Insane New Minecraft Cryptids in Gartic Phone Challenge!

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boo messing with you I’m already messing with you oh sorry to give you a fright oh no I like how on Discord it cut off so I only heard yeah which I mean that probably scared me more tried to give you a little spook welcome boa hello welcome Duncan hello welcome Dy hey guys welcome ran hello hello and there was another member of our team but I seem to have forgotten him hello my goodness he was he was he was gotten by a Cryptid today’s theme is uh creepy Cryptids like mysterious Monsters Legends folklore that sort of stuff come up with something not lless monster but like that um but also creatures be fine as well something like from the from my and Legend mine’s real too cuz mine isn’t NE spooky but it’s just kind of neat yeah I think you could well Crypton is basically kind of a mythical Beast that people sort of believe is out there you know yeah some of them might be my future husbands doesn’t have to be scary but sometimes they are cuz his feet are big doesn’t mean anything right boom wait a second but doesn’t it though I was hoping I would get this what is this even this is not a cryptic why not [ __ ] sake okay okay okay see this character is a lot like another crypted and I’m trying to think what distinguishes them I’m you want of mistaken crypted identity well there are two crypted that are very similar and I’m just trying to think what distinguishes them exciting I like this there’s so many cool little creatures and I played that game recently the home safety hotline one and I learned about like a bunch of new ones that were were really cool too oh really and I don’t know if they were real or if they were like made for the game but it’s like like little Hobs that like do stuff with your electricity and like clean your house and stuff are those real n or are they for the game I believe Hobs are real I don’t know if they necessarily do what happens in that game that’s where Hobbits come from right is it do hobbits clean your house to Hob from The Hobbit this is exciting I’m happy for this one yeah I love Cryptids I love the Paranormal all of that malar I’m thinking at that I do where like I feel like I know some things aren’t real like I don’t really believe in ghost and things like that but then I feel like I will watch something and I’ll still be afraid like at night I watch a lot of these like Appalachian Mountain like Tik toks where it’s people that are like I went outside and I heard something calling my name and it was not anybody real and then I get freaked out and I’m like walking to go pee at night after I’ve watched these these these like little Tik toks and then I’m like suddenly I’m afraid of anything yes America has some really great Cryptids as well a really great history with with spooky stuff really good ones in there we’ve got like a lot right where we’re like we got all kinds here I think it’s I think it’s often it’s just a big place that’s a lot of unknown you know there there’s so much Wilderness even today you know and lots not very many people live in some of these places and they see things out there cuz there are animals there’s weird animals like God look in the sea it’s like all these weird things like a that might have just been a deer or whatever but you know your eyes made it much scarier than that it was kind of it had a skull head what you know and then suddenly there’s a the legend of the chupaca is born you know it’s like we are like we see patents as humans we want to see things place I think it’s fairly parolia yeah parolia there the the desire to make faces out of everything yeah oh that makes me feel that gave me gross chills just thinking about the desire fire of making faces where there aren’t faces it just made me feel scared for a moment when I say make faces I don’t mean actually making faces it’s like you see two dots and a and a line and you go oh eyes and a mouth you know like your your brain immediately goes to like put the pattern together to make it appear like it’s a face you know makes me feel scared we’ll protect you we’ll protect you Bob we protect you from the face in the tree oh my goodness it’s really hard to make the specific Beast rather than the generic version you know oh okay don’t want any like shop brand Crypt yeah yeah yeah yeah you don’t want big crypto coming after us is that what cryptocurrency is yes how come they don’t have cool names like that like Bigfoot coin and stuff you probably do just don’t do very well I would buy that instead why would I buy a dog when I could buy a [ __ ] Fresno night crawler or some [ __ ] true Fresno night coin that is cooler than a doge the thing is um crypto is pretty scary as well yeah I’m I’m probably more scared of crypto than I am of crypted would you say the Kool-Aid Man counts as a crypted yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the expert pretty scary there some people believe in him oh gosh maybe did you ever think as a kid that some man filled with that some glass man filled with liquid was going to burst through your wall and just yell at you oh yeah is Macho Man Randy Savage a CP some people say that kill man Israel no surely not he could be I’ve seen him have you we go to Louis’s house we’re like Lou why is your wall missing and he just gets this like far off look in his eyes I can still remember remember oh yeah someone walks around the corner L asks him a question he’s like hey did you uh hey hey Tom did you edit that video and Tom goes oh yeah and then Louis falls to the ground his back yeah it’s a flb I’m looking forward to seeing some pretty cool Crypts what an earth is this what is this I don’t know what these guys are but I do like them this is going to be the time where I show my complete lack of knowledge of Cryptids yeah good good good this is where I shine oh I do know what this is I think this is an intriguing crypted I didn’t ever think of this and I think I think it’s actually quite a heads up I think it’s is quite a heads up one so we ever put this one I TI my hat to you this is an interesting one nice I thought I was pretty well versed but I do not know what these guys are they are little guys though well guys as long as they’re L guys then it’s fine I am um yeah I’m going to write down what I think and then just in case I’m wrong I’ll write down some stuff in parenthesis behind it so that’ll work what is this what is this why do I have to Google everything I’m not Googling this I think I know what it is but I’m not happy about it flip could so I’ve I’ve been given just a description I’m just trying to think what it could be as a cpted yeah me too I didn’t know what it was so I made up my own I’m made my own I just started making something and then I was like man I wish I was going to make a kangaroo cuz this would be such a good kangaroo start kangaroos could be cped I think they’re real I don’t know if I’ve ever seen one I’ve never se you must seen one in a zoo come on I think I’ve seen wall What About Drop bags do they count oh maybe they do oh could it be no P someone wouldn’t say that as a crypted would they Pizza did you say pizza people wouldn’t see that a crypted I mean it’s not just crypted