INSANE Minecraft Stream with Zed Hopkins!

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yeah let’s get it let’s get it let’s go yeah here we go wait hold on oh yeah get it we get it let’s keep it going yeah hello people hi nice beats thank you okay here we go so I’m G to pull it up on my phone so I can have you guys as chat okay y’all ready for this stream hold on adjusting my game position my game play position okay there we go English wait English or Spang what I think he’s making me trip okay so we’re gonna play some more Minecraft just because I want to play it but I want to also prove that it’s not fake so I’m going to record it so I only play this ever on recordings um yeah anyway so I did look back at the recording from earlier and I did figure out where I got lost at kind of not really but I’m still going to figure it out so I think I was down on the bottom floor and I went down one of these hallways really far are you going to come play tennis um no when I can drive I’ll play tennis literally every day I just don’t want to bring drag my parents around town okay hold on so we were okay this is this oh yeah okay I remember I remember I remember I remember I remember I do not remember is it this one it’s one of these two no it’s this side hold on why don’t you post Minecraft videos on your channel I don’t know I should though should start doing that that’d be cool okay there we are and we’re back at our base right yes okay that’s our base right there okay good I can’t just mine it I was worried I couldn’t just mine it and I just broke it okay yes dog we will feed you hold on okay um rotten flesh dog do there you go my internet sucks right now don’t worry about it truth or dare truth give me a truth I’m a truther not a liar want the bad Omen we can lose the ender pearl lose crossbow um take that of that take that and we leave those two because those are just fun little things but we do need building blocks nope truth there are you on summer break yes Truth uh true factual wait where is my torches there they are okay this time I’m not going to get lost because I’m going to place a cobblestone track nope that wasn’t it maybe it was though nope still wrong hold on oh yeah so we go there and we go Boop and we go how tall are you uh 510 511 based off if I’m wearing shoes or not okay we did that way we need to do this way I think is next yeah uh oh I still don’t understand what those are there are silver fish everywhere my dog’s absolutely slobbering on my leg okay that’s cute I guess uh oh that’s a breeze where’d it go good job Clutch Dog okay yes we got a key let’s go W okay now we just break all the pots like it’s Legend of Zelda Fort dude we’re actually GNA accidentally go to the and before with the pearls before I have the blaze rods what yo what’s sup Savannah okay I think there was one above that I didn’t grab uh something up here yeah I didn’t grab this one okay cool two keys I still don’t I three trial keys where did I get the what okay um anything down here we’re just going to run around break some stuff ah ow oh that could have been bad that could have been really bad um dead end okay how are you I’m doing good you guys how about how’s chat doing today okay um another key in oh so that’s where I got one of them was inside of the pots I didn’t know that’s how that worked ah okay another dead end dog careful I was on your live earlier thank you for being there um okay okay oh with the sword you break it into a I get it so with the sword you can break it you break the pots into bricks I think so let’s say I put down these pots yeah I was right yeah that’s pretty funny though it’s a Legend of Zelda reference Minecraft the oddly satisfying game correct okay anyway back up the stairs bye potato lava okay okay okay so we have this side which is spiders and that side which is husks nothing back there I’m so confused why these are here are these just like emblems or something another trial chamber how do I get up there guess I have to build oh okay so what loot does it have then is that what it’s showing me is as its loot or is it that was it that was the worst loot ever except wind charges are kind of fun guys first time trying to out some wind charges boing that was pretty fun okay um how do what is that I’m so confused what do you want do I need to drink the ominous bottle should we just test it that does not help okay well maybe I just need to cause a thing now you need a blue key okay oh I get it now you get blue keys from these things that’s so smart thank you bro driving through the countryside sucks uhuh it’s not that bad what is my dog doing no dog stop holy crap I did not think that went through no dog stop back up does anyone else hear a super massive something charging up what is that thing what is that did anyone else see that the potion was just floating it was just it was just floating what why was it just floating dog get out of the way you’re going to die what is happening there’s like arrows and potion effects ah was it breaking what is breaking the blocks beneath me oh my gosh stop actually just stop dog back up dude no dog you’re gonna die stop I have feather falling that’s such a random potion effect okay cool guys did we do it or is there still more there’s still more there’s still more there is definitely still more it’s just silverfish guys we can relax silverfish aren’t even that strong oh that one didn’t die dog you’re gonna die bro you need to stop hit hit my shots maybe what the heck okay okay what did it give me it gave me potatoes okay potatoes which isn’t good we want a blue key not uh potatoes blue key okay now that we have a blue key ominous trial key interesting put the dog in the safe okay I will I’ll go put him back flow what did I even get I didn’t actually pay attention flow slowness I don’t know what else I got I wasn’t paying attention well that’s interesting what’s a trial Omen do any Minecrafter oh yeah we’ll go put the dog back but any Minecrafters in here who know what a trial Omen does or is that just like a decoration type stuff hope you get the mace yeah me too kind of I’m hoping more for the Trident though come on dog you were helpful but uh you’re almost dead so no I don’t know okay we’re just going to keep running around and hope I figure it out okay this way pup pup nope this way pup what did I do no stop right there that’s enough dog get in here did I just cause another one is that what’s happening oh my gosh where’s my dog going You’re a Noob Noob okay fight me where’s my dog going I’ve got to sit he just like walked out on me no you’re GNA sit oh my gosh what is that oh strength thank you game anyway guys I think I figured out what it does so it respawns all the spawners and stuff if you walk by or something right the dogs kind of yeah that’s okay though we still love them oh my gosh relax rela relax oh wait what is that weaving what is weaving I’ve never heard of the spell weaving what is that a potion of weaving what is a potion of weaving more floating no but what’s weaving do though that’s the question Frack oh wait is that weaving okay what does weaving do so I’m definitely not CL because I’m definitely not crawling up any anything ah dang relax Bud come here oh when I kill mobs does it drop that dude this is so trippy so weaving seems every time you kill a mob it puts spider webs down maybe holy crap holy crap we’re going to eat a gapple real quick this still all up there dang idiots oh my gosh he pump faked me with that one ch ch ch ch how do I miss him hold on chat hold on I need to add uh some more time to my phone so I can see chat you’re so cool thank you how long were you playing I’ve been playing for a couple days now in real life okay give me the you you’re dead steak I guess I can feed that to the dog at least I think it’s daytime now because the spiders aren’t AGG gring they’re actually pretty docile yeah see weaving must be it drop it must drop spiders webs or something yeah weaving again we’re missing one somewhere there okay potatoes I need more better Keys more better things I’m just enjoying random rames and watch my favorite person play thank you bro okay um that was really weird anyway we are going to bye dog oh don’t die we’re gonna go this way everyone to like and sub that’s a great what’s the dog’s name we haven’t made a name for it yet so if you guys want to come up with a name we can name it that we can I don’t know I still haven’t figured it out though so oh never mind okay this looks like another trial Cham Chambler yeah okay okay hello I’ve returned cool oh the breeze got himself stuck like a fool like a foolio like an uncool fool I’m so confused why does the trial chamber help us I thought it supposed to be against us like it’s dropping potions of strength like now these guys have speed which isn’t great holy crap that’s a lot of them I need to focus up and fight holy crap next time I’m bringing lava I was going to loot but these guys keep chasing me stop bro let me loot where you think you were going bud where huh where Punk okay hold on hold on uh oh man I need to O Rocky what are we talking about I’m I’ve been distracted what loot do you have for me today hopefully it’s not garbage okay that’s not bad emeralds ain’t bad there’s the breeze missing a spider there’s a spider hold on I ain’t seen no silver fish I ain’t seen a lot of okay we’re missing we’re still missing mobs though okay there yes let’s go Blue Key Blue key okay we got the blue key that’s just kind of annoying uh we got the blue key and one at least that’s good okay strength and speed I’m kind of loving these new updates this is really cool someone’s saying it’s laggy yeah okay I think I fixed it okay that should be all of them maybe not the spider one though nope just not that one okay potatoes okay it opens something up another blue key oh my gosh W’s two ominous trials and two normal trials should be backer oh wait is that what you guys talking about Rocky or backer that okay those names aren’t bad well when when I get a name tag we can choose I think or I might have one but just not on me it should be George that’s kind of cute George okay that’s not bad why does an axe need Fortune one though I find that quite weird an axe needing Fortune one okay that one won’t open again Bobby we can all decide when we get the name tag okay um build activate yes okay we want to have it activated but I just don’t want to fight it yet okay we’re gonna loot this real quick oh I got it I got a heavy core mace okay now all I want is a trident that was cool that was cool did y’all see that did y’all see that that was sick watch watch watch didn’t even take damage AG that’s actually so cool how long have you been playing this world uh for like four days in real life like I think it’s like 35 now probably in game is that it okay so there’s a spider hiding somewhere then W okay so it’s not great as just an object but a sword like it’s not better than a normal sword when on the ground but if you’re trying to like get a insta kill and you have like feather falling I bet this is overpowered I need to use that to get up ah that’s sick I love this dude this update’s so good we’re missing a spider where I hear him but I don’t see him oh there he is dude that was actually pretty good that was pretty good you play anything else yeah I like to change games around but I’m kind of loving Minecraft because of the new update okay next oh I’m out of trial chamber stuff I guess okay that was pretty awesome honestly can you say happy birthday happy birthday Charlie bro very cool of you to have a birthday and come check out my stream um okay I still have a couple of keys that I need to use so let’s just run around and find a chest up there if that is one um beat the Ender Dragon uh probably not today but definitely in the future honey bottles ain’t bad already got that one okay that one yeah oh does it reset after a certain amount of time fit check okay Gray sweats blue te that’s not a great fit but it’ll do for today okay hold on I have to look up on the wiki real quick do Trident spawn in trial trial chamber where is the vault in the child Chambers uh in the hallways on the lower floors okay no what are the chances hey what’s up people what are the chances of a trial chamber dropping a trident an 8.5 chance to drop their Tri when killed by a player what do you try and that is actually a way to get a tribe be more accessible not okay so it is in there I just don’t know how uh I’m not playing dress to impress um or not now at least uh so they do drop which is the one I’m trying to get just saw you and say you look like Tommy in it you could be be his long lost twin that’d be kind of funny um okay that wasn’t that bad let’s go get my other potions that I have wherever they are I have to go down bye Nova space um okay why because uh I’m playing Minecraft right now hey bud um I don’t have anything for you sorry okay we want level two now which is going to be probably a lot harder but I’m up for a challenge so would you rather watch a tree grow bro you ain’t getting me with that I’ve seen that like 20 times already not really but oh should I go into The Nether to check what the spawn is there I’m kind of scared also if I make your not D not your dog’s named Bruno well if when I get a uh thing I’ll we can all decide then okay this I’m grabbing some lava because I’m tired of dealing with silverfish w this is not the trial chamber where am I bro I do not like that call that they make where am I did the game just okay I’m not that far okay okay I see where I am I see where I am it just spawned me above ground instead of below ground that was really bad for a second that’s silly can I see your base yeah after we’re done with this trial chamber thing that was kind of scary I was like where are we and I don’t have any water to help me get down that was sick and I’m probably gonna fall in the hole and die so um fire me where would I dig a hole probably in the worst place ever I missed I missed greatly oh there it is found it no that’s not it where is it this should be it no okay okay spider stop not here to deal with you I’m here to deal with something a bigger matters where is it hello what’s up people there it is how do I get down now why is there so many mobs holy crap can I join you please dude this is a solo world sorry uh oh ah I didn’t work quite as well as I was hoping okay we need to get rid of the creeper creeper that both of those shots went right through them what oh that’s okay so now we have to find a way down it shouldn’t be that hard but you never know stop stop Bud stop back off no no no no no no no no okay use a wi chart yeah but it won’t save me no a that was such a good world [Music] GG’s though GG’s um we’re going to hop in creative and grab our loot so we can see what we the last thing we had was we’re not going to ever play this game again though or this world again so don’t don’t worry this isn’t cheating to get the world back this is land how do I make it land okay access um tgame mode creative okay so we’re going to grab our gear real quick I am not saving the world I’m just grabbing the last gear that I had okay we’re going to go back to my base technno blade Never Dies yeah I know um we’re just going to grab our loot this is the last loot we had we’ll go put it back at our base I knew I I knew I knew that zombie was going to do that I knew it and I didn’t and I didn’t try to stop it I didn’t I should have just taken the extra precaution I should have taken the time I should have saved it but I decided to rather play risky I’ve been playing risky a whole lot so some wanted to see my base and here it is that’s tough that that really puts a blanket over a good day okay well this is all the last loot we had on us this was our base plenty of dogs it was honestly a really good world I just should have been well that’s a GG I should have waited a second before I used the wind charge cuz I didn’t realize wind charges go faster than you so here let me pull it up wind wind charge okay so let me show you what was happening so I was falling from here okay I shot it there I should have waited till here and then I would have been fine probably F3 F4 yeah see I should have that’s okay though we now know what the matter is uh edit uh D okay create new world what’s the name for this new world guys just start right back up start any okay what’s the name though give me a name I’m not going to start a server uh give me a name I can call it old are you uh 16 hardcore LOL that’s not a bad name never die hardcore uh the retry round two Zed’s Bizarre Adventure sure it’s like JoJo’s um any others any other ones and I’ll just choose what I think is good I’ll probably take inspiration from you guys but it’s probably not going to be the exact name Zed core that’s oh my gosh Zed core holy crap who’s that genius that said that who’s that genius crazy kid 570 that’s actually a great Z core so you take out the hard part and you put Z that’s w w name okay we’re right back at it let the world spawn in parkour Master definitely not okay um that was a pretty good last World I should have been safe for if what really was weird was the nether portal that was strange it it put me somewhere where it wasn’t supposed to so it spawned the nether portal but then it threw me above ground which was weird oh man only if I just didn’t go through that nether portal I’d still be there too late now though what about chicken it’s okay man okay let’s let’s get on top of this hill and take take a look at what we’ve got to work with how’s it going today I just died in my original hardcore world this is uh the second one kind of love the name Z core though this always happens to me though the funny thing is this always happens I start getting good loot yeah I know it’s just going to be like that for like a day uh someone said I look depressed and also camera’s out of focus um it’s just going to be like that for a day because I worked really hard on that and I was really happy about it but it’s okay so um so let me talk to you about what always happens so what always happens is I always don’t spam your axe because the damage will be reduced yes um so what happens is I always start getting a little cocky I’m like oh I can do this now I can do this and then I start to lose focus on that it’s a hardcore world and then in my last moments before I die I’m like oh crap this is a hardcore world this isn’t survival and then it’s like a fight or flight reaction so how much diamonds are you planning on getting as many as I can we’re just going to need some time though enough to get a full set at least man I was so