Insane New JKey SMP Release – Must Watch!

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Hello is it working yay I love obs OBS is so sick man it just resets my microphone but doesn’t act it’s set on default I’ve only got one mic plugged in bro I’ve only got one mic plugged in uh okay I think it should be working if

There’s a if it’s not working let please let me know I think you guys is spawning you randomly which honestly I’m quite happy with that it should be spawning you randomly okay where am I here we are oh I should probably hide my coordinates before before I’m I’m going to get killed

Straight away I already know it and how do I change my coordinat I actually completely forgotten uh mods um I’m I’m leaking everything I’ve got bro I’m leaking everything I’ve got um what’s zaro’s world map I think it’s called mini map what would it be overlay settings

Maybe I don’t know s it I’ll join the call now lad I’ll join the call now yeah so yeah if there’s any bugs at all please let me know cuz I don’t want it to last too long as in the bugs I want to make sure they’re all ironed out uh

Sooner than later but yeah I feel like we’re at a point where it’s pretty much done I’m trying to call Jamie is it going to work also we’ got eight people currently watching chat I really do appreciate it oh yeah yeah how’s it going Jason yeah

It’s it’s early for you oh it’s early earlier for you I don’t think it’s early but oh in this one hello Lads W one wag one wag one bro I instantly how did you die I just watched J run off like a five block cliff and kill himself it happens happens you one

I Haven I haven’t add someone has ADD I’m running 13 it feels really framy what’s going on is my is my Shad how do I even go into shaders I just did it like out of there r that control or something I want I don’t know what it

Is I want Ultra fast right yeah chat also you lose 20% of your money if you get killed by a player they steal the money so yeah so not natural death so notal death J you’re not gonna you’re not going to get too poor don’t worry and Ben get my Google

Is unfortun this guy is jimy jimy your just change your password bro uh Sam I’m Che already where are you got Diamond not put your skin customization on bro how you doing J what’s that press pause change your password so they can’t hack you because they’ll need to have your physic options

Skin and do what turn it all on so then you have like the mask and St there you go I m you didn’t before you do now why am I lagging but I’m so laggy I’m on 10 FPS no M mine’s right I think the server just lagged like

It’s possible um we have just loaded people in why are me and Jacob both on 140 ping yeah I’m not I said the server’s not lagging from what I’m looking’s check of the server I have got another one lined up with eight cores by the way lad but what

The why have I got ACN eight CES no why have I got acorns what I found acorns what do you mean what acons no you don’t s they don’t exist oh wait is it just my it might just be my resource pack and it’s called an acor for some

Reason I don’t know I could change the name of it I just planted an oak sapling but it’s called an acorn what the hell is an acorn bro that’s just not a thing unless no maybe you got like have you got like English like proper British uh

Text on in the in the language settings cuz they might have renamed it like they rename sword to like knife or something maybe they sapling to acor I don’t know it’s possible your P protect finishing a commission on get on the SMP Jaden it works on a I don’t have you got a

Computer now Jaden I take it you have you’ve been you’ve been making I your commission so whock is this gu uh that guy is definitely not even yeah way Mo’s not even here Mo’s not going to be but he was begging for it to be like yeah cuz I I

Me up in time bro I me up in time Sam can I TPA are you are you two with each other yeah okay I’m going to TPA yeah TP chat um only rtps cost money cuz I probably says be on I would never

Le oh yeah I need to find a map I have a feeling I maybe have Cs on how how I get rid if I look human if I so boys we got to migrate we got to Mig how do I get rid of CES I don’t know

Yes but I’m I’m like 30 FPS over here the hell how do I disable coord why am I so laggy have you got shaders or anything on no please tell me how I to that’s hide way point I’ve just what what bro there’s no trees yeah we going to move yeah I’m

Going this way what oh my God I need to find a mini map I actually don’t know how to disable coordinates what off your mini map yeah what is like M or n or something yeah you have to open it and then on the right side there’s like a settings thing

If it’s the same one but like where uh I’m in the settings I just can’t see it let me load up your stream hold up two seconds oh boys I’m panicking now I’m going to get Ben’s going to Nick on my money I could feel it yeah who’s I’m confused who

I don’t know who we on a team with I don’t know it’s fine we’re just going to play we’re just going to chill but I’m going to I’m just have some fun I have no food and go to the settings okay yeah it’s so laggy yeah I can’t actually

Look and then it was wait go back uh give me a sec your stream’s delayed in it so oh is it uh it’s on ultra low latency bro yeah but even so it’s still going to be go on to I think it was information setting information settings I think so

Uhin off I went on that 15 times by the way I just didn’t read it cheers there you go have you got any food uh I can do punching [ __ ] A okay cool uh I’ll play on computer I’ll join I’ll try to join nice nice nice

Nice okay well were they know where we are but there’s something peaceful about being yes this place is we can we can hear a little rgp again yeah they do we need more trees anyway there’s nothing around here we can’t you say RTP was free no RTP is

$50 ah crap yeah we got 4 mil in the bank we chilling shut up I know you haven’t cuz I already set all the money cuz I was woring that someone did that how much should we have 500 bucks okay cool they got 450 cuz I spent 50 on

Something I don’t know what it was you must have RP CRA table please crafting table I just tried to make a crafting table by stacking four pieces of wood in a crafting when you guys join just so you know how how did you where did just randomly spawn you somewhere I

Just spawned in on the map yeah okay I want to be I want that to change to a in the hub okay I I’ll do that later that’s the only thing so far I think it it looks pretty good you rob my crafting table I’m actually starving by the

Way I forgot how to play this game how have you done that already oh blacksmith I’m looking me but I’m dripping yeah me and jam actually look cold I’m not going to lie oh yeah I need to make um I look so clad with the H on right I’m going to make you’re

That I’m making a team Lads what we calling a team making a team what yeah we’re going to make a team what we calling the team Jim what we calling the team what what team who’s on team um um I wish’s name no no no I can’t do

That um why not oh Ben no we’ll wait for Ben Ben will have a brilliant suggestion for he’ll just if he doesn’t put beans in there somewhere RAC no no no no he won’t trust I prish you he’s never been racist he’ll say something like yeah talking about want special one

I’m intrigued yeah I I want to see what Ben says that’s all I want to know okay where where’s Ben Ben see Ben Holden Prime neb bro Prime neb will come up with name I can feel it if it’s not it will be yeah 100% it will include the word Bean in

It running I went across the riv I’m Ying in I’m Ying in wait so how do I make money do I just slash shop I don’t know I think might be trying a bit too much yeah I feel like all these people are really good at the game by the way well I’ve

Forgot like what is this what he killed a ra Captain like I have I don’t even have the to kill a sheep right now I I don’t have a weapon some hello think it might be a SL RTP here because there’s nothing here for my who wants the was

He’s okay Jorge thinks he’s like on the something what is this oh that I swear that’s actually worth it not do that you not do that wish actually SE I don’t know what’s your ping is comparable to the freaking Australian on the other I don’t know it’s not the server the Bro the

Server’s not even the server’s not even stressed man the server’s chilling it’s dark as hell man what the the where we going I’m oh hello it’s so dark it’s so dark I’m I might have to it’s dark it dark I like I I have a texture

Pack in the Shader on and it is like oh okay okay okay pitch black I’m on like 40 FPS when I me how I I was about to Jimmy you almost baited me to put my FPS on screen then you’re a bad man oh how’s that how’s that my

Fault boys who wants to waste 50 Quid on RTP cuz this is a terrible spot um yeah there’s actually nothing over here but I’ll make many moves toight anyway oh no I got oh this could be kind of cold you know I’m in the ice is there trees I’m I’m are

Trees yeah I’ve got a lot of trees holy wait I’m in a wait you want be this is like oh there’s a Pillager Outpost there well I I’m looking if there’s a village over here quickly we can just set homes for a bit can’t we like oh yeah

True do they not require oh no no can you accept that I’m being harassed oh no uh wait S A there something very suspicious here I forgot that pillar just hurt that sounds no if you there’ll be the uh it’s so dark oh my God okay the snow

Is just not it the snow is just not it no but I kind of want to be in a snow bi or at least we need to find villages I get that but okay I’m going to set home here I might have to it’s actually like

P Jam fish okay Jimmy get me out of this placeo I’m surrounded by mobs I’m Ying in I’m Ying in okay okay oh I need to I need to De myself cuz I’ve got bloody all sorts of all sorts of uh things happening cheating wait where did you like go what

I’m confused why we literally went down like four four blocks you I went it’s so dark why can’t I break things I’m best what the hell I have to break things twice that’s not cuz I’m lagging now I think it’s just cuz I’ve got I’ve got this axe this ax

Sucks why can’t we sell sweet berries uh I if you want me to s I’ll I’ll add that to thing later add it to list it’s could be Laing a little bit L can I bre this W please okay soy yeah that’s what I’m happy but I’m not lagging it’s just okay yeah

I give up I that one piece of lagging so bad yeah I don’t know but the server’s not lagging I can see I swear that’s cuz he’s like is he be Australian oh Bo say I think if he there’s a reason for that box wait did I just spawn at a

Different village or is this the same one it’s the same one I’m might be a box hold of 11 C listen I’m making a I’m making a furnace because I feel like I’m gonna see to jaob TP accept yeah I’m going to St stream delay there should be almost none like 5 Seconds

Maximum no I’m not saying there shouldn’t be I’m saying cuz if they’re if they’re listening they can just TPA to you while oh right so just watch out yeah they have done that before yeah they’re little DS I think Luke’s got bigger fish to fire now Luke’s currently getting hacked

So where Luke’s on our team who knows I don’t know I fisted by a skeleton give me that it happens bro well you to uh I’m currently making a furnace I’m just chilling underground slowly D I fixed it D luk no longer being hacked by just ripped out my headset fun

Times I’ve got to be the smartest okay well now I’m just chickens how can you be on 2.3 HP oh never mind bro the health thing sitick on the side it just it updates really fast please I mean for and but where’s Mo I never thought

Say that but where is M he he he was complaining that it should be 3:00 so he’s probably asleep yeah good point cuz some reason he didn’t know that he can set an alarm why can’t I yeah I can’t break trees it’s like it’s really weird I can’t kill anything I’m so

Laggy asan Jeff I love Asian Jeff he’s my favorite man but I the server is not laggy in the slightest I’m not lagging anymore think was just loading in all the chunks it’s going to be so laggy when thing is when I when I when I break

Things it like it instantly drops after the second time I just have to break it twice it’s really strange I’m not quite boys we have to find a village and then set up a little mine I’m going to go on the hunt for a village

Boys on how do I’m confused how do I enable full bright just time might be copper yeah I am that’s the one bug I cannot fix it’s never right band vpm wait I’m actually I’m actually copper how do I do this we just ask B

