INSANE! Pyro’s EPIC Honey Bee Farm Build

Video Information

Right now I’m listening to right now I’m listening to a spylight play It’s called Funk and has the most cursed weirdest music I’ve ever seen in my whole life but anyhow what is up YouTube it’s your boy the one and only well realistically not the one and only

There’s pyro Li there’s pyrro cynical there’s pyro gaming there’s pyro demon there’s whatever you get the point one only pyrro play games here we’re streaming Minecraft so yeah realm survival like usual y’all working on the realm jelly old good time with my friend Phil late night Minecraft on the weekend

You know Saturday night whatever streaming some Minecraft for a couple hours probably working on some products that I’ve been sitting on my ass on for like a while and not doing them trying to prepare for the new update AKA 1.21 Minecraft trials and Chambers update since since they’re adding since they’re adding poisonous

Freaking skeletons going to need honey to survive trying to get a honey farm going it’s man right now it’s it’s going to be manual I’m going to make autom automatic eventually but for right now it’s going to be a manual farm so I might make an

Automatic one in the future I don’t know I fig find some videos to do it I have no clue what I’m doing that type of stuff I can make like I can make like red simple like straight up basically red star know how to do um when it comes

To Castle Gates like that type of stuff I show me how to do it and I still don’t know how to do it still even this day it’s just not my cup of tea you know um when it comes to the farms and stuff if

It’s simple Farms I can do them but if it’s automatic depending on I can do like basic Farms like you know the crop farms that M had on Na’s house those I can do but when it comes to like crazy like automatic ones I struggle with that type of stuff you

Know I’m not good with that type of stuff and what not but but I feel like when it comes to what I feel like like um when it comes to Java and whatnot to make redstone farms in Java is a little bit easier cuz it’s not as hard

To do it cuz it’s less it’s easier but they made Bedrock more like um harder cuz you have to like double up on everything in Java does and add more stuff to make yours work compared to Java where it’s works with less to blocks you know just like how CL the Wither is

Easier on Bedrock compared to Java and like how bosses on Java are harder or than bedrock and Bedrock bosses they’re easier you know it’s kind of back and forth so I don’t really know I played Minecraft Java years ago when I was a kid back in like

2010 12 and stuff like that so it’s been a while you know when I played it back then it wasn’t as hard to do to do things cuz it was still basic Minecraft it was still like early years of Minecraft when they didn’t start updating this game like crazy until like

As you know like 2018 2019 they start updating this game like crazy you know back then it was basically Minecraft you know so it wasn’t as hard to do stuff now they pretty much ramped everything so it’s much harder and much trickier to make Farms because not

Everything works like it should no more because they’ve changed so much stuff well I’m not talking about that I’m talking about Redstone stuff like that like my like my iron farm I had on the server for the past like almost year now they updated the game to fix some

Bugs and it destroyed my farm it doesn’t even work no more I have to make another one again so I have to remove all my villagers 100 blocks away from everything else again and build another one cuz the update [ __ ] them it messed them up it does not work and I just

Swear in stream rats but yeah I have to redo it all over again from start cuz you know it didn’t work which it’s it’s you know it stinks because like that took me like eight plus hours to build that and then breed all those villagers up to do it

You know and the breeding Farm it worked really good back then do not work now cuz when they revamped the villagers they they messed up breeding with villagers so the breeding villagers takes a lot longer now than it should same thing with curing so it’s more of a

Pain you know they’ve changed so much stuff so now think more of harder and more a grind to get stuff now so it’s kind of annoying but you know that’s how Minecraft has always been it’s always been them making the game slowly and slowly harder and harder to do stuff and

Just want to aggravate you and make you mad you know I still need to go another and get and get um glowstone blocks with this beehive Farm cuz I don’t have enough I’m going to need some to put in the ceiling so I can light the have it lit up so I’m

Thinking about the ceiling part of it I’ll have like maybe two by two every four or five blocks so it’s litting up but it’s not too crazy litting up you know stuff like that but I’m going have to go in the nether Adventure get Glowstone block get Glowstone which I

Already went to day to get Glowstone areas around the Christmas tree and and Minute Man’s house cuz mobs kept or sorry his M Shaft or his makeshift M was building cuz mobs kept spawning on top of the roof of it and it was getting really annoying cuz I whatever I was

Working that con get attacked by creepers and everything else in con he quit the realm again he Prett Prett much told me to go f myself and a bunch of other stuff because I guess he built like this giant castle for similar L somewhere else somewhere else like I

Think somewhere else away from Spawn and didn’t tell me and then he died lost his stuff and I back up the realm so it reached his forth that he builds didn’t tell me he built this whatsoever but then pretty much snapped at me full on full full speed at me about me backing

Up the realm when he didn’t tell me anything about it his old thing I’m always his old thing is I’m always begging him to play in the realm with me pretty much and every time he does he’s always miserable about it and I had him help me build one of my

Castle he helped me pretty much just sign that bridge castle gate and like after that we kind of like I pretty much told him to go shove and go f himself on stream and we kind of just went out separate WS at that point it just pissed

Me off and I kind of just pretty much told him to go [ __ ] off somewhere else I got f up with his [ __ ] after a while it was just ridiculous there was no need to there was no need to act the way he was acting that day and he proceeded to

Kill and he proceeded to kill me as well for like said said oh you’re in the way I’m like you need to kill me man all I do is ask you and then he’s like D I’m going bu you this this these towers are what pyro I’m like yeah what’s with the

Attitude and you don’t need to kill me for no reason you know there was no need for that like that wasn’t cool it was absolutely ridiculous and was that a know like I didn’t do nothing this kid to make that pissed off and I constantly

Whenever you die I con asked you me to back up the realm to get your stuff back I want to back it up and I always would I always tell him if anything happens to give me a time then his excuse by not telling me about the 40 build or not

Telling about him dying losing and stuff was oh I didn’t want to bother you but you can snap at me get pissed off over it though oh totally that totally makes a lot of sense huh it’s like it’s just ridiculous you know he was cool but I think he was I think I

Think something else was going on in his personal life too it seemed like big time cuz sometimes he’d be in a good mood and sometimes he’ just be like miserable and snap you out of nowhere for like no reason you know there was some days think something was going on his personal

Life like me were playing I think we play with him on Rainbow Six Siege or playing him on wildlands and then Minecraft and other games and stuff and it kind of just ghosted both us pretty much I haven’t seen lady Lynx get on in a while though either I keep checking

Her house make sure someone burnt her house I re back with the real and then fixed everything and what not but I haven’t seen her in a while and I’m trying to see when she’s going to get back on I’m just curious you know man she

Hasn’t gone back on in a while and I’m kind I kind of miss her cuz she was really cool and come to building she helped if you guys don’t know lady links actually is the is the one that actually helped me build that clock that clock tower for the town hall building she

Help me do that whole Tower design and that whole clock design for that as well as working on a few other buildings and builds she’s helped me with so she’s a really good Builder but she hasn’t gone on she has her own realm now but she

Hasn’t gone on my realm in a while cuz I’m kind of like Curious what’s going on I’m not not sure I’m kind of worried slash kind of like missing her cuz she was really chill she was really nice she was a sweetheart she was like a grandma to me

Almost kind of cuz she was super nice like it was it’s cool she kind of brought like a positivity to the server we didn’t really have before so was cool oh [ __ ] no one can’t see the goddamn chat I just remember that just now [ __ ] do me a fear f can you message

Unknown on Discord let him know I’m streaming CU I think he doesn’t know I told him I’m streaming I don’t think you can see can’t see chat it’s glitched off on the game chat so do me a favor message him on Discord say hey pyate

Stream if if you want to talk to him if you don’t mind how much glass I I got 14 pieces of glass smelted now I got more St I got to throw in here as well but that’s not enough yeah I prob always put pyro

Stream but I don’t think he cuz he said he can’t read chat I don’t know what I don’t know if he’s glitched out or if it’s bugged for him but I don’t know why he can’t readen like why he can’t see chat on the game excuse me on the game

It makes no sense I don’t know what’s going on it might be a bug I’m not sure but there’s a lot of bugs in this game so I wouldn’t be I wouldn’t be really be that shocked if it is an actual bug cuz there’s a lot of bugs in this

Game so it kind of would really shock me if it is all right so the green out B’s coming up the green house is coming out somewhat good I need more glass I’m like SM is not doing enough with the glass what sucks is there’s no way to smell

Glass quicker to get a bunch of glass quickly that’s what sucks I really wish they would add something one of the blast furnace but something else kind of different upgrade for the furnace to make glass you know maybe add a maybe introduce a new item that makes maybe introduce a new a new

Furnace that’s not blast or regular smoke yeah P would be pretty much a good idea then and we can use that to make pot Pottery too as well that’d be a pretty cool update it help with smelting glass and stuff it save time because um well not Stone it just I

Think it should only be glass and it should be like Pottery shards that’s what it should be I think like the think Pottery stuffff well yeah I mean definitely like I said we definitely need get some kind of thing to improve glass SM cuz glass smelting takes way too long and but

Making crazy big build and so you need a lot of glass you’ll take hours just to wait for [ __ ] to smell it’s like it’s so stupid and onmet you can’t use laot to power furnaces it has to be coal or or kelp or whatever and like on here I mean

Coal’s not hard to find but if you if you it’s going to sit there and spend hours and hours mining coal and I could just use lava or use kelp or something it’s just stupid but like you said a pottery like you just said a pottery smell it wouldn’t be

Too much of a bad idea man you can use that to smell for glass It Be A Way quicker alternative it’ be a better idea you know it it makes smell way quicker and less time consuming and you would save time Big Time I feel like on it doing that too as

Well I I think they might see something similar to that a while ago on mine for one of the updates might have hinted that’re adding something like that but I don’t know no offense mojing is pretty goddamn lazy if I’m comparing them to like hell diers 2 developers or Pal worlds they haven’t

Updated those games pop out more content updates I feel like and have more to offer in the game and they’re already pre-planning like the next five or six years of content right after the bat and then you’ll get Microsoft AK mojing and like they just s their ass most of the

Time and working updates and don’t even do and don’t even like actually work you know what I mean they kind I feel like most of the time they just sit there in the office like oh what are we going to do for Anice just thinking about not

Even try to actually do anything you know and there’s like a lot of you modded YouTubers I’ll make [ __ ] like left and right for this game like months days weeks and weeks months whatever but I get why they don’t make as quick updates cuz like they have a certain

Budget they can only spend on making like updates to the game and if they go over the budget they have to kind of cut stuff out you know they have a budget where to where these um Regular People can make as many add-ons and mods as

They want cuz they don’t really have a budget you know what I mean they don’t have that limitation Budget on their head Pretty much telling them they can’t spend over this amount you know cuz when you’re because those people at there are also getting paid by the hour so like if they’re making

Updates and they have a bunch of say they have five people working on it right those five people are going to be paid by by every hour right so they spend like I don’t know like 200 hours like on an update right they’re going to

Be paid 200 hours worth of like of work you know what I mean and they have labor laws and stuff like that too as well and whatnot so I mean I can kind of see what kind of why it takes long for them to make updates

But yet again they should be making more for updates not a couple things like Tri and Chambers was like a cool up adding a new pretty much they’re adding the dungeons you seen a lot of anime and one you know you ever watch like you ever watch like um a lot these itai

Animes itai animes with like what what is it called how not how to pick up girls then dungeon or Goblin Slayer or all these popular esai anime and one you know you know mostly the animes they’re go to playing constantly as the dungeons that’s pretty much what they’re adding

In Minecraft now as the trial on Chambers is a similar dungeon like that there different floors and what not you do different things and [ __ ] well they already showed the trail for as when they’re adding a new mob which I’ve already I bet tested them out

Cuz the B is out for a Bedrock I made it short about where the breeze pretty much got two shot by the uh the Iron Golem and then I test out dog armor as well man dog armor is pretty good if you have no enchantments on your sword diamond

Netherite take five hits to kill a dog with armadillo armor on but I didn’t test that with enchantments though I still need to do that but basic tools it won’t kill it straight away it takes about five to six hits to kill it so it’s definitely good

To have dog armor on your dog but if you’re on hard you there’s three baby zombies on me holy [ __ ] I have three BB zombies on me holy [ __ ] but like I said man if the armor is really good but like if you got to change the tools I feel like it’ll be

Kind of good but not as good you know what I mean cuz the arm will just get started way faster with chant the tools you know I don’t get why people keep joining the damn stream and then leaving I really don’t get that people watch your stream and then leave to two seconds

Into your stream it’s like am I am I that boring am I not that entertaining like come on now you watch your stream for two seconds and ditch out I’m not that [ __ ] entertaining or something like what the hell I hate that CU I it didn’t because then it [ __ ] up

My w my my language then it messes up my watch time and whatnot and my viewership numbers but I’m just joining for two seconds of leaving cuz YouTu thinks oh my streams might suck or something when they really don’t so I I don’t know it makes absolutely no sense so I don’t

Know I mean it’s kind of just like whatever at this point I guess I stream different games at time I met Moxy and cheetah and the rest of them by just streaming I streamed uh um what the hell was the name of the gang I so I stre

This game the other day it was called if you don’t know it was called Grand really think it was a fancy RPG style gam so one to Final Fantasy stream that the other day and that’s why I met Moxy and CH they both hopped in my

Stream and said hi and stuff like that so it was pretty fun yeah so I thought I had more of the um gamer dubs [ __ ] left I am I’m fully out of it I gotta buy more so instead I just pretty much made myself a um protein shake which I’m

Drinking currently right now so instead so yeah stupid damn creepers they just they the creepers don’t even fall Logic No they the creepers don’t even fall logic nowhere but they just pop out of practically anywhere at this point dude it’s so annoying oh my god oh you manag get one nice you

Do he said you have a lot nice how do you have a lot but like I said man I got to go back to the nether anyways cuz I have to go back there and get um why’ you leave the realm for oh okay see you later man

Peace more zombie villagers those are Smith workers I should probably try to cure them and bring them back to the training Hall but that’s very far away I don’t think I’m be to make it back to the um Sunrise hits they probably die if I get close to Training hall I probably

