“Insane Polar Boss Battle on Raft Day 4!!” | 2024

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Yo yo yo am I live okay what’s going on guys just making sure I was live like I am so I’m just going to be playing three of the games here which are Minecraft raft and chess so get ready for all three I promised one person that I would

Do all three so that’s exactly what I’m going to do and the first one is chess so I was playing bullet here and a few days ago there was this like one crazy match up I had with a person but I’ll get into it later once more people start

Watching and I have it pulled up here so it everything will be described later in the future anyways uh let’s do the daily puzzle for now and I’ll get into some matches once more people pop into the stream all right I think daily puzzles are here under puzzles

Obviously all right it’s white to move I’m thinking it’s a knight move of some sort I probably Knight over here okay not exactly my volume is all the way up I need to turn that down or else my eard drums are going to absolutely hate me in a few

Years okay maybe Knight over here then no maybe it’s the other Knight or Bishop here first okay Bishop there first maybe Knight Here and then now what maybe Knight over here okay that wasn’t too bad it was just a bishop move first I thought the first one was the knight move all right yeah it’s been a whole week since I did any puzzles I’m terrible at logging in every day and doing these daily

Ones between a fork and a forcing move okay so it’s either a fork that I have to decide on or is a forcing move maybe taking this Knight or maybe not I mean taking this Knight as a forcing move so let’s see what happens that doesn’t lead to anything after the queen

Takes maybe putting a rook here and then a bishop I mean Rook yeah putting the Rook here and then taking the Knight with Bishop but at that point the Knight is just going to move somewhere else so I think it is taking it no there’s a better move maybe Queen here first

Then maybe attacking the queen okay he putting the queen here oh I think I have to pin the Knight to the king so maybe my queen either goes to B6 or A7 okay I think B6 right no it was none of those moves I’m terrible okay so I don’t think it’s a queen

Move all right this one’s more tough than I thought it’s not moving that Rook okay it is a coin move interesting and now taking the Knight first taking this and then taking Queen okay so it’s preventing Checkmate I guess but I don’t see the Checkmate anywhere this just ruins the pawn

Structure if my queen goes here like why not just pin the knights to the king hold up I should probably like analyze this all right let me analyze it and see how my other moves would have turned out there’s a 2.1 Advantage for black here if the queen moves

Here Advantage drops because there is Bishop F2 oh so the bishop slides back defending Knight okay and it doesn’t move back like a knight does because it is not a knight we got to keep that in mind yeah so now there is two Defenders as opposed to the attackers two Defenders versus two

Attackers never wins if there was three attackers then it would win all right so both Queen and here are countered by Bishop to F2 now the next thing I was thinking of is moving either of my Rooks but that just hangs my queen which I just realized now and just taking the

Knight Queen just takes that and then what comes after Rook e to C8 Queen moves back and then goes E7 infiltrating all these squares here infiltrating the seventh Rank and then after some more shuffling of the Rooks Queen goes back here Rook F to d8 it is me with

C5 okay so pushing the P Pawn okay so the move was moving my queen out of danger to this Square in specific causing a trade to happen but what if I didn’t want to trade my Queen’s then with Queen G6 what would be the next best move Queen

H6 but somehow Queen G6 is the only winning move for black which is insane cuz coin H6 oh that also like does a trade but trading is not the right idea for white instead it’s Queen F5 yeah I don’t understand how white has the advantage here other than the pawns it’s pass Pawn

Here and and other than these four pawns okay so I think I understand now black has two Bishops white has a bishop and a knight and two black Rooks two white Rooks two queens and that just leaves the pawns so there’s four pawns against six so obviously white should be up two in

Material but evaluation bar doesn’t think so after moving the queen here for some reason and this is the only winning move because you do something like this and then how is this winning for black I don’t understand you have six pawns as white two active Rooks oh but how did this

Bishop how did that Bishop survive I don’t understand okay I understand now so you move the queen there if the queen trades the Knight is undefended and if the queen moves anywhere else you can just grab the Knight so this is a force trade in a way because after Queen takes

Knight you defend King takes and then you just are down a bishop but you have two extra pawns and three pawns would be equivalent to a bishop but since there’s only two extra pawns that means black is up one and according to the evaluation here

Um black is up more than one in material up 2 point too if he finds the Right Moves which I could not find the Right Moves so I think I explained that puzzle for way too long I’m just going to go into the next one here but it’s good to talk things over

Because then you understand the ideas especially after that analysis because r other than doing 10 daily puzzles in a row and not understanding any single one of them is not going to help you improve a chess actually analyzing and understanding the idea like I just did which is a force Coen

Trade because that Knight is undefended and even though it took me a while to realize that now it’s going to help me out make better chess decisions in the future okay so it’s taking a little bit to load here okay there we go light squared lightning okay I don’t know what that’s

Supposed to mean maybe placing my pieces on light squares okay that took minimal thinking I barely did any thinking there I just let my hands do all the work another one to do with lightning will lightning strike twice is it the same thing no okay first it’s

This how is it the same puzzle I don’t understand okay is it either promoting this or taking the Rook I think taking the Rook right yeah because then you your queen kind of has to take that otherwise you’re going to have a rough time and since it was called lightning a

Few days ago I was wondering if in a snowstorm lightning can ever be present and I don’t know the answer to that questions so maybe it’s worth Googling later because I’d be interested to know I’m not going to Google it on stream because that’s not good content

All right finding Nemos or Nemo right not Nemo Finding Nemo birthday brilliancy a lot of bees birthday brilliancy okay so Nemo is a chess player and I think this leads to mate if my queen goes to F7 and and moving no that’s defended by the bishop I have to move this

Bishop okay that one was easy to spot for some reason the first daily puzzle I did was the hardest one that’s insane diagonal domination okay so maybe taking this Rook but then it leads to a draw I mean that’s what I’m trying to do draw this

Game no okay I do not want to draw the game okay it’s moving my light squared Bishop somewhere right okay moving it there is this the next move okay it is placing the king in check I don’t want to take that Rook because then that’s going to end up in a

Draw so I have to make an in between move um making the king move somewhere moving my king the king gets pushed out I move my king again actually no because then the king will no longer be pinned so I don’t really know okay what’s the move here this puzzle is

Hard oh you don’t want to move the bishop anywhere because this is the only square and the King can move too and then you take the Rook right okay I see still not as hard as the first puzzle I feel like but my brain just needed a bit of waking

Up okay so this bishop is hanging discovering Shen zuk good thing I took German so I know how to pronounce that shiten zuk is the Z’s the ZW some people have a hard time pronounce announcing okay so it’s fion zuk is an in between move eight and the tukong is a forced move

That your opponent has to make and it’s just even worse for them after their next move because it’s a forced bad move from them okay so what’s the in between move here this bishop is free so uh okay oh I think I know the in between move now instead of taking this first

And then Queen hanging I have to take this queen first and then I take this okay those are easy to spot I literally spotted that right away the pin Shadows if I take this my queen is gone from the face of the planet Okay actually not entirely after this if Queen takes I push my Pawn attacking The Rook The Rook has to move away and then oh wait no if I push my pawn and it just gets taken by the bishop so that’s not the right idea here what is the right idea

Uh maybe moving my knight here in front of the queen okay I’m just going to take this and see what happens it’s probably not the right move anyway yeah I knew that even taking this Pawn maybe pushing this okay it’s none of the pawn moves there uh is it attacking this Rook okay

Moving my queen out of the way first that’s what it means by eluding the pin Shadow and then and okay I guess I take this take okay that wasn’t too hard to spot if it if I just knew to move my queen out of the way Fiona’s dark Square surprise

Party more like Fiona when she finds out she’s dating an ogre am I right that’s why there’s going to be a Shrek five I think first my Bishop here and then moving the pawn that’s what I think do I take with the Knight or do I take it with my

Queen I think I take it with my queen and then I move my knight here I wouldn’t want to take the Knight with the Knight because that would hang madeen one just lose my queen all right wonderful stuff good thing the pawn doesn’t move down here

Cuz that would be a bad thing but then my knight can always go back it’s the beauty of Chess understanding where your pieces can go to later defend them in the future after retreating them how many more daily puzzles do I have here I think I have only a few more

Yeah two more I did all all of these ones on a different stream ungluing the defense okay so that’s a free Queen right now but not really because the Rook just takes this and this is a forc take with the queen after taking this with the Knight there is not really any threats

Actually taking this with the Knight sacrificing my queen would be made in one maybe I’ll do that it’s none of those sacrificing my Rook oh it was a rook sacrifice Levy would be screaming out any sacrifices The Rook oh and now I take the queen for free okay I see parting the

Clouds I want to be in the clouds I was just in the clouds a few days ago because I had a plane ride that was delayed by a few hours because somebody didn’t show up so so that wasn’t the best and then after the plane I got stuck in a blizzard nobody

Wanted to drive me back to my dorm and I had to wait more than two hours and my driver had to drive through terrible conditions so perhaps to them his name was Da so wherever you’re out there da like I gave him a very nice tip for that and

Like he’s just an overall W person because on the app like everybody was charging a lot like overpricing the distance but it was justified because of the weather and before the weather it was normal priced but once the blizzard struck the prices skyrocketed but his price his price was

Normal like it was a few hours ago as opposed to everybody else so just for that like giving him the tip was the bare minimum I could absolutely do but he was just the best just for doing that like he was driving on an half inch

Of snow like the whole time almost and barely visible roads on the highways almost nobody was on the highways and keep in mind this was at 12 a.m. midnight so it was hard to see and at any moment like you can go off the road because the road lines were not visible

At all so it was definitely terrifying to be a part of that and getting home safe like I’m am surprised that I got back to my dorm safely because that did not feel like a safe trip so big props to him like he’s definitely done that sort of thing

Before he probably has all four of his tires to uh what’s it called just for the winter time he has all four of his tires all seasonal I think is the name for all the seasons out there so I’m thinking it’s a coin move here after that short story I gave out maybe

It’s checking the king I want to really put my coin there maybe I have to like sacrifice my Rook no I feel like if I can get this Rook out of the way then that’s going to be really good because yeah I can’t do that maybe I can put my

Queen is is it a queen move maybe it’s a rook move but then this would lead to Checkmate so I need to check the king somehow oh it was sacrificing The Rook interesting oh it was sacrificing The Rook so I could move my Pawn without the coin taking it okay that was a

Misclick oh that is a smart play I didn’t even know what that did wow that’s an incredible sacrifice the queen is to the King after this move so the queen is forced to take that and then it’s a discovered attack and a check at the same time and after moving this pawn it

Discovers the bishop x-raying the queen here wow that was a beautiful series of moves and look I got a nice streak going on after finishing that hopefully I keep it or maybe I shouldn’t because I should be more focused on studying yeah I got a bunch of studying to

Do okay so I’ve been live for 30 minutes and it sounds like I’ve just been ranting the whole time but that’s how it is most of the stream because there’s lots of things to spill anyways since I did the daily puzzles now I think like I said I was going to play

Some more bullet I did some more bullet off the stream and on the stream one time I went down from 1500 to 14400 and I was just so displeased at that that one of these days I just went up to 1450 and then I felt like playing bullet again

And I was playing late at night so I was dominate dominating quite a few people and I worked my way up to, 1500 pretty quickly hopefully I can get back to, 1600 though that’ll be nice there one time I was 1600 on here for bullet it’s the highest

I’ve ever been in any game mode all right here I go I wonder if they have any bullet tournaments upcoming I know that today is also the first day of the Tata steel chess cup so for those of you who are watching me play chess right now the Tata cup is

Happening and I was thinking about commentating about it but I just realized since I’m doing three things all at once this stream it’s probably best if I don’t uh commentate about it because that would be four things and that’s just going to confuse a lot of people

Especially with uh what I am setting my channel as it’s a variety Chan channel for sure so I have to like limit my options on what I do and just having four things going on at one stream is just way too much for anything so I figured that I would not

Commentate about it I’m going to attack The Rook where’s that Rook going okay it’s going to take okay I’m not doing too bad here I’m just a pawn down that doesn’t mean anything going to move my Pawn just in case I don’t get checkmated oh that’s a

Free rook how nice of you I’m going to do some pre moves this Pawn is defended I’m going to attack the queen this is going to be a pass Pawn right no free Pawn again all right I’m gonna check the king move my pawn move the bishop down here

Uh what do I want to do here attack the bishop I don’t have to take that I can just take the bishop and then promote oh oh that was nasty I should have taken that pawn what was I doing I was scared if I took that pawn his coin

Was going to come in from out of nowhere I did four blunders that game so I’m not going to do the game review just yet it was a warm-up game but to be fair every game is a warm-up game except for those that you do exponentially good on then those are

Actual games everybody knows this okay going to do a few pre moves there that’s a free Pawn I don’t know what he’s doing okay solidifying the center here a bit now I’m going to just push on this side oh this will be a nice Fork forking these two pieces

But after this attack maybe I might win the pawn oh I don’t like that yeah because this is defended by The Rook I should probably move my Rook up here taking that at some point okay I could have just moved my Pawn there I just missed a

Fork I knew he was going to take that that was way too predictable oh and the bishop comes in okay uh I’m just going to move here oh maybe I might go for a Checkmate threat at some point or not anymore because all my pieces are

Gone oh I still one on time that’s crazy you got to remember this is bullets so any can happen even when I’m down 9.2 in material I can still win on time yeah I’m forgetting this is bullet I’m going to just going to take that stumble on all my words as I take

It that’s a free Pawn whoa why you bluffing like that he’s only doing that because he’s bluffing okay that’s a free Pawn there I’m just going to push it hopefully it takes oh I just all right now he’s going to take that don’t worry I can still win on time definitely Anything Can

Happen okay I’m going to move in my Rook where’s your queen going to go okay I guess you can defend for now I’m just going to move in my other Rook oh his Knight can’t move after that move that’s pretty nice okay sure you can grab the Rook I don’t care you can

Grab the bishop also oh that’s Maiden one that’s good game yeah that wasn’t my best game but at least it wasn’t for blenders like my first game okay playing fast here my other opponent played more at my pace which I appreciate okay another tradeoff okay I want to move my knight here but

He’s just going to do that and that’s going to lead to problems so I’m just going to move my other Pawn for now now I can attack The Rook all right put my Bishop in the better spot here good stuff love to see it I’m going to move him my

King all right I didn’t see that okay my opponent is just trying to play Fast here so I’m just going to play faster he can just take that yeah I don’t know what he’s doing I’m just going to move my other Pawn he can’t do anything he can’t stop That how’s he going to stop it oh by doing that of course I should have move my king to the other spot okay that wasn’t the best space for my king now I’m below, 1500 yeah I didn’t like that opponent at all this play style is not my

Favorite oh okay what are you trying to do here I’m not going to let it happen yeah get that Queen out of here this is a pass Pawn why you move your Pawn all the way to H5 it’s just a weakness for you I’m going to try and open up

This all right you don’t scare me double attack that maybe triple it dude my opponent is wild he’s just throwing all his pawns forward look at his goofy structure okay I’m also going to move in my other Rook all right nice uh I can do this now it’s a force

Trade and now I’m all safe you can’t do anything how crazy is that is he going to move his Knight there no we can’t because of this this also defends the pawn I’m going to move my king to the safer Square he’s got no attack here fre Pawn

Now yeah I’m going to Target this oh he didn’t even take my free rook what is he doing giving me all his pieces for free oh I didn’t even notice my clock okay he was giving me three pieces but he had the time Advantage I guess whatever

Like I’m saying anything can happen in bullet but I noticed when I talk less I play better okay is this the Rook going to take of course just like my previous opponents you’re not special here wait how was that mates oh I didn’t even notice okay I’m just going to do a few

Pre moves here okay that was a bad decision from him I knew he was going to move that pawn that’s why wanted him to do uh you think you almost had me almost not really he never had me you’re going to place your knight there okay actually taking with the Rook would have

Been better if he decided to make that move of course okay I see the fork here but you forgot that I can check your king now what oh I’m not I didn’t see that I have chest tonal Vision okay he’s got nothing you have no attack here no attack is going to

Take a that just loses my Bishop but I still went on time with one second all right love to see it more bullet oh there goes one of your Center pawns hopefully it was worth it finally he traded that I have a really nice Center going on here so I can prepare that

Attacking the Knight I guess not he decided to trade come on just take the Knight of course I’m going to double up your pawns silly oh that’s a free Pawn for me why didn’t he just attack this with his Rook okay that Knight is going nowhere okay you’re not even going to do

Anything here to me check and I win The Rook why didn’t I just take the Rook beforehand I’m just going to promote that’s the easiest way to do this all right for 1492 I’m still below that 1500 range but I’ll get there it always fluctuates I’m not going to take that just

Yet all right maybe this attacking the bishop definitely why didn’t he just take that is he going to sack his Bishop I guess not and for that reason all right now he’s going to take no okay interesting man he should have done a lot of takes that would have helped him out

Okay I thought he was going to take with the pawn oh that’s a nice Knight idea there of course I’m going to take his Knights I don’t care that I UND double his pawns check the king bring in my queen and infiltrate or bring in one of my Rooks both of them

Actually yeah take the pawn please okay I wonder if he’s going to check me first no it doesn’t look like it yeah get that King out of here I’m going to keep checking you okay nice now I’m just going to attack the pawns here on the right

Side I ran out of time I wasn’t paying attention I did not know my time ran down all right not a lot of people are watching which is surprising but that’s normally because I stream in the evenings so that’s probably one of the reasons if not maybe the only reason

Okay I prepared that move attacking the knight uh I didn’t realize that that was a fork there attacking the queen well I guess not let me sacrifice my Bishop now try and create a Checkmate threat of some sorts why not ah he sacrifices too we’re not so different after

All okay I have to move my knight back otherwise I lose my knight and I lose the game okay he’s doing a lot of sacrificing here I’m just going to take okay the screen doesn’t need to flash at me all Angry okay he found a Checkmate I will give him

That all right this is just going to be me losing chess for three hours straight oh I don’t know what to do here there was probably a winning move somewhere in there in bullet it is okay not to think sometimes okay so maybe now putting my Bishop there would be

Good that way I can’t take that Knight yet because it’s defended by both of the Rooks okay where’s that Knight gonna go all right now we what’s he going to do okay now what sure I’ll trade that why not I’ll also trade that just a bunch of happy

Trading okay that’s the only move that I can think of there okay interesting I can’t take that otherwise I’d lose my Rook okay you know what I’m just going to move my move in my king I don’t have too much time I just realized oh why doesn’t it do the thing

Like leech us where it tells you that you have 10 seconds left or 20 seconds left but chess.com has better prees than leas does whereas leas informs you that you have low time left okay the pros and cons of leeches I guess it should be called leech chess

That’d be a funny name for it leeching on chess our pieces are just shuffling around more than Muhammad the Muhammad Shuffle I should do some more developing okay now this is a free Pawn if he doesn’t see it he doesn’t see it that’s what we love to see and what he can

See is he going to take all right wonderful stuff great is he going to take this now okay he didn’t spot it oh wow he’s having a hard time spotting that yeah took you a while there will he take the free Knight okay and The Rook who wouldn’t take the Rook

Though all right I did a bunch of unnecessary pre moves there or who knows maybe they’re all necessary look he’s sacrificing his Rook like there’s no tomorrow oh thanks for the Free Pawn I appreciate it oh and that’s a queen you know what I’ll promote it just for

Fun wow look at that I won yeah that’s what you get after sacrificing all that I’m sorry but not really they always like to trick me with these fan ketto openings I think they’re just going to take my Rook for free it never works on me oh a bunch of trading

Interesting yeah let’s just do a bunch of trading here that’s a free Knights what is he doing he just gave me a free Knights that’s very kind of him oh I wish that was a free rook okay I trade that all right it doesn’t matter o okay he has to be a bit

Careful I’m just GNA shuffle my king back and forth I want to Fork his pieces I’m just going to keep attacking his Queen there’s nothing he can do okay now I’m just going to check his King all right you got me there for a moment oh thank

You oh I should have my my Rook Back oh0 2 seconds okay okay okay I could have had that I almost had that see I’m dropping instead of climbing back up the ladder you can tell that I’m focusing too because I’m not talking much like I did at the beginning of the Stream

It’s all about focusing that’s what chess is made for got have the focus and that drive is he going to sack his Bishop of course he is trying to punish his Queen after that yeah you’re not scaring me you’re not scaring me with that Bishop sacrifice of yours thanks for all the free

Pieces I really appreciate it his Queen can’t even move anywhere it’s because my queen occupies it oh I lost my Rook there it doesn’t matter too much I’ll just push this pawn and make a new Rook if I want okay I guess he can do that for now

I thought he was going to move his Queen okay that’s strange he’s different I’ll give him that what if I defend that then what oh I just gave up my a I gave up my knight it’s not good and I just gave up my Bishop okay I don’t like this

Player is he trying to go for something here okay I’m just going to keep shuffling my pieces back and forth Queen Side cast link he could have just grabbed that pawn I don’t know what he’s doing all right I decided to be a little bit spicy there let’s just move in my Rook

Why not take that I dare you yeah I’m going to sacrifice my why didn’t I just take that with the Queen We weirdo oh you can’t take that because your king is pinned oh I didn’t realize that I didn’t realize that oh there’s so many things I don’t

Realize I just blunder Checkmate there I should have just moved my a pawn instead of the B Pawn okay anyways I’m going to start with B3 just like Wesley so did in the chess championships stour I’m channeling my inner Wesley 1450 again wow I suck that’s because I’m playing in the

Morning I could just move my Bishop back okay the weirdo didn’t take with his Pawn for some reason that’s my type of jam if you know what I’m saying his name is quite literally Jam talking about Jam way too much oh that just hangs the pawn he doesn’t see it cuz it’s

Bullet I just lost another Pawn we don’t talk about it why did why did he move that Bishop back there’s no need to there’s no need to do that sir okay that took him a while to think just for a trade um up by 35 seconds oh I almost blundered almost blundered

Mates oh it’s a good thing my queen went to that square it’s a very good thing because I almost blundered mates there okay he’s thinking way too much if I’m up by 21 seconds of time that means you’re thinking way too much he should play some more Blitz or something before he plays

Bullet okay so after the bullet matches I’m playing my friend here AIS s quu who’s a part of the chess club so also the chess club is going to be on the 25th of this month so it’s every Wednesday which is hype except it was supposed to start on the 15th but now

It’s starting on the 25th which is an L but the whole club is a w like it’s just so fun going there every week on one day for few hours and just chessing out and even though I play like a 1200 like it’s still fun because no matter the

Level like you’ll always have fun if you’re into chess of course okay so I’m up a pawn here here I’ll go over my game so obviously I’m not cheating or anything I’m just using my own brain to make these moves nothing else no help from anybody or any site no stockfish whatsoever

Okay those were just some of the trades I did there some of them made sense other ones I’m not even sure I’ll have to wait until the analysis so it’s attacking my knight and I could just place my Bishop on D5 but then his C6 Pawn is going to

Come in see look after Bishop their Pawn here and the Knight defends the pawn so I can’t take that and I just lose either the Knight or the bishop because both of them will be attacked by pawns so yeah the right move here is just retreating my knight somewhere or

Maybe giving a check first with the Rook but then the king can attack the rook and yeah so that’s why I’m probably gonna just place my KN over here makes the most amount of sense I wonder if he’s going to take that and then cause some Pawn struction

Rubble yeah see look at my Pawn structure here I got two L’s going on one upside down and one inverted all right so I’ll go over my game here as well okay so this one’s just a n dwarf in a way menarini he loves playing that opening I have Absol absolutely no

Reason why he thinks it’s underrated but we all think differently I just play the Sicilian I don’t care if it’s overrated or underused overused doesn’t matter it’s still a top tier opening I just know so many Sicilian lines and yeah players who play E4 beware anything outside of E4 like I

Don’t really like playing anything as black other than Sicilian like the only other thing that you’ll see me playing as black is the King’s Indian defense because it’s just such an easy thing to play but so many people know it and I just get destroyed by it

Because so many people know it so if you play the openings that people don’t know then you’re more likely to win like the as white I don’t like playing E4 I just either play the Queen’s Gambit or English both because with the queen Gambit it can also appear after playing the

English like you can always play C4 and then D4 and then transpose into a Queen’s Gambit if you want and then I don’t play like the true English opening where it’s actually the main line it’s like the English opening except I forgot the theory of it that’s exactly what I

Play which is funny in a way or could be seen as sad who knows yeah so I take with the pawns and here’s the first L that I make and then he takes this and the reason why I’m forced to do this is because it comes from

