Insane NETHER Tips & Tricks in Minecraft 1.21! 👀

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and here’s today’s coming of the day because we’re going to the nether at least I hope that’s what he meant I don’t know how I can make a guide about the neither but before that let me show you what I did off camera of course last last episode if you didn’t see that we made this beautiful farm with wheat and potatoes and over here I just made a basic pumpkin watermelon and beetroot farm this is a decent enough design if you need watermelon or pumpkin you don’t need beetroot I just did it cuz I had it now on to the nether stuff so when you go to the nether you’ll need a couple of things starting with everything in my inventory you’ll definitely want food especially depending on how long you want to be in the nether the more food the better you want some iron some wood some form of un blow up a block so I’m using Cobblestone and deep slate bring some coal for torches bring torches themselves you want to flint and steel to light your portal some sticks you don’t need the dirt I just kind of have that on me and then your tools including a diamond pickaxe which I crafted the diamond pickaxe off camera uh cuz I try to recording this once and it failed all that good stuff so yeah I love my power going out main recording session so yeah diamond pickaxe very helpful if you want to collect obsidian using it but there’s another way you can do that let’s say you’re trying to build a portal you don’t feel like going down in a cave to find yourself obsidian which is option one and you can mine that with a diamond pickaxe the next option is to find a lava lake which don’t quote me on this but based off my experiences I find them a lot more in the savannah biomes deserts and mesas compared to like the plains the jungles and all that stuff but that could just be my luck and could just be me talking out of my butt but that’s my experience but yes the good old Lava Lake you have one of two options you can either one collect the lava put it inside a hole like I did over here then you would just take your lava place it down where you would uh want your nether portal frame and it helps to build a Contraption like this so that way one you have the ingr part of your portal which there you go you got obsidian there and then what I recommend is just go one lava piece at a time so we’ll put one there water on top of that you know what that works yeah and then you just repeat this process until you got yourself a uh fully functioning nether portal it does take a little bit and it takes a little bit of patience but once you do it you’ve done it and you’re good yeah and for the corners here it’s good to act fast that way the lava doesn’t spread here and you accidentally get a piece of cobblestone therefore losing your water in your bucket but yeah no it’s a pretty simple process once you do it once or twice uh this is my first time doing it that’s how I know it’s a pretty simple process cuz I almost never buildt a nether portal like this but hey if you need to do a nether portal like this there is nothing wrong with it it gets you the obsidian and you don’t have to spend all day mining it so yeah here we go and do that do this and now we got ourselves a working nether portal so let’s like this and see where it takes us um okay then right by some uh Enderman okay now let’s say you want your nether portal to be in a specific spot like I do you want to go ahead and mine it unfortunately I need to redo this portal cuz I don’t want this here so yeah you can just turn this entire thing into a lake of obsidian rather than a lake of lava now do keep in mind it takes about 10 seconds to mine a a single piece of obsidian so yeah um unless you have efficiency or uh Beacon with you this does take a little bit of time so have patience and be ready to mine a lot of obsidian and you know what while I’m mining this obsidian I want to give a I’m not even using my pickaxe oh my gosh I’d like to give thank you to legit everyone who’s been watching uh this series 600 views consistently on the past two or three videos I highly appreciate it thank you guys for sticking around watching this and not just like watching it but making it through the entire video like my retention rate is looking good right now so I know thank you to all those watching it if you’re new here and you haven’t subscribed please do consider subscribing I do want to hit I want to shoot for 1,500 subscribers by the end of the year um that’s my ultimate goal I think it’s doable I think I can hit a th000 by the end of let’s see it’s July let’s say August I can hit 1,000 by the end of August so if you want to help me hit that goal go ahead go hit the Subscribe button go leave a like if you know someone who likes Minecraft might as well share this video with them and go back and rewatch The episod you haven’t watched this is what episode 5 if you haven’t watched one four go ahead go check them out thank you and uh let’s continue mining this obsidian something you can do when uh mining an obsidian especially from a lava lake is you