Insane Minecraft War Simulation with 100 Players – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

Video Information

Imagine spawning into a Minecraft world war with 100 other players with the goal to infiltrate and detonate the opposing country’s nuclear Towers each Country Must do their best to protect their nuclear Tower because if it gets destroyed they lose the challenge not to mention each player only has three lives

Before getting banned from the server forever which team do you think will win will players work together or will they betray one another hi it all started on day one where I spawned in a plane crash hoping I’d make it alive to the American

Yeah a chest oh my gosh I got a pistol shouldn’t say that run run what do we got over here chests okay there’s actual Humvees here hey shotgun and a med kit while I led up I wanted to let you know that if you’ve ever wondered what I look

Like I do have pictures of myself on Spotify just like I love exploring Minecraft I also really enjoy producing music and I’m about to release a five song EP so go search Josh andv on SP IFI and hit that follow button so you don’t miss when I post new songs oh

No what’s up top the come on let’s move in we got we got to the American base follow us go go go go go there are three bases spread out across the map the Americans the German and the British base whoever reaches each of these bases first becomes the leader of the country

And since I wanted to join the uh American base it was important I got there as quickly as possible to secure my position as leader guys we need to hurry this is a big problem players are going to take all the loot spread out across the map and take control over the

Bases before us all right all right let’s go let’s go move out move out soldiers this road will lead us to Victory what’s happening it’s glitching what’s going on no no no screw it let’s run run soldiers run let’s follow this road oh who’s this hello fire Ultima

What’s up bro what’s up Josh yo let’s go we shouldn’t be too far from the tower now B okay after a goat we decided we’d be better off on foot what is this this a gas station Lieutenant Sam oh he trades Humvees spread out across the map our custom NPCs each offering something

Unique to trade required for war we just had to find them and hopefully before the other players do there’s a tent place over here guys let’s loot it there might be some good guns hopefully okay nothing nothing oh gosh we have a late start this is not good who’s this hello

Guardian Lee don’t move I’ve got a gun what are you doing here are you friendly speak give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shoot you in the face I I’ll um I’ll share some of the loot that I have that I found you might be interested in okay that’s a pretty good

Reason hey diamonds I’ll take that some iron all right fine I’ll spare you oh my gosh guys ra the chest there’s a lot of bullets and Scopes in the chest oh let’s go grenades oh my gosh there’s so much I’m going to run out of inventory space

Okay we need to hurry up and raid this because we really need to get to the American Bas all right I’m going to turn these into iron blocks I’m going to trade with this guy so I can buy an M16 yes I got an M16 a start let’s keep

Exploring we really need to find the American base I don’t want the team to be full before we get there and I don’t want to be a British man or German yo I got a scope on my gun all right perfect we need to get to the American base what

Is this oh wait this is the German base turn around boys turn around let’s go this way if you run on the concrete in the middle you go faster oh the guy just knocked a tree over nice okay I see a building over here boys I believe I have

Found the solution to all our problems guns that is the solution even more smoke grenades oh it’s funny all right let’s go this way okay it looks to be some sort of farm over here Joe mama the farmer what get the weave for bread see

A Bas over here guys follow me oh this guy died in the bar bar yo it’s the American base we found it finally we had made it to the American base the question was we’re players already there and if so would they let us join or were

We about to get our first taste of the hostility of War okay guys be careful people might be here and they might not like us coming here gonna let him up hey yo we we come in peace you guys friendly yo what’s up yall on the

American team or what yeah bet so uh we we’d like to join you guys is that okay yeah that’s good sick all right you know I was thinking I I I should be the leader you know what do you think about that hey Journal rock paper scissors rock paper

Scissors I don’t know about that how how about rock paper G oh wow just like that you’re giving me the leader armor that’s so kind of you that’s why you got to stay sted Hey listen hey Journal I’m really sorry but uh I got to make an example out of you I

I really don’t want to do this but uh oh oh all right everyone you see that if anyone has a problem with me being the leader of the Americans go ahead speak up now no no one huh that’s that’s right that’s what I thought players were starting to

Arrive and take control of their base Es at this moment everything was calm players were getting to know each other and leaders were slowly growing their teams no one had any idea the soldiers they would soon bond with they might soon have to bury right now a deep sense

Of optimism swept across the server but I knew that would only last so long I knew what was coming our way and that if we didn’t act fast we would soon be the ones being buried and so I lined my team up and began setting up a chain of

Command all right boys line up on the yellow line I’m going to set up a chain I need myself uh seconded command someone who you boys are willing to listen to everyone give me a pushup hold iito toito since you were the first one and you were prepared I want you to be

Second in command yes sir you come over here all right now I need a weapons leader someone who’s going to stock us up on weapons and ammo who wants to do it I can do it I can do itos I have TNT death Ram you’re my weapons leader this

Is a serious job heck yeah can you handle this I’m your guy I said can you handle this I can handle this we had QT last time all right that’s what I like to hear all right death R you’re my weapons leader all right now I need

Someone who can get us some ground Vehicles who’s capable of that o me me me me me not me stealth Ranger are you stealthy that mustache looks very stealthy ah thank you yeah keep your helmet on you you look better with it on gosh I just got blind there for a second

Looks like a potato all right Ste Ranger get over here you’re my ground Vehicles guy listen up soldiers I almost forgot the most important task of them all we need to set up a task force who’s going to protect our nuclear Tower a group of three who’s going to switch off with

Another group of three we need three people there protecting it at all times all right fire Ultima you create the teams choose smart people bro this is really important what a German a German’s on a roof fire oh I got him I got him oh you spying on us

