Insane POPPY PLAYTIME Trolling in Minecraft!

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Today we are Huggy wuggy from Poppy’s playtime box is hiding across the map and each time I found him there was a crazier and crazier punishment yo dude D dude dude dude dude some guy sent me a download link to that new game poppy playtime map I downloaded this is the

Coolest thing I’ve ever seen Lo has no idea that Huggy wuggy is hiding inside of this map watch this wait wait wait who whoa dude you you what you downloaded someone’s random map what if it’s a virus what if Huggy wuggy is in the game Huggy wuggy dude dude that’s

Just a silly I’m not even scared of something named hugy wuggy bro you need to go hide have you not seen the creepy pasta uh no dude I I played the the game I mean it was kind of cool but dude this map is so sick there’s like little toy

Cars and everything right down there all we’re going to do let’s nicely approach the edge of this map and let’s let him see me 3 2 1 whoo whoo wao dude dude dude dude are you there what what what what’s the issue something in my game named hug Huggy wuggy said welcome what

This is where the punishments are about to start Bo go hide go hide what do you mean go hide if I find you say goodbye if I find you say dude you’re literally not kidding you are not he’s hiding he’s dud you’re you’re literally right you’re

Literally right dude oh my gosh I made a mistake I made a mistake I made a mistake dude um yeah I should have not downloaded this dude you are so right as soon as I find lox we know he went inside of this area wait a minute lox

Literally left his name tag on la la la la la la la la la dude dude dude I’m literally hiding in Walker dude this game is so realistic dude I thought it was just like a map or like a fan map or something but I think there’s something

Out there I think there’s something out there how creepy and crazy this map is 0 seconds left Huggy says remember to take breaks a dude I I’m I’m scared I’m scared I see his name tag it’s like not even too far away oh my it’s right there

It’s literally right there I don’t know if he can see me I don’t think he’ll be able to see me 3 2 1 oh oh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared oh I’m out I’m I’m

Out I’m out I’m out this is not okay this is not good this is not good hugy Wy oh my gosh H wait is he gone I think he’s gone you thought I was fake you thought I was joking you thought I was fake you thought I was joking dude Nick

Bad news why would you download this map bro what do you mean why would I download I thought it was like a fan-made map or something this is so weird where am I going to hide where am I going to hide oh my gosh I think I

Found no no that just took me back in the beginning don’t let me find you if I do say goodbye dot dot dot he just said don’t let me find you dude this is bad this is really bad I should have downloaded this map all we have to do is

Search all across this map and as soon as we find locks we are going to shut down his power live on this video dude I’m in this room and this is really weird there’s little dolls everywhere come on Loy locky wait oh he has to be

Right behind this poster he is a simp no where is he box I’m just checking in how are things going I don’t know dude I’m just hiding behind some crates there’s some little dolls in this dark room I I don’t know what to do we need to shut

Down his power and it’s going to be beautiful all right I don’t think he’s here let’s keep on looking this is so dang creepy where are you hiding you need to make sure you stay away from Huggy wuggy dude I’m in the corner there’s literally crates like actual

Crates okay this is perfect he doesn’t know it’s me he just gave away his exact location he’s in some sort of quarter that’s very interesting all right all of these locations wait wait do you oh wait no way no way I just heard something I

Think I just saw his name tag okay if he’s not right here he said there’s crates he’s not wait is that his name tag hold on oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh dude this is bad if he eliminates me if he finds me dude I don’t know

What’s going to happen to my Minecraft account I don’t know what’s going to happen I don’t even if know if it’s worse than Minecraft is he in here he said there’s a bunch of Gres let’s just start breaking literally everything am I getting warmer smiley face face not

Getting warmer what does he think this is like what’s up no no no no no no no no the box was SL by Huggy wuggy what’s going to happen Okay I feel a little bit bad before we get rid of lox’s entire power watch this this is the exact

Command I need we’re going to change lox’s name to literally the doll from from Poppy’s playtime oh my gosh oh my gosh your name is now poppy your name is now poppy that’s the doll from the game that’s the scary doll from the game this is not

Cool why did he rename me poppy say hello to your new name your new name um who are you this is weird don’t get found again I have no idea if locks is hiding but we need to find locks literally right now and as soon as we do

We are going to destroy his entire power oh my gosh oh my gosh I see his name tag across the map wait he’s across the map so that means he’s not in any of these lockers he was hiding in lockers before FL so he could be again I’m not going to

Put anything fast Lux come on buddy where are you at dude Lux what is going on I told you don’t download these Maps this this guy must be a hacker or something because he literally changed my Minecraft name to Poppy I’m just literally destroying absolutely anything and everything to find warlock’s cuz I

Just want to shut off this man’s power right now let’s destroy all of these where is he I’m trying to find him you know what maybe these crates okay he might be becoming a little might be slowly becoming a good Hider why is there 62 cooked chicken what is

Happening dude I think I literally lost him dude I don’t know I don’t know what to do do do I escape this place like what am I supposed to do I’m just going to hide hugy says remember to take breaks what if I break this where is he

He’s got to be around here somewhere okay we’re back at the center of the room we are about to find him and literally wait wait is that a name tag I I’m almost positive I just saw his name tag I don’t know for sure but I really

No way no way he’s moving no way he’s moving guys time to shut off his entire power oh my gosh there he is he’s close he’s close I don’t think he’s going to find me though I don’t think he’s going to find me we know exactly where he is

Break one Locker break two keep on breaking all of these and watch this oh my gosh I see him right in front of me oh my go no no no no no no no no no no he found me Oh no I got to get out of here

I got to get out flint and steel I got to hurry up no no no no what is he doing what is he doing no stay in there stay in there oh my gosh I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m out bro I need to chase him I

Need to chase him I need to take care of locks once and for all bro what the all of that is destroyed where did he hide almost I see him I literally see him where is he where is he he’s got to be

In here he’s got to be in here no no is he here did I find him I have to be close I have to be close oh my gosh I have to be close he’s right there dude he’s right there I bet he’s in the Next

Room over no no no no no no no no no no no no go away go you shouldn’t have entered my domain now say goodbye to everything you know and love now say goodbye to everything you know and love what what is he going to do now dude I

Don’t know what he’s going to do but this is this is weird he’s right there I’m just going to crouch and see if he walks away oh my God he’s walking away he’s walking away before we shut off his power this is Lo’s phone number feel

Free to call him and now as soon as I type in the chat watch this hello what what oh my gosh wait I see he changes to my cell phone number Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick Nick did you do this guy knows my cell phone

Number imagine what he find out literally knows my cell phone number you know what I think I have to escape oh my gosh oh my gosh ran away just ran away wait he says I just ran away let’s find him let’s end this once and for all and

Let’s shut off his power I just saw his name tag why would he keep showing his name tag I don’t know but he makes it way too easy okay okay I’m hiding I’m hiding I’m going to escape this no no no

No no no no no no I got to hide I got to hide more I got to hide more yes sir and goodbye way I’m going to do this I have a friend that knows locks in real life and I have him literally going to his

House he’s literally going to go to the lever on the side of Lock’s house shut off his power let’s see what happens dude what is happening what is going on hello I don’t know it’s really really really quiet he’s just standing right there it’s just I don’t know

What’s no way no way let’s call Ax on the phone and let’s see what he has to say dude dude my power just went off no no no no no are you serious why how what happened I don’t know how how am I supposed to know how why would you

Download that map I don’t know why dude this is so so scared bro bro what are you going to do what are you going to do I I don’t know dude this is a weird sir there’s one thing I forgot to tell you what it was

