Insane Minecraft Thaumcraft Win! You won’t believe it!

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Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome you’re along with the buddies and welcome to what is going to be probably the most difficult beating Minecraft challenge we’ve ever had that’s because we’re doing something that I know almost nothing about and last time we had on a server Kappy almost destroyed the entire

World it’s thumb craft uh so pretty much we’re was that troll pack back in the day that was pack back in exactly what I’m referencing so okay for like Clarity for people who don’t know that I had it rigged so that every time someone would step on an

Invisible pressure plate it would drop a random item into her th craft table which by her I mean dropsy the only girl we know and I’m not just saying I genuinely think that was probably one of the best pranks we’ve ever had on the channel I don’t know that that that time

That we got politicians to Rob Mitch blind was pretty good that fair either one either one those are two top moments um but yeah welcome we have three hours on the clock to beat the the game using th craft uh we’ll have a couple other things in there like so obv how you

Pronounce it th th th thumb thumb CRA thumra oh before we get started we do have to take care of some business Lilith uh with a two pound stream dip said monk give Cappy a dollar sorry buddy yay you know how have dollars to give what do I give him a dollar I’m

Sorry monk next paycheck we’ll just deduct it and give it to cap okay I mean you should have a dollar monkey unless you’re a brok all righty um might be broke trying to think what else no that’s pretty much it the only other thing is we usually have

A rule that like obviously we can just go out and try and kill the Ender Dragon right but that’s not the point of what we’re doing we have to do we have to accomplish some tasks using thumb CRA thumb craft thumbs we have to use our

Thumbs first in order to beat the Ender Dragon that’s usually the general rule uh so yeah uh that’s about it let’s get moving guys I have a bad so what do we need to do to start ran sack iron and like Gathering stuff yeah wait what wait dropsy why did you say no

To Ram sack how’s that not the first that’s always the first step no first step is mining what you guys should be looking for right now is any type of Crystal Underground that is your first goal this w we need gold right like pretty oh so like if you find it m has

Been here for like 2 minutes and already sounds like she’s aged a decade Dr Dr Dr drum drum Dr drum drum drum look oh this vein Miner I put vein Miner in he actually heated my advice said Miner I’m just like uh Tilda someone mark down coordinat base real quick it’s not working

It’s got to be or monk it doesn’t work on everything well yeah nice I’m not that nice oh we thought I saw where is a ravine I saw one me for again you’re excused I’m like screenshotting that all right I’ll get to work on making us some chest and

Stuff like that too don’t worry guys you can count I’ll leave that crafting table for you jome uh in just so we’re clear everyone has to go and find at least a crystal like that that is a requirement you all have to do it on your own a what

What if I already found one what if I make a they’re not hard to find you just need to find a singular one what if I make a bargain with like stead door it doesn’t matter it has to be on your person you have to find your own Crystal oh sorry

Stead I found a piece of quartz does that count think so no Dead Mamu I’ve come to bargain well it is technically a crystal I guess yeah that’s what I’m saying I have Amber time in um no there’s a ton in this Ravine that’s by

The house I’m only going to mine one of them so you guys can mine more you know Dr I bet you know like I bet you know something about this what is the difference between like a gym and a crystal cap when I tell you I know absolutely nothing I thought Luke was

Joking last week when he said we’re going to do beating Minecraft thumb C and I said that’s a terrible idea please know and here we are I found out two minutes ago lhj with a $45 stream tip said don’t spend it all one place so cap

At least you get some TNT I know what that does a fat bet it comes out goes boom well jome I didn’t entirely make it so that you’d be useless in this cuz project e is in the gameject in the over here yeah I put

Project D to make it easier for you guys pretty dope I I don’t know what I did I’m so all the time uh not quite but everyone need to get that and we’ll do the next step I got four of them drop just keeps crushing my dreams today

Don’t worry Jonathan with a $45 stream dip also wants to give Cappy a bunch of Expos I’m sorry can we change from 5 TNT to like at least 10 10 what is going on today why are you being so nice dble it double feel I have cold brew I’m in a

Good mood turn it into one of those Tik Tock shorts where it’s like would you take this bomb or double it double it and give it to someone else we can we get a steak bomb someone no no I would but anyway I’m I’m giving uh I’m

Giving cap 10 I’m starving to death and I’m I’m going to die no no don’t starve to death monk yeah don’t starve so many Don’t Starve did you try getting good thanks did I stomach skill issue here M do you want me to put you out of your

Misery too I rather not please take him down instead take him down yep might have to no no uh no hungry soldiers 55 coal from that vein mine oh my God nice I um5 coal from one vein mine yeah it was weird sounds about right that’s absurd another one of these you want

It cool I mean once everyone gets their own then everyone can monk great news lhj the $25 stream tip for monk to get a steak bomb just uh in our starting area by the way I have furnaces and chests set up nice do we need this Ember or should I stop

Collecting it we’ll need or Amber he means Amber yes uh and if you see cinear M that too weing Islands yeah yeah how else you going get the fire gym B There we go got got a little bit of wheat so I have some a bre oh well

Actually monk you have the steak yay I didn’t think you were that close to home thank you sir I’ll take one of those I took took a minute so the steak is kind of all over the all over the place but um think I should just make my way home

Stack of coal I have yeah I think that’s a good idea Jacob start us off with one gifted membership that’s right we have gifted memberships on the channel now we did it yesterday and we got a hundred people which is nuts oh monk you uh you left some steak

Over here yeah it’s just a bit you know all right I’m assuming you guys have probably picked that area clean so I’m going to go somewhere else no come down here not really yes get your Crystal there’s yellow and orange ones down there Ryan with a $50 stream tip

Said double steak bomb on monk be careful shall receive fill please hey I already did fill up a double chest this is just uh extra so making sure it’s right crystal drops is it like the yellow looking crystals it grows out of the walls it’s not an surface lava nearby there’s

Yellow PE crystals on the ceiling is that it uh I’m assuming they’re air crystals yes that is one of them okay I’ll get some of those then oh my gosh said your cops to taste like steak your fingers tingle Strang as you handle the crystal what does this mean that’s your magic

Now guys basically C guys I’m here I’m back I have over a stack of coal for us did everyone mine crystals cuz we got to do the Second Step soon yeah I’ve got uh three different types of crystals okay yeah I have green and I have yellow

You’re sick you know what you did Dr I don’t know what you’re talking about you know exactly what you did get over here creeper oh there’s a lot of stuff in here okay so I’m going I’ve got 16 coal in each furnace now uh sorry earlier you mentioned Amber that

Was you don’t need it no we need mine it mine it okay yeah I got seven of them and so once you start making your weird Brew what happens if we were to you know make the flux Capac corrupt the world right I think one of the things we need to

Make already did that yes but uh in a little bit not quite yet oh St get the instructions for that soon I’m collecting more coal and stuff quick between I have a bunch of coal on me I’ve just been collecting any coal that I could find CU I know it’s going to be

Useful well coal is dropping at an increased rate am I crazy well we’re on an older version of Minecraft is why all right Vin Miner makes this 10 times more enjoyable that’s why vein Miner is also different is this is older Minecraft yeah this is what we used to

Call the poopy vein Miner it only works on veins yeah but now we’re just thankful to have any type of vein Miner so considering I didn’t realize we need all like I didn’t know thumb thumb sorry thumbs I didn’t know thumbs needed this many uh stuffs in it like the uh the

Crystals and all that That’s the basis of everything magic I like I said Cappy earlier was asking like I was not meing I don’t know anything about this I’m like I was legitimately asking like in real life the difference between like if you probably when C asked that he meant

Real rocks yeah real rocks Rachel nice to see you thank you for the $50 stream tip Rachel said hey Jerome just want to say thank you and the buddies for all the laughs you’ve got me through some tough times so thank you I have to work

A 12- hour shift but I’ll watch the streaming them off good luck well thank you for stopping by and thank you for the kind words and and letting us know we hope you have a great shift yeah no sorry it’s a longer shift but but hopefully it goes by uh easily and you

Know without a hiccup and and all that and also that’s an I ofender from Rachel thank you nice I have one whole eye here’s I I oh like Progressive over there like being a blind YouTuber the entire everyone uh head home okay assemble we don’t have a like armor

Stu you said you mined a crystal haven’t you yeah but what about yeah so we got to do the next step everyone head home okay everyone needs to sleep all right give me a minute I have a stack of iron to be fair it’s funny you

Say that cuz I’ve had someone reach out before and been like you are such an inspiration for colorblind people ever I was like please don’t put that on me I was not trying to be I was like I’m not trying to be only thing inspires pain where would the beds

Beast as long as the village isn’t destroyed hopefully in any of the houses I didn’t take anything from the houses I just you know destroy no this isn’t one of those Villages that has beds this is one of those villagers that has dirt in the house um okay so guys I

Have 32 Terra I’m just I’m just going to make a chest with all the different crystals I have yeah that’s should I gather Greatwood logs for anything said what happened here not right now I don’t know I came over get it for fun I think the chest exploded I really don’t know

What happened I don’t know I just got here and there’s just steak everywhere oh that was the second steak oh where furnes yeah I I genuinely by the the pit that’s right here I’m going to assume it exploded bro all we have like 20 iron in

There I have the iron I just don’t know what happened to the furnaces I was picking everything up everyone go to bed while it’s still still in the m I’ll I’ll make my way up or actually if you guys are all sleepy just let me know I’ll sign out well not

Have in this Village no this place has been R somehow no it’s old Minecraft drop SC there’s no beds in these Villages no there’s been beds for a long time dude that type of village that doesn’t have beds in it but what I’ve done is I’ve broken the black wool on

These posts and we can make a bed and good news stead there might not be beds but Tean with a 30 lb stream tip one you have skeletons nice there’s B get all the arrows yeah have fun at them with them at uh go Iron Golem son

Go it’s great time have fun with them run I don’t know Iron Golem’s doing work right here oh my God they really are they’re putting in right now I’m trying to be an accessory not to a crime but just in general you’re definitely going to be too crime I’m trying to I’m trying

To so got all the furnaces set up I got the chest set up and all that and now what I’m working on is I’m trying to fill all the furnaces up with coal it’s funny that you think you got the furnaces set up of coal did what happened to the

Furnaces Where Have You Been Jerome the mines in the mines there was an explosion of some sort Oh I thought we deduced that there wasn’t an explosion and that that was just monkey no there actually was no there was did explore we have the coal or the iron and

The coal though from it Dad can you make me some shears real quick I guess uh let me okay just because I see some sheep over there and I’d like to gather their I’ve flown too close to the Sun guys I’m almost dead thank you good makes sense

Okay you how what who does this look at the furnaces what happened what why are you complaining about how we placed the furn and then they placed a sideways furnace onp don’t judge the furnace yeah don’t judge the furnace bro that’s not like who does that don’t judge it it

Wanted me like that Steve W Steve I didn’t realize you hated furnaces so much it’s just who I’m going to start turning every block a different direction just to irritate steeve I would say the only time it bothers me the most is when people don’t put F uh

Chests like you know what I’m saying in a line they like put them in different like why why would you do this I’ve got four more wool so we can make a second bed uh we only need one everyone just has to sleep uh on servers you can just

Go in bed and it works it’s already placed in there I’m not sure if you saw it I did cuz Dead’s sleeping in it as we speak do we want to dip he said like oh thank you you I’m so tired but will that only progress bomb craft for one person

Or that’s why everyone needed to mine crystals this isn’t something that’s linked together interesting or does it have to actually be a proper sleep that’s that’s what I’m saying we’re on a server and it works different on servers you just have to get in bed oh no I don’t know what

This does but night prowling wolf for the $70 stream drop what does it do what does it dropsy you get a flux sponge thank god oh thank I’m doing my Jam what does a flux I know but it’s about to turn day basically undo every of your wrongdoing the literal purpose is

Whenever you’re using magic in the world whenever it’s imbalanced in some way it creates what’s called flux and flux is something that eventually can corrupt the world if there’s too much of it within a concentrated area this flux sponge is a creative only item which is

Which is why it’s nice and um well we’re all doomed Adrien the meow with a $400 stream tip said how difficult could this be without drops could she at least drop the flux sponge off oh no no I drop bring her back you hate fun Adrian

Adrian sorry we got to hit him with a Rocky bboa Adrian arrian hi dropsy we’ll miss you how much to bring her back the amount we’re dud we’re all dead we’re done somehow this is I’ve got a Wiki who whoa don’t blame Ste for this I’m GNA go into this corter

And eat my blame for anything yeah Ste is blameless and a perfect human being who never does any wrong all before this gets more hand i’m mining up these furnaces the villag they said they made us and in the right do you see why I was so upset

About it Jerome it’s like who does that put monk why faceing the right way you animal yeah the right way M don’t worry I got you bud yeah thanks D I said that I was going to do this this is going to be who took down my sign already that

Had the sign got blown up sign you had a creeper next to just trying to be organized out of your Crystal chest so doesn’t matter have no hope we’re done we have hope we’re done for the we’re where where there’s grunder there’s hope right Cappy where there’s a will there’s a

Grunder where there’s a grunder there’s a way life uh finds a grunder okay anyway okay so I dug down into a cave system if you guys see that off the side of course from Jeff gold grunder uh okay I’m putting all the rare ores in the crystal chest

