Insane Minecraft Tower Build! Can Alpine Survive? (ep4)

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oh buddy where are we where are we today I got something really special I went into a creative world I did not go into creative in this world but I went into a creative world and I designed a firewatch tower that’s right it looks really pretty I wanted to make sure you know it was all nice and good before I come in here and then I figured you guys didn’t want to see me screw it up 8,000 times and then eventually just burn it down cuz I definitely would screw it up a million times but today I’m building a fir Watch Tower and it’s going to look really cool cuz it already does I can see it on my other monitor I wrote out some instructions for myself so the first step that I need to do is I need to gather a lot of trees like a lot of trees but I don’t want to I don’t want to hurt these ones I like these ones so what I’m going to do I’m going to go I I don’t know which direction yet but I’m going to go on a bit of an adventure and we’re going to find some trees I’m going to come cut them down you know at some point I do need to make like my own uh what do you call it Tree Farm in this area I don’t know I don’t know how I’m going to do that yet but going to do that it’s going to be a good time oh yeah okay so I did I did okay it wasn’t on camera but I went down there did a little bit of fishing little bit of fishing not too much and I also I walked around a little bit I didn’t I didn’t build anything I didn’t mine anything I didn’t explore too much but I did find some cool stuff over there like some pretty cool stuff especially hiding I don’t know where it went but we’re going to go find it it’s this like giant pit that uh I have an idea for and it involves the village that that is hiding outside of my render distance but don’t worry about it that’s uh that might not be a project for today but uh maybe we’ll we’ll go exploring so first step make sure I got all my stuff see I C some fish and a lily pad definitely going to need an iron axe that’s going to be really important for the actual structure itself I’m going to need three stacks of oak logs I’m going to need 242 mud brick slabs and also as I was in my creative world there is lightning there lightning I didn’t know there was lightning but apparently Minecraft has lightning now so that’s kind of fun and apparently it can burn down things so I’m like okay well how do you make it not do that and apparently you have to get a lightning rod which I Googled and you need some copper so apparently copper is useful I also need 36 glass panes don’t know where sand is oh I see some sand yeah I’ll figure that out and then I need some iron and stuff but yeah we we’ll figure that out afterwards so let’s go ahead and see if I can find find some trees we’re going on a bit of an inent okay let’s not get lost that’s probably a good idea so we’ll find uh and by we I mean I I will find a place with a bunch of wood I’m going to cut down a bunch of wood but as I as I cut down you know like many many stacks of wood I’m not going to make you watch that whole thing I love these mountains look at that they’re so pretty hello bees how you doing can I steal you oh yeah when I make my my firewatch tower I want to find a I want to find a black cat it’s going to go right there it’s going to go right there I don’t know how I’m going to get it up there yet yet but I’m going to find a cat and I’m going to steal it cuz I want it oh okay well that solves one of my problems how many copper do I get three okay I only need six yep all right sup sheep oh yeah I think let’s go like way back here way back here cuz I I want to preserve most of the area around this mountain cuz I want to be able to build all the way around and keeping like a lot of the natural terrain so I’m going to do that I’m going to do that whoa giant hole I think I’ve seen this one before yeah it be really funny if you fell oink oink you will go in the hole you suck what are you guys doing down there are you guys are stuck [Laughter] how what are you guys doing how do you guys get down there you you guys can’t get back up what are you what are you doing come on uh I don’t have a I don’t have a shovel all right whatever you guys are dying not my problem natural selection goodbye I wonder is does this River connect all the way to the ocean cuz that would be super easy hello spooky cave I’m going in I’m going in but I have a sword whoa all all right whoa nope nope nope don’t like that don’t like that sound nope that scared me all right you ready poor bees I’m going to destroy your natural habitat ha can I destroy your hive wh okay ow ow ow all right you don’t like me ow that’s fine okay nope I’m sorry I’m sorry oh they’re still following me okay okay all right nope nope I’m just I just want to your trees there’s another one okay so there’s bees are you the angry bee their ice turn red or are you a hornets nest is there a difference I don’t know I hope they don’t add Hornets to Minecraft that would suck okay you know what I’m just going to go right here then I’ll slowly make my way back over this is probably going to take a while cuz I need like I’m probably gonna aim for like six or seven Stacks because it was a lot of wood it was a lot of wood so I will be right back all right all right look at this I made some progress I got 1 2 3 4 5 6 and a half stacks and I got rid uh both of my stone axes and this one is about to break so let’s see if we can finish this off yeah there we go all right all right just going to get this one by hand comeing there we go so I did replant a lot of them I’m not replanting them because I care about the environment I’m planting them again because I want more wood so I’m just going to take a lot of this here I did not anger any more bees I happy to say see look there you go I’m planting lots of stuff but I do want to take a bunch of these because I want to start my own uh Tree Farm you know I worked at a tree farm or not a tree farm but a tree nursery I don’t know if you guys knew that or not but I did all right wait okay so there is sand here I might as well just grab it here I don’t have a shovel but it’s fine there you go there I definitely want to have more than I need otherwise I’m going to be coming all the way back here and I don’t really want to do that okay this should be more than enough I think probably I don’t actually know just kidding I’m taking more all right 23 that that should definitely do it okay treasure map what do we got what do we got huh oh okay where uh hold up going this way I’m going this way see how fast I’m going all right so it’s going that way across the map which means if I go this yeah okay so then I’m at the top here so I got to go that way that makes sense right hello treasure hello where are you so if I go oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go look at this look at this see that see that’s it’s loading it is loading okay okay so it’s over it’s over there then it’s like right in there maybe I’ll maybe I’ll stick the treasure map in my my firewatch tower once it’s done it’s a good idea right kind of keep an eye on it but I’m definitely not digging for it today that is 100% for