Insane Ore Processing & Craft Automation!

Video Information

Greetings minecrafters non-sanity here and welcome to episode six i think of all the mods six i think i’ve been saying i wanted to get going an elemental craft since the beginning i did a little bit but now it’s really time to rank crank it up let’s get started

All right now i am down in my little basement where the farm used to be and if you remember correctly these four nodes were not here i have moved them here i did so legitimately i uh have gotten forward in elemental craft because there is a pattern to it

And i want to make sure i had it down before i shared it with you so we’re going to go through it step by step and i’ve moved these in here so they’re all close together which makes it easy to show you all these steps and i have roughly duplicated what i had

Set up before these are all the basic items you can make the small top config oops top config i want this down in this corner and a little bit smaller yeah there we go had an update we’re at 152 i think now all right anyway so yeah you can make

These small element containers the impaired element pipe and the element extractor oh and the element infuser these are all basic things if we look at elemental craft here the extractors are these contain crystals you can mine up these inert crystals got a whole bunch from the quarry gold nuggets

Iron these small element containers are a bit of glass any sort of glass with these impaired pipes around them paired pipes are more of these contain crystals and iron and the infuser is some nuggets iron and contain crystals these are all basic basic things you can make just from what you mine

Up and i’ve placed down the container with the extractor underneath one of the nodes and i’ve got two pieces of the pipe leading it over here and you can right click when you place the pipe let’s whoops let me get that piece of grass back out here

When you place the pipe nothing’s going to flow through it until you click one end to pump out it’s pumping out into this guy and you need two of these because this device needs to be on top of one of these and this device needs to be on top of

One of these so i can’t just use one container and i’ve instead of putting them directly to connect it with one pipe i’ve got this two pipe section just because i have a plan on how i want to lay everything out though i will be replacing these with better ones

The first thing i want to show you is some automation using integrator dynamics to make things a little easier so we talked about integrator dynamics before and i’ve been playing with it a bit more and i can show you what i’m now going to do and these all right

So i’m going to take a bit of this pipe and i’m going to stick it sort of here i guess i can just put it oh nope not there there stack it on top of this bit of pipe here yes and now i can place on top of that a

Barrel i’m using the iron barrels again i like them and another one of these pipes on the front of each of them all right and now we switch to these item importer i’m going to have an importer on the bottoms of the top pipe and a white plug in the back

White plug on the front of this that is not where it goes it goes there front of that cabinet front of that pipe all right and on the bottom of the cabinet is another blue one these are going to help us automate and my cards

So the first one one we want to automate is the water node here and what we’re going to do is we’re going to pipe iron through it now if i take one piece of iron here and toss it on top after a few moments and a little bit of particle effect you get

Drenched iron so what we’re going to go do here is i’m going to use list just to show for future we’re going to make a list to make the list you’ve got a number of different things here but the default is item and to make a list you have to

Add an empty item place the thing in there and then you can add another one and you can keep adding them as many as you want or remove them i’m just going to have one in here i could have done this with just the item class and just had iron in it

But i want to show that this can be used to select multiple things and eventually this may switch to multiple things for right now we just have the one put a card in there it is and i’m going to put it in the import items this red one the red

One is a list type this is item single item this is list i’m going to say list that says iron ingot you’ll only be able to see the first item in this little preview so now if i put iron in here it’s going to pipe

One on one out into this thing and it’s going to turn into drenched iron it’s only going to put one because this only accepts one but now we got to get rid of the drenched iron so we’re going to make another list of one item again because i’ve only got

One item right now that we’re doing of drenched iron and we put that put that here this is now automated it’ll take either iron out and turn it into drenched iron now it won’t take the drenched iron and put it in there i’m not sure it could or would even try

But this way we can be sure that it won’t this sort of automation can be used in many places and i’ve started using it a lot it’s the filtered pipe that i’ve needed in this pack so i’m so glad integrated dynamics and integrated tunnels was added

And some two other mods were added that are add-ons branding dynamics that we’re going to be getting to a little later that make things even neater i won’t be too long before we get there i think because we’re doing gonna go through this pretty quick so we’ve got some drenched iron what can

We do with that we look at the uses we can make a better element pipe we’re gonna do that and we can also upgrade the old element pipes which is probably a good idea and we can make the element contain oh for the only container we need burnt glass as well

Burnt glass is over on the fire so we’re gonna need some glass there we go go over to the fire one here we’re gonna set up the same sort of thing we’re gonna pop one glass in there we will set up a list for glass and toss that in here there’s our burnt

Glass set up another list for burnt glass and toss that in here wrong thing that’s the blank there we go toss all the glass in it’s going to start making this burnt glass like so now we have do i have the stone no i don’t i have to make some

One other thing we need i have gotten this from the world but let’s go ahead and set it up as well that uses earth and stone so get some stone go over to the earth unit do this one more time a list for stone and that’s gonna get piped out of there

And that’s turning it into this stuff make a list of this white rock and put that in here and a piece of glass goes over there all right so we’re starting to get the materials that we need i wonder is there something for air that we need let’s see this

