Insane Modded Minecraft Madness with Joe Bart!

Video Information

Do you have any IDE hello everybody flood again how is everyone doing on this fan [ __ ] tastic Monday chat what was your Junior SAT score of 1300 I never took it my senior year I only took it uh I took at the end of my sophomore year in the

Beginning of my junior year uh illegal Mike dinosaur Lyn steel XR Max and Michael for the sub floating for the three fact of the day five British military tanks are equipped to make tea really Laura for the sub L Vicky for the sub fat boy for the four chat what are

We doing today well we are doing a modded Minecraft Monday haven’t done a modded Minecraft Monday in [ __ ] two weeks dub in the goddamn chat wasn’t doing it last week because we did [ __ ] VR uh because I owed you guys a VR day but we’re back on the modded

World uh making pretty good [ __ ] progress yes uh going to be a viby day somebody said hit the pen that’s going to be a no for me right now hockey and middle for the sub peasant for the sub chat um we’re doing Minecraft Monday uh

We’re going to be on the modded world we probably got if I had to guess maybe four or five more modded Minecraft streams before we beat all the bosses uh and then we’ll see if we want to call it there or continue does that sound good

You know I think it’s uh we’re reaching like Peak fun uh in Minecraft right about now we’re probably going to fight the Wither today uh because we need to get wither skulls we need to get wither skulls we need to get nether Stars not only for a beacon but also for bosses

Because we need nether stars to find a boss uh which is going to be crazy but uh yeah we’re starting to get a little maxed out starting to fight some bosses get some of the cool modded loot uh and then we’re going to go from there uh Ari

And Dylan for the subre Uno for the five uh go [ __ ] yourself whoever deleted my Minecraft Monday chat maybe said it three times still [ __ ] me over F3 for the three currently playing MC and came to enjoy the stream while playing dub hockey for the sub and middleman for the

Sub Dylan for the sub chat uh I wasn’t live yesterday we’re live today uh I probably will be live tomorrow wanted you guys uh to know that uh probably going to be a shorter stream tomorrow but we’re going to finish killer frequency uh okay uh I’ve determined

That uh you know we’ve been playing it for a bit it’s really fun we left off on it on Saturday uh and we were like an hour and a half from finishing the game so we’re going to finish killer frequency fire ass game we’ve been playing my chat’s been [ __ ] with it

I’ve been [ __ ] with it so we’re going to finish it uh tomorrow um so I will be live tomorrow probably 4:30 EST regular time but it’ll probably be like a 2our stream instead of like a 4our stream you know because I’m normally off on Tuesdays but Wednesday will be scary games we’re

Probably going to be doing either games or this uh new game called reveal and then we’re going to do more escape the back rooms with Max of the new update uh Thursday I’m going to be doing unbans and then either fortnite after that or a [ __ ] Sim game called

Storage Hustle which we haven’t tried out yet uh which you guys recommended and it looked good Friday is going to be reacts as normal Saturday is going to be the IPA stream uh it’ll be a shorter stream Saturday uh but still probably like two two and a half hours we’re

Going to be raing and reviewing uh I believe 27 different ipas uh so I’ll probably be hammered on stream Saturday which will be nice for me uh but um Sunday Sunday we’ll be doing reaction uh next week I may be off Monday and Tuesday instead of just Tuesday but I

Don’t know for sure yet uh but that I I would only be off one more extra day I if anything I’d just move the Minecraft Monday day to another day that week uh maybe that Thursday or something like that uh but we’ll see maybe like a half

And half Minecraft Monday slash uh Fort stream the next Thursday but we that’s that’s a week in advance chat y’all don’t you ain’t even G to [ __ ] remember that all right are we ready to hop in today when’s the queso collab buddy I don’t I’m not even a mutual with him on

Anything he knows who I am but I have no idea how to [ __ ] get in contact with him Keo for the 10 just took a handful of Edibles for the first time uh my friend it said it’s perfect amount wish me luck I just sit here in silence for like a

Week for like just non like the next hour I just sit in silence because that guy said he was on Edibles Nolan for the [ __ ] three thank you for the [ __ ] three gifteds dren for the sub kebo for the 10 Mike for the five are you a redstone block because when you’re next

To me you make my piss to next stand stop Anonymous what the [ __ ] I you did you find that on like [ __ ] Google Anonymous and Ethan for the sub Rex Reino for the five take that back I love you mods thanks for keeping the chat

Clean fat boy for the three can you say happy birthday Dylan happy birthday Dylan Dominator thank you for the [ __ ] 10 gifteds DP in the chat for that thank you Dominator as a winner for the [ __ ] 10 gifted Subs I didn’t even [ __ ] see that [ __ ] thank a sub thank

You for the 10 gifted Nolan thank you for the [ __ ] gifted as well Mr average TB DJ uh Dylan and Ari for the sub Rex arena for the three I already read that uh Giga and dren for the sub all right let’s play some of the [ __ ]

Vibe music before we hop into the Minecraft World we’ll do a little update for y’all uh and I did one thing off Cam that I have to show you guys but do we need a recap on what we what we completed in the last modded world yes

Or no not modded World modded day what did we even do last time did we beat the boss last time I feel like that was the last modded stream was we beat the first boss uh Giga and blue for the sub the first non vanilla boss I got to turn

This [ __ ] Vibe music down Jesus man that was way too loud uh I think that’s what we did uh Lotus for the sub Len for the sub yeah last last time if you weren’t here uh last stream we beat a modded boss and got this [ __ ] thick ass Hammer uh which

Is also a pickaxe or which is a pickaxe but it also does 13 [ __ ] attack damage with no enchants and then this monstrous horn which makes uh this helmet which we need to craft soon uh with just a regular netherite helmet uh and then it’ll make this uh which gives

Us uh or wall warrant if you fall below half Health knockback nearby entities and increased defense knockback resistance and regen so we’re going to have to make another nether helmet soon or not nether helmet netherite helmet soon and then upgrade it and then combine it with this monstrous Horn uh

And then we will have uh basically uh our entire god Set cuz right now I’m kind of wearing pretty maxed out gear uh the only thing is my netherite Samurai helmet doesn’t have the perks that the Oni mask gives it uh because I [ __ ] that up uh I’m also going to blame my

Chat on that one so L chat because you guys didn’t inform me that that would happen but uh anyways uh you know outside of that last stream we didn’t really do that much off cam uh I added looting to my [ __ ] bartana uh because I wanted to be able

To get netherite uh or not netherite I wanted to be able to get uh Wither Skeleton skulls today so we could fight the Wither um because you know looting obviously is going to make that a bit easier uh what I learned oh [ __ ] I thought I was going to fall to my death

Uh what I learned is that while I was in the Wither Skeleton spawner and one of my Chatters could fact check me on this uh but I killed probably 2 [ __ ] wither skeletons off cam uh from this spawner over here and not one of them dropped me uh a Wither

Skull and I had looting three on that [ __ ] and so I have’t inkling that you can’t get wither skulls from uh spawner uh wither uh or Winer wither spawners and so I think we actually have to go into the nether to get that am I correct or wrong chat somebody somebody fact

Check me there uh but if you are able to get it from a spawner I guess I have the worst luck known to mankind because looting three uh it should not take me 200 wither skeletons to get one head uh and so I presume that we have to

Actually just go to the nether to get that which probably shouldn’t be an issue uh but outside of that um what else did I do oh one other thing because we needed to go into The Nether let me actually put this back on what is

This mod pack it’s a custom one that my mod cloak made me W cloak in the chat uh that guy’s goated uh made me the mod pack but uh it doesn’t have that many mods it has like 20 ones it you could tell it kind of just looks like regular

Vanilla Minecraft but there’s like some new [ __ ] um or not some new [ __ ] there’s a lot of new [ __ ] but it’s effectively just um to make it more entertaining you know so it’s not just the same [ __ ] over and over like what right when I beat the

Ender Dragon which we already did like I could actually continue doing stuff uh by killing these bosses and such and the reason we need to kill the Wither is not only for a beacon because I want a beacon but also uh because one of I think it’s I

Don’t know if it’s the eye of the flame we did the eye of the Monstrous we beat the monstrosity boss I think it’s the eye the mech requires nether stars to summon it uh and so we need to get those because that’s the next boss that we probably want to fight in the

Overworld because we just beat one in the nether so we actually need to go get nether Stars the thing that I did in the nether uh off cam was drill a massive path uh to the blaze spawner SL uh nether fortress uh because I thought

This would be really boring to do on cam with you guys uh and so I just went all the way up to like max level uh and then literally drilled all the way uh through to um The Blaze spawner which is all the way over there it’s just basically a

Massive tunnel uh that I could if you could see it through this map I just drilled a [ __ ] thick ass tunnel uh to here and then you could just run to the blaze spawner I haven’t completed the path but I basically did it uh did some offc can mining has 20 stacks of

Diamonds why do I have [ __ ] so much Netherrack oh it’s cuz I threw it out over here I got to [ __ ] Drop it where I won’t pick it up know but I didn’t do off cam mining or anything I don’t do anything off Cam that would be like

Progress uh outside of maybe like one base enchant or like just drilling but that’s basically what I did off cam all right now that we know that oh wait no there’s one other thing I did off cam I lied um I just changed the task board to be

More uh you know easy to read cuz if you look at the task board that we had here it was just a bunch of random [ __ ] but now I actually organized it these are the fighting tasks that we have to do we have to do the warden uh under ground

Still we haven’t beat him uh we have bosses in the Wither uh which we’re probably going to do today building I still have the farm the staircase and the Wither Skeleton Farm which I might not do if it doesn’t even give me Wither Skeleton skulls cuz that’s kind of

[ __ ] useless uh building as well is just the horse table and sugarcane farm which we might do today I don’t know if we’re going to do the sugarcan Farm today but we might we might make the um the [ __ ] uh wither skeleton skull Farm area today

Is this a full MC stream I don’t know would you guys want this to be a full MC stream or a half MC stream we’ll probably figure out how long it takes us to get a lot of the stuff that we want to get done uh and then we’ll go from

There other [ __ ] second villager section just for uh you know building [ __ ] um and then the pass to the path to the blaze farm I did but it’s not fully complete yet technically crafting is the Oni mask which I’m probably not even going to do anymore if we’re just going

To do that nether helmet um which is oh wait no wait what the [ __ ] oh I have to look up monstrous helmet that’s what it is yeah this if we’re going to craft this I probably don’t need the Oni helmet anymore so we’re that’s probably scrapped uh enchant New Gear obviously that just

That helmet but everything else is basically maxed out uh and then this stream I wrote down what I wanted to do uh I want to get wither skulls obviously uh the path to the blaze which we already kind of did uh Farm I don’t know what the [ __ ] that

Means I wrote that down when I was high so I think I just wrote Farm uh and then I also just wrote again wither uh oh wait wither skulls and the Wither uh potion stuff possibly oh I wanted to make uh a nether Farm like I wanted to

Get like Nether wart and [ __ ] so we could actually start like making potions for other stuff uh but Farm uh high is crazy well that’s when I do the off cam [ __ ] why would I why would I sit here no literally dead ass when I if I eat an

Edible is what I’m going to do the off cam stuff is is I’m just going to sit there and just [ __ ] smack wither skeletons and and level up because that’s just the boring [ __ ] uh but the potion [ __ ] we might do today but realistically the main goal today is

Wither skulls wither uh wither itself maybe beat two Withers so we could get a beacon and and then maybe have one to summon the boss does anybody know how many Withers I need to summon the boss yes or no cuz I have no idea mws Wendy

And Joe for the sub Jackson for the five like your new Tik Tok about thinking you should post more stuff like that I might Dominic for the three have you ever been to any NHL hockey games no Alex for the three hope you’re having a good day

Thank you spiky for the sun Mike for the three my buddy got a protein edible and they were astonished how I was able to make drugs boring oh I told my buddies how I got a protein edible and they were astonished how I was able to make drugs boring yeah

I don’t see why you would want a protein Bas s Goodman for the [ __ ] 100 gifteds what the [ __ ] basa Goodman for the [ __ ] 100 gifted Subs oh my God thank them if you got a up thank you for the [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my God I just said [ __ ] twice the 100

Gifteds butd he has 469 Subs channel to the Channel Total oh my God what the [ __ ] made you want to give a 100 Subs like that you need three skulls for one nether star I know well I need three skulls for one wither which gives me one nether star how many wither

Stars do I need or nether stars do I need to summon the boss is what I’m asking Juan might know that because I know he looked up the other [ __ ] dude Bas all Goodman thank you for the [ __ ] 100 Subs brother oh my God [ __ ] 15 minutes into stream

Barely even done my intro thank you for the [ __ ] Subs man Jesus that is insane Miker for the three told my buddies how I got a protein edible they were astonished how I was able to make drugs boring yeah why would you have a protein edible did you make

Them Devon for the three I’m on vacation but still wanted to show love on stream dude go relax thank you for the [ __ ] three though Mis for the sub kbo for the 10 Have you listened to Richmond north of Richmond no quib uh Lotus and Link uh

Linkou for the sub blue Giga and dren for the sub what is Richmond north of Richmond fresh precise SS chalupa uh absolute and Ian for the sub yo chat’s popping out with the regular subs and the [ __ ] gifted subs today thank you guys for the [ __ ] Subs I appreciate that especially BAS

For another [ __ ] 50 Subs B all Goodman what the [ __ ] thank you for the [ __ ] Subs dude oh my God basa Goodman 1 2 3 4 for the [ __ ] 50 Subs holy [ __ ] thank you for the [ __ ] Subs man oh my God like that is insane dude thank you for the [ __ ]

Subs man I appreciate that [ __ ] Joe it’s Carson for the sub uh base for the sub or base for the [ __ ] the sub the subs the [ __ ] assload of subs thank you Bas all Goodman bro oh my God pro for the sub did I miss anything else I

Don’t think I did [ __ ] popping out with the subs holy [ __ ] already at the sub goal today by far what the [ __ ] was I even talking about Chad I don’t remember oh my God yo you got to chill out I’m not listening to Richmond north of Richmond stop asking me yo Bas saw

Goodman thank you for the [ __ ] Subs bro oh my God hold the [ __ ] up wrong one haven’t broken this one out in a while uh B all Goodman I have not received that many Subs in quite a while in terms of uh gifted gifted from an individual viewer uh thank you for the

[ __ ] Subs there Beast uh that’s actually a shitload of [ __ ] Subs there man uh how many was that chat how many how many was that total chat was it 20 50 250 Subs uh oh my how many what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the

[ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] what the actual [ __ ] how many [ __ ] Subs is that how many [ __ ] Subs was that it didn’t it covered my entire it covered my entire [ __ ] screen Bas all Goodman what the [ __ ] are you doing man that was another hundred gifteds

What the [ __ ] my whole damn that’s going to be a sub at this [ __ ] rate Jesus 100 [ __ ] Subs B and you [ __ ] Menace man that why does it keep make why does it ow why does it keep doing that I think I gotta be further away

Like this oh yeah okay that fixes the problem peace all good man they of the [ __ ] 100 gift is there brother um uh what do I do for this chat I haven’t gotten this what do I what do I do I haven’t gotten this many Subs in a

While I feel like I need oh my yo yo yo dog yo this is the most Subs I’ve gotten in a [ __ ] grip what should I do what should I do yo I’m wearing gray sweatpants now I’m kind of worried I got swamp ass I’ll twerk

Though yo chat do I got swamp ass real quick tell me no I don’t all right we’re good yo hold up let me twerk real quick let me throw it back real quick for the [ __ ] hundred Subs let me throw throw back real quick Chad let me uh let me let me

Uh play a good song here uh Bas all Goodman uh what the [ __ ] I haven’t I haven’t twerked in a while so bear with me hold up I gotta try the wall twerk I gotta try it I gotta try it I haven’t done a wall TK in a while I got to take

My socks off nobody clipped my feet nobody clipp my feet real quick hold up ball Goodman thank you for the [ __ ] 100 Subs fu oh [ __ ] no my eyes are [ __ ] bloodshot now dude I thought I was going to pass out hold up I need to recuperate yo Bas Hall Goodman bro I don’t even know how many Subs you’ve given to the channel man I feel like I’m gonna pass

Out B he did 100 more while I was while I was wall twerking while I was wall tworking ball Goodman ball Goodman ball Goodman I got to do something else what should I what else should I do dude that many Subs yo B you got any ideas brother

Seeing that you’ve just gifted me like 450 [ __ ] Subs have they typed anything in chat they don’t have chats yo how have you never typed in my chat what how long have you been following like three months they made their account the same day they subbed who are you Bas s

Goodman who are you based s [Laughter] Goodman this has to be that somebody said moneya laundering that’s not what moneya laundering is he left the stream no way he left the [ __ ] stream n he’s still here bro I was about to say if this [ __ ] just popped in my

Stream gave 450 subs and [ __ ] left Chief and Sumo for the sub base what the [ __ ] my entire mini feed is your subs KD for the sub tanks for the five what the [ __ ] literally I can’t find I it’s just based all Goodman one two three4 oh my God

VIP him for what he doesn’t chat he doesn’t type anything VIP him I’ll [ __ ] VIP him I’ll [ __ ] VIP him so if he ever decides to talk yo b s Goodman if you decide to talk now you have a pink diamond by your name if you ever decide to type a chat

What the what the [ __ ] dude stop I [ __ ] I’m like I’m like lost dude oh my God what the [ __ ] how do you see if you were gifted a sub you would have a sub badge by your name how many Subs have you even given he has 1,09 subs to the channel

Bro my whole chat’s about to be a sub holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] dude oh my God you dropped like 600 subs today Jettas for the sub [ __ ] I wish I had some like a shotgun N I can’t do that Chad I have an energy drink I can’t do the energy drink

This will be a short stream if I do the energy drink last time I shotgun did energy drink it was a g- fuel and I had to end because I was shaking I can’t do that [ __ ] Jack Daniels oh my god do I take a shot I’ll take a

Shot bro see n okay now you got to re now you got to redo the predictions bro if we’re about to play Minecraft and I’m about to rip of free poor shot and then go fight in the nether I might die No Chaser No Chaser no reaction the

Old J the old JD Tennessee whiskey I don’t condone this Behavior hold up basa Goodman you’re a [ __ ] Menace five shots I’d pass out five shots this isn’t even gonna be a stream buddy I’m just gonna be sitting here listen to [ __ ] Freebird by Leonard skinnard no reaction no on

Second on second thought on second thought I think I’ll take another Swig it was so good yum yum Jack Daniels Tennessee whiskey o the best oh my God okay one of my friends just sent me a screenshot of me Walt tworking stop someone said drink all of it buddy that’s way too

Much that’d be that’d be a death sentence there pal holy [ __ ] hold up I gotta put that away okay okay are we ready to lock in are we ready to lock in for Minecraft now he’s slurring his words buddy it’s not that fast it hasn’t

Even hit my stomach yet I still feel it in my throat pause baseb all Goodman thank you for the [ __ ] Subs man I appreciate that doofus thank you for the five gifteds I appreciate that wow I kind of already feel drunk this is going to be a

Problem Jackson and West for the sub humble for the three you should bring Daisy on for the rest of the stream to celebrate she wouldn’t be in camera she’ just lay down I mean I could let her in my room but I mean you’re just going to

See your tail walk by from time to time dark for the th pin this mods the eye of the flame is the end boss the eye of the desert and Mech are the hardest the the eye of the desert and the mech are the hardest I of the flame is the end

Boss the mechs the hardest no shot either way we got to kill the Wither today we need nether stars for [ __ ] beacons and [ __ ] that’s like a the mech is not the hardest yeah I was gonna say well Juan might be a liar keep in mind he sent a chat basball

Goodman sent a chat Hold Up chat we got a lock in for my he left the stream no [ __ ] way is he here he sent a chat he did no he didn’t oh no he did he did he said Joe I could talk now thanks for the

VIP Joe were you not able to speak before because you’re a ban evader yo I don’t even know why you got banned I don’t care man thank you for the [ __ ] thank you for the 500 Subs brother holy [ __ ] I don’t care why you got banned

Don’t tell me please don’t tell me why you got banned because then I’m G to have to care why you got banned I’m hoping it’s just Spam I’m but it’s just we’re we’re betting on the fact that he just sent like a copy pasta Among Us stick let’s

Just let’s just hope that it’s that all right peace thank you for the [ __ ] Subs there man appreciate it holy [ __ ] all right you can chat now I don’t even think I was banned oh it might just be because you’re a new account it flagged

You as a ban evader Sophia for the sub doofus for the Thousand buddies doofus has cheered 100,000 bits H I got you didn’t I no cuz there’s TTS isn’t on sleeps for the sub Prince for the three what if B all Goodman is just the Friends we made along the way

Stop oh God I feel that Tennessee whiskey coming back up loud live for the three if I took a sip of Jack I would have yaked and I can’t hit a liquor I’m more of a beer man like KES yeah I’m more of a Bud Light man

Myself all right let’s lock in here chat all right what do we got to do join the S SMP with puff oh the one uh with sidearms and KY Speedy in them should I join that SMP chat that was also another thing I had to mention to y’all there’s a there’s

Like a big Minecraft smpp that like KY speedy and a few other streamers made and they were asking if I wanted to join it and I was like maybe but I watched a stream of it and a lot of them I feel like not puffer specifically or like Speedy but like a

Lot of them are like kid-friendly and if voice chat is just constantly on there’s like a th% chance I walk by a kid-friendly streamer and I’m so like yeah I [ __ ] [ __ ] myself the other day and it wasn’t the best like they’ll just hear me in the distance talking about

How I like sharded or something be your own person well yeah but I don’t know if that’s going to work on that stream oh can we refund the can we redo the Productions by the way because this will this will affect my capability to play the game

