Insane Minecraft Stream with GF – Fatal Brain Meltdown!

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[Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all righty ladies and gentlemen Jes and Littleman we were’re playing Minecraft today just make sure is is it on it’s on the screen yeah it’s on is it on the screen though all right yay there we go yeah there you go welcome mucho mooch hi hello thank You Zed for the uh for the W I like how you always come to the streams and hit the DB streamer w at least once even if you do just leave immediately I appreciate it we are playing oh hi t t we are playing uh I could hear the stream in your your in your background could you is it on the TV or something I could hear it again through your no Mom Mom’s watching it she just forgot about Vol something like the stream is hearing it like infinite now all right so we are back with Minecraft pretty much uh we are back with some Minecraft I have decided that to take a break from rust when it comes to streaming today and uh enjoy a little bit of Minecraft I don’t have really anything planned um however I did just want to play it cuz I do miss I do miss um getting the people you know we found in uh look at that that’s such a that’s such a cool oh my God that’s so cool hold up look at this all right so this is the St Patrick’s Village it was just made uh what you saw on the thumbnail was uh the cathedral ow there’s no need to hit me closing the door on me what you saw in the thumbnail was the cathedral and that’s over here which is very cool we’ve been building uh well Miss B has been building um different monuments for bubbles mcke good call Russ is brutal yeah pretty much I need to I needed to play some Minecraft today but uh Miss B has been playing or has been building uh different buildings in this game uh based off of holidays and we’re going to check it out uh it’s actually very cool I’ve seen the inside it’s like an actual this took her so long Miss B has less of a life than I do and I play rest so it’s crazy um but either way it’s actually it’s actually really cool this is just one part of it we’re going to go check out that you made this no no no Miss B did lucky TI bombb that’s who Miss be is Miss be is my girlfriend’s mother uh but she built all this uh we’re going to she built the catacombs there’s like catacombs under this and there’s like a bunch of other stuff and go like upstairs like here’s an additional part still has a little bit of construction a little bit of stuff she’s adding still finishing touches basically um I actually have no idea how to manage this place I’m not going to lie um I wish I wish I could build like this we’ll go back to my kingdom or my uh my place that I’ve been building we’ll probably start building stuff there uh the reason why I haven’t really been doing is cuz I I don’t know how to build very well if I could build very well like really really well um just naturally I would play this game a lot more but I don’t and building is like half of Minecraft so uh but either way uh here’s a bell there a massive Bell copper is so common in this freaking game so yeah we have we have this it’s very very very cool and then there’s an upstairs this this is like the roof axis kind of thing catacombs are in press as in the inside catacombs ah okay as above the bells and here ring the bell I don’t know how and then the Tipp to top you don’t know how to ring the second Bell no I don’t dude and then you can see pretty far out I am coming oh my gosh I just burped oh yeah there’s water right next to us it’s like a swampy area but it’s pretty cool oh my God definitely definitely really cool I don’t know what that is I might build something there maybe like really I’m not sure either way it’s uh it’s really cool no face cam today by the way come to the Bell come to the Bell no face cam today by the way just cuz I don’t I don’t feel like shying my face today come here button you push the button but the noise comes from over there that’s as close as a bell ring you can get there bud I don’t like it because anyway let’s go uh we’re going to check out all the other we’re going to check out uh the other Villages as well cuz those have been updated there’s a Valentine’s Village I actually made Stampy’s love garden uh I made another one not trying to copy him I recorded a video and it was supposed to be edited and released on Valentine’s Day but I forgot to edit it I forgot to do all that and so it’ll be released some time I don’t know I haven’t been editing at all I’ve just been enjoying streaming and such how do you get out of here I actually have no clue how out sucker oh these are the catacombs oh yeah this is like some this is like some Elden ring crap right here this is so cool it’s absolutely amazing um what is it saying oh yeah oh and this is the a Tavern just a neat little Tavern cuz why not it’s adorable the golden Clover uh we added a plugin for those of you who don’t know to where we could sit now and we can lie down without and we could sleep without an actual uh without an actual bed so that’s pretty nice but um yeah so let’s go visit some of the other some of the other Villages I’m going to take you guys on a small tour cuz all them are really cool um I have I haven’t really been building much I have i f do you here I got you I got it I got it I got it I got I got car I got carrot oh all right you got those it’s fine um I haven’t been doing much building in these seasonal things CU I haven’t been playing Minecraft obviously because I’ve been playing a lot of rest but um um oh wait yeah I guess the nether portal is down here oops what where oh over here hey how do you oh you have to do slash lay huh whoops no SL crawl or SL crawl sorry SL you can’t move dang it there we go I haven’t used SL crawl yet okay so whatever there we go all right let me go go through here and then was it down here right yeah it is then through here and there’s like this I know and then there’s like this neat little like sewer thing that she added I love this part I don’t know why it’s like a really just detailed part all right let’s let’s go back uh we’re going to hit all this SE little Villages and then we’re going to go to my place and we’re probably going to build uh I’ll be streaming for about two hours uh because I have to go do something at 4 I forgot what I have to do but we have to go do something before maybe I don’t know yeah that sounds very pigin Pigman zombie pigman this is my gold Source right here the summertime it’s okay forgot the summertime one there’s a summer one oh never mind yeah we got the spot for it it’s not built yet but there you got the spot oh cool all right let’s uh this way oh oh nice summer I might actually do I might actually build something in there cuz uh you know I uh yeah oh are we just walking there we’re going to check out the area or something yeah okay talk about nether traveling sheesh that would be great if you built yeah that’s pretty much is a ways is it yeah this is the closest path we got to it nice the desert and tropical ocean huh this will be interesting oh this is kind of cool there’s a little village this is where I’ve been getting a whole bunch of my tropical fish for my aquarium is all the sand been mine or is it gen was it generated like this it was generated like this this is weird I’ve never seen this you’d think this wouldn’t be a desert L of water hello my little do oh that’s neat all right cool I’m I want to go check out the I want to show everyone the the uh Valentine’s Village D I love this Shader pack I should get a resource pack as well to change the look of everything basic Minecraft is getting a little bit old ow what the heck how did I get shov off did you punch me off no I just like nudged you off oh my gosh I didn’t twik or anything Shish it’s obvious we know who the one who has the brains are between in this relationship yeah pretty much oh my gosh I don’t know why but I’m just like lethargic today I’m like oh my gosh you’re so slow I’m eating you’re literally so slow thank you very much you’re literally the slowest human being ever see I’m eating too and I’m so much further than you all right let’s go check out what was this the this is the Valentine’s Village right yes this is the Valentine’s Village yay no no there’s not fair no stop it’s not fair nerd your ex-wife killed my girlfriend with her ex-wife look at the piglins those are those guys are cool they’re like the Guardians of the gate all right and then uh there’s the Valentin Village look at it it’s so pretty I haven’t shown it yet I don’t think I’ve actually shown it yet no it’s so me it’s a l it’s a very large house I love it and we got we got little little swinging bench right here got a little little swan in the middle a romantic Swan and um no you haven’t yeah I I I don’t think I yeah holy crap I can’t talk and uh yeah and then this is the love garden there’s already some people added I’m not going to quite show it yet I’m not going to show it yet but this is going to be my love Gren it’s going to expand um it’s going to be really cool yeah this is the uh this is the place it’s very pretty it’s perfect actually wait hold up let’s watch the sunset this will actually be really cool oh you know what we need Miss be you know what we need at the swinging bench that looks like the swan we need a uh we need a juke box it the Sun goes perfectly under the uh the swamp or the sun yeah oh God that’s such a beautiful image holy crap we need a jukebox over here miss me we should get a jukebox over here with with just a singular disc cat just a singular disc it’s cat one look at that that’s such a cool image wow that’s actually so cool this place Valentine’s Village not going to lie it’s probably my favorite the cathedral is really cool but I love just the aesthetically pleasing look of the area all right uh what else was there what what other Village was there there is the I don’t remember what the other one was called Christmas quith qu that’s right I forgot about that I haven’t been I haven’t been to the Christmas Village in a while what the heck where’s the CH kmth wine you missed the picnic area did I that’s fine I can go back to that let’s go to Christmas [Music] Village oh that’s actually so unfortunate it has a lava heart the Christmas Village wait what are you saying H at the Valentine’s Day Village oh sick all right right oh yeah this one was a little bit scuffed the entrance is a little bit you tried um this is the house this is what it this is what it looks like at night look at how pretty pretty it is we got uh what the heck is over here the beginnings of something like a gingerbread man I guess and then here’s a Christmas Village it’s so pretty other than me being shot by freaking skeletons wait what are you wondering what it candy cane there’s like two legs over there oh yeah that was going to be a nutcracker Nutcracker boots and we got another little big house little big house I really did just say that didn’t I got another pretty pretty big house it looks cool I’ll show you the inside in a minute uh greenh house and a lot of this was built by Miss B the the greenhouse or the gingerbread house was that built by Miss B yeah yeah and then the boot oh yeah everything here was built by Miss B we got the stocking hey what about my house my house is not built by Miss B well everything in this area where’s your house not in this area see and you missed you suck jeez T it’s kind of funny you just completely missed you you shot a arrow of slowness at me oh and this is The Stables how dare you nuh-uh you don’t get to TP me you you could walk young lady okay okay I can play this I can play this guys this whole stream is going to be consisting of my girlfriend hunting me down and this is the big this is the this is the house it’s so adorable I absolutely love it it’s such a it’s such a cute little area look at this all this it’s so cool it’s honestly honestly this world is the coolest thing ever all right all right we need to get to building guys the whole two people watching how do actually I do not remember how to leave oh wait isn’t it wait it’s upstairs right ah wait oh no it’s right here it’s right here yay all right and those those are all the villages we have right now my burn is doing better oh wait you guys I don’t have a face cam on oh well it’s fine my burn is doing a lot better wait what the oh wait yeah wait I was like wait wait wait wait wait wait right we also got to organize my inventory cuz it’s full of it’s actually full of junk what the heck uh oh no cuz I can go and then we throw that away throw this away all right we’re fine we’re good now good to go it’s going to be a very low energy stream very uh very laidback one a Sunday afternoon laidback Sunday afternoon stream yay now we’re back all right let’s go check out our place I did some upgrading I don’t know if I have shown all you guys this there’s also a start of an Easter Village oh nice oh yeah I might actually build in the Easter Village I I know I missed every single thing but ah there we go look at that barely ow I hate zombies all right let’s uh we don’t actually need with gunpowder do we I don’t know I like how in it just cuz oh yeah this is my little Gate entrance thing very bright right iron some uh some quartz quartz is very high demand right now on the server uh it’s very bright I feel like it is kind of a cool little entrance into what will eventually become the coolest place on the server actually it won’t be after I’m done developing this place a little bit more I have another project there are so many mobs there’s actually so many mobs what the heck wait there was actually so on I’m done building this area or building up this place somewhat there’s another place I have over by where bog is building something really really cool um and then I’m going to build something even cooler over there hopefully but first of all I need to actually learn how the heck I want to build things cuz I don’t know how to build or make things look cool ah all right oh my gosh wait T are you you you’ve gone really scient where where are you uh I’m over by the uh blacksmiths and what not getting upgrades on what oops good thing mob is griefing his ass off holy crap you see no I was saying these creepers good thing mob griefing is off you wait did you show them how we redid the inside of the village uh no actually I don’t really remember when the last time I streamed this place was you should probably show them that yeah you should probably huh all right let’s go to the Village oh my gosh I’m still yic what the heck all right Let’s uh let’s get to the village that is like a little mining area I think it’s actually not a house or anything though it would be a sick house just just the mining pit nether portal obviously oh my ihes all right so we actually we actually gave the Villagers houses so they’re not slaves anymore or at least like like like ricking I I don’t know they’re not of depressing environment each villager has its own job place now so like they’re all in here now Iron Golem and uh yeah it’s uh the each one has that not I don’t think each one cuz we don’t have obviously there’s some useless jobs but how do I get out of here yeah uh-huh good job T good job you suck all right you can’t me though can oh no that was your slowness potion that was your slowness potion dang that would have been really funny if I hit you with that uh and then here’s b000 uh you guys should know who B is he’s done some stuff with me T you still suck Ed shootting this is his little trading cut uh none of us steal things from it just out of respect just cuz uh honestly I think he should sell potions cuz I would buy potions dang it I suck huh I suck you do you really do meaning that the first time I hit you I just one shot you immediately with the slowness Arrow no you still suck uhhuh uh-huh uh you’re the reason why I’m going to be getting full netherite fully upgraded oh yeah this is our game room um it’s very very cool we got food court we got chest I still don’t understand how it works we got some sple boat racing this my favorite place the arcade um I just wish there was a place where you can actually view the boat races kind of wish it was built a little bit higher or something or like this wall was taken out but then there’s this right here that blocks it I don’t know game room is still under construction okay yeah I think it’ be great to be able to see the uh boat race from the wall to the left and then yeah oh there’s a jukebox we have all the discs they were cheated in we didn’t get them all but it doesn’t matter they mostly yeah they were not cheated in but they were gotten in creative mode no yeah they were T no they weren’t M did a whole setup of like having skeleton shoot creepers and that’s how we got them all are you really really uh but this is my favorite one Str Str is my favorite I earned all those this okay I thought never mind I didn’t know you can get all these discs just from creepers I