Insane Modded Minecraft Challenge: 100 Days Survival!

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Hello chat I don’t know if I like this Minecraft song I get like a new one every time I get On chat I don’t like this one I’m not going I don’t this doesn’t like this doesn’t seem right I don’t like this one I remember when I had the first day I can’t even like imagine the sound what I had the first day I just remember I thought it was fire I should

Have like paid attention which one it was this one’s actually good or that one was actually good up byon how’s it going stupid ad it’s Tangled [ __ ] too is it done I don’t know if I like this one you must have J how’s it Going what’s up what’s up Mato almost called you V beard you know like it’s Mato what’s up mat what’s up catgrass how’s it going the [ __ ] stupid headset you this is like what the [ __ ] happened I just was about to fix Chad and now I’m focused on

This are you I’m doing okay Byron just another day you know I not be on the SAT day unless something breaks all right Cosmic that’s fine man we should be good you’re the vard here not me you’re the guy named V beard hold on I need to

Unplug my headset like it’s going to go quiet a minute as long as it doesn’t crash something let me fix chat so whenever I unplug my headset in the middle of my editing software it crashes my editing software so I’m so weary to do it I don’t know why it does it but

This is so bad I don’t know why it does it when I my editing software my editing software is stupid anyway CRA it just crashes sometimes there we go what’s up Steve software to you use I use the light works because it’s like it’s 10 bucks a month and it does absolutely everything

I need it to do I just have to be willing for it it to crash once a day usually randomly or crash whenever I unplug a USB connection kind of [ __ ] stupid but for $10 a month I’m not going to get too pressed can you plus it’s really easy to

Use it’s like a really dumb down one there we go goes Majestic you look like I’m a found in father thank you sir yeah it’s it’s just it’s so much at this point it’s just so weird some of this doesn’t M my audio I might have to restart the

Game back can see if it goes pil performance we so doe this is pakmail performance what do you mean might have to restart Minecraft oh no the music just done okay never mind sometimes that messes my audio too we’re good never mind this is PE Me performance you know who I am

Jumy she just Kaden live never heard of that one Cosmic never heard of that one maybe I should just use memeatic on my iPhone good for videos your Beard’s still patchy mine’s the only like semi patchy is just like that you see like right it’s revers like the very top line

Just has like a couple holes that need filled rather than that I’d be fine osaurus and good yeah I’ve never heard of it Never I don’t know I’m just really comfortable with one I have though so you that’s the thing also I’m really comfortable at this point Bic cam auto correct I could look into different ones but like mine doesn’t really present me any issues so like I just like it has like the one

Crashing issue but that’s like not awful and it’s just I’m so used to it so I’m like I don’t have to relearn in editing software because then just like really slows things down download gam so I got to watch at 144p what’s up peace what’s up Pooky

Bear pece it was so oh [ __ ] not single player but I am single player I am single I’m a single player chat am I just a single player in the real world because I don’t talk to women what controller is it going to detect the [ __ ] never thought the day

Wait I never thought the day would come where I’d rather watch a Minecraft stream over zombies are you just getting burn out doodle viob you good we good controller there it goes but what’s those INX are going there’s go my guy um I don’t like this music God damn it

Single player yeah I’m playing I I’m playing IRL single player okay hold on I need to do a couple things actually how does this look I forgot my pickaxe and frost Walker and respiration hold I got to go we got to get Fortune I got to go today is about enchanting yeah I

Mean who knows what the main channel is going to be like here soon who knows anymore I’m not even going to lie I mean I don’t want to quit zombies I don’t plan on quitting zombies but like something’s got to change and it’s not just it’s not

Like I I can still play it and not be super burned out even though there are days obviously you kind of just like it’s just like if I don’t want to emotionally give up on the main Channel something’s got to change you you forgiving you M your ass of me you’re

Good you find just me in here it’s chill book enchant book do I need books I might need Books I might need a leather and I might I need some Fortune before I keep mining Sheamus does the bread have uh you said single player cuz you’re not on that’s true Cosmic oh this [ __ ] where’s bre oh Bread’s here oh I just look [ __ ] fire aspect 2 flame Riptide 3 Thorn

3 I hope playing different games in the main Channel works out yeah it’s just like I’m going to actually I need let me go get leather before this continues I mean like I I have to move out relatively soon I don’t exactly know when my dad doesn’t care when I leave my

Stepmom’s just a [ __ ] and cares cuz she’s just hates everybody else it’s not her so oh I do have leather oh never mind so like you know the zombies thing is the only thing that’s consistently helping me do YouTube as a job right now so it’s like it’s such a risk to

Like mess with that is it three leather am I thinking it right it’s such a risk to mess with that but I also think with the direction of zombies like we’ve been saying no no man no zombies won’t come back no it’ll be good we’ve been staying there like 5 years now so

Like things aren’t getting better so it’s like I can’t afford to like stop doing what I’m doing on the main Channel but I can’t afford to continue it’s like B [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you know that’s kind of my thing with it so Frost Walker Frost Walker a good idea to tryle different

Games on the channel it’ll still be the same genre of game just not COD zombies oh oh you’re asking me about yours oh I mean yeah well I mean it’s like how do I answer it I guess since I’m relying on it as a job like it’s a lot riskier for

Me if you’re not then yes because we’re we have to like really admit our issues here like as a community [ __ ] am I going to do oh I was going to see what happens if I do a diamond pickaxe or just I can do an iron one and

Get Fortune wait yeah we are like down the [ __ ] like the next CoD game’s going to suck so [ __ ] bad like I don’t people are trying to Gaslight themselves saying it’s not like it’s insane H is he has BP’s kidney shake my head efficiency for Fortune I mean I

Can’t even get L 30 yet I want like at least fortun to damn it someone else’s fault wait uh YouTube box mat matter what just swon thank you sir thank you ah I don’t know what I want to do go get XP and then like start [ __ ] around this I

Guess you write a zombies challenge for me um Mob of the Dead want to purchase around there you go you need to pump out YouTube shorts for different games probably but I mean like the problem with YouTube shorts Cosmic that like people outside of YouTubers don’t don’t

Really think about is like your audience from YouTube shorts tends to not transfer over while to your long form content because everyone who sits there and watches YouTube shorts has the attention span of like aat which means when you do long form content they don’t care which is therefore is like a

Negative feedback when you’re analytics so oh [ __ ] yo what the [ __ ] wait this is still a bad spawn too I’m been screwed Jesus I me I think C Pizza lik find a few other some YouTubers should give a chance Pinky Pie pce yeah I don’t know

About that what the [ __ ] are we going to do with it that’s not going to solve things what’s like what our problem is is the [ __ ] devs man it’s the devs want start over cuz I already have an an audience so want expand my channel other

Games long I think it be better I mean that’s exactly what I’m pulling my main channel for right now because like I don’t I I mean it’d be smart in a channel growth sense oh [ __ ] you’re not a I thought you were the other guy Pigman like it’d be smart

In a channel growth sense to just restart a channel but also like I don’t want to just dump the channel you know like that’s just stupid I’m not quitting K zombies either at least for now like I mean if I started doing other content and it was doing way better and like

Like it like presented me a brighter future cuz COD zombies doesn’t present a future like that’s when I’d fully change so zombies is toxic in your opinion yeah oh yeah yeah oh yeah people act like we’re all tight-knit banded together and [ __ ] no everyone hates everyone who

Doesn’t like the same Maps as them it’s [ __ ] ridiculous are you going to fight me since you’re a baby I’m going to fight you first I don’t care so you have to make long form content not feel long then well that’s not the thing Cosmic like what what you’re not

Understanding is YouTube shorts people are 10-year-olds with Tick Tock brains like that’s the problem they don’t want to watch a video that’s longer than 30 seconds cuz they just want to swipe on Tik Tok but YouTube Edition like it’s an entirely new style of audience so that’s the issue got so

Delayed for you just on the screen or what minute ago went over a minute ago or two the ones you just read well yeah no no I’m trying to catch up zenx zenx I try to read all messages if I can I’m just trying to catch up my guy it’s not

Delayed I’m just trying to catch up you know I [ __ ] off B [ __ ] You R top down yeah yeah yeah yeah ZX I’m trying to like catch up yeah yeah I’m trying to be nice guy I’m not I’m not just trying to like I don’t always

Look at like the bottom chat like newest chat I always try to catch up to where I last read and if it’s too far then I just restart that’s kind of what I do at least we at the multiplayer Community I mean I I mean

It’s I I don’t know like which one was more toxic because with zombies Community like oh my God you hate Kino you’re a [ __ ] idiot you don’t deserve to live like that’s all it is so you don’t CH a screen no no no no zenx no

The uh the chat I read I have a separate chat box that’s attached to like my screen over here I don’t read it off of the screen you guys see no no no no we also watch Mr Beast long form content yeah but also that’s like he started off with

Long form content and that’s still his main focus like the shorts are such a small addition of what he does I get what you’re saying but for the normal YouTuber like the negative feedback it creates is usually not great if you’re just starting to grow then maybe but if

You’re already established in some sense you might just create too much negative feedback which is an issue so you just reading the one screens immediately yeah yeah I was trying to catch up I never cared about the communties of pinions have fun tons of fun playing zombies I

Still have fun with the game but I just like hold on I care about YouTube as a career so that’s kind of like what I also have to act in in my best interest so that’s kind of like why I have so much rattling around my head right now she never got

Into a short form content cuz not have the smallest attention span exactly like that’s the issue that’s like that’s the main societal thing at this point is just like baby brain can’t function over 30 seconds of attention that’s just the problem we have just as a society at this point

So oh I thought I had bread in my hand damn it like the most efficient between long and for from content no personality long form is heaps there’s no room for a 10sec clip yeah exactly like funny moments are fine as short form you can also advertise

Videos as short form but like that’s not an entertainment really thing that’s thing to more Drive traction to your like actual Channel but yet again you’ll get some viewers from it like for the most part those people subscribe just for short form content like that’s the problem

Okay I got to wait went this way and then that way yay OG fortnite to brainwash people and come back to the game and has all the [ __ ] mechanics and stuff of new fortnite just OG map yeah yeah my friend’s been trying to get me to play

It every day for like a week now and then some people want me to do that on YouTube which I don’t really want to delve into fortnite if I’m going to be real I’m going to be honest you not believe zombies have dying yet well you can keep gaslighting yourself from

Someone who’s studied player accounts YouTube analytics of my own and YouTube analytics of all the other zombie creators pretty extensively for like 6 months now you can keep gaslighting yourself but I don’t know what to tell you my guy like there’s no gold to buy stuff

There’s no gold to buy stuff with now too wait there’s no gold to buy stuff with what do you mean there’s no gold to buy is my Minecraft or like what’s going on here cuz I’m so out of the loop of Minecraft that like I don’t even know what’s going

On there’s always like go carts weird Sprint mechanic be cool Straight Up season one season two yeah it’s that’s why I stopped playing it because I just hated the direction it was going I’m not going to lie you might have to it’s alive as [ __ ] epic by fortnite they 100% keep it yeah

But also like I don’t think I could have an audience full of kids like I don’t have the patience for that I already hardly have the patience for some idiots I can’t just make it all like all driven towards kids like yeah that’s not a good

Idea I’m not going to lie I I would [ __ ] lose my mind where did I come from was that up there was it that way I don’t know oops wrong button I’m still clicking the wrong controls I’m just still so used to Sun God damn it and fortnite oh okay gold

The why myself wa what the [ __ ] happened to fortnite man Jesus yeah I’m so out of that Loop too but I don’t really care cuz you know fortnite uhoh yeah okay this is this is not where I was was it what come here what can I not hit that back at him or

Something the hey yo the [ __ ] all right uh I don’t remember where I came from I’m not even going to what the [ __ ] I thought it was like right here was it that way maybe kind of like crazy tonight is it is there a chat delay I

Mean like I have no clue I’m not going to lie there’s no delay catch on messages yeah yeah I thought we just went over that yeah a completely different game yeah yeah I know I just that’s why I started giving up on it cuz I was just like I

Don’t like the direction this game is it’s just I played it like when it was basically in beta phase and it was so much fun back then and then it just got worse and worse and worse can you guys leave me alone man God damn it wa fortnite again even they

Bring about the OG games cuz never be wait because what what I what was over satation of skins and microtransaction wear mechanics I agree yes it was just it was so fun when it was like no one knew about it like that was such a fun

Time and then it was still good for a while and then it just really I hated the direction it went so no I agree I definitely agree all right I need I need to like somehow get fortune and then go find more diamonds I need to like get more XP

Somehow you know I should have just stayed there but n whatever CU I need to get more stuff I’m not going to lie fornte is now just game engine with a bunch of pre-build [ __ ] you mean like the custom stuff or what dude what is this dang Jesus second season I started do

Something was off they proved season 10 chapter yeah I mean I you’re speaking on a bunch of stuff I don’t know about I stopped paying attention of the game a very long time ago um do you have a job no I need to get

XP uh I don’t want to go back to the nether I’ll go never mind stop playing one of those pirate stuff right for the snow season okay that’s definitely way after I stopped playing wait it is you can just load into fortnite me say like custom stuff saying Cosmic a

Massive L contrary yeah it was fun in the beginning though man I can tell you in the very beginning very fun game then it went down the [ __ ] God damn it hey can you sit still hit him there we go what all right I’m out of here whatever

[ __ ] this guy have one or whatever yeah I that’s way out of my wheelhouse at this point mod creative Island yeah that’s what I thought Cosmic yeah I stopped playing before that became a thing I already saw the like the gross way it was going way

Before that so we’re going to shut up Noah yeah we’re talking about how [ __ ] [ __ ] fortnite became Noah you keep trying to get me to play it every night and I’m not playing that [ __ ] game yeah so annoying yeah I oh if I had a bow it’d be a little better

But oh oh my damn shut up dude God damn it oh no oh no God damn it I you’re so annoying you’re so [ __ ] annoying enjy Minecraft eh eh it’s kind of exactly what I expected I mean it was still funny in the beginning when [ __ ] was just going

Chaotic as hell but as a game Minecraft still just eh quite Cool com to job for people I mean I just missed the vanilla game that’s what I’m trying to say okay I’m done talking about fortnite I I do not care about that [ __ ] game I just

I literally could not care less at this point no I’m not shut up Noah no I’m not I just don’t give a flying [ __ ] about that game I’m going to be honest it’s gross it’s catered towards 10 year- olds at this point it is not what it used to

Be I’m not playing it on the channel don’t care don’t care about the game and program get able to publish islands and get paid oh I mean at least there’s that option though [ __ ] off dude Jesus Christ dude like I’m swinging right at I hate this guy this is so stupid go to

Raid Farm old man free totems and XP I don’t feel like it I don’t feel dude I I can’t believe it I actually can’t kill this guy I don’t know how it won’t connect how that that okay whatever don’t care see if FNAF movie I did not no I I

Like went to the theater in years okay this is too much Jesus Christ this is way too much you I I haven’t been like theater in like years and I just eh I don’t really care I like I never really got in F like I played it

On my phone in middle school and that was all I really did with it as that so n wait so do you remember in your sh stream one your viewers asked AR tell you response it was Jacob yeah yeah he said the other day he still didn’t get a

Response it was some girl he works with kind of but not like directly with just close so yeah know it was Jacob it was not the AUG Jacob it was the other Jacob so he he said on Sunday I believe it was I think it was Sunday

Today you want to watch it you can get a free Tri on peacock and watch for free it’s on there I mean I I don’t really have the inclination to watch it like like I said I played Five Nights at Freddy’s for a little bit on my phone in

Middle school and then I just didn’t care anymore like I haven’t paid attention to the game in years I didn’t know there was a movie until like a month before the movie was coming out like I just kind of don’t care and not caught up on the war and also don’t

Really I don’t really care to get caught up either like eh it’s just it’s just eh honestly there just something I never really cared for okay I need a little bit XP but yet again I can’t get Fortune yet so I you know what I’m freaking out

About maybe ooh maybe I should do this off what about [ __ ] let’s just do that you know what let’s just reset him oh [ __ ] efficiency punch what an iron pick is that efficiency four I mean that’s good though but I need oh Fortune too okay okay okay we’re good we’re good

There we go efficiency three fortune two that’s good enough unless I can get another Fortune 2 and then make it Fortune three uh Smite let’s make another iron pick hold on chat we got Fortune two at least I go find diamonds and then actually get more Le I did something

Right wait here we go there we go got it Among Us fortnite crossover shut up Noah just I I am just so tired of hearing about fortnite in so many ways I I I can’t describe it I just I wish the game never [ __ ] went OG so

I never had to hear from it again I wish so goddamn bad please just Fortune two power okay this is so annoying I might just UI with my mouse just like I did sunken land [ __ ] okay I give up Fortune 2 is good enough for now TR increase my bench

PR going out bench this girl my chemistry class I’m getting close how much is the girl in your chem class benching Jesus Christ oh I can’t put in that chest how much is the girl in your chem class benching if you’re trying to get to out bench her godd damn

Uh there we go when I store was in eighth grade our class got MacBooks do school work on it first school district had got MacBooks for students wait oh I mean I thought something else was going to happen Doug I mean well at least you

Got those I mean with my college we got quote free iPads but we totally had to pay for them and [ __ ] and um I think they stopped doing them like two years after I went there so so you be a new Minecraft movie if there’s a Minecraft movie I’m not

Watching it if there ever isn’t no that is something I definitely will not be watching that [ __ ] Zero part of me would be willing to do that uh am I going to go mining Fortune actual pick that might need repaired soon did I throw that in the chest wait

What the [ __ ] oh oops wrong button how much is 50 kg I’m not very strong getting there though so it’s like 110 PBS something like that we class is the final boss uh she keeps teasing me she canot bench me and I have it anymore at least she got some

Motivation at least you got some that’s all you need man is a little bit of motivation uh this no I want like how I SP [ __ ] how do I split in this I have to do it preemptively okay never mind and then B and then how much does that do do every really

Need that’s not worth it cuz those aren’t even good enchants what am I doing it’s ain’t worth it like three times when no one is actually happen supp you a live action or some [ __ ] e e yeah I’m definitely not going to watch that if that’s everything [ __ ] that ew

Use it as motivation but don’t ego left exactly yeah yeah you use it as motivation but don’t hurt yourself make sure you got good form yeah know thing it’s 100 time that’s what I thought Jeffy appear and she saw me in the gym watch me fail h no that’s fine no see if

You’re not failing sometimes at the gym you’re not like trying to better yourself you’re not taking the risks and [ __ ] am I good here let me make a little bit hold on and then I’ll be good yeah you you got to be willing to do like [ __ ] like

That otherwise you’re not taking the risk to like drastically improve Shi click there we go let these MacBooks weuse them and downlo games we actually almost got our school in wall everyone I download Max what the [ __ ] Jesus I know with our iPads in college like my freshman year gen ads was just

Us playing games the whole time it’s like it’s all we did dur in all of my gen ads we just play games cuz we were just like these geners are stupid anyway and actually they were like I didn’t need to pay attention for any of them I’m not even going to lie Uh wait why did I get a bow I must have just killed someone for that uh I could to go mining protection extra resources yeah I’m good to go whatever to the same price give back to 100% durability my damage tool full dur tool durability copy the enchants oh

Okay well I mean it would have been the same out of Diamonds though so it mattered anyway it’s this enchant like these aren’t even good enchants like I’m not even worried about this pick I don’t know why I thought I was you beat max bench blog I haven’t benched in Forever

Noah actually I’ll get ready to sleep I did like once or twice like a month ago and I stopped again for the same reasons so in Co times man oh yeah dude I’m Co college classes were so fun because I just sat here and played games on my PC and didn’t pay

Attention I’m getting close feeling really weak but almost did 50 just keep grinding it man you got it I believe in you period long now yeah e Beard’s getting along beard is definitely getting there we just getting mending yeah well you know I’m kind of like just getting like the basic

Enchants we’ll get there dud we’ll get there so diamonds more durability I mean that’s true yet again these enchants are bad I don’t even care like I I have Frost Walker and respiration this is basically an enchanted diamond pick so at that point I just build a new one the

Enchants are not even [ __ ] worth it so did I already go here oh I did oh I oh this is even an actual cave never mind there we go you’re having so much fun on Minecraft you’re seet demon Kean thanking him no I mean it’s not awful the whole like Dono punishment

First two stream things were were [ __ ] hilarious though but like it’s still just Minecraft it’s still just me not even going to lie smoker play with the Lo turn free book villager you can cycle yeah I’m going to go get diamonds first that’s like my next priori I need to go get diamonds

Cuz I need to get like an actual like stockpile of those so really regretting the subjects I picked in UK College chemistry and MK got me contemplating life yeah I’m glad I went history major because every stem class I took I hated a college Sciences I was just talking about this the day

With my friend I was like college cam was like one of the worst things I ever took in my life like I [ __ ] hated that class on so many levels I despise College cam every time progress and bench my shoulder gives up yeah I mean that’s thing I’ve kind of like realized

Like I just like with benching I get more better gangs just off of dumbbells and then I also just feel less stress in my body in a good way not in a hypertrophy way just like my body feels more like in tuned and oh hey look at that not like it’s I don’t

Know getting worked in the wrong way you know what I’m saying like the [ __ ] front delt activation on bench is just not worth it man just saying wait y amazing head of bed thank you coming out J rest of your day man B rightless you the right clicking your

Shoulder when I used to bench like my front delt just always wanted to take over cuz like my shoulders are just so much more dominant than my chest whenever I was benching my shoulders just like yeah we got it don’t worry we’re taking the we’re taking the most

Of this weight please use your Forge pickax to M ores please just please oh yeah I forgot that was a thing oh yeah yeah cuz Iron’s now in or oh hey what’s up dude oh yeah I mean I kind of want to make sure I save it for extra energy

Forair if I need to I forgot about that uh I mean I can just do it with coal I guess but I mean I don’t know if it’s really worth it there coal I mean I want to mine more to get XP I can do it a little bit just to make