All right what do we want to do first is the eye of the mech really that hard I was planning on killing that [ __ ] today if he’s in the Overworld I feel like I’d murder him and that’s easy as [ __ ] to make dude finding him is about

To be a cakewalk four iron an Eye of Ender and a [ __ ] red stone uh or redstone blocks the Monstrous one was a pain dude we had to [ __ ] use netherite for that the other one I mean that one’s not that bad netherite eh but I still have

Netherite the void one we don’t even need the eye cuz our where we spawned in the end is already right next to a boss but we’re not going to do that one today I was planning on doing I don’t know what the abyss one is either is the

Abyss another end one I mean it’s either another end or another one I was going to do the mech one today because it was over world but we still need to go to the nether to fight some blazes uh as well as get wither skulls uh and you can’t get wither skulls from

The spawner apparently which is [ __ ] stupid uh but you know I’m not going to sit there and complain about it because you know it is what it is all right let’s go let’s go chat onwards onwards into the into the mission wait I got to take my lucky hat off I’m wearing my

Leprechaun hat I got to put my night vision goggles on oh wait no I should bring the lucky hat to kill the [ __ ] wither skeletons I’ll keep it on me but I’m not going to wear it while we’re going there all right let’s go lock in chat Juan said also

Joe also Joe the mech only takes one wither star also I am not a liar I speak only truths I just messed up once weren’t you the person that tried to tell me I I could easily kill the end boss when I had iron armor aren’t you the person that told me

I could kill the end boss which is like arguably one of the hardest bosses in the game when I had iron armor Juan a truther all right we got to run I didn’t bring blocks my [ __ ] god chat you see you guys aren’t helping me you guys

Aren’t helping me yo okay I thought we were done I thought we were done and then he ropes me back in and then he then he ropes me back in Bas saw Goodman thank you for the [ __ ] 20 gifted Subs what the [ __ ] oh my God basb all Goodman you

[ __ ] Menace thank you for the 20 Subs holy [ __ ] did they type anything else in chat I got to look Tonka Colton King clueless wear for the sub for the four kill the warden we could kill we could maybe if we don’t want to do the mech

Boss today we could just kill the Wither and then try and kill a warden the issue is I don’t know if I have a waypoint that marks where the warden is I think I might have a deep dark Waypoint Dallas and Bella for the sub from early on X

Harvey for the sub yfp for the five how do we get the mod pack it should be in the Discord doofus for the Thousand by Steel for the for the 10 love you Legend good luck in the in the Stream thank you and doofus said all poop fart uh sleepy

For the sub duus for the Thousand but he’s already I already read that yo for the three I’m a senior in high school in Jordan is college fun what do you mean by fun cuz if you’re saying our college classes fun I’d say they might be interesting I wouldn’t say they’re fun

If you’re saying like parties I would still say that college parties are not as good as like going to like a bar or a club however if you go to like a really big college like Penn State they have like really good sporting events and [ __ ] and so that’s

Like those are like what that’s like the college experience right like going to a big football stadium everybody’s your AG all that [ __ ] Sader for the subdus for the 3,000 Bitties B all Goodman 2 34 is a good goed man he uh might even be more goated than

Joe hey you’re going to try and get me to be mad about that but I’ll I’ll say that’s facts that [ __ ] just dropped 600 Subs in my chat that shit’s crazy all right I’m just going to bring these cuz I don’t think we need concrete or not concrete

[ __ ] uh what’s it called uh Cobblestone anyways chat while we’re on our way to the blaze spawner I have a little story time for y’all uh I bought a golf set white guy in me is starting to starting to you know manifest itself I

Bought a golf set uh I I I now I’m not a golfer went to a driving range though the other day uh and right when I go there I’m like damn I hope bro bro like it’s it’s like I thought you were going to stop after like 150

Maybe when you dropped that 100 and then you dropped the 50 I was like okay dude what the [ __ ] 1,139 Subs to the channel bro just dropped another 100 gifteds you are insane doofus for the three he’s so rich how what do you do for a living yo I’m just hoping bro

Please tell me it’s your money and not your not like uh somebody else’s like your parents or something got to get to a th000 Subs that’s that was the you had a you you you had in your mind today I need to give 650 Subs in Joe’s chat I

Appreciate your content I remember seeing you on Tik Tok in 2020 think you were thinking you were really funny bro [ __ ] goated viewer thank you for the [ __ ] Subs man you’ve been watching me that long holy [ __ ] uh oh wait no I like two tap these guys never

Mind I forgot I’m not a a noob in this world anymore I could also kill this [ __ ] hold up they have so much health like I don’t know why they have so much health anyways B saw Goodman thank you for the [ __ ] Subs dude um chat I started gol thing right

Well I didn’t go to I hav’t I haven’t been to like an 18 hole yet but I was like I’ve been to I’ve already been to like a Chip and Putt before and I’ve been to a driving range but I never owned my own clubs so now I own my own

Clubs and I and I went you know I bought a decent set like a starter set not something that’s like [ __ ] thousands of dollars I bought like a base Starter Set anyways um ooh I don’t remember what path I think it’s this one cuz I was

Trying to dig a path to get down there without having a [ __ ] fall to my death I think it’s this uh let me double check though uh this was this was edible Joe Bart trying to make a path okay yeah this is it all right good [ __ ] let me

Put on the gold boots again um anyways I I buy a golf set right and oh [ __ ] is this going to be a drop hold up okay [ __ ] where the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] skeleton shooting at me [ __ ] you think you own this [ __ ] world get

The [ __ ] out of here okay hold on I got to build a staircase real quick uh I buy a golf set and I go to this driving range cuz I’m like you know it’s my day off let me let me go to a driving range you know maybe improve my

Golf skill a little bit as I’m pulling up I see because it was this was Sunday as I’m pulling up I see a bunch of like high school college age kids and I’m like dude they’re going to [ __ ] recognize me and they’re going to watch

Me play golf and it’s going to be so embarrassing and I step out of my car and the first kid that walks by me goes are you Joe Bart I go in my head I’m like oh no like I’m fine with him recognizing me right but I’m like I suck

At golf like I know I’m going to blow dick at golf and so I [ __ ] pull up and he’s like you jump I’m like yeah he takes a picture with me he’s the only kid that [ __ ] said something to me so chill but as I go I know he’s watching me I

Tea up with my friends I [ __ ] whiff the ball four times dude I stand up to the plate and I go and I [ __ ] four times I missed the ball I don’t even hit it right and I’m like that was surely a practice swing right I [ __ ] after

That I top the ball like four times which means that you hit the top of the ball and then it just [ __ ] like scoots to the bottom it doesn’t really go anywhere uh and so I hit the top of the ball and I’m like oh this is [ __ ]

Stupid dude uh and then you know I give it a bit of practice and then I just start hitting [ __ ] bombs right then I then I lock in you know I whip out the [ __ ] driver and I just start nailing these [ __ ] into the sky and I was like okay

Maybe maybe I’ll I’ll [ __ ] pick this [ __ ] up where the hell is the blaze spawner oh is it right under this oh this is literally the blaz spawner okay we got to build a path down here I just want it to the blaze spawner but I just

Want to also be able to get into this area so we could [ __ ] um kill a bunch of nether not nether guys whatever it’s called wither skeletons as well I’m kind of nervous right now I’m going to I’m like really nervous right now I’m going to build

Over here here then we might dig down you know something casual something normal so I don’t fall to my death here Never Back Down never give up well yeah golf’s also not something you’re going to pick up in a [ __ ] day so I was like okay you know it’s going to take oh

[ __ ] dude you scared the [ __ ] out of me it’s going to take some practice so I wasn’t that pressed about it um no but golf is mad fun golf sucks when you suck but the second I hit a ball like [ __ ] far I don’t even know

How far but once I hit that [ __ ] ball and that [ __ ] went flying I went oh my God this is insane I could see myself doing this and then it was fun and then the inner white guy in me started to come out and I was like I was like you know

Maybe I should use a [ __ ] three-wood here maybe I should use maybe I should use the five H got to get my got to get my wedge game up you know stuff like that you better survive I’m not really worried about dying in the nether right now honestly as long as I

Don’t fall in the lava okay maybe I shouldn’t jinx this chat knock on wood for me please don’t really want to die here I’m going to kill a few blazes cuz we’re running low on blaze rods too uh but then we’ll [ __ ] just go and uh kill a bunch

Of nether skeletons or wither skeletons I keep saying nether skeletons that’s what they are what they give me the Wither effect same [ __ ] thing same [ __ ] thing technically chat let me get a sip of my water here that Tennessee Honey is making my mouth dry is this world hardcore God

Verbus ver okay chat verbus at this is how this is how inactive verbus is as a mod this [ __ ] also I’m giving my mods free merch so you know not trying to brag or anything but I locked in for this upcoming merch drop in the next two

Months uh I pulled some strings to get my mods free merch because I felt but now people are going to now that I said that people are going to try and be mods um but as I was saying you know and the reason I brought that up is because

Veris is getting a [ __ ] free t-shirt but that [ __ ] never mods for me anyways um my Sarah hoodie said yay did you send me the the size in it I didn’t know that what message my mods about it in the Discord and let me know and I’ll put it

In the Google sheet anyways um [ __ ] what was I saying oh verbus verbus goes in the mod Discord the other day and that [ __ ] asks me if I still play power washing Sim I got to pause the music for that verbus verbus is so old of a mod he ask

Me if I’m still playing power washing Sim I have’t haven’t played that since 2021 I’m like dog when were you last in my stream when I was playing [ __ ] Bloons [ __ ] like that was CRA when he asked that I went no [ __ ] way like that like he was like what’s the what’s your

Schedule like he was like what’s the game rotation Minecraft rocket League power washing Sim I went what what Buddy’s about to say oh you got a girlfriend since when he’s about to ask me he about say oh you got a girlfriend I didn’t know that it’s not like I’ve been dating her

For [ __ ] two and a half years last stream I remember was Hitman what the [ __ ] bro that is so long ago that is so long ago what if he was joking well he might be joking cuz he does pull up every now and again but

Like dude he’s just an old like I have mods that are still active active mods in the sense that they still have the mod title but they haven’t been in my stream in like three years I usually end up on modding them and just giving them VIP if they ever come back

But about to say who’s Daisy well I’ve had okay I’ve had Daisy since I started streaming but technically I never used to show her so I’ll kill like one more Blaze yeah we don’t need that many I need like 100 [ __ ] blaze rods all right let’s go kill [ __ ] weaer

Skeleton dep Chad how many how many you think we got to kill to get [ __ ] three heads no way that many right okay there’s two down here imagine he instantly gave me one that would be [ __ ] sick the reason I don’t think the one’s from the

Spawn I don’t know if it’s cuz it’s not in the nether but the Wither Skeleton spawner we have drops coal it doesn’t drop wither bones and it doesn’t drop skulls I don’t know why that is I’m assuming just because it’s in the Overworld and it’s a spawner and I think

That’d be kind of op if you could get that from just [ __ ] um oh I put flame on my bow too forgot to say that but we already had that book that was the only other thing I did off cam I got to get into the bigger part of this uh nether

Structure here so I can find more of them not fall to my death here hopefully I’m pretty sure the outer parts okay it’s definitely quiet I was going to say why is it quiet the music’s not playing awkward okay there it is uh watch more scary videos I haven’t done a

Scary react in a while in part just because I I don’t want to do them too much but also you guys just don’t really send scary videos for me to react to I obviously I could find a lot of videos myself and I do for regular react days

But it’s kind of hard to find like new horror short films you know like there’s not many new horror short films that are dropping um um specifically just like ones that aren’t ass like I’ve seen a lot of horror short films but there’s not any like really good ones recently I

Want to go find [ __ ] Soul Sand I haven’t even explored most of this uh nether fortress honestly and I just picked up the [ __ ] I just dropped love when you do that right that’s [ __ ] oh my God would that have been death would that have been death maybe I have

A [ __ ] uh totem though so we’re good holy [ __ ] that scared the [ __ ] out of me that wired me back in do I want to take the bombs why not [ __ ] smithing too I’m [ __ ] putting half of this [ __ ] in here all this is garbage Soul soil is

Soul soil the same thing as Soul Sand no right why do I hear this [ __ ] where are you Enderman and and that’s going to be a problem hopefully he forgives me for smacking the [ __ ] out of him Joe slurring his words all right settle down buddy no I’ll be slurring my words on

The IPA stream just because most of the ipas that I have to try and rate are like 12% for those of you that don’t know what an IPA is it’s an Indian Pale l or International P it’s basically like a a craft brew um okay here’s some more weather

Skeleton aggro on me and most regular beers are like 3 4% alcohol uh by volume I still hear the Enderman on me uh whereas the um the the ipas that I’m trying are going to be like 12% oh the lucky hat oh [ __ ] yeah the lucky hat the lucky hat

Hold up okay why is this [ __ ] so mad at me yo chill out bro imagine it instantly gave me one none yo I feel like my luck might just suck ass let me actually go kill that Magma Cube oh there he is and now you’re dead all

That all that aggro just to [ __ ] die dude was it really worth it was it really worth it here you are buddy I actually need your magma cubes get this [ __ ] real quick okay um oh yeah no I’m [ __ ] starving what was I talking about I literally

Just forgot oh we’re going to be doing the IPA stream and so I’m going to be doing like obviously like not the whole can but like a sip of each one do I have that do I have wunner shoes I don’t know I might I don’t think I do

Though throw the rest of this [ __ ] in there are wither bones useful for anything probably not I really want to go find the area is this where I just was when is the doxing mods video oh no that’ll be soon that’ll be that’ll be soon enough don’t worry no uh but yeah

No I’ll be doing the IPA stream be sipping like each one probably like you know two or three steps just to give it a rating uh but you know if I have to try 25 [ __ ] beers that will add up I don’t think if it’s I don’t know if it’s

25 or like 20 I know it’s a decent amount though where the hell are the wither skeletons at when is the IPA stream [ __ ] Saturday it’ll be fun I’ll be I’ll have the table set up that I use for the gingerbread house uh and the lavalier mic and [ __ ] just like

Normal it’s nothing special it’s not some highgrade quality content like I’m a [ __ ] uh wait I wasn’t how wasn’t I just here why does everything look the [ __ ] same where the hell is the rest of the [ __ ] nether fortress oh my God and like how did you spawn [ __ ] they

[ __ ] [ __ ] torches on that love modded Mt okay here I think I just need to stay in the open areas that seems like where they’re all spawning like right over here I’m about to clip that Blaze real quick yeah I’m not dealing with that [ __ ] ooh what the odds I make that

Jump I kind of want to try I’m not going to oh my God that was kind of scary I don’t think I would have died though realistically I I I don’t think I would have maybe what are the odds of a wither skeleton skull dropping by the

Way I actually don’t know with looting three technically looting four because I have an extra level of looting and looting three so looting four what would they is what is it like [ __ ] 4% looting three is 5% how many have I killed I mean realistically I still

Wouldn’t have one yet I just want to get one today or should we try and get two if we’re able to kill two Withers then we could fight the boss and get a [ __ ] Beacon and that would be fire but I don’t know if we’re going to

Be able to easily get six [ __ ] with skeleton skulls I don’t think that’s going to be like an easy task realistically I’m going to go in here I feel like I haven’t been I have been in here but is there any nether W I know I

Got okay here it is yeah this is the part that I haven’t been at this is what I wanted to grind just so we could start making potions I used to love playing MC having in a minute I if you want my honest take I think Minecraft Now sucks if it’s not

Modded if if it’s multiplayer that’s different I don’t know if that if I I don’t know if that’s like a shitty take but if I’m playing vanilla Minecraft like right now I’m doing vanilla Minecraft stuff which is still fun right like I’m [ __ ] killing weather skeletons and [ __ ] but I think the whole

Premise of regular vanilla Minecraft is kind of trash unless it’s modded or multiplayer like multiplayer it’s different cuz you’re playing mini games and [ __ ] but if I’m just doing regular [ __ ] vanilla Minecraft like I’d already be almost done this world I mean still are because we’re only going

To be fighting bosses but it was still fun to get new weapons like I have a katana new armor and all this other [ __ ] uh and just like a bunch of stuff right I backpacks and way points and stuff rather than just killing the Enderman or not the Enderman the Ender Dragon

Killing the Wither one time and then effectively being maxed out and you could just quit the game whenever like that’s not fun to me it was when I was Hardcore but then I kind of got lackluster I hear weather skeletons I don’t know where they are though

Dude most of this is empty I feel like there’s normally way more chests Never End MC Monday well Minecraft Monday is more of a winner thing oh [ __ ] the only other thing I wanted I forgot to ask you guys this I got invited to a twitch Rivals event in

April it’s 5 days long it’s 150 streamers and it’s only Minecraft from 3 EST to 7 EST every day a $100,000 prize pool should I do it it’s 5 days of Minecraft for 4 hours each day and I know not everybody on my channel likes

Can we do a poll on that mods I know not everybody on my channel likes Minecraft but here’s my process right if we’re doing really good and it’s really fun we’re going to stick in it right because it’s a shitload of streamers it’s a competitive event I think it’ll be fun

As [ __ ] I do have to go live at 3 EST it some some week in April for like four or five days I think it starts on a Wednesday ends on a Sunday uh and so it kind of sucks that I’d have to you know

Start at 3 EST however or at least on weekdays on weekends it wouldn’t matter but people get eliminated each day kind of like squid games I don’t know the full premise of the event but it’s called House of nightmares and um basically it’s 150 streamers and each

Day people get eliminated and at the end there’s one winner they don’t win the whole prize pool but the prize pool is split amongst people and obviously like the people that get first second third fourth fifth are going to get more than somebody who got 80th but I think it’s

Still a fun event and say it sucks say it’s awful I could just throw you know if it’s an elimination based tney and two days in my chat’s like this is kind of boring I could go you’re right get killed or [ __ ] die or or lose the mini game that we’re

Playing that day and then just be like all right time for [ __ ] reacts it’s just like the reason I’m I’m polling you guys on whether or not we do it is cuz we wouldn’t be doing anything other than Minecraft for potentially five days which I know I’m I know I’m a

Variety streamer but it’s like a big event and they’re trying to get a lot of variety streamers in on it so I’m like maybe uh but it wouldn’t be for like a month and a half it would be I think late April is it so solos or teams solos individuals 150 people individually

Placed so there’s no teams I’d be by myself um playing whatever miname it is and I’m assuming you know it’s four hours each day but I don’t think I’d win uh but it is an individual event uh individual event who’s derck for the sub dark for the three I retake my statement

The mech wasn’t that hard the abyss was harder God of luck for the five letting you know you’re the best streamer thank you tweetle for the three do you find out how long of a stream delay you have uh should just be base can you show us

Or something why do you want to know that um Grims in for the five uh you still playing power wash Sim no Mr Leon brood for the sub Molina for the th finally I found time to come back had to make a new account and sub to you on my

Older one twitch logged me out so I kept changing it but finally got to cancel but I hope you’re having a good day thank you general for the three don’t want to spoil your series but I follow all the bosses by hard the hardest boss

Is easily the ignis which is the eye of the flame the next hardest is Harbinger aka the Mac you already beat the easiest boss the monstress the monstress was really easy though and the other bosses are somewhere in between I would lock the [ __ ] in if you’re fighting The Harbinger today it’s that

Hard nah now for the three W you just playing knockout City TTV for the subdus for the three don’t don’t bring up knockout City that holds a place in my heart those servers got shut down anybody remember knockout City uh 10 tacos for the three don’t be

Embarrassed one time I hit hit the bottom of the ball the ball hit the roof and then they the hit the person in the booth next to me splitter for the [ __ ] thousand Bitties going to be the next Tiger Woods Alex baby ether for the

Sub doofus for the th uh Amelia for the sub V1 for the sub dude I am like it was a good game knockout city was a really good game but it was like how much are you going to make why do I hear it like it’s right

Next to me how much are how entertaining are you going to possibly make um dodgeball you know like at some point dodgeball is just [ __ ] dodgeball like it’s not going to be any better than it was dude can one of these [ __ ] [ __ ] drop a goddamn skull I swear to

God man I’m just trying to kill the Wither I’m letting you know by the way if I die to a boss I’m quit in the world I’m saying that right now if I lose all my items in any fashion whatsoever I I will rage qu if I die that’s one thing

But if I fight the eye of the mech and he like blows up all my items I am literally [ __ ] done I doubt that would happen bro but where the [ __ ] I saw other okay I knew there were other ones down here I still don’t have one bro how

All right now you’re about to get me killed bro did I get one oh my God how have I not gotten one is this glitched I need [ __ ] three can you craft them oh you think you could craft them in the mod N I doubt it nah dude what the [ __ ] just hit

Me what just hit me are we doing half MC today I don’t know I want to beat the boss I want to fight the Wither I want to fight the mech boss and then go from there what would you guys want to do if we did half

MC today I know full MC won the poll though so we might do full MC why are they all spawning down here like dude you’re telling me I’ve looting four and that [ __ ] gave me one black bone and that’s it there’s none of these [ __ ] down

Here and then how are you telling me you got that range on you you’re telling me you locked on me you locked on to me from that far away that’s a [ __ ] lie killer frequency we’re doing that tomorrow we’re finishing killer frequency tomorrow it’ll that’ll be tomorrow’s full stream is just us doing

Killer frequency is that a dub I don’t know I know all of killer frequency thus far we’ve always ended stream on it so I don’t know if I should change that up but I think you know I think it makes sense to maybe just finish it

Tomorrow like just do it all tomorrow CU normally I’m not live on Tuesdays and I don’t want to stream for like four hours tomorrow but I was still down to do like a two hour two and a half hour [ __ ] killer frequency stream or some [ __ ] dude where are the wither skeletons

