Insane new Minecraft update – Watch kmb & Moon play now!

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I will yell at you all I want wol you know That hi Chad can be had to go for lunch but I’m here Minecraft doesn’t let me get in the real that is great half of the damic je does he have to eat with the family or will just be able to come oh yeah he’s going to come like

He’s he’s not getting usually like it’s in like 10 minutes or something so he should be back soon you was like oh yeah I can unmute you if you want like just just talk I’m like oh okay I guess if you H out toy yeah pretty much can’t

Even see the the game so you know that’s just me talking on the starting sun screen yeah I think we said uh yeah train to go to the tiger Village uh we got the map last time So just be going I guess I can start to grab stuff what do we need iron diamond to Bookshelves did will be fun you done need the farm oh no no uh that was on on the farm that you saw like yesterday was in Creative I’m still draining the well not draining I’m still removing the sand I was busy today I was not home so I haven’t been doing much

Progress but yeah the farm is like set up um well the I know what I’m going to do but I need to yeah do it still uh what are we doing are we leing all the stuff here like the books and everything because we’re definitely not going to be able to get everything

Um it’s a amount of work yeah yeah yeah and also you know it’s it’s gonna be like my main XP farm I’m making a gunon farm so I’m it’s going to be my main XP farm and um yeah time you know I’m not in a rush or anything I have another one

That I have another Guardian farm that is like my main XP for now so I’m not in a rush to like finish it and also I want it to be like pretty and stuff otherwise you know I could just use the other one so I’m going to take my time also

It’s not like I need of XP or anything M Okay so so what are we what should we do should we get the books that we want for armor now I think it’s we’re going to be like super like tight in space and stuff if we do that also if we

Die it’s going to suck because we have everything on ourselves uh or should we come back when we G we need to get the stuff you should take it up yeah definely not not rushing we also have um Jungle explor Maps so the jungle temple so we can do that on the way

Um I think I just I’ll put stuff here and like when we have everything we can just come back and grab the stuff take the essential yeah yeah I mean C Made made a PO in the nether anyway and it’s not like as far like in between stream I can definitely like

Come and grab stuff so I guess the hay bells are worth it um I’m going to make some more uh I get the crops yeah already with the crops the maps and and few things I’m full so oh I’d like the saplings yes make the Trees um I think the rest is good okay I think C is a bed I don’t but oh yeah shears would be good now we have a couple of them yep shears yeah and I’m Full compasses I would be nice to have the compasses can be posting to Twitter not streaming yeah and you’re not here who think that I no okay it was 15 minutes ago Twitter is just broken and telling giving me notifications very late okay going to make a new EG

Been like to me too Twitter being broken I mean yes it’s just Twitter being Twitter I guess are the tiger and the okay so the tiger and the jungle temple are not along in the same direction where’s the tiger so the no jungle is Northeast so Northeast yeah so back

Towards home and the tiger is th so th East okay not too bad both are far though oh my God I I ear done a new GPU and obviously I I’m always home I rarely leave my home right of course the only day that I have to leave my home and go

For lunch somewhere that’s when they decide to deliver my GPU so now they give me like a paper and I need to go to the post office Monday so no GPU oh and Kim is back almost there he almost there it’s coming no come on and mute

Now oh my gosh all right all right I am here I’m here oh my God guys he’s here I’m here here what have you guys been saying about me also I wasn’t late I was actually here early and then I had to go so no guys he left me he was like

Okay here talk bye uh okay yeah that did actually happen but yep but I’d say it was just about time I know right wow wow well you know coming from the guy who’s late every single time who misses the stream who forgets everything who is older than like literally everything wolf was on

Time yep you’re telling me he showed up right when the stream started cuz I I distinctly remember no one was there when the stream started when you left oh okay I see how it is or Moon she looks like she’s doing fine to me wow all right so uh I’m guessing you

Went on the realm yep all right cool cool so let’s yeah are we leaving like all the enchanted stuff here just going to the village and everything because if we I’m full already why is does the realm say it expire soon what because you had the the thing extend you had the free

Thing it made you take the free the the free trial yeah but I I have it paired to my subscription like won’t just automatically expire right like also I I saw that I paid for the next month already but for some reason on the realm itself it says the uh time

Left is less than a day I don’t know weird H strange yep pay bill I mean anyways if it if it expires I can probably like just pair it properly with my actual subscription and then should open again oh yeah yeah pay your bill I did already you’re scamming

Me wow all right so what have you been up to yeah I saying so we just taking villager stuff yes and going like we’re leaving I I’m I I got crops we have the tiger map right I forgot if we did y I got the tiger map so I got uh

Sugar cane the crops uh wait uh didn’t you get another map too I don’t remember didn’t we get two yeah the jungle oh for jungle temple M so we can stop for the temple yes okay well we can keep that in like for some time if we

Want to get the armor trim from there oh okay so I’m not doing that now okay yeah cuz I I thought we would um focus on the tiger Village right so who knows how far the jungle temple is I would imagine it’s very far probably not it’s not that bad the

Tiger Village the the the jungle temple is this way the tiger Village is this way okay I mean I don’t know I I was just thinking we could focus on the tiger Village and keep the so I got the crops the sugar cane the trees and the emerald

Stuffff okay uh uh so what should I grab whatever you want and I also the diamond the coal and the IR here take the stuff take take this oh hello great stuff um you have sugar can right yep uh do you do we need any workstations or should we just make them

There you’re not going to steal the workstation no I was I was saying like making some now or do we make them there I mean you can take the wood if you want you have wood do you right or no I don’t I’ll take trees oh saplings okay yes all

Right I’ll take I I took some logs anyways there will be tiger trees or spru trees there um and beds do we need to bring beds or uh I have the shears okay and you have a B on you right yes okay okay we’re all set then okay oh um

Crops potatoes and carrots you got I have I have I have okay good I have like five Stacks oh there’s some cook more food yeah I I cook more food if you want to oh do you have enough or okay you got it well yeah here no no no I don’t need

It I don’t need I was asking okay um do you want since we have an empty map do you want me to make a copy of the tiger map in case I die or something um sure yeah I guess that’s not too hard to make right it’s just one paper

One map I guess uh I don’t have a craphy table so I’m going to make one but I’m going to leave we have we have one in the swamp yeah but it’s not yeah yeah okay it’s fine I’m going to make I’m going to make one and we take the thing

With us because you know uh it’s Microsoft and not be surprised that been doing all the work while you’re while I’ve been L gagging I was eating lunch okay and let me just say I ate lunch quickly so I I’m here now okay wow guys I’m here okay here

Get a map all right cool cool so it’s this way uh no this way uh Northwest so uh no it’s Northeast oh no we are oh Northwest so this way I think the other way this way I think yeah yeah yep I don’t know how to read the map anymore I thought you

Were good at appication I’m just kid yeah I know I I messed up it’s because I was alone yeah yeah also the sun I swear it’s moving slower than normal oh uh where’s the boat in the chest okay with the rest of the stuff carpets that way this

Way come on okay um boats got it you have a boat too or do you want one no I’ll get one for you can I take the cor of here there you go all right let’s go to the tiger so let’s hope um this is not too

Far away I mean it shouldn’t no you went off without me oh sorry you gave me a boat yeah I did okay there we go I hate how the lily pad slow you down it’s the worst ah there you go frog I love I love the

Fact that this is something I would love in Bedrock the the seagrass the tall SE grass going out of the water yeah I would really like that as well um it’s so I think it’s because on on Bedrock the water is slightly higher um in as

Java not sure though or it could be that the just the texture is cut off for SEC but I don’t know yeah I I think I’m not sure if my resource pack the Java aspects one brings that back or if it’s even possible I’m not sure I don’t know it might be either

It’s just you know they can fix it and you know a resource pack or it might be just the rendering like difference between bedrock and Java where Java can do that but Bedrock just doesn’t maybe anyways um 1.2.3 is now in release candidate and it’s going to be released

Sometime this week um I guess is Tuesday or Wednesday um yeah pretty exciting uh pretty cool upate mountains uh yeah the Extreme Hills right the wind wind excuse me um but yeah the uh the 12.3 update oh this is a big one swiat tail so usually Swap this yeah

That’s Co hey I see some exposed Emerald or in here oh nice I see some iron um um so yeah uh the 12.3 update will be coming very soon um and probably the Bedrock 12050 update will be coming the same time as well yep jeesus there’s a

Lot of emeralds wow yeah are we mining it no okay by the way question do we see our um each of our markers on the cograph like the Explorer Maps um since we made a copy I I know we’re I know we’re pretty close by right now so it doesn’t show

But like like if we um like are are you know how when you we both have copies of the same map it’ll show the markers of each I should you should this one should okay yeah I think it’s just cuz we’re far away from the village that we can’t

