Insane Netherite Armor hack! Must watch!!

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Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey heyy heyy hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey

Hey hey hey hey hey he hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey Hey okay stop okay uh streaming and play music yeah oh yeah it’s time to live stream now every thing should be good everything should be ready and working yeah yeah yeah oh yeah that was late hey Minecraft m what the heck was that about okay Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft

Ouch okay anyways everything should be fine everything should be working and whatnot okay so off camera what has been done I mean the main thing would probably be that although it technically was not off camera I did live stream but on Tik Tok I live streamed it on Tik Tok me de

Forcing the whole island it was like over a 5 hour long Tik Tok and the only reason why it was so long was because I just continued I just continued deforestation until I was done in sack also more furnaces don’t know if that what this was here last fall

Okay that was fail okay I want to go here because in sa right okay I mean okay it didn’t break that’s nice although I mean there really got a bunch of sugar cane not sure we really need more do we really need more also off camera I did mine more

Netherite scrap so boom I have enough for all armor and whatnot okay now the chest is so full okay okay take this and also some Netherrack I guess because uh how to netherite armor uh 1.20 okay and I need I need a smithing table I’m pretty

Sure yeah this thing which I can easily make that’s not a problem at all where do I put it which where would be a funny place to put it I guess let’s just put it here shall we not actually right before all that let’s was it like

This boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom okay nine wait wait wait wait wait is that even enough 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 n that is exactly enough I I even have one spare nether right scrap okay okay okay all right so uh it should be yeah

Okay yeah and boom netherite although I should probably make enough of these which was was it like that no like that no unless maybe okay flip I need a lot of diamonds okay diamonds except I did not run out of diamonds I have diamond blocks so that’s not even that big a

Problem okay yeah this I’m going to need a lot of diamond okay so that that’s for armor right four of these for armor now I just need uh enough tools I guess eight and I already used one so eight should be exactly enough but let’s also make

Another one just for a spare one in case I ever need it okay and it should be just simple Bam Bam Bam Bam and last one Boom full debris I don’t actually have any of the what are they called what were they called uh wait Minecraft 1.20 armor trims right

Trims I don’t have any trims which is not ideal not ideal in the slightest oh no I’m not recording no was recording which means I have to download the whole live stream go on unless I stop the live stream here and make a new one but like

No that that’s like a no that’s a no no thank you okay I guess the goal right now might just be to go after trims I need more trims I need to find armor trims trim the armor Armory trims where might I find more oh wait okay I

Did run out of golden carrots while chopping down all the trees so I guess I should probably make more of That that’s yeah that’s that’s all the wood stuff I mean it’s not full all full but like yeah quite a lot quite a lot indeed so I’ll just put this food in here and I need more gold luckily I do have more gold oh that’s too much gold actually oh actually that’s literally

Enough to make blocks I’m pretty sure I slept recently but I guess not I got to sleep again go on PO pow pow pow potato okay the music sounds a bit too loud for me uh what now I mean again the armor trims what kind of armor trim do I want

I mean huh I don’t know which one’s which one looks the best I mean there’s poost in shipwrecks that should be hard to find right shipwrecks yeah I feel like the ship shipwreck one might be the best design wise so might just go for that there is also a shaper which ain’t bad

Looking I guess yeah this is just all about which one looks the best the bestest okay right or actually jungle okay so either jungle or shipwrecks one of those onor trims which one don’t know but I do have dynama and I do also have uh not that not that no

No no straight chunk base map so I can find uh no not That okay so I’m over here actually there is a trial ruin nearby I could maybe look for that I do need bronze but I should have plenty of bronze in fact I I mean I know I have plenty of bronze but I should have some in my chests

Maybe do I have any kind of bronze in my chests or did I turn all them into blocks I think I turn all them into blocks look at how many bronze blocks okay wait so brush feathers o that that’s going to be the trouble some thing to get my sticks

Easy no problem at all with feathers okay there’s some feathers here any more feathers any I don’t have any more feathers okay I guess let’s just let’s just make four of these although surely I can enchant them can I not uh mending and just a test I guess yeah okay I can enchant

Uh although okay wait so let’s put Unbreaking back in here if I just go to my spoiler forarm actually oh wait efficiency as well probably sure I can put on efficiency on this as well to make it faster gosh I don’t have an efficiency book no

Although I do have 68 levels nice it’s nice because it’s funny okay I don’t actually know where to go because there there’s no trees anymore the trees are not here anymore cuz I chopped them all down oh boy oh wait also the map I should probably get the map in the in

Its position back because for the Tik Tok live stream I had to map position uh I don’t remember which one was it map map map map info text no right which one was it map I okay change position right it’s just that okay there you go that there

You go fix it so yeah okay spider farm whoa should I show this off last time right wait so there’s a bunch of stuff here okay so I do have Unbreaking I do actually have efficiency what did I have efficiency for I don’t remember flip you [Applause] can okay never mind then I

Mean Jo brush put one in here also yeah this this is a bit different now B more chests and whatnot a lot of string way too much way too many spy r i don’t need so many spy eyes but the string can be useful because wool and whatnot there’s also some

Sometimes you need a lot of string maybe to make mobs not show up in your area be useful I guess oh know okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah whoa whoa really shouldn’t do that should I no no I should

Not I did not place that there right I guess bengo did the rdsh penguin okay let’s take one just in case let’s put that in there and the sticks can go back in here okay I should have plenty of wood although there’s no wood in here I

Should have some wood in here at least so uh yeah sure at least just in case I run of wood just so I could have some in my end the chest okay now where do I want to go right uh so it’s 200 blocks that way

And okay just like 200 blocks away but let’s also take one of my boats because I always forget to take my boats and now then I make more ones I don’t need so many boats what would I use so many boats for now I do wonder where everyone else

Is because I am the only one online right now even though it’s winterbreak so surely some people should be online I mean yeah it’s it’s like what 2: p.m. uh Rego time so yeah Americans are probably sleeping but what about Europeans there’s some Europeans except for me so where are

They actually this is not far at all like what 4 100 more blocks something like that and should be around the although going through the jungle is a bit harder but it should be fine not that big of a problemo yo chees okay it should

Be right around here but how am I going to know unless is it he and how would I know I wouldn’t that’s how Uh wait no wait I went too far Dar actually I need to go a bunch blocks that way H the jungle bruh getting through the jungle is hard because there’s so many things too many things are in the way that way okay 20 more blocks here and then that’s too

Far more blocks it should be literally down below unless it’s in a cave in which case I don’t know how am I going to find it if it’s in a cave I it’s according to chunk B oh well I guess I found it okay that that

Works okay but how do I find special stuff the special blocks time to excavate ooh special block O look at the special blocks ooh so many special blocks there hey there my friend I don’t have any torches actually maybe you could help me now that not help at all lapis what are

You doing here he you lapis okay so that that’s not never mind right uh right right pretty sure the way to recognize if it’s special block is if it’s breaking real easily and yeah that’s obiously just normal dirt coal yeah I did need some coal of

Me cuz I didn’t bring any so now I can make torches for some reason I didn’t have with me on me okay so the area is sizable but okay how do I find anything here unless it’s already been explored but I don’t think it has oh it has oh it

Definitely has probably right has it maybe cuz there was a hole there but I don’t know if that that aut that generate or did someone else make that like do these kind of holes generate I kind of don’t believe that so yeah all the special stuff might be gone in fact

It looks like some of it is gone go on wait I okay definitely yeah cuz I did not place these torches here so I I play some of them but not all of them I don’t think unless I I forget but yeah I don’t think there’s any of the blocks

Here there’s dirt but there’s no sand actually no it was sand or gravel I’m pretty sure and there’s no gravel gravel at all so that’s a big nope nope no go on I got scammed no why did I get scammed like that okay well if not here since someone

