Insane New Minecraft Mob Farm Technique!

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All right y’all what’s going on how are you y what’s going on hey F Yoshi how are you what’s going on hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up all right let me just shut this off that way I just 6 10:45 here my brain isn’t functional this morning yeah I know

Um no I mean you know it’s already like 10:45 for you which is crazy um yeah I mean you know I think I’ve told you the story before you know when we had the 4our difference um you know that was back when I was in Canada and when you know North America didn’t

Changed her clocks back I just I just I still can’t believe it’s six I don’t know why it’s five um I mean I you know I know it’s five for like a short amount of time but um specifically 10:45 yeah um I usually just say

10:45 but you know I mean it is am but I don’t know I usually like to say 10:45 a.m. yeah um sorry um you’re not sorry yeah I’m just getting my iPad off of the iOS 6 you know um you know my iPad 2 is dual booting or

You know i’ I’ve obviously have dual boot enabled um and it can’t AirPlay unfortunately on iOS 6 I mean I wish it could but up the can’t I’m going to have to figure out a way to get it to work that way you all can see

That um yeah how’s it going fny Yoshi hopefully you’re having a good day otherwise um because yeah I haven’t seen you in a while you know hopefully blink starts streaming again soon um you know because I miss him you know it’s been forever since I’ve seen

Him um you know and yeah you all again I mean I’m almost done doing this game anyways so you know I’ve been doing Minecraft a lot this year um you know and I’m honestly kind of tired of doing this game I mean I don’t know it’s just you know again this is

Likely going to be the last let’s play you’ll see from this game for a while um I’m honestly just done like we’ve been doing this for like what two weeks now that’s a long time yeah um yeah fan Yoshi um you know I’m sometimes like that too especially like on a Monday or

A Tuesday I’m honestly just nonfunctional on a day like that too I’m being honest why is this thing got a black Screen all right here we are perfect okay y’all let’s do this so yeah all right let’s go um what else was I going to say I don’t even remember all right see the ringer off no so why can’t I hear Anything that’s odd okay okay that’s really Weird okay that that’s odd all right just give me a second yall um hey Anthony what’s going on hopefully you’re having a good day dude what’s up yeah nothing much in you what’s happening with you hopefully things are okay with You there we go okay we just had a little bit of an issue so yeah what’s up fan Yoshi what’s what’s your status yeah I was going to say that too but that’s okay doesn’t matter not the end of the world yeah no not at all all right um so yeah y’all I

Mean you know basically today’s episode is just going to be um yeah honestly really today all that we’re going to do really is just um you know we’re basically just going to just finish um I love how you could see the sky over there it’s just it’s kind of cool too to

See that beautiful yeah very beautiful um you know that’s basically all that we’re going to do we’re basically just going to just finish the uh the mob farm and that’s it really yeah I mean there’s really nothing else to it you know we’re pretty much done with this mob farm yeah um

Oh yeah forgot the add sound how’s it going yeah how’s it going um cuz it both of you played Mario Party 9 before like any of the Yoshi games um cuz I feel like that’s like what my next let’s play is going to like be based off

Of um you know I’m fine oh that’s good nice that’s great um you know this this is kind of like a fun never mind now I feel like I jump sometimes like topics like I don’t mean to do that it’s just like it’s kind of like a bad habit what are you talking

About oh I thought it was night Oh I thought that was like a star it’s just the door basically like with the Bedrock Bo oh I got confused okay I was going to say like huh I’m like okay now I get it but I’m like what

The hey well at least the mob farm is is already working um I haven’t played Mario Party 9 in like two years how about you Fanny Yoshi I don’t know if you’ve ever played it before but you know I don’t know and if you all

Want I could even do we party too this year yeah and it doesn’t have to be again it doesn’t have to be all live streamed be recorded too hey what’s going on Adam where are you how’s it going hopefully you’re having a good day my man what’s up yeah nothing much in

You CU yeah welcome to the stream dude hope you’re having a good day I haven’t played it with oh Mario party I well you should when you get the chance to such a great game you will not regret it no yeah Mario Party 9 is just it’s really good

Um especially in terms of uh you know it’s just its Nostalgia it’s Graphics I mean you know I mean honestly people were kind of annoyed that it was a car based game but you know people like wanted it they asked for it nobody really cares about that anymore anyways

Like you know same thing with Mario Party 10 like I like the old style of Mario party but eventually they’re going to have to just find a way to change it um cuz you know the old style ain’t going to last forever so you know again it Mak

It may sound controversial in what I’m saying but it’s true so that’s honestly in like what I believe yeah cuz it’s true you know um yeah like I said Adam how was your day today was it good um hopefully I had a good day cuz my day was okay hopefully yours was too

You know I know it’s felt like all we’ve been doing is Minecraft you all but that’s okay um you know but again um you know like I said um you know we are going to try to do smash later um but that’s okay um you know and and if I can’t do

That cuz on a dance house or something else happened then we’re going to have to just do it another time I mean I’m going to try to be here today so you know and I kind of have plans to go out with family anyways so just let me see

What happen what’s going to happen first yeah man we’re running low on iron or is it just out all of our irons like up there I don’t know it’s either like one or the other yeah that’s all right whatever you know um yeah know I’m sure we’re going to

Find more iron EV eventually so I’m not really going to worry about it oh it’s night Beauty um so yeah like I said everyone what does everybody want to talk about cuz I have no idea on like what to talk about um Adam have you played Mario Party 9

Because I’m honestly considering doing that like you know I guess you could say like as the next let’s play um cuz I don’t know I like Mario Party 9 it’s fun you know Mario Party 9 just has a lot of character to it or you know or I’m just

Considering just doing like a Yoshi game or something um I don’t know it’s just you know I I I haven’t really completed a Yoshi game finally iron let’s go on this channel yet so just one piece of iron I honestly hate when the game just boes you like

That it’s so annoying oh nice more gold let’s go yeah this is why we’re going to have to keep mining later just bro one piece of gold you kidding me right now just one just one piece of gold you you got to be for real right um I played woly world and Yoshi’s

Craftter world in the past I think they’re both good games yeah who else has played those games has anyone else played those games before crafter world woolly world like come on I’m sure someone else has played you know a Yoshi game like how could you

Have not played a Yoshi game like I mean I’m just saying like you know even I have played and yet I barely play GES as it is so yeah there you go yeah exactly yeah yeah I mean I could actually make this bigger later on which I’m going to consider

Doing oh nice more gold nice wow we’re actually we could actually do the nether core today now that we have enough B that’s great yeah I’m just saying Anthony you know it feels like I’m hogging the chat yeah right it does right it’s kind of funny too and it’s fine and I don’t

Mind it’s just it’s it’s just kind of funny that’s all it’s just something funny that we noticed yeah you know my man you’re all good no big deal no not at all it’s just the and it it it’s just kind of funny that’s all yeah no problem no not at

All all right I don’t need no more Flint yeah no I already have enough Flint I want an still here I’ll come get it Um yeah like I said foshi you still here Adam you still here what do you both want to talk about and if you both don’t want to talk about anything and you just want to watch them that’s fine I mean I don’t know I just like to ask just

Because it’s aight thing to do you know yeah extremely I mean whatever y all want I mean you know any let’s play ideas you know something that blink it like Mario Sunshine you know that I could do that this year you know we party we you party I like those games yeah they’re

Great no they’re nice I think they’re very fun yeah extremely yeah you know they’re different yeah of course very different wow we’re going to run out that’s where the crafting table goes yep we ran out God darn it you know we always run out this is ridiculous is what it is this is

Ridiculous yeah we are we are really low yeah I know right like where where is everybody you know y’all could always have feedback on my commentary and I know most of yall are at school or working or some of you were asleep so you know I get that I need to like

Stream at a time where everybody is available you know and that’s why I’m going to tell Dan like I do want to hang out with him but you know I mean I haven’t really streamed a viewer Gam so long and that’s the problem so you know it’s like again

Um could always hang out like on Monday um and you know and I can watch Sonic Prime with him too so you know I may just tell him that before yeah but that’s okay um I’ll definitely text them later just to let them know yeah it’s not that I don’t want to it’s

