Insane Modded Minecraft Gameplay – TiredArts Gets Sicker Than Ever!

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All righty I do believe we are live green and welcome to another upti plays moded Minecraft where today I am not feeling it I am very sick right now if you can’t tell with my voice cracking constantly um it was worse earlier I got some cough drops at the corner store but

Like this shit’s bad um but it’s all right we’ll just go straight into it um just undef in Discord howdy y all right booting up the world now hopefully this shit doesn’t break is Kei gonna be here uh yeah he’s said give him about half an hour okay

Why am I at half a heart oh I remember what I was doing all right so basically what you missed last episode is that um I became a hunter And uh hold on a sec game is lagging I became a hunter key and I were just farming vampirism shit that was about it oh hell yeah holy crap what Phoenix B me again oh nice bought me Rivals away no idea what that is but cool it’s like a fing game as a

I’m sorry I sound like shit don’t worry about it I I don’t mind I just hope you don’t talk too much so you don’t hurt your throat oh be fine do you speak not really no okay that’s good cuz uh sometimes when you when it’s like you have a rasp

When someone has a raspy throat it like hurts when they speak so that’s why I’m like a bit just a bit worried I don’t mind the voice it’s just you know yeah it is what it is I’m just worried that you’re not hurting yourself by talking nah I’m good

Did you drink like tea or something I got some cough drops at the corner store and I have a uh bottle of water next to me I am far too lazy to boil tea yeah but you know tea will help that I know that it probably would but I i’

Have to get around to that it is what it is excuse me all right um so chat how are y’all doing right now is chat there I have no fucking clue let me see okay I’m in the game are you I don’t see you and it doesn’t say

You joined in the uh Textra I mean I’m in the like uh I meant like I’m in the in the menus yeah exactly fair enough H I’m okay by the way all right there we go sorry I just had to cough up well not cough up but like just did anyone steal my shit uh no no one’s touched your house I don’t even think anyone’s been over there in a bit wait just second I have to

Restart that’s where I put my shit uh there was a mod I installed for like like a client side mod and it is garbage so I see removing it I’m not even sure why I installed it it was like supposed to give you like a raw Mouse input I was like yeah sure

Why not but you know didn’t really do much for should be getting in the game m now it takes a while to load in yeah Sorry you all right yep all right now I’m just conflicted about I mean I got the game Phoenix just got it as well I’m thinking about playing it but I don’t I also want to play on here so I’m conflicted we don’t want to play this you don’t have

To I could do both you could do both I don’t know how but you could I could there we go I’m in the game all right get out of here slime get out of my face there we go be all these all right I gotta figure out what to do

Because I wanted to get the uh going with the electro blob stuff but I don’t know I’m going to get all the Spells and Sh um so I’m just thinking of leveling up my glove me we have a decent amount of spells here if you want to look into them

Sure me see yeah there’s like two chests of electri blop shit I think all the Spells are in one chest uh did you get Arcane lock uh no we do not no wait what do we need again it’s not Arcane lock it’s like dispel dispel yeah oh I can’t

Pass there so I can jump over it actually there we go dude can you actually not touch salt no I can’t I’m just I just like the bid fair enough you have a grand magic crystal that’s pretty good please don’t oh shit I forgot to take the bookcases from the

Uh imbuement alter place so problem lunter turns those into chests so you have to make them oh my God you guys have a lot of spells yeah I’m currently out grabbing some random shit I’m looking for Crimson portals I’m surprised you guys have noticed like it made it sorted with uh thingies

Tears uh because I’m too lazy and ke doesn’t give a fuck about storage and eventually it’s all going to be managed by a to so it is what it is wait did my map reset again oh I can actually see this I can see stuff now

Thought my map may be reset again no this time it’s not reset last time it did but I still don’t know why that was the case oh they they are literally chests you’re right holy shit Mhm why do the husks have angel wings for summon zombie you guys have that I think oh yeah no I no I’m saying I have it right now equipped I didn’t know you had that nice I found an anti player pardon an anti player it’s a like a anti Pig but a

Player and he has a o sound kill them no more players I guess I’m going to be using someon zombie to level up my spells what’s really good with summon zombies can can you can you eat their blood you can right uh no zombies cannot be fed upon

Oh it’s only like livestock and cattle I see fair enough uh let me see what these are those are don’t want to use it inside the house there we go all right um is chat even saying anything no GL did someone turn themselves into a vampire hunter yeah that

Was oh nice yeah does it make your name green blue ah that I don’t care if it’s not green what’s the point oh wait yeah why do they why do the zombies have angel wings fuck if I know probably for Christmas are you sure it’s for Christmas or would they have like hats

Or a pumpkin not pumpkin I don’t fucking know see like EXP explation I have it’s a shit explanation but it’s the only one I can think of and no it probably is Christmas I don’t I mean since they didn’t do that before but snare okay for

Let’s see next spells you guys have a hopper furnace on the furnace I set that up yeah damn you guys are rich not really no that shit was just annoying we only had one furnace going and it was way too fucking slow so I said fuck it we’ve all and just made that

Oh hi zombie wait what all my stuff disappeared uh I have no idea oh I think my it was something to do with lag probably I just saw my dead body fly up Christmas my stuff dropped on the floor wait all your shit fell on the floor

Okay no I know that’s a spell but like I I saw my when I died I was respawned and I Saw My Dead Body fly up huh I don’t know what to tell you Christmas I guess I mean you ascended to Heaven congrats I think I have to point this

One at someone because I keep failing it point it at a zombie oh my stuff dropped again yippe I love when my stuff drops on the floor and thesea here you go yeah I’m just gonna summon a zombie Maybe and then I’m going to Target him and my stuff

God maybe I shouldn’t be near a water place my stuff’s going to be dropping there’s my Albert I I miss this a sorcery spell that’s for sure it’s telekinesis so it’s completely useless cuz it just allows you to pick up items from further away that’s what I remember it do grer

Telekinesis allows you to pick up entities yeah I know that but this is just normal telekinesis smoke bomb this is where I remember leveling up a lot like use a lot to level up I just watched the rifter fucking disintegrate nice good he that’s what he deserves to disintegrate for for

H nothing I’m just exploring the desert the desert is the best place to find Crimson portals I’ve found is it yeah cuz it’s so wide and flat and open just run around during the the day cuz something else can fill the spawn slots for for for all

Right um howy mes sorry I just did in chat yeah py Alice I woke up to news after Christmas dud news I did not expect out of all fucking video games to turn into a movie turning bendy Nick machine into a movie uh I’m actually kind of hyped I’ve

Played both games I’m actually hyped see he’s asleep behind me oh tired good news Shadow is no longer fighting Harry hell yeah uh there have been they’ve been curling together a lot Crimson portal does that make you to side H how what because Harry and penel are

Supposed to have kids but the kins died so I me went does that make pel sideo of Shadow and Har or thing I don’t know I’m fucking tired you should wait wait wait I’ve been playing a new game lately that’s fucking great there you go you should join us

On uh we’re playing Minecraft mod P uh is it coping no I’m debating do I want to play Minecraft or do I want to play my new favorite game darkest dungeon super fun oh yeah it’s pretty uh I’m on week 14 let me see how many people died

Let me see how many people have died that is not a normal question there’s a section in the game that’s literally called the graveyard where you see every character that’s died probably many characters right do you have any mods uh no I thinking about though yeah you should

Add some some are pretty cool I mean I mean actually most of them are just the horny mods though uh actually hold on stage coach why does the game give me two Hound Masters I already have one you have to get another one no I don’t want three Hound Masters why not

All right graveyard how many people have died five I guiss right 24 wow 24 people died what what makes you really upset is two of them two two of them are plague doctors and I’m sad about that but one of them uh had a heart attack Apprentice plague doctor had a

Heart attack due to unsus unsustainable stress mood and then seek your plague doctor was slain by a VI cult acoid the plag docker is like honestly one of my favorite characters from just from how good they are I join this thing uh give me just a sec to go