Already has been here may I guess yeah it would make sense someone would be here there’s not actually that many uh trial ruin areas around I guess I could maybe uh okay uh right way to now I guess I might just have to check out shipwrecks as much as I can although

I I I feel like yeah a lot of it might already been has might has most likely has been already looted since I’m kind of late down this so I might not even have any armor trims no or I guess I I’ll have to get it from someone else most likely

Well that’s real Annoying guess this is what I get for being late on the armored trims stuff I don’t know although I should also start working on a base of some kind or start at least outline I don’t know well let me explore a little bit a little bit just exploding yeah

Any mobs here cuz I did torch up the area quite a bunch so hopefully no mobs spawning around and whatnot there some over here that’s okay right huh actually I could try going west a bunch that’s a couple hundred of BL hundreds of blocks away a couple hundred that trying to be

That big a problem eh no not that big a problem at all I should be fine indeed super fine Uber fine I don’t actually need leather anymore like I guess yeah we got a bunch so kind of not needed no more what what yeah I guess this is

Basically just me getting netherite and then the rest of is just filler just me exploring whatnot might not even be put it in an episode or whatever but that’s a portal but obviously someone’s been here most definitely I mean it’s not even that far away from my area and people have gone even

Further there’s no gold block or anything like that so yeah again obviously someone has taken it all but I shall take the chest cuz why not free chest I guess I don’t know okay it’s just westwards in fact I went a bit too north right now I guess I got to just simply

Go west I simply got to go west or I don’t know more jungle so much of this content is just jungle way too much jungle why is there so much jungle actually I should I should have probably done with my stuff in the chest stuff I didn’t need

Okay inside here inside this jungle there should be a jungle temple somewhere like right around actually I can literally see it on the mini map oh snap hey snap I can see it on the mini map yeah right there now has it been looted most likely yes but how badly how

Much of it has been looted oh that’s real bad the fact that it’s been mined and I mean aome I guess that’s nice your Pistons might as well take sure why not and in here some arrows I don’t need arrows though and yeah nothing it’s all been DED dud it’s all been

DED oh the Trap still stayed interestingly quite interesting the Trap the Trap was still there so if I go here and then wait now here and then here yeah that yeah it’s going down and on the other side there should be never mind I went too far fact right about right

About oh there’s a hole there oh no they got okay um sure not sure what they were going for but I’ll take this gold I guess gold isn’t that hard to get but still sure why’re not getting at least some of the riches that I can possibly

Get and then uh okay so that away and that away got to go back a bit portal oh great someone made a portal there that’s a human made portal does that mean some Livy or did or did I just want to get back real fast I don’t know but I’ll go past everything

Anyways did not fall very good oh y yers ouch yeah I got nothing I got some Ry Cola small bottle that’s all I really got right now almost dropped the cap never dropped the cap dropping the cap is real bad dropping the cap is real bad behavior and now in this water there

Should be somewhere let right here hello oh wait okay first of all cold that’s like fine I guess sure oh okay that’s just a gold nugget that’s literally useless right now cuz again I I got a bunch of gold but that means that most likely no one’s

Been here so perhaps I could maybe I get lucky enough find something that could be good for me y I’m stuck okay ah another one no the glass breaking sound really not fun bubbles bubbles bro how can I tell if it’s there or not it’s supposed to break faster but if

It’s under water and also if my shovel is super op and am I supposed to get through the normal sand to get to the other sand okay actually there’s more here like this coal I’m again I guess I’ll take a sure more over here what’s this that’s a wooden hole

Really you you’re really going to do this to me okay okay I guess yeah just oh that’s okay I’ll take that yes oh wait H I have a silk touch pickaxe right which I should use oh almost broke that what’s in there that’s called never mind okay what about okay that’s an

Emerald I guess that’s fine that’s rare not necessarily anything good for me but like that’s a bit rare I guess I don’t know all these plants in the way so many plants in the way Weir how I haven’t seen any drowns but I don’t know let’s actually how do you make sea lanterns

See lanter okay I see it’s not that hard but it is a bit costly so instead if I were to use this boom uh yeah okay any any more I’m not sure if there’s any more here I mean TR they’re not going to be under sand right

Surely but at the same time is that really it they’re really good all of them I have respiration three why is my water tank running out so fast what the heck man aha bruh what do you mean oh hey okay not the last one this good right it’s coal never mind never

Mind yeah probably not going to be super lucky with these but better than nothing I don’t know I yeah I don’t really see any more of those are there only just two areas I can explore like that cuz I think they are which is a bit G darn

Kind of moment a bit of a o Dawn moment I don’t see anymore I don’t see any kind of buildings I guess ruined buildings I don’t know okay guess next area would be there both time so it’s it’s not right that way and after a 100 blocks there should

Be something there appearing oo appearing oh and I went too far got to go this way yeah I think that’s it right there but never mind okay wow I’m never mind never I did not go too far to the North Direction a can’t really see anything through the map like that

Uh should be right around here yeah right under me okay there’s something here yep definitely something that’s sweet no I’m just I’m just going to break that mending wow although I already have a mending fishing rod with lure three and whatnot oh okay okay there we go something there’s something

Finally something more usable yeah he what about this one gave me something good that’s a gold right that’s just a gold thingy okay another clay thing that’s nice can you make them two of these shelter shelter watery shorts do you make poy shorts or do you actually got to find

Them CU again I don’t know okay give give me something good that’s not good hello there don’t mind me let me just uh get rid of some of the sand you know you don’t want sand here you don’t want Sandy toes toes you don’t want sand in between your

Toes I don’t really need this cuz the sand might actually be more useful that’s SC sand so I need sand I need sand time to go I guess see I don’t think there was anything else there so instead let’s go west basically West South is Direction where there should be a shipwreck next

To the thing next to City it’s not city but like kind of City kind of kind of not kind of City I don’t know it should be easy to find right uh there’s NAD already how has it already been 30 minutes since I started live streaming I’ve done nothing I’ve done nothing i’

I’ve gotten armor netherite armor that’s all I’ve done that’s all realistically done just m the right armor okay they should be a ship that’s wrecked the Seas after 1,000 blocks no oh wait never mind it’s Lally that not th 100 yeah okay right next to ship there’s the thing the

Thing hopefully no one’s been here I guess I don’t know Who okay that’s promising kind of I don’t know if that’s promising maybe that’s not promising oh that’s really not promising oh no someone might have been here maybe no definitely because there’s a chest exposed but there’s nothing that I guess Lu the see that’s not bad okay maybe they just didn’t

Have this thing whatever got here first maybe they didn’t it I don’t know the ho don’t need them especially not a wooden one hey y bro underwat B shots hold up come on well you not dead there you are that’s my Ling aha but of course in these chests there’s never anything Good okay actually there’s more of the suspicious sand where is all the suspicious sandal okay and that’s a gold thing uhhuh that’s an axe don’t need them get all the pillars and that doesn’t help at all yeah I don’t think there’s anymore I don’t actually wait now there’s a pillar here

Air I need Air for my lungs for my lungs my lungs needs air no nothing oh there is something on the pillar I thought so nuggets nuggies don’t we need them don’t they need gold that badly any of this sound seems suspicious CU for me doesn’t for me none of it seems very

Suspicious not suspicious at all in fact it’s so suspicious there’s no suspicious activities going on hope could there be no suspicious activities going on here that’s very suspicious oh there’s a bit more here flip that could that there could have been something good there but I ruined it I broke it oh no

Okay okay there’s blocks missing in the suspicious way maybe someone was here maybe not I I can’t tell if someone has been here or not very suspicious what the heck’s going on there okay still nothing the only suspicious thing I did find I broke it immediately