Me you are so banned with my power’s back on from Blue to orange green red and even white today we troll this every single Huggy wuggy in Minecraft but before we begin lock is right over there and he cannot know that I’m going to be

Huggy wuggy so all I got to do is become my normal Minecraft Form let’s call him up hello sir would you like to do hold on hold on hold on hold on what a What what was that why why oh God I had to take a dump um you want to smell it no not really unless you unless it smells like flowers it’s in the flowers what is wrong with you do you want to play a hideand-seek today hide-and seek you’ve caught my attention

Yes I would like to play a hide-and-seek with you Mr well with that being said all I’m going to do is go hide and try to find me count to 20 dude count 27 2 3 and now all I got to do say hello to Green Huggy wuggy oh my gosh I can

Easily blend in with the grass and all I need now is a diamond sword and a nice little bow and arrow to completely mess up locks all right this is a perfect hiding spot but where is locks 29 67 54 I think you’re messing it up a

Little bit or Not Here I Come Oh my gosh all righty where did you hide I saw you run over here and initially oh my gosh he saw me he was cheating but he is walking right by me and to start things off a tree right here going to plant a

Tree right here did I miss right here you didn’t notice all right and then we’re going to plant a tree right here I’m just planting trees Mr Beast would be totally proud what the god did you just shoot me yeah where are you I’m right next to you dude you are so the

Arrow came over here the arrow came from over here you’re on top of this mountain you on top of this mountain gosh oh my gosh he is right next to me and guys now we have a diamond sword let’s just go up the mountain I am fully blending in in

Three where are and now Crouch oh my gosh oh my gosh are you over here you you have to be up this mountain oh my gosh come on up the mountain you’re up here somewhere aren’t you this is actually the most overpowered thing in the world where did you go where did you

Go I know you’re on this mountain somewhere ow what the I got to be are you over here wait what the heck is that nothing what what was that I just saw something was that Huggy wuggy no that could have been Huggy wuggy that was great bro where are you and and before

We become every other color now we just got to go back to my normal form dude where were you I was hiding right here what happened bro the heck you got eliminated the mountain dude I saw something green it looked like green Huggy wuggy or something I don’t know dude you were

Right here yeah I think you’re losing it can I go hide again or are you just going to continue was let’s do round two I don’t care I’ll count to 20 all right sounds good start counting and now all I got to do back here we are now the water

Form of Huggy wuggy I got to make sure oh my gosh he’s right there oh my gosh he’s right there don’t notice me locks I’m just going for a swim the water’s nice and warm oh yeah good luck finding me all right dude I literally need you

To tell me if I’m hot or cold I’m struggling today I don’t know why I I just I have potatoes in my inventory some might call me a potato but can you just tell me if I’m hot or cold um you’re pretty close I’m not going to lie

About it guys where is he going oh so you’re this way uh not exactly I’m kind of close to the water guys let’s just test him a little bit okay all right we are going fully under the water we are just swimming under is he going to

Notice me or not all right where are you you said you’re by the water there’s water over here there’s a yellow flower right there so you’re next to water and there’s yellow flowers right here according to this trajectory of the sun ow I’m in the water I’m in the water

Hold on hold on I have to do the math according to the projector of the sun facing the squid over there you’re 23° left of the side on the bottom left of the pool and since there’s sand right there that means that there’s crystals underneath which means you would be above the

Crystals according to the dimensional progressional you’re you’re somewhere right where are you where are you I am right next to Locks and now all we got to do nicely walk up with my diamond sword in three 2 one eliminate us go the water I didn’t do it what the heck guys

It wasn’t me it you are literally right here I can smell you you pooped in the pool I didn’t poop I just farted and then a little poop came out oh that’s gross Where Are You 3 where the heck were you I didn’t see you at

All go back to my normal form dude go back to the same area I was literally literally right here I was right here the entire time you’re not very good at this dude everything okay all right one more round one more round now it’s rain I’m

Going to find you I’m I’m going to find you I’m going to find you this round I I’m going to count 20 behind the tree we go and now say hello to the lava Huggy wuggy to blend in with any lava this is going to be good all right ready or not

Here I come guys this is a big issue I am now lava but I cannot find lava anywhere lox is about to find me he is totally going to win the challenge I need some sort of lava come on there’s water there come on you in the trees are

You one with the trees oh my gosh are you speaking for the trees like The Lorax um no I’m not Dr Seuss your name is Mr top five I speak for the trees oh this is perfect I’m you’re like the same size as him all right shut up buddy this

Is absolutely perfect look how this Blends now we have our bow now we have our diamond sword you literally could be anywhere over here where are you oh my gosh oh my gosh be area I’m pretty close you’re pretty close oh so you see me so maybe

You are down here are you down here get my bow aim and fire uh-oh uh-oh what the uhoh did you hear that no that was weird I heard something sounded like it was coming from over here oh oh oh it was a skeleton it was a skeleton come on come

Here buddy you want to fight you want to fight bro come on come on in I got to careful that he doesn’t notice me he’s right next to the lava you know what now he’s runting a skeleton let’s just shoot some bows and arrows oh finally what the what the

Heck sir you’re supposed to eliminate the creeper not let the creeper eliminate you all right I’m going to find you now you know what was really weird what was really weird dude oh my gosh earlier it said that Mr top five made an achievement Monster Hunter uhoh uhoh are you over here somewhere

Because I think you killed the skeleton yeah yeah yeah I’m pretty close not going to lie okay guys all I got to do according to this Arrow right here the skeleton didn’t shoot this Arrow because that would be right that would be right over here oh my is there something in in

That what the heck what the heck is that thing what is this what the what the what the heck no no no no no no no no no no dude there’s something right there it literally looked like Huggy wuggy again I am so lucky because Lux has the chat

Off he doesn’t even I’m teleporting to you right now all right dude do it I’ve literally been eliminating you I’m so good at this game what the heck what that’s not what I saw I didn’t see you like that are you good I’m so confused everything okay I literally just saw

Huggy Waggy and he keeps changing colors Huggy Waggy doesn’t change colors Buckaroo can we do one more round please fine fine say hello to the last form of Huggy wuggy the white form and this is so perfect look at me blending in I think it’s time to reveal this silly

Prank all right ready or not here I come I’m going to find you once and for all and you know what’s going to happen right when he goes right next to this tree he won’t see me and then we’re going to go back to our normal human

Form and I think he’s going to understand what’s happening but where is he you’re going to give me a lot more than just money um where are you where are you I can smell you smells like sweat beer am I hot or cold are you this

Chicken no you’re not the chicken hot or cold one what what what the what the what the what where did where did you come from did he not notice stop stop stop stop eat the chicken eat the chi you know what I don’t know what you’re doing but you’re cheating somehow y I’m

So done played with you today we are poppy DXE in Minecraft and we turned more and more evil every time we trolled locks starting off we are normal Poppy and we are not evil yet but lox is right on top on his house let’s wait until he

Leaves oh there he goes all right guys we honestly we need some more wood so I’m just going to grab just a few pieces of wood and then idea I I got to go AFK because lunch is done and I’m a hungry boy I’m a very

Very hungry boy is going AFK but the good news for him is we are normal so far we are not very evil yet so we can’t do anything very evil but wait until later in the video but first all right we got 21 pieces of wood let’s just

Convert that into planks all right all right guys I’m going to go pick up my lunch I’ll be right back you’re picking up your lunch bad idea lock watch watch this Weir now unlock his computer and he thinks that he is AFK but now we are on

His game all we’re going to do let’s go into game mode one to start things off let’s get some pieces of paper watch how we’re going to reveal that Poppy is in his game go to the chest itself open up the chest and let’s write him a little

