Insane Perfectly Cut Minecraft Moments

Video Information

For all of 2023 me and my friends created viral Minecraft videos more put more more more yeah yeah yeah and what you’re about to watch is a compilation of every single one in one video so sit back subscribe and enjoy almost 2 hours of Minecraft Clips Jack Black Bamboo bamboo Bamboo Rambo Rambo

Wa stars and jungle polar bear hi w oh now if I want to travel through the nether I can with nether Highway okay but now how do I get Down [ __ ] okay they have camels that’s about like the only useful thing here oh look iron okay so you’re useful hey yeah you you big and strong you can’t there’s nothing even in that Village I might as well just try and find gold that’s not how spawns the hell is

That it looks like my grandma what is that where am I what are you what is that there we go a normal spawn all right what’s this random spawn point all right oh this is pretty cool nah it’s too pink even he’s pink I mean I could consider moving into a village they’re

At least somewhat decent hey how are you [Applause] guys rather not I mean it’s got iron this looks like the inside of a major artery and it’s a little warm oh hey guys how are the neighbors are the neighbors nice yo hey what’s up man I don’t like this one it’s a little

Isy and cold where are the neighbors uh they look a little angry it’s okay it’s perfect it’s perfect it’s perfect oh it’s perfect uh this is my sh my name is schlatt and welcome back to Minecraft and what the hell is this hey sh get over here who the hell are

You I’m great man I’ve been hearing about some stuff better not know anything about 97 good good I’m I’m I’ve got my r on you hell is this thing it’s kind of cute look at it what is this don’t turn your ass to me what is this

Thing a look at you I’m going to hit it who leaves TNT out here bro what what is this oh there’s more underneath okay no I’m sick of this I’m sick of this dream SMP I’m sick of the M how’s it going fellas all right I need some

Wood for my base all right let’s see here all right perfect and then we’ll get some more a little bit More perfect what what what what the heck fine you know what I’ll go to a different tree what you know what at least I can make some wood well at least I can build with it man where are all the animals man I’m starving where’s I can’t eat a sea turn

I mean the saturation isn’t that good from carrots but oh my are you serious there’s a cow why is there so thought it would be a good idea oh look at him farming his crops and you know like it and you know just thought it was like look at you

Farming you don’t think I can Farm Craft I I thought it was cool no get out of here man like seriously get out of come on man we got combat we got Redstone we got beginners and we oh construction okay here we go so four at the bottom uhhuh okay and then

Ignited okay W that’s so cool all right I need a temporary portal all right so two in the middle Perfect all right then bnk and we go what diamonds yes yes give me the diamonds dude iron dude yes yes give me the iron oh okay diamonds I guess and

You know I thought Greg we’ve been walking for ages dude we’re never going to find a village we’ve used them all man why don’t we just build one them well we can’t just build the Greg this is the wrong Village time is this what global warming is why is

There a giant ice PE well at least we have to check the blacksmith just a little bit out okay okay okay hold still yep hold still okay and we have a mine cart and another one hey check this out what’s up Greg I’m playing better look check this out all Right okay yeah and another one dude what’s in the storage shed man what you ruin mying how many how many do all right why what the heck why is the world not loading oh this is meant to be like this what is going on and he’s ported a custom did vix already

Record well the do’s open so I’d imagine what is this he’s been in the Attic what in the hell was he recording here I’m lost so what why is there a giant Pink House what would he possibly need that for there’s a giant driveway what is

This for what is this from okay we have a little private area in the middle too what the how are you seeing this do you see the big house okay don’t talk to me then okay I’ll use the backup server then Jesus Christ what what the hell can he not

Keep a server clean like what the oh my gosh I finally finished my house look how pretty it [Laughter] is I’m off I don’t know what to name you it’s either Sparkle fart or pinky toe doggy doggy yay I’m going to name you Mega do a I love taking care of my

Sheepies oh I love my pretty little farm look at all my cute little crop I need more experience more experience die die is she’s in the lake it’s such a little fun relaxing hobby I love fishing oh I think I got a big one yay oh shoot and into the cave all right

I guess I’ll dig through bro bro what bro bro what the hell well I mean I brought some TNT so like it might help bro seriously What the Hell what oh I found the bom what bro what nah bro I’m done I’m done I’m going what what the hell I eat dirt bro what do we got oh hey man hey you’re not playing my CH no I’m taking your three diamonds those are turn into a pickaxe my guy no

Why yo what happened to you dude why are you all cracked up like that you cracked in fortnite my guy this is a 11 prepar for take off hey s but can you help me what what is that but what the hell is that no no what the hell was that no

A hey guys you want carrots yeah sure you get one and you get one yeah oh so grassy why do you have like a gold play have one though like what this isn’t gold my office isn’t done this is wood oh it has my Tik Tok on the back but it

Has my old logo all right hey man can I have some carrots no no you can’t have any carrots stop asking me to have any carrots bro I’m not going to get you any Carrs listen here Buster I’m going to cut you off right there if I can’t have these carrots no one

Can bro you nah nah Nah and I was thinking hold on um oh shoot I’m a light on funds right now you know I got to do a little redesign your logo redesign your logo give up yo I am so tired dude I just want to go to bed who sleep like I sleep like

That dude you got to get up no you got to get on my bed dude wake up holy man you need to hit the gym you big as hell bro operator who’s this big idiot what’s going on in here yeah doing all your things yeah

No are you doing you can’t do are you doing you yo what’s up Greg not much you need to stop telling people the what do you mean I haven’t been doing that much no no something the prank in your house D no no you won’t you’re not real you’re not real Bro are you bro nah the hell was Greg talking about bro I’m home alone I’m perfectly fine my house is perfect L safe like bro seriously what no no no no Greg I’m sorry yo you’re below bro this is my brother below what the hell is that you Belo bro

No no not nah no I don’t believe there’s another way perfect okay ooh but it’s shiny no you can’t touch it Greg I will only ring it one one okay gentlemen man I wish you guys spoke one at a time so I know what you said yeah

Hey Greg what’s up who’s that behind you What what do we got what do we got we got a blacksmith um no well onwards and upward what do we have over wait what that was just okay oh hey Greg what’s going on oh nice nice don’t don’t touch all right what do we got here um oh R in

Portal um no blacksmith have you seen a new skiy toilet episode what okay what about here um no no all right finally a blacksmith dude hey what’s up hey hey get out I’m taking your stuff man I’ll kill you man excuse me yeah I’ll kill you no I’ll get

Quand in here bro you don’t even know no oh dude all right all right let’s let’s see let’s see see Greg I’m going netherite mining all right adios all right let’s see here where can I put this portal here looks Good I don’t have flint and steel oh wow look flint and steel W crazy all right and uh all right netherite mining all right let’s start here nothing okay well let’s do it again nothing nothing all right what about here why is vix here that was a pretty

Successful mining trip I got two netherite scrab what the hell he just shut up I want skiy toil 49 where is my base seriously dude okay oh what’s that dude oh hell yeah give me that bro oh what seriously man I can’t do nothing with that wait wait hello is anyone there

Can I come in to be out now seriously man where’s my base dude Like well I know damn well it’s not this way bro no no don’t touch it Don’t touch don’t touch no no not too much not too much you know I’m just having some fun just hanging around the village why you getting so close why you going so far dude you’re always in the

Way like seriously come on what’s up 5 6 8 n seriously dude no no no no no no no get in the mine carts get in get in the mine get in the mine cart get get in the mine cart get in the Y I really hope we find

Diamonds yeah I need to make a new diamond chest plate anyway so wait I got a TCH move yeah uh what oh my God H just go around just go around yeah yeah here Place one here Place one here a I’m so confused what how do we get

Out bro why is there so much yo you should build a base here bro this is this is great oh this one finished here let’s build up let’s build up so how’s the weather like oh my God bro bro what it’s all gravel all grav it’s

All gra Diamond yes yes Diamond dude oh my God finally yes and I was thinking of playing fortnite but e um but yeah so cuz like the Lego thing all right so the Minecraft handbook said four at the bottom and then up like this and then across and down

Yeah that looks about right oh that’s so cool damn my base is way too far I’m going to have to go buy Another oh my god there it is the elytra oh my God that’s so cool all right oh yeah there it is perfect all right great now I’m not poor on This Server oh dude dude n bro n bro I’m so tired of coold nah o

Diamonds oh my god oh my god dude I love copper so much so so much oh my God oh my God I love copper I I love copper I I love I love copper I I love Co I love copper and that’s my house perfect man it looks like it’s missing