didn’t know that I actually didn’t know that yeah Strat is my favorite one we don’t anything in Creative here there bud we don’t do anything here in Creative okay yeah I usually grab some honey I sit here and I enjoy it’s a very relaxing thought here yeah I I do just B there was a window but other than that it’s pretty cool pretty cool area over here is just like nothing always replace their plock it’s is a random little funny thing um took me forever yeah I’m sure I thought those were got in creative mode I didn’t realize but and there’s some chests over here for building there’s a lot of crap in this game bro we have so much stuff it’s ridiculous the server is like 2 years old too but we didn’t start playing it until last year Well we played it some two years ago and then we kind of took a really long break and then we started playing it again and and then all this was built it’s crazy there’s a automatic item order and stuff yeah it’s really cool my Ender Chest all my luscious blocks of gold yeah it’s really cool oh my God you’re so annoying you say I you’re still bad you’re still bad you can’t aim for anything yeah it says the one who couldn’t hit me off of a roof I had one shot I had one bullet you took three times to kill me just want to say that ah you’re still bad yeah huh bad oh that was way over oh no that was actually bad now that that was actually bad but uh yeah I think that’s that’s pretty much it for tour wise uh we still got that castle over there built by leti’s sister um it’s pretty big it’s actually very scarily big get me [Music] get my God I’m better than you okay I’m so tired um all right you know what what do you want me what do you want for me woman what do you want for me do you want me to come and kill you I can come and kill you memes oh my gosh all right that’s it you’re donezo you’re not killing me at all the rest of this time where are you oh my God oh my God someone just joined bro I just did the entire tour of this whole thing and then someone joined this is ridiculous where even are you I have no idea where you’re at what the heck I should I’ll give you a hit I’m in the village oh wow that’s useful that’s very useful why is there just a sand block up there over the leaves the he uh she has her F1 Racetrack and garage under construction too oh yeah nice all right sand block oh that’s from when uh Sky guy and I were for around yesterday wait oh leather workers I didn’t even know we had leather workers s that’s pretty cool uh what about bogs place oh no blog’s place is uh he locked it huh oh dumb bummer we can’t activate his freaking elevator anymore dang it unfortunate all right I I actually want to get to building cuz I have no idea we here at wa freaking berry bushes holy crap it’s broke what is what’s broke so i the C do I want to build the outer part first of my place and then go in because this place is is going to require like a lot of I really do have to think about it cuz it is going to be a very dense area it’s going to be like the homeless bums bogs elevator oh it’s broken that’s funny funniest Minecraft moment all right I think we’re going to build the outside going to get rid of the joints and all this yeah I should have a bunch of building stuff in here already yeah I mean enough all right let’s um let’s put random stuff in chests and then we’ll get to actually building building up our beautiful place I spent so much time building this wall and then I haven’t done anything on the inside see where actually are you though I knew you’d be there damn it oh my God I’m all the way back here bro you can only kill me when I’m right next to you huh you know those other two times I killed you I was in that giant tree with the sand block yeah I know so you weren’t close to me when I one shotted you nuh-uh uhhuh nuh-uh yeahhuh you just bad nice try sorry I missed there’s no way you set a ho back at my place though you know what I need I need a crossbow I’m going to make a crossbow and it’s going to be better than yours I’m not using a crossbow there bud no your bow it’s going to be better than your bow all right let’s put stuff in chests there we go yay now my respawn points set respawn point is set holy crap I cannot talk uh miscellaneous let’s put the horns in here we don’t really need them for now ah not those yeah there’s like a goat farm I have in everything but uh I’ll show those you show them home no I have no idea what that says you know where his house is no I don’t man you sure put the emphasis on tiny brain don’t you well no I haven’t been on there we go we got all our tools put the door back there we go perfect oh I guess we should probably grab some more food there we go yay all right now we can actually start like building stuff actually we we’re not going to need any of this we don’t need the shovel we don’t need the fortune 3 yet put that there there we go yay ow what I all right where is this place cuz I’ll show it as all I actually have no idea where it’s at all right I’m putting my bow away so don’t kill me I will I won’t ah I’m kidding okay where’d he go I requested a TP yeah remember I organize everything for you so you could build oh yeah thank you where’s this place ow where’s this place ow follow me where’s I fell off immediately goofy ow is it down there oh nope oh come on come on tiny brain I’m coming wait was it this wall completed did he never complete the wall Oh I thought it wait I’m tripping could have sworn he finished it this is ultim hack nope cops after you no mom’s watching a documentary I didn’t think the mic did you show them your uh duck my duck yeah oh well this isn’t my duck but yeah this is uh you got vmd Studios um house this is YouTube if you want to go check it out vmd uh Studios but uh yeah this is his neat little house he built it I think he watched a guide on it but it’s a very dainty Little House very very cute looking rather than my house where’s okay where is you oh is that his house over there yeah this is his room house it’s really cool that is pretty cool what the heck pretty far out but oh like a little canal actually when you get to finish like RAC trck and whatnot not really all I guess that’s true no further out then holy crap everyone else is ljs what’s that is that oh that’s her garage huh that’s a five there bud it’s a what that’s a five s lj5 stands for Lucky Joe five it’s an S yeah okay this is a cool area I like it oh did you show her one car no you should it’s sick all right I’m going to go over there and check it out then and she also has like three pigs for managers there’s not much a whole lot in it but yeah yeah see what’s what have we got going on here I thought you going to kill me oh that’s cool oh yeah that is a cool little remake yeah like a uh Minecraft version of yeah me I might actually I might actually just stream for an hour by the way too but still yeah this is so cool this is cute I like it hi Bob a second then that’s her oh my god did she expand her oh wow she made like a wait she like expanded the place the hell this place is mive D that has all been there since the last time he been on and actually built nuh like months like oops at the very least six wait I actually never seen this before is this are like Garage Red Bull all the spawns oh my God full of bone meal team radio SL commentators Mercedes there’s nothing in there that’s hilarious Austin Martin there’s no okay she didn’t do anything for the rest but that’s cool yeah how many slaves you own Tech technotic holy crap welcome bro how me sles zero we actually have homes for all the villages that we have these uh Tak yeah that’s cool this is a cool place all right let’s go back to the to the main village actually I don’t know why I just ate I was going to die anyway wait you should show you should show them my uh my house nah oh wait I have to die for that I have a spawn at my place at my little place hold up here here I’ll die I’ll die and then you just TP to me okay fine jez T it’s not that hard goofy oh my goodness okay you can send that oh yeah come on Lucas it’s not that hard yeah it’s Mr by the way oh yeah oopsie I have B Die Hard mhm I did rearranging yeah and then this is uh this is her place it’s a little hobbit hole it’s a door wall right has a whole aquum underneath it it’s super big too look I did a pantry yesterday oh my God I did all of that yesterday I’m if I eat your cake I will kill you hey I’m not even eating it I’m not even eating it all right uh oh that’s cool can I have this crossbow yeah I don’t use them crossbow are over thank you not around my pets did my frog St spawn again yes that’s annoying no not the fox Librarians are kind of Slave oh yeah the Librarians are kind of slaves yeah you’re right they don’t I mean but they have their own building it’s just like it’s just fenced in but yeah I love the pantry that’s my favorite part the aquarium part oh yeah I was about to look for that and then I’m like okay so this is this is the top view it’s really bright but it’s cool I guess I mean it’s cool cuz all the fish there’s a lot M mhm and then going to get her yeah whoa where are you H where did tree oh and this is the under part oh I made a little smiley face that’s cute oh wow it’s like a side view all right that’s cool that’s cool I like it I like the bless of it you just sit here and watch the fish it’s cute it’s adorable I love it and then I have a little pickup truck uh Miss B made me nice see oh Oh I thought you made that Miss be made that I didn’t know that yeah this is really cool I like it yeah it’s awesome I love it all right back to talking about [Music] me wow you’re bad no that time was on accident okay so don’t judge all right now oh my God someone built a ducky on mine what the heck I didn’t even see that before did you just blow up the creeper for a long time there bud has it I didn’t even notice it oh my gosh dude yeah so your last your La when you moved your beehive it was there okay Steve W what’s up Stevie Wonder how’s it going how’s your day been so far mine has been very tiring cuz I’m tired all right now now we can actually get to wait why did I I was going to build the outside now we can get to actually like building and configuring uh how I want to do this St thank you dude did they I swear to God they Nerf diamonds in this game bro I I Feel Like Diamonds should be so much stronger than what they are there stupid freaking netherite yo ly L what’s good bro so uh I’m so obliv oblivious n i just uh I just don’t pay attention all right sick so basically this is going to be like the main Kingdom right but every Kingdom every city has a slum poor poor part okay poor part of it every place does even in the real world obviously um so that this is exactly what this is going to be it’s going to be very dense very populated very kind of gross Street lamps kind of like a crowded medieval kind of uh thing I’m going for here uh even more Villages she um and then yeah once I build this then I’ll start moving villagers uh into it and then we’ll have we’ll officially have our slums this is pretty much what this place is going to be called so let’s get let’s get started 48 arrows rid of the rotten flesh so these are just some of the designs I have these are like going to be like onean houses very uh random some designs you know uh this might take me a while because I’m just not very good at building and then there’s going to be like hallways going in between the houses either two or three this bed is here for like if a villager like a homeless villager just someone night time it looks like they’re just lying on the ground uh and yeah so it’s going to be like maybe more so this back part of it um this back part of it is going to be kind of like the single houses maybe I don’t know I think I might spread them out a bit also need to make builds for the larger houses oh my gosh this is annoying stop being in my inventory and we may need to go get more wood they look like upgraded Minecraft villager house better oh thanks man yeah I think uh bog 1000 helped me uh he helped me build design it a little bit but I think it was mostly me I’m not sure and there’s not going to be any Windows either uh just because you know windows I guess are kind of like fancy and uh since this is a poor area or at least this is like a very poor house fancy will not be in a vocabulary I’ll probably make a bakery probably add buildings like there are in uh kingdoms and castles kind of thing um cuz you know eventually that game does get super duper crowded uh let’s put all this up there but uh yeah so I think uh let’s just get let’s just get right into it what do I need to do all right wait let’s let’s look at here oh you know what let’s design a bigger house back here a bigger kind of not too wealthy of a house but maybe like a two to four person house so let’s just grab some logs here actually I don’t I don’t have too many was a spruce Spruce and dark oak I may need to get more wood in fact let’s just get a bunch more wood before we start building I’m sorry it’s going to be boring but I need Spruce and dark oak but don’t no need to fear I do have a good axe so it should go decently fast hey T yep I’m just uh I’m just getting wood to uh uh I’m just getting wood to so I can actually start building the slums which I think it’s just going to be it’s official name it’s going to be the slums like uh like what Ready Player On’s kind of had remember to replant please oh yeah I always do wait it was Spruce let’s start with Spruce dark oak is annoying super annoying actually I hate I hate dark oak sometimes if you agree you should subscribe for more content made by me your eventual favorite YouTuber what what if I’m already subscribed then then don’t worry about it goofy wait hold up let me put this stuff in my right hand what do you mean lame what just don’t worry about it t what you don’t have anything for all the already subscribed people like already uh more content yes I don’t know I don’t know what you want me to say like until I start making money off of you then I’ll do something special for members cuz yes oh my gosh I’m actually almost halfway to getting monetized on YouTube you know how awesome that is and it’s mostly because of like recently I I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten that one 11k Roblox video that I have or no 12K views Now give me like 400 watch time hours but like the streams are competing with that pretty well actually the especially now that I’ve uh put in my two weeks per my job I have a lot more time to stream and stuff so I’ll be doing a lot more different games and just different everything really is there do I have fortune 3 on this EG I do Does it actually work wait does fortune 3 actually work on axes does fortune 3 not work on axes I don’t know wait huh oh well it’s fine I just wish I was better at building man you know what I think the more I do it the more better I’ll get at it it’s one of those things that I can get good at I just not talented at it like bog is bog though holy crap can he build he’s built some pretty cool stuff apparently he’s built a self-building house on like Xbox or something he hasn’t showed it to me just cuz I haven’t gone over to his house in a while but I really really want to see his that that self-building house wild just another day getting wood oops should probably place the trees huh yeah sorry guys this is going to be like a boring part of the stream I’ll probably stream for actually two hours first hour was me showing everyone the the server and uh and uh getting materials and I think the second hour will be like building I think that then that’s it for me yeah hey you be building a lot though I challeng you to a I challenge you to a chest game nuh-uh uhhuh nuh-uh I’ll just spff I don’t have the brain power for chest right now I I I triple dog dare you oh no not a triple dog dare n we’ll do we could do some sple games I think spff would be fun if that’s all right and if it isn’t make it all right if it isn’t you owe me a chest game nuh-uh yeahhuh nope absolutely not I refuse actually I’ll take a ring check how about that but today we could play s uh yeah I just I just don’t have the energy or the brain power or anything to play chest right now there we go yay Really T really while I’m getting trees wow that’s not cool t let me get trees I’m trying to actually have cont saying I remember that I have a netherite hoe that has dude tan stop remember that I have a netherite hoe that has mending a breing 3 fortune 3 works on crops actually and silk touch the reason behind me making it was me getting bored that’s fair honestly this game I feel like this game does get boring Minecraft does get boring everyone has that phase where everyone has two phases in Minecraft they go then play they get on the game and they play it for hours and hours and hours and hours and hours and all of a sudden they just get bored with it and stop for months and then when life when you get down bad in life and everything you remember you have Minecraft