So gosh I see something more okay that’s a clay thing that’s fine nice a different design wow snort snort snort uh Minecraft potery shards wait shs shs not shards can you make them I don’t think you can can you make Minecraft potery bird I guess not okay so each one is special

Oh wow so special so very special me okay uh again I don’t think I’ll be able to find any more not here at least therefore I must go onwards I have to go onwards to the next area area area area area aiel Okay way to next I guess

South and South is here and it’s literally just south how many blocks a 100 blocks is a 100ish blocks and there should also be a runin portal somewhere over there perhaps but has it been looted most likely but might as well check it out oh there it is almost

Missed it but I didn’t cuz I am me I am Joe all right that’s sweat that’s coal which is fine I guess even though I have tons of coal but I might as well get it uh what the heck how is there no chest I mean yeah I guess probably looted

Already and I’m guessing none of the gravel will be suspicious right yeah it should only be the sound in this area and it’s just one building one mincy small building what the heck man what the heck man not very suspicious at all okay let’s go uh East to see no a rune portal

Perhaps something in there but probably not actually definitely not right Al Al Turtle hey Turtle here so I guess this is an area where you can find turtles okay so there’s chest but there’s no gold and in the chest there’s nothing inside never mind mind there’s a whole bunch

Inside so just do that and the rest I won’t take mending and mending and mending and Fire Protection why are there so much mending stuff what it’s all gold gold armor although if it’s gold any possibility of gold block no no no someone has been here but only took the

Gold block perhaps as a really large possibility of that happening that someone just simply went here for the gold block I don’t know it really look like the turtle wanted to get in my ship it wanted to get in my boat it would have be nice I guess because Turtle friend with me

Yay oh help okay next one next shipwreck yeah basically here 200 blocks away why block away yes is oh there’s the ship I oh wait oh no wait no no that that that’s the Border no no no you can’t do this to me no there’s Lous ship over there come

On oh that’s real lame okay so gu can’t go over 2,000 blocks away from z00 so all of these are outside of the Border gosh darn it okay I could still go south I guess that’s North South 500 blocks south oh boy ain’t this

Going to be fun fun fun F fun fun fun funun fun funun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun I have so fun very fun but should I I’m the only one online get 300 blocks away bro from there okay someone’s definitely been here because there’s L

Torches and there’s a boat yeah sure there someone live here or just simply exploded here don’t know there’s a bot but the fact that that’s a bot means that there is indeed that thing now I do have two water breathing potions with me which okay let’s just get close let’s us

See if there’s anything inside I don’t see actually I don’t actually see any Guardians which oh there there’s one a okay got through that yep mining fatigue hello oh uh uh uh I’m going to need to kill this guy hello hello there y boom that’s one uh right should be real careful about

All this oh yeah why you trying to go boy buddy I guess you can’t really okay that kind of worked where trying to run wait bu so I’m mining fatig here for 4 minutes but there was some loot over here okay sponge might actually be

Useful do not need I guess don’t I I have some golden horse armor sponger wet sponge oh boy so fun such fun you know even with mining fatigue can I mine like because I can’t mine it at all this is mine for take three oh my gosh oh my

God okay well then actually wait I have a bit over a minute okay got to get got to find the other boss second boss say two got to get inside there as well at some point near at some very near point oh there’s okay okay I’m back here or is this a no

Another area oh no where’s the big guy I hear all kinds of sounds but I don’t see the big guy oh there you are yeah boom boom boom boom oh yeah okay were there only two or or were there more cuz I don’t actually remember so water breathing is running

Out I so is mining fatigue although that’s still going to take a while okay uh wait so I’m in a I’m in okay ocean Monument where you going okay so limited amount of bubbles the bubbles are slowly going to run out Elder Guardians how many okay find just how many Elder

Guardians in an ocean Monument he didn’t see he he doing he’s just going three gosh Dar I need another I need to find another one uh okay so I do have this ready okay let’s think where I have not been yet and I just Lally went in the circle great

Amazing maybe I should go down instead of up or maybe even upper gu not oh wow I have one a bubble left great actually let’s fill up the bubbles oh boy fun okay so let’s go to the other side I wait let’s go up up I can go up I

See that doesn’t lead me anywhere even more up and that also doesn’t lead me anywhere okay right right let’s just go down and go this no I can’t even go that way never mind Now where’s the last guy I would like to know no point in killing the El the

Normal Guardians it’s because they might just they’re probably just going to respawn whatever so m fatig is about to run out but there should be a third one so couch down I can’t actually find him in time that’s like really bad oh never mind run on time why are you trying to run

Happ my heart okay I should not be affected by mining fatigue anymore boom okay and boom okay yeah yeah now I can collect these things cuz they they real nice looking and whatnot they look nice don’t mind me I’m just I’m just collecting your lights all of your lights are now mine

La la and also La okay I have a minute of water breathing left a was not fast enough what’s this about why is this shaped like this no reason okay great there’s a lot of lights and it’s real hard to actually hit them all and whatnot real Annoying

Ah just got to hide behind the block real fast and then they won’t get me with their beams nope nope not going to get me you’re not going to get me hey though still not going to get me I refuse I refuse I Refuse uh okay okay I did run out of water breathing so that’s kind of bad which means I’ll have to start building doors very soon what that noise that leads to the outside which is not good hello what what this is going to be real Annoying what not for them okay gold

Yes and also air also yes okay I guess I don’t really need this do I and boom full air very nice o are this s very awesome sauce ah not awesome sauce okay I avoided that I think I believe so I believe so with the p so that I

Avoid that he didn’t see me at all wow wow wow D about attack don’t stop just keep on swimming just keep swimming and just keep swimming don’t stop don’t stop just keep swimming oh actually I just need I just need I just need a big enough wall this this is literally

Perfect there you go nice timing very nice timing yes yes okay where do I go now let’s go up okay great how am I going to differentiate where I’ve been and where happen or does it matter it might not even matter at this point I’ll just get it all get all the

Stuff that I can hello hey do you can’t do anything to me cuz I’m going to avoid any attack you throw a small little sver of air every time I go inside of that okay speaking of air unless no um that doesn’t help at all I guess it’s time to make some

Doors okay very nice timing D I guess I won’t have actually no I I don’t need thatt the crafting table over here okay now I can survive in indefinitely as long as I have my three doors I only need one but three I okay I misclicked great so many sea lanterns very epic

Indeed although I did not plan this to be a how to l uh the ocean Monument now again Mis go look look look door right where you hello I’m going to go now how do I actually tell so I’ve definitely been there I’ve been in here I’ve been in

Been in here but B in is a country country’s name NE Country all right oh hello there hello hello there there’s a bunch of these that I can collect more of what just keep swimming I guess no okay I’m actually going to get lost at this point nope ahuh there’s more stuff here

Very epic very upic CC seesaw ah that would do a lot of damage maybe I don’t know maybe perhaps and that leads to the out side hello there that means there should be another one on the other side hid it all boom other side except right now oh is this the

Middle okay boom other side what’s up with your lag bro you lagging how many sea lanters actually are there in the ocean Monument cuz there it looks like there’s quite a lot I probably won’t even be able to get all of them but the noise they make very bad no

No no stop with the fishiness stop fishing around funny because fish oh man that one went away oh I know it went away oh W that was early early but whatever okay this is a different one or not I’m still back here great okay let’s go through here just that just gets me

Outside I want to go outside probably not although there’s more there so in that case what if I follow this and then hey I’m in a different area which maybe I’ve been in but haven’t looted it haven’t looted this area he door very much well much wow such epic the

Epic I guess this is supposed to be a pillar of some kind which leads to the outside other side wasn’t there also a sponge area where you could get sponges something like that I remember that being a thing but I can’t actually find it what about oh

