Insane Nintorstendo Minecraft Live Stream!

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Hey hey hey howy howdy I never say howdy how are we doing how are we doing today guys I know I just started stream but um I just realized that I don’t got any water so I’ll get that I’ll get that here but but how are we doing guys

Welcome back to another Minecraft live stream playing with y’all I hope we’re doing all right today we got some things to check out that’s for sure and a few things that I’d like to to bring up with y’all um have a little chitty chat little chat about some

Things uh so if you’re wanting to hop on and you are new around here um a few things of course while I’m getting my water uh and whatnot please do check out my website okay very crucial you want to know the rules so you don’t get banned

All right so we’re going to have a so we’re can all have a good time right like um go ahead check it out you can type in exclamation mark website in the chat and nightbot and pull up the link um or just website in the chat I think

That will also work I’m not sure and then I’m not going to be adding anyone okay so new girly um if you want to be able to play right go ahead and type in S&P in the chat just SMP the letters nightbot will give you uh the realm code

Then you go ahead and type in that realm code what is this song what is this let’s skip that no no no enough of that enough of that enough of that all right I’m going to get some water real quick of course I REM be scammer what’s good scammer it’s been a little

Minute but yeah mhm mhm I am in the caves and also crazy man and new girly so both of you guys um I I really want you guys to be listening in here and yo what’s good space uh olive olive right space Olive it’s not space no it’s not Olivia what’s going on

What’s going on oh his face Olive but yeah um anyways new girly and crazy man there’s a few things that you guys need to be aware of because I feel like you’re going to get really shocked when you hop on okay um first and foremost

You got got to have 500 points to get into the city okay so you can always check your points in the chat by doing exclamation mark points if you got 500 points I would teleport you over here if you don’t then unfortunately just keep on watching the streams and collecting

Points and then you can get teleported over here um you know I do like to go and check out what you guys are up to so I might teleport over to you but um and please don’t spam that you know and ask constantly about oh come over here come

Over here come over here uh and stuff that’s just not fun just you know start playing Minecraft like you normally would um heads up don’t don’t build at spawn um because you’re going to get griefed super badly so check out the rules if you want to know and yeah oh yeah bro

Um yeah crazy man that’s interesting that’s interesting but I’m going to get some water guys and I’ll be right back for all right all right oh how many points do you got I can’t see we’ll see in a little bit here once uh another message comes through all righty it’s night time right

Now and this song is not tickling my fancy really something more chill now not exploration there’s a lot to check out today um there’s a hotel to check out BR all right get out of here I got out skeleton uh 32 points hey just keep grinding you know just keep grinding

That uh the points and whatnot and and you’re going to be good to go you know look at that we got waffle right there I think yeah that’s waffle oh yeah EG Holly we got some Minecraft again it doesn’t go anywhere you know like I’m not ever going to stop playing Minecraft it’s

Just it’s nice to have some variety you know cuz like playing Minecraft for 8 to 11 hours every day it kind of gets to you kind of gets to you uh so you have to leave where you at that uh no I mean like you can you

Literally just play you know in order to get here you have to have 500 points though um you know to be a to be able to get into the city mhm uh you just get points from hanging out in the streams chatting it up um I think the more that you chat it

Might get more but it can’t be spam if it’s spamm then streamlabs is smart enough to know that it’s just the same thing over and over so oh I wonder if this still works sort of it works enough like it always breaks so that I’m happy with That Yo sounds good sounds good scammer oh you just grind points by watching the streams that’s it and welcome back Mark n human translator what the heck Mark what type of a name is that I want it to be daytime right now see let’s see if one player sleep still works

Huh and I don’t I don’t have pick block oh I probably do have pick Block it’s just I don’t have any um any of that correct wood all right let’s see see if it works it works let’s go I mean you could try and finding it many

Have tried plenty have failed um I don’t really recommend it though like I don’t encourage it but you’re more than welcome to try as long as you can follow the rules I really do just encourage you to just make sure you know the rules before you try to do something like that

Excuse me guys I’ll be right Back Oh man this uh this package big deal big deal must be something something important I need dirt I need dirt is it that I don’t got any dirt that’s fun getting ready for work rip that’s a big rip all am I though not a big drip Big

W I mean I’m already at work what we saying I’m not getting ready for it well could you imagine getting ready for work while you’re at work dude I swear there’s a lot of dirt over here I think in a chest cuz we tore down this whole area the last

Stream I mean there is that but where is it there it is do you suck at your fors ofland know that just means that you’re new to the community you know this is really here to help you guys out cuz you got to understand like if you’re new around

Here um you got to understand kind of how we play and stuff I’ve been playing with these guys over here for like 3 years now um so if you’re new around here you’re kind of going to be a little bit lost and you get you’ll get banned

Really fast if uh you just decided to come over here and I don’t want that to happen you know like I want you to understand how we play a little bit catch a little Vibe understand how things are done and then when you got enough points means that you’ve been a

Part of the community long enough and um you kind of got an idea of things so doesn’t mean that you suck it just means that you’re new like that’s completely fine you know um I mean the points would would be a great determiner between uh being able to tell

Who’s new or not um I mean the points were go off for a little while but I definitely like you’re not new in the sense that like you’re like brand new but new in the sense that like you haven’t been here for like 3 years so um that’s what I mean by

That I say the starting map is very useful o wait there’s a starting map I didn’t realize that next time we’ll have to turn that off I don’t know when next time is going to be we’ll start having to talk about potentially like making a new world this summer cuz

This world’s still not even a year old yet yeah it certainly does I mean it it takes a while but I mean I think that long while is definitely worth it cuz then you’re not going to get somebody who’s like like a troll who just wants to like you know

Mess around like you’re actually getting somebody who is active in the community and cares about it and isn’t going to just like troll everybody you know so it’s like after doing this for so long I’ve kind of gotten kind of gotten an idea down of how to operate and continue

To move forward so that everybody’s like you know not constantly dealing with a bunch of new people um which is going to happen because the community’s got to continue to grow um that’s Mando that’s mandatory but we can um Medi mediate mediate that risk for the new people that are just trolls

Right um I mean yeah it doesn’t like uh with the points too like it doesn’t matter what stream you tune into it doesn’t just have to be the Minecraft ones to get more points they can be just any of them and during uh Mario streams I’ll give out bonus points every boss I

Beat so I give everyone that uh yeah yeah yeah no the spawn is griefed it’s grief Central I do not recommend staying there it’s pretty much a free-for-all so just a heads up I do encourage you to check out my website to read all the rules so you don’t get in

Trouble and you’re not confused about why somebody just stole all your stuff um so like I really encourage it hope we get Abraham on here soon cuz I think that this is his hotel over here which is pretty cool um if you didn’t have a map you probably

Would have not gotten close to finding the village really I’ll keep that in mind I mean you can’t really do anything about it now but I’ll keep that in mind for next time I think that this is it is it is the new hotel that’s pretty sweet I don’t want

To I don’t want to like you know look at it all fully right now actually there’s some more like dirt areas that I could patch up over on that uh path it also built a huge bank I remember a bank I think that was my bank

Though that I was building cuz I wanted to get NPCs to like convert emeralds to diamonds so that we could use emeralds as like a currency but that whole process is very tedious very annoying like there’s plenty of tutorials out there but and this is coar dirt whoops I

Didn’t even realize that this was Co dirt when I patched up that area guess it doesn’t really matter dirt’s dirt right you built one at uh oh you buil one as well really oh yeah that’s right I remember I remember that other bank is that trying to take pictures of

All these names so I can remember them Royal Hill cave complex dude I love um Victory Lake that’s just such a it’s just a a lake name Victory Lake oh that’s weird I’m going to need some more Spruce feel like that’s all coar dirt is do that and also you’re building a huge

House for all the OG members and mods and also a place for newcomers that would be nice the newcomers need a place I mean there is places at spawn kind of people have tried to like take care of Spawn is but I would view it as almost a trap like it’s

Like letting in all these new people I don’t know they’re like oh yeah yeah yeah just trust the you can put your things in the chest we totally won’t take them and they end up taking them and it’s like all my diamonds no I know it seems like a little we need

Somebody trustworthy like Mark Mark involved he’ll take care of you you won’t steal your diamonds hopefully oh seriously is pck okay uh where’s Controller I think it’s all the way at the bottom yeah pick block all right cool I want to switch right now so it’s it’s a little weird and I guess this one just I don’t have enough to fill in the entire the entirety of this it’s okay though right right oh

Shoot Joey’s online that’s cool I totally forgot about that whole thing um wait do you give out the seed for the world I don’t I don’t scammer but if you know anything about the world presets I’ve already said too much so um watch now you might take all of

Your dirt watch it now watch it now all your dirt it’s going to be gone why is this song just on it no nobody called for that why is that in a low five playlist like dude why why why did that happen guys I don’t know it’s

Weird all right what else could use a little patching up yeah yeah yeah Abraham let’s go check it out let’s check out that I’ve just been patching up some holes here that I want to leave cuz I wanted to still look like a Cav entrance you know little bit rustic diamonds diamonds

Oh yeah Abraham I do got a I do got to be honest though I did kind of see a little bit of it I did see a little bit Hey look it’s some fireflies I love the fireflies why aren’t they flying they’re kind of like fire floor beetles get out of here floor

Beetles uh do I still have the emeralds maybe I don’t think so I can check my e chest oh yeah we were just we were just talking about this oh gosh there’s a creeper I’m going in thank you for choosing the hotel look looks like you

Still got quite a bit of work left to do but I’m liking what I’m seeing so far a second ooh just a little just a little heads up the roof is going to be interesting to make a let me just let me just patch that up for you real quick let me

Just oh no I don’t have any more dirt I just have coar dirt is that cool that’s all I got hey yo what’s good space Olive also guys you know like I can’t see the legs right now but I feel like it it’s there’s not enough so if you

Guys love me very much you’ll leave a like don’t break my little heart it can’t take anym breaking this oh wait oh it is Olivia ah you see I was going to call you space Olivia but I’m like that’s not that’s not right that can’t be right but it was was

Right to some degree uh hey yo we got ice tank and we got little gamer you got a huge project to do yo Mark I thought that you were getting ready for work bud I’m just trying to keep you on track you know I got that you had to go or

Something don’t want you to get in trouble or Nothing yeah I kind of feel like grabbing the other dirt six likes smashing it up appreciate y Legends yo come on Abraham give give give waffle their stuff back come on now and that’s another thing that I wanted to talk to y’all about uh real quick I’ll I’ll keep bringing it up as

As we get more people in on the stream and stuff um but I really want to encourage you guys to like start adapting your play Styles um to incorporate the idea like you got to treat it as not being a solo world like things are going to get stolen and and

Stuff like there’s not really much I can do about it cuz it happens too frequently um Banning people just doesn’t seem right cuz it’s like I’ve given people warnings in the past and they become really productive members of the community and it’s like I like giving people chances

So kind of notice how I play how I keep literally all of the things important to me on me or in an ender chest and I think you’re going to enjoy your time a lot more like kind of just realize that it’s like a completely different type of

Playing um you know and if things get stolen it’s like is it really the end of the world like it wasn’t like like your diamond should be on you if your 64 stack of dirt got stolen is it I don’t know I mean I just feel like

You can just go get some more dirt right change your username because you started a channel yo that’s awesome keep up with that channel oh there’s plenty of XP Farms crazy there’s so many there’s so many things here there’s XP Farms there’s iron Farms there literally any and every

Farm that you can think of there’s already one here there’s the books Farm like for mending books Etc uh there’s the ender pearl Farm in the end like literally like everything everything is here everything we got it all we got all the sauces we we we keep we keep it all stocked up

Here it literally happens like the first two weeks too like literally everything that you would ever want like is is here like literally like the first two weeks yo it’s been really difficult to keep up you haven’t posted in about a month hey no worries no worries you know sometimes

You got to take a little break you know recharge take a little step back evaluate what it is that you’re doing come at it with the new plan just don’t give up really that’s all that it is it’s just just keep at it that’s and that goes for anything in

Life just keep at it whatever you want to do who got a totem Farm exactly exactly Mark’s got the totem Farm like literally all the Farms all the Farms are here oh wait hold up is it glitching how many people are saying that it’s glitch glitching right now do are we having some

Glitches is it some errors stream Health looks uh a okay I can plug in the ethernet cable if it needs be it isn’t it’s all good it must be on your end crazy uh crazy man if it ever gets bad guys let me know and I will absolutely 100% plug in the ethernet

Cable and get that going cuz I want the stream experience to be smooth like butter want it to be good so any moment any moment during the stream just let me know and yo what is good Trenton welcome in the Stream oo looks like Mark’s friend is uh

The person to blame Here For Shame Mark can’t believe you let your friend do that unreal dude unreal uh can you play play on PC like Java no unfortunately this is bedrock only it’s a Bedrock realm so unfortunately Java can’t join I wish that like I could get a

Server that is the goal ultimately is to get a server you know y’all just keep rocking with me and one day it’s going to happen just got to get them funds up get the funds up and get the fun up yeah yeah so wa I want to encourage

You like one of the the most like to to try to you know I don’t want to like single you out or nothing but like just try and like um adapter Place Stu maybe just a little bit you know like understanding that there’s going to be a

Lot like it’s going to be different it’s not going to be like a solo and it’s not going to be like the early days either cuz like back when I only had like 100 200 subscribers like it was so much easier to like be able to do things and

Like do this but just from growing so much it’s just like it’s really hard to like I be myself up a lot about it you know like I want everyone’s experience to be good but it gets too stressful for me and then that then that’s why I stop playing like and I get

Too stressed out cuz there’s too many people you know coming at me with a problem here a problem there a problem and then my life just becomes problems and it’s like I I can change that I don’t have to do this mhm so uh you put a Shuler somewhere and you

Forgot to pick it up oo yeah yeah that that is unfortunate that is very unfortunate I can’t remember where I’m going I think it’s this way wait where am I trying to go oh yeah that’s right out here juice away your phone’s been messing up dude

Same same my phone has been bugging out and I don’t know why it’s so bizarre like it just it looks like it’s crashing every time yeah diamond wolf you can absolutely join the name sounds familiar have you joined before um if not all you got to do is type A

Smpp in the chat and nightbot he’ll tag your name or they’ll tag your name don’t want to assume here in 2023 2024 uh of course so they’ll they’ll tag your name and tell you the RM code you’ll be golden if you are new around here you know consider subscribing you

Know no pressure of course uh if you want to you’ll know exactly when we’re live so it’s so encouraging but ooh dude all your shers got deleted I’m sorry about that unfortunately people abused that uh whole process of me getting back stuff in the past so unfortunately any server updates that

Happen uh we can no longer provide you with your things again cuz the system got abused too heavily like way too heavily just kind of like going around looking for places to patch up at the moment and then we can like just kind of like see what everyone’s up to kind of

Like teleport around I suppose maybe someone didn’t take it wa yeah maybe somebody didn’t take it just maybe maybe your accusations of people stealing I can’t believe it waffle how could you how could you just accuse us all like that nzo is back yo what I am back I’m

Back I said I would be back for for winter break didn’t I I just didn’t know when y’all had winter break like some people were saying I got it now some people were saying I don’t got it until Friday and today’s Friday Friday so I’m like okay all the majority of you guys

Are probably on break by now so confusing next year I’m just going to go off of what my local local school says or schools it’s not just one school couldn’t imagine that one giant school for the entire for the entire State that’s it that’s impractical ah dang and update got rid of it

Ah yeah I’m hoping to get the land claims working better here soon hope hopefully hopefully ooh it could have been that time when um dude didn’t something like really bad happened and then I had to reset it I think I did no no the world reset on its own that’s

Right that’s right it crashed and then it reset everyone’s progress that sucks I had to like rebuild no I had to redig up this whole area yeah that that’s right fingr build their homes at a poop why can’t we uh we can people do that uh they’ve made like

Walls out of uh human human turds oh and I think that somebody like also destroyed this too yeah it’s coming back to me now yeah yeah it is Mark it’s Mark get on on a switch hey yo look me too y’all want to switch yo guys did you

Know Among Us was actually really fire like I played it like the other day in um enjoy stream it was actually really fire like y’all played uh hide-and seek yet like that is really fun bro dude this takes forever to load nothing like the Xbox on Xbox I could

Just do that like then and then come back you know like what if I wanted to know what time it was and still be in the in the realm uh no no there’s no gambling Trenton as I use the points as a as a way to gauge who’s new and old in a

Community in order to get like teleported over here so um oops and if there was the whole gambling feature then people could cheese their way you know get so many more points ooh wait what the heck is that I don’t know I don’t know what that

Is oh dang little gamer dude you got six 79 points that’s crazy crazy man’s already getting up there with 39 points dude you’re so close literally like that’s that’s that’s fairly close like when you think about it like that’s close to 100 and you only got to do that four more times

Like bro and it’s a win-win too like it’s like it’s not even like a bad thing like it’s like you’re just enjoying a stream and you’re getting points like dude it’s a win-win situation right there like I tell you what yeah have a a picture of a

Shoulder before I lost it could I get it back unfortunately no uh like the the old system you know like I really want to be able to help out but it’s like the old system just got abused too much for me to like be like yeah we can do that cuz like then

The picture could be staged and there’s a lot of different things like you could do it in your own world right and like there’s literally no way for me to verify if that was your world or or this world cuz Minecraft is Minecraft and and Minecraft be looking the same though um

Maybe if there were just like some sort of a texture pack or something uh it would it would help to determine for for that and then and then I might be more open to that idea like um o wait what’s going on wait you’re making a movie theater Mark bro that’s

Crazy that actually insane your name is uh litz lit lital what is it literally the best literally the best when you stopped playing and you went on your late night grind your late night grind eh did you say that I need a uh a texture pack a potentially potentially

We’ll talk about it more during the summer for sure cuz then we’ve been on this world officially for a year um but I want to give it a year you know before we start bringing that up like bring up uh the idea of it right and I’m hoping I’m still going to get

Dinner tonight I got my fingers crossed and everything don’t worry I was eating that’s why I say that like I ate I at ate something else but I still want dinner I’m extra hungry today you know that you can get uh mine coins by killing mods I did but unfortunately they’re not

Mine coins in a sense that you can use them they’re mine coins for the mobile um and this is all part of land claim if you want to know about all this stuff again website go to my website and and you will you will learn it all you’ll know it

All I feel like I should either sleep or wait out the night I think I think I’m going to sleep spent a whole week on the realm once that’s insane a whole week no sleep 24/7 only in the realm why would I get dinner cuz cuz I ate cuz I ate already that’s

