Insane Minecraft Transformation!

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How these nuts feel in your mouth like L um I don’t know if I’ll music on I don’t feel like doing the other stuff I normally do um cuz I’m lazy but I ch I just randomly felt like streaming cuz I missed you guys yesterday and I could have streamed on

Twitch except all my settings were already set up for YouTube cuz um when you stream on both YouTube and twitch you have to change your stream elements you have to change your your OBS settings you have to change like everything and so I was like you know what I’m lazy

Um and also I kind of just want like a comfy I’m still not like feeling great I’m still having like issues with my flare up um so I just thought I would um are the walls different they’re curved that’s crazy exactly last stream we got like 100 plus hours so that’s like huge

Hello who do I hear okay hope you feel better thank you edle me too I’ll feel better in like a week probably it’s really weird though cuz for the longest time I was like gaslighting myself and I’m like oh I’m not I don’t have a flare up yet um

Then I realized I am having a flare up oh I’ve never seen one of these like go off like that I don’t know where anyone is did I go up the stairs I don’t think I did um we’re playing with Luca and kit and love males and love males boyfriend person and

Chris and log might join I think oh yeah see D everyone how are you guys doing sorry for the very quick start I just wanted to like boyfriend person I don’t know this is a very interesting room like look at this this is cool as [ __ ] I think there was an

Update cannot get that person back H hi my how are you doing I don’t know where to go like I can’t May I’ll go this way H hello oh where are you I don’t know where are you oh I’m near the spider oh I’m near the spider someone just shut the door on

Me I’m on the other side of the door hi okay good hi come here want to go come here yeah wait let me turn this off oh you might be in danger what do you mean run this way this way this way down the stairs down the stairs the Door I got a bolt touched a web on the way through you got got a bolt nice BT thanks a good yeah that’s pretty good I miss time the door closing oh what were you trying to do you’re streaming too snoozy um yeah I started streaming on YouTube cuz I felt like it

Nice hey what we go I don’t know I just I just picked the first YouTube streamer I could think of I don’t know I’m a goofy mood oh wait we can leave I think those things I haven’t had I’ve never had Olive Garden really never no bread sticks getting

Chased sorry someone said imagine getting chased by Ariel font cuz I have I have a Arachnophobia mode on so all it says is just spider and all caps what wait what noise does it make CU it doesn’t make the crawling noise um it does make the crawling noise my

Arachnophobia mod which isn’t updated I don’t think doesn’t make the crawling noise so that’s why my defense I have adult supervision and there was a head crab and I couldn’t see so oh okay this is not my fault going next so much money as we have a full 200 wait did they

Decrease the the value of stuff I think it’s random every time right yeah is did you guys see like did you guys see that there’s there’s there’s circles in the game now I don’t know why yeah the walls are curved that’s pretty cool well there was

Still $300 for the stuff in there I don’t think we just we got everything almost Yi it should just be Texas speech spider that gets louder again so true Hi l how are you doing ypp I hate them as professionals yeah I have how many hours do I have in this

Game hours um 3,000 hours let me check that’s embarrassing I have 180 hours oh you know that’s like like a few off from my 13 hours I’d say that’s by a little bit you didn’t go to your first day of class oo big thing big thing Healy mug fail oh my gosh wait

Can you grab this thing yeah I got it hi Tyler log are you good like we’re already mogging everyone yeah we’re we’re we’re we’re beating them for sure we’re winning we’re staying winning right now we have noobs on our team o piece of candy I am now the key

Master oh that’s Fair why would you need introduction look at this [ __ ] hello hi hi uh wait there something really bright over here oh there’s something no no Noy can you come here and Shine the Light for me yeah so I can get an item I can do that all right right here

Hi Eric oh where oh here oh wow they really did make it so much darker no it’s oh they did oh oh oh oh you’re welcome thank you God the did Dev heard me the wait who heard you the devour these nuts hello no please help me thank

You devour what nothing I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m so sorry you didn’t deserve that I’m so sorry holy [ __ ] that that [ __ ] that was [ __ ] crazy timing that was immediate Karma that was insane way back there anything else going onug somewhere bottles more bottles I am excited for call what does

This do something now I don’t know do we want to bring all the bottles back first cuz like there’s enough for all of us to be full there’s a tret okay let’s let’s go go back and then we’ll come we’ll come back okay go straight all the way and see if

There’s a spider yeah this is actually perfect what the [ __ ] is this room oh easy and now we go get apparatus also a spider by the way I’m so excited for call to the land though look at this what is this so excited I see him I see him he’s

Dead no don’t kill get his ass get his ass get him get him get him oh [Laughter] God why is his arm so long do you see that ew it came off hi I’m sorry bu we have a Hello Kitty bowl of popcorn Luka just brought me a Hello Kitty bowl of

Popcorn Oh I thought you stopped because there was something like no Luka Luka’s dropping popcorn on me stop dropping popcorn on me oh no you’ve dropped so much popcorn on me myy not myy sorry no myy Robert went through the fire exit and said last one there’s a rotten egg and then he

Died wait where’s the wait where where’s the apparatus didn’t we just go straight right here oh hopefully we don’t die wait want me to carry it so you can have the weapon out just in case yeah my lady I love having a big strong woman around oh [ __ ] drop me one of those

Bottles [ __ ] I’m down whe hey where did Ki go that’s a good question can you guys help us there’s like a lot of stuff yeah I realized I left my stuff I went to the main entrance I’ll go get it oh Luka died Luka died oh Luka died Lucas didn’t die he’s alive

Oh no oh there’s something right up there I dodged the worm success I saw on the camera I’m so proud of you that was good is everyone else good where’s I think kid thinks there’s still stuff up there I have no idea what that means Wizler I’m so

Sorry oh my God it’s stalking her it’s stalking her she’s good she’s she’s she’s I love worms where’s Luca why have I why would you suspect no I’ve never eaten a bug that shit’s gross why would I eat a bug oh mytic uh oh hey Luka yeah I have really bad news for

You I’m going to try and Dodge him I want to kiss the worm okay good job I thought I thought he was I thought he was going to come down on you I honestly thought the same thing wait why is it there uh-huh yeah my chat is asking me if I’ve ever

Eaten a bug what the [ __ ] is wrong with them why we go everyone just says yeah I’ve driven a bug before wait I stupped my toe are you okay it to oh the and God all right I’m not tired I had a little a little panic and now I’m

Sleeping I was murdered in Cold Blood it happens if it was cold blooded murdered it was like full on you know water torture and um uh I hate Ching very mean words I was me captive for two months love just said go through that door and you said no and

Then she said do it you go okay hello I don’t know what you’re talking about me personally Chad I really hate cheddar wait technically I have eaten a bug never mind no reason to lie mhm other than the fact that you died that technically I’m the I can’t

Run technically I have eaten a bug I’m pretty sure like a lobster Slingo I I’ve technically have eaten crickets before cuz in the gamer sub sus the sus bars they have Cricket protein no no I mean they look weird so my bad oh botles [ __ ] can’t believe they

Added curves to this game you are [ __ ] slow dude I don’t think we should get this I don’t think we should get it yet I think we should wait yeah probably not um I just said it was cricket there’s um there’s the the gamer gamer sub Su snack bar has um Cricut

Protein is not real I [ __ ] with Swiss swiss cheese is my favorite and pro you a right hey kit kit kit here K do you want to play do you want to play Russian Roulette there’s one there and there’s one there do you want to each do

It you want to do it no because they just said it’s real you call me to do it again oh it’s real I promise you I think she’s lying come on one I’m noty it’s one two three mine’s alive yeah yours is real good job yeah that one’s real too yeah

They’re both real oh they’re both real yeah they’re both real wait where does yours go oh oh they go to the exact same spot yeah they go kid they that’s really weird no I don’t trust you what do you mean I don’t trust you what do you

Mean you you you didn’t go through the door I did go through it I was the witness I saw yeah Comm saw me both these both these doors are I came back in and you were laugh oh it’s okay we can have love Yeah Che love so both

These doors are real yeah this what happened okay they were like 3 2 1 and then they both went through the door I was just on the other side over there and then they both went through and and I’ve seen it before like there sometimes there’s just multiple fire exits that go

To the same spot March does have two doors yeah it’s real [Laughter] watch y y oh my Noob oh my I should definitely trust you love you guys no She tried to kill me she tried to kill me wait that didn’t get you no I ran away I knew what she was doing I know it’s they’re God damn it where are you where are you I have a thing right here head too hard get away die die die die

Die die no help me please oh my God it’s dead is it one more yes I think it’s good I can do one more I okay two more I last two it s SS every time I’m oh look at us I’m feeling good oh oh my God my God hey

Guys what we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go pick up pick her up pick her up pick her

Up pick her up oh my God we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we got to go we

Got to go go away we got to go we got to go oh my God there’s Bees No there pleas I’m going to die please please please please oh my God oh my God just let me live please I’m [ __ ] begging you please I just want to live please please oh my [Applause] God kid it’s only us kid everyone’s dead what everyone grab wait who’s alive do don’t you hear that oh I think I might have the mimic mod on uh I’m leaving okay do you want to grab yeah I’ll get him I’ll get him just leave first leing

I got him I got him I got him I got him that was so scary kid wait what happened um okay I will tell you okay I leave the I go out the front door I go out the front door to put items and Chris’s dead body at the you know

Outside I I open the door I look outside there’s a giant staring right at me I come back in I’m screaming I’m like oh my God you guys there’s a [ __ ] giant right I’m screaming about it I turn the corner command is getting eaten by a

[ __ ] Thumper so I’m like oh my God we got to [ __ ] go why did I not see anything I literally ran well I I lured it I lured it away well I lured the giant away cuz it chased me was just going on like a lovely stroll good night really was I

Really Le work on any soon as I’ve learned I’ve learned you saw the two and then you looked over you’re running at me I’m like I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here cuz you was [ __ ] up Chris is I was planning on doing the same thing and

Then I see you and I’m like oh [ __ ] cuz we have the same [ __ ] bra I really hope someone clipped it but I don’t know if they did cuz it’s YouTube people don’t clip on YouTube okay we’ll remember it that one’s for us I’ll remember it do we sell everything yeah whoa

Nelly oh my God he’s aggressive he don’t bite hey he don’t go down they do go down don’t it don’t bite yes you [ __ ] do [ __ ] hell okay you’re being mean do you want to buy anything um Robert is green your favorite color o we have a lot of money okay it’s

A what is your favorite one I’m I’m impartial why oh my God I think I’ve yawned about 50 times okay I ordered teleporter and I I ordered two shovels yippe I’ve never used one of these before oh they brought the ice cream theme back yipp I love myy ice

Machine do we have flashlights we don’t need they’re in in the in the thing already oh yeah I didn’t do anything to you oh I’m sorry we’re going are you guys Ready ready for lift off what are you guys doing I got bomb why you poting at me to beir I watched her blow herself up it was for the bit everything Chris does is for the bit I was told tonight at Olive Garden that my friends it lethal company is a lot

Less scary when I’m not playing with them that’s [ __ ] that’s how you’re supposed to play that’s perfect moons moons moons yo Titan on week two what the good luck day two know you’re doing your job oh my god with with the new oh my God we’re doing

Are we doing flooded what is this no it’s not flooded who who wants a shovel I don’t want it why is it raining oh stor sake fuing [ __ ] I wanted to go to Titan Chris I swear to God put the key down I love this no I’m going fire exit I’m going

Hello oh I couldn’t find the door hey um you’re going to want to see [Laughter] this wait wait hit it again I bet I can dodge it I’m good hit it again hey Chris what you going to do what you going to do what you going to a I’m make this Jump hi I I pulled the shovel out what you going to do and he and he attack he attacked me did you make the jump or no I did Luka there’s also a turret behind you by the way I don’t if I can hi a how are you how’s ammy how’s everyone

So I think I saw maybe two people get shot and killed so that’s awkward you didn’t tell me that there was a tret this one is the one I saw not that oh my God Luka did you just die hey Luka hey Luka if you’re dead can you make me half

And half gamers since since you’re since you’re dead can you make me have and half gamer Subs oh my God I almost jumped offy TS wow okay then okay but you know what I mean by half and half right I’m not okay half yeah half calf I kind of want

The I kind of want um the one that myy came up with but I if you can do that half calf so yeah um the one myy came up with um um brand risk and Peach te I don’t know if that can be done half CF oh [ __ ] yeah

Amazing um what flavor okay so what myy does chat is she mixes um peach iced tea and she mixes it with um brand risk so it’s um risk te brand RIS risky brand risky why you running all the way trying to kill us that’ kind of be funny but

Yeah um it’s so good cuz I am not like a huge fan of brand so I okay so here’s the thing I don’t like diluting gamer Subs with water I don’t think I don’t really like the the watery taste um so when I don’t like a flavor Brisk tea is

Actually crazy Brisk tea is so good um I don’t like so if I don’t like flavor if I’m like oh this flavor is like too much I can’t really dilute it cuz I still don’t like it but what myy did is she mixed it with peach tea she

Does it more brand risk forward whereas I do it more peach tea forward but it’s so good cuz it’s just like a mango peach tea it’s really good I recommend use code snoozy is it behind the terminal I really like it I think it’s behind the what are they looking for

That’s awward I’m going go back oh gra a toothpaste I think I’ll come back I don’t want anyone to wait you see it like slightly through the I can’t I’m going to be honest I can’t see [ __ ] let me take a peek hello okay it’s right there it’s right there you see the

Light yipp uh oh is there Subs in YouTube um like like twitch Subs like monetization um yeah they’re called on YouTube they’re called memberships and you can gift members ships however I’m not monetized yet I’m really close um um I’m less than a thousand away of Thousand watch

Hours hey Ben how are you doing I like anime thighs I’m anime thighs aren’t bad um the problem is is it kind of reminds me of um it kind of reminds me of oh there’s a what’s it called [ __ ] guess Luka what is um what does anime thighs remind me

Of the orange thing I can’t remember no the thing I don’t like oh um Vitamin C powder Vitamin C powder emergency thank you sorry L is coming back to his desk he’s supplementing his gamer right now oh hey hi Lucas coming back um Chris were you talking to me I’m

Sorry no I I was just I made a joke about him supplementing his gamer right oh he is supplementing his gamer yeah it reminds me of emergency not like too much but like slightly but I think that’s because um I’m just annoying storm how you you you literally died pointing at the

Turret did anyone pick up my shovel how did you not see it off no I just realized that Chris and I died to died alone so there’s only one shovel okay makes sense I wouldn’t make absolutely sure you saw the to that was me yeah I did you got like a

Rock thank you for the follow John But I’m so close to memberships um Chris you want to go fire escape with me again man I want absolutely does the Titan spawn on this map what there a Titan kind like this map is called Titan yeah that guy oh yeah the map is called Titan the

Big the big dude the Forest Giant yeah the giant yeah they spawn here that’s funny yeah so I have a sh I have a shovel and a flashlight so do one of you want the flashlight or the shovel does anyone you bring a key I did

Not I lost it when I was being silly I heard here you want me take a flash I’ll take the shovel something came out of a vent but I don’t know where maybe it was just a little guy maybe it was me maybe it was Miffy

Miffy’s in our walls like all the time she likes to vent sometimes she does she loves she loves penting oh wait there’s a down oh ooh oh room room room room room room room room room room toothpast I heard a cat I heard a cat I

Heard a cat I heard a cat cat scooter scooter taking scooter out of Harm’s Way come on scooter let’s go scooter I got scooter scooter bye scooter good luck scooter it’s fine come on what lightning struck as soon as I said look out for the lightning right on where sco was

What do the cats die Scooter’s fine come on scooter stay Jesus Christ yeah he’s fine he’s in the ship I just dropped love a key for that um don’t worry Eugene I’m I’ve played a lot of this game I know Hey what the [ __ ] just happened hey guys I think I think multiple people just died oh I don’t know how but I just saw their dead bodies flying it were inside kid yeah hello magall K I’ll bring it over here whoa I’m lagging really bad no I’m lagging too yeah right I was

Lagging really as well was that ohen whoa why am I dropping there’s no way he’s mad at me there’s no way dropping oh oh [ __ ] what happened to you I don’t know I did smack him a couple times oh you got him he’s one hit away really yeah you got him two times

Man I don’t know if they know probably not taste I love the Yi bug what do you mean by that oh no no no oh my go you just do the [ __ ] spider oh stop running keep going oh God something’s on the wall what is your Discord uh it’s just

Discord oh wait sorry it’s just um I don’t know if I have a Discord command do I have a Discord command I think I think is not does that work worm that does work huge oh dude she’s she’s breaking ankles oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God there’s

So much get does she know where to go surely no she’s going in a circle oh God turn around kid oh she turned around oh God she got herpods turn around turn around kid turn around please please kid oh God Cher what I thought was you Chris what happened to you Chris oh

No Miku no Dog it’s okay we brought a cat home well no we didn’t right actually looks like a whole lot yep y I like to believe the cat got to leave the sh wait do you think that’s how all the cats got at her in the first place they got sent

Yeah we have one day left to hit quota which surely we can do no that’s easy okay okay it’s it’s only foggy it’s it’s only foggy which is like so doable okay we can do foggy we can do foggy foggy is so easy foggy is so so good we have no

Items this is so normally okay we just have to not die yeah I’m such I’m so normal pilled full and come back I’m so normal I’m there’s no way we all get the first 10 minutes there’s no way exit and a robot that’s some next it toothpaste sorry Chad I’m makeuping

