Insane Minecraft Survival Server Adventure ft. Toxic_Food

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We are on toxic food says jski what wait what we’re on yeah oh can we go again no was [Laughter] ready the stream make a whole new one hold on okay so like taking a nap in Minecraft kind of kind of want you to take a nap

Also toxic food says ZZ z z toxic uncore food says zicore food did just get kicked from my own server [ __ ] di Toxic toxic food Says Z I got KCK toxic food say toxic underscore food I got kicked for my own toxic food Says Z oh my God toxic I own it toxic food say to spam toxic uncore food Says Z toxic uncore food to me I’m like a dictator but

Better what do you at even narrator narrator narrator off you’re kind of there just taking a nap thinking about life taking a nap standing up that’s what you’re doing right now there we go no way hi r k you streaming when I’m actually awake y Jesus Christ reptopia e I don’t like that

Guy we have pretty colors now so that’s kind of cool also yeah your stream is going to have a [ __ ] field day bro so much [ __ ] done off camera have like whole different biome in their [ __ ] [ __ ] did I get I did got a [ __ ] whole different place

Here do we have sugar cane do you have any food no was it the cow thing a trend or something what cow thing I’m a trend when Jesus Christ wasn’t what a TR me why can’t I hit you what the hell stop hitting me [ __ ] stop it why it’s fun

Whoa whoa whoa calm down okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay [ __ ] we’re all dead over here was wrong you just took it too far bro yeah you just took it [Laughter] this is your fault what did I do you all die by my hands you will die by my hands by my sword selfdefense did you break my helmet [ __ ] maybe actually I think I have it give it back no it’s my helmet give it back it’s mine give it back it’s not

Even yours it’s mine okay it’s fine robbery [ __ ] robbing me blatantly robbing me and playing [ __ ] day you see what I have to deal with every day yeah you see what I have to deal with stream do you have five crafting tables what did you have five crafting tables did

I the tree is broken yeah I can [ __ ] see that so ladder why is tons Avatar BL I don’t know the Skins don’t work for This Server I’m pretty sure none of them do black yes toxic you are black at the moment huh does that mean no don’t don’t Even don’t even I need sugar cane I Won’t my [ __ ] lake is ruined it’s all your fault I didn’t do [ __ ] not my fault that creeper it’s not even a lake it’s kind of like a River Pond well yeah it is cuz you killed me no for some reason I killed you cuz you

Kept I didn’t even I didn’t pissing me off I didn’t kill you though I didn’t kill you in my opinion I did not at all my opinion my humble opinion I did not humblest of opinions my opinion can I rob you if you have sugar

Canes even if I did I wouldn’t give it to you cuz yeah that’s what I mean that I’m going to rob you for it I have a knife so do I yeah but I’m try and find some [ __ ] sugar can I’m going to get lost again you’re a problem yeah shouldn’t

Have killed me would have saved you not my fault you can’t record it will be your fault as well because you can’t sleep if I can’t sleep so I’ll do a phoms I don’t Care [ __ ] smooth bass salt for some reason B how do you get how do you say it b or Bass Bal Bassel Bessel Bessel hey pigs oh hey it’s um bacon going to make a joke never mind BL and something else something more offensive I would said were you about to

Say Your mother what would I do that 100% yeah yeah you’re probably right exactly Jesus Christ K what is this farm at least expand it what the hell why is it in a [ __ ] to do everything myself like always I’m trying to find suar don’t

Even respect my hard work I do every day you don’t do [ __ ] on this house yeah I do bull [ __ ] [ __ ] I do more than you I do more than you what do you do every day you sit on your [ __ ] ass every day and kill me and that’s it

I actually try to work I’m out of the house getting food as well well as trying to find sugar cane o cool pickaxe cool pickaxe if you steal my [ __ ] I’m going to come back and kill you maybe I want you to come back maybe I’m [ __ ] lonely before huh F of that

I have needs I left you for like a [Laughter] minute what is this ugly steak is it want to me an ugly who did this you wait you did that’s right modded Minecraft water actually looks drinkable that’s all modded it’s up it’s a [ __ ] shaders yeah it’s um resource pack I put

It on on cuz it looked nice okay let okay don’t take all the credit I made you do that I meant to do it earlier and then I didn’t and then toxic was like I reminded do optify and I was like okay yeah I should probably do that sh not even close

Baby not even close baby toxic food never except maybe sometimes except maybe just Now there’s so many [ __ ] pigs here I’m going to 100% get launched again oh God I hope you do I probably I kind of hope you do but I kind of hope you don’t I hope you do but I hope you don’t because then I have to go [ __ ] get

You cuz you can’t do [ __ ] by yourself at least I’m trying why are there trying isn’t doing what the [ __ ] what there’s so many pigs Here how many many it’s like someone spawned them here that’s how many there are what the [ __ ] you cheating no dead how many of them are there I don’t know I’m killing them all that’s all I know got going brought some back for okay that pig spawning is not normal

Exactly that’s what I mean that is not [Laughter] normal you guys pulling on my Ball s right now I’m not pulling on any balls this is for Real we’re not starving that’s all I know that’s good actually get meat I don’t have to eat [ __ ] bread like a poor [ __ ]

Idiotic it’s night time I have to dig in a hole and how does that look with I have I have I haven’t even seen the [ __ ] with with like shaders how does it look I CU I’ll see after the stream like I watch I watch every stream back cuz I’m self

Centered blade you’re reading like 30% of my messages I’m trying it’s hard to do that I got a stack of pork chop what you good person I was going to say good girl but that would have e you are a good person that’s surpris I have a texture I

Also have a I also have texture pack on it’s like um actually read what it what the name of it is it’s tight fault 1.20.1 D 1.1.4 It’s a it makes it look everything cool it’s kind of like a people use it for like PVP servers and all that but

Kind of just like the way it looks you not cook that abundance of meat what am I going to do make a campfire I don’t have [ __ ] charcoal bro where are you I’m in a [ __ ] deepwood Forest which way did you go went which way I don’t know

From your house which way did you go I don’t know I just went oh my God which way I don’t know which way I kind of just went towards the jungle and then I went sideways Which Way sideways left okay send me cords okay and chords are XYZ all right not

[ __ ] what what did you do last time [ __ ] XYZ not [ __ ] read the chords cuz when I try okay all right you got to learn chords eventually [ __ ] hell the first listen the first [ __ ] number is 105 okay yes 62 and then minus 153 that yes okay well I’ll come get you when

Daytime good idea I’m in a hole right now I don’t feel like I don’t feel like getting killed nether do I that’s why I’m hiding in a hole you have a bed no why not well do you st my crafting tables well do you have any [ __ ]

Sheep yeah oh yeah I have I have all five of your crafting tables you stole all my crafting tables you didn’t even give back one rud look to be fair to be fair who has five crafting tables to be fair I [ __ ] lose them when I go mining you know come

On grow up you’re literally a child shut up wait a minute arm shut the [ __ ] up um um Tech um technically I’m a teenager um to be fair toxic currently has five crafting tables oh my God you’re right yeah toxic what are you doing with five crafting tables you [ __ ]

Loser look I’m holding on for you all right cuz when you’ll die which I generally think you will 100% you’re alone and you’re in a hole I’m in a hole with no food I have food I have so much Food Kia you’re old I’m not 25 she’s [ __ ] 18 I’m not even 20 you’re an adult I’m not ad you I was goingon to say grow up that wouldn’t make sense grow down I can’t get any younger yeah you and then see that one advertisement with like the face cream which makes you

Look younger just do it no that’s like advertising for like desperate people don’t don’t let your dreams be dreams imagine having to adult imagine tax evasion just like just like just like jobba the Hut said just like jobba the Hut said don’t let your dreams be dreams jba the Hut said that uhhuh

That’s exactly what he said bro really just the quote job of the Hut right now I did oh my God I’m going to job with your Hut excuse me yeah man what the hell it’s kind of that’s kind of sus my in my humble opinion that’s kind of not

Going to lie I think we [ __ ] vented again rep yeah rep doesn’t know how to do that ref doesn’t know how to vent stabs your house when they play Among Us they just have no idea where they’re just kind of like oh I’m an impostor I’m just gonna follow

People that’s it they don’t even kill anyone they just kind of fall stalk them are you home yet no just why not I’m aggressively waiting for the sun to come up um it’s like going to be sunrise eventually like in oh uh just Sunrise Sunrise right now sun is rising surprisingly not even

Seeing any [ __ ] mobs around here it’s kind of weird is the the sun is blinding me the sun is nowhere near my this texture pack this texture pack is awful I hate it it it’s it gives me a real sun and it actually blinds me that’s how good the Shader pack is it

Actually blinds you like the real son oh no I’m not actually using the Shader pack because when I put on the Shader pack I have like a so it like [ __ ] up your [ __ ] I’m still using I’m still using the texture pack though like I have like I

Was using the texture pack and the Shader pack I’m just using the texture pack I like the text oh my God it’s daytime oh that a spider now you can go home that Ender there he is they [ __ ] pig I was killing I just stared at the Enderman on

Me a good idea [ __ ] dun it’s not a good idea but it’s it’s an idea so he’s kind of not coming up here mother I already know if that’s going to be a problem could they not teleport okay yes they can what did he just [ __ ] teleport in my house

What what is this man’s rage man wasn’t even how long are this man’s that’s not fair that’s not really nice why would you kill me I just stared at you and hit you once grow up looked at him funny and he didn’t like it exactly that’s exactly what happened

Where is my [ __ ] axe where’s my iron axe huh my favorite pizza topping is weed that’s nice mhm okay where the hell where is my iron axe don’t tell me like [ __ ] don’t tell me he like took it or something Can Enderman take axes no they

Could pick up blocks you just takes up your whole loot I just pulled an epic Emoji bucket mother please stop calling me I’m gaming Kia’s mom having a heart attack in the please stop calling me I’m bro stop killing me I’m just hitting like calm down I’m just hitting

You Jesus it’s not that calm down trying to hate you calm down man what the hell like he needs to grow up seriously like you know if someone hits you that’s just a form of love bro you don’t [ __ ] kill them the hell hitting people is how I show

Love I show Love by hitting you in the face with a sword what what happened H what the [ __ ] is this what is what I found like a bunch of like wood like planks in the [ __ ] sand that ain’t my problems is this a [ __ ] shipwreck

Dude what do you you doing I found a shipwreck it looks like one oh D I got like 49 iron in you just make full iron if I wanted to don’t worry your herrow is coming to save the day save you the Shipwreck unfortunately I have to wear

Pants there’s no chest just really sad unfortunately I have to wear PS oh never mind there’s a chest in it potatoes and carrots unfortunately I have to wear shut the hell up that so unfortunate like why do I have to wear pants what the hell hello okay my mom is literally calling me

Aggressively I don’t want to wear pants I just want to be naked is that so much to [ __ ] ask for wait are you leaving me alone with your stream now is that what’s happening am I alone with your stream all right guys so go go down to mycri

To you already know you already know subscribe toxic food yes sir yes sir it’s actually I’ll actually it’s umbe right um toxic food you just just kind of subscribe it’s also in the description of the stream so you can do it like that if that’s easier for and yeah basically just subscribe

To don’t even think about it just do it or else come to your house and and have fun anyway um we assassinate that what I do find K I’m G assassinate so someone is CR um Crow is messaging me um what do you want what is this what is this [ __ ] kill

Your so all actually no I’ll say it like how Crow would say it like this is Crow’s voice um kill yourself um actually um actually how the [ __ ] did I know that I literally called it before Crow even said um actually um Crow is typing [Laughter] um every

Mandarins my opinion is actually pretty good Buster Buster so I’m G to probably go find assassinate what do so yeah that’s exactly what I’m going to do after I put my [ __ ] computer on charger because guess it’s a low Battery Jesus Christ this [ __ ] Crow what do you want what what what what do you want what do you want I’m not going to shout you out chel on stream all right I’m Not Gon all right all right all right pal all right Buster bust Brown you can walk but you can’t talk

Talk hi just got a reading this oh hey man what’s going on don’t nothing totally nothing anyway Moss KN uh attack methods holding your Shield up until is hit where you proceed to slice the enemy once you twice with your weapon shipwreck why did toxic say that is he a

Acoustic are you an instrument why did toxic say what I don’t know apparently you were speaking what would I do that yes would I promote my YouTube channel on your channel would I do that 100% yes you would what got you know me you know me

You would 100 I do that to you yes nah I don’t think you I don’t think so why is there no [ __ ] sugar can on this [ __ ] beach I’m so upset is that what you’re doing yes you’re looking for sugar cane yes this entire time you’ve been looking yes I’ve

Been looking for sugar can I have’t found a single one not even one is that another one or is it the same one it’s the same one yeah it’s the same one that’s actually pretty funny dude how is it already going to be night time what the hell are you good in

The head Stinky Monkey are you [ __ ] D yes not you toxic 100% did not Channel not gasl not clickbait 3:00 a.m. challenge gone wrong I just saw an ender man as soon as thought I looked at him exactly look at him I would not recommend looking at him

End will [ __ ] [ __ ] his pants and then kill you dude I had 16 levels but K yeah oh I’m back in the jungle that’s nice to know I already know what I’m going to do when I see you punch me no it’s going to be something worse

It’s going to hurt your feelings even more than me punching you so be prepared I oh yeah I found the way home I don’t need your help there we go actually learning I didn’t even need to use cords you’re so good at everything I’m so good at life you did promote your channel what what did I do that saw the text message you [ __ ]

Wrote what text me okay that that myself I said that the chat yes Kia guess what guess what guess what guess what what I’m going to hurt your feelings look at this I slammed the door in your face wow the amount of disrespect I’m not giving

You this stack of food then give me give me give can cooking it my door back give my door my door Oh I thought you said you’re dirt for that you can have four of your crafting tables yay I need at least one because I the tax man I’m the government I take

I take a percentage of your gr’s mother false night Hornet one Guardian Crystal and know that’s how do you going to need therapy after that door slam every therapist I’ve had has given up on me so so can I get some of that food yes but it’s

Cooking you left the DOR open you piece of [ __ ] I live in a that was me that was the door door slam me again it didn’t get enough okay I’m going to need to expand the farm again don’t you just hate when [ __ ] [ __ ] keep butter I just hate that don’t you hate

It when butter that’s all I heard what you didn’t say the full sentence all I heard was B don’t you hate when [ __ ] retards messaging and bothering you trying to do oh I’m gonna butter basically what I said yeah just the I said butter honestly that’s just sums up

Everything okay I can’t help but notice that you’re not leaving any pork chops me now I like to collect what the heck also how did you get all that I told you look you’re going to rewatch The stream from the beginning and be like holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of

Pigs how do you know that because I walked and then I saw and then I commented holy [ __ ] that’s a lot of pigs no no no no no but how do you know that I rewatch your because you literally just said when I rewatch The Stream I’m

Going to be like oh do you cheated yes or no no that’s what you that’s that’s not that’s that’s you’ve told me you rewatch the streams as well so like I’m about to [ __ ] block [ __ ] Crow I hate this map so much I never block anyone but Jesus Christ can you

Stop [ __ ] annoying me serious like you know it’s kind of in my opinion it’s kind of petty the block Petty block but I’m doing that I’m doing it for repine if they kept bothering me i’ probably leave their face on like maybe also their IP address make [ __ ] rapist come to

Their house murder them raped them and all that all that good stuff you know how you know how it is all the good stuff the dark web is a very uh scary place you don’t want to go on there they do a lot I’m about I’m about

To [ __ ] I’m about to sign reptopia up to a [ __ ] red on the dark web the Red Room you know what the Red Room is yeah I know all right it’s a very are you going to explain it to the stream you probably get demonetized question

Mar what’s the Red Room it’s very spooky urban legends that was the Ghost of Christmas pass the Ghost of Christmas P was F punching you hey stupid I have offerings what well how much how much did you get don’t worry I’m cooking the rest for you [Laughter]

Okay but what type of what type of tools do you have Stone an iron sword an iron pick I have made me I have made me stone tools but I have an iron axe and I have like a secret chest since I don’t have yet and

Like got an iron pickaxe in there can you hey whoa calm down calm downal put it back I I can’t I wish I could but I can’t get some [ __ ] Oak Woman these days shaking my balls thank you can’t do anything yourself anymore I gave you offerings and you violate my

House look your house was looking kind of breedable right I had to VI I did not just say that I did not just say that what the [ __ ] what did you take nothing much what’s up a few what did you take ho I took your hoe rude now you have no

Hes now K gets no hoes so rude would you like a leather cap with Unbreaking one no okay spin your door is open by the way should I close one one oh okay oh [ __ ] I actually H I actually have food oh do you not have coal nope no more

I have like a million and a half I may or may not have uh never mind you got two stacks yeah two stacks of pork and then some chicken and then I got some mutton but I ate most of the mutton what is my flint and steel

