Insane Risking in F7 Dungeons – Minecraft Skyblock

Video Information

Hello everyone welcome to the stream how are all of you doing today welcome welcome how’s it going wrix here how are all of you doing today welcome guys welcome to another Hypixel stream where I kind of did not much I did follow zat’s advice from from like a couple of

Hours ago where I finally recommed my golden head which by the way I did not know that you could do it to be honest I did not know you could recom your your golden head so I did that I recomed the head which is looking pretty good now I

Think as for the rest I mean um I think the other one was turning these juuo precise jujo into a spiritual jujo now I don’t know the like key difference except that I know that it like gave me more strength I guess or or all that I mean we’ll see how this go

Goes we’ll see how things go anyway I think I need to yeah I think I need to notify everyone one moment oh okay let me just notify everyone on Discord cuz I’m pretty sure I forgot to do that yes I did I completely forgot to do it okay so there

Is get sharable link share that and all that oh one moment guys I just realized I did not enable chat oh boy I forgot to enable like live chat like open Live Chat so let me open that okay pop out the live chat um which one’s this this one’s the

Vertical this this one’s vertical okay pop it out all right let’s go all right I got I got it working I got it working I completely forgot about uh getting up oh no jeez I was going to end the stream I was trying to sh share the copy like

Copy the stream but oh well okay here on Hypixel doing F SS so come on over and Link all right I shared the link and let’s see now let’s see now right now right behind me zad is just hovering there in the corner like literally behind me and so yeah okay another thing

Is since I’m going to be joining Global chat so everyone come to Minecraft MC glob if you wish to do voice chat zad you as well come join um MC glob MC glob is pretty much Minecraft related let’s not confuse the global VC with with that

Okay so okay do I just do I just move you into the MC glob zat just let me know let me know stream has slight lag yeah it does it does because of the because I’m doing both horizontal and vertical so yeah the the the lag is a

Bit of a bit of a hiccup here and there but it’s okay though it’s okay we can we can live with it I think I think so so yeah um so is there any going to be anyone else joining today hopefully hopefully we join by more players more people and such but we

We’ll have to see how things go because can’t really do f7s with just the two of us like really even though the the idea he used to do F7 but we’ll see we’ll see how things go but zard is just hovering there uh High about and such

So okay we’ll see how it go oh hey zat hey hey your skrein is a bit laggy yeah it is a bit laggy I guess because I’m doing I’m doing both the horizontal and the vertical and my internet is also being like eaten up by something I’m not

Sure what eating my internet but yeah anyway yeah SS okay so I I wonder if if we’ll be joined by anyone else because I don’t think it’s the two of us can do F7 right I don’t think we’re like even though yeah we’re definitely not yeah even though we got Jasper and all

That I mean I had I got I don’t think I I thought I thought that getting Jasper and the legend legendary uh amethyst onto the chest plate and the boots would might help me with defense like slightly because you know the leggings and the the chest plate strength have

Both similar numbers so I decided to just give them Jasper the leggings the chest plate give it the defense as well cuz I need to tank some of that damage I was checking my uh I was checking my old tanks inventory because used to take for me and then they sold

Everything to focus on Rift they like I thought they were joking because there are jokes they still on their is and they says mini [ __ ] cak full and it’s just a red Dy and a sign says it’s in the chest you can’t put it in item frames but cheuck their inventory and

They actually do have a mini CL Kel oh okay wow that’s surprising and they have a concerning amount of heavy pearls noted okay that’s yeah they no longer have tank armor we cannot R oh wait no they do they have huh they have a Aurora and necr yeah they could tank okay that’s

Cool yeah just messing spin cycle if he’s interested in doing in doing doing this have sens oh CLE 7 but not many people are on today too I wonder why I wonder what’s going on yeah it’s they OD H I wonder what’s going on because

For me here I mean the days the normal as like any other day although generally Friday streams is are mostly dedicated to you know hardcore though because because a Paul I’m doing I’m doing Hypixel as a as a yeah as a as a rare one time event

But but really though if you ever want to focus on like a faster progression it’s it’s Paul right now and then there’s hrock which is Slayers and then there’s Jerry then there’s Jerry which is literally everyone every six hours oh yeah but wait isn’t Jerry I mean how you is Jerry I’m not

Sure well besides the Jerry boxes he does a random perk every six hours and he can’t repeat the same perk unless all other perks have been done oh okay I see that’s interesting but I’m I’m pretty sure as in my knowledge it’s random chance so like it could be Paul and atro

For first rotation and then it’s a and then it’s atrox Diana Paul okay H that’s interesting okay so looks like looks like it’s just a two of us today whoa that’s interesting I mean all right well if use dungeon finder yeah I guess we’re going to have to do dungeon

Finder you should join my party because I have a higher level so I can set requirements to hire yeah go for it go for it okay let’s see let me go up to the dungeons real quick okay okay so so I guess for now my armor is maxed out except for the fact

That I’m using Flawless gemstones instead of you know legendary fruitful is that fruitful jpstone I don’t know I don’t know but anyway so you guys can see that I’m playing I’m currently playing on 1.20 now this isn’t like the regular 1.20 this is actually the 1.2.4 I decided to dedicate one one one

Like update one client to the latest version of the game just so that I can play on you know using shaders and all that because nothing be shaders unfortunately I can’t live without shaders like really no matter how good 1.8.9 client is I made the I made the

Group all right cool all right cool let’s let’s hope that the people will show up because oh CU I’m already actually I did not notice on until like yesterday uh after the dungeon is over like the evening that I’m already like halfway 2:30 nice I’m already halfway 230 so

That’s like what I was like when did I get there that was so fast anyway oh someone left came in and left oh they probably had something to do no worries no worries no worries all the way though where we are having fun at the end of

The day what matters most is having fun that’s a weird take what sorry sorry one of my mods I have a mod that tells me their stats important items and stuff like whenever they join it it it’s just like extra information so like I know if I want them M party or