What I cannot see oh my God I just realized one reason I can’t see fire exit oh no I mean like we’re already over here already I just need one more thing in my job done I just realized why I can’t see very well no glasses it’s really sunny

Outside and I have my blinds open there’s nothing over there I have a brass belt oh no um I think I can live through this I think I can I can survive this oh [ __ ] uh I can I can live let’s see let’s yeah you can oh oh oh oh yeah over

Here follow my voice hello hi hello oh my God holy moly people worked on oh I nearly died 1 a.m. it’s um 6:00 p.m. it’s very dark or it’s very light but I mean it’s very dark in the game I want to see a skin walker I’m actually completely that’s above

Me I don’t have a full inventory of stuff yet yes sir chill out what was that am I going to dream hack um I don’t know I might yeah you any say hi look at him look at him oh God help me [ __ ] oh I’m yeah I Dre I want to do voice

Acting that’d be fun oh God oh God oh God no it’s not me oh Chris is dead she’s dead she’s they’re dead chat a thank you my that’s so sweet um yeah I don’t know if I’m going to go to dream hat cuz I went to PAX

East not last year but the year before 2022 and it was like they not paxi sorry Pax Pax melbin P Australia and it was like it was AR well I the last it was it was kind of a let down but it was also the it was also the first pack since Co

Happened so I’m assuming that’s partly why what are the dates for 2024 it’s April oh I think Robert’s [ __ ] dead you the stuff working on why is it in April when the last one was in December sorry I’m looking can I not jump anymore cuz I just lost

Health uh like it it gives you a little I don’t know I might I haven’t thought about it I used oh hi Chris how’ you die I uh I I I took a leap of faith ah me too oh what I think you got the wrong one I

Think it’s saf just to pull you out I think kit is still alive right she right behind you oh I heard you never mind oh well that’s awkward wait we’re all dead already we got enough all right yeah I feel you just we go yeah we’re good to

Go I might go grab a piece of bread good idea can I have a piece of bread like a pigeon be right back pigeon I love pigeons they’re okay pass go and collected 200 you want to know something sad about pigeons what we abandoned them we we [ __ ] domesticated and then we

Abandoned them yeah they also lactate they do oh I know I already know I know that yeah they lactate through their mouths oh which is really weird mhm that’s normally what you guys never drank pigeon milk before Oh you know I’m still waiting on on that experience I feel like it would

Take a long time to fill like a cotton of P milk so much not as long as you think many pigeons what do you mean not as why do you think Mike Tyson’s so strong fair enough actually good night Eugene I hope you sleep well thank you for the Subscribe

I’m sorry my like notifications are really weird about it know thank you maxing have an amazing night sleep well I love pigeon maxing pige you nearly died nah yeah-uh nuh yeah-uh nuh-uh watch hey what’s a pigeon’s favorite brand to Su what is it dove that’s a good one I’m I’m killing

Myself oh my god well they killed themselves Chris look what you did nuh I didn’t do that you can’t prove that in a court of law open the damn door show me the show me the text messages hello we’re not going to be able to afford a big moon

Our ass is not affording the dice okay I’m not even going to buy any equipment we don’t deserve it actually I think we yeah we should because we’re going to lose money yeah do you want to do it sure who do I hear myself from which one of you it’s gone I don’t

Know who I’m going three shovels cuz they’re on S actually Four hi bye jam and but have a good rest of your day with what when you put your headset down do you put it near your microphone by any chance I’m not really sometimes we can hear a game

Audio coming thank you edel oh weird I turned up too good night if anybody else wants to I bought shovels and I bought Pro flashlights [ __ ] Yeah I’ve missed this song so much me too I think that’s everything yeah Yep what do you guys think of when you hear this song Ice Cream the store song yeah the Ice Cream Song yes ice cream ice cream I think of pedophiles what the my mom my mom wouldn’t let me get ice cream from ice cream trucks cuz she said pedophile is random

What I’m being so for real right now damn she was like it’s overpriced ice cream and there’s probably a pedophile running it and I was like damn okay I just wanted my [ __ ] my [ __ ] bubblegum ice cream stick I don’t know that would be that would be the worst job

For you’re so high up from the kids wait who else bought stuff there’s something here should give to Kit honestly so real everyone give your money to K you don’t give your money to why you giving me money I’ve been banned for making suicide jokes so I can’t threaten

Suicide but just know I’m thinking about it if you don’t give kit your money exactly I can think about it if you have $20 to give to the church for you know what they got they got more than $20 yeah steal money from the church church of kitur Church of

Kit take it home give it to kid yeah food you guys don’t need food food food you can live like how like a month right yeah a month without food my mom also just didn’t let me out in general I’m playing with Robert finally I didn’t go to school or anything I was

A little bubble TR me like four times eight times already like 17 times I like the Ring of 38 going to sounds right hi silver hey command can you press seven yeah get it yeah okay okay I love tricking people into that yeah get into it I just always end

Up doing it by accident I mean I just can’t help myself I just break into it see you guys in there I don’t understand how Molotov cocktails work so wait wait Al alcohol no I know alcohol burns water that’s [ __ ] that was [ __ ] up can you do that to Chris I’m sticking with you cuz you brought a flashlight I’ll protect you baby girl I got weapons I got you baby girl baby girl

What what did you just call me Mommy no are you sure yes sounded like you did only done that like twice only two times only look go hold this thanks big strong man carries the bottles what I just see fire and then a dead body hello he tried killing me and he [ __ ]

Failed he can teleport his body out you can get the keys what a [ __ ] dumbass oh thank you God I love God key yes I hear a l no there’s nothing here oh hi corn not a corn a horn I’m horny what I’m horny too it didn’t

Work thought that was going to happen God damn it I literally saw it and then I ran that way because I knew she was to do it can you hear me not the real one it’s over here over here over here are you stuck I mean you guys can

If you want come fire wa wait wait chy Chrissy come here what the [ __ ] wait can you see this look at Chris’s face like the Mas Chris look it you got something on your [Laughter] face laugh the hit is real mure guys real [Laughter] mure I

Did yeah you guys want spr me with face pain will what the flip no you flipping through my body see like that hurts me why does that hurt me now I can’t jump I’m too short you’re not short your fun how do I get up I think we left one

Thing up there so we’d have to go all the way around to get it all right what do you mean a what do you mean you’re pretty fun size pretty fun let me see if I did you’re fun D out 5’11 yeah is there any way climb this just moreal love baby

Girl just moreal love if it makes you feel better you’re the same height as Taylor Swift she’s also 5’11 and she wears fat ass heels like all the time like all the time oh that was Jack the ball when I have some to defend myself and or no horrible creatures are in my

Way what is Chris trying to do what is she doing trying to find a way up there’s a thumper at the front door so we can’t go that way damn no that’s fair I how is so stupid I’m responding to a message I’ll be right back Oh yeah I forgot I tried to blow a kid up oopsy boopsy ah is here ah oh here puppy here puppy here puppy go back to the ship here puppy come down theway down theall here puppy come here puppy here puppy oh puppy puppy hi Chris I’m G to get the [ __ ]

Beat out of me now what happened I wasn’t spect leave leave don’t hurt me don’t hurt me don’t hurt me bad seal worth it was worth that was worth He gu how are you doing it was worth it still oh my Dad’s here hold on give me one

Second I don’t regret a single thing hi you I don’t regret it you’re such a little [ __ ] I don’t regret it um yeah yeah let me DM do you guys mind if my friend a DS who a she lives with Amy sure yeah

Let me DM her not know who it is let me D her the code but sure she’s cool she’s chill as [ __ ] let me get you the code where the [ __ ] is the code a A’s watching the stream and she’s really happy that you were like what I love a where’s the

Code code there’s the code somewhere this is a right thank you Hi um I don’t know if you do it’s just snoozy chw if you don’t hi you’re so pretty me wait what huh what did you say oh someone in my chat I said I’m so pretty I’m so I read it but you’re also very pretty I love you oh I love you Yipp don’t lock me away forever what are you doing um just try to join off me if you can a oh my God you stay there think about what you done I’ve been getting Steam I might be able to invite you oh I can invite you

Mind what I do it doesn’t matter you stay there you think about it I’m thinking real hard I think love deserved to die what whoa Sor that’s crazy I’ll step on a land mine again wait where are they oh she’s not even here come on N I’ll do it again I’m evil

Damn sow me yeah giving you a lap dance I noticed do you like it yeah is it good for you [Laughter] too oh hell yeah you guys know those Tik Tok videos where the girl like pretends to like ride the camera you know the ones where the guys

Pretend to hump the cameras too oh I hate those no they’re just like random viral videos that happen yeah they’re just Rand it says I’m playing VR chat oh it says I’m playing YouTube Studio I see my algorithm’s [ __ ] up I don’t see any of that [ __ ] I get [ __ ] Russian Tik Tok

Memes no um I have to little animal I have to restart the lobby really fast cuz it’s broken is that okay uh okay it happens cuz it says yeah it says I’m not I don’t have the game open silly silly one to the three to the two to the

Four everybody drunk out on the dance floor baby girl ask jle like she wants more like she a groupy and she ain’t even on tour you know to the three to the four everybody drun out on the Dance Floor now everybody in the club getting tipsy everybody in the

Club can Tipsy now everybody in the club get tipsy everybody in the club can tipy now everybody in the club can Tipsy everybody in the club can Tipsy we’re back we’re back you’re fat you were fat F yeah now everybody in the com Tipsy I haven’t even dranken

Anything what now everybody in a club can Tipsy everybody in a clup can Tipsy hi oh you were talking about me L you okay do they have a mic she should she figures out how Dipsy everybody Dipsy everybody in the cop Dipsy everybody sometimes my thing forgot to start

Crying is what a said I don’t know what my thing forgot to start to start crying oh oh hello what was that die on the way your mic what the [ __ ] you okay stim you say Autobots roll out what is happening robot a is it that [ __ ] don’t it’s

[ __ ] try uh try switching your [ __ ] in the thing and switch it back I invited you love I invited love too hey love hi Robert I need to add him where’s Chrissy I can’t invite her cuz she’s offline I am I fixed you’re not fixed not fixed

Um I never thought I would met robot in Real Life might need to leave and come back aloha aloha everybody in the club getting topsy chy I’m home yay we need to buy a TV I agree I want I just remembered that I need to watch Family Guy I love

Watching Family Guy unfortunately all the clips aree so you got to get like the no I know you just got to watch this [ __ ] you know what you still sound like a robot but we’re going to have to do [ __ ] it we ball oh wait is your is it picking up the

Correct mic have you gone into your settings and make sure it’s picking oh H have you tried plugging it in unplugging it oh my God like that I think have a wonderful voice for and we shouldn’t judge voice acting in the everybody Ro playing a drone like Chris

Is right turn off the fil it’s Really Yi y I hope I get a see buug my Yug Coil head kamakazi I I really wish we wouldn’t do that that that’s like really bean and kind of [ __ ] up why are we the same person why are we like this I don’t know I feel like for me it was my child me too a twinsies

Does it say a lot about me that I thought the flask would be like an alcohol flask and I was really surprised when it wasn’t it weighs a lot pick that up what the [ __ ] why does it weigh so much I have no idea oh that’s

Locked I bet I can scare a lot more people oh something just happened I’ll have what she’s having Hello whoa my [ __ ] God yeah that’s scary oh no someone gooed damn it [ __ ] sake oh no I can smell you what’s happening no no no here here here the door’s good

Job I am critically inched I’ll take get back everybody in in the CL chipsy everybody in ch wait is is L mad IRL right now or is he like does something happen game oh no he’s he he he what do you mean huh he sounded really oh oh yeah

Heed really angry well he nearly died because of that okay yeah I’d never seen him that angry or heard him I’ve heard him I’ve heard him angrier you try being as annoying as me that’s entirely oh hey buddy hiy puppy oh [ __ ] oh no that’s an 07 for me chat Slime where I going to pick piss I’m going to go pee huh oh really why what happened yeah uh I’m sure it’s fine that oh oh that’s awkward I mean he’s really friendly if you get to know him oh oh my god oh now we got

A hello why can’t you grab it you got to go quick Robert you’re going to die I can’t grab the body oh okay it’s coming after me oh it’s going to goopy internet e you’re going to Uh open open the door open the door open the door Are we all dead oh let’s see uh oh hydrogen suffocated wait why lost in the sauce what lost that is the best thing I’ve ever seen lost in the got lost in theu oh yeah that by wait that’s pretty sa I you see some myself

True we’re just G to have to say yes to everything you say I’ll be back I’m true true I miss I miss a robot friend already I know we need I want chat GPT to come back what he’s not a thing anymore what he’s not a thing anymore or like what

Not hi I had to show Luka that I kidnapped someone what what okay so butter really likes we have a like floor okay we don’t have a bath we don’t have a shower over bath we have a bath and then we have like a full length shower you know what I

Mean so she likes going into the shower and licking the shower water at the bottom of the shower which is not good for her cuz there can be like soap or like chemicals and like other [ __ ] and also she gets really wet from it so

Whenever I see her in the shower I shut the shower door like wait cuz she doesn’t like it and I’m like good you shouldn’t be in the [ __ ] shower and then she me at me like I’m the problem it’s [ __ ] up I think I think

All cat the problem is my cat does the exact same thing she’ll just like after me or my mom or dad take a shower She’ll always go in there and just like walk around in it and then like lick it and just sit there for a bit and then leave peanut Grooms

Us when after we shower she’s like e why did you get like clean like you guys are wet idiots and then she like Li weird she Grooms you though not in the kick way like in the cat way what is she like not in the kick way in the cat

Wayon oh no one told me that just saw that she disconnected no one told me that it’s okay maybe let her know that we’re GL time is of the essence oh my God it’s hot I cannot wait for summer to be over oh yeah you’re uh reverse yes I’m in Australia psychology

What is it uh how H is it over there um I can’t read see I will see actually don’t know what the temperature is it just feels hot the sun’s in my room it’s only like 24 it’s actually not that hot it just feels

Hot I can’t oh hi did you say 84 well it’s 24 but that’s um it’s um that’s 76 so like it’s not like problem is is we only have airon in the living room and my my window my room just gets really hot cuz it’s in like the back of the

House oh yeah fair enough where are my Friends butter butter butter are you annoying luuka yeah you’re annoying him here yeah yeah I have to hold her like a baby now what are you doing oh my God what are you doing why did you do that butter hi why is Peanut meowing okay sorry I I didn’t realize

You did that and I landed us but Hi Jesus what I cannot [ __ ] see anything this [ __ ] empty god um you guys ever tried cockroach before you uh you might want to take a look at this um guys that’s awkward oh no well then hi love how did you die I went through the fire

Escape oh my God szy yeah we’re both silly do all right um yeah yeah no that’s chill that’s chill that’s true that’s true actually oh my God imagine he gets got where’s Chris I love watching Chris it’s okay normally I find like 50 keys so I think we’re good you know the street

Keys hello I have 25 applications to Jo already chat that’s crazy um so I can show you the the situation I’ll just say that one one had a friend on their head and the other picked the wrong Fire EX yeah that tricks out evil yeah be careful over there there’s a

Head my throat is starting to hurt just blows don’t I found a ke I can’t describe it but today feels like Wednesday like I keep thinking today’s Wednesday and then I’m like oh my God it’s not Wednesday but I keep thinking today is Wednesday that makes sense so many yeah so many

Excited I’m excited I’ve like gone through them all but I haven’t like gone through them gone through them you know what I mean so I’m excited to like see there’s already a few people who I’m like yes my hero I know but not do that with the the voice yeah

Yeah you’re my hero than what is what is wrong with Chris what is she doing tast going on a trip in aever rocket ship flying through the SK little L signs there’s no dog here I will hit you with a shovel you guys know we’re like less than 900 watch hours away we are so close we could hit

YouTube Partner like this month talking give you a sign that’s like crazy right show you a sign time to stop worse what is happening she should just start the ship I have to take my headset off I’m sorry I have to take my headset off um I

Don’t know if you guys can hear it as well but the game glitched and I keep hearing the bug noises and it’s like really getting to me oh I found it I don’t know why it’s outside I’m sorry I’ll drop it I’ll drop it I’ll drop it ho he took it

Off I can’t deal is Icky so I’ll just wait for them to be alive I’ll wait for my hopefully it’ll fix me like leing I don’t think oh it Noob where do we have 900 From oh am I alive again can I secretly a lizard we are not selling the kitty a oh good the GameStop glitched Lucy GameStop glitch um yeah um GameStop because um um this is the second time I’ve had it happen but when love got the bug on

Her head it also went on my head cuz we were like walking together and it was just like pingi but it like glitched to her head then um but even though I died from a different thing I could still hear the bug noises because the game was

Like yeah so I just took my headset off and I was like please fix itself because I’m going to kill myself hi can’t I didn’t I [ __ ] I forgot I’m banned sorry my bad no they they said it on Minecraft yeah in Minecraft not for real just like

Your microphone reped itself I don’t know is it you sound normal let’s go restart my PC wait you weren’t a robot the whole time chat GPT look at that little cat oh my God wait what is this thing I love the little baby keep an eye love little

Guy sitting on a cat wow this nothing she’s protecting it it’s like an egg wait is s AFK right now no no I’m just protecting the cat what’s up home slice what’s up home slice are we selling everything yeah yeah [ __ ] it this A Home Slice look

