Insane Modded Minecraft Gameplay – Must See!

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All righty I do believe we are live greetings Adventures welcome to another of tired plays moded Minecraft where we’re back on the heresy server after a little bit of a Hiatus because work has been kicking my ass um I already see Hami in the call motherfucker he was

Just chilling and go to server and decided just pop in anyways um I honestly don’t remember what happened last it’s been a bit since I’ve been on but let’s just defin undin and see what happens and before the stream starts I need to oh I’m in here

Already sorry all de all de all de all de it’s fine all right well apparently they’re working on their shit let’s just go ahead and get started multiplayer hery hopefully Hy has it booted all right um go hold on did that move on here no it did not okay

Game uh uh fucked up and accidentally craft a pickaxe four nether Stars okay um what four nether Stars uh yeah I’ll take it but like what what where’s the where’s my shit who took the chests um did every chest on the server fucking explode uhy we have an issue all

Right hey hy um it seems like uh wait hold on is shit still here no yeah um hampy we have an issue what um every single Quark chest that was in my Village has disappeared that’s not right like if you come over here you’ll see it

Like I had a chest above my Forge shit right there was a chest here that’s gone fucked up and accidentally crafted yeah no no like there used to be a chest like right here it’s gone right there used to be a chest right by here it’s gone

All the chests inside of our house that we’re holding all of our things are gone um I don’t know hold on did Alice reorganized no there’s nothing down there there’s nothing down here it’s not upstairs either exception rendering a block yeah um I don’t know what’s going

On with that like all these uh chests here like the wooden storage crates are fine the vanilla chests are fine hold on a minute um type at quk is still anyone did anything yeah know Quark is still a thing in the uh inji so the mod hasn’t been removed from the

Pack um I did not remove it yeah know I think an update might have fucked things um I might have to go into Crea yeah I I don’t know what’s going on then um that’s very odd though I don’t know why I did did that all right am I

Allowed to go in creative and fix this shit no feel free uh uh I don’t have op I don’t think also your particle effects are causing me to lag now you have a op you should have uh now well now you are if you aren’t uh

Yeah hold on a second let me just close out all my shit why is the you know the chests down here huh which ones uh the loot chest right yeah L CH Sher boxes what hold on a sec go check come from look um boxes and they are openable hold on a

Minute um like they’re just flat unopenable right clicking it it’s not happening should we destroy it uh yeah break it and if the server crashes oh oh nothing yeah that means like um everything that was in all those chests is now gone mine this is a 1.12 thing I think it’s

Just an issue with all of our mods because our mods are like really fucking Jank I mean it’s such a weird thing I know I know but it’s a super specific thing it’s all chests like the looter chests are fucked too specific yeah okay it’s not super specific because like

Vanilla chest perfectly fine Quark chests absolutely fucked like hold on a minute let me go ahead and go to one of the other Villages I have marked my I mean I I was using a A2 system so I didn’t go to your place oh wait there’s a there’s a grind Stone right

Here what are you sure have you guys been doing any A2 stuff um oh no I was going to start on it I was going to start on but I never okay you never did okay then I was like well maybe you had and then another issue

With rendering a block what the fuck is going on why are we just now having this issue I mean you have no one that’s been on the server in a while uh oh yeah no no look the looter chest here is a Shuler again is every chest a fucking Shuler and whenever I

Break it it has the fucking blood magic text exception a block lock do we need to restart the server again I have a feeling we might have to cuz this shit is fucked um I’m not sure why I did that I I don’t I don’t know I don’t have answers um I

Mean it’s definitely something to do with flers it turn every Bo chest to a Sher box yeah but I think like the weird thing is like specifically The Quirk chests were the ones that vanished in the house the vanilla Minecraft chest is perfectly fine and the chests that were

Down in the um the dungeon down there they’re fically deleted they’re not actual Sher boxes what was that they’re effec be deleted hey come here like warp to me oops I you again look at this shit indeed oh oh I think I know what happened something changed IDs IDs are

Off I was about to say IDs are off cuz there’s a bunch of just random fucking livingwood stairs everywhere why is it just random and their orientation seems to be random too like I don’t know what’s going on but I think the server I haven’t touched I haven’t touched the

Server that’s the thing I did turn it on like once on twice and then I have you restarted it well in what way do you mean restart like on the control panel is there a restart button uh no I didn’t restart the server I just turn it off and turn it back did

You ever lose power to your PC at any point no I I turn off the server sometimes and I turn it back on was this I mean my question is like was the server ever on and then you lost power to your PC which turned it off no no

Okay I I don’t remember a single time where it like turned off without me wanting it to turn off huh yeah know like every box is a Sher box yeah we might have to reset the server again let me check hello hey K uh technical difficulties well um you know all our

Chests turn into shocker boxes all the looter chests no no no no no no yeah all the looter chest turned into Shuler boxes all Quirk chests have vanished for some reason there’s batania livingwood stairs all around the ground but only at one like specific biome fuck if I know that’s where we’re

Trying to figure out block IDs got messed up yeah yeah yeah that’s the current theory but we’re trying to figure out why that would even happen cuz like you say basically everything transmuted I feel no like I’m looking under this and shit’s just kind of fucked like even sometimes when I turned

Off the server it was just nothing going there was no one nothing going on it was just no one joining or it was just me so no updates or like changes to the nothing has been made changed okay literally nothing since we last played has been changed have a few turn on on

The server that’s it Hami I found a different kind of staircase it’s a metamorphic plain Stone stair from batania that’s awesome it’s a singular one everything every other stair is all about transmutation right it’s not a modded thing it’s a there is some kind of technical difficulty inside of the

Code of the game that is having an actual fucking stroke like that’s what’s going on here like it’s transmutation yeah no that’s that’s not it it’s the thing it’s just kind of fucked also for some reason did the Wizards always have Wands on their backs uh what I was just going into a

Wizard house to see if like anything in there had changed and you know the shock box let me see and I the mods have been identified as a potential cause of issue hold on a minute um crashed are you crashed they just using they look they’re using his Waring his ones just

Normally see on my screen it was on his back um that’s not right hold on a minute um back to title screen quit the game hold on a minute um key ditched us L sorry shade all right so let me go and pop up the technical difficulties where’s the really want to play

Like This Server C an exception yeah it’s something just keeps fa oh yeah Unholy while you’re there like tired stream which one is dumbass booting the game uh nope okay this one is labeled as whoops why is it labeled as whoops I can’t wait for our world to be completely corrupted

And the floor will just be lav setup all right um hold on setup text is M yeah I’m not sure message there we go um yeah hamy hold on a minute um let me see if my house changed um I’m seeing a Coca-Cola mine cart no nuca

Colola mine cart that’s yeah that’s in my house why we don’t have hbms installed why is there fucking Fallout shit no that’s a Shader oh what it’s one of why do I have it then no this is my house what the you’re you have 2,000 Health what the swim in lava I don’t

Take damage what the I have fire r oh all right so I just P demanda to get in here um I wonder if we cuz like I’m thinking of asking her if we can use one of the is hi love speak of the devil and she shall arrive all

Righty so I have a question um it’s a dumb question right okay so shit’s fucked on our end right like the world file corrupted um can I ask a Tey little favor okay do you happen to have any empty server slots on that control panel yeah can we borrow one nightmare

Fuel wait what it’s good that there oh hi oh hi I haven’t even logged into it in multiple days I don’t know how to get back into it right now um I have like I I haven’t logged into the server since it reset like what do you mean all since I

Restarted my computer I need to find the password that’s why I haven’t been doing anything with it that’s scary yeah our world save corrupted we lost literally every non vanilla chest um every looter chest has turned into a normal chest into a Shuler for some fucking reason it preserved the

Fact that it’s been opened before but it just turned into a Sher you saying nothing apparently according to Hami nothing has been changed he just turned the server off and on again what is that what is what I don’t worry about it Hy do you have automatic mod updates

Enabled no no make sure no yeah y yeah cuz like the only mods that could even update right now are Aether and Essentials and Essentials only updates cuz I had a reverter version cuz it was causing crashes before I don’t even have Essentials in the

Server I don’t even know why I’m able to join them still like fuck well I mean I have not updated a I literally haven’t touched it and I’ve only started up a few times H okay real quick hamy whenever you started the server did it ask you to FML confirm no

Okay then this isn’t wait what do you when what do you mean by started the server you mean when I first ever started it or no when you started it when you started it within the last few times before this issue appeared did you have to do FMC

No I just uh put up the control panel like always and it and it just and it just starts automatically I have the CMC stuff set up so I can put some gfm arguments and then the server just starts up and there you go what are you using to run the

Server uh like uh the forge Minecraft server thing like that’s then that’s an issue not with the mods being changed or the server that’s an issue with your mod pack tired so even if I did put it on the server it would happen again but what happened we didn’t update any of

The mods it looks like an ID changed because it looks like an ID changed because like all all around the world we’re finding batania stairs just on the ground like livingwood stairs and transmuted stone stairs on the ground that’s what happens when you have a bad

Mod well or Hami removed a mod in between games I have not done anything have you touched any of the mods at all possibly even slightly no any mod uhuh then I don’t fucking know then that is legitimately not an issue with a server that is once again an issue with

The mod pack fucking up let me go ahead and load a single wouldn’t matter let me load a single player world right quick I mean I’m sure You’ be fine because you’re generated I know but I’m just seeing just in case the generation is having any issues Our Only Solution might have

To be to restart the server like make a new world regardless attacking oh shit if I man if I manage to get back into the pterodactyl control panel sure but otherwise I I I I don’t know what to tell you I’m still trying to break back

Into it no worries wait can’t you just ask atus for the password cuz he owns it wait what that’s implying that atus has the password did he not put it in the test server at one point he doesn’t have it he gave it to me and fucked off no no no

No I remember at one point he actually cuz yes he has the thing saved somewhere but he gave it to me and then never saved it himself personally I have multiple versions of it I just need to figure out which one is it I just need to figure out which one’s

The right one H that’s it anyways I’ll see you later all right love you sorry love you all right well I’m rebooting the game um because I closed an thing tired I sold my soul oh here right here look I like this morph this is a good

Morph I like how you like actually eat the item got a delivery for you sir uhhuh wait you sing your actually unlock flight it’s going to look really good okay you’re selling your soul to me right now he already had the contract signed uh no I don’t I have the contract but it’s

Not signed I just need like XP specific you don’t need to it doesn’t actually do anything the contract just give it to me no I need for flight no I I’ll give it to you with giving your if you’re giving me your soul I’ll give it you XP as well um as

Well as a little bonus in order to equip the thing yeah so they already have the totem I’m just going to give them XP with I wish this morph had more like Health well get fuck I guess um is that your wish do you want more help ke you’re dealing with anamara

I hope you realize that yeah I know I’ve already gotten I have like five wishes um yeah so cash that in uh give me the XP and make this morph have more Health okay can’t do that this is what you want yes you can’t change the morph’s health

