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Did you [ __ ] glitch my did you glitch my [ __ ] yeah I I just came over to your house specifically and I glitched your Minecraft out cu I thought it was funny you [ __ ] I just thought it was the funniest [ __ ] also hi chat hello everyone everyone hey what’s up Co beats good to

See you currently trying to fix Jake’s Minecraft I was to worry about I went over to Thanksgiving and uh I uh passed out for a long time very tired but I’m back Again yeah not going too well oh [ __ ] my life no face cam I don’t know I don’t feel like it at the moment maybe at some point sometimes I just don’t feel like good I’m just like too much effort so how else am I going to [ __ ] beat my wife illegally obviously

Jet it’s her over he’s vibing your Minecraft [ __ ] still J why is it nothing is changed I have done nothing I have done nothing wrong this going to make me so mad yeah going to work on some meat stuff have you do do you need some help at

All like all my [ __ ] is loading in the background it’s even saying it when it’s loading up but then it says not installed not installed not installed what the [ __ ] install like the mods aren’t installed [ __ ] I need more potatoes is restart the computer yeah that’s probably a good

Idea have you uninstalled and reinstalled curse Forge no you might have to try that if it doesn’t work you too man f [Applause] up uh goofy [ __ ] everything was fine once the point in time what El was it saying like is it not able to like load curse Forge or is

It not able to like oh it loads up and then it says nothing is installed and then it’s trying to make me log in to Discord Discord see step it even shows all my mods when it’s loading up like I Mak you want to log in with your

Twitch or it’s trying to make you L well that’s I’ve never even logged into Chris Forge I just oh it’s strange how they force you to [ __ ] log in they’re like a [ __ ] different platform delete you’re done Cur Forge it’s not open what all right then we go to C Forge C

We download get chis hor Out download stand alone SA oh [ __ ] oh never mind so my internet just been hacked like holy [ __ ] I won’t Even what the [ __ ] is going on If it doesn’t work Jake we could always do something else home dog if it’s He have you believed in Magic before have I believed in Magic uh no I don’t think Soh did you pull a magic trick God I hope so you been bus cuz you’ve been working a bunch it’s not a big deal my Friend get pretty caught up in life Sometimes oh [ __ ] very cold and also another thing you can’t talk about am classified this [ __ ] Secret Agent Man what’s classified I don’t know something that Colby was talking about oh [ __ ] boys in the Mob my boy has made it to the Mob all I got do is I found one of the bosses that we need here we go yeah the he’s called the netherite monstrosity right yeah I think so I don’t yeah I found him which one is it the blacksmith one or uh yeah I believe so yeah yeah the blacksmith huh you

Remember it the hell else do we need burning AR what oh I missed the cool stuff [ __ ] it all right [ __ ] Cris Forge you don’t [ __ ] work this time we’re going to have issues what happened to it why is everything not installed what is going on is saying everything like uninstalled even after you uninstalled reinstalled it M what would you do if I got raided by like Mr Beast I don’t know if he gives me a lot of money that’ be sick but I’m on YouTube so you can’t really okay I think I’ve weathered the storm oh have you I think so that’s

Epic yeah I mean he probably make me do a challenge right like Mr Beast would be like you got to [ __ ] be someid ridiculous [ __ ] boy got to shave his head I do it for more than 10,000 I feel for more I mean like we’re talking

About Mr Beast he could [ __ ] for it over man said dude I do it $100 no I’d asked for like [ __ ] like half a million and I’d shave my head if we’re talking about Mr Beast cuz [ __ ] you I’m an expensive [ __ ] that’s how you end up with no

Money he’s going to be like half a million just to shave your head yeah what do you think I mean it’s take it or leave it deal I ain’t Oprah hey know yeah but he’s like like a pretty rich though right so like [ __ ] him I can give this money to other

People easy mode I won capitalism are you the capitalist Adventure yeah that’s the one but yeah like it’s just so much money right You’ think like if you give it to is some random guy they probably give it to like people who need it more what the [ __ ] are you going to do

With I’m gonna cream some pants is what I’m going to do yeah all right Minecraft that was Lethal company it’s been pretty fun so far it was really fun um it’s really hard sometimes whenever the [ __ ] sand worms come out of nowhere and they [ __ ] blow you up with their [ __ ] explosive audio

Uh I finally figured out how to deal with that Bracken guy that neck breaker home dog that guy was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and uh [ __ ] the head crabs suck there’s a mod that makes the game 100 times harder sounds like ass that sounds way too hard like so a lot yeah all right

Jake I hope so yeah me too it’s downloading but I I had to redownload the [ __ ] thing so now it’s trying to reset everything and I’m probably going to have to re [ __ ] map mod in there yeah you most likely will I can show you how though if you if

You need well I remember how if you want to send it to me that be clutch so yeah I can do that I think I remember you talking about that on my stream kby I I couldn’t remember who it was specifically but I’m pretty sure it was you I love this [ __ ] so

Much yeah then moving at2 megabytes per second which is like 100 kilobytes why why it is downloading real slow oh now you want to [ __ ] move a gigabyte per second ah damn soon as you get your hands on lethal you’re going to play for like a week it’s pretty good I usually don’t

Play with all my friends though cuz it’s like way harder to do it solo I said the same thing Kobe I really did when they going to drop the Mac the Apple Apple support that’d be nice when they going to drop it usually they drop Apple support in

Like a year or so right like usually within then or within the year maybe I don’t know they better L is not fun with friends it is I agree it’s a lot more fun when you have your friends also screaming with you cuz your scared shitless all over this map chat and I

Haven’t found a single [ __ ] Arena of any sorts what is this still loading I’m going just teleport here am I in are is are you what the oh yeah I see your name I guess it saved everything what the hell oh yeah you joined the game I see now is it like working

I think so oh that’s good okay for a second there my my sanity’s drowned give me a second my sanity is dead my friend rap is dead yeah you’ll have to turn everything down again go dang man I’m I’m yeah I’mma lose it I can tell

Streets if you’re in I have some things for you I’m in do I know exactly where I’m at y just doing the the dance the dance that our forefathers taught us this what you had for me no but it makes your sanity go up faster also can you give me your bag let’s

Go I mean it’s got a bunch of [ __ ] in it that’s fun you sure yeah I just need it thank you what the [ __ ] you to live fortnite but once you got a PC you lost interest oh really why so this wasn’t your thing anymore All right well there you go Drake oh no there you go I me my insanity is good now holy [ __ ] guacamole yeah yeah I discovered that the other day for those of you you don’t know chat I’ve made the bags like significantly bigger all right well let me let me let

Me let me go put some [ __ ] up okay just trying to get my sanity of oh my God I thought it burned up when season 3 came out I you just lost interest yeah I mean that happens I used to play dead dead by daylight almost

Every day and then I was just kind of like this game sucks netherite I used all of it already no you didn’t oh good sh on I’m using it now [ __ ] you no yeah give me your back back what you about to make it bigger maybe oh

Thanks by the way in your backpack did you turn on the uh the ability yet the ability yeah you can get plus4 armor when you turn it on it’ll be like ability enabled it’ll be under like your left tank bucket where’s our meat chest is this our meat chest

Is just walked away from your bag again oh ancient debris let’s go I got it I got it I got it I got it made your friend cry once with happiness Happ me guess if it was happy happy happy happy happy happy happy you happy Drake

I got load Stone I got that load I load my stone I’m about to load this Stone into your stone don’t [ __ ] with me ain’t that the darnest truth that’s the GU darnest darnest I’ve ever darn dude uhhuh yep that’s the one you got it all right what am I turning on right

Now uh if you open your bag and it’ll say ability like disabled it’ll look like an X you want to turn that into like a green check mark by just clicking it that the pickaxe at the top uh no it’s below that it’s enabled oh it’s enabled yeah that’ll give you extra armor

All right oh it’s like having armor on your Armor All right what the [ __ ] with the flip-flop socks let’s go what go where [ __ ] narn no way go kill a boss since you found one I think we need to get some fire resist first I have two of them apparently discovered this Soul