House down no burning your house down I was starving still am bur burning your house down I gave you a stack of pork I don’t want to hear no bitching did you do that yes almost the whole stack literally the rest is cooking I’m G to burn your house

Down GNA give you a cookie got [ __ ] tricked cookie you thought I was going to burn your house down but I gave you a cookie instead I got pranked get [ __ ] pranked I got so pranked I’m ashamed you’re going to have psych you’re going to have psychological deal with it

But and have psychological trauma in my professional opinion professional opinion M okay bastard you have mandarin yeah can you eat Mandarin I don’t eat the seeds no I usually get very angry when I encounter a seed I have to pick them out before I eat it or else I get

Upset I also do that but when I look at that seed just on the plate I just want to [ __ ] bite into it you know yeah where are you I know what do you want is this breakfast in bed [Applause] yes special delivery oh my God it’s just so cool you that

You know how it is Bubba grill what is a Bubba grill is it like baby girl but different baby girl hey watch this epic MLG trick shot you didn’t see that did you why would you kill an Enderman like this like oh [ __ ] I think I hit you instead

Hey I did it get a grass block put it in a special chest keep it somewhere grass special grass block yay out PVP yo yo my Shield’s going to break I think when I would when I tried hitting the inter a couple times the hit box quest for you I need

You to hit me until my shield Breaks going on actually wait no can’t do that like it I have to do with a I have to do it with a sword sorry there we go okay yay what’s the surprise you want the ender pearl oh I give it to you um okay throw it to me TR it to

Me how the hell did I know that you were gonna do that how did I know how did I know how did I know it’s like we think the same I was like fro we already knew what you wasting ender pearls shaking my dick we really do be out here wasting ender

Pearls we don’t need them yet no not yet it’s fine we can always get more we go to the [ __ ] um the stronghold we find the we find the Portal and we just have we have we’re one ender pearl short we’re one we’re like damn it we shouldn’t have

Thrown we shouldn’t have wasted it no Jesus Christ vomit you want my almost broken Stone axe yeah how broken is broken you’ll see okay you’re like all right I’ll take bur nothing [ __ ] hell this so sour sour sour should I make a skylight come here K dog in the Magic School House

Come here magic man you not be okay dog shut the hell up idiot So should I make like um what do you mean your whistle sounds funny it’s normal should make a skylight like right here in these fences like glass I have sand we can yeah you can do that okay I think that look kind of cool yeah okay I think that going kind

Of look like lights and [ __ ] do you want two lanterns I’ll give you lanterns if you wantate your house a bit more I don’t throw them I’ll catch it this is this is the new delivery service we have transaction this is how it works yay I got it this is how we trade

Items we just go on a really high building and throw down at each other how do you make a Hing a hanging Sig again you need ch chains but chains and whips excite Me sticks and stones break my bones with chains the fact give me um I used to listen to that song and not know what it meant when I was like six do you have any stripped logs no you have any naked logs no you throw that out

But is this is this really where you decided to put the lantern there’s one Outside exactly one you placed exactly one what there’s no where else to put in don’t worry about it judging my life decisions what I’m [ __ ] come in my [ __ ] ass what what the hell don’t actually do that I’m a minor I tried to make a sign but made

Made because I didn’t have any sticks you big dumb you stupid guy perfect the Finishing Touch house good what did you do thank you God damn it no you always ruin my fun here did that with the creative server as well the amount of audacity right now God the Woods technically it’s kind of the Woods [Laughter] that looks pretty good I think I’m G to go and get some actually what I have to don’t have to shut up [ __ ] you [ __ ] P so [ __ ] yeah blood a skank more like a bloody stink is what you are all right all [Laughter]

Right I’m going to tell Mom on you oh no not mom mum Mommy Mommy yeah Mommy Pig stick where is my Cobble that’s not Cobble in your ass Shut the [ __ ] up well it’s [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] it’s not my [ __ ] fault it’s not my fault it’s just

True I just speak my mind all right I just speak the truth nothing but the truth I’m like harri clitman haric clitman he spoke the truth clitman f is clitman that’s my idol Harriet clitman Harriet clitman it’s my idol I want to be like him when I’m older okay that’s great

S thank you very much take a Nap snore it’s like the one Vine shut the [ __ ] up dude dude like look at the sun it’s bright Sun let’s have some fun this be I want to take a ride just go miss lady G miss lady g g g gag this lady G I just busted the pimple excuse

Me I heard it bust that’s please use another word to describe that popped thank you that’s you don’t use the word bust bust no no I don’t think you should do that my opinion bust mhm what just don’t say it honestly what I’m so confused oh there’s my

Hoe excuse me I lost my hoe found it oh you had no hoes I have a hoe now I thought you didn’t pull any hose we now have potatoes growing in our [ __ ] Farm and also carrots so we can actually pull some pigs in the farm now you just say pull some

Pigs you say pull some [ __ ] pull some pigs G to bris them up what up pigs no sounded like it I need to destroy your swing excuse me you heard me how dare you don’t destroy it I need to well the farm needs to be bigger and

I don’t know where else to put it put it oh make it go down like oh wait that’s lava yeah that’s yeah that’s the problem jeez oh making oh that’s thead but but I like my swing I know this way can I can I at least have one more moment goodbye to

It can I have one more moment to say goodbye swing I made you the first day of the server I’m G to miss you so either that it’s either that or I have to re like place the farm I’m going to miss you so much you were such a good Ally on this

Adventure you were a hero you saved many and influenced so many young minds in such a good way but now you got to go byebye I’ll always love you I always you can destroy it okay you can destroy it I’m not going to destroy yet but you

Know no then why the [ __ ] did I do all that if you’re not even G to destroy it yet what the [ __ ] it’s kind of a thick move so dramatic oh my God look man I had drama class as a kid all right need to expand the

Farm not my swing can I least swing last pretend I’m swinging on it pretend I’m swinging on it swing you can actually W shaking my dick no yes knock knock hi knock knock knock knock who’s there the door I’m a God I knew you were going to [ __ ] do

That no you did not yes I did I saw the door in your hand how did I not know you were going to do that look man I’m in shut up I’m in door open the door open the door oh no our door it’s opened okay where’s this stupid bucket

Mixing memes in this [ __ ] I have a bucket but I won’t give you it I have my own bucket I made bucket I’m pretty sure you stole my bucket bucket what what I do something like that yes oh my [ __ ] God I’m going to come I swear did you blow up your house

Again no what would I do that I do you would do that you’re wrong so you’re mom what the hell excuse me I’m moving the lava well not right here why not well what do you think that was the bucket it bit you the bucket bit me

Uhhuh it didn’t want you to place the lava there so it happens can I burn your house down yet no when can I do it never it’s kind of unfair to me you should like jump in the lava pool like no like like actually like Triple Dog Dy now you do it big

Shot and I tried to stop you from going in the water no calm down you’re going a bit too far here I’ll put these flamable wooden wooden um now why would you do that you ruined it oh what the No No unfair thing I’ve ever

Great now we only have one3 of a [ __ ] glava pool don’t worry about it yo live I’m so upset hey my [ __ ] cooked [ __ ] I’m like wait I just realized you’re you ain’t getting out of that once you fall in that’s going to be your problem it’s

Going to be your problem if you fall in it’s going to be your problem if you fall in too yeah our problem or problem yeah do you have any oak wood yeah I have planks I don’t have logs give me have it yeah excuse I don’t have

It where is it it’s in my chest it’s in the top one thanks all right now we’ll be fine oh boy So why did you put the lava pool over here it’s kind of oh so I could Farm I said I was going to do that it’s kind of the dumbest idea You’ ever had it’s kind of the dumbest idea you’ve ever had okay you’re welcome wait you didn’t break my swing

No I don’t need to break your swing anymore it’s okay well why did I do all that what the hell why did I kiss my swing hey I didn’t do all that you did oh you made me basically no yeah I think you did yeah yeah yeah

It was just a suggestion I didn’t say I was going to do it said I might have to break your swing and then you just kind of put on a little shell and it was very funny you’re laughing at my um sadness yes wow I mean honestly to fres that’s the

Y I really think that’s a cool [Applause] thing honestly you’re just mean so how are you winning all right thank you for stealing my little catchphrase I put the lava pullet in the better and that doesn’t mean I killed it okay like it’s in a better place now don’t

Worry we need the lava pool Man for what why do we need a lava pool because it’s very important hi ow you [ __ ] that’s where love hits love Taps Love tabs going to punch me off this [ __ ] damn it no you [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out what I keep trying to like push you off

Without heading you can’t punch me off cuz I’m shifting oh it’s like a little Doorway to nothing it’s gone I’m burning your house down why just kind of feel like it honestly what are you doing besides threatening me oh I want to make a I want to make a hanging

Sign but I’m procrastinating then do it cuz I’m a nerd whoa hit the whoo hit the dab no you ever hit the dab on ironically no I haven’t done the dab since 2016 that’s how old that [ __ ] is no you dumb [ __ ] G she has no idea where I am Easy she has no ideax she has no idea where I am she hasn’t seen me yet she hasn’t seen me yet she has no idea where I am she Has hey a chicken you’re the worst person chicken I ate it it’s dead killed it murder you’re a bad person unironically oh boy unironically a bad oh boy at least I’m at least I’m ironically a bad person but you’re unironically a bad person oh boy I haven’t told been told that before

Totally you constantly call me a bad person do I yes and that doesn’t sound like something I 100% you have and will probably continue to call me a bad person me yeah no would I do that to you yes shut up no okay shut up

No there tree is in the way you have to die bro hello hi why is it already night time this is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] um what check outside what check outside your house oh my [ __ ] god toxic me look I didn’t do that 100% you probably did

Okay how did the fire spread all the way over there what that’s what I’m wondering [ __ ] what is the fire tick on what the hell how do I change the fire tick cheat command yeah God damn it I don’t want to cheat it’s literally no cheats okay but this is just unre what

The hell this is just unreasonable it is isn’t it it’s fine it’s not that bad it is that bad no uh-huh nuh yuh the one piece of burning log it’s fine you just lost one of your tall trees that’s pretty much it what the hell oh what the hell oh damn okay

What the hell What what what happened there’s pillagers near the Farm okay you walked in front of me just Then there’s another one and he’s in the farm Bro player versus entity so PVP PVE the server is oh my the server is alive the server is alive I have bat Omen for an hour yeah that’s just not fair at all that’s like sounds about right because yeah they’re [ __ ] give me milk here cow give me Milk we have Cows that’s the funniest thing not even a village Anywhere I still need to find [ __ ] sugar cane will now go on the adventure why because I need sugar can and I still haven’t gotten any again yes I’m leaving you’re going to get lost again yes I will get lost again I hope you know that yeah as soon as woman

Woman woman oh my God I found sugar cane I’m so happy I could finally make that stupid piece of paper is anyone even even in the [ __ ] stream no oh do people watch your FS barely how do you know I watch The Stream when it happens and also sometimes

After and then they realize damn yeah you just see your views yeah it’s just the analytics oh I have um I have sugarcane at home oh my God why didn’t you say that well because I’m lying to you and I don’t have sugane I just wanted to see a reaction big

Stinky I like how I didn’t even have to go that far where did you go literally behind your house and straight straight yeah BL exactly well technically Fanboys are straight what no I like liking Bo is totally straight bro because hear me out no they are dressed like a girl

Right which means you like girls which means you’re straight any questions any questions you stupid look man it’s just a girl with a joystick all right de look it’s just a girl with a joystick all right it’s B it’s basically being straight no no yes a girl is literally a person with a

Vagina oh so you’re saying trans girls aren’t girls if they get surgery then yes all right pal whatever you say no but like Fanboys are dressed as girls so like them means you like stuff that looks like girl which means you’re straight so what don’t I see the problem

Here do you you saying that like Bo are trans you saying Fanboys and women I’m very confused now no I’m just saying Fanboys look like girls which like you’re not gay you’re straight that’s what I’m saying okay bu Get Wrecked look it’s just a girl what’s so

Bad i’ rather joystick than a charger a charging port we have a you have a map yeah took you long enough got to do a celebration bro fireworks every what the hell where are you putting it like here on my Lake on my humble Lake hi show me

Oh [ __ ] you can barely see anything on it where’s my house my house even there your house is on the corner like at the very bottom corner oh that’s where your mother called me I shall return wait we’re still streaming I don’t already know what to do here

Um already told you to subscribe to Me um My Stream now not I guess I can tell you guys what I kind of want um I want to go to the cave right now like that’s my main plan so I can actually get like diamonds and stuff but for right now I just kind of to make

Glass so I can get a skylight going and then hly I have no idea I have no idea that’s basically what I’m going to do change my house up a bit too add some new stuff and all that yep um yeah that’s basically how it goes down in this world

XXX yo what if I what if I like get this train kind of fun actually I just remembered what happened in September nothing happened but what I can do what I can what I can do what I can do shut the [ __ ] up idiot toxic

Hi hi k What the fu how’s it going okay okay okay I’m joking I’m joking what can I say though super fragilistic XP how do you spell that it said it wrong unsubscribe unsubscribe from the Kia cfish Channel thank you for returning you’re welcome that’s kind of awkward didn’t really know what to

Do I’m sorry better be actually um K I could I can make you that grass block what I can make use of that grass block I’ll take it I just hear you eat in my ear I don’t have it it’s not in there it’s in the bottom one don’t put it

Back have a pet chicken now [ __ ] you why would you do that what do you Want go to nap time by the way close my door you do it your door you opened it your door toxic food says stab Peter gry you ever unironically stab stabs pther gritty all right there better spread though or I’m going to be mad it’s going to be cranky guys yeroni hey watch

Out what where are you hi get docked I’m like Dream from man hun No possibly dude when do we add other members to this when we we beat the ender dragon dragon actually I dipped I [ __ ] dipped bro it’s a new biome what the hell burning your house down no don’t are you actually don’t don’t if I come back in my house is burned

I’m I’m gon to do something bad to you yeah my house better not be burned Fried Chicken my house better not be burnt no it’s not burnt it’s fine I’ll be a judge of that I’m the house inspection it’s slightly burned inection if it’s even slightly burned you’re getting the Whip where are you I want to kill you with a knife kind of Jee why is my house why is your house question mark drown did you steal my bucket no it’s mine drown shower shower CIO oh my God he finally took a shower guys finally happened whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa is it just your pet chicken now just chilling in your house when he grows up I’m gonna kill him when that day comes you’re dead you’re [ __ ] monster yeah that’s why you’re you’re my best friend you’re just like me but worse you’re like me but worse how am I

Worse what do you mean how are you worse yeah how am I worse you you [ __ ] you’re evil hey can you kill chickens what the hell I mean I also do that exactly okay well tell me one bad thing I’ve done gas light Gat keep girl boss okay

Okay I’m going to go I’m going to go I’ll take a test real quick and I’ll be a witness to this to this um this Tom Fool shy trifling she must be from dirty dogs that’s what I’m saying let make good charcoal um no Nope yo yo question mark hello you look like hello hi I’m high oh oh Mary Jane I’m high on Mary Jane bro sound me coughing you st my How are You my nose Itchy that’s Good don’t be tired or I’ll ban you moment Why you just in your house making stuff shovel that’s what I was Doing when you go outside don’t look up the sun is a giant laser laser beam uh for the arrows g ain’t the only one who has [ __ ] arrows [ __ ] thanks for the one Arrow G you’re welcome oh my [ __ ] God I’m about to I’m about to [ __ ] bust a nut swear to God

What you heard me you heard me the [ __ ] loud and clear Buster loud and clear loud and clear loud and cleer I one of them homo those are bad people my opinion and my humble opinion humble I have the most humblest opinion right right K Dog no yeah I think I do actually

So I mean know what you’re yapping about where’s my buckets where’s my super suit why are you in my house that is wrong I’m not in your house I’m in your hole get out of my hole I can also mine leave me alone fine sh I have the to work

He’s fighting for Independence guys [ __ ] [ __ ] what you got got a problem huh no you want a knuckle sandwich I already have one piece of [ __ ] where my pet rock there’s an Enderman in the [ __ ] zombie spawner why is there an Enderman in the zombie spawner I have no

Idea this big tall black man in the zombie spawn okay hey hey Kia what what’s that like huh huh what’s that um really like cool like Tiger character from wi his name what what’s his name who the Tiger charact The Tiger character from wi the Poo tiger what and um don’t do it

Don’t what what do you what do you what do you call something um with more size than another thing like this is this is start for a b this is no this is no no work with me here no something is something is more heavily sized than something else

You say this is start with a B this is bigger mhm and it don’t you [ __ ] do it know you’re goingon To what are you and and what if you what you replace the the B with an with um don’t do it with an N with an N what word would that be k please tell us what word would that be what word would that no tell us man tell us what word would