hyped about that though okay so now we know how it works though do you think this world will make it yes I like the think that every single hardcore world will make it but it’s all about how safe I try to be like my base it was not lit up I almost died being at my base one time which isn’t good so I need to take it slower no matter how much I hate that cuz I want to just get to the good parts of the world where it’s uh are you speedr running no I’m just uh getting loot stuff fast I hate going through the slow Parts on Minecraft because it’s obviously slow and it’s really really boring and soow and so I just want to I just want to go past that part so I always rush and I always like oh okay now that we got this we can do this and I always end up pushing my luck too far and then dying so how much else are you going to to get uh I don’t know we’re just going to hopefully start the world hopefully this one last okay this is not a bad zone or uh base area I like uh grasslands better uh because um they’re just more open i’ have to do less work to clear and also there’s a massive cave and a lava pool and also just almost fell hold on let me lean a little forward here because my camera is still out of focus okay this is not a bad spawn honestly I’m just missing a village please play dress to impress no still playing Minecraft you playing hardcore yeah I just lost my last one I would do survival but uh I would just die too much on purpose or not on purpose but I would just die too often because I’m like well I’m kind of tired of this and also it gives this the gives the world this feeling of if I don’t do it right I’m gonna die bro what no I’m not gonna play dress up Roblox game we’re not doing that we’re playing Minecraft maybe like tomorrow or something someone speaking Spanish in my Spanish translator isn’t here otherwise known as Alex he left to go back to his house be a good time frame right now name a type of airliner for an edit Ford F-150 bye good luck bye can you name your next dog name Thor here I have an idea we just need to uh start something real quick so what I’m planning on is I think for the dogs when I when I’m far enough ahead in the game oh my gosh I’m I’m going to die already I keep thinking I have all my old gear I do not have any of it okay let’s stop right here let’s make a base this is Square One one right here I don’t even have food and I’m hungry okay when do you stream a week I stream Pro I stream more often in the mornings and I try to stream every day you want do you want the base to be bigger I want the base to be safer actually I don’t care about how big it is I care about how safe it is so the base could be tiny but if it’s the safest base ever I do not care how many friends do you have I don’t know do you have difficulty sleeping your eye sockets are bit blue um I think I just have no not really I get like 10 hours of sleep a night but I think it’s just what kind of sleep I’m getting I’m not getting uh deep sleep I’m just getting rest oh how tall you uh five 5 5 10 511 kind of short but that’s okay I will tune in most times thank you bro how long you going to stream for uh how long have I been streaming for that’s that’s where we start with that question um probably like at least 30 more minutes if not more just saying man I missed out man that was such a good world it’s okay though it’s okay we’ll just make this one better what time we going to end stream I don’t have an exact time I just end it that’s why I say a short stream because I never know how long they’re going to be so if it just if I say like hey I’m ending stream then I’ll end stream that’s about it that’s about the best warning you’ll get how old have you been how long I’ve been playing Minecraft since I was a little kid so like probably like 10 or so probably more like six though on no I played Minecraft on a computer since I’ve been I was seven and I played Minecraft on mobile since I was five or six so please make the base lime green for me I need to get a base first then we can choose what color do you have a girl no is that Minecraft yeah it’s Minecraft all right okay cool we have iron now this is a good step do you ever get bored of the game you stream uh well what I like to do whenever I play Minecraft normally is I like to watch YouTube while I do it because um probably something like ADHD or something but uh I like to focus on more than just one thing so making a world right now W uh I Pro honestly I probably wouldn’t have died from the zombie if I was just rushing because I was really bored I think I don’t know actually I’m just making up excuses I wasn’t being safe um age time zone make uh age 16 time zone uh America yeah can’t play Minecraft on my yeah same I I can’t play Minecraft on my own or fortnite solos yeah or you got this thank you I have a Bugatti I have a Bugatti what’s your favorite game Minecraft happy 4th of July thank you well it’s fifth of July but same difference I’m going to Europe for a soccer tournament cool American well what state I can’t say privacy amazing man I missed that oh man I’m gonna have like a dream about it tonight I bet but instead of me dying it’s me successfully throwing the uh thing can be a mod L it’s okay if not no I only let certain people be mods and the mods are people I know oh my goodness my my camera is out of focus all of a sudden going to Canada when I grow up Coolio Canada has always seem like a cool place to go but I just don’t know I feel like it’s really spaced like more spaced out than America each town have you ever played fortnite yeah where’s Jace I don’t know who’s Jace okay we are much stronger now have you ever played fortnite uh yeah yeah yeah yeah want to try the maple surup at Canada L smells a lot I would assume so how do you get on you don’t it’s Minecraft it’s a solo it’s a solo game going to make some armor have you gotten a new Minecraft update yes this is the new Minecraft update one point 21 or something they it animal Kiki for me please okay when I get an animal we can all decide what it’s name is going to be but first I have to get an animal so I didn’t even use the stone sword or the stor axe I almost subscribe to you thank you fox girl we’re just going to go mine some more it’s going to be rather dark for you guys but um only for a little bit and then I’ll place a torch also I see Iron already uh do you like the old or new piglins more skin or gameplay wise honestly I’m okay with both of them because they’re gam play they’re kind of annoying but their trades are good I just don’t like wearing gold all the time because you can fall into lava and stuff I’ve been watching you since you got on I’m going to shout out going to shout out okay he looks down yeah I know I just I just lost my hardcore world so I’m going to be a little bit down ah okay why am I so close to Lava this how I’m going to lose my this hardcore world he looks s yeah it’s just hardcore World thing diamonds yes we are like 10 minutes in and we already have diamonds you’re cute how do you play Minecraft as well um 10 years of practice okay give me more than just one or don’t that wasn’t awesome that was okay though one diamond is better than none um I still ain’t seeing nothing wonder where does this go down any further it seems like it goes down farther aha more lava sub for some reason thank you I was hop this cave is going to be a little bit bigger how do you get on live stream you don’t I sub bro who just said I baby boy that’s crazy they said I subbed and then put baby boy at the end that’s crazy what the sigma keep thinking like that yeah you’re a good YouTuber thank you crazy kid okay um y’all can’t see for a second but I can so I have the torch in my hand I’ll place it as soon as uh I find something Worth showing you well there’s lyen but that’s not what we want red stone we’ll take some red stone what Sigma what the sigma okay keep grunning or spider uhuh uhuh uhuh you’re going to die first what is over here oh that’s creeper I don’t understand it what what the sigma you don’t understand that fake block beat p p pulverized we’re just going to town oh more diamonds y’all couldn’t see it but I just got attacked by two skeletons did you guys ever finished fire and water yes we finished we finished it I think it name was a fire and water stream is what I named it fire and water stream so if you want to check out the end it just like stops after you beat it there’s no like end credit scene or something it just stops okay we have three diamonds but I want to get more which is how I lost my world last time because I wanted more oh more diamonds okay now every other time I play Minecraft I almost always end up dying to gravel which is super lame so we’re not going to do that this time I still cannot see neither can you guys now but that is okay I love men that’s interesting interesting ah I did not know that I was I forgot I was on a piece of gravel well I well I didn’t forget I just thought it was uh under above a block okay well there’s nothing y’all can’t see what I’m doing but it’s okay okay I’m g go now bye crazy kid Honestly though this update is pretty simple so I like it when game develop ERS they make it so simple it’s Java um yeah hardcore game yes and I died my last one so it’s different oh my goodness hey I remember you sup Shelby Emma Foo is being kind of weird um anyway what was I gonna say I had a train of thought um I like it when game developers make it super easy to understand like I didn’t know how the trial Chambers worked but I still fig figured it out like yes I had some help from you guys but I still figured it out nonetheless so yeah okay well I think I think I have enough iron for a full set maybe and then I have enough diamonds for a pickaxe so that’ll be oh my gosh and a baby zombie are you kidding me okay let’s be safe let’s be safe that’s not one pushup for more cancer research huh also more iron copper a man oh creepa creeper oh man so we back in okay I’m done with that that I felt the cringe as I was saying it I was like oh no oh no stop just stop it was bad okay what the sigma what oh wait we need the bones and the arrows a I don’t have enough string yet I was going to make a bow oh crap that there’s two of them I just got saved by that first creeper Frick okay how much money to die in lava right now oh like I don’t know probably like 20 bucks because this is this is a brand new world we have four diamonds and it’s not that bad do you remember me Aon I don’t know probably like 20 20 bucks 20 bucks for what for me to die in lava that’s what are you grinding yes get out of here okay chest plate okay diamond pickaxe okay okay we can lose the wood tools we don’t need those anymore keep the Flint lose the sword keep those yeah lose that lose that lose that drop that okay that’s all we’re going to do for now takes me a week to get most most a week most to get more diamonds well um I’m just really fast at getting diamonds cuz um diamonds just equals better gear and equal gear means less dying so also play Minecraft right now on my computer with two screens cool yo I want to get a second monitor but I need a specific HDMI monitor so we have like two other monitors but yay less dying I’ll sell you to him what the heck yeah I only build houses low yeah I’m really bad at building though which is okay that’s why we started this world creepy creepy creepy creep creep creepy creeper also don’t spam oh if I had feather falling no I wouldn’t have survived no matter what feather falling four with netherite maybe but that’s it I don’t care you tell me what I don’t care you tell me okay that’s human marketing uh Drake dark dark or Kendrick where’s Alex he left he went back to his house so one’s feeling creepy I don’t speak Spanish my translator isn’t here I need I need him now but he ain’t here okay not bad loot from this cave so so we’re going to go after this is done smelting we’re going to go and start searching for a place to build I love the dark okay what a stretch how’s your for July pretty good I set up some good fireworks legally obviously um it was just overall good experience I think and then uh I didn’t shoot Roman candles at each other this time what type of build are you thinking I don’t know I like to go based off how I feel in the moment like one time I had a hardcore world where I really focused on the build and I was like yeah yeah this is going to be epic but sometimes I don’t and usually once I focus on the builds I win I stay alive so subscribe oh no no no no no no oh no no no I’m full I’m fine just a zombie are you the guy from before I don’t know translate to how are you oh uh I think what Alex said that one time was MN moan moan you were talking about people through your walls people thought your walls in need painting and how Batman would lose against Spider-Man oh yeah yeah yeah that was me yes it’s 700 p.m. frat 90 95 degrees I ain’t got school so I’m going to the beach watch this while playing something that isn’t Minecraft oh evil yeah no they were fighting about it Spider-Man would obviously beat Batman though clearly okay then I will sub cool yo let’s go that’s a w okay let me think so did this side a good base I like to go based off near a village um has trees nearby Spruce preferred but not needed if there’s oak or dark wood or dark oak um anyway yeah favorite American football team I don’t know I sub because you are actually really cool thank you I love when you play minecra thank you Lisa light light Lisa uh might be real keeps going off not like it’s time to be real but like it just keeps going off like notifications dude I need a bigger mouse pad this thing’s tiny and old I’ve been using it for how long I’ve been using this for about 11 years now no 10 years what do you think of the video technically post on June 30th I didn’t I’m not sure which one you’re talking about song close your eyes okay what’s behind you my wall or the desk over there and that’s a shadow okay Coolio okay time to move pack it up leave in town yeah was behind you it’s just a wall guys there’s nothing behind me there’s actually nothing behind me I’m so conf ah guys don’t distract me there’s nothing behind me guys you’re all tripping on or something okay here we are yeah now this is not a bad spot very open very good just there’s no Village nearby even if the village isn’t um like directly nearby that’s okay just needs to be in a general area he did not just say what it was I think it’s a desk over there there’s a chair back there I have an L-shaped table so you could be seeing the table I guess let’s get some animals I need some food till the dude behind you I said hi dude there’s nobody behind me junkie says hi what’s up horsey yeah I want to get a horse but I don’t have anything for it yet so guess I have to wait dude shipwrecks are actually kind of op when wanting to get uh loot at the beginning if you spawn your a beach just go for shipwrecks because like you don’t have to do anything besides just not drowned which is pretty easy oh my is that an unfinished ruined portal I think yeah okay golden apples prop four ain’t bad though uh it was part of a video Tommy did like oh yeah yeah yeah I watched that it was uh it’s wasn’t the title like technno Blade versus 100 other players or something the dumb drowning always gets me really pass I did not walk past pink sheep these are all pigs pig pig pig pig see ups and drowns okay that was pretty silly do you live with anyone yeah I live uh with my family I live with my familia ah you know I’m just still not worried about dying and stuff just not worried about it honestly video we’re going to turn render distance all the way up real quick just so I can get a better view of everything and also need to get on top of the hill um yo you found diamonds yet yes I found uh four I have just joined Su fun times with journey who’s your favorite music artist um right now I think it’s AJ oh oh is that the pink tree hold on we got to go grab that in a second we just oh there’s two of them there’s two of them right there oh and a okay we found where we’re leaving oh my look at this overhang do you guys see this we’re going to go through this just because it looks cool just saying but you look sunburn yeah I’m a little bit sunburn I was in the parade for Fourth of July so and I didn’t want to wear sunscreen CU I’m like that yo be freaky and that’s crazy um I have a build request go for it bro what’s the build request wait hold on let me turn my second build request go for it I’m ready uh I was too Coolio you freaking out donate $10 no no oh what you donate the $10 and then maybe maybe that’ll happen I think you should build a big pink sheep that’s not a bad idea I’ll definitely need some time to oh my gosh what is this is such a cool place so there’s like a reef and then there’s like that overhang this is like actual uh bro this is not o exactly bro have you ever heard of the artist is AJR yes AJR I love that band favorite song from them probably inertia I like the okay Overture um album that’s a good one way less sad is my favorite from that one cuz I’m way less sad but no one looks no one on o looks as fine that’s crazy don’t kill him I’m not I’m here to sleep and this guy is just uh trying to not let me so now we have pink trees and a village calm down Feller okay okay okay not a bad Village setup we are missing a librarian though which is kind of disappointing but I guess oh and a maybe a finishable portal over there way off in the distance I’m not going to go get it but it’s there book nice take take leave gravel yeah and then we can start uh trading with villagers which is next on our journey to getting back to where we left off you stupid nitwit that’s just a villager’s name guys that’s just villager’s name can we talk yeah go for it I’m back coolo going to go home I hope you don’t die thank you bro qualif fan and put them in a what okay everyone I’m leaving too bye Olivia pillage the village that’s not what we’re going to do here we’re going to use them we’re going to exploit them ju joking just doing a dare to act creepy that’s really weird you could also just not do the Dare anyway oh and a big cave this is not a bad spawn we just need to find the exact spot I want to set up my base bye Fox girl I’m not burning the village down you’re all monsters you’re are all monsters 20 bucks 20 bucks 20 bucks I’ll burn that Village down right now I have to Flint and steal 20 bucks 20 bucks this is not a bad spawn though just need to find exactly where honestly I don’t want to be too close though so I can at least kill iron gold no we leave them so um oh you were saying bad person I see I see okay um we’re