Do you have looting on your bartana yeah that’s why I did that off cam just for this because I was like oh we’re going to need looting to get [ __ ] Wither Skeleton skulls easier you know but they’re like nowhere to be [ __ ] found well I mean the wither skeletons

Are are to be found but the [ __ ] skulls themselves I can’t even get any shockingly I feel like I just got to run back and forth between these two areas cuz it seems like that’s where they’re spawning the most but then again yo maybe it is maybe it

Is just my luck you think the [ __ ] you think the spawner would drop Wither Skeleton skulls can somebody look that up for this mod cuz they don’t drop the bones so I don’t know if they would but maybe they do and I’m just that unlucky what level of looting do you

Have looting three I’ve looting three and I have a [ __ ] hat that gives me looting four which makes no sense as to how why is the music not playing this [ __ ] playlist just garbage dude what’s hitting me what is hitting me why am I dying kill that [ __ ] thank you get rid

Of them I don’t need blazes anymore I have a thousand of those [ __ ] oh my God we’re good landed it can’t hear the music you should be able to just don’t get the skulls what do you mean I can’t fight the boss without the skulls because I need the skulls for the Wither

Star or the nether star and if I don’t get the [ __ ] nether star I Can’t Fight The Boss because I can’t summon the boss without the [ __ ] nether star H you can’t use a katana are you dead ass are you dead ass there’s no music verbus shut up please verbus shut up

Please just you know all right katas don’t drop mobs SK what mods ban everybody in my [ __ ] chat that said that [ __ ] you guys are [ __ ] Liars you guys are [ __ ] Liars every one of you is a [ __ ] oh my you’re just pulling you’re pulling logic out of

Your [ __ ] ass oh oh they don’t drop oh Joe no Kat as per the lore don’t drop skulls you guys are [ __ ] jerk offs really oh really oh they don’t drop skulls eh they don’t drop skulls eh oh it’s only a [ __ ] it’s only a vanilla sword what [ __ ] logic is that I

Understand the spawner not the Wither Skeleton spawn or not dropping wether skulls like that makes sense for like balancing purposes but why would it matter what weapon I kill them with it’s just if they die they drop one put that [ __ ] away I’m dropping half of this

Stuff damn they’re giving me so many bones what do you even use the bones for katanos aren’t vanilla no way you’re still trying to prove your logic when I literally killed it and got a [ __ ] weather skull how how are you how are you still trying to bet you know I

Respect the commitment I res W chatter for being for being so [ __ ] hardheaded that after I literally disprove them they they continue to just go no they don’t drop wither sculls it’s cuz you’re using a katana there’s no music it’s just quiet hold on let me turn it

Up they tried to help well I mean unless maybe they’re on an Android maybe they’re maybe they’re like an i an iPod Touch user and so they’re just kind of late to the reply you know maybe they don’t know all right let’s not lock on to him

Cuz that’ll get other things agroed on me y’all think I should go back to the spawner and just kill them I don’t know dude now I’m I’m just thinking I have shitty luck but I chat when I tell you off cam I killed a 100 wither skeletons and got zero

Skulls like there’s no shot there’s no shot I have that shitty luck you got this trust can you look that up can somebody look that up I don’t even know if that’s googleable can you get that in this [ __ ] mod pack like and they’re not spawning I’m on an iPod Nano did anybody

Here have an iPod Nano anybody here have an original iPod for listening to music that is the [ __ ] [ __ ] I remember having like a hundred songs on that [ __ ] lower your render distance why does that make make them spawn in more is that a is that

Facts okay well now it’s like I’m in now it’s in like I’m I’m in a [ __ ] Call of Duty zombies match I can see about three feet in front of me this is kind of [ __ ] terrifying you’re telling me they’d be over here uh yo one other thing that I

Thought I was talking to Brook about this the other day when you guys when you guys used to take a [ __ ] free technology this is for people that are you know around my age the [ __ ] is that gu G when you used to take a [ __ ] pre- technology what did

You do to entertain your time instead of sitting on your phone or before you had a phone before you had a phone or an iPad basically I used to stare at the patterns on shower curtains I used to stare at the patterns on shower curtains curtains or if there

Was like a newspaper I would read the comics how’ he know that’s what everybody did you’d stare at the you stare at the patterns on shower curtains and like you would be like oh that kind of looks like a rabbit or oh that looks like a dog or a dragon or something like

That dude I don’t think turning down my render distance does anything I feel like that is only [ __ ] hindering me do you mean turn down my simulation distance maybe that would help I just want more to spawn maybe they maybe I could maybe I could get a Wither skull from the

Spawner I’m kind of curious but I also feel like I probably just can’t get one from the spaw there’s none here there’s too many mobs oh you think I just start killing piglins you think I just start sniping piglins out of the [ __ ] air I feel

Like that’ result in my death there’s a lot of piglins here I think I could kill them all though I’m going to do it oh god oh no they’re not aggro wait if I bow them do they not aggro on me do they not aggro if you bow them to

Death I thought they aggro if you just hit them oh if I kill them in one shot they can aggro on me well that’s useful well I mean that should spawn more I just killed like [ __ ] 100 piglin oh that one just I just I didn’t I didn’t kill that one whatever that

Was collab with queso Jesus Christ man I feel like whenever somebody says that they have to be like 10 like I will I want to collab with quesa but when people spam that I just can’t help but think you’re like a third grader bro like I I it’s not a disc it’s

Just like you got to be like you got to be like five like it just collab with queso collab with queso thoughts on jinxy what is uh what do you what are uh uh GRE g g like you ever see the clips of jinxy react to people that that use his like

Terminologies and he thinks it’s funny cuz it’s like it’s only not cringe if he does it like if somebody’s if somebody’s just walking around and they’re like and he’s like watching a clip of somebody and they’re like gr GRE he’s like oh God he doesn’t say anything but you could tell

By his face it’s like he definitely thinks that shit’s cringey jinxie’s goated I’m not making fun of jinxy I love jinxy but I’m saying when people talk like jinxy gets Cringey dude I am killing all of these [ __ ] and there are no wither skeletons bro none I’m snip I’m sniping them out of the [ __ ] air too where are they hello we’re an hour in the goddamn stream and I have one wither skeleton skull [ __ ] what do we do chat

What do we do in this scenario your sword should onot them well I don’t care if I have to use my bow I just want to [ __ ] get wither skeletons maybe they’re on the other side of the [ __ ] map that guy has a whole ass backpack

On do the mech boss I can’t just do the mech boss I need the I’m not explaining this again I I I don’t have the I don’t have the energy The Willpower or the [ __ ] you know I I just I don’t have the mental capacity to explain it again

To you I need oh my God I’m not I’m going to do it one more time I need the nether star or I can’t fight the mech boss for me to get a Nether Star you need to stay still oh you think I just don’t move really I’ll Stand still for like 10

Seconds why didn’t you do this off stream because I feared that I was going to die in the Nether and imagine if I got on stream and I went chat I died in the nether right I tried to do it off stream on the on the um

What’s it called I tried to do it off stream on um the spawner and it didn’t work but I was like if I’m going to the Nether and I fall into lava and die and lose all my items what would you guys do you know

Alex said did he die but he’s not even paying attention to stream but he’s not even but he’s not even paying attention to stream Alex go back to playing on Candy Crush brother go back to playing on Candy Crush man I’ll tell you if I died Budd he just said did he die

Literally not even zoned in at all dude is actively watching [ __ ] COC please tell me that was a skull give me a skull give me a skull give me a skull give me a skull give me a skull give me a skull give me a skull

[ __ ] I’m telling you the next two are back to back though trust the next two are back to back though swear to God the next two are back to back though trat stop being so mean I’m not being mean bro I’m just trying to get a Wither

Skel install do you guys want me to do this off cam we can do something else on stream if you want me to do it off cam I’ll do it off cam I don’t give a [ __ ] right but then we can’t fight the mech boss or the Wither today and we got to

Do something else I’ll do it off Camp what are we going to do today in the Minecraft world we could go fight the warden do you get anything from fighting the warden no then what the [ __ ] is the point read them you were spam they were spamming

You missed their bets arthra Dev twer and Seabass for the sub dos and Squid Al for the sub dark for the th uh the end boss is easy but the mech is just a Wither with more weapons should we just fight the end boss Tetra Galaxy and God for the Thousand but he’s

Ailon V1 for the sub who’s Derek for the sub dark for the three we could go fight the end boss JP for the sub we could go fight the end boss we’ll go fight the end boss cuz I feel bad just sitting here you know like I mean if we were like

Building or something it’d be different but if I’m just sitting around [ __ ] making um how did I even get down here I don’t remember how I got down here I I have to go up there somehow I’m just going to build straight up all right dude like figure it the

[ __ ] out you stupid [ __ ] Blaze um we’ll go fight the end boss I feel bad if we’re just sitting here you know if I was like building a tower or something talking to my chat it’s whatever I mean obviously I’m still talking to y’all we’re not just sitting

Here in silence but I don’t like when I’m just sitting here [ __ ] mob grinding boringly you know do I need anything to summon the end boss or will that [ __ ] just summon if I if I go up to him I mean we still got one with skeleton skull but I’ll get

The other ones another day and we got Soul Sand and ship for potions which we need which is good it’ll just summon all right we’ll go kill the end boss well try to kill the end boss and if I die might be might be wraps for the

[ __ ] world dude can you can is there any way you can have like a respawn anchor in the end or is that not possible you should get a shield for the end boss well I have I have a shield I’m just not set your spawn point in the end oh

Yeah wow you’re a genius man oh all I have to do is just sleep in a bed in the end oh that’s smart end boss say light work well I’m just saying if I died I’d want I’d want to be able to [ __ ] you know not lose

All my items cuz if I lose all my items it is [ __ ] GG’s for this world it would be a jobart salute and if that happened we’d probably just join the other multiplayer SMP with big popper and them but I don’t know JP for the [ __ ] Subs get an

Ender Chest that’s that doesn’t save all your items that was just a [ __ ] piglin on a chicken what are the odds of seeing that not something you see every day chat all right moving on let me throw that [ __ ] in there that’s a rare mob I’ll throw this and this in here and

This in here how do you make a strength pot I feel like we should make strength pots just so I have that like at all times I know I have strength on my sword but it only lasts for like 20 seconds we’ll use that to make a nether netherite Farm not netherite Farm

[ __ ] uh Nether wart Farm I’ll throw that in here uh the bones and the coal wow I forgot I have six netherite scrap oh this could all just [ __ ] sit in the [ __ ] uh furnaces God I hate sorting I hate sorting so much throw that here throw

That here throw that here all right now we’re ready we just need to craft um what else do we need to bring for this end boss chat you got to help me because if we [ __ ] get there and I don’t have something I’m just going to say [ __ ] it and fight

It ender pearls obviously just so I can even get there uh but outside of Ender Pearls what else are we going to need I have bombs but bombs are [ __ ] useless like genuinely useless are there any other items that would be good I could use the void cores

But I feel like they kind of suck increase where’s movement speed I probably have to take off the Kitty slippers okay bro he’s just chilling he’s just chilling chat swim in the air for a period of time increase the wear’s movement speed after taking damage I’m pretty sure this

Gives me I don’t have a Bel on what the [ __ ] oh I have a different necklace on link of invincibility do I have any good belts oh attracts nearby items bring milk buckets what does he actually does he actually put any enchantment effects on me I don’t know if he does that probably going to bring another totem of and dying another

Shield no way I don’t have another Shield I have to make another [ __ ] Shield that’s steel okay so he’s going to give any okay how the [ __ ] do you make a shield again oh no you need don’t tell me all right I’ll bring another Shield um we need to make strength pots

Definitely going to bring milk so I’ll go get Buckets we’ll bring like four milk buckets got to go find a [ __ ] cow though shouldn’t be too hard you think you can milk a bison chat is that a real thing in real life bison milk probably why don’t they have like Duck milk

Oh cuz they’re not mammals they definitely got bison milk hold up let me go milk this guy all right he don’t want to be milked uh let’s go find a cow they don’t have utters you dummy yeah neither do dogs bro you think I’m going to call you think I’m going to

Call dogs nipples UTS no you could still get dog milk though puppy drink from from [ __ ] their mom the hell is that logic they don’t have UTS so there’s whale milk no that’d be like I do you think there is whale milk probably ain’t the milk that you’re thinking it

Is where the hell is a cow you’re telling me this whole [ __ ] area I can’t find one [ __ ] cow moose milk yeah it’s probably a lot of sperm yikes chicken milk nope I think it’s if they if they have live animals they have milk cuz that’s how they feed their

Young so like a sloth so you could like milk a sloth do sloths lay eggs that’d be [ __ ] wild no imagine that was like a fact I didn’t know about sloths lay eggs I no platypi do where the hell is One Singular cow I feel like I got to go

Sleep what is this cono have you ever been to the Joe Bart stream you think this is a weird convo n there’s definitely a [ __ ] cow somewhere around here spotted him sniped them Budd he’s about to look like a raisin after the amount of milk I

Grabbed out of him doesn’t make sense to me either not only are all Minecraft animals incest animals but also you could get an infinite number of milk from One Singular cow how is it a black hole all right what the [ __ ] do I need to kill this guy how do you make a

Strength pot Chad how you make a strength pot somebody tell me I need glass I don’t need speed what else would I need oh that probably just got rid of a [ __ ] oh no oh no oh no oh no are all the cows female too no see

That’s the thing I don’t know what type of milk this is all right how do you make how do you make a strength pot what I need I’m assuming now wart first right Nether wart for both and then just a blaze powder you always got to make it an awkward

Potion I want strength two I think this gives me strength too yeah but it only gives it to me for 6 seconds and it has a long cool down glowstone powder so if I go here and I go here and then then I do have glowstone dust so this will make strength potions

How do you make it strength to is it glowstone dust to make a strength too or it make it longer red stone is more I don’t want to elongate the time I want to elongate okay why is it yellow am I having a Mandela effect right now am I crazy or was strength

Red they changed it okay good what the [ __ ] how do I what do I add glowstone or glow stone Redstone or gunpowder I know it’s one of those three makes it strength two does Glowstone make its strength two Redstone you guys are [ __ ] Liars you guys are [ __ ] Liars man

Trying to con me here should I make more gapples where the [ __ ] is my Redstone at should I make more gapples I feel like 14 gapples if I crank through that I’m dead there’s no way there’s no way I’m going to need more than 14 gapples Fire

Res I don’t think I don’t think there would the would the end boss light me on fire I feel like he’d probably give me blindness and slowness I don’t think he would light me on fire yeah I wanted strength to strength to you guys told me this sucks now I have six [ __ ]

Strength pots that are [ __ ] useless do you think I need strength too nah right I think I’m good with just strength I’m too lazy bro you think I need strength too we told you glowstone four times my whole t said [ __ ] Redstone when I asked nah we’re good with

This let me go put the Kitty slippers away I got to sneeze oh just sneezed all over myself I don’t have a [ __ ] tissue hold Up okay God this music’s so viy I love it sounded like a fart no no all right we put this glass away I think we’re ready I think I’m [ __ ] ready here I don’t need to I’ll bring two I’ll bring two extras you think I should have a shield

Or a totem of undying in my hand probably block with a shield I’m going to bring both but I think I’m going to keep just the shield where’s the last strength pot all right I think we’re ready do I need anything else no right have a totem of undying in your

Water bucket slot smart and I have milk so if I can go bang and it saves me check bits real quick Coy for the three I hope you’re doing good want to say you’ve always helped me with the words and you really help me over the

Death of my dad uh rip in the chat for your father earlier this year was hard for me and I appreciate you uh the most well thank you for the [ __ ] 300 Bitties and I’m glad I could help man but I’m sorry for your loss uh

Genuinely uh Dan for the sub uh Mike for the three will you play SE at thieves maybe one day uh general for the three highly recommend you check out all the backpack mods right now one of them allows you to infinitely put things in your

Backpack I I I don’t I don’t and another makes it so the backpack will never despawn nah cryptic Delta and JP for the two subs X Carnage for the five you should look at the Warden Samurai armor and fight the warden to make it Warden Samurai armor Jake for the sub

Tent tacos for the three can you make a natural spawner no JP artha Dev Seabass topper dolls and Squid for the sub dark for the three wait what did they say about one boss can one tap you the mech is just a Wither with more weapons and the abyss can one tap you

Wait which one’s the abyss is the abyss the one that we’re about to fight I don’t think so no no no we’re fighting the void boss we fought the Monstrous we’re about to fight the void I don’t know what the abyss is flame he said the hardest then

Mech I don’t think that [ __ ] could one tap me if I’m wearing prop for what did they say Warden Warden Samurai armor they don’t have they don’t have Warden Samurai armor netherite diamond iron all right let’s go I think we’re ready oh you don’t have that mod installed what mod

Installed oh Warden Samurai armor why do I have other water bottles throw those [ __ ] out I think the end is right here if I’m not crazy yeah I got my bunny hoppers on I got all my I got blocks I got my sword I got food I got

Gapples all right this is about to be crazy if we die here this might be might be the end CU if I die in the end I surely lose everything backpack or not I don’t I don’t the backpack mod would save me there like if I lose my [ __ ] in the end

In an area where I’m not going to be able to [ __ ] run back and get it it’ll save you the backpack will save you what do you mean the backpack will save me the backpack won’t keep me alive you’re saying the backpack will just save my

Items I’ll sleep in this bed and then I can make a chest and throw some ender pearls in there is there a chest in here somewhere there’s got to be a chest in one of these [ __ ] room so I’m about to just run around and find one oh the warden’s right

There well uh well uh we could probably go [ __ ] find that [ __ ] if we wanted to kill him um I I didn’t think you would be right there um now there’s got to be a chest here I know there’s chests here cuz we [ __ ] looted this yeah [ __ ] pick that [ __ ] up real

Quick how the [ __ ] did I get in here what the [ __ ] where am I oh I’m in the wrong room I opened this up here I got to block this off okay well I think we’re ready uh this might suck but I think we’ll be

Fine I hope we’ll be fine I I’ll give myself two ender pearls uh and bro’s too drunk for this chat stop chat stop we’re going to be fine I’ll bring I’ll bring two little gapples too in case all right [ __ ] okay well you know I don’t remember which one that we had to

Clear but I know okay I know that in the end there was one of the boss areas that we almost I think we entirely cleared and I could just probably run right to it rather than having to fight other [ __ ] all right shift why does it do that like why does

It I hate that I [ __ ] [ __ ] it I’m not I’m not I’m not doing any risk is here not I’m not doing any risks which one do I need to go to which one did we fight I think we went to that one no we went to one I know it’s in the

Basement it’s in the basement of the thing I know I’m saying I don’t remember what boss we went to realistically though we could just go to the one that we’re closest to let’s just go to this oh [ __ ] if I go to the one on the right

Though I’m not going to make it there back if I die I think we I think we fought this one we fought this one CU I remember I remember fighting before we went over here you haven’t fought any of the bosses I know I fought a mini boss Juan

I fought all the mini bosses in this area I didn’t fight the big guy these are all potential boss areas no you didn’t yes I did yes I did yes I did there’s still very much mini bosses Juan bro please please [ __ ] please please bro I’m not making any you’re not

Making any sense right now man I fought the mini bosses I did I [ __ ] how I got the [ __ ] Abyssal [ __ ] I got these [ __ ] things oh my God what the [ __ ] are they called there’s more mini bosses in the basement no there’s not oh my God we’ll just

[ __ ] go to which one do we go to I’m going to this one we’re going to have to fight the mini bosses first to get to the big guy and there’s like traps here and [ __ ] which I [ __ ] hate not [ __ ] with by the way yeah they’re already [ __ ] they’re

Already starting this [ __ ] up oh stop like what are those [ __ ] kill those things I want one to hit me okay they don’t do any damage good that’s good news okay they do damage to me the less damage they do the better because then I’m less scared that’s trap blocks these are trap

Blocks I don’t know if you guys can see that but that’s a trap block and it just did it to me and it just did it to me give me slowness I don’t remember where I need to go but I know I need to go in the

Basement and I fought the mini bosses in the basement Juan I’m telling you I fought every single one of them in that one area this guy right here is a [ __ ] mini boss see like that guy was easy as [ __ ] if that if that is how good easy the

Other boss is oh we’re [ __ ] chilling dude but if if it’s worse than that oh God show yourself show yourself you’re dead I’m not dealing with this [ __ ] [ __ ] how is he still shooting at me oh there’s another one that’s 1% of the real boss yo General zod’s speaking out of his ass

Right now butd he’s never played this mod pack oh that’s literally not one what the [ __ ] was that extra level of Fortune to M blocks damn I didn’t know you could just grab shulker boxes from this [ __ ] that’s kind of op I mean we’re going to loot on the way

Just in case we find anything I don’t remember how I get downstairs I think it’s that middle path there’s a diamond pick with siphon that kind of blows they’re swarming me like it’s [ __ ] Walking Dead I’m not I’m not even taking that [ __ ] that [ __ ] sucks dude

Oh that was literally the chest I just saw oh my God these [ __ ] things dude and now look at me I’m floating chat look at me I’m flying too bad I won’t take fall damage cuz I have [ __ ] Kitty slippers on booed him give me a better [ __ ] thing than Stasis diamonds are pretty chill I’ll take that as well I could disenchant these for levels that’s so rare it’s not so rare I’ve played I I’ve been to this before that has decent loot these [ __ ] guys are down here though there’s a lot of them oh well that scared the [ __ ] out of

Me what the hell did that do another shulker box could [ __ ] yoink that what was in it greatly reduces the duration of negative effects oh my God perfect perfect [ __ ] timing perfect [ __ ] timing for them to give me a [ __ ] good belt there fortune 3 efficiency 4 pick uh yeah I’ll take