Why till the summer homie I’m going to be thinking about uh college and potentially having a job Ah that’s a rip that’s a big rip but hey that’s exciting though it’s exciting big rip like it’s exciting that you’re going to be thinking about college and jobs and stuff so you’ll be pretty busy

But yeah you know I just feel like having a year um full year before we start talking about like adding texture packs and whatnot mods Etc just giving it a good you know good upbringing I don’t know like is that the right word to use upbringing scammer dude playing some

Fork knife dude how come you haven’t been joining in the Stream scammer when we’ve been playing some Fork knife man would love to see you there dude that was so fun when we were playing uh the Customs this morning guys or I guess not really this morning like

A couple hours ago that was legit that was so much fun we should do it again had to give you a tour of my base I would appreciate that Mark if you can hop on right now dude that would be lit we can go check that out like cuz I’m

Thinking about like just checking out some some people’s stuff right now oh dude I did not like this song uh you watched another analog horror a EG which one did you watch this time I mean yes gam we’re planning on hopping on to some fortnite here in a

Little bit too so you know keep that in mind y’all said it was okay to do in the Stream so we’re going to do it we’re going to we’re going to have like a little mixer cuz like Minecraft can only be so stimulating for so long I think

Like it’s just shifting like the shifting perspective of how Minecraft is right now compared to fortnite it’s it’s unreal like I I just don’t I don’t know man I don’t know if this game is going to be able to keep people’s at attention spans for much longer in this Tik Tock era

Where everything’s short fastpac I guess we’ll see right like I guess we’ll see just have an AFK Duo and keep on doing it doing what now uh can you just get free Victory Royale Crowns if you do that no no um with the with the Customs you don’t actually get

Crowns and stuff cuz otherwise people would just be doing that like and there just Farm crowns I bet you in the early days that was possible but they quickly fix that they’re like oh shoot people are just getting thousands of crown just join ice tank let’s go let’s go uh

I’ll keep a look out make sure that um if you just joined this looks glitched so yeah it was glitched there we go and yo yo what’s good drag loocks drag loocks D I saw all of the uh signs that you left everywhere I think that

Was you D I love the names of everything it’s so cool I don’t really even know where I’m trying to go right now like I’m just kind of like re just discovering everything you’re out of boxing and didn’t see the stream wait you were wait you were out boxing or you you’re

Squaring up with someone drag loocks you’re fighting them you were boxing them did you win maybe that’s there’s a completely different boxing that I’m missing out here so just have to wait and see but um yeah and yo is that hero bro yo what’s good hero hey hi hello how are

You good to see you buddy unfortunately it’s a no no no I just you get better dude you get better get in crowns dude get in crowns yeah we got hero and drag loocks you made a little small base if I want to come yes sure I’ll go check it

Out I hope it’s not at spawn though crazy man if it’s at spawn I’ll let you know and I’ll encourage you to uh move somewhere else for your own safety you know cuz um yeah we’ve we’ve had some interesting characters on and stuff yeah yeah so okay you said it

There hero I didn’t want to say it I’m like oh shoot dude I’m totally revealing personal stuff right there um bro yeah so if you guys have been wondering where Hero’s been at why he’s not streaming and stuff uh currently deal with a little strep scratchy throat

Can’t really talk you know can’t really stream when you got STP throat um yeah no dude I don’t miss any upside down te’s anywhere I mean y’all can go hog while I I already know what’s at spawn like there’s there’s a massive upside down tea it’s very detailed too

But I don’t like it is you know spawn is spawn it’s a crazy place it’s it’s not it’s not for the weak it’s for the strong it’s for the for the Giga Chads you know like more props to you if you decided to live at spawn

Like I could have imagine it like that is just no no no hey yo is that MC King I see yo what’s good MC King oh man did you had it not too long ago yeah no it it is it’s very unfortunate to hear you got to rest up

Hero we need you back we need you back and better and healthy sh throat is the worst it’s like why does it even have to be a thing let’s go um oops what am I doing here let’s go do this to I bet you it’s them

Yeah let’s check it out let’s check out the digs Oo okay and this is like semi near spawn is but like far enough away where people aren’t really going to bug you I think ooh maybe every time you talk it feels like razors on your throat oh you got a bad got a real bad um Lin is is that has throat

Lins like cough drops and and and stuff of that nature I hope you have them and you’re in you’re eating them do do you H I’m going to say eating them I’m not going to say what you do with with cough drops no no no I’m not setting myself up for that

One very interesting characters I’m relating to the one yeah yeah you know some of these interesting characters uh yeah so just heads up guys you should adapt your play style just a little bit because you know like I don’t want it to be like this super intense harsh rules for everyone cuz

That that’s not like what everyone wants to play like uh is good was good um and some people do like to follow rules and stuff so it’s like I want to be able to have that for for everyone um actually how close is this to spawn I think it’s really

Close did the night that you went to place uh wait Ste upside down te’s outside of your yard IRL bro no no don’t no how could you gecko how could you do this to me and I will take steel and I will sell it for a profit so

Please please do that bring the highest grade Quality Steel you can get your hands on so I can so I can make a real get a real Bang from my buck okay where the where where is this place anyways taking meds every two to four

Hours past few days oh my gosh dud few days yeah hopefully it clears up here uh before the end of the week you know especially around the holiday time it’s it’s really rough uh finished third class dining room added a boiler room catalks hair salon and an information desk

Dude this sounds like the most impressive ship that I’ve heard you build yet I got one slime that’s my slime right there and dude wait what do you do with cop drops yeah you know I’m just yo wait are y’all like live live like I feel

Like you’re a little bit delayed some of you guys are make sure that that um you click the little live button on whatever device that you’re watching on so if it’s gray make sure that little live button’s red I feel like some people are delayed a little bit unless you just

Decided or maybe I’m delayed maybe I’m delayed like heavily okay people start putting putting something in the chat and I’m going to read the first thing that you say and let me know how how delayed it is let’s do custom and make a sky base

Let’s do it when we hop on to fortnite we should do that we should we should do the custom again cuz that was really fun and then we’ll do a massive sky base how about that and then we’ll go Hog Wild up on the sky

Base where am I going I’m so lost I don’t I’m confused we’re going on adventure guys Adventure is out there there there’s things here so so it might get interesting apologies for any unwanted upside down tees we we oh okay let’s do it again let’s do it again let’s do it again okay

Uh start saying some Rand random stuff and and I’ll countd down and then I’ll read whatever the the first message is and see how delayed we are so I’m going to count down from three so three two one I don’t know how to say that how quickly was

That uh Pepe pep Pepe the Frog was that is it close to or are we really delayed oh yeah Nicholas this is this is bedrock 5 to six second okay that’s not that’s not bad that’s that’s really good yeah that’s good um I thought we were

Like 5 to Six Minutes like like U completely just separated but no I’m not setting myself up for what what you do with cough drops no no no no now you eat them eat them don’t worry about it it’s just a it’s just a upside down te it’s all right it’s cool it’s

Cool uhoh no no no no no no dude no bro no uh dud why is there so many oh I saw who joined is is is going to be is is going to be uh we’re going to be good we’re going to be good he’s going to be friendly nothing bad will

Happen I really dislike how it’s raining right now like hey guys there’s tragedies too there’s trategies that happened the Dr peppies are are gone my my supplies they’re out I drank the last what I’m so sad and they didn’t have any at the store can you believe that but I should sue that

Store for emotional damage you guys did not have Dr Peep’s like I’m suing you broke my heart is Damaged Beyond repair why is there so many rocket ships dude I don’t know man like they’re just really invested in in space exploratory like exploration they just love it ooh what’s

This oh dang it I thought that was going to be like a house uhoh who’s that Pro what what where what the hero dude what is here bro what the flip bro why why zombies dude everywhere Dude too bad I’m too stacked for them like it

Doesn’t matter D I’m too stacked for the zombies they can’t do nothing oh he was being friendly and Pro Gamer is going to protect me here oh yeah dude he’s just cracked he’s just he’s actually cracked bro no oh oh no waffle dude I’m so sorry dude you

Kind of got into the mix there I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it dude I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it dude I didn’t mean it I didn’t mean it where oh my gosh and you’re right

There ooh spawn this is spawn all right I tell you what this is spawn you’re going to sue the car dealership for not not having nuclear bomb compartment do it if you got emotionally damaged by any of these corporations hey don’t unreal me I didn’t mean to attack waffle it just sort of

Happened and you know it’s even more unreal than that is being the one who who caused the zombies to be there in the first place unreal so make a sky base part of the map and all the way to the other part no no no

No yeah if you’re going to be mad at anyone waffle be mad at hero be mad at hero I didn’t do anything you just got caught in the cross hairs dude what is up with all of this stuff at at spawn like it looks like y’all are are cranking 9s in fortnite here

Like this is you can’t tell me me that this is not cranking 90s in Minecraft like like who just who just died who can we loot up here oh don’t lame me no what no n dude it was an accident not arrogance bro he’s cranking bro he’s cranking 90s he’s

Cranking dude crank on him crank on a zombie crank on him box him in box him in he’s low he’s low he’s one hit hit him for uh 103 blue uh whoa there whoa there buddy whoa there chill out now chill out now he’s hacking he’s using hacks I’m going home

Take me home take me home oh shoot guys epilepsy warning for those who might have it it’s going to be a little flashy here little blinky oh yeah dude we found out how to do the Customs it’s super easy it’s stupid easy I thought it was so much

More complex but it’s really easy I didn’t realize how easy it was and it’s a lot of fun to do as well and we’re planning on doing a little fortnite right now as well in this stream just a little bit of a fortnite um what’s that called when you like take

A little break in between a show uh like you know like at a like a musical or a a play like at a Opera the what is that little break called bro I can’t remember it’s going to drive me crazy uh what’s it called intermission that’s the word yell

Little fortnite intermission yeah yeah dude I don’t know why it took so long to catch that word bro I’m cracked I’m cracked dang it hero I literally just got the thank you you helped me out there that’s the word hero that’s the word that that’s it that’s it

Intermission bro what would I do without you oh yeah that is that is a okay we can teleport to Pro uh back here that’s a okay they’re they’re cool here do a summon TNT 200 why dude the switch will not be able to handle it yo I really want that goofy

Animations again I love the goofy animations just do it you stole my joke what POV the fork fork knife kid play Minecraft yes yeah dude I don’t know if you guys have seen that uh short yet or whatever but it’s hilarious like where there’s this guy

And he’s got a gun and he’s fighting somebody he’s pretending like they’re in fortnite but they’re in Minecraft and they got guns and stuff this is hilarious such a funny joke he’s cranking he’s cranking dude he’s cracked this is Minecraft what’s a Minecraft it’s a it’s a fortnite for life I think

You mean Lego fortnite dude dude why does this game kind of feel like Lego fortnite though oh my gosh bro why is there so many of them why is it so laggy oh who’s shooting the TNT already do summon 10 TNT uh why is it it’s already so laggy

Let’s get rid of this rain too D what is Minecraft is it that new gun game is it that new gun go you hooping on last Voyer sounds good what’s see you are and uh what is this to Toler Toler hopefully I said that right welcome to the stream how we

Doing BR come here zombie ah dude zombies unreal dude see we need this in fortnite change into third person mode into first person mode that’ be nice all righty this is a good spot to do it I think just get rid of the rain nobody likes the rain it’s glitched

Anyways there we go it stabilize things at all nope doing good hey glad to hear it Lego fortnite is a copy of Minecraft dude I don’t know what you’re talking about man dude this game I’m pretty sure Minecraft copied uh Lego Minecraft like why is this game like Lego

Minecraft so much or like Lego fortnite you know like I I’m telling you they just they just copied it like it’s just a it’s just a Lego fortnite Clone you know this this new Minecraft game you know it came out last year or something like

That yeah yeah uh tox if you want to join just uh type A SMP in the chat nightbot will be able to help you out with the rest and uh you know if you would like to feel extra part of the community you can subscribe of course

There’s no pressure and leaving a like does help out a bunch too um but yeah you do you you do you man uh no slashes no slashes just SMP just SMP um yeah but let’s do it slash someone 200 can I have spaces TNT let’s do it just like

That no bro don’t make me do these codes and stuff don’t don’t make me do it I’m not I don’t want to do it dude like it’s way easier on the computer y you usually do before you yo you already liked and sub man bro appreciate it man welcome to the

Community that is that now I I like that I like that I like that a lot um you know you totally need to um everyone should be more like to tuxler Toler hopefully I’m saying that right too Toler you know as when you hop into a stream the first thing you do is

Just leave it a like cuz you can always change your mind but you don’t want to forget it and it does help out a a lot tremendously so and it’s free you know like appreciate that wait what is this wait what is this 21 69420

What like OMG what and yo Master a what is good what is good uh I’m sure that fortnite is a copy of Minecraft dude I think you’re on to something here I think you’re I think you’re on to something there like pretty sure pretty sure dude like they got pickaxes bro dud kind

Of suspect right uh yeah L Ranger if you got 500 points I can absolutely teleport you over here but if you don’t got 500 points unfortunately uh you just can’t be teleported over here yet and you get points just by watching the stream um so just do exclamation mark points and you

Know see how many points points you got you got 500 we’ll get you over here uh make sure that you know the rules too that’s on my website can always do exclamation mark website in the chat and it’ll take you right there to it yo appreciate that Master ace1 for

Liking the stream you absolute Legend where you guys on we’re playing Lego fortnite right now dude I know right dude can you guys like literally get it right get it right we’re playing we’re playing Lego fortnite right now like y I guarantee it it’s like 100% what are you guys playing what is

This dude I don’t remember this staircase whatsoever we got to go investigate I was trying to get some wood but you see a random staircase like this or you got to investigate look at what’s going on down here oh ye oh hey hero yeah let’s see how many points y’all

Got ice tank was 66 that’s because you’re on a different account uh Trenton with the 77 and L Voyer with the 24 yeah you guys are grinding it up you are grinding up the points you know just stay tuned on the streams hang out the longer you hang out

The more points you collect uh this it’s as simple as that it’s honestly a win-win if you ask me you know you get the vibe in a stream uh play games and you get points bro dude that simple dude winwin you’re going to join Master sounds good sounds good uh yeah I better

Just double check here um yep nobody needs to get put into member this good why you only got 77 points yeah yeah I know I know that’s it’s interesting um oh what’s this hi hi is that how we have to uh com communicate good coms good coms

Hero what are you trying to do though I don’t know that’s interesting Trenton um oh wait yeah Trenton I keep getting you and Ice tank mixed up um no yeah and uh just keep making sure that um the stream is live bro unreal oh you wait unreal

No no no it didn’t save I hate doing this on switch wa you only got 135 points what is this nonsense dude how is this the case see now I know now I know who waffle and pancake is now I know waffle and pancake is you as well it’s you as

Well I’m leaving this here I’m leaving this here it’s funny and yo it’s Skippy welcome back Skippy Oh Real uh my server name is the nmpp I think I think so right guys it’s the N SMP I don’t think I’m getting dinner guys it’s way too late for it see I knew

I shouldn’t have ate cuz see like I’m still hungry though I’m I going have to cook something up here at some point like what is this is this the way that we went in here I mean it was important enough for it is this is the okay so we got to I just

Wanted why we backtracking and oh it’s uh check this out what’s it say Skippy how’s SK me eat some Lucky Charms bro dude I wish I had some Lucky Charms and yo Dylan uh bro Dylan if you could refrain from the the spam uh that would be awesome I got

The high the first time that you sent it I know you’re excited what is good Dylan yeah yes it is SMP yeah yes yes it is Hello nightbot Hero has been here okay dude Dylan bro dude Dylan we literally just okay bro somebody someone hero

Someone you guys got this you need me to do it I’m going to have to get that uh dude why is the why is a nightbot doing it though here there we go oh who dude you can change the duration of how long people are timed out for

Now oh my gosh yo who’s trying to get like a 15 minute time that’s cool though we can like choose how long people are timed out for um yeah I can’t VC right now cuz he got strap it’s it’s unfortunate hero would be here what is

This yeah we would just get out of here there’s nothing to do in there you’re right just get out of that spot look at the progress of this giant mega base right no don’t give that man mod what are you doing are you trying to sabotage us Trenton yeah like you’re sabotaging us

It’s unreal dude how could you how could you do that what is this bro Secrets what is this BR this is someone’s secret hideout let’s break in busting into the oh my gosh yeah but I’ll keep it hidden I’ll keep it hidden I’ll keep it secret actually wait this is no secret at

All is it just a what oh yeah dude this isn’t a secret at all this is literally just part of the cave that’s lame I thought it was Secrets oh there is no server address uh Master Ace um because this is a Bedrock real bro you’re already level 103 saber

You’re un unreal dude you’re insane I’m going to catch up I’m just going to play squid game over and over getting points that’s all that it’s going to be you wanted to timeout for Max I figured it’ be best not yeah I mean but like we

Did also like be like hey buddy can you not do that and then they just immediately just started spamming ones right after that they’re like okay sorry and then just continue to do it you just took everything from it there’s a lot of stuff in there was made

To be part of the cave ah got you yeah that’s like I don’t know so what is what is up with these pyramids really really suspect it’s like I don’t I don’t quite understand o that’s right I don’t have storage here anymore Maybe nope a little bit little bit of

Storage just want to plunk some some wood in here really don’t know what project I want to work on just kind of been like looking around cuz it’s been a minute you didn’t even used the XP exploit that was uh that was out you just did it you just grinded 203

Impressive you know getting high levels nowadays it can be hit or miss for some people you know like I definitely know people that would be like oh yeah man I I just played Battle Royale like that was it and then you see in their recent played it’s like Skybox or whatever it’s

Called The Sky Block and they just XP you know exploited so we got to make sure that uh these guys are able to do stuff you joined in awesome excellent dude have a good time of course I do encourage you all to go to the website uh to my website of course exclamation

Mark website in the chat and uh nightbot can pull up that link or it’s the about page of the channel um where you can learn about all the rules and stuff so you don’t get banned and don’t get confused or like what is going on but that’s always up and available it’s also

A great place to see the the current status of the land claims and how to use land claims too um yeah I’m just going to go to the to the you know standard area where we usually like to build that as of right now oh yeah it takes a second to load

Especially for your first time are you’re stuck you’re not stuck anymore nice oo what is this check that oh my gosh bro there’s just no way there’s no way he was hanging out here okay full do it to full Max or I will do it to full Max timeout how how dedicated are

They this is Battle Royale rocket racing Festival in Lego okay so there’s a little bit of like other stuff involved bro yeah M get him F find the location to Kos uh I think the word Dylan unfortunately as of right now as you continue to spam like that it’s not enjoying it’s

Annoying yeah you’re kind of annoying us with the spam so if you could stop spamming the same thing over and over we got no problem with you hanging out you know we don’t got any problem with you and you can enjoy all you want

