Insane Reaction to Skibidi Minecraft Multiverse!

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e yo Mr misis kali ini kita bakalan react lagi skib di multivers tapi buatan gari kreatif Wow subscribernya 1,5 juta cuy dan ini skibd multipers Minecraft Oke Mari kita lihat mister Siapakah skibid-nya ya oke episodenya udah banyak dan panjang-panjang coy ada pomny juga really Oke kita mulai dari Episode berapa ini satu kah kita harus scrollsroll ke bawah cuy Oke dimulai dari di toilet MineCraft Villager Arc 11 kenapa dari 11 Saya tidak tahu oke yang penting kita tonton aja ya oke di awal-awal kita nampak di sini ada Steve Zombie Creeper terus ada Enderman ada Skeleton juga coy ini mereka temenan ya Oke kita mulai let’s go mereka berjalan berjalan Oke kita ke mana Oh oke ternyata skibid-nya adalah Villager wow w Buset [Musik] Oke kamera Oke kita melihat misis dari iPad ya Oke Oke ini kayak awal-awal video Dapak Bu Misnya wow oke meledak C Buset dah oke I benar benar Wah rame ya iniov kita dari atas gedung ya suaranya jelek banget se Oh meledak Bagus Ah ada yang di atas coy y kita didorong no tidak oke itu dia episode 11 oke sekarang Ar 12 Mari kita lihat Oke Steve berbaris Anggap saja kameraman Mister and misis oke melihat Villagers skibid badannya muter cuk Buset Wah Wii meledak Ah ini siapa Oh no tidak Iron Golam ditahanis tidak dia diinfeksi no no iron golem jadi JAT tidak tolong oh my god Wah ada Ender Dragon oke di sini Ender Dragon itu mirip-mirip Strike er kamera mis misis ya Bisa nembak-nembak ya bagus oke itu gimman akhirnya kita ketemu sama gimman matanya bersinar kuning mis misis Oke Datang steveang kameraman kita ayo flash tapi gim gak bisa diflash sih Wah dia marah Wah gila e siapa ini Hydra Hydra Oh man keren keren keren keren keren kreatif cuk asli Ar 13 let’s go sip let’s go eh ini siapa Titan ceraman kah Oke Strider kamera Weh bener coy laba-laba e Let’s go No loh ini episode titan speakerman terinpxi cuy Wah ini random ternyata episode-nya tidak sesuai jalur ya Oke ini Gman ini Gman episode awal-awal cuy Oke mau dibom dari atas ya oke W deh keren W dibalik dong Oke Wah ada yang manjat Buset Oke lari dan ini dia Jimin ya kita tewas Mister misis oke di sini kita lihat lagi ada player ya Titan Mister dan misis ini g Oke menumbangkan gedung dengan sangat easy sekali Oke ini ada kacamata What Woi slow bro Hah oke Ar 14 ada plunger ye eh TP ini TP TP Man oke TP Man melawan Ski the toilet let’s go dia mengantukkan kepalanya ke TV tidak mempat mereka pakai kacamata kabur cuy TV kita ya elah lari no yah Kita disergap Oke kita tendang-tendang ya let’s go come on Hajar terus oke ini waktunya berarti ini udah ada TP mis Oke ini pler ya kita POV pler cuy let’s go Oke Oh ini awal-awal munculnya TP Man ya Oke Nice yeah berhasil difash yeah Zombie sebagai TP Man oke pler lagi kita Oke let’s go maju kalian semua sini Sky Villager Oke Ayo Zombie ye yes Saya suka sekali Zombie ini Oke ini large TP Man ya Oke dipakai sama Slenderman Slenderman Enderman Slenderman mah setan Oke yeah Thank you keren keren keren Oke ternyata tadi baru satu season ya season 1 ini misis kita lanjut tonton season 2 aja ya biar Pung biar enak gu Oke season 2 let’s go maju maju Oke mau ditembak Oh ini yang tadi mah dihalangi sama g ya Oke kita lihat lagi mana tahu kali ini udah tidak acak ya Mis episodenya Oke diiler sama J sama saja Bro kok sama aja Anjir ini J yang tadi juga oke kita mulai dari sini Siapa tuh jatuh cuy Wah G bertarung sama Siapakah G Mari kita lihat Oh siapa itu oh Titan titan tpman titan kameraman ataukah Titan speakerman Oke maju let’s go W dihalangin cuy let’s go let’s go ditembak Hajar terus mantap sekali Titan yeah let’s go di laser coy geter-geter Buset Oke jimmannya lari ini Titan TP Man ya kayaknya sih Oke datang Iya dihalangin Bagus sekali Mantap Terima kasih iron golem Oke dia lari cuy si Jiman ya ini dikejar sama Titan TP Man ya Oke dan datang skipini kursi roda penghisap ya si penghisap cuy oke oke maju Hajar dia Titan let’s go ah kita dihajar cuy Oke jimennya masih lari ini mendarat di mana lagi cuy Oke Oh ini di markasnya ya kayaknya ya gak tahu sih Oke let’s go laser terus Iya mantap sekali let’s go Titan TV Man dan datang Profesor oh no dibalas y dier balik Cuy Oke langsung ke skip Oke skip skip skip skip no Titan kita kalah ah oh my god tidak Oke perabok bagus gak boleh menyerah ya Dan kita di laser dong Oke ada heliskiidi oke mantap sekali Steve cameraman Oke masih banyak coy oke Ini dia plunger beraksi let’s go [Tepuk tangan] Oke Tabok aja Lepas kacamatanya mantap sekali eh apa SK di cuys eh cuma setengah badan kepotong tidak Oke dihalangin siapa yang menyelamatkan kita ada ceweknya Aduh jimen datang coy sama si Profesor ya lari camera womannya lari