Too what are you doing in the butts chest Luke Why Did You Ren but why Luke was my crystal chest to but chest that had to have been Steve cuz he didn’t capitalize the first letter in the in the thing that’s fair don’t you blame that’s a strangely convincing argument

I’m actively like trying to figure out how to do th craft don’t blame me okay it was me I I I did that on purpose I could blame Steve is this why you’re so bad at League of legendss no there’s other reasons for that it’s

Cuz I play with Blade no he’s so bad at leag cuz he doesn’t capitalize he doesn’t capitalize forties all right let’s see uh got the shield got all this uh I’ll make an iron sword too and you know what I’ll make an iron axe too all right I’ve got at least full

Iron going uh in the meantime should we just keep collecting cryst csts while we get our bearings I mean yeah yeah I guess so there’s bears in this you get away from our grunder mango you what mango FL mango you stay away from everyone’s grunder all right good uh well we have a

Good starting point I guess has everyone oh um so I think we need to sleep like dropsy was saying right if we don’t do that we die so do we all need to you know I think everybody slept but you hey Steve why don’t to get over I want to show you

Something run Steve give him the G so in the meantime oner room sleeps uh in the dream I took three of these uh strange crystals I found and put them in a bowl using pieces of Flint okay but we need a Bowl yeah you need a bowl wait I’m

Assuming is it a okay I’ve got Flint guys we need to bring dropsy home all right I’m going down to the mines uh someone I’ve already got a m shaft my dude oh nice nice nice it’s not like all the way down but it does go to

A Cave System I haven’t like explored full are you talking about the the from the surf yeah staircase yeah it’s over here drum danger down there someone who’s topside let me know when it’s you know night time so I can sleep yeah stem that all right there you go follow

Stead I have a weird Minecraft question you know how you can sleep during thunderstorms now or night yeah if you sleep like let’s say like it’s morning and it starts the thunderstorm if you sleep does it start morning the next day like does it just skip every 24 hours I think

So uh I got a brain do we need zombie brain it is a th crafting like region probably not a lot save it just in case I’ll put it in drop’s thumb chest oh there’s a thumb chest okay yeah there’s a thumb chest where’s the thumb chest the thumb chest some says butt

Oh okay okay oh the one that Steve renamed yeah okay there we go I’m going to come back down there I just made uh my iron armor Steve’s gonna ban himself who but uh I’m thinking about it here’s a flint do what you need to thank you I know Dr said we didn’t

Need gold for a while but I’m collecting it anyway and I’ve got a decent sum so far how much for that em table again we could just probably craft it too oh easily yeah if we want we can start getting that ready we just need to really glow Stone’s the biggest hiccup

So we need diamonds to make a diamond pick get uh obsidian go to the you know do we have to make the diamond pick though yes I mean to be fair we also don’t have to right there’s we can just get water and lava but we need to find surface

Exactly I think we can find that easy enough this is 1122 so actually Stead there’s no surface lava anymore no I found surface lava I’m just totally lying I have no idea you’re totally lying I was going to say this completely unfounded like I feel like I feel like

Surface lava’s been a things since like 1710 I think it’s been forever I think anyway it’s hard to remember back further than that although sometimes I get flashbacks of when like they added like like big milestone Minecraft updates like I remember when they added Villages and I remember when villagers

Were called testificates everyone’s like all right grandpa oh hi you don’t remember that no oh you you know you might have still been in diapers back then let me see oh my God he legitimately might have been he might have been a group of yeah um let me see here

Testificate they were back in the day right yeah that’s what I only know about that cuz Captain Sparkles used to say it all the time oh my God that’s actually very funny I read online The reasoning for it in Portuguese Testa means forehead so they’re just forehead people that’s so funny

Dude nose in Portuguese what is nose in Portuguese yeah for no particular reason yeah I don’t think you now hey we got 600 people watching though let’s go cap huge what’s up there’s uh gold right here i m it I don’t have a iron pick okay I got it

You I’m also grabbing all the crystals I can and oh more iron sure okay so should we keep digging down to I mean this is already 16 yeah do we need Redstone for anything in thumb craft yeah yes red maybe not in thumb craft but in uh the

Table you will need red it would be good at EMC yes no no I mean we need it to make the EMC table qu literally the first thing says yeah you grind together Red Stone in a bowl with a flint and steel like yeah so so I’m not understanding the correlation between

That and eating Redstone yeah I don’t know doesn’t sound like we we really need take their thumbs all right let’s get these diamonds guys I was incorrect by by the way cuz I was only thinking about part of the EMC table which was the philosopher stone which is what we

Needed to go to the nether for but you actually do just flat out need obsidian to make the transportation table which I forgot about so we actually do need a diamond pick um we can’t just do uh you know buckets what can we make the philosopher

Stone and just like make diamonds oh I don’t know how that works you might be able to but I think one of the things you can use the philosopher stone is like uh wool different colors wool yeah you can use the philosopher stone for weird things I get what you’re saying

Ste I just don’t know uses I stand very corrected um you make a philosopher stone with out of an emerald Emerald for two well if we get an emerald we can get an emerald from the Villager drum yes dead you’re big brain in I like it uh rten

FL FL oh with a 30b a sket bomb on Jerry oh jeez we never all right I’m I’m okay with that no it’s deserved no get away from me yes get away from me with your with with the gross clammy hands Leon you got clam hands Luke you go away Luke

Has the hand Place him bruh 1122 is budget Minecraft yep yeah wait I got I got uh I got two three three emeralds nice okay we still would need to get to the nether then but yeah save you from we get that diamond pickaxe that’s huge right there yeah big

Time so dead where are you cuz I’ve got another 16 rotten flesh why don’t we find a witch during the night they both yeah which just drop Redstone and glow stone so we would just need one Diamond okay I think we might need more just to get to the trans I think dry

Gave dead her brain cell when she left yeah I’m not sorry sorry guys sorry I these big brain ideas just I got nothing else besides that I only that leather for emeralds over here we get it like leather yeah if we get leather there’s like a bunch of

So I was able to make the Sal brains which is the salad the Sal Moon salad and then we take the salus Mundus and we sprinkle that on a bookcase I think do we got one of those in yeah we got one of these Jerry you might want to

Come up and get ready to sleep okay is it finally becoming okay I’ve done it okay huge he’s got the Necronomicon uh here cap that’s for you okay and then whenever Dr sleep it’s night time in the middle of nowhere but I’m getting a lot of I’m all the way at

The void though or whatever so I got got give me a second I’m at 29 who else if youve slept come here stead well while I’m making my way up I had a question is Solomon Grundy is that no relation um The Undertaker no no Solomon

And Grundy Bor on a m he something from Marvel is he not yeah yeah the guy from Marvel I was just asking is is he no relation or is he I mean no relation to the gr Undertaker but like I mean there maybe maybe if we get like up in there

We’ll like uncover the grunder I think connections yeah it could happen could happen all right just trying to get my bearing straight you know oh everyone’s mad at you he’s actually from DC you lied he’s not Marvel I don’t know oh yeah he is uh so the way Solomon Grundy

Was made was he was like he was petrified in a swamp tar pit that was like cursed and stuff like that it it varies from like iteration to iteration sometimes it’s like radioactive but uh it’s he’s basically made out of swamp tar and he can’t

Die uh anyone got the home cords I’m uh very lost do you oh I see I see the UFO don’t worry the UFO oh yes yes good marker can we get a beacon on top of the U UFO no just so we can find home if it was a

Leave my command station away or if you put it underneath it it’ll look like it’s like a tractor beam coming down all right we could so we’re each going to have to make our own Arcane workbench I think uh oh there we go I have sleep dead come here Jerome’s going to

Be lagging behind what uh Jerome I’m going be lagging behind take two of these nowhere right click on the crafting table right there and right click on the bookcase or bookcase first okay bookcase first did it take it yeah there you go that should be your book now that’s yours strange dream oh

Th open it up okay yeah oh all right now go ahead and right click the crafting table well I bench okay so give me a second here uh stead you’re going to do the same there’s two for you so bookcase then crafting table can

I pick up my work I can okay yep I already put one over here for us find my way back severely lost okay now what right click the book on the crafting table no the the other dust that you have stream I’m just going to be honest with you

Please bring dropsy back we’re doomed without her please I don’t know why Adrian the meow did this to us I did you open your book okay look at all these things we got look at all these chickens okay now we’re going to need gold so that we can

Make the ther 17 gold okay once you get up here I’ll get you your no idea how to give I’ll be I’ll be I’m working on it it’s taking uh it’s taking its sweet time you know there’s a lot of reading to do here so I’m trying my best it is

Me think of it as I’m giving you time to read instead of just being lost you know okay I set up an ores chest over here good stuff good stuff guys Steve can I go to theor do whatever you want to do I don’t know I thought

You had more instructions for us I didn’t know what and like I just told monkey it’s a lot of reading so which three types of Crystal Butts uh three different ones if you’re trying to make salus Mundus Knight prowling wolf for the $66 streight said Luke help them not hurt them thank you

Knight Luke fine L oh Luke you made me a balcony thanks dude I was going to make you a whole house um well okay do you need anything for me or can I to the you do whatever you want I’m still reading okay I’m gonna get I’m

Gonna find these diamonds for us guys good luck I’m goingon to do it pick up any gold you find you TNT still have you used yeah I do I have 20 TNT naturally here come with me I found a m sh okay nice uh let me lying I’m just going to dig straight

Down we could just go down the stairs but whatever I was near one actually wait no cap I got idea I’m coming back up what up I’m going to make a water bucket and when I get down there I’ll put the water at the bottom and then you

Can just jump on down with your TNT oh yeah yeah yeah what could possibly go wrong have you made it back yet or no no like I said I was very far away so then somebody else had gold when I said I needed gold uh check out the ores and

Moors chest yeah somebody already smelted lhj with a $35 stream tip said according to my sources Subway is adding foot long cookies to the men yep what no way that’s true okay $5 I5 before you leave Jerome we’re now good to go on to the next step now because we does Drome need

To catch up to these steps or he’s all caught up yeah I I I’ve been doing my everybody but monkey should be caught up so once this glass is done smelting we just make glass panes and then we can make the uh the Thomer uh so if you right click your book oh thank you uh right click my book yeah yep and then go to the crafting menu for the thermometer uh just I don’t okay I right click the book click First Steps okay first steps got

It and then thamer oh I had it I had to click complete okay thermometer oh okay you never completed got it thermometer okay Golding it glass panes seems easy enough and I’m making the glass panes right now so here you go uh I’m going to

Put it in the ores chest for you the ores and Moors yeah and I even laid it out for you in the crafting recipe and now you got to go scan things with this find monk um I think you need Crystal for this4 oh yeah you do you needed one of each

Crystal thank you yeah three different crystals for the sales mundas do you need more sales mundas no not sales mundas for the uh thermometer ah yeah we need all the crystals which I’m gathering once we put them in the Arcane workbench they’ll stay there there you go oh really I

Think okay do you see him in this this crafting I do see do you see all that yeah why isn’t it working I don’t know I have to do more reading now cuz I thought that’s all you needed that’s what it says that’s like the crafting recipe I’m getting notices from the

Other side that we’re supposed to scan like every item like every single po yeah we’re going to have to scan everything all but we we got to figure out why we can’t do this yet what’s the problem I’m re well we have the crafting the unnown do you have the glass pane yep

Are you using it are you using a basic crafting table cuz it says basic crafting table oh uh Jerome you have a heart icon gears um I have a some weird green looking thing and you have like a three a spirit icon over your head the green

Thing is Shrek oh yeah you know what this tracks all right let’s see what Steve’s got Luke are you sure that’s positive 200 you got a lot of the death Essence that’s kind of scary I’m going walk up what’s up monk are you sure it’s positive 200 or is the

200 positive 200 oh boy yeah where’s oh I want to scan a villager oh he has the people thing this is cool key all right go ahead Jam I’ll figure this out in the meantime Cappy you have a lot of ghosts in you for some

Reason I have G in you have ghost icon over your head that’s so many ghosts that’s scary I’m I don’t even want to look at St I think we need to get scribing tools how do we get those though all right Steve should I can I make a

Theter if you can figure out how to make a therometer you can how’ you do it J scan me what do I have in me wait how’d you do it nothing new can be learned from this he put the crystals in there that’s the wrong configuration you did it like

Inversed bro what do you mean inversed well you put the glass in the middle you put the lime in the Coconuts oh I was being dumb I see thanks for becoming a supporter on the channel dude we need we need more water and uh Puro crystals if we want to

Craft more Dorito Crystal crystals uh I have aqu crystals crystals teror crystals Pito Crystal I think we can only make one Doro Crystal where I have them and I’m on the way and I I found have you have Tombstone and the fire icon above your head that makes

Sense need water and I need the blue and the black ones yeah I got both of those hold on okay get over here monkey you’ve been coming home for like two Minecraft days now well I was like wait SC oh nothing new can be learned if this is the case then I’m

Just going to throw like a bunch of ingots in there hello just dump them into this crafting table Jesus what happened here monkeyy I’m scanning new things dump them into yeah monk you have brain all right yeah monk has brain there you go uh Steve what did I need to do by the

