This video, titled ‘Minecraft : Traps of my World’, was uploaded by Kiershar on 2011-03-17 04:07:30. It has garnered 1642014 views and 4707 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:54 or 354 seconds.
Downloaded about 48,000 in 5 month, my world save had lots of things people wanted to see. So I decided to add a few surprises to visitors and trick them into hilarious deaths.
Get the latest version on my channel!
The map was downloaded 130,000 times since last check (1 November 2011) so, the kill counts is probably much higher now!
Some videos and tutorial related to the traps : 50×50 mob trap
Exploding bridge
Gravity Trap (diamond mine trap)
73T Animal Cannon / Space program