and then you play for hours and hours and hours it’s a vicious cycle but it’s a fun one it’s not necessarily a bad one where is the tree farm I actually is it it’s behind the barn there we go holy crap I was tripping thank you lean guy for actually staying I appreciate it I thought you already left it was going to be sad it’s sad when people click on and click off immediately but it’s hard to be like really entertaining all the time in a stream it is it is pretty hard you know it is what it is I know if people don’t like it it’s fine um I may or I I think I’m going to do another Rush stream tomorrow on a new server hopefully with gersi uh I’m going to have to make an update video on explaining what my new schedule is because I’m going to have a different stream schedule that chick these chickens are now in here forever uh I have’t updated stream schedule uh cuz I did quit my job or put in my two two weeks um so I will be available to do this stuff a lot more and hopefully grow a lot more maybe even earn some menu uh some money menu what am I even saying I have done that yeah yeah I think everyone does it’s kind of funny um oh we need darkar Oak still and I swear guys I swear to God I will get to building I just need some some dark oak I just need some wood that’s it and then would be golden I probably won’t cut down all the trees though cuz dang uh sorry see if you want you can help me get some wood I mean you don’t have to try to just kill me all the time yeah yeah fair enough it is boring getting wood but I’m just yapping I’m just yapping holy crap uh what do you I used to play on a Minecraft server with my friends and family and family members but we stopped playing cuz we got bored and moved on servers are time capsules of some kind yeah I remember my first ever Minecraft server I had with friends was a was a server called only rice remember me and my best friend back in Cali cuz I moved from Cali to somewhere else but a good friend of mine he started it with another friend of mine we were all friends in middle school but we still are friends um but I remember he made the server cuz he got co uh and he had to be quarantined and so him and guy named Ethan uh he actually was going to do YouTube with us I some of my old videos are with these two as well but Matthew and Ethan they started a server and they called it only rice and it was just to play on because Matthew didn’t have anything to do he was quarantine and stuff right um but uh what ended up happening is I asked like hey can I join and they’re like sure why not it could be fun and uh it was a lot of fun and then we added some more friends and then we added more until it got I think one time we had like eight people on and we were all just hanging hanging out screwing around and uh it was the only time all of us ever actually were on after that the server died and then it got deleted and we tried to make it again and then no one was really on and it was just it’s sad cuz now we don’t even have a server to go back to I mean we do because there were some safe files that Miss B had cuz she was on the server too so she did sa this the world is saved but not the original one the original one got deleted it’s sad it was a sad day for gamers all around the world all right I think that’s plenty of wood that was story time story time with Mr tip let’s put this back uh T if you want to capture some of the saplings that fall down I think that’d be great also can we all go to bed just because it is night time hello G are you still there yeah you got yeah okay oh no she get so bored she got off is anybody is anybody like near a bed I got a bed no we could do SL lay just go SL lay now look at that got to love plugins wait what why is it yay all right Perfect all right guys it’s a new day new Minecraft day and we’re going to build this slime SLS uh luckily once I’m done building this Kingdom thing uh afterwards I actually won’t like be bored of it because afterwards we have like seasonal Villages that we just started and I can build in those but afterwards I found like my my most favorite type of uh terrain ever in Minecraft one of us has to be in a bed for that to actually work ah I didn’t know that um sticks in there all right let’s see what wood do we have to work with all right so let’s let’s get an idea let’s get an idea I’m thinking we build it kind of like the cathedral thinking kind of like a little small little L shape or no this is going to be a Twan maybe it’s just a tower maybe it’s just a tower like a bunk bed but a house a house bunk actually I really like that idea so I think we might build a tower bunk bed kind of kind of thing is what I’m thinking um yeah let’s do it so it’s a Twan obviously it won’t be too big either in the golden days of the Minecraft server I used to play on the most people that we got on a server about four people while I was on the server I made a postal service or shop kind of like Amazon was the only one with an electron so it was effective oh that’s sick Bro what the heck that’s actually really really cool um that would actually be sick what the heck okay I think I like little paths uh we’re also going to need I don’t I don’t think this wall has defend I think it has occasional Towers like here’s the door and then the main tower is box no box should be on the inside that’s fine we’ll fig we’ll figure it out it it’ll be super scuffed defensing or defenses all right so Ah that’s why we have nether pix actually say it has to be a lot bigger than that huh I’m thinking maybe 9 by9 1 two 3 4 5 6 7 2 3 4 5 six 7 that’s aw aul big so maybe we do like five right maybe I don’t know I’m figuring this out as I go that that’s fine one two three four five six one two three four five oh whoops 6X six should we do 5x five should we be should we actually try a 5x five n that’s just not even that’s just nowhere near big enough all right we got to try ah uh 1 2 3 4 5 6 there we go okay one two three four five six there we go all right this should be somewhat good uh numbers work best oh wait yeah you’re right huh uh but seven is just so big how okay how big are these these are one two three four five these are okay these are the standard 5x five is a perfect single man place so maybe we do go to seven even though seven is pretty big it doesn’t have to be too common all right seven big is seven is big for this area I should say all right let’s boom wait 1 two 3 four five six seven perfect all right yeah I think this is a pretty solid cuz now that’s the center all right yeah I think do a 5 by [Music] seven wait one wait one two three four five oh wait no I think you mean one two three four five yeah okay wait why am i counting bro I can’t use my brain like this wait wait wait wait wait wait 1 two three four 5 1 two three four five six 7even 1 2 three four five there there we go okay is this what you’re talking about oh yeah so like half of it can be I I guess that makes a bit more sense yeah make a rectangle yeah well obviously uh I think I think we do that should we get T are you still there I’m sorry this kind of did turn into a solo stream yeah I’m still here all right game room okay all right now the question is do we use dark oak oh yeah there’s also like this cracked effect and we shouldn’t use bricks it’s going to be like Cobblestone this is going to be a bit scuffed I think right or do we use do we use wood for the no I think a like Cobblestone will be fine and hold up let me get let me get this as a reference like stripped and then I know I have a stripped one over here all right there we go oh my god let’s organize this there we go Spruce all right going a put stone at the bottom Spruce put dirt actually and then Spruce we’ll put hold up guys sorry just a bit of organization dark oak so Spruce dark oak whoops I totally just immediately flip those oh my God guys I may have dyslexia all right and then these are Spruce dark oak there we go Spruce get the sticks get the stairs all right then me get wool let me get some doors perfect get just random stuff there and boom all right I think that’s how we organize it and then these two are going to be like what I reference to see all right my my first ever server was filled with mods security Craft Furniture Mod Mr cish and a ton of others said server was only played for played on for 2 to three years their server save file was never found that’s so sad all right which one do we do we even use strips I hate the look of that H all right I think we use Spruce lugs and then a dark oak roof yes yes we use a dark oak roof and then oh my gosh ma are you watching Fried Green Tomatoes what you watching Fried Green Tomatoes yeah how do you know the music that’s so funny oh my gosh I love doing that my mom was just like watch a movie no no no we saw it we seen it last year towards the end sorry it’s so it’s like a great movie guys if you haven’t seen fried GRE Tomatoes watch it it’s literally one of the best movies ever it’s such a cool like older one too it’s really cool anyway uh let’s let’s switch those these out oh wait what what am I doing what what the crap all right and then let’s get that switch all these over and that all right whoops all right and then I think we use okay I think we definitely use dark oak should we use a bigger Tower should it be a bigger Tower it’s definitely going to be two stories high all right let’s build up a little bit more [Music] oh no I’m using the wrong thing dang it wait am I wait it’s supposed to be Spruce not dark oak oh my God bro I’m tripping bro there we go I think there we go that makes a lot more sense how is it already almost nighttime what the heck ah trying to make it dang it all right uh then I think we go whoops oh no no no all right and then I think the Cobble is just going to be check Discord do you want hey you [Music] should all right all right I will once okay hold up sorry freaking someone’s texting all right after we build this house guys I think we’re going to place B and then I guess I don’t know or how do we want to do this guys I don’t know what to do should we make it kind of like Windows maybe I don’t know no we should do oh we should do fencing all right so I think we use it’s going to be dark oak fence right or no we should make it Spruce fence so it’ll be this in between or right here in the middle there we go all right I think that’s actually perfect I’m GNA be a single door all right all right CU is what I’m thinking I think I put fencing right here as like a window but it’s like a very scuffed window it’s going to be like boards basically like something you’d see in the ghetto or something like that uh can we do SL lay again I’m sorry there you go all right hold up guys sorry I hate building at night everyone always dies here we go and then that’s going to be like a front door area all right so we should probably there’ll be a back door too that would be crazy actually there’s no point in a back door cuz unless I want to go over there should we make a back door no let’s just make a front door so this will be the front door right and then I’m thinking we put more of these right spr use dark oak oh wait I’m using dark oak whoops all right and this going to be Spruce fencing let’s make that real quick just so I stop thinking about it uh Spruce just turn this entire stack into there we go yay let’s get the sticks out of here oh wait is this a gate no it’s a okay perfect all right perfect and then we combine put that there sorry I’m just like commentating what I’m building but I mean how else do you build all right let me get the fence I think and then we place it oh wait we can’t oh my God I’m actually monkey brain right now all right then we put it oh wait no what am I doing we can put it like this kind of like boards there we go all right all right all right I think I’m I’m kind of liking this there going to be like a second floor kind of like a small little attic I think all right so we definitely need stairs how did I build this I’m not I don’t remember how I kind of okay I think oh okay nope I get it we’re going to do this kind of roof I really like that kind of roof uh what we’re going to do dark oak stairs so let’s get that and we like that Perfecto Perfecto oh I’m going to need a lot more in fact let’s just grab this Half Stack and then and then build it there we go that should be fine fine for now all right and then I think we could build it around kind of or should we make the we should make the floor out of probably some wait so if that’s going to be the okay let’s build the roof before we worry about the stories and stuff let’s do the roof all right so I’m do it kind of like no it’s exactly what I didn’t want oh wait I’m going to have to be down here to do it huh what is that where it is that oh wait should I put like should I put that there I think that see how that goes if not then we can always change it all right perfect then we put that we do that whoops DK I dude stairs are so absurdly stairs are absurdly annoying all right and then I did that on the either side and then I just built it up okay now now we can go up here Jes and llen now we can actually go up here uh and [Music] then all right we’re just going to use this as like a quick placeholder all right hold guys this might actually be like a really cool build that I’m making here all right and then three four five oh my God I now we need more okay let’s go back let’s get some more now we know we’re going to need a bunch of stairs for this town we’re going to need so much more wood than I have it’s kind of funny let’s get this all right 44 stairs I’ll take it oh uh uh that doesn’t look that good maybe we do make the roof Spruce wait looking pretty good uh yeah this Spruce is just blending in with the dark oak or wait is this dark oak did I use dark oak no the dark oak is blending in with the spruce ah wait unless this is this is Spruce right or is this dark oak wait I should have been using Spruce oh my gosh are you kidding me all right Spruce roof holy crap guys I do not not know how to build um let’s put that back there let’s grab some of this now let’s turn all this into stairs there we go oh my God bro we’re going to need more huh there we go all right we got to destroy all this now dang it I didn’t even think okay I didn’t even think all right let’s try this again ah all right then we go over here oh my God bro all right there we go now we’re cooking now we’re cooking in the kitchen ah I’m not cooking anymore oh my God I’m not cooking I’m not cooking wow all right uh and then we’ll accent it we’ll accent it around with the with the um or not accent it but I I don’t know I don’t know my terminology I don’t know my building but was we pepper it with uh this stuff the dark oak there we go just so it’s not a solid color right then me go like that hop on over here same thing there we go all right then do we just put how does that look perfect I think that’s pretty good all right and then we can come down all right and then we can eliminate these this actually looking pretty good not going to lie that’s actually pretty cool we can get rid of those oh no oh wait and then that leaves the problem of a gap how did I oh then I built it out a little bit so I think oh my gosh ah stop here you go all right just so it doesn’t look like flat cuz that flatness looks really [Music] weird oh my God now this is awkward what h there we go I think that looks sick and then we fill it in with some dark oak there we go there we go could put like hanging stuff from it as well oh is this going to be a window I think it’s going to be like a singular like just right here is going to be the window or we can make it a double why not why not make it a double all right I think that’s the basic builds I think it’s looking pretty good I’ll figure out decorations later but we have to go Place beef with tea T are you still there I think that’s looking pretty good actually yeah I’m still here all right you ready to play some sple oh we should do boat racing as well all right guys I know I did say I was going to build for of the time but honestly I I kind of forgot that I had to do stuff with tea that I get to do stuff with tea I’m sorry let um I’m going to leave the wood in my inventory cuz next time I get on I’m probably going to keep building cuz that was actually pretty fun to figure out T all right there we go we’re going to do SPL and then we’re going to do brat race or whatever we can do whatever honestly just not chess sweet I’m just not up for chance all right I’m I’m making my way over too bad none of the games in the arcade are play or like working or working able or playable there you are oh wait there oh my God it’s all the way down here what the heck the game room’s over yeah game room’s over here ah forgot I could sit on the stairs now there we go my God my frames get so choppy every time I come down here H well just okay y all right all right let’s do it when I’m ready when you are wait let me turn shaders off cuz this it gets hella like crazy I