Yeah no a lot a lot of like sweaty servers get rid of netherite but I just think it’s boring because you can get diamonds with like literally like an hour so what the point uh anyone anyone know how to I have 100% tested x-ray uh it doesn’t it’s impossible x-ray just

Doesn’t work so I even inst you sure hey bro I will show you right now just to deter people find way nah and do I even have the texture pack installed I did download it that sounds mad but just trust all right surey listen what cheating it had to be done

Man I had to test it wait I’m actually stupid how do I do this three for uh members five for VIPs 10 for MVPs I have fabric a right am call yeah fre a lot yes weap 10’s crazy 10 is actually need more but but I’ve always need like no every the

End you actually need a lot more to be fair um at least to go in my mods folder wait is it on I’m confused why St I think 10 bro 10 isn’t enough okay hang on I feel like like I like I know what’s causing the lag I’m

Going see if I can do anything about it real quick this probably my dumb ass brain’s lagging I don’t know what’s happening it could be I think you have K how do I open okay um I might be stupid jimy I’m running out here okay I’m I’m running around trying to find

Instantly okay I know what’s causing the lag WJ but there’s Aid I’m lagging I’m not shocked enough I’ve just had to break a stone block about 17 times um hang on oh my God I’m Ling whoa some you lagging are you going on the SMP yeah

I’m trying to figure out how to do Shader pack not shaded Pack full bright how do I do full bright what you want mod is there’s probably like an option though put in my mods folder but how the hell do I find my mods folder the lag’s

Fixed for the guys penalty penalty make his made his daily appearance Penal benal wait it’s in there I love you it’s in my mods folder so how do I use it but I’m not rehiring Dev team sorry bro that Dev team was the only Dev team in history which actually hindered

Progress by the way George placed down 4 million TNT and crashed the server yeah it just sounds like can I’m not going to lie yeah literally within 10 minutes of hiring them they were all banned I we should hire me and Sam I mean oh it works yeah and you probably

You can’t be any Dumber you’d be shocked to to hear that Parky and Luke W like actually like somewhat decent it was George was the bad influence George is just swear Luke’s born about five 5,000 Rivers yeah but that’s what I’m saying he didn’t at the start George was one started off George

Was the bad influence he was the bad egg she telling me if they so we can end it we get racist in chat no you mean no on that D fish off stream off stream off save save the brexit talk for off stream yeah yep that’s that’s ow I just fell in

Someone’s hole that rule definitely goes for neb as well that guy has some strong opinions yeah but he didn’t say Minecraft he just screamed in Discord what was that thing don’t say don’t say it what was that thing he said ages ago I’m trying that thing he said ages ago I don’t

Know I don’t know Jimmy he said he said a few things most of them being no it was like really no it was a really like mad thing I don’t know I don’t want to know because you muted him for I remember this I don’t know listen Okay

What Ben says is just 25 Grand if anyone buys that at some point I you know I want the kind of money where I can afford that in the future but that is the price of a beacon so Lads where’d you go I know but I I’ve walked off but

There’s no Village around here anywhere and I don’t want to RTP because I’m I’m kind of going poor pey do you got RTP for free cuz cuz you’re an admin no buty I’m an MVP surely I get it for like a discounted price no nope no no sorry why not please of

Win why if I buy a third MVP n bro I the thing is that money makes it like being having to spend money to like do things like that is actually like kind of fun cuz you need like to cover the C with like a little for by two more MVPs who’s

That who’s that oh it’s Sam I’m I’m actually stressed that someone’s going to like just rock up and kill me I’m oh no please don’t kill me please don’t take my shield please don’t take my sh yeah know but they’re going to take my money jimy that’s what I don’t

Care about the sh I care about the money we have four yeah and if I have nothing I can’t RP Ben piss off and Dron B’s got stuff we could just TP and kill him no we can’t it’s benold he has stuff he just say if you think he has stuff yeah

Let me just let me kill him in my wooden axe and pickaxe in for NE already probably apparently we’re Team X isn’t the thing L’s just a nerd I swear we’re teamed oh listen I’m just chill I don’t know what’s going on because they’re all in one call I’m just

Chilling with this in another uh and I’m very confused B that’s what I’m saying bro jiss offat is cooking oh my God okay thank God Jim literally you have to press a button bro yeah I know but I I kept clicking on the wrong setting and he kept saying freaking chat

Setting chat settings fcking Jinx my wait can I change my to jinxy $100 who want some copper lad someone buy that oh Ben rank give it to Ben that’s just unnecessary sorry actually is is he still in Copper or is he in bronze I think he’s still in

Copper there was just no need for that lose copper actually I’m not surprised oh yeah B just got iron yeah maybe don’t more but I’m I’m trying to find a village and then I’m going to go mining but I want to find a village y I’m rping Chey if

It’s bad can I get my 50 my $50 back I can’t refund bro what look outside yeah I know I can hear it yeah chat it’s actually is your Good Sam yeah I got the jinxy hearing bro I just punched my mic on ow Jim I haven’t played in like that hurt what

H I really couldn’t care he’s cop when he plays anyway crazy actually not crazy yeah you can tell me I’m lying tell me I’m ly right now on tell me oh chat I upgraded my my Ram to 32 GB such a w and I have more ROM Jamie and Sam combin r

R we key in J bash down the barricade with it yeah have you seen our skins I’m so confused what you said R I don’t think Jak I don’t think Jak SK I don’t play sieg man I’m coming back to you guys if there’s no Village over here I’m running away man I’m

Gone the end is disabled Parky it’s been five minutes bro no no he knows that no no he’s not going to the end he’s making sure that it’s not it’s not open to people cuz he wants L I’m I’m cut I’m gone let me in

Your call Ben wants to join the call I’m not sure if I want better than this is the private VC with the with men them you say the men the men them late night conversations yeah this what we called put them in them I’m so laggy oh no I’m shopping I

Don’t know I’m stopping too I’m stopping to bed real quick the cutest Predator what’s that oh act why do they have two names started the rumors bro with the with the ghilly suit and looking through looking through the G window it’s not oh what has it been

Confirmed yeah have you not seen him Sat in his freaking hotel in Spain on the bcon oh yeah used to send pictures of show about hotels in in Spain and balconies Jamie that’s pretty much where you spent your entire two weeks you big yeah and I would have taking pictures of

70 WS no you’re on Discord watching me play Minecraft oh my God we could buy diamonds yeah was say I need to figure me and Jamie need to just spend two hours looking at loopholes in the shop well I will I just need to find a village and a freaking

Cave well listen okay you and I need to find more than 40 FPS listen if you report loopholes or issues to me or bugs I will pay you money okay but I get money anyway no yeah surely I just make money off it and then until someone fig

Out what you’re doing and then you know you really think anyone else on the up I might Luke has been haed by’s website yeah sign up to some random things bro yeah so be Challenge and but I I’ll just I’ll just bube the other person tell themg

Fell most random stuff ever by the way I’m on more FPS than 10 I’m good I’m good I’m chilling I’m the on forever C’s crazy rain drops my FPS to am I cap 6p cap disable my game looks cold no I’m on 32 vs Village village Village village Village don’t any louder

Village don’t it any louder it’s not very big Village I that’s just not that’s just not a h what that’s just not hang on what okay someone’s one of the admin team have placed on a chest huh there’s a chest in but they can’t open it oh there b see [ __ ] off

Ben okay oh my it had so much stuff in it I I see about to B for that’s my stuff I might bro there’s a stack of God apples in that chest bro oh my why is Ben wait why how has benold got up they couldn’t open it

Because they couldn’t open it because they put a bloody block on the top of it and they couldn’t break the block cuz it’s in Hub so yeah nice plan you’re all stupid oh Jimmy there’s a cave down here have to check some people’s inventory though cuzz Parky is a sussy boy okay

Parky Parky’s chill I just don’t trust some people by some people you mean like everyone else on the server no no no just basically just anyone who’s uh who was basically anyone in the development team anyone who in development team might might be a a Susy backa okay no they’re

Good yeah I think I banned them before they could do anything bad they didn’t I don’t know what my drop button is they didn’t last very long so my full bright doesn’t work that’s cold oh it’s a oh void how’s it going second Australia join and be the second Australia on the

Server come on void how you doing bro an enchanted book for a thousand bucks what what is that no one has thorns to and piercing I guess L is that poor smithing table I got on Minecraft a come on Minecraft a w game man realistically if I if I just put so

Many things on the auction house no no you won’t if I just like sell One D Block for like one p and then just keep doing it but like PR your server I’ll just bam it in chat so just cop yeah but I’ll make you so we can’t

Build a base is meant to be 43 degrees in Australia what right so he in you where have we gone I hope you have airon otherwise you are going to die I’m on a cave there’s no key I went how how I know your houses are like on Steals and

Stuff to keep the the heat like that one person sleep but that’s crazy no I might enable people like the night time and no one likes at night time yeah until they want to do something and then they go can you please play at night time and then people just grief

Them should cry about it w my oh yeah big cave let’s go I think I’m C 6 FPS um why do I not have glowing on do out doing cattle all day oh right are you on like a a ranch or something Australia and what part of Australia you from void I

Forgot like Queensland or what I like Australia yeah that guy from Australia definitely did not like Jamie yesterday he was cing he he was how angry are we talking uh imagine Prime do you know about prime never lock clip yeah lock off yeah about 10 times about 10 times that Queenland

Nice I was just making the 10 on ver by just saying things in chat which I can’t see on stream but never so dim this cave is the worst Cave of all time oh s just uh Jamie oh Jamie accept please we’re all in a cave we can just go

Mining go chill for a bit NX and chill bro I want I want Mo online man I’m missing MO yeah I need yeah word I thought I’d never hear yeah but you punch your in it yeah that is true uh yeah I’m here did it start I seeba getting out of bed then

Showering you can’t have to get out of bed who said it was it spend mil or mo mo he’s so cool honestly he’s actually so cool sick oh no oh no oh no I was AFK oh man a [ __ ] my think it full iron already I

Was iron down here yeah I know this actually a decent cave also the mini map does not work on underground by the way um don’t tell me don’t tell me you got your quads on again no I haven’t but look on the mini map this just all multicolors because of

The uh the anti how you know it’s working all right does it work in the nether please tell me it works in the nether what the mini map yeah no make some furn xray is Bann in in the ne cuz even more important yeah but I

Want to be a to see where I’ve been it works above ground just not justed off I found like a little Ravine with lava so I went to it it can’t it can’t render the blocks outside of it other than like it can render

Air so it kind it kind of works but it’s a bit it’s a bit multi it’s like bloody you know that elephant like that Patchwork Elephant book from years ago oh yeah it’s like it looks like that don’t be what was it even called I have no

Idea Diamonds oh chat what was the elephant called you know which elephant I’m talking about everyone knows which elephant I’m talking about even Jamie know I’m talking about but I don’t remember yesterday yeah kind believe as well chat I might have to do like an out stream but you don’t as