Way thanks cap there’s some step go into this chest grab two sess Mundus right click a uh a book case and then open up the book and then right click a crafting table and you’ll I need to click complete for me to be able to craft it in the Thom the way uh

I did not re oh open this book Jerry you have to look at monk he has when you right click the sa onto yeah there there you go yeah I thought it was the one I had I didn’t see it turn oh wait monk let me let me scan you

Real quick look he has bra I learned something for a second from him look he has 15 brain where did you get where did you acquire such brain El um okay can I go back to my plan my evil plan to get diamonds yep go for all right uh cap you didn’t happen

To grab one last of those things did you one last I got it okay nice cap don’t worry the hole will be made soon Buddy someone Dr yes I’m supporting you I got you Dad oh good St supporting now too oh hold on let me see what brenon in my chest I’m

Not going to lie Jerome looks quite a bit different when I last frequently watched him in 2019 that’s what four or five years and having an insane puppy will do to you you age quick also like the Back Street Boys reunion tour really aged us all up yeah that it did but

Welcome back friend thanks for stopping by even if you’re just here to stop by for a second and tell me that I look uglier that’s fine or uh I’m still digging down cap do you have the thing cap what thing this thing no boom boom I’m learning all the right

Now all right cat I can’t learn anything new it’s been oh I can’t okay cool come on wa sploosh hello friend let’s go let’s do this Jerry okay how big you’re the you’re the genius of TNT how far away so we don’t die well for each one hey bro who did

That but but uh keep in mind that in 1124 is not the optimal height I think it’s like 12 or 13 and2 for like Diamonds so let’s dig up a little bit get to y equals 13 or something J uh who is it in myed ghost

Asked if I ever had it so uh yeah but I have like an unpopular opinion like yeah it was unfortunate but I actually got it over Christmas which a lot of people were like oh it must be terrible and honestly I thought it was fine I got to

Hang out with Tori the whole time we didn’t have to go hopping around from house to house to house to house to house to house to house to see all of our families we just had a nice cozy time in with peanut I fine but I got lucky my symptoms weren’t

Terrible I was just sick for like a few days but so how do I make this thing oh dang C this is big I’m learning so much I’m evolved my brain L maybe it’s down here how do I Rachel thank you for the $50 stream tip and she wants Cappy to

Have more tnt with that she said I’m a 911 dispatcher for all my shifts are 12 hours your videos definitely help me unwind on the stressful days well I don’t know if it’s the right words to say because usually you say it for like people who are like in the Arm Forces

But but thanks for your service and help like that’s a really important job and you do a really good thing for people so thank you I I think that it’s a totally appropriate thing to say in this case it’s a stressful job yeah I don’t envy

That many people could do it so thank you very much for what you do okay so we just dig in this direction do you have an iron pick cuz mine’s getting weak Jeremiah Donaldson I hope you’re well I’m assuming cuz you’re home you’re are feeling better so that’s good news

Glad you’re back with us buddy and uh get get fully well soon Meeko says we need another cops and robbers to show us how to build have oh my gosh you need a tutorial you need you need another tutorial okay so do you have an iron pick by the way

Jerome um yes I do sir okay then I’ll just burn the rest of hey yo hey yo we didn’t find it with TNT got to choose a different way sorry okay okay there’s more than enough here cat nice but do we do the TNT stuff anyway yeah we didn’t come down here for

Nothing yeah yeah yeah we’re here for the make the diamond pickaxe I think there was four right ever know it’s not about the results it’s about the theatrics that took you lapis for enchanting that’s going to be important oh no I’m so full you know guys it’s not too late to bring dropsy

Back so we don’t have to run around like chickens their head’s cut off please my head’s going to explode God Steve can’t take get after Stone BL I appreciate you stepping up Steve I have to do everything at stone block now this I’m gonna die Steve if we

Didn’t let you do it you’d just sit there being sad that we’re not letting you do it Steve I hate to break you to but you already did die in stone block thanks for me m Jeremiah hi Cappy I’m right hi I was checking my phone I thought I heard

Thunder oh no no yeah it’s rainy today all right ke when did we l a oh I get it you put him down like every like four blocks or something yeah remember whenever I helped you with your lucky block race yeah okay okay okay word okay

So like if you want to just power through some cuz my iron pickaxe just broke yeah no problem how uh how far um uh tell you what I will be there shortly what the Omega king asked what happened to dropsy she got sent to law she shadow Fox with a400 dip she’s back

From law school yay I love that she’s no longer back from war she’s back from law school let’s go hey guys what’s what’s going on oh what’s going on cap is Cap we got to let we got to let it rip cap jeremi Dawson with $25 stre and skeleton bomb on Jerry

We got Captain is through Shield up Shield up Shield up dropsy let me get you up to think it through I just didn’t think it through do you not have a shield again thank you for being our C live stream Shadow why are there four of

These we don’t know we each had to do it oh that’s fine something’s glowing pink on my screen any minute now Luke I could oh my God oh my God hold on I’m going to put my hey what’s up Luke we let them fight it out we pick the arrows from

Themop skin you have owl you have hoodie hey dropsy there’s something P there’s a pink bar on my screen on the left hand side am I going to explode yes should it is that your knowledge meter I that is not that is the C make sure you’re

Scanning the drops too if you want to scan those drops quick yeah you can think of V like the force it’s all around us o C what up it was likeo scan lava like a junk chest I didn’t SC dropy oh my God Jerry one where are the

Diamonds where are the diamonds did you today in beating Minecraft the first death Jerome ASF oh my God Jerry what is your malfunction swim in lava my God bro what is wrong with that was a genuine accident bro I learned something from studying Steve I got to learn anything from dry they’re all

Gone why do you only have these crafting tables and not a normal crafting table uh somebody trans crafting table it’s funny H so drum I’m guessing you need to go back crazy neox with a $30 stream tip wants to give Cappy some TNT well that’s great cuz Cappy’s power

Just went yeah Oh I thought he was just that disappointed in me God I thought was Dr totally could been but I love that cap was just like oh I think I hear like thunder or what and then next thing you know he’s gone I straight up thought cap was is that

Upset with me he just left I can see I at some point I would believe it you know it’s it’s been a disappointing 5 minutes well I think with that Jerome is the default uh benefactor of the TNT so there you go what’s going on here is

That how that works you get 10 TNT lot of these for cap yeah all right well now that I’m dead that gives me a split second where I can go to the bathroom so I’ll be right back I bro I can’t believe dropsy comes back and this happens ah

So should we put him in a pit and call it a die yeah can we call like the the pit of shame because call have you guys uh made tablet or anything yet nope that’s what we that’s why the diamonds in your neighborhood and then what you going to

Call I wanted to get a stone Jerome and make the diamonds that way but we don’t know where there’s a lava source well jome knows where there’s a lava source yeah oh okay oh yeah he literally had a bucket of lava wood what oh why’ you guys cut down the Magic Tree no

There’s another one over here dropsy I don’t know who chopped down the Magic Tree it upsets me but there’s a there’s one not too far away yeah you sound not necessary right this moment but there is I didn’t know it was magic some special crafting in

The future just fancy and I said how’d you cut it down magic an axe how else they’re just magic like they do you don’t you don’t need anything special with I feel bad now I didn’t I just thought it was a fancy tree cut down the Magic Tree

Oh you should have known that I didn’t know magic CU I don’t know many things about this all right stad yeah he is he is contained good we must study him now hello chat Jerome is in a pit of Shame actually let me let me let me put

A sign here shameful pit of Shame disappointment pit of Shame um is there Flint anywhere so I can make my starting oh there big may he learn his lesson in there which he won’t least we acknowledge that let what you trying to Makey huh I’m just making

My first house nothing new to be learned mhm and then I’m going to make an extra these quick you trying to learn from Ste trying to learn something from drum but it ain’t working don’t do that I think that I think if it saw the glass

It was probably oh my God I learned something new but I think it was from the glass not Jerome oh hold on is it that can I I learned something from you have to do the bookcase I oh right I so come on in

Here book get the you can do it in any order yeah not in this one wow zombie all right see look again First Steps got you st and now I make the sweet knowledge types of knowledge right there’s observation in theories do we all need

To do this one by one yes oh my goodness okay so we’re going to have four of everything this getting my knowledge up super high help a lot I’m back hello you want your knowledge High all right it was so funny jome was like convinced you

Left because you were ashamed of him I was very back yeah I dude I straight up thought you were just that disappointed in me and I was like I can’t blame them we lost the diamonds because of you it’s okay we’re going to come back bigger and

Better than ever okay buddy okay yeah 15 more Diamond uh TNT I mean Steve everybody who wants to progress to The Next Step grab a salus Mundus and a cauldron put it down and click it don’t talk about my moon disc that way okay I’m talking about your moon disc that

Way how dare you Steve you know what yeah how dare you oh so what do we do my Mo what do you mean what do we I literally just said it and you said how dare you someone like what do you mean what do we need to do

M do more water wait Luke what’s this nickname I hear what Cipher in the chat said ly poo e i lik his other nickname suspend this guy yeah go back to that over your suspenders suspenders any of that magic stuff on you the wood uh all the magic stuff is in this

One well most of the magic stuff hey uh can I take a small Lo of I need the wood drum I’ll give you all of my tools if you could just plank time out willly oh man not the planks not worth it he I

Mean the planks can I can can I get a small load of some planks I’ll pay you back with interest here’s uh 50 planks there you go get away okayy hey I’m going to start making use of the building in here me and cap are going

Back to the mines right cap good luck sure bud can I get some more TNT donos please cuz we just I had a stream tip there was a stream tip to get you some right uh Luke cool uh I gave you the 10 TNT and you said you were going to hold

On to it there have oh I do have them thanks I them nice oh I got I found lava you hit them just in case I’m more cap was this our pit I got to make my own work anyone where oh you found Adventure you guys are both oh okay uh

Is there over gold and stuff all right uh gold should be in the orse chest 1 two three four and there should be more smelting if you oh my god jome did you miss jome I’m just staying dead now [Laughter] at least pick up your stuff is all in

That shallow pool of water getting soaked please soy come on St should have thought about that bottom boys oh my God e Oh No No’s just gonna sit there and camp in you can trust Cappy he’s a standup guy C my my Jerome’s currently busy laying the foundation of an explosive

Blazing Trail through this what are you doing what happened I don’t know what that was that was not me that time does anyone have three more glass on them or the remaining glass PS cuz it makes I I got you I got you there you go

Okay hi St such a pain what happened wait what is that Jerome happened what do you think uh can someone throw their thermometer on the ground quick yeah Bor come here uh okay I’ve got it’s invisible you have to pick it back up there go I see okay possibly go

Turn you’re down down so I can scan it real quick oh God let me scan him angry zombie on the ground but oh it’s fine it’s it’s all the same item so as long as one person it was for monkey there you go oh you want to use you want

To do mine oh I already got one I got yours before it’s all the same Stellar collection skills we doing so good and by that I mean you guys are T we do a Bend can we go this way too yeah that would work nice that’s why caps are

Chief engineer uh cap I sprung a leak that’s that’s why you’re not all right let’s go this way I tried to have an idea cap and I spring a leak that was your first mistake is trying to have an idea bro caught me than thinking I guess caught

You thinking uh got caught thinking Jerome come on we got a you be doing that left all right now i r away man I’m learning so much knowledge uh okay should have a basic understanding of most of the stuff around and then uh have you guys been marking the

Steps complete in your book uh yes Howes how do I get a new book for those that fell in lava here I’ll just share mine with you drum so you can just like yeah he can access it cuz the information is on person whenever I need to click complete back that okay yeah

I’ve been doing that okay I completed another tab um I’m so confused me too but like is the mod supposed to be confusing or am I just dumb no it’s definitely supposed to be no there you go thank you cap for sharing is it a little bit hey you

Should scan here use my scanner scan the TNT what is it a little bit of both I I don’t know it’s got a really uh like my pet peeve is like there’s a lot of text in this book that tells you what to do so I I don’t know I’ll all it is

Is reading and none of us are good at that except for dropsy well drops is in law school she has to read all the time we need yeah she’s obviously the smartest person do I’m singing your Praises feather and ink sacks come here Squidward yeah no I’m

Hunting squid don’t we also need um glow stone at this point if you want to make AMC yes we hunt squeed I’m getting sand why did luk Go full Cav man sque me h s perish crime against nature too many arm monk I see you in

Forest ni okay we’ve got four more of these Cher chicken squid squid squid tropy I find Shimmer Leaf good mhm uh yeah man yeah you go man we need we need to do like talk okay two more Jerome we’re almost through laying this down unless someone donates right

Now for more for more TNT for more TNT that’s 25 TNT with a kind donation of how much Jerry uh for just a small of $45 you could help a cppy blast for a limited time will match the offer for 10 TNT it is glass blocks that’s right it’s a

Fire stale uh could we actually uh get to working on an EMC table that’s what we and cap are trying but we found diamonds and then there was an accident street name is the accident oh yeah ke can we uh can we let a rip on that we might find some diamonds in

There how many in sacks do we need oh dude look at that poor skel oh we don’t need know what I have a stack of glass going for you dry man all right I’m on my way back Army of mins they’re not being turned into pains keep them keep them as