What don’t you [ __ ] dare yeah YouTube YouTube right now runs on HTML 5 but do you know what you used to run on before HTML 5 you’re gonna say Flash and you’re gonna flash me no silly it was just it was just you do it was Java uhhuh just kidding it was Flash

Yeah I know just do it yep uhuh that it normally does damage Lu Luigi Luigi hi Luigi luig if no one dies we can go to Titan again hell yeah are we all alive I am not w do we do we need Chris Chris don’t kill yourself Chris please Chris Chris Chris

Please Chris do we want to buy anything oh wait no we need to go with Titan she’s going to kill herself Chris no please Chris please Chris oh my God a leash to you this is I’m going to get gray hairs wait guys hi oh I was like why did

Why was that so delayed guys you’re really going to want to see this um guys I amazing news amazing news you guys shovels are $6 and we have $100 oh so we should get 50 shovels but we already have one I bought seven shovels because we could they’s

$6 I mean yeah a lot of us die we need to get to dig in um I say that’s all I’m going to buy for now say that like the dollar store Kush remember the girl of the vine know is good how good could it be it’s from the dollar

Store oh my God Chris I know what you’re talking about Chris I know what you’re talking about computer look Dad it’s the Good Kush how good can it be it’s from the dollar store yes thank you I remember where’s the where does the thing happen over here like over here hi

Butter hi butter sorry I’m going to pick you up I’m going to put you over my shoulder cuz you’re a little baby who likes to be burped like a little baby yep hi yeah you like to be burped yeah you like to be burped yeah you like to be

Burped I know you like to be burped yep you are you holding butter right now yep yeah I can he he likes to be burped yeah you like to be burped everyone grab extra shovels I got four shovels pointy little pause what the hell I don’t see any shovels someone give me a

Shovel y fire exit Squad that’s what my mom said before she dropped me huh I thought that was after she that’s what she said after she oh true you’re right you know you know my dad’s last words to me were yes I do you going to say him was uh I don’t

Think the saf on that’s not what I thought you were going to say I hey have a good you missed you missed a good bit oh did I [ __ ] do you know what my dad’s last words to me were I don’t think this is a safe space chat okay let’s get

It let’s get it started here [ __ ] see you found what I found I did mm there’s something else up there I haven’t gone this way yet nope I thought you were right behind me I thought you were trying to n N we’re we’re like this the like the the Spy the oh my God yes that’s what we’re like I’m going to stay a safe distance away you can come out when you’re okay you found we found come oh you got to be [ __ ] me oh my God I’m going I’m out of here

I think luuka died oh you’re no l he’s gonna live he’s gonna live I think he’s dead is he dead oh he’s alive we got and warm them warm them War them hello leave run away run run you’re going to die going to die run away run

Away run away run away I think I helped what I think I warned them I think I did a good job oh why does that hurt me now why does that hurt me now evil hi decaf it is kit we’re playing with kit and love and Chris oh he’s dead guys

Please watch Comm in oh no did you have a good day at work we got the tell people to watch and like the recent vid And subscribe because you guys should watch my most recent video it is about lethal company and um it’s fun and my editor worked

Really hard on it and I’m trying to get um YouTube partner and also um the the the the I’ll cry happen we could but should we is it just a running round should we should we save him what what if the fire exit is real it’s

Not that’s the Pake one should we save him it’s kind of fun watching him is the jester okay when you when a I was going to wait till the oh my god did you hear the jest wait all of us are alive is Chris here no Chris isn’t here right um Chris is

Dead outside side how did Chris die skin walker are they just died either either or we’re going to go why did they update fall damage I like being able to jump yeah uh where you going oh oh M button um I don’t know I just used the toggle

Mute I I died trying I was I was I was screaming I was guys guys you need to get out and I turned around the Bracken walked up to me so slow I was looking at him and he just walking up to me crouched and then he just snaps my neck

That’s [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what’s the you know I appreciate you trying to get me out I’m back hi welcome back one to the three to the three to the four everybody drunk out on the dance floor baby girl as like she want more like she a groupy and

Aour did I miss nothing we didn’t nothing happened nothing nothing nothing happened Ke fire exit game fire exit game fire exit Game whoa oh God someone shovel it’s not mine it’s not my shovel I dro the shovel get away from oh that someone died I don’t think anyone died oh so you can you can block the thing bab hi

Pee baby girl ask J like she want more like she a group and I a myour oh God Chris nice hello why is it so dark I don’t think anyone died you C how’s work by the way I hear a cat shut the [ __ ] up where are you

Meow again meow again Shadow I had a cat named Shadow oh you’re coming home with me you’re coming with me I found a cat and it looks like my my real cat I had a cat named Shadow that look like this I’m in love I love him so

Much wait yeah I was to say don’t get electrocuted Nuh okay use one of your nine lives amazing drop the teeth too love died oh God baby girl ask you go like she want more oh painting hell yeah hell yeah they got the cat yippe yipp I I heard something coming out of a vent over here heads

Up nuh-uh oh God uhoh uhoh uh-oh what I’m being haunted I’m being haunted go we can go we’ve got a lot of stuff I don’t want to play I don’t want to play anybody we’re going to go we’re going Chris is Chris is haunted Chris is getting haunted so we’re going to

Go wait where got another cat pissing I know Shadow it looks like my ey cat that I had in the name chat oh well he’s a more red than I thought he was um I is dead oh my God please hey when did love die have to start I Unfortunately yeah I okay we’re all good as they do they do do a flip I want to do a bit don’t do a bit we’re leaving what Chris do I see something shocking oh my [ __ ] get back on the sh no thank God just makes the [ __ ] [ __ ] wait I’m

Not a lizard I’m a lizard I’m a I’m a human I’m not paranoid by Green okay I may be green but it doesn’t I mean I’m green and I took copious amounts of lean sh we go anyone hear me tou our bony tips I said I said I’m mean I’m green

And I took copious amounts of lean feel my tailbone one to the two to the three to the four everybody you don’t know what the tailbone name is tailbone is connected to the head bonees connected to the leg bone leg bones connected to the foot bone foot bones

Connected to the leg bone leg bones connected to the foot headbone huh huh you say the leg bones connect to the headone mhm leg bones connected to the headbone really good at I am a biologist and geology yep yep I Gamers what’s up yippe oh are you [ __ ] kidding me open the [ __ ]

Door well we find we can open it without going to the ship what oh never mind if we if we find the electrical thing uh and you turn off like the electricity it opens all secure door oh a a leg bones connected to the leg bone

Leg bones connected to the leg bone leg bones connected to the leg bone leg bones connected to the foot bone I can’t help myself chat I really can’t like I truly cannot help myself me gu how’d you get up there what the [ __ ] large Chris I only have a chat

Problem wait where am I wait are you stuck uh’s uh where’s the [ __ ] am I I like murder where did I go don’t know what’s happening a danger to a soul you might say where the [ __ ] am I hello what the [ __ ] it’s [ __ ] up yes butter Chad watch this or we’ll listen

To this they pick butter up I put her on the back of my shoulder and I burp her like a Baby back take my [ __ ] yeah butter we object yeah you like this you like this but yeah I’m keeping the mask in my hand just in case somebody gives five burp the baby I’m being prepared for motherhood burp the baby burp the baby yeah wait are you trying to get on my shoulders

Hey can you put that down hey LCA I need you to look at the cat what you need to look at the cat on me you need to come here [ __ ] God just teleport snoozy to the ship and let’s go no no no don’t do it don’t do

It I need Luka to come here this is insane someone else she got like this herself you little weirdo she’s laying on my shoulders why not are you quite happy she’s laying on my shoulders hi butter um you’re going to want to look behind you oh what oh hi

Butter I’m wearing she’s wearing me she put her she put she did this she got on my shoulders and she’s laying between oh my God you’re so stupid butter I love you hello a she’s licking me well now I know how she likes to lay CU that’s what the mask even even in

Death finds a way to [ __ ] with she’s she’s targeted um oh I’m sorry I’m not pitting you oh I’m sorry I’m so sorry I’m so sorry this is crazy oh no now she’s hi you hit me sorry oh wait what was that oh God oh God oh God oh God hi oh yeah that’s hi we can get it my cat’s a [ __ ] weirdo chat hey little weirdo little weirdo games hey hi what you’re me oh my God butter you dummy also snoo when you were singing your bone song I one of my bones what my red

Bone you can’t take the cat not I need an adult spread them out we’re like we’re like keeping them like an animal house why are they in the corner leg bones connected to the leg anybody put the cat back Luka Luka put it back going to have another panic attack are you

Okay homie says I can’t threaten to kill myself but then also does this [ __ ] like what the [ __ ] it’s not fair you can sell everything else we have so much we don’t even need we could just sell 700 to get to Titan again yeah cuz we have like over $1,000 this is a

Lot uh how much should we put in then I have no idea let’s check we’ll see 200 oh a lot okay this is enough this is more than enough right here okay don’t need put everything else back we can get we’ll s like a yeah put everything else back I’ll sell

These uh probably take this item back we can buy flashlights don’t worry the song is realy Free okay I bought stuff come on children come on children KY are we going on field trip FP it’s coming I’m coming wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait y more shuffles they were $6 again you are you you’re farmed by the store well I guess we have a few shovels

Now that’s we have so many shovels I didn’t realize that we had so many I’ve zero this entire time Chris did you buy something else no I’m just painting okay come on let’s go it’s like a volcano a kitty face let’s go it was a I’m going give them a lamp

Butter I can’t Z is this what you like do you like sitting on my shoulders now no what did you want all right I don’t know what this CH wants okay Titan we go oh my God look at them I love them so much perfect babies perfect babies y

Going to get his killed by dogs you are yes you are you’re going to get his killed by dog guys my ke feels funny maybe you should go pee if it feels funny probably shouldn’t be holding it in all that much it’s probably not good for you you’re probably Right what the [ __ ] I I’m Fire EX it hello how long has my sound been disabled for I don’t know um long Enough do you have a light do you have a light hi Shadow I just need the light so I can jump how are you doing let’s go get it oh a robot toy oh I really hate the robot toy I have it oh I love wait you died too I also fell Luca

You’re muted Hi loros how are you doing [ __ ] sake it’s a robot toy that’s why I keep picking it up up Jesus Christ two people [ __ ] deaths cuz the butter really butter hello you’re driving Mommy crazy you’re driving Mommy crazy yes you are shut the [ __ ] up please shut

Up pleas shut up you’re driving Mommy insane you’re driving Mommy insane hi hello I have no light it’s kind of hard to see my cat reminds me of a feret might have a very fery cat oh I fixed it one to the three the to the floor everybody drunk down on the

Next floor baby girl as jiggle like she want more like she why don’t my sushi roll they only have one why don’t they have my sushi roll I’m I was going to give them my money but they don’t have the sushi roll I

Like oh no you I want I want a perer but I was never allowed to get one he just wants my shovel don’t you take my shovel go ahead take it he doesn’t wants a key instepp he fell for it he fell for it you fell for it oh my God that’s so

Sad he keys I wonder he didn’t want your ke oh my God Chad it’s 700 p.m. but it’s so [ __ ] light out like it doesn’t feel like it doesn’t feel weren’t you why weren’t you allowed to get one does it really have fets right oh you can not

In Queensland or the Northern Territory but I could have a feret um but now I have cats and I have Luca won’t let me get a freret I’m so sleepy go to sleep I would but I woke up at 6 like 4 hours ago oh yeah maluca won’t let me get a fair

Here I’ll I’ll show you I’ll show you guys I’ll show you guys I’ll I’ll I’ll show you guys it’s 3:00 a.m. oh it’s 7:00 p.m. for me but it’s so light out you guys you wouldn’t believe it did they make my the roll is more expensive oh my God they don’t have the

Roll either [ __ ] God damn it three chat what do you want me to do about that time zones exist yes butter you what what are you mad that I took your toy away luuka has a headache that’s why I took your toy away what was that going to live forever

What was that not Grumble what was that Grumble what was that Grumble why are you upset why are you upset I know DEA she’s so like want me to get you a different toy let’s go get you a different toy go this way I’m going to go get her a different

Toy one second Chad I’m going to go get her a toy come on berer hope I said was aack Jesus Christ I got I didn’t left would we would have all died we would have yeah we have all died we would have all died I’m so sorry what

Nah s we had to getu there was a dog in the ship oh it’s okay just you know just uh be really nice I just had a shovel I lost a shovel a then we have to restart then we don’t have a shovel we have so many

Shovels never mind chat I found the reason need water hi guys look I’m petting the cats yay a a little family a you guys are going to get us killed aren’t you yippe demons out of me uhoh beat the demons out of you I lived I have no HP but I lived oh

You Liv yippe yipp how did work go what did what did you what did you bake today any hello hello n you think do you guys thinks I’m going to get one tapped by a loot bug n that’s what I said I literally said nuh-uh you’re going to get one

Tapped by me what no no no no I’m just kidding I’m just kidding I’m just kidding evil little little guy look patches guys look it’s on the catwalk oh my God yoink good night L hope you sleep well patches yoink wait wait don’t jump all the way down remember you’re really low health

Wait won’t it walk away well yeah but it’s like over there oh that sounds really good deaf uh a dog nuh yeah there’s a dog there’s not a dog what was that there’s no dog you’re crazy you’re you’re you’re crazy there’s little dog boy over here nuh-uh pretty nuh

N oh dear oh good Heavens oh good Heavens oh good Heavens you know what ya ya a come back we got this okay we got this I can’t see you if you move like if you’re not moving it’s like a t-rexx he’s he’s kind of stupid no wait walk away

To oh [ __ ] my bad I’m sorry bro it’s your block bro it’s your block I’m sorry oh my God oh my God I just wanted to I didn’t get blasted I got kicked is it okay to go inside or no yeah you know it’s it’s chill you’re just

Might I think uh there’s just like someone owns a block okay that’s what I’d say C area that no one goes around he wasn’t looking at me I thought I could go up and go whack you know holy [ __ ] C what happened you’re muted there’s like a Little look at keeps forgetting he’s muted hey I’m just watch luk is having a bad day so I’m trying to order food but all the food places I find I there’s AER soy all the food places upset me chat trying to get Luka a little treat so he feels

Better um I don’t think that head Luka you’re muted how did she die oh um I think he’s just like really annoyed at work lately oops oh oh think it’s really getting to him shead anyway he said he wants to look for different jobs the [ __ ] Nutcracker walking

Around yeah he he went run thy pockets and then K Kick and then they one pumped a right after also I seced um patches Pates is here now we have a whole little army tell them to be a fulltime streamer I think we’re good to go I’ll tell him that I’ll tell him that no no no I didn’t do I didn’t do

Anything didn’t get get him oh my hi Chris nowen none of you saw that she fell she fell yeah she uh she it’s a little what I think I just slipped on the ladder guys guys I think I just old I think I I think I just drank weak old gamer Subs

Am I going to die okay um if you you have it on your desk don’t don’t ask don’t ask questions you don’t want the answer to um you you just like ask Luka if you want to know how if you come to my room I will show you

Exactly how and then you’ll be more understanding what happened I drank we gold gamer Subs okay do you see why this happened but also this is your fault for putting it there that’s where I put my drinks it’s not my fault you gave me the identical cup and identical straw it was

This one I drank okay don’t think it’s this one this one lighter this is the one I drank I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know it doesn’t smell good command is Lov something doesn’t smell oh yeah also um D says you should be a fulltime streamer if it’s just like

Yeah it’s basically just so you don’t have to work anymore that’d be great except I’m struggling to pay all the bills as it is I don’t think I’d be had to do that at a full time join Hollow live why am I so much yeah like which way

Definitely what but she literally said it in public what do you mean she literally said it on stream we dropping the Dark Secrets right anyway hello what the [ __ ] I love grapefruits what do you mean by that why am I good Lord what you doing run in

Circle one to the three to the two to the four everybody I don’t on the dance pumpkin a pumpkin pumpkin Want take me home to the place I belong West Virginia Mountain Mama take me home down Country Roads these are both locked what I’ll go get keys that’s what the point of the Mask is that’s what The what die chill chill it’s dead wait we have two masks oh my gosh mask match mask m what oh my God I’m sorry Jesus me there’s a key down here that’s what thek smoothie yeah what’s up where are you going nothing sh don’t tell anyone oh hi guys how’d you

Die Patrick said that hey how did I die so luuka killed me right what so I was like I was like I need to take my revenge shut the [ __ ] up I loaded up with keys and a shle and I just chased Luka that is really funny where did I

Go got didn’t that’s funny oh anybody go out the fire exit they’re dead you hear that that’s probably all the keys struck thank you sp for the that’s what the mask is Luka what would make you the happiest you’ve ever been I’m sorry Financial stability okay let’s let’s

Talk about something more reasonable oh they’re all still alive thought they were dead why were they not moving like short term like something you could get in the next 30 minutes is minutes okay thank you what the [ __ ] to you oh you guys got [ __ ] up by bugs okay um

Guys um guys oh command is [ __ ] um guys you might want to take a look at this I’m the go I’m the oh my how is he still alive wait wait wait no no no oh my God I saw a stri no can’t Leave why is there so many monster noises oh you know I I got some new friends um country road where are you take me home there’s somewhere my allergies is he alive right now oh no dogs out there that P is doing a lot of work I

Don’t I just heard the thumper sing the song Back wait I just hear where are you like there get teport what are you doing you’re not going to have time I just hear where there’s no one house inside see like I just company is fun it’s very fun without