actually have never figured out chests to the point that I don’t instantly lose it’s actually not that hard once you understand the pieces like the game isn’t that hard just chest in Minecraft is very difficult all right Mama is fixing we’re missing a leaf oh um she said go ahead and play mind all right ready I’ll let you count down yep three two one bananas 3 two 1 go oh W oh my God maybe we should we should have maybe made this bigger cuz that was pretty fast all right I’m at one best out of three or five let’s do best out of five best of five I can just figure out how the ladder works oh my God there we go yay all right two one go all right how are you dying oh wait what you were on my head weren’t you oh my God I was throwing stuff and it made me go up on there I was like what the heck oh my God and then you got off and died all right all right and then one more all right if I win this then then ah dang it all right if I win this then uh actually let’s go to boat races I guess we can always come back to this too all right ready all right three two one go oh see all right maybe best out of a million and oh my God why why don’t we go boat racing why don’t we go okay maybe maybe we go boat racing all right let’s I’m going to update the scoreboard on that one wait where’s the scoreboard wait does b not have a scoreboard oh wait no it’s just over here I went completely the wrong way all right Mr tib where’s Mr tib I have one loss three dubs I’ll update yours if you want or no all right I’ll just upate yeah yeah three gles however many wins you get that’s many losses I get whoa really that’s crazy all right now boat racing cuz holy crap you’re going to kick my butt in this like last time I raced you I don’t know about this man where’s the where’s the beginning like I don’t remember the beginning up top I get up top oh yeah we have to go up these you know you can make these banjos if you put a hay thing below it all right bamboo boats oh that’s the Finish Line okay ready all I’m ready when you are Miss B do a do a count do a countdown in the chat one how many left one this is actually pretty big too do a countdown in the chat m p do countdown in the chat do a countdown in the chat do a countdown in the chat do it can she why is she do K she can you oh no not I was talking about in the ing game chat but okay in game you you might specify next time hold up technical difficulty the Enderman yeah I know okay all right there we go oh no ah ah this is going to be incredibly hard I have no idea how to boat race all right let’s go oh I should have added some music no I’m at the top oh my God I’m actually terrible I’m actually terrible I’m actually terrible wait T where even are you you put push me onto a stupid rock oh no oh did I that’s actually so funny uh-oh now for the hard part oh no am I not going to make oh wait there’s another one ah I forgot about those jumps bro this is the craziest freaking boat race ever if you miss a jump you got to go back behind the jump and actually go for the jump oh no oh no all I made the jump just not the landing all right there we go I got to go back and retry it no I don’t oh okay well now I have to completely redo this oh no I broke a slime oh no oh wait no stop stop stop oh I’m stuck I’m actually stuck wait what this is so scuffed it’s cuz the Slime is broken how do I even get back there what wait wait wait wait wait we can do this guys slimes bro ow I fixed the slime wait is the jump pad just not working I don’t think the jump pad’s working Miss B Miss B technical difficulties technical difficulties the jump pad wasn’t even working I’m upset you’ve ruined everything your water washed the redone you red stone no there wasn’t oh maybe I’m not sure anyway come fix my mistake you have the you have the no you have the oh my God you have now both the blocks all right oh wait that was her never mind I thought that was you you guys’s skin looks so similar oh yeah this is a cave we found it’s crazy big like it’s really cool it’s a perfect place to do a but RAC in honestly I think it’s really cool what do you guys think what does chat think Ed bed Ed n it’s an Ever B oh crap that was a mistake not today bucko oh he’s stuck what a goofball uhoh make mad no stop you’re cheating you’re cheating you’re actually cheating you’re actually cheating you’re actually cheating get him Bob you’re cheating you’re literally cheating what do we cheating what do we we cheating what do we what do we cheating Bozo h I beat you with water stupid he’s up here there bud wait Minecraft Caves have gotten better since we l oh yeah for sure stupid yeah know Bob is still mad it’s not Bob uh oh I’m dead is that Bob I die no it’s a different Enderman he gave up what a bozo stupid uhoh oh he did give no yeah that’s awkward all right I I requested a TPA let’s go back to the regular arcade team and start over um uh I’m helping her I’m helping her oh yeah well once she’s done I mean we’d start not right now but still the Enderman is mad you didn’t include him in the race yeah pretty much see dude sh this game looks so much more boring without shaders but U what was I say yeah he was probably thought we were racist or something SL DP it’s probably because he thought you were a sky guy something like that and Sky guy killed Bob the first oh yeah he did huh unfortunate stop stop literally cheating literally cheating me maybe I’m cheating I just stop oh my god dude this is so stupid I have not have yet to get hit by the skeleton oh dude I dodged every single bullet that’s actually crazy I deserve I’m dream I’m dreaming literally dream you can TP to me oh my God cuz tan is not paying attention all right SI should put hay bals on under this you can make them sound different depending on what you put under them [Music] actually dude she has that tuned you know Mr tip it’s fine she had it oh the pressure plat doesn’t keep it Out Of Tune oh whoops oops that’s my bad sorry all right I’m ready so much for the song I that I I’m sorry wait what was it tuned to two oh no I’m stuck okay we’re fine dude ice boat racing boat boat racing is crazy oh I’m actually doing really good oh ow I’m doing a lot better than the first time okay and I’m completely turned around uhoh stop stop stop stop stop all right perfect what are you kidding me oh my this is a dude how do you even get back up there t there a Stairway oh my God bro are you kidding me bro how did I fully sent it like dude is this it oh this is it all right T where are you did you pass that point already yeah dang you’re actually going to beat me dude I can’t even like get my boat to be straight it hit the wall okay that’s it this is nonsense I’m I’m just skipping this job no no you’re cheating then you automatically forfeit if you do that w w ah I’m in a c dude I keep circling okay that means that means I get to put a point up for me okay oh my okay you know what dude this is so scuffed oh you’re just bad well you blocked me okay okay I’m done I’m done I’m done wait how does this jump even work also I made it at the jump I just wasn’t able to bounce off of it oh we have to we have to we have to dude if you have to do the jump completely it’s doable cuz I did it but um we got to start from up there cuz otherwise we don’t get enough momentum to this is Goofy bro what I just wanted a boat race all right should we just like restart cuz we both failed miserably no no no all right I’ll go back over here yeah I’ll probably win anyway wait I have to okay if you have to start all the way back here there probably should be two consecutive jumps that you can miss it’s not letting us jump off Mama all right well that was crazy ouch what the heck see it looks like I’m winning this no hold hold up hold up hold up hold up yeah see I barely make it to the this is kind of goofy hold up Mom I’m going to TP to you okay Lucas I’m going to TP to you real quick so I can figure out that one that you broke or something help Mom figure that one out all right K I’m still trying to make this stupid Jump by the way I make the first one but it misses the second one and it’s very upsetting all right guys we can do it who believes in me in the chat yeah I’m coming oh no stop stop stop stop stop stop stop all right we need to restart oh my God this jump anyway dude this is oh yeah not works I see how do I make this turn this is upsetting oh my God bro what is this you’re supposed to turn into it so perfectly dude this is this is kind of dumb what oh my God that’s it I’m starting from like towards the top I can’t even right now no I’ll start right here there we go see then you fall off you hit the side and then like and then the minute you get over here it bounces you oh there we go I figured it out sheesh okay I think that should be fixed bruh all right all right I finally figured it out allor right hold up let’s start where are we starting from start from where you last did the thing you broke us slime we got to make through one lap all right oh my God bro this is the most scuffed thing I’ve ever done in Minecraft dude I got I think I’m making it harder for myself since I’m not starting on the straightaway yeah it goes before we even get there yeah it goes uh we could make it delay by a tick yeah it goes up before we yeah I think you can make it delay by like a take yeah cuz I think that’s the problem with it I don’t know what you did Lucas it worked fine yesterday Mr tip Mr tip Mr TI Mr TI Mr tip Mr tip whatever it’s too late there’s so many streams people say never mind it’s fine yeah BR all right I’m sorry guys this supposed to be a fun part race should we just try something else Al than the boat race wait what even else is there chest arrows oh arrows yeah we could do arrows he’s wanting us to try again so we can try and figure it out cuz yeah all right all right let’s see here does this work do you have to be fully on the jump pad cuz I was kind of on the honey as well I was on the honey as well you can’t be on the honey too bro this makes no sense ow well well now I’m stuck that you just get stuck now on the Slime it goes off now you just don’t go bouncy bouncy maybe they nerfed slime all right due to Minecraft mechanic being added to the game I invented another Minecraft mini game what is it this one I call MLG battles ooh I like it tell me more tell me about it okay actually sounds pretty interesting going back up is it work now yep I’m up and I’m going Y what I’m down what dude it’s fine I’ll still beat you let kind of oh that’s awkward you picked up my boat grab my boat please you such a jerk oh now this one’s doing it up you’re bad you’re bad so long sucker ow oh no there we go yay I did it my boat got my boat got almost stuck under that slab again I have a vid or something on I might be how wait how that game would work I feel like we should need we need to move that one block mama no you’re just you’re just not you’re just not just skill issue yes no Lucas it if you get right underneath the block it’ll wait it’s already challenging they should add more or something how that game would work is three chests three different TI of difficult Ong actually don’t but there’s the guy on YouTube shorts that makes yet another MC mini game I think I know who you’re talking about let me look at the channel real quick yeah I think I know what you’re talking about actually yeah that one spot over [Music] here Mony okay come on ow are we doing again oh sorry I was getting a oh yes let’s do bows and then we should do a bow battle in the arena okay this will be like practice all right all right level one did you get it wait how many is that oh just lights up if you hit it yeah oh why not why don’t the top two light up or is it how close you are to the middle it’s no it’s a weird glitch thing ow all right oh ow dude I have one heart left oh do you that’s unfortunate no no no no we be T whoops dang closer to a bullseye the more lights will come up no it’s two no matter what oh wait was that a bullseye two you couldn’t get it last two you couldn’t get up yeah all right your turn I didn’t break it what you bad hey we’re tied now okay all right go oh I see what you mean okay wait wait wait I’m actually I’m actually horrible wait I’m actually so wait what that’s okay you you won that you definitely won that oh my gosh I suck watch this watch this watch this watch this watch this I’m going to make it okay not cool dude hey you did you did you did shoot before I killed you I just missed though sorry look bit the intrusive thought one okay I’m sorry be accept there we go all right you want to do a bow battle in the arena thingy ah okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry it was just a break it was just a simple misunderstanding yep yeah we had what are you talking to your mom yeah I’m talking to Mom oh I was like what all right all right you set respawn Point yep I’ve hit the button as well oh there we go sniper there’s a skeleton ow get up get up get up how am I not getting up no you’re using your bow you’re using your enchanted bow just chaen you said you said bow battle I’m still going to beat you it’s fine no this is scary I don’t like this oh oh oh dang you have a one shot bow over there I H personally I would not take that kind of disrespect all right rematch I’m up one you didn’t even go in cheater I’m actually bad I’m actually horrible oh oh oh this is actually ner wracking just realize oh no no no stop no stop you’re cheating you’re cheating guys this is this is actually intense where you go where did you go see I went see wait see all right one more but best out of five best out of five we’ll do best out of five again all right I’m ready when you are oh I may need more Arrow no I don’t never mind I missed this is so scary oh this is actually terrifying oh do I I hit T I’m in chat no no oh no okay what is that uh two to one two to one all right I just have to win one more make sure you’re fully healed too oh no oh no oh my God okay I just need to win one [Music] more it’ll be a hot second I think it’d be easier if I just like killed you real quick no no I’m not there dude hold up dude what I was I was like one heart away and then you took I’m sorry oh I’m sorry I think you said a while and I’m like oh okay like just k to make it go faster my food was full I couldn’t I had to wait for my food to go down in order to get eat more so I could get more Hearts I’m sorry du that’s why you don’t just go smacking people it says you you smacked me all the time with your freaking bow oh that was okay American I’m an American Sniper oh God you’re right there that’s miss me get out of here goofy wait why is this breaking wait is my game but flank and spank uhoh where’d you go uhoh stop stop don’t miss be this B stop you keep walking around and it’s tripping me up oh and you had your mom’s help dang that’s wild okay I okay all right I think I won that t what is that two two losses for you wait no I won three times and you won once so I lost I won three and lost one okay where am I there we go stop so I’m at four t stop and I have one was you did it to me you did it to me so fair is fair mhm all right your turn all right there we go Dame wait what is the dollar sign mean what what was that te my turn my wait my turn for what oh to put your score up we can we can keep playing with for no score by the way I actually am enjoying this are you down just play to play not keeping score like foosball all right yeah I got to put like that’s here i w once that five that’s four CL the two [Music] Sky oh my gosh chat oh this has actually been a pretty fun stream oh I was thinking with bow still but okay oh no oh my God I’m I’m actually the best I’m the best I’m the best at bows B PVP I’m literally insane other or or t is just you know not that good and I’m just actually not that good either just better at like just like sniping yeah see that’s every game gamer ever is better at sniping oh she’s just walking by dang it all right obviously not you press it again T there we go stop be you’re so annoying no dang it oh my God this is so annoying family member gave up since I wait wait wait the server I currently play on almost at of War me versus my family member me versus family since we were bored family member gave up since I got the most resources dang yeah man dude your first server ever will be the best one can you click the button please jeez free healing bud I know you are not allowed to come back and kill me stop dude Miss be you’re so annoying I’m honestly not that far I just got to wait for my food to go down no I’m [Laughter] kidding all right I ran out of food actually ready there we go no just press the button she just gets me down to one tab pretty much dang oh that wasn’t you that died no Miss B you’re not allowed to come back you’re not Miss B oh my fing God bro W I like this too yes I really like so stupid how am I supposed to do anything you’re supposed to be the Pro Gamer here bro and then you take forever to heal [Music] okay this just nerve-wracking oh God no stop wait you’re