Sure I get some and then we good right sucks I have an a right now but I’ve be anatomy and I got a bee and iy in the spring I mean a be is not bad my guy hey yo whoa whoa with me oh M shaft when I was in college

If it was like a B minus or above I was fine I didn’t like getting C’s but you know some of those classes you just got to not care as much Co use as [ __ ] what I mean just for torches and smelting right or does Cole have a new use that I

Don’t know about cuzz yet again if it’s got a new use I don’t know it so uh oh is that a god Apple oh he CH got to get a little G Apple smell team you smell a lot now Notch Apple what the [ __ ] you

Lu oh that guy just chat is that zombie good chat someone tell me that zombes okay okay chat someone tell me is he good yo someone’s got to let me know man Chad is that oh [ __ ] is that a spawner oh oh that’s a cave spider that’s a cave

Spider it’s icky icky oh and a witch um [ __ ] off nope this is unfuckingbelievable able are you [ __ ] kidding me I hate this I [ __ ] hate everything there’s another cave spider too God damn it I Hate Everything uh I need to bring a water bucket with

Me God damn it should grab water bucket yeah y I was just realizing that do I have I have iron in here cuz I know I left some there we go I thought the witch was not going to get me just give me my I thought the witch was not going to

Get me but chat hear me out the witch got me it’s kind of [ __ ] God damn it here we Oops I did not mean to do that sorry sorry I don’t care sorry I craftable icon is that what the problem was oh because that makes it only so

Show craftable things okay I got find where I was I kind of have remember where I was I’m really [ __ ] tired so like I’m kind of out of it and now I’m back a little bit in it since I died where’ I go I mean I have cords

What the [ __ ] am I doing z75 oh yeah it was this way oh yeah I remember this direction now the spiders little bastards yeah [ __ ] cave spiders man godd damn that was [ __ ] actually the cave spiders annoyed me and then the witch just I thought I got the second

Block up top but apparently I didn’t cuz she still just yeated me with a potion that’s the second time I died do a witch chat I’m suing who do I sue I want to speak to the Minecraft manager who manages Minecraft now I want to speak to

Them CH I need to talk to that’s Microsoft CH I need to talk directly to Microsoft about their game this is [ __ ] I’m suing which has amazing aim I did I’ve died to witches twice like they’re becoming the bane of my existence I’m always on like half a

Heart and they [ __ ] Chuck something at me and I just eat [ __ ] and cry all right go there we go and then I’m just over here oh God oh God then it should be just over here and then I don’t have my torches and then [ __ ] off just shut up don’t care

Uh [ __ ] there’s people around me hold on I got to hold on chat see we’re literally fine you guys are freaking out over nothing God damn how many times have I had to say that so far okay you might be freaking out over something a no no no hey

Spider [ __ ] off I’m not eating the Notch Apple yet I’m going to need it [ __ ] off [ __ ] off menuing with this oh shift and click Cosmic I I’m on controller quit [ __ ] yelling at me for something that I can’t really do because I can’t get that to go on

Controller for some reason for [ __ ] sake Phil you know this thing shift click wait you press shift I I God damn it I know I’m on controller and why only quick switches it I don’t know if it’s actually going to work with your inventory I can test

Usually just quick switches to your hot bar oops no it’s B okay it does actually work with that there you go so stressful C I can’t remember the controls anymore uh boom Boom I just feel so much quicker when I can do this but I can’t actually access my keyboard uh I think I’m good I think I’m safe now I think we’re good now we’re good or we going click LT well that’s only if it’s hot bar I

Believe it wasn’t in my hot bar so that wouldn’t work man I just lost all that XP [ __ ] oh am I good okay I just got to heal and then I’m good to goles I’m not catboy [ __ ] off Mato not catboy no Notch Apple instead of diamond armor

Well I’m not using the notch you the way you word that Obito makes it sound like I’m dying while I have the Notch Apple effect that is misworded that is anti- streamer man propaganda use your wordage correctly it’s not with a Notch Apple it’s just in my invent so listen here

Bye you heading out Noah I have a good rest of your day no and no I’m not playing fortnite before you even ask later tonight I don’t want to play that [ __ ] game key can’t spell for [ __ ] I know you’re a little you’re a little slow I know that

You’re a little you got that like the slow thing in your head you know you’re a VP viewer so just naturally like that you grown a fat mustache I mean do you have the ability to don’t don’t just assume you can a lot of people can’t

Grow facial hair so you got to know if you actually have the ability to cuz most people actually really can’t grow like decent facial hair oh hey wait a minute hey wait wait a minut wait a minut going cave spider vers Panzer uh I mean I don’t know if the

Cave spider could poison the Panzer because I don’t think he could penetrate through the armor so might not take Panzer on this one cuz I can grow full beard age 17 well I mean if you can then go for it so I mean if you can oh God

Damn it depends like you want know until you grow it all out I should say so which is definitely a beard I mean it depends some people like they’re they can grow it out like a quarter of an inch and then it’s just going to stop so

You only know if you’ve actually done it is what I’m saying like you only know how long it’ll get how I dad dropped me on the head when I was a baby yeah I mean you didn’t have to tell me that because I already knew we can tell mat we can tell

Uh where do I want to go for diamond damn it it does not care about armor so damages you well I think there might be a difference between ugab Booga Minecraft diamond armor and Panzer boy that [ __ ] was made in Germany the best engineering country shap look scraggly I mean that’s

That’s why I always shaved then I stopped shaving and now I’m here now I’m homeless now it there you go I mean you you never know and then also like once you get older then like you have a better chance obviously like some people will like their beard will like come in

Decently for I don’t want this [ __ ] here wait that’s what I want to do it’ll come in decently for like a week and then it just stops so that’s the thing it’s you don’t know until you fully do it colored in ice cream you that yeah just yeah makes

Sense to me sounds about right not even surprised I can die Hearts what a paner have SP c spider does one heart per hit I don’t know I mean well the cave spider does poison effect so it’s different like I’m talking about the lingering poison effect I don’t know if the uh the

Cave spider could interject poison past the Panzer German engineered armor I don’t know man I just work here I don’t know man tell colored in ice cream oh we oh we know he does don’t worry you can you can just tell you don’t need him to tell you is anywhere like lead down

I don’t think it goes anywhere God damn it never mind I got to find the depths I got to find the diamond depths chat you I lost all that XP that sucks so [ __ ] bad dude off I don’t care I got to go find diamonds or actually some iron be good

Too cuz poison does damage well I was more think about poison damage cuz it a lot of cave spider hits to take down Panzer boy poison damage is the only reason it does anything honestly brand out of here we’re all school today therefore handed us for

Work today and we’re supposed to know t plus was your Thursday or Friday what don’t tell me you shut up you shut up you shut up over there mean I’m a back the spider you think cave spider beats paner I don’t know man I’m taking Panzer in that fight I have to

Get K put first smelled it extracted Hopper until chest is full oh for XP oh what the [ __ ] I’m stu oh Thing I’m having my fun right now I need diamonds this uh just don’t do anything stupid oh I [ __ ] missed the jump what oh I fell on this lag tight I was wondering God this is what I get for staying up late and editing I’m just so slow today and I

Forgot about that I [ __ ] forgot that kills you I’m just so out of it today oh my [ __ ] god this is [ __ ] have a great day heading out thanks for coming out every rest of your day if you’re heading out stupid [ __ ] God damn it Minecraft what’s up GPU helmet too

I’m not taking the helmet I don’t need it in my inventory I don’t need it God [ __ ] why does that exist why is that a feature I was like oh even if I miss it I’m fine on Fall damage but for some reason my Sprint bobbled a bit

So God damn when are you when you not out of it I’m always out of it I’m always just perpetually tired as [ __ ] out of it so how you doing GPU how’s it going my guy woman drown she like despawned I know where she went I’m not

Even going to lie she just like disappeared so I’m going work so get this [ __ ] done be back later okay abido yeah get your stuff done that’s why I like console CU you can turn off autosave quit without saving you never die unless exists on PC

To yeah that’s just not genuine what I’m doing especially so I wouldn’t be doing that that just like would be really ungenuine to the the game you know someone who’s also old I am tired yeah yes cuz I’m old that’s what it is oh yeah forgot I’m just like old and

Falling apart oh yeah that’s what’s wrong with me I’m just on my last days please a leave me alone watch I don’t know what happened she just like despawned right if you di it’s a little sad pie Bear died in Minecraft yeah forgot that [ __ ] stag mites just kill you stupid Minecraft stupid

Updates ruining it okay wait thanks man is this where it is oh okay this sucks did I go this way and then I went this way then I went this way I’m just kind of going more off intuition before I actually like pay attention of cords did it go over this way boom

Boom here here here here ow left aha it was down here um don’t wash my [ __ ] away hey hey hey game watch my [ __ ] away I got to get my [ __ ] No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay I don’t have all my [ __ ] I have enough to heal though wait do I have my I don’t have my bread on me am I going to have to Notch Apple right

Here I’m going to have to Notch Apple cuz my Bread’s not on me and I’m on half a heart are you [ __ ] kidding me I have to Notch Apple now cuz I’m not running back here well that was a waste that is an absolute disgusting waste of a Notch

Apple I’m sh I’m going to start punching the air what the [ __ ] man I am punching the air so hard right now such a colossal weight to my [ __ ] thing not job we had to yeah yeah no cos I realized it oh wait it’s wood yeah I know I figured it out

Stupid [ __ ] off you go away from me where’s my [ __ ] stupid Minecraft get get out of here where’s my stuff I have more stuff I don’t know where it is oh I picked that up is that all my stuff oh no there’s more stuff ow [ __ ] off Jesus Christ just give me my

Stuff I’m just getting sh I don’t want to fight all you guys leave me alone I don’t want to fight I’m kind of tired of it hey zombie villager look at that Walker pickaxe let’s go your Frost Walker respiration pickaxe let’s [ __ ] go oh my God this place is

So [ __ ] up this is a big ass cave but my God the brightness bit might just be me though is is brightness low I like obvious oh obviously I can’t really tell cuz you know oh this is actually there we go a good vein finally I think on my

End’s a little brighter than this for you guys anyway so go need to take care stuff wake up tomorrow at 4:30 thanks for coming out GP you rest of your day my guy I hope that your situation is still working out for you it starts working out for you however it’s going my

Guy and okay I mean cosic I would just bump it up in my settings [ __ ] off oh my Shield’s about to break hold on I’ll bump it up a little bit and go like go back there you go there’s a little bit of something even though it’s

Not going to work now cuz I’m stuck well I’m stuck I’m just dug in oh God there we go wait what did you say can you still craft Enchanted apples oh they removed that oh that’s kind of an L it’s not dumb that is dumb I mean I guess it makes the game

More survival based never mind I guess I understand that yeah I guess yeah sadly that makes sense I need new Shield I’m just going to get rid of this one let’s go over here an apple ankle box super easy to get yeah I guess I get it because makes it more survival instead

Of I mean the I don’t like the totems of UND I think those are really dumb I could understand them I guess a little bit in hardcore but if I’m going be real I think a totem of n is really [ __ ] stupid it’s just like why can you just I hear a creeper

Behind me God damn it can you dude why is there so much [ __ ] I think those are really stupid so V plus what’s up Jay how’s it going my guy how you doing they weird they should be more limited yeah I I hate that you can just Farm them like

They they shouldn’t exist in my opinion like it’s just can you this cave just has so much [ __ ] in here oh my God so much [ __ ] in this [ __ ] place stupid challenge how long can I go getting bored and dumb yeah exactly that’s what I’m saying like I just it

Wouldn’t be like that if it wasn’t for totems like that’s the thing hardcore would be a lot scarier if you didn’t have totems well I mean you can still die in a void but rather than that like you know toems are rare but yeah but if you

Do a Pillager Farm then you just can have a bunch of them oh wait no no don’t it’s the Villager raid you can just Farm them still like the fact that you can get them in decent quantities just in my opinion is bad oh hey more

Diamonds hey a is that it a what the [ __ ] man you get at least two yeah as about saying you can just like repeatedly do that so I just don’t like them bad feature in my opinion bad feature for stupid easy or holding around the lavas and I don’t know how to

Farm them but like yeah it’s exactly that’s what I’m saying don’t use totems as an added rule I mean that’s better like I could understand like how much it would suck to lose a hardcore world but ALS this is going to piss me off also just

Like why I just think they’re a dumb thing in the game it’s just like a free life I don’t like that it just still goes on the whole like we’re baby and everything nowadays still don’t like that L don’t care from a zombie I don’t even want it I don’t want their carrot

You guys would you guys put a zombie carrot in your mouth I sure am not going to I sure as hell no I will not be putting a zombie carrot in my mouth nah seems a little sus if you ask me is easy to do discard totems

You Lally just discard why would you discard totems or QR I mean yeah I mean I QR or inlane site whichever one you want to say oh hey I’m back here um yeah I don’t feel like fighting I’m actually just really tired of it I guess it’d be like it’d be like an

IPS or some other form of Goble gum whatever the [ __ ] some other form of it okay I diamonds I mean actually that’s not bad I don’t know how many diamonds I want when I leave I’m not going to lie I kind of just came here so I had extra

But now I should probably get enough for another set of diamond armor if it need be actually I should probably get a lot of diamonds while I’m here I don’t even know where I am anymore I already went here the He Man L wish something like that I say it’s some

[ __ ] broken thing going a ra for a second you get more than enough totems je I mean that would take forever to [ __ ] complete if you spawn like a [ __ ] ton of them when was I over here huh you’re s streamer though hey it doesn’t mean I’m actually going to do

That whoa there man yeah well shut the [ __ ] up nah oh dude stop God damn it f them yeah well I mean you when you have to like still kill all the enemies though is what I’m saying you know you E I don’t know what the Minecraft emote

We’re going to do is usually like one of them just or an emote happens a joke happens we do as an remote and they want die oh okay oh wow yeah see that’s [ __ ] awful Cosmic [ __ ] that got here has the holy bread the holy bread is completely intact

Don’t worry I’m not saying that it’s like a joke the holy bread is perfectly intact it is fine it is sitting in a chest back home don’t worry man don’t worry it is fine you gble gum you be bored death CU you bore me well shut up Steve shut up L

Steve hit 9 time yeah I get it Cosmic yeah I know I know I cos you keep further explaining things that I already understand like that’s what I I I get it yeah you just like infinite Farm it I get it and then yeah there’s the new

Sweeping Edge [ __ ] so even though raids used to spawn like do they not spawn on the same or do they spawn like at the same block now cuz they used to just be like scattered so first stream delay okay I was about to say like yeah I get it except for I

Don’t they used to spawn like far out so can you like force them to spawn on a certain block like rose the porch on the wall no that’s my kidney the BR got put in a chest in case the game um Fu in case uh like The Kill everything

Happens thank the father Son and the Holy bread you think this playthrough would be chalk without the holy bread only reason that it’s still we’re still just vibing if the when the [ __ ] did I go here when I don’t remember being all over here but there’s torches I’m

Confused ocean one platform near player where you can okay so you basically force their spawns okay yeah that’s dumb okay now I remember this area I’m just trying to find a new area I want diamonds I also hate this [ __ ] like that cave Vine or whatever the [ __ ] it is I hate that

Stuff I always think it’s diamonds I don’t know why there’s so much of that stuff honestly Chad that shit’s a giant L because every time I see the cave IR I was like oh I see like like oh diamond and you’re like oh never mind chat I’m

Not going to lie giant fing L giant breb the breb is that I don’t know it seems kind of dinky for the holy bread you % confident that it just be annoying yeah I was about to say it’s just so [ __ ] stupid cuz in your peripheral see that’s

That’s why like I’ll miss diamonds sometimes because now I’m just more conditioned to think it’s not diamonds rather than oh that might be diamonds cuz I got fooled like 10 times and I was just like [ __ ] this I don’t care anymore limits spawn change blocks change Villers raids see like the new

Style of Minecraft like just how people play the game I don’t like it like just spawners and [ __ ] like I do not appreciate this I miss when Minecraft was just genuine fun surv game does glow but not much yeah but it’s still like in your peripheral like

Real quick you’re going to think it’s something else so lose the holy bread May Rapture May the Rapture be embarked in your world if we lose the holy bread we’re just going to blame someone in chat for it okay I don’t need the fortune from this I just need XP can you

Go away I just don’t feel like fighting oh you didn’t leave [ __ ] off yeah if the holy bread dies it’s going to be someone in chat’s Fault it’s not going to be me I’m just going to preemptively say that blame me we just got to blame

Steve I say there’s no way it’s my fault I wouldn’t do anything to mess it up T RS W diamonds make the glow different color I mean that’s good cuz like this Cav mine [ __ ] is actually just so annoying it doesn’t add any aesthetic like it’s not like oh hey it’s nice it’s

Just I might just give up on this cave it’s actually just here to be annoying I don’t like it apparently skap go yeah that’s what you get for being mean all the time Steve I know Minecraft’s awesome I don’t think so I just appreciate the vanilla just classic style of Minecraft I don’t

Like this new everything there’s actual diamonds where everything has to have spawners and it just the game is just so automated like I don’t understand the fun in that that’s just not fun in my opinion like why would you want to play the game but not actually play the game

Like at that point just go play Creative like the [ __ ] you doing man that’s all I got to say with it SP ocean Cav is broken call blame vanilla generation oh okay I was like confused you talking about the stuff okay REM me when you’re so bulli you can’t bully me for nothing

Nice try you can’t there’s nothing you can say about me NOP refuse to believe what what the [ __ ] are you doing CH that guy was just vibing is that really the only one again like what happened to the diamond veins they’re like tiny now oh there’s another

One it’s going to be the only other one but damn it program I like that the less I play the better well see like if you’re going to play a game like why like I I just don’t understand like not wanting to play the game if you want to

Play a game like that’s my thing is I’d rather just play the game or [ __ ] you Steve which just cool that crafter in most recent snapshot see I guess I have a different vision of what I want out of games to be fair see I thought that was

Diamonds what what I want out of games this exactly why I hate modern gaming like modern gaming is just [ __ ] brain dead it’s just it’s all just catered towards kids or catered towards baby and people cuz everyone nowadays is just a little [ __ ] oh my

God video games are too hard oh my God know shut up Steve all I got to say shut up nothing else that’s all I need to win literally just shut up th that’s why your name rhymes with stupid take that and it’s more about the idea you grind and automate feels rewarding I

Mean grind automate as in get a few materials and build something like you automate the most boring part I I get that but also I just think there’s like there’s how do I say there’s something to be found in like grinding out the boring parts like it just feels like automating is

Just like instant gratification rather than appreciating the journey to get to whatever you’re doing it’s just like our problem with instant gratification that’s kind of what I look at it as Dark Souls because I find most modern games most multiplayer games to be easy yeah I mean most modern games just suck like

I’m going to be honest like gaming has just gone so [ __ ] downhill that’s why like there isn’t a game that I just genuinely can’t wait to play anymore I I just kind of I’ve slowly grown away from gaming as a whole anyway but now I just don’t have a game

Where I’m like oh my God I actually like I want to play the game even though I for some reason have just had I think part of it’s because it was the last game I genuinely I thought that was a diamond again it’s the same one the last

Game I genuinely enjoyed and wanted to play every day oh there’s actual diamonds on the ceiling okay there we go the last one I fully enjoyed was the first like 3 years of rain row six Siege cuz my friends and I played it every day for 3 years from

Like the launch to like just 3 years later don’t what the [ __ ] where’s my Crouch button okay where’ the diamonds go it’s like I’ve had an itch to play that lately I don’t know if it’s part of it’s just cuz I thought it was a really fun

Game and the other part of it’s like that was the last game that I was like I actually just can’t wait to get home from school and play so can we go from the areas shut up salt [ __ ] you how you doing salt shut up Sal come on put the

Put the [ __ ] thing down okay I really wish I just had easier access to play kbm this shit’s so awful on controller F find automation not baby and it’s hard to get I just appreciate like the classic grind like in video games I just like actually truly working towards something

And not just taking the easy road with it is there really only one even though I have for [ __ ] this game man you spent hours get slime farm slime box for more Farms yeah see I don’t appreciate that style of Minecraft yeah that was a risk that I shouldn’t have taken but

Hey gaming has so many developers you games just aren’t good it’s only developer fault when the game goes money comes first exactly that’s the problem with modern gaming and that’s why having a passion for video games is just like [ __ ] impossible okay is this all cave I thought this was that’s

Not diamonds that’s not diamonds I thought two of these were diamonds this is actually so stupid oh yeah it’s G to be a fun feature to out all this cave sh man everyone was going to think it’s diamonds what is it and I’m about to get on my flight

Back home checking and see what’s going on I thought you were coming home like Sunday you stay a little longer than you plan to I used to actually try and Siege until my friend turned me toxic we go to rank and Troll and team kill is so funny

Seeing people rage I mean my friends and I did that thing where it was a mix of trying and trolling and I think that’s the best mix like if you only play in your trolling like it doesn’t feel as fun it’s funny at first then it’s like

What are you playing for like you know but if you’re just trying then it’s also it gets a little Annoying my friends and I used to do a perfect mix of which I didn’t like talk to this friend group anymore we used to do like a perfect mix

Of trolling and playing like it was like we would troll to the point where we had to make a comeback and then we’d all try our asses off because we had to make a comeback cuz we just trolled we would go down o0 to three and then just try to

Come back and a lot of times we would because we just like didn’t [ __ ] care and then we really cared and it was just the perfect mix cuz like you have so much fun just not caring about the game but then you also like you go from killing your friends every two seconds

To like coordinating an actual attack and then you actually just pull it off and it was just it was so good like I just missed those days I was so excited to play Siege every day we get canceled from school and I was just so [ __ ] happy and

Excited you you like it yes Steve matches you perfectly from Platinum to bronze cuz this sabotage I mean when I I was playing what were the ranks when I was playing I think I think it was before they added copper so I think it was just bronze silver gold plat