Keep over here but I have no name tags on me either so I can’t really name tag or kill them either this kind of the problem as well but there’s two I could probably bring the tents to do it over there minut then the entrance is Right nearby

But I don’t have a a thing near me either I have no way to really um do it that sucks yeah whatever I always find Dum villagers so that’s nothing new chat I always find them like left and right like all the time so I’m not really concerned really that much about

It if you guys don’t know we have a training Hub Building as well yall if you guys don’t know we’re trying to work on before the new villager fancing update comes out cuz we want to try to get all the trades and stuff like that going and whatnot before they they

Change everything up with the new newest update if you guys don’t know they’re changing a lot of stuff the newest update with villagers which is going to suck for a lot of speedrunners but you know how that goes excuse me is killing me dude God damn it [ __ ] [ __ ]

Oh he has the piano it goes hello everybody in chat how’s it going guys it’s your boy Power plays games here what’s up what’s good just working on my beehive farm for my Realm since you know I need to get that going cuz they at new tral Chambers update be

Adding poisonous skeletons and stuff so it’s going to be pretty smart to have golden honey honey and you know gold vegetables and fruits and stuff like that ready to prepared for that update cuz that should hits if I’m not prepared I want to do the trial Chambers I’m

Probably going to get bodied so you know trying to make sure I have what I need to have you know guys so yeah all prepared a l fun stuff C you want some boy you want some fool you want some man come here come here come here you’re

Dead I got to get up there and fill now cuz I fell down and I have enough to fill it in D baby zombies what the fck God damn it die stop sleeping a fire you punk how dare you monster haha I can’t get me up here you

Dumb stupid dumb zombie stupid dumb zombie can’t get me up here oh you stink you stink you little booty chick boy booger boy you dead what the did that fox just eat rotted meat or am I tripping out guys what what the heck uh okay then whatever I don’t know whatever then I

Guess so I’m not going to do this I mean honestly this Farm I could probably put doors in the side instead of the front if I actually put some kind of door right here and whatnot I could probably do it that way I think um I don’t want to add a door in

The front look very weird if I do it right here and whatnot man so like I said what I could actually do is I could add it in the side like this right here and whatnot we start getting the design going though so one two three this will

Make not going to do one two three four I’m going to do four over I think instead so it’s four right there one two three four there we go right same height as well huh right there there there we go same height peachy lemon squeezy and

Nice cool skin that real so looks cool there we go and cool there we go up that CH just it up mind me so one two three one two three four and there we go all right do that and that makes four as well yeah all right

Cool all right so so I have two more bars right all up to four and four so what I’m going to do now is I’m going to do from the other other side as well too so I can Mark where I’m going to put the door at so I figured this out I’ll

Probably have two side doors going from the back and front all the sides right right here most likely as well too let me see here real quick so one 2 3 four yep so there we go cool [ __ ] I messed with a crap so and allar up right yep one two three

And that’s F four so right there there we go so that’s four and four even Steven lemon squeezy nice excuse me all right there you go nice co beans cool so let me see now then all right so how am I going to do these damn doors

Now I should I do maybe a part where it goes out like this potentially um no not that look kind of crappy though I think I mean I could do something like that yeah but look how can I do this for like like look like [ __ ] though I wonder

H i wonder one two three four let see here cut this number one so yeah over this be the doorway right here I think so yeah let me get my shovel out real quick mark it Mark it down so I know as well three yep oh my teeth that hurt

Guys know my TR are acting little my teeth clamp my teeth down my mistake not attentionally of course and it just [ __ ] hurts like a [ __ ] T you know it’s not too high right actually it’s not it’s perfect actually cool one two three four right yeah

That’s cool okay so I’m makes three in the M the four pattern still going and what not I have the other door right here if you guys don’t know I’m going to have two doors here I have an idea what I could do I have do the glass part

Right here what I could do do do a little part where it’s kind of like a um kind of like a kazeebo opening you guys know if you go to like a coffee shop or something Have A Little Triangle roof kind of like right here and whatnot I

Could actually do something like that I think which should work I think and I’ll figure it out as I go along though so I’m not really too worried right now but about it um might do the damn roof to do the roof out of planks SM mix with glass and

Stuff like that I’m thinking or slabs even slabs might work too pretty well too I think too as well huh huh look look that actually looks much better that way that way too as well so that’s cool all right nice all right so chat so far we got that stuff goinging

Good now what I’m going to do is I’m going to fill back up my furnace real quick with more [ __ ] stuff then I’m going to shoot to the nether try to find some um glow stone blocks and one more of those as well cuz I’m running low on

Those I’m definitely need more of those I want to put the lights inside the green hous as well I’m making a few of these green houses not just one I’m probably to make a total of three for farming honey and whatnot I’m also try to make the sniffer Farm tonight it’s

Video the breeding center for building but I’m probably not going I’m probably going to run out of time I don’t know Mond I have enough time to finish this Honey Farm yet I don’t know kind of just depends how much time I have I have to be work tomorrow morning early so I’ll

Try to stream get much done as I can tonight and if I don’t get it done tonight well we’ll finish it on another episode like usual so yeah let me see here now real quick there nice all right cool this actually looks actually actually honestly guys

This to me R the bad this actually looks much 10 times way better like this as well actually guys too as well looks way better to me like 10 times better cuz I can do some custom nice little builds too as well with this I’m thinking I

Could do make some art I could do probably maybe do some um some Arch wads going to kind of sideways up like a triangle shape too as well possibly with the design I’m thinking to as well just some cool Archway designs I’m thinking for this the way it’s shape that is

Definitely possible on S big so that’s probably what I’m going to do I’m thinking but yeah I’m to fill the glass in first and I’ll figure what I’m gonna do next I’m done doing that and whatnot so yeah all right I got more any got more glass smelting right now I’m going to

Have to go mine for coal cuz I’m very desperately low on coal and whatnot there’s a few farms near base I’m a few different mind things I have going near base I should be to find some more coal easily I think I’m just going to have to

Go look around and whatnot I know there a lot of caves nearby a crap on of coal so I’m not really worried about not finding coal so I know for a damn fact I should be to find some easy but before I do that I’ll let I’ll let

The glass thing go for a little bit longer I’m going to shoot the Nether and go hunt down for some glow stone or glow blocks I desperately need it big time so yeah big time so yeah and I and I also don’t I don’t just need it for my farm for my um

Honey Farm I also need glow decorate that Christmas tree if you guys know that’s to be a Christmas tree I to finish last year one that never finished it it still needs to be finished so I have to get more glowstone blocks for that too as well honestly cuz I’m

Running desp low on that as well I don’t have enough of that build either which I’m trying to get that build going you know stuff like that that build was supposed to be done last Christmas but never got done cuz I ran out of time and what not so I got to

Go th to fin get that going and get that finish too as well too what not so yeah try to hunt some ingredents for that too as well I’m in here so I so pretty much what I’m trying to say now guys I’m basically going to need a [ __ ] ton of

Glow stone and I mean an absolute [ __ ] ton so we’re going to be in here for a little bit I’m thinking most like we probably be in there for a little bit as well see all right so there’s a gas guy right there there more a bunch of clums

Glow over near him as well too as well so Yeah that farm off the back cool cool beans nice sweet all right cool see real quick ah God [ __ ] damn come here you flying little piece of [ __ ] oh go piss you piss off man off damn [ __ ] flying St flying stupid damn demon take

That still thank you damn a w w Jus mine [ __ ] man God damn man damn Daniel [ __ ] it’s wild man crap holy crap crap uh break all right go cool nice up oh yeah speaking of new updates guys have I has anybody in the chat actually tested out the beta test for the

New armadillo and the rest of the moms yet if you guys don’t know that the update looks really good honestly I know a lot of people are really hyped the best in the world for what I’m in but I’m actually really hyped for it looks really good in my opinion man like

Actually looks really good really big time so my honest I think they’re doing a really really good job with it too as well I’m thinking at least I think they they’ve done a really good job with it but that’s just my opinion let me know let me know in the comments what you

Guys think in the chat whatnot like what what are you guys actually think about the new up you guys like what they’re doing you hate what they’re doing you not like it do you like it and why do you like it and why not do you not like

It you know tell me give me some feedback love to hear more I know what you guys think about it big time 15 16 17 18 uh yeah 19 20 cool Bean SL nice right there cool nice cool that would honestly chat that would have been really bad if I would have

[ __ ] up there and fell down I guarantee guys I probably would have died there like honestly Big Time guarantee y’all like seriously y’all honestly guaranteed death right there like big time that’s for damn sure but eh but eh whatever didn’t happen so we’re all good we’re chilling y’all chat we we are chilling

Boys we’re chilling didn’t happen so we’re good we’re H chilling really well so not too worried so yeah crap that sucks eh whatever all right I’m just about R it falls down it’s kind of what I go down grab bottom but honestly it shouldn’t fall down too far down I don’t think I

Should fall around the platform right underneath I shouldn’t fall down too far down I don’t think but who knows it might never know and and also you know if it does I just go down there and grabb it anyways so long as it doesn’t fall in lava I

Should be fun I’m pretty sure so yeah [ __ ] piece of [ __ ] no I so close I almost died Jesus oh [ __ ] [ __ ] holy crap cracky mate what the [ __ ] hey yeah yeah man Jesus All right so I and and I’ve been also honestly real with you too as well guys is this is I guarantee honestly probably not even enough um yeah no I probably guaranteed probably not honestly not even enough of I probably don’t have enough glowstone but I’m I’m also going

To grab some shroom lights too as well cuz he’s are really good for letting in what not a two as well just in case I don’t get enough excuse me again guys oh me sorry if I don’t get enough of the glow St I’m going to grab some sh lights too cuz

These things are really good too as well they’re very really really really good too so yeah cool cool nice nice nice nice all right sweet cool beans nice hello bye bye-bye Punk B you stupid dumb Punk take that you slimming looking punk ass get body fool don’t mess with the

Pyro gang goty nice all right I need to make room for more stuff I more crap I got to grab so I got to clear my a little bit here I’m going to use wood you know wood cutable happened to that Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse abandoned

City thing oh that D oh yeah so oh yeah so Dar if you don’t know that I so Dar if you don’t know I so if you don’t know D I still have that worlds dude I got to finish it it’s absolutely huge man I

Know I still got to finish it man it’s it’s huge if I can get more people to help me get on and help me work on it I probably have done it faster way faster man but yeah no it’s huge man and I need to get more people to help me out with

It cuz it’s absolutely huge I just don’t have enough help to build it you know but I’m definitely going to get back to working on that don’t worry probably the next live I’ll probably stream be work on that world again iic man so yeah I just need to remember how to add

Measurements again cuz it’s been a while since I’ve had the measurement H had to use measurements to add builds and stuff and um all that fun stuff and whatnot and stuff so yeah and [ __ ] I haven’t done in a while so I kind of forget how

To how to do it exactly you know I forget so I kind of have to um re look up how to use quartz again it’s it’s been a while to use them so you know I get to look it up again so I haven’t done in a while so he

Do things for a while then I forget you how my life goes if I don’t to do something for a very long time I I kind of forget how to do it so I got to kind of remember I got to use my brain remember how to do it cuz I really don’t

Remember it’s been so long I stre light nice but um but um yeah besides that are how how’s everything going you you you’ve been doing good D or what youan you life been treating your fil these days of men or no and have have you to

Sh and gami lately or no you and the [ __ ] Gumi boy been chilling it out lately or no actually actually you actually you know why in here I might grab some more blue wood cuz I mean that’s really good for certain roofs I’m work one in the house I kind of want to

Use blue wood but I don’t think I know if it’s any blue wood trees left people been chopping them down repetitively I know I have a lot too as well there any more wood left yo Dar so where you at man in the map you nearby or

No and I also have a quick question too for you as well man D so so Dar why are you so hyper unset of me playing in that apocalypse oh okay man quick question so quick question for your Dar why do you want me to so so why do you want me to

Play on the apocalypse world so far so badly is there a reason why do you want me to play on it so much or or want me to stream it again do you like the way it was looking you is it like there’s a reason specific reason why to stream on

It so much or or no I’m just curious you know I’m just I’m just kind of curious about that is there a specific reason why you want me to stream it or or no I’m just I’m just wondering you know just curious because it’s been like 50 years since you streamed about

It Dar I’m pretty sure it’s only been like a year or two since the last time I streamed I I I don’t really think it’s been that long man but you progress I guess I mean I don’t think it’s been that long whenever I get Minecraft I

When I get on Minecraft I always start working on my realm I always forget about the other words I’ve been working on I think for now when I get on Minecraft I’m going to start working on that um on that world again I think man probably cuz I keep forgetting but I

Definitely do kind of want to finish it one if I do ever finish it I want to make like a Minecraft series about it and and now that we officially have add-ons add to the game if they add some kind of zombie Addam I can actually probably make that world work Big Time

Make it actually work it actually will probably work last stream since you streamed it that was before ghostly Noles even left oh yeah I forgot man which I haven’t seen ghost in a while he hasn’t been on she hasn’t not been on my streaming a very long time so I don’t

Know what’s up with her I don’t even know what happened to her I still see her online here and there but I really don’t know what happened to her I have no clue all I know she deleted all she deleted all her videos and she always only posted on her

Community page a couple times and I’ve caught her online here in there but she doesn’t talk me no more so I don’t know what happened with that I mean I didn’t even do nothing wrong so I don’t know what happened with that she kind of came out of nowhere and since she stopped

Coming at some point so I don’t know what’s up with that I have no clue honestly hey yo so yo Dar so Dar do you see my new community community um Club I made on Xbox now for po worlds I know I you kind of the third person I invited to it

So I’m sure you’ve already know knew about cuz you join straight away but I’m probably going to use that to to make community need for power worlds I probably use that to host my server in power worlds when I get a game PC I’m definitely going to make a server

Though for it yeah he says all right that’s cool glad to hear it stupid tall little black Enderman leave me alone stop trying to Booty rap me oh Sho you’re not an Enderman you are a pig you are pretty much a pig vill a pig Pillager at that point I’m you know