Not at the moment it makes air silk from string but we don’t need that at the moment we will need air crystals actually that’s one of the other things we need to do i’ve got some crystals here let’s make it further air since i’m over here i do air

Toss stuck in there these crystals when placed into the infuser will turn into the appropriate air element their uh crystal so now they’re gonna get pulled out so let’s go ahead and update uh this guy over here i’m gonna take iron this this and we’re stick all the iron for a

Moment and put in one of these crystals get it turned to blue the one problem with using these lists and i wish there was a way to do this is right now i have iron ingot in here i wish placing it in here if this is empty

Loaded what’s in here into here i don’t know of any way to force it to load what’s in here into the element i’m trying like shift click in into it or something but now which means you have to start over that’s the one bad thing so an iron add another one inert crystal

Now this holds both of those and we’re back seems uh there was a renderer crash hopefully that won’t happen again anyway continuing on put that back in there now this can feed out both iron and inert crystals i’ve already put one in there so take it back out again

Now we have to update this one there’s a list for drenched iron oh gotta grab that gotta start over drenched iron and water crystals update pop it in here and it’s running one more over here as well i need a piece of glass again nope i don’t think we’re gonna need much more

Burnt glass at the moment but i’ll still go ahead and make it into the setup here and inert crystal update the list and this one is now brett class and oh i haven’t made a fire crystal yet unfortunately you do have to have the items when making these lists so burnt glass

The order of these don’t matter but i’m trying to keep them in roughly the same order update the list place it back in all right so now i can put stack of these crystals in there as well and this one was the air crystals which already done

Oh fire yes i’m gonna do this one and we’ll need one more stone to recreate its pattern all right so it’s uh i need the don’t have to reuse it but might as well stone and the blank crystal and i need to make got one of the blank crystals okay

Grab its list update it for Okay what are we doing this one yeah this one’s green so i don’t have a green make it green thankfully these don’t take too long all right back to the list and this stone right this one does stone right yes lost my lost track there for a second so we take stone and

In empty those go in here oh i already did that one and the output is that and that okay they’re all done i can toss these in there and i’ll make some more might as well toss that in might as well toss this glass in here

All right so these are all now automated let’s grab all the finished products okay it’s gonna do that one last glass there and the only one we’re waiting on is the green the rest of these are all empty all right so now we can continue on next step back to elemental craft again

We want to get these better element containers and we have all that we need to make them hope i need to get my these guys out so i need to make some upgraded elemental pipes so we’ll just go ahead and make how many of these do i want to make

These each take two and i want eight of them so 16 total so four batches still don’t fix the bug where if you jump to an jei and then come back you can’t see the items that are in this grid but if you leave they’ll pop back in down into your inventory

Alright so make eight of these bloop there they are and what we’re going to do is we’re just going to replace these straight out with the better ones these hold a lot more and are required for some of the later machines now all these have stuff in them you

Could save it or you can just craft them to empty them out just so that they stack i’m not going to throw them away quite yet even though they’re not really needed i’m just going to stick them in this for now now we also should update these pipes so let’s

I keep missing them they’re so thin i’m gonna get the grass out again i’ll use excavator to get both at the same time so now now you can take here take these with some drenched and that upgrades them now i can place them back down again and

Again you have to right click that one to make it pump out there we go now it’s slightly better i’m also going to make a little bit more of those pipes these are the second tier pipe element pipe uh four is enough i’m gonna place them like this

Oh and i do want to make all right i need to make a few more those to make four more of these i had a drenched iron already oh no it just was already in the crafting table so it didn’t see it okay there we go so one two

Three four onto these we’re gonna place another machine type and that is the element binder again this is easy now that we have the drenched iron to make i don’t need to crouch these these blocks i don’t think any of these blocks have any sort of gui

So you can just place them on there now what do these do these take multiple items these things take just one item and infuse it with the element these take several items and infuse them with the element to create one new item and the first thing we want to be able

To make is swift alloy ingot it takes gold drenched iron red stone i knew i need a redstone and an air crystal did i put redstone in here i did good good there’s the gold i should go ahead and cook up some more iron in here so i’m running out of drenched

And it needs air crystals so did i put more air crystals i didn’t let me grab those all right i grabbed some more of the blanks i’m going to toss them into the air to complement the 16 we’ve got all right so what we’re going to do

Is something very similar to what we just did with the automation i’m going to need to make some more logic cables need two of these yeah i need some more logic cables let me get those ingredients again i’ll be right back all right i got the materials i need

So i’m gonna do sort of the same thing it did before grab another one of these iron barrels place it there you can see this the same sort of pattern as over that guy to start with i do need one of these that’s to pull the output out and this one there but

I’m not going to put the last time i put a blue one there to pull the ingredients out and pump them in here but we need better control so instead this is just an item access the white one in this case and the top this one is sucking stuff

Into the pipe and i need somewhere to go so this is just an item access to that inventory here this item access is going to be going the other way something’s going to be pulling items from the inventory and that is going to be this thing crafting interface from integrated

