Insane Minecraft Survival Secrets on My Realm 😱

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[Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what up guys what up welcome to the stream how are you guys doing today on this fine evening um I appreciate every single one of you guys coming down to the stream we are live um give me a hello hello yep I can hear you Y sound good hello yep I can hear you good okay can I pick where we’re Landing today yeah so I’m going to turn this down to almost an extreme and then put this back on all right I’m going to pick closer towards the match all right let are we doing Duos yeah okay good course my weapons should have leveled up too so oh level 19 I don’t even know how to minecft you just click on your gun and check it out [Applause] dude I basically have a freaking AK here guys this is an SMG though that’s what’s crazy about it oh I can also upgrade my [Music] ammunition I think I’ll get rid of go get rid of that the longer Barrel honestly did kind of help though all right I think I got everything I wanted in there Focus up babe Focus up Taylor is going to be able to choose where we’re going to be landing today guys welcome to the channel if you guys are new this is Rak on YouTube uh y’all better remember it we are goated on all games we just like that so let’s get into this game here this is my new class I got some new stuff added to I’m excited as I’ve been kind of grinding this gun a lot what I didn’t even get to see it all right where we Landing where we land hold on I don’t know yet I want to look closer too let’s go to museum babe I’m picking okay mark it drop oh it’s to the left of us okay okay okay are we going to land on top of a building or something where you wanting to land land where it looks like there’s grass right here right here see this underneath it yeah yep oh we playing Battle Royale where’s our guns at I know that’s why I was like what’s going on can we get out of this and play Resurgence no this is Resurgence this is Resurgence look press uh your menu and look in the top left go to your menu press the no it’s okay I trust you okay yeah I just found it it’s where it’s weird that we don’t oh I’m over here babe I’m getting some plates I got some extra plates for you there’s an extra gun right here too and some ammo go prone lay down lay down lay down lay down all the way good job fully lay down oh gosh okay stay there don’t move don’t move wait I’ll tell you one to get up wait wait wait I see the occupation nice good job there’s a gun right here oh wait that’s a gas mask I’m going to take that gas mask sorry [ __ ] you hey I saw it first I saw it first no a there’s a boom box right there imagine if you press it and it’s [Music] like it’s hard for me to loot on this game to be honest but I’m getting better I guess why did it automatically just pick up some shotgun ammo bro ain’t nobody want shotgun ammo bro I swear I heard someone right next to me are you still in that building yeah I’m right above you or I’m right under you I’m right under you let’s get to the top though so we can jump off the building oh there’s someone next to us oh that’s just some machine gun oh doesn’t have a scope though that the roof oh yeah I just hurt someone real bad oh this this is sniper ammo what that was real weird how I was just destroying that man’s H man we got a car right next to us really yeah did you go inside no I’m still on top of the roof bab all right no you’re all good you’re doing fine all right move to the next roof over here don’t Pig too much yep good job B through this door take it slow take it slow Crouch should we get that load out jum um I mean I’m good right now someone’s coming up on us babe someone’s close Watch Me From Below I’m watching above okay like above the stairway all right what should we do bab oh what’s that there’s people I can see enemies this building yeah I I’ll I’ll get you from behind Okay you you you grab those windows knocked his teammate but I’m not going to PE peek again in fact we’re backing up they’re back in here we got to go this way anyway circle’s closing okay okay come on let’s go run run run run run run quick yep good job was that a sniper that is a sniper get across right here Alleyway get in the doorway to the right get to the all the way to the top okay hold on I’m shutting that door okay I go to the top of the stairs yeah enemies across way wait don’t peek out there Bab I see a drone on the map [ __ ] hate those things no way way watch out he’s right there no way bro stay alive bab he’s not rushing you don’t be too impatient I’m just going to land right back on myself dude babe open up the door it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter we got smacked dude there’s three guys waiting on me dude god dude that really bugs me I don’t like this one I want I want my loow I want my load out right away loaded re insurgence this is three player but it’s whatever what hey I’m level 32 I don’t know what level I am you’re level 33 yes Queen Coconut for oh so we automatically get our load out let’s go chemical engineer you got to jop pretty quick it’s on the right okay just sit on this roof do you have a sniper sorry bab I had something in my tooth no you’re all good do you have a sniper um I don’t know what I have right now I have uh SVA 545 I don’t know what that means but sh I got a gas man I got a gas take it in are you at the top of the building or the bottom the top building very top I don’t see you up here no what where you at oh no up one more floor I’m all the way up to the roof I’m right next to you yeah go up this ladder right here right here baby right here baby over here come here good job welcome that’s asking for it I’m not sitting up there well I am what does that mean babe what Miss keepo that might be be seeing like hostile in the a hostile in the AO I mean someone dropped here uh oh we have to run jump out the window and deploy your parachute come in this building right here come down here come down one more layer don’t shoot come down here to the left babe I’m not doing anything I’m getting in the circle is that you who no that’s not me oh gosh oh God I’m I’m about to die I’m about to die that don’t take any of my stuff don’t take any of my stuff oh God that’s [ __ ] [ __ ] no don’t no no [Applause] no I can’t buy you back I’m ready to play oh come over here land in this building they shot me in the air right when my literally right when I got redeployed before I could even cut my parachute they shot me going to hate this game sometimes bro get [Music] [Music] erone there’s the virtual financial assistance the [ __ ] down turn the the get I am not a heart They just won the game GG’s dang it dude dang it dude yeah was a whole tree would join but I’m updating games you’re all good C baby you want to mute your mic just because it’s lagging just because it’s lagging wait what oh there you go that’s better uh R CR power wait what didn’t you just mute the mic I hear you still C was just like two G you right baby for [Music] um um I’m not entirely sure I’m not what the it’s like so weird I hear this echo echo you want to start up another M we can play Minecraft if you one more okay so we’ll be playing one more match of cod we’ll probably playing some Minecraft after with thego cred card earned on purchas [Music] ni [Music] maybe this will be better if I turn on my mic it’s a little bit better it’s a little bit better don’t want to dread her but I get it to the end bro yeah this is a free I like to rap and I like to Freestyle hit on a trap I like to get it and I like to push a pedal and I get stomped stop [Music] [Music] no that’s what sucks is we’re not playing Phil for some [Music] [Music] all right bab we we later control center are you sure are you sure um let’s do it okay we have full load out so there’s a lot of people Landing there [Music] died he hit me he hit me get out of here babe revive me back here back here revive me babe no they rushed us dang you want to play Minecraft now or one more one more and then I’m going to play I’m going to download Roblox okay this time we’re playing Duos so God bless huh certified lover boy certified pedopile you trying to track a cord and it’s probably a minor [Music] let’s try something [Music] service [Music] Resurgence survive me the last team to win eliminate opponents and escape the gas [Music] n [Music] [Music] let’s go living quarters let’s go living [Music] [Applause] [Music] go in these containers get him get him get him get him he’s in here he’s lit he’s lit I missed my shots babe I missed my shot self revive oh my no he’s going to kill you kill him no yeah yeah yeah oh I still got him down eliminated all right too sweaty up [Music] [Music] understand e [Music] gosh I got to hold them all bro [Music] [Music] all right all right my plan here is to expand basically all the Farms that is basically necessary for me to start getting some sales off of these emeralds here uh that means expanding the sugarcane farm that means expanding basically all the Farms all together and making them ultimately just better Farms all together there you go and with that I soon should be able to actually I’ll just do it now grab some stairs pop that down pop that down pop that down all right there you go and then one thing I do need which is kind of not present in this biome for some reason I haven’t been able to find at least is um some coal still waiting on to be able to find some coal here I always forget where my base is bro it’s this one I need to do something to make sure I remember it um put that there maybe that will help me recognize everything okay let’s put some stuff away we are getting a little low on food but it’s okay we’re going to save a little bit of that get rid of all that raw stuff let’s start cooking that iron it seems like we can now I think I’m going to be able to make an iron pickaxe uh put more of the stuff away we still need wood put all that stuff away we got an iron hoe shovel ax bow right that bow back let’s keep that Apple there for safekeeping fln and steel and ender pearl as well making sure to basically keep all my blocks on Deck I think what I’m going to be getting here I’m going to keep wearing this helmet basically all the way until the day it gives up and then I’m going I’m going to make myself right now uh just an iron sword and then I think I’ll do a helmet later and then I think right now this should be good enough for me to start basically mining here just going to put make myself some type of torch because again we are wanting this place not to be just completely dark something we’re not wanting [Music] is I was also wanting to make this as well here a little bit of a fantastic little garden here dude there’s a little bit of a garden I just want to put Gardens basically everywhere I can at this point making sure to spread out my efficiencies as I [Music] can mind sorry buddy don’t hit me bro hey bro I’m a guy I’m a I’m a friend dude you don’t need to hit me like that next time dude think about me don’t don’t kill me bro oh man so mean bro up kitty you guys like fish I think I’m also going to be try I think I’m going to try to just go around and claim all these cats keep these cats around really we don’t want to go losing these guys here so I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to go back to my base here I’m going to go check to see if I got any string no I don’t but I think I am going to get my inv prepared to basically have a bow waiting for the night time here we’re going make a fishing hook so we can start getting fish so we could start taming these cats around the village I think it would just be a huge help overall to the whole entire Kingdom that we have here to be able to do that so we have a self-sufficient Farm over here again they aren’t doing bad at all a little house I didn’t get a check earlier already check that house I I like that this leads into all three different little bases [Music] [Music] here I think this is going to be my new base just because it’s so organized guys it just looks like so cool to have multiple beds in just multiple areas here so this is going to be my next little shop to set up at I think since I took these guys’ base I am going to pay them back and make them a little bit of a house to add to the Village just cuz I think I do want to live on the higher side of the town over here oh no way it keeps going hey kitties that is actually quite insane literally quite literally going into the wall as our stuff starts growing here I don’t know how much potatoes are even worth right now so only thing we can hope for is uh I should actually take this chest Oh wrong house [Music] put it right outside the potato farm and then just start collecting the stuff and maybe if it’s profitable as I am wanting it to be then maybe I will be you know increasing my potato farm onto other regions such as this so let’s go check around the neighborhood we have to wait until it’s night time of course to kill those spiders but until then let’s go try to find some other neighbors here wow this guy’s a paper guy so in other words he’s just very important allog [Music] together this guy does absolutely nothing for now I guess I could just [Music] [Music] do they not eat tropical fish I really really need spiders dude there you go I don’t have to go too far just to right here there’s one string I need a couple more so keep them coming here’s another one wait until he comes back come on budddy take it I will catch you cats you will all be part of the village [Music] [Music] for [Music] it must be B dude it’s got to be bugs bro there’s just no way this is real for he [Music] I got one cat babe on Minecraft she just went meow [Music] where for [Applause] [Music] [Music] C no w [Music] before Shopify were you wondering where my sales at but now you’re selling with Shopify you’re easily selling online in person and Beyond discover how millions of entrepreneurs use Shopify to ignite your selling sign up for a $1 per month trial period at youout AIO [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] how do I put you on there how do I put this cat on here I don’t understand what I need to do anybody really understand what you need to do they just know what to do yes we got a camel we got a horse we got a cats we need more cats where are these cats at where are these cats at I remember there being more cats where they at where they at I remember being more cat oh hey hey Whitey [Music] [Music] he come on round two oh I scared her [Music] oh I didn’t