Something like almost like I could spr spread guacamole and bacteria all over it oh my God oh my God it’s perfect oh I love it I love it oh my God I love it there’s only one thing that could ever make this update any better in oh my

God you’re absolutely useless into the pen all right and you get weed and you get weed give me food give me m wow there’s a hole here oh I should be careful well doesn’t hurt to be careful you know what they say hey dude you know where the

Librarian is yeah sure it’s just down the road a sweet thanks Man a oh man all right perfect that should be everything all right let’s Go all right I have everything come on guys yep yep into the pen oh yeah dude I found some coal oh yeah I’m coming I’m coming one second um oh wow that is a lot of coal this is a lot wait give me a sec give me a sec

Move move move move come back come come yeah put more put more more more yeah yeah yeah what what there’s so Much Oh how is it all C no bro no let’s go back let’s go back yeah no go back wait wait wait wait it’s all it’s all cold kids I swear I’m going to love all of you and equally I’ll be dividing my love into seven equal sections or love quadrants each

Quadrant would be worth 15 love units represented by these small brass marbles you may use these marbles as currency amongst yourselves collect 35 love units you can trade those in for a beach towel with my face on it collect more than three towels what is that ret where are my babies

Keep it down lady we’ve got families around here have you seen my babies I’m popping a Peak at a smoking babe right now I’ve lost seven of my babies tragic I’ve got some tuplets myself I don’t know what I’d do if I lost them good thing I’m a responsible parent you

Should try it sometime hey Greg what’s up oh not too much oh not too who the hell is this guy bro get out of here seriously yes Greg i’m AF friend of the monster under my bed Greg your mom is not going to come out from under the bed

Hey man you called for me yeah man you’re causing too much damage to the Village what damag is this Village is perfectly sound oh finally dude diamonds Diamond Greg no you can have one more I don’t want to hear don’t night Greg nothing bad’s going to happen for

Mining at night hey man you guys really hurt Greg’s feelings earlier so I wanted you toiz we don’t care bro we’re Villers racist oh that makes sense I have the ultimate prank idea oh my God there we Go you’re not funny and he was just acting like I was no hold that thought Greg what bro what you’re pink want to see if the friends match the oh hello sir can I have some bread how did you get in here get out of my things man hey put those

Back hey man what’s up I can’t reach my furnace are are you serious yeah man I can’t reach it ni bro oh there we go than man are you kidding me what’s up to the top of the mountain oh I bet thanks man what is bro talking blow up TNT here

Seriously oh my God if I didn’t have TNT bro I swear what’s this going to do I bet you $20 I can ring this Bell super fast all right man go far let’s H you know this is a really dumb place to put all your hay bells right why not I tried really

Hard I you do that magic we’re stuck no no no yo let me get some of that wool oh my God that feels so good I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need it I don’t need hey Greg what’s going on uh

Not too much what’s up no not do much not do much what are you doing here no I just want to come and say hi do some no no socks no No lovea hey man what’s up no not too much I Anova my but but but what are you doing what are you doing No how did you do that what let me get uh this isn’t a store you can’t buy anything here oh but what are you doing d P bacon bacon bacon there’s a pig in there this smells good hey hey my stuff man I’m oh yeah who you going to tell Batman I’m going to Batman that’s where you’re wrong I’m Batman I’m awesome and this is Rock little buddy yeah good isn’t it yeah got a

Hobby dude smelling is our hobby it’s not a hobby what is this this house dude oh yeah it’s part of Vick’s recording or Something that should be enough yeah yeah yeah anyway all right Christmas just do away Christmas can you believe it guys Christmas just Christmas can you believe it I don’t want to hey buddy where’s your dad oh he’s just gone oh nice nice yeah do you think of the smell of

This nice nice okay how about the smell of flames oo that’s actually quite nice oh I like that ow O nice and toasty hey come here yeah what’s up man 20 minutes one I have oh my God can you build any slower like come

On he hey hey yo what do we got in here D look what I’m training I don’t want to know what you’re training don’t take my stuff man the pantaloon the Panton you’re giving me some pantalon we’ve been out here forever you catch anything

Yet no not yet no oh I might have gotten something hey man can I have some carrots no absolutely not Oh hey man this is a nice Hay Loft he hell oh me too yay how long did that take me minutes [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] sh ah beautiful isn’t it yeah it’s pretty nice H dude would you yo dude can I have some carrots oh I

Want give you my hard ear carrots but I’m not going to give you them but hey how does it feel love to have your hat huh dude these prices are unbearable hat hey man I’m not wearing one hey man you called yeah can you D this train oh yeah sure yeah thanks man

Are you sure you’ve done this before Oh no I’ve done this hundreds of times oh okay hey man can you turn this into mending uh yeah sure this is a Harry Potter Steve with white eyes Steve with white eyes well that’s interesting Greg what’s up not to you okay man your voice sounds

A little horse that’s not funny hey man don’t be my crops hey man don’t judge a book by its cover I’m not taking your crops I’m taking your wood and this son is bark give it a sniff what is this family bonding experience hey Greg what’s up not too

Much I got a bump with the warden oh yeah the warden man yeah he’s not too difficult to deal with he’s big he’s stupid you know like one time I had this run with him where I was like oh man he’s right behind me isn’t and you know

I turned around and hey man what’s up hey man you want to buy some bricks no absolutely not no oh okay now anyway uh I left a little present in your house for you a present for me yeah it’s a bomb hey guys PDA PDA yeah break it up

Anyway uh dear socks I am doing some exper experiments on the dirt Pier do not bother me sincerely Greg okay well I do not listen so Jordan what are you and this is water son it will be very good for you no no no hey man can I have some

Carrots no man they’re my carrots no like why would I give you well it wasn’t really a question because I could you know so I’m just going to take people anyway and uh no stop stop you’re not even selling any stuff you like to do in your Pas time

What do I like to do in my pastime fire fire fire Greg Greg Greg don’t go in there don’t go in there don’t just don’t Greg did you eat my last tide pod yeah of course man like would I real life oh yeah no no stop stop stop no what are you doing

Now hey Greg what are you doing and what’s the suspicious explosion behind you meaning that I totally didn’t do this for the first time what what anyway I need to go to that Village see you hey man what’s going on Wow four bro nah no what what are you

Doing what in a mine cart and a mineart aart hey Greg Greg Greg read this Christmas skins that’s just free labor man what the hell what are you doing so warm no no not good idea man hey man what’s up hey you want some grapes man oh for me yeah don’t grapes

And every kind of brick yeah man of course you know what thanks man I appreciate it no problem man Merry Christmas hey Greg did you know that polar bears are the only animals that are known to actively hunt humans yeah that crazy right yeah oh hey look look

At you are you cute and cuddly yeah look at you you’re not going to do nothing to me you’re so cute don’t touch him Don’t Go Near him don’t even look at hey Greg you know what that house reminds me of a penis no no the answer is cucumber hey

Greg you called yeah man hey don’t yeah okay well I don’t do a lot of them oh what the hell then I said that’s not a camel that’s my wife you haven’t done a TT oh yeah you’re right what the heck hey oh I guess you could say I’m edging you

What why don’t you like the snow it’s great there’s nothing not to like about the snow it’s so pretty o an iglo oh hey man what’s going on where’ you come from oh you know I was just strolling out here what you doing uh Rat oh nice yeah we can start with the

Carpet like it is ug what is this m what is this dude n no no no cuz like cuz who has a dungeon BR what the he oh what light and powdery wow Jordan you built a snowman how’ you do that with six legs I don’t

Know you smell so good Greg you have such a cozy little setup Yeah man so good man Greg why do you have snowballs in your chat Dy get out my crops man well why are you even growing crops in the winter whoa this is cool man all right you first all right hey

Dude what’s up I can’t do the fireplace nuking the fireplace yeah man it won’t go what the heck oh it seems to be nuking just fine oh my God yo what’s up dude man don’t still no get out of there no no I’m not going to lie you broke his Hop stop something Christmas game will appear really you called oh yeah I guess yes you are what the hell happened GRE the village is abandoned really I hadn’t noticed what do you mean you didn’t know that so wait if the village is abandoned doesn’t that mean we can do whatever we

Want okay one Sec okay I’m back well I guess we now know what happened their economy sunk what the how man oh I got stuck in my nose is your ques so looking ass smelling cob you know what the best part about having no repercussions is let’s That no no you say Greg do we move on to the next Village yeah all right did you summon me for that shut up yo no don’t be Tak my Crouch man enough J what the hell are you doing scraping everything how do you not have severe brain damage this is concrete powder