That oh Well now we have uh now we have a get out of jail free card here ow he actually kind of does hurt okay that is really good though that we we have that [ __ ] god Apple now cuz we can [ __ ] use that [ __ ] yo Lear thank you for the 10

Gifteds thank you for the [ __ ] 10 subs thank sub thank you for the [ __ ] 10 gifteds 10 tacos for the three I’m in in the last if you’re going to farm skulls off screen you should make a natural spawner for weaer skeletons dark for the three the abyss is the Leviathan it’s

Underwater has the ability to pull you into a portal that instantly kills you he can bite One Tap you as well LS big and the k for the sub Jackie for the sub damn you got to fight that [ __ ] underwater that’s trash where the hell is the basement

That’s all we got to find right now and I got to keep fighting these [ __ ] jerk Off yo this boss might take a [ __ ] grip chat I’m getting kind of nervous if these mini bosses got this much health I think it’s right over here this looks like it would be the end here maybe not oh that’s actually a Shuler box not a

[ __ ] box I can Loot and now I’m just going to sit up top here for a little bit okay fire aspect knock back to prop four Diamond Helmet could literally use that for the new God helmet that’s actually sick um cuz we need to make that other

God helmet which would have been nice to make before we went into this now that I’m looking back at it but who cares we’ll do it for the uh for the mech bot okay here it is see chat this is what I don’t want to do that’s the

Boss play music I think music starts playing in this mod last time epic music started playing when I started fighting him what is this obsidian [ __ ] obsidian bricks who the hell is making bricks out a [ __ ] obsidian that’s like actually [ __ ] crazy all right hold up I got to pee

Before we fight this [ __ ] thing it’s been a good run wow you’re saying like the world’s going to end here because I’m going to die and lose my [ __ ] stop you have no you have no faith you have you have no faith in in my capabilities here I got to go pee real

And then we’ll fight this [ __ ] thing run a pred uh wait no should we run a prediction on whether we already have the prediction on whether or not I die should we do something for the boss CERN for the sub says love from Maldova thank you all

Right hold up I gotta go PE real back C me down 30 seconds all right lock in lock the [ __ ] in we got to play some some motivational [ __ ] all right what is it what is it called two steps okay we got to play this today is the

Day we beat the end boss I don’t know its name but I’m gonna [ __ ] him up all right I’m ready I’m ready Sophia for the sub I got to turn off the vibe music [ __ ] that [ __ ] it is not a Vibe time it is not a Vibe time chat it’s a Vibe time

After we [ __ ] kill this [ __ ] I’m going to swap my shield just because I would rather it not break earlier on um are we ready right I’m going to strength pot we’re going to go in I have a bucket of milk in case I need I have a totem of

Dying in case I need and last Last Resort I have an enchanted golden apple you know if we really need that I have it I have it on hand I have it ready in case we need that [ __ ] I also have ender pearls in case we could we need a pearl

Away uh get little like maybe a little bit of distance so that’s also a potential we’ll see I don’t think I’m going to need my pickaxe so I might throw pearls where my pickaxe is just so I could hot bar to them if I need

To okay put totem in off hand no I have to have my shield in my off hand because I have to be able to block okay are we ready I don’t know if it instantly spawns because that’ll be really awkward if it doesn’t but I hope it just

Does okay it just spawns holy [ __ ] oh my God stop I have to eat a golden apple oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God there’s no music but who gives a [ __ ] I’m [ __ ] running away from this [ __ ] bow him to death it ricochets it

Ricochets it ricochets he pulls me in that’s not good oh my God oh my God eat another gole eat another gapple eat another another gapple need absorption here need absorption here don’t let him [ __ ] hit me holy [ __ ] [ __ ] okay we’re [ __ ] him up right now

He’s about on second level oh my God he does a lot of damage [ __ ] oh he drops me down the level oh I’m about to [ __ ] this guy up okay now he’s [ __ ] dead yo I’m about to Bow you to death [ __ ] GG’s now

I got to slap him to the last one you’re dead you’re dead [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God eat another gaffle don’t want to die just case he’s about to be dead here it’s GG’s it’s GG’s wow that was so simple wow that was really easy all that

Prep for [ __ ] for me to just [ __ ] ass [ __ ] this guy bend over okay he despawned what is this Gauntlet of the Guard right click to pull enemies it’s an armor how do you how does it give me armor oh oh my God I got a music disc too yo

Chad I feel like we got to fight another boss that was like mad easy that was like a minute and I [ __ ] merked him okay what is this [ __ ] blowing up oh it’s the traps I didn’t even see there were traps all over the [ __ ] floor

Where am I by the way uh um oh he oh no he just he just moved me down a level he just broke me down it’s another Shield wait when in your main hand right click to pull enemies it just counts as a shield it gives me armor how does it give me

Armor I got to go test it on something well that’s a dub no the other one well if I have it in my oh the other one is a [ __ ] music disc Jackass the the other one the other one is a [ __ ] music disc that’s

The other thing that I got well that’s a dub that’s kind of [ __ ] lackluster I feel like that should have been a longer boss fight you know damn dude maybe we could have n we wouldn’t have been able to kill that when I had iron armor cuz he’s I had

Prop four and he still took me down to like seven Hearts like if I had iron armor and we fought that guy he would have [ __ ] murdered me I say we go fight the [ __ ] Warden I’m feeling a bit cocky right now chat if you can’t tell I think we just

Merked the [ __ ] out of that guy I feel like the warden would be harder the warden does more damage definitely I just tell where the [ __ ] am I dude it’s one of the Trap blocks keeps [ __ ] spawning me somewhere else it’s that one right there

I got not step on them how do I get out of here though weave I was just here oh no I wasn’t okay I was going to say how the [ __ ] do I get out the warden’s not meant to be fought well we could still go into that end

Area or that we haven’t been into a [ __ ] [ __ ] we haven’t been into a what’s it called what are those cities called we haven’t been in one of those yet so you know I would go back hold on let me eat real quick an ancient

City I want to see if we could enchant this [ __ ] thing too because this is kind of fire someone just [ __ ] tried shooting at me oh if you just go through it you just instantly go back I don’t even need an end p uh I don’t even need an ender

Pearl and then I just go jump in the middle right are we going to fight the other boss today I need the [ __ ] I need the Wither Skull which is the issue actually let me [ __ ] up some of these guys all right [ __ ] all right

[ __ ] I’m going to take on some of these [ __ ] Enders I do need ender pearls where they at where they at come on put on the gauntlet I want to see what it does does it block [ __ ] oh wait I got to test it out it literally just sucks things towards me Pause what if I put it in my off hand is it a shield does it blck things chat is it a shield I can’t wear it is it a shield no you can use it as a weapon oh my God it has 11 attack damage hold Up what I got to enchant this thing wow yo it’s better than not dealing with all that yapping buddy’s got a backpack yeah don’t mind if I do Bow you’re going to be giving me you’re going to be giving me that [ __ ] in a minute where’ he go

Thanks it’s just a regular backpack broy energy am I right chat Jesus but he just has a [ __ ] regular backpack kind of cringe um I would still say right now my Katana is better just cuz it has a higher attack speed but once I get this thing

Up I would say it’s probably better than my Katana but what do you wear it as it says it’s a gauntlet of the Guard so I do wear it in my off hand but does it give me armor in my off hand cuz I’m wearing it on my

Arm like it’s a [ __ ] Gauntlet what if I hold it oh it just goes in my other arm make a gauntlet of ball work how do you get an ignitium Ingot hold right click for one second to push nearby entities and inflict blazing brand what is ball workor of the

Flame take off your armor to see no it’s definitely it’s definitely a part of my body I just don’t oh you’re saying if it gives me armor oh oh oh oh no I don’t have armor I mean maybe it’s just not showing up who knows you have to kill the ignis to get

Ignitium which one’s the ignis is this the ignis the eye of the flame put it in your main hand oh it does give me armor when I’m holding it okay it does give me a lot but I mean still plus three armor is the same thing as as having another pair of

Boots on we could go fight the [ __ ] Warden I’m still going to use the katana just cuz it has I have to upgrade this first but how do I get ignitium eye of the flame is the ignitium boss but that one’s really hard everybody said but then I could get the gauntlet of

Ballor hold right click for one second to push nearby entities and inflict blazing brand what the [ __ ] is that release while sing charge for and damage entities at front receive extra damage to be temporarily stuned you really think I’m going to die to the warden what is

That I want to go put some of my stuff back let me go put some of my stuff back before I fight the warden you can kill him will he one tap me still I know the warden does an assload of damage now you solo him I saw diamonds

Buddy I don’t think I really need diamonds anymore we’re at the point in this modded world where I need to know what the [ __ ] idium is I no longer need to know what diamonds are I need to know what the I I need to get a [ __ ] netherite

Helmet is this hardcoree no but if I do die and lose all my items then I will I will give up I will we are at the point now where we’ve been on this world chat when did we start this world we haven’t played it every Monday

But I say I would say we played it almost every Monday for at least 2 hours um I say I think we started this right after Thanksgiving right like late November like late no last week in November I think is when we started this and it’s March now early March I’d say

We probably run this probably run this until a I die and lose all my [ __ ] in which case I’ll give up or B uh until we beat all the bosses and are so [ __ ] maxed out that I One Tap everything uh ideally we reach the ladder right but if there is a moment

Where I just lose all my [ __ ] I am not going to spend another three streams trying to [ __ ] like this this armor took me [ __ ] forever to make um I’m going to keep the milk I’m going to put the gauntlet back ooh should we listen to the note block real

Quick I don’t ah where do I have I know I have a note block somewhere where did I put it I definitely had a note block I remember making one in this world we’ll just make another one I have so many [ __ ] diamonds it doesn’t

Matter it just does not it just does not matter in the ground in the enchantment room no way Brady remembered that that is oh it’s right here he probably saw It Why did this play when the boss was going On it’s pretty fire I could see what we could have for enchance too yo let me go get that real quick ignitium is only collected from the final Boss hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up which one should we max out I feel like this I’d want to be a pick like this could replace my pick and this could replace my sword but I probably wouldn’t put I know

This does less damage this also gives me armor though and this has a lower attack speed I think this and this would be replaced somebody redeemed Flex I think that would be the difference um hold up let me let me throw the regular music back on uh yeah I think

That would be the difference here is that this would be my main weapon and then this would be a side weapon cuz this would objectively be better than this even though this has a higher attack speed this with sharp five would be [ __ ] nuts and it gives me

Armor this would also be crazy and better than the tsubo but this would probably be a better pick cuz this with probably this with efficiency five is probably better than a netherite pick that would be for the helmet which we could probably make soon throw that there um put the shield back

Damn I still got iron swords in here and [ __ ] that’s like the Nostalgia chest chat this shit’s about to make me sad damn it we kind of be sad that when we’re done this world we’re not going to be running another Minecraft world until next [ __ ] winter I mean we’ll be playing Minecraft

And events like we’re doing that twitch Rivals event that you guys voted for and everything but it will be sad when the world end when’s the next killer frequency stream we’re going to finish it tomorrow I might do like a Discord announcement for it because it’s kind of

Spontaneous uh and I know I’m normally not live on Tuesdays so people probably won’t know and I know a lot of people want to see the end of that so I’ll do it on Tuesday or I I’ll do it tomorrow tomorrow’s going to be the end of the

Um killer frequency we’ll just finish that tomorrow Wednesday’s going to be horror games either itch games and then escape the back rooms with Max or reveal and then escape the back comes with Max Thursday’s going to be on bans uh and then either storage hustle or fortnite I

Know new Fort when does the new fortnite season drop chat did it already drop it dropped like yesterday right or two days ago I know there was like a teaser event but when does the event drop March 9th March 8th so Friday then we probably won’t play fortnite on Thursday if it drops

Friday we might do on bands and and then play some other [ __ ] and then Friday we might do reacts in a little bit of fortnite or no yeah reacts a little bit of fortnite cuz Saturday is the IPA stream Sunday we’re doing reacts um and then Monday and Tuesday I

Probably won’t be live S I missed the philosophy stream uh Friday but on that note the new Adam Sandler movie space man is a must if you you’re like if you like philosophy uh very thought-provoking film couldn’t recommend it more Len for the sub ASAP

For the 7 10 tacos for the three take your armor off put it on your off Mando for the sub uh zombies uh Sophia CERN and Le thank you for the gift heads all right let’s go fight the [ __ ] Warden uh yeah I don’t think I need anything

Else we got to go this way why are people saying W stream I I whenever I say my schedule there’s people that don’t understand that I’m just saying my schedule and they think I’m ending My Stream in which they just Spam W stream because they don’t understand that that

Like just because I’m saying when I’m streaming that doesn’t mean that I’m necessarily ending yeah no we’re chat we’re streaming another two hours or so we’re good damn but I was going to do a little bit of philosophy this Friday but now we might do Fort instead if the fort season

Drops because we’ll probably do like a bit of reacts in the new fortnite season maybe I don’t know we’ll see I’ll reschedule that’s the schedule for this week that I just said but I’ll I’ll look over my schedule after stream today and see if I want to swap anything

And I’ll let you guys know tomorrow when we’re doing killer frequency but we’re definitely doing killer frequency tomorrow I will be live uh 4:30 EST but I’ll probably be doing um what’s it called I’ll probably just be doing killer frequency so it’ll be a shorter stream also exclamation by

Discord mods pin the Discord link if you have any videos you want me to react or games you want me to play send those there uh mods pin the Discord link I have to run all the way to the back up uh because we forgot something chat we forgot our [ __ ] Kitty

Slippers awkward now we got to run all the way the [ __ ] back up love that uh but join the Discord send videos to Rea to games to play video/ games slab it’s high five the videos that I watch and games that I play so if you have any

Videos you want me to watch games you want me to play send those there because it’s how I find most of the things that I do your stream’s lagging it’s not you’re probably just uh watching me on uh on a noia uh if you’re watching me on your uh

Your older cousins Kindle Fire uh that might be why it’s lagging uh you do need to be able to watch this uh you could turn it down to 720p uh but it’s not lagging currently w pre-death wow this is such a long [ __ ] staircase bro said W stream Joe bye-bye

Somebody time out Dior for like [ __ ] 10 minutes if that motherfucker’s trying to say I’m ending My Stream all right we got to [ __ ] I chat do we even ever need to make the BART staircase I feel like we’re not going to if you want me to be real I

Just have no I have I I want to build other [ __ ] like horse stables and stuff but I feel like I’m too lazy I feel like I’m too lazy uh to make the [ __ ] staircase just because we’re going to use our [ __ ] elytra to get up here anyway so it doesn’t even really Matter my autism can’t handle the stairs going up so slow well I’m not going to make a [ __ ] staircase for this CU this is like the second to last time we’re probably ever going to go down this [ __ ] hole when are you getting a cat in game

Or in real life in real life probably [ __ ] never uh in game me don’t know at least break the top block oh yeah sure thing man I’ll just just break the top lock real quick yeah just breaking the top lock real quick Joe disliking cats is his worst trait I don’t dislike

Cats god dude do do I have like a lump on my neck chat look at my face it like it’s like sore here you look tired is it actually a lump be real n it’s the same thing I think it’s from golfing might have strained my neck

We’ll see if it hurts like 5 days from now then I get worried about it you just got a thick ass neck I stopped taking creatine I got smaller I lost all the water weight that I was withholding from taking taking creatine um I just don’t see a point in

Taking it anymore currently all right yeah this is where I was dude I remember going down here and these chat anybody remember early in the world when these [ __ ] things used to hurt me like this thing would one tap me and now it just instantly [ __ ] dies Diamond spotted where oh right here

I’ll still I’ll still mine them but like we don’t need diamonds anymore I’m not here for diamonds now I’m here to run in the [ __ ] uh wither City or whatever the [ __ ] it’s called I’ll keep the spider eyes for the [ __ ] uh potions run around here it doesn’t look

Like any of the [ __ ] spawner things are near me a lot of these [ __ ] though what the [ __ ] is that they all just instantly die to me they they do literally no damage that is insane dude I remember when we came down here I used to Bow them to death with

One bow and I got one of their little items and I was like dude we’re going to be [ __ ] stacked are do you think we’re near the city should I not be running around like this I mean we kind of want to spawn them right your chat’s vocabulary is getting

My head I’m worried what about their vocabulary how they only understand things if they’re put into fortnite references that is a problem um I yeah that’s it is that a warning I don’t was that the second warning was that the second warning how long am I blind for bro

Jesus start jumping he’s afraid of noise when should I spawn him though I kind of want to look around it if I spawn him and kill him will another one spawn if I start running around again or is they only one like I want to be able to explore a

Little bit they’ll just keep spawning that’s so [ __ ] annoying you can spawn a ton of them wait I can spawn more than one at once I don’t want to do that fight one and dip I think I’m going to run spawn him and then run that way where is he he didn’t

Spawn yo [ __ ] [Applause] cow I could just kite him oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my God yo I’m about to die I’m about to die yo no I’m about to die yo chat hold up what the [ __ ] do I do Noah will he despawn I can’t Crouch walk [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]

Get another one just spawn did another one just spawn On dude he’s standing on my [ __ ] yo who the [ __ ] said that I could take this [ __ ] how do you kill him you did nah chat y’all literally said that I could do this when do they go away will he hear that you have no idea how fast I’m getting

The [ __ ] out of here the second I get my [ __ ] chat I will be hariry Houdini out of this [ __ ] and I’m gone and I’m gone successful Mission successful Mission holy [ __ ] now I can actually see do I have everything do I have everything I

Think yo I kind of want to try and fight him again my backpack I have my backpack I feel like I could just bow him to death but I don’t get anything from [ __ ] F in him oh is he hearing that I sniping low he coming towards me he can’t come up here

Right see y’all later see y’all later brother is he still chasing me dude you’re joking right [Applause] oh I’m gone [ __ ] I’m getting out of here I ain’t [ __ ] with this [Applause] guy I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m getting the [ __ ] out out of here bro

Oh my God this [ __ ] got to be sweating is he still on me is he still on me nah right holy [ __ ] yo I’ve never fought the word in my life I’ve never fought the word in my life that was [ __ ] terrifying I don’t even have all my [ __ ] holy [ __ ] bro

And I ate a god apple and he killed me I ate a god chat I ate where’s my steak oh I’m holding that I ate a [ __ ] god apple and he killed me you were close to killing him you’re lying was I actually close I can’t go back bro I just got

Clapped by that [ __ ] twice and he took a totem of undying and a god Apple from me the bow does so much damage I’m dude I I don’t give a [ __ ] I’m taking the loss there he has 500 HP how much does my bow

Do he has 100 HP how do you know he has 100 HP bow plus kite equals Death dude he has a long ranged punch that [ __ ] one Taps me he takes he only takes 41 hits with a base diamond sword oh he only takes 41

Hits just run fast bro that’s what I did last time and he [ __ ] me I don’t think I dude and there’s two of them down there now I don’t know which one I’m fighting will they despawn cuz now if I ever go down there again he’s just going to [ __ ] kill

Me I’m surely missing items by the way my inventory is looking a bit thin comparable to what it normally is where are my fireworks oh you don’t have the gauntlet I put that away for this exact reason I put that away because I knew I was going to

Die I was not confident going into that Warden fight I knew that was going to end terribly dude I just lost 31 levels I mean that’s really not that big of a deal I could get that back fast I’m happy I kept my stuff I’m more so mad

That I ate a god apple and lost it and a totem of dying that I don’t have anymore destroy the warden spawners bro I how do you how do you get geared up enough in vanilla to kill that thing you don’t have your other Shield

Yeah I don’t give a [ __ ] about that dude that’s [ __ ] wood and a piece of iron let me go check my sugar cane spawner you can’t kill it you’re not supposed to then what’s the point of the [ __ ] why is it there if you’re not it’s in vanilla yeah that thing’s in vanilla

Minecraft that thing that thing is not even modded that’s just vanilla Minecraft that’s normal that that’s there you can get geared up and up I have better gear than vanilla Minecraft there’s no way you can get geared up enough to kill that thing and my Bow’s better too my bow does like

A [ __ ] ass ton of damage and has Aimbot and I still died twice realistically if it was that one I probably would have gone back because I think I could have killed that one but I’m not going to get anything out of it and then another one will just spawn if I’m

Loud my Strat was the problem I needed to kite him I should have brought him to an area where there weren’t um damn there’s a sh are they still [ __ ] in here N I still got to bring two over there he drops zero loot that’s what I’m

This that’s what I’m saying you could kill Warden with dripstones oh yeah let me do a home alone [ __ ] mly caulin trap for the [ __ ] Warden no you think I’m going to lead that [ __ ] into drip Stone what so I hit him I hit him [ __ ] a thousand times that’s not

Worth it if if now if he dropped like four stacks of diamonds or like some insane item right like the boss that I fought that I easily killed dropped me an item that’s goated that Warden just tanks me realistically I think if I had the nether

Helm I think if I had this it pro I probably could have [ __ ] beat it if you fall below half Health knock back nearby enemies and increase defense knockback resistance and Regen I think if I had the Monstrous helmet on and maybe that new thing maxed out I could probably kill

Him he only has 300 Hearts you would have not defeated him with that bro then why did no one say anything why did everybody just let me wander into my death like that that’s like [ __ ] up all right what else do we have to do today of the Wither skulls

Which we just [ __ ] entirely abandoned the Wither which we still we’re still abandoning for now the BC staircase is a [ __ ] pass I kind of want to explore we still haven’t explored this world like at all like if you look at the map I’ve only gone I think I went this way this

Is the only way I’ve gone and then I just turned around and came back I said he’s not meant to be fought how much does your sword and bow do each 11 but I have a [ __ ] crazy attack damage I don’t know what I don’t know