And upload the mod pack I see ity yeah let me upload it um yeah see I don’t see it in there give me a moment okay it’s just sometimes be we we do it on stream we don’t have actually like server for it we just host it through essential

Yeah I wait I’m gonna change my Minecraft skin my Minecraft skin is totally not the pl doctor from darkest s b but the BL of the pl doctor is so good what’s that do again it’s uh and infects an enemy any time it gets their turn they take five

Damage oh is yeah it actually is really good when an enemy’s like 5 HP or lower watching their HP just like Drop is so satisfying the skin oh yeah I forgot I installed multiple I installed the actually I for this p PE sleepy you are asleep heresy

Please it broke last time I was praying for it to work I can’t tell you’re sick CU of your voice Dam yeah no dude I am absolutely fucked right now and I shit’s not getting better it sucks what my fucking voice cracks I’m sorry I’m sorry I can’t control it it

Sucks I’m sorry for laughing it’s fucking funny just I’m sorry I’m sorry for laugh I’m going to hell we all are it’s fine me I’m laughing your fucking voice godamn where did you install this I don’t know where it installed cuz it installed weird on my end

Too oh I okay oh never mind I found it you found it okay C you know you get why I’m laughing right no I understand yeah no cracks it’s dumb and I hate this I hate this shit literally if you like listen to your voice how it sounds now compare it

To like when you feel better you sound completely different I know I sound different and I fucking hate it a ritual book what’s that fuck if I know why don’t you identify I hope this doesn’t offend you but you sound like a fucking like 9-year-old boy who’s

Starting to hit puberty ear really with how many voice cracks you I’m sorry just the way you speak I’m sorry duplicate any spell book or scroll you have a scroll of duplication don’t fucking touch that shit I’m not touching it I’m looking at it look with your eyes not with your fucking

Hands God if you click the stream room it just all our stuff is really bright I got flashbang fos of nameless ring of the nameless no I have this okay quit trying to take shit Hy being denied every time quit trying to take shit you fucking Gremlin I mean you want

Me to take it I no I said don’t take shit yeah I was asking I’m guessing Amanda passed out at their desk is Amanda still in the voice she is yes she is she probably passed out at her desk knowing her yeah I I know I dammed her earlier like hey is cyberpunk

Worth the $30 without DLC I have I got a $30 gift card yesterday I I was thinking about buying cyber Punk it’s like hey I might as well ask my friends who have cyber Punk I’ve seen a lot of people change their minds on it I really like it I

Definitely suggest asking I yeah I did where the fuck am I the wrong fucking spot is the answer and fun God I hate this shit it sounds like you ate something yeah what uh no no I had to just cough up fem because I am suffering no I know

It how fast out are you goddamn mood why do I have a scroll of identification don’t eat the scroll it may look like a burrito but don’t eat it what I did eat it scrolls look like burritos I I ate it no they don’t they don’t look like burritos I already ate it

Though you can’t you can it’s already been consumed how how would I join you guys is uh do you have Essentials yes all right um invite uh do you me type in tired Arts under the friend section and try to send me a friend link all right and

Then friend TI is it capital A yeah and arts or art plural okay did you get that yes I did like this uh inv you what did I open I think I opened the Pandora’s Box is that a good thing no it’s not a fucking good

Thing oh it’s called a a box of Eternal closure and I I opened it and there was something inside it and it got out and attacked me and now it’s not inside anymore you fucked up guy I’m playing Minecraft with my new fucking uh with my new parts

Feels so smooth meanwhile I’m running at like uh fucking 30 FPS actually wait no that’s pretty good for this pack this pack is running really good surprisingly I’m running at 165 FPS funky oh it’s because my newest Parts what I was told by many people is my computer

Is good for like like five years without needing an upgrade damn the only thing that needs to be upgraded in all honesty is probably my monitors because they are uh 1920×1080 at 165 Hertz I don’t know what that means I only use one monitor I never

Really I can me see why someone would get more but like it’s two for that that helps me streaming cuz it’s a lot of power and then graphics and then stuff like that and then are you guys at the wizard tower no dude there’s a box right at

Spawn yeah no no there is it’s a box at spawn next to the wizard tower so yeah kind of kind of but only barely I see the box where the vampirism thing is the abysal craft that’s the house yeah that’s a c the the actually no that’s a structure you can L

Everything inside of it no it fucking isn’t shut the fuck up I’m going from the coffin is tirs no it’s it’s keys I’m actually playing a hunter ah I’m going to become a l i don’t know why when play with others I don’t like like living in the same M as

People organization becomes a nightmare yeah so don’t worry living with one more person I will stay close I don’t know where though I liveed in defiled lands the defil land it’s literally just the Crimson I mean the corruption from Terraria this is kind of a shit spawn is

That a fucking Crimson cult portal where across oh yeah I saw that earlier red particles damn I can’t escape Tavern is it purple or black red and black okay that’s not Crimson cult that is um midnight oh why are there zombies with with Halos and wings that we’re still trying to figure

Out I think it’s a Christmas thing yeah I think it’s a Christmas thing too cuz it’s only recently happened it’s either a Christmas thing or a recent mod the only mod that updated is aoran which has no reason to update well no nothing else had a reason

To update hand be know I’m surprised about what the fact that uh Atrius is wanting to revive Frontier yeah I’m like I get what he’s want to do I’ll help I guess yeah I hope so I hope it go as well honest I really do hope it comes another roleplay server

I feel with me having two projects one game and one actual story I feel like my writing has gotten better so in terms of like writing character expore I could probably do better I I can actually make an actual character not I don’t even know how to describe my process in making fucking

Pixel pixel is just a fucking nightmare are you gonna do pixel again no I am not touching Zena with a 10 foot pole that bitch is gone and dead and buried for good on fucking God I agree with fucking pixel I am another thing I really fucking find

Hilarious it’s a difference in uh the amount of art pixel got in Athena pixel cious because Athena wasn’t even fucking present in the narrative yeah CU I never had an opportunity no cuz you fucked off into the middle of nowhere I mean to be fair everyone did I lived in fucking what was

The shit called oh the fucking uh give me that p real quick thanks I’m trying to remember was the homeless thing homeless the homeless committee yeah no as soon as you left that place you disappeared off the face of the fucking Earth my gamer at first I went to iron Mesa pist

Stayed there for like a week and then like oh my God that’s so many vampires there like five Virginia and nine probably to do if if like another role play I will try to do like a plague doctor as character that might be neat get into

Alchemy I want to do like a modern day plague doctor how fuck that work doctor what’s my what’s my type of medicine a Glock that you broke your leg all right wh up Glock we’re going to have to put you down like a fucking horse yeah clock I’m

Going else are you doing I’m going to keep flowers in my office and go just look at the flowers let’s look at just look at the flowers ignore the ignore the shotguns just look at the flowers it’ll all be okay just keep looking just keep looking it’ll all be okay don’t worry

About it I’m tired like man I I came in I had this cold can you help a cold yeah I can just look at the flowers while I get while I get the wait a minute isn’t that just the SCP no is if he touches you you’re just

Fucking D but no that’s the entire point he’s like he’s everyone needs to be cured by killing them Dam I really am oh okay he doesn’t kill them he he kills them and then he turns them on there so basically the same yeah oh oh hi hi battle mage I was just uh

Gonna take this chest what is it is just that you left the game though wait it said I left the game I’m still in the game yeah what did you see that I okay I’m starting the game give it a second okay that’s a pretty Forest by

The way tired if you want to know where I went I just went North bruh no it’s no it’s just I don’t want to live in fucking swamp fair enough I’m picky as fuck when it comes to swamp’s pretty dope oh my God this is what in the fuck is

This no no h uh I found a fucking worst generation okay uh you’re crashing my game I’m not even moving hold the fuck still gamer please turn I sent you something on a centrals I want you to see how fucking like how that looks what that Generation shattered fucking Islands F I was about to kill them wait wait Hy Gamers left the game TI Arts F Hy Gamers Jo the game Hy gamer was killed by the storm battle mage using magic of course this will cause a little bit of lag I’m sorry tired ah sorry