sure okay so it should be kind of right about here okay so maybe if I just put a torch right there I can I’ll find that later oh hello tree that’s on fire hello firew Watch Tower it is time to get built going to get some gains get get built you know got to take your creatine I hope that when I’m up there at night and you know if there’s mobs and stuff I hope it’s high enough for me to like actually sleep if not that’s going to be annoying and how do I how do I do that okay so I need that for the lightning rod so I need to do that sooner rather than later I also need 242 mud brick slabs that’s a that’s a lot 121 mud blocks that makes sense right yeah I’m going to build I’m going to build the structure first I’m going to build the structure it’s not going to have a roof don’t worry about it uh how is it yeah there we go and I wanted two of them oh look at me go lightning rod nice solid okay so if I just put you right there for now this is just temporary so that this doesn’t burn down you know if there’s lightning cuz that’s important so for my Foundation it needs to be 11 by 11 uh okay hold up okay so middle part oh I can do oh yeah I can do that uh uh 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 okay and then one one 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 okay all right another question is do I want to have a bit of a buffer between this structure cuz it’s going to be made of wood obviously and these trees cuz if these trees catch on fire then I don’t really want it to burn down my thing oh I need um what is it called and and aite diate and aite which one’s the gray one I don’t know which one the gray one is but it needs uh let me think 1 4 5 6 7 16 I don’t know where to well that means I need my pick I do have my pick let’s go find that real quick because that way I can actually lay this out oh is this my pit yeah there we go this is my pit all right it feels a little bit underwhelming now that I come back here but that’s that’s fine I can I can dig it deeper if I want but maybe what I want to do is if a villager talks back to me H they got to walk the plank please don’t scare me please don’t scare me and aite okay cool I got it I got it I got it I need 16 13 15 16 nice so the other night what I did is I basically walked all the way around here and then I went up here which I will also show you do you have enough time yeah I got enough time so I basically came up here and kind of looked over this way and there’s kind of some Savannah over that way yeah you can kind of see the corner of it right there but it kept going that way and then it opened up into the ocean which was pretty cool so I was thinking like do I want my firewatch tower there or you know I saw this place went all the way over here checked it out yeah I think I think this place is the best for it cuz over here you can’t really see the mountains and over there you can so I’m going to keep it over there yeah Hello whoa why are you angry whoa what are you mad at oh it’s a sheep oh don’t hurt the Sheep buddy what are you doing oh I also went fishing a little bit here I’ll tell you as I go this way but I went fishing a little bit and I was kind of looking under the water just to see like you can see that little raised area there so I was like oh that’s cool but beside it there’s this really really steep drop that feels like subnotica and it was not a good time and it just goes into an under underwater cave and it’s super sketchy and I did not like it but I’m going to go down there at some point it’s not going to be fun but I am going to go down there got to do it for the content I got to do it got to do it okay so what I’m doing here is I am laying essentially what is a concrete foundation that’s what I’m doing here and then in here what I’m going to do is I’m actually going to put the logs so you go there and then what do I do there we go so I got to I got to strip the logs you go right there perfect nice and yeah yeah yeah I know I know this is in the ground can actually see it doesn’t matter it’s a waste of wood blah blah blah blah blah nobody cares don’t care I’m right you’re wrong don’t question me so I can go 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 okay do you think I you think I can strip all them on the way down ow ow oh I got him Pro Builder one I can just do this never mind that’s easier D eight parkour boom check me out check me out check me out this is going to be a sweet build build you guys have no clue how good this is going to look I’m really proud of it you’re you’re going to see oh ow okay that’s fine okay so something else that I need are oak slabs that plays an important role in this build so yes I am definitely going to use all of these see I have like almost three stacks of them you’re going to see there’s there’s a lot trust me okay so next I got to go 1 2 3 4 and then on the fifth bottom half just go all the way across so this is is your horizontal truss little bit of Structural Engineering stuff in there for you and we’re going to have lateral cross bracing going all the way up right so there’s going to be multiple layers of these Rings basically going up and then you’re going to have like an X here one here and one here stuff like that you know we’re going to have like a a little little whatch call it stair going up actually I think I made a design that makes it so zombies can’t get up I don’t know if it’s going to work I I don’t even know if this works okay so this is eight right that’s eight and then the next one has to be 7 1 2 3 and seven boom Oh I still have to figure out which orientation it’s going to be oh this is actually going to be higher than it is right now barely which is good which is good I’d rather it be higher okay cool maybe maybe what’s going to happen I am going to go off camera a little bit I’m going to try and get a bunch of this done otherwise this is going to take actually forever and I’d actually like you guys to see this this in this episode so let me do some building here I’ll be right back all right so I’m making some progress here uh I’ve been using dirt as scaffolding and there’s a couple pieces of dirt there and I don’t know any other way to get them except for this ow it works but like at the cost of my armor no don’t fall so you kind of see what I’m doing here right with the the cross bracing the tension members go here here here and here I am going to have to take out some of them cuz the stairs are going to kind of overlap with them but that’s okay you kind of get the idea right I’m uh I’m adding these things called joists in Structural Engineering these are GS like these big thick ones here and then the joists they kind of stay on top of it kind of see what I’m doing here right can do some structural analysis on this not doing that today I swear I hear a villager I got to go I got to go check I got to figure out a way to pick up all this dirt too see all this is going everywhere I swear I heard something and it it kind of sounded like a villager I think am I going crazy I know like I’m not used to Minecraft sounds now but oh yeah I had to I had to move all my stuff down here too cuz you know I got to I got to do that so yeah it turns out uh I do have to move the platform up by one