can place down a thing of water so that way you don’t get burned if there’s lava underneath the obsidian I forgot to do that um but I do recommend doing that cuz there’s a possibility lava will be underneath one of these obsidian blocks and you’ll either lose the obsidian or lose your life I have a design idea so right here a creeper just blew up so what I’m going to go ahead and do is use corer to patch up the spot that way we know oh a creeper blew up here and it’s just like it preserves the history of the world location for the obsidian nether portal I’m thinking it’ actually be kind of cool to have it inside the mountain over here I’m thinking we could put it like right here in the mountain I think that would look cool um so let me see okay so we’ll go ahead build it in just like so and what I’m thinking is I’ll get some nether blocks like a Netherrack and some stuff like that and just line the nether portal with it to look like it’s bleeding into the world I think that would look really cool in the meantime I need some stairs and here we go into The Nether let’s see how we do well uh we don’t need to worry about finding one of these anymore so yeah know if you get lucky enough to get a Nether Fortress right away I mean good for you this ain’t going to happen all the time I keep forgetting I have this Shield yeah no definitely take advantage of it if you get this if you don’t one of the biggest things you’ll want to do is definitely cover your nether portal and the uh blast resistant blocks that we brought um I hate the nether for the fact that this Blaze can kill me very easily right now um okay let’s use the shield The Shield is very helpful in the nether let me tell you I barely use this thing and I’m so glad I have it right now okay he’s on fire so let’s block the shots when they come there we go now let’s take out the blaze beautiful if you ever run into uh wither skeletons always build a barrier on the top block so you can just hit them and you don’t need to worry about getting wither huh I wonder if we’ll get a wither skeleton skull from doing this okay nothing from that guy and how about you I know your skulls are pretty rare and nothing so since we are in another Fortress what I’m going to do is I’m going to build a mini nether fortress base that way we have a place where we can call home in the Nether and it’s where I’ll store all my stuff if whenever I need storage I mean yeah I’m just going to build a base in the Nether and I recommend you do this whether you’re in a nether fortress whether you’re not if you’re outside of the nether fortress build a house it makes your nether look nice makes the nether feel homey and it just adds that extra aesthetic to your world and it just kind of feels nice to have a nether base if I’m being completely honest with you I think this is cool just doing a massive nether portal in the entrance to the inside of the nether fortress I like this um we’re going to run with it and I’m going to change up some of these blocks too as I get more nether blocks but you want to at least have some form of nether base set up whether like I said it’s in this Fortress Outside The Fortress whatever and then go ahead light it up so that way mobs can’t spawn inside nether base cuz imagine if I don’t know um a wether skeleton spawned in here and of course if there’s stuff you don’t want to lose put it in a chest in your nether base that way it doesn’t go missing uh I’ve already been out there a little bit trying to figure out where I’m at so let’s go this way and what I’m going to do as I’m exploring is I’m going to place torches on my right side that way I know I need them on my left AKA like this if I’m going back up to the base let’s grab this I will ALS oh I should have brought a shovel it would have made grabbing this Soul Sand easier luckily I just craft a shovel cuz I brought stair resources okay here we go um yeah let’s explore I’m I’m interested to see what’s in here it’s been a while since I’ve gone through NE Fortress so I’m actually excited for this okay that’s everything for down here there is no chest or anything over there how disappointing but we can go up these stairs and see what we find so let’s go over here climb up this and okay yes that is an entrance some more of the nether fortress let’s place a torch there place a torch here and let’s make sure we don’t fall into the lava but hey it’s good to know there’s an exit here what in the world is this I think the nether fortress kind of like inter ected on itself cuz if I go this way it pops me out right here and then if I go over here let’s see if this pops me out on a different side of the Fortress okay um I don’t know what’s going on there I think it probably goes up some more and that’s where I need to go for that but I know that’s weird and once again as we go back torches should be on the left cuz I placed them on the right and there’s a Magma Cube okay come here buddy let me kill you oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I have legit a heart and a half come on get in here get in here get in hereo um am I going to die I’m so dead