Well what I don’t that was not English I don’t I I yesterday I Diamond I have no I don’t have oh I found two lots of diamonds why have I made that I’m such an idiot actually forgot all my crafting recipes and it’s just yeah I have no I

Tried to make a crafting table by putting four wood on one made an idiot okay um so I got the world’s worst Diamond uh Vein One n I’ve got two one veins I can see on both another another one another one why I capture

60 come on oh my God two go okay well I have three diamonds I might sell do I sell them or not no one’s going to buy them yet no they’re too poor oh I see one of you this just land like another person

Oh no this is a two oh three why is our ping so bad by the way oh wait for wait did they break or not what’s your p uh 95 why am I on a thousand I got five diamonds let go oh no I’m I’m going to die to

Lag cool um I think someone we download something something in my house cuz uh I’m a laggy boy I I think it’s him it’s on God it’s not me you you should conf Sam I should conf Sam yes Sam be Co and conf Sam yeah that’s yeah that’s good I didn’t think

Of that jimy go in his room and actually have like S I don’t know what you have but something no yeah there’s diamonds everywhere in 1. 20 like just everywhere who is that down there if you have to try use xro I know it’s banned

Now but like even if you have to use xro like in Prior servers you’re just sad cuz bro diamonds are so like they’re everywhere like netherite I I can I can kind of understand but even nether so easy to make I justed I just tried to make wheat by doing three hay bales

Across the bottom I’m so stupid if you have Fortune you might diamonds you get it’s just mental do you know that one Minecraft to of never doing that you’ve just done it yeah I’ve never listen I’ve never listened to AA in my life it works quite

Well a lot the time but then you go St La exactly yeah it work it works nine out of 10 times but that one time you lose everything so yeah and it’s always when you say it as well I heard something is that power bow something cuz Jesus Christ that does

Damage skeletons are just op it was it was enchanted so I must have had power on it cuz it did so much damage Bo me over there there there’s literally nothing here this cave is awful you go further down no bro I’ve actually got the god stuff I’m not going to

Lie I got a couple diamonds he’s got like got yeah you pry so rich man that’s crazy more I got more armor than you yeah but I’m food rich I got so much food has $755 the total balance on the server is five grand okay yeah that does not go

Anywhere I think might need a map five grand how’s that even bro the server okay somehow we’ve actually back up man L Lads lad lad back up Jimmy how close are you to my body cuz I he’s actually robbing them as well boys I’ve been murdered zombie

Oh never mind I thought considering that you jimy accept Jimmy accept please yeah I’m in combat timer for about 5 hours oh yeah cuz Sam pickax me you Sam 20 damage Jacob was over here somewhere let’s go find him yeah go find my body I do have three diamonds on me

So I have 11 I’m actually 11 yep yeah he’s I watched him D into I so close here all right what do you mean I didn’t I need the map we need to go to I know I can you send me your mod are you enemy

Can you send me your yeah we’ll do later back after thank you oh ow who’s using torches me cuz my full bright work cuz I haven’t got a full I’m just holding out though cuz I have got full where Diamond of a stupid cave I need to

Enable what what’s it called when like Dynamic dnamic light yeah I have that squids I forgot to add it is it does it come with no it’s in Minecraft yeah it’s not on mod I think you have to have move lighting [ __ ] I don’t know it might be

That yeah well it’s on so I don’t know is I’m a shirt mining for six hours I need to find the mining playlist I’m not going to lie the mining playlist yeah I need to dig out listen the mining players just consisted of just neb oh

[ __ ] what even is the number good sword help me please y I’m leaving a baby zombie to you I don’t want a baby zombie man where is it I don’t know somewhere here I me no but it will catch me up bro that’s scary man I don’t want your

Wooden pickaxe you do you do I really don’t exactly bro filser should be of sodium a I say yeah I think I have I got have I got s extra I don’t know I think I I forgot to add sodium extra I’ll have to do it later cuz sodi

Disables it so I yeah I might have to get L lighting Lamb’s Dynamic lighting is that what it’s called I think that’s what it’s called well mine doesn’t work so that’s fun and my glowing ores don’t work either but those diamonds have been found anyway

Yoink uh 15 diamonds where am I even to Bro ow ow ow ow ow bro this cave is so weird spotif max volume not death yet it’s actually just mental to me more diamonds wait I’m actually I’m actually the luckiest guy what did you say don’t you dare no no

You’re I don’t fall for that [ __ ] jimy no actually you can hear what I poised it what happened well I said how are you not DEA and then you went huh oh I am I don’t hear anything H or anything L yeah that was worth it that was oh [ __ ]

I pulled my headphones out that was such a w have you listen to you listen to Jacob and Joe Perry’s new just Joe Perry’s yeah have you not heard it he makes songs a you haven’t heard but Lo that’s L about it I know C we get Joe Perry

Famous let’s like just like get him rack rack up the plays on Spotify oh my God there’s diamonds we have the man power no it only takes a couple people then it will get promoted oh [ __ ] what oh god time how many times you die I have so many I have so many

Bloody where did where did you even die wait I don’t have a Leaderboard on right on my screen how do I turn on last lead no j j accept that please I found the world’s greatest cave you need to follow me well I’m sure I don’t care I found the world’s greatest

Cave come to me cuz I know why am I 1500 P why can’t I scoreboard oh Jesus my Lord oh no that way latest death oh it’s 140 me that way it says latest death Sam you’re going to need to like give me a pickaxe or something so I

Can I’m might turn on full I have full br park that’s my problem is there a texture pack before I’m I’ve been trying to find one but they just don’t exist hang on more di I you got better P but they require bloody optify no up to

Fine got it wait how many diamonds is it for a full set 24 armor but what about Jimmy please give me a pick 32 Jimmy my my loot just over there give me a pickaxe please I don’t have I don’t have a pickax this is my only

One my crafting table B do you have anything uh spare really I know you got better ping no it’s cuz you’ve been on the server longer than me but you got you freaking pickup pick ups and Sam where are you Sam to Sam yeah I’m coming to you I

Would I’m probably further away now cuz I’m just that’s fine as long as you’re not in a strip mind about 150 blocks of deep slate between me and my loot cuz I just ain’t getting through that more diamonds let death oh yeah 300 me time trolling time is trolling yeah

Not surpris he swolls every single game crazy yeah Sam you’re going to have to give me like a or something uh give you a half broken Stone one bro you have Iron Man I know you have iron yeah but I have to I can’t to smel

It here take this one I’ll make myself another one that should be able to get so some I guess how many blocks in this mine 165 oh does any you have a Cas wood by any sense no uh I did have a Cas of wood yeah why

Okay cuz I just found someone building in a Cas of wood I’m going to assume uh was it in like a really narrow Ravine looking thing yes you’re there yes yeah I’m there Jam fish accept my TP I know where my loot is in yeah bro that that

You’ll never believe like if you keep on walking over that you might want be quick though because if you follow that bro you’ll never believe what’s on the other side of that tiny little cabin bro it’s mental oh my God where have you gone Jesus yo bro see what I’m saying look at

That in that my cave Jimmy Jimmy do you see what I’m saying this cave is mental like I just turn a corner through this tiny little two block Gap and it’s like the world’s greatest cave it’s also full of mobs so that’s not a benefit I’m I’m not scared of mobs

Oh my God GK I don’t you understand what you found no I do I I really do but I’m I think you found diamond Central I know but I’m going all my diamonds are getting robbed it’s fine uh no we’re not J mine mine mine mine mine I’m being robbed

Son he’s not he’s lying just don’t check his stream just don’t check his stream just don’t check his stream I would have like 20 diamonds now and Jimmy’s just taking them all Y and now oh my God more diamonds Jamie why did he just turn into a

Spider what the hell is that do the nose again jimy do it do the SP nose go on wait I’m waiting for the D oh my God more diamonds Y what have you found J J why am I not get diamonds you walked past about four M Now give me the

Diamonds I swear to God bro I’m cake from the server for like 20 minutes get banned bro NOP you can’t do that it’s griefing you’re griefing me no not I found Sage you you walked below them so that was your fault how much four damage think in this game I’m not going just

Jump I know you want the diamonds but I’m being harassed nobly full damage I I’m might go with diamonds I hate skeletons so do I bastard no there’s there’s much eye in it I’m getting ey for a couple of I want some iron wait I sbly just saw diamonds where have they

Gone more diamonds wait I think I might be playing Minecraft skit mode this is not a safe cave by the way no I know I thought I was that’s why I died being jum that yeah everywhere bro wait I’m actually I’ve got best I’ve got Best Vision you

Yeah so we have like 5 in thick glasses on but sure yeah got best you no creeper I’m not I’m not going to say I have good Vision cuz JY you’re actually trolling bu you w past so many diamonds yeah it’s it’s pitch black man I can’t see anything WEA I’ve got a full B okay let’s see if this work please work please please what I’m being killed by Robin Hood please please please please oh my God oh my God it didn’t ass it work pelic it kind of worked I think no it didn’t oh sodium

Nice for God’s sake what is happening diamonds yes um okay oh my God big vein but WG keep find thiser I just found an eight vein never seen anything like it wait nine VIN hangang on chat um hard to get sodium on any what’s it Called okay I’m going to have to restart my game I actually can’t play that full bre if it works can you tell me what it is so I can get it because I can’t see a thing either well I have leggings and a helmet and 18 diamonds so I think I might be

Good imagine I’m full diamond not cuz Dy okay it might be because ibed all the diams literally took more G what we I haven’t done anything you took it out no there some here but oh my God is this another eight there’s no way n i don’t there anymore this game

Too easy yeah no Jimmy I’m aware there’s nothing left I’m like SL K walk past some diamonds you silly goose bro that even my chat say it yeah you did walk past so many shut up I feel really H I’m fing you feel cheated I want yeah I feel

Cheated bro I found a sick cave I got murdered by a baby zombie and then Jamie just nicked it all I I’ve got this Discord cool stuff’s got to go man I think I got full now I’m hoping I’ve got full please tell me I’ve got I better not be dead it’s

Neb I’m not t whenever I Tab out like my whole it takes like 10 minutes to T up wa JY you’re actually trolling buto you mined diamonds and Miss diamonds no I didn’t you did I just I just robbed about four more diamonds I swear I mean

Do I add an to VC there’s more diamonds I don’t know what you’re waffling about there’s diamonds do we have to have Prime neb syndrome in here syndrome hello hello neb oh there lava okay um blood Jesus you got the have to bark at me Jesus that’s

Barking been sneezing m that’s usual man no also what one is it on is it 20 so not funny is it 20.4 Jake uh yes but you can use any 20 point whatever can I play on 1.8 I don’t I can play on 1.8 someone getting diagnosed man

Genuinely I don’t think you can play 1.8 you might be able to but it’s just like all PVP if you if you could you wouldn’t be able but if you could you wouldn’t be able to go to uh like the um underground like below zero one second just get four Diamond