which is good really really good and see it’s kind of starting to take shape here slowly it’s working on it is there somebody here hello all right I didn’t hear anything but I just want you guys to see this see kind of kind of what I’m doing here oh wait wait wait there’s there’s one little detail that I need to fix this is the column that goes up you got to have one here one here definitely don’t forget that this is very very important from a structural standpoint so the idea is that here to here is nine blocks right I think nine blocks I don’t know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n yeah so the the actual like House part of it is 9 by9 and then on top you just build with these Oak planks and then you cover it so it’s 9 by9 so you do need 81 of them kind of kind of get the picture here all right I hear something it’s a villager also okay can I see what I did here and I just like leave this there for now this is not staying here I’m going to make like like actual stairs where what are you where are you what are you there is something here there is there’s something or someone here oh come on come on you can’t make noises when I’m not recording and then stop making noises all right fine fine you win okay I’m stop recording and right now there you go I stopped recording are you going to I’m not recording right now you can make noises again okay fine all right whatever I heard it again I heard it are you a villager that’s lost did you Wander over here you just curious what I’m doing what’s going on I see the bee the bee is not making that noise okay it is the end of day I don’t like three or four or something something like that but uh add add a little details here around the side kind kind of see what I’m doing here add some signs cuz that way when you add signs it has this little ledge you know just in case you drop your keys you don’t want it falling off yeah gotta got to do the rest of this do that tomorrow got to go back to I guess I could move my stuff back up here now oh I took the long way around that’s okay all right check this out making some good progress here starting on the actual house part so you know it’s a pretty decent size this hole is not going to be there so the uh what do you call it the stairs they’re going to be over on that side I need to make some glass paines here in a bit I make I made the glass glass is good to go but in a firewatch tower you definitely want to have a lot of Windows cuz you know you got to like see the okay that was uh that was important lots of glass around here going to have some doors and I’m going to have some vents up top too but I’ll talk about that in a little bit check it out really starting to take shape here what do you guys think well self for anyway you haven’t seen the final product the final product I think looks pretty good so I I did a little little door stuff here right little vent up top and then actually so this this is just a temporary staircase but hold up wait I’m going to do this for every window okay so basically I’m doing this and going like this and then you know you can basically like take that out kind of right so then when you’re out here look at that don’t mind the dirt ignore that but like you have these vents right cuz it’s probably going to get pretty hot up here especially you know in the summer I know Minecraft doesn’t have seasons but don’t worry about it so you can open these and since hot air rises it goes up and then it’s going to exit out here above these windows building s okay we are at the end of the day once again if this gives you any indication of how long this is taking to build but yeah this is kind of the progress here looks pretty good not too bad see look at the views this is going to be insane especially once I crank up my render distance still haven’t figured out what that villager sound was no idea but uh yeah see you tomorrow all right so I got a couple trusses in place here I know they don’t they don’t look like much but use your imagination here this one goes across this one connects up and then these two are diagonal like this connecting right in there and you get two of them typically you know in real life you’re not actually going to see stuff like this this close together usually you’d probably space them out a little bit but uh the number of Minecraft Bo does not agree with me so don’t worry about it but this will connect perfectly I don’t know it may or may not connect perfectly into my roof I’m kind of looking at my reference picture should it be okay should this be up by one I think this is supposed to be up by one I don’t know whatever I’ll figure it out but uh yeah okay making some good progress do I have anything else to do with the wood cuz I’m getting dangerously low I’m somehow below one stack left but I need the I need to find mud to make the roof is there anything else I have to do before I do that okay so I got I got a bunch of barrels here figured out how to make those turns out it’s just that and that so it is pretty similar to a chest apparently but I got a pretty slick storage solution here but the idea is that all of my storage is going to be up here so I have one 2 3 4 5 6 7 and then I’m going to mirror this on this side and then look at that from down here can just access all of my barrels oh those don’t line up that’s kind of annoying can I make those line up see those lines I’m going to fix that but you kind of get the idea I’m going to do it over here too all right it really does not want to line up and I don’t know why but something like this right I made a couple lanterns here too I’m just keeping them here so I don’t have to keep them in my inventory but they’re going to go up as soon as I get this roof up so now before I go out and find some mud I’m going to go ahead and make the stairs so I can get rid of this thing so the idea is you come out here stairs are going to be right here go down there and also there’s going to be a secret Barrel but you’ll see in a minute I don’t know if I’m going to have enough wood oh no okay that’s not good all right I’m going to go get more wood I’m going to go all the way back over there get more wood and then I’ll be right back off we go see look how good that looks that’s looking pretty solid so far minus the fact that there’s no roof but don’t worry about it haha mine looks better than yours you suck I’m on I’m on Peaceful right now it’s fine don’t worry about it actually you know what let’s make this interesting I just turn it back on to normal I ain’t no no wimp I’m good I can fight stuff dude I’m an expert the one thing I do like about this area is that you know you can get around by boat you don’t have to walk I mean you can but you don’t have to yeah I got I don’t know where I’m going to find mud either but before the end of the episode I definitely need to find mud and I definitely want to finish this thing I’m getting there I’m really getting there all right let’s get a little bit of wood let’s cut down yeah I’m not going to cut down your tree calm down relax everything is okay you’re a very cute bee very thick H look at all my trees they’re all grown up very nice I’m going to cut them down again ha here you go okay yeah okay so I got a stack that should