cuy Oke dan datang siapa ini What is this oke W clock Man pembalik waktu pembalik waktu Iya suara dentuman jam kan Kalian Dengar mter missis Ye berhasil dikalahkan zimen Datang kali ini let’s go lari Oke Profesor datang Selamatkan diri Oke ternyata di sini ada clockman mister missis Oke let’s go sama kayak Dom studio ya dia lihat apa tuh lihat skibid ya oke kockman datang lagi Oke kita ulangi lagi waktunya semuanya diulang penangkapan Titan t juga diulang semuanya pengejaran jimnya juga diulang dan Titan ada di sini oke kabur dia doong Oke Titan kembali melawan G dan Profesor oke gelutgelut oke ini kalau gak salah episode polisi deh oke Kenapa kembali kemarin cuy jauh banget ini kita mundur waktunya kokemnya oke kan benar tuh SK di polisi malah Gang en style dia dong Oke Wah kita kena jumpskir polisi Oke kita lihat dulu mis misis Oke di interterview interview interi apa namanya interogasi interasi Oke seperti dia tidak tahu apa-apa dia mulai menggila Oke flash aja ini dia Gimen datang Wow ketahuan coy kita kalah oke Titan Kameramen diperbaiki let’s go bentuk titannya sama semua cok jangan-jangan titannya emang cuma satu ya di sini ya Oke kita lihat aja oke tembak aja nice sekali Oke kita flashback flashback dulu ya Mis misis di Season 2 ini Oke ini ada speakerman sih kalau gak salah di sini ya Mister misis ya sperman pakai headset dari dia spiker Spider iye meledak semua mantap sekali ye Oke ini di pabrik skibidi Oke mereka ini episode mfia skibidi cuy Oke let’s go surprise oh bukan ya bukan bukan salah-salah Oke terima kasih Mantap sekali Nah ini ni mapia di sini cuy Oke let’s go Wah ini bukan mapia tapi petani ah Mereka melihat kita dan ini dia Titan let’s go yeay nice ya Tabok aja itu mfianya eh bukan petaninya oke hai halo halo oke wah ini yang tadi profesoris Oke let’s go yah tapi kayaknya beda lagi cuy tadi profesornya beda deh yang di Season 1 waduh kita ditabuk oke nginjuk-nginjuk nice sekali jadi sepatu cuy Oke ini dia yang terinfeksi habisisi snow yah diterbangin dong Buset kota sudah dikuasai sama Kameramen terinfeksi Oke ini markas Ah oke serprise oke Ayo Sadarkan dia Come on Oh itu dia parasitnya parasitnya kabur yeay ketangkap nice sudah aman Bro mantapziiwa yeay ye yeay Oke let’s go nih jalan-jalan tembak Dur Oke sudah tidak terinfeksi bagus sekali teman-teman Iya Ayo flash kibid-nya mantap ye kejar kejar kejar kejar ye puk tangan Oke ini dia senjatanya sudah di-upgrade ya pakai mobil sekarang Coy bagus Ayo Sadarkan teman-teman kita ah humanoidibid dibully cuy melotot semua ni mereka Oke kita lanjut season 3 tembak oke Nice headsot Bro Mantap jiwa Kok terkapar semua Oh AST skibid UFO oke Ada jimen juga gawat banget ini cuy no meledak-meledak Oke Ayo Titan maju iya oke kejar skibidya Ayo Steve let’s go hajar mantap sekali Titan yeay terbang lagi cuy GG gaming oke zombie TV Udah ready dengan tv-nya let’s go ada Asro muncul dia Teleport ah Zombie kita kena No zombinya itu favorit mis one tahu oke pler cuy dia ingin mencoba Solo lawan G dan Profesor banget oke itu Profesor Kenapa oke Ada Tian kita let’s go terus tembaker nice jiminnya lari Oke Jim kabur gak Asikin Oke maju kalian Profesor let’s go skgaj juga Hajar terus oke mantap hancur sudah dipastikan hancur 100% gosong Oke G seali Titan Oke zomb tip datang tunggu oke Oh ini yang terinfeksi Oke sudah aman parasitnya dilepas Oke mereka bergelut tewas oke mantap sekali ye waktunya joget-joget let’s go kita keciduk Oke kita terjatuh tidak bisa berdiri Wih keren cuy oke Ada plunger let’s go pakai maling-meling bambu hai oke tenendang mantap sekali Ayo camera woman Oke jepret tembak oke bukan bukan dijepret ya ditembak ya camera woman mah main tembak coy oke mantap sekali kamera woman Oke ini siapa kita jadi siapa oke Ada segib ada gimman juga wah ini lanjutan yang tadi ya Oke let’s go skip let’s go Wah ada api bro oke jimennya masih hidup Waduh jimen lari-lari mulu gak asik lu jimen oke bagus sekali titan titan kejar kejar jimennya y ini terinfeksi lagi ya ampun Oke kita bertemu lagi dengan Jim dan kita tembak jen tidak memppan Oke Bagus kali ini siapa lagi cok Oke zombie TV let’s go ah dimuntahin disembur Buset Ah oke oke terima kasih clockman let’s go kembalikan waktu Oke dia kejang-kejang oke Apa lu Apa lu apa lu ye Wih akhirnya Titan Nokia Man Titan speakerman pakai pentungan Nokia Uh mantap ye ye ye Oke let’s go ini dia Titan sperman akhirnya kelihatan ya berarti yang tadi Titan TP coy oke dikentutin dong Buset dah oke dueli buta oke nembaknaker Wah Jen kasasik waduh ampun Jen ampun Oke ini kita ngapain pasukan Kameramen Hai hanya satu skibidi oke siapa yang bakal melawan lah dia Kenapa WS Hah Waduh Astro cuy wah ngeri cuy m kira glitch kibid rupanya Astro Oke Dibo mantap sekali hal nice sekali