it’s mythical Beast as well right yeah oh well it has to people have to believe that it is real surely or else mine was not yours was completely bollock well I I was told it was fine with the mythological picture whatever I had um I have this weather app on my phone and the other day it uh had like the big red alert sign and it was like danger and then it said zombie but it was zombie fires which I guess are like fires that happened under snow or something of course like I had think I had just woken up or something and I just glanced at my phone I saw danger zombie and like I was not fully awake to absorb it so I just was like uh what the heck and then I read it and cuz I did get like kind of scared at first yeah like a holy it’s actually happen zombies are com especially you stuck in Florida we couldn’t save you couldn’t protect you I know oh my gosh that’s like one of my biggest fears as if something like really bad happens and then I’m here and all of my friends are far away and I can’t get to them we’ll breing you over we’ll get you come get me in a boat Turn The Bongo into a boat yes I’m pressing this button but it’s not working it’s amazing how this is a problem that only happens to D the thing is my button is so responsive it’s actually yeah I’ve never had a problem don’t press mine don’t press my [ __ ] button now where are you that’s it like are you next to me does dunin always somehow get assigned to the same room I wonder or how that works I just think he’s pressing it the wrong way if if you just right click it should should work all right yeah it doesn’t work for you lose does it well there must be something you’re doing wrong he must have broken it already it’s his fill commands he breaks the actual thing with the fill command he’s probably broken already he breaks the command blocks with his fill commands this is why mankind should should not invest in technology beening stick poop it worked fine for my dad fine for my Grandad it’s going to work fine for me oh it was good job Duncan right what do I see here what do we see here okay what the hell is this are these little guys I think these are little guys let’s go we’re still on Cryptids right yeah this is [ __ ] creepy dude what’s that movie I think this is just actually little guys round I don’t really know many CPS other than like Bigfoot so I’m just going to have to say what I see cuz I don’t know who this guy is just Bigfoot for each one month this is this is frightening this is a this is a true crypted this one Whatever It Is is this really what I want to go with I don’t know what this is I just I don’t know if this is a crypti nope me either I’m I’m just going to I don’t know if this is a crypti I’ll R what I see the crypted I Pi it definitely haunts my dreams oh this is a great one okay great one this is a really good crypted the crypted I picked uh is a very obscure crypted and a very funky little guy oh I love a funky little guy I hope I wonder you might have had the one that I originally was thinking of and then I decided to change it at the last minute I think we did nice proba want some drip drip okay get that drip got got my got get that drip I know that slang which means it’s probably not slang anymore yeah that TS to be how it works yeah I was surprised is when it was Ben who who picked up on the drip first I was like no I think if anyone wants to know if something’s still cool or not just check if I know what it is check if Ben knows has your kid come home from school and said anything where you had to like look up what it meant to ask him no not yet but he has started saying things are sus which makes me CR just going to make a little guy make a little guy just a little guy doesn’t it just feel so good to just make a little guy they quickly becomes I made a little guy and it was great and it just feels so good to say little guy yeah look at this little guy yeah okay I’m done that was it I think I think mine is all it needs to have for a prompt I guess I could do more she just taking a turn I can [ __ ] say it started out real like wholesome like a little guy and now it’s it’s not a little guy and now he’s saw little guy oh God and someone teleport to Duncan when he’s done and press his button before he even looks at it I want to see if it I want to see if it still Burns oh God oh God Lou is going to yell at me I I can’t yell at you when my builds are bad I don’t know from what the comments say that doesn’t usually stop you okay I’m I’m one of the first to finish those this button should work wait no B Duncan have you not learned I’m pressing it no one we’ll do it for you for sake may maybe I should just press it instantly and then my build last yeah challenge mode that’s cool spend the first two minutes of your build pressing the button and then you can do it after okay do I rebuild this because it’s [ __ ] or do I just say [ __ ] it and leave it that’s part of do I have time I don’t know I don’t think you have time it’s just don’t let the societal Lewis pressures get to you the only thing you’re worried about is if Lis is going to show I I’m not worried about I I can handle that I can handle that it’s just do I play Into The Stereotype of me or do I not just be a [ __ ] box box dog it’s a square dog okay it’s a square do listen listen I just can’t wait to see what your Tupac car is oh my goodness okay I’m I’m leaving it just because of that I’m leaving it now I’m not doing it okay so now we get to seeum the first one is a phoenix hatches from their egg W oh my God awesome bu fantastic this was hard he looks great I love this is really good Phoenix very fiery there’s an egg and the diagonal really helps yeah very good I love the diagonal weirdly similar to uh what I built next but who guessed this because there was a problem in the guess uh it was me B do you not know how to spell Phoenix well I just remembered we we never say Phoenix we say penix in TT okay a penix that you thought you try okay you did it on purpose yeah of course I did that’s not how I was obviously concerned about the idea of having to draw a penis shaped penis oh my God why didn’t you do it I didn’t I just drew you didn’t follow the pro so cute screen this is a certified little guy a little guy so many of our builds could be great plushies yeah just the little Phoenix guy what a nice man I like the floor you did Louis the grass that was a felt bber take it back take it gives you two blocks for some reason filter so next up I guessed but I thought more on the crypted side cuz I didn’t think I didn’t think of a phoenix as a crypted so I thought it was the Thunder Thunderbird the American crypted yeah Native American thing yeah that’s true this is quite Native American I didn’t realize it’s like quite th I uh there’s a hotel in Florida called the Thunderbird too I built this it was actually the last build oh yes oh my God yeah this was the one that I was like okay guys I’ve ran out of time I I could have filled this with brown a big bar but I just wrote Brown you guys get it I get it little guy I love that you made his egg like a special like speckly egg too I love his beak and his ther and lightning here yeah thunder lightning above yeah oh thunder clouds with lightning is ah it’s not raining beats he’s not