Ford oh what I mean I just found it Soul blacksmith light blue soulfire yeah found and soul they rarely spawn in nether fire resist is high did you not get two three minute potions for completing a quest I mean I got one you only have one left yeah it gave

Me one fire resist it gave me two oh you play Rivals of ather and I like it a lot I’m pretty good you only play characters custom characters I’ve never heard of that game before is it worth me hopping on my boo or you just going to [ __ ] bring me in

Like got himself uh I’m not going there yet cuz I wanted to get Magma Cream CU I wanted to get more fire resist potions BR I just dropped like 16,000 magma creams in did you yeah oh from our latest adventure oh that I’ll just go back and make them [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] I get to go no uhhuh [ __ ] you no no no no no no it’s like smash but everyone is here yo nice love smashing my bro or I mean uh play Smash who whoa in this chest right here bro yeah I need to find some glass

Bottles oh you found him though you found him in the in the mob drop did I put him in the drop oh magma cre where did I put you can play as a chair that sounds [ __ ] epic where did I just put that [ __ ] I I

Prom prise you I have the bag with cream now I just need okay the bottles are here oh that’s where I put them you play Sands based D Sandstorm Sands butd based yeah is that how you really feel yeah a little bit where the upstairs you okay bro are you uh you living

Life large Like Larry wow that was extremely uncalled for no I’m calling Peta that’s D you wouldn’t yes this is you can play a stick figure that’s [ __ ] baller yeah tell Peta from family gu and [ __ ] come over here work on these tits wrong one this is PETA from The Hunger Games

Oh I don’t want that as much now exactly he plays the strongest Ronald McDonald’s Donald oh he took my this [ __ ] took my [ __ ] whom me how gladly will you no this I on top of this meat thing oh yeah yeah yeah if you stand on top of

It he takes it out of your inventory the [ __ ] lame Dro dude oh dude he’s doing his best he’s he’s [ __ ] taking my [ __ ] and [ __ ] it out on the other end I feel like that’s your fault oh wait what the [ __ ] wait did I

[ __ ] that up so badly I did I’m a [ __ ] idiot I want play Mario pissing um I forgot to make it an awkward potion requires Nether wart this guy and for you to blame your [ __ ] nuts on my mouth idiot whoa whoa whoa nobody’s an idiot other than me who dude all

Right oh hey [ __ ] wizard genius oh yeah some at some point we need to make a flush eye to go to the end uh no okay why not well um Um um about to get robbed no please I haven’t even finished it yet you’re about to get off don’t do it oh I have three of those you make okay I’ll put mine in there when yeah put your two in there yeah and I’ll put some Redstone in it and it’ll make

It a tier two it’ll last for 8 minutes instead of three what about a tier three there isn’t such a thing I don’t know about that one coach there’s also custom maps like the nether fortress based hold I’m going to go get some water you smell like water imagine that guy G

Lagon now gon sounds like a lit map lar there’s no Larry the Liv that one orca muscle guy is not there I don’t want it yeah Larry the Lobster is the one who works it G lagon from SpongeBob then the orca orca dude that I don’t even know the name of

But he he works there too and then SpongeBob blows up his anchor arms and throws the anchors against him where he rips his pants those things yeah yeah maybe possibly I don’t [ __ ] I don’t know SpongeBob turned into a clown [ __ ] okay spunk Bob spank Bob spank Bo spun pants is

Larry the Lobster though in the mod pack I must know Larry the Lobster is not there I don’t want it yeah honestly that’s fix I Can’t Live Like Larry then what am I doing I stand Larry the Lobster man’s a legendary character and the marshmallow stick he’s trying to

Lift was it it like marshmallow stick and like um yeah yeah the marshmallow stick you see you know exactly what I’m talking about what I’m talking about that like stuffed to animals or something yeah then he he blows up his arms and throws the anchors and then they [ __ ]

Yeah gets kicked out or some [ __ ] I don’t know and no one has done it let me check let me check oh okay L left has to be in this pack The [ __ ] brewing potions the [ __ ] I know right like I want us to live or Something you going to give me some of those no they’re on mine well [ __ ] me then put on some haterade [ __ ] first no FaceCam now he’s saying on this is wild this ised you what I said unprecedented how dare you first he hates on me then he hates on me some more yeah CU it’s funny I thought we were we were cool man I thought I thought cool I’m a one with

My fish who actually cares about me and loves me we are cool I just like making fun of you [ __ ] you the [ __ ] it’s way fun of you’re making fun of you yeah yeah he’s not in the game yet what the [ __ ] what are they doing what are they doing they put go

Lagon in the game but they didn’t put Larry the Lobster in the game it was [ __ ] they tweak it we need this fire resistance potion how many do you need bro all of them how many you [ __ ] need I’m their inventory there you got to you got a decent amount

Oh yeah yeah I’ll take it back dude is it you need how many do you need you probably need what I have like four of them well I now you just gave me [ __ ] eight did I I have six yeah I have eight oh yeah just throw me some back then I

Guess you there you go you you take that one too then we’ll have okay four amounts like a put in blaze powder cool Tain exotic dust ender pearl elastic fibers I’m pretty sure we have those sure we have done with a Steam Workshop so the people people make it

Not the creators of the game oh neat that’s pretty cool I’m going to stab Jake what you’re gayek keeping all your meat bro I let me hold some elastic fibers all my meat let me hold some elastic fibers some exotic dust and some flesh bits oh I need these to be

Complete from my sanity can’t open your goofy chest what elastic fibers exotic dust and flesh Bits let’s go dude and then I can give you more in return because it gives you as a reward you not have any flesh bits I gave you flesh bits what the [ __ ] game you just threw back the elastic fiber I know I know but it says oh I

Need a little bit more apparently I need 16 I have 13 out of 16 of what elastic no the uh flesh bit oh the flesh bits okay hold on I have to make sure I’m doing the right thing wait a minute that’s so much smarter hold on we also

Have to get an end pear I we not have end pearls I’m like a 90% sure we do we have 12 yeah just me get one of those too help brother out mate I don’t think I will cuz you’re being mean to me now what what

Yeah this is false news no I know what I said where’s the Ender Pearls at M oh you what the [ __ ] hey here take this there we go and then you’ll also get the then I get 18 in return now you stack of [ __ ] a billion wow I put all that inside of

Here using life make bof Forge to harness life already have bof Forge yeah we already we already have one right there using it can I just break it put it back out we can try that otherwise we have to get more sharp fake mind should I break it I’m screwed it’ll come

Back there you go oh that worked okay yeah you can just place it back then let’s go let’s go dude let’s [ __ ] go over here all right now that’s now that that’s settled we’re up to fleshy eyes but we also have to complete chapter 2 first

Oh that’s what this is oh wait we’re not doing to yet that’s right what yeah we are what you what [ __ ] you that’s all we going to go kill this just I’m sorry it’s just funny I’m sorry and then we’re going to go to the burning area wait door

It’s oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah oh oh oh did you just make fleshy eyes you absolute crazy man I got rid of my fleshy eye oh it gives mey eyes to get into the end oh we have to use that to get in the

End oh okay yeah here here here [ __ ] I threw it again son of a [ __ ] there’s one more that’s you oh thank you you also get one for completing it request welcome back it’s good to see you again welcome back to meat room welcome back to my meat

Room this man meat room hold yourself up a chair cuz we’re eating meat I would like to claim my two I vendors back so I’m going to just or yeah my two flashy eyes than you would you throw them where’ you throw them I just accidentally [ __ ] right clicked and I [ __ ] threw

Them where where did you throw them I have no idea they [ __ ] went up into the sky and then disappeared jeez I guess that’s how we find the [ __ ] stronghold yeah got [ __ ] them well we still got to go defeat NE man but yeah I mean there’s plenty we still got to do