Greg hey man is this a Christmas tree no man can you at least wait until tomorrow tomorrow’s December 1st a like Christmas night tomor I ain’t having that he’ll be back no like nah you’re gone bye no you got to stop with all like this dumb jokes

Hey like that’s exactly what I’m talking about there you go Greg now we’re in a snowy Village you got your Christmas wish uh-huh now go tobog ever been ice fishing no okay it’s easy so first things first you got to blow a hole in the ice okay is this safe no it’s fine

Sh yeah that should be good rck what the hell is this I this who are you another ha Loft wow are you talking to the cows no okay well anyway this is a nice Hay Loft man yeah thanks man Itable though unfortunately what the hell are you holding up the whole house I swear to God and that’s how your dad birthed you nuh-uh nuh-uh nuh look at him walking away shame what do you got this time nothing you don’t have anything good a hey man can I have some

Food no you can’t have any bch happen and then you want what the hell sorry sorry do that again bro go away oh pink you can smell colors now knock knock what but what are you Doing dude I am running out of food please can I have some carrots you can have two that was not ter I can’t count all right what am I stealing today what do we got yep hey man don’t look in there don’t look in there my God you’ve gotten

Fat Greg do you ever wonder if we’re just like a storm of chaos that just goes Village to Village destroying everything no hey man quit horsing around over here that’s not funny also do you want to buy some graes hey man what’s white and stupid it’s me hey Greg what are you

Doing over here man Christmas just weake can you believe it guys Christmas just it’s almost here Christmas just yo do we got here oh he you’re not taking my stuff this time man no way you’re the hell is that it’s the shut up horn I’m going to play it every time I

Want you to shut up that’s stupid I’m not going to all right now I’m going to take you things I’m going to take them okay yeah mhm mhm what what are you oh my god what are you doing ious powder oh yeah that’s snow Bud because I don’t want man sometimes

You’re a real pain in the ass that’s not funny man I just want to saw you why why isn’t it moving no no no because it says un docum taking hey Greg what’s up hey man uh there’s all this water here and I want get done oh yeah yeah yeah okay thanks man Uh yeah that looks okay that yeah that’s that’s that’s good enough yeah yeah that’s good that’s good can you also get rid the thanks Man bro what why is in this what oh man you’re you’re really getting in there this time uhhuh hello everybody my name is all right what do we got in here hey what’s up man potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato potato Kitty yo

Check this out dude man what the hell is that thing what up Greg hey man um I sold my horse and I got a new one hey that’s crazy that’s not funny hey Greg what are you are you are you hanging from the tree no no I’m broken gravity again what do you

Mean okay hey man St touching my C hey man what are you going to do with that hit me no yo what’s up Greg aerosol in here sorry I just cleaned up a bit you know it might smell a little bit but it’s honestly I got know do it I can’t smell

It anymore so you know it’s pretty it’s pretty okay for me yeah yeah just give me one sec okay you w of baby powder oh yeah yo what the hell n bro no that’s it that’s it Fireball where the hell is Greg I haven’t seen him all day bro like what

He’s not even here fo I need some help Greg what the come on please have mending today can you help me what I’m St can you no no they’re my characters they’re mine no because they’re you what’s up over here oh yeah that’s real stanky oh yeah yeah that smells good I need

Bleach what are you singing nothing I’m not singing anything no bro no I’m robbing you now don’t look in there there’s nothing in there don’t look but is this something I said you doing hey hey he n n you’re good n you’re good oh Greg started up a new

Business hey Greg what’s going on man know not too much not too much nice nice let me get a we’re not doing this again no we’re not doing this again no stop stop it stop no what are you doing what are you doing all right what do we

Have on this side of it what dude are you okay I got caught talking to the kids again hey Greg are you all right what happened yeah man I fcked off the for entertainment hey that’s not nice that’s not funny hey Greg you call whoa what are you doing sir doing

Experiments don’t worry about it okay what is this thing it’s got glyphs on it bro don’t worry it’s not in plus you’re playing with tnt again what did I tell you about that look it’s for an experiment okay it’s perfectly stable it’s perfectly this thing’s not dangerous seriously okay if you say so

It’s it’s stable stable yeah what like the horse that you fell off yeah sure and all right stand right there for me all right we got a mine cart and we got another one and we got another one and we got another one and we have another

One and we have another all right I’m going to visit Greg today oh bark and Le all right I’m going to ignore that another one and maybe we have another one and maybe a another one and another one and another one bites the dust and another one wow he’s really

Upscaled all right what’s he doing Greg oh what Greg what the hell another one and you know maybe per chance you’re fat it was a j one and you know another one and you know all right I’m taking your coat Insurance your big ass forehead Insurance your door Insurance $20

Walmart gift card another one and you know maybe just you know one more and you know a Greg’s house is all covered in again a Greg you got to seriously clear that up man I know I know I’m working on it what what are you Doing 47 isn’t enough I need more carrots if you touch any of these carrot can you Alive no no what are you doing touching them Greg I’m going to be honest you’re a great guy and all but sometimes you really got to stop being an ass that’s not funny all right what’s going on in this this house oh there’s an arrow stuck in my nose uh-uh uh-uh all right

What do we got cooking over here um what’s going on what you what you doing what you what are you trying to do what the hey Greg what are you wearing I thought i’ go get with the gentle thing today into the pan sweet carrot man can

You at Le wait to the ground yeah but I’m hungry now hey Greg I’m sorry for pushing you earlier are you all right oh did I just stop my to well that’s baloney that wasn’t funny actually I wasn’t talking about that I was talking about this a look at the little piggy

Bacon bacon bacon no no more Pete Davidson references hey Greg no F the don’t touch what does he want now he man all right what do we got in here no I’m take something you like why can’t I feel my ball hey Greg

Oh you got a P Fox how cute man what do he got in his mouth a again with your views man yeah this is great yeah this time it’s kind a railing down a you got me man you know me way too well man you

Know me way too well all right hey man I’m back let me get a borana all right I need mending dude you’ve been talking to Greg haven’t you yeah yeah all right what do you got you’re just selling curs of Vanishing that’s like that’s like witchcraft what the hell man today’s

Been great I haven’t seen the Sniff Peace at Last yeah you want some P are you Okay oh Greg oh boards aren’t going to save you hello Gregory no no mountain you want to play catch no no no like seriously like catch hey man stop stealing my Crouch man I’m sorry I’m hungry man oh these are stanky hey great what’s going on

What what exactly am I looking at here I I don’t know oh okay it’s there what why that what is going what is happening what what have I done what all right New Village new blacksmith what do we got going on he I heard you you steal things from people

Now how could you have possibly heard that I am from 100,000 blocks away I oh my God this guy loaded you are loaded sir thanks for the stuff got give me back my I’ll see you later I’m KN down I’m staying for a bit yo what’s up

Greg catch catch sure yeah catch these hands all right I got this i got this all right that was fun man that was great hey man you really got to stop touching my carots you startled me exuse me sir what do you think of the recent floodings in the village like how does

This how happen yeah I don’t know how they would have happened I’ve been holding this one in since the dinur ages why is it oh my God you’re Mr Beast oh my God can I get a screenshot I’m not Mr Beast bro what did you leg change my oh

My god dude it’s Mr smell like why hey man there’s a hole under your house I noticed whole lot of nothing that wasn’t funny all right that’s enough Havoc for today let’s uh let’s go back home I thought I got rid of you years ago no mind I’m telling you

Actually it’s neither of yours because I’m going to be taking them hey Greg up here feeling powerful again yeah yeah how did we even get up here sometimes when I’m bored a fart smell something yo it’s so pretty out here Greg you do a really good job at like picking Lookout

Places because I do not give you enough credit a thank you man yeah I often think about gas tentacles why are you looking at me like I have three heads Simba Mikey you’re late on your payments again give me another week man no I said that last time man I’m taking

Your car insurance your home insurance home insurance your insurance insurance your nose insurance and your peanut butter Insurance not peanut butter Ins Insurance and for fun I’m going to detonate the nuclear bomb I put in your house mhm sayara man if only he paid on

Time a hey guys do you want carrots you guys want carrot okay you get a carrot and you get a carrot yeah all right Wiz he got cracking on in here hey man what’s going on you’re not getting anything out of my chest stop trying I wasn’t going to take anything