getting pecked at three mother birds it’s raining beats so yeah certified little guy stamp yeah weirdly similar like like the Phoenix is hatched from reborn in fire but the this is rebor in Thunder like it doesn’t feel that different it’s good what a cool guy I love his I love the mommy bird back here with a good beak on them and the lightning is great clouds what a good build this good okay oh yeah this was me so I guess night crawl my favorite crypted it is literally a walking pair of trousers it took me a little while to recognize that this is what it was but I did get it but I didn’t know how to spell fres I didn’t I thought it was fresh no this was the one that I almost submitted too but I was like hm I don’t know if people will know it so I’m glad N I know talked about this one a lot is this where cat pants comes from a little bit yes the cat the cat pants is a Fresno nightstalker with a cat on top absolutely yeah right is really what strange Urban myth so Fresno’s a city I guess right they must must it must be seen roing people of pants walking around the thing about the Fresno Nightcrawler though is that it’s actually a sign of like good luck if you see it it’s actually a really nice thing cuz the fres night has actually seen that and people believe it to just be a really nice a really nice guy like a really nice crypted so that is awes yeah people are really friendly about this thing not scared looks friendly it’s got NY VI it’s a very friendly crypted may have ruined it because I Google I didn’t i’ never heard of it before so I Googled it and it looked like real creepy it does look creepy but yeah um so I made it creepy oh God on your little and you’re like what the hell is that in the distance people just see them like walking across the road and walking down the street and stuff it’s just pair of trousers oh my God B dark is really good actually this is Spook this is a this is the this when I was confronted with this I was like I have no idea what this is um and I just described what I saw which was faceless naked creepy flesh guys in dark oh my God yeah yeah yeah yeah well I mean yeah okay so I kind of understood and I got to build it I’m happy those can be FR n Crawlers for sure yeah kind of yeah yeah Hing out it’s like naked Among Us is flesh guys look at them they’re having a lovely time they are little guys is lovely just little guys this one wants his tummy rubbed I guess he does he does he over just some little guys they’re just sort of like walking teeth is like what I think of them too like the tooth boys oh yeah they do like Teeth yeah I can see that this is so good like an Undiscovered community of little guys yeah what what what the little guys count up to now there’s so many must so many some in the comments keep track of how many little guys we’ve made honestly oh B but you’ve killed it here I love this thank you little guys are my specialty so next next up was the the Jil devil yes I did this and the difficulty with the Jersey Devil is it’s very similar to The Moth Man and I to try and make it a distinction so I drew the Jersey Devil from what I recall and then over here I pointed to New Jersey right right right so this a slight oh God I thought this was like a brain this a slight problem I thought someone would think of as a brain and then I was like n they won’t be that stupid cuz he is Alaska and Hawaii oh I see so right yeah so I had to guess this and I I saw this and I didn’t think brain I thought okay this is this is a landmass this a continent okay but I didn’t think it was North America it looks like Australia to I I was looking like okay so first M was like okay well this is clearly the chupacabra first of all of course it’s a chupacabra but I thought it was Central America so I made Chupacabra the Central American bat Vamp honestly that’s fine I think that’s I mean yeah it was a tough one it was a tough one for me but yeah that’s a fair you did your best yeah and that’s a good guess this is where this went look I love this okay who built this I built this I love his air I was going to say it was really good then I saw his dick and I was like okay I’m not going to see it I didn’t put the dick on there’s quite clearly the dick help you with your snuck in okay this is really good do that it is good yeah I I did do that while I was helping him with his button very nice so this is a very frightening uh Cryptid that could well be the Super carra who knows what it looks like but whoever guessed this I I didn’t know what this was and I just thought he was an angry gremlin yeah yeah the ears look this is not giving little guy I think cuz he would bite me it’s is yeah not quite cute enough to be a little guy cute enough little guy Vibes and so I went with an I just had to build an angry gremlin uh which is this guy he’s still good I like him he’s Furious he’s cool he’s got an ax he’s very upset and very angry he lives in the jungle so this is kind of like like a goblin right this is like how it works we so we started with an original monster and then someone else saw as something else and someone else saw as something else folk claw gets going yeah it was origin it was just a dog someone saw a dog and they were like oh my God that’s a weird looking mon actually a lot of trer cab settings are dogs with rabies uh people right y oh really good I like the rational explanations for these things I like this the Jersey Devil didn’t quite make it Jersey Devil became an angry little Goblin yeah this could be a Jersey Devil this is a little guy stamp of approval sure all right next up it is Icelandic elves that leave presents in shoes I’ve never heard of this before I haven’t heard of that either actually but I do like it there’s like 13 of them called like the um they’ve got a name I can’t remember but it’s they look exactly like this he done a great job here boa very impress very very nice I like how he’s he’s just about to put this present in this Sho shoes oh yeah I didn’t see that little buckles on them like old timey shoes I can sort of see that yeah I don’t know if I would have guessed shoes but like now that you say they’re shoes it’s like yeah never I’ve never heard of this I just said Santa’s elves Santa elves I never heard of this iic show however this is when I said like this is really interesting cuz Santa cells are kind of Cryptids in a way cuz they are kind of creatures that are made for Santa sort of that’s kind of interesting oh this is a very strange my God what is this what are the what are these so I made what the [ __ ] is I made one Santa’s elf and then I realized okay I’m not going to have time to make more of these guys I that confused me smaller Sor sorry you made one Santa elf one Mega elf and some mini elves the problem is with this cuz I had to guess this right and it looked like one Mega massive elf and lots of little elf and all I could think of was [ __ ] the movie Elf with Will far I see my favorite Krypton yeah we they’re just the way they’re so skinny is so bizarre they’re all creepy and demonic and he’s summoning they’re summoning him or something they’re just elves they’re looking at the bigger El okay this guy’s [ __ ] thighs are three elves thick though I like Jesus I could cuz I could have just left