Unless you go directly into the server configs and even then considering the fact we’re having issues with the server we might not want to do that I’m sorry dude you can probably actually hold on we have blood magic in this pack I can help you out I can set

Up a living upgrade uh system for your armor I can do I can actually make custom Living Armor because we have we have constructs Armory and we have blood smeltery which means that I can make possibly living Tinker armor which can possibly have the Vitality upgrades which give you more

Health hi haer okay have you seen a can you demor and then go back into the Raven um okay just real quick for forgot how to do that period right yeah period back do you have any change in your health nope still three okay oops I me

To do that technically six but it’s three h sorry what what part of the M what like what mod is the Raven from the Raven I think it’s from fishes Undead Rising there’s multiple actually yeah there’s one for bment and there’s one for fishes um the one I have has red

Eyes that’s fish yeah fish see it okay I see it creative bonus chest on allow sheets on okay um see if I can this shit’s fucked that’s the name of the world if this crashes it is what it is tool po it Herer says I heard your service they

Have got corrupted also a tool pop is something from bewitchment it allows you to I believe it’s some kind of alternative to The Mending enchantment but I’m not entirely sure I’d have to look into it okay try morphing into it now okay no still still three okay I think I

Just have to give you the morph with the 100 Health well as then you have to set a raven’s Health to 100 let key kill it and then he’ll morph into it it’s probably something like that or I can just give him commands wa you can assign

Morphs with commands yes oh that’s neat I guess metamorph is just based like that okay yeah all right I just really like Ravens like they’re my favorite creature animal fair enough okay I am loading into the world and I am falling into the void oh out

H i spawned next to a th craft Den okay okay the chest down there is fine so all right all right all right figured out why I can’t log into it what it’s much worse than I thought at stop paying for it ah fuck all right so hamy I have discovered

That breaking lutter chest for some reason has the particle effects of the blood magic uh alchemy table how did you figure that out how do you know trial and error I recognized the particle effects uh because I spent how many times have you broke it how many times

Have I played with blood magic is the question you should be asking the answer is far too many um but yeah it’s not a straight answer I would like an estimate I don’t have a number um I’ve played with it in the 1.2 pack both versions of Tavern technically oh this

Is the um one the stairs you talking the new one 1.6 all right so the number is higher than five um I made at least different five maybe six yeah six different modit packs that have various versions of blood magic 1.12 1.16 1.20 I think I played it in 1.18 a couple of

Times s oh yeah no cuz there was that one phase of heresy that lasted for like a month so yeah we’re looking at about seven at least mod packs that have had blood magic through various phases of its development um though mind you blood magic 2 and blood magic 3 the separation

Is around 1.8 or around 201 16 or so um are not comparable because there’s a ton of config changes and just changes into the progression in general uh blood magic version one is like 1.7.10 I’ve never used it before and it’s ancient and it’s no longer in development cuz

I’m pretty sure the team actually handed it off to someone else and people who are currently developing are different than the original devis but I could be wrong there sorry just ignore what I just said anyways Target him yeah yeah yeah know our current issue lies in the fact that there is

Some issue going on with okay so vanilla shit breaks fine all right let me go ahead and break a Tania flow I’m looking so Bania and blood magic and lutter are the three okay batania mystical gray flowers breaking perfectly fine let’s see oh that’s a lizard from bewitchment U another lizard

Um that was the most squirrel ass reaction that I’ve ever had in my life did you do you have another Raven um yeah mine’s iffy I have to exit and then rejoin when I get a new morph all so break batania flowers isn’t causing any issues um break the stairs I

Haven’t seen any generate in my world I’m on a single player world right now um I still have three and I don’t have any other morph here wait let me give you I M you into it do you have 100 Health yes you do uh yeah I do can you

Favorite it maybe I need to give it to you something can you not read um which one do I favorite can does it show up like the current God that’s a thing no it doesn’t it doesn’t um what if I just like really quickly Give what oops seven help four yep nice of seven I’m not finding anything now and if I uh just click here there go then I go back to this yeah it’s three still all right just like spawn it in with 100 health and then let me kill it like put

In a hole or something yeah that’ probably be your best bet in order to get it I also need to get a weapon since I’m poor all right I’m not seeing any issues in regards to Chest generation on a new save so I have a feeling it has Hearts oh yeah I have a feeling we might have to make a new world save because shit’s fucked I mean how much shit is fucked um apparently according to like how much shit that I’m noticing is different in

This save versus that other one a lot man I just want to be a a raven and I can actually find that’s just all I want to do man yeah um I would honestly hold off on doing that until we make the new world save because

Like we’re going to need to make a new world save I looked at TI stream and I was very surprised when I saw him flying and I’m like excuse me what I’m in Creative you idiot I thought you were in a CI server no I’m not not right now I’m currently

Investigating as best as I can into whatever the fuck is going on wait is it the same in single player nope nope single player is 100% perfectly fine oh I don’t know how I don’t know why but single player perfectly fine okay are you still here come next to me

Yep nope breaking looter chest hold on um a it does not work hold on lter shulker lter chest yep that is the um blood magic alchemy table hold on a minute Al table hold on breaking that still has its own part effects yeah yeah know the reason why I

Noticed the alchemy table is specifically because I saw the glass texture for the vials alongside the texture for the the uh like the kind of tablecloth on it who have been killing Hami if it wasn’t for the uh the glass snen n oh have you been going into Twilight

Yeah ohuh neat yeah um I’m thinking yeah no we need a new world save I’m in my I’m trapped down here in my professional unprofessional opinion we’re fucked sweet are we I mean at least we fine no no no because like if if the server is

Having issues right now who’s to say it isn’t going to have issues more in the future that’s true that’s true but wer restarting the server do the exact same thing no because go to the bathroom we we don’t know if the IDS have been fixed like go ahead and actually hold on a

Minute why am I experiencing oh wait hold on actually no no that poses a good question why am I seeing the alchemy table effects whenever I break chests in my version I haven’t updated anything um yeah that means to much fuck um yeah we might actually have to get rid of

Looter which is a it’s it’s a shame because looter is a really good mod for multiplayer servers like ours but like if it’s causing this much of an issue where it’s literally deleting chests filled with things and it’s causing chests in the wild to be completely unopenable we’re going to have to get

Rid of it we are not sure if it’s looter or not no no no it’s the common denominator to all of our problems looter is the only chest that we have that changes chest it’s the only mod that we have that changes chest generation and hold on a minute let me

Go ahead and look and why did it change the flowers into stairs poan I am looking at the IDS um hold on a minute uh what is it f3h yeah f3h okay so the chest so I saw metamorphic Forest Stone stairs okay it’s 7130 and what other one did I see 71

7091 so 7130 hold on I’m wri this down so um I actually didn’t think about what taking someone so would me uh I wish think have just like a stack of their blood but I don’t know what what else right you know hello hello hello you know how you know key is gonna

Have sell his soul to me uh um yeah I I don’t know how that’s actually going to work I could see like a stack of his like BL of T 713 and 7091 but like I you know M I can’t really right and then we’re thinking it was the batania flowers that got

Replaced right like out in the wild I don’t think it’s Bania flower specifically I think it’s just some kind of flower or grass or some foilage you got replaced in into stairs 7198 uh 7198 is Mystical flowers uh thisal flowers 7091 is the Living Wood stairs um 7130 is the metamorphic

SARS U wait metamorphic I should just get an item that’s just his it’s just called keys so wait was it hey hamy was it metamorphic planes or metamorphic Forest that we saw uh I don’t remember check yeah also check if it’s livingwood planks or livingwood raw for the stairs because 7094

Is all these are relatively close in ID number like the flowers the stairs cuz like the uh metamorphic Stone stairs and the mystical flowers are only off by about 60 IDs uh versus okay but like in a mod pack as large as ours considering the fact that their ID

7,000 um there’s shit from Tinkers that’s up that’s like 5,941 for Cobalt 10,000 for coralium pearls 6,100 for quartz shit like we have a decent amount of shit in this in this mod pack where was that place it was like behind here it was a green roofed wizard tower

Out in attiga hold on a minute let me check chat um do you happen to have server logs we’re not 1.7 we’re 1.2 sorry I was just looking at what it’s probably the the same no it just keep saying we get logs from rendering issues in the yeah we are getting

Rendering issues I don’t know what’s going on with that it does say that we can see yeah qu an exception running a block see the log for info so we can actually yeah um I haven’t had any of those by the way on my world um like I

Haven’t had an issue I think it’s lutter that is being R badly r I think so too I don’t think it’s loser’s fault but yeah something happened okay I found one living wood stair in a magical forest yeah what kind of living wood stair is it uh just living wood stair okay so

It’s the normal one which is 7091 okay yeah um I don’t know what we’re doing with oh I found even more in the uh Extreme Hills plus so what’s the plan New World safe we delete um we delete looter and we make a new world safe that’s the

Idea rest we’re going to have to because shit’s fucked if it’s causing issues with already generated World chunks what are we going to do whenever it makes new shit I’d say everyone gets like maybe 15 minutes in Creative in order to get back the shit that we lost

Right no getting shit that you didn’t have all right I me I’m going to all my stuff yeah cuz like I remember the things that we lost I lost um basically all of our ores and gems we lost a bunch of miscellaneous Woods like I think we

Lost like five stacks of wood um he key come here I can’t I’m we lost um Lava I made a oh thank you here take this here Wait Wait Don’t don’t hit it don’t hit it that’s all my abyssalcraft stuff I kept all my thft stuff which I’m

Happy about um but all the abyssalcraft shit is gone um I’m breaking other blocks in this world and nothing else is having any issues with it like textures everything else is fine like it’s just solely the looter chests that are having the texture breaking of the fucking um I

Mean if just I feel say we stay on the server for now and if it breaks something else then we leave no because we’re going to keep getting those error codes do you guys see the errors in the chat yes no it doesn’t matter it’s I I say we

Don’t need to because then I’ll be a lot of work just restarting the is it working one second yeah okay this kerur is beating my ass I Cann not like talk without oh did you like bite your tongue or some shit yeah F wait key you’re a

Vampire right no no oh okay it took too long I kept dying F actually no that’s not even an F that’s just a flat skill issue like if you can’t handle the vampirism you don’t deserve the vampirism no like I keep dying because uh I keep getting killed

By literally everyone what do you mean what’s your favorite color green green okay why don’t worry about it he’s making something green and that’s why all right well I’m going to go and pop back on the server delete the world that is labeled is shit fucked rendering

Issue I do think that’s the main reason no it’s not a rendering issue because um like the blocks themselves are fucking gone and yeah it’s not it’s not the main reason because I think it’s just a side effect of the shit that’s wrong yeah it’s a symptom yeah absolutely uh yeah

Know I was just looking at the IDS and the IDS are oh and I crashed immediately again what the fuck I load in and I immediately crashed um I’m taking a picture Port has been generated with this name in your crash folder okay um get