Yeah not because we’re not on the map yeah or maybe explor Maps don’t show it I don’t I’m not sure yeah yeah I was just wondering if it if explor Maps oh look at the terrain here I know I know it’s pretty cool this is the uh Y come

Here B because there’s swamp and Mangrove nearby so yep cool very cool but yeah coming in the 1203 update will be bug fixes lots of fun um the Fe the new feature of being able to put um loot inside decorated pots which you know it’s kind of designed for the trial

Chambers 121 but you know we get we get it kind of early to play with in like custom maps and stuff um and I think you can use loot tables with them too so custom like structures and stuff you’ll be able to use them uh also the bat

Model bat model will be getting updated uh in this version it’s pretty nice um oh shipwreck oh there’s a shipwreck do you want to go for it yes okay oh wait is it cut off what is going on here looks weird okay no it’s not oh

Uh let’s see here oh so hard to see Dophin not oh we don’t have restoration yeah we don’t I’m cheating I’m uh putting torches spamming torches wow I I I’m I’m just doing that I mean it doesn’t give me too much too much more um oxygen uh

Yeah I’d say that’s it’s not as op as using a door that I would never do yeah oh I’m using the new um reimagine shaders and the bubbles on You O nice oh they’re very pretty so I got some lapis I’m going to throw that out uh should I

Throw out the I I’ll keep the Nuggets just but I’ll throw them out if inventory becomes an issue should I throw out the emeralds we can just Farm emeralds right so I have Emerald oh uh throw them onto ah I was trying to throw onto the the log

There okay all right you got it got them any other chests why is the dolphin on land Oh dolphin dolphin okay um did we is there a third chest in this there was a chest the the supply chest has uh coal if you want have whe and

Stuff oh this one is underneath oh here this one oh yeah that one I checked is there a third one yeah yes uh I checked the the valuable chest so underneath here underneath here uh right the door there’s air in the door yep oh there’s the B charge map

Sweet I’ll take paper too why not oh goodness I am oh my gosh it’s so dark in the water at night yep okay uh barri treasure is close by C so yeah since the 12.3 update will be coming soon um there’s probably not going to be any 121

Features um and we probably won’t see any until next year uh which you know that it’s only a month away so don’t don’t panic um yeah it’s only a month away um we’ll probably start seeing stuff like basically second week or third week of January I think last year yep or no

Uh this year sorry uh January we got we started getting um snapshots I think the just the second week of January which is which was pretty nice interesting so it should start up soon oh is it in the water no it’s on this um this island here it is in the water

Okay so on Java it is one lower than the X I think right is where the treasure is yes here maybe ah close Okay um just going to take okay uh I need to get some air the if you see the treasure it’s right where I am

Yeah I S yeah I’m full okay we’ll see what I can take some water breathing potions might come in handy M uh there’s emerald in here as well you can take uh some Salon I guess I’ll take um the sea I’ll take oh first heard of the sea found got the conduit

Recipe oh you’re full with emeralds y okay uh I’ll will take the water with potions might come in handy sometime sure okay where’s where’s the wait what is this what is what was wrong with what is wrong with the fish they they they they were just floating on the top of the

Water like they weren’t swimming oh yeah this this is Java fish really they do that sometimes sometimes yeah yeah also did you um pick up my boat oh no I have it never mind I have it no I have two boat yeah I have it

Don’t worry why do I have two boat then wait I think you gave me a boat but I had one oh okay I I okay yeah I gave you a boat earlier so are we still going Northwest yeah but I think I had one Northwest is this

Way yeah I am very excited for what else is coming for 1.20 one soon yeah same so I’m surprised they didn’t um reveal one new feature before the end of this year because last year with 120 they did so with the playable mob head sounds but I

Guess um you know with 121 they showcased a pretty big feature early the trial Chambers right so yep um I’d say that’s like two features in one basically right because it came with the whole Breeze and Trail spawner as well so yep three features in one kind of thing

Actually kind of four with the trial key yeah Monument o this tiger Village is looking like it’s really far away yeah o uh here you take over driving the boats I have to leave for just one second turn W all right I am back welcome back thank

You wow no land at all in sight y oh there’s ice just when you say that well good I jinx it frozen ocean yeah I guess technically still not land it’s just a more ocean oh there’s some glow squids down there yep I I’m glad we can like it’s pretty

Cool seeing the glow squits like from uh the surface of the water still see them all the way down there yep I guess though um on Java they’re easier to see because the entity distance is higher Bedrock they disappear pretty quickly yeah all right um yeah still keep going

Northwest yep the planer has not buted yeah oh nice so it’s deep for an ocean I guess uh yeah oh land land and polar Barra C get ready to run wait go to the left go to the left go to the left oh okay there was some water to the left for

Oh ah bye it’s still targeting you okay now it’s stopped jeez the those guys have big range yeah oh there’s tiger oh I see a tiger tree it’s snowy T isn’t it yeah okay or snowy ples I guess yeah yeah but snowy ples don’t have uh trees

Does a whole oh my God this oh no this is just [ __ ] oh okay oh yeah he’s just water jeez oh there’s a creeper behind you is there now what where did those guys come from oh hi Ravine yep oh our markers are separating though bit although I guess what I saw

Our marker separating on the map there I guess the I guess it’s just really to the zoom level of the map and I think the zoom level’s not that high so yeah scaling at to level two talking about the map our markers on the map I don’t

Have I don’t have markers on the map you don’t have a single marker but that’s one but I don’t see two I I I saw two briefly when you went a little far away from me oh I see I see I see yeah I see

I see see yeah I I thought um the map was at like zoom level four so we would see it but that’s in level two so we do see it yeah pretty okay snowy tiger this is not what we’re looking for oh it’s moved it’s moved we just have to go west

Yeah it’s moving it’s moving oh yeah I forgot you have a copy as well so well yeah yeah yeah I’m just used to only one of us having the map usually so look at this Arrow nice Arrow here telling us the way where are you it’s it was on the side of the

Cliff oh yeah all right you want ice boat oh you voted down there yep all right ready let’s go oh big map big big big thing on the map oh that is interesting do does the um the pointer size uh the mar size that corresponds to the zoom

Level no it doesn’t is so it’s just a fixed distance what what is the distance for it to become big anyways uh I don’t remember although isn’t there I thought there was a medium size too or is this um is this the med no there’s two

There’s only two small small and and big okay h i I kind of wish um the big one would trigger at um farther distances like you’re still kind of close by right like yeah we’re almost there though okay so this isn’t too far I guess we we did

Have to cross the big ocean for it though but well we did yeah yeah but um not too bad I’d say yeah all the snowy tiger could have had a village in it on Bedrock it would have not on Java this is really cool being able to

Find the villagers through Maps I really like that a lot yes I like it also it kind of shows that the villagers kind of know where each other are like they’re linked somehow like yeah yeah as if they you know communicate with other Villages right it implies like travel or

Communication at least yeah yeah I mean but there is the wandering Trader so and he travels so it’d be interesting if the wandering Trader could trade you some Village maps too that’ be yeah I guess he’s not AER you know the explore a map something yeah but I guess he’s not

Really a cartographer you know it kind of makes sense for the Cartographer to do this so yeah but I mean the dud is selling everything yeah true honest he sells buckets in fish yep yeah we’re in tiger oh forest fire no no h the trees are all b

O GE geez this is one really big Lava Lake I think this might be the biggest I’ve seen what if oh my gosh there’s fire right above me I was like what is burning me yeah ah stupid water loged leaves and on Java they don’t flow outwards yeah uh

Rip oh I don’t know if I can oh jeez there’s another Lev Lake on the side what what is going on here yep wait where oh my goodness this is are these really two together they are separate right it seems wow yeah and no wonder for the huge forest

Fire all right I think we contain most of the fire we get it get all right yep jeez that was one big fire yeah if you get the log all right so West oh my gosh what another one oh no what is with this tiger this is a death tiger right here

Jeez three level in in this area are you joking me so I feel like on Java it’s easier to put out fires like on Bedrock it’s harder to to punch the fire out oh yeah all right I think I got it all yep and nice raining of

Course well that’s good I guess for the fire yeah all right uh continue West haven’t missed any chat messages today I don’t think so no okay cool I don’t think so I’m On Top chat though yep oh it’s filling in oh um here there’s some sheep where I am oh I don’t know

Where you are okay but there were some sheep so you could uh oh we on the map way yep we’re on the map hey let’s go h on Java the markers aren’t different colors they’re um no interesting ah you’re breaking all the rip this way a little bit north

Y it’s so weird seeing tiger on the map be green yeah that that is so weird yep and then um like on on Bedrock you you can see some of the logs through the leaves I think right as well like it show does show the brown okay there’s