Him there’s someone else in the building I don’t think she knows that alive she doesn’t know he’s still alive oh wow they finally got you I was I was going to stay there for a little long probably I I left behind one person but I I we were going to lose everything to

Be fair I was about to do a backflip into full of um Thumpers I think who are you talking to how are you doing I didn’t even get to play got me shocked um I heard your voice for a second I need to go AFK but you guys can just sell stuff the

Building you’re in charge okay really I’ll be right back chat sorry I’m feeling a little sick when I heard there’s it was only it was only kit and you alive okay yeah I heard kit say like I hear you was in the ship the entire time

Dealing with dogs wait so I heard I heard kit say why is there so many monsters all right gamers only about $1,000 worth of stuff okay I wasn’t I wasn’t in the ship for the entire entire time I did come in for a little bit and

I did say why are there so many monsters and then then he then he was like he was like oh I made some friends I did make some friends yeah you’re stop baby here uh I figur we sell until we get to 500 until we get to 1,00 I think we’re

Good yeah don’t sell any more other than what you guys already have out there I will do a shout out one second wow we haven’t said it right on the nose you guys are good at math oh you are here I just laid I have chat I’m going to teach you a list

Of words that you’re not allowed to say on stream no not I’m just kidding just kidding where the punch line thech well actually okay so chat chat chat chat you see this cat right here so this the name of this cat right here is big old boobies so if you go big old

Boies you’ll see pictures no oh let me see look at this why back love we need more I know what you have jetpack is 50% off I don’t have anything going s how many how many all right guys on inventory deck have four shovels three flash I watch you pick up

Two masks run to the cell and see look it’s on the floor it’s on the floor there’s one on the floor you have another one all right Gamers please help me please help me get this Stuff everyone in kids chat please give 10 Subs each one of you guys I expect how many viewers you got you got 51 I expect all 51 to donate 20 Subs so that’s like what 500 Subs some [ __ ] you know 500 I think I don’t know I can’t do math

Oh that is probably activation is a crime yes probably felony crime it is a crime here still oblig I don’t know I don’t pay taxes I don’t pay taxes someone Wast on our flashbacks but you know what’s really funny I counted for that that’s why I bought five I see I

See you you thought a hit I see to I use one two just one there is two oh I gave two no I I I put two in who used the one I used one oh used sorry I feel better now it’s okay taxes um all right Gamers uh looks

Like we sold enough more than enough we have $800 worth of stuff on the ship uh I’m going to take us up to the sky everybody on the ship Roger Dodger Sergeant going on our ship in our favorite rocker ship flying through the SK why the blindes I might

That reminds me of when I went hey miy can you say RNR in an American accent and she went RNR and then she was like [ __ ] you you’re [ __ ] for that [ __ ] you I [ __ ] hate you oh my god Susie you’re being so childish right now Childish Gambino that is like a that’s

Crazy that was crazy oh my uh I think I’m feeling better I don’t know in a rubber room I genuinely like don’t know rats make me crazy my throat hurts my head hurts youat a rubber room are like M no they’re so cute I would actually enjoy being l in a room with

They are yall are not trying to not New York rats New York rats are crazy Try n I have I have California really rich rich people rats in my backyard and they’re very fluffy and cute and they steal the bird seeds and um I have to

Sneak feed them bird seeds no I’m not coming down on something I’m just having a flare ups oh my God I’m chilling St see You very very Rats rat back to life it died I know a rat back in JY you know what he’s not around no more if you what say what are you doing l oh wow that sucks what I just want to be normal oh God hello hi the big room’s over there o over here I’m

Coming you were so Jersey there what about Jersey you were like so Jersey when you were like over here well doing the accident a lot of Sopranos oh my God my bad bless you thanks it’s happening why they do that are you kidding me bless you I’m

Sorry what are you doing you’re going to get me sick over here it’s allergies uhoh I almost died I don’t know how I didn’t die to be honest oh look there’s an air I don’t got no room for it for it yes but then I’m full too so maybe we

Should drop our stuff off yeah we should go back I also want to test something when we get back what is that you’ll see it’ll be a good bit that’s a that’s a turet not oh my goodness how do you think I feel forget about it what about the murder what murder oh

My God he was a good guy I think if I jump down there I still live right I don’t know do it [ __ ] me please dear God help me it’s just allergies Gamers I’ll be okay I need to get it out of my system so I

Stop sneezing like that’s good I need to get it out I really wanted to keep getting shot at God we’ve gone to trip double digits take your bets chat how many more have we got I know I’ll be back what how did it shoot me through the

What oh yeah that one’s a little weird little quirky weird um I might have to leave soon okay as in the girl is looking at me oh we should leave yeah let’s go I hear Miffy miffy’s alive I don’t want to live [Laughter] anymore what she said she didn’t want to live anymore

A oh my God I will not laugh I Will Not Laugh wait for me I’m right here right here open open open S me open S me all my no oh my God [ __ ] H playing with death all I know is that there were cats

In here and I was like we’re all going to [ __ ] die okay well I got the subu that was out there got caught using a mechanical keyboard is crazy a is also fny did you see did you see the did you see you ruin the bit I thought I made it

Funnier no he’s going to blow myself up with the St I know I know what you’re going to do ask for Love what repeat It ring where is the ring ring ring I don’t I ring around the rosie pocket full of posy ashes ashes We All Fall Down you know that’s about the black plague yeah we used to sing it in England all the time oh also the London Bridge is falling down where’s the door

Oh I need a flashlight hug jippy I love this one I’m a [ __ ] gamer chat what are you hitting oh I I where are you I’m at the fire exit I’m at the fire exit hi I’m up the stairs wait what oh hey hello I see up there hey you want to

Come up see what’s up here want to see what I was hitting Chris Chris Chris that’s what I was hitting oh it just spawned one Chris I saw you pick the mask up I was going to take it outk is oh I’m G to have to kill her that’s I might start sneezing again you can deal that one I loot box the mask

Is it’s what the point of the Mask is hello you know chat I was playing offline when they added the mimics in like the mask mimics um and it like scared the [ __ ] out of me so bad that I like almost had a panic attack playing cuz that like that like

Chris come here come here Chris come on Chris How many of them aren’t why are you lagging Jesus Christ hey hi little guy you’re fine I’ll let you live I don’t want to deal with it what do you not want to deal with Luka oh my inventory is full Hy little guy hey little

Guy oh [ __ ] I didn’t me drop that oh [ __ ] okay Luca hello haunted oh hello hi yeah I killed him don’t worry I put him down oh [ __ ] oh no ya help me a help me a please help me a please get it off my head a

Please please help me please get it off my head please please get it on my head I don’t want to die like this please I’m begging you please please please please please please please please please hi you put the mask on wait how did you die a little friend we both put

The mask on I put the mask how did I die the bugs oh I don’t know the I’ll be right back I don’t know where the ex is oh I see oh so I go this way and I go this way and then I go this way and then like

Soon yeah let’s go am I is it not over here oh it’s over there watching soon soon come oh that’s that’s real good night Gabriel I’m here I’m here I’m here why does that look okay good I’m taking off everyone else is [ __ ] dead you got all the bodies well we

Can’t get two of them but we got the rest oh okay Dam how did uh how did snoozy die a head buug oh oh yeah yeah he got a burger me and Chris the mask on together and I killed both of them I go them I’m a gamer unfortunately

I could not get the headbutt off plug off of me for no you can’t you if you aim at the ground and you grab it off your head nuh I swear to God I done him before nuh-uh I w’t prove it you will because I don’t believe

You your what you will cuz I don’t believe you at all I Absolut okay if we a head buug I promise you I’ll do it okay what heard what because kind of want to play I kind of want to play Minecraft me too so I might I mean we have been

Playing for how long already 3 hours is hours three hours straight oh okay good job we can play Minecraft after this yeah I would be down I kind of want comy people left a bolt on the ground I don’t have enough room my I have a lot of

Stuff this way no this way yes this gu going to stop leaving me with masks I’m going to put them on every single I’m not put it on we should at least get a little bit of stuff for yeah yeah oh perfect perfect me too I can’t help myself

Chat God damn it oh well I can eat my burger now at least I wanted to take someone out though hi I [ __ ] died are you playing on your server after this mhm I’ll be there too I what girl I wonder if Chris knows she’s like a little monkey to

Me I love you snoy love you like a little entertainment monkey deep fried I bet it tastes like thicken see chicken chicken chicken chicken hey hey k k k come here come here K come here hey guys down there there’s a dog I see it um is there anybody in a ship right

[Laughter] now anyway all right you died sorry anyways I’ve done that I’ve done that so many times can’t just not no nor you can jump on top of the little light that’s what I was trying to do uh should we vote to leave and then they can just hop on

Yeah cuz they’re they’re all there yeah yeah V vot vot and then it will leave automatically because the dog’s on the ship so they just have to hop on yeah one more person needs to vote me never mind I’m stupid I’m [ __ ] guys remember me I’m gonna be a

Hero remember me for who I [Laughter] was immediately open open open open oh oh my God not going to eat the dog I outside to scan Love’s buddy to see how turn around and watch a dog come down the stairs dive through the [ __ ] that’s the

Most pathetic her I was sitting here I was sitting here just like watching dog like the second I moved it was like turned around like I didn’t even get down the dog just grab he y you out of the sky what now we return toy

Food oh that’s right I died I don’t have got to S day you died it happened less than like a minute ago shut up C scam I’ve got is eating anything I was safe cuz I Ste I was here the dog there I I had no chance Nope Chris don’t jump off Chris no are we selling Everything not everything everything cuz we have like over 3,000 worth of stuff over $3,000 what is those painting ypp are we Good do I have to okay I’m not I’m not used to YouTube streaming what do I do because I this stream started as a lethal company stream and now we’re going to switch to Minecraft so like what do I do wait who’s still playing I think they’re going to play Minecraft yeah

We’re playing Minecraft but we can still buy it for next time Chris die Robert no I’m not Chris yes do you want me to um slide you an invite yes please cuz I was going to let you join anyway but like I feel bad like

Leaving you so I can just like slide you one early no I figured your DMs are getting blown up I didn’t want to like like hurt anyone’s feelings huh like you said you were going to slide me the invite like yeah yeah yeah I applied yeah no I know I was going to

Invite like I was going to like I was going to like get you anyway that’s what I’m saying oh I got you you good homie oh wait oh [ __ ] I need Nitro I’m at 100 limit I can’t why are you at that many only

100 oh my God let me leave a bunch of Discord 200 what the [ __ ] I turned off Nitro no I know you can change them but it’s like because it’s like because that’s not like I don’t oh I have an idea I’ll make a new thumbnail and

Stuff they I literally have I literally have like I think eight they have a group of like 50 that are YouTu con I just Minecraft time mcraft get in the sky so it saves and then mine y Min you know I couldn’t sleep this morning I only sleep

A hours because I couldn’t stop thinking about building my house in Minecraft so bad invades your mind yeah take a c I’ll just do that see you on the server 07 I just changed the title um I just changed the title um and I’ll change the thumbnail later cuz I

Can’t change the thumbnail like while I’m live so yeah that’s what I’ll do I’ll like do like a double feature thing mhm we’ll do that and I can show you guys what I’ve been working [Applause] on I’m excited to show you Guys I’m going to do another pink Laa laa can I have some water would you like a Fry you’re welcome yeah Oo five people online oh wait you guys can’t see Them I haven’t done anything with my house really I don’t think let me just See oh I did this but that’s about it I’ve done like this cute well that’s about that’s about it I think I don’t think I’ve done anything else thanks cheing chat the stuff I’ve done you want just want to take these yeah my hster still dead oh um this is a myy Basket hey go back to the basket I got some okay oh youi going off um let me show you guys It oh I have something for Luka too I kept forgetting let me get what let me get I got Something um so yeah let me show you guys what I I’m just going to go this way I’ve made this a little more well trying this should this should be grass I don’t think there’s any grass for it to connect to yet um but yipp that’s what I’ve done um and then I saw a

Path oh my God you guys have no idea what I’ve done actually I don’t think so um I made this path down the mountain so we can safely get down the mountain ooh isn’t this nice this is what I worked on today um and then um the other days um I did this Um I did This um I did This luuka helps a little bit I still need to make this like go down so it’s not just floating um yeah this isn’t finished either yet I wanted to um make these post lights so yeah this is what I’ve worked on it’s not done

Yet um yeah you can just go up it’s nice it’s nice I like I Like um I think I did a pretty good job it’s a very easy way to go up the stairs um and then I’m trying to make this all grassy as well to make it a bit prettier over here um but in the meantime I’m also going to

Try to do paths to everyone’s houses at least everyone within like distance um I think I said to Luca that I would make him a bridge also um right now I’m just trying to like yeah I think this is um Lucky akuma’s House wait uh is this your house yeah Oh I thought this was luy’s house hi hi I’m I haven’t been on at the same time as most people no it’s okay you’ve you’ve really upgraded since the last time it wasn’t sure what to do for like

The first like couple of days no that’s fair when then I logged on I was like whose house is cuz I kept stalking and I kept going inside trying to be like who is this is it’s me it’s you it’s so cute though I love it name on a later my

House is over there it’s up you can see it from here oh that’s your mhm I should also put a name on it I realize that everyone else is doing that was yeah yippe yipp yippe okay let’s go over to Luca I need to put a bridge here too either a bridge

I don’t want to fill it in I think it’s really cool um so I think I’ll probably keep it open but maybe I’ll put a bridge in it maybe that’s what we’ll work on on stream that’s what I’ll work on o wait what is this who I don’t remember it looking

Like this I think someone’s been doing [ __ ] let me go see Luka’s done a lot to chat who’s on the server a lot of people yeah luuka needs needs like right here he needs um a bridge why did he build so far away Bro sometimes I want to like pick his house up and mo it a little more Convenient you know look what he’s done with his house look how Pretty very nice looka hi I have something for you you got little HS yeah I have no idea why I think it’s your sleepy thing did it stop huh um kind of gets annoying cuz it’s in my vision um any anyway I have something for you what is It thank you you can put it down something for you look that was from Vick in return I gave her a wolf plushy YY ny’s going to be so happy yeah you can put it down I put mine on a table near my bed M that’s exactly where I’m putting oh my

God they look so cute Luka look wait oh I put it near my door cuz like it’s so cute yeah I put them near my door I put it on a key near [ __ ] me I put it oh I finished my bathroom by the

Way ooh Why do you have why do you have two oh hold on I don’t know why this is this is a placeholder actually I was supposed to get another counter but that to me oh does vix have a lot of stuff n vix vix has a shitload of hats

Oh but you want to come see what also I need I think I think today I’m going to work on building you a bridge cuz I like being able to walk through the village and it’s [ __ ] impossible I’m to say I’m a little mad at you is is putting in

Nicely I mean to be fair thought people would be extended all the way around that little area I mean some of them are but you’re just you’re just like a you’re you you you’re across yeah yeah anyway let me let’s let’s come on let’s go

Back me show you you want Mark out a location for this uh Bridge Fest um I don’t know cuz I need to get material let me see she’s been collecting hats like crazy do you know if she has bunny ears um I was thinking like I don’t know because the problem is

Is that mountain is bigger than this mountain it is and I don’t like that it’s going to make it hard to I mean could just ter him a bit on the side that’s true oh I think I could probably do it like across from there okay anyway um let’s come come on uhoh

Oh I just watched you bounce down the side of a [ __ ] clip mhm you good yeah come [Applause] On why are you so oh you have um do you know that you’re getting rained on yeah Okay come on I got to show you what I’ve worked on today Chad it’s really funny showing showing Luca I it didn’t happen like directly today because um I was playing lethal company but whenever he’s gone home from work and I’ve been on Minecraft I like show him around I’m

Like look at all this stuff I did today it would it’s it’s almost like I’m a housewife except of doing anything productive I’m messing with pixels like I could be doing laundry or like making a home-cooked meal but instead I’m like look what I built in

Minecraft oh my god look what I built in a game for 12-year-olds who the [ __ ] did this was like I’m just like that’s nice hone why did they do this do what oh started shopping give me a second nice restored hey restored the amount of chops need too well yeah I just replaced

It hello oh oh fu is nearby yeah I haven’t seen F’s house yet come on come on what do you mean snoozy pranked wait Yi pranked what did Yi prank you I don’t know but look what I built where are you I went up why come here

Ooh pretty so we we you saw this but look look over there if I could point I would Point look over there over there how did you do no look right there in front of us yes look oh stairs I terraformed this took several hours yeah this looks like a lot of work

Please please like it it’s very please go oh my God good job snoozy oh my God good job snoozy look how easy it is to go up look how easy yeah no jumping needed well I mean a little jumping well it’s cuz I was trying to fill this all

With grass and I didn’t realize there was no grass connected anyway um um and then and then I got off to play lethal combinate cuz I Minecraft a little too hi hi hi I’m dropping off Tom a bunch ofs I have do you have bunny ears your GL still following

Aroundi not yuchi love meals hey did you see what I did to your house no over Here what what that it’s like a dock thing hi love and then I made it so we can get down look at all the stairs put that away Yi’s at my house GUI I’m here what’s [Laughter] up get prank thank you did she prank Me by putting down a bunch of flowers yes the cutest thing Yi is so cute thank you Yi I appreciate it idiot I still appreciate it a lot thank you so much this is so cute I think kid put