nice nice ya Ada speed Heli kena tembak bagus sekali camera woman let’s go i ye GG Oke lari dia lari mulu lucu Oke Kenapa dia jatuh oke oke ceraman datang Let’s go ayo Titan kameraman tembak hajarar mantap kelar Oke siapa lagi yang mau melawan Oke helis G memakai baksokah no misil datang ah Oke dipegang dong misilnya dibalikin Emang bisa ya misil dipegang terus dibalikin gitu oke di sini apa wah medan perang Bro Z ada ya oke Ada Gman let’s go dan ini Titan speakerman datang let’s go ah Profesor datang no no Titan sperman terineki tidak tidak tit mikirx BR sedih Ayo Titan kameraman Sadarkan dia ah hati-hati dia itu memakai martil Nokia Nokia adalah handphone terkuat sejagat raya yang gak bisa hancur Wah gila coy jimennya oke Hajar terus oke tonjok Iya bagus sekali jimen hati-hati di belakang oke bagus sekali kameraman mantap ye Oke belanjir ini si plananjir ya oke hai aduh dimartil aja ya oke dia lari cuy dikejar bagus sekali let’s go zombie TV datang let’s go my favorit perhatikan watchatwat and jebret ye sadarlah kalian semua lempar itu parasitnya nice Iya mereka meledakkan diri GG gaming Iya joget joget oke ini di episode kedatangan TP woman ya woke ini episode nangkap si glitch cuy Oke let’s go tembak ye mantap berhenti tidak gerak bagus sekali oke flash aja let’s go Spider skib oke no way oke bagus sekali iron golem ye nice flash terus flash Oke Oh ini bukan glitch ini si Astro ya oh Oh Ternyata di dunia Minecraft tidak ada glitch yang ada Astro mis misis Oke ini dia Astro skibid let’s go eh jangan-jangan ini glitch Astro belum muncul Oke Bodoh amat ya kita lanjut bertarungan antar Titan kita let’s go Oh man ah getar-getar coy Wah Kamu harusnya pakai headset Titan Oke diketawain dong Oke Profesor datang no Dar infeksi semua apa ye Astaga Oke bala bantuan datang yeay Titan TP Man let’s go come on come on Titan TV Man oke GG gaming tidak mampan bro oke Ini Titan TV sih kayak eh Titan TV Titan handphone ya itu layar handphone tapi ada tv juga sih di punggungnya oke oke bagus sekali diinjek Oh kuat cuy op op op mantap overp le go kalahkan jimman jimen Langsung kabur semua dibabat habis Oke Titan sperman ada di sini menerobos Yah gak kelihatan cuy kita kembali lagi ke sini ya Oke let’s go ah TP womanan Zombie cewek ye let’s go nice yah kabur dia Ya elah Oke tenang katanya apaah tolong bukan tolong Oh itu sim Steve Oke Steve yang mau dibucit ya wah diseret-seret dong mau dimakan Oke lari Steve ah ditangkap Profesor lepaskan aku lepaskan oke udah dilepasin dicampainin Maksudnya oke dan datang Titan speakerman eh dia gak terinfeki Oke kita kembali lagi flashback m misis Oke dan dihancurkan Ah ini ketutupan sama ini cuy Oke Titan sperman beraksi menembak bagus sekali Titan sperman oke Ada helis skid juga oke dihajar tidak mempan bro gak kelihatan Anjir Oke season 4 let’s go kita kembali lagi memakai senjata Ayo tembak oke datang belaner nice Terima kasih ada yang datang bro helid oke Ini mah yang tadi Anjir Oke ulang lagi C Oke berjogetjoget let’s goi engak ternyataak ulang Bro ada segib tank kabur eh kita Kok kita gak kabur Oke Titan kameraman datang skib tank datang let’s go ditembak-tembak tidak mempan cuy ditahan pakai sayap let’s go Oke skib gergaji ditangkap mantap sekali lempar saja ya Oh itu siapa cok jimen sama Profesor patroli Oke kejar let’s go bye byye ini siapa lagi oke oh hampir saja terinfeksi Mister and misis Oke berhasil diselamatkan Oh ternyata tidak berhasil no Oke ini lanjutan yang terinfeksi ya Mis misis Oke ditembak no Titan kameraman kita terpental bro oh my god Oke siapa datang oke terpentah lagi ini dia lanjutannya let’s go dihajar cuy Let’s go ayo Titan kameraman gebuk gebuk gebuk gebuk ada Titan tip Man jangan Bro Oke Sadarkan dia Kenapa Titan kameraman udah selamat sementara speakerman belum cuy sudah ada Titan TP Man oke sudah tidak terinfeksi let’s go tiga Titan kita sudah selamat mantap sekali Oke let’s go lari lari lari I ada titan sperman titan di belakang iya Hai bro lihat belakang Hajar terus uh malah main baseball dong Oke let’s go nice nice lagi lagi lagi yuk lagi Oke ketiga Titan kita sudah aman Sentosa Ayo Titan speakerman let’s go dilempar dong martilnya let’s go Oke ini ada mulu cuy skiy Di gergaji Oke Ayo tembak dia mantap hancur kali ini Oke dan datang siapa lagi ini Bro Wah dimuntahin dong Waduh hancur Enggak tuh aman aman aman katanya aman Oke ini siapa ini ini apa CK yang jatuh CK Wow Titan clockman eh Titan cllockman klockman datang oke dihentikan apa barusan terjadi oke Titan tpan ternyata yang jatuh ya terima kasih Oke let’s go Wah Oke ini lanjutan yang terinpeki coyerman Oke Ayo kameraman hentikan dia yah kok meleset cok Buset dah Waduh dihajar datang menggila Oke ini yang tadi [Tepuk tangan] jugaeramat [Musik] dat