Crafting now i had never messed with this before and it’s pretty nice it solves some problems so let’s get the materials i need uh there some iron and a mineral block up the crafting table first always make sure that you’re not on the cherry crafting table that you’re on the regular one

Because the cherries do not work if you’re using cherry there we go crafting interface and i’m going to put that here it looks like a little crafting table but has to point at the object that you want to insert your items so what do we need to do to create a recipe

Well to make i’m going to use the ore here to bring up swift to make the swift alloy you need gold drenched redstone air crystal in that order on one of these element binders above a container of air so we can go in here and say recipe aha this looks familiar

These have to be in order so gold drenched redstone air well actually we can’t do it quite yet because first we have to do one manually so let’s get these cued up here gold drenched redstone air and if you see the particles you know it’s working there we go

We’ve got a drenched so now get back to what i was doing and make this a recipe gold drenched redstone air and then oh there’s a problem here though i was putting on these stacks and you can see it kept the stack numbers if you left click they will go down but

That’s going to take a little bit so you really want to make sure you’re only clicking with the number that you actually want to use when making the recipe because i don’t think if you right click okay right click with a stack we’ll just place one so that saves you from having to

Separate everything out and that all that makes just one of these and turn that into a card now this is a recipe card you can see it makes swift alloy angut out of gold and get drenched iron and get redstone dust air crystal in that order very important in that order open this

Guy up and put the recipe card in and it likes it now we can toss this stuff in here and what will happen absolutely nothing because nothing’s telling this thing to make the item time for another mod what we’re going to make is do i have i do

It’s my last one but it will do uh this thing no not that thing this thing storage terminal and i forgot to get the manual glass to get mineral glass you take one of the mineral resin one of the drying basins with the liquid mineral in

It and put a piece of glass in it to soak you get mineral glass i forgot to grab some all right i’ve got the glass and the middle glass i also got some glowstone dust i’m going to need it here we’re making this storage terminal it takes one of these display panels i

Already have one made an output and an input transformer the mineral glass and some glowstone and you get the storage terminal now i’m going to attach to this piece of pipe this piece of pipe that’s the only piece of pipe that it’s connected to so that’s the entire network

And there’s only one item interface connected to this storage chamber so i place this down and then right click it i can see everything that’s in that container now if i had enough another container if i like connected these two with a piece of pipe then this thing can see what’s in here

And what’s in here in fact let’s go ahead and just do that just to show that now i can see the inert crystal of the air crystal that’s over there 15 air crystals wait oh no it can’t because that’s not one of these white ones it has to be connected via a white

Crystal a rut white uh port so it wouldn’t see that it would see this thing in here why is that not why is that not outputting oh because it’s filling up that one right now these things do hold a lot so that’s why this isn’t running that

Meant when i connected it it was seeing this one clear one there’s 52 in here if i connect i should see 53 yeah okay so it is that’s a white one it’s seeing this inventory so i could go to my storage upstairs and attach these things to the backs of all

Of them with pipe and then attach this and i’d have a storage system sort of nice you can also attach to see what’s in fluid tanks that it’s attached to and energy cells i haven’t tried either of those but sort of cool this last one is a way to let you craft

With the stuff that’s in there so this is like a ae2 or a fine storage alternative right in integrator dynamics that has possibilities that i might play with but right now we’re just going to play with one particular possibility and that is over here you can see swift

Alloy ingot now i only have one ingot that i made in my hand and that’s in my inventory above this it’s written craft and we can actually this one crafting filter if i click it once that goes away click it again you can see in the green

Here it says craftable this is showing me all the craftable items this is both this is only what’s in storage and this is the craftables you can flip between these it’s the craftable is seeing this recipe for the uh swift alloy i can click this and say

Make one it’s gonna say i’m gonna need these stuff and you have them all in storage go ahead and craft and look at that it’s crafting it but now we need to get get it out so we’re going to do another list here swift alloy saying you can take swift alloy out when

You see it that way it doesn’t try and take any of the input items and there it is and once it goes into this the storage that this can see it is it knows that it’s finished so now i can say make 10. i’ve got all the materials craft it’s very similar

If you know refined storage or applied energistics this feels very familiar and looking to go each time it finishes one it starts the next it waits until it’s finished because you can put more than these four items but it knows that the recipe is for just

Those four items and until it sees the response come into the system i could probably throw it off if i tossed this in up yep look it thought it was done and made the next recipe and tossed the second batch out there very interesting see now it’s gonna get stuck because

It how i put the gold and the redstone in there so now it’s stuck because it uh isn’t seeing the results from either from the second recipe i think there’s a way to kill it but i think you have to create the crafting job terminal here i don’t have the parts for

That so the other way to do it would be to just do manually put the one the second one on there that it thought it was doing and then it should go back to crafting or was that the last one oh that was the last one it was actually done