and there it is those witha skeletons are still here I’m ready for them this time let me see yes they are still here so we’re going to build this thing that’s too high there we go that kind of was close but you know what I got them they’re now stuck I can now kill them please give me a skeleton oh my she give me a skeleton head I actually got one okay awesome oh my gosh did I get two or no I think he just dropped the one he grabbed I got a wither skeleton skull oh here’s our first loot chest let’s make sure nothing uh yep there’s a skeleton down there so right oh c c c c c go go go go go go go I failed that so miserably come on go go go go go go go go go go go go there we go okay yeah failed it once nailed it at the second time whoops horse armor and a golden sword I don’t care about that but what we’ll do is we’ll destroy this chest so that way I’m not confused about if I’ve gotten it yet or not that happens to me all the time so if you’re going through a nether fortress you’re going to want to destroy any chest that you come across just so you do not confuse yourself and if you guys have a suggestion for a Minecraft guide episode feel free to go comment down below I am always open to suggestions I know there may be things that you think of that I just don’t so yeah no comment down below your suggestions and who knows maybe it’ll be the next comment of the day I’m pretty sure I’ve explored all of the parts down here there I really thought this would be bigger but it is really small and when I’m exploring the outside I’m going to do the same thing that I did inside and just place the torches on the right wall that way when I go back once again they’re just on the left wall and it just makes it a little bit easier to find my way back okay there’s a blaze spawner good to know for when we do the automatic blaze farm in a couple episodes just imagine if this guy dropped another wither skeleton skull that’d be great but he didn’t so that sucks you know I feel like Nether fortresses need an update cuz like there’s nothing for the outside of them it’s everything that’s important is on the inside and it’s like the they just need an update to be different and to look different and to have more what would your ideal nether fortress update be personally I would like to see more mobs added to the nether fortress as well as more chances to loot um cuz there’s not a lot of loot opportunities when it comes to the Nether and or nether fortress specifically and I would love to see more the nether fortress is a old structure it it needs revamped and a texture pack that turns to Nether braks black just is not cutting it back to Guide tips when you’re in the nether the quartz ore gives a lot of experience especially when you mine a lot of it in one go so definitely while you’re in here if it’s not even just for the quartz my quartz for the experience yeah I’m pretty sure I just finish this entire nether for so to the nether itself tip number one don’t die no but on a serious note when you’re exploring the nether you definitely do not want to lose track of where you are and a good way to do that is place down torches use something to track you whether it’s like a dirt well actually don’t use dirt they break easily but use like torches or something Cobblestone whatever block you would like to use to track your place through the nether so that way you have a trail back it’s like right crumbs basically and as you Traverse the nether make easy paths for you to access don’t just try to make random jumps that’s the first way to die into lava so like right here I made a path to get through here over here I don’t really need a path so I don’t need to do something but like let’s say yeah over here let’s go ahead cover up this lava so that way I don’t need to deal with it I just need more blocks I definitely want some of this stuff so that way I can decorate the nether base also a um hoe is really great in here I just realized I could have used it to knock down the Nether wart blocks and stuff but you know what it’s not the biggest deal I just need the stems and of course you need to look out for piglins um crud crud crud where where did I die yeah no I got sidetracked I was trying to mine a piece of shroom light I don’t have my hoe I should have grabbed it but I need to get to the nether and get my stuff do keep in mind if you do die in the Nether um the 5 Minute Timer starts the moment you enter the biome or enter the dimensions so let’s get going I don’t care if I don’t have anything good on me I know where I went I know how to get there I just need to get there and get there fast this is another instance where if you do torches to Trail yourself through the nether it’s also a trail to get to where you were in the case that you die and it keeps track of where you went so that way you don’t go there again if you don’t mean to oh gosh if I I’m going to die there’s there’s no way I get my stuff back if I get it back it’s going to be a miracle here we go here’s my stuff okay let’s grab this um I really more so need the potatoes so I can heal myself here we go okay now where okay my