The fell we can see it on the map yep I’m curious where do the um the marker for the village actually Center on is it the Bell the Bell probably oh there’s a hole here where we’re going to see oh a village oh tiger Tree Tiger

Tree yeah and hey where are TIG tree oh in the tig I’m going to see where the um Yep looks like the um yep Mark the marker is centered on the Bell here yep all right oh ooh Iron actually not the Bell it is this random path block here interesting oh they have made babies too apparently already jeez guys all right uh this is going to be a bit of a bigger pain that than the uh swamp and jungle villagers cuz those we

Had locked in a pen this these guys have the thing is they they yeah but all those guys are already jobless we fine we don’t need to read them yeah yeah that’s true yeah we don’t have to bre need to give them jobs yeah we don’t

Have to bre but think it’s just you know finding them okay we have to steal a house I’m going to set my spawn here as well oh uh which house do you want to steal well there’s a blacksmith here I guess this yeah does blackith um do we do we want to steal

This I was thinking yeah yeah uh any this one’s this one’s not too bad some emeralds and your two potatoes no you’re not good it’s literally the same size as the blacksmith really oh okay yeah feels a little bigger um the big house the tiger houses usually

Small no there’s a there’s a couple that are pretty big which one which one would you say the biggest one well the two the two um level one the is I think bigger oh the two story okay yeah nope oh I forgot the um cograph then whatever we could set up B

Here this one I mean this one you can just is this a cartographer house by the way I’m not sure or is this just a house it’s just a house oh wait there’s more there’s more houses here oh oh I’m going to sleep to sleep no don’t sleep

Oh why not okay fine sleep okay but then I left oh there oh all they have a path with like four houses here okay yeah in a roll it looks cool oh this one this one this one’s slightly bigger yes okay no it’s not it’s 3 3

Really the other ones like 3way 3 too yep what is with these houses man why are all of these houses 3×3 what is going on all right ah okay I’d say we take the um the two-story house are all tiger houses like this other than the two level ones there’s a

There’s a skeleton that was next to me didn’t attack me because he’s getting attacked by by wolf oh but he’s running away do thanks Wolf don’t attack the doggo what what happened hey I help you the dog the skeleton yeah all right I’m gonna I guess put up

Chests in the hey a hi doggy nice guess now we have a we have a friend now all right I’m going to set up chests and stuff in the um the two level two story house um really in the in the top it’s going to be annoying to go up and down

All the time but sure uh yeah actually the space is not even that great it’s it’s it’s a one no it’s not it’s even smaller a 3X two on both floors oh my gosh take the one closest to the the well and stuff yeah yeah okay

Um you see me here let’s just take this one oh the Golem is in the way all right I’m going to oh my gosh I’m remove these stairs the crafting table for a minute oh what’s that here I’ll put the crafting table there oh hi doggo those emeralds are glitching out

Uh oh oh yeah I forgot about your mod there yep excuse me can you leave well we have so much stuff it’s already full jeez okay I’m going to make um yep two more chests what the hell is going on oh that’s you I was what what is this melody you’re making right

Here I guess cuz it’s higher p it sounds even more different yeah normally it it doesn’t uh really sound that different okay um so uh okay so what are we need we need armor and no yeah armor armor and the librarian for Fortune right yes let me look up the traits

So armor is Blast Furnace um yeah okay yep Blast Furnace uh we should have taken the Blast Furnace from the swamp from the jungle H yeah it’s going to be a pain to make but we have iron so it’s fine oh actually there might be a we

Have Cobble we don’t even have Cobble I have Cobble um there might be a a blast furnace already in the village I haven’t seen a blast furnace house uh wasn’t there that armor area or wait you know the one where the there I think it’s I think it’s um grindstone oh

Rip oh yeah I forgot they have two like two grindstone areas usually blacksmith house yeah it’s a grindstone so you’re a yeah weapon Smith okay all right so yeah we’re going to have to do you have Cobo yeah I have I don’t even have Cobo uh do

You need it for the blast furnace are you going to make it yeah okay here you just three right just three and how do I spend it oh fine fine fine fine eight for the furnace thanks hello doggo oh that’s not good anytime you punch me this guy’s going to come after

Me yep I mean I guess I could just kill it excuse me we’re you know like set it on fire I have a flint steel have a bow ass Soul power one irx do you want your dog to die no I want you to stop okay then don’t attack

Me right um okay so you’ll make the blast furnace I guess um do we have electon in here already we at the bookshelf okay no yes I will make the Le turn do you remember seeing any um unemployed dudes no but I can break those two okay yeah two you got two fresh

Villagers wonderful so we’re do B the W I guess Can U oh you can put them maybe here there’s a bit more space than the one oh yeah yeah um I removed the the thing from here oh okay I just okay me Mo this yeah yeah put them in whatever okay okay

All right so wait wait wait let’s see what other enchantments they can have um so tiger Fortune 2 blast protection fire aspect and Flame so do we care about blast protection fire asor flame not at all right okay so it doesn’t matter so okay so we just have to level

Up one librarian then right pretty much y okay I’ll do that see here so trading armor so tiger I’m going to plant the sugar cane too but where where to plant it there not much water around this there next to the water no there’s no water I I there

Was the frozen ocean nearby where was it somewhere around here there’s no River around here unfortunately oh I’m I’m dumb I have a map I can actually see where the stuff is I literally have a map in my off hand o okay so I need to level it to expert

Right yes who are you doing oh the the armor right yeah oh I need to we have a lot of iron should I sell him okay so first you want to give him iron I mean I I guess it’s fine it doesn’t matter too much wait I’m going to try to get

Another train what are you give me yeah because the first one is selling coal interesting this is not supposed to be that why is he buying coal and iron on the first trade uh I think they TW I thought buying iron is on this oh they

Tweaked that but it doesn’t say on the wiki um after let me see on the armor pay yeah they say after but they just give us the the the armor they don’t give you like it just lists the um yeah the uh armor trades but well we either sell iron or coal but

Yeah I know they changed the um the other levels too yeah I know I know I know we have to sell iron or coal Coal actually we don’t we have more iron than coal we have more iron than coal that’s the thing and we don’t need to sell that much iron

Goes up pretty fast this is the best train yeah okay yeah let’s do that then I’m going to set a bit of anyway we’re not it’s not like we need iron right now yep armor one 2 3 4 sugar cane no iron okay he’s selling iron

Stuff so I guess I’m going to buy iron stuff I’m also going to put the tiger map in the chest so we have that yep there why is the armor why do you keep leaving me come here so how how do we want to get emeralds mainly through Farm or oh I

Guess logs so I guess I should make a Fletching table yep okay I get some Flint done are you going to be using all your emeralds by the way that you had on you yes okay why well well then I can just I I don’t know if um you wanted me to if

You’d let me take some or if I should get some on my own no okay I have a lot of haars if we want to like sell that you can sell carrots and wheat potatoes I would like to keep for us in trading and and and breeding if we need oh breeding

Okay I see so carrot is okay he’s buying carrot and wheat that’s perfect come back you I’m on I’m just looking for some gravel right now found a big coal patch though so I’m mining that nice where the dud Dad hello oh everyone went to sleep oh great oh it’s you hi oh

It discounted now nice thank you Le I I can mine some iron here too since we’re losing some by trading yeah too bad we still don’t have the fortun yet but after this we will well I guess we’d still have to do the Anvil like enchantments like in the yeah

Proper way I mean I guess we could put force in our pick straight away um and then do like an actual good pick later be really nice to have Fortune yep is there like no gravel here how is there no gravel in this cave this is weird oh

Gosh there’s a fox I Fox why are do you have in your mouth what do you have in your mouth my God what can you spawn with what do you have I know what do you have can you spawn like an emerald in his mouth sometimes as well like maybe I’m not

Sure yes oh feather I guess you killed the chicken huh oh let me see what they can spawn with you could let’s see uh they can spawn with does the wiki not say oh okay wait oh Emerald rabbit’s foot rabbit hide egg wheat leather and feather oh it’s actually a really low

Chance for it to spawn with any with an item in the first place these are each of these items have less than a 5% chance so most of the time it will spawn nothing Okay so I didn’t okay I’m going to go to the river for gravel I guess you still haven’t found gravel yeah that cave had zero which is wild oh my gosh but I know Rivers always have gravel where’s that what’s that dude oh my God where is my

Armor see this is what I was saying it’s uh this is the main downside of have having an actual Village is uh the freedom what whereas the other ones they were we just lock them in a pen it was flat so there was that too this one was

Very easy to lose with the trees and the houses and everything so I’m thinking about something so with the armor trades don’t tell me died what no no no no no I didn’t die no my dude the armor he’s not going for work wait let me check the log the

In the logs it can say right yeah yeah doesn’t say anything in the logs it says if a villager dies right yeah yeah yeah he didn’t die why is say are you lock him no might have lost his job then I don’t know no I tra I yeah yeah I traed with