Um I just cool the Jets on the on the spam wait this isn’t where I was trying to go wait a second wait a second this is not it at all I’m close like I could go this way did you get a chance

Um yeah yeah I got you I can if I can do it here isn’t that you Al Forno what is it again yeah Alf yeah here you should know where the rest of the how to get here like it’s just it’s just on the path maybe I’m trying to go that way

Potentially uh make you member yeah yeah yeah got you got you got you boom yeah everyone starts out as a visitor just to in order to you know from Mass joiners getting on and stuff like I’m not really trying to pay for a realm for just a bunch of randos who I

Don’t even know you know this is exclusively for viewers it’s not for anyone else bro how why are you so short too oh hey appreciate that Dylan you know I try my mess here um will I be doing a fortnite yeah yeah yeah when will I be doing it um probably

Here soon I thought that I was going to be eating here but um we’ll do that in like probably half hour or so you know give it a good two two hours in on here do a little lat Mission um and then head back here to end the stream with I think

That would be pretty chill I don’t think anyone will have a problem with that I mean we already we already decided that’s how we were going to do it this morning I keep wanting to call it this morning when it was literally just like a couple hours ago

Um this would be a cool spot to build kind of maybe back here like why not just kind of tear down this oh shoot you crashed you got kicked out looks like everyone is here uh got member at the moment going to be the realm guy Trenton what does that

Mean you’re about you’re going to make a huge change to your room tomorrow is that so like your IRL room what you plan on doing how you going to change it up mix it up a little bit yeah the IRL oh appreciate that Trenton yeah it’ll help out oh so kind what a nice guy dude guys hero is such a nice person guys look at this he’s helping out such a nice guy yeah I was so right about today though today is just that cozy Vibes you

Know there should be snow outside but there’s not I don’t know why we’re going to have a late winter for us like it’s literally almost Christmas and there’s there’s no snow yet crazy anyways it’s just cozy Vibes today hey yo appreciate that Dylan welcome to the community thank you for

Subscribing and uh what’s good Cooper Rose you’re getting a TV in your room uh so you can so you got to move your bunk bed take off the bottom and move your dresser there so you can have a a TV on it ooh getting a TV now

Dude man when you first get a TV in your room it’s it’s like it’s a really exciting moment you know you finally can game while laying in bed dude it’s exciting time uh yeah I mean like there’s no there’s no one on here that needs to be member and this is really

Glitchy I know that not the case that this swapped um but it it does it is a little glitchy at times where it will look like you’re a member but you’re actually a visitor so Um I want to save this dirt here for future patching projects that almost sounded like passion projects but patching which is definitely not a passion of mine I I could care less about oh that glitch is happening won’t even let me throw them okay well let’s see what

Happens it’ll be paired with the the procon and a wireless headset what the what is this clutch it okay dude I already had a water bucket oh no dude BR dude I’m so Rusty I haven’t played Minecraft in like all right no excuses we’re going to have to

Clutch it oh bro dude I haven’t played in so long though okay I got to practice a little bit let me practice all right all right we Pro Gamers here we Pro Gamers here we Pro Gamers here hold up I got to wait for all the water to disappear can

We at least make it daytime or is that part of the challenge wait what the Gladiator ring looks like something from Detroit that cannot be good okay okay need a bro okay okay okay I’m going I’m going I’m going all right no no what dude you can see it no

What why did it water log the what is that new bro what dude wait is water logging leaves is a thing now no bro you can see the water you can see the water like right where I’m at bro what is this dude you can see where

You can see that’s been a thing no bro no that has not been a thing you’re joking you’re you’re actually joking right now how long has this been a thing how long bro how long has this been a thing how long has this been a thing bro dude there’s so many lead

Leaves here you know what bro I clutched in my own way okay I want to get to some leaves this is wild when did they when did they water log like no bro this C me like salty like this has me salty I hate it I hate it dude I hate

It why why now would they do this has to be like recentish this has not been a thing bro really dude it has not been in in the game for over 10 years no this is th no it I would believe you if you said that

It was from 1.3 The Aquatic update if they added it from then and I just never realized it it has not been like that the entire for 10 years I can tell you that much unless bro wait hold up 1.13 came out 10 years ago no no

No it hasn’t bro no it hasn’t dude that has not been a thing did I never put water on on leaves then dude this has not been a thing since season 1 there’s no way there’s no way no way no way no way we’re looking this up we’re looking this up right

Now I got you salty Springs dude I feel like I need to land salty guys bro I’m salty when have you been able to water log leaves Minecraft Let’s look it up nope nope water log leaves has been added March 24th of 2022 okay it hasn’t dude it hasn’t it’s only

Been out for a year I’m telling you guys this all right you got to trust me here like this is new this is new it was introduced with Mangrove treeses and then it was introduced to all of them after that Bub boy that was not 10 years

Though like it’s almost been two years and I didn’t I hadn’t tested it out I didn’t know that that was a thing like uh that’s cool though I like it I like it like um it’s awesome BR Dylan what what are you doing you love the fox you named it Terry well

Appreciate that maybe Terry will be its name maybe its name will change but um yeah Dylan D what are you doing what are you doing here it’s multi-functioning Fox if you wonder why it’s here it’s primary function is to to hide the cords but also it’s just kind

Of cool to have a little viby fox as well so if you’re ever curious about it guys I was going to die on that grave about it made a farm with water log leaves like four years ago I’m telling you man dude it it just was introduced with the

Mangrove you didn’t have uh the waterlog leaves I’m telling you man um and it wasn’t until 2020 that like the water loged stairs became a thing I think as well yeah no like no no this is this is this is from 1.9 water log leaves from 2022 so I

Mean yeah 1.9 was when it was added no dude no I’m not tripping y’all are the ones who are tripping dude like I would know if it was water logged like I’m I’m not I’m not tripping no no no make a new house in a cave let’s go

Let’s go dude we need more houses there oh yeah that’s right we were over here we’re now on this whole water logged situation I’m telling you telling you guys I think I I think I know no thing or to I knew for a fact that it was not

It’s not been around for 10 years like I’ve been playing Minecraft before it was called Minecraft so I think I would know that one um yeah yeah dude it’s literally literally I looked it up like I’m like dude it’s March is March 24th of 2022 when water log leaves got added cuz they

Added it for the mangrove and uh then they just introduced it to all the rest of the leaves so um which is pretty lame dude that’s pretty lame I don’t like I feel like the top of it shouldn’t be water logged but the side of it should if that makes any

Sense so that you could still clutch on top of leaves so you can still water clutch I got I guess though but what if you wanted your build then it would be problematic to go to the side like and you can’t even I don’t I don’t know

I don’t know how to feel about these water logged leaves didn’t realize it was a thing bro check the wiki check it man it’s going to tell you the same thing that that I’m saying right now like you know it it’s a recent thing it’s not like and I mean I stopped playing

No I guess I guess I was playing still this summer where it was a thing I just never tried it out I guess but no I’m already thinking of a lot of cool uh ways that we can Implement that this look sick like some cool little waterfall

Bits can finally look like or like organic onic streamer is always right bro facts facts right there I mean we we have to be right like cuz this is our lives like we’re we live in these games essentially so it’s like we would have to know and we would

Be like the first to know you were born on the same day Minecraft was made so me Minecraft uh share a birthday okay now which one is it is it the one that Google says that Minecraft came out or is it when Minecraft really came out because they changed the date

To make the game feel more relevant uh it didn’t come out in 2011 I guess I mean officially but the game has been out since 2009 us OG players have been playing since then 8 years old playing it it’s weird watching the game evolve to where it is now and being so

Popular yo thank you so much uh zeni for subscribing hopefully I’m saying that right if I’m not uh help me out there and yeah t uh Tam I’m going to just say Tam uh hopefully you’re cool with that if you want to join just type SMP in the

Chat that is just three letters SMP and nightbot will be able to help you out with the rest there you know if you’re feeling like being part of the community more subscribing no pressure of course you know the deal uh leaving little likes does help out tremendously

But that’s not your thing that’s not your thing I encourage it though encourage it though going go no uh wait in fact you’re born the day of 911 oof that’s that’s rough that’s rough that’s all I can say to that one is that it’s rough hey no worries here you take what

You got to take Mandy we need you healthy we need you to take the I’m going to instantly get better serum like right now you needed to take that like uh yesterday the better the be better in 24 seconds serum wait the wiki said what was

Released in 13 no no no no no Trenton that’s uh water logged in general like water logging um in general was 1.13 and that’s what I said like I was like in 1.13 water logging was introduced but specifically the leaves it wasn’t a thing in 1.13 uh cuz I distinctly

Remember like putting water on leaves this was recent water logging leaves is recent though uh that’s like water logging stairs and and um all sorts of other things not not just for the leaves yeah yeah just for water logging was introduced in 1.13 but the the leaf mechanic

Specifically one was released in March 24th of 2022 that’s where the confusion comes from it’s always been in Bedrock it was added to Java in 1.99 uh it hasn’t always been in Bedrock no no no no no no no no no no no it hasn’t always been a

Bedrock cuz Bedrock has seen a lot of a lot of changes yeah actually unless we’re gonna call Bedrock what it was cuz Bedrock was Pocket Edition at the start basically so I mean if we’re going to be technical like that then no but I don’t know it doesn’t

Matter it doesn’t matter guys it says that that it was introduced here right here uh water loged Le like is introduced yeah but the wiki fan let’s just let’s just drop it they’re talking about water logging just in general but not with leaves this is introduced with the

Mangroves so like the leave one definitely not I’m going to down the hill and we’ll leave it at that we just move on we’ll just move on from it we are we already know we already know and if you want to believe something other then you can believe something

Other but as far as I’m concerned personally it it’s been introduced uh March 24th of 2022 which makes a lot of sense oh shoot hero yo Heroes is reminding people to take their meds and saving lives what a legend what an actual hero guess who’s back back again Sabers

Back tell a friend hey yo hero guess what guess what bro dude saber’s back he heard it was time for me to take my little break works for me I need it every single time that the braks do appear I need to I need to take

Them bro what dude how do you wait Toler dude how do you have four points like that’s crazy surely would have thought that you had more uh trying to fix the Redstone wiring for the Gladiator ring you forgot how you initially placed everything it’s really damaged

Uh-oh I had a feeling that’s what you meant when you said that it looks like Detroit oh that’s not good that is not good yeah you just make sure that you are like um live if that makes sense uh yeah that’s exactly what it is uh that’s we’re talking about here for

For getting tpd and stuff like to get teleported over here you got to have 500 points uh just cuz I need you to know what we do and how we operate as the community cuz the majority of people who live here I’m known for three years now

Pretty much so we kind of understand each other at this point I can understand the whole vibe um so newcomers it can get really dicey when uh people come here so it it’s ultimately looking out for you at the end uh at the end of the day you know so

That it it causes fewer problems you kind of get an idea of things mhm it’s not it’s not any you know not trying to be rude or anything just trying to get to know people and before we bring you on in here to where you know you get it you get

It uh there’s a massive hole in the overall structure D I’m going to go check this out I’m going to check it out let’s do that yeah yeah I hope I’m glad that you understand though like like it’s nothing it’s nothing to be just trying to mitigate all the the

Issues because you know new people come on this is online and you know Trolls Exist you know this like if you’ve been on the internet for a little while you’ve you’ve run into troll before so you done it you found a penguin no way Skippy I’m teleporting I’m

Teleporting to you drag loock I’m going to teleport to you so you can uh see this we got to do this where you at no where you what the Skippy where you at where did you go oh you just left oh you have to leave

To yeah uh you got to leave to text that’s right that’s right I forget I forget about that well I’m going to do it though I’m going to I’m going to teleport there and and we’re going to check out the penguin I’m going to check out the damage then while we wait

Uh when did season 1 release it was sometime in 2020 unfortunately for reasons I can’t talk about on stream uh I had to remove all the streams they are gone gone it wasn’t easy to do but I downloaded each one so I have them all

On my hard drive um and I’m planning on I’m thinking about re-uploading them somewhere else like maybe kick or something cuz I kind of want the memories to still be accessible uh but but yeah that that one hurt that one hurt to have to remove them but unfortunately I had to in order

To keep the channel going you know the Channel’s longevity is much more important than that uh you know what I’m saying yeah it was in yeah yeah it was in it was in 2022 uh no they didn’t add Penguins to the game yours truly did though and

We’re getting crabs as well like we’re getting crabs we’re getting Penguins we’re getting armadillos we’re getting all three I don’t care what mojing says anytime that they add cool mobs we’re getting them like cuz I’m a G like that you know fireflies were super sick they didn’t

Add them don’t worry I got you we’re getting fireflies all right like that’s just mandatory you eting a steak that’s really good bro dude I’m jealous oh yeah there’s this I think that this needs to be repaired I don’t know maybe it’s supposed to be like this but I doubt

It like I think it needs to be repaired exactly Trenton dude a whole three years right like like we’ve kind of gotten to know each other a little bit there um so that’s why you know the whole oo yeah this is not looking good well they must have had like a

Serious b or something and they were they were beefing and I thought that you couldn’t make it in no you can ah dude and the Redstone was insane too this this had to have happened recently after we checked out I think I might have known who did

It too but they’re gone already they’re banned probably for that reason uh Claudia yo what’s good glad appreciate that uh I do try I try my best here there’s going to be more content coming out here guys too as well uh sorry about only being able to

Do live streams it’s just me being lazy um like I needed to get all of the storage like all the file management taken care of before I could even create a new project and so I finally got that done 24 hours of just file management you’re welcome um so yeah more more

Videos in shorts are going to be coming out for 2024 sorry about that delay it’s just there’s been a lot of behind the scenes just maintenance going on TP whenever yeah let’s go let’s do this yes y we got a we we got to check out yes no you just left again didn’t

You no no you’re still there oh you just joined okay let’s do this the penguin oh dude look at it it’s the penguin the destruction of the gladi Ring should be able should be added to the lore yeah dude d That’s I like that think in drag logs dude add it at take

The negative and flip it to a positive 999 you know like uh as part of the lore dude there was an insane fight dude that there was super strong is an anime battle but look at this look at this cute little penguin guys you know bro who else has penguins like this

And oh my gosh yo we’re in like a really close spot too but you found him look at him he’s like he’s like doing the thing he he’s doing a little crouchy thing uh can you send me over to like all the videos of the S

SMP send you over all of them dude that’s like literally almost 90 gigabytes of footage I don’t I don’t even know any program like that isn’t Dropbox and then the free version of Dropbox doesn’t allow 90 I’m really not trying to spend money for it but um if I do upload them

All to like uh what is it what’s that what’s that platform called Rumble yeah then I then I can like link it in the Discord I don’t know if I can link rumble on YouTube I mean I’ve seen people do it before but I I just don’t think YouTube would appreciate that like

I think they’re cool with twitch I think they’re cool with Instagram and stuff but like kick and and Rumble I don’t know if they’re they’re too cool with and yo welcome back hero um what is that W what is that w a t h your name hero killed the penguin bro here oh

My gosh bro hero how could you do what the why are they doing this why are they bro they look so sad they’re in the rain why they they look like this on your guys no you’re child like or do they look a little bit I feel like it’s cuz

I’m on the switch right now that they’re doing this weird jumping thing like bro the Penguins I love watching them swim does it look like this weird jumping mess to you guys oh gosh yeah I think it’s cuz I’m on the switch oh they they they usually look a lot better than

This oh gosh yeah you better get over here to this little penguin action that’s right now that’s happening hopefully the penguins are still stable I did add that a while ago like when did the last mob vote go on it was like before October or like around

October yeah cuz I remember watching the live event when I was out on bayay so had to been October you don’t got 500 points oh I know no Trenton I no it’s weird there’s got 326 and also but saber’s also already over here I think wait a second I was trying to go

Back to that spot where we were like working at we got to build a McDonald’s guys why no crabs or aradillas uh the crabs they have more functionality you know so um I wanted the mod the mod developers to be able to add in that functionality

You know for the crab cuz all of the ones that were there were just not so good not so good really needed some more time cuz I really want one that has the extended reach you know uh when you pick up the claw that would be pretty cool

Um I’m also going to make the weather clear cuz it’s glitched from like the mods the one player sleep and it gets kind of annoying um going to build McDonald’s so everyone in the server can be a beast yeah dude a beast everyone’s going to be a beast you

Know it I want y’all to be a ob beasts beasts you know like Mr Beast you’re going to be OB beasts you already know how do you only have 298 bro I don’t know I don’t know I I had to reset the points at one point and then for a while

There I wasn’t using them and I think a lot of the people who actually have a lot of points were just there during Mario streams and I gave them a bunch of points after I killed bosses I I’m I’m like some some what percentage of that’s what

Happened but no I’m not actually going to make McDonald’s I don’t know what I’m going to make there’s already a McDonald’s and Abraham owns it that’s how we got the Grimace shap oh what’s 1 Time 4 like 38 or something like 98% sure about that

One obes Mr Beast he’s OB Beast not Mr Beast thrifting dude thrifting is where it’s at bro if you if you have not went thrifting yet what are you doing you really need to go you’re going to find some absolute Treasures in the most obscure Place bro Burger King obese to Beast

Obese to a beast I like that you know that weight loss Journey OB Beast to a beast say I don’t know if I should say it sa dude you’re probably setting me up here let me let me just whisper it first OB CD oh obcd obesity that just s bro yo why is

There’s the bro I don’t have the Burger King yet I’m sorry if you didn’t know guys penguin’s number one favorite food is Burger King and you got to make them happy they love their uh fries you know Ding fries are done Ding fries are done Ding fries are done would you like an

Apple pie with that they would love it they would love the apple pie it’s mandatory they need Apple pies I need it they need the apple pie bro what is this 18 what is 18 6 * 3 oh yeah that’s like 97 or something easy simple bro did

I got a pluses in math every single time if y’all don’t know I’m trying to impersonate the Beetle Juice there if you know you know like uh so only only wrong answers how deep is a a six foot hole I don’t know 36 ft something like

That bro who is that guy who says that he’ll be back you’re William Aton you’re William Aton you’ll be back no longer the Terminator nobody knows who the Terminator is anymore he’s irrelevant it’s William Aton now I’ll be back Ro raggy your dog likes cheese whose dog

Doesn’t like cheese but all dogs are lactose intolerant so they shouldn’t eat cheese but every dog loves cheese I have not met a dog that is not liked cheese or let alone any human food they eat they eat the trash so it’s like you give them the good stuff like

They’re going to eat it I don’t I think I don’t think there’s anything you couldn’t give a dog that if a dog doesn’t eat your cooking then your cooking is really bad and you should probably pick up a new hobby or only eat out that’s I’m going to say