From your chest but now that you’re giving me attitude I might you know I you got some app April to May hey Greg what’s going on just sitting up here makes me feel oh yeah yeah I know the feeling yeah ooh carrots hands off my carrots

Okay well I didn’t want your swamp ass tasting carrots anyway hey Greg what’s going on this installed in a sweet man yeah it’s great man have you already wished yeah what’ you wish for World pece of course oh that’s so cool man what did I wish for I wish for 90% of

The human population to go blind except for me hey Greg what’s going on man late welcome to my wedding man oh that’s why all these people are here okay I’m going to go be at the food table over over there um I would have picked a better

One your wife as a uni hey man I need some mending oh yes distance oh perfect thank you problem Oh the knowledge of the universe what stupid and has a big nose it was squid hey farmer what’s going on I accidentally dropped my phone in this ha hey that sounds like

Fun that was not funny hey Greg what’s going on he man I just started a business oh that’s so cool man here let me go check it out thanks man okay and yeah and wow that’s so cool Greg like man that’s so great yeah thanks man business is booming eh all right

Fresh new world fresh meat what the golden apple we got okay some iron some Gunpowder not bad not bad all right oh I smell Apple a sweet a chest all right oh more apples all right yeah here’s probably a good spot he’s not around is he no all right we’re good yeah we’re

Good we’re chilling all right and through we Go oh you got that interdimensional stank all right perfect oh I smell BL perfect that’s the last seriously man oh that portal SM it’s pered what does he smell like bro why are you here and some iron all right finally oh my God yo let me get a sniff

Of those wings bro you’re too fat all right so the blacksmith called me over what’s up man how can I help uh I’m doing renovation okay so you’re doing renov okay well as the demolition expert we need to do some demolishing here so I think this will do just great don’t you

Think yeah me too man you know this guy better give me mending cuz this is the last time I’m asking nicely oh yeah mending oh what the hell oh my God what happened here Greg what’ you do I didn’t do I do what do you mean

Going oh dude I’m so hungry just just won the Villager won’t know what are you doing okay okay I’m going to prank Craig I’m going to prank Greg hey Greg what’s going on man I oh that’s cool got your mortgage hey man what’s up can you surprise these houses oh yeah I

Could do that for you thanks man I really appreciate it all right let’s see here was a rail and then a mine cart and then a mine cart and then a mine cart and then a mine cart and then a what do you want do I’m no I no I don’t I can

You sniff this guy yeah yeah then a mine cart and then a mine cart and then maybe another and another and Y what’s up check out my new custom house bro oh yeah I like it yeah it’s pretty good and another and another and maybe another you know add another one maybe

Another I need some food what is this it’s my nut it’s my another butter what one more all right yeah that’s good all right yeah uh you want me to separate them yeah yeah no problem thanks man what the sep Greg I don’t really think it’s a great idea to be what the

Heck d i a slap Bo the [ __ ] out of you man who do you think you are bro Gumball Waton Greg get down from there you’re going to hurt your oh does it jiggle you should not be allowed near School Greg why is there nuh-uh

Nuh-uh two times in a day crazy B I’m a growing young man I need my food yeah but they don’t grow on trees B you’re right they grow from the ground bro bro are you serious dude is he not ready yet we’re going to miss the party where

Is he can you help me oh my God what Greg your house is flying yeah man I thought to try something new this is not nor blacki you sniff my ass like that again I’ll turn you into the next Village Feast okay air strikes right you shoot

The mine cart it explodes but what if instead we drop them on houses so you just hit the block it falls and what [Applause] the dude stop taking my C man I need to eat the hell did you just say oh my God what is that noise what is wrong dude I

Can’t spell my bro I need iron bro oh my God you are not touching anything in this chest come on please man no what if I do something impressive huh maybe okay what the hell thank you nah dude I need food dude I need

Food no no n mm- yo I think we should do some mining yeah we haven’t done mining in ages yo come over here bro yeah what’s up any more all right it could probably be over here oh what the hey man what you building don’t go away

Don’t yo what do we got in this house my wife she eat the apple oh sorry sorry sorry yeah sorry I’ll put it back my bad don’t tell him don’t tell him no no no [ __ ] why from man stop my CS off them like come

On we do need to find our base wait I’m going to change the Ser location to India one sec no no no no no better better do not change no I need to get some wood never mind yo what are you up to um I’ll just get some P

Bro what is that oh my god dude what is That Yo life is Roblox we got the Treehouse we got the two pandas look at this view man look at this view Panda P coming coming what the hell man okay oh man dude we need to get

Down ah yo I’m just going to check out this Bastion really quick all right I’m going to place on the chest yo yo what the heck hey man no don’t what you building go away don’t no stop don’t blow it up yo how’s the cow Farm coming along it’s

Pretty good but be careful I’m sending a cow up by the way okay just one Yeah yo I love that I can go up to villagers and Lally say anything yo what’s going on guys how we doing on this lovely evening [ __ ] evening what the [ __ ] you about fuing sorry sorry sorry sorry look at this idiot he doesn’t even know how to make a one hit pman

For I will drop you into the void do you understand like I can do it right now I can no don’t look at them they’re not going to help you they’re not going to help you I’m going to drop you into the void I’ll drop you into the

Vo you going to give me mending all right good boy are you kidding me all right finally done my House oo Diamond let’s go oh yeah I need some Gunpowder no idiot yo I think we should do some mining yeah we haven’t done mining in ages I think we really should yo why’d you log up yo what do we got in here all right we got

Some C on to my stuff is that a Starbucks CH what what are you doing please I I steal some of these yeah yeah yeah [Applause] And then I said that’s not a camel that’s my wife you should become a ComEd man you really think so and then I said that’s not a camel that’s my wife button anyway uh so that’s not yo what’s what’s going on man what you doing oh yo

Let me see what you’re writing how tell the town I T can I off from ooh carrots hey man put those down no please no cuz I don’t know I’m hungry man okay okay stop whining oh my God all right what do we got in here we got

Anything and then you know that you know that happened and then hey hey get my stuff man what the [ __ ] what do you mean get the [ __ ] out here don’t push me yeah but What yoink rock o hey hey you know the fish in there man what L hey what’s going on here man I found a pickaxe and I found Emerald oh that sucks thanks man all right later come back all right and there’s you guys Bridge a thanks

Guys thank you thank you wait how are you guys clapping without using your hands hey man I haven’t seen you in a while you got a horse yeah man that’s cool um yeah how’s life been H pretty good oh you know rehab was supposed to

Be a fresh start excuse me sir how much do you pay for rent in the village my finances how about you tell me or the school gets it what the [ __ ] got some beats here not going to tell you again get your hands off my crap what get your

Hand thank you so much for your patronage come again hey man why you selling bricks what do you mean what what’s wrong with me selling grapes I sell bricks I thought you sold bricks no I found PR okay okay okay I’ll pack up dude the Cap’s too big you’re going to

Have to like I’m going to have to build across to you okay build across wait don’t you still owe me 20 bucks seriously now no man good luck you have fun man excuse me sir would you like to help families in need no why would

I how about now yo do you want to play the new fortnite update no bro it’s Sund I got to go Cat I think you’re SK sches cleared up o a desert temple let’s see what it holds anything cool oh hey man what’s up the T so what what how are we not dead yeah how are we not dead magic hey man do you have milk no good night a thanks

Man hey man said you uh might have some milk I could borrow you just get that yeah hey hey can you help me yeah what’s up can you help me please what what do you mean help you get me out of here yeah okay what do I get out of it all of

My emeralds okay how many is that five no you’re good all right let’s see what’s inside this blacksmith’s house what’s that oh hey no uhh no ah you got me man you got me get out of here man get out Hey Hey My My later all right Pat here is your

New house so it’s pretty small but it’s pretty good it’s well within your budget it’s a one bedroom one bath except the bathroom is outside so you know take that as you will what do you think of it pretty good it’s pretty good all right sweet um by the way what’s your credit

Score like it’s like a two ooh yeah no we’re going to have to scrap that sorry about that so what you’re telling me is your questionably shaped house can blast off like a rocket and go to the Moon yeah if I push this button that’s going to happen uhhuh sure buddy

Yeah see nothing happened this is why you shouldn’t have been an the cop should basically be okay wo wo wo let me stop you there you thought it was a good idea to build all your crops right here to a lake on the top of a hill and you didn’t think oh maybe

During the wet season all of our crops aren’t going to wash it really you really thought that yeah you’re an idiot okay maybe I yelled at him a bit but you know it’s okay hey man how are you doing I heard you started keto too by the way

