Insane Pokemon Skywars: JeromeASF Unleashes Lucky Blocks!

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Hello hello everybody what is up Jerome you’re the buddies and welcome to an awesome live stream coming at you guys today we have a fan-made map by Biggie Biggie boss one and uh he literally emailed it to me I sent it off the blade and here it is right here he custom

Built us a SkyWars map for the first thing today but before we get into showing you guys what the map looks like this is lb SkyWars using the Pokemon Lucky Blocks after that we’re going to be doing a Sandy battle dome and then I will be joined by probably not joined by

Woofles for a Sky live stream hey you guys know what they say fifth time in a row is the charm am I right guys so anyway wow really really I’ve been I’ve been gone for a second comedy comes in fives or whatever yeah could you fly up here real

Quick comedy comes in threes which means he’s got to miss Nine many comes in whatever number okay listen there’s the magic number and no one knows what it is where if you do it enough it becomes funny again it has to be it’s over 20 it’s over 20 it’s definitely over like it’s

Like a little greater than 20 sign this is everyone’s area so mine is a baka axe so Betty the Axe inside of the YouTuber play button then over here we have dropsies which I don’t really understand it’s a hot thing of tea I don’t get it

I don’t either but I like it I like the Cherry gr it is cool it really cool cppy all right this one you’re GNA have to explain to me cap why is your is a giant TNT I don’t get it either like what are they trying to say about me I don’t know

Honestly I’d be insulted if I were wait cap hold on type in chat real quick Butts oh no what what’s wrong the name they knew what do they know listen my birth certificate okay I didn’t choose this it chose me all right then over here we have

Monkey which is a treehouse I like that that makes sense that’s cool that’s cool St your oh yeah oh sense makes sense oh all right dead this is drum’s toilet after the hot sauce oh and then we got Lead Foot Libby yes yeah did you notice anything JM it’s

Not made out of lead so it’s just foot Libby well they don’t have can’t afford the health insurance for lead foots yeah it’s foot liby oh my gosh all right well we got everything here so the way we play lb SkyWars for those that are new

Here is simple you got 20 minutes on the clock to break through your two stacks of Lucky Blocks after that we then do a 15 lives battle see who got the best gear and who is the luckiest and speaking of the luckiest aren’t we all Lucky that Jeremiah Donaldson comes in

With a $50 stream tip to Target Steve at the very beginning wow he also to sayle he also want to say cap I’m glad you’re back and handsome love the mustache a thank you I hope he’s talking about the one in real life too because I like I

Like my mustache but you know it’s a mustache so dude mustach some people are mustache haters and you know what I they are haters dude oh this is Christmas in in uh October Kyle Ruiz the $50 stream tip said Target Steve oh my God Steve that’s two out of 15 Steve’s already

Dialing in looking for an elyra hey Steve comedy com 15 absolutely all right well without further Ado Mr intern if you want to start us off buddy let’s do it all right go go go go go wow there was no 3 2 one there was there I know I

No there was just instant he just went like I immediately got zins I already got the armor WoW wait the whole set no just two pieces but I got it in one drop which is pretty cool I got Porygon Z yeah wishing well I forgot that was part of it I had

Porygon Z is a r click for try attack Porygon is transferred to box four oh I for got about that troll oh oh that’s something changed what’s with this diap never mind no I had a juggernaut totem and it was just in my inventory but for some reason it was

Giving me the Juggernaut effect guys it’s happening Jeremiah Donaldson with a $50 stream said it’s a me Jeremiah again of course both ingame in real life Cappy Target Steve again that’s three for Steve thank God Steve didn’t want to play the game today yeah I mean it’s

It’s all good I’ll probably just kind of kick back relax have a good old time watching you guys have to fight each other it’ll be great you see guys he likes being targeted Target him some more why am I I respawned on your Island oh my God I

Just got back toback Gerra did you not set your spawn point oh he definitely didn’t set his spawn point no I think it got obstructed behold the wizard with a $66 stream tip let’s go said go in there Luke also have have hope you all have

Fun oh yeah hope you all been doing well yeah we’ve been doing really well I’m very excited to try out your new map by the waystead has told us all about it I’m scared I’m terrifi yeah I’m excited I won’t lie through those things oh my God guys

Jeremiah Donaldson with a $400 Hammer said well eight Targets on Steve then what oh my God is that eight more 11 that’s 11 oh my God Ste out of the game Steve can you leave my Island if he gets 15 total targets is he

Just out of the game no no cuz he can technically cuz he can kill us oh he could kill us yeah yeah yeah I mean he’s definitely going to lose but you know Steve leave my Island reset your spawn point yeah I’m making you st problem what why my

Problem ste’s already at Mid yeah then go to’s Island dude I can’t right now Jeremiah Donald our captain of the live stream Jeremiah thank you $500 in stream tips you’re insane dude in the first six minutes oh my God thank you Jeremiah thanks for making my day here I got them

And now these back I don’t think I’ll get it oh yeah yeah hey out of curiosity intern is the Coliseum uh working no asking because go Reas probably not oh why you probably forgot the map the map okay okay okay good to know I’m glad I

Didn’t just like waste it you can just probably trade it into Luke yeah there go this AIS slash yes I have not been getting any armor or weapons yeah I only got Golem and that’s that’s about it behold I know that Dr is absolutely ready to play on the map

Later dude I uh can’t wait it’s going to be bad there we go yeah it might be real bad because I still haven’t even tested it yet cool end pearls I do want those yeah I’m I’m afraid that’s the thing I’m actually a big fan when doesn’t test the

Map I think it’s hilarious Kyle Ruiz the $25 stream Kel bom on Steve if not steak is fine I think we can allow I think we allow kelp boming what do you think what do you think considering the kelp is flying out of my face right now I think

Kelp is allow I think he agrees oh well Steve you have four lives left you can really make something happen here oh Gengar he doesn’t have four lives left he has four lives where he doesn’t he doesn’t it’s just four where he’s not targeted yeah yeah I’ll be fine I’ll be

Fine I’m I’m honestly not worried about it secret is pitting us against each other is that right Steve you’re not worried about it at all not worried about it okay why do I feel like he’s worried about it yeah think you might be a little worried about

It ooh I okay so I have a spare hat if anyone has a chest or shirt in the future yes the same thing finally uh shoes I meant to say oh shoes Okay instead of shirt it had the sh sound I got you wanted to make sure I

Knew what I was what I was bargaining for here I like to get preliminary bargaining out of the way so that we don’t gum up ORS with mandatory bargaining later I Luke really oh thank you naturally wait thank you for what what’s L is Luke handed out freebies no

He’s uh just cleaning up the skeletons from mid oh okay yes I am it’s just he’s about to just give you a beast is the Shadow Ball good I think it is yeah it’s a Shadow Ball hello intern man what do you have for me ow he hit me a

Rock well then well well well well he gave you a freebie may I take your head sir ow I don’t want to talk about that uh but could we talk about it no yes D why would that happen uh because a diamond block fell on my head oh are you

Sure it didn’t yeah well all right well because there’s a diamond block there now edgy slash is the melee weapon Okay cool so I got a yeah what you call him let him have it let him have it Steve yeah edgy slash edash he’s edgy slash you know edgy AIS slashed

Gengar what about Gengar Steve I don’t know what world you’re living in pal what I I just I the the world where I got a Gengar yeah I’m just saying that’s not AIS slash oh nice I got the Steven Libby mobile I got boots who needed

Boots yeah oh Willie a $25 stream said steak for monkey also I can guarante holds map is going to be absolutely fun can’t wait for another Sky Block episode today oh yes Willie we got our work cut out for us you the one in need of uh in need of shoes ah yes

I am what did you have does attack damage I can give you a hat or a I can give you one of my Coliseum tickets I have two so you can trade something in later my Coliseum tickets for shoes okay you’re going to have to build over here

Though yeah I’ll be there in a minute I’m getting puked yeah as one does your what you’re I’m puking oh okay violently I mean at least it’s violent right why is that a silver lining P know well no one wants a wimpy vomit no one want yeah I can’t imagine like vomiting

Gracefully like sorry I mean yeah if I’m going to vomit it’s got to be violent I want it I want it to go as far away from me as possible I want it to be disturbing to onlookers you know like I don’t want to he wants small children to

Remember this in therapy 20 years down the road cuz like what’s like the other the opposite of the violently like when you like throw up a little in your mouth cuz that’s just awkward when you’re having a conversation with someone like sorry you know yeah that’s fair that’s fair sorry

I just saw you in a it’s like why do that when you just puke all over them ohway 400 400 400 in the chat on that note at that moment someone’s parent walked in the room and went what are you listening to yeah definitely who are

These people oh there was there was uh YouTubers that like looking back it’s like there definitely wasn’t anything bad but like my mom just heard the wrong thing and I wasn’t allowed to watch him anymore who like uh Jerome ASF one of those YouTubers definitely Jerome ASF

May have been I think at some point paan Canadian it could have actually either way honestly I I don’t know looking back like that wasn’t that wasn’t that it was not as bad there was some things I definitely could have got in way worse trouble for but she just

The r she’s like you’re not allowed to watch that I’m like but Mom and then she puts me then she forces me to use the family YouTube account so she can see I see oh man wait so does that mean your mom was at one point in time subscribed to Jerome

ASF oh yeah oh my God I I was all the all the pack and crafted and all that I was I was subbed I was subscribed a cool I got a chest plate to my parents were aware of you guys but they didn’t want me watching you cuz

They didn’t like me watching people that screamed a bunch cuz I can never watch stuff with head my brain and then I was like yeah watch this and now and now look look at me I’m kind of in the same boat this job is kind of

Like you know my dad used to get on me when I would watch uh when I would watch CH the channel and it’ be like why do you sit here and watch these guys why don’t you just go play the games and now here I am playing the game and he’s like

Why don’t you just sit there and watch these guys why would you play the game goodbye ravager uh okay I need how how did a ravager not die from I need Ash ketch’s pants I’m also missing the pants I found Emerald on so like pants what you looking for impressive

That you guys actually found armor I broken stack every uh Pokemon I have like a duplicate of oh I finally got a hat oh 500 in the chest he guess what it duped another 500 Jeremiah is calling for people to chip in for the last four

Lives Jeremiah you put in the work I knew I knew could always count on you put in the ground about a same 500 there Steve or does it just kind of stay the same what’s up knowing that he’s rooting for you to get targeted for those last four lives does it change your

Enthusiasm about the 500 or no of course not 5 so close 500 is 500 but you know what else is a number is four and that’s how many lives we need you to be targeted bro thanks so many skeletons yeah at Mid yeah definitely Wonder might might have

Summoned some of those yeah I probably did okay that’s another Gerra I do kind of want that ah slime I got no ender pearls you see sometimes things drop and sometimes things don’t drop and things haven’t dropped you know see there’s these things called lucky blocks and you

Have to be lucky to get the drop out of them you got to be lucky to get the block I understand what does luck have to do anything with us at allstead 100% skill I’ve had terrible luck concentrated power will uh I’m actually good now I managed to find a

Pair 15% concentrated power of pants wait who’s got the pants I got pants button fly you got bonus pants I got bonus pants do you have a chest plat or helmet um I got a chest plate yeah okay I I got a spare helmet okay who would like need

Pants cap no I’ve got unless it’s Enchanted pants like good Enchanted pants guys we’re getting there PPG warrior with $100 stream dip said two more for Steve so that’s for Steve oh my God and then Eli with a $50 stream tip don’t you start this now

Eli said last time was funny this time Target Jerry what’s the Dono to switch all those targets to one person imagine that would be insane hi Jerry I’m building the mid oh you weren’t even at you had me going all the way over here well I’m dude I’m trying I don’t think you understand how far it is a long

Bridge hold on I got to give myself another stack of Cobble I have two AR said what do you mean how I used the first stack trying to get the mid where’s your dirt I used to trying to get the cap well dude I don’t think you understand

I’ve used over a stack of blocks to get to any Island oh monke you took too long I got pants oh great well I’m still doing this now cuz I still need a bridge the mid oh this is barely going to be enough with a $50

Stream tip and Jacob Flores with a $50 stream tip to Target Steve that’s it that’s all 15 likes wow that’s a really throwing a Target Jerry for one of those there’s one there’s one target Jerry afterward so on Steve’s out you guys can get me you don’t want to D

Beforehand we just get all of Steves out of the way a sweet to be fair I don’t mind if you want to do the first one on me and then I don’t care how would you like you want to do it that way but what

Do you want to do bud you want to at least get one kill in on Drome first yeah you got one kill in Steve that’s a good idea Steve will allow you to kill drob we’ll let Steve One V one Jerome yeah okay you can’t winner doesn’t get targeted

A little Showdown Areno Steve I hope you’re ready pal I’m not horrible luck over here today guys really oh yeah I’m with you on that yeah that’s fine oh God I got the full armor but I haven’t gotten like anything to go with it oh you didn’t get an edgy slash

I got an ages slash but I didn’t get like any of Jerome’s nose or any Cappy bombs and stuff like that oh that’s fair I don’t have a no I have one a Lucky Block yeah so I I don’t have much enchantments either then to be fair I didn’t even get an

Enchanting table useful I got an enchanting table if you got like something you’d be willing to give me for it you got anything good uh don’t trust no oh let me let me look through sorry I find a bunch of zins let me worries my dude yeah like a little scary over

Here life is like a h here man with a $50 stream tip said one for monkey all right so me monk and Steve are battling it out at the beginning for those targeting and that’s Steve get golden apples okay I’m a little upset about that you know what I’m upset about Steve

Is that I was promised to watch Cars the movie last night and I got tricked into leg day you know I don’t believe that I want to know how you got tricked into like by who who else by my fiance who promised me cars instead I got disappointment instead he got

Exercise what if to make up for it she’ll let you watch uh Bionicles Bionicles yeah oh have you Lego Bionicles have you never heard of those I were they part of Legos yeah yeah they’re part of Lego they’re old I don’t know Lego not Legos come on man