mean to give you that one buddy here can you eat this one you guys can’t use this one [Music] [Music] nice I got three cats now nice I got four cats actually babe I got four cats on the realm now I’m going to be a cat lady a literal cat lady [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] these cats are crazy man don’t get in front of me that’s something you to learn [Music] [Music] un f hey are you going to play Roblox are you going to play [Music] Roblox and you’re just infertile aren’t you dude are you just going to keep eating my food fine I’ll go the white cat then oh come on dude you did not just lose your love in a second [Music] bro come on babe I have a little baby kitten what I have a little baby kitten just getting some XP levels hoping to catch some cool enchants that’ be probably one of the cooler things [Music] this [Music] where [Music] [Music] get you want a neck Mage okay I I have like six cats already for of I just gosh man my my cats didn’t defend me I just died like that bro for oh my cat laid on my my lap oh no way I saved this guy from dying dude how do I get these guys from to stop dying all right what I’m going to do is I’m going to check in at the base this one put all my extra stuff away remembering to try to keep that on me and some wood on me as well putting away my main stuff here I did see a dead Bush and a two flower pots I don’t know why I keep getting flower pots so I’m just going to kind of move them I’m going to take more of these flower pots actually oh more profit over here I think with this going all the way around it should be one of the most efficient Little Farms that I have and I mean I guess since we can do it I don’t think there’s any uh villagers that trade for it though we’re going to do a little bit of a cactus farm there but I’m wanting to bring the flower pot over to my other one sorry guys there is just so much sugar cane I think I’m going to start I’m going to have to make a chest soon starting to getting the collection system going maybe I’m very happy with how my Farms are proceeding themselves let’s go that’s a full farm right there now moving it on to over here trying to start growing this one with hay because hay is going to be my main source of food and also baked potatoes now so baked potatoes also give me a good amount of um money so we’re going to go check out these baked potatoes real quick with my second Little House based thing uh just right here and the reason why is cuz I want wanted to mark this little area and really truly make it mine by just doing a couple additional things to this like this kind of pushing this out and then bringing back the one two one two dead Bush wait Oops I meant to put that back there like that and then yeah I think that’s pretty good I’m going to put my stuff away way into my chest room here just right here uh no keep you some Cobblestone put that away put that away put that away keep my arrows I don’t have my bow I think I might have put my bow away but that’s okay we’re going to check this potato farm here remember the taller they are the more grown they are all right I think I am wanting to expand this one as well if I could get some grass anytime soon soon I think I could go about expanding this actually two extra 1 2 3 that’s three blocks but whatever I can just add a bucket of water right there if I get some grass soon I will I don’t need to be too fancy I just need more uh out of it but for now we got 28 potatoes and it cost 20 baked just to get um one Emerald so I’m trying to get these Emerald trades up I’m trying to become the hero there is a Pillager Tower kind of over there to the left um and yeah we’re going to we’re not going to hit I don’t know if I should hit that I don’t know kind of a we bit of an iffy situation to me in terms to that I don’t want this to be potatoes I’m want my wheat farm and my sugarcan farm to be the main farms and again my potato farm is going to be just growing ever so slightly just putting this right here might as well grab that what is this a secret secret house oh that’s a oo that’s a pretty [Music] cool I wouldn’t mind making just a humongous map cuz you can make maps in this game everyone was mad at me for not making this starter map but you can just make a map by literally straight up crafting it um let’s get uh I’ll let someone live here but I am wanting to change my bed make it blue and I am trying to collect beds as much as I can because of the simple reason that when I go netherite farming I want it to be quick and fast and the best thing to do that is beds of course right now I’m not going too crazy with the farming in terms of all that stuff because I just I really don’t necessarily need to right now I’m trying to slow down the game and uh make it more enjoyable for myself just kind of doing little things that here and there and uh not going too hard on myself uh I am going to go mining soon though but yeah just right there guys you can see there is a Pillager um but I do not I’m not geared it up I don’t think I I don’t think iron armor could really do me anything but I am going to fish here get some more fish I think I got all the cats sitting down maybe a cat’s following me or something got some more rck car or raw Cod and I think I’m going to place this inside my base Isaac oh yo what up dude what’s up I’m playing some Minecraft right now I’m actually streaming on YouTube yeah I’m playing some Minecraft Survival sorry it’s a real I have nice I actually still got to go shower I like just got home oh nice well welcome home yeah I just St going to say hello real quick I’ll be back in like 15 minutes okay sounds good see you in a bit see you in a bit what the there you go 38 still not enough why do I keep taking fall damage there man going to keep expanding the farm the sugar canane farm until it till it reaches my whole base all around I just you know sugar a w I think what I’m going to do I’m not going to lie here guys I’m going to take some dirt from here replant it straight up from the other thing and I’m going to make this kind of a whole another sugar cane Farm kind of right here just by adding some water from the ocean doing a little little jump back and forth motion right here I could add a double layered sugar cane Farm yeah that should be good all right there’s a double layered sugarcan Farm on accident not really but it was it was all meaningful I needed it for my potato farm and it suffices okay with that I think that is perfect there time for me to I kind of want to move all this over to that one just because I want this to be centered around farming as well I don’t know if I’m going to make that one a potato one or [Applause] what get off my farm bro get off my phone mate you’re going to get smacked all right I’m just going to go to sleep in the nearest bed dude I’m not testing my my limits here I see a creeper the distance for some reason all my cats are just quiet like I don’t know where they’re at but they are just quiet there you go I’m pretty happy with just this addition should add a whole a lot more gains and especially because it is in the sand biome it should be getting a lot more sun so the potato gains should be a lot more and honestly I should get rid of this just because oh no I shouldn’t because it will get rid of the the job for that villager all right checking the wheat that’s the weed chest think I’m going to make this the cactus and sugar cane little farm chest here not seeing any more of that so I’m going to go mining and when I come back I’m hoping to see a lot more expans oh maybe nice and we also got this all right oh yeah that’s what I needed was torches cuz I can’t see anything I can’t see a lick of anything so I’m mining at 20 right now trying to just find give me a second guys all right let’s see oh guess what happened at wow I could see a lot more now more than ever I’m just going straight through one of these look I don’t know what these are called though but no one likes it come on give me the Cobblestone man give me the Cobblestone nice there should be coal around this level cuz there’s iron around this level levels so oh wow that’s fortunate where is the coal I want to know dude why do I keep running into iron dude it’s like it looks like I’m literally aimbotting straight towards it dis Tre uh that’s to a cave entrance now we know that after I’ve been searching for that noise this whole time all right we’re going to go back a bit here make this a little bit of a hub me for for m [Music] huh you for [Applause] we this n what yes real huh h for I’m just trying to get cats posted up almost at every corner here uh where’s the nearest crafting table right here h C where this doesn’t look like war zone with girlfriend yeah girlfriend got off and I’m playing Minecraft on survival now so welcome to the welcome to the live stream Justin G how you doing if you want I can put on some of your music suggestions where’s GTA 5 I’m waiting for GTA 6 my boy I told you all right you’re going to sit right there okay little buddy we’ll be back for you okay little buddy I got to go all over here I got to get ready for war either that be with an axe or not nice more iron a little bit more iron right okay I do need to edit the title Minecraft Survival on my room [Music] I like to be light to the challenging where the should be all time to proce time take I finally found some coal guys [Music] [Music] Rel mess reest all kind ofle the [Music] pain go [Music] all right when I first is coming up I ain’t feel No Love in the street and when I made it I felt the love and when I felt the love when I got the game there so muchu happened I S like the game and fake it is stuff that you see go on every single day [Music] [Music] I like what are you playing this on I’m playing this on YouTube [Music] this is from GTA oh [Music] nice ouch ouch I need coal man buy it I already got GTA it’s just too big of a game on my computer I need to upgrade my hard I need to upgrade my storage [Music] do it immediately no I’m broke Justin bro I am I seriously am babe Justin doesn’t believe me that I’m broke [Music] what she said uh yeah we’re pretty God dang broke she [Music] say nice iron I’m rich on Minecraft bro no it’s uh you know uh the floors is down at my job so we’re not producing as much floors not producing as much income um so naturally my bills have already been pretty high you know but we’re making it paycheck to paycheck we’re making it so yeah it’s your fault [Music] yeah dude dude how far up does this go what the heck dude oh now it’s a Sandstone one of these bro back down okay I guess back down back down here what’s down here let me see nothing I mean ooh nice we got 28 raw iron and 27 more coal which is insanely good because I’m wanting to light up my base want to make sure everyone knows hey my base is safe so I think the entrance is back here wait no it was right here it’s right here on the ground right here and I’ll mark that play a song I listen to first let me turn down this audio all right what’s your name it’s mine yo yo what up buddy when I got home I [ __ ] was so tired I was going to wake up I was going to take a nap till 4: and I slept through and just nice oh welcome not good dude I’m playing on Minecraft Survival right now I wasn’t 100% if I was going to L yet or leut yet y but now for sure I S through I’m not oh by the way I am streaming and Justin G is asking why you so loud but the reality was that I had you at 100% volume or 200% volume so my bad but I’m playing the survival world right now all right I’ll be on like five 10 minutes of e okay sounds good all right later later give me 40 torches that should be good enough for now I just want to literally light up everything I can in terms of there being some spawning points and then I could easily you know make some moves from there I’m going to keep this down here I’m going to start lighting up my upper area just so you know no monsters spawn in my base and my base is is that whole village but the reality was is that I can’t protect the whole village at night you know I can’t always be there so I do need some type of uh light coverage you know so I I think I am going to wait hello cats how you guys doing I am going to wait anything grow that didn’t grow are you serious I am so sorry for plucking you prematurely oh my gosh none of it grew dude I’m so confused so for the potato farm it is growing intensely right now that’s right here for hey baby I got cats everywhere literally oh I was looking for that guy I think I’m going to start making paper here soon let’s check out the sugar cane Farm oo a lot of it is growing we’re starting to get some profit here guys I think this one should be the profit run even after placing all this I should still have some left over and then oh no way none of this grew here and that I mean I miss missing two more pieces but literally Bo [Applause] hello what up get up hello I’m playing on the survival world I don’t think I can oh I’m sorry buddy why is that oh I don’t know you don’t know yeah how do you not know I don’t feel like getting on well okay are you supposed to spawn on the survival world are you supposed to spawn on the survival world yeah I died oh I’m sorry to hear that buddy I’m back what’s up what up buddy is the bot just a music bot yeah yeah I’m playing Minecraft right now on the survival world I’m just uh expanding my sugarcane farm um trying to get paper so I could trade with the villagers right now open okay make sure you hold the lid while come it like it’s Tom like it’s Tom okay just oh I just Chuck it against the wall spit on [Music] it awesome no he’s not that bad I actually in Minecraft everything I just said in Minecraft you said everything you just said in Minecraft and then that’s it yeah goodness excuse you lady excuse you Mrs [Music] K why do you put this song on every single time it’s this every single time is this just your guy is this guy just your best friend CL it’s my favorite song I don’t even know [Music] Dom shouldn’t be hanging out with this kid today because of something happening so let me call him real quick and get him on cuz he you might be able to team with him what’s going on on Minecraft if you’re wanting to play Minecraft you could team with him cuz me and him are versus each other in this world world oh okay cool we’ll destroy you okay buddy I’m joking I’m crack I’m just kid I’m just like wait do you have no I have I only have iron number I said you have Kelly on your team I team up with wait Dom Kelly’s on your team yes re no no Dom Kelly’s on your