Link um open it in your browser you know what fuck it right what does this say um yep yep here it is yep it’s in regards to looter lutter shulker tile entity cannot be cast yep so uh description ticking particle so yeah uh particle smoke normal uh miscellaneous

Texture uh that’s you crashing yes yeah so I literally cannot join the server because I as soon as I load in it renders that particle and I crash okay well we could just quickly remove thingy then what was that we can remove Lo man yeah but that will delete every

Single actually no no no no that’s technically World gen so if we remove that are fucked because they’re moving a world gen mod once the world has already been loaded you’re shooting yourself in the foot you are doing irreparable damage to your world safe we’re going to have to

Just restart yeah I’m sorry it’s going to be a pain in the ass I know that it’s going to be difficult for you to set up server side man it’s just uh you me all this stuff that’s I know I know I know that’s why we said we have time in

Creative in order to fix the shit we’re lost hey so what’s the Twilight for what did you say hamy all stuff he did uh go around take screenshots all right that way just put them in the heresy chat ping Alice and Theta say hey shit’s fucked we need to

Do a world restart um I don’t know if they’re going to be happy with another one though I know they’re not going to be happy but no Theta is not going to be happy yeah wait there’s a twilight forest Raven going to steal his skin I know he’s is not going to be

Happy but like there’s nothing else we can do like if we delete looter that’s going to cause issues whenever we Lo on your wait keep your stuff in your inventory we can at least transfer player data we can I think so okay then yeah we can do

That pretty I’m not able to log in because whenever I load in I immediately crash um heer maker can you send that lock to me please uh oh yeah yeah give me a sec um you leave um I killed a twilight forest Raven and I wanted to get his uh thing

Okay Windows pram files Minecraft launcher instances hary please I’m flying crash reports I’m flying oh yeah I made your wait wait what do you mean this the most recent one f oh you have your token here no oh yeah you still need I still need

To give you the XP bro yeah but like I’m flying um as the Twilight Raven oh shit I’m really slow but I’m flying oh it doesn’t work for fishes but I do like fishes cuz it’s more slender and like it just looks better H thanks we’ll look deeply into

It like the the website that I opened it in um like literally just says um like the ticking particle it gives the reasons and everything like uh particle being ticked particle smoke normal particle type missing texture level name MP server all players total tired Arts chunk stats level C

Level generator level spawn location okay hampy yeah what go toga 615 64 – 167 and break the chest there okay which chest was it all right it’s going to be a lutter shulker all right no what cords was it again all right negative 615 64 615 64 negative 16 7

167 there’s no chest here um look around there uh because like go in spectator right and find any lutter shulker chest I mean like I guess that going to be it break it if you think it’s it break it uh yeah I mean it is one I it

Is it boop boop boop boop there multiple no I just it didn’t want to I’m I’m fighing I’m flying wait hold on a second it said my x coordinate is yeah 655 exception in existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host oh that was a server just flat crashing h

Hey HBY look at chat uh like look at stream chat and go to the chords that I’m posting I already oh they’re different chords all right soga 655 y 65 Z 468 apparently log says that I was there I don’t know why it would um have an issue here retry entities entity camera

Uh I don’t know why that’s happening yeah no oh wait hold on a minute yeah no it gave me an exact location of this particle hold on a minute yep uh the sites are unreliable they give the reason for the crash not the reason that caus the crash

Error yeah the cords right there that’s the thing that crashed me kill it there there’s literally not a chest here well then what the fuck kill the particle uh particle smoke normal um is it me it might oh my God I just went past this there’s in underground some

Block is replaced with an andesite brick stair shit’s fucked Hy what the fuck is that nether rock brick wall hold on share your screen share your fucking screen I want to see this wait wait let me let me let me get key here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait I want to see this wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait yeah would it just if he restart the server w’t it just get fucked again if he changed nothing I don’t know ah I wasn’t done so like those store those stairs and then just

Fucking oh my God what the hell to your base what is happening what is this and these were in pre-loaded chunks like we’ve already been here I don’t know if theyed like go the surface look at your journey map because I might know where this is

Yeah no no no I’ve been in this chunk before this is the darklands this is a preloaded chunk shit’s fucked all right well never getting on that server ever again what did you crash I was about to give you your soul bro well no I wasn’t going to

Give it to you I was going to show it to you yeah no did he did he crash Soul let it be white or something or black I don’t know it’s green fire green soul looks funny you you were literally just about to get Soul fire yeah I know soul looks

Funny no it was literally just abyssalcraft green fire that he labeled key soul like don’t make it green green looks funny yeah but it’s like Hive soulfire so yeah but does everything have to be Hive I’m sorry you’re the motherfucker who always brings it up yeah I know and maybe I’m not

Anymore congratulations character development all right I joke but still like um devil Joe let’s see if I load and yep nope nope there’s just a particle like some white particle effect around me and then I crash um so something Burns around me I don’t know what it is though

Um strange well I’m very happy that I labeled the stream bra moment because that’s what this is right now uh could you ping me when you uh start the new server yeah Amy uh I would remove looter from the mod list um yeah remove looter

From the mod list and then is it me who’s making these particles I don’t know because you aren’t at an evilcraft structure are you try try try joining I literally just closed the game it doesn’t matter then all right uh all right what is lunar does Lun have any

Prerequisites mix and Booter but we already have mix and Booter okay so just delete hey uh excuse me can you left the VC he’s in a different VC no I mean you what just look hold on on what am I about to say hold on a minute those are supposed

To be oak leaves that is a vanilla block that’s fucked yeah we’re fucked fucked okay yeah I’m yeah know look there’s a bunch of batania stairs on the ground I I don’t know what to tell you I mean if oak leaves are disappearing we are shafted beyond

Belief didn’t you say this happened when you restarted your server and it was fucked as well no that restarted I mean going into single player the only thing that was fucked was me breaking uh litter chests and get giving the what’s it called fucking blood magic alchemy table texture for breaking

It that was all that I saw so like I guess it’s just we delete looter and make a new world save and hope for the best wow yeah I don’t know what happened some somewhere an ID got changed and that’s the only thing that we could

Possibly have done and it might not have have even been on our end it probably even wasn’t on our end all right okay hold on a minute let me yeah uh we can transfer player data right I’m pretty sure we can and if not we could just take a

Screenshot or a screen chat of your inventory all right oh this might be my fault actually I realized how this might be my fault I edited looters configs to exclude certain blocks from being generated as looter chest remember how the um what’s it called Electra blobs chest like uh

Book shells are being generated as chests and how I disabled that yeah and then we didn’t have any issues yeah it might have been a delayed thing why did you change that like maybe a reset ago like not the reset you just did but the one before that like

Remember whenever we were going through all those wizard houses and like looting shit it was right before that cuz remember when we were looting things we got a bunch of bookshelves actually no no no it’s not that cuz whenever I went into my basement in my house all the bookshelves

Were perfectly fine then again they wer player placed instead of generated but still like I thek chest yeah no quk chest as well because that’s affected by looter because any chest that generates naturally it takes it’s not just chest it was also yeah lutter needs to

Gos yeah lutter needs to go howy potato how’s it going bruh indeed um well so shit’s fucked right now on the server Hami you’re working on reworking this right like deleting looter and starting up a new world save yeah yeah um can I possibly do our

BRB and like get something to eat like how long do you think this is going to take uh I mean not much but the problem is I don’t know if just the leading looter is GNA fix it if we start a new world it should because like hopefully it does cuz that’s its

Common denominator like the crashes the world gen the chest Vanishing the particle effects being well not particle effects like destruction effects being fucked yeah I think it’s looter so how it so all we know there was looter is because the court chests are gone and and haer just found a crash report

For the same error on lutter’s GitHub it’s it’s lutter Herer just found it on the mods GitHub we need a pull it there’s no fix there but there’s no fix and let me go ahead and check uh let me go and go to Minecraft projects search looter I want to yep

Looter Forge when was the last time this was updated hello all right the last time that this mod was updated for 1.12 was September destroy everything like find a nuke and destroy it like blow it up just using just n uh bomb um bomb hold on

Hold on hold on uh like really yeah that that looks like a bomb how do you blow it up no no no no no no don’t don’t don’t destroy shit cuz people still might need to log on and take screenshots it’s already blowing up you can’t stop it it’s nowhere near near

What do that do what do that bomb do blow up a line yeah well I’m going to be right back and get some food um Hami take your time fixing this because this is a delicate issue um I mean we just need to remove looter yeah yeah yeah we

Need to remove looter and then you need to make a new world save um New World New World error is dated August 18th 2022 that was two years ago hold on Herer what version is it in me H what oh I just blew up the thing

Hold on a second I’m gonna go in deathin um heer what do you mean 2022 that was almost two years ago what how and it’s 1.19 have you seen any issues for this in 1.2.2 recently or at all have you uh not just the particle effect crash that I had because that was

The only one that have actually had that gave me a crash report cuz I actually like physically left the game do you see any about shifting item IDs or block IDs like causing preloaded chunks to get fucked over cuz like these chunks are previously explored but we haven’t kept

Them loaded as far as I’m aware the server doesn’t have everything loading all at once capabilities no h well fuck well we’ll pull lutter just in case um because the mod’s last update in our version was September of last year um I thought this stream started an hour ago

Darth technical difficulties look at the stream title I’m blind technical difficulties yeah anyways hi howy welcome to hell um yeah ignore the massive view of Discord we’ll try to find yeah I’m going to be right back these idiots are going to keep you guys entertained hopefully no one leaves wec

Again like last time I’m gonna get some food because I am hungry all right all right you guys um you guys are going to have to be the court Chesters um I will be right back I’m going to go get some food okay take a picture of this and I’m dead hello

Delete looter right now and then I’m GNA join the server picture of all of my storage yeah I need to go get my stuff again I have it’s literally one double chest in your uh base take take a picture of every single thing boom okay here we

Go I don’t care about these uh no wrong thing why isn’t it opening did it crash I think it crashed oh no all my spells oh wow that’s a lot of spells oh wow how am I supposed to know say does anyone else miss waking up with the sun now that it’s fucking

Winter no um how cold is it for you cold I’m Canadian damn it’s negative -2 over here in Iowa Lucky Bastard what you mean Celsius right no Fahrenheit oh shit that is cold yeah last yesterday I was like oh I have to KI I have to keep it really does take a

While for this uh to actually load doesn’t it yeah how am I going to transfer all of these books fuck you that’s how fuck you Spiderman why are people need help with zor magdas it’s literally so easy that’s a lot of books or or or or or or or or or or yeah slime boots that’s pretty much all I want I want slime boots in my next thing so I don’t have to get it

Also let me kill myself really quickly um oh I have to transfer all of these slime cuz I’m slim slime Shady yes the Slime Shady nice pretty good stuff slime Shady there’s really not a lot I did not play this server that much oh well what’s this do oh there’s a