Boy don’t mind me I’m just gonna yeah okay right I’m over here which doesn’t help me at all if I shoot it actually reaches it’s so again I’ve been here I’ve been through here didn’t take these ones y chees Uh okay did I take everything should but now must have taken almost everything right I shielded I can’t tell if I’ve if I’ve found everything that I could or not you I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how do I know that’s the entrance don’t mind me okay

Okay I guess yeah let’s just say that I found everything I can because I’m not sure if there is much more to find cuz yeah also been here I I looted that yeah was it is there not a area for uh sponges was there really not sponge area cuz I feel like there

Was okay fine uh over here ocean Monument certain rooms in which in the monument contain ret sponges sponge room iest room sometimes Ocean Monuments can spawn without sponge rooms what what the heck BR there’s no way this one doesn’t have any sponges that’s bad why would you do that that’s so bad

Of you to do there’s no way this this is an area without sponges right surely not okay what why was that there good that leads outside also outside this SL it’s down uh I don’t think there’s a sponge room no how could there not be a sponge room very bad indeed

I mean there are four sea LS over there but I kind of can’t really go after them right now cuz I got to go to my boat go the boat ah oh boy a which one oh okay y damage damage damage damage time to go no wrong way this way

To the boat I guess well I suppose I shall go to the boat now I guess okay okay yeah boat time Boat Boat such boat very boat how boat really boat and someone’s been here okay gu see okay definitely someone’s been here the boats are easier

To loot any day like the ocean Monument probably found it but didn’t loot it that they just left for later because I guess didn’t have the loot didn’t have the armor to protect against all the enemies but I did have the armor to protect all the enemies so

I could go inside so I went inside why that’s the wrong way it’s so this way and then it’s this way somewhere along here there should be a thingy thing no no no this way guys see it it’s very oh no someone’s definely been here by the day good

Thing okay I I’ll take the coal sure did they get suspicious no they didn’t there’s L one over here and and it’s an axe it’s an axe okay any that that that’s suspicious it’s G bro why can I not get anything good from the suspicious areas they’re supposed to be suspicious

But they they’re not very suspicious they’re just normal stuff there okay surely that’s just gold nuggets I don’t want nuggets something broke uh and every every time there might be something good inside I accidentally break it No okay yeah I don’t think there’s uh and the place sended great no more music right now don’t think there’s any more suspicious gravel none of the gravel seems suspicious at all very sad indeed yeah nope nothing just full on nothing go in my boat and change the music what’s kind

Song kind of l i sure and this one right okay okay now interestingly there interestingly there should be something interesting here somewhere here but you can’t actually see it here I went to Far So then okay I went too far right around here supposedly there should be a stronghold like basically

Here okay right but how deep is it who knows I mean it’s a stronghold I might not even find it actually but know I I feel like this is way too de oh never mind I thought that was way too deep but I guess not hello there

Okay any kind of loot I can take like a golden apple no no golden apples but I mean normal apples I guess red stone uh noral mobs wow I’m just not going to deal with the iron doors all right how you doing kind of bad I see you’re trapped inside oh

No the walls don’t really go anywhere I mean this one goes somewhere hello there ah right of course why did I think of that that of course that would happen that that that was kind of a bad idea actually get more walls to go nowhere that went somewhere wait let’s go back

Actually over here yeah apples wow amazing I’m going to I’m going to get lost a I I’m def going get lost so easily but it’s not nowhere also it’s nowhere very calm very calm time Oho there random iron although I don’t have Dory for you so

Sorry I’m back here BR L went in a circle like literally in a circle bro come on man don’t be like that okay right again in circle great go I got to stop going in circles like that okay I’m going in circle again wow oh no no definitely yes definitely I’m going

Circle let’s go here in the back and go oh there gets your trap no problem there I’ll just leave you to it okay chest and there’s nothing another one another one and again there’s nothing and okay that’s just a normal cave that leads to lapis I don’t have

Space for lapis I do have space for lapis a little bit went outside that’s why to let him outside CU cat wanted to go outside so I had to let him outside and nothing else oh here yeah Okay all right so there nothing there yep no nothing and nothing what the heck hey there there’s something here a books so many books yeah that’s going to take way too long okay I I’ll have to get this off camera I don’t know hello there okay wait eye armor what’s it look

Like it’s this one okay it’s not that bad I guess can okay wait so with smithing template can you copy smiing templates okay a smiing template uh R more trim okay I guess I I need to go to the end you’re joking I can’t even get this more

Because I need I need endstone what BR okay okay the enchantments aren’t actually bad which one’s the best I guess I don’t know this I don’t know chest okay at least there two I I only need four Frost Walker okay that’s actually that that’s nice all right

Uh what are you joking this over here as well no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no okay that that’s way too much come on me you can’t do that you can’t just you can’t just have me

Randomly find diamonds again finding diamonds in Minecraft 1.0 is super easy I guess like I didn’t I did not even mean to find a diamond but I still found it what do you mean Mean o did hello okay and I’m going in circles again wait where was I gosh I I got to get back no wait where was I just now uh it’s so this one that that one’s that right so I guess I can just go like the is there you

Are right got to stop going circles seriously wait right over here right right right right right okay I see that’s how I got there and that goes nowhere except over here to some more stairs okay never mind stairs go over there okay really don’t need shrink cobwebs

Might be useful but I kind of have a stack of cups I can get more anyway so that’s not that big of a deal again for the books I don’t have inventory space Oh no why not okay he’s strapped double chest what the heck of course nothing good not nothing good

Like the only thing I can really hope for is a Notch Apple enchanted golden apple but doesn’t seem like it’s going to be that here look at all and yeah nothing nothing nothing here stop it uh hello I’ll let you burn I guess and doesn’t L to

Anywhere I just keep on making more ways to go in circles like seriously got to stop doing that yep okay this all just ends up in circles great and what what if I go down here is it is it here no it’s not BR okay what about down here there’s

More oh no wait wait there’s no way right there’s no way that oh there’s no way that it’ll be past the world border right that’ll be too much there’s literally no way man right Al dang there’s a big cave come on dude dude you can’t do this to me you can’t you

Cannot you know chain armor isn’t even that crazy Ry because uh I got Zombie Farm and I can go from there that was there was just one way boom CH gone no no I am not here for diamonds I am here to find but I don’t really need

To find I guess way point that’s like the only thing be useful hey dude hey dude hey Dad come on no pass the Border oh that hurts but of course I find more anyways but of course okay it’s not one way one one Wayne place but still yeah

Right okay there’s more over there of course there is come on and another one Wayne what’s with the one is there’s too many wners oh stop I am not here for diamonds so why do I keep finding more hey dead like the except for that noise no okay

Whatever I I am not here for diamonds I promise I promise I’m not here for diamonds okay let’s actually get back in here and not get so distracted yeah okay right right okay instead let’s go here that’s not going to go anywhere here also not going to go anywhere what about

Here you creepers bro okay also not going to go anywhere yeah not that’s all down here right okay down here just leads to a cave villager why do you have a cat why do you have a cat I guess farmer that’s why but okay that looked interestingly funny whatever boom zombie

Fisherman and that this leads to over here where is this a different one or the same one it’s a different one okay right so I just need two more actually because I need one more to copy okay boom I need one more technically hopefully ideally my loyalty and

Multishot no I have loyalty I actually have both uh Smite guess that’s something like also no a PC with 63 deaths dude stop dying mate oh me stop dying hello there hello helloo you’re not going to give me anything I see what do you mean what do you

Mean what is this area what is this area actual insanity G Apple that’s nice uh Riptide do I need Riptide probably not only one chest what okay this this like what okay big cave I mean there’s this area there’s the caves for thing aband M shaft and then there’s also a spawner

Actually I mean can I even lay claim to this does anyone even own this spawner I’m GNA break it I’m I’m not gonna let anyone else have it no no no it’s too far away from my base so I’m just I’m just yeah not going to let anyone else have