team that’s what I saying oh Dom’s cheating no why what do you mean oh he told us the other night he’s like yeah I got to reach he’s got reach yeah only when he wants to though I oh my gosh he didn’t let me know that oh what a cheater he’s trying to hide it from me that’s why he beat me that’s why he beat me in PvP I was wondering he beat me two different times he beat I beat him three times in a row and then he was like all right best of five and then he starts comboing me in the sky and I’m like what what and then he’s like I’m just better bro it was pretty obvious that he was it was pretty yeah it was pretty obvious but I I didn’t say anything you got left-handed pin [Music] nailer literally do you want to team up he’s all quiet who’s K who that’s K do it’s K do he’s a cool kid wait so whose server is this this is my server okay so how do you know people in here uh do you well I don’t know K do um personally but I have a YouTube channel and this is my community oh cool yeah it’s whoever wants to join you know I’m not biased you don’t know who I am why you bullying me I’m sorry it’s okay it’s okay he’s going to start crying y pears I almost witnessed a kid get [ __ ] hit by a cter they and Sal them no way yeah so uh I was at a oneway stop there’s a stop or no it was a two-way stop I guess actually I’m just [ __ ] tweeting dude it’s a I’m [ __ ] re um uh and uh I was going forward and the person on my left was also trying to go the way I was going they were turning left um it was a rush hour in Salem so everything was packed people are stressed they want to get home yeah um bab hold on honey uh and uh talking sorry and uh man you’re bright and there was a kid trying to cross a crosswalk and uh this lady waved for me to go but I saw the kid so I didn’t go let him cross the crosswalk I waved the kid forward she’s all okay I guess let’s just [ __ ] go because she didn’t see the kid and she oh thought that since you waved it she thought that no no no no she didn’t see me wave the kid at all she just thought I was taking way too long and she just [ __ ] booked it to the next Lane even though there was car stop there for red light David that’s David’s girlfriend babe yeah oh oh say hi to David hey David meet Taylor Taylor meet David hi who music’s really loud but hi David this the mic right here I can’t even hear myself turn your [ __ ] music down that’s why you’re talking so L guys well that’s because I just have music on it’s not that loud bro it’s loud okay Missy it’s not my music it’s K dots don’t let me in with that guy what said the kid catch the car the kid yeah he had to like put his hand out like try oh like to jump around it I thought you were trying to thought you told what were you saying buddy I was ask all right I’m take here oh she told me she oh okay she told me she said never mind your M I drink man who turned off the sun did [Laughter] it tomorrow it’s going to be worse it is it’s going to be like 84 you there Isaac yeah just focusing on mining dirt mining dirt yeah I got to expand that sugarcane farm I’m going to try to make it as big as possible so the person I’m basing with is um just like what you know just like so why why is this guy why is there a guy on YouTube his name is Rak but he has like your oh oh that’s my second account I I was going to switch my whole entire Channel and then I just switched this one back to the normal one but I was I was going to switch my whole Channel like I don’t know sometimes you just feel like I don’t want this channel you know I don’t want this you know but yeah it doesn’t really matter you know you stop posting on something it’s going to it’s going to be inactive people are going to Swit accounts Etc I remember what I was going to ask you now what um did you get my message about that place oh well that I don’t think that was the right one well the picture looks the and that website doesn’t have any in St oh and it’s a one bedroom Studio or one bathroom studio apartment yeah for 8 seconds we’re getting more yeah it’s probably worth B one bath we have aare room for your Dr yeah that we St being so is there a [ __ ] helicopter there has been so many helicopters flying over my house recently I swear the FBI is watching me your every move bro no it was a military helicopter that wasn’t a medical helicopter oh I live uh block away from only hospital within like 30 miles yeah so do you think there’s people getting brought in with a helicopter like oh yeah I just I just realized that like this is like a bigger Hospital yeah but a lot of people say that’s good people say the Stadium’s dollar but they’re just [ __ ] they’re haters huh my dad because he never get good treatment that’s why people get is because every time they go like the americ sh are you happy cuddling my foot you little weirdo some people go to the emergency room and they don’t have to my dad’s going in with a broken foot I I’m saying like the people around him going in then [ __ ] it up yeah some people yeah that’s what I’m saying I’m not saying you’re dad if I’m saying the [ __ ] other people did my dad hat go in the hospital I I didn’t even you didn’t even have to tell me that and I knew I knew that I hate go to the hospital as well no her dad is a [ __ ] truck driver oh I James oh oh well James that one’s [ __ ] just stubbor yeah he’s well he hates hospitals he hates the smell of them yeah and he gets all freaked out by uh Carl he’ll go to the hospital if he needs to he doesn’t like to because you know he’d rather just be on the road making money um these pancakes are adorable yeah but he doesn’t ever like really get sick or anything either stealing my money yeah after I buy you a cardi Pur don’t know I’m back Perfect Dude the sugar cane Farm is at an alltime efficiency Max [Applause] oh what’s up damn bro I didn’t know you had 32,000 subscribers D yeah yeah dude I I actually had it as a passion like it was an actual side income I was making money as a kid bro a young teenager I made like I mean I that’s why I stopped and then now I’m wanting to come back to it I wish I would have kept pursuing it you know what I mean but I was just so moody as a teenager wait do you know a kid named Daniel Daniel what Anderson Daniel Anderson yeah Saucy shots Saucy shots yeah uh no I don’t I can’t recall oh okay what’s good is that dumb what up Dum hey I got you a teammate I got you a teammate it’s going to be David it’s me who’s David no play play you know about David’s The Only Exception anybody else can [ __ ] what about what about wilter well Dominic uh he’s he’s yeah he’s already kind of got his own stuff going on he said he might play though who knows I’m just so far away from you guys just don’t ever expect to see me well I didn’t plan to have a a family member you know I have a [ __ ] weird house set up I live on top of Ewok Mountain so I mean you can build sorry if I don’t respond right away I’m eating food here I’m going to go to sleep before you come on D just so you don’t you don’t have to experience the nighttime I know how you feel about those monsters they’re deadly they’re deadly literally oh wait I have to take it off of uh easy mode yep normal mode now accessible yay and once we get on later on we’ll be switching it to Hard Mode uh do you need a do you need an invite me yeah mhm how do I do that I’m going to give you a suspicious link through your um PMS your private messages on Discord and you click on that thing and it should bring you to your m Minecraft on bedrock and uh yeah I think I’m going to start making paper now yes you want paper don’t you I almost click always allow Dogg links to be trusted well as long as you trust your own judgment you know I mean I guess it helps to Warrant you from clicking it from that one okay I gotta empty my load out I got to empty my gear do that in this chest yes the chest to empty out all the useless stuff you join a realm on uh PC like Java yeah but not if it’s just a Bedrock I think you’ll have don’t quote me on that I don’t no oh my headset died what [ __ ] hold on I was like why can’t I hear you my headset’s just dead give me second okay I’m back apparently not hello hello oh hello guys yep what [ __ ] Dom you got to give him your cords buddy hello hello oh my speaker randomly changed yeah that sometimes happens yeah it’s kind of annoying when what happen like how did that happen you made it it says oh found a new device to switch to do you want to switch to it and then you probably press yes I don’t think I did it’s scame it’s all the scam I wasn’t I didn’t have any I didn’t have my hands on the keyboard when it happened wait are these not my cats oh these are random cats just Stray Cats coming into my kingdom of cats that’s weird damn bro kill them uh they they going to they’re going to be all right Kill Them All I take care of all cats in my world I’m allergic to cats Dom is exactly the same way wait you’re allergic to cats yeah I’m wait me being around a cat 24/7 would that affect fect you no you’re all good though okay okay it would if dog we’re in a factory that Isaac I love you bro you’re you’re awesome I just I’m like oh gosh should I stay away from my cat a little bit no dude no love your cat go hug your cat right now she’s chilling and watching mom cook I think just watches dumb I like cats uh I just can’t breathe when I’m around them uh you have to help um David find you hold on still or doing my character oh all right I’m done these gords don’t give to Nobody by the way okay going to put him in general especially Isaac 513 and then the last number is 13 53 don’t worry dumb [ __ ] not nowhere near here David you call me dumb [ __ ] you dumb [ __ ] I’m G to spank you with my sword you don’t even understand these combo attacks it’s 500 and I know something that you don’t know that I know what David told me on accident oh yeah what I was like yeah doic when he was uh I was like I told him you were cheating that one time dude yeah my bad I was like it was understandable of what happened I was like H how am I how am I comboed so high in the sky I Could Touch the Stars bless dude that’s mean why would you tell him that cuz I completely forgot he completely forgot so he was talking about it he was like oh Minecraft Dom told me about his cheats and I was like whoa whoa what back it up back it up what uh he’s lying no he’s not boy you better turn off your cheats you can’t you can’t tell it you can’t combo the boy in the air bro and tell him you were yeah like that was it was bad I told him I was like yeah I understood like I I knew it I knew it I told him I was slightly suspicious about it like I’m not going to just not know I’ve been playing I’ve been playing I’ve been playing Minecraft for like Years bro I’ve seen so much years why is my yeah I know I went on my PC and turned on my old Horizon clan m that you already knew I had it the same one I had last time I didn’t know no I didn’t know that you I didn’t know I didn’t connect the dots at the time like I just I you know saw the better than you I thought you would I saw the better than you buddy I thought you would have because you seen that I hit you with that [ __ ] Arrow dude what what happened so I thought you would have realized I hit with that sus Arrow what was the sus Arrow I jumped up and hit him like through a block I knew it I I was like how’ you even hit me and you were like I’m good at my shots and I was like what like it was just there was a lot of times I was questioning it I’m really good at being able to tell if someone’s cheated or not it’s not that hard to tell it isn’t that hard but there’s sometimes where it’s hard to tell like if it’s a game mechanic or you know cuz I don’t I’m not going to blame someone for a game mechanic you know what I mean my nose is getting little what David I didn’t know you snitched on me man was my bad hey hey it was an accidental snitch so he’s a good guy he’s a good guy he’s a good guy hey got some steppers now don’t shoot the messenger I was bound to realize it it’s not bad but if we battle in this world and you use cheat suit I will freaking ban you bro I’m on Xbox bro okay Xbox okay okay oh yeah I’m on my PC though how you can tell if I’m cheating or not is if I don’t have my black skin on with the wings no I’m on PC as well I’m on PC as well yeah well on PC I don’t have my Microsoft account like this with all like the cool [ __ ] I’ll just be a plain normal skin [ __ ] run I got so roasted last night that I just like remember the key Parts oh what up mushy shirt welcome to the live stream I didn’t know that anybody was here welcome welcome wow did you just Expos me I’m going to be going Dominic earlier today what nah with what well I kind of did on accident by calling the ne his like no surgery plastic surgery because under the insurance didn’t know that pay for it wait they wouldn’t pay for the the insurance wouldn’t pay for it because it’s technically a cosmetic surgery even though they’re fixing the inside of his nose who see nobody knows that David you’re you’re spilling the business more and more who cares about the nose surgery bro just make sure make sure your nose is on fleek buddy and you need to figure out that wait is it about that nose problem that you’ve been having cuz oh my gosh I feel so thankful that you’re getting that solved the one with the uh like the pimple what it’s not me dumbass it’s the other dominant oh I already know I already know about that surgery now my pimple [ __ ] situation still [ __ ] on I’m sorry dude I’m sorry to hear that buddy that I hate that I I feel so bad for you like every time I see it I’m like oh dude I just get pain screaming I’m on your ass no dude you’re you have a beautiful face other than that nose condition I still wonder what it is the doct that’s what he tells me too Dominic he’s lying you want to know what it is okay remember when I told you I literally had like a [ __ ] Bean go come out of there like it was like a listen listen there’s B okay imagine a imagine a imagine a ball That’s like [ __ ] deflated okay yeah I had that pore that was that’s on my nose right there that had that like hard like cyst Bean thing in it for years and years and years it’s just like a fing open Bubble pretty much so all every time I sweat and stuff it’ll fill up like the POR is open what yeah it’s not closed so every time it’s about to heal it gets [ __ ] filled up with sweat and all this and this so how do you know how do you let it heal [ __ ] pop that [ __ ] [ __ ] wait sometimes comes back yeah I’m lucky you’re just lucky okay sorry to hear