it at an elf right but I was like elves so how do I quickly make a bunch so I made a bunch but yeah I like them they’re like it looks like candy versions like I could eat these elves truly terrifying so I had to make uh version I’m still going to say this as a little guy I’m still going to say it something about this that’s so good why is his mouth like that cuz that’s he’s a monster he’s going to get you in the woods or something that’s what a Crypton is right oh no very well done Ben I can’t I didn’t expect much from this and you’ve you’ve exceeded those expectations is that the title is Will feral crypted is that good enough SEO have we hidden we got it we did it I mean honestly like Icelandic elves I think they’re quite naughty they probably look a bit like this anyway you startle them they’ll get you if you just have a big shoe then I think we’re Rec covered you know oh now I see another that’s another recognizable now again yeah now I see yeah yeah yeah we got it we’ve got it now everything makes sense perect very nice all right so round five the proper is three-headed dragon SL Hydra with one dery is good so good [ __ ] nail man is a little guy is is a little guy he is I love him this is a great plushy too like n the so many would be great wouldn’t they now I want to know who guessed this I did I didn’t know what it was I thought they were like haunted sock puppets or something three yellow sock puppets was what I had to work with here okay that’s scary right puet that is so frightening like you put your hand in the glove in its teeth like that one movie have you never seen this meme before no I haven’t I even I was like it’s like the best meme after I after I typed in my response I Googled like yellow snake crypted and it gave me some kind of flying snake but I still kept my answer cuz I was like listen yeah I no Todd googler well I made it makes sense yeah and uh as you can see I made three little sock puppet guys oh okay the thing was when I got to how got so I made two of them and then when I got to this one when I got to this one exasperation when I got to this one I thought they meant Hydra oh that when I got when I did these two and I got here I was like they Hydra but there was no I wasn’t going to sweat yourt back I just kept too late too late I mean it could still get there if someone knows it doesn’t think they’re socks someone guessed something very strange who guessed this one cuz um so yeah I’m not sure this is going to recover because I got this one and I did not know what this was at all I didn’t get the pocket so so I color scheme I can I kind of can see what the color scheme is maybe going for so I guessed mini Pikachu monsters that eat limbs okay you okay okay okay sure oh there thank you Duncan you know little famous scripted okay we we’ve we’ve fixed the Hydra the Derpy Hydra bit yeah little mini Pikachu that eat limbs so I had to build that oh my God [Laughter] W I love they awesome great oh the mouth the little Pikachu was that oh God they oh they just bleeding so much oh no in the back what they’ve killed this elf a long-headed elf there we go yeah there he is yeah he’s dead he’s dead someone save him what would you call these if they were real crypted what what would their names be they have some sort of name like gbls or something oh that’s good griet is really cool I like I’m I don’t think we’re going to get better than that or maybe we tied to a place you know somewhere so like the uh East Appalachian gbets you know it would be the kto griet right I mean it’s a crypted I think by the way it’s terrifying love this mouth the banner from excellent that was really good it really feels like he’s like that’s good I think even though they’re scary still little guys though they’re little guys they’re terrifying but they are little guys they’re absolutely little guys I’d have one of these as a pet you know throw elves into his cage every day my all right then Duncan’s prompt was the Beast of bodman Moore oh okay that is a now hell of a one I feel like I may have messed up on the the the guessing of this one here so Ben obiously built this and the Beast of was like a panther right yeah it was like a big cat that had escaped from a zoo or something look this is a sheep that it’s like ripped to bits sheep and then it’s made of wool and blood and literally mutton all right I just thought that having a realization and this is a man for scale cuz it’s a big cat I didn’t want people thinking was like a little cat yeah ride for scale a man for scale yep Louis guessed this I guess because I think I built it next yes so I said n’s cat that escaped to grew and eat Fe yes well that’s good that’s good big cats are very common crypted in the UK to be seen yes they are I I should have just gone with my instinct which was the Beast of b b i oh really I just thought that no one would know what the [ __ ] that I should I’m I’m stupid anyway oh my god oh damn this is this is nil’s cat this is how you know it’s n cat like I said he’s grown a lot he’s on he’s like Godzilla he’s going to bust his whole to it’s it’s not a crypto anymore it’s a Kaiju yeah I was the one to guess this and even I didn’t guess it was me you didn’t I guess the bonga was like after sorry I didn’t even I couldn’t think of what what kind of a crypted would be this big cuz crypted are usually quite smaller on the site cuz they’re sneaky and I was like well what can this is must be a fullon mythological thing cuz that was other thing so I thought it was maybe a a hell I think so you didn’t recognize your own Bongo I didn’t notice it in the background but I said it was a hellhound rampaging through the city cuz it was breathing fire I thought it was fire it was breathing but now I see it’s blood see that yeah no yeah I get it and that was built by oh to finish what in the [ __ ] is this a hellhound raging through a city guy he’s just a little guy it’s a [ __ ] potato a potato walks through a building rolls through a building no he’s rampaging could be a British like crypted is the jacket potato that’s come to life yes true I a little bit this is Rampage now this is now it’s now it’s rampaging for sure now he’s now he’s a jacket potato now got beans in him so yeah so obviously like the be apologies no okay so I made the I made the city and I and I began making the dog the hellhound dog and I was realizing this is got to be a I need to make an even Huger dog because the buildings are already this size and to make it look like a dog it so it just became a square it just became a square dog and then I was like do I have time to rebuild the square dog no I’ll just leave it as a square dog so this is what you made as the dog sorry I thought you were going to be like I took bits off so this is what you made as the dog yes this is the square dog yeah oh his nose is fair why is it such a big nose oh yeah and descan you’re the best you’re the we have had all Gam of builds today from great to terrible uh I don’t know where this sits but uh probably on the terrible end tell us in the comments which one was your favorite please today yes let us know if you say the square dog you’ll get a thumbs up for me a that’s all we need all right thanks everyone see you next time goodbye [Music] goodbye