That there thank you you’re so cute have a cherry speaking of cherry where the [ __ ] has she not gone on yet I want her to make a little Bakery I think she has to finish making her um PC look look at this see look this is what I did C look

This what I did this is what I did oh see hicup that’s cute and then and someone gave me a Pikman I have a bunch of those scattered around my house someone it was I I walked outside and there was a Pikmin staring at me so cute I like the little paintings I

Don’t but thank you there’s not a lot of good options for are you good nah yeah I still don’t have a hamster um so yeah do you want a bridge yeah what wood well actually there’s so many options let me let me figure it out let

Me put let me put myy care package and myy care package oh is this my’s care package this my’s care package oh do you have stuff too oh uh nothing yeah [Applause] Okay I’m going to your house I’m going to go to Fu’s House let’s let’s see what what we’re going to do I kind of want all the bridges to like have the same Vibe so I’m thinking something with pink duh think thinking sorry Cherry thinking thinking Cherry um thinking I’m thinking Cherry cuz cuz it’s Pretty there’s also all this kind of wood don’t know if I like any of it but there is this wood I don’t think there’s slabs of this way which is Problematic I’m thinking we could Do just cherry and Spruce again that’s kind of The Vibes I’m Doing you know um let me get the bridge I pretty much do the same Bridge all the time I like this bridge this is It’s a good Bridge chat it’s a good Bridge okay so I’m going to need those two are the same there’s going to be a lot of

Pink possibly too much pink um and I need a wall what wall should I Do do the Cite So thinking like this I’m just I’m I’m going to destroy this I’m just like testing How I think things Look I like it that’s what we’re going to do I do not know how much things that we’re going to need probably a [ __ ] ton Okay I’m going to start by using stuff from Luca’s house for supplies I just want to see if he has like Cherry um trees where are his chests are they up here yes o I don’t like this Um none of these are Labeled why do like none of these have anything in Them yeah that’s not going to it yoink no yoink hi Tom this is um Luca’s house unless you do me mine house and thanks if you might like the flower crown do I want the flower crown I really like the flower crown oh okay he has so many

Hats why does he have so many hats okay did I just steal hat from Luka yeah I did I did steal I did steal his hats what did you just say what but in my defense look how cute I look with the flower CR okay that is pretty C and then look at

This you’re not going to use these ones no I I’m not you can keep that I also took the strawberry one for myy okay I also don’t know if I want myy to have the flower Crum one cuz like it’s very myy core however I look really

Cute you do what does the strawberry one look like oh this is kind of cute too it looks like a cat house um good where are your chests my chest yeah where where do you keep [ __ ] not upstairs St there’s nothing up there I’ve looked through all of there already yeah I’ve already

Cleared out a lot of stuff cuz I was building still so that’s so you don’t have like a single Cherry sapling nope okay stay Here probably get some Spruce saplings while I’m here hi are you doing oh have fun with That your your house is so cute the kitchen is so thanks it’s not done yet I’m still working on it I love it it’s like Cottage type [ __ ] you can walk through this is so cute the I know I love the sink I love how clut it

Is Luka’s putting me to work I got to go build them a Bridge oh yeah we should build the bridge there’s like a ravine the Ravine I know I was like should I fill it up I was like should I fill it but I was like

No it looks too cool like I love yeah you should build a bridge yeah I’m going to build a bridge there yeah but have you seen where Luca’s house is oh my God thank you um okay I’m going to go back and I’ll teleport you to me okay

Okay welcome back I brought love with me hello she hasn’t seen your house oh she hasn’t seen the house yet not okay this is Kitchen yeah this is his kitchen Frid is so cute I’m glad you like my fridge he his house the rest of his house is really cute

Too I know the crep and old just like him what the [ __ ] what am I catching [ __ ] stay for my house you have I make that joke every time also Luka do you want to hear what’s [ __ ] up what’s that where are you I hear you upstairs

Oh I was looting around your house and Tom went oh snoy your house is looking really nice and I went oh no it’s not my house it’s Lucas’s unless you do mean my house um then thanks and he’s like oh that’s why it looks so nice like

[ __ ] [ __ ] up oh my God little did they know that this is the most impressive thing you built in Minecraft true it might very well be have fun okay have fun Bye God damn it I got pink petals instead of [ __ ] saplings I’m a [ __ ] bozo oh there we Go This is all I’m going to be doing for a while Chat luuka there’s a lot of cherries over here if you want some Cherries There you go two stacks of cherries for You I’ll put brid hey luuka yeah what’s up um do you have an axe yeah awesome I might need it like you want to borrow it um possibly can just give me a second just give me a second just give me a second I a giant CH those I have a space for

Those oh my accent break oh you just bin mind it instead of doing the normal Jing way that’s probably smarter yeah it takes so much faster yeah I think it does a lot more durability though yeah but if you want more large trees there’s some over that way

Um I think I need like a I think I need like one More okay I have enough material oh almost enough materials do we have any leftover calite oh yeah I got heaps awesome I just need polished calide walls I don’t know how many you get polished calide walls m All the calite I have 167 calite in this just oh how do you make polished calite you might need to use the one of those benches you know Oh Oh I need a wait stone cutting oh yeah in my shed out back there you can use the stone C why is Luka taking the seal with the shut out back what’s he going to do with the seal don’t worry I like how you say out

Back but this is the front of your house yeah yeah yeah it’s a posive don’t worry about It it’s probably enough Okie Doie um oh I like what you did up there that is smart what’s that um using the shelves the wall shelves for the flower boxes is that smart I thought it was cute you’re going to make me do this by myself uh I’m actually just sorting out

All the [ __ ] that I gathered as while I was working so going to make me let’s go chat join you in a minute I did not mean to do that my bad okay I’m thinking we do is three to like maybe seven long seven wide so 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 that literally is perfect I think seven I think that cuz it’s going to be a long Bridge right you know so I think

We’re going to do that plop plop this bad boy down I don’t know if luuka wants to beautify his space get some more Grass we chill are we chill are we chill are we cool are we cool we’re cool what what is three band I don’t know all right Mr kid starting yeah okay so so it’s going to be seven seven long but five inside um cuz it’s going

To be really long so I was like I feel like five is like too little like too like yeah skinny penisy yeah um yeah can you come turn my light on and sure thanks Thanks I think five is mine uh no I think it’s I think seven is a better cuz it’s like really long how many spaces between your posts um it’s going to well right now it’s going to be it’s it’s going to get bigger so right now it’s going to be this much

Oh but but then it’s going to get they going to reach all the way down to the water uh-huh that’s why I have four stacks of spruce in my inventory okay yeah but right now it’s just going to be one I’m just going to

Do um I just start here want to do the center of the bridge kind of thing and yeah right now I’m just going to do um I need here can you take this and can you probably make a chest I’m we’re building a bridge probably

Make a chest um but can you also um make a lot of fence gates not fence well also fences but fence gates more fence gates than than fences probably okay for now fences for fence gates for now fence gates Okay Going do one okay bye Mr kid have a good day all my [ __ ] is going to break see you later Okay Oh congrats on the speedrun I’ve never done speed Running okay I have made 20 fence gates okay um so put them one here one here hey B something like here yeah Nope yeah and then nice this okay so now one two three one two [ __ ] okay get that later I did it again okay oh if it’s underneath though when you break it it will break the hole oh no nope God damn it God [ __ ] I don’t want to talk about It it’s okay I’ll just go collect all your mistakes I thanks now now Um ow oh [ __ ] I just put one my face I couldn’t see a better way to do It the between the brick wall ow oh that nearly killed me um what so from like here wait I guess that’s fine for now um yeah so the wall where did the Wall go I have the wall wall W so you put it between Yeah nice You have one hot yeah do I like This trying to figure out if I like this or Not I guess it could go but then how does you know you can Loop between things what what do you mean just go I like how Chris is like I had to leave 72 server no you didn’t you could have just left one you just had to leave one

I I’m in Crea I can recreate that what the [ __ ] looks kind of we of a steel train huh yeah that might look good on the dock you going to get rid of it you Know what did Okay So here’s the problem I’m having yeah I wanted to like go up one more mhm but I don’t know how to do them how what what do you mean like I mean why don’t you know how to do it you can just I guess I could

Just have it go all the way across would that look good though well the reason well the reason why is cuz there’s I want it to be like I don’t know how to explain it I’m thinking I guess that could work I’m just I just

Don’t want to get like to it oh look at this cuz the mod um I just don’t want to like be like get to the other end and be like [ __ ] you Know yeah we are building a bridge Joseph maybe I will I think if you’re going to make it do like another step up might as well just make it Do the can you just get me oh that was a mistake I’m getting death threats for no reason I feel like that’s probably there’s almost always a Reason What’s wrong with what’s wrong with asking if I’m going to get strangled in like a sex Way no come back um love males yelled sex she yelled sex I think everyone on the server right now except Luca uses she her pronouns right M I’m goep a daytime Hey Luka go your turn uh at this point yeah so Yeah uh have to here or one more one one more What that was weird I didn’t put that there yeah okay mechanic breaks now we’re good it’s a grand It’s a grand thing you know it’s got to Go okay now here’s the problem I what I would do is just be like okay let’s replicate this on the other side and then you and I can meet in the middle and we can like do this faster however I like to have my [ __ ]

Spaced in a way right so like say I want to do like pillars every like five blocks right it needs to be the same way on the other side so I can’t do that until I know cuz like I won’t know until I need to like I’ll be like okay I need

To move it back you know gota so let me just go all the way across actually okay wait 1 2 3 4 five 6 seven okay so like right here mhm build it right where you’re say you want another L yeah I want them to be seven

Spaces apart okay you’re going to have to you could also just what ow what what did that do I wasn’t sure if it would turn me into a block of ice on the way down uh-huh it didn’t no You could also just mark it for now L that’s fine no just because you’re going to have to go back down continuously so it might be easier just to mark it I get you um get my axe back no you can leave that there for now that’s that marks it technically um

Here’s some more Spruce just in case where’d it go oh just jump it’s you can reach that that’s like so little you don’t you don’t seem to understand oh when I dropped it you were up there how is it that it’s not that tall nuh-uh okay yeah so what you can do

Is just space it every seven like from down there you know What oh I was just pinging to like marck out the amount of space I need so every seven along you want to Mark mhm so five in between seven across so whatever is easier to count I was meaning what about the long ones what do you mean like the separation between uh that

One and this one breaks up seven okay so if you were going to if you were going to go in between the post it would be five okay mhm yep chat No See and then we’ll find out if I need to like build this back or anything this is a big [ __ ] Bridge Jesus I don’t think my brain realized like how big think I’m going to need more I know right going to keep going for Now I just remembered Something No it needs to be up stupid okay God damn it the my heart my brain was in the right place you Know Okay and you think Sno you don’t need that much like you can literally like you can literally see the end like you don’t need I do because this is also going to be the Roof where’ he go nimi where does where does vix go when they when they exit the they exit the game where do they go can you spy for me Oh my God actually this isn’t enough that’s crazy I surely thought that would be enough what do you mean where does vixo well they say brb and then they leave so like what are they doing like are they loading up OSU like what’s going on I genuinely don’t Know Oh why do they leave the Game For I’ll do this side I can do this side I can do this side sorry I was muted well I was like why the [ __ ] isn’t he responding did you miss count or did I miss count hold on hi Chris how you joining the server it’s beautiful we’re making luuka

Bridge oh hell yeah cuz yeah are you sure that count is correct for your one I’ll check either I’m counting in correctly or maybe you are 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 I counted Correctly oh what have you been doing did you mess them all up I think so you you think you mess been putting it on the seventh that’s why I think yeah that’s what you’re supposed to do well this is the seven for me it doesn’t line up with the other What 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 eight they’re a across I said there should be five in between every seven so if you’re counting in in oh no oh no five say say that again five in between every seven so if you’re doing it every seven there should be five in Between but you’re doing it there’s seven in between so you’re doing it every nine okay that makes sense well be want it to be corrected to be that or you find the way it is um it um let me Check yeah that’s Fine it’s it’s fine as is so you’re doing it just to make sure just just don’t don’t do anything yet what one one two this going to be six between what I’m doing it on every seven when you said there’s between there’s five I thought you meant between each

Post There is five okay so it can’t there is we okay so this is we do need to redo it okay why because it can’t be an even number between it it has to be an odd number which is why I’m doing five or seven because the build does not work if

There isn’t an even like a middle oh the build needs a middle the [ __ ] fences yeah the build needs a middle oh good I’m going to cry yeah you can just redo it all in Creative I really don’t care just I don’t [ __ ] care just yeah I would redo it in creative

I’m going to drink some water I have a chocolate orange somewhere I should have a CH we do have a chocolate orange I still have a chocolate orange left over from Christmas do you know what I love about Australia chat in America my parents for Christmas would get me a chocolate

Orange cuz in America chocolate oranges are only around during Christmas but in um what is this texture pack um it’s part of big Chad guys plus um but sorry you’re going to hear some wapping cool but in America or in Australia we have chocolate oranges all year round like you can get them

Whenever you want which is really nice however I still like getting them for Christmas cuz it um reminds me of like when I was growing up in the good way not the bad way hi Moon how are you doing by the way oh this [ __ ] has melted a little Bit love Love I love Chocolate 10k Subs yeah I just hit it um recently I I don’t know how recently but within the last October 19th oh that was like a while ago I feel Bad ypp But we managed to do our celebratory karaoke multiplayer yeah this is my snoozy S&P this is snoozy SMP See you know what’s funny Luka about it being one block off basically what that is I was looking at it and when you said oh it’s not five it’s seven in when I thought you said it was seven in between I was like oh I guess seven is okay

Because that looks like way smaller than I thought it would be but then I was it was cuz it was one block off so I was right also are you aware that you have [ __ ] misted uh slabs underneath yeah but I didn’t want to get it I’ll get it

Later I didn’t feel like It do you have the fence gates uh there are none left oh okay I will make so much more then Uhoh Okay I have 33 right now a good amount boom boom boom I want you in my Room huh you kidding me no okay well that’s that’s that’s Gone trust the process chat this is going to look good I promise we’ll get there Eventually this build truly is a trust the process cuz it does not look good at the Start um yeah watch this when you put this there it goes back to normal isn’t that Nice Luka he went so much over it’s okay I Yeah Huh where oh yeah I’m putting fenes at the top so you don’t go over okay I’m helpful so helpful one two three Four Oh my God I kind of did plan this perfectly oh [ __ ] yeah oh my God we did it perfectly try Going I did it perfectly I’m really impressed with myself like Count um I don’t know who that is hi Pope how you doing um so one it goes three up I think it might go two up instead oh no I need it to be even so you’re so close though ow um I bring it back okay so

Wait let me make sure pink Bridge yeah we’re building a bridge for Thea he has this massive C Chasm then it immediately goes Down Be careful cuz we’re almost towards where you need to stop okay bro can you [ __ ] Off no bag no hats not even like a little Bit oh [ __ ] it’s win I hate winter so this is the last one okay we actually unironically like I did it kind of perfect yeah well cuz it needs to go down three and I’ll terraform this area to make it look a little more like easier to you know I get you

Um nice can you take this where are you oh can you go across the bridge oh can you go across the bridge make me some stairs um I think I need 15 Stairs wait what what did you give me pink wood should have a star next to it I just gave you planks I got eight slabs no I drop them to you they’re in your inventory I swear to God I got fence skates is your inventory full Spruce locks nope okay well it’s there I mean I am in Creative to be fair there’s Cherry planks Cherry planks you pick them Up did you find them no I just I’m creative so I just put them in well don’t be in Creative anymore but I want to fix the on the side of your bridge I can do that later without creative okay go make me my stairs I don’t know who you are but you

Popped up so I clicked well sedations my name is s silly s YouTuber I’m currently playing on my SMP um we launched it want to say like 3 days ago I think 3 days ago um it’s is a um s SMP for Content creators mainly vtubers we have some people on already

Um and I just reopened applications for some more people to join because of how like well people are receiving it like it’s being like people are liking it a lot um I’m a variety vtuber so I stream a lot of different games primarily Minecraft um what games do I stream Minecraft GTA

Lethal company a lot of lethal company right now oh thanks yeah was playing lethal company earlier we were big lethal company fans my YouTube streams are normally a lot Chiller than my um my twitch streams my twitch streams are normally a little bit more chaotic and stuff um but it’s a

Little more Chiller here a little bit more quieter so we just kind of hang out ow just kind of hang Out I was actually thinking about wanting to stream OverWatch 2o like just like randomly I was like oh yeah I used to stream that I want to stream Val but my numbers are like really bad when I stream valerant which I just find like really like weird cuz when I stream OverWatch 2o my my numbers are pretty good so I

Don’t know why it’s specifically um valerin hey Noble how are you guys doing I need two more stairs um just to make sure it is three yeah I did this perfectly dude do you see this I do ni like obviously have to terraform it a bit but like I didn’t

Count it I just wung it Wang it I Wang it w it Wang you Wang Wang it I don’t know winged winged does not sound right winged nuh-uh nuh-uh I I don’t have by the way my pickaxe broke also so like I can’t um were you breaking gravel with your

Pickaxe no I was breaking these things which is why this is here because I can’t break it thanks unfortunately this was the easy part obviously we still have a lot to go but that was the easy part Wang I know what Wang is I know Wang means