that buddy I think I’m going to start pushing for diamonds here we’re going to kill this [ __ ] I’m on the server we’re making boats all right I’m on top of a mountain that’s [ __ ] Godlike I I still can’t hear my game for some reason that’s weird yeah I don’t know why check your audio settings I’m not next to a bed I’m not next to a bed I’m nowhere near a bed actually should we wear shorts tomorrow yeah dude it’s going to be extremely hot tomorrow David you know what that means you got to wear shorts too bro I don’t have I can’t you’re not a SWS guy no um I I used to be such a Shorts kid I’m GNA let my [ __ ] dangle bro hey but the thing is you wear shorts you have Ryan sping that ass or something I don’t want to SP Ryan will spank that ass he spanked mine today and yesterday I don’t know what’s going on I’ve been clinching my cheeks running past him no I I could definitely tell that Ryan’s a little bit mad at me oh he piss he was pissed at me for a while too but I don’t give a [ __ ] what happed it’s whatever they know that I don’t give a [ __ ] he doesn’t know either would you stop being sleepy damn it’s not cut no IDE it’s not like a cut what is it is it just like red stuff does he just he doesn’t like that well he probably it’s also like if you were to push on someone’s like webbing all if I do like that see he doesn’t noce now but leg not a might be um like you know when I don’t know how to expl it could just be like a or or like when you get a rope burn but it doesn’t cut you know how it I was trying to clip your paws dude maybe it was a Le maybe he’ll be fine but I just go but that’s new that’s not like I would like when I got you that crustable dude I was like my boy’s going to be so [ __ ] happy dude I was so happy dude I was like wait you got me unrustable wait you like wait what are you talking about dude you’re like say that one more time you’re probably like I don’t know if he’s speaking clearly or what did you just say got me a [ __ ] uncraftable yeah that’s exactly they like say that one more time one more time in two seconds Dom bought me a breakfast sandwich today from the Food Truck been feeling nice man I told the Dos are nice bro yes we are the two different people to drink as well so I can hydrate my team what’s up [ __ ] one day I’m be a supervisor of this place did you say negative 500 whoa whoa what why are you saying that out loud he said it out loud no it’s okay I’ve already I already know it’s cor I don’t care ISAC I want him to pull up 500 last hey hey whoa no we’re worried about other people I’m going to stink your ass nice to you Isaac okay buddy you better have diamond armor by then I’m already mining you’re just now mining have iron I just need to get diamond I’m alive Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy does it even have NE right GE yet doesn’t even you don’t either I I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m just kidding why’d you leave hold on I can’t even hear the game me a second Dom already misses you bro will get the [ __ ] back zombie you’re going to kill me bro back on dut a yeah I wouldn’t mind going back on Call of Duty brand new car I can’t wait to race it on the ass yes I might just face it on the ass y little [ __ ] my favorite music on her playlist Diamond hair like you f are you okay dude dude are you all right [ __ ] you man I fell lost all my [ __ ] all right no dude yeah you’re so mad [ __ ] you victory roal for the OG’s but anyways the [ __ ] out of here dude s it’ll let you go forever getting bent over stop [ __ ] out of here [ __ ] you Dicky skeleton what I punching me in the face he clipped his nails yeah oh thanks roll up his face but when your mom baby sits in him and B on the bed and I don’t want him to scratch up so much cuz he’ll go are they scratchy now huh they’re like sharp now AR they no they just made them D cuz they were at a point and now they’re not yeah but now they’re like he’ll wear them out on the concrete and’ll be fine they’ll be wear it out before I dude if I can find anything other than iron I would be extremely L he has to get held down every now and then and not punch mommy in the face why ising why do you have to question everybody your friend is my [ __ ] god dude I just literally oh my God I’m dead you don’t get it they’re not my I don’t have to it’s okay it’s all right it’s all right do this we got together okay you like my M you guys got full permission on those family uh bring your family to the factory days yeah jokes jokes jokes Jing be mean there’s uh days where you take your families to the factory why would anyone want to be there damn true true I never go there I never go to those events why your family want to go like yeah little s let’s go play with well it’s free food it’s free food it’s free food no it’s not that they set up like events throughout the whole day and have your like show what you do and stuff I guess wait they make us work no no they they like you could go and show like where your locker is go show your P nailer go show like where you put your equipment show them some houses Etc that’s funny I thought you went like okay you guys can go demonstrate your jobs now all right you can go work uh David I need to see you uh do two floors at least and uh Dom three floors for you because uh you’re behind not behind I’m just kid floor ahead no I’m just kidding I was just joking as factory tours man come on if you insist on laying on my foot was here first oh please I think I my first back guys how you doing okay did you say you’ll be back what what did you say I’m talking bye I’m going just say bye okay what you been up to uh I hav sleeping all day I just woke up damn supp to good to my sounds but I didn’t end going today did you take a nap after work yeah I did that’s crazy I couldn’t do that I fell straight asleep I’d be up until like [ __ ] 3: in the morning and then I just be horrible I’m gonna go sneak up on Isaac tomorrow oh in Minecraft yes was like tomorrow can you hear the game now no I don’t know what [ __ ] setting it is dude accessibility e I don’t know what’s going on okay I don’t know what’s wrong yeah it is pretty weird try to go on the settings you can excuse to bark you [ __ ] for me you doing that what what look cuz I can why do you have to J my every look my every move also I to I’m a Isaac what’s your chords uh Na 485 business 3,00 are you going to be getting on Call of Duty when we get on Call of Duty dumb and are you going to get on Call of Duty do you have Call of Duty downloaded I can’t hear you anymore what do you mean I don’t know I want to get on call um and yes no the Ops don’t know the cords uh I know your cords though good luck buddy I’m going to visit you when you’re not on and I will show you some TNT that I crafted I’m close let’s just say that Isa you want to know my first you guys know Neville for my Carly I will Ru the day that kid you know that was literally me dude that’s how I looked too I was like literally grumbling k k kick hey hey he he he you want to know how I got out ear today or I got out without having to finish how I went to Tom and Jacob I was like hey Tom all Jacob I was like I got only three beams left let me leave I looked at Tom and I was like I’ll rub your shoulders down man something come on man no way he said that I swear to God I did and then looked at Jacob and he was like what do you what do you think and then Jacob like smiled he like I don’t really care he’s like C get out of here like [ __ ] yeah I’ve been getting more ballsy with it with one more time babe I have my head no I’ve already said it [Music] f me too ISAC me to [Music] [Music] I’m close to his base and he doesn’t know it get his ass I’m gonna stink that ass taking everything he gots Palm Harper is getting to me and becoming the average factory worker oh it will get you man no joke um big profit coming in from my Village it’s 100 yeah Isaac you want to know my first cord I already know it’s 500 negative 3,000 3,00 guess who I’m coming for buddy you think you com towards me beat that ass I’m coming right now well you want me to be honest buddy you have to go to 10,000 negative 10,000 blocks to get to me no you’re bullsh I am not bullshitting I’ll look around don’t worry I’ll find you yep good luck try to find me do my thing sure do your thing buddy I will man if we fight it’s like a Pokemon battle we both got to be aware you can’t just jump me I’m going to beat your ass wear but it’s going to it’s got to start like a Pokemon battle what I’m going to do I’m to see you on top of a mountain I’m just going to hit you off easy win sounds like you’re a Call of Duty player by heart huh oh I am buddy real [ __ ] Black Ops 2 Warrior don’t worry I’ll make some gunfire effects when I do it be like shotu last right now I’m passing the desert does that seem familiar in an ocean yep dude you’re just calling off what you could see in my stream no I’m dude I’ll turn on my camera you want to see do you want to [ __ ] see dude all you’re going to do is get a sping I hope I’ll I’ll even let you reset I’ll even reset your I’ll even let you reset your spawn point so you can respawn back here H I’m going to stay you [ __ ] ass D I’m go over there relocate diamond armor and then go in for bath oh without you even knowing I’m there I just found a [ __ ] pirate ship now you know I’m Coming For That Ass what I didn’t even hit a pirate ship you’re not even near me bro it’s underwater you didn’t see it sure want me to pull out my camera [Music] again that make sense no all I heard was I like PP you like pe oh interesting yeah totally hey there a jungle biome familiar no I don’t know what a jungle biome is I’ve never heard of a jungle biome ever in my life and I never heard of a sand biome either the sand wait what I Ted out you said you’re Live on YouTube I does it say you’re live I’m Live on YouTube on my main channel oh man the sugar cane gains are at the maximum currently at a a whopping full inventory per sweep I think I should be able to make enough paper to be able to feed my family and then some what did remember when you said that they were possibly moving me up to uh the bonus full bonus yeah what made you I don’t know Jacob told me he was oh he was going to try but next week next week are you [ __ ] kidding me I just [ __ ] drown without even looking at my [ __ ] screen oh my God F off I was so [ __ ] far away dude that’s czy [ __ ] a what’s the quickest you’ve ever seen somebody get even 50% bonus uh I got mine like a completely new person uh I’m not really sure Mike maybe Jacob as well Jacob’s one of the world records he’s got I got mine within a week he got level six pretty quick yeah I think I’m going to stop my sugar king farm here because if it grows anymore I don’t think I’m going to want to even trim it I’ve made like that now it’s just going to continuously grow bro and you’re just going to be like constantly running back so just leave them yeah like I’m just going to kind of let it do it own thing D where you at I couldn’t hear the game so I got off it pissed me off come on skeleton I beat that ass buddy I died [ __ ] you dude wait what yeah I was kind of talking to David and then I look up and my [ __ ] says you’re drowned that’s in the middle of the ocean oh and then I’m dead oh my goodness buddy all by fault all by fa it all dav’s fault so now when you now I’m not going to just go to you so yeah you can [ __ ] off when I see you you’re dead though don’t come near Ewok Mountain that’s all I got to say see message in the chat I did oh you you’re gonna come to Ewok Mountain I’m here yes buddy that’s the plan okay buddy I’m getting on my PC if we’re pvping oh okay buddy no cheating either I just can’t finally no cheating he says interesting an Xbox that’s not what David’s been telling me David doesn’t no I just always bring up David I’m like David do you want to tell him the real story so basically no [ __ ] you guys just always throwing David under the bus guys was lying about that really man I was just trying to make it through my day man now what really happened is I got his ass stank bu stop lying where the [ __ ] is my mouse pad oh right there looks like you’re oh you’re not dude my Farms are at alltime efficiency rate 100 you say there farts yes [ __ ] deadly man if cin could only see this he would be so happy for us moderator trolling what DB moderator strolling even outside of the you [ __ ] know it that’s crazy up buddy what’s up guys what’s the play uh I’m playing Minecraft Survival David got off because he can’t hear game volume I can’t hear game volume Taylor is going to be getting on Call of Duty and I’m probably going to be getting on Call of Duty soon as well uh so it’s kind of up to you guys on what you guys are wanting to do what Call of Duty which one is it war zone war zone oh okay I don’t have it installed oh all right I might too fat all right practice Siege then oh Dom saw some but Isaac has no idea what oh Isaac doesn’t know Isaac doesn’t know he’s clueless what yeah I knew that already what you guys just you guys are just telling me anything I’m just finding out stuff in the Discord call hello team and his Discord of all yeah I know literally I’m like oh that’s new information oh Dom cheated when he beat me in the 1 V one that’s new information interesting ah David [ __ ] ratted me out within a [ __ ] minute of knowing D you red it was Minecraft bro it was Minecraft that’s understandable and no nobody has proof I cheated I everybody has proof dude what what why would David just talking about that bro I don’t know D David’s plus rep is out of out of this world man I trust him yeah dude he was just absolutely holding you in the air that’s totally legit how do you know holding him in the air dude I told him that yeah I told him that I was like he was literally holding me in the air makes sense all right dude couldn’t have to Ewok Mountain it’ll make sense bu let me just combo you and humble you real quick big snap I’ll kill you with the more like big no armor big fart somebody put money on it I’ll make it happen five bucks dude I kill a stick no armor a stick how would you feel if I had armor and you had a stick and I killed you and if you had cheats enable too uh I’d be a little bit annoyed I’d be a little bit annoyed I’m not going to cap cuz I would kill you with a bow and run away from you easy simple tricks modern modern problems require modern solution bow you I mean what you could say that I don’t I can’t use a bow that’s stupid that’s idiotic man you get a stick and I don’t get a bow that