What my bow does my bow does more than a regular bow though cuz it’s crystol and it has power five Infinity homing three Unbreaking three and Flame I could have I could have had strength I didn’t drink my strength pot but an ocean mob we could go on a little Mion

Here I’m going to need to make more fireworks though hold up do you guys want to explore or or make a horse stable cuz we got to do both of those try it last time I’m not fight I’m not fighting the [ __ ] boss again stop trying to convince me to fight the

[ __ ] Warden I’m not [ __ ] fighting the warden I just died twice to that [ __ ] why would I try again I need sugar cane I’m literally running around to get sugarcane that isn’t my sugar cane also saw somebody messaged one day somebody messaged one of my mods that had to let me know that

You can bone meal sugar cane which is just not true whoever the [ __ ] said that knows nothing about Minecraft you cannot bone meal sugar cane that would do [ __ ] jack [ __ ] the wardens for lore dude I would say if we beat all the other bosses wait you think that one boss that

That said that you would get one you think the eye of the flame boss is harder than the warden if there’s a boss that’s harder than the warden it is [ __ ] GG dude I am not going to be able to fight that [ __ ] you can use bone meal on sugar

Cane no you can’t I’m about to prove y’all wrong I swear to God you literally can’t use bone meal and trigar Cane the Leviathan what is that in Bedrock Edition you can oh that’s crazy am I playing Minecraft on the [ __ ] PlayStation 3 right now am I playing am I playing Minecraft right

When the nether got a chat oh wow chat new update to Minecraft the nether just got released oh the the nether the nether just came out I can’t wait to [ __ ] try that out that seems fun the abyss is harder than the warden I’m about to never fight that

[ __ ] oh my God my [ __ ] oh my my godamn uh what’s it called is in the spawn room my gunpowder you’re thinking Legacy Edition not Bedrock dude I’m thinking Bedrock because I remember I used to play I used to play console Minecraft and it was like two updates

Behind I remember when I started doing Minecraft on stream Whenever there was like a vanilla update people were like oh there’s a warden in Minecraft oh I play I play Xbox on the [ __ ] 360 oh well no [ __ ] add a weed growing mod you think they have drug mods in Minecraft they

Probably do can I do crack in Minecraft that’d be fun I got to go sleep in my regular bed real quick in case we die build a dirt home yeah what a great idea IDE man that’ll be really entertaining let me build a dirt house hey chat for the next two hours

We’re going to [ __ ] build a dirt home as you can see this is my dirt bedroom this is my dirt house why is chat so slow right now why do you why do you ask that uh I I try to refrain from getting mad at Chatters that ask stupid questions like that but

That was a stupid [ __ ] question and I just want you to know that was a stupid [ __ ] question right I don’t want to be a dick but it’s like when people say that it’s like oh they’re trying to say like oh not as many people are here it’s

Not as active or something like dude some people want to type more than others and some people don’t want to type sometimes it’s fine right like you don’t have to [ __ ] type if you don’t want to type you know like I’m just talking you’re listening what the [ __ ]

Are you going to say why is there just a random Banner there did I do that have I been this way trying to see where I am I have been this way what the [ __ ] am I doing I got to go some somewhere I haven’t been we’re going to go this way

Past the dark oak somebody said kind of boring not going to lie let’s get a ban in the chat for hey a look thanks man we’ll see you later pal I still need to find one of the new desert temples we haven’t found a desert at all in this world like

Once I just watched the stream no people could say if they’re like bored but you could say it in a more respectful manner of like hey I’m bored switch games for me I’m not having fun like they’re a goblin in [ __ ] Clash of Clans that’s how I Envision people that

Complain like that a lot of gold here efficiency 5 [ __ ] shovel wow that would break in [ __ ] 10 blocks no I don’t want to throw those in the crafting let’s get rid of that okay now I really want to find a desert though but we we’ll probably run this

World off cam I’ll get Wither Skeleton skulls we’ll probably fight the Wither uh get a beacon maybe fight the Wither twice get a beacon get um get a fight that Mech boss and then we’ll probably fight the other boss and then we’ll just like [ __ ] around for a

Stream or two and then it’ll be done I always run the M this is actually longer than I ran last year’s Minecraft world does anybody remember that last year was Hardcore but it was vanilla and I died like four times and we had to reset the

World like four times and then I think I died like I didn’t even beat the Ender Dragon in the one last year I don’t think I beat the Ender Dragon once I think we played the world and I just kept dying and then I [ __ ] gave up

And I was like all right we’ll just [ __ ] move on right I think I stopped in like mid-February last year realistically this world will probably go into like mid mid late March uh I doubt this goes to April uh we’ll explore a little bit and then we might uh switch to another game

After this what game would you guys want to do uh after this if we’re doing killer frequency tomorrow I wouldn’t want to do that today because we’re going to finish that tomorrow switch games infinite craft I don’t know if I would want to do infinite craft I haven’t done infinite

Craft I know I did an infinite craft race I haven’t done individual in a while but I feel like infinite craft is also God see like these [ __ ] these chests are just so trash oh that’s decent allows the wear to breathe underwater that’s kind of cool that’s actually really cool so now

I just can breathe underwater doesn’t seem like it seems like I’m [ __ ] drowning oh no it doesn’t that’s actually really useful if we’re going to fight that Abyssal boss all right me on we’re going to play horror games uh on Wednesday so I’m probably not going to do any horror

Today I mean killer frequency’s horror but it’s not like that scary it’s more like murder mystery but we’ll finish that tomorrow fortnite I could run fortnite I really want to run the new season do you guys think the new Season’s going to be trash or not I have no

Idea uh I feel like this season’s been all right but it I they’re too long I don’t know why they I don’t know why they defaulted to making like a [ __ ] War month okay well that’s awkward I thought I had the [ __ ] elytra on I thought they um I thought it was weird

They like made four Monon long Seasons like they should have just [ __ ] made each season like two months switched it up a bit and I know that’s like too much variety and I think that’s what they’re trying to sway away from is like changing the game too much that new

People don’t want to play but I also think that having One Singular season for a third of a year is a bit too much dude where the hell is this sing I need a desert man this season was so sweaty yeah I feel like most fortnite seasons were more

Laxed than this season especially the OG season being before it when are they bringing that back by the way I know they said they would bring that back it got boring after 3 months yeah that’s what I’m saying this season’s fire I don’t hate this season but I just think it is um

It’s been this season for too long in my personal opinion like I think they could [ __ ] switch it up a bit earlier May is one they’re bringing back OG fortnite that would be that would be good on their end because that’s transitioning into the summer I wouldn’t

Be surprised if that’s when they try to switch back I’m going to grab more sugarcane realistically I should have [ __ ] grabbed uh I should have just took the gunpowder so we don’t run out of like [ __ ] fireworks potentially I doubt we will just because one firework goes like [ __ ] 200 blocks but

Cooking companions I would want to finish that in a singular day the day we do cooking companions I’m going to finish it CU I think it’s like a three-hour game or a 2hour game so I wouldn’t run that today uh but killer frequency will finish tomorrow damn this place actually

Has a blacksmith I think this is the first [ __ ] Village I’ve seen with a blacksmith Detroit become human played that years ago man kind of behind the ball here would you guys want to run Beyond Two Souls though I was thinking about like what would what game would you guys

Want to replace Minecraft when I’m done with Minecraft Monday cuz MC Monday is like a thing from like November late November to like March but then after that my Mondays are open I I I feel like it wouldn’t necessarily have to be a series but Mondays I usually do like

Series days like I would do Beyond Two Souls I’m not doing last of us two I’m sorry I see I see a few people typing that I’m just not doing last of us two when I tell you I’d stream Last of Us two and it would be good for one

Stream and then the second stream I did of Last of Us two people would say what the [ __ ] is going on uh and then everyone would leave that would be Last of Us two and I don’t give a [ __ ] just about views but it’s like when nobody understands what’s happening and it’s

Just like sweating uh and me just walking around with clickers the entire time that’s not very fun you know it’s not a good watch game Roblox I would not do that every Monday it doesn’t necessarily to be a game have to be a game that I would do every Monday

But I think Beyond Two Souls I might run do a poll on that if if uh my chat would want to see that I’ve had that game for a while it’s made by the same people who made uh Detroit become human I would maybe run that on Mondays we’ probably

Take like two Mondays to finish it three Mondays maybe and then outside of that i’ would just do a bunch of random [ __ ] I have no idea what this is all right [ __ ] what the [ __ ] is this is this like a dungeon or just a [ __ ] this looks like a new dungeon is

This a dungeon I’ve never seen one like this channeling and Flame channeling is good Flame’s also not bad Heavy Rain that game’s old as [ __ ] I probably would not play Heavy Rain this looks like just a massive [ __ ] zombie room flame and fire ass they going to have anything else other than [ __ ]

Flame and fire aspect in these chests fire aspect okay I guess these zombies only know how to hoard two [ __ ] enchants I’m just scaling down this as fast as possible somebody said L people who voted no mods can we actually make a pole for the thing that I told you to

Make a pole for rather than pulling skib toilet feel like pulling skib toilet’s kind of uh unneeded and pointless I’m playing Call of Duty zombies in this [ __ ] Jesus Christ how many of them are there [ __ ] it’s cuz it looks it looks like to me but it’s actually pitch black where

I’m standing blazing’s good blazing’s actually really good blazing just instant smelts anything that I m so I wouldn’t need to [ __ ] use a furnace anymore yeah I’m getting the [ __ ] out of here there’s a lot of zombies spawning I don’t even know how I got in

Here though and now I’m in a cave how did I [ __ ] end up here uh how the [ __ ] do I leave what is this creepy room it’s a golden apple and a name tag bunch of torches really don’t need this I’m just going to mine straight up I feel like

Most of this stuff is just kind of [ __ ] useless for where I’m at Uncharted 4 I would play Uncharted Uncharted is a fire game I know well I haven’t played it but I know it’s a fire game po World Am I Wrong in saying po world [ __ ] fell off I feel like I

Don’t know if it I feel like right when hell divers 2 came out no one talked about power world like at like immediately after I think it’s still probably it still probably has like a decent fan base but I have not heard any [ __ ] media about power world the

Moment that hell divers got released I just think that game [ __ ] Pub stomped the actual [ __ ] out of it in the sense of performance [ __ ] throw that in there uh all right we’ll explore a little bit more life is strange too uh I haven’t even played life is strange one why

Would I play Life of strange two what did people vote for Beyond Two Souls all right 67% yeah we might try that out I mean if it sucks we won’t play it but it is a very highly rated game and it’s also like a story based game and I haven’t done

Something anybody remember when I used to play the games that were like uh the Dark Souls like [ __ ] uh little hope or the Quarry or until dawn I haven’t done one of those in a while I mean I played until dawn in a singular day not that long ago but until dawn is

Also like uh older uh but it’s also good but I mean I haven’t done it I I didn’t even play until dawn I haven’t played until dawn or any of those games like story based games in probably like 3 4 months I feel like it’s been a

While geometry d uh uh Dash buddy I’m trying to find a game that I would play on Mondays to replace Minecraft not something that would be like months long but just like uh a few games that could be like three Mondays two Mondays a Monday you know and then you hit me with

Uh Geometry Dash yeah let me pull up [ __ ] Geometry Dash real quick can’t wait to [ __ ] play that [ __ ] that’s another boss room I’m not going in that it’s not a witch’s Hut I really dude we could also find um I haven’t found I haven’t found like a woodland

Mansion I haven’t found that I haven’t found a [ __ ] Ocean Temple I haven’t found a [ __ ] desert temple I haven’t even found a desert I don’t know why that is [ __ ] flying around so much I haven’t found [ __ ] subnautica already played that now you’re just recommending bro

I’m not H not hopping back on subnotica subnotica please in all caps subnotica what about what about that what about Red Dead Redemption thoughts what do you think about maybe I don’t know continuing the Red Dead gameplay that you left off two years ago I would love that bro come on [ __ ] launch

Good all right I’m about to head back in this direction cuz we’re [ __ ] 5,000 blocks away if I don’t pass a singular desert isn’t this a rare biome yo this is actually a sick area too that ain’t rare I thought it was what what is Beyond two Souls it’s like a story game

A Story game I mean there’s like action and [ __ ] but it’s basically about somebody that can like move [ __ ] with their mind and they just fight people or some [ __ ] I don’t know the [ __ ] now see now you got me looking it up we could run hell divers I’m not running

Hell divers today uh we’re on Mondays hell divers didn’t do bad but it also did not do good and I’m not again I’m not I’m not basing everything that I play off performance but at the end of the day my job is to entertain people and when I started my hell diver stream

With 3,000 viewers and ended with 2,400 that’s usually gauging that not as many people are are wanting to watch it you know what I mean if stream starts out with a low view count that’s different but if it loses a lot of people then it’s either well hey

Sometimes people are just busy or B uh it’s not as entertaining like Minecraft I’ve I’ve steadily stuck around today for two and a half hours around 2,800 which is like normal why your view count drop my view count drops for the literal reasons that I just said again again I really you

Know I’m just trying to be a VI Vibe with chat right now and then you asked me a stupid [ __ ] question I just said view count drops because people either lose interest they’re busy it’s a game they don’t like Etc and then this kid hits me with the why your view count

Drop class of 09 already finished that all right stop talking about games chat I’m done I’m done yapping about games I’ll figure that [ __ ] out if you have a game you want me to play to replace Monday Minecraft streams when we’re done with Minecraft send that in the video

Suggestion chat or the game suggest CH game suggest t for gaming days video suest for react days genuinely if you have any games you want me to play I will check them out there uh stop spamming about it in chat I’m going to have uh I’ll give you like a minute but

If people keep spamming I’m just going to start timing people out I don’t want event whenever I bring up video games uh and I ask recommendations it ends up becoming like uh let’s just Spam the same [ __ ] game 45 [ __ ] times until Joe reads it otherwise I’m going to be

In a pouty mood and start complaining to the [ __ ] mods like no right I asked we’re good we’re past it no need to keep spamming right because there’s going to be that one kid 35 minutes from now that’s still spamming [ __ ] Roblox and geometry dash oh I know oh I know you

Should play you should play Roblox now that looks like a witch’s Hut I don’t know if it is this could very well just be a boss area I feel like this is probably a boss area well that’s a witch right there and she’s about to get

Sniped I just killed the Buffalo or the Bison I feel terrible not really I’m breaking into this [ __ ] I think this is a boss room yeah why is it all there’s so many of these [ __ ] boss rooms here like too many of them I’d say I don’t know why I just

Think there’s way too many of them oh I got to remove my deaths here all right sanley Parable already played buddy stop asking for [ __ ] Gates you have a game you want me to play exclamation point Discord this area is [ __ ] sick oh my God this is [ __ ] dope what is this Yes where am I I’m not in a cave but this is not like an where the [ __ ] am I what is this place this is not like a regular boss room this is [ __ ] huge is this another end portal no way they’re that close to each other this is another stronghold

Why I feel like that’s so odd that aren’t they how do you accidentally find two I don’t know I feel like every world I’ve ever been in I’ve never had to actually look for the end I feel like I usually just find it when I’m mining and I just went in here

Because I thought this area looked cool and then found it this is literally just another stronghold why is there another [ __ ] stronghold within 500 blocks of another one how how far are end strongholds from each other normally I thought they were [ __ ] far as [ __ ] like sometimes

People walk like 4,000 [ __ ] blocks to find one I just randomly walk and stumble upon two maybe it’s the mod honestly there might be like Uh a [ __ ] relation to that in the sense of oh they’re easier to find or they’re just more common that might be a thing I don’t know I haven’t looked into the [ __ ] notes of the mod but I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re just more likely to find them

Here that animal on top though I’ve never seen in my life unless it’s just native to this biome which is why I was really confused I want to get up top and see what the [ __ ] [ __ ] it looks like will it respawn the dragon if you

Go into a different one no right wait I think it would just give me a different area it would just spawn me on another part of the [ __ ] end realistically like what is that what are these animals dude is that a bear or like a badger getting this cardio in

Wasn’t a bear I don’t know what the [ __ ] that was oh no it was a bear just cooked bear meat how is there a [ __ ] bear down here there’s another one why are there so many [ __ ] Bears down here I need to leave this area this doesn’t look like the end

Stronghold like where chat is this just an end stronghold or is this something else too like what is this [ __ ] room oh no I think it is yeah it is this is that b [ __ ] ass place I forgot that the end stronghold is this big the [ __ ] stream we found the end

Stronghold was like a stream at itself I need to get the [ __ ] out of here how the hell do I find the surface it is a stronghold wow I mean that is a cool area for a stronghold to be all right we’re going to put this [ __ ] on and we’re going to [ __ ]

Skyrocket upwards hopefully not [ __ ] smack the top and die oh my God all right God damn dude that’s getting [ __ ] scary all right yeah this is literally so close to our house too all right chat one or two I need to post on TiK ToK by the way uh once we

Get back to the house we’ll [ __ ] switch to something else for like the last hour or hourish of stream next week if if I’m off Monday we’re probably not going to be running the modded world but then we’ll have the week after that and maybe one more

Stream and then we’ll be we’ll probably have completed every boss damn that’s kind of sad yo premeditated F in the chat for this [ __ ] Minecraft world it’s not ending but you know there’s only [ __ ] maybe two three more streams of this [ __ ] was a dub while it lasted for real

Though but we’ll still be doing Minecraft like that that’s the difference between this uh this year and last is that this year I’m still going to be in Block Wars tournaments I’m doing that [ __ ] 4 day twitch Rivals thing in April where it’s Minecraft every [ __ ] day if we hate it we’ll

Just [ __ ] throw and get eliminated but if it’s fun as hell we’ll obviously run with that but that’s like late April we’re doing Minecraft for like 5 days straight 100K prize po it’ll be [ __ ] four hours of Minecraft every [ __ ] day which is crazy but I know that’s not really variety but

When you get an opportunity like that to play against 150 other streamers kind of got to take that [ __ ] anyways um all right let me throw this away got all this [ __ ] stuff oh God Don’t Make Me sort don’t make me sort please I can’t do sorting I don’t have the mental

Capacity to do this the Tennessee whiskey shots [ __ ] honing in on my body right now it’s too much for me I don’t even feel it honestly I didn’t even feel at all I thought I thought about taking another shot but I also don’t want to

Get drunk on a Monday I feel like that’s kind of a I feel like that’s kind of degenerative is that degenerative that I took a shot on a Monday yeah I’ll leave these here take that there put that here Boom the milk buckets I’m going to

Throw put the iron in there oh God why is there so much [ __ ] oh chat sorry don’t leave don’t leave I have to sort [ __ ] it’ll take me two seconds and then we’ll and then we’ll move on um dude honestly I’m just going to [ __ ] throw this [ __ ] shaer box down

Somewhere No Lie right there [ __ ] take everything out of it we’ll leave it we’ll be able to use it lucky scarf I forgot about that that’s actually good if we ever that would have been good if we uh you know [ __ ] found that uh I don’t know 20 streams ago in the [ __ ]

World that would have been great you know having a [ __ ] fortune Fortune thing that would have been pretty cool if we had found that then uh but now it’s kind of [ __ ] useless the arrows there we have the gapples here here here here here here here here here here I’m quick with it

I’m quick with it though I know what I’m doing boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom now we’re good and we [ __ ] did it chat dub we’ve sorted our inventory successfully actually not successfully there’s still more [ __ ] why the [ __ ] is there so much stuff throw the door in

There actually the door goes here the iron door why the [ __ ] I would ever need another iron door I don’t know but I would I would be mad if I needed one okay here Here that’s really shitty horse armor but I’ll keep it for the memes mob stuff milk and all right what do you guys want to switch to now we could run a little pole [ __ ] see what we want to do all right hold up let me actually write down next stream

Okay this stream which will be next stream wither times two Mech boss and what else prep for next boss and then last stream uh last stream eye of the flame and then uh salute kill self that that will be that’ll be the last that’ll be the last M we got I’d say we

Got two more Minecraft streams two more Minecraft streams on this world where we got the bosses we got we got two Withers next stream which won’t be next Monday it’ll be the Monday after that we have two Withers in the boss and then it’ll probably [ __ ] switch games

And then the last stream will be the eye of the Void boss maybe try the Abyssal boss and then little jobart salute jump off a cliff with all my items maybe drown in lava Javid and Aaron for the sub Greed for the sub B for the thre watch your

Streams for a while now I want to say you help me out through some pretty tough times H and you know how to put a smile on somebody’s face thank you pe body for the sub little Vicky for the 390 bits my mom is six months sober

Today I want to say thank you for all the laughs that you gave me during a really difficult time I have so much respect for your commitment to streaming giving back thank you uh user friendly for the $25 Dono getting all four of my wisdom teeth pulled out in 3 days good

Luck man uh I hope it goes well hope it doesn’t hurt Julian and type uh silver for the sub Alex for the three been watching on YouTube for months decided to finally able to tune in dub uh Charlie for the five looking cute today Playboy virro Char uh wz thank you for

The raid Kayla for the three first time giving bits following for the three years you always make me happy when I’m having a bad day keep it up out you appreciate you man also WIS chat’s spring break mine is the 9th through the 17th of March that’s a long spring break

I feel like chat I feel like chat has a more genuine spring break together uh or not spring break winter break where spring break’s like random like when is y’all spring break I feel like most people have it in like either one of two weeks in March or around

Easter like late March uh early April Zen for the sub I’m joob B for the three and Javid for the sub yeah I feel like it’s Ram most people it’s around Easter or like the the third week of March college kids are either in it this week

Or like mine’s next week PE for the sub that’s why I’m going to take off two days just to chill Monday Tuesday but I’ll be live tomorrow so it’s like same stream same stream days in the month I’ll just be streaming all this week I’ll take off Monday Tuesday next week