I’m doing okay yeah yeah I’m sorry for yelling at you um don’t don’t look there you said you started Keo I’ll start tomorrow I’ll start you say so what do you think about the roller coaster that I made huh this is awesome yeah it’s pretty fun uh it

Actually goes to your house really oh that’s cool I actually fit yeah all right see you man man I don’t get how you can live next to a lava pool with like a primarily wood house man like how do you do it I mean it’s yeah but like you know

What if one day own oh no your house it’s on fire oh no oh no you know like what what if that were to happen you know cuz like do you have insurance on that do you have like specialized stuff because the lava pool all right what do we got in here

Ooh man that’s just a rhyme made up by doctors and parents just to keep you healthy I’m why you ask my doctor dude dude dude you want to play the new fortnite update with me no man I’m busy what do you mean you’re busy I got stuff

To do doing what just stuff I have to do man come on man I play with that guy what guy man this Village is so pretty dude what is this guy doing in here hey man what’s what’s going on what are you doing under here the water smells good

In here the water smells good in here what okay dude no seriously what are you doing sing babies what the this pranks going to be so good I’m G to get him so good I got to hook that on all right all right hey hey Jim hey buddy what’s going on I got

A joke for you guess what chicken but on resources again you know what that means time to put back put them back or I’ll tickle your feet are you trying to threaten me with a good time why is everyone in the Town Center oo a Bell what’s happening yo I need some hay dude someone say [Applause] hi yo dude is that your house how much did you spend on that yo nice nice well uh anyway what you doing hey man so I’m noticing that your house has a big tree next to it you want me to take care of that for you

Sure man thanks a no problem man no problem Hey idiot stop stealing the CPS yeah but you could be a bit nicer about it sorry man ever since my life passed you know I’ve been a little bit up tight you I’m going to hey man you look dumb as hell bro what the [ __ ] [ __ ] yo what’s going on he can get

Me out of here help you out of here yeah man well how’d you do that are You acoustic all right what’s in here hello what the hell would you like to buy my buy your wares what do you mean your wares you can figure it out oh is that

Cuz you wear them yeah I’m telling you man there’s not going to be diamonds down here we’re way too high up no no we’re good pull the okay P the hey what are you guys talking [Applause] about what the hell dude are you breaking in that house man I don’t really

Care yo I’m glad they cleaned up the debris kind of reminds me of Hiroshima what is wrong with You nothing uh you want a yeah thank you Okay yeah play fast okay what do we got in here um we got a bunch of app my stuff back cheet D [ __ ] Minecraft D look at you look at yourself you’re stealing things what is wrong with you put them back yeah all right now get out of

Here we got hey nice nice hey man you got to stop touching your things man you keep touching your things I’m going to touch you what do you why why is the Sheep Brown why is that Sheep Brown what did you do you don’t need to what

You do to it no would you don’t run what you do to the Sheep n what you do the Sheep cuz I I was like why shouldn’t I build up Aon blocks but then you know there’s a height limit one second this guy’s side eyeing me all hey man what

You keep glancing over at me what’s what’s going on manting what all right let’s see what we got in the blacksmith today o we got lots today oh yeah all right yeah all right you know maybe I could redeem myself you know hello father hello my child tell me everything diad you done

Hey man I’m here to tell you my sins not write a book hey Phil you called about a tree being in front of your house yeah can you get rid of it yeah man I can help you with that no problem thanks man that is just going to catch my house

On fire man what the hell what am I going to do with this tree yeah problem solved tree’s gone hey man you said you wanted your house remodeled yeah can you do that yeah sure what you do hey man what do you got for sale I got grapes

And got some some grapes yeah are you saying grapes or bricks bricks are you what dude what are you saying grapes or bricks I’m saying Bries moving company moving company what yeah man everything’s got to go you can’t just take my stuff man no no you just take it man I that’s some of stuff here well that’s too bad you should have thought about that before uh you move over to my base for

Mending like Wife and Kids man oh yeah I see what he’s talking about Yeah thanks foring so I you and just like that my snowman’s done look at mine Greg we’re going to wait this we’re going to wait for this yeah man it’s great I I love that you have like a nice big window in front of your bed now yeah man it’s in BL puff

Really ooh this is a nice house oh hey man never mind your whole house is just a hallway uhhuh I see you over there hey so come here yeah can you take care all the animals oh uh yeah sure thanks man all done what do you mean all done they’re

Not back in the pen what what do you mean back in the pen where where are they you told me to take care of them hey man I’m kind of needing some food can I kill some of these pigs yeah they’re all out oh perfect thanks Manon

Bacon all right what do we got for bookshelves in here what did you do to the bookshelves I reorganize them this is a little more than reorganizing oh I find all the money in the world oopsie hey man what are you selling I’m selling

LS okay can I get some sticks no any LS okay yes I I know we’ve established this can I get sticks though no no just only can I get sticks oh no what happened to this house yo dude what happened to your house the house monster got it house

Monster what’s the house monster D hey man how’s fishing going hey man I think I saw a whale a whale I wasn’t expecting to find your mom out here an intruder someone help me hold can you shut up a little sea turtle I’m no oh look at the

Chickens are you okay man I’m so hungry I could eat a horse hey let me get a please for the love of God order something please a look at the cows this one likes me hey man look too man bro all right what do we got in here um we

Have hey get out of there man that’s my stuff you have nothing of value anyway all right next one what do we got what do we got come on give me something good yeah we got two blacksmiths nice nice don’t go in there why what do you

Have in there nothing what do you have in there later hey man you can’t park there are you of course I can’t park librarian maybe if I ask nicely he’ll give me some mending mending mending mending mending mending minging minging hey man this is a really cool

Hay Loft he thanks man I built it by hand by hand that’s crazy bro I like it thanks man he what are you doing but no no oh my God this is going to be so funny hey man you want to see a trick not really all right it’s a magic trick so

Watch this watch carefully all right all right careful got him I got him oh Greg Greg Greg uh good news reverse gravity bad news I’m stuck all right what’s in here what do we got hey hey I I have home insurance anyway yeah well okay I’m taking that too no

No this house is completely hey man your house is completely on the water it’s a boat house that’s not what a boat house is it’s generally like a mob farm where I can get like a b shut up a bunch of experience from just like basically

Doing nothing hey man so what goes on over there so basically the racist a and then you you know there’s all the kind of stuff that I can anyway as I was saying hey hey Greg check it out I got a horse did you know the giant horse car plays over L Greg

What the hell there Greg look I got something less weird God damn it GRE who’s a good kitty cat hey hey sock have you heard about Snapchat Crystal oh hey Jambo Greg Greg what did you do to your house I’m a FL man I’m too sick for that out of my way

Hey man those are my CL I’m sick I need soup oh I almost forgot hey man anyway uh that’s probably not a problem yeah no that’s fine chcken noodle soup’s not enough I need to clog up my arteries give me your gristle please how did I escape the IRS well I

Did it by becoming a socks Apollo Channel member you get access to priority replies and a cool unique Discord roll starting at 99 it only goes up from there though so you can give me more money if you wanted that took a lot cool look a little doggy Walter Walter

There you are my little doggy boy then I talked to him about it and he said he was okay what you are not xqc dude dude you can’t just banish me like this oh yes I can you’re going to die just like my mom did they falling yeah except your

Mom was getting up off the C how am I going to get out of here oh hey man are you a minor uh no okay hey man hey um aren’t you banished no okay I’m trusting you what first you tried killing me now I’m going

To kill you no no please man please no say for me no well that’s that and you have to believe me he pushed me first H seriously oh oh just bust out of here like don’t tell anyone oh you know I was I was thinking like oh maybe I should move the

Experience or like you know and then getting emeralds is pretty easy you just have to know how to get it so we got none in here so we just emeralds emeralds emeralds emeralds emeralds emeralds Emerald I’m so [Applause] tired good morning sweetheart all 5 more

Minutes more minute get out of my I bet you 20 emeralds that you can’t swim all the way over there and back yeah but I can’t swim you can’t swim how old are you 23 hey Greg what you up to I’m trying to teach pi oh and how’s that going for you

Good look up Greg what the heck if I catch you again I’m going to put your en in my yeah that’s right that’s right I in the house hey hey you want to hear a joke what’s big fat and white it was a guest it was a guest oh I need emeralds all