Me wanting to attack the center here try to break it open and then he’s got two attackers on this Pawn three attackers actually and if he takes with this he can’t take with the bishop or the Knight because then he loses material so taking back with the pawn is

What he does and I’m forced to take this Knight because if I don’t uh then I’m just down a material because after I take he can take either one of those two and I can’t take it probably with his Knight he would probably take that with his Knight if I

Took like that because then I wouldn’t be able to capture it but that’s not what happens so I take he takes with queen and then I take this Pawn here he tries attacking my Knights and this Pawn is under attack so my only move here really is probably putting my queen there which

I wonder if I did that and also this Pawn is under attack by the queen so a lot of things going on here so I wonder what I did here again oh I checked this King okay that makes sense so yeah I checked and defended simultaneously and he decided to block that

Because after checking if he like moved this King somewhere he wouldn’t do that because that would prevent castling rights because after moving your king you can’t Castle anywhere so after the check if if he moved his king that’s what I was thinking or if he blocked with his Knight but that would just

Loseing Knights so I was thinking he would move his Queen and then I would Castle protecting the pawn with my king so I didn’t expect this queen move from him and if if I didn’t take that would be a mistake because this Pawn is under attack right here and if I just

Castled uh yeah that wouldn’t be good for me I don’t think so I take and he takes attacking two pieces at once and the only winning move here is moving The Rook here if I castled I lose my Knights and then yeah I lose my knight I lose my

Pawn so I defend with the Rook he takes my Knights and then he takes my Bishop so I got the two L formation here and then I move in my I at the castle once he move this King because that wins Tempo and by what I what I mean by Tempo

Is my castle L not only am I putting my king in safety I’m also moving my Rooks attacking this pawn and also I’m defending this Pawn at the same time H7 Pawn in the future so I was thinking maybe I should trade off my H7 Pawn if he takes then it

UND doubles the structure here or maybe pushing this Pawn here but pushing this Pawn would make sense because if he takes then I have to take and then I just have more double puns so I was thinking either moving my Rook controlling this whole file here

But then he would move in his other rook and yeah maybe putting my Rook here attacking the h3’s pawn would be good if he moves it then yeah if I try attacking it again he might just move the Rook there and I would have to trade and then he moves

The pawn sometime in the future so maybe pushing my H5 Pawn here would be the best yeah I might as well do that there’s also this okay so he’s online right now so he just made another move I knew he would move his Knight there that is some very light

Development move 18 and he develops his Knight yeah that’s whack he can’t move in the Knight here because that just wins a knight and if he moves as Knight here I don’t like that move either so I can’t really defend with this Pawn otherwise I lose the Knight

And I can’t move in my Rook here uh attacking the square So actually I think I just should pin the knights to The Rook maybe that would be good wait a minute if I do this there is no saving this Knight wait why did he move his Knight there obviously that’s what I was expecting but after Knight C6 doesn’t that just

Lose the Knight there is no defending it unless if you put your Bishop okay so here def the bishop defends on D7 I attack it with my Rook the king probably will move to F6 and then I just take the bishop and move my Pawn up somewhere so

Then I can move my king out of the way from Checkmate threats yeah I think just moving my Bishop here is the best thing to do just pinning it to The Rook like I said there’s no defending this Knight or if you do defend the Knight then you lose your

Rook okay I feel like that’s the right move okay so he’s online right now most definitely he is making moves way too quickly okay so in response to that I’m thinking either moving this Pawn on here or moving the rook and doubling them or like I said before attacking this Pawn right

Here and then his only move is to bring down his Pawn there once I move the rook and then I can double them there’s no defending this Pawn unless if the king moves here but the king can’t move there so the king will have to move

Here yeah that’s the only place I can think of so I’m just going to do this I guess the king can move here once my Rook moves there so placing my Rook here will be better either way if I place my Rook here or here like the pawn is still

Going to move down here it doesn’t matter because I’m attacking this he’s going to defend with this pawn and if I attack the pawn if he’s just going to move it out of the way so attacking any of the pawns is just going to trigger H4 automatically but this is better I feel

Like because now the king can attack The Rook if it’s on the square okay I’m going to let him think a little bit before we make some more moves oh we got some rapid tournaments I don’t want to do rapid I want to do bullet I suck at rapid I don’t want to

Sit here for 10 minutes wow it’s all rapid okay that’s crazy all right he made his move oh he chooses to move this Pawn okay okay you know what I’m going to do actually I think I’m just going to move this Pawn that way his King can’t move down here before making this

Move I should actually full screen this yeah sorry for not full screening it before hopefully it didn’t bother anybody my little sidebar now it’s just all one big chest screen okay I was thinking of playing some spell chest if they still have it okay

Nice yeah I know I know the rules I know how to play spell chest I want to do bullet bullet spell chest all right let me pull up the chest.com I’m going to monitor this screen just in case he decides to play me all right I know that moving my C

Pawn is never a good idea in spell chess or any of these variants that’s what I had to learn the hard way what just happened looks like I just lost to a teenager there I think that’s what happened okay how does spell just work again after I was saying I know how it

Works oh he used the jump spell okay so jumping over this piece and then grabbing my king okay yeah so playing the Queen’s Gambit is also a terrible thing to do cuz what did he play yeah he’s just playing the French defense okay now I’m searching for a new opponent

Here I got a notification okay some teammate Arrow bugs interesting teammates can’t see my arrows good thing I’m not playing in teams because teammates can be very unreliable in any game you play that’s why I like playing solo but when you play with a friend that you actually like doesn’t matter if

You win or lose all that matters is that you have fun with them okay now I have to be careful here oh wait he can’t play two Spells at once why did I move my king forward that makes no sense okay oh let me just freeze

This area oh I meant to freeze the Knight what am I doing I meant to freeze the Knight oh man interesting uh I don’t really know what to do here I’m just going to freeze this and then place my queen there he’s just going to defend I’m forgetting this is bullet I

Only have 21 seconds seconds left that’s crazy 16 seconds okay I need to really watch out and my Rook is hanging here wait how did he win checkmates how oh he has the jump spell again I hate these jump spells okay I I need to watch

Out I really need to play better here my goodness I’m playing like an actual robot am I playing the same person I can’t tell anyways I’m just going to go for this this time I don’t think you can play two spells in a row wait you can you can play two spells

In a row okay what is he doing ah thanks for the free Queen man I just lost the game okay it doesn’t matter I’m winning I’m losing by 2.2 ELO so that doesn’t really matter too much you I’m going to go for a king’s Indian defense here why

Not and am I going to lose again to the same strategy okay how am I losing to the same strategy again and again okay what if I do his strategy now I’m just going to move my Bishop back here I’m going to freeze this area yeah what are you going to do what

Are you going to do Mr 1800 I just froze your pieces okay I guess he can do that it’s not checkmates are we just both going to keep using spells on each other oh that’s a free Bishop how thoughtful okay finally I’m doing some semi decently against this guy

I should have just probably taken that Knight oh okay all right dude I’m not trying to play him I’m just pressing play again and it automatically pairs me up with the same guy every single time like the same boring strategy play something different you know what I’m going to play the four

Kns yeah nice try ain’t G to work he’s trying to go with the scholars how boring are you is he going to freeze that all right wonderful uh let me freeze this area let me press on freeze please why won’t it let me use spells okay there we go finally

I’m going to do this so he can’t jump spell me right as I say he’s not going to jump spell me he does it and the jump spell is the worst thing in this game all right let’s see what you got Mr 1800 I just realized not only am I

Playing 1,00 bullet chest in a away like I’m playing 1,00 bullet chest but a variant of it so what makes me think that I’m going to win all right finally uh here let me freeze this whole area and put my Bishop here it’s just going to freeze my Bishop back that is very

Unpleasant how did he even see that what how does he see these things okay you know what I’m I’m done with bullet like I cannot be doing bullet you know I’m done I’m just done with Spas yeah Spas is just goofy okay let’s do bull bug house how about

That did he make a move yet doesn’t look like it okay I guess he’s doing something else right now I can understand that 100% nobody plays Bullet bug house because bullet bug house is basically just so such a deaft idea out there yeah nobody plays Bullet bug house unless you’re

Drunk especially over the board bullet Bug House like you’d have to be mentally insane to play that you do not even have enough time to move all the pieces and grab the extra pieces you have from your teammates who give you them like there’s just not enough time in between to do

That whereas in Blitz you are able to do that because at least you have three minutes which is three times the amount of one minute but bullet bug housee with zero increments is just crazy if there was a 5-second increment then I could understand but no increments it’s just absolutely

Insane and what I’m doing is zero increment except it’s online that’s why I like online because you can make pre moves you can do lots of things you don’t have to worry about moving your pieces with one hand very slowly and pressing the clock at the same

Time you don’t have to worry about knocking pieces over you don’t have to worry about uh notating you don’t have to worry about anything really only only thing you have to worry about online is misclicking with your mouse and the only other thing you have to worry about is cheaters because it’s

Very easy to cheat online but I never cheat in chess all Masters are welcome I’d be happy to join consider me a master okay it doesn’t look like anybody’s playing it that’s whack no I didn’t mean to do that okay variance please where is the variance tab there it

Is okay let me search for actual games the already existent games open okay there’s some bullets going on here he wants to play 30 Seconds oh I was about to accept that you know what should I play him man I can’t even click on play on these people it’s just insane how this

Is structured how this works Bruno msk okay what is even going on here okay there’s some variants over here Grandad Sten man I can’t even click on anything these players are like beasts they throw themselves on the one thing they can’t okay let me play the three check k i moving my

Queen all I need to do is check the king three times is he gonna allow this I mean he’s 300 so I feel like he’s not even going to take that Knight or maybe he is it’s taking a while for him to think here what is he doing it’s three checks

I’m also going to move this Pawn I don’t trust that Queen maybe he’s GNA sacrifice his okay okay moving that pawn was a mistake I thought it was going to sacrifice the queen that would have been better okay he’s checked me twice if I’m naughty or

Nice oh this bishop is coming in for the final blow I don’t think so buddy I’m much smarter than that I’m not a monkey he’s going to take with this Pawn right okay that’s another check and good game you won by checking the opponent King for the third time yes I know

That’s the whole point of the game I would know this oh I gained plus five ELO points from that okay nice cuz I suck at three checks these variants are wild any ongoing games I can join live what’s this live somebody streaming yeah that’s me crazy house is fun okay see look I’m

1600 that’s where I should be in all my games in all the game modes I’ve ever played I should be 1600 and everything okay I remember that there’s a lot of trading going on in crazy house so I have to trade I’m going to trade my Bishop for this Knight

And now I’m just going to Castle it’s never good to have these open squares here so I have to keep that in mind and I have to erase everything that I plac down is it going to trade okay yeah manually erasing arrows in this game mode I just dislike

That maybe there’s a setting where I can avoid it I don’t really know I’m going to attack this bishop oh what I lose my Rook anyways I’m just gonna do an in between move I don’t care if his Bishop moves back because I got this check and a fork

And I can place my Pawn here on D7 if I wanted to but he blocks with the Knight okay he’s got a rook but Rooks aren’t really that good in crazy house I don’t feel like the knights and the Bishops on the other hands they can be lethal

Okay you know what I don’t care if he takes that pawn because I’m just going to win a rook I’m just going to double up my Bishops now he can still take this Pawn if he wants okay that wins a rook thanks bud is he going to move one of his pawns

Here okay I knew that was going to happen look almost all my pieces are covering up the second rank which is pretty good oh now all of them are covering the second rank meaning he can’t place any pawns over here if he even had any pawns to begin

With just trying to aim for this Pawn I’m just gonna oh I want to place a bishop here really bad you know what maybe I will though but uh the Knight is defending this okay that’s not fun at all maybe I’ll do this this win this

Pawn I also have to drink some water because my throat is feeling a bit itchy for whatever reason okay why is he trying to place a knight there is he trying to scare me or something scare me into doing a bad move like moving my Pawn forward it’s never

Good anyways I just won a free rook from that right yeah I just won a rook wonderful why is he giving me all his pieces what is he going to place a pawn here or something what’s his master plan he just gave away both his rook and his Queen there man he he’s

Bluffing and he just gave me a knight BR he’s being way too kind okay you know what I’m going to do here I wanted to place my bishop and then a rook somewhere here but he can just place a pawn oh wait a minute actually I am going to do that he

Can’t yeah this is just checkmate yeah that’s Checkmate even if he places a pawn there it’s Checkmate because he can’t place pawns on the eighth rank you can’t place pawns on the eight or first rank in this game mode so there’s a tip for you guys how to easily avoid

Checkmate was that Force Checkmate as well maybe if he moved his a g Knight his G8 Knight is that square maybe that would have saved him who knows look at me it says I’m here in the forums I’m in the forums let’s go 173 games I didn’t even

Know I played that many games oh wait no that’s how many play I’m so stupid that’s how many games are going on right now why am I playing 1500s what why is he trying to be annoying like that he’s just going to push his Pawn

You know what I’m going to let it happen I should have just pre moved that too is there pre moving in this o where should I place my knight maybe here going for a little bit of a fork he’s going to have to retreat his Queen somewhere I really want to take this

With my knight but I don’t know if I should yeah I feel like that would be a mistake there’s no way to defend my knight here unless I do this if on then okay giving my opponent way too much time to think here I’m still going to do this move because I’m

Gangster and now I can do discovered attack with my knight I’m just going to place my Pawn here I don’t care if he takes okay you I’m just gonna do that knight move that way it defends the pawn and it protects my knight even better now this Pawn is a liability

Okay are you just going to help me UND double my pawns here is that what’s going to happen all right wonderful news I feel like he should start placing down his Knight somewhere but he’s not doing anything you do realize this is a normal Blitz right I don’t think he realizes

That okay I just allowed him to develop his Knight but why is he saying go go go is he trying to be toxic maybe he’s jealous I have a premium membership who wouldn’t be jealous I’m joking absolutely joking I like it when people get salty they don’t think

Normally I’m just going to move my queen here go in for the attack all right speaking some Russian here okay I’m just going to hide the chat is there a way to hide it okay it doesn’t really matter um me place my knight somewhere where it can help

Me or maybe I’ll just attack the queen that’s also good I have two spare pieces I can use to my advantage in the future maybe his Queen will move to the wrong square and I can Fork his rook and the queen I’m going to push back the bishop somewhere okay

Maybe he’s stuck in 2015 that’s why his username is 2015 okay you can grab my Rook no problem now I can grab the bishop still all right what’s he going to do next place a pawn somewhere all right he just gave me some free pieces

There is he going to take this what is Bishop all right he’s playing really strange what does this mean I’m not sure if I even want want to know I have to be a little bit careful here because yeah U I’m still going to take the bishop

Though he’s got a rook he can place down two pawns and Knight Bishop he can be really annoying if he wants maybe there’s a Checkmate somewhere here if I’m not careful all right I should definitely place down some of my pieces too but first I have to evade the

Checks maybe a Pawn on one of these oh wow my only move here is placing down a piece okay I’m just going to place a bishop no problem and okay that’s uh I thought that was a free night for a moment there interesting bro what is he doing he a Checkmate somewhere

There okay there you go took you a while my goodness well he must have been dunk or something all right I don’t like this increment why is there an increment like this what 3 minutes yeah just normal 3 minutes no increment I don’t like how it’s custom like that Mis mischievous or

Mischievous okay I know my Sicilian Theory here okay he’s bluffing I’m just going to pre moove that if you don’t mind interesting is he trying to give me a heart attack here I don’t really understand what’s going on I’m just going to move my knight to safety that’s all I

Know nothing else I don’t know nothing else offering a queen exchange I feel like that’s a bad idea for me in this case or maybe not I feel like he’s going to retreat the queen okay he doesn’t Retreat the queen he’s acting really mischievous just like his username

Suggests all right I’m just going to place down my queen again here I mean he has to trade there’s nothing else he can do with that move uh kind of a useless move by him if I’m honest oh wait a minute that is not a useless move because now that’s

Checkmates or not really not really because the Knight yeah uhhuh dude why do I have a million Knights what just happens your new rating is still 1,600 all right that’s all that matters I’m 1600 in these game modes but on regular chess I am well below 1500 except for bullet for bullet I

Could easily get back up to 1600 not easily definitely challenging to do so I’m just going to play four kns or not really first I have to play this D pawn move all right where are the trades here give me some trades please all right easier said than done what’s he gonna

Do oh I’m playing the same person mischievous maybe he’s up to some mischievous things who knows I’m going to do some more happy trading here there’s nothing more happier than trading going for the matate oh man why do he have to stop me I’m just gonna replace down my Rook

Here all right nice now I’m threatening mate how is he going to interlude with this maybe I’ll just do this will we just keep trading Rooks infinitely that’ll be funny all right now I’m just going to provide a lot of checks for him just like he

Wishes he has trade that there’s no way out of this oh this Rook is under attack as well I just realized maybe he doesn’t is he going to take he’s 1900 of course he can see that right I’m just going to take this some danger levels I’m probably going to have to

Place a pawn right over here just so I can stay alive for a little bit not just for a little bit for a long run too maybe I can’t because then that will stop defending my Rook so I’m just going to keep attacking his Queen until he stops attacking my

Rook all right there we go see that wasn’t so hard he’s got 43 seconds left imagine if I win against the 1900 that’d be pretty sick if you ask me okay I’m just going to keep a oh that just blundered Maiden one right as I was saying it’d be sick

To win against the 1900 okay four nights let’s go let’s do a little bit of a Halloween Gambit oh he didn’t play four nights how could he do this it’s disgusting Behavior okay is he going to place down his Queen guess not I’m just going to go for this

Attack I’m going like a gopher I’m all wired up I’m just going to do that and take regardless little bit of a pre moove that wins this Pawn oh I didn’t see that my queen was uh it was hanging hanging Queen alert hanging Rook alerts when does it

End oh and hanging mate of course okay I’m going to keep rematching him why not 1913 pretty soon it’s going to be 1917 it’s going to look bad for him he doesn’t want a 1917 rating I’m back to 1598 how long ago was that that’s more than 500 years back

Less than 500 years ago a little bit less oh man he doesn’t want a rematch that’s kind of sad anyways I’m going to play somebody new but he won in 16 moves these game modes are wild out I got two other games I could be playing I could be playing raft or I

Could be playing Minecraft yet I decided to play chess it’s a bunch of variants okay somebody with the same rating as me love to see it does he know nidorf Theory okay this is all part of the theory here I should not pre moove that why can’t I cancel pre that’s the other

Thing I don’t like about variant not only can you make 10 pre moves in a row see look I can’t pre in a row okay the only way to cancel a pre moove is by doing a different sort of pre moove in what world does that make

Sense I feel like he’s going to sack his Bishop I wouldn’t be surprised I’m going to save my knight for later I’m saving my pieces I do not want to spend my pieces I need to save them for certain moments he has way less time than me I

Don’t know why he’s spending so much time thinking it’s the beginning of the game all right now it makes sense to place my knight there that’s a nice spot for it I’m attacking the light Square bishop and the Queen the queen can’t defend it unless it moves in front of the

King I’m just going to Castle I’m the king of the castle what if I place my Pawn here yeah that’s a nice Bond that’s a nice big Center I got going on where’s that KN going to go tell me is it going to go on the H file

Interesting if I didn’t take that that would be a mistake I’m just going to place my Bishop here attacking the queen and preventing castling all right he decides to defend it with the pawn totally understandable but you only have 1 minute 17 seconds here Sir I just realized now I have two light squared Bishops and he’s got only one light squared Bishop calls for double teaming I’m going to double team him with both my Bishops I’m G to take that and then place it back yeah you know what I’ll place my knight

Back and then I’ll push P let’s go retrieve my Bishop here a bit I thought he just placed a different Knight down okay what’s he going to do where is he going to go he’s got 42 seconds that’s all I know yep yes sir I’m going take all of

The and attack your Pawn I don’t think he’s going to see that with the amount of time he has left I’m gonna place a bishop here intimidate him a bit same with a pawn I might as well place a pawn there actually that’s yeah that wasn’t a good idea at all

But you know what it don’t matter it don’t matter for now you’re very low on time here is he trying to stalemate this all right he needs to stop getting creative here there’s no reason to do that you got six seconds where’s my mates okay I got a mate somewhere there I feel

Like there’s no way I didn’t I refuse to believe that I didn’t okay finally at least I won one game did that increase my rating yes it did I’m 1604 now wonderful I’m back to that Sweet 1600 spot that’s exactly where I want to be all right so I’ve been live for two

Hours now that’s two hours of Chess that’s a lot of Chess not going to lie okay so here’s the plan I’m GNA cancel this game right now and I’m going to go back to this page refresh I want to check for the tournaments okay I’m going to join this bullet

Tournament in a moment here once I make oh there’s a US chess rapid tournament opening up okay so I’m wondering if I should either do the bullet or maybe the rapid there’s five rounds what’s my rating in this 1155 it’d be nice to get my rapid rating

Higher and I already played bullet a lot on the beginning of the stream so you know what why not I’m just going to play this but it starts in 45 minutes so wait a minute by the time that I join this tournament the bullet tournament is going to be

Done so actually it makes more sense if I join that one okay I just want to do regular standard yes please okay so I’m going to play the bullet and then I’m going to play the rapid if there’s still time left and after all of that is done then I’m going

To play raft that is a promise then after raft I’m going to play some Minecraft and life is going to be good what is this major chess tournament five days I don’t know if I can do that I can’t do daily especially when there’s like 20 different people playing

Me I can’t operate like that I have to have like one game at a time otherwise it gets way too confusing hypers Swiss like Swiss Alps why is it keep bringing me to this page I want to make sure it’s on standard the other one is in one hour I don’t buy

That because it said it’s starting in 45 minutes interesting maybe it’s a bit of a glitch we got Jose over here bro Jose looking like a serial killer with that profile picture he looked like he did a little Coco and went a little Loco in Spain and we got Carlos who’s 300 ELO

Less than Jose Carino Rodriguez W it already started I didn’t know it started whoa what’s going on here am I watching one of his games tar cow however you say that tartic cow defense I definitely played it before it’s just that I don’t know how to say

It well so I’m watching one of his games wait what button did I even click I’m confused anyways I’m interested to see what happens though he’s playing against some bearded man okay so that was a useless check by him another useless check well the second one wasn’t as

Useless cuz the Knight was in front of the H Pawn and now he’s able to move the H Pawn after moving his Knight away if the C4 Knight wasn’t there I would have placed my knight on D6 that way it blocks off his Rook

Wait how is he able to win that Rook I don’t understand his opponent is up three in material oh now he got the advantage pure chaos is going on that evaluation bars jumping around everywhere looks like his opponent has this end game in the bag not really

I feel like he wins this game that’s my bet yep I knew the Knight was going there he’s trying to go for a draw all right that white knight is trying to infiltrate oh that Knight is trapped after that that was a nice INB between move there he could have just taken the

Knight what is going on yeah bro how are you losing your pieces like this is a draw by repetition that’s crazy okay so that was Mr Jose’s game I don’t even know how I watched that what button did I even press I’m so confused on how I just watched

That I was just scrolling down and it put me to watch this game I am just baffled hopefully this doesn’t interfere with my gam playay after witnessing that got Johnny over here there’s Johnny from I want to say that’s Nick or h AA or is that a different country Guatemala

Okay oh do you know nidorf Theory okay what’s going to happen here I’m really curious oh me blendering my knight is going to happen of course I need to be careful on what I pre moove here okay nice I wanted to move my E Pawn anyways and now that’s a

Fork that is a fork interesting move oh I didn’t even oh okay okay I see how it is he’s not even going for mate at this point you know what I’m going to trade that it doesn’t matter okay that’s a nice pin by him did he blunder mate back rank no he didn’t

Okay I just need to win on time I feel like I can do that hopefully he has one second come on yes let’s go let’s go I won on time even though was technically a draw because I had insufficient material playing a 1400 here being a bit Snappy I

See okay trade off The Rook please it’s unnecessary to keep it why would you need to keep B what was that night move oh I just lost my queen how nice yes I love to see it now I just have to win on time please take that Bishop please take

That Bishop no oh no he’s going to take the other Bishop I didn’t mean that one you didn’t know which Bishop I meant okay oh he stalemated that oh ho ho ho so I have two draws right now technically it’s a stalemate but a stalemate is the same thing as a draw so

I got two draws that’s crazy anything happens in bullet I’m telling you all right that’s a nice trade and development at the same time okay what’s going on here interesting are interesting things are happening oh that’s a free Pawn got to appreciate that I’m attacking The Rook he didn’t see it of