Diamond I think those were the ranks it was very like I I played a lot at the beginning of the rank stage came back stage Saturday I’m actually to go home now oh Jesus Christ why are you why did you stay somewhere for a few days gez

Man you like could have know a good names was coming back okay that’s fine I’m not going to lose any sleep over that that’s fine you you do what your heart desires how are these caves so big but some you weren’t even looking at me how

Are these caves so big but just dead end so quickly what you’re you’re dying I got to get a new axe I’m just dropping this I got to get a new axe anyway I got to just dig somewhere I go over here we’re fine excited school was Elden ring game

Was so fun I’ve never enjoyed those style of games so that was definitely not a game I don’t I’ve never played it and what am I thinking about I never so I’ve never played I haven’t seen any gameplay of it either so I I’ve never been able to relate to Elden

Ring I hate playing with some optimal tools I just rush let right nether Gear with the full enchant I mean that’s kind of what I usually tried to do but like I’m kind of trying to just take a more don’t really care approach when I used to play Minecraft like I literally would

Just try to rush diamonds in netherite immediately but you know at this point like I just kind of don’t care you know I’m just really I’m not stressed right now to like get get things done you know I’m just laying back I part of it’s cuz I’m just so [ __ ] tired out

Of it but still eh I just what’s the rush at this point wait a sponge I’m a sponge I thought I was Patrick because I can do the Patrick impression decently which one am I man which one am I there different pref in games but if I

Were you I’d definitely give it a shot not ex say Elder R changed my life uh well no cuz I’ve tried demon and dark souls and I just did not enjoy those so it it’s there for a game that I already know before going into it that it’s just not my game

So see my dad’s place used to live with him before I Ked that when I was 18 oh okay I was about to say where were you for a few days then okay that’s cool Sal I hope you enjoyed your trip my guy hope

You had a good trip sir now time to come back to reality there you go I was going to say it’s the worst but I’ve only experienced it once holy [ __ ] I know where I am this is the first cave right by my house did you just [ __ ] 720 me Chad

This is where I kept dying cuz the amethyst node’s over there this is where Dalton put me in a boat and then I almost died that’s that’s where the creeper blew up the boat dton put me in immediately oh I am literally right by my house if I go up it’s over here

Here where was the water that I kept dropping into cuz did I leave that one water bucket that’s the water bucket I dropped wasn’t it yep yep I know where I am hey see wow at least I I just understood the terrain so s your team playe travel [ __ ] you Steve [ __ ] you

Man come back to sucks also a good thing I’m ready to go back seems like it’s been a little too long I’ve only experienced the coming back to reality once cuz I’ve only been on one vacation so you know it’s a phenomenon that I haven’t had to deal with much so it

Sucked but Al actually there were reasons that I was happy for it too different reasons I’d assume I’d assume it’s a bit different wait I want oh that was perfect I didn’t think about it I just kind of clicked and shut up guys [ __ ] you I hate this place shut up

That’s it I’m going to go be a fortnite YouTuber not tell you guys about a secret third Channel where I only upload fortnite that’s it fortnite time here let’s shift click everything if I can um I want to get going again I’m just going to go get more diamonds and I need

More levels I guess next time I go I actually need to focus on levels and then I just need more level holy [ __ ] iron I should probably smel that I don’t need all this lapis I’m just going to need levels I don’t need three water buckets could use this though there we

Go speak I don’t know you don’t care about NBA but Chicago was one last night that’s cool man you about say I don’t I don’t care about NBA he’s like I know you don’t care but the team I liked won it’s good I’m glad noan I’m glad

You’re team won you know yeah I I don’t remember last time i’ like watched an NBA game I pay attention sometimes but not that much so I’m a little out of the loop at this point make your fortnite content no yeah I’m not godamn I’m not making fortnite content

No so shut up so [ __ ] you listen here man one as I don’t know I don’t know who they play played I don’t know this is this is all Beyond me because I just sto I mean I was going to say I just stop car about NBA but like I

Never actually cared about NBA so yeah I don’t know fortnite yeah I’m definitely not being a fortnite guy definitely I I mean like yeah sure it’s like big right now but like I don’t want to just [ __ ] have to have an audience full of kids and

Then also like I just don’t want to play fortnite either so I guess it’s the same philosophy I have with Minecraft where it’s like there’s a million things I’d rather play than Minecraft but if I had to be a Minecraft Youtuber versus no YouTuber I’d be Minecraft Youtuber same thing I guess same

Philosophy that’s how I feel about this game long you’ve been playing Cod well there was a period the [ __ ] is this there’s a period um oh [ __ ] uh there’s a period before I had had Xbox Live and that would have been probably cuz word of war was out

But it wasn’t brand new so it had been like 09 2010 I was playing campaigns only well campaigns and then I played zombies because I had access to it after the world of war campaign so like basically 2009 2010 so shut up salt I’m just I’m

Not even going to I’m not even going to talk nope not even going to answer yourself nope I I should just pretended I didn’t see it hav been smarter next time and next I just need to pretend I didn’t even notice it or I just purposely ignore it and every time Salt

Talks I just ignore him it was a really good philosophy that’s worked for me in the past so I don’t know why I’d be doing that you know actually that’s a really weird thing where it’s like I’ve been playing Cod for almost like 15 years and like I don’t know how much

Longer it’s going to even be aive and I’m going to be playing it kind of a weird idea you know in kids of the channel we we got to have Su conversations I mean yeah but also kids are just really [ __ ] annoying to deal with so yeah I

Don’t want to kid I don’t want a kid- related Channel or just like a kid you know like targeted audience I’d rather not like having some kids here is fine like if if they’re a kid that are cool and just can chill out that’s fine but an audience full of [ __ ] fortnite

Kids oh my god I’ve been here oh well I’m out of here then and I for like fortnite kids yeah uh no please no would rather not when did I go here here quick question what controller you use just the basic Xbox One controller oh [ __ ] nothing special just like the basic

Ass Xbox One controller actually real quick is this worth it no just go [ __ ] it I’ll commit oh well that didn’t work is that my torch what are these like little packs of light is it oh is it actually those things those emit light oh no

[ __ ] since playing Cod for 11 years bro you’re literally a child goooo Gaga this is what I’m talking about can’t have kids like this in my streams all the time can’t be doing that unbelievable you like 830 just bully the kids yeah but he tries to be all

Kid-friendly and I would actually just harass them I would not last long as a YouTuber with a major like kid audience especially since like you know I just you want as my patience thins I also just tell people to like shut the [ __ ] up more often and tell them exactly

What I think I I’ve been but like patience thin with [ __ ] like that so former Child myself they are indeed annoying as a former child I was born as a child chat this is my life story this is my story of going from child to senior citizen actually that’s what

That’s what I am right am I a senior citizen chat am I that old now you guys know how old I am I don’t know how old I am probably because you guys just make it up every day Chad how old am I I actually need your assistance here

No oh creeper why can’t I build what the [ __ ] this was actually a waste of my time I don’t know where I came in from I’m just going to leave here I guess we’re playing see you later they out s Yer your day my guy pleas 60 I’m like 60

Jesus ain’t no way I’m falling apart that bad right damn chat my life is over time to go to retirement home even though that’s going to be relaxing I’m ready to go actually 69 I’m 69 damn I had no clue I was that old thank you guys for telling me I really I

Don’t know what I do without you guys telling me how old I am I really appreciate it I would totally lose track of who I am as a person thank you so much guys I appreciate it think straight down nah nah seems like a like a n you know

What I should do I should start getting ender pearls I should start [ __ ] around with the Villagers actually I start sweet talking them into doing what I want sleep in the nether yeah also I’m not going to do that maybe I should go get netherite maybe not even

30 according to chat I’m like way older than that so I got to find the netherite levels actually but gives you obsidian armor WoW oh my god really you guys promise it gives me Obsidian armor can you promise actually I just need more diamonds let’s

Do one thing at a time let’s get more diamonds and then enchants before I actually worry about that one step at a time chat even though actually I should probably go talk to villagers and see if I can get them to do what I want how do I force

Villagers to do what I want how do I sweet talk them do I offer them I don’t know crabby patty formula it kind of look like Squidward you do really got you aging quick yeah I’m like aging at a severe rate from being a YouTuber yep exactly that’s what it is

Why I’m already almost 60 or 60 or over 60 I don’t even know like I said I don’t even know my own age I don’t have a good grip on it test on Thursday I’m not looking forward to it well well Steve I would say good luck but you’ve been mean

So Lal shut up take that Steve H now I’m gonna go to sleep never mind villager Riz challenge how do I Riz up a villager I wonder how does that actually work how do I how do you sweet talk a villager and like be in your being your uh you know your your

Companion what is what is the one where they give me books Shut the [ __ ] up what is the c no not cartography table what’s the uh what’s the Villager station it’s not a Fletching table that was good though sticks so dog you should be dead thank youo for the two yeah

True does mean what I’d be like 420 at that point lecturn oh lurn okay what does that look like cartographer table I could type it in but I don’t want to have to try to reach over my keyboard smithing table smoker yeah yeah yeah Fletching is it wait is that what it is oh no it’s not cograph lecturn jesz why can’t I craft it oh it was oh yeah that thing okay slabs in a bookshelf ew Auto hydration only $2 donation oh yeah no it’s I’m I’m just conditioned at

This point you know I see $2 donation I hydrate does that take or give an XP level I think takes he doesn’t even know that he didn’t even know that in the beginning I trying to think does that actually take her G I remember

Um slab no give me oak there we go so then thank you again Mato like oh what the [ __ ] oh it’s bookshelf not books move boom boom boom boom boom so if I just sit here and farm this I can get mending right um so here’s

What’s going to happen you are forced to stay with me um you can leave it anytime you want except now or whenever I don’t say you can leave how do I okay I just want I didn’t want to kill him no no no no no no no get the no you like

This you like that okay huh no you want to give me a good book preferably mending but if not yet oh 64 Emerald Jesus Christ I mean that was cool but godd damn okay you got this my guy yeah I don’t need power too God damn that [ __ ] thing was expensive keep

Bre place in it yeah yeah I got you I gotta channeling yeah no I like mending is going to take too long to farm move you like that projectile protection oh yeah yeah yeah that’s the one I want move you like this Unbreaking one oh [ __ ] yeah buddy

That’s what I wanted to God damn it you take seven eight emeralds most I’ve seen playing in 11 why did efficiency 5 take 64 that was ridiculous come here I might should I just like put you in place somewhere dude there you go damn come here you know

What I’ll save time mending fire protection 4 nah nah wait is gasl them gas light who the guy the Villager guy if you give me mending I’ll give you kiss for oh my God no can you hit it wait wait hold on what what about that if I just put it up

Here good enchantment highest level it could be I mean yeah yeah but still like I mean mening is the best though so like I don’t know what the [ __ ] why why that’s so much more expensive than mending mending should be way more Smite for oh yeah oh yeah that’s what I wanted

That’s exactly it come here dip [ __ ] Bo’s got to go yeah the boat’s got to go in the way efficiency two nah quick Char I already charge quick enough I don’t need that multi- shot nah mending knock back one for 14 my God is considered level one enchantment

Can’t go higher so it’s op oh yeah see that’s [ __ ] busted feather there I mean that’s nice but that only works for my boots if I get like Pro four should I keep it I mean is that worth if I get like a prop four guy or should I only go for

Mending here CU I could just Farm another one and like prop four is good I’ve been going a while hi again peace you’re good man you’re oh you’re good my guy you’re good wait what all classes I wasn’t confused gym fact that every old man in

The locker room there sh me out in the open yeah see I don’t have a like my gym doesn’t have like public like showers it’s like just a couple bathrooms basically so I don’t have that problem not going to lie I I’ve never had that experience hey can

You Chad is it should I only go for mending there someone like is there another enchantment that I should settle with like Fortune only will help once I might have to go mend in here come on Frost Walker to No ending impaling to no mending move mending this is annoying flame nah that’s one k taking physiology yeah e science classes ew save option since you there build again yeah peace yeah like I mean I should but like just take forever Su streaming what’s up Nick how’s it going

My guy Nick if this next one is mending I’ll never time you out again I’ll give you one more shot Nick cuz it actually was an enchanted book how’s it going Nick if you buy an enchantment then sell it once I’m pretty sure get men again

Keep buying it breaking it plac and over again wait what what are you talking about doob I’m confused you confused me damn it Nick never mind you’re you’re still able to be timed out what huh what you talking about I mean once I trade with him once he keeps

His job right or like keeps his same books I believe is that what you’re trying to say I’m confused give mending SM might I don’t want it move so villager you can’t change your trades yeah yeah I know that yeah yeah is that what he was trying to say Cur a binding

Why the hell would you sell me that scammed trying to work on brace I’m by real quick that’s good to hear from you man it’s good to hear from you we won’t time you out today you can live today Nick consider it a blessing trade with

Them keep tra yeah yeah that’s what I thought he was trying to say but the way he worded it I was really confused I already knew that one at least I know man I need protection you need to mend your ability to protect yourself you’re wel

Welcome come on dip [ __ ] when you time me out no it’s it’s it was just that one time for Nick I’m I’m not going to time you once I again mending you can only you might only once they won’t sell it to you again so you

Have to break the light turn and get the enchantment again to buy It wait what when was that a thing doodle bob say the same yeah it’s one sale only wait it’s never been like that when did they do that I remember it always being like the same thing that’s never been a Feature even I remember it being the other way around once you buy one thing from him it keeps his trades can I sleep Oh I thought it was night time oh yeah I’m gonna be honest doodle bob I’m wildly confused that’s has never been a

Thing give me P time out Nick no Nick’s safe today what Nick live Nick needs to live one day even he’s only here briefly damn it come on you got to give me mending at this point loot looting three is cool but like watch just be mening when it’s [ __ ] turned

Around bu enough wait buy enough from them they won’t sell for a period of time eventually buy again yeah yeah what that makes sense yeah I’m many from villager only buy once one me buy again had reset his trades get no no you just have to wait you just have to wait you

Know it’s not like permanently no like he keeps his trades as long as you buy it once and then you just have to wait again at least that’s what I remember it being I don’t remember that system was right yeah that’s what I thought I say even I haven’t played this

Game in like four or five years so unless they changed things okay we’re on the same page now hey come on forgot yeah I was I was confused even I was confused and I’m Dem Minecrafted to the max so you go [ __ ] did you just do come on get

The how can he sleep how was he sleeping but I’m not allowed move how the [ __ ] is he doing this what the [ __ ] is said like waiting well I mean I’d still have to wait to get mending like that doesn’t change anything I’m change vill working

Every day but I don’t think it’s this one V sleep earlier why oh what the hell [ __ ] idiot that’s stupid ass playing the one that before that one peaceful so they already changed it or what I’m so un I’m like so out of the Minecraft loop at this

Point I’m wildly out of the Minecraft Loop I don’t here soon I’m gonna give up I’m tired of waiting for this here soon chat game’s GNA make me act up please God damn it have stream be back later depending what time you end stream thank you Nick for being a member for two

Months and uh have a good rest of your day nick uh if I don’t talk to you again it was good talking to you and have you have good luck at work my guy in ner mending farming oh wow I mean they should have a long time ago but I

Remember this being the thing back when I was playing the game occasionally come on dude I hate this she’s mining on my craft till I Ste I don’t like that day they’re going to make it so biomes for the villagers with specific books Oh e what the [ __ ] I mean I guess that

Adds a little more to the game there I mean it’s kind of e but also like it makes it worth it going to like a snow biome or something it actually makes better characteristic or like just more defined characteristics dude [ __ ] fire production God damn it small villag sell mending which is

The rarest villager in near impossible to get you the breed villagers in a swamp I mean I kind of like that because it just adds more to the game my opinion I think I approve oh oh oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] so I’ve got to go get 16 emeralds from other

People you wait there I got to go find out how I can get 16 I about destroyed it out a habit at this I was like so in the loop of destroying it that I was like I was so ready to destroy it I was such have it potatoes and carrots yes

See I don’t have that what is there a Fletcher around here actually wait let me just make a fletchy you want to get sticks hold on I just make a Fletcher uh I don’t here oh there we go what does it take for a Fletching table cuz that

What two flint and wood so I got to get Flint cuz I don’t think I have Flint I’m going check at least eals yeah yeah yeah I I’m a he you change them before trading takes a while I think well let’s just hope not stay here you

No you have to stay safe please tell me I just have Flint oh I have exactly two flint okay um why is it not there stay here stay safe stay alive look alive stay alive my guy he’s got to look alive okay and you just need a Fletcher

You you don’t have a job useless Society come here you’re useless Society it’s this [ __ ] Sprint glitch no come here have a job don’t be useless sick so now do like shift Click Boom come here dip [ __ ] how how many do I get here or two oh god oh I’m going to need

More oh I’m already just like [ __ ] I’m G to need so many more and then he’s probably going to stop giving it before Oh no I got to get a lot I’m scared it’s going to change you just want to play Minecraft can’t relate p he can’t relate Ser

Servitude I mean he so he was being useless to society so like I need to figure something out I must have put the wood in my chest I had so much wood on me wait a minute so many sticks it’s always 32 unless you like get the

Village to give you better trades from like you know the raid and all that or completing here wait wait a minute just to check you’re still mending right where did I put all that wood I don’t know how it ended up out of my inventory but I have so much wood

Somewhere oh there it is see I knew I [ __ ] had some oops Yeah that’s good enough all right I’m out of here Stay Stay snazzy my guy don’t do I have a book I think I’m going to need to kill a cow too I think I’m out of leather like y on

Controller I mean I just I like when I’m crafting and [ __ ] I like you know actually have my keyboard available it makes life like way easier oops what the [ __ ] am I doing Boom okay okay come here give me all of these please here does that work 11 he’s still let me do this okay Chad he just let me Farm usually I thought it like before that it shuts you down he actually gave me way more emeralds than I anticipated are you hard

Enough trades are better you just got a gritty to get better trades yo I didn’t know it’s that easy yo holy [ __ ] all you going to do is gritty no way shut up but no slavery he’s not enslaved him and I just have an AM amicable relationship where

He gives me trade we’re trading we’re bartering actually I’m giving him something I’m not making him work I’m giving him stuff I think you guys are trying to push a false narrative here that I am a mean guy I’m not being mean this guy has the good life okay

That I might need a little more he has a good life he he’s just casual guy you’re paying him yeah this is slavery people are pushing false narrative about me you guys are just like modern media what the [ __ ] man oh I need this cows unbelievable chat literally just like modern

Media SMH my head all over the floor here I need I need leather come here come here thanks I’m trying to cancel yeah they’re trying to cancel me and push a false narrative when the man literally is getting paid for his job like modern media looking ass oh I keep doing

The wrong thing modern Media Chat looking ass the hail looking ass that should be enough hopefully child labor no no he’s it’s not child labor he’s a grown man with a job who’s being paid for his job this is perfectly legal politics right here where’ he go there he is come here here

I I have more business to do with you please give me just enough to get this done 38 [ __ ] yourself you’re lucky I need this you’re so lucky I need this chat I think he’s start he’s upcharging me now he’s upcharging I need one more I think he’s upcharging me for

Giving him my business I’m going to be honest that’s a bad business model imagine upcharging some guy cuz he’s giving you too much business where’d he go there he is what the f what’s this collection of people doing right here chat oh now it’s 37 chat villager politics are confusing

They’re beyond me I’m not going to lie he green as [ __ ] yeah I’m going to be honest what the [ __ ] man you’re giving me too much business therefore the trades are going to start costing more that makes so much sense it’s l oh my God how couldn’t I see that

Happening yo that makes so much sense chat therefore you shouldn’t be giving me this much business buy the hand that fees them yeah but sadly he can get away with it I think he knows how bad I need the emeralds I guess it’s kind of he just knows how bad

It is he’s going to upcharge it California type business yeah it’s some [ __ ] he’s trying to increase the minimum wage not understanding that that just just doesn’t do anything if we just pay everyone $100 an hour minimum wage everyone would be rich no one would be poor and our society could come together

In a [ __ ] Baya type way because that’s how life works I hate it dude all right this should be good right can we now mend I want to amend the problems we’ve had so hold on if I make a book we should be good

We book I don’t have paper on me oh yeah that’s why do I have paper in here I better [ __ ] have paper somewhere I have paper I already had a leather too no no bother my guy don’t worry about it book and then I have 20 Emerald get out of the bed 16

Mending okay we have a mending book so he’s locked in thank God chat thank God we’ll worry about it later I really can’t do anything with it now that’s I’m GNA do this so now we’re chill so yeah we I I kind of want to like find

A way to keep you safe but also like I don’t really care now the boat’s got to go back down now the boat’s got to go we got to get everything set back to normal I was in villager protection mode but now we got what we wanted chat we got what we

Wanted so therefore we don’t care about his life anymore $18 big ma exactly that’s California politics right there actually put mening on the bottom that’s California politics not understanding that dollar has a buying power and that’s the thing that’s what creates the value of the dollar but see that’s too

Complex more just like ugab Booga everyone more money oaba what could go wrong oooga did I do a good impression right there I saying only you need buy one they sell it to you I was try I was not trying to for misinformation well see you’re do like I play this game like

Four or five years ago the last time I played it and I don’t remember what you were talking about and that’s what I’m also trying to say is like I I’ve never UND like I’ve never had that as a feature I play an older version yeah but

Like like four or five years ago when I was playing that wasn’t a thing so you’re playing on like the Alpha version or just I don’t know what you’re [ __ ] playing on all right I need to go get more water real quick appreciate everything is more expensive yeah exactly aido exactly wait

What the [ __ ] why did you get a lydy with me the [ __ ] that guy good all right chat I’ll be right back I need more water U H H H h there we go version will let nend cities were first release it’s just to better Rock and [ __ ] after that show villagers for books only some byy one yeah I’m GNA be honest D I have no clue what the [ __ ] you’re talking about is l i remember

Elra being added to the game and that wasn’t a thing so I don’t know what the [ __ ] you’re on about I’m not maybe you have a misconception and you just like [ __ ] something up because I can’t even think of the time where that would have been a thing

