Insane Modded Series: Aerington’s Fever Dream 2!

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E [Applause] what He [Applause] heyo oh we got a spot again it’s no it’s that side now always the other side that the the green screen’s peeking out um first and foremost chat screen hey I did some things go me um I also hit the go live button again so it’s it’s a win two

Twice in a row uh not two days in a row I guess there was a day in between there um hi I uh also loaded into the world so that’s good so far so good uh my only thing I need to do and check here first is how

To see it’s going to be in controls I need to figure out how to there’s a status mod and I need to find that uh you okay so it’s the letter U so that everybody knows we are dreaming F dream has been running really well well perfect I

Am here and excited to check it out all right let’s let’s uh let’s push the buttons all of the buttons um oh that one doesn’t work on that one all right here we go hey uh welcome to Minecraft welcome to fever dream this is exciting jamt and

Liv joined so firstly we uh we we did swim to shore we were like right over there so close to Shore and of course we are immediately in snow and ice so that that’s that’s we’re used to that are there any baby polar bears over there why is the sky so

White what mod what mod is this okay the water looked orange or red uh no subnotica Minecraft I guess we’re playing subnotica 2 now that’s very true oh why have I not made a subnotica base yet uh actually that’s that’s not I know the answer to that I haven’t because

It’s very modern but also kind of rounded I’ve tried several times trust me if if there was a good opportunity for it or enough underwater plants we’d have a subnotica base um I have nothing oh I shouldn’t be running I haven’t started a world let

Alone just kind of been out here in the middle of nowhere in a long time I really like the white though I’m very curious as to what’s up with that uh cuz I do have my complimentary shaders on yet um but the the white kind of overtones is not me and I

Like it I I want that that I would put that in my vanilla World in without hesitation I live Archie eat ice nice hydration there I know but listen let’s not let’s not tempt moyang to put drinking mechanics or necessity in the game because we don’t we don’t need that so many polar

Bears that’d be so much work white sky is one of our data packs jamot perfect um I like it it’s beautiful um it is really making the icy Ambiance around here beautiful e diamonds nice no survival eatings is enough absolutely I have not I have no clue where I am this is the

First uh land I found um and even that this is not necessarily land so uh I’ve added a couple a couple stream things uh we’ve got a shopping list over there uh which actually I might add the shadow too just because I mean obviously I wasn’t expecting to be

In an all-h area but you cannot read the shopping list against the white uh do I need a rescue um I don’t know yeah I guess we’re on stream we probably ought to find some things instead of just wandering the Ice uh here we will let’s pop up our chords we are at

650 uh negative 580 um also though Liv if you’re in game we can always hop in a chat too oh recording look at all these people polar bear with baby it’s over there it’s fine so many people I’m so excited um all right let’s see what do we have we all

Ready yep just keep moving white Sky data pack personal shaders override that data pack um I don’t think so but I can what is it I think it’s k no I mean it still lines up it’s still the white skies I like the white Sky I should be

Careful there those are over there we’re going to turn our shaders back on cuz I I uh have gotten far too used to it live there is there a group rescue Arrington live ah okay time to mute stream mute oh yeah that that makes sense hello I’m coming to rescue you

You’re coming to me yeah I think so cuz I got a boat and I think you are far from land yes I do ah uh I probably should have grabbed food are you okay with eating friendship cookies uh I mean cookies on an empty stomach probably aren’t the best idea but all

Right if I have no choice two pieces of bread two pieces of bread yeah I think you’re directly north of the camp perhaps okay so I just kind of went in a Direction When we dropped the other day um assuming that getting away from people might help the lag uh

When I logged in today I was right beside the ice it was crazy have some delicious coal M yummy wait can’t you eat that yeah you can eat coal well or something like coal that’s cool there is an ocean Monument was over there in this iceberg

I me I yeah I don’t have silk touch so oh baby no don’t swim in lava uhoh uhoh uhoh oh uh if you weren’t aware uh we have uh wait am I supposed to be going north or south South would probably be preferable okay that’s the way I’m going keep

Inventory yeah we got keep keep inventory oh nice hello hello biscuit how are you yep good um I am wandering around in the ice right now so many polar bears um I will be right back no my rescue don’t worry I’m still coming to rescue you I just need a second

I’m going to get attacked by a polar bear yet there’s so many all right so let’s see um North nope South that’s what I meant all right I’m going to fix this um shopping list here that is a quick thing to fix bam hopefully okay that’ll help now you can

See the shopping list whether we’re on a white background or not okay coming back to you um you still got where you guys at um just do a rescue mission yep I am like south of Spawn I believe huh what you up to I’m trying to go to

Spawn right now think this a spawn portal I think it was just a to SP I’m I’m like what is this day three I portals already I think negative quarts Arington I think I’m really close to you I am at 814 -79 that is uh I think you’re going north my friend V

Portal do I need to go West no you need to go south I was going south do I need to go north no you need to go south I am at the South Edge well I just found your baby polar bear so why don’t you you just

Stand still for a second okay um oh um yeah and uh then we can uh move to another chat um there’s oo look at that that’s I found some dangerous snow I found Moss I’m going what what is your ex cordinates I they’re they’re cut off my X is 88

819 oh my X is you also went East just stay where you are oh okay for your own safety cut off I don’t know huh that’s strange my Minecraft should be lined up right what what happened to my Minecraft wait why do you need a rescue M uh Mission

What happened I just started started so I have nothing are you at spawn uh no I was very much not at spawn I was swimming away from Spawn uh when we lagged out on day one oh I Am 800 or 900 80080 eight wait you’re at negative 80 yeah okay I said

That I’m I’m you probably did you probably did yes did we get our chords mixed up yes I was going south you were right yes I misunderstood got your sugar farm what how know my teammate oh okay oh if you’re in a group uh you you won’t

Be able to talk to them you have to be out of a group to speak to them do we need to switch the group type yeah let’s let’s um I’ll I’ll DM you a password Co I looked away looking away going to get attacked by polar bears it’s getting dark too Oh yay we have Moss I got Moss that’s nice oh no oh no oh um live where do it Go a sensitive oh thank you cool aha hello no whoa what the I heard my voice I

Think that was my voice was that me was that that was not your voice that was my wife’s voice oh it sounded like me hello aing wife airing wife witon I don’t know uh I think airing wife probably makes the most oh is that powder whoa that’s cool you can sink

Through powdered snow into the water just make sure you can get back up you know it’s probably worked out best cuz now I’m uh I am closer to getting to you now that that death was kind of helpful that’s fair I probably also could have just went to spawn seeing as I have

Nothing the the quick trip to spawn I’m almost there I thought you said 800 that’s what I I I I thought you said negative 800 or or maybe it was that I thought I read negative 800 I don’t know it’s possible I don’t know why

My oh I bet I know why a in that case I liked it like that I think I’m supposed to be streaming window that’s why it was all Goofy which actually would have been nice cuz then I can change my Mouse stuff I might as well fix that while I am just

Chilling here all right we’re going to window it wait what is Archie blaming me for what did I do Archie what’s my fault the polar bear I don’t know yeah typing and getting attacked by a polar bear is very difficult I figured that was what happened fall hi fall um I

Specifically tried to stream early enough so hopefully fall Andor anyone else in other time zones could pop in I am super excited that you’re here I must be close I’m at oh oh oh blue hi hi hi your rescue your rescue has arrived yay the rescue is here you some

Snacks sorry you can eat that why isn’t an notification oh no is is the Discord being Derpy um that’s a good question didn’t yet H I will have to check that out all or I wonder if there is a way to um so fall if you rightclick on

The that Discord Channel you can change your notification settings to all messages and then that should notify you for everything but I’ll also look into the now live bot and see if we can get it to to do to Notifications cuz that would be fantastic cookies and bread thank you have food now

N yeah no wores yay okay live let’s go let’s go I have Moss it was under the water Moss is nice yeah is it everywhere maybe maybe actually you know you know what is everywhere what calite ooh that’s convenient I keep thinking if Archie was here he would

Love it cuz there is calite for miles in fact maybe we should do a quick drop by the The Cliffs of insanity as I like to call them but no we’ll just we’ll go straight to uh straight to the campsite the 64 camp Camp 64 yeah yeah what’s uh what’s being built in

Camp 64 a handful of things um let me see Port is building a tower of some sort Jess is building a church I’m not sure quite what Jess is building right now and oh dear if the world is not loading there we go umide Martin is building his TV thingy

Okay I have a tent over there and I just finished my house and oh there it is that camp 64 Camp 64 I guess that’s what I’m calling it I don’t know it’s had many names camp4 is kind of good though so much calite oh this is isn’t even this isn’t

Even half of it this is this is minuscule this is a tiny amount of come the cave there’s a oh what is hidden the hidden cave secret tunnel secret tunnel secret tunnel ooh okay well now that’s convenient that that Pete plan the the cliff out of

Calite very much so this will stand out but not at all Martin ah yeah Martin lives east east of us okay don’t open wild people inside got it oh yeah yeah he’s they’re being contained armor stands nice who’s this yes is this uh uh my guess is I’m this

Person yesterday their their name is Dice flame they were very nice we went on an adventure yesterday nice one of our neighbors we’ve got a handful of neighbors living in a hobbit hole just us Casey’s here yeah I love Casey yeah yeah Casey is one of the