It I found I find it first so I decide what what it what it do I decide what it do and I decided they do nothing but it’s useless okay yeah it’s no that’s just a Circle we nowhere where the heck is the end area the portal to the end where is

It cuz it’s nowhere to be seen I can’t see it anyway actually you think by now I find I would find it but no wait I went through here yes I did okay never mind internet don’t don’t be so bad internet nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing there’s nothing

Here run back here uh I’m actually I’m actually going to get I’m I’m actually going to lose it at this point right right see I came yeah yeah yep oh come on I am not here for diamonds I mean thank you anyways but 35 diamonds I actually at this point

I’m with Fortune three at this point I might as well find a whole stack of diamonds so so this way there’s more cave there’s more cave there’s more cave even with lava and whatnot stop this please please I just want to find the Portal just allow me to

Find the Portal please where is the portal where is a portal I can’t tell if where I’ve been and where I haven’t and I’m back help no what is going on why can’t I find it find it is this another area no it’s not would have been real nice if it was a

Different area CU again I do need one more eye armored trim I just need a single one so I could copy them or gu maybe I could just not have Trims on my boots some of that I don’t know help help help now help the map

Doesn’t help me at all I could maybe try turning on caves I don’t know would that even help probably not I’m actually getting real hungry so I should get something to eat okay okay okay okay where where where did I even come from What’s my entrance where the entrance from I don’t

Know do I have to go up or down or what it might even not be connected the whole portal thing area might not even be connected to this whole thing yeah I’ve been here I’ve been here I’ve been here before but I haven’t here no this is where I came

From right yeah yeah yeah lapis at least I found where I came from or how I got in at least I found that that’s s thing and yeah nowhere no some somewhere where there I’ve been here I’ve been here I see me mining here I’ve been here so where do I

Go where do I go now what the where is it put there can like no and no button there bro what the heck’s up with this area yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh there you are I’m just going to get rid of that okay hello there so hello there what’s his head

What how do I get the head what do I not actually I I know what to do I can literally just do a bit of this and actually Also let’s do a bit of this boom and boom yeah okay that they go in so I like

How did that not go in but that did go in yes yeah boom found it finally I’m just going to block all of bit right so now I can least uh which button was it B no uh V uh and portal with a light purple color there

We go and portal I I wish I could go in right now I could try breaking that but let’s let’s not let’s not let’s not let’s not do anything let’s not let’s not even touch it is it there did I even what the Yeah gosh it was all so

Close every time so close where where does this go Al been there because yeah okay I mean I I finally got some armor trims this was all for just to get some armor trims you know armor trims yay finally some wait where did I come

From no no no okay right right over here over here and and that leads to right this is how I got here none of this leads to anywhere little zombie die okay might as well just light up the area since I got R the lava and I use all my torches great all

My torches all my torches gone yeah okay right so that’s the end of that Adventure yay how do I get back how do I get back I mean there’s nothing going to be there right yeah I guess for now I could just build a portal 1 2 3 4 5 6 78

Wait wait do I have flint and steel I don’t wait is say I’m streaming of course okay huh 10 not eight 10 I somehow always confused the amount okay I need Flint should not be hard to get at all right right surely oh there H going there die give me a Pearl uh okay okay wait wait wait so there was some gravel here somewhere where did it come from dungeon okay there we go this is the way I came from so should be a come on okay this there you go Flint boom boom and then steel yeah die die burn repent

Click show up bro okay boom this is where this ends up yeah I’ll just leave this here wait NE for wait this is right in between Port okay okay this is in between why is it so low gosh Dar it should be fine okay someone else can deal with that

Right actually is there even any other stronghold on the continent area maybe South it’s either the one I I went to or one super South but that’s like really South yes there is a way back okay yes yes yes I it’s the highway that I made uh

And never mind wait where is it is it down is it literally under me okay I think that Highway might be literally under me Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip yep they they’re coming they’re getting a key so I better go go away oh whatever let’s just go let’s

Just go go and go and go ahuh there it is yeah there a portal there where do the portal lead to I actually kind want to find out where will I end up if I follow the portal follow the portal if I follow the portal where where do I end up if I

Follow the portal follow the portal get in the portal and I’m okay I’m a bit north right this is an area with Le less is there any kind of build nearby cuz I mean this is a very cleared out area except for the fact there’s trees I it’s probably burnt right they burned

Stuff make stuff okay hang on got to make this bigger and see is there really no one living here I guess maybe planning to live here they’re not living here okay that was somewhere else that I’m thinking of I’m thinking of a different place yeah yeah not there go

S okay well time to go I guess let’s go back in cuz yeah there’s not there’s nothing really in those chests did he die who knows I don’t okay uh right just ble ble actually right that’s that’s actually the stair that yeah Pango and I made Pango made the wood Pango put in

The wood I put in the stairs so actually made it usable while Pingo Pingo made the structure and I made it usable sure I don’t Know okay boom back yay back back yay uh back back very back very nice very epic I don’t have space no uh Great I Am Greening is this even Greening is this something worse I can’t quite tell it’s here never mind head and head and and and and head

Okay actually let’s get rid of un breaking one in here yeah uh right okay so now I can do like that okay wait wait I don’t actually have to use the same same trim though so I’m not sure if I want to have an eye on like that’s kind eye no no no

The pants the pants are fine Boom the head that’s kind of boring actually the boots what about the boots the boots the boots are fine okay yeah I don’t know about the head ah wait can actually no not that one Minecraft can you get rid of un applied armor trim uh

I don’t know okay don’t no can’t tell what it says oh no what it says but again cap do I want the cap to be eyebrows this this is literally just eyebrows for the eyes no I don’t want that no there is also the option of I do I want

The allseeing eye on my chest plate maybe a different material doesn’t help at all uh lapis that doesn’t help at allh okay I guess I have two of these now where do I put them I need more storage Uh okay okay okay yeah I need to go to the toilet but wait no I I need I need to put stuff in chests first wait go over here I just put all this stuff um yeah I always need flint and steel with me don’t die yes yes I

Do what do I not put in here then call why do I have random amount coal like that can flint and steal in there I guess you call with me yeah yeah that works okay bed come on bed why okay do in bed I didn’t didn’t actually collect

My uh boat well there’s a there’s a boat just randomly over there I me very sad a very sad moment when the sub count goes down by one very sad indeed no very sad Okay so if I’m going to make a base definitely going to use jungle wood that’s for sure I guess jungle and Oak those would be the main wood types because that’s what I have the most of I don’t know okay uh right let’s just uh small Break N N W A Hey um way why is a dog in here what what talk here hey h know what’s he doing what the dog doing look look right now what the dog doing say Okay pleas what’s he doing what’s he doing in my room he never comes to my room but

Now he Al all of a sudden goes up in my room what why oh okay spiders are real loud e Al I got something to like a small little snack like something this oh pineapple wonder how useful he is me he’s died less than me I’ve died

Seven while he he’s died three times so there’s that got H got the dog out of the room it’s not supposed to be in my room right now w wow a very what dog doing moment right there I’m of course I stuck why this stuck so often real Annoying moment right there

Here no no no no no let’s go let’s go I see okay yeah Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Minecraft Mincraft right so I got some armor trims only for my legs right now because for my chest and head I kind of want a different type different style so yeah um I don’t

Know I guess right now can make okay right not not my chest guess for now I can maybe try looking at different kind of what do I make my house out of what kind of style jungle wood right so where like Sur I wouldn’t want it to be far from here

Right a bit of a hill uh a bam okay I I don’t know I I don’t know okay I know I I’ll I’ll try making a different type of house in the usual off camera dark o and stone bricks what do you mean I don’t think I have dark oak I