I think I’ve got enough blocks here chat I think I’m going to see my s the hell out of here before I die like a dumbass so yeah I got not proba on a lot of blocks but I think a decent amount oh yo do yo DARS when the hell do

You have iron armor bro that’s new good [ __ ] man congrats glad to see it um I I use up all my rockets that sucks I don’t have no more Rockets if I can’t like rocket over where I want to go that sucks yo Dar why the hell is

There a horse outside the pen for dark Dar did you let what my horse out at the damn pen or what D you let this horse out at the pen or what s if you if you are if you’re taking horse out of my pen again we’re going have problems mate that’s

Annoying why how is he ODS his pen for you’re not supposed to burn the pen bro keep the pen cage closed what you doing I I have I do now have my lighting for the um the uh Farm the greenhouse building I’m working on for the what do

You want to call it for the the let them out dumb I never let them out dumb dump he says oh well I didn’t know I thought you did man it come out in the horse set of its cage I kind of thought you’re the

One that um let him out man sorry kind of s like you did but my bad that’s funny but hey yo Dar and serious now man follow me yo Dar follow me man I want to I want to show you what I’m working on right now so you don’t know I’m working

On the brand new Greenhouse for to make a honey Farms we need honey on the Des in the server so I kind of wanted to have you join Dark Gaming Pro s you are a noob who I’m a Noob dark oh Dar what do you mean dark what do you mean I’m a

Noob how am I a noob bro you know it’s not nice to call people noobs you know you know you know thank you for hi in the message D appreciate my Mr moderator all right I’m going to be real Mr dark if you have nothing nice to stay

In the chat dark don’t say nothing at all all right thank you keep it friendly or we’re going to have to ban you simple as that all right oh crap I should I got to craft the chest put my [ __ ] so I have too much stuff in my inventory I

Can’t do nothing at least he ain’t a [ __ ] dark thank you D Dar is always stick it up my P boy that’s wild that’s crazy actually I just I actually have enough for Redstone lamps I don’t know if a redstone lamp would look better for this greenh housee building or if I

Should roll with the um glowstone I don’t really know what look would better would look better for this I hey yo I yo hey yo uh D I have a quick poo poo head stinky poo poo head bad boy D you did not just say stinky

Poo head and say bad boy afterwards no mate you did not just freaking say that bro n a bro seriously did not just say po oh that’s [ __ ] hilarious that’s absolutely hilarious I’m sorry I’m too tired for this [ __ ] man I wanted to go to bed but

Phil begged me to stream Minecraft so I’m kind of like whatever and end up streaming it but I’m so like so tired right now my you don’t even know like I’m so freaking tired right now it’s absolutely wild that actually I’m going to put this stuff in there for right Now um go right here for now man um I need glass yeah all right so all right so I need to go and check my glass out at the um a SM I need to see if it’s done I think the glass might be done I don’t

Know I got to double check and see I’m not really sure I don’t know I got to double check and find out all right so so it sh is it going to be fully auto smelted now all right so I have 20 how much is done so far though

Then still smelting the 64 and what not got to co up here let it half got put inside here oh it did didn’t get smel no wonder that makes sense now that’s kind of that kind of sucks I was hoping was smelted but it got put in the wrong one no wonder that

Makes a lot of sense sense ah this game sucks sometimes big time actually Dar s at least he ain’t a b word dark something dark s that’s wild D don’t yo yo yo yo I would be absolutely real with you Darman don’t stoop down to his level you’re you’re way above his

Level D you’re way above his level don’t stoop down to his levels no point of the in there really ain’t let M think a tough boy don’t stoop down to his level there’s no point of the mate the really ain’t all right so there F this all even

Out the door you become family friendly well I mean I kind of became family friendly recently Dar because I’m I’m most of my viewers aren’t staying long periods of time and so I’m trying to become I’m trying to become more friendly family friendly mate to try to

Keep maybe more viewers you know stuff like that I’m just not getting enough family wait hold the damn Filman since when since when the hell was unknown in the game unknown was in the game the whole damn time just now I say he left just now I didn’t even know he was in

The damn game us that’s absolutely wild it’s crap God damn actually who else this dark kid that [ __ ] talking my channel Dark Gaming C cacus signs 998 subscribers videos K like And subscribe and he’s also from Thailand and he posts random ass [ __ ] on his channel huh and people actually

Watch this scrap that’s wild he post a lot of um anime [ __ ] yo um yo guys that guy was talking [ __ ] on my channel is almost at 1K subscribers M and he post a lot of um a lot of weird [ __ ] on his channel let’s just say a lot of weird [ __ ] I’m

Actually amazed but like I said D I became family friendly and real recently Mak so I I to even told Phil I to learn to stop swearing so much on my videos cuz YouTube is getting more stricter now so if you’re swearing dropp on the F bombs

Every 3 seconds in your channel being very political very like controversial very racist on channels and stuff stuff they will ban you right off the bat like there’s no like you know what I mean trying to become more censored you know more sensorized you know I don’t want to

Get ban you cuss no more cussing bad boy you cuss no more D I know D I know man I know I know I know I did okay I I know that’s what I’m trying to cut back on you know man wait what the heck what the heck you eating Phil what

Candy you’re eting milk chocolate candy how dare you how dare you good no more Meats for you eat veggies or eat the piggies we like vegan’s hair no more no more no more meat hey yo what oh chill out bro I kind of fruit it man chill out chill

Out I don’t like people’s meat in my mouth what what a well I’m going to go get the milk I’ll be right back after that c I’m going to go get the milk and probably not come back be right back I’m going to get the milk

It was just a joke mate chill the Freak Out JK bro chill I watch a lot of Roblox videos like here and there whenever I find stuff online you know what I mean and a lot of the videos I showed them saying the f word saying a lot of like Roo is

Gone the there like 50y old 51 Oney old men acting really creepy on the world on the worlds and stuff man fat fat fat Discord mods that are 51 year olds Liv in their parents’ basement acting very creepy to children on a children’s game what do you

Expect and if Dar you’re wondering where I’m at mate does this does this right here help show you where I’m at mate Town Hall more buildings bridge I’m over on the other side pretty much the realm on the other side of town I’m on the other side of town practically man

That’s where I’m at so yeah SK dip d d di dip di dip dip yes yes I [ __ ] know start that I don’t know why I actually watch the videos I make cuz they use like a lot of ads music and some of the videos that the people make with the animation

Other type of things I actually yeah I actually find them with the robots and I actually find them funny for some Rd reason I actually kind of like them I don’t know why may I still go back and watch SpongeBob and Family Guy bro and Simpsons I’m pretty sure I never aged well

Okay hey Phil so Phil have you heard so seriously it’s but it’s really popular you haven’t heard yet you haven’t heard the word no the word word word word word word word word word word it’s a new meme going on I was what’s the so so you guys want to hear a funny

Thing so I went to the bank a while ago listen to that song left and right annoying the crap out my mother cuz it’s actually hilarious annoy old woman I don’t know why I’m kind of evil and we went so 5 Seconds of going into the bank

The first thing we hear is have you heard I Rose her eyes so freaking wide the whole Bank could seem practically and she’s like out loud she out loud she says oh my God then it goes the next two seconds go to the word word word word word word word word word word

For like for five minutes straight and the whole time looked like she the whole time looked like she was going to me snap at somebody like I swear to God looked that she was about to have a mental breakdown was absolutely hilarious it was the funniest thing I’ve seen all day

Actually so so unknown and dark and fail is everyone in the game watching my stream right now yes or no that’s all I want to know hey yo chill out bro like oh my God I don’t do children sorry I don’t do miners sorry I’m I’m not line maker sorry I’m not

Children I’m not EDP 454 and I’m not L maker I’m not into children sorry T should have not deal with it got a prom you got to prom take it up with my take it up with my take it up with the freaking I don’t know my lawyer

Know chill hey yo chill out broy you got chill the hell with that [ __ ] watching the stream is my only way of communication Dar says what was that fail I turn your volume down man that’s why I want your audio included man going turn your volume back

Up try talking again now real quick I think they can hear you now I turn the volume back up now check can they hear check if they can hear you check if they can hear you I want them to hear you though well I don’t want them think I’m

Talking to myself the whole damn time I’m going mentally insane you know it’s kind of the point if streaming with a party with your friends you know so don’t think you have mental issues and you’re talking to yourself the whole damn time like come on now

The whole time they hear like is pyro okay he’s talking to himself Dar says in darus is in chat well the stream is my only way of communication Dar says well not true Dar you could join a Discord party we have to talk that way man as

Well too you know with your phone with with the mic I built into your phone and stuff and if you have an iPhone or Android you can do it that way too as well you know but yeah again what do you mean I just noticed just now to unknown

D both in the game but I don’t know what the heck they’re doing right now hey can someone car me so I can actually like do put my human fire back sorry my air filter back on cuz like I have like there’s like 90 skeleton zombies

Spawning all next to me but I can’t even leave I can’t even look away 2 seconds I’m probably going to die landline Dar says my phone is only a landline that’s absolute bull crap D you’ve joined my Discord calls before me before on your phone mate and you were

Talking to me maybe because you had Xbox mic I don’t know I have no clue but you have that’s [ __ ] Phil when when Phil whatever the heck are you okay about you’re never okay Phil you’re always having a mental breakdown or you’re always losing your like you’re going mentally insane you’re

Never okay like what do you mean like every time I talk to you’re never okay there’s always something going on with you bro you’re never okay it’s Absol be crap if you say you are like like n man you’re never ever okay seem like bro I don’t want to see that

Crap I don’t feel okay yo you’re fine man you’re never okay so that’s nothing new I missed you so hard that like CH look at that you be like damn bro just got dissed out that’s crazy D stop stop moing in the mic like you’re getting like fingered in the

Butthole or something I don’t know you just say it’s FL what What oh hell I mind all furry crap bro hell no that furry crap out of here hack him oh a liary and a butcher villager I kind of need both these guys but I have no way to transfer to it Phil can you do me a favor Phil can you grab my Brewing

Station and grab me well can you please come back grab me my brein station and and the N Chet or can someone grab me my Brewing station in the entr oh crap never it’s too late some’s some’s coming back up the villagers are going to burn death W do anything with them

They’re going to end up burning to death anyways if I can do anything with the guys that’s thing I was going to kidnap the butcher Village and put them inside my um what do you want to call my my Tavern and using to sell meat to people

At overpriced rate at overpriced rat so I can I can tax the crap out of them and charge them crazy rates crazy rates of charges for like simple pieces of meat so I can make a lot of emeralds off of it but it’s all right it’s whatever I guess it’s

Oh the dark came my chat and said you actually suck you Noob SE X and I just SC grabed his channel to kill mckinness bro imagine he comes back and says are you just retarder stupid why that was D doing bro leave Dar alone Dar is okay but he plays

Power worlds with me bro listen here bro listen here bro okay dar’s been violent he’s been he’s been had weird stuff done he’s got dar’s gotten butt effed by a giant green elephant on pal worlds leave the poor me alone he’s done nothing wrong he’s been he’s been violated he’s

Been like mentally scarred a green a 500 dozen pound green elephant bent him over in power roads bro it wasn’t pretty for him all right he’s been crapping out grass for weeks bro leave him alone it’s not his fault he tried and he also tried fighting a giant

Dinosaur and it kind quite his so he tried fighting a green dinosaur bro and it it it farted and it killed him like it’s fart like one shot him and killed him I’m on Xbox I have an Xbox time I’m playing man D’s on Xbox too as well that’s why we’ve both

Played XBox exclusive just like hell dyus 2 is the PlayStation 5 exclusive they’re both in hellus 2 and and power are both Indian Dev games they’re both and they’re both top played games right now they’re both exclusive their own platforms like power exclusive to Xbox

And PC while hell irus 2 is exclusive to Xbox and PC so like if you have a PC you can pretty much play any of these games you want cuz console Wars have no like control over you pretty much which is kind of cool cuz you can play

Practically any of these games you want and not worry about what about they’re going to be exclusive to certain consoles or not and when I stream power Wars I stream on Twitch us as well man that’s s I’ve been streaming the game on Twitch speaking of twitch I’m at 19

Followers on Twitch right now I only need I only need like I only need 11 more and I can actually get monetized on Twitch which is pretty dope and start making money money money money all right guys if I can get 20 likes on this on this live stream I’ll make it only

Fans Dead from the Comet or actually physically dead in the game that joke actually killed you so H’s trying to get my stinky poo poo head in trouble so who’s trying to get my stinky poopa head in trouble oh sorry D I was just bringing up the story how our giant

Green elephant booty raped you on um on what do you want to call it on pal worlds and Phil was laughing his butt off about it cuz it was super funny to him so yeah hey what what is wrong with you bro what the [ __ ] absolutely everything it seems like

Actually man but yeah that’s besides the point cool is that also going to make you get a bone now too as well or something or what bro I’m dead I’m freaking Dead with that one chat like oh my god dude oh I got to promis waiting pyro promised me a

Therapist and I’m still waiting uh Dark Souls in chat Phil uh darson in chat pyro is still promising me a therapist and I’m still waiting darn I will buy you a therapist when I get paid okay I got I’m not backing up there room just leave the game and tell me where you’re

At wait what if I what if I put the game on peace and turn it back on turn it back on no not I’m peaceful I’m peace you have a chance to survive are you near land or you going to all up I I’ve already worked on the world so

Much bro I really don’t want have to back up 50 F minutes back no no wait wait wait wait no you got to light Rockets right go later Rockets no listen to me what do you I didn’t even see you die in the chat why the freak did you join back I

Was going to put on P so going your hearts back quick enough and you could have flew out I a 24 minute back you really think I want I just went to NE and got a bunch of [ __ ] bro I really don’t want to go back and do do all that [ __ ] over

Again Phil why can’t you see to survive the ne for three goddamn seconds while freaking dying man I how the hell did you fall in lovea to begin with hey how did you fall in lava how my [ __ ] God I’m going to lose it hello Phil you there hello