But yeah all right uh what are we about to switch to now chat uh what do we want to do we could do fortnite we could do switch we could do [ __ ] Fall Guys we could do Val we could do something else vote on the poll

I’m going to go pee real quick uh and then we’ll we’ll vote on that hold up let me actually play like a regular song all right com me down we’re back all right most people are voting for it hold up let me end it um Joe’s 12-year-old viewers are winning

L I don’t think just 12y olds are voting for fortnite dude fortnite’s fun Joe’s 12-y old viewers are winning play some let play a real man’s game hop on Red Dead hop on Red Dead Redemption I’ll do fortnite or other vote between those two y’all’s Choice nine Marley Peabody

For the sub Dominator for the three what’s your opinion on cruises I’ve been on eight cruises at 16 never been on a cruise I think cruises could be fun and cheap to be able to visit a bunch of countries I think my only complaint with cruises would be uh you’re just [ __ ]

On a boat for the majority of the time uh which could be fun uh I guess but I mean it really depends on the cruise where it’s going that type of [ __ ] like if you were going on a cruise and you’re like we’re starting in Myrtle we’re going to we’re

Going to Daytona Florida we’re then we’re going to go to the UK I’d say well that’s a [ __ ] disgustingly boring [ __ ] cruise ship I’d say it genuinely vary on uh what the [ __ ] the crws is actually doing you know okay most people are voting other well what other [ __ ] would we want

To do and I’m not doing this [ __ ] where people just list games and we argue for a [ __ ] hour what do we want to do right the locations aren’t the goal of the crew I think the locations matter entirely with a cruise yeah you’re on a cruise but if the locations are [ __ ]

Ass then why are you on the cruise because most of the time you park the boat and you’re there for like [ __ ] 15 hours before you leave you’re there for like morning to night you have a whole day in a country I feel like you would want to [ __ ] go see what’s

Going on you know what I mean killer frequency well we’re not going to finish chat we’re doing killer frequencies tomorrow we’re going to finish killer frequency tomorrow that’s what tomorrow’s stream’s going to be from 4:30 to probably 6:30 is [ __ ] killer frequency EST tomorrow Wednesday scary games itch games reveal and then

[ __ ] uh escape the backers Mach Thursday’s going to be unbanned and then either [ __ ] fortnite or uh storage Hustle the [ __ ] Sim game Friday’s reacts Saturday’s the [ __ ] IPA stream Sunday is [ __ ] reacts and then I’m gone Monday Tuesday we’ll be back for scary games chat what the [ __ ] do we

Want to do right now scary reacts I’m down if [ __ ] are down but what scary I actually do have scary videos you guys sent scary videos awkward awkward I forgot what’s an IPA I’m not explaining that again it’s a beer tasting test it’s a craft beer

Tasting test uh I’m probably going to be drinking 20 [ __ ] two beers not all of them but I mean I’ll be [ __ ] sipping on all of them Indian paleale lock in here chat let’s do a little [ __ ] poll here between um fortnite we’ll do scary reacts or

Uh what else what else are we feeling here chat to [ __ ] throw into this poll we’ll have a third Contender we’ll have just regular reacts you know regular reacts we’ll have scary reacts jackbox I don’t really want to throw jackbox in bro I’m not playing jackbox today Don minator for the three

I already read that a lil Lando for the sub thank you for the sub there what do we want to do Need for Speed yeah let me just [ __ ] start a Need for Speed playr we could do both scary and regular most people are voting scary we could do

A little scary react we could do a little scary react are we feeling uh short stories are we feeling um [ __ ] animated a refill in short films we could do a mixture of both I have like three videos that we could watch queued up we could watch a long alter we could

Watch a long alter short film called a teenage girl who’s more than anything wants to be told she’s special is approached by a Charming Man Who promises her fame fortune and affection if she agrees to live stream herself crying for his Niche website all right we’ll do scary reacts we’ll do

Scary reacts that’s getting the most votes more so than regular reacts because regular reacts will be Friday Sunday all right lock in here chat let’s change uh let’s change gears here and then what [ __ ] okay I’m not gonna say [ __ ] mod but one of my mods changed the title to just chatting

And is still has the twitch category as Minecraft Beyond me Beyond me yeah that’s a very clickable title just just chatting is the title of the stream how long has that been it I changed it to Title by accident scary reacts on a Monday join join join Juan I’m not mad

At you Juan I’m not mad at you I appreciate you Juan you’re one of my best mods you’re one of my best mods there bud all right [ __ ] I don’t know which one we’re going to start with we’ll start with special day I want to start with

Something shorter and then we’ll go from there also do I crack a mini Shield do I have to do homework yo I [ __ ] took my midterm Chad I got an 82 that’s like what’s a grade that you would Define as meh like what’s a grade you would get in a class where you would say meh that’s an 82 for me I think for some people it’s higher some people it’s lower I think if I got like an 80 I’d be

Like BL blah you know like an 80s an 80 is good an 80 is a c technically an 80 is a c an 84 well that varies by High School in my high school an 84 was a c that [ __ ] was on crack if you had an

Eight below an 88 4 you had a c in the class A 85 was a B minus a 90 was a b Min or a B+ 92 and above was an a dude that’s so [ __ ] like that’s I think a c on a take here a

90 and above B 80 and above C 70 and above d d I would say 60 I would say D should be like 62 and above I don’t think an F should be a 50 9 I think an F should be a 60 if you have a 60 in a class you

Should be failing I because that means that you’re you almost don’t understand half of the course I say you should be able to pass the class with a d but I think a D should be a 65 65 to 70 is a d Five Points where you have a d I think

64 is a reasonable F like that makes sense to be a failing grade to me f is 49 in Canada Jesus Jesus Christ how do are there Canadian people that fail out of classes how do you get a 49 in a [ __ ] class I’m not dissing

Anybody that has a 49 in the class in any class by the way but Jesus man you just got to not give a [ __ ] if there’s no way like un let there’s no there’s no like regular non-honors nonap class that you could get a 49 in if you just paid

Attention yo D4 thank you for the raid man uh raid beans for the sub Zer for the five you should play slap you should try slap boxing much left to the go I’ve watched slap boxing I’ve never I’ve never done it though Gabe for the sub

Ali and Lando for the sub I had a 1% in math before how how did you not show up and then and then did you not show up to Cal class and then sit down and just go I’m gonna wing this right what’s sign what’s cosign mean I don’t have a calculator is

That a problem I’m more of a mentor math guy I have to graph this right like what the [ __ ] that’s the only and even then if it’s that’s the only way I could see you getting a [ __ ] 1% in math is if it’s not multiple choice and you just didn’t pay attention

At all that’s the only way all right let’s lock in here do we turn off one of our lights I might pop a mini Shield I’m GNA pop a [ __ ] mini shield no you’re not supposed to pop a mini with alcohol I’m not going to pop a mini

Shield I’m not going to pop a mini Shield I might pop a whiskey Cola that one whiskey Cola I have sitting in the back do y’all see it right there it’s like it’s like begging to be drank right no that’s the that’s the protein shakes that have been sitting in

There I could [ __ ] slug one of those but I don’t want to right now do I want to slug one of those right now damn do I slug a [ __ ] protein shake has caffeine in it but then I won’t go to bed bad what are we feeling here chat peer

Pressure him pop a mini Shield you’re not supposed to you’re not supposed to drink alcohol after you have katum or you’re not supposed to have katum with alcohol or Cava with alcohol it’s tell it’s saying drink me drink me okay okay [Laughter] all right hold up let me let me

[ __ ] let me [ __ ] shut off the light here lock in it’s speaking to you it is it’s yelling at me all right first video horror short film special day should I scan these whenever it’s an alter video I feel like there’s just going to be a [ __ ] naked

Monster because you guys send those in you guys have sent me multiple videos and I don’t know if you guys are doing doing it purposefully yo shout out to the [ __ ] video suggest tab game suggest tab by the way but whenever you guys send scary videos in the video

Suggestion tab there’s always like a one and two that the monster is just a naked woman like every time dlg for the sub I have to I don’t pre-at videos but I have to scan horror videos because horror videos a lot of the time I have naked people for whatever [ __ ]

Reason why no Minecraft buddy we just ran Minecraft for three hours you’re a little late you’re a little late to the party here HK should have showed up a a little bit earlier naked people are scarier counterargument the movie Barbarian not scary that [ __ ] had 98% on Rotten

Tomatoes too I’m not getting into that anybody here see the movie Barbarian I don’t want to get into it again naked boob monster tits hanging down to the knees man to the knees dude sagging that’s the monster like a dirty naked woman who also is an incest

Child that’s the monster right the movie starts out really good they’re at an air let me just pan it out for you right you’re at an Airbnb you’re at an Airbnb you [ __ ] wait let me actually pull up a photo photo of Arab be Barbarian it’s kind of a low quality

Image but we’ll rock with it you’re at an Airbnb you booked it last minute visiting your friend in town you arrive late at night knocking on the door you realize somebody double booked the Airbnb huh that’s a bit weird double booked Airbnb you’re a college age woman and the man

That’s already in the Airbnb is a grown man right do you step inside no no no I’m gonna I’m gonna answer the question for you no right no you step inside right and the man on the inside welcomes you in I gotta find the guy I can’t find him

Chat pause chat pause just think about what you’re going to do next right Barbarian movie guy gets head smashed in it’s probably going to show me the scene where he gets his head smashed in okay okay here it is the lovely gentleman enter welcomes you into the home saying that he’d take

The couch if you wanted to sleep on the bed after all he understands that men can be a bit scary to women what a good guy right in the middle of the night he disappears nowhere to be found you start wandering the house kind of nervous you open the basement

Door and you hear a noise do you go down no no say no you don’t go down right you don’t go down this is the movie This Is I’m explaining the plot of the movie This is the plot of Barbarian okay outside of better judgment you decide you want to go down the

Stairs after all you’re looking for the guy right you haven’t seen him you open the basement door and it opens itself into something that’s more than a basement a catacomb looking area you decide to delve down right you decide to go down the stairs you want to

See what’s going on right as you walk down the stairs you hear the man screaming right you hear him you’re wondering why is he down here right I need to find him maybe maybe I could help him so you know you f oh I almost just showed the

Naked monster holy [ __ ] wow I almost just showed I almost just showed a [ __ ] nude woman on stream wow that would have been bad then I can’t show I could show the face of the monster I almost just showed her [ __ ] wow your her everything’s out man everything’s

Out wow that would have been bad okay maybe I’m going to play it safe on this one you meet the guy right and he’s a bit ner nervous right he’s kind of scared you’re wondering why is he scared right what’s going on we’re kind of down here in the middle of the [ __ ]

Basement you know it’s kind of scary lo and behold this woman is the culprit she steps out of the the frame or she steps into the frame she’s about seven feet tall completely naked boobs down to her knees Bo down to her knees somebody said guil stop stop somebody said Gil relax

Okay she has boobs down to her knees she seems friendly she’s not she grabs the man’s head and slams it four [ __ ] times into a wall crushing his skull and killing him from then the movie cuts the movie cuts to a [ __ ] still frame of some guy driving in California

Right and music starts playing it’s like you know when it’s like a movie intro and it’s like a it’s like a drone pan and it like Zooms in on the car and it’s like some happes it’d be like it’d be like an Adam Sandler movie it zooms

In and you’re like oh [ __ ] that was just making fun of the movie I remember being in theaters watching Barbarian I know I ran into about this before but this is the most in-depth I’ve ever done it I remember being in theaters and seeing it do

The and I literally turn to my friend and I went wow they just fooled Us by showing us a fake film like they the first 10 minutes of the movie were to [ __ ] with us right and now it’s going to be the actual film no it pans to a guy that owns the

Airbnb who unbeknownst to him has naked incest monsters in the basement so he goes down right and he meets the naked incest monster in which she forces him to suck on her tits dead ass that’s the movie right right okay following forces him right she just

Wants to be a mother right she’s like and like I don’t know what’s going on but she’s like she she like gets him in a room with a television and it’s like some [ __ ] playing and he’s just like sucking on her boobs dude that’s the [ __ ] movie right then then you know

He gets out of it some [ __ ] goes down she ends up saving This Woman’s life the woman that was trapped at the Airbnb originally by like falling and catching her and and bracing the fall but she dies herself and then the movie ends and that’s the movie uh it’s them being

Stuck in the the basement they also meet the guy who caused the incest monsters and he like shoots himself or some [ __ ] uh and he’s like really old and also like a Monster uh and it’s like really creepy uh but it’s like outside of that the movie is literally just the naked

Incest monster that’s the film great movie by the way all right uh movie name Barbarian it actually has really good reviews too which is shocking also not going to tell not going to say what friend but uh one of my friends uh went to that movie theater and as the movie started he

Leaned over to me and said I took two grams of mushrooms and then had the most Blank Stare into my eyes and I went oh and so one of my friends watched the entire movie of Barbarian while hallucinating uh whether or not he he thought the movie was normal or what I

Don’t know uh but we went to the Applebee’s uh after uh and obviously he didn’t drive uh and he was just staring at the table as if it was uh a movie in front of his eyes he was like whoa I was like yeah you’re [ __ ] out of it man

All right anyways uh yeah let’s lock in here for the first uh video of the day uh Tren for the sub horror short film special day Emily is a quiet girl who comes home from an unusual family on the night of her 18th birthday they gather together they gather together to reveal

An important secret her it will shape the rest of her life special day when you turn 18 you can buy scratch off tickets yippe Yippe can also become an affiliate on Twitch you could be an affiliate on Twitch when you’re like 13 you have to be 13 to be an affiliate you can get paid by twitch even if you’re not 18 Bosnian for the sub no you can’t dude you need to be 18

That is just so cap that is so cap how old do you have to be to be a twitch affiliate your parent or Guardian needs to confirm uh and agree to the monetized streamer agement but the money will still go to you oh you could still stream your

Parent just has to sign off to it I meant by yourself Oh hate that [ __ ] hate when [ __ ] start singing Happy Birthday around me oh and there’s a candle and it’s like and everybody’s like watching you [ __ ] sit there waiting and you’re just like kind of sitting there when you’re older it’s whatever because it’s like you’re having your birthday parties like with your friends

More so than your family but when it’s your you know when you’re like a kid and it’s like all your aunts and uncles are around and they’re like [ __ ] shining a flashlight on you and they’re like and there’s that one guy and it’s like happy birthday to you and he’ll like do that

Innerline joke what is that [ __ ] that they say in between happy birthday day [ __ ] yeah Cha Cha Cha oh there’s that yo it’s always an uncle bro it’s always an uncle man happy birthday to you cha cha cha like what the [ __ ] it doesn’t it doesn’t it

Doesn’t even add doesn’t even match the tempo it’s not matching the tempo it’s not adding anything you’re just sitting there Cha Cha Cha and then it’ll be like happy birthday to you blah blah blah and then he’ll be like and many more and he’ll do the jazz hands oh [ __ ]

Off that [ __ ] annoys me dude oh happy birthday sweetie I love You I can hard believe it just look at you yo the worst is when you meet somebody you haven’t seen in your family in a long time and it’s it’s like they don’t say it to me as much anymore but I’ll still get it’s like it’s usually

When you’re like in high high school to college you meet that one aunt or Uncle you haven’t seen in years and they’re like the last time I saw you you were about yay big I used to change your diapers I remember when you used to run around naked I’m like yo what the

[ __ ] can we not talk about this bro it’s like okay yeah oh I remember when you were 3 feet tall you really are a sight to be old sweetheart happy birthday Emily how’s the weather up there oh [ __ ] how’s the weather up there you above the clouds oh Jesus no you’re just 410

You’re just [ __ ] short we’re just so happy for you congratulations then said rude happy birthday kiddo br’s 410 this is such exciting day is I can’t wait thank you Mar well may I sure well Emily we’re so proud of you you’re a grown woman now and we know that you’re going to do

Great than thanks Dad now I say that with confidence because well for Generations everyone in our family has always been successful at whatever we’ve set out to do yeah either that or they went insane Simone now partly the reason for the success is because where your drip then

Grandpa if you so successful F if you so successful dad where’s your where’s your where’s your diamond studed Cuban chain like xqc has if we’ve been so successful generation to generation where’s your money spread at Grandpa our our Drive our our work ethic but it’s also because of something

Else they eat people I’m calling it they’re cannibals a special gift a gift that we finally get to share with you okay yo it’s some Demon [ __ ] why are they all crowd around like that n that would make me so uncomfortable bro oh my God yo that’s really how it is though yo

That’s really how it is though nah not the whole you just sitting there like [ __ ] everybody’s stop looking at me um where is it well you’ll have to tell us what what you were um you were born at 9:03 p.m. so it should be here at any moment now um okay

Yo i’ I start getting aggressive bro I’d be like the [ __ ] you mean it should be here at any moment why everybody staring at me like I’m about to get my heart ripped out of my [ __ ] chest what the [ __ ] is going on I’d get up I am not I’m

Not [ __ ] sitting here like okay oh no stop stop stop you hear it don’t you yo I would start to weaking if they didn’t say that until was your 18th birthday and they’re like you hear it don’t you where is it we need to eliminate it or it’ll eliminate

You go and look go and look bro what is it friendly it’s just Casper what’s up man just look outside why is she not asking questions what chat what are y’all doing in this scenario I’m GNA say yo I’m going to be like what is it I’m not

Looking tell me what it is nah I’m not going to just be like okay just dead silent I’m not gonna run because if my family’s like so dead set on it but I’d be think I’d be thinking that I yo I’d really be thinking that I was in a

[ __ ] simulation or some [ __ ] yo you ever seen the movie Coraline I’d be thinking I was in the movie I’d be thinking I was in like the movie Coral line like I one day like crawled through a crack or some [ __ ] and now I’m like with my other family that’s

Actually just like a bunch of Skin Walkers oh [ __ ] off Brooke made me watch Coraline and then fell asleep what while while we were watching it that [ __ ] was scary that [ __ ] was scary yo that’s a kids movie Coraline is a kids movie that [ __ ] is [ __ ] terrifying like scarier than

Than like scary movies I’ve seen just the premise of the film is [ __ ] scary no it’s not well I was also high as [ __ ] when I watched it so no who is that yes you can see him now there’s a man out there oh do they all have their own

Guy Emily our family is successful because we all know something and now you can know it too it’s not a man just think of it as a new friend you see each of us is graced with the knowledge of uh of when we will die what this is why we wanted to have

Everyone together you’re the last in our family to get to meet yours my what your Sentinel he appears on your 18th birthday and he’ll be with you now until the day you die [ __ ] that [ __ ] you’re telling me that bald [ __ ] is going to be standing

Next to me for the rest of my life what so they all got people around them that are just like I’d go talk to them I’d be like yeah I I feel like for the first week it’s going to be scary and then after that you’re going to be like bro can you

Like [ __ ] off just start talking to him happy birthday Emily what is this congratulations congratulations Emily he is your gift swee but how is he a gift how does this make somebody successful this is our shared gift your Sentinel is a measure of the length of your

Life as you grow old he’ll come closer and closer until what what no he always stays a certain distance away from you and then as you’re getting close closer to death that [ __ ] is just standing over you yo when you’re a grandpa that [ __ ] is probably just in your ear finally

When it’s your time we’ll be together that’s how you’ll know Emily he got like three three feet closer already only when he comes close by then well he’ll be like an old friend wait this can’t be real Don’t Be Afraid honey this is what has allowed us to

Thrive for most of your life you’ll be so far away that would not make you thrive at all I thought they were about to like sell their soul and become like successful they’re saying they’re successful because they have something that yes it will how would a [ __ ] monster that’s constantly just standing

Next to you make you more successful like maybe yeah you’re more relaxed when it’s far away but when that fucker’s a foot away from you you’re you’re not going to get anything done Twix and bzy for the sub big for the Thousand bues I’m I’m new here love your

Videos thank you trud and awaken bravon ever and DG for the sub Xerxes for the five Rosie for the sub you forget there it’s an inside trador yeah he just tells you what stocks are good buy Nvidia don’t buy the Tesla dip Dogecoin might make a comeback in sometime in

2025 it’s kind of hard to say though but he’s not far away have you ever heard of crypto Apes ah Logan Paul’s nft project wouldn’t have been that bad he’s not far away anymore yo n really what do you mean is he right next to her’s in the room [Applause] did they all

Die yo those were all of theirs yo now that’s actually mad [ __ ] scary he’s not far away anymore made us be successful they just live in like a regular house that guy looks the most spiffy I’d want him yeah I don’t I don’t know about that guy that guy looks pretty

Chill big in a snowy for the sub ah I told you you shouldn’t have bought Tesla stock ah ah it’s down 133% ah I hated that why did you hate that wasn’t that bad all right uh what do we want to watch now we could watch but that’s also

A long as [ __ ] I feel like I want to watch a shorter one today H somebody said shake it shake what shake what how long you streaming for probably another like 30 40 minutes would you guys rather watch a short film or like a Mr nightmare scary video

Do a poll mods please Mac for the sub big Ash for the sub snowy for the sub somebody redeemed headset that brother brother most people are spamming Mr nightmare but I don’t know if that NE neily means Mr nightmare somebody redeemed waste 25k Channel points W Redemption all right my mods are asleep

I’m making it uh I’m gonna type one or two one is short film two is Mr nightmare I’m too lazy to type it out one is short film two is Mr nightmare one is short film two is Mr nightmare vote right people are voting Mr nightmare I really want to watch we might watch that Friday oh we might be doing fortnite new season Friday we might watch we might watch it Sunday or Thursday potentially we’ll do a Mr nightmare what type of Mr nightmare are we gonna [ __ ] watch also xation Discord video stab gam