Not oh okay does that like a does that like you know do anything it’s not necessarily against like the rules like I have done some tinkering so like if they don’t have like a like that requirement to everything be reconed like it just automatically kicks them if like their

Armor isn’t Mythic oh oh okay okay uh because honestly if you’re running around in legendary armor but it’s maxed out by yourself a Recon okay I see now that makes sense that makes sense although wouldn’t that be like limiting how many players you can play with that’s kind of the point because

The I set requirements to 30 but not every level 30 is good so to say I guess so I mean I am 29 but I’m not really good I’m more of a Healer though like what can I say I’m a I’m like a slash healer slash Berserker it’s it’s an odd

Class I tell something really odd and someone else join they have they have decent time okay that’s good that’s good yeah they they have a 8 Minute 1947 Hi zard how are you today welcome to the stream how’s it going it’s been a while since you appeared on my stream how’s

Life going how’s you how’s your married life how’s love treating you how’s everything going only recently my wife’s friend that got married so so it’s model so it’s interesting to see how things are going for you guys okay I I’ve promoted you to a party

Moderator in case I need to AFK oh yep yep that makes sense that makes sense like yeah so like I can Jo AFK like during like a looking for new people you could get a queue and I could kick people who aren’t meeting requirements don’t make me do all the

Heavy lifting no worries not much there’s not much I can do anyway about that but yeah I think eventually oh the group has been theas oh you queed again okay yeah I if they don’t join within like a few minutes you got to rec because then you just get shov to far

Down oh okay okay that sucks but it7 okay oh wow okay okay I I may have to go to being I don’t know tank I don’t know we’ll see how things go okay and you’ve been doing great you’re oh You’ be sick for two days but you’re well oh that’s great I’m glad

That you got well zenat I hope that I’m glad that you got well and I hope that that you take care of yourself in the future as well we actually have H fairly good players that’s good Al although their class level is somehow terrible requirement but I don’t judge okay oh

Wait the class level does not matter as as long as if the player their self are good I guess so unless you’re unless you’re left Mage then it very much matters I’m only doing like 75 mil understandable okay in case you haven’t noticed before you should really buy dungeon seven

Pots what sorry dungeon seven pots they’re uh they’re like very helpful they boost almost every single stat in the dungeon oh okay I uh how much does it cost though hey 41 it’s like it’s like one and a half mil to buy 41 of them whoa okay wait I F my potion bag

Which you could like roughly uh 35 and then I hold five Amor so like I spent like 1 and a half mil like 40 of them oh okay okay that does make sense that does make sense that does make sense hey aie welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it

Going I’m currently dealing doing this wait I just realized the music is quite loud I didn’t really do much of changes to settings to be honest so oh boy this was going to be really loud okay okay I think I said something something or the other we’ll see how

Things go and there’s a thing here okay so yeah by the way actually are you still are you like playing right now if you’re if you’re interested you you are welcome to join we are doing F7 today as well mainly due to oh shadow assassin and then there and then there’s also two

More days on Fall which is nice and because of like day two or three items should be fairly cheaper unless everyone’s catching on to my money Scandal and not selling items yet probably so it’s t it’s tall not Derpy where’s all the cheap items at I think people would realize soon

Very soon because you know normally the profits will be like uh a lot higher but it’s no longer so I think people would catch on real quick all right and and whoever half clear trap is now on my ignore adward I guess so okay this is the way to

Go I’m trying to go find wait this is not way to go I’m trying to find like there’s another spot that I’m trying to re nope no no no I already been there what the heck navigating is so hard with the mini map but one thing though the mini map

Isn’t necessary if you know most of the rooms it’s just a suggestion if I’m being honest with you oh Nelly Nelly I didn’t mean to fall down okay slowly get him back up my bad my bad oh no no are you serious I 1870 just like that oh

Nice we should get 300 and then some much okay I’m having trouble getting up wait you know what forget it I have aspect out of white why do why do I keep forgetting about it okay where am I okay I think I Yep this is a door good

And I full cleared trap room by the way we still haven’t done one yeah but we still haven’t done one room yet I have a feeling it’s a trap room because but you don’t have to discover the room to see what’s in it and if it’s

A trap room um people act if they don’t see it if they don’t like the Trap which honestly I do with blaze and Creeper because I never bring bows with me oh okay oh that oh I don’t have enough in my museum so I it’s either bring a bow

With me or be able to use slash Tex that does make sense and that show SL shcks okay uh dang it that was a dragon room a missed out on some Dragon fragments oops the only dragon rooms that matter are superior but kill them anyway just because we need

Score I guess so I guess so and so I think and also go for CPS if you uh if you know what they look like I mean I I don’t know what it was I didn’t know what it was it was all Prett sure they give like one per oh

Okay okay do I go this way okay there how far down okay 300 we should get extra okay get extra let’s see I mean I I really don’t know where where to get extra and all that but okay oh oh who okay okay what happened oh I I almost ran into a

Trap what there was nothing here what the heck I thought there there might be something down there but no there wasn’t anything oh it’s on the other side whoops I looked in the wrong direction and we have an uncleared room okay it’s cry time ow I nearly died oh

God oh God I locked out I will clear uh right no going the wrong oh you one of the things I can I worry about is actually dying in a Runa that’s already s+ um what’s the time 6 minutes 6 minutes I think we need to go

Guys I was going to say we could handle like one more minute but yeah it’s all the own wait if you’re not in blood like 7 minutes like an enter portal is okay like if you need that your score and I mess up I need to he my Mana

Understandable like you’re moding by 7 minutes 30 you’re run thr own almost unless like you have much store I guess so I guess so but we have no tank in our party is not the smartest they left me all me W have Max I don’t have my Hyperion yet I cannot solo

Maxor party holy God oh God God something correct do we have a Healer aren’t you a Healer no I’m not the Healer I’m a Berserker I forgot to change class our healer definitely does not know how to apply dang it he I don’t even know where he where they are they not help