Mod pack I’m working on temporal casualty what does that do I get up here no bro get up here leave me alone get up here no get up here no I’m transferring I’m putting on my spells in my back I’m going to break into your floor don’t do

That I need to get up here what do you want get up here no please okay yeah what is it hey what do you want a shit what’ you curse me with how do you feel uh okay all uh yeah uh also um I have your

Soul all right this is your soul you see it oh um hey look at your uh look at your effects I have many look at temporal casuality yeah I see it I don’t I don’t know what it doesn’t say does it say casuality or causality um c a s u a l t

Y cality casuality I don’t know how to say what is that what is that is that bone in oh it is taking it what is that yeah can you just like uh yeah part of you taking your soul is also taking a stack of your blood so don’t worry about

That there you go what this is your blood I have a stack you have a stack of your blood let me see that your blood tag lock contains a tag it’s your blood and I have your Soul sure I didn’t think you would sign it so on reduce to atoms be jurer bees JG just because I can just collect all my cells true how could I be so dumb I’m bled what kazamel yo come up here and give me your flesh bro what no bless my face is

Dying why would I give you my flesh cuz I crave actually say no I have some in here already I got two of it I have two of your flesh nice pretty good job why do you have so much flesh I don’t know all I know it’s really

Tasty oh yeah that’s the good stuff oh I just deleted backpack with all my scre my nose hurts yo Hy can I ask you if the am I the asshole Fort what okay what is it tell me if my teammate needs kills and I just want to

Mine on in an open world in Warframe am I the asshole for just Mining and what they just want to get what Kills it depends are are you in like an open world bitch I know I think there a oh then yeah who cares you’re good you’re good my brother it is not your fault get out of my stuff lot good Lord oh well you didn’t see the library that was full of stuff

I’m putting in backpacks you got a really tasty flesh I do hit me I did Wowers that’s good yeah I just have to let that out monster hun Monster Hunter like Monster Hunter Monster Hunter the hit video game series Monster Hunter the hit video monster I’m not goingon to lie There’s a Monster Hunter MOD and I really want to try it out Monster Hunter

I want oh my gosh I’m going to make a a monster hunter mod pack what for do yeah for Minecraft how it how how that even work in Minecraft do you think a monster hunter nah that would not work Monster Hunter Minecraft Monster Hunter Bomb cuz why not we just we do a little trolling we do a little draing I think so a little trolling do a little bring guys I don’t think I’m going to live for much longer good what no no no I’m going to go through all of your

Scrolls don’t do that I’m going to fuck with your Scrolls I mean go ahead where are they there they are you can take them I’m all right now how do I get out of here oh yeah wait you stuck watch this watch this watch this I’m not watching oh you’re a Raven yeah you do realize you’re not going to have it in the next one right yeah I know I just want to fuck with these you still want me to have your show is that a noo ah I don’t know I always like the idea of selling my soul it’s always a fun

Thing that’s true been fun anytime I can I usually do it I can’t resist it’s a pretty fun thing to do withs you know taking their souls it’s pretty fun stuff I mean if you if you have if you let me keep your soul I’ll let you have

The the wish so how many wishes you have um I don’t remember bro oh well that’s all my spells in the backpack six n nice 16 we need to put some lights up in here there we go Abra Kadabra Alakazam you better get in my van no

Thanks thank you Warframe for freezing I love this game oh that sucks H fishing rod fishing rod ah back to making this monster hunter thing cuz why not you know going to dip goodbye goodbye goodbye nice okay um I got all my stuff uh including your soul and your blood so

It’s pretty good stuff all righty I’m back let’s see if I can hamy don’t log out just yet uh I want you to have a tele ready you’re going to teleport me to your location as soon as you see my name pop up in chat okay okay yeah so capital T capital

A okay done give me a minute to boot the game uh I just put all my stuff in back packs and I’m going to carry yeah I’m going to do the same cuz I have them in cells Open studio what the fuck why not have two different Monster Hunter

Mods y it’s going to break it’s going to be funny audio stream’s current bit rate is lower than recommended um open widg where is uh use an audio stream bit rate what what the fuck do you mean use an audio stream bit rate I don’t know how to configure that

Shit sorry my OBS is screaming at me anyways I’m screaming at you I’m not listening all right um let me go and stop viewing that um all right this is going to be the most Jank of rescue operations ever executed all right as soon as I load in

Which will be in a minute the game is still loading okay okay also I have corn are are you loading into the server or in the game loading into the game okay cuz I deleted looter oh wait won’t be able to join the server if I don’t have loer God damn it

No I mean if you join the server I can do in Split Second no cuz I’m going to immediately it’s not going to let me load in because I don’t have the mods what do you mean you don’t you don’t have loer I deleted itm what then why are you still loading

It because I’m I I didn’t realize I deleted it okay I’m I’m adding it now four okay uh all four it’s not working maybe close actually yeah it’s literally not working um hold on okay do a t manager I I’m I am I’m I’m killing this fucker by firing

Squad there we go all right hey key do you want a backpack for your stuff I have no nothing I need you don’t want to bring anything over um probably just some some things yeah okay I mean as long as you know know what they are oh

Tetra this is the thing I I love Tetra so much are you m so you said you’re making your own mod pack Monster Hunter yeah Monster Hunter stuff can I have epic fights in better combat in one pack but that just read their compatibilities if not then no I

Think it’s going to explode yeah I have a feeling it would I don’t know uh read their compatibilities but no too lazy hey uh you have out stuff right can can you bring their stuff over oh yeah yeah I’ll grab their shit I’m loading up the game again

Because I had a read looer yeah you you grab all their stuff yeah well most of our shit was deleted but I’ll get what we still have yeah put it in like a backpack or something mhm exactly what I’m going to do who’s eating

What I’m eating your mom no h me what it was perfect no I just have you made me sad yeah just get like a backpack or these wooden stor he nuts bro goofy a RPG mod also do do you know haer or yeah yeah yeah he’s from d 2mc MC do I want

Actually wait that does kind of look um Monster Hunter E I don’t get it why don’t you just play Monster Hunter um shut up I don’t know how you ulate that in grimor Gaia no 76 new useless swords I do actually have a new mod pack I was working

On it was like Perma winter oh really yeah oh wait there isn’t there already a mod pack like that I played before may I just made my own because I’m cool you are cool what how dare you say that what oh yeah hey now medieval Siege machines that’ll be good for Monster Hunter

Yeah moves level cap yes I mean I’ll keep the server on for you guys does anyone want me to do anything because um I gotta keep that server on so you guys can get you gu you guys can get your stuff right so like oh I need to rescue t wait Ty

Where are you in the game right now anyway still loading are you at your house not yet know I’m out in the middle of nowhere next to something that’s causing me to crash okay just when I teleport you simple guns I want to add guns so

Bad same time there gun world right I know but that’s it’s like different they’re like sword guns yeah no that’s gun Lance um he’s talking about heavy bow gun and light bow gun those are actual guns like it’s literally just lmg it’s just an lmg at that

Point it’s pretty fun all right hamy enjoy it yeah I’m going to load into the server in three two one clicking now connect it to the server fire it in just a moment and now hopefully that worked should have been teleported yeah you are all right I’m here and we’re good we’re good

We’re good okay all right I’m going to go and get my shit into a bag all right burp all my shit in bags okay um don’t forget about your thingies what thingies bobles the more I the less it becomes Monster Hunter that’s kind of how it works key

Yeah there’s just so much stuff I like and I want to add it’s called a kitchen snc mod pack what’s a kitchen snc mod pack this means a mod pack with everything yeah basically everything you can add is added I really want to add everything I can

Add then you add everything you can add more and more swords H I keep adding more I just found the Monster Hunter thing I just passed it oh fuck I just deleted all my tools yay um oh it’s water um tell me when to stop stop just stop installing mods I need to

Stop at some point but I don’t well you’re going to need to add a bunch of optimization mods you want shit to work no I’m just going to try it anyways fair enough all right we’re going actually wait Minecraft’s already running oh yeah I was killed you killed me what what I

Did no you fuck God damn it okay so switching between creative mode and survival mode delete shit okay good to know um okay so bag of holding is not the way to go wait you get creative mode that’s I’m just doing that to get bags that’s I don’t

Care oh okay the fuck is stomach ioser why is it I on a chicken head many Cedar grave keeper chromatic shap scol or chicken or pig6 mods that’s pretty good I’ve seen worse I’ve made worse this one’s worse like all of the mods in my opinion is a bad mod

Pack all the mods yeah it’s a little cuz it just it just doesn’t there’s just too much I mean like that’s the point but like it’s just not fun because there’s too much to do wait what I don’t know where to start uh all the mods too much like

Yeah yeah that mod pack it crashed what crashed what did leveling okay delete just leveling want say want W yes just leveling yeah get rid of it delete it how does this shit work oh I see all right we’re trying it again we deleted just leveling and now we’re going to try

It again and see if this works please love G work I need to see hello Amanda hello Amanda howdy love what’s going on just chilling all right what you say I think they did did error loading f five mods oh no oh it sounds like someone didn’t install prerequisites oh no this motherfucker

Didn’t install dependencies requires Origins wait what did you add a fucking Origins mod Origins requires Origins what is Origins it’s a mod Origins hold on a minute are you on uh Fabric or Forge uh Forge version 18.2 is there even An Origin port to that version yet so I’m just going to

Put this right here so I can just remember hold on hold on wind that shit back what version 1.8.2 oh yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely there a version what we played with it we did yeah Forge it w’t let me close yeah on Forge already crash already this motherfucker paid for

Twitter hold on am I still showing I’m still showing my technical okay litter is trying to use function from mix in to replace shulker for its variant because the mix in has error the game crashes okay all right well whatever it is we’ll move on but

Still what Chang it to a choker spells and shields yeah no that’s the problem that we’re dealing with what is it making why is it making a Sher box wait what do I need what is Origins no you need you need yes oh this Origins yes oh no wait it’s already installed is

It the right version yeah are you sure about that I’m pretty sure wait what does it say it says currently Origins h I have um install the most recent one I fucking guess um what the fuck was that noise fucking I guess Hami just became like a frog outside in the

Winter Ambi are you okay oh no I just saw a wizard okay you just entered frog mode no a wizard when he sees fucking wizard Ribbit I got cursed for five [Laughter] seconds C you I will for five seconds frog a shit man when shit I’m back for five seconds and only last

D it only lasts five turns that’s like six seconds indeed yeah no six seconds is one turn well I mean 30 seconds what else did I fucking have like what am I I’m losing my fucking mind um need those balls that the three tag locks of Alice

That I have solely for the mes um all do you want to here you guys want to see my mod pack I’m working on fuck if it’s the mod pack I think it is I think Amanda would be mad at you what no it’s it’s not that mod pack