sword’s down there let’s see if I can okay um I want to get those torches so let’s break that block to make it a bit easier to get over to those here we go make that jump beautiful uh there’s my boots what do I have right now I have barely anything cool sweet all my stuff got scattered love that um okay let’s open all this stuff up luckily I wasn’t over lava so that way stuff didn’t die um come on come on come on come on okay perfect those are a great way to get down quickly if you need to get down uh let’s grab this grab those um let’s get down here and grab all this stuff did I get my sword I got my sword got all my gear I think I got everything but my axe where is that uh that’s awkward there it is so yeah if if you lose your stuff don’t pay Panic just get back to it and like I said if you can just make yourself a brrum trail so that way you don’t lose your way to where you lost your stuff it helps a lot so yeah no um how I get your stuff back 101 another mob you need to look out for isn’t just piglins but also these hoglins this is a baby so he’s not a big deal it’s the parents that you need to really look out for um so this guy right here okay let’s pile up a little bit and see if I can if he can come over here and that baby’s trying to get me I want to get him to come in a way that I won’t die uh the good old magma blocks also if you ever want gold uh be careful if you’re around piglins it will make them angry immediately um but I mean hey you can mine it uh magma cubes magma blocks whatever you want to call these Crouch when you walk on them or if you have Frost Walker you’re good to walk on them either way oh yeah also um if you see the basalt Deltas um this biome over here unless you need basal and Blackstone you don’t really need to go over there I mean they look cool but the chances of you falling into la lava is very significant so yeah um kind of ignore those or at least I know personally I don’t ever have a use for the but yeah no um the nether it’s a fun place to go but once you’re there once you’ve been there plenty of times now time for my favorite part of the day making this look good I always love building and like I said if you make something in your nether it just makes the nether look that much better and that goes for anything you do like if you make any sort of build and you you it serves a purpose it does make your world look better it does make it come to life so always build in your world and that’s a great way to practice building as well is the more you do when it comes to building the better you get so yeah no um I’m going to make another base eventually we’ll make an End base I think that’d be cool and yeah let me finish this something that’ll look cool is just having running lava there I just need to go get another bucket of lava he another tip for traversing the nether always look in a downward is Direction it is how you don’t fall into lava um and it just lets you be aware of what’s below you and there are moments end where spawn so it does also keep you from looking them directly in the eye but you know always have a downward look in when going through the nether just so that way you’re aware of any lava pits and you won’t fall into them easily uh so yeah just keep that in mind you want to be aware of your ground cuz it’s easy to fall into a lava pit without realizing it’s a start um I definitely need more quartz cuz I want to do more of a quartz floor uh and keep the Nether Bricks as like the ceiling and the wall and just completely change this to quartz so let’s go find some more quarts piglins will just sneak up on you out of nowhere oh my okay and he got me right on this part right on like very narrow very narrow portion yeah if you want to avoid piglins wear some form of golden armor they will not bug you unless you mine gold or hit them or whatever but wear gold around piglins if you don’t want to deal with them I think I got this done and you know what I like it so no uh whenever you are in the nether build yourself a nether base whether whether it’s in a fortress or outside a fortress just get a Nether base it is nice that is the main goal of what today’s episode was build a nether base wa if you did enjoy today’s episode or if you at least made it to the end feel free to go leave a like uh go comment if you’re not subscribed yet go subscribe like I said trying to hit a th000 subscribers by the end of August and definitely um 1,500 by the end of the year um that’s that’s the ultimate goal there yeah I do have one more question how does this look without my texture pack it’s not bad it is not bad at all I actually kind of really like how it looks without the texture pack although the texture pack looks a lot better I think I mean the black nether brick on top of the white on top of the fact like this is too red right there so yeah uh let’s go back to the black nether brick so yeah there we go the base is done we did a little bit of nether exploration I’ll see you guys in the next one comment down below your suggestions for Minecraft guide episodes you might be coming the coming of the day have a nice day