Right what do we got in here hey man hey hey get out of there don’t rock paper scissors you for them my hands are stuck together yeah that’s kind of the idea plus you’re not going to be able to stab me so yeah why do all your houses look

The same dude uh just just enough that you know what I think I think you’re just as poor as hell man no you’re right hey Greg what’s going on and I’m just making a a raid Bell a raid Bell what is the purpose of it yeah it tells villagers that there’s ra

Gun don’t touch it touch it don’t touch it if you so much is CL that I’ll turn your F into swords that’s not what my intention was at all I think you judge books by their Cup your hands are stuck together you can’t do anything yeah all right so today I wanted to do some and uh you know some kind might as well visit hey man hey you’re to to all my stuff I’m going to no you don’t need to do that I’m actually here to return

All the stuff oh wow that’s actually really sping so uh here I go thanks man this really means a lot ever since you know my life wait all right see I’m actually getting over my flu now so it’s actually like I’m getting a bit better

Button oh yeah there is push it no no you can push it all right fine I that didn’t do anything but yeah it went pretty well and you know there was a bunch of stuff oh Greg what’s wrong somebody blew up my house someone blew up your house yeah I don’t know how

That could have happened in the meantime you can live in my house oh come check this out this will cheer you up okay Welcome to Hell Kitty did I not see you before oh you’re so Portuguese oh dude I want mending mending mending mending no I’m

Not going to give you mending I will neuter you like a dog okay maybe we can negotiate hey Greg I just needed to come back for some food I’m done it again I’m done it again help me what the hell first SC again yeah I see That ding ding d d hey man what’s going on hey man don’t open that why why not don’t open that well then tell me what happens otherwise I’m going to be curious nothing happens start touching I don’t know man no oh no oh no there’s nothing in here what are you talking

About I can smell you down there whoa what are you doing farting tough well I know you’re experienced and all but you shouldn’t be sitting that close to Lava why why not all right what do we got in here what do we got hey man hey what’s up

Man no no okay we can’t do this bit anymore amal’s gone what yeah man it’s gone all right Greg I’m telling you man it’s easy peasy we’re going to teach you how to swim today okay all right man it’s so easy you ready uhhuh you’re doing great see Bud that

Wasn’t too hard I feel Li you’re fine hey man what’s wrong I want to you don’t want to be a nitw anymore all right that’s not hey sorry excuse me can I more mending I can’t sell you any mending hey GRE oh you didn’t really think that one through did you can you

Help oh my God all right let’s see what Greg’s up to he’s playing with tnt again I thought I told him I’m going to teach him a lesson sock what’s up I built a bridge well that’s pretty cool yeah it’s so much better than the last one what happened

To it your mom sit on it hey man what what are you trying to sell me I’m trying to sell you PRS what in the Sam Hill are gricks what is he doing now what are you doing chemistry well I see that you’re doing chemistry but what are

You doing mixing ammonia and bleach you’re mixing ammonia and bleach okay and do you know that makes mustard gas oh this is why you should have stayed in school and got your PhD like Trayaurus like hey Clancy I need a map would you like a world map I’m not trying to see queso

Suck Greg suck Greg do I even want to ask I don’t have hands off well how are you going to get down who whoa who thought it was a good idea to pack these animals in here like this that’s better whaton delivery Amazon delivery I ordered this like a

Month ago dude yeah sorry should times have been yeah no kidding there’s nothing even in there Greg what are you doing I’m extracting lava extracting la Greg we have buckets for that I wanted to go for the SCE all right how do I bring you back over push the button on

The right the right button okay is that my right or your right hey Greg how you doing you dropped in yeah like third degree burns those those rub right off my is rubbing off yeah same thing yeah here I know what will make you feel Better feeling better what bro what is this water doing what I can get in it what did I say oh hey Greg oh this is nice smell yeah you ever been cliff jumping look I don’t know if you’re selling grapes or bricks but I guess

I’ll buy one off of you if it’ll make you stop this is a nautilus sh like ghosting me recently so I don’t I don’t know what she’s doing anymore like you Know well that blew up why are you uploading an hour late well that’s a bit fishy I’ll stop I’ll stop he man those are my turns your are my car no they’re mine mine come on dude please please can I mending man no se why not you’re going

To do the thing again yeah I won’t do it again I’m not going to set your house on fire yes you will you know you will what’s it wow Greg this is real nice yeah I like time spot yeah hey what’s that over there over there and there you go that’s

All that done man thanks oh don’t worry about it I love edging right I said what I said wait wait wait let me get this straight you want an elevator here absolutely okay well that’s weird but also that’s going to take a lot of work man you’re in a

Perfect spot what do you mean oh you’re an ass look at all the piggies bacon bacon bacon okay cannot everything be a Pete Davidson joke you did a perfect job picking this Village like we’ve got cherry blossom overshadowing The Village we got this beautiful mountain range like you did a

Great job man man you know I try pretty hard but it don’t okay but like you know oh wow you got a new Hala yeah it’s great don’t set this water on fire oh no no no don’t worry I’m not going to set

Fire to it but I am going to set fire to something that can blow it up no no no it’s fine you’re good you’re he quit touching my props D shut up ow you shot me the ey he doesn’t even care bro like he does not care about you this

Guy does not give a single care in the world yes what why you I’m might be a gaster yeah stand here oh okay how’s it day it’s going all right I guess that’s good anyway see you that’s it I am done with you touching my CR oh yeah yeah I’m not

What this is my brother Bill by the way I am not no man whatever you say yeah look look this guy ain’t even going to do anything look you don’t care you don’t care if you want mending try out this cool new trick hey man give me

Mending give me mending give me give me come on Kitty look at wait no Halloween’s over you’re bad luck down this tree got it you’re not going to set far no do you do it properly mhm okay off you go okay here I go you’re doing

Great I did it good job look at here you didn’t set my house on fire shiny don’t even think about it no no no no all right you know the drill y give me all your stuff what the [ __ ] oh hey didn’t you [ __ ]

Die yo what do we got in here all right we got from stupid yeah you heard me the the the SP the why is the server lagging why you shoot a dog um yeah we should sleep nah dude I need food dude I need

Food no no Noom mmm yo I think we should do some mining yeah we haven’t done mining in ages yo we got some carrots over here what are you doing what are you doing I’m getting food yeah but it’s my food D oh yeah I I guess these would probably

Be yours yeah yeah sorry sorry sorry sorry I’m all right it could probably be over here my what the yo man yo can you build me a house yeah sure man I can bu your house yo thanks I appreciate it man I’m going to go get your payment now I’m going to

Go mining yo he made Town Hall 8 what yo this looks crazy I wasn’t able to get you any Diamonds though diamonds no boy I’m looking for you better run your pockets and you better drop me some emeralds right now boy release me give me the compartments of your pantaloons by

Goodbye all right yo what do we got in here oh I just left what are you doing in there pardon how did you get in what uh the the door well no sorry sorry no No where did you come from man stop my man get off them come On yo what do we got in this house my wife she eat the apple oh sorry sorry sorry sorry I’ll put it back my bad no don’t tell him don’t tell him no yo dude I need some wood my car it has four wheels yeah bet your wife eats

Apples too hey my car my my plan no no my plan No ooh Carrots no No cuz it I don’t know I’m hungry man them down okay okay stop whining oh my God hey man what you building don’t go away don’t got some copper here hey man you want to buy some grp oh and my sky platform’s done how about now you want some grip oh all

Right I almost have enough to get to the end can I interest you in some G let’s go for your Trav oh it’s perched it’s perched it’s perched would you like some bre bro why are you here curse Vanishing efficiency three okay not too bad all right we got

The elytra perfect dude get out are you kidding me bridge is hella useful yeah I’m not done building it though wait you’re not done building it yet dude if we fly off the edge like that one video look at this OT he doesn’t even know how to make a one hit

P I will drop you into the void do you understand like I can do it right now I can no don’t look at them they’re not going to help you they’re not going to help you I’m going to drop you into the void I’ll drop you into the

Void you going to give me bending all right good boy oh no way we got diamonds bruck I found those first what do you mean you found them first I found them first nuh-uh you did not what are you even doing down here anyways like there what oh my God can I

Get some mending bookshelves yeah bookshelves huh you think I’m going to buy one bookshelf from you for 30 six emeralds look man time are tight man boy I don’t want to hear it I don’t want to hear it out of you I want me some mending you are not going to give me

Some mending oh my God 37 why do you think why I’m running a charity case now I’m not even going to look at you you’re fine you’re free to go your friends though dead dead as hell okay bye oh finally I can make a netherite pickaxe dude oh my god I’ve been waiting