This video, titled ‘Uncovering some awful new cryptids in the Minecraft Gartic Phone Challenge!’, was uploaded by The Yogscast on 2024-04-11 17:00:10. It has garnered 69614 views and 3757 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:57 or 2037 seconds.

It’s Minecraft Pictionary! Whether you believe in them or not, we do not wanna meet any of these cryptids in a dark forest! 💖 BECOME A MEMBER: 📺 👕 Buy Yogscast Merch:

00:00 – Minecraft Building 14:05 – Round 1 – A Phoenix Hatches from their Egg 16:55 – Round 2 – Fresno Nightstalker 19:43 – Round 3 – The Jersey Devil 22:46 – Round 4 – Icelandic Elves that leave Presents in Shoes 26:09 – Round 5 – Three Headed Dragon/Hydra with one Derpy Head 29:50 – Round 6 – The Beast of Bodmin Moor

Uncovering some awful new cryptids in the Minecraft Gartic Phone Challenge!


Who’s in the video: Lewis: Duncan: Nilesy: Rythian: Ben: Boba:


Gameplay Overview: Minecraft Pictionary plays just like Gartic Phone! We get a prompt, we speed build it and let everyone else guess what it was! How far will our crazy creations go?


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Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound

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    Villager Scam: Free Items Hack The Easy Way to Get Items for Free from a Villager in Minecraft Have you ever wondered how to get items for free from a villager in Minecraft? Well, it’s actually quite simple! All you need to do is follow these easy steps: Step 1: Approach the Villager First, approach the villager you want to get items from. Make sure you have the item you want to give them in your inventory. Step 2: Give the Villager the Item Open your inventory, take out the item, and place it in the villager’s hand. Then, simply ask for the items… Read More

  • Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft: Bloqué dans un Chunk – Épisode 5 Exploration et Enchantements Dans cet épisode de Minecraft, Tonnian se retrouve bloqué dans un Chunk, mais cela ne l’empêche pas de poursuivre ses aventures. Il se lance dans l’exploration des mines pour trouver des ressources précieuses. Après avoir pêché pendant un certain temps, Tonnian parvient enfin à obtenir un livre, essentiel pour la création d’une table d’enchantement. Il s’attelle alors à l’enchantement de son armure pour se préparer à de nouvelles rencontres et défis. Construction et Projets Futurs Tonnian envisage de construire une sphère magique en haut de son arbre géant,… Read More

  • Crafting Joy: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Adventure

    Crafting Joy: Minecraft's Happy Planet Adventure In the world of Minecraft, Happy Planet shines bright, With animations funny, bringing joy and delight. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a child-friendly sight, Bringing laughter and happiness, each day and each night. From classrooms to songs, all crafted with care, Each video a gem, beyond compare. Avoiding pirated content, this channel is rare, So subscribe and enjoy, without a single care. With rhymes and emojis, the news is told, In Minecraft’s world, where adventures unfold. From funny animations to stories bold, Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a treasure to hold. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Crafting Minecraft news, each update… Read More