Oke tabok dia let’s go Ah ini digentutin lagi cuk oke kita skip aja yang udah pernah ya Oke ini Titan TP Man memukul-mukul Titan speakerman sampai terjatuh bagus sekali Iya Sadarkan dia oke oke itu dia parasitnya ya ini poov-nya beda-beda cuy Oke Nice sudah selamat let’s go itu dia parasitnya oke Ini Titan kameraman yang pas terinfeksi let’s go cpg D CP Oke sudah kabur ya sperman menerobos oke wah Oke di tojok Iya gennya jatuh bagus sekali dan ada tit speaker Min si Oke di uh kita bisa pakai helm cuy Oke tapi jatuh SK diketawain ya oke Profesor datang Ah jangan sampai Ah ini tadi cuy Oke Nice ditembak jatuh bagus sekali yes yes siidi D nyip nyip siidi sibid CBD Iya pler datang dan dia kena pukul deblak Oke SK BD ah Titan kameraman terjatuh Ah skipnya banyak bro lari y kok lari Oke Kin datang dan kembalilah waktunya nyyyy nyy nyyyyipyip nyip nyip Oke sudah kembali normal yeay bagus kockman oke jimen dan Profesor datang lagi Ha Capek deh datang-datang mulu nih mereka Oke Bro kenapa begini oke clockman ah Astaga cllockman Oke plunger let’s go plunger Oke sudah aman ya misis tapi gimennya masih ada Noah lari ni gerunda ya Ah profesornya datang cok Buset dah oke kabur Oke season 4-nya sudah habis selanjutnya kita lanjut season 5 kebanyakan video yang berulang-ulang cuy yang udah pernah kita tonton gitu ya Oke ini diledakin Iya bagus terima kasih ya ninggoy oke S tank ah halo lari yah ng tembak cuy Buset dah no ah kita lari juga dong Oke bagus sekali ada Piso yang menancap dia keetrum uh speaker man plunger man glitch Siapa sih dia oke Ayo lompat Come on flash bagus sekali kerja sama yang mantap oke ramei sekali skibid-nya oke Ada TNT andar mantap sekali Steve plunger Ye terbang-terbang dia cuy Pak Kenapa dia ngepak-ngepakkan tangannya gitu Oke dikejar-kejar let’s go lari lari lari ini malah joget-joget temannya dikejar Ya kan Hei kan ada gila-gilanya gitu loh Bro bantuin temanmu dia dikejar tuh ini lawan skibid ya benar benar lawan skibid e gak mau aku pengen joget-joget Ya ampun Oke flash aja lah dia oke lihat atas Bro J datang ah Oke baca koran ada skibid mengintip lempar Korannya mantap sekali ye skibid banyak cuy Oke lari lari lari lari ah kita masih dikejar kenapa berhenti Oke zombie TV datang let’s go hantuh kan kepalanya ye bye byye Pergilah kalian mantap sekali oke j datang melaw nantian TV Man let’s go ditembak laser dari matanya uh diserap Cuy ke tv-nya Oke Profesor tidak mempan Oh mati kita kehabisan W dia punya remote coy Hah malah main game Anjir no malah main game Profesor punya remotnya Oke pler TNT let’s go meledak tekan oke mau dicabut mis s oke ada tombol dan meledak hmm kreatif kreatif uh mfia gergaji let’s go lari bro bro apa TNT malah dialihkannya kocak sekali cuy Oke ini gantung-gantung dia gelantungan Oke camera woman jepret bukan di jepret tebak duar duar duar Oke Nice yeay easy easy terima kasih Oke jatuh lompat Oke Kenapa ah sim kamu dasar bucin Oke gak apa-apa gak apa-apa Oke ternyata dia episodenya setengah durasi itu yang baru setengah lagi itu yang lama-lama diulang cuy dan ini season 5 Sudah kelar kita lanjut season 6 oke di season 6 ini ada yang baru Cuy ada TP Man ada tu Gman ini Minecraft enggak sih What Oke dikejar cuy lari Oke wow oke masuk dalam mobil Oke tabrak ini kejar cuy Oke animasi animasi baru ya ternyata menonton Oke diketawain tuh jiminnya bagus sekali dan ini dia jiminnya melihatis dia marah wow oke mereka berjalan-jalan di dunia Minecraft baru lagi Anjir animasinya oke Apa kalian mau lihat sesuatu Oke Ayo ke sana ke sini mundar-mandir bolak-balik ngidupin Api oke ketawa ini apa cok episodennya oke Hah skibidinnya tidur What the fre is this oke oke datang skibidnya let’s go marah mereka marah awa apa ini apa ini mereka marah mengganggu tidur siang Oke diputar lagi musiknya marah co [Musik] meledak kita di mak [Musik] di tarik Oke ini mereka masang Apa jebakan sih kayaknya ya Oke aman Bro jadi nanti kalau kena jebakan Titan tipennya melihat jamur oke lalu diambil dan terkena dan terperangkap dan dia nangis kena perangkap Oke ide yang cemerlang tapi ketahuan dikagetin hai oke dan skya yangar dan mereka yang terperangkap Oke kita lanjut lagi ke skiy di multiverse yang benar Oke let’s go ini si Ini udah ya udah pernah coy yang tank ya kenapa ini isinya sama semua Why Oke berarti itu aja ya karena episodenya diulang-ulang dan mungkin nanti kita lanjut lagi karena ada POM ni ada k dari digital ckus apakah kita kalian react nanti mereka ini skibid pomni dan Titan Kane sesuai thumbnailnya misis Oke komen aja di kolom komentar Ya dan Menurut kalian apakah skibid multiverse buatan gari creatif ini benar-benar keren ataukah tidak silakan komen aja di kolom komentar Oke miss Thank you semuanya see you in the next video bye byye