actually King my ass oh God stop my God this is stupid Sor that you that was you I missed this is incredibly nerve-wracking get him stop what are you doing sorry Mom you oh oh my God oh my God and no heals I have no heals over here that H can get wrecked dude can’t I C I can’t PVP too bad you’re getting wrecked no the Enderman the Enderman the Enderman I didn’t even look at you the freaking [Music] End cat gy cat no I’m getting chased by an Enderman dude I can’t I actually can’t play at all I think the Enderman was the least of your worri there bud n I’ve kicked you guys’ butt nice uhoh that was almost bad phew this is crazy if I could I’d like to help what do you mean help he’s down he’s down he’s down how did your sword do so much damage I have a diamond chest plate on uh uh no stop you’re actually cheating nope she has hacks she’s hacks she’s hacking all right can we go back to Bow PVP nah this is funnier this is that is true I’ll give you that one okay you actually have re hacks on there’s no way wait I’m literally running and you’re still hitting me how no you’re taking fall damage here bud no oh my god dude uhoh I broke that’s fine there we go sheesh I can never kill you I have The High Ground oh no no I forgot she’s the one that built these oh clean clean wait wait wait let me get some music on let me get some music on team to to I need some epic battle music to to T all right I need some hold up what is thereat wait wait what the hell wait actually I might end stream soon oh this is perfect I got it I got the song immediately uh application audio capture at existing all right let’s wait can you guys hear this this there we go that’s perfect all can you guys still hear me oh yeah we can not all right you guys still hear you but we can’t hear what what do you mean wait you should be able to hear this music not you guys no don’t end I just joined all right Ethan I won’t end just for you mate turns out that I’m the only one that knows how to attack anything with no damage taken can hear okay T you PVP mhm all right let’s do it all right I’m just going to go around cuz much easier all it’s actually really loud on my end holy crap wait wait wait ah no no no no no no no wait how did I just get to wait okay that doesn’t count wait I I went back into the game and like exited and stuff all right just eliminating uh you real quick oh my god dude how how how do you have that dude you’re literally like I’m going full sweat mode right now uh-oh oh my God [Music] [Music] yeah oh dang it oh my God this is so hard chat sorry I’m not replying to you this is incredibly hard and the music is getting me into it [Music] shoot dude okay your bow is so op use a regular bow I literally don’t even stand a chance against her bow that’s like personal problem you have the axe only cuz you have a bow I can’t literally I can’t play the game at all with your bow get better my God bro you know what screw oh my God her sword does so much damage [Music] dude yeah I’m I’m actually about to just stop playing I can’t do [Music] anything mod says it has looting sharpness five that’s why it’s the sharpness five that hurts I should stop trying to bum rush you just use my own [Music] oh dang D this is insane dude I I I I [Music] I’m out of bows I’m I’m out of arrows I’m out of arrows dang thought you said you were out of arrows I was I had my crossbow oh thank you okay I couldn’t even okay I’m getting more arrows all right this to makes it too much for me there we go wait I see wait I need to go out into the archery range hold up pause pause pause pause pause pause pause wait I’m pausing the music holy crap Ethan guy it’s Cobblestone and wait you guys are talking oh you guys are just talking about building okay I’m happy you guys are here by the way I’m very happy you guys are here I’m happy this something came up came came up the stream all right there we [Music] go I missed I missed you dead I [Music] missed you missed that one too oh [Music] no dude oh I got out of the flow of it oh guys clip that clip it clip it clip [Music] it I missed I missed I missed uh-oh where is [Music] she dang it dude I had no health [Music] wait why do you guys just stand oh you had your bow drw back I just didn’t see [Music] it guys I’m in full Minecraft sweat mode oh no oh my god dude I can’t I actually can’t do anything my sword sucks it doesn’t even have sharpness on it it has Smite oh dude that’s all mine has on it too yeah but your mom’s sword hits super hard [Music] oh it feels good be right back got to eat all right see you later Ethan enjoy the meal be thankful you have some food he’s coming for you mama stop oh nice if I kill you here Miss B don’t don’t let me kill her let me kill her don’t come in don’t come in I’m at half a heart if I can kill her this will be the greatest gaming clip of all time don’t seriously I’m dead serious please don’t what wait if I can pull this off nope guys this is about to be my K [ __ ] me bro damn it bro oh my God nonsense oh my god dude I’m actually so irritated God damn it bro why did that not have a thing I could jump on how do I even get up this wait where’s [Music] my I am not living this [Music] no no no [Music] no no miss me oh my God bro Jesus Christ for real we’re playing to tiny brain game okay yeah this is nonsense bro this is nonsense [Music] oh the ax is so inaccurate I swear to God I can’t can’t hit them with an axe all right I think I figured out your weakness oh my God I take it [Music] [Music] it’s oh wait miss me wait I could hit the clip I could hit the clip I could hit the clip Missy don’t don’t miss me don’t don’t don’t don’t I could hit the clip please let me hit the clip miss me please please please oh my God miss me God [ __ ] damn it bro bro oh my God what am I supposed to do there’s a weird glare on my screen nonsense you realiz can’t hear except for on stream right I know oh my God she took so much of my house so there’s a lag [Music] time uhoh this is [Music] crazy bro I’m on your side yes yes I’m to the best I’m the best 2 half heart clip it uhoh also running out of arrows again [Music] oh my God [Music] bro if I can hit anything with my [Music] bow I got play that one no wait you actually just Jed me out Miss B wait wait I actually can I actually can I actually can where is she there we go holy crap uh-oh ah you’re [Music] bad wait what how how how how [Music] how [Music] wait what how where is my axe going dude you tried hitting me the [ __ ] is my axe going oh my God bro axe is so bad how is this meta in this game how is the axe actually meta in this game I’m upset I just realized that the title says stream instead of stream in instead of stream yeah that happens sometimes I don’t know how to type see what I mean the ex just does not hit her she’s three blocks away oh my God bro like this is so stupid why is the AE meta [ __ ] this ax bro so stupid he’s coming he’s coming I ran out of arrows again see what I mean like bro I guess or I’m just that fast no it’s just dumb well types are normal yeah it’s bad it’s I don’t know how to type a lot of times sometimes there’s no R sometimes it’s s team see what I mean like how is the freaking how is the axe this [ __ ] bad you’re so close to falling in [Music] how are you not dead oh dude you’re dude how how can you just hit me all of the time I’m literally running I’m running go nonsense oh my what oh also I still don’t have any arrows tan I don’t have arrows doesn’t mean I can’t practice mine I I’m just saying I don’t have arrows all right I think uh honestly I think I’m almost done with this I might go back to building for a bit I might I don’t know should I should I go back to building chat what do you think should I go back to building oh my God bro die yay you were right there dude God damn it I switched my freaking tell I’m not even on any elf I had tacos oh tacos is so tacos are so good ah bow battle only bow battle only oh Bow battle only bow battle only miss be oh my God this is absurd oh my Ball’s actually about to break oopsie all right I think I’m done now I think I go bye-bye now of to hi what’s up random bro I cheese rollups but who cares it says it’s Doo yeah pretty much it’s Doo hey hey roll up or not R up random holy crap we just got done with the most intense Battle of my career okay we’re done we’re leaving believing all right unlike popular opinion I use mending on my bows I have a Skelly Farm yeah well this isn’t my bow it’s just a bow I was using her bow is insanely powerful though all right we can turn the shaders back on holy crap T GG’s even though that was super hard oh my God you just spawned me all the way back at the arena oh my goodness all right now shaders are on only reason why I turn them off is that they tend to be very uh framy and very uh stocky what is it like chunky they seem to be chunky I don’t know like when I’m just down here because it’s just yeah all right now we can go to our home what the okay you’re so annoying at least let me sit get my bed no stop stop I just want to build just want to build laggy no it’s not laggy the frames are fine but the frames are clunky that’s what it is they’re just clunky like like that they’re just weird but it’s not laggy or no not like that it’s just weird the frames just look weird it’s hard in the eyes I guess all right back to this house this needs something else we need to I think I understand we need like a what am I thinking here we need like something like that yeah that just looks weird there we go wait this actually might be something can you not right there we go and then we go there we go and then we go wait can we do SL slay again sorry T I wanted to get back to the building I haven’t fully decorated this can we do slay SL there we go all right nice I play on Xbox so I have to use the marketplace but I might get mine coins for my bead day which is coming up soon oh nice no I’m not I can get I can get in actual bed all right I’m out of bed I’m out of bed all right sick Ethan happy early birthday just in case I don’t get to see you on yours um also if you guys have Discord you should join the you should join the Discord server down below it be uh be great be great if you guys can join the Discord server down below get that explains what happens when you do and downum Below but anyway um let me get some more food cuz that used up all my food all right now we can get back to building that was fun te if you want to come help me build maybe put in your professional opinion you can I need to work in my habit hole too oh okay try and get some actual things done in it get it finished up like I’ve been meaning to for like a year does that look good or should we put it up more wait actually I just need something to detail this I just need I don’t know hold up that actually doesn’t look good oh my God you guys probably heard that in the background that was so funny what the [Music] hell there we go that looks better yeah it just needs to be up I it needs to go or no it needs that to be its top there we go I think that looks better is it the same as the other oh no I messed up I done messed up right get rid of those and put that like that and that like that wait no wait am I tripping I think I’m tripping what the heck okay there we go there we go there we go all right I I really like this design what do you guys think uh I have a PC at my dad uh that had Minecraft but it signed me out at a ky yeah freaking Microsoft is so stupid bro and then you forget your account and then they make you jump through literally HS make a creeper face no I think that’s all right for now I place a door and then we’ll place like bunk beds here and then maybe a storage and kitchen room up here all right let’s let’s build that so we’ll put beds down here or no maybe we should just do two beds here and then here’s a second floor that we put like locks around like it’s almost an attic all right and then there could be like bunk beds up and that appear is like a yes I think I really like that I think yes I think that would work really well um oh no whoops I messed up wait how do you make it louder oh wait there we go holy crap like no all right and then Jes and llen put a ladder up here and then boom they have their little attic put like storage up here different things all right uh should we decorate it I think we should decorate it it’s like a whole different inventory for decorating 1 two three that I’ll just be white beds pretty much uh let’s make this whoops or should we decorate later I think I’ll just Place beds in there and then we’ll actually decorate things later cuz that’s a whole another inventory see okay I’m going to go because me and my brother are going to play Xbox bye keep up the good work thanks man I’ll see you later uh no please what does that even mean bro please have a great day all right what do you mean bro please all right so you roll over go up here be like a little SE maybe a little fireplace we can should we had a fireplace think yeah even even poor homes had fireplaces yeah we should definitely had a fireplace there go look up the geish G comments prob what H confus what do you mean bro please Dr Dragon welcome everybody to the stream by the way holy crap we have five people if you guys want to see Future Minecraft streams you should subscribe in YouTube chat I didn’t see what she put day is on the 30th of September I have Discord I don’t she didn’t type anything I don’t know all right hold up let me readjust my phone real quick all right hold up you play Roblox she’s meaning look at the one that has GF in it not the one from me oh my God bro this is not stay hold up I can’t I don’t see where that’s at it’s fine it’s not a big deal uh hold up you play Roblox yes I do please bro just say [Music] it dra drag B Bic I don’t know what your name means and yes I do play Roblox I’ve done a bunch of streams in fact my most viewed video was 12K and it was of Roblox all right I think this is a pretty solid this is a pretty solid L I don’t like it it wasn’t the whole bunk bed thing actually wait we can make this a bunk bed oh let’s see how do you I don’t know how to make one but I think we’ll figure it out oh wait I didn’t really make this bunk bed friendly all right we’re moving this then we have to put this right here or no we can put it right there wait does this no okay now this allows us to do that oh wait we have to place one more whoops now we’re good all right now we can make a bunk bed oh wait what oh wait we’ll have to put it this way to put like and then oh no cuz then the floor yeah Noe that won’t work never mind I’m stupid ow that was a fail there could be like a little nightstand and a window here yeah that’s actually I like this better uh so this I don’t I don’t understand your name bro all right and then we need another fence here and then oh my God we ran out a fence crap crap wait was it dark oak were we using dark oak fences we were oh no that was Spruce never mind all right Perfect all right use slabs for what I got don’t want you to use the pickup line on T for react I can’t I don’t know where I don’t know where he typed it I don’t see it the wait the thing he typed cuz I don’t see it you look I’m not going to say that I’m not GNA dude I’m not going to say that to her I’m not that’s so Cru I would never dude I would never even if you paid me I don’t think I’d say that right above you slabs thank you see I love you um wait you look at uh right above you slabs no cuz then I can’t Place anything down here or up here I mean whoops I’m not saying that why don’t all you have RZ I don’t need RZ I already have a girlfriend and she wouldn’t appreciate it right T say you wouldn’t appreciate it and then I think we put another one house I think we put the other house back here another one like this maybe put like a two of them right here or like a neighborhood and then then and it’s raining all right I think chat I have been streaming I’ve been streaming for remember how hard and half hours yeah yeah I know um we’re streaming for two and a half hours honestly I think we got good progress done we did design a whole house do need to decorate it uh I should have made it looking the other way I’ll put like a couple maybe like one or two houses randomly right here uh and then we’ll start getting forming the actual look of everything but it’s night time it’s raining I’ve been streaming for a while J’s and light man I think we will end stream here all right um yeah let me switch to my face cam all right all right guys thank you guys so much for watching uh I hope you enjoyed the stream subscribe if you subscribe to your stream and like if you like the stream do not share it though we don’t press the share button you can share it in any kind of way other than hitting the share button but um yeah thank you all so much for watching I’m I’m happy all of you are chatting and stuff uh join the Discord down below if you don’t have Discord that’s fine subscribe to catch future live streams and uh yeah I think I’ll see you all in the next one byebye bye