And I don’t need to reiterate how much I haven’t played this game so I have no clue what you’re on about not even going to lie um hold on I want here wait yes I need this a PS4 thing I don’t know yeah I was about to say I have no

Clue what you’re even on about I am not even going to lie you’re tweaking doodle bob tweaking you goodbye we lose your stuff [ __ ] you Steve get out of here go away yeah out here out of my house out of my stream of dementia I think you

Have dementia my guy oh I need more food I think you have dementia not even going to lie you might want to get checked for you need to go to your local dementias Anonymous do I have dementia see I hate to tell you like this no you gave me

Dementia oh no I didn’t know it was contagious man Fu guys did you guys know dementia contagious [ __ ] oh God I I gave him the icky oh no I’m going to stay now hope you’re happy I’m here against my will you’re not here against your will you can stay

You can leave you can do whatever your heart desires oh oh no it’s it’s this you can do whatever your heart desires you stay you can stay you leave you can leave you na neigh you can n NE this is the American dream can n wherever you want to n

Neigh isn’t that the American Dream I just want oh [ __ ] I want to Nay wherever I want to Nay kidnapper I didn’t do [ __ ] I didn’t do anything make contact grenade mod I don’t know about that I don’t know about that one um like I need more diamonds but I I don’t want to go

[ __ ] mining but I have to go mining like I I just take a bunch of food or just I actually have to go get diamonds [ __ ] I don’t want to go mining again God damn it chat this so [ __ ] damn it so I don’t want to go mining

Stupid stupid mining [ __ ] stupid dumb unbel God damn it on on Joe Biden’s gve when he goes to the Astro World you have fun with that one yeah you that’s going to be a you Endeavor I ain’t going there what’s up Byron how’s it going you’re going alone on that one just

Saying imagine imagine like what the punishment they going be any punishment I mean unless you like damage something I yeah I don’t think that’s punishable I think that’s and you’re American right you can name in whoever’s grave you want to did I go down here

Yet I don’t think I did but I feel like I should have this is kind of like close to my house and this is obviously something big [ __ ] off okay I have I been down here cuz I feel like ain’t no way I haven’t but I also feel like ain’t no

Way I have what the hell oh been lurking oh okay I say I talked to you earlier I didn’t know if you left or you were lurking you do lur so dude how many people are chasing me what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] Spanish gisors a what’s the bit oh what’s his

Name oh my God I’m going to be so pissed cuz I can’t remember his name who was the [ __ ] that overtook the uh now which tribe was it was inas yeah as Tex who the [ __ ] made Constantinople fall in the ass T what’s his [ __ ] name watch I can’t get out

Of an airplane dude you got how many free Watchers are you getting a month man I’m On One watch list and they still haven’t sent me my first free watch of the month kind of [ __ ] God I can’t remember his name who did that Spanish Inquisition who was the one

That made over took the Aztec it was the Portuguese guy who [ __ ] was like respons responsible for all of the all of the uh [ __ ] Cony stor [ __ ] can’t think of his name ah history man just trying to remember everyone’s [ __ ] name and dates and everything oh

God Meed no that would not be the guy search it up that is that’s not the guy I’m thinking of maybe no it wasn’t the Incas cuz the ASCS were in Mexico and Incans were in South America and I’m talking about Mexico her hernon Cortez thank you [ __ ] hell I couldn’t

Think of his name God damn it that was pissing me off yes it’s hernon Cortez he like did he was responsible for like every Inquisition yeah and he he was one over he did the assx right I mean he was responsible for all of them I’m going to

Assume so I’m pretty sure it was there’s no way I’m wrong even though this has been forever since I’ve even thought about this [ __ ] like that stuff cuz I was EA like what I I studied so M Steve I think you guys are misconceived here I I need to look

It up real quick before this pisses me off I need to not die here let me in a wall real quick for my own mental uh Who made con who made it oh me thinking of something else so are those two separate things who overtook as TZ yeah it was Hearn and Cortez I was right what the [ __ ] was I thinking of earlier no it wasn’t Constantinople what’s the name of their [ __ ] techn

Tolin or whatever the [ __ ] it is te te technno tiin is how you say it that’s what I’m thinking of isn’t it there got cities mixed up cuz Conant Noble’s Romans Tech no tiin I how to spell this [ __ ] I’m not going to worry about that I think I know

What I’m talking about now Jesus Christ that’s exist I mean I didn’t see aido but like I already know like yeah i’ I’ve already preached this fact of like why minimum wage is set and why it’s stupid just infinitely increase it I didn’t see what you said but it’s

Probably exactly what have been unless you have a different opinion but like it’s a very simple concept of like why all that sh exist anyway oh God yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah wasn’t was that the azx am I thinking of the right City now I said Constantinople

But I was thinking of the wrong thing I think I have to fight you why are you just chat why is the Enderman a drle all right I got to fight him now I I I need your ender pearl come here oh [ __ ] angry zombie

H where’d he go did I get the ender pearl I didn’t even get it God damn it you mean to catch P stream what’s up what’s up M how’s it going know you’re talking about yeah yeah yeah you were right okay yeah I said Constantinople I was thinking the wrong [ __ ] the wrong

City cuz Hearn and Cortez went and [ __ ] up tno tiin which is the Aztec main I I want to say like I mean yeah main city but like their Center Center of their [ __ ] whatever [ __ ] you want to call it what’s up Lucas how’s it going man’s now Mexico City yep

Mhm I just had to like differentiate see like I mean I haven’t really like you know that’s all just back in the back of my head and it’s all stuff I learned on my own too so like um I had to like really dive back to try

To get that one that was just so far in the past YouTube short Tik Tok there nah just I don’t know about that just end spin I don’t know about that one kind of style thing but I still I haven’t made one of those in Forever been doing so

Much other [ __ ] lately I don’t have a different opinion remember you ever talking about it so give me a minute oh yeah it was just minimum wage sets the base power for the like how you gauge the power of a dollar so therefore if you just infinitely increase the minimum

Wage the you have no buying power with your dollar because that’s why inflation exists it’s a very simple economic construct okay we have got to like figure this out this cave sucks okay chat this cave [ __ ] there wasn’t like anything here and I’ve just been getting bullied the whole time and there’s

Like hi hey there fella this has just been an L see is that diamonds or is that I it’s the cave [ __ ] uh I don’t feel like fighting I don’t feel like fighting um can I go find like somewhere else then greedy though I don’t know you

Got to ask him man you’re asking the wrong guy I don’t know about the Enderman dance move the dance moves you’re asking the guy who didn’t play Minecraft for like five years so shut up mic list in here you I may be a nerd but at least I have intelligence you probably sniff

Crayons and eat paste that’s probably what you’ve had for lunch you had a nice [ __ ] bowl of paste and crayons for lunch what are you g to say about that Micah what are you g to say about that one what are you going to do you going

To cry you know pee your pants I don’t care you can do whatever [ __ ] you want mods on Chan you don’t I mean you don’t have to like yeah that’s why I said like yeah it’s there isn’t much more to be said about it but no that is

A sandwich yeah full off crays and paste crunchy crays and then the paste adds a little bit of smooth so you have a little bit of it’s like crunchy peanut butter but you know Micah style which is indigo Crayola crayons and uh paste that’s you know I think I’m like

On some here chat chat who’s on my side here let’s get a VP versus Micah going I think VP wins wow okay chat I think I overall won there I am taking my bow even though you can’t see that I’m taking a bow I am taking a bow like I am mentally

Bowing right now I should say cuz physically I am I ain’t doing [ __ ] physically I am just here poor mik actually not poor mic this is what you get I remember what you did oh yeah you called me a nerd you did the nerd emote I was going to say I don’t

Know if you deserved it yeah you totally deserved it yeah 100% don’t care cry about it don’t care you can cry all I’m going to do is nigh if you start crying in my stream I will either Milly rock or n neigh it depends how snazzy I’m feeling that day if I’m

Feeling like Ultra snazzy it’s a Milly Rock if it’s a mediocre day I’ll nigh neigh taking it back by your mental prowess thank you sir thank you yeah it’s very it’s a [ __ ] jail it it’s something to be astonished by definitely fact that we if we PR more

Money makes everyone big bucks money appreciates inflation goes up yeah yeah say that’s pretty much what I said yeah Supply demand buying power yeah if we need to print more money therefore or give her more money we print more money which therefore decreases the value of the dollar which makes it not as

Powerful yeah that’s why I said there isn’t like much more to I say with it it’s a very simple economic construct and if you don’t understand supply and demand and buying power you literally are a gooo Gaga child God damn it I jump too far I got

Too excited to hit a mil rocker a na ne later that I jump too far that’s actually totally on me my bad chat Minecraft dog was missing I don’t have a Minecraft dog I don’t need anyone I got me myself and I I don’t need a Minecraft

Doggy the the only thing that can happen if I get a Minecraft dog is something that happen to him and I don’t want to be responsible for a Minecraft dog death even though it might not be my fault I don’t want to have think about the idea of me potentially being

Responsible Chad should I just start strip mining at this [ __ ] point wait what what is the Minecraft diamond level I’m curious like what’s the optimal Diamond level Minecraft diamond Level under layer 12 now if you get to these negative y levels the odds going to increase well

Wild6 53 to 61 one oh so I should go down a little bit to keep competition May part well yeah yeah yeah by yeah it’s like there has to be a minimum thing but like the reason a high minimum wage D doesn’t exists is because if you keep increasing it you just ruin

The like value of the dollar yeah that’s why I said there’s like I it’s one of those things that just doesn’t have much to say about it because it’s like very cut and dry cuz if you don’t understand it you are goooo Gaga so you are go Gaga

Uh I should probably just like God damn it I don’t want to do this this is stupid wait actually let me say can you find ores in the middle of this like deep slate or whatever it’s called or is this like something that you could even find ores

With cuz I don’t want to do this but if this is how it has to be done I just need a little bit of diamonds I mean we price go living up yeah yeah no world yeah so I don’t get how people couldn’t understand I’m not

Going to lie oido I don’t understand it Mak going to come back in our country no it’s just getting worse not going to lie you friends with you should be friends with Jaden Peak Jaden who huh who’s Jaden where one here okay I was like feel like I haven’t seen

Any I’ve only seen it in Cobblestone that’s why I’m confused being Smith that’s why I thought you going to say and yeah no kid’s a [ __ ] dweeb I [ __ ] hit that kid with a [ __ ] right cross like 2 seconds after meeting him can we talk about the political and

Economic state of our world right now no cuz it’s [ __ ] shut up dude oh my I would Chad if I ever see Jaden Smith IRL I’m gonna [ __ ] deck him mark my word I’m going to go to like a [ __ ] YouTuber event or something someday uh and

Then I’m going to see him and just [ __ ] like linebacker his ass there’s no ores I didn’t help that much been near five minutes realest thing you said if I ever see Jaden Smith I to [ __ ] deck him is there really like nothing here I hav even found iron yet like this is

[ __ ] hey chat are we sure that or spawn down here cuz I don’t think I’m ever going to find diamonds at this rate this is [ __ ] I haven’t even found like iron or coal but coal is like rare down heretic socioeconomic state of the world I thought it was political and

Economic no he said political and economic he didn’t say so socioeconomic can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now all SMI are PA pathetic yeah they all are I mean as like when I was younger I liked Will Smith and like

His some of his movies not all of them but like then you like learn how he is outside of it he’s a [ __ ] dweeb too I ever seen Jaden Smith he’s getting leveled it’s political yes it’s a political and economic state of the world right now that was the quote

Really talking about political and economics St of the world right now if I ever see him chat don’t worry I got you I’m about to give up already Soo economic no he said political and economic can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right

Now that was the quote I saw i d actually no it’s not D Mato Mato you’re tweaking unless it’s I saw the quote wrong but no no Byron no you’re fine no no no let him go no you we we don’t need to be that trigger happy man we don’t need to be

That trigger happy Chad I might give up I haven’t even found iron like is this how do you go about finding diamonds more efficiently now cuz there’s no way in [ __ ] this is the way zero chat there’s no chance any like Avid Minecrafters that actually know what the

[ __ ] I meant to do right now get back to you okay I was about to say I remember being political and economic state of the world that’s what I remember it being there’s is there an avid Minecrafter here who has any answer for me

[ __ ] okay I I need I need help from an aid Minecrafter AKA a nerd actually wait let me just there this is [ __ ] what the [ __ ] was the question like is it even do I okay I’m [ __ ] the gravel am I supposed to strip mine down here actually you’re on

A whack ass version so never mind cuz like I’m where diamonds are supposed to be like I haven’t even found a single piece of iron and I’ve strip mined all this and done like the poking out the sides yeah us that’s it’s fine it’s fine by we don’t need to be that trigger

Happy it’s okay yeah what no yeah I was about to say this is [ __ ] I I literally this seems like a waste of time this is stupid C hunting’s better yeah so they changed it from like where this was better God damn it MC Boomer oh I am too I’m the biggest MC

Boomer sounds like a really weird like MC Hammer but MC Boomer it’s like the uh the senior citizen CI citizen version of M Hammer I moment US economic yeah yeah about say you had at least you admitted you had a Biden moment it’s okay we’ll forgive you everyone goes scile

Sometimes yeah CU it’s can we talk about the political and economic state of the world right now yeah [ __ ] this thing I don’t need that come on man can we talk about the of the world right now what the [ __ ] I’m all for like having real conversations but like he tried to

Act cool in that moment and it was really cringe it was like Mega cringe it was like more than Mega cringe it was like my YouTube chat cringe always admit when I’m wrong good to know good to know cuz you’re wrong you’re wrong and now I’m going to go to

Bed tonight and not be able to sleep because of what you did you [ __ ] up GTA robot content went I don’t know if I’m going to do that I don’t know if I’d play GTA okay I mean like I don’t know like the RP I really don’t know

About like I mean it’d be something i’ think I’d be decent at but like this channel has its own kind of focus thing and then the main Channel I don’t know what’s going to happen with that thing at this point I don’t know man I really just wish I knew but

[ __ ] [ __ ] I don’t know chat I don’t know I don’t even know anymore V 2023 should make it into a t-shirt I got Dimension VP it’s like a [ __ ] it’s like those t-shirts you get when like you complete an eating challenge like it looks like that same

Type like style of graphic I got dementia from VP 2020 God damn it it like the exact same style see you this does spawn in deep slay so STP mining just has become ass I think it’s where I just came from that’s weird Blade Runner 2049 music behind

What I got dementia from VP stream do you have dementia too how many people in here got dementia from me I didn’t know it was contagious but I knew it was contagious I’d have done a better job at hiding it from you I would have put a sign on your

Mirror the next morning it says enjoy your life with dementia and then it would have scared you eight times cuz you have dementia I do know we diamond is faster using creative but I know you’re going to like it enlighten me Nathan how are you doing by the way my guy enlighten

Me I don’t I don’t know like what would I not like like a super stupid easy way to farm it is that what he’s getting at okay no here’s the there’s no slag might first tight F I don’t know music makes them sound Dumber oh oh

Mind the Jaden Smith video okay yeah I was about to say like what what video are we talking about here is that I we were still talking about that one taking too much damage mine all camera yeah I’m not going to do that especially since a literal day counter on here there’s

Literally a day counter okay oh no I don’t have my have torches in my hand God damn it have torches in my CH damn it yeah I don’t like the new Minecraft Caves I’m not even going to lie I miss the old ways this sad also Adit like don’t miss not having Sprint

Glitches or I miss having not not having Sprint glitches God I can’t even think today Chad I’m too out of it I’m I’m just so tired that I become old Chad am I so tired that I’ve like aged my brain you guys ever see those like YouTube or

Not YouTube like the uh the mobile ads where it’s like this game tells you your brain’s age what would happen if I went and did that right now what would happen if I like went and like did one of those like your it’s it’s like the wi uh or the Wii sports

Like we fit type thing you know where it’s like oh you’re your body is this old like how old would my brain be right now like 94 at best going to do it got go four years I thought it’d be the other way how old is my brain right now your brain is

Functioning at a like a 38 year old or not 38 138 year old capacity I can’t even think anymore Jesus man I don’t need all this lpis but I need diamonds I just need like extra plus my diamond armor is going to break soon so it means I have to like repair

It or build new chat I need diamonds man too high for Diamond well I’m trying to get back down cuz I didn’t want to go the way I was cuz the way I was uh was like I already explored it so now I’m trying to get back down don’t

Worry I get you that’s why we’re heading a different way but deeper even though it’s just going up now hey no I don’t no I don’t want to go up what the [ __ ] man it’s better just take a deep drop down wow that’s pretty sick thanks

Game um see I guess I’m more common in newer versions but I don’t think that’s true well I know I think they did but like like the veins most of the time for me have been one Diamond instead of like the normal you know average of like

Three or four like I’ve had so many one Diamond veins so it’s like they’ve been easier to find vein wise but you know they are not as abundant or some [ __ ] I don’t even know dude I’m going to start punching the air that’s it I’m going to punch the air

Again I’m just going to stay punching the air if I just always punch the air whenever I’m mad I’ll already be punching the air I’m on 33 [ __ ] this dude I’m out this place sucks Place lame I’m going I’m going sio mode or some [ __ ] record just tag me in it and

I’ll check it after check it after the stream ping me in it you go back upload your pck situation I mean I can just craft another pck like I’m not limited as of right now Nathan you still didn’t tell me the the Diamond way I’m not going to

Enjoy Nathan’s leaving me on a Cliff Hanger he said something and then he left oh [ __ ] um can you huh interesting no way put your seed and gives you interor map of your World points at all features need diamonds fossil website oh yeah yeah know you’re right yeah it’s

Not something I want I don’t okay holy [ __ ] I don’t want to be told where all the diamonds are am I going to die no good to know I almost got lost on my way back I go up here it’s just going to be the water again isn’t

It can I dodge it that was close Chad yeah no no I already nah nah I I’m not going to do that said how do I tag you uh just ping me like at V Peak that’s what I’m saying cuz then I’ll have the notification so I actually like will

Know that I see it wait so yeah yeah Nathan you’re right it’s I a boomer who likes the vanilla gameplay the most we’re on day 39 and I’m still well I mean actually there’s so many diamonds that I lost I hear a cow oh [ __ ] I didn’t realize how high up I was

I’m going to go in the Overworld oh [ __ ] hi no [ __ ] um I am far from my house though not too far yeah I think I’m going to have to figure out something here cuz like just I swear the new caves just feel weird I feel like they just feel so

Wrong I don’t know I missed the old ones where it was actually like a tunnel system instead of just like a big hole in ground yeah I think I got it yeah you just do atvp yeah yeah you just at my Discord and then I will have a notification so

Then I can actually like know that I don’t miss it because if there’s like there’s enough going on in Discord that like I won’t scroll back sometimes because I have stuff to do are all these trees so fat what the [ __ ] all right I mean I don’t know chat I don’t know man

I just want some more diamonds but I want to go mine but I don’t know the other thing I can do is there a easy way to get ender pearls wait don’t some villagers give you ender pearls what villagers give you ender pearls so I can start getting the uh

The end thing going I can just like start working towards that before I something happens armor is going to break is there like what villager actually can give it to you is it a certain style of Village or like profession cuz I’m not going to lie that one’s another one that’s beyond me

Cuz I know that I already got the mening from the guy there’s more common Enderman SW NE dig one trades oh yeah I got to get gold oh yeah when you do all recent updates low Diamond spawns I couldn’t handle sufferable out of mining just get a few diamonds that’s understandable

Like I I feel like I find a decent amount of veins but like each vein only has like one and I’m just like what the [ __ ] man a scam I’d like to speak to the manager Chad I’ve spoken to so many managers well actually I’ve threatened

To Chad I always threaten to speed to the manager what [ __ ] direction am I meant to go this way here we go chat oh there’s my sugarcane chat where do I talk to the Minecraft manager I kind of need to talk to him about the political and economic

State of our world right now the political and economic state of Minecraft right now can someone get me in contact with him does anyone’s Dad work at Microsoft that’s all everyone ever said back in the day my dad works at Microsoft you’re screwed I’m going to get you

Banned Chad I think we all lived the same lives when we were younger I’m not even going to lie I think we all had like the same life you guys ever remember getting in trouble and like you would go play with the door stops like you would [ __ ] like flick the the

Door stop and you and you’re just like [ __ ] I got yelled at or something did we all live the same life I really hope we did give for a quick hi exam tomorrow what’s up Kareem I hope your exam goes well my guy I’m rooting for you streamer

Man is rooting for you you we need you what was the Uncle Sam sence say I can’t remember good luck my guy thank you for saying hi we need we want you it’s just like we want you that’s what it is I couldn’t think Jesus door stop was homie for real

Yeah I missed I missed that guy how’s he doing nowadays door stop my grandma’s house she got mad at me cuz I was a [ __ ] stream no problem Kareem I’m rooting for you don’t worry even though I know that means nothing because I’m just the streamer man I’m just the the monkey who

Dance on camera oh my God wait what the [ __ ] is this going like a short ass stream or something have I been down there yet I feel like I’ve had to Chad it’s been a 2 hour and 12 minute stream and I’m already like 2third of the way done wait what math a

Mathing cool what’s the mind you have installed what does it do uh oh I forgot to pin the message I usually pin the message oh look at the description and then it’ll make sense it was something chat donated for yeah read thep [ __ ] I forgot I

Didn’t pin the message today I’m so out of it I was trying to read something I said my local homeless encampment on fire Char arson is that relatable no no follow with this channel oh okay see I he you’re saying okay yeah yeah yeah yeah it was something chat

Donate for let’s just say the first handful of days were um miserable the we got a really late start on everything oh God damn it okay I I just got to go get diamonds man oh [ __ ] another one or is this the same one cuz the Other M shaft I found was in

Completely different place what I find another M shft chat hold on this is good maybe I need stuff but give me chest just give me a chest of like three billion diamonds and we can call it even game all I need is three billion I’m not