This video, titled ‘Aku Reaction SKIBIDI MULTIVERSE MINIECRAFT Buatan @GarriCreative’, was uploaded by Gaming Mafia on 2024-01-12 09:57:19. It has garnered 18606 views and 590 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:18 or 1938 seconds.

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    Mastering Minecraft's Top Skills Exploring the Top Skills of Minecraft 🤯 Embark on a journey through the vast world of Minecraft, where players can learn and master a multitude of skills that challenge their creativity and problem-solving abilities. From building intricate structures to surviving in the wilderness, Minecraft offers a diverse range of activities that keep players engaged for hours on end. Mastering the Art of Building One of the fundamental skills in Minecraft is the ability to build and design structures using various blocks and materials. Players can unleash their creativity by constructing anything from simple houses to elaborate castles and cities…. Read More

  • Can You Survive in Minecraft? Episode 22

    Can You Survive in Minecraft? Episode 22 Minecraft Survivor: Exploring the Exciting World of Multiplayer Survival Are you ready to dive into the thrilling world of Minecraft Survivor? Join players like @faridvaliyev1 and @cavansirdadasov as they navigate through the challenges of multiplayer survival in this action-packed game. Let’s explore some of the key highlights and features of this popular Minecraft series! Multiplayer Survival Adventures In Minecraft Survivor, players are tasked with surviving in a multiplayer environment filled with dangers and obstacles. From building shelters to gathering resources, teamwork is essential to overcome the challenges that await. With @faridvaliyev1 and @cavansirdadasov leading the way, the adventure never… Read More

  • Crafty Escape: Minecraft’s Cardboard Caper!

    Crafty Escape: Minecraft's Cardboard Caper! In the world of Minecraft, we embark on a quest, To escape the Cardboard Prison, put our skills to the test. Hidden mazes and traps, we must navigate through, With quick thinking and strategy, we’ll find our way true. Subscribe to our channel, for more adventures like this, Where creativity and fun, are never amiss. Join us on Discord, for a chat and a laugh, As we explore new worlds, on our Minecraft path. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, And let the story unfold, in the glow of the night. Minecraft Parodies, where the fun… Read More

  • Unleashing the Legendary End Bow

    Unleashing the Legendary End Bow The Legendary End Bow: Unleash the Power of Ender Magic! Step into the mystical world of Fakepixel Minecraft and discover the awe-inspiring End Bow, a legendary weapon infused with the potent magic of the End dimension. This powerful bow is not just a tool for combat but a symbol of prowess and skill in the game. Stats and Abilities The End Bow boasts impressive stats that make it a formidable weapon in any player’s arsenal: Damage: 140 Durability: 2500 Draw Speed: 1.5 seconds But what truly sets the End Bow apart are its special abilities: Ender Shot: With a… Read More

  • Boost Your FPS with These Top 3 Textures!

    Boost Your FPS with These Top 3 Textures! Exploring the Best Textures for FPS Boost in Bed Wars Are you looking to enhance your gaming experience in Bed Wars with improved performance and visuals? Look no further! Here are the top 3 textures that will give you that much-needed FPS boost: Miriz 16x One of the most popular texture packs for boosting FPS in Bed Wars is the Miriz 16x pack. With its sleek design and optimized performance, this texture pack will not only make your game run smoother but also add a touch of style to your gameplay. You can download the Miriz 16x pack here…. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Fairy Tail Meeting | Ep. 4!

    EPIC Minecraft Fairy Tail Meeting | Ep. 4!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE MEETING.. – Minecraft Fairy Tail |Ep. 4|’, was uploaded by The Myzero on 2024-07-07 20:30:06. It has garnered 256 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:19 or 739 seconds. Welcome to the world of Fairy Tail Eden!! {Arc 1 Episode 4} In this episode, Zendar and Roman discuss the results of the examination and the new members of the guild. Meanwhile, Angel and the leaders of Red Eye discuss what they plan to do next. [#FairyTailEden #MCRP #MinecraftRoleplay] More Episodes: Fan Discord: Thumbnail: Song: People in… Read More

  • Steph’s First Minecraft Adventure with COOL◆DIA!