Him oh you traed with him okay so he’s locked okay let me help you look oh my gosh let me use my drone cheater it’s a drone it’s fine oh okay yeah that’s perfectly a normal thing to happen in Minecraft that’s even what AR BL said like oh yeah you know for

Looking for trail room like yeah in real life we we use we use drones and stuff it’s it’s fine it’s the same as a free cam as long as you don’t go like in the ground stuff it’s like using a drone I mean I don’t

Know we can say that we have really good technology and the our drones can face through the ground too yep oh my God we have V on roofs oh no how did you get here wait did you find your armor then oh my no it’s someone else also I found

Some a oh I think I found it oh no that’s a cow I found four emeralds in a chest so there’s that nice oh my God where’s this dude oh my God the dude is no it’s not oh my God it’s another a villager oh he probably got stuck probably is it you

No TOS all over the place why is he not is he not um coming to the blast furnace to work no he’s not so he’s got to be stuck somewhere yeah that’s what I’m saying I already found the hole something oh yeah probably it definitely

Didn’t die think it would show in log if he actually I’m not sure if it would show this is a realm no it does it does but this is a realm so I’m not sure is it the word log or your your game log

Game log do the word log is the word log different I think you need the yeah yeah oh so then I don’t know no it shouldn’t no no it shouldn’t I I think it’s done normal long so like if the V died should show up in the log I have it should

Yeah did he go in the cave or something oh my I wouldn’t surprise me even with your drone can’t find them yep well that’s R yep literally just spend iron on you dude yeah that sucks oh is it you oh my God where are you going dude you’re so far away you

Find them oh there’s a oh I found another house oh what where what I know around oh I see you what all the way over there the hell no I’m not there I’m in the Drone oh right oh okay so you’re just standing there your drone’s flying around well yeah this is

A drone I don’t move with it this is the point oh God where did this dude go nobody else is climbing the um Blast Furnace right so he’s still around still alive right so that’s the thing right yeah yeah so he’s got to be alive still yeah because there are a few

Villagers with no job so if they’re not taking it it’s guess it’s taken and but he’s not coming to work so like my guess is he’s stuck somewhere yeah how peculiar oh my gosh is it not stuck in the the kind of trench thingy like the trough what trough no it’s not

You know the tiger thing that does with the trap doors that all the get oh yeah yeah no I don’t want oh my God is it oh no this is the we this is the weapon dude dang it what was it that the weapon Smith yeah yeah I saw

Him too and I was like oh my gosh the armor but no okay is he going to come for okay dude it’s time for for I saw the librarian working he should have come by now so I don’t know I don’t think he can come yeah I know okay now

It’s time for the for the the meeting Yep they’re all in the middle they’re jumping by the well they’re jumping by the well I don’t know why he’s he’s just maybe he wandered off the out of the village I don’t know yeah but I’m looking everywhere oh he oh he probably fell in

Here oh okay never mind it’s a dead end yep I am so why are there just some random golden pants here okay then cuz a zombie died zombie died I killed a zombie oh my God where is this dude oh Golem why are you in the trees I’m going to make a fling

Table oh I think I found him where I no I think it’s the weapon dude again no who are you oh it’s the weapon oh my goodness rip I’m gonna remove your workstation dude because I already think it’s yeah do that we got a Fletcher

Nice I have a village in my world in the tiger actually mhm where I have a librarian that likes to go away for a few days sometimes I come to this Village and there’s four librarian sometimes I come and there’s three librarian and once in a while the dude

Reappears and I know it’s same because it’s Max is maxed out but I have no idea where he goes he he must go like in a cave just get stuck dude’s living a double life yeah and I have not it’s been months like that and I still don’t

Know where the dude is going every time he’s happen like four or five times he’s obviously a drug King fan is uh yeah I don’t know the dude is just disappearing time why is your dog um and I your dog don’t know where he’s going why is your dog dark

What because I don’t know dude just be like decided I’m not going to have any I have a gray dog yeah you have a gray dog now okay then also I can make two more Fletching tables we can have three Fletchers where is that freaking villager don’t let me die by sweet

Berries somewhere he might but ah then wouldn’t someone else claim the blast furnace yeah unless they don’t unlink when they die but they do right no they do going to break the furnace and put it back oh I don’t know about that uh what what like what if it I don’t know unlinks

From that guy I mean he’s lost anyway yeah okay yeah do then wait is it not here who did I just saw librarian it a librarian here oh my gosh and the oh they’re having a secret meeting there I see a farmer and AER they’re just there

Excuse me what are you plotting guys yep the Librarians wandered off all the way here too I’m going to look in this area the there’s there is a cave here actually I have looked in my drone I even went in the cave but a cave back here I’m going to just

Look here just to see if oh my God there’s another big cave W oh my God it’s huge it’s a huge cave don’t tell me to really wandering in here please don’t dude that’s left man he went for milk and never came back he took her iron and

He just left yep he was I’m rich bye [ __ ] yep dude is hearing us he’s like guys I’m stuck yell harder villager here can’t find you if we can’t hear you all right right see this is why uh villagers deserve to be locked inside boxes because it’s for they are

Better off that way otherwise they they do dumb [ __ ] like this for their own safety exactly see okay I’m going to check the other cave that’s around here and no de end immediately yeah dude’s just gone completely dude’s gone off the grid gosh yep dude is absolutely gone

While I’m breaking the workstation if anyone wants to get the job it’s free rip our iron all right next if if another one claims definitely keep a close eye on them I’m going to keep in the house sorry dude oh no no they don’t no one is here

To take the job he might be linking to it again I don’t know do uh when villagers link to when villagers link to a workstation do the particles appear at the Block too or no I’m not sure on better Rock they do I don’t know on Java

Though can you go get the job please farmer can you get J I’m checking no they don’t appear at the at the workstation ah that would been it’s useful when like there’s no villager right there but you can see a length still I guess they only Leng though when

They actually reach the block right yeah no someone else is coming for it oh D doesn’t link is dead oh my gosh dude really died bro he died he’s gone whatever but he’s not yeah I don’t see it on the the log still yeah nothing happened well

Whatever great make me waste Iron Man yep dude dude ridiculous no no dude dude dude no oh my gosh better the flers are here for you to trade with no come here it’s get get out of the house and close the door in my face hello wow just wow

No dude sorry but no give me trapo dude you can’t D you can’t go leave Stop opening the door you cannot get out oh my God this dude is not leaving I swear to god dude just so annoying also I think we might actually have less

Iron than normal cuz um yeah have one stack of iron was actually what I had in my inventory before I had accidentally put it into the chest we have only 48 extra actually well I’m done with iron anyway okay that’s good then uh okay so Fletcher yeah but we don’t have good there’s

Trees I traded all the the logs we had anyways a that’s great well you had emeralds on you already so no I took them from the chest yeah the emerald yeah but the dude left not my fault it’s not my fault either oh my gosh I cannot believe this

Just chop down some trees this is what I’m doing right now yeah good give me your logs then oh it’s mine yes you’re so mean give me give me any emeralds you get from those logs then that I I’m buying the stuff I so am I I have to level up the librarian

Too boohoo oh boohoo okay I have to do stuff too I’m not just doing nothing either yeah whatever mean no you’re mean you didn’t let me take any of the emeralds at the start well I was your first I know well I saw those emeralds I I could have

Taken it it’s not my fault you could have a villager that that buys you sugarcane we have so planted I planted some sugarcan too but the sugar going to run out eventually and then you know it’s back to chopping the trees yeah well in the meantime you

Could give me your trees no I don’t think so see you mean give me emeralds from from the the logs but I need the emeralds so do I I I’m I’m not asking you for the emeralds I’m asking you for the trees I’m asking you for the emeralds oh my

God have you seen that what come here what this pum 10 that’s cool it’s big step for a pumpkin yep V are going to be like bro they’re they foresting our place good they deserve it oh my any I’m replanting the trees it’s fine yeah I mean for me to chop down

Again later but like I’ll replant them not my f want you guys want trees yeah right can you not come in and chop my trees I was on your tree I was here here you didn’t chop a single bit of it I it’s mine why there’s a whole ass for it I

Was already chopping trees down here look at how many saplings I’ve planted here this is my Forest right here me too I have planted saplings as oh my go you have the back of the village over there too you have everything else but you choose to take my spot what do you mean

You choose to take my spot my I was here long long before you this is ridiculous you’re the one who said you wanted my l so that means I was here first clearly I didn’t say I wanted your love this is weird you did that that’s what you said

Can’t be I want your log give me your logs nope it’s mine don’t let me don’t don’t make me kill you to get your logs so you want the wolf to die what you’re saying no I can tell my wolf to sit first okay well then we can PVP and I’ll kill You are the Fletchers we are going to lock them before I I can get to them I’m gonna sell my my lost them and then kill them what why so you cannot sell your you you can’t get any more either yeah I’m fine okay I did I’m the one who made those fling