That and that’s not mean at all because dogs will eat turds and stuff if a dog won’t eat your cooking that’s saying something that’s saying something it speaks volumes actually now cats are picky cats are cats are cats are cats are picky people likes me yes or no yeah I I

Don’t have a problem with you uh Claudia I’m a cat likes human what color is a carrot uh carrot is a carrot yeah it’s a carrot game so laggy on the switch that’s strange I mean I’m on the switch right now and playing the same thing nerd Markus is

Back now he has a special dog we fed him 24 karat gold steaks and gold bars my gosh dude dude people do like Mr Beast then when’s the Enter Mission o we should probably do it and I don’t know I’m shockingly like I’m just vibing right now to be honest

Like I didn’t get bored yet maybe in like another half hour or so maybe like another 20 minutes I’m kind of big chilling right now I don’t know about you or y’all but I feel like in like a half hour so I’m going to be like kind of feel like doing a little

Bit of you’ve been on this channel for like three almost four years I think that’s true he poops gold bars oh my gosh C only likes sliced pickles she won’t eat the spears she’s super picky what okay this is a first this is a first I think we

Got to take your dog to the mechanic or something I think your dog needs a little tuneup I never heard of a picky dog before we’re going to tune her up get her fixed actually you know what we’re going to keep her the way that she’s at

Right now because a picky dog means a dog that isn’t going to rumage through the trash hopefully maybe we just need this dog to be extra picky so then there’s no why am I going this way I need to go back that way uh like and no trash

Eating you’re about to go to the store and grab your online your online what now my dog top threes whipped cream cheese and steak whipped cream cheese and steak whipped cream cheese and steak that’s also whipped and in a spray can that sounds disgusting let’s make it a thing okay

Spray spray steak in a can that doesn’t sound like it would give you cancer oh Xbox Gold I got you yeah you need you need Xbox Gold for this but you don’t need anything for fortnite you don’t need it for like you I don’t have Xbox Live for

Fortnite and you can still play online it’s pretty awesome you have a picky human in your life don’t we all not all together but yes all together man all together your account used to be real uh what is that your real name and you would ask which orange came first the

Fruit orange or the orange but the color orange is the fruit orange so it was the fruit orange or the the color I’m pretty sure it was the the fruit uh for the name orange it was named after the fruit so so the color was named after the fruit

Uh cuz before it was called orange it was called reddish yellow the color the color orange itself so then oranges came around and then the color got named after them so the oranges came first I will donate 10,000 if you tell me how deep a 6ot hole is about 36 ft something like

That BR I just ride on the money ride on the money I got it right I know it I know it for sure I’m 100% 100% locking it in what is 36 ft well we got a lot more terraforming to do here yeah going to take it down another two

Layers uh people like Chuck E cheese Pizza Time theater open May 17th in San Jose California did you know that the original uh Chuck-E-Cheese that we know actually got bought out by their competitor their competitor rocket fire explosion uh or showb pizza actually came out on top but then they couldn’t get the

Rights for the Rocka fire explosion band the original animatronics uh which is well not the original original the original ones were on the wall but um yeah show biz won and then since they couldn’t get the rights to rocker fire explosion they just rebranded the chuckecheese so the Chuck-E-Cheese that we know isn’t

Like they lost they lost the race they lost against shu’s Pizza they were the originals too crazy right Alla just donated 10,000 in Super Chat yo let’s go that’s some game changing money right there I tell you what not game Chang life changing that’s the right word

That’s some life change of money right there go zero to 100 real quick that amount of cash and Trenton just donated $10,000 D yeah you are dude you just just watching me dig some dirt could you how could you got to repair the shovel here

Soon uh I thought my sister was a picky eater turns out she has eating disorder oo yeah those are really different things and people can confuse those a lot that a lot of the times it does get confused Eating Disorders with being a picky eater which is tragic for

Them but then once you explain it you’re like ah no I’m not a picky eater I got this that whatever people understand Tren just just donated a mli in Super Chat D I can go full time let’s go fulltime for the next 20 years did you know that’s literally how

Like long a million dollars would last like 20 years if that’s all you’re living off of last year around 20 years it’s not that long of a time if you think about it like if you’re in your 20s you’re only going to be set for like until you’re

40 I think a lot of people think that getting a million dollars you’re set for life that’s just not the case still a lot of money though a lot of money if you play your cards right with that type of money you could invest properly and

Then boom you then then you are set for life but not if you’re just living off of that alone Mr Beast gave a million dollar for squid game uh he really only said yeah yeah for 20 years pretty much yeah like but you know like you could

Keep that million dollars too and then keep your job that you’re already working and like that’s just way better cuz then you’re getting the best Both Worlds like you got all the money yet you’re still making more income my gosh you are you just Abraham

You just going to let this happen to me no not the helmet oh oh man that’s that’s tragic I need a new helmet dude there’s too many blocks here we got to collect these so laggy right now oh wait what am I doing this whole layer’s got to get removed

Too sa gamer just donated a billion in Zimbabwe in dollars oh so what that’s like 15 bucks or something I don’t know I don’t know the conversion rate of Zimbabwe in dollars I feel like it’s like those uh really insane ones where it’s like a million yen is like what 20 bucks

Or something like that like something crazy I don’t know hey no worries waffle I get a new helmet it’s no biggie it’s no biggie been absolutely stacked for a long time I wanted to repair it you know ultimately I would rather go for the repairing instead of

Replacing oh no I’m good oh I’m good what is that red light green light squid game I don’t know how to feel about this squid game on fortnite anymore it’s gotten kind of stale don’t you guys think like it was really fun for a while

There but it like it died so quickly it was trendy for like a good little minute everyone was playing it there’s like 20,000 people playing it 60,000 people playing it and then it just died which is unfortunate come here you dude I’m going crank 90s on this skeleton just donated his mom’s credit

Card and Super Chat and I the responsible human being I am refuses it and contacts right away because I don’t want to get caught up in credit card fraud and stuff like that or deal with the scary massive credit card companies that have billions of dollars and

Can just sue you off the planet of the earth I couldn’t morally accept somebody’s someone someone’s Mom’s credit card bro what type of a monster would accept that I guess someone who’s in like desperate need and they and they used it sparingly maybe I would be okay with it

Like if they just bought themselves some shoes and some food and like place to stay at for a night or two then it’s kind of like that makes sense but if they like just went and bought like luxury cars and a mansion is that necessary anyway how’s the weather today

What’s up with this small talk saber doing the weather weather is’s been good I’m just waiting for the snow cuz we haven’t gotten snow yet and it’s already December like late into December too we should have been had snow so it’s a long winter for us oh boy

Oh boy oh joy I love long Winters I don’t I don’t love long Winters it’s actually quite the opposite is this silk touch we should probably use a silk touch just donated his soul in super chat now that I have no issues taking kidding of course I’m joking give me your

Souls you put two penguins in a boat bro why do they why do they move like that did they so goofy just some goofy Penguins yo the lag the lag the lag the lag the lag the lag the lag yeah buddy dude round lag coming in clutch got to love it

Sometimes yo welcome back crazy man I was banned them for having small talk ban them get this get this small talk out of here small talk is just so awkward you know like how’s the weather doing just in general you know I’m not trying to like call you out saber just in

General I’ve always found it strange it’s like the weather Sports I mean it’s something you know but it’s just like I’ve always found it a little interesting some people really get into that small talk though like that’s what that’s their conversations they like they that’s just

What they do it’s I don’t know if you ever ran into those people before but it’s like they genuinely want to just chat about it and stuff so o make yourself a microwave casad dude that sounds so good I got to I got to get something else to eat I got some

Sandwich sandwich stuff sandwiches but that would be pretty good the premium Meats we got the premium Meats we’re not Arby’s though we got better Meats than Arby’s get on our level got some fancy cheeses too oh yo what’s good N64 it’s really awkward when I’ve had

Small talk when I’m in the back of the van yeah dude that’s really awkward man it’s extra awkward given the environment like suspect bro I like trains trains are pretty legit never actually like taken a train anywhere I almost was able to for the very first time but uh ended up flying

Instead seems better than spending like two days on a train that doesn’t sound like a lot of fun hey Tam you know what like you know how to play Minecraft right you you know how to do it you know how to be self-reliant independent I believe in

You I will cheer you on for your needs of getting food I know you got this I know you got this we all were there before we all started there no food no nothing but we grinded our way up there and we believed in oursel and nobody asked for nothing oh

Yeah that’s right I’m not trying to go that way I’m trying to go this way this way you know you know small talk is awkward in the back of the van they didn’t get any candy I know that’s that’s extra not good dude the lied to on top of it

Unreal unreal what is that dark oak uh that’s not oh that’s going to leave nice we’ll just do that right whoa I didn’t want to do that and collect some of these blocks over here cuz it’s so laggy wait Trent to just donated his time machine in the Super Chat let’s go

Dude can go back in time and tell myself to not eat that enchilada oo added a dance club Claudia how can you hate trains like that it’s unreal what did the trains ever do to you you know Hate’s a strong word right grass grow those birds fly and brother I heard people bunk

What bro is this a meme hope so I’m pretty sure it is I think I know I think I know the meme just donated his laptop in Super Chat oh sick dude I got a got a brand new laptop let’s go dude I’m only going to play fortnite

On it it’s going to be my fortnite laptop only reserved for fortnite time ah got you yeah the TF2 quote I I heard it before I heard it before it sounded familiar it’s good meme Grass Grows birds fly now it’s time for Waffle to die die whoa there waffle

Dude come on now man we don’t need you to die like that in Minecraft of course because YouTube always be listening and we’re goofing and gaffing and literally have to specify that this is a joke otherwise my lawyer is going to be spamming my phone here in about 3

Seconds for legal reasons these are all just jokes now cool you your jets cool your jets you go to Taco Bell rip that’s a rip can we get F in the chat for Claudia going to going to Taco Bell F in the chat for the for the

Toilet of course you know got a pay our respects we got to PIR our respect what is this what’s this little couch thing think that we were using it to determin just trendon just donated his hacks in Super Chat let’s go dude I’m a hacker now he’s hacking he’s

Hacking get him banned get him banned can leave that water bucket I got to repair this shovel where’s like A’s like a thing there’s the Anvil if a bird lays an egg that egg breaks the bird that laid it dies and there was no papa bird how is there a

Bird but you’re hurting my brain Trenton you’re hurting my brain dude you’re asking like questions only Harvard scientists know how to answer and if you know the answer dude I’m going to be my mind’s going to be blown I just donated 10 pounds of cheddar cheese yum I’ll take

It YouTube allow us to donate cheese in uh live streams it’s going to be revolutionary wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second wait a second guys was it with y’all that we were talking about cheddar and

Proone getting that provalone it was it was we were talking cheddar and provalone oh you know Mark uh sh’s going to be 20 years of course we’re going to celebrate so many birthdays together it’s going to be great guys yeah dude the the provolone H the cheddar and the provolone dud

Waffle you got to help me out you got to give me a um the the Anvil give me the Anvil come here your Anvil come here the Anvil do you even have one this is a nice little this is this is nice digs here I like it

Picasso if you don’t have one I’ll go rumage a muck and and I’ll find one I can find one Joe Biden just donated his presidency in the Super Chat let’s go dude I will run the country way better than than Joe no offense but anybody who’s younger than Joe Biden

Could run run the country better than him he’s too old we got to stop having old president we I think we need to max out the the age to be like 45 or something like you have to be like 45 years old yo what’s good crazy man you go to

Burger King Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper Junior double triple Whopper flame grow have it any Whopper you’re away you rule it is so good except Burger King’s been lacking lately I used to really like them a few years back but I don’t know something changed something something drastically changed with their supplier or something

Cuz it’s just ever since the the song Started dropping the the music’s been heat but the the food has been weak can we play fortnite I I suppose we can play a little fortnite here soon I would like to find a Anvil first though so I can fix my

Shovel I read that message gen 64 I just I I will read it out loud uh in fears of getting clipped out of context um but but I I hear you I hear you here it’s funny that’s a funny uh if a gamer uses a keyboard and

Doesn’t have enough money to buy another one and he breaks it uh how does it run man dude I think you need to ask Beetle Juice that question cuz he would give you the answer and it would probably be like 90% more right than anything I could come up with

I don’t know man I don’t know why are you asking me such hard questions oh you got an anvil him okay let’s go say less I’m trying to I’m trying to get this repaired you know I’m just trying to find an Anville somewhere what does that say

What dude I’m so confused Pizza Hut is pretty good pretty solid definitely up there with uh you know the pizza chains Pizza Hut Dominos Papa John I don’t know what order they would go in cuz they all kind of tastes very similar not like extremely but they’re

You know they’re all like fast food pizza joints all like delivery it’s not delivery it’s thejo don’t get me started on frozen pizzas all of those kind of taste similar to me too it’s just like the the preservatives and stuff oh let’s go let’s go let’s repair this

Up okay let’s just make sure that that’s the right oh you can’t even put them in the other way anymore now interesting interesting is this a new mechanic interesting a newish mechanic I mean a lot of things are going to be changed coming up here soon also thank you Abraham for that

Appreciate appreciate it Beetlejuice says red okay so the answer is red he uses his legs oh the answer is the gamer uses the keyboard it gets filled with Cheeto dust in a week exactly see y’all have the correct answers here I don’t know about this whole legs

Deal I don’t know dude sounds kind of suspect you know Gamers don’t have legs they their bodies fuse with their gaming chairs and they become one with the gaming chair they don’t have legs could have just made a whole new shovel and then meded them and save two diamond oh that’s

Right I could have could have could have should have would have um okay let’s do I have to show how many diamonds I have like I’m really not like as broke as I make it seem that I am I actually really I got I got the diamonds dude I got some

Diamonds to spare that’s all I would say I got the I got the diamonds but I’m going I’m going to keep that in mind though keep that in mind for next time totally could have done that I think that’s what the whole deal is cuz if you put them in

What whatever order yeah that’s totally it it’s totally it see I haven’t played in a minute I haven’t played in a minute awful JK what what did you say you want McDonald’s Happy Meal do you have McDonald’s money can you get the Happy Meal oh yeah

And tell me this guys how come a Happy Meal is only like what like four bucks or something like eight bucks no four bucks like why am was why am I out here thinking that happy meals cost like $10 when it’s only like four bucks like

What bro why did why were our parents tripping about this they’re like you got happy you got McDonald’s money but McDonald’s money is like a couple bucks you’re Dar right I got McDonald’s money like I got two bucks in my pocket right now let’s go I want I want somebody if y’all have

Parents that say that like do you got McDonald’s money I want you guys to carry two B like two doll on you and be like I got two bucks in my pocket right now I want to hear what they have to say to that be like let’s go get some

McDonald’s mod to a random person this is totally like the Minecraft Vibes right now I’m really feeling it and of course the the stream’s going to last for 20 years right so we’ll be here for a while we’ll grow old together it’s all good how do you actually get mod yeah

Basically you just need to let me know that you want to be mod by applying and then when I feel like I need some more mods and stuff then I consult the the application list and see who’s wanting to that’s all on my website of course you can do like exclamation mark

Website in the chat be able to get it I want to do just one more layer right here should really be soaked touching this uh one quk about Bean that you can say that you’re both that confusing people oh yeah no confusion there if you buy 100 what is that 100

Millie bro wait you’re going to let me buy something for 100 Millie and the bill is on you Claudia yo yo that’s what’s up that’s very That’s mighty generous of you I want a mansion and a and a new yacht and uh an entire apartment complex to rent out to my

Friends uh uh I also want all of uh fortnite I want to buy epic games and you got the bill right solid solid Claudia I kid of course I kid where you joke around but I do expect all that to be bought for me by uh by next Tuesday so time is

Ticking just joking just joking just going to keep a stack keep a stack I keep that stack on me buy 50 you’re going to buy McDonald’s dude I don’t want to buy McDonald’s for $50 I don’t want to go there I’m going to spend $50 on anything it better be

Like Red Lobster or something Applebees why should I put money towards getting new uh stream games when I can spend it on Cosmetics dude why yeah dude spend all your money on Cosmetics dude it’s important you know it’s that brand recognition you know cuz every time you see this

Cosmetic now there’s a certain degree once you’ve gotten like kind of your skin kind of cool the Jets a little on buying Cosmetics right unless there’s absolutely something that you can’t live without like I really can’t live without the Teenage Ninja Turtles but I just can’t afford it right now so I settled

For getting that other one oh oh bro I got to get that shell I got to get the shell all right all right let’s do it let’s switch over guys we’re going to do we’re still going to we’re still going to be doing some more Minecraft after

This but like I I just thought about that and now I really want to get it the the shell back bling before it’s gone oh hopefully it’s still in there if somebody’s already on let me know um bro 17 likes y’all are amazing appreciate the 17 likes

Oops oops where did it all go there it is there it is and again it’s like 6 like around 6:30 interesting and then interesting I hear your YouTube play something I want to get a future client as I heard it’s good for PVP on 2b2 T

But it’ll cost the same amount as a Minecraft account yeah I don’t think I don’t think that’s a good plan I don’t think that’s a good plan of of attack right there dud I wonder if I got all of that set up on the X box without even seeing the screen ah

Nuts I didn’t I didn’t do it right there we go should put the mod app on Discord just in case I should totally could I just don’t know where i’ would put it you know like it would have to be in like a little pinned

Thingy now we’re going to have to do a few things do a few things do a few things do this where is it at we got that then we’re just going to do this real quick dude I really don’t know if YouTube is going to like this switching games up like this Midstream

But we’re going to see oh yeah we ready we ready we should do that Customs though that was really fun oh my play button is here I think that’s what it is bro crazy man you don’t have 400 uh TF2 Bots are so annoying the head

Shot the moment the player is on the other team becomes visible I’ve never even heard of a TF2 bot that’s a first for Me who’s that guy Talking okay let’s see yeah it does that all right yeah yeah we can do nwin again Mr Beast yeah we can do that same code why not but this is so loud you know what I’m talking about like like this loading screen you ch’s new rules on how you can become monetized is more difficult than it was before actually it got more easy

Um cuz now you only need 500 subscribers and 3,000 watch hours I believe and then you can get super chat monetization but otherwise nothing is changed it’s been the same 4,000 watch hours 1,000 subscribers and um H did I wish that I had that many um I probably won’t be doing any Duos

With anyone kmy because it’s not fair for everyone else um we’re going to be doing a quick custom match cuz we just want to do some like uh fun memes we want to do like a little sky base type deal regular Battle Royale so let’s just do nin win again why not