be enough to finish it so let’s head on back all righty that actually looks very good minus the lack of roof but don’t don’t worry about it if you guys want you guys can steal that design make it in your worlds totally cool with that go for it I I love the cross bracing that looks so good so good I might try and avoid taking out too much of it cuz in the original design I did have the stairs kind of poking through a little bit but uh I don’t know we’ll uh we’ll see yeah I love this thing H such a nice build I’m very proud of myself oh is that fire oh it’s not okay they’re just roses they’re just roses I am back and now I’m going to make some stairs all right Sun’s going down again I haven’t made much progress since the last clip but kind of the basic idea you have this and then these close you know just as an extra security precaution also this is not going to stay there and that one is not going to stay there they’re going to go on the roof once I you know have mud bricks but yeah kind of the kind of the idea here to get rid of that all right see those stairs there they’re all in place that means I can get rid of this thing and there we go nice okay so I get a lot of my materials back too and let’s see get rid of that get rid of that I’m I don’t know if I’m going to light up the bottom part yet I’m just kind of afraid of mobs spawning but you can of see what I’m doing here you have the the handrails on the side they don’t do they don’t do a whole lot I got to be honest but there you go fill that in look at that very nice okay so let’s go ahead and make more of these please and thank you I don’t know if that’s going to be enough but let’s go ahead and find out so come down here and then you need one right here one right there not too bad all right maybe I’ll put a put a torch there for now I might replace it with something else after maybe I’ll put a lantern or something but but yeah look at this look at this see you go up here you get this uh little spot in here look at that and then keep going nice and I still need a roof but uh yeah pretty good got my lanterns and then I’m going to have to move everything up here so yeah now what I have to do yeah I know I’m getting a lot of rain in here this is really unfortunate my bed’s getting all wet oh no so now what I need to do is get a fence gate I just need one I don’t know if this is actually going to work or not and then when I’m going to do is just throw this right here so that if there’s zombies and stuff they can’t like get up here and that’s why I doubled this up too so you can’t like jump on top of it yeah you know just a little line of line of defense and if you know zombies or whatever make it all the way up I’ll just close this you can’t get up here okay so I think that’s actually pretty good now I need to find mud it’s time to go on a bit of an adventure see if we can find some mud see if I can get what was it 242 mud brick slab so let’s get prepared and go do that okay all right so I have all my stuff here I got my crafting table I got a bed I got uh lots of good stuff got some picks got some extra stuff uh should I make an extra sword that’s probably a good idea right I I don’t have any more iron cuz I used it all for the lanterns let me lock up my place oh yeah I added the secret Barrel top secret Barrel pretty pretty easy to miss you know I don’t I don’t know what the name of the biome is mud biome is that what it’s called probably not but what I’m going to do is I’m going to go down to the water and then I’m going to follow the coast south which is this way off on an adventure we go to find some mud unless there’s mud right here which would be very convenient and save me a lot of time but I don’t think that’s the case mud hello oh I see stuff in there hey do you get it do no okay there you go you got the Shipwreck you got my I got my little tree farm over there by Tree Farm I just meet in Forest oh I forgot about this oh I don’t know if I can get around that different Mushroom Island I don’t know these are some crazy biomes though I just want mud oh no it’s the Titanic how’d that happen how did you get up there how how did you manage this how did you manage this I actually do want to go up here hold on okay pit stop please don’t be any polar bears oh oh no I hear something okay I’m taking my boat with me I heard like a skeleton or something oh yeah yeah yeah there you are oh all right ow did I get a bone I did not I got arrows though that’s cool why are there caves inside of the icebergs okay what do we what do we got what do we got I want a chest that’s what I want oh all right can I open you hello fa treasure map yeah I guess I’ll take you whatever that thing is oh that’s that’s another crazy Temple thing no thank you nope they were the things that like evap seated something yeah you yeah yeah yeah yeah you no no no no yeah like that I don’t want to go near your place either all right I’m leaving I am out of here this is why this is why I don’t like the ice this is why I don’t like the cold okay all right here we go see some land get me out of the Northwest Passage please and thank you no thanks I’m good I just want money can I just have a roof please I just want a roof that’s all I want who what was that oh is that a witch’s Hut I know those are a thing and I know witches do not like me whoa Pig convention I mean your mom can all right hello can I have some mud do you guys have mud very oddly specific material okay all right your village is not doing well what do you got you got any mud hello mud no okay hello how what are you doing I got cool doors and stuff yes yes finally yes let’s go let’s go a yes I better not die what I don’t buddy I don’t think this is structurally sound I don’t um you don’t deserve food you got a house on stilts I feel like I feel like the house that’s uh partially underwater could probably benefit from it more but what do I know this is weird what is this whoa I I okay I know the gold breaks easily I’ll take you a clock a score silk touch why why would I want a silk touch golden hoe oh okay that’s fine is this a cherry Blossom I got to I’m going to take this what is this Cherry log yeah okay I’ll leave it there I don’t actually want it but whoa what was oh kind of look like a cloud was coming out there but nope just a sheep who okay all right jungle’s on fire everything’s fine H it’s a panda hello it’s a baby panda and zombies burning seriously there’s no mud not I see lots of clay but I don’t want clay I want mud do I actually have to travel to the ends of the Earth to find mud mud I just want mud oh there’s a pirate ship except she’s floating I got a board here put down your anchor you’re about to get booted you’ve already sunk a little bit but I don’t I’m pillaging you anyway that’s that’s right get get pillaged what do you got coal I’ll take a lump of coal yeah there you go don’t matter if I do all right come here come here come here and then whoop whoop all right I think I’m sleeping on a pirate ship tonight we’re going to continue our adventure to find mud we will and I’m going to find mud I will find mud it’s going to happen but for now thank you so much for watching I’m going to sleep on a pirate ship my name is Matt you’re right an Alpine