Already well he definitely is going to regret that that’s already One Life gone it seemed we weren’t the only team deciding the roles of their soldiers all right hello everyone welcome to the German team I am your lead hi golden uh please stay silent gentlemen we are at

War okay so I’m going to separate yall into team and we’re going to try our best to gather resources gather guns gather food and build the best defense there is yeah so as your leader I will be roles and tasks for each of you shark buddy and

Guardian you two will be my hands in command whatever goes through them goes through me we’re going to be better than Americans we’re going to be better than the Germans so so I’m going to separate y’all into teams so Panda tiger and PLO y’all are going to gather uh resources

All there is next I need Tyson muddy line and Labs you will be more inside technology and the defenses of the base you may fall back in form sir yes sir sir yes sir Mr red blueberry exiled and blazing Pig you’re going to get us food it doesn’t matter how how y’all gather

Food y’all can gather animals land you can grow crops it doesn’t matter I believe in y’all team and lastly chunky logic Circle you free will be our guard when the scouts are scouted the area they will tell you about all the weird things that will be going on you will

Defend our lushous reactor and many more values in the future I believe I can trust all three of you yes M all right fall back into formation the teams finished setting up their roles meaning we were one step closer to All Out War considering we’re currently the most

Vulnerable to an air attack I decided I wanted to be the first one to control the airspace and so player Jesse and I went to go search for loot in hopes to stumble upon the jet Trader okay I need someone to go with me to go look for

Loot and find the jet Trader who knows how to fly a jet Jos I know how fly you do really easy okay Bet Jesse come with me and the rest you guys go make sure to protect the base all right let’s head this way hold up I see something it

Looks like a shipyard oh and it looks like uh there’s a Trader here what is he he’s trading boats maybe we need to go in the ocean oh my God I have his armor ooh this dude found out about barbed wire that stuff is actually deadly yo

Jesse before we go on the boats let’s explore the shipyard maybe we can find some more guns and loot there this gun in RP someone’s been here all right make sure we keep our eyes peeled so no one surprised attacks us yo who who’s that

Blazing Pig get out of here I will shoot do it man did he already he raided this all these chests are looted hold on let me check up here maybe I can get a good view most of the shipyard was raided but then I found this ladder which led me to

A single chest containing exactly what I was looking for I think this is what you call fate oh there’s a chest okay how do I get up there we go all right let’s let’s see what’s inside no way there’s a oh my gosh there’s a sniper a parachute

And a knife what a perfect chest shees look at this thing someone’s going to be just walking and then boom their day is about to be ruined little did I know this beautiful green sniper would soon be the cause of the start of the war after looting the shipyard Jesse and

I headed back to the trader no dude just randomly sells boats without there being something important to boat too and so we hopped on a dinky and set cell towards the middle of the ocean yo what what’s that is that a warship oh my gosh

That thing’s huge is that a oil rig no no I think it’s a warship should we board it you think there’s people on there we should probably be careful Jesse and I quietly snuck onto the warship being out in the ocean like this with no quick way to escape meant we had

To be careful yo look there’s a traitor officer nut maybe he can help me buy some Jets that’s what I was going to say yo look at all these there’s a F22 Raptor a tornado a su2 okay I I think we should just get the f-22s and you can’t

Go wrong with that Jesse and I got our Jets now we just had to manage to fly them back to our base the only reason I was a bit worried is because I’ve never flown a jet off a warship before and I can think of a lot of things that could

Go wrong all right Jesse whatever you do make sure you get her up in the air before the end of that warship let’s go she’s moving we’re doing it woohoo all right what do you say we TI a around this map from a bird’s eyee view

I want to see what the British are up to oh oh there’s a there’s a Brit fire dang it looks like I missed fire and I’m out of missiles okay well hopefully the British aren’t too mad after that I hope they don’t know that was me and great

Now it’s raining last thing I want is to get struck by lightning in this thing I should probably head back to base all right set her down nice and gentle just like that and and woohoo I did it go yo what’s up boys I got us in J big America

I things been going while I’ve been gone sure we got some stuff so we got okay okay looking good looking good just in case you get in any trouble you have an end pe oh yeah I’ll gladly take some ender pearls hi my game crashed oh that

Ah that makes sense I was wondering where you went should we show Josh a prisoner wait what you guys got a prisoner yeah prisoner doesn’t look like you guys got a prisoner where’d he go there’s a player inside here is it is it him wait wait that’s our prisoner hey

Hey how’d you get out how’d you get out is he Russian he does look Russian are you Russian what what should we do with him all right R since you don’t have a team I’m going to spare you run that way right now and if you turn around I’m

Going to shoot you you got it keep running that’s right get out of here go go leave all right we need to work on defending the nuclear Tower guys this isn’t a joke anymore they could bomb it at any time while we worked on building walls around our nuclear Tower it seems

Some of our marine soldiers were making contact with the British now why I have no idea I didn’t even know this was going on were they trying to trick the British into a false treaty or were they betraying me behind my back mstic and shipper have a reputation to be devious

Players so I wouldn’t put anything past them but I suppose only time will tell it seems like we weren’t the only ones trying to build up their defenses the Germans had begun putting up a wall and barbed wire around their nuclear Tower o that looked like it hurt I

Figured it was time to pay the Germans a visit yo I need a CH CH does anyone got a chopper I gave toito I don’t know hey yo toito you got a chopper I could borrow choer hey let’s go thank you my friend a you’re so cute I could just kiss