Everything time to go stand in Fr I’m not right ke how’s it going Keenan’s here W Keenan oh Keenan I added a I added a shop plugin so you can build your house easier I I say easier I think I griefed his Bas by accident last time yeah you’re a bad

Person bro I I didn’t know it was his I made I I gave him I put a shift into try and help him like I tried to defend his base but people just bullied Jak you streaming yes oh okay no no no no and Luke’s getting Luke’s getting hacked

What oh L message me then I’m being griefed the skeleton Luke you’re not getting hacked you idiot Luke I guarantee he probably just like a pop up at the bottom of the screen yep he’s L you’ve accepted uh notifications from from an unknown source basically all you have to do go

Onto your Chrome fella go onto your Chrome go on to settings for GX type in um what’s it called cou I said hello yeah for the fourth time no just say good night okay good night I’m being shot by SC yo wait this game’s actually too easy

So go on to Chrome go on to settings and the three dots go on settings type in the search bar notifications okay I’m just notifications right and then on the don’t allow sites to send notifications I’m just going to RTP in like couple of seconds I sat bed before I came down

Here CU I’m smart uh can I smash TP to you guys no you can’t I’m going bed he’s going you’re going bed Tom he’s going bed Luke just just search that just search that into Chrome ah there there’s a g okay and then just click on don’t allow sites to send notifications and

You’ll fix all your problems not all of them you’ve got but back to the surface T your funny well I wait I teleported to bed and it took 50 Quid off me yeah I did it yeah no you can’t pay him back he deserves that for

What what do you mean for what look what youve done look at what you’ve done are you sure yes I don’t think you’re right it says teleporting to bed $50 taken from your balance but did they actually take it from balance yes i’ms Ms let’s let me see mother you say put him

Away what TPA that’s a PO mother oh you have to put away he’s a criminal that’s what I thought you it’s TPA screen sh right now well that’s lovely but I’m looking at the code and it says TPA it’s three it’s three yeah well then the CO’s lying maybe you’re lying maybe everybody’s

Lying n just go back to bed neb go home neb actually go home’s you’re in a carent hair home is that water W water okay well it should be it should it should definitely not be doing that right so s uh what’s on the server currently we’ve got um shop plugins Shop’s not

OP are you sure I am 100% sure it cost 100 grand for do I just slash shop then do I shop yeah God he smart you actually need money V I have $500 do M I’m yeah then you can buy like a couple grass blocks with that oh yeah wait I can

Build a dirt house say off please don’t waste your money I would never waste money wasn’t also Ben can I buy money with actual money um we all I’m going to TP to you ly can I buy money oh oh snap don’t accept my TP then I’m okay Sam

Uh TPA Ms you you like chickens oh my God hello F kicks I mean put the split by spiders Spiderman Spiderman Spiderman okay this is this is nice a job you a diamond helmet actually just made another one oh can I have a diamond helmet no you can’t he so

Generous okay right neb neb NE listen listen what are we naming our team NE you can have these machine oh yeah I waited for you because I know you’re gonna have to come up a brilliant me see he already just said bean machine bean

Machine no no no no no we got to think of another one never C before oh my God yeah copper four yeah copper no not even copper four yeah copper five mate Co I’m actually copper two think very much how Okay um on your high Luke now

Team that’s bad I’m we’re gonna invite players even if you don’t play be than Jamie team invite how do I how do I team do I have to join the team yes it’s not working oh I have Team join that’s just stupid what did you

Do join join this I have to type in the team what’s copper I joined coppered MERS and where’s the members list okay Ben you haven’t joined the team yeah cool w w name hello how have I got more diamonds than I do iron like it’s actually SC I can’t hear

Anyone yeah I’m actually cooking bro I’m actually cooking Minecraft’s my game hello am I okay am I being trolled why did you speak I would anyway H what did you do did you I’m so confused why did you not speak he told us to speak but so I just speak what

Is why would you speak but I would have been funny you would have left on to what we were doing he is or you are I can’t I can’t hear you freaking miss P Bro put him down Miss pie I Jamie it’s Christmas man I need to

Know how many of them has he at listen okay he every now and then he goes in and goes we made a sizable dent on I been is it more than 10 yeah bro I’m surprised listen listen but more Jim Jimmy when he walks in and says we’ve

Made a sizeable den he means I’ve made a sizeable him a lie hand on heart I’ve had three how many Sam has at least 10 all of them maybe 12 he’s not arguing with the 12 it’s possible 12 is the highest AO yeah debatable no I wouldn’t say he’s

Had any more than 12 but he definitely has had at least 10 Jake just Jake just one R out oh because I’ve not had more put this Dad and Sam made a 120 so and Sam had 119 no 12 he’s had 10% of them so how many neb yeah how many is

NE mid Pi are they kind of mid I’ll give you a couple you’ve not had one of my mid Pi though that’s sounds yeah sounds like a like a that sounds gay what’s the word sounds like a eism a euphemism oh yeah what they’re miners miners do you know

What are you for them as is it what never that’s that’s euphanasia you idiot that’s being put down eism is saying something which making something sounds nice even though it’s bad so say some spacal soul he says send them to B right that’s a nice youthism for saying killed

Them they kill me literally who gives a [ __ ] for [ __ ] sake on stream in in game in game I’ve already lost enough money fine it’s fine game do the now what do I do I have full diamond I’m so bro I I I nearly have three sets

Of diamond I diamond and left please please give me enough diamonds for I’ve got four I’ve got four Diamond myself and I got 41 SP Jimmy please give me please give me some diamonds man I need locks to make me like yeah I’m sing my that doesn’t

Surprise me I’m sing my you just Nick my cave and stole all the diamonds in it yeah but I’m still here but I’m still committed yeah I want to put my diamonds away in a chest but I know that you’re just going to I don’t need your diamonds not you

Boy broke boy I’m not kidding you’re po I’m not going to steal your [ __ ] diamonds cuz you’ll kill me you could hide them and then what would be you don’t really care if you die in Minecraft now you just giv me that idea you didn’t think of that anyway yeah I

Say wa no it’s because I’m not a thief I don’t steal you’re robbing my house here you you have a house yes so never ground already I have just I have just wait he just took a chunk out of my wall I’m trying to cook my M here this okay but

There’s so much iron here and I could get it and be here for like an hour but I don’t know if I can be I’ll come I’ll come I’ll I’ll come I’ll come no except Jesus Christ this is my C give me got NE you’ve complained that I broke your

House so you set it on fire me please I want if there’s diamonds yours I just want no okay yeah no no I’m not doing that I’m not doing that on stre I’m not doing that I was moving because I thought that’s unfor Miss opportunity do it again okay I’ll do

It yeah I’m just left my house is falling apart oh no yeah shock give me DI I’ve done it I food man I have no F I have I’ve accepted someone is it the case of get ready to slam someone when they TP no I’m kidding

I’m starving I was trying to beat you to M how’s it going hi J look over there welcome to the channel Sam look up there look up there NE why is your house on fire what do you mean J you said it on fire why burning put out yet

L well on the roof yeah thison it’s too dark for me to see up there I’m a firefighter Jesus if you he s some fire again oh [ __ ] just fell off grinding I’m grinding okay I’m out what am I doing I’m so bad at this game now

I’m I have like a stack of iron and I could get so much more but I can’t be Lava Hurts I saw a cat I think time to spawn back to base and go do something base that was a needed you’re about to kill the cat I already know you were no I would never do such what does he mean he’s probably rping like several times now he’s run out of

Cash costs money yeah to TP home cost money that’s how how do you get money you sell stuff in the shop never we bonds we bonds [ __ ] hell I might BS I ask a simple question simp simp simple I want to know if you could just sell anything like why is there sunlight

In the cave I thought you were chatting [ __ ] Sam but I apologize profusely yeah that’s what I thought you apologizing he’s betting you again J how is that a threat I will leak his house to dress now that’s also his house that’s my house I would

You yeah JY we can send you fan mail then I don’t want is that diamonds are someone will send me a bomb yeah no I mean Ben Ben yeah that’s yeah what Ben said Sam what uh I just found a zombie spawner help me uh I think the other way to you

I didn’t need to help I also found a there’s a baby zombie with a diamond okay he dropped it yes so this was not consensual yeah you shouldn’t have fixed it so Jimmy sure Jacob surely I get reimbursed my 50 Quid right no I’m about to give people some money

Back money no cuz you didn’t spend boys I just got a mending book let me c it no oh thank you you’re scamming the system how I got scammed so I’m getting I’m getting refunded mate yeah me yeah so but it’s crazy that we show each other and

They’re in the same cave yeah I know that’s oh my God it’s I’m the biggest fan in the same cave and he’s surprised that we ran into each other no piss off what this this a This A Gay cave but I get it cool kid cave I

Was going to say I was going to say I was going to say you we’re so in sync well no I was going to say just all but I don’t want to I yeah it is oh you said you didn’t want the diamonds little thief he would ever s

Diamonds why did I lean back from a creeper in real life by the way like what the hell I’ve just done that I’m quick beaking it personally there’s probably old tab in it it’s guys I’m so unbelievably close to death but we don’t need to hold hands in

The cave yes we do you said we need to stick together he’s scared but scared I never said we need to STI before we went on the server you said we stick together oh my God you didn’t say that I’m hungry I’m starving to die me I gave you another chicken what

Did you thank you I said I’m literally going for starve to death let’s got nine vean I have 55 diamonds plus the like 30 I have on me like L on me bro I’m diam Jimmy well I’m blind I see you it’s so dark man it’s actually

P I can’t see anything I look it it’s just great I think I might have like milk all of the diamonds I can from this game I’ve been about seven times stop it stop you look like a diamond blog blog a Blog Diamond blog don’t buy food bro just want me to

Show you some in house I swear to you just had three chickens yeah but I’m already starving right so how do iy how do iell yeah but how do I sell bir you man I’ll give you some your yeah and theice it’s quite intuitive really yeah yeah I think soy get ready

To buy it 100 I bought it but TIY buy it wait Ben just tried to sell it for 100 quit you’re selling bro I couldn’t get in time Jamie I think you’re the one who bought who just bought the who just bought your bread by the way who was

That it was to it was 10 CR I 10 CR who bought it toast [ __ ] he’s going to make toast with that bread that’s the next that’s next LA right there the next lap how do I get out of this kid what youil he just said a lonely wolf I think he has

Not so he let me wolf I can vote oh my God it’s loone you can’t vote oh ignore the votes votes cuz I basically vote crates are op from the start so and make him not him no but if I me [ __ ] then when people

Join the Ser in a couple days time no one will vote because the vote crate gives you bloody copper but everyone votes yeah neb copper wait do I get neb if I vot let’s go why would you want that I’ve SE again it’s quite fit why am

