surely did he does anyone have does anyone have coms anyone got Intel did he get it

Eric bro if you’re in the chat did you get Fly surely oh my God this Hasty Dragon still going I’m just going to focus on getting uh I don’t need Hasty armor for anything so I might as well just get a head start and getting some uh some summoning

Eyes oh there we got one I always think that if there’s one Hasty there’s going to be a second Hasty so I guarantee the next one’s probably going to be another Hasty he got it a dope bro yeah I I bought it thinking that I was just going to be able to give

You the the paper note but I’m I’m glad you got it otherwise I was going to give you the money and just tell you to run down there cuz you probably would have made it you just just run straight to the the to the dealer and get uh and get

Fly that’s dope though bro I’m glad you got it that that makes life so much easier well at least with that rank you get a heap of kits as well which is always kind of helpful as well so what it didn’t know it’s not all it’s not all

Bad it’s not all doom and gloom so Deb where are we at debos so we done 16,000 today of that a total and we’ve done 15.3 of that today that’s fair well I say that we’ve got a uh there’s a community SMP in the uh in the Discord which you’re always

Welcome to join there’s a lot of a lot of people well there’s usually sort of between sort of four to 10 players on most of the time just sort of chilling this server’s got a really really that’s fair bro that’s fair um this this uh server’s got a really good

Community I always feel like everyone’s really really chill which is nice which is always damn dope I did want to quickly should probably probably promo in the chat again probably should promote in the chat nope there’s none left come say hi perfect man this Hasty I like no one’s even

It’s 11:30 for me at the moment F no one’s even fighting this Hasty Dragon at this point that’s so crazy we done 163,000 total damage and literally 15.8 of that was today oh no oh no no I’m not sure what happened to that Enderman he was a there he is might as

Well finish him off look in the game chat what did I miss what did I miss bro what did I miss yeah isy Dragon such an L ah the worst the actual worst this one’s got to be a champ though surely does um dragon slay help with

Killing the uh the Summoners or it doesn’t really make a difference 80 minutes time flies time literally flies when you’re having this much fun um overflow one might as well just grind a few more first so once you start placing and then everyone starts placing in I kind of

Want to be able to get a few in this time uh so it last for that one there last for seven days I think yeah I think it’s seven days so you kind of just have to like I just bought t17 jeez expensive bro if you got if You’

Got access to Sky coins how you how have you got 5 million Sky coins that’s ridiculous I I would say in the long run that that servant will make you way more than what you’d sell the sky coins for but it’s it’s a big investment how are

You making that many Sky coins though bro what’s the uh what’s the trick there must be a trick to cuz 5 mil is a lot I had about 800k yesterday before I did all my Island upgrades but yeah I didn’t have nowhere near 5 mil I

Think it’s a good investment I I I’ll back that investment Roi should be pretty good as long as you rank it up quickly um and uh hope I I wish you could Max them out early season but I think you can only get them to level seven or

Level eight at the moment which is the only downside but as soon as you get to Max rank you you you’ll be smashing it you be flying guys we got 15 up in the chat so if you haven’t already drop a like on the stream tells YouTube my content ain’t

That bad it helps that brother out as always it’s greatly greatly appreciate fishing okay are you high tier on fishing I haven’t done that fishing I haven’t caught a single fish this whole season so far that’s a hard thing we playing solos you kind of have to work where your

Time’s going to be when you got a team obviously you can have one person do some mining one person do some fishing one person grinding mobs whereas I’m kind of just working across everything at the moment and fishing is the one thing I haven’t really got to

Yet is that over a lot of fishing or is it just is fishing just that good for Sky coins Perfect yeah it’s it’s harder you kind of got to you can’t you can’t just like I’m like oh do I mine or do I farm whereas last season we had like a few players doing each different task which would definitely helped but the one thing that

I will say has been so much easier I pretty much finished my masteries like Mining and and Farming Farming almost done with but my mining Master are completely finished and like that was quick that did not that was not difficult to do at all um so that was