But better prep to prepare for the next bro made the [ __ ] Roblox zombies noise God damn there’s still a lot of [ __ ] I got to do in the [ __ ] it doesn’t really give me rotten fibers that often or elastic fibers not rotten I got to make a mahogany

Broom sorry about the gross noises chat that’s just this mod okay we almost done with yeah oh can you believe it guys and you’re almost yeah I might be almost done with the meat well we haven’t even seen chapter 3 so might not be mean chapter

4 what what we don’t even have chapter 4 unlocked that’s what I’m saying I mean we’ve seen chapter 3 we’re looking got it right now that’s what I was Saying we haven’t even finished chter three oh okay I and then we SP we haven’t even finished chapter two I mean that is also true yeah this pleas hungry right so Le back away you can’t see you big look at my meat like a T-Rex as long as you don’t look at my

Meat oh God oh God I’m being I’m being bullied can you make a uh what the [ __ ] is a hor mode secretion yeah I don’t think we with meat what I’m making and horrible insiration I to see there’s a like a fire potion horrible Soul horrifying Soul oh God

Oh no there isn’t I can inject fire potions into US oh I’m steroids yeah I was I was going to inject steroids in yes but game won’t let me we can still get mega Hearts but yeah that’s true so much meat noise in this [ __ ]

Room you stop oh I ran out of fun flesh wow wow that was so cool man wow wow wow wow oh my God so mad at me wow wow wow wow I believe this I can it was pretty funny was it funny though to me yeah funny yeah oh my God

Jesus that was so loud call that vacuum mode if you ever if you ever play with me no you’re not going to play with me they really sad going to play with me all right I think we’ve made enough eyes I’m tired of being near the meat it’s so gross

If I said I like the meat then you would be wrong and that’s okay to admit your faults you don’t like the meat I don’t like the noises of the meat no you’re telling me you don’t like the noises meat makes I like the meat cuz

The meat mod is funny but I don’t like the noises you m absolute [ __ ] oh my dogs are on go oh I just I guess I just lag the house that works to game all right I’m going to teleport to the bus what do you mean it doesn’t specify the y coordinate

It didn’t speci toy the right coordinate bro Elbo I guess it was be right next to our we never saw this chest right next to our [ __ ] what what what all right you’ll probably have to get on your broom but why why what what this is where we’re supposed to be

Yeah do you see the Boss Bar he’s right there so loud you not see this man just lava oh I can teleport you I’m coming don’t teleport me into the LA I was trying do to thank you oh this is ignor what oh this is this is a black

Guy this looks a lot like another type of boss oh really I mean we fought him in better mro don’t that’s what I’m saying didn’t we fight this guy yeah around oh God he does a lot of damage oh L that [ __ ] skeleton just got sh I didn’t even pop the

Fire he knocked me off myself he knocked you out oh God no he knocked me off leave me alone he’s doing some damn AIO he’s doing some Dam AIO some Dam AIO oh sh oh my God he’s going to kill me you’re [ __ ] yourself no he’s not you might no he’s not just [ __ ] knocked me off again much D I’m laging oh my God I’m laging I’m infinitely eating potatoes okay you’ve killed

It I was infinite eating potatoes you murdered it I murdered him dead stuff FYI this is a pickaxe he also dropped grave metal leggings they gave me a monstrous horn oh give me his monster horn monster Horn uh a well that wasn’t so hard yeah we got to find another one

Why we got to find ignis Oh I thought you another one of those guys be exp no [ __ ] this guy dude did you claim your quest re Quest For What the killing this man oh oh yeah we can use the nether make better stuff all right well let’s go find ignis

Where ises ignis spawning in multiflor with centuries that drop burning ashes so the highly impressive Arena of fire and lava so I’m assuming it’s going to be a very large Circle I’ll be the judge of if oh okay at least we have that hammer now pretty fast is it

A yeah it’s a it’s fast cuz it’s a pickaxe but is not very fast and attacking anything right hear a skeleton dying from like a year way he got bones on his bones on his c yeah yeah got bones on his [ __ ] how it goes that’s just truly

Unfortunate oh this is a Bastion isn’t it oh oh yeah it is bro oh [ __ ] what said in it bro it man I [ __ ] you don’t ever don’t ever be mean me again it’s really easy and I’m going to continue to do it because it’s funny you’re going to make me say it

I’m gonna pull the [ __ ] the heat of 87 going to pull eat yeah I’m G to do it you wouldn’t dare don’t play with me going to pull e out of my ass is that the E of 87 the of 89 89 oh bro that’s too

Far Oh I thought it kicked me off my broomed because I was trying to load chunks where the hell are you oh trying to find who we do oh wait did I find is it a big arena I don’t know oh they shot my what happened to my broom

Dude did you lose your broom again no it just [ __ ] got shot out of the sky and I started falling does it look like a giant burning Circle I can’t tell there the thing what why did it just give me an oh it gives you an achievement if you

Explore all the nether biomes for that mod uh that’s probably what was there this it’s multi Flor too so I’m going to assume it is very large searching in the nether just like nether dudes so true pop off slay Queen slay [ __ ] slay [ __ ] drip Stone it just cut my head

Off my dick fell off my dick fell off what the [ __ ] is that thing that is not cool get the [ __ ] away from me if you know what’s good for you if you know what good for you where the [ __ ] is this thing that we need to find it better be

Somewhere in the [ __ ] mind my chunks are taking [ __ ] eight years to load as per usual yeah normally in the nether it doesn’t load it doesn’t lag this [ __ ] atrociously it’s pretty atrocious lag wonder why do youever just wonder why uh it’s cuz we’re paying for Less dedicated wh

It uh lags when this almost dedicated way uh yep okay understandable is it can these chunks load why doesn’t want to load these chunks oh God doesn’t want to load these chunks you shouldn’t die yeah this one what what did I do well I just think this part of the ne

Doesn’t exist holy [ __ ] this leg is unreal it is kind some Unreal Engine [ __ ] right now Unreal Engine [ __ ] like every part of the nether loads except for this one singular piece I want to know what’s in this piece another then give it to me me this piece of nether right

Now oh [ __ ] oh God I just wanted to look at your cool stuff look you had a [ __ ] diamond pickaxe in here that you were holding out on me you had two of them who these [ __ ] I went into a Bastion they all [ __ ] me up I was like I [ __ ] I these

[ __ ] piglin I need this singular chunks lo I think it’s where we need to go it’s struggling yeah it doesn’t want to load it’s like everything around it is loaded oh God oh God what oh god very bad lag oh God my freaking out oh God in what way oh please let this

Chun I think I’m trapped forever did you find it unloadable chunk I think so that’s not good and I got too close the sunber too close to the Sun I see stuff [ __ ] spawning yeah actually sounds like the things we need what I’m stuck would it teleport to

You um I’m scared if you do will both be I mean that’s fair I can try to fly to you baby yeah just don’t come in the unloadable junk okay there’s definitely a spawner of some sort here my screen is going into The Nether real oh we’re already there no it’s like fractl

And breaking oh down and you haven’t left the game yet no but I’m also like completely broken maybe if you get closer to load this chunk I don’t know mayhaps there’s like pieces of it loaded and I hear [ __ ] Magma oh my God that almost broke my [ __ ] broom I don’t want to leave room in Narnia come abandoning the broom now I’m not trying to but I’m like this is the weirdest glitch I’ve ever seen yeah I’m surprised you’re still frozen yeah I’m just like completely Frozen that’s the craziest part to

Me cuz I can eat food so it’s not like it’s lagging at least the server isn’t lagging this is no you’re getting too close oh is this the unloadable truck yeah it just refuses to load I see I could try to teleport you out yeah but then my broom’s gone I

Guess I can give you a new broom I guess yeah I’m pretty this the place hello this chunk has got to be the place we got to go I presume as much here you see the mob on the map God Dam it hold on I’m [ __ ] damaged oh what accidentally copied some Diamond

Pickaxes when I was trying to remove them out of my inventory okay the magnet slimes are in there are those Magna slimes this is the weirdest trunk I’ve ever seen I’ve never seen a trunk fail like this and every time you go in it it like [ __ ] bugs out I can try