You all right who wants to go with me to scout out the German base it’s It’s A Dangerous Mission I need someone I can trust bar what about you you down to go with me yeah okay all right bet Soldier let’s do this come on go okay I’m in all

Right bar this is going to be a danger dous Mission I need you to keep your eyes peeled and cover me if things go wrong okay the Germans had no idea we were coming in fact we didn’t know this at the time but it looks like the British leader Galaxy cheese and German

Leader the golden King zero were having a secret meeting of sorts I’m starting to think people are planning something behind my back I guess it’s a good thing we’re about to go scout out their base okay let’s land on this mountain here before they see

Us okay bar be as quiet as possible look out for any Germans all right their nuclear Tower looks pretty unprotected oh my yeah man look at all those Germans you think they’d see us if I took a shot at them he’s standing so screw it yo I got him okay watch my back

Bar yes I got another one he’s so confused look at Chad yeah and another one okay I’m out of ammo I’m reloading okay bar we should dip before they come after us let’s go hop in let’s get out of here let’s go long story short our helicopter was having some technical

Difficulties and so bar and I reluctantly headed back to our base on foot that’s when I found a fallen soldier’s body ult truma yeah bar pick it up so we can host the proper burial I shall bring it yo everyone team meeting team meeting meet me in the chapel it’s

Important attention I call this meeting because well bar and I went and scouted out the German base they don’t look too fortified yet so if we strike soon we’ll have a good chance at to destroying their nuclear Tower the bad news is I might have sniped some of their players

And apparently us Americans are now kill on site that means if you run into any German you’re likely to get shot so be careful fellas I truly believe we can win this war we just need to be smart and also there there’s one more thing I

Found a body of a fallen soldier ult truma everyone uh let’s take a moment of silence to remember our fallen comrade yeah excuse me I don’t I’m sorry I don’t know what came over me there anyways let’s go to war boys things are about to get interesting

All right Chile it’s your time to shine I’m trusting you this time we loaded into a hum and headed towards the gun post to trade up some weapons and ammo little did I know some Americans got confused by the whole it’s time to go to war speech and uh actually headed

Straight towards the German base and launched an attack hey yo look I see a helicopter in a jet I’m sure it’s fine guys let’s just hurry up and trade it was not fun I didn’t even see this but the golden King zero spammed in chat that they were

Under attack and by the time I finally realized what was happening I rushed over to try and stop it before things got out of control but Iowa was too late the Germans were massacred oh my gosh look at all those bodies that’s quite this looks like a bomb situation hey yo

Wao there’s a German hey wait wait we just want to talk I promise I promise we’re not going to hurt you I don’t think he believe you Garden wait we don’t want to hurt you we just want to know what happened all we got slaughtered jeez by who was just going

On to The Silo and then all of a sudden there were gunshots I don’t know what’s going on I think there was a miscommunication I decided to explore further down the road after passing a crash site where players were glitching I ended up stumbling upon the British

Base alone and on foot I soon found myself deep in enemy territory look Little J what are you doing over here I found these items I don’t like in the German area Okay uh behind get down get down get down get down oh look it’s more Marines look there’s a British I’m going

To take a shot yo boys back me up here I started taking shots at the British I got Justin one British down I’m going move up that’s Americans there’s Americans hey how did you not see lot Americans I’m going to see if I can get a better position to snipe

Them there they are they’re talking to the Marines should I should I take a shot I screw it dead we’re not even with the German just we’re German armor to be needed arm don’t hurt my team man at this point I was confused as to why I wasn’t completely swarmed by

British soldiers but I decided to not question it and figured this was the perfect time to throw my grenade that had been burning a hole in my pocket grenade out let’s go I hit him oh oh shoot grenade oh die okay I’m going to push up Boy Get Away George George do

George jge we can talk about this I let my gun do the talking we can talk about this God him looks like I’m in some sort of underground system oh gosh and there’s a witch oh no oh no oh no I’m going to die come on no no please please please Josh

Death Ram is that you I’m hiding I healed up and waited for Nightfall to make my Escape as I headed back towards my base I stumbled upon a hospital with the British soldiers who had escaped earlier this time I wasn’t going to let them get away see you later hyper what

My shot glitched come on shoot die I’m Coming For You 360 yeah no no way I just hit that okay hold on where’s the other player Oh Cold Steel I see you no you don’t yes I do there you are ah come on oh oh my oh oh you got so

Lucky wait wait where’d he go come on Cold Steel what’s wrong you scared you scared little British Crumpet okay screw it that’s it I’m vay mining where are you oh oh shoot no no no no no yeah I’m going in for the knife oh God no no no no no no oh my

Gosh woo okay that was not a good Idea come on Josh you come on yes yes let’s go oh my gosh that was oh that was so close no way I survived that and look at that I’ll take his food and some diamonds yo do you see that lucky to be alive I made my way back to

Base with a story to tell but while all of this was happening the Germans were busy preparing for an attack yeah not only did they have four tanks they also had an Apache helicopter that was headed straight for our base oh oh and they crashed it oh my God helicopters in the

Sky tro how do I get out of here what’s the code what’s the code 4312 431 okay okay where are they where they at who who’s shooting I don’t I don’t see anyone yo there German there’s a German over here shoot oh go we just crashed

Oh yo he tried hiding guys if we didn’t see him he could have snuck into our nuclear Tower and blown it up got a lot ofu on they’re apparently bringing four tanks over here what four tanks tank okay everyone get to their stations the Germans are coming yo does anyone have

Shotgun ammo I need shotgun ammo I got a bunch off the British okay okay sick thank you okay hold up I’m going to place these mines since they’re coming in tanks it might stop them oh my gosh stupid zombie okay so where where are