Right nin win it’s something easy to spell and just Remember um and then we’re going to do Battle Royale yeah and then no no not Duo solo and let’s see and then just make sure you’re on na Central right yeah yeah yeah yeah uh then we’re going to be doing some more stuff and then after we’ve done a couple rounds of

This we’ll be heading back over to Minecraft to wrap up the night all that has been within the same year though uh yeah yeah it all has to be within the same year the 500 subscribers 3,000 watch hours yeah yeah and streaming is definitely the best way to to get them watch

Hours oh yeah I mean I’m like I’m always willing to help you guys out you know if you’re really interested in it and you want to listen you know I don’t want to Gap keep anything I want to help everyone else out we can share the love on

YouTube yo what’s good Galaxy welcome into the stream and you’re new around here welcome to the community um we are playing a little bit of um Customs if you want to join we’re going to be just goofing around making a big sky base so here’s here’s the deal

With the with the sky basing what I’m thinking is that we get all Max mats right so just focus on that don’t shoot anyone you know uh focus on getting Max mats then we’re going to go up to the sky then we’re going to build a massive sky

Base and then we’ll just go Hog Wild after that like after everyone’s like Place pretty much all their mats and stuff like we’ll just go Hog Wild and it’s like just regular free-for-all up up at the top I think that sounds like a lot of

Fun gain was 200 Subs in less than a year that’s excellent 64 keep it going keep it going oh yeah uh the code is uh n n Win so just n n w n nwin and then yeah yeah crazy man’s got it nwin and then just make sure that you’re on uh see

Here na Central yeah na Central it’s not letting you in Abraham yeah make sure that you’re in uh Na Central that that you’re probably uh all lowercase all lowercase I don’t think it matters like I think it’s just like with the with the Creator code I don’t think that it

Matters or maybe it does what if what if this ninp is not me how could it be maybe maybe but other like it would have been like Creator not found I don’t know maybe it is but I I just did all ler case so hey yo what’s good demon demon

Killer oh yeah I got to get this anyways hero in a half shell hero in a half shell I may not be able to get the Ninja Turtles but I’m I’m sure is heck going to get a hero in the half show because you can you can have your

Own um spray paint on it which is so cool hero in a half showell bro dude I’m going rock this right now Carl you’re going to be retired for this one let’s customize it oh yeah oh yeah dude Guff Gang Too how many of these can you have a only

One there’s no way you should be able to have two aw you can only have one oh well Guff gang yo welcome back Master Ace yeah yeah yeah we’re just playing this a little bit right now uh little little fortnite intermission but we’ll be back on Minecraft 10 the night for sure

I think I need to make like a little sandwich um should I should I make like a should I make one of these for for the code I can do that real quick that’s not the right one that was from the charity event but I can make something like that

While I go and make like a little sandwich What are we Thinking oh if it’s saying that it’s not um supported make sure that you’re in solos and in um the regular Battle Royale so you got to make sure that it’s uh matching up with Mine what is what is this again na Central na Central yeah an a central and a central code then win then what is it just a battle royale and that’s going to solo pedal Royale I can’t see chat right now guys just a heads up okay I can kind of see chat right

Now yo appreciate that Galaxy welcome to the community oh uh and let’s see what I miss here uh Xander yo what’s good Xander um who’s in still right now is it is it working right it’s weird demon then if epic made a skin for you in fortnite what would it be it

Would have to be something like with Guff if anything I would want a locker bundle that would be so cool like cuz I don’t know if I don’t know I don’t know if I could get into what are they what are they called icon Series yeah I don’t think I

Could get one of them but if I got a like a little Locker bundle with Guff yeah that would be that would be pretty cool like like Guff it couldn’t be it couldn’t be the one back bling because um that one was a battle pass exclusive

So that one couldn’t go in into it so I’d have to choose a different back bling maybe the turtles in a half show Santa Guff yeah Guff cringle yeah I love Guff cringle all the gffs I got all the gffs well sort of I don’t have SK

Well I do have a sky now but I didn’t have a sky beforehand it’s a winter wonderland Winter Wonderland Sky um wait hold up wait if you join hey yo Master Ace 11 thank you so much for subscribing welcome to the community um if I join you in um what is

That match one now also I totally forgot about getting this here is there anyone still like having issues join in or are we are we ready here because I’m going to add in this I don’t think I grabbed it from the downloads nope wait oh I downloaded the wrong one let’s try that

Again bro now it’s being weird keep both okay a new image oh yeah I can’t see the chat right now and we’re also receiving uh some buffering actually I can see the the code perfectly you should do back bling of Steve head since you’re uh mainly Minecraft streamer I’m trying to change

That here uh a bit nothing against being a Minecraft streamer or anything it’s just like I don’t want to get tied to a certain game you know like cuz imagine now I don’t ever believe that this would happen but if Minecraft ever you know for some reason became unpopular tying

Your whole you know everything your whole livelihood to it just kind of you know it just kind of scares me a little bit all right how’s that how how’s that looking is that helpful am I helping that I’m helping I know I am boom dude that’s that’s s

That’s as solid as ever right there okay let’s get this going sorry just had to make that you know get that ready oh yeah to find the custom key it’s just down here then you just type what or hit whatever that is for me it’s the right trigger but uh it’s just down

In here then you just make sure that you’re on um in a central nwin solo Battle Royale boom good to go we the heroes in a half show yeah uh have ever played Terraria yeah yeah I played Terraria I think Terraria is best played on computer or mobile nothing else nothing

Else I’m wondering the same thing Trenton if we can start yet or not I I don’t know if we got everyone in who’s trying to get in um yeah yeah I think we’re waiting just on Xander here oh that’s a good question that’s a good question uh crazy man music music changes for

Me like I don’t particularly have a favorite song right now uh sorry to have like such a lame answer you know know it’s just it’s just a hard one you know favorite movies shows songs like those ones are really tough like cuz it it’s it’s evolving right so

I think we got everyone in right um that wanted to I think think so as there is anyone else who’s trying to hop on real quick ring games in 3D person shooters are the only games where I would rather control have controller other than keyboard and mouse facts facts um

Although I do want to try out keyboard and mouse for fortnite because I feel like I would be much faster but we’re all good with the rules then right with what we’re going to do we’re going to be doing uh sky base little bit of memes little meme action uh looks like big

Chungus wants to join so everything that you need to know big chungus is on the screen for you um right there so move quickly cuz we’re going to be we’re going to be moving when the elapse time hits uh 14 minutes you got like a I’ll

Give you a minute and 30 to get in here you play keyboard and mouse I think I need to do that play fortnite OverWatch Minecraft roblo J dash and many more so I play a good bit of games I like I like to hear that you know like I like being

Well-rounded myself too like not really getting stuck into into one thing I kind of I kind of fell into that for a while there um but you know I want to help bridge the two communities together I want to bridge Minecraft and fortnite together cuz I really feel like the

Minecraft Community needs to give fortnite a second chance now like especially with Lego fortnite and stuff like fortnite hurts you in the past it’s changed it’s uh it’s a better game now yeah big chungus did we get you in uh no no we’re sure I think we got how

Long has it been we’re going to give it 15 more seconds and then we’re just going to start up be ready yeah yeah you want to you want to type it in here I don’t know what it is for you um but it’s right here at the bottom where it says custom

Keys they really need to put like that somewhere else like there needs to be a way uh wait can we not start it up now but it is it starting bro it won’t let me start it won’t let me start it H uh do we that’s the code

Nwin wait will it only work with zero build no no it’s not working anymore guys it won’t let meart it wait we’re doing something wrong we’re doing something wrong accept cuz once I loaded in it gave me a secondary button to there that button’s gone try making different code bet let’s do that

Uh n b okay this is this is new oh there it is okay now it’s working we just need to make a new code all right uh dang it bro why do we got to no you know what I’m just going to I wonder I wonder if we could do nwin one

I wonder if that would work uh because I don’t want to do n bin I can’t read chat right now um one accept and then Battle Royale there it works okay cool so nwin one there we go I’m going to I’m going to download this

Then I’ll be able to get to chat all right that was weird I don’t know why that happened it it really shouldn’t of but you know it is what it is right bro it’s not letting me there we go done done I can read chat yeah you can add me on fortnite

Absolutely same same name as uh username of course yo what’s good Ike you’re here welcome back play decent amount of games Minecraft halflife 2 halflife uh two episode one halflife 2 episode two portal one and two halflife sounds like we are a um a valve fan here uh

N64 ain’t nothing wrong with that I love valve valve is a great company I I’m down for some portal too yeah just one thing though about uh you know being friends with me and stuff is just don’t spam invite and spam request to join and stuff like that uh otherwise I’ll just block

It gets quite annoying to to deal with yeah how to do the code the code is just right there I don’t know what it’s going to be for you I’m going to assume that it’s like RT or what is it on Playstation me grab that R2 R2 on Playstation um

RT not sure what it is for you it’s different for everyone yeah yeah no it’s just it’s something that I say to everybody um wasn’t trying to call you annoying or anything it’s just the act of you know dealing with the the spam invite is is annoying not necessarily like the person you

Know it’s just that person’s action not the person themselves yeah yeah yeah we’re going to be making a we’re going to make a sky base this is the plan Xander So the plan is we’re making a sky base a giant one so so in the beginning we’re just going

To be farming mats and then once we’ve all made it into this big massive sky base then we’re just going to go Hog Wild I I think that would be really fun yeah yeah it’s R2 for PlayStation yeah make sure that you’re also in um what is it na Central servers

If you’re not in na Central it also will not work uh I mean I don’t think there’s going to be any Griefers I think everyone is kind of in you know it’s just it’s everybody here we’ve all kind of agreed upon this and that was like way earlier too that

We agreed agreed on it yeah let’s bring cars no cars no cars up in the sky base no no no no no no we cannot bring cars up there the cars will destroy the place life is your most favorite series of of all time but your most favorite

Game of all time is Minecraft however halflife 2 comes in second place for you it’s respectable all right let’s get it going let’s get it going we’ve waited long enough waited like what 17 minutes or something let’s do it no motorcycle no no no no no no no no

No no no no no no guys hopefully the stream quality is still uh doing good right you’ll let me know um I do got a few errors few seconds ago uh there was some skipped frames it looks like we stabilized here but Um bro what why is it saying that I’m streaming with Instagram too optimize streams for Instagram dual output 4 hours ago I’m I’m not even doing Instagram lives hey yeah yeah we should do one versus no we should not do one versus everyone all where would be a good place to

Like I don’t know kind of still want to loot up too so y’ already know do I even need to mark it I don’t even need to mark it it’s throw you off I’m landing Pleasant this is so bizarre I just want to explore this place

Like we got the whole map to ourselves boys feels lonely almost perfect there’s a car there remember we got to get Max mats Max mats and then we’ll we’ll we’ll group up Somewhere I know exactly where I’m going just pick them all up it works works for me actually that doesn’t work for me it doesn’t work for me okay that’s cool get some heals now actually get some ads get some ads totally forgot about that for a second

There oh you got a lightsaber or something no okay and then where’s Circle going to be okay I wish you could control that that would be really cool like if you could control uh the storm speed man I don’t know where the the best place to get mats would be I guess anywhere

Right heals I know yeah we got to deal with storm cuz then there would be people camping you know so like there’s always still going to be storm and like imagine somebody camping from one half of the map to the other half half yeah yeah dude that game would last

Forever and then they just constantly are rotating you know y I wonder what’s Behind These Walls huh the unbreakable walls looks so ugly without it the floors match no explor looks awful remember somebody got uh paid to model 3D model remember somebody got paid to

Model a 3D model at Peter Griffin so he could be put in fortnite I know isn’t it great it’s awesome dude all of the clickbait uhoh uhoh that thing is going to blow I think no it doesn’t all the clickbait thumbnails you know where there’s Peter Griffin getting added to the battle pass

Now look we live it we live it we need it we need the wood so swear I’mma forget what we’re going to do and kill someone we are doing a sky base we’re doing a sky base a massive one and then we’re going to go Hog Wild

After we’ve used up all of our mats it’s going to be crazy it’s going to be like break the ice you know that game BR has anyone made a break the ice fortnite custo or creative map cuz if not someone’s got to get on that maybe that’s going to be

Me there’s lots of stone and metal here and then there’s plenty of trees up on top to get wood so you don’t like Family Guy uh at all but I got to admit him being in fortnite is funny look lowish they put me in fortnite exactly dude like Family Guy

Isn’t one of those shows that like you get invested in like an anime it’s just one of those shows that you just if it’s on TV I don’t mind watching it you know I love it for what it’s worth like it just they got good memes Family Guy comes through with the memes

Ah ah I can’t believe they put that into fortnite too that he’s over here too bye-bye Peter sucker you got stuck in storm there what a noob man is this taking like a lot longer to get Max mats than I thought I was going to how is this metal I don’t

Know the trees are going to be easy like this is going to be Max before you even know it we need V Cals I guess that building probably be the best and I feel like we’re running out of time you know cuz of storm and stuff I’m good I’m

Good I’m trying to get some mats here oh my gosh two Peters D I need to unlock Peter I want to get the golden one too hey P and we got plenty of time for for when storm finally decides to catch up no cars no cars they’re going to break the sky

Base you know what another one right here getting metal and shield boom all at the same time jeez those are filled with metal oh buddy oh buddy that’s not good dude I almost went Hog Wild already sniped you I almost forgot almost keyw oh dude why is Storm still pulling that

Way almost oh Max going I have to find a new POI oh no my Uber dude my Uber it’s leaving me no okay what’s the next POI Reckless I guess where we’re going we don’t need no bodyguards JK we totally do but not right now we’re all we all are in a truce

Until we can sky base how do you guys already have Max everything like what are y’all doing how did you get it so quickly just need some metal there’s some metal over here just need a little bit too not even like any amount like actually need a bit more metal than

That how is that wood oh gosh dude the place is going to blow oh man I’m not going to get it it am I guess I can Harvest from This really should not be harvesting from this car but I’m almost done oh gosh it’s going to blow it’s going to blow it’s going to blow go go go go go get out of here run run run dude it’s going to blow it’s going to blow

Explosions here let me just oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot I didn’t realize how low that was oh gosh I just need a little bit more I just need a little bit more is that oh it is it’s metal there we go I’m good okay now where should we meet up at that’s

Uh Rose where we’re going we don’t need Rose not at all we’re going by foot oh why do somebody somebody got that where should we do this at someone’s got The Medallion turtles in a half show or wait heroes in a half show that’s that’s how it goes okay

Um should the foundation be I’m good with doing it here I don’t know oh shoot oh shoot Oho y’all are going y’all are going crazy already heroes in our Showell I’m going up I feel like we should build it all like at the different points if there’s multiple people with multiple different foundations nah I guess it doesn’t matter ah dang dude the switch crashed okay dude this why are we not at Max surely that should have been Max right oh

No oh GG’s bro report them they’re hacking oh my gosh I knew that we were coming close yeah I want to spectate I spectate just watch that was so funny in crank 90s do it Mark get on crank 90s man that was funny are you landed in a

Bush I think we were getting close to Max site somewhere I should have grabbed mobilities what was it thinking think then think guys I got to I got to fix myself a s sandwich or something I’m like I’m I’m super hungry I knew I shouldn’t have eaten beforehand bro that’s not enough like

It’s not enough like what I ate was like an appetizer so start cing up a sandwich y’all enjoy this thrilling thrilling gameplay from Mr mask and I totally just realized something y’all didn’t tell me I got to put get rid of that the the code thing my

Apologies didn’t want to leave that on the whole time ooh now it is Billy Bob I just think all right I’m going to make a sandwich I’m going to bring the sandwich stuff here and I’m going to make the sandwich on stream so let me just grab the bread

And oh is that it is it done I’m going to return the lva because I don’t know what’s going on there it’s Glitching I’m going grab some bread some lunch meat and some sliced cheese I’ll be making a sandwich it’s sandwich time let’s just get this ready once more is it still doing a matchmaking yes sir yes sir okay let’s do that It’s cold and hot and it’s cold it’s cold outside the office okay I’m back I am here n for the win n for the win check it out n win one oh shoot y’all already ready dude I would so be down doing some uh a couple of uh

Squads dude this is the hostess bread too dude Hostess bread tastes like Hostess Cakes it’s pretty good don’t know why they sell that at all these though time will I be on tomorrow I’m not exactly no I’ll be on tomorrow it’ll be sometime in the afternoon most

Likely be a little bit of Minecraft though in fact it probably won’t we probably won’t have any fortnite in tomorrow’s stream at all it would just be Minecraft oh yeah Skippy yeah we’re taking a little fortnite intermission um I’m trying to make a sandwich here because I’m really hungry

Says terracross this is like fancy lunch meat fancy cheese too it’s a premium ah maybe it’s not premium I don’t know what I’m talking about looks premium I never seen Square slices i’ always been round heroes in a half Shell make you some all right I got you appreciate that Galaxy yeah just tune in to the stream as you can I understand you got lives too can’t make it to every single stream yeah do Wonderbread Galaxy yeah do Wonderbread is a goat sorry I missed that message there it’s good like

Wonderbread Hostess bread dude it’s fire dude it makes me wonder dude why is it called Wonder Bread it’s a it’s a little wonder is it real is it fake I don’t know makes me wonder I’m so hungry a finally food make you all sandwiches oh gosh man I’m going

Have to open up a restaurant here it’s Cold it’s so cold okay watch me make the sandwich y’all don’t want to see that y’all don’t want to watch me make a sandwich Big Mac size all right do we have anyone who’s trying to get in are we good to ready up oh some point today I don’t think

That’s going to be able to work Xander but maybe some point wait no there’s this impostor Among Us is it the real waffle waffle and pancake the OG feta Cheese and what is that is that Pudo oh of course of course of course of course that is fancy that’s a fancy sandwich bro wait what Mark I’m so confused hey your go-to snack was a sandwich had hash browns in it and sweet chili sauce topped with cheese dude

That’s not that is not just a sandwich that sounds like heaven on a plate oh 200 ping rip I’ve been doing more important things late up in uh your GF sh mental breakdowns that’s understandable understand BL 64 got to make sure that you’re taking care of your IRL peeps you

Know all right so are we good now are we good now waffle and pancakes that is the OG account I knew it waffle I knew that was the OG account all right let’s uh I think we’re ready I think we’re ready we do this no Galaxy the points are a little

Bit different here the biggest thing for them is to get teleported in Minecraft so if you have 500 points then you can get teleported to the city essentially that’s a big deal with the points right now they used to be used for other things but like you just get points by

Watching the stream kind of like how it is on Twitch but I don’t really have many rewards yet to use the points for I’m wondering if I have like two separate Bots like maybe stream elements could be added too I know stream elements keeps track of points and that could be something more