Then because some trying to generate one sh structure it’s not L but mix in boter Oh it’s it’s mixing Bo what is a mix and boot used for it is used for let’s check relations dependence required dependencies oh there a lot okay um ah I think I might mixing Boer isn’t for shit girl I heard modding information that was wrong fuck what was

That I was listening to your stream you’re wrong mix and Bo isn’t a fucking mod it’s not shit it’s a mod or it’s a application that a ton of fucking mods use AP yeah it’s an API mod that like a ton of mods have default built into it

Oh so it’s just a bullshit mod it’s not even a bullshit mod because it’s not a mod it’s a set of code that people use for a lot of different mods it’s not its own thing it’s inside every version of every mod that has it because no one actually

Uses huh say useless no that okay the information that you’re using to find the mod that’s fucking it up is useless you can’t find it just because it’s mixing because shit tons of things use Mixon yeah I mean okay apparently here it’s just it’s just looter uses Mixon Bo then it’s probably looter

Anyways mding shitter away I don’t know why she left she was being helpful so yeah we just have we can remove mix and Bo no we remove we remove lutter because mix and Bo is used by like several different mods in our pack I just checked the dependencies I literally

Checked I Lally check what uses it did Amanda not say that’s not the thing that’s causing issues I mean are we using the mod called alamore age of chaos and nuclear zombie factions I don’t think we are we’re using all the mods I’m seeing so far is looter and

Optimization mod that we use sensor day yeah we need do do you remember how shit this pack was before we added optimization mods I mean it’s just one that one optimization mod I’m gonna kill you okay I check the dependence bro it’s this one mod I check the dependence and only two

Mods that we have in a pack have it so we can just delete it our problem okay okay hold on hold on hold on hold on hold are you you checking the dependency page of mix and boter required dependencies yes are is that what you are checking okay I want to slap you

Because I just explained this to you it’s inside the mod it’s not installed it doesn’t require it because it’s in the mod remove the two mods that require that says that dependent okay still good to remove mix and boter I’m telling you if it’s a different mod that’s not okay

If it’s a different mod that also is using mix and boter you won’t know by a dependencies because it’s inside its mod it doesn’t say code is in the mod yeah exactly like if you pop open in the folder it’s going to have mix and boter inside the mod itself it doesn’t install

It as a dependency it’s in it also Hami um we’ve already narrowed down that it’s looter because all the chests that vanished all the uh like IDs that are broken are near it but not Spanish why the flowers change because bia’s IDs were close to looters and then whenever

Something happened like the ID shifted and that’s why we’re seeing a bunch of weird shit why did that cave change what was that where did that cave change what cave block like four blocks changed that Ravine IDs shifted that was an ID shift caused by lutter having a

Stroke hey the only thing we need to pull is looter all right let’s not make this problem any more complicated than it needs to be just fucking pull looter yeah and if we need to if we need to we’ll do something else but at the moment the only problem we’re currently

Seeing involves looter all right I’m sorry to be that asshole but like man is right and I’m not just saying that right I’m not just saying that to say that I’m saying that cuz she actually is right I mean you don’t know that yourself I because I saw the same issue

That she’s looking at I know what we’re dealing with vaguely I’m not not as experienced with modding as she is but I do know what she’s taught me and that right there is what we’re doing with it’s a mod ID issue caused by Luder having a

Fit Okie doie I’m like I am sorry I don’t want to be that asshole but like if it happens again if happens again we’ll try what you’re suggesting but like at the moment what I was going to suggest is just see what remove because we could just remove it and if

It doesn’t work we can just put it back what we’re having a debate over what needs to be pulled and what doesn’t well I don’t understand this like what does it mean forges I have to update Forge what what what what um mod create requires Forge 4 40 yes you need

To update your Forge version okay so how do I do that just like you go to the three dots all right there should be an option in there that says update Forge version somewhere in there I can’t remember where but it’s in there um profile lock depends that’s probably

It yeah oh yep here it is yep found it I need to upgrade it to this right wait no I have to go higher to go to 40.2 14 I gota goer you know shit’s just being weird Okay updating updating updating then we’re going to go wait no I still have to wait

Is that I need like Citadel or something Alex mobs and Citadel uh why are you downloading shit that’s not coming with its dependencies where are you pulling shit from the curse for application or curse Forge website application then it should be downloading with dependencies what the

Fuck yeah I know what are you kind of funny ain’t it uh it’s not funny ain’t it it’s shit’s fucked it says it’s installed wait what hold on check your check the actual like jar files not the application hold on a sec second and then this okay um um the jar

File you said yes like look for yeah yeah yeah here it is there you go all right you don’t need to worry then mods yeah I’m looking through it and then the Citadel is an API mod so that’s a prerequisite for a different mod if you don’t have that that Mod’s

Going to have a stroke so find it I’m just going to run it let’s see what happens yeah if it dies it dies oh well if it dies it dies oh well Alice is asking is the server still up yes or being pushed from our home is

Alice on the server not right now but she will be in a moment okay honestly gu should have bought uh monster Runner world when it was 10 bucks shot my computer can’t run it big sad big sad indeed for you I don’t really give a shit yeah but

PlayStation that lags on scorn week at the blind well that motherfucker ain’t much better like my P my PC currently listening to all my fellas all my fellas H blame them simple mobs has failed to load correctly tinker’s construct has failed to load correctly cool mod I’m

Just going to delete them I don’t even care man okay if it fails to load correctly I don’t know what’s causing that yeah I think that’s called the mod issue yeah it is simple what wait there is no simple mobs uh be your prerequisite and that’s

Why it’s failing to load either that or your computer just deleted it I’m so confused I don’t think you know what you’re doing hi Alice hey Alice what was that what uh another mod pack or no no it’s something I worked on my own so I wanted like my own pack

Worked on to just to Amanda for like I don’t know how fucking long the voice call was last night we were just talking about the mod pack on how bad 1.7.10 is we were having that exact same conversation before I hopped in here me and a man were talking and it’s

Like after that like all right everything’s working just fine I started playing I realize you can’t Tab out a full screen because if you do you just can’t go back to full screen no oh actually no our conversation was about the modding scene in 1.7.10 and that uh rlcraft over robly fucked

Things what you know what’s weird I’m making a pack I will not for the sler of my name okay I corrected myself I corrected myself okay I am sorry I am sorry I corrected it that we were having some conversation about 1.7.10 and it was about the mods that

Was all I remember not not correcting you tired correcting correcting Alice oh okay all right go on 1.7.1 is the best version of Minecraft ever made period fuck the last I rarely ever play because because because because because it is a very sacred version of Minecraft to me and I prefer not to

Anger myself in it because I have problems modding it ah 1.7.10 is a version I play purely in vanilla I just don’t play often all right Alice anyways 1.7.10 is the best version all right best version is Monster Hunter Minecraft here we go I’m just trying it

By itself Alice uh I already grabbed basically everything from the house um a bunch of chests vanished but I grabbed everything else go ahead and grab your vampirism shit yep that’s what I’m doing right now yep yeah because this is just give me my wishes and I’ll be fine I forgot how

Expensive so like mining this like do you add the lanterns yes I added the lanterns grab them actually they were kind of expensive lag to a slag to is thisit I just been sitting listen to all my fellows for my asmic mares okay never mind and before that I played Lethal

Company with sir Logan that man is the dumbest person I’ve ever met remember him from uh Tavern whenever he used ji and pissed off Amanda that’s the only thing I know the guy from also uh Theta put a sign asking because he accidentally made a pickaxe I

Was working on and he was like is it okay if I give you three nether stars in payment I was like I’m going to take them did fake you dumb I’m wait maybe they weren’t here he did kill a lot of w yeah I took the forge it’s in my backpacks I’m just

Staring at the building sad it’s leaving don’t worry you’ll be put in Creative you can rebuild it I remember I gave fed a fake NE star one day I’m take I’m mining it all did you have the inventory space for all the blocks also watch out there’s a midnight portal I

Don’t I touched the midnight portal God fucking damn it why can I not fly I’m in Creative fuck you I trying I trying to I was trying to recreate the Batman laugh where is the goddamn what’s called you haven’t heard the F legal Batman lab oh I hate you

Auto jump you disgust me sorry you imported my configs no I didn’t no you didn’t no I’m on I’m on I’m on my own thing hey HBY shit’s going to work I’m in the midnight and I just found a chest that um that was actually a chest you L just remove uh

Like if we like I don’t know what happened but the ship fixed itself I guess um did you remove anything from my M from my mod pack no well I technically deleted looter and then reimplemented it or re added it isn’t that just gonna fuck your up again I have no

Idea but you’re the one generating honestly just delete everything and play Monster Hunter uh Minecraft no no hter is stupid what are you talking about monster hunter is great but why would you play a Minecraft mod pack I’m only saying that because I want a spike

Key rude but yeah know I have everything that I need I’m going to go and log out and then I’m going to continue eating I’m making sure I have everything cuz that stone was really expensive to make I’m saying it’s only expensive because of like how much I had to make to build

This I am did I collect all this is that actually everything wait here you guys want to see my pack just a tiny sver here I just wish uh like I didn’t have to play uh fulls like like windowed version of 1.7 I’m not saying it’s bad it’s just I don’t like Window

Mode even if it’s like the better thing to to do it just I don’t f11 or something I don’t know no it’s it just for some reason constantly it will like anytime I T out a full screen it reverts back the window weird I usually use window I don’t I even though

Yeah windowed would make everything run smoother I don’t know what game I played but it like it ran so smooth I hate it I don’t care if it’s it’s it’s like 30 or 60 I I’m not playing window it looks nasty bro the fact when I was talking to man

Last night about modded Minecraft we went from modded Minecraft to wallpaper engines to watching Love Choy videos I don’t know how that happened and then I me I have to go play Rivals of ether just that just like an average conversation with anyone I talk to Logan suddenly go for Minecraft the fortnite

The lethal company they’re just the stages of going to from different things I mean also like last night I went from talking to my friend uh I was going by his username gimly I was talking to him about subnotica to subn below zero and then to Rainbow Six Siege where we W

V1 that’s insane did he win I like it would always always always went to a tie in it was it’s always like the first person to win gets it gets the round and we played two matches I lost both but it was a tight game of four or

Five we played house in presidential plane one of the times on presidential plane he got glass and he kept trying to snipe me from the windows at a time I was like man where is he why is he not breaching Jo realize man you’re

Outside SI Siege is a fun game I want to play uh the I want to get to play I mean I played Siege like a ages ago it’s all right I haven’t played in quite a bit who do you play in Siege Oh depends on what I’m doing like if I’m going full entry Sledge if I’m wanting to roam God I think I play Jana for that oh okay on defense if I’m lurking Cava if I’m sitting on site Warden who’s C defense I prefer Valkyrie just because

Cameras Cava is a stealth one she’s the stealthy Latino I don’t think I she has a crazy Elite skin I actually like elite elite cool yeah I know because it’s uh well which one it’s the like where like in like like an Athletics thing like not like