The only benefit was getting through the masteries was a lot more attainable this season playing solos but yeah it’s hard cuz you got to work out where you’re going to commit your time what what chat what do you reckon what dragon are we getting next surely a champ almost at another guaranteed we

Need three more and that Sher pet is just so good honestly it’s level three I just need that level five ASAP how many we got in here we got three key that cosmetic we should be able to get four in I think easily here unless that’s fair I’ve done quite a bit

Of farming I think with my Farmers Harvest I done about 40,000 crops I’ve done about 100,000 blocks of Mining and then yeah mob killing I haven’t really done a lot of um if if I locked my way into um if I once I get multi 6 though I

I’ll definitely switch to grinding mobs cuz the I I can see the money’s there um especially with the like wither skellies if Cole’s in double triple cell like they’re just a cash machine um but it’s grinding through T like twos threes that just gets a little bit

Boring but it’s got to be done at some point but if you’re playing solos it’s also it’s not too bad like the total kills required isn’t like obscene the the best way if you want to get your herbalism up is to do the glowberries if you go to My Island and

Look under like that my main level you’ll see like hundreds and hundreds of glowberries um that’s the quickest way to get get your um herbalism up just don’t break the top one just break from there down and you you’ll get herbalism a th000 really really quick ion it took me about a day

Harvested it maybe six or seven times with a couple of stacks down it was it was pretty damn quick pretty damn quick and easy yeah I think if you’re playing solos that if the best way to make money is always probably going to be deboss if

You get lucky you get a few decent dragons like the 35 frags really is close to that’s like close to 70 mil right there so like that’s where you’re going to make I reckon your quickest money um but obviously you want to be like the servants obviously help I got

Three of them at the moment hey Austin what’s up welcome to the stream I got three servants at the moment which are definitely coming in handy but they’re not like they’re not a cash printing machine if you got 20 or 30 of them you you’re you’re probably laughing I think

Mining is pretty solid honestly I I think it’s pretty underrated like those two chests I sold just before were a couple of million each and like it doesn’t take that long to fill up a chest mining um and if you’ve got a a full set of explosive and a big like

Mining rig you you’re pretty much yeah you’re pretty much laughing oh my God oh my God we’re struggling here we are struggling another defensive would not Hur that’s for sure we got four more and then we can get a another summoning iron here too yeah killing mobs is is definitely I

Think a good shout I’ve heard a lot of people making a lot of money Jesus 5 10 15 20 servant Keys that’s ridiculous there is literally just unbeatable at that point respect the grind though respect if you’re going to spend that much money I respect it respect the

Grind it’s crazy you don’t get many Souls from like from killing the uh the shadow Summoners I thought you should get way I think I’ve got like two or three Souls this whole time Farm um farming Souls 5 is actually not bad um they like AC accumulate quite

Slowly but like it’s still better than nothing obviously killing mobs is going to be the best way to do it I just need to get that yeah multi six sorted that ASAP that’s kind of the next Big Goal we are absolutely are flying along though today we we I feel like we we’re

Doing quite well might even get six summoning eyes in at this point oh maybe not I’ve maybe spoken too soon six left to go nope five left to go Maybe not maybe we’re not getting any more in nope it looks like we’re spawning in a second or two this has got

To be a surely another defensive explosive be sick too yeah 100K yeah that’s pretty fair I was getting I was getting about 2 to three per like 250 300 crops so that kind of or maybe close to 500 crops so yeah that kind of makes sense it’s not the worst though cuz obviously

Like you would like realistically without enchantment you would have gotten nothing so it’s kind of just anything from there as a benefit I suppose I got the book um well had a farming Souls 4 book I used a Wizard’s blessing turn it into a five um probably

Wasn’t the best use of a Wizard’s blessing but the amount of farming I tend to do I was like I oh my God Hasty J I did put four in so I might as well might as well do the damage here 30k let’s aim for anything over three I think is pretty