Sorry it’s not like they’re delicious waffle things you can microwave I just thought that they were their own thing I didn’t realize that they were Lego yeah oh man kind of suffering over there Jerry yeah I’ve got a bad case of the poisons uh Luke can I trade my Coliseum ticket with

You yes yay hello sir here like do my ticket yeah you can do that whenever five I’ll give you three apples get what you get oh void dagger I like that I like that oo a little land thank you I actually have S shirt I’ll give you guys some privacy I

Shouldn’t like peek on what you’re going to get you know should be a surprise it should be a surprise he says while going in the reverse F5 potato TOA thank you for a $20 stream tip hi buddies I hope you’re looking bro I’m thriving in life

After some drama I was not expecting to One Tap you hi buddies I hope you’re all doing great almost done to my midterms and I’ve been thriving in life after some drama also all in favor of Willie is the punkest punk say I I oh I didn’t even

Have to do that there was ton of eyes already in chat I though 100% And I’m glad that you’re doing well after the drama no one likes drama but it’s good to hear that you’re bouncing back that’s awesome and the EUR of the midterms FAL potato tog good to have you back glad

You’re doing well all right oh but I was like I was looking over like are you just throwing it to throw it or well yeah there was a stack of potions I have to get rid of all my my interesting stuff that I don’t have room for in my

Inventory I don’t want anyone coming over and finding all right I should enchant the rest of my stuff hey it’s 600 in the chat 600 600 600 okay here we go I am enchant I wish I had a grindstone because I got a netherite sword with

Sharpness three and if I could get that on a book it’d be op to put it on this age of Slash that would be pretty cool cap do you like Emerald apples um yes I do I’ll give you four for rights to your enchantment table Yeah pop on over here

Dude it’s pretty good that’s a pretty good deal oh wait there’s publicly accessible ones that that’s that’s me oh that’s my Island there you go them down so you can use them I was like wait a minute I didn’t realize there was a public drinking fountain hold on hold on a second

Here tell tell me Jerome were you one of those kids who would like put their mouth entirely on the let me use those the the the drinking fountains for exactly that reason it’s a good she knew that there were kids like steadfast who would put their mthly on I would never

Do that I actually got really sick from uh drinking water fountain yeah really yeah I got mono yeah I got mono literally my spleen was three times larger than the average spleen okay Steve spleen grew five sizes that day what a what a show off yeah ish humble

Brag over there I got something for you lovely I love it I thanks so much Jerry here and now I’ll give you something L here you go sir 12 seconds coming over a cool that would be amazing if luck affected like one en chance roll in the

Next one all right now where would you strategically use it if you had a potion of luck in real life that only lasted 12 seconds Lottery Lottery lottery it’s got to be the lottery got right like I’m with Luke Vegas let’s say he in a lottery right so

You’re at the thing and you pick out the winning numbers and then your luck runs out but then your luck runs out and immediately someone walks up and just lights it on fire the ticket that you just bought like a Genie in a Bottle sort of situation job of the blacks said hostage

Situation why are you in a hostage what does this happened to you with some luck he can get out of it why is that where your mind goes where what what is your life what happens to you on a day to day like dude man some places be crazy

Wow I mean watch him be like a hostage negotiator that’s his job it’s like all right well fair play Then fair play yeah Fair that’s exactly where I would utilize that luck potion as well if I had that career hey bomb could you save me like the 45

Second trip and TP over to me so I can trade you my Coliseum ticket wait yeah Derek Buckner is right this might be a cry for help blink twice if you’re in trouble thanks bud job it’s far trip you can see are you with three see I’m seeing this over here stad

And I think if you light one big slime on fire the rest should stay on fire why do I have a bunch of chests Hey cap can you hit me like twice oh I had a totem hit me I did what you told me to do it again there you go why you

Do Dylan Edmonds with a $20 stream said I lost the game did you now I lost the game thanks bud I was winning for a while the game it’s a game started a long time ago by a man named Joe noo game probably was made by Joe it would be him of all

People look Luke hey guys 5 seconds until it’s time uh it’s a targeting on Steve and Jerry Oh I thought we were GNA allow him to kill Jerry first well try oh you’re going to allow him to try okay it’s like nothing is set in stone here

Stead if if it happens that way it happens all right time’s up so I guess we’re doing me monk and Steve yeah yeah you guys go fight mid Battle Royale oh yeah okay we’ll be waiting around three of us on our code right now I’m leaving you alone my dude

Yeah are we fighting like yeah have fun I’m waiting in mid I’m going to wait till all three of us are here cuz that’ll be more fun yeah I want watch Steve we’re wait behind you I’ll be there to watch oh go oh you can’t trust this guy for

Nothing wait where did he just oh my God he poison away no he poisoned me good and he’s got a Time GA dude dude Steve ain’t messing around I don’t have a time Gauntlet I don’t know maybe I’m just blind well there goes my targeting I

Mean could be and now there’s only two of them left in this Target in fiasco let’s go dog all right good job all right now got both of y’all I’m content taret Steve for 14 lives Steve we will let you die honorably if you would rather walk the plank you say that as

You guys are shooting we hold fire we hold fire I’ll make you the hey oh we’re holding fire if you want you can walk the dirt plank of Shame oh ohy he tried Chen War where am I going why my god oh was that Cappy’s bombs no that was not

Cappy’s bombs that was an explosive arrow that was that was Cappy’s bombs why did it keep activating sending me off to the Moon uh I have no clue about that CU there server lag no that was not server happened wait why are you firing oh that’s right Luke has a I forgot

Oh my goodness what so uh that’s an update then because I just drilled Steve with the cpp’s bomb Arrow CW said that was a a command not working oh we could tell CW that that was not working why there silverfish over here Jesus yeah Nathaniel’s right Cappy’s bomb no that

Was cppy there he goes again I what the who using this I I rarded Steve you psycho yeah and he fell off wait so dropsy was one who killed me earlier with that oh oh he has a Time Gauntlet oh man I do not working on him if you’re just killing everyone

Else oh do you hear I have ender pearls I have the BL I watched him teleport so it was two options the time Gauntlet or an ender pearl yeah he’s got the time Gauntlet are we just run away from oh I suppose that works yes it does

He he whoa wait whoa wait whoa I’m in an anvil why are you doing that put the sh down monkey no you’re a coward I’m using a shield Steve get over it you are a coward are you guys down at the bottom of this pit oh hi fighting in mid

Building blocks oh he’s in I got building BL K him yeah all right I got to make a axe D you’re just mad just dead I’m mad because you sat behind a shield for the entire you have a shield use it don’t blame me no dropy not again

Dropy stopid youve killed me that’s not me that was Steve oh Steve is using it they’re literally like you guys are like Dr know and it’s like I’m in Steve’s face with a sword right now Steve you shooting exploding arrows at here no oh yeah torting away he’s running oh there it

Goes so uh we ever going to ban these exploding arrows I need a new bow if we do that’s up to you I need new bow then too once Steve’s out the explosive arrows yeah once Steve’s out I feel like we need to ban these cuz it’s not playable maybe not

Spawn Camp me though all the same Steve what does it matter you’re going to die anyway have 4 lives yeah Steve how Steve I would like at least a fighting chance you have a Fighting Chance fight us while we’re spawn camping you he’s teleporting to My Island jeez

Man oh my God all those ender pearls oh oops oh come on I can’t even oh my God it wouldn’t be so bad if it just launched you up and then you landed but it just never that’s what I’m saying that’s by when the real battle starts after Steve’s

Gone we have to pay that dude that is ridiculous it’s a one hit KO it really is I’m going to need an emerald bow without Cappy’s bombs on it then see you later in turn get no drum that’s better as well as I can explain that

Onead I like I like what we got going on here wait is that him yeah head away he go why even that is actually hey Jerry how’s it going hey I’m doing good dude how about you doing good Boulder yeah oh you get down from there I’m

Keeping you safe Mr resident thank you thank you thank you the worst part is is I do not have a pickaxe I’ll be honest I did not expect the Cappy’s bomb thing to do this but is that Steve on my Island Again probably fighting him right now yeah

Because it’s the only place I can get to that’s weird because it’s worked in the past oh no not like that it just causes an explosion not God even is that oh come on what what is that happen I’m scared heart like you just happen to get

That that’s so obnoxious half a heart oh my God what a save potentially he got a half a heart guys someone please kill him for me I’d love to but there’s a there’s a mystical thing happening at Steve’s Island right now I wonder if that’s Luke the intern Steve you might

Be in spectator or something yes he’s oh maybe that would be cool I don’t think he’s going to make it where’s theing somebody just gave me so much speed oh no you got that from the beacons oh yeah some of the beacons D the explosive arrows never stop following you they legitimately never

Stop I just saw explosion streak across the this guy as he was saying that oh I see why don’t please not me well I wasn’t going to I just looking at whoever poisoned me oh you know who that was yep I’m just wondering why uh because you know hey

Biggy biggy boss thanks for stopping by he said thank you so much for using my map you all have helped me through so much oh dude thank you you for the map how you get past it it’s a cool map oh I used a couple totems of unfortunately

Destroyed your foot but he wants to know our favorite Pokemon M mine is uh definitely for battling purposes it’s Gengar is pretty cool otherwise dig lit absolutely Chimchar for me and Infernape is undoubtedly the best sin starter okay thank God you said c starter that’s fine well he’s the best starter overall as

Y undeniably totem save you from boom boom according to intern yeah that’s what Captain yeah but I don’t want to use a totem on the boom boom right shouldn’t be happening he’s running away that could have been close there he goes is there another water spout for him to get into

Yeah there’s probably one on my Island I know there is a one on mine I ate the entire time get any that like broke my floor this man is swimming in our watering hole I think he went too low yeah maybe kayen thank you for the $25 stream

Sak bomb on Jerry and they want to know when’s the dropsy Vlog that is a question for the editor man who is not here right now I I’d like to make it clear I recorded that several months ago wow my part you like how long the bridge to my house is or my

Bases so it’s got some Steve hurts my feelings I’m Gonna Hurt Steve Pop me K is he over there get out of the tree you sickos what I’m trying to hide never I’ve never heard anyone’s feelings before Cappy oh my God shut up I think you hit me like as I was

Falling to the ground I think I did I literally eight times where I’ve hurt someone’s feelings you can’t even count to eight how many times have you killed cap I think something legitimately saving me is I have blast protection on one of my armor pieces and cuz I’m not shooting up into

The air when I get hit it’s not a guarante exploded it’s not always going to send you up into the stratosphere but oh when it do I’m wondering what’s causing that because we’ve done dozens of cppy bombs bows and like never had this oh wow this keeps

Going huh I said you can’t like unless you totem it you really can’t survive mom can I come down yeah I didn’t even know you were still up there hold on there did you survive dropsy yeah it’s great right oh my goodness I thought You’ come out of the

Tree just living in your tree dude hey 700 7 don’t L bye Steve L we’re targeting Steve I don’t know how did you did you Toad him to survive it I told him once and then it just ended and I uh I landed in water all right in two lives whatever

Is breaking you can ask the intern to replace for you okay with the well isn’t a c bomb just stuff without Cappy’s bomb oh you got them yeah I think it’s just Cappy’s have an emerald bow so yeah like if you have an emerald bow a little bit off you

Know and then I’ll put oh wait I don’t have another one never mind he over wants to know the intern’s favorite I’m pretty sure he likes uh grind I think it’s his favorite not even the evolv for drop’s Island oh ret ret is his favorite not grimer didn’t mean to do

That anyone out there grimer is their favorite Pokemon probably there’s probably God dang it Steve stop running he’s going to C you guys have targeted me for 14 lives in a row just let me live a little bit no have a goal but I don’t need monkey like oh are you

Serious you’re elering away yeah I’m elering away I’ve been targeted 15 times in a row take your licks like a man and take your D take your lumps take your [Laughter] lumps dead tuck it up and get targeted I think you okay now here’s a good question which Pokemon in the

Entire universe has the least amount of people that have favored it like which poke illum why do you hate no you’re the outl on you don’t have good reasoning I don’t have any reason I just hat it uh Mr mime yeah I can agree there’s definitely a lot there’s there’s a Pokemon that

People have just forgot about that’s like oh yeah that Mr might end up being the most hated but I think he also definitely has some people who that’s their favorite I could totally see that I would say most forgotten Pokemon is the is the question before the most

Recent expansion I would have said dunpar n love to for what not for battling reason just cuz he’s a little guy favorites what’d you do did you die I may reset the scoreboard Steve why bro what is you trying to oh he got fireworks somehow I got up

Here and I just started pressing buttons oh my God bro flag on that play you want to check stream and check how many deaths you want to check stream why you check stream I’m afraid that you’ve made a mistake but also favorite legendary Pokemon wait what I now out of the game

By the way oh you’re out yeah we know yeah Steve is so we’ll be back in a second after this brief commercial break are we pausing till the scoreboard yeah we’re pausing until the scoreboards reset and we also got to replace the Cy’s Bobs get a

Little little mid mid my Island uh for the first time all game his Island I’m going back you should like spin up epidemic sounds and play some lobby waiting music but that is a steak bombing behold that’s a steak bombing on Steve and they want to know everyone’s favorite legendary Pokemon behold my

Favorite legendary Pokemon is probably it’s basic I know but Mewtwo he’s kind of just the OG you know yeah or Groudon I like Groudon a lot for me it’s either got to be spoopy ghost horse or H um Rapid Strike uu sweeton just so cool um I like the look of Rayquaza the

Most danger noodle all right I got my bow uh luk I need a emerald bow if you please be your favorite favorite Pokemon no Legendary Legendary Legendary uh all honesty probably uh ho oh I really like that bird he a guy I wonder what it tastes like gold and Heart Gold

Hold a special place in my heart so like hoo is like one of my ogs cap you probably picked my third favorite I would say danger noodle Rayquaza probably be it yeah all he is is a little noodle with arms all right well I think the scoreboards have been reset so now who

Needs to get rid of Cappy bombs en chant anyone I do I already did I tossed mine off the side get I need an emerald bow I I just gave myself a normal bow so M I was going to say yeah I’ll just get a new