Athletic sup like she like she’s like look like she’s ready for like workout like she hasn’t have her face paint on I can’t all right let’s see here this skin is so funny looking I’m gonna make malachite good for you oh yeah I got all my stuff handy so when everyone else is

Ready uh tired did you get your stuff yeah I did I’m already off the server did you take get your stuff what did you get your stuff I have nothing I am a hobo you’re hobo okay I mean the only person who doesn’t have their stuff is

Fara and we’ll be putting we I’ll be going in Creative for a little bit in order to like rebuild our houses so like he he can do that shit in Creative can you grab F stuff what can you grab feda stuff no one knows where

He lives he lives in a place called a burning Forest then go do it yourself actually hold on a minute um I think I actually have his house way pointed so I’ll for him yeah you check the wa Stone yeah I have the way Stone uh it’s literally under the burning Forest I

Have personally never been there um I’ve been there multiple times I filled his house with uh what are those things the toilet Forest called again the bugs secas yeah I put it in every side of his room so no matter where he went it come

From every angle so he would be able to find him that’s F I don’t know why you call this place the burning Forest there’s not that much burn oh never mind I just turned around and saw it oh tired whenever uh the new world starts can you build the uh the uh

Tinker Forge immediately so I can reild a warehouse I will um I don’t even know what he wants from here like uh he probably wants like all of his overpowered stuff that makes him a God and unkillable oh tot he already has that equipped um you know the stuff that makes the game

Not fun yeah that’s what he was I’m looking through his house and he’s got like nothing say that technically count as he would be the uh the heresy Bo no no pre because both want want to be like really overpowered what the fuck oh God he haded cursed Earth everywhere what the

Fuck was he doing this for iron silver and uranium what oh uranium has good food and it’s in the Tinker Forge I love eating oh yeah there’s a cicada inside of his Tinker Forge yep I did that there’s also a screaming skull above his house oh I did that I will

Never forget what you hold on a sec he has a deep dark portal where does this go tired portal excuse me what oh okay he actually has a bit of a h he has a bit of a base never mind he doesn’t you GNA say say I won’t forget what tired

And Amanda did to me on one coping server Chimes everywhere okay you have no idea how hard it was to do that cuz every time i’ just I’d start to zone out I’d start to fall asleep how many did you guys place cuz I remember finding eight um I think

12 at least I couldn’t hear him it’s just like I would hear him like really like quietly as if they were in the distance yeah know cuz they were all under your house I’m staring at my games and like none of these games me anymore B to me now yeah the the contest

Behind the the cursed Earth is uh he put cursed surf at my house so I put like a curs surf everywhere around his house oh I see where his place is the burning Forest I see something that looked like an attempt at a farm that was uh destroyed EMB embraced containment yeah

Um that’s interesting you can only enjoy if you’re a Die Hard D and fan I never played that before why living next to a fucking ancient alter from Crimson Warfare what and there’s um I was scrolling through mods for 1.7.10 on I saw a mod instantly

Recognized I almost added it but like I don’t know if it’s good or not still what mod or I don’t I don’t know if it’s better in that version than in 1.12 uh Ancient Warfare I don’t know if it’s better in 1.7 than it is in 1.2 I don’t

Know we neither I don’t have that much experience I found a cicada on top of a tree hyi where the fuck why did you leave these everywhere who leaves what the cicas I found another one on top of a tree I’m telling you I put them

Everywhere so it’s in every angle so he isn’t able to find them so they come from every angle they’re not just in one spot did you put some under his house maybe fucking Christ dude is perfectly described as the most wholesome but chaotic person something chaotic wholesome yes wake up new alignment

Drop every time alignment I’m looking for more of these fucking cicas cuz now I’m on a Goddamn treasure hunter wait why cuz I want to find them I I’m not going to remove them right I’m not removing them I found another one I’m not removing them right

I just want to know where they are wa no going in spectator oh yeah you’re right fake and fraud get over here show it the stream show it the stream actually show the let them see it okay so there’s holy fucking shit why did you put so

Many what do you mean dude I’m in spectator you have literal tiny little pockets there’s six of them in a 9×9 area Al I found some more of those weird ass slabs that are broken generation like holy fuck this is a lot of cicas this is why I’m scared to play on

Servers of Handy wow no be scared to be on service with Twilight Forest true don’t be afraid of someone be afraid of giving them the tools us wants to join us this is this is why I don’t like mod packs with other dimensions they just like bug too much

Like bug too much oh they just they was like cause the game to have so many stutters and I hate it oh that okay yeah fair you know I thought because there’s a lot of C too much didn’t uh like Frontier have that yeah yeah we did have that let’s

Not talk about Frontier right MC I’m just no I’m just thring out examples I don’t like mod packs or Dimensions yeah yeah know mcraft and Twilight Forest are both issues in Tavern yeah yeah I I remember yeah let’s not go back to those days preferably what the fuck am I looking at

Play like gone into flames we’re not going to talk about it every every heresy pack that I have ever made has burst in the Flames this what we’re dealing with right now par for the course should we start from zero or what do you want you no we didn’t really do why you

Up Mario I need you know what I think would be really unique we’ always played on a default World type right but we always like do like a a permanent wi through or something yeah no that’ just be annoying I’m talking about like schol days Days add like temperature mods or

Whatever maybe but like just like stuff like that just like or maybe the world is like a sky islands I I like stuff like uh I like peaceful stuff for it’s like Serene Seasons I like that mod what the fuck am I looking for where did I

Go bi always stick out like a Thor some to me and I I wish there are like so many food mods don’t break the food I don’t like it in new verion there like a shit ton of food mods I forgot mod wasn’t it pams that we used that like seriously

Broke all the food probably yeah yeah it was I remember I don’t I isn’t like for like like future versions of Minecraft isn’t like uh like Farmers Del light I think it’s called it’s like a better panss basically yeah I say better cuz pams I see that CU pams is in like all

Over like newer version of Minecraft it is a newer versions a lot of I I I like the light a lot more because it’s more like you can you actually slice the stuff yeah know it’s a lot more interactive it’s a lot more tactile like harc Harvest craft is great because of

How much stuff it has yeah but I don’t like it CU it fucks with the food values I don’t care about the food values because you just make food about Farmers the light is you could there’s sh on addons you can add so it’s it’s kind of the same I do care

About the food stuff because I’m an Explorer and I like to have food functional food yes well I think that’s be that that means you just have to make the food and another is I’ve seen that these mods exist is uh mon said Tinker with uh food regeneration and when you

Eat food like the default values of vanilla food it breaks it it justes no I’m talking about uh the ah like when you eat like when you eat food and then like like your your hunger bar is maxed out when it doesn’t regen I hate mods that do

That I want to regen Health after getting Max hunger it’s just really dumb excuse me you I mean right what no I’m very confused when like so you know in normal Minecraft there’s tation yeah no I’m trying like when you get Max food like Max uh hunger bar you start like like

You start regaining Hearts so if you’re injured that’s called saturation and it and it’s not when you get Max hunger it’s a separate bar in general yeah it’s a separate it’s default invisible but apple seed makes it visible um yeah it’s a it’s a yellow shit on your hunger bar when you have

Apple skin what shadow do you want to fight are you challenging your cat so want V one one me right now no Shield operators I know like your player Clash what Clash players us Clash of PL whoever haker is they helped us a lot you should invite them you should invite

Haer he wants to join I’m going to blow up in or I’m gonna blow up your house I’m gonna blow up do it no balls my balls exploded oh no and there’s days where I wish I didn’t have any because trans bi all right funny motherfucker do your thing all right

Well what the fuck is an impet cell honestly I just want to find somebody that can entertain me until 9: because that’s when I stream I have to go through the madness of fucking Geometry Dash editor like God fucking damn it I want to make cold looking rain just

For it to fade through blocks and have to put a background behind those blocks it doesn’t make it look nice and it makes me mad I don’t know what to tell you Chief so tired I love the fact that you’re like hey you should play this one mod

Okay ke were you were you in VC whenever shade found that uh the fucking uh Geometry Dash key um what’s it fucking called the like the world code yeah yeah yeah all right so one of the folks in a different starts getting talked about I just tune out my brain yeah no

So key and I are in a different server called ra six right and another person there named Shade actually I think shade’s in VC in uh chat right now but um basically he found someone found that and I can’t remember if it was noodle or

Shade who posted it but they put that in VC and I I think it was shade was playing and I was like you know what I’m going to send that to Alice she plays a lot of geometry Ash I want to see her reaction I recognized it immediately I’m

Like no you’re funny if you’re thinking I’m playing this man what have been content I will only play a horror game I will only do anything horrifying if it’s like an actual horror game as is anyone are you not being blown up no you I’m playing for jel 3 and I’m

In it’s not blowing up bricks do any of you guys actually know what that game is no okay thank God someone at least know that game is how would I not know about that game what is I don’t know people don’t know about this game Bol 3 Beed

Bed that shit is ancient what the fuck are you buying Beed for what jeel 3 is a good game I mean orinal fans that fucking gamer retirement home now my gamer what the fuck are you on about I Just Want to Have Fun okay yeah

Have fun with it just uh just know that you’re ranking up against granny Susan Ty are you still in the server by the way yeah I’m still in the server Gran Susan I’ll log I’ll log invite I didn’t I didn’t grab a I didn’t grab anything

Yet um not on want to join you can’t pay patreon cuz he’s not he’s notus all right all right I’ve left this I’ve left the v words please okay I have left the Minecraft server um okay time to turn it off uh Theta hasn’t grabbed his shit

Yeah I didn’t grab his shit because I didn’t know what to grab um n he he wasn’t here so yeah well we’re all going to go in Creative for like 15 minutes each and like with creative mode what was that you’re going to trust data with creative mode I’m not

Going to creative accept to Grant your guys’ wishes yeah no you’re only allowed to like build your house and that’s about it already I already have all my stuff yeah no like we have all our stuff like bring your stuff and build your house that’s it for my like 15 minutes

In Creative I’m not doing it until I find a spot I want to Build no it’s just I’m just going to be using it for like building like a house that’s it I’m not going to go like man I’m going Spa myself diamond armor I’m a Max enchant that I’mma Be baller baller baller baller baller baller baller baller baller I’m GNA gun you both down

In the streets what do you heard me I’m not I didn’t stutter uh no but I was saying baller so I didn’t hear you do I get permission do you have op in here no I was joing like like can I gun him down in the

Streets I’m not hearing a no so I’m going to I don’t know how you’d be able to but uh I wish you the best of luck how important of an asset is key what great great great asset asset great great asset I’m not saying how great job K you st locked

Her asset great great asset is that me or is like God I I need to play lethal company with you guys again I would but like my computer apparently hates running anything through Steam except for Terraria I don’t know why like I tried streaming Ultra kill it broke I tried streaming