Just you know again I haven’t I haven’t really um done anything with a viewer in a while like at least for a game so I’m here okay good Adam nice well you know you have any LP ideas um yeah I know you said no last time but if if you don’t

Ever have any you can just tell me that too you know that way I just don’t ask like you know just like forever you know if you get my point yeah of course you know of course of course yeah exactly yeah hey we’re very low yeah I’m going to have to put this

All this Cobble away yall yeah yeah know um that’s something that I’m going to have to do later yeah exactly uh anyone else here Who besides Anthony I don’t know I mean I’m trying to figure that out now me I don’t know I mean I’m assuming that they’re not chatting which

They don’t have to yeah it’s just um you know again I mean you know we’re trying to figure that out as we speak Adam so yeah you know like there you go yes okay all right let’s see how this mob farm works yeah exactly all right let’s see how this bad boy works

Out yeah yeah now just shall we all right let’s go oh yeah we got Redstone nice we got a lot of redstone too yeah we’re getting lucky with that let’s play very lucky very very lucky all right okay this is I mean this is a

Pretty big Mob form so I don’t see how this can’t work no you know like I can’t either yeah I mean you know I honestly should expect this room to be full of mobs when I come back which will probably be the reality sure will yeah Adam um how did you like that

Galaxy let’s play that that I did a while um like do you like those kinds of games better CU I like the 3D Mario games too you know whether I’m good at them or not you know cuz again I I haven’t I haven’t finished Galaxy 2 yet

So you know like I can always do that too eventually and I know it’ll be a long let’s play but I don’t think it’ll be as long as that’s to Let’s Play No cuz who knows you know I may also like record it a little bit too yeah me I’ll

Just have to wait and see oh it’s night time already holy cow wow okay that’s a little weird very weird love how like the light from the outside is kind of like just ruining this I know so funny yeah it is okay well that’s a little better okay now this is much

Better all right all right um yeah like I said again um Galaxy was my favorite let’s play from last year oh okay how about yours Adam what was your favorite let’s play um cuz that was one of mine too I mean I know we did the game so much but

Yeah I mean we don’t have to do it this year which is great you know um so yeah that I’m happy about oh yeah absolutely yes yeah all right so I’ll explain why I’m doing that with the furnaces later Adam um or do you actually do you all want me

To explain now why I do that with the furnaces it’s kind of annoying but it’s kind of something that I have to do like I don’t think it’s all the times I think like I don’t think it’ll crash all the times but um it’ll be something that I’ll have

To keep in mind for like Future Let’s Plays Um but yeah you know it is something that I kind of like want to address not for too long but just for like a little bit Yeah but yeah again um I don’t know Adam like what do you think can you all even hear me feel like I’m talking to a wall

I know that’s cuz I am I mean you know I am in a basement to be fair so yeah you know there you go it’s true you know I I am in the basement yes gu that oh so laggy yeah who knows maybe I’ll even respring this device

To you know what I think I’m going to do that now h let me go do that after I just finished this so yeah so for those of you who don’t know um I’ve been having like a memory leak issue um and this issue is not exclusive to this version y’all um I

Thought they actually fixed it but they didn’t um unfortunately so yeah that’s not really a good thing um at least for me it’s not so so yeah the game has a chance of crashing um yeah and you want to know why it’s all just cuz I either put too much items in the

Furnace it’s because or I just take all the items out or um yeah it’s just there’s just like no memory so it’s again it’s kind of like a weird issue um it’s a very annoying issue too um again you know it’s it’s just something that you know I have to deal with

Unfortunately like at least for like the remain of this let’s play so again you know when we do the next version we’re not going to have this Um you know and I think if your device just runs out of memory I don’t I think there’s like a message that comes um I don’t know if this is sure or not but I I do believe that that’s what is supposed to happen just not like your game crashing um so yeah

Hopefully in 12.0 if we would ever do that’s the next version that I really want to do you know I also had a lot of memories with that too then you know then that’s what I’ll do yeah exactly nice all right uh um so yeah so basically every time I you know Place

Something in a furnace or sometimes or even even not even then like even just every once in a while the game could have chance so that’s why I’m just kind of like a little cautious like you know when I use the furnace and I really explained

It so yeah there you go uh that’s basically the kind of the issue that I’ve been having it’s kind of an issue it’s kind of not like as you just saw there I open the furnace nothing bad happened but again you know there’s always a slight chance so you know

That’s why I’m just careful just careful yeah exactly so yeah there you go yes all right there you go okay and it just updated everything which I figured that it would do all right all right now we’re done with this now I don’t know if we’re going to even

Use all this but it’s there if we need it y all it’s there yes it is there yes it is there we go um hey Leo’s Plus how are you what’s going on what’s up brother what’s your status let’s have a conversation what’s up dude hopefully you’re having a good day

Because yeah my day has been okay and yours um good to see you again my man oh hey you know what it’s honestly always a pleasure for seeing you um hey how are you scamming or game s I’m just going to just say s gaming 115 um cuz yeah welcome to the stream

Dude welcome to the stream yeah of course of course oh am y yes yes yes but yeah this version doesn’t even support multiplayer so sorry to breath your heart but that’s all right um I’m so glad the mobs aren’t up here anymore it’s going to make my

Life so much easier I mean it was a cool idea to have the mob farm up here but after a little while yeah it honestly turned into a hassle so I’m honestly kind of glad that um there are no more mobs yeah I’m very happy about

That um they Leo spush welcome back yeah that’s it um and yeah by the way y all um we’re kind of about like I want to say like halfway through this let’s play if not almost halfway you know Um yeah I mean so yeah there you go trying to wonder where all that gold went oh yeah for forgot don’t so stupid to the freaking furnace hello where’s the furnace at there it is going to say like disappeared on me I’m like oh that would have not been good um welcome

Did you just wake up um I think so I would imagine yeah yeah I mean know it’s like what 4 in the morning for him which is early for a lot of people not for me but for a lot of people it is but you get I’m not saying that I don’t understand

But you know um I’m primarily a morning person you know I’m not really the biggest uh night person per se which I don’t think many of you should be surprised about you know yeah I’m sure he did just wake up David you know as you could probably tell or as you

Could tell yeah of course oh yeah I forgot we got to the far to the only problem is though you know like I don’t know how much of this I want to like have it as a c ion I think I’ll just do four cuz I don’t really use the capti

That much I mean I I like it it’s just only problem is I’m not really going to use it much so I guess that’ll just be the end for that yeah exactly oh Um why a chat today huh yeah well I mean you’re hogging so which is good I’m not saying it’s not but it’s kind of not quiet because of that you know X yeah exactly oh yeah all right beauty Beauty for all right um let me see here

Hi hi s gaming I don’t know if s gaming is still here um I mean probably not but that’s okay um it’s like I said you know to all of you you know if I ever have time for Minecraft um you know that’ll be something that I normally do like on weekends

Um you know and that’s honestly really the only time I would have time for Minecraft anyways um yeah it’s just you know it’s it’s pretty much like again it’s it’s the I know I’ve said this a lot but it’s really the only time that I really have it’s like not like you know

Um it’s like not on the weekends like every once in a while you know you’ll see Minecraft during the week but it it’s kind of like a rare occurrence is like what I’m saying so you know yeah all right we’re going to need more um all right what else let me see

Here of course we just only needed a few more too what a shame what a shame yeah exactly yeah it’s not a it’s not what a shame it’s just you know oh oh okay good we we just barely have enough sweet sweet sweet sweet okay all right I

Mean you know not that we’re ever going to use these at night but you know they’re here if we ever like them all right where’s the bed okay it’s over there all right to get another bed all right y all let let me just get my sand here

Yep let me just get my sand yeah then after that we’re just going to go on a tree cutting spre yeah yes we will um hey Zion how are you what’s going on hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up yeah like I said hopefully you’re having a nice day