Going to [ __ ] with it whatever I just want Diamonds the punishments have slowed yeah yeah it’s cuz it was just going to be more hyper aggressive at the beginning because I didn’t have anything yeah it’s I could have told you that before I started the series that’s

Exactly how it was expected to go oh that’s not enough that’s one the [ __ ] a glow Berry is it a berry of the glowing variety what the [ __ ] does that even do wait KAG KAG chillian dollar is that how the [ __ ] you say Jesus Christ that word

Is awful don’t ever speak that word again the [ __ ] that I I hate that word holy [ __ ] I had to look at it and then look at it again look at it again I still didn’t understand it k chilian k i don’t even know man I just can’t wa like looking at the

Words just [ __ ] awful this is interesting area spoken how about you um stop speaking hear me out chat vote should Matteo keep talking or should Mato shut his yapper let’s speak to the men directly chat what do we feel right now my vote is for yapper quiet down kga Gillian yeah that’s

Just this is such a [ __ ] weird word kga Gillian like what the [ __ ] is that M he’s not cooking mat is not cooking that’s not what’s going on you have a misconception of mat’s brain CH you see the bat Lau bat get [ __ ] better dude Jesus this is an

Interesting one Chad that bat [ __ ] got [ __ ] up imagine flying into lava I could understand walking into lava but imagine flying you have a height advantage and you still just are so stupid Oh my God bends to no Bend when no one asked you to bend whoa

There is anything broken no we’re good Phil nothing’s gone wrong except for strip mining sucks in this that’s all I got to say strip mining is so ass [ __ ] strip mine even did this like where you poke out the sides for [ __ ] 40 blocks and didn’t even find iron

Ridiculous AFK for a while oh yeah yeah no everything’s fine over here just a stupid strip mine and just new Minecraft sucks so bad Jesus man like this is what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] chat I’m assuming oh that actually I thought that was a cape thing for a minute oh thank

God please be a decent vein I’m just trying to get enough diamonds I don’t have to worry about it for a little bit but every time I I find some it’s just like one or two I swear to God like what the [ __ ] is this new Minecraft can kiss my

Ass [ __ ] dude yeah cos I found out strip mining was just so ass in this version I couldn’t even find iron ridiculous play Talking B yeah no dud Bob that’s not it’s not that type of game I’m thinking of playing though sir thank you for the suggestion though I

Mean actually those poll results I didn’t expect the left for dead to be like that [ __ ] ridiculously high I expected that to be the highest voted one but Jesus Christ I think left for dead was almost at 50 as deeper you go yeah it was just

Stupid not worth my time ru K ruin ORS games is insufferable now to enjoy tedious work yeah it’s I just I don’t like new Minecraft at all like it this is so much worse than the game I played forever ago not even just off of nostalgia just like it’s just not as fun

Everything just kind of feels [ __ ] I don’t understand what they did but they did a lot of things that I’m not a fan of Wizard 101 yeah no when I’m playing that Jesus that’s an old game oh my God Jesus that is that is really old

Mato you and I are old aren’t we play run escape should play Dance Dance Revolution should play what else should I play should play uh might just pong on the Atari you’re yeah we’re we’re ancient at this point it’s bad it’s bad news we’re actually just like Beyond falling apart

How the times have changed man Club Penguin oh my god let’s shut down right cool math games yo snake in black and white 200000 old PC pop traa oh my [ __ ] dude ah dude anyone in chat but probably Mato would be the only like actually there’s probably other people who have

Because you guys are like well you’re M AG chat any of you guys in school ever play Return Man 2 it was that football American football kick return game on um your like as a browser game did anyone here Play Return Man 2 I want to know maybe not but it was something

Someone showed me in school and then it was like my favorite thing ever it was so good no I was I I assume the beans on toast people are no I already assume you know American so know yeah I already assumed I assumed the worst from the beans on toes

People that’s you know I kind of just have learned you guys just just put beans or beans and toast so you know too much portal flash Edition though yeah that’s something I didn’t play turn into was so fun you did play it I [ __ ] loved that game dude that was like my

Favorite thing Mato or anyone else but yet again I don’t know how you guys you might have a different one now they’re fanmade servers one don’t CH E dude what the [ __ ] people so they’re still kind of alive e did you guys ever play Study Island I actually [ __ ] love that cuz you

Actually had like leaderboards and [ __ ] and like if you got the question wrong you didn’t get to play the game so you had to play the game well and get the questions right that was fun and there was leaderboards so I could just make everyone else feel bad for being stupid

And bad at video games [ __ ] idiots not see to play yes that sounds awful sounds sounds like there’s a lot of uh the word that rhymes with uh copile really got shut down by one in PlayStation Jesus like I mean they should just find somewhere else to hang out because Club

Penguin is not [ __ ] used for actually what Club Penguin originally was forste blade Fun Brain oh I didn’t know what that one was probably like close but yeah stud Island had like leaderboards for your class and [ __ ] of like who got the best scores on that

Game for the week or whatever like it was just built into the website so good because you like you didn’t actually get to play the game for that round if you got the question wrong and like so you had to get all the questions right and

Played the game well the people like me who are smart and good at video games [ __ ] made everyone else look like Chumps it was good good vibes ridiculous One servers dos and other servers get Monopoly on private called penguin server H teent assistance what well I see I just

We had like [ __ ] like that we just didn’t care people who made it and the server has in London so shut down and seas Jesus Christ are people who are making the private Club Penguin servers just like the oddest [ __ ] people in the world or something like oh my God this days

Where teachers and I would compete in word searches oh we never did that that sounds cool though Miss I was really good actually I still am really good at Mental Math so like whenever we did like the multiplication table thing I always finished first I was always ahead of

Everyone on like the weekly scores I would just [ __ ] Flex on it I was in gifted math a year before you were allowed to go in gifted math and then they shut the programming down because we didn’t have the funding you weren’t allowed to get in gifted math

Until second grade but they tested me in first grade and was like yeah um I think the reason you’re talking in class so much is because you’re just bored I’m like yeah and they’re like well from these math scores we’re going to put put you in gifted Ma and I was like really

And they’re like yeah usually you have to be in second grade but like your scores are so high and you won’t shut up in class so like here you go I was like okay cool Rewritten it open source serers seem more malice yeah say they’re what

The like I don’t even know what they’re trying to do over there like they just or M it’s malicious I can’t think I talk today yeah like are they just praying on underage people or something that’s yeah okay that makes sense yeah dude well that’s my question answered has been a

Good writer and good in History I was always just really good at mental math and well obviously like I got really good at history I mean I remember this [ __ ] kind of pissed me off but then like I I stopped caring oh Jesus like in the beginning I was

Kind of like so you know like when you’re a freshman in college and you kind of just don’t want to be there and you just want to keep your head down because you don’t care I had a professor who was probably somewhere from like the Middle East his name was muhamed

And um I don’t know where he would I can’t like think of what his accent would be though it’s got to be like something Middle Eastern but uh his name was Muhammad he was my uh algebra Professor my freshman year and like I actually had like a similar experience

In high school but yet again I knew the high school teachers better so it wasn’t like as like what the [ __ ] man but uh we were doing a math question and like I can still really do mental math well and he asked us I don’t remember what it was

But he asked us a math question and I said the answer and he was at the front of the room and he looked at me and he was like Mr warna and I’m like yeah and he’s like where is your calculator and I was like uh and I like pointed to my head

And then this [ __ ] in the middle of class walks to my desk and looks at me and looks at the class he my freshman year at College he looks at the class and he goes everybody the calculator is in his head isn’t that amazing and I’m

Like go away like sir like this is like my second week of college I don’t want to be doing all this so then I had a similar thing happened in high school but it wasn’t like that bad I was just like [ __ ] it’s my second week

Here I don’t want to be here I don’t need you going everyone in class look at this [ __ ] kid he’s got a calculator in his head I’m like go away he was such a nice guy though God he was he had like you like open heart surgery and then

Like couldn’t go to our final so we had like different guy for our final big sad man wonder how he’s doing tyon how’s it going please don’t be one Diamond dude how many times is this going to happen how many oh thank God there’s a second one oh yeah buddy oh yeah

Two oh yeah oh so oh eight whole Diamonds oh let’s go ESP when you’re at all online classes unless we fall asleep lectures are bored as [ __ ] yeah I’m must to be like I’m a year older you then cuz Co happened or it was right before final exams my freshman year

Actually CU I graduated 2019 so it been right before oh yeah cuz we like left for spring break and never came back I thought those were diamonds go for college yeah yeah yeah yeah I I forgot that happened my freshman year God damn I’m old 21 a week and a half

Trying to think of the math of that why are you two years younger than me but you were a year behind me in college cuz you would the co year would have been my sophomore year Happ in 2020 yeah yeah yeah it been like the fall of 2020

Then how are you 21 but you’re you’re high school at 17 oh what the [ __ ] yeah see that makes I was like I was what I was trying to figure out I was like where’s the year there’s a missing year that I don’t get there some zombies how

Are you I’m okay I’m I’m alive KAS I’m I’m here I’m here go play yourself some BO2 origins anything else is a scam unless it’s Call of the Dead Or mob of the dead or Moon then everything else is just a scam where did I come in

From what the hell you graduated high school at 17 are you guys just like young as [ __ ] for your grade or did you like take classes to graduate early cuz I was really confused I was like there’s like a year that I’m that is confusing so is it

Like you guys took classes to get out early or just you guys are young 16 mve to college 18 are you beans on toast I don’t remember whose beans I know wait I know dud wab and Matteo aren’t beans on toast are you beans on

Toast you for the gr Young oh you both are just young for your grade okay see since my birthday is October I was always one of the older ones in the grade so like I’m just that’s why I kind of think of it in like my age terms and

I’m like that doesn’t make any [ __ ] sense so you guys you have summer birthdays then which means you turned 18 like going into your um your freshman year of college you did you graduate high school at 17 or 18 18 I graduated in 2019 so I graduated May of 2019 which meant I

Would have been 18 and a half turning 19 wait yeah wait that’s confusing wait what wait this is wait what the the math is not mathy my guy blow I’ve been old for my grade yeah yeah yeah yeah see that’s what I’m now I’m I get I get that but now I’m just

I’m aato was confusing what the [ __ ] going on turn it in well said I never going to say goodbye to my classmates and professors use a calculator for C say save my butt oh I mean that’s fair yeah I mean well see since I was it was

Just gen EDS for me CU it was just my freshman year I honestly didn’t care to say bye like I mean if it had happened my senior year yeah I’d been big sad but like it’s just gen ads yeah I didn’t give a [ __ ] let go from 2018 that’s why

Oh wait how did you end up in that grade you guys must have different state cuto offs or something cuz the state cut off for mine was like way different than that I school started college fall 2020 so you’re a year behind me doodle bob with that I graduated 2019 started fall 2019

Okay Jesus man you’re 7 11 12 and math so born fell love with math year teacher love for math had year 11 15 to 16 oh age that’s your ages okay I mean yeah like a professor definitely will your teacher or Professor will definitely kind of change your opinion

On a subject like it matters so much it I mean I will always hate math but like my high school Cal teacher was awesome so have different cut offs yeah I was really confused there I was like doesn’t make any sense okay I think we figured it out at least see chat we’re

All on the same page I’m that’s it which should I do for BO2 origins well see you guys always torture me so like round 50 no jug take that K have fun the second College semester it wasn’t too rough c 2 was kicking my butt me on test now calculator yeah that’s understandable

See when you’re taking c 2 was that your freshman year you said second semester of college I was taking all my dummy ass gen EDS like at that point I was in [ __ ] stats and base history classes and [ __ ] I accidentally dug into somewhere that I want to be

Nice said we’re all in this together oh God why would you [ __ ] quote Troy Bolton In This Moment In This Moment dude chat the fall of Demi lado is something insane she just ah the fall of Demi it’s just ah [ __ ] people who around my age definitely will [ __ ] understand what I’m talking

About from the US also probably I don’t actually I don’t know how big that Mo or those those are in other countries but still you’re teacher for a different area of math um well it was just like different grades [ __ ] off [ __ ] off go away you be bad went crazy is she down

Bad yeah yeah she was when I was younger I was like damn she cute as hell and then you look at a picture of her now and it’s like [ __ ] what happened at least Megan Fox is still hot though thank God thank God one American treasure still safe actually she’s not an American

Treasure in that sense she just made my childhood with the Transformers movie see chat you know I’m based as [ __ ] you know that that Transformers movie Man transformed me into the man I should be today uh I need another ax can I oh there we go just [ __ ] it I have so

Much lapis holy [ __ ] uh there we go we’re good now I’m fine Fox crazy but she bad exactly well she’s not as crazy as Demi Demi’s actually gone off the [ __ ] rails hello Daniel and Panda Baker from Sky highlight isn’t that the chick from um The Flash wasn’t that like the the girl

Professor from Flash not Felicity the other one that almost a flash forever his Pad me do an eight tack of the Clones I don’t know I don’t know what that we movie even is two was second college for because I took AP Cal one in high school and started first

Semester class and Cal one things I would need for Cal 2 oh true true um I mean when you’re taking classes like that you kind of do want to stay up the date that’s fair and my first like semester of college was just like dumb

[ __ ] it was just or my first year of college was just like the biggest of dummy [ __ ] it was all just straight gen EDS I wasn’t in anything like that actually I took honors history which I don’t know why the [ __ ] I took that it didn’t do anything for me and you think

I’ll die like 16 at the best 16 if you get like three attempts from Star Wars oh I can’t picture I can’t picture right now Waring was pad meat oh okay okay never mind I also um that that one chick from kicking it that Bond chick and then who

Chad you guys ever watched the show Pair of Kings is that what the show was called that show never got any love and I never understood it the girl from that too her yeah also her and then um who else well obviously Victoria Justice

Who else did I think was hot when I was younger [ __ ] I’m old love you hope from kicking it yeah yeah yeah her yeah yeah yeah when I was younger I was like godd damn man she’s hot as [ __ ] yeah holy [ __ ] I forgot about her dark King is underrated

Gem yeah and everyone like just like no one talked about it and I was just like this Show’s so good what the [ __ ] and then oh Chad who remembers Zeke and Luther if you guys remember that [ __ ] shout out you in this moment that was another Hidden Gem no one ever

Talked about that [ __ ] [ __ ] Ginger Skater Man Grand with C oh she look weird now I still think AR Grande’s hot I still think she yeah I still think she’s really hot I ain’t going what this is so much lapis I just craft it into blocks it’s

Way too much can I still do this or Minecraft ruin that too that condens space just sister from say hot the one is that who the sister was or no it was her sister ER Grande in that who was her sister in that I don’t remember who was who I’m

Old you can loser and kick matki yeah dude both of those shows like just no one ever talked about him man God there are so many underrated shows people you know chat I’m going to say it I Carly overrated I’m going to say it chat I oh don’t touch that stuff chat

I’m going to I’m going to say it and you can hear me loud and clear it was that’s an overrated show I’m not even going to lie I never understood all the love for I Carly now Drake and Josh though s tier and anyone who doesn’t say It’s s tier

Is able to be put to death via not even in an electric chair via I don’t know like a just [ __ ] putting BB guns between your eyes until you bleed out holy [ __ ] that’s a bad one car proper overrated I think it’s overrated as [ __ ] yet again that’s just me man but

Also I just work here okay wait where am I where the [ __ ] did I end up holy hell or Mr Mey I don’t think I remember that I don’t sh Cur as [ __ ] yeah I don’t remember Mr mey and maybe if I like looked at a picture here let me look this sounds like a really this sounds like it’s going to take me to a a website that ends at

HUB that’s actually that’s a badass name no I’ve never actually seen that nightmare fuel yeah I’ve never actually seen oh I mean what what’s true nightmare is Teletubbies which I mean that’s just a common one like I mean who was younger and watched Teletubbies without being creeped the [ __ ] out like

That show was just yeah bunch of [ __ ] chat chat chat are TA tubies just the OG Among Us characters was there more in the Teletubbies that we didn’t realize holy [ __ ] holy oh [ __ ] the government just tried to kill me for finding out their secret no way chat tet hubbies was just Among

Us so were they killing each other always like Telles are hiding bodies well holy [ __ ] Among Us told us the way Among Us knows all all hell Among Us holy [ __ ] and there one’s Rob Nickelodeon Disney XD clear you hated Nickelodeon what the you [ __ ] lame well actually actually you

Are just lame I guess it depends what shows you watched I remember which one’s on Nickelodeon and which ones aren’t I was never good at remember which one was which I kind of just like watch shows and didn’t even think about what I was watching even though Disney always did

That [ __ ] like the the little thing I never lik that what your first episode yesterday all love but what’s up King clutch yeah we’ve had o moments I’m still really just trying to get acclimated at this game Minecraft Has Changed Man Minecraft is like so much different than I remember

Also getting used to the controls because every game is slightly different I’m getting better with that now God damn it where do I go okay I want that stuff back actually it shows we’re on what I don’t even remember I do remember the thing did dis always did where they

Did that [ __ ] draw the logo thing do Network goed I would need to see a compiled list of shows on Nick Cartoon Network and Disney before I make any assumption like that I would need to see because there are certain shows that Everyone likes that I think are overrated so and then

There are certain shows I think are underrated obviously as you know you want to pick the staff put all the staffs on a wheel Google wheel decide and that’s your staffs kids was the best PBS Kids what was on PBS Kids yo Enderman yo shy so like yo are you from Mississippi cuz

You’re the only miss who’s pissed I want to sippy yeah yeah she loves it still didn’t get an ender pearl I’ve got like three of these my helmet broke chat my diamond armor is breaking chat my diamond armor is breaking no no I’m going to be

Poor for nerds yeah I was about to say is that isn’t that like would be we educational cuz what the [ __ ] man I don’t remember like anything good on PBS Kids I don’t remember like anything on PBS Kids dude guys do you think Nathan watched Bill n the science guy outside

Of school chat is Nathan just the nerd emote oh my God Nathan I think you’re a nerd oh diamond oh the uh the the anti- Diamond Brigade is not happy with it though no [ __ ] like Ben 10 Pokemon giant test those are good a lot yeah a lot of those

I really liked but I don’t know like Drake and Josh man and like I actually kind of like the like Sweet Life of Zack Cody sweet on Deck [ __ ] stop shooting me is it only one if it’s only one I’m going to start punching the air dude

What and it only gave me one off of my fortune pick oh I hate this new Minecraft I car Victorious Dr JW SpongeBob mins and very odd parents is Nick Dr and JW SpongeBob Fairly Odd Parents are just like such a trifecta like I mean that’s like a hard group to

Dethrone NY Ed Fosters imagine kids C court all next those were all Cartoon Network yeah I think I’d say Nick over Cartoon Network but then but Disney had a lot of good [ __ ] too but I don’t know so good crage C dog favorite Cartoon Network shows see CH I liked

Regular Show I thought Adventure Time was overrated I thought that was like a b tier show at best but everyone else put that like [ __ ] in s tier and I never understood it I ain’t even going to lie that’s that’s one of my controversial takes

According to the law of the land aka the internet like Adventure Time yeah I was about to say that I it was all right but like better shows to be seen ain’t even going to lie slightly overrated TBH don’t really like you rate 6 out of 10 oh my

God have S tier I don’t think so man I don’t and my eyes I just thought that show was so overrated it wasn’t bad but like it wasn’t weird see Mr Rogers won’t be my neighbor before it went off the air oh I think I remember that I think I

Picture that guy didn’t he have like a [ __ ] red sweater I need to go to the bathroom real quick maybe get water I have enough water I need to go dig myself in a corner real quick I think I’m picturing the right guy all right chat I will be right back and

We’ll be Good are creepy as [ __ ] am I actually am I thinking of the right Guy yeah red sweater guy I was right thank god let’s go all right I’ll be right back chat for I’m back Power Rangers Cartoon Network I remember that was a long time ago damn I hardly remember Power Rangers like I can picture them like Jesus I mean when I was younger chat I mean a lot of the times I like to watch like older shows like as in like shows you

Usually watch when you’re older am I looking down or what [ __ ] going there we go like chat when I was like 13 like I was watching a lot of X Files I don’t know if you you guys ever watched that show have you haven’t seen

The X Files I mean it kind of got annoying after a while but the first couple Seasons the xfiles were fire these are all [ __ ] like none of these are diamonds dude what the hell I hate this more 2005 remember yeah you’re literally a goooo Gaga child what the [ __ ] man the fing

Ranger Jes family got a young age I did too I remember being I remember being like 10 or 12 and I was watching Two and a Half Men so that also was you know one I was a little too young for honestly but dude I just remember like loving X

Files but then it just kind of got me but dude the beginning of X Files oh my God hey zombie yeah go away not dealing with you I just need great Cobble here any diamonds damn Chad you know what I miss more than like old shows I miss like old music I’m not

Even going to lie I mean like nowadays I listen to you know like metal and stuff and I listen to like a lot of like Metallica so you know like I listen to a lot of older music like not old old but like not modern chat I miss like pop

From I don’t know like 2012 era type [ __ ] like oh I don’t remember what I I was trying to think of I was thinking of something but then airplanes with some someone in BO I don’t remember who the other person is airplanes like songs like that

Era dude [ __ ] I miss older music Chad like not older music but like hot music from when I was young there was such good days I remember being like I don’t know how old and I was just like a I would like I couldn’t think I

Was in the car with my mom and like I was listening to to smack that cuz I got to just play what I wanted in the car and I didn’t know what smack that was all about when I was that age I was I might have been like 10 dude Smack

That Aon and m& such a good [ __ ] song dude that’s a song I I listened to that the other day I was at the [ __ ] I was on the treadmill at the gym and I just turned on my Shuffle everything and it’s a zombie spawner but still and

Then smack that came on that’s such a good song oh you guys are being nice to each other man why did Chad get friendly with each other not in that way that sounds weird but still the hell dud running to smack that’s Lil yeah I was on the tread mode the gym