So long excuse me sir can you help me find my dad yo I love that I can go up to villagers and Lally say anything yo what’s going on guys how we doing on this lovely evening [ __ ] evening what the [ __ ] you about F sorry sorry sorry sorry yo what’s

What’s going on man what you doing oh yo let me see what you’re writing how to tell the town i t can I haveing this will be hella useful I’m not done building it though oh you’re not oh no oh dude if I fly off the edge

Like that one video not all bro I’ve been going for ages now oh oh I need to get down I think I’m just going to jump let’s go yo how’s the cow Farm coming along it’s pretty good but be careful I’m sending a cow up by the way okay just one

Yeah dude oh my God finally are you kidding are you hey man no don’t what you building go away don’t no stop don’t blow it up oh I love being back in the lab ah try orus what try orus what did I say about doing this to the Sheep you can’t be

Doing this man can’t be oh Deary me oh let’s get rid of this clean it up all right finally done my House yes dude I finally have an elytra oh my God okay no oh no dude dude dude dude why are you playing peaceful what are you scared BR I’m not scared look difficulty hard see nothing Oh that was easy bro why is the server so laggy what the heck I I expanded the chicken farm a little bit bro what are you talking about oh my God bro my frames what the heck is oo Diamond let’s go yeah I need some Gunpowder no

Idiot yo what do we got in here all right we got Somey my stuff is that a Starbucks chck what what are you doing please I have I have A right we’re almost there I made this thing out of glitter glue bro it’s so laggy oh oh I think we should sleep I think we should sleep oh my God I think we should I think we should S yo do you have any Cobblestone not right now yo I think we should do some mining yeah we haven’t done mining in AES I think we really should yo why’d you log up yo I hate strip mining so much like dude it takes for are you kidding so just a couple

More and then oh well it’s a good thing I have a water bucket yo this will be hella useful I’m not done building it though oh you’re not oh no oh dude if I fly off the edge like that one video oh I need some iron okay okay okay okay Okay bro where even are you I’m almost at the top all Right all right it’s been a while but I’ve got this all right I know what I’m doing I know what I’m doing okay so it’s um Lava water all right we do need to find our base wait I’m going to change the Ser location to India one sec no no

No no no better better do not change Rain oh no Pig F no I’ll shave you yay y shave pig that was close hey I was invisible cool I don’t feel so good no I’m just going to check out this Bastion really quick all right I’m going to place on the chest yo yo what the

Heck yo the Mesa is so dead bro like there is nothing to do do out here Bro yo finally something interesting okay we got cat we got cat that didn’t take long oh man dude we need to get down I’m coming I’m coming oh man okay all right so this one villager said that he customized my house what what did you

Do no my house is on fire you burned it to the ground my dog is dead what do I do what have you done no y bro could you go mind me some wood please yo I think you’re lagging bro coming coming what the hell man

Okay yo is that your base you got a sky base yeah yeah yeah oh that’s awesome dude what I grab some stuff though yo life is Roblox we got the Treehouse we got the two pan pandas look at this view man look at this view Panda

Pand what is that oh my god dude what is that all righty and here should do yo dude it’s a cam he’s in the new bro you are fast the [ __ ] yo what are you up to um I just get some po bro yo look at this man this is a cool

Ass Ravine dude you better hang up that computer call Mis and kiss me on my hot M I’m feeling romantical oh hello goat what I need to get some wood never mind okay there’s some Wood uh-oh uh N I still don’t think you should like have gotten those parrots bro they’re literally the best form of transportation what do you mean parrots take me to the Moon Fly Me to the Moon let me yo I need to get some juicy meat that work hey what’s up guys today

We’re going to be trying the new McDonald’s grimma shake and just to see how it tastes yo I need to get some hard wood what the hell come back come back I think I should have it because I’m cool no no no I want it I want it look Lely I can fix

That a finally last Crystal what’s in here so I was farming carrots and I realized why don’t I just get the villagers to do it for me cuz that’s so much easier my hands hurt please can I stop did I say you could stop working no no I didn’t please

No what’s little Gregory going to do when uh when you don’t have any daddy daddy we want food and you have to tell him oh son so I got let go from my new job how how’s that going to make him feel probably not that good exactly so

You’re going to keep working but but s thank you yeah as I was saying I got carrots now yeah

This video, titled ‘Ultimate Perfectly Cut Minecraft Moments Compilation’, was uploaded by SocksApollo on 2023-12-24 14:12:26. It has garnered 7144 views and 382 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:34 or 6034 seconds.

These are the Ultimate Perfectly Cut Minecraft Moments of 2023 in a Compilation video style.

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  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot! Minecraft Madness: INSANE Trial Chamber Drops in HARDCORE Mode Exploring the Trial Chambers In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our intrepid player delves into the mysterious trial chambers after weeks of preparation. Armed with a map and nerves of steel, they embark on a journey filled with excitement and trepidation. Discovering Hidden Treasures As they navigate through the chambers, our player encounters a variety of challenges, from spawners to keys, each offering a unique reward. With each new discovery, the anticipation builds, leading to heart-pounding moments and unexpected surprises. The Ominous Trials Amidst the chaos of the chambers, our player… Read More

  • Crafty Crew: Minecraft Motor Mayhem!

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  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

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  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

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  • Operation: Rob Peaches in Minecraft

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  • Minecraft* “2WEEKS” World Tour: Rhyme and Mine Adventure

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  • Minecraft Modding: The Mentor CodeLab

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  • Ultimate Mining Madness in Minecraft

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  • Crafty Rhymes: Minecraft No K, No Way!

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  • Minecraft Vegas: Facts About Minecraft Residents

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  • Machine Magic Madness: Applied’s New Look

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  • Ultimate Guide: Create Mod Windmill

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  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Drone AI Art!

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  • Top Secret Minecraft TikTok Hacks Exposed!

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    YTCRAFT_PLAYZ - CRAZY PANI PANI CHALLENGE FT. SENPAISPIDER 🥵 #minecraftVideo Information तुम्हें सनपा स्पाइडर बनना पड़ेगा मतलब बहुत लोग बोले थे हमको कि हमारी आवाज उनकी तरह है इसलिए हम सोच कि उनकी खोपड़ ही हमारी स्किन में फिट कर लेते हैं कूल लगेंगे हम भी लेकिन माहा कसम काफी डेंजर आदमी है वो देखे थे उनका एक आधा वीडियो हम भी अरे पानी भाई आप भी ठ उसमें क्या बोलते वो आपके पास आके है पानी पानी पानी [संगीत] This video, titled ‘PANI PANI🥵 FT.@SENPAISPIDER #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by YTCRAFT_PLAYZ on 2024-04-20 05:31:29. It has garnered 4282 views and 166 likes. The duration of the video is… Read More

  • Emperor Pikachu’s Epic Journey Begins! Watch Now!

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  • Shark PRANKS Friend with Real Pain Mod in Minecraft!

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Unlocking MAGICAL POWERS in Modded Minecraft! 🌀

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  • Sahil’s Mind-Blowing Minecraft 24/7 Live Server – Join Now!

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  • GUMMIGOO Survival Challenge: 100 Days in Minecraft!