Welcome back yeah what’s going on what happening there’s nothing nope absolutely nothing y just making more progress in this game that’s it yeah and and honestly pretty soon I think I’m going to do the nether cor I have enough um material to obviously make one so I

Think that’s like what I’m going to do soon yeah but not yet not yet y’all and and if I’m going to do it I’m I’m probably just going to just do it like a ways away yeah that way it just doesn’t like affect this area that much I promise you

This time I won’t prank you we’ll see okay well if you do then uh I’ll just make the time out for like 30 minutes and then that’s it um you know cuz I mean I don’t want to be strict but I mean that’s literally like six times six

Chances I’ve given you so okay we shall see gu we shall use more signs really yeah I’m going to consider doing that it’s just I don’t know why I never use signs like I should you’re right I don’t know I mean I like signs it’s just you know again um I’m just

Going to just have to just consider like using more them you know um which I definitely will eventually um H yeah so um yeah we’ll see um I mean I don’t want to put like signs everywhere but the fact that I only have like two signs is kind of like

Sadly now I mean you know the fact that I could just like type sentences or I could use the whole sign guarantee is great yes all right let me see if we can get a sapling out of this there you go Beauty okay good perfect yeah I’m just trying to just get

Some trees out of this you know some decent trees yeah all right I’m only I’m only going to get 64 pieces to y’all I mean I mean you know I think that should be enough see this is why I like these trees they just have so

Much um but yeah Zion um what else have you been up to anything or not really cuz again I haven’t really been up to much yall you know I’ve honestly just been up to the same old same old you know uh nothing really special has happened to me recently which isn’t bad

But but it’s just everything’s kind of been normal on my end hopefully that’s been the case for all of you too um you know cuz I’ve had a pretty I pretty much have had a normal week I mean you know not really a lot has G on that’s like unusual

So again hopefully I could say the same case for all of you too yeah exactly cuz I can’t for myself exactly oh yeah all right oh yeah forgot let me get that sand now all right now I know this tree is crappy but yeah I still want the wood

So I’m going to get it all right nice yeah again um I just love how like the chat’s so quiet like I feel like the chat will be busier like when I do like a Nintendo game really really got annoyed last day don’t you mean the last stream because I didn’t stream yesterday

Um uh so watch you put me in a Timeout but I could just quit this and come back and so my timeout could cancel I mean not really like if you leave the stream like I mean that’s technically not like helping like your case I mean you know I

Mean I mean you really can’t like I mean I wouldn’t like Dodge around the punishments if I were you I mean I would be careful because otherwise that could just be a hide eventually like you know if you’re timed out like you shouldn’t just like avoid it like you I mean like

You not like you leaving like I mean it’s not really going to help like like just just don’t be salty that’s all that I’m saying like you know you can either watch or you just leave like I mean no offense like you don’t got to be like that

Just you know we’ve all made mistakes and just up to it so I don’t know hey pla how are you what’s going on hopefully you’re having a good day yep what’s up let’s going on see this this is the problem when I get people from these places I just you

Never know where you’re going to get no you know and I I like it and I don’t mind it but I don’t know yeah sometimes I wonder yeah no I have every right to wonder but yeah like I said you know that’s just me just being NY

Um by the way I like your latest Community postex yeah I did I’ll have to check it out uh no what wait what am I even saying um you know I’m glad that I checked it out are you playing on mobile Um so yeah you know there you oh no okay I don’t want to waste it just on just digging yeah um well last time I played on Android and I was on emat so I’m actually playing on real Hardware um I’m using iOS 9.3.5 anyone play the Le version of Minecraft sure have

Um me I like like I again I like the console versions it’s just my craze is just on pocket still like eventually it’s going to shift over to PC which I’m sure probably more of you will care about I mean I like pocket honestly more than the PC version but you know

Nowadays I like the PC version more than Bedrock you know I consider pocket a separate thing I know a lot of people don’t but to me it’s just it’s a separate game you know um Ro you said this would be the last live Minecraft right well for pocket yeah I mean I’m pretty

Much done with pocket I mean if I ever do pocket again it’s going to be like it’s going to be like 12.0 you know cuz again I have a jailbroken device Um so yeah and what that means is oh I got to get to the sand oh no oh shoot keep forgetting I got to get the sand man oh God give me a moment y’all I got to I got to run back and get my sand um but yeah um you

Know uh yeah this is the last version of pocket if I do Minecraft again it’ll likely just be the PC version but who even knows if who even knows when I’m going to do that we’ll see um yeah I like the Wii U version a lot honestly the Wii U version is probably

Like my favorite Legacy console version um and then I like the 360 version it’s my second favorite um and then after that is the switch version cu the switch version is underrated I mean you know I they’re all the same except for like the lower gen and higher gen versions but again they’re

Pretty much all the same so you know there’s not much difference between all of them you know I know I know the Wii U version got the Aquatic update the switch version didn’t vice versa the Xbox one so you know has anyone played Resident Evil no

Nobody I I have once just not in a long time I don’t think we have a lot of people like Resident Evil here I don’t know I don’t know about like just just like play I don’t genuinely dislike a game unless if I absolutely like it I

Talk about it on how I dislike it for like more than 10 minutes and I dislike the game sometimes I’ll rant which isn’t really disliking game like Flappy Bird I honestly I honestly despise the game still like that’s something I don’t really like but I’ll play

It I know a friend who plays Resident Evil I’m not a big fan of it be honest yeah you know Plax you’re not a big fan of most things and that’s fine you just kind of remind me of like Tom Sonic um yeah I mean again there’s

Nothing wrong with that I mean you know oh excuse me we we have too much sand especially since I haven’t played it yeah I mean and again that’s fine that you’re not a fan of most things it’s just you know I you know I’ve kind of become a multifan gamer which is

Uh you know I mean you don’t really dislike stuff if you’re a multifan gamer um I mean you may like you have your favorites so it’s kind of like a new terminology for gaming um it’s kind of hard to explain but yeah that’s what it is you too Roy

LOL Mr I like everything what wait what don’t no what do you mean I like everything all right well that’s not true all all the mobile games except for like two or three Resident Evil is like the type of game if you play too much you get used

To the wh and basically the game is like a joke to you now yeah I mean I I wish I had that feeling hopefully I do get that feeling but yeah Plax not a big deal I mean you know you do like all the popular stuff so even then that always doesn’t matter

Either trust me like I’m a fan of Smash I’m just not a big fan of Smash no I don’t know why it’s just I don’t know I I kind of suck at smash I’ll be honest if you all all right I suck at it I’m not into horror

I’m more into Mysteries yeah no I know you’re not I mean Luigi’s Mansion is great I don’t care what any of you say about it I don’t consider that Bor I consider that like in the mild form of mysteries and just like just fun uh

Does Metroid count as War not at all I don’t think so but maybe hon people would consider it like that’s the thing you know you know it’s easy for me to say but who knows what someone else could say right all right let me fight in the mob

Farm and then um I’m just going to use all the loot that I got from the mob farm to bone meal the plants and we’ll just continue on from there and then yeah then we’re going to have to find some animals CU I really want to find some

Animals um yeah Resident Evil I don’t have a problem killing but I have some trying to solve puzzles oh really puzzles are annoying they’re so annoying in games always make me annoyed I don’t know why they just still oh look at this got we got a lot of the heck was that

Okay the heck in God’s name was that is that a creeper that was really weird okay all right well that was a big welcome okay sorry about that y’all that was a little distracting okay we’re clearly going to have to be down here more one

Um yeah I mean you know I like Metroid plx it’s just um I want to like since I have we flow which I can get like free games off of or like load the gam that I get um like online on I’m probably just going to try to like leave first um and

Then after that you know just go from there you know because I I do I do want to do Metroid it’s just you know um it’s just something that I’m going to have to get into that’s all but again I I I want to do Metroid eventually um whoa the heck was

That you know because I I am a Metroid fan it’s just I don’t play it that much I don’t have a problem with puzzles unless they’re absolutely difficulty no hit which is a pain yeah I know I played games with no hints so I feel you I feel the bur