    Steph's First Minecraft Adventure with COOL◆DIA!Video Information This video, titled ‘My FIRST EVER Time Playing Minecraft…ft. COOL◆DIA!’, was uploaded by Steph Sings! on 2024-06-22 14:28:07. It has garnered 74 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:11:36 or 4296 seconds. i am finally taking the plunge in this the year of our lord 2024. thumbnail art by eliot (TW: pweasyy) 😀 Read More

  • Insane: Minecraft Computers Existed in 1833?! 👀

    Insane: Minecraft Computers Existed in 1833?! 👀Video Information This video, titled ‘#Minecraft computers were invented in 1833 people in 1832💀☠️’, was uploaded by Incomplete Gaming on 2024-06-02 13:00:16. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The clips that I show you in my video that are not mine # Bro’s Real-Life Minecraft Adventure ## Introduction In a world where … Read More

  • Minecraft Realistic Wait What?! Lava, Water, Slime

    Minecraft Realistic Wait What?! Lava, Water, SlimeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft realistic wait what meme, Lava, Water, Slime #386’, was uploaded by moosh – Minecraft memes on 2024-05-07 07:08:43. It has garnered 7121 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:11 or 3311 seconds. do not forget to subscribe and press like! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Unbelievable! Itachi’s secret realm in Minecraft 🔥

    Unbelievable! Itachi's secret realm in Minecraft 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘@Mythpat build in Minecraft 🌚’, was uploaded by Itachizz domain on 2024-03-16 04:53:00. It has garnered 9917 views and 476 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Thanks for watching 😍 hope you liked my videos and subscribed to my channel itachizz domain. If you enjoyed please share with your friends so they also can enjoy. Have a nice day ❤ (Secret description 🌚 ↓) Minecraft Shorts Minecraft Quick Builds Minecraft Speed Builds Minecraft Tips Minecraft Tricks Minecraft Tutorials Minecraft Redstone Shorts Minecraft Funny Moments Minecraft Challenges Minecraft Mini Games Minecraft… Read More

  • Mikey Freaks Out: JJ Turns Invisible & Pranks in Minecraft

    Mikey Freaks Out: JJ Turns Invisible & Pranks in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Became INVISIBLE And Did Funny Pranks on Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by Funny Mikey on 2024-03-27 21:00:31. It has garnered 13841 views and 129 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:27 or 1827 seconds. JJ Became INVISIBLE And Did Funny Pranks on Mikey – in Minecraft Maizen! This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen channel: Have a good day! subscribe to the channel and like the video Video Every Day! This channel contains the best compilations of minecraft Read More

  • Shocking Encounter: Kiara’s Baby Alpaca Disaster!

    Shocking Encounter: Kiara's Baby Alpaca Disaster!Video Information This video, titled ‘Kiara’s Terrible IRL Baby Alpaca Experience [Hololive EN]’, was uploaded by Taiyaki Clips on 2024-06-16 03:15:05. It has garnered 1148 views and 88 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:57 or 117 seconds. Thank you for watching 🙂 Original Stream : 【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 1, whats our 1st Block!? #MythOneBlock Subscribe to : Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia —————————————————————————————— Thumbnail : —————————————————————————————— #hololive #hololiveenglish #hololiveen #kfp #takanashikiara #moricalliope #gawrgura #ninomaeinanis #ameliawatson #hololivemyth… Read More

  • Sxdico reveals shocking secrets of his server!

    Sxdico reveals shocking secrets of his server!Video Information This video, titled ‘Owner series haciendo mi server en DIRECTO!’, was uploaded by sxdico on 2024-07-14 09:39:40. It has garnered 120 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:09:25 or 4165 seconds. ───────────────────────────── IGNORAR: servidor hcf busca staff mi nuevo servidor de hcf NUEVO SERVIDOR DE MINECRAFT SEBUSCA STAFF PARA SERVIDOR SE BUSCA S SE BUSCA OWNERMinecraft Videogame,Minecraft: Pocket Edition,Download minecraft pe,español,minecraft pe,review,mcpe,apk,descarga,download,mejores servidores,servidor minecraft,pvp,survival games,skywars,servidor minecraft pe,servidor minecraft pocket edition,servidor mcpe,minecraft pocket edition server,minecraft pe hunger games,minecraft pe survival games,mejores servidores minecrfat pe,minecraft pe servidor,minecraft pe online,server 1.0 servers,Eystreem,Minecraft,Minecraft PE,Minecraft PocketEdition,seed,server,map,mod,0.15.0,MCPE,0.14.3,Fernanfloo10,lag,no,minigames,SG,survival games,hunger games,hide andseek,prison,KitPvP,pvp,spleef,capture… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Learn to Fly Elytra in Minecraft 🚀🎵#Shocking #Gameplay

    Unbelievable: Learn to Fly Elytra in Minecraft 🚀🎵#Shocking #GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘how to fly elytra🚀 in Minecraft 😲#song #music #lyrics #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by MrRM on 2024-04-08 07:19:55. It has garnered 100 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. Read More

  • LavishSMP

    LavishSMPWelcome to LavishSMP, where the intricacies of survival and the dynamic realm of multiplayer gaming converge for an unparalleled Minecraft experience. Vibrant Community Dynamics: LavishSMP transcends the realm of mere server; it embodies a vibrant community of dedicated Minecraft enthusiasts. Forge alliances, partake in robust trade networks, and embark on collaborative adventures. Our attentive staff fosters a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere for players of all proficiencies. Economic Ingenuity: Dive into a player-driven economy where resourcefulness and trading prowess lead to prosperity. Establish market niches, engage in commerce, and emerge as a shrewd entrepreneur. The economic landscape is as expansive as… Read More

  • Tempest SMP Modded SMP 18+ 1.21 Whitelist

    WHAT IS TEMPEST SMP? Tempest SMP is a brand new modded 1.21 SMP that aims to create a vast, interconnected world with various environments and large projects. Featuring an impressive world, Tempest SMP will be connected via road networks, bridges, tunnels, and other types of infrastructure. ABOUT US The admin team on Tempest SMP believes in creating a safe and fun environment for everyone; all of our players are required to follow our four simple common sense rules and be respectful in every interaction. UNIQUE FEATURES: Tempest SMP has an official modpack on Modrinth, featuring decoration mods such as the… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Meme Craze #34

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Meme Craze #34Wow, with a score of 390, this Minecraft meme has officially leveled up to meme royalty! Read More

  • Minecraft Magic: 10 Build Hacks Unveiled!