Again be ready with the teleport oh my God you disappear when you walk into the trunk all right let me try over here where there’s at least some land oh fall it again yeah it’s lava right there or something and my sanity is going nuts it it makes you disappear past this the

Barrier I popping achievement will no let me just see if I can these Magnus hey what’s up welcome to the stream I just get stuck did it get you stuck again yeah I can’t move oh oh God my Saturday is going [ __ ] nuts I made it out okay oh hello are nope I’ve

Been I’ve been doing all right how of you this part is loaded for me everything pass it is loaded wa where is it oh it’s over there I thought this was TR time for the fun game of doing circles do we just do we just have to [ __ ] like reload the game I

Mean I don’t think that’s the thing we’re looking for but to fix that we probably do have to stop and start the server again yeah oh well there’s a magma slim or something spawner there I don’t know oh well it’s not the thing we’re looking for I don’t really care oh my

God this what my said I need to go up yeah we might have to go home for the one time one time one time one time my sanity is also gone you like my content hey thanks I appreciate That to chop me out yeah I’m froz oh God you’ve become Unfrozen yeah get your s up and stuff yeah yeah yeah your sanity went away a long time ago honestly me too that is if I even had it what that I said what is this sanity that you speak of oh it’s [ __ ] no one needs it f diesel

Diesel did not say fin diesel what are you talking about what kind of crack are you on I’m on that sanity that sanity grind sanity crack what a funky tune J kid is a pretty funky soon Dam it I through all my experience levels on not a single [ __ ] one of them went

Towards the enchantments I wanted damn Oh my right in front of the dogs it’s do it again oh my God let me make one of these boys get loose on you I think they’re indestructible or at least I think this is indestructible maybe got a lit how’s your sanity looking like uh uh I mean it’s going

Up you ever feel sad just know there are people who care about you well I appreciate that I know Jake does Jake got [ __ ] legitimately mad at me that I didn’t play games with him no I was very tired no I wasn’t mad I was glad that you got

Sleep I was I was mad because you wouldn’t go to sleep when I told you to and then guess what happened just just take a wild guess of what happened that’s [ __ ] good this just a wild little this little a wild guess this man dies

No but he played Lethal compy all day I did yeah it was pretty fun any time for little old me it’s cuz you messaged me afterwards it was like 1:00 a.m. and I already passed out when have you ever gone to bed at 1:00 a.m. well I did that day I had 4

Hours of sleep did bro C your titties I’m [ __ ] guy he’s okay I’m glad you got sleep brother I promise it is for your I’m G to beat Jake Up chat Jake gets beat up stream you [ __ ] all right let’s go I’m made it out oh oh

Oh almost do you feel I feel pretty good it’s pretty funny was it was it really was it what really you that feeling that the wall people don’t like me anymore the wall people the wall people who are the wall people like the Facebook wall people the Facebook like Mark wallberg Mark

Walberg Marcus Walberg hey what’s up Jacob good to see you Jacob oh I think you might have found it no no that’s just discovering all the vanilla NE biomes oh where is your face cam I just didn’t feel like it at the moment broy brby unfaced gaming yeah sometimes

I have it on but not all the time I don’t know don’t feel like it sometimes this undeniably a reason it is one of the reasons yeah you’re one of my 13 Reasons Lake I think I’m all 13 the wall people know about everyone do the walls speak to

Me the ceiling sure does every night that bird doesn’t play with me dude this guy is I can’t believe got him I think you guys should unsubscribe from his channel now this is [ __ ] yes please do no don’t actually I corrected please subscribe to his channel so it makes it worse for him

Good yeah had a great idea there minute ago no I I take involved take a back he does jig streams J doesn’t stream oh [ __ ] oh God what what happened to you I almost died cuz I was trying to take a fight with the uh The Fortress oh what is

This you want to see the banana okay hold on banana time banana moment uh I don’t know how do this stream the wall people see everything they’re about to see my balls they’re about to see the banana oh my balls my this another ship oh I’m Dy oh they shot my [ __ ] no

I think I’m going to die in the lava just kidding pop another heat resistance they can’t stop me they can’t phas me epic God damn it I don’t know where to put this banana on the I bet that [ __ ] is long my long nether fortress map netherite boots who

Upgrade oh no wait yeah they are never right boots well let see this works falling Soul speed fire protection I’m not going actually curs of binding Goofy a game I will take the ancient debris though thank you very much for your contributions to society take the there you go

Chat banana there’s my face cam no no no what no oh there’s more potion fire resistance the wall people see you when you were breathing they wouldn’t dare I love the heart emojis for the banana wait I have an idea I got to bust out the old headphon oh oh

No no my banana fell [ __ ] exposed in 4k oh my God what my banana keeps falling banana man I’m trying to do this for a bit just like try to get of a struggle people see you sleeping the W people see me when I subscribe subscribe to W no no no no no

No listen here uh goofers headphones are so [ __ ] cuz I wore them they the green ones legendary I also did the same thing but one day I had to puke and I off and they fell in the toilet with the puke and it was

GG it was GG I had to go get a new headset already hear that it was tragic but they were be time more they were beaten off yeah they were they were beat they had reached their life man like the the the the foam was gone it had like the the the

Pads that’s what happened what happened to all the sorts well mine like the black like leather covering thing was like that’s what came off and then the foam on the inside survived like use the headphones like as coverage for the pads basically oh four pieces if you put your mouse and put

Mouse GS in the vents the W people you go to Mouse and put the mouse GS in the vents I was crazy on crazy what what’s so special about the mouse what are they like Ward evil that true what do they do what’s the what’s the status effect on

Those what what do they do to the wall people I oh my 20 minutes to set up a banana and now he’s got a pee what kind of streamer is this just kidding sonn addict TV is my favorite while he’s gone I can be nice to him when he comes back I gotta

Be how the cookie comos you know oh they eat Mouse guts interesting interesting do they have like a specific preferred you know type of gut like do they like the pancreas like are they more of like an intestin kind of these are the real questions I must ask at 3:00 a.m. to

War I don’t know much about them I know about the Shadow People those people the who just opened a chest in the nether what the what world I know I was like who would do that who who would would ever God this BRB screen is so

Cursed it is I’m also starting to think this dude exist what the uh thingy in general they Mouse guts and uh apparently they don’t have a specific like in like mous wait who does wall people wall people what the [ __ ] where did the concept of wall people come from not sure about that

Do you ever just see the hatman and his gang of Shadow People The Shadow People yeah I don’t know I’ve never met hatman but have you ever seen the clown that hides from gay people in Walmart is this like a bash if he ever just was and is

What the wall people eat just guts in general oh so it’s not specified to just guts my sity is already [ __ ] losing it this is this is pretty [ __ ] big I can’t I can’t exit my [ __ ] okay this is really sick lag oh this is an actual bash oh just Mouse guts oh

Okay how did it uh come to be though where did where do the wall people come from do they just like show up they like like you open the box I came open the box and I came I wish it was that easy have you found this goofy yet

Nobody said it is is so low that I was starting to hallucinate well my sity is also pretty low wow I found two bastions though you don’t know where they come from you just hear voices coming from your walls that’s the rape goblins that’s the what Goblins the rape

Goblins they rape you if you he scratching on your walls you better run oh I might have found it this time oh you actually found it oh God I’m going to lag I’m about to find out unless I’m I’m lagging goblins you said yeah the actually you’re not going to like them

They do some real evil things to your ble it’s not going to let me it’s not going to let me it’s not going to let me why want to let me off [ __ ] oh there I go you got kicked too yeah did the server just break oh my God

I just arrived at whatever the [ __ ] you were at yeah do you do you see what this is is this it I think this is it uh this is a very good question you just hear voices that might just be ghosts the ghosts are talking to you it’s a

Big bird teleport me bird teleport me up why was there a singular one B BL one hole there that’s pretty funny no what do you mean no it’s pretty funny to me no how have you been by the way yaka has everything been going for you we’re just having