They at oh shoot I I see one there’s a German soldier at the end of the duck oh I hit him I hit him he’s running I don’t even know what he’s okay no he’s gone he’s gone just let him go we need to stay here and protect our base Josh I

Have a uh weapon of mass destruction that’s going to help us take out weapon of mass destruction you you have my attention I have the B52 ah so you got a bom plane huh yeah with four four naal and four uh big bombs that’s a lot of bombs so what do

You say we go bomb the British oh shoot I do have Intel that they haven’t done much to protect their nuclear tower all they have is an underground base they they should be easy to bomb While others stay to protect our base we loaded up into the bomber I was

A bit terrified to fly this thing but life’s short why not fly a giant bomber plane straight into enemy territory okay is everyone in we good all right let’s do this prepare for takeoff boys we’re going to the British base all right boys we’re approaching the British base get ready where the

British are here we go and releasing the bombs wait what it didn’t work what happened go around for another try rubber banding like crazy okay hold up let’s circle around try again here we go and releasing the bombs what the bomb did not drop all right we’re just going

To have to head back to base all right this isn’t working the bomber wasn’t bombing it was unfortunate but there was no time to sit around and complain two German snipers had managed to sneak up into one of our towers and started sniping us I quickly hopped into a jet

So that I could try to bomb them out of the tower okay we got two enemy snipers in the north side Tower I’m going to see if I can circle around here and hit them from behind all right here we go and fire oh my God fire jet let’s go let’s

Go fire jet fire jet let’s go W that was a hit okay hold on but it looks like they’re still alive get in get in get in get in get in get in get in no we’re being bombed we’re being bombed gosh it’s so hard to slow down this thing

Oh yes I got him Boog help from high place okay hold on but I think there’s one more let’s see and yep shark buddy still up there Dam it yes shark buddy died we we did it enemy snipers down boys let’s go the British were just now discovering that you could use

Reinforced blocks which are pretty much indestructible however they still pretty much had no protection when it came to defending their nuclear Tower it sounds like a skill issue to be honest we decided it was time for us to strike we launched an air raid against the British

It was time to take out their nuclear Tower move out boys move out to the British all right time to drop some bombs I’m going to just try to do as much damage as I can to the tower that way we can have easier access to blow it

Up there we go all right it’s looking pretty exposed I decided to land my Jet and head towards their tower on foot I wanted to try and get close enough to detonate their nuclear Tower without exploding myself in the process all right I’m approaching the British base here goes

Nothing sheesh look at all that TNT I could just blow it up now but I feel like I need to take them out first Okay shh I got to be quiet okay I’m going to throw an ender pearl man no no I had to reload shoot okay no

No no no no stop don’t kill me I oh no no no no no please no run run run run run run run runos okay I need to hide Sho I shouldn’t have just blown it up while I had the chance Josh come here no no shark oh

Oh oh I got him and he got banned he got banned I was in a terrible position I was completely surrounded and being hunted hello oh oh gosh no no no no oh shoot oh shoot okay okay I’m just going to wait for him here he’s coming he’s

Coming yeah yeah get wrecked nerds oh I got him oh my go shoot oh no no no no no no oh bro I was reload oh my gosh I was reloading oh I was so close okay okay okay okay okay I got to get out of here

I need to get out of here I felt like I was pushing my luck and so I decided to approach their Tower from a different angle okay okay oh there’s Panda how did that miss you know what I’m just going to ender pearl just grab the Flint steel wait

Should I right now yes yeah I should oh oh shoot here we go yes yes yes I did it w let’s go British have been taken out oh my gosh that was crazy oh god oh shoot there’s more British wait you you know what I’m bloodthirsty I’m going to go chase him

Down let’s go hit this be hop be hop C go fans know what’s up okay I’m going to ender pearl and and boom shoot shoot no no no oh gosh raccoon you’re going down no no no oh oh oh no oh okay now he’s running die

Raccoon die yes I got him oh and he got banned let’s go okay okay I think there’s an airport over here where I can just buy a helicopter and head back to base I ended up stumbling upon a rogue group who decided they didn’t want to be

A part of any team now were they likely planning something big yeah but for now they were friendly and let me use the trader to buy a helicopter all right boys I’m headed back to the American base thanks for letting me grab a chopper I’ll see you later oh my gosh

That was insane oh man and now it’s just us versus the Germans I headed back to base and called for a team meeting all right everyone team meeting team meeting I’ve got some great news to tell you some someone inside someone’s inside the nuclear Tower guys everyone to the nuclear Tower

Someone’s trying to blow it up shoot where is he I don’t see him hold on I think he’s on top he’s not in here I’m going to I’m going to build up I see him I see him see him oh shoot you see him guys get him come on no Chile Chile got

Banned bro it’s Tyson the Ember he’s shooting everyone he he’s on the top hurry Tyson come out with your hands up you’re going down Tyson sh oh oh shoot he got fake come on no no yes yes I got him oh my gosh he just

Took so much of us out he with what a crossbow yeah it was a crossbow oh and he had a sniper too I’m going to take that all right soldiers team meeting meet me in the chapel as time went on things were getting more and more intense the Germans base was looking

Crazy it was time for one last war speech to Rally up my fellow soldiers Americans team meeting gather around soldiers all right everyone the British are no longer longer a threat it’s now just us Americans versus the Germans you guys you see this here comrade this is

What I want you guys to do to the Germans yeah oh got that that’s awkward it was a German spy they were a German spy okay good now I don’t feel so bad anymore all right boys let’s go raid the Germans America on 3 1 2 3 America this was it everything that’s