Sorry sorry clearly I found unex unexplored territory okay I actually you don’t have to worry I if I can discover this entire Islands you’ll be fine I’m I’m G to take advantage of the bro okay uh are either of you watch like Minecraft YouTube like Hardcore Minecraft no I do not there’s this

YouTuber named sand diction who can turn like a simple ass Hill into like a complicated Mega build that’s one my ass why are you blowing shit up I heard something explode what who what if you fucks I’m not even there yeah same what wait what first joined I heard a Creeper

Explosion what ke’s not in the game I’m not even uh a fucking just died I think Um I don’t even know what the fuck just happened something just exploded and died I’m a fat fuck I need my second Snickers oh my God I fucking I hate this voice thing it doesn’t hurt but holy fucking shit is it dumb yeah it sounds so fucking dumb

You hear this shit yeah yeah dude I sound prep you best in this shit fucking sucks when I first joined you just you sound like a nine-year-old boy ow I did actually no you sound no you sounded more like 12 because of like you sound like you were entering puberty but your

Voice really said fuck you started like cracking heavily yeah I can feel that Uh I’ll be fine I’ll be fine I’m G steal I’m G steal you shit if you don’t mind voice crack don’t turn me a tired what’ you say it’s a l it’s a l come here L I want to kill you I want to take your stuff come here my mind went to

Something else oh it’s the skeleton M so it was not a l him I yelling it’s a lich I’m gonna kill it everyone seeing Zena kill her please I want that shit gone I would say oh pixel will but oh he fucking won’t pixel is a fucking coward and can do shit

True I still love how there’s a whole debate with me and a viewer like or no me and a friend talking about pixel and fucking arguing would would pixel classify as a twink or a hmbo we were just had that no no himbo himbo implies strength himbo implies any degree of strength so

No no it’s it’s just straight up twink like you remember when he killed AP well we didn’t kill Apollo we killed him like 16 times or more because he that motherfucker should have been gone in the first week yeah he had like Angel Heart vials

Like a stack of them and we just kept killing him no I mean moderation wise wait who fucking C that’s fair I so bad I don’t know who the fuck that is don’t worry about it dude I Am pocket furnace oh I just turned all my ROM flesh into Tallow nice congrats that’s not a good thing it was my food I was going to eat that why I’m hungry don’t eat rotten flesh I’m hungry though actually hold on tired while you’re here I want to rate my skin it’s

Nothing bad look what I found uh neat you got a pirate hat I got vials too neat I’m hry uh hold on what the fuck is that cough drop oh that’s an auto smelter it sucks ass but it works every mod pack we tried to make

Yeah fucking yeah every mod pack I make sucks ass okay at least chat isn’t hard like making fun of my voice too bad actually let me pull up your stream a chat too there’s no one in there right now I know so if someone make says something funny I can Li

Why I the thing is I want to move to YouTube but the problem is I have nothing to use for a thumbnail so I’m so after I get my new Avatar and everything I’m GNA try to ask my girlfriend like hey can you make like a border maybe add

Like a Little Chibi or like something like like something cute to put on the border which I will say that was inspired by Amanda because Amanda thing is really funny I like I made this little chibi at the bottom for her YouTube you mean her vtuber her no her YouTube like her

YouTube thumbnails oh that’s what you mean ah yeah I generally like that like I kind of want to do that too hey Alice get over here I just got back to the fucking boat let me loot let me loot as much as I can before before I get violently brly

Bber there’s wizard die die wizard you will become no more I know I have killed the wizard and he is no more gold coal Apple an apple too L by apples all right let me kill myself I recommend against that but okay no I’m like I’m letting like skeleton shoot me hi hold

Still there we go what the fuck I don’t know it’s called seal of dread what does this shit do uh fer for some time wait this is all just purple wool why don’t I just I just stole Wizards wool I add a decoration to your thing he was an evil wizard so it’s

Fine oh thank you yeah it’s only too bad fck you what what’ I do no I threw a hat through the order I found a scroll of dispel so I can go in one of those buildings it’s only a scroll though right yeah only hand encourages

Uh never mind I do I I so real I fucking do I could not agree I’m talking you in a bit tired how have you been oh yeah t you know what’s funny about you you were in the top five my most of my most like active Chatters on

Twitch yeah cuz I tune in to see what the fuck you’re doing nine times out of 10 it’s Geometry Dash it’s funny it’s going to be actually actually no I’m debating on I’m thinking about streaming a darkest dungeon that game who keep who destroyed these dust

Spawners I can’t like how am I supposed to collect my dust I want your thoughts on some so recently I uh did something for the first time which was I think last week I had my first edible last week how did it how was it um I felt

Normal my friends said you are fucking annoying man like what do you mean you were just singing you were like you were just being really fucking obnoxious I go dude that’s just my autism that wasn’t even the weed man that was just yeah no like one point you well acquainted with the

Watery deps huh thumb craft ignore it fucking like at one point in the uh in my video I recorded you hear go I was just singing that I will be the one time I’ve done weed uh my brother got like these Edibles from like California or something cuz like where we live we

Isn’t legal so um he got Edibles and we all did them and we played Cards Against Humanity for me literally nothing happened because I’m a fat ass and my body was too dense to like properly get affected by the shit that I took but my brother and our friends were fucked

Up I won that game because I was the only one coherent enough to make decent jokes they were just playing whatever the fuck they had because they actually found my shit funny somehow cuz it is no no it doesn’t make sense cuz they’re the people who find

Racist jokes funny oh like you you can win Cards Against Humanity with them by playing a card that has a hard that has the hard r in it like like that’s okay yeah um but like somehow I won yeah but yeah no it is what it is but

Yeah know that was the one and only time that I ever like done weed and it didn’t even affect me you didn’t affect you no no did you not hear the part where I said that I’m too dense of a motherfucker like physically for I thought you were just saying like

It was like sort of working on you no it basically did nothing oh I I might have had some kind of a buzz but like nothing proper I was the only one in the room who was actually like sober everyone else was just kind of fucked yeah yeah yeah

Yeah oh my God I can’t have enough space I don’t have enough space get fucked I guess oh okay saying get fucked with this stupid fucking voice is just so dumb get fucked uh shit it’s only fair dude this shit blows I hate this F I don’t even know how you managed that

But f every time I teleport it puts me in a wall all right all right this might be it’s another skeleton wizard it’s not a uh more the the rise of the whatever so it might not be a l thing R in the animagus yeah rise in the Animus the skeleton Mage just

Kill my brain just said the word anime and nothing more I am I sure I’m not fucked up ah what what do you want zombie get the fuck out of my face goddamn cenic spiders let me collect my shit you bitch found Fortune Fortune gloves and and I have another unsealing scroll

All right I’m gonna have to go though I’m gonna play thingy all right have a good thank you see you all right um Alice you’re still in the game right oh she’s stened okay oh awaken tonium lovely it’s a all leave me alone you fucker H’s gone yeah he want to go play

Darkest dungeon I think let me Tex him let me see if he actually did so it turns out H there’s another Christmas that I didn’t want to go to and they brought like the gift I got oh it’s something I did not expect a new keyboard

Nice did you hook that up yet nope let me comp it if it’s a mechanical keyboard good luck playing lethal company it’s pretty quiet me I hit the Windows key on the new keyboard I’m going to compare it right now I have OBS open so I’m G to be quiet and see

How like press each both keys allow because about do minus 45 oh it is it is quieter so now now the question is which plug behind my computer is gonna be it good fucking luck honestly undo the wrap this the thing is the keyboard I sent turned out it was the wrong color

Smaller I wish like a 65 uh 65% keyboard don’t know what that means 65 as in like uh you know most keyboards have like the everything from the Escape key to the enter and then the other side’s like the the number pad numpad arrow keys stuff you can get

Like from the a keys into the num pad you can get all that removed why the fuck would you want that more keyboard what the fuck would you want that more binds is better I’ll be back I’m G try to uh unplug his keyboard I’ll be back for ow ow fuckers for oh