And uh I just clicked like Shuffle everything and smack that came on oh my wow it’s the basic one and oh my God I just I was just like yeah you know honestly this is weird but like I [ __ ] love this I remember remember my friend came over to my house like we

Used to hang out every weekend and it was the bo1 combat training we would like split screen and [ __ ] around on bo1 combat training against bots and we were like we were listening to smack that like I remember that specifically we had [ __ ] I I had Fat Jack’s Pizza

I don’t know if you ever if you have that around you we had Fat Jack’s Pizza we listen to Smack That playing bo1 combat training on new town core memory in my life what’s up p back Pooky be we were talking about old music and shows and old cartoons or old Cartoon

Network Nick and uh Disney shows Jesus Christ and then I brought up music dud I just smack that’s such a good song dude song’s kind of cringe to you that con you think the song is cringe I mean I think that’s kind of partially the point of it but

Like even if the lyrics and the message is kind of not like super I don’t want to say like they’re just off you know like how smack that sounds as a song is like it overcomes just the kind of it’s like a it’s the one Shaggy

Angel is that what it wa no no Angel’s different no not Angel um no no no no it’s not the same album Shaggy um uh wasn’t me wasn’t me [ __ ] I had to sing the song in my head same thing as wasn’t me was that who’s the other guy was It

Shaggy I can picture the album cover it’s the same thing as that like it’s cringe but it’s [ __ ] it sounds good I have wasn’t me somewhere I haven’t listen to this in Forever do not have wasn’t me what I told do it wasn’t me it is Shaggy I was right

Some other guy Ricardo yeah yeah so was Shaggy yeah it wasn’t me it just wasn’t wasn’t me okay I was like where the [ __ ] is it yeah yeah it’s the exact same Vibe as that song that song sounds so good but the lyrics are so [ __ ] dumb and

Cringe dude I I’m just sitting there singing in my head now dude it’s the same thing is that like smack that such an odd song and especially if you’re a kid but like it’s even now like it sounds so good chat what the [ __ ] I have a vivid

Memory at my old like delivery job that I had before I started doing YouTube stuff right I still like work there when I started YouTube but before I started doing YouTube as a job like I was in the back Country Roads and I remember this like the van radios like the van radios

Could get really loud and I remember being on like a twisty country road like it was like a speed limit 55 but it was it was so twisty that it was like the recommended you should go 35 you know the yellow sign and I had gangdam style

Playing full volume this is only like a year and a half two years ago like two years ago at this point I’m like driving out of town in my delivery route playing Gangdam Style full volume it was so good I when you know something is a fact

Someone says you’re wrong welcome to the internet piece welcome to the Internet exactly what it is chat chat I’ll unironically listen to despo Gom style and smack that like those are still things I unironically listen to and if you want to tell me any of those are bad songs kiss my ass don’t care your opinions invalid in this

Stream now anyone want to say anything now anyone want to fess up I’m waiting for opposition anyone want to oppose how many diamonds you have 12 the what the [ __ ] Fortune 2 Pick yeah sounds kind of crazy dude it’s so fire as [ __ ] you M did g s is fire dude I will unironically listen to that song semi-regularly right like in this current time period now one song I always hated was what does the fox say [ __ ] that song that so annoying you’re

Annoying you you suck [ __ ] you this stream is so unvalid right now you you know what I’m going to have to start resending some not ifications to my chucke birthday party cuz I’m seeing that some people aren’t worth hanging out with the oversized rat so I’m going to have to think about who

I’m inviting to my chuckecheese birthday party because there’s some people here right now I don’t know if I should allow them to come over to Chucky chees birthday party like Fireflies by All City that’s a fire one I mean wait what was the number of fireflies you not believe your eyes if

You saw was it 10,000 your 10 dude Fortune 2 didn’t do anything I’m going to [ __ ] freak 10 is it 10,000 fireflies 10 million what’s the what’s the [ __ ] number but either way I wouldn’t believe my he’s right understand Peak every Mexican I know play this song constantly

Oh yeah okay I guess you have an excuse I get you was a smack that I’ve never heard it before you never heard smack that it’s so good piece acon and [ __ ] Eminem it’s so good such a good song that I will listen to at any point in my life such a good

Diamond okay Fortune 2 you know what Fortune two you got to start doing something you literally I don’t think you’ve given me like extra diamonds on [ __ ] I have 14 one I it gave me two it gave me two there but is that a one vein am I just

Still wasting my time here like you have given me so little diamonds across this whole journey I’m going to freak out 10,000 it was 10 10,000 I couldn’t remember it was 10,000 or 10 million either way I wouldn’t believe my eyes either [ __ ] way this was youed

To when let me on the [ __ ] track I got this let me on a track I know my Spanish teacher told us that like um that music video is recorded in like a very dangerous neighborhood that everyone knows you should stay out of and the people could have gotten [ __ ]

Killed being there that’s what my Spanish teacher told us I remember that because I I remember I think it was like a extra credit project where um or no it wasn’t extra credit it wasn’t extra credit wait holy [ __ ] is that diamonds or something I she asked if we listen to

Any like Spanish songs and every like there’s like a couple people who came up with other uh like random ones and I said des boso and this is my senior year of college modded uh look at the description I I forgot to pin a message it will describe it yeah yeah

Yeah sorry I today I forgot to pin a message today which I don’t know why I I’ve been kind of out of I’m tired of [ __ ] but still it kind of just slipped my mind today just because I kind of assume everyone knows at this point but obviously not everyone’s going to know

Rookie mistake over here I guess song deso Can’t impossible imposs have you um [ __ ] there’s a mom T narcos and it’s like I don’t know where it’s from but there’s like a certain mix of it that’s really [ __ ] good but they took it off of Apple music or the Apple music store

Anyway will be W cuz diamonds Chang to spawn at higher veins when they aren’t exposed yeah peace it’s kind of [ __ ] and the more I play new Minecraft peaceful the more I hate it I’m not even going to lie I I miss old Minecraft I

Need to go back like five years in time like all of this [ __ ] cave Vine [ __ ] where I just think it’s diamonds but it’s not like I’m going to freak out I’m going to start punching the air the air is going to be just interjected by my fist such [ __ ] [ __ ] off

Skeleton 10 Mill sorry misinformation see that’s what I thought what is the modded server of well no the it’s just a mod as in the pin like or the description like what’s in the description is what can happen so basically chat donated and a lot of bad things happened my first

Couple days it’s still active but once I got set up it was like not as bad let me say Jug’s overrated Jug’s overrated no I don’t even need it I never need jug so use wait what I’m confused what’s up EO M’s kind of bad is a [ __ ] challenge new Minecraft is

Just gross damond um Diamond down there oh [ __ ] I actually over jumped it idiot that one’s on me I’ll take full responsibility for that one it’s 7 o’ right now so what’s up JJ what time is it for me 5:42 misinformation if it’s not 7 for me

It’s not 7 for everyone I’m the only one or like my time zone is the only time zone I live in Ohio time zone I like the new cave yeah I hate the new cave [ __ ] I’m not going to lie like it actually just pisses me off there we go

Um is that vine or Diamond I don’t know dance music Drake sucks I think Mia is decent song Bad Bunny I don’t know that song I I hate Drake oh two diamonds in this vein oh how could I be so lucky they have two oh yes 20

Diamonds chat how could I be oh so fortunate and that’s yeah of course that’s not actually more diamond and there’s two in that one oh ow damn okay this cave is finally something decent there we go all right um don’t mind me [ __ ] don’t mind me don’t mind

Me the first 30 minutes which is dumb can you cuz um I’ve been having trouble finding diamonds so can You I’m here Qui chat does this area look like the final area for subnotica yes or no chat this is the final area for subnotica it am I am I crazy everyone who was here for sub there is another diamonds diamonds diamonds what is going on out

Here I mean kind of dude it looks it’s just the same Vibe as the area from sub holy [ __ ] this is where the diamonds are I just needed to find a very specific cave chat I found diamond cave copyright by VP 2023 you want to use the words diamond and Cave next to

Each other you’re therefore going to have to go through me and my patent organization aka the US government you’re welcome Sammy swimming around being annoying yeah Nathan It’s Sammy where is Sammy the Sea Dragon I’m gonna [ __ ] Gat his ass with my Minecraft 9 mm More too bad most of them are only going to have one per vein so it actually is like not as much as it should be yo is there going to be another one God damn it I hate this game they’re all just one veins doesn’t even matter 29 okay that’s sick at least

Finally exactly like the lava zom for dude I I need RTX where’s Minecraft RTX it l just I feel like it’s the sub area because the subnotica area was open lava and then it had the those pillars in the middle and like if there was like a

Structure on the other side it would literally be subnotica I’m getting big sub Vibes right here big boy sub Vibes is it ass only one again if the next Diamond vein I find is only one Diamond chat we’re timing out peaceful for 5 minutes he can think

About what he [ __ ] did peaceful you better hope the next time I find diamonds there’s at least two of course those are all are those all Vines over there too I can’t tell if there’re vines or diamonds from this distance peaceful you better be praying dude look

At chat this is literally the subnotica area it’s got the pillar and like that little building kind of thing over here and then it’s just an open lava thing and like this the shape is the same holy [ __ ] and beat thoughts having to go to school you’re inti child then

Get 9 to5 for rest of your life or moral school this like a 9 to5 what I mean I I get you’re asking about college but like it it’s what do you want to do after uh oh what do you want to do afterwards M like that’s the

That’s the question peaceful you better hope there’s a second diamond in here peaceful chat I think we’re going to time someone out for five minutes all right peaceful you can say your last word what do you want the chat to know before you go and it can’t be balls that’s my

Thing it can’t be balls that’s what I would I named the server actually I don’t know but not that what you’re asking about college like that that’s what more school school or 9 to5 or 9 to5 now and not school like it’s there’s another chat if this one

Only has one Nathan’s getting it too I said it too late I’m sorry Nathan you you can have this one Nathan I’m get I get him though I get P Nathan I gotta call my shots earlier Nathan the next one I find gotta call my shots sooner I can’t

Call it right at the end when I’m mining think they’re fixing Diamond rate next update they [ __ ] better think peaceful left well I’m still timing them out even if he didn’t still timed out yeah Nathan next time I you better hope you better hope that the next vein I find

Has at least two diamonds in it or Nathan you’re getting the ugab Booga timeout and I’m not even gonna say sorry I’m gonna whip in na ne and Milly rock all on your Tombstone Smack That on the floor smack that there’s no ho yeah Nathan NOS is

[ __ ] anyway they f one veins making them more common thank God I mean they don’t need to make diamonds more common just don’t make the one veins I find a million veins of them but like they’re all one veins like all they need to do is eliminate one veins

There’s already honestly there’s too many veins they just need to be more like veiny any need more vascular Diamond veins I need the vascular hands it’s in a while I was like be slightly wrong well I mean you have a better guess than me I don’t [ __ ] pay attention to this

Game I’m just here right now all right where where’s another Diamond I need to know Nathan’s fate Nathan needs he needs to feel the wrath of The Craft and he maybe he needs to escape by hopping on a raft and we can build one with the government money call me William Howard

Taft bars absolute [ __ ] boys VP vote Noah I forgot the NOA my um my ID my like or no my um my oh there it is my current ID is registered at my dad’s house and my old voting address is registered at my mom’s house so therefore I need to

Get that changed otherwise it doesn’t match up so yeah [ __ ] Nathan I think you’re getting timed out I’m not even going to say Sorry God damn it what the [ __ ] uh I forgot I need to change that what’s up Alex how’s it going how you doing man all right chat

Nathan’s gone 37 Diamonds oh my God Nathan gone yep Nathan you want last word you want a last word my guy hates Freedom no I just forgot that like because your parents getting divorced and then you like creating half your paperwork with your mom and half your paperwork

With your dad and then when you actually need the paperwork to match up you have two different addresses so therefore they can’t verify who you are even though I’m me do it out here out of here nice beard thank you Alex thank you sir thank you I’m homeless

Now next diamond is War One you play Talking Ben uh no no no no you get out of here no I’m not playing Talking Ben I already like ruined all like or most of my dignity for YouTube let’s let’s try to maintain a little bit around here you

Know your name we to school board no also know it calm down over there you know no yeah know if you know what I’m saying calm down over there say verifying stuff cuz it’s literally me yeah it’s literally me like I can verify that I’m me you know yeah yeah yeah no

Yeah I was about to say if if you get my drift yeah calm down over there you’re homeless I’m homeless man as you can see from my face I’m actually streaming inside of a McDonalds but I green screened it so that way you guys think it’s a house but it actually is a

McDonald’s chat I I saw a video of someone on a guitar you know that McDonald’s sound of like all their [ __ ] beepers and [ __ ] dude someone was like playing that sound perfectly like I have PTSD and I never worked at McDonald’s from that [ __ ] diamonds I have I have some decent diamonds right

Now I have a decent amount I actually probably head out actually I need one more XP but I can just go to the nether for that Chad I’m kind of like this cave system was like good enough that actually stayed for a while and I kind

Of want to find some more before I go but you know also know what kind of don’t no what time you have Jiu-Jitsu by the way cuz yeah it’s Tuesday yeah no what time you Jiu-Jitsu what time are you rolling on mats with sweaty man hugging you what time my guy

You plus is VP plus yeah I’m VP plus not V PE though even though we were talking about his channel earlier it’s not me though 6:30 oh you got to get going my guy I saw you just snap me you were typing okay I was about to say

When are you going to go roll on a mat with sweaty men that’s how you spend your night what is a sprink glitch still you reminded me of your McDonald’s story what am I supposed to do with this no seriously what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do with

This oh my God I love that story dude that was best work Training Day everyone’s or anyone has ever experienced he there’s too many mobs even I was trying to read that who much [ __ ] going on yeah know you’re good no yeah no at least you’re like I was kind of like oh

Diamond I was kind of like hey Noah um relax you’re good my guy I I still I fall under the same thing what am I getting hit with oh [ __ ] you’re here I was like what was hitting meio McDonald’s moment Ohio McDonald’s in a really shitty town in 9 p.m. okay [ __ ]

This guy I don’t care all right chat do we think it’s only a one vein no chat what are the predictions how many are in the vein how vascular how vascular is this diamond vein I’m going with the I’m going with the low job or the low odds

One I D cring job all right M all right one oh my God how did we know oh one just broke my boots damn six yeah no apparently no new Minecraft all the oh yeah all the diamond veins yeah yeah all the diamond veins are like one it’s ridiculous new

Minecraft is so bad new Minecraft makes fortnite look mediocre I’m sorry chat I didn’t mean that I didn’t mean it I’m sorry I’ll take it back I take it back take it back my bad on me on me damn [ __ ] and then Noah’s here so we just soiled himself Ste but not with

[ __ ] oh no he just oh no it just unloaded oh God I’m sorry no chat I take it back I take it back fortnite’s still bad still bad game bad game new Minecraft bad I I don’t like new Minecraft I’m gonna be honest I think oh hey shy I think new Minecraft sucks

Compared to Old Minecraft get the [ __ ] over here I’ve killed three of you and have gotten zero ender pearls and oh I’m already low Health what the [ __ ] I thought I regen hey you got to come back up here and fight at some point hey man oh [ __ ]

All right well you might have gotten me in a good position here this guy’s an idiot the [ __ ] is he doing dude there you are oh I finally got one oh it only took me killing four what’s the drop rate on those oh my God I think I want to find

Like one more Diamond vanin then leave it’s like the the uh never ending Loop of just just one more cuz I’m going to find one more but I’m going to be in a really good cave and then I’m going to say one more again and then I’m going to

Keep going need looting three oh true that’s true I forgot about that I haven’t even crafted a sword this play through so kind of forgot about being an enchants little cave thing big ass cave sh or big ass cave with low diamond yeah I just missed when the cave was like an

Actual tunnel instead of you know Giant massive CR two three you know giant massive [ __ ] crater you know holy [ __ ] how many diamonds do I have 44 I mean I’m so close to a stack I might as well go for a stack you know I mean I might as well just more

More more Diamond I need more fais said three on the last one what well M you were wrong too late bad L Micah L nerd L I thought that zombie shirt was a that zombie just disappear y’all see like a zombie teleport actually if the cave kind of

Just ends off here maybe I will leave chat maybe I’m maybe I will go Chad I didn’t die this time drop we oh drop a 50% no way I would like to call Cap Rec taking it and just put your stuff in Minecraft Cloud stor save your diamonds in case

Things go south in that cave I should but I just got my first ender pearl so and then silk touch is the one that makes it so you can remine your Ender Chest right but then silk touch is really annoying for like iron and stuff

You need a silk touch pick and then a fortune pick and then a mining pick kind of annoying cuz yeah silk touch and Fortune can’t go together there yeah cuz then it just screws everything up yeah so you need like three picks for this [ __ ] a silk touch like an

Efficiency for Unbreaking actually I guess you could just put the mining pick could have silk touch on it because you can just do mending you [ __ ] hey I go away I’m leaving I’m out of here I’m out I’m out this was my last job I’m not in the business anymore until next

Time all right all right no no no it’s fine no no no no we’re chill we’re chill we chill we’re chill holy [ __ ] no we are we’re chill chill oh my God I’m back in business chat holy [ __ ] was this where I already was this is where I already was

Oh I need to get out of the business chat I need to get out of the business this is where I already was I thought I found another giant lava place nope come on man I don’t do any more my business anymore look I’m retired we’re fine again Jesus Christ so

I’m going to have like 50 diamonds so like should I just live with iron armor until I can enchant all my maybe I should go for whole mending diamond armor or just like I should maybe just enchant I should probably just try to enchant block what’s up Timmy yeah you been my

Guy Dr one PE one killed the drop is increased by one per looting maximum Force looing three copy paste oh I can’t 50% I mean I guess that like that’s fair it just doesn’t feel like it cuz I killed four before I got one so I just

Feel like I was scammed you know I just felt a little bit of scam man I think this is chat’s Fault right how about you I’m doing okay Timmy I’m doing all right man you know I’m just I’m crafting of the mine variety you know sometimes you craft sometimes

You mine just don’t be the craft that gets mined Minecraft is BM yes everything’s BM at this point everything just bm’s you in some way the whole world’s against you agree Vanguard guy hi Kareem you know what you’re the only one that has has stuck to the same name forever you’ve

Like always called me Vanguard guy at this point everyone else switch is around every stream you just you’ve stayed consistent I respect it I respect it three three what Noah three diamonds in the next vein I’m out of here I’m I’m getting out of there I got enough

Diamonds I’m out dedication I respect it cream nothing but respect you call me Vanguard guy every time well me oh you you also call me like random different things cream’s only really called me Vanguard guy ever since Vanguard it’s been he’s been consistent three blocks of lava blocks of lava you

Say it’s peaky now that’s true you haven’t called me peeky a while respect vangar I’ll give you a respect man Even though hate that I am associated with that at this point I mean at least it’s better in cold war guy Vanguard is just better in Cold War I

Just cold war is such a bad game chat I’d rather play I’d rather play Roblox zombies for a month straight then cold war for a week straight and y’all can at me on that one now you can just you can directly at me on that I will stand and

Die on that hill Oh you baby boy and I allow it no and I allow it away GTA they com out e rest year day well remember oh yeah remember Noah you’re you’re number one on my Pooky bear tier list which a couple other people have been added to

There and they’re very happy for but you’re you’re s here Pooky bear don’t worry or I let everyone know guess let me stop using it psychology oh no no I’ve Kareem I I legit think vanguard’s better than Cold War I have firmly stated this in many streams lately I’m

Not keep calling me Vanguard guy yeah that’s your thing dude but I dead ass would rather play Vanguard I’m not even going to lie I have firmly stated this many of times lately what’s up do how’s it going Roblox looky good it’s not awful but it’s not great got to go have

Fun at ju justu NOA it was a it was good talking to number one Pooky bear you take care of my guy that’s what I’ve been saying Dr a I still need to figure out when and what game I’m going to stream on my main

Channel I mean I need to do another poll I guess it seems like I’m going to probably play Left 4 Dead too at some point cuz that one dusted the poles I I mean I really like I just want to go play Siege man I got a craving for

That but that actually that one didn’t do awful the poles left day to dusted though trade Resurrection Resurrection what Jo here in the statement what’s that do yeah yeah we just uh he called me a Vanguard guy and I said at least he’s better in cold war oh hey look at

That hey look at that b yeah not not y I remember that one I’ve already looted this I remember that one kind of broken what are you talking about sies in multiplayer yeah like Rainbow Six Siege I played it every day for three years when it first came out

And then I haven’t played it forever yeah know I did that poll on my channel and it looks like I played Left 4 Dead 2 at some point but I don’t know kind of have to figure out like what I want to do you know you know man you can’t

Figure it out it’s so sweaty I mean yeah but it was just I played it every day for 3 years I really do miss that game two seconds see play Vanguard two seconds before [ __ ] you Kareem listen here man PB better PVP I mean I don’t know because like I guess

I’ve only played PVE for so long Nathan you know I I kind of get that itch like you got to think like I’ve only played cod zombies and survival games for the last two years the only other game I’ve played in the last two years was one session of rocket league and

Then two sessions of Rocket league and that’d be like it you got to think go for it man become angry Peete content yes I just need to figure out what I’m going to Pivot off of like I’m not quitting COD zombies but I need to figure out the Pivot Point like now like

At now o’clock what direction am I going this way yeah might be this way there you go yeah so I don’t know when and what I’m going to do yet I like a lot of decisions I’m sitting on but I don’t know I’m just sitting on

Them for a couple weeks fre MP in general too I’m not playing Cod MP like that’s definitely not what I’m going for like I just it it’s so bad new Cod MPS are so [ __ ] bad like this just not going to help the issue watch Cod OverWatch it’s never a

Big fan of that game I was never a big fan of that game or valerant and valerant was just OverWatch plus CS go so no yeah yeah yeah I’m not no I’m not thinking Cod multiplayer no no no no no I don’t trust cod as a franchise