Course CU it is bullets hard to see these things in bullet what’s he going to do okay now my king is safe you’re going to take that Pawn I don’t mind cuz I’ll take your other Pawn I’m going to start pushing my Pawn Yeah now what I just want your

Bishop I’d be salty after that if I were him oh discovered discovered attack nothing was defending that that why did he what okay that’s whack I was about to move my knight to D5 there yeah move that King out of the way for me move that King out of the way for

Me I take that win we got lwig as number one that’s insane okay I didn’t have a chance to look at my opponent’s rating yet but it’s about the same as mine okay I win that but not for long looks like please accept that trade interesting I’m just going to keep

Attacking your queen until you do something about it I’m going to retrieve my Bishop here also going to put my knight or maybe I don’t know move my Pawn there I don’t really know what I’m doing attacking The Rook oh that’s a nice check he has to take that that is a force

Trade I got two queens I got two queens this is really good for me okay all I need to do is just not blunder Checkmate how am I going to do do that oh no how am I going to do that okay I evaded it thank goodness you can’t Checkmate me look I’m

Going to attack the bishop I’m going to Checkmate you where is he going to go now look at him thinking okay he sacrifices his piece let’s go let’s go one and a half second left I clutched that see it was well worth sacrificing my queen because I knew I was going to

Win that game have to have confidence in yourself sometimes okay he’s gonna push that I don’t like pushers I should have just taken that but sometimes I play way too fast so I’m unable to okay is he going to move his other Pawn there now too now his other Pawn I’m

Joking I’m just going to close the position attack this Rook I don’t think he’s going to realize okay he decides the castle instead look at his goofy structure that’s going on right now it’s hysterical my knight can’t even move anywhere only my Bishop you know I’m just going

To do some random moves threaten Maiden one you know that’s completely random how is he going to stop it okay you know what I’m fine with that I’m fine with that I can’t up assault that is this is one wack game way too wacky for my liking oh that’s a nice whatever that

Is it’s no longer nice because I realize I’m losing material now okay I’m thinking way too long here I’m just going to defend my pieces it’s probably the best thing I can do right now uh sure let me just attack the Knight why not it doesn’t matter I’m going to win on

Time let’s go go like I predicted it a nice little pre moove oh look at that you just lost your pieces that’s what I love to see please keep losing your pieces oh I love that pawn I love it so much that all my pawns are doubled there stunt doubles

Oh I realized I lost my Bishop doesn’t matter to me that Bishop is useless it is a disappointment to me okay that didn’t really matter either I’m going to double up his pawns now it’s about time that he has to deal with this okay he doesn’t realize that I

Grabbed his PA Pawn for free I could have just grabbed that with my knight too to be honest all right let me offer a trade here a trade has been declined okay what do I do here I’m just going to take can’t really take that because that would be a mistake red nice

I’m going to push that pawn as far as I can oh really you got to be annoying like that okay you got 14 seconds left here buddy he’s going to promote all his spawns okay he’s one sad individual for doing the ladder one sad individual I’m winning this next game

Guaranteed yeah I knew that Bishop was coming in you’re way too predictable there I’m going to Castle Queen side all right you don’t scare me I’ll gladly gladly take that Bishop my knight can’t go anywhere safe except here is it going to take the D6 Pawn for free Mr

Canadian can Mr Canada be nice to me uh man I can’t I’m just going to do that please take thank you right nice he can just take that Bishop but he didn’t see It oh and discovered check how nice you shouldn’t have now I’m just going to move my king the other way because I know your plans oh man he’s being so annoying I’m just going to move my king win on time see I predicted it next game win guaranteed against Ivan the Lions

Oh he’s no longer the king of this jungle all right I sack my Pawn why not feeling generous get that Bishop out of here all right that was strange now it’s even material out of all things which is insane oh no please don’t push your king like I’m scared like zoink

Scoo Gonna Keep dancing that night arounds swing that KN round and rounds all right sure go ahead go ahead it’s end game time can sacrifice your queen if you wish give me a stalemate here that is not a stalemate this game is rigging me okay 12 more minutes of this whatever this

Is not sure if I’m enjoying it anymore Gotta Love bullet am I right yay who doesn’t love bullet because you sure would be correct what is even going on at this point why is he doing this Free Pawn okay free rook I love bullet I’m joking after complaining

Imagine and I just start saying I started loving things oh I just lost that oh I hate bullet I got a love hate relationship going on right now with chest.com bullet matches I’m just going to take with this Pawn why am I not taking that PA with

The Rook I should take this with the Rook what am I doing why am I not thinking now I’m just going to take that with the queen where’s my mates where’s my Checkmate but for real though checkmates where are you haha your queen is gone oh that was Checkmate finally okay

Okay no one needs to worry 30 seconds left I got it against Mr okaka chuch Chu whatever Incarnation that name was interesting please trade that Bishop for me oh yes let me attack that Queen for absolutely no reason because I love attacking Queens who doesn’t get that out of here get him out

Of my face okay I got to keep in mind the time difference here where’s that Knight going is it trapped no not yet man why is it not trapped yet o that was a really nice sacrificed by me cuz now I’m winning a knight see sometimes you don’t have to

Think I don’t care I’m going to sack my Rook anyways GNA bring in the Knight everything’s going to be fine I’ll take all of that if you don’t mind look at this nice Pawn structure here now I can push this safely I couldn’t even move my king what

Was that he had 10 extra seconds at me man that’s not okay I’mma punish somebody for this the I’m going to punish Italian for this Mexican oh my goodness I can’t believe I just messed up the flag that badly look at this the musio the smithmore G actually not the musio wrong Gambit

H okay I’m a bit stumped here nobody really plays this Smith more Gambit against me whoa that is a complete blunder wow okay can’t believe I just played a botlike move let me f Kettle that Bishop real quick make some more developing moves I didn’t even see that Checkmate

That’s crazy okay we just ignore that it don’t matter coins gamit time I knew he was going to take that is he going to push this A5 Pawn too oh it doesn’t look like it I just lost this bishop how nice is my system lagging every bit a little

Bit oh I took with oh my goodness what did I just do I just took with the wrong piece man I just have to survive I don’t want to survive yeah get that Queen out of here he should have just defended okay he did get his Queen out of there props to him

Why do my opponents sacrifice their coins for no reason and then they wonder why they end up losing chess games he could have checkmated with the Rook too if he moved his Rook there that would have been cooler all right this is probably going to be second to last game of bullet

Actually I’m way more excited to play rapid for some reason not for some reason for a very well-known reason CU I’m tired of playing Bullet For This long okay you know what I didn’t even want to Castle that side anyways okay let me lose that Knight I don’t

Care you’re not scaring me today or any day uh oh your Knight’s undefended what are you going to do about it I really I was about to take that good thing I unproved it is he going to defend his little Pawn friend okay he is I’m just going to keep shuffling my Rook

Around he’s not even okay he did see that but he didn’t see that he could take with the bishop there I’m just going to keep shuffling keep shuffling why does it lag at Checkmate that’s crazy that it does that all right this is probably the last

Game you don’t scare me with that pawn push of yours he’s just gonna why didn’t he take the pawn you bot now he’s the one playing like a robot I’m trying to give you some advice here but they don’t listen you okay he can just do that and check me yep yep yep

Yep you’re going to trade me your second Rook there yeah give me that Bishop please I’m going to keep shuffling last time I did it it didn’t end up very well yep it looks like that happened as well okay now this game isn’t even going to get finished because there’s 45 seconds

Left okay why you got to be annoying like that oh that’s nice of you thanks for not taking my Bishop look 12 seconds left he’s not going to win in 12 seconds I’m just going to keep doing this I’m GNA keep doing random moves okay that was a funny

Ant how many points 15 where does that place me number 146 yeah see look at all the lowlevel players just absolutely winning all their games that’s crazy bullet is crazy guys oh was playing against lwig too we got Mustafa number 16 I don’t know that’s a fun name

Mustafa all right let’s see if I can play the other tournaments now Polish sausage tournament I’d love to join that but I’m not going to where is that tournament maybe under notifications hold on whoa there’s some private info why do I always pull up private info that’s crazy

Anyways where is it it was under more wasn’t it all right clubs maybe under clubs us upcoming events okay there we go where is the u400 okay I’m on time then right on time eight minutes okay well hopefully this time it’s going to be easier for me to

Win but then again this isn’t bullet it is rapid and one blunder is just going to absolutely destroy me any blender I make I’m just going to get so upset because after one blunder then there’s 8 minutes left and then it’s like tor t almost where you have to sit through 8

Minutes of torture not only waste your time but yeah there’s probably no chance of you winning either ways anyways I mean goodness I’m just creating new words out there either ways is that even a word anyways seven more minutes so I’m just going to talk about my day I

Guess it’s still snowing like crazy outside especially the news like the news was saying that it’s going to be snowing like crazy that was yesterday and before yesterday so two days ago I like saying before yesterday a lot instead of two days ago I don’t know why anyways two days ago and yesterday

Was when it was forecasted to snow a lot and it did it’s I can’t really tell if it’s snowing right now or if it’s just the winds blowing the snow off the roof but it’s probably the wind blowing the snow off the roof it’s clear for right

Now and it’s just cold it says it’s 2 degrees fhe even though on the Google page it’s saying it feels like negative 18 degrees Fahrenheit but to me it feels like10 I guess1 for night so I guess that’s pretty close I guess then I got way too much sleep I probably

Got like 20 hours of sleep which I didn’t even know I could do but I was waking up a lot through Road the night so even right now like with all the sleep that I got like if you get anywhere above 12 hours of sleep there is no way that you don’t

Feel sleepy at some point because I stayed up overnight so that’s messing up with my body and right now I’m feeling tired for whatever reason well the only reason is because my body clock is messed up so yeah there’s no really other reason there but besides

That so yeah besides me feeling tired a little bit and besides the snow I went and took a morning shower like I always do and I usually take them cold what I would usually do is always take a shower before bed have it like really warm not

Really warm like a hot shower but not like extremely hot like every girl takes it but it would be hot to the point where it doesn’t burn my skin but like it causes a little bit of dryness like on my face and no other part of my body would be dry like that

But ever since I started taking like cold showers in the morning it’s been going on for like a month now I’d say and it’s a really nice change like it sounds bad and it’s not as bad like once you’re accustomed to it once you step outside that comfort zone and

Then just embrace yourself in the cold water like once you get into it like it’s not as bad as you first thought because hardest part is just doing it once you do it it’s not that bad what what hot showers once you get out of the bath or shower area

Like you’ll feel cold because the atmosphere around you is much colder than when you first got in and then so you start like shivering a little bit but after like cold showers like you barely shiver at all because you’re going from cold to warm whereas with hot showers you’re

Going from hot to cold because it’s much colder in the room than it was when you took that hot shower initially so I feel like cold showers are more of an overall W except later in the day when you still have to shower then take the warm

Shower but only like rinse yourself I’d say like I’ve never taken two showers once in a day and I don’t really like taking two showers in a day because I feel like that just wastes time and I never really take showers just to rinse myself I always like take them full body

Showers scrub everywhere with shampoo and conditioners and the body wash never have I just went inside of a shower just to rinse myself I never do that just pointless to me anyway but anyways besides showering I also ate breakfast and I ate pretty quickly probably like

20 to 30 minutes they got all the food ready here kind of like a buffet does and it’s just really nice you just walk in take anything you need they got coffees they got different sodas from the soda dispensers you just take your own plate just find whatever’s

Open and they always got pancakes of some sort some sort of sausage type of dish like the sausage patty or the regular sausages smoked sausage like you know what I’m talking about like those breakfast sausages that you see at IHOP they’re the same thing so yeah it’s really nice to have

That but I feel like I didn’t need a coffee this morning especially since I had like a majority amount of sleep last night so yeah anyways I got two notifications here is this from the chess United us chess I mean starting right now right on time okay those 8 minutes surprisingly

Felt like nothing I was just yapping away those eight minutes that’s like a ghost town out there I see nobody body in the dining area not even in the dorms there’s supposed to be a thousand people just in this one building and I haven’t seen anybody walking around I

Only heard two people last night but that’s about it and nobody’s walking outside I don’t blame anybody everybody’s either staying inside of their house somewhere in uh the states or they’re just not here at all they’re just not going outside so I don’t blame them anyways I’m playing a

700 so this should be an easy win cool Sammy I’m sorry I don’t know why they paired you up against me I feel bad for cool Sammy also why is it 15 minutes wait what I thought it was going to be 10 minutes and there’s a TW minute increment or two second

Increment hold up this is rapid but it’s not 10 minutes I have never played I wouldn’t say Say Never it’s just that I rarely rarely ever play 15 minutes like that’s such an odd increment to be playing like 10 minutes yes I can see 10 minutes but anything above 10 minutes I don’t

Play like I don’t know why probably because it’s not worth it to me because it’s so easy to blunder and if you make that one blender then you have to spend like 45 minutes sitting there so that’s where you lose a lot of your rating and start resigning okay should I play

C6 D6 or E6 I think E6 why not let’s go with the French the horr wits very [ __ ] Wits of me against cool Sammy who has the diamond membership as me Queen’s Gambit declined okay so this is the part where the opening names change a lot because you got to keep in mind

There’s lots of openings out there okay I’m just going to reinforce with C6 it’s the same structure as the Scandinavian except if I take that then there’s still the D4 Pawn in the Scandinavian there is no D4 pawn and it’s just these two pawns so maybe I’m just going to take that

Anyways and pin the Knight okay he’s deciding not to take that pawn for whatever reason you usually most players take it yeah okay you’re not special you might be cool but you’re not special okay I’m just going to take that otherwise he’s just going to push his B4

Pawn like an average 700 ELO player I’m just going to move my knight there Knight here attacking the bishop move my queen out of the way is he a 700 or is he pretending to be a 700 because this could easily be a 900 rated player who knows

Okay what you going to do here Mr Sammy are you fake or are you real I’m going to go for this maybe okay so I have the better Pawn structure obviously I’m going to take with that pawn I’ll take with the pawn he’s going to go for that now

Okay okay this is not a 700 rated player I refuse to believe that what happens if I take this that’s really interesting I’m going to take that okay okay now I can see his 700 his trades are not his strong suit that’s for sure trading is not a strong

Suit just going to move my Rook here is he going to take my Rook too okay now this is just an end game is he gon to blunder back rank oh I was hoping he’d blunder back rank that wins a pawn I don’t need to be thinking about these moves

Anymore I just push this Pawn I got two nice pass pawns here not just one two of them I’m GNA check the king move my knight to this Square maybe not I’m going to my Rook there first oh okay I didn’t realize I lost my knight anyways it doesn’t matter because

I have the G and H Pawn that I can push okay you’re still lost is this King in the Square no should I promote to a knight that’d be pretty funny but these are serious tournaments so people take them seriously so I respect that so I’m not going to

Troll I’m just going to move in my king okay he just resigns okay that’s round one wonderful wow we played really fast look at that that was only like two minutes no I forgot there’s increments so that was probably like five minutes in total maybe six minutes at most

How much did I go up by is this even rated I’m not sure if this is rated oh I went up by two I just looked at my stream real quick okay wait no I didn’t go up by two I went up by Five Points I’m pretty sure I don’t even know

Myself anyways which game should I look at I should look at the high rated player games oh we got a 1430 and a 1422 I love you laugh is the name and Rambo I like mispronouncing names so if I look delusional I’m not I’m just mispronouncing them on purpose just to

Make things funny and we got tiny dinosaur over here let’s spectate tiny dinosaur that’ be a nice username to have tiny dinosaur way better than tiny times what’s this profile picture is that like from some movie maybe that’s himbe that’s Tiny Tim himself sending the Christmas spirit and

We got Mr SK skon playing against him he’s got a 1.5 Advantage how is he going to deal with that they’re both even in time Almost not entirely 15 50 second difference is not even in time what’s the winning move here is it just moving your Pawn to B5 oh he lost three of his Advantage there interesting where is he going to move his Bishop maybe bishop D2 is the best move

That has to be the best move Bishop D2 it’s the only move you got I don’t see anything else you can play unless B5 but then you lose a pawn after that whoa you just lost one point of material there yeah he just lost his Pawn by doing

That whoa what was that huge blunder what did he just take oh come on 1100 you’re better than this why’d you pre moove that that was like a pre-move by him why you pre-moving in 15 minute games what he’s insane oh it’s my turn okay I might as

Well do this really quick while I wait so it’s not the 15minute games that are going to be the worst it’s waiting for other people to finish their games okay you know what I’ll let him take because then I can take back and UND double my Pawn

Structure so I’m just going to move in this Rook here all right how’s it going wow 4.1 Advantage here okay he found the best engine move there pinning the Knight to the king what’s he going to do about that except give him a check with Rook B7 check

Actually this is still tough to play even though he has a huge Advantage how do you play it’s never over until it’s over is it just attacking the Knight with his King no but then the Knight okay well I predicted that he just lost one point of

Advantage now the Knight is gonna go to A4 or not interesting I thought the Knight was going to go to A4 and then C6 attacking The Rook guess not Rook G2 is my guess that’s the next thing he’s going to do a rook D1 interesting now white has a 5.3 advantage

I feel like the winning move is just attacking the H Pawn Maiden four wow that’s crazy what’s the maiden for wait a minute where is the mate oh I think I see it Rook C6 and then wait a minute how doesn’t he see the mate

There’s a rook C6 a rook C8 and that’s Checkmate right there that’s Opera Checkmate mating with the bishop and Rook what is he doing and this 1400 doesn’t know what a check a oh he’s just lost w why why are these people thinking they have 15 minutes on

The clock and they don’t even use five of their minutes just to think they’re just not thinking how many moves was that that was like 42 moves and you can’t even think for like one minute is 1 minute seriously that dangerous to them that’s crazy honestly

Okay he decided to take that I’m just going to take all right we already know this this is old news all right what other games are out there how was Tiny dimes ahead of me I finished before I he did how are these other games

Going I I want to see the 600 player the 667 what is this picture of him rock climbing Lost Boy from Netherlands we got nervous MK a nervous American I’m guessing why is his face all red he needs some sunscreen he been going through that Arizona weather I see no snow no blizzard

There all there is is just sunburns and the cartel okay so the 600 is losing nothing surprising there so he’s going to lose a rook either way the queen should just grab the B2 Pawn it’s the best thing to do here and then once the bishop takes the Rook you take Queen takes

C3 the bishop Retreats somewhere and then you take D3 oh man he is horrible at this boit he can take B2 what am I saying The Rook is defending that I’m so slow this is why I can’t analyze other people’s games GES I can analyze my own way better than other

People’s because I didn’t play them and I can’t see what’s been defended what hasn’t been defended I have to like piece everything like one by one got a carocon fantasy variation no wonder is part of the fantasy part of Lost Boy fantasies I didn’t even know there was a

Thing called fantasy variation sounds like football fantasy should I let him take this Pawn I don’t like these two pawns here I’m just going to move here it don’t matter why is it not letting me move there all right thank you chess.com oh we got another one of Jose’s

Games why am I watching this bro what is going on why is chess.com forcing me to watch this guy I have nothing to do with him the chess Chef the chess Chef bit of a tongue twister almost bro it’s like chess.com is forcing me to watch that guy I don’t know what’s going

On why am I forced to watch the bearded guy play the guy with the crazy eyes like he’s about to murder me like it’s about to be The Shining part twoo YouTube says that a lot of my viewers are active at this time but I don’t know if that counts for live streaming

So what’s up that Minecraft guy how’s it going I’m just going to finish up this tournament and then I’m going to play some Minecraft how about that I can see your username has to do something with Minecraft so that’s what I’m about to play as soon as I finish

This I’m streaming three games today so you’re gonna watch me play a little bit more chess I’ve been already playing it for three hours then I’m going to play a bit of Minecraft Hypixel out there and then some raft an indie game right now since I finished one of

My games pretty early I’m watching people play you like chess more if you like chess more why isn’t like your username chess Related you should have seen me losing all my games earlier like I just been blundering so much in bullet and I was at500 before the stream and I went down to 1450 now I’m having a bit of break from bullet and I’m playing some Us Rapid all right what other games are out

There there’s two games going on you don’t think you’re good in chess oh okay it’s one of those things where chess is fun to play like you could be good or bad at it and it’s still going to be fun to play but some people like who cannot handle patience or who

Cannot like study a little bit of Chess like they’re just not into it at all like it is completely not fun for them like let’s say they don’t know anything you’re talking about then people like that they just dislike chess so probably like moms out there I don’t see many moms playing

Chess it’s only like dads that play it grandparents and now people in high school and colleges too I see a lot of people like pulling out their iPads and phones playing it on in the middle of class your highest ELO is 1325 and what game mode is that if I may

Ask is that for bullet Rapid or Blitz my highest ELO has been 1667 I believe and that was for bullet hasn’t been any higher than that or I think I think it was 1680 I can’t remember but it wasn’t above, 1700 that I know and then my highest

For Rapid was probably like above 1,200 I dropped a little bit because after playing bullet I played some rapid and then I was making blender after blender so I just kept resigning so now I’m trying to work my way up a little bit rapid because I think more oh

Okay if you have that ELO in Rapid then that’s really good because in Blitz or bullet like you’ll probably have a higher rating because you’re able to conceptualize some ideas better you’re able to recognize the same openings players play especially after you analyze all your games that’s what

What’s nice about having a membership you can like analyze everything without analyzing once a day none of that and then obviously you have basically everything else unlocked with it all right Rook F3 I mean F7 Rook F3 would just instantly lose on this spot because the Knight would take it

Maybe that was the best engine move there because the evaluation bar did not change whatsoever okay so Mr lost boy needs to make a comeback here evaluation bar is jumping around just jumping for joy once nervous has both his Rooks on the seventh rank and it’s game over having both your

Rooks on that rank is just devastating stuff it’s called pigs on the seventh that’s what chess.com calls it pigs on the seventh rank it’s a course all about it wow five people from the USA are playing right now and there’s this one is that Thailand is that the country flag right

There yeah one thigh person against five Americans some wild stuff wait a minute why is it called us chess rapid and there is somebody from Thailand playing how does that make any sense hold up he’s the Imposter maybe he was born in the US but he just has his flag

As his nationality I guess I know some people like don’t have their flag the way it’s supposed to be like they would just pick a random flag just because they like the country I guess like I’d be seeing some people having North Korean Flags just because they think it’s funny you’re from

England what time is it for you then you’re like ahead in time so that’s like a 7h hour difference I’m assuming right now it’s 1:25 p.m. for me so for you it’s probably like 8:25 p.m. or 7:25 p.m. I don’t know if you use PMS or if

You use the military time but but in military time that would be 20 200 or 2026 which almost sounds like the year in two years because right now it’s 2024 and right now it’s 126 so 20 and then 20 six is it like snowing for you at all do it ever snow in

England because I know a lot of people say it rains there it’s just like rainy weather very unpleasant people don’t like the rain I like the rain because it’s calming 1926 military time okay so that’s six hours no seven hours ahead never never snows wow interesting maybe in a few years when

The seasons change because for most of December it barely snowed it snowed like one time and now in January we’re just getting hit with blizzards everywhere there just full pandemonium going on oh wow he just did did not evade Checkmate and now he has a very cursed rating we do not talk about

That all right we got Mr Larry Bird over here Larry post why does that look like Mona Lisa or something what painting is that that’s like an old painting versus f some interesting names right so black has the advantage here I say Rook E4 would be winning if white decides to make a

Random move because then you got these two pieces under attack here H5 was played whoa now it’s completely even after that one move a bit of a pre move there I see it okay you’re getting feisty with it pre moving to be fair like they’re the only ones that could

Pre-move because because their game has transposed into a Blitz game and in the other games like I saw two people having 13 minutes on each clock one of them pre moved and they started losing all their pieces one after the other that’s why you never want to pre moove with that amount of

Time like no matter what game mode it is anything above 10 minutes you don’t want to be pre moving in that right away it’s like the dumbest thing you can do like use that time to think not pre moove like that’s 20 total minutes aggregated just for you it’s also a good

Idea to think on your opponent’s clock instead of just sitting there waiting for the next move you want to think about what they’re going to play that way you can respond better to it like even the moves you don’t think they’re going to play just think of all the possibilities out there

You just want to be non-stop thinking you don’t want to ever catch yourself in a moment where you’re not thinking about the game because then things like that can catch you off guard all right so this game is basically a draw if the players make it out to be a draw that