Hello hey tox how’s it going man don’t mind I’m having a mental breakdown right now tox don’t mind me man I’m having a mental breakdown right now okay Phil I didn’t hear word you damn said my how did your dumbass die to Lava well stop going in pck the enemy’s

Dead and my game was [ __ ] kicked me out like usual and now I’m back in the nether I guarantee all the work I just probably spent a couple hours working on it’s probably gone CU someone can’t survive in the nether for three seconds without dying it’s called gold carrots and

Potions and and totems of undying probably not should should had how how I had to back up the realm Mr unkown sorry man cuz still keeps dying over 3 seconds the monsters that’s kind of why I disconnected oh my headset’s dead chat so I’m going

To have to play the game [ __ ] with no headset on so I will watch chat as I go along I just won’t be talking to my mic so I have to put my headset on charge but I will still be reading chat playing the game so don’t worry

I I for to char the other day it’s almost dead again but talk and Mr I’m sorry about the problems make sure everyone’s reading chat or staying in typing in the live stream so I can see what’s going on with you guys so like I

Said I can’t see um so you guys are in the game you’re you can’t of course the game’s not on the Ser all [ __ ] up cuz I have the back cuz F can not die and the realm’s going to not want to work and have the [ __ ] not want to work

Like us ual oh yeah yeah you have a wired headset you must prepare for these things my son you must prepare my son ow [ __ ] my toes killing me [ __ ] rat son of a [ __ ] well I got said chat I’m going have to put the heads on charge so I

Can’t hear what you’re saying Phil I’m only going to to see chat if you got message me message me on chat for like next 20 30 minutes I’m going put my heads on charge for a little bit just so I can get the um headset to charge back

Up and [ __ ] I’m trying to get back the damn but I just backed up it’s going to probably be like messed up for a few seconds guys once it back up the We join back but I had to back it back up cuz um Phil died and frecking it’s going to be

A dick now then my headset proceeds to Die 3 seconds later after backing up the realm of of course my headset has a [ __ ] the bed too so I I put that in charge and no I don’t got no wir headsets cuz I been I’ve been using this thing and then

I have a mounted stand up mic that’s why I have a mounted standup mic and I have a w a wireless headset pretty much how I stream I had a plugin headsets but they always s horrible the only ones the plugin headsets I have is my PlayStation

My Xbox one I don’t think it’s going to work on Playstation I’m not sure I’ve not tried it yet I don’t think it will work I mean I mean it might it might work for um PlayStation I’m not 100% sure I have not tried it though so I

Could try to see if the hell of it but it’s going to sound horrible that’s all I’m going to say right now but I mean it might work there’s a backup I guess I’m not really sure I’ll try it what’s the what’s what’s the worst is going to

Happen you know right what’s the worst that will happen probably nothing just try free time in chat scabetti Bing chance can you guys hear me probably not right I don’t think so you low huh piece of [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] do you mean yes I can hear

You huh I don’t hear no now no volume or anything weird um I don’t want hear nothing though the reason you guys are hearing me cuz you’re hearing me from my regular heads my regular mic okay all right so now they um I think it’s connecting now I

Think I’m not tring to look hello I can hear you guys but I can’t actually hear the uh the Vol the volume the actual I don’t hear the actual game volume though there’s nothing coming through for that like at all that’s actually kind of weird like I don’t I have nothing coming

Through I can’t hear nobody I can only talk to this mic but I can’t actually hear nothing unless I have I have the wrong headset I’m back in the freaking nether again dude you got to be [ __ ] kidding me right now man oh my God so I

Just set my progress back a bunch ton Phil you owe me for this big time man you absolutely owe me for this like No Cap all right I got to freaking reconnect different headset and whatnot guys give me a second all right I can hear you guys now a little bit but

Barely like I can hear like a tiny a sliver slam a little bit but barely at all I mean barely like I can’t actually hear the game out I turn the mol m hang on this thing sucks that’s why I don’t use it too much for regular YouTube stream only

Time I use it I’m streaming on Xbox the only headset I have I don’t use it otherwise can everybody talk for me for a second please so I can hear you a little bit Phil but I actually I can’t hear the freaking game or anything probably

Cuz even then I can’t hear nothing like I don’t hear nothing at all like this headset sucks um I [ __ ] hate this thing so really do I still hear nothing like it’s not it’s like nothing’s I can’t hear anything at all talk for a second for me

Phil I can like I can hear you decently good I just can’t hear anybody else I I don’t know I back on the camera though I I to my PR now now that I have the stupid damn realm for you again guarantee the stupid damn thing going to

Give me problem I’m have to redo this whole building again prob I’m not me built now to go back to what I’m doing again usual setbacks cuz people got to Die the most dumb oh my God Chris just joined I can’t hear anything I can’t bar hear anything at

All I don’t know does someone want to watch me play game does someone want to watch play a game dang the are you refering to the football game Chris or no me I know you I’m saying what do you mean the game you’re referring to the football game the football game a’t

On no no never not really but there was I know just fought a wave of skeleton skeleton horse guys just now as well that was very weird I swear to God Phil if I lost this build because I back up the damn realm 28 minutes ago for you

I’m going to get very pissed cuz like I worked hard as hell in that Greenhouse build was partially almost done and probably not going to be n but it took whatever I’m not going to get oh [ __ ] fail cuz I I backed the damn thing on

Far you’re not even going to be you’re going to pretty much have lost access to all those bastions you were just at just now but I’m also going to be missing all the sand that I freaking had the are still there but now all the glass on

Both sides I don’t oh it’s still there I think I don’t know oh wait it’s still there some the progress got reach up not all of it okay a few thank God fail hang on fail before you do anything else let me re let me leave and

Rejoin the real cuz I should be to make a backup doing that I think I give you re leave and rejoin and mix up back up of the realm I think so I can back it up happen so hang on no I mean me I’m saying man let me leave

And rejoin back it should automatically make a copy of the realm I think and I got my heads I got my headset charge cuz I can’t hear [ __ ] game I don’t know why I got the volume in the Middle where it’s supposed to be by still can’t hear jaction nothing this headset absolutely

Sucks it says monitor headset monitor is low on Playstation it’s probably not meant to be on this console I’m just going to unplug my headset and put and plug my mic and plug this in and see what happens kiic my headset off for a second so hold on if you guys won’t be

Hear me for a second hang on please connect I got no [ __ ] volume what the hell uh it’s not all right all right so I can hear you guys a little a little better now not as good I don’t know why this headset’s I play this headset on Xbox I

Hear the game no problem but as soon as I played on Playstation I can’t hear the game at all like that’s kind of annoying but if I turn it down then I can’t hear you at all pH so I don’t know I’m going to turn your volume back up on

Your on your on your thing so I can actually hear you I think yours might be too low no I have yours maxed out this headset sucks that’s why I like use my wireless headset and my buil-in mics it’s easier to hear anything that’s going on this mic’s this headset’s good

But it’s not the best in the world it kind of sucks all right I need to get more glass chat I’m going to pull up the freaking chat on my phone back I think I hav it kicked off my phone I couldn’t see any of the chat message guys I do

Apologize um Dar said just try free time on chat ski dip up do Dar says yes I can hear you I can hear you they say in chat um they also said I’m sorry Mr unkown if you got disconnect for the game I apologize man that’s my bad sorry about that

You guys know what yeah so I don’t I already left and we D the back on the realm um dude but I’m going to do it again one more time just so I can see how many backups I can get for it you can supposed if you do that a bunch of times

You can make a bunch of backups on the server I don’t know if that’s true like I have a 12 minute 10 minute to go back up now I be leaving and rejoining back I did I didn’t do nothing I didn’t even do all I did was all I did was pretty much

Leave the real look at the backups and then rejoin back it shouldn’t have disconnected you I didn’t even click on any of the backups I’m sorry unknown all I did was all I did was look at the backups I didn’t even click on anything I shouldn’t have kicked you guys out the

Only way I should be kicking you guys out is if I if I apply the backup on my farm again I know I’m sorry H I didn’t do anything all I bro dude all I did do listen all I did was all I did pretty

Much was click on the back up and exit off the menu I didn’t apply it I didn’t do nothing all I did was pretty much click on the backup and that’s pretty much it man it should have not kicked you guys out that’s absolute [ __ ] I’m

Sorry okay like that that how I don’t get how the I didn’t even click on our apply or enough that makes no sense I don’t know Minecraft’s Garbage Guys welcome to bedrock it sucks ass over here ja is better this game is dog [ __ ] simple as

That like I’m sorry I I legit didn’t do nothing to kicked you out that’s Absolut BS well you’re in a bash maybe if you die I’m going to lose my temper which well don’t die do like a dumbass again either play it smart play it slow

As I told you before Phil there’s no rush play it slow and smart and you should be good that’s what Ian told me many times he always tells me man Ian exact words me was playing smart and slow there’s no need need to rush when

You rush that’s when you die or mess up and probably die that’s why it’s always that’s why it’s always smart just to play it slow and steady slow and steady that’s why I ran hell d 2 today and impossible difficulty finally unlocked hell dive difficulty and I’m

Going to be streaming the most hardest difficulty in Hell divers 2o on my next live stream with randoms all right have something funny so today on Hell diers 2 I was playing by myself on on held dive difficulty right and or one of the other difficulties and I

Dropped the nuke did the uh hug otes looked like I was waving my hands up like this so explosion goes off and I’m like this let it blow up Let it explode the bombs are coming and I yell at a rock Bob and like a giant nuke comes

Down a 500K new comes down just [ __ ] bombs bugs there was dead bugs flying everywhere it was awesome the most awesomest scene gaming possible and of course my dumb ass didn’t decid to stream it like usual I didn’t stream it I had three I could have streamed it for

Two hours didn’t stream it cuz my idiot ass forgot to stream it like usual and I missed on some really good things but I did get a few good Clips I guess I’m trying to make like a montage video what what you good over there bro you need some help me you you

Good hello Mr Dart if so if you don’t know Dart right here this is going to be my my my honey green har farm so if you need honey honey blocks honey all honey and bees will be living in this building will be my honey farm

This this is where how we going to get honey for poison to cure poison to cure illnesses to make antibiotics to solve The World’s problems it’ll be honey I mean I use honey in my yogurt almost every single goddamn day cuz it’s really good for like cholesterol heart issues

And other stuff so it’s really good for you I mean now use a lot of honey cuz honeyy is actually good for your body may use a lot of honey and tea too as well if you didn’t know that no if you’re sick you would best

Bet to do is ginger root honey and some other things and make it into it boil it and make it into a tea cuz it’s really good for your body when you do it that way and then put some put a little bit dab of lemon juice and some other dabs

Of some stuff it’ll actually heal you and make you feel 10 times better a really quick minute I’ve I’ve done it when I’ve had colds sinus infections it pretty much cures me for like 2 or 3 days so if you guys have not heard I have 19 followers on Twitch everybody

Here has twitch follow me on Twitch guys I have L to my about page on 19 followers on there I need 11 more and I need to have five active people typing on a stream once I get those requirements I will officially be able to actually make money off twitch so

I’ll start streaming on there a little bit more I work work on YouTube simultaneously and once we get monetized on YouTube then yeah I’ll be streaming on both platforms and I’ll be making that money so can actually put a little bit more effort into it you know cuz

I’ll start making money from it but if you guys want me to stream more um start follow follow me on Twitch maybe check out my gamer dubs code for my referrals on both because it’s definitely worth it trust me and gamer dub is 10 times better than monster and

Kickstarter and you can’t tell me it’s not cuz it really is it’s much better for you it’s way t better tasting and stuff like that s you’re Ser leing waves zombie villagers to me and run away bro I’m going to die bro and you leave me

Alone how dare you bro so Dar Mr Dar treason then huh so dar it’s treason then huh so it’s treason huh I see how it is I see you I see you D I see how you playing me boy you playing me fool trying to play me like that I see you

Bro I see you playing me like that wait D you need food d d do you need food dude take these D they’ll heal you take those take those they’re bad you R flar you’re going to become a zombie I’m going to have to take your head off

Decapitate you bro what are you doing man and poor D was onom me two seconds later talk about ironica as [ __ ] oh yo okay yo so all right so that’s what the gravestones look like when you die man so that’s what they look like that’s pretty cool now man what the gry stones

That’s cool yo yo yo dar’s dead bodies inside the gravestone too as well man I don’t know if he respond yet or what bro but his body’s inside of it I don’t think this is kid friendly no more guys Minecraft ain’t kid- friendly no more that’s funny walk

You don’t believe me it says generating world says generating worldy sus right here Phil you don’t see that [ __ ] bro just a couple I can’t join back what um yo Dar it says you’re in my game store right now man Dar said you’re in the game you want

Leave the game and I’ll invite you back man hang on Dar here let me invite you back man hang on I’m GNA invite you back to game bro hold up okay give me a second I’ll invite you back hang on Dar face Temple oh lady NYX and FaZe

Are both I’m going to invite them to the gam I want them to play they haven’t played in the real in a while man all right hey yo Dar I send you a game invite fact door your shit’s inside your little Tombstone right here when you

Join back when you join back break the tombstone you should you should give you a loot back automatically too as well oh what’s that man huh what’s that the best loot ever huh huh what’s that oh [ __ ] I’m sorry D how the [ __ ] did you die to a creeper inside your house

What wait D your house get destroyed just now or no are you good D how do you die man you good your house get destroyed you okay need my help to be rebuild it or are you good what happened you all good over there no his creeper just blow up he

Spawn back in the game creep killed him 3 seconds of him join back in the game so I don’t know what happened I was kind of kind of worried about him and curious I wasn’t sure if a creeper spawn to his house and blew up his [ __ ] cuz I was

About to go help get Stu but Dar like I said man you have your tombstones right here your loot inside of it so come break the tombstone it will give you back your loot once you break it it’s suck too as well man just letting you know

But I got armies of Undead skeletons zombies spiders [ __ ] creepers Enderman pillagers all invading my green Greenhouse bro it’s that these moms are trying to tell me no you’re not building a honey farm here tough [ __ ] we’re taking back our land from you stupid Invaders it’s like the Indians when they