Portal it broke I tried streaming tabg it broke I tried streaming lethal it broke stream you’ve played tabg a while ago it was ages I think the V still might be on my channel it’s choppy as hell potato hamy I think um you do such

A thing to yourself okay look I was kind of peer pressured into it and it was free at the time so like why the fuck not I I suck at BRS I I’m absolutely awful at them but like it was so dumb and we had so many issues that we just

Had fun with it it was dumb fun you know that’s the best kind of fun though exactly exactly it’s why I love the lightf [Laughter] campaign what sorry sorry just random blow blow bungee my bad know the biggest joke was the game awards when they nominated destiny that

Was yeah well also RDR winning was also a pretty big one all right time to delete the world file byby one game I honestly agree that M said that would would have won game of the year B gate wasn’t there would have been Alan Wake I actually think that would have won game

Ofer Alan Alan Wake is a pretty good game a be real gamer I had never heard about it until you started talking about in the dbd channel like I have no idea what it is I still don’t know what is about I know his motherfucker writes that’s it

Yeah all right guys the new worlds being made I think remember delete looer delete looer and already deleted all right you delete some else do you want to add something else no just delete lter that’s it everyone else in here delete lter delet I got

A what was that you want a Glock in your Rari what shot I am losing my fucking mind I joking like said can I get a Glock and then Hy said that and I immediately regretted everything I got a glock in my a what happened what happened I can’t get a

Flush what are you still playing B yeah I’m playing poker oh okay bro are you gaming on a fucking iPod what the hell let me see this let me see this let me see this never mind it it’s it’s dead I can’t see myol I can’t see the stream yeah no the

Stream’s just infinitely loading you fuck did you invite the person in the chat that was very cool who’s not losing their mind right here now all hold on a minute you got it he I don’t know which Monster Hunter to actually play like okay guys he join the fucking server

Like we’re about to boot it up you idiot it’s it’s already on so delete looter yes delete loo but what if we have uh fighting for loot well fucking Rambo it okay that’s it what yeah I rock paper SC Rock Pap rock paper scissors yeah actually that’s

A good point but I really liked it when I just stumbled across like a random place that’s already been cleared out and I get loot as well that was really fun well you just you’re not going to didn’t win to rock paper scissors cuz you weren there okay what we’re going to

Need to do is do a thing like a you know the like the like the leave it libraries or like they have that box like take a book leave a book what if you have nothing take half bjed won’t close Alice has left Alice left the VC bjed won’t close hold

On the curse it broke her left monitor the Beed [Laughter] virus flush also um hamy the reason why I I’m not inviting haer is because uh as of New Year’s not only do patrons get into the Discord so do folks who commission me and I’m trying to keep that up and I’m trying

Not to kidnap any more friends because I don’t want all right Hami Hami we are officially tired uh like voices in his head kidnap two Devils kidnap kidnap kidnap okay you say that but haer’s profile picture on Discord is like a ten-eyed cat is a 10 cat it’s literally just a

Ribbon cat my profile picture no no it’s not just a rien cat it has eyes all over his body okay wait I need the new uh server the is the IP still the same C wait yes yes it is all right all the server should be different H though

I do have to say um you you will probably be spawned at the same c as you were at before I’m refreshing it and joining the server without adding a new server what’s going to happen oh my stuff didn’t carry wait oh yeah because I didn’t put it in the

World file don’t join don’t join don’t join don’t join don’t join Jo oopsies oopsies all right um I’m I’m your journey app so weird because you need to restart it yeah anyways yep uh leave the thing leave it don’t join don’t join don’t join don’t join I forgot to put the play dat

Finally I mean I I don’t have my stuff on me did you have it in the uh other world save I had it in a chest in hamb you you you needed to pick it up not too bad BR you’ll be hearing from my lawyer what do

You mean Hami is the lawyer Hami and AIS are lawyers really own your soul oh yeah you’re right okay there’s an ongoing joke that potato and atus are the two like certified lawyers in our Discord right atus is Amanda’s lawyer potato is Amanda’s lawyer but she didn’t pick him

Like he just chose to be assigned to her case even though she already had a lawyer so sometimes he just comes in and completely like just counteracts everything at says what yeah it’s like Soul sold they’re so similar you have to sell your soul yeah soul soul sold Soul yep sold

Okay I’m not going to lie actually no no no no I’m going to shut up I’m going to shut up I’m going to shut up it was a dumb joking I don’t want to invoke the wrath of God more like flushing your PC I am sitting there enjoying bed poker to Tab out the stream suddenly everything broke everything on my left monitor hurry up I sent the terabyte bomb is said a fucking terrible bomb the bed zip [Laughter] bomb on a jeed zip bomb to your house

It’s like a pipe bomb but for B specifically for B yeah all right hamy please hurry please please talking the the past thing I’ve been listening to for the past few days is those one song and I can’t stop heyy can I join the server yet it’s not on oh okay

You’re still adding the players ship don’t join until I make something sure okay all right well I gotta make sure that a works and you know I’m got to go teleport to spawn so when everyone gets in the game I teleport them back TOA okay make sure you don’t teleport us up

In the air okay oh wait I need open curse Forge delete looter that’s yes delete looter delete looter that’s literally it I feel like we’ve had this conversation before I’m getting super massive Deja Vu now we did y I have my stuff okay no no no like

Before this issue arose I feel like we had an issue with looter before I might just be losing it I might have had another prophecy dream okay so every so often um and I know I’m going to sound like a fucking crazy person your medications actually that’s good

Reminder I do need to take my meds but still like uh every so often I have a dream that ends up happening in Destiny specifically like this entire season I’ve had three come to fruition I’ll mute Al shut I’ll go to exactly z0000 okay guys not not zero on

The ground not zero on the ground not zero on the ground I know I know I know okay can I join I’m joining not yet not yet not yet not yet I’m join you join you’re gonna die yeah sounds fun bro I’m Slim Shady yes the real shady

I’m going to just jump around I have a singleand I just use random crap avatars randomly see like a screaming parrot ice cream as a telegram Avatar what the fuck is telegram the following mod has been identified as a potential problem blood Wizardry Forge mod loader Minecraft Forge which

Version don’t know closed it what game did you just boot um the server server the server yes okay I mean ke’s live if I just like connect again what yeah go and connect again cuz everyone can connect yeah everyone can connect yeah what magic causing issues hiy it’s

God oh where am I naked yeah know like why are you a skeleton oh he has his morphs I forgot the unmorph before I left the server I hope that doesn’t fuck anything up um do you still have your Raven morph I I yeah I saw every morph I have

Good stuff what are you wearing what what are you Crimson cultist Crimson cultist yeah you have all your stuff Um no all my backpacks are empty oh let me check my backpacks actually watch out there’s a creeper oh my backpacks are empty too that sucks it’s okay I have a vague idea what I had no I lost my A2 stuff okay well I took a picture of everything anyways and I

Remember what I have what you cheating bastard what are you doing I don’t have my spells though here get down sir down it down I have my wands at least so I can get those actually hold on a minute um only favorites me I also have this fucking

Thing wait there’s nothing here to loot what the heck yeah know that that damn let me do my other morph all right well am I allowed to go in creative and grab the shit that I lost yeah go ahead well I’m already in Creative but like new

Server wait what I’m so confused yeah this is the new world what this is it this is the new world this a new world yep nothing changed it’s just yeah oh we’ve reset the entire so we reset it it’s not entirely new it’s just reset we just changed the

World that’s it everything’s this like we got an entire new world seed everything oh wait so why is my um why is my journey map the because your journey map didn’t reset yeah you’re going to need to explore around in order to get a New Journey map pick J go into

Journey map yeah I’m in and then you see a trash can yeah did it just do that all Dimensions deleted map deleted all right let me go back to you guys right quick I really want my slime stuff so I don’t take fall damage who is it hello Heand what you doing uh well I’m G to be starting my stream in like 30 minutes so I’m just going to sit in here and play Tetris what what are you doing finding a spot to live doing remember we have don’t you don’t you want your wishes bro

I don’t I don’t know what to do why is it not giving me wildes it is what I didn’t realize it was putting straight in my inventory okay key stop stop stop you do remember I still have this very interesting come here come here I’m going to find a spot to live interesting

Proposition no you already have the morph it doesn’t give me she’s been in here for a minute well yeah she’s been here the entire time what you about yeah know you’re losing your fucking mind she’s been here for ages my headset I’ve been on max volume singing Harold of

Darkness what because I’m disappointed I can’t experience that mission because a I was spoiled it and I don’t have what I just open sptify pathetic weakling pathetic PCL it’s just I never thought I actually needed an SSD but now realizing games that were originally console games

Ported to PC needed ssds can I take my SSD from uh uh my 3DS and put that’s that’s the funny thing no they don’t I have what can you kill I have way too many problems in in and the problem is only happening because I don’t have it on an SSD kill

It I’m talking about the fact that games don’t actually require ssds it’s just the fact that game makers are stupid and can’t keep their Textures in their pants what what wishes what wishes do you want bro I don’t know what do you mean you don’t know I don’t

Know surely you wish for something stuff doesn’t work so you should have your morph right now what morph The Raven which one I have multiple well you just have to find it this has three hearts choose the other one uh this one has three hearts the other one no more oh

Well I’ll just give it to you again one second I’m reconnecting ke you leaving the game almost crashed me that’s funny well I know how I’m gonna break T’s PC please don’t well there’s another way but it takes longer find TI lids and just smashing a

PC with a Slammer that is true very true but if you were I didn’t you I’m very sorry it’s okay I have my home if someone were to do that I don’t want to know what I mean would do I’m going to delete some of my morphs I don’t need all

These did data actually transfer yes it did yes yes yes it did yeah cuz I’m looking at my thomon and it still has everything what oh my god when we’re doing laser when we were doing uh what why did why stuff what’s going on an did you lose your

Stuff Alice yes did you lose it yes oh okay can you do slash oh well I don’t can do you know where your Waypoint is so I can you can teleport there I can’t see anything Alice is is blind no I actually can’t see anything what what are you

Talking about let me screen share and show you like everything’s actually like f okay now it’s working like I was and I’m bouncing I think you’re just lagging did I even get a way point for my death yes you did which one is which one is the he’s bald delete him

What I mean Stone rocking Stone uh can going creative moment there not one I gave you creative W what I think what am I missing again you’d have to check the surface or whatever yeah I found my stuff I okay good stuff bro what is this loot I got I

Got bread apple and three string F nice Abby can you help me the evil wizard is coming to kill me is that one of your wishes no oh I’m not going to kill him fine you’re a terrible God bro you still have you have your wishes bro I’m not spending it on this

One guy well then why don’t you get a weapon I don’t have time to get a weapon when this guy’s coming after me coming at my face ow who join be me fuck computer has an actual stroke Windows let me advertise to you as you’re trying to restart your

Computer I know like I I know like this is a bad moment to like scare you even worse you know but like hey do you want to try one drive every time I open Terraria it will just go hey do you want to use your one drive like