going to go over here and build my base because that’s feels like a better spot so if I ever want to have an iron farm nearby I can just build it over here why can’t you burn the Village um calling us monsters but is still willing to do it for 20 bucks dude 20 bu oh I’m not going to say that um why can’t you bring the village CU I need them to be exploited in a minute here we’re going to exploit them I just subscribed thank you bro we’re going to start off with a villager breeder I think that’ll be best option for that and then we’re going to do iron farm okay actually back over there is going to be a better spot uh iron farm and then a map from the villagers can you get a map from the villagers yes that’s what I’m going to do but I have to start off with by trading sticks so I can uh get food for them what else I don’t know Jen oh he was one shot can you buy me Starbucks no I subscrib thank you hey ashy Ashley Starbucks dude I don’t even I don’t drink Starbucks I don’t drink coffee it’s just like over time it’s too expensive just like like if you get addicted to it like over time it just becomes too cost expensive All Stars 12 what you what you crying about another ruined portal there’s two of them then where am I going to set up my bait right here in this Valley right here well what about the home brew what coffee no oh no I don’t make coffee at home either I could if I wanted to but I just don’t think getting you like even taking coffe drinking coffee at home it’ll it’ll just over time cost cost too much to be useful like let’s say let’s say a bag of beans I don’t actually know anything about it but let’s say a bag of beans last a week okay and it costs what’s an average what what kind of bean what what’s the price of your coffee beans can I join no it’s uh solo world I sub thank you banana girl anyway uh sorry that was being creepy it was a dare to a guy on a random live and be creepy please you are actually cool YouTuber could also just not done the Dare could have just not done it which is weird $7 to okay so we’ll assume we’ll go middle of nine okay okay we’ll assume starbu we’ll assume a bag of beans cost nine then that that’ll work so and it and uh and it nine $9 every week and that doesn’t actually sound that bad really but how many weeks are in a year I don’t know let me check let’s do some math guys we’re going to math it out okay so we have 365 days 365 divided by 7 equals 50 weeks 50 time 9 is $450 and you’re like whoa that’s that’s not that expensive that’s less than a PS5 and that’s over an entire year but what if we multiply that by 10 no we’ll go less by two two years two years of just drinking home brew coffee $900 over two that’s not that that’s still not that bad but we times it by two again which makes it four years $1,800 over honestly that still doesn’t sound bad is it just me or the camera yeah the camera’s blor my bad my bad um well uh I just proved myself wrong but still over time I could have over that four years or over a year I could have had $480 extra dollars going to stare you in the eye I’m going to back away slowly because that’s really weird but I’m going to get back to Minecraft immediately yo bye I held leaves in my hand for over a fire pit and caught it on fire it held for a bit fell in fire pit cool I have an 8-year-old Minecraft world no no cheats I’ve turned the whole map into a castle I love Minecraft W hey do you know your eyes are blue yes I think I think I know that yes I’ve yes if this is the same same person I’ve been living uh as my whole life yeah change timer hold on I can’t see you guys I have to adjust my uh thing over here okay cool you up is that apple juice or orange juice that’s tough I’m going to personally say orange juice okay one one two three one two three one two three one two three two dang it dies are cool though thank you I was born with them I try my hardest okay this is actually kind of small oh I’m trying to recreate a base I made one time I made it too small hold on it’s one more set of three one two three one two three three one two three one two three uh we got to fix this going to come back but I gotta go okay bye yo I just liked thank you bro thank you still gold and subed very awesome I’m six okay Roman Hill oh yeah I remember you you kept spamming you were six and I told you to stop spamming that time and then you got put in a Timeout and you were wondering why you were in a Timeout I think if that was you oh no you spammed again oh my gosh okay uh oh yeah don’t care nice ran proud of you hey bro I have to go but some Fullers so you can play Minecraft really good maybe don’t care play okay someone’s just being mean to the Roman which is interesting see you man been sub for like a month or so a couple weeks and I was on your last live stream okay okay okay thank you hello Annie I’m missing one okay I’m bored bro um sorry that’s just life I guess sorry I’m not more interesting I would if I could but uh I don’t know chat’s kind of going by slow have you ever killed the Andre I’ve done it a thousand times chickf Flair or Wing Stop I don’t know what a Wing Stop is gonna be honest right now what is a Wing Stop I spam the like button thank you have you ever killed the Ender Dragon yes I’ve done it in hardcore I’ve done it multiple times in hardcore actually but then I always end up dying because I get too cocky it’s a place where you get chicken wings okay chickfila because I haven’t been to Wing Stop wherever that is do you have an A a self anti- insecurity a self anti insecurity so are you saying I’m anti- insecure about myself what’s my age 16 I’m an 16-year-old playing Minecraft oh I forgot to make a bucket cuz I need a bucket to get down bye I’m back yo what’s up do you answer questions yes are you in middle school or high school high school why would I be in middle school if I was 16 playing Minecraft to while I watch coolo cool I didn’t know you’re were 16 boy my bad I didn’t know you’re 16 no you’re good you’re good eek um we’re g to go back okay I almost just lost my world right there because I wasn’t paying attention anyway uh you look 18 I don’t think I look 18 not at all he doesn’t look like a middle school that’s what I’m saying Chu okay we can start trading with villagers now do I not have a oh I do have a helmet okay that was like really weird for a second we can start trading now which is good we just need trees though which is going to take a minute to grab just need a sapling remember the people in chat uh yes most sometimes I try my best to not always though what’s your favorite color blue more like a teal though more teal blue why do you hate the most of Minecraft uh zombies right now it’s zombies because it I just died to a zombie that’s pretty freaking stupid but in general it’s just creepers because they just like when they walk it sounds like you’re walking so they could be following you and so then they get up behind you and explode or if they’re falling on top of you they can explode which is crazy what’s a cow with no legs no arms and a head what in ground a ground beef creepers just suck a little yeah I know block beef who said block beef ground be ground everyone got that joke immediately English or Spanish I’mma gift you something on fortnite okay Eclipse if you do though uh tell me when and we can check it out my camera started getting out of focus I’ve heard that joke many times I think everyone has I forgot to grab a sapling I went over there to grab a sapling not chop wood Minecraft or fortnite Minecraft what is a dog with nothing but a body I don’t know what do you watch anime yeah like watch anime sometimes though do you like emotes yeah I’ll take whatever you don’t have to donate though why do I keep getting ads I don’t know a hot dog a dog with only a body is a hot dog no I don’t get it I like your eyes thank you bro where anime oh um I’m going to give to in five minutes okay cool y um what anime I’ve watched death no I’ve watched why did the chicken cross the road why um I watch DEATH no I watch one punch I watch some of of the the first season of Demon Slayer um green FN equals $10 huh what does that mean what was the girl’s name who kept donating earlier it was like Andre or something do you mean uh Alexandria or Allison there was two of them oh my gosh I just pushed something off that was really scary um okay cool we have some villagers okay everyone get over here it’s your time to shine it’s our time to shine guys you guys are going to be part of my four worst ecosystem forever I want different one it was alexand the song Green FN uh you’ll donate $10 if I play the song Green FN yeah that girl yeah what about her um $10 green FN right is that what you’re saying yep how about you donate $10 and then maybe I decide if I want to play a copyrighted song or not no oh my fumble fumble fumble F oh my and a nitwit nitwits are only good for breeding that’s it I’m not playing for big guys either dog is nothing better her body looks like a stretched oval like I guess I guess but it just feels kind of out of place randomly because usually a hot dog’s a hot dog well that didn’t sound right pause you got me m maybe okay now you stay there okay this the start of our trading hall right here I have it on the wrong side though out of the way blood I’m cooler than you Coolio cuz no legs no head or no tail why did you connect to it you have no correlation to that it was literally on the opposite side of this block how did you connect I just want to hear it just open Spotify I’m back Coolio this is now our new villager trading center uh it’s yes it is one block tall um what that’s awful R key remind me of that’s crazy I do not remind nobody of James TRS nice what is flesh I don’t know what flesh tastes like what bro got kidna no it’s the I chose to be oh that didn’t sound right I have to go when’s the next time you’re streaming probably tomorrow morning if tomorrow’s Saturday wait what would happen if I donated $500 your name would go on the sweatshirt and I would name a dog after you or whatever you wanted and probably build like a memorial for you but that’s only if you donated it though not said you would and then never do it yes okay that’s what I wanted good bye okay you’re tripping or something you low key I do not low key you can’t say low key look like Jojo want you can’t just say that and be like it’s a normal thing what besides you guys who win the most medals at the Olympics Europe definitely Europe actually I’ve got no clue I’ve never watched the Olympics before so cherry blossom biome I do not look like Ed Sharon yo whenever you’re ready for you gift it and then you tell me and then I’ll hop on right away like immediately honestly yeah you look like it I do not look like Ed Sharon what’s your celebrity crush I don’t have a celebrity crush exactly per se JoJo have you learn dude guys I am not JoJo siwa or Ed Sheran I look nothing like either of them celebrity crush no I did not say my celebrity crush was georia that is not true INF factual INF factual INF factual wrong wrong whoever’s giving you these lies is an idiot qu so oh my y’all I don’t I don’t I don’t look like cas so I don’t have a crush on ques so what are y’all talking about y’all are tripping chat let’s stop bullying Z scroll face it’s kind of funny though gifted it to you okay hold on let me get in this house okay pull out the second monitor oh you guys can’t see that hold on don’t worry about the messy desk oh and my uh camera’s now uh oh there we go he isn’t JoJo that’s what I’m that’s what I’m saying my monitor on okay here we go that’s Minecraft isn’t it completely wrong game y my mom was looking at JoJo on Instagram telling me to never look up up to the that’s funny never look up to him just saying she isn’t a great role model you know like after like her whole lifetime worth of dance lessons she still can barely dance so that that’s like number one least model thing ever any second now will be loaded in oh no oh we got a gift no way from Eclipse Roman Candle are you feeling Sparkles with the Kaboom cabang set W we’re going to equip that right now emotes get rid of this one no wait this one okay we just have to find it w w man everyone spam W in the chat fre E clips very awesome of him to donate to me donate me a fortnite emote very awesome is that what’s in shop right now huh I have that I well I have that one I see that’s where the Rome candle is coolo well uh thank you bro W eclips honestly thanks for donating okay there we go it’s like when a tree falls in the forest no one hears it uh uh yes that is true if a tree falls in a forest and no one’s around nobody hears it correct but yes it’s still made of wood and yes it still makes a noise CH you’re welcome my guy very awesome of you okay I can already tell I’m ruining this guy’s trades for the Future Okay Coolio oh he’s not going to upgrade yet hold on okay so we need to start a villager breeder and also start an iron golem farm girl or boy uh boy my friend wanted me to flirt with you that’s weird I have to plans to give you gift you more in the future thank you dude oh crap what the what the heck oh my dude okay sorry my phone’s kind of tripping I thought I fixed it um English or Spanish uh English all the way why are you a Fletcher bro that doesn’t make any sense okay we need to start cutting some trees down W clipse Maran your your friends are weird someone said in chat probably accurate okay so we’re going to do this and then we’re going to start the breeding Farm thing I just have to figure out how to make one that’s what I said spam l no don’t spam at all only when I tell you you can spam you can spam my friend is just goofy makes sense Maran friend Marian’s friend likes You Zed cool are you going to play dress to impress no I’m not going to play dress to impress not now and probably not till tomorrow or something weird play G TI huh I don’t know what that is okay we’re going to start our villager breeder oh crap I’m so tired right now all of a sudden I just got hit like with a wave of tiredness but I have nothing better to do with my day though dress to oh play G I get it no no two three four five two one two three four five one two three four five ah went over dress I’m not playing dress to impress I’m not doing it Fox girl has a lot of smiley faces please no maybe tomorrow though two three four yeah stop spamming bro um yeah no spamming We Know Better no spamming why just because it makes it harder to read other chats I will do whatever you pause what the sigma um okay so what do I need to do I don’t even know what I need to do anymore I’m just tired remember how to say my name Marian May no hold on don’t tell me yet Marin mayin I remember you from last live Coolio I remember you from 20 minutes ago I’m saying Deb okay that’s probably really wrong sup a dino moderator in the house a dino let me give you a rundown of what’s happened so far during this stream okay I lost my hardcore world my original one that’s about uh that’s about um yeah A is for awful F is for fantastic um do not tell your parents that that is an awful idea I know yeah I know it it’s because of a zombie I should have killed and then a badly timed wind charge it was really bad but it’s okay we got a new world got a new world it’s okay it’s okay okay so that’s that now we need carrots carrots carrots carrots carrots yo can you say my name uh y underscore loves God is that is that how I sent it Z D equals zest stands for Z no may my horse and add to the end Maran dang it I’ll get it one of these times I promise Maran Marian Maran Marian Maran Maran Marian her name Marion okay uh I don’t know how to live in Survival Minecraft teach me uh I don’t know you got this no dang it R if you want a shout out there are memberships for that dang HD Dino dang lay down a hammer that doesn’t exist telling everybody you should donate to get a shout out which is crazy when we’re all just trying to be happy well the thing is if they uh become a member then um then I get to say their name right first time but uh look at your memberships I don’t have that many members do I I have like one try again Yates yats Yates Yates loves God there boom was that close I have a membership to the gym will that work I’m pretty sure I I’m pretty sure that’ll work I think so I think so what up zed the Wonder brick is back in the house Zed Island one membership boat the but the rewards so called what whatever it is called what yeah I got it let’s go W’s y mayor and add on to it it’s not Marion Mar Marin Mary and Mar Marin Mar Marin Mar I don’t know I think I’m just cooked yes I got it let’s go z boy z boy I still remember the stream with the pixel reduced Spider-Man stream yes that was a good stream love hd’s profile picture says Deb Beach said I want to see if you can say my friend’s name go for it my phone’s about to die no Ashley no did you fight the End Dragon yet no this does it look like I did um dream no I just started this world bro relax and this is where the bones come in to play um have you ever tried texture packs before would you recommend it I’ve never wait hold on uh never I’ve tried texture packs before but I just don’t like them okay MGA yep MGA migan M Megan meliga I don’t know dreams best in manh hat probably I found my charger W you play Roblox sometimes I okay I’ve ever seen people beat the Ender Dragon in iron armor exactly oh wait you have oh well maybe not um well I haven’t how about that just to make it easier on you I haven’t I’m in your wall okay okay bud said the king of pronouncing yes I know I’m so good at it I’m actually so good at pronouncing people’s names like so good at it Zed Fox girls being creepy again I’m in your wall yeah but she’s not actually in my walls because I can literally see that Wall’s concrete that Wall’s concrete that wall is hollow that wall is hollow so I should be able to just look I think it’s about like hurricane where I well uh be careful please don’t get don’t get hurt um actually let’s go I don’t think so okay she’s just being uh silly person I guess that’s the closest anyway did you fix the holes in the walls okay there’s no okay I know what you’re talking about you’re talking about the concrete wall right here this hold on let me press control so I don’t die this is concrete okay pure rock hard rock solid concrete made for holding up houses okay and she’s talking about the texture of the holes that they’re just bubbles that didn’t get filled in when the concrete was happening that’s what she’s talking about I’m not filling them in I’d have to get either wood filler I don’t know if concrete filler exists but wood filler probably oh by the way that’s ni I yeah that