This video, titled ‘Better NETHER Trip in Minecraft 1.21 Guide: Episode 5’, was uploaded by InBetweenFates on 2024-07-12 05:37:29. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:21 or 1041 seconds.

The Nether! The first dimension you travel to in Any Minecraft Survival World. Here is My Guide to Your First Trip into the Nether in Minecraft 1.21

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    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod 🔥 When you spend hours building a beautiful castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it and now you’re just stuck inside like a real-life princess waiting for someone to rescue you. #minecraftproblems #realisticprince Read More

  • Playing Games with Max Level Kid!【Minecraft】

    Playing Games with Max Level Kid!【Minecraft】 Minecraft: Weekend Fun with Max-Level Kids Playing Games!【Cube Pavilion】 Welcome to Cube Pavilion, a channel dedicated to providing child-friendly content, avoiding any elements that could potentially harm their health and safety. Hello everyone, I’m Cube Pavilion, a creator in the world of Minecraft. I make funny and humorous Minecraft animations to spread joy. This channel is the only official channel for Cube Pavilion. Any videos related to me on other channels are pirated content and have not been authorized. Every day, I release exciting original videos. If you enjoy them, remember to subscribe! Let’s spread happiness together! Content Categories:… Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft SUPERFLAT World

    Surviving Minecraft SUPERFLAT World The World of Minecraft: Exploring the Superflat Terrain Embark on a journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this unique world, players can shape their surroundings, battle creatures, and connect with a vibrant community. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft’s superflat terrain. What is a Superflat World? A superflat world in Minecraft is a terrain devoid of natural features like trees, hills, and bodies of water. Instead, players are greeted with a flat expanse that serves as a blank canvas for their imagination. The default… Read More

  • The Joker Found in Minecraft!? 😱

    The Joker Found in Minecraft!? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT | BEDROCK | SAPIXCRAFT | CO-OP | PC WIDESCREEN LIVESTREAM’, was uploaded by The LOST Joker on 2024-06-23 02:24:17. It has garnered 41 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 05:00:58 or 18058 seconds. #minecraft discord — – – COME PLAY WITH US! Support the stream: Multistreaming with TheLOSTJoker LIVESTREAM! Thanks for watching! Please remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE! I love feedback so shoot me any comments or ideas! Please show your support! JOIN THE DISCORD COME PLAY! Read More

  • Strange World in Minecraft!

    Strange World in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Everything Is Weird… #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Asura DAvil on 2024-06-07 06:30:14. It has garnered 10339 views and 163 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:46 or 46 seconds. Minecraft, But Everything Is Weird… Minecraft but minecraft but i have to sing minecraft but if i stop singing the video ends minecraft but players can upgrade minecraft but if you scream you lose minecraft but i join dirt civilization minecraft but everything is random minecraft but i can’t say the letter minecraft but villagers trade op items, minecraft but everything is… Read More

  • Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days on 1 Block! 🤯

    Insane Survival Challenge: 100 Days on 1 Block! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days on ONE BLOCK in 1.21 Minecraft Hardcore!’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-07-16 13:04:19. It has garnered 97512 views and 2300 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:37 or 12097 seconds. INTERESTED IN THE NEW RED MAGIC 9S PRO? CLICK THE LINK AND FOLLOW THE STEPS: (Complete all the actions for a chance to win the new REDMAGIC 9S Pro, 50% off coupon for 9S Pro, or a DAO 150W GaN Charger (Dragon Edition) Watch as I spend 100 days on ONE BLOCK with new 1.21 additions such as… Read More

  • INSANE Medieval House Build in Minecraft!

    INSANE Medieval House Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Medieval House in Minecraft:Timelapse’, was uploaded by TubeRecap on 2024-01-17 14:35:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Medieval houses are not always that easy to build, in this short timelapse tutorial for a medieval Minecraft house, you will see … Read More

  • Lama King DOMINATES in Minecraft PVP!

    Lama King DOMINATES in Minecraft PVP!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mob PVP|Minecraft Live Deutsch|520abos’, was uploaded by Karl das lama Gaming on 2024-01-26 04:28:18. It has garnered 43 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:36 or 1176 seconds. Hey👋 my name is Paul🦙 and I mainly play Minecraft with you😊 #minecraft #gaming #german Read More

  • Insane LakeSquid Encounter in Minecraft Walls!