Try to take back the land from the uh colonist 9:00 tomorrow which is much better get more sleep yeah I’ll go out there let the dog out hang on all right b b chat it’s free time in the chat once again guys don’t do anything KN I’ll come back and slap you

With a sausage I don’t know hey Phil give me some gold blocks F can use my beacon of M sh and build [ __ ] faster cuz this is getting very tedious as hell get me Gold Blocks if you can if you don’t mind man I’ll give you diamonds for to or something you know

Just give me give me Gold Blocks please I’m back can you guys hear me still or no all right um yo D Dar you said you can’t JP back in the game or what’s up with that what I know I will no no no no no no no

I’ll scrap your truck how about that I don’t know how to do that actually I scrap his motorcycle that’s a great great idea so d d you manage to join back or no still shows you in the game I’m not sure if you joined the back but your

Loot still over man come and grab it before um or whatever Phil yo Phil so you said you can grab the tombstone with silk touch items right uh Phil so so you in said oh no never mind he’s right here never mind D want me to break it for you got it man

Oh he’s actually selecting wait a minute wait can I actually keep the ACT oh never mind I just I had a good idea just now what if we keep the tombstone to make our own custom graveyard or something man man with them instead of breaking them man D

Here’s your F back too I kind of picked them up sorry I don’t custom you don’t custom gravestone and whatnot man we could do that instead man if people don’t break them they take their stuff out of and start breaking the damn things and whatnot make our own custom

Gravestone Tombstone and graveyard or whatever for it one how people die deliberately with what one item Loot on them or something and they just die and make our own custom gravestone cuz you said you pick it up pick it up with silk touch you can make your own custom

Gravestone with it and whatnot honestly they have hold have people hold a stick or something them kill themselves and get a bunch of gravestones or whatever and make like a graveyard or something use the iron fencing around it to like a wall or something yeah no cuz could ass and I

Don’t know where to put the cemetery though I might build it somewhere near the town somewhere and then have like I don’t know have it haunted or something I don’t know I’ll figure it out eventually but any who all righty all right y guys I need to get more more

Glass still what I finish this building and then I got to freaking get more stuff to finish building it as well I need wood so I’m going to need wood I don’t know if I should use I know I’m going to use glass and what not I got

I’m using right now using the Spruce Wood I’m going to try to figure I can use a different type of wood type for the roof of it and what not man instead of using Spruce on top of the roof and what not I want to use a different type

Of wood and who isn’t still in the server right now man we have Dar me pH an unknown right now to as well man and whatnot I speaking unkown right here speaking the dev right now no man as well to man speaking the Devil Himself right now man he’s right here nice and

He’s communicating with me once again with signs because he talks me with signs I don’t know why but he just does all right what’s what does he have to say to me now I wonder let’s find out on today’s episode gentlemen shall we so what is he going to say to me now

I wonder all right says tell your friend to fix the hole he made at my farm dar dar fix the hole you made at at unknown’s farm he just said man know I’ll fix it unknown show me where it’s at man show me let me damn

Sign you know you know I’m just going to fix it for dar’s not going to do dar’s leads what not the man s fix it for the poor man since Dar is not going to do it kind of feel bad now and whatnot so I’ll fix the damn

Hole let me see what the farm is at all fix the damn thing when I find where his Farm’s at I have no Rockets left but I have I have 38 gunpowder on me right now man I need I need a paper and whatnot to make some cuz I have un

Left well then come over here and make if you have paper come to me I’ll make some for both us man and whatnot I’m going to follow him back to his base when I can fix the farm that D made a hole into I guess or

Whatever no Dar supposed made a hole in his farm and didn’t fix the map know it was the also blank know it was the farm also it was a creeper’s fault well Dar as you know man you blow stuff up and make holes and come creep when it comes to

Creepers man you’re supposed to fix what you break man or make man you’re not supposed to leave [ __ ] damage okay you make a mess you’re supposed to fix and not leave it sitting there you know it’s kind of part of it man all right I’m right here to fix I’m

Trying to want what he wants me to fix so he said someone to fix that oh okay so D did fix it after all never mind okay cool good to know I didn’t know D already fixed him ass my bad oh sh okay okay so okay so okay so I

I okay so I see unknown now so so if you guys don’t know unknowns so so if you guys don’t know unknown right now is taking advantage of the curtains you can add to your windows with the Adam we put in the world as well man the curtains

Where they go up and down he’s taking advantage of that on his on his house right now man he also made he took advantage of the stools and the table you can have on the realm to as well and he’s taking advantage of that too as

Well and he also has the bell too as well which is really cool man that’s cool he also has a does a lantern work C actually work and what not or no no it doesn’t but he’s making taking advantage of all the ads had the world

M d Phil why are you hitting D stop being up Dar leave Mo al man Dar said you were hitting him again this is dope man this is cool man wait was actually wait a minute is the Phil why’ you leave the realm for wait what happened wait your axe

Disappeared wait my sword’s gone what the [ __ ] my sword’s gone is it no it’s gone wait did yours did yours come back when you join back no yours didn’t come back I’m Jo it back man that’s scary my my sword’s gone man my sword’s not I don’t have my sword what

It it took it away okay I get I got to text him real quick it’s fine I’m I’m back in the world up sorry man I’m back up come on for just know man I’m going to tell him we need to back up the curtain took eight I tell

Them we need to back up I’m going to tell the current 8r tools they’re gone like my my swords that gone my sword’s gone ate my damn sword like it ate my damn sword for now I don’t touch currs with your [ __ ] I told him that he looking like dumb F man

Like he doesn’t believe now man but it freaking damn did bro I used the damn ate my [ __ ] man I need to back up the run if I have a couple minutes to go back up just use like a two minute back up I’ll use that instead hopeing I do man I don’t

Know I have a 23 minute backup oh my [ __ ] God come on man with these backups why you so goddamn long for dude I’m getting pissed now man cuz this shit’s getting [ __ ] ridiculous man it’s coming a pain now for now on don’t touch the addons with would just touch

Them with your character’s hand don’t use any tools I backed up just now man I don’t know if going to kick kick us out or not I told him on all right so unknown since I think you’re watching the stream now dude if you don’t know don’t touch any

Add-on stuff with tools man I just found just now the curtains the Bell will actually eat your tools and me and Phil have maxed the maxed chaming stuff on our tools and whatnot so we just lost our tools and stuff cuz we touched things it freaking ate my max level

Netherite sword when I touched your currs with it it’s just I didn’t notice at first man but it’s just gone man it’s absolutely just freaking gone like a never existed man so it eats your freaking tools man it’s all I’m going to say right now I join back now so if your

Farm should still be here man I will if it’s not I will help you fix it man but I don’t know I didn’t know it eats your freaking tools man now I know not to touch stuff with addons with with your tools in your hand only touch a

Barehanded man I didn’t know I didn’t know it actually does that no well technically you shouldn’t because I’m still back in into my place this was a couple minutes prior to him coming back and asking me to come over to his house man so now you technically

Shouldn’t be but if you are let me know I’m going like to his right now then I to make sure it’s stuff’s still there and if it’s not I’m going to fix it and like and help him build stuff back if it’s not there I didn’t know Curr will Curr will

Take your shipment I did not know that if I knew that I wouldn’t have touched it with my my tools I would have touched a beand I had no clue man I did not know well his Curr are now gone I think I’m have to get his stuff back yeah his Curr

Are sh are gone I’m have to get his stuff back man I know shit’s still here now got stuff still here stuff’s still here so good I’m going to touch to them with be see what happens man I’m curious man shouldn’t take it shouldn’t take my stuff away I don’t

Think if it’s barehanded the only way it takes stuff away is if you’re using the um if you freaking using touching the addons with it at all yeah no I don’t have my nothing Happ we’re good man so so long as you don’t touch it with your tools you should be

Good man here Phil you want to do me a fa Phil want a fire who so if you don’t know Min man’s the one that built that he said so Min man built that climing get a sacrifice pit where we sacrifice people to his his God in that pit we pretty

Much throw people in that pen and sacrifice them pretty much what me who me do you s to tell me to shut up Phil tough [ __ ] deal like I was saying other man um but no supposed minute May made that Dome of fire supposed to sacrifice people’s

Souls into it so we throw people that have committed gra crimes in that pit of dut burns them to death and like I guess their souls get sent to Hell supposedly I have no clue he was the Christen so he was the Christian guy that joined the

Real man I don’t know what the hell is I think he was mentally ill man I don’t know he he had a lot of issues he was 100% mentally ill I don’t know I don’t I honestly don’t know and now and’s my mind sh where I make slaves work without pay it’s

Fun it’s just a joke guys don’t get too offended over JK JK just just joking just joking it’s 10:16 at night guys I’ve been streaming for the past like four hours now almost dear God it’s been a long night but I still need to get more glass i h

I started streaming man at what was like 8:00 8:06 I think and it’s 10:00 where I live right now 10:16 9 uh it’s only been two hours sorry my bad two hours not 4 trouble clock will make four hours to been two but still still been a while though don’t hit my door

I’m damn M don’t break the damn door you have to fix your door bad boy don’t hit Pyro’s door or he will break your knees so darus then CH bad boy hit Pirro door break but I don’t know I feel they could be good good only for a month who knows it

Might not be good for three months I don’t know I need sleep in a damn bed I’m getting sick these moms sping them I’m going to go sleep in the bed real daytime it’s just getting annoying now and I think you should be to fill you’re in the

Nether still right you’re still in the nether so I should be to sleep real quick then me and D both should be to sleep make a day down then cuz these I’m having creepers spawn up the creepers spawn on top now it’s getting really annoying on me cuz I keep getting almost

Dying to Creepers on the mob it’s getting really annoying now so I’m just going to sleep real quick guys so let’s just sleep real quick make it daytime real fast if possible all right gentlemen sleep make day now but get more sh don’t D now thank

You all righty so guys I’m going to finish working this damn greenhous now I’m close to getting done now and whatnot but I still got a lot more work to do on it it’s almost done but there’s not not about done yet close but not close yet gentlemen so

Little more work to be done on it and whatnot but it should be good real soon boys so yeah hey yo Phil so now we have furniture in the game now I can actually work in the tier of the tavern now actually we have the stools the tables

And stuff we’ll make the T build 10 times easier to make now man for ation so I have tables stools and chairs now which is awesome man don’t you think or what but just be aware currs will eat your tools guys don’t touch any Curr or tools CU they will

Disappear I got to let I gotta let I gotta let Ian know too so he doesn’t lose none of his [ __ ] I got to let Ian know yeah know I got to let Ian know so he doesn’t lose none of his [ __ ] either cuz he’ll be pretty pissed off he this

Is his stuff and I guarantee it oh sorry I had to back you it back you lots of tools so that’s why I backed it up oh yeah that to yeah and 20 hours Wai take 20 way get back last time doy Boop tag your we tag your Boop there we go

Cool I I call it a night here guys I don’t know it’s getting kind of late I’ll grab me Boner and beat your ass I grabbed me Boner and beat your hey yo what that oh yeah so the oh dar’s typing me a message hold on

Dar says I have a bone to beat people to death also oh you do D huh you do you do Dar better run boy if you don’t run I’m going to sh this train so far on your head yeah I’m you’re you’re going to die you’re going to die boy

I’ll beat your head shut up I thought I was a mouse you prick oh my language crap Phil you keep making me swear it’s your fault I’m swearing it’s your fault stop or I’ll ban you I I think I have my own issues I don’t

Know man maybe I my issues come from you I don’t know bro what’s with all you people being weird oh my God first it’s bone then it’s bones and it’s I don’t [ __ ] I don’t know anymore I don’t know anymore like I’m going to retire from YouTube early I don’t

Know hey guys pyro here I’m retiring goodbye forever I’m going to college I don’t know what did you just say I heard you don’t lie boy I heard you I’m gonna have to ban you for my Minecraft Christian server now all the ground you’ve been doing

With going to kns when you get banned and don’t pull a [ __ ] matte Pat now Dar says don’t pull a effing matte Pat now don’t pull a matte Pat why Matt Pat the guy that makes the gaming theories Channel he retired recently no more making movie theories

Or game theories videos no more he retired just spend more time on his wife and kids just spend more time with his wife and kids reason why he retired no retiring Dar says no retiring I have to stream forever forever and ever Dar says Dar I know

Forever is a very long time you know I have to retire eventually I’ll get everybody gets old eventually mate sorry to tell you that I don’t live forever even pirate won’t live forever mate Phil I’m sorry to tell but your dad will be dead long before our

Retirement bro is probably like 30 40 May 50 years older than me mate I guarantee it yeah M I’m going British you know I’m going British you know that I you’re saying chest ain’t anymore what the blank happened to my double chest ain’t ain’t one anymore I don’t

Know D I have no clue man maybe someone stole your chest I have no clue could have been cheetah AKA cheese girl boy I don’t I don’t he’s in ch and he’s very annoying well you said you liked like the other guy you don’t like cheetah

So you like his friend but you don’t actually like him that’s hilarious yeah stream they try to cover up I’m like I’m like bro I’ve been watching the whole time he’s that’s not creepy at all I’m like yeah no dead ass I’ve been here the whole time watching

You I had the video on the back CU I because I watch I I work I I can listen to podcast and watch stuff in the back still work stuff right but um I watched him do it the whole freak time the guy was there that watch watched him

Do it and then he tried ly on his ass like that’s hilarious bro was like pyro I don’t know we talk about didn’t C I’m like bro I’m like the next time you’re going to kill or do stuff don’t stream and record yourself doing it cuz I seen you do

It it’s like bro are you dumb or something like what kids these days have no man know I don’t know how to follow rules they think rules don’t apply them it’s wild mate it’s wild mate it’s wild those dumb stupid nipple Snappers those dumb stupid nipple Snappers these

Days don’t know how to follow rules it’s crazy wait what what did you just say um okay you have issues mate that’s crazy unless there’s some kind of bonus reward for something for doing it I probably won’t do it but that’s besides point imag if you got a free lpop to