I so laggy I think I have a ping mod maybe that’s just like someone CL about Jake’s admitting to an underage kid that he’s F yeah jaky that is a bit mad that’s crazy never i’ never I wouldn’t feel safe if I was you why are you why are you playing like

The the guardian for neb bro I’m not playing like anything oh NE I’ll protect you NE bro NE think about how many times Jamie has been strange to you you mean when I gr upset that did happen he has just aded that as well that’s crazy yeah I’m

Proud oh my I want everyone to know I’m proud of it Jesus I’ll go next diamonds yeah Sam are you selling my cave no run away no it’s not you’re my property okay is my ping fixed I’m s in this cave by the way I’m so just running around Cade that’s

Pretty weird I would I’d be in there quick and my there bar bro yeah ignore V get cage Shing straight to the face unless it’s NE I’m chilling I probably I could probably walk up to and freaking Mele in I actually love play against neb like a full team of

Neb yeah but you were just get Mele kill days is that the end not theend NE basan Bastion yeah it’s l Luke and Parky what they is Luke and not on our team no they are but we it’s that what team is right now and yeah I just don’t

I’m guessing it’s us four obviously but be on a team don’t know think I think we’re with benold and Parky and yeah I just think I just don’t I just know I just don’t want to deal with toast right now KY watch out there’s a

Creeper yeah I saw him not NE go on NE protect me my God I think it’s time to get out of this stupid cave why is my ping so bad genuinely it should not be this bad I like way Oh I’m panicking I’m getting attacked left instantly no one likes things B says toast left VC I don’t fancy speaking to any I still don’t really care I’m sorry lie loud VCS are just something which just drive me mad there’s more than like five people in a VC

Just why is my ping 70 like what is your skin smoke look at oh [ __ ] get it yeah you need to hop into a Rainbow Six oper okay I’ll get the CH one pretty sure there a capc one as well yeah I saw cap Elite there was a knock one wait

Is UN mute wait is relite skin one oh my God J whato I’m Elite wait a elite give me yeah for God’s sake J I’m smoke Sam’s Ben proba just searched skin of course you like that don’t liey don’t lie turn around Jacob turn around Jacob Jacob surely you’ve never

Been P there isn’t one there isn’t one jie I don’t think Jake’s ever seen it I don’t think he’s been proned yeah surely Jakey has thermite skin I’m I only play thermite yeah no soly we all just change like national flags Ben would like that Ben I’m surprised Ben the same with

British Empire when I asked him what we should name there was an interesting story about last night but Luke Luke called the South Korea flag Japan oh my God he Mar vouch as well when he gets on was so funny how do you get those to confused

They look nothing alike you can L about it but we’re on we’re not Roblox and he just goes this this aan also Ben Morris I’ve got a bone to pick with that man need to serve as soon as possible doesn’t he was up andan I think

He went back to sleep lazy bastard man yeah maybe because you went to sleep at 6:00 a.m. you’re stupid yeah bro my internet is actually also did it by the way I’m letting him get away with that my I’m here my internet is K you just don’t have you

Had a every time I yeah is Emily coffee coffee why every time I mute Jim’s talking about me um Am I Wrong how this who said this what I’m half I’m half I’m half a heart I’m half a heart inshah some’s being bullied no I just fell off a

Cliff oh [ __ ] I to hit a villager on a Jimmy come come to my front door come to my front door okay J come to my front door right now one second I’m floting Jake What’s happen I’m at your front door look hello I might try to grab some obsidian

And then we can make a en what the H I mean who my own door Ben is my person flat is he flat uh yeah you need you need that IR yeah that’s I’m I might have to make one might have to get I might have to

Get Jakey to cook me one up though oh jakey’s Sam’s in the shadow Room by the way yeah I’m gone where are you I don’t know is this the same C I don’t think it is your Minecraft looks clapped I look sicko what do you mean no

Like what was like what was that all I just saw where that yeah what is that that’s not all that’s Vines why is it why they glow because of the light wish I could have uh shaders you can okay well neb neb trapped me in his basement

Just lag no but how am I supposed to get out yeah that’s what I mean J I mean my PC kill okay so it’s not that like I wish you could it’s just like can I can I get some help never shot me in a basement J [ __ ] move I want to get

Out Jimmy jump down here in the first place boys I’m I’m the second most rich in the server W L’s got $1,500 how because I I generally think he’s not doing like anything I think he’s just mining well not mining your money wait how much does diamond sell

For you can’t sell diamond that’s what I’m saying what do you mean I can’t soy who his ass I’m lagging I don’t want people to like just like oh yes you can’t that’s just not no because listen if if you could sell diamonds you have to be able to buy

Diamonds cuz otherwise you could NE make it way you just don’t tell no because like iron and gold I can sell it you can sell it because you gold sells for 19 that’s pretty good what bman J do you know that chicken farm you made with about 4,000

Chicken can we make that again wait how can I sell minus 32 gold no that’s buying it you I just selling what I’m confused Sam you making confusing Sam you’re so thick let’s go makes confusing if you try to no Sam that’s if you’re adding 33

To the MS you sell you can take away 33 can I not just can I not just showell hand so dumb can I showell a hand I can let’s see what I can sell can I sell this but I can’t sell lapis good to know

I said I might add more things in the future let me know if you uh got any ideas but like I don’t know I feel like just mob drops seems better than just like so you can CU if you can just go out and just mine diamonds and then sell

Them I just sell mobs I sell villagers I can’t sell buckets damn it I need to add beat TR to the uh wait none of the miscellaneous stuff can be sold what I think it’s time to look at the shop and see what I can B no cuz selling a barrel

For like five bucks would be kind of mad wait these Farms are crazy bro you can’t what can we they change as well if you sell loads of loads of stuff it’s like wait wait no SPID spider farm spider farm spider farm spider farm I’m so laggy it’s just do do

The strings do the string duper work uh I don’t think so bro spider farm is the way to go spider eyes 15 and string is five no spring string doesn’t work you can only you no string dupers don’t work Dam it cuz I fixed that cuz I knew that’

Be a problem that’s cringe that’s cringe from gy it’s not it’s very valid I am so luy I might have to like my stream is lagging as well like what is going on is that why you are you lagging as well yeah you are oh yeah I’m very someone

Are you sure you’re not download downloading something I’m definitely not I don’t even have yeah check check your um your like hidden icons he’s probably on Steam he’s a crocodile yeah I wasn’t up definitely definitely what were you updating nothing I don’t even know why it’s done

That CU I literally I specifically canel yeah and his pings dropped to 70 I hate you so much yesterday but I’m telling you steam is cooked bro steam should not cook I found a loophole nice it’s not it’s not a loophole it’s just wrong are you sure I’m not are you

Sure you’ve canceled it 100% yeah it’s just have you closed steam I’ve closed steam chill you’re both like 60 pink um I found a catch how much it’s a minor catch how much do I get paid what is it some challenge some let’s abuse it first and then we’ll tell

No no it’s not no it’s you can’t abuse it it’s just it’s just it’s incorrect these guys need a l on the on the Brewing section Redstone and spider 2 but on the uh drop section 50 and on the redst redst onlyy everyone’s agreeing about Lucian some say vouch in chat say vouch

What say vouch what cheating he can’t be cheating he can’t be cheating iob job there’s four people ageing I can prove that x-ray doesn’t work so go on then go to his house and check his PC set up that won’t prove anything might be a genius you might

Have fixed it might fixed yeah what I’m saying isore one yeah I take it back I don’t Sam he had to get me to get rid of the porn off his screen what so did not so do not care about do you want to get

Off some yeah like it to no he went on some website like to download mod or something and he just clicked on allow notifications and so when he got off chrome and he was on Minecraft it just started spamming pop-ups all over his screen he was telling me he’s been

Hacked and I was like no you haven’t you’ve just accepted notifications I’m making money moves out here you know that’s why you read everything read the BET yeah never I bet you like T don’t you 5,000 Word document no no no no we started to play GTA 4 then there was

Like this [ __ ] thing that I started reading it then Sam and Jamie started shouting at me yeah good I never read the Bible so of course he does can you by for the bo can you uh I can recite you actually know one blessed

Be the Lord my rock who tra my hands for war and my fingers for battle you know where minute minut where if 1441 I know that for a fact if he’s right your Benders what is that what said I said if you’re right on defend

You cut it off Defenders is not cast I just out Christi you and I’m not even Christian is I just said one sign the whole thing bro song 1441 is trying to make that’s that’s the The Rock question there’s two buttons on the floor the one that I said was Matthew uh

230 No 223 to what’s happening I’m we’re we’re biing each other I don’t know why I know that cuz I’m literally not religious I don’t even know where need need I don’t know not sure wait wait Ney come here bro all Sam come up here bro Sam come up here with

Me I’m not even with you I’m trying to find a [ __ ] cave but said there is none no no we’re going to have we’re going to have a we’re going to have a Christian sand off no Jak a Christian stand off yes me and Sam are

Going to watch while you and neb have a Christian stand off I don’t know anything else that’s the thing I know and me S watch cuz we cuz me and Sam there was so much work like pan and stuff in it so you trying to drown me it’s fine but I’m

Smoke actually can’t get out help me help me help me I’m I forgot you try help me help me JY can I getar the hand Sam can I get a hand Sam I see you Sam Sam give me a hand Sam Sam teammate okay so well why are there no caves what

You mean why are there no caves mate there no caves where I am Jamie look what Jamie’s wearing and tell me there’s no caves yeah I have I have 57 spare diamonds Emily wants to join the call Y or no no who Sam Jamie Jamie Jamie please can you get me uh Diamond

Chest PL stop stalking my Minecraft just let me play Man oh you’re my second one how much that cost eight and four Jimmy please have 12 diamonds please I make him do for it jimy you’ve already ni you’ve nicked exactly at least 12 diamonds from me give me the

Diamond please I saw all of these diamonds what are you saying yeah but I accept 12 thank you look some look up man do you want go to the nether try make aing Viller I I need to find that [ __ ] mini map mod it’s called do you want make a do

To make a vending machine yeah make a vending machine make a vending machine I know what to do we can need a place I’m not going to lie cuz this place is s Jamie j Jamie please have eight more how much seven I just a yeah that’s Sam Sam’s got

Some I can see I have 14 but I’m not looking I don’t please please please we 5050 how much do you need eight eight sound like a PL I I I need seven actually you might I just sounds like need seven s’s G me three Jimmy gives me

Four cuz Jim’s got more but that’s just is it black yeah yeah it is please I beg I’m so poor please uh J where is that thing uh the did he drop you he a good man okay hey yo fish I got you thank you why have we not killed a Golem yet

We need the Golem what do you mean he’s protecting us yeah this that Golem just done 10 damage to that skeleton bro do you want to get in a boat and just sail across the ocean this Village has the qu of a village yet has

He I like how I said yet by the way I’ve got I’ve got so much confidence in him where the hell did you find that skin oh that’s we on Planet Minecraft uh maybe that one I I was on that as well sh at me yeah I was looking at I