This video, titled ‘Building a Minecraft Firewatch Tower – Alpine Attempts Survival (ep4)’, was uploaded by Alpine1 on 2024-05-10 18:17:23. It has garnered 9507 views and 522 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:33 or 1833 seconds.

Time to watch for some fires in a firewatch tower … Alpine Attempts Minecraft Survival (ep4) … Unrelated to this video, but I have a cool course 🙂 It’s great if you want to know what to expect from a degree/career in Architectural Engineering from the perspective of a 2023 graduate.

Edited by @EnolabYT

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    Ultimate Guide: Changing Minecraft Skins Minecraft Skin Nasıl Değiştirilir | 2024 Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin nasıl değiştirilir konusunda bilgi veren bir video paylaştı. Bu makalede, Minecraft oyununun skin değiştirme özelliği hakkında daha fazla bilgi edineceksiniz. Alper TV’nin Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Videosu Alper TV, Minecraft oyununda skin değiştirme işlemini adım adım anlatan bir video paylaştı. Videoda, oyuncuların nasıl kendi karakterlerinin görünümünü özelleştirebileceği detaylı bir şekilde gösterildi. Bu video, Minecraft oyununu oynayanlar için oldukça faydalı bir kaynak olabilir. Minecraft Skin Değiştirme Özelliği Minecraft, oyunculara kendi karakterlerinin skinlerini özelleştirme imkanı sunar. Skinler, karakterlerin dış görünüşünü belirler ve oyuncuların oyun deneyimini kişiselleştirmesine olanak tanır. Oyuncular, Minecraft’ın skin… Read More

  • Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft

    Crafting a Fridge in Minecraft JAK ZBUDOWAĆ LODÓWKĘ W Minecraft Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and exploration. One popular aspect of the game is building, where players can construct anything from simple houses to intricate structures. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of Minecraft building and focus on a unique creation – the refrigerator. Building a Refrigerator in Minecraft Building a refrigerator in Minecraft can be a fun and challenging task. To create this modern appliance in the game, players can use a combination of blocks and items to mimic the appearance of… Read More

  • Orange City Minecraft Tour

    Orange City Minecraft Tour Exploring the Orange Production District in Minecraft Embark on a virtual tour of the Orange Production District created in Minecraft’s creative mode! This world tour showcases the intricate details of the district, from the exterior to the interior, with the use of cross-sectional drawings. Let’s dive into the highlights of this Minecraft creation! Mini Showcase and Interior Details The tour kicks off with a mini showcase, offering a glimpse of the intricate designs within the Orange Production District. Detailed cross-sectional drawings provide a closer look at the interior architecture, highlighting the creativity and attention to detail put into each… Read More

  • Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme

    Crafty Creator: Minecraft Fan-Song Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Updates and changes are like a dream. New features and mobs, all to explore, The community thrives, always wanting more. Your creator, the one who crafts the tale, Bringing new content, never to fail. Dancing with death, a risky game, But in Minecraft, it’s all the same. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, In this pixelated world, let your creativity flow. With each new update, a new adventure to find, In the world of Minecraft, let your imagination unwind. Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Exciting Challenges!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Exciting Challenges! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where adventure awaits at every turn! If you’re looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience, look no further than Minewind. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server is the perfect place to test your skills and creativity. Imagine exploring trial chambers filled with traps and treasures, facing waves of hostile mobs, and building with new blocks. Whether you prefer to team up with friends or go solo, Minewind has something for everyone. And with features like auto-crafting and a variety of weapons and items, the possibilities are endless…. Read More

  • Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight?