Bow it is okay all right off the edge it goes goodbye there well to Bow all right looking good guys I think we’re all set all right then let’s do it three two one let the game Recomen what we learn about clicking random buttons yeah I know I was just scaring you away oh sor wasn’t C run you just happen to be this direction I thought I just broke you for a sec dude gy yep okay I didn’t know if you were muted or not that hurts what

Is I got sharpness and knockback bouldered Jesus I wish I got the boulder how did I want to take the intern out of here behold we’re about to take him out no you brought him into this world behold I’m taking him out I can get behind this here slash oh man he’s doing

A lot of damage he’s got a Gerra too Jerome yeah I know I’m hiding now I’m hiding he took some fall damage he’s eating Notch Apple oh my gosh of course what’s going on up here dry nothing you trying to hide trying to hide no

Wow I just got combos in on Luke I need help Jesus come here need help Jerry ow oh man I was low yeah sure I notice I see how it is I start giving you help and then you just watch me die yeah that’s the way it

Goes Jordan thank you for the $30 stream tip for one of our awesome mods over here in celebration of the first snow of the year uh have a Floppy Fish bomb Jerry thank you where do you live you got snow already though cuz I don’t even

Have snow where you live that it snows well yeah Jord I did not know you live somewhere cold wait Jordan don’t you out of the loop here on where you live I don’t want to say where you live either because I don’t know that public but do you live somewhere that snows

This early on in the year but anyway Floppy Fish bomb intern man and then Jeremiah Donaldson back it’s a me oh my God how do you flame bought the hot sauce today to do with you gets here in 2 to 3 days also B Willie yeah oh my God you just killed me with the Salem Witch Trials bro oh my God burned me at the stage guys the Floppy Fish bomb actually damaged me from entity cramming that’s awesome behold the wizard s an extra life for Luke and I somehow heard a One V one in

Bread Wars dude I’m not one V oneing you in bread Wars I would get demolished and it would be embarrassing and my career would be over Jeremiah thank you it’s so much nicer without the William here you know Jordan Mak a $30 stream Tippy said I’m over in Eastern Washington wait wait

Before you activate this let me stand a one by one I want to see if I’ll actually all right let her rep on the Floppy Fish bombing but he lives in Eastern Washington all right so that’s where it snowed already Eastern Washington Luke whenever you’re ready

Buddy let rip I’m in a one by one I want to see if I end up dying from enti cramming on the fish bomb going to no the fish are all dying before I do ah it’s making a hot soup I have become a soup you see through all this we’re like

Having Battle Royale ands I have become super hey I’m playing my own game all right you do that a lot ow oh my God what Steve strength yes oh okay I was like cuz you you were hitting me for like four really bad oh luk this is so bad you should not have

Dropped leave alone that was just cyber bullying Luke’s he had to eat a notch apple and you totem and you foul get him with a boulder oh man really hoping that oh hello Cappy now that I’m done being a big old soupy mess you’ve always been a soupy M

Drum oh my God was so irritating smooth Dr wasn’t it V yeah really was oh my God Steve I know what you’re talking about now with the whole monkey using the shield thing it’s annoying isn’t it he never wants to just fight he just wants to sit there cow I’ve been fighting

Everyone get over your cow behind your Shield just m hello hello oh my gosh how much where is he I don’t know he he’s down over here I think oh Gumby that’s okay Luke I’ll take care of this myself Gumby with a $50 stream tip to oh wait that’s right never mind

That’s not a kill that’s a targeting Jerry bring it bring it you guys where are you got to Target Jerry where is it I’m running away from you guys I don’t want to do this and also Jeremiah thank you again buddy for being our captain the live stream you’re amazing you’re

The best and we appreciate you we not we’re not letting him we’re not letting him Target on I Target on Jerry no it’s Target on Jerry not on sorry I’m like not doing this I’m not I’m not going four rounds with the Luke and not having him lose one life I’ll give you

Guys a hint on where I am I see I know exactly where you are leave my Island alone hoty that’s my hit you guys think I sounds exactly like her who is getting oh so youve showed up for our duel Cy I see you watching death and

Despair yeah Luke’s salty oh hello I see you for our get clapped bro Gumby Gumby Gumby I trusted you Gumpy is this cuz peanut lobotomized you you is that it that’s the wall we’re not going to talk about it hey monk I’m here team on

You do that I got a couple hits on this a oh no on top of the command oh my god god dude Ste just third party with a flint and steel just lighting people on fire he did that to me earlier and Maniac so stupid middle of the fight and this guy

Just walks up with a flint steel just a man compl psychopath get your man wow get your man cap rude No Cap please please I have a family cap he’s low I’m trying I’m going up oh that’s you everybody going on oh I kind of overshot that I have no

Clue where that’s calm down no these are really hard to AR that’s good to know ow hey dropy why are you doing that I was shooting at jome man where goes Jerry oh my God dead to your left hi what’s up hi hello welcome would

You like to buy an ice cream cap that’s not the front cap I’m making my own door cap this is my place of business oh my God cap hello she’s low yeah I know I was fighting her you were lighting us on fire cap this is

Where I do you want me to do it again I can this is you’re going to do it no matter what I say why do you ask or I can do that which would you rather have you are in a hole now you just tried to kill me

You ask you are in a hole Ste literally just tried to make a point by trying to kill me and then acting like was like you still on target Jerome he di died a while ago all right Steve I’m get a 16th Target on you go

For it you tried me and then yeah because you were sitting on your Bridge looking away acoss the bridge looking no you were sitting there wait cap did you just respawn at Mid so I took you shot at you sorry what do you expect I wonder

If I could like use the time will you just get out of here we’re fighting what do you want me to do dry was coming in for the swoop on a on the thing there you’re my cuz you were running wow you’re knock back yeah that was kind of

Insane there your knock back crazy you must die dropsy is that mine or yours that was not mine well he dead Now nice try bro I gaffled up Jesus yeah what what yeah and you expect anything less that is wild ah stop slad her down why are you all here why why are you all oh my God I turned around every single one of you was just right there Staying Alive dead yeah

Jerry you’ll never pass I know your secret that you don’t have a pickaxe it would take you too long to break through that I said you oh Jesus no oh jeez oh jeez wait wait wait I have a new Escape Plan why did you do that to me escape play Alpha suddenly just

Fall where what will you do now Ste what will you do now stebob your plans are futile your plans have been swed ow who shot me in the I’m sorry stead that it had to be this way oh Jesus where you going he made it getting back up to your defenses oh

Jeez Solid Ground this oh I missed hey did somebody order a giant Chum Bucket oh my God a hey monk did you order the giant Chum bu oh God C you want to get out of here you didn’t order the Chum Bucket Supreme I’m just running you are a bad distasteful

You just did that to me what do you and then you say can you get out of here and I leave you and then you just pour lava on me just eating an emerald Apple staring at I don’t like playing games with monk monkeys not they’re not games to Monkey I

Think try hard serious business what I been calling them lately oh God there’s a try hard stand I don’t think I’ve ever no Stanley nochill that was a Stanley nochill that was you back here this well you’re talking you’re talking you’re talking we can talk about this you’re

Saying this like I’m like I’m sweating and winning I’m at three [Laughter] lives you good no did you just leave it oh no Miss got off someone withered me and it uh knocked me off the bridge uhoh was really counting on that Boulder to do all the work for me

Hello I live on top of the mount I accidentally right cck and I you want to stop running no oh that’s fair that was a bad idea Yeah well yeah it was a straightway yeah oh I like the secret weapon I’m going leave you to it someone

In chat said I think dropsy learned Japanese I was just I was just yelling that’s so good I love that comment see Japanese Steve a lot now um we can talk about this Boulder that’s not talking at all oh oh Ste think’s dead I I’ll leave just got to make sure they know

Who they’re dealing with true real no map survives no map survives me no mapv contact was steadfast okay there we you just sitting up there threw a boulder no it was a rock it’s that just a boulder oh that D oh my God this is really that was a really unfortunate

Gauntlet all right I’m using my secret weapon you have a secret weapon I do uh well I mean you guys will see what do you mean we’ll see you’ll see I’m a little terrified what does sing do again it just like a single projectile it’s like a one note oh my God

Ice hey Luke what’s going on stop it youve knock back at ice I have a I have a first customer Hold on said excuse me that was just rude you walked up to me started beating me in a pit and then complained that I fought back right Sun’s about right there we

Go what is happening who SP a Wither oh no oh no yeah we could be cool buddy we could be cool a it’s dropsy what do you mean that was your secret weapon weapon oh god oh this is a ow get blown up I Jerome had me half a heart

Literally why is he big oh he made him big science huh science Rules uh guy it’s taking yeah yeah oh yeah it’s lagging Luke broke the server doing that yeah Luke kill it you can’t the sides the sides luk broke server relatable come on

Luke look I think I’m able to walk now I don’t I have the Wither bar on my screen but no bar I think we’re okay I rubber banded we’re rubber banding man time gaunlet is crazy right now everybody’s got a Time gauntlet wow the server really is dunzo I think it might

Be give it a sec because you were uh I took that damage punched me are you sure where’ you go wait yeah where’ you go Jerome I teleported oh because I don’t think it’s working but you were like it’s working it’s working and then you’re G yeah I took you tiet damage after

You oh my God I don’t want to fight you Monk okay there are two bigger fish there’s two bigger fish to fry hi Dad I’m not here for you right now I need to find everyone with more lives than you if you were a type of fish I found a mon over

Here all right let’s go if you were a type of fish that like fit you like your personality what fish would you oby i b oh God maybe the lion fish I don’t know aren’t those an invasive species they’re also poisonous there drops but like there’s there’s places in

The world that like if you’re hunting for fishing and you find lion fish you’re supposed to kill them I don’t even know fish very well what what would fit me oh my God what are you what are you DR why are you so laggy so this is

Mine right just’s going right now that’s my spirit fish is it the bloodish spirit fish bro what is that it’s lag that’s what it is because over to hit you that’s my spirit fish cap what do you think oh my God this is so hard to oh [Laughter]

Boulder I mean I can agree with one of those I think you I think you linked the wrong fish what what’s wrong with my choice I that was a good fish Choice mine’s still no that’s good oh Weston I forgot his ACC nice Sur priv so he saw it he’s

Left imag forgetting W can see the CH yeah wow he’s got another oh well Luke Luke L I don’t know bulled by I’m trying to chase and I just yeah I know this is for not knowing more about marine life get him all right hey the weather’s back

Monk your turn what kind of fish would you be a monk fish lame drop accurate uh I don’t know lame I think a koi fish is cool but I don’t know what fits me personality playy well that’s not true what about you stead drop is the

Least ever met a neon tetra is kind of cool I am not uh that type of person like I don’t I mean that in the best possible way but that ain’t you look set the water on fire hold on drop I did water is on fire

That’s kind of cool oh he did it he is broken science we are lagging so bad Luke you got to get wither dude like please dude I don’t but he make it like really really tiny oh immediately it stopped lagging that’s the so much better the Wither

Died that’s why man least get Monk why does the wer cause so much lag said why I don’t know don’t know I I gave you one wallup monk that’s all I’m giving you I know you just instantly turned on me I thought we had something I just gave you one wall up it

Was just a love tap don’t worry just one you’ll be F that like hits me over the head with the broadside of an axe just a love tap I think I’d be a jail oh my God Behold a good choice Behold a $257 stream tip Willie has risen and Luke gets two

Lives all of that just bad hot takes behold come on wow what is I want you out of here why Wow I want you I would throw a boulder in there but you’re too close throw instead all right I took try I’m slowed I’m going down I’m taking you with me

Dropsy hello cppy hello goodbye Cappy hello drop oh my God J roome every time yes I’m here to third part of your fights with monk yes yes wait this look how is your Shield not broken drill mine broke almost immediately mine has full durability cuz I don’t use it it’s

Aesthetics I see yeah it’s conflicts with the void dagger oh my gosh dude willly said take that drum Willie you’re not going to be here for long stop running you coward ow sorry was a dropy die ha there we go to be fair I wasn’t even trying to kill

You oh jeez I’m out so that’s it wait Luke you didn’t give yourself lives you just joined how many yeah’s fighting with zero he has zero lives there luk what the heck you’re supposed to have two lives Luke one now just put him at negative one

Oh my God so how many lives does Luke have left I’m so confused SL kill but he has one okay God all right so he still got one should we be taking luk no he didn’t do slash kill he just fell C punched him Lion King sty so he has one

Life hi stead hi a I right R away because I didn’t know if Luke was still in or not there we go oh did I I got out of the lava I got out of it oh but I time got it back into it oh no who’s on my

Luke dude you are literally a spaghetti whoa strong words are we but also Luke you didn’t get me Bud isn’t the singular how did you catch that Jerome I drops you ow oh I didn’t realize you would chill like that Luke you are about to get the razzled dazzling of a life

Wait wait wait wait wait okay I did not okay okay this bow does not have Cappy’s bomb it has Lucky Blocks so I think it I am so sorry Jesus drop I am so sorry I don’t know what this explosion Rocks new lucky block effect I didn’t know bro shame I didn’t

Know I had Cappy’s bombs on it before I didn’t realize Lucky Blocks would do the same thing Lucky Blocks summons Cappy’s bomb okay well I don’t mind you’re good my bad it’s fine man oh hello dishonor oh thanks sh what did he just we yeah I didn’t really have a say in that

Yeah you did you did have a say in it of you could have not died as quick yeah you could have just one V5 all of us though yeah yeah I mean I should have just known how to deal with spawn campers oh just spawn somewhere else I

Just you got the first step get done you just didn’t get the good part get done why do you get the the good no you got get done as an accomplish you skip few reading classes though you said you got get done you just needed good get done

Good this sounds like a conversation of what people think the South sounds like when we’re up north isn’t it this sounds like what this that’s what that’s what Northerners think you sound to let you handle it I I can he keeps teleporting away why are you working together C

We’re literally no he was just abandoning the fight I’m not yeah I also have started like chasing down Luke thank you Luke’s not the issue dropsy is yes he is we can be caveman soon jar too many normies around yes we must be able to outnumber and group together as a as a