makes sense my wife I got disconnected don’t worry about it yeah I’m not really good at names so and I’m not going to spend the extra time to put wood filler in so I eat food me too okay can I tell you something something sure give me in here it’s amazing right uh sure that I’m scared of your scary basement looking room okay yes it is in the basement no it is not scary food is my life W Fox girl I eat drywall what it’s Malia I think I’m an idiot I should have got that fox roll think everyone eats food I think okay bro just kick that villager out of his yeah no he didn’t deserve to sleep I saw his face he looked at me wrong um one day I heard a a little left I only have a brother that’s weird Cod no fortnite or M ah Minecraft can’t believe I messed up its name three times bed bed bed bed I prefer water okay I hate basements it’s not that bad my cousin got in a car wreck and I asked him why I did it he said it looked it looked at me for that’s funny let the man leave no he looked at me goofy he was like see this guy he’s got no clue what he’s doing I felt disrespected in fact honestly I felt truly disrespected McDonald’s mcdoodles okay why do you have so many beds because I’m starting a villager reader he was asleep I know he was okay just because he was asleep doesn’t mean he didn’t give me a weird look okay you can be asleep and give someone a weird look that didn’t sound that doesn’t make sense but you get what I mean raisin canes or McDonald’s I don’t even know the Zed villager yes sup koala koala back is that what H trying to tell me she was in here earlier oh no the Villager looked at him funny like Squidward exactly The Zed Village yep anyway this is where they’re going to live for all eternity no I don’t you’re goofy thanks what are you doing get out of there I need a shovel what happened while I was gone um lost my hardcore world started a new uh got some base going getting my villagers going villagers are so disrespectful they keep taking the B on me I know dude that’s why I bet in his past life that villager was the one that gave me the awful trades so that’s why I actually truly kicked him out is that I’m a huge fan of yours thank you Sky Kid oh yeah that’s what I’m saying okay we need a shovel and we need some shares how’s it going right now uh pretty good getting villagers going it’s taking a while though because starting starting villagers sucks but the whole process is the end process is really good bro you’re number one on the Villager Wanted list what are they going to do fight me I’ll just stand up two blocks kill all the villagers but too that’s awful that’s awful 20 bucks 20 bucks you’re a monster bro you’re actually a criminal 20 bucks $20 that’s awful who would even say that that’s honestly like a criminal thing to say $20 anyway what do you mean $20 what whoever said said kill all the villagers but two is a monster that’s what I’m saying that’s that’s not $20 kill all of them but two that’s just awful someone earlier was like burning the village down I was like you’re such a monster why would you $20 also by the way guys I have this rare condition where I’ll say uh I’ll do it for $20 in Minecraft if it’s like a really horrendous act hold on let me get my mother’s credit card that’s funny that’s funny Zed you’re nice thank you this need to cook faster cook it’s like in R aoui it needs to cook the only way to be a good Chef is by cook by cook I still want you to burn the village on yeah that’s what I’m saying uh condition yeah it’s it’s a rare it’s like a one in8 billion according to the doctors so you no the homie kissed me without socks on and I caught him oh no that’s awful what did you do after did you like hit him to make it so it’s no homo or did you just like leave them ah okay well yeah I know it’s a real it’s a serious condition can you rap me how do I rate you what do you I could base based off your chats um you’re a pretty normal person that uh likes watching me play Minecraft that’s as much as I can tell based off that no that’s terrible I would never how tall are you um 510 511 BR I just die world sorry I know it’s tough it’s tough how’d you die though I can tell it’s very serious exactly rate me how do I rate you profile picture rate oh go to channel maybe okay you look good I’d say for $20 you better kill every villager except the for one and steal all no you said for two except for two so I can rebreed them um I want to say like uh eight .5 probably Z not the R I ain’t got no Riz she asked me to rate her rate me Fox girl okay how the heck do I rate you you’ve got no profile picture thing ah back oh you’re really tall no I’m 510 510 is not tall so I think the camera being lower did not help me at all oh rate me okay uh um I’ll say like a um we’ll go let me think I’m I have to I have to think hard about this because I’m trying to go based off personality really but we’ve it’s been like a a blurry because it’s really been just a one-way conversation this whole time so I can’t really decide based off personality so I have to go off looks um I’ll say uh uh 8.3 8.3 8.3 mostly because the picture is blurry though um well for me it’s cuz I’m like 5 oh I see for specific song your eyes are crazy good looking thank you I actually have like a lazy eyelid and I’m always like concerned people will see it and I’m like oh it’s whatever though oneway conversation disc okay Discord we oh he’s trying to reference the Discord Channel I’m trying to set up anyway do you watch queso just asking yeah sometimes when I say twist I mean like a pretzel I see subscribe thank you from when I told you carniv to put on Carnival was that you dang you PA put that song on please my pictures aren’t that blurry uh it’s not that blurry but it’s just just enough blur where I can’t it’s not a clear picture exactly Rite me off my chats okay hold on let me D I can actually check Channel Activity real quick hold on we’re gonna go off um you hate my basement you’re not you don’t live in your basement um I just missed a bunch of chats um yo Jess what the heck what the heck Jesse or Jess I don’t know what the heck um I think if Jess does not stop I’m going to put her in a Timeout um wait rate my profile picture I got you go to channel I can’t see it there’s nothing there who just said Come to Papa that’s crazy thank you AO I was rating uh someone’s profile picture that I couldn’t see Z you never R me I did oh wait no I didn’t um based off your chats I’m gonna say like no I didn’t kick him it was HD Dino everyone think HD Dino building a stadium in Camp cool um based off your chats you hate basements and um I don’t know actually it’s pretty hard but I’ll give you a number though are you ready we’ll go we’ll go a seven seven seven we love a dino thank you a dino oh I should put ladders down that’d be pretty smart and then I could just yeah I’m a genius boom boom rate me zti Eclipse GT you’re an awesome person GT I want to say like a 8.7 based off your chats progress is going to be great keep it up thank you qualif fan they you rate my profile picture and how I chat okay is this the same Ashley that’s always been here or is it like a different one I assume it’s I’m going to assume it’s the same one right oh yeah same one um based off profile picture in chat hold on give a actually a nine out of 10 think someone has a crush just saying just saying um ask Maran how old she is how old are you bro anyway um no wait yeah go in there I’m going to say based off building a stadium Minecraft cool um G to say like uh chat based off chats and profile picture I’m G to say like an eight 8.7 8.7 15 wait hold on I’m playing Minecraft I’m not rating people’s profile pictures I feel like that’s kind of demoralizing what am I doing please put on medium paste it’s a good song You Need Is it copyrighted is it copyrightable I was playing Minecraft and now I’m raiding people what happened thanks that of course you’re all amazing I’m not coolo axelos I agree blurry again dang oh dude that was like that one song look my eyes tell me a tail do you see a road I’m map to my soul look at the sky look wait When the Smoke Clears out of the sky I don’t know um what camera do I have I have a Logitech one that’s the song is not are you sure you sure it’s not copyrighted I don’t understand what my age has I don’t know you know you should play dress up to okay I am not playing dress to impress you’re all being silly and trying to get me to play dress to impress but I’m not playing dress to impress because it’s not silly it’s uh zesty it is copyright I knew it I trusted you bro and you lied to me yes I’m sure moderator look it up double check it double double factually check that cuz we could be making mistake and getting the wrong one or I hate Dr press okay what are you building I’m building a villager stop being so goofy and play okay stop being so goofy and play okay okay okay I can tell everyone wants me to play dress to impress now I’m gonna say no because no you need to impress me that’s crazy um anyway uh boom chcka boom uh Zed please answer wait what what did you say you said uh hold on Zed what about it you got Roblox yeah I got Roblox I have it on I have it here on my PC saying it’s cop ooh he has it there on his PC oh what’s the song and who’s it by um Travis Scott eyes is what I just sung Minecraft’s better honestly that’s what I’m saying hi will you come to my birthday um no but I will accept an invite though for sure um just won’t be able to go have you ever played cfds yes I’m really bad at it name my name is Manuel man Manuel Manuel hi I’m a Minecrafter me too please I can’t like I can’t I’m I’m not gonna like show up to your house I love that game yeah said next fortnite stream I want to party up and play dude totally you want to hear what the song says go for it put it in chat and let but if it’s inappropriate we’re going to immediately remove it and uh probably put you in a Timeout type situation um my name is Piper cool I’m bored yeah that’s okay wolves fight cuz I just saw two fighting no they fight sheep though so you got to make sure not to accidentally have a sheep nearby like a sheep farm and then a wild wolf oh his trades don’t suck hold on chop some trees I’m I’m no I’m G remember that what you remember you have to remember next time okay uh can you add me no you can add me uh Zed Hopkin YT do you like playing FNAF sometimes ever listen to exceptional Zed from zombies the movie zombies can you add me no I don’t remember that okay uh thanks you is beautiful cool it’s a slow dance song oh can you add me said you should play Minecraft invite all your subscribers my name means Champion cool do you like playing F oh I’m laggy it’s not a slow dance can you find a creeper for me my real name is Champion means Champion oh I see HD Dino do you love your homies no homo this is not copyright okay yeah I love my I love my homies no homo obviously obviously always no homo though no homo uh can you shout me out says Norma okay there we go uh can we go back to the fact he looks like Ed I do not look like Edge Shan we are not going back to that fact because that is it’s not a fact yes mov on I’ve watched it I like the first the first one’s like the only good one just saying um Zed you’re the best thank you get a better axe okay I will soon just not yet oh wait hold on oh man my shoulder’s intense for no reason you guys ever get like uh really tense muscles I have a massage gun upstairs I’m just just not going to go grab you yet I’m happy to say that you’re the best Creator on this platform thank you so it doesn’t look like Edge sharing y’all are insane for that I almost stream for about 30 minutes said Z less than an hour and a less than an hour and a half ago okay yo I should sub you streamer man you guys should I sub if you like the content I make yes I’m gonna go I’ll probably be back okay qualif fan bye only subscribe to people you who you like their content I’m g go probably uh hello cameras not just saying when you party up with me I might have a heart attack okay said I can’t do the oh my okay per the person who’s okay I’m not doing the splits I went back to my old profile picture because I love flowers w i shot again to a baby zombie sorry bro like your life thank you whoa when did you two get here it’s a car man’s car man oh I get it it’s a 218 where I’m in you should probably go to bed ah no okay what are you nope wrong can you do the gr yes I can gritty yes dude this is the only villager I’ll ever need right here W okay now to make sure they don’t fall in I need a couple more pieces of what sub thank you bro can you do the griffy what’s a griffy never heard of a griffy before get off right now dude why do you look at me as I said that that was funny I actually scrolled and there was a Grandpa Grandma that’s crazy um yeah no YouTube YouTube live shorts feed live can be really weird sometimes I would be uh really careful I’m sub Mr Superman thank you skele bro what’s the best pickup line are you a girl cuz you smell nice now you might be thinking that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard and he looked stupid while doing it it’s not a pickup line I just hate when people ask that oh so SC yeah I poorly I po I pour bleach in my eyes after that yeah do the oh yeah gritty ah that’s my gritty just scroll couldn’t find the Grandma couldn’t find the grandma um I’m waiting for you to collab with dream I’m not collabing with dream said the mod said the song is not copyright he literally said it is H yes sir Z you have noodle arms thank you I try my best to work not going to lie you were fruity during the pickup line exactly it’s not meant to be a good pickup line it’s meant to just be like really weird if it was if it was meant to be a good pickup line I would have chosen not that one because that was an awful pickup line and I wouldn’t have been like all Gaddy is the word I’m going to use I saw Grandma who’s trying to be zesty yeah no do the PE I don’t know what that is hey I had something to do cool qual fans back HD Dino is it bro trying to scare girls away with just that bro bro trying to scare girls away that wasn’t a bad pickup line it was just not the pick it was just not a pickup line at all I see use a PE okay I’ve never heard anyone actually use a pickup line to flirt before no if you use a pickup line to flirt I don’t know what you’re thinking like they only work when they’re original and the problem is nobody is original about it oh wait crap crap crap crap quick quick quick quick quick quick okay we’re good because you have to be original about the pickup line and no one ever is okay I’ve never uh no I scrolled down I saw a I saw a rat playing tet that’s a w dude I love that I I have heard a kid Mar okay Z it’s okay we can all tell you we’ve had experiences flirting I’ve never had it’s okay Zed what hold on it’s okay we can tell you’ve never had experience flirting Z thanks thanks wow okay did I listen to the song that mod sent no uh not at the moment a guy said a pickup line to me cool I got R A Riz are you a time traveler cuz I see you in my future blurry yeah I know guys that had to be the worst pickup line ever going to be honest pickup lines are um not a great way to flirt it’s a great way to start an awkward conversation or to make them completely lose interested but I don’t think personally speaking it is not the best way to flirt can you wish me good luck for the eighth I need to have surgery and I’m like going to pass out okay good luck bro good luck I saw the grandma sorry bro that’s that that’s tragic I’m walking home and I see a white van following me well probably run never FL before that’s okay Zed do a video where you go to Walmart with a bunch of makeup and do your makeup okay or make them laugh yes I pick up Lind I heard a girl say is he can’t treat me right he’s poor but you could wait he can’t treat me right he’s poor but you could I don’t even know or rip your eyes no don’t worry about it my brother said hi hi back my internet’s so bad don’t worry about it I heard a pickup line that someone said I overheard them saying it and it was uh if I told you you had a you had a beauti wait hold on let me get this right oh it was the pickup line was really cringe and it goes now it goes uh if you had a beautiful body would you if I told you you had a beautiful body would you hold it against me it was it was silly how about that that’s what I’ll say it was silly I died again dude you need to stop dying to stuff bro get in a hardcore world and don’t go into caves right away do you love your subscribers yeah I’m not in love with them but I love them all I tell my pickup line go for it bro I died sorry bro I’m not in love with JoJo siwa girls would you rather go to a desert with nothing but a dog or be in the same or be in the same girl but with a what what Roblox fortnite oh that’s tough actually hold on Roblox or fortnite um Roblox or fortnite Roblox or fortnite I’m G to say fortnite OG fortnite was Prime for sure favorite tratter I can’t favorite one don’t I don’t wasn’t trying to get something in a village I don’t I was trying to how did you die I’m so hungry bro just go eat some food it’s okay dude there’s a cat I don’t have anything for a cat crap can you make the crops go around we just going to or I have to do it for you okay uh red oh what am I doing I need to put the torches on the inside I have food at my camper okay just go to your camper I guess guys they’re in love something I’ll probably W to experience uh yo listen to the medium pce oh there’s a baby that was quick you listen to medium pace after stream I will can I say pick a plan go for it I died I died that’s what it sounds like right now yo play with me on Roblox sometime sure oh my goodness I love like you and JoJo okay Z are you dislexic cuz I said I don’t yeah I think I I probably have some form of dislike ala probably some form of ADHD yeah probably am I cooked okay the baby’s down there okay perfect now we give you more bread oh my goodness this is the most blurry it’s ever been what is up we’re going to cover the screen right now you guys won’t be able to see me for a second but am I bus cuz that’s crazy AR that’s crazy blurry Z blurry zti man how long have I been streaming is it f it’s not fixed okay that’s where I back away slowly slowly yeah did you see yes I did see see it is that I live in your walls no you literally don’t You’ been streaming for two hour oh my gosh can drive almost I just got to get some more uh driving hours in two hour dude I’ve been streaming for two hours I might have to get off and go get a life what’s your favorite song um probably way less sad by AJR or inertia by AJR is that I live