Regular glass I I am Superior squid they all in there I just realiz I thought you’re sitting here being a butt you’re actually alive right now yeah yeah I thought you’ve just been being you for a while hey we even found some obsidian nearby right here nice what can possibly go wrong Steve

Stop you give I have 22 you picked up my 11 Tristan marro for the $45 stream tips and merry grun Miss Cappy that’s 10 TNT yay and then some okay there we go looking like cap crimond th cap I got him nice that’s enough to

Make the pick and one to make the uh philosopher stone if we need feathers I was looking I’m still checking around but there’s startling land where where were they like like so when you blew open one of the uh walls and then they were there yeah oh that’s dope that’s dope Heck if

Champion okay so I have another 20 bombs Jerry not again okay I’m gonna get the diamonds I’m gonna get the diamonds kidding don’t worry C I’m coming I’m coming I have the diamonds I’m not going you are safe now C I am here okay I also got the like all right

That one was intentional Jesus I’m scanning his entire inventory that he lost get away from there I didn’t give you permission so much so much knowledge I’m gaining get away I didn’t give you permission from that you get away which parking lot is the safest in Jersey

Found a swarm of chickens none of them scan them question no drum you’re being a pain I already scanned chickens okay Jerry I got a lot of your stuff thank you sir can I have a diamond pickaxe I I have two obsidian have the planks huh no seven seven feathers so we

Have no planks down here there they are start we get them in the EMC table there you go try we are going to be up there soon okay the with the stuff you’re going probably die again I accidentally made a diamond hoe are you kidding bro no I didn’t

Joking I didn’t where was that obsidian there was an obsidian the fact that all of us so quickly believed that is horrifying wait where the obsidian go I saw it like a shred of Doubt might be farther down oh wait all right I’m running back home there’s a

Magic area nearby as dropsy with a lot of like the magic trees and whatnot yeah they it sucks cuz they used to be more important in the older version of thumb craft the way it worked is instead of having to research everything individually to like get the elements

There would just be nodes throughout the world summon and just scan those and get ton of stuff out of it no never mind we don’t talk about what happened all right I got obsidian it fall into the lava Jerry it fell into lava God I hate when it goes invisible

Terrifying we’re going to need more uh obsidian though do you have a bucket of water I do L I could throw a bucket of water down into the water oh right here buddy could you put like the bucket of water so that we can swim back up that would be helpful oh oh

Yeah can one of you guys a maybe do that yeah I got you uh right here BL here you go thank you Luke blab be I am on my way home you do good work you good steak I’ve been keeping an eye out for wool oh my God I forgot you

Could do that oh oh vire yeah dude wait oh did all the obsidian get absorbed or did you pick it up uh oh I got it here tell me I got some all right dang okay so back to the surface I guess yeah we got everything we needed we have

A diamond pick and we have all the obsidian now where look dropy we’re productive oh over here Jerry here right here thumb craft is scary oh right bad bad Minecraft yeah bad swimmming a that’s not going to happen that’s not going to happen do you guys want me to

Remove the water yeah remove the water remove the water we’re not going to make it up there uh hold on I’m trying to find our magma C our magma things cap cap help cap help Jerry made made made Jerry can I have some steak God yes you can but first going

Down uh is there sugar cane near us you’re going to have to do uh yeah I got sugar cane I just went Jerry here’s it down here and we get whichever one it is Soul Sand or magma block I think what really two old there you go cat okay yeah we can

Just build up I guess yeah we’ll do it the more either you build up or make uh laders you uh you go and I’ll just follow behind when they said help not hurt Luke I didn’t I’ve been very helpful as Jerry he actually has yeah he helped out a lot

Yeah and to punched me in the face like I said he’s been helping out yeah knocking some sense into him no that’s helping terrible friends see streaming you guys didn’t think we stood A Chance in This or maybe that I would argue that yeah why is whatever what oh I needed to

Try to scan it by the way dropsy you didn’t complement all of our organization skills no the first thing she did was say there’s no junk chest well there is she just hasn’t found it yet very organized it’s the chest instead’s house I posit is a form of

Organization no I mean the fact that you can’t find the one that we have get out of my what you got in here you got three emeralds in here W you got three emeralds bro yeah what from my emeralds they what’s that book you got in there strange Dreams by

Steadfast games don’t don’t read that I don’t know what book you’re talking about don’t read that hey you put what book Jerry are you out yeah okay I can just vein mine the rest then right no doesn’t work on Cobble yeah unfortunately no it doesn’t all right what are you working on right

Now dropsy what can we do we are starting Alchemy uh learn I can learn from the fire I did it oh sweet hey look can you drop that flint and steel for a sec I want to learn from it you can’t learn anything from it try it anyways uh we do need to

The ne though yeah well they’re just going now something from it oh my God genius oh you missed hey uh we found a uh we found a fortress you spawned right near the Fortress that’s a glow stone but you guys can do that too for fighting dragon

Uh we do not see glow stone anywhere yet company trip to the for you guys are scanning stuff well you got to scan the blazes they’re smelt some Cobble into regular Stone get SC I can’t learn anything just for the transportation tablet we need four get scanned give me a sec oh I

Found glowstone on the floor oh you found some already okay cool I drop might there’s prerequisites to research some stuff oh I I want to scan this get scanned oh my ankles all right I’m coming back monk oh my god oh there you are hi monk

Hi almost just got cut off by this lva ow ow ow don’t trust the bats the bats are violent the bats are violent he’s getting beaten up by a bat and it dropped gunpowder what it’s an exploding bat Dr help the bat the B bat’s biting me help help bar please don’t die

Please don’t die again like man yeah come on the glow can I have I need a water I’m going to make a transmutation tablet have no fear how am I not dead ow dropsy in case you need some of this we bam thanks you a little throw into the

Uh into the good old table Ste you got you should scan your by the way guys uh here’s some extra glow stone for hey we got 800 people watching 800 800 800 let’s go how do we visit the Nether and I got an achievement or I got a a progress

Done for visiting the highest point in the world hello nice you did it I’m so confused so organized in here dropy thanks I need a torch okay I have smelted the stone here you go everyone a transmutation tablet our sugar is not growing I can oh yeah now that we have an EMC

Table absolutely EMC everything th craft that you guys can especially stuff like the vials and who who dug this hole dead what hole uh is it in the nether if it’s in the nether it’s Luke I did that to be inconvenient work jome I have a stack of

TNT oh my God I didn’t think about that consequence C Jerry Jerry get a diamond pickaxe let’s lay down 64 TNT just it is the consequences of our action no spaces need just like all TNT straight line let’s go doomed what we’re done for here I’ll even do one just for

Fun can you do it away from the house yeah bro thank you so much TNT uh there is a horde of zombies coming towards us how many zombies zombies are coming how many zombies would you have to say before it’s actually like a hoarde at least

10 a that’s a healthy number for a hord yeah yeah okay well there’s at least five here I’m half 15 and you can start calling it a hord oh make sure the EMC string Roby would you like some armor got an arrow if anyone needs it I

Got uh Arrow need a bucket though bucket I can give you the iron for it you’re going to die to a baby zombie I’m okay ah baby zombie there Jer dude Jer why are you child oh I AMC it oh my God why are they all Burning uh dropsy

Do I need a new scanner thingy should I make one if you don’t have one someone can someone should be able to get one out of EMC now um how do wee our vmc or thermometer oh yeah monk how do we are they burning again yeah the house keeps setting on fire

Somehow oh so that’s my personal viz uh no no V is a global thing so V you can think of it kind of like uh the forest in Star Wars it’s everywhere around you at all times and what you’re doing with th craft is learning how to

Control it and do with it so whenever you’re holding the thermometer that bar on the left side is the amount that is concentrated within that certain chunk right now because they flow between each other guys we’ve got infinite EMC by the way how do I know what temperature

Everything rotten FL for emeralds I know oh yeah he’s right wait what is there a trailer that’ll do that yeah yeah there is oh my gosh C there’s also one for paper as well oh he’s done he’s done trading me now I need you got to wait you got to

Wait Li over here Lian right here there’s there’s also yeah so like there’s a few of each also uh there’s a blacksmith for Co to emeralds where’s the paper guy they look different uh is the water boil the water boil what are you make we are making night it is a burning item

Never rude stealing the XP stop stealing the XP bro Luke oh my gosh genius I now have 157,000 EMC huge you didn’t have 100,000 all right Richie MC Rich sorry pal I’ll go take my broke self over here I me shy what should I be doing or should I just be scanning

Stuff uh you should just be scanning stuff right now cuz I’m making the next step if you want to watch me do the thing though it’s kind of cool yeah I was trying to trade with this oh there’s a skeleton why are you holding an axe trading with a villager whye

Things go wrong I understand it’s dead can’t negotiating you want be caught lacking do this quick ain’t never going to be caught laging all right I can’t look at it I just got I got it right okay call laud that’s for sure right that was good with oh Marty yeah

Marty gets a minute of peanut cam cuz he has nicely oh actually Marty that just added to it that’s fine though I had to unplug it recently for a video we didn’t get to film cuz monkey doesn’t know how to get his firewall fixed okay oh all right pal oh no Marty

Gone Marty he’s gone who’s gone WR oh no Marty he’s said I’ll tell you what’s wrong peanut is missing’s G oh no peanut ESC did Luke steal Him Luke how he’s not even in my my my door just bursts open he like where have

You can I bum a Diamond off you so that I can just have it in my ememc yeah oh can I can I get one of those to yeah yeah yeah I’ll just uh give it to Monkey stead stole the diamond he’s a diamond I’ll give you I’ll give it to you give

Me a sec there you go I learned something new uh monk where’s that glow stone you got I gave it to people who needed it desperately monk gar you didn’t yeah I did I can give you some in a minute okay hey here’s your diamond thank

You scan time time for scan wait dropy where’s all the cool stuff oh it’s in here I got a sharpness two knockback one Diamond Sword for 15 diamonds what Dro My My thicon fell in I was trying to scan the Brew I was trying to SC I’m sorry well I can’t get it

Back on fire that’s how you sorry I’ll come back I thought I could scan it and learn things but no no one but dropy is allowed in there while she’s she’s Brewing I want to W let her cook I want to watch her cook wait Dr Drum come outside and just

Watch Through the Windows it’s a lot creepier hold up Luke hold hold hold hey drop so disturbing what are we making what we making if you guys want we can make uh thge robes Hold Up Hold upang yeah make it worse break the window broke my

Window Luke God why that broke it I I did I fix see I fix I was going to break the middle one and then immediately fix it there but no um okay so one thing to do more stuff low dep highest peak you can are you making the Brew

Again H I can make it again I need to grab more torches let me know I’m going to drops taken from the ceiling on the roof the roof now wait he’s on the roof is this the one that does good no he’s see wherever you’re at yeah I see yeah we we see

Drop talking about the rotten flesh one ah rotten flesh no I don’t know where the rotten flesh guys I’m just traing with the weapon Smith so I want to get really good weapon so this is called night [Laughter] that I already got to empty this thing so the flux doesn’t get too

Much just such problems [Laughter] today he Dr you is something wrong with the soup hello hi Steve hi we’re making I just made it back hi Steve um you’re interrupting dropsy what’s it well I have presents what kind of Prisons I made us the uh the thge outfit the robe and the the

Leggings and the boots thank you sir put water in one of those things dropsy to make a brew uh it’s water and items depending on what you’re trying to make there’s like fire below it I’m going to assume I missed something can somebody fill me in on

What happened uh we’re trying to make bullying dry I just don’t know how to get the bruise started do I need fire underneath it uh here that’s what I was trying to explain Dr do you have a new thicon no cuz you might need to complete a few things so

Go ahead and take that you need books I got books I uh okay yeah we could burn books uh it’s not what I said or meant let’s not do that uh am a flint and steel and a Netherrack I can get a Nether I me not just I think

You can use a torch can’t you will that be hot enough uh I don’t remember you can try for sure and if it doesn’t then just uh get nether rck real quick and then light it all is it just a normal CAU try no it’s a specific Alchemy cauldron that

You put the salad oh there we go for the $50 stream tip he said have a free Ender eye on the house thanks buddy can you see that anything more interesting uh I mean I feel like that we should that might be chea yeah if you

Want to get rid of the value of it okay chemical metery so we need do this yeah I feel like that’s cheating to EMC how do we Okay so in order to make this yellow nighter I just need fire Lux in whatever potential that’s what I was making there’s one already underneath

The someone expl cauldron that’s in there oh was a it’s just real unfortunate that we all have to do it as well well I’ve been completing stuff without like doing the cauldron and stuff like that I think you can just completed in your Thon namicon so Drum drum I have it I got it yeah what he doesn’t know drum here quickly take this dropsy I can’t get my Brew to start well you have to wait for it to boil it’s st’s diary okay why is it all tattered it literally says tattered underneath

It C I don’t even know what that is yeah where are you at where are you at break the window in no don’t let him pick tattered oh man why is it Ted I don’t even know what that is well obviously dreams it’s obviously steadfast dream

Diary and it here I’ll read ant summ Shark Boy and Lava Girl I’ll read an exert from it here this is one of De streams this is one of Dead’s dreams are you guys ready I’m excited okay roses so many r roses all the Iron Golems they