That make no just tell like genuinely tell us what word would that are you sure you can’t just say like you can’t just tell us what word I’m not saying the n word what okay okay pal I did not all right I told you to say

This you know there’s a b in there all right that’s not the n word all right I told you to say that that’s not even that big of Difference look I did look you just have a you just have a you wanted me you thought I want you to say the N worder honest does this joke a little too far this b a little bit too far wh come On you know how to whistle right yeah do a little do a little moment go on go on then yeah it’s not picking up well that’s that’s your fault yeah mhm you really do excuse me what hi hi how good are you at the craft pretty good at

Craft all right pal what’s your favorite slur by the way what what’s your favorite slur I don’t have one don’t no huh that’s a bit odd well it’s like saying what favorite swear word you have there’s a lot of options well limited options but sure I’m pretty sure we can say the same

Amount slers like we’re allowed to like me and you the same amount of SLS like okay is [ __ ] is SL I no it doesn’t seem like one but a lot of people think so I can say [ __ ] though [ __ ] f a g g o t [ __ ] fagoni and

Cheese what about you do it be funny what H hello buddy oal buddy old chum bag what is Chum it’s like fish right fish kind of oh hello hi hi are you serious right Now wait do you need iron pickaxe to break dude h do you need an iron pickaxe to break redstone yeah that’s kind of dumb in my professional opinion so what are you doing right now I have no idea you just have no idea what to do in Minecraft ever nope CU I’m dumb

That is true hey my chicken grew up no no kadia no he’s Dead Kia he’s dead welcome back from the hole I’m going to come back eventually okay I’m kind of excited to see like after looks like look good does it look good oh simple question just answer the [ __ ] question stinky this think what am I looking at just [ __ ] off you know honestly go

Home you’re not they not part of my secret C anymore okay was hey where you never let me in in the house what house hell come on what stop being like stinky they’re like oh you never let me in the house God I’m so sad I’m depressed that’s what you’re like right

Now in my professional opinion that’s what you are like right now you are such a stinky okay I made the map bigger like a lot bigger how’ you do that I made a table I need to make a b Banner what should our marker be wait we can make a what wait what

What color should our marker be wait what marker we can put markers on the map what yeah you didn’t know that no thought it was only in Bedrock no it’s in Java only it’s not in Bedrock oh tell me I can’t I haven’t made a banner yet that’s what I mean

What color should I make it uh probably green right we okay we need Cactus for green though well either lime lime green or bestie we don’t have green how do you make green we need Cactus and we don’t have Cactus how do you make lime grain you

Still need cactus you want to go on an adventure with me to the desert it’s night time oh fine if you bring your map sure [ __ ] I can’t sleep in your bed wow get out of my bed you have your own house yeah but I want to sleep in your bed

I please I nightmare I want to sleep in bed please for [ __ ] sake mom please yay Snore yo we’re going on a trip in our favorite rocket ship going through Sky get aard get ready to explore there’s so much to see where you at where the plug at T your take one bed where the plug at the plug a no plug you you want to plug

No what bed do I take I only have one bed which is in my house steal your bed I’m kind of unfair to my bed you think your bed doesn’t have feelings I CED my bed with feeling how did you code your bed with feelings burped on it way too much you

You burped on it uhuh let’s Fight I’m putting [ __ ] away you just take a carrot why would you take a single carrot so what did you do with the farm by the way um else potatoes I haven’t like placed the new [ __ ] yet did you put you didn’t put any potato oh potato you know what this

Means toxic potato you know what this means toxic potato shine oh my God we’re going to get a we’re going to get a poison going to make a shrine today make that could be your project for going to make a statue of me and for what for the

Server yes make a statue of me and make make a little like make it a statue but also a poison potato shine at the same time whoa dude do you know how cool like weapons and [ __ ] look and like armor look in this texture pack I have no

Idea I’m G to follow you since I don’t have can you make two maps I did make a second one but you need to expand it with paper no but like can’t you copy the same map no are you sure I made two identical ones if that’s what you’re asking yep killing your

Family lovely yep why is Stone swords kind of op I just two hit that cow where are you going uh in the I’m just filling fing up the map the forest I’m filling up the map there’s so much [ __ ] Ender there’s a cat can I kill

It you won’t get anything from it but yeah I guess get string where are you do remember when you can only we get ass ass a lot yeah I remember [ __ ] ass a lot bro hi where you going this way apparently we got to swim or make a Boat I don’t know about you but I’m making a bat hurry up shut up get in hurry up I’m driving hey okay I guess I’m going home Then get the [ __ ] back here fine I’ll come back for you there you go drive aboard get ready to explore so much ring dirty which Ry to gets me right and dirty me Running even know where to go yeah it’s kind of laggy is that K Dog Okay oh shoot Oops oh Well me and the homies on a boat trip Shoot what I’m lagging cuz the chunks are loading in me too bro I am also lagging I’m think we’re going to find a desert like this yeah that’s true I definitely need to make the map Bigger there sheep and stuff can just kill whatever’s here and go back food food oh pumpkins hell yeah stop running away when I’m trying to kill Jesus Christ you’re so like you know that moment when you trying to kill someone runs away from you yeah that’s so am I right

That’s so annoying like just die I’m just trying to kill you bro come on stop I’m trying to kill you bro don’t be so rude about it what the [ __ ] so mean what if I kill a bee well all the other bees come out the the bees will be very

Angry at you and then kill you because they’re angry at you I think I could take them all of them Turtles kill them all kill all the turtles shove plastic straws down their throats kill them kill them kill them kill them kill themes here too kill the

Turtle huh there’s horses and other [ __ ] here too what you say don’t kill the horse I’m not killing the horse don’t I don’t have a saddle though so it’s kind of ESS no Point come back kind of like you huh why are there so many [ __ ] cows holy [ __ ] BD dubs Addy where kind of lost you cuz like he ran away from me hey [ __ ] where you at I don’t know where the [ __ ] I’m at can you hear me my breaking up I

Hear you breaking up get over here let’s part kill the Sheep kill the sheep and die and Die where you at I don’t know I just saw cows I just started killing did I pick it up no I didn’t you’re killing your own you’re killing your own kind monster yeah at least go to sleep Trying to find your tag he I found him he’s sleeping he’s snoo s first he’s snoozing where are you hi oh hi M placed her bed next to mine shaking my I picked up your bread watch this he look at how many [ __ ] cows there are it’s like the same thing with the

Pigs And first try baby first try feed him some carrots feed him some carrots I knew you took my carrots I’m going to name him seagrass his name is seagrass this horse right here his name is see grass I wish had a saddle but I don’t how are you going to keep him then

Maybe we find like a desert don’t worry about it I don’t know if he dies I that horse was slain by K get [ __ ] kill stolen [ __ ] [ __ ] don’t ask what just happened he fell into the Ravine what will he do hide from the world okay we’re literally outside the map Again is that good or bad uh it’s decent but it’s not preferred Jesus I’m gonna have so much beef steak or whatever it’s called chicken I like steak sandwich is better isn’t that just a hander how dare you how dare you say that Am I Wrong how dare you say that yes

Hey [ __ ] where you at where this [ __ ] at excuse me where is my sister where is he he where is he lost okay I’m finally inside the map I don’t see your tag anywhere oh my I see you dude I see you I see you see yeah

Yeah yeah yeah I just killed you yeah I just killed you just you just dropped some lever and T did yeah yeah turn around you’re look no you looked the wrong way okay I have like no idea anymore okay oh I see you you’re right there I just killed you you’re

Stupid where are you I’m trying to oh my God I don’t know you are maybe if we actually show your yourself you make some progress in this m the hell oh God there’s a [ __ ] creeper or something behind me exploded I didn’t know where are you Jesus you were literally right there

What I have no idea what you’re talking about well you were right in front of me you’re walking away from me so you are now problem where are you you’re literally hiding from me this is this is so unfair where is my sister you literally ignored

Me I’ve been listening to you this tire time wrong [ __ ] information you’re like I’m right there I go somewhere and then I look behind me you weren’t there so get this so where are you well good news is the map is filled okay bad news is I [ __ ] lost

You and I don’t see oh you shouldn’t have hit for me I didn’t I punched you and you walked away from me so that was a creeper all right no it wasn’t that was me aggressively punching you we should have told me yeah I did did you

Yeah it’s fine I’m on my way home you know where it is yeah I have the map I’m on the tower I’m stuck on a high place save Me help no help I don’t know where you are I tried making a tower wherever you are it’s nowhere near me I’m G say that right now you’re a dick yep said I’m going home as well good idea I don’t know where home I don’t know where home is but fine I’m home Too I’m not oh God now I’m lost lost food He’s gone it’s fine you records right sure C your XYZ um [ __ ] what M this hold on oh my God this one you even you don’t even know how to gift card m is 1352 you’re [ __ ] hole wait what what wait what is it minus one 352 that’s the first one [ __ ] hold on say it again one 3 five2 yes what’s next 91 91 what’s next 60 yeah very good take a nap you absolute Banger fart Exploder baby are you walking are you walking dude the water is so clear in this Thing baby are you walking are you walking [ __ ] I need more iron that’s fine is it fine though yeah of course it’s fine is it yeah are you sure yeah if anything if anything is buttering buttering bother shut up I’m not [ __ ] oh my God I’m in a [ __ ] pretty sure I’m punching my own Horse no I’m not okay so how are you pretty good we a it yeah pretty good yeah how is it in Australia even cold uh actually it’s not too bad right now cuz it’s nighttime it’s usually pretty good

Nighttime it’s average yeah it’s like warm but not warm to the point where it’s sweaty War so warm but not warm okay I get it yeah makes perfect sense warm but not Warm wait I’m at Home I’m at home also there’s a fire in yes oh no how are you bloody L bloody mate bloody mate dippy I’m G to go put a jacket off not jacket a jacket it’s kind of like a jacket For Yeah hello neighbor Hello also I had a saddle um what did you say I had a saddle and leads we could have taken him oh well you’re going to die today do it seriously you want you want me to well you’re leaving that’s not fair you have time to heal hold on

Ah I was right you did die today y don’t Revenge go come on grow up don’t Revenge go I’ll give you all your [ __ ] back here give you all this lever and some SEC and the carrot the two Oak saplings wheat seeds and four eggs that’s it you’re

Welcome oh you have cool flowers out I never actually use an axe to PVP are you mad no is this is that what this is are you mad no they quiet dude my grass is spreading come here my grass is spreading on my Island oh that’s a shock I’m an island boy and

It’s clear you can’t even see it yeah kind of I can kind of see it my zoom in you know forgot I could do that yeah it’s good in the hood what’s good in the hood my brother hi how you doing pretty good can I blow up your house

No why my house look so Ugo mode it looks funny from down here yeah I don’t know how to make it look better did you do it your Builder I’ll pay you somehow I’ll pay you in a way no you w figure out how to pay you I’ll figure

Out how to pay you Minecraft obviously I got 63 raw beef 36 um I’m willing to maybe give you all of make my house better so sure the and there it is just the second map that I have but it’s a lot smaller than mine so I’ll have to expand it show

Me let a homie see it [ __ ] paper let a homie see it BR why is it so like empty because you have to fill it you have to fill it by exploring Um that’s why I want to put the banners yeah you can name the banner name banners also no you could just name it like house or something I don’t know you need to name the banner first and then uh right click it on the map and it’ll show

Up that’s why I want to at least have one B can you like you can’t remove it can you though I think you can you just have to break the banner that’s why I need more iron to make an anvil I’m taking a nap n Oh I simply cannot sleep me nether then why are you bitching at me cuz I like doing that what what do you mean why you know the answer the answer is obvious why I want a dog can I get a dog will you let me get a dog the dog

Doing I don’t know if I can put him in my um Treehouse though I don’t know if that be a good idea dog you should be able to it would just take a bit have him teleport up to you we got that a we got that got that a a

We I have I only have like two are you willing to give up some of your bones for BS yes you can take my b bones I only have five I can take your bones thanks manate for that I will give you I want to give you a hug

Hug hug the boy and I’ll punch the boy run away laughing Rude summoning Me you shall return I but y p Martin B wait am I alone again in the oh my God the this is why I would rather do videos stream you cut up how do I make you guys continue to be happy riot leave the stream how do I do

This if you stay now you’ll get a Time membership free just go to the description below and go to my YouTube big red bell the big red bell the big red button and the bell and I will teach you how to Minecraft and then you’ll win the game so

Um you know I’m him kind of so you know how it is this G be so like in my opinion bit cring just hear me [ __ ] saying random [ __ ] bit cring but it’s all right oh God can’t imagine how it is for you [ __ ] riing rest Bing Bong kill the chicken kill the

Cow should I assassinate vote no yes or no one is yes two is no there’s no free don’t even say free or four don’t even think about saying for I’ll hunt you down going to be dead so you know how it is that’s a piggy boy right

Here I just realized I could just like lie about what’s going on oh my God it’s the Ender Dragon I’m fighting the Ender Dragon right now oh no oh it just knocked me back okay okay what clut yes okay I did it now I’m going to

This first Tower okay okay break the in Crystal all right broke it broke it all right right just a few more end crystals all right all right got it got it no I looked at an Ender oh no quick I got to kill the Ender with my I

Just you know how it is Buster and then and then then and and I killed the dragon instead Um Uh boom one that toally that was the server by the way Hi C you here oh long have you been here uh literally just got back Why I I’m talking she here I know what you’re doing what excuse me what is what Is what is he dude I literally need advice what I want advice from from Big Sister boy advice what advice do you seek child how do you not be boring like how do you not be like a dry like I want to make like I want to start

Making videos I but how do I not be dry and actually like make people want to watch me most of the time I just don’t know what to say especially when you leave me alone have to make them happy honestly what I do when I’m alone I just kind of

Narrate what I do and just like all right I’m gonna do this because I think I should probably do that you know it may be boring but at least it gives you something to do while you’re like constantly talking to yourself uhuh that’s something to start off with if you have nothing to

Say uhuh just like start talking about it like a topic maybe you can make a topic like before your video video and then just start like talking about it already like you already like type out what you want to say what you want to about start just talk about it while playing

Minecraft it’s kind of like gameplay with commentary like the commentary talks about like some topic stuff it’s an all just about Minecraft but there is Minecraft Gameplay what about that that be I don’t know how to prewrite my topic I kind of swing it and hope for the best

You just talk about something like that’s going on what’s going on right now Sniper Wolf [ __ ] drama oh you just talk about that we just talk about that while playing Minecraft so just kind of like there’s gameplay but you talk about something but then if you don’t ride it well you

Just about one certain topic and it just kind of gets a little bit boring you have free chest now yeah you have a poisonous potato yet no not yet no potato yet hey put it Back mine chicken you know what happened to the last one well the last one isn’t here right now the last one is dead can’t prove anything all right I ate him he was delicious was did he have a [ __ ] dick you see his dick huh oh [ __ ] no Minecraft mobs don’t have

Gender I would not say that I’ve seen except the Ender Dragon I’ve seen the RO 44 what don’t tell me Minecraft Mobs don’t have gender I’ve seen the RO no I’m not happy about it but I’ve seen it why what you think why I’m a sinful human

Being well no [ __ ] but why why must you sin in that specific way I grew up too fast and also I’m used to it so you know how it Is is my stream delayed it is oopsy snore get the [ __ ] out of myed neighbor howy neighbor the [ __ ] how you doing hey what get out fine you have your own house you’re not homeless okay go to Sleep No punching you in the Throat broke my [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] why are you critting me you’re critting me oh fair I’m not bre we should probably stop this I’m I’m breaking I literally have nothing left What are you going to do now huh for the Torches you sleep out let me sleep [ __ ] [ __ ] you have your own house let me sleep no let me sleep swear to [ __ ] let me see you animal animal let me sleep you your poor armor might as well break all of it [ __ ] I keep getting your [ __ ] I don’t

Want it I don’t want let me sleep no there it is okay let me S let me are you GNA let me sleep now no let me sleep fine I’m taking your house okay I don’t have a bed there why better than my inventory why won’t you [ __ ] sleep in your house

I want to sleep here why closer it’s closer don’t [ __ ] kill me I don’t have a sword it broke it did yeah I told you it broke stop you stop breaking your [ __ ] I will break my [ __ ] get out of my house it’s my [ __ ] I’m allowed to break

It what is wrong with you can’t sleep in your bed the audacity the [ __ ] audacity I can’t believe you breaking my Bed I’m breaking my you’re breaking you just broke all your own armor bro yeah it’s fine is it though yeah what and by the way uh your arrows you need your arrows back why all right yeah can use them I would like my arrows yes I only have seven dude My yay you’re welcome thank you let me knock knock knock knock what why why did you go in my hole I’m mining my hole I’m in your [ __ ] hole how dare you I’m in I’m inside of your that’s where I am that’s where I’ll be Why didn’t YouTube notify me hi scorpy hi