That’s right man are man are there mobs going to spawn here or what’s going on here all right I’m going to put an end to this light at the end here why is there where are the light’s the light coming from okay get this out of here

All right nice so now there’s only a bit of light okay all right um yeah no David agrees with you um where are all the where are all the mobs this is really weird yeah I’m just I don’t know where all the mobs are at we should be getting

A lot of mobs here very strange H this is odd we’re not getting any mobs at all it’s really weird okay now we’re getting mobs um I think Halo CA does a good horror game which which halo is it what c mean not CA something about puzzles and games

Makes you snap I mean if you can’t find an answer you’re going to stay there for a Sol eight hours or even eight minutes trying to figure out what the answer is yeah I actually agree with you Zion like I kind of feel like that’s how Mario and

Rabbits was um so want about the game but I thought it was a great game um you know uh it’s the atmosphere that’s uh irritating did I say that right intriguing no intriguing man I have such terrible today that’s okay I’m trying my best y all true hello everyone hey how are you

Mark what’s going on Welcome to the stream hopefully you’re having a good day uh what’s up my Canadian what’s going on you should update your bio to say that you’re from that’s all right I don’t yeah how’s oh whoa all right now we got all the

Mops is there a way we can turn the brightness up I’ll do that in a minute sure it is these skeletons are so bad OU there we go um hello Mark hey hey I’m good how about you not bad thanks for asking yeah he’s saying

Hi well I mean you know that I don’t know I don’t even know why I’m saying that that’s okay now why would you want to hide that that makes no sense yeah it’s like why would you want to hide the GU like I I don’t get it whatever it just don’t make

Sense um hi Mark haven’t met you before oh yeah haven’t you sure wow that’s inter interesting okay that’s pretty cool well now you have Zion yes why are these mobs taking God so many skeletons nice we were close to death right there apples do a lot in this game very

Happy the apples saving my life yes they are all right let me just deal with these first oh wow we got a lot of mobs um yo Roy yeah what’s going on Plax what’s up man what what’s your status you want to do a shout out video

Soon cuz I would love to do one for you or or no not a well no not a shout out video I meant to say a reaction video I don’t know what I would react to though I would I would probably react to I’m just going to just put this in

The doorway just to just make this easier um just just for myself you know Yeah what’s happening you know when they say an apple a day keeps the mob away oh yeah exactly exactly uh I’ve been here for a long while oh what is this about the mod um I mean I can make you I just make you like a standard mod for now

Um is is accf a standard mod I think so I’ll have to check after because I know you don’t come all the times but you should try to come like when he’s available like not all the times that’s why he’s a standard mod you know Um yeah like I said I’ll have that discussion with later um um but again you know that’s obviously just me that assumes that you want the mod which I I mean I can give you the mod too want it it’s not mind you know like youve been here since like what the

End of 2022 or something which is you know kind of when the channel you know had it like last major exp yeah exactly oh yes Ro I will not have another perfect for I will not including taking damage I mean I don’t mind taking damage it’s just um oh that was really

Close the only reason why I don’t have a mob farm that just drops down is cuz you know you can’t really see anything that’s coming and you know and again I want to see stuff that’s coming um at me so you know again that’s kind of why I

Just have the mob farm like as the way as it is you know like just for that simple reason you know and again I don’t mind taking damage either like you know I have all the resources you know I have all the loot it’s not really a problem to me

That I am taking damage I mean I don’t really mind honestly I’m being honest with you it’s fine you know it’s just honestly it’s kind of like cool taking damage is yeah to an extent oh yeah of course of course of course all right um I guess the Apple

Really saved your life yeah right it did you know and eventually I’m not going to use apples Zion like I’m going to use wheat which is more uh of an efficient Um way anyways so imp plx I mean I don’t know like I don’t know if I’m misreading you I acknowledged you like a while ago um I mean if you didn’t think that I acknowledged you I didn’t acknowledge you um or are you just again are you talking about the

Mod cuz I’m kind of a little confused um can you promote me to a grouped user so I can post 20 links it’s my stick uh how do I even do that um how do I do that anyways is there like an option to do that cuz I can do

That sure I don’t mind I mean I wouldn’t mind doing that at all no of course not I mean I wouldn’t have a problem doing that at all no I would I would not actually I would not all right um yeah I wouldn’t mind at all sure yeah

I mean you know that’s fine by me cuz how come the message didn’t show and there are some weird glitches with this thing sometimes I I tell you I get some of the weirdest glitches sure do yeah like I you know flatx flat mix’s message just would not

Show I don’t know why very strange that’s all right well at least now I can see it um because I saw that option the other day I don’t remember where I saw it though but sure wouldn’t bother me in the world no um plus two I trust you anyways you know

Trust that you’re not going to do anything you know where potato keeps the mob away how many times are you going to use oh no please don’t blow up I have no idea all right let me have a bed there you go um where now we go to bed when the sun ising

Stupid we’re still able to go to bed which is laughable but okay we did it all right let’s do this yall let’s do this I’m going to head out I’ll see you later J all right I’ll see you later and I’ll make sure to get you that um approved user thingy for later

All right byebye man take care peace out yeah see you later there bye see you Soon all right um bye Mark you’re still here I thought you weren’t cuz you’re in chat I’m joking I never thought that y I rarely think that like if I call it your name times then I know you’re not here like sometimes some of you all just

Won’t answer like a few times but I I obviously don’t know that you’re still here yeah I mean you know I mean again I would all right then after this I’m just going to just do the nether core cuz why not y’all you know again we have all the resources and loot

So you know and I think it’s about time we do it anyway so there you go um did he get bored uh I don’t know do he even work he probably I think he works to Anthony so I think that’s probably like what he’s like what he means really

There have been something going on every games since November if you type enter inter Looper generated VR even gameplay games people say Spirit might be trapped that’s weird yeah again you know I haven’t played any game like that like in a while so why do zombies take so many

Hits to just get killed skeletons are like one or two hits depending on the sword you have nice get out of here hey like you see how many these zombies have the creepers too like iron swords are a little better Stone swords just save you a lot

Of material yeah I mean that’s basically about it come on I’m getting hit by like every mob God Almighty man come here let’s go let go and it despawned of course right in front of my face I just love when that happens oh yes absolutely I’m kidding y’all I hate when

That happens it’s so annoying now that’s an understanding all sh clearly um right now I’m trying to figure out what the Clauses every answer time I test it NPCs try to answer yes they they are keeping something away a secret I just love that English I’m sure they are keeping

Something away the only thing is we just don’t know what nope they’re keeping they’re keeping the chest the bull crap that’s what they’re doing Yep they’re toying with you don’t let that’s all that I have to say whoa thanks thank you where’s this crafting table Even all right we’re getting a lot of loot yeah I mean we’re getting a lot of beds too so I me I would love to try to use a bow yeah I mean I think that that would be great nice there you go think the think the B are Actually oh not bad every time I try to some figures L takes me from this we are generated animations from the game makes please send this message to someone else cuse starting to be a problem I search files and name Spirit wait what I’m so confused I don’t get it I don’t

Really play horror games nearly as much as you do so like you play horror games a lot I barely play them and I and I like them a lot I mean I get like people consider Five Nights at Freddy’s hor like I don’t know I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s t

I mean yeah I don’t really I don’t really get scared by it’s just some of the stuff graphic sometimes yeah let’s just put it in that context a little too graphic sometimes now that’s all I’m thank you no uh no food huh that’s weird that’s all right whatever no

Biggy going to have to make stairs in the future um have you no member I used an inter Looper command and it makes an animation but I stay for a little while the game Crash that’s why I’m starting to think that this is becoming a problem oh you

Should have see when my game crashed but you know games crashing can be annoying especially when it comes to like pocket you don’t know you really don’t you will one day trust me yes you will you shall find out y yes you shall all right yeah now we’re

Definitely going to need some more iron later on yeah other YouTubers trying to investigate as well what the figure is and what these animations are trying to say I have to look into that too I haven’t played Resident Evil in so long so but it sounds fun I mean I do want I