Is you never know oh look at that now white has the advantage again even though they have a bishop is moving the H6 Pawn the winning move it is it’s very easy to spot because now the king can move out of the way probably G6 I’m guessing or first h8

Yeah king h8 would make more sense because then it won’t get checked by The Rook all right that move gets checked by The Rook then you can block it with the bishop so Bishop f8 I didn’t even notice that he’s just GNA move his H Pawn

Now Rook to H2 that’s the only thing you can do in this situation yeah you just lost how did a 1300 lose to 1100 man this could be you Minecraft guy this could be you winning on these people oh sorry I just realized the 1300 lost

Against him I didn’t mean that I thought that the other guy was 1300 for a moment my bad it would definitely wreck both them all right he’s got 50 seconds left but it’s incremented why is he stalling on time he’s like stalling at this point no you got to have some confidence in

Yourself when was the last time you played like do you play often do you play weekly do you just watch streamers out there play chess if you watch streamers then I’m probably sure you know who is I think he’s from England too there was that whole Frank versus

Orbital racer thing going on and that died out like any bit of Chess drama out there will attract new players because people love drama so that exposes them to the game of chess I guess if only the pawns could move backwards if only that’d be pretty funny actually if pawns can move

Backwards there’s probably a game mode out there for that somewhere if only the B Pawn could take A4 bro white has a mate in 17 if white doesn’t find the mate in 15 all he has to do is move his King forward I don’t understand or put the

Queen on B2 and move the the king grab the pawn and then trap the King on the a file yeah there you go Queen B2 okay move in your white king now King D6 or E5 and now King D4 look at that he’s taking my advice the one time these chess players

Actually take my advice King C4 and now you can take with the queen yep move the king up move it one more time oh or that too okay those were some good games now here is round two starting soon G and Morgan what’s up polar bear I

Feel like you’re always here when I stream chess so that’s good I’m streaming pretty early too okay some nwarf Theory here interesting I was just talking about not pre moving in these games but I was about to do a pre move right there it’s pretty hilarious it’s bit of irony going

On okay and now Bishop E7 Castle as well and now it’s a pretty standard Sicilian game the soen attack if you ever heard of that polar bear soen attack like a sizzling should be called the sizzling attack all right that move allowed my Bishop to move to

E6 I feel like that’s a good spot for it now I got doubled up Bishops that’s how some of the grand Masters play out there the double up Bishops all right do I take this Pawn am I forced to I don’t want to take it why

Do you have to move this F Pawn only Grandmasters do that move their F Pawn on and he’s no grandm I’m just going to check him yeah get checked and now I’m winning this Pawn right I just take this yeah okay now what do I do here feel like

Queen to this spot defending this pawn and attacking the knight at the same time is good for me of course I’m glad to hear that all right he decides to do a little attack here discovered defend we have a discovered attack and discovered check but there is no such thing as a discovered

Defense we should popularize that more discovered defense anyways where should I put my queen now actually putting my queen here wouldn’t be a bad idea if he takes the pawn I just win this bishop but then comes this attacking my queen once it’s here and I don’t like that move

Actually maybe because then I can put my queen here and then if Rook comes back uh then I got nothing I can think of actually my queen only has one space it can move to I just realized that’s the only spot my queen can move to why am I thinking so

Much you think you see a good move all right well if you see good moves you can always see them and okay does that trap my queen I’m a bit scared here is my queen trapped did he trap my queen somehow oh this is why I hate rapid I this is why I

Hate rapid Bishop G4 Bishop G4 okay wow that’s a really nice find polar bear I would have just taken the Rook or something okay I have to take the queen now and I’m only down two points of material okay that’s not bad now I just have to regain material somehow I got no

Clue probably this if takes if he takes my bishop and I just take the Rook I win two Rooks like that okay I just take that now he has to take all right and I’m down a pawn let’s go I evaded crisis Knight G4 okay I

Found that before he even said that so I appreciate it I appreciate it I’m just going to do a little Bishop dance here why not is he GNA move this Pawn thought he was going to move the H4 Pawn probably would have been good for him I don’t know what he’s doing

Here oh probably gonna move this Rook now controlling the B file okay I’ll happily trade that that you don’t scare me Mr mean green I mean you did scare me at one moment I made that very clear I thought my queen was trapped now you can win yes I’m on my way to

Victory okay I feel like placing my Bishop on D2 would be good let me try that okay he decided to double defend both his rook and Knight are defending this one Pawn if your opponent die or something of course if he dies then his what if his grandfather plays for him

Though if he dies guys what then and his grandfather is Mall tall okay Bishop back here oh no my poor Pawn now I’m back to being down in two pawns that’s not very nice also I don’t like the fact that I tried controlling the B file and I was

Unsuccessful in doing so oh would you look at that he blundered his Pawn back okay he is not thinking fast I mean he is thinking fast but he’s not thinking the way he’s supposed to be thinking he only spent like less than two minutes of this whole

Game I need to defend this spawn somehow I feel like actually no if I move my Rook here there’s a discovered check what’s the right move I’m stumped I’m thinking either A5 would be good attacking The Rook but then here’s the threat The Rook comes down here and this Pawn is a

Liability I can’t move my Rook here because of the knights so I’m in a bit of a predicament unless if I move this Pawn right here I guess I can do that Bishop B4 and push the pawn okay bishop4 and push this Pawn or which Pawn

Did you I guess that’s for me to interpret I guess okay I’mma push the pawn I don’t like how he’s making these moves right away I’m going to push both pawns now I have two pass pawns it doesn’t matter that he has a knight I have these two pass pawns that I’m going

To use he’s got nothing on me what’s he got interesting I’m just GNA move my Rook here okay I’ll happily trade that okay I’m going to move my Bishop here now probably move my Pawn forward but then his Pawn can come forward and then I can attack that

Pawn Rook G8 I don’t have a rook anymore I think I already moved my Rook to G8 and that I can remember okay Bishop Retreats back here for now now if only his King was somewhere here then I would have a massive Advantage okay Bishop back I’m just going to keep shuffling Around all right I don’t like how my king is at the side of the board like this oh that’s a fork okay that’s a res ignition okay let me see my review I had one blender that game so I just got outplayed one minute in delay that’s crazy I don’t understand how that

Happens okay 82% accuracy you cannot blame me here I hate rapid even though I’m this accurate just simply because I get outplayed nice work you’ll be winning a pawn okay I won the pawn but that’s when things got tricky okay so my only blunder was here

Thinking that I could defend my pawn and attack the knight at the same time you permitted an opponent to win a knight by eventually trapping a yeah it eventually trapped my queen oh okay wins a Tempo by threatening the Knight yeah but then Pawn C3 that’s no longer a threat oh wait a

Minute yeah I can’t take that pawn anyways because it’s defended by the Knight and then the knight’s defended by the queen how good was my bishop move okay you have to tell me what was your bishop move again tell me what move it was out of all these moves if you can

Remember polar bear he did not die so that’s probably the only reason why I lost this wins a Knights how does it win a knight what just happened E6 to G4 Bishop E6 to G4 okay so I was just there okay but I don’t understand this

This wasn’t how you said it was po bear here look if I was to continue this you said Bishop to G4 but the engine thinks Knight E4 is better which I guess it is in a way because if you take then there’s this Fork I didn’t even see that so yeah Knight

Captures but then the bishop captures the rook and then what there’s a knight check and the queen stays alive somehow but in the game I lost my queen how it’s because of the fork I want to see what the anal El it says here okay let’s see if Bishop to G4 is

The second best move all right so in this position it says Bishop to G4 is the second best move so it’s still a good move regardless it’s just that Knight captures E4 is better a bit stupid I guess but that’s what the engine says okay but I still did Bishop to

G4 and then Knight there was the best move I didn’t even see that fork what Knight to F2 I didn’t even see that fork that’s a crazy por right here how did I not see that maybe I was worried about the bishop taking this so I wanted to take the bishop

First okay that was the best move the best move was just pushing that pawn okay interesting that was an okay move okay so I just got outplayed can’t do anything about that yeah I just got outplayed oh I need to hurry up here because I just heard my next game

Start spending way too long on this analysis wait what is going on here who am I watching bro why is ch.com forcing me to watch random people play bro it is watching me to it’s forcing me to watch Jose again dude I kid you not this is the

Third time chest.com has forced me to watch Jose without my will like you saw that I was going over the analysis I thought my game just started but no chess.com is forcing me to watch Jose probably because I was talking talking about him looking like a murderer and now Jose didn’t appreciate

That so he hacked my system so now he’s forcing me to watch him when will Minecraft be that’s a good question so this is how it’s going to work I already said this before so since I already played lots of bullet I did the daily chess puzzles and since I already played a

Bullet tournament I said that I’m going to play first the bullet tournament and then this and after this tournament finishes then I’ll play Minecraft so yeah there’s three more rounds left round two is soon going to begin we got three more people playing here and chess.com is forcing me to

Watch Jose for whatever reason polar bear I feel like I did something to Jose like I don’t know what I didn’t do anything except say that his profile picture looks a little bit scary and now he’s like forcing me to watch him like I was going over the analysis

And I’m just watching him for whatever reason like I didn’t even press anything and I’m just watching him like I keep pressing exit out of this I keep exiting out of it this one the watch I keep pressing X and it keeps forcing me to watch him for whatever

Reason I’ll try and help from here all right Minecraft guy obviously since there’s a one minute delay I don’t even know how there’s a one minute delay but it just is what it is so in that case if there’s a delay like sometimes some of the moves you’ll

Say it will take a little bit before I’ll see it but it’s getting help in a way almost feels like cheating slightly you know what I’m saying so I’m trying to like avoid that in a way not in a way I’m most definitely not trying to cheat in

Chess.com that’s just would be a very low thing to do but if you guys want to discuss it like I’ll read about it later like once I make move and then once I make the move then I’ll read what I could have done differently so yeah I thought you were saying that you

Can help me against watching Jose like there’s a way to fix it I don’t think there is a way to not watch Jose what is this message game what tiny times is confused snoozefest the old Indian defense Ukrainian there’s a Ukrainian variation man the ukrainians should be playing that a lot more

Often old Indian defense Ukrainian variation I have never heard some of these openings I will come back when there is Minecraft okay polar bear I think that’s going to be in two hours then because knowing the 15minute tournaments they probably take like two hours in

Total so it was nice of you to stop by and watch a bit of Chess like I appreciate that Bishop G4 move like I would have not spotted that I would have just taken that Rook with my queen then I didn’t even realize that I could take that pawn with the

Knight like that is some advanced level chess I feel like I perform a lot better in Blitz and bullet too because that’s what I’m normally accustomed with but for actual games like this it’s really hard to see ideas like that because I’m just not used to it anyways I’m gonna keep watching Jose

Because chess.com is forcing me to watch him so might as well watch him why not B6 okay Bishop takes Queen takes Bishop I’m assuming no if Queen takes the bishop then there’s a nice discovered check with Bishop H7 and then you lose the queen because the Rook can just take the

Queen your King has to take and then Rook takes I don’t know Minecraft he might be he might be above all like he is the chess overseer out there he oversees chess like he probably invented chess he’s the inventor of Chess screw John chess the inventor of chess we got Jose

The inventor of Chess from Spain 2127 if I stop watching Jose I guess that’s he feels disrespected so he forces me to watch him if you disrespect Jose then he’s going to come after you he’s going to force you to watch all his games as funny as that sounds it might be

True they should make a horror movie about Jose Jose the chess horror experts he forces his victims to watch chess if they go to bed there is no going to bed they have to watch his games every single game he plays everybody has to watch it that’d be a funny hor

Idea when the villain wants everybody to watch them play chess games how else are you g to get famous out there Jose has the right idea forcing people to watch his chess games I just keep talking about this man non-stop that’s how powerful he is Jose forces me to watch his games and

Now he’s forcing me to talk about him subconsciously he’s just too powerful like you could easily replay the stream and see that I had nothing to do with this like it just happened by itself it’s still confusing how that’s possible he’s trying to send a message I feel

Like that Bishop on A1 is a serious threat because that Bishop has become a sniper and nobody likes Bishops that are snipers because are hard to see okay we got Joey playing and hardcore but I cannot stop spectating Jose interesting Rook move Rook to E6 trying to double up the Rooks I’m assuming

After Rook E6 I’m guessing there is Rook E8 and then Knight to D7 moving the Knight out of the way okay I’m going to start thinking as both of them black has a Advantage here G7 to G6 then F6 to F5 G7 to G6 wait a minute G7 to G6 then F6 to

F5 but listen look if the pawn is here here and it’s also here that has some threats because then after this the queen moves in oh I I couldn’t even finish describing it but you want your king to be protected by the pawns if there’s like a

One Gap or three Gap in front of the king and the pawns think that’s not good all right I’m going to open up with the English what I’m most comfortable with all right Jose is gonna feel hatred towards me in about a moment once he figures out that I sto

Watching his game he’s going to force me to watch some more if I suddenly start watching Jose again that’s gonna be scary scary stuff happening English opening two nights variation why am I pre moving that okay you just trapped your Bishop after Bishop here I got C5 let’s go Tre

Bishop yo I’m winning this game but that’s not surprising because it’s a thousand rated player look at them playing fast I’m probably going to win in one minute here look how fast he’s playing already move 13 man he thinks it’s Blitz I somehow took more time to think about this game than he

Did okay I’m guessing saying Knight here wins what do I take with do I take with Bishop yeah I take with Bishop because if Knight takes that then The Rook is undefended how is it already move 18 how is that possible I should just like waste all 14

Of my minutes and then wait for it to be 30 seconds just to annoy him but I’m not going to do that because sitting here for 14 minutes is going to be really boring and also this is a professional tournament going on so you have to have some level of respect for the

Tournament okay I feel like moving my queen here is the best move Queen D3 it defends the Knight and it defends the pawn at the same time I’m going to push this Pawn forward it doesn’t matter that I lose it because if he takes this he just loses

The queen wait a minute he can’t take my knight okay now Rook here and now we have three Defenders the bishop I mean I just call that a bishop that’s crazy the Knight the queen and the Rook all defending the pawn versus his two Defenders or three

Defenders soon to be fourth if I would have added my Rook here to the defense okay I don’t really know what that queen move does what does that queen move do I feel like that’s a very useless move sure targets The Rook doesn’t Target anything else like I can place my

Knight here I guess why not let me place my knight there okay you’re trying to double stack on the other side now interesting I’m just going to I it’ll be funny to sacrifice my queen but I’m not going to do that just going to put my queen there I

Don’t really care if my Pawn structure is doubled all I need to do is just win the game okay now I’m pretty sure I can take this Pawn or no I can’t I need to defend my Knights is very important F2 to F3 wait a minute you were talking about

F2 to F3 what are you talking about hold on look if I move the F2 Pawn F3 in this situation that’s just m in one because he just takes there’s nothing defending the G2 Pawn so that would just result in check Maiden one and moving my coin here I’m trying to

Offer a trade if he takes I take with the pawn and he can’t do anything else and I’m still up three material and he can’t do any funny business with his Queen so now he retreated his Queen backwards and if I wanted to take this

Pawn I would not be able to do so because then he grabs the Knight and yeah I feel like either Queen to D3 or queen to B3 would be the best in this situation I can’t really think of anything else here uh yeah Queen D3 looks the best not only

Does it defend the Knight it defends the pawn too here okay he’s trying to do that again so I’m going to move I’m thinking of moving my Rook here but then he can’t move his Rook there so instead he would probably move his Rook there so I

Probably have to move my Rook to A2 I was thinking of C3 and then taking this Pawn okay interesting if I take Queen takes my queen if I take with Rook he’s just up a rook so I have to retreat my knight back here and then move my Rook

Here if I decided to take that now that’ll be good for me okay so this trade right here is good for me if I take it or not really because then The Rook moves in I didn’t even think about that but now I did so Rook here okay I’m going to pre

Moove because he’s been pre-moving me all game I do not feel respected I’m going to move my Knights A4 or maybe not maybe I will I don’t like my knight at the edge of the board like that because then The Rook can come in I’m still going to do

It s so it’s already moved 29 and now it just felt like an end game the whole time he thinks moving his Pawn is going to save him that’s crazy now I’m going to move my knight back here what was my knight before okay my knight was here so it

Triangulated over to the B2 Pawn B2 space I mean there used to be a pawn here but that got traded off you know what the next match I get I’m G to try and play B3 just like Wesley so does going to channel my inner Wesley

So Queen to B4 isn’t bad at all because now I’m attacking this Pawn all right he’s trying to go for this threat right here good thing I’m able to see it I’m just going to move my F2 pun F3 like you said before okay okay now I see that that was

A terrible choice because my Pawn was pinned and now I can’t take the queen because the Rook pins my Pawn but at least this Rook defense so it’s not over yet until it actually is now I can take this Pawn actually I’mma do it he’s trying to be annoying

Why is he trying to be so annoying you’re only 1,000 I’m gonna unpin my qu my king real quick okay okay is this good hold on if that if Queen captures D4 and then a little bit of a queen Sacrifice from him if my Rook takes his

Rook takes my queen which was right here on D4 can just slide back here I feel like that’s a good move okay now we can just put my queen on D3 Maybe but if I do that then his Rook is going to come here I’m still going to do it and then

Move my Pawn to H3 whoa that’s actually a surprisingly good move okay this might be a good game actually hold on if I take that Queen I take that’s Checkmate right there if my queen moves back he takes I take Queen moves there I have to take the queen and then another Rook

Checkmat okay that move is seriously scary uh this might be checkmates I mean if there’s something you see I don’t see anything else here other than Checkmate I’mma Be straight up I don’t see anything else except Queen B5 maybe Queen B5 will save me who knows maybe it won’t actually no that’s

A terrible move I take that back and then Rook to E2 does absolutely nothing wait a minute I think Rook to E2 might be the best thing here because after Queen takes then I I still can’t grab that Rook either way um moving my king to H1 was the

Worst thing I could have done every move loses for me here D3 it’s E2 I don’t think now is the time to move my pawns oh wait a minute you mean my queen queen D3 to E2 wait a minute hold on if my queen goes here he takes I

Take oh okay I think that actually works okay that was a really good find if my queen goes here he takes I take and I a Checkmate and then if my queen moves here and he decides not to take the brook instead takes my queen then I just

Take and if Rook takes either one of his Rooks this one’s defended by the Knight so coin E2 is actually the best move I think I think you just saved me okay but this is still bad for me because I lose my knight there’s nothing I can do yeah I just lose my

Knight absolutely nothing I could have done all right let me do a little bit of analysis here how did I just get outplayed by a 1,000 rated player I trapped his Bishop why could I just trade as Queen sooner wait that is the way to win a

Queen what are you talking about stop stop where was that move this leads to losing a queen what do you mean how does it win a queen wait a minute I I don’t understand okay but he did not want to give up his coin oh okay so that was the only

Blunder so look at this I had an opening accuracy of 97 which is really good but he just outplayed me in the end game there okay so after Queen captured wait a minute F3 what was the best move in this situation G2 G3 I mean I’m telling you moving the F pawns

Is always dangerous in any game like every Grandmaster out there advises you not to move your F Pawn all right yeah that would have been way worse but too bad that’s not what happened okay so I thought capturing this pawn and then capturing that would

Be good for me what was the best move here was it this okay that’s sort of good what was the best move here Rook to F1 no is that the best move no it’s not is a Coen takes Rook takes Checkmate yeah of course there’s Checkmate but what’s the one way to

Avoid this is it Queen to E7 threatens to win a queen okay what’s the best move here is it Rook to D3 no I’m still not finding the move here for some reason I need a hint it’s moving this Rook maybe to E1 this takes an open

File really that’s the only thing I could have done there you’re going to end up losing a rook yeah I should have just captured this right wow so what you told me was a blunder but it was really tough to find the winning idea here it’s not to take

This of course it’s not Rook E1 either I was thinking of Rook E2 everything is a blunder here and then what else was I thinking uh Queen to B5 Queen to F1 wait a minute I could have just played Queen F1 I thought about that but I didn’t say it out loud

Wait a minute hold up I need to go to analysis here real quick am I watching Jose again bro why am I watching Jose again you’re seeing this Minecraft guy right why am I watching Jose again what did I do to this man dude chess.com has me curs with Jose I

Have the Jose curse he’s playing somebody against that’s not Hungary that is there’s a Hungarian flag that also looks similar to another one I forgot what it was now oh no how could I forget Bulgaria Bulgaria that’s what it was this is Bulgaria oh what’s Hungary okay so

Bulgaria is the one with the white the white red green instead of red white green Jose sees all I mean the way he’s looking at me bro he does see all look he’s part of Team Spain man Spain is gonna take over the world they played one Bull game and draw

In it that’s insane the way he’s staring at me is insane too he’s he’s not just staring at me he’s staring at you too Minecraft guy don’t think you’re safe either from Jose Jose is on your tail hello people winter storm outside chess inside that’s exactly what I’m

Saying Tucson it’s 65 and sunny average Texas player I lived in tucu Tucson 35 years ago Air Force at the time he hit him with the 35 years ago line that’s crazy thank you for your service Mr Air Force Aviator I don’t really know in Buffalo New York go bills or

Bulls I don’t know too much about sports you’ll live there for as long as I’m alive okay so what I wanted to analyze here after Rook captures Rook captures doesn’t he just have Queen E1 am I not forced to take it do I just play Rook

F2 no what’s the best move for white then Rook D1 okay so I did say queen F1 at some points and I thought that I was forced to take the queen I think I could possibly beat you I don’t know though I mean we could try if he wants there’s no saying we

Can’t like right now I’m waiting until the next round starts it says it starting soon I’m still watching Jose I want to see these two play though okay so it seems like black has the advantage here I think I know what’s the problem in longer games since you have so much time to

Make moves that amount of time you have really gets to you because then you overthink things a lot and what I was doing there I was overthinking the queen F1 move in a regular board game I would have been able to see that right away Queen F1 or Blitz game

But in 15 minute games when I have so much time to think like I just get overwhelmed and then I blink out don’t know what to play and end up losing or blundering yeah I blink out blunder and then resign this why I dislike rapid it’s the same process every single

Time with each raping game I play I think Rook B7 is the winning idea here Rook B to B7 oh that’s Checkmate oh my goodness how did white just lose his username is called Help GG I guess he really did need help okay I’m playing against J ly

Knoff I’ll just call him Mr laugh okay some more Sicilian I was about to pre move C captures D4 if you want to challenge me it’s Zack isn’t not good fight for chess after this tournament I’ll challenge you there’s about two more rounds so I’ll just play those two

Rounds challenge you and then play Minecraft CU I was telling polar bear when I would play I just realized I’ve been playing chess for 4 hours 17 minutes so maybe that’s why I’m also not doing too well yo wa all right that’s great oh let me just move my E6 Pawn I

Don’t really want to move it to E5 maybe bishop to E7 first and then Knights G6 playing against the 1300 if I can beat this 1300 and not the Thousand rated player then I’m going to be seriously impressed maybe I’ll be able to beat Jose who knows then Jose will stop

Forcing me to do things that I don’t want to do okay I just take and then he’s going to take within Knight Knight captures D4 and then Knight C6 it’s exactly what’s going to get played here I believe I thought streaming at oh he captures with the queen nice that wins

Me Tempo I appreciate that or wait a minute no no no no if I put my knight here I lose my Rook why would I want to do that or at the very least I lose my Pawn because I can at least defend it with Bishop F6 and then the queen Retreats

Somewhere up here all right so you know what maybe I’m just going to move my Bishop here Knight here and then Knight over there yeah so like I was saying he’s making moves faster than I can talk so I was thinking that streaming at an early time today would be good but

Because YouTube says a lot of my viewers watch me around 7 a.m. to 12 p.m. and then it starts descending after 12 p.m like less and less start watching but I stream in the evenings so a lot of the fan base that I grew just by streaming in the evenings is

Like more than the fan base I grow from streaming in the mornings because I don’t stream in the mornings because number one like I have a hard time waking up and then placing my Bishop here would lose that pawn so Knight over here makes sense and N other besides waking up that

Early like I got things to do in the morning especially now that school is about to start for me again and next semester in my dorm G8 to G6 wait how does that even make any sense G8 you’re talking about this to G6 are you talking about hold

On are you talking about G7 to G6 but that loses my not only my Rook it also loses my Pawn because after Pawn to G6 Queen takes I can’t move my knight anywhere because it’s pinned to my king and if I try attacking it with my Bishop

The queen will just take the H7 Pawn so I’m a bit confused by what you mean okay so now I’m able to put my Bishop here since the queen is no longer attacking the D6 Pawn so I’m just going to do that probably move my queen to E7 if