doesn’t make sense no you get more than it’s like it’s like bringing a a knife to a gunfight what the [ __ ] [ __ ] D I brought a Gizzy you brought a little Gizzy interesting someone’s at a disadvantage oh why do I have a [ __ ] download on C hold on I’m loading up Minecraft let me just uh [ __ ] oh yep Minecraft totally you know [ __ ] yeah oh [ __ ] you don’t see that buddy that’s nothing oh load up oh see normal Minecraft [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] come ass David when I see you I’m [ __ ] locking you up in a cave hey [Applause] yo oh that’s fair then it’s straight into slavery too [ __ ] him on me man it’s more than just Minecraft my life even I didn’t snitch on him dog I kept that [ __ ] David he kept it to the Grave dude he kept it to the Grave were holding him in the air wait how did how did David even find out what’s going on I told David oh that I told him just to not play with you cuz you do in fact uh potentially cheat so on G heads up yeah I said on Minecraft yeah on Minecraft and then I referenced the One V one against you and Isaac that’s why he he was like yes let me be on do no he actually thought at first day he was going to be on Welter team so he was like he was like whoa I’ll be on Welter team like let’s do this but then then I was like oh wait I don’t want be on Kelly’s team and then when I said that like you can be on Kelly’s team he was like uh no uh he cheats on Minecraft and I was like wait what do you mean he cheats on Minecraft you should you shouldn’t know that you’re new off you have to work into it I’m [ __ ] it was like it was like it’s you know he cheats on Minecraft dud it’s it’s funny cuz Dom you’re my homie and just as I wouldn’t tell Isaac that you’re cheating you would tell my homie so I’d tell David i’ tell David that you’re cheating really weird David was the one who got involved it’s all David’s fault for saying anything let’s both agree to that how about let’s both agree that David did nothing wrong in the first place it was Dom’s fault for benting from this we can go to Minecraft Court I’ll build the whole Courthouse yeah well since this is our first day I might as well tell you I’m the type of person to cheat on Minecraft actually I do cheat on Minecraft and it’s very low of me but you know what do you expect [ __ ] say dog it’s [ __ ] crazy out here [ __ ] Minecraft I can never bro I can never D has nothing to do with this that is just hey she doesn’t understand these Minecraft streets though bro the first time we invite you to our house D you walk in it’s like everyone you know you’re like what’s going on hey we need to talk man something going on yeah we need to talk you know uh yeah every single day I just I can’t I can’t it’s getting to me man too stone for this [ __ ] you guys are like I feel like I’m watching adults what do you mean it’s it’s called bullon dude I’m streaming right now I’m streaming right now by the way no you should have said so what the [ __ ] hey hey it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay ready to play COD who’s ready to play COD I’m ready to play COD am I going to get kills no I’m not going to get KS sorry I ratted you out in Minecraft Dominic it was literally Live on YouTube he did it live on YouTube it’s I I can give you guys the links if you need me to man I’ll give you the time stamps too how about that how about that no I’m SC tune into the stream 4K bro that’s so funny I can’t believe that oh gosh this guy’s about to be the next level and then I could start getting some maps hey what did you say your coordinates are uh Na for uh Na business oh that’s crazy I could have swar there negative 10,000 Isaac you didn’t think it was sus at all that you were slamming him on his console he swaps onto his PC and does significantly better and then gets off that’s no that’s the thing it’s PC you get better because you can butterfly click like that’s already such an advantage I could the CPS I see yeah like that’s so I didn’t question it I was like maybe he’s cracked he plays he plays other games on computer you know maybe and then I didn’t think about it until like right when he said that I was like oh wait now that I think of it it was wasn’t he slamming the [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah because I beat him I beat him like two it was like two like we were going to three I tested him he let me beat him two times and then he’s like all new Arena New Arena new area so then he kept cheating uh like he would do like use weird arrows like I don’t know I mean got to do what you got to do right like the bow was never there right was never there but they appeared in his inventory it was all creative yeah no I’m I’m getting off I’m getting on uh Call of Duty dude I just [ __ ] load Bud get on Call of Duty and let’s kill some campers I want to get on card Man game [ __ ] get on Siege then download Siege and play with them then I can’t play with them they [ __ ] [ __ ] bug what do you mean oh yeah what forgot about H and with us but he should be able to oh they added crossplay this season but they didn’t it was I guess it was a lie yeah yeah yeah they that would be the only reason why I would play Rainbow Six Siege is just so I could play with my uh old buddy Aiden and he plays on Console yeah so that would suck but I I really don’t like sieges it just makes me so angry I’m honestly about to delete Call of Duty to be honest it just gets me so angry it gets me so I’ll play some Call of Duty [ __ ] stinks some ass like me and Taylor were doing good but the thing is is we like playing load out Resurgence we did good last night we w a [ __ ] game bro yeah and that’s the thing is the only time we could play load out Resurgence is when we play with three people and me and Taylor were playing versus three people me versus her and she would actually camp on the side so I could just keep getting respawns and I could keep getting kills but I kept getting 3v1 and it was just so it was painful dude I need you there with me bro bro you’re my side man bro I’m I’m like d here man here and you back me up bro that made my nipples hard I’m hopping on who what dude dude did you hear that baby I gave him that speech and he and his nipples got hurt he said oh guess what happened to my hacky sack today I was doing absolutely wonderful and I kicked it kicked it and it hit the tip of my foot like perfectly flew up and then it was hit in a spin hits the front of the uh like the shelfing or the top of the uh the roofing and then it climbed up to the roof so I have to get it at lunch this break after I get my lunch that they’re going to give us because we’re number one we’re number one baby it feels good feels good you [Laughter] I didn’t do yeah David you just you just carried off of us whatever you got take one for the team when we honestly it’s Jacob Jacob’s done a lot for the team because he’s he’s really shaped us to be uh respectful I guess Jacob ain’t the one on his [ __ ] knees scraping underneath the saw all day long cleaning bro no you guys no no you guys been cleaning it up no you guys been cleaning I’m on Call of Duty right now now babe I’ll invite listen David I need you to take one for the team when we go to get our lunches this pit and they’re taking a picture I’m be like when I say champ you say yes and then I’m going be like say like that and David you got to be like on ass ready to go saying the rest of the world what do you want us to say hell yeah I got you I when I say [ __ ] Forest you say [ __ ] Forest [ __ ] for oh hey Forest how’s it going you want us to say you want us to say [ __ ] Forest no no no that will ruin our opportunities man how about this how about this you randomly yell out you randomly yell out I say trim you say gang trim and then we’ll say that how about that yeah I wrote trim gang all over the trim Department you didn’t even put your initials he didn’t even put your initials you didn’t even fess up to that [ __ ] dude you’re just I mean I guess you claimed us as a whole I’m waai for you to get on I’m in a Lobby okay guess what dude we’re different men that enjoy the same taste you got since you thought you got that get back when you left that summer D I went around the planet riding DW everywhere oh hell yeah oh hell yeah just for you buddy because you [ __ ] wrote my wrote Dom and you’re like yep and they’re gonna think you did it I’m like what the [ __ ] me over when he’s leaving David don’t listen to them this is when I was in my villain Arc I uh oh he was a demon I dude every time you talk about these things I remember you talking about them to the friend like the telling the different perspective yeah I remember these stories I know everything guys I know everything no not really I know a lot of the pranks though if you know everything what what uh [ __ ] what color was his underwear when I am I thinking of right now what did you say what was the question what P am I thinking of right now what time pie pie yes did you hear me what kind of pie marry and marry no bro get on bro get one more chance one more chance yep get on d what color apple pie bro I don’t know all right uh what color is my underwear man what the [ __ ] blue God [ __ ] damn how did they both know what BR it’s opposite what you never think okay it’s [ __ ] brown red whoa no let me get a sniff s did I oh [ __ ] gummies I got I ate yesterday do yeah okay so these I ate the pearls right here but I have a [ __ ] rice krispy it’s 50 milligrams still right here look at this [ __ ] are you like are you showing us something I can’t see anything oh I ate some of these yesterday two of those are gummies that’s [ __ ] rice krispy dude in the K we got some hash rosin gummies who says up Taylor a beat’s up Taylor we’re gonna be spin bars dude get ready finally we’re in a game oh Dom guess what what okay so I go to McDonald’s in the morning sometimes to get a Dr Pepper after I drop Isaac off and I’ve been seeing our favorite McDonald’s guy like EV every time that I go there and I told Isaac that one of these days I’m just going to hand him a piece of paper with the information for the dis the Discord and then hopefully he can join the Discord with us sometime and we can that would be so that’d be the coolest get him to spit oh my God he beat box while you guys spit that’s what he known for is the beat boxing wait who is the guy is a McDonald’s oh you don’t know him because no oh David ISAC on to beat real fast I want I unplugged my headset but blonde Dominic does know him I’m pretty sure no blond knows no blonde Dom does know him but David doesn’t know him David’s too new we haven’t tooken and David has a very beautiful truck so I don’t know why he would want to ride in my uh well I’ll find the YouTube video I’ll the [ __ ] box with the boys no it’s actually no my car is very beautiful my car is actually a 2020 camera I’m not saying yours is a [ __ ] box I will ride in a [ __ ] box with the boys I don’t give you a [ __ ] yeah I used to own a sh box no no I don’t even I don’t even have my car at work usually anymore like Taylor has my car you know but what type of freestyle beat do you want Dom H it’s anything I’m going to be spitting about some real F okay gangster paradise instrumental [Music] play I’mma start it off why do I have oh application did not respond hold on what be right back I’m gonna find this guy my beatboxer and then I’m going to set forward it to you Kelly come on accept the command it’s not it did not respond what does that mean what the [ __ ] going on man why is my bot not working bro that’s actually I one you need to fire that [ __ ] [ __ ] dude not playing man slacking on its job yeah [ __ ] got one purpose play a beat when I say play a beat dude why is the application not responding what is happen try a different beat I’ll just play a random freestyle beat it’s not working this is him listen human it’s it’s Judah his name’s Juda at the base [Music] Mario that [ __ ] got that heat he’s got that heat in his in his mouth my boy he could have kept going for hours honestly he probably does going for hours but I’m wanting to get him I’m wanting to get him in the Discord yeah that’s him that’s the guy at McDonald’s [ __ ] yeah wow wait who the guy that we like Dom’s the one that recognized him literally it was so Random like Kelly Kelly literally looked at him and said whoa I know that guy or no was that Taylor did Taylor said I think I seen that guy on YouTube and then I was like hey man aren’t you on YouTube dog like oh yeah Taylor’s the one that saw it and then [Music] iing anyways what were we saying I’m waiting for tayl to get on Call of Duty I really wanted to spit I’m not going to lie yo behind behind behind chump chump me D Dominic oh he’s muted he’s AFK going on dude how the [ __ ] I play a B [Music] soundboard we got big snap in [Music] the calm down guys calm down there’s only one of me I need to get some hearing protection cuz uh I have not been using any of [Music] Bloods dude damn with the with the where did Dominic go not Kelly wow man Dominic’s muted though Dominic get your back get your [ __ ] ass on the goddamn mic hey where where’ Isaac go though uh well Taylor’s mic isn’t working for some reason I got to figure it out real quick Isaac do you know where Isaac went that’s me and the factory bro that’s me at work I’m like do you know where this person is l me too [ __ ] Blake disappearing on me David yeah you know how D came up said that she was gonna chain you on corn and [ __ ] yeah bro she came up to me at lunch was like Hey I’m going to train uh David on corn and and I was like at first I was like no it’s okay like I got it and then she’s like are you sure I have nothing to do and then I was like all right well then you can train him on I was with Jacob and with when and Jill when listen and and then she and then she was like okay that works I just got to go do this one more bathroom and then we’ll do the cornes and then the end of the day she comes up to me with you and she’s like are you going to do the Coes and I’m like dude what the [ __ ] like what are you talking about that’s what I was thinking about head like she literally said that she was going to do them with you and then she’s asking me if I did them like if I’m going to do them what the [ __ ] yeah what Sor I got tired of can we rck what what is it I need to go check on the dogs at my house okay if you that one you’re going to have to close only connects to us oh my I got to go get my uh little brother from the movie theater real quick all right bro uh I