Oh no it’s done because it can’t it doesn’t have the ingredients anymore okay it looks like when it doesn’t have the ingredients it cancels the job it doesn’t pause it until it does have the ingredients good to know and do we have we do have some more of these

So how many can i make now i can make i need some more drenched got plenty over here 16. so go ahead and make 16 more we got them all craft so now we won’t mess with it and just let it do its thing so this is these are very hard to

Automate in any other way i mean you can do it with integrated tunnels and integrated dynamics and have lots of complicated scripts using integrated dynamics with multiple levels and a variable store and i can show you some of that later on but if you don’t have to do it this is

So much easier i started doing it down that way before i realized this mod was in the pack and it was getting complicated but this is simplicity just make the recipe tell it how many i want hook it all up it’s just one one piece of tube one connector there

This connector there and that display and that’s it and get the stuff back into the system very nice and we will be using it for other things as well is it done already it’s done already got a lot of swift alloy now and as soon as this thing we’re gonna need

Faster generation i think we can do that now actually let’s go back to elemental craft ah now we need pure crystals so let’s work on that that’s this is the big change to elemental craft since i first started messing with it this is the pure infusion setup it requires four pedestals

One for each element and a central pedestal the pure infuser the each of these takes a gem of the particular element either a pristine or a fine the middle or high so here you can see the four high levels the four mid levels and then therefore low levels crude gems

These aren’t too useful uh i’m gonna need some diamonds i don’t have any diamonds do i and now i do save you all the running around getting things that i forgot before all right so next we want to make these crystals and they require a gem crystallizer

So we’ll find that in here here it is and make one it’s it’s used the swift contained and white rock so we can do that now and i’m just going to make one and we will be reusing some of these things all right so we need to make one of each element

So let’s i guess start with five over here we’ll just break this plop this guy down on top now to make this guy work you need one or more of these shards you need a diamond and you need a crystal of the appropriate type now you can place up to 10 shards one

Two three four five six seven eight nine ten don’t place another one if you do they all pop off now if you only place one i can’t i can never see the first one i think there’s a bug second one still can’t see it third one

I can see one so i don’t know what’s up with that but there are 10 here because i had 11 i’ve got one left so there’s 10 there despite the appearances put a diamond and then when i put this fire crystal it’ll start running

Now if you’d only put one i think we can yeah let’s go ahead and demonstrate with just one even though you can’t see it put a diamond on and a fire crystal ah now i can see it definitely just a visual bug this will work

But it only has a low chance of making one of the good crystals it’s probably gonna make ah look we got lucky it made a middle tier one and here i was gonna show what to do with a low quality one basically if you do have a low quality one

You can put it back well yeah you put it back where the diamond goes and run it again and just put more of these fire shorts on there but we got the one we wanted and i can walk away now let’s go do the blue

I just need one of each to get this to work so i now need to just grab all of these i’ve got a lot more of the blue on me one two three four five six seven eight nine ten i just want the highest probability of getting a medium or high gem

I think when you put 10 on there it’s it’s a very low chance of getting a poor one hey we got a high one that doesn’t make any difference medium or high both will work exactly the same let’s do Move this over here we’re gonna put the green green one two three four five six seven eight nine ten there we go let’s see what we get this time this is the the latest feature added to the mod pack i got a medium one and this is done running so i’m going to

Swap it out for the gem crystallizer i don’t want this running the procedure so i’m not going to tell it to make anything and this is air so we need the air shards i lost one of my diamonds to the dank and i don’t have any more

Air shards there’s good this one finally finished it’s starting to fill that one up finally this one’s full one two three four five six seven eight nine ten you get these shards from mob drops and with the mob farms i’ve been setting up i’ve got quite a fit

I don’t have a lot of the blue i have tons of the other three i think i’ve got a drowned spawner though and i’m pretty sure they give blue shards so i’ll have to set that up okay i’ve got one of each red green yellow blue blue is pristine the others are fine

That’s just fine we can now make the pedestals fire pedestal we have to use the binder on the fire and we’re going to put an element infuser fine swift rock rock so that swift rock rock and what was the first thing again oh yeah another element infuser so i’m

Gonna need four more element infusers so let’s grab uh iron let’s get the whole thing and make four more of these and bring everything down so onto this we place infuser crystal swift rock rock particles means it’s correct and after a moment we will have the fire pedestal and i’m going to place

It right here this is a slow recipe as i recall let’s go ahead and start the next one that uh swift and two rock that that that to rock all right it’s running green that that that to rock it’s running and air that that that to rock

Particles all right this does take a while we’re not going to need the gem crystallizer again for a bit i’ll just toss that in there torch i did shoot the torch thing oh there’s the first one fire pedestal place it right there it does need to be connected

To a source of the element though i had some small containers i was trying to run out so i connected them to this they weren’t didn’t seem to be going down while i was running it so not sure what’s up there don’t know how much of it it actually uses

There’s the next one this is the water pedestal again it gets connected up this is the earth pedestal and this what happened oh this took out the swift yep let’s temporarily disable that and get these things back because they have to be in the right order all right so that’s a little delayed