Again I do want to give it like a shot or you know a quote on quote another go so there you go yeah exactly yeah so that is something that I will consider for the future yeah of course absolutely oh yeah definitely yes all right this will be for the

Stairs all right I’m just trying just top this off here you know and that way this this just looks good you know for when I do want to you know place the stairs down of course yeah or I could just use wood I don’t [Laughter] care um something different that happened when I

Used to command the camera started moving to the void of the game and then theyd be able to make another map but I can’t see it then my game crashed that’s weird yeah that’s weird what what system do you play Resident Evil on to is again I don’t I I don’t know what

I played it on last time I think it was like a console or something I hate when this happens some of the hit boxes in this game just hey iron nice thank you finally all right here we are here we are a little bit of iron is better than

Nothing no that’s that’s great I’ll take it definitely oh the iron’s wonderful wonderful I play Resident Evil on the PlayStation 5 yeah okay well I think I I then I played it on a PS4 PS3 it was on like my cousins or something it was good I mean it was all

Right again that was like when I was younger so you know who knows maybe my perspective of those kinds of games have changed a little bit all right 23 we I mean I would think that we would have enough yeah I mean I don’t see how we couldn’t

But again never know with this game no you don’t they don’t this game is Just honestly yeah just sometimes like especially like with the stairs it could just be a bit of hassle oh yeah just a little bit though do not use the inner BL seeo oh don’t

Worry that’s okay I do things that people don’t do so hey we’ll see it’s up to me you never know what I’ll do nope I could do something completely unpresidential exactly okay so where are the mobs what oh wow so that so that is what is causing me not to sleep huh

Unbelievable oh that’s all right eventually I will yeah I’m trying to like figure out like what’s going going on here I’m like I don’t I’m like okay like I mean I don’t really know how to react like not trying to be rude I don’t really know

How to react because again I don’t play the game that often so no so I’m like okay like cool but I’m like I’m like I don’t I don’t even I don’t even know what you’re saying at this point no I’m like uh that’s kind of like where I’m

At all right we get it we understand all right you don’t have to police if I want to use it I want to use it it’s not you know I you know I’m not going to follow what a game tells me to do nope I’ll do

Whatever I want yep exactly I I I’ll say that again I’ll do whatever I want yep how much is the game anyways because I actually want to check this thing out for myself eventually yeah of course oh yeah absolutely you know I want to check out the supposed scary thing

Here I’m Hest like I’m not being gr today it’s just I don’t know I guess I’m just being me yes that’s right but in a good way all right you know what I’m going to do the nether core now so let me just do that first

Yep no comment I have no comment with all due respect I do not have any comments all right like we get it like with all due respect we get it all right like I mean I don’t want to be like rude but just please we understand all right like we get

It like it’s not going to Breck your computer it’s not going to give you a virus it’s not going to shut down your life it’s not going to dox you I’m sure it’s just fine all right like we get it thank you oh shoot well hopefully uh the game

Didn’t send me that I’m joking all right Um so where’s the gold huh where’s the gold oh great I’m sure we stored it somewhere far far away that’s all right we’ll go find it um please my friend has had a mental breakdown that please don’t use it what are you talking about no I I don’t believe you sorry I’m

Why don’t we just end this conversation right here CU my brain is just getting fried yeah I mean not from you specifically but just I don’t believe in stuff like that you know Herobrine’s real you know Entity 303 I don’t believe in that crap nah I just don’t you know I’m trying to

Warn you guys even if you don’t use there’s a chance of a crash your game it’s not that big of a deal I mean like you know it crashes your game so what you know you I have a furnace that crashes my game that’s not that big of a

Deal I have a furnace yeah wow what a great what a great answer but yeah again you all got my points still yes and look we’re not making funny it’s just you know we’re just like I don’t think we’re taking you seriously all right bye Adam take care my man all

Right I’ll see you soon thank you so much for coming on my friend hope to see you again very very soon okay here it is we’re just going to just take the uh the gold because we earned it yes um no Loop is dangerous can you just like stop I swear

To God yeah bye Adam take care okay I’ll see you soon all right dude um and yeah like I said again um yeah I know I know like come on you know like you know just no more please no more thank you all right um all right now we should be

Done um sometimes even it permanently crashes my game and every time I use investigating as well please check the proof like no offense can you just like shut up like just just please just stop like it’s it’s not even a big deal like and you’re just making something

That’s not even like I’m not being today and I know I’m sounding fresh today but like we we get it like I mean do I not like am I talking to a wall that’s that like at this point that’s kind of like how I’m being treated like can anyone hear me no okay

Well here you go I’m talking to the wall like just like uninstall it that’s all it’s not that big of a deal you know I’ve had this stuff in the past with games but yeah I am going to watch it later what is this Resident Evil 4 is

That the game that you’re talking about I will assure you that probably is the game that you’re talking about cuz I’ll look it up yeah of course I mean I want I want to see it for myself in fact Adam if you want or not Adam if you want David you or not

David if you want whoever the mod is you could just send the link shut up but I’m okay no more do not use it yeah but it’s just like you just keep going on and on like that’s all like you know and I’m not going to be

Sorry for saying shut up like I mean it’s like just know it’s like we get it that’s all like yeah you know just I don’t know if it’s just me today or it’s you all but something something’s not right here something that ain’t right oh beauty

Beauty all right we’re going to have to figure this out all right all right you know what we’re going to do gg gg why are we all saying GG F I told him to shut up I don’t know if that’s really a GG moment but okay whatever lol

Whatever I say lol like I’m so brok so true though and I kind of want to have it underground a little bit that way I just don’t ruin landscape cuz that’s what’s going to happen I’m just going to ruin it mental breakdown and I’m losing brain

Cells trust me I’ve lost brain cells too now not from you but just just like just from that conversation yeah but don’t worry it’s not you I promise oh yeah no I would I would never lie and like say that it’s not you like I I would tell you all I

Would get really confused or is you know from you all so don’t worry it’s it’s not I’m I’m being sincere yeah of course absolutely um see you later alligators bye are you really leaving we’ll see byebye see you soon yeah see you all right take care okay we shall see you

Soon buddy yeah peace out all right we shall talk to you another day that’s right you got that right yeah definitely definitely all right I’m going to um you got pranked dude if you do that one more time I’ll time you out for 30 minutes you could leave the stream if you want

But still like it’s going to make you stop so whether you leave the stream or not it’s really going to be a one Mo for for I guess everybody else I don’t know yeah Look and I look and I’m not saying we can’t have fun here but just just just please you know like I I think I’m a pretty Leen guy I mean I don’t think I’m that strict I mean do you all think I’m strict I don’t think I’m strict right

Who knows maybe I am I don’t know if you all ever think I’m strict or if you all think I have no humor just I mean you know I wouldn’t mind being told that I sometimes don’t sometimes I don’t or at times I don’t so whether the humor is fling or not

Exactly all right this gravel man so sick this all right you know I feel like I feel like the gravel just needs to shut up now you split me in time out if you do I mean no offense just what do you have to

Do what do you have to do to get in timeout just just just be more annoying I guess I mean that’s honestly really about it so 30 minutes you’re not going to be able to come back so I guess I’ll just do five or 10 I mean I’m not saying

I’m going to do it now but 30 minutes is kind of like useless okay who cares I’m leaving this time I’m not gonna prank you okay we’ll see okay bye I’m going to fall for it again aren’t I see you later yeah K hopefully you’re having a

Good day oh well I’m gold no I’m I’m Not Gold okay I think I’m taking this underground thing a little too serious now yeah I think I am too where’s Bedrock we have to be near it I think we are there’s so much dirt come on hey lapis there’s lapis around there’s gold

Around um yeah like I said you know again we can have fun it’s just just don’t do it overboard that’s all that’s all that I’m saying yeah I knew I would get pranked yep I’m done all right five minutes I’m in a good mood today yeah same oh I’m in a good mood

Too so just do five I I don’t feel like being cool cool I don’t feel like being uh it’s it’s me I I have a problem it’s me okay I’m joking Taylor Swift I don’t feel like being co honest to God yall I’m in a good all right I’m in a good