Only have Oak and uh jungle I only have those two Oak and jungle can I even get dark oak I’m not sure so highight biomes dark oak forest there is some but that’s like South right wait dark force Hills oh there there’s no dark force Hills on okay right

Okay no I do not need help at all in fact I’m not even going to build it right now because n no no I basically done did all the stuff that I wanted to done do I done did all the stuff that I wanted to D do yes uh

So am I done I know yeah I I think I might just end it for today again close wait ah wait wait wait wait wait just wait a moment maybe not yet right cuz I’m still looking at the armat trims like the coast one from shipwrecks you

Know that doesn’t look too bad I guess do know that’s yeah no uh cuz like that that one should be easy to get right that one should be pretty easy to get probably hopefully or maybe I should maybe I could try going for jungle temples but most likely all of them have

Been uh looted since all of them are literally really close to spawn so they’ve all definitely been looted before it wouldn’t be a better idea to at least check it out I guess I don’t know I don’t know man maybe check it out something like that

Uh okay wait let’s just go to spawn right now yeah yeah cuz like there’s a whole bunch of shipwrecks all around the continent so it’s a basically question of how how many of them have been uh looted cuz the problem with the armor triam I need at least actually no the

Only armor tram I can’t copy right now would be the end one because L can’t go in the end cannot get any endstone right now and of course I don’t have a ship no ship boat I don’t have a boat cuz why would I have a boat right now

Nope going to go got got to go why did they how are you supposed to drive this you can kind of but like no it sucks why did why did Pango have to make it like this no it’s real bad unless May defenses help would be nice for the no defense defenses actually

Make it worse because you you slow down gosh on the highway is real bad okay MC fan and is it down there I guess sure okay yeah so this is all newer I guess BC JK asress orange oh actually can you edit the sign yes you can so no

Honey has been applied yet sparkling it’s definitely wrong when our base is the opposite side of Spark’s base spark then over here Bango me turtle v Quest M MC and son even though I should actually be over there Cenex yeah L literally over there C the area

That’s cenic is in is literally the same kind of way that um the same direction I guess what’s going on over here okay anything different done to the spawn that’s not good okay can it be broken nope so guess a bunch of creepers there the creeper a

Bunch of creepers there the creeper why are there blocks I mean yeah I know Bango made real Weir boy right so that that’s all the same nothing has changed here okay so what did I want to explore again let’s see I guess let’s go northish northwes is cuz again it’s probably been looted

Already already but might as well check out check it out anyways just in case maybe there’s some good stuff in there loot the jungle temples maybe just maybe maybe they forgot a chest maybe they didn’t find the secret chest or something or maybe they didn’t find Temple that’s also an option there could

Hope for why are there two blocks missing there missing there why would you that do why would you do that to the trees poor trees w w w boat time boat time boat time time time boat I’ll just yeah like two two 300 blocks that way is E okay can I see anything on the map not really there’s some coal there but I definitely have enough coal plenty of coal plenty of coal is what I have so I don’t really need anymore it’s some lava what’s that about why might there be some lava today it’s just naturally flowing

Lava right here yep naturally flowing lava not dangerous in the slightest okay so you just west now uh ah okay and it should be in that jungle past this river that I’m passing right now at passing speeds y check that okay um should be like 40 blocks away it should be likely

So I went past what I went past how did I go past it should be right around here there’s nothing there there’s there’s no jungle temple here like what the heck there’s nothing here where is it what the heck I got scammed why did get why did I have to

Get scammed like that there is no jungle temple here there’s not nothing visible on the map either oh that’s a very mean moment very bad moment right there come on that never happened Never Never Happened okay uh right here again it should be right about here but it’s it’s not it’s not

Here at all this goshan but that’s still high up a Phantoms have I really not slept that long would be nice it would be real nice if someone slept right now that’ll be really nice right now yeah like right now East yeah I am going east that’s like the next area to go

To wait no not here that’s that is East uh actually yeah it is here and then okay yeah East very East very would be nice if someone were to sleep right now that would be very nice someone went to bed right now that would be very nice

If someone could just go to bed right now that would be Al so nice oh no no no no no okay that time it’s because of the lava so it’s kind of it’s kind of okayish the the trees are not touching the ground they’re floating kind of okay

Because it’s lava the lava caused it instead of a player most likely baby zombie Bam by the coloring of the tree like what the heck desert oh okay y there’s one there what do you mean dies I have nether right armor okay someone’s definitely been here surely

Nice yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah although there’s no evidence that someone’s been here what let’s probably just replace blocks that shoots never mind okay okay that’s exactly what I needed that’s exactly what I needed okay very nice very nice indeed okay wait a wild armor

Trim wild armor trim what do I need what uh Tri what do I need to craft okay I need these blocks these blocks right here I need these blocks I think I have enough mossy cobblestone how did no one loot actually I can’t tell if no one looted it or what

Because there’s nothing here like why big hole there’s a big hole before that okay I got to go south directly south literally just south only South yeah okay and he’s also M mainly South okay so the direction also kind of works out and like might as well check it out

Check out a little bit There’s a Zombie but the zombie did not get me did not get me the zombie did not get me did not get me do 300 yeah like 500 blocks I could use a Nether for faster transport but yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah C chees qu Quay qu from China BS OU jez use theine to my advantage yes yes a very advantageous advantageous very much of an advantage I don’t have a water bucket I do have a water bucket I just doesn’t have it army army Bo of

Hotness this ain’t going to work yeah thought that might happen and it did okay this will work yeah yeah yeah easy super ultra easy mode it’s still night time hey okay so yeah there’s that there’s that okay great I went basically in circle but it was worth it because I got some wild

Armor trims very nice very awesomess crazy how nobody looted that even though that was so close to spawn like only a couple hundred blocks away from Spawn and many people have gone further out so I don’t know we take it anyways I’ll take it anyways maybe now

Was just looking for that trim I don’t know Aya jump jum jum I am jumping jumping jumping okay they actually a bit further while I eat I I do have looting I could kill them but do I even need Phantom membranes cuz when I get an lra I immediately equip Unbreaking and

Mending and this ads add time add time add time time time add okay X why is the internet so bad so bad it would be nice if it was better so better that would be much better if the internet was much better much better it should be around here oh

No oh no is it not here it there’s not oh wait I went past wait what that’s why we went past unless it’s past this mountain this hill what kind of enchants do you have let me ask no not going to give you answer not going to give your answer to me I

See okay so it should should just be 100 100 blocks this way and I see it on the map as well very nice very epic epic epic sauce po epic now is it looted most likely but I’ll check it anyways yep that’s all gone even the arrows wow yeah this is

Probably one of the first areas that we looted although I will take the Pistons should why not okay so the next one is also Sal uh which is that’s north south Y is which is 300 blocks that way and 100 blocks this way ay he has the same amount of deaths

As me which means if he dies one more time I am not going to I’m going to actually have the least amount of deaths if a dies right now oh what what fun that would be fun fun so much fun such extreme fun times although my brother’s area is

Somewhere near come on by one block by a single block why right past the river in Lego City bro you’re joking past this this okay and we add this to like 200 blocks go PW pow okay to go East seems like I guess got to go e anyways but

Yeah oh that one shouldn’t be too far way okay I see it on the map I see the jungle temple on the map although since it’s literally right next to my brother’s base Still’s base then probably the temple has already been looted but might as well check it out anyways

Before yeah bro how is this even a jungle temple it’s not even a jungle what the heck okay uh biome okay forest and only jungle here but yeah like I thought looted fully oh wow even the dispenses okay yikes everything’s been looted here yeah okay all righty as then e why should e

Make my way e to turtle’s area of Bas uh with his big slime hole his big slimy hole hey what Pistons oh wait I forgot I forgot to check if there even were Pistons okay so there’s a hole here Sur this is not it right that’s just a lacking