Tribe he’s just up there cap is Normie another word for basic that’s all I’m dealing with like dropsy is basically dead here hey oh my God that void dagger is insane dude void dagger op I never get anything cool anymore wait I’ve only gotten the time Gauntlet

Dropsy from up here if I do this right I can elytra right into your toilet ho let me see it’s not what that is but well why is there Brown oh oh no yeah that’s a toilet don’t don’t insult Biggie’s build like that oh my God what do you have on

That time and you guys are just follow wa wait don’t no it drops it sees fire sees fire ceas fire dropsy I already know what you’re about to put in there okay okay we can commence now oh my God that also works if devel an I I know straight like primordial

Rage you you yourself have grown an audience of hatred towards me what I think you helped a little bit [Laughter] Steve wait oh my okay I’m sorry no you’re not I a question about the arrows of Wither why do they give Health boost too excuse you W can you can you not

Sorry I know you’re still here I can hear you eating buty could I be inside of the toilet bowl oh on top of it you’re you might be doing something I don’t want to be like that cap I want to bet you he was just making you think that

Huzzah I live up here now I got to L my my rules it’s dead this is how I see it not enough was happening yes oh my God three totem procs should have went for the fourth I would have loved to I but cap showed up ow no almost

True uh stead don’t worry about oh no I know what’s happening now oh what is it Luke go away can’t you see I’m trying to do something over here yeah look up oh okay things got to happen eventually and I don’t care if I die did someone drop a flint and steel

Right there no no no who would ever do that oh yeah but where where could I be Cy Mays I don’t know jurar you now have more lives than all of us buddies unite uh no is that a thing now yeah like I mean yeah like when I had

When I had one life everyone just said Target monk yeah but it’s hilarious to pum all Jerome no no please think of the children cap yeah I’m thinking they’ll love this that wrong oh no you guys are gonna the internet is going to steamroll through probably he’s got something ridiculous on that

Sword he doesn’t have anything on SW it’s a lightning sword lightning that’s like that overpowered monk let lightning sword dude okay Indiana Jones throwing your Boulder at me what I can’t use my Pokemon and the Pokemon Lucky Block can’t have anything what are you doing this is not a Pokemon

Battle this is a fist fight oh he was Moon walking Oh I thought he got the what is it um that one potion we could have worked together against the we could have worked together against the intern drop I’d rather you die to him what you actually might he is

A jeez Cy the business right now say it say what oh you’re weak yeah I know that he’s weak arms are heavy inters made of spaghetti scoreboard I can fix the scoreboard after you die Luke don’t worry this must be done Luke cap do you have the ceremonial lava no I

Don’t oh I wish I still had mine oh dude dude we got him in the ropes there lot of big hits think he’s trying to take cap with him probably you’re okay get away from you get away from my caveman friend no no no he’s luk you can do it Jerry huh

You can do it I got the to he’s got he’s got apples too no he doesn’t does he I think he’s got Notch apples Sherry because he’s always popped a Notch Apple after having a totem he might be out though I don’t he could be I don’t know apples I think they

Are hello Luke oh that was a good cut off that could have gone horribly wrong oh oh my gosh look you will not Escape you think you’re good at running in hiding but you’re not nearly half the man that Monk Is at that oh my God you almost sent him from

That that was beautiful bro if I was running and hiding I would still be alive right now don’t worry C I have a backup for my backup a Backup backup wait what what what l Luke BR well that was anticlimactic internet internet look congratulations I think well um a little bit

GG oh my god dude yeah that was good job Jam thanks buddy all right so that is going to do it on that one there guys but don’t worry we now have Sandy battle dome that’ll be coming your way after what was an epic lb SkyWars I

Love the lb SkyWars that and the lb walls just lucky blocks in general I’m sorry I know they’re like a decade old but Lucky Blocks never get old it’s so random that it’s fair almost you know yeah I mean and and the thing I think it’s that it’s fair and also like

Not for not it’s kind of hard to care if you win or lose considering it’s really not much up to you like what you get yeah so it just makes it more fun like it’s just fun every everyone enjoys it I feel like even if you who cares you know

Who cares if you win except for you because you’re a winner yeah I need to win all the time if not then people in the chat will make fun of me they’ll call me names like big nose or tiny hands no one no one tell them what does that have nothing to do

With my win or loss ratio cap is that what you’re trying to say I see you got tiny hands all right who wants to be my battle buddies I will be battle buddy Luke you’re out monkey’s in sick I always volunteer so I’ll let others be on your team okay okay so just

Monk I mean I mean fine I’ll be on your team then all right cppy jeez to be my friend today that’s so sad I’m not allowed to be on your team so I just don’t chime in anymore unban me you know maybe sometimes oh my God yeah yeah I got

You that’s so funny who else oh dropsy might be banned as well actually it’s probably in the same box there we go you’re both good uh make sure to say you spawn like 10 Paces out from your ladder you know the rules hi Monkey hey all right I’m g go to the bathroom

Quick and then we’ll be good to take this in never stop and wonder what would happen if you could hit someone over the head with a mace well I can tell tell you that there’s been very much empirical evidence about the results of such an experiment well we can we can verify

Those experiments today I’m just saying experiences I suppose not so much I’m not volunteering as a test subject you’re gonna have to find someone else for that that’s what the other team’s for what it uh Luke if you’re around what even is special about this one oh we have caveman Mallet look

Oh good all need to know oh Stone mace Now it only does five attack damage hit Monk on head now don’t do that yeah do it monk man imperious to bnk oh monk evolv wow game mode survival monkey monkey now oh wait he’s on same team do it again game mode survival intern

Intern Run For Life yeah luck luck yeah Intero ow I feel good about this hi Steve today has been good day uh yeah it’s just unique types of weapons battle axes daggers uh maces and regular swords and then uh yeah some custom armor stuffs how’s that one meme start

Luke go happy oh yeah oh jeez wait what I forget the word the video yeah I’ll find the video later no need to worry about it that was dude I was laughing about that for like that whole week Said [Laughter] looking nice it ah Luke it’s a very fast gift that’s me uh do you mind uh you can set it to 25 minutes that’s fine okay cool thank you sir all righty dropsy has left the building what happened she may have lagged out cuz she’s not responding what

Have you guys done to her while she no she’s gone yeah I think she’s she exploded because Minecraft disconnects faster than Discord can anyone hear me no no no no no here drop oh wait I have something to do with [Laughter] this all right so Dr is having a little bit

Of lag issues but it’s okay we have um this very planned commercial break uh here we go we get that and then put an add in for the Drome ASF hoodies Drome there we go this commercial brought to you by spinning spinning puffer fish oh spinning puffer fish take this

I’m in spectator so I can get a top down can you spectate item frames cuz they’re technically entity oh my God this is so disturbing I think you did it stream you’ve got to take a screenshot for us my dude dude dude dude literally just PV you’re getting

Beat up for your lunch money POV you’re getting beat up for your lunch money here mon keep punching mon or spinning spinning yeah oh my God luck yeah mlck luck yeah caribou it’s beautiful it’s beautiful is dropsy dead I think dropsy might have exploded no all in the under

Study all right I got uh don’t worry guys I got our our other sponsor uh Slash drum ASF commandor BL ah yes I love this yes yes don’t wor we’re good we’re good I know make it a lever so we can spam it really fast yeah yep yep

Yep uh we’ll now enjoy the the musical need a lever you can just send it to a a repeater come blade blade that’s that’s not an instrument that’s just a CD at that point yeah it’s coward’s work blade BL like why would we go to listen to live music when we got

Spotify but if you’re going to listen listen to live music you’re still not playing the instrument man I didn’t realize Josh spoke Japanese as [Laughter] well okay what’s the it’s entity that’s right entity What entity did he what what musical stylings would we like here

Guys do a gas scream yeah do that the gas scream that’s G to be horrible do the piglin scream gas scream and what do we want Master yep yeah well clearly I did something wrong thank God do another space then at a and then let [Laughter] you did you just broken like I

Said for drop dropy says there is a community outage of the the interwebs that’s not good those are a common thing sounds like she’s too scared what do you think guys what should we do should we keep on making Music lovely drops is like what do you guys do when I’m gone wait for me to get back do a goat horn yeah do a goat horn Minecraft what’s it uh would it just be Minecraft am you know item maybe item. goathorn sound 3 Let’s see what that is and master ad

That was a bad one I’ll do goat horn [Laughter] too how do I turn up that all wow it just started coming in her for me the beacons of Gondor lit I can’t wait for Tor to get home and go how how was work today Someone’s got to take her show her this clip oh wait 21 Jerry salute don’t do this to me don’t do I think yours might be going too quick no yep there is guys not for nothing but since dropy left we’ve been gaining viewers I think

I think I think this is what the people want this is what the people want they don’t want mini games they want the Buddies being are we making a band again Jerome we might be we might be I would love to do a game show called what’s

That noise or something like that and it’s like just guessing sound effects from video games that would be a good show call it catchy tune or something what’s this I’ve discovered it Ducks what that was supposed to be a surprise you didn’t tell me that you should have known that monkey

Would have delved through all the creative menus wait he does that with in the first 30 seconds wait wait I just did that hold on a second here that’s a shocker yeah I can’t find the sound for it’s not Minecraft Entity D no it’s not Minecraft it would be

Modded have a different what mod does it come from that’s it Jerome uh middle cck and get the spawn EG and maybe that’ll tell you something creatures is it creatures you think something creatures there’s a couple creatures mods that wait can you look at the tips I

Knowy fish bomb was replaced by I got it wait dying duck sound Master at a hold on a does it not do it no it didn’t do it all right what was floppy Floppy Fish B was replaced with Floppy Fish bomb no and uh for for uh uh forand

Battle did you change it I did Bobby fish bomb is I thought that that was just a mistake from last time okay so it’s called The Intern special and it was going to be this oh my God yeah I I didn’t know that you changed it so I was like H I don’t

Remember that so that must be from last time so I just changed it back is that the same quack from Duck game yeah probably hey hey Luke hey Luke oh here we go all right well I guess uh buttons I guess we’ll just do a two V2 then and

Let’s get to roll in here let’s make a pole a PO no dude that’s too toxic no we’re not doing no Steve you’re Steve we need you on the other team otherwise bad things won’t ever happen no it’s it’s okay I understand the pole would put me out fine me and

Cap versus monk instead that’s a combo I want all right okay let’s do it Monk’s going down all right I have hit start started started Dr 2v2 V one put Steve on his own team you know you wanted to do it though you know those like uh we hav I’ll ask

After uh Drome Bop set up chest on side happy stud we already have chest set up monk I don’t know why you’re setting up more just in case but uh do you remember those like telephone tubes that were on like playgrounds yeah I do remember those yeah sometimes I

Wish when we were on opposite teams we’d have one of those in Minecraft so we could just like whisper insults at each other all right guys well get on out of here Mr inter hey don’t wiie bopping we’re timing him out sorry guys what if

We want you out of here and we send you up to hr’s office yeah no there yeah let’s do it Jerry crush the dream team dream team dream team I’m cheating yeah cheating cheting cheating that’s all we need to do Kappa got beat I’ve got carbon steel boots obsidian

Boots do plus three armor plus two t dude I think obsidian boots might be no Onyx helmet plus four armor plus three armor toughness Okay so onx and what is Obsidian good yes uh I’ve got graphing that does it’s a chest plate that does plus eight I just did I got two obsidian

Boots now hold on a second dud I’m getting some lucky drops out here dude all right okay let’s see uh I really really want to shovel but I’m not getting anything obsidian mace that’s pretty good ooh spiky stick I got an emerald maze 6.7 attack damage what obsidian sword 7.5 attack

The mace is just better dude obsidian sword 7.5 damage 1.6 speed the mace 7.5 damage 1.9 speed it’s just faster it’s just faster okay good to know okay I’ve got an obsidian helmet yeah yeah the obsidian is way better like I didn’t realize it had knockback resistance of that much yeah

Obsidian helmet for yeah yeah okay I’ll start our little thingies over here then cap obsidian is the one to get okay I’ve got an obsidian dagger 2.2 attack speed and five damage behold gave me a tip he said a quick tip for filling up chests in Creative you can hold the scroll wheel

And just move the mouse and I do believe it’ll help really yeah it it will just spread things out and like see if I can let me see this hold on a second here so you do this and then you just just you you do that and then

You well that just kind of spreads it out evenly though yeah oh yeah it doesn’t fill it though lame go do we have one set aside okay yeah I’ve got an obsidian helmet there I also have a Cobalt battle axe with 8.2 attack damage um I have that too but it’s too

Slow for my liking it’s very slow okay here we go do you think that they’re at each other’s throats yet oh instead and mugy get along usually right yeah right oh I got an ender pearl that’s huge all right let’s see if there’s any like we’ll keep our eyes peeled in so

Far obsidian M the best thing but there might be some like gimmicks right you never know like there could be like bus and trinket I got another obsidian Helm that would be very useful if we weren’t doing a 2v2 I killed their donkey yes they’re going to kill me but I killed their

Donkey oh dude Monk’s mad cap help cap help Stanley nochill was chasing me where’s Stanley help wait he has a ma cap he’s got the other obsidian mace if we get that off of him oh oh God ste’s going after me just keep pile driving them Jerry I can’t K them

I’m getting pile drived wait cap they left a goat horn idiots oh my God the graphine mace does 10 attack damage and 2.2 speed is graphine better gra M graphine May significantly better okay keep an eye out for graphine then yeah I don’t know if they make it an armor form but

Dude dude this mace is out of this world okay I’ve got another ender pearl okay let’s see I’ve got a book quill okay I’ve got Onyx boots man not much is dropping for me over here Jerome and there’s no shovel in sight if I’m honest uh yeah I have not had any shovel

Either I wait wait wait carbon steel has a set bonus oh full set bonus is strength yeah but dude looking at how much worse it is than obsidian I don’t know if it offsets it m depends on what value of strength is I guess if it was strength two I’d be all about