Modood so you know what just just do it for a few I you know what it I don’t even really care I mean hey I mean he’s keeping the chat alive so I mean I don’t I don’t want to lose but if I you but obviously for under personal reasons I know well

L all right yall let’s get this nether core started shall we and hopefully we can hopefully we can get the animals too um by today cuz I would love to get some animals yeah I mean I think that that would be great you know we could get

Them yeah of course you know I think that that would be useful very all right takes a while to build this as you all can see and the biggest problem with doing this all the way down here is you know now all of our uh loot has kind of been wasted

Yeah this this thing just takes forever to build yeah K what’s going on my friend hopefully you’re having a good day welcome K welcome wel wel yep you got that right all right I’m going to have to put this away because you know there’s a lot of loot

You all that I want to get so yeah I mean you know I would imagine there’s more loot this time around so there you go all right let’s do this yall hey math wizard gamer how are you what’s going on my friend how’s it going with you dude hopefully you’re having a

Good day what’s up dude what’s happening oh so close go darn it that’s all right yeah I think we need two players quite frankly be honest with you all Oh yeah we got a lot of pigment huh that’s great yeah very nice very happy about that oh yeah all right let me let me let me make some lights that way you could see what I’m doing but yeah math good to see you again my friend what’s going on Welcome to the

Stream again hope your day been okay oo nice it just made us a nice pathway out very nice it’s great and we got some Redstone to as a too as a bit of as a little bit of a reward very nice all right well that was fun

Oh okay oh so it’s really funny okay so it’s like there’s two paths here that we could take we could either go up or that’s actually kind of funny that we’re like going back down to the mines so it’s like we have a choice that’s so

Funny I mean I guess I’ll just go through that way because I that way I can access my house actually I’d rather just go back up it’s kind of like a maze down there anyways but it was a nice choice though regardless yeah I thought they have math

Um have you ever played the Yoshi games before um I feel like that’s the next let’s play that I’m going to do I’m hoping that it does decent you know I’m sure it will and then I’m going to buy crafted world too which is something that I’m also excited for

Yeah I mean you know I like the game a lot so you know I think it should be fun I think so too just seven oh 26 okay it’s going to say like what getting a lot of redstone here holy crap I know we are you

Hey math welcome yeah how are you what’s going on dude hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up my man what’s up what’s popping yeah what’s going on dude what’s up what’s up what’s up nice more iron let’s go that’s good NE I like the paintings it’s just I

Never use paintings I don’t know why and I should use them more in the future but you know that’ll be something that I’ll consider yeah of course yes yes nice all right now we’re getting all the Redstone Beauty just Beauty yeah exactly I’ll have to make some rails

Y’all I think that’s probably like what I’ll do in the next episode eventually yeah just just make like a roller coaster or something yeah you know exactly something’s better than nothing of course yeah math you still here M M M okay wow now that’s now that’s a

Pretty long cave for that to obviously look like that yeah I know right all right well well I’m going to have to find an exit sooner rather than later yeah you know because again I don’t want to be down here all day you know I want to get to my mob farm eventually

Too not to my mob farm I’m you know my animal farm yeaha so yeah there you go for anyone still here wow we’re getting a lot of redstone holy C wow unbelievable yeah I me we’re getting all the Redstone yeah really unbelievable and where’s the end to this too

Hey half the best how are you what’s going on my friend hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up welcome back good to see you again yeah what’s happening hey blink games how are you at three peoples yeah it’s better than nothing that’s how I look at it you know

We we we’ll get a surge eventually I mean I don’t know it could be like the game that I’m doing so yeah Minecraft Let’s Plays just aren’t as busy sometimes like I feel like Java is better which is honestly that’s kind of actually how it used to be but or the

Opposite but now it changed so you know plus two I’ve done enough of pocket anyways y I’m pretty much all cooked out with this game maybe you’ll see a recorded let’s play but that’s about it hey how are Zion welcome back what’s going on all right we got this worthless dirt

Here I just saw how like we’re like a prisoner down here it’s like we can’t ever like get out that’s the problem with these mines yep that’s why I don’t like making these VES all the times nope CU they just annoy me yeah it’s like we’re stuck down here forever

Yeah I think we’re stuck we’re screwed I honestly feel like I’m trapped in jail at this point yeah I do not that good of a feeling it’s true oh okay here we are all right I think we’re going to find a way out of here what does everybody think I’m wrong never

Mind all right I’m all right I’m going to build jump how is your day by the way blank was it good hopefully I had a good day I’m done yep of course there’s gravel that’s going to be in my way nope don’t get that either don’t get that either okay finally all

Right all right we don’t need these doors there you go all set what’s going on of everybody how’s everybody doing is everybody having a good day or what um all right let’s get the chat moving here y’all man oh man let’s we shall get the chat moving that’s right let’s keep this thingy

Alive let’s keep it breathing and alive and well that’s it you know that’s all that we got to do that’s right um who have fny is so close to D wait what do you mean I’m sorry I’m like what I’m almost done with this let’s

Play I’m good how about you yeah I’m not doing bad thanks for asking uh glad to to see that you’re back man again long time no s yeah of course always a pleasure for seeing you of course of course you got that right yeah absolutely absolutely

Yeah um but yeah uh did did you have college today or school or no well cuz if you did hopefully it went well for you sure it probably did but I like to ask anyways just because that’s who I am that’s right that’s right that’s right almost 2

Hours sorry I meant to say final test oh don’t worry about it you’re good not that big of a deal it’s no problem of course not no I don’t have school Thursday oh you don’t oh good oh so what do you walk like every Thursday that’s great well

I’ll stream before I go to work and we could be see I mean not today CU of course I’m going to have to go soon but definitely in the future now that I know that we can start doing that and there are going to be days where I I have walk

To obvious EC too you know um so that’s perfect nice well thanks for telling me cuz now I’ll know for the future of course all right we escaped but we barely survived excuse me so what did I want out of here I wanted something we and St okay I think I just

Want to let me at least just take the Sheep home today y’all and then we’ll just have to finish it next time I’m going have to go soon whoa okay calm down there boy all right um yes I’m playing Java now you want me to do a let’s play on that blank um

I mean I’ll I’d rather do an older version but you want me to do that or something or I can even do Minecraft like Bedrock viers during the week and once I get Java running I could even do that too yeah uh I’m only one left now

Now there’s other people that are here it it’s just the viewer Count’s being stupid um the Hat’s the best so you know the viewer account likes to be stupid for some reason so don’t worry you’re not alone there are other people that are hereo so me too shockingly Hol

Well they shocking LOL yeah now come on I’m not that boring maybe I am a little bit no I’m joking I’m joking all right um oh I forgot about that too man I have so much stuff that I don’t like want to throw away well actually never mind

Um B I will brawl after wait what my brain cells need I’m joking all right so yeah this is from the last let’s play for those of you who are wondering Um or wait you just say hey I will play oh great I mean you know like yeah if you want to then you’re more than welcome to of course I wish we had two players here like I I would have two accounts one would follow the my Al

Which would be the chickens the Sheep would follow my name I need um I need like another iPad blink or uh or even just like an old Android phone like that would also work too um that’s all right we’ll figure it out I’m just trying to wonder like where

All the animals are I can’t find any in this world and that’s the problem too I know at least the Sheep got better in this what all these chickens or I could just like rotate every now and then and I would like to do that but I’m

Like I’ll just do that next time it’s fine it’s not they’re all like stuffed way over here yeah that’s just so weird why are they all over here um weird all right so blink um you use the latest version of java still right I know I ask every time but

There’s only a few times I’ve asked people that question and all of a sudden they just use like a different version um you know cuz I know a lot of people like beta 1.8 or like just 1.8 like you know the the um the non beta version or

Whatever you know you may want toall it yeah I mean I also like beta 1.8 too and 1.8 um especially like the combat you know and I know everybody said this it’s just um I kind of missed the older combat system I just wish they had like the option of