Conversations about the wall here yeah the wall people who eat bug or rat guts you know it’s pretty casual do I know what DND D is I I I kind of do I’ve technically only ever played like one game of d and d and that was

When Jake was the host and he’s never played D and either I created a one of those campaigns yeah he created a campaign where it was just a massive [ __ ] post it was it was it was something cely was something is this is this I don’t think this is where we supposed

To be right uh L get sh on got loot yeah like what the what theity [ __ ] I’m going to [ __ ] I’m going to I’m going to I’m going to tell me more you just woke up still tired I’m sorry to hear that I have no clue what I’m going to do

Honestly got to [ __ ] I usually go and drink a [ __ ] whole pot of coffee by myself and that’s how I wake myself up I hate coffee so I normally just like wake up really you don’t like coffee no I hate what yeah I don’t know why it’s just

Don’t like it that’s so strange to me well I guess this isn’t it well ain’t that a hoot right like why what am I even looking for what do you want for me game what do you want for me Sentinels we’re looking for Sentinels here is

Sentinel [ __ ] you s all these nuts got them oh got them dude got them oh what the [ __ ] it only moved my camera didn’t move the whole thing son of a [ __ ] got him dude it really did this it this has got to be it right what is

This oh wait I can’t see [ __ ] this is this like a nether Temple like okay this is like one of those jungle temples just in the nether think you found one of these earlier yeah I did at the very end it had a bunch of diamonds and I think it was

Piece of netherite um but it set the whole room on fire with lava oh great ncy dance I’m doing a bit of a dance so I can get my sanity back up cuz we love the nether yeah you’re going to have to teleport me back come to one Utah Center parking

Lot Sal cocaine look for red 2019 Chevy silver what the [ __ ] what are you talking about do it all right sir why the [ __ ] are you talking about selling cocaine in Utah I’m going to need uh I’m going to need a pull out of your ass

Moment my sanity has dropped too low I can tell cuz now my sanity is going down yep all my hard ear [ __ ] sanity just gone straight out the window D’s [ __ ] killing it honestly deserved where’s the where’s the music where what are the [ __ ] thingies it’s in the

Thing it’s not in the thing you [ __ ] animal what thing I’m going to [ __ ] cream on you Dude what thing would this be in let’s go I just stand in the right spot my sanity works you have five lbs ready bring in $200 for all that cocaine I don’t think I will but thanks don’t think I’m interested in buying cocaine sorry you want to buy cocaine

Jake what I said do you want to buy cocaine maybe okay we’ll some in my chat room once this sell you cocaine I want to I want to buy glue that’s what I want to buy you want to buy glue I’m a glue connoisseur you think about it the

Reasons you hear voices is because of cocaine have you consider not snorting your own Supply you know that’s like losing out on business caught tapping in yeah you can’t be smoking your own your own [ __ ] product dude or storting I guess it would really wouldn’t be smoking

I’ve seen enough crackheads in my day and that’s enough for me to never touch it yeah I almost had a [ __ ] crackhead Ash out [ __ ] Black and Mild in his belly button what the [ __ ] yeah that [ __ ] was raw that [ __ ] was raw it was raw true to be honest yeah

That I mean why we don’t uh we sell our glue at exclusive prices yeah we have a glue Empire yeah you remember that blue sparkly glue El’s glue anybody they would remember concrete glue anybody remember that [ __ ] we sell it as a drug yeah it’s like fun burn that [ __ ] up smoke that

[ __ ] SP it sniff it like Sharpie one time you raw dogged the Thanksgiving dinner or turkey sorry did you how was that also why you’ve ruined an entire turkey because you were horny for some [ __ ] turkey I guess turkey nah chicken nah dog nah wombat akk no I don’t believe you I

Think you were serious I think you just confessed one of your sh yeah you [ __ ] you [ __ ] that turkey dude what that turkey ever do to you why would you [ __ ] a turkey did it ever gobble you wa okay I definitely gobbled him he did the goblin no goodbye goodbye

My oh you actually got to save your room though at this time he let me god 4K true no bro no no no I saw it I know what I saw I was there your family invited me to your Thanksgiving I saw you raw dog the turkey and everyone was talking about it

Dude all right they still ate it but they still ate it because they thought you know what it’s Thanksgiving and you gave thanks through coming in their turkey a little extra seasoning you know what dude I support it you know what come in that turkey who’s going to stop you now

Honestly who can stop me now cuz I’m having a good time having a good time y I want to hear a joke I already live in one I’m just going to start making noise yeah sure I’ll hear a joke what do sassy horses eat hey oh god oh I thought I wouldn’t the

Unload trunk my [ __ ] ball sack was almost triel and gone yeah yeah dude do you know big di bigerton ounce big ounce who’s Big ounce the prair dog dude he’s literally a war hero he had four tours in Iraq couple in Syria three and N he saved

Obama Biden he saved Obama saved every president that’s ever existed yeah that’s [ __ ] pretty wacky if he saved Obama dude he dude he he’s done dude he’s been he’s been the secret agent he’s a Russian spy he was and everything that’s that’s his answer by the

Way Don’t Stop Me Now what is the answer what what could be the answer this what is this not what I’m looking for what is this not what I’m looking for Hot Wheels Jesus Christ Jesus Christ that’s a that’s a funny one Hot Wheels

Yeah but they call me when I’m in my my Bugatti Ferrari Lamborghini blaming or something like that I don’t know Lamborghini spaghetti e l Linguini light mcen linguini spini what do you call Pablo Escobar and Pablo Escobar Pablo Escobar version too whoa dude yeah dude I’m so [ __ ] funny thank

You I think Hot Wheels was better not even well I think that uh your mom is better whoa dude wow whoa just kidding it was your father got him twice God Dam [ __ ] you got [ __ ] demolished idiot [ __ ] you [ __ ] you I’m just gonna have to install life real

Quick life.exe has stopped working install life 32 oh hope you guys like the face cam for tonight cuz it’s going to be staying that way where the [ __ ] is this thing dude what it’s up my ass well then [ __ ] pull it out bro CU I’m tired of looking for

It just fly aimlessly until your Insanity Runs Out is [ __ ] as this is probably the worst part about the game a great game play Loop giving a thousand drunk drivers or license back listen they’re not drunk drivers they’re God’s Brave as Warriors all right look statistically speaking drunk

Driving is safer than sober driving statistically there’s been less deaths involved in Dr Driving walk car crashes and this is a legit fact 70% of all car crashes involve sober dri got him got him dude wait this might be it I don’t know it looks like a circle

But it’s not a very big arena please just tell me you say it it’s not this is just some random place a lot of gas tis I just wanted to be it’s so bad oh you are a [ __ ] video game what happened I [ __ ] Tred to get

On my broom and it kicked me off immediately damn giving 1,000 yeah oh Unbreaking I mean it’s just a real fact Jak would you give a th000 uh drug drivers or license back um there’s the Dilemma right yeah you wouldn’t would you I would or wouldn’t what do you

Think answer that is I feel like you wouldn’t like I wouldn’t depends on what happened like there’s certain functioning drunk that probably could use that but then again fully functional W drug depends like there’s like how drunk are you is the question did you did you hit a small family when

You were driving or did you just like knock into a fire hydrant you know there’s two separate entities there yeah that’s true Did you destroy a family in their entire life for uh generations to come or did you like run over someone’s mailbox yeah like what what kind of it

Also how long were you driving TR you know were you like on a [ __ ] Florida Everglades Adventure were you like Florida [ __ ] gas yeah man these are important details hydrate dude I have finished my whole glass of water that I just had got got him there was actually a little bit left never

Mind got him y I off I’m sorry what did you just say to me that [ __ ] off to me specifically yeah to you [ __ ] okay all right this time I’m going to do it do what just I’m going to do it do what this time what’s what are you doing this

Time PE Hub is down but you hear your parents [ __ ] me when child trauma scarred for life they never look at tame parents again oh oh W what the hell is an underworld guardian’s core what I just found this thing called an underworld Guardians core and it’s unbreakable apparently well then there’s like