For for for for all right I feel proud what’ you do wait hold on I turn my headset off hold on I need a little recalibrate oh fuck hold on okay it’s working now speed all right what’ you do uh first try on uh on finding cord

Nice and it’s really it’s really shiny too let you grab my phone and record it slightly and then post in your server in general let’s Discord uh uh tired five Corner General chant plus there I sound it so if you look into your uh chat I did not mean to open my art

Channel no I mean art art program Oo it was a wrong sheet of purple but it’s fine I’m kindon of repurposing my uh steel series uh keyboards thing where it’s like a you can rest your wrist on it oh yeah it’s got like a wrist pad and this keyboard does not I’m just repurposing my seal

Series oh what do you think my mouse pad too in the video hold on give me a second to go look all right it’s fine this island I’m not gonna live on it so I’m have to travel farther so I am sorry for any lag I cause dude I’m in

Another fucking Dimension I don’t know what you’ll be lagging and what I will I never lag when I’m traveling so let’s test it I’m the one hosting the world so I’m going to be the one accumulating allocation yeah I forgot like like 20 gigs was the uh World size world like file size

For Tavern yeah no that shit was ridiculous I will take the blame on that one I wouldn’t Amanda would fucking strangle you you know how how far I traveled we all traveled very far we all just kind of fucked off into our own little Realms don’t remember all the

Realms I know there was Westgate what was your guy what what was the one scene I was a part of there was Westgate ravalia helan Ria Ria was yeah so for That season there was Westgate Ralia and Helen and then for the other season there was the HOA there was the

Vampirism Village there was iron Mesa there was the uh the mansion and were the only uh people of uh of the uh so I mean at one point there was also uh Ash but then Ash kind of fucked off and want to go live at the uh at the

Estates so I love how uh I think it was death was not on purpose technically Ash’s uh anger towards towards uh Athena was was oh trying to think of the right word entirely Justified you killed her son yes but also she said was Ash here

Or she I’m going to say they for now like they were like oh I heard a gunshot and you’re one of the only people with a gun it’s my brain’s like I didn’t use a gun I use I use a bow and arrow huh which is factual I think on I think

I killed him God what was his name I don’t sess it was shenta believe chint chint it’s like I when I killed Chinta it was with a power five scoop bow which surprisingly one shotted them shinta never wore any armor yeah I didn’t think power five

Would one shot would one shot him power five is vanilla it’s technically not a thing you you one shot them with an enchantment that’s so strong it isn’t even in the base game you fool of course it would fucking kill them it would kill anyone a normal bow would kill a normal

Human you how about I kill you tired no I won’t bitch I have survived enough you fire an arrow at me that shit’s gonna ding off like the fucking what what’s what’s the perk from Modern Warfare 2 what is it jugar I don’t I don’t remember the

Joke I don’t remember the joke Juggernog I almost said Juggernog but that’s a zombies thing God I miss old zombies I miss like just being up with friends vibing and doing uh Highs are you liking At All by the way because I’m I’ve just been like running

Around I had a massive lag spike a second ago but other than that not really want to make sure it’s not too bad yeah know you’re fine right now there’s a random spot of light shit happens shit happens true honestly if we were to do like

Another like role play server I kind of don’t want it to be 1. 12.2 kind of don’t I would want to do like a newer version only because it’s like 1 20.2 1.2.2 I mean is getting kind of stale or like modding wise is getting still dude the modding scene from 1.12.2

Is the strongest it’s ever been because 1.20 sucks and everyone’s going back to the shit they’re nostalgic for that’s fa oh fine is a VIN Miner in this yes y i I think it’s Bounty or Tilted key cave rat’s back cave rat’s back that that will still be one of my

Favorite drawings that you’ve done of me just cave rat Alice yes yeah that one was kind of cute yeah I I really liked the cave rat Saga you can keep doing that I actually encourage it on This Server I want you to like cuz we have applied energistics

This shit’s going to be hell get I want you to do that so you can actually get fucking applied energistics I found like a miscraft thing where it’s like a like it’s like abandoned looking house where when you enter like bookshelves the button you press and opens up the stuff yeah I know

Where that is um just ignore it for now because we haven’t done any mcraft things yet um if you want to have like some kind of mining world we have the cavern there it’s the Moss portal next to the house uh keep in mind I am far is there

Any like means to teleportation to one and uh hold on that’s that really there you go teleport ah all right do you have a wayo to there there you go it’s in chat I do want to warn you though this Dimension is filled with it with Mobs Well normally

Right now we’re in peaceful cuz I had to turn it off cuz I was getting relentlessly assaulted are the red portals dangerous to approach yes uh that’s the midnight oh oh my God I got PTSD the Stone Circle what stone circle the chest in the middle right click the chest you get locked oh yeah that shit I got PTSD from that honestly you know what this kind of reminds me of Tavern but you have complete free will it’s basically just that Tavern but better because you can

Because I can this be played single player it’s technically being hosted on a single player world and it’s pretty stable relatively I’ve only had like like one crash and that was cuz a mod was incompatible so I just found a version that was actually compatible um okay that’s the button I wanted uh

Okay weird shit go found a decent Forest by this Village I can take advantage of where did I put that shit I’m losing my fucking mind if I find another was Stone I will gift it to you because you have a you got have a was Stone and buy your house oh

Vampirism oh find a village of a vampirism house why is that kind of rare like finding like a vampirism home like for like a vampire hunter is like pretty rare for some reason no it’s not you just been really unlucky actually no I don’t want to have CIS for

Open I don’t want to spoil mods dude I don’t give a fuck if you spoil mods I I don’t like spoiling myself on mods everyone else knows what’s in this mod pack I don’t want to oh fuck that’s that’s a fucking baby horse stuck uh is there any is there any there

Is I feel like this backpack mod because I actually kind of balances shit okay I like that I need to watch what I say my parents home I’m 19 my parents won even let me swear BR yeah I hate how I love mod packed with a

Lot of ore only because I’m a loot Goblin and when I M or I just get happy how to appease me add a bunch of ores I wonder if Frontier gets revived where it’s like better would you come back maybe I’ll have to think about what

I’d play as though don’t you have the your little robot relay yeah there’s no fucking way I’m playing relay I just I was just pointing it out because it’s like I don’t know who I would play it’s like get you’re a little vol relay is a character that does not work right

Be game I will be really happy if you can give me some uh give me some uh cows wait can I turn your wool into string I came of a transmutation trans hell yeah I have a child no you can make trans jokes it’s fine you can make change I’m sorry

Dude there’s this meme that I I saw I fucking love where it’s like like the enter the church so like the Jesus on a cross and went huh someone left her someone left her kite here then walked off and went man I have cancer God’s Gonna speed that up that had me dying

From laughter because it’s so funny go find another Village I’m not going to give you this way Stone wait uh can you just take a regular pickaxe you can uh hold on let me I can’t take that cuz I have a full inventory oh there we go shit was fucked

For a sec that’s fine let me teleport to the other Village I will take the way Stone will I be able to grab it though yes I can uh oh I cannot do it can you teleport me if you’re if you’re still at

Home give me a sec I need to give you a away Stone so it’s like makes teleporting easier hi who are you excuse me you are the potato I just didn’t see you I didn’t like so your profile picture it’s like who are you P me was a friend excuse me bless you

Now I’ll huh what what’s going on it requires sound like death tired I know I do shut the fuck up so it requires two levels for me to teleport from your place to mine to the Village I’m at tired you sound worse than I did it after the musical that my school put

On F like holy holy shit are you all right I’m fine shut the fuck up no you’re not no potato you should have heard you should have heard them earlier they sounded like a 12-year-old boy shut the fuck up I’m GNA punch you in the throat you can’t you East Coast

Person hold on second am I doing this right no I’m not because you’re either on the East Coast or on a state I will not mention because I will not dox East Coast my girlfriend’s from the East Coast no because I know she won’t see this V