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  • INSANE MINERS GO TO THE MOON?! 🚀 Minecraft Animation Song

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  • Rabisu TR Minecraft Server

    Rabisu TR Minecraft ServerRabisu 2016 yılında kurulmuş, yenilikçi ve modern Minecraft server sağlayıcısıdır. Minecraft, Markus Notch Persson tarafından beceri gelişimi üzerine çeşitli küpler ile tasarımlarınızı yapabilmenizi sağlayan bir oyun olarak geliştirilmiştir. Minecraft oyununun Notch’un kurduğu Mojang şirketi çatısı altında 16 Mayıs 2009 tarihinde herkese açık şekilde yayımlanmıştır. Oyun yayımlandığı günden itibaren çok sıkı bir oyuncu kitlesine sahip olmuştur oyunun yaratıcı modunda ve hayatta kalma modunda oyun becerilerinizi geliştirerek dünyaları keşfedin, inşa becelerinizi kullanarak yeni binalar ve şehirler inşa etmenin inceliklerini farkedin ve arkadaşlarınızla minecraft’ı hayal gücünüzün dibine kadar birlikte oynayın. Minecraft 2019 yılının dünya genelinde en çok oynanan oyunları arasında 5. sıradadır…. Read More

  • Cozy Corner Semi-Vanilla 1.20 21+ Java Mature Whitelist Discord

    Cozy Corner Community Welcome to Cozy Corner, a 21+ Minecraft Java server community that is looking to expand! About Us: No server resets planned Relaxed environment Features include backpacks, /spawn, /home, dynmap, Vanilla Tweaks datapacks, and core protect Join Our Discord: Our Discord community focuses on building friendships through gaming and shared interests. We have a quick application process and welcome everyone to check us out! Community Guidelines: We are game-centered, but enjoy various genres. Our Minecraft server may be quiet, but Discord is active with daily conversations and gaming. We are seeking active members to chat and game with,… Read More

  • LumeoMC

    LumeoMCWelcome to LumeoMC, your ultimate destination for thrilling Minecraft adventures! Our network offers an immersive experience in both Survival and Skyblock modes. Whether you’re a seasoned survivor or a sky-high architect, LumeoMC provides the perfect playground for your creativity and strategic skills.In Survival mode, embark on a journey through diverse biomes, gather resources, build magnificent structures, and defend against the perils of the night. Collaborate with friends or challenge yourself to thrive in a world where every decision counts.In Skyblock, start with limited resources on a small floating island and expand your domain into a sprawling empire in the sky…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft gamers after creeper explosion: “emmmmm”

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft gamers after creeper explosion: "emmmmm"Well, I guess we better watch out for this meme, it’s clearly a high scorer in the meme world! Read More

  • Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore!

    Crafty Kids: Minecraft Masters of Lore! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, no room for pains. With animations funny and bright, He crafts a world of pure delight. Children’s eyes wide, watching in awe, As Fangkuaixuan’s tales they draw. From jumping off buildings to forgotten kids, His rhymes bring light to what he bids. In the eyes of elders, children see, A world of wonder, pure and free. But Fangkuaixuan knows the truth, In Minecraft, there’s no need for proof. So leap into the verse, with rhymes so fine, Crafting stories that truly shine. For in the world of Minecraft,… Read More

  • From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up

    From Noob to Pro: Minecraft Glow-Up Noob’s shape changes at different ages in Minecraft…just like how my shape changes after eating too much cake in real life. #relatable #gamerproblems Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20

    Nether Fortress Discovery in Minecraft 1.20 Exploring the Nether Fortress in Minecraft 1.20 Recently, a group of gamers embarked on an exciting adventure in Minecraft 1.20, where they discovered a Nether Fortress. This fortress, shrouded in mystery and danger, offered them new challenges and rewards as they delved deeper into its depths. Unveiling the Secrets of the Nether Fortress As the gamers ventured into the Nether Fortress, they encountered a myriad of hostile mobs and treacherous terrain. However, they also discovered valuable resources and hidden treasures that made their journey worthwhile. Conquering the Nether Fortress Despite the challenges they faced, the gamers persevered and navigated… Read More


    INSANE MODDED MINECRAFT 1K SUB CELEBRATION 🎉Video Information so something dude you’re accent hold on what do you say d e r r o wait what wait a okay yeah f i in one in one okay r m a okay craft got it c r a f t this this will get it trust okay no you have to do it in one word yeah yeah and then switch mod packs to mods and then first yeah yeah you just press install and then create a new profile file and just name it anything um anything you want bro okay and then go to Advanced… Read More

  • Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket Edition

    Horror Gamer Kite in Minecraft Pocket EditionVideo Information This video, titled ‘kite🪁🪁in Minecraft pocket edition #minecraft #like #gaming #trend #viral #minecraftshorts #comment’, was uploaded by Horror gamer on 2024-02-15 04:30:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. kite in Minecraft horror gamer command /effect @e levitation 99991 #minecraft #like #gaming #subscribe #minecraftshorts … Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shorts

    Hardcore Minecraft Showdown: Me vs. hogline! #shortsVideo Information यहां पर है 100 से भी ज्यादा हॉग ंग्स और हॉगिंग जिसको कहा जाता है जिनके हाथ में एक्स होती है और यह मेन वर्ल्ड में होने की वजह से ऐसे हो चुके हैं वरना जो वो मोटे से कपड़े पहने रहते हैं वही होते हैं और चलते हैं फटाफट से वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं यहां पर देख सकते हो 100 से भी जाता है जो काफी ज्यादा तेजी से यहां पर घूम रहे हैं और यहां पर देख सकते हो हमने इनके ऊपर हमला कर दिया है और ये देख सकते हो काफी ज्यादा गंदा डैमेज… Read More

  • Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!

    Pool Ceremony Jackets: New Features & Server Teasers!Video Information hey everyone welcome back to another MC recap episode for some reason it feel like it’s been years since an episode anyways today we’ll talk about some Minecraft updates some barck news and maybe 21 leaks anyways let’s get into it on Tuesday got H fix update which addressed some crashing issues and instead add some new bar add-ons to the marketplace which is cool then on Wednesday we got new Barack preview and j s and this week Struggle No More locate chop chamber out your nearest photographer to dreamman for your to trade for locator map… Read More

  • CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]

    CraftyMasterman Creates GD in MC! [EPIC STREAM]Video Information [Music] it’s a good [Music] thing [Music] [Applause] a [Music] w [Music] it’s a [Music] [Applause] good d [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] oh dude I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared I’m so underprepared my hair dude I’m trying to use my my headphones as a headband cuz I have this much hair in my face it’s all over my face and I’m using my headphones as a headband it’s crazy I’m so not set up though hold on hold on why are there math why is there math on this whiteboard why… Read More

  • INSANE! Baba’s 1 Second Nut Bust Storytime

    INSANE! Baba's 1 Second Nut Bust StorytimeVideo Information okay so on this channel I have a lot of embarrassing moments in my life and I will admit even though some of them are really out of pocket they are really entertaining but today’s story is a bit personal and honestly I won’t lie to you if you can see the title of this video yes I used to be a one pump chump what does that mean well today’s story will explain it all but before we get into the story make sure you guys do leave a like And subscribe to the channel if you… Read More

  • Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLS

    Insane twist in Minecraft stream 4: YertaPain CHILLSVideo Information yo yo yo yo yo y y y y yo y yo y y y yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo there we go is it working I do believe it is working all right it’s I don’t know how this is going to go I don’t know how this is going to go we are Live Twice on the same channel at the same time so this is going to be fun this is going to be very interesting um let me see uh me see oh hello you guys… Read More

  • Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!

    Neocynical Tinder Date Minecraft Challenge!Video Information I’ve got some pickup lines are you ready oh yeah please all right okay are you an FPS booster because man you’re OptiFine it’s no secret bedwar players are lonely my [ __ ] look at this [ __ ] 800 stars and for what what the [ __ ] do I have to show for this what do I get out of this nothing so I was thinking about it I want to find the love of my life so what I’m going to do I’m going to put my bedwar stats onto Tinder and hinge and… Read More

  • Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!

    Insane Holostars Minecraft Livestream!Video Information n [Music] you’re late [Music] oh no my little chat thing’s not working that’s all right [Music] testing what [Music] happened why isn’t this working [Music] man that was tough I think I fixed it woohoo all right [Music] okay I think everything’s working [Music] nice you guys are late he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay I think I fixed it I think my OBS was super [ __ ] up but uh I think everything’s okay now um dude what does that sound stop it very annoying hello hi everybody you’re late uh you have a hole… Read More

  • Rabisu Miami Minecraft Server

    Rabisu Miami Minecraft ServerRabisu is an innovative and modern minecraft server hosting provider founded in 2016. Minecraft was developed by Markus Notch Persson as a game that allows you to make designs with various cubes on skill development. It was published publicly on May 16, 2009 under the umbrella of the Mojang company, which Notch founded. The game has had a very tight player base since its release. It is ranked 5th among the most played games in the world of 2019. Many servers prefer Rabisu as a hosting company, including Craftrise, Turkey’s largest minecraft server. If you want to set up… Read More

  • Reunion SMP 1.20.X Updated to 1.20.6!

    IP: Discord: Origins: This server is sequel to Union SMP after it was shut down by the owner while it still had an active community. It happened to be shut down right before the very anticipated server update to 1.20 leading to the creation of this server. Union SMP was notable due to it being promoted in a Youtuber named Salc1’s video where he tried to ask for OP on Minecraft servers. Features: Community Decided Features Robust Claim System Homes Paid Cosmetics Graves Discord Connectivity Some Vanilla Tweaks Player Economy Market: The only item that you can sell… Read More