No oh yeah I lost all of my Terraria stuff I’m just kiding know this is likeu got deleted least have all your stuff at least you don’t have to re re fucking enable all your default AMD configurations even though it’s it’s default and it should be starting up

From default wait you don’t have all your stuff all stuff it’s going to despawn bro I couldn’t find it it was just gone it was right in front of you in the Stream wasn’t it I got it but all my stuff got deleted because I was in

Creative the slots that I was missing are gone this is a disaster it could be worse I’m sorry I I didn’t need to say that could be worse I’m sorry Ami what I’m pulling a trigger I hate you Alice wait what who hates what I said I hate you and then I blew

Myself up nice but what did Alice say that’s what I she said I’m pulling the trigger oh oh yeah of course hey what is soul Freo uh basically it’s a debuff for blood magic that as soon as you die you can’t immediately start sacrificing Vitality again because that’s kind of

Broken cool um guess I’m just not playing Tetris anymore Jesus if that’s how my computer’s going to respond to Tetris I play Tetris computer death another help help help I’m dying I’m not even there bro what do you want me to do I can’t really do anything I don’t

Know I don’t know either you you expect us to know what to do if you don’t know what to do I don’t know where are you tired middle bum fuck nowhere I’m setting up my house I’m grabbing the shit that I lost well I have your soul now so that’s

Pretty good stuff me tired pleas no sorry that was the most V one of your wishes bro what the hell ow yeah um don’t blow up my shit don’t blow don’t don’t don’t stick around go away fuck off why does everything want to kill me please

Leave where’s key he’s in the middle of nowhere hey brother give me your flesh there you go I got you bro he why don’t you play oh you don’t have a raven do you he does but not not not the right kind holy shit what tired love joy is in The Sims

What they put love joy music in The Sims what I don’t know what that is I I don’t really hold on I’m losing my mind uh oh yeah I never got my Golem stuff what do you mean because I have to do like the research and whatnot which is really

Oh yeah yeah you need to progress to th craft actually legit in order to do I gave him the Golem press but he didn’t have the research yeah no you can’t do that until you do it legit big black dog uh oh I did it okay key here is your 100 Health Raven

Really I can’t kill that wait oh I killed it oops get the fuck out of here you can’t pick that up just give me the weapon just give me the weapon no just let me I can’t kill it otherwise get him get him nice all get get the mor quick all right give

Me back the weapon thanks get fucked get out of here it’s not wait how much is even in there anyway fuck you I I don’t know what to do I lost all my A2 stuff it’s get it back not working no cuz I had it in the backpack I know

Go in creative and get it back that’s what I’m doing my shit I mean I don’t know I mean I actually I do know what every single item I had was but yeah know then just hi key did you get the Raven or no no it’s still just three

Health is it did you check all the other one did you delete okay delete all your Ravens real quick okay delete all of theming that deleted just delete all the rap okay I deleted them all okay I I I’ll just give you a new one all right take this weapon all or

Don’t did you get it it’s still three Heth bro I don’t know how to help you there uh what’s a dimensional fracture don’t fucking touch that that’s mine oh wait where did it spawn here don’t touch that thic fracture that’s mine I’m going to be researching

It okay that’s the did you did you spawn it no it just it just generated please don’t touch it okay that is the sole reason why pick this area as my base okay it won’t let me break it I’m I’m I’m I’m touching the shit out of it I’m sorry I something into

It can you guys please leave it alone it’s not I don’t want I don’t want my study to be I don’t want it to be disturbed okay look I kill the r again I don’t want my studies to be disturbed am I showing the right screen yes I am

It’s like a messenger app but whatever it’s a phone happens as you try to use anything are you 100 Health Raven no no oh you got that hat that’s kind of neat let me get out creat I don’t know why key please leave me alone to key keys oh hi creeper is that

Do a you get out Uh you’re foled to look that way oh he’s mortal he’s mortal is that you just said is he went to attack Hami wait here try try wait can I think you kill me this I think you can kill me with this oh get back here get back here get back here get back

Here a second you can’t reach me now oh do I have keep inventory on keep please there stay away all right kill me now you killed me okay and then stuff do we not have any of this stuff do we not have Graves or something uh my oh wait no appeared

Anyway hi give me back my P why should I bro I mean have your soul bro easy you know What’s that I’m bored are you yeah it says my backpacks are full even though there’s nothing in there yeah it’s a little weird um I don’t know how to fix it um hey what’s this do uh oh oh shit help my stuff no I hate this without

Looter well get used to it because our server is going to be fucked if we try to reatch it now well honestly I I key are are you sure you just don’t want anything are you just going to be a hobo I don’t know here I feel so bad for you I’m

Going to give you a free life bro like Jesus no what does this do free life that’s useless oh that back fast what’s the tick speed default should be yeah it should be default how did it grow back so fast because there’s a grass around it there’s like eight grass blocks around it

Yeah yeah went like really fast oh yeah key come here what here you can have hold on it’s a gift from you to me CU you had one of these and said I would give you the XP as well and just stay there tell me when you have enough XP

Okay this is going to take a while actually wait I got an idea there’s a command SL XP number and then the player no no no no don’t worry about it I have I have a cooler way of doing it all right all right it’s very cool and it’s very cool all right

Key what are you doing okay I think that’s enough I have an auto clicker PE yeah all right my my Patron wait what’s it called when someone is your you’re my Patron yeah I’m I’m your Patron but what patronage is over what does that make that what does that make

Me you what all I’m okay you’re I’m your Patron but what am I to what am what are you to me a warlock is that how it works basically yeah I’m a warlock oh okay yo good stuff ain’t it oh yeah oh yeah can you give me an ability

Bottle oh yeah sure you can have that yeah cuz I we should SP Spa with it but we don’t yeah I know because for some reason the reason why we didn’t spawn with this is cuz player uh player data didn’t transfer over how many wishes did you

Have um um I had a lot like six because you have one you have three wishes yeah three wish and then you have the thing you sold your soul for p H um I’m gonna head out because it’s only five minutes so I start my stream and I’m getting

Cold so I’m going to warm up for the next five minutes I will see you later all right all right oh right I’m on fire all right well um yeah you said I and I already gave you your soul actually I did not you do not have to

Raven um what do you want an iron golem no you said you want Raven I got to I got to figure this out maybe a bat with a th000 health because it’s not a moded density no that’s boring want a raven okay there’s several different Ravens there’s the fish’s Raven there’s

The bment Raven there a Twilight Raven look at this little fell got 100 health I don’t know why this guy doesn’t work okay you can kill him now okay sh it’s almost done like I’m not sure why it doesn’t give you the 100 Health one right yeah don’t know yeah it drops a

Morph and it should save the npt data um though every time I have to uh put out and then go back in because it doesn’t show up my uh my metamorph is funny all right what oh okay um what else am I missing playing Monster in our world right now oh okay

I don’t know it’s pretty I don’t know what happened to me but I think I died yeah you did yeah um what’s going on nothing really yeah not much something broke oh yeah I mean it just if for us you just disconnected we don’t really know yeah I ex didn’t I’m going

Back in CU I’m like floating and there’s a void oh that means you’re just lagging um I can’t oh there we go okay all right hold on look at this I put a soul in this BL nice oh fuck I forgot to grab something no no hey where are you I

Don’t see you hold on give me a moment um need to grab a thing I forgot to grab where is the pH craft tab there it is okay wait what H what did I have wait I do have some of my stuff I don’t know why you only have sumon not all of

It no I think my stuff duped accidentally oops I think I did that actually yeah let me just go that was that and then okay there we go and then send Guild card that was about it I think I said um ice wyvern I don’t know if um uh that’s

Probably enough for me fair enough fair enough yep Cho all right can you not put me in a cage please or put like bunch of random shit around my face thank you broke Yeah I broke it all right there we go all right C please sleep

Um wait no I have dot set to default okay there we go all right um what do I do got a couple of things goggles I can animate his soul and what else that was one summon anchor he’s gonna stay here forever I think that’s what some anchor does oh minute

Um oh they dead taking my sword bruh oh wait let me Anor him oh he’s dead oh who where’s he going oh there he is oops I have very good at building I’m just setting up a like basic foundations for a house y hey can you uh cover me while I’m

Building showing up in that VC so I’m coming back mainly from that midnight portal over there oh okay I’m the key I’m taking your soul out for a walk all right then man you say so no I am you know he has an animated object by a

Leash my soul you can’t just do that that means I can Heist my soul back could you could do that but I don’t think you’ll be able to do that wow they’re using the end gear a bunch of losers ke I have no idea what the fuck you’re talking about yeah

Oh oh the St falling not exist what what your ask Cy I was going to see if I can get a slow falling potion but they don’t exist uh they should I know you can make them with a oh no never mind pH yeah exactly you disable Phantoms no Phantoms

Do exist in 1.2 oh yeah do they not cuz when I made slow falling potions back in uh well at least slow falling potions don’t weird look there you go oh my God I should put this at my base all right um I need to make a door he’s trying to

Escape Master craftman’s blueprint what does that do crafter blueprint master master I may stupid is there any elaboration upon that statement or just flat out I may be stupid I may be stupid gentlemen I may not have a brain but I have an idea TI DMS uh hold on a minute man I’m

Dead um oh yep okay I’ll be there in a minute I swear like everyone I’m friends with has uh like they have more conversations in DMS than in servers it’s funny yipp I don’t know yipp all right well I think I’m going to go and cut stream here I have a little bit

Of my house done and the man is calling me away to join her on her stream so yeah keep this on uh I mean if you want right now I don’t think anyone else is really going to be on so like okay so because I I’ll probably go to sleep soon

Yeah don’t worry about it all right well I’d like to thank youall for tuning in I will see you guys next episode whenever that happens be I’m going to go ahead and pop out and join on Amanda stream once I finish doing the shit over here

Okay um but yeah uh hold on a minute in um two three

This video, titled ‘Tired Plays Modded Minecraft- Heresy Revamped V2.5 Ep16: bruh moment’, was uploaded by TiredArts on 2024-01-16 13:55:49. It has garnered 18 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:42 or 10302 seconds.

Modpack Export: WIP (remade bc 1.20 broke) name bc i couldn’t think of a title

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  • Isaac’s Epic Minecraft Jukebox V2

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  • Creepy Carnival Minecraft Horror Story 🔥 Ep – 1

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  • Craft a Magic Stone with CaptainSparklez | ATM9 Ep 6

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  • Minecraft Memes – Not Today, Block!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

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  • Insane Poppy Playtime Chapter 3 Minecraft Pe Map

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  • Insane LIVE Survival Gaming! SUB GOAL: 600 #minecraft

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  • INSANE Minecraft Luxury Mini Home Tour!! 🤯

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  • Insane Devil Herobrine Kills Wither in Minecraft! #SSK Gaming

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  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

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  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

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  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More