  • Rain and Relaxing Minecraft Soundtrack

    Rain and Relaxing Minecraft Soundtrack Pembe Ev: Gece Ay Işığında Büyüleyici Manzara Pembe Ev ve Ay Işığı Bu video, geceleyin ay ışığının altında parlayan bir pembe evin görkemli manzarasını sunuyor. Sessiz ve huzurlu bir ortamda, gökyüzündeki yıldızların ışığıyla aydınlanan bu ev, büyüleyici bir atmosfere sahip. Pembe rengiyle dikkat çeken ev, çevresindeki doğal güzelliklerle birleşerek benzersiz bir manzara oluşturuyor. İzleyicilere görsel bir şölen sunan bu video, doğanın ve mimarinin eşsiz uyumunu keşfetmeye davet ediyor. Keyifli seyirler! Kamp Ateşi ve Doğa Sesleri Rahatlama, pozitif düşünce, konsantrasyon, denge ve motivasyonda destekleyici olan kamp ateşi ve doğa sesleri, bu videoya eşlik ediyor. Huzurlu ve sakinleştirici terapi müziği, motivasyon… Read More

  • Elmsville: Modern City Minecraft

    Elmsville: Modern City Minecraft Welcome to Elmsville – a Modern City in Minecraft! Exploring the virtual world of Minecraft just got more exciting with the introduction of Elmsville – a modern city map that promises endless adventures and creative opportunities for players. Let’s dive into the details of this captivating Minecraft creation! The Tools You Need To fully immerse yourself in the Elmsville experience, make sure you have the following tools at your disposal: Hp Android Itel: Your gateway to the Minecraft universe. Aplikasi Craftsman 5: Enhance your building skills with this handy application. Editor Video You Cut: Capture and share your Elmsville… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Minewind: Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure! Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we’re diving into the world of automatic sorting systems in Minecraft. If you’ve ever wanted to streamline your item organization process, this is the video for you. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to set up a full automatic sorting system in Minecraft, making item management a breeze. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to optimize your storage system or a beginner eager to learn new tricks, this video has something for everyone. But why stop at just watching videos? Take your Minecraft experience to the next level… Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE

    Epic Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE Minecraft Showdown: Gamer Fleet Vs LILLEVILE Members When it comes to epic battles in the virtual world, Minecraft never fails to deliver. The recent clash between Gamer Fleet and LILLEVILE Members has taken the gaming community by storm. Let’s dive into the details of this intense showdown! The Rivalry Unfolds Both Gamer Fleet and LILLEVILE Members are well-known factions in the Minecraft universe, each with a loyal following of players. The tension between the two groups had been simmering for weeks, and it finally reached a boiling point in a fierce battle for supremacy. The Fight for Dominance As… Read More

  • INSANE Maelstrom Mod in Minecraft 1.12.2!

    INSANE Maelstrom Mod in Minecraft 1.12.2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Into the Maelstrom Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.12.2)’, was uploaded by Topothetop on 2024-06-12 09:39:38. It has garnered 728 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:27 or 1587 seconds. Into the Maelstrom Mod (Minecraft Mod Showcase 1.12.2) This is the into the Maelstrom Mod, a work-in-progress adventure RPG. If you enjoy journeying into unknown worlds and dungeons while testing the limits of your combat, this mod is aimed to provide just that. It has arguably the best progressive story that doesn’t fall completely out of line from typical minecraft stories, as… Read More

  • Droplet’s Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!

    Droplet's Skyblock Adventure with Subscribers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Sky blocks with Twitch Subscribers (Stream 2)’, was uploaded by Little_Droplet on 2024-03-25 22:04:04. It has garnered 51 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:01 or 9601 seconds. Playing Sky Blocks on Hypixle with Twitch Subscribers! If you would like to join the world head over to my Twitch and Subscribe as it helps me, put more into my YouTube and Twitch Channel 🙂 TikTok: Discord: Twitter: Twitch- Kick- Read More

  • Shizo Clickbait: “Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht”

    Shizo Clickbait: "Unbelievable GamerzMine Moment 😱🔥 #anshubisht"Video Information This video, titled ‘The Fleemtu Bhaiya 😎😂 | #anshubisht #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GamerzMine on 2024-04-19 13:44:00. It has garnered 3696 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Hii Domsto ❤️ Welcome To My Gaming YouTube Channel @GamerzMineog 💖 ♦️ I Provided Funny Moments Various Popular Games/Gamers Edit 😈🔥 ♦️ If You Like My Content So Don’t Forget To Like, Subscribe 😍🫶❤️‍🩹 ♦️ For Credit – @Gamerfleet ‎@AnshuBisht  ‎@NotGamerFleet  📌 For Credits/Business/Removel 👇 [email protected] 🎧 I DON’T OWN THE MUSIC AND PICTURES. THE CREDIT GO TO *RESPECTIVE OWNERS* 📌IF YOU ARE… Read More

  • Uncover secret dimension mods in Minecraft

    Uncover secret dimension mods in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Exploring Minecraft’s Forgotten Dimension Mods’, was uploaded by Daiazal on 2024-04-20 08:08:18. It has garnered 706131 views and 40994 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:52 or 1552 seconds. MODS FEATURED: Aether: DimensionalDoors: Tropicraft: My silly little social media: Read More

  • 24/7 Minecraft Survival Server – Java + Pe | EPIC gameplay

    24/7 Minecraft Survival Server - Java + Pe | EPIC gameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live 🔴 Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by AnxoIsLive on 2024-02-26 08:50:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Live Public SMP | Java + Pe | 24/7 server | #minecraftlive Survival #shorts #shortsfeed Minecraft Live Public SMP … Read More

  • JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter’s SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥

    JedKai Uncovers Secrets in Peter's SMP: Minecraft Blockterria! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘A New Adventure Through Peter’s New SMP: Minecraft: Blockterria[Live]🔴’, was uploaded by JedKai on 2024-03-10 04:14:33. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:03:43 or 11023 seconds. A new Adventure starts now Game: Minecraft Fwends: Peter: @PeterHowaryou Jill: @Eywa828 #minecraft #smp Read More

  • Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraft

    Shocking: NOTMINEXD Terminated 🕉️ #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘What happened to NOTMINEXD 🕉️ ( Channel Terminated ) #minecraft’, was uploaded by Notnikhil on 2024-03-24 06:45:26. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. youtube channel how to recover terminated youtube account my youtube channel suspended youtube channel suspended … Read More

  • EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smp

    EPIC Custom Warp System in My Minecraft Server! 😱🔥 #minecraft #smpVideo Information This video, titled ‘Custom warp system for my Minecraft Server! #minecraft #minecraftsmp #smp #mc #cozy’, was uploaded by StinkySurvival on 2024-05-20 13:50:13. It has garnered 781 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoilet

    EPIC Toilet Fight in Minecraft ⚔️ BHALIYA OFFICIAL #skibiditoiletVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft But Skibidi Toilet 🚽 Fight #minecraft #skibiditoilet #phonk’, was uploaded by BHALIYA OFFICIAL on 2024-06-13 08:03:45. It has garnered 502 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. minecraft minecraft animation minecraft shorts shorts #minecraft minecraft mods minecraft pe minecraft edit minecraft 1.20 minecraft memes minecraft meme phonk minecraft funny edit minecraft minecraft video minecraft but shorts minecraft minecraft noob minecraft challenge animation minecraft meme minecraft minecraft tiktok noob minecraft minecraft live best phonk zonecraft minecraft hacks cursed minecraft phonk edit video phonk pvp minecraft minecraft mod minecraft… Read More

  • EuropeSMP

    EuropeSMPWelcome to EuropeSMP, the ultimate CPVP shop survival server where you can become the best player in the game! Join us and embark on an epic adventure as you build, mine, and conquer your way to the top. With a thriving economy, endless possibilities for customization, and a dedicated community of players, EuropeSMP offers a unique and immersive gaming experience like no other. So what are you waiting for? Join us today and start your journey to greatness on EuropeSMP! Read More

  • Ezartla SMP 1.21+

    Welcome to Ezartla Survival Server! We are excited to announce the grand opening of Ezartla Survival Server in just 2 weeks! Join us for an unforgettable survival adventure with exciting features for all players. Key Features: Land Claiming: Protect your creations with our intuitive system. Player-Run Economy: Trade and become the ultimate entrepreneur. Ranks: Earn perks and abilities as you progress. Custom Enchantments: Customize your gear with powerful enchantments. Massive World: Explore a vast 50,000×50,000 block world. Minecraft 1.21: Experience the latest version. And More: Stay tuned for exciting updates! Connect With Us: Server IP: Join Our Discord:… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate love in Minecraft

    The love in this meme is so high, it’s like trying to reach level 105 in Minecraft without even mining a single block! Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Director Ao’s House Renovation in Minecraft World

    Crafting Chaos: Director Ao's House Renovation in Minecraft World In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Mengxuan Renovation School, where building skills come alive. Director Ao’s house, a masterpiece in the making, With every block placed, a new chapter in the remaking. 1 million guardians, a formidable force, Can they defeat the Ender Dragon, stay on course? In one second’s time, a challenge so grand, Only in Minecraft, where legends stand. Mengxuandada, the hardcore MC player, Crafting videos with style, a true innovator. Sharing insights and trivia, with a playful twist, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams exist. So leap into the verse, let the story… Read More

  • “Spicy Minecraft Memes” 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts

    "Spicy Minecraft Memes" 🔥 #minecraft #game #memes #shorts #minecraftshorts Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #boomtherapy 💥 Read More

  • Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?!

    Villagers Sleeping in The Nether?! Minecraft Myths: Villagers Sleeping in The Nether? Exploring Player Myths in Minecraft In the vast world of Minecraft, players often come up with myths and theories about the game’s mechanics and possibilities. Today, we delve into some of the most intriguing myths shared by players, including the question of whether villagers can sleep in The Nether. Unveiling the Myths First Myth: Players speculate about the existence of hidden dungeons beneath the ocean, waiting to be discovered for rare treasures. Second Myth: Some believe that certain biomes hold secret portals to other dimensions, offering unique adventures. Third Myth: There are… Read More

  • EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMP

    EPIC Finale: Lost Books Uncovered on SkyBoundSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Lost Books { SkyBoundSMP EP 34 }’, was uploaded by Artfulrenegade on 2024-07-09 01:28:30. It has garnered 330 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:33 or 2433 seconds. Hello! Welcome to Episode 34 of Rune’s journey on BoundSMP, a lore based multiplayer Minecraft server. Today Rune and Sylph meet someone new! Watch the lore LIVE over on my twitch Check out these playlist to catch up on past lore! SkyBound: Find me elsewhere in the wild: Tik Tok:… Twitter:… Instagram:… Alright that’s all from me, see… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0