Happened led up to this moment this against the Germans would determine who would be the winner of this challenge being the leader of the Americans I hoped I was leading them to Victory but deep down I wasn’t so confident I didn’t know what was about to happen who knew

What the Germans had up their sleeves I could be leading my team straight to their graves but I couldn’t focus on that I had to at least try we had to at least try all right I’m approaching the German base here goes nothing and it’s

Fire I did it I got one wait was was that a marine I don’t know anyways ay man fire okay we’re doing some damage I need to try and oh shoot oh gosh oh gosh okay all right I need to be way more careful the Germans were doing

Their best to hold it together and then for some reason they thought it would be a good idea to build straight up above their base and well that didn’t work out too well for the golden King I decided to group back up with my teammates and approach the Germans base

On foot this was it we had to give it everything we had all right boys charge let’s go soldiers do it for America okay I see one on top of the nuclear Tower oh it’s fire Labs it’s fire Labs shoot I missed oh there you are yeah I hit him

He’s lit he’s lit hold on does anyone have any ender pearls I have I have 16 on me God don’t worry I got let’s go tro you’re the best I’m going to try and end PE up top and whoa where am where am I oh sh oh shoot

They got him nice there’s some down below yes I got one how did that Miss yo boys watch out hyper one’s down there okay I need to somehow get in here and blow it up shoot they use reinforced blocks I can’t get in hey

Yo hyper hi got him let’s go boys oh go shoot Miss Missy zombie help help help help come up oh bro toito you just saved me that was so close have a grenade that that was my bad no bro you’re good you saved me okay yeah boys we need to hurry

Up and figure out how to access this uh TNT before they come out guns blazing shoot it’s all reinforced there’s there’s got to be a spot somewhere hold up I’m going to try and access it from the top yo yes yes guys I found a spot where

The TT’s open everyone just run away I’m going to blow it up everyone evacuate get as far as you can all right this is for America America go

This video, titled ‘100 Players Simulate WAR in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Joshemve on 2023-12-30 13:38:20. It has garnered 238031 views and 6927 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:05 or 1925 seconds.

100 Players Simulate WAR in Minecraft…

Click here to watch 100 players simulate realistic war on a minecraft server. They are split off into teams of 3. There are the Americans, British, and Germans. Each team is trying to destroy the other team’s nuclear silo. The players must be careful, because they only have 3 lives before getting banned from the server forever. There are mods installed such as modern warfare and flans to make for a unique minecraft experience. There is also proximity chat far added effect. There are jets and helicopters and all sorts of vehicles. Watch as players do their best to survive as they race to be the last team standing.

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    Minecraft World's Strange Hardcore Find In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, I found something strange, a tale to be told. In Hardcore mode, where dangers lurk, I survived 1000 days, a true Minecraft quirk. Challenges made me cry, emotions running high, But I pushed through, reaching for the sky. The perfect start, a journey begun, In this Hardcore world, under the sun. Ghost series in Pagal SMP, a mystery to explore, Each episode a thrill, leaving you wanting more. Support me, subscribe for the ride, In the world of Minecraft, where we abide. Stay tuned for more, the story unfolds, In Hardcore… Read More

  • Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup!

    Blockbuster Battle: Minecraft Muscle Matchup! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Muscle Efekan and Skinny Alperen, a dynamic team. Their battles are epic, their adventures grand, In this virtual world, they make their stand. With muscles of steel and skills to match, Muscle Efekan takes on any catch. Skinny Alperen, quick and sly, With moves so smooth, he’ll make you cry. Together they conquer, together they thrive, In this Minecraft world, they truly come alive. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And join these two heroes in their epic show. Read More

  • Tiny Minecraft World Challenge

    Tiny Minecraft World Challenge Welcome to the World in a Jar Minecraft Adventure! Embark on a unique survival journey within the confines of a jar in Minecraft! This challenging gameplay experience offers a twist on the traditional world exploration, pushing players to think creatively and strategically to expand their world. Starting Off Strong As you begin your adventure, you’ll find yourself spawned in front of a barrel filled with essential starter tools. These tools will be crucial in helping you navigate and survive in this confined environment. With limited resources at your disposal, every decision you make will impact your progress. Endless Possibilities… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! – Minecraft

    Sneaky Duo Starts Ghost School! - Minecraft EFEKAN VE ALPEREN HAYALET OKULUNA BAŞLADI! 😱 – Minecraft In this video, Efe and Alperen spend a day at the Ghost School. They learn how to scare people and how to become ghosts themselves. For more videos like this, don’t forget to subscribe! Subscribe now: Minecraft Parodies YouTube Channel Most Loved Minecraft Videos Check out our most popular Minecraft videos here! Support the Channel If you enjoy our content, consider joining our channel here! Join our Discord community: Discord Contact us at: [email protected] Disclaimer: All our videos are purely fictional. The characters and events depicted are not real. The… Read More

  • Kerem’s Minecraft Misadventures: Rich, Poor, Commissioner Galore!