Demonic obsidian is this how you get to the other dimension maybe oh I have to mark this so then I can come back because I don’t have a flint and steel oh wait a second oh wait a second oh I’m waiting a second dude don’t worry just one of those goofy uh wither

NE L [ __ ] [Applause] on why can’t we f find this uh it’s cuz the game hates us I’m pretty sure it is [ __ ] rude how rude stem storm yeah that one uh what was I looking for flu take a look at my server oh okay what the [ __ ] is a driver’s license

Just trust me sour bro just trust me we don’t need that [ __ ] driver’s license is merely a suggestion why no br’s on fire get [ __ ] idiot what does the demotic obsidian do I don’t know but this is the 18th [ __ ] Fortress I found why is that unbreakable huh I don’t know this shit’s

Confusing I don’t even know what I’m looking at cityan your head off all right thanks for coming by adios want to find here for whatever the [ __ ] m even begin to know where this is [ __ ] me neither bro me neither does it spawn in a specific biome we doing something wrong um it

Didn’t specify any specific biome I was going to get murderers yay Bones record in there cords oh my gosh dude yeah what a cool bed I saw yeah you should uh sleep in it in the nether it’ be really funny be pretty nifty yeah did it again it [ __ ] put lava over the

Room oh did you go through the uh thing I go chat just for you yeah I did right to the dble or the nether Temple nice oh bit oh look so oh I mean like have you not found it no I haven’t H I’ve been looking for it for so long

Dude ding directly in the lava yikes yeah honestly I agree oh [ __ ] there’s agent debris up at this [ __ ] damn I got a few pieces of that from a ship that I found oh it’s another I think I’m in a ship oh my God yeah you are that’s exactly where I found it

Too give me strength too as well watch out it has Pur binding on it though oh this curs of binding yeah oh yeah and Vanishing Prett great that’s time to figure out how to get out of here oh my God fire [ __ ] at least in this mod pack it’s just kind

Of giving us netherite yeah oh hey this is a cursed alter know this what do you mean know this you uh it’s not going to break you put your souls in there and how to do it but you definitely do it this way that say what can make like a whole

Cage then you can put the [ __ ] SS in there and then you can you can put like a dark soul on your sword I think something like that oh feed the darkness delicious he likes the taste of souls that what what do what how what do

Heck do I have to fill it all the way up with Souls uh I forgot what the name of the mod was I me about this [ __ ] sorry no I feel the same way yeah oh this is definitely not the same thing that’s a that’s a game

H you’re just a new find out was I want to know how to do it though in it no tell me chat room what the do heck it added one new dimension the Underworld the one new struction underworld portal yeah oh maybe we have to complete the midnight Necronomicon yeah

This did we ever find an Necronomicon like page here’s another one of these portal things oh no I already work oh [ __ ] oh you went really far Out you still alive Jake mhm oh yeah I just can’t find this [ __ ] thing dude yeah I’m trying so hard I know I haven’t seen anything about it yet wish should told me how to get into the Underworld Oh it says nothing about where he spawns it just says in the nether LOL that sick God oh [ __ ] uh oh what I’m lagging oh Jesus Christ please Jesus is Christ the bad isn’t it you said this is a bad what no this is a Bastion there’s like six of those around here it seems like I wish it was more specific about where the [ __ ] spawns yeah that would be cool cuz there’s a [ __ ] ring of fire everywhere in this [ __ ]

Map that’s true and if it was big enough to stand on his own then why haven’t we found it yet you know yeah I have no idea where the hell it is got another tarot card nice what that one do 50% chance to or 15% chance to deal double

Damage oh [ __ ] that’s not too bad that’s pretty good I’m hoping to get like the Regeneration or the night vision one again yeah they’re clutching up now by the way chat I’m probably not going to stream as long I’m so really tired so yeah I’m starting to get a little tired to

Myself this is probably to be like a short stream by voice holy [ __ ] my boy just hit puberty for the second time just couldn’t speak just D Yeah yeah you know what that means what does that mean yit think y knows exactly what she’s talking about sleep time no no no no no no I said probably soon I didn’t say right now actually this man right here D it’s different cuz I’m way past cool you’re way past cool I’m

[ __ ] me too man me too another Bastion I found at least 14 of those right now I’m just sliding through them all I don’t even stop anymore you give it up on him yeah it’s not even worth it anymore more I mean that’s true the ships are more worth it than the bastions

Mhm at least the ships Drop Like tarot cards and [ __ ] you’re not wrong you are not wrong my friend my dear brother brother brother we can’t find this [ __ ] this [ __ ] thingy Jer Saia Don’t force yourself to stay up you must sleep it’s yeah actually you tell him please

Tell him he won’t listen to you take care of yourself listen man I appreciate your concern but uh what if I didn’t no try your best listen to action listen b got to listen action here the banana is holding me a guno basement the banana is telling me

If I don’t stream that it it’s going to [ __ ] shoot me in my family actually I have no control over this you got to believe me he’s got my wife and kids you got to believe me all right we’ll go until [ __ ] 5 o’ in the morning if this [ __ ]

Isn’t found by 5 o’ I say we call it is that a trade deal is that a trade deal yeah that’s this sounds like a pretty good Trad dud to me honestly yeah I’m wasting on that one dude I’m so [ __ ] Burpy those [ __ ] burp I ate leftover Thanksgiving

Dinner that [ __ ] made me full again hey that’s I’m about I’m going to eat more after stream too on God G weebies hooray yaka is just excited that she doesn’t have to watch us anymore it’s like oh God [ __ ] finally Like These Guys these [ __ ] [ __ ] can stop streaming

Though the jok’s on you yaka I only didn’t stream cuz it was Thanksgiving and I was really tired he hat me as why but it’s okay if I hate you I wouldn’t be here right now what is this is reverse psychology like keep your friends close but your enemies closer Ty

Business Jak I have nothing against I don’t know what you’re [ __ ] on about ah I just want to find a [ __ ] dude I thought we were [ __ ] friends I thought this is super bad okay you’re not supposed to leave me at the party yeah but it’s funny yeah yeah it’s funny Elbo get

Clowned on didn’t you laugh we always laugh brother oh [ __ ] no no something you’re F I don’t think was on oh no it’s fine I was just [ __ ] I was just pulling trade over there I do to all the time this man be [ __ ] trying to Fu with me yeah cuz it’s funny

Um to be determined I think it’s funny you don’t have to oh my God this whole room is filled with [ __ ] [ __ ] what room I went into another nether like Temple H I break a fire potion and I’m just perishing can be perishing would perhaps be called he be

Perishing I think that’s what it’s called oh dude I was about to ask a really [ __ ] dumb question and I’m glad that I kept it to myself now why I wasn’t I was legitimately like going to yeah like you think they celebrate Thanksgiving in Europe my brain is

[ __ ] I want a different level of [ __ ] my brain is bangers and mesh M I think that’s where y from I don’t know I could be totally off I hate herob Herobrine is a goofy uh I think I’m still mad at myself that I almost asked [ __ ] just [ __ ] celebrate Thanksgiving listen

Man I never said I was the smartest this boy thought he was a smartest dude in the [ __ ] but he turned out to be the dullest [ __ ] up man I’m going to go bleed in your cauldron now whoa whoa whoa whoa calm down calm down you can’t without the right

Equipment [ __ ] he found the equipment oh post Immortal did you just pop a [ __ ] I forgot I had a totem of UND dying on me did you try to kill yourself yeah Jesus I told you going to give you all my blood I didn’t need that much you filled

Up the CAU 9 years ago no you need is blood soup I call it my blood soup H you little dads yeah [ __ ] s low tonight I say the bottom but I just couldn’t caress someone on this bro oh God flying around around at the speed

Of got places to go got to follow my rainbow take around that’s what Lies what in the [ __ ] going on here than b your sanity is low just like IRL that’s so [ __ ] factual you don’t even have to slj that one that’s a SL ass servus that’s a slash put me on the psycle right FL put me in the barn send me to the ranch