Was like they ass who person on the Lan’s got two grand now bro I don’t think he’s doing it I think he’s but what farm do he have getting money actually Ser the server total balance is eight grand I wonder someone WR I wonder what it’s

Going to be within like two daysy how do I have the how do I get the scoreboard on it’s not there H like wait I’m scre I’m hiding I don’t want to die I’m just going to screen sh anyway who am I looking at I’m not looking I’m looking at Sam’s I’m gonna

Go I’m cutting try find turn off what the hell is that background oh I turned off on this no mind I figured out what why is your skull board the left you freak proba that is disgusting over here yes please jaky cheers you see what was my background

Yes it’s for religious background NE should have I should it’s such a good backgound I mean awful right so something you talking my headsets now no my mic’s terrible as head heads terrible it’s it’s not a bad mic it just doesn’t work half the time like it’s not it’s not like

Head it’s not it’s not it’s just does work work sometimes I found another Village Jamie do you want to come make a vending machine wait it’s no hold let me how’s it going what EA no he’s called he’s in chat I thought is he got to Rainbow Six yeah I

One him has he got quick pce you play t for 4 hours a day well fre conly so confused no you should play t for hours a day you’re not even allowed to play R anymore it wouldn’t help yeah as long you get some the ran

St it’s too late for him why can’t I spell accept actually he probably better than Luke bro leave Luke alone man JY playy play two random games with him and see what happens then is he really that bad he doesn’t even play and when he does play he’s got a

Dog in him but yeah he just swings every corner as Alibi B find I’m I’m going to have to respectfully decline that unfortunately here why I come minging we need to makeing vill above right soad we said can do it you can do itce if you move the Villager I’ll do

The thing so if I do or just a Viller somewhere just trap a village but I’m good now just go in the house and there definitely one somewhere oh find any maybe you once oh I’m probably am probably least I should be how did he

Get in oh yeah said this guy plat yeah actually I’m gold now I dropped yesterday no you’re not yeah so I can tell when there’s another copper player actually I actually C last game though but we were playing last night I did good first game and then I kind of

Just couldn’t be I would I would I was doing great yesterday you even first game because you AED for like 20 minutes what what is this a stinky villager that can’t get a drop no he can look of the sea yeah not ideal look of the

Sea what does that even is that just is that fishing feather falling through why did the book look can we like tra in this my D flower seeds and why are they a thing lad why is my d lights not working wait let me cook you’re actually you’re actually

Sear wait let me cook you’re where’s Bon Me place blocks there you go is he locked wait but now where do I stand you place it no we’re making money boys no son being a disable that’s what he’s being protection oh I actually wait I should probably do this with an iron in

It iron yeah iron axe we bully him straight away yeah but like it’s fine Jamie what you got every single day Jam I got for sh three for 19 should we keep that I need L I’m going I just why are we doing this when we don’t we don’t even have

Stick but I don’t know why do Reales you’re disabled I I need mending so we can go to the nether yeah you should have B lock things no I want to see I want something what if I can have his nudes genuinely can’t tell if that was a

Real question or not that’s what’s worrying with you nothing what’s that even mean he’s how all NE biomes spawn like on every single one I think he’s just to L how is that even possible he’s just him I guess Pary is you stay there whoa hi I remember that is not bik

Rber but thinks he’s Bart Simpson that’s not very safe to jump down down into there like at least a 14 block wait I do I need a Fletching table I do don’t firstate Viller yeah item what is it I’m confused now oh he’s back hello what

Bend I’m not lie I completely forgot the shop is a thing by way you’re joking how can you forget that can I buy emeralds no likey if if you tell me do I do I buy if I buy like if I sell it will it go down in

Price what if he sells like loads and loads and loads is one thing will what go down in price like how much like but going down a lot if because if not I’m about to spend a lot of money on one thing what Jimmy what we

Thinking let me c i2k i can get you start but it cost 300 for one bro okay I’m figing out what you’re doing that no I want to know if it’s going to go down PA I think I know what he’s doing never what’s 300 I would say but you want

Stream but oh a cactus yeah wait you tell me a cactus is 300 300 quid you see that what are you spending $300 on but I want to know if is is it going to go down and price a lot reason I don’t know how much I can’t tell you how much it’s

Going to go down by I’m going for it if you sell 3,200 of them it will go down by 75% that’s a massive scam right so let’s do some so 300 I just just just figure it out you just just just just cook if you sell if

You sell if it cost 300 and you buy four of them it’s not going to change much but I’m going for it why are you cooking whatever happens know it is what it is all right I’m I’m I’m figuring out my own why you sharing at me why you

Cooking why you sharing at me figure out what you’re doing so he just staring at you he just every single time I move he looks at fine what are you doing I’m confused well I I was I wanted to get more flin but he didn’t go for it so I can only get

One someone buy that stinky poo I need someone buy that for me now I’m I’m selling Jake’s piss boots bro they’re valuable what we you follow me see I play sound go away why you you’re not some mysterious guy let me do it as well man wait

What what are you doing if I’m chugging it make money yeah and you see in the second book yeah which is why I’m watching you cook return to send that is he actually cooking by this was peas but it so for wait wait this has for like a decent

Amount wait what do you mean wait what are you making go go the farming section but you mug no you’re just on it bro look at look at this where’s what there’s oh oh he’s buying nether W I think does that make sense but what what

Are you selling I’m confused are you oh my Gu okay yay are you stupid yeah oh does it make more than one it makes more than one yes it makes three freaking Mo yeah no is actually smart then but I don’t know how I was going to get I wanted to get a couple of L cuz he

Found an another Fortress but he’s he didn’t oh I see he’s been a Willie actually a really good Farm it’s an investment isn’t it Jamie yeah it is I’m hoping yeah that’s what I want to know how I try to do the maths so after 75% how about after 75 times of selling

It I realistically should have like at least a k i want to make it bigger though but it will go it does go down like if you that’s that’s why that’s why I want know I might change go to 100% basically the price will decrease what

No no because listen it means that you can’t just make listen I only added this I added this as an anti-jam fish measurement because that’s cringe I if I make an EC system this guy will spend 12 hours building the world’s biggest farm on one thing then allow me build like

You put into if you sell one thing the price will decrease you think I sell one thing but so you have to you’re going to have to make a different Farms you think I won’t do that all right then wait wait wait wait wait yeah

I got two weeks off and I got Ms who cares about Ms I’m still looking for you have mock yeah I don’t know why but we’ve been there for like we’ve been there for three months for two years yeah MOX we’ve been there for three months might to do exams Ben you

Literally have to do GTA season less no I don’t well no they say that I have to but real I don’t see you do is you just bomb the entire government then they listen to you is Andrew Tate what the hell is this we ain’t getting out the Matrix with this one

Boys no no I think I’m guy Forks how do I why can’t I sell any of he was cool was he he was a cool guy we now celebrate his death every year set him on fire for the rest of Eternity pretty cool wonder how long we keep on

Doing that before like we get bored of it probably quite a while we’re a bit imagine aliens watching this by the way yeah they be so like we just set on set these PR 10 people on fire they must think they were [ __ ] maniacs iy can you can you stop being so

Smart freaking thing bro I look at frecking pumpkin seeds 25 to buy yeah no I was looking at melons and tend to sell yeah I’m smart I’m get a job shut no I’m trying to make sure that that e e doesn’t like get wa wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait bro what I’m forcing people to use the auction house as a mean to trade rather than just selling things like if you want to buy if you want to buy things you probably want to use an auction

House someone wait no wait that might actually be a good trade it might be time to pull up the coin flip soon Jimmy Jimmy tree farms tree farms tree farms tree farms Tree Farm want to say any louder three Farms that not louder three Farms M cut up someone’s first bomb was

At a village that is Jammy as hell yeah mine was was oh G I actually hope you like perish I can’t even sell leaves but I was going to get a sh and sell leaves but yeah because that’s cringe you I’m I I have leaves to sell for like not for

Like a penny per one shall I are you TR are you trying to make me c a server I will my ass on Roblox in a second bro I made it so you can’t Chee let me break system you can’t cheese the system bro there is no cheesing system

Never wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you can’t sell never back I’m done wait can I buy egg I’m done I’m done I’m enough can I sell de playay yeah you can you can sell obsid I’m done oh never mind you can’t any minable blocks like

What he let Sky c yeah because you can’t just stop mining the whole planet if it’s not regenerative why is a grass block only one pound to sell that’s crazy I don’t know I might have to dig out Mountain what can you sell the oh 50p yeah nice that’s going get reduced by

75% yeah you nothing Cobblestone 10p if you want to do that oh my God every I hate mining not thing oh you can’t even sell quarts Oh my days I’m going to lose it there has somewhere oh my God wait there there she yeah 50p yes your

Con en CH can i s chest yes so you oh my God you can’t sell anything are you enjoying yourself you better be jooin yourself GG I think we might genuinely just have to make like a ton of I think that’s the best way it’s just not OP I make things

It’s not a p I am going to break the system wait how are you supposed to how much is an elyra 100 a lot L yeah there’s no way anyone’s getting 100 Grand no way so bro if I if I made this you you’d have 20 grand by now it’d be cringe wait

Jacob surely I can sell nether for like 10p why would eem the whole point is you can sell netherite and what you saying you say nether or Netherrack Netherrack Netherrack nah no maybe I I might add nether prices can I sell doors why would

You cuz I have a door on me and I want to sell it oh [ __ ] on auction house yeah exactly man if I put it for like 499 I’ll buy it buy it ah C 499 I’m panicking now I can’t even that door boys I can’t buy your it’s way too

Much put it at 49 I I don’t want 4.9 get out my bed okay oh my God put it for nice I need a ho yeah 450 wait give me a sec why are you contemplating this the [ __ ] aasia door how do I take it off the a been the

Deals bug find is on 2.5 look how much stuff is on the auction house by the way so much random Auction House food what how how do I look at what’s on there shift and right wait can I buy my own door I want be surpris it didn’t give me

My door back I’ve been scammed all right say there a wooden pickaxe who 1,500 for a pair of diamond [ __ ] leggings was that not not maybe because I accidentally crafted two pairs of dond leggings rather than a pair of Jake so uh you could have just

Given them to me you know I want the money first no one’s paying that yeah nobody’s paying 1,500 well no they will trust no they won’t well did you take business Jakey that one lesson of business that I had with Mr M you have

To it taught me a lot we have to do penetration pricing boys what Jamie Jamie pked up I’m trying to find out one piece of Soul sandai please I’ve lost it oh it’s at the top I know where it is I know it’s over you probably got freaking marks I

See I see I see I see it I see it I see it ready did you give up with that villager by the way well we don’t have stick trads and I don’t this boys really annoying me is it full gr probably I’m of chill oh God damn