    Mind-Blowing Redstone Build Hack in Minecraft 2.0Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay’, was uploaded by Dinar Gamerz 2.0 on 2024-04-06 04:00:25. It has garnered 300 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Amazing Redstone Build Hack in minecraft #shorts #minecraft #build_hacks #gamer #gameplay #craftingandbuilding #Roblox #clashofclans #craftingandbuilding #mecharena #indianbikerider3d #bestgameplayathome #grannyremake #mobilegameplay #pcgameplay #banglagameplay Hey Everyone! This is Dinar ! Welcome to My channel ..”Dinar Gamerz 2.0″ .. I created this channel for PC & Android games. I upload daily videos about pc & mobile related games, gaming news Reactions… Read More

  • Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore Minecraft

    Secrets of Midnightbirds: EPIC Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft Ep.1’, was uploaded by Midnightbirds on 2024-02-19 18:00:10. It has garnered 31 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:42 or 1662 seconds. Sorry for the audio issues. they will be fixed next video. Hardcore Minecraft is Minecraft locked on the hardest difficulty. You have one life where you have to try to survive as long as you can. This is my attempt Read More

  • Insane Mining Academy for Creepers – The Respecter

    Insane Mining Academy for Creepers - The RespecterVideo Information This video, titled ‘Если бы криперы могли пойти в шахтерскую академию’, was uploaded by The Respecter on 2024-02-21 20:15:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Learn English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here … Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling’s FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMP

    INSANE Minecraft HACKS on Ander Bling's FIRST VIDEO! Subscribe now! #SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘First vid subscribe #minecraft #smp #viral #hack #funny’, was uploaded by Ander Blings on 2024-01-07 23:35:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2

    Insane 8 Mods for Minecraft YOU MUST TRY! 1.20.1, 1.18.2Video Information This video, titled ‘8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2)’, was uploaded by LuluBelleMC on 2024-03-25 11:00:23. It has garnered 55611 views and 2253 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:09 or 789 seconds. 8 New Minecraft Mods You Need To Know! (1.20.1, 1.18.2) 0:00 -Epic Fight: Obsidian Can Cry 1.18.2 (Forge) 7:47 -Airstrike Mod 1.20.4 —— 1.20.1 (Fabric) 9:59 -Back Weapon Slot 1.20.1 —— 1.18.2 (Forge) 10:25 -Instant Sleep 1.20.1 —— 1.19.2 (Forge) 10:49 -Item sharpness 1.20.1 —— 1.19.4 (Forge) 11:17 -AutoHarvest 1.20.4 (Fabric) 12:10 -Xp from… Read More

  • Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024

    Endless Minecraft Phone Addiction?! 👀 #Minecraft2024Video Information This video, titled ‘POV: So-Called Phone Addiction. – (Minecraft Short) – #Minecraft2024 – @simonbreaofficial .’, was uploaded by JakeyDboy47 on 2024-06-12 06:48:50. It has garnered 8943 views and 232 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Hello, I am JakeyDboy47. I like to play Plants vs Zombies, Fortnite, Minecraft, Rocket League, Rogue Company, Among Us, Goat Simulator, Fall Guys and Multiversus. I also like to post cartoon videos and Minecraft Skits I’ve made. My Favourite YouTubers are Typical Gamer, SypherPK, Nick Eh 30, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Loserfruit, GhostNinja, CourageJD and Ninja. My best friends are… Read More

  • ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!

    ¡Increíble video Viral de Minecraft Mod en 2021!Video Information This video, titled ‘Vídeo completo en el canal #viral #minecraft #minecraftpe #minecraftbedrock #mods #minecraftpemods’, was uploaded by Gotenks333 on 2024-02-20 00:10:57. It has garnered 1013 views and 43 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!

    EPIC Minecraft Firework Show in WDW!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft/ WDW – Firework Show’, was uploaded by LegoMaker961 on 2024-06-17 04:12:07. It has garnered 3 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:15 or 375 seconds. From The Minecraft DLC: Magic Kingdom I don’t own any of the rights to anything. The Music in the show is owned by The Walt Disney Company. U.S. Parody and Copyright Law: Notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106A, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section,… Read More

  • MineLett Network

    MineLett NetworkMe complace presentarles MineLett, un servidor que aspira a crecer junto con su comunidad. Nos esforzamos por estar atentos a sus inquietudes, quejas y sugerencias para mejorar constantemente. Actualmente, MineLett ofrece la modalidad de SkyBlock, donde encontrarás una amplia variedad de características. Además, estamos emocionados por las próximas actualizaciones que traerán aún más emocionantes características a la experiencia de juego. ¿Qué estás esperando para unirte a nosotros? Ven y diviértete con la comunidad de MineLett, ¡ayúdanos a crecer juntos! Read More

  • All Of Create SMP Modded Java Whitelist roleplay

    Welcome to All of Create! Version: 1.19.2 (Modded) Discord: Join our Discord server About Us: We’re a small modded survival multiplayer server looking for members to join and play. Get more information about us in our server! Join Us: First join our Discord using the link above, then fill out the application to be added to our whitelist. You can find the mod pack and IP in the server’s Info channel. Read More

  • Vampirism semi anarchy

    The version is 1.19.2 forge. The list of mods is here: Sundamage is disabled to allow for more natural combat between players and to allow people to skip the night if there aren’t many people on, also it uses pre 1.9 combat Read More