    Kerem's Minecraft Misadventures: Rich, Poor, Commissioner Galore! In the world of Minecraft, Kerem Commissioner reigns, But thugs are after him, causing some pains. Will he escape their grasp, or will he fall? Watch the video to see it all. Subscribe to our channel, don’t miss a beat, Join the Minecraft fun, it’s quite a treat. Rich and poor life, in the game so grand, Kerem Commissioner, with a plan so grand. Turn on notifications, stay in the loop, For Minecraft adventures, in every group. Rhyming and gaming, a perfect blend, In the world of Minecraft, where fun never ends. Read More

  • Crafting Love: EfeKan’s Minecraft Amore

    Crafting Love: EfeKan's Minecraft Amore In this Minecraft tale, Efekan fell in love, With Esra, a friend sent from above. Working as a waiter, their friendship did start, In the world of blocks, they found a new heart. Their adventures were wild, full of fun and delight, In the pixelated world, their bond took flight. With each episode, their story did grow, In the land of Minecraft, where dreams do flow. So subscribe to their channel, don’t miss a beat, Join in the fun, where love and friendship meet. In a world of blocks and endless skies, Efekan and Esra’s tale will surely rise…. Read More

  • Rainbow TNT Prank

    Rainbow TNT Prank Minecraft Rainbow TNT: Exploring a Colorful Explosion Enter the vibrant world of Minecraft Rainbow TNT, where explosions are not just destructive but also a feast for the eyes. This unique addition to the game brings a colorful twist to the usual TNT experience, adding a touch of whimsy and fun to your gameplay. Unleashing the Rainbow When ignited, Minecraft Rainbow TNT explodes in a spectacular display of colors, painting the surrounding landscape in a rainbow of hues. This visual spectacle is not only mesmerizing but also adds a playful element to the game, allowing players to enjoy explosions in… Read More

  • Simple SMP Semi-vanilla with SMP 1.21.1

    Welcome to Simple SMP A new world awaits…Server IP: Join our Discord: About Us Simple SMP offers a smooth and seamless vanilla survival experience. No excessive rules or power-tripping admins, just pure gameplay freedom. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, embrace the true spirit of the game in our world. Features Minimal plugins for simplicity No world border No land claiming or grief prevention No pay-to-win system Running for over eight years Join us today and embark on a true Minecraft adventure! Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Lost my 4 yr HC world to warden & elytra crash on Friday 13th. Depressed for a week, then starting anew in a month.

    Minecraft Memes - Lost my 4 yr HC world to warden & elytra crash on Friday 13th. Depressed for a week, then starting anew in a month.Looks like even in Minecraft, Friday the 13th is just as unlucky as in real life! Better watch out for those Elytra-wielding Wardens next time. It’s all fun and games until you crash into a wall! Read More

  • Hot Ore Portals: Where Will They Take You? 🔥

    Hot Ore Portals: Where Will They Take You? 🔥 These portals are like a box of chocolates – you never know what you’re gonna mine! Read More


    MY LOVER IS A DEMON - EP 2 Minecraft Animations Boylove – MY LOVER IS A DEMON – EP 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft Animations In the realm of Minecraft animations, a new series titled “MY LOVER IS A DEMON” has captured the attention of viewers with its unique blend of genres including Boylove, Girllove, and Magic. The first episode, released on 20/06/2024, set the stage for an intriguing storyline that has left fans eagerly awaiting the next installment. Unveiling a Magical Adventure Episode 1 introduced viewers to a world filled with enchanting landscapes and mystical creatures. The protagonist’s encounter with a demon sets off a… Read More

  • Mod Menu Madness: Beginner’s Guide

    Mod Menu Madness: Beginner's Guide Unlock the Power: Create Your Own Mod Menu (Beginner’s Guide) Introduction Minecraft, a game beloved by millions worldwide, offers endless possibilities for creativity and customization. While the base game provides a rich gaming experience, some players may want to enhance it further by creating their own mod menu. This beginner’s guide will walk you through the process of creating a mod menu for Minecraft, allowing you to unlock a new level of customization and control. Creating Your Mod Menu Creating a mod menu for Minecraft can seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and guidance, it… Read More


    💥EPIC SURVIVAL SERIES! Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘”SURVIVAL SERIES! – Minecraft Survival Series – Episode 1″‘, was uploaded by Clutchyboy on 2024-09-06 15:20:49. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:45 or 405 seconds. Video Description: Welcome to my new Minecraft survival series! In this series, I’ll be playing on a custom-made survival island, where I’ll have to gather resources, build shelter, and fend off monsters to stay alive. In this first episode, I’ll be exploring the island, gathering materials. I’ll also be sharing some tips and tricks for surviving in Minecraft. Hashtags: 1. #MinecraftSurvival… Read More

  • Mastering the Art of Luck: Minecraft Bingo EP5

    Mastering the Art of Luck: Minecraft Bingo EP5Video Information This video, titled ‘Fetchr – Minecraft Bingo 5.1 – 181’, was uploaded by no_leaf_clover on 2024-03-05 19:00:26. It has garnered 54 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:03 or 3903 seconds. Even newer Bingo Hype! NeunEinser has sneakily updated Fetchr for Minecraft 1.20! New terrain, new items, new hype! Download: NineOnes: Old versions (testing playlist): Clover Community Discord: Twitch: #minecraft #minecraftbingo #fetchr Read More

  • 🔴INSANE Minecraft Survival Gameplay Live! 😱

    🔴INSANE Minecraft Survival Gameplay Live! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT Survival GAMEPLAY ON LIVE IN (HINDI)🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock| BD Bhai’, was uploaded by BD Bhai on 2024-08-15 05:24:17. It has garnered 103 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:21 or 6141 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT Survival GAMEPLAY ON LIVE IN (HINDI)🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock| BD Bhai CHILL MC DISCORD LINK ——- ————————————————————- Mystic Network Discord: ————————————————————- To Get Minecraft 24/7 Server in Low Price, ————————————————————- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe… Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT: Velociraptors vs Rex in Ultimate Battle!