That was the shittiest chest I’ve ever opened that [ __ ] literally could [ __ ] like swell my farts how bad it was B if someone ever gives me a $100 a jar of my my fart and uh I’m going to send it to Jake no no no yeah I’m G to call it bird special

Surprise I’m going to I’m going to put a label on it it’s going to say poor Jake from from Bert happy birthday it’s my Essence in a bottle and then he’s going to open it up and then it’s going to like [ __ ] gas bomb him I swear on it I’ll do

It there’s nothing he can do to stop me hey welcome back it’s good to see you good researcher [ __ ] oh SP oh [ __ ] made a gger I’m just be honest with you bro I don’t think it’s happening tonight it’s not 5 o’ yet Dr we got to keep

Going all right get two more minutes y two more minutes Jake searches the endless real of the if we can’t find it tonight I’ll look for it off stream you’re the wall people guy if you don’t remember me I definitely remember you how could I forget you talking about walls and people and

Eating rat guts or sorry the wall people do sorry I didn’t mean to throw that shade on you oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] Arrow card is [ __ ] Jake King me you got a glass of milk this time milk my favorite milk is Jake’s milk dude he’s a walrus and he makes walrus

Milk give this glass of milk to insomnia he needs it if it’s Jake’s W man milk Jak doesn’t want to even acknowledge it now dude are you falling asleep in your keyboard Maybe we can end early if you want no two more ways okay but we teally wait until restart

Too I’m pretty sure restart is 10 more minutes what time do I stop streaming uh I usually try to get to like four hours and what the [ __ ] did your room just disappear into thin air for you oh oh never mind it’s back just kidding uh I usually try to stream for

At least four hours but um if we’re just really not feeling like streaming than I usually get it early there was one night oh my God the lag holy [ __ ] on basket there was one night where I ended the stream uh at like 11 hours in cuz I just kept

Streaming and then there’s some nights where I ended at like 4 hours just cuz to come back is the server crashing keep fighting these random buildings that have no interest like Guardian portals I swear I will find both of you and put you to sleep in my dreams

Whoa what the [ __ ] my goddamn broom I swear to God have you heard Banana Man by tally Hall I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that what is banana man they like put the pickle in the fridge that’s Jake’s favorite song 20% speed boost [ __ ] a really nice tarot

Card laggy moment yeah my um my everything is dying what are your favorite songs is ruler everything well dude what kind of genre of music is it oh nothing in there no no okay it’s mostly rock music oh dude I listen to a lot of rock lot of rock and metal and bunk

Rock I guess is the same genre as rock I guess you that song that’s silly banana man oh really hold on let me see you a b b tally hole do you seeana over Onanana banana FL end do you want Bame get to play game names we shout out loud shake the Thunder from the spirit Cloud all the song birs in the tree Spirits free then we see them in the night Spirit choing by Fire Light look you up you know you kick it back without do not banana all the time rewind the song for I listening I was listening to it with you while I was PS forget all your troubles and go at the flow forget about whatever you may never know like whether whatever you’re doing

Is whatever you should and whether Anything The Rock part is after the beginning I’ve already been over this Wayy banana make do You it down do you want a banana know I want a Banana play ruler of everything there’s a [ __ ] AI cover potassium so sh G in the the theills sun end of isun youchan hands the of everything this kind of sounds like a Bo bur do like I dance I gotum PS I have a wonderful I have a powerful job she cries me for being entric You’ve not heard of that b oh he’s like a um he’s like this one guy who makes like sing like songs sing songs by the way he makes like really funny songs they’re more of like comedy songs like welcome to the internet is a really good one for them and

Like what the [ __ ] do you call it oh God help I he from the other names I’m a fake fan I welcome to the internet cuz it’s really good the like [ __ ] is a really funny one honestly that’s another one this also sounds like it could be like the predecessor of a

Weird cg5 what is cg5 of everything of everything Oh the Ser is going to be restarting are you still awake Drake don’t search it up it’s cringe oh I’m just going to assume that Jake is not awake I’ll just leave them there next to the fire there this about a play different playlist that I had not cringe he makes good songs

Sometimes oh conflicting answers I have to look it up and listen to it and then I’ll give you you my opinion on it cuz I like some songs that most people would find cringe uh put that in there all right uh I’ll take that last song request because I

Don’t think Jake is awake and so I’m just going to end the stream but I will use that last song request as the song that plays as my outro so thanks everyone for coming out uh I appreciate it uh tomorrow hopefully Jake and I will be on uh so let’s

Give what is it turn the lights off okay all right bye chat I hope you guys have a good night thanks for coming I’ll leave you off with this song goodbye just realized I had a muted you’ll become one freaky creatures monster party eyes of yellow scales and Feathers

Tails and tethers turn the lights off the nightmare you contr it Dodger easy do it shut theet get under the cover snakes and lovers turn the lights off everybody likes to get Tak to see how bright the inside of us Burns Every here’s the pinky there’s the kinky everybody complicated man and woman baby child calm and wild turn the lights off don’t remember what we look like like young girl holding one another paper colors dangle scaming tangle screaming turn the lights Off Evil but all Devils The They take it beer hooks abandon Brea mind distracted Sons [Applause] Andau [Applause] Don’t you like it I know I do how about you what do we know tins Hypno Terr turns Off see bright inside of us Burns every wants to get evil tonight but all devil [Applause] under C diamonds twinkle brightly dance in darkness blow the nights off sleepy child spark Desire

This video, titled ‘Minecraft but IM HIDING IN YOUR VENTS’, was uploaded by InsomniaticTV on 2023-11-25 11:21:05. It has garnered 27 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:57:16 or 10636 seconds.

minecwaft gaming with the man, the myth, the legend himself, WalrusEatChicken

  • Paul’s Wild Minecraft Mishap!

    Paul's Wild Minecraft Mishap! The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a pixelated world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Let’s delve into some of the latest updates and features that have kept players hooked! Exploring New Biomes One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the diverse range of biomes that players can explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, each biome offers unique resources and challenges. The recent updates have introduced even more biomes, such as the lush caves… Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Crafty Comments: Mod Mania Unleashed! #minecraft

    Crafty Comments: Mod Mania Unleashed! #minecraft Welcome back, Minecraft fans, to the latest episode, Where we dive into mods, and the community’s code. Today’s special part, a mod released with glee, Modding Your Minecraft Comments, version one, you see. CurseForge is the place where you can find, This mod that will surely blow your mind. But don’t forget Modrinth, they’ve got it too, For all your modding needs, they’ll see you through. And let’s not overlook Neoforge, so grand, With the latest installer in hand. So jump into the verse, let your creativity soar, With Modding Your Minecraft Comments, you’ll never be bored. So join… Read More

  • Minecraft’s Hidden Bases: Secrets Unveiled in 1.21!

    Minecraft's Hidden Bases: Secrets Unveiled in 1.21! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where secrets and hacks, we’re about to bestow. Unspeakable bases, hidden from sight, In Minecraft 1.21, shining so bright. Illegal things, we dare to explore, In the world of blocks, where legends soar. Build hacks and cheats, we’ll reveal them all, In Indian Bike Driving 3D, we stand tall. From Bixu to Dream, challenges we face, In the gaming world, at a fast pace. Youtubers’ cars, expensive and grand, In Indian Bike Driving, across the land. Myths busted, myths real, we debunk them all, In the realm of gaming, we stand tall. So… Read More

  • Mimic Mayhem: Run from Scary Mimicer & Cave Dweller!