Message p o p that’s right pop and let’s just close the chest keep all of the paper inside of his inventory go on top of his house cuz um I don’t know who did this oh my gosh imagine when he comes back and imagine when he opens up the

Chest all right guys apparently the food where am I oh no oh no poppy has to hide and no no what just happened I did not go AFK right here there’s a literally a whole pillar and then there’s paper in my inventory why is there paper in my inventory what is

Going on just check it you should probably check second all right all right all right all right all right all right all right we need to get down bro this is so confusing ow that almost eliminated me oh he’s inside the house he’s inside of the house look inside I

Didn’t go AFK right there what the heck wait wait what what is this why is there paper in my inventory why is there paper in my chest that looks like a p o p pop who did this someone’s on my server oh my gosh who the heck did this oh my gosh

Bro this is low key the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life I was I didn’t even go AFK on that Tower did he not notice the chat I just rode high and now let’s wait outside of his door until he sees the message but before lock sees me

Say hello to puppy. exe V2 oh my gosh all right you know I’m coming out here is there anybody oh no oh no oh no I thought did I just see something I swear I just saw something over here what I think someone’s on my server who’s on my

Server a this doesn’t matter I need to go get my food now go get your food locks let’s make this 10 times worse now all I got to do we’re back on his computer game mode one and now let’s uh grab some sides from creative because we should probably let

Him know who’s here put down a sign poppy let’s hit pcee poppy let’s let him know what is going on poppy oh my gosh this is beautiful this is literally amazing and we are not done put a few more and I think that’s good that’s the

Last one let’s break the bed put down a nice blue bed change all of the colors to let him know that someone is here on his game get some flint and steel and um I think it’s time to say it bye to the house boys there it goes let’s wait till

Lock comes back what I just got back what what what just happened I just barked to death I just came back and everything was on fire and now now when Lux comes back all we’re going to do I need to hurry up I need to do this super

Quick let’s get some glass let’s make an entire viewing case watch this go inside just as so all right I’m running back now oh my gosh my house is on fire my Forest is on fire look how creepy this looks come on go inside of the house no

No no no no no no no no God put up the fire got to put up the fire oh my gosh what the heck poppy poppy po poy bro this is the poppy playtime doll no no no no no no no no go away go away go away go away that thing’s creepy

It looks different I got to run I got to run I got to run my house is on fire everything’s so lagging and I’m going to run as well because there’s one thing I have to do let’s equip poppy playtime V2 she’s now turning more and more evil and

Now let’s wait for him to go AFK once again bro that thing is creepy what the heck is that thing it looks like people like corrupted that’s right I am corrupted happy. exe I am cor bro I think these are the people who literally

Put a virus on my computer we just no no no no no I got to run I got to run I got to hide I my food come on you don’t have the perfect idea I’m just going to disconnect he makes it way too easy he’s

Going to disconnect he’s going to go eat his food now I can’t believe we’re ruining his pizza now let’s go back on his computer and put it back in the game in three 2 one let’s load it up let’s join back in and now that we are on his

Game once again all we’re going to do let’s first of all put him into game mode one that is a necessity Watch What Happens now let’s get some obsidian place all of the obsidian down but also get some flint and steel you guys know where this is going imagine box is about

To come back literally inside of the nether we almost done with the portal itself flint and steel and now go inside and to make this even better watch what we’re supposed to do go to the middle of the map go inside of the lava but watch

This we now standing on one glass pane in the middle of lava lox is going to have no items whatsoever game mode zero and let’s see what lock does now all right just finished sh my pizza oh my gosh there’s poppy how did I get here I left the game I literally

Left the game he is back in the game and so is Poppy let’s make my way down no go away go away you stupid doll go away hey Lo how you doing 3 pleasee please no no lu TR swiming lav to escape poppy DXE

And now that we eliminated him 3 2 1 I’m literally full-blown hack let’s equip the third evil version there’s still one more left to go and watch what happens when we equip it bro that thing is so creepy that thing’s literally creepy go away go away go away go away go away

We’re just going to go closer and closer now that we’re almost to our pure evil form let’s hack locks in front of his eyes when he’s not even AFK don’t worry we have one game left to play do you want to know what it is don’t worry we

Have one game left to play do you want it though not really and since we’re in the final form goodbye locks yeah try running away I dare you no no no no no no no no no go away go away go away go away go away I am going on your computer

Literally right now I’m going on your computer literally right now what you’re now back on his computer and watch what we’re going to do right now why is she just standing what’s going on what’s going on what is going on up to 50 lucks

Where am I how did I get here here I’m literally in space no no no no no how I don’t I don’t want to be up here this is bad this is bad I’m not doing that no NOS forever and always and know all we’re going to do open up a notepad

Documents what is going on tomorrow you will be greeted by Mommy Long Legs tomorrow you’ll be greeted by Mommy why no that’s in the new trailer wow that’s right Loxy boy that is right I just disconnected him he is gone today we are Mommy long legs and we trapped lock into

Mommy longlegs impossible layer but first lock is inside of a normal game right now and we just dropped down his mommy long legs let’s find locks introduce him to the new character and as soon as we eliminate him let’s bring him into my layer all right we’re back

On the server I have literally been standing here for about an hour and nothing has been came up so I think I’m clear to play Minecraft finally finally I can play Minecraft without being messed with I don’t think you can cuz Mommy Long Legs is coming very slowly

But very surely go a little bit farther in 3 2 1 what the hey hey hey what the heck is that what the heck is that bro bro bro bro bro bro what is that thing oh my gosh I got to get I got to

Get I got to get out of here bro wait is that the thing from the puppy Time trailer Mommy Long Legs yes it is and watch this all we have to do is completely catch up the locks trap him in the layer oh my gosh it’s just just

Catching up to me no oh my gosh oh my gosh hold on I’m going to build a wall build a wall build a wall build a wall build a wall go go go go go go go get out of here get out go I was slay by

Mommy Long Legs what the heck now watch where locks will teleport where am I I just spawn here what is this place to my lir mommy lck welcome to my layer what do you mean this this is layer Mommy Long Legs layer how am I here how am I

Here you are here forever complete all the levels and you will be free to go you’re here forever complete all the levels and you’ll be free to go guys I’m generally so confused uh what oh my gosh oh my gosh she’s right there she’s literally right there say hello to level

One say hello to level one is this like some sort of maze or something what is this Hey ow ow ow ow all right all right I’m going to go in here uh all right it’s an empty room with the you know some chests oh we’re going to do here is

A Diamond Sword for locks take that and now diamond sword what am I supposed to do hold on I can’t escape I can’t escape oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m going to die I am literally going to die this is beautiful say hello to momy

Long Legs oh my gosh there’s so many fire flames everything just shooting at me this is not good come on get out of here get out of here I’m going to die lox isn’t surviving this one no and now all we have to do difficulty peaceful luck failed the first mission what’s

Going to happen I literally got eliminated every time I eliminate you say hello to a personal secret about you your entire stream will see this and now let’s sign it page two secret number one you have a gigantic big mole on your left side of your back let’s it done

Throw it in the chest and let’s go to the next level wait wait wa wait she put something in that chest what a book and quill oh no oh no wait oh no every time I eliminate you say hello to a personal secret about you your entire tream will

See this wait secret one you have a gigantic big ball the left side why why nobody knows about that except just a few people I’m get out of here I can’t leave say hello to level number two locks go inside are you having fun so

Far are you having fun so far no I’m not and now that lock is on level two let’s double my size did she just grow bigger bro all right all right all right all right what is going on what is going on oh okay there there’s a chest over there