Original founders of Camp 64 along with jtic and Martin was kind of always here Martin was here before we were here but kind of not it’s a long story Martin can tell it just going be up on that hill to the right and Peep orp Straight Ahead

Okay and to the left that’s my house ooh I like the yellow thank you oh I have something to show you so are all the blocks vanilla though so far yes as far as I’m aware there’s a few non vanilla items like chain arrows you’ll probably figure out what those are soon chain

Arrows yeah and oh that sounds cool where did where did maybe Camp 64 but are there 64 camps no there’s uh five of six I don’t know I wasn’t counting oh very interesting okay I can’t show you what I planned to show you now because these guys are

Uh you’ll find out soon enough oh okay sorry to leave you hanging on that you you’ll find out eventually I don’t want to spoil it um then Martin is right up right up ahead he’s going to be in this area he’s got a chicken pen I think wait where are the

Chickens where are the chickens have the chickens ran off oh why can’t I there we go I see sheeps oh there’s one chicken and a kitty oh I know what happened to the chickens ah they have been Fifi yes and then across the water yep yep

Just over in that direction Loki is over there and Leon is going to be over there oh okay what you want a little bit of a boat tour yeah might as well in the surrounding area yeah I have no clue anything did you pick up my boat I did

Not did we just leave it okay I have just left it oops oh look at the little hot tub hot tub wait is this natural where is this I think this is natural I’ve seen this generation before but at the same time I don’t remember this so it might not be natural that’s

Cool natural or not very cool is the Bo here wait where is there’s fishies uh we were by the and that was a chain Arrow okay okay so chain arrows are interesting there’s different kinds of arrows I know there’s torch arrows chain arrows TNT arrows oh you found the boat yay

Yes are we in danger we’re not in danger no but when you shoot a torch Arrow it makes not a torch Arrow a chain Arrow it makes that sound cool cool what does it do do though I think it places torches or not I keep saying torches chains that I think you can

Climb oh that’s cool wrong if you head to your right or well not right kind of oh there it goes again never mind to your to your left basic ah this is what was the chain sound go east that’s the that’s the chain Arrow oh yeah that’s that’s the that’s the bug

When when someone shoots the chain Arrow everyone can can hear it oh okay I thought like we were getting shot at no we’re good it it it’s just heard from everywhere strange so this is Loki’s area here he’s got a breeder of course he does and Leon

Is going to be in the area somewhere Airship building at some point during the series we’ve only got a month so we’ll we will see I have idea that could probably be more reasonable on land but um o pretty I’m sure Loki will not mind if we

Take some of his berries I like I was the one who picked some of these fair I like the land in here oh gosh yeah the terrain is fabulous in fact if you go a little deeper into the woods it gets super cool into the woods into the thick of it into the

Woods okay yeah yeah Minecraft needs some work how pretty that’s vanilla a yeah all the blocks are vanilla but the generation isn’t wow that looks beautiful in shaders that’s so cool what are you seeing any areas that uh call your heart to Basin um not quite yet I’m thinking CT

Side I know the place for you then I think I know a good spot I will take you to the Cliffs of insanity okay I’m willing to compromise though cuz I want to be close to people that I can interact with yeah I think you’ll be fairly close

There’s a there’s a handful of people in the area and I don’t know if the cliffs have been fully taken yet I’ll have to we’ll have to see but where’s the boat here’s The Boat Boat Boat Boat them boat Bo there y all right I am in the boat here we

Go I am looking forward to acquiring wings it’s a bit of a journey to go back and forth even though we are quite close fair I hear there might be a a dragon fight tomorrow oh that was tomorrow already isn’t it yeah I won’t be able to

Make it I am swamps the entire day no that’s fair I um I’m hoping for just like once a week that’s that’s all I want to commit to right now but this is my once for the week so I’ll be back next week my plan yeah um I need to work on channel

64 stuff very true oh creeper so there’s there’s camp 64 and we just want to keep heading in this direction anyone in the corner tiny tiny flying thing in the corner I’ll see what I can Do nobody puts airship in the corter that’s true fair um I mean like yeah I don’t know I want to I want to walk around I want to walk around Camp too though cuz I’m not like Cliff might be an overstatement pretty stuff over there around the

B in fact let me check my map do we know where any other camps are almost there yeah I can take you to our neighbors yeah I want to see the neighbors this is the tour time tour time two time and then we’ll do some mining later and O pretty The Cliffs of

Insanity that is pretty cool I think they get a bit taller yeah wow is really cool I do like that and oh a lot of cow the cow sit’s a little patchy okay all right that’s cool I look at this and I think of of Archie Archie would love love this right

Oh what’s that oh the deep dark stuff cool yeah some strange generation haven’t gone over there I don’t really want to no no dealing with the warden just yet I know many brave souls have faced it crazy head on a lot oh jampa um yeah um oh and there’s some jungle over

There some mud ooh yes uh do you want to see where the unorth people are basing at yeah they’ve got a really cool base location and oh I like that oh that’s not a tree what is that thought that was a tree for a second that was Co so

Creepy we’re being watched but I can’t see them where are they at over the cliffs they’re retreating oh there there’s a goose man in the brush watching us yeah have theat there’s some really cool generation over here we might be getting a little sidetracked so let me know

Whenever you want to go back but there’s some really cool generation up here right now I want to see where some of the neighbors are I don’t want to if I just talk to channel 64 during this event then I’ve done something wrong

Right yeah I I I plan to do a lot of interaction hello man go man go man do we need to pop out of should I pop out and then pop back in uh we can both pop out we can just make another chat and I’ll use the same

Password I can’t spell rescue hello hello Goose man I have cookies Goose man who’s this Goose man you speak of never heard of him man of Gees you have a goose on on your shirt so I oh I do yeah yes I had a shirt y Goose hello hello people hello hello see

As this is the first time I have encountered you I am um I must give you friendship cookies I have a full inventory but thank you uh simple you don’t have to eat them okay it’s a thing well I needed some food so thank you very much Hi how are

You I am I I’m am JP B how are you hi I’m I’m Arrington was like who are you uh I mean you said who you were so was reasonable yeah that’s reasonable what you what brings you to what brings you to these parts the then wanding it’sing touring okay just

Having a look around it’s a very normal server as you can see the rain generation day one wandering yeah okay nice are you the person who lives up there on top of that Hill I do live up there but I am in the process of moving my house up to an Nora

Mountain we were just about to head over there actually oh I think that’s got some of the craziest terrain and I thought that would be a good thing to show Arrington okay well uh as an Anala person I feel inclined to give you a tour of an Nora Mountain yeah an Nora

Tour woohoo oh oh are you seeing shiny things Arington don’t worry we’ll get you stuff soon it’s okay I don’t I don’t even have a pickaxe yet so I can wait I take care of you I got some I’ve got some old Tools in my inventory that we can at least get

You a little bit settled sh wonderful there go oh Jam’s flexing uh yeah yeah don’t worry this is very normal I mean you’ve got to flex to be able to carry that thing it’s quite heavy it looks quite heavy yeah it really is think I’ll go

The right way uh I can’t wait to get Wing cuz this terrain as gorgeous as it is so untraversable just telling Arington that yeah we’ll have wings soon enough there’s going to be a dragon fight then we have been talking behind the scenes a very silly alternative way get wings oh

A panda panda you may have some hisory face Panda no no no careful it’s it’s okay Panda get away look at that beautiful face so round squishy go along with it Panda no don’t She’s Dangerous Run Panda while you still can roll all the way down the cliff actually probably don’t do

That that’s deep dark down there too yeah refrain what is a fever Panda done to you oh nothing okay okay oh there’s so many types of wood in here really are I love how easy it is to get mang there’s a guy who builds out of 90 that Mangrove that

Is wonderful that is crazy oh oh my yeah just a little Mound yeah just just a rock just a Volcan pretty sure this is where the unor the people never mind that’s an old people reference oh is that oh it’s smooth C get not calate uh

Bal yes so yeah so currently the only way to get up is by water I believe Amelia is working on staircase I think okay now we do have is this whole thing water well of course it is it’s like solid what smooth C smooth oh there’s it was kind of a

Gradient cuz starts off as smoo and T that is wild Oh uhoh by oh that that could have been bad in the elevator up we go don’t forget to breathe Arington oh yeah we’re in the clouds we’re above the clouds clouds does this go to build Heights I

Don’t um not quite we’re at um y level 235 right now people refer so we can’t build anything too tall but not quite so welcome to unor the mountain the name’s kind of a lie to not scare cuz it is a volcano a dormant one but

You never know this is an going to EXP lo I mean maybe I’m I’m no volcano forecast person volcano forecaster listen sounds okay for now but I’d be careful G I didn’t know you could speak volcano down there oh oh yeah careful for over holes oh yeah they they Dro very

Deeply so yeah I off for people just on day one just decided yeah um on volcano and we live up here there’s not much up here yet but reasonable I saw shiny things yesterday oh shiny things yeah oh is this the inside of the volcano over here yes oh we Blackstone that’s