Beat up people for me it’s awesome they kill I win the stream is mine stad Fest stest stest St Fest St Fest stead you’re have such a way with words Ste I got a number for some people you can talk to if if you need but I mean I’m sitting in this cauldron

Dr he’s getting soupy I think he sorry he lost oh yeah wait dropsy can we get soupy with it in The Cauldron or no I’m not fixing any flux you guys create all right dropsy what am I supposed to do with light bulbs do I want to use light

Bulbs yeah what’s up what’s up Luke uh on the scribing station it’s unattended no I’m leaving the I’m not you need inspiration I’m going to go find a desert we need end guys yes but like so are the ones with light bulbs better I mean all of them

Can you get us some it’s just research to do they’re all just ideas that you write down that are yeah we just need one Blaze Rod actually no wait no I feel like Ender ey blaze rods and ender pearls all shouldn’t be allowed to be

Emcd I think that’s a okay okay so we need a standard amount you know five to 10 blaze rods please I’m going to go try and find us some Ender Pearls at a desert okay I’m going to get a sharpness two knockback one sword real quick that’s a that’s for 15 emeralds in

There yes it is no way yeah I was TR do you want to come with me then to get blaze rods all right I have visited the lowest depth how do you get I just gave you a stack of paper I I just thought I just had

Flashbacks to live streams like five six years ago there’s a challenge I want to bring back what oh no we used to do it used to take a couple streams like it would take a while but we would do what we call the billionaire challenge unlike our millionaire challenge it’s a

Collaborative effort where we try to get a billion EMC doing anything with project e so you’d have to get like power fers I have very vague memories of that yeah it was so I’m going to write this down um I yeah oh man you want is this how you downed yep you can

Just take that down oh sweet all right I’m blazs then yep okay I’ve got that diamond books I did EMC books that’d be chat do you like that like that that would be a fun one that that’s a cool one to do like at some point right like I don’t know I

Maybe I’m crazy I I just sorry randomly hit me ignore me hey man no it’s fine I like I like collaborative challenges for us we don’t get to do it too often yeah we’re usually too busy beating each other up I hate what you’ve done here Luke we’re either too busy beating each

Other up or or Worse not getting our parents firewalls down so we can play games together why is there a villager in the nether because the villagers walk no now he’s getting attacked by The Blaze and he’s dead way to go Luke wait

What did I do you let a v it wasn’t Luke but yeah it was L I meant the hole that he did oh I’ve spotted a purple tree on the horizon that’s one Blaze Rod still seeing purple uh bucket drum dud use your magic use your Magic Eye and scan [Laughter]

The a a is there a spaw met jokes meta jokes they don’t get him yet yeah I think over here cap someone’s going to see that in like a month and go oh that’s what Monkey okay I’ve got hey Ry wants to know what the best shiny starter Pokemon is I actually don’t know which one which one looks the this Greninja oh he yeah he he becomes or Charizard black and red Charizard yeah Charizard’s also the most class talking can we not what oh I’m going to

Be honest thought you were a monkey up there what God nothing oh you you’re is that bad you’re such a bad person sometimes I see where you are yeah love you man but God such a you’re such a nuisance yep uh I got one my quest for a desert has come up

Short I do know there’s a spawner somewhere like upstairs I think somewhere I hate that this is poopy swimming best update to ever come to Minecraft swimming yeah I was going to say probably my favorite update that Minecraft ever got okay so I don’t think it’s going through there find anything Dead uh

No just more corridors you said cordor not corridors anyone having any luck on the whole Enderman thing I’m having that’s you’re going to need a desert for that one by the way guys I don’t think they’ve noticed yet about the uh stream tip goal to cause taint to spread

Throughout the world and corrupt everything Could Happen also I want to thank everyone who has been so generous and awesome like Shadow Fox and Adrien the meow our captains in the live stream thank you guys without people like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every

Day and so thank you from the bottom of my heart um for being here and thanks for being so awesome seriously guys like you guys make it so that we could do what we do every day so just thank you thank you friends for being so amazing

Crystals I don’t think we have a ton of those we don’t not okay yeah we can just go over there so the drop down Point does that go all the way it’s blocked off okay no fine is is there water down at the bottom yeah yeah I like building blocks

Cuz I don’t oh that they’re Dr down pix I see what’s the new drop down Point uh drop just made a staircase down right around there’s a cave over here it’s like right here oh an Enderman at spawn nice Luke I’m very lost hey learned from

Him I learned from him and then I killed him and I got a knee Pearl boom it’s okay drum I’m with you I’ve actually been following you this whole time cuz that’s not creepy at all yep I was literally breaking the lily pads as he was jumping off of

Them Luke but now I have officially lost him Santa Claus what he must be the Santa break lily pads intern claws yeah interesting yeah that’s two hey Aiden thank you for being a 10-month member dude yeah that reminds me of uh oh God what was that another mini game there’s like

A stream like I used to have a thing set up like I just download like a template on like whatever for OBS I remember I used to had this one that whenever someone would stream tip it would like pop a voice like yes yeah that’s totally a thing you can

Do yeah that’s still a thing huh Enderman on the horizon my bad you’re good you need any steak uh no I’m good thanks cool he he Caribou so what’s the strongest armor in the thumbs um technically the blood ritual stuff but we’re not we don’t have the

Time to get that Rome yeah that’s we don’t have enough time to sacrifice Steve today Matthew thanks for the $25 stream dip time to start a Christmas movie debate oh god um he also wants to on Jerry and he said is the first two Die Hard movies

Christmas that’s not even a debate yeah of course first one for sure but I I can’t remember the plot points of the second one does it happen to you know Fair cap I actually don’t remember either I’ve seen the first I know I know die hard one for sure but like die hard

Even show it during Christmas time it has to be a Christmas movie yeah it’s the best Christmas movie I instead protect me from the blazes while I search up die hard too I’m just kidding totally see you doing it though I got two how many do you have I have

Four so that’s six blaze rods total I should have learned from it wait there he is he’s still up there die hard to plot Die Hard Die Hard Die Hard a year after his heroic in LA detective John mlan is mixed up in another terrorist spot this time as

Washington dude if if that starts becoming a yearly occurrence for you I think you need to re-evaluate what you’re doing in life to get you in those situations okay I need to going to La what Fair that’s the problem he’s got a state dude if that happen to me if that

Happened to me two Christmases I’m never going back to LA like you’ll never okay okay so Die Hard 2 is also on Christmas Eve in La yeah it’s a Christmas movie in Washington DC I’m saying she’s got to stay away from well I’m just saying that like like

If your if your Christmas Eve turns into terrorist stuff twice you got to think about that for a second yeah stay home yeah fair but then what happens when a home alone situation I want I want a Die Hard movie where John mlan is caught out without

His gat and the Home Alone guys are breaking in that’s I don’t see your point monkey what are you saying yeah monke what’s going on I sounds like you don’t like fun bro I need I hid myself in a house for safety I need to go to the

Bathroom that’s not gonna happen this guy all right chat you heard him Lo them up on I have four blaze rods so far dude why are there so many mobs like what I got to read that 12 dust is night time and we don’t Place torches anywhere

Yeah true yeah that we’re just I scan the sun yeah and every moon face what nothing new can be learned from this dropsy lied to me well you might need prerequisites for it see the phases of the moon are a thing in this I I know that yeah well isn’t

There something tied to slime spawns with the faces of the moon in Minecraft that I don’t have a answer to I swear there’s like a you get increased chances of slime spawns if it’s like a new moon or a full moon oh I mean I believe it goodbye

Blaz oh my God there’s a ton of iron God I don’t need it gold look at him just thinking that he can hover like that what no cap I was going to go for it oh No Cap oh no I went for it it didn’t work out I got him I got

Him Gotta Go Gotta Go that gas wanted it wanted bad could I get a feather from somebody yeah okay but never mind I can’t if it’s a crow feather you may experience side effects of believing you can fly cap I got four you got four okay how many Blazer do we need again

Dr I mean enough for we can see these what are we doing no no no no that was the one rule we have we’re not even seeing those okay just see seemed a bit unfair so we’ll grab more just in case then while we’re here blue crystals are hard to

Come by yeah I only found a couple of them earlier I have 25 on me it should be enough for the rest of what I need to do with them all right and I am not setting up the entire machine to make my own crystals I’m I’m just not doing that

Today monk monk help I’m under attack I’m coming buddy edman I made him mad do we get Pearl no oil Quil Quil Quail feel bad there’s not really anything I can do to help dropy right now oh you could find blue crystals yeah but she found enough for

All right I’m going more crystals the better just for crafting in general and the more stuff I can use for uh the research table I see okay I’ve got four more uh blaze rods now with stads four and my eight that gives us a good amount I think that is

Plenty all right I’m here I’m ready to move out if you are ke I got four more all right sweet aside from the generalization of underground is there anywhere I should be looking for them underground Underground I will slap all of you got enough hands bro I hope your hand doesn’t hurt it’s

Fine I’ll be fine I don’t have a pickax why don’t you have a pick that was oddly concerned for the sake of someone who just said they were going to slap him oh that lag though o that lag though spicy why is our village on fire

H’s in the ne it’s not his fault yeah I’m not at home a blaze spner up there yeah there was another one over there Blaze go through the portal I mean they’re pretty close right I don’t think the I mean the portal is like really close to the

Stronghold well yes but I I don’t think kept this way I also doubt it I think someone just lit a fire somewhere and wasn’t careful iron plate is three iron what’s uh keeping The Crucible warm or whatever it is I think that’s what’s causing now

Which way do we got to go for the portal I see I see I see spicy IC see hot get out me swamp ow you took that bullet for me haha you fell in the hole haha no no you were going to punch me weren’t you yeah

You couldn’t punch me haha I could punch you fast enough I’m over years to what is that the voice crack no the Tower of dirt probably someone’s dirt pillar to escape pain suffering I understand being punched in the face bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon Bacon we are the best commentators I’ve ever heard of guys I don’t even [Laughter] know yeah like I I don’t know where you’re reaching for such just Stellar commentary monkey but keep doing it you see I reach deep in into the swamp and then look at look what it’s

It’s in my hand and it turns out to be more bacon also Drome is puking steak I feel like the steak bomb should have wa why we’re laging I just really want him to come back to just a pile of steak or does anyone have leather yeah I

Have yeah but I’m in the middle of the swamp here looking to bacon I just dropped something behind you drop these some more magical trees this time I can an knowingly destroy them knowing that there might be they might be magical uh dropsy I’m going to give you

These uh blue RADS okay just for saf the Villager just pushed you off the uh the crafting up what the heck okay you can take these as Welly I converted some of to blaze powder just because I wasn’t just because I wanted new can be learned Magic fire protection unbre it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it was you it was me Jerry it was me Jerry I’ll take you out of this world L don’t think I won’t oh you want to go on go Ste Ste brought you into this world

He can take you out of it Luke come on come at me Ste That was just rude I chat can see like half of this battle he’s he went underground chase him don’t let him get away okay ow can’t be letting letting this happen Luke your watch dies dead Fair I’ve made myself the Caster’s G you got you dug this you dug the Caster’s

Gauntlet how does how do you have so much heal Caster for the ather float bound Steve used up all the V well my bad wow Steve there’s yeah there stop shielding yes did you guys get rid of all the books yeah I think so oh yeah you get me some well whenever you my life is in danger good you picked

A fight you weren’t ready for you fought stit yeah you better run stit I’m the one run yet make some bookshelves I’m very confused whose life is anyone who has a feather I do not have a feather I think esap I don’t know dropsy do you have a

Feather uh yeah you need a vis room for anything all right fair warning I’m going to clear ground items cuz the uh the steak is lagging I don’t have you guys good not EMC that I I can clear it for you if you want Luke what’s up I can

Clear it for you if you want oh I I’m right on the button now so I’m ready okay go for it as long as you guys don’t have any ground items I’m good so dropsy voms do we need them um can grab them if you

Want I mean I am cuz they look like a mushroom from Plants versus zomes okay but I don’t know what they do or why I should grab them so real Rex thank you for the $20 Dono first time donating but I just got through back surgery I just

Wanted to thank you all for doing the amazing things you do uh your streams always make me laugh give Jerome a steak bomb another one no that was the one that wait sorry I’m back what did I miss who died I just read out for okay okay uh

Rex with a $20 stream tip said he just got through back Searcher hey congrats on getting through it wanted to thank you all for doing the things you do for the stream oh well thank you so much and then he said steak bomb on Jerry dude

I’m glad you’re doing better and uh glad we could be here for you during that hard time dropy what did I miss have you made a new Brew uh Steve and I have magical gauntlets did you EMC the god oh my god guys you need to come into dropsy room

ASAP oh that’s not Co what did you do Jerome you’re a stream right now what did you do Christ see I think there’s something wrong with the BR how many does that sponge get it’s infinite nice no I’m not even no you’re [Laughter] done jome what did you just summon in my

Command station what what do you mean oh my God what did you do why am I nauseous what is this it’s eating the command center eating everything it must be just too much steak for you to keep up with dropsy I don’t know why my first instinct was

Blame Luke for something drunk quick give me the sponge I’ll Auto over here there’s someone over here do we have to clean that one up there or is that yes can I go clean it up so all right I drained all the chunk of flux but it’s still