It okay I have a bronze apple and a silver Apple there’s so many different types of apples I don’t know what they do um onx sword Onyx sword better than obsidian so I guess look out for Onyx no we looked at you you said Onyx armor was

Not as good as obsidian armor uh yeah I have some Onyx boots it’s Plus three armor plus three armor toughness but it doesn’t give you any sort of knockback resistance or anything okay um o I got obsidian chest plate finally I did too oh sick dude all right we just see

Leggings um all right I’m probably oh do we want to eat the silver Apple now to see if it does anything or the bronze Apple I’ve got one of each if you wanted to try it out silver Apple strength and regen for only only 10 seconds but the

Regen is nice you only need it for 10 seconds to be fair mhm I’ve got a bronze one I can try hey potato too people with the first stream tip of this segment thank you the $20 stream tip don’t mind me just going to put this here since

I’ve donated total of $40 can I order a Luke special yeah Luke let her rip let her rip Luke uh the sweet musical styl okay so you’ve got 10 that gives you a jump boost bonus all right I’m trying to work up a hunger to test out the bronze Apple I’ve got another

Graphine mace it’s 10 and 2.2 yeah can you bring that back dude I think that’s what we needed qu Ducks all over our side they’ll protect us they’re blowing horns in here how dare that’s disgusting animal on God I want to just destroy them so badly what is that oh a

Flower all right I’m eating The Velvet what does it do velvet cake did nothing so cake is useless okay it is just food I got carrot pie what a waste of carrots and Pie I know right what a terrible combination like I’ve SE I’ve heard of

Carrot cake but how are you going into pfy carrots also unpopular opinion although carrot Kake is good tasting why I’m convinced that the only reason people eat carrot cake is so they don’t feel bad about that cream cheese icing yeah I think that’s fair to say like cuz I don’t get the appeal

Okay dude what’s better though the extra one armor toughness from Onyx or having no knockback resistance from obsid the knockback resistance is pretty huge I feel like yeah it most likely is also everyone’s explained it to me a 100 times I still don’t understand differ between armor toughness and armor points

I think armor toughness is just durability I’ve got another obsidian chest no legs I think armor toughness is just for durability like if anyone would know it’s this guy all right cap eating the bronze Apple the bronze Apple gives you 10 seconds of speed in a little region bronze apples

Poo silver apples good so graphine apparently has even more knockback resistance than the obsidian armor and the same slightly less armor toughness ah okay okay monkey said this just a little bit of armor that you don’t see huh what does that even mean yeah I don’t know

Micro armor that makes no sense it’s micro armor Under Armour arctic wolf for the $30 stream what’s the Luke special on Cappy bring in the Ducks a so many ducks duck Tails poo and good to see you arctic wolf glad you can out the stream hope you’re having a wonderful

Day I’m coming for them okay I have four ender pearls so far I spawn skeletons in their base why’d you do that cuz I’m a problem yeah egg dead in the face I turn around I egged him oh dude he mad he mad C he don’t like being egged oh he mad

Though oh my God oh my God he’s still chasing okay he saw me coming yeah yeah that’s right my big brother will beat you up I got a shield that’s actually kind of huge scream my dad could beat up your dad my from what I said earlier it might

Depend on the version I think it came around in later versions uh well this is 1194 so I don’t maybe I just misunderstood you dude but I’ve never heard of that being a command and if it is I’m going to be mad at Monkey for not

Sharing with me cuz he knows all things what command to like creative mode like spam uh a thingy like Stak throughout an entire you know o that does sound nice Kronos 50 gaming start us off with the first hot sauce of the day Galo hot

Sauce I got a brand new new Costco siiz baggie of chips I don’t think I’m ever going to make my way through so they’re going to be nice and St by the bottom of this gu oh dude that’s the way you want it though I know you prefer stale chips

Dude who doesn’t oh dude it’s just so great just like you want the unpopped popcorn oh God here we go hot sauce number one blade did you just chat GB that’s blade has his knack for chat gbt any question and then just throwing it in there 100% is a chat gbt answer but

Thank you Kronos gaming said carrot cake is delicious wrong also if you have one it is it is good but it’s like it is good yeah but like we know why people eat carrot cake instead of real cake you got one video game weapon what would it be

Oh we got two more sets of one video game weapon from anything from anything it’s honestly easy answer for me yeah obviously a diamond sword just sell it dude you know how much money a d you know how much money a like an entire like dude that would be like a thousand

Karat diamond you would okay that’s valid dude that’s an unfathomable amount of money okay hear me out about uh the ray gun from uh zombies though that’s like technology Beyond like you know no you know what I would do not the ray gun I would do the portal gun and then sell

It to the military industrial complex for riches beond my wildest dreams I see you’ve got quite the one track mind yes money money but yeah totally dude that’s absolutely what I would do dude I’m just saying like there’s so many cool things you could choose it’s so hard to do uh

Like the Buster sword from Final Fantasy that thing’s just cool uh of course you could just buy a replica but it’s not the same dude I’m beginning to think Luke didn’t program leggings in here yeah I have not seen obsidian leggings like at all I’ve seen bronze leggings I

Got Onyx it’s an all right like replacement I’m slightly tempted to try for the carbon steel just to see if the strength boost ends up being worth it oh my god dude I’m going to lose my mind what Rob just messaged me that he’s gonna be late to Sky Block again

BR dude I’m losing my mind man I’m lo I feel he’s just trolling me he’s probably watching this right now just trolling me oh he definitely is you deserve it though if there’s anyone I think deserves to get trolled it’s you I’m sorry but I’m not you’re not wrong you’re not

Wrong you reap what you seow mhm reap around so out okay I got some more obsidian boots Luke tell me you put freaking leggings in here tell me you put the leggings in here I don’t know if he did dude dude obsidian leggings did you test it and find out they were too

Op Cappy was slain by a ravager I’m too lazy to look if I did or not bro bro oh my God Luke you forget the leggings really oh it’s fine C we’ll get the Onyx yeah I got three Trident I’m going to go run them over there and Harpoon

Them from a distance to annoy yeah get them get them with the poon I got to kill this ravager I’ve got to kill him they are in there blade pulled up the cating all right all right stream I haven’t even read the description here hold on a second

Here I just realized I didn’t even bother deleting all the description stuff I was so busy doing the other stuff I didn’t even adjust this all does uh do that obsidian leggings have an extra in bracket oh that the other ones don’t the what I thought I saw something at the

Edge of that picture Okay um oh okay we do have spawn a warden in there that’s fine then nice there we that’s what we forgot though was ban a player all right I’m going to go over there side and Harpoon him you can do it Jerry you were born to Harpoon here we

Go shaking they’re mad they’re mad they’re mad through the C they’re coming back C I’ve angered them yeah they were like where they dude they looked up like it was like I can only imagine being like where are these harpoons coming from and then just see me of the World oh jeez someone is bidding like crazy on the Charizard card good yeah it’s on the eBay if you guys are to the top of the live chat also cap do you have any more harpoons I could throw at them no unfortunately I’m all out of poons oh that’s unfortunate

But um let me find some more harpoons then baby duck make different sound there I got a harpoon you know what cap I should have done hold on better idea I got the goat horn and now I’m going to line it up with Trident and blow the horn and just

Start oh I got a trident for you you got one okay I’m going to blow the start throwing Trident at him from the hillside those are cute I love that noise here is your Trident thank you sir do we have legs already stored up or no we don’t have

Any obsidian legs we never found them I have one Onyx leg as a replacement which is a which is a fine replacement like we shouldn’t be upset about that but we still need another pair all right cap you’re ready I’m so ready I was boring ready now here we go wait

Ready ah I hit St in the face dude I blew the horn he immedately turned around and then I whipped the face with a heart is he coming is he down he mad he mad though help oh you think he stop chasing you’re good you’re good all right inter I know

It’s technically cheating but load me up with harpoons buddy buddy Budd buddy load me up load me up oh looks like he gave you one with I don’t even care this is cheating load me up with them the ghost to the $25 St said steak bomb onstead Oh with loyalty three thank you

Thank you yeah dude that’s so this is my new favorite pit just blow the horn just waiting on the hillside what’s that over there if someone gets you with a harpoon from like a 100 feet away can you even really be mad wait cat

Oh I’m Gonna Keep no G is’s mad C the pl’s going around the with a three oh he had an ender pearl Gap help I’m coming Jerry Gap Stanley no chills after me no no get the Royal scepter the ghost with a $300 Hammer said sacred bye to Exodia

Blade we’re blowing up blade server okay up the server I don’t think I could stop him thanks for the pain guy was probably trying to talk smack look what happens talk smack y’all have no chill okay Stanley the ghost thank you for the $300 Hammer we are blown up blade

Server all right I got the goat horn cap I’m ready I need carbon steel boots if I could get carbon steel boots I’d be pretty Happy I harpooned him the head I heard it I heard it oh no oh no cap cap he’s withering me cap help cap they’re coming for Jerome’s an oil Fork no no oh that does wither oh my gosh dude ow ow G they’re mean a it’s the end of an error buddy oh

Don’t worry about it I am interested in that wither dagger though did you notice that the baby duck fall yeah they do follow mama [Laughter] no oh we’ve only got like four minutes my dude C this is your parrot or no yeah I spawned it it’s mine arctic

Wolf thank you for the $30 stream tip they said more ducks for Jerome wait for wait for luuka get to their side let me let me get into their let me get into their base then we’ll let them cook wait Cherry yes oh yes got a goat horn in there too

Buddy thank you oh Cobalt mace all right get ready to release the ducklings o we’re going to do it we’re going to kill him ready Luke they see me release the the ducklings release fire go keep going the ducks keep going what are you doing don’t stop the Ducks

It’s my Escape Plan keep going distract them they can’t touch me if there’s too many ducks in the way more Ducks don’t don’t stop don’t let go duck tals ooh running hey it worked we’re good don’t worry cap we made it out of there alive yes going back going back in it’s over

Jerry we have all the Ducks oh yeah Freedom spear spear spear spear Jesus more Spears I’m running out of Spears I hit him once spear now time to take myself out oh tactical L leave you’re you’re so gifted with words Jerry where did you learn such a skill

Oh worked we’re safe now we’re safe nice thank you Luke thank you oh I got I’ve got a pair of graphine pants like attack there’s less than a minute left my dude oh no no no cap I lost it all I’ve lost the pl did you you should we should use

Graphine leggings instead of the Onyx ones because it gives more knockback resistance sounds good to me buddy yeah I also got you this Onyx dagger which gives Wither on hit if you wanted to use that oh that’s what they were using earlier yeah that’s pretty sick actually

I would like to use that thank you [Laughter] a little inside joke As a treat I wonder if they got the full obsidian set that’d be crazy I love all the Ducks descending from the heavens all right that’s time uh well I’m going to lock Us in I’m going to say

We’re already yeah so Onyx dagger into the graphine mace always right yeah that’s what I’m thinking it’s unfortunate that we weren’t able to find anything to complete the sets oh no duck Dragon no all right Luke wait for them to say ready and then spawned in with a $100

Stream tip duck Dragon said hey drum here’s a guard for your beacon you know what cap let’s P just go on the offensive duck Dragon thank you all right oh keep inventory should be now keep inventory is keep inventory is it and always was all right Luke let a rip Bud wait

Wait wa wait let me wait wait Luke give me a moment [Laughter] here there we go the ghost with $100 stream tip and a guard for the other Beacon oh no so both teams are getting one oh all right cap get walk outside of here you ready and go both teams get a

Warden D this is going to be nuts this might be the most nuts Sandy battle them we have with the two Guardians I bet qu qu qu okay you got him oh I got dead oh monkey has a full raing set C might need a little backup oh st’s running right behind

Me monkey got me with his wither dagger I don’t have a Wither dagger so there’s no shot that they’re making it in oh you gave me your only wither dagger yeah man you’re my homie you love of me yeah oh wait their Wither’s not on their base

Hold on a second here is off to the back uhoh they’re with they mad okay I got B Mark no way and then monkey died at the same time BR sure if that counts like yeah you can bring him back you can bring him back Luke that’s

Fair I died yeah he did he died before okay bring him back Luke bring him back yeah I’m okay with that oh my God but on the other hand stead will be sent to the shadow realm Shadow realm basic basic I can’t see anything the the

Warden has blinded me I can’t tell if I’m getting snuck up on Jerry I’m scared can’t don’t be scared scared I’m currently pooping cly pooping my pants no I’m trying to get an anticlimactic kill on monk by withering him to death but it didn’t work it’s okay though cap

I have the best way oh I see Harpoon yes get him spear him blow the goat horse oh just bouncing off his head get him oh sorry missc oh no worries what’s a little bit of a harpoon between friends yeah easy basic kill the pandas get the endangered animals goodbye

Duck no goodbye server cap what should we do in 194 hey if we spawn too many ducks do you think the server would implode let’s find out let’s do a duck bomb like we would a chicken bomb like back in the day you know yeah I like that I like

That you ready so Luke do do you know what that means cuz you weren’t around the old Minecraft you ready so basically hold on you see this Tower I’m making yeah no okay now hold on a second here now this is how you blow up a server in style

Okay you want me to break the sand underneath no the sand underne once it’s ready so now put a bunch of ducks only in this area and then you break the sand at like a chicken bomb but with ducks so cap if you want to be the one to break

The sand at the bottom you can okay give me a duck Luke I think you picked it up thank you ah Luke keeps picking up I can yes yes I can set I can just they dying entity framing oh slash what is it game rule that’s a server setting is it a

Server setting or is it a more ducks in the meantime don’t stop I think that is actually a server setting for uh like property yeah you had to do it in conf Luke can you just give us a mega duck bomb then I guess sad face cap you can still release them

Oh okay oh god oh cap release the Kraken Dr fly around with a I’m making a duck tornado look at the duck tornado duck Nado what scar you duck n or oh my god dude look at it I wonder if I put multiple yeah put multiple blocks down see what

Happens oh can someone clip this and send it to dropsy so she more darks keep going L keep going qu qu qu qu quack qu qu is the is it copied it’s slowly lagging yeah good good tell you I’m trying to sign on to the server and it’s just not oh no go