While it’s cooking up we have to make one more thing and that is the infuser this is the thing that goes in the center so i need one more element binder one more element binder where’s my tank there it is it’s raining i don’t want to get that on

The sound of that on the on the recording so let’s weather clear 10 000 the 10 000 keeps from coming back quickly so two of those some of those binder and do we have the rest we do all right break this and i’ll place this in the middle

Because i still don’t want to carry all this with this stuff i’m just going to toss this over here put the binder i don’t need the air shards anymore i’ll keep these extras over there that’s good i’m not doing any more of this at the moment so i’ll pop them in there

And that is done now this one’s a little different it has a very narrow bottom and i put the card back in here all right so this is the setup now normally you’d place that first because if you look placing this down makes ghost images of the other ones you can

See they’re changing through all the different types it doesn’t matter the order in which you place everything so long as they’re connected up to the correct material so that’s earth green air yellow so forth so now we can make something new i’m going to grab a diamond

Place that here in the middle and i’m going to take one each of these i don’t want to carry those around with me either and the air’s errors i will grab more air since they’re used to make the swift you run out of them pretty quick

At the moment i just need one let’s go ahead and put the other ones on red goes on red blue goes on blue green goes on green and yellow goes on yellow if everything is set up right there go the particles this is pretty much the last level of machine you need for

Elemental craft i think at least this is as far as i’ve ever gone i mean you can do there’s tons of more stuff in the mod all these shrines that do all sorts of things when powered with elemental stuff but i haven’t really messed with them i’m sure they’re quite good

Especially like to uh increase breeding increase crop growth there’s a ore shrine lava shrine harvest shrine vacuum fire said that already ender lock that’s actually sort of nice takes a base shrine water air gem iovender dragon’s breath and obsidian and that gets you a way to keep enderman probably

From teleporting when i briefly used a sp enderman spawner in my spawn room they did escape so that would be handy i guess of course in the compact machine they can only escape to the inside of the compact machine or annoyingly on top of it because it is basically built inside a

Void dimension so there’s space up there all right this is taking a while uh i’ll be back when it’s done and there it is finally it took a long time i actually notice over here this has been switched to pumping out i by pumping these

Out of these two cases and into this it sped it up that’s all of them normally when you first do this you will be having each of these in a remote location somewhere just need to fill up a bunch of these tanks and bring them back and hook them up

To the pedestal but once you get the first one you can use it to make this guy the empty source respect receptacle to diamonds for gold to swift and this thing and you can make this receptacle now obviously i already have one because i used it

To move these things here if you click one you can move it somewhere else now it does have uses you can see it’s a little more than half there if i pick it up put it back here it’s got a bunch of uses but uh you’ll need to make a another new

One eventually oh mother i thought it disappeared so then you can go and get more of these things and bring them back or and that’s what i’m going to do with this one right here you can use it to make an upgrade to the extractor three rick extractors swift alloy pure

And white rocks i want to make some more of the extractors so we need to get some iron out here make six more i’m going to break that and upgrade now this will pull the energy out much faster but to make more i need more of the pure so let me do that

All right i made enough to upgrade all of these and a few extras but that was a very manual process we’re gonna need to automate it uh one other thing that i’ve forgotten about completely is that these can be upgraded let’s go ahead and pick all of them up

And i think it’s like that with there we go now they are improved pipes and they can transport much faster alright that should increase the speed of everything but now i still want to automate this thing and having to put out things on each of the pedestals make

Sure you get the right one in the right place in the center one it’s a bit slow so i’ve made a few things hopefully something just died hopefully i got everything so let’s see what we can do now i could run some pipes underneath the floor and run craft everything using

Integrator dynamics but it’ll be a little bit complicated because this crafting thing outputs everything into one container and i need things to go to different pedestals there’s many ways to do that and i still want to use this type of setup to run this

So what i’m going to do is i’m going to build something back over here in the corner i’ve made some item routers let’s see i’m going to put one there and one here that work i think that’ll work and i’m gonna need some Containers here one and two yes i think that’ll work put down a logic cable there a white item interface there i made another one of these crafting interfaces and put that on top facing up and i made another storage terminal which i’m going to place there oh no that won’t work let’s rearrange

This a little bit let’s place the router here the chest on top of that and then put all the pipe parts here in the middle so that goes there that goes there and that goes there this will work all right and then i’ll need a whole bunch more

Pipe and white parts i’m going to put a white part on each of these and some pipe like that oh do i want to do it no slightly different okay be careful with the multi-break it doesn’t work well with these actually what i want is the blue ones

Of course i only have one so let’s make some more keep hitting that actually i don’t need to carry that around with me all the time let’s move the tank over there for now to make this i need the input input five of them actually i need four at the moment

These those done all right so it’s the blue ones i want here so these routers are basically going to be a remote connection to the pillars so i’m gonna do air oh no not like that need to crouch blink fire water earth center air put air above fire air above fire and