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sream in FATAL!!! (With my gf LuckTi)’, was uploaded by Tiny Brain Gaming on 2024-03-03 23:36:06. It has garnered 50 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:00 or 9060 seconds.

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    Become the Ultimate Pixelmon Player!Video Information yo guys what is going on it is Royal here today on something brand new that I have not played in absolutely forever bro I am super excited to start up this series you guys could probably already tell by the title and the thumbnail everything going on it’s a little bit different than what’s normally on the channel right but I have done these series before and I honestly did have a lot of fun doing them but guys today we are on Madia for a brand new Pixelmon series you guys might not have known Madia… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!

    Insane Minecraft Captain Eats Chickens!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft chiknen face #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming #minecraftlovers #craft #livestream’, was uploaded by Mine Captain on 2024-01-10 04:53:58. It has garnered 2727 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. #minecraft #dreamnotfound #mcyt #minecraftmemes #minecraftfunny #minecrafter #fyp #gaming #mcpe #minecraftserver #foryou #charliecustardbuilds #peashock #tiktokplaysminecraft #live #movetothebeatofbai #minecraftbuilding #minecrafthouse #minecrafttutorial #stopmotion #minecrafts #nostalgia#memez #meme #dailymemes #funnymeme #freshmemes #memelord #spicymemes #funnymemes #minecraftcursedimageshappy #minecraftbuilder #minecraftisawesome #minecraftdesigns #minecrafttipsandtricks #minecraftshaders #minecraftmob #minecraftanimation #minecraftskin #minecraftcursed #minecart #minecraftparty #minecraftsurvival #minecraftbuildhacks Read More