    Parental Verdict: Minecraft Delight or Plight? In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Fangkuaixuan brings joy with every stride. Animations that are funny and light, Bringing happiness, making our days bright. Parents love the content, safe and sound, No worries here, just fun all around. Original videos, each one a gem, Subscribe now, and join the MC realm. Classroom series, song adaptations too, All in good fun, just for you. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, the one and only, Pirated content? Nope, that’s baloney. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news, shining so bright. Fangkuaixuan’s world, a place to be, Where joy and… Read More

  • The New Minecraft is Insane!

    The New Minecraft is Insane! Exploring the Exciting Updates of Minecraft 1.21 Embark on a blind journey through the new and incredible Minecraft update, 1.21, with no idea of what is happening. Unveiling the Unknown In this video, the players delve into the mysteries of version 1.21 with a twist – they are clueless about the new additions. Enjoy 10 minutes of thrilling gameplay as Mn escapes the hordes of Trial Spawners and Melle surprises with unexpected phrases. Copyrighted Music Experience the captivating tunes of Kevin MacLeod and Gavin Luke in the background, adding depth to the gameplay. The OST Crystal Dungeons by KrtD… Read More

  • ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊

    ULTIMATE SURPRISE: Trident Attack on VERSTON! 😱 Chomu Smp Day 14 🌊Video Information This video, titled ‘Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁’, was uploaded by WAZINGO on 2024-06-20 14:44:49. It has garnered 417 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Surprising VERSTON With A Trident🤩 Day 14 In Chomu Smp😁 #minecraft #trending #viral #shorts Read More


    SHOCKING: MINE KRISH - SCARY MONSTER SPOTTED  🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘SCARY MONSTER IN MINECRAFT WORLD 🤯’, was uploaded by MINE KRISH on 2024-06-05 14:32:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror … Read More

  • Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔

    Insane Minecraft school love story! 😱🔥💔Video Information This video, titled ‘sh #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #love #school #viralshorts #minecraft ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️’, was uploaded by @Monish105 on 2024-05-25 13:49:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?

    Can You Guess the Minecraft Mob in 60 Sec?Video Information This video, titled ‘Guess The Minecraft Mob In 60 Seconds’, was uploaded by GMR PLAYS on 2024-04-06 03:30:04. It has garnered 1461 views and 47 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. Hello guy’s how are you all, I hope you all are doing well…… SHOW YOUR LOVE…….. 😊😊😊 JOIN ME ON 👇👇👇 INSTAGRAM ➪︎ DISCORD ➪︎ ROOTER ➪︎ FACEBOOK PAGE ➪︎ COMMING SOON DISCLAIMER ➪︎ THIS VIDEO IS MADE FOR KHALI ENTERTAINMENT, I AM NOT MAKING KISAK KISAN HAI. SO ANYONE TAKES MAT ON THIS DILL. IF KUCH LENA HI… Read More


    EPIC LEGO MINECRAFT 2024 UPDATE - TOP 10 NEW FEATURES!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10*’, was uploaded by THE BRICK BROTHERS! on 2024-05-06 18:00:06. It has garnered 1245 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:20 or 380 seconds. *EVERTHING NEW In LEGO MINECRAFT For 2024! *TOP 10** What do you think? Read More

  • OldCraft

    Minigame server about version 1.8.x (1.8 pvp and server core) Minigames: – skywars – bedwars – parkour – kitpvp – vampirez Coming soon: – hideandseek (blockhunt) – buildbattle Read More

  • EmperixMC SMP Discord New World No Resets 1.21 Optional PVP Community Crossplay Land Claim Custom Plugins

    🌟 EmperixSMP – Now Live and Open for Everyone! 🌟 Join us on Emperix, your go-to Vanilla+ SMP community! Recently refurbished and featuring a brand-new, active Discord server, we’re dedicated to offering a high-quality, community-focused Minecraft experience. What We Offer: Vanilla+ Gameplay: Enjoy the purity of vanilla Minecraft or explore our customized features for a unique twist. Long-Term World Preservation: No more worries about server resets disrupting your progress. Build and achieve your goals without fear! Why Choose EmperixSMP? A welcoming community for both seasoned players and newcomers. Whether you’re into monumental builds or collaborative projects, our server supports all… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft: True Spiciness”

    Well, at least it scored higher than my grades in math class! Read More

  • Crafty Tower: Minecraft’s Simple Power

    Crafty Tower: Minecraft's Simple Power In Minecraft, building a tower is a breeze, Just follow these steps, if you please. Start with a base, strong and wide, Using blocks of stone, stack them with pride. Next, add some windows, for a view so grand, And a door to enter, with a lever in hand. Keep building up, floor by floor, With stairs to climb, and rooms to explore. Don’t forget the details, like torches for light, And a flag on top, reaching a great height. Now step back and admire your creation, A simple tower, a Minecraft sensation. So there you have it, a… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme (iron golem) #litaf #funny #savage

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi meme (iron golem) #litaf #funny #savage When the iron golem hears the Minecraft villager say “Oi Oi Oi,” he’s like, “Oi Oi Oi, I’m here to protect and serve…and maybe do a little dance too!” #bombastic #minecraftmemes Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Shader for MCPE 1.21!