Crazy oh more people hello hello oh hello hi Jam Hi how are you y hello hello we’re surrounded they’re everywhere wait why are you surrounded what’s going on I love that we’ve come to an Ora mountain and we’ve met everyone other than other people it wasn’t stream sniping Arrington so I

Could find my way here fair enough hello definitely didn’t do that we found an unorth person and non unorth people and I’m so sad I left my diamond hoe at home oh no you left it at home no hope see it is everybody I’m going to I’m going to

Throw you off and show you mavity again best friend m mity is awesome yes mavity is awesome no mavity is not awesome well you haven’t you’re you’re really struggling with it because I mean everyone’s kind of like died a few times and then there’s you who’s at 135 deaths

And all I saw yesterday was uh jamot died from fall from falling that’s all I saw jot experienced mavity yes can we change that to the death message yes jot was nor the mountain the house no I I wasn’t doing anything I can’t mine too much I have one durability

Left oh yeah I can see that I got a spare wooden there are plans I think there are PL yeah what’s coming I know there are plans Ser Z there will be things that we’ve got a little are there plans for uh jamot to experience a lot of

Mavity oh yeah always that is kind of dangerous are you sure this isn’t going to be erupting it’s just a hot tub I want to push so bad walk away I want to push so bad it’s tempting resist just come on I know you can do

It just uh you’re sneaking on the edges so tempting so tempting J you of all people should not should not sleep sneak on the edge like that that’s just asking to be killed right there just a little push just a little just a little just a little just a little tap

Push what would anyone like to see a magic trick I love magic tricks want to teleport I’ll need a crafting table oh man I any wood I got you I have a crafting table you need to craft it you need to craft your trick okay your trick must be very

Crafty then I’m just hoping that I won’t get kicked but I swear this is legal now let’s oh I will sleep sure we’ll do that there oh he’s sleeping oh there’s a camp over there is supposed to stay put that is required for the trick mostly for my you close your eyes when

You sleep crazy yeah I do I can blink I met another blinking person I thought I’m also blinking don’t worry how have you leared this power we we blink magic we we have the power moisturizing our eyes all right um I didn’t update my skin to Blink for this one might have to

Now all right so you on a Dangerous Ground there I will need a volun not me you know what I like going in volunteering for things what do you need me to do I need you to break the wool under you yes with pleasure what magic you gave you creative

Mod and now um you can continue breaking more of the wool if you’d like chat says burn the witch I’m not a witch I’m an alchemist ah very different um and ‘ll have break the bed what I request you don’t break the bed is uh please do not break the

Bed but uh some weird dream if you want to if you want to break the bed please put the wool back now break the bed if I just break it now will you fall not is there any real reason I should break the bed we okay now um thank you

ERT well you should definitely not break welcome back hey magic magic yes thank you thank you I love the crazy it was all a dream yes a fever dream a fever dream that whoa wait wait that’s what we’re there I see what you did there oh hey now hey now no thought

Somebody you were between blocks I’m like which one are you want hit the CR 50/50 let’s gamble here oh of course there he goes goodbye Jam I hope you hello j y fair enough I need to I need you trying to get like 100 deaths from mavity 100 he’s already got 100

Deaths yeah but a lot of them were from a warden there’s suggest a mere number of 100 only 100 only 100 only 100 Ona blocks that’s rookie numbers wow nice 3,000 so you need you need help getting more uh 4,000 yeah yeah let’s go I

Just I just went over 100 on our last stream on channel 64 cuz we were just jumping off of a blimp or a hot air balloon into the ground it was quite trying to land in a boat yep tried land on a boat land on stairs land in water land in fire you

Name it fun yeah well yeah I mean it sounds very fun just you know eh oh is for the content what’s gotten into you guys you just floating ads I I didn’t give a creative mode magic magic uh well speaking of magical things has anyone here heard of the name

Of gorp oh no I thought that was just a running this is this is when we leave this is I thought this was just a running a running joke for when people got into a group together I’m not I I I don’t know what no uh so uh G services

Are starting very soon all are welcome all are welcome but if you would like to actually uh join gorp uh all interested do you have a pamphlet and paperwork uh the pamplet is uh very verbal yes paperwork paperwork paperwork got to have me got to have me paperwork that’s true he’s out if

There’s no paperwork he’s not interested he’s one of those he has vient cabinet he’s got trusting anybody with Word of Mouth he need to have a contract to have it’s so true dying to fall got it uh okay so I’ve missed chat for a few minutes we’ve been catching up with

People H peep I felt the tempation of not even in the cave so many different blocks yeah have black stone and I prefer to wake up on my own thank you very much wonder if there’s a where’s the water go there it is okay we’re going to head back to Camp

64 for a minute and do some searching cuz we need to find place to oh that was close we need to find a place to do some mining some different things and make some progress cuz if we’re only streaming from this world we’ve already uh got an hour lost

So uh as much fun as it’s bed let’s let’s get some progress we’ve got a to-do list um off the side we need we need a shovel um for reasons we need some deep slate which we found uh and have found that is all over the place

And we going down I’m really curious about what underground looks like too because if the if the top of the world looks this wild what does underground look like um okay so we came in kind of here we have the boat we’re going to steal the boat oh there’s somebody the giant

Sword oh oh no no no no no no no nope nope that’s like a little cave spider ouch save me from the cultist um you’re going to have to hurry we’re we’re heading out I took the boat underground is pretty wild as well good

I am excited to see it um and oh as you’re an alchemist you’re fine as for the reference it’s it is a very old people reference I think I don’t think anybody will get it but there’re used to be a game called uh like Motocross X or

Something like that and at the edge of the M map the way they dealt with the edge of the map in the game was these big dirt walls but like obviously everybody’s going to try to break that so you you’d take your dirt bike as fast

As you could to get up these walls and if you managed to get on top uh there were like landmines that would rock at you back onto the map it was crazy it was so much fun it like so many cool things in that game but yet

That was a huge part of it was just launching yourself back across the map all right I don’t see Liv yet while slicer Motocross is so good there are a few of G few games like that that I’m just like they they were part of my childhood and they were all racing games

Racing games are like Lego stuff um just because that’s what my parents considered appropriate at the time which understandable need to go one way or another there it is centered watch the vid on that other the other day it it was great it was so much fun to Do um see all right um I don’t see Liv yet so we’re going to have to keep going it’s strange like how many people there are this is the most people I’ve ever like been playing on a in a survival setting with uh it makes it really

Like I don’t know at least for me I am nervous about like grabbing a oh this is the wrong way I don’t know where I’m going then I’m nervous about grabbing anything cuz I don’t want to take anything that like is in somebody else’s area or is somebody else’s

Stuff but I guess I’ll just have to like be responsible close to areas okay live I I was going the wrong way go I I I I couldn’t get down cuz you took the boat yes I did I had to go back and face the cultists it was very scary oh

No uh do you want to head back to Camp 64 or would you like to explore more um is that was that our neighbors uh the unorth people yeah they were not the ones I was thinking of I guess they are kind of neighbors they’re also uh Southern folk okay who are our

Other neighbors I will take you to them if you are ready to go all right yep let’s go there and then we’ll go back to Camp 64 and see if I can find anything around there those people are weird you some food people those people don’t even have

Paperwork they don’t have paperwork I explained to this you need you need some sort of backbone you need some Clauses you need you need actually official things in writing before you can join such a uh mysterious organization I stayed just close enough to listen was it was

Great thank you for having my back I’ve got you I’ve got you you know I always got you oh Lotus ooh Lotus have you been have you been to the campsite yet yes I went to the campsite now we’re looking at neighbors and then we’re heading back I

Think cool yeah I’ve taking him over to The Hobbit Hole have you been to the hobbit hole peep uh Tish and uh ghost in the glass and someone else yes yay yeah yeah yeah okay okay there’s a bunch of them The Hobbit The Hobbit spiral yeah it’s so

Pretty it’s so pretty already it’s been two days it can’t be too pretty that’s no fair have you seen my have you seen my base base the base of my base I have and it it Blends in because that’s a I know it’s modded terrain I wasn’t

Expecting modded terrain so I was like yes let’s go csite Child my bad yeah I gathered I gathered child um I just watched the stream I just saw me just come inter viw with the giant sword fantastic I need to get me one of those you really do oh uh I kind of want to wait for Loki oh the unior the unior

It’s the rare unior sighting a wild yeah for some reason when you put the the giant shovel in your off hand it just goes on top of your head oh awesome great lovely let’s take a right over here I think that’ll be the quickest way nice little base there cuz our

Neighbors are directly south of us um super off-road I don’t recall that one off hand I’m going to have to look it up later though to check um definitely it’s like just up here right you like the old paperwork uh yeah it’s just up this Mountain Cliff hill

Whatever this is I’m going to make sure to take my boat this time I had to steal this from Jam I mean permanently borrow all right oh you can um fall don’t worry no faces we’re sh what your child looks like is there’s a huge tower on it thank

You I actually appreciate knowing that is down that’s for the best Internet safety and all that I have what’s my render distance at my R distance is is at 32 let me turn mine up because it probably doesn’t matter right now I I turned it down because I thought maybe that would

Help oh wait are you the the wooden part no it’s the white yeah the White Cliffs I don’t see it excuse me probably hasn’t loaded in yet that’s fine are we looking at you yours or we looking our oh you can see I can see I can see it from