Scorpion been streaming for two hours I have I mean you have hour have it’s been two hours yes R have R have R have exactly that’s exactly what is so smart chicken sandwich ding dong I know you can hear open up the door I just want to play a

Little talk why is toxic talking like that I don’t know he’s feeling extra emot today that’s the Vibes I’m a villain I’m so evil he’s so G I’m so G exactly well I can’t talk like this I like talk like I’m comfortable not Mak me feel makes me feel good makes me feel

Comy makes me my in my head it makes me sound less I just talk that so that’s why voice this morphia dysmorphia in general um I’m like an iron God just keep getting iron left and right on me something put him out like a light you like me right yeah you’re cool

You like me right can you give me torches I don’t have torches I’m making charcoal okay can’t get out of here [ __ ] I I want to I want to I want to get I want to get out I want to get out of your hole that’s what I want

Leave I’m exiting as we speak at least I’m trying to H hop hop so to be fair that’s what I think at least I’m a pretty good like my voice range can go from A to Z like seriously voice the only person to make me snap so much that

I said the arler don’t bam me though is Oak yeah I know I saw that honestly I don’t see [ __ ] as a slur I made Scorpio don’t put the flame on I made her say it want some Redstone CA yeah that would be very nice M

Shaft you’re hiding from me I’m in my hole F get seeds you’re not yeah I am I was just I was just in your hole but I’m you’re not in your hole I was just I’m in the hole toxic I’m in the hole are you in the deeper hole

Yes okay I’m coming in your hole don’t I’m coming in your hole hey iron hell [Laughter] yeah I’m coming in your ho shut upid I just laugh [ __ ] I have the species that reproduces asexually I’m not sure how yet but just know that they reproduce differently than most things that is fine that

People that’s like the thing that happens in I mean the [ __ ] that women make what babies some like you not not people it’s like um yeah but I’ve seen something like that yeah it’s like a fake fake cell that’s honestly disgusting in my lesbians and science that’s honestly

Disgusting yeah none of my business I don’t that baby will look bread if it works for them then [ __ ] this then what’s the harm in it I want to give you my Redstone you don’t have to get in the hole you just have to throw it in the chest

I want to pass it to you I the physical action of transaction where are you I’m in the hole which part of the deepest part of the hole where my bed is I know I know where exactly are you in the Ravine no or not the Ravine

To are you in the M shaft yes I’m in the M shaft can’t say yeah see you would want to be they are demig so I just assume they just appear out of black holes from space and get whatever power they’re born with Jesus Christ K Dog you absolute dim where are

You mother no oh no not mother [ __ ] don’t leave me alone if You’re oh my God she always does this oh then no one wants [ __ ] rambling can assassinate C when I find take this [ __ ] sword I’m just stab [ __ ] I haven’t left yet stupid you’re going to ass I’m going to give I’m going to I’m going to give her

You’re gonna assassinate me at least do it I’m GNA give I’m gonna give k a firm I see your tag I’m GNA give k a firm Hand p on the back that’s what I’m going to do I’m not going to kill her why would I do it’s now a toxic Stream my streams for not I don’t think many people want to watch that because of well that’ll be [ __ ] offensive is It that’s kind of annoying all right hi hi CIA hi how you doing I’m great how are you might wi to back up a little bit there you go hey how are you my best friend I’m doing pretty good I got 41 iron trade trade trade but I need to make an

Anvil unless you want to go up and get the Anvil oh here oh [ __ ] 59 Fusion mother please no said I was going to assassinate you no didn’t work [Applause] no it didn’t work sadly you where you going where did you go you left me Monster also there’s iron right here that’s what I want to know I you missed this iron am I alone now got you run help now I can now I can finally assassinate peace [Laughter] i c you stream [Laughter] Hello what do I do do I drown her Brown what I should do should I just punch her to that there’s so many options I just got to figure out which one I have a flint I can burn her what do I do what do I do what do I

Do huh tell me what do I do to okay well now uh now I actually got a [ __ ] this gonna be kind of weird going hear myself it’s GNA weird it’s really I just do just do it on my phone that’s what I’m gonna do I think that’s what today

[ __ ] how should I kill a cow face huh how should I kill c a [Laughter] cow one telling me might just have to figure it out for myself off make a trap hi how’s that it’s a shame no one told me okay for me but it’s good for you

And they going to got iing stab youch almost got a stack of iron oh [ __ ] now I do have a stack of iron what was that I have a stack of iron there you go we’re good we an ex to the cave now thank you for your contribution now I can make an

Anvil and some other [ __ ] well I can I wanted to I know you wanted to me no but no I wanted I just wanted to continue mining I don’t oh okay okay I just came down here to give you red stone and iron and torches but didn’t give me oh

So it’s kind mean if you well you want food Tores I don’t have torches I don’t have coal yet found iron but I didn’t find coal you’re a you’re a [ __ ] what you know what look oh look I only have three torches on me right now hold on [ __ ] selfish you’re so selfish how mine selfish I don’t have coal what can I say I have charcoal smelting up there I have charcoal smelting right so you can get it up there or you can wait a bit and I can find some coal down here what the hell that’s

My amethyst chunk I was hacking it before I forgot about this H what do you have to here you didn’t break it all no I didn’t break it all but I got most of it bit it’s where you get the smooth bass salt and the the white

Stuff let’s go do something all right what do your mom that’s how I left from now [Laughter] I mean lead the way Grandma late the way grandmother or grandom is it grandom or grand I don’t [ __ ] know grandma grandma grandma not Grandma but grandma grandma hello Grandma that’s a dead end where

Are you going I don’t know you’re leaving me I don’t know where you’re leaving me you’re [ __ ] Le you [ __ ] you don’t even know where to go I don’t there copper copper I barely know her well I’m home now don’t good job Jame I don’t know where home is cuz I’m

Stupid are you lost again yep I’m lost again oh never mind I’m not lost anymore you’re welcome thank you uhhuh I’ll throw the charcoal down there and then actually no I’ll make torches first and then I’ll throw them down well I kind of want to put my [ __ ]

Away anyway okay well come up then don’t have to but I will I should really make a staircase uhhuh staircase stream when staircase when’s the staircase stream H H hey you figured out my door trick dude I’ve knew that for like years I didn’t think you knew that one not dumb Minecraft

Veteran it may be young but low quality toxic white stuff my brain went to you can cocaine in Minecraft low how deep deep is this deeper than the subreddit you don’t have a sub r no [ __ ] [ __ ] liar I’m 13 and this is deep I’m 14 close enough [ __ ] [ __ ]

Yeah I kind of feel sort of bad calling you that but only a little bit okay only feel a little bit bad okay CU you’re a [ __ ] you’re mean to me all the time you’re so mean to me all the time yeah I’m such a [ __ ] yep My I need new friend I mean I kind of really because it’s like I’m better off with I’m better off By crying you never came me when I my account was suspended and redit that’s impressive how’d you do it what happened did he get banned this scorpion get banned how the [ __ ] did that happen oh my god did you get bur did you get B did you get

Bur suspended isn’t that the same thing oh my God oh my God God oh my God are you [ __ ] serious right now you serious right now serious are you serious are you [ __ ] serious [ __ ] serious serious stop punching me are you [ __ ] serious huh huh huh are serious are you

Serious that’s what scorpy said y oh I’m so proud I’m so proud she’s my daughter now I claim her as my daughter why are you brushing my bed you have you have bed bugs you got [ __ ] bed bug bro you got to get the bed bug brush you come here let me brush

You brushing your feet you have smelly feet I have to brush them ah Scorpio is my daughter now I claim her as my daughter she said toxic is not okay L Scorpio my daughter now okay I’m going to treat you as my daughter even though God is that is that okay pretty sure scorp is older than you yeah that’s what I said but you know doesn’t really matter at the end of the day doesn’t matter at the end of the

Day somebody iron smell by the way if I just blatantly stole the X blatantly and actually what did she say did she Agree hey what the [ __ ] put it back what the [ __ ] I just want to see what even [Laughter] know [Laughter] there you go thank [Laughter] you I got your [ __ ] fixed this what what you were laughing like you sounded like you were Quacking we really do be out here oh calm down calm down you hit me four times St those were love hits Taps love HS [ __ ] love taps with a sword why are you sleeping in my house again I like sleeping in your bed it’s comy why why you invade my personal space No what no hold on I’m G to [ __ ] the other bed I’m G to [ __ ] the other bed too you bye-bye nerd get absolutely dominated I’m like two years older than him when I choked on my own spit I sound like a cat choking on the fur ball I could make myself armor

Now that’s [Applause] cool K dog and the ballerina time hey dude where do you want to be when you were younger to be murderer serial murderer K dog in the Spaghetti Factory Spaghetti dude what did you want to be when you an artist well are you an artist probably considered I don’t know I don’t get paid for my [ __ ] though C an artist C is an artist but pronounced differently I’m just a goofy idiot who likes to

Draw C is an artist but replace the r with a u what K is an artist but replace the AR Waits patiently for response I’m confused you’ve confused me child I just want to sleep in your bed bro is that hard yes is it that hard to accept that I

Just why can’t you accept that you have your own house but I’m clingy little Clinger clingy boy I just want to but you’re not letting me do that so lonely over there so lonely so lonely and cold and sad time me crying excuse me all right for some re one freaking person

Keeps spamming me his fake screenshot of me saying the n word I guess I mean deal with it is that one specific person attacking you though I think he’s in love with her no that’s like pure hatred maybe it’s like oh maybe it was like in love scor scor like bro

You know what payback time maybe that’s what Happened your mom is Macon I want more yogurt who’s a dog who’s a dog who’s your dog he has found dog sot a soft guy a it a little [ __ ] huh who’s your little pomegranate flavored puss boy huh huh [Laughter] huh I’m done petting my dog pomegranate flavored piss boy puss boy puss

Boy [Laughter] yes find a dog becomes a demon [Applause] hey it’s been 3 hours what does that mean means hours GRE take a nap shut your face what you know how on those like really bad like um erotic like kind of role playing like story boards or whatever it’s called yeah people like you know how sometimes

People say like oh my God your [ __ ] it tastes like strawberries and all that [ __ ] doesn’t taste like [ __ ] [ __ ] is an organ that [ __ ] does not how you you know it doesn’t taste Pleasant I wouldn’t think I wouldn’t think [ __ ] tastes Pleasant not sure though because I don’t have a

[ __ ] but I wouldn’t think [ __ ] tastes you know what I mean shut the [ __ ] up right but it’s a genuine question it’s a genuine question does [ __ ] taste good yes or no I wouldn’t know in my opinion no you haven’t tried no not even you know [Laughter] No don’t what the [ __ ] I’m getting brain rot me too so is that so this [ __ ] how do you not know what I don’t go out of my way to eat [ __ ] are you sure yes but like you agree with my Fury that right considering probably not it would not taste good

No I want to say it but I don’t want to say it at the same time say it say it say it say it say it some [ __ ] be smelling like fish are you Serious now we can double Zoom oh my God double Zoom now we can double Zoom I ha but I don’t I have this character that unintentionally looks similar to the mask that the cult wears Maybe I could make it related you can if you want I kind of want to say it but I don’t want to say it oh should I say it considering it’s you

Now are you sure yeah so that’s a nogo on the thing right that’s a nogo I don’t trust it are you sure I can’t say it like it’s a question like St a question what question you want me to ask it I’m scared do it are you sure yeah okay you’re you

Have to sign a contract before sign a I don’t have paper sign a contract that states that I can actually ask this and it’s not going to be weird you got to sign it please sign it please just sign it it’s legally binding there there’s my signature what does your [ __ ] smell like

Ask it but you legally said I can I don’t know man So you’re legally advised I can’t smell toxic how would I know oh yeah you’re stupid I forgot stupid no one ever told you Huh has no one ever told [Laughter] No I’m so confused what happened to Oak what on the server cuz like okay I’m pretty sure Harley is like still in timeout why did you that and now canum twice that is so useless why would what what the [ __ ] you can double Zoom this weird door

Knob what stop hitting me ass I like hitting you it’s fun broke your helmet you just break my armor you [ __ ] hey you started it you want your spy glass back go away technically I’m the innocent one you started I’m the innocent one here look to be

Fair you EG gred me what did I do hey I see You look take food and go away oh my God hey it worked if you want me to stop killing my dad wanted to take me to the farmers market but I don’t know why but every time I go there I end up feeling bad because of the amount of people so I’m

Like this I’m not going this time okay then don’t go social anxiety I guess it’s a pain in the ass you have an ass Shut the [ __ ] up we have an Anil now what are you doing okay vomit I can’t repair a shield I’m gonna name you douglas douglas I’m gonna name you

[Applause] Douglas I’m not sure what I’m going to make myself for lunch you don’t know you’re going to make yourself for lunch mayo sandwich Mayo mayonnaise out of a jar eat it with a spoon what I like pin the tail on the donkey I’m going to hit you in the

[ __ ] no let me run away oh that’s his grandma’s SCP do I have to sleep alone yes do I have to alone y go to your house and sleep by the way do I’m so lonely by myself you’re not lonely you’re okay we’re too far apart

Too far apart can we just have a house together what’s wrong with your house I miss you I miss you oh my God where are you hav left I’m still here Did I pick up your gravel excuse me I said did I what the excuse me did I I’m just do you can have it back it’s not in there it’s my inventory gravel make a basement or something the hole is the basement you want to live in the

Hole dude make windows it’s awful in here make at least one window Jesus back I don’t need Windows yeah you do good back you what back I didn’t do anything why we so aggressive give it back I’m just trying to be a friend but it I’m trying to be a

Friend but like dude give me my [ __ ] W like back always physically abuse me all the time you always should hit me makes me really sad and cuz I really love you and you just punch me and it really hurts me you punch me too but I’m allowed to punch you you’re a

Woman then I do what I want as a woman thank you for putting it back well I don’t know about that yeah a triple dog dare you to jump a triple dog dare you to jump it up a triple dog dare you there’s a Creeper Creeper

Creeper did we kill it at the exact same time skill creeper had a skill issue now did you make the banner yet by the way for the Map bro be consuming right now excuse me can I melt my food in here I use my own I use my own coal [ __ ] our Banner is g to be pink what no no I have the wool so that’s what it’s going to be [ __ ] you

Probably what thises a do prob sell your body on the trees for money you’re stup what did you call I just called it base man called it base all right just GNA just going to be right there yeah don’t mind it give me see Y look give me see why is it so small yeah I did that it was an accident this map is yes thanks hey hey no give it back you piece of [ __ ] come here come back or I’m burning your house down okay whoa whoa whoa you’re not going

To you burn my house I burn yours bring the map back I’m bring it back I Just I tried to throw an egg at you and instead I got a chicken what a Nerd drop it give me a second yeah mm I wonder where it is I must have lost it thanks no problem I will deep fry your parents you’ll deep froat my parents deep fry oh okay well good luck finding my dad actually good luck if you see him let me

Know to make some Class what the [ __ ] [ __ ] thanks for the Food hey who who whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa that didn’t take it [ __ ] you still left it in there just immediately who who just immed Who I didn’t know how to put the flowers good enough you ever turned into a chipmunk is that ever happened to you no K Dog the beast that’s what I’m going to call you from now on K Dog the Beast hope you’re happy I hope you’re Happy no okay I disagree okay Joe be ay you know who that is that’s my favorite celebrity chaa real smooth slide to the left slide to the right chross I almost fell cross appau crisscross applesauce give a dog again CR applesauce give a dog a bone in my opinion

Do you know who John Mario is Mario do you know who he is no he’s actually the Creator Oh gravity f holy [ __ ] what huh want to fight deep cave dead yeah that’s a lot right give me a second I’m coming I am uh coming in your hole [ __ ] I didn’t make myself a sword Don’t worry the hero is coming the hero is coming to save the day where you at I have no idea where you are you’re in the deepest part of the cave yes which way did you go you just evaded death oh I see you huh see you how you know that hey what’s

Up ah fine what didn’t see your name on them it’s my hole I found it first do you even have an iron pickaxe I do and why didn’t you take them cuz I didn’t see them getting chased well the early bird catches the worm I guess you are not a

Bird what am I then chicken I’m no chicken don’t call me chicken chicken dude how did I get so many diamonds from I have eight diamonds that was an eight thing so upet are technically a a seven vein because from right there Al I might call the day and go home what the

Hell that’s the best mining trip i’ I’ve ever Had eight diamonds pog I’m going to hoard them I’m not even going to use them I’m just going I found Some what did you find I found some more diamonds did you where are you go away these are mine yeah but I want to protect you since you don’t have a sword I have a sword now I made one still where are you no I want those diamonds no a dungeon yo