It DIY what’s the for me bro like what is this it’s it’s default Minecraft if you want me to turn it up at some point I can but I think you might have to is not selling bro b that’s crazy you have four iron ingots or pair of diamond

Leggings yeah funny I think mine that’s seven diamonds worth bro that’s that’s that’s a decent that’s a decent chunk of change four iron’s crazy though I don’t think ,500 what you mean how much some entire B [ __ ] account I’m going to pretend that I know what btop is are you how do

What what is it oh my god oh he’s got 2000 he’s got 2,400 uh loan can you please share with me how I made I mean that’s that’s not that much money realistically if you just grind yeah it’s really not he he I don’t think he’s Diamond Ary I don’t think he’s got I he has if you want to make that money just sell a diamond if you sell a diamond for $200 I guarantee someone’s buying it sell diamond so can you on a on a house you idiot I I literally have 46 gold I can sell it for

$18 per gold right now but I don’t know if I want to I don’t really need gold to be fair so I might I might sell like 30 of it if I don’t die to this baby zombie Reaper can you sell can you sell enchantment B A

Yeah no profile public key what the the hell does that me that’s 600 bucks nice well that’s have you ever just thought about put some beans be conable have youever I actually have I don’t good do it again I mean never know again that would be really unfortunate it would be really

Funny though I’m going to shout a very very racist word at you come on then ow what re that was what aous word that was word [ __ ] yeah Jak screaming so I can’t can I make a you mind if I say the M on Scream you just said it no you just said

Ow JY I bet you put on M maybe have to like 50% sleep but I can’t even get grass I can’t even get grass blocks yet [ __ ] gravel man I’m going to you can buy one they’re not that expensive think no but I want to sell it but I can’t even get grass

Blocks I need for a quid man yeah that’s money bro it’s really not but sure it is you just the sum grind sorry I can see you just sold 34 dirt blocks for the $13 I’m trying to make profit over here man over here struggling man yeah he’s decreased the price of

Dirt to like from like 50 cents to like 39 cents that go s does it reset yeah over time it goes back up but that’s crazy how much it drops I’m not it’s fair it’s not no they not fair so if I spend 24 hours making a farm that’s cringe BL my M

Farm what a bender why creepers of things I’m not talking about NE to make trying to make wind out here BR it depends on player oh I’m back hello hello hi hiy what they weren’t speaking because I just came back listen get who’s em who em uh a person

B I never heard of [ __ ] Emma queef before mon B is that Gra nope that’s Granite nice I might be stupid can I just like slash give like men uh no unfortunately but why that’s good question um why jaky I’m trying to see what’s wrong enforce public enforce secure profile what does

That mean I think that’s your problem me ne’s got a lot of problems what what what some why you stop the screen share buto I was enjoying that oh yeah wait let me put it back on you can I was watching your C gam play I need gravel why do you need

Gravel so I can make a fxing table did you Google how to make a fxing table okay um uh I played the fif so me careful it’s random yo someone Trident someone Trident trient boys Trident s what you wanted gravel I want do really wanted Flint oh yes that’s so many diamonds

That’s a whopping three diamonds Lads have you only found three yes but found let F five actually N I don’t like not oh [ __ ] oh oh no skeleton [ __ ] I found a seven vein seven seven vein of diamonds that’s what you call oh my good bro I’m I’m dicing with death in

The Skeleton Man it’s trying to kill me wait I just don’t have a pickaxe your pooru call me I literally died on my bed I respawned next to my bed come on why are we cooking here bro what you trying to make your crafting table no we’re chilling three iron any sense

No that’s a lie I do I’m looking at sure what you cooking what mean what am I cooking I’m making iron pickaxe why you put down a grind Stone a stone cusser same thing it was it was just in my inventory so I put it down Jesus I didn’t know Bo was

He’s got he’s got trust issues I yes skeptical who’s who’s got the most money now Lo’s got 3K bro he’s trying a bit too much Slim’s on 2K I me might be trying a bit too much bro wait my brains just died what was I oh yeah that was

It bro Emily’s got money as well Emily’s on 117 bro bro chilling Emily’s poor Ben you’re poor no I don’t have 4450 stick trade I’m making the dirt price is going to B and what’s the price of now 39 cents it’s now 32 sense I’m making it go in the

V making he’s making the stock market dirt go down that’s exactly how what this is It’s the stock part does it go down for everyone yeah I’m just going to break everything then Che oh no J it’s going to bre the whole system J if it didn’t go down for everyone how on

Earth would I know what the price was I don’t know you probably like looking at my screen or something little cheat you bit but just got what’s did you know that jaky hasn’t listened to Joe P’s new song what jaky should I have listened to it by

Now I not listened to it but it laps the raining days go hard is that called yeah it’s on Spotify okay I need to find this thing on that actually on Spotify yeah me and Ben were looking at me wait wait wait wait wait wait I I

Thought you just did this as a hobby I didn’t think they no no it’s on Spotify paid he’s not going to get paid but like I mean I didn’t think that he would actually Jim what’s it called mry an artist oh I found him see up it bangs bro his icon is cool

Man rainy days does he what does he thing yeah and Jacob subers oh it’s two of them yes Jacob and Jac oh my God they have so many I need to seduce the Villager where some are you going to pursue your arst your music play bro

Any day now like yep that’s fact that should be the name of my first hey that a that a we’re sharing this this is sick oh you’re not going to like I’m killing a villager by accident this just run away come back here I think Ben listen to the wrong song

Because Ben there’s only one song here he’s uploaded no no there’s four there’s five songs Jamie oh is it yeah 10 yeah that’s yeah I think Ben’s on the wrong person wait wait wait think someone might cook a bit too much wait is that it I can’t tab J it just it’s pretty

Easy you click alt and tab see Pi um Can my Discord load please Uh but the song the song’s really good it is is it going to be new J inro music I think has to be right no he’s got a chance bro if he if he if he learns how to just apply a little bit of like tune correction he sorted because the music’s

Really good right that’s Jacob’s TR yeah mainly because it says under the song Joe Perry Jacob savle but you know no no no no no because the rainy days one does not sound like any of them yes it does no it doesn’t I I I know Joe Perry and that does not

Sound like Joe Perry sounds like doesn’t sound like Joe P it said that Joe supposed to be bro he’s 48 monthly less than this that’s crazy bro no didn’t K oh my God I’m spy No Cap I can hear Jacob’s I can’t hear Jeff I’ve just killed the Villager I

Need to hop on a track with Jo Perry make sure my let something C too much I just suffocated it in Cobblestone how uh I’ve ran the boat into well there better be another villager up here he’s going to kill all the villagers before we actually like that’s

Cuz you’re refusing to you’re refusing to move them for me cuz I’m about to move them in like five minutes oh I’m digging out a little area oh well why didn’t you say so I could he did you jumped you you got teleported in the

Area with me wait when what did you not see what when you were cooking with your grindstone no soly out here I’m coming where is it is he being yeah he can’t miss it you German yeah actually know no Germans are cold man they just drink a lot it’s cuz

You’ve got good ping that’s why it’s the French that I don’t like you think you’re a German cuz you got good ping I’m not thir why you compared toone is your p’s crazy bro there’s 19 18 I’m sure llama’s from Germany oh nice I did not see this you got teleport in I

Was looking this way you crocodile right now get me a boat actually no get me a wall P you just said is the guy who is German no llama had yeah and llama’s also German don’t get you this villager I don’t trust you no I’ve got this one this

One’s mine M I don’t trust you i’ locked in his locked in his thing already you have a furnace I have a blast I got N I got n rainy days while looking out the window on a rainy day oh it’s The Vibes I’ve been personally I don’t particular like

The song but n it’s not that great use a better song I just listen to that one it’s actually decent that is but you can can fix that Sam that’s a melon there you Mo I’m I’m going is a melon yes but look at him he’s the biggest I’ve ever watched play

The game fast fous I’ve seen that play the game before Fast and Furious just slow and cripping slow the CID what is that name that’s crazy hello man it’s Elon musk’s child bro imagine being that kid at school by the way even worse imagine being that kid’s

Teacher looking at the register Jesus M made the first day how the [ __ ] do I say this first day Sam if you want to jum go get some fence gates uh how do I make fence gates oh my you’re joking right K my door back he calling me

Though is it that no that’s a ladder how do I make fence gates it’s this with sticks is it not this horse [ __ ] off oh that’s a fence it’s the opposite of this I remember leave the horse alone I’m going to kill this horse that’s not fair so which one of

You greatly FS to all of the beds look at me I’m so rich well the beds where were the beds I’ve only just got it so I visibly can’t what wa I have one bed the culprit is Sam I have one bed I think it might be I have one as

Well I I as many as we can get been looking no you’ve been looking what you can sell is it’s the bed cuz you can probably sell it I’m joking and S going over base I say no more I’m going to put my door back on the ah

Oh wait there’s no but who’s actually so called the beds what did he do jaky you so called the beds no I hate was you oh my God she done he’s just blowing up all the furnaces with a creep being a I did run away and then you run back into it

No what was that I have six Gates is that okay no how many why it on hard what chill that’s not keep your uh your urges to yourself yeah no that’s that’s crazy when you actually think about it that’s crazy for me but he’s underage I said keep it to himself what

Do you mean i j you guys told this yeah yeah but you chill CH man this guy is just so jarring what there’s a br stand here so something we got the like yet you said six wasn’t enough so I’m getting more I’m here I’m here I’m here fence

Gates lad why are there melons up here huh can I have a melon are we be able to jump over this can I jump over bit nope okay we’re good lads there’s a seed place why do he got a job it’s cuz he’s the Fletcher well then you might want to get

The to him I didn’t know you were done with him about I we don’t have we can’t live it I don’t no but we just get stuff here to start with no but we’re missing another villager is there not another vill here at all I don’t think we can beat

Them are you how is there another vill because you killed half of them no you killed a child I watched you do it I didn’t kill it yeah when I had that villager there was a child in that house and you killed it and I didn’t kill it yes you did I watch

You killed the child I watched you kill the child I accidentally suffocated one Cobblestone that’s not my fault can we buy what my I’m going to advise that you don’t don’t inquire that conversation Jake yeah thank you what what we can buy Villages then yeah can we buy Villages can we sell

Them that that may have to be our new market well we we’re going to Portuguese chill I think we’re one nepples there gu drowning them and killing them BR you murdered a Child In Cold Blood I accidentally killed one which one’s worse but I didn’t kill a child though

Yes you did I wish you do it moms baby oh [ __ ] is evil I guess evil I watched you kill a child moms yeah you got your sword or your axe I don’t remember which one it was and you yeah SW ax maybe a blow torch I can’t remember okay it was

Iron yes it was my pig axe I don’t know what it was you put it through his skull I watched you do it that’s man he’s actually FIB he’s F he’s yeah nice open there’s a block above it leave me be man let me play