Thing H oh my God I I got AGG what Crystal are we missing I okay the up top one i s If he if he AG on me while I’m doing the crystal okay oh oh it’s a matter of getting him in laser oh boy oh boy boy boy oh my God one

Thing though the fact this R is this run is thr really hard what are we missing whoever needs to get over oh don’t step in laser that’s an instant kill the laser is a almost instant kill never walk into it oh finally oh oops it’s down here okay I definitely need to

Go uh okay yeah I need to go become healer next round yeah and this is uh the best way to make sure you never join my dungeon party again being a Herer that does not do anything for your oh my God what where where did this come from

What the heck where did this wall come from okay how how are we are we still in the game are you kidding me where didn’t um question are we still in the game or is it or did we lose everyone’s like oh wait I’m so glad he left the

Party good it never came back never came back not walk to my party oh boy okay um I quickly ignore adding them so I never have to see them ever again okay wait you can do that yeah if you do sling or ad and in the username

It it makes it impossible for them to uh join your dungeon run I see wow that’s convenient I mean is it mod mod or is it Hypixel related Hypixel if it was a mod that could probably be banable yes I’m sure I’m sure it would have been okay at

Least at least Hypixel had a foresight yeah Hypixel has very weird and unclear lines of is and isn’t allowed I think what I think what mainly goes is if it’s if it’s okay like sorry if the if it has the if the admins have the advantage

Then it’s a girl if they don’t have the advantage then it’s not a girl that sort of thing I think I think what basically is they got to prioritize how the game is fair for the admins and then it’s for the players I mean just look at what

Happened to the pet update with all the internal uh trading that that person did and there’s still an admin they haven’t been kicked off so that’s saying something about this internal hierarchy all right um do I okay I need to change class yeah go to here see stay no one

Had a feeling all right I’m a Healer now all right you’re going to list it yeah I’ll list it okay cool let’s see and let’s hope we don’t have anyone who does not know how to play I hope no I I hope that we we have the good ones

At least at least if if we can if if I can take care of the healing at least that’s at least I pride myself in being a good healer a decent healer at least and my good old tank does not want to tank anymore oh why is

That because they’ve been focused on the rift and now they’re doing H oh okay I see now one moment okay done Master mode they have oh pry good all right I’m back they have a pretty good for S clear oh okay that’s good and they they also have a

Hype oh okay if they have a hype then they’re automatically good I mean yeah I kind of I mean just saying if I got a hype and I’m still this bad and this person has the no important items at all so no Juju no no hypee no

Nothing and they’re using a mythal Golem I I am praying that they’re going to swap off that okay they’re they’re going healer I think they know they’re being healer so I um I’ll still remain healer just they have found 2K secrets so uh yeah I’ll still remain healer just in

Case I I get yes yeah oh they they left why did they leave is it because the it’s it’s but well I’m confused oh freak you okay um why did he leave I’m confused he left the kid he asked if we need a tank and I accepted his request that’s

Confusing okay looks like no one’s going for the tank and my tank class isn’t high enough to help us that’s the problem even if I can go tank like I have Golder with me that’s not the issue oh wait actually actually for for a tank what

Sort of using this ADV called lying we are not getting RNG drops yeah so the not may or may not be it’s the RNG drop run by the way using the stry called lons of course you are of course you are by the way for goldar which gemstones

That do you think are best suitable for it the defense ones Yeah by far like uh you need the Perfect Defense on okay in that Cas the name I forgot the names but I know the stats and I’m pretty sure they’re one of the more expensive perfects okay I’ll see though I’ll see

Um which one gives I think isn’t amethyst gives you defense yeah it looking perf gives you 13 so getting four means I’m getting 57,000 57 million I do have the money for it oh wait that would mean wait wait hold on hold on hold on Golder has two different armor like two

Slots so yeah okay so that’s 100 10 and oh boy 14 mil jeez no one thinking was easy oh okay uh this is this is this is a this is the this is a tough one yeah now let’s check out the hyperium price now that we’re officially halfway through

PA I is it game or it still depression we have to say also we’re still not P up it is a uh it is a fair 1 million cheaper oh we got five members hey Leo Andre welcome back to the oh welcome to the stream i i s I saw your

Message but yeah welcome to the stream how’s it going how’s it been I hope you had a wonderful day as for me I’m here in Hypixel once again wait why am I oh God I’m in the wrong armor okay now I’m in the right I was in sorrow don’t do

That I’m I’m I’m the only one allowed to troll in this party I V by accid only I’m I’m the only one allowed to troll uh that’s acceptable why why is your an estimated time oh yeah Paul silly yeah of course I I think I’m being a big Goofy I

Forgot Paul is elected okay I’m going Berserker because Berserker is free for some reason yeah it’s okay I really hope our I really hope our Arch doesn’t play it like Master mode we do not we do not need a pre Dev or we’ll see though we’ll see how things

Go and we do not need a preev if we get a preev AR on preev crying you will watch my live streams thank you Leo than thank you I hope you have a wonderful time watching me watching my Shenanigans and all that because it’s going to get crazy very

Really soon and also loud so enjoy my trolling more than the trolling I think you just have to be ready to down the volume just in case because things can get really loud really quick and also fairly competitive oh yeah that’s also not a point wait where

I I love it when I’m not laggy enough so instead of going through the blocks I bounce out of them I wish there was a easier way to swap armor really quick on the Fly you know there is I think it’s an any or something but like uh if you use that

Short J you could uh you can set a bind to a auto flop oh okay that would really come in handy wait where are I where am I oh okay I’m I’m currently trying to do bomb it’s been a while be careful I failed it last time I

The problem I’m doing a cheese it’s it’s all je okay I had no yeah I had no idea what the hell I was doing and I failed it oh that took a that took a chunk out of our Score yeah I’m pretty sure failing bomb like especially bomb like uh really taxes you for not being the brightest yes wait I’m pretty sure bomb is like the actual most taxing punishment I think so because we need to get like out of all the punishable traps