  • Project Nebula SMP Java 1.20.4 Age 18+ Whitelist LGBTQ+ Hermitcraft-like Friendly Community 5+ Years!

    Project Nebula ✨ Project Nebula ✨ About Us & Values Project Nebula is a community-focused SMP server started by Colinator007 and RavingPlatypi, now run by RavingPlatypi and Cowmilk. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community of players. Whether you enjoy redstone engineering, building, or just hanging out, you’ll find a place with us. Our Values: Diverse & welcoming: All playstyles are welcome, from technical builds to community-focused play. Community-driven & transparent: We value community feedback and transparency in our decisions. Mutual trust & respect: Our community is respectful and drama-free. Commitment to Vanilla experience: We maintain a… Read More


    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • WyrdCraft | Witchery+

    WyrdCraft | Witchery+Welcome to WyrdCraft!This is a modded server on version 1.7.10 mainly focused on the Witchery mod with a few other additions. We are a casual community and have very few rules. The server is very new and still needs work to be a final product but we are officially playable. Modlist:Aether BiblioCraft BiomesOPlenty BloodMagic BloodMoon Botania EtFuturumRequiem IronBackpacks IronChests Netherlicious OpenBlocks PamsHarvest ThaumCraft TwilightForest WildCaves WitcheryServer IP: play.wyrdcraft.netDiscord: discord.wyrdcraft.netModpack: Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Mansion Mania #vlog2 In Minecraft, I built more houses, it’s true, Each one unique, with a different view. From the village to the fields, my creations soar, Crafting with care, I always want more. I play FIFA 4, trying to level up my team, Buying and selling players, it’s like a dream. Upgrading Bling and Crus, to make them shine, In the transfer market, my strategy is fine. I face challenges, like laggy networks and more, But I keep on playing, never feeling sore. With dedication and skill, I aim to win, In the world of gaming, I’ll always spin. So join… Read More

  • “From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts” #minecraft #lol

    "From toddler tantrums to boomer brain farts" #minecraft #lol At age 5: “Mom, can you help me avoid this trap in Minecraft?” At age 15: “I’ll just watch a YouTube tutorial on trap avoidance.” At age 25: “I’ve been playing Minecraft for years, I can sense a trap from a mile away.” At age 35: “I’ve mastered the art of trap avoidance in Minecraft, it’s like second nature to me now.” At age 45: “I’ve avoided so many traps in Minecraft, I should put it on my resume as a skill.” Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience on Minewind Server! Are you looking to increase the impression of your gaming channel on YouTube? Want to learn the secret tips to boost your subscribers and grow your audience? Look no further! While the video you just watched may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does offer valuable insights into increasing your channel’s visibility and engagement. But why stop there? Imagine taking your gaming experience to the next level by joining a vibrant and exciting Minecraft community. Enter Minewind Minecraft Server, where adventure awaits at every turn. With a dedicated player base and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed

    Minecraft 1.21 Trailer Exposed Minecraft 1.21 Trailer vs Reality Introduction In the world of Minecraft, trailers often showcase exciting new features and updates that players can look forward to. However, sometimes these trailers can deviate from the actual gameplay experience, leading to interesting comparisons between the trailer and reality. Misleading Visuals One of the common discrepancies between Minecraft trailers and reality is the portrayal of certain game elements. For example, in the 1.21 update trailer, Mojang mistakenly depicted chests opening with the lock remaining at the bottom, unlike the actual in-game animation where the lock lifts up. Similarly, arrows in the trailer appear… Read More

  • Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!