Duck that is so many ducks life uh finds a way life finds a duck how many ducks does it take to break one a blade servers the world made never know we’re about to find out are you proud of me okay okay Luke yes I want you to give all of the Ducks

Glowing okay this is going to be very slow I think we broke it hang on no I got it don’t worry I can hear I can still hear the Ducks true did it work oh jeez oh my God magnificent my eyes the oh no there it

Is I love the way it looks but why are my parents fighting funny what dude this is ridiculous Luke how is the Ser oh there go there it goes I just got a bunch of Errors yep there it goes so there you have it everyone g

G well now I will bid the Buddies farewell as I head on to my final segment of the live stream here everyone where we are going to be doing some Sky Block on our sponsored server it’s going to be fun it’s going to be awesome and

I’m sure you guys are going to have a absolute blast all right guys remember don’t click off the stream just yet it is a lot of fun we get to hang out with Willie as well and I obviously really appreciate you guys supporting the

Channel in such a big way way um a lot of people always click off whenever I do like a sponsored segment like this and for real guys I can’t express enough how like if you love the channel and you love what we do and you want to support

The Channel a free way watching hopping on the server and playing especially using my join link jerome. chaos. all those things help out tremendously um so please consider doing so if you want to support the channel in an awesome and free way um all right how many do we got 128 players come

On let’s do this thing Batman all right Steve should be changing up the description and we’re going to be good to go Anthony Norman with a $75 stream tip said love the content Jerry sorry I’m not sorry bro thank you love you too buddy even if it

Does come in the form of pain we have hot sauce number two which is habanero will they somehow sneak out 10 more hot sauces by the end of the stream for me to do the gauntlet who knows banana and let’s go pull Sir William up hello dark lord

William uh Jerome yeah uh come over here by the fish uh minions uh the fishing minions yeah all right what’s wrong uh check the hoppers in the uh above chest too oh my God oh my god dude oh my god dude stream that is how you do it all

Right Willie we need more silver so we can put more fuel into those guys that is clearly how you win the game oh yeah dude we’re at 112k 120k 129k Value 155 okay that bro you’re lying that is so sick all right uh let’s see can we get

An upgrade going while we’re uh uh an upgrade let me uh yeah let me take a gander here quick I think we might be able to upgrade the uh sky base Crystal again it’s $100 million which we have level four Bank oh level four Bank limit

Hold on no we need to get level four Bank limit which we have enough VA value now so we can we can do that no but you need Sky based crystals in order to do that wait we have that okay we’re good yeah we can Bank limited up two hours okay so slis

Bank deposit 96 all right is upgrade yeah all right Willie your Island does not have enough money deposit it come again huh oh I’m off by 250 Grand okay okay now I did go ahead and put the topass crystals into our base here oh okay nice all right Bank limit 4 has started

But unfortunately we’ll take till after the stream in order to finish up in the meantime let’s go take a look at our silver shop uh silver shop and how many of these things can we buy the minion fuel it’s not a lot at all we can’t we

Need 12,800 how much silver do you have uh only 400 since I last gave you some yeah we’re 8,000 short then dude I wish it were easier to get silver I really do oh yeah for sure Justin Alam said Jerome eat your Charizard card dude the Charizard card

Is it’s going it’s on eBay it’s I think it’s already at like 50 bucks um oh you’re the guy I’ve claimed my daily reward one rare key what I get here two rare Keys yeah obviously I would like two rare Keys small money patch reroll come on we only

Want silver silver or nothing Magma Cube dang it Fisher minion roll silver silver a small money patch worst case Ontario oo I got a medium silver pouch okay wait you got a medium silver how many did that give you I got about 2,000 now okay I have 4.6 dang it stinks that

You can only buy them in stacks of 64 what the oh the fuel no you can get the individual one yeah but aren’t they not as efficient so like if you did 64 yeah it’s not as efficient that’s fa yeah yeah I mean I’ll give you what I have right now oh

Okay thank you sir Callum Clark with a 75 uh pound stream tip thank you uh he’s it’s hot sauce number three so we are slowly closing in on doing the full Gauntlet today Calum you’re awesome love the content also take hot sauce sorry not sorry no no need to be

Sorry like I said I don’t know if they’ve got enough strength in them to send me around the gauntlet again also I’m afraid they’re all saving up their money for the big the big shebang again oh that would be hilarious oh that’s hot oh that’s hot okay number three should not be hot

But that was all right so Willie we don’t have our Autobots on I guess the biggest thing we can start doing is looking at our Star Pass things all righty and let’s see mine aren’t really that good mine’s to harvest a bunch of carrots uh hunt down two players and vote three

Times okay nice um yeah let me take a look at some of our star pass levels here claimed all those good good good all right and all the magma spawners I guess we can put away for now because we still don’t have the room for them sadly good there we

Go uh so my star pass missions let’s see daily quests break a th000 sugar cane that’s some good luck if I’ve ever seen it s 75 spiders the Forgotten Forest yikes don’t like that break a th carrots we can’t do that one okay well we can kill the spiders and we

Can also do this uh let me pick up that uh that minion up there all right also uh I don’t know if you have a TV on or something but it sounds like there’s something flowing through yeah sorry about that no no worries CLE this

Out I wish that we got silver from doing this oh that would be great all right let me bring these all down here even though it’s not like this is going to be filled up today un let we some magically get silver dude we are at a terrible s standstill how stream for

Those that play on the server what’s the easiest way to get extra silver also please guys if you join using my link it really does help and reflect well upon me otherwise they might not want to bring me back but I’m pretty sure they do but I need your help

Said it’s 200 silver for 10 minutes where is everyone seeing this I don’t see this anywhere uh so if you’re looking in the silver shop uh like on the right side it has like the stacks and stuff like that but on the left side it has individual

Ones okay I am seeing all right well then I can buy I could buy us a good amount then for now at least enough to carry us through the stream so let’s see let’s put seven of these into this guy hello fuel boom you’re good to go

All right so our mob killing one is going to be doing the mob killing thing I put all the biofuel in the one that’s better cuz he’s going to go all offline and so we might as well just have it all in there but if we get

Enough to Max that out then we can you know overall though that’s not terrible that’s not terrible oh yeah konos said Surplus 10 sword dude I was so excited the other day when I had a surplus 5 I thought that was the max Surplus 10’s ridiculous all right keep clearing these

Up doing good work here doing good work surprises is in a th000 already I wonder how many sugar can we have up here oh you know what the problem is it might not count if you hit the middle of it as two because you know you’re breaking you might be breaking two

Pieces but it might not count it that way oh there we go the last five minutes your island has earned $4,000 to be fair the big money is going to be coming once we actually use a sellon on this stuff so oh hey uh drum how many XP did you get XP

From that CR last time I got a bunch if I remember correctly um how do I check the exact amount uh slxp slxp I have 4.2 million you know you know what we could do with that try and get Surplus thingy yeah I mean if we don’t get

Surplus and at least we can like Tinker down the enchants and take it do true all right let’s go for it all right stream wish me luck oh actually first let me grab all this what the heck someone has got me Autumn vaults dude dude someone has got me a ton of

Autumn vaults all right yeah let me let me go and open up the Autumn volts cuz we’re probably going to end up getting more XP from that anyway um thank you whoever got me those so we’ll probably get more XP from that anyway so we’ll open those up krono said you looked like

You needed help thank you dude dude Rob is going to get crushed in this series it’s all I’m saying all right here we go dude these are sick thank you man for real thank you all right we got some goodies here let’s see what we’re going to get inside of

These legendary common mythical myth mythical okay let’s open the common two medium money pouches that’s fine rare two cosmetic Keys three minion Keys that’s good legendary a harvester tool all right we already have that come on mythical mythical mythical be crazy five extra large silver pouches

Kronos well you have saved the Dead my friend all right let’s go ahead and make sure these guys are maxed out silver shop I bought a stack of these and also dude that might be enough for us to buy the upgrades and value block finder okay

Max level Max so now both of our fishermen are at their Peak dude that’s crazy and then this guy needs dude Kronos thank you man that is insane that much help um all right 32 and then plus seven so we need 39 okay I need to buy 39 more of the

F oh that’s a poop fuel we don’t like poop fuel all right well now we have the poop fuel for next time but still overall pretty good pretty good stuff there let’s go Colin said get another Fisher start bruh I mean we honestly it’s not a

Bad idea right that’s pretty much all we need to spend to be fair that’s all we really have to spend silver on is fuel and that so you know what like I say bruh but let’s see if we can I mean first things first let me open up these

Crates see if we get more silver because it’s going to cost a lot of silver if we want to actually um whatever it’s called if we want to actually up upgrade it all the way it’s going to cost a ton so yeah common common legendary common legendary all right common some medium

Silver patches that’s fine legendary five minion Keys that’s big and another Harvester tool dang we already got the Harvester tool it’s 3K silver to Max block finder Kronos said that’s what I’m saying dude that’s a lot you know it’s like if we can afford that then sure but Otherwise okay that’s all good and now I’m opening up another one here we go big luck big luck I feel it coming dude I feel it coming I hope common common common epic rare yikes two epic Keys medium silver pouches okay rare 12 Magma Cube spawners three legendary crate Keys all right the

Fun’s not over yet we got legendary crate keys to open now all right I’m telling you Willie I think they’re I’m afraid that they’re holding off on the hot sauce solely for a big rush oh for sure uh also I think it’s time to do a cell oh are we maxed oh my

God yeah that means oh why did the vault at the bottom not oh it’s full with junk that’s why it’s jammed up with Cobblestone and sugar canane I don’t think it accepts either of those all right there we go there you go buddy all cleared out we

Should have made a good chunk of change there okay um now that all that’s done let me put some of this stuff away that we don’t need at the moment all right now we can bring these keys with us to spawn Justin asked if I finished my daily yet

For Star piss let me see I got sidetracked because I got no I’m very close so I got to get on that I got sidetracked because of kronos’s gift of all those crates all right three legendary keys four Enderman spawner I roll that come on silver silver silver large money

Patch no we need silver large silver patch let’s go Enderman spawner no Roll come on Silver let’s go witch spawners all right that’s fine um two epic Keys No roll portable iron vein okay mining minion no we don’t need that aderman spawners check all right let’s open lar

Sil okay eight minion Keys now that’s hilarious the eight minion keys because we already have so many it’s just like whatever like collect collect dude we have too many too many minions all right now two cosmetic Keys just in my daily oh I I collected it from the daily rewards guy that’s

What you’re talking about all right I started uh organizing your chest a little bit oh thank you kind sir there we go put that down there and everything’s looking fine and dandy also guys it’s been a minute since we open up some Pokemon cards I’m feeling another Charizard pull I feel it

In my bones or maybe I’m just crazy to be fair dude I feel like I’ve been tainted right because like if you got two Charizard PS in that pack and there’re supposedly as rare as everyone says like I don’t know man how am I supposed to take it seriously right no

Yeah you got a point it’s that anxiousness to get more oh my gosh Justin said drum Steve’s not there Steve disappeared dude he exploded and he’s never coming back we have so many armor and like swords and stuff like that it’s crazy dude our sky base thing it’s still not

Great our pulse value is only 4,000 I want to get that improved I really do oh I mean as soon as we get the higher tier uh the crystals unlocked we’ll be we’ll be making Fone all right Enderman and witch spawners which that’s this chest okay got

It all right back to doing my quest here General giant has you beaten Rob uh probably not yet but I think honestly by the end of the series if he doesn’t know about the fish then we will like if Rob doesn’t realize the fishing minions are

As op as they are I genuinely think we we will have this one of the bag cuz while we were all line we got basically 30,000 more level or uh what is it called Vault value 30,000 more like think about that also that Quest is done for Harvester

3 General giant said yeah we fell off top eight because we didn’t know about the fish you got to top eight without the fish Strat jeez dude you and your Island must be insane uh do you want me to keep golden apples and enchanted golden apples

Um I guess so in case we PVP or something why not okay I can’t say pvping is a top priority of mine but you know Colin said Rob was already placing them but he might not know they work offline that’s fair but he also has a friend that plays with him now right

Kind Willie so that guy might have told him that guy probably told him all right Next Star Pass let’s see Hunter slay 75 spiders all right all right no problem General said Rob also plays when not streaming sometimes well that’s cheating if he does I don’t think that’s

True I I don’t think Rob would do that he might like sign in and then forget about it but I don’t think you’d be actively playing cuz that’s like that’s that’s not it’s against the rules you know what I’m saying Justin said yes he would Justin has no faith in

Rob General said he says I’m afking but I don’t know okay so he has to say I I I trust him I trust him someone would notice if he was playing I feel like all right hey the odds that I got six gold value blocks from a chest in the U forgotten

Forest oh nice yeah it was the one the chest nearest spawn was a rare and like all right two coal value blocks sure huh well it looks like all this stuff is UN looted no one’s coming by yet it’s kind of odd that’s what I just got small XP

Pouch and that reminded me of what we wanted to do slash enchanter I’m buying a bunch of Eternal runes I’m buying a ridiculous amount of Eternal runes oh my God oh my God Willie what what um I have 84 84 what Eternal runes oh my God I’m spamming through them you want

To set up a enchant chest quick yeah I got it in this uh top one right here oh we’re going to need more room than that well I just cleared out all these chests so we got the room oh okay nice dude I see a surplus seven in there

We’ll have to go through and check them out and see if we can get a surplus 10 at some point all right these are the remainder uh oh we’re going to the top chest up here all right all right let’s take a look at all the things we

Got General giant said Jerome I’m about to cry why why what did I do wrong now and just think through them with all these the chance that we don’t want we can just Tinker him yeah true okay none of those were it were they I have a surplus six on in here

There’s a surplus seven right here there’s another Surplus 7 one in here actually has a much higher chance too no Surplus 10 though uh here let me put these over here oh General giant said I’m down 2.3 billion in coin flips dude dude what are you doing all right

Well 82% success rat good start so I will should I just get rid of slice I was say do you want this grind five book it says gain more XP while grinding um sure I’ll put in this top chest over there there you go all right r five and