I’m throwing bombs so hard I’ve been in here for 3 minutes good luck okay trap isn’t fully completed yet um looks like the whoever did the Trap don’t know about the bat I didn’t know about the bat either until a while later um who’s closest to it I wish you

Can let me know that their names or at the very least I’m pretty sure you could like turn on a setting where it shows their skins instead of their just a blue Tracer I I’ve been in bomb so long that glitching isn’t okay never mind I’m I’m somehow in

The boss room what the heck okay I’m never mind I’m far away I’m far away from where I where I was meant to be okay um okay come on come on work ring bombs so hard okay how do I oh wait this is how you do it okay man

I don’t even know how to navigate the mini map this is not going to be any form of PB what how how long has it been 3 minutes okay that’s okay that’s okay that’s okay we we still have PL a plenty of time um this way and I’m not ping in fact I’m

Pretty sure I’m trolling you always are though you okay um this way and yep here we are yeah I’m always trolling but now I’m doing the unfunny troll oh my God I got there got there CH is that is the chest open I don’t know if the chest is open or not

Oh some the bomb I mean I’m at the moment completing the the trap in wall I wait for someone to start bomb I’m going to set up my wait there we go didn’t completed oh near I nearly died nearly died it only took me half the Run are

You kidding how I dodged it how did it kill me no clue I dodged but it killed me I seriously I dodged it and oh Leo I actually I actually did the cheese right do I play Geometry Dash I don’t play Geometry Dash Leo it’s a little not even

A little sorry it’s very hard yeah g Das Dash is quite hard for me yeah I got gold Essence from trolling let’s go I’ve been rewarded for my bad behavior are you serious I’m so far away from the trap wait I’m back I ha it when I accidentally placed down my

Mans I should really get it overflux like I could use I could use it why don’t okay I’m here I’m going to try trap again if I can I hate it when I accidentally troll myself I could really upgrade my setup but instead I’m saving I’m saving for an expensive iron

Sword you’re talking about the hyper wait Hyperion isn’t the iron sword though it’s a diamond sword right no it’s iron I I use Shadow Fury for left click oh okay oh we 300 let’s go although let’s get the Trap everyone trap trap complete the Trap it’s it’s halfway

Done yeah that’s pretty good I I swear if he I SAR if he actually goes we’re having problems dang it where is okay okay ah he goes okay and it and it looks like I’m putting a teammate up for Ebay never mind all right it is time to start Ebay listing on a

Teammate if anyone have to buy a crappy teammate for two and a half s uh okay uh this is this is really loud I did decrease the volume guys but it’s still loud okay why is he after me I think you aggro him where is he what did I do to Agro

Him okay I’m going to I’m going to try and take the aggro oh okay he’s already a he’s already becoming a five for this team is a lot better I have a zagger yet again so come here you Giant I I almost get a okay he’s dead I love it when I TR

Accidentally wait I just realized I will not troll this run yep I might troll this run no come on okay I’m not trolling I’m not trolling we’re good we have no tank I I have to remember that yes yeah how much is it overflow holy God 150 yeah I think I’ll

Pass I think I’ll pass okay where is Storm there he is okay I need to somehow make this fire animation go away here boy I use third person okay he’s he’s he’s in can we crush him yes I use third person but I also do have a very low fire

Resolution yeah I also need to okay is it over no I think no at least it wasn’t purple at least it wasn’t purple I guess I like 10 and a half Mana he’s almost in he’s almost okay can he crush him yes yes okay I don’t know where he is all

Right oh yes and here’s the PowerPoint presentation part of our run man I can barely see due to the fire I would greatly appreciate the next slide thank you I got it oh you got it okay never mind ah parkour okay I don’t know what to do

Here why are all of Melody’s things on the left like the exact left four out of four of them were on the dead left z i I don’t know how to do this um this which the obsidian door um obsidian key oh someone else is here

Okay good oh yeah that’s pretty easy I did not know and I didn’t want to risk it like getting it wrong it’s memory done okay I love how they buffed Archer they buffed Archer on the buff That was supposed to buff burs but it was M it was mainly Archer andang

I I got you inated yeah no not not only that I got it’s fine because we actually know what we’re doing this run I got caught in the like under the wall so there was we actually know what we’re doing come on give me a good reset thank

You oh my God I almost died we actually yeah we actually know what we’re doing this run so it’s perfectly fine that you trolled I didn’t mean to troll I I that’s thought even a troll I got I got trapped and I couldn’t get out oh holy God that’s somehow our party

Knows what they’re doing I’ll take it hello Daddy s welcome to the stream oh my God welcome to the stream how are you today so so what the with the luck you’re having I greatly recommend you Spirit Lo to me when the door drops because like as a mage I go through

Early so like uh the oh God okay that’s understandable uh trolling a bit hard ah you know I do not want to troll this way in you’re doing good that’s good as long as I’m not doing so good as long as no one knows oh my God I already broke the gate it’s

Okay okay I made it wait Did we get all the all the terminals I think we skipped some oh no oh the first one we have to St uh my ability doesn’t work I can’t use teleportation no we have to stun oh we have to stun it okay never

Mind Alo we just have to hit it yeah it’s our by the way how how do how do I make the bow fire automatically are you using a short bow I’m using the juj B all you have to do is hold right click it’s making me

Aim just hold right click wait it’s h what version are you on 1.2.4 that’s SL oh okay okay so version difference why isn’t he stopping okay door’s open all right I’ll tell you when to leave to Okay Okay jump leap and oh I made it I

Actually made it oh I’m not going to make it we we we we we okay I’m here yeah wait how did you get Inside what when people when people spend a 100 Mil on a funny little pickaxe is normally worth it holy God I’m not proud of it but I bought it oh all right Leo take care of yourself thank you for coming by have a great day

Holy God I I it kind of feels unfair to be honest though I with them being stuck stuck not really not really oh my God my excuse is I’m the Mage I yes oh you’re playing brth oh no our healer troll a bit too funny our healer

Troll yeah I now know how this G is going to end because our healer is the funny man funny man and I don’t like it yeah looks like I funny and I don’t like it looks like I may need to whoa I may need to go healing from next one next run