in your walls bro bro said Pooky is Bryon moer yeah I gave him back moderator Powers he promised me he would do uh his actual moderating job rather than let people do that I have to go to sleep right now keep up your great work bye bye Quil fan said I live in your world no you don’t AJR yes AJR correct said are you homeschooled no I go to public school ah well I didn’t mean to fall how long do you stream well um I like to stream minimum of at least least if I’m to do a smaller live stream 30 minutes but on average I like to do an hour so think homeschoolers are cool I think homeschool kids are great but it always depends on how they act though like I have my volume all the way up and then you oh sorry sorry sorry um homeschool kids depending on how they act is how cool they are so like you know there’s like the weird homeschool kids and then there’s like the normal homeschool kids who are just like normal people can I join your server this is not a server there are a lot of fireworks right now W I want to play Minecraft while watching I don’t know what my challenge should be uh challenge start the world and get to D full diamond what instrument do you play how do you know I play instrument um that’s weird um I do trumpet I play trumpet I don’t know how you know I play an instrument though do you go to public school yes I go to public school correct you going to stream tomorrow on Roblox maybe get in there no no oh I was so close yes no yes dang it oh that’s okay sorry I didn’t mean to scream you said you were in marching band last time oh did I well uh I played trumpet at least I was homeschooled and I’m probably the weird kid we’re talking about marching B yeah don’t worry probably the weird kid it’s not that hard to not be a weird kid but you just got to make sure you’re you don’t accidentally make yourself the weird kid you know hi I’m back yo what’s up Kylie star ha L it’s exactly what I was thinking do you do art yeah I like to Doodle sometimes do you ever get made fun of for having a YouTube channel also do you have have it yeah sometimes I get uh people tease me about it but I’m like I don’t care my friend says he’s a fanboy he acts like it that’s weird he’s probably a fanboy then um I get made I get teased about I don’t get made fun of though they’re like wow Kai you have well it was at the time I had 2,000 they’re like wow Kai you have 2,000 I need that clout and I’m like wow what do you think my pickup line it was interesting do you have an animal yes I have a dog TT Tik Tok wait hold on ever get made a fun of also do you have no I do not have a Tik Tok we’re watching these villagers breed to make sure that they breed CU it’s if it’s not working we have to change something I ate chocolate and that’s crazy Skelly oh it’s not working what’s what’s the matter what’s the matter hold on something’s wrong something’s wrong wrong I wonder if it’s the height of the roof what’s your dog’s name uh I can’t disclose that information privacy reasons my dog’s name is lunic lunatic that’s funny playing shark bait because I think I saw yeah earlier today I was playing shark bait yes what’s your zodia ACC I don’t know I’m bro why you watching them well no no no I know I know that doesn’t sound right but I I promise it’s not for a weird reason I’m just making sure that they okay there’s no way I can phrase that so I so it’s not weird there’s just no way I had a boy once it was the best dang that’s crazy I had a boy once it was the best girlfriend I ever had ouch sorry bro I’m Capricorn I don’t even know what that means the dog’s name is Marvel that sounds familiar I think someone in an earlier stream told me their dog was also named Marvel Zed yo uh yeah what English or Spanish English dude how did you get in here well I guess he’s in here now excuse me it was probably me then he’s either a gemini or a cancer okay well what what juice world is in the chat oh I just realized that’s what the name was are you team Captain America or team Iron Man which one has Spider-Man I’m that one okay which should that should be cancer and that should be Pisces because it’s the original sign what does that mean someone explain you look good Captain America by the way don’t ask why I Nam my dog lunatic oh crap she just chewed up half okay well that kind of explains it um see Iron Man I think okay Spider-Man or Batman Spider-Man all the stinking way if you’re not picking Spider-Man you’re on the wrong team between Spider-Man and Batman cuz Spider-Man has superpowers and he’s younger than Batman so yeah what’s your favorite spider favorite Spider-Man stuff let me think well from the movies from the live action movie it’s probably Andrew Garfield first off because I can’t say that without sounding gay um so I’m not going to say it at all uh but Andrew Garfield for the movies and then yeah time for me to Yo Kylie star relax relax what um I like Andrew Garfield because he’s the most yeah exactly some people are getting it some people in chat are getting it at least oh dude I can buy this guy from I can buy bread from him and then I can split it in 30 in 30s and then throw that over there the child dropped yes that is supposed to happen correct dude there’s bread over there what are you doing Z’s got a no but like I know when a man’s attractive because I’m a dude so it’s okay for me to say that obviously I think obviously duh no homo no homo there we go fixed it saved it our friend left her skinny s that’s weird what I do if my girlfriend lose me um you move on someone said Andrew Garfield is fine nope no homo though no homo no homo no homo obviously no homo no homo so it’s okay it’s okay I said no homo nope okay now you guys uh need to uh I don’t know how to say can you be my friend of course I’m everyone in my stream is a friend of mine do you have socks on yeah I do yes correct hold on socks there you go chat I broke up with my gift don’t attack me she didn’t talk to me for no reason that so okay what do you bench oh no oh no ask me what I squat instead that’ll be a better idea let’s ask let’s how about we ask what I squat that’s just going to be a better idea Daniel get out of chat right now Daniel get out of my chat actually Daniel you’re a nut someone ask me what I squat it’ll be more impressive trust I promise you if you ask me what I squat it’ll be more impressive than my bench Daniel get out of my chat though I know you’re here I saw you I bet I I bet you I squat more than you okay um I don’t know how we proved it to each other but I squat I um hold on I think my best squat ever which is my PR we’re going to go based off PRS okay anytime ever PR okay can I steal all your pizza go for Ito bro um Daniel Daniel I’m not going to say a slur okay so my PR I think at its height was a PL and a 25 so 45 and a 25 so 45 45 90 25 25 50 140 and then the bar which is I assume what is the WID of a bar hold on let me average weight of a squat bar I think ours is 90 no I don’t know what ours is I think it’s 45 actually so we we’ll say 45 so 18 dude thank you Daniel Daniel’s got it down so uh5 so squat is 185 yes thank you cool and really nice guy E clips GT someone’s good job being happy uh Z I stole your soup that’s why you didn’t eat Lun that would make sense I didn’t eat lunch well I had peanut butter jelly but that’s different okay um yo go M trees and upgrade your home from a dirt wood Cobblestone no you don’t tell me what to do where are you from uh I’m from America did she say what her squat was yet or bro keep going bro 185 is impressive thank you said I got to get out see you 45 or 15 what can you teach me how to get better on Minecraft the only way to get better at Minecraft is by playing Minecraft now I like to do it in survival is that I’m in your freezer I’ve been waiting for you to let me out no um so 14 145 is not that bad like that’s what I squatted I think like Friday or Saturday because I haven’t squatted in a month or I haven’t worked out in a month and so I was only able to do 145 but that’s not bad though that’s really truly not bad so the Facey said don’t tell me what to do get trees or something okay I’m getting trees for a different reason I’m getting trees so I can trade he he gave me a reminder that was like a reminder to get trees so I could trade I swear it’s not it’s not so that I’m gonna go build a house you g to play okay are you gonna play dress to impress tomorrow sure maybe probably not but maybe please trade me what I’m just going to trade with the Villager okay here we go do you play on servers I like to play on Hypixel could play Hypixel if I uh if I figure out how what the server IP is again or look it up I sure can we play Pet simulator what is pet simulator dang it oh wait never mind I’m still good I’m still good so you might be thinking Zed why you waste why did you just buy so many bows and why are you throwing them back I’m just trying to complete these trades I’m not actually going to need any of it truth or D Truth uh English or Spanish English um what other games you play in roblo I like the original jailbreak I like natural disaster that’s a good one survive a natural disaster I’m Anna OG Roblox player so they can you give me dare okay um dare right now my favorite one of all time dare wise is okay go get two cups of water okay and when you have them now it’s probably best if you sit down I don’t know what the best way to drink water is but however you do it doesn’t matter standing up sitting down upside down if you can um now if you want to record it and then post it and then tag me and I’ll comment on it but the point is get the two cups of water two full cups of water and you’re going to have them both in front of you okay and you’re going to drink them but like a chug so you’re going to chug you’re going to chug the first one you’re going to get you’re allowed one breath in between okay one breath in between and then you chug the other one okay that’s the goal for all of you that I will become a fan W how are you I’m doing good Sans little tired though I’m actually shaking a little bit you guys can’t see it but I can what’s 9 plus 10 21 stupid 20 19 hi I’m near the stream Coolio puppy wand how long have you played Minecraft I played it since I was little so okay how many more trying to waste the least amount of Z you are my streamer to watch yes that is good I’ve always wanted to be that person the person where people like I want to be I’ve always wanted to be the streamer where people are like oh dude he’s streaming get on watch it I’ve always wanted to be that person Truth or Dare give me a truth Tru give me a truth though wait what are we talking about Pokemon I love Pokemon I love Pokemon whoever is talking about Pokemon I love it said I dare you to stream G okay oh wait hold on volume warning by the way yeah okay um Now give me a truth though because I asked for a truth not a dare that I always join your thank you bro Skelly okay my pronouns are he because I’ll never be him I love those videos those are always so funny would you consider yourself good at Mac now I’m going to assume they mean Minecraft I say I’m a pretty Minecraft player pretty moderate have you ever touched grass yes I play outside all the time I do too I love Pokemon literally have a poster and even plushies basically me too I have a bunch of Pokemon cards hold on whoa a dino is an official member of silly people he gets his name on the sweatshirt and he’s a moderator too which is really silly okay let’s put him on the sweatshirt now so left right so it be this arm other arm whoops nope this arm okay which which member are you are you the you’re the smiley face member good okay HD Dino h d I know Smiley H Dino became a member and he’s now the right he’s on the right arm of my sweatshirt W man W man okay hold on that’s great uh dubs imagine not having a membership bro I was specifically dissing on Bryson that’s crazy he became a member just so he could tell Bryson he sucks what time are you gonna play dress up tomorrow um I don’t know probably in the morning if I play it at all oh shut up guys moderators do not fight what are there people texted me hold on Bryson what time are we going to go watch movie not trying to spend money for no reason that’s okay have you ever beat yes I cannot do a water bucket clutch at all how do you become a member so now it costs money so let’s let’s start with that first let me get the disclaimer out there it costs money I think the lowest one’s like two two three I don’t know what the lowest one is but um it costs money and if you can’t afford it that’s okay I’m just going to keep talking about it you don’t have to you don’t have to you don’t I’m not going to try to force you okay so in the bottom right there is a there is a like a a dollar sign per se so let me help dollar boom okay whoops in the bottom right here okay that’s a dollar sign and then boom that says membership and that’s how you join the channel and the lowest is $3 it’s kind of expensive sorry said I dare you scream Mama I’m a criminal was that kind of good or did I suck at that that guess what what that was awful y’all let me actually sing that um anyway so that’s how you do that at least if you want to not I don’t want to Force anyone into doing it because it costs money I turn bald that’s okay that’s a natural part of life I’m probably going to go bald hopefully it’s really far in the future because I kind of love my hair so if you want to go for it it’d be awesome if you can’t that’s also good don’t spend money on things you can’t afford that’s how you get in debt and that is not cool Mama I’m a Crim bro now somehow I’ve got that stuck in my head can you give me a dare okay bro it’s s of like Jojo without autotune um Let me let me think let me think of a dare hold on I dare you do 10 push-ups in a row without failing but if you fail you have to restart the push-ups is that your natural yes this is natural uh I put shampoo and conditioner in it though so I don’t know if that counts or not but it’s all natural no extra products got to eat breakfast need to leave for a sec go for it bro don’t worry we’ll still be here all technically naturally here but I guess technically not because of shampoos and stuff but I’d rather have shampoos and it technically not be natural than smell awful so give me a aare I just did oh wait you want a different one okay hold on if you move your gift okay I guess I’m going to be doing push-ups for the rest of my life no it’ll be trust me you got this um a dare let me think do a wallit you know like the walls set do it for more than a minute but if you fail you also have to restart uh no I’m not tricking you into working out can we see the hairline oh y’all can’t judge me for my billboard size forehead okay you have to promise me that right now promise me it right now okay it’s probably just because I bring my eyebrows down every time I do it but nonetheless kind of a large forehead can’t do a push-up my guy well that’s where you start working on oh my that was really bad camera angle hold on it makes it look like I’m mega mind I’m also I’m blonde Mega exactly uh I’m blonde so I I’m going to push it forward a little bit so you can see the hairline exact spot better Bros got the five I know I know I’ve got a five head but that’s why my hair is there that’s why I have hair so it’s uh pretty bad but that’s why I wear my hair down or curly or poofy so Bros got the five adorbs anyway dang it now y’all got whoever said say I’m a criminal um the tanine oh I have a farmer tan and it’s so B well it’s it’s normally really really like really really really bad but right now it’s not because of lighting but struggle is real that exactly I’m laughing too much I’m not going to be able to do the wall okay okay my forehead is not that massive you can wall it without laughing at my forehead that’s kind of funny though oh bro it’s such a bad bro this is such a bad spot no it’s not bro came up on my lives again Olivia lovings who is oh wait you were here earlier yeah right yeah yeah you were yeah you were here earlier right Mama I’m a criminal wait so you got it again that basically means you should subscribe and if you don’t want to that is okay also hey Miracle is cool yes I will I will thank you helps me out I need bleach I accidentally saw the grandma oh I’m sorry bro I’m sorry Bryson what was that why did you why did you remove that message done thank you Olivia bye Ashley um all marching band kids I have farmer yeah but I shouldn’t basically is what I’m saying if you move in game if you move your game in Minecraft snap I want to be your best okay I just I just subscribe to see you play dress up dress to okay wow it said Gia no it said Mama I’m a criminal oh maybe it did maybe I’m looking at a different one that’s my bad sorry I was looking at one the one where she said said Mama I’m a criminal I don’t know if she said g or not so uh eek hi bro what’s up dude let’s go power two I’m breaking one First Enchanted item Z join me join you doing what what the sigma this message can you subscribe to my Channel please um if you remind me later have you made my pink sheep yet no I’m working on getting a villager farm right now but I can start the startings of it how about okay let’s do that that will be the first sheep that gets sheared for this project now we’re going to start off smaller and it’s just going to get bigger and bigger and we’re going to build it right there right there I’ll see you later bye Norman I think we should be best friends okay I need to go eat okay bye hooray okay now obviously this is going to be so boom to Boom to boom boom boom that’s his body then boom boom boom boom boom his head and then the feet will be kind of small make it a little silly at Clary he’s single uh yes um I recently started streaming a survival series but the world got deleted and corrupted any advice to stay motivated to very because I have to start all over again well I don’t know how far you were into it and I know it’s dude I’ve had that happen before I had a really nice I had a hardcore World which is a lot worse I think to lose and I lost it due to corrupted files and I was so mad about it but I’m just like well I guess that’s just what happens in life so I’m not so don’t freak out about it just relax I guess um honestly the first step into getting motivated is just start it like as you’re watching the stream start another hardcore world that’s the first step do you like beans yes like baked beans you be my friend of course I’ll be anyone’s friend but not like any oh sorry anyone in my chat that wants to be friends I will be we’re stacked we were stacked and have 40 plus hours so many oh no that’s