Penis okay I know that Wang means penis but it could mean other things it’s a last name pretty sure winged Wing donated what the [ __ ] we need I got more Spruce than I thought we would need oops is 32 enough it might be 32 might might be Enough whatever materials I have left over I can just carry on to the next Bridge cuz I have to do another Bridge why is it so satisfying to watch um in which way do you mean if you mean like oh this is comfy this is relaxing um that’s the same reason I like

Watching long plays of Minecraft um typically long plays don’t have any talking but they’re very similar content where they just have like an objective and it’s quiet and there’s little music and it’s nice um otherwise if you made my building then thanks I appreciate that I’m just an

Idiot Willie can mean penis too with that too there’s a lot of why do we do that why do we have so many names for penis that are like names like Richard Johnson dick Oh my God that was like literally I need Um nope ow one did that go Yeah nope you want me to go Harvest some more cherry um yeah I’m going to need a lot more here’s um here bone meal and cherry seeds thank you I gave you a shovel in case you want to yeah where is it oh my God Yes I thought you were saying an I thought you were saying the the the what’s it called when you have a fear of vomiting that’s what I thought you were talking about do I have any pets yeah look what Nim said doesn’t that not look the

Same I kind of me wait is this the same is this Right um yeah I do have pets oh I [ __ ] up well my bad I [ __ ] up um um oh oh I know why I [ __ ] up um I do have pets I have two ragd Doll cats um their names are peanut and Butter be really careful [ __ ] I still don’t have [ __ ] pickax rying this is how you want do you want to turn into planks or um I’m going to need oh you need [ __ ] fces I’m going to need well I’m going to need no wait oh I wasn’t planning on doing the

Give me a Second Luka I [ __ ] up Again oh you going to do spruce ones yeah cuz the floor and the ceiling are going to be pink so I wanted it to break it up um so I’m just going to replace these but I do I do still need cherry wood for the um the roof um but that’s I

Was like why do I have so much extra Spruce that’s why you [ __ ] Wing bat dingbat that’s the word I can’t even say dingbat correctly um this is um Lego fortnite uh do you want Cherry just plank what do you want um slabs Slabs how many slabs you don’t want to know I’ve got four stacks of that’s probably good okay hopefully I’ll do another little bit Just Your cat’s invading your personal space that’s really [ __ ] Funny um it’s cherry wood okay I play Lego fortnite and the ain’t it well you also can’t read either so are you sure um so yeah instead um I’m going to need oops I need that I’m going to need um Spruce fences and fence gates but I primarily just

Need um fences at this point fences okay I’m going to need like four fence gates I think question mark I mean what’s the mod I mean that’s not clear you said you asked what the game was and I’m going to be a little silly about it when it’s the title of the

Stream mod does not equal game I’m playing big Chad guys Plus on my SMP oh I want to play dbd again that’s another game I stream it’s been a while she e cat beds really my cats love [ __ ] my cats love their cat buds they do sleep um they sleep in a

Few different places they’ll sleep um under my desk they’ll sleep on my desk chair they’ll well when I’m not in it they’ll sleep um was that so hard to say why are you being so rude you didn’t say you didn’t ask what mod I’m playing if you said said what the heck

Is this game come on man and if you said what the heck is this game I was going to answer Minecraft anyway and then you would have had a little complaint about it so going to be a little trolly I got four Spruce F skates uh-huh

And 36 of the just the panes amazing I need let me go grab some Spruce normal looks oh do you have the normal the planks I need logs I think there’s some in the chest oh you Do I thought I placed these wrong but I guess I didn’t like I guess there’s still place in the correct area nice to meet you Onyx I hope you’re having a good night I’m doing pretty good I’m getting um I’m having a lay up of my chronic illness which sucks a

Little bit but I’m vibing it’s not as bad today it was bad yesterday it’s mostly physical today do you play cubecraft I don’t know what that is I’m going to go with no Sorry speaking a peanut butter finally shut up thank God is she laying on the bed now I don’t know where she is I think she’s out there I don’t want to disturb her but I don’t know where she is oh yeah she’s on she’s on the top floor of her

Tower I’m sorry you’re having a rough day i’ I’ve i’ I’ve been there I feel you how are you going to connect why did that happen what what how what oh it just looked weird having the bottom one connected but not the next one well I

Wasn’t finished I was expecting it to be connected and I was like no that’s how it’s on the other side yeah oh yeah I don’t play um online servers like not like public ones anyway I used to a lot when I was younger I played High I played on I think all the

Servers I used to play on don’t exist anymore okay um did you want me to make a bunch of spruce uh slabs so you can make a little stairway out of it um probably um well it doesn’t need I don’t need a lot probably for the

Path okay this part is going to suck ass what’s this oh doing the roof M yeah I also do need um two more stairs if possible two more look I asked for 15 like well you didn’t give me enough materials to make 15 I didn’t know that

Here I have some more here you go thank you what am I just [ __ ] myy messaged me oh Okay there we go why is that a rough day it’s not a rough day that’s like a chill day I mean maybe not for me but I mean maybe not for you but like doesn’t that bad congrats onx T to Discovery uh I have finished a little

Steps do you want to put any underneath or anything what do you um I’m going to yeah but that’s like the finishing finishing okay well I got 14 Left oh God what did a cat do they diving into a bag oh yeah they do that um what did myy do now it’s more of what did I do um Luka can you oh you picked up one my things Luka can you um go look at my private

Twitter okay and see the course of actions which made me laugh a lot yeah I got you I’m guessing you’re going to need some more fences by the way do you want more um yeah I don’t know how much if my parents found I’m going to get killed

Well I’m really sorry about that good luck um don’t get killed just don’t tell anyone Careful okay well I didn’t actually intend on making this many but I have made a stack oh my God ow can you just look at so what you’re going to do is it’s first two and then ever and then it’s never mind it’s three all the way

Can I have that so it’s three three three stacks all three up yeah can you put two up here or can I have two like whatever like one on each you mean yeah there you go f how am I getting that one okay then put three I didn’t most of

It I’m going to start on the roof now Okay oh congrats on finishing your homework ah [ __ ] what CL scared scared scared scared scared I need Scaffolding okay do I have string surely I have string Somewhere Um do I not have any string there it is Jesus and six of them that’s pretty good okay maybe scaffolding is kind of useful what are you trying to make after this um I don’t know I might make another Bridge cuz there needs to be another bridge by closer to my house cuz there’s a Ravine and it’s a really cool looking Ravine

Um I’m not sure [ __ ] hey butter I’m kind of glad I made so many um fences actually because but it got like 20 left oh really yeah easy I just hate doing roofs and I always manage to [ __ ] this roof up even though I’ve done it so many times where do I place it Twice oh I see I see why myy yelled I bought like the cheapest thing okay it was like $8 yeah it’s kind of Cute Kind of hate how slabs fuse together I Know you want me to just take slabs and go all the way across the top of these fences um yes like just along the the yeah just the top okay I have no no no take take take okay take I to figure out how I

Want to do this I think I’ll just leave it but it could be prettier oh wait where’s my oh my wand broke oh wait I gave you my wand right do you still have it or is it Gone oh that’s really cool Pop damn it shut I fell multiple times leave me alone I couldn’t Sprint why am I doing this to myself oops Okay Have a good day pearly thank you for joining see you Later I don’t know if this is the way I’m going to do this but I’m doing it this way I can probably fix it Later hi butter hi butter hey baby how are you doing honey hiy baby butter hi you’re so ID why are you so ID why are you put like that Huh why you bit like that butter hi come on hi you want to lay on me you go yeah Happy hi I have to pet you yeah I got to pet you I’m petting you what’s the problem you’re going to lay on my shoulder again aren’t you H is that what you want to do What Jesus I need I need my hands honey what what what what you’re just a little Girl you you are you are a new G welcome welcome I’m um doing YouTube oh my God this cat I’m doing YouTube streams more often um I’m going to be doing one weekly stream but I may bump up to two maybe two just hard cuz I’m a full-time

Streamer and my God cat okay I’m throwing you on the bed get thrown yeah get thrown idiot um a fulltime streamer I don’t make any money from YouTube which sucks but soon we’re almost there lauka laa yeah do you have any more slabs uh nope okay well we need

More beautiful I surely would not have thought but her she was she was give me an approximation of how many um a stack maybe more oh really Yeah my God is it 100% humidity for you Pope surely that’s not melbin there’s no way I would know Right oh she’s making biscuits chat she’s making biscuits chat oh thank You it rained it rained here yesterday as well wait Luka did you do this what did you fill the Gap yeah oh okay thanks sometimes I’m know just looked away for two seconds and I was like whoa Wait what is an achievement how is Chris getting so many achievements already uh when you come in pretty fresh um you do get quite a view not me Boom bo boom I want you in my Room you’re Spying Yeah yes oh she’s gone okay bye Okay where’d it go where’d it go Hello can you grow up thank you [ __ ] it’s all the way up there how am I supposed to get that I’m not tall enough chat now I’m building this slightly different than the way I normally do and I don’t know if I like it yet so we’ll

See don’t me to T y some of these bits underneath Yeah why is there ice here it’s window oh [ __ ] why H you know what happened to global warming oh [ __ ] what happened to Global woman that’s [ __ ] crazy okay I think that looks Fine Guess that looks Fine guess what what I need more Slabs there’s a bunch on the stairs oh Thank I have the scaffolding this might be Enough shut up making holes in it the holes don’t make shut up I’m going to need more this is not enough that’s okay I planted some trees ear a I gave you bone meal I ran out of bone meal oh [ __ ] thank you Pope my traditional snoozy

Bridge if it ain’t broke don’t fix it am I Right you’re Right well none of those trees grew so I’m going to go for a Walk chat how do I add emotes can you have animated emotes is that something I can have cuz I would like animated otes I think that’d be nice like once I get partner or can I not have my cuz like I really like my animated modes I would like to use Them I’m still new to YouTube streaming so I’m not really sure if you can or cannot there you go hi Butter I’m not sure um if you can have animated BS or Not Okay yeah I made some of Thanks I will say that was a fast of estimation of how much I needed but thank you list going to be safe and sorry right can argue with That what I need a screenshot that that’s [ __ ] Funny Um there’s a [ __ ] wizard do you think f is okay no Chad do you see this H OMG what is this fui went off with a bang okay hackers did you want to use the one it’s too late you go too far it’s too Late okay what the [ __ ] was that she’s Healing do you like it let me go cre see like obviously there’s no finishing like it needs like lanterns and decoration and stuff I don’t know if I like it I think it’s pretty are you sure I’m really sure I really like it Feeling it’s like just okay well I feel like you’ll feel better once you decorate Yeah I feel like you could also add some form of element between each of the posts underneath it oh I’m going to add um I could add I normally add stairs but I could add like um leaves or Something yeah Maybe a lot of pretty Lanterns I kind of like the paper lanterns oh [ __ ] those are expensive can I make paper paper with bamboo uh why not bamboo paper’s a thing Okay well I’m going to need a lot of paper um do I just want to do cherry leaves or do I want to do there’s like flowering Oak o white flower Birch Le these are Pretty are there more people yeah there’s well these are the people online right now but there’s more people that are in the Discord server that haven’t that are offline due to whatever Reasons I don’t understand how I get this I don’t I don’t understand TR to see if Luka has I think he has the Workbench I’m just building a bridge for Luca um his area area because he’s pretty far away do you have leaves I do not have leaves I all out of leaves as you can see I use them to decorate my house so like leave like leaves like these things out Here these yeah I mean yes but they’re decorated my house okay well I just need I just need to test something so do you have shears uh I might actually have [ __ ] I just need to test it to see if the way it works and if it doesn’t work put my

Then I put my shoes downstairs hold On you go wait Right I’ll put it back Mhm Hello how do I huh you okay I don’t get it I don’t use it hold on what do you up to I’m going to use this the table yeah um I think I built the wrong one what apparently there’s two why are there two cuz that one doesn’t [ __ ] do anything apparently

Oh why can you make what why is it allowed you see what I mean like this to littley well that’s [ __ ] Useless hey ninja how are you doing I don’t want to make That sorry my space far um let me sleep and then I still have Lucas shears well whatever let me sleep I do have a Discord do um exclamation point Discord that’s my’s care package still um I need three flower pots GL you’re doing good um I think I’ll just Go these are Birch leaves [ __ ] I need are any of these not oh please Probably Enough Okay looka do you have Clay Luka do you have Clay uh no I’m all out of clay is there clay near here uh do you have bricks I have some bricks I need bricks I need bricks where are your bricks I’m going to start ripping open your kitchen stop

Why would they be in the kitchen because there’s brick flooring I use the bricks to make that yet where are your bricks yeah how many do you need I need three flower pots so I need nine oh well are you up here or you down there I

Don’t know where are you your house is my [ __ ] give me them thank you that was a lot of Bricks Um yeah this is my SMP I opened it 3 days ago hi butter hi baby hi baby hi baby hi what was that little meow what was little meow I guess what butter what you’re going to get banished if you don’t stop being annoying I love you but Jesus Christ yeah oh my God this is so cute hi baby hi oh you went on that shoulder still rumaging through what are you doing oh you could have set that up outside well I was here ow ow ow claw baby claw baby claw claw Claw oh I was muted sorry well my bad it’s okay how do you forget that that’s like Minecraft 101 she’s saying Luka yeah does this look Good it’s quite pretty but it’s not very tck it’s kind of flat like if you look from the Outside like I feel like Greenery like that would just kind of grow down a little bit on either side of the log you know what I mean well I could do that then yeah I think that would look good can you go help Fua I have to build another Bridge Doesn’t that like ruin the game I don’t really care but that wouldn’t feel that wouldn’t be fun for Me Oh [ __ ] I can’t spell Ancient Ancient City okay yeah that makes more Sense I wish these got affected by shaders as well it’s kind of Annoying I’m trying to figure out if I want to do this in Creative just so I can like Fly God I wish flight was a thing okay let me put this can I not oh does it affected by gravity no I know what an extra texture pack is I’ve been playing Minecraft since Beta I’m sensitive what did I do I’m very confused oh [ __ ] um I don’t want to make more Scaffolding let me get is there any blocks I haven’t used for Crafting O oh but I don’t have a pickaxe still let me see if luuka has any things that I can break with a shovel hi baby hi butter what’s the problem I know she’s upset I’m streaming are you upset I’m streaming are you hungry ow [ __ ] I just punched my

Trolley hi B how are you doing have any hi baby hi what’s up what’s up hi hi I haven’t oh oh baby oh baby oh baby you fell I haven’t played Minecraft um I think I played Minecraft I want to say like maybe on the switch like with my younger brothers

When they would make me hi you’re so needy why do you have to bother me Chad sometimes I wish this cat didn’t like me so much doesn’t cuddle with me though in Bed give me cuddles such a good girl where’s your baby hi deab if you’re still here she’s still bothering me are you Happy are you good now it’s very hard to pet you when I need to stream play games I’m sorry do you not have dirt [ __ ] yeah oh a good girl just a baby just a little baby when you get down I can’t pet you honey but if you stay here and you just

Let me pet you a little bit then I can pet you a little bit okay okay there you go you fell you’re falling you stupid baby Chad I swear this kind has brain Damage what she likes it when I kiss her head she gets so happy oh my God I’m doing top chat instead of instead of live chat I’m such a bad streamer on you guys I’m so sorry I don’t know why that’s the Default I’m so sorry Does that look good do you guys think I think that looks good oh no I expected there to be water at the bottom hi baby hi peanut Oh no you’re not peanut you’re butter I’m so sorry hi Honey oh my god look how pretty it is at winter there’s Aurora Borealis chat that’s really cool I didn’t know that happened during the Winter she sat on my lap while I’m playing games it’s so cute YouTube chat of something else yeah Nice hi kiss on the Head what do you mean it’s Okay you going to get down oops oh you’re just going to sit there okay move my keyboard so you can sit there be a little bit easier you want to talk to chat did you guys like That why did go there oh thank you gray I appreciate It okay not on the desk honey not on the the desk happy cat she loves head kisses chat where you going now what’s up I was using that armrest I’m going to throw you on the bed ready ready go if I do all this and I don’t think it

Looks good I’m going to cry hi am how are you doing I can hear Luka fighting the ward in the other room I think there’s like four of them working at It [ __ ] he’s Smart there’s a shul isue where the [ __ ] are you They that was what the [ __ ] that was the wrong you may have doomed many people press Back okay well I can’t hear you because slash back oh is he still stuck in that ball yeah he’s still sorry I had business Chris um went to bed she went to bed if you want skull make it a lot easier so angry f it oh my I think he Out as much as I could right now he’s going on top [ __ ] you [ __ ] you [ __ ] you no no no no I don’t have the gear for this I’m just going to Watch you alive as hell I don’t know should oh my God it’s going my way oh my God oh my God no no I’m going to do something Okay I just wanted you guys be able to see Everything who’s up here that’s kit this is fua no that’s Vick okay he’s got 300 left just 300 they there they’re all crouching so I can’t see Them I I almost got him that he’s low they’re going to kill him they’re going to kill him he doesn’t know where to hit I just him like five times God vix is such a [ __ ] mommy voice sorry I’m normal he’s G really I’ve gone inside Vick he run

Scared oh god oh [ __ ] oh oh like I wish I sounded like B wow I really hope it was the same one that just teleported um kind of sounded like one SP how do I get out um ah more than one okay yeah there’s two oh

Yeah there’s two of them oh he chased down baby teeth the other one chased down baby there’s two of them now we’ve got a fresh one okay that’s exciting I can’t that I was inside someone so I saw only what they saw uhoh I like that you screen why