Tables in the first place yeah I don’t care I can throw them mean the fire going plant some 2 by twos as well uh no why not because it’s not at tall Forest um Okay so so so it’s not the tree oh well that you’re supposed to plant here you

Planted them in the jungle in the swamp too those are the worse yes no it’s fine you know why because I planted them oh I see okay see you just hate me see the difference yeah you just hate me wow wow if only you could have given me your Lo yeah

Totally excuse me what wow okay well I guess you don’t want wood then all right go there go all the saplings you don’t give it to me anyway oh my goodness I’m just here trying to get you more logs by planting the bigger sa is so not true

You don’t give it to me but you’d be able to have bigger trees to chop down yeah so you’re not giving me bigger logs more logs but I am you’d be able to chop it and then you’d get them oh my God no what go go what

Happened dog got teleport in front of me and I punched him see you can’t even take care of your dog either wow oh my God come here you’re going to get punched where are you nowhere yeah right now you’re leaving my oh my god oh no oh no where’s your

Dog sitting okay okay fine fine oh oh I see how I see how it is I see how it is cat what what do you have anything to say I see how it is okay there goes that illegal NOP oh my gosh can you find another spot to chop

Your trees this I was here first I was liter I literally planted that’s not a question I was literally here I’m not asking either I’m not asking either yeah I am asking you but you said it wasn’t a question yeah no I’m asking you asking me

What leave this is my spot no this is mine now oh my God no actually it was always mine I was literally here first you’re joking leave give me your axe my axe no it’s mine hey please he please okay I’ll give it I’ll give you the AE come

Here I gave my axe to you I gave you the axe wow oh okay we’re actually fighting no okay okay that’s what I thought this is in this is ridiculous I’m not happy about this no you’re never happy when I’m around wow not my fault you’re mean I’m not the

Mean one here you’re the mean one here what do you mean I stop no you have logs make your own crafting table wow wow you really got rid of it okay okay I just got it back yeah I know but I still broke it nope no no don’t do it

Sor hey do you have um hi hey hey hi what do you have some C for me how much do you need three F ax can’t even use iron do you have iron to do so no I we have less Cobble than we do iron yes but Cobble is everywhere yeah true uh

The where Okay God the bookshelf trades are expensive yep that’s why you should have taken a paper trade yeah yeah I know I know I was just looking at the book I was focusing on the books at first I didn’t realize what the paper so I fire aspect we don’t care about fire

Aspect I know I know I was say that’s what I mean is that since we didn’t care about the book I was like okay it’s fire aspect do matter so I’ll just go ahead and you know trade the bookshelf trade I forgot about the paper trade actually bad trainer what are you

Doing wow just wow can’t taking down this tree just wow just wow just wow get out of here get out get out of here that get out of nope I’m just chopping my trees this is my Forest no oh my goodness just wow I thought that was your Forest back

There oh my go yeah it is h dropping with stone is Slow oh my goodness what I I I have found the spot where the villagers get stuck oh wait did you level up the armor to a journey man uh yes okay well okay anyways your armor is over here oh my God that’s great I I was wondering this is

The old arm too but I’m not sure I think this is just a it is the other one is stuck in the house oh this is this is the old one yeah oh my God guys you get suck oh my goodness this is just wow they were here the whole time

Yep you guys of course just of course yep do you need a new Shield um I have threee ones sure take it anyway that that’s free turning them away otherwise so yeah well that’s great these villagers man these villagers you guys are useless at first at first I thought like

You know I was skeptical I was like maybe it’s not the old armor maybe it’s just the D one one but yeah it’s the old one too that’s wow just wow yep ow oh villagers why why are you the way that you are well I guess moang it’s why

They are the way they Are although can we really play Mojang though I mean Mojang right their hardest but these villagers are are stubborn they have a stubbornness up there on yes imagine poor Jeb had to code these guys and all they do is just be dumb a poor

Guys no R you try your best and this is what you get it’s like guys come [Applause] also the dude it really went up to 47 sticks for an amount the audacity we have one that we haven’t traded with yet this guy went up to 47

Not this one yeah I know this one is not treated with interesting don’t steal I was about to get the oh too bad I was there first oh hey that’s what you get oh you only took two hearts from that jeez that diamond armor is strong huh yep okay okay up um

Yeah boots for boots oh let me see see for pants Oh interesting so he can do all four right the all four exchange trades right in one or no oh no it’s it’s only yeah boots for pants and chest plate oh my God chest plate for helmet boots or pants though boots or

Pants though is good boots or pants is fine but chest plate for helmet is a no um let’s see interesting okay then at Master he can trade the actual like or at Master he trades two more of the exchange trades right the the rest right or no what does he trade at

Master at Master BL protection chest plates and leggings oh okay those are the old four leggings those are the old trades right four leggings those are the old trades kind of right no no really no because it’s it’s set blast Protection One Yeah well yeah I mean I mean all

It’s it’s like you pay the D it’s the um technically old one where you give diamonds or you used to give emeralds but now you give diamonds and emeralds right is those is that trade or I’m not sure let me check the where’s the rebalance page yeah that that that was a while

Ago yeah I just want um I wish the wiki you was um bit more detailed okay so boots for leggings so can’t use like the so okay so the do the armor pieces have to have full durability or no no no no you can trade a trash one okay and then okay so

Sorry okay oh yeah is isn’t there still theg where you can it’s always it’s always boots for legging and no no okay it’s boots for leggings or leggings for chest plate helmet for boots chest plate for helmet so it’s always like that wait can you send me the

Page oh 120 not two perfect okay let’s see here all right okay here we go so tiger armors okay um I guess we need another one oh block a diamond that for emeralds at the end o yeah that’s not happening ever okay because right

Now so okay so an expert it’s two of the four trades that can be selected is that what it is yeah okay so boots for leggings leggings for chest plate helmet for boots chest plate for or chest plate for helmets okay interesting oh God the chest oh wait we

Have the chest plate for helmet tra rip yeah yeah but it’s it’s guaranteed to be that imagine can you imagine getting the helmet to Boots and the chest plate to helmet trade the worst one yeah getting less less uh Diamond spe basically yeah but if you have a one

That is selling you like the the the boots for leing chest plate you can trade the legging for the dmet I guess which is still not good you well you can trade the um the boots for the chest plate basically if you go from if if you

Got the boots to leggings and leggings to chest plate trades right yeah so should we get um two armors then for Tiger yeah okay oh it’s G to be a it’s probably going to take a while because we want to get each of the the trades

Right and we might not each time might not get the um yeah which is which sucks because last year they change bedrocks so you would get like all four in on each villager and now it’s going to did they ever change that I think they did I don’t think they

Did I thought it did I don’t think they did I’m not sure actually I I could have SW they didn’t though I’m not sure maybe they did I don’t know I can’t I thought they did I don’t know if there’s really a way to check without opening the game though

Why you just check on the trading page yeah but I don’t know if the wiki would show like Bedrock Edition specifics Bedrock armor yeah it changes it okay expert is yeah expert is leggings and boots and my is B has all four tra but would it show all four at

Once I I don’t know yes because it’s it’s two yeah I’m pretty sure they changed it last year well does the wiki say it shows all four if it shows two out of the four does the wik not Say not sure yeah that’s what I was thinking so I don’t know yeah armor cleric fisherman cheffer tool Smith and weapon Smith have been changed so I need to check this I thought they made it so they did make a change but I don’t remember what

It was I I thought it wasn’t though making it sell all four pieces at once there was a change speed I don’t remember this trade was just Chang the diamond trade to journeyman oh is that what it was that all they did yeah yeah because everyone

Got excited being like Oh my God they changed the thing to put so before it was expert or something or yeah that’s it okay yeah that’s what I that’s what I thought it’s yeah I remember yeah you know we got excited seeing it but was actually just

Tweak I guess maybe the reason why they didn’t change it it might have been because they had the Villager rebalance planned already yeah right they were like hm actually it is pretty op so let’s just keep it like Nerf on Bedrock right I mean I guess that makes sense

Right if they had it thought out they don’t want to you know they can’t really take it back from java but they can at least keep it from going to bedrock right Alo your poor wolf is just sitting sitting here yes because I’m scared he going to

Grow tree is going to grow in on him can you not put him in the house we don’t have much space in the house true but you can put on like oh we have two crafting tables you put them on top of the crafting table or on the bed

Maybe no there’s a cat dying what where oh okay oh yeah it’s fine it’s fine because it spawn like in the all the tree spawn on something oh this can this tree grow from saplings I don’t think it can though no but I don’t know but SP in the