    Insane LakeSquid Encounter in Minecraft Walls!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Revisited: The Walls’, was uploaded by LakeSquid on 2024-06-16 20:00:09. It has garnered 246 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:27 or 2127 seconds. Originally released on June 29th, 2012 for version 1.2.5, The Walls was a Minecraft PVP game that would go on to be the predecessor for some of the most influential Minecraft minigames of all time. Four teams of two go head-to-head, gearing up in their identical quadrants and preparing for the walls to fall, after which the combat will begin. Intro footage used: DBLgaming: Achievement… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT WITH LULUCY MERYVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing some more modded minecraft!’, was uploaded by Lulucy Mery on 2024-02-06 23:45:51. It has garnered 103 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 04:30:24 or 16224 seconds. HELLO lets have fun in minecraft 1.20 WITH MODS!!! oh how i am so happy that this day is here now!! #vtuber #minecraft 1: english and norwegian only 2: stay posetive in chat 3: don’t complain about me not replying to your chast message i do love that someone is talking in chat but sometimes i can’t reply. my Twitter: my Ko-fi:… Read More

  • Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)

    Firey Minecraft: 24 HOURS STUCK with My CRUSH! 🔥🔥 (ft. Firey Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft)’, was uploaded by Firey Minecraft on 2024-07-08 16:03:22. It has garnered 868 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 01:02:03 or 3723 seconds. STUCK with My CRUSH For 24 HOURS in Minecraft! (Firey Minecraft) ————- ★★★★★ ————– ⭐ Welcome to Firey Minecraft ⭐ WE LOVE YOU ALL ⭐ Thank you for supporting us ————- ★★★★★ ————– 🔔 Subscribe us on YouTube: 🎮 Firey Gaming stories: ————- ★★★★★ ————– ► See More: Firey Minecraft ALL VIDEOS: Newest Minecraft Videos:… Read More

  • Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱

    Unbelievable Bedrock Bridge in the Shadows 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘BEDROCK BRIDGE 😮‍💨’, was uploaded by sʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ! ! ! on 2024-07-07 06:20:33. It has garnered 29 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Tags – minecraft,minecraft mace,minecraft update,minecraft 1.21,minecraft facts,minecraft but,minecraft mod,minecraft speedrun,minecraft challenge,minecraft seed,minecraft how to,minecraft rarest,camman18 minecraft,minecraft 1.19,mace minecraft,minecraft but challenge,minecraft but i cant touch grass,minecraft 1.20,minecraft 1.18,minecraft memes,minecraft but you,minecraft but you cant touch the color,minecraft manhunt,minecraft tutorial,how to edit,how to edit videos,how to edit youtube videos,how to edit videos for youtube,how to edit like a pro,how to edit faster on console,how to edit… Read More

  • XYZ Servers – Vanilla Skyblock

    XYZ Servers - Vanilla SkyblockSupports 1.8-1.20.X Minecraft Skyblock is a gamemode which dates back to 2011, now once more players can explore the original vanilla style of gameplay in the latest versions of Minecraft. With custom challenges and end game goals mixed in, your next Skyblock playthrough promises to be a fun one! Read More

  • Legions MC – Factions

    Legions MC Announcement Legions MC I’m excited to announce the launch of Legions MC, a brand-new OG non Pay-to-Win factions server, opening its doors for the beta season in just 2 weeks! What is Legions MC? Legions MC is all about bringing back the pure, classic Minecraft factions experience without the pay-to-win elements that have plagued so many servers. We believe in fair play, skill-based competition, and building a strong, engaging community. What Can You Expect? OG Factions Gameplay: Relive the classic factions experience with well-balanced mechanics and thrilling PvP battles. Non Pay-to-Win: Everyone stands on equal ground—no overpowered kits… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – New Minecraft dash funny haha

    Minecraft Memes - New Minecraft dash funny hahaLooks like this meme needs to level up its score in the meme world before it can unlock the DLC content of being truly funny! Read More

  • Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled

    Minecraft Village Night Secrets: Lofi Ambience Unveiled In the Minecraft village at night, lofi beats take flight, As the sun sets and darkness covers the sight. Join us on this journey, relax and unwind, With calming music, let your worries unbind. Explore the hidden gems, secrets to find, In this tranquil world, let your imagination grind. Study, work, or simply chill, Let the peaceful ambiance give you a thrill. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your love, For this Minecraft village, peaceful as a dove. Lofi tunes, chill vibes, gaming at its best, In this serene village, let your mind rest. So dive into the night, with… Read More

  • This spicy nether portal leads to…? 🔥

    This spicy nether portal leads to...? 🔥 This secret nether portal leads to… a never-ending supply of creepers waiting to blow up your hard work in Minecraft! #minecraftproblems #watchout #boom Read More

  • Pig Prank Gone Wrong!

    Pig Prank Gone Wrong! The Hilarious World of Minecraft: Funny Moments and Fails Step into the whimsical world of Minecraft, where unexpected moments and hilarious fails await around every corner. From pigs unexpectedly landing on players to epic reactions and funny memes, the Minecraft community never fails to entertain. Unforgettable Moments with Friends One of the most enjoyable aspects of Minecraft is playing with friends. Whether you’re exploring vast landscapes, building intricate structures, or engaging in epic battles, the camaraderie and laughter shared with friends make for unforgettable moments. Who knows, you might even find yourself in a situation where a pig unexpectedly… Read More

  • Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+

    Sneaky Ways to Add Music to Minecraft 1.21+ Minecraft 1.21+: Adding Music Packs for an Enhanced Gaming Experience Are you looking to elevate your Minecraft gaming experience with some exciting music packs? Look no further! With the latest Minecraft 1.21+ update, players can now easily add custom music packs to their gameplay. Let’s dive into how you can enhance your Minecraft world with the Vanilla Music Pack and more! Adding the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21 One of the most popular music packs for Minecraft is the Vanilla Music Pack 1.21. To install this pack, simply download the zip or mcpack file from the provided link. Once downloaded,… Read More

  • Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!

    Granny dominates Minecraft with insane mod pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘Let’s Play Minecraft Java Mod Pack Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge ep 5’, was uploaded by ukGrannyGamer on 2024-06-26 17:28:17. It has garnered 99 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:50 or 1070 seconds. Reimagining Survival: A ProjectE Superflat Challenge Tired of the same old grind? This pack throws you into a unique Superflat world with nothing but ProjectE at your disposal. Embrace the Alchemy of Existence: Your journey begins with a Transmutation Table, the key to transforming your surroundings into a powerful magical currency – EMC. Unlock the Potential of… Read More

  • 24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!

    24 Hours in the SCARIEST Minecraft Modpack!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Spent 24 Hours in the SCARIEST MODPACK in Minecraft! (From The Fog)’, was uploaded by CoffeeFuelledGenius on 2024-04-05 13:00:13. It has garnered 59072 views and 1955 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:45 or 3885 seconds. Watch as I tackle the CAVE HORROR PROJECT Modpack with a few new ones added. Ill be facing the man from the fog, herobrine, night stalkers, cave dwellers and even goatman in this minecraft survival challenge. Can I do it? Find out in todays video. DISCORD: Join the discord to find out the modpack & shaders!… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival – AkaNumbers Ep. 49

    EPIC Minecraft Hardcore Survival - AkaNumbers Ep. 49Video Information This video, titled ‘Lets Play – Minecraft Hardcore Survival Ep. 49 (AkaNumbers)’, was uploaded by AkaNumbers on 2024-05-05 18:00:07. It has garnered 28 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:57 or 1557 seconds. SPONSORS Proud Sponsors Of – @JCSPokemonCards support me by shopping here – PROFESSIONAL CALL OF DUTY / HALO PLAYER FOR – ASPECT GAMING I hope you enjoyed and if you did make sure to slap that like button, And even subscribe if you would like to see more! Thanks For Watching! : ) My Links: Twitter- Twitch- Music – None… Read More