Tab send videos to me your acting gam to play video gam tab um Valentine’s horror stories pass actually true horror stories no lie I feel like I just kind of want to go something blanketed like actually true horror stories Mac for the sub just something that’s you know kind of

Base Story one by Adam so I walked into an Airbnb which I thought was mine but turns out somebody else rented it later that night I went into the basement and that friend died died and there was a naked boob monster when my cousin Cody and I were

In our early 20s we went on a handful of camping trips around Colorado this happened I believe when I was 22 and he was 23 and it happened in urpo Forest it was my first time camping there not Cody’s though it was in the middle of the week our jobs allowed us

To have off days in the middle of the week and we’d often go on our campouts then to avoid traffic and crowds I always let Cody take charge on these trips he’s the eagle scout not me we parked by a picnic area and we set foot into the woods from there after

About 15 minutes yo you know what’s so weird is when I was in high school I used to think being an eagle scout was so cringe but now I feel like that’d be so badass to be able to just know that [ __ ] like nature knowledge like I remember they used to

Announce over the loudspeaker kids that became Eagle Scouts to like congratulate them and I was like oh that’s so [ __ ] cringe but now now I’m like damn I wish I knew how to [ __ ] start a fire with piss and [ __ ] tree sap and it’s of hiking deeper into the woods we found a

Good spot to set up camp a good spot meaning a big enough clearing to fit two tents the portable stove and a campfire you could still learn I could learn how to start a fire with piss and tree sap thing we did was unpack our stuff and

Set up our tents Cody has always been a lot quicker than me in pitching a 10 he does it in only a few minutes it always takes me over 20 minutes damn it takes him 20 minutes to pitch a tent chat you hear that Cody always pitches his tent so

Much faster than I pitch mine or rather it always took me over 20 minutes as I haven’t been camping out in the wilderness since this next thing we did was create a ring of stones for a fire then gathered some sticks and wood he did bring some fire

Starter and a lighter so I guess we kind of cheated but oh well it was at the point in the day when the sun was going down we had a fire going and now Cody was grilling up some steak and burgers one thing about Cody is he

Always went all out with the food on these trips and he’s a really good cook so I always trusted him with feeding us of course we had our bear spray in case the smell of the food would attract a black bear which Cody always said was very unlikely he always says the real

Thing you got to worry about in the middle of the woods is other people as we ate our steak and burger why we cracked open some beers and had some classic rock playing on the speaker if you’ve never been camping you don’t understand how good of a Vibe moments

Like this are in the wilderness with a friend or family member and some beers reminiscing about good times and vibing to music as it got dark we started playing card games on this little folding platform table we brought specifically for cards after playing more traditional card games we started

Playing Uno and this was when we heard something out in the woods I paused the song on my phone so I hit Cody with three I hit Cody with three draw threes or not three draw threes three draw twos and then I hit him with a stacked plus4

And I changed the color of the red the one card I knew he didn’t have Cody ran out into the woods naked after that never to be seen again that the speaker would go silent it was clear now we heard a person humming and footsteps from Beyond the trees and the

Pitch Blackness of the forest Cody urged me to find the flashlight I tried but by the time I found it the sounds had faded away I asked Cody if that was something to be concerned about and he said it definitely was unusual for someone else

To be this deep in the woods let alone creepily walking by a campsite with an AC of campfire humming loudly I was a bit shaken and I saw Cody was too we went back to playing cards with the music much lower now when we least expected it a big big stick

Landing in the middle of our campsite made us both jump out of our skin it didn’t fall from a tree this thing was thrown at us by someone Cody started yelling something along the lines of whoever’s out there messing with us get a life and off and then

Footsteps could be heard once again in the distance they were walking away from us n that’s where you got to wander into the woods and go like really creepily and like walk like a [ __ ] skin walker with you see them like get on all fours and like put

Your shoulder blades really far back and be like theyd probably shoot you I said pack up camp and move somewhere else he said absolutely not in the dark we both had be spray and he advised to just keep it next to me in my tent when we go to sleep it was the

Closest thing to range some said the whistling man oh no it’s a whistling man from killer frequency defense weapons we had we kept hearing sounds like tree branches cracking in the distance sounds that you would never expect an animal to be making someone was out there maybe

Multiple people that much was clear we had to go to sleep eventually so we agreed that maybe we should take turns staying up to keep watch to make sure that no one comes to our campsite and steals anything or Worse Cody agreed to take First Watch he

Said I’d asked to sleep in the same t as my friend no lie I’d be asking to sleep in the same tent regardless bro I’m not sleeping in if it’s just me and one of my friends camping I’m going to be like yo let’s sleep in the same

Tent like we know I’m I’m not saying we got a cuddle or anything but like I’m not I’m not trying to sleep like 40t away from you you know just in case like some [ __ ] goes down keep watch to make sure that no one comes to our campsite and steals anything or

Worse Cody agreed to take First Watch he said he’d stay up and read his book so I crawled into my tent and then my sleeping bag and went to sleep waking up in the middle of the night while camping is normal you’re in a cold outdoor environment and an

Uncomfortable sleeping bag any number of things could wake you up I didn’t yet know what woke me up I was still in a fog my brain didn’t feel fully woken up yet I looked up you ever have one of those friends that like doesn’t even wake up even if you punch them or

Something like that like I know a guy that doesn’t wake up unless you like pour water on his head like you could scream and he wouldn’t wake up those people would die in the wilderness if you’re that heavy of a sleeper you are perishing right like something’s going to eat you and you’ll

Wake up as it’s [ __ ] eating you and saw a head peering into my tent it looked like Cody I rubbed my eyes but really it was the darkness that was was preventing me from seeing anything of his face I said Cody thinking he was waking me up to take my turn of keeping

Watch stop I said groggy is it my turn I stared at the head peering at me in my sleeping bag slowly growing more awake every second then I heard the zipper to the tent quickly zip up and his head disappeared I laid back down in my

Sleeping bag but only for a second I suddenly had some weird Moment of clarity shot Y and then if I got out of the tent if I got out of the tent and my friend was gone yo I’m getting Goosebumps what are you do what do you [ __ ] do you get up

Out of the tent and they’re gone I feel like I just run into the woods dude I just bring my phone like a [ __ ] gun and a map and just bolt into the [ __ ] Wilderness to an upright position and listened as the or climb a tree yeah that’s pretty smart footsteps

Walked away Cody a little top down view I said he didn’t answer I unzipped my tent to peek out to the campsite the fire was dead Cody wasn’t out there I went over to Cody’s tent which was zipped up I unzipped it and looked inside to see Cody fast asleep in his

Sleeping bag I got chills Goosebumps whatever you want to call it not better bro I’d rather I’d rather be like Cody wake your dumb ass up then you open his tent and it’s just nothing imagine that you see somebody Peak through your [ __ ] you see somebody peek through your tent you

[ __ ] unzip that [ __ ] and he’s not there I’d [ __ ] lose it almost [ __ ] myself at the realization I started shaking him awake and when he finally awoke I told him someone’s here at the campsite it took him a minute to come back to reality

Just like I did but when he he did he grabbed his bear spray he said he must have dozed off while reading he said I should sleep in the tent with him tonight but to do that mmm what did I say I need my sleeping bag he can’t [ __ ] that dude I’d [ __ ]

Slide in that sleeping bag with him in a second I’d say I’m not going back out there [ __ ] I’d say I’d [ __ ] I’d say okay good thing good thing you got the XL outside of the tent with me and stood watch as I ran to my tent to grab my

Sleeping bag in my tent grabbing my sleeping bag I heard that godamn humming again from outside I grabbed it and Cody whispered at me to hurry up should just charge it I said you hear that too he said yes we both got back in his tent and zipped it

Up with our cans of bear spray by our sides I tell you in those moments I wanted nothing more than for a bear to come and save the day the hours dragged on as I stayed up while Cody slept after after three long horrible hours I woke

Him up and we switched when Cody woke me up it was almost Dawn there was light outside so we packed everything up and by the time we were done there was plenty of light to hike back to the car while we could have driven somewhere else and had another night of camping

Elsewhere neither of us were feeling it anymore this was a haunting experience and I think we both just wanted to be in the safety of our houses it’s been 6 years since this happened and he’s hit me up a few times since then about camping but I haven’t really had

Interest since this experience wow people are just too scary why was someone out there stalking our campsite and the sight of that person’s head in the dark just looking into my tent it was straight up from a nightmare I may never go camping again honestly Ned Ned Kev

In when my friends and and I rented a beach house in Florida I never could have expected how things would have turned out it was the four of us in a cramped car driving down there the house was directly on the beach it was on this

Road that had the bay in front of the house across the street and then in the backyard was literally the beach there were some huge houses on this road and some smaller more normal looking ones this was one of the more modest looking ones it had four bedrooms so a bedroom

For each of us the houses were spaced out on this road creating a sense of privacy that’s fire dude four four bedroom Airbnb I feel like any time I go to an Airbnb with my friends it’s like a three three bedroom 15 bed Airbnb and there’s like bunk beds and

Then like they count a couch as an Airbnb or not an Airbnb as a bed and it’s just like one room sits like seven guys time we were unloading the car out for front not a single car passed by on this road the interior of the house was

Decent it wasn’t spectacular but it was modest clean and the owners were really pushing a beach theme with the wall decor I guess it would make sense considering the location there was even a decorative surfboard in one corner of the living room behind the TV the living

Room looked out to the back deck which then looked out to the beach The View was amazing the deck wasn’t elevated very high off the ground it was just two steps down and on not amazing the view at any Beach is not amazing it is just

Water it is water an ocean a lake view is always better than a [ __ ] beach view unless you’re at a tropical beach on in a different country that is the only time a [ __ ] beach view is good you could be right on the water at a [ __ ] beach and it’ll look it’s just

Waves man it’s just waves in a [ __ ] sand the sand I’m tripping I’m not dude hold up like if you’re talking like beach view like [ __ ] tropical beach like this that’s different but if you’re talking beach view just like regular like if you you look a beach view it’s just going to

Show you tropical beaches but if it’s like this no right no but a lake view so much more so much more fire look like this is like a regular Lake View look at that like that’s so much better and the sun would set you got the

[ __ ] nice Lake and the trees and [ __ ] there’s just more contrast rather than sitting there just staring at [ __ ] water we all claimed our bedrooms I managed to get one of the rooms with a view of the beach first thing we did after settling in was of course walking

Outside and laying on the beach we all went in the water somebody said then there’s alligators bro we’re talking about a view not if I’m going to go [ __ ] swim in it conversely you go swim in the [ __ ] murky ass water you’re about to step on a horseshoe crab

And get bit by a [ __ ] Hammerhead nah you’re not going to get bit by a shark but there are sharks and [ __ ] there’s fish in the water you’re acting like there’s [ __ ] nothing in the beach but at one point and then played football we were definitely on the beach for a few hours

We seemed to be the only ones on the beach apart from this older looking couple way down the beach afterwards we went out to eat and then started bar hopping in the town area when we ubered back it was dark out we went outside on the beach to [ __ ] around and Play Late

Night Football while we were kind of drunk as I was running to grab the ball after missing a catch I noticed something in the water the moon reflecting on the ocean was the only reason I could see it I said what the [ __ ] is that out loud and then realiz

Realized it was a person standing in the water about waste deep my friends looked over and said they saw it too it was only a little weird because of the time it was like past midnight but hey if a local wants to go for a midnight swim

That’s there I just I just think it was like a [ __ ] crackhead or something like that I’d think it was like somebody that was just on drugs if it’s [ __ ] midnight and you’re standing in the middle of the water I’m not going to think it’s like Paranormal I’m going to think they’re

Like actively on something to sit on the deck and drink beers for a while until we got tired maybe tripping on acid [ __ ] standing in the ocean one by one everyone started going inside to go to sleep my friend John and I were the last

Ones out there I had been every once in a while glancing in the direction I saw that person before in the water just out of curiosity and So eventually when I shot a glance in that direction I spotted someone standing on the beach they appeared to be just standing there

Facing us it was kind of creepy maybe a neighbor I didn’t want to be rude but but I wondered if it was the same person we tried to ignore it but John was facing that person and after a while he said they were still just standing there

Facing us I stood up and looked over and saw he was right I yelled out is everything okay John asked why did you do that I honestly didn’t know what I was expecting they didn’t even reply anything though we were officially creeped out so we went inside the other two Travis and Liam

Were already in their rooms probably knocked out from drinking so John and I decided to just call it a night too so that we could have a full day tomorrow if I had to guess it was 12:30 to 1:00 a.m. which was honestly on the earlier

Side but we were all burnt out from the long day I went to my room after brushing my teeth I looked out the window wanting to take a look to the ocean before crawling into bed oh my God he was still standing there this is where the creepiness Factor escalated

Substantially because there was now someone standing in front of the back deck facing the house [ __ ] oh oh my God I felt like they were facing my window the figure of the person appeared to be male considering the slightly larger frame it was undoubtedly the same person

From before I called Jon’s name he didn’t rep close the curtains bro I’m just going to stare at him until he [ __ ] off I I would not waver my attention to his room and banged on his door telling him to come out he came out pretty quickly and I led him to my

Window to look outside but now the person was gone I swore to him that the person from earlier was just standing as still as before right in front of our deck he believed me we weren’t about to go outside and look around though I took one more look to make sure that they

Were still gone and then I shut the blind to the bedroom window but as I lay awake in bed rolling from now you know how you get that [ __ ] to go away you’re in a random Beach some guy’s just staring at you you see him in the window

You just hit him with this face and then you walk down the stairs right and like like slowly walk out on the porch and just like act like don’t even move your body but just move your head and just like only like track him just by making some creepy face just

Like slowly be like and like follow him side to side trying to sleep why don’t they jump him cuz he’s not doing anything illegal he’s just standing on a beach they don’t own the beach if it was on your property that be different shake the feeling that someone was still

Outside who was that person why were they creeping around my thoughts were interrupted by the sickening sound of a fist knocking on the bedroom window I felt like my insides just shriveled up and my heart completely dropped out of my body I laid silent and Frozen moments later another

Light set of knocks on the glass I didn’t dare lift the blind though I couldn’t on the glass outside gather the courage to I almost yelled who is it but I stopped myself instead I ran out to the living room screaming for everyone to wake up

Everyone one by one came out of their rooms no one was at the window when we checked all four of us went out to the deck and turned on the lights to the deck we looked out onto the beach and didn’t see anyone we also checked the

Front and sides of the house no one John and I had to explain to the other two what they missed when they fell asleep we kept the backyard lights on that night the next day John and I went to the two nearest neighbors and asked them if they had also experienced someone

Knocking on their windows or doors one of the neighbors told us a genuinely freaky encounter he had a week earlier someone knocked on their door in the middle of the night and when he asked who it was they wouldn’t answer and just kept knocking so he didn’t answer the

Door somebody just some guy on [ __ ] bath salts or some [ __ ] it’s not it’s I I I feel like it’s not some murderer I’m not sure if it was connected but if it was that just makes this even scarier we spent the rest of the day on the beach

Exploring nearby towns and hitting bars nothing happened that night we left the next day I still wonder what I would have seen if I had lifted the blind Anonymous why do they have to [ __ ] remain anonymous bro this this [ __ ] gave his first name what was this motherfucker’s name

Nathan I was 9 years old when this happened for whatever reason I was Home Alone one night so I was playing video games upstairs in my room I wasn’t allowed to answer the door to anyone when I was home alone whenever I was left alone it wasn’t for long my mom

Would just be out grocery shopping or something like that I was playing Metroid Prime on my GameCube I used to be obsessed with that game I heard the house phone downstairs start to ring my mom always told me to pick up the phone if it rang in case it was her calling so

I hurried down downstairs and by maybe the fourth ring I picked up the caller ID was it on the phone my mom’s cell phone she said sweetie can you come outside and help with the groceries I replied mom she said back yes I felt like something sounded off with her

Voice you obviously know your own mom’s voice and so even at such a young age when I was questioning why it didn’t sound like her I said why do you sound like that she replied like what sweetie and I hung up my my mom would never use the word sweetie like that especially

Twice in a matter of seconds the phone rang again and my mom’s number came up on the caller ID again I’d start tweaking I ignored it I’d actually start TW for some reason my heart was racing I was nervous I sat in the kitchen waiting to

See if the phone would ring a third time and it did it took a couple minutes before the third ringing but when I checked the caller ID this time why he just look outside it was a different number I picked up and a man’s voice on

The other end said hey James I know this is going to sound weird but it’s your dad I’m outside all I could mutter out was a weak what the man said I’m outside I have a lot to explain I hung up right then and there my dad died when I was

Three oh [ __ ] I have no memories of him my suspicion was in fact true that the first voice I heard was not my mom’s the phone rang again and then again after that I ignored it marbles on the [ __ ] carpet floor and [ __ ] start setting up traps start putting some thumb tacks

Down facing upwards each time I couldn’t even call my mom because someone clearly had her phone then things took a turn for the worse when there were knocks at the get out the Nerf gun it’s about to be a [ __ ] battle front door this went from a someone has my mom’s phone

Situation to a someone is outside the house situation my mom would would not be knocking on the door she’d have a key obviously I peered around the wall of the kitchen to look at the front door I heard a man’s muffled voice on the other side saying my name he was saying it’s

Your dad he rang the doorbell and then I heard him start attempting to open the door I did something that no 9-year-old should ever have to do and that was grabbing the phone and calling 911 the 911 operator asked me what I imagine to be some pretty standard questions most

Importantly telling me to wait in a bathroom or other room with a lockable door until the police get there the bathroom is on the first floor of the house I hid in there with the lights off whoever was outside came to the window and tried pulling it open I heard their

Entire struggle then they must have moved to the next window I think they tried every window and door in the house if anything were to have been unlocked this story would have had a very different outcome they must have given up at some point before the police

Arrived and I say they because clearly there were two people involved in this a man and a woman they both could have been out there for all I know the operator told me that the police are at the front door now and it’s safe to go

Meet them there only when I opened the door to the police was when I hung up the phone they did a quick investigation inside and outside of the house and asked me where my mom was supposed to be and if my mom knew anyone who might want

To hurt us I’m sure I said I thought she was grossy shopping or something and not that I know of my mom returned home with my little sister in a panic when she saw the police cars out front my mom’s phone was stolen which was already clear I’m

Sure that our address home phone number or were they just trying to break into the house to steal [ __ ] or kidnap him and other personal information was stored somewhere on the phone easily accessible though how they knew my name I’m not exactly sure something on my

Mom’s phone must have given it away it was an old Nokia flip phone who stole it was a mystery but my mom’s phone background was a picture of her with my little sister and I this could have been an indication to some disgusting creepy couple out there that the owner of this

Phone was a single mom with two young kids BR yeah they were trying to they were probably trying to rob the house that or like kidnapped them for ransom or something like that lava for the sub Tred for the sub that was a [ __ ] good video though all right CH we’re g to

Call that there uh W stream uh it was a fun [ __ ] Minecraft scary react stream uh I will be live tomorrow 4:30 EST we’re going to be doing killer frequency uh we’re going to be finishing killer frequency uh Wednesday will be itch games uh reveal maybe as well and then escape the

Back rooms with Max uh so it’ll be a full horror day on Wednesday Thursday is going to be unban stream and then either uh storage hustle or fortnite Friday’s going to be reacts and maybe a little bit of fortnite for the new season Saturday is going to be the IPA stream

Uh Sunday’s reacts and then Monday Tuesday I’m not live next Wednesday will be scary games next Thursday next Thursday I don’t really know what we’re going to do yet but we’ll we’ll [ __ ] figure that out but yeah uh if you have any videos you want

Me to react to games you want me to play send those there in the video tab gam tab on Discord exclamation Discord uh it’s hard I find most of the videos that I watch and games that I play I’m not uploading on YouTube today because it’s Monday but I will upload tomorrow after

I’m done streaming killer frequency uh but make sure to be there for killer frequency stream tomorrow it’s been a great game it’s really fun game my chat [ __ ] with it I [ __ ] with it um it’s going to be doing an extra stream just because I’m probably not going to be

Live next Monday or Tuesday but uh hope you all had fun watching I had a fun time streaming we had a great track rate all these today a lot of Subs dones follows Etc a lot of Subs actually from [ __ ] uh Bas all Goodman if you’re

Still here bro thank you Grizz for the sub uh outside of that uh I’ll see you guys tomorrow 430 EST uh and yeah should be a fun week coming up we’re definitely going to do that twitch Rivals event in April probably got another two Minecraft streams in us uh for Mondays uh before

We’re done that world uh next M it won’t be this upcoming Monday it’ll probably be the Monday after that we’ll do the uh [ __ ] uh wither skele we’ll do two wither probably make a beacon do the boss uh and then um we’ll probably beat one other boss uh the next stream after

That and then we’ll call from there uh what TCH Rivals it’s going to be an event in April it’s like four days long it’s Minecraft four days four days straight for like four hours a day if you get eliminated you’re out and then you’re just out of the event but uh if

You make it to the end you win a shitload of money and it’s also just against 149 other streamers xxp for the sub uh all right we’re going to call that there though hope you all had fun uh I had a fun time streaming uh thank you to everybody that [ __ ] tuned in

We a great track Cod audience today maintaining a lot of viewers coming into March actually I know it’s less than [ __ ] January and [ __ ] but it’s to be expected that I lose viewers up until about summer now uh because people get more and more busy as the school year

Progresses but appreciate everybody that tuned in uh we’ve been having a [ __ ] great time uh active chat and I appreciate y’all uh who do we want to raid let’s r no all right hope you all had fun uh and I’ll see youall tomorrow 4:30 EST for

This video, titled ‘Joe Bartolozzi | Modded Minecraft #12’, was uploaded by Joe Bart VODs on 2024-03-05 04:45:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

TIMESTAMPS: 00:00 Stream Start 00:30 Introduction & Talking to Chat 06:00 Modded Minecraft 3:05:05 Scary Reacts & Talking to …

  • Crafting Frights: Horror Minecraft’s Scare Affair

    Crafting Frights: Horror Minecraft's Scare Affair In the world of Minecraft, we took a dive, Into the realm of horror, to see if we’d survive. With mods and packs, we faced our fears, Exploring the unknown, with trembling cheers. The Nameless Collection, a chilling start, Sent shivers down our spine, right to the heart. All The Horror, a true fright fest, Each jump scare and scream put us to the test. Cave Horror Project, a dark descent, Running for our lives, every moment spent. But in the end, we rated them all, For the thrill of the scare, we answered the call. So is Horror… Read More

  • GrannyCraft: Past vs. Future Blocks

    GrannyCraft: Past vs. Future Blocks In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every drive. From grandmas of now to grandmas of the future, The gameplay unfolds, a digital suture. With humor and fun, the channel’s delight, Bringing joy to all, day and night. So follow along, for a daily dose, Of Minecraft news, in rhymes we propose. From gameplay tips to funny moments galore, Cube Xuan’s channel leaves us wanting more. So subscribe today, don’t delay, And let the rhymes of Minecraft sway. Read More

  • Bichard’s Wild Minecraft Tournament

    Bichard's Wild Minecraft Tournament The Exciting Minecraft Tournament at Paris Games Week 2023 Paris Games Week 2023 is set to host an electrifying Minecraft tournament organized by @Bichard. Gamers and Minecraft enthusiasts are eagerly anticipating this event, which promises to be a thrilling showcase of skill and creativity in the popular sandbox game. What to Expect Participants in the tournament will have the opportunity to compete against each other in various challenges and game modes within Minecraft. From building intricate structures to engaging in intense PvP battles, the competition is sure to test the skills of all players involved. Record-Breaking Moments As the… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Dictator’s Rule

    Crafting Chaos: Minecraft Dictator's Rule In the land of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Socktopia’s rise, and alliances bold. Sockatoo, the dictator, with power in hand, Facing foes and allies, in this virtual land. Vix and M1lkys, neighbors near and far, One offers peace, the other a war. Tess, the lone terrorist, causing a stir, Challenging Sockatoo, with a sinister spur. But Sockatoo, resilient and strong, Declares war on terror, righting the wrong. Annexing lands, forging alliances true, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams come true. So join the adventure, in this digital realm, Where kingdoms rise and heroes overwhelm. Minecraft lore, with… Read More

  • Game On: GTA 6, Elder Ring Mobile, Assassin’s Creed Red, Minecraft 1.21 & More!