It’s absolutely necessary or queen to e C7 E7 or C7 F6 whoops G8 F6 okay so you wanted to move my knight F6 which move was that Knights oh why did he have to make a move that just reset everything okay Knight to F6 I don’t really like Knight to F6

Because of Bishop to G5 but then I guess I could have played E5 yeah anyways you are right Knight Knight there would have been better but now that alleviated some pressure the Coen is no longer on my King’s side and same with the bishop the bishop is not eyeing down this pawn and

I feel like I’m in a much better position now because this Knight is going to come over here defend this Knight and also The Bishop’s defending it the Pawn’s defending it and I feel like taking this would be really nice taking this Knight so I’m

Going to do it first then put my knight here Castle really slowly A7 to A6 I don’t really want to play A6 right now because uh because I just don’t feel like that’s a good move I feel like developing is the better move I want to develop my Knights

And I want to Castle I want to defend this Pawn at the same time so moving my queen to C7 and just moving my Pawn from A7 to A6 the bishop is going to come back yes but he’s just going to start moving his pawns if I would have done that so let

Me rewind here before I took this Knight you said move it A7 I mean A6 uh he would have moved his Bishop back started moving his pawns okay now I’m going to Castle no problem there he’s going to probably move this Pawn out of the way I wouldn’t be surprised

But pretty soon I am going to play A6 just like you said it’s just not right away though how does he have less time than I do I thought I had less time I’m usually the one thinking more out of all these players all right so I predicted that

The Rook was going to come in attacking this Pawn all right so being able to predict moves like that I’m able to do things like move my queen to C7 but then again there’s the threat of the bishop to A3 right now and then that does one of two things one I

Can lose my Pawn here and me freaking out I’m going to probably push it and then he brings in his Rook somehow or takes this Knight so I think for right now A6 would be the best move right here because if he takes I take and he has to move the coin

Somewhere so you know what I might go for A6 and then and if he does decide to take the queen defends it after the trade is done so it’s all a matter of time it’s a waiting game A6 was waiting to get played also if I win this

Game I gain 15 points of Elo which is really nice okay where’s that Queen going to move I’m thinking it’s going to move right there on the D4 spot wow would you look at that sign me up to be a mind reader if you don’t mind actually I think taking with the

Knight was much better or or no it wasn’t because I’d still end up losing this Pawn yeah either way I’m going to lose a pawn regardless unless if I push this Pawn I don’t see any other way to defend it yeah so I’m just going to

Push I feel like he’s going to do this and then I’m gonna have to push my F Pawn A6 to R5 I didn’t know there was an R okay let me just quickly move to R5 right over here on this side let me do inspect

Elements and then change the H file to R file let me do that real quick if I can find the right code maybe it’s down here here this is going to help me out in my computer science class once I have to take Comm

S that’s if I have to work with code I don’t even know if I’m going to have to work with code anyways where is it I always struggle finding it like editing the text I want to change it to R5 which would be really funny but E6 to R5 I

Mean to E5 I mean I feel like that wouldn’t work I don’t know when that was meant to happen but yeah I feel like that wouldn’t be the best okay maybe it’s down here somewhere okay it’s this one for sure right it’s up here I know that that’s the wrong

One I feel like I’m getting closer okay maybe it’s this one coordinates I can’t change the coordinates are you serious I’m determined to change H HHR at that’s some chest behind the scenes this is how I’m going to code chess 2.0 right here play the

Game all right I agree I can’t find it I was going to change it to R uh what should I do should I just take that pawn is that the best move here but no that would blund our checkmate and one I just realized I do not want to be blundering checkmates

Here F6 has to happen what’s up polar bear the tournament is still happening what round is it welcome to round four okay so this is round four of five yeah round four of five maen one yeah thank you for telling me that I I just don’t worry I’m able to see Maiden

One I’m not that dumb especially not in 15minute games with overwhelmingly large amounts of time okay I just take with my Pawn now what this is defended three times and you only have two Defenders I’m winning this trade if you trade that pawn not only will I

Take D D5 with the bishop but I’ll be attacking this Knight at the same time or maybe should I take with my queen what would be the better move taking with taking it with my bishop or taking it with my queen polar bear if you say it’s better to

Take with my queen I’m still going to take with the bishop I feel like there’s no reason to take with my queen cuz I want to get the bishop out of the way my queen is defended by both of the Rooks the queen is also defending the

Knights and the queen could just move somewhere else and start attacking my knight like Queen to B4 yeah if my queen would have taken that Queen to B before attacking my knight now I have to start moving my knight somewhere and start thinking more taking it with the Knight are you joking

Me you think taking it with the Knight was the best but I think taking it with the bishop was the best move because I’m attacking the knight at the same time now the Knight has to move somewhere or he has to defend the Knight right like that’s how I feel like like

Look now I can just take this I can just take that okay interesting what’s going to happen now double up pawns yeah double up those pawns for me okay now I feel like moving my king to F7 isn’t a bad idea it just became an endgame at this

Point okay so I’m doing some heavy damage against this 14400 rated player it doesn’t matter if you’re like 700 in Elo or if you’re 1,400 in Elo like they’re all the same in tournaments almost every single time it doesn’t matter they’re ELO they’re still going to be good

Players placing my knight here not just the Rook is just going to pin it so maybe Knight to G6 wouldn’t be bad but it kind of cuts off an escape Square for my king yeah so maybe Knight F5 z z ZZ it’s not nap time yet is

It all right you know what I’m going to go Knight F5 going for this secret Fork will he see it maybe it will take him 880,000 years to spot it who knows maybe by then chess 2 will arrive where we’re playing 5D chess in real life we can transcend through other

Dimensions and start playing 12d chess how insane would that be that make for some incredible content I think Magnus Carlson would appreciate that and today’s the first day of the Tata steel uh chess cup and I really wanted to watch it I saw that Abdu satoro was playing who else

Was playing uh some other people I don’t think I think dangler Ren was playing today I can’t remember who else is playing is it everybody playing or is it just a select amount of players that are playing today if I move my Rook here right now

That’s just going to lose to Rook E7 and then I’ll lose this Pawn or actually no because the Knight defends this Pawn you know what I’m going to go for this but first moving my A5 Pawn would be really good or wait no I’m just going to go here right

Away I thought that Bishop would be able to attack my Rook but I just realized I can take that pawn if it does and if he moves this Pawn out of the way I just take this and attack his Bishop at the same time this is some good

Stuff all right so obviously he defends that all right I’m going to start pushing my B5 Pawn I’m going to intimidate him I’m going to intimidate his Bishop the 1100 player is going to pull through okay so Bishop B4 regardless maybe now Rook to D4 would be

Good I have to see how this plays out I want to move my Rook here really badly attacking this Pawn but he’s just going to do that you know what I’m still going to do it I’m going to move this Pawn he takes it and then I can take this Pawn F5 to

H4 I feel like that’s a useless check though I’m looking at it but then he’s got King to G3 and then what I have to move my knight back to F5 wait a minute I feel like A5 was a terrible move because once he takes it

And then I move my Rook back here he’s just going to slide his Bishop back I just realized that wait a minute I have night to E3 check it was one minute in the past I got to start playing a bit fast here because this turn into a Blitz

Game and when you will see it it will be two minutes okay I don’t know how to change that like I’m a bit concerned I’m going to place my knight here this is a nice anchor spot for my knight attacking this Pawn in the future if my Rook

Infiltrates all right so we got four minutes 30 seconds here versus 2 minutes and 16 seconds how do you think I’m going to do the game is pretty even but I feel like I have the advantage just because of these double pawns and the king is

Here this is a past Pawn once I exterminate this Pawn or one of these pawns right here look it’s two isolated pawns three isolated pawns and two doubled pawns versus my PA versus my Pawn chain of three pawns and two pawns this is why I love the

Sicilian I’m still going to go for this attack it does not matter now he cannot defend that with his Rook because he decided to go for this right here but my king and just slide out of the way and I’m out of any danger like what you g to do another

One I don’t know why I said that I just wanted to say it another one I’m G to win another one all right 3 minutes 20 seconds versus a minute minute 57 seconds here I got to make sure that I’m keeping up with the

Clock I do not want to be losing on time here look he’s spending way too long to think about that wait why can’t I just move to A5 right now the Knight is defending it I think I’m gonna move to A5 and then take it okay I’m just GNA move out of

The way King G6 I don’t even need to think there there’s no reason to think look I just thought there for 1.9 seconds okay now I can’t move to A5 anymore actually I can because if Bishop takes my Rook takes and then what yeah what you got on me A5 is the only

Move yes sir polar bear you already know don’t worry I’m one step ahead of you I’m one minute in the future ahead of you I should say I’m playing chess in the future isn’t that crazy to think about you’re watching me play in the past while I’m playing in the future

Do you want to know what happens in the future polar bear I’ll tell you what happens I win this game because his clock is running down on time I don’t want him to start pre-moving on me okay A4 I feel like if Rook starts attacking then I just take this with my

Knight all right I’m going to start pre-moving those were some useless Bishop moves by him it’s incredible I’ve been playing chess already for four hours and 46 minutes that’s an insane interval to be saying oh no this is really hard he moves his Rook there I want to r i want

To move my Rook somewhere but in order to do that I have to move my knight you know what I’m gonna move my knight here attacking the bishop there’s one minute on the clock for him 1 minute 16 for me this is exactly why I play

Bullet all right I got this in the bag now I just have to push I do not want to be moving my king to H6 no Siri I do not want to have a discovered check on me okay what’s he gonna do is his Bishop gonna take that

No okay I’m just going to move my king here out of danger he’s got nothing I think he’s just trying to check me he’s checking me with panic moves yeah look at that he has to take my Pawn there I’m going to route my knight this way and then to

D2 once he moves this or first I’m GNA move my Rook here uh what’s the best move to do here I think taking with the Rook oh no now he takes my Pawn what am I doing I should have taken that with a knight he’s got 30 seconds left so yeah

Good luck to him too I’m gonna attack The Rook with my knight okay he’s going to give me some useless checks here I don’t mind I’m gonna move my Rook here okay I’m gonna move my knight here trying to give him any sort of checks I can think of

I’m going to move my king up there I feel like that’s reasonable 48 seconds versus 22 seconds I turn this game around all because of the time Advantage I’m gonna take that pawn I don’t need to think because that is the best move I know it is the best move check the

King oh I could have forked there I just realized well now I can Fork I’m pretty sure unless this King moves there okay I can pre move how did I not see that fork there yes I win okay okay wonderful stuff let’s go I got a 31 Advantage

There at the end I had one blender okay I want to analyze this real quick hopefully I’m not forced to watch Jose again see I told you from the start I would win this game okay now consider me impressed I won against this 1400 player instead of

Winning against a 1,00 rated player how crazy is that oh okay so I can’t analyze that game just yet because now I have to play another 1,00 rated player okay I might analyze it as I’m playing okay I can exit out of here um let me go for

E3 can’t you just give up the tournament no polar bear don’t be silly why would I give up the Tournament I’m playing against Eric Rosen right now how crazy is that that’s a joke I wish I was playing against Eric Rosen he would be saying oh no my queen and that would be pretty funny maybe pushing my Pawn to D3 wouldn’t be bad either just playing passively here and then Knight

F3 and go to Minecraft but polar bear I’m gonna win this game real quick don’t you worry and also the Minecraft guy wanted to play me real quick so maybe we can do like a Blitz game and then I’ll be playing Minecraft with him with him I don’t I even know with

Him I meant chess with him first chess and then I’ll be playing Minecraft but that’s if he wants to play a chess game with me I really know you want to see the Minecraft gamep playay like I didn’t expect that you wanted to see it this

Much so I don’t know I got some decisions to make that I want to play him in chess yeah Minecraft guy like I mean will still do if you want to play interesting pin all right he’s thinking longer than me which is good I want him to think longer

Than me so I can think on his clock so I feel like he’s going to trade that okay I should probably just I’m gonna take what Bishop first because I want to keep this Pawn alive okay wonderful prediction I’m going to push E4 now that way I can move my knight here

Safely without having double pawns and the queen staring at my dile I’d be very much appreciated yeah I’ll do it kind of fast hopefully I mean it doesn’t matter Minecraft guy like I’m streaming for a while today that’s guaranteed so we can play at your own pace it can

Be rapid Blitz it can be bullet whatever you’re comfortable in I think you were saying you were terrible in Rapid so maybe Blitz would be better I guess three minute games that’s what I’m used to playing three minute games where it’s three minutes for each opponent

Okay he decides to put the bishop on E6 here after 51 seconds of thinking I think I’m just going to develop my Knights I don’t see what else I can do developing my knight my Bishop castling also I was playing on mobile the other day on during my plane flight

I was waiting in the next to the gate area and I was playing chess on my phone and apparently they have a new update on mobile and it’s kind of insane because on mobile in uh they stated in a new update whenever your King castles instead

Of touching the space to Castle like you have to drag your King two spaces over like you have to I don’t know touch your king and then touch the space with the King something weird like that and that just messed me up in castling so much through so many

Games okay I feel like Rook to D2 would be good D1 not D2 D Rook to D2 would be an illegal move because the Rook would teleport there like super teleport it would do a super jump anyways this trade is good beneficial for me very much benef actually no it’s terrible terrible move

If he takes I take the Rook takes and then his coin takes but good thing he’s not able to see that the other thousand player the other thousand player that I was playing he was much better than this one but this one is actually an actual

1,000 rated player other one was a bit better I was just outplayed by them and they were making fast moves for whatever reason but with this player I have lots of time to think and he’s not playing the best moves that’s for sure I feel like he’s gonna go with a knight H4

Queen G5 Checkmate threat but my Bishop is defending the G2 spawn pushing the D5 Pawn seems like the best thing to do so I’m just going to do that after one minute of thinking wow that’s a long time for a pawn push Knight’s F4 okay is he gonna take this there’s no

Way he takes the G2 Pawn there’s no way he does that do you think he’s going to do that what do you think he’s gonna do what are your bets do you think he’s going to move his coin to one of these two spots that I just arrowed in on the

G5 or G6 Pawn or do you think he’s gonna do something else like Queen H4 or moving this Pawn moving the pawn to C5 would be a nice but not really because that damages my structure why would I want to damage my structure oh I said I was bad at

Blitz wait how did I predict that whoa that was a spot on prediction it’s like he’s watching my live stream you think he’s watching my live stream that’d be pretty funny has a new note okay I’m not I don’t read the new notes I was participating in the daily chess

Championships but keeping up with 20 games a day is just way too much and just doing that every day that’s just a burden to me okay let me press back here I don’t know what happened I don’t want to accidentally disconnect because that happens sometimes all right I feel like moving

My queen A4 would be good targeting this I wanted to move my queen to B3 but he just solidifies with that and then solidifies with Pawn A5 but with Queen A4 he either has to move this Pawn which then okay so he sacrifices the Knight I don’t know why he’s sacrificing the

Knight for no reason that’s crazy why would you sacrifice the Knight I mean obviously I know that you’re trying to do something here after the pawn takes King goes here but then he’s just bluffing there’s nothing he has after I take sure he has a check but there’s nothing after

That oh wait a minute if I take that the queen takes the bishop hello okay so my only two options here are either taking the Knight letting the double Pawn structure happen or moving my king to H1 what does moving my king to H1 do I don’t know but I’m going to find

Out so maybe Queen to B3 was better because then I would be able to take the knights and he wouldn’t sacrifice it like that I’m just going to move in my Rook I’m still attacking this Pawn so I’m all good I just have to defend this bishop with another

Piece and then potentially move my queen to B3 or maybe A3 attacking this Pawn either way if I move my queen to B3 or A3 it doesn’t matter he’s still going to defend with that pawn I think A3 is better because if he moves here I just take this Pawn here

So he has to react with this whereas if I put my queen there then he just moves The Rook somewhere whoa my game lagged there for a moment I almost misclicked to Rook E3 that would have been bad that would have been very bad yeah where’s your queen going to

Go look I got 911 on the clock that is not good because he’s got 957 so I’m low on time now why do I keep getting new notes what’s going on here commenters are going insane I don’t even know how I can turn that off because it’s annoying I’m sure

There is a way to turn off I just have to look somewhere in the settings okay Queen B3 Let’s Go attacking this the queen is acting like a bishop here where the bishop defends both of the pawns now here isn’t even a bad move because the queen defends

It I’m just going to move to A4 I’m not even bothered anymore the game is even but it feels like I’m winning in a way okay I can move my queen to B5 now infiltrating that would be a knight move not a queen move to B the Queen Camp move like a Knights

Otherwise that would be very epic I don’t care about opening up this file here because then I can stack up my Rooks attacking this Pawn or maybe not I’m just going to take control of the defile now though look at that I have defile privileges nobody else can have defile privileges other than

Me he’s up a pawn but pretty soon both my rcks are going to be all up in his business hopefully look at that I got double stacked Rooks now okay so I’ve been playing chess for five hours now this is the last round why does he have this insane push I don’t understand

Is there anything I can do here I’m gonna move my Pawn like a Grandmaster would H4 rocking his Pawn structure if he moves this I take doesn’t matter I’m taking that moving my king forward look at that my king is brave is he going to move his Rook there

No he’s going to move his other Rook there okay if I move my Pawn there then this I’m going to move my Rook there okay both my Rooks have infiltrated I’m going to move my king here if Pawn goes there very right interesting oh this does not look good for

Me I got this in the future hopefully why didn’t I move my king here why did I move my king that way but you just lost a rook now didn’t you unless you move your king there he’s surely goingon to see this there’s no way he doesn’t see that yeah there you

Go now he has to take that but now he’s got a pass Pawn here look at all his pawns all on the same rank okay I’m losing this there is no way I’m winning we have the same amount of time he’s up three in material my king is smooshed at the

Center of the at the edge of the board I mean I wish he was in the center of the board he’d be very active taking out these pawns one by one like an assassin he’d be the John Wick of Chess okay but the thing with thousand R

Players is they’re not good at end games I’m also not good at end games but I’m decent at them is he going to take this Pawn okay nice he doesn’t have a passed a pawn now so that’s really good he’s going to move his Rook to E2

Now if he does so I’ll move my Rook A6 and then move it here this King can only move here it wish it could move to F6 this is Rook going to go here I don’t understand very nice see like I told you they’re not good at end games he used to

Have plus three in Advantage but now he has plus one I’m going to attack this Pawn I mean there is no way of Defending that pawn either so so it might just turn out to be a draw if this game can become a draw I’m going to be very happy I’m just

Saying maybe he’s gonna make a misclick somewhere I would love to see a misclick from him okay I’m gonna move my king here now and look he used to have plus three but now he has plus Z cuz it’s even we both have one pawn and one Rook this is most likely a

Draw unless one of us makes the wrong move okay I’m just going to Target this Pawn here if he checks I’m just going to move here and then if he checks again move there if he checks my king will move there I don’t really know

Yet I’m just going to move my king there I know he’s going to check me I know he’s going to check me there’s nothing else he can think of just going to move my Rook here everything’s going to be fine if only my pawn and my Rook traded

Spots that would be really nice my Pawn was here my Rook was here the king could not infiltrate I feel like he’s going to move his King there potentially now I have to be really careful here where should my king go or maybe my Rook I think my Rook should go here to

F1 I feel like that’s a good place for it you will lose thanks for the fortune there polar bear I think I should move my king to D1 I feel like that’s the best move here I’m joking only one move what’s the one move now you will lose Bishop f8 was the only

Move Bishop f8 hold on that was way back when was Bishop f eight which Bishop are you talking about f8 it’s right there how is it possible that I could have moved my Bishop to f8 oh Rook f8 oh okay I was like Bishop Rook

F8 okay I got confused there for a I’m still going to do it why not Bishop f8 oh I just called it a bishop now I mean Rook f8 does it look like a bishop yeah that’s a good game yeah that’s good game yeah yeah yeah I I kind of lost that only

Just a little bit I lost against two 1,00 rated people but I won against the 1400 isn’t that insane how did I lose against two th000 rated players but I won against the 1400 that shocks me in a way let’s go Minecraft well not so fast

There is no way I’m watching Jose again there’s no way I’m watching Jose again why am I watching Jose why am I watching Jose yo what did I do to Jose explain to me what did I do to this man that he’s making me watch him why is he forcing me to watch

Him wait a minute is there one more round hold on why does it say last round okay let me spectate their game he has 1 minute 24 seconds and a maiden 10 Peter Parker that’s a crazy maen 10 right there wait I’m shocked why can’t white just

Take the pawn oh because the queen defends it okay I thought White’s Queen could take this for a moment and the White Queen cannot check the king in anywhere that’s crazy it cannot go here unless the brook goes somewhere like there but the Rook is probably going to go to C1

Right when you click on someone it will only show them from now on polar bear don’t ruin the moment Jose is forcing me to watch it and everybody knows it Jose has chosen violence reminder chess name is Zack is not good five okay I’ll add you right now what just

Happened oh I have to add you oh okay I’m searching for you not adding you huge difference there polar bear I feel like you saw the thumbnail of my video and since I have a polar bear skin on Minecraft you really want me to see my Minecraft skin which is a polar

Bear I feel that I feel like that’s the reason you really want me well I’m stumbling a lot I feel like that’s the main reason why you want to see me play Minecraft so much and honestly I don’t blame you did I add you what did I just do

There I can’t tell if I added you there hold on let me try this again did I just challenge you what did I just do okay what exactly happened what is happening right now okay I got number eight in the tournament nice let me change the

Standard okay now let me add you again because I don’t know if I did add okay there we go and I’m also going to hit you with a challenge uh you said three minutes is good right okay three minutes what’s game why not why does it keep saying Bug House

Bullet Bug House interesting yeah I was playing bullet bug house earlier but nobody wanted to play so technically I wasn’t playing it it it was me wanting to play it though okay wait a minute what just happened okay there you are you accepted I accidentally set it as a

Rated I’m going to set it as unrated I don’t know why your computer wants to play Minecraft how did you know polar bear how did you know it wants to play it so bad is that why is forcing me to watch chess so he’ll make me stop playing chess so I can play

Minecraft I feel like you have something to do with Jose polar bear you told Jose to force me to watch his games so it’ll make me stop playing all right you can accept if you want Zach oh okay this time I’m going to hit you with B3 why you smiling so much you’re

Smiling as much as Jose does on his profile you gonna put your Bishop there that would be a huge mistake if you did okay that’s exactly what I do in response to that you should take this Pawn you should definitely take that pawn I mean you’re thinking about it all right

Interesting you’re developing in a very interesting way it almost reminds me of the Bon opening what kind of game mode will it be anyway so what I’m planning to play it showed on the thumbnail it’s it says right on the thumbnail that I’m gon to play Hypixel Sky

Block as the description says it as well so it’s going to be fun I’m going to be grinding and I’m going to try and get the grappling hook I’m going to be grinding on Minecraft Hypixel Sky Block which is on Java and I’m gonna be grinding like I said killing mobs I

Think the spiders and the spiders are tough It’s been a very long time since I last played and I didn’t know I blundered that pawn but I just did yeah so it’s been a very long time since I last played uh especially since when I first got my laptop I got

Minecraft with it and I just created my Minecraft account with another email and let’s just say I lost that email somehow because I didn’t write down the password anywhere and I forgot that password so I no longer have access to my email that I used for that Minecraft

Account so when you lose an email you also lose the Minecraft account you paid for and there’s no way of verifying that it’s you so yeah I just had to Reby it I rebot it a week ago I’d say not a week ago two weeks ago I rebot it

Yeah actually no I can track back exactly when I bought it there was a steam sale going on oh no I’m not thinking I’m talking way too much why am I not thinking I’m just talking about steam sales all right yeah so anyways it was a

Steam sale it has nothing to do with it but I just lost this game I just lost this game yeah so oh what am I doing why am I sacrificing my queen why am I sacrificing my queen I feel like whenever I talk I can’t focus that’s always what

Happens yeah so like I was saying when the Steam Sale was happening I also happened to buy Minecraft along with it and now I have access to it again I found my old skin on Minecraft skin decks I was playing Hypixel and I’ve gone farther than I had on my other

Account so not too much progress was lost only $30 was lost that’s the only thing that was lost other than that like nothing else was lost even though I’m down 12 in material I feel like I’m going to win on time potentially potentially C you have 30 seconds and

That is oh not a huge amount of time you can’t do much with 30 seconds 20 seconds I mean I’m just going to defend I’m G to make things as hard as I can for you to win this game oh I should have just taken the bishop shouldn’t I you have six