    EPIC Minecraft Shader for MCPE 1.21! Exploring the World of Minecraft Shaders Discovering YSS RD Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21 In the vast universe of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gaming experience. One such avenue is through the utilization of shaders, which add stunning visual effects to the game. Among the plethora of shaders available, the YSS RD Shader for Minecraft PE 1.21 stands out for its exceptional quality and performance. Developed by the talented YSS Team, this shader brings a whole new level of realism to the Minecraft world. With improved lighting, shadows, and textures, players can immerse themselves in… Read More

  • Ikaros The Fallen: Insane Minecraft Mods!

    Ikaros The Fallen: Insane Minecraft Mods!Video Information This video, titled ‘All the mods, that’s right I play Minecraft too!’, was uploaded by Ikaros The Fallen on 2024-07-09 03:29:38. It has garnered 0 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:16:29 or 11789 seconds. Powered by Restream IkarosTheFallen is live Read More

  • Minecraft Madness: JoSa Craft Memes

    Minecraft Madness: JoSa Craft MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft wait what meme part 541 (Zoonomaly)’, was uploaded by JoSa Craft on 2024-07-11 11:03:48. It has garnered 30432 views and 355 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:12 or 612 seconds. Minecraft wait what meme part 541 (Scary Zookeeper) Giant Steve, Giant Herobrine, Scary Villager. Horror video in Minecraft. Hi, my name is Josa Craft. I live in USA. If you live in the USA, then write about it in the comments. Best of Scary – – – #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Seed: 4 Villages & 5 Blacksmiths 😱 Hindi 1.20+

    Ultimate Minecraft Seed: 4 Villages & 5 Blacksmiths 😱 Hindi 1.20+Video Information This video, titled ‘4 VILLAGE At Spawn 🤯 & 5 BLACKSMITH 🤩 GOD SEED’S For Minecraft PE 1 20+ HINDI’, was uploaded by •「NITRO XD」• on 2024-06-13 08:12:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Explore these incredible GOD SEED’S for Minecraft PE 1.20+ in Hindi! Discover 4 villages at spawn and 5 blacksmiths – perfect for … Read More

  • Join the Craziest Public SMP! Day 1

    Join the Craziest Public SMP! Day 1Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW PUBLIC SMP! YOU CAN JOIN | Day 1’, was uploaded by The Squad Of Bozos on 2024-06-09 17:00:30. It has garnered 378 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:42 or 6522 seconds. I am a Minecraft Bedrock youtuber that mostly does content on the Hive. I try to give all my energy into the stream so everyone can enjoy. I trust that your subscribed but hmm…my goofy senses are tingling and I sense that maybe you AREN’T subscribed. OOF thats an L. go sub now. #hive #hivecs #minecraft Server… Read More

  • ESCAPED PRISON ON A PLANE! 🛫 | Minecraft

    ESCAPED PRISON ON A PLANE! 🛫 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Arkadaşlarımı UÇAKLA HAPİSHANEDEN KAÇIRDIM!✈️ – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-03-22 14:00:03. It has garnered 683139 views and 20787 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:29 or 749 seconds. 💥I ESCAPED MY FRIENDS FROM PRISON BY PLANE!✈️ – Minecraft💥 ➡️Ademin Channel: ➡️Ahmet’s Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, imprisonment, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications 🔔 so you never miss new videos. 🟥SUBSCRIBE Now for Free➡️ 🟪You Can Follow My TikTok Account➡️ 🟩You can become a member of my channel➡️ 💼For… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT ADVENTURE WITH FRIENDS! RLCraft EP XXVideo Information This video, titled ‘P4YNinUK Play’s – Minecraft: RLCraft – Episode XX: Here we go again, but with friends!’, was uploaded by P4YNinUK on 2024-04-16 02:30:20. It has garnered 67 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 09:00:48 or 32448 seconds. Thanks for tuning in to watch the Stream Mercs! I’d really appreciate your help getting to 1,000 Subscribers in 2023. If you could like and share this stream I’d really appreciate it. Here’s some helpful Info & Links to show you where you can find me, some awesome people & others from the P4YNinUK friends…. Read More

  • Build an F in Minecraft or Get Banned!