[ __ ] what up what’s wrong there’s more creepers up there so I still literally don’t have any torches I’m going in here blind I might go home for the time being in I’ll come back so I don’t want to die here and then all my stuff will just be

That would be annoying oh my God can you hear me you d bro what can you hear me you what what what what’s wrong BR B I’m so good at gaming what happened don’t worry about it did you get did you get [ __ ] in ass by Tony I almost got my ass whooped

Simply simply because you are a woman that is why it happened I got two um CDs that’s nice CDs and a name tag you mean discs yeah you mean discs CD see these nuts shut the [ __ ] up a bucket oh what happen I almost died

W can you can you like M I almost died yeah but can you not I don’t have a shield that’s fine and I’ll take a push leave you here to die if you die it’s your problem yeah I know [ __ ] skeletons just great just great yet no not

Yet how many offensive things did this stream so far I have no idea I have seven Diamonds oh [ __ ] I have eight I’m better than you how are you trying to find the way out I’m stuck in a m shaft Okay I can see that I can see that happening when when can we get never right dubs okay dog what when can we get never right there’s an assassin here waiting for me at the bottom that was a spooky cave Sound all right pal whatever floats your goat whatever float your balls are you lost where going yes I’m lost again know where to go I’m nervous CU don’t worry your your hero which is a villain will save you more Diamonds I have some I have nine diamonds I officially have more than you screw off screw off for I won’t come save you [ __ ] so to be fair I started it you did hm lapis here too what are you saying oh lapis lais speaking of taking it huh you’re taking the piss mate me yeah you’re you’re the one taking the P but audacity in this [ __ ] right now the

Amount of audacity I’m com to save her ass [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m I’m I’m going to save it out [ __ ] to me unfair it’s UNF of me I’m [ __ ] lost again I [ __ ] hate this s off no reason at all you s off [ __ ] I’m in like iron armor but it kind of feels

Like is that weird like I’m just I’m I’m built different that’s what I’m trying to say here trying to brag you brag basically do you even have a shield no that’s why I went out I didn’t take wood with me can’t make one oh actually piece of candy wait a

Minute I just had a brain idea you have those or it could get me killed what what are you doing fine hey diamonds that’s not fair I want those break this [ __ ] M shaft what a nerd 10 diamonds this nerd has 10 diamonds did you did you vote Trump no why I don’t

Know you seem like the kind of person to do that I don’t I don’t do politics okay yeah me neither because I’m a child yeah me neither cuz I’m a child you know how it is a child so you’re going to be mad why actually never mind never mind it’s all good okay

Thought I was lost for a second like I come save you and then I Go oh can you stop jump scaring me absolute dry hump I’m mining my way out with creepers what don’t worry about it I think that’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever said what there were so many of them I just exploded them all at once still the dumbest thing you ever said to me

Um we really do be out here wait I was here before where I found those diamond oh my God I’m going in circles No what is a SW and why do you want why can’t I saw off I literally just went in a giant hell trying to find diamonds I just go in Giant Circles got I’m getting a lot of iron like mining mining is like in my opinion mining is a bit caling that’s

Why I see you gives me anxiety because I get lost I saw your name not just not few minutes ago name O this place kind of neat it’s like a full-on cave yeah Nothing important down there though which I’m not a big fan of in my opinion in my humble opinion skeletons are M skeletons are annoying mid Secret Tunnel what the hell what is down here oh glowberries CH I think I’m y I think I’m where you were you think or you know come where you were I think I’m in somewhere [ __ ] completely new I don’t like like a big uh Cave that’s where I am right now big giant

Cave giant cave that’s where I am there shooting there is Jesus this is humongous yeah can you understand why I got lost now not really I learned nothing from this and I never will Le how a PVP good though my sword just broke just not that

Good there a good way to get like lots of and [ __ ] though like big caves like this yeah I don’t have a sword but I do have an axe which is just as good or maybe not more I’m grinding iron right now I’m winning life that’s what I’m doing there’s a lava pool

Here A big one like Circle lava pool it’s kind of Cool just to be safe I might do this though I don’t want to you know I’m back where I Was where were you back where I was I wish I knew where that was bro yeah but you seem to fail to give me that your failure fail rping right now as we I think my my view is a bit more since I’m actually getting while you’re just kind of

Running away like a little [ __ ] trying to leave the C oh my so stupid stupid stupid what did you die no why are you saying stupid for then cuz I almost did okay okay Boomer I see torches I’m going to assume assuming makes an ass out of so d

Oh my God I have an iron sword this is new I’ve never had an iron I feel like I’m rich I mean my opinion the stone sword is just as good but whatever what do you okay dog that I got lapis I got cyan lapis which is diamonds wait I got nine

Diamonds I have the same amount as you I have 10 suck my [ __ ] dick okay balls I have not in total I only have one since I stored it in the chest the other but don’t die with your diamonds that be embarrassing I’m literally trying to get out of here come

On you can stay be fine no I’m I’m staying and I’m fun I am very very pain I guess I’m just the better I guess I’m just a better m shut the [ __ ] up I always knew that I always knew it that I would be a better Minecrafter than you when and

Where right now right here no yeah I think so what came from I wish they could see my p though like I’m actually I’m actually dominating this cave right now I’m dominating it two seconds later toxic food was blown up by a creeper I’m doing better than I’m normally like I’m kind of just speed running I mean I do like speed runs so you know how it is wait what I found my amethyst chunk I’m almost home okay mean turn close don’t you remember I had to get home from there I’m trying to trunk torch

Here no I can make a diamond block that’s what I’m going to do then I’m gonna roast you like who has a diamond block uh that’s right I have a diamond block so only leaves you it’s honestly embarrassing not having a diamond shut up idiot shaking my dick shaking my dick

I’m going to starve to death soon got to eat we just at the brink of star sorry I’m not reading chat cuz I want out n nobody nobody probably said anything G am I I think I’m a bit lost come save me no I’m not I want to save you but then I Failed what I made it home fog wow wow wow you’re so lucky I was I was home I’m not this is now my mission to get home probably going to do it faster than you some better than you okay already know where I am yep and right there and okay and yep

The dirt right there exactly where I want where I knew it was and I’m at the bed now I’m at the bed and I’m in the hole and I’m going that was it was that easy you could have done that from the very beginning kind of embarrassing for you

Kia well at least I made it home by myself that’s something I don’t usually do m H I’m proud of myself I’m sure someone else is too what did Scorpio say okay you know like I’m going to read chat but then you so small have you seen the ghost

Story dub excuse me nope no idea um actually chicken is a bird nerd Emoji if this was in real life the with the amount of Spears that was in you you’d be dead thanks for punching me I’m obsessed with these Pokemon honey cookies stop looking the [ __ ] is that dog what the dog

Doing barking what does it look like oh no what does it sound like I can make two iron blocks make an iron probably maybe pretty sure what did you get from the what type of stuff did you get I got like glowberries and bunch of other garbage stinky Among Us bear opinion

Hello can I hug the woman window putting a window um it looks so much better good job pal window wait wait talk kick in the window look at the silly little guy he’s outside that’s exactly where I am how did you know did I I did okay is my skin

Still no it doesn’t work I can’t help but notice did did you take my iron what did you take my iron no you didero woman oh get a lot of that’s a lot of red stone I had like some CDs and a name tag so we could name something if we really wanted

To I can finally get that wherever it is I’ll remember I have a great memory I remember what happened 10 years AG I remember a lot of stuff that’s impressive you can’t get anything if you um if you ever like do anything that you want me to forget

About I can tell you I for I can tell you I forgot I will never I will Never seems like a blessing but it’s mainly a curse honestly mainly a curse there’s stuff I want to forget but I can I like how toxic wants to adopt me because I’m banned from Reddit L that was ages ago no it’s just I want you to be

Like so there’s two toxic foods around kind of cool so if I adopted Scorpio old Scorpio the second version of me it just sounds like pain what yes no it wouldn’t yes it would we would do so much good stuff to so much good non criminal

Axe am I right Lads or am I right lad hey woman huh what woman women Yes hey He calm down Thief you placed it in my house toxic gender bind gender bind gender gender band gender bind what is a under bind I think it’s just a misspelling how is it already night time night time can I blow up your house by the way no please

No once one time only one time not even one time so gritty yeah but what if I were to blow up your house no you can’t do that then why can’t I it was just one Time you’re a woman no no you’re not your boy just a silly little guy you’re trans boy no okay how are you yeah do in the Chocolate Factory 4 hours and six more to go no six hour stream no oh no 10 hour stream how much levels he got I got

15 K come outside Kia is a fanboy but she doesn’t want anybody to know I think C is a girl Wait k has a what K’s a what no I’m not are you k no bendy what are you what are you what are you I’m not a fanboy what are you are you what are you I’m not a Fanboy so you’re born a girl Yes you sure yes get the [ __ ] you’re lying to me why would I lie about that are you a girl yes or no yes oh you disgusting no [ __ ] allowed okay only only joystick what okay hello bendy welcome to the stream we have bleach and

If you ask nicely we’ll give you all of it what did I do scorpion never do that ever again I will flip my goddamn [ __ ] and also probably lock my windows just kidding they nailed shut and K you don’t want I not want to know but I think you can imagine

I think me won’t solve anything clear girl so leave you be get out anyway also you’re my bestie so I wouldn’t do anything to you very good you left but if you’re a fan booy then no if you’re a fanboy then yes but your girl scared to talk about my character

At this point yeah maybe don’t do that excuse me no no h no I got to take my helmet off what did you say no my ear what did you say no no what did you say no no just tell me no repeat repeat it no what did

You say I say the word no what did you what did you say no tell me I want to want to hear what you said no scarpy has a character that is [Laughter] boy hey it back it back hey hey hey calm down I’ll put it

Back I’ll back okay I’m going to burn your house though my friend still my chest but you did say something about some certain person being a what did you say about the F there’s a character what did you say it’s a character it’s real uh-huh that’s it it’s a character that’s a

What a fanboy furry you better War scorpion you better her you better warn her she better block me right now things are going to get that’s what’s going to happen Mom okay I will be right back please do not burn my house down what are you leaving stream again oh my God fine I’m alone with you subscribe to toxic food tox food toxic subcribe button no destion you don’t even think about it honestly just do it what what else what else do I say let’s kill let’s let’s burn her house to be fair she does have a she does have is thinking

Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking she has an Nill she standing still she’s stand I could I could [ __ ] Crush her I’m going to do it no regrets oh uh uh uh Uh um everything will be a okay um let me just perfect perfect wa smoke weed every day might as well um be actually going to the stream and actually so I can be able to see chat you guys are saying which would be kind of important let’s see since I am part of

The train and I have to interact or else it will be boring Kia left me here all alone and unfair so see here afraid that’s in a relationship you think I care you think I care you think I’m car you think I’m care no you think I care bro that’s even better

Honestly even better you know what you know what all that if you’re seeing the V I guess you can skip this part care so tired I don’t want to end the stream yet because that’ll be a dumb thing to do so on being a Losi this what I think of professional

Op that’s what I think hello hi Jesus Christ bro you [ __ ] oh hi by who’s the gay [ __ ] now you to no it’s pointing to no one right now it’s pointing to you hey get out dude let me sleep whoa whoa whoa calm down bro I’m warning you one more time you’re

Done get out me Why do I have to sleep Al genuinely so lonely all can’t catch a shaking my head why is there chicken and [ __ ] oh bro what your mother is dead not you the chicken hi what You’re gonna die one day I hope so anyway y busting I picked it up through the window what the hell how did you do that magic I have no idea just I walked up to the window and I picked it up wow jumping like a Boy where you huh how are you pretty good I know you broke my Anvil oh yeah I definitely didn’t uh play or anything so don’t even ask about that yeah I know cuz I found it in my inventory no that’s just untrue that’s just unfactual quite frankly bigot it say

Puppy guess what I got a puppy no man I got a [ __ ] I you know what I got a ravager got a pet ravager oh my it teleports to me he tele oh my god wow honestly quite frankly it’s good bro bro bro look what I got yo look at

This where is he oh [ __ ] run away oh why is he mad at probably cuz you hit me why is he mad at you no probably cuz you hit me I didn’t hit you yeah he did where’s Kia find her where’s Kia he’s growling at nothing he’s an idiot dumb dog dumb

Poopy he’s angry at me where’s Kia where’s Kia where’s Kia get her go get her go get her rip her apart tear tear up her flesh he loves him now goodg he left he ignored you up here wait you just there is H yes get in my house get in my house

Dog thank you be right here you never going to leave never going to let you leave going to be here forever perfect what do I name him can I get that name tag by the way yeah what do I name him you can pick your name tag UH responsibilities what what happy

Birthday I’m not going to call him responsibility I don’t have name cuz I’m stupid bro why can’t I oh my God it’s doing this dumb glitch just a dumb dumb glitch on oh on are you kidding me what do I name him I don’t know give me a name Todd are you

Serious I don’t have a name I speaking cocka killer to cuz I mean toxic junior is already a thing that’s that’s my frog J the Frog what do I name this man I know let’s call him jail bait no what okay what if I name him Gilbert what if I name zodan

Zodin zodic zodic zodic OIC zodic I’m naming him zodic very nice I don’t have any levels killed me you [ __ ] skank we have an XP farm [ __ ] much level had know many levels huh you know how many [ __ ] levels I had did you my diamond sword why would I do that you did

Many levels I had [ __ ] okay well don’t kill me when I’m mad at you know what you know what you know what where’s my flint and still where is my flint and steel huh that’s what I’m looking for right now where is my flint and steel H where is it Dumb ass I want that XP by the way you did you stole my diamond sword you [ __ ] [ __ ] what would I do that yes yes you would maybe I don’t know I don’t remember I literally saw you no that was your imagination I think you s there’s your imagination imagination Playing Tricks on

You I don’t know how it is See you I’m going to go take a it Is Taking a Nap the fence so that’s great no problem kind of rude you’re Welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome you’re welcome Wh That’s what you are a Professional that’s exactly what I think your kind take a nap no I’ll shoot I’ll shoot you to death f well [ __ ] I’m trying to fix the farm that that you broke you broke it I didn’t break it no okay but I broke it because of all right it’s different you broke it there

You broke it look it’s it was like 60% it was like 70% Your Fault No also for some reason you left your water bucket here well I’m sorry I had a million kill K me brutally no reason at all you killed yeah oh let me in there’s a skeleton did you come did you have an iron sword I have my iron sword okay yours where’s my

Meat give me my meat you you took my meat and gobbl it up you gobbled my meat give me give me give me give me stop it [ __ ] there TW you’re twink it’s worse than a [ __ ] actually it’s better but what IP air who are huh no you’re not coming

In what did you huh some [ __ ] literally just asked IP like first words on the I am Walter White Caps Z zodic zodic or zok what do I call my dog zok exotic [ __ ] which one sounds better I don’t know zok I like Z name your [ __ ] dog I like zok

Okay then name it zock Whopper Junior devil Z CU if you rearrange rearrange the letters rearr you get toxic it’s called zok he’s called zok it’s a it’s a dude it’s a big strong man just like me okay we’re okay go off I guess man power okay okay you’re funny I

Know it’s weird many people don’t think women are kind of so I’ll make an exception for you okay just okay okay sure I have your furnace no wait this is my furnace I have a bunch of trash have a bunch of trash in my inventory it’s probably my trash that you

Ate I did not eat your trash why not cuz I wasn’t hungry not Hungry zok if anything happens is burning your just so you know why my house specifically well CU I if I have a s automatically assume then I auto I don’t know how to speak then I will automatically assume that I’ll will ban you that I will automatically assume that you shut

Up I will automatically assume that you did it okay you’ll be suspect number one well they won’t believe you so gonna die so was slain by toxic food what I’m not going to kill my own dog Al how do you remember its name it’s actually surprising that you

Remember well you said it like 5,000 times already z Oh I thought it wasn’t oh it’s not a z that’s [ __ ] Z it’s Zed like if you if you change letters supp talk I’m so smart and creative and all that Z hey K come outside Tito come outside yeah Tito come

Outside [ __ ] I did it dude I I did good I did good that was so pathetic [ __ ] you [ __ ] anyway I’m GNA fill out this map and then I’ll be back again because it’s larger your ass is [ __ ] larger what in a what what where all no

Idea dog something that sounds like a viking God I’ll have you know Vikings are cool they rap people Vikings no Vikings in ancient times they you know raided killed ate raped you know they’re not that cool oh yep it’s like you’re a fan of rapist that’s what you’re saying the Vikings for Mad

Rapist wait what no no no no no oh my I accidentally made White die I I’m the dumb I’m a dumb little guy from this I’m farming potatoes not to get potatoes but to get a poisonous potato what’s the chance of getting a poisonous potato from farming I don’t