awful I’m sorry you be my guy best friend little I I’m in need of one I got you don’t worry can you be my friend of course Kylie be everyone’s friend that’s in the Stream what was I going to say yeah so just start it I know it sucks that you lost all of it but your flamingo boat in shark bite yes correct uh are you a furry no I’m not a furry sorry well if if you expecting me to sorry um thank you because I’m losing friends it’s okay are you on Java or Bedrock Java you be my friend of course Claire uh Norma is back I don’t got any friends sorry sus can you shout me out please it says Brookie when you do the fortnite stream it’s going to be a voice reveal cool I’m subbed thank you are you a furry I’m not I’m back oh AC Dino gets to put special emojis in because I thought that would have been a great emoji yeah you yeah for you fortnite or uh voice reveal on your end yes Z please help me out what what’s the matter please shout me out I got you bro shout out Brooke I’m te person who runs on all fours huh a dino has another one of my awesome but this time it’s a silly goose Emoji I’m back smiley face cool yo Skelly Z put a song on um no I’m worried about copyright I subscribed thank you thanks for the device oh man I forgot that was one of my stickers oh I forgot that oh I might oh that’s that’s bad oh I’m going to delete that probably after um how bad is your old videos um they’re not bad bad well except my shorts those are bad I got car CR in my old account before yeah that’s why I’m worried about it I have a tail and a mask cool you do you uh you do you I’ll do me and let’s not stop each other from being what we want to be okay oh wow that’s a great sticker no it is really not so silly okay I’ll watch I have watched all your shorts dang all all of them because I think didn’t you just find my channel no no you’ve been watching for a while I think I don’t know thanks bro uh that’s very awesome of you can you give me to 50 songs okay I don’t know that what that means though I assume you mean subs but thank you of course we’re inclusive here BRB see y tomorrow can you play sure I’ll play that Roblox game you are mid at Minecraft yes that I’ve said that already yes correct honestly I’m okay with accepting that because it’s kind of factual I’m not I just lost a hardcore world so I can’t say no I’m pretty good if I still had it I’d be like no I’m pretty good but I’m not so oh there we go there’s a villager hey bud hey buddy hey hey buddy follow me buddy follow me can I join you uh this is a solo world so please don’t ta looks like doger cool z z z z z no it’s it’s still say 113 getting robbed well then why are you typing in chat deal with the robber bro are you a pro fortnite no I suck hey just Jo the stream do you still drive dive do you still dive yes I still dive yeah I’m still diver I’m actually going to a dive camp in two days so I won’t be able to stream during that time like I won’t be able to play games and stuff said I’m back yo he’s back I didn’t I thought he was just leaving I’m so thank you John Stark call the popo I karate kicked him good job no I know it’s sad I won’t be I used to do competitive diving before I started doing horseback that’s cool horseback is really interesting I think like I’ve been to a rodeo before and it’s like super cool and I’m like dude I should totally do it and then I’m like um I would totally get hurt because I’m pretty weak said someone was being racist to me um don’t listen to him your mic’s a little far oh sorry little quiet thank you Victoria uh Z just play the sped up version of the song or slow I don’t think it’s copyright it still is yes did you watch barrel racing cuz that’s what I do oh cool I like watching barrel racing because I’m like I could do that I bet it wouldn’t be good but I I hate the dark I’m just wa so I’m just watching the stream okay that if you could do one thing without getting consequences what would it be like anything like anything whoa we got a donation we got a donation because I said 113 or he was going to do it anyway well I’m sure you be great at it hold on let me put his name down Trant Trojan I’m assume that’s Trojan tra Tron TR trade I don’t know t r a j i o and Tryon whoops I messed up the eye okay fixed it everyone can we please put some W’s in chat for him obviously I’m really good at saying names so Tron there you go bro I got your name on here if you’re still here so I’m donating money to random small people thank you bro that’s awesome of you that’s awesome spread the love around are you eventually going to wear that hoodie yes it’s actually a little small on me but I’m still yeah I’ll wear it eventually probably when it’s filled out where am I going I have to go put stuff away www okay what was it doing I don’t know why I said okay really l i up to Small YouTubers L me too I like doing that too it’s uh important to help people who try hard not like try hards but who try hard oh so if I could do anything without consequences I don’t know probably like rob a bank how do you stream on shorts so you have to have for from OBS you have to have it in a certain aspect ratio and it’s just the opposite version of a full length video so if you’re like what’s the aspect ratio of uh YouTube shorts it’ll tell you so there’s that I have 13 Subs that’s okay friendly found you CU I was bored in Florida and I just started scrolling and I was just stuck around cool yo H Dino with all of the stickers from being a member I don’t know what that random middle one is but uh what is that that looks like me with a microphone but I don’t know what that is though anyway um we’re going to grab a couple more trees here dude what yo Ze when you stream tomorrow my mask is a fox cool cool when do you stream tomorrow in the morning ISS should down with so much blackmail power now oh INF factual guess what I’m watching chat guys guess what you watching what’s your name I’m Zed up bro that was cringe sorry sorry um that was really cringe actually that was incredibly cringe nobody clips that please it’s you have nothing on me bro C you’re watching Disney Channel this is your longest live stream is it huh what’s Gray’s Anatomy though I’ve never heard that before Oh Minecraft name um Zed the adventurer or Kai the adventurer I think I’m not sure yeah I can’t press T Miracle is cool crying crying crying what’s wrong is that try to guess my real time is it James dude Minecraft I know my mom said I can’t donate a dollar that is okay it’s okay if you can’t donate um okay for real exactly this just what I chose when I James my pow pow name well I guess I was somewhat right at least because James is supposedly the most popular dude name in America so I like a 50% chance nope it’s Carl I was never going to against Carl I’m a wolf a fox and a calico cat cool cool yo cool y uh did I get the XP from that I did I didn’t he said guz my name is Kylie or Star oh that’s a tough one is it Kylie my pronouns are USA remember I remember that from last year that was a popular thing my pronouns are you S A and there’s like fireworks and stuff it cool gonna go play Roblox bye bye yes K I knew it that I’m G watch you till the end coolo o jump scare let’s see I have to go watch a movie I’m going to go watch I’m going to go watch the quiet place at 9:15 by the way let me see I I I don’t know how to show you it um you should play dress to impress with me um tomorrow maybe please subscribe to my Channel please give me to 50 Subs sure bro uh hold on let me go to it oh hold on chat wait a second I’m getting a call from Bryson what’s up brother what are you what are you talking about um um no he left um [Music] um when I can drive okay bye have fun yep no yep no that was Bryson he wanted me to go play tennis but instead I decided to stream yo what’s up Savannah who wants to play fortnite Duos with me guys what do I keep thinking the fireworks outside our gunshot dude I thought that last year um I’m not going to read all of what the chats were saying but this isn’t live anymore hold on that’s old me um freak you Bryson I don’t want to play tennis right now are you watching quiet place the new yeah I’m going to watch it tonight at 9:15 it’s going to be good I hope I watch the first two which were second one I hate because uh there’s like a lot of uh Suffocation and I’m like oh bros before stream that is not success tell Isa tell Isaac tell either of The Isaacs that I’m being sucessful and trying to make money also Bryson Bo is wondering if he could go um what time is it where you’re at uh it’s like 7even ouch bro it’s literally a romate no is it a no it’s not a romate no the quiet we’re looking this up right now the quiet place three okay see it said sore high oh sorry horror sci-fi so it’s not gonna be a romance E bro it’s supposed to be a horror exactly that’s what I’m saying like sure romance is great but then it makes me feel more lonely about myself so Z can you say I’m the no I’m not saying that that’s no no no yo monkey and friends is is in the chat bro did I dare you to do can you dfr I don’t even know what that means hi again I watched already good don’t spoil it can you friend me uh this is Minecraft Java I don’t know how to friend people oh Fox girl’s back romance movies make me feel single too I know right like when I watch him I’m like wow what a happy ending and I’m like oh wait that’s never going to be me that’s basically yeah Zed I tried to steal my uncle’s credit card I was about to send you 20 do not steal anybody’s credit card to send me money that is awful why do not do that that is really bad um I’m back oh yo uh Ari is back I witness a bad stream sorry bro if you move in in Minecraft you’re yay thank you you remind me of Nick Wilkins should I look that up Nick Wilkins oh dude I think I’m actually subscribed to this guy hold on hold on if this is who I think he is maybe no there’s a guy that looks a lot like him though what am I even what is this face I’m saying anyway um he’s hilarious he seems hilarious like just based off the first video that like the video I had to click on to get to his channel didn’t seem too bad so wow what a happy ending I wish I could that’s what I’m saying like how old are you I’m 16 can you subscribe to me sure Savannah nobody else saw that but me though which is weird boom subbed ah why are they watching you uh I’ve got no clue got to be honest wait what do you mean why are they watching you bro I just got whip cool no dude uh I think we the other day I made a video I kind of slid down the stairs and hurt my tailbone and got 7s that’s okay villagers why are they watching you uh why why they watch me I can’t tell you exactly why but I think they want me to release them that’s my best guess honestly just honestly what’s up hey Pepper pepperoni can you friend I can’t I don’t know how to friend people in Minecraft I’ve never heard of that before can you subscribe to me when I get to 50 Subs I will post like you haven’t posted yet or are you waiting till 50 Subs there’s a raccoon in my room what the heck you’re my second favorite live streaming live streamer thanks I saw Roo game under this stream huh dude I hate those videos dude they’re so oh no does that give me a dare um let me think okay you’re GNA do that’s 30 is a lot we’ll do 20 situps but if you can’t do them in a row you have to restart and you have to do it in under a minute I’ll post at 50 Subs okay can you play dresser and press after 12:30 huh that got 72 views it has 100 101 I’m so happy yay it’s okay Ser so you’re literally my favorite person in stream right now thank you I love group group me because that’s how my soccer team talks oh that I almost my what the heck um we use like team reach in the band app for school stuff I want to we used group me one time for an event and I was like this is actually awesome but um you built have you built anything in the world yet I built a half Hazard made house and a villager breeder we’ll get the house done after I get better gear what kind of sports do you do I do tennis and swimm and dive I have banned for softball but I it didn’t work that’s what I’m saying like when I get yelled at because my ban app doesn’t give me notifications I feel stupid my cousin’s tab fight your cousin I don’t know you’re my okay I I forgot I’m matching marching B camp tomorrow oh dude I wonder where mine is I should probably figure that out I showed up to a lifting that wasn’t even yeah exact d That’s what I’m saying like it’ll either notify you correctly or it just will never notify you there’s no in between Zed can we be friends yes anyone on my stream that wants to be friends can be my friend uhoh uh-oh uh oh uh oh hold on hold on Save the wheat okay y’all didn’t just see me burn down a forest it’s okay it’s your settings Z okay racon is down my pet anyone want to play fortnite with me my uncle kicked me oh that’s crazy um yeah I just got a group me reminder and yes I want to be your friend yay we’re going all be friends that yes I want to play Someone wants to play fortnite with Cosmic bro Cosmic we found you a teammate gotta go bye Kylie playing on Bedrock or Java uh Java Duos gang yep we need to start a group me uh no no maybe a Discord but not a group me not a group me like the thought of it sounds cool but then moderating it would be really bad and some weird stuff could happen and we don’t want that Smokey the Bear gonna be yeah Smokey the Bear probably will be bad so my friend pushes my other friend off of prison dang wait did I just get a new bestie or am I dumb no you got a new bestie we’re besties trust we’re besties I think you’re besties so long as you think I’m a besti we’re besties basically Discord Ser that’ be so fun I want to start it I just don’t think I have enough people that would want to join name of song is that uh way less sad by AJR go to the nether I need to work on villagers first can I be a moderator no I’m sorry I have certain people that are moderators so that because I know them in real life you know where are you guys not moving what is happening what is the problem what is L problem a now will you do it or not the fireworks need to stop it’s very annoying yeah that’s kind of the best part about fireworks though they’re just a little bit annoying oh my gosh why is there so many we have to do this like one at a time now anyway we need to drop this a block that’s what the problem is can you see these messages which ones never mind okay said I di Minecraft cuz I died to Lava dude dying to Lava sucks because you’re watching like especially when you’re in a Basalt Delta I hate those things by the way dude oh my I mean villagers stop that so weird um it’s people that post 20 mini fireworks that make me mad honestly I love blowing things up with fire well that didn’t sound right um I like using fireworks they’re fun my best of course Kinsley bro Kinsley we can be besties we’re going to do uh three block tall I think is what it was originally meant to be we have to direct them the other way though dead question go for it shoot for uh shoot uh you know what I mean oh my gosh okay there we go cushan go for it thought you my new guy best we all are all BR we’re all best friends guys I don’t see what the problem is that I died in hardcore to Minecraft sorry sorry bro thought you were my we are all just best friends I don’t see what the problem is that was too easy dang that was too which one was it he doesn’t want to play fortnite with me because he didn’t answer dang life goes on and on and on and on and I how did you have netherite and die to Lava that’s awful that’s actually sad now guys what is happening um literally we’re all besties um guys can someone explain the setups oh okay okay that was probably easy yeah um please don’t sing that song because it gets stuck in my head the AJR one anyway um what was say okay next challenge let me think you’ve been streaming three okay that was a good point I should probably end I’ve been on YouTube all day okay I’ll give you one last challenge if you want to do be part of the truth of dare what’s your favorite game bestie in real life it’s probably I don’t I don’t know Minecraft for sure but OG fortnite definitely um oh my gosh is this still on fire thought that ended like a minute ago on favorite game yeah uh besties need a way to communicate well I guess we’ll have to sub Discord I said we can play fortnite Yo Phoenix relax relax no spamming Phoenix no spamming don’t do it Phoenix you’re going to be putting a timeout don’t oh the Dare yes that’s that’s what I’m talking about okay I dare you to go find a piece of paper put the number one two and three on it in like a list form and then write down three goals you want to complete by the end of the week next week what’s your name Zed I’m Zed ready for that Discord I should make a bestie’s channel okay that was good we lost to hardcore world but that is okay so now as this stream comes to an end let’s all be thankful for the time we spent together as besties dude three hours holy crap besties I have big eyes thank you I have big eyes so this comes to an end let’s all say bye to each other say thank you for being here make sure you subscribe in case you’re not right now if you’re like man I can’t wait to see this next stream and you’re not subscribed you might not ever see it again so make sure you subscribe it will help you’re all awesome besties uh Mr Boba eyes that’s funny um don’t end it I need to get my guy’s fortnite name okay I’ll give you like 30 more seconds so I want to thank you all for being here especially donators such as HD D here let me get the names right um I I know there’s a couple of them we had H Dino and Tron Tran Trojan want to thank them for being awesome and donating it’s been a wonderful time so I’ll never see you again well make sure you subscribe and you will can’t wait to play dry and oh my oh I forgot about that okay well that’s just how it’s goingon to be call you Mr Boba eyes go for it bye now my new bestie love you have fun watching The Quiet Place 3 whenever you watch it wherever you watch it thank you when your next stream tomorrow morning like your headphones thank you they’re not actually mine oh my is it already blurry okay pulling it out of being blurry so we should start a Roblox group group that would be kind of funny I think so I want to thank you all for being here you’re all an amazing people group of Besties friends whatever and the stream will come to an end we had a great time guys I’m back well we’re ending stream sorry and I’ll see you guys tomorrow probably playing Roblox dress up okay and believe me you have really pretty blue eyes thank you and I will see you guys next time peace be good