will be right back okay got to leave the squad all right I’ll be back in like probably 20 15 minutes you’re going to all right David I’m going to Salem yeah Jesse’s in Salem Oh I thought he was in 10 no no that’s why your mom wanted you to go get him because she has to [ __ ] go back to Salem I’m bringing my [ __ ] rifle dude I’m not [ __ ] going into Salem without that [ __ ] all right I don’t know if I’ll be back be back in about like 45 minutes yeah sure okay uh I don’t know if I’ll be back so if I’m not good night boys and I’ll see you tomorrow uh but I’m going to try to be back you should be back by 8:30 okay good night man can you hear my mic um no yeah I can’t no you’re not even in our game yeah you’re not even in our lobby I know because me and Isaac have been trying to figure out my microphone for like 10 [ __ ] minutes we had to plug my headphones into two different controllers and then we had mess with the controller and then this sucks hey join our lobby and I’ll tell you if I can hear it I sent you the video of that guy beatboxing on messenger I was trying to say that but my mic wasn’t working okay I’ll look at her yeah was while I’m loading up in the lobby why did goldfish get off he had go girlfriend yeah he had to go pick up his little brother from the mie theater you reinvite me yeah for for I think the the the bot that plays the music is actually broken now really yeah I don’t know what it is all right let’s focus up guys I got off Discord me three I think the best place that me and Dom have ever landed was chemical Engineers I disagree bro it really only matters which way the planes going dude try to avoid a hot drop all the people all the try hards everything jump like mainly straight away wait for the plane be hang on the plane for a minute shump lit ride the circle you know what I mean yeah War I guess my sh just didn’t transfer over to this one which is dumb yeah I’m not really much of a War Z player but I am liking it I do like it it’s actually genuinely good fun there were three people up there watch out they’re all a team let’s land control center control it’s going to be hot as [ __ ] dude okay let’s let’s land let’s land living quarters between living quarters and control center if we go to stronghold there will be nobody there okay let’s do let’s do it where we going stronghold very back all the way back here you see those pings don’t jump yet the green and yellow that’s where we’re going to Big Bieber fan over here go go no it’s an organ duck coloro it’s green and yellow I know I said that I said I’m a big Bieber fan oh oh oh wait never mind this is our loadout so just instantly look up at the sky oh my bad sorry man you shot me the L man I’m done I’m not seeing anybody we landed perfect let’s take our time guys loot up get get armor plates see I he boy knows I no I don’t doubt you buddy I still think it’s crazy how you could go in third person or thir yeah that’s that’s a game mode buddy you can’t go in third person dude I’m in right now what do you mean I can’t go third person oh I switched to third person what the heck I just I’ve been trying to tell you and you just keep telling me no you can’t do that man I tried telling the people people are third third person peing us you know what I mean yeah no I didn’t mean to do that sorry where do I is it there I made a load out drop Lane right on us maybe people will start landing on us I wish I could make it a keybind bro that’s what I don’t like about it who just put that red flare me oh load out drop no that’s the one I threw nice where are they at mark them them I did damage this guy over here knocked one he’s one t he’s One Tap up there y yep yep I’m watching now he’s probably he’s probably should up now I knocked his buddy in the left window right here yep he’s marked that’s the same guy no no no no that’s no he wasn’t blue and white he looked like me oh I hit him I hit him I hit the guy in the car that’s insane what’s up Sally someone’s close to me someone’s on me from over here watch out good good rotating good rotation guys beautiful beautiful nice Squad wi good job I’m in the prison me and me and big snap are outside the prison hey get down here armor box you need there going to be a lot of people running right here get in position get ready get a good angle I need you to get my right I got your left see right there I’m inside of jail fck it come on rotate to the left did you guys just walk past me or was that two bad guys I didn’t even realize I was there that was too bad guys I didn’t realiz hey come over here come back over here dead dead dead you died I died came up on me [Applause] they right behind us get ready let’s hold this [ __ ] this is a good ass [ __ ] r knock one nice shots dude I messed up I messed up so thank God you behind you behind you there’s one behind you there’s two that jump down just watch out rotating back here no we’re going to hold this this a good that spot oh that’s good actually got one come give me c fire give me c fire Isaac start shooting him no way he got me bro why do you not start shooting him when started running at [Applause] me I just clutched that bro I just selfed yeah I know wait you had no ammo what I have six bodies right now hold on [ __ ] holy [ __ ] my heart’s pounding I don’t know how I just clutched that there’s one guy left you’re not not doing this just for you you’re doing this for all of us come on [Applause] man nice GG’s yes GG’s that’s another brick I just killed the whole team and then the last team bro yeah I lit him up too good seven bodies my boy oh yeah I killed had no armor but the second guy that I fought last he had full [Applause] armor that was insane dude our first game on guys we just won my heart is pounding out of my chest I want to change my character again dude he looks so goofy bro like look at him bites so much BR my lungs have been hurting I think I’m ready to quit vaping Marksman head shot elimination [ __ ] I’ll take that [ __ ] fck the silent killer AK she got no k dude it feels good to be number one oh I didn’t even know that Dom was on the stream Dom’s watching the stream he said only W’s from here on also third person perspective is wild Nice Shot nasty he said my two kills in the game a should we go back to the Discord call no he’s not there anymore okay feel bad don’t feel bad I’ll tick L Bud [Applause] tomorrow just playing dude that was some nasty [ __ ] guys I’m crazy with LG you see how many guys I was dropping with that lmg dude I seven kills I need to change my like if I ever go to war in real life dude I’m going to be lmg like I want them to give me a [ __ ] lmg dude I don’t even care like give me that [ __ ] M249 right there God damn if I go to war in real life I’m just going to pray because I can’t respawn in real life which lmg is it dumb I don’t know which one that one was that one was [ __ ] nasty dude I should have looked at the name actually but I I’m using the Wrath but I use the r the uh there’s another one that I use I just got a whole another gun I’m trying out a whole another gun randomly on my main class all right we’re going to land biow weapons there be there will be nobody there maybe one team but we will them yep High Faith come on guys I just hit the P while Landing golden see nobody here [ __ ] yeah dude now we can pick them off from a distance someone’s up close to you D lay down bab lay down uh oh I accidentally jumped up my bad just SN another person [ __ ] he’s Reviving him dude how did I hit that what the [ __ ] he’s standing there dude come on right here hit that guy right there I hit I hit him he broke his armor I oh someone got me I’m self Reviving though go in the building go the building go to the building I am in the building bro oh my God I almost got your butt that little mortar mortar dude he got me right here I need you right here have no more ammo on my [ __ ] regular gun dude I need you right here I just di I died B bab right here right here he’s in here over here next to me bab it’s okay bad game that’s all right no we’re going to still win dude dud let me make a class I agree I need make another class too I’m going to change my [ __ ] up dude oh my God since when did I have that unlocked bro I’m about to clap some [ __ ] that’s what I was using that game the hoger 26 that’s [ __ ] nasty [Applause] HCR or the ra ra a thank you Cent why do you have whiskers on the back of your legs [Applause] I don’t know what to do dude what lmg is good for low level bro what do you mean low level cuz you’re low level doesn’t mean nothing well what gun is good good um hold on let me finish class should I just use the AK no hold on put you set up with the one I also got the Tamra the cast off 74 no hold on I got you uh you want to use the one on the very right of the lmg rpk I can’t use it I don’t got it unlocked just pick one that you that has good damage just pick one that has good damage dude [Music] all right I found one I’m still making a class hold on [Music] all right I’m great questions are you guys playing without me no I’m trying to we’re trying to set up our case our classes what’s the one what’s the one when um that lets you have multiple guns oh wait never mind it doesn’t matter it doesn’t [Music] set what sniper do you suggest s hold on the SPX SPX y I go blow my nose be back [Music] [Music] Dr [Music] [Music] all right I’m ready you ever [ __ ] up and your [ __ ] business come on down and see me you get a fre ass woman what all right let’s do this dude coconut do you hear this coconut she took my spot as soon as I got off the couch bro [Applause] I all right I need to take this opportunity to start killing everyone bro dude this gun is deadly bro where we land okay where the pings are at look up look up right there to the right I can’t hear you for some reason man are you muted D no dude no way we lost those altercation bro oh my god dude I killed one nobody finished him off and the one I got low yeah I got killed right away like basically guy landed and started spraying me when I was aiming at someone else entirely I my new gun shreds dude yeah knock the guy aiming at you Isaac he fell off another one on the ground he’s he’s in a fight right now what up loyalty how you doing bro I’m landing on that building I think we should have full control of that building now how you doing loyy welcome to the stream bro I appreciate you for coming by dude no way how those were all head shots oh he has his white Shield oh you speed up my time by getting kills to respawn by the way Dom yeah I just got killed stay alive oh Taylor got killed just now as well don’t even land there land somewhere else got 8 Seconds what how did I die that roof I was getting lasered like somewhere could even go down there like that was a shitty ass Landing dude he’s right here [ __ ] we’re dead man how did I die out of that [Music] hole oh man that is so annoying dude how did I die no one told me that there was an enemy right there bro I thought I died first bro yeah I originally I don’t even want to speak because the echo Ain no mountain high ain’t no oh let’s get this but yeah we originally were playing Modern Warfare war zone but then we went to Minecraft for a little bit because Taylor got off and I just kept raging um yeah oh it’s only on this game mode I can’t hear you for some reason bab no way I can’t get away like I can’t run away quick bro it’s like so annoying they just always get the perfect angle on me dude they could just beam me from the sky like a million million million times D all right let’s land living quarters what are you able to hear me though [Applause] that might be why I can’t hear you babe that probably is why I can’t hear you we’re going living quarters right here why did he land directly on dude what I looked all around me like 40 million times [Music] enem that SA help me follow me no way another one above you above you oh my God bro they all have SMGs short distance I’m really suck is hey Dom you ready hey ready can you hear me now yeah I could hear you the whole time I could hear you the whole time all right we start how do I make my class the main class set to favor okay there you go this one’s going to be called lmg DG o dang big snaps level 52 snap we got this we’ve done it before I just hate when people jump you dude like it’s like three people with a drone vers one I know versus one it’s no fair at all let’s catch [ __ ] up all right let’s all in living quarters qus and all land on the same building and all on the same building specifically the one I Mark specifically the one I mared the green marker the green marker enemies right there enem right there okay okay okay enemies in this building next to me to me throwing aade and a flash in there I’m rushing I’m rushing he one top one one to where is where is Up on the Roof Up on the Roof he ran off I’m in you hear you hear him he’s right there he’s right there right there right there someone’s sniping you from the side guys don’t move knocked one knocked one [ __ ] he’s right there he might Revive on my mark exactly exactly babe we’re pushing B we’re pushing I’ve been spotted don’t oh my God they no ammo my [ __ ] lmg when I finish him off land back on me on me UAV out UAV team one where is he where is he on top of wow [Music] two guys two guys oh my fuing I finish him I finish him no no no no no no no no no wow bro bro is knocked him good job dude another one knocked him knocked him finish him last guy in that building down Squad wi I can’t [Applause] my dude I didn’t know he was going to rush like that how are you expect me to think that no way no way no way bro sixth place [Music] dude I had eight kills that round bro babe what type of gun are you using do you want me to customize your load out really yeah I’m not so that you can me but then it’s being taken really seriously well I love you and it’s fun well I’ve been trying to give you a little bit and advice I love you I’m sorry thank you for telling me I’m goingon to I’m customizing my inventory right now you ever tried battle rage dumb battle R um yeah I think so or some [ __ ] [Applause] um I don’t think I should use a laser I don’t think I should use an under Barrel well I kind of like having a suppressor on my gun don’t you no oh well I’m going to customize Taylor’s uh okay so this is the Weaponry baby look so get here you got to go you press this button right bumper right bumper you click this and then it will say custom Loadout number one so I’m going to call we’re going to customize this gun because this is the gun that you use and you