Seconds you’re going to sacrifice your queen all right that’s pretty funny all right so I did win but I didn’t win in material how about that I won on time but I didn’t win in material if he want Z you can let me know if you want to play again but otherwise that

Was a good game nonetheless like my brain is fried after all the tournaments I played today I think it’s time for some Minecraft now otherwise if you want to play more just let me know right now but I think polar be wants to see me play some Minecraft

So even though my stream is delayed by one minute I don’t really know right now so I’m just going to wait for an answer if you don’t say anything in a minute from now then I’m just going to play Minecraft oh and by the way uh Paul Bear I wanted

To show you this real quick I wanted to show this on my stream once more people started watching me and now I have four viewers so I played just a few days ago and I happen to play against a woman’s International Master you can tell it’s real because

They have the title right here it says they’re a titled player and I won against them so how crazy is that all right you said yo does that mean yes or no Minecraft guy because I don’t know what yo means all right so I want to show you

This game how it went down penp pal you have friends in at least 10 countries oh sick I didn’t even know that was an achievement oh yeah because you’re from England I forgot all right so anyways not only did I win I had a bigger accuracy than then

And at one point I had Checkmate in five but I didn’t see it one more okay uh give me a moment here Minecraft guy I’ll send you the challenge and after that one more game I’ll play some Minecraft but here’s how it went down the Queen’s Gambit declines I took that Free

Pawn I somehow had another opportunity to win a free Pawn I don’t know how I think by pushing this right no uh moving my Bishop somewhere is it here oh because if you take then there’s this Fork I didn’t even see it the same idea right move a queen to

Safety where would that be okay you left your Bishop vulnerable to being captured oh what should have I done then instead oh here yeah that’s the only move my knight could have gone okay so there was a few misses there what could have I done this is a bullet game keep in

Mind all right so what’s the idea here moving my queen here no right here right yeah so here’s the m in five that I was missing see look at the evaluation bar made in five here are the moves she has to sacrifice her Queen I move my

Queen after a few more I mean I move my king after a few more checks and it’s just check madeen one from there but anyways I still win on time and I won against a woman’s International master from Sri Lanka that’s right I thought I’d show that cuz that was pretty cool

Because I’ve never won against a titled player like that so I’m really happy I thought I’d show that to you guys because it’s a nice accomplishment all right I’m gonna send you another challenge here now sorry for keeping you guys waiting but I just wanted to show you guys that

Since the beginning of the Stream all right one more challenge why does it keep saying doubles Bug House keeps turning on rated I don’t like that like I should have these settings pre- automated all right Zach I feel more comfortable as black I was just going to tell you that because why

Not English open agent courts I’m going to send agents to your court the K’s defense have you ever heard of that one polar bear the K’s defense I’m just going to move my knight there I’m going to go for this nothing too extra bunch of stuff is happening here

One two three four I mean this doesn’t count as four because this is in front of the queen so that’s one two three versus one two three four I’m still good I don’t got to take that all right I wanted to move my knight there but I feel like you’re just going to

Move there anyways so I’m going to break up the center by doing that I just realized by you watching the stream I’m giving you Insight on my moves even though there’s a delay so that might be to your advantage I feel like moving this here would be a good

Idea it’s like a Tage defense almost these four pawns like this it’s like a Tage because it’s trash I’m just simply going to take that and now Knight over here I’m just going to take that with the pawn open up my Rook playe I’m going to eye down

This oh okay okay I didn’t even realize that sneaky knight move now you’re just going to take this okay that’s not very pleasant is it absolutely not just going to move my queen out of danger hello Samuel it’s good to see you how’s it going

This is my last game of chess here and then I’m going to play some Minecraft and this is looking horrible for me so I’m just gonna do some something like this I don’t even care I’m just gonna sacrifice my queen you can take my rook and how are you doing

Samuel why didn’t you just take my Rook I have no idea what to do here except taking the knights just going to promote I got no plan of attack here all right my king is getting backed up into the alleyway all right that’s good game well you are much higher rated than

Me so I didn’t expect myself to win there so now it’s time to play the block game at least with the block game there’s no thinking required which thank goodness for that cuz sometimes thinking so much can only get you so far I’m going to f11 f11 please why is it not full

Screening but yeah that was a good game I’m not salty or whatever it just is what it is well what just happens okay I pixel time that was stressful for you are you joking me that was stressful how was that stressful you keep doubting yourself that you keep are going to lose like

Especially those other two players I mentioned you could have easily beat them I don’t know what you’re on about like if you beat me you can definitely beat them like I don’t see the problem there it’s not SkyWars It’s a Sky Block hello chicken chicken was staring at me

Intensely all right so I have almost all of the whatever you call it the quests done and I have this golden sword that I like to move around fast with and this iron sword so if I pull up the stats here it grants me 100 speed for 30

Seconds and then by holding this sword in my hands I can move 40 speed faster so by first pressing this a bunch of times it uses up my Mana but by me holding this other one it doesn’t use up my Mana I may give a few coins to compensate you mean on

Minecraft what did I just pick up some XP oh no some three coins I already have lots of coins in my bank account here I have 1.8 million stashed away so I’m pretty good on coins that’s I don’t know how many coins you have like it’s a nice offer I wouldn’t

Mind but it’s not something I’m looking for like I’m just looking to play just relax after all those games I only found like five 10 fairy Souls on this you’re very wealthy okay only if you want Minecraft guy I do not mind okay there was I’m in the wrong

Area I need to be fight fighting the spiders I don’t even know what to spend 1.8 million coins on you don’t see the game it’s just Sky Block the dark Viking interesting yeah if you want to see my skin this is how I look like also I don’t think you saw my

Sweater but if I take off my armor here look this is how my character looks like I got a Snowman on my sweater like look at me I’m very dripped out the white suits me after all I’m a polar bear so wearing whites it’s in my nature okay what just happened there

Some weird sound effects anyways I’m supposed to be next to the graveyard at least I know where everything is located and graveyard is this way okay at least that I remember and using my iron sword is way better than using my gold sword for killing these mobs they’re all one

Hit and I find a bunch of magic items just from killing them which is really good I used to have such a hard time killing the zombie villagers but now it just smoed like butter it’s so satisfying just going around one-shotting all these Entities oh look at that I got zombie villager X I I I I do not know Roman numerals that well but I know that X means 10 right so my best guess is probably that it means 13 x i i i is 13 I don’t see the window oh okay hold

On why are you not able to see the window why is that hold on let me do something about it oh wait a minute I’m display capturing the wrong thing I’m sorry about that okay let me create a new display capture here it just took me so long to realize that

Okay well that’s the wrong thing okay I need to figure this out somehow whoa what okay game capture maybe that’s going to work okay it doesn’t look like it let me try another capture here what if I exit out of there and then click on the Minecraft is that going to work

Are you able to hear the game at all why am I not able to stream this what is going on it’s just showing the M Mojang oh man I wanted to stream why am I not what is going on here I was really hoping I would be able

To stream Minecraft why is it not letting me stream it maybe options video settings I don’t know how to fix this maybe I’ll try window capture what are you using for streaming OBS OBS Studios it’s very hard to like understand it sometimes okay I need to get rid of that

Because that’s not helping me at all okay so display capture is the same as this playay capture number one yeah OBS show the window I can help you okay I don’t know how to do that how would I even do that wait a minute uh let me that’s not the right

One show the windows I can help all right I don’t know how to show my OBS screen though display okay but what sort of display there’s multiple displays there’s display capture game capture window capture video capture audio output audio input is it just window no display capture right the

Display okay okay I figured it out okay okay there we go okay I don’t know if I should full screen this for up for now or not but I just am okay so here’s what I got going on all right so here’s what I have and when I click on the

Launcher like for me I’m able to see my game right I’m able to see my screen on my game but for you you’re just able to see the launcher the loading screen maybe I have to refresh make a Windows capture Okay window capture okay but there’s no window to choose

From because I’m using the launcher to play off of yeah I don’t even know if I can make this if there isn’t a window I can use how was I able to stream raft but I’m not able to stream Minecraft that is so weird okay so I’m in window capture

There’s no option to choose from I don’t think that’s good quit from f11 okay I’m pressing f11 right now hold on let me full screen this because it looks like I’m in f11 but I’m not okay there we go quit from f11 in Minecraft okay I quit from f11 what

All right wait one moment okay can you see it now I’m pretty sure you can okay what if I full screen this now and now what if I f11 okay can you guys I see this okay nice okay so the launcher somehow messed it up I don’t even know how but we

Pulled through thanks to Polar Bear all right thanks a lot polar bear I would not have figured that out I don’t think like you were a big help so I appreciate that like I probably revealed a lot of my documents there like you could see what I was using for all my thumbnails

For my description but to be honest like that’s almost nothing like you could see just my YouTube photos I use and then the hashtags I use from the description who’s luckly town has invited you to join their party is that any one of you bitun dunker feeling feeling

Dunk okay these zombies are standing still like puppets anyways I just realized I’m not supposed to be killing zombies I’m supposed to be killing spiders so I got to go right Here whoa somebody just floated there anyways I got a lot of loot from That heyit this sort of reminds me of The Hunger Games what does your skin look like oh that’s right here let me show you all right let me take off my armor and look I got a Snowman on my hoodie very festive and all dripped out like I was saying

Before and I got white armor just like a polar bear should have white armor anyways I’m not I’m not too sure if I should have this music on this Hypixel music but I hope it’s not like copyright or anything because I’m worried that the Hypixel music that’s playing right now

Is copyrighted but it’s the in-game music so does that even count and plus it’s Note Block music but if it’s produced by Hypixel that has to count like for copyright doesn’t it or I’m not Sure anyways where are the spiders where there’s spiders there’s also silverfish oh the skeleton is stuck look at that boo he just got stuck in his cobweb get that spider out of here where’s the spiders here’s where all the gravel is you can also do a quest

Here and give this NPC whatever he needs I already did that and that’s how I was able to get the promising shovel which is surprisingly really good it’s got efficiency seven which is really fast when breaking blocks I still need to kill an Arachne keeper and I don’t even know what that is

I think my only guess is that players spawn them in somehow but I don’t know how to spawn one in hey you’re killing all my Spiders I used to get tossed around by these spiders what is your Minecraft name okay I’m going to show you in about a second Here oh I’m level 23 oh no my pet is okay here let me show you my name here I’m just going to type it in the chat that’s my name right there basically the same as my chess.com username and the same as all my usernames on all platforms basically in

Any game ever I play that’s my username except my YouTube name which is different all right come to me spider I’m like a mercenary against these Spiders okay I remember why I need to kill the spiders so I can get the grappling hook and by crafting the grappling hook I need to craft like some super the enchanted whatever you call it the enchanted string I need seven pieces of Enchanted string to craft the grappling hook I’m pretty

Sure okay no need to bully me here silverfish they should be renamed to mean fish not silverfish 16 kill combo that was insane I was popping off there if only I can onot these spiders maybe one day I’ll be able to oneshot them one shotting mobs will be really

Nice especially the Enderman I already been to the end part of Hypixel Sky Block but killing Enderman is just extremely tough but I know that you can kill Enderman with splash potions of water so maybe if I make some splash potions of water maybe it will work I’m not really too

Sure who I’m getting cornered by these pests don’t worry I saved you blood dripping he’s got an enchanted sword Petty chess has invited you to join their party is that you two different people have invited me to join their party and I don’t know who is who turn on visitors on your Islands

Okay how do I turn on visitors okay how much string do I have by the way okay I still need a lot of string I don’t even know how to turn on visitors from my Island I have to like look at that in settings all right should I join your

Party is that you inviting me I feel like I should join it sending to server well you have chess in your name so so that might be you Minecraft guy but I am unsure and I don’t know who luckly town is okay where did I just get sent to that’s my

Question oh is this you polar bear is this you I’m loving the skin oh it’s like we’re inverted you have I have more red than you do and you have more white than I do that’s pretty cool it’s like you’re wearing a red scarf and I have the rest of the red

Uniform okay nice I’m gonna join Sky Block now so if you want to do so you can join me and then I’m going to go to my islands and then turn on it will tell you your settings by the nether star okay settings okay Island settings I’m pretty sure visits as friends

France is now enabled anyone let me change it to anyone how about that okay all right nice I think that was a friend request okay I’m not sure of changing it to anyone is the best idea because anybody from the server can join yeah my Island isn’t the

Best I’ve just been farming and grinding resources rather than spending time working on the island but maybe I’ll make a Sky Block series how about that oh I also realized that I can just press on collect all and it will probably give me everything inside the chests I don’t

Remember well my storage is full in my inventory okay the snow blocks going here and I’m getting the wrong type of resource I want all of this smelted and they’re just giving me blocks okay who’s lucky is this you Minecraft guy are you luckily you’re kind of staring at me like a Komodo

Dragon has sent a trade request okay what are we trading trading is this you are you trading all of this what should I trade you I I don’t even know what to trade you uh I don’t want to scam you 300K coins wow that is a lot of coins and grappling

Hook okay oh what do I give you should I just I don’t know I’ll give you all of this all my shrink just everything I have is is that good I don’t really know what’s good should I give you all of this stuff too oh you confirmed it I don’t know how to

Confirm oh uh I have to type thanks okay thanks whoops I misspelled that oh how are you able to fly wait how are you able to fly how how did you get there the sword has 100 damage does it have speed on it oh I like the speed

Though okay it’s a good sword nonetheless I appreciate it I going to swap it out for my Hunter knife probably or no for this sword I’m going to put it in the middle here teleport 12 blocks ahead of you and gain plus 50 speed for 3 seconds don’t look at the swords price

By the way okay I don’t even know where to look for the price I don’t even know what this is priced at but I feel like it’s priced pretty high ultimate wise three I don’t even know what any of this does only thing I know is sharpness five looting three just the

Basic basic things what is cubism five critical five sounds good but this sword is so op I do not have high enough enchantments on it maybe worth like two 2 million how do you even trust yourself with this sword like accidentally pressing qy on it goodbye it was nice to

See you and thank you for the stuff again okay I need eight more Enchanted Cobblestone I can do that I know how to craft Enchanted Cobblestone thankfully all right five and let me slash each chest here I have eight Enchanted Cobblestone now nice Petty chest is visiting the island

Oh how’s it going Petty chess can only one visitor be be on an island at a time um Unsure how it works I feel like only one visitor can be on your Island that a time all right anyways I’m going to upgrade my minion now oh yeah I need to gather the storage

From this one okay I’m going to put this in upgrade Minion number five oh how’d you get up there what did you go in the chest oh that’s how you did it I do not want to fall in the void I feel very scared I got 300,000 of me and

I do not want to fall in the void with 300,000 oh you’re also mining you got some iron now what type of rank is that you have like a peie symbol next to your name what is the piece is that like some sort of Club where where’ you go why’d you fall

Off why do I have so much iron in this chests I can’t remember yeah but I’m interested to know what the peace symbol stands For I need 285 more snow blocks I think I have that amount let me see here yeah most definitely I have that amount hey level six I believe that is now I start now I need to start crafting Enchanted snow what about the coal minion 319 more

Coal I wonder if I have 319 let me check oh I do nice now I can put the snow blocks away as well along with the Slime wait how is the slime ball different than this one wait how do I have 19 of it isn’t there supposed to be a 16

Limit that one is a brewing green yet and this one isn’t I’m so confused okay I’m just going to let that exist I need 90 six more hay bells okay that’s really easy to get if I were to go to the farming District okay nice I got a grappling

Hook so with that I’m pretty sure I can do the race now okay does Jerry have any deliveries for me I don’t know too much about Jerry he just exists doesn’t going Jerry what about Sam warp to Garden host farming contests okay Shaggy what did you need again oh I need to collect some string for Shaggy okay so I’m going to do slash Hub I guess is that the right command yes it is and I’m just going to go fight some more after I deposit all of This hey now we got 2 million coins I’m a multi-millionaire that’s pretty sick all right you want to come with me polar bear you want to come with me okay um I think it’s this way if I remember yep I remember the way of the graveyard how much damage does this do

Whoa I like hit two mobs at the same time hold on oh it damages the mobs behind them that is super op now this sword is magical okay we got H Mitch over here all right let’s kill some spiders don’t worry I’ll protect you from the Silverfish oh going to keep you alive as best as I can oh I’m level 12 now I have access to the wizard portal nice I know where that is that’s where the fishing Hut close to it close to the fairy as well it’s much closer to the

Fairy Oh somebody was killed by a catfish that’s whack there’s catfish on this game it’s crazy polar bear are you dying at all I don’t know where you went am I doing a bad job at protecting you yeah but it was a very nice gift that the Minecraft guy gave me right

Click oh I’m reading an old message I thought somebody messaged something different it’d be cool if silver F silverfish dropped anything wow I’m getting string super easily I already have 48 pieces that’s insane at this rate I’m going to get all the string I need all right let’s go further up this

Way there’s more spider is up here and less silverfish all of you are gone oh I feel like you died do you have an extra sword I can give you my diamond sword if you want I have a void sword is that good I didn’t even know I had a void

Sword okay how do I trade with you slash trade is it slash trades oh I’m going to die okay let me trade with you in a safe area Okay follow me down here oh you just died okay slash trades tab oh that’s the wrong commands Okay let me give you the void sword

What it cannot be traded how canot be what what if I give you the Hunter knife it cannot be traded either I can’t trade you any swords that’s crazy wait a minute I can’t trade you any of my swords okay I’ll I’ll give you I don’t really know what to give

You oh there’s a Gift okay I’m sorry for no sword I I thought I could give you the swords no don’t fly away well hopefully you can buy a new sword cuz oh wait a minute all right I might as well help you buy another sword here I’ll try and see if I can buy

A sword I don’t know if I can probably going to need I think 420 coins is a good amount to buy a sword all right so I’m going to go buy the weapon Smith taking some weird short short cuts here right right here is it starter gear oh that’s gear okay so weapon

Smith can I buy you the diamond sword is that a good trade is that a good trade Petty if I buy the Diamond Sword for you it is okay let me buy it then let me buy this one this one seems like the better one it says click to trade I don’t know

If I can trade you okay let me see if I can trade okay so it was Slash trade okay let me see okay wonderful I’m accepting that yes there you go new sword all right nice do you want some armor too I can buy you some armor if you want

I can buy you the same armor set that I have Minecraft is really cool Samuel yes it is okay let me buy you some I just need to grab some new coins okay I forgot how much it is so I’m going to withdraw I don’t know how many I should

Withdraw I think it’s 10K so I’m just going to withdraw 20K or no it’s definitely more than 20K it was like 100k or something okay so let me withdraw 80k more okay uh let me buy it for you okay I’m by the starter gear person Rosetta okay mercenary

Armor okay let me buy you the chest plate okay I need 100K more I feel like yeah I know it was like more than 100K here so let me withdraw 150k in that case it’s much more expensive than I thought but it’s well worth it especially after you help

Me and like you show up to my streams a lot so it’s the least I can Do all right uh I’m also going to buy you the axe why not all right uh Slash trade whoops I need to trade with you I wonder if I’m able to trade it with you a potato very humble I’m going to keep this flower and I’m going to put it in an item

Frame imagine if I declined wait what is the daily limit there’s a 50 million daily limit I didn’t even know That okay I wasn’t going to decline that I was joking all right now you can help me fight you have much more than 115 Health now I’m pretty sure how much health do you have now just from equipping it you look Majestic in that armor very Majestic yeah no problem uh no

Problem all right I’m going to go back to fighting the spiders so if you want to help me you can do so it’s this way and I run at the speed of light so you have to catch up with Me who I teleported oh Jenny had a similar skin to you uh Minecraft Guy oh I have a beastiary milestone to claim okay what am I Claiming okay let’s kill some spiders okay where’d you go oh there you are let’s go up here oh you died I didn’t know where you went come to Islands my Islands okay slash home oh that’s the wrong thing whoops I’m in Sky Block okay Minecraft guys said to come to

Island polar bear so that’s where I’m going right now who is this a bartender why does his face look a little bit realistic it’s kind of throwing me off there oh what is going on here what just happened what is going on there’s like a bunch of mobs camping the

Portal it’s like a death trap over here is that all of them oh what are they doing up there oh wait that’s not a zombie that’s you okay let me click on this mystical mushroom soup consuming this soup will what on your private island or garden allows the

Player to fly for oh so that’s how you’re able to fly oh okay oh so that’s how you’re able to fly let me try it I want to try one I’m only going to try one the others I’ll save this is going to help out with building drink

Whoa what was in that soup I feel like that uh movie Willy Wonka the recent one where it’s the musical and everybody was just flying around after eating the chocolate that’s how I feel like okay now I can go underneath my base wow I can see everything now why is it dark here

Whoa that’s a pretty nice gift I appreciate it I wonder how high I can fly I need to test this out is there a limit it’s like I’m flying up here infinitely I forgot that the build limit is pretty tall in Minecraft so it might take a while before I reach the height

Limit I don’t even see my own base okay so that is the limit up there okay well that answers that question now I can reach these chests without having to jump you’ve got seven days seven days of flying seven days of flying that’s a lot of days not going to

Lie I only have three hours of flight all right that’s that’s pretty cool all right well I’m definitely going to save these two I’m going to put them in somewhere safe let me put them in here very nice the rest of this I can sell except for the string I’m going to go

To uh over here now Grandma wolf has arrived your garden oh that’s my pet oh no it’s not who’s this I’ll make you a nice soup what do I need I need two copper okay where do I even find Copper is that somewhere in the mines is there

Copper anywhere in the mines I didn’t see any copper anywhere like that’s crazy well I got two customers on my Islands I also need two copper how do I even get copper do I need to buy it from this island okay let me see I think it’s in skyart somewhere what is

This I don’t even know how to trade for copper next page is it somewhere here no I don’t see copper anywhere 10,000 copper do I get it by biofuel do I get copper by using biofuel on this collect compost I think I already collected it I’m not too sure how any of this

Works but for now I’m just going to keep farming the spiders All right time to fight the rest of the Spiders oh what did I just get Spider Vi those are some good stats oh I got a 13 kill combo how nice is that spiders have nothing on me I keep getting achievements just from killing them any other spiders want to mess with me I don’t like the silverfish they can be annoying I keep leveling up I just leveled up

From spider I 1 to two and now two to three it’s pretty insane like getting achievements left right and Center just from The Sword I wonder who put a little bit of coin in you I also wonder I appreciate it Minecraft guy oh I’m getting kill

All right these spiders I can one shot now I was just saying earlier how I wish I can oneshot the spiders but now I can’t oh somebody’s getting attacked by his silverfish Enchanted eye is that a rare drop I mean it is cuz it just said it

Is you can get enchanted stuff with this sword oh what is this a level two silverfish I have never seen a level two silverfish yet good thing I can one shot It how much string do I have I have a bunch of string any more spiders oh that ruined my kill combo all right well good thing I didn’t die yet it’s also nice that my armor doesn’t deplete in this game because I would need to craft a lot of

Armor same with tools in this game they don’t lose their dur ability so that’s really nice especially when fighting the same mobs over and over again if I needed to keep making tools that would just be a little bit annoying I guess or repairing them by getting levels who he launched himself at

Me all right luckily town I’m going to accept the party just a moment here is that a level two spider okay this spider I can’t one shot I got a nice 19 kill combo though all right I’m going to join it now you are already in a

Party how how do I leave the party leave party uh party settings all right let me look at this am I not in your party I find that strange wait how do I leave a party maybe under settings maybe under Personal oh there you are yeah I know I was in your party already okay nice anyways I’m killing some spiders here waa so many mobs in one area W you’re like one HP Oh no you’re 33 HP it’s just the one in front of your name that throws me off a little

Bit wait does that mean you’re level one I don’t know what that one in the brackets means all right more spiders this way it’s infested with spiders I fell down on the ceiling on it what would happened to your helmet you’re like wearing something what are you

Wearing hold on let me wear it too uh all right nice I’m killing bunch of spiders now whoa some jockey Riders they’re going crazy with it I got a 20 kill combo okay that’s the highest one Yet oh nice more leveling Up this is a nice spot getting lots of mobs attacking me here my inventory is full oh these are level three silverfish up here 29 kill combo I think that’s the highest it’s ever been come here spider you look lonely to leave a party it’s SL P to

Leave like by the way Southwest Etc do you want to go to something else uh if you want but I’m trying to kill lots of spiders now I was killing lots of spiders because I wanted to get the grappling hook but I I just forgot that I have the grappling

Hook wa who just lightning struck that bro how do they have the power of Zeus bro they are wielding Zeus Powers right there or make your own party at/ P name tag oh that’s handy to know I don’t know too many of these commands I know some of them like SL e chest