But there’s lava how do I get over there follow my path and don’t get burnt let’s start spotting some leaves in follow my path don’t get burnt la la la la la la la oh watch out for this jump oh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh w w okay the

Lees are star to catch on fire should I fire I’ll be nice be good oh my gosh oh my gosh the lead are back on fire the lead are back on fire please hurry please some I I don’t want to die I don’t want to die which one am I

Supposed to go on um all right no no no no no no no no no no am I going to make that jump I I’m going to be able to make the jump JP let’s see if he makes it let’s see if he makes it I’m not going

To do anything else all right all right all right all right 3 2 1 go no no no no no no no no no no I’m on fire I’m on fire I’m on fire yes raid raid weather clear and let’s make it’s very hard jump

Here but I’m going to get rid of it um do I have to make it to the Netherrack that’s literally impossible go now let’s see what he does is he going to make it I can do this I can do this 3 2 1 go oh

No no no jump jump no no no no no no no no no no no he going to make it no he’s not I didn’t make it I didn’t make it and now that locks is eliminated secret number two let’s get another book and qu you make this way too easy secret number

Two we know that lock SS over absolutely everyone you think I’m hot done imagine lock SS over mommy long legs all we’re going to do put it inside of the chest let him open it up here I’ll be nice I’m still on fire hold on hold on I’m good

Though I’m good though look and quill what’s your secret going to be I’m so nervous oh no you make this way too easy secret number two you think I’m hot what how do you know that well do you oh I can’t answer that oh this is in

The fire oh I what do I have to do what is this welcome to room number three the cobweb maze since mommy H legs is a spider what is going on is this it’s so dark I can’t see oh my God I’m stuck in the web I literally can’t see what is

This a maze or something box has to beat the entire maze but he’s going to be met by some mobs in the way uh do I go this way no no no that’s not the right way that’s not the right way hurry up L uh

Which way am I supposed to go don’t make me Spawn some creepers oh my gosh creeper oh no no no no no no there’s skeletons too I’m getting shot I got to get out of here I got to get out of here no no no I only have a few Hearts I only

Have a few Hearts there’s so many skeletons how do I get bro you are not good at this game and now all we have to do since we eliminated him again let’s grow even even bigger oh my gosh I am very spooky looking before Lux us do the

Hardest Parkour in the world and we’re going to head up with the hardest punishment ever we have another chest and all I need is a book and quill once again you are not going to ever leave this place secret number three guys this is going to be the best one yet your

Favorite color is pink you cannot hide it from the world we are best friend friends let’s sign it let’s it done throw it in the chest and wait until lock goes oh oh hey how you doing champ I just finish the maze no no another book and quill read the message locks

Your favorite color is pink you cannot hide it from the world we are best friends peak’s a manly color it is a manly color up on the parkour he goes every time he gets eliminated watch this what is going on what this parkour the parkour now or else face my wrath okay

Okay Mommy Long Legs okay Mommy I I I I I’ll be the parkour oh my gosh that’s a long jump that’s a long jump no and now the logs got eliminated all right all right all right all right all right oh my gosh oh my gosh there we go

There we go there we go again no we are now getting bigger and bigger come on we can do it yes I made it I made it I there I am even bigger now okay okay okay we lost half our hearts all right this is fine I can do this I

Can do this parkour what’s up there what is in the final room one last time watch the worst punishment of all time but let’s see if he’s going to beat these levels come on come on come on no no no no no oh yes yes yes I made it I made it

I’m not dying yet I can’t wait for the worst punishment of them all you guys are going to laugh so hard gosh why is she so huge and creepy and kind of hot don’t get eliminated all right stare parkour stare parkour no oh my gosh I can just cheat yes wait

What is this slime say hello to all the Slime and then an entire ladder he has to jump on the Slime make all of these parkours and this is the end but he doesn’t know it’s at the end all right I’m climbing up climbing up he has a

Crazy surprise waiting for him am I going to make it oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh yes I made it I made it oh I’m so good at parkour I am so good at parkour he’s making it farther and further he’s almost done so

Now I should get a surprise at the end completely prepared it’s inside of this chest boings when he Pizza parkour this is the last time he’ll ever see anyone like me but let’s write see you tomorrow let’s put a winky face done put it

Inside all right I made it I did it I did it wait there’s a chest [ __ ] Quil oh my gosh that’s so creepy see you tomorrow you tomorrow what do you mean see you tomorrow go away go away I’m out I’m out I’m out I’m God I’m

God I’m God I’m God no no no the lava lava lava lava today we are Killy Willie in Minecraft and let’s hack locks this entire game Lux is right over there inside of this house let’s turn on his stream man guys I just spawned right next to a village it’s literally my

Lucky day but I don’t know if I feel so lucky I just have a gut feeling something’s just going to come out and mess with me like they always do I don’t know who it is but someone’s been messing with me for like oh no oh no

What the heck is that thing what that’s creepy go away go away go away no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh there’s Anvil right here Anvil no no no no I’ve got a diamond please armor armor armor what is that thing it’s like it looks

Like hugy wuggy but he’s scary and he’s just looks like a monster and let’s run away my name is Killy Willie here to hack your entire Minecraft game my name is Killy Willie here to hack your entire Minecraft why oh my gosh am I pretty my bro that thing’s creepy what

Do you want me to do I want you to hide and if I find you say goodbye I want you to hide and if I find you say goodbye oh my gosh oh my gosh run no count what the heck he’s chasing me how do I hide if he chased me all

Right now lox is hiding but he’s in a game with Kelly Willie one of Minecraft’s most creepiest things ever so now let’s hack his entire game I am now watching where he is going on his Minecraft look how worried he is looking he has no idea that I am completely

Watching his every move okay so I went down in here Watch What Happens I can’t wait to hack his entire game all right guys I think I’m literally right under a tree he is in total darkness but I know where he is I am coming for you under the

Tree I am coming for you under the tree how dides he know I’m under a tree no no no no no no no I got to find a new spot I got to find a new spot oh this is amazing oh gosh oh gosh how do I get out

Of here I’m right next to him I am getting closer guys we are right next to Locks I can literally see his name tag all right all we need now is a nice diamond sword L where are you oh no I see his name tag I see his name tag no

No no no no please please please go away go away don’t take my diamond shovel please I worked hard for this I grinded for this no goodbye oh gosh what are you going to do you didn’t pass the T and now you must die what I must I’m so confused kellly

Willie is the best thing in the world but now I have to pull through with what I told him and now that he’s eliminated we are now on his team viewer once again let’s go to search and type in a no bad document what’s going on what what’s

Going on what is going on no I’m literally still hacked I’m still hacked this was you have three lives your our first one is gone if you lose them all you lose them all hold on there was a typo will be fully gone if you lose them

All your Minecraft will be fully gone what what do you mean now you have to go find me but guys lock is right over there okay I can find him I can find him no problem we are now hidden inside of The Suite but we are still extremely big

All I have to do is make my scale come completely tiny good luck finding me he has 2 minutes and when he doesn’t time to hack him again all right I’m on top of this little Tower where is this guy are you in the village yes I

Am yes I am all right all right all right all right all right he’s in the village so maybe he’s inside one of these houses he has to be inside one of these houses all I’m going to do I have a bow and arrow get out of here you

Stupid zombie ow he is right next to me in 3 2 1 ow what the Dr my kill oh where is he oh my uhoh uhoh H he has to be in one of these houses is is he in this one where the he is this guy one minute left I have one

Minute left no no no no no no no no no no this is bad this is really bad oh where could he be this is amazing best day of my life you know what let’s just spawn in some skeletons make it a little hard for him all right he’s not in this