Anymore com do do yeah yeah yeah yeah know that’s my issue is I am on my wits end with trying to trust Call of Duty so flipping for COD MP would just kind of go against like my ideas you know for I’m not being a fortnite streamer no I’m not going to

Just create a giant child audience that’s good was actually B4 I did not like B4 MP I hated having to [ __ ] regen myself all the time like it was just such an annoying mechanic I think last good one was like bo3 or MWR was fun and then I’m trying to think the

Order things I I didn’t play IW oh [ __ ] here I am it like five years ago yeah it was exactly five years ago basically because it was 2018 because then we had MW 20109 Cold War Vanguard do those come out back to back and then MW2 yeah yeah yeah got B3

Soo much men bo3 was pretty fun aw was a better Advanced movement system B3 was pretty good though oh my Villers here thank God level thousand yeah those are good times those are good ass days man all right wait if I enchant a book what are we looking at Here where are my books I know how to read I know how to read Man actually I could just do this Chad do you guys know how to read yes or no how many readers do we have in chat I expect a lot of NOS there’s a lot

Of yeses I know some of you [ __ ] are lying I know damn well that not everyone in here can read actually I swear to God a lot of people in my YouTube audience can’t [ __ ] read an exaggeration serious going it’s going it’s all right you know it’s I’m not

Enjoying new Minecraft that’s not awful I just I’m like if this was closer to the old style Minecraft it’d be better I just don’t enjoy what Minecraft updates have become I kind of just look at it and frustration they’ve slaughtered my boy it’s gotten Slaughter mathematics class

We talk about that video in a minute that’s a good video IM getting slaughtered mathematics unbelievable lapis I I I should partake this over here if I read footy news cap you know I know Byron doesn’t know how to read oh I have exactly a stack of diamonds holy [ __ ] Byron doesn’t know

How to read not sure I gaslighted me on that one if if you can read read what am I thinking right now if if you can read what is going on in my head recorded not pre pre-recorded as he just spent hours mining pre-recorded yeah I I was just mining

For a few hours I wasn’t here which means it’s pre-recorded all right fine fine fine fine the video I love that video least we’re not getting Slaughter mathematics claws chat I [ __ ] love that video chat if you were to rate that video on like a tier list where would

You put that video I’m not even going to lie that thing is like an a tier video especially since like it fits in the community so well I’m put that as an a tier video chat is that a hot take or no power three Aqua e so that is s tier I mean

D oh my God hold on I got to I got to find I the one I wait is um I’m going to see if I can find that no it’s um no it’s God No oh my [ __ ] uh that’s never [ __ ] better video be often F you only kill the joke true true M you add uh read the description I forgot to pin a message this was on me today I’ll do that later that was on me read the description

It’ll make sense on me on me I I really [ __ ] that that’s why there’s so many boats that’s why there’s so many boats actually I I can’t mess that up I guess you’re right yeah I I think it’d be a tier I think that’s where I’d put

It those was high quality video high quality and it served us well wait did I did I take everything out of my inventory I needed to Yes it served us well chat some British memes TR say Britain also Z here yeah uhhuh that’s what because you say footy like what the [ __ ]

Are you on about you can assume they read oh that’s true I forgot uh damn it that’s a good point I don’t know I don’t know who here can read and who can’t I have an odd feeling the percentages are low if you can read let me know holy

[ __ ] actually at least I don’t need to read to understand that tamy can you read are you one of the are you a reader or not a reader I only interact with readers you have a spoon I don’t want to have a Spoon elaborate spoon spoon spoon spoon shovel oh I don’t know I’m too good for shovels shovels are overrated anyway holy Sprint glitch again yeah I don’t know if I’m even build a shovel this whole play through I probably should but okay swear to God if that is why does that not work

I actually have not been able to get that to work once that is ridiculous do any want a spoon I don’t want a spoon no I want a spork now I I don’t even want to know what that would be in the context that we made it into Chad how do you sport

Someone what does it even mean oh I know what that would be oh actually I do know what that is it’s annoying me too I do I don’t know why I can’t get that to work it’s it’s pissing me off I I think I totally actually know what sporking someone would

Be I think I I think I figured it out where is this going I’m not gonna it’s very obvious what it would be cuz I mean like when you spoon someone that’s spooning them but if you go extracurricular wouldn’t you be sporking them like Chad you guys know what I’m saying

Right like I’m not wrong here I promise anyone think I like I mean I said I said it and then I was like how would that even make sense and then I made it make sense this is how my brain works I’m not going to lie my brain immediately like like saids

Something stupid it tries to decipher what I said and it makes sense so you’re yapper now shut up Brian Brian sporking is per is perfectly normal okay people Spork you got to get used to it my God holy quartz vein yeah what the [ __ ] was this I was like 20 continuous blocks of

Quartz holy [ __ ] that was sick that [ __ ] actually was sicko mode I need to make sure I trade with them sometime soon I need to get more gold I kind of neglected gold what Timmy don’t worry about anything stay young Timmy stay young don’t worry Timmy cat no one say a word

Don’t let Timmy know what we’re talking about he’s still young I don’t know how old he is but he’s obviously still young Timmy just like keep coloring buddy stay inside the lines man get wither heads I did not because I didn’t think I was going to fight wither skeletons with an

Iron or a set of iron armor and then iron axe an unenchanted iron iron axe at that it just didn’t seem you know smart it seemed kind of you know stupid yo baby wait do they not fight you wait these ones don’t fight you cuz they’re baby wait

Really you have diamonds well I just got all those diamonds like I literally just did and I need to get I need to get enchants first like why would I build more diamond armor and then not put mending on it I have a mending villager though

Wow The Hil they get they get away I didn’t know they did babies don’t bwl oh so you mean the last three times I’ve seen them and I just ons sited them and beat the [ __ ] hell out of them I didn’t have to do that I mean do I

Regret squaring up with a toddler no holy quartz veins on the ceiling no Mr Nakamoto knows I have to it’s [ __ ] [ __ ] make sure nakaboto knows that I have to square up with toddlers I have to assert my dominance they think they’re the [ __ ] but I have

To let them know they ain’t all about that I as a baby I did too oh Hogs hit only half a heart yeah so as long as you don’t onsite them first they’re chill see I didn’t know they were chill like that you know maybe next time I won’t onsite them like right

There I kind of let him go usually I just let [ __ ] sick mode and said cry about it don’t care well cry to your mom don’t care scam with a toddler no VP 2023 hey VP plus v PE plus I’m not that vpak guy I am the more sophisticated version of

Him that’s why there’s a plus it stands for plus IQ points see you’re welcome I made perfect The Logical sense right there everyone in this chat knows the IQ in my brain is high I have a lot of IQ juice what is IQ juice chat is is like is there actually an IQ

Juice in your head like brain juice my synapses are strong in my brain and chat knows this you watch much smarter yeah I about say I’m much smarter than that one other idiot make science to you make science to team make science to Timmy so therefore can’t argue it you you have an

Identity crisis within yourself wouldn’t that just be called bipolar is that what that would be I’m not wrong right there’s cbos spinal fluid I don’t know if that’s juice I mean if it’s fluid it’s juice right like I mean what’s the real difference between fluid and Juice you

Know all that quartz down there like I don’t think there’s a true difference I think I think they’re interchangeable in the context we’re talking here I know I’m getting a little like you know sciency medical official here like official terminology you know but it’s fine you guys can keep up you just got

To keep up with my brain cuz I know it’s moving real fast it’s moving like the tortoise and the taurise in the hair but the tortoise ended up winning so those are some big ass veins okay need a little more so I don’t know what you can really say about that CU now

Everything I say just makes sense see person is episodes of man hpo Mania well bipolar is like the split personality because it’s Bipolar person unless is there a new because I mean I don’t know which DSM is there a new addition of because bipolar used to mean like the double the Dual personality

Thing I we’re on the dsm5 right has the definition changed where like cuz no it’s not effective personality disorder there’s a new one there’s a new one that might classify what the actual bipolar thing is dm5 yes what I thought see I know stuff want you reach round 50 with no jug NE

Neigh skizo effective of the two personality is schizo effective now huh that’s different cuz I was thinking of the two person the like actual bipolar by poar you buy two person ity you know Le that’s the old definition of it that’s all yeah you just na neigh yeah the

Hell my bet he’s in the middle of an origins game and is using Juggernog and then is going to down like right before round 50 and then be like yo no jug the whole time but actually use jug the whole time and then down themselves chat

Am I right Chad can I get an L kaon in chat I already know what kon’s doing or two moves not two personalities oh well did it used to be classified that way you’re so truful I Ed didn’t in Cosmic I actually forgot oh my spring

Glitch I I got caught up editing I actually totally forgot so no but I should probably do that and then test it then we test it over here and then test it on the Main and use jug I’m calling cap you’re going to get to like round 49 end of round 49 down

Yourself and then be like y oh actually you’re if you’re just camping ACC corner of the staff what round are you on cuz you said you had to use the fire staff and that definitely does not carry to 50 there’s level 30 use spice is an Acron in business by the

Way that doesn’t tell me what what that was that supposed to mean something by around 16 oh okay yeah see you said you to use fire which that that’s going to stop at 30 you’re not going to get to 50 with that it’s going to stop at 30

And then you’re going to just be boom hilding and running out of ammo every two seconds na is depressed and they have episodes of mania huh I guess it works a bit different than either it used to or I thought it did huh well see what’s your diagnosis for

Me Dr a what’s your diagnosis for me obviously something’s going on here you have low intelligence itis Sam speed quick PhD double yeah good luck using that fire staff pass around like even 25 I took history for a bipolar patient today you’re huh taking classes for

Them what’s your job what do you do who are you are you government wait isn’t it this for nether quartz oh my God it actually is chat I’m going to hit another na ne chat this might be my na neigh Arc wait actually so if I click B is this it does

Work it’s so weird though CH this might be my na neigh Arc not going to lie history taking is in their medical history oh I was so I was like what the [ __ ] I was so confused are you still in college or what are you doing are you

Like what I’m going to do um you still in college or like and that’s just field experience cuz there’s no way you’re watching me and you have like your PhD and you’re actually a doctor if it is [ __ ] are you doing with your life and just saying with year now okay imagine

Dude imagine someone being a legitimate doctor watching me holy [ __ ] you must have taken a wrong turn in your life if that’s how your life ends up that’s actually funny as [ __ ] imagine ain’t no way that’d be funny though well why not imagine going through all that trouble to get such a

Like like an esteem degree and all that and then you watch VP stream or VP plus can’t forget about that guy you know I’m just saying that just seems really [ __ ] funny he’s just like oh you’re a doctor what do you do with your free time so there’s this jackass that plays video

Games and he’s such an idiot but I watch him stream lot of times I ignore studying to watch I mean I guess I I distance you from medical school [ __ ] that’s understandable Unbreaking oh [ __ ] chat chat here wait oh I could build d diamond armor and see what that

Does to chat I’m gonna need I’m gonna need your help in a second okay I’m gonna need your help we’re gonna have to collectively agree as one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all sorry the American part of me came out okay two

More years left damn so how old are you you like 23 25 something like that strong pound wait Imports cheap exports deer strong pound Imports cheaper exports deer that’s just seems like such a what the [ __ ] like I get it or the deer just doesn’t make sense it has to be like something

You guys use over there grindstone and R enchant that’s true Cosmic that’s true 23 that’s what I thought up fell American what’s up Cole what’s up my guy fellow American that’s how you should introduce yourself to me Pro three Unbreaking three okay here CH pay attention hey class CL class hey

You guys got games on your phone so that angle so [ __ ] funny you guys here I got to get it squared up you guys got guys got games on your phone that [ __ ] angle’s so good just the top down angle holy [ __ ] all right I think I got everyone’s attention

Now pay attention go get a villager he’s already I got The Mending villager in my living room brought for enchant from him I want to no the enchant can give you extra enchants like I want to see if I get extra enchants too all right diamond pick Unbreaking three but

I should wait Cosmic are you still here did they did they ruin that you can still get multiple enchant right because you that’s how it used to be before I continue we got to make sure this is still good yes okay as say I just want to make sure CU Minecraft’s changed a

Lot you can but RNG that’s fine that’s fine Unbreaking three also Unbreaking three on the axe helmet is pro three yeah prop three Unbreaking three chest plate and Fortune three on a pickaxe and what if it’s like efficiency 4 blast Pro okay the [ __ ] the leggings Pro three because the book is something

Stupid power three I don’t want Power three right now all right what do you guys think nope what I hate new Minecraft this shit’s ass en chanting was always the fun thing Chad what am I doing here there’s some Pro threes there’s Unbreaking three on the axe with potential of

More if you want to go cycle books you mean just like enchant one like level one to cycle it fortune 3 and efficiency 4 with the anicic 4 with Fortune oh that’s fair I guess inch book with one but then I’m level 29 I can’t do

Anything cuz like it uses a lag I go get another level I don’t want to do that cuz like cuz like I don’t want to do that this is [ __ ] I miss bold minecra I care better than this [ __ ] not Fortune farming grind smell oh I can

Smell smell mytic villager oh yeah I have a couple I have a Fletcher guy cuz I need to get I need to get uh [ __ ] what is I’m trying to think I need to get uh emeralds anyway for more mending books cuz I already have oh I

Don’t Cosmic and Dr weren’t here I already have a mending Man by the way guys you guys weren’t here I have a mending man and I already got one of them so he’s still a mending man he’s my guy there you go um Li bran for pro oh that’s true I

Could do that too man I just I like the enchanting table I just I don’t even want to be fully optimized I just want to like man I just I like the enchanting table it’s just gambling I’m just being a Gambling Man all right let’s reset

This ass prop [ __ ] get this [ __ ] out of here come by zombie Wai his pot and feed him a golden apple I cosic I don’t care that much I just I’m not trying to fully optimize this [ __ ] I’m just trying to have some fun because new Minecraft

[ __ ] I don’t care just [ __ ] like 16 I don’t care no I don’t need that better trades I don’t care I’m going to go do my own thing now tort I know how that works you get a zombie and then you cure him and then you get way better

Prices but like if a zombie shows up at my door I’ll do it if not I don’t care I don’t care you know wa it’s a weakness potion Golden Apple oh I need to actually my it was weakness I could remember if it was just golden apple or

Weakness is it apple or is it carrot why no it’s no it’s Apple I it’s been a while if a zombie shows up at the door actually at this point I have to wait for a zombie to show up at the door anyway shut the [ __ ]

Up I just like the enchanting table it’s so much fun you don’t know what you’re going to get sometimes app that’s what I thought I forgot about the weakness potion though that’s so weird I haven’t played this game in forever man I just like the enchanting table because you can get

Like really cool [ __ ] you can get like oh I’m only going to get Unbreaking three then you get sharpness four some other random [ __ ] you actually don’t have mental illness wait you mean I’m not mentally ill well I can tell you one thing you should get a refund for your college

Classes you should go get a refund cuz yikes yikes a I need to get more Fletching things actually uh is there still that Fe sure where you can only trade with the same villager so many times I’ll just free man how you get a scholarship how’ you get a scholarship from med

School to give us money what that the [ __ ] how $10 until you get what you want that’s infinite that’s infinite glitch man holy [ __ ] don’t let the trees float I’m gonna do what I want I’m gonna do what I want they can float don’t care it’s only for a day after in-game

Day it resets oh okay I didn’t know when it reset I know it was in game oh in game day I didn’t know that was the reset I’m going to leave all these trees floating [ __ ] you g don’t care L don’t care such Arkham’s mentally ill

I mean it’s anything R SL anything is mentally ill so let’s find out from you you have to pay for college what country are you in there’s no you’re not in us right no way colle free here yeah you’re definitely not in the US oh wait this is

The last day of the stream oh [ __ ] I didn’t realize no [ __ ] KSA is that kazak stand what the [ __ ] is that what’s K what is that [ __ ] who are you and where are you located who are you who who the hell are you who the [ __ ] identify yourself

Sticks so many sticks ice day but by time you do all Trad it’s like one okay that’s fair there’s my Fletcher guy no there’s the table I put down where’s the actual Fletcher saudy why would that be like abbreviated as KSA yep why is that abbreviated his KSA where does the K come

From essay can make sense the where the [ __ ] the cake where’s my Fletcher hey come Fletch you some [ __ ] bro what the hell where’s this guy at [ __ ] face the hell Kingdom C oh I didn’t know you guys did that oh I was like what the [ __ ] K what happened to your

House um um I have a guy trust me I I’m still in the mob bus how did you just shoot me through a shield witchcraft I [ __ ] love this guy chat chat I love Iron Golems where is you the Fletcher yeah yeah you’re the guy hi dude get out of bed time for

School oh it’s done for the day sick masculine yeah that’s that’s my hero that’s my guy that’s that’s my dude hey shout out you my guy you’re you’re you’re you’re the guy person spam space well a little late for that I already got it all 16 so I could get another mending

Book yeah actually no I need this book right now I’ll get another one later H I can make another book give me a mending book right now thanks Chief uh leather I have do have that okay sick what’s up some 5-year-old my poor guy came here

Like right at the end how you doing today my guy how’s life treating you boom and then boom boom boom actually honestly just wrong button you the Villager out of the boat so he can refresh trades since they have to be right next to the station Oh you mean cuz that doesn’t

Count cuz he couldn’t even go from there we’ll see here I mean get out out don’t go sleep in my bed though oh I don’t even have enough to go enchant yet [ __ ] um do I have anything in here right now I guess I might have to enchant next

Time all right get out of my bed time for me time for me sleep even it’s like 10 minutes I’m glad made a stream well it’s like two cuz this is the last day cuz now we’re on I was doing 15 a day that was 15 for today damn it

Man so that is reset actually let me go put that in the chest real quick and then next stream I start enchanting a lot and then I get menion on everything we just go sio Mode door for your door oh so I can he doesn’t get out wait I hear him where’d he

Go you hear him wait did you did you go outside oh my God I think I see him hey um hey go in there little [ __ ] get back inside yeah yeah get inside no get in god damn it hey what [ __ ] you br get back inside go go go no go

In side stupid no this [ __ ] guy must SP you see I’ve had him in boats so many times that was fine oh wait I can just boat him wait a minute come here come here dip [ __ ] okay uh come here buddy you gotta get in the

Boat real quick where’d you go what what are you doing up there that I get in did you not get in this what the [ __ ] man oh yeah go back inside yeah yeah go yeah well I didn’t even need a bat him oh we’re good just landed well salt I’m the

Stream’s just about to end that should be good right dip [ __ ] can I just jump over that oh I can just jump W yeah I’ll leave that for now okay we should be good H it worked Cosmic it worked stream just shut up man M says

This F God this [ __ ] fil gu is annoying yeah guys un trust path find what the [ __ ] is he gonna do he can’t jump over it maybe he can can you jump you got hops what you even say to do top half of the door so just

Like you mean like no that doesn’t seem right he stay there dude as because it can’t be on the same block that’s fine oh that that’s fine like that works is he is he to stupid to do this yes like this if this is true oh my God he’s actually [ __ ]

Stupid he’s too tall just duck his head guy’s an idiot dumbass talking shut up Mato I’m time you out before I leave get you out of here all right chat there’s 1.85 he’s two so he’s stupid dumb ass villager too tall to leave um yet again I’ll be back here Thursday for

Days 45 through 60 uh yet again um I don’t know who was there at the end of the stream um [ __ ] at the end of the stream Sund or yes Sunday this Friday I think I have to play MW2 but this Friday is going to be

A really short stream because one of my best friends moms died like week and a half ago and the service is Friday not service the um the visitation I couldn’t think so whoever because I don’t know who was there Sunday when I was talking about it so it’s like one of my best

Friends moms so I’m going to go to the visitation Friday night which means I’m going to stream for shorter because you know so I think I should I think Friday’s be MW3 so yeah is from 3:00 to 7: my time I usually stream from like 2:00 to 8: or like 2:30 7:30 [ __ ]

Like that so it’ll be like a half length stream so I can get out there and then probably like go for the like last hour cuz I don’t have to be there the whole time it’s just the service but yeah it’s yeah bad situation so yeah I’ll um

It’s going to be a shorter stream Friday I just make sure I reiterate cuz I said it Sunday but then the funeral Saturday morning so that’s not going to interrupt anything so um yet again be back here Thursday for ow be back here Thursday for 45 through

60 voice always [ __ ] dead at the end of the stream um and then Friday’s probably going to be like I think I think when does MW2 come out actually cuz I have to stream that for like two hours or MW3 out of curiosity MW3 we St when is that November 10th

Thursday is it Friday no 10th today’s the 7th know that’s Friday is it Friday morning like Thursday midnight if it’s out I guess I have to play for couple hours I don’t [ __ ] know we’ll worry about it later all a sudden go through my stepmom past year 22nd difficult

Especially if it’s someone close yeah it’s it was like there’s a lot of layers to the situation but it was like it was still his mom but there was a lot to it you know it’s frustrations and character traits and other things but still you know still his mom so

Um get again already explained short stream Friday um back here Thursday so hope you enjoy the stream thank you guys so much for coming out I’ll see you either Thursday Friday whenever I see you next but hope you guys enjoy

This video, titled ‘Surviving 100 Days In Modded Minecraft Days 31+’, was uploaded by vPeak+ on 2023-11-07 23:54:05. It has garnered 445 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:47 or 14207 seconds.