like it obviously so I’m going to customize you or actually I’m going to start you on the track of the right I’m going to get you on the that I’m on because honestly that gun really smacks this is it right here this is called the dg58 lmg of 60 bullets so just really go H so you just got to unlock all these camos you got this cute little charm I’m going to put some decals on your stuff like this there you go and then we’re going to give you a sniper do you want a sniper or do you want a SMG for your secondary which one would you rather want to try a sniper okay well I’m going to line you up on the sniper that I have babe the FX oh it’s locked doesn’t even have most of the snipers there you go baby I got you set up are you not wanting to play anymore I can get you off the lobby I got you with two good guns how are you feeling to over here being too much all right well I’m sorry baby I get the AC ready real quick no tomorrow then for I don’t want to play any but I see [Music] you want dinner okay D I’m going to eat dinner real quick buddy what happen [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] this is the guy who bought Bitcoin at $1 now one Bitcoin is worth $50,000 should people buy Bitcoin right now yes cuz it’s still cheap you’re still going to get 100x off the Bitcoin this is the guy who bought B the guy who begged us to buy a dollar of Bitcoin in 2013 is now living like an absolute boss in 2013 Da Vinci $1 excuse me sir are you that G I just got beef jerky chips these are actual chips made out of beef jerky this is the Korean barbecue flavor this is the roasted red pepper flavor and then get off my car off car why you get out of her [ __ ] event I have seen that they are hosting a friends giving a queer friends giving okay boom hey someone Call’s Channel we’re not too comfortable here we don’t like homophobic people at spaces you said I was homophobic you’re Tik Tok where do you get homophobic from anything get off my car get off my car why don’t you get out of her [ __ ] B get get off my car get him away from you because he’s a little too [ __ ] or whatever sotify can Joseph you to record everything we’re to recordo where is homophobic when the [ __ ] was I ever homophobic get off my car yeah so your seat belt you Buckle it in right right okay pull it all the way what what’s your B IDE what’s your password your password okay okay you down [Music] right chill outy chill out chill outy get M back pH something TI Tok yeah what’ you say dude sir sir you got to pay for that before you open bro I thought that was free bro no no you got to pay for it e hey bro y’all got these in 105 oh you need some help give me these in 105 bro I got you there you go bro apprciate bro I can try these on right quick yeah hey you can’t take the box in there though can’t take the box in the F nah y’all [ __ ] tripping bro where the shoes at bro sir sir we got a paper that before you open bro I thought that were free bro no you got to pay for it good how are you good you know I’m stopping you I’m not exact you got no lights on oh I’m so sorry do you have your driver’s license I do [Applause] [Laughter] 5 B 12 uh black Toyota unnown 28 do you not know where it’s at I’m so sorry I was TR how’s the night going I lose all respect but who gets the same swings um I’m probably going to build my Balon balcony on another balony balony bro bro what’s no no no no no oh no no my tree house my Tre oh I missed oh well oh dude it’s so cramped in here open it up B the ceiling the ceiling’s sinking the I’m trying to make it less cramped in here the ceiling is sinking see if I can fix it I lose all respect get to say um I’m probably going to build my I have absolutely soaked this lighter how do you uh how do you fix it how do I fix it yeah first you got to get it out first I got to get it out yeah how did you get it in there uh maybe some pliers andol of pliers involved oh so it takes pliers to get it out or or just a that’ll work too this get the child lock off of there perfect there and then easy yeah perfect oh Jee W again now you young man you’re 15 you should probably make better decisions how about you 17 yeah you should probably pick better friends and you think your parents know you’re out here what’s up man you serious what don’t want me no I’m going tell you I’m going to be honest I’m honest guy so ask me what I was doing I tell you I’m taking them on Ride Along for you to okay yeah well you obviously know why I sto yeah yeah yeah okay yeah and you have no front player all right you’re driving recklessly okay hold you got you got a driver’s license on you of course group of insurance on the vehicle everything this thing is fully covered man whatever what’s the deal with you too uh he shows a YouTube channel so I actually I just DM him on on Instagram cuz I live right by uh Thomas Beach so I see his car there a lot so I just like kind of sent him an like message on Instagram I was like the only reason I’m not sting you right now is cuz my printer is broken to be honest with you I heard you peel out at uh Lake yeah I understand you did it right in front of me too are you young man I’m 15 you’re 15 you should oh that’s an abandoned portal all right let’s see what’s in here cry obsidian wait I can make a respawn anchor oh dude this is awesome all right let’s test this thing out thr it off a glowstone so if I get lost and I need to get back to my base I can just respawn right and here we are we’re back wait so if I’m exploring a Bastion and I die I can just respawn right here right oh it’s fine I can just get my stuff cuz I respawn here it’s fine it’s [Laughter] fine okay I actually just found the best use ever you can just live in the beautiful nether oh excuse me are you to see at trouble or is this thing oh no no we’re just hanging wait wait is that you you what in the perimeter and my perimeter is me and I sh outan my excuse me uh how much do you pay for rent in Malibu California I don’t I live in this bus can I get a tour yeah of course this is my Ford E clim E450 I got it when it was at 300,000 Mi swapped it so now we’re at like 6,000 miles click this this is my home we have a kitchen bed desk kitchenette right here this actually becomes a single bed in a month my best friend moves in I was in Maryland 69 days ago I just traveled all the way to malib the U YouTube movie so how much was the build for everything so I got this for 22 and then I had the engine rebuilt so this total build was $45,000 how you pay for all this I actually run a cooling Brand This is my brand right here no put on him excuse me uh how much no put on him you can say it again this he changed the of [Music] himself for for for for for for for e for for e for e e for e for e for for e e ch hello hello [ __ ] you going to call me a you for dog e [Applause] [Applause] f e for for e yeah let’s spit TR to beat yeah the Discord then my nose is kind of cloged why yes sir there you go it’s working you know I spent my all I uh signed my levels today what happened I got my level today but I almost did it because I was late hey hey posted this one posted me my boy spit again hold on hold I’m doing you can start it yeah me and my boy we sitting again spitting the bar we getting the head hey hey making it pay I like that money like treyway you know that thing it’s like hey you know how I get it I like to switch up my beach and I like to switch my flow I don’t really give a [ __ ] about you I like to just go and go to go go go you know I’m the go the greatest of all time I stop on we don’t give a [ __ ] about you ho BN about to hop out the [ __ ] I just Ste the D on this beat I got funky as F all right now that we know that it works we can switch the beat oops I didn’t not mean to do that God I do that every damn time I don’t want to do that every damn time we just do regular Battle Royale yeah I’m going to play we’re going to play one match of Battle Royale and that’s it right on [ __ ] dude all right the song is going to be that’s so I signed my paperwork for my level today you think it’ll when do you think it’ll show on ukg next week hey the to my like how FL they like how I FL I like till they get it I like to the move I just keep saying I like her I like her I like how I get it I like how I move all of my [ __ ] Groove [ __ ] your [ __ ] pull with a stick AR all up my dog is no know he’ll spray some [ __ ] hey pass me the I’ll be shoting it pass me the I’ll be shooting it don’t care the it going to blue blue blue no actually never pass me the 50 cal I’ll be scared to shoot it bro that’s that’s all you bro never pass me the the thing oh wait I got to turn off my mic or did you already mute me me on Call of Duty so there’s no Echo for the be for the beat for the beat all right the next beat’s going to come on all right this should be it sounds hard hey got some we sitting up in my room about to roll up and think about how I [ __ ] up but I’m staying here hella crossed and I’m feeling [ __ ] up X [ __ ] on my phone looking hella stuck up hit my dad P but [ __ ] I’m about to re up hey hey pull a truck up we’re going stick up wa I got to go light voice with this hey they talking but I got my middle finger up where we Landing you never see me in a [ __ ] SC club that [ __ ] for geers [ __ ] around I ain’t no [ __ ] loser let’s let’s land back [Music] here hey I’m on that Call of Duty [ __ ] you definitely getting it my getting kill yeah we getting it yeah I like this spit on this [ __ ] beat really getting Wiki and really getting sweet yeah just how it be you know how it is with the gang we seek with the game we repeat with the game we I’m I’m on thisat he likes to get Wicked on the beat is really sweet it ain’t no lucid dream [ __ ] it I’m hopping out the vbig Snap do this [ __ ] on feed oh do I live it ain’t a birp it ain’t really what oh god damn make that sound fire hop on the [ __ ] beat I ain’t capping I ain’t no liar he ain’t going to retire just kidding he retire young cuz he be rapping in this thing and making this booth Go bomb hey [ __ ] I ain’t to be trapped I’m F to hit a bong smoking it up with my boy chilling spitting on a beat making hella noise bro I just got sprayed at got me a big ass chop that be my toy bro I died help me I’m up the stairs yep where they at he’s outside could be got spr no [ __ ] lie he’s coming up to get clapped out [Music] is that you breaking glass yeah I don’t see nobody hit on I finished him I no we both killed him we both killed each one I knocked him you finish him that was nasty no I didn’t finish him no that was two different guys that was two different guys look over here this is what I’m talking about way look this is a whole different guy bro that’s what I thought but then I thought you said that you killed the same guy no no I said no we just killed them both differently separated and coordinated bro we were same yeah like some military [ __ ] yeah we were like all right kill him next put on the next beat bro I’m actually digging it all right wait a minute you said this is your last game you don’t want to hop on Minecraft after well it’s 9:00 [Applause] true that’s why come on bro tomorrow is Friday my boy you guys should stay up in place you’re like it’s it’s hot in the house huh why do it sound like that oh [ __ ] I can’t SP Hest be [ __ ] I’m sit free I got your [ __ ] at my CRI she on need I do okay no this is not what I [Music] wanted I’m going I said slow oh there you go this is a little bit slower you like this one no you don’t like this one no oh gosh what I’m about to doad out go get the load out [ __ ] crash out there might be some [ __ ] at the [ __ ] look out oh [ __ ] it I see a [ __ ] Scout yo my boy is so blazy he clean he knows how to kill a [ __ ] through the te he’s so damn clean he really on my team we really shooting [ __ ] for the same thing uh-huh for the same pull up withingame he pull up on it pull up on [ __ ] know hit it got a big ass my sniper so I can hit it oh [ __ ] I got the big assy he’s in front of me walking on the fridge looking so icy it’s string bro calm down uhhuh they say they say they say they say it’s Black Ops anyway but I say Call of Duty is the way you got to play war zone like every day and then you get the St the St in your brain cuz it go crazy losing all your brain cells lazy everyone step to me but they crazy they don’t understand my Snapper shots they lethal and they ain’t going to hit as H I hit him I hit him again armor broke two times on the back [ __ ] low hey that motherfucker’s Low Can You Feel the [ __ ] get down get down get down dog get down the guy from The Mountain Shooting oh it’s this guy right here I just shot him once he’s low he’s [ __ ] [Music] Gilly [Music] see now get down got from Mountain [Music] [Music] yeah we with the ganga aiming and [ __ ] and looking for your flankster oh behind us behind [Music] us how close I don’t know how close he was I’m jumping off jump off D kill him kill them jump off still come on come to me I can’t revive you from up there man you need to come right down there’s enemies everywhere I can’t see you jumped off bro I need you dude I I only had three hearts I still had stuff to do I don’t care dude I F A Team dog I had no Shield I stay up there it’s okay man don’t get mad at me please man don’t get mad at me I never did nothing you man and that’s sad but I’mma come back with that gun and [Music] blast I’m [ __ ] bad dude you did not just die yet bro God I’m so irritated right now where are they on [Applause] I want to go L I’m I’m I’m about to die I’m dead I ran into the two guys at the same time though by bye back no no I’m doing [ __ ] survive where we landed at I killed him let’s go let’s go dude I’m absolutely nutty with it buddy okay you’re near me too that’s good yep well should I land in a circle or where right on me I haven’t seen no one we need some loot land I’m going to go to this building it’s not looted I got a good amount of money I got 7 00 or $7,800 so if we get to something I can get us an armor stand maybe get myself a um a gas mask and some other stuff Etc for for for is this Resurgence or what no they’re coming towards us I marked him exactly no way I how did I not kill him bro how did he not talk any fall damage from that either it’s like he looks so badass when he does it but when I do it I just [ __ ] break my ankles dude no [ __ ] way dude he didn’t take any fall damage from that I’m not [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] all right well have a good night buddy you to man see you tomorrow man see you tomorrow later dude for