House oh maybe he’s in the big house is he in the big house no he’s not in the big house guys okay that was weird all those villagers were just staring at that sheep I am right behind LS but he will never see me skeletons oh my gosh

Skeletons go away in 3 2 1 Hal we meet again wow what what the heck what no he was Tiny he cheated you’re a Cheater did you say I cheated yes and now that lox is very mad and very scared let’s go back and now let’s make myself literally huge and now that we are back on his team viewer let’s St in app data where he he’s going to my app

Data no this is where all my Minecraft stuff is that and if you didn’t know this is the exact folder that has all of Lock’s Minecraft saves now all we got to do let’s go to his save files what is he doing select every single one of them no

He just deleted all my single player worlds why now all we have to do I have an idea let’s just right click new text document don’t mess with me don’t mess with me no no no no no no no no no no no no he just deleted it back to Minecraft

But now wock doesn’t know this is only getting worse we are completely huge go hide this is your final life go hide this is your final oh my gosh oh my gosh I have to do this right he’s over there he’s huge no no no no no no no where do I

Hide where do I hide he can see me everywhere I need to go to a small tight area we’re going to make this even better before I do anything we’re just going to see exactly where lock is going once again on De viewer okay that is completely obvious but because I’m huge

I can Tower above him and see him above being huge we have an x-ray text your back good luck not being found all right all right all right I this is perfect I’m underneath a pond there’s dirt he’s never going to find me here oh buddy all

I got to do now is find a pond where is Lux oh my gosh he makes it way too easy watch this let’s type in chat I see you under the water I see you under the W how does he keep fighting me wait this guy’s a hacker of course he’s going

To be me he fooled me the whole time I see his name tag this is amazing what is he doing I hear lava I hear lava nothing’s happening nothing’s happening good Lu this is not good I ran out of lives I ran out of lives what is he

Going to do you fell into my trap buddy what is he going to do to me this is so good back on his Minecraft let’s load up his app dat once again for the final time and completely destroy Minecraft do Minecraft goodbye to you don’t do it don’t do

It don’t do it no no no no no no no he just deleted my Minecraft all my texture packs everything’s gone now no today we are Huggy wuggy exe and every elimination we turned more and more evil and we also started hacking lux’s computer all right

Well we are on his Minecraft server look how creepy this already looks but we are normal Huggy wuggy we’re not evil yet all we’re going to do let’s slowly walk up to lock there is his house wow that house looks so nice but we’re going to

Destroy it all right let’s open up the door see what’s inside ah yes guys I have my nice little house I’m just getting a little bit more wood because it’s a little small so I got to edit a couple more bedrooms what kind of guy would I be without a couple more

Bedrooms all right so uh let’s add in another room so we’re going to make some floors out here and I think we need to make a little entrance into this house I am completely Hing it just to wait until he turns around and sees Huggy wuggy but

We’re not evil yet we’re still nice come on buddy come on buddy all right this is pretty good W what the heck was that was that hugy one what the no no no no no bro bro why is there Huggy wuggy in my

Game what the heck no no no no no no no no no no no why why why why why why why why why why what is that thing away Hello dot dot dot hello wait Huggy Wy exe what does exe mean no no no no no no

No no bro bro chill chill chill no no no chill chill what happened I just got slain by Huggy wuggy that exe who’s Huggy wuggy that exe what does that exe even mean and we are not evil yet so now watch this say hello to the first version of

Evil huggy hugy thank you for downloading the Huggy wuggy virus dot dot dot thank you for downloading the Huggy wuggy virus I didn’t download a virus what do you mean download a virus virus he is completely freaked out watch this we are now completely unlocks his

Computer so all I’m going to do he’s walking around let’s just start jumping in 3 2 1 what’s going on my hands are up my hands are up I am not doing doing this why am I jumping esap in 3 2 1 what what what the heck who my game okay

Maybe somehow I do have a virus on my computer how though I didn’t download anything let’s just watch Lock stand outside of his door I wonder when he’s going to notice the evil that got added on to my character how does he look a little bit different he looks a little

Bit different and now it’s raining this no no no no no no no no no no I am genuinely terrified I have a virus on my computer or something this thing is literally freaking me out it gave me a virus or something time for a Manhunt every time I eliminate you say goodbye

Time for a man hunt every time I eliminate you say goodbye Run come on come on I got to get out of here what does it mean say goodbye is the virus going to get worse or something I’ll give him some time no no I got to hide I got to hide

The only way I can survive this is hiding this is perfect this is perfect in here he is so stupid he thinks I wasn’t even watching all right we are the second evil form and it only gets worse but all we got to do oh look at

I’m just hiding under H where is locks I wonder H dot dot dot am I safe am I safe please tell me I’m safe please tell me I’m safe I have to be safe no no no no no no please please please please hugy

Wuggy no no no no no no oh no why why what’s going to happen to my game what’s going to happen to my game watch this but first before we hack in we should probably make myself a little more evil no no no no no we’re going to hack him

First you know what you know what you know what I’m just going to my house my house is the safe spot it’s the safe place it’s the only place I can be safe what’s going to happen what’s going to happen what is going what what I’m not typing this I’m literally not typing

This game mode one let’s go to his inventory let’s search for some items no no no no no no no no no I’m literally hacked I am so hack this is so confusing why am I hacked what is going on why is this happening my house no I am placing

TNT all over his house he’s not controlling this whatsoever what zero there’s nothing I can do there’s nothing I’m stuck in TNT in my house no no no no no no no lock was blown up by locks this is so much fun right now what is all that black

Stuff on him it’s it’s so weird why why does he look like he’s corrupting or something did he just notice that well now is the perfect time let’s make myself a little more corrupt look changed he’s changed he changed again this is not a joke guys

This is literally not a joke I am hacked I don’t know how to get rid of this virus he’s probably chasing me right now as we speak oh yes I am don’t think I would not chase you where are you locks following you please please please

Please please please I got to get out of here I don’t even care if he doesn’t eliminate me it won’t get any worse I have the perfect idea for the next attack all all I need now is my bow and arrow let’s just fly up to the moon real

Quick all right I don’t see him anymore I’m going to blend in with these llamas over here it’s raining again come on llama come on llama stop stop let me ride you I got to blend in no no no he’s back there he’s back there I can’t get off why can’t I get

Off the Llama what did the Llama ever do to you get out of here hugy Wy you’re weird you’re creepy and you’re stupid let’s have some more fun game mode one once again one again just not even good I’ve never been hacked like this before

What is going on a sign put sign hello lo I’m glad you came to the party dot dot dot hell Lo I’m glad you came to the party just stop ugy just stop I feel so bad time for the next sign all right place it down what time what is it going

To say I like the blue and the black shirt you are wearing a smiley face done I’m wearing a blue and black sh I am wearing a blue how you I know that this is beautiful another sign can I come over for a play dat done over for a play

No no no no please please please leave me alone go away watch this what do you want 3 2 1 no what bro bro bro die I love acing locks this is beautiful I’m having so much fun back to Minecraft oh no no no don’t tell me he’s going to transform

I’m back in the game mode zero he took me out of creative 3 2 1 the final form oh my that’s so creepy what what do you want I want to play a game let’s do a real Manhunt or should I say let’s do a

Real man H hunt or should I say Huggy hunt all right all right he wants to play a game all right so he’s just standing there so I think he’s giving me some time all right I’m going to run I’m going to get some materials we’re going

To kill Huggy wuggy loock is 20 seconds and if I eliminate him we’re going to uninstall Minecraft on his computer all right I’m coming for him there he is right over there he’s not a very smart boy he did not give himself a lot of time or a lot of