Beat people with if like Saints R hey M if you unlock the ability to play a child in the game can’t if you um kidnapped kids a baby pulls out a Glock 18 or Glock 14 put the money in the mag put your money up not your funny

Up put your money up not your funny up you dig but your money up not your funny up you dig always like this boy put your money up not your funny up I want one too but I don’t have enough Materials I need another right to make another right you could too but but I don’t have enough can you donate to Pirates poor cause save children with poor nism 2024 Dar is beating me up again Phil help he’s trying to do weird stuff to

Me oh my God Dar beat me with the bonus stick oh hell no he’s beating me with the the stick the bonus stick oh no oh no he just gave me the bonus stick he just beat me with oh God no um infinite power ghost infinite power

SAR just do my mind with it and I’m just like I must have the boner stick give me the boner stick give me the stick give me the stick everybody wants to be up dar dar’s dar is always start on any game he plays I don’t know why he’s he’s a pretty

Funny chill guy I think he likes being being up homeless people it’s funny though you know Dar gave me a bur stick to beat him up now with it too oh um okay well I killed I killed D with the stick but I don’t know where H I don’t know his [ __ ]

Or Tombstone went it’s it’s not here I don’t know D where the hell did your [ __ ] go oh near spawn I think so you die with the tombstone spawns near spawn then or do you lose I I don’t know I have no CL I think his tomb spawn

Near his bed I think when he dies I’m not 100% sure I don’t know you can I play with you I play on PS okay okay okay so Joe’s diis said in chat yo can I play with you guys in your Minecraft realm I’m sorry Joe Deus for right now I’m not letting

Anybody else join the realm for right now man because we’ve had a lot of problems with hackers and stuff like that man um and I’m going to be getting off surely as well man if we get a chance to to play and I get to know you better man

And maybe I could trust you to join man for right now no sadly sorry you’re going watch Plus’s play right now but um you can’t play with us right now man sorry well no we don’t know if he’s if you g because I’ve had hackers join um

Fail and other people like that man and I come on been hacked or realm’s been griefed and a lot of other issues too as well man that’s kind of why I don’t want to risk it right now I’m be getting off Surly man and I’ll be as sleep man and

Stuff you know and and you’ll be a little person on and so with these guys and I don’t want nothing happen while I’m off cuz I say these guys work on their house or something and then something happens and then they lose all the progress they spend time working on

It’s not going to be fair to them you know it won’t be fair to unknown or the rest of them if anything happens while I’m not on so I’m trying to like since I still kind of new I’m trying to get them get settled first before I invite

Anybody else new to the realm you know I’m only trying to invite certain amount of new people to the realm you on server you know before I invite too many people you know to be fair you know what I mean which I hope I do if you don’t if

You don’t then I don’t know tough [ __ ] you don’t know what I mean but I’m sure you get what I mean at least there we go Dar you’re going to get killed D my God D move get out of the hole D move D get out of the hole or I’m

G dark get out what the hell are you doing dark get out of the hole that sounds so wrong too man oh my God tell get out of the hold there probably think I’m saying something else or some other weird curse stuff like d put dirt there what that a

SK I’m like what the mean a skeleton shooting me bro no wonder oh I’m to M to breakdown tonight bro a but like I said but like I said Joe’s if you want to join the real in the future man make sure to like And subscribe to the

Channel man we stream Minecraft usually here and there every other day sometimes join my next live stream in I’m sure I’ll I’m sure I’ll get a chance to invite you all right you definitely have a chance to join trust me it’s not me talking about my but I’m I’m dead

Serious man if you want to join in the future like And subscribe and we have a Discord Ser we can join too as well man if you it’s on my about page and I can even send you a link right now too if you want to join it that’s how I get new

People in the realm too I run I run it from Discord as well my Minecraft realm so people can join and stuff like that man as well so yeah this realm also has no achievements on though but it has add-ons on as well so that’s something

Else look forward to as well man lot of cool add-ons on here and whatnot as well we got tombs add-ons Furniture add-ons a camping add-on we’re we’re going to have a brand new every single animal in the world add-on I’m going to be adding soon when I have enough money

To buy it which I should have bought it tonight but I’ll buy it next in two weeks from now I have money again I’ll probably buy it’s going to add like whale sharks um tigers lions bears um snaping Turtles and there’s a okay so there’s a skeleton of full iron armor a

Zombie in full iron armor what the heck dude bodar do you lose your iron armor bro cuz I have a zombie in full iron armor Enchanted iron armor coming after me was this your stuff or no Z I think a zombie has your loot d as well I don’t

Know if this is yours or not but I’m pretty sure a zombie has your loot I think I don’t know by what zombies you’re in the ne you’re in the nether aren’t you not oh okay copy that Roger I ain’t going to lie I am so going

To lie I am so dumb and play minecra so much I don’t even know plus my parents have my damn password and so I can’t even get get a hack but I will join the Discord and like yeah sure go ahead man I mean like

I said if you want to join our Discord man look on my about page Discord only if there but you know before you do go man here let me um I’m going to leave the real real quick guys here I’ll send you the Discord link so you can join my

Discord give me a second um Joe’s all right I’m going to type it in chat so just stay in the chat for a sec second s here because I’m pretty sure those older Discord links aren’t upd to date so they’re they might not even work cuz

They’re kind of out of date so let me send you an update once so you can join and make it easier on yourself so you don’t have to like look around for it there so I so I sent the updated Discord link right now man chat and whatnot so if you join that

Man keep you updated about when I live stream videos stuff like that man but you can talk around with the community and stuff like to know everybody in the Discord St a little bit better and when everybody starts to trust you a little bit more I’m sure I have admins on there

Someone might invite you to the server before I do it’s up to them though but yeah join that Discord server man and I’ll get to know you a little better and if I trust you enough I’ll invite you all right or one of my admins might invite you

Themselves so they they can kind of get a good vibe from you it’s one realm but it’s 10 people Max but everyone gets on a different time so the realm kind of has like the server kind of has like 58 members and whatnot right now I think you should

Make the 50th n member on the Discord server but everyone gets on at different times and whatnot so there’s always room to join the realm people aren’t always on like I’m not always on it I might not be on it here and there so people are on

It here and there so there’s always room to join in and hop on the real and play with people and we have like a lot of different people that join the realm too and what not man so a lot of people that get on and play a lot of fun

Stuff all right so I joined back in the realm just see a skeleton gunned down a zombie for no reason bro it’s like it’s like GTA San Andreas 2024 that’s crazy man that’s wild dang that’s crazy man that’s wild get crazy for the Wild Side wild

Side if you guys don’t know it’s an old 80s song that you guys probably would even know the name of honestly I guarantee it prob I’ve never heard of it I think most kids nowadays listen a lot of rap not rock and roll no more so most people don’t even know what rock

And roll songs are nowadays either sadly enough why is there someone in your house why is there someone in your house pyro oh oh oh um d i don’t worry about that you’re just chilling on that’s just Dar most likely D unknown I don’t worry about it dude

Don’t worry about it dude that’s just Dar that’s probably Dar like usual dar’s just being Dar man so he’s fine don’t worry about him he’s harmless I’m not too worried about him K okay but if anybody else if anybody else goes into my heart besides D then yes either ask

While they’re in there or kill them it’s up to you act what the circumstance entails don’t do anything rash if you can but Dar is okay to go on my house mat time he’s chill he doesn’t take nothing nothing like that so you’re pretty much chilling man but everybody else is the

Opposite that they’re kind of not chill they’re kind of like you know very fishy and stuff like that times they don’t have no actual they really have no real reason to go to my house anybody else except all right so I think Jim joined this this I’m going to double check real

Qui too as well join I think just I see here I do think he joined I wish CH with five zombes two and three spiders and two skeletons slash shock screen yeah no that’s crazy man it doesn’t shock me they do there’s a lot of mobs we’re on hard mode to man just

Just so you guys know remember guys we’re on hard mode to so the game gets harder and harder depending on what Square radius block radius you’re in so again we’ll keep getting harder and harder as time goes along too so just giving that clarification off the bat

It’s going to keep getting harder and harder since we’re on hard Moto well yeah well depending on say I’m see you how I build stuff right you know I get armored zombies con spawning I’m in the same square radius like left and right building and stuff so more mobs

Have a tendency to spawn in more powerful more enchant enchantments and whatnot because of that that’s why well then yeah You’ been your R so long game like oh this guy is like pretty much dangerous someone spawn zombies with full diamond armor which is actually very rare not the rarest thing

In the game is a 02 Point per chance for a baby zombie with its full diamond Enchanted armor with Diamond Sword riding a chicken to attack you that’s like a 2% chance that to spawn in full baby zom full zombie full baby zombie villager and full diamond armor

Riding a chicken with with enchanted diamond armor is the rarest thing to happen you it’s a 2% chance that that could happen sorry 02 0 2.1 chance for that to happen it’s very rare I don’t know they need to be like on Hardcore for that to happen too I I don’t

Know I’m I’m pretty sure it’s hardcore I don’t know okay why not kill them and get the diamond armor to DAR then I kill him get the diamond armor and give a Dar then sure D what it doesn’t drop down what I mean it should drop down but this again

Percentage chance it might not drop down too as well cuz there random I think oh yeah cuz then rare for certain armors to drop you know zombies could be wearing it it’s not guaranteed it’s going to drop when you kill him though it’s very rare and whatnot usually it’s

Depending I forget the percentages I just know it’s rare I just don’t know how rare I mean I do I mean if I kill a mob I expected to drop them what I killed it for I I’d kind of get pissed off if it doesn’t it’ be kind of

Aggravating but it doesn’t drop down when it’s supposed to drop down when I killed the damn thing for it especially when it has it that’s kind of dumb but I don’t know how you’re okay with that man but that’s just my opinion that it kind

Of pisses me off but you do you man you do you what was that well I mean I I’m just say I know you don’t I’m just making a point them minut it kind of pissed me off man if it didn’t drop down when it was supposed to

Drop down when I expected it to you know it’s kind of annoying it’s kind of annoying seriously but you say your early game you see a diamond armored zombie you’re like oh that means I can get diamond armor early game and not to drop it down you’d be pretty pissed off would you

Not there’s there you go that is my point mate that’s my point right there Phil I I miss heard what you just said to me did you just say you love dying or I miss hear that I thought you going eil there for a second mate

Sorry you D your hair purple too as well man like I did oh dead ass wait what following the P the Pyro gang power gang starting a new trend boys D your ha purle 2024 that’s wild that’s crazy you know what’s funny people think when they people go people think when

Guys have gone with hair app means they’re going gay it does not mean that YouTube needs those commands like twitch where yoube needs those commands like twitch when you can say command like follow age and then it says how long you’ve been a follower for I mean yeah fair enough it’d be

Pretty cool if did that D but I don’t know if they’re ever going to do something like that though I mean they might but who knows you never know what you do they’ve updated the thing a lot they’ve had podcast short stuff that people would never expected them to add

They’ve added mate so it’s not too farfetch to say they won’t add it though I’m sure they probably will in the future it’s it’s it’s there’s it’s not really a no but it’s not really a yes man so you never know so I’m sure they will eventually who

Knows who who knows I if I want to still be streaming and making videos on YouTube by the time that happens bro you never know I’m not seeing I have plan to quit YouTube Anytime see know what I’m just saying man you never know something could happen my life where I stop making

YouTubers to stop streaming all of a sudden you never know man you know you know what’s funny is I do get become a big YouTuber guys you guys like the first couple subscribers I actually had on the channel you guys like the first the first to be here from the start to

The end I’ve been here from the beginning to all the way to the end I am an OG as still saying go which is crazy I still but I still cannot believe I’m at 1,310 that’s crazy man sorry 1,300 I think I think 17 now I

Think I I don’t know I foret thect number I know it’s almost at 1K 400 right now I know that right now I I don’t know man I think he’s either lagging out or his game might be messing up said I play more on the realm

Now Mr Unknown said and I noticed that man which is really cool I’m glad I see you’re playing more on the realm man cuz it’s definitely cool man I I’m kind of sad though when I have like C that new Discord server czy that the new Discord

Server is already a year old yeah it’s also crazy that it’s also crazy man that um it’s crazy to man that um Loy as you guys know he’s the co- ad co-owner of the server man it still crazy me he made the Discord server for me man too I

Remember he came on my stream one day saying hey I checked out your Discord Ser you want me to make you a brand new Discord so and I was just like crying I was like shock I’m like seriously you can he was like yeah I can I can make

You a brand new one a transfer ownership off to you and he started and that’s he also helped me get better when it came to making my videos and what I’m man because I him my videos has been doing better man they’ve been doing 10 times better and whatnot with watch time and

Views and whatnot he’s honestly got me better at making my videos 10 times better now just from his simple feedback you know he help me out tremendously bro and the cas does see this live stream thank you again man for the Discord server and thank you again for the tips

To help me get better on YouTube man it means a lot it really does honestly are you talking about unknown Shadows are you talking about hang I can’t trat hang on man all right so Dar you’re talking about unknown Shadows um um um so no Dar so if you

Don’t know who I’m referring to man I’m referring to the co-owner of the Discord server AKA Loy you know the guy with the white mask yeah so if you guys don’t so if y’all don’t know I’m talking about ly and it’s name tag I that it’s called call melot

He’s my teeth is going off my trash are acting bad tonight [ __ ] but no he’s he’s basically British and he’s was unknown Shadows oh his old name was yeah know sorry I didn’t know man yeah no he’s called Lo man but he’s the one that made

The brand new disco for me as well man he’s he’s a couple years he’s a couple years older than me man but he has he has a lot of mental issues too as well cuz if you guys don’t know half his face is like from a fire is all scarred up

And burnt so he has to wear a mask man cuz half his face is like he got pretty much got the Skywalker treatment pretty much so half his face pretty much got the an an an an I can’t talk tonight so basic half his face got Anakin Skywalker’s

Treatment pretty much man think Anakin skyw Anakin Skywalker half of L face got that treatment pretty much man it’s pretty much what happened to him so he has to wear like a mask to cover his face he feels ashamed of it and I always tell him it’s and he talks about a lot