Here what what do you got settings at I’m at 18 I think I leave it actually just on that hill over there hello there oh hi hello who’s here Sapphire hi yes it’s Sapphire hi Sapphire it’s Liv oh hi and and Arrington and PE some other

Uhans yes nice why do you have a shovel on your head uh I’m unior it’s aorp it’s the new it’s true if you if you if you look up my tummy a TV show will start playing Inky winky uh ironically enough it’s tuned to channel 64 oh what would you

Look at that go what you look disappointment is starting Channel 64 was just a show on a on a Teletubby belly all along yep it was meant to be the L so what are you guys up to uh show an Arrington around giving him a

Bit of a tour cuz this is like his first time actually being able to get on the server o I like that white and orange that’s nice yeah that’s a ghost uh base yeah so this is a fractured rainbow I’m sure Liv has already talked

About us okay I have a little bit but not in depth I don’t really know much of the depth I’m just here there I don’t know the the spiral looks pretty deep me I mean it’ll definitely kill you if you jump down just saying it’s claim several

Lives have to Temp us like that I mean you can go if you want to live I’m not going to stop you live oh oh the opportunity was there it always is oh magic magic a oh I I can’t get up oh no yeah if I had every time I was called a

Witch I’d have a lot of nickel oh I’m not a witch I’m an alchemist it’s very different okay I’m going to break and I’m a wizard yes you’re a based wizard I am a I am based wizard actually I that that that’s decided I am based wizard all

Right hello ghost hi I was just listening hello hello hello hello hello hello nice Fe you we’re the crazy neighbors just north of here I’m afraid I didn’t bring any sugar um what we I mean you can take some of the sugar cane if you’d like to have

Cookies I was like like saying I could I could bring sugar you know like cup of sugar oh I see I see but I don’t have any I have got I’ve got a bamboo though oh and have I given you friendship cookies yet that is very important have some friendship

Cookies take some to ghost if you can we’ll do oh wait there you are ghost I was like I don’t know where than of cookies I’m num I’m also my my S sole source of sustenance right now I’m going to have a wicked tummy later a couple aoup chick chicken chick chick

Chick yes pie and cookies what a great diet delicious I don’t need any there no wonder we’re having weird dreams I know right too sugar very much sugar what’s wrong with sugar I don’t know but I think it makes you float yeah I was going to say um too

Makes too much makes you so hyper you just run up the walls and the sky you’re just gone that sounds about right maybe sugar is the source of my Powers ooh I mean that’s also that’s one way to interpret [Laughter] it what we’ve learned is Liv is a a

Child that going too crazy after having a couple of sod pops there’s a reason I can’t have caffeine I vibrate it is oh my that’s not good also it’s like the like the flash thing where he like go through walls and stuff cuz he’s so crazy it’s like that is that you when

You’re hyper Liv can just float yeah she can uh she vibrates so much that mavity doesn’t happen just like look at these new shoes I got I’m so fast wow can I do it oh sugar it’s like I think where you were jumping from the first place might be a

Better magic yeah I don’t think I uh quite quite float oh my gosh okay I need to admit something to you this is not the first time that I falling in the chicken hole do you need a do you need a ladder I’ve fallen down here before hey give me a

Second in the chicken hole help I’ve become the thing that I hate the most speak deep I I fell into your cactus farm yesterday is that why there’s a roof on it no that’s actually for the that’s for the Nether wart farm that just put directly on top of

It hold on hold on hold on all right okay oh goodness oh Chens don’t ask don’t ask about that one I won’t ask okay your area is looking very beautiful over here well thank you really this space there’s so many Hobbit holes it’s it’s got the same idea

As all of our holiday districts a nice confined area so that it’s going to look finished no matter how much or little you build it’s beautiful yeah it’s a sufficiency now my my house was or my base was just a facade it’s perfect could be

Behind I mean as long as it looks pretty on the outside it it works I liter I’ve literally done the opposite you have dug into the terrain and I have made new terrain which which somehow managed to match wait what yeah the stone and so was

Granite like oh yeah yeah so we kind of also changed that oh yeah you bit over very cool that’s kind of so if you need a granite you know what you just take it we got oodles and oodles of granite oh that’s very good to Knowles of noodles of noodles Oodles of

Noodles moodles where moodles where’s moodles moodles moodles I I don’t think there are any Islands on on here yet right I keep hearing oh my’s that over there I haven’t seen any whoa Gran there you go Arington you know what you’re going to build your base out

Of now ah yes gr Granite to good use ah I would definitely won’t take that for Granted the puns are bad I mean it wasn’t like last night let’s just say that oh yeah I haven’t told Arington about that yet because cuz the saddle disappeared and I realized I couldn’t explain it without a saddle so going to wait for a leather worker to

Come into my possession and then I will show them the magic of beasts yes fair you’re in for it trust me wait can you ride can you ride everything not everything certain things yeah this the the unior UN very rare mythical cre creature

Oh wa if you put it in your and it goes on your back yeah oh yeah it it does go on your back but like I don’t know why the shovel just goes on top of your head yeah that is so interesting I’m wondering what what what

Is been add it today cuz to my understanding do new things get added each day cors Caroll yeah Carol I like that Carol that’s whated today oh yeah yeah yeah the warden J Warden now yeah you guys want to see a warden is the warden yeah you want to

See a warden wait actually yes yeah we’ve got a we’ve got a warden over here so confused we already have one no there’s not one out but we have hello hello what are you guys doing hello come down with using we’re going on an adventure we’re showing them Goose

W Goose Warden ice down here Warden oh no we should have got what what what what are you guys doing I don’t know the something about Goose Warden this looks very safe oh Goose Gordon Gordon Gordon ramsy Gordon Gordon Ramy I have all right we might want to

Follow me I don’t know if you want to do that or not um follow me real quick I want St it’s on the list right here take off your armor so they don’t break and then all you have to do is just jump on top of here I’m going to

Keep my distance I mean you your jump we don’t want if you one is enough I and they’re not here to fight it for sure it’s very dark is very dark just wait ah zombie this going to kill people yes no probably I mean it’s a

Warden well I thought it was a goose uh-oh I mean is itk I see HK HK HK hello there ah oh gosh it’s hideous that is so cursed that is so cursed why the goose light oh my gosh why is he so I’d love to keep that one why is he so

Cursed uh that is crazy for little game of tag looks like it it’s so dark oh there goes my god oh for a second we could see the face that I don’t know how you survived a shriek well not that time uh there goes me ah I think we

Should is it time to the little goo oh there it is it’s like he’s he’s going to try to take it out go look at the mushroom Shrek but worse it is it’s interesting shriek that what happens when you don’t sleep you get turned into a warden

Yes okay understandable and be sure to sleep what had some the zombies want I don’t like the I really don’t like the way he walks and I survivo oh well hello there uhoh he’s on the bed hello this is getting out of hand now there’s two of them we’ve Su there’s two

Of them there’s two there’s two of them beautiful oh nice to see you again you are my dad you’re my dadie killing oh we’re cut from the same internet cloth truly honestly I think we’re the same to beh there we go there we go better better get the other one while you’re at

It get him get him get him get him get the other one okay how’d you get over there so quick hey another boy gone good don’t do that do that head don’t do that guys Jam it’s Jam got a little swollen there did he get you in the face yeah don’t

Worry about guy he he can have a bit of an times but he really means no harm well he didn’t mean to keep him until he perished is that what happens when you don’t sleep on the server do you turn into that that yeah no that’s what

Happens when I do sleep I don’t sleep much oh my so we want to keep you from sleeping got it yeah okay so it’s not like a full moon kind of thing how how how how do you find us by the way how did you find us yeah you

Just kind of just appeared he did he did a me and he stream sniped from Arrington Brothers yeah that’s or did you follow me did you follow me so Splash TV no i i i w oh Magic totally oh yeah def definitely didn’t use uh some other powers some definitely not no no

No magic that would be silly yeah what’s a funny joke come here back oh and now we’re bat chasing I think someone’s had too much sugar no I’m not going to one too many too much sugar here where did it go it’s far away by the way it’s is

Easier than killing a bat okay good probably probably so pretty yeah we do have it so that if you speak it will set off the sensor all right Oh man do your eyes blow in the dark my eyes and my clothes glow in the dark yet if you have the I saw the sweater but that’s so creepy it really is Oh weird oh I should see if I I really need to figure out how to do that I really need

To figure out how to do that time to was a meate oh there’s a skeleton oh no I’m going to can you can you calm your your other self down please okay right oh yeah I found him I found Mr Uncle Sam in 2018 I know oh my God we’re the same oh

No we are the same oh I gave him a kiss that was G him a little spoch a well oh oh you’re the same type he also doesn’t like that o we have common a well um so much for peace negotiations well it’s just all B Thanksgiving is going to be awkward yeah

I think we’re experiencing some family dispute I think we should get out of here before uncomfortable ooh light did you try and jump and and shoot Rockets no I have none of that oh I see what you’re saying no I no I saw the light from up above and it was

Pretty I have to stop and read chat again at some point I keep keep having these encounters I’m not used to that now I’m like uh uh like three pages behind on chat fine but I don’t want to like interrupt other people either so that’s weird you’re doing a great job thanks