    Build an F in Minecraft or Get Banned!Video Information This video, titled ‘[ Minecraft ] Build an F or YOU’RE BANNED’, was uploaded by nofoxweregiven on 2024-06-13 21:23:42. It has garnered 21 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:08:40 or 11320 seconds. Please follow these chat rules! – Be respectful and use common sense while abiding by YouTube’s terms of services – Avoid trauma dumping and sharing/asking for self-identifying information – Refrain from promoting other content creators or streamers – Don’t excessively solo spam – Avoid spoilers and only provide hints or backseat when asked – Keep chat in English – 18+ ONLY!… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Build: Wvux

    INSANE Minecraft Build: WvuxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Build’, was uploaded by Wvux on 2024-02-16 18:29:19. It has garnered 7866 views and 171 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. If u enjoyed consider dropping a like and subscribe!!!! #minecraft #shorts #funnyshorts #minecraftmemes #tutorial This video was Incredibly fun to make!!! ___________________________________________________ Wvux does Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft Lava Rising, Water Rising and other awesome stuff ! In this video I show guys Minecraft tips for starters, You can use this tips to become a pro player in any version from 1.8 to 1.18 and 1.19 and even new… Read More


    INSANE HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENCE!! 😱 #zaza #fadedVideo Information This video, titled ‘I got to HIGH at school #zaza #funny #memes #faded #comedy #animation#kpop #minecraft’, was uploaded by simple on 2024-02-22 04:25:03. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #zaza #funny #faded #memes #comedy #animation #kpop Read More

  • SonsOfAnarchy

    SonsOfAnarchyBrand new prisons server first time ever doing one with my friend Karlos we want to provide a unique and fun experience for players and we hope you’re enjoying your self. Read More

  • Marthia Nations – Factions Semi-Vanilla with Dynmap, Movecraft, Nations – 1.20.2

    Welcome to Marthia Nations! Join or create a nation in our server, complete with government and leadership. Nations can claim areas, declare war, and more. My nation, Xanezia, is a democracy with monthly elections. Join us and help develop our friendly nation, and maybe even earn a government role! Message me on Discord for more information. My nation, Xanezia Discord Server: Join Here Marthia Nations Discord Server: Join Here Java IP Address: Bedrock IP Address: Port: 25603 Contact me on Discord @everstellar to get introduced to Xanezia! Read More

  • Naruto Central

    Are you looking for a good discord group for a good modded server in minecraft? do you like naruto? do you like engineering? well then join Naruto Central where we will have fun, join our discord for more information on the mod Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “This Minecraft Disaster Blows”

    Well, at least it’s getting a solid 25 out of 10 in the meme world! Read More

  • Mace in Your Face: Minecraft’s Ultimate Guide

    Mace in Your Face: Minecraft's Ultimate Guide In Minecraft 1.21, a new weapon takes flight, The Mace Minecraft, ready to fight. A melee weapon, strong and bold, Let’s see its features, so we’re told. Check out the guide, for all the deets, On how to use the mace, to defeat. Watch the video, for a visual treat, Subscribe to the channel, for more Minecraft feats. Support Mario Dedo, the Minecraft pro, With farms, curiosities, and builds that glow. Click that like button, to show your love, For the Mace Minecraft, soaring above. Read More

  • Ore physics in Minecraft: 🔥🤣 #minecraft #meme

    Ore physics in Minecraft: 🔥🤣 #minecraft #meme “Why study physics when you can just play Minecraft and learn about gravity through falling anvils on your head? 🤔💥 #minecraftlogic” Read More

  • Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Blasted Basement Expansion in Minecraft Hardcore! Minecraft Hardcore Season 7 Episode 38: Epic Basement Expansion Using TNT! On March 7th, 2022, viewers tuned in to watch an exciting episode of Hardcore Minecraft Season 7, where the player embarked on an epic basement expansion using TNT. The streamer, known as Doc Brennan, showcased their skills and creativity in this thrilling gameplay session. Basement Expansion with a Bang The highlight of this episode was the basement expansion project undertaken by Doc Brennan. Using TNT as a strategic tool, the player demolished existing structures to make way for a larger, more elaborate basement. The controlled explosions not only… Read More

  • Warden vs Golem Showdown

    Warden vs Golem Showdown Minecraft Warden vs Every Golem 💀 Farm Details Farm Performance: +300 ~ +350 per hour! Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: 1.16 – 1.17 – 1.18 – 1.19 [1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, 1.19.4] – 1.20 – 1.20.1 – 1.20.2 – 1.20.3 – 1.20.4 – 1.20.5 – 1.20.6 – 1.21 Platforms: Java Edition ✅ | Bedrock Edition ❌ Original Design By: @HardShipYT3 Game Information Shaders: Complementary Resource Pack: Default Mods: Replay Mod: Replay Mod Optifine: Optifine Camera Mod: Camera Mod Downloads World Download, Schematic, and Material List: Discord Tags Tags: minecraft iron farm, iron farm minecraft, minecraft iron farm tutorial, iron farm,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Hack: Parrots Mod Existed Before Tutorial!

    Ultimate Minecraft Hack: Parrots Mod Existed Before Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Parrots Were A Mod First’, was uploaded by Skip the Tutorial on 2024-05-31 01:03:00. It has garnered 125179 views and 6976 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Portions of this video are copyrighted and owned by Nintendo, and their use is allowed by the Nintendo Game Content Guidelines for Online Video & Image Sharing Platforms. All other original content, unless expressly noted otherwise, is ©2024, by the Skip the Tutorial creator, all rights reserved. Read More

  • Insane TNT Explosion Experiment

    Insane TNT Explosion ExperimentVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened when a TNT blast || @Blockube’, was uploaded by Blockube on 2024-06-17 13:27:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. What happened when a TNT blast || ‎@Blockube #minecraft #minecrafttutorial #tnt #minecraftshorts #square #blast #bomb … Read More