Is I’ll be visiting her in May and I’m excited why is this shit not working huh is the surprise speak English is it is it a surprise for to her yes I don’t want her fending outs she does she does not know tired so

She will not be able to learn I have no fucking idea what you two are talking about the blue oh my God if I only see stormy average 60 in entire chat I’m a flip that’s I’m quickly opening Opera no plus I think she’s B steal your data no I don’t

Know what was that ignore it how I how do I ignore the loud lightning with e me me me me why T So realize What honestly tired based on how your voice sounds that that’s what you should be doing but shut the fuck up I don’t give a fuck you probably should drink coffee here that’ll sooth your Soo your no the fuck it won’t I know how I know what coffee does to me

It will not do that look as funny as it would be to watch tired absolutely perish why you mean funny you fucker it would be it would be pretty funny it would be pretty it would be pretty funny oh we’re all assholes who would win in a fight tired arts or

Coffee I would the coffee wouldn’t kill me it would still kick your ass no it wouldn’t don’t worry I’m don’t worry I’m autistic coffee doesn’t affect me same I’m autistic it just makes me really hyper for 24 hours and then kills me no coffee makes me tired warning identity have

Detected coffee trans mugs you into tired yeah it actually it actually makes me really sleepy holy shit no way and high in in elementary my special a teacher would give it to me so I can calm down your special teacher would just pop out and grab you a coffee to get you no

Actually no actually no she did that with Mountain [Laughter] Dew cof coffee coffee Soo me oh no oh did they just straight up Nerf things in dauntless oh they did okay my girlfriend plays dless because the game she can never stop playing she tried getting me to play

Dless because of crossplay and I just could not get into dless it’s like Monster Hunter but not it’s like Monster Hunter but baby version yeah it’s great for a dipshit like me quit laughing at My Pain you fucker you’re the one who’s not doing anything about it I have a cough drop I’m

Fine cough drop I’m fine [Laughter] Amanda’s G to come in here and yell at us yeah know she’s gonna be like why are you bullying my boyfriend 12 13 do not make a joke about 13 please if my friends to make that kind of joke what’s going on Burger King foot no

A different kind of joke oh yeah I don’t know what you’re talking about the only funny numbers that I know that well are are fucking 69420 and 13 dude Burger King foot lettuce all right I mean there’s two more funny numbers but they only work if they’re next to each

Other what 78 n 69 no oh make a joke off about on stream yeah no we can’t those one one those one number start with an N all the frots of an KN yeah yeah if I say that shit I’m G to get in Trouble here I’ll say it so you don’t get in trouble is like you got punched in the throat I feel like I’ve been punched in the throat you sound like you’ve been like snorting bone dust or something I feel like it my brother I feel like

It you know bone dust will actually kill you if you inale it I’m not surprised like that shit hurted that shit hurted yeah you know what also hurts coffee you know what also hurts being sick for over a week what also hurts Dairy yeah you know what also hurts

Yu yeah it’s me I speak in people feel physical Pain I’m GNA punt a tobler godamn it average Alice Behavior I’d like to pun a to Toler there’s this one clip I saw that made me laugh a lot where it’s like God it makes you want to kick a fat kid at cart what i s I start crying or laughing

After what’s fucking context I don’t know this guy named Theo and he was like God you ever feel so happy would makes you kick a fat kid at Kmart I learn that for the first he started crying the way he says it God two F I am missing three blocks of glow

Stone work going to the ather get over here bitch gonna fucking die that feels like me driving to work so there’s this friend of mine he goes like Conor and I was me me and my friend Robbie would sing that in Conor’s car just because we’re

Like we don’t trust you to drive us anywhere you fuck with he he went I think what 70 miles per hour in the 30 duh cuz we were driving from the high school to a gas station bro stepped on the gas pedal and didn’t let go it was admittedly pretty

Fun say anybody I fell off a right now what was that if anyone does still have DS installed one of the most meta weapons is for you right now I know that the Aether probably wants this music to be nice and peaceful but the only Vibes are getting are

Creepy the only Vibes I’m getting from you are give me a fucking loen I’m losing my fucking mind man maybe I should sleep I’ve been streaming for would when you get off would that affect the like would that end the world yes okay I just wanted to ask say yeah quick

Question do you think if I show up at Ty’s place with a baseball bat they’ll go to pit do you know where T Liv somewhere on the East Coast possibly Florida you Floridian yes bed on the crazy shit that your family does yeah I can either confirm nor deny the existence of a Floridian tired because if they can FM it give loation plus you said 10 billion miles back that you live in a military town and in the US everything’s a military Town yeah but there are also a

Lot of them on the coast with na bases [Applause] wow I’m too scared of a fucking Spud coming by with a baseball bat who gives a fuck I can pop over with a mosberg instead if you’d like what in your motherfucker you can’t even open a door you got eyes but you ain’t got arms

You do know I’m not actually I know I’m being an idiot but so are you suggesting the fact you can actually find me all right time to get your IP address yeah about say Amanda would know Ty’s IP address but would she she doesn’t even

Need to know my IP address the other day we were on Google Maps I don’t give a fuck oh in that case I can really just ask Amanda then she ain’t gonna tell you she’s gonna tell you to fuck off Al I saw your bio and I don’t know if I would

To ask about that I was just slightly confused about it I’ll explain later I don’t really give enough of a fuck to explain that’s fair I just saw it it’s like because I was looking at Amanda like I was gonna because I with DMs I often like close

Him I only keep DMS important open like my girlfriends and such and I had close am Mana like a week ago I’m like huh I need to to ask Amanda something and then I saw what’s on the man’s thing it’s like not what the heck I’m just gonna throw out a guess is

Like ply or something yeah look you key you picked the wrong fucking time to show up I was just about to go to sleep oh really dude do You Hear What I fucking sound like oh Jesus Christ you really got to go to bed don’t you no go

Like tired staying awake dude you can hear my you can hear this shit right do You Hear What I sound like it’s it’s really funny okay earlier there was a really fucking loud voice crack that happened and Alice lost her shit you need to like drink water or

Something I have water next to me it’s not water it’s drink it isn’t like a good useful way to like sooth your like throat it’s like honey I have honey cough drops in my mouth right now shit doesn’t fucking work we tried putting four one doesn’t work let’s just add

More you really that’s it that’s how you do it I’m actually trying to thing I isn’t honey is the thing that you drink yes it is honey it’s honey and tea and shit but like I’m too lazy to put a kettle on the stove and considering this

Sliot why I don’t know why yeah what I was I out of pocket I didn’t hear anything oh he just goes think I heard slip knot and that’s it yeah yeah that’s that’s the only context you need is it bad to Mak you in a slipnot

Huh what promt did you want to do in the first place I my voice is that the ather oh my God it’s the ather yeah it’s the ather I’m going in Frost ascending to the oh my gosh I’m falling what is this what is this what the hell is this did you

Forget what the Aether is you dipshit I’ve never gone to the ather okay how long has that mod been out in years how long has that mod been out I’ve never been to the ather either I’m falling is this is it is it one vampire saying that turns into a vampire yes it

Takes 10 minutes for sanki and vampirus to incubate in your system wait you’re becoming a vampire yes vampire is my go-to all right let me infect you I already I already injected myself with vampire things that’s boring loser ha your blood no drink IR suck blood you can’t drink my blood I’ve injected

Myself with garlic I’m half dead already I kind of want to see what happens when I bite you jokes on jokes on you jokes on you I like not working yeah of course it isn’t working dipshit that’s part of the mod BR I can’t beat you shut the fuck up doesn’t work

I can’t take you seriously I’m sorry it’s fine I’m not taking my myself seriously either funny this is really funny I’m not taking myself seriously either I don’t give a fuck what is a vampire Soul uh I don’t fucking know if I remember it’s used to level up uh

Vampire Hunter to like higher levels I think maybe I don’t fucking know I I’m just doing the shit on like a wh I don’t know what I’m doing you think I know what I’m doing you fucker I I the only reason why I’m swearing right now is because I find it