Earth below water and this one over here will be the center one now i just need to do some programming for some simple lists i guess i can show you that it does still work with just a regular item as well so let’s just do item for these

So we’re going to have earth i have water i’m gonna have fire I don’t think i have any air there should be plenty in here now yep item air so that’s fire one of them didn’t take so that’s fire so we put the fire oop i’m sorry you can’t open them up until they’re attached to a cable

So put the cables down and we will be using one of the white connectors on that crate there all right so which one didn’t take let’s go put the rest of them in we’ve got earth earth was down did it just crash again it crashed again

It’s got to stop doing that i don’t know if it’s when i click one of these with one of the parts in my hand maybe i should switch to something else or maybe it’s just clicking on it i don’t know that does seem to be yet another book i’m racking them up in

This series i’ve completely forgot what this was now all right fire pedestal fire fire that’s right it’s an item fire crystal all right uh this one is earth pedestal and that is that one i have air air was up here that’s water air is over here

And now i need to oh i put in a bad one this is air the bad one needs to be water water crystal there we go your water your water item all right everybody’s happy oh i still got to do the diamond item i don’t have any more diamonds cued up diamond

Item diamond card insert card so basically this if any of these items are in this case barrel they will each pull out the one that they expect to have and they will send it to the proper place so if this recipe let’s go ahead and make

The recipe one each in order does not matter in this case one each of each of those and a diamond creates a pure crystal make the card put the card in here it is happy this tab it says we can craft but we don’t have any of the parts so let’s put

The parts in here i need some more diamonds let’s put a bunch of them looks like i make 13. let’s just make 10. craft pure 10 of them got everything we need oh oh there’s gonna be one more step well let’s go ahead and tell it to start crafting so in a moment

Oh i i did it wrong ah these are importers i need exporters it’s the other way around the other way around all right we can do this one two three four five do i have five more of these i do i got plenty orange ones that’s what we need

So i’ll break all these i’ll get all the cards back as i do and i’ll place the orange ones on here now i just got to put the right card back in the right place so your fire i think fire air air it should get it and it sent it over here

All right now it’s going to work your water water your diamond you are earth and you are what’s left there it goes but when it’s done we need to get the stuff back and that’s what this guy over here is for so we’re going to that’s the center we need the puller

We’re going to pull from here and we’re going to send up to there so i can put the pull and the send oh wait it just yanked the diamond out not what we wanted to do let’s go ahead and put that back over there and the puller i want to

Right click in the air and say pure crystal only white white list now we can put the puller and the sender in there so it’s only if i hit c here i’m going to pull pure crystals out and pop them back into here where this thing can see them

And know that the craft was done it’ll send another batch over here which will get extracted and sent out into the system now this could all could be buried somewhere with just this and this uh visible so you can put the input materials and do the crafting

Or if this is your main setup and you’ve got all of your storage hooked up to this thing which is probably the way it was intended to be then uh it could just pull from your main storage all the ingredients that it needs well there’s a pure crystal

It looks like it’s starting a new one let’s go over here so we can see everything fly about when it’s done it should run much faster now since we’ve got the improved pipes and the improved extractors the column improved yeah improved element extractor improved element pipe the highest tier of speed

Goes send it back and a new batch should be sent out there goes beaming it and it’s running this is now automated as well all right that i think is all the main types of automation now i’ve got this set up for the elemental binder the binder has a number of different recipes

Uh things that we’ll want to do fairly often the swift alloy which is here over in the air ah and fire right ingots on fire which is a netherite ingot which i’ve got i can make from uh netherright essence now all you have to do to make the netherrite seeds

Is to get enough to make four another right ingots in the sense each ingot takes four of these in order to do that we definitely want to get the uh the widget let’s find it or was it this thing the oar purifier let’s work on that right now it just needs a green

Gem we know how to make those a pure crystal okay yeah no problem with this we can make that right now or purifier let me get the green earth gem which will require getting out my binder or my gem crystallizer and it’s green so need it all over here

And hopefully i’ve got lots of the green ones i do i need a diamond from my tank and one green crystal grab one from over here yeah that doesn’t stop it from doing what it’s going to do one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one of these one of these

And i need they got the swift i got the swift or purifier two gold and two white rock white rock got lots in here now and two gold i have in the dank there we go and or purifier now this goes on earth so i can i can just place it

Whoop what i do with my there it is i can place it right here so now you can go to the nether get three and only three ancient debris so they’re hard to find pop them in here that’ll give you six and then you triple triple them in the crusher

From mechanism you got 18 which is enough the 16 yeah that’s enough then you can make the netherite seed and have all the netherrite you want the problem with the netherite seed another right seed here it is look at its uses it gives you the netherite essence look at the

Uses for the essence is to make the netherite ingot but what if you want the netherite scrap it doesn’t make the scrap it only makes the ingot which means you have to go back to the nether and get more ancient debris to get the scrap no there is a trick

You make the net you use the seeds to make the netherite ingot and then where is it oh well you have to crush the netherite ingot into another right dust and then put that ah into this machine the combiner put two of the dusts with a piece of basalt and you get