Cir seven all right I’m just going to get rid of a lot of like these bad ones unbreakable is actually pretty sick I’ll get that going going to oh hey I got an unbreakable one here too that you can use yep I already got an unbreakable right here oh sweet thank you

Sir all right what’s it called SL tinkerer yeah right yep all right I’m selling it to the tinkerer and now I have a bunch of dust I can throw on these what is this why is there some common dust on this what the heck what is this pleum plebian

Dust I’m G get rid of some of these okay cleave I don’t care about life steel don’t care head shot don’t care unbreakable is cool rage five whatever unbreakable actually rage five might be okay I’ll keep that I guess grind four let grind you gave me grind five yeah I’ll still keep grind

Though seems pretty good I also found this overload three book which gives you a permanent Health boost effect oh that’s pretty neat I might I might give that a try let me uh I’ll grab it from the chest in a second then uh did you already uh grab a

Surplus 7 book uh Surplus 7 yes I did okay then I’ll take this one in here all right 3% check so the grind five book there we go I have grind five on that sword now next up on the list we need to get 12 so I

Have I want to overdo okay I could do eight and then two two all right Surplus seven on that sword let’s go I wish it would give you back the old book that was worse the Surplus 5 one that’d be nice yeah remember guys if you want to support the channel you can

Just join in the server it’s that simple hop the server come play have fun literally that easy shame is not applicable oh unbreakable is only for pickaxes or shovels I’ll just I can throw on my September pickaxe there we go um rage five all right we’re going to

Need more where was that enchant you were talking about that’s really good overload in there yeah it gives you a permanent Health boost this rage five book dude not Bueno it has a 26% chance I don’t think we’re going to get enough dust together for that a same with the overload three

That’s so sad uh here I can use some dust wait also we don’t have a need for this many un I mean actually might leave the unbreakables I don’t want to start throwing those away it might just be something that in the future we have to work towards yeah and let’s see overload

Three H oh overloads for a chest plate too right I’ll put that away then I’ll I’d rather focus on rage I feel like here you go what’s up dust on you well how did you get so many I went through uh a lot of the enchants oh nice

I uh got sear flat 7 on my sword with 100% uh success 2 94 100 all right this sword is looking even better now this sword’s looking better and better by the Minute jeez this thing is filling up fast I need to find a better place to put the sugar cane than in here because it does just keep clogging all this up every time it basically gets to the bottom Hopper and because it can’t fit in that bottom uh chest it just

Basically just takes up room in there until finally the hopper all sugar cane and not letting anything else through yeah I me we could probably just set up another chest system for the sugar P yeah let me drop the gold and the safe here Iron Coal uh did you want to sell everything

That was in the fisherman Chester uh sure yeah smell yeah I was say I could just see that oh you know what I actually can’t so my sonan is has one more use left and the admins aren’t on so I’ll have to get them to give us oh yeah so we might just

Need to hold on to it for now oh hey jum there’s some more value block more already money and let’s chest up here Kono said Rob is beating you by 21k BR not by the end of the series you won’t be espe if he can get another uh Fisher minion

Going Rob is in for walloping I we still have four more fisherman minions if you want to get those set up or one more all righty perfect Rob stream starts in 10 minutes it says oh we’ll be ready for Rob don’t you worry for even a second

We’ll be all ready for when Rob decides to show up here won’t be a problem at all uh did you want to set up another Fisher minion um no because we don’t have the silver fish or sorry the silver that would be needed to make it maxed out and

Then at that point it would just be kind of a waste of our you know fuel I feel like that’s fair that’s someone in my chat was saying you need 300,000 silver in order to Max it out so it’s like H you know it’s kind of a lot

Now what how many do you got right now 116 so not even close that’s what I’m saying it’s like ah look good us all righty well I will go back out then if I want to keep working on my star pass I probably should get to doing the 75 spider

Slade yeah if you want I can stay at the island and sit by the spawners oh if you don’t mind yeah that’ be awesome awesome all right I’m just going to do a quick run by vendor Bale see if I can get any chests okay once you’re back

Then I’ll leave cuz if we both leave I think they’ll all despawn so I’ll wait for you to come back and then yeah colel said would you like a small loan of 300K as much as I would uh I think Rob would probably be very upset with me and he would probably

Cry you know how that Rob guy is yeah you are Colin said check the nether star p and the uh what do he say check the nether star pass another star quest in the seasonal Star Pest okay we’ll do uh where is another Star Booster time apply one sky base booster done where

All these apply 25 apply 10 okay these all that’s all just Supply I mean some of these are sky base boosters some of them are all right let’s let’s let’s start running the boosters then periodically just so we can start getting those quests I’m down for put in the I put

Them in the chest over there the uh second one out of three okay got it yeah we have like these mini boosters for instance we can run those you’re not permitted to place this item um um okay you have to put it into the thing there we go activated a

Mini booster so this might just be an easy way to get those then is that what you were trying to tell me there we go booster time apply 10 that’s a Col was all right well thank you Colin yeah that should be an easy way to get that Quest down then I will

Periodically come back and do that all right Wily’s back so we’re going to head out to warp Adventures oh I hit Level 10 by start pass nice mini SC no way dude I looted a chest first thing I get is a sky base booster what I just used so funny

Oh what are the odds of that yeah that’s crazy oh okay gold value blocks I like that all right spider all right who’s next okay common Treasure Chest cool free vote key hey I didn’t even have to vote I always find that so odd when servers

Can give you vote keys for things other than voting it’s like isn’t that like literally the only point of that okay bring it on spiders myth said I should play a game called Tower of Trials I don’t think I’ve ever heard of that before Tower of Trials

Um let me go take a look Tower of TR I see how you left the game yeah I lagged out for a second but I think we’re good hopefully stream should be back up yep stream’s all right all right how many of these things have I gotten so far SL Star Pass

Daily Quest 10 out of 75 so many more to go still all right that’s fine that’s fine oh my god dude so many of these spiders now coming at me finally there we go I wish they always spawned in like this and it wasn’t just painstakingly one at a time like that

Was an easy way to get five of them there Envoy event started is that ever worth it really uh that’s in PvP so so not for us I mean basically what happens is that in like the PVP warp it like drops like a chest and stuff like that that you can

Try to grab but it is PVP so people can kill you okay so it’s like try to try to get what you can and get out of there before you get killed kind things okay that makes sense that makes sense so I mean like if you have like

Good armor and stuff like that you probably don’t have to worry as much but but otherwise yeah yeah all right let me see real quick what am I looking for here all right by the way is Rob stream actually starting soon is that or did he push it back

Uh I can work if you want just to spy on him and see hello hey hello yeah I don’t know why the internet keeps cutting out on me hello hey I don’t know why I keep losing internet connection oh stream’s back up good I was going to say uh Rob just joined the

Server he just joined the server yeah rob you live He’s live I’m joining in I’m gonna have to join in with them get some trash talking done I haven’t gotten a trash talk to that guy in a minute yeah starting in two minutes need to go poo turbo poo I like

It it’s like the weirdest thing you could say all right all right let me see is there anything you want me to do uh no if you just want to be hanging out and making sure that things are spawn spawning and all that that’d be awesome sure all right slash bwn rare

Key no two crop Hoppers come on we don’t need more crop hoppers poppers small money pouch though that always helps I got two vote keys for my vote key and zombie spawner is probably as good as it’s going to get and a blaze spawner probably as good as it’s going to get from

There party uh where you at over okay there you go um yeah silver silver and money let me go spawn real quick I got an epic crate open oh good luck good luck buddy on the Epic crate H uh cens Swan do you want me to keep that or roll it you reroll

It a I wish I did not roll that I got magma spawners o big oof all right so stream looks like Rob should be here in like a couple minutes and we’ll be good to go also what an easy Star Pass thing that was about using these boosters I wish I

Had been doing that sooner I just literally I didn’t see them on there oh yeah like applying 10 of them that’s 250 then the 25 Mark you get another 250 XP wait apply 25 sky base booster is one apply 2 is that the same Quest but it didn’t track one of them

Dude I don’t even understand there should be theoretically the same thing and Sky based crystals I need to apply 500 of those if I want that Quest hopefully when we level it up more we’ll be able to start throwing these ones on and then that’s when we’ll

Really start making some big money and the Jade one to make silver for us is so nice that is like such a good thing yeah people are asking if peanut peed on the router peanut is not pean Peanut’s a good boy he’s a good chap you really think he would do

Something like that he would probably do something like that all right what other I see if there’s any other quests that I’ve been missing out on in the seasonal Place 250 Cactus I mean that one I could just lazily do one day but it doesn’t pay well it literally pays

Terribly yeah 65 XP so whatever I’ll probably skip that vein Miner though I should be doing more of this vein mining I feel like that’s something that’s been holding me back a little bit yeah I mean I’ve been mining them but I mean feel free to go at them

Yeah I probably will because I there one of my quest is for 2,000 so I’ll probably focus on that 161 s ice let’s see is there any more ah there’s a couple value blocks in here every little bit helps in intimidating Rob before he gets started here you

Know spe we’re at 161 let’s see where Rob even is we’re at 161 someone said he was like slightly above us so let’s see 176 dude he’s slightly above us but it’s so close it is very close we are going to sneak up on him I feel

It cron the veins of the corrupted Caverns Adventure area counts towards vein minor Star Pass okay but would it be quicker to do that than all these cuz I have so many you know what I’m saying like could uh you could probably do those and then go to the the mines or C

Cavern whatever it’s called and do those while you’re waiting on those to respawn yeah that’s fair is fair it’s not fair is that my wand is now officially my cell wand’s broken so we need to oh can we we should probably go and expand downward a little bit here where’s our

Hopper Hoppers uh yes I can do gra some cool yeah Hoppers and chest and I can maybe bring this thing I’ll start going up with it I guess cuz going down with it would make sense cuz I have to move the whole Vault thingy down there so we’ll just keep

Going up and then I’ll rehook up our guy yeah all right there we go so now that’ll at least buy us I can go up even higher too why not this will buy us a little bit of time and it does look like Rob started

Stream if you want to the jump over with him okay he started nice nice all right let me go ahead and do that in a second here so chest now I got to choose the chest all right perfect so now that’s going to start throwing them in the top

Chest there bring them all the way down awesome all right um I’m gonna go hop on over I’ll talk you later Willie yeah all right stream so now we just wait for Rob uh hey dude I’m in packed Discord oh I could just try and call him I’ll just give him a call

Quick we’re giving Rob a call hopefully he’ll be good to go in a second here we can let the trash talking commence and I guess Rob’s just doing his little intro probably and then it’ll probably hop on in hopefully pry okay good the vein pop back up here let’s give this a try

Here nice good stuff good stuff drop all that in there and thank you again um for letting me know chat about the uh about the mini uh Sky boosters that we can throw in there because like I said they’re not really that important right now to us I

Mean you know like they’re mini Sky boot right a big deal we can just kind of throw those on there and it’s just an easy way to get some extra quests so why not we’ll probably stay away from doing the longer lasting ones to like the 12h

Hour ones it’s like yeah we should probably not use that CU we can only use it once every stream but the other ones though are good hey we had some value blocks there I got the tip over to the 1.62 for um and my call is timed out with Rob let

Me try and message him on telegram see if I can get him let’s see well think this is a joke what is this no that’s it I’m hopping on Rob stream I just said Rob’s afraid to talk to me on Discord and catch these virtual hands let’s see if that’ll get his attention

What just right Joe Joe oh my gosh he’s ghosting me HUD said he’s ghosting me bro is Rob just being toxic out here and ghosting me oh that’s a shame dude that’s a shame here I was expecting some good old trash talking some good old trash talking and instead I get nothing

Hey hi hello how how is uh how’s it going I I looked on the is top and I’m catching up why you so yeah why you so excited why are you so happy cuz I found out the secret what now I know the secret in the last episode or two so

What’s the what’s what are you talking about what’s secret I don’t know if I can tell you it’s it’s it’s pretty good dude it’s pretty good that’s all I’m saying genuinely actually kind of curious now uh this way it’s been able to help me close the gap you were up by

Like 50,000 60,000 you’re only like 16 now so I’m closing the Gap dude Willie goes the secret sauce Rob what is it the secret sauce okay don’t don’t tell me it’s fine whatever it ain’t Star Pass cuz Star Pass was good Star Pass garbage

Now yeah I was going to say I I have not been enjoying the start like I I was doing it for a while and now I’m like this kind of is bad dude like I’m like level 15 or something and I’m like this is terrible yeah I’m oh I’m getting like

I’m getting like um a portable iron vein and I’m like catch catch these hands like I don’t want that you know yeah like let me see what my last star pass was my last one yeah level 11 sorry I’m not 15 level 11 was oh legendary key is

Actually pretty sick never mind but otherwise though yeah not great dude legendary key is not going to move the needle at this point like it’s just kind of you know what I mean like you know what uh dude I’m really curious man like what’s your what’s your secret like rob

You got to wait for the big reveal dude we’ve only there’s this and two more episodes dude wait no this is episode oh this is episode seven wait no this eight eight yeah this is eight dude this is eight I mean well I’ve got something in

The works for you so I’m chill I’m not like I ain’t stressed um is it did you okay but here’s my question here’s my question and like don’t tell me what it is but I’m going to guess and if I get it right can you answer truthfully

Honestly okay I’m down hard on hard on heart hand on heart cross the Bible swear to die um chicken strips yeah wait chicken strips all right let’s do it let’s do it okay what is it what is it is that a problem is that a problem is the chicken

Strips a problem no no no I’ll I’ll swear on the chicken strips let’s swear on the chicken strips okay is it maxed out fishing Bots all I got to go that’s exactly what it is I’ve just been maxing out fishing Bots dude they’re awesome I knew it cuz they give

You the value blocks but what’s the how many Emerald value blocks are you getting from them cuz like you know not loads but it happens every once in a while I have two of them fully maxed out and I’m getting a lot from them they’re like the main driver for my Island yeah