Tree maybe uh oh my God your wolf is attacking me he still remembers jeez he remembers for that long goodness go doggy wow no doy oh jeez big damage trying to bring him to the house but he doesn’t want to does crazy damage actually it’s not exped yeah like a

Heart full heart yeah yeah and you have if you have like a few dogs with you it’s like you know MH can do good damage I need I need protection on my armor both protection enchantment can I not put a lead on my dog wait wait oh he def okay I was like

Maybe he’s not attacking me but I guess he didn’t here I’ll stay stay out of line of sight and bring him back can you not put a leash on a dog you can you can no you can I can’t you’re trying oh finally oh okay even crouching

It took oh my God you need to be up D oh yeah I think while sending it you can’t do it I think on Bedrock you can but on job I guess not no but you can’t okay oh I think it was because it was mad oh okay because he was trying to

Attack okay come here Doggy no doggy oh my gosh up up up up okay I’ve almost um leveled up the librarian ful so that dud it’s almost done and then I’ll help with the armor stuff oh we’re going to have to make more blast furnaces that’s not going to be fun and trade more

Iron that’s really I I I miss when you could still trade charcoal to the villagers instead of coal yeah oh goodness why can’t they take char charcoal it’s literally as good as coal yeah guess Mojang wants to make you mine for it instead of smelting it

Yep by the way why do the um the tall the tall the Big spruce trees why they always like generate with an extra log at the top like just there like sing it’s just so with the the it it’s it’s not an extra log it’s

Just so it looks like there’s a tree you know how some some T actually don’t have a log at the top but so they look a bit weird so some of them have you know like this one has a log at the Top This one doesn’t Okay interesting it’s just how they they

Decided to do it it’s not necessarily like a extra log it’s just oh damn it I stripped the damn log o no don’t strip it’s stream you can’t strip no one’s watching the stream though I am yes and I am too we’re watching each ourselves yes it is nice St just doing villager

Stuff the Villager trade rebalance changes are actually not as bad it seems like one the hardest part I think is like you know find finding like the first like Village I guess and then getting the maps and stuff instead of you know normally just find a village

Just roll library and that’s it yeah um but I’d say it’s not too bad still the the main downside I is definitely like you know for super flat and Sky Block players like I just say to them just use I don’t know data packs or something that reverts the Villager traits like

You’re already playing Superfly which is not intended why not just revert the Villager traits for yourself I’m telling I’m skin is shuee oh great you spend more iron for Blast Furnace yep I might go mining later for iron be worth it [Applause] thanks for the

XP yeah I locked them most of them the only villager available is the one buying sticks for 45 47 that is great amazing you’re welcome oh my God I still have some logs left here here as compensation have these logs that I can s thanks for now okay

So the armor traits are interesting um so okay let me look at the training pit again so the other so ideally to take full advantage of the um the tiger armor you also set up the other villagers that that give you diamond armor for discounted price of

Diamonds right um and then exchange it for the other pieces with the tigga Villager right I think I think the strategy was you buy the boots from the um PLS villager and then you exchange it with the tiger villagers for the other armor pieces m and the boots cost I

Don’t know how much the boots cost let me see let me check plan’s armor is costs boots two diamonds so very worth it you can with um eight diamonds you can make a full set which is very good yeah honestly I’d say that is still pretty great before it’s zero diamonds

But you know which is you know obviously perfect but you know still it’s pretty good just only spending eight diamonds and you get a full set right I’d say that’s yeah that is actually like and I think it’s good for people that want to use their diamond yeah they just have to

Put the extra work in putting the v i I’d also say this is very good for people who put put the work in for you know into the villagers and um yeah like um you know if they die they can easily get back their diamond armor if

Um you know if they had the Villager set up obvious viously before it was way easier you know they you just need one armor and you give you all the armor pieces for free basically um but I’d say this is you know this is harder but still pretty balanced it’s still pretty

Good yeah it’s obviously not like I I know people obviously people don’t like the Villager trade rebalanced because it makes things harder but like that’s the point so like I think that’s kind of you expect that right um so like you know if you just don’t like it because you know

It’s a Nerf then well yeah that’s just how it is but um in terms of like balancing though it is not that harsh I’d say yeah no’s good the main pain point I think is the the fact that you can’t get the um you know you have to

Look around the world for the biomes right yeah um and that that is the main pain point I think but the actual like doing villager stuff isn’t too bad like leveling up villagers and yeah uh stuff like that really not that bad it’s actually finding finding the um

Villagers for them but you know the coger maps help with that but I’d say you know it still can be a bit of an issue with um existing worlds you know where uh exploration might not be so easy new worlds though not an issue but uh existing worlds I think that’s the

Main issue oh by the way it’s you said like what eight Emeral eight diamonds you make of set yep if we have the pl this is counting gossip prices or um I don’t think I don’t think Diamond price go goes down via gossip we curing does

It they do they do I mean at least the um mean the yeah the diamond I’m talking about the diamond price not the price if they’re breeding that mean that someone died uh let’s check the log maybe no the log hasn’t updated at all I don’t think on the log I can see

Villagers died unfortunately on RS I don’t know maybe maybe it’s because someone got stuck again and now the bed’s unlink I don’t know no no no okay they have you seen how far away they can link they don’t unlink like BS right right yeah they’re basically like Bedrock villagers when it comes to

Linking with beds right yeah I know Java villagers used to be like Bedrock villagers as well for workstations then I think in 114.1 or two or something they changed them so they’d have to pathfind workstation I don’t know why they didn’t do the same for beds it’s weird yeah I guess I

Guess I guess that’s um a good thing because um maybe you know you I don’t know for trading h like for training holes you don’t need the beds for them to work but at least you can make it so if they if they want to link

To a bed then they have to pass fine to it I don’t know it’s weird all right expert try my compass is from the dude it’s three emeralds a piece though but we have seven yeah I’ll keep buying the glass then it’s easier and cheaper all right and

Master master librarian so now we can get Fortune Fortune 2 for four emeralds let’s go well base price is nine nice this can of price is four I can get uh four Fortune oh we need one more book oh wait we have bookshelves think

I’ll be able to get us oh no I need more emeralds for four Fortune two books much is it again four oh no I can I can get four so one two three and four there we go four Fortune two books so now we can combine those to

Fortune 3 but the onor picks nice I might do it right now actually oh but we need to make the Anvil I guess um yep it’s not be fun okay I’ll I’ll wait on that for a bit although if you put fortune on your pick you can go mine for iron more iron

Then if you don’t go my name yeah yeah I’ll yeah I’ll probably still make the Anvil I’ll just do it in a little bit um for now I guess I can help with the armor Trad so okay so you got second one at journey man okay so which trade are you doing the

Um two level m g the the the shield yeah okay so you just need more emeralds yep all right then I will help you chop trees down now and give you my logs and since we’re um focusing on focusing one villager you’re so nice it’s good to finally have Fortune

Yes which one sells Sil touch again is it the Savannah the planes I don’t remember I think it’s we have silk touch I think someone is sing it I don’t remember no silk touch is a special one silk touch is a special trade that I know s touch is snowy oh

Snowy we haven’t leveled up the snowy villagers right we did we have a s touch book did we level up I don’t remember level leveling up um snow I think we found the S book oh okay I see you’re joking you’re you’re chopping just next to me just the tree where I am

Yeah I’m giving you the log though aren’t I oh my God where are the dogs I’ll give them to you just I’m I’m fine here they are slow dropped them on the ground next to the tree I’m chopping oh my God you don’t even bring them to me yeah I’m I’m

I’m chopping more logs for you more if I come over to you then that’s one or two logs less chopped that amount of time by way how long uh how much longer do you want to go for I should wish do you want um some sort of wow

Really really okay what what is your problem now can you pick those hello what oh I had something apparently in that slot okay I had the ghost okay what what are you saying um yeah how long or I guess when do you want to stop

Um like after what M Stone I guess I guess after we get maybe once they both I at the max okay well we could probably go for a third one too if it that he doesn’t have the other two traits yeah oh yeah yeah yeah uh okay wait I have I

Have I have logs for you I have logs for you oh and I have an emerald for you too what is going on with this Leaf block okay that was weird Okay um should I trade the hay BS and stuff too dude is selling oh no it’s not this

One is boots for chest oh no yeah yeah no a pants for chest plates boots for leggings so we are missing okay so pants for chest plate boots for Leggs we missing the one that gives you the boots the helmet for boots is that the one

Yeah okay so we need one more armor yeah yep oh my God stop jumping so another blast furnace oh my gosh here I’ll I’ll take care of that why is my cat gray is it warm a cat it’s a cat oh I see okay he’s just

Wearing a dog costume is that what it is yes I see clearly he’s on the furnace it’s cat yes yes yes you have you have to go get your eyes checked this is C okay jeez I I admitted it it was a cat he don’t he don’t seem convinced no