Here hey heartless fo makes for me to 28 month member why did you summon cthulu on my platform it was funny for what it’s worth I didn’t know that that would happen and for what it’s also worth I would do it intentionally cuz you guys

Did this before I was like hey don’t do that you’ll cause rips and like years I don’t believe you that was three years ago and you remembered that offand yeah just saying awful big coincidence there cool yeah yeah yeah thank you I wish that when you use the thing that you

Guys saw what I see like you know like I wish like you hold the thing up to your eye like a monocle like yes yes yes I’m making my way back downtown my way up town Steve to see my fluffy dog time to get soupy with it

Oh how come when I try and get soupy with it it doesn’t work I put water in there but it wasn’t with it trading you like the grer for getting sup with the Drone ow what oh no he’s retaliating God please tell me he’s not doing it

Again this is going horribly wrong hey tell me someone also the oh also we need get some more eyes we only have one hour and we have one under eye we have stuff we have stuff what do we have yeah I gave drop seed the blaze

Rods oh okay so we just need Ender pears then oh I’ll come with you to get ender pearls Jerry thank you dead I found one Pearl while you guys were Monk and I have battled two Enderman together and no pearl was dropped yeah but the one that I battled by

Myself that’s where I got the Pearl just saying say so you’re saying we should join of course like Voltron eventually if we hit enough things over the head it will work how many arrows do you got man a lot actually I’m running out uh drop you what can I do to help

You Donovan Adams with a $30 stream tip I’m sorry no Floppy Fish B in this there’s no Floppy Fish bombs in 1122 I’m sry there aren’t even fish in this version is there not a later version of thumb no there is oh uh 1122 was the latest that I found

Really I wonder why they never I was talking about the no there’s not squid it’s such a popular mod you think it would be updated but yeah right I think the problem is a lot of mods in 1122 beeld that same trap unfortunately where like a lot of cool

Mods developed in 1122 and then they never like went further with it yeah I I think cuz at the the time if you think back 1122 was what like seven eight nine years ago n the biggest big verion oh gladly Donovan Adams he said he said skeleton bomb onstead

Instead nice he’s in his house in a close I think the biggest victim of that Jerome is 1710 though 1710 was a big one I think because the 1710 was like literally almost 10 years ago 1122 was probably like 7 they’re F and uh my honest op at the time there’s a

Creeper enough uh there wasn’t enough money in the space is my take and like to make a mod like this is like literally a job but like if you’re not being paid for it you really can’t I mean how long can you do that right

Until your parents yell at you to get a job so um and I think nowadays you can find jobs being a mod developer like tons of people do so I think it’s just a I think a lot of mods stand T time for that reason that’s just entirely like

That’s what I believe I don’t know if it’s true but that’s where my head’s at with it would make sense girl we’ have legitimately just gone in a circle 100 blocks away from our spawn yeah we’re still just looking I don’t know whether we go out or do a

Circle you know you you know it’s fine cap we’ll go out far we’ll go out for maybe we need was uh correct me wrong wasn’t Enderman originally a mod and then they got added to Minecraft might have been horses were originally a mod really that yeah there’s a witch o magic

Mag no you should scan it though what’s that I’ll try to you just right click your mon he is that true I didn’t know nightbot had a thing uh that it would just stra up ban people after three strikes makes sense that’s aggressive robots oh there he is I have come here I

Know you come here Luke said are having a bow battle this whole time F oh my gosh is there we could be doing to help you dropsy or should just keep doing Enderman it’s getting out of your way yeah start getting ready to travel okay Vernon with

A $5 stream tip hope you’re all doing great do you have any plans on doing among us again for a weekend stream uh it’s potentially possible I’m not sure what I’m doing Sunday so have to get back my vocal cords like a whole day beforehand Jerry yeah after what

Happened last time but you were just path and weird cap I don’t know what to tell you you are a mongrel of the highest sort just like the lest pedigree the void of morals destitute of fiber yeah F yeah yeah this man doesn’t have good poops at all this man has poopy

Poops no I’ve been having a lot of poops recently to h e some brand flakes pal yeah man like take care of yourself what what are what are these guys let’s scan them oh I think they’re like uh tra called the P can I kill him I’m

Killing him huh I’m killing the pet look out I think they eat skon I think like oh he hit me back never mind oh what happened to the EMC table I lost track of you oh okay guys what happened to the MC table I’ve been fighting Luke this entire time follow the sound

T are you block I’m blocking okay I need a lot no no ow oh my God why are there so many explosions because I think Steve went AFK outside and a creeper blew up and it blew up the EMC table man imagine being back there Jerry yeah right look at

These guys all causing I bet drops making more flux soup floopy okay see what we need all right let’s be real cap you would have a bowl of floop I would totally have a bowl of i’ try at least just to be polite I mean you can’t you

Know someone like if my mom made me a big old bowl of floop then I’d eat the floop yeah like come on what if it’s Minon floop dude it might be my mom I think actually broke in earlier and left minone in the fridge oh dude I love

Burger mom broke into your house and left it in the fridge I hope that was her anyway where’s the there’s mystery there’s mystery super how many times am I going to have to say it Steve exploded the all the time I know you hear that talking about

Minone soup okay glow someone find a diamond I got one oh we have you got one no EMC table right EMC table exploded oh right is gone can we can we buy diamond from one of the Traders no uh I maybe but we also don’t have I

Don’t have emeralds on me I don’t know I have emeralds on Blue oh that’s because of the biome we’re in you didn’t know that uh there’s multiple different like watercolors per biome uh yeah I knew that changes in the swamp too it’s all poopy of course I knew that cat

I got an Ender eye off of Luke apparently too what yeah I don’t know I guess he’s an Enderman now is that oh ender pearl okay no I got end and suspender all right well that’s I I don’t know what to tell you oh my gosh is that a Slenderman the suspender the

Suspender he leaves you waiting for more I don’t think he got the joke or SL whoosh I got the joke no I mean but explain it to me in case I didn’t yeah you’re an expert on jokes monkey explain the joke so it’s funnier I guess yes L

Here C give me a I want to milk these chickens okay yeah you mad at me luk I learned about him all right let me look o nice I’m learning more stuff I learned about raw chicken it’s the Sal oh yeah what’s the point of us learning this stuff no

Can I buy one or not research in your Thon oh can I eventually summon a chicken potentially yes oh nice what is the point of like let’s say in like a perfect world what what is the point of thumb craft you can literally do virtually anything once you do

Research can I spawn an Ender Dragon well that’s I mean you can do that without th craft but yeah can I spawn to need lava let’s go somewhere can’t you um summon an eldrich God I’m just going to go get some glow his name is Jerry I already

Got glowstone but I have another idea well I was going to say just there is Stone real quick just take I need the diamond for that instead can you file your taxes oh sure can try that’s what I need the so if you can look for Diamond I’m going

To go get everything else aren’t there Golems you can automate just running around not actually getting I need that EMC table yeah I know I’m going to get I’m getting the stuff for the EMC table I just need a diamond and that’s they only had2 like I do they’d be like really set

To try and find some diamonds guys my expeditions to find Ender Pearls have been horrific I got I actually got some new information I have big brain plans Jerome drapy can I smelt down gear in this version is it related to Ender pear you can try but I don’t I don’t know no

Can’t cool is AR hold on sorry I’m trying not to die IND theator oh wait where did you guys get the Shimmer Lea no I’m uh but what’s the sh uh the the light blue plant yeah I need more uh there was a biome of fancy stuff oh we

Were just in that biome no where where be my uh your where be my diamond I don’t have a diamond one I have emeralds but if you walk in that direction yes I looked there’s a magical area like I’m not here right now guys shut up I’m

About to drink milk and that’s the most important thing ever okay my turn P monkey look out a creeper anyways refreshing monk just looks at me Donovan Adams no thick burritos I I have been having bathroom problems creeper why aren’t you you VIN mining it oh my God I

Didn’t think that would work cuz it’s not an ore I saw drum do it I don’t know how though he’s a wizard what did I do you VIN mind obsidian yeah you can Vin M obsidian cool valuable blocks that can be Vin minded maybe all right I have

Everything but a diamond yeah yep man find two TNT if only cap These Guys these guys are you guys looking for a diamond Lappy yeah we’re lost good jop say I’m coming down with you we could look for a diamond but I thought we were looking for a desert

Could we should we be looking for a DI you looking for a desert I’m not even holding W this is just fun uh there’s home cords you just need deserts are only because it’s a wide open area we’re next to a plains biome that’s fine

Enough oh my yeah cap and I are very far from home Spider-Man we’ll be there soon spiders I’m down at uh down at y level right yeah well scan it at least jeez Jerry before you kill it oh hi let me in let me in yeah you can deal with

Them yeah oh there’s an Enderman down here I hear him dead I do they it hurts animals when you scam he’s here I mean we need Diamond more than anything cap do they get hurz animals when you scan them I mean he’s over here no I don’t think

So probably like takes a little part of their soul though I have to imagine right cool I’m about to SC tooks I didn’t take studs he willingly signed it over willingly signed it over under der ladies and gentlemen we got him not like I have your soul you got another ender

Pearl that’s an awful lot of liel for someone who has their soul in someone else’s hands I was about to try just put a bunch of TNT underneath me to like hello hour lift myself up this Cliff drum yeah with the innovative ideas come on one diamond is the server lagging

Probably I thought it was but then this creeper just didn’t expl might all that FL that mon spawned in over this you know starting area what’ you do today doesn’t have a lot of Hope in y all today I don’t either dude things are going arai I’m not in charge for the first

Like hour I could go for some rye toast right now why I don’t know you just you said aye no but why why Rye though I don’t know it tastes pretty good you don’t like rye bread I don’t it’s just not my preferred you know sour dough is

The best bread well tell me Ry I don’t know cap I I know this is kind of like a cheat answer but pretzel bread is always like oh okay but if we’re opening it up in the snack breads like come on man umns SNS Dr I know you do you know anything about

Sneds that’s ste’s new bakery shop STS stad sneds and breads instead I know what we’re going to do today open yep we’re opening a bakery um but Dr have you ever you’ve gone to the Outback Steak House right yeah of course okay there the bread they serve you

There that’s a good one um but the bread they serve there is pumper nickel bread and that is like the most delicious bread I’ve ever had did you say the type of bread again I feel like you’re going to make don’t do it Luke don’t do it I’m not

Going do it not going to do it don’t do it card what was it gargle bread cap I think it was gargle bread I hate to say this but I strip mining you guys remember that Professor har Potter Mrs gargle Willie asked if we’ve ever had wheat berry bread I’ve never heard of

That well I mean if it has berries in it does it have berries in it or is that just the name of it what is happening oh so monumentally what happens Jerome are you ready am I ready for what oh my a single oh my oh my this is

Bad a single Dam day all right luk I think our work done this has none of the Elegance of my first disaster oh God dropsy yes me and C gonna find diamonds for you guys don’t worry yeah let’s go find diamond I found one oh home go back

Then home is still there after what you just pulled what did we pull cthulu just shows up go your turn from the communal bucket there you go yeah thanks that that’s a communal milk bucket I appreciate it dude I’m scanning Luke now and he’s now 1% more milk

St you ever wonder about that like 2% milk what’s the other [Laughter] 98% going to really confuse someone about how milk works today Jer well what’s they’ve got whole milk is milk more hydrating than water no coconut milk I think I think is coconut milk might have the electrolytes

That let you uh rain water a bit better dropsy here oh dropsy the communal milk bucket dropsy the communal milk bucket there you go make sure you share that hold up I need to talk to this cauldron we get it you vape but what is wheat have we figured that out

Yet yeah what is wheat berry is it like cuz if it’s got berries in the bread it’s not bread it’s dessert wheat berry is a whole wheat kernel composed of brand okay so just whole wheat bread there’s a rift somewhere is that it uh

The rift is on the ceiling or roof is a wheat berry just whole wheat if wheat berries are mil whole wheat flowers prod why don’t you say whole wheat like a normal person Willie this whole time there it is there it is Jerry uh dropsy there it is yeah

You got it by the way if we didn’t get this donated item we would be doomed all right dropsy where’s that diamond you had in my inventory still gone and it has no Willie said I don’t remember it being called whole wheat am I crazy wait what whole wheat bread does it willly

Answeres in it Willie what you’re telling me that wherever you’re from they call it wheat berry bread and not whole wheat bread crunch who who ra who invited this man get him out of here I think that’s a timing out man you guys messed that up I have to refind all

Those items dropsy have you ever heard of no oh I need smooth Stone oh boy man I don’t remember what I put in there a I think we actually ruined something for dropsy everybody apologize that’s it Jerome go go in the pit of Shame everybody didn’t do

This what do you mean you were an accomplice monkey how so I received a letter from you in the mail saying do this or else I’ll kill all your puppies wow that got dark I think I yeah I was surprised too monkey flowers ke sitting here like how do you think I

Feel what flowers okay I’m back silver whatever hey St you came back just in time your boy will yeah there’s one here has no idea what is and he calls it wheat berry bread what yeah I know sickening can somebody clog up the water up at the top