Good that’s such an L to put four summoning eyes in as I said before you get one Hasty there’s always a second one and I I called it I should have listened to myself but I would have I would have been so upset if it was if it was like a

Champ or something like that okay I think we still aim here for we’re s we’re sitting on just over 10 or about 10% at the moment so three’s definitely on the cards here it’s crazy how quickly we’ve like moved ourselves up the leader boards though on on deboss damage we literally

Had like 800 damage yesterday and we’ve already done with the Three Dragons we fought like 15.8 so this will get us close to 20 which is nice I do I don’t mind the increase um yeah the increased uh deboss Health it probably makes the fight last a little bit longer which is

Nice for for guys like me that can’t hit their shots too it gives me way more time to while to learn a couple of hits 17 up in the chat guys I appreciate all the love and support said I can’t believe tomorrow is literally New Year’s that is absolutely

Insane hope everyone’s hope everyone’s got a big big New Year’s Eve party planned so it’s always always a good time I’m not doing a whole lot if I’m being dead honest probably watch the cricket watch the strikers probably lose in another very very narrow competition I can’t

Believe I don’t know if any of you guys follow the big bash league but it’s it’s tough to watch the strikers couple of close games back to back we just can’t get out the line very very narrow losses each time and I just I can’t do it I

Can’t do it anymore as an avid supporter of the strikers I cannot I just cannot bear to watch it Yeah tomorrow’s the 31st today’s the 30th yeah it’s a it’s New Year’s Eve that’s that’s New Year’s come on WS come on bro everyone has the party on the 31st not the

First the first the first is when you when when you know you got to you got to set out on the new goals I’ll probably get to the gym probably start eating healthy again maybe I’ll do some running you know Sydney Sixers yeah they got that a

Very unlucky tonight if I’m being honest the rain rain really uh really disserved them cuz they probably would have Aran they would have won I didn’t watch the I didn’t watch the second Innings but um th Thunder didn’t score enough to to be that competitive especially once you guys get

Tom Karan back in the in the side to I think you guys would be like he he’s really really good so I think you guys do really really really really well ah see everyone in Australia has party New Year’s party is always on the 31st I don’t know anyone that like

Everyone usually like kind of kicks back on the first and then everyone most people go back to work on the second or the third dud the last the two defensive dragons we got had 45k damage each it’s been ridiculous today I don’t know I think they buffed the health um

Yesterday but it’s actually such a long boss battle now it’s not bad to get your stats up on the on the deboss damage but wake up at 6 a on the first that’s fair enough I don’t get up at 6 a.m. very often I probably won’t be getting

Up at 6 a.m. on the first either we’re at 2500 yeah we we do 3,000 damage here for sure okay done done done that’s fair family tradition yeah respect it respect it I tend to on the first depends I usually try I try to get up at like a

Reasonable hour and just try and try and get the year off to a good start that’s always my plan with the first um but just got yeah I got a lot of a lot of stuff in the works the moment so I kind of just kick back do I got to do some

Accounting work some admin work and stuff so I probably do that on the first no better way to start the new year than doing some accounting you know we get maybe 3 and a half thousand this right oh my God that’s so many Servants actually ridiculous oh my God it’s still going how he just oh my God t8’s in there that’s ridiculous that’s so ridiculous but 20 frags we ended up not even in the top five not even in top five rip that’s all good though can’t really complain another 20 frags for minimal effort

Not a bad hole if we’d fought that um we did have what we did have four summoning eyes in there though sucks to suck imagine wasting four summoning eyes on a uh oh is that going to hold imagine wasting four summoning AR and a hasty Dragon though it’s actually the

Worst okay let’s see if we get a few more what’s the time 1152 I Reon we do we’ll do one more Dragon for the night I reckon cuz I reckon we we crushed it so tonight wasn’t plan wasn’t it was super super super super super long um yeah I do I

Should I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure it’s maxed yeah uh T 11 yeah that’s Max isn’t it if it’s not then I’ll place my endstone um minions back down but yeah tonight was a bit of an impromptu stream wasn’t wasn’t intended to be a super long one I I just feel