This video, titled ‘a small minecraft stream’, was uploaded by zed hopkin on 2024-07-06 02:34:55. It has garnered 6862 views and 89 likes. The duration of the video is 03:11:09 or 11469 seconds.

Playing Minecraft until i get bored of it.

Check out my friends: @HDino @Bryson_Laing @tinybraingaming @tommybutz

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    Exclusive: QUEEN ELSA takes on Hardcore Mode in Minecraft 😱 #ElsaLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Live Stream 😅 | Queen Elsa is Live 💕💜 #minecraftlive #minecrafthardcormode’, was uploaded by QUEEEN ELSA on 2024-07-30 17:48:19. It has garnered 530 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:26 or 10286 seconds. 💙𝓓𝓻𝓸𝓹 𝓪 𝓛𝓘𝓚𝓔 𝓘 𝓪𝓹𝓹𝓻𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓲𝓽💙 📢[ INSTAGRAM ] 👉 📢[ Discord ] 👉 [ OTHER CHANNEL ] 📢[ NotQueeneElsa ] 👉 📢[ Srishti Playz ] 👉 ✅ 𝐑𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐒 ✅ ✔️ 𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐞 𝐚𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝. 𝐎𝐫 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐈 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐬𝐟𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧. 𝐈𝐭’𝐬 𝐫𝐮𝐝𝐞. 𝐅𝐞𝐞𝐥… Read More

  • Secret Trick Revealed! Check if Player Sneaks! [Minecraft]

    Secret Trick Revealed! Check if Player Sneaks! [Minecraft]Video Information This video, titled ‘288: Check if the player stops sneaking. [Minecraft Map Making]’, was uploaded by Infernal Device on 2024-04-19 07:25:58. It has garnered 301 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:49 or 229 seconds. Ep288: Running a command if the player stops sneaking. Version: 1.19 Used in: 183: Prop Hunt minigame concept: Commands, builds and ideas for people making their own Minecraft maps. Check out my collabs on Coppit’s channel: Join the CoppitCraft server that I play on and the Discord where I hang out. Server IP: Discord: The… Read More

  • FrendlyEmo’s Insane Cave Adventure! #gamers #cave #excitement

    FrendlyEmo's Insane Cave Adventure! #gamers #cave #excitementVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Average Cave Experience Part 16 #minecraft #survival #skit #gaming’, was uploaded by FrendlyEmo on 2024-03-01 03:45:03. It has garnered 5847 views and 156 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. Read More

  • Intense Car Battle: JJ RICH vs Mikey POOR – Minecraft Animation

    Intense Car Battle: JJ RICH vs Mikey POOR - Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ RICH vs Mikey POOR Building BASE WITH CARS Battle – Minecraft Animation’, was uploaded by SCARY THOMAS PLAY on 2024-08-03 23:00:10. It has garnered 2584 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:06 or 486 seconds. JJ RICH vs Mikey POOR Building BASE WITH CARS Battle – Minecraft Animation Read More

  • Unreal Japanese Armor Texture Pack for Minecraft Nethpot in Vorexion!