I’m convinced it’s a cat Okay um are you going to take this furnace to make the blast furnace by the way or do you need more Cobble but no we need the furnace excuse me these guys you not these guys go guys both of them look at

Them are you making us a friend hey no all right um here’s mood stone for you oh my god what is going on it’s a party in here jeez there’s only one bed in here are they all linking to the same bed do they need more beds think they might need

More beds I’m going to put more beds no no no more more beds are going to breede is that good no okay why are they coming all in there it’s so weird I don’t know okay um do you have one piece of Cobble there go

Oh no I don’t think I need it there you go anyways but thanks okay I’m going to put some here um we use the blast furnaces that the villagers are using and make a black furnace Blast Furnace right you’re not making it no I’m not making it I I’m just putting

Iron in the blast furnaces to smelt yes we can also smelt all the iron pieces that we get it’s not a lot but it’s still a few pieces of iron there all Iron I I am no all the pieces of armor that I have to buy from oh oh yeah

Yeah true yeah I’ll do that right now okay that’s going to take a while they’re not stackable yeah you have to stay here this your new armor right here here hi all right I will chop some trees for you in the meantime oh my God I’m sending him coal

Okay yeah we have plenty of coal so we don’t have yeah do you have any iron like on you as well or is it just the iron left the chest I don’t have any iron on me okay so it’s just the 27 I think that was the

Chest okay I do have an extra stack on yes no there’s 50 oh 50 okay I do have an extra stack on me as well or 58 guess wow that’s mine that that was always mine since the start mine yours what do you mean yours I always keep a stack of iron on

Me oh my gosh I know but why is it yours it’s not yours is wow it literally is mine I gave you so many diamonds and stuff to make your thing I didn’t say diamonds are mine this is my iron this my though wow oh my God he doesn’t have the shield

Trade who mined all the iron in the caves huh who did that me nope it was me it was me and you complained about it have complain about it it doesn’t have the shield trade ah what is this trade after it’s either we we buy a a freaking Bell for 35 or we

Sell him a a bucket of lava bro that’s not happening I know right is the deserve what about the previous level anything good you can trade with um or buy stuff you can trade the iron any buying trades other than the Bell yeah let’s see uh oh the armor I guess

Yeah yeah I’d to go for that great it’ll be more than the selling iron trade right no it’s not the setting iron is the best oh okay I thought I thought oh okay yeah yeah yeah but the iron is too too good still though I think probably

Better just to do the uh armor pieces oh yeah yeah yeah um okay I am going to be right back just got to go to the bathroom sure leaving me again oh my goodness I have to go I’ve been holding it in for like half an hour

Fine wow all right I’ll be right back oh my God it’s taking so long no h h h I need to drop more tree I am back welcome back thank you so progress updates on the armor none I’m chopping trees I see yeah you’re going to there’s going

To be a lot of emeralds needed for those armor traits yep if only someone made the paper trade available I can I could uh do another uh black turn no it’s fine it’s fine sure I can just do it in yeah we have we

Have F yeah I I can still do it we have so many B shelves it’s not why are the villagers jumping when the H I don’t know what is going on here guys yep that is a good question h h h h sleep all right so we can end after we

Get the third armor to maxic yeah h I’m getting a bit Cold oh what getting a bit cold oh well in my blanket we are going to be ending soon so oh my CEST are looking at me with their big eyes like did you not get up to feed us no guys sorry of course they both got so excited like yes but no sorry

Guys where’s all the where did all the villagers go oh here they are okay and he selling oh my God are we missing the helmet one yeah he doesn’t have the helmet uh wait the helmet to boots no he does no we are trying to get the helmet

Oh no we have the the helmet right yeah this guy has the helmet to oh yeah so we have everything so it’s good I’m to boots okay so we have a way to get boots we have a way to get chest plate we have

A way to get leggings and we have to we have a way to get helmet so yeah we have all of them okay cool wait we only needed two villagers yeah yeah but the second one didn’t the helmet to the boots the helmet to boots yeah yeah

Okay so this guy is’s going to useless but whatever cool very nice so with just the emerald price you can repair your armor very easily right guys I might do that actually okay but unfortunately I can’t repair my chest plate because it has enchantments and

The armor chm on it right so that’ll get lost I’m pretty sure when you tra with these guys I’m pretty sure can you even trade Enchanted stuff with them or no you can you can because you even can trade curse the tig Villers are best to like remove the curses I think currently

It’s said it’s well they might change it they might change it I’m not yeah but de confirmed it as a bug well you can’t report bugs for um no you can you can report bugs for experiments never you can I was thinking of the combat test snapshots those you can report BG for

But I mean I don’t know they haven’t spent too much time on the Builder trade rebound so maybe they just haven’t really looked into it I guess that much I don’t know I feel like they’ll change it though at some point cuz I don’t know no I like it it’s

Not to pay I mean I like it too but they might you still have to like pay to get there it’s not that bad they might change and you know you get a you get a a a trade like a curse thing from the

End then you go have to go to a tiger Village to like change something and you don’t get the same thing back you get some something else like it’s well you can change it back you can change it back to the same thing but yeah yeah but

You have to pay for that yeah yeah I know but I I I have a feeling they’ll still they’ll still change it I don’t see them suddenly breaking the um principle that you can’t remove curses um okay I’m to chop some trees I’m going to repair the rest of my armor

So my chest plate I can’t repair but um helmet leggings and boots at least I can so in some ways these the Villager trade remount is actually better than the old villager trades because you can repair your um armor if you know if it’s not Enchanted yeah uh you can repair it

If you don’t have mending um using the villagers no diamonds required just emerald cost is very nice yeah it’d be awesome if the um the they updated the tool Smiths and the weapon Smiths to be the same as well yeah I would really love to see repair trades for those

Too yep I mean I guess currently you could just buy a new pickaxe or something so yeah but you know it’s much cheaper to do so I mean I guess if you cured them then yeah I guess you can just buy new tools new armor previously yeah still pretty good Um what what is it I’m checky there is the there’s a bug report mhm but it’s just marked as invalid which one the the curs is getting removed yeah what’s the comment say yeah that’s the thing there’s no comment got it’s just Chang to invalid they don’t say oh it changed to invalid

Because something I don’t see it I think so am I right then in believing that they didn’t they’re not accepting blog reports for V trade rebs there I don’t see why they don’t say hey we trade they might have said it I don’t remember they might have said it I don’t remember

So I know with the experimental snapshots they would not accept BG reports for those either and the Villager trade rebalance is essentially experimental snapshot except it’s you know up to date with the latest version too let me see 20 was it what was it 23 W 35a was the first

One yeah they had the Villager trade Ms no not 35 33 no it 32 no wait what where is it it’s the one with the flying wandering Trader go I’m scrolling so far down the website where is it oh here it is 23w 31a so they have the length of thing

Is if feedback saying that it’s fine because it it’s you get another piece of armor well yeah yeah you know there in terms of like whether the future should be kept or not you know that’s feedback if I might because the thing is people are just like hey the NBT is just

Ignored otherwise you could you won’t you wouldn’t be able to trade like anything that has been Enchanted disenchanted worn anything would be like not fresh and it would just not get accepted or they would have to say this this this this this yes this this no they’ve been able to distinguish between

Enchanted and NBT before U like with a stuff they don’t yeah actually they used to um not care about enchantments now they made it to so they or I mean they used to care about enchantments now they made it so they they don’t care about enchantments but they

Still yeah I don’t know like before they used to not care about enchantments and I guess not care about Tero and stuff that oh apparently all right someone is saying if villagers were to require the exact same NBT any item that were ever repaired renamed or even just written

Books would never be able to ret trade in so I think it’s just it’s not just an armor thing it’s it’s right now it’s MBT but I’m pretty sure they could make it so it doesn’t um accept enchant stuff they have to have an extra tag probably for

That but um using just base MBT yeah it would make you yeah uh it would ignore durability enchantments all that stuff you s me that bug report by the way the one that just Mar this in yeah because people are just saying hey you go to a seven Village you buy the

Crap binding armor and then you go to tiger Village and just sell everything see who Mark does mod Neco and no reason given interesting yeah that’s the thing there’s no reason I guess um wait let me let me look up other bunker ports for Viller rebounds yeah I’m I’m yeah I’m

Checking but that’s the thing right it’s just not valid but they haven’t said why like I’m fine if it’s for rebalance but tell me they accepted bug report for the wandering Trader not selling Minecraft Vlogs yeah all the other ones are um I’ve been oh this is interesting they

There’s a bug report for the fact that Librarians can offer aside from their special trade that they can offer um the same enchanted books on multiple trades that got Market is working as intended so that’s a enough Yep yep Mo Mojang developer marked it as so works it so it is a by Mo designed by Mojang to make it so it’s there there is Randomness with that it’s not um you know guaranteed different books each time which I mean I guess like it’s not too