And SL Hub it’s basically everything I know oh another Milestone where did I just join what did I just click on bedw Wars experience what why am I playing bedw Wars oh you invited me to it I’m terrible at bedwars I absolutely suck at bedwars but I’ll play with

You I just hope you’re good at bedar oh the text wasn’t even able to fit my screen there it said eting for player who is this well he looks like the spot from the spiderverse he almost looks like the spot oh so we’re on the same

Team okay nice uh I know that we need blocks and we need emeralds and diamonds so we can start upgrading to endstone eight pieces of endstone and planks okay let me buy some blocks I’m going to start building over I don’t know how to speak speed

Bridge so this is as good as we’re getting it we are still alive which is great imagine if I just died there from that jump okay so it looks like the green base it looks like conc powder in the way but that’s green wool right unless that’s concrete powder there’s already players fighting

In the center we’re trying to capitalize on the emeralds oh somebody just got killed like I said I’m not that good at bedwars okay what’s in here any emeralds what about in the other one I’m risking my life over here I’m risking it for the biscuit Aqua bed was destroyed okay I

Thought that was our bed for a second I thought I almost just died there okay what will two emeralds give us two emeralds here you hold on to this the pink bed was destroyed oh my goodness everything’s getting destroyed team upgrades what can I buy with

Emeralds maybe in the other shop I can buy something okay we definitely need a diamond sword so if you can grab two more emeralds that would be great I don’t know if diamond swords are permanent for the whole team a lot of beds are getting destroyed permanent shears why not

I’m going to buy a knockback stick here I’ll give you two emeralds here you go pick them up I don’t trust myself with those emeralds put everything in the chest okay where did you just explode yourself off to did somebody explode you you were knocked into the void by

Muhammad oh Muhammad I see what you’re trying to do okay we need swords even if they’re iron swords we need them seven gold okay I need seven gold in that case I don’t feel safe out there aqua and pink are both eliminated from the game and red only has one player

Left okay seven gold give it to me I also have Zero armor except the leather one oh you were knocked again how do how do you keep getting knocked okay let’s make sure they don’t break our beds Furia interesting oh another bed was destroyed Serio was going crazy in this

Lobby Serio was taking things seriously okay he was killed after destroying the bed it was a Revenge kill Slumber coins can’t I can’t believe I just got Slumber coins what am I slumbering on bruh what’s the bruh moment is it Petty dying is that the Bro

Moment okay let me get enough gold so I can get permanent iron armor actually that would be much better all right just don’t die out there polar bear Lucky Town has invited you to join their party well I can’t join right now because I’m part of polar bears party so

If you want to join our party you can do so but I don’t know how to invite you SLP uh you said XD Achievement unlocked strength and numbers you are not allowed to invite players why am I not allowed to invite players oh maybe because it’s your party okay permanent iron armor let’s go look at this very permanent okay I should place all my iron in this chest

Buy to yourself an armor I already did I bought myself the permanent iron armor I don’t know if that counts for both of us or just one of us hopefully permanent iron armor counts for both of us us white team has been eliminated okay so the game is halfway done

And I do not like whoever’s still alive whoever’s still alive is pretty scary not going to lie I got some glowstone above me I didn’t even know there was a glow stone there I already have one oh reinforced armor nice Iron Forge oh now I got protection one for

Both of my pieces of armor for all my armor I should say not just one let me buy myself an iron Sword let’s go I feel much more powerful should I go to the center let me buy myself some wool yellow bed was Destroyed utility what utilities can I buy let me buy some Fireballs how much is it 40 iron let me grab two more well why did I just drop It okay I’m going to fortify the bed a little bit just like anybody would do trap triggered oh somebody’s is in the base let’s go I killed them let’s go oh I died I died I’m sorry tell Petty to pee me that sounds really sus not going to lie telling somebody to

Pee you is not should not be encouraged but to part of you okay uh oh I forgot your username already luckly town okay I was trying to type that whole time in my defense all right nice yellow team has been eliminated they’re trying to kill us okay they’re coming they’re coming

Back watch out watch out they’re coming somebody’s coming right now whoa he just killed it’s dark down there I got an achievement for that is that like an achievement for dying okay uh should I go after him okay you so Minecraft guy you heard it here uh you already heard it here

He’s going to invite you after the game is done okay we need to start buying things I do not want to die again let me buy the sword please and also the knockback stick if I can find it where’s the knockback stick I need five gold okay I can do five gold

Right yes Sir four emeralds for that are we seriously going to win I did not expect us to win if we are about to win okay he’s coming back buy some Fireballs Please I’m going to buy some too whoa he’s trying to break the bed okay let’s go the bed almost got destroyed there we need a bunch of wool all right grab all that I forgot it’s left right click to use the fireball I was pressing on right click I

Mean I was pressing on left click instead of right click let me buy some more wool That is plenty more this is going to be a fortress yeah he won’t be able to get past this what’s he going to do about this oh did you almost fall off I feel like you almost fell off there I am fortifying this bed as much as I

Can is he building above us I thought I heard some building oh here he comes I’m going to drop a fireball on him oh polar bear you went to go break his bed I just realized okay he’s coming after you so you might want to watch out anyways I’m just going to keep

Reinforcing the bed oh you killed him you know what I’m going to come help you he seems like he’s Low oh I got another achievement Builder who’s still alive all right so it’s the two great teammates that are alive uh you were killed by them okay let me send some Fireballs their Direction I don’t even know where the gray base is oh it’s over there who’s

This it’s an iron golem is this their iron golem or is that blu’s is it safe to walk on this bridge feels like a trap in way oh oh no attack Grace bad yeah that’s what I’m trying to do but I failed well at least I use my Fireballs that was pretty fun

I’m going to attack gr’s bed some more once I get the sword again all right Nice what else is worth buying maybe an ender pearl and then throwing down a bunch of TNT on their base is the best thing to do oh we got emeralds now shamor fell into the void 2005 man that must madean they’re 18 by now okay I’m going to try and collect

Four emeralds from this Forge right here all right I can definitely buy the TNT and another Piece I feel like five pieces of TNT would be nice and then grab some more Emeralds he keeps falling into the void that’s crazy with all this iron I can buy a bunch of Fireballs whoa you’re buying a bunch of things There oh I got another Emerald from that Nice I’m just going to buy two Iron Golems instead of the Fireballs let me Place one right here and then another one somewhere above It oh man the way this is Built all right oh why did I place them I didn’t know they had a timer on Them okay what else can I buy all right five pieces is enough trap triggered they’re here somebody’s here Breaking Inside watch out behind You let’s go I sacrificed myself I sacrificed myself that was a good sacrifice right hopefully what happened to the bed though all right the bed is still alive this is one long battle I was not expecting to survive for this long okay now I can buy myself the iron sword

Again buying the iron Giants was a good idea I should run back to the center so I can grab all the emeralds I need yeah but that sacrifice was well worth it okay I need one more stack of iron okay that should be enough to buy it the Iron Iron Giant

I almost just pushed him off the cliff it would have been a homicide all right I need some emeralds here gra B was destroyed nice nice nice oh you killed somebody oh somebody’s trying to bridge over here all right watch out he’s on the base here I don’t really know how to get

Up there am I supposed to get up there he’s dropping TNT I don’t really know how to stop that nice let’s go yo GG five Karma what is karma all right nice usually I suck at bedwars but somehow I was able to win that time all right uh yeah go to Lobby

Real quick so you can invite Minecraft guy to the party yeah why is everybody huddled around here why is everybody in the circle here ibots it’s like the iPhone but it’s an IR robot what is this what is this Lobby I’m confused why is there people floating as well maybe they drunk the

Floating what did that just do is that harambe what’s up harambe that’s pretty cool I like those slam blocks all right we got solo doubles 3v3 v3s I think if we’re going to invite Luckley to the party we should play 3v3 v3s it’s the least popular oh no solo is

The least popular yeah I could imagine solo is hard 4v4 is the least popular though what is armed why does he have the same head as Luckley it’s like a frog in a way okay I just got teleported three out of 12 okay where’s Luckley oh there he is oh you change

Skins bro how is he floating above me it’s said Ting more player what’s Panda looking at is he even a panda skin why is he called Panda and not wearing a panda skin that’s insane he’s breaking the laws of logic we got Daffy Duck in here or Danny the Rock same

Thing okay give me all the iron I want to build build some blocks oh that was a huge lag Spike all right let me build to the generators look at this I’m building sideways in a way all right so it’s four teams now oh somebody just fell Panda the guy I was just describing about all right let’s see what these generators have emeralds of course what does click mean Speedy

Bridger that was definitely not speedy bridging but I’m going take it I got two emeralds now look at that I’m feeling brave what happens if I build up oh yellow’s attacking oh watch out yellow’s [Applause] attacking I told you guys to watch out oh man

Oh I thought you wanted me to fall into the void there for a moment all right there’s nothing too much I can buy with two emeralds yellow bed was destroyed by I need that iron I do not want to be Dying not today all right let me go back to the center to buy some more emeralds should I kill Panda that was probably a bad idea oh that was such a bad idea how low was he not even low all right nice I think they got my emeralds

Back I don’t think they can see my messages as a spectator don’t die don’t die wait I’m rooting for the wrong team it’s the Green Team oh we all died I was rooting for the wrong team my team is green not blue eting for more players what is this guy doing okay let’s

Go all right this time we’re going to do much better let me buy those blocks oh I need more iron for a stone sword I think a stone sword would be worth it okay let me buy one or actually the doesn’t make sense buying the stone

One I’m just going to buy the iron one right off the bat since I already have five gold how do I have 64 wool though did I spawn with 64 wool how’s that possible okay there we Go permanent chain mail armor for now why’ you build the generators like that and the bed is still exposed the bed has to be protected okay should I fight this person I feel like they have all the emeralds I need get back here oh let’s go I got all his

Loot okay I should go back to the base with this amount of emeralds that was a very cheeky kill oh we both killed somebody from Green now we have to start protecting this bed go protect it okay what permanent upgrades can I buy oh whoa whoa whoa why are we dying [Applause]

Here what is going on they want revenge man they wanted Revenge they were out for blood that was an O moment we could have won oh wait we did win one of them we won in Duos but we haven’t had a trio win yet we’re hopefully going to get a trio win pretty

Soon Karma kind of like Karma his name kind of sounds like karma in a good way not bad karma oh what happened to the skin there’s two commas bro why is everybody why is everybody crouching on me y’all are going to kill me in 10 seconds makes absolutely no

Sense a Spam crouching okay that’s the new why did he say OMG I want to know everything it’s you why didn’t he say OMG it’s you I’m so confused I’m not that famous come on maybe one day amazing it’s great to hear Samuel it is amazing I thought I would be trash way

More trash than I am now but but to be honest I’m an okay player I’m not super trash I’m just okay A lot of people are better than me at bedwars and that’s all right permanent chain mail this let me buy some blocks is somebody building I heard some building above us

No let me go for the generators again all right who wants to mess with me here that’s right the answer should be nobody click okay what is clicking that have to do with anything thing why does it say click click why am I spraying it I feel like a graffiti

Artist all right four emeralds okay that is not my base I’m Yellow base not green base uh oh somebody’s targeting the blue base all right I’m just going to head back home for a moment uh oh Cam bam fell anyways what can I buy with four emeralds again I keep

Forgetting the ender pearl right Bridge egg I’m definitely buying that permanent diamond armor okay I should have saved up for permanent diamond armor okay I thought that was an enemy I’m going be honest that’s why I was spamming you with my sword oh the red bed was destroyed by the

Slav whoa bunch of P going on there and I’m watching it happen live you think that the center would be like such a deadly place but actually it’s not that deadly at all I’m the only one here nobody else has bridge to the center yet well we’re going to be the first to

Have diamond armor permanent diamond Armor okay I’m not going to be too greedy here I’m going to go back oh we built it out of wood this Time okay uh let me see armor permanent diamonds what are the team upgrades okay so you only get them by diamonds I’m pretty Sure who he just collected a bunch of things there golden Forge oh we’re building a nice little castle here I’m going to help you in construction oh somebody was knocked into the Void look at this Castle I’m the king of the castle oh red team is gone that is a rip what’s up here anything interesting nope wow but a bunch of loot here that is plenty of wool very gorgeous Castle how did I miss that Jump why can’t I jump up here Okay now I can oh somebody’s in the Base where’s the Trap been Triggered we’re just trying to peacefully build and people are attacking us that’s crazy we’re just building an awesome castle there can never be peace that is quite unfortunate let’s go tier Two look at me building quickly if only I can speed bridge this fast look I’m building very high up I bet nobody is this tall yeah nobody’s base is as good as ours it’s a w I should go for some more emeralds that way nobody has diamond armor like

Us okay now I’m going to start building a roof I just took a lot of damage There very nice where’s my wood there it is 64 of it oh we got some water why is it not going this way yeah let me start reinforcing the bed a little bit more we should have more wool just absolutely everywhere anywhere imaginable just covering up all of this wood

Here who I need to break that I cannot be having Hollow holes inside of here it’s not going to be the definitely Hollow all right I got one more piece of wood here I’m going to start building the roof again we have a fortress going on here oh somebody trying to infiltrate or

Is that the teammate look at that everybody’s bed was destroyed except ours we remain Victorious I love to see that I should be building more wood in this direction a way closer to the bed I mean not away from the bed you said yes what’s yes supposed to

Mean that our base is the best I agree oh final kill and blue is not looking too Hot that is plenty of wool I’m just going to place the remaining iron in the chest oh wow there’s a bunch of things in the chest I’m going team player just from putting stuff in the chest that’s good to know all right let me organize my inventory a little bit here much

Better triple coins more Slumber tokens whatever that is I’m not slumbering anytime soon let me just make a giant wooden box why not that’s what this whole that is giant wooden box or Woolen Woolen box it’s not it’s wooden and Woolen cuz wood is in the center and the wool is outside of

It oh man Petty got gritty for kills there Petty is not giving them a chance all my wool is gone I am not letting anybody infiltrate the base I’m fortifying it as much as I can I need more wood more wood equals was good that that was some bars right

There I’m going to grab all this gold and buy the wood all the wood imaginable that is a bunch right there all right please tell me I can parkour up here is somebody trying to build above us ain’t going to happen not today I feel like I didn’t even kill anybody this

Round only yellow team wait the only person that’s alive is one green person why aren’t we killing them what’s going on where are they hiding out look we’re done making it look how fortified this place is we were winning from the start due to this

Fortress will I die if I land there I think so I’m not going to risk it look at this roof we have above our heads I’d be scared to infiltrate a place like this this well covered oh Victory I want to use my egg oh what happened to it where did my teammates

Go let’s go we did it we did it where’s my team they’re right over there being AFK let’s go we did it we did it all right let’s make a bridge just buy a bunch of wool I need two more pieces of gold if you don’t mind one more okay there we go Let’s go going try hard mode on the building so I would love to see the rest of this I’m going to use the bridge what just happened did he explode himself how did that happen oh how did that happen Okay I can’t be talking smack because I just fell into the void

Myself you know what I’m just going to finish building the bridge I’m not even going to worry about buying the sword I have the same amount of gold as I do with iron that’s Crazy any anybody who comes my way will get the taste of my wooden sword that sounded a little bit weird has nobody picked up that Emerald generator that’s interesting whoa whoa whoa whoa I need to run back oh I just gave them four emeralds for free to the rice aholic

All right iron sword time I’m going to wait until I have the permanence one I need 12 gold golden Forge nice hopefully more gold is going to come this way it should absolutely should all right I need eight out of the 12 there just a few more two more all right nice and

Now what do I do with this remaining iron Fireballs let me grab a bucket too a water bucket nice little water never hurt any anybody it hurts some players though cuz they weren’t able to destroy our beds and we destroyed them okay nice somebody disconnected that’s interesting okay why is he trying to

Challenge me yeah come onto this bridge I need help oh let’s go I tricked them let’s go I totally forgot about my Fireballs there that was an insane play you got to love Fireballs just for that reason they didn’t have anything good on them though oh If Only They had like stacks

Of emeralds that would have been great I should buy a bow as well that way I can shoot him from long Range let me swap them what am I going to do with all this iron more Fireballs they are Underrated and some more arrows I feel like 18 is good for now maybe who knows maybe more is Better all right 30 should be good enough I don’t know if I want to go in the center is it worth the risk after I bought everything just now I guess I can bow spam them a little bit if they come close I got one Emerald from the generator nice what just

Happens I do not feel safe in the center all right nice I’m hitting him let’s go that was a nice kill I’m afraid of nobody oh a double Kill let’s go I need to watch out for Him what whoa I need to throw away all of this all this oh I was trying to throw it away at the last second I was pressing Q vigorously okay the bow was such a good investment though oh I was accidentally trying to buy TNT there all right give me the iron sword

Again I’m keeping them distracted I guess I’m going to wait in the Forge a little bit all right so green is dead did I kill the last green player I killed the green player but I don’t know if I killed the last I’ve been life for an extremely

Long time now 7 hours 42 minutes of just constantly talking is a lot and I’m hungry so pretty soon I might take a break and then I’ll do raft I don’t know if I should make another stream for raft or if I should pause the stream red looks

Weak did I message that publicly I can’t tell if I messaged things publicly or privately all right how many Fireballs can I buy four is good enough power one is a good investment right give me the gold very nice oh accidentally bought the wrong type of bow I’m probably better with the regular

One anyways since I’m going to die I got one Emerald from our Forge only this bow had knock back to it four emeralds okay I need to bring this back immediately I can start going to karine’s base I guess Blue was over here though and look at all the sick stuff they have their place has been ransacked oh JN is real got killed by Luckley and then luckily fell that’s an incredible series of events This looks half for some reason the water is halfway on our side where’s our chest why is there no chest here why is it Invisible what can we do with six Emeralds you know what I should buy TNT and an ender pearl that’s what I should Do how much is an ender pearl two emeralds or something four emeralds Okay plan Worked all right let me buy some TNT if I Can alesio is doing a bunch of damage out there all right nice I got four emeralds okay ender pearl time and then TNT that’s eight Gold I need way more than one piece I need like five pieces arrows can be back here TNT can be right over here somebody was knocked into the void unlucky how much we got in the chest any gold in here all right nice I’m going to use all of

It I need one more piece of gold all right nice uh there we go trap triggered oh no somebody’s in the base who’s here blue is here and blue still has their bed I need to infiltrate their base their base is all the way right across from us okay somebody’s here I’m going

To go back to my base cuz I do not want to die by him yeah you go back go attack red I need them to attack red I’m going to ender pearl right over there wait did the endstone break oh they have obsidian they have obsidian oh this is terrible our bed broke

Man they were doing the same thing I was doing trying to break their bed except they had obsidian that’s some real sweaty behavior all right nice double team them man he was eating a gapple instead of saving me game over oh I suck at bedw War so

Much who just said easy you got to go polar bear well it was nice playing with you okay I guess I’m going to leave the party okay if you’re going to go then I’m going to play rafts okay let me just load up raft here and thanks again for helping me uh

With the OBS setup all right see you later polar bear this is nice playing with you all right time for some rafts I’m going to close my Minecraft as well close window and it’s this world I’m going to lower my volume as well you said wow fun

Gez it was fun though even though we kept losing that’s what’s so fun about it great right but I need to start playing ref now because I have a project to work on here okay I need to look at my screenshots for a moment so let me pull those up

Okay so this is how my raft Looks this is what I’m going to construct right now this house full of engines it’s like a warehouse we won one and got close yeah that’s true and then the second thing that I’m going to build is you see these boxes above here these boxes have things in them like

This one at the very bottom it has it has the anchor in it the automatic anchor this one above it has it has the biofuel and the biofuel storages and the third one is going to have recyclers on it so that’s what I’m going to be building that’s if I have enough

Wood cuz it uses up a lot of wood all right so I’m going to remove all these enchants Here why am I next to this big Islands I didn’t ask to be here all right I’m going to remove the anchor where’s all my materials bro what is this llama doing why is he looking at me like that whoa he just disappeared right in front of my eyes it’s kind of

Rude anyways it’s day 265 out of day 365 that’s right llama I’m 100 days away from getting the achievement I’m going to get there I know I am I’m super close let me take all these vegetable soups it’s good for my health oh come here Barrel I’m going to grab some wood and

Some plastic I believe I don’t have much wood do I yeah that’s not good where’s the plastic right over here let me grab Some all right it was very fun playing with J to Minecraft guy and I still appre appreciate uh the coins you gave me and a sword and also the levitating things I really appreciate that all right so the way I’m going to do this now I have to build a foundation

Here and it’s not the right way of course this way is the correct way going to remove this Steering and now that’s supposed to be in the correct spot three blocks away right here is number four I need to pull up another image of it okay so it’s one 2 3 4 5 in width and in length it Is 10 okay I just exited out of my screenshot there accident okay so five in width and 10 in length I can remember that and then it’s three away so somewhere right here in the walls look like That looks like it’s two away so that is good that is a very good distance that means I need to move this bed somewhere as well I’m just going to place it here for Now the grill I’m going to place right over here this is all temporary stuff okay I should place this somewhere for now it can be any chest it can even be this chest for now I should put the stones away the stones have been Rolled all right this goes there the rope and leaves I know where those Go I got lots of leaves all right I got one more fish to put away which chest was it is this one okay Minecraft guy I’m not sure if you were saying bipolar to Polar because both of our names start with polar so you could have been saying

Saying bye to any one of us but if you did leave then it was fun playing with you and I’m glad you watch the stream I need to relocate these chests somewhere temporarily otherwise they’re going to be in the way so maybe here would be good all right I feel like that’s good

Enough there’s nothing else in that chest I believe let me place this down in here too all the smoothies can go in here all the mango coladas all that and now this final small chest here oh I can place this on doors also oh no

I can’t cuz there’s a wall behind it so that’s why it’s saying I can a nice little autosave and now I need to move this fridge let me bring it inside just like everything else that’s a good angle these chests have way more stuff than I can carry

So I need to dump this in another chest maybe I’ll dump it in the feathers one just because everything else is there and then what other chest can I start using maybe this one this one’s supposed to be miscellaneous so a bunch of these items here are miscellaneous

Anyways and the last chest has all my recipes in it so with these two chests I can just place them on the wall cuz they were just sitting out there for now so I can just place them over here like this is that a good place yeah that looks even that looks very

Even all right let me go to bed so I can see better it’s very hard to see when it’s dark let me pull out this these remaining recipes and a person who was who wanted to see me stream all three games is not on the stream right now

So they just missed me playing all these three games maybe they’ll join who knows hopefully they will okay that looks pretty even hopefully is it I’d say so my thirst keeps going down super fast I do not enjoy that anyways I’m going to continue building this I said it was 10 in width

I’m pretty sure no it’s nine and width okay I count it wrong yeah it’s nine and width and I’ll know in just about a second here whoops I accidentally placed it on the wrong platform let me place it on the right one much better all right let me build the doors

Now oh that Barrel just hopped over my collection that area very disrespectful nobody does that and gets away with it absolutely nobody okay I’m dropping a bunch of items here that is not a good thing means my inventory is full all right so the next piece of the

Puzzle here is I need to build the roof so I’m going to place down this temporary shelf place down the roof and the roof has to be this one I’m pretty sure it’s facing the right way which is good and then another level up and then at the top I’m pretty sure the

Flooring it’s a solid wooden floor just like this and I’m all out of wood how crazy is that I didn’t even need any plastic I don’t think I even need any plastic for my building okay I picked up that wood just in time before it floated away

Let me put the leaves away as well all these chests here on the left side are full of leaves that’s insane I have way too many I should like craft a million ropes with it that way I have less leaves all right nice my inventory wasn’t full that time where are you going

Flank yeah you better get collected in collection net who my whole character just went underwater this island appeared out of nowhere crazy stuff I place a shelf on this side too just so I can get up and now I should place the roof piece face this way and do the same thing

I ran out of wood again most of the time I’m going to keep running out of wood because this project uses up a lot everything sort of feels unclosed which I like I like having this cramped area here Everything feels crammed like it’s supposed to be cuz it’s a raft everything should

Feel crammed if you have a raft that is just full of open flooring and you’re doing something wrong with your raft because it should feel cozy it should feel small in space if it’s big like this like there’s no reason to have it this big you’re just wasting money

On powering it with fuel with gas I mean you’re just putting gas in an empty flooring so that’s why people have small boats but in a real survival setting when actual bits and pieces are floating to you when you’re stranded the ocean I guess you got to work