Onwards land okay they if they leave the adure Run they are a a disgrace to my party look at him mil holy God holy God so yummy so yummy what do you mean yummy yummy all this yummy suck your damage GG oh my God hey Stephie welcome to the stream how are you

Today is this is this the orang one no it is a it is a negative two CA run oh I got no pay no gain oh with Crystal mle sorry mdle cataly still wi anyway how’s it going Stephanie welcome to the stream how’s it going negative like

Normal uh that was crazy that was crazy anyway from next one on I’m going to be healer it seems that I may need to be a healer yeah okay that’s fine that’s fine I’m okay with being a Healer my my setup is like meant for boats so oh you’re

Farming through for your G Dragon wow good luck with that okay let me just change to healer again all right I’m I’m healer um I think everyone left so we should queue up again yeah we’re we need some nice viewers to hop on where are the viewers you need

Them I guess so um I I normally I would daddy Stitch going to tank but the thing is my class is like very low level 21 while my healer is 27 and Berserker is 23 so I don’t really know if my tank would be all that useful and on top of

That I also need to max out the um goldos uh gemstones as well oh you’re at 500 200 out of 500 million oh nice co stee GG GJ I wish I can do that okay oh my ultimate voice got sold so quickly we have three out of five that’s Su and another one now so step just a 1 billion Bank wait does does the G G Dragon X need a one billion in the bank I mean for to be really effective it does holy God holy God I can’t imagine doing one grind like like if I just do only

Minions I might be doing I might be getting like 300 million two months that’s only strictly minions if I don’t do farming or extra stuff of Master Stars oh cool cool as long as we can be part’s full I’m going right in all right go for it yeah like if someone with

Master star joins you got to start the run immediately for them to be happy okay you do not wait wait you do not like the higher level they are the more ego they have the more ego they have the less they want to wait oh okay

Okay and you do not want want to make them wait or else their ego goes through their roof they start crying and they throw the around on purpose I got the feeling you experien this [Laughter] yep oh and once I hit C 60 I’m also going to

Be one of them but I’ll be fairly nice okay that’s good I’ll only cry if they throw on purpose oh I got an auto recon to drop oh good that’s nice that’s good but Auto my auto but Auto Rec just sucks apart from its uh you know status this its rank

Ability other than that it sucks I mean it’s not it’s not a 10 million worth item except for its rank if the auto recon was not legendary it would not be in my accessory bag yeah me neither M neither that is it I I actually got mine for half off because

One of my friends dropped it in a F7 run and like and because it’s like one those hit or myth items they so it to me for half off because it self faster oh okay it was a very heavy Miss day for any auto recon enjoyers oh are you

Kidding I don’t know if it’s a to me for I don’t think I don’t we’re not hating on you we’re not hitting on you ddy s I mean I don’t even know anything about mastero to be perfectly honest with you so so don’t worry you’re a nerd you’re

You’re playing harder for nothing you’re a nerd oh God don’t I talk that’s the people okay wait uh saying they’re purposely playing a harder mode for absolutely nothing and don’t even say it’s for the master Stars we all know you don’t care God uh I don’t even have your chat open SOI

I think I should open your chat yeah hold on let me open chat Oh you mean my chat yeah yeah uh okay I don’t really know why is almost my whole entire subscribe to L streaming right now okay oh wait you also streaming now no like I I’m only subscribed to

Like 15 people and almost all of them are alive oh okay okay that okay most mostly all of them are my friends and Hypixel YouTubers I like okay that’s good at least okay I I’m going back and forth barely doing anything I let me just say

I’m I’m I’m lost okay I’m not being useless I’m just lost fair enough my excuses that I’m I’m I’m completely I’m not toally lost wait why is my health I had one safe teleport and now I can’t find where it is okay wait why is my health in

9,000 and you guys are in 20,000 is it because of level difference Yeah the more Tata experience it’s really weird but like Pata XP is basically like every stat put into one oh okay so like if if we were to do the same exact build I’d be doing like 50

And you’d be doing like 25 because there almost a double difference for oh yeah that does make sense although it feels a little you know once like I don’t know Pikachu’s yeah I really need to get my hands on a hype but I I’m just not getting any good

Drops I guess so okay um wait straight here ding ding uh creeper someone we need someone to do creeper I mean bomb bomb we need to do bomb uh I don’t know if I should wait are you at bomb yeah I am at bomb oh oh is it okay I actually don’t

Really know how it works but okay I’m on one you take a ston or efficiency 10 pickaxe depending on your Network and then you just uh don’t you just stand on the pressure plate I’m I’m already in bomb I can’t get in I’m choing it if you could

Just wait there for a bit and I could tell you when to start it okay how do I wait how do I start it you have to have enough speed to press down both pressure plates at once wait how do I do that the way I do it oh I did

It oh you shouldn’t have started it just yet oh my bad my bad my bad it takes yeah it’s fine it just takes me a bit to choose because I wouldn’t call myself the best at chesing yeah uh 5 247 no I think I’m just like a one or

Two more yeah I’m two more away from the end of bomb mhm I should if my ping decides to be a 75 I should be good all my ping is blessing me with 75 please keep blessing me with with decently High numbers I hope so I hope

So so far we got 75 ping is pretty good for a bomb the kids like you need some form of lag yeah also we got 28 Oh yay good GG ah they were waiting on us oh they were waiting on us we made them wait yeah no wores that we got

It yeah we got it okay oh never mind I forgot I’m I’m not I’m not Berserker I’m healer heal heal I’m just going to defend um I’m just watching out for people’s healths wish one thing is how much do not do on Master mode I I if if if the master mode is

Anything like floor one master mode then I won’t do it honestly I wouldn’t either I totally respect that yeah I could I can handle Mass floor one at level 28 ah there’s no way I can handle the rest I really need to grind just a