    Minecraft Magic: 10 Build Hacks Unveiled! In Minecraft land, where creativity reigns, I bring you building ideas that will entertain. From parrot cages to excavators so grand, Each build hack will make you a master of the land. A grill for cooking, a bea for a friend, A printer for crafting, the fun never ends. A slot machine for luck, a smile for cheer, And a cart for exploring, have no fear. So grab your blocks and let your imagination soar, With these simple ideas, you’ll never be bored. Minecraft build hacks, a world of endless fun, Let’s dive in together, until the day is… Read More

  • || Villager Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme || #minecraft #lol

    || Villager Oi Oi Oi Hot Meme || #minecraft #lol Why did the Minecraft Villager start a band? Because he heard they were looking for someone with a good “Oi Oi Oi”! Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Finger Test

    Sneaky Minecraft Finger Test Minecraft Tembellik Testi – Parmak İndirme Testi Merhaba! Mert bugün Minecraft Tembellik Testi yapıyoruz!! Sosyal Medya: Discord: Abone Ol: Twitch: X: Telegram: Ayrıcalıklardan yararlanmak için bu kanala katılın: TikTok: İş Birliği ve Sponsorluk (Business): [email protected] #minecraft #minecrafttürkçe #mertmn Explore the world of Minecraft with Mert as he takes on the Minecraft Tembellik Testi – Parmak İndirme Testi challenge! Join him on various social media platforms to stay updated on his gaming adventures. Don’t miss out on the fun – subscribe to Mert’s YouTube channel, follow him on Twitch for live streams, and… Read More

  • Uncovering the Grave of a Terrifying New Minecraft Nightmare

    Uncovering the Grave of a Terrifying New Minecraft NightmareVideo Information This video, titled ‘How JJ and Mikey Found the GRAVE of the NEW CATNAP NIGHTMARE ?- in Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Jaizen on 2024-06-14 17:00:51. It has garnered 28656 views and 276 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:41 or 1841 seconds. How JJ and Mikey Found the GRAVE of the NEW CATNAP NIGHTMARE ? – in Minecraft Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and… Read More

  • VR Collaboration: First Time Minecraft-ing

    VR Collaboration: First Time Minecraft-ingVideo Information This video, titled ‘FIRST TIME MINECRAFT-ING 【MINECRAFT COLLAB】’, was uploaded by Kamiko Rinona Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-24 16:44:12. It has garnered 402 views and 87 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:50 or 8690 seconds. ☀️AWOOO☀️ ૮⍝• ᴥ •⍝ა The cutest Wolf Demigod in the world is here!! BE BLESSED. FEEL BLESSED. ★ Shrine funds here: Collab Partner: @FuriFerntail !! ╔.★.═══╗ RULES ╚═══.★.╝ ★ Everyone should be nice to each other. No form of rudeness and/or discrimination is allowed! ★ Please do not bring up any unrelated and/or heavy topics here. This is meant to be… Read More

  • Discover the Shocking Truth About Vivilly!

    Discover the Shocking Truth About Vivilly!Video Information This video, titled ‘THE ORIGINAL VILLAGER NAME’, was uploaded by Vivilly on 2024-06-12 18:00:27. It has garnered 187574 views and 30576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #minecraft #mcyt #shorts this is the original villager name MINECRAFT SERVER IP: VIVILLY.NET STORE: TWITTER: 2ND CHANNEL: DISCORD: Also I’m gonna copy and paste this description from a big youtuber because SHEEEEESH MY VIEWS WENT CRAZY for like literally 1 month or so but for some reason I still copy/paste this on every video although I’m sure by now it actually doesn’t… Read More

  • The Shocking Truth Behind Minecraft Shorts!

    The Shocking Truth Behind Minecraft Shorts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Exposing Minecraft’s Fake Viral Shorts’, was uploaded by Jooonah on 2024-02-02 15:22:19. It has garnered 430148 views and 14733 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:19 or 679 seconds. my discord: MY LUNAR CAPE: how hard is it to not lie subscribe to @Chiefxd. server ip: no pack: default twitter: animations by stcubing: thumbnail designer: Title: Exposing Minecraft’s Fake Viral Shorts Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Hacks: 2GB RAM Laptop Edition!