Minecraft in PE how does it feel to be a fer not a we’re GNA we’re going to have to to move because wait unce problem you have no villagers left yeah we need one more but I’m going go whole village yes Sam it was Jamie wasn’t he’s just killed half of the

Villages what where the freak is never in my boat never gone scream if you see a village ah yeah we going kicking out FL says he he definitely looked back so our vill I looked back I knew you going to do that this place is actually kind of

Sick no is a village BR I’m not going to lie go left to right go left there’s no point RTP yet why cuz I want to see if we’ve already already here might as have a little look but keep the village far away from Sam as you can well you’re

The I have a village Sam you suffocated I know where a village is not it was an accident is don’t say record how far away is it 3K blocks well I only just realized where we are by what where are we why is this villager got death oh [ __ ] but

I’m going to put the cords in chat pink twe pink twe pink twe neb pink twe right uh I’m going to put a can I add a way point with just quads oh No why SP why is everything trying to kill me this is just so Cringe I don’t I can just add the qus I’ll just go off my I go off my intense game knowledge right never you never never you capping this vill is Miles Away J 3K box what it’s fine if there’s an ocean between us but if there’s not then it’s

Just over oh there’s a rainbow in my game that’s sick can I not just can I not add a way you just been you just been done oh no why are you doing why you doing each other wait can I sell pumpkin boys SP boys no I do not

No you know Luke Luke refused to say I love you back to me yesterday how sad is that what why did you say that it’s weird is Emily really trying to look what she’s put in chat chat what TPA to me for free stuff exclamation one exclamation

Mark she make a chunk could change as well cuz what’s b top Slim’s got almost 2K so she’d get $400 but she wouldn’t be able to kill him no all Slim’s going to do is kill her and make himself a cheeky a cheeky 200 $200 what you get paid for killing

People you get 10% of their 20% 20% sorry of their money was that br was good I like fortnite I just made two [ __ ] graphic T piss off just saying xray I’m gone man Dam you going into that Village I’m you 3,500 me away and if ocean r

SC yeah I’m there’s no way I’m going to make it there there’s no ocean cuz some blonde person decides to kill our villagers bro it was you is the classic dumb blonde isn’t he yeah no I’m not having this man who said it was me gets with everything cuz he

Just he just waffles his way out of it I you can’t be asked to argue against but why does everyone agree with him then why why did Mo go off by Mo was was begging to Rel server now Mo’s gay that’s why nobody likes him so neb we are on

Stream and those views are not represent here now you see my side right you see why we take my side right hey I’m being politically correct H you like my Tik Tok you you have a freaking prefect BR you are my not represent on my screen you know on the school premacy politician

A just gets bullied in game obviously he just gets bullied I’m sorry my head you go why do we always take your side em freaking Boomer sentence I’ve ever heard using on my stream I’m getting lunch I’m hungry neb is spreading extremist views neb is doing that I am in what

Whoa okay chat I’m going to end the stream now I hope you enjoy uh I’ll be back later I’m enjoying but I’m just I just want to I want to just chill on the server for a bit right I’ll see you in a bit goodbye

This video, titled ‘JKey SMP Release Stream!’, was uploaded by JKey on 2023-12-28 13:44:32. It has garnered 63 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:27:50 or 8870 seconds.

NEW Public Minecraft SMP (Free To Join) LIVE – JKey SMP. Come join this Minecraft JKey SMP on Java or Bedrock on any device! Join this active server with your friends or by yourself for completely free to play!

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The Public Minecraft JKey SMP is just like the Dream smp and Lifesteal smp and you can join on Minecraft java, bedrock, or pocket edition. You can join anytime for completely free with your friends, or make some on the SMP! The server has an active, growing player base, exciting events, awesome server features, professional staff, and the world map is always expanding so you can explore! You can make friends with other players on the server at the spawn, or smp clubhouse too! There is even a server shop to get awesome items that support the JKey SMP so it can keep the server running! On the JKey SMP you can travel to many server locations, build cities, explore land, and even start governments or massive server wars! There are even different game modes on the server like Minecraft Lifesteal SMP, Earth SMP, and One Block! The possibilities on the Public Minecraft JKey SMP are endless so join now and get started!

#jkeysmp #minecraft #public #minecraftsmp #publicsmp #smp #join #java #bedrock

All content produced and owned by JKey PG & Family-Friendly Content

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

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  • Exposed: Minecraft Myths & Tricks Pt. 3

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  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience at Minewind Server

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  • Dave the Villager: Book 21

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  • Is Microsoft RUINING Minecraft?

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  • Castle Capers: Loot Larceny at Techno’s Minecraft Lair

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  • Minecraft’s New Era Unveiled!

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  • Muslim Wolf in Minecraft

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  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Music Video

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for a Safe and Secure Gaming Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft servers! If you’re looking for a new adventure filled with mystery and challenges, then Minewind is the place for you. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Imagine exploring a vast virtual world, where every corner holds a new surprise and every decision you make shapes your journey. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind welcomes all who are brave enough to embark on this thrilling adventure. Join us at Minewind and discover a world where creativity knows no bounds… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Ultimate Honey Farming Guide

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  • Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 – Minecraft Roleplay)

    Unbelievable! TheStoryPainter FLIES Batteries?! 🤯💥 (Ep. 8 - Minecraft Roleplay)Video Information This video, titled ‘FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by TheStoryPainter on 2024-05-31 20:13:35. It has garnered 476 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:01 or 781 seconds. FLYING BATTERY | Multiversal: Episode 8 (Minecraft Roleplay) Subscribe for 10 years of good luck! Jaxon and his friends team up with a new ally in Minecraft! What will happen? WATCH TO FIND OUT! ✰ FOLLOW MY SOCIALS: 📺 TWITCH ► 🎥 SECOND CHANNEL ► 📹 VODS ► 💬 DISCORD SERVER ► ⏰ TIKTOK ► 🐦TWITTER ►… Read More

  • Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!

    Stalked by FANGIRL in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Haunted by My SCARY FANGIRL in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Gam on 2024-03-22 13:59:55. It has garnered 2142 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:20 or 1280 seconds. Gam and Flames explore a spooky haunted building when they run into a SCARY FAN GIRL who haunts them! Will they be able to break her curse and set her free? Watch and Subscribe to find out! Inspired by Aphmau Cash Nico Jeffy Maizen Mongo Omziscool Omz Kory Sunny and Melon #minecraft #minecraftmod #minecraftchallenge #gam Read More

  • Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #Minecraft

    Insane Iron Man Pixel Art Speed Build! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘iron man pixel art || part – 1 || #gaming #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by UP – FLOW GAMERZ on 2024-05-03 03:30:20. It has garnered 431 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. subscribe my channel. Milte he next videos me tab tan ke liye good bye i am UP – FLOW GAMERZ. Like karo share karo Subscribe karo @TechnoGamerzOfficial @CarryMinati @CarryisLive @MrBeast @mrindianhackershorts @MrBeastGaming @MRINDIANHACKER @MrBeast2 @BeastBoyShub @YesSmartyPie @YesSmartyPieShorts1 @imbixu @Mythpat @triggeredinsaan @FukraInsaan @UpinIpinFullMovie @upflowgamerz @TotalGaming093 @VanossGaming d@ASGamingsahil @GyanGaming @ASGamingsahil @sinotalgaming #pixel art #minecraft pixel art #minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft: Build Modern Castle Tutorial 😱 #1

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  • Join Matt’s EPIC new Minecraft world now!

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  • INSANE Hide & Seek w/ Mini Devil Fruit!!! 🤯

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  • INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!

    INSANE Minecraft Alien Exploration Journey!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】異星探索: 路線規劃之亂’, was uploaded by 風珀 on 2024-05-31 15:29:00. It has garnered 48 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:05 or 785 seconds. Fortunately, I found a way to solve it smoothly later, otherwise it would really have to be overhauled ;-w- ) I mean, if it continues like this, it might not turn into a Hololive theme park wwww Texture Pack: Space Station Texture Pack 『Keyword』 Maikuachuang God of the World Minecraft Fengpo Toast Tea Interlaced World Module minecraft #风波#minecraft Read More

  • Minecraft Secrets REVEALED – Don’t Miss Out! 🤫

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    UNLOCKED: ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘TvFamily Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Pixel Pals on 2024-03-05 15:00:20. It has garnered 23449 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:30 or 2190 seconds. Locked on ONE HACKER LUCKY CHUNK in Minecraft! Our channel draws inspiration from Cartoon Crab, Cash and Nico, Crazy Crafters, and Aphmau! It’s the most hilarious Minecraft video you’ll ever see! Disclaimer: “Pixel Pals” is a parody channel that creates gameplay videos and is in no way connected to DaFuq!?Boom! – owner of the original Skibidi Toilet Series. This parody… Read More

  • Harmony Reloaded – Vanilla

    Harmony Survival Reloaded IP: Discord: Join our Discord If you’re looking for a true vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins and pay-to-win mechanics, Harmony Survival Reloaded is the server for you. Join us for a community-focused, pure gameplay experience. About Us Harmony Survival was originally a MCPE server started in July 2015. After years of success, it had to be shut down. Now, Harmony Reloaded aims to recapture the magic of pure Minecraft gameplay. Features True vanilla gameplay Active and growing community Clean chat and active moderation Crossplay on all platforms Difficulty: Hard World Border: +/- 40,000 Check out our… Read More

  • Noob Citybuild – New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!

    Noob Citybuild - New server [1.20.x] Citybuild server German/Austria!Welcome to our Minecraft Citybuild Server! Here you can you can let your creativity run wild and design your own city your ideas. Our server offers a variety of Ways to make your gaming experience varied and exciting without using real money.Main features:Completely free to play:There are no real money purchases on our server. All In-game items and benefits can be obtained through active gameplay andthe achievement of goals.Economic system:Build, sell and trade with other players. Our sophisticated Economic system allows you to trade resources anditems to gain wealth and develop your city.Building plots and land:Secure your own plots of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Madness #16

    Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters!

    Plug into Success: Top Minecraft Server Starters! In the world of Minecraft, plugins are key, To enhance your server, for all to see. From essentials to fun, they add a new spark, So here are the top 25, to make your mark. First up is EssentialsX, a must-have indeed, For all your basic needs, it’s what you need. Next is WorldEdit, for building with ease, Shape the world around you, as you please. Vault is essential, for economy and more, Manage your currency, keep your server in store. And don’t forget LuckPerms, for permissions galore, Control who can do what, keep your server secure. McMMO adds… Read More

  • Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme

    Salute our blocky veterans! #minecraft #meme “Respect those who have fought for their country… and also those who have fought to survive a creeper explosion in Minecraft. Both require bravery and skill.” #minecraft #meme #fyp Read More

  • Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft

    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ Our social network social network ➜ SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ Digital Art Monetization DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → X→ [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → X→ [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → X→ [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: Discord: Read More