Of the staircase oh that’s there because someone made another Rift in time three guesses and all of them are luk what so nobody can CL in there no I got you sorry I was there’s only one master clogger around here but I think he retired from the

Game oh Silverwood works oh I see Enderman all right I’m going to go get another piece of lava just in case someone blows up the table again Steve dude I wasn’t even here Jerry people watching let’s go that’s crazy so you can’t be like you blew up

The portal outside and the creeper blew up okay so the creeper blew up the poor you were outside why did you just go like over there was an emergency monkey I did see that yeah oh an emergency could have happened inside also Steve someone vomited in the

Uh the soup again and I I was here for the oh wait again again yeah no again it was like oh a minute ago or something right before you got back okay so I didn’t get an end Pearl there that’s not doing what I want all right what do you need dropsy

How can I help you uh you can help us get ender pearls here I know what speaking of I actually just got another one in the end I know how to get ender pearls we researched it guys and I know magic so magic monkey put me

On to the game here yeah I got you I got got BR ideas I got C out I don’t need it right now but what these are it’s big brain timee I found the magic The Secret Sauce cuz I have one uh 64 end pearls can I have some you’re welcome America

How’d you do it Jer tropy has the power of Monk being a has the $25 stream tip I missed your I’m sorry but as soon as you get steak bom learn more forbidden Berry knowledge walnuts are some other tree nuts and considered berries while still fruits in the tree

Huh aren’t like cashews like just like one bit of a fruit hatred for the berries hey drafty no no please no no please it wasn’t me the other times hit him no not again never again Jerome enough or something oh it’s Drome he’s just lagging up a storm go hey can

I have those blaze rods I see two drop can I have the blaze rods don’t give them to him I love Jerry from the bottom of my fart but don’t give I make ender pearls oh there’s two Endermen right next to us how do end pearls okay got onek was Big

Brain what’ you get what’ you get Kat big brain did you just use a philosopher stone and four iron no pish posh wait I thank you Adrian the meow again and Shadow Fox our captain of the live stream supporting the channel keeping us alive and keeping us doing

What we do you’re amazing and without people like you we couldn’t do what we do each and every day so from the bottom of my heart thank you very much thanks for joining us and I hope you guys are having a fun stream love it you guys are

Amazing for real the best fan base anyone could ever ask for thank you hey all right let’s get fancy with it yeah you uh you like runder zomie you see this D you see this in my hand there a million what is that Iron Man’s Gauntlet or that’s the grunder

Taker oh my god oh by the way did you uh the I steel grunder the lens I gotc that the resonator resonator would you like your own Undertaker terum yes oh there’s another uh breach above the Pod by the way yo no okay monkey took your Undertaker here’s another

One I’m not taking what is theundertaker called Caster’s Gauntlet you don’t need why would you tell him that he’s going to try to take our grunder okay so I W with normal Plain Jane methods got two ender pearls I have though cat nice nice fist

There you go buddy you can have a stack made a Table made a table dropsy can we help with what anything you’ve done enough stop being we’re we’re okay people hey does anyone have arrows depends what you do with them for the dragon yeah I got some Ste should have a lot of all people he’s going to turn on you as soon as

You here you go okay Cy sketch right there than cool they turn invisible sometimes weird no I just didn’t open my eyes oh I hate when you don’t do that why why you not do that Dr should we make an enchantment table yeah I got one one’s already made yeah chop it down

All right we have lapis do we got books like I I have books we might as well books well let’s make bookshelves like we might as well get some higher level stuff planks there they are okay there we go someone no are you firing upon my command center here go he’s that

No I’m not well I don’t have the levels for that monk I’ve got 24 levels oh yeah this is old qu it actually takes all the levels oh it takes all the levels wow I forgot about that I think so yeah it might have changed when they got lapis but I think

This one was still why does it only projectile protection thank you oh last protection yes Donovan Adams with a $66 straight dip said Luke cause chaos for me get him very well kill him scan that man scan that this from you we’re going to scan yes you can thank

You what are you wearing thanks dead yeah does that armor have EMC it does but it’s high yeah how much how much is the EMC wor like what’s it uh Monk that you want to just tell me or you know leave me in suspense leave him in suspense he’ll

Hate it look at look at what I said to you yeah I see that but that doesn’t really mean anything to me I don’t know just give us a value give me something to work with here it’s just all right fine I’ll give you the Armor but you’re not going to like it

What does this me Jes it’s it’s worse than your diamond armor so it’s not just say that don’t worry Ste I understand you now tell me more no M you wanted it take it know the EMC value of it instead it’s like the most expensive is 16,000 so so

EMC it but it’s not bad honestly would the th craft armor help dropsy with some of her stuff she’s got the right now see it you want diamond I have Diamond I just was wearing it because I thought it was better but it wasn’ts is going to be like just staring

Into the distance for the rest of the day after this I gave her a sanity Checker and I’m pretty sure it’s capped out right now I’m pretty sure you’re right I think dropsy is just done dropsy is done with all of us specifically you Monk for causing all the

R yeah I’ve got I’ve got two things of blast protection which means I don’t take damage from creepers did ever add like uh Magic protection in you know like from like the the ender dragon’s breath and the ender dragon’s breath and the Ender Dragon I mean the warden

Shak could be counted as magic Warden streak yeah ender pearl damage that could count uh the wither wither yeah wither yeah think they ever going to add something like that I don’t know llama spit is Magic yeah fair fair yeah dude the bane of llama spit that could be the

Name of llama spits Bane yeah that’s my rap name llama spits Bane I actually think I’ve heard your stuff on Spotify mhm yeah yeah spitting lugies yeah Call of Duties yeah hey got any games in there hey TRS you got you got any you got any games in there

Hey when does the alrich horror spawn if I uh do The Crucible thing too much what oh dear God where is Luke please for the love of God don’t I forgot that he was even spawned we got to kill this man before something bad happens oh dang I

Wasn’t killing you man I was just I thought you were coming I thought you were attacking okay so I can I can keep going bro oh jeez my diamond sword what happened I I didn’t realize you could right item I’m going to get sword yeah I did that’s not

Ideal I’m going to go get a new diamond sword I guess wait are we down jome wait are we down with us Jerome Look Back Where I just heard a noise oh wait that you know what we should do we should take one of these cauldrons and

Then summon it on top we chill we’re chill we’re chill wait yeah what if we put the in a rift wonder what I could research this for guys I need help I think we keep I cheated cuz this is almost over hey look a rift help hey dropsy hold on

I’m coming Dr where where are you we need a sponge I forgot I’m getting away Rift in SpaceTime oh his bow hurts guys I mean we I’ll have you know I cheated my armor in I mean we can make our End Dragon right now we got to

Try let me drop to can I steal the bed from your office Terra and then an AA yeah get him dead okay guys I got the bed EMC the bed make multiple oh my God good point F I’m going to be honest you haven’t done a

Heart of damage to me yet okay dude that’s unfair that’s Luke that’s unfair I’m joking I lied to get you away from me tap let’s set out yeah Jer it’s on the roof riting ow did you see which way it went though this way ke ow okay cool I’ve got like

64 arrows and a bow and I’ve got meat I don’t know what this does I’m pretty stacked like what does this do is this doing anything to you no are we just going without them should we have taken the EMC table with us did you just give

Yourself an axe no I’ve had this one of my cheated items yeah we don’t need them you got the Jerome are going to go defeat the end no we’ll wait we wait we’re not going to why we ever do this when you guys are ready though pick up the uh EMC

Table uh but we didn’t want to take it from you in the meantime oh said could you help doing all right monk doing all right monk monkey Eed in a bunch of stuffff instead’s nowh found would never well because I thought we were leaving no he’s still here I can really use backup

Durar you I lost you in the leaves oh no hi there you are jurar the hidden village in the jurar like you have to be nearly dead I wasn’t ready yet not even close I don’t know if he’s telling the truth or not at this point I could be

Lying wouldn’t surprise me or maybe I’m not you’re so what are we doing over here are we just beating up Luke trying to he’s been running for five years it’s been five years I thought we were running to the uh Ender Dragon well hi Steve no that’s me and

What the oh so I ran to the wrong bunch of yeah but yeah you did I’m go I must go back to the void uh cthulu monster that I created Luke how much health do you possibly have left I don’t know I kind of gave myself a really cool looking

Armor so I just wanted to you know oh my God can you eventually make yourself unkillable with thumb craft no I feel kind of unkillable right now killable right now yeah this armor is kind of nut snipe right there all right we can do this C find us been

Chasing you for 10 and a half days we could just stop and make a boat Jerry 100 days chasing the that’s quitter talk cap I thought you were coming with me not Steve God what direction did you guys go in my weakness comparing me to Steve I

Don’t uh we went diagonally you have to be de you’ve got to be kidding me he is he has to be dude there’s literally no chance he’s not wiie Bop to answer your question we’re pretty we’re actually only 800 away totally Could Happen by the end of

This messed up hey Luke yes when we destroy the server this time if we get that can we make it through flux yes yes you heard it here now fire for the exact same amount of money but we’ll destroy it in a new way I won’t attack you like everyone else I appreciate

That you’re lucky L you have been taking so many hits for so long why are you even trying monk why he’s J is it upill no you you you said the wrong name this what is this J Christ Luke e what is that e anyway oh God why did I get pushed in

Here why am I taking damage oh but whatever that thing was it was dealing actual damage no infinite she’s thinking she’s doing the big brain stuff foret you yeah she’s putting up with us so done with you but I’m not done with you Monk you’re the lamest person I’ve ever

Met you are literally in unkillable armor and your still trying to beat me up what if it’s underneath this Village that’d be crazy it might be to be fair you’ve been taking just as many hits and you haven’t died let’s see yeah cuz I keep running and eating while stead backs me up

Okay hey monk can I have some diamonds so it’ll go down once we’re I don’t have any EMC I’m broke surprise attack dude I’m going to just die in a second Luke exactly monks so why are you trying to kill him he’s un he keeps coming after me kill the unkillable he’s not

Leaving me alone it also doesn’t help that he his sword does hunger damage yeah really come through buddy okay cool you want to do it the dig down straight way or do you want to yeah I’m I got it out of my system yeah dig down straight

Let’s do it inside this guy’s house yeah yeah good job Luke oh obnoxious Luke Steve glad you were able to get that out of the way that’s what the Dono said to be I love how I love how people interpret Joe McKay interpreted completely backward she goes is dropsy

Up to Shenanigans she’s awfully quiet she’s the only one not up to Shenanigans I’m throwing you water offensively luk can I test this on you yeah sure go for it okay so does that actually hurt him for once can we get one that actually did that did a whole

Heart of damage and then started burning me did you take any damage while fighting me oh yeah I took a a load of damage I just kept eating oh God we did it okay weapons oh thank you you what is that I don’t know I

Tried to warn you uh cap would you want to come down here anyway cuz I can put down the bucket for you yeah buddy just kidding water gone stupid here no okay whatever I can’t let’s see about the Luke do you mind okay so in that direction yes do you mind yes

Ow St that hurt go you are so ow dead that hurt bro youf dropsy is souping it up let her cook okay she’s yeah let her cook yeah I have a weapon for you guys as soon as you guys are back oh we’re not coming back we’re at the portal oh

Jesus they left us can I have AAP scouting party not yet we’re still trying to get I tried to ask what direction to go in and Jerome said diagonal yeah yeah well you that eliminates so many directions you can’t go perpendicular or horizontal or parallel or up or down you just got to

Go diagonal we’ve officially actually are had to test something all right Captain basically it no the fire does though yes all right do you guys want the coordinates now yes please Dad yes please if you want to reset your spawn point c yeah that’s smart Okay uh

123 36 731 there you go well 123 36 now we just have to actually find the Portal 13 yeah do you have The Cauldron by the way Jerry and like no someone bring a cauldron no I found it I found the actual thing nice uh so the real

Coordinates are this and that’ll get you right in here all Captain I can’t hear you I captain Oh who lives in a pineapple under steadfast feet wait did you guys leave me yes I miss youh we did it guys and everyone thought we would never actually beat the game

With thumbs I got a table look at us now I got unbanned guard look yeah yeah honestly that’s the only thing look what I have that’s the only reason why we’re here you go know the only reason we all know it I think you need to put

This underneath it or a torch you have to let it boil you got to put like water underneath take is that what is that but we I would rather do it the inside can yeah I just missed you guys so I cheated together makes sense let’s see we’re marking the we’re marking the

Cor how long does it take the oil I don’t know we we’ll find out it should start see it’s boiling it’s boiling where we going stad I don’t know uhoh okay you table by the way yeah I brought a table yeah how much steak do you have Jerry uh 44

Now quick someone steak bomp don’t worry guys me and cap are cooking but yeah steak BP go right let’s go dead oh grer whoer what happens if I get super with it ow ow don’t do it don’t do it it’s not worth getting soupy with that which way are we going Steve I’m

Just following come on vomit you following me everybody let’s go you know where you’re going right now you yeah I’m just following dropsy yeah I’m following dropsy I’m just saying let’s get in there preemptively just start spamming it in theet in the end I think this could be a good idea yeah

Yeah you it’s like we can get like a head start on it you know like we got to prep the scene so to speak dropy is much too quick she is what we call a Minecraft professional she is speed let’s go ahead and do do I that’s