Like twitch so where we Landing my us normal drop right there right by fencing field could go there wait is the rest of the map supposed I literally just unlock that area yeah I totally forgot what we were doing are we just playing it like sorry let me finish eating here

First are we just playing regular it’s going crazy or were we trying to do that sky base again why this like sparkly princess music stuff always turns on like like what I mean I don’t mind it it’s peaceful it’s relaxing but this not for fortnite though this is not fortnite song

This is barely a Minecraft song this the playlist is called Minecraft the Minecraft playlist provided by streamlabs I know what that is score I forget what are we doing it’s cuz you’re here you Summit it Skippy but some people are making fun of like they’re like what in the something

Loading screen is this what in the what was it what in the pet Simulator X loading screen is this oh are we doing that wait we’re doing the sky base hold up hold up are we doing it are we doing that I don’t think so what are they

Doing I need some mats I don’t know what’s going on here I didn’t realize that’s what we were doing we can go get mats then I really dislike this AR who is this worst game on Roblox I don’t know you tell me here give me a hug oh wait that’s a t

Pose why you T posing yeah what’s the worst game on Roblox guys I don’t know I don’t play Roblox so you tell me oh you’re in the girl skin pet Simulator X really dude they got toys now did you know that and then the toys unlock cosmetics in the game they got

Special codes that you got to buy the toys for br they’re making big moves hate them or love them they’re definitely making big moves like like I’ve seen like I have a couple Roblox figures like my mom gave them to me she like got them from something and didn’t

Know what they were for and she’s like do you want them I’m like sure they’re goofy they’re just some goofy little figures but never like like any in game also don’t know if you guys heard about this but they’re making it harder for smaller game developers to actually uh make Roblox

Games they’re making it easier for the established Studios pretty crazy Pim 99 some bootle pet Simulator X you’re going good you’ve been uh checking on Mega base for deep slate the amount of times you got stolen from from it still intact I know right dud the mega base it ain’t going nowhere

It’s going to stay here can’t wait for the new Five Nights at Freddy’s game coming out is an unofficial game too really on Roblox they got a FNAF game on Roblox now ah dude Trenton you ran into NPCs while you’re low and died that is that is really unfortunate like didn’t even get

To I can’t let this the same thing happen again it’s like around the same amount of people I don’t know if this uh sky base thing is going to work like it does it not defeat the whole purpose for the sky base in a way cuz it’s like that’s the whole

Meme is like you got to be able to do it without people shooting you down what is this I’ll do that it say meanwhile on the back of your meanwhile oh yeah go for it Skippy make that coffee shop in town uh your game crashed you have no Loot and no

Mats o it’s tragic name some awful stuff they did at 64 oh don’t mind Roblox games but I have no respect or support for the awful stuff that the company does yeah yeah yeah nah it’s definitely the company it’s all the you know Big Wigs I

Have no problem with well I have some problems with some of the game developers cuz some of them are a little bit Shady but I would say about every Community has the bad people in them though you know Minecraft fortnite whatever like there’s going to be the weirdos in every single Community

There’s just nothing we can do about that cuz people are going to be weird and people are going to join communities nothing we can do about it and I’m not going to hold any Community against them for having weirdos but when the compan is kind of like facil

Facilitating it for the weirdos that’s where I kind of have a little bit of a problem like I don’t know adding dating into the game was a big no no for me you don’t need dating in a kid’s game you just don’t I don’t care if adults

Meet each other on Roblox they should start dating off of the app like off of Roblox like if they want to have consensual role playing they can But continuing the romantic you know stuff on Roblox come on just just DM each other in Instagram like just get off the platform for

That yeah let’s just play regular battle Ro I’m feel that I feel that cuz this like this takes forever cuz look at how big the map is with like how little people there are you know um yeah I want nothing best for for Roblox though as my my like ending statement

For it like I want nothing best for them I just want them to do better and I know they can and you know I don’t know I don’t know I think I think fortnite’s probably in that middle like Roblox is way too loose with their like moderation Minecraft is way too

Harsh on their moderation but like fortnite’s kind of in the middle I think they’re doing it the best I think they’ve got the sweet spot for how they deal with moderating and I haven’t heard many problems with fortnite’s moderation team like I haven’t really seen any bad Maps be uploaded that

Don’t like the most that they’re doing is breaking copyrights but so be it that’s not the end of the world like I haven’t seen anything inappropriate you know uh you’re dating on Roblox Billy that’s your uncle trying to ddle you exactly exactly exactly where did I like I knew where

People were here for a while but uh Robux moderates more voice chat than just chats yeah they do which is commendable you know like that’s good but they they really need to do a little bit better about what makes it into the marketplace you know what I’m saying like you’ve seen some suspicious

Stuff like in the marketplace games that are kind of suspicious like there’s just a lot of things that I don’t know like if Roblox stopped promoting themselves to be a kids game right and like trying to be like oh yeah we’re the kids game and

Stuff and if they just started to say oh yeah we’re the platform I I don’t think I would have as much of a problem with Roblox as I do if I’m going to be completely Fair like if they just flat out said yeah we’re just the everyone game and not like a kids

Game then I get it then it’s like okay Roblox let’s see what it’s all about but the fact that the matter is that they promote themselves to be a safe place for kids and then don’t do anything about it to be a safe place for

Kids and he’s like do I really want to support that it makes it tough it makes it really tough yeah they lifted the uh server filter for people 17 plus which required verification and stuff yeah and that’s man see and that continues into it there

Too cuz it’s like do I really want to give Roblox like my driver’s license I mean does it matter I don’t think so doesn’t matter what what’s Roblox going to do with my driver’s license like you know like if it means that they have a better moderation system so be it like

Because of it I think I discovered my biggest problem with Roblox right now in this stream is they’re just they’re just marketing themselves wrong at this point if they want to be for everyone they got to drop the whole this is a kids game and then I don’t think I have any

Problem with Roblox really cuz then it’s just like Google it’s just like anything else you know fight me fight me fight me what are you doing oh GG’s yeah I just going to return Lobby I I kind of want to do just a regular no Little Billy that Minecraft

Girlfriend of yours your skull bully bro I’m not even going to cap or anything I totally used to troll lots of people into being their digital like G F or whatever um not going to lie on like black I found it hilarious on GTA I’ve done it multiple times and it’s so funny

Like I have been like I’m not super rich on GTA online so it’s like are they really like I seen some pretty rich people on GTA Online doing that if you ever want to see some cool stuff or whatever just like wear wear a girl skin and just pretend you know

They’ll buy it up they’ll eat it up it’s so funny it’s so funny it’s so funny no harm no foul right like like uh but yeah no we should we should just get some we should just do a few more we should do a few rounds of just regular

Battle Royale just a couple win or lose uh whoever’s in the squad we we have too many people I think we have seven people so it’s like two squads that we’ll do and win or lose and we’re going to head back to Minecraft so uh oh I just I totally had I totally

Got these cards from a card game that I was going to ask you guys might I might do that it was weird saying uh cuss word on Roblox not that you swear no I can never I’m a sweet innocent boy right right uh young kitty cat flakes yeah right innocent

Boy right you know that sounds out of context that probably sounds even weirder like uh yeah cool I think we we might be able to get get you in for sure uh if it’s if it’s not fortnite it’s for sure going to be Minecraft um that is a big chungus doesn’t get out

Of a match then why what wait wait this is this is still this is all still broken does it still have the custom code no anyways zero build is definitely now why can’t we watch you it’s weird you’re innocent Fleet right right right right right right right all right let’s do

This but I want like uh peanut butter sandwich or something but there’s no peanut butter there no peanut butter dude it’s tragic but you want to know how many Crown wins I’ve got did I got I got a bajillion a bazillion look at that dude I got so many Crown wins that like

The infinite sign just can’t even load right I don’t know what it is with my account literally my crown aren’t working again I don’t know what it is it’s so weird I’ve gotten two I’ve gotten two Crown wins I know that for a Fact fortnite to Electric uh Baloo fortnite to Electric booo it’s just fun to say oh yeah N64 have you checked out Lego fortnite yet it’s pretty legit they got the head chief of um Mojang the the creative lead left Mojang to go work on Lego fortnite that speaks volumes that that

That speaks volumes about where where unfortunately Minecraft’s at I’m going to be close to this area yeah this is a good spot time to win you already know easy dubs this is the like this is the best spot and then we can go straight to fencing after looting up cuz someone else we

Could third party and it’s going to be good but we’re going to go fencing right after looting up here and then then after we’ve done one more round with the other group of people who we’ve been playing with then we’re going to hop back into Minecraft and then off the night that

Way sounds like a Vibe I’ve never done these combo game streams before well I have but um this is going to be interesting to to name the VOD what should the VOD be named after probably Minecraft let the people know that we’re doing some Minecraft this is just the

Intermission all right since we got a lot of people here we’re going to drop that is that a shotgun nope going to need something better than that I’m locked in I’ll take it why not ah what One Mini that was a real person no way I don’t believe it there’s no way

That was a real person oh that scared me oh yes oops that works dead dub get that DB yeah why does this sound like a freestyle beat we going to win we going to win yeah get some Shield get some Shield yeah need some more heals yet a seriously just one

Mini bu again where’s the drones at ah fall damage is this yours no o big pot all right let’s do it let’s do it it let’s go to frenzy we go I know where there’s a little stand a little station get some food heels got him easy work I’m heading headed

To uh this building over here just to get heals cuz I know for a fact in this building there is some there’s some food there’s some sandwiches check it out my favorite type of Sandwich apples and bananas all right we’re here though we are here we got to go find that

The go find that AI or that boss boss someone say hi Miss Johnson like you’re Johnson and I never understood that until right now hi Miss Johnson wait what wait a second I’m confused now it’s going to take me a second to understand oh yeah easy work easy work

Here look at that the boss is gone I made light work of this except for I think there’s people here too light work well no one else is going to be getting it ah yikers I see more people Yep they’re still over there oh yeah they’re all over here you fell

Asleep hey get some good rest if you got to dude I don’t know how no dang it oh they’re over here no how am I missing these dude I’m actually getting upset spaghetti bro dude I’m getting spaghetti spaghetti s spaghetti but you fell asleep during one

Of my live streams and he was turning your mega base when you were asleep and ended up falling off your Bas and oh my gosh that was funny uh I really disliked this song I wish I could remove songs from the playlist like there’s just a few songs that I removed from this

Playlist oh let’s go Boogie bomb out of here yeah we all got vehicals what’s up my game pull up pop out at your party I’m with the G this going to be a ra so Tu Your Chain oh check it let me do it but I did that one time and some guy

Totally just let me do it it was great I was at an all nighter two weeks ago and you had some hot cocoa and you were just being brought home and it was too hot uh when you got it and you ended up falling asleep and ended up spilling

A decent bit on you ouch that sounds painful but also a Vibe at the same time because you’re all like C and like sleepy and you got hot cocoa that sounds like a Vibe right there but then spilling it it’s painful where is everybody like it seems weird huh that

There’s nobody here at the center of the map knocked him knew it see it was too suspiciously quiet did you see how they were sneaking too they were they were hungry for it they’re crouching and everything oh shoot look at all this stuff here I need a better AR than this this

AR s oh wait no this a is this air is good get The Thirst got some on your TV because you brought it with you you got my TV but not on your laptop your TV still works but there’s a sticky spot on the top left of it

Rip you can always clean that off right just a little bit of ice prop alcohol take care of that stickiness more people over here how many more people 16 got him 16 nice get out of here we’re watching South Park till uh 2: a.m. and when you’re really tired

Your friends called and you got really scared for some reason I feel that though like you’re just such in your Zone and then like something disrupts it and you’re like ah what is going on you have a very flexible sleep schedule you can still function 100%

With with only 100 hours or 100 hours 3 hours of sleep that was me at one point in time yeah I can’t lie we might have been uh hanging out a little bit on some school nights back in high school 116 he’s low is and then we’ll get like three hours of

Sleep and then do school oh 116 got to get rid of them oh dude they all knew they all knew that I I was the the prime target they had to get me out they had to get me out bro cuz I was the only one avenge

Me V all 300 plus episodes of South Park twice a year I don’t know like I unfortunately am just not a huge fan of South Park like I like the episodes and stuff like it’s just not something I I particularly watch too often um it’s Hit or Miss for

Me like some episodes I just absolutely love some episodes I’m just like not really it’s not really hitting for me it’s kind of like Family Guy kind of like American Dad kind of like Simpsons it’s one of those shows you Know like the old South Park episodes when they were still using like construction paper I love those like like the early ones yeah family gu Simpsons American Dad like you know they’re just hit or hit or miss episodes you know like it’s not really like

Like I don’t have any like I’m not going to be like oh we’re trying to watch South Park right now I can’t watch it you know type deal like I I hate it that much or whatever it’s just if I have the choice to not watch it I probably would

Choose not to type deal but if it’s on I don’t mind watching it like I’m not disgusted by it oh ay I need to oh I got a sniper need a shotgun I’ll find one but how do we I’m I’m out of here I am so out of

Here the first episode was made using uh card stock and it took 3 months oh shoot I cannot read that no man did the trigger ah rip uh made using card stock and it took three months to make every episode from there uh using scans of the paper cutouts that

They made from episode one yeah oh my gosh and now here I am again thank you sorry this is why you don’t text and drive kids don’t read chat and try the game it’s the same concept it would be so nice if like oh my gosh if there was this thing called the

Backpack oh dude they’re all still just right here if there was a backpack in fortnite and it and it like dropped all your guns too so then when you reboot oh gosh then you get all your guns too this is not good I want to go grab the card but I just

Can’t not right now at least you know what full blazing we’ll go in super low if you want me to no still st’s already here it’s too late there’s just no way I’m going to go for the cards but I doubt that this is going to work um I mean I

Particularly I would prefer it if y’all like uh called me n honestly cuz like I’ve been thinking about rebranding the channel as well um it’s just it’s much quicker to type anyways so it’s like it’s more convenient for you I mean I don’t mind like is there heals on

You anything on you no yep GG’s I knew we were gone that moment oh eat it eat it eat it no all righty um who else was it that was playing GG’s GG’s like do we do we still have them Rick and Morty seasons are kind of

Fit or Miss they are they really are like uh season five and four were kind of forgettable mhm yeah we’re going to do pro who needs to invite where you at are you in Epic why can’t you just be there you are and then Mark where is Mark is that you

Mark okay and then let’s see that was four so there’s three people I think maybe two maybe it’s just Mark and Waffle cuz I think yeah our third member left to go play with some buddies so and that works for me 100% works for me the

124 oh there we go uh and then we end it off with with some Minecraft here uh it’s a not a random number they got generated it comes from the YouTuber I’ve been watching since 2016 wait what is the oh yeah yeah uh part of your username the one the 124 n641

124 kind of Rhymes too oh shoot dude you got that skin hold up I really like it I really like this Chill Vibes Chill Vibes I mean we could I mean I was thinking about waiting for Abraham unless Abraham was on last round no they weren’t on last

Round when they were doing the match they were just spraying dude I hate the sprayers changing your legal name from Cody declair hope that’s an easy process I don’t know how it is I’m not sure where Abraham is um there’s any ETA that you could give us

I don’t know how that process goes outside of the United States uh while we’re waiting for this I don’t know if Abraham give us a sign that you’re here Abraham because I don’t I don’t really have a problem waiting for you before we switch it back

Over uh I’m going to grab some cough drops real quick Bubble Boy it’s your cousin’s name hey small world I don’t think we’re getting any sign from Abraham uh right now currently so we just ready up I think we gave him a shot we gave him a chance he

Did say something earlier but um have fun today can’t wait uh watch your next stream I hope someday we get millions and millions of followers oh yeah M9 we’re going to be playing some Minecraft after this round we’re just taking a little uh fortnite intermission but we’re going to

End the night off with the with Minecraft wait we’re going oh shoot we’re playing squads wa you don’t think that we couldn’t do squads Squad trios I would prefer it reallyit we hitting the gitty proba hit the gitty I said right you fck creep yeah walking with

Thatat all is there a server on MC there’s a realm you can type in smpp in the chat and nightbot will be able to get you the realm code let’s do uh quadruples no dude because you’re on the switch that makes it better the the aim assist on switch is

Insane D that’s my favorite one right there Then another good one I really like this one too and that one that’s also a really good one Mark yo Mark ready up ready up Mark quit doing the quitty I can Envision it now I can see you guying everywhere

There we go I got a k re dude this uh the John Wicks Katana pickaxe is really cool cuz it’s got like it’s back bling and it’s also a pickaxe all rolled up into one that I I want more pickaxes like that who is brute Gunner oh brute Navigator

Whoa why they make them so Caked Up though Red Jade yeah I don’t know if there’s that much delay though I got something in my eye geez they made them both Caked Up like why I make them just making them extra thick for no reason a lot of people say this but ke re looks like moist critical from 2018 he does

Like Mo critical and K re are probably like related to some they are related to some capacity but like a lot more than most so appreciate that Xander appreciate that you you take care of man you take care thanks for all the kind words I’m really liking this

Skin it was love at first sight you to be ring me I’m going to start saying that you got to be R me bro dude Mark you better carry me what are you talking about you’re Mr Diamond over here you got Crown wins man y’all going to

Carry like uh yall got to carry me do my back hurs you’re like diamond ranked or platinum ranked and you’re with fa I’m not with fa I don’t know I don’t know if I ever want to be with FaZe Clan though maybe I do I used

To like really badly I really wanted to be in phas or some sort of a clan dad thingy bro all I ask the sniper and an AR and the ammo we got some heals ooh ooh ooh is that a good scope though what the Bro dude how how do we not realize that

Yeah I I like this uh there there’s another sniper in here I like gen Alpha slang but you got to admit that was funny that was funny that was really funny bro what are they doing like what are they doing actually are they all right like going go get

Heals were you’re dying from the lag unreal Dude tell the lag to stop tell is being very rude BR taking my Minis like that absolutely yoinking them it’s okay I got my secret Supply right here got my secret stash oh no no no you keep those you keep those

Minis I got my secret stash actually I’m going to eat them up all right we really should be pushing towards uh frenzy I keep W to call it frenzy but it’s fencing yeah absolutely in C4 you take it easy now take care bro don’t don’t you worry Mark I’ve

Got you 116 bro yes that’s what I’m talking about yes sir where we got you there’s someone else there too I don’t know where they’re over there I see I see their sound such a weird phrase to say I can see your Sound that’s how advanced my hearing has become I see it visually bom boy are they all gone who are these people here sending requests I don’t know huh yo let me hop in this snowman a what not ready yet that’s lame there’s more snowman here is it infinite the