Little bit so I could use it gyro pic one I guess so wait holy God what are you guys doing outside it’s lightning get under there what is my what’s the requirement for juu is it five or six it’s SI five right um I think it’s

Five yeah it’s five okay yeah I just need a one more Lev back by J okay okay crush it he’s he’s under he’s under good instant half Health that’s the best and in case you’re wondering it is impossible to kill him with one pad he’s taking damage after half oh okay then

Then I’m not going to waste my arrows oh lightning again I’m oh they crashed wait did they oh they disconnected oh god oh oh my God I almost died oh water SK you’re saying what tell your team don’t Agro from middle it’s not it’s not good holy God

Where is he oh he’s got lightning again quickly I don’t know why but I can’t see like your new messages in chat trying to holy God chat and not see what anyone saying come on come on come on come on get under he’s under he’s he’s not he’s not

Oh he’s gone away not again fine I’ll do it myself okay oh did we get him yes we did just time I never I never miss a p that that is a complete lie but no one else going I I miss at least an eigh of my pads

Parkour um parkour Park it’s not you just need you just need get speed I’m dead what I don’t have revive revives I got stuck in the lava okay wait one two three 4 5 6 7 8 9 where’s 10 11 12 13 14 all right I finally made one

Progress oh we missed the didn’t we did we miss something skip oh the the we didn’t miss we we didn’t miss you’re doing it I forgot the device takes seven years to do okay I’m just going to video performance quality okay okay keep going I need to somehow disable the fire fire

Thingy oh oh it’s primarily a b okay yeah I will see though what I can do because it’s it’s being a no it’s being a nuisance I can’t even see oh God he’s pushing me off okay thermal activated there’s a thermal not activ here take bit

Lava okay I you could really buy another weather for 6 7even uh we 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 all right one terminal completed I I completed one terminal okay what you need to buy wither cloak and bonso staff for movement bonso St I cannot see who’s

Talking in your chat are you going crazy no I can oh you’re probably watching the vertical one right one moment I don’t know how to oh wait how did I die what how do I oh I tabed that I tabed that too long I I threw I troll

How do I turn off vertical holy God um just go into my channel and see dude horizontal oh shoot I’m dead again because I spawned literally Underneath Him just just oh God okay this is the way to go and not die don’t die again trolled I trolled I trolled oh never mind um wither cloak I do have the Wither cloak the sword but what’s with the Bondo staff though but skate like like is it that useful

Okay I mean bonso St like use for like a tight scenarios like onezo stab what does it do no oh okay okay in that case I D I don’t have it the Window mode okay okay in that case and I should uh I’ll get the bons staff then after

This yeah my looks like I may need it if what the daddy s says is true what when did it open you have to let me know really it’s kind of obvious it shows on your screen I thought you would know no I don’t think it works the same for

1.2.4 J [ __ ] okay then in that case I’m not looking properly then hurry up and revive at this be getting an S we’re not getting s+ curses it’s it’s s SE we’re already at an S okay how do I oh my God why did I why I took too

Long and how do I turn it off this theater motor or whatever it’s called how did I okay how did we I have no idea and I have no oh God the the balloon launches you and with clock lets you lava bounce without taking damage oh

Okay so I just have to use the ability of the Wither sword with the clock sword I mean okay um okay I have no idea okay we got in and it’s [Applause] coming holy God okay he’s dead um are you guys can you like spawn wait why did stupid it dropped me

In the wrong place B up land okay come on come on lunch lunch lunch lunch oh can’t see all right we got it not that’s okay we got the S we got the S I was worried we might I thought we might go a but that’s good at least okay I

Should okay I should go get bonso staff after this oh I got another V cat okay okay let’s go get video the game really loves not giving me profit I’ve noticed that recently yeah it does that there you know to troll us yeah okay well I mean it’s my fair

Because I troll everyone else so why not troll me yeah that’s called karma why why is the bizarre Buy price for a decoy half a mil I’m not really sure wait what something Funny’s going on okay selling i’ hate to be the loser who buys one okay one moment oh wait the rotten

Flesh I wonder wrong yeah we really need people from your chat to all right let’s go I’m going to go get Bondo I’m just going to try like does it uh like experiment and see how how it how how well it works so someone join is it a rarity by the

Way oh hello Stephie okay where is I think you should also go to 1.8 what sorry 1.8.9 oh you oh you want me to switch over yeah so your Juju works okay okay all right uh weapons armor wait isn’t is this a weapon is Bond staff a weapon yeah it

Is fire I don’t know why but your stream is really weird wait I don’t have B staff I I have like no option to un rotate your stream it’s really weird you can find my horizontal though are you having trouble finding it it’s it’s there the horizontal is

Right there in the channel it’s like vertical mobile version and then there’s also horizontal okay what I don’t get the option I mean if if you go directly to the channel it should show you there okay I don’t know it’s not I do do I not

Have bonso stuff it looks like I done I thought I did who I thought I did okay I have no idea how but I thought I’d put this B stff away in here but I guess I guess I sold it a real genius I

Am I didn’t even save one I sold it to great I’m going to have to buy one again huh perfect that’s okay that’s all right all right okay fine in that case I’ll switch over to 1.8.9 give me a moment everyone okay all right but the the today’s two

Runs weren’t all that great but hey we’re having fun except maybe zat isn’t having fun you don’t I only have fun if the game decides to be nice for a minute let me check my RNG meter okay so according to my RNG meter I only have a 12.7%

Fun y onone it’s even lower now wait why is that doesn’t it go up I had I had 12.8 before right I don’t know the number you didn’t L like tell me I am losing it I think crazy that was crazy once no I think you probably forgot

Maybe oh maybe it was 11.8 or we’re doing so horribly unimaginably bad the game punishing me secretly maybe maybe not we may never know okay I’m about to get into the game I don’t know why the word the horizontal shows a Shug dog on the right

Corner come on now 1.8 9 like I don’t know why it’s like 1.8.9 can’t accept the higher Graphics that I’m using that’s the only reason if 1.8.9 can utilize my full graphics card then I would really be happy seriously because it’s AC like I I’m playing in a a what a potato computer