Having fun guess that’s what matters hey I think I hear creeper sounds there’s a powdered snow here where where do we go up I don’t remember there little tunnel it’s the ladder there where is the creeper this way okay keep hearing creeper sounds and it’s scary scary it’s scary scary

Scary oh Loki has more Saddles um has like six saddles or something like that I mean of course uh fall wants to know why the tools are so big I don’t know yet yes is there a way to do it uh you just make it’s just

Diamond tools that are big got it we’re not cool enough to have big tools yet then sword big um it’s your first day so we got to get you some diamonds there I don’t know why the shovels go on heads either resource packs sorry about that I left go off

Leash hello hello heard that hello no you didn’t I did definitely wasn’t just seeing a warden definitely was not doing that I could hear that’s why we’re here got to go down a little bit just under there let’s go go this looks great I’m guessing you are the pit

People I’ve heard about we are not we’re just visiting yeah this is not our spot okay you also we’re we’re we’re like over here we have a little campsite over here ah oh you’re side of the hill to us another five years what where whereabouts are

You oh hello there hang on hello there hello hello we’re over over there over there I think so okay on the on the Cliff face are you you’re the you’re little the little dogout place in the in the balcony ah yeah oh yeah you were literally on the same same Mountain down

There come down any come and join everyone’s here everyone’s here gang’s here where I can he Jam Jam Down Yay all the diamond TOS are the basement oh oh oh I don’t know a hi Arington peep I’ll be back in a sec just just bye guys

Bye have a good day that’s a that’s a pretty big bye thank you thank you for introducing your uncle I don’t know how I feel about s you had a fight and it got awkward yeah hope you can settle your differences how do you get across there I like the the little Bridge

Think this ground down here I think waterfall no yeah we need to make a bridge or that needs to happen Bridge would be cool that was quite fun nice little Adventure wild this is going to be scary to [Laughter] edit and then this happened and then that happened and then what that’s

Basically what the video is going to be like you’ve basically summed it all up right and then why did this happen I don’t know dream it just happened uh and this is my base my base base the base of my base base the base of your base helpful hardware

Beautiful got a little bit of a Mario esque to it little Sonic little Sanic little Sanic little beautiful I love it is this Green Hills yes and you can you can come up here I’ve had a sugar crash oh no I’m very slow now that’s okay are you out of

Cookies I ran out of I have one cookie left I’ll just go make some more you can see a load from up here and uh when I build my tower up here you’ll be able to see able to see even more nice what’s What’s the the optimum render distance

From up here uh full Max Crank It Up full all right cool where I’m at 22 right now remind we’ll turn that back to that in a second but why didn’t H do I have to turn something else to turn the fog that didn’t do anything

Have you got better fog on um got my shaders on it might be the shaders simulate no it wouldn’t be simulation H okay well I I am not going to mess with that fair enough that sounds like danger yeah so I will just accept that I

Can’t see that far rather than play with lag trying to move my camera to where about every like the height will be probably like 30 blocks up oh nice I’ll be able to see a lot lot of stuff all right I need to I’m going to

Go see if I can find an area or mines or something uhhuh I don’t know what I want Martin has a diamond mine ooh po pop pop ow that is nice uh I need to make a better path this is this one’s naturally generating this path what yeah yeah that’s crazy it

Goes straight up the wow is anybody right here um I do not think so wait oh wait wait Wolfie okay Wolfie’s moving in okay well all right then never mind oh Liv’s here y Martin’s here I don’t know how far his one stretches how big how big are you

Thinking of going um no crazy I I need like not like a full Cliff but like an edge a hill okay cave here oh what about right here H I don’t know a little shallow uh this might do yeah am I going to get a neighbor another one yeah I’m I think I’ll go right here around the corner yipp to flop down I am I live here now yay this is Arington space now woohoo

Cut down this tree so that I got some somethings do you need anything is there anything that you need everything uh but I can I can get it that’s okay okay okay what you guys going to do you going to go work on bases or hang out I need to get more

Diamonds that’s what I need to do that’s my well in that case I I’m down for some mining my I just need to put some stuff up first I’ll be right back okay I’m not sure what I’m going to do probably see about getting some food oh finish moving the

Stuff from the tent to my new base and then I might see about getting a leather worker so I can get some Saddles we’ll see happens though we’ll see why tree is so tall oh yeah they do that there we go we have weird trees on in this universe

They’re pretty though I like them yeah make a dirt Hut dirt is not Sky dirt isn’t in the sky can’t do that we got to okay first we got to we got to knock some things off our chest checklist so we have will this work good

Luck thank you talk to you later bye bye ha shovel we have a shovel so that that’s one thing off our checklist and that means we’re prepared in case of any of any danger make a floating I make a floating island with a dirt Hut on it it just go

Way over the top and then just put a dirt Hut on it he uh it would be cool and I like the idea however the one thing I noticed about the the other hole what am I doing um The Hobbit Hole area was they put all this work into making it

Pretty and because of the way the terrain is you don’t know what’s terraforming and what’s not so that’s kind of a a downside because it’s a really pretty area and I I feel bad that I didn’t know that they terraformed it uh Paul the hypercut hello hello hello uh all right so aing

Bas uh and we will let’s see uh chest we’re going to need a chest also we just going to open the book cuz that’s quicker um where do I want to right here we’re going to put our stuff in this chest underground and then we’ll put away all

Of our Granite because we’ve got plenty of that let’s grow another tree actually so that we’ve got plenty of trees to to cut down and not feel bad about uh there’s some some leafless trees down there all right uh what do you mean it’s not a small project you just Place one

Dirt block in air and build on top of that that’s fair that’s true uh in that case uh let’s see I already lost where we put all of our stuff there it is where’s our sign jump jump jump uh young Connor asks is YouTube your hobby yes um I kind of

Just do it when I’m not doing anything else uh after work and all that so uh definitely not paid or anything like that at this point maybe someday it would be be nice but for the main part it’s just uh started recording videos one day and now hanging out with my friends

Streaming uh making videos all that fun stuff same for me and my gaming channel the way to go I mean that’s the only way to to get anywhere else with it there that is my sky island uh here we’ll sky ship beautiful it’s the best of the best put

A we should have put a tree up there while we have a sky island okay let’s go let’s put the the granite away and get back to I’m going to take the spruce with us we’ll do a little bit of mining so that we can get the other things on our list

We have some chests so we can get more of those by cutting things down uh and then copper Redstone iron deep slate all that will find mining uh I want to burn it it’s beautiful for me in my gaming St after school I stream for about three hours on

Kick and then scan the stream for YouTube videos if it’s good fair enough that’s the way to go um there was mines around here Liv can you hear me yet where are the mines hello you upstairs no oh you just a second ago out slicer made the advance o

Nice I’ll go up to Peep Peep was going to go with us hi that’s me I’m peep hi there you are where’s the mines ready to go yeah huh the mines the mines so we going back into the mines so we’re back into inside of the mines I did not commit at

All we’ got our pickaxe swinging from left to right nailed it beautiful there Perfection yeah I know um I try every day my only one but this is my only one one that is all consistent right now fair enough um consistency is hard I am right now like going

For uh like once a week that’s maybe we’ll see um it’s definitely just kind of balance it with your life and what works uh sub thank you I appreciate the subs why peep how often do you stream uh sometimes sometimes when I’m in the mood too yeah no that’s

Fair yeah there’s a point where to get to monetize you’ve got to figure out where the balance and the line is between like mental health and getting as far as you have to to get monetized so yeah that’s why I took a break Deber because I was like I spent this whole

Year being so consistent and I needed a little break sometimes you can have a little break as a tree absolutely to kind of reorg your mind do you want to get in a group get in a group yep can do you want put a password yeah cool with a Capital

C are you make you making a group okay I’m making a group group okay group but I’m going to need need to know what the password is as well cool with a capital just whisper it to me you can put you can message it to me cool Capital C what are you

Doing oh I guessed it oh you couldn’t hear me cuz I was in the group I kept saying it I was like why what I did I I heard you say it and I was like I just like responding to me saying that to make a

Group and I was like oh no it clicked and then okay y off it off uh what’s that is that dirt or is that oh that’s just Terra Cotta no big deal yeah there’s Terra in the the there’s like an underground mushroom biome and it has

Parac cotta in it and very helpful fair enough uh pickax big pickax is big it is Big um so this is you see my hoe have you seen my hoe and the shovel shovel you bring a shovel yeah I got them both beautiful I can’t here we got

To you reveal the unior it’s big because it’s big that’s that’s understandable oh my gosh yeah the hoe is is huge uh yeah that’s the that’s the true answer fall we don’t know why it’s so big and we don’t know why the shovel goes on heads um but yeah

It’s this is a modded server it’s a a project put together by MC collab station and there are new mods added every day and right now diamond tools are big they’re big diamond tools big I don’t have diamond tools big I should have thought you I don’t know I don’t

Have coal or torches or anything really maybe I’ll just follow you and like there’s some there’s the stuff you don’t need I left you like half a stack I got you thank you welcome always prepare always be prepared is the Scout’s motto I haven’t even got to that point