Ancient debris back and then you can make that into six of the netherite chunks whatever they’re called shards scrap another right scrap so that’s a good trick how’s this doing how many have we made made five it’s working just fine so this is where i’m going to stop

With elemental craft for now because it gets us this thing uh now we can go ahead out into the world and grab using our empty source receptacle another earth node let’s go upstairs now i haven’t taken you upstairs in all this time because i did some stuff

All right so project chest real quick over here is our 4x processing input machine now usually i’d have one of these directly above it piping down like i do for all those just to make them automated i moved it over because we’re going to increase this to

8x it’s going to be quite nice so here’s what we’re going to do i’m going to put down two of these you can see that they both already have some earth in them i’m going to connect them by i just have a regular element pipe i’ll upgrade that to a

High powered one later for now this will do i do have an improved element extractor which i’ll put on top and i have a earth node ready to go over here i’m going to place the aura purifier so now it is powered and behind here i’m going to connect up

Just a regular item cable from cyclic and grab my cyclic wrench and whack it so now whatever i put into this barrel will get put into the or purifier from there i’m going to use some more integrated dynamics item connector there item importer there and uh this thing has two slots

The input slot which is here on the front where the or shows up and then the output slot is on top this is slot zero that’s slot ones what i’m gonna do is make an integer of slot one just the number one it’s not really a slot but i would say

Import item slot one so this will only take the the uh the output of this machine not gonna leave the input alone and we’re done this is now for 8x processing let’s grab some ore say uh i not have a lot of i never processed any zinc

Let’s bring some zinc over here so if i put one zinc in you see it’s over there it is getting particlized it’ll turn into the thing on top which got sent down here two of them these two are going to turn into eight four each three each

Only three each i thought this thing was forex processing but for it four uses what i do chemical injection gets you four oh but the this only gets you three is that the same for all of them see what about iron something as basic as iron put an iron in here

There goes and we get three that must have changed oh okay elemental craft they have the shards in here no shard it is shard right use of this and they are chunk so the chunks in the chemical interest yeah it looks like they all do just three now that has changed that is

Unfortunate that would have given us eight now just gives us six still it’s six xor processing which i’ll probably have in the title so you knew that already so yeah we got six iron and six zinc for those one piece of ore that’s still pretty good you gotta admit now i’m curious now

The combiner if we go through the crusher and get the dust and then go to the combiner it does take eight that’s why they changed it i think because if i took this up to 5x processing and then doubled it using the or purifier that would be 10 which means i could put

One or into that system get ten ingots and then turn only eight of those ingots into a new or so i’d have the ore back and i’d have two ingots and i could just keep going round and round making infinite material but it looks like they have restricted the chunks

Yeah they don’t show up here let’s see the what’s the 5x chemical ejection chamber nope you can take these zinc crystals here okay this is the tier v the chemical crystallizer now if we check this for the chunks can it even take the chunks it doesn’t look like it can oh wait

That’s right it takes the slurry the slurry is in the chemical washer which is the dirty slurry which 5x processing is a lot more complicated okay so it does creates 800 and the ore creates a thousand okay so this has been nerfed as well so even this would give you a thousand

Millibuckets the dirty slurry which will give you eventually five ingots and this only does 800 so it only gives you four and and this is doubled which means at the most you can get 8x processing so you can’t cycle it back through all right that that must have just happened in the last

Update i think i could have sworn that wasn’t there but i could be wrong so we have 6x processing 8x processing is possible but i probably won’t do it because 5x in mechanism does take a lot of work and this episode has probably gone on way too long oh

Geez it has definitely gone on too long all right so we’re going to wrap it up here oh by the way this might look a little bit familiar this was my original test setup upstairs that’s why i haven’t brought you upstairs because this is everything we did downstairs

Just done up here now i do have two actually this one i have three do i have three for all of them no just this one i even hooked haven’t even hooked up a pedestal just had an extra one most of these just have two and they’re set to output to the same

Machines i haven’t automated like i haven’t automated this guy yet haven’t needed to yet or that one but this one is and that one is this one does the fire right ingots see it’s been running and this is the same setup we did downstairs just slightly different arranged

I don’t even need the variable store and they had their orange ones i just forgot they were orange ones all right so hope you uh enjoyed this episode and learned a little bit of elemental craft from it i do like the mod it’s definitely pretty slick and easy to use

Just had that extra step of the uh the gems that had to be incorporated this is non-sanity signing out take care be good stay safe and see you next time

This video, titled ‘All the Mods 6 – ep 6 – Automating ElementalCraft and 6x Ore Processing’, was uploaded by Nonsanity on 2021-02-16 19:59:15. It has garnered 6332 views and 121 likes. The duration of the video is 01:17:14 or 4634 seconds.

A Minecraft 1.16 kitchen sink pack: All the Mods 6

Start of a new series after a very long break, I’m going to try pushing through this pack in a rapid fashion. It won’t be a traditional speed run, but there will be little to no dilly-dallying.