Like I wanted to get on feel like I want a really good run with the streams at the moment you know everyone seems to be enjoying them from from from what I’ve heard hopefully let me know in the chat if you guys aren’t enjoying the streams

Um but yeah just still be nice just to get back on just chill just chat a bit of grind a bit of debos you know the usual the usual I know I’m still working on I’m still trying to work work at what to do next 4K special though it would be sick

To do something so it’s on the cards it is on the cards bit too far from another bungee jump though I reckon maybe we’ll do something a little bit more casual than bungee jumping that video didn’t get enough views to do it again the bungee jump was fun I did I

Did enjoy it I did I did enjoy it that’s so fair you plan on what playing SMP at the moment bro yeah I need to get some more pets if I get some uh we’re level three Shadow Summoner oh no summoning pet Shuler pet but yeah oh we got the summoning pet

That’s the other one as well we should be using n Sky Block that’s fair n that’s so fair Austin I don’t usually stream this late so usually it’s like for I think one of the one half of America that’s in the in like CU whoever’s in the time zone where it’s

Like further from Australia I think it ends up being like morning like super early like 3: 4 a.m. um which makes it impossible for a lot of people to watch so I do completely understand that oh I was just about to say surely we get some more summoning eyes here we

I think we got two at the moment we considering with had two hasties five hours ahead yeah um permanent fly so you have to either have a high enough rank so um I’ve got wither and media so um I’ve got like a permanent fly or you can buy it from the shop as

Well I think it’s about 5 USD from the uh from the Neo uh Neo Network shop but there is a um there is 20% off at the moment so it might be slightly cheaper 17 up in the chat nice nice nice so I hope everyone’s enjoying the

Stream there probably won’t be a stream tomorrow but may be on the 1 or the second I reckon we might sneak in another another stream keep it rolling while while uh while Sky Block’s hot and we’re having fun might as well might as well keep the content rocking and

Rolling the good thing is with fly being at the BM at 1 and a half million usually like you can reset it so like on day six you kind of just want to keep going to BM and trying to get another one um but at least 1 and a half million

Like the like later into the season is not like a huge cost so it’s not the worst I suppose but I suppose early in the season it can be quite expensive to do consistently surely we get a explosive Dragon next would be mint I don’t if there’s a whole heap of

People here grinding so I might take a little bit audio like my audio or which audio microphone microphone audio it might just be I might just be a little bit too far away oh my God I’m getting rocked I’m getting rocked that probably a little bit better

Sorry bro I reckon I might have just got a little bit too far away we need I need 10 more to the next guaranteed be nice if we can get a double drop here too okay perfect is it winds is the music level all right that’s the one that I can never quite

Gauge so once we get four we we’ll start placing them in ah done it’s good perfect thank you bro thank you I appreciate the feedback how you been bro you’ve been staying busy oh done that’s what that’s I was hoping for it’s not supposed to be the main attraction the music it’s supposed

To just be supposed to be just be a nice level one of your mates was in the the chat earlier too bro saying winds will be here at some point TR to 55 oh school starts ah done that’s fair that’s fair are you like a lunch break at the

Moment or just a late start today oh my God so many Shadows so many Shadow salmon spawned in one spot that’s actually ridiculous oh that’s fair I’m hungry I ate dinner at like like 6:00 p.m. today I keep eating dinner early so like I I skip out on breakfast and now like

Gets to like 11 12:00 at night and I’m I’m just getting hungry again in the second new school oh that’s fair oh study a new school on the second sorry bro I still got what a couple more are you on you’re on holidays though aren you surely at the

Moment we got four we might as well place the four in it’ be nice if we can get another couple but I’m not too sure if we will but that’s all right perfect well fingers crossed for the last drag for today surely uh you know a a champ wouldn’t hurt honestly a

Champ would not hurt I guess we’ll see though 14,000 kills on this but I got a feeling out quite a few of them from um when I was grinding the T1 mobs I was hoping we’d get some deboss armor from some of the Dragons but we maybe haven’t maybe we’re not getting