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Survival on my realm :D’, was uploaded by Ryiak on 2024-05-10 04:28:32. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:10:53 or 18653 seconds.

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  • Mining Mayhem: 62 Pickaxe Tests in One!

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  • Crazy Minecraft Bedwars Combo 1.9! #ShortsMadness

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  • Insane Lifesteal SMP in Minecraft! Free Server Tutorial

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  • JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!

    JJ & Mikey find SCARY superheroes in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ & Mikey – Life on 2024-05-04 23:00:11. It has garnered 7479 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:04 or 3604 seconds. JJ and Mikey Family found SCARY IRON MAN, SPIDERMAN, HULK and THANOS – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @Maizen Like and subscribe to the channel if you love Mom! Read More


    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

    Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Crazy Mikey on 2024-08-04 19:00:24. It has garnered 957 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:51 or 3831 seconds. JJ and Mikey HIDE from INSIDE OUT At Night in Minecraft ! (Maizen) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen Store promotion: Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm – 3000+ cobblestone/hr

    Insane Minecraft Turtle Farm - 3000+ cobblestone/hrVideo Information This video, titled ‘Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour’, was uploaded by Turtle Craft on 2024-04-18 11:45:01. It has garnered 21570 views and 1023 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Automatic Cobblestone farm in Minecraft | 3000 + per hour I this short video I will teach you how to buid the easiest automatic cobblestone generator in minecraft you only need few materials to build this farm make sure to subscribe the channle full video link here : Design credit bigbooty17 song credit massobeats – gift (royalty free… Read More

  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

    Join My Minecraft Realm! Looking for new players to join my realm. I currently have 4 players and looking to invite 4 or 5 more. Let’s create a friendly community/village with a maximum of 10 players. Any type of base is allowed – sky, underground, under the ocean, or a basic above ground house. Rules are posted in my discord server. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

    Minecraft Memes - Mob Sounds: My Original CreationLooks like someone needs to hit the “mute” button on their imagination! Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • I felt that… in the Nether! 🔥

    I felt that... in the Nether! 🔥 When you’re mining for diamonds in Minecraft and accidentally fall into lava, but the music is so soothing that you just feel like “I felt that” 😔 #minecraftstruggles #lavaissues #gamerproblems Read More

  • LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft

    LEGO Novelties October 2024: Star Wars, Batman, Super Mario, Minecraft Exploring the Latest Minecraft Updates in October 2024 As the world of LEGO continues to expand, the month of October 2024 brings exciting new additions to the lineup. From Star Wars to Batman, Super Mario Bros, and Minecraft, there is something for every fan to enjoy. Let’s dive into the details of the latest Minecraft updates featured in this month’s LEGO releases. Discovering New Minecraft Sets One of the highlights of the October 2024 LEGO releases is the introduction of new Minecraft sets. These sets allow players to bring their favorite blocky world to life through intricate LEGO designs…. Read More

  • Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story Mode

    Unbelievable plot twists in 41 min of Minecraft Story ModeVideo Information This video, titled ‘L’histoire de MINECRAFT STORY MODE¹ en 41 minutes’, was uploaded by Sun on 2024-09-20 15:00:07. It has garnered 68761 views and 3362 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:58 or 2518 seconds. The game tah the times, SUBSCRIBE! #minecraft #minecraftstorymode #nostalgia #cartoon Read More

  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

    Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 2 🔥FACTORY BUILD START IN SMP | 🔥GG SMP |🔴MINECRAFT LIVE | !insta @tanuj_gg’, was uploaded by GALAXY GAMING on 2024-02-26 20:04:28. It has garnered 62 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 04:07:59 or 14879 seconds. ============================================================================= ⚜ If All of Enjoying the Stream? Make sure You Like & Share the Video and Do not forget to Subscribe the Channel ⚜ ============================================================================= Top Donation ❤ 🔰Info Gamer Shiv: 💲166.51, 🔰Anuj Roy: $87.83, 🔰REB SANJU: $81.37, 🔰Dibya Dash: $65.29, 🔰Ustaad JoKeR GaMinG: $64.41, 🔰Manjot Singh 99.9%: $47.49, 🔰Ajay sbj: $46.89, 🔰Kulnoor… Read More

  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

    Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye NowVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT PLAYING W/ VIEWERS!!! REALMS, SPEEDRUNS, CUBECRAFT, ETC. – ROAD TO 1K!!!’, was uploaded by Mickaye on 2024-08-27 09:06:06. It has garnered 47 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:59:19 or 7159 seconds. Hey, Welcome to my channel! I’m going to be streaming games and vlogging often on this channel I hope everyone enjoys the content! Like & Subscribe if you want more videos! Read More