Room all all right all right we’re doing good we have a couple pieces of wood um I don’t know where he’s at but right come on we can go we can go we can go we can go I’m going to be nice I’m not going to cheat I’m not going to fly I’m

Going to play this very realistically we are catching up all right did we lose him did we lose him I think we lost him all right going to go in here going to just hide a little bit all right we’re good we’re good we’re good all right

Cracking bad some oh no sck all right got my sword got my SW oh my gosh he’s right there he’s right there get out of here get out of here come on why can’t I hit him I can’t hit him go away watch out no no no

Oh this is the most scuffed thing I have ever seen in my life the final punishment let’s go to his game in three 2 1 let’s start off by closing out Minecraft he just closed off my he just closed off my game did he have he has

Access to my computer I thought it was just my what is he doing what is he doing oh yes what is he doing the Minecraft launcher or should I rename it super quick say goodbye launcher launcher no no no no no no no he’s going to delete Minecraft is he going to

Delete Minecraft three two one don’t do it I’m off my computer even Huggy wuggy BLX is doing a live stream literally at 3:00 a.m. it is so early in the morning we literally knocked on his door sent him a creepy note and so much more subscriber Huggy wuggy will show up in

Your closet in the middle of the night don’t risk it all right guys it’s literally 3:00 a.m. I have to be quiet because everybody’s sleeping here but I wanted to do a stream cuz I can’t sleep we are right behind locks and this is the first prank all we’re going to do

Let’s hit Ed it all right all right all right guys we literally have a wooden pickaxe this is going to be so good imagine me beating Minecraft at 3:00 a.m. since we are Popp the doll let’s just make myself look the exact same size as her guys all right guys it’s

Literally Night Time in Minecraft 2 which is the creepiest thing I found a cave I literally found a cave we are right next to oh this is perfect let’s go now that he’s in a cave let’s Place some signs all around him this is Poppy smiley face all right guys this is so

Cool like it’s always better to play Minecraft at night what just hit me oh my gosh you’re skeleton that literally scared me don’t mess with me and keep in mind it’s a 3 in the morning let’s go one more side just set this up say goodbye otherwise dot dot dot and let’s

Get out of here all right all right all right I’m about to kill the skeleton I’m about to kill the skeleton come on get out of here all right he’s gone he’s gone he’s okay for the next part of this prank all I got to do is hide on the top

Of these trees and he is not going to see me oh here he comes here he comes here comes no way all right all right all right I need like food or something I literally need F no way no way this is Poppy don’t mess with me say goodbye

Otherwise as soon as I eliminate him we are going to send him a letter to his house as poy it’s going to be sick wait who whoit wait who’s on my I just tabed this just on my server no way okay where’s Lo let’s just stay right here

You know what this has to be a cruel prank it’s probably just a stupid little prank you know what I’m just going to play I’m going to keep play before he notices me let’s get a let’s get a splash potion of invisibility now he will never ever see Poppy nicely la la

La walk down here and I think it’s only fair to place down a side right next to him poppy is always watching a smiley face there’s literally nothing in this cave guys I don’t know I’m starting to get really oh no oh what puppy is always

Watching what does it mean by that bro what the heck is going on my game this is actually terrifying it’s 3:00 a.m. I literally can’t be so loud because people are literally sleeping sleeping in my house but what is who’s on my server who’s Poppy before we go back to

Visibility let’s just have some fun no no no no no no no no no no no no I am a GH but I’m not a friendly go that was not suppos to the just sleep by poppy what I didn’t even see her and now watch

This before we send a note to his house let’s have some more fun wait my stuff my stuff I got teleported over here turn around lox uhoh oh my God that thing is cursed that thing is literally cursed let’s just put a nice high in chat

Before we send him a letter the heck go away what the go away go away go away go away go away sounds good I’m getting out of here time for the prank I got lox’s neighbor to literally come to his house and deliver him this letter that that I

Told him to make let’s turn his stream back on 3 2 1 literally so guys that that is scary this is like not something the best round with the 3 about to ring on his door ball eyes oh no guys I literally don’t know what to what was

That no way no way there’s something like something was thrown at my front door yo shout out to John Lock’s neighbor shout out John in the comments dude he’s going he’s going am I a terrible friend or am I a good one I think I’m a great friend moved my face

Cam uh um let’s see what happens here I hit my KNE oh my gosh oh my gosh guys there’s a box open up the box locks open her up there’s something in the Box dear Tyler Ellis I told you I’m watching you your every move doesn’t matter what

Time of the day or night this is this go back in Minecraft don’t get eliminated again or something will happen I’m having so much fun fun that is not okay guys what is going on we are now kissy wiy but we have one issue let me go here

Let me go to edit and obviously since we are huge we have to make ourselves huge oh look at this we are 150 times the normal length and now we’re nice and thin and oh my gosh look how this looks wait until he sees me right down there

All right guys that was so weird I’m just going to play Minecraft and try to forget about that I don’t know if I’m going to have to call the police or something but oh my God that is just too weird I I forgot one thing I forgot one

Thing fake name set kissy wiy let’s go imagine when he hits tab but first while we’re watching him nicely let’s go over here he can’t know right away that I’m here but let’s just greet him with a bow and arrow shot oh my gosh oh my gosh he’s going to

Know he made an achievement Take Aim what do you mean kissy wussy oh he just looked he’s just staring at me me there’s something in the distance I can’t tell what it is but this is round two in chat why why why why why does this always happen to me guys I don’t

Understand why this happens to me no no no I I’m like so out of here this is not cool oh my gosh zombes zombes zombie zombie zombie zombie zomb good that’s not good one block two block come on come on come on come on stupid two one

No no no no no no no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here is good my boy is cornered kissy Wy made the achievements what the that’s so

Big what is what is it what what is okay okay okay listen listen listen one more creeper take it take it take it did he just give me a music disc what is happening no all that work I had fired I am an awful awful friend it’s uh pretty

Obvious at this point okay okay someone left a package my door what are they going to do now I if something happens to me just know it’s on stream and you can report it to the police if something happens is horrible I’m calling him I’m literally

Calling him did you guys see his face unknown number pick it up budy boy hello what what is that hello kissy Missy is that you I just hug up I just hug up oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh what what what is going on

This is the ciest thing I’ve ever experienced all year well for me that was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done all year but uh we’ll we’ll forget about that oh my gosh there it is again there it is again watch this literally chasing me let’s place out aside no I’m not

Going to chase you I’m not even worried about it check your phone check your phone I knew it I knew it this is the thing that called me is it going to call me again what is it going to do before we are the final boss Huggy wuggy

Himself let’s of course call Lo one more time on his phone pick up pick up it’s calling again I’m horrible what do you want goodby what say goodbye what the heck is it saying it said like say goodbye or something yes iyy I did thaty don’t call me again

Goodbye subscribe to the channel if you’re enjoying this right now it’s right over there I need to eliminate him because right after we are going to hack his game and write messages under his account hey bu boy guys oh wo W he has TNT he’s chasing me with TNT sounds come

On who whoa whoa whoa whoa wo now it’s Huggy wuggy dude who how worse can this night get it’s literally 3:00 a.m. I shouldn’t have G I should have just stay still yes yes yes yes oh there he goes I got eliminated you have made a huge huge mistake

Imagine doing this at 3 in the morning while streaming I am now on his computer watching him all right what’s going to happen what’s going to happen I’m already anticipating something about to happen what is going what is he going to do let me start by hitting Escape let’s