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Punishment List: $1 – Take 1 EXP Level – takes an exp level $2 – Gives 1 EXP Level – gives an exp level $3 – RANDOM SOUND – Plays a random minecraft sound $5 – HYDRATE – Poison for 10 seconds, Fire res for 1 minute $5.55 – CREEPER HISS – Creeper hiss sound plays ingame $6 – BOAT – Puts you in a boat $7 – BLINDED – gives you blindness for 30s $8 – DROP ITEM – drops your held item $10 – RANDOM ENCHANT – adds a random enchantment to your held item $12 – JOE SWANSON – SLOWNESS 3 for 1 minute, takes 50% of your hp $13 – STAM – Speed 2 for 1 min 30 s $15 – RANDOM EFFECT – Gives a random potion effect for a 15s with a random amplifier [between 1 and 4] $20 – RANDOM INVENTORY – Randomises your inventory $30 – DISCOMBOBULATED – Teleports you within a 2000×2000 radius $35 – FLOAT – Gives levitation [between 1 and 3] for a random duration [between 1 and 15s] $50 – FULL SET – Gives a full set of diamond armour $55 – A WOMEN – Spawns the women [100hp, 10+ damage [equals about 5 hearts with no armour]]$70 – SKY HIGH – Teleports you 500 blocks up $100 – KILL PEAK – Kills you $150 – KILL EVERYTHING – Kills everything but you

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  • Minecraft’s Hidden Bases: Secrets Unveiled in 1.21!

    Minecraft's Hidden Bases: Secrets Unveiled in 1.21! Welcome, welcome, to the Minecraft show, Where secrets and hacks, we’re about to bestow. Unspeakable bases, hidden from sight, In Minecraft 1.21, shining so bright. Illegal things, we dare to explore, In the world of blocks, where legends soar. Build hacks and cheats, we’ll reveal them all, In Indian Bike Driving 3D, we stand tall. From Bixu to Dream, challenges we face, In the gaming world, at a fast pace. Youtubers’ cars, expensive and grand, In Indian Bike Driving, across the land. Myths busted, myths real, we debunk them all, In the realm of gaming, we stand tall. So… Read More

  • Master PVP Like Sharpness in Minecraft

    Master PVP Like Sharpness in Minecraft Mastering PVP in Minecraft with Sharpnessyt Are you ready to elevate your PVP skills in Minecraft? Look no further than Sharpnessyt, a seasoned player who shares valuable insights on becoming a PVP pro. In this article, we delve into the world of Minecraft PVP and explore the tips and tricks shared by Sharpnessyt. Exploring PVP Strategies Sharpnessyt’s videos are a treasure trove of information for aspiring PVP players. From mastering combat techniques to understanding the intricacies of different weapons, Sharpnessyt covers it all. By following his guidance, players can enhance their skills and dominate in PVP battles. Key Takeaways:… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Endless Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a delightful video titled “Colorful Castle Corridor Creation! 🏰” on the Tinker World SMP server. While the video itself may not be about Minewind, it certainly got us thinking about the endless possibilities that await on our favorite Minecraft server. Imagine the interior hallways of your very own castle on Minewind, where creativity knows no bounds and the community is always buzzing with excitement. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, Minewind offers a unique and immersive… Read More

  • Sneaky Enderman Farming Trick

    Sneaky Enderman Farming Trick Minecraft Farming Adventures with Mèo Wibu Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Mèo Wibu as they showcase their incredible farming skills in the world of Minecraft. From creating a farm for Endermen to exploring various mods and packs, Mèo Wibu’s gameplay is both entertaining and educational. Building an Enderman Farm One of the highlights of Mèo Wibu’s Minecraft adventures is the creation of an Enderman farm. This intricate setup allows players to efficiently gather Ender Pearls and experience points from these elusive creatures. By strategically designing the farm and utilizing game mechanics, Mèo Wibu demonstrates their mastery of… Read More

  • Nerfing Every Farm in Minecraft! 2000 Days MCPE 1.21

    Nerfing Every Farm in Minecraft! 2000 Days MCPE 1.21 Semua FARM di NERF Mojang ! 2000 Hari MCPE 1.21 Surviving 2000 days in Minecraft is no small feat, especially with the recent Mojang update that nerfed all farms. But fear not, as our intrepid player has taken on the challenge and delved into the world of Minecraft Bedrock Survival Redstone Indonesia. Raid Farm Update 1.21 The latest update brings a new challenge to our player – the Raid Farm. While it may be considered an easy farm, the excitement and thrill of tackling this new feature are undeniable. Watch as our player navigates through this update and showcases… Read More


    MY LOVER IS A DEMON - EP 2 Minecraft Animations Boylove – MY LOVER IS A DEMON – EP 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft Animations In the realm of Minecraft animations, a new series titled “MY LOVER IS A DEMON” has captured the attention of viewers with its unique blend of genres including Boylove, Girllove, and Magic. The first episode, released on 20/06/2024, set the stage for an intriguing storyline that has left fans eagerly awaiting the next installment. Unveiling a Magical Adventure Episode 1 introduced viewers to a world filled with enchanting landscapes and mystical creatures. The protagonist’s encounter with a demon sets off a… Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison!

    Crafty Escape: Tunneling Out of Minecraft Prison! In the world of Minecraft, a tale to be told, Of a daring escape, brave and bold. Imprisoned unjustly, our hero did fight, With a secret tunnel, they took flight. Teaming up with a villager, pure of heart, Together they planned, never to part. Through the depths of the earth, they did dig, Escaping their captors, like a daring jig. The British oppressors, they did defy, Raising the Indian flag, reaching for the sky. A symbol of freedom, a victory won, In the world of Minecraft, a tale well-spun. Subscribe for more, to hear the rest, Of adventures in… Read More

  • Fleetbhai’s Kappa Roast: Gamerfleet’s Short Delight

    Fleetbhai's Kappa Roast: Gamerfleet's Short Delight In the world of Minecraft, where gamers unite, Fleetbhai is the star, shining bright. Roasting Kappa with a grin and a spin, Crafting news with rhymes that win. From Jackbhaiya to Anshu Bisht, GamerFleet’s crew, never to resist. Lilyville streams and funny moments galore, In the world of gaming, they always soar. FleetSMP Sundays, a time to rejoice, With jokes and pranks, they find their voice. Bob vs Jack, a rivalry so grand, In the gaming world, they make their stand. So leap into the verse, with beats and art, Let the truth take wing, straight from the heart…. Read More

  • Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server

    Unleash Your Creativity on Minewind Minecraft Server Are you a fan of Minecraft animations like Monster School Reanimated? Do you enjoy being part of a creative and active community of Minecraft players? If so, you need to join Minewind Minecraft Server today! At Minewind, players can experience a unique and exciting gameplay experience unlike any other. With a focus on survival gameplay and player interaction, Minewind offers a challenging and immersive world for players to explore and conquer. Joining Minewind is easy – simply enter the server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure today. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft veteran or a… Read More

  • Crafty Guide: Hang Flowers High in Minecraft!

    Crafty Guide: Hang Flowers High in Minecraft! In Minecraft, hanging flowers are a delight, Adding beauty to your builds, shining bright. With vines and flowers, you can create, A stunning display, don’t hesitate. Start with a fence post, tall and strong, Then add a vine, it won’t take long. Attach the flowers, colors so grand, A masterpiece in your hand. InWitched mod by 𝓜Ꮛ, a magical find, Enhancing your world, blowing your mind. Download today, let your creativity soar, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. So follow along, with Barry as your guide, On YouTube, where Minecraft dreams reside. Check out the links, for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Blockin’ and Buildin’ like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)

    Minecraft Memes - Blockin' and Buildin' like a Boss (Minecraft Edition)“I’m not just building, I’m creating a masterpiece out of virtual blocks and excrement. A true artist.” Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive?

    Crafting Chaos: Is Minecraft Dead or Alive? In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Is the game still alive, or just a fading dream? With updates and patches, the game stays alive, New features and challenges, always on the rise. The community thrives, with servers galore, Players building, exploring, always wanting more. From survival to creative, the options are vast, Minecraft’s popularity will forever last. So fear not, dear viewers, Minecraft is here to stay, With new adventures awaiting, every single day. So grab your pickaxe, your sword, and your bow, And dive back into Minecraft, where the possibilities flow. Read More

  • Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes

    Wool Beacon: The Ultimate Luck 99% Moment #hotminecraftmemes When you finally find that elusive sheep in Minecraft and realize it’s wearing a beacon on its head – talk about lucky loot! #baa-dass #woolbeacon #minecraftluck Read More

  • Paul’s Wild Minecraft Mishap!

    Paul's Wild Minecraft Mishap! The Exciting World of Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players worldwide with its endless possibilities and creative gameplay. From building intricate structures to surviving in a pixelated world, Minecraft offers something for everyone. Let’s delve into some of the latest updates and features that have kept players hooked! Exploring New Biomes One of the most exciting aspects of Minecraft is the diverse range of biomes that players can explore. From lush forests to icy tundras, each biome offers unique resources and challenges. The recent updates have introduced even more biomes, such as the lush caves… Read More

  • Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server

    Ultimate Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Server Minecraft Mod Installation Guide for FakePixel Skyblock Are you ready to take your Minecraft experience to the next level? Look no further than FakePixel Skyblock, where you can easily install over 20 mods for free without any crashes. Dive into a world of endless possibilities and enhance your gameplay with these exciting additions. Step-by-Step Installation Process Installing mods in FakePixel Skyblock is a breeze. Follow these simple steps to get started: Download Mods: Begin by downloading the mods you want to install. Make sure to choose reputable sources to avoid any issues. Install Forge: Forge is a mod loader… Read More

  • Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!

    Insane Prank: Floki Transforms into OP Animals!Video Information This video, titled ‘Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!’, was uploaded by Floki on 2024-08-03 18:00:27. It has garnered 4132 views and 51 likes. The duration of the video is 03:32:27 or 12747 seconds. I Fooled My Friend with SECRET OP ANIMALS MOD In Minecraft! My Best friend Dino had no idea I was Trolling him as OP SECRET OP ANIMALS In Minecraft by Morphing Into SECRET OP ANIMALS To Prank My Friend!! In this Minecraft world I morph into a SECRET OP ANIMALS and then I pranked my friend as a SECRET ANIMALS in… Read More

  • Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE Minecraft

    Ultimate Crafting Upgrades – Dive into LIVE MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘UPGRADE, ENCHANT, TRADE – Enjoy your mining! | LIVE Survival Minecraft’, was uploaded by Vigilante Crafter on 2024-04-22 12:07:31. It has garnered 89 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:56 or 10496 seconds. Grab your pickaxe and join me as we explore epic armor upgrades, mystical enchantments, and exciting villager trading. It’s time to level up your Minecraft game with a dash of laughter and creativity. Let’s mine, craft, and laugh our way through the pixelated wonders of this HARDCORE Minecraft world together! #MinecraftSurvival #MinecraftChallenge #MinecraftFarms Read More

  • Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)

    Join CalamitySMP NOW for Ultimate Minecraft Experience (Apply Today)Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Minecraft’s Most Unique SMP (Applications Open)’, was uploaded by CalamitySMP on 2024-07-08 05:17:21. It has garnered 59 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. Calamity Discord: (in comments) Speaker: @callmeposted #levelssmp #minecraftsmp #smp #calamitysmp Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!

    Ultimate Survival Challenge: Smarty Light in Trial Chambers!Video Information This video, titled ‘MORE TRIAL CHAMBERS! – Smarty Survival #6’, was uploaded by Smarty Light on 2024-07-23 20:43:40. It has garnered 248 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:05 or 905 seconds. This is the most lucky I’ve ever been in Minecraft! Read More

  • xJosephEx – Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱

    xJosephEx - Insane Minecraft HC New World + Death?! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft HC 1.21 New World | 8/25/24 [17]’, was uploaded by xJosephEx on 2024-08-26 05:19:59. It has garnered 91 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:47:33 or 6453 seconds. I Start a new hardcore world and take it slow this time lets see if we can stay alive. Read More

  • CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!

    CrookedRatt is BACK in Hardcore Mode!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re So Back? | Minecraft: Hardcore Mode – Part 7’, was uploaded by CrookedRatt on 2024-09-18 01:41:15. It has garnered 78 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:52:12 or 13932 seconds. Please Like, Subscribe, and Tell Your Parents About Me! I’m going to die before I get a functioning crafting table. That’s my prediction. #minecraft #minecrafthardcormode #survivalgaming Read More

  • Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed him

    Pebo-kun TL: Kuromu makes Astel strip & feed himVideo Information This video, titled ‘Kuromu gets Astel to strip, then beats him & force feeds him【VCR Minecraft】’, was uploaded by Pebo-kun TL ぺぼ on 2024-09-18 11:00:48. It has garnered 13348 views and 1081 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:24 or 324 seconds. Yano Kuromu from Vspo! @YanoKuromu source: Sendo Yuuhi from Vspo! @SendoYuuhi Astel Leda from Holostars @AstelLeda Sakura Ritsuki from Nijisanji @SakuraRitsuki More streamer server clips Please let me know in the comments if there is a translation error. I’m still learning Japanese so it is greatly appreciated. If you’re feeling generous, you can… Read More

  • Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky’s Evil Chicken

    Mikey and JJ Rescues Smiling Critters from Clucky's Evil ChickenVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Maizen Journey on 2024-09-19 13:00:56. It has garnered 1542 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:16 or 616 seconds. Mikey And JJ SAVE SMILING CRITTERS from CLUCKY’S EVIL CHICKEN in Minecraft JJ ❤️ Mikey 💚 Welcome to Maizen Journey channel. Many new awesome stories with JJ and Mikey like Maizen videos are waiting for you. We hope you enjoy our videos! Do not forget to like and subscribe!!! Have a great day ❤️💚 This channel is… Read More

  • Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in Minecraft

    Emotional Gamerfleet & Jack in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Gamerfleet and Jack emotional #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Side2kill gaming on 2024-02-17 18:07:37. It has garnered 15 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Techno gamerz Shorts Anshu bisht proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon among us bare knuckle bhoot bhoot bhuton kahani chhan chhan goshti cosas… Read More

  • Valena Towny

    Valena Towny  Welcome to a Valena Towny. Valena is a community driven server based on towns, survival, economy, and PvP. We believe a server is just a server, but what makes a server is the community. We run over 50+ plugins to make us unique and to add a different feeling to our server. You can join a town, start a town or live in the Wilderness. We have McMMo that is used for our auto ranking system that is strictly play-to-win. One of our main features we evolve around is economy. We have jobs for players to join to earn money… Read More

  • MineScape SMP Network Roleplay PVE PVP 1.18.2 Dynmap Skilling

    Welcome to MineScape! The world of MineScape is a Minecraft MMORPG inspired by Old School RuneScape. Join now and start your journey to becoming a legendary adventurer while making new friends. Visit the website and join the discord to get involved! Features: Interactive Custom NPC’s and Mobs Custom Quests 22 Custom Skills: Attack, Ranged, Magic, Woodcutting, Mining, Smithing, Crafting & More Beautiful handcrafted map Clue Scrolls & Daily Rewards Pets, Cosmetics, Titles Active Leaderboards Links: IP: Wiki: Latest blog: Feldip Hills Map Expansion, Daily Quest Rework, Shooting Stars Event & More Devblog #42 Store: Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes –

    Broke Minecrafter ***!

    Minecraft Memes - <p>Broke Minecrafter ***!</p>Poor guy, he may have a score of 28 in Minecraft but at least he’s a solid 10 in our hearts. Read More

  • Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans

    Nether Wart Fart: MCPE Survival Shenanigans In the world of Minecraft, where adventures unfold, Our hero embarks on a journey so bold. With Nether Wart in hand, a potion to brew, Creativity and courage, shining through. Facing challenges, monsters, and more, Our hero’s spirit, strong to the core. Each episode, a new quest to complete, In the world of Minecraft, where victory is sweet. So join us now, in this epic tale, As our hero’s courage will never fail. In the world of Minecraft, where dreams take flight, Our hero shines bright, in the darkest night. Read More

  • Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme

    Villager IQ: Absolute Zero 😂🔥 #minecraftmeme General Minecraft Logic: spends hours mining for diamonds, fighting off mobs, and building elaborate structures. Oi Oi Oi Villager IQ Moments: trades 20 emeralds for a single piece of bread. Read More

  • Uncovering Minecraft’s Lost Levels: 15 Years Later

    Uncovering Minecraft's Lost Levels: 15 Years Later The Quest for Minecraft’s Lost Levels Introduction In a thrilling turn of events, Minecraft enthusiasts recently unearthed the long-lost custom maps based on the iconic game DOOM. These maps, created by Notch in May 2009, had been missing for a staggering 15 years until now. Minecraft Multiplayer is Born The release of these DOOM levels marked a significant moment in Minecraft’s history, coinciding with the birth of Minecraft multiplayer. Players were eager to explore new challenges and experiences within the game. What are the DOOM Levels? The DOOM levels introduced a fresh and exciting dimension to Minecraft gameplay, drawing… Read More

  • Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug

    Inventory Achievement: Removing Minecraft Bug The World of Minecraft: A Dive into UniversoCraft Exploring UniversoCraft Server For Minecraft enthusiasts looking for a vibrant and engaging server to join, UniversoCraft is a top choice. With the server IP, players can immerse themselves in a world filled with endless possibilities and adventures. The server offers a thriving community of players, making it the perfect place to connect, collaborate, and explore. Connect on Discord Joining the UniversoCraft community is made easy through their Discord server. By following the link here, players can engage in discussions, participate in events, and stay updated on server news and announcements…. Read More

  • Companion Kiwi’s shocking secret revealed!

    Companion Kiwi's shocking secret revealed!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Late, I’m Late | Minecraft SevTech Ages’, was uploaded by Companion Kiwi on 2024-08-16 22:17:39. It has garnered 36 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:55 or 9895 seconds. Like and Subscribe! ^ Join The Community V Support on Patreon – Join the Discord! [email protected] #minecraft #gaming #live #stream #sevtechages #minecraftages #minecraftsevtech Read More

  • Minecraft Egg Logic Exposed

    Minecraft Egg Logic ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by OptionGaming on 2024-09-12 12:15:03. It has garnered 10915 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Egg Logic #minecraft #shorts #minecraftguide #minecrafttutorial #trending #viral #10kviews #shorts #hypixal #minecrafthowto #trendingshorts #feedshorts #kite #comment #chipichipichapachapa #comedyvideo #funnyvideo #funnyshorts #plssupportmychannel #4k #2k #hd #gamingcommunity #build #india #1millionviews #1000subscribe minecraft logic gates, minecraft logic be like, minecraft logic pt 2 🤔 november 🅥, minecraft logic shorts, minecraft logic song, minecraft logic that makes no sense, minecraft logic greg renko, minecraft logical redstone, minecraft logic water, minecraft logic… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!

    INSANE Minecraft Realistic Meme Compilation #337!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #337’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-04-30 00:46:01. It has garnered 1415 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:06 or 3306 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion – Wilson’s Journey

    Insane Progress in Pixelmon Fusion - Wilson's JourneyVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS In FUSION PIXELMON! (Minecraft Pokémon)’, was uploaded by Wilson on 2024-03-01 18:00:04. It has garnered 143854 views and 2503 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:16 or 2896 seconds. 🟠100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon! (Minecraft Pokémon)🟠 100 Days In Fusion Pixelmon finally makes its return! Make sure to let me know what fusions you want to see next in 200 days 🔴 Subscribe To the Channel!🔴 🟠Discord🟠 🔵Rocketnode🔵 Use Code “WILSON” For 25% off your server! 🟢Edited By Zenzy🟢 #pixelmon #100days #100 Read More

  • Sandurs – Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!

    Sandurs - Epic Ragecraft: Underworld CTM!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ragecraft IV: Underworld | Minecraft CTM | Stream 17’, was uploaded by Sandurs on 2024-05-19 01:48:20. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:08:31 or 7711 seconds. ================== ➜ Minecraft CTM ➜ Map Name: Ragecraft IV: Underworld By heliceo & suso ➜ Map Download: ➜ Music: Eniah and David Fesliyan & Crinkles – ➜ Map Trailer: ================== Hello, I’m Sandurs! I mainly make Minecraft videos like: CTM (Complete the Monument). I enjoy making and playing CTM Maps. Sometimes I do other things like other Minecraft… Read More


    🔥 INSANE MINECRAFT BEDROCK SERVER GAMEPLAY LIVE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 MINECRAFT LIVE STWEAMY | BEDROCK SERVER 🔴’, was uploaded by Game Ed on 2024-07-26 21:17:42. It has garnered 3142 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:45 or 7245 seconds. Follow my Twitter – Join my discord server – Donate to my paypal – Read More

  • Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!

    Hololive-EN Amelia Watson Minecraft- FIGHTING Bosses in the Sewers!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft Isekai】To the Sewers!’, was uploaded by Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-09-06 05:21:25. It has garnered 105035 views and 8058 likes. The duration of the video is 02:42:19 or 9739 seconds. eep cute art, thank you! Request from hololive Production to underage viewers: Please be sure to check the link below before viewing our content. Trailer: MV: ◆What is “ENigmatic Recollection”? It is a collection of stories in which the members of hololive English play a part. Through streams, animations, and songs wrought anew, immerse yourself in fresh narratives woven… Read More

  • Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥

    Eqlipse Ruins Minecraft Fun 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Make Minecraft Fun Again (by ruining it…)’, was uploaded by Eqlipse on 2024-07-27 22:37:32. It has garnered 34555 views and 2132 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:15 or 1695 seconds. You ever find Minecraft boring and burnt-out after just 2 weeks Well Have I got a solution for you… (its awful) SUBSCRIBE TO THE BONUS CHANNEL: @eqlipseagain3350 MERCH STORE: ||| 10% off with CODE: ANTE UP Join my Discord to Play this Monstrosity: This video was just for fun and if its not obvious a joke please don’t hate… Read More


    ULTIMATE TOWER BUILDING & TREE CHOPPING IN MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK EP 2Video Information This video, titled ‘Make a tower around the block and expand tree cutting area MINECRAFT ONE BLOCK SERIES EP 2’, was uploaded by NOXX CRAFT on 2024-09-21 12:30:30. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:42 or 642 seconds. 🔥 Noxx on an unforgettable Minecraft journey as we dive into uncharted territories and face off against fearsome creatures! Join us in this epic adventure filled with laughter, excitement, and mind-blowing creations! 🌍 Explore vast landscapes, unearth hidden treasures, and build magnificent structures that will leave you in awe. From towering castles… Read More