Hole it doesn’t even go with the bed Bedrock no is this it and there’s a bed here yeah all right big explosions here is this really there’s no way this is a hole this is such a lackluster hole okay boom ahhh oh okay I guess this is one way to get down

Me by ceiling okay all kinds of stuff uhuh oopsies that’s a whoopsies moment and I hear him screaming up up upstairs that’s a real whoopsies moment the hole isn’t even that deep actually wait no there might be more layers yeah okay there’s definely more layers okay okay now it makes a lot more

Sense now how do you get down like properly all the way down where is the way to get properly down hello hello H how do you get properly down like Sur there must be some kind of water elevator right some kind of water elevator must be here somewhere correct amundo right

Yo again that that all drops down to Lava so where is the water elevator to get down and up up and down surely such a thing exists wa well you drop down I see right okay this really doesn’t seem like the way but sure wh

Why wh why what what with the ice like why so there is a water elevator at least this even go oh oh so what’s this even supposed to do what what’s this for okay right items right obviously okay so some slimes some some slimy stuff appears okay I guess I can

Go wait wh is your base entrance Al I don’t hear you at all like it do you not have voice voice chat cuz I’m pretty sure my voice Strat is working and what if I disconnect reconnect hey I’m drawing here okay right now you disconnect and reconnect oh something appeared Whoa but why I don’t I don’t hear you even why the group if group still don’t hear you don’t hear you you got to open your thing or the voices thing enough my one was this voice chat settings select microphone select the microphone select speaker all that and

Whatnot cuz I don’t hear yeah I don’t hear you and I’ll go now I guess where’s your portal where is your portal though do no you definitely had a portal before so what about Now pink sheep I see yes Horse bro where is your portal or is it somewhere underground why would you have a portal underground so you definitely had a portal before so why is it now hello there’s the bed but there’s no portal and Cave area over here portal where oh can you hear me Joe yes oh I

He portal where uh course it’s not going to be at the slime farm what it’s not going to be at the slime farm I mean I’m pretty sure you had your base somewhere over here right uh no what what what what what what what what what okay right that that seems a

Lot more familiar so when are you going to work on your base uh when I finish the hog farm and when’s that and when’s that Mac actually no green right Mac anything different there now just a bunch of giraffes all I see all I saw there was a bunch of giraffes and

Yeah a weird looking thing with no cheekbones with no cheeks it’s a skull of course no cheeks with no cheeks yeah Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat Boat see yeah I guess I got some of the templates so it should be fine should should be good enough okay

Dead you just going to Glide away before I could get in the ball yeah I think that that template is good FR oh wait actually that that one’s better Gan Al wait are you going to go now yep I’m going W those two templates look real similar I’m looking at

Templates you can take you can put on templates on your armor as well I can what I can’t why not I don’t have any well find some hell no why not I want why not I just B A man up don’t pick up my boat is my boat Al

So why you going here anyways what the well hello there okay where’ she go why you going here why you going here oh GL you changed it dude of dude no stop no touch her no touch her Mac why you touching it I CH the right one no dude these are

My chests my Island Jal the jand this is the jand what the the jand they’re always capitalized R of vines floating yes why are there so many torches uh I mean the the the starting area uh Peno did with the Torches she so but after where where the trees were

That that’s what I did because come on I don’t want mobs here what are you trying to do house no y yeah come on man no I don’t have a house yet so I got to build one dude make one your base give me back my

Cobble My sl pum you can easily get your own Cobble yeah but I need my slim you can easily get your Cobble hell no why not don’t want to why not okay you can go no you can go no you can go you get there I shifted you can go you can go

No dude you can go dude you can go at least you have a bow and arrow with infinity can the shot what the hell is that it was a shot of my bow and arrow dude done dude what are you doing nothing just go you don’t need

These Axe can break them quicker you know they they don’t what they’re not play grown oh oh I see okay you can go no you can go no you can go no what do you mean no this is my Island no dude I will actually shoot you if you don’t go wow

Again I will actually shoot you if you don’t go so go that’s illegal what K me how many levels do you have 86 exactly so go unless you don’t want to lose them well I would blame you you would have to give me my levels back no dude

You’re on my Island I’m I’m making you go away I’m from Island Property what you can go anywhere Global this not this is my Island this is not global Earth but this is my Island so get away from my Island this is not chest passing if it’s

Public property this is my property this is not public all right let’s claim this what is this what the heck okay hang on hang on hang on hang on hang On Okay well then I just got a call from the dentist just to make sure that I have I’m going to be there tomorrow might Dey doing and I don’t hear you great give me my Cobble back stop placing it then no what do you mean no if if you’re

Going to place it you’re not going to get it back no just dude this is a hostage situation dude I’m actually going to shoot you you almost shot your I’m actually going to shoot you I will actually shoot you I will actually my arrow will travel

Faster and you will die no no I will not I have enough help surv one okay I’ll multi-shot you that is not possible what do you mean I have multishot on not on your bow I’m my crossbow the H my eigh slot I literally see your stream dude just go just

Go no I want to build a house I first need to build a house for you to build a house here I need to build my house for you to actually be able to build your house here yeah I’ll help you with that no no it’s my Pro it’s my project yeah but

You’re terrible building I need to help I’m going to do a different kind of experiment not the usual kind that’s the problem not the usual kind so you can go exp last time look terrible this time it’s going to be last time is wonky this time is going to be something

Different this time it will be quality no why not no that’s boring it isn’t boring that’s nice quality is boring I need something more special I did not successfully kill the a slot dude don’t just go no why not I don’t want to why I just don’t want to why uh because but

Why explain yourself do I got to end off the live stream I can’t while you’re still here exactly but that’s a problem because this is not content this is a lot of content no content here so much content nope not at all yeah yeah nah n man

N you can’t touch them they content you can go I’m a Content machine not you’re not though if you were you you’ll be able to upload more Global videos I’m not even recording which means it’s not content it’s content for you it’s not though you’re live streaming yeah but no

Al get away from my cave spider farm you have your own spider farm oh you actually holy they say actually dude uh hello dude what dude stop no stop it right now stop breaking stuff no what do you mean no yes no what do you mean by no

No can’t even oh you can’t this is uh predic you going to die at this point did yeah stop like stop no why no the heck you doing dude stop just get out I don’t even have music going on right now no I definitely can yeah yeah go go uh

Dude a what stop what the problem stop no no just go back to your base keep building a slime farm no what do you mean no I don’t want to why not it’s painful what do you mean you you had want plan to do that finish

Joac I I could only do that once I finish hog bar you finish it the C why not it’s too fun to troll it’s not though you’re not even trolling you just the the the L the inevitable no yeah okay you going I’m also going to have to

End off anyway soon anyways because Mom soon going to get home uh where are you going yeah stop ow how did you get me there what do you mean how easy dude literally stop that’s an option okay great who are you singing to what who are you singing to what do you

Mean stop singing why I don’t like it you can go now as can go away not not more in you tried I’m not even trying like what the D well then okay p p p p p P Way is it go now how do you get out of this place just get to the water what water the water ow dude go no dude no up not down up go up yeah go up you don’t need more levels right now I do you mentioned you have 80 what

Do you need more levels for uh I lie what do you mean I have 23 you have a double spider farm uh it’s far away so just go back you don’t need levels from here right now so just go ow so just go ni why is your spider farm so slow like eight

Spiders yeah so go then it’s so slow yeah exactly so go then just like those spiders spawning yeah I don’t care just go then hello did go so just Go oh no D dude stop yeah just go then go away no why not dude a pting away stop hiding from the dynamap BR okay I’ll just send off the live stream here the music I am playing and whatnot like why the mustache why like no actually what’s

Even going on with the eyes like no ew okay yeah hope you enjoy this live stream not the good one but yeah just simple stuff just neite armor and then oh wait actually wait no no no no no no no before I end off hang on I just remember

Something that I completely forgot before uh dude go go away away you go wa I have too much stuff I got too much stuff right now uh okay okay okay and then diamonds here and then oh here right right uh plop plop yay and then hat as well do I have

One head as well like that sure might as well and boom armor trim no no that’s actually bad uh that’s actually bad but that I’m actually going to keep it that’s bad I’m going to keep it heck yeah heck yeah why is it on the same

Level as my eyes uh okay yeah yeah yeah yeah I’m going to keep that well I hope you enjoy this live stream if you did please leave a like subcribe subcribe notification know when I live stream more uh B one and I’ll see you later bye why was it so long

This video, titled ‘How to Make Netherite Armor | Minecraft Global SMP LIVE (27/12/2023)’, was uploaded by ninjajou10 on 2023-12-27 14:46:09. It has garnered 51 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:37:12 or 9432 seconds.