    EPIC MINECRAFT: Velociraptors vs Rex in Ultimate Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs?’, was uploaded by CHILD GAMING on 2024-06-14 08:55:13. It has garnered 421 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:02 or 782 seconds. Velociraptors MINECRAFT*Rex MOSASAURUS SPINOSAURUS Triassic& Apatosaurus: The last day of dinosaurs? #race #jurassicworldevolution #tyrannosaurus #indominusrex #jurassicworlddominion ABOUT JURASSIC WORLD EVOLUTION 2 : Jurassic World Evolution 2 is the much-anticipated sequel to Frontier’s ground-breaking 2018 management simulation, Jurassic World Evolution, offering an all new narrative campaign voiced by cast members from across the Jurassic World film franchise, exciting new… Read More

  • Terrifying my friend in Minecraft! 😂💀👻 #scaryprank #hilarious

    Terrifying my friend in Minecraft! 😂💀👻 #scaryprank #hilariousVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pranking My Friend With Scary Sounds…💀🤣😭#minecraft #minecrafthorror #viral #funny #comedy #fyp’, was uploaded by Arcadam on 2024-05-20 13:00:16. It has garnered 73 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:37 or 37 seconds. The Classic Minecraft Map Drown. I revamped this whole map, added more domes, more loot, and most importantly, sea monsters… This Minecraft adventure was terrifying, fun and sad. RIP Moffy 💛 New Video: 💜Want More? Subscribe and Never Miss A Video ► 💛 My Friend’s Channel 💜Tags: I Added Sea Monsters To Our Horror Survival co-op… Read More

  • Ultimate Demon Slayer Addon for Minecraft Pe!

    Ultimate Demon Slayer Addon for Minecraft Pe!Video Information This video, titled ‘Demon Slayer V1 Addon for Minecraft Pe/Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by Shinu Playz on 2024-08-01 06:30:06. It has garnered 407 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:37 or 157 seconds. Demon Slayer V1 Addon for Minecraft Pe/Bedrock Edition About This Video I have provided this addon for Minecraft fans, specially for those who are bored with Minecraft (Social Media.) ➤ Instagram 🎥 ➤ Discord N/A 🙁 ➤ || Don’t forget to subscribe your Shinu Playz for more useful videos || (Quries Related) demon slayer in minecraft addon demon slayer mcpe… Read More

  • Elytra Hunt with Ice Onimise! Join Now!🔥

    Elytra Hunt with Ice Onimise! Join Now!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘【#41鯖 minecraft】エリトラ探し再び☆【新人Vtuber】’, was uploaded by 鬼無瀬 こおり on 2024-01-07 18:44:28. It has garnered 34 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 03:35:03 or 12903 seconds. #RawKoori #NewVtuber I’m a pathetic woman who lost my elytra outside of a stream, so I’m heading off to search for it again with Inudo-san. . . This one is definitely long, so please bear with me, Inudo-san, how are you all doing? I’m Konanase Koori from the vampire vtuber group “Anastasis”! I’ll be delivering a relaxed stream that’s just like me to everyone ❁。゚❀。*。 ❀゚*❁゚ฺ*❁。゚ฺ。 *❀゚ฺ*❁。゚❀… Read More

  • Unveil the Ultimate Gaming Secrets with OHM ALLAH GOD – Stickman games

    Unveil the Ultimate Gaming Secrets with OHM ALLAH GOD - Stickman gamesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Stickman games #stickmangames #shorts’, was uploaded by OHM ALLAH GOD GAMING on 2024-09-05 17:24:03. It has garnered 8 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:39 or 639 seconds. gaming, games, game, gameplay, gamer, roblox, subway surfers, gta, minecraft, ludo king, coc, bgmi, music, cartoon games, cartoon, anime, animation, 3d, carrom pool, hitman go, pacman, free fire, coin master, the witcher, red dead redemption, the last of us, god of war, baldurs gate, mass effect, hades, grand theft auto, candy crush, among us, pokemon go, genshin impact, garden scapes, pubg, clash royale,… Read More

  • SUPER SAIYAN GOKU in Minecraft!? 😱

    SUPER SAIYAN GOKU in Minecraft!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘I am GOKU in MINECRAFT !’, was uploaded by op sandy on 2024-09-01 06:14:27. It has garnered 918 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:55 or 295 seconds. soooo hey guys how are you all so here is the new video and I hope you all will like it I have so much fun about making this video and I hope you also have fun to watch this video and in this video I have become Goku which is the famous anime character and I hope it is also your favourite… Read More

  • ZenythMC Network

    ZenythMC NetworkEn esta nueva Network podrás encontrar modalidades como: Life Steal, Survival Custom, One Block, Gens… etc) muchas en progreso y mejorando constantemente. Confía en nosotros! Read More

  • CubeWorldMC Modded PVP Geopolitics Earth

    “He will win whose army is animated by the same spirit throughout all its ranks.” – Sun Tzu CubeWorldMC Experience a modded geopolitical faction SMP on a 1:1000 replica of the earth. Join nations, build infrastructure, raid structures, and make lasting connections in a welcoming community. Details: Discord: Join our Discord Version: 1.12.2 IP: Modpack: Download modpack (1.12.2 VERSION!!!!) Dynmap: View Dynmap Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – What will happen if I enter this hole?