    Mimic Mayhem: Run from Scary Mimicer & Cave Dweller! In the world of Minecraft, a new threat did appear, The Mimicer, so scary, causing players to fear. Running away from its mimicry, trying to survive, While the Cave Dweller lurks, ready to deprive. Herobrine makes an appearance, sending chills down the spine, As players embark on a quest, in search of a sign. Encountering The One Who Watches, a mysterious sight, And stumbling upon a giant cave, in the dead of night. Facing the Cave Dweller, a battle for their life, But ultimately falling victim to its strife. In creative mode, they showcase the Mimicer’s new form, A… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Ep. 19 Preparing for Success in Minecraft Ilmango’s Slime Farm One key element in achieving success in Minecraft is having efficient farms. In episode 19, the player references Ilmango’s slime farm, a popular design known for its high productivity. By incorporating this design into their world, the player sets themselves up for a steady supply of slime, a valuable resource for various crafting recipes. Live Streaming on Twitch To share their Minecraft journey with a wider audience, the player live streams their gameplay on Twitch. This not only allows viewers to follow along in real-time but also creates a sense of… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm: 2500+ Per Hour!

    EPIC Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm: 2500+ Per Hour! Minecraft Sugar Cane Farm: A Bountiful Harvest When it comes to maximizing resources in Minecraft, a well-designed sugar cane farm can be a game-changer. With the right setup, players can produce over 2500 sugar canes per hour, providing a steady supply for various crafting needs. Efficient Farm Design Building an efficient sugar cane farm requires careful planning and execution. Players should consider factors such as water placement, spacing between sugar cane rows, and the use of pistons for automated harvesting. By optimizing these elements, players can ensure a continuous production of sugar canes. Automation for Increased Yield One of… Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Wathi’s Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator’s Realm

    Wathi's Minecraft Melody: Already Dead in Rainimator's Realm In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Creativity flows, setting imaginations free. With updates and news, we stay in the know, Crafting our worlds, letting our creativity grow. Wathi’s “Already Dead” video, a masterpiece in sight, With animations and lyrics, shining bright. The pressure around the neck, like a guillotine, The struggle and pain, in every scene. But in Minecraft, we find solace and peace, Building our dreams, letting our worries cease. So let’s dive into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, In the world of Minecraft, where our imaginations take flight. Read More

  • Peelverine vs Deadpool | Official Trailer

    Peelverine vs Deadpool | Official Trailer Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventure awaits at every turn. Dive into a realm where players can build, explore, and survive in a vast sandbox environment. Building Blocks of Minecraft In Minecraft, players are given the freedom to construct anything their imagination desires using various building blocks. From simple wooden houses to intricate castles, the possibilities are endless. The only limit is your creativity! Exploration and Survival Explore the vast landscapes of Minecraft, filled with mountains, forests, oceans, and caves waiting… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockin’ and Buildin’ like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)

    Minecraft Memes - Blockin' and Buildin' like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)“I’m not just building, I’m creating a masterpiece out of virtual blocks and excrement. A true artist.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive?

    Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive? In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Is the game still alive, or just a fading dream? With updates and patches, the game stays alive, New features and challenges, always on the rise. The community thrives, with servers galore, Players building, exploring, always wanting more. From survival to creative, the options are vast, Minecraft’s popularity will forever last. So fear not, dear viewers, Minecraft is here to stay, With new adventures awaiting, every single day. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And dive back into Minecraft, where the possibilities flow. Read More

  • Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes

    Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes When you finally find that elusive sheep in Minecraft and realize it’s wearing a beacon on its head – talk about lucky loot! #baa-dass #woolbeacon #minecraftluck Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server

    Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server Minecraft Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Skyblock Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than FakePixel Skyblock, where you can easily install over 20 mods for free without any crashes. Dive into a world of endless possibilities and enhance your gameplay with these exciting additions. Step-by-Step Installation Process Installing mods in FakePixel Skyblock is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started: Download Mods: Begin by downloading the mods you want to install. Make sure to choose reputable sources to avoid any issues. Install Forge: Forge is a mod loader… Read More

  • Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!

    Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!Video Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-08-03 18:00:27. It has garnered 4132 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:27 or 12747 seconds. I Fooled My Friend with SECRET OP ANIMALS MOD In Minecraft! My Best friend Dino had no idea I was Trolling him as OP SECRET OP ANIMALS In Minecraft by Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!! In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET OP ANIMALS and then I pranked my friend as a SECRET ANIMALS in… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE Minecraft

    Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘UPGRADE, ENCHANT, TRADE – Enjoy your mining! | LIVE Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vigilante Crafter on 2024-04-22 12:07:31. It has garnered 89 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. Grab your pickaxe and join me as we explore epic armor upgrades, mystical enchantments, and exciting villager trading. It’s time to level up your Minecraft game with a dash of laughter and creativity. Let’s mine, craft, and laugh our way through the pixelated wonders of this HARDCORE Minecraft world together! #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftFarms Read More

  • Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)

    Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Minecraft’s Most Unique SMP (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by CalamitySMP on 2024-07-08 05:17:21. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Calamity Discord: (in comments) Speaker: @callmeposted #levelssmp #minecraftsmp #smp #calamitysmp Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!

    Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!Video Information This video, titled ‘MORE TRIAL CHAMBERS! – Smarty Survival #6’, was uploaded by Smarty Light on 2024-07-23 20:43:40. It has garnered 248 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. This is the most lucky I’ve ever been in Minecraft! Read More

  • xJosephEx – Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱

    xJosephEx - Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HC 1.21 New World | 8/25/24 [17]’, was uploaded by xJosephEx on 2024-08-26 05:19:59. It has garnered 91 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:33 or 6453 seconds. I Start a new hardcore world and take it slow this time lets see if we can stay alive. Read More

  • CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!

    CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re So Back? | Minecraft: Hardcore Mode – Part 7’, was uploaded by CrookedRatt on 2024-09-18 01:41:15. It has garnered 78 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:12 or 13932 seconds. Please Like, Subscribe, and Tell Your Parents About Me! I’m going to die before I get a functioning crafting table. That’s my prediction. #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #survivalgaming Read More

  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

    Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed himVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kuromu gets Astel to strip, then beats him & force feeds him【VCR Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Pebo-kun TL ぺぼ on 2024-09-18 11:00:48. It has garnered 13348 views and 1081 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. Yano Kuromu from Vspo! @YanoKuromu source: Sendo Yuuhi from Vspo! @SendoYuuhi Astel Leda from Holostars @AstelLeda Sakura Ritsuki from Nijisanji @SakuraRitsuki More streamer server clips Please let me know in the comments if there is a translation error. I’m still learning Japanese so it is greatly appreciated. If you’re feeling generous, you can… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

    Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky's Evil ChickenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Maizen Journey on 2024-09-19 13:00:56. It has garnered 1542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft JJ ❤️ Mikey 💚 Welcome to Maizen Journey channel. Many new awesome stories with JJ and Mikey like Maizen videos are waiting for you. We hope you enjoy our videos! Do not forget to like and subscribe!!! Have a great day ❤️💚 This channel is… Read More

  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

    Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet and Jack emotional #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Side2kill gaming on 2024-02-17 18:07:37. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Techno gamerz Shorts Anshu bisht proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon among us bare knuckle bhoot bhoot bhuton kahani chhan chhan goshti cosas… Read More

  • Valena Towny

    Valena Towny  Welcome to a Valena Towny. Valena is a community driven server based on towns, survival, economy, and PvP. We believe a server is just a server, but what makes a server is the community. We run over 50+ plugins to make us unique and to add a different feeling to our server. You can join a town, start a town or live in the Wilderness. We have McMMo that is used for our auto ranking system that is strictly play-to-win. One of our main features we evolve around is economy. We have jobs for players to join to earn money… Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now and start your journey to becoming a legendary adventurer while making new friends. Visit the website and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls & Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: Wiki: Latest blog: Feldip Hills Map Expansion, Daily Quest Rework, Shooting Stars Event & More Devblog #42 Store: Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

    Minecraft Memes - <p>Broke Minecrafter ***!</p>Poor guy, he may have a score of 28 in Minecraft but at least he’s a solid 10 in our hearts. Read More

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – Join the Discord! [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 🟠Discord🟠 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – ➜ Map Trailer: ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – Join my discord server – Donate to my paypal – Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. Trailer: MV: ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More