With what you got to work with you got to work with what you got that’s what I’m trying to say it’s how it is sometimes okay I ran out of wood again it’s honestly impressive how keep running out of wood I think tomorrow I’m just going to stream raft I

Don’t want to stream Minecraft no chest no nothing just raft I just want to complete this project already all right how much more wood do I have I have enough to finish the roof nice all right the roof is all done except this piece right here almost forgot about

It okay let face the right way which is great and now I just need some doors some doors here and then I can place the engines in this room all six of them I don’t really need seven because seven engines is the same as six engines no matter how big your raft

Is so that’s that’s handy to know especially if you have rafts that are like 2,000 in size you’ll need like 20 engines on one raft which just sounds insane I forgot five is the max stack limit for some items okay so this all needs to be gone

I’m going to get some nice return on planks here all right perfect stuff three engines on this side and I’m going to mirror it on the other side as well where’s that Barrel going got me the strike Ed you get over here you ain’t going nowhere I think I’m just going to make

Another stream because I’m going to eat dinner in a little bit and I feel like not too many people are going to be watching so I’m just going to end it make another stream just solely based off ref because that’s all I’m playing right now so having a thumbnail of me playing

Minecraft and chess is just going to be confusing to people because I’m no longer playing it I’m just going to play raft until I finish the things I have to finish for today also by the way how sick does this look it looks pretty spacious it looks like an actual steam house

Warehouse where all the steam engines go bunch of steam is going off at the same time now I need some rope fences to make it look better that’s the wrong material I said rope fence is these ones but I’m going to need a lot more rope and

Wood I’m not going to use the wood in that chest it wouldn’t feel right too I’m going to put the stones away of course and leaves I have so many leaves now I should be crafting more rope with it what am I doing I also need nails to make the

Doors 12 Nails should be more than enough what’s he peeking his head at me for what are you peeking your head at me for he looks so goofy by doing that you get back inside your cage I mean your forever home where it’s totally not a cage and by the way

This took me hours just to plan this this took me hours to plan this whole other part of the project because this first part here like it took me hours to but this one I was thinking purely on my own I was thinking how could I construct something that’s both functional and

That looks aesthetically nice so I thought why not a warehouse where the engines can go inside of be hidden and the anchor can be hidden in a box along with all the recyclers and all the noisy things of the raft so all the noisy things are going to be on this side away

From the inside here and then I was thinking of putting my animals somewhere here but I might as well put them here since I have all this empty space here yeah that would be a better place for it anyways it’s bedtime so whenever it’s dark I should sleep that is the Golden

Rule also going to eat this soup and I’m going to crash land into this island aren’t I hopefully I’m not look at this Sunrise very majestical 10 out of 10 how is this battery holding up oh it’s green green means go so it’s 100% still good come back here Barrel you’re going

Nowhere all right time to make the doors like I said that’s the wrong thing I’m looking at I think or no it’s not right over here and it’s the very basic doors what are my animals doing they’re walking through walls they’re pretending to be Phantoms all right nice that looks a lot better Now I need every single piece of wood I can get I only have three pieces that is not ideal okay let me pull up the other screenshot now return to game okay so I need to build some poles somewhere I know I definitely need to place one hole right over here in this

Corner the wooden pillar I don’t know if it’s the wooden pillar or solid one I think I’m going to place the solid one first solid ones and then stack it up with the normal wooden pillers that would look nice I think I don’t want to be here on this island please get me

Away I said please P I have so many items in the collection nuts that’s very boal I need some more nails for Builders so I might need to steal some more my scrap in the chests I might as well remove these shelves before I forget I want to have something up

Against them like some boxes that way I can park or up to this roof cuz that’s something I want to do this animal is looking mad depressed ain’t going to help with that they need some therapy sessions I can’t tell if there is a pillar here

Or not so for right now I’m just going to leave it as is and then I know that I need to place a half killer just like that up over here so I’m going to place a shelf here temporarily I need the triangles yeah place right over

Here oh man too bad I can’t place any more of them all right so anyways the next pillar is going to be three blocks away it’s going to be a solid one this time so that’s one two three meaning it’s on this one and then the same thing with the wooden platforms

Just like that why do their necks look like they got scoliosis their necks look like shrimps from the ocean oh I placed that way too low I just realized what am I doing all right time for the half pillar that looks good right now I can place the wooden

Floor once I get on top look at that parkour all right so I I need to move these animals otherwise they’re going to be in the way so you know what that means I got to build another cage I mean forever home for them all right but this is looking good

So far took me like 6 hours just to plan this out which is an absurd amount of time cuz getting creativity is the hardest thing in any game a lot of planning goes into it and yeah that’s just how it goes am I staring off into the sky like some poetic poetic person

Uh all all right I just did a little bit of reflection right there not really I was just looking at my messages I got to stay connected with the world somehow you know what I’m saying all right so let me build a little animal pen here for now that’s the wrong

Place it’s all fine that is not fine also realized I need a door for this place so I already messed up yeah let me make this door right here I need more Nails okay that’s something I forgot I also need more nails for pillars give me that scrap there it is

Three stacks of nails is good enough very right very nice that Hut looks a lot better because it has Windows as opposed to this one all right for right now I think placing my calendar would be here what my animals doing they’re all smooshed in one corner it doesn’t seem like they’re

Doing too well they’re all sming in one corner sounds like it would be very unpleasant all right time to relocate them I can always do this and just remove the remaining grass that battery is probably dead it’s dead as can be right now actually I’m just going to remove

This one and place it here that way the sprinkler is in the middle not the grass plot look at this battery I knew it it’s dead dead as can be I need to open this door and then carry one of the animals or they’re just going to walk out for me how

Convenient too bad you’re not going to be roasted tonight and that way is not the correct way to place it it’s this way if the chicken can move out of the way from me also going to place a shelf I can’t place shelves on the window

Walls that’s good to know I never knew that in that case let me place the garbage can there so I can jump over the doors this goat is next you stay in there you trying to go he’s trying to go to the wrong house Fool all right it is bedtime on the raft I’m going to cook up these potatoes that I got from the barrels let the potato sizzle to the sounds of sleep my character loves falling asleep to the sounds of sizzling potatoes it’s probably a fire hazard but it don’t matter to him

All right at least none of my rare animals have accidentally you know stopped existing so that’s a good thing always is what’s his name is he short King is he the real short King oh he’s the fake King oh he had me fooled for a moment

Just stay in there for the rest of your life fooling me like that what’s wrong with him all right let me carry Mount Everest his name is probably Elder wow I’m tall okay let me deliver wow I’m tall to his new Home what’s his name Mr whes okay what did I want to rename him before really badly or was something else better than Mr White All right is this one Elder okay it Is got to collect these eggs before they’re washed up that’s the real short King he’s the last one other guys were picked first for Dodgeball but not him and he has the underrated goat out there better than this goat right here anything else in this smelly pen it’s time to get eradicated

My axe is going to break it’s not going to be enough yeah I knew it we got some fresh potatoes now I’m wonderful let me cook up some more and now now some beads with it I’m also going to eat these two eggs now I need to make myself another

Axe or I already have one oh that’s wonderful I already have one all right that’s all eradicated now I’m looking at my image right here that I have pulled up I need to see what I build I have to build for all right time to construct what I see let’s go

All right so this is one two three blocks away right over there also another half pillar same thing with the triangles is it the right way yes it is all right that’s great news and now I have to place three walls here so I need to remove all of this out of the

Way let me move this one somewhere else too right there is good actually no it’s a little bit bother some so it’s going to go right over here now I just going to have to remove these pipes get them on out of here get out my face now I’m going to place the

Walls just like that let me do the same thing here all right perfect and it’s just a 3X3 area here enclosed by walls that’s all it is I need to destroy this part in the center I can place the stationary anchor there and forever lock this place up no doors no

Nothing and yeah I won’t have to ever worry about the anchor ever again let me cook up the remaining beats now the question is where was my anchor this is somewhere here yes it was all right now I’m done building that I’m pretty sure I need to place a ladder

Here or not I think what I placed there was oh there is me floating it’s the wrong video but it was a funny glitch here you guys can watch this for now So back there is how my build is supposed to to look like and you see those zip lines they’re connected to the Watchtower so that’s what I’m planning to do in the build right now so this is a bit of a sneak peek as to what I’m working

Towards and those collection Nets are on the complete wrong side by the way they’re supposed to be 90° to of right but in this creative world they’re not and I don’t want to replace them cuz that’s just going to waste time yeah so how this glitch even

Happened is I was on the zip line in F5 mode or third person mode whatever button that is for your raft because everybody has the same third person mode button on raft surv but for me I changed it to be F5 so it’s easier to remember I think it was something

Awkward like alt or something so yeah anyways that’s exactly what I’m about to build except I’m going to mute it and I’m going to rewatch it this is a different video I have pulled up and yeah now I’m going to know where everything needs to be

Placed okay so I forgot about the fuel pipes there needs to be a bunch of fuel pipes so I should craft those I think they were in this chest at one point I don’t really know what happen to them yeah I only see water pipes maybe I never even made fuel

Pipes okay so this is going to be the first time I’m making fuel pipes in this world it’s insane I just need a bunch of scrap for it so that should be easy my scrap was somewhere here okay that I knew I think two stacks is good enough okay but

Time wonderful and now I need to place okay that’s the wrong Area also wrong spot right over here just like that and then these need to be connected just like that I’m pretty sure all right these are all connected now I can remove one of these shelves where was the other shelf I think it was over here I already got all the ones from

That side that’s all Good all right do I have anything else I’m just going to put away this plastic I have way too much plastic I do not need to be carrying this much plastic in my inventory cuz that is an absurd amount look this chest is already full from it put these remaining leaves I’m just

Going to craft some rope I don’t want I don’t want to even place them in the chests cuz I got so much leaves already all right and then the battery chest was somewhere here it’s somewhere really it was nowhere there okay here it is and the Rope is in this bottom

Chest the stones go over they go over here somewhere okay there they are I’m still going to need these nails the water pipes I can place away from now the planks I definitely need fuel pipes I’m going to need in a moment I need more wood so I’m going to

Grab some more wood from The Collection that’s I’m going to end the stream in a minute also so for those of you who just came in uh you can come back in an hour and I’ll be making another live stream of me building more of this

Project and it’s only going to be R because I already played the other two games which were chest and Minecraft and I feel like that’s too much for one stream because then people want me to play one thing and then another and I think it’s just good to stick with one

Thing for one stream how it should be but since I stream for a very long time sometimes like it’s good to play three different types I don’t think I’m at that level yet to be streaming like different games yet I feel like sticking to one or two

Is good but three is just too much all right that was barely anything in the collection that’s all right interesting all of you look very happy look at them being washed away they’re being cleaned by the waves the filthy pen is getting all the poops W getting smeared by the walls

Because of the Waves everything is being rocked back and forth every single bit of urine poop is all getting smeared across this whole pen it’s pretty messy in there nobody ever cleans it they’re very messy animals especially you short King why does he look depressed and the other one

Doesn’t it’s pretty ironic they’re like Polar Opposites just like my channel name boss all right anyways I might or might not stream later I might just end up streaming tomorrow because yeah it’s already been one stream and I don’t really feel like streaming anymore today I’ve been live for an incredibly

Long time let me check here yeah I’ve been live for 8 hours 48 minutes so that’s plenty enough of today I’m just going to save the world exit to main menu and then continue tomorrow so for those of you who want to see me building more tomorrow that’s

What I’m going to do I’m probably going to stream me making up ideas in the creative world too that way you guys can see my idea making and yeah thank you for everybody who came on to the stream today I’m going to be streaming again tomorrow

Probably same time which is going to be 10:00 a.m. Central Time Zone so hopefully one of you tunes into that other than that thanks for watching and goodbye

This video, titled ‘Bullet Chess, Minecraft Hypixel, & Raft Day 4!! | 2024’, was uploaded by Polar Boss on 2024-01-14 01:26:25. It has garnered 33 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 08:49:26 or 31766 seconds.

#chess #raft #gaming #raftsurvival #youtube #live #gameplay #gaming #games #game #strategy #survival #entertainment #ocean #2023 #chesscom #foryou #fyp #indie #like #subscribe #ocean #2023 #fun #series #minecraft #hypixel #hypixelskyblock #skyblock #javaedition #multiplayer #mojang #minecraftserver

The game I’m playing on this stream is Raft Survival, check it out! Raft Survival is a neat indie game on Steam with adventure and—-sharks?!!

The website I used during the live stream is owned by Chess.com. Check them out here! https://www.chess.com/home

The server I played on through the Minecraft Launcher on Java Edition was Hypixel, which has skyblock.

  • Boy Love in Minecraft Animation

    Boy Love in Minecraft Animation The End of a Minecraft Animation Season Expressing Gratitude The Minecraft animation season has come to a close, and the creator expresses deep gratitude to the viewers for their support. The creator acknowledges the motivation received from the audience to continue creating animations and producing content. The support has been instrumental in advancing the creator’s account, and every comment is appreciated. Continuation of Content Despite the end of the season, the creator promises to continue delighting the audience with new content. The commitment to providing engaging and entertaining animations remains strong, thanks to the encouragement and support received from… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Epic Minecraft Battles!

    Join Minewind: Experience Epic Minecraft Battles! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends from the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “HEROBRINE🥶😈😈 VS HEROBRINE!! BROTHER#shorts #viralshorts #trendingshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts.” While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly captures the excitement and creativity that the Minecraft world has to offer. If you’re a fan of Minecraft shorts, funny moments, building hacks, or simply enjoy watching popular YouTubers delve into the world of Minecraft, then you’ll love what Minewind has in store for you. With a vibrant community of players,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Gaming Experience! Are you a fan of unique and creative builds in Minecraft? Do you enjoy pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the game? If so, then you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a community of like-minded players who are constantly pushing the limits of creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for you to showcase your skills and be inspired by others. Imagine building a massive Nintendo 3DS shaped house like the one in the tutorial video you just watched. Now imagine being able to show off your creation to other players and explore their incredible… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Your Skin Can Truly Shine

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  • Crafting All 9 Wolf Variants: Minecraft’s Howl-tastic Quest

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  • Farm Bartering Shenanigans

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  • Naimarra’s Mischievous Farewell

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  • 100 Days as a POKEMON in HARDCORE Minecraft

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  • Crafting Chaos: A Minecraft Quest Begins

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  • Death by Mining: Borion SMP Ep. 2

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  • FunnyGuy

    FunnyGuyThe FunnyGuy Server is a server for all aged. Things you might find interesting on the server: – ProximityChat, Giants, IllusionerRaids, ZombieHorses, KillerRabbits Envoys, Claim, ClaimFlyAddon, CrateKeys, Economy, PVP, Survival, Voting, XP/MoneyWithdraw, PhantomDecreaseTargetting, StackingMobs, MobKBModifier, AnvancedArmorStands, InvisibleItemFrameToggle. AND MUCH MORE TO EXPLORE! Make sure to read the rules upon joining the server! Disrespecting the rules will result in a permanent ban. funnyguy.mcserver.io Read More

  • Infection ZCraft – PVP & Modded – Custom Guns & Zombie Apocalypse

    Server Information Discord Link: Join Here ModPack: Infection ZCraft – Download Here Java Server IP: Minecraft Version: 1.16.5 Unique Gameplay Features Custom Guns, Armor, and Attachments Custom Infected Zombies NPCs and Bosses Custom Loot Chests and AirDrops SafeZones, KeyCard Rooms, and Black Market Daily Kits and Player Trading VoiceChat Read More

  • BrainrotSMP

    Welcome to the Brainrot SMP!We are a survival multiplayer which focuses on detailed building and fun player interactions! We have a cool growing community and are always welcoming to others! If you wish to gather more information please join the discord (listed below) We have an economy that is centered around fish so players are encouraged to farm and interact.Discord: discord.gg/rF6vKGe5f8 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – When the Ender Dragon steals your diamonds

    Wow, that meme scored higher than my last math test! Read More

  • Crafting Time: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed

    Crafting Time: Minecraft Adventure Unleashed In the Land of Ooo, Adventure Time took flight, Finn and Jake, always ready to fight. But now in Minecraft, a new adventure begins, With blocks and mobs, and crafting wins. Lemon Grab’s tree turned into apples, oh my, A twist of fate that made him cry. But Tree Trunks praised his effort, so sweet, Showing that hard work is a tasty treat. Finn’s philosophical musings, so deep, Seeing beauty in the work, not just the keep. But Jake, in his playful way, threw diamonds in the fire, Causing chaos, a Minecraft desire. With a rocket in hand, Finn… Read More

  • Meme Minecraft yang Bikin Panas! 🔥

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  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Minecraft Builds! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic YouTube video titled “How to build Floating Lanterns in Minecraft Tutorial! #minecraft”. While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what better place to showcase your creative building skills and share your amazing creations than on Minewind? Imagine a community where you can bring your wildest Minecraft building ideas to life and inspire others to do the same. Minewind offers a unique and exciting gameplay experience that will keep… Read More

  • Ultimate Redstone CPU Build

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    CARTOON SURVIVAL: RAINBOW PORTAL MAYHEMVideo Information found round colorful portals in Minecraft subscribe to the channel if you want to save tvom baby I’m watching you hey guys I’m Z back with you today let’s take a look at the new portals look we’ve got some interesting characters we’ve got this blue rainbow friend there’s a man outside the window LTI Mr B banana a minion like this kid and a sheriff from band band well let’s get started my suggestion is to probably go now all the way to the first portal let’s see all of these characters today be sure to like… Read More

  • Ultimate Hindi Minecraft Tips

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  • Wednesday Night Gaming with Cash Presley & Oakley Star: Epic Toilett Tower Defense! #livegaming

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  • 🥔 Ultimate Potato Boss Redstone Inventions on Bedrock Edition! 🚀 #minecraft #redstone

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  • EPIC Minecraft Build Revealed! 😱🔥

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  • Ultimate Farm Upgrade: Chicken Coop Build 🐔 Minecraft Longplay

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  • Shocking! Hololive Secrets Revealed in Minecraft!

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  • Insane Minecraft House Build – Watch Now 🔥#shorts #gaming

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  • INSANE NEW TREE HOUSE BUILD!!! | MINECRAFT 🏡 | @TechnoGamerzOfficial

    INSANE NEW TREE HOUSE BUILD!!! | MINECRAFT 🏡 | @TechnoGamerzOfficialVideo Information This video, titled ‘MY NEW TREE HOUSE 🏡 | MINECRAFT | @TechnoGamerzOfficial | VB – SAL | VSAL GAMERZ !!’, was uploaded by VB – SAL on 2024-03-13 11:30:14. It has garnered 293 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:57 or 537 seconds. MY NEW TREE HOUSE 🏡 | MINECRAFT | ‎@TechnoGamerzOfficial  | VB – SAL | VSAL GAMERZ !! @TechnoGamerzOfficial @rohitgamingstudio6902 @HarshTatsuya @IGSGAMER @vb-sal #indianbikedriving3d #indianbikesdriving3d #indianbikedriving #indianbikedriving3dnewupdate #indianbikedrive #indianbikegame #indiabike3d #indianbike #indianbike #housecheatcode #indianbikedrivingallcheatcodes #zombiesurvival #zombieland #zombiesmission #zombieinindianbikedriving #minecraft #mincrafthouse indian bike driving 3d indian bike driving 3d new update indian bike… Read More

  • Gentoria

    GentoriaThe Founding of Gentoria: Gentoria is the result of two towny players being constantly starved of that “perfect geopolitical experience.” That was the case until now where the ideal towny server has finally been realized. With blood, sweat, tears, and money the ideal experience has finally begun to be realized and is constantly being built on and improved. 😀 Towny: The towny plugin has been modified specially to provide a sense of weakness to all players. No more can you simply hide in your base and it not be griefed you will need to build real defenses because players will… Read More

  • New SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Brand new

    Welcome to Matt’s Survival Server! Hello, my name is Matt and I have just started a new survival server. We have light plugins for added challenge while maintaining a vanilla feel. Join us for competitive MCMMO fun – we are a big competition for /mctop! IP: https://discord.gg/7uAJmzx9 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Check out the epic Minecraft creation I made! Name suggestions appreciated! 🔥

    “Maybe you should name it ‘Pro-crafter-nator 9000’ because clearly you put in some serious work on this masterpiece!” Read More

  • The Shocking Truth About Wind Charge

    The Shocking Truth About Wind ChargeVideo Information Minecraft 1.21 changed what Pistons sound like here’s the comparison subscribe for more news This video, titled ‘what the wind charge is really for’, was uploaded by MC. ivan on 2024-05-17 18:26:45. It has garnered 433 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Get a Minecraft Server for 25% off the first month using the code LAUNCH at checkout. https://shockbyte.com/billing/aff.php?aff=9812 Read More

  • Crafting Adventures: Minecraft x Adventure Time

    Crafting Adventures: Minecraft x Adventure Time In the Land of Ooo, where adventures take flight, Finn and Jake face a dangerous night. With zombies and spiders, they fight with all might, But their sword breaks, causing a fright. Finn grabs a pickaxe, but it breaks too, So he uses a bucket, a clever move. He collects water from the river so blue, And watches the sunrise, a beautiful view. Back home, Jake is digging for diamonds so rare, Finn joins in, a dynamic pair. They pile up the diamonds with care, But Jake throws them in lava, without a care. Marceline suggests a windmill to… Read More

  • Hot diggity dog, it’s a Minecraft meme!

    Hot diggity dog, it's a Minecraft meme! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “Minecraft En Una Botella Skyblock, con DWELLERS y MODS DE TERROR!” and we couldn’t help but be captivated by the intense gameplay and spooky mods featured in the video. From The Man From The Fog to The Midnight Lurker, the mods showcased in the video truly add a new level of excitement to the Minecraft experience. If you’re looking to dive into a world of adventure and terror, then Minewind Minecraft Server is the place to be. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration, Minewind… Read More

  • Unstoppable in Minecraft Hardcore S2

    Unstoppable in Minecraft Hardcore S2 Exploring the World of Minecraft Hardcore with Agalarla S2 B6 Join the adventure with Guapoins (Kadir) in the latest episode of Agalarla Minecraft Hardcore S2 B6. Dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Hardcore as the players strive to become truly immortal in their quest for survival. Guapoins (Kadir): The Mastermind Behind the Adventure Guapoins, also known as Kadir, leads the pack in this exciting Minecraft Hardcore series. Follow his YouTube channel for more epic gameplay and engaging content. Don’t miss out on the action! Connect with the Community Join the Discord server to interact with fellow players and… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft Pony Adventure | #105

    Unbelievable Minecraft Pony Adventure | #105Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello everyone how y’all doing what does Brony mean again Brony is just what you call a phantom ey Little Pony Bron’s is the fandom name for My Little Pony the bronies that’s what that is hello see who here hello zp hello cookie gum hello foset hello marks hello hello Nicholas hello heart hello Nathan it’s okay you can’t stay long life happens hello fros Blitz you in physics class pay attention to school silly hello flip Hello snowy your sub got can I saw that I think… Read More

  • Minecraft: Aphmau’s Ghostly Romance

    Minecraft: Aphmau's Ghostly RomanceVideo Information Kim watch out I’m trying get him nacho go watch your back nice I got one good boy woo okay now that they’re out of the way I think it slightly further up here come on F treasure Waits for No One what o and yes that’s a big grave uh-huh here we are a big old treasure okie dokie off now go get it wait me go and get it that thing by myself it’s a grave it belonged to somebody right uh yeah it belongs to me listen this is Minecraft it’s not like someone’s buried… Read More

  • “MONERWITHER: I Need Help in Minecraft Anarchy Server” #helpme #minecraft

    "MONERWITHER: I Need Help in Minecraft Anarchy Server" #helpme #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘айпи #minecraft #helpme #help #minecraftshorts #shorts #anarchy’, was uploaded by MONERWITHER on 2024-03-23 18:04:01. It has garnered 390 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Ultimate 999 Gaming Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Secret Base!!!

    Ultimate 999 Gaming Showdown: Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in Secret Base!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs pro va hacker secret base!!! Minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by it’s my gaming 999 on 2024-01-06 06:14:58. It has garnered 505 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Welcome to the ultimate showdown in Minecraft: Noob Vs. Pro Vs. Hacker! In this epic video, we dive into the secret base building world of Minecraft, where three different gaming levels collide. Who will come out on top?! Get ready to witness mind-blowing base designs, clever strategies, and incredible ingenuity as these three players showcase their skills. The noob… Read More