Me the other one’s back oh God they’re both here slash home right now everyone slash home slash home my bad what’s up my bad oh my God I can’t seeba I hear her there she is oh yeah no no [ __ ] this I’m out is anyone else here hello

Hi fix viix oh God viix is dead oh God oh God oh my God I hear a third one SP get out everyone out everyone out three three we can’t do one was a struggle three three is not going to happen Okay bye good luck who is gone

Fix is gone I think it’s only Luca’s Left be honest if you’re still spectating I’m greedy I know there’s more loot I know there’s some somewhere but this [ __ ] freak keeps sniffing me and following me around go home go home baby teeth this is a terrible idea but I will T oh [ __ ] there have been two there’s a third

One just so you know Um is it wor it for all the loot is vix over here no she left my plan my plan is to sneak around and get the loot anyway but without dying I love being server owner cuz I can just like stock them and they have no idea so many

Senses there are like four more and I hate this we’re going to lose our night vision usually chest inside these little areas do they hear us when we mine something they [ __ ] yes they do there’s another one okay okay there’s a fif one hey bestie they don’t they can’t see me I

Think we might die hey oh wait oh I don’t know what you she [ __ ] backed out of this so quickly all right I got to like did i s a chest is the problem does he know oh my potion’s wearing Off [Applause] my [ __ ] keys keep coming off my arrow run out my luck runs out so tou There’s a chest right there oh I misfired that Arrow that’s for sure have a good day gray butter are you Back I wonder if I ignore her she just leave me Alone a kid has joined where is she wild kid is Joined making bad decisions oh you’re you’re under me you’re under me do you want me to try to shoot them uh maybe I brought I found some Wes I’ll be safe up here you made a oh an Infinity crossbow what that mouth do baby boy I think he

Smells you a dick sucking lips of I HT oh kid is getting it [ __ ] up we won’t how what what enchantments did you put on that boat have your back we’re about to watch kit don’t want to get her ass [ __ ] I also away from that has

Damage uh-oh there it goes for that uh-oh Uh-oh uhoh see any CH you can leave get out of there she torted home she teleported her ass home see I feel bad going back to bridge making when they’re like doing this [ __ ] you Know I might be able to get CH like what do I what am I supposed to do Away oh he can get the chest now for Sure who’s heartbeating Crouch [ __ ] he’s above You H uhoh so we’re not going to be able to fight them I think there’s two of them there’s more than one which means we get blasted left and right Um but what I am going to do is yink all the [ __ ] from the yeah he’s real close to you he’s like right next to you actually uhoh where’s the other One there he is don’t move don’t move is that going to work no luuka died what’s kid going to Do what is kit doing she leaves he leaves well well back to Minecraft let me actually see if I like the [ __ ] look of this It’s probably Fine it’s probably fine oh no are you serious are you [ __ ] for real like really There’s no [ __ ] way there’s no way Chad how am I supposed to get up this never mind I did it I figured it out I’m Smart I think I’m having a slight melty because I don’t think this looks good um like [ __ ] We Vibe right Chat Oh did all swag I’ll do the other side later why the [ __ ] is it called a restroom I’m fighting for my life in here um I’m I’m having a little bit of a melty when it comes to this bridge so I’m going to stop with the bridge for

Now but I think it’s fine it’s probably like fine I think I’m it’s it’s just my flare up that’s causing me to be Upset really wish it wasn’t snowing really wish it wasn’t winter um what is the best Pathway to well we could go through this way and then like oh did someone did fua build a bridge did F build a bridge let me go to sleep F build a bridge

Or do they just build like Platform hi Amira oh my God there’s snow [ __ ] everywhere oh F did build a little Bridge that’s Cute that’s cute love um this is where miffy’s house is going to be she said I feel bad cuz that was AR this was this was going to be miffy’s house but then Ary I didn’t claim it in time and then Aries took it

But then Aries was like oh no you can I don’t care you can take it and I feel bad so like I don’t know um I don’t know um yeah let’s I’m not going to do like a proper path but let’s see oh this is so much easier to get

Too that’s good um I’m going to take a short break I’ve been streaming for 5 hours straight with no like proper break going to go cre so I don’t die um I’m just going to take a I’m just haven’t taken a proper break and um I’m

Dealing with a flare up I’m going to go take some medicine I Think Ah I [ __ ] hate the snow and I don’t know if anyone else hates it or if it’s just me like I think the reason why they have seasons is cuz of the crops but I don’t know if I give a [ __ ] um hi Tooya hey Hi myy if you find me a tutorial I will build you house I don’t know if she’s alive right now alive if she’s awake how are you doing tooa does she have a chest Oh um you did not scare me I’m sorry I live with a ghost So I’m to do a little better unfortunately Sorry um I am not a lesbian No I got it looks like dirt that’s crazy um I am uh I think I’m bisexual yeah I don’t have anything okay so this is going to be um H I need to destroy this bees n but then I think the bees are going to be mad at Me oh never mind okay I don’t know Um let me make I’m sorry saki um to my Okay how was your food and shower decaf what did you have for dinner I don’t know what house if you want oh I’m sorry it’s okay saki yeah I didn’t see it I don’t think I did I don’t see it in chat um but there were

No Bees in it weirdly enough so that’s fine um this is going to be miffy’s house area I don’t Let’s go see kit cold nudes with chicken too what do you mean tomago isn’t that egg do you mean egg why are these beehives just floating here why didn’t you just say egg wa that’s my house Oh um yui the little yeah the like omelette isn’t it tomago Yucky I think yeah yeah yeah okay okay hey oh my God this is looking so cute I was just going to type if you make the season not change what does that do to the season specifics I don’t know I don’t I don’t what’s crops are specific cuz I didn’t know really I

Thought they just grow grow grow grew slower no like it it says like if you click on some of the seeds won’t grow this season oh well I’m assuming that’s because nothing I think it’s cuz nothing technically grows in Winter oh no something do what like

What sorry I’m not trying to be I’m not trying to be argumentative by the way I’m just like trying to like make sure you know uh Spruce oh wait oh you just need the sapling well we can just um do bone meal like that’s fine Spr yeah spring or summer I was thinking here let me go into let me go check wait I can just search seed I think let me check all the seeds and like see if we’re cuz obviously I don’t want to like why aren’t all of them called seeds FL okay I don’t Know okay I see a lot of won growing this season good morning Tom and welcome back to me I’m doing Amazing I’m going to let me go into creative why don’t they just have seeds where the [ __ ] are the seeds are they functional where would seeds be in the creative Menu natural blocks Well they’re not how are they in seeds are not in any of these uh I notic when I tested out this of the blocks don’t show up in Crea menu for real yeah oh that’s annoying I don’t know God those H looks Cute yeah oh my God that’s gorgeous oh it’s the trim yeah I saw that in the creative menu oh my God it looks so pretty I am feeling better thank you put it on the inside yeah that that will look so nice my God look at your cats this is looking so cute

Kid what did you mean by the way um when you I was like oh what are you going to build like before you built your house I was like what are you going to build and you were like a wolf house what is a wolf house spelling Very I thought you were like I thought like I thought you were like going to be in your puppy mode for the server I was like oh [ __ ] she’s she’s she’s shapeshifting hell yeah oh my God what I did think what my house has like the

Roof and I might add ears to my that’d be cute I thought you were going to build build like a bone house cuz it was like that’s like pretty kid aesthetic sure oh my God that is so funny this whole time this whole time like I thought you were going to do like

A bone-shaped house this whole time I was like oh maybe it’ll look more like a bone like when she’s like maybe she’ll maybe it’ll look like a bone like closer to her being done like an I’m just [ __ ] stupid it’s like it’s like a little

LOD see you think that me like you think I would be like oh she probably meant wood no I was like okay yeah hell yeah babe get your wolf house they’re right next to each other yeah Toms as a wolf house for furries everyone on the server is a [ __ ]

Furry we’ve gone over this all vtubers are what is a vtuber if not a Persona a person the only two people on this Earth that commission the most Nazi forw work art of their characters are furries and vtubers I’m not wrong I am so right if

You look it up I will like if you do a study I’m I’m right do a study yeah I don’t know I don’t know what that study would exactly be before neither But you got This why do you have to move uh my no no no no my my uh screen just went black so oh um you should pop a litter in me specifically Ang this smaller Ro it goes that way and then this part up here has a smaller roof and then the

Bigger part has a bigger roof but it has like another roof intersecting it going the other way oh I would not want to be you oh I can think of I can think of a way to do that this ooh that part’s just going to suck

Why does it slightly higher in the can you make it not slightly higher so wait I’ll show you my I’m working from a video here oh wait so you’re following a tutorial yeah but uh I have issues because um if you come this way Yeah well you could probably just fly up there it’s okay um you see this part right here like three blocks um in the middle when I was building face I messed up but now in order to make it work I would have to like redo one entire side

Of the house oh no how did you mess up I I did one extra so you see how this is uh three on this side it’s only two on this side oh but the thing is hi gray welcome back stairs it’s one and one here is it

Supposed to be like that yeah it’s supposed to be one and one here but it’s supposed to be three and three upstairs how the [ __ ] does that make sense I don’t know don’t ask me but is it supposed to overhang I would have To I don’t know but it would mean I would have to like basically tear down the entire front of my house I don’t know if you would have to get rid of the front I think you might have to extend this by one like just the

Upstairs but then you could like have it like have a post and have it be like a cover for your front deck it’s going to have I’m going to send you the picture of okay dude Minecraft [ __ ] is hard sometimes no it’s it’s really confusing I’m here to

Help this is what it looks like also I literally took a picture of it from DM so no you’re fine oh I think it does have an overhang what am I getting wait does it oh let me open the image in full why did it walk

Right by you oh cuz I’m in creative mode it won’t attack me um Huh well it’s not done gray don’t be Rude um I don’t know but you could overhang the top of it technically yeah um so but like is the bottom how it’s supposed to be the Bottom’s like perfect so it’s not supposed to be like two it’s supposed to be one I don’t know because what you could

Do is just extend the door not the whole part so extend the door just the door yeah and then it’s not the whole thing just be by one I think it would no it would be even then oh no no just on this side why would it be off by one it would

Just be forward it would just be forward by one so like do you want me to just do it in creative and show you or do you get it I get it get it hopefully I could do it in Creative for you I don’t mind you do not have to I have to

Protect you if anything but let me let me show you what I mean got my inventory I’m going to dump some just three things into your chest so I have my inventory okay amazing let me show you what I mean I have to get

Rid of the top too no no no no just let me let me show let me let me show we have to be just be one or would be two don’t worry about destroying Anything it have to be one right Yeah oh my goodness you got two hats I just got it from that Zombie Oops and then see it’s just brought one forward but then it’s the block size it needs to be yeah it’s the exact same UPS yeah I don’t mind doing this while you work on your roof cuz all I’m doing is moving it Forward one yeah I don’t Care oh No I’m helping I didn’t really know what I was going to Dopp I didn’t really know what I was going to do after This yeah these this any any accidents like this where it’s like oh I need to like move it by one block I don’t mind like fixing and creative because like it’s so like un like it’s not going to change anything you know what I mean like it’s so harmless it’s so harmless ruin Nuh-uh I think that looks like how it’s supposed to be that looks like that looks Correct that looks that looks Correct that’s so inconsequential to H I’m make Sure two three 1 2 3 Yipp She probably found the Hat okay I think I did it do you want to check it this is looking so good though I find it so funny that like four people in the server all were like white concrete to build it well I feel like it’s like one it’s

Like quite easy to get And look it’s three on this Side now I need to make this oh wait what do you need to do oh oh I need to move this this wall oh oh I see I see I see my bad I can do that I didn’t realize does it need to be two wait is it meant to be

Two that’s not right either this has to match this one wait let me wait how does that make sense Oops wait so this this this thing has to Match it did match but it looked uneven this one oh I think I know why I think oh I think I know why wait no what dude this is why I get so confused do do you understand my yeah how does that literally not okay it would still

Be here move so sorry if you do it like this it would still be three but it’s meant to be two I think no it goes all the way through do you know what like I’m I think I’m this is annoying the [ __ ] out

Of me I am going to bring this all the way over here so I can see what the [ __ ] problem is okay that should connect there okay that should connect there so where the [ __ ] why is that’s good then right are we good are we chill this this is the

Problem what is the problem it’s it goes over no wait yeah that’s the problem I know it’s not what do you mean the thing that’s freaking me out so the roof is is fine but if you go down here this goes all the way down and when

This one goes down it goes down here so why is it so it’s this wall it’s messed up I think but it connects to the other wall no it doesn’t it doesn’t connect to the other wall it needs to be brought yeah it does see I don’t know why I CH something

Like so for like my first house it’s okay I should have made I should have made a little Shack oh my God so wait that means I didn’t have to expand your house by one it was this part of the wall no it’s okay I was just like I’m like

Oh that cuz I was like wait what’s the [ __ ] problem now that was the problem it wasn’t the the front Part this here I got is it supposed to be three it’s supposed to be two supposed to Be then I have to get rid of this that I can bring it in Again table okay then so then we bring this back inside yes oh no no no but look then it makes it even no you can leave that there are you sure you know what that did cuz look this is three yeah this is three so that’s even now once we move

This in it will also be oh is this meant to be oh is it meant to be brought in so what you did was helpful I was oh yeah I see I see do I See Let’s move I’m here oh I’m moving you inside tell chicken I said Hi okay okay that’s Perect oh my God we [ __ ] did it okay yippi gaming listen when there’s two idiots working together you make a normal smart person like not like a genius but like someone who has like Common Sense yippe we did It we did it no it’s okay don’t worry with the two of us we got it I did tell him you said hi I just accident had oh on like Discord or I mean um twitch Oh no just my mic in general oh I could hear

You really yeah I heard you tell him Hi Yippe now my roof will not be broken yippe Huh you’re almost done to you got this good luck I’m going to go check On um I don’t think I can wear that I think I’ll get in trouble probably it’s fine oh my God look at cream’s house you guys this is so pretty oh my goodness wao oh my God the way they did that so pretty I love going in people’s

Houses this is so pretty oh I’d be afraid think you get in here oh my God it keeps going how many stories is this oh my God so Cute oh my God what’s over here oh my God oh my God wait this is so cute oh my God it’s a little shop Please Don’t Steal This is so cute oh hi I’m showing my chat the server everything is so cute oh my God I love your backpack I need one of

Those we like your House it’s over here oh is it like a greenhouse oh my God that whoo ooh fancy white stained glass love it so cute you did such a good job hi butter hi butter now we go let’s let’s see where we go next let’s see is anyone here this is re love and

Re’s house oh they finished it looks like oh my God the Windchimes are so cute oh my God they actually win butter they actually wi Chim so cute oh my God look at all this stuff they decorated this so cutely I love this this is so cute little

Bird um Chris has been gone for a while honey she left she left a while ago so Pretty what’s this room down here they made a little bathroom so cute super cute I don’t know where Chris took her house though I don’t know where she decided to make it chicken okay let’s see can I see anyone else I think I don’t know where baby keep is

Actually well here’s Luke over here I don’t know if he’s home might not be helloing hello hello hello hello where I where are you underground what do you mean underground where the [ __ ] what I haven’t buil yet how are you down there I jumped oh well that that’s

Actually a mistake I was trying to make a platform to put a another portal under here and I broke a shitload of gravel and fell to my de so you’re stuck down here well I’m building this okay I got for you oh oh my gosh that’s so cute thank

You love that was so sweet yeah I miss I must go deliver it to the rest yipp I’ll be back happy cake delivery happy cake delivery do you need help do you need help out of here uh no yeah you might just have to slash home yeah yeah

Hi I want to eat her voice I want to like Ursula that [ __ ] like Little Mermaid that’s [ __ ] up yippee no not yet okay well Luca is not doing anything where’s Chris do we know where Chris is a moom we know where Chris is why did look live so close to

The swamp I don’t know where Chris is I’m trying to find everyone’s House I don’t see anything that looks like a house I don’t like the I don’t like it when it’s snowing because I can’t like when it’s winter cuz I can’t tell like where anything is cuz everything’s just white on the mini map is this yui’s house has she done anything else today

She was on for a while I think she’s done anything least not that I can see is anyone like over here where is everyone great don’t be rude where is everyone not everyone wants to chat anything down there that looks cool as [ __ ] hello um that’s Tom’s what did Tom do

Today has he done anything he still lives in a hole let go check his peanis Shop someone bought something vix is so ner what do you mean I’m nervous around her so he isn’t anything else don’t know what he was doing earlier um that’s my house we know about that um is that all that’s Fu’s house what did Fu do I’m actually checked what F been Doing cute oh my God I love this this is so cute a I love that fu is doing such a good job this is Fu’s House that’s going to be where myy lives when she gets on it where is I don’t know where Chris Is I I have no idea where Chris where Chris is I think some people live this way I don’t even know if Chris would have had time to build a house she might have just like like wandered wait baby tooth I think lives in a hole baby teeth sorry baby teeth

Lives in a hole somewhere I think this Hole Yep this is baby teeth oh my God who who oh [ __ ] I’m in It whoa for wait this is luy lucky Akuma who built baby tooth was in the game I didn’t who built this this is Beautiful are you kidding me this is so [ __ ] pretty look’s basement for chat feel free to take wow I don’t know who built this it’s luy’s it’s luy’s house I don’t know if I call her Akuma or lucky I don’t it’s her house but I don’t