VERY BIG PLANS (actually this time) Global SMP Season 7 I hope you enjoy this video. Please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE (press notification bell) and COMMENT for more ideas. LET’S GO FOR 12 LIKES!!!! (dd/mm/yyyy)

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0:00 Hey hey hey hey! 1:32 What I did off-stream 3:30 How to Make Netherite Armor in Minecraft 1.20 6:00 Making stuffz 13:10 The Journey to get Armor Trims 1:41:05 Small Break 1:43:50 Wut da dog doin? 1:44:55 Notin much 1:53:02 Jungle Armor Trims? 2:06:41 GTurtleM’s base 2:15:45 My Brother being annoying 2:21:34 Mini Small Break 2:22:09 Turtle NOT GETTING OUT OF MY ISLAND! 2:36:50 Byee?!

#ninjajou10 #globalsmp #minecraft #global #minecraftsmp #minecraftsmpgameplayvideo #minecraftsmpserver #minecraftsmpservers #globalsmp7

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  • Automatic Bathtub in Minecraft!

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  • A Minecraft SMP

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  • Realmportal SMP PVE Magic Dungeons RPG Towny Custom Economy 1.20.4

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  • SMP(Magic, Dungeons, More+) 1.20.1 and Simple VoiceChat(optional)

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  • Minecraft Memes – It really do be like that sometimes

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  • Unveiling the BREEZE: Ultimate Guide

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  • Minecraft’s Satisfying Delight: A Rhyme in Sight

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  • Minecraft Madness: AI-Generated Gaming Fun

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  • Minecraft SMP gets SUS!?

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  • Insane Custom Nether Portal Cave Build!

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  • INSANE Minecraft Water Logic!! 😯 #shorts

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  • BeezeeBox Minecraft Modpack – Nightmares Unleashed!

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  • 🔥 Royal vs Mr Aabid drama exposed 🔥

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  • Monkey Manhwa Recap: 8 Billion People Transmigrated into Minecraft – Only HE Knows Recipes!

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  • Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie’s Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯

    Mind-Blowing Surprise: Callie's Insane Ability Revealed! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Калли Удивила Бибу Своей Способностью [Hololive RU Sub]’, was uploaded by kir on 2024-04-06 16:52:05. It has garnered 3030 views and 380 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Mori Channel: @MoriCalliope Bibu Channel: @KosekiBijou 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】block game with @KosekiBijou !! Stream: ———————————————————————— [Донатик клиперу] ————————————————– ——————– Subscribe to the channel to watch your favorite Vituber girls every day! ————————————————– ——————— #vtuber #hololive #holoen #hololiveenglish #holoadvent #kosekibijou #calliopemori #moricalliope #vtubers Read More

  • Casual Dude’s Insane Modern House Build #minecraft

    Casual Dude's Insane Modern House Build #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MODERN HOUSE #minecraft #shorts #casualdude #minecraftbuilding’, was uploaded by Casual Dude on 2024-05-04 14:00:31. It has garnered 554 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Welcome to Casual Dude, your go-to destination for laid-back gaming adventures! here to share my gaming experiences and bring you into the world of fun and entertainment. 🎮 Gaming Vibes, Casual Style: Join me as I navigate through various gaming realms, explore new releases, and dive into classic favorites. Whether it’s epic victories or hilarious defeats, you can expect genuine reactions and a… Read More

  • SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET ‘Shushu’ in Minecraft Pe 😱

    SHOCKING REACTION TO NEW PET 'Shushu' in Minecraft Pe 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘MEET MY NEW DOST ‘Shushu’ BUT….(This Happened 😱)| Minecraft Pe:-6|#minecraft’, was uploaded by REX Magnus on 2024-04-24 09:51:46. It has garnered 16 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:56 or 896 seconds. Hello guys this is Rex Magnus I hope you Enjoy My Videos and if you and make sure to like the video and subscribe to my channel because this is your brother’s chor barti friend so it is okay to subscribe…;) And share it with your brothers, friends, friends and love everyone… Follow me:- Instagram:- Minecraft pe Survival Series… Read More

  • Axolotl SMP

    Axolotl SMPfun lifesteal server for you and your friends! if you like to play in survival you will have tons of fun please enjoy i will sometimes add update so stay tuned Read More

  • MineRealm SMP Semi-Vanilla – Public 1.19-1.20.6 21+ Staff Legit Custom Plugins

    MineRealm Community Since 2010, MineRealm has welcomed over 265,000 unique players. Join now and be part of the third longest running SMP! Get Started: Server: Website: Trailer: Watch now Discord: Join server Rules: View rules About MineRealm: MineRealm has been running since Oct 28, 2010, as the second longest running SMP server. We focus on maintaining a close-to-vanilla gameplay experience with optional meta-gameplay features. Key Features: Legit gameplay without spawned items Custom-coded gameplay features Grief prevention system – CoreProtect Custom land protection system Join our Discord server to share your ideas for the future of MineRealm. For more… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Where is my luck 😭🙏

    Minecraft Memes - Where is my luck 😭🙏Looks like even in Minecraft, luck just isn’t on your side! Maybe it’s time to start sacrificing some chickens to the RNG gods 🐔🙏 #79scorestruggles Read More

  • POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme

    POV: The Friend with Lava Ping in Minecraft #HotMeme POV: When your friend’s ping is so high in Minecraft that they’re basically playing in the year 999. Good luck trying to mine anything without it disappearing into the void! #laggyfriend #minecraftproblems Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge

    Ultimate Minecraft Iron Factory Build Challenge Building an Iron Factory in Minecraft with Create Mod Embark on a creative journey with Uberswe as they showcase the construction of an impressive iron factory in Minecraft using the Create mod. This project is part of a 30-day build challenge that promises innovation and excitement in the world of Minecraft. 30-Day Build Challenge The 30-day build challenge sets the stage for Minecraft enthusiasts to push their creative boundaries and explore the endless possibilities offered by the game. Uberswe’s iron factory build is a testament to the intricate designs and technical prowess that players can achieve within a limited… Read More

  • Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor!

    Crafting a Bathroom on 2nd Floor! Minecraft Survival Builds: Exploring Creative Construction in the Game Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with @ricplayzgamez as they showcase their creative skills in building a simple bathroom on the 2nd floor in this exciting gameplay video. Join in on the fun as they demonstrate their building techniques and share their passion for gaming with their audience. Channel Overview @ricplayzgamez offers a diverse range of gaming content, from classic NES games to modern favorites like Hungry Shark and Hill Climb Racing. With a focus on hidden object games, fighting games, and more, this channel provides entertainment… Read More

  • Mistalunchbox – EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!

    Mistalunchbox - EPIC Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEGINNER | 🔴 LIVE’, was uploaded by Mistalunchbox on 2024-06-01 19:22:18. It has garnered 90 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 03:50:36 or 13836 seconds. Live on twitch: Live on Kick: MERCH: Discord: Read More