My goal is to get to some end-game items quickly, using all the tricks I can find… and pass on to you.

■ Check out these other fine products from FTOG: » Thorgal – » Grok Duck Farmer –

“Gaslamp Funworks” by Kevin MacLeod Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 4.0 License License:

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    Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe FIX - Shizo TechFixITVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Launcher Not Launching Error Code 0x80072efe On Windows 11/10 PC FIX’, was uploaded by TechFixIT on 2024-07-07 15:41:16. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:44 or 464 seconds. The Minecraft Launcher Error Code 0x80072efe typically indicates a network-related issue, often related to connectivity problems between your computer and the Minecraft servers. Here are the main causes and their explanations: 1. Network Connectivity Issues Unstable Internet Connection: An unstable or weak internet connection can prevent the Minecraft Launcher from connecting to the servers, resulting in this error…. Read More

  • JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!

    JesterCraft: JJ Finds Twin Sister in Village! Is it a Trap? Mikey to the Rescue!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Jester Craft on 2024-09-22 21:00:19. It has garnered 2413 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:21 or 3801 seconds. JJ Met GIRL WOMAN TWIN SISTER in VILLAGE! CAN IT BE TRAP?! Mikey SAVE THEM in Minecraft – Maizen This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel : @maizenofficial Thanks for watching, don’t forget to like and subscribe! Read More

  • EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #Sponsored

    EPIC Modded Minecraft with X33N & Mithzan! 🚀 #SponsoredVideo Information This video, titled ‘PROGRESS CREATE MODDED MINECRAFT@Mithzan | Sponsored Stream! #Sponsored’, was uploaded by X33N on 2024-05-12 04:53:53. It has garnered 1271 views and likes. The duration of the video is 06:29:09 or 23349 seconds. Other Live streams: Read More

  • Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!

    Insane Live Roblox/Minecraft Server Comeback!Video Information This video, titled ‘Live de Roblox / Minecraft server voltou’, was uploaded by ITZ´s on 2024-07-28 06:56:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱

    Kronus: RARE POSITIVE ENERGY Minecraft Stream! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘ĐÂY LÀ MỘT STREAM MINECRAFT TRONG SÁNG VÀ TÍCH CỰC #vtuber #vtubervn’, was uploaded by Kronus【Vietuber】 on 2024-09-25 15:54:37. It has garnered 12681 views and 767 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:03 or 8103 seconds. — Donate to Kro here: + Playerduo: + Streamlabs: — Social Media: + Facebook: + Tik Tok: — Hashtags: #vtubervietnam #kronusgenovius #vietuberproject #vtuber #vtubervn #minecraft #superhardmode Read More

  • BakSoo MC

    BakSoo MCServer Minecraft Indonesia dikhususkan untuk player indonesia sadjah. Dapat bermain lewat JAVA dan juga BEDROCK Untuk sekarang kami baru memiliki Hard Survival Server. Rencananya akan kami tambah jadi PIXELMON Read More

  • MasterRealm – Semi Vanilla

    Welcome to Master Realm’s New Season! 🎉 Hey everyone! Master Realm’s new season is live, and it’s packed with awesome updates! 🌟 What’s New: Explore a Corrupted World: Dive into a realm sealed by ancient gods. Unlock chunks with blocks or items to face tougher monsters, structures, mobs, and items. Season Theme: The Corrupted Chunks. Venture into a world full of corruption and mystery with increasing dangers and Blood Moons. Economy & Trading: Robust economy with coins, an auction house, exclusive kits, and custom items. Slimefun Enhancements: New machines and gadgets for exciting crafting. 100 New Dungeons & Bosses: Challenge… Read More

  • CommunityCraft SMP!!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine: Too Spicy for Easy Additions

    It’s like trying to convince a Minecraft player that diamonds are just as common as dirt – not gonna happen! Read More

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

    Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Stressmen and Odo Kentang, always ready to thrive. With NightD24 and ElestialHD, they create a scene, Filled with laughter and joy, in every frame that’s seen. Kulpi Semungku channel, bringing animation to life, With funny videos and unique experiences, free from strife. Haikal Hibatulloh, the mastermind behind the scenes, Editing models and maps, creating vibrant dreams. So like, subscribe, and share, to support their art, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity sparks. Watch and enjoy, the moments so grand, In every video, crafted by their hand. Read More

  • ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente!

    ¡El meme de Minecraft más caliente! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraft #meme #trending Read More

  • Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681

    Minecraft Shenanigans: Episode 681 Minecraft Adventures in Episode 681 Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds! In this episode, Lờ Đờ Vờ takes us on a thrilling journey through the blocky landscapes of Minecraft. Let’s dive into the highlights of this epic adventure! Exploring New Horizons In this episode, our intrepid explorer embarks on a quest to discover new lands and resources. Armed with nothing but their wits and a trusty pickaxe, they traverse vast forests, scale towering mountains, and delve deep into mysterious caves. Along the way, they encounter a variety of creatures, from friendly villagers to… Read More