About suicide stuff why have his face is like burnt up and looks disgusting and horrible man so I don’t blame the poor kid for being ashamed of it man it’s a couple years old me but I feel bad for the kid cuz that’s a lot of [ __ ] to go there he’s

Been bullied he’s been called a freak a monster and I understand cuz my TR I can kind of connect to him on that part because people can bully for that type of stuff it’s just how people are it’s sad but that’s kind of how people act and stuff like that esping your difficulties

Dfly especially when you’re dfly scarred from an instant that you had no control over it’s sad but that’s kind of how the world kind of goes sometimes it’s just it’s just effed up messed up like that it really is some people just like to watch the world burn while they’s try to save

It some people just like to watch the world burn While others try to save it that was the most horrible J of pressure I could ever do in my life that’s horrible as [ __ ] it goes my language again too crap that’s the world’s most horrible joke of P person I

Could do in my life bro I could do way better back in the day in contact with him cuz I haven’t seen him online in a while so Dar I’m going to be absolute real man I haven’t seen him online in a while as well now man I know

He works a fulltime job right now man so I don’t know it’s been a while I haven’t seen him online in a while either man so I don’t know what happened to him last time I talked to him was the last time I talked was at the end of the last year

Man so I don’t know man sad to say but I don’t know man wait load did oh okay oh okay so there’s your answer diar uh Phil said he joined the voice chat yesterday he says so I guess he has joined he has so he’s okay then he’s chilling

Oh did did he say anything about me he say how’s he say has how’s he been doing wait wait what’s going on oh oh that’s good to hear because last he’s been really downam the dump depressed last time I talked to him that’s actually good to hear him and I’m

Glad for him we see him on again tell tell him P was a time Happ the life stream them better lately if if I if I’m not on oh there a whole family of zombie villagers to three baby villagers and a few zombie villagers all spawning on me man but I

Have no way to K I would I put them the Shacks I have been a curean and put them inside my tents use them as my tent villagers to sell stuff to people and SC people out of money but you know they they’re all zombies I have no none of my

Cure shomes so I can’t do enough I have no name tags either man so and someone take time to as well man start going to die before I can get back to the Cure Shack or anything man mind hey yo Phil you know I need to

Build over in this area too man I need to build a cure Shack man or something a zombie curing building cuz zombies have a tendency to spawn over here under the clock tower building a lot of them and if I have some kind of cure Shack I can build over

Here I can make it way easier to kill them over here man you know what I mean cuz I have the my house would put there to kill them man and what not right and then I have the the library I cill them over there too as well I should to cure

Them over there too but then over here there’s no way to cure zombie villagers man there’s no way to cure them at all no way to kill them over here I need to build go to cure them easier man I really need to or start keeping the [ __ ]

On me because I keep finding someone I could use vill I could use easily man I have no way to kill them which sucks cuz then then I waste like chances to get more villagers in the in the world for us and stuff like that you know it’s just getting really freaking annoying

Now I need to find some way to cure them and like way some way to cure them nearby so I can get stuff going you know it’s just getting really annoying it really is so I don’t know mate see now h H um what was that F in here man sorry what was

That wait I thought you can’t do no things automatic Tree Farm because you can’t um can’t automatically replant it I thought as long I just took all 20 of my trap doors you little piece of [ __ ] how dare you thank you now what were you saying now

Mate but you just said you can’t make an a I thought you can’t make an automatic cuz you can’t because replant the stuff for you you have to plan replant it manually I need to ask you cuz I feel you’re full Shing out your butt right now because even even said himself

There’s no way to make an automatic tree farm and he knows more Farmers than you bro he even said himself there’s no way to make an automatic one what was that so if YouTube’s policies wasn’t so strict you would still cuss on streams as much as you used to

No I cre just blow all my hard work on the [ __ ] on the freaking um I cre just blow all my [ __ ] man just now you absolutely K I’m I’m going to cry now man can I get some help over here guys can someone like come help me out I’m

Getting like [ __ ] over I cre just BL half my glass on my [ __ ] build I just lost half my oh my got kill me right now you gotta be abely kidding me right now man what what the freak dude oh my God that that actually pisses me off man what the hell [ __ ]

Skeletons piss off go away I don’t want you you’re fielded abortions go away Jesus Christ man oh my God bro h come over here and C me man to be come over C me and do new H bro it’s simple as that okay just blow half my [ __ ] damn

Window my build man now I cussed again I’m a dumbass oh it does it to me too man I’m not looking they spawn then I’m am looking they’re not there but I sit there around three damn seconds they spawn behind me and I get bodied it’s so damn annoying

It really is absolutely so stupid man yeah no man yeah yeah man yeah that’s how it goes yeah so dumb and stupid but whatever I gu I need to get more Dam F this stupid damn hole and I fix my damn building got destroyed by freaking damn creeper man cuz what the

Damn hell game this game hates you bro what the fck game sucks yeah I got you copy oh for glow glow stone powder and stuff like that too as well man so yeah if you need if we need the glow glow um glow what called glowstone dust

For our projects then there you go man problem Sol for that too I my D like my stupid creep blow BL up half my freaking Windows of my greenhous building soor I need to get more freaking um wood and dirt a patches damn hole up and it fix

The issue that just caused cuz the game wants to be a jerk me for no reason like usual I almost get done my project and Creeper comes by and says hey I want to destroy this whole man’s career why don’t I and boom there goes your whole

Career and your hard work down the damn drain like a half my relationships that’s crazy half my relationship to half my paycheck the bills and XI taxes not taxes and whatnot well mean I paid my other bills too man like right I’m trying to pay off with

The freaking damn mop and stuff like that I’m trying to pay off my freaking phone bill my trying to get more PC parts my damn PC and damn [ __ ] I’m trying to save up money for a car I’m trying to get my get better credit to get and pay

For college my parents won’t pay for college man for me they go you want to go to college you got do it yourself pretty much hey I heard a few hours ago in this stream you said you would do a only fans if you got 20 viewers on this stream

Um um soar n I said I get 20 likes on on the live stream I will make an only fans is what I said man so yeah 20 likes on a live stream I make an only fans account but I don’t know where to show on that cuz I’m scared I’ve

Never made one before but I um but um but I mean but I mean yet again jack septicon and I think Markiplier both made only fans accounts or at least Markiplier do you made an only fans account like dead ass s it’s good time you alive I’ve seen so many good games

Rise and fall I’ve been lived long enough to see Mar PL making only a fans account I lived long enough to watch the full series of Naruto and halfway through baruto he said on one of his Reddit posts I’m sitting there laughing my ass off the bowling out the whole

Time it was absolutely hilarious and then someone also said I’ve been living long enough to see the rise and fall that so many popular Minecraft youtubers also see Mar Mak only fans account I’m sitting to like wait excuse me he actually dead or am I dumbfounded right now I’m say to

Like I’m saying like bro you serious Mark are you serious telling me that markip actually made only fans account and spoil like into it man and he did I looked into it and he actually did yeah he did like No Cap he actually made one he’s okay man he’s a pop he’s like

Millions of subscriber YouTuber man bro his viewers want him to make one so he made one and I’m sitting like damn is that all I need to do on my channel get popular again make get only fans I don’t want I but you’re a minor mate you need to be

18 go on that type of websites it won’t let you have to like or you can use your parents age or some [ __ ] bro bro really wants to see my boner that bad what the [ __ ] what I’m dead guys I’m dead with that one y’all I’m absolutely dead with that one I’m

Sorry dark CH B Le and physically confused bro dude you sound like the Bro dead ass dude you generally sound like the the vegan teacher from school but like I’ve been wings for so long unknown says in chat is there a are is there a cow farmer around here um hey

Dar can you do me a fa minut can you go come over to where my greenhouse building is I can you show unknown where the cow Farm is at man I’m I don’t think he knows the cow Farm if you don’t know D it’s a little Barn Building we built another chicken farm

And the musham farm can you show them where that cow Farm is at for me if you don’t mind or or can one of you guys show where the cow Farm is for me please I’m in the middle of trying to do something thank you if you guys don’t

Mind I think he needs C that’s why man if you guys don’t mind showing where it’s at please for me thank you yeah he’s trying to find the calar man he has no where I think no one should know really around the realm too much he joined a while ago but I haven’t

Had a chance to really show him around cuz I think he joined me I let him get on for a little bit and I hopped off to go to work and what not I really get a chance really show him what everything’s at that’s kind of why he doesn’t really

Know and he hasn’t really explored too much either he’s been the real either man he hasn’t really explored too much um if you want no I’m going to have Dar show you around okay man if you’re still watching the stream I’m going to have Dar show you around man cuz he knows

More about the realm than me man he should be to show you show you just um just um follow Dar he’ll show you but yeah know but yeah know man Dar said hey I heard a few hours ago in your in his this stream you said you

Would do it only fans if you got 20 viewers on the stream he puts winking face no Dar 20 likes there’s a Difference see oh D says in chat I’m a miner in Minecraft well yeah that’s the whole point of the damn game that’s name the T in the game is called mcraft what do you expect man it’s called Minecraft a Du Phil stop leaving the damn game bro you’re laging my game man stop I want to ban you for my Christian Minecraft server oh you know you know so you guys know I encourage viewership in my stream and simple high announc this brand new only fans account come watch now

Everyone comes running with their money if that meeme with that Walmart Rush meme starts playing everybody comes running with their money my friend I I really don’t think you are man truthfully I truly don’t think you’re okay at all but that’s okay it’s okay not be okay I guess I don’t

Know if that kind of makes sense minut it’s okay and have to be okay I guess that kind of makes sense to you I don’t know me probably not 100% probably not but that’s okay man it’s okay not to be okay I guess I don’t

Know I think going to say ep45 fire or such weird [ __ ] like that another big black guy wants I want a muffin you girl here have a muffin look you’re a pedophile no I came here because you promised me a muffin I want my muffin I’m FAL Beast I want my

Muffin taste now what my was cupcake I came with my cupcake cupcake shut up with your weird shut up with your weird corny songs bro slap you funny bro shut up I might K I might act up funny bro you don’t know I might act up chill

Up and Phil I disect you all I want to disrespect you Phil you know why Phil I’m older stronger and big bigger it’s a tough [ __ ] deal with it okay deal with it boy g g g GI K I don’t [ __ ] know k k kiby scking out your your I don’t know this

Sounds wrong to me you weird ass faking song weirdos and whatnot a my teeth that hurt again [ __ ] ow oh oh yes that is also one of the new add-on Parks I don’t know I haven’t used it yet I haven’t used it yet so I don’t

Even know what simp bag even does if it’s even good to use it what I’m man or what I don’t even know how to craft the stupid damn thing so I I haven’t gone that far yet so I don’t know how to craft it yet haven’t crafted it yet so I

Don’t know if it’s worth crafting either on top of that I I think actually I think someone did say it’s useful you can make it pretty much sleep anywhere you want and it’s like an actual sleeping bag but I haven’t used it tested it out yet so I can’t really vouch for

It oh all right so what what’s it do actual Big B why the [ __ ] turned night to almost on real for no reason wait during daytime you can why hell is it D why how it keep tur day and night time what the [ __ ] yo dude it just turned day and

Night like back to back what the freck you doing to my game you’re breaking my goddamn Game Stop I just moved and then it turned I just moved turned that day you feel you’re confusing everybody the server stop man you’re actually confusing everybody’s s of day time in This Server stop but

You’re confusing everyone in the server just got the [ __ ] stop oh no I saw clutch not but they soon you did that they immedately chat the live saying I just move and turn daytime and night time dark just said in chat just now it’s like they’re getting

They’re kind of weirding them out they don’t know what the freak’s going on to cut the [ __ ] they’re confusing them I they’re probably sitting there like what the freck someone named Nei said hi in the chat hey Nei how’s it going man what’s up welcome to the

Stream brother how’s it going what’s up what’s good don’t mind us we’re just building and screwing around with don’t mind us we’re just building on M my Minecraft real server we’re also just trying out add-ons and stuff like that right now they’re messing around with the U

Camping add-on we just add this free anybody on Bedrock can actually add the addons to their Ro server and whatnot um we’re also messing around with other add-ons and stuff like that too as well too so yeah and having wait you have the lann now don’t

Hack our real yo what does the yo what’s the L do anyways what’s the lantern do what’s the lann do wait a wait a minute so can you car can you carry it around with you or no wait it’s an actual it’s pretty much the thing in jaob we I can’t join oh

[ __ ] I’m so sorry hey you n Bing chance n do you want to join our Discord server man if you join the Discord server and we get to know know you a little bit better man you can join our room if you want to let me send you our Discord join my

Discord real quick you have Discord right now or now I sh my volume n do you have Discord or no Dar stop dying bro you’re embarrassing me live on stream bro cut the [ __ ] man you’re embarrassing me stop well what who them that’s the Discord link man if you want to install

A Discord go right ahead man it’s not very hard to install then you just link take to discord’s website download it’s pretty much like it’s pretty much like um Twitter or Instagram but it’s basically a Discord so I have mods of running and stuff like

That so I could get my hearts back I signed so I can get my hearts back well Dar stop you’re embarrassing me like I just said uh varav n near Ria join my Discord sir man like I said guys join that Discord so that’s where I run

The realm I run the realm do the Discord if you want to hop in the realm or potentially get involved with server join the Discord server first that’s why I run run the r right through Discord so if you want to join join that Discord

Server link I just Ted it in chat just now wait there’s more stuff with the add the hell are you doing man bro how do you have hiking stuff I don’t have none the hiking stuff the hell all I have is the furniture crap oh crap okay I can see now I see

Your friend the furniture mod I see your furniture down see you have the furniture stuff okay so okay so you have the furniture stuff and whatnot that it goes down to the camping stuff you’re referring to right I can’t even see the camping stuff man I know have activat so

I don’t how how do you act do you go to a crafting table and do that stuff Phil or you just find in your like your crafting recipes oh so you actually have to look in that book to get them I didn’t know that they