And that’s so silly the last time I played on a potato computer that was back in 2015 H and back then I did not really in was not interested in gaming computers you know okay withdraw all auction okay bonso staff is there a difference between bonso staff that is nicked and not nicked

I think like I think it does better damage I don’t know just need one okay I just need a bon sa it doesn’t matter which one right is good you get one what sorry ultimate wise so you use less Mana ultimate wise five oh wait I I got there’s there’s one

Selling for 8 8 million 398 ultimate wi five bons of stuff oh yeah it we or should I get the go get the one with the that has two slots what do you reckon you don’t really need them okay in that case I’ll just get the get the

One uh where is it ultimate wise five give me ultimate wise five not three five ultimate wise two why are they selling with ultimate wise two all right I’m getting five all right there you are okay putting the coins away all right I got the bons of Staff

It’s heroic it does it does have ultimate wise five on it that’s about it it’s the only thing it has uh okay I’ll put the TNT away and replace that with the pickaxe all right I’m coming okay so Z you going to list us again oh yeah yeah sure yeah there’s

Only two of us so better list and better wait or better go with a group I’m assuming the other one will left to be see no they’re still here if you want you can invite them it’s it’s it’s better than player finder yeah but I need the money that’s the

Thing yeah I’ll pay you I’ll pay you in next but no I’m kidding you can join if you want but like but yeah g more important than losing my brain cells in F7 either way you’re losing the brain cells so why not do it in a in a more

PTSD inducing way no but I got my vog breaking things on I hear so much I see no I see no difference between ripping apart Withers and collecting shiny glasss no I’m farming Kane because I can one hand farm and the price for uh the funny thing is that the price is

Rapidly crashing for summoning I wait what what really hey P yeah down to 2 down to what sorry you’re right down to 2 mil oh oh really wow that’s hey P welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going okay so we have Arch and a

Birds oh it’s because of the new update the dragon update I mean not Dragon update but yeah it’s coming out why am I streaming vertical oh I’m also streaming horizontal P it looks like you joined the there join with the phone version no worries I’m also doing the allowing any

Of us to do like normal but it’s there though it’s literally in my channel like let me just go into my channel like I’ll show you if I go to YouTube um go to view your channel go to live see it’s it’s it’s saying it’s saying to

There okay you found the full one okay cool okay good so see see it’s showing both the horizontal and the vertical there at the same time it’s just bit of a delay or lag or buffering and all that but yeah you know what I mean I’m having

Fun because you know I can get more viewers or less viewers or get more views VI the shots whoever is interested in joining that way one can enjoy that too I’m making sure that they they enjoy it that way I don’t like cause it full on confusion you know okay so currently

We’re waiting on players to join and I’m doing Hypixel F7 not doing super great because all the all the great people are away today for some reason are busy doing something else like hunting for a dragon that’s basically going to basically ripping your brain to Reds and think Z

Money hey man RNG welcome to the stream how are you today how much do I have I think I have probably 130 mil in the bank I’m saving it up for something I don’t really know what that something is but like it’s it’s um I’m not using it

Every every now and then even earlier I used it to buy recom to upgrade the like recom the the gold necron and I’m I’m also doing floors to I don’t know I’m just doing flaws for the hell of it f to be honest I’m just

Doing it for the fun of it normally I prefer doing farming to gather money they got the coin sorry not money I might I might dive into farming if dungeons isn’t going to help let’s go you want to put Mac I I can give you a macro all right just that Curiosity tell

Me it name oh the one what is it that you want to get Mad Hatter I thought you were going to say something like pizza honestly I’ve seen people get ratted with piz Stu I don’t my opinion on macro is like like like do whatever gets you off but like

But no you’re at the end of the day you’re trash I say mro is fine if I your PC You Can Bot games at the same time I was thinking what the hell that was pretty risky though oh hello wait wait when’s the last time someone like didn’t get banned for

Macro uh I can see people getting banned that use like other macros and the ones who use my macro like maybe someone who uses this macro gets banned one every like three hours or something wait you can fly with the bat armor what you can fly with the bat

Armor wait is is that even a bat armor to be honest there is a bat person armor um gr the night doing damage again nope I don’t know I I don’t know if it does but oh okay with with grapple okay with wait how does that let you fly with bat armor and

Grapple I thought normally people do it with the you know um uh young dragon and with grapple how’s bat armor useful in that in that field oh you can oh oh okay okay you can spam it no wonder no wonder also I’m back where I just

Left I I just went in a big big unic circle why no not that way God brain arrange yourself watch the map watch like what way you’re going okay I need to go this way follow the map don’t divert I diverted this just a dead end maybe oh this way okay okay

Um holy Lord are you serious it’s somewhere here okay did I did did I no I just k i oh okay where is there’s a there’s clearly a portal here somewhere that I am just that I fail it oh there finally found it found it so the grapple have has no cool down

I thought the grapple had cool down travel around in style 2 seconds cool down okay what why am I blind who’s attacking me oh livid oh okay I I was shocked I was shocked I was not panicking I was just shocked I don’t know why he was attacking probably Revenge okay where

Is okay uh we’re at the blood room already wait I’m at the blood room how did I get here oh holy God what is this what is this no no no no no I don’t know if I’m good enough to fight all that what are those golden armor what

Are they doing oh you know what I just want I just want to try it you should kill that no no no no no no no no no no no I’m not good enough uh I’m going to leave I’m to left click on them and they will die they’re not

Dying okayli harder click harder with the bat armor it has insanely low cool down oh okay holy God maybe I should have just launched a giant sword in the middle of them I I’m a Healer and I’m doing something I should not really be doing oh well I’m getting XP points so

Hello one moment guys my throat is gone hello Lawrence SL welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going and good idea thaty stit use the bow does it do the same amount of damage though oh it kind of does okay okay you’re a real genius what why is a giant