Know like zero and 100 oh no well you’re supposed to know you [ __ ] I’m kind of breaking your farm on accident I stomping on it where is the where’s bro where’s Bro like I said I’m feeling up which way did you go went towards the jungle biome wait if you build new if you build new stuff will’ll it appear on the map yeah will yeah are you sure yes if it’s big enough it’ll show up shut up shut up what you laughed

What I’m just laughing man what’s the problem can’t even laugh anymore it’s day and age why did you make an diamond axe cuz I wanted to it’s kind of not nice But dude I’m genely curious like how this the stream I’ve said this before but like I want to see like the pretty sh it’s um it’s been five hours holy [ __ ] I found a village five more to go did Yeahs cords what um give me cords okay all right yeah you don’t know

Yet 704 78 11 that’s it yeah yeah you smell like poop you are Poop F you’re spreading here can I steal where you’re gone no please no be a happy boy if you do if you let me I’ll be the happiest boy on on Earth Earth a lot of pumpkins Earth your mom is a pumpkin Cinderella you laugh at that hell is wrong with you everything

Is wrong with me true agre what did I even ask exactly Kitty what am I supposed to do compliment you noat a cat is that what you did but y bagger you found a cat you kak Kaka Cat part two forgot about this like um it’s a jungle temple we have right we

Lally have a pet in here to remember a p plant forgot what what his name was but it he had a name too there’s a what did you get the cat can I don’t have a fishing rod um you can just kill fish you can just kill fish and that’s like that

True adopt e the cat thank you adopt I have a dog to want a cat copy cat the Hellat kitty cat hello I’ve come for your [ __ ] kill the iron go okay when you die defin like background music by the no I don’t usually the poor people have to watch the Stream what type of Village is it is it ples yeah oh I see it killed the Golem don’t common win

Can don’t kill the villagers we can use we make an iron farm true oh my God you’re right y I’m always right hold here he is he’s here howy neighbor howy neighbor I don’t know why but make an army of exal in Minecraft sounds about right I already

Know how to make an iron form but I’ve seen one that’s like really simple with like campfires remember don’t hit me you [ __ ] bro was watching you sleep eat the cat hello minty midy midy minty minty man it was is that a desert [ __ ] yeah I can get cactus hello hi Jesus I didn’t I don’t think did you hear me

That when I was talking did you hear me no zero I didn’t hear you either oh I found a desert yo where where um where did you find the desert hold on I’ll go back to the in a second you killed the Golem yeah yeah I did that’s surprising yeah where were

You I don’t see any blocks I just saw P sheep like a natural pink sheep y clipped that’s is that rare yeah that is rare apparently the the baby pink sheep are even rare but you know like if you see a baby one it’s it’s like amazing okay I’m back at the

Village I’m stealing all these cold RS I’m going to be a witch actually no you’re the Witch of the Woods The Witch of the woods you’re going to be a going to be the Witch of the woods but more bro uh in a cave cave I don’t see your tag

Anywhere uh [ __ ] oh there I see it never mind my thing is being kind of weird like talk hi like I can only hear you from my right ear for some y oh the wire wasn’t completely in the headphone wire wasn’t completely in I was like what that was weird how you doing Hi got cus how desert where’s the where’s the pink sheap you said it’s not that way turn around you’re completely ignoring me where are you I don’t see you oh my god hi hi onwards wait you can see see your skin on the stream you can see your skin

No I can see your skin oh that’s nice if only I could like a screenshot if you want te skin again put put it in the next thumbnail like get take a screenshot from the diamond block put in the next thumbnail get clickbait just got Diamonds the Ping ship was like somewhere we got diamonds like a while ago true we got diamonds like a while ago that’s oh there it is there it is there it is pink sheep are you sure are you sure didn’t just dye it I didn’t dye

It I don’t have any pink dye on me I don’t have any flowers that pink either bro what is this what is this [ __ ] cave here yo I’m playing with fire right now you following them one Fallen I’m dead please don’t fall in yeah don’t worry I’ll be fine if you say so Buster I’m a pro Minecrafter toxic food Never Dies bro you should know this by now coup might actually go down there got to

See what’s up maybe diamonds down there can’t see anything though probably probably probably not I like how there’s a single tree in there where are you I don’t see you I’m like I never entered the cave I just want to fill out the map and

Then go home but if you want to explore that you can grinding for iron right now bro there’s so much [ __ ] in here no Diamonds Though Diamond I like danger it’s pretty fun to be fair TBF how are you winning why do you keep stealing all my catchphrases by the way I just said one word yeah well I say winning you can’t say it also winning like what are you doing winning like that’s what I do that’s what I say I say I’m winning you can’t do that

And you know you’re doing it too don’t try and deny it you know you’re doing it what am I doing stealing my cat no yeah no mhm no yeahuh no I think so n Yeah Can you see me like scaling up this wall no not even looking in the hole you’re right cuz I left yo another Village what’s your luck with these bro what the hell it’s a desert one too I’m in the desert part okay green bed don’t forget where our house is

Though I’m not forgetting I took the map with me why do you think I okay well you’re PR for getting yo two diamonds getting lost two diamonds what in a chest yes hey I mean there’s two of us right there there’s there’s two of us right don’t worry I’ll

Share you that’s actually surprising thought you hated me I don’t hate you well I About That Yo actually found like an actual proper cave it’s full of water that’s water cave those are annoying cuz like you can’t [ __ ] bre obviously that’s why they are annoying no they’re just annoying cuz you know

You get all wet ear than that it’s fine sure you have a you have a bed there right uh no do I kill the Iron Golem again well there’s beds in the village so you can just do that yeah um yes wait for daytime like okay wait for

Daytime okay I’m going to go take an up in the village for kind of forgot where the village was so that’s not ideal oh there it Is million houses I wonder where the villages I wonder huh H he’s sleeping in my bed again this idiot night I mean it’s his bed but it’s Tech this is a robbery yeah yeah that’s true any others all right don’t worry I’m coming over I’m going to go save you you don’t

Need saving but I’m going to save you anyway just to show okay there’s so many cats oh you can get a cat you can get a cat Army wait which way do I going the wrong way um there pumpkins here something strange in the neighborhood we going to call

Ghostbusters can you come get me I don’t know where to go okay coming back killing your kind here absolutely slaughtering them this [ __ ] piggy boy kill them sheep boy do sheeps go b or me oh PR goats go oh wait no I I know where to go it’s a

Giant [ __ ] Ravine so I I think I know where to go yeah dude what’s down there I almost took fall damage that’s online know where’s the boy huh oh don’t worry I’m coming over you don’t the boy here comes the boy The boy is still coming heading back to the Village so where are you Going where’s Cactus here found pillagers I see your tag best oh we don’t have milk here do we no are they not shooting at me you’re just staring at me menacingly can they not see me I don’t know they’re just standing there menacingly stand off of a century

It’s been five hours kak yeah I know yo go bad Omen yeah that sounds about right if you go into a village it’s going to start a raid ah want to do a raid no can you come can you go um can you go get can you go get

Me some milk and bring it back no go do it no be a good person I don’t want to be a good person I’m too lazy to be a good person because you hate me you me with there’s an arrow in your eye ah how did I not notice that

Um what happens when I if I go for Village bad Omen it’s that bad it just means you’re gonna start a village raid that’s usually what happens can we handle that yeah we’ll be all right maybe we could get some emeralds out of it no I don’t know what to talk about

They’ve got those fat they got those little ghost thingies and no the vexes they shouldn’t spawn vindicators they usually spawn ravagers and other [ __ ] I’m just throwing [ __ ] don’t worry about it you don’t have to pick it up they were giving it to me like what the

Hell I do have a crossbow now well that’s nice he wants some Arrows with it with no arrows yeah uhuh don’t sure that’s what I want how much is how yo 23 23 each you come back come back come back come here I have presents what there you go I love

You where do I put it though I don’t just keep it what if I die with it you’re not going to die with it you sure even if we lose the raid we can just run and say [ __ ] it we can’t do it no more well we we don’t have keep

Inventory yeah that’s true we got to set our spawn there yeah I have um more than enough wool so it’s fine um we can make beds right now if you want the village is we’re almost at the Village yeah see there it is yeah we’re going to start the raid there yeah you

Really BR come I mean we could we could just send set start the raid at like the bed yeah just start the raid and quickly spawn it takes like a few seconds to start it okay so where is the nearest bed here okay hold on I’ll go in and get a

Bed well we can just sleep in a village house okay okay I got bed we we do have the Iron Golem yeah I didn’t kill the Golem yet there you go they have those um little axe guys though which going to be a pain the guy

That runs with you with an axe yeah the vator oh [ __ ] did you set your I didn’t okay I did It what did do there oh Lord they coming they’re here oh this guy just got [ __ ] shady bro it got emo Outside uhhuh oh [ __ ] there’s so much [ __ ] in here Settle where are they I don’t know the Golem isn’t really doing anything oh there they there I see him you see him quick get on the camel wait we have a saddle you know we you know what we wait can you get on the camel with me yes it’s two player come on

Yo Yo I can even it let’s [ __ ] go come on [ __ ] we got a battle camel I can’t really See yeah who is the cler now [ __ ] oh D just go in third person oh you also have a bow yeah I got a bow dude we’re winning the [ __ ] raid this is so ra did I just start another raid no it’s got multiple waves to it oh

No wait there’s going to be the did you see what I did yes dude C are so cool there they are there they are there they are they’re probably where [ __ ] I can’t tell if I hit him can’t see [ __ ] the Golem’s kind of doing all the work there’s two Golems oh [ __ ] wait it’s killing my cam that’s not good oh [ __ ] don’t let it kill you just hit the go wait I don’t think it can get you wait Can it uh I’m sorry Golem I’m sorry we’re sorry we’re sorry calm down calm down we’re sorry we won’t do it again

The come back quick you piece of [ __ ] come back oh my God they’re they’re big guys now they’re big guys they’re big guys oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God why would you do this to me there big guys there’s big guys I might die on the

C the camel dud the camel is going to die what do you feed camels apples well get some apples and feed it I think there’s some in the blacksmith where’s the Blacksmith get okay get in there get in there and go get in there and go oh where are you be careful

What there’s witches yes they’re part of the raid oh [ __ ] ah there’s [ __ ] are you sure we’re going to win this yeah are you sure we’re going to win this yeah wait no the C is dead stop worrying about the camel well I’m dying I’m dead as dying as you speak oh my

God why am all the way over here this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad this is bad are you even killing the raid yes where are you come back to me I miss you are you doing that with the Bell no villagers are the villagers are like

Panicking I heard them spawn I see you hi the camel is dead by the way that’s fine you know there’s always going to be another for your information the cam is dead I think I got some of your stuff you did mhm surprised you got like your Axe and not your

Axe either that or oh [Applause] [ __ ] don’t accidentally hit the Golem that’s a Death Wish yeah I know I’m trying to oh my God I’m trying not to hit the villagers as well oh my dude good things there so many oh that’s okay that’s a magic boy that’s magic Jesus

What you got you got fumbled you got fumbled by [ __ ] I found my [ __ ] I’m going need to set okay I need to set my spawn where you set your [ __ ] hell where’s The Vindicator piece of [ __ ] thank you Iron Golem thank you iron daddy you love Iron

Daddy we we won we won yo we won easy first try no [Applause] deaths honestly that was easier than I expected it to be it usually is I just hate the X guun guys we get better trades now yeah you didn’t even get any totems though no I

Got a totem I got a totem did yeah did you waste it no I got it waste it I still have it look okay keep it on you forever don’t ever use it Jesus Christ I kind of want to talk I got so much stuff em sorry I was just reading

Chat what what’s been saying in chat that’s your iron pickaxe by the way in the water floating away as we speak uh you want oh we got emeralds from that didn’t we yeah we did like from those a guys I three Saddles huh I got three

Saddles no but how much um emeralds do you have I don’t have any emeralds you picked them up I can’t okay we hero of the village y we’re getting dude we’re getting so many achievements I even got who’s the Pillager now I got give a Pillager a taste of their own

Medicine dude I’m really happy we didn’t run any into any of those like um Mammoth guys or whatever they’re called the raveners yeah we did I saw one yeah but like I didn’t have to fight any of them pretty sure iron daddy killed them for us yeah it

Did we got but we have like two Iron Golems good thing you didn’t kill any of them I didn’t yeah I feel like another one like spawn cuz there was one before Oh Emerald string can make a fishing Unbreak oh no that’s BS you have any coal no what

The did he just throw me a golden axe yo villagers can do that he just threw me a golden axe oh that’s right they throw rewards at you sometimes they’ll uh drop stuff in front of them if you have hero of the village yeah that’s cool like the

Babies we got like free armor in this chest oh free in this chest pretty cool dude he the village is actually really cool to have so you got cactuses now right yeah I got Cactus why do we need cactuses for green dye what do we need cactus green dye

I got a lot of I just comboed that [ __ ] creeper dude I feel like so strong now pick up my Cactus I just feel like I feel like we can do anything like let’s go beat the Ender Dragon what the hell did you pick up my Cactus um no

[ __ ] that’s fine I can get more there’s a million [ __ ] cactuses here bro yeah I know but I have C there’s literally a million where’s my Cactus there a million there’s a million Cactus around where’s my Cactus where’s my Cactus are there only two [ __ ] villagers in

This Village wait if I have hero of the village here does that mean I also have it in the other Village yes it as long as you have the um dude let’s go there let’s go to the other Village and get some rewards too that was pretty nice though I like

That I like um we like we dominated that ra we dominated it do we dominated that [ __ ] raid okay so you want to go back to the other one which way is it wait we have a bed there indicates which way I bed that indicates which way is It I I didn’t even know I had that much stuff on me but I got killed and then I went to the lake that I died in and literally it was like a stack of items there also bro do you know how many [ __ ] witches there were there there were so

Many like I I walked up right I was going to kill some guys and then there were literally 30 witches on me like I couldn’t do anything there were 30 witches you saw that right yeah killed like two my arrow luckily the AI is stupid and the pillagers literally killed The Villages

For you I mean the [ __ ] com take your time the V the pillagers the pillagers Kill The Witches for you the villagers the pill the pillagers kill the the witches for you yes yes Iron Golem killed them also it’s a shame our camel that was so [ __ ] cool we rode into

Battle [ __ ] C just Obliter we should have screamed into what you think you can [ __ ] take us we start [ __ ] killing start [ __ ] crossing cross boring at them on the but someone didn’t feed the cam time and I tried also someone hit the Iron Golem and got killed yeah I wonder who that

Was you just picked it up I don’t know what you picked up but you picked it up buffer fish what do we do with it I mean you can make water you can make don’t eat it we can make uh water breathing potions with puffer fish o oh then we can go

Um we can um what’s called kill the Guardians yes and then get sponge watera why do we need sponge just clear SpongeBob squs who lives in a pineapple under the sea I got you kid I want to see if a cat will accept my three pieces of fish are you ready

Kids I am I can’t hear you where are all the cats I can’t hear you [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] you have PTSD from the [ __ ] R you like you’re actually startled when I hit you you have pdsd from the raid Kitty like almost almost had a heart attack when I

Hit you with the purle yeah pdsd from the RA bro from getting killed by IR Golem Kitty you got to you got to let it come to you yeah I know shifting helps it hates you stop hating me accept my love can cat can cats teleport to you as well yes stop running

Well stop moving towards it it’ll come to you when it’s ready oh my God you did what’s its name you have a name tag another one no is that a coral oh that’s cool you can find ex no I don’t need those funny thing is I still have hero of the

Village yeah we could if we wanted to uh go to that and get some trays and [ __ ] get some trades going go on then follow me I’m not following there two pillagers having um there’s two pillagers having sex right there so that’s concerning not pillagers by the way you said there was

A Pillager Outpost or something no no there isn’t I haven’t seen one yet Why are you attacking me I just hit you calm down grow up get a life genuinely what the hell I’m probably going to take a bed from the village so we can actually sleep while we take two walk huh take two please where are you no Idea just brutally broke his bed in front of Him can’t see your tag anywhere yeah cuz I Left which way did you go the wrong way or the right way If you have a bed there Tak do you not have a bed there no oh God where did you go which way did you go towards the bad lands at least no but then you went the wrong way yeah I know go back to the Village yeah know I’m coming back to

The you lost going to me so mad I have the map we could we should probably set like some banners here like two or something probably yeah I was here taking a nap in P but then a hus came over and hit me and I’m hungry now I’m a hungry boy where are

You coming back you absolute come you absolute C dubster disappointed in you you’re not my [ __ ] daughter anymore what I mean you’re not my what are you you’re not my big sister anymore oh okay leave n j Jer okay I’m back at the village these two guys are like raping me in my