Yeah um so you’ve already been doing that then I mean like I was I was thinking about it like I wanted to think it the my problem with it is that it’s so expensive yep yeah that’s the the upep really expensive yeah a the fuel but the

Thing is they go they go for um when you log off you put a stack of Minion biofuel in there yeah you’re getting 60 640 minutes of and that’s the thing that sets them apart from your Slayer so your Slayer minion doesn’t work offline because no mobs

Spawn yeah that was something I learned about literally like last episode and since then I’ve just been like going vertical with my money yeah yeah that’s why you want to stream so far apart I get it um oh no I mean well okay wait episode 9 and 10 tomorrow and the day

After oh that’s settle down there yeah cuz cuz I’ve heard that uh value block finder goes up to level five yeah it uh in total is about roughly $300,000 uh 300,000 silver silver silver yeah I don’t have that much silver like I don’t know how you’re getting that much silver uh

Fans who buy me crates oh my God how many how many monthly crates have you open I’ve opened up two I did three just today three today three three h three October crates today yeah the Autumn crates yeah dude they’ve been giving me so many crates dude I just keep opening I’m

Going to lose to pay win I’m going to lose to pay to win that is oh sorry sorry it’s all right sorry thought sorry sorry chat guys don’t swear YouTube Don’t demon we’re chilling the YouTube gods are going to come out here and Demon me okay my my teammate says don’t

Worry what does that mean don’t worry why 300,000 I well dude he’s cooking something dude you’re cooking I’m cooking okay all right all right my I I’ll I’ll I’ll tell you I’ll tell you my Strat um oh the trick- or- treat event have you done the trick- or- treat event it’s

Actually fire oh yeah yeah dude we uh we made some big money doing it once the second time though was a dud we didn’t find any yeah think it’s up in like three yeah it’s a bit all over the place I got lucky yeah oh sweet I’m going to

Definitely do it dude I’m in every time I stream Dr my internet starts dying oh dude I had the same problem so lame I don’t know if you can hear me dude I my streams have been awesome in general but then today I’ve disconnected three or four times I don’t know what’s going

On right I think it’s Momo dude server but Momo’s dsing us yeah Momo’s knocking us off yeah like my internet is fine I’ve been streaming other games and it’s been no problem but the second I stream Minecraft for some reason I just start to my internet starts to die um okay I

Might I might need to uh okay I’m going to hold on I’m going to mute I got to set up my hot keys for Discord cuz I just got a new keyboard so give me a second cuz I I need to mute so I can

Talk to my chat about how much I’m going to beat you real quick hold up all right all right right uh key bindings edit key binding boom oh it’s okay that should work wait hold on oh there see you all right all right so Rob just defining up so that he could trash

Talk us here and we’ll see how well that works out for him all righty now let’s head on over to here the the events in the events in four minutes so let’s definitely do it together I’m down so I think that’d be I think that’d be fun to like do it

Together but we got we got to go separate separate areas right separate like warp Adventures no not necessarily I’m not going to tell you where I’m going to go but I’m going to like go for something all right all right much stream we’re not trying to divide and conquer here

Yeah I’m trying to literally take your good stuff what do you mean all right all right I’m I’m stream snipe you don’t worry about it let’s let’s go to different areas no I want to take all your money for what you’re worth like what are you talking about

This is serious business dude serious business I a messing around I ain’t messing around um okay okay wait how do you get to the event oh yeah it’s just chilling the event’s just like whatever okay I’m gonna hang out with you until the event and then I’m GNA go into try hard mode

When is it starting is it it’s apparently it’s in like three minutes or something okay okay that’s fine that’s plenty of time so 300,000 silver I mean if you’ve how but it also costs money right like what’s how much does it cost to level them up fully it’s like 100 Mil

May maybe or what silver or dollars no no dollars dollars dollars oh yeah I think like 100 Mil I haven’t really paid attention money is not really an issue because of the the Slayer mobs theat so much yeah the Slayer mob makes a lot of money cuz my thing has just been money

Focus oh really yeah I literally broke it like 10 minutes ago so I got to ask the admins for another but I’ll be fine for the rest of the day I have 70 uses left in mine but um yeah the the the Slayer mob is kind of kind of

Crazy uh honestly but cuz I’ve been going money I am just trying to make as much money as poss I’m tell you told me you’re like I figured out your I’m going to be you know not like yeah I ain’t trying to I’m going money like cash cash

Money and I’ve got something to do with that money that that I can’t necessarily explain but I I have been doing some stuff some uh ah you got you got something cooking There Something Brewing but I mean you’re ahead of me so like I don’t really you know like I’m kind of

Struggling with that um I’ve been kind of relying on what Vic deemed the Lain Strat where I just hope for handouts and it helps out a lot yeah if you win from pay to win like I’m going to be kind of pissed dude like dude it might happen

That’s all I’m going to say like I can’t believe you opened three of those crates today like that is dude and like chat like for my chat don’t pay to win for me and I’m not like I want I I want Jerome to still lose

Even with his pay to win BS oh no no no it ain’t oh 40 seconds 40 seconds dude all right let’s go let’s go relax bro relax chill all right relax this is all I have time for by the way I got to do

The event and then I got to Jet out of here but yes sir yes sir that’s fine with me I don’t care I just opened up one Epic Crate Key and I got three by the way how was the how was the dots with the with Vic oh we lost oh that sucks

Yeah that’s okay though um it was his fault fair fair all right which where where are you going CU I went spawn uh oh I didn’t even know they were at spawn I thought they were only the adventures I went to the last one whatever like the highest tier

One I didn’t really put them at spawn to though everyone’s on right now dude everyone’s on going for him I see so many people in these are left dude come on already dude I don’t think either of us oh oh oh dude I don’t think we’re

Getting it did you get one you didn’t get one no my God this guy grabbed it right in front of me oh my God bro there’s I’m literally getting none I haven’t gotten a single one oh no have you gotten one uh no I’ve not got any I’m going to

Try out a different location cuz I think they’re all tapped from here dude I didn’t even see any I didn’t even see anyone get one this is what happened the second time the first time I did it was awesome the event second time the event nothing third time nothing I haven’t

Even seen any like I saw one and it got literally taken I couldn’t fly fast enough to it that makes me so sad oh come on dude there is one in the last in the last level that you were at there is one in a

Weird spot all the way on the roof did you check that no like all the way at the top there actually is one I’m I’m be straight up with you I don’t trust it no I’m not falling for it I’m not falling for it okay man you know you do you bro

Definitely there’s nothing left in here there’s I know that there’s one that like does spawn in one of these houses I mean I’ll still take these crystals finding some crystals I know one one of these chest one of these houses has a pumpkin okay I got to get

Out of here winter veil was an L um we Wicked Woods if you go to Wicked Woods and you fly all the way to the top there is a let me see at this point I’ll give it a try because I got nothing left to lose no I’m already I’m already up there

It’s gone it’s already been mind sad says there are six there’s still six left doubt dude I don’t think there’s any left I Haven even seen any I don’t think there ever were some of them some of them are like in yeah some of them are in really weird spots like I’ve seen

I’ve seen people look in like the Back Mountain areas of like Sandy Savannah and stuff like trying to find do you think some people have them all like mapped out probably cuz you can get you get 50,000 silver from uh from one of the pumpkins it’s like really strong it’s

Like kind of it’s like G for us it’s like game-winning for sure yeah they definitely some people definitely have all the locations like already planned out and like especially the bigger islands too they probably just send one to each area and have that person like

Specialize in it yeah cuz oh my God I found a pumpkin no you didn’t I knew it I knew it oh my God oh my God I just got 15 emeralds that no I knew game winning I swear I swear I’m imum I swear I’m one

Too Get Wrecked Noob you suck dude the second to last one really we do it look bro wles someone in the chat let’s freaking go that’s ridiculous honestly no I’m sorry it’s just a skill issue for you Jerome like I’m just built different oh my god dude oh speaking of skill

Issue look at that Rob someone has gave me another monly crate hold on a second while I open this no are you no no no no no no no no no no no are you serious give it to me give give give that’s mad no you’re actually kidding me are you serious got

Three XP just won eight mythical crates and nine what oh that’s okay Rob don’t worry about Budd he’s just a skill is oh my god dude so toxic I love it this is such bull dude what the hell oh man every we’re going to keep rolling till I get silver pouches here

Ah you know you know what it is there we go roll again cuz like 15 oh my God if I if I die cuz I’m lagging right now I’m actually going to oh my God wait are you getting killed by mobs too dude stop lagging dude dude please die with the

Emerald veins or whatever they’re called the emerald dude H if you died with the emerald on I SL spawned I I literally I got out I would I would I think I actually would have just quit I would have just been like I’m out see you I swear I’m getting dossed when I

Play um when I when I stream this like I swear someone’s trying to hit off cuz like it’s dude this is so weird this doesn’t happen I perfect I said I was fine all day just like I was fine all day and then this started happening yeah it’s so weird oh my God

Rob you are going to be so angry okay well I’m gonna put my My Vault value in here what did you get dude dude I got portable vein okay no one cares you ready for this oh on rrolling all right so in total I just got three extra large silver pouches and

One large one so in total another extra like 100k silver to end off the episode dude sorry God dang sorry sorry sorry I didn’t say it that time I’m competitive I’m competitive and I’m pissed so I’m I this is not a good quality and for those watching know that swearing when you’re

Angry is not a good quality in a person and you shouldn’t do it and I apologize to everyone I apologize to you I apologize to Jesus I apologize to um Muhammad the you know just the world the whole works the whole works the whole everyone I apologize to all to

The to the DOTA gods to the L gods to the Minecraft Gods to um yeah I’m going to stop there and just leave it at that um all right man well good luck I’m going to head out but uh yeah that’s all I got good luck I’ll see you next time

Yeah cool I hate you bye dude and for everyone watching thanks for joining us today thanks for joining our spot server please connect using jerome. chaos. org it does make a big difference it does support the channel directly and I appreciate you guys for doing it so thank you guys for watching

Have a great one and bye-bye friends

This video, titled ‘Pokemon Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars’, was uploaded by JeromeASF on 2023-10-25 22:20:27. It has garnered 35784 views and 1103 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:40 or 12520 seconds.

Today we play Pokemon Lucky Blocks In Minecraft Skywars Come play with me here: 🕹️ IP ADDRESS: Jerome.Chaoscraft.Org (ANY VERSION) 💻 DISCORD: Thanks for sponsoring us ChaosCraft

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  • SteamCraft Modded SMP – Whitelisted – JAVA – 1.20.1 – 18+ – Economy – Create Focus

    Join SteamCraft Community Click here to join Welcome to SteamCraft We welcome all 18+ players to our community. At SteamCraft, we believe in the magic of Minecraft and the creativity it sparks. Our mods enhance the experience, offering new challenges and opportunities for innovation without overshadowing the core of what makes Minecraft great. Whether you’re an architect of grand designs, an adventurer in endless landscapes, or a master of Redstone, there’s a place for you here. Join Us Today Join us and be part of a community where every block placed, every adventure embarked upon, and every interaction matters. Here,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mod updates: the bane of Minecraft players

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  • Catzilla vs. Creeperpocalypse! 😂🔥

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  • Sly Minecraft Texture Pack Share

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  • Join Minewind: Experience the Best Minecraft Cinematic in #2024

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  • “OMG! GIRL 404 Haunts JJ & Mikey in Minecraft!” – Maizen

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  • CoinDetectorKid: Better Minecraft Episode 2 LIVE

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  • “Ultimate Vanilla Minecraft Server – JOIN NOW!” #shorts

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  • UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth – Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9

    UNBELIEVABLE: The Dark Truth Behind TheKarmaMyth - Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9Video Information This video, titled ‘Hardcore Minecraft S2 Ep 9’, was uploaded by TheKarmaMyth on 2024-06-23 17:00:00. It has garnered 3 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:49 or 10909 seconds. Streamed August 1, 2023 Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE – Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!

    UNBELIEVABLE - Get the Ultimate Minecraft Seed on Realistic Texture Pack!Video Information This video, titled ‘the best minecraft seed on realistic texture pack’, was uploaded by METULOG on 2024-01-31 20:03:14. It has garnered 60 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftshorts #txt #game #gaming #gameplay #gamingvideos #shortsvideo #game #shorts #short Read More

  • Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemes

    Unleash the Minecraft Madness with FunkeyBlast! #minecraftmemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Enjoy Minecraft funny Short #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by FunkeyBlast on 2024-05-15 09:46:09. It has garnered 1279 views and 58 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft Pixel Art, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft Amethyst, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Music, game Minecraft, Minecraft video, Games, funny, funny games, music, gaming, gaming short, gaming video, minecraft short, minecraft shorts, short, shorts, short video, trending, trending videos, viral videos, minecraft viral, minecraft game, #funkeyblast #game #minecraft #noob #steve Minecraft, minecraft shorts, minecraft trend, trending, new, memes, shorts, minecraft new content,… Read More

  • Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!

    Insane 100k Speedrun Challenge: Couriway VODS!Video Information This video, titled ‘100,000 No Reset Minecraft Speedrun Challenge | June 17th 2024’, was uploaded by Couriway VODS on 2024-06-22 16:00:28. It has garnered 47 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 05:47:42 or 20862 seconds. watch speedruns live :3 twitter: main channel: @Couriway Read More

  • 🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯

    🔥🍭 CRAZIEST Minecraft Bedfight ASMR?! #SpicySugar 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts’, was uploaded by SpicySugar on 2024-05-10 15:15:52. It has garnered 10879 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Easy Minecraft Bedfight ASMR #Shorts Watch this insane Bedwars gameplay in just 60 seconds! It’s a crazy bedfight match that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Don’t miss out on this epic #shorts video. #bedwars #gaming Subscribe the channel to see more videos like this. #shorts #bedwars #bedfight #minecraft Tags(ignore) minecraft,minecraft asmr,asmr minecraft,minecraft longplay,minecraft sleep,minecraft funny,minecraft relaxing gameplay,minecraft relaxing,minecraft survival,minecraft chill,minecraft house,minecraft sounds,phoodu… Read More