Keep on pressing it over and over again this is great I’m having a lot of fun no no no no no what what what is going on with my game my game’s acting so weird guys my hands are up now let’s type on it computer

Hi guys I did not type that oh my gosh move screen this is me not lo my hands are literally up time for another message you made a big mistake byebye literally Huggy wuggy just hacked my game what the stop typing what no it’s not letting me type it’s

Mad it’s literally mad I I want your Minecraft account we’re going to make this more and more obvious that it’s Mr top five you what you know what you know what you can have it you can have it you can have it the email is deadbox [email protected] Minecraft account boys

Password is wait what get green 101 leave me alone guys I’m so done I’m done with Minecraft don’t go and log into Lock’s Minecraft account kids don’t do it it’s time for the ultimate reveal please say sorry to Mr topcraft oh no wait oh Nob Mr top hugy Wy left I got [Laughter]

B you maybe reveal my account on stream Mr top five I’m getting you back today we installed the poppy playtime mod on Del Lu’s Minecraft server without him knowing each time you got a eliminated there was a crazy jump scare and he peed his pants by the end subscriber Huggy

Wuggy might show up in your closet in the middle of the night don’t risk it hey dude do me a really big favor and just play a little bit of Minecraft today will you champ why are you still wearing that Huggy wuggy skin cuz I know

You like it I don’t it’s a scary game bro like I literally played the real game y all right I I peed myself don’t tell anybody that though but I literally did dude it’s literally so scary I hate it so much has no idea I installed the

Actual mod yeah dude honestly I’m so glad that we’re out of that crazy map even I was a little bit scared but yeah I’m just going to coach you you know be your bro right now let’s just play a little bit of Minecraft you’re doing so

Good hey hey hey what’s up dude what you’re a little bit more than a bro to me what what am I then dude hello that’s all you get all right back to playing Minecraft when you play mine mine no idea what’s about to show up what what I’m just so distracted with

You wearing that skin just staring at me so can you go away all right man all right man sounds good so you never want to see any anything related to Poppy’s playtime ever again is that right no dude I keep getting nightmares and stuff

So yeah it’s best I I I don’t I I don’t want to see anything bro I don’t want to see he meets the first mob from speed to growing and so much more these mobs have crazy abilities yes yes this is perfect as soon as lock goes inside of a cave

And he finds the first mob he has a surprise waiting for him as soon as Lux turns around I guarantee you he’s about to be treated with the first mob okay you’re in a cave you got to be very very spooky watch over for the creeper my

Gosh I’m just I’m trying to make oh my gosh oh my gosh I think I’m good I just need my crafting bench dude I’m not going to lie about it you’re finally getting better you’re actually kind of doing good right now for once hallelujah

Boy I mean I just stop what is that what is that oh my what is that dude no no no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no no no no no no no that was hugy wagy bro what is going

On I why is Huggy Wy in my game he has no idea about well it’s time for the first jump scan 3 2 1 play oh my God what the heck bro bro bro bro bro bro that just popped up on my screen that just popped up on my screen that

Literally just a jump here Huggy wuggy Huggy wuggy bro this is only going to get worse oh dude I forgot to mention something I installed the poppy Play Time mod enjoy your Minecraft experience what why would you do that bro as soon as he sees the next mob this

Gets only crazier yeah dude don’t you love just seeing Huggy wuggy inside of your Minecraft world oh my gosh dude the good news there’s some really good news want to know the good news dude what’s the good news what’s the good news bro I don’t know dude that doesn’t sound like

Good news to be that sounds scary the good news is that it’s not just Huggy wuggy what do you mean it’s not just Huggy wuggy um what do you what do you mean if I could grab you by your shirt and pin you against the wall what the

Keep playing bro keep playing oh my gosh you are on the naughty list today Santa’s not going to get you anything since it’s night time that is the best time that is where all the mobs are going to be and he’s going to see the doll next but before we show all that

Let’s make Huggy wuggy a little bit bigger as dude as he sees the next one he’s going to freak dude all I can say is do not find another Huggy Waggy and then Huggy wuggy and shut up I’m going to beat the game I’m going to

Beat your stupid game oh my gosh he thinks it’s just a retextured ender that is so cute here is the second one and watch this scale set let’s make this five and oh my gosh that thing is huge and we’re only going to make them bigger

Let’s check in with Mr lock though sir sir sir sir sir what’s up dude what’s up dude Chase my skeletons oh my gosh oh my gosh look at him just sitting there dude dude D dude if you’re getting chased just go to the top of the mountain

Literally no one will bother you there go go go go go go go go go I want you to beat this I will literally give you $1,000 if you can just beat Minecraft today 1,000 big ones dude look at him just sitting there as soon as he gets

Eliminated die for this what he just disappeared what the I just saw a big giant huy Wy I’m not even kidding you that was literally perfect timing but where did he go let’s make this one even bigger dude he’s just spitting around wait till lock sees him oh my gosh oh my

Gosh don’t K eliminated LS that’s a that’s a big giant Huggy wuggy he’s right there H don’t look at him there’s only one thing I can do there’s only one thing I can do don’t do it don’t do it no you’re crazy you’re crazy oh my God

Wo wo wo wo wo wo wo w no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh time for the next jump scare dude that was so weird what the heck wo wo you literally made me about to pee myself bro what dude smart build a house

Okay I’m going to help you out listen I installed this on your computer but I still want you to beat the game I got you bro I’ll make a basement for you dude it obviously isn’t that hard I’ve already gotten like you know my stuff

Back I got some wood I have some armor now all we’re going to do wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what what are you doing down there you’re making a basement I got you bro uh okay I I guess yeah make me a basement dude hear me out

I’m making you a basement just in case something happens if if Huggy wagy comes back you can literally hide in this basement I am so smart dude I yeah dude that I mean that that’s kind of a good idea think thanks man but ladies and gentlemen di for the next mob this

Normal looking zombie is going to be the doll look at all of these dolls while we are getting this set up let’s check in with Mr locks dude dude I feel so much more safe dude I have my armor I have my sword you know it’s dark out I haven’t

Seen Huggy wuggy in a while other than your own skin you want you you want to be my Huggy wuggy no my snuggly bugly he has no idea what is under his house all right sir well what about what about that basement you built me okay so let’s do a little

Bit of an emergency test if you see augy wuggy out the door what do you do uh go in the basement go in the basement build down okay okay okay okay okay what w w w dudeo those are poppies those are poppies those are poppies oh my gosh

What is WR with that one what in the world um yeah this Mod’s kind of crazy huh there’s puppies under my house dude yeah go celebrate go go say hi no no no no no no no no no no get out of here get out of here my stuff for the jump scare

Time for the jump scare come on get eliminated get eliminated please w w w w what’s on my screen what’s on my screen I’m having so right now what the heck oh my gosh there’s a big one right there so box let me ask you a question right now are you

Injoying this wonderful mod oh dude D don’t worry I’ll I’ll open the door come it’s party time I got some pizza for you guys leave it leave it closed leave it closed no no no no no no no no I’m scared I’m scared I’m scared I’m not prepared there’s two of them no

No no oh you hate to see it hey dude I got some good news I have some great news if you just craft an iron golem you can get rid of all of these mobs for some reason in this mod Huggy wuggy poppy they hate Iron Golems box is about

To find this Village but ladies and gentlemen say hello to the final boss this is originally an Iron Golem but watch this all we’re going to do let’s do this command oh my gosh all right dude I’ve been swimming for a minute now what the oh my gosh

Time day what what the heck is that thing what’s wrong dude nothing wrong it’s um Huggy wuggy beautiful girlfriend he has a girlfriend and I don’t oh my gosh it’s no no no there’s no way he’s going there is no way he’s going we have the ultimate punishment