Yet is there coal underground because that would be great oh sometimes sometimes there’s coal I missed that um professional Minecrafters yep professional Minecrafter completely not prepared they’re professional all the time um okay so I got deep slate though that that’s one of the things on on our

List so deep slate done peep slate peep slate got me some peep slate got me some slate beep SL beep SL going to have to make a new pickaxe so how are you pee how have you been I’ve been I’ve been grinding it out I’ve been I’ve been actually having a fun little

Time socializing with a load of people wild being in the early game again yeah it’s nice though oh yeah I think I need to uh go visit people um so I only want to stream like roughly once a week but I think I do need to like get on enough to at least

Visit people off stream uh cuz it adds that tension of like okay but I need to do something and that’s not fair are be recording for a video nah nah just stream content just doing the things figure it’s an excuse to get back into streaming for January and hopefully

Carry that over into Channel 64 afterwards um and I mean if anything I need to I need to be working on my video for channel 64 yet so all good yeah I need to do the same I sat down and planned yesterday so like I

Have a plan of what I want to do and what I need uh and then I’ve had builds good for a while so I just kind of need to do it yeah well you’ve seen my plans yes little baby plans little baby yeah just just a smidge little baby

Plans no big deal yeah nothing ancient city first thing that’s wild I hear lava way is it up oh that’s dirt some dirt all of the cool stuff it’s wild getting different things like this mud can’t tell oh there is there’s the lava yes mud I found the

Lava yeah there was a little lava pocket that I had to find so I can make the the nether portal lava is connected up little little little Pocky little lava Pocky I’ll never forget that that’s that’s one thing from playing with lores and Melly now uh we went into the lava

Into The Nether and she called it a lava Pocky and I’ll never forget it that was super silly and cute there’s so much lava up here and look at all the mushrooms Odo o oh I’m going to go steal those uh whatever they’re called glowy things room lights yes

Those that’s sick oh there’s upside down mushrooms too yeah um Epic no once I get back into things I be your Padawan and teach me your ways oh yes streaming wise um absolutely Archie I’d be totally down for that do more I can also help you

Yeah I made the ancient city my base half the base is not safe understandable yeah I mean the nothing else spawns though so once you get everything else out it should be good right I’m spawn in ah two masters A J I don’t know how much I

Want I feel like I need to oh there’s a TCH flower yeah there’s torch flowers in ground and fungus it’s weird being at the point where I don’t know what’s like valuable or not yet I I assume nothing is just take it well I think it’s

Probably kind of the other way where I don’t need anything unless I need it right yes I don’t know that’s the weird part you got to figure out the balance of stuff yeah cuz it’s I mean it’s modded but it’s not like there’s added block we’re still in like vanilla block

Territory so it’s like you need to worry about uh like items pluging up your inventory as much as just the same as regular Minecraft diamonds a chain Arrow would definitely come in hand right now yeah hey not compute must have more resources than yeah oh okay well oh I can I have just

Enough to make my giant pickaxe oh giant pickaxe gang giant pickaxe gang giant pickaxe gang and I’m going to mine another diamond with it heck yeah first diamonds on stream Nailed It Best Day Ever content hi Rogue give it up for the content all of the content let’s go there’s an En up

There what he doing I do wish uh just chilling just chilling with his buddy the creeper what that enemy doing though what did did you see my sign no I put at the bottom of my PE on the hill what what they building though what they building

Though uh my children were doing that this morning on the way to the bus what that dog doing what the dog doing I pet that dog I pet that dog ooh I think I found a geode I think kind of hard to tell with the way things

Are ah Redstone that’s the other thing we need um how many of those do we need many think I got Redstone down here as well you need some nice I got some for you he red stone I think that’s all I need for like my my day one build that I want to

Do so it’s it’s very very basic uh um you guys made me feel old fair enough my bad I still keep in touch with things at least that’s part of having children and internet access yeah I’m restricted access to Twitter yeah Yep this is true I’m not finding any diamond what is

This I’m finding geod geod geod oh great now we can have cowside oh yeah we were running out of that oh yeah man Cid’s great yeah definitely need that yeah we can’t find any of it on the surface oh yeah if you missed earlier in the Stream there are

Whole Cliffs made of cowside it is wild um place for him to sleep and he chose the box that is that is the way cats do my cats learned that she can sit on my lap while I work I work from home and so she she’s learned that but she

Apparently hasn’t learned or is just okay with the fact that I’m up down all day long so I feel bad cuz I’m just like kicking her off me all the time and I’m like got to go get water got to go do this etc etc um I was trying to get

More guess I don’t need red stone but it’s right there be nice to get some coal I’m still checking out the the cave I found that’s Fair true cat behavior very true it is the way cats do and speaking of water there water time SLP slurp slurp I mean you’re too late I already I already hit the button oh um the downside is though I need to I need to fix the rest of my sound effects cuz

They’re all through voice mod which is trash so I need to fix them all so that I can do other sound effects like when I found diamonds I could have done a cool down Diamond sound effect but only got so many feet hey hey I’ll I’ll buy more as soon as elato starts

Selling them I don’t remember how I got in here I think it was down by the lava then right here I can see your name tag I found it um uh orange cat I have a gray cat noise U my daughter wants an orange cat

Though next I think I want a black cat take monkey take monkey I want a black cat so that I can name him catsby catsby cuz I’m clever like that cats catsby is such a cute name uh friend had a cat who adored me whenever I sat down the chair literally

Sit on the back of my neck and chew on my hair fair fair uh I don’t understand cats and hair they do have a weird thing with that the great cats be such a good name well if I intend on building with uh terra cotta I’m going to be good oh

Yeah have you you you need deep slate I got you um I mean I needed like two pieces wow I’ve got more than that I have I have I think the rest of my build has deep slate in it but the today build because I figured I’m going to have to

Get resources and stuff uh is very limited oh my goodness gracious me I might have to go hi actually cuz I need iron and honestly probably like coal and stuff that might be what I got to do yeah cuz so far other than the the mushroom caves this all looks pretty standard

Deep well I don’t know there’s oh there yeah we’re safe I didn’t freak out you freaked out I know what I’m doing I’m a no definitely I definitely all right take it easy Paul thanks for popping in bye um let’s see all right yeah I I need to go H oh hi oh

Hi hi oh hi 75,000 blocks for my main B of course that’s ridiculous I like your big pick my big pick I oh oh yeah I didn’t even notice yet like you can’t see it in your hand hand no you can’t that’s good though I would prefer that

Yeah yeah it is wild it is crazy I have a big pick big pick space suit um big big pick energy big pick energy you want to you want to see what else I got sure I I have a cool thing are you you still have my stream up yeah check it out

Out I’m watching okay oh what what is that oh why you got a half life health bar that’s not halflife it’s it’s lethal company when are we going to play lethal company again Arrington we going to do another lethal company stream I need I

Need it I need I need to inject it into my veins so I might be I might have to do some other game streams coming up cuz I know uh Duds wants to do more played up uh we should see if sha will get lethal company too lethal company is great so much

Fun uh St switch the laptop and keep believe I had done that yet it’s great I added it just before um everything I was hoping going to do some other goofy stuff but I didn’t get to it there’s some like lethal company mods that we should defin into yes I played

Modded too for the first time the other day what modded lethal company yes wild but I was on somebody else’s stream oo who’s uh docs no not doc somebody else um I wasn’t as me though so uh ah is a is an IRL friend and we

Got play some modded it was it was cool it was fun right I’m going to go up higher to I’ll stay in the chat but I need to get some okay uh Whatchamacallit I’m going to be right be right back real quick I need to go get a

Little snacky snack y yelling at me let’s see it’s 6:45 so we are approaching my typical stream length time which is 2 hours I don’t want to go too far over it but we we we’re going to get the things on the list um IRL friends when did you get

Them um uh I would have to tell you about it off stream it’s not as as crazy as you’d expect um yeah I don’t know it’s I see them maybe actually I probably honestly haven’t seen him in like 2 years uh and he lives in the same town as me

Ooh Co copper aha well I’m just going to steal that copper then actually wait here instead let’s just make a little Landing here and Bam copper all right that’s enough copper for what we need I’m really happy the the shopping list is working so well too um that is

Another i’ I’ve done stuff with that um OBS function before but it’s been a very long time so it took me a minute to figure out but now that I did I’m happy with it it looks cool it kind of fits the vibe we’re going with

Today oh if I ever do it again I’ll probably do more uh minecrafty but I was kind of going for the lethal company Vibe um okay so let’s just go straight feel like I should be using should be using our stone pickaxe well it’s only a month long what’s the worst

That’s going to happen we burn through a diamond pickaxe we’ll burn through a diamond pickaxe it’s fine all right so now we need like some coal chest we can get upstairs so mainly coal and iron which I don’t have iron I don’t have coal on the list but like

We need torches we need torches and something to smelt the iron so that would be nice I was going to add uh so I guess I can I can spoil the surprise no I shouldn’t spoil the surprise cuz it’s the last thing we’re going to do today

So I won’t spoil the surprise on what we’re going to build today um well now I just cut off every thing I was going to say cuz it’s all part of the surprise so you’re just going to have to wait we’ll we’ll get the iron and then we will make the cool