It you know um like in multiplayer or something I mean no I just use 1.20.1 optify so what’s OptiFine U just explain that I I genuinely have forgotten like what OptiFine is I’m not even like kidding um isn’t it like a mod pack or something yeah that I barely play Java

Blank I haven’t played Java since like my birthday and you know and I know you play it just probably about like every day which is no and that’s great it’s just you know you get my point yeah yeah um nobody asked you how your day was when you came in Mr Europe

Man Mr Europe man okay call me Mr North American man I guess if you want what I don’t care I’m good how about you Anthony well Mark is from Canada so New Brunswick which is where I was ironically yeah I’ve met you know I met a few people from there no I’ve actually

Met a lot of people from there or at least have encountered yeah you you would like it blank I use shaders basically oh shaders so it was a texture pack I was right okay I was going to say I thought it was a texture pack it’s St to find I’ve

Heard of it’s just it’s been so long again I mean I’ve never been able to successfully use like a mods in like Java that’s the thing this sheep doing just staring at me it is slower compared to the rest of them so make sense yeah this process takes a while y all

For those of you who are just witnessing this this process is kind of big but it’s worth it you know in my view oh yeah absolutely yes yes all right y all we’re almost there we’re almost there I I feel like the chickens are a lot

Easier yeah I think they are too and it doesn’t help you all that the animals are all over there I don’t know why they’re all spawned over there like that but they are I mean I don’t get it you know welcome to the old versions y you know the old versions very very

Weird so what else was I going to say um blink when did you you got Java last year right cuz Java is great um and you know and I think I’ve told you this before but you know what I like better about Java um just the fact that

You could switch versions very easily like I could that you can have like multiple like user accounts yeah like I could have a user that’s just like on an old version and I could have a user on the modern version so it’s nice cuz if

You all ever wanted me to do Java with viewers I mean I could do it like if enough of you happen um because I’d rather play Java than Bedrock I’ll be honest with you yes nice oh yeah right I remember same with bedrock too um and I don’t have a

Capture card that screen tears anymore man I’m jumping all over a place it’s I I know you don’t care but it’s just like God sorry that’s all right I know you’re being all all right um shock none of them tried to go out can I die sheep now anyways yeah I think so

Um hey how are you Dom what’s going on my man what’s up hopefully you’re having a good day what’s up dude welcome to the Stream so yeah like I said what’s going on my friend what’s up what’s popping because I think I’m going to get the chickens and then I

Think I’m going to have to go after you all I’m mainly going to focus on the farm next time yeah that’s the thing you know by the oh what what why is this sideways or if you’re wondering how much CH my Channel’s doing I lost a subscriber I’ll get it back

Um don’t worry about it Tom um I’m sure you’ll get another sub yeah I think you will man you know I mean I feel bad I mean you know feel bad that you’re losing Subs but that’s okay um you’ll get it back I know you will

And you know how I know Cu uh Mark will up well that was easy you got 150 views nice I think that’s great very impressive yeah extremely all right well for forget respringing this I mean even though this isn’t probably oh it’s jail broken of course

Oh I’ll just show it anyways well there you go it just resprings your device that’s all it it helps it makes your device run faster you know it refreshes the spring board you should see this on iOS 6 yeah no problem Dom anytime I man anytime I mean I wish I could showcase

You iOS 6 I just don’t think it’ll work for some reason no unfortunately um but yeah anytime Dom anytime anytime my man you got that right I think it should fix this furnace bug I hope well that’s not a guarantee no wow it actually all right

Okay I think we’re on to something all right I think we fixed it ourselves I mean it’ll happen every now and then but still it’s doesn’t really happen as much anymore that’s so great um but yeah Dom how else has everything been with you hopefully it’s good for

You too blink what do you think I’m going to end off the episode after I just you know have the chickens follow me yeah cuz I’m going to have to go unfortunately but yall will at least see the end of that yeah exactly exactly oh I can just do it right here

Oh that’s useful okay nice very nice all right y all can I build a fake nether portal I kind of want to do that too yeah this going to be a lot of farming y’all in the next episode oh boy it’s going to be a lot of

Farming yeah no we we got a lot of farming to do I’m not going to use the pumpkins though but well I’ll think about it and then after that y’all I may end the let’s play tomorrow I mean if you I mean if you all really want me to I mean I

Mean I kind of want to end it I mean maybe I’ll do one more episode like recorded and then I think that’ll be it and yeah and it’ll probably just be title mod Farm because I’ve done this game enough yall you know I mean I’ve

Been doing this game for a while now you know I’ve been doing this for like how long have I been doing this game for does anyone know um I’ve been doing this for a while so you know so it’s like I’m kind of like I don’t want to say like I’m done

But I’ve done this game enough yeah you know so here you know what I’m going all right I’m going to make another portal right here I know there’s no nether in this version but still it’s it’s still cool to like to just have it anyways just kind of like it’s the

Future all right let me just make a hoe all right um yeah Dom I saw that you got 150 views on your movie that’s great good for for you yeah I mean I’m happy for you I think that that’s awesome yeah extremely yeah that’s great congrats oh yeah absolutely you know big

Congrats yeah that’s impressive very yes yes indeed indeed all right I don’t know why this stupid duplication crap is back all right y all this is going to be it for today um after the chickens I’m done don’t worry I’ll be back tomorrow with this game oh

Yeah I’m not done yet y’all got a lot of these weird patches around the world I why no I don’t all right let me just I mean I don’t really know what else to do y’all I mean maybe just do the bridge a little bit I wonder if

It’ll get to onek views it could I mean do you have hashtags dude I am like a hashtag fish I love hashtags me they help I mean at least for me they do I don’t know about for you all but they help me out a

Lot you know what I’m just going to get sand for the bridge and then I I’ll go do the chickens yeah cuz oh yeah cuz I have that part too that I got to finish now it’s not that part that’s more of a connection but you all still got the

Point and I’m like yeah I mean I was going to do Cobble but the only problem is it’s just going to make the world darker and I’d rather do glass see through so um but I think I think it you know I’m not being nice I’m being honest yeah

Um for some reason sometimes like the longer videos including mine will just get more viewership like more than my shorter ones I don’t know why that is but that’s kind of like the case it’s kind of funny though but it’s true yeah very true yes all right here we go all

Right y all where’s the other nether core huh oh wait it’s underground yep that way it just wouldn’t ruin the land yeah it’s it’s like way underground so we should be fine Le should be Fine we got pigs here too yeah we got we still got sheep here we still got a lot of animals spawning here so weird I know right they only have one Pig which is the thing I don’t know where the cows are I haven’t seen a cow this entire let’s play

That’s all right but yeah I think it will Dom again um when did you upload the video what was it like a couple of days ago or something cuz I definitely think it’s going to get um you know more views soon um I’ll have to watch

It yeah blink um what time did you get up today man uh um like how many hours ago did you wake up just just thought that I would ask yeah you know cuz why not yeah exactly all right I’m going to kind of make a shortcut for

Myself I hate when the babies do that what is this like a moral generation bug that’s that’s what I’m starting to believe like we’re getting so many of those two patches it’s so weird nine nine that’s not bad that’s good enough I mean so you woke up like an hour before

Me basically without without times zones or lines or whatever how about you Dom did you just wake up cuz yeah Dom um this and and I told everybody this already this is the last tomorrow this this will be the last episode for Minecraft P I may do one

Recorded and if I get the mini who knows maybe I’ll even play like with family or something um you know and then they could just build like a house or small house or whatever you know um the only problem is though the furnace yeah that’s something that we’re

Going to have to squash H yes yes I’m treating you like the bomb from a thousand your door I yes mate o also Roy maybe it’s best to yeah I’ll think about it I mean I I I know you’re not the only one that said

That but let me think about it how about that because I don’t want to ban him just for like being corny you know but I mean if you’re annoy of him personally I mean we can talk about it on Discord or something I know you know you and blink

Still kind of have that with s to an extent all well o yeah exactly exactly that’s true that is very very true yeah that’s okay Dom you know what CU um I could still record this you know maybe I’ll uh maybe I’ll just um what’s the word how am I going to say