Enough damage we’re not probably ranking high enough in the top five if I’m being honest it work I probably got to get my archery archery skill up um and it’s honestly unlocking these pet slots I suppose at the moment if we can unlock to get a a summoning pet and unlock to

Get oh and some deboss armor and stuff hey that’s so sick tweet heads is super super dope too what Cricket like a cricket competition oh explosive that’s actually mint that’s actually what we needed to I’m really really happy with that let’s try and get a bulk of damage here be

Nice if we can pluck some armor that would be so sick okay guys give me five minutes just to focus in here and then I’ll and then I’ll keep reading chat okay we’re doing pretty well we’re probably a little bit under 10% which is where I kind of usually want to be

Actually now we’re bang on 10% so we’re doing all right yeah the goal I think is if we get 3 and a half thousand that’ll be sick um obviously I’ll be happy with three though 900 about 10,000 damage almost 10,000 damage in and we’re sitting just over 10% perfect Michael what’s up bro

Welcome into the stream we got 18 up in the chat guys I appreciate all the love and support if you are new here it’ be dope you drop a sub and obviously if you drop a like too tells YouTube my content ain’t that bad helps a brother out 1,200

Damage so we’re still sitting on that sort of 10% line which is sick obviously aim here is 3,000 3 and a half th000 damage for the last drag of tonight’s stream okay we’re halfway there to the three I don’t know if we’re going to do it uh probably not with

Aliam um fast Place only comes with I think with wither you get 64 or you can buy fast place in the Neo Network shop um but if you need something fast Place bro let me know I I’m always happy to fast Place some uh fast placing some platforms

Man oh my God we just absolutely rocked again so we did place in four eyes so we should be able to get quite like at least 20 or so um uh frags here which is really really nice oh lilac oh 32 um what’s uh say is

Alium I I don’t even know how much alium is on the shop lilac quite expensive though isn’t it okay we’re at 2400 we’re just going to stay consistent here and we should get the uh 20 plus frags which is mint we’re still hitting at just over 10% of the total damage which is

Nice literally getting cramps right now honestly was trying to not to get hit there too we need at least 150 more damage okay easy we’re over 3,000 at least it’s only 1,000 damage left so the chance of us getting too much higher is not that great we got a

Mythical we got 16 frags there so not the worst not the worst at all oh tight tight tight tight okay overflow I think the playlist just ended I so I was so confused every a second mythical pouch perfect okay well that’s not a bad it’s not a bad day out

Guys to get 35 defensive 17 um experience 16 explosive and 20 Hasty not a bad day out at all honestly guys that is going to be a wrap on tonight’s very impromptu stream I hope you guys who who did join in enjoyed it for anyone that’s watching it back I

Hope you guys enjoyed the uh the replay too as always guys I appreciate all the love and support a massive massive W2 for fable for the uh for the 10 gifted to cannot thank her enough for all of the support for the channel anyways guys I’ll see you in a couple of days


This video, titled ‘🔴 DAY 3 DBOSS S6 | Minecraft Skyblock LIVE STREAM (Bedrock/Java Server IP)’, was uploaded by Two Tonne Tommy on 2023-12-31 02:12:46. It has garnered 307 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:53:34 or 6814 seconds.


Play with me! Java IP: | Bedrock IP: Port: 19132Server/servers IP address works for both versions of Minecraft on MCPE/Xbox/Switch/PS4/PC! I am excited to finally do a Skyblock series and I hope this brings you some enjoyment or help if you want to start your Skyblock journey 🙂

Java IP: Bedrock IP: Port: 19132 NeoNetwork Discord:

I am lucky enough to be an #Ambassador for The Neo Network Server, so show them some love!

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    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: ⛏️ Shader: Complementary v4 ⛏️ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks 🟢 Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las características de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo más vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    🎉 Exciting News! 🎉 I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! 🚀✨ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! 🙌 What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! 🎮 Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:🎮 Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.🏝️ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.🌍 Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.🎨 Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “🎨 Hot Minecraft Artwork! 🖼️”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness

    Spicy Minecraft Meme Madness “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” #minecraft #meme #shorts 😂 Read More

  • Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry!