Stuff this is not looking to be the most efficient way of getting iron we’re in stone so there should be Iron do I have to like look up numbers I don’t think oh uh oh danger danger Will Robinson that’s a space reference I also didn’t point out I normally

Change skins for every video everything this is not only a skin I’ve used before but this is the skin we’re going to use for this whole series because one it’s one of my favorites spies and because I’m wearing it uh I will say I cheated though cuz I I cut

The bottoms off the space suit they did not fit comfortably while sitting we’ll leave it at that so I’ll probably have to like I don’t know Stitch it up at some point but I I did have to cut the bottoms off but that’s fine cuz it’s

For it’s it’s for streaming so it’s not like you’re going to ever see my bottom half anyways okay there’s coal lights what ah okay well coal looks like carrots apparently I think I read something about that I think that was in the chat earlier too the coal is carrots FN that’s fine

Though that doesn’t make a difference long as it does the same functions I didn’t light up anything bad at that we need to get back through here so we’re going to have to light this up for sure best reference SP I love it so good oh that’s like half the idea of the

Whole thing want to hear something cool yeah is it in regards to something I don’t know on the server yet about skibby toilet skib toilet skib W ly did he shoot an arrow was that him good so there is a thing called a chained Arrow yes I do know about that

And it’s so funny I assume he just shot one yep and everyone in the server can hear it butd all right we’ve got our first Iron that’s great I need like a lot more than that how many an iron trapo is four iron right something ridiculous like that

Yeah yeah so four I don’t know let’s just say like a stack of iron would be best but I don’t know how reasonable that is either at least a Half Stack mhm at least we’re going to fight him with a shovel cuz that that the only thing that makes sense right

Now Loki needs to hurry up make the iron farm excuse you I no I’m so sorry there is apparently a public iron farm nice but uh guess that’ be one way to do it four ingots for one trapo gross I should be lighting this up keep forgetting I have

Torches I gave you some torches I know I just bad at using them especially when they’re in my offand oh yeah cuz you I always when I have shaders on I always always turn the dynamic light off it’s good for videos though it is but and streaming and not having a pitch black

Screen but yeah I see I I understand your reasoning I am going to well not right under me what what what is that oh is that the room from from one of the dungeons yeah from the Minecraft video from uh uh when they announced the deep dark

There was a room that looked kind of like this how dangerous is this no it’s not that it’s probably been booted already uhoh there’s the light well this is cool it’s pretty epic oh no this one hasn’t been looted it still got the spider spawn nice I put a torch in there

I don’t know if it did enough but oh look chains uh check it out hey I found my first chain arrows torch arrows how does this stuff work I think you shoot it and it puts a torch down no nice got some iron I got all kinds of

Good stuff that’s what I need oh all right all right go legend oh look there’s there’s seeds I don’t have that stuff either I have this stuff up up top wow I need like all of this um I’m going to I’m going to use my

Shovel to fight stuff for as long as I can for the bit as you do yeah for the bit just bunk them oh that coal looks like coal well that’s nice yeah but that’s not coal that’s carrots isn’t it yeah eat the coal of course it is Chow Down the

Coal ooh hidden blocks hidden chests in the walls with Emerald blocks that’s cool a I want all of this stuff oh the inside of that head’s hollow cool Um there’s some more iron nice uh what is the magical mod for sorting chests um in inventory profiles next uh it’s got Hatchy did I say Hatchy no catchy the name is is is is very catchy oh I know Wonderful um but yeah it it’s very nice for sorting things do we

Have back there I don’t have a bow very nice I could die I don’t want to die I killed a spider with a shovel bonked it get bonked get bonked check it out we got good stuff oo nice that was wild okay um well uh this is I’m going to have to

Like basically put a tunnel up from this cuz there is so much more than I can carry in here mhm I’m not finding any diamonds what is going on here do you want to come help me carry stuff up uh yeah give me a sec have some stuff I don’t

Know this is sweet this is what I I like this I agree this is what dungeons should be that looks like a place that that I would hide stuff heck yeah it is skeleton skulls all right we need to eat our eat some of our stuff so that we’ve got

Room uh and eat that coal eat that coal but I actually might need the coal to throw stuff we’ve got stuff we got do we have co uh yeah yeah yeah the take the skulls the candles are nice but I don’t need it yet their graves kind of good to be hidden

There uh I’ll have to come back with a there we go finally St to get it just one no there’s a saddle put the boots back I want gold yet explosive Arrow that’s cool I need a bow that be cool all right so this is the way we

Came in of course the only one with a little dungeon jump this sick I like this a lot let’s get that and oh there’s some more got to get that little villager back there zombie villager dungeons are very cool I agree I like the dungeons dungeon very cool very nice

Nice um how did I get back down here all right cool we have a way in and out let’s get home and get our stuff built building it now build house maybe I guess it depends on how much stuff I get if I’ve got enough for like the uh iron bits I

Need I don’t know it’s going to be close I don’t think probably quite enough all right I was right around the corner from this right or am I just right up here oh there I am the sky ship you are it helped hey yeah good job fall sky ship helped me find my

Stuff all right let’s um how slow am I I just noticed the top health the top left Health thing uh I put it down when we were mining it’s it’s uh a lethal company reference I made it specifically for this cuz I thought it was

Funny uh um I have light I guess I didn’t have light on it that’d be nice I need that um those carrots can go in there all right there’s a red stone there’s all that there’s my one Diamond fine one Diamond yes all right coal oh need to put the saddle

Back all right so I definitely hoped for more iron but I don’t see that happening is fine maybe we will do a little bit of grinding off stream oh what’s a shame play Minecraft I know your own time time what a shame did you have a look at your your

Xbox thing about how many hours you played mcraft 4 last year uh I did not because I’m fairly certain it just kind of won’t work cuz I use multi MC so I wouldn’t assume that it does um didn’t seem worth it to me but I mean either way honestly ly like I

I kind of get in do my episode and get out more than I’d like or at least did last year so I’m not sure I want to know I did the math you did the math last year yeah last year I played Minecraft for eight days eight days you know honestly in 83

83 Arrington that makes I had almost 2ou 2,000 hours now that makes a lot more sense yeah that’s fun that’s like what at least a third of your year no almost well yeah almost like a fifth maybe that I mean yeah that’s understandable I mean how many how but how many

Hours is like a full-time job that’s 40 a week so when you when you think it out it’s probably like a part-time job yeah that’s reasonable and but then obviously like I don’t mean that as a discount uh because the reality is like that does not include editing which is just as

Much or more sometimes yeah doesn’t include replay mod does it uh it does it it the launcher open yeah okay fair enough 125 days y’all are crazy I I know I wouldn’t hit anywhere near that and that’s why I’m like I don’t know if I want to know going to humble yourself

Yeah okay so got my little leather cap on got all of our iron we’re on the the darkish Side of the Mountain favorite plink Pink Floyd album The Dark Side of the Mountain darkish Side of the Mountain the darkish side of the mountain um think how do you make tiles deep slate

Tiles uh in stone cutter there’s a stone cutter by the tent oh well I guess I’ll do that then um by the tent oh that’s so far Away uh it’s where two minutes of versions of the songs that end abruptly fair enough aha I have found it 1 two 3 4 oh I need to get my copper too I need to do there’s a load of copper in the mouth of the cave I got some of

It so I think I just need to smel it yeah all right um back home maybe we can get it done before the sun goes off the pretty Side Run hope Loki’s working on work on what villagers I need better enchantments yeah bad enchantments in general would be nice Yeah okay I’m going to go check up on I found some diamonds nice now I have 10 diamonds and diamonds all right we bowling I need just like all right so it is timee to build build time build time it’s not going to be functional though full

Disclosure cuz we need uh oh that doesn’t work um we need words we need Hoppers so this is going to be my day one storage um um and it’s very in theme with with our outfit and our our logo and all that stuff and the the stream

Popups you know what it’s going to be you guess uh I wonder well I know what your original plan was so I’m I’m guessing it is is deviated from that uh this part has yes this part is more quick there uh I I don’t know I think that

Might too though honestly because I think I might just redo the interior um and make it into something else okay but I don’t know I like the idea but uh still rocket uh kind of yeah yeah yeah it’s it’s technically a rocket it’s a specific rocket um where did I put my my

Sticks there we go oh actually we’re dropping a bunch around here too cuz all the spruce trees we’ve been growing um sticks more sticks levers I was going to um what did I do with the oh I have them all there they are all right so I was going to down

Download uh the ice cream like Diddy thing that comes on uhhuh oh wait that block but I I made the lethal company rocket from when you order stuff oh of course the ice cream ice cream van and then you open that and you put your stuff in here and then

It’ll go down into the hidden storage underground um but I I need uh I need Hoppers so yes that’s the plan that’s the day one plan and then I think I might do I picked the edge of a cliff so that I could do company and just have a little Bell in

The wall oh okay uh I’m not sure what that’ll do when you ring it but that’ll be the fun part because it’ll do something it will spawn a warden it’ll spawn a warden that’d be rough something like that though that’s the plan um let’s see all right let’s clean up

Though and we’ve got our little space brick space brick space brick I’m digging up quartz nether so I can get arrington’s company that’ll work for now um put all of our stuff in here we’ll put most of our stuff in here we’ll cover it

Up and there we go did I put away my no I didn’t good I’m going to need them cookies but that’s it that’s that’s that’s a little over two hours so I’m happy with that didn’t get a lot done but I just got like a the day one stuff ended up

Happening today so uh a lot of touring and figuring out places and meeting new people so Shenanigans house yes which is good that’s kind of what I want to do is meet people and that’s the point of the server so like it’s not we did not we got the build done it’s small

But this is the build for the day so I’m happy this is good this is a win uh but with that I think we’re going to call it for tonight uh thank you all for popping in I appreciate it love you bye bye chat bye what

This video, titled ‘New Modded Stream Series Round 2!!! Fever Dream 2’, was uploaded by Aerington on 2024-01-04 00:19:44. It has garnered 83 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:13:24 or 8004 seconds.