Funny whenever I swear in this voice it is funny this voice is so fucking dumb and I’m not even doing it on purpose if I could do this on purpose I’d be C The Genius no no no no no this shit is in voice mod because it’s like completely fucking random new new

Tired a Persona I’m not making this a Persona you’re a fucking idiot if you think this is actually saying really funny the act the name is just actual tired you have tired and then you have ill you got no you got tired and actual tired you got tired and holy fuck I’m

Dying tired exactly on God on God gang gang no never say that again yeah with pleasure what are you doing Frost Ray Tire became a bee Bo no he’s shooting out a ray of frost into our walls I need to level up the wand you know what Frost wedging is

Right what no Frost wedging no when uh Frost gets into cracks and stone or like water gets into cracks and stone and then it freezes and it wedges the cracks open you’re ruining the wall oh yeah there’s something I could say but I don’t want to be rude say it no

Balls no I don’t give a shit if you’re rude you’ve already called me an idiot like three times or something I can’t control J telling you I don’t want my balls walls not balls you idiot I no no no ke potato no ke potato

Want no balls I went J I don’t want mine Oh you are done what you rather scattle scoodle your dick is now wait what’ you say key oh key there’s a vampire book over here wait I need what wait I can’t do meth 14 you can’t do meth I know it’s a tragedy the American politics system is absolutely fucked no

Ke I heard you say oh I can’t do meth that’s what I heard from you I mean yeah I’m like really young like I’m 16 oh shit you’re younger than I am yeah fuck yeah don’t worry when people first hear my voice they think I’m 28 it’s the fact that you sound like

You’re dead inside I know I’m 19 I’m sorry to tell you that you sound dead ins the oldest I’m 20 yeah no I’m unfortunately the adult in the room n loser I’m almost an adult you old congratulations everyone point at this point at the old person laugh at him I’m gonna strangle

You you’ll be doing me a favor I don’t want to be in this world what don’t I’m just gonna keep doing this until you notice dab on the haters there are several layers of hating oh fine what I realiz I’m G become a plague doctor oh fuck no it’s okay I’m bleeding

I’m bleeding void ke I thought you just called someone how key I need your help putting shit away I blue that up I only heard the end of no really dumb shut up don’t call me that I may be leaving soon because Logan finally responded to me entired I’m

Referring to Ser Logan by the way I don’t fucking know who that is the guy who made Amanda mad for using Journey map oh that that dude wait what what happened it was a while ago I will give a brief and non- brief explanation tired and I used to be on a

Server called Frontier and I invited an iral friend of mine named Logan that’s an actual name but he goes by Sir Logan I don’t know why but looking at my username it makes no sense either n that’s why yeah and reading people he is someone who uses Journey map every time he plays

Minecraft and so at the time he thought man it will be all right if I use journey map for this mod pack Amanda quickly found out and slapped him that’s funny it was pretty funny didn’t he almost get the banhammer I think yeah he did almost get the

Banhammer where’s the I chisel uh tools chest I ate it what no I’m fact I’m fact I just ate an entire King siiz Almond Joy is Almond Joy is good unlike what people say dude it is good yeah how do people not like home Joy I don’t know

They’re crazy crazy no we’re not going down this again you bitch sorry this is your fault what do you mean it’s my fault he’s your friend he paid to get in here here we’re all friends here come on no we’re not he paid to get in here uh technically patreon and then commissions

Don’t worry tired got me in here for free but then it’s like no and I started paying tired I’m nice of you yeah you know what’s worse I did the like a highest tier too I don’t know why she did it she just did I saw

That myself I I saw the cool looking roll and I wanted it broke the door oh I didn’t even realize on the server I was thinking you say kill yourself fuck Yourself can you can you all shut the fuck up that wasn’t even what I was singing what the fuck I am the [Laughter] storm yep that’s the right one SE no buried to light is the true Christmas there’s a by the way there’s a uh Spruce Village to the left if you want to right click the waystone I don’t no I’m talking about key like over that way where is it what what is it that uh a village if you want to right click the

Way Stone like that right over there a that’s a cool skin you got there wait let me wait wait wait we need to do a reading T we need to do a reading for Alex oh yeah yeah we need to see your we need to see your Essentia whatever same

Thing actually everyone’s Essentia is going to have mentally insane that sounds about right hey Alice get over to spawn I need to make an umbrella you the world Okay so we’ve got I can just say it from here and then you can say what the symbols are like I’ll describe the

Symbols and then you say it uh and then you describe them or like know what they are all right stop moving Alice stop moving come here come here I can’t okay so we got 15 um Emerald eye V some okay and then we have 15 um like leaves like three

Leaves and then what looks to be like an orb uh like a black orb with a crack in it pral and then humanus so nature entropy Vision yeah what does that mean I don’t fucking know it is a weird combination mine makes sense because I’m power

Hungry I do like oh you want say something Alice come here come here come here so you see this right here come to the center to the center of the village we here oh the yeah right click it I know what it does and why didn’t you

Capture it for the Villager or for the vampires I just turned that’s a shame should have turned faster oh Cur was on death I’m going snap your neck no balls no one’s going to miss you guys be nice to each other please says you yeah fair

Enough I don’t want to make a I don’t want to make a ride I don’t wna I need to finish my house I just realized making a house yeah imagine not freeloading off of tired I’m a nice friend unlike you God damn whoa the better vampire though

Orb you’re the fake vampire what do you mean I was here first your f are where the fuck are y’all I few Flubber nuggets fine no you can’t call me a flubber nugget fuck you no fuck you Crees your J tired here tired t t yourself to give me a minute I telep ow tired teleported against your will no explosion oh yeah I forgot about that whoops was are tired to forget about magical traps he laid in his house yeah fair enough do you have the

Shit that was blown up or I captured it for the vampires no okay hold still everything for the vampires vampire cult vampire cult vampire cult what’ you just do fuck all apparently sweet trying to get shit to work all right um need a farm for some uh

You’re looking for hunters or’s some up on this hill remember yeah one second ow I refering the dog of wisdom not Sly Squidward War whatever his name is what’s his name oh H you look like you watch SpongeBob where the fuck did I drop my saplings fuck

Me I would to say a sentence like that one of my actual friends would go new take that out a promise I go huh no are you dense on purpose huh what kind of question is that what the fuck man no are you it goes are you dense on purpose and then oh

Oh I meant nothing Rude by it I’m sorry I hope someone funny though I hope someone chili bombs your house chili bombs like Garden Warfare Style no not a Chili Bomb Cherry Bomb Cherry Bomb Cherry Cherry missry what the fuck am I doing with my life being friends with the wrong people yeah

Yeah uh don’t worry tired I feel the same because when I look in a server where I’m with a bunch of personal friends don’t worry tired we all want to die too no I’m just so zoned out I have no idea what’s going on I realize we

Have a stone at our home yeah Alice put that down why do we need that teleportation makes shit EAS map I can’t yeah you can I opt you what the fuck do you mean you can’t use it you didn’t you did not opt me okay I’m confused why do

The zombies have uh wings and Halos we’re trying to figure that out I’m be real um probably Christmas stuff okay so when you kill them Spirit comes out of their body and flies up something I noticed um also um your bite will be your main

Attack my my coworker s in a worker chat happy crisis mood crisis three don’t worry that’s the same coworker who as my as quoted by my sister once you look at him you can tell he’s automatically gay do you ever know people like that who just when you look at them you know

That they’re gay just from by yeah it’s called the gayar get that like it’s part of the fucking queer skill tree like that’s my am I correct in saying my sister in Christ Dallas yeah okay my sister in Christ I know someone with fully dyed pink hair e oh they wear

Damn I just don’t like pink hair I don’t know understandable have a nice day don’t take my quote what’s going on I Z out no that’s that’s my quote no I say that I said that before you I say that no I said it you both got that from YouTube probably