Good ide are you going to be in the new Sonic 3 movie I put an iender in there K nice okay I can I I mean I mean ender pearl maybe yeah man we lost monk a while ago on this jam oh man look at your scanny

Thing you can see so much oh God I see it I see where they started doing all this what do mean oh we’ve got to get we’ve got to get inside we’ve got to get inside they’re drift in SpaceTime at the top of a hill cat my thumb thing I fell

In The Cauldron oh bro oh is this where it is okay I okay we got to go inside we got to get a cauldron and we’ve got to do it inside the end now Jerry but we don’t have any more of the nitric acid no you I just broke it and like it’s

Fine we just need water go yeah okay okay okay let’s Go’s oh we need more water though we need more water I’ve got a bucket of water I’ve got a bucket of water all right let’s go let’s go what are we waiting for yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah water down yeah yeah yeah you ready buddy yeah jurar yes yes jurar yes where’ you guys start going down at hey dropsy hello I have water you do have water water water we put the D in water okay okay one down but is there water down there guys not

Yet yet yeah that just soggy steak that’s just intern juice dead arrows I’ll throw I’ll throw a bucket in throw sess Mundus in there wonder if throw can I throw my boots in there oh my God I threw my boots in there can I throw my okay we

Need way more we need way more items guys we need I’m throw I’m throwing my whole item in here I got a oh I got your shoes I’m throwing all of my items in here that is all I have I’m throwing my arrows in this is good this is good I

Hope you guys are bringing the EMC table I hope you guys are bringing the heat hold on wait both of you come back if there’s a rift in there you guys aren’t getting your magical items why would there be a rift in here why are

There was one on the top of the mountain where I came from and who’s I don’t know who I looked ey for this to happen but get off my back I stole the table I’m on my way yes Steve gar tell uh password Steve password password Steve’s pretty cool I

Guess if you want me to open the door St bro stay back stay back I have Steve just do what I think he did it’s an end oh oh dude J he didn’t set his spawn he not set his spawn I did try it didn’t work apparently I think it’s the

Older version of Minecraft so you actually have to sleep in it so I don’t think any of us probably did I think I did I did I did for me oh my God is anyone still in the Overworld I am okay I can TP to you then

Uhuh brh that is mad science while I wait for you guys I’m back yet what happed to the water bro what happened dropy stole it oh drop you stole our soup this is a disaster yeah drum’s naked we don’t have our soup what’s wrong with her soup nicknam her to dropsy no

Fun why why did the soup have to go oh we didn’t get the magic item Steve look what you caused no don’t worry we can just do this what mag no it was only Steve who said the mean things there you go hey monk can I

Have armor nope ow monk please I was late in The Help Mony help going to kill me I was trying but you didn’t stand still long enough dead I really did try to help him but he just would not stand still for the life of him oops only so much I can

Do there we go Dr oh don’t sleep in the bed jome don’t do it dropsy you need to come back quick stead’s causing PRS not doing anything help did we not get the magic items anymore cuz Steve was mean yeah pretty much long and short of it yeah

I’m getting bit by why are they all man at me go away did you did you look at them looked at I don’t think I looked at him but apparently I Guess is anyone back that I could T nope that was just rude I was whatever you do don’t come over here I made something Fancy on the plus side Luke what are you causing let me know if one of you guys dies that I can TP back otherwise I’m uh

Huh you can start running luk I mean Steve I’m not running all the way back that Dragon Angy you wait did she drop the goodies no I got I got the Oh no I got the sleep at night why time set night hey I can sleep again I got the fire in the

Crucible we’re going we just need water put it down did all the magical items fall off a cliff or something no oh thank God okay get them guys okay how how many items do you have stead what do you mean I got stacks of steak I thought

That’s what we needed well yeah but like uh just put put the thing down and put the cauldron on top of it yep yep yep yep all right guys how are we looking over here I’m finally back in The Fray okay we’ve got plan a is a go we’re

Now waiting for it to boil again getting zy with it you guys don’t even want to see what the intern’s working on in the Overworld what did I do to these Ender today I don’t I genuinely don’t understand I don’t I was not looking at

You I know for a fact cuz I was too they fighting your brother dude these Enderman what is up with them today you made a uh why did I take why am I taking damage as soon as I spawn in I can’t even right now why the hate me so

Much I had to guess Steve that guys we’ve got a problem yeah we have a problem I’m dying to taint poison what guys why am I dying to tame poison oh there’s a little dude kind of little dude yeah there’s one of those weird things that’s at

Um all right all right how many more oh there’s a couple of cage ones left can I push it off I can’t push off there’s a bunch of like stuff over there oh my God I just got bunched by the Ender Dragon that’s stupid all right I’m coming back

Dropsy where did you die so we could pick up the magic stuff stupid poison they saw me die oh did you guys pick up the magic stuff I think there’s a whole bunch of Stu right here mag grab it that’s my stuff no that’s my stuff I

Didn’t no grab it IOP magic stuff what how did well where’ she die I just had The Crucible I don’t know where she died at I’ll be completely honest was right next to you guys I fell to the ground I got I got be that’s over by The

Cauldron somewhere dead um dropsy did you have a transmutation table on you yeah this might be her stuff when you go up the stairs it’s to the left okay good cuz I’m about to die I gave her one so be there in a second God okay I’m coming up I’m coming up

Well on a good note I think we’ve taken care of all of the crystals yeah they’re all gone and now H said you have an entire Army following you yeah I know I don’t know why okay dropsy what is all this stuff that we’re looking at not

Been looking at to ground this entire time oh God uh dropsy I have some crazy stuff I think the Caster’s Gauntlet is what you’re looking for Jerome okay this one has fire yeah if you right click it should be fire yeah wooden time makes a 45b

Stream tip Cappy hope you get to have a blast with this oh you want an explosive ending huge huge huge okay uh dropy what can I do besides use fire oops that’s what it has oh is it okay fire then uh sanity Checker let me use that onstead nothing all right it’s

Clearly working yep that’s about right cap would you like to use the Caster’s Gauntlet to light these there you go shoot oh it don’t work oh what yeah true dude I hate these Enderman so much right now okay was make sure didn’t miss anything was there any other magic items

Drops you or that the Caster’s Gauntlet fire scy I’m going take the sponge Rob was that it what was it just the the Caster’s Gauntlet I’m just trying to make sure I got all the magic that’s all I can that’s all I was able to do in this time

With you guys doing everything else okay perfect yeah good good good i’ like to put a special thanks in there for dropsy for sticking through I don’t want to hear anything from anyone Jerry the fir works I didn’t do anything this time and aside from having an emergency Steve didn’t do anything this

Time we’re going to make it I I did nothing dude I’m hopping in Creative I’m done with these Endermen I’m literally I’m if I die again bro all right give me God that felt good what happened oh you killed him nice yeah look that’s man what’s up

Mark what’s wrong the lamest of the lame okay okay I need some more arrows here to cheat to get on I’ve got some I can like split them with you if you want I I just went back to the mutation table there and got some where Land land Luke hold on stay there um that oh is he Landing I think he might be landing oh this is 1122 sometimes you get those glitched ones where they never land oh no all the stupid stuff we’ve been doing he might be glitched can we just send him into the

Flux he’s landed once already though oh we did okay then we’re good we’re good I may have ruined it by placing items though there was just a version of Minecraft I think it was 1122 that when you mod it tends to have a problem with them Landing I think it was

1122 I mean if it does land we crush it but oh yeah it doesn’t even if it doesn’t though we’re shredding this guy yeah we’ll still win it’ll just take a long time sorry shredding this gal well it does lay an egg so exactly but doesn’t that also imply that

There might be a another Dragon somewhere in this world Dragon daddy or do you think that she ate it kind of like a black widow spider does or mantis PR mantises do that too they uh when uh mantis will bite the head off eat the male’s head oh yeah

Huhm I still Kung Fu Panda hey mon you can call it some food for thought huh oh my god look out Jerome look out Jerome look out I set off the TNT hey it’s well the good news is the under dragon dies I’m learn I learned from the End Dragon well neat see you guys there’s only one thing to do now jumping into the portal I’m going home Luke are you kidding me and there we go a job well done everyone we have defeated the Ender Dragon using our thumbs thank you all so much for watching today we hope hope you

Guys had fun we’re going to be ending the stream off a little bit early here I got to get going actually today so this worked out perfectly but we ended up beating the challenge so we don’t have to chalk this up to the likes of crazy

Craft for we never won well take care everyone peace out have a great rest of your day and tomorrow heads up uh we’re going to be doing the stream very different and by that I mean TimeWise so most of you some of you might not be

Able to make it I have to head out early because I have a wedding to go to uh so we’re actually going to be doing a morning uh to early afternoon live stream so we’ll probably start around like 10:30 is in the morning Eastern Standard and go until like 2 or

Something like that so uh yeah we’ll see you guys there I hope you guys are ready for some fun and uh if you can make it and if not then we’ll see you you know on Saturday night for the bonus weekend live stream all goodbye

This video, titled ‘Beating Minecraft Thaumcraft On Streamer Difficulty’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-11-30 22:45:15. It has garnered 17443 views and 878 likes. The duration of the video is 02:47:02 or 10022 seconds.

Beating Minecraft Thaumcraft On Streamer Difficulty

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    Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Licenses! Exploring the World of Minecraft Licenses The Rise of Minecraft: From Obscurity to Global Phenomenon Back in 2009, the Swedish developer Markus Persson, also known as Notch, created Minecraft. The game’s open world, limitless possibilities, and gameplay quickly propelled it to immense success and popularity. But did you know that Notch didn’t finish school and faced personal struggles? The journey of Minecraft’s development is truly fascinating. The Battle Between Piracy and Minecraft Licenses While some may argue that Minecraft can be easily pirated, understanding the value of a Minecraft license is crucial. Dive into the world of digital keys,… Read More

  • Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test

    Mine Your Mind: Exam Stress Test In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with his animated dives. No worries of exams, just fun and delight, With funny animations, he shines so bright. Creating content that’s safe for all to view, His channel is the place for a happy crew. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe and join in, don’t miss out on them. From classroom series to songs that adapt, Fangkuaixuan’s channel is where it’s at. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. Read More

  • Quick Tips: Bamboo Farm in 1 Min! #MinecraftMadness

    Quick Tips: Bamboo Farm in 1 Min! #MinecraftMadness In Minecraft Bedrock, a bamboo farm so quick, Just follow the steps, no need to be slick. Place mud, solid blocks, water, and more, In less than a minute, your farm will soar. With a piston, observer, and redstone drop, Your farm will be thriving, never a flop. Just add bamboo and bone meal with care, Your farm will grow tall, beyond compare. So easy to build, in just a short time, Your Minecraft skills will surely shine. For more tutorials, check out the link, And let your creativity in Minecraft brink. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GรœVENLฤฐ TรœNEL EVฤฐ YAPI KAPIลžMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. ๐Ÿ’ฅNOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft๐Ÿ’ฅ โžก๏ธAdam’s Channel: โžก๏ธAhmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications ๐Ÿ”” so you never miss new videos. ๐ŸŸฅSUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREEโžก๏ธ ๐ŸŸงYou Can Join My Discord Serverโžก๏ธ… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – ะฝะฐะฑะพั€ ะฝะฐ ะŸะ ะ˜ะ’ะะขะะซะ™ ะธ ะ’ะะะ˜ะ›ะฌะะซะ™ ะ ะŸ ัะตั€ะฒะตั€ ะœะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ ะ”ะถะฐะฒะฐ ะธ ะ‘ะตะดั€ะพะบ – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ“ข My Social Networks โšช TWITTER: ๐ŸŸฃ TWITCH: ๐ŸŸ  INSTAGRAM: โšซ TIK TOK: ๐Ÿ”ต DISCORD: ๐Ÿ“ง Contact: [email protected] โš”๏ธ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฆ #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ปSUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ป #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! ๐Ÿ˜ป Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜บ Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! ๐Ÿชต๐Ÿชจ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿก Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Temple Discovery: Minecraft’s Newbie Adventure

    Temple Discovery: Minecraft's Newbie Adventure In Minecraft’s world, I take my first step, Exploring the temple, where secrets are kept. Crafting tools and battling foes, Unraveling puzzles, as my journey grows. Join me on this adventure, full of delight, As I navigate through day and night. Will I conquer the temple’s test, Or will I face a challenging quest? Follow me on Instagram, for more fun, Watch my video, see what I’ve done. Subscribe to my channel, don’t miss a beat, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’ฃ Read More

  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

    Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share Minecraft Texture Pack Share: Cute Fox Villagers, Polar Bears, and More! Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking to spice up your gameplay with some adorable additions? Look no further! In this article, we’ll explore a fun and exciting texture pack shared by a talented Minecraft player. We Don’t Bite Texture Pack One of the highlights of this share is the “We Don’t Bite” texture pack. This pack brings a whole new level of cuteness to your Minecraft world with features like cute fox villagers and lovable polar bears. The attention to detail in this pack is truly impressive, making… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below โ†“ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โฆฟ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Donate: โฆฟ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las caracterรญsticas de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo mรกs vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:๐ŸŽฎ Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.๐Ÿ๏ธ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.๐ŸŒ Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.๐ŸŽจ Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More