Hosted by the MC Collab Station Discord

#minecraft #survivalmultiplayer

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    Minecraft Economy Simulation with 300 PlayersVideo Information This video, titled ‘300 Players Simulate WORLD ECONOMY in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Skipolo on 2024-06-01 22:45:06. It has garnered 352895 views and 10916 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:23 or 2543 seconds. I put 300 Minecraft players in a single world and gave them a standardized currency to simulate economic civilization. Every player had the freedom to do whatever they wanted, but if they died they would be dead forever. This experiment was run to test how money would influence Minecraft civilization – would they use it to build world trade, or would they fight… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Вольт’s EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️

    Unbelievable! Вольт's EPIC Gaming Adventures ⚡️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 ИГРОВОЙ и не только СТРИМ 🔴Code & Minecraft & Valorant & GTA’, was uploaded by Вольт on 2024-06-25 06:35:21. It has garnered 14 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:39 or 2439 seconds. [💰] DONUT: [❤️] IP: PLAY.ASTRIXMC.NET [🌎] MY CART: [👾] TG Server: ✔️ Mynecraft is good))) #Anarchy #Family #Minecraft #evil 🔴 Stremi Necft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, minecraft, pioneer, pioneer funtime, mystical chest, minecraft survival, funtime server, minecraft funtime, griefer show, vulture, funtime anarchy, holyworld anarchy, raid, mob farm, mystic, funtime minecraft, fan time,… Read More

  • Insane Noobbridge Build – MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVE

    Insane Noobbridge Build - MUST SEE!! #NOOBSCOPLIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Building a huge bridge in minecraft bedrock #NOOBSCOPLIVE #minecraft #minecraftdispensor’, was uploaded by Noobscop Live on 2024-01-05 16:50:32. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:50 or 230 seconds. (ROAD TO 3K SUBSCRIBER) 🔰DON’T FORGET TO SUBSCRIBE 🔰LIKE – COMMENT – SHARE 🔰PRESS THE BELL ICON 🔔 🔰FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM 🔰FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK ──── Follow On Social Media ──── Instagram:- Facebook:- tiktok :- discord:- ──────────────────────── OVERVIEW OF MINECRAFT: Welcome to [NOOBSCOP LIVE]where we bring you exciting live streams of Minecraft! Join us… Read More

  • Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraft

    Insane PVP Battle: Blqzee Destroys @sharpnessyt #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I beat @sharpnessyt HT3 vs LT2 #shorts #minecraft #pvp #sharpness #tierlist’, was uploaded by Blqzee on 2024-03-02 17:30:40. It has garnered 3714 views and 115 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #sharpness #skibiditoilet #skibidi #dafugboom he best pvper, minecraft pvp, minecraft shorts, Spreen, SpreenDMC, SMP, Hardcore SMP, Lifesteal SMP, Minecraft Evento, minecraft server, Texture Pack, Los mejores Texture Packs 1.9, Texture Pack Folder 1.9, ArcherSquid Bqnnyy Ceeew Coldi CuartetoDeNos Drrew ExtrobIT Flowtives Frxnkey GodHimself Hybroz Innaplicable ItzRealMe Juan_Clean Katerzs LoCr Lurrn Monkss Nextie Novi Ozaura SeaHqwk SmiGuy Stumpie SuchSkills_Mx TikiGamesTV… Read More

  • Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!

    Miko vs Tiko: Ultimate Dragon Battle in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich SKY Dragon HEAD BASE BATTLE in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Miko and Tiko on 2024-04-12 15:39:46. It has garnered 154024 views and 942 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:28 or 508 seconds. Read More


    🔥EPIC MINECRAFT WAR CIVILIZATION w/ VIEWERS!🔥JOIN NOW! 🚀🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft war civilization with viewers on a realmrealm on the road to 2k subs’, was uploaded by timer Team on 2024-02-26 02:24:18. It has garnered 68 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:14:52 or 11692 seconds. Hi welcome to my Channel my name is timer team you can sub to me if you want I go live everyday I play Minecraft for fun I am trying to get up to 5k subs 100 ✅️ 500✅️ 800✅️ 1k✅️ 1.15k✅️ 2k🚫 5k 🚫 10k🚫 100k🚫 1m🚫 You’re my Channel all your guys support… Read More

  • Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!

    Deadly Mutant Enderman vs OP Cave Bosses!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oberon.vs.3 Alex Cave Bosses (#minecraft #battle #minecraftpe)’, was uploaded by Unigue Mutant Enderman on 2024-04-20 20:02:04. It has garnered 107 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:10 or 430 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Karate Dance – Must Watch Now! #viral

    Unbelievable Karate Dance - Must Watch Now! #viralVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul’, was uploaded by Karate and Fun on 2024-04-16 08:31:31. It has garnered 194 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Bhartiye Sanskriyik Dance performance #youtube #shorts #trending #minecraft #viral #karate #virul #fitness #yt #karatekid #fighting #videos #kickboxing #mma #wushu #boxing #taekwondo #wrestling #muaythai #judokarate #motivation #school #bharat #culture #jujitsu #dance #judo #tranding #viralshorts #ytshorts #trendingshorts #youtuber #ytstudio Read More

  • Astraley Network

    Astraley NetworkUna pequeña comunidad de minecraft, que solo quiere mejorar y mejorar cada día, para que así ¡Ustedes se diviertan! Read More

  • TechNut Semi-Vanilla Technical Builders needed whitelist long-term 1.20.4

    What Is Technut? Technut is a Minecraft server for players experienced in building and technical aspects of the game. We have high standards for projects and accomplishments. Our server is very community-based with huge projects and events where everyone plays a significant role. We are a Whitelist-only server, fostering a positive and creative, close-knit community. We focus on Vanilla gameplay but introduce 1.21 Experimental items and carpet mod for quality of life. When did the server start/reset? Technut opened on 20th March 2024! What type of players are we looking for? We seek players with high motivation and dedication for… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Canman18: The King of Minecraft

    Minecraft Memes - Canman18: The King of MinecraftWell, looks like Canman18 is keeping score in the Minecraft meme game! Watch out, he’s serious about his meme ratings. Read More

  • Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!

    Unleashing Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21!Video Information This video, titled ‘New item Wind Charge in Minecraft 1.21! 🍃’, was uploaded by DoubleSquare Gaming on 2024-06-21 16:37:48. It has garnered 447 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Wind charge in Minecraft 1.21! Read More

  • eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol

    eu com 10 anos achando que era o Herobrine #cruzlol “Eu com 10 anos achando uma cruz no Minecraft: ‘Será que o Herobrine tá tentando me converter?’” 😂 #minecraft #memes Read More

  • Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update

    Crafty Minecraft 1.21.x Modding Update Welcome to Minecraft 1.21 Update! Minecraft enthusiasts, rejoice! The highly anticipated Minecraft 1.21 update is finally here, and with it comes a host of exciting new features and changes. One of the most significant updates is the overhaul of how Identifiers are defined, bringing a fresh perspective to the game’s mechanics. Additionally, enchanting has undergone substantial modifications, adding a new layer of depth to gameplay. Understanding Minecraft Update With the release of Minecraft 1.21, players are eager to delve into the world of Fabric modding. The Fabric mod loader has been updated to accommodate the latest version, offering developers… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob

    Ultimate Showdown: Jack vs Bob Minecraft: Jack vs Bob Fight Official Trailer The Minecraft community is abuzz with excitement as the official trailer for the Jack vs Bob Fight has been released by OcToGamerz. This epic showdown between Jack and Bob promises to be a thrilling battle that fans won’t want to miss. Let’s dive into the details of this highly anticipated event! Jack vs Bob Fight The trailer showcases the intense rivalry between Jack and Bob, two formidable players in the Minecraft universe. As they gear up for an epic showdown, fans are eagerly awaiting to see who will emerge victorious in this… Read More


    ✨ EPIC MINECRAFT CROSSPLAY SERVER! JOIN NOW! 🔥🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Crossplay Server with Viewers!! (Road to 700!) Live’, was uploaded by JMO_GAMING on 2024-05-25 12:46:08. It has garnered 331 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 06:38:58 or 23938 seconds. How to Join: Bedrock Edition – Server Address – Server Port – 22497 Java Edition – Server Address – Console Edition – Download App on phone called “BedrockTogether” Open app and add server IP Address – Port – 22497 Watch ad to start server Open Minecraft on console (Keep app open on phone) Go to “Friends” Tab… Read More