Snowman does it just need to recharge or something Bounty El wait what Bounty accepted weird I’m telling you man ah somebody already took the fencing one right most likely oh there’s an NPC that sells uh the the grappling hook thing the grappling blade I don’t think it’s anywhere near here though

See what’s going on there do my signature move reverse slide I’mma pull off a cool trick shot like this it’s going to be cool I’m going to slide backwards from someone and then head shot they’re going to be like how how is he so skilled I don’t know man T is

Better okay there’s a medallion Target’s been eliminated oh was they The Medallion too no whoa wowers wowe Zoe I suppose we just uh head this way wow we Zoe uh I knew it where dang son you wish I had a PS5 to play fortnite Yo is uh fortnite’s free on every device crossplatform

You don’t need to have a just a PS5 you can use Xbox switch there’s more people up there computer uh this bullet drop is insane though got to aim a dude that would have been epic uhoh Ed a back there dude you head you head shoted him

From such a far distance do we love to hear that yeah there’s some there’s some real players here oh bro oh man I got to thirst him no I got to thirst that guy yes yes thank goodness okay now we should be able to go there did you see that that was oh

Oh my gosh oh no dude this isn’t good bro I’m trying to get mark up where’s he at that’s a d red all right let’s go ah you got him nice nice oh my gosh nice nice work nice work 116 bro he’s so low he’s not low though they’re all here

Oh bro dude storm is so close oh knocked him oh come on oh my gosh bro knocked him with my signature too let’s go no oh my gosh come on now oh bro he’s just spamming no GG’s bro dude that was insane I’m proud of myself I’m proud of myself for that

One it just gets too close when it gets to storm H ra just Boop knocked Boop knocked Boop knocked bro and I was so tempted to continue but I said that we were going to do Minecraft after this so we’re switch it back over that was a good round though that

Was a good round a bro dude that was dude that was man man man dude ah that was a good round a dude that was a real oh my gosh bro Mike that was a really good round ah dude that yeah bro wait you sniped that Ninja Turtle bro do that

The sign in bro let me sign in and besides I got to I got to change the title and the game and everything this is pretty easy change the game Minecraft my crap boom boom let’s go sign in with the Nintendo account bro sign in with the Microsoft account sign

In now it should never have to do that to factor thing again hopefully boom did you got to work you have to head to bed you have to work at 3: a.m. bro I guess he is I guess he’s going to work Five Nights at Freddy’s that’s his dad’s business it’s

Five Nights at Freddy’s Five Nights at Freddy’s good stretch very you wish Five Nights at Freddy’s would be pretty fun to work at except for the whole you know getting killed thing that’s probably not ideal but the rest of it seem pretty chill you know oh what happened to this mushroom that’s

Sad bro now I feel like refreshed to play minec C this is so weird I kind of like it though kind of like having a fornite intermission is a good it’s a good mix it’s a good mix your whole room is FNA them really you like it that

Much guys should I open up bootleg um FNAF toys from Mexico I’m thinking about making those into shorts though opening up bootle oh yeah I also got to do that real quick oh it’s already there cool cool cool cool cool cool yes sir do it do it open up the they’re so goofy

They’re so goofy like um I just I’ve been I’ve been just saving them I haven’t seen them in a long time so it’ll be kind of like a a blind unboxing but like I got a bunch of them for like a birthday one year I think for like my 20th birthday or

Something here’s like this random assortment of bootleg like from Mexico FNAF toys they’re not half bad either from what I can remember but like your met your mom’s is Phase themed how does that even work like how does faas have enough stuff to to be themed I don’t know like I’m impressed

Do I am I impressed about this I don’t know like I or shocked about how much phase merch that they have posters bed sheets like FaZe what are you doing going above and beyond with like what like bed sheets dude like who what YouTubers are making bed

Sheets I think I remember seeing uh Game Theory bed sheets Maybe is that fzy Fazbear I love that Meme I want to get that trash can you know the Freddy Fazbear trash can uh like the video on YouTube that like it got recommended to me like the trash can that looks like Freddy Fazbear dude there’s no comments on it I commented and I said is that Freddy

Fazbear and I’m like I don’t want to be the only one who comments this like I want and I I so I deleted it but I feel like it was just going to get deleted anyways cuz it’s like how can there be a video that’s been up for like

5 10 years and have zero comments if it’s not being actively deleted you cut the phas underwear on is that actually a thing like man what happened to phase though like what happened to them I don’t know I don’t know what happened once I went corporate it just didn’t feel the same

Like there’s no issue with going corporate Mr Beast went corporate but Mr Beast still feels the same you know what I’m saying like FaZe felt so different after they went corporate like they completely changed up from making content to just being a pro sports Clan and it’s like you can still do both

Like come on I’m missing it missing y’all’s videos hope not hey they’re a real thing cuz I’m I’m wearing my phase underwear right now it’s a real deal it’s a real deal I’m just kidding guys I’m using a GameCube controller right now kind of fulfilling my dream of being

Able to play Minecraft on the GameCube like I always wanted that I wanted the Cube game to be played on the cube console but of course that simply just never happened but hey I can still use a GameCube controller fze Jarvis was it FaZe Jarvis the guy who like cheated

And now he boxes cuz he can’t play fortnite anymore cuz he used AXS like what what was his whole deal like why would he I wouldn’t risk that at all like if you wanted to do that in your spare time or something then do that but like

Streaming it on an ALT account what did you think was going to happen maybe epic took it a little too far maybe he didn’t deserve to get permanently banned from even his main account cuz he was making content but still you poke the bear you get the claw I suppose

Right he wants to get revenge at Freddy Fazbear at 3:00 a.m. I wouldn’t doubt it I wouldn’t put it past him for wanting to get revenge with Freddy Fazbear bro I hate how I have been here for two years uh even been here during school and you don’t have 500 points

Oh yeah uh you see in the early days though I didn’t use points um and a lot of people who got points I feel like we’re in the Mario streams when I was giving out a bunch of points too but yeah I feel like I feel like you

Should have the points if you’re not going to get them now um I figure it out it’s really gross how you manually add points it’s it’s not a fun process but I can do that whenever too so I’ll keep it in mind give you no asking it need Trading

It what donated give to you no asking it need trading it bro is speaking in new languages we’re discovering new languages on the server in fact I need to document this this is history in the making here get out of here zombies you don’t want the smoke I’ll start cranking 90s on you

Donate donated give to you no asking it need trading it bars you straight up bars oh auto corrected two years you put three years that’s weird how do you how you going to autoc correct a number that’s the number I meant to put I better get the number don’t auto correct my

Number silly phone just kind of filler bustering uh that’s probably not the right word cuz we’re not in a court setting uh lolly gag in N that’s not the right word procrastinating nah spending time something like that I’m waiting for it to become daytime 22 likes is a lot and I

Appreciate every single one of y’all for smashing the like button it really does out a lot and I’ve noticed a an increase in likes throughout the past few streams so thank you so much guys I’ve been noticing I’ve been noticing I’ve been I’ve been seeing what y’all been doing

Trying to get back to that little building site going work on a Burger King made out of wood it’s going to be a wooden Burger King that’s all right you know we can always make it out of different resources at another time just get the skeleton going

Up it’s funny how there’s just lapis chilling thereis but that’s Ste Universe song is so good but he says lapis lazle Freddy fazbears instead did I built Freddy Faz Bears before and then I make the armor stands into the animatronics well that’s on my PlayStation though yeah yeah yeah then there’s this Marketplace

Um map add-on thingy that was a pizzeria it was pretty solid one converted that into Freddy fazbears put in the animatronics put up the arcade machines and customized made it brighter that was the big thing there was like zero lighting with the map I don’t know how it made it onto the

Marketplace like they have a level of quality that you have to do like the quality control it’s pretty high up there but who really needs to get into the marketplace is Stampy for sure I’m not sure why he’s taking so long to upload his lovely world to the

Marketplace like he’s going to make a bag from that like easily and he’s like talking about it he’s like oh there’s so many steps that you have to jump through or like so many Hoops you gotp through and like dude you were added into the tutorial World your house was I think I

Think you and Minecraft are on good terms like I think they’re willing to help you out cuz they see the ch- Ching dollar signs too you know Miss Me reviewing Maps I miss doing it too to some degree but ah there was just a few people that were really really getting annoying with

It that was making it and it’s none of you guys here but I’m going to be real honest about it it was getting very annoying when people were just like inviting me to brand new worlds that didn’t have anything built and or oh no no no no no or reviewing

The maps like the videos like the videos that thing never mind not the worlds the maps ah yeah yeah that uh I just wanted to creatively challenge myself um I felt like I completely I got too much into like a formula when when I was reviewing Marketplace Maps I’ve been wanting to do

Do it again though and I plan on bringing it back to some capacity it’s just I wanted to challenge myself you know like I wanted to to see if I could make videos on other topics and uh you know be able to edit them and and feel creatively challenged I

Suppose if that makes sense and then I saw great success with the dreams reviews like my goodness and speaking of those it’s kind of intimidating you know like I I haven’t really gotten to that point yet in YouTube where it’s like it consistently has like a lot of

Views and it’s intimidating it’s like am I going to be able to top the next video that I do like is it going to be good I don’t know I just got to get over that and just kind of start releasing some more stuff again it’s like nerve-wracking almost it’s

Like but oh well you know if the video doesn’t do well the video doesn’t do well it’s like just try with the next one you know cuz I mean I’ve had many videos do really bad in the past like I didn’t just kept going but how do I keep heading this way I

Feel like there’s something I need over here if I keep heading this way maybe diamonds I keep pressing up on the d-pad now I’m thinking that’s inventory because of gosh darn Lego fortnite yeah but thanks for uh saying that waffle about uh the videos and stuff cuz like I’ve been a little

Self-conscious lately kind of been dealing with it just kind of been like why do people actually like watching these videos like type deal and I guess there’s lots of different value you can get out of them right just a lot of stuff oh it’s funny oh that’s what it is clearing

Up really do you really go back and watch you think that they’re cool so you would appreciate them like I I haven’t made a video in so long now like it’s just I don’t know why I developed it like like this whole I don’t know like it’s like a fear

Almost like I don’t know why like it’s just so random that like 3 years into YouTube then I start getting nervous about uploading videos I don’t know I just don’t want to disappoint that’s all like I give it my best I mean I spent a long time working on

Videos like I don’t it’s it’s not a quick process like they they range from 8 to 8 hours to like 30 hours to make so I’m trying at least but do you just think that they’re cool though like just you know checking out them reviewing them

Do you think that I give Fair reviews on things waffle like I’m not like overly critical or and stuff and like bring up good points I suppose except I believe that I’m pretty fair with with the ratings that I give and the feedback I provide I don’t think I’m too overly harsh

Or like saying things that I don’t like I’m not just saying it’s bad and then not explaining why you know or what could improve to make it better did not go back there now just turn that into that bring up good points like you would tell me why you don’t like it yeah

Yeah like I don’t just like to I just like it when people well actually you totally can dislike something and not have any valid reasons or like anything behind why you you dislike it like when you’re chatting amongst friends but anytime that like a developer or the person who made the

Thing has potential to see it you better come up with some reasonings of how they can improve cuz then it’s just better to keep that opinion to yourself like if you can’t you can’t just tell a creator of something I just I don’t like your thing and just because

Like that’s just it’s kind of rude to do that like you can dislike it but like dislike it in silence and if you’re going to bring it up to the Creator or whatever at least have some feedback to give them of why you don’t like it so they could take that into [Applause]

Consideration I Des I desperately want to do some more dreams content for sure sure like there’s some really good games on there and like I’m just so impressed about it’s usually just like one person or a couple people making the games with a controller with a PlayStation controller like what bro

Just chilling on a couch making a video game for me to play and it’s this good all right dude I I want to I want to show this to the world B just so many different things and it’s all still tied in like the future like video plan that I want to do

They all like kind of tie in with each other and I’m comfortable with making this content too like kind of review typees but I want to do Minecraft Marketplace mod reviews again I want to do uh fortnite creative Map Reviews and I want to do dreams

Reviews and that’s about it like I don’t want to I don’t want to complicated too much but I feel like that’s a good mix and they all kind of fall underneath the same category that’s so that’s what happens a lot with you in school you have to explain why and how absolutely

Yeah you got to you got to do that it’s like a respect thing for one Well w you were you’ve been vocal right now with uh with the whole video deal does that sound like a decent video plan like to be doing those my primary goal for 2024 is going to be shorts

Though uh just cuz I need to get some weight on the platform I need to I need to I need to get to 100,000 subscribers and fast and shorts is shorts seems to be that answer um um I need some weight if I’m going to be able to do

This I don’t feel like it’s like too much content that I’m bringing it they are different like they’re different you know Minecraft and fortnite different stuff yeah did a lot of people like shorts a lot and so um I want to be able to work on

Videos but I just I feel like it would be better given that like 90% of everything uploaded to YouTube won’t crack 1,000 views I’ve already proven to myself that I can get 10% be in the top 10% of videos consistently like with multiple videos in a row um of course that changes with

Like the the subject of it so I just think that focusing on shorts right now get to 100,000 subscribers 150 ideally uh which shouldn’t take long if they really pop off uh like I literally watched the guy get 150,000 subscribers in the last month so that’s possible and then

Basically from there then focus on videos which would already be quality you know if that makes sense oh yeah dude just sweet and simple you can watch it whenever you have free time type deal with shorts like literally anytime that you have free time like if you have a few seconds here

And there you can watch some shorts so it’s like it’s definitely the new thing that’s kind of hooked us all and I mean i’ be watching shorts too I got to I got to I got to make sure that I’m watching the market research that’s all it

Is it’s just learning how to make good shorts studying why I like shorts and then applying that knowledge and research to my own essentially that’s all it is I already know that with live streams and I already know that with videos but shorts are still that new thing where

It’s like I got to keep watching them to like understand why do I like them and what’s getting me to subscribe from them and stuff quality of my videos in your opinion uh like them is good it’s simple I like that I like that I don’t want to I don’t want to

Over complicate them yeah I just want to showcase some cool wacky things on the shorts for sure like just just you know make people smile there’s definitely some topics that I know that would perform better on the shorts like I’m thinking about doing some FNAF

Ones right off the Jump see how they do you know they’re all still going to be related in dreams cuz like dreams is just so perfect for it it’s so perfect for for shorts cuz it’s all still one topic and yeah if the shorts is the long then some people may not watch

Them oh yeah yeah if it’s too long definitely but sometimes like each short is different and I feel like you need to give the short as much time as it needs I’m really not too concerned about when it comes to shorts like however long they need to be I’m

Just going to have them be that length because if I force them to be any shorter they they might not turn out as good you know like uh uh so but yeah there’s this Lego FNAF game that’s on dreams going be making a short on that for sure for Sure I feel like I should have capitalized when Lego fortnite was really big though when Lego but Lego Never Dies and FNAF like FNAF shorts go hard just get the music music right it’s going to be good it’s going to be good bro no worries Mark no

Worries I understand don’t cut the short uh yeah so the person misses information exactly yeah I mean like it’s crazy how well like if if I make a good short like like I’ve gotten 200 subscribers from just one of them it’s pretty insane so it’s definitely it’s definitely the

Way to go it’s definitely where 2020 is going to be taking us it’s going to be primarily live streams and shorts up until that 150,000 and then videos will start making more of a comeback but I definitely feel like throughout the year I’m going to have like that itch I’m

Like I need to make a video like cuz I’ve been having that itch lately I’m like I need to I just need to make something oh dude check that out got that chain oh yeah the shorts are everything right now absolutely everything want to set it to

Sunrise just not blind your eyes but also get it brighter here um bro Burger King is pretty lame it’s kind of like a square box uh wait your cousins made 1K from shorts like dollars or Subs is saber on I don’t think so I don’t think saber is on

Okay this song is almost over yeah Subs yeah definitely oh yeah I definitely made like like all together with them probably close to like a thousand but not one but there’s just so much opportunity there’s so much potential for it to go viral you know and then it’s just so

Easy to subscribe I find myself subscribing to so many more people when I’m watching shorts and I watch 900 more shorts than videos uh in a given monthly period like it’s like a 100 yeah yeah it’s like a 100 videos for a thousand shorts something like that oh shoot did I forget that

Really do it Trenton do it you you got me you got me dude we’re gonna put that up we’ll put it back up what are you talking about you don’t see nothing you don’t see nothing bro you don’t see nothing but how long has this stream been ah bro man that’s tragic do

This how long have we been on uh Minecraft how long has it been here I got to I got to check something go check something here raises memory oh yeah dude it’s maybe three or four from well no from uh like from fortnite I got to look

At I go to look at something here bro because I wanted to keep this stream up but we might not be able to keep it up that’s tragic that’s tragic I’m going to check I’m going to check something because we might have to end the stream right now uh

For me to be able to do this let’s see we might be able to get away yeah we might have to end it right now I’m I’m probably going to start up another stream though uh right after this one let me just find a got to find a five hour stream here’s

One that’s six hours technically oh yeah I can’t see chat right now too just a heads up oh come on I know I’ve done a five hour stream there we go yeah we got to end the stream right now yeah yeah yeah yeah I just got to I got to end

This stream so that I can edit it still in the editor uh if the stream is too long then you can’t edit it before like or after it’s been live cuz there’s like a blurring tool that I’m just going to add for the part in the VOD that I

Forgot to add the the FX again so yeah but I have to end it right now I have to end it right now so I have to pretend like this is the end um yeah so join back up join back up guys for this live stream but for the

VOD sake I’ve got to act like it’s the end so thank you all so much for tuning in to the stream guys I had a blast doing a little bit of a fortnite Minecraft combo stream that was really cool um but yeah you know like if you

Guys have not heard that you’re awesome amazing today let me be the first to say it you’re awesome you’re amazing you are just such wonderful people thank you so much for tuning in to tonight’s live stream take care y’all and we will see you in the next one peace out but just

Kidd just kidding join back up please for

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live Stream Playing With Viewers’, was uploaded by Nintorstendo on 2023-12-23 04:41:35. It has garnered 224 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 05:06:58 or 18418 seconds.

Come catch a vibe!