Sleep like these two villagers are kind of rap my sleep right now one is raping my ass the other is shoving his Cog down my throat what you heard me I Know What You Did where’s bro found bro oh [ __ ] we should head back now where’s your cat right there yeah yeah yeah No what I didn’t do anything I just jumped with an axe in my hand in front of It follow me [ __ ] princess Lilith the Thir kind of ass are you sipping um I got that uh GMA milkshake in my veins this isn’t where I’m supposed to go heit where do I go from here I know where to go oh there’s a creepy boy let your cat scare the creeper are you following or not come on

I’ll leave you behind if you don’t where are you oh my God I see the boy hi I see the girl hi hi hi you’re kind of hard to me your all neon green hold on come on come on what’s its name the cat I don’t know

Like what are you going to name it I don’t know what are you going to name I don’t know no then the cat’s name is no I don’t don’t [ __ ] know I have name like is my guy’s name is um I I forgot what his name was exotic or

Something zok zic Z name zok zok probably do something like that pretty cool of matching animal names but not really but kind of good morning USA feeling be morning us wonderful days there’s the other Village I don’t even live in the USA no we got like free [ __ ] here too right

Yeah we’re like well known across the across the lands for the village helpers The Village Savers it’s a shame we killed their iron golem and none of them are here because they didn’t want to it’s a farmer ah ah yes the best Traer in the world the best villager type the Farmer Joe

Beany did you find any of the villagers or no just going home I’m just going home I want home plus my mom’s calling me you know where it at oh no don’t leave me alone if your stream again come on how do you and he was never seen again I love doing

That oh where are you going dude dud doesn’t matter you can keep it No plus I have to take the C teleport are you serious yeah that’s dumb I just have to follow you yeah it’s kind of like a real hey wait for for Me okay literally I break the boat and literally sinks to the bottom of the [ __ ] world SS to the very bottom of the [ __ ] ocean I have to go get if you were a boy what would your name be kaj H C Josh C kaj yes okay is that a name yeah KJ

That’s a real name I don’t know I just made it up yeah that’s a real name no I don’t know anyone named kaj pretty cool kitty pretty cool name okay bye I’ll be right back I’m going to kill our cat I’m going to kill her cat I’m goingon to kill her

Cat I’m gon to kill her cat oh her cat oh my God I know I would do that I mean kind of I mean maybe that’s so cute I God maybe later all right now look at a little heading on oh my God that’s the cutest thing I’ve ever seen who’s your

Kitty who’s a kitty who’s a little kitty kitty kitty kitty you’re a little kitty and I’m going to kill you I know you can [ __ ] hear me [ __ ] TW a kitty cat now the stream is accomplished it’s not oh my God why the hell is it turning that’s kind of dumb still have

Hero of the village hi Z do who’s your puppy who’s your puppy take a nap can’t take a nap unfair Advantage zok is best boy if you think anything else you’re just just BL me wrong and you failed to admit you’re wrong which is even worse so yeah that’s my take on

This good morning us night time good night USA good night what’s this little Skylight I have good m o r n n g I wish K was here she’s um not here so which means I can do some offensive [ __ ] and I can get away with it oh my

God I’m so happy happy ever been happiest I’ve ever been right now caught in real life no faking no nothing genuinely happycore food oh my God not depressed uncore food oh my God dude I have a crossbow now a crossbow I have a crossbow now oh my

God who’s the [ __ ] Pillager now Bo huh huh who [ __ ] now huh [ __ ] hit him all right I should probably stop doing that no I should probably stop dying dying is kind of uncool dude where is K to the A to the T to the Y to the a to the Y no

That k k so it’s a j yeah yeah yeah yeah like that like yeah like like a like from the never on okay hello K C finally you’re here hi finally you’re here took you long enough I’m here yes read the chat by the way yeah you

Just said my name but like a lot no like the stream chat oh you haven’t been reading it ever well the last message was how and then emo I already read the chat by the way can you turn Chat replay on yeah it’s always when you finish the

Stream it’s always on it’s not it’s not but it usually is yeah well sometimes it’s not and I want to see the Cher play okay make sure does chat replay then oh by the way come on so I can’t help but notice you didn’t even say

Anything on the no I didn’t you you made a little pa that’s nice who’s the skeleton now [ __ ] huh can I get sniper though from this yeah can’t it didn’t get sniper though false advertising it’s if you’re further away you get sniper duel that’s kind of unfair for the skull yeah away

Um we have four Saddles so if you want one you can take one by the way what I would maybe do is like maybe put like a little desk here put like a flower pot or something maybe a little bit decoration the front of the window be kind of like um most people

Have that like um a window shelf you know what that is window shelf I almost did a stupid the cat’s pretty cute kitty show me the map by the way yeah hold on the map I only have 12 levels because I died how many levels do you have I have

Eight dude when we started I had 16 CL 12 just how old reptopia is 12 man is a baby I just want the cactus to go hello this was kind of just a place to grow everything look at the [ __ ] B look at the goddamn

Bamboo we have a whole B we have a whole just Forest here honestly item can I make an item frame yes I can I need sticks there it Is all right there’s the map so far calm down a no same guy no it’s a different guy dude bro what a good math bro it’s um it’s it’s it’s so finished oh no [ __ ] it’s not finished considering it’s a big map we still need

A [ __ ] ton to finish it so yeah that means we can just have like a million build builds everywhere yeah just have a giant [ __ ] land of stuff we know about cuz we were kind of conf before we kind of confined space actually go over here

Here um why do people keep asking for IP because I want to play but like this is not for People if that makes sense it’s only for it’s only for people we know yeah so randoms ask for example scorpion wanted to play scorpion could play if scorpion wanted to play scorpion could I’ll let scorpion because scorp is actually like part of like our friend group you basically just got be part of

Our friend group like we got to like know you to actually let you in but we don’t know you quite frankly quite frankly I don’t want to know you I hate new people I hate new people go away You if we had who else would probably uh probably Sushi who El would probably be Let like some like kind of like um unpopular people like for example Ashley the fox is it a fox for his name Ashley though right asy is nice I would let Ashley in I mean Ashley’s your as’s your friend I would not let DJ Arison oh like never

Fair enough probably burn my base down 100% yeah I Harley in I Guess that’s honestly surprising look Harley look me and Harley are kind of look we have a yeah G say what I’ve told you i’ like you don’t need to know you don’t need to know I think you know I think you know enough I think you know enough I think I

Think you know um you heard enough you heard enough when my mic was muted you heard enough much I didn’t need to know the much but I know too much she knows the much she knows the much I don’t want to know but know I triple I triple dog dare to jump no

Nerd you do it then I’m gonna go take a piss take a piss oh sick kind of want to make one of my characters Ginger fluid for some similar to Loki and they were gender fluid so I mean you could do that it’s kind of hard to do gender fluid

Characters because you know they’re fluid so it’s kind of hard to do both I know it’s possible but I don’t see that many characters gender fluid so it would be nice to see more representation um oh [ __ ] can you help can help help help help help help help help help

What I miss you what a dumb ass anyway I’m back hi welcome back I’m like screaming for help and the dumbest thing ever there are shap shifter that can control people like a puppet with their shadow that was like one of my first emo characters that I still kept because I

Like them that’s a cool concept actually it’s so emo it’s kind of weird how I own the server but you’re the only one who streams on it yeah I don’t stream though like ever yeah like never ever you know what would be kind of cool

What if someone made like a m like our Minecraft crime list like for this server like all the crimes we committed on This Server like our our Minecraft characters oh I haven’t committed arson yet yes you have threaten threatening arson you have have I yeah you burnt my house

You have actually burnt my house and I was like no no did I yeah you did I did it was a long time ago I didn’t burn it to the ground though no it didn’t burn ground cuz I was there I was like stopping it from burning and you kept trying to light

It I don’t think I did that you did I remember it I think I remember wrong bro that was probably like a dream or something no no yeah sleep I’m sleeping night night I can change the banner from pink to Lime now good that’s possible yeah do it

Change it yeah you just have to break the banner no you didn’t map is still the same oh wait wait a minute no hold on on bro jump in the catalog anything you want you deserve it baby you deserve it wow [Laughter] I’m it’s funny when are we going to use this

Alleyway Alleyway by the way we just have Alle you made you want my shears yeah well your shears that I stole yeah can I have you want your shirs back yes please God dang it go where I put them there oh man you want it good our delivery service did you drop them

Oh I didn’t even drop him yet I didn’t even drop you’re already man was excited for the [ __ ] Che bro I was ready I need you to burp on the sheep again what you burp on the sheep again this didn’t happen on stream though they don’t know what you’re talking I know

But I’ll try oh [ __ ] okay no girl back in about a minute okay you’re welcome thank you that’s I burped on two at once if you saw you can probably explain what that means now yeah okay success y so good at my job amazing you’re welcome no you want it again you

Want round two no that’s enough the burping job has been [Laughter] complete is anyone even in the Stream oh it says No why why are you so unpopular like at least 100 people should be watching you come on yeah when a going to break in the views [ __ ] oh scorp is here we the one the one is here the one viewer the one loyal viewer you have except okay there we

Go try to get you in the boat like an ender this is what happens to Enderman you kill end I won’t kill you I won’t kill you you did you did you see my sign yes I saw the sign it’s very nice sign you can see it every day when you wake

Minecraft in Minecraft you can see it every day wake up look left and you know bing bing show me the map Green though oh cool you want to make it larger yeah that’s what I was trying to do before that’s why I was going in like One Direction F just kiss your cat

Adorable what if I burp on your cat will I grow more hair just grow more Fier I’ll try all right it’ll grow longer whiskers since I bur face gr long whiskers it loves me it’s looking at me oh my it loves me look at it your cat loves Me did you know cats actually H it’s been six hours just four more just four more left oh my god did you know that cats actually have a preference to gender cats actually like males more cats actually like boys more oh I wonder why you think it was the other way

Around it goes the other way around no dude even its color is green or lime how do you even make lime you have the Green Cactus dye and then you put white and then you make it green do you have more grain Cactus no I don’t have oh the cactus actually grew

So I can actually make more so I can uh make my dog dark grain yeah you’re light Gren and I’m dark Gr Jesus Christ can you hear the [ __ ] singing Jesus I can actually in the background Jesus for a while forther head can of voice was Funtime Freddy for some reason but not robotic most of their relatives have and stuff meanwhile he has like destruction boners and the ability to

Control people boners shut up idiot dogs actually prefer female people because they prefer how their voice sounds fun fact so it’s literally a swapsies cat cats prefer boys apparently dog is a man’s best friend yeah I guess it’s the other way around dogs are [ __ ] women’s best friend doesn’t matter

They I’m sure they’d love you regardless zedox I love zedox give me a kiss wa I kissed your cat but I didn’t mean kiss my dog what the hell I’m lowkey offended come kiss my dog okay the dog hello where is he where is he right

There he sh you kissed his ass I pushed him I didn’t mean to you kissed his ass what the hell he was like turning right here he were like kissed his goddamn ass what the hell mean come come here come here no come back I’m [ __ ] at me what I’m going to

[ __ ] at you wherever I [ __ ] want a [ __ ] at you anyway um you like the little hanging chest thing I did see you stole my glass that’s my glass Oh I thought you stole my glass do you like the Skylight thing though I like it it’s really nice in

Here yeah I want it to be comfy comfy cuz like you know the song that’s like treeh house yeah like what do you think of my treeh house is where I sit and talk really loud usually I’m all by myself I’m the captain but you can be my

Deputy glad you think that I’m so funny I don’t know rest Hello you’re just quiet I had an itch ah why are you sleeping how did you get down there motherf a speed run speed Runner what does a door way is that the same as a door it’s just a door a place for a door but there’s no

Door so it’s like the shape of a door man I’m dead deceased [ __ ] gone dead I’ll be dead I literally had signs but I made Some wait wait wait toxic would you like some glowberries coming off your house H would you like some glowberries coming off your house glowberries I have glowberries you can place them on ceilings what you could place them on ceilings on Cobble St can yeah you like my little sign he’s so

Angry I like using signs do you have any glow ink sacks t H put on the other one put Cobble there oh actually and if you let them grow they’ll have they’ll actually grow more berries and you can place more I don’t know if you can place them on Slabs Question who found character scores dead was it character toxic or Kana was just a me some random person it was toxic that found the corpse okay I’m the one who like revived Scorpio right yeah I just have two useless chains coming out of my coming off of my house do not enter how do you make a Painting pain I can actually make one yeah it’s just one wool and just sticks why is there classical violin music in the background it’s probably just Minecraft music oh no that’s coming from toxic sand uhhuh playing the violin in this [ __ ] You like it I kind of didn’t notice it at first it was kind of like background noise and that’s all I Heard mother your mother is a sorry but it’s True Spee speech Michael Jackson am I Alone yo what’s good stream me and you again yeah yeah you already know the Dr subscribe to to all that Up good um yeah kind of winning the entire game that [ __ ] Pillager that’s Great it was great got a cross Bro it’s goinge spee I’m just quiet stream feel Like H that’s playing classical Have like a hidden room kind Of okay dear KD a KD A Douglas KDA Douglas hello hi k k What hi Katie that ain’t me you sure Yeah are you if you’re not Katie is know me hm you know Me do I yes do I know you yes are you sure yep come to my house what come to my house or I’ll stab you like I stabbed Peter gr and Peter gry hi oh okay hey no no no no no come back come back you literally blocked the entrance hi

Just I jumped on your face for a second come on in what are you f painting yep so in the way door though I know it’s supposed to be like that it’s supposed to like hide the door you’re trying to make a secret room yeah well the secret room is right

There it’s like covered in sign make it look like it’s a wall it’s like boarded off you can walk through it because it’s Minecraft boarded off the room cuz it’s my bedroom usually in a treehouse you don’t have a bed you don’t have a bed room was basically just a place to chill

Not really a place to sleep my bedroom is kind like bored but I can walk through it since Minecraft what do you think my dog the dog not on the butt kiss it on the on the face dog have meat wow you tried so hard with that kiss bro bing bing

Binging my life just flashed before my eyes what I went to punch glass but then I remembered there’s a Creeper down There not anymore K Dog yo we got melons and pumpkin piece of [ __ ] you like Cactus parkour cacus you’re gonna be mad Why no how dare you he grew his first pumpkin and you killed him okay rude that’s oh so when you kill a chicken that when you kill a baby chicken that’s fine but I kill one dumb pumpkin and oh and the villain yeah it’s fine I got over it good are you

Serious you put the [ __ ] on your house as well copy I put it on there before I talk to you about it then I don’t know I don’t know what you are then you need me to burp on the sheep you need me to burp on the sheep

No don’t punch the pig I Just sh that I just shoved that egg inside the pig’s [ __ ] egg just shov that one Pig one egg it’s like two girls one cup with one Pig one you’re hurting me why are you trying to breed the pig there’s no other Pig here yeah I know

Just wanted to feed him so why I F like it how triple dog dare you to walk in front of a creeper and let it explode on you a triple dog dare you there’s no creepers but when there is how you do it see what happens kind of got Christmas colors here now for the Sheep green and

Red ah y your favorite holiday Kia CHR your favorite holiday what why are you hitting me hit the Sheep is J or Bedrock it’s um Java it’s jav Brock it’s a new version it’s like Java and bedrock at the same time hey Car hey who hey whoa whoa whoa whoa

Whoa why are you hitting me you hit me first what would I do that to you yes that’s right oh no help me my little brother is watching a ski toilet strangle into to death oh yes SK me toilet I don’t even know what that is it’s like a series it’s like the

G thing right it’s a g mod man default and it’s like very you’ve seen the skib the guy and he like Jiggles his stomach or whatever yeah that guy if I felt that one I thought that one it’s got that guy audio because I thought that was that I

Thought that was what sky was yeah I didn’t know it was some guy made that AIO and turned it into a I prer I prefer a belly toilet series that what why is it a toilet it’s just the head of the characters from Gmod halflife in toilets yeah but why toilets I don’t

Know what type of sick twisted [ __ ] with do what type of maniac and it’s turned into like a whole series like it’s just YouTube shorts but a series there’s no words other than skiy D yes yes yes I think that’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard yeah it’s it’s a [ __ ] show

That’s all I got that’s all you ever get yes I got free gifts for you you have offerings what are the offerings honestly mainly trash Oh Boy hey come to the UPS um Place hi I’ve come to pick up my package oh boy you’re welcome I need to find drip Stone

Because the cauldron could actually be useful we could get INF lava because I wanted to give it to you because you know you’re the Witch of the woods welcome to the witch’s cauldron what your children will be boiled Alive also people are drawing questionable stuff of the TV head people why why are people drawing weird [ __ ] of the skibby toilet series skibby toilet that word is it’s like blood I hated blood but then I started using it for a short while but then I stopped what this wrong blood is

Gay imagine that I would never do that I’m straight with Benefits okay calm down yeah yeah like you’re defending me yeah I don’t know what I’m supposed to say to that good job well you know I am you literally told me I am yeah you thought of