Bad I don’t know it it does make it so it’s more because of the new trades it’s more likely to get the same book every time but I don’t know maybe with time they’re going to add like more enchant and stuff that could take this this spot Maybe

Um all right all right so since we got the other vilder well I guess I was going to Y do some trading to swap my armor pieces we do that real quick yep so I want to okay this is going to be interesting so I want yeah so I want to swap my

Helmet for boots and then swap my boots back for helmet somehow how would I do that so boots or helmet for boots and then boots to leggings and then leggings to chest plate and then chest plate to helmet is that how that works wait what is the helmet trade um yeah just helmet

Okay to this it can be pretty expensive actually to get back your original piece yeah I I do want to okay so I guess I’m not going to be able to do the other pieces I can try with the helmets right now oh they do care about durability I

Okay so you they you can’t sell damage uh you can’t um give damaged pieces to them okay so they changed that because the first time I tried and it was working that bug report you sent me I think I saw somewhere they say uh in the

Comments that they do it does check the durability NBT yeah Villers buy requirements do not have to match any Bri NBT and in case of the armor traits the damage NBT is checked so yeah they can totally make it so they it checks the enchantment M so it might

Be intentional then well what might be intentional the fact that they left binding like curses I mean I don’t know when they okay when they put this trade on the you know when the snapshot released the first thing people ask was can we remove the curses yeah I

Mean I remember on my post people as like because I was checking it people like can you remove the curses like the first thing that people thought about I me maybe it was maybe it was intentional but uh I have a feeling eventually it will be changed or fixed if it’s a bug

Um to be I don’t see them keeping this honestly U I don’t know we’ll see I guess but yeah oh that sucks then I can’t so you can’t use them to repair your pieces that is huh I I I find that to suck more than the curs mining thing

Really the curs mining I don’t care about the not being able to repair your thing though that is o yeah oh you left that is yeah my um I my webcam was frozen so I had to restart OBS and everything oh gotta gotcha noise um so I

Guess yeah I can’t repair my pieces but um I guess what we can do is buy new ones well we have to go get the planes vill planes armor then to um get the uh yep other to get the boots right so well I guess um we could buy the um

If we level up the one of the armors to master we can buy an armor piece there and exchange that right cuz the enchantments are ignored right so yeah all right then well I I was hoping to do that but I guess we can yeah level

Up level them up to master and then able to get some new pieces yeah all right then well uh should we end for now then or do you have anything else no I’m good all right then well that was a lot of work but now we have some tiger armors and we have

Fortune to villager so at least yeah that’s good I have Fortune stuff now yes all right we are going to end the stream here then so thank you everyone for coming to the stream and for watching and yeah I hope you guys had fun we had we had fun as well

Yep all right then oh should we get a screenshot uh with the Villagers yes all right right here the Villers here awesome cool all right um so yeah that’s going to be it for today guys oh hey wolf welcome back Sorry’s quiet for most of it family emergency oh

Jeez hope everything’s all right left you on the background lur gotcha well done today guys lotun problem thanks Wolf thank you glad you enjoyed the stream yep but yeah that’s going to be it for today so thank you wolf and thank you everyone else for

Coming hope you all had a good time um we might stream again tomorrow we’ll see um so stay tuned uh uh we’ll probably be yeah back to doing villager stuff um maybe going for the plains villagers since you know their armor can give us the boots the really cheap boots trade um so

Yeah anyways guys thank you for coming to the stream and we’ll see you all next time bye everyone bye

This video, titled ‘[LIVE] kmb & Moon Play: Minecraft 1.21 – Java Edition 1.20.3 Release Candidate 1 #1’, was uploaded by kmb600 on 2023-12-02 22:14:41. It has garnered 15 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:33:19 or 9199 seconds.

Trying to find a taiga village so we can check out updated taiga villager trades! With the loveliest Moon 🙂

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  • Cool-People

    Cool-PeopleWelcome to Cool-People, a Minecraft survival server, hosted for the discord cool-people community. Trade with npcs, claim land, work with other players to create your dream builds and gear up. The server is Java and Bedrock compatible but requires you to join the cool-people discord server and link your account. Read More

  • LittleSMP – smp vanilla whitelist 1.21

    Hello everyone! My name is Yani, I’m 19 years old and I would like to introduce LittleSMP Part III, our Minecraft community! This SMP server has mods to enhance vanilla gameplay. The server is currently under maintenance to prepare the new world and ensure optimal performance before launch. Visit our Discord server for information on server changes. On the server, you can do anything from playing with others to forming clans. All activities are allowed, except for hacks or unfair advantages. Join our Discord server and send a friend request to “yani01” to access the server. Let’s have fun together! Read More

  • Avalore: Fantasy Roleplay// //

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.18.2 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.18.2 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Sorry, I had to flex

    Looks like this meme scored higher than most of my exams in school! Read More

  • Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight

    Stick Tricks: Minecraft Animation Delight In the world of Minecraft, a stick was the key, @XeartrikYT claimed @goldcacho3459 with glee. An animation so funny, it brought a smile, In the land of blocks, where creativity runs wild. The audio used, a mystery unsolved, If you know the creator, the credit will be evolved. Tags like #minecraft and #animation in sight, Bringing joy to fans, both day and night. So let’s keep the rhymes flowing, the story alive, In the world of Minecraft, where adventures thrive. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser

    Warner Bros. Malaysia Minecraft Movie Teaser Welcome to the World of Minecraft Get ready to dive into the blocky world of Minecraft like never before with the upcoming live-action adaptation, “A Minecraft Movie.” Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures have teamed up to bring this beloved video game to the big screen, starring Jason Momoa, Jack Black, and a talented ensemble cast. A Magical Adventure Awaits Follow the journey of four misfits – Garrett “The Garbage Man” Garrison, Henry, Natalie, and Dawn – as they find themselves transported into the Overworld, a strange and imaginative land filled with challenges and wonders. To return home, they… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE!

    Nether Fortress Raid in Minecraft PE! The Adventure Continues: Nether Fortress in Minecraft PE Survival Series Embark on an exciting journey as our Minecraft player delves into the mysterious Nether Fortress in the latest episode of the Minecraft PE Survival Series. From encountering the formidable blaze spawner to facing the challenges of the treacherous Nether, this episode is packed with thrilling moments and unexpected twists. Lost in the Nether As our player explores the Nether Fortress, they face the daunting task of navigating through its winding corridors and dark passageways. The loss of diamond armor and tools adds an extra layer of difficulty, leading to… Read More

  • Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in Minecraft

    Uncovering Top-Secret Alchemy Lab in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, Hidden Alchemy Lab’, was uploaded by Gunsmoke1084 on 2024-09-25 15:20:11. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:28 or 388 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | Minecraft

    Ultimate Modern House Build Day 4 | MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘DAY 4 | LANJUT BIKIN MODERN HOUSE | #minecraft’, was uploaded by Bang RA on 2024-02-27 02:05:16. It has garnered 49 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:49 or 1249 seconds. DAY 4 | CONTINUING TO MAKE A MODERN HOUSE | Minecraft Hello, Welcome to the Bang RA Channel. On this channel we will play the Minecraft game, brothers and sisters. I’M TRYING TO BUILD MY FIRST UNDERGROUND HOUSE | CREATIVE MODE MINECRAFT Donation Link: Link Server : Jangan Lupa Dukung Channel ini terus ya Subscribe ✓ Like ✓… Read More

  • GRGAMERZ000’s Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮

    GRGAMERZ000's Insane Solo Minecraft Stream! 😱 Streaming with Turnip 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘Hindi Minecraft : 😄 Happy stream | Playing Solo | Streaming with Turnip’, was uploaded by GRGAMERZ000 on 2024-06-05 19:36:44. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:05 or 305 seconds. Hey folks! Watch me play Minecraft! Join my Club on Turnip Talib: Thank you for watching my Minecraft stream. And for all the support you are showing! 🔥, If you liked my stream, please like and subscribe. It motivates me a lot. 🙂 And share my channel with your game friends. 🙂 See you on my… Read More

  • Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Challenge

    Insane Battle: Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Billy Arm vs Semlaki Reich TUNNEL Bau Challenge in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Semlaki on 2024-05-02 13:39:56. It has garnered 168856 views and 5455 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:28 or 2128 seconds. Semlaki and his friend Billy are doing a Billy Arm vs Semlaki Empire TUNNEL building challenge in Minecraft. The safe house in a tunnel – includes traps, parkour and many other things that the other player has to do. Who will build the safest and largest Minecraft house in a tunnel at the end? Will Semlakis Pro Family win? Will… Read More

  • Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX – Shizo TechFixIT

    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More