Oh yes I I didn’t stop hitting me Dar stop Dar stop hitting me please thank you wait so wait wait wait minute wait a minute so you wait a minute so are so are you trying to become Spider-Man now or something or no

Hey where do I get the IP um like I just said vov you got to join our Discord man up oh you did okay cool so here guys before I do anything else so one I’m just going to real quick um I’m just going to leave the real

Before I invite this kid and download a backup just to be safe okay just in case anything happens let going get the backup real quick and whatnot and then I’m going to download the realm real quick a copy it should take like not a couple seconds to do whatnot just to be

Safe you know what I mean so it’s going to kick everybody out just let you know it’s going to kick you guys out okay but I’m going to download a copy just to be safe and sorry man keep something happens I have a case something happens I have a coffee you

Know it’s going to you guys it’s going to kick you guys out either way or because I just had to um had going to kick you guys out anyway I had to go on a copy I went to copy second later because I might kick you

Out anyways but if you want to join our real vov so so vov so VAR vov what I want you to do man so so scroll over to the category MC realm server you’re going to see the real code right there that’s the real code you need to put him

In to join okay dude um once holy uh guys our gigaby should went up to 35.9 megabytes now it’s no longer 320 no more it’s almost at 400 now my user Discord is C cjkk okay I’m checking the disc right now man give me a second man right what about Java um um

So um so unfortunately the server is not Java man this Ser is run on Bedrock so you’re going to have to install Minecraft Windows 10 so you’re going to have to install Minecraft Windows if you want to join our world man that’s a little way to join no offense

Sorry but this is run the Bedrock can you stop screaming your mic fail stop give me a headache cut the [ __ ] please stop G me qu give me please stop I am not signing um M says in chat what do you mean you’re not sign in can

You not um do you guys not so so so do you guys not have Minecraft Windows 10 at all yo and jav it should be free to install Minecraft Windows 10 it’s the only way to join bed join Bedrock worlds man you can’t play otherwise it’s not

Cross compatible with Java it has to be through uh Windows 10 Phil I’m going to come over and beat you with the bonus stick bro the boner B bone okay D give me the boner bone I’m going to beat you across the ass bum oh [ __ ]

Sorry just you just you guys know right I downloaded another I downloaded a real copy just now so it’s going to kick everybody out for a second when it’s done loading all you guys hope to join what was that oh it’s already done well still just importing for me man so it’s

Probably still downloading for me man I don’t know taking a long time I download the damn thing though still 35.9 megab hey I saw oh oh [ __ ] oh yo yo wait yo wait minut he joined back he hasn’t joined back in a while it’s been months since

The last time he played the real I’m shocked man if you don’t if you don’t know he’s one of my other newer viewers subscribers are join the realm and he took a screenshot saying he liked the realm a lot say he liked the realm a lot and stuff like that he joined recently

Man I’m shocked that he join back if he did that’s crazy man D that’s cool all right I download the world copy guys so the um realm has a copy now but like I say Vero go to the um MC server questioning who they and you’ll see the

Minecraft realm code type that in Realms and you should be to join all right man um rules are no killing no griefing No Stealing and no destroying people’s houses if do you will have three warnings if you keep doing you’ll be banned that’s the rules have to Ty on

The server three strikes are out the is my roll up here um there will be PVP in the future the most likely man but for right now probably not I can’t download he says oh okay man then I don’t know I don’t know um dude like I said if

You can’t download Discord and F me I invite you to the real in but that’s how I track everybody in the real in but um but um yeah I’m in here so this is what I’ll do then I’ll I’ll give you the round code you guys can join but like I

Said there is rules man so you got to follow the rules when you’ll be banned if not um Phil you think I should invite these guys if they don’t have Discord to the realm or no I just want to ask your opinion real quick man oh I can’t

Okay no man I didn’t not that’s why I asked man I was just curious what you thought I’ve done it a few times a rare few and they were pretty chill and they can’t they weren’t really too much to worry about but that was what lady and a

Couple the people but I don’t know about these guys I’ve never played them before so I really don’t know here we go man okay all all I know is ver go that download a Discord so he could get on other guy say n says he can’t so I don’t know

Man n still camp but the other guy was able to download it so I’m not really sure man so I’ll invite I’m so I’m probably gonna invite um okay so n said my user is Foxy X all right here here let me find let me add

You real quick man hang me a second all right hold on let me find let me find let me um me oh sh I show the check on stream oh [ __ ] I just showed the real Tri I have to change that real quick guys hang on [ __ ]

It might be who knows you never know only know I’m not sure oh yeah as I add the that’s I add the dam to the r the first I’m I add them them man from the first play because of them and that’s why I added them so

Yeah I piss I’ll be right back BRB for for all right so um N I added you as a friend um let me try to invite you now I don’t know if so let me know my anyways man hang on I might I’m not sure I need to try to hang

On um M real MERS from your friend list I think right yeah um Members um what’s with the MST marks for n did I not add you right you said your name was foxy X right or no like the Hackman what do you mean what do you mean Mission mark huh give me an answer here please no I miss you marks thank

You oh foxy X there you go invite it to the game there you go man I invited you so there you go cool man nice Phil you going to be on for the rest of the night be on for a little bit longer or no always ask me is I’m going to head

Off um your Opera to his woman I have someone named new Jo named foxy a keep an eye on let know if happens man unknown still on to as well so he can help you out any happens man but yeah foxy actually someone knew he’s joining

Man but let me know if it happens I’m going to call night and get off I’m [ __ ] tired I Minecraft a little bit like you want me to bro um like I S the link for gamer dubs check it out if you like the drink by my code because I get [ __ ] for

It as well I don’t know if it was him or not cuz he’s typing in chat mystery Mark mystery Mark Myster Mark I don’t freaking know no guessing as him I don’t even [ __ ] know he said that camping back changes the day to night like left and right you said as well

Man well it happened no it just randomly happened it kept changing left left and right man for no reason all man like randomly two as well man so I don’t know for what’s your gamer tag well I’m going to get off now um if you

Guys did a like make sure I like the video the the the live stream make like And subscribe pepl signing out and peace did it work um hang on like I said when I invited you to the game and I add you as a member to um n your T tag was

Foxy F right it was um foxy x correct or or no maybe I won’t be getting off I don’t know oh oh okay I’m going to ask you again now man foxy X this is your tag do you have like a Spartan helmet with a skull as your your tag for Microsoft man

Yes know it’s you right here hang on y yeah okay so yeah it did work man there you go you’re in the realm now yeah like I said follow the rules and it happens man you will be banned simple as that make sure you’re following the

Rules and whatnot but yeah I’m going to call a night if you do join my boy Phil’s in charge anything happens he’ll let me know man just saying it right now but yeah peace out um um and for you re receip or receipt GD for right now I’m not

Inviting no one else to the realm right now man if you want to join we’ll be streaming Minecraft again real soon so stay tuned for updates about that when I stream again I’ll invite some new people for now this is I’m only inviting two people new people to the realm I’m

Taking it so get news to I’ve already had the r re multiple times I don’t want to rush taking stuff SL but surely so like I said if you want to Jo the real the future man stay tuned for updates about that when I stream again and

Whatnot and you can join then for right now I already invited the max amount of people that are going to be joining the realm for tonight so yeah um I go [ __ ] before I go man I need I need to put a few I need to

Fix the trainer I blew up the TR and [ __ ] up Phil do me a fa can you let Phil do me a fa can you let unknown if tell if he gets a chance can you just fix the train track um frame right here if he if he gets a chance

To say or if he can for me tell him that pyro broke it by mistake and I know Alex is the one that built it but I’m sure that he helps build it if he can fix it for if he gets a chance if not don’t worry about

It or if you can fix it thank you so I’m [ __ ] exhausted I’m going to call in I’m going straight to bed honest after this oh left again never mind oh I’ll just fix it right now um um no Mr don’t worry about I I just I just repaired the hole just now

It’s fine now don’t worry about it we’re good for you’re good I’m just TI I st up I didn’t get I didn’t I didn’t get a lot of sleep last night so I’m just ex I’m I’m going to do is I’m going to download Another World’s copy real quick

I did add more [ __ ] to my the world’s copy the WR everyone add more stuff yeah I’m going to down on the world copy then I’m going to get off my just the realm’s good Cas if anything happens when I’m not on I’ll be all good so I’m not really

Worried well you don’t it’s week you don’t to get off you probably you probably want to get off you probably tired too cuz you’re sick still and Saturday night you have a bad time that’s crazy all right see you later man peace I’m download a world copy right now

Unknown after this is like the last World copy man thing it happens after I done this world copy let me know and I’ll back it up where it’s come the wor um like I I said now chat P play signing out see you guys next live stream Minecraft and peace

This video, titled ‘Minecraft realms Survival building honey bee farm’, was uploaded by PYRO PLAYS GAMES on 2024-03-03 05:38:07. It has garnered 57 views and likes. The duration of the video is 03:01:36 or 10896 seconds.

Hey there, Pyro Plays Games! Welcome back to another exciting Minecraft livestream. Today’s focus is on creating a bee-friendly oasis—a combination of a greenhouse and a bee farm. Let’s dive into the details!

🌿 Building the Greenhouse Bee Farm 1. Greenhouse Construction In our quest for a sustainable and vibrant ecosystem, we’ve erected a giant greenhouse. This structure will house all our precious flowers and other natural blocks. Imagine a lush, sun-drenched space where plants thrive and bees buzz happily.

2. Bee Farming Within the cozy confines of our greenhouse, we’ve set up an automatic bee farm. These industrious little insects will tirelessly produce honeycombs and honey blocks for us. Here’s how we did it:

Bee Nests: Bees naturally spawn in groups of 3 inside Bee Nests. These nests appear in oak and birch trees within specific biomes1. Beehives: To relocate them from their natural habitat, we’ve built custom homes called Beehives. Each beehive consists of 6 planks (any kind) arranged in two rows along the top and bottom, with a row of 3 honeycombs in the center2. 3. Honey and Honeycomb Harvest Our bee farm is a buzzing success! As bees enter the nest or hive covered in pollen, they diligently convert it into honey and honeycomb. Once the process is complete, they wait for daylight (and no rain, if necessary) before venturing out to collect more pollen3.

🐝 Buzzing with Excitement As we tend to our greenhouse bee farm, we’ll also share our adventures, close calls with piglins, and perhaps even unveil a cool structure made from blocks of honeycomb. Stay tuned for more bee-tiful updates!

Remember, this is Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds. Let’s cultivate our green haven and celebrate the sweet rewards of beekeeping!

tags #minecraftbedrockedition #minecraft #minecraftletsplayseries #pyroplaysgames #minecraftrealms





DUBBY Energy

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  • BlockBreak Network

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  • Grotex: Unbelievable Reactions!

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  • INSANE Hardcore Map Run by PaypayNotPie!!

    INSANE Hardcore Map Run by PaypayNotPie!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Map Hardcore PaypayNotPie -Clip’, was uploaded by Sasera on 2024-04-01 12:26:40. It has garnered 1895 views and 74 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Judul: Aku Membuat Rumbling di Minecraft Hardcore! Hashtag: #Minecraft #MinecraftHardcore #Rumbling #AttackOnTitan #ErenYeager #ColossalTitan #Indonesia #Gaming Kata Kunci: Minecraft, Minecraft Hardcore, Rumbling, Attack on Titan, Eren Yeager, Colossal Titan, Indonesia, Gaming, Tutorial Minecraft, Cara Membuat Rumbling di Minecraft, Minecraft Survival, Hardcore Survival, Minecraft Indonesia, Server Minecraft Indonesia, Mod Minecraft, Plugin Minecraft, Resource Pack Minecraft, Shader Minecraft, Seed Minecraft, 1.19, 1.18, 1.17, 1.16, Java Edition, Bedrock Edition,… Read More

  • Ultimate Modern House Build Tutorial!!

    Ultimate Modern House Build Tutorial!!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to build a MODERN house in MINECRAFT | TUTORIAL | (PC/XboxOne/PS4/PE/Xbox360/PS3)’, was uploaded by Archer07 on 2024-01-01 03:00:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. How to build a MODERN house in MINECRAFT | TUTORIAL | (PC/XboxOne/PS4/PE/Xbox360/PS3) If you are looking for an … Read More

  • “Unbelievable! Building Flags From Comments! #viral” #shorts #minecraft

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  • Join Jack’s Epic Minecraft Adventure Now!

    Join Jack's Epic Minecraft Adventure Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘On that Endgame Grind! Jack plays more Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Jack Pattillo on 2024-05-04 15:00:42. It has garnered 6245 views and 118 likes. The duration of the video is 04:28:26 or 16106 seconds. Jack continues to work his way through ProjectE in Stoneblock 3, and like a good little goldfish, he bounces around from project to project! Chapters: 00:00:00 – Intro 00:10:57 – Gameplay Join Jack live on Twitch! Read More


    EXPOSING HACKERS IN MY NEW MINECRAFT SERVER! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Cazando Hackers en mi Nuevo Servidor de Minecraft Java y Bedrock’, was uploaded by SrBigos on 2024-01-03 23:33:37. It has garnered 2815 views and 201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. 🔥 IP: 🔥 Puerto Bedrock: 19132 🛒 Store: 📞 Discord: 🔔 Subscribe ➤ 💚 Follow me ➤ 💎 Únete BIG ➤ ✉️ Contact ➤ [email protected] ✨ Channels ➤ @BigosFriki @SrBigosX 📞 Discord ➜ 🐦 Twitter ➜ 📷 Instagram ➜ 🎵 TikTok ➜ #SrBigos #minecraft #shorts – Original Minecraft Content… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Sand Cutting ASMR – No Music & No Talking!

    Insane Minecraft Sand Cutting ASMR - No Music & No Talking!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kinetic Sand ASMR No Music! Sand Cutting ASMR Sounds! Kinetic Sand ASMR No Talking #52’, was uploaded by Minecraft Hyper on 2024-03-07 05:45:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Kindly support us by subscribing and giving us a thumbs up. ——————————— which armor is the strongest? minecraft mob … Read More