Think she built this cuz it says four this is so pretty does anyone know who built this like has anyone like stalked anything oh was this baby teeth maybe baby teeth did baby teeth bu this oh my God oh my God hi Yuki baby teeth or teeth lived

Middle of grass she did place a dirt block to build something larger in the Middle with grass maybe This Oh Eric you are so far behind Eric’s like 10 minutes away is she over this way I see her like this way Sometimes no that’s just ice I wonder where she is maybe I’ll go back to LCA hey yeah do you know where teeth lives uh vaguely so you don’t uh I don’t think I mocked the house um oh wait maybe it’s this that says vampy bat wait why does

Vampy bat how did vampy Bat claim blocks he was [ __ ] around with the claim management I didn’t know there was a claim management yeah that’s what I was asking you about before why is he so far away I don’t know why does everyone keep living I mean have you seen how far away

[ __ ] vix is no I’ve never seen vix vampy bat claimed random ly a lot of things what the [ __ ] did he mean to do that uh I don’t know I thought he was just going to claim his house it’s okay um uh if you look to the if you look to the South

South um almost directly in the line of where we are slly to the right huh uh Vick’s House is do I just keep going that’s right here I I bned it that sounds that sounds far away it’s pretty far oh yeah it’s far far away as

I thought it was but it’s real um where’s baby teeth I haven’t seen baby teeth house why is fix so far away viix is and I quote shy I’m GNA go spy on Vick wait vix is at the home Island what is vix doing what she doing now I didn’t expect her to be at the home Island where she going I am spying she doing doing what is is that where Chris lives this might this might be where Chris lives this this feels Chris Chris

Like I want to see what she does is this weird how weird is this chat hi Punisher like on a scale of like 1 to 10 how weird is This hello a little Bridge temporarily this is cute I I have a gift for you what for Me for the cake I hope you enjoy it well I’m going to put in the kitchen in here once I yippi Yipp We have found pix’s house I think why is there house why is it missing a bottom floor That’s really cute I wonder how long you can just stalk my server Members thrilling stream Chat Kid’s going to Bed what’s she Doing I could also go inside her I wonder how long I could watch her before she realizes that someone’s something in the air is Different is she just making a lot of cakes she’s just crafting a lot of cakes she’s just making a lot of cakes where is she going now she’s so Cute hi butter hi Butter she’s just Caking she be Cing Hi butter hi thanks for the kiss she’s so Cute oh my God look at the Potatoes I don’t know why this makes me feel so like seing I can’t do it to Luka though cuz he’d realize unless I did it like I think the only way it would work is if I didn’t teleport to him he won’t see if I teleport near him

A mail box that’s so cute maybe that would work maybe that would work oh my God how where are we vix vix there’s no way vix there’s there’s no way vix that we’re this far down this not where she oh wait this is where Luca said yeah

Huh we said a little to the right maybe we’re like to the right oh there we are Huh okay Luka that wasn’t very like directly down that was pretty far right um what if I teleported I did oh love Mills is back did she get here I see where the [ __ ] am I got your cake here seeds and my gosh thank you so It’s Kind oh I’ll take it thank You let’s watch what Love’s doing what is she up To I’ve turned into a stalker chat uhoh uhoh Uhoh okay I’m probably hopping off soon I can’t think of anything else I want to do today maybe I want to play a different game oh I’m not switching games again I just like streaming I miss streaming also I don’t have time I have to end soon anyway Fix There’s oh my God that’s freaked me out he looked at Me You know you the person who likes to know what we order from gamer Subs likees stocking I forgot that I told you guys about that oh my God what is this whoa Luka’s been a busy Man he’s never going to know Chad he would never know you’re noisy yeah very noisy he doesn’t know what is he being haunted what the [ __ ] was That that scared the [ __ ] out of me what the [ __ ] going to get naked big Boy what you doing with that fishing Pool what’s he Doing what’s he looking at I can’t figure out what he’s Doing Butter I’m being a little too silly okay I’m going to end stream chat I think we done 6 hours hi butter you want to say good night to chat yeah yeah anything else anything else I want to give you another cake You huh hi hello do you have a strawberry cake for Me what perhap perhap do you hear my cat yeah you’re noisy she’s so loud thank you you’re welcome love I will cherish this Always I’m proud proud of my creation I’m so proud of you thank you butter say goodbye butter say goodbye butter butter don’t be she’s being rude I’m so sorry she’s temperamental know have a good night thank you Okay oh my God certain cat wants me to go to bed okay oh you got to groom yourself now good night Chad put her so close yeah she gets she likes sitting under it I hope you guys had a fun stream I’ll see you uh not tomorrow but the next day

Oh my God I was like why does my Discord look so different it’s cuz I’m looking at a screenshot of kids Discord well um ow butter I won’t see you tomorrow but I’ll see you the next day on Twitch I don’t know what I’m going to be

Playing I didn’t think about it this week I should probably do that cuz I need to make thumbnails I like making thumbnail I like making stream thumbnails I think it’s fun um but yeah I’ll see you guys can I also join server um my Minecraft server um is

Content creators only like um vtubers only um I do have applications open on my Twitter if you go look oh there’s more applications we’re almost at 30 applications that’s crazy um um yeah I’ll see you guys later um yeah see you today on Twitch okay love you bye see you Later

This video, titled ‘i switched to minecraft :3’, was uploaded by snoozy on 2024-01-09 13:02:49. It has garnered 456 views and 54 likes. The duration of the video is 06:19:08 or 22748 seconds.

english only! i’m a sensitive seal! please b nice!!! no weirdchamp topics! (triggering, uncomfortable, trauma dumping, etc) don’t call me mommy ToT

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream

    Tower Farming Shenanigans: Tinker World SMP Stream The Farming Tower in Tinker World SMP Building a Tower of Farms In the bustling world of Tinker World SMP, Music Free Gaming embarks on a new project – constructing a farming tower within the castle’s walls. With a keen eye for design and functionality, the streamer sets out to create a structure that will not only enhance the aesthetic appeal of the castle but also provide a bountiful harvest of crops. Planning and Construction As the streamer delves into the task at hand, viewers are treated to a glimpse of the castle’s progress. Walls are erected, textures are… Read More

  • Sneaking into ‘Mr. Thief’s’ Village in Minecraft #3

    Sneaking into 'Mr. Thief's' Village in Minecraft #3 Minecraft Adventures with “MR TRỘM CẮP” Exploring the Village In this exciting Minecraft episode, our protagonist, "MR TRỘM CẮP," embarks on a journey to explore a vibrant village. As they navigate through the winding streets and bustling marketplaces, they encounter a myriad of interesting characters and unique structures. From quaint cottages to towering cathedrals, the village is a treasure trove of architectural wonders waiting to be discovered. Building and Crafting One of the core elements of Minecraft is the ability to build and craft. "MR TRỘM CẮP" showcases their creativity as they construct elaborate structures and craft powerful tools… Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21

    Unbeatable Minecraft Duplication Glitch 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch Introduction The Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Duplication Glitch has been making waves across all platforms, including PlayStation, Xbox, Switch, MCPE, and PC. This glitch allows players to duplicate items in the game, providing them with an advantage in their gameplay. How It Works The Duplication Glitch is a fascinating exploit that players can use to their advantage. By following a specific set of steps, players can duplicate items in their inventory, giving them an edge in crafting and building within the game. Step-by-Step Tutorial The Hook: Players are drawn in by the allure of duplicating… Read More

  • Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk!

    Horror Minecraft Mods: Download at Your Own Risk! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, There’s a dark side lurking, a player’s worst dream. Horror mods and maps, they’ll give you a fright, But don’t download them, not even at night. Daosao Gamers, they bring the scare, With gameplay videos, they’ll make you aware. From jump scares to monsters, they’ll keep you on edge, But remember, it’s all just for fun, no need to pledge. So like, share, comment, and subscribe, For more Minecraft horror, they’ll surely provide. But be warned, the fear is real, so hold on tight, As Daosao Gamers take you on… Read More

  • Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun!

    Tiny Dripstone Delight: Minecraft Farm Fun! In Minecraft’s world, a mini farm takes flight, Automatic dripstone, shining bright. Compact and easy, with redstone in sight, Collecting resources, day and night. Just a chest, a hopper, and some glass, An observer, a piston, for the task. Dripstone block, pointed dripstone too, Water flowing, the farm will brew. Lava in cauldrons, a fuel source grand, Dripstone blocks, traps at hand. With a grin and a spin, the farm is complete, For Minecraft players, a useful feat. So craft away, in this blocky land, With rhymes and fun, let’s all lend a hand. For gaming joy, and creativity’s… Read More

  • Villager No.64 Says Farewell

    Villager No.64 Says Farewell The Epic Finale of Chronological SMP Excavating Ancient Ruins and Unraveling Mysteries In the final episode of Chronological SMP, the content creators embark on a journey to excavate ancient ruins, shedding light on the connection between villagers and mysterious towers. Through careful exploration and analysis, they uncover clues that point to a rich history of civilizations long past. A Cinematic Tour of the Server Amidst the farewell festivities, the creators take viewers on a visually stunning tour of the server, showcasing the intricate builds and landscapes that have been crafted throughout the series. From towering structures to quaint villages,… Read More

  • Sneaky Ship Showdown

    Sneaky Ship Showdown Minecraft Battleship: A Fun Twist on a Classic Game Have you ever played Battleship, the classic game where you strategically place ships and try to sink your opponent’s fleet? Well, imagine playing that game in Minecraft! In this unique twist on the traditional game, players place TNT blocks on a grid and call out coordinates to try and hit their opponent’s hidden ships. When a hit is made, the player exclaims “BOOM,” and if they miss, they say “SPLASH.” How It Works Players start by placing five boats on the grid: one 1×4 boat, three 1×3 boats, and one… Read More

  • Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank

    Empty Minecraft Skyrow Prank Minecraft: A Never-Ending Adventure Exploring the vast world of Minecraft can feel like a never-ending adventure. From building magnificent structures to surviving against the elements, there is always something new to discover in this virtual realm. The Thrill of Exploration When players embark on their Minecraft journey, the possibilities are endless. Each new world offers unique landscapes, resources, and challenges to overcome. Whether it’s mining deep underground for rare ores or venturing into the Nether for dangerous encounters, the thrill of exploration is ever-present. Setting Goals and Objectives One of the key aspects of Minecraft is setting goals and… Read More

  • Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient’s Feature Score

    Crafty Raccoon: Minecraft StepClient's Feature Score In the world of Minecraft, a hack is found, StepClient brings aimbot, spinning around. But be cautious, my friend, use it with care, For the consequences, you must beware. Batuhan, the narrator, takes us on a ride, To a villa in Raccoon Rise, where secrets hide. With a zip file to download, the client.dll in hand, Craft R awaits, in a virtual land. Aimbot and ESP, at the click of a button, But beware of bans, they may come sudden. In a bedwars game, the cheat takes flight, But play fair, or face the admin’s might. Bug boxes and… Read More

  • SpiralGN

    SpiralGNWelcome to SpiralGN, the ultimate destination for players seeking the thrill of Minecraft’s Op Gens experience! In the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, SpiralGN stands out as a server dedicated to taking resource generation to a whole new level. At SpiralGN, we’ve crafted a unique and engaging Minecraft experience that centers around the art of overpowered generators (Op Gens). Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a newcomer to the blocky realm, our server offers something for everyone. Read More

  • Modern Anarchy – Anarchy 1.20.4 Java

    Welcome to Modern Anarchy – A Dedicated Community of Anarchy Enthusiasts! Server IP: Anarchy at Its Finest with a Dedicated Community: Hack like a pro, build empires, survive the chaos. No bans ever – only mutes for hate speech, hard slurs, or chat spam. Forge Your Path in a Pure Vanilla World: Experience the true essence of Minecraft with no vanilla altering plugins or meddling admins. Reach your potential in this survival wasteland with no resets ever. World Exploration Extravaganza: Discover a vast 3×3 million block world border. Respawn within 500 blocks of 0 0, allowing you to redefine… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

    That meme must be too busy racking up points to deal with your shenanigans! Read More

  • Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer’s Epic Minecraft Adventure

    Unleashing Glid: Twitch Streamer's Epic Minecraft AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:56:08. It has garnered 314 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked!

    Phone to Bedrock: Top Minecraft Servers Unlocked! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, We dive into servers, where adventures thrive. From phone to bedrock, the best ones we seek, With Ali Mpe as our guide, we’re never meek. Join the channel, for gifts and for fun, With updates and news, we’re never done. From Java to Bedrock, the comparison is clear, With Bedwars and Hardcore, we have no fear. 100 days of Minecraft, a challenge so grand, But with Ali Mpe, we’ll make a stand. Minecraft but… the possibilities are vast, With tutorials and SMP, the fun will last. So come along, to… Read More

  • 🔥 Herobrank’s Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes

    🔥 Herobrank's Hot Mess 😂 #minecraftmemes When you accidentally unleash Herobrank in your Minecraft world and suddenly your peaceful village turns into chaos… #oops #shouldhavereadthemanual Read More

  • Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore

    Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore: Surviving 100 Days on a Deserted VOLCANO Island Embark on an epic journey in Minecraft Hardcore as Orhan attempts to survive 100 days on a deserted VOLCANO island. Will he conquer the challenges that lie ahead? Let’s dive into the thrilling adventure! Exploring the Volcano Island Orhan finds himself stranded on a volcanic island, surrounded by molten lava and treacherous terrain. As he navigates the rugged landscape, he must gather resources, build shelter, and fend off hostile mobs to survive. Challenges and Obstacles Surviving on a volcano island presents unique challenges. Orhan must brave the scorching heat,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you heard about the exciting new show premiering on June 30th called Last Month in the Worlds of Minecraft? It’s a fantastic opportunity to dive into the diverse and creative Minecraft communities around the world. While you’re eagerly awaiting the premiere, why not join the vibrant and dynamic Minewind Minecraft Server? Immerse yourself in a world where creativity knows no bounds and the possibilities are endless. Join us at Minewind and connect with fellow Minecraft fans from all walks of life. Explore unique builds, engage in thrilling gameplay, and unleash your imagination like never before…. Read More

  • Villager Parkour Challenge

    Villager Parkour Challenge The Ultimate Minecraft Iron Farm: A Fully Automatic Marvel Farm Details Farm Performance: The Minecraft iron farm showcased in this video boasts an impressive output of +300 to +350 iron per hour, making it a highly efficient setup for players looking to stock up on this valuable resource. Farm Mode: Operating in a fully automatic mode, this iron farm eliminates the need for constant player intervention, allowing for a seamless and hassle-free iron production process. Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions ranging from 1.16 to the latest 1.21 update, including all intermediate versions such as 1.19.1, 1.19.2, 1.19.3, and 1.19.4,… Read More

  • Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!

    Unbelievable: This Book Turned Me Into a Wizard!Video Information This video, titled ‘buku ini membuatku menjadi ahli sihir’, was uploaded by Nante on 2024-05-20 03:00:01. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. addon #indonesia #minecraft #minecraftindonesia #shorts. Read More

  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

    Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe MapVideo Information This video, titled ‘Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+…’, was uploaded by Gaming World on 2024-05-01 18:12:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Map For Minecraft Pe 1.20+… In This Video I Am Giving You A Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Playable Map … Read More

  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

    Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘survival LIVE !!!! SUB GOAL :600… #minecraft #live #bedwarsmalaalam’, was uploaded by SG GAMER 3.0 on 2024-04-15 15:26:06. It has garnered 100 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:34 or 7594 seconds. DISCORD: : k4f My s1 lets play world play list : My letsplay series season 2 play list : @MrBeastGaming @Sudhy @Firetekzteepori @MrKidPinky #minecraft #bedwars #live #stream #gaming #epic #clutchplays #intensebattles #strategy #community #fun #entertainment #anarchy #arjunmp #arjunmpanarchy #bedwars #bedwarsmoments #bedwarsmalaalam #minecraftlive #minecraftlivestream #malayalam #malayalamgaminglive #malayalamgamingcommunity #k4f #dribbles #pikaminecraft #k4f #K4FMINECRAFT Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

    INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘”Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour: Live Exploration!”‘, was uploaded by Flax army on 2023-12-19 07:20:56. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. “Embark on an extraordinary journey as we delve into the intricate details of a meticulously crafted Minecraft luxury house in this … Read More


    MINECRAFT SECRET HACKS! SNAP - 🤑👍 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘🤑👍#minecraft #minecraftshorts #shorts’, was uploaded by SNAP on 2024-05-21 13:30:29. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Tags (ignorar): #minecraftpvp #texturepack #minecraftbedrock #minecraft #lol #mcpe #memes #pvp #bestplayer #combo … Read More

  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

    Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘devil herobrine kill wither #ssk gaming #minecraft #youtube short #viral’, was uploaded by ssk gamer 1302 on 2024-06-22 04:44:36. It has garnered 1147 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

    "Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form - Prateek Gaming" #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo’, was uploaded by Prateek gaming on 2024-03-17 10:41:35. It has garnered 5498 views and 254 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. steve taking revenge for Alex death in the herobrine form #shorts #short #shortsvideo #shortvideo tags minecraft minecraft speedrun minecraft gaming channel minecraft pro players minecraft streamers minecraft Java edition minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock edition minecraft Java edition survival series minecraft pocket edition survival series minecraft bedrock edition survival series minecraft Java edition survival series… Read More


    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More