What is that thing dud that thing I’ve never seen that thing in my life all I can say is do not get eliminated by it all right say goodbye you weird looking it’s just literally doing nothing at all it is just standing there three wo wo wo

Wo wo wo whoo whoo wo wo I was struck with lightning oh my gosh this is the worst mod in the world I’m so sick of this I’m I’m tired of snuggly wuggly poppy Missy wiy wiy his I don’t know where her stupid name is today I fooled

My friend with every new character from poppy playtime chapter 2 to freak him out hey hey hey Apple hey orange no I called you Apple cuz your Skin’s red you kind of look like an apple you kind of look like an apple in real life too you

Shine your head shines buddy you are so mean to me and that is why we are doing a build battle go to your side go okay I guess I’m going get get don’t watch don’t no peing box has no idea what he is in for today by do/ scem list these

Are all of the schematics I can use to create the craziest and most cursed poppy playtime builds so sir uh it’s your special day today yeah it’s my birthday so we’re going to do a build battle for it all right you know what that’s pretty cool uh you know I got a

Little surprise for you once you’re done building your build you know I’m I’m I’m building you something uh you can build whatever you want but I’m just I’m just going to build you something okay just loaded up the fifth schematic and all I

Have to do is slash slash paste in 3 2 1 this is the first build of the video bonso Bunny and look how creepy this looks when lock sees that he’s going to get so upset cuz he just doesn’t like the game but while we wait let’s go

Check in with locks spy on his builds oh hey how you doing sir hello hello uh yeah you you can uh come on my side but uh is this a birthday cake uh it is definitely a birthday cake but do not open it yet I have a surprise uh just uh

Just stay right here says he has a he just left the game why did he leave the game all right I want you to go to my birthday cake all right okay yeah I’m at it oh no oh no oh no don’t do it happy birthday to you happy birthday to you happy

Birthday Mr top C what is [Laughter] this happy birthday stop you know what you first position set wait no no no open the cake open the cake I was about to set it to TNT hi Fox it’s not spring break you got the weak run no I’m your surprise why are you leaving go to my side go to my side now can I keep it on dude that is the most cursed thing I’ve ever seen but I kind of like it what the

Heck say hello to Bono funny bro that is so creepy I hate buddy from poppy Play Time chapter 2 he is the creepiest mini game in the whole game no idea this is about to get worse talk about cursed what you think it’s scary a no no no no

Delete him delete him that that that is too cursed okay all right I’m sorry he’s gone you won’t be seeing from him again okay all right I’m going to start my second build don’t do that oh loock will be a little more upset about Flash scem

Load six. schematic this is the next one and it’s much more cursed dude I’m not going to lie about it I didn’t know you thought poppy playtime chapter 2 was so scary it it literally made me W the bed multiple times not just once um I don’t

Have to know that you can tell that’s creepy say hello to the second PJ puga pillar this is going to be epic but first let’s check in with locks once more ah yes what do we have is it is it a present is it a present it’s a present

No no no no peeking no peeking go down there count go close your eyes and count to 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 all right when I say open up your present uh open up your present so open it up in three 2

One dude what is wrong with you but honestly dude go over to my side I gave you a birthday present too I guess you could say my my present was explosive like my poop I didn’t have to know that box take a look at my second build your favorite character I said

Stop this thing in the game it literally followed you and it stared at you with that creepy face hi why are you doing this cuz dude they’re your favorite character I hate theme I hate them go away you stupid dog you’re a bad dog bad dog bro you can thank me later happy

Birthday to you bro no no no no no no get rid of this dumb dog you’re a bad dog Lux is getting more and more bad but I have a whole list of other surprises later you know I’m just going to go to my side I’m going to continue making you

Birthday presents SL undo while lock fix the next birthday present let’s have some more fun SL scam load 7. schematic slpe and we are about to say hello wait which character is this I know it’s more of a crazy one a scary one we have bommy long legs this is only getting worse

This is the claw at the end of the game and I think Lux is going to be petrified but for now let’s head on over to his side hey no no don’t don’t move anymore okay okay what is that what are you building by the way don’t worry about it

It’s your final gift final gift let’s go and dude I got you another gift too what you did why are they chickens fire are their chickets I’m just I’m building you something don’t worry about it I don’t think you’re building me anything no I am building yourself to stop

It just just keep just watch them dude if you look over the wall you can literally see my build eye oh BL doesn’t notice that would be very bad what are you doing all right all right I think I think we’re ready I think we’re about ready first it’s spring now there’s Surprise nice confetti dude I mean it was supposed to look better than that well let’s just say mine look a little bit better than than that come on over Dude stopped clucking hello why did they stop clucking this is the worst birthday ever put some clothes on get rid of

These chickens and go to my side please no I will not put some clothes on I’m comfortable what the heck dude I got you bro I got you with this gift what do you think this is the creepiest thing this is the claw that went from under the

Door after Mommy Long Legs died and she screamed you’re going to make me a part of him and this is what she meant this is him are you scared yes I have nightmares about this claw every single night while in your bikini yes in my bikini just just make

It go away make it go away there is one more build left to go SL SL undo and let’s load up SL SL load a. schematic this is the creepiest one out of them all dude Lux I got you with this sick build you are going to love it yes I’ve

Been trolling you I’ve been bringing you but this build you’re going to kiss me because of this uh maybe man I I hope so I’m a little petrified right now I’m just killing the chickens for fun and there it is Fox is killing the chickens

And now he can say hello to Mommy Long Legs this is so creepy looking all right what do you have for me what is your builds uh punch of cooked chicken dude what about what about hey come here murderer hey dude hey what’s up bro what’s dude let’s just see your build

First it’s my new friend Mommy Long Legs dude come here yeah where are we going you want to see my build yeah yeah let’s see your build FL B Mr top five I wouldn’t do that if I Mr top five you get no birthday gifts this year subscribe for Bo

This video, titled ‘Trolling With POPPY PLAYTIME in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by MrTopCraft on 2023-11-26 01:37:03. It has garnered 2704 views and 117 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:48 or 4848 seconds.

Trolling With POPPY PLAYTIME in Minecraft! Get ready for Poppy Playtime Chapter 3! CatNap. Smiling Critters. Hoppy Hopscotch. DogDay. Bobby BearHug. PickyPiggy. Poppy Playtime Bubba Bubbaphant

  • Stressmen Jail, Odo Kentang: Animation VS Original Minecraft Madness

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  • Monarchia

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  • LeafXP-TerraFirmaGreg modded SMP

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  • Minecraft World gets blown up by TNT! 🔥

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  • Minecraft: Back to Basics

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  • Minecraft’s Next Level Textures: Dr. Bonks Edition

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  • Insane Physics in Minecraft?! You won’t believe it! #minecraft

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  • Josh goes CRAZY playing God of War LIVE!

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  • Surviving 2.5 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – FULL MOVIE

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  • Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraft

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  • OniMc

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  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

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  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

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  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock!

    Building a Bus-Like Plane in Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Bedrock: Build Battle B13 – A Unique Aircraft Resembling a Bus! Greetings, gamers! Dive into the exciting world of Minecraft Bedrock with the latest Build Battle B13 event, featuring an aircraft that resembles a bus. Let’s explore the creative and competitive aspects of this unique Minecraft experience. Channel Overview The channel hosting this event primarily focuses on gaming videos, with a special emphasis on Minecraft and Brawl Stars content. However, viewers can expect a variety of other games to be featured in the future, promising a diverse and engaging experience for all gaming enthusiasts. Community Guidelines Respect is… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More