    Secrets of Minecraft: Boiler & Nether Quarry! Minecraft Encrypted_ | Modded Questing Survival Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of Minecraft Encrypted_. In this modded questing survival series, players are challenged to create a boiler and a Nether quarry to progress through the game. Creating a Boiler One of the key tasks in Minecraft Encrypted_ is to create a boiler. This essential device allows players to generate power and fuel their machinery. By carefully gathering resources and following the crafting recipes, Nik and Isaac work together to build a functional boiler that will aid them in… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥

    🔥EPIC Minecraft Hive Gameplay by Seanst3r🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Chilled Hive – Minecraft (LIVE)’, was uploaded by Seanst3r on 2024-04-03 05:21:12. It has garnered 168 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:24 or 6564 seconds. I hope you enjoy this video, like and subscribe for more… Join My Discord Server Here: Texture Pack: Seanst3r 3k Become a member: Read More

  • The Mystery of Steave’s Death

    The Mystery of Steave's DeathVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave )’, was uploaded by Arlone9 on 2024-05-01 00:30:20. It has garnered 395 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:38 or 98 seconds. Minecraft Steave Death ( Who is Killed Steave ) Tags – minecraft steave death’ steave jomby death’ techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft techno gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game proboiz 95 minecraft horror story minecraft techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft scary myths techno gamerz minecraft horror game techno gamerz new video… Read More

  • 😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadness

    😲 4k Minecraft GIF VIRAL!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 4k gif #minecraft #shorts #shortsfeed #4k #short #viral #trending’, was uploaded by BSO Gaming on 2024-05-26 05:38:02. It has garnered 11536 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Minecraft But you have op ELEMENTAL Power !! ‎@AnshuBisht  #minecraft #viral #shortsfeed #games #trending #all #ytshorts #freefire #minecraftmemes #gaming How I try to kill big youtuber in Minecraft 👹☠️☠️ minecraft #minecraftredstone #viral #cricket #funny #gaming #minecraftanimals #minecraftserver #modpack #adventure today I give an reaction on famous Minecraft youtuber MLG || ‎@GamerFleet  ‎@YesSmartyPie #minecraft Raazit, Beastboyshub, Minecraft, Techno Gamerz, Minecraft Tips… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshorts

    Insane Iron Farm on Minecraft! 1.20 Update #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Build a Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.20 #minecraftshorts #minecraftironfarm #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Dilraz Gamer on 2024-01-04 07:21:31. It has garnered 294 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm 1.20 Pocket edition Bedrock | Simple Iron Farm in Minecraft #minecraftironfarm #MinecraftBuild #GamingLife #RedstoneEngineering #SurvivalMode #MinecraftCommunity #GamerCreations #PixelPerfection #Minecrafters #GamingInnovation Tags: Minecraft Iron Farm Redstone Gaming Survival Minecraft Community Building Innovation Gamer Life Pixel Art Description: “🌐 Unleash the power of automation with this advanced Minecraft Iron Farm! 💎🔧 Master the art of Redstone engineering… Read More

  • Ds Gamer’s EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shorts

    Ds Gamer's EPIC Minecraft Revenge 😱🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts’, was uploaded by Your Ds Gamer on 2024-05-12 19:14:50. It has garnered 197 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Minecraft Best Revenge 🤡💀 #shorts 📍Ignore Tags- #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftpe #minecraftonly #minecraftpc #minecrafter #minecraftmeme #minecrafters #minecraftbuilds #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftxbox #minecraftserver #minecraftbuild #minecraftart #minecraftps3 #minecraftuniverse #minecrafts #minecraftdaily #minecraftforever #minecraftskin #minecraftedit #photoseedminecraft #minecraftfx #minecraftdiaries #minecraftskins #skydoesminecraft… Read More