    Minecraft Pro Hacks: 2GB RAM Laptop Edition!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to play Minecraft with a 2gb ram laptop like a pro’, was uploaded by PG_Playzz on 2024-02-29 01:30:16. It has garnered 49 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. #shortfeed2024 #trending #viralyoutube #trending #shortindia #Laptops @RajGrover005 @unknownboyvarun @SagarsKitchen @shortsbreak @UrSmartMakerShorts @ShortsBreak_Official @Pranavpun @PragatiVermaa @Pragati VermaaShorts @Chetan Monga Vlogs @MrBeast @mrmiko2.0 @Chimkandi I playing Minecraft in low end pclow end pc gameshow to get more fps in minecraftminecraft fps boostbest low end pc gamesminecraft fps boost modfps boost minecrafthow to improve fps in minecrafthow to boost fps in… Read More

  • 🔥 ChessHellfire – Cozy Minecraft Adventure! 🚢🔥 [17] (LiveLP)

    🔥 ChessHellfire - Cozy Minecraft Adventure! 🚢🔥 [17] (LiveLP)Video Information This video, titled ‘Cozy Minecraft – Seefahrt mit Hindernissen 🚢 [17] (LiveLP)’, was uploaded by ChessHellfire on 2024-07-09 09:24:00. It has garnered 52 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:58 or 778 seconds. Our new Minecraft modpack is all about a totally relaxed experience. Together with @VikingOfVanir we are setting off on a relaxed adventure. Where will it take us? Social Media: 👉Main channel: 👉Short Channel: 👉Uncut Channel: 👉 Twitter: 👉 KICK: 👉 Twitch: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ #chesshellfire #minecraft #cozygaming #vikingofvanir Read More

  • DD烤肉MAN speaks Japanese? Mori Calliope reveals secret!

    DD烤肉MAN speaks Japanese? Mori Calliope reveals secret!Video Information This video, titled ‘死神教Biboo說日文? 牙牙學語的Biboo真可愛~【Mori Calliope/Koseki Bijou】【hololive-EN】【中英字幕】’, was uploaded by DD烤肉MAN on 2024-04-06 00:03:45. It has garnered 16803 views and 1092 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:51 or 231 seconds. Just like a child learning to speak. Original live broadcast:[MINECRAFT COLLAB]block game with @KosekiBijou!! 【MINECRAFT】Base building with @MoriCalliope ft. ROCK HARD CONSTRUCTIONS 【SHASHINGO】The first step to JOUZU! 【Koseki Bijou Ch. hololive-EN】 【Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN】 – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – -… Read More

  • 🔥 Unbelievable XP Farm in Minecraft PE 🔥

    🔥 Unbelievable XP Farm in Minecraft PE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Ultimate XP Farm for Survival | Minecraft PE SMP Series’, was uploaded by GO GAMAR YT on 2024-04-11 14:00:18. It has garnered 87 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:57 or 537 seconds. minecraft PE Survival player SMP video XP Farm in Minecraft PE Survival player SMP giant new XP Farm deadliest smp dream smp lifesteal smp minecraft challenge minecraft smp minecraft survival public SMP serve ma join xp farm in minecraft pocket edition school smp lifesteal smp ip lifesteal smp applications deadliest minecraft smp minecraft mods i destroyed an army… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Noteblock Bonetrousle Cover!

    INSANE Minecraft Noteblock Bonetrousle Cover!Video Information This video, titled ‘UNDERTALE – Bonetrousle (Minecraft Noteblock)’, was uploaded by Gnhan Studio on 2024-04-25 20:00:17. It has garnered 180 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:09 or 189 seconds. UNDERTALE – Bonetrousle (Minecraft Noteblock) NYES! Composed by: Toby Fox (OST:024) Note: Deltarune is another game made by Toby Fox who also made Undertale If you’re a Minecraft player, be sure to check out this noteblock! It’s been made specifically for Minecraft players and is full of useful tips and tricks. Whether you’re a beginner or a pro, this noteblock is a great way… Read More

  • LKU Minecraft

    LKU MinecraftLKU Minecraft Welcome to LKU Minecraft, a community-driven server where imagination knows no bounds! Embark on epic adventures, explore custom-built worlds, and engage in thrilling quests with friends. Our server features dynamic events, a thriving economy, and a welcoming community. Join us and experience Minecraft like never before! Server Features: – Custom Survival Experience – Exciting quests and challenges for all players. – Dynamic events and competitions with fantastic rewards. – A friendly and active community of players and staff. How to Join: Join our Discord server for instructions: Server IP: Read More

  • FroobWorld Semi-Vanilla SMP PvE 1.20.6

    Server Information: IP: Discord: Discord Link Website: Official Website Dynmap: Dynmap Link About FroobWorld: FroobWorld is a small survival server that has been running since 2011. If you enjoy old-school SMP style gameplay, you will love our server. Our rules are simple: no griefing, no stealing, and no cheating. We maintain a PG-13 chat environment. Features: Land claiming with no size limit (within reason) Lockette-style chest locking Various teleportation commands Long-term maps 32-view distance No donation rewards or vote prizes Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft Nightmare: This Really Happened”

    I guess you could say they really mined their own business to get all those netherite pickaxes! Read More

  • Crafty Convict: Minecraft’s Strange Man in Prison

    Crafty Convict: Minecraft's Strange Man in Prison In Minecraft, a strange man did appear, Kidnapped and taken to a prison so near. Can he escape this crazy place, Or will he be stuck in this confined space? VABLOCK brings the story to life, With twists and turns, causing some strife. But with creativity and skill in hand, Our hero may find a way to expand. Watch the shorts, see the tale unfold, In Minecraft, where adventures are bold. Leave a comment, share your thoughts, As we journey through these virtual plots. VABLOCK, the master of Minecraft art, Bringing joy and fun from the start. Subscribe to… Read More

  • Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness!

    Minecraft Villager Oi Oi Oi Hotness! Why did the Minecraft Villager start a band? Because he heard they were looking for someone with a good “Oi Oi Oi”! Read More