    Unreal Japanese Armor Texture Pack for Minecraft Nethpot in Vorexion!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tasis Armor Pack Remake || Japanese Armor Texture Pack || Minecraft Nethpot Texture Pack’, was uploaded by Vorexion on 2024-08-31 10:36:17. It has garnered 1208 views and 67 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:43 or 163 seconds. Links: Tasis Armor Pack: How To Download: SUBSCRIBE KRDO BRO SHARE KRDO VIRAL KRDO VIDEO LIKE BHI KRDENA! 🙂 🔮CHANNELS🔮 ————————- 🥇Extra channels:- I Dont Have! ✨SOCIAL✨ ——————– 🎀 Instagram:- I Dont Have! …. 🌈Discord:- discord server ❤️For sponsorship, product reviews, and collaboration, you can email me here:- extra email… [email protected] Thanks For Watching… Read More

  • 🔥🎲 Insane Titanium Dice Unboxing!

    🔥🎲 Insane Titanium Dice Unboxing!Video Information This video, titled ‘Sonoyuncu titanyum zar 🎲🎲🎲🎲’, was uploaded by TeddyYT on 2024-09-07 08:57:43. It has garnered 31 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:21 or 3081 seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu pvp minecraft sonoyuncu cheat, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft sonoyuncu ip, minecraft sonoyuncu bedwars, minecraft sonoyuncu macro, minecraft sonoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft sonoyuncu cheat 2019, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, minecraft sonoyuncu play with friends, minecraft sonoyuncu not opening, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase, minecraft sonoyuncu ip address, minecraft sonoyuncu fps increase texture pack, minecraft sonoyuncu… Read More

  • Vtuber Kuyo: Chatting with Brats, Then Minecraft Madness

    Vtuber Kuyo: Chatting with Brats, Then Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘【 chatting 】 Vibing with the brats then later minecraft’, was uploaded by Kuyo Blackstone【Vtuber】 on 2024-08-01 22:54:38. It has garnered 78 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:18:15 or 22695 seconds. Your favorite furry Vtuber is getting cozy with this new video 【 Check me out on Twitch】➡️ kuyo_the_brat_bat – Twitch 【 Watch This Next】 Kuyos introduses her self ============================================================================== ★All Products ★Subscribe to my twitch here】 kuyo_the_brat_bat – Twitch ============================================= 【 Come with us and you will see!】 ★ ★ ★ 【 Question】 – whats your favorite… Read More

  • SurviveMC

    SurviveMCWelcome to, home of the best OG HCF servers! Weekly SOTWs and Kitmap are live now! Don’t miss out on the revival of HCF! Read More

  • The Federation server SMP 1.21 Java Plugins RPG City-Building

    Federation Minecraft Community Why Join Us? We aim to create a thriving world filled with cities, cultures, religions, and guilds. Join us from ground zero to build something great together with like-minded individuals! What We Offer: Lots of unique structures and biomes in a limitless survival world Weekly Minecraft events and games Server progress that lasts for a long time Community projects and events with rewards Various in-game features to enhance your experience Economy system for customization City building, achievements, collection, and more Stable server with active admins Safe environment without griefing or pay-to-win About Us: The Federation is a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Please don’t screw up the lore

    If they mess up the lore, we’ll have to start a petition to demand a lore-rectification update from Mojang! Read More

  • Mod Madness: Minecraft’s Spooky Score

    Mod Madness: Minecraft's Spooky Score In the world of Minecraft, a dark twist we take, Facing demons and monsters, for our viewers’ sake. With mods that make it scary, our adventure unfolds, Each moment filled with fear, as the story molds. Joined by friends, Jaden and Nico by my side, We dive into the darkness, where monsters hide. The Rhino Toucher, Insane, and me in blue, Exploring the unknown, with a chilling view. If you want more horror Minecraft, let me know, I’ll craft a scary modpack, for a thrilling show. Like and subscribe, it truly does help, And remember to adopt a puppy,… Read More

  • Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol

    Hot Stray Prank Fail in Minecraft #lol When you try to prank a stray in Minecraft but they end up pranking you by stealing all your diamonds. #karma #minecraftstruggles #straypranks Read More

  • Conquering Fleetbhai Vijay in Epic Gamer Battle

    Conquering Fleetbhai Vijay in Epic Gamer Battle Fleetbhai Vijay ho: Exploring the Minecraft Universe with GamerFleet Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft with Fleetbhai Vijay ho and the GamerFleet community! Dive into the immersive realm of creativity, adventure, and endless possibilities as you join Fleetbhai Vijay ho on his Minecraft journey. Discover Lilyville and Beyond Join Fleetbhai Vijay ho as he explores the enchanting world of Lilyville, filled with unique landscapes, mysterious creatures, and thrilling adventures. Follow along as he embarks on epic quests, builds magnificent structures, and interacts with fellow gamers in this vibrant virtual community. Meet Anshu Bisht and Jack Bhaiya Interact with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House in a Drink Challenge!

    EPIC Minecraft House in a Drink Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO : MAISON dans une BOISSON sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by Yoananas & Cie on 2024-07-12 15:00:28. It has garnered 16555 views and 453 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:01 or 1741 seconds. NOOB vs PRO: HOUSE in a DRINK on Minecraft! #minecraft #talcado #anna #awariz Yo! Today new video on #Minecraft! Don’t forget to subscribe ✅ And activate the notification bell🔔 🐥Twitter: 🔴MailPro: [email protected] SUBSCRIBE ✅ Read More

  • Animal Meme Madness in Cursed Minecraft

    Animal Meme Madness in Cursed MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘FUNNY MEME ANIMALS in MINECRAFT! CATS | DOGS | MONKEY & OTHER PETS CURSED MINECRAFT #3/3’, was uploaded by Felizio Craft on 2024-07-09 21:15:01. It has garnered 4617 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hello, you are on the Felizio Craft 🤗 did you like the video? like and comment! Playlist Click: Subscribe: #minecraft #pets #funnypets #cat #dog #monkey #meme ⚠️DISCLAIMER: FANMADE. This video is a mix of video montage, gameplay, mods, glitches, unreality, my game theories and versions in the game Minecraft. Video made… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC SMILING GAMER PUBLIC SMP SERVER🔥 | SEASON 1 | Minecraft Live | #minecraft

    🔥EPIC SMILING GAMER PUBLIC SMP SERVER🔥 | SEASON 1 | Minecraft Live | #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join Our Public SMP Server | SEASON 1 | Minecraft Live | #minecraft #minecraftlive’, was uploaded by SMILING GAMER on 2024-08-20 12:20:39. It has garnered 186 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 04:08:37 or 14917 seconds. minecraft,minecraft smp,minecraft server,lifesteal smp,minecraft hardcore,smp,public minecraft smp,minecraft but,minecraft challenge,minecraft survival,join minecraft smp,minecraft smp servers,school minecraft server,minecraft shorts,minecraft 1.19,minecraft funny,dream smp,school minecraft smp,minecraft facts,minecraft public smp,free to play minecraft smp,beating minecraft,this minecraft smp wants me dead,how i ended an entire minecraft smp ⭐️──────⋆⋅☆⋅⋆──────⭐️ ✨ Connect with me on social media! 📸 Instagram : 🔉 Discord… Read More

  • EPIC Apple Builder Challenge: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD!

    EPIC Apple Builder Challenge: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Battle: DIRT MAZE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Apple Builder – Minecraft on 2024-04-07 10:00:20. It has garnered 4314 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:38 or 1598 seconds. Minecraft Battle: DIRT MAZE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD in Minecraft! Welcome to Apple Builder – Minecraft! In this video you will see Minecraft Battle: DIRT MAZE HOUSE BUILD CHALLENGE – NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER vs GOD in Minecraft! Who do you think… Read More

  • Caught CHEATING in Water Mob Battle?!

    Caught CHEATING in Water Mob Battle?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheated in a WATER MOB BATTLE Competition!’, was uploaded by Jamesy on 2024-03-12 16:00:07. It has garnered 77364 views and 817 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:27 or 2907 seconds. I Cheated in a WATER MOB BATTLE Competition! Jamesy, Gracie, Louie and Sophie are playing Minecraft Join this channel to get access to perks: Follow Gracie! – Jamesy name is spelled like Jamesy not James C or Jamesie or Jamey or JayZ. #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Jamesy #JamesyandGracie Read More

  • First Day in Crazy New World! 😱

    First Day in Crazy New World! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 LIVE – DAY 1 IN OUR BRAND NEW SMP WORLD!! 🔴’, was uploaded by 3den on 2024-07-26 01:16:09. It has garnered 48 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 05:34:10 or 20050 seconds. Welcome to my brand new SMP world in modded minecraft! If you are interested in joining, join my discord @ Feel free to like and subscribe if you enjoy the content as it helps alot! Read More

  • SHOCKING! Jessie’s Slow Pace in Breaking Bad Game

    SHOCKING! Jessie's Slow Pace in Breaking Bad GameVideo Information This video, titled ‘Jessie Takes too Long’, was uploaded by Breaking Bad Gamers on 2024-08-17 21:00:30. It has garnered 416 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Breaking Bad’s Iconic Characters (Walter, Jessie, Saul, and Mike) Team Up in Minecraft! Step into the virtual world with the unforgettable cast of Breaking Bad as they embark on a thrilling gaming adventure! Experience the ultimate nostalgia and laughter as you witness Walter White, Jessie Pinkman, Saul Goodman, and Mike Ehrmantraut tackle the pixelated realm while their voices are brought to life using the… Read More


    EPIC PIXELMON MINECRAFT LIVE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘PIXELMON MINECRAFT STREAMMMM’, was uploaded by chickensink1 on 2024-06-13 07:11:15. It has garnered 44236 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:17 or 6557 seconds. PIXELMON MINECRAFT STREAMMMM Read More

  • “Moye Moye’s Shocking Encounter in Xmartter! 😱🔥” #shorts #viral

    "Moye Moye's Shocking Encounter in Xmartter! 😱🔥" #shorts #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘What This Happened With Moye Moye 🤯😈#shorts #viral #minecraft #trending’, was uploaded by Xmartter on 2024-01-26 18:40:35. It has garnered 2469 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. What This Happened With Moye Moye 🤯😈#shorts #viral #minecraft #trending moye moye,moye moye song,moye moye meaning,moye moye trending,moye moye memes,song moye moye,moye moye funny,moye moye tiktok,moye moye tiktok song,moye moye ki,moye moye moye,moye moye meme,moye moye viral,moye moye context ki?,moye moye song lyrics,explaining the ‘moye moye’ phenomena and the memes,moye moye song bangla lyrics,what is moye moye,what are friends with… Read More

  • Peep Craft SMP

    Peep Craft SMPA fun Survival Multiplayer (SMP) experience with economy, custom enchants, spawners, and crates. Explore, build, enchant, and pvp with other players. Features – Economy – Spawners – Custom Enchants – Crates – SMP – Chunk Claiming – Chunk Loaders – Ranks – Auto sell, claim etc. chests Read More

  • RezzCraft SMP 1.21 Java & Bedrock Survival

    Welcome to RezzCraft Minecraft Server! If you’re seeking a peaceful and welcoming Minecraft community, look no further. Our server is now updated to 1.21.1 and supports both Java and Bedrock editions. We offer a selection of plugins to enhance your gameplay experience without taking away from the vanilla feel. Server Features: 1.21.1 Support: Play on both Java and Bedrock versions. Enhanced Vanilla Mechanics: Enjoy quality-of-life improvements like /sethome and /tpa. Grief Prevention: Claim your land with a golden shovel. Leveling System: Unlock perks and commands as you progress. Advanced Farming: Visit the community farm at spawn for automatic crop replanting…. Read More