It I give all the credit to um Kia for benefits pretty funny the K invented it hi welcome to the crib ah I’m glad you made it feel at Home the sacrifice shall commence this is like a toilet right calm down Cal you just fall I Tred to hit you I just fall into [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] nerd P of [ __ ] come here you can’t out PVP the boy hey oh calm now I’ll PVP your mom what was

That running away like a coward P [ __ ] you you have a diamond axe I only have IR did you have seven white wall by the way yes okay it’s somewhere rude took my [ __ ] Pepperoni Sam my [ __ ] is almost broken again my Aon is at home can I borrow some of your iron yeah go for it I have heaps God I’m so like I have enough iron it’s but it’s at home God I’m so scared that people start to make questionable art of my

Characters especially how most of them are teenagers already been doing that though so we could do like maybe like be okay we could do we could do maybe like a little mini challenge like try and get like all of the achieve or like not all of them but like most of

Them like I already got like a lot like tell you got um I have Minecraft stone age getting an upgrade fire Hardware hot stuff is an iron pick diamonds suit up not today thank you best friends forever the pars and the bats uh city place we got Take Aim Monster Hunter

Hero of the village voluntary Exile you also have hero of the village though yeah got all bedy and got who’s the Pillager now um then we got sweet dreams and that’s it what are your achievements I don’t got much read it to me I don’t want to read it and weep

No I don’t want to read kind of want to play Minecraft then go play some Minecraft who said that Scrapy who right mind would say that scorpion play with us I don’t I think scy has it on the phone oh FL my house what happens if I get

Your [ __ ] wet no I get your [ __ ] it’s wet I just got your [ __ ] [ __ ] wet nerd I just got [ __ ] wet what the f what what are you saying I said what the [ __ ] why I just got your cat what his cats hate water so yeah I know I get

It I got your [ __ ] wet it’s been seven hours three more to go no I’m not doing 10 hour stream that’s enough for the night come on no at least 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream I’m not doing it for a whole 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream 8 Hour

Stream 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream 8 Hour stream 8 hour stream8 hour stream8 hour stream no you ended it no not yet I haven’t done my thing yet oh okay bye subscribe to toxic food subscribe to toxic

Food is it is it ended for those of you stay here the who stayed here till the end of the thing go on I appreciate you I appreciate you even those even though who said hi who said hi I also truly appreciate you I also truly appreciate you have a good

Day go to the description of the stream night whatever time I Dre no kindly click on the toxic Food Channel and kindly [ __ ]

This video, titled ‘Minecraft streaming: survival server no cheats. ft Toxic_Food’, was uploaded by Katja Cowface on 2023-11-11 17:48:25. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 07:01:44 or 25304 seconds.

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    Zeddy's Wild Minecraft Cart Showcase Minecraft Mod Showcase: NiftyCarts & AstikorCarts Redux Exploring the vast world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of the NiftyCarts and AstikorCarts Redux mods. These mods bring a whole new level of functionality and creativity to the game, allowing players to enhance their gameplay experience in unique ways. Features of NiftyCarts Mod: The NiftyCarts mod introduces a variety of new carts that players can use to transport items, animals, and more. From the versatile Handcart to the sturdy Supply Cart, each cart serves a specific purpose and adds a new dimension to transportation in Minecraft. Key… Read More

  • Conquering Minecraft’s 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges

    Conquering Minecraft's 10 Toughest Mobile Challenges I Tried Minecraft’s 10 Hardest Challenges In Mobile Embark on a thrilling journey as Keshew13 takes on Minecraft’s toughest challenges in the mobile version of the game. From mastering intricate skills to facing intense PvP battles, this adventure is packed with excitement and adrenaline. Learning 10 Hardest Minecraft Skills In 24 Hours Witness Keshew13’s determination as they tackle the most challenging skills in Minecraft within a tight 24-hour timeframe. From mastering parkour to navigating complex redstone traps, every moment is filled with suspense and skill. Minecraft’s Hardest Clutch Experience the heart-pounding moments as Keshew13 pulls off the most challenging… Read More

  • Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!

    Shocking: JJ buried alive in Minecraft by Mikey!Video Information This video, titled ‘MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mynez on 2024-06-13 19:57:34. It has garnered 23238 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 01:01:50 or 3710 seconds. MIKEY DIGS JJ’S GRAVE! TV WOMAN SWIMSUIT and JJ SPEAKER MAN BURIED ALIVE in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5

    Ultimate Minecraft Madness: Day 5Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Week [Day 5]’, was uploaded by Sinistral2099 on 2024-01-20 07:34:23. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:44:43 or 13483 seconds. Arcade Tokens !points – See how many arcade tokens you’ve acumulated while watching the stream! !redeem gameboy camera – 500 Arcade Tokens – Change my camera to a Gameboy Camera for two minutes. That’s 120 whole seconds! !redeem witness protection – 500 Arcade Tokens – Send me into Witness Protection to help keep my identity a secret. Sound Emotes bidet yahaha daamn shame wow cookie money… Read More

  • SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funny

    SECRET guide to joining SMP server 😱🔥 #minecraft #funnyVideo Information This video, titled ‘That’s How to join! 🤭 #minecraft #funny #minecraftserver #smp #meme #bonevanilla’, was uploaded by imllost on 2024-07-29 03:06:18. It has garnered 11892 views and 578 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • 🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥

    🎮FREE English Lesson in Minecraft! Join Now🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Колян +ДРОНИО изучаем Английский с Minecraft Запишитесь на бесплатный урок Minecraft с родителями’, was uploaded by Kolaplay on 2024-05-16 19:28:09. It has garnered 1039 views and 90 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Subscribe to Minecraft Super Series “Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR… Read More


    EPIC N5 GAMER BUILDS INSANE TRADER HALL - MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SEASON 01 (Hindi)Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD a new trader hall for villagers in Minecraft. MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SERIES SEASON 01 in Hindi’, was uploaded by N5 GAMER on 2024-04-06 05:16:06. It has garnered 147 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:53 or 1853 seconds. follow on INSTAGRAM 👇 FACEBOOK 👇 X 👇 WHATSAPP 👇 ABOUT MINECRAFT Millions of crafters have smashed billions of blocks! Now you can join the fun! Minecraft is a game made from blocks that you can transform into whatever you can imagine. Play in Creative mode with unlimited resources,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8

    ULTIMATE CHAOS! RLCraft Modpack Episode 8Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 8)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-10 07:46:27. It has garnered 111 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:13 or 6013 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!

    Insane Minecraft Survival Tricks with Aaironnn!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT CRAZY SURVIVAL’, was uploaded by Aaironnn on 2024-09-21 17:47:49. It has garnered 39571 views and 671 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:05 or 8225 seconds. #roblox #minecraft #funny Join the Discord!: Super Chats: $5 – I will give myself any amount of an item of your choosing! $10 – I will burn an item of your choosing! $25 – I will /clear my inventory, deleting everything! $50 – I will delete the world and have to start from the beginning again! All Super Chats are non refundable. If you would… Read More

  • SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter’s Epic Minecraft Transformation #shorts

    SHOCKING!! Gamer Iter's Epic Minecraft Transformation #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Gamer Iter on 2024-05-31 00:21:23. It has garnered 456 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. And what now…. #minecraft #minecraftedit #edit #minecrafters #minecraftmemes #Minecraft #Survival #Gaming #Adventure #Redstone #Building #Craft #Mining #Creativity #Mod #Fun #QuickBuild #Village #City #World #PixelArt #Exploration #Dungeon #Mob #Monster #Legend #Story #Cooperative #War #PvP #PvE #Unique #Adventurous #Apocalypse #PostApocalyptis #Innovation #ModPack #Guide #Strategy #Gameplay #SinglePlayer #Multiplayer #Server #House #Architecture #BuildingTechniques #ConstructionHacks #Education #VirtualLearning #Storytelling #Event #Tournament #Quiz #Myths #MinecraftHistory #GameDevelopment #CreativeMode… Read More

  • Panic! Kero’s Crazy Minecraft Night

    Panic! Kero's Crazy Minecraft NightVideo Information This video, titled ‘Late night Minecraft vibez’, was uploaded by Kero on 2024-09-23 09:11:04. It has garnered 185 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 06:53:39 or 24819 seconds. Read More

  • Giltory SMP

    Giltory SMPGiltorys Viewer SMP with many streamers and active members! This SMP contains Custom Items, Bosses, and features while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft style! Read More

  • SupernaLuna2.0 SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.21

    SEASON 2! Launched 07/06/24 IP: Play.Supernaluna.Com Greetings from the Supernaluna SMP! We are an adult community looking for new players to join us on epic journeys. Whether you’re a builder, explorer, or just like to hang out, our server has something for everyone. Visit Discord: A full list of plugins and features can be found on our Discord, including: McMMO Economy Jobs Warps for community areas Veinminer /sethome /rtp Cosmetic Ranks/Roles based on playtime The Important Stuff: No Griefing or Stealing Consensual PvP No x-ray, hacked clients, or item duping Zero tolerance for hate speech Contact “xMoniarty#7292” on discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I made Minecraft Steve OP

    Looks like Steve can finally stop mining for diamonds and start mining for likes! Read More

  • DreadMinecrafter’s Easy Egg Farming Method

    DreadMinecrafter's Easy Egg Farming MethodVideo Information This video, titled ‘EZ DEGGS -AKA- AGP CONVERT .. WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER’, was uploaded by THE DREADMINECRAFTER on 2024-09-26 15:26:52. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:19 or 199 seconds. . WORK SMARTER NOT HARDER … DREADMINECRAFTER VIDS EVERY NOW AND THEN ….. Read More

  • Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight!

    Sister Fooled, FEASTABLES Ruled: Minecraft Delight! In Minecraft, I fooled my sister with glee, Using custom Feastables mods, you see. She fell for the trick, oh what a sight, Laughing and playing, all through the night. With each new update, a new rhyme to share, Keeping the audience engaged, showing we care. From funny pranks to intense gameplay, In the world of Minecraft, we love to play. So join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we craft our way through day and night. I fooled my sister, but it’s all in good fun, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more… Read More

  • POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥

    POV: Trapping Toxic Friend in Minecraft at Every Age! 🔥 POV: Trying to build a friendship with that toxic friend in Minecraft, but all they do is blow up your house and steal your diamonds. #minecraftdrama #friendshipfail #toxicityatitsfinest Read More

  • Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds

    Pranking Friend with Drinking Sounds The Minecraft Potion Noises Moment After utilizing nine Minecraft accounts to take advantage of the new trial chambers for trial keys, a surplus of regeneration potions was left in the hands of one player. Unsure of what to do with this abundance of potions, a mischievous plan was hatched – to subject friends to the incessant sound of potion drinking in Minecraft. Exploiting Trial Chambers for Trial Keys The use of multiple Minecraft accounts to exploit the trial chambers for trial keys showcases a strategic approach to gaining resources within the game. This method allowed for the accumulation of… Read More

  • Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough

    Minecraft Horror Modpack Full Playthrough Exploring the Terrifying Depths of Minecraft with Cave Horror Project Modpack Welcome to the spine-chilling world of Minecraft with the Cave Horror Project modpack. This eerie collection sets the stage for a journey into the unknown, filled with terrifying creatures that will send shivers down your spine. Prepare yourself as you dive into the abyss and confront the mysteries lurking within, including mods like The Man From The Fog, Cave Dweller, and the ominous presence of Herobrine. Unleashing Fear in Minecraft Minecraft, developed by Mojang Studios, is a 3D sandbox game where players interact with the game world by… Read More

  • Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰

    Insane Rabbit Chaos in Minecraft Realm EP11! 🐰Video Information This video, titled ‘(Live🔴) Playing Minecraft Realm EP11:Cleaning Up Town!’, was uploaded by DamianTheRabbit on 2024-07-09 09:42:29. It has garnered 332 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:09 or 11049 seconds. Support the stream: Read More

  • Zebra’s Epic Minecraft House Makeover

    Zebra's Epic Minecraft House MakeoverVideo Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3 – Improving the House!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 14218 views and 445 likes. The duration of the video is 00:51:49 or 3109 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 3! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building and improving our house! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features Zebra Gamer’s full commentary as he plays through the Java Edition… Read More

  • INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshorts

    INSANE NEW MINECRAFT SERIES!! 👀 #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STARTING A MINECRAFT SERIES! #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival #roadto200subs’, was uploaded by YepItsDylanBtw on 2024-07-24 13:58:03. It has garnered 6466 views and 96 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Read More

  • MimiMikey – Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey’s leg! Minecraft!

    MimiMikey - Insane! JJ built a house IN Mikey's leg! Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ built a house in Mikey leg in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MimiMikey on 2024-08-26 18:02:23. It has garnered 19450 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 11:20:22 or 40822 seconds. Thank you for watching, friends! If you enjoyed this video, please like and subscribe to the channel. Write a funny comment to make my day! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, I hope you enjoy my fan videos! #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj Read More

  • 🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3

    🌙 Welcome to Lunar Land! Minecraft Escape The Night S3Video Information This video, titled ‘🎡 Welcome to Lunar Land!! – Blakeursugar’s Minecraft Escape The Night Season 3 {Ep 1}’, was uploaded by Blakeursugar * on 2024-08-24 22:30:06. It has garnered 707 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:54 or 2514 seconds. =-☾ Blakeursugar • Escape The Night ☽-= • Buggie has been captured against her will by Azalea, and 11 new faces have been tricked into coming to the “Lunar Land theme park!” These victims need to collect 10 artifacts to stop the spell that is “Hollow Eve”. Before sunrise but it costs a life… Read More


    🚨 24 HR SUBATHON IN MINECRAFT 👀 - WATCH US SUFFER! #19Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 KITA HABISKAN DURASI SUBATHON KEMARIN SAMBIL BANGUN2 – MINECRAFT INDONESIA SUBATHON #19 [LIVE]’, was uploaded by Jajang0404 on 2024-09-24 20:41:30. It has garnered 61 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:09 or 13089 seconds. == … [MEDIASHARE ON] : ============================================================= SUBATHON: 1 Miaw(1000) = 5 Minutes 5 Miaw(5000) = 25 Minutes 10 Miaw(10000) = 50 Minutes 50 Miaw(50000) = 4 hours 10 Minutes 100 Miaw(100000) = 8 Hours 20 Minutes ================================================================== List Command: !ig !Mod !Server !Support !Sebutnama ==================================================== BGM: 1. Symphony of the Winds by LsHShadowZ :…… Read More

  • EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | Minecraft

    EPIC PvP Montage with Insane Music! 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best PvP Montage With Best Song | Minecraft | @LivingLegendOP’, was uploaded by Alif_PlayzZ_XD on 2024-05-28 12:06:38. It has garnered 294 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:11 or 71 seconds. Best PvP Montage Pojavlauncher #minecraftchallenge #technogamerz #pvpmontage #adispot #minecraftbuild #bebu #mcpe #viral #gamerfleet #minecraftbutchallenges #viral #viralvideo #minecraft #lapatasmp #nizgamer #viralshort #gaming #loyalsmp #mine #pvp THANKS FOR WATCHING 😊 Tags: sharpness senpaispider Pojavlauncher Pvp Pojavlauncher pvponpojav #pojavlauncherpvp #pojavlauncherpvpmontage pvpmontage #pojavalauncher #clutches #pvpmontage #minecraftpvpmontage #nizgamer #senpaispider #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #minecrafthindi#mcaddon #yessmartypie #aterror #terror#mimecraftanimation #bebu #minecraftchallenge #minecraftbutchallenges #challenge #minecrafthacks #minecraftbut #technogamerz #liveinsaan #mythpat #adispot… Read More

  • Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft Tutorial

    Universe Art Outpost Raid Farm | Easy Minecraft TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘No Outpost EASY Raid Farm | Minecraft Farm Tutorial | BEDROCK MCPE XBOX PS SWITCH’, was uploaded by TheUniverseWithinArt on 2024-09-06 16:17:04. It has garnered 3196 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:37 or 1177 seconds. #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #minecraftfarm After 1.21 we can now build raid farms anywhere, not just over an outpost. We’ll still need to collect the ominous bottles, but we can do that as we play! I hope you enjoy. Join the Discord! Ominous Bottle Farm Enjoy!! & please Like Comment Subscribe & Share with your… Read More

  • BumbleMC

    BumbleMCBumbleMC is a unique Lifesteal server connected to minehut. We have a balanced economy, friendly community, and much much more. Come join now! Read More


    ISO SMP ISO SMP is a brand new SMP launched on September 10, 2024. Join our community of active players! Features: 18+ community Chest locking plugin with signs Invisible item frames by shift-right clicking Player and mob heads Death chest Vein-miner /tpa command /home command Shops with custom economy Anti-xray protection Server online 24/7 No creeper block damage No enderman picking up blocks Join us on Discord: Read More