    Warning: Insane Results from Excessive Modding!Video Information give me all your bro what the is a sord going to do what are you scared now you’re asking for it wait no no no no someone please help my cupcake don’t worry citizen I’m here Iron Man yes it is I the amazing Iron Man God damn it I need like a fireman or something I can’t believe it a fully rebuilt World Trade Center in Minecraft I never thought I’d see the day that that would be oh my God who could be knocking at 3:00 a.m. in the morning hey I’m Sonic the Hedgehog… Read More

  • Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!

    Creepiest Minecraft Seeds Tested!Video Information seed is crazy imagine a Pillager Outpost stacked on top of a mansion stacked on top of an ocean Monument stacked on top of an End Portal oh my gosh bro this whole seat is crazy okay these sand blocks I got of place I’m breaking these oh I found bur treasure oh zombie head okay I’m going just take all the essential stuff my zombie head steak and Cobblestone I guess wait my zombie head what the heck Hello did I miss something okay that’s weird um I’m just going to act like that didn’t happen I’m… Read More

  • Intense Water Drinker – Pick Your Language!

    Intense Water Drinker - Pick Your Language!Video Information This video, titled ‘English or Spanish’, was uploaded by waterdrinker on 2024-06-14 15:00:09. It has garnered 10428 views and 598 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. whoever moves first is gay #viral #minecraft #shorts ♡ waterdrinker03 tags: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, minecraft songs, minecraft, gangnam style, minecraft, minecraft trolling, lets play minecraft, tnt minecraft parody, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, herobrine, minecraft creations, minecraft multiplayer, minecraft gameplay, minecraft traps, youtube, minecraft gangnam style, herobrine… Read More

  • Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!

    Prepare to have your mind blown with insane Cube Craft Parkour gameplay!Video Information This video, titled ‘Cube Craft Parkour, MultiCraft, Craft World 3D, Minecraft, Terraria, Lokicraft, Planet Craft, Planet’, was uploaded by ChooChoo Gameplay on 2024-06-17 07:00:05. It has garnered 719 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 01:24:12 or 5052 seconds. #ChooChooGameplay #Craft #minecraft Read More

  • “INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!” #minecraft #gaming

    "INSANE double TNT run! Must watch!!" #minecraft #gamingVideo Information what H [Music] okay This video, titled ‘minecraft double TNT run #minecraft #gaming #technogamerz #gamerfleet #viralshort #stisfyingvideo’, was uploaded by shivay_gaming on 2024-03-25 15:54:12. It has garnered 12820 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. minecraft TNT run minecraft double TNT run minecraft game minecraft no mod Minecraft op free fire bgmi call of duty craftsman 5 gaming not real game minecraft,minecraft tnt run,tnt run minecraft,tnt run,minecraft tnt,run,minecraft survival,funny minecraft,minecraft tnt run plugins,minecraft rtx,minecraft but,minecraft mods,minecraft memes,minecraft hypixel,minecraft lets play,minecraft mini games,minecraft multiplayer,mindcraft,minecraft tnt experiment,minecraft tnt run!,minecraft funny,minecraft mundo,minecraft nl,minecraft pc,tnt… Read More

  • Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The Beneath

    Discover mind-bending secrets in Universe Land: The BeneathVideo Information and already people are breaking out of bounds too oh really well I’ll meet you in a in game because I just started streaming all righty see you in a sec well well well well well what do we have here [Music] man I really hope my mic is picking up this stuff because if not that it’s going to be uh dumb that is going to be really dumb man I guess it is because I just checked and I heard myself that’s crazy what other Discord server ah yes the beneath one because I’m Bene thing… Read More

  • “Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!” #clickbait

    "Shocking Villager IQ Experiment in Minecraft!" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing villagers IQ in Minecraft #gaming #minecraft @pixelyt05 @tashugaming057’, was uploaded by Tashu Gaming on 2024-02-17 06:28:56. It has garnered 2485 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Read More

  • “AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱” #clickbait

    "AZEN: The Ultimate TikTok Hack Exposed!😱" #clickbaitVideo Information सो गाइ आज मैं आपको एक ऐसा खतरनाक [संगीत] हां तो यार इसी बात पे अनेन चैनल को सब्सक्राइब कर देना क्योंकि ये चैनल अच्छा है This video, titled ‘THE MOST USELESS AND POPULAR TIKTOK HACK💀😂#azen #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by AZEN on 2024-05-04 16:29:04. It has garnered 419 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. AZEN,AZEN,Azen,minecraft shorts,minecraft,shorts,minecraft short,minecraft short video,minecraft but,minecraft memes,minecraft tiktok,minecraft mod,short,youtube shorts,minecraft speedrun,minecraft #shorts,twi shorts,minecraft challenge,funny minecraft memes,minecraft but challenge,minecraft manhunt,beating minecraft,minecraft speedrunner,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.17,minecraft funny,camman18 shorts,minecraft seed,minecraft animation MINECRAFT FURNITURE MOD 🤯 REAL GAMING SET UP… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT CAVE REACTION!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘When We Are Entering in cave For First Time #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT_OX on 2024-03-26 00:00:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft shorts minecraft animation Steve and alex 12345678910 minecraft minecraft wave mod cameraman bebek kwek kwek … Read More

  • WineSide – – • Egyedi és stabil szerver! • Sok karbantartáson, áruláson esett át a szerver, de még nem adtuk fel! Csatlakozni az 1.18.2-es verzión tudsz. A szerveren FullPvP, MurderMystery és SkyBlock játékmódok érhetőek el. Read More

  • Stack of Grass – Modded – Australia – Survival – Whitelist – Towny – City Reward System

    Welcome to Stack of Grass Season 2! In version 1.20.1, Stack of Grass is a small server hosted in Australia, focusing on socializing and world-building. What makes us different? Player Base: Whitelisted server for mature players 18+. Ideal for a calm and chill community. The Gameplay: Offering a “Vanilla+++” feel with mods like Ars Nouveau, The Graveyard, Chipped, and more. The Commands: Access to useful teleporting commands like /home and Waystones. In-Game Social: Proximity voice chat for easy communication and emphasis on community and town building. The Server Life: Admin-run scripted Dungeons, events, and treasure hunts for players to enjoy…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie

    Minecraft Memes - Spice Up Your Game: The Came Game Hoodie“Ahh yes, the perfect attire for when you want to flex your gaming skills while also staying cozy. Bonus points if you can actually spell ‘Game’ correctly!” Read More

  • “Only the Elite Know MrBeast’s Hot Portal” #minecraft #meme

    "Only the Elite Know MrBeast's Hot Portal" #minecraft #meme Only the chosen few have access to the mystical MrBeast portal in Minecraft. It’s like finding the golden ticket in Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory, but with more diamonds and creepers. Read More

  • MLG Minecraft Race

    MLG Minecraft Race Minecraft MLG Yarışması: A Thrilling Adventure in the Minecraft Universe Step into the exciting world of Minecraft with COOLMAN’s MLG Yarışması! This thrilling competition brings together players from all over to showcase their skills and creativity in the beloved sandbox game. What is MLG Yarışması? MLG Yarışması is a competitive event within Minecraft where players compete in various challenges, showcasing their mastery of the game’s mechanics and their ability to think on their feet. From building intricate structures to surviving intense battles, participants must demonstrate their prowess in all aspects of Minecraft gameplay. Key Features of MLG Yarışması: Challenge… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #Problizz

    Insane Minecraft Animation Livestream! Join the Journey to 1200 Subs! #ProblizzVideo Information اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ اللہ ഹലോ ഹലോ ഹലോ അയ്യോ ഇതെന്താ ഇങ്ങനെയൊക്കെ ഇപ്പൊ ക്ലിയർ ആണോ വോയിസ് ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്ന പോലെയുണ്ട് ഞാൻ പറയുന്നത് എനിക്ക് തന്നെ കേൾക്കാം ആരൊക്കെ ക്രാക്ക് ആകുന്നു മൈക്ക് ഇവരെ കൊണ്ടുവരാം ഇല്ല ഇവിടെ കുറെ പേരുണ്ട് ഇത്ര എടുത്ത് വന്നാലേ ക്ലിയർ ആകത്തുള്ളൂ ഏറ്റവും കൂടുതൽ കുറവുള്ളത് ഇതാ സൗണ്ട് സ്മോൾ ആണോ ആ اللہ ഓക്കേ അയ്യോ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ [സംഗീതം] പെട്ടെന്ന് [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഓക്കേ ഓക്കേ ഗയ്‌സ് താങ്ക്യൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഞാൻ ക്ലീൻ ആകുന്നില്ല ഇടയ്ക്കേ ഉള്ളൂ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ആ [സംഗീതം] [സംഗീതം] ഹലോ ഇവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യേണ്ടത് എവിടെയാണോ മൈക്ക് ചെയ്യുന്നത്… Read More

  • Insane SMP You Can’t Miss

    Insane SMP You Can't MissVideo Information तो मेरे बालो देखो हाउ टू जॉइन संस्कार एसएमपी तो मेरे बालो देखो आजकल के टाइम में ना एसएमपी कंटेंट बहुत ज्यादा चल रहा है तो मैं और मेरा दोस्त सीपो लेके आ चुके है आपके लिए संस्कार एसएमपी ये एक लाइफ स्टाइल एसएमपी होने वाली है और और लाइफ स्टाइल के अलावा इसमें तीन प्लगिंस है तो फर्स्ट प्लगइन है ग्रेव का तो मेरे भाई लोग तो देखो इस एमपी में कोई भी मर्ता है तो उसकी ग्रेव बन जाएगी और उसके हाथ में कंपस आ जाएगा जिससे वो अपनी मरी हुई लोकेशन पे जा सकता है… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More