This you know my next Minecraft let’s play will be Java that’s all that I’m going to say and if I ever do the Javas I’ll continue the version that I did in South Carolina and then we’ll just go from there I and who knows maybe you’ll even see

Like release 1.8 like if you all want to see that like you know like blink if you want to see releas 1.8 I could do that I mean cuz I wouldn’t mind doing that no fine by me all right I’m going to go to bed in a minute oh yeah I

Forgot come on what are you doing this just going to be on top top of me wow that was respectful shocked um I’m very surprised this is taking so much time y’all like they just get stuck to the blocks I wonder if the chicken will grow up in

Front of me it’s rare but I’ve seen that once I don’t know how that works honestly yeah Dom um what else was I going to say um oh yeah yall I might not stream later um I mean I’m going to try to stream later but if I don’t um I’ll

Try to do smash on like Saturday or something but it’ll kind of be like at a weird time but I’ll still try to do smash regardless though yeah it may just be a little earlier though yeah cuz my aunt has a party and I’m going to have

To get ready for that so that’s the only problem but I’ll figure it out come on go all right you know what all right we did it y’all oh now now the freaking sheep are going to leave you got to be joking you’re right all right all right y’all I’m

Going to have to go now if you all enjoyed this episode let me know what you all thought um yeah I mean tell me what your feedback is or if you do have any feedback um cuz I enjoyed today’s episode and I and I hope you all did too

Um so yeah I mean I’ll see you all in the next one all right uh take care all right and blink if you’re around tomorrow morning before I go we could VC if you’d like yeah doesn’t bother me yeah just let me know if you want a VC and we’ll be see all

Right how does that sound good yes all right well I’ll see you all in the next one byebye you m

This video, titled ‘Minecraft PE 0.8.1 IOS lets play episode 3 building a mob farm 🌍’, was uploaded by GamerRoy20 on 2024-01-12 00:48:48. It has garnered 116 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:18:35 or 8315 seconds.

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  • Davidscloud Servers | SMP, Network, PvE | Java, Bedrock | Latest Version | U.S.A. | 13+

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  • Unite-MC

    Unite-MCRolePlay – Survival – Jobs – Economyืฉืจืช ื™ืฉืจืืœื™, ื›ื•ืœื ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ื‘ืื”ื‘ื”ืฉืจืช ื™ืฉืจืืœื™, ื›ื•ืœื ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ื‘ืื”ื‘ื”ืฉืจืช ื™ืฉืจืืœื™, ื›ื•ืœื ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ื‘ืื”ื‘ื”ืฉืจืช ื™ืฉืจืืœื™, ื›ื•ืœื ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ื‘ืื”ื‘ื”ืฉืจืช ื™ืฉืจืืœื™, ื›ื•ืœื ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ื‘ืื”ื‘ื”ืฉืจืช ื™ืฉืจืืœื™, ื›ื•ืœื ืžื•ื–ืžื ื™ื ื‘ืื”ื‘ื” Read More

  • TheBuildersGrind SMP 1.20.4 semi-Vanilla Building Focused

    Welcome to our Minecraft Server! If you’re tired of starting over in Minecraft after just a week or two, then look no further. Join us and be part of a community that loves building and creating together. Our server is brand new and we have tons of exciting projects planned. Server Details: Ip Address: Features: Discord Server: Join Here No mob grief Graves Multi-sleep Projects: Spawn area Shops Medieval town Ancient Egypt Western town Japanese town Nether highway Farm island Or work on your own project Rules: No Griefing No Stealing No PVP without consent No Spam No Hacks… Read More

  • Ashenfall (A Miniecraft Roleplay Server)

    Ashenfall (A Miniecraft Roleplay Server)RELEASE DATE: 07/07/2024 BRISBANE AEST.AshenfallA Hero’s Journey Everyone wonders where a journey for any hero truly begins; does it begin with their childhood and intense training, or does it begin when they take their first adventure to slay a mighty evil?This Journey began long ago, when there was peace within an old world.. A peace that had been destroyed by a powerful evil; A god, which carried many magical capabilities. Civilians and adventurers of this world alike banded together in an attempt to vanquish a great evil.. Yet, they could never defeat The Scourge that plagued their realm.. With Victory… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “1st MC Animation – Ultimate Spice”

    Minecraft Memes - "1st MC Animation - Ultimate Spice"I didn’t know memes had scores now, are they being judged on execution and originality too? Read More

  • Dome of Hope: Crafting Chaos in Minecraft Series 3

    Dome of Hope: Crafting Chaos in Minecraft Series 3 In Episode 3, Mark G faces his greatest test, Herobrine threatens, putting his city to the test. Teaming up with his friends, a dome they will build, To protect their home, their fate to be fulfilled. The people of Braavos seek Mark G’s aid, Facing destruction, they’re all afraid. With intelligence and courage, they assess the threat, Herobrine’s power, they won’t forget. A dome of hope, a mountain to rise, Uniting the city, reaching for the skies. Herobrine approaches, suspicion in his eye, Mark G’s plan in motion, will they defy? In the final showdown, a trap is set,… Read More

  • Villagers causing server meltdown in Minecraft! #hotmess

    Villagers causing server meltdown in Minecraft! #hotmess Looks like those villagers need to lay off the virtual caffeine and stop lagging behind! Time to upgrade their internet connection from dial-up to fiber optic. Read More

  • Pubg Pro Satyam Joins Dark SMP

    Pubg Pro Satyam Joins Dark SMP All NEW Beginning On This Minecraft SMP | DARK SMP Welcome back to another exciting adventure in the world of Minecraft! Today, we delve into the mysterious and thrilling realm of the DARK SMP server. Join us as we explore the latest updates, challenges, and events that await players in this unique Minecraft experience. Unveiling the Dark SMP Server The DARK SMP server offers a fresh and exciting twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. With its dark and mysterious theme, players are immersed in a world filled with challenges, secrets, and adventures waiting to be uncovered. From eerie landscapes… Read More

  • Sneaky MCPE Update: Copper Door Drop & Wind Charge Terrain

    Sneaky MCPE Update: Copper Door Drop & Wind Charge Terrain The Latest Minecraft Update: MCPE Beta & Preview Exciting news for all Minecraft enthusiasts! The latest update, MCPE, has been released for Minecraft’s Bedrock Edition. This update brings a host of new features and improvements that are sure to enhance your gaming experience. Let’s dive into the details! Copper Door Drop Change One of the notable changes in this update is the alteration in the drop rate of copper doors. Now, players can expect a different drop rate for copper doors, adding a new element of strategy to the game. This change will surely keep players on… Read More

  • Joker’s First Time in Minecraft: Suited Blaze Saves the Day!

    Joker's First Time in Minecraft: Suited Blaze Saves the Day!Video Information This video, titled ‘Helping Joker Beat Minecraft For The 1st Time’, was uploaded by Suited Blaze on 2024-06-23 02:02:49. It has garnered 321 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:26 or 16106 seconds. Welcome back to another Minecraft session of helping Joker beat Minecraft! Last time we completed a trial chambers run successfully. What will today have in store? Interested in joining our Guilded? Check out the link below: TIME STAMPS: 0:00 – Intro 2:38 – Stream Start 1:46:42 – Back In The Nether Read More

  • Arctic Avengers: Minecraft PE Short

    Arctic Avengers: Minecraft PE ShortVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ‘๏ธ๐Ÿ‘๏ธ #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe’, was uploaded by Arctic Avenngers on 2024-05-01 02:56:47. It has garnered 886 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:27 or 27 seconds. #humor #scary Creditโ€‹ to @DolphinMasterMB This mod was created by DolphinMasterMB ( fearcraft )โ€‹ Read More

  • “Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 – Terrifying Gameplay” #minecraft #scary

    "Minecraft Horror Mod 2024 - Terrifying Gameplay" #minecraft #scaryVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts’, was uploaded by Minecraft Horror mods on 2024-05-30 21:29:13. It has garnered 6368 views and 167 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. The Scariest Minecraft horror Mod in 2024 #minecraft #minecrafthorror #gaming #shorts Read More