Probably no I said it as a kid I’ve been saying it for Years fucking chist all right kids calm down I’m sorry I’m older than you fuck you I’m not talking to you us as well you’re dying you should probably go to a hospital somebody should put you in a mental hospital everyone the tired somebody should have floated you down the river in a box

Grandma what have none of you seen that one SpongeBob clip no just scw you I’m so worried and confused I think I made a new friend what can I do with olives eat them them stop stealing my jokes what do you mean stop stealing your jokes you said it after I Did okay so I guess we’re doing this now Ke is getting yelled at no that’s my brother freaking out cuz he’s sucking at valerant really hard actual skill isue player skill issue I only play a valerant like once because my friends convinced me to and I wanted to kill myself you fool same it’s why I prefer Counter Strike where’s the door

[Applause] how on how much money have I spent on Counterstrike where’ the fucking door go imagine spending money on Counter Strike badges all right you know what everyone off the world now I’m going to sleep oh man a sorry I feel like shit okay I’m sorry I’ve been streaming

For two hours and I feel like shit what do you mean whole ass kindergarten memes fuck off stab that dealt one damage whole ass also turns out I spent $250 see me you want to see how much damage I can do like really fast I really don’t give a

Shit you don’t where the fuck are you you little bitch behind you hi what oh am I lagging like really hard or yes you crashed you’re out of the game no anyways all right I’m going to go and cut stream here I would like to thank

You all for tuning in I’ll see you guys next episode whenever that happens to be whenever I don’t have this shit going on um everyone who’s in call say goodbye bye no okay

This video, titled ‘Tired Plays Modded Minecraft- Heresy Revamped V2.5 Ep12: sick as a dog (still)’, was uploaded by TiredArts on 2023-12-26 12:49:11. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:14 or 7634 seconds.

Modpack Export: WIP (remade bc 1.20 broke)

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    Sneaky Minecraft Zelda Adventure Minecraft Zelda Adventure: A Unique Gaming Experience Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Zelda Adventure map. This unique map offers players a fresh and exciting gameplay experience that combines elements of the beloved Zelda series with the sandbox world of Minecraft. Exploring the AdventureCraft Launcher The Zelda Adventure map is not your typical Minecraft experience. To access this special map, players must use the AdventureCraft Launcher, a platform that offers exclusive maps and content not available in the standard Minecraft game. The AdventureCraft Launcher opens up a world of possibilities for players looking… Read More

  • Redstone Farm Finale! Minecraft Survival #20

    Redstone Farm Finale! Minecraft Survival #20 Exploring the Redstone Farm in Minecraft Join EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew in their latest adventure in the Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series! In this episode, they delve into the intricacies of the Redstone Farm, a key feature in their virtual world. Redstone Farm: A Hub of Innovation The Redstone Farm serves as a hub of innovation in the Minecraft world. It provides essential resources and materials for crafting, building, and surviving in the game. With its automated systems and clever design, the Redstone Farm showcases the players’ creativity and problem-solving skills. Key Features of the Redstone Farm Within the… Read More

  • Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft

    Crafting Crypto Currency in Minecraft Minecraft Encrypted_ | CREATING CRYPTO CURRENCY! Embark on an exciting Minecraft adventure with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the world of creating crypto currency in the modded questing survival game, Encrypted_. Join them as they explore new possibilities and challenges in this innovative gameplay experience. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis introduces players to a fresh take on the classic Stoneblock gameplay. Dive into a world where creativity and strategy collide to create a unique gaming experience. Watch as Nik and Isaac navigate through this new generation of Stoneblock, uncovering hidden treasures and overcoming obstacles along the… Read More

  • Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!

    Unleash Epic Spells in Modded Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Modded Minecraft: Learning spells’, was uploaded by Jacobee1101 on 2024-03-25 03:20:34. It has garnered 63 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:58:37 or 14317 seconds. Powered by Restream Read More

  • The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft Portals

    The Ultimate Guide to Minecraft PortalsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Zombie Craft on 2024-05-19 09:00:18. It has garnered 416 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:20 or 1880 seconds. CHOOSE THE BEST PORTAL IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shorts

    Surviving the Deadliest Minecraft Server! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Dangerous 2B2T server in minecraft #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SBOXO GAMING on 2024-05-19 09:59:27. It has garnered 10772 views and 364 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE Secrets

    Insane Redstone Clocks! | Minecraft PE SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Different types of redstone clock – Minecraft Pocket Edition’, was uploaded by Lightning 626 on 2024-06-10 22:00:20. It has garnered 116 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:45 or 225 seconds. In this video I show you different ways to make a redstone clock a key component of many other builds. If you are interested in using clocks effectively check out the other ideas on my channel page @Lightning626-ys9ef Read More


    ULTIMATE TUNNEL HOUSE BUILD OFF - NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!!Video Information This video, titled ‘NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: EN GรœVENLฤฐ TรœNEL EVฤฐ YAPI KAPIลžMASI! – Minecraft’, was uploaded by EmirhanCTN on 2024-02-24 14:00:26. It has garnered 1056679 views and 14063 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:17 or 1517 seconds. ๐Ÿ’ฅNOOB vs PRO vs HACKER: BATTLE TO BUILD THE SAFE TUNNEL HOUSE! – Minecraft๐Ÿ’ฅ โžก๏ธAdam’s Channel: โžก๏ธAhmetin Channel: If you never want to miss the Minecraft Fun, confinement, horror and mystery videos I make, turn on notifications ๐Ÿ”” so you never miss new videos. ๐ŸŸฅSUBSCRIBE NOW FOR FREEโžก๏ธ ๐ŸŸงYou Can Join My Discord Serverโžก๏ธ… Read More

  • Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!

    Join Exclusive Vanilla RP Server NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘For-Project – ะฝะฐะฑะพั€ ะฝะฐ ะŸะ ะ˜ะ’ะะขะะซะ™ ะธ ะ’ะะะ˜ะ›ะฌะะซะ™ ะ ะŸ ัะตั€ะฒะตั€ ะœะฐะนะฝะบั€ะฐั„ั‚ ะ”ะถะฐะฒะฐ ะธ ะ‘ะตะดั€ะพะบ – 1.20.1!’, was uploaded by For Project – Minecraft on 2024-03-23 07:30:40. It has garnered 171 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:02 or 62 seconds. For-Project – Private vanilla RP server Minecraft/Minecraft for Bedrock and Java on 1.20.1 and 1.20.40+. Submit a request to the Discord server – We are looking forward to seeing you! ———————————– TAGS ————– ———————— survival 1.15.2, private server 1.15.2, wipe, wipe on a private server, rp minecraft, rp, RolePlay, roleplay ,… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage – SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraft

    EPIC Minecraft PVP Montage - SUSRO DOMINATES! #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘VIDEO RE VIVIDO | Minecraft PVP Montaje #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by Susro on 2024-06-13 21:00:35. It has garnered 452 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. This is a Minecraft PvP Montage, pot pvp, playing in skywars not bedwars without using any client like lunar client, making the best, best combos Comment how you liked the video! ๐Ÿ˜„ ๐Ÿ“ข My Social Networks โšช TWITTER: ๐ŸŸฃ TWITCH: ๐ŸŸ  INSTAGRAM: โšซ TIK TOK: ๐Ÿ”ต DISCORD: ๐Ÿ“ง Contact: [email protected] โš”๏ธ Join this channel to access… Read More

  • TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerX

    TOP SECRET: Revealing the ULTIMATE Good PlayerXVideo Information This video, titled ‘Im a Good-Player ^^’, was uploaded by GoodPlayerX on 2024-06-23 12:27:34. It has garnered 48 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Im uploading again IGNORE #minecraft #boxing #pvp tags: tags:stimpypvp,stimpaypvp,stimpy,stimp,stimpy pvp tutorial,stimpy vlog,stimpay,1v1 with stimpy,pvp,pvplounge,painfulpvp,skywars tips,minecraft pvp,painfulpvp vlog,tips,alting,hypixel,faction,practice,cheating,java edition,hypixel tayber,tips and tricks,bedrock edition,hypixel network,hypixel skywars,faction battles,hypixel mega mode,minecraft (video game) painfulpvp minecraft,hcf factions server,hypixel mega skywars,minecraft hardcore factions,minecraft,soup,pot,arcane,tournament,1v1,alt,comb0s,stimpay,stimpy,stimpypvp,im pack,optic,kiting,alting,mushway,fighting,factions,practice,settings,parapots,cheating,paintrain,mutations,orilation,painfulpvp,fattiicazzituoi,minecraft,pvp,minehq,hcteams,hcsquads,itsjhalt,lolitsalex,cool,fights,kohi,badlion,uhc,zigy,forrestbone,invis,raid,invisible,vanillaraids,invisraid,viperhcf,meezoid,reframe,kraqqen,br0,evan_40,veltpvp,velt,velthcf,duohcf,minihcf,mediumhcf,sulium,how,to,hcf,howto,hardcore,server,video,soup,pot,1v1,arcane,combo,texture,jewdah,jewdah jerseys,jewdah 11 potted,disabledsenses vs jewdah,byrez vs. jewdah [11 potted],tewchaynz,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft mods,minecraft funny moments,minecraft funny,1v1,pvp,destruction,rape,,lunar client,bypass,cheating,hackusates,verzide,bcz,kyzuko,dreamer_420,italy,america,stimpy,lunar,kohi,zonix,badlion,zuiy,sythee,stimpypvp,painfulpvp,lolitsalex,potpvp,dreamer,latenci,marcel,comb0s,eum3 pack,eum3 edit,release,cheatbreaker,eddeh,cheaters,hypixel,minecraft survival,mineman,minemen,minemen club,survival games,minemen club ip,render settings,leomaster60,leomaster60mc,leomaster 60 mc,leomastersixty,lunar combotage,minecraft,minecraft pvp,kohi sg,pot… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!

    EPIC Minecraft House Makeover at the Baby Zoo!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s fix the house on Minecraft. ๐ŸŒซ๏ธ๐Ÿ˜ป๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฐ๐Ÿฆ #minecraft #songs #babyzoo #animation’, was uploaded by Zoo Zoo on 2024-01-11 19:18:06. It has garnered 1063 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. ๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ปSUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL TO SUPPORT ME๐ŸŒŸ๐Ÿ˜ป #babyzoo #kidssongs #babysongs Hi kids! ๐Ÿ˜ป Our little animals have moved to the world of Minecraft! ๐Ÿ˜บ Merry adventures await them! They will have to collect resources, jump over the lava in the mine, fight the skeleton and build a house! ๐Ÿชต๐Ÿชจ๐ŸŒ‹๐Ÿก Will they be able to cope with everything… Read More

  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

    Minecraft Memes - Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft playersUpdating mods is like trying to assemble IKEA furniture – it’s always a pain, but you’ll feel accomplished once it’s done! Read More

  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ”ฅ Looks like the cat has a purr-fect plan to take down those creepers! Watch out, Minecraft world, this feline means business! ๐Ÿฑ๐Ÿ’ฃ Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

    Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024 Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft. Today, we stumbled upon a breathtaking video titled “The best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft so special – creativity, community, and endless possibilities. As you watch the stunning visuals and immersive gameplay showcased in this cinematic masterpiece, you can’t help but feel inspired to join a Minecraft server where you can unleash your own creativity and connect with like-minded players. That’s where Minewind comes… Read More

  • Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion

    Sneaky Duo Takes Down Mansion The Adventure of Clearing the Woodland Mansion in Duo SMP Minecraft Embark on an exciting journey as our fearless Minecraft player, Kroberto, takes on the challenge of raiding the Woodland Mansion in the Duo SMP world. Join in as we explore the vast overworld and encounter thrilling adventures along the way! Exploring the Woodland Mansion As Kroberto delves into the depths of the Woodland Mansion, be prepared to witness epic battles with hostile mobs, intricate puzzles to solve, and hidden treasures to uncover. The mansion is filled with secret rooms, traps, and surprises at every turn, making it a… Read More

  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

    "OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!" - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-06-21 23:00:20. It has garnered 868 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:26 or 746 seconds. She Turned into GIRL 404 and SCARED JJ and Mikey in Minecraft! – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Fan. It is just a parody! Maizen channel: @maizenofficial #minecraft #maizen #jj #police #mikey #jjandmikey #mikeyandjj #skibiditoilet #cameraman #tvman #speakerman #tvwoman Read More

  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

    CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด LIVE | Better Minecraft Episode 2! #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer’, was uploaded by CoinDetectorKid on 2024-03-13 02:28:53. It has garnered 74 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:12 or 12492 seconds. Thank you for checking out the broadcast! Check out my other links below โ†“ โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” โฆฟ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Donate: โฆฟ ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: #shorts #minecraft #survival #gaming #explore #streamer #youtubeshorts #youtube โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ”โ” Read More

  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

    "Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server - JOIN NOW!" #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Join a 3+ year old semi-vanilla survival server today! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftserver #roleplay’, was uploaded by OVClub on 2024-06-09 14:01:30. It has garnered 31 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Come join OVClub! A Semi-Vanilla, Semi-Anarchy minecraft server that hosts a 3 year old world that has NEVER reset! Discord: Join today! IP: Bedrock port: 25700 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐Ÿคฏ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿญ CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar ๐ŸคฏVideo Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More

  • FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    FASTEST Way to Build Scotty in Minecraft! ๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Making Scotty #shorts #minecraft #trending #viral #scotty’, was uploaded by Floyd Gaming on 2024-06-21 08:30:27. It has garnered 10172 views and 220 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Server Info: Version – 1.8 to 1.20 Discord: โ›๏ธ Shader: Complementary v4 โ›๏ธ Texture Pack: Stay True, Vanilla Tweaks ๐ŸŸข Don’t forget to follow me for more minecraft ideas World Download: #minecraft #minecraftbuilds #minecrafttutorial Read More

  • Enfocrafters Rebirth

    Enfocrafters RebirthEnfocrafters Rebirth trae de vuelta las caracterรญsticas de Enfocrafters original, Vuelve al 2013 Un survival lo mรกs vanilla posible Pets, Trabajos, Residencias y Tiendas. Eventos y Cambio de moneda Rangos Servidor Crossplay Java y Bedrock Read More

  • The Land of Ooo SMP 1.21 No Crowding Friendly Community Fun

    ๐ŸŽ‰ Exciting News! ๐ŸŽ‰ I am thrilled to announce the grand opening of The Land of Ooo SMP, a brand new server launching on JUNE 13TH alongside the highly anticipated 1.21 update! ๐Ÿš€โœจ Mark Your Calendar: If you’re in search of an exceptional 1.21 server, look no further. The Land of Ooo SMP offers a laid-back, community-focused experience that emphasizes collaboration and fun! ๐Ÿ™Œ What’s Special About The Land of Ooo SMP? Simplicity & Community: We focus on the community with engaging updates and events for all players! ๐ŸŽฎ Customize Your Play: Claim land, play with friends, go on solo… Read More

  • Blockworkz Network (Multi-Version)

    Welcome to Blockworkz Network!Step into our vibrant lobby and choose from four exciting gamemodes:๐ŸŽฎ Factions:Join or create a faction, strategize, and dominate the competition in intense PvP battles.๐Ÿ๏ธ SkyBlock:Start with a small island and expand it into a massive kingdom in the sky. Complete challenges and thrive in the floating world.๐ŸŒ Survival:Explore vast landscapes, gather resources, complete quests, and build to your heart’s content in this awesome Minecraft experience. Themed with a Medieval survival touch, formed towards letting the player really experiencing Medieval Survival.๐ŸŽจ Creative:Unleash your imagination with unlimited resources. Show off your architectural skills in our expansive Creative world.Daily… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “๐ŸŽจ Hot Minecraft Artwork! ๐Ÿ–ผ๏ธ”

    “I can’t wait to hang up all the new paintings in my virtual mansion, because clearly that’s where my priorities lie.” Read More