    Minecraft Memes - What will happen if I enter this hole?It’s like a real life version of Narnia, but instead of a magical wardrobe, it’s a pixelated portal in Minecraft! Read More

  • Surviving & Thriving: Minecraft Episode 1

    Surviving & Thriving: Minecraft Episode 1 In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, I’m here to report on the latest gaming scene. Episode 1 of Survival, a journey begins, Crafting, building, exploring, all with grins. Join me on this adventure, as we dive deep, Into caves, forests, and mountains steep. With each rhyme I spin, a story unfolds, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity molds. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your might, As we venture forth into the pixelated light. Stay tuned for more updates, more rhymes to share, In the world of Minecraft, where we dare to care. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts Trending!

    Minecraft Meme: Hot Shorts Trending! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftjokes #boom Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to introduce you to an exciting Minecraft server that is taking the gaming world by storm. While watching the YouTube video “Presentando Craft World #1 Minecraft,” we couldn’t help but think about the amazing community and endless possibilities that await you on Minewind server. With a vibrant Discord community and a dedicated team of moderators, Minewind offers a unique and immersive Minecraft experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to explore the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4

    Minecraft Spanish Lesson: Episode 4 Welcome to Spanish Boost Gaming! 🎮 In episode 4 of the Minecraft gameplay series by Martin, a passionate Spanish tutor and gamer from Argentina, viewers are taken on an exciting journey through the world of Minecraft while learning Spanish. This episode focuses on mining, gathering resources, and opening the Nether portal for thrilling adventures in the dangerous Nether realm. Exploring the World of Minecraft As Martin delves into the game, viewers are treated to a visually stunning world filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to deep caves, Minecraft offers a diverse landscape to explore and conquer. The vibrant… Read More

  • STOLE $3 MILLION BUGATTI | MINECRAFT #gaming #shorts

    STOLE $3 MILLION BUGATTI | MINECRAFT #gaming #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘STOLE A BUGATTI CHIRON | MINECRAFT | #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming#shortvideos #shorts’, was uploaded by MoBBi Playz on 2024-08-08 11:02:16. It has garnered 6 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. I STOLE BUGATTI CHIRON | MINECRAFT | #minecraft #minecraftgameplay #gaming#shortvideos #shorts Welcome to MoBBix ! Join our growing community by hitting the subscribe button and turning on notifications to stay updated on the latest videos. Whether you’re a casual gamer or a hardcore enthusiast, MoBBix has something for everyone . 🎮✨ Don’t forget to like, comment, and subscribe… Read More

  • Ultimate Meme Animal Shenanigans in Cursed Minecraft!

    Ultimate Meme Animal Shenanigans in Cursed Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘FUNNY MEME ANIMALS in MINECRAFT! CATS | DOGS | MONKEY & OTHER PETS CURSED MINECRAFT #3/2’, was uploaded by Felizio Craft on 2024-07-08 21:15:01. It has garnered 13345 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Hello, you are on the Felizio Craft 🤗 did you like the video? like and comment! Playlist Click: Subscribe: #minecraft #pets #funnypets #cat #dog #monkey #meme ⚠️DISCLAIMER: FANMADE. This video is a mix of video montage, gameplay, mods, glitches, unreality, my game theories and versions in the game Minecraft. Video made… Read More

  • Ultimate Hardcore Island Survival Challenge!

    Ultimate Hardcore Island Survival Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore: Survival Island 3 (with gamingparts) Part 6′, was uploaded by MGB TV on 2024-06-23 05:38:39. It has garnered 33 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:49:17 or 6557 seconds. I am playing Minecraft Hardcore on a survival island with gamingparts gamingparts’ channel: PC Specs GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 SUPER CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 RAM: 16GB #gaming #minecraft #live #minecrafthardcore #minecraftsurvivalisland Read More

  • Mysterious World Invitation – You won’t believe what happened next!

    Mysterious World Invitation - You won't believe what happened next!Video Information This video, titled ‘i got invited to a random persons world…’, was uploaded by Vivilly on 2024-04-02 18:00:12. It has garnered 1046861 views and 111994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. #minecraft #mcyt #shorts Is this the best world of all time? Yes, it is. MINECRAFT SERVER IP: VIVILLY.NET STORE: TWITTER: 2ND CHANNEL: DISCORD: Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every… Read More

  • Unbelievable Spleef Trap in Minecraft UHC!

    Unbelievable Spleef Trap in Minecraft UHC!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spleefed Him into my Trap MID FIGHT – Minecraft UHC’, was uploaded by Absolutely Alpha on 2024-02-29 19:15:02. It has garnered 9773 views and 230 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. I Spleefed Him into my Trap MID FIGHT – Minecraft UHC Gameplay or first edited date: 11/4/20 ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● Discord: ●▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬● #hypixel #minecraftshorts #hypixeluhc Read More

  • Kuno’s EPIC Minecraft Stream – MUST WATCH!!

    Kuno's EPIC Minecraft Stream - MUST WATCH!!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT STREAMM YAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!’, was uploaded by Kuno on 2024-09-08 12:18:06. It has garnered 37 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:54:44 or 6884 seconds. 😀 Read More

  • Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & Hardcore

    Ultimate Shizo VTuber: Customizable JosephniteFlyer Reacts to Minecraft Movie & HardcoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am placing blocks and stuff cause I’m in F- | A Minecraft Movie Reaction and Minecraft Hardcore’, was uploaded by JosephniteFlyer【Customizable VTuber】 on 2024-09-06 20:30:24. It has garnered 68 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:34 or 9754 seconds. Trailer: Welcome back to another stream! Thanks for stopping by! Sherry Aweber’s Story: *What is Sherry Aweber’s Story? It’s a light novel series that I’m working on right now about a young girl named Sherry Aweber and her life as a secondary school student in a world where heroes… Read More