  • Dragon Fight & Elytra Raid in Minecraft Hardcore

    Dragon Fight & Elytra Raid in Minecraft Hardcore Minecraft Hardcore Survival Longplay – Ender Dragon Battle & Elytra Raid Exploring the World of Minecraft In this exciting Minecraft longplay video, the player embarks on a thrilling adventure to defeat the Ender Dragon and obtain the coveted Elytra. The journey begins in a moon-shaped lake where the player’s house is located, unknowingly built on top of a stronghold. The player’s exploration leads them to a spider farm and a surprising discovery of the stronghold’s entrance while mining coal. Conquering Challenges With determination and skill, the player faces the Ender Dragon in Hardcore mode for the first time, showcasing… Read More

  • Join Minewind: A Unique Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: A Unique Minecraft Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “Minecraft:听声辩位挑战【我的世界方块轩】” that showcased the creativity and fun that Minecraft has to offer. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and entertainment value that the game provides. If you’re looking to immerse yourself in a vibrant and dynamic Minecraft community, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a dedicated player base and a wide range of exciting features, Minewind offers a unique gaming experience like no other. Whether… Read More

  • Twilight Triumph: Slaying the Forest Boss in Minecraft

    Twilight Triumph: Slaying the Forest Boss in Minecraft In the world of Minecraft, a hero stands tall, Facing the last boss in Twilight Forest, giving it their all. With a grin and a spin, they defeat the foe, Crafting their victory with each rhyming flow. The journey was tough, the challenges great, But our hero never faltered, they sealed their fate. With each swing of the sword, each arrow shot true, They conquered the boss, their courage shining through. So let’s raise a cheer for this Minecraft star, Their adventures and triumphs, we’ll never be far. In the realm of gaming, they’ve left their mark, With rhymes… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server – Hardcore Fun!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server - Hardcore Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like the one you just watched in the video above? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a hardcore survival mode that will push your skills to the limit, Minewind is the perfect place for players who crave a challenge. Join the action-packed world of Minewind by entering the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new adventure or a beginner eager to test your skills, Minewind has something for everyone. Experience the thrill of surviving… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed 1.21

    Ultimate Minecraft Trial Chambers Seed 1.21 The Best Minecraft 1.21 Trial Chamber Seed Are you ready to explore the latest Minecraft update? Look no further than this incredible Minecraft 1.21 trial chamber seed! With six trial chambers waiting for you at spawn, this seed is packed with adventure and excitement. Let’s dive into the details and uncover the wonders that await you in this new Minecraft world. Exploring the Spawn Point Upon spawning in this seed, you’ll find yourself in a lush forest surrounded by a plains biome and a beautiful meadow. Venture into the plains biome to discover a village perched on a mountain,… Read More

  • GrannyCraft: Past vs. Future Blocks

    GrannyCraft: Past vs. Future Blocks In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every drive. From grandmas of now to grandmas of the future, The gameplay unfolds, a digital suture. With humor and fun, the channel’s delight, Bringing joy to all, day and night. So follow along, for a daily dose, Of Minecraft news, in rhymes we propose. From gameplay tips to funny moments galore, Cube Xuan’s channel leaves us wanting more. So subscribe today, don’t delay, And let the rhymes of Minecraft sway. Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Challenge: No Blue Allowed!

    Sneaky Minecraft Challenge: No Blue Allowed! Minecraft: A Colorful Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft but not being able to see the color blue. That’s the intriguing challenge presented in this video. For those looking to test their skills like the creator of this challenge, be sure to like, subscribe, and comment on the difficulties you face. Exploring the Colorful World of Minecraft As the music sets the tone, the gameplay unfolds in Minecraft. The absence of the color blue adds a unique twist to the familiar landscape. Gathering wood and essential resources becomes a new challenge in this color-altered world. A Newbie’s Journey Even for a… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Survival Strategy Meets Adventure

    Join Minewind: Where Survival Strategy Meets Adventure Welcome to! Are you a fan of strategic and safe gameplay in Minecraft? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on player interaction and survival, Minewind offers a unique and exciting experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Imagine exploring a vast world filled with challenges and opportunities, all while connecting with other players from around the globe. On Minewind, you can build, mine, and survive in a community-driven environment that encourages creativity and teamwork. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking for a new adventure or a beginner eager to learn the ropes, Minewind… Read More

  • The Magic Five: Boys Love Minecraft Animation

    The Magic Five: Boys Love Minecraft Animation The Magic Five: A Minecraft Boys Love Story Martin, also known as Marty, has embarked on a creative journey in the world of Minecraft with his second story, “The Magic Five.” This tale is a love story specifically crafted for Minecraft boys, showcasing a unique and inclusive narrative within the gaming community. Embracing Diversity With a heartfelt message at the beginning of his video, Martin invites viewers to support and embrace the LGBT+ community. He encourages those who may not align with this message to respectfully exit the video, setting a tone of inclusivity and acceptance within his storytelling…. Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic tutorial on how to build a Berry Farm in Minecraft. The creativity and ingenuity of Minecraft players never cease to amaze us, and this tutorial is no exception. If you’re looking for some inspiration for your next build, be sure to check out this video! While watching this tutorial, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community of players and a wide range of… Read More


    INSANE MINECRAFT PARTY ft. FRIENDS!! 🎮Video Information This video, titled ‘We live baby playing MINECRAFT with fwennsss’, was uploaded by DeeSims on 2024-01-15 23:16:50. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ⭐My Patreon⭐ ⭐MORE DEESIMS (My Twitch Livestreams) … Read More

  • FrontierSMP PVP 1.20.6 Towny McMMO Custom Terrain Crossplay

    Server Information Server IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Server Discord: Join us on Discord Version: 1.20.6 (Java) – Currently native on 1.20.4 Description: FrontierSMP is a PvP server focused on enhancing Towny gameplay without any pay-to-win elements. Towns can survey resources, capture specific points for bonuses, and engage in weekly Siege Wars. Custom resources allow for unique crafting opportunities, including furniture, tools, enchants, and custom crops. Join us to build the strongest town, create the most unique farm, or explore endless customization possibilities. Main Features: No Pay To Win Towny Jobs McMMO Custom Terrain Capture Sites Fully Player Run Economy… Read More

  • EndRoom Snapshot 24w21b Server

    EndRoom Snapshot 24w21b ServerA server that is running the latest snapshot version of Minecraft, allowing you, the player, to try out the NEW cool features. I will be keeping this server up to date with the latest version upon release so you can guarantee a great place to play the latest and greatest!The world too will be kept for as long as possible until I’m forced to regenerate due to large generation based updates to Minecraft.GOD Bless. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bro wants to hack, kiddo wants to snack: Minecraft Edition

    Bro wants to hack for your information, but all he ends up finding is a recipe for cake and some misplaced diamond tools. Not exactly the top secret info he was hoping for! Read More

  • Ali’s Truck Kaboom: Minecraft Mayhem!

    Ali's Truck Kaboom: Minecraft Mayhem! In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of Ali’s monster truck, a story untold. Explosions and traps, revenge in the air, But Hasan Usta’s skills, made the car repair. Ali’s determination, stronger than before, His monster truck roars, ready for more. The bad guys tremble, their shop rebuilt, But Ali’s resolve, cannot be wilt. With friends by his side, they stand tall, Ready to face any challenge, big or small. The monster truck shines, a symbol of might, In the world of Minecraft, they’ll continue to fight. So like the video, subscribe with glee, For more adventures in… Read More

  • 6 MLG Types (INSANE) #meme #minecraft #memes 🔥

    6 MLG Types (INSANE) #meme #minecraft #memes 🔥 When you thought you were just playing Minecraft but suddenly you’re a certified MLG pro with 360 no scopes and quickscopes for days. Watch out, PewDiePie, there’s a new gaming legend in town! #MLGminecraftmaster Read More

  • BoyGirl Normal: Minecraft Animation Part 15

    BoyGirl Normal: Minecraft Animation Part 15 Minecraft Animation BoyGirl Normal -Part 15- -Season1- ♪Music Video The Mysterious White Ball In the world of Minecraft, a mysterious white ball appears, claiming to be a ball of power or magic that can protect the player. It offers to be a partner in times of danger, promising to always be by the player’s side. What secrets does this ball hold, and how will it impact the player’s journey? A Strange Dream The player, Oy Revan, experiences a strange dream where their body moves on its own. Is it truly a dream, or is there more to it? The… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Crafting Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for Enhanced Crafting Experience! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video by WiseGamerNetwork on how to increase crafted items in Minecraft. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better way to put those crafting skills to the test than on a server like Minewind? Imagine a world where your creativity knows no bounds, where you can build and explore to your heart’s content. That’s the kind of experience you can expect on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a… Read More

  • 🔥EPIC GAMER ALERT🔥: Tails_of_Fluff goes INSANE in Minecraft w/ 20w14infinite!

    🔥EPIC GAMER ALERT🔥: Tails_of_Fluff goes INSANE in Minecraft w/ 20w14infinite!Video Information for for ewt hi hi sorry I stepped out I stepped out cuz I didn’t know if you wanted to be um yapping on my stream when my stream started and um the sound was going straight to my my stream hello hello hello [Music] hello you definitely did not okay so I did the I did the right thing then good good good good good good good um hopefully everyone shows up so we can get some epic stuff happening today uh you’re very welcome you’re very welcome I’m going to be right back I’m going to… Read More

  • Upside-Down Minecraft Bedwars Challenge

    Upside-Down Minecraft Bedwars ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedwars But This is up side down ! 😲😲’, was uploaded by I_M_Shishir on 2024-04-30 03:02:09. It has garnered 62 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:29 or 629 seconds. Minecraft Bedwars But This is up side down ! 😲😲 Discord = Pack = Venom 16x _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ignore tags Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am gonna just copy paste half of this from a Cruh video for keywords Jirz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though… Read More

  • Revealed: Nostalgic Minecraft Moments 🤯 #shorts #shizo

    Revealed: Nostalgic Minecraft Moments 🤯 #shorts #shizoVideo Information [Music] me toay my face This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nostalgia 🥹 #minecraft #shortsminecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by VekiyMC on 2024-04-30 21:52:35. It has garnered 18 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. I didn’t except that he would become Herobrine… 😯🤯 #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftshorts #minecraftanimation Minecraft NORMAL vs REALISTIC 🤯 minecraft shorts, minecraft but , minecraft memes , minecraft trends , satisfying minecraft video , minecraft challenge,normal vs realistic minecraft,minecraft normal vs realistic #shorts,minecraft normal vs realistic 🤯, minecraft shorts,minecraft memes,minecraft realistic,minecraft normal vs realistic, realistic minecraft,minecraft realistic videos,minecraft,minecraft realistic, realistic… Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Portal to Magical Forest in Minecraft!” #20

    "Unbelievable! Portal to Magical Forest in Minecraft!" #20Video Information iría juntar flores y qué tipo de flores se preguntarán solo flores amarillas a ver tengo ni una María vamos a empezar una recolección de flores rapidito Vámonos gente Ahora sí solo tenemos que abrir el portal y ahí acabamos el video de hoy gente hemos hecho varias cosas ustedes ya saben lo del Forest No necesitamos un diamante para abrir el portal como moneda de cambio aquí aquí jito acá acabo ser ohj Qué mala suerte tengo no me acuerdo cómo bien era abrir el portal pero yo de los videos que he visto creo que era… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hack Goes Viral! 🔥 #Trending

    Insane Minecraft Hack Goes Viral! 🔥 #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new viral hack #trending #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Ankush gaming on 2024-03-03 04:35:25. It has garnered 135 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Minecraft new viral hack #trending #viral #shorts #minecraft #techno gamerz #minecraft in hindi #minecraft mod #minecraft house #life steal smp #Minecraft smp Read More

  • Save Baby Zombie with Herobrine – Insane Monster School Rescue! #shorts

    Save Baby Zombie with Herobrine - Insane Monster School Rescue! #shortsVideo Information 3 2 [Music] 1 This video, titled ‘HELP Herobrine save Baby Zombie – Minecraft animation #shorts #fyp #minecraft’, was uploaded by Baby Zombie Monster School on 2024-01-11 05:00:14. It has garnered 22831 views and 1206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. more video #monsterschool #minecraftanimation #shorts #cameraman Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Gameplay ft. Pheanx Live

    EPIC Minecraft Gameplay ft. Pheanx LiveVideo Information e e oh oh that hurt for is e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for [Music] no braing Karma that boy [Music] [Music] the night for foring karma second Karma man [Music] he forsaking Karma until he dies Wow Bow oh that not work out that worked out got him going to make it all course people is… Read More


    NEW OP CHAMPION REVEALED in Minecraft PVP 🪐🌟Video Information for the stream delay I really do apologize everyone oh [ __ ] squidy please Jo join join join join join join join join please squidy you need to join right now I have to cover camera too squidy you need to join right the hell now okay I have to cover screen real quick just so yall don’t know what the yes hold on I have to cover camera real quick I have to cover camera I have to oh yeah hi ooto hold on I need to I see change streaming like yall need squidy please… Read More

  • INSANE French Fry Hack w/ Crazy Minecraft Mods!

    INSANE French Fry Hack w/ Crazy Minecraft Mods!Video Information hey guys so we decided that we were hungry we don’t have school today yeah so potato um we would have had more if we didn’t eat one last video it’s just L small we can make this no no we’re not eting we’ll make this one into extra crunchy I don’t know so for today dry wash this wow not in G fuel potato cutting action see this that’s a potato funny enough emry right here is in culinary since he goes to a vocational school this is this is true I’m not I just make french… Read More

  • PumpKraft Modded MC | Modded SMP PVE PVP | Fabric 1.20.1 | Claims Economy

    Welcome to PumpKraft! Feel free to join our server directly or our discord! Discord PumpKraft is a modded Minecraft community with a Prominence 2 [RPG] server! We aim to provide the best modded Minecraft experience possible, and as such we’ve added some extra features tailored for this modpack. Extra Features: Toggleable PvP status Claim protection Homes/rtp/tpa system Playtime ranks Trade shops Server Information: Modpack: Prominence 2 [RPG] v2.8.3 Server IP: We always make an effort to keep this community positive and productive for everyone, and everyone is welcome! Read More

  • parkour civ

    parkour civthis is the server for parkour civ made by evbo there are 20 ep so far and there will be more to come __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Where the hell are the damn mobs?”

    Looks like the mobs heard about social distancing and decided to stay home too! Read More

  • Mojang’s Mess: Has Minecraft Lost Its Shine?

    Mojang's Mess: Has Minecraft Lost Its Shine? In the world of Minecraft, Mojang reigns supreme, But are they ruining the game, is it just a dream? Controversial changes, community in a spin, Do you think Mojang’s mediocrity is a sin? From the 1.9 update, PvP took a hit, Creators and players, feeling the split. Community divided, servers left behind, Mojang’s decisions, not always kind. 1.13 brought oceans, a refreshing sight, But with new content, came a fight. 1.16 revamped the Nether, a true delight, But then came 1.17, delayed in its flight. Split into two, the update’s fate, Disappointment and frustration, the community’s state. 1.18 and… Read More

  • SMP bout to get spicy 🔥 #minecraft

    SMP bout to get spicy 🔥 #minecraft When the villagers in Minecraft start forming a union and demanding better working conditions, you know they mean business! #villageruprising #minecraftrevolution #SMPtakeover Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Survival Fun! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and survival is key. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the YouTube video tutorial where players are building simple houses to start survival, Minewind server provides a platform for you to unleash your building skills and thrive in a challenging environment. Whether you’re a seasoned player or… Read More

  • Crafting Wave Lightning in Minecraft

    Crafting Wave Lightning in Minecraft The Fascinating World of Wave Lightning in Minecraft Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, continues to captivate players with its endless possibilities and unique features. One such feature that has caught the attention of many is Wave Lightning. Let’s dive into the electrifying world of Wave Lightning in Minecraft! What is Wave Lightning? Wave Lightning is a powerful and visually stunning phenomenon in Minecraft that adds an extra layer of excitement to the game. When triggered, Wave Lightning creates a wave of lightning bolts that cascade across the sky, creating a mesmerizing display of light and sound. How to Make… Read More

  • EPIC FAIL! Ender7154’s Tower Disaster Turns into Life Victory

    EPIC FAIL! Ender7154's Tower Disaster Turns into Life VictoryVideo Information h h h h what is up everybody I feel like I am getting back into the routine of streaming a little bit which feels nice checking all my things getting all my monitor set up and things like that mic’s working to go on Twitch we are good to go on YouTube hey how is everybody today I am going to start working on some Tower designs today that’s what I wanted to get working on to get uh this to not be a big Cobblestone box so first [Music] we I am going to grab a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge!

    Ultimate Minecraft Pixel Art Challenge!Video Information हो खड़े विच डांग खड़ के हो खड़े विच डांग खड़ के ते हो गई लड़ाई पारी अर्जन बैली ने This video, titled ‘Techno gamerz Minecraft pixel art #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by GamingHarshGH on 2024-01-15 03:53:11. It has garnered 7590 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: Hitting 4000 hearts?

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: Hitting 4000 hearts?Video Information como tan muchachos hoy comenzamos con el reto de tirando una TNT más por cada 300 seguidores hasta que me explote la PC vamos a empezar a hacer el mecanismo ya que esta es una TNT por 2000 y solo se puede activar mediante redstone el mecanismo es para que exploten todas a la vez y sea una explosión mucho más grande desde que se activó la palanca no cargaba la explosión demoró como un minuto en la vi creo que es la exposi más grande que he hecho 4000 likes y sacrifico mi PC tirando una TNT… Read More

  • Uncovering Dark Secrets in Minecraft: Meet the Hidden Scientist #shizo

    Uncovering Dark Secrets in Minecraft: Meet the Hidden Scientist #shizoVideo Information [संगीत] हे य गेम इ वेलकम न्यू वीडियो सो गा अभी मैं वापस आया हूं और य मैं देख रहा हूं कि य एक मिस्टीरियस बंदा आया है पले बता दो आई डोंट नो यह बंदा कौन है और किधर से आया मुझे नहींन भटकते भटकते आसे सच में साइंटिस्ट ब तो साइंटिस्ट लगता मे को भी साइंटिस्ट लगता साइंटिस्ट भाई क्या क्या कर आई डोंट नो कि यह बंदा कहां से आया है बट मुझे भाई ससपी मामला पानी लग रहा है य अचानक से एक्सेस कैसे मिल या सबको आई थ This video, titled ‘The Dark… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Trick: Edokules Destroys Everything in 9x blast demo! #shorts

    Insane Minecraft Trick: Edokules Destroys Everything in 9x blast demo! #shortsVideo Information ich will neun Stück zünden neun air strike TNT let’s go mein PC wird es nicht mitmachen ich gehe mal ein bisschen zur Seite merkt euch die Landschaft was habe ich getan alter Junge das ist se 5 Minuten explodiert hier alles das hier waren neun airstrike tnts neun This video, titled ‘9x die PURE ZERSTÖRUNG in #minecraft #shorts #shortsvideo’, was uploaded by Edokules on 2024-01-06 11:00:42. It has garnered 8662 views and 307 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. You can find the full length video on my channel! #german #minecraft #minecraftshorts… Read More