    Game On: GTA 6, Elder Ring Mobile, Assassin's Creed Red, Minecraft 1.21 & More! In the world of gaming, where updates abound, GTA 6 rumors, Elden Ring Mobile, all around. Assassin’s Creed Red, a mystery to unfold, Minecraft 1.21, a story yet untold. Join us on this journey, through pixels and screens, Where gaming news reigns, in rhymes and dreams. Stay tuned for more, as the story unfolds, In the world of gaming, where excitement never grows old. Read More

  • 164: Where No One Calls Home

    164: Where No One Calls Home In the world of Minecraft, where adventures take flight, Hugo-Craft-15 brings us joy and delight. Chapter 164, a tale to be told, In this virtual world, where stories unfold. Join in the fun, with Hugo as your guide, Exploring new realms, side by side. From live streams to videos, every week, Minecraft magic, for all to seek. Become a member, join the crew, In this pixelated world, where dreams come true. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, And let Hugo-Craft-15, lead the line. Read More

  • Minecraft Players Build Civilization

    Minecraft Players Build Civilization Minecraft Empires: A Simulation of Civilization Empires Mode Overview In the latest update of Minecraft, players can now immerse themselves in the Empires mode, where they are divided into two teams. This division creates tension that eventually escalates into all-out war. The strategic gameplay and team dynamics in Empires mode add a new layer of excitement to the Minecraft experience. Join the Community For those looking to dive into the world of Minecraft Empires, joining the official Discord server is a great way to connect with other players, strategize, and stay updated on the latest developments. Click here to… Read More

  • Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server

    Discover the Thrills of Minewind Minecraft Server Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the world of Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the incredibly dangerous world of Minecraft Hardcore, as highlighted in a recent YouTube video. The player in the video is contemplating whether to start a new survival series or return to playing Skywars on Hypixel. While the decision is ultimately up to the player, we want to introduce you to a server that offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience – Minewind. With its hardcore survival mode and intense gameplay, Minewind provides a challenging environment for… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Cave Adventures

    Mastering Minecraft: Cave Adventures Minecraft Adventures: Mining Coal, Wood, and Exploring Caves Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure as we delve into the depths of caves once again. But before we can brave the darkness, we must gather essential resources like coal and wood to light our way and fend off the lurking monsters. Mining Coal for Light and Fuel Coal is a valuable resource in Minecraft, serving as both a source of light and fuel. By mining coal deposits scattered throughout the world, players can craft torches to illuminate their surroundings and smelt ores to create tools and armor. Key Point: Always… Read More

  • Crafting Time: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed

    Crafting Time: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed In the Land of Ooo, Adventure Time took flight, Finn and Jake, always ready to fight. But now in Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With blocks and mobs, and crafting wins. Lemon Grab’s tree turned into apples, oh my, A twist of fate that made him cry. But Tree Trunks praised his effort, so sweet, Showing that hard work is a tasty treat. Finn’s philosophical musings, so deep, Seeing beauty in the work, not just the keep. But Jake, in his playful way, threw diamonds in the fire, Causing chaos, a Minecraft desire. With a rocket in hand, Finn… Read More

  • SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL – You’ll Never Guess What’s Coming Next! | Minecraft

    SHOCKING 2024 REVEAL - You'll Never Guess What's Coming Next! | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft’, was uploaded by Slightly Insulting on 2024-01-07 22:00:09. It has garnered 651 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:25 or 1165 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: WHAT’S NEXT IN 2024? | Slightly Direct | Minecraft Slightly Branded Channels @SlightlyCrafted @SlightlySpider CHANNELS FEATURED @MrEMC_ @TSCStudio Socials: Twitter Instagram Discord Made with: Blockbuster Mod by McHorse Complementary Shader by Emin Slightly Insulting content includes YouTube Shorts, TikTok, and YouTube videos related to Minecraft Challenges, Minecraft But… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge – Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbait

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Challenge - Watch Now! #bedwars #skywars #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Komplettes Video ist online! #bedwars #minecraft #skywars #pvp #minecraftchallenge #review’, was uploaded by Malganzehrlich on 2024-01-09 14:00:07. It has garnered 397 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. Never play Minecraft Skywars on this server! ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📞 ➤ Subscribe: ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 📲 ➤ Social Media ➜ Instagram: ➜ Discord: ➜ Twitch: ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ 💻 ➤ My equipment – microphone: -Interface: -Microphone preamplifier: -Mikrofonarm: -Keylight: -Maus: -Keyboard: – Pale: ⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻⸻ ✂️ ➤ Schnitt-/Editprogramm: Davinci Resolve 18.6 🔨 ➤ Thumbnails:… Read More

  • Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer – Minecraft Java

    Epic Bed Wars Battle with Garg Gamer - Minecraft JavaVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bed Wars Live | Minecraft java |Garg Gamer’, was uploaded by Garg Gamer on 2024-04-17 00:01:22. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:16 or 1336 seconds. Apart from YouTube title and description I am doing Minecraft stream Where I will play with you I have my Minecraft world where we will play together and grind and we will also go in your Minecraft World We will make houses some farms and many more things we will do in this stream and My server IP pinned in live… Read More

  • WACE server SMP Semi-vanilla Whitelist No resets 1.20.4 Australia

    Welcome to WACESMP! Hey folks, I’m GoneVegan, a member of the Australian Minecraft server. We are currently running version 1.20.4. Brief Overview: Approaching 6 Months old Various quality of life datapacks DiscordSRV Discord/Minecraft chat integration Various administrative and QoL plugins Survival mode Whitelisted Hard difficulty 6GB RAM Java + Bedrock crossplay Our Vision: WACESMP is a place for survival Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us to plan and create amazing builds and areas. Whether you enjoy detailed work, large-scale building, or classic survival gameplay, this server is for you. About Us: Owned by Blockbuster206, a longtime Minecraft fan. No planned world resets…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Redstone is my b*tch

    Looks like this meme’s redstone is more impressive than my real-life electrical skills. Read More

  • Backrooms Unleashed: Minecraft Madness!

    Backrooms Unleashed: Minecraft Madness! In the Backrooms, a maze of mystery and dread, Secrets lurking in every corner, filling you with dread. Explore for hours, uncovering each hidden surprise, Six collectables to find, hidden from prying eyes. Piratesoftware and Heartbound, the music sets the tone, As you navigate the labyrinth, feeling all alone. Download the world, dive into the unknown, The Backrooms in Minecraft, a journey to be shown. So grab your gear, and embark on this quest, In the Backrooms, where fear and excitement manifest. Happy hunting, brave explorer, may you find success, In this world of secrets, waiting to impress. Read More

  • All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft

    All Armor Combined= Hot Mess #minecraft All Armor Combined = A walking tank in Minecraft, or as I like to call it, the “Iron Man” of the blocky world. #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Today, we want to talk about the exciting world of Minecraft and why you should join the Minewind server. While watching the YouTube video “Deneme Odaları Turu ve Oyunun En Güçlü Silahını Elde Ettik! | Agalarla Minecraft Hardcore S2 B7” by Guapoins, you can see the fun and adventure that Minecraft brings to players. But why should you choose Minewind server? Well, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling gameplay experience that you won’t find anywhere else. With a dedicated community of players, constant updates, and a variety of game modes to choose from, Minewind is the… Read More

  • Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft with Command Block!

    Summon Wither Storm in Minecraft with Command Block! Unleashing the Wither Storm in Minecraft For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to take their gameplay to the next level, summoning the formidable Wither Storm is a thrilling challenge. Whether you’re playing on PE, Bedrock, Java, PS, or Xbox versions, the process remains an exciting endeavor that can elevate your gaming experience. Summoning the Wither Storm To summon the awe-inspiring Wither Storm, players can utilize the power of command blocks. By following the right steps and inputting the correct commands, you can bring this formidable entity into your Minecraft world. For a detailed guide on summoning the Wither Storm with a… Read More


    🔥 LIVE MEGA FARM ON MINECRAFT! SUBSCRIBE NOW!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT COM OS INSCRITOS AO VIVO MEGA FARM’, was uploaded by MURILIN TV on 2024-05-01 18:42:57. It has garnered 109 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:17 or 8777 seconds. 🔥🎮 Minecraft Survival with LIVE Subscribers #Minecraft #Live 🚀 @murilintv #JogandoMinecraft #Minecraft Subscribers #minecraftlive #liveshorts #shorts 💬 Join our community on Discord! send audios and texts in the live chat and help the channel 👑 Become a Member and Help an Animal Cross the Street: Spot Games discord: java ip: bedrock ip: port: 19132 🖥️… Read More

  • Ultimate SIRENHEAD Minecraft Mod!

    Ultimate SIRENHEAD Minecraft Mod!Video Information This video, titled ‘We installed the SIRENHEAD in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by stoopsky on 2024-05-18 19:00:01. It has garnered 46935 views and 1865 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:45 or 1245 seconds. who that lanky ahh boy? ► Mod: ► Starring: @9JayDot8 ► Instagram: ► Discord: Read More

  • EPIC Cheese Gaming in Minecraft Skywars

    EPIC Cheese Gaming in Minecraft SkywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft | CubeCraft Skywars | Ep. 1’, was uploaded by Cheese Gaming on 2024-03-04 21:35:42. It has garnered 32 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:18 or 918 seconds. Get ready for an epic Minecraft showdown as we take on the challenge of SkyWars on CubeCraft! Join me in this action-packed video where we’ll dive headfirst into the thrilling world of floating islands, strategic battles, and intense PvP action. Watch as I navigate the treacherous terrain, loot chests, and engage in heart-pounding combat against fierce opponents. Every moment is filled with… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MASTER: EPIC LOL MOMENT #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘The best Minecraft Moment of #minecraft #funny’, was uploaded by S GAMING 54 on 2024-03-19 11:30:37. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Falno1 hacks iron farm in LokiCraft | INSANE!! #shorts

    Falno1 hacks iron farm in LokiCraft | INSANE!! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to make Easy iron farm in lokicraft |#shorts #minecraft #lokicraft’, was uploaded by Falno1 on 2024-01-11 14:53:18. It has garnered 3435 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. how to make Easy iron farm in lokicraft |#shorts #minecraft #lokicraft #shorts #shortsfeed #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival Read More

  • Diving into the Multiverse with Obunga’s Skibidi Toilet!

    Diving into the Multiverse with Obunga's Skibidi Toilet!Video Information This video, titled ‘Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 186’, was uploaded by Obunga on 2024-02-27 07:38:30. It has garnered 80 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 11:54:58 or 42898 seconds. Skibidi toilet, multiverse, minecraft, roblox, stumble guys, sandbox, spiderman, 186 Read More

  • Efrein Barajas goes viral with insane gacha edits!

    Efrein Barajas goes viral with insane gacha edits!Video Information This video, titled ‘#gacha #memes #trend #shorts #roblox #minecraft #viral #edit #gachatrend #gachaedit #fyp?’, was uploaded by Efrein Barajas on 2024-01-12 12:47:31. It has garnered 0 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. 🚀 Dive into the vibrant world of Roblox with our latest animated masterpiece! 🌈 Join the adventure as we unfold the hilarious tale of a Weird Strict Dad in the immersive realms of Roblox. 🤣 From unexpected twists to side-splitting moments, this video is packed with laughter, surprises, and all the quirky elements that make Roblox a gaming… Read More

  • Insane West Coast Transformation!

    Insane West Coast Transformation!Video Information This video, titled ‘improvement’, was uploaded by west on 2024-01-19 20:25:19. It has garnered 342 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:18 or 198 seconds. improvement #mcpe #pvp #minecraft Ignore: controller,mcpe controller best,bedrock,mcpe controller,minecraft controller,pvp,minecraft pvp,mcpe controller pvp,best controller,best mcpe controller review,mcpe best controller,top ten best controller,controller pvper,the best mcpe controller,best controller 1v1 in minecraft pocket edition,best minecraft controller,best minecraft pe controller,minecraft pe best controller,mcpe pvp controller xWqter, TDBClient, DatPigmaster, dreacho, KingSlme, Ozan, Ozan12, KingSlmeMC12345, Pj772, Ziblacking, xJqsh, cornpop, Chaqs, ChampVI, Fallenffa, Synhcf, Mineage, Mineceit, remhub, Arrow, Nitro.exe, Cheat Engine bedrock,best bedrock player,pvp,bedrock edition,minecraft… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mountain House Tour! #viral

    Insane Minecraft Mountain House Tour! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft mountain view house #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shortvideo #shorts tri.’, was uploaded by Salfemate Gaming on 2024-02-03 03:30:30. It has garnered 33 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:01 or 301 seconds. Drippy (Official Video) | Sidhu Moose Wala | Mxrci | AR Paisley 4.9M views · 20 hours ago#1 ON TRENDING FOR MUSIC …more Minecraft mountain view house #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #shortsfeed #shortvideo #shorts trid. Sidhu Moose Wala 23.2M Subscribe 987K Share Save Report Comments 184K The thought of meeting Sidhu bhai remained in my mind, those who saw… Read More

  • MoCraft SMP

    MoCraft SMPoCraft SMP is a mostly-vanilla (McMMO and some quality of life plugins) 1.19 java server looking for new players of all ages. While we were originally a small server of close friends, we are looking to expand our Minecraft family to become the best community we can! Our rules are simple: Treat others as you’d like to be treated; don’t be a jerk. Features: Unbreakable Gear, Jobs and a player based economy, McMMO, Silk touch spawners, Armored Elytra, Epic Hoppers, Magic Carpet, and more! Our Dynmap link is: Read More

  • 💎 ChillZone SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20.4 Community HermitCraft Inspired Whitelist Claims Dynmap Player Shops

    Apply Here ChillZone is a newly releasing Semi-Vanilla server dedicated to providing a great vanilla experience with small enhancements for multiplayer. Community input is valued, and all players have a say in the server. Quick Links 🌐 Website 🗺️ Dynmap 📷 Gallery 📊 Player Statistics Our Values Community: All player feedback is taken seriously, and transparency is key in decision-making. Welcoming: We aim to create an inclusive environment for players with varied interests. Stability: We prioritize server stability with top-of-the-line hardware. Updates: Regular updates keep the experience fresh, and we stay current with Minecraft versions. Some of Our Features -… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro’s internet is out of this world

    Minecraft Memes - Bro's internet is out of this worldLooks like Bro’s internet connection is out of this world! Read More

  • Hotspot Hilarity: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft

    Hotspot Hilarity: Wi-Fi Wonderland in Minecraft “Why does a door need Wi-Fi in Minecraft? Is it trying to stream ‘The Office’ while keeping out creepers?” 😂 #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft

    Unlock 16GB Ram Free Server on GitHub for Minecraft Welcome to the World of Minecraft Hosting on GitHub! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft hosting on GitHub? With the ability to use a 16GB RAM free server without a panel, the possibilities are endless. Let’s explore how you can make the most of this opportunity and create your own Minecraft server. Setting Up Your Minecraft Server on GitHub Setting up your Minecraft server on GitHub is a straightforward process. By utilizing the 16GB RAM free server, you can ensure smooth gameplay and a lag-free experience for you and your friends. With GitHub’s user-friendly… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Relaxation! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “Minecraft survival oak house base building || both pc and mobile || Relaxation.” While this video may not be about Minewind, it perfectly captures the essence of what makes Minecraft such a beloved game – creativity, relaxation, and endless possibilities. If you’re looking to take your Minecraft experience to the next level, we highly recommend joining the Minewind server. With a thriving community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique… Read More

  • Herobrine Shenanigans

    Herobrine Shenanigans Minecraft Adventure: Journey to the Ender Dragon Exploration and Discovery In this epic Minecraft adventure, players will witness the thrill of exploring unknown biomes, uncovering hidden treasures, and navigating treacherous landscapes. From dense forests to vast deserts, the journey is filled with breathtaking scenery and exciting discoveries. Battle and Survival Prepare for intense battles against fearsome mobs like zombies, skeletons, and creepers. Armed with trusty weapons and armor, players will learn the best strategies to survive and thrive in the hostile Minecraft environment. Building and Crafting Get inspired by incredible building projects as magnificent structures, from cozy houses to… Read More

  • 🤡 Clown SMP AFTERLIFE 🔥💣 CRAZY Custom Weapons!

    🤡 Clown SMP AFTERLIFE 🔥💣 CRAZY Custom Weapons!Video Information This video, titled ‘AFTERLIFE SMP CRACKED / CUSTOM WEAPONS’, was uploaded by Clown on 2024-04-16 04:14:16. It has garnered 29 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. IP: Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for an adventure-packed server that welcomes everyone, including cracked users? Look no further! Afterlife is not just a SMP ; it’s a diverse and inclusive community that invites all players to join an epic journey across multiple categories. :earth_africa: Explore Diverse Realms: :sparkles: Custom Weapons :mage:Events :sparkling_heart: LifeSTEAL :busts_in_silhouette: Community & Events: Join a vibrant and… Read More

  • Ultimate Subway Surfers Gaming Shorts

    Ultimate Subway Surfers Gaming ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #N’, was uploaded by Gaming shorts for you on 2024-05-11 14:18:00. It has garnered 620 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. subway surfers game || #shorts #subwaysurfers #games #ytshorts #short #viral #N games minecraft gta 5 gta5 poki game pokemon online games car games gta v gaming pubg chess subway surfers free games video game solitaire steam rummy valorant rummy circle the last of us ninja pokemon cards gta ludo king dinosaur game chess online ludo game… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft GORI 99 Survival House Tutorial!

    EPIC Minecraft GORI 99 Survival House Tutorial!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft survival house starter modern house wooden’, was uploaded by GAMERZ GORI 99 on 2024-04-19 10:00:24. It has garnered 627 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:56 or 176 seconds. minecraft survival house, minecraft animation video, minecraft install problem, minecraft animations, minecraft house, minecraft anshu bisht, minecraft starter house, minecraft not installed problem, minecraft 100 days, minecraft survival, minecraft survival house facts in hindi, minecraft survival series, minecraft shorts, minecraft song, minecraft smp, minecraft seed, minecraft secret base, minecraft survival house facts in hindi, minecraft survival house tutorial, minecraft survival 100… Read More

  • Minecraft: PE – PLAYING AS GODZILLA!? 😱

    Minecraft: PE - PLAYING AS GODZILLA!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: PE – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 324 – Godzilla: Screen 4 (iOS, Android)’, was uploaded by TapGameplay on 2024-02-29 17:00:12. It has garnered 11938 views and 317 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:19 or 1399 seconds. Minecraft: PE – Gameplay Walkthrough Part 324 – Godzilla DLC: Screen 4 (iOS, Android) Minecraft: PE Walkthrough Playlist – Download Map: Marketplace ⭐️Channel Membership – 🔗Socials, Setup, Merch – 🎮MoreTapGameplay – 📺PLAYLISTS Featured Videos ––yichxVZ6KKyeZ5X Gameplay Trailers – Full Mobile Games – MoreTapGameplay – 📱GAME DESCRIPTION Minecraft: PE -… Read More