In there why what what’s a this has got to be the oh okay I just I used wish just to mess with it oh you’re lo oh welcome welcome lo I had no idea it was you and what is the question that you want to ask how much

Is your PC mine runs at 10 FPS minimum Graphics in the hubs oh I my computer is a Lenovo Legion 7 I um that’s RTX 3080 I’m not trying to rub it in I I I was lucky enough to get it go do we

Go no I mean the saying go so go okay let’s go time to throw yet another training wasting inventory space so when I bought mine oh holy God that was close so when I bought my computer my computer or laptop I guess it was around $3,000 uh that was reduced to$

2,700 Australian by the way so do the conversion to your your currency as you please as I’m dealing with Withers and bosses and such okay Max is been raed um okay you have a prepaid card and you want to sell it for the price you got donated you

Want to buy it you send all the things oh I’m dead why not wait Z you want to do that okay zaa seems more interested in it uh L what’s going on sry I’m so in the game oh you’re oh okay so basically Lola is saying that she has like a a prepaid

Card and she wants to sell it for the price and gets donated for items I guess oh how did I die I’m you want his I wasn’t paying attention I need you to kind of like explain it okay so basically what’s happening is is that Lola has a prepaid card with

With with like money in it also I guess and she’s asking oh okay I wasn’t paying attention I was too busy explaining asking asking what exactly asking for items you know oh so so what I’m getting at is there uh offering money for in game

Items yeah I think I think that I think s maybe I misunderstood is that it because if if they’re doing that that is very much banable that is true that is true IRL trading is banable um madh Hatter you have a wooden pickaxe I want you want me

To buy it for 10 mil um how much like what is the pickaxe Madhatter wait where is okay never mind I’m back I’m alive oh so the prepare card is $25 and uh you want 225 unfortunately I can’t I don’t deal with Euros though oh my God is everyone dead I think

So everybody left am I the only one left in the left in here he’s like did you leave us I think everyone left okay do they think we should leave a try again yeah huh what how it kicked you out of the game okay okay I’ve been into I’ve been put into the

LA that is so weird oh I’m getting R je okay I have no idea how how you how that happen but okay lightning I don’t think anyone is okay but the thing is I don’t think my my cards work work internationally and I’m crushed I didn’t even see the crush

Coming ah and I messed it up okay never mind let’s go back to the H oh wait my game’s Frozen oh there we are finally they all of them left we were doing that for nothing yeah oh well okay so okay free free chest I guess you guys need help or

Something well very much I can only carry so much yeah generally I’m joined by good players like Archie spin cycle or stepy and such but today everyone’s busy what I I notic I noticed how you didn’t mention me so you’re calling me bad no no no no like I said I’m talking

About people who are not here I’m the better F7 player the one that throws I mean for talking about not here I’m mentally not here so uh but you were here though I’m just talking about people who are not here so generally the those are like spin cycle Archie and

Stephie are join us along with Zat but today they not so let me get your it real quick okay that is it and and madher bro for fa he’s looking at CH sorry Madhatter I was so busy in the game you can you please understand I was

Literally dying twice so the pickaxe is made from the wood from the deepest depths of your crafting table okay what exactly are they trying to sell you because your chat’s not working for me um they’re trying to sell me a wooden pickaxe for 10 mil hey that seems like a good price all

Yeah you know if I’m being honest with you that’s probably one of the cheapest items you could buy in this game probably probably where are you madter where are you madter are you are are you in the game like Hypixel or okay where is okay where

Okay oh wait I need to set this to sell the C the qu book I will take a huge W thank you I I might I might but please invite daddy Stitch okay um z c you mind can you invite him it’s um uh maybe s T1 TC is that the name ST1

TCH yeah you want to yeah sure Mader no yeah yeah might as well I might I might as well use like I guess do that hold I’m lagging like crazy what okay aha you’re lagging no worries okay all right oh God my stupid nose is acting up again tring

Here I me check a traveling here real quick M let’s let’s see if it’s worth my username is the same as my in-game name or YouTube name XX DX one second I’ll be right back I need some Subway start zway all right everyone I’m back I had to

Clear my nose and throat thank you all right U so bad your name is uh Shadow Lord 69420 all right I will friend you oh wait Shadow Lord 6 9420 I sent you a friend request and getting into the dungeons okay um okay I can actually finally breed now

Earlier I was having some breeding issues oh boy talk about breeding issues okay so we have three people okay cool give me like 3 minutes no worries no worries in the meantime um Z do you think we should do a run in the meantime okay we just let Q do we

Queue oh we could quue if like no one’s okay yeah yeah okay up oh Z Lola’s asking are you okay like to trade her to $25 with €25 for what exactly like she has like a prepaid card that has $25 on it and she’s asking uh anyone if they like take that card and they give her like transfer 225 it’s like a equal equal exchange no not really oh he’s not interested Lo I’m afraid hey gen mes

Aqua how are you welcome to the stream how’s it going it’s it feels like it’s it’s been a while since he last appeared on my stream already F I love it when it insta fills your Minecraft had a seizure okay oh she’s asking for like any reason that you don’t want

It I have I don’t really do I don’t really do exchanges okay I have a I have an international problem that’s the reason I I can’t do the trading unfortunately like the the closest exchange all do is like if I if like I do carries with someone and like I have

To do an extreme amount then like at most like five okay wait it’s been stressful for you Aqua what happened what happened and hello go g lawyer welcome to the stream how are you today how’s it going how’s it going you said you won’t be able to join today but hey here you

Are why can’t I it’s it’s it’s because I have some I think my bank has a like International thingy problem L that’s the that’s the problem it’s to do with the international transactions and all that like I’m having I’m having quite a bit of problem trying to get access to

My YouTube like like YouTube monetization thing so uh it’s a nuisance I don’t know why Australia has those freaking rules and everything that’s that’s weird yeah oh it’s on PayPal but even then my PayPal I need to link it with to my bank account and oh I

I just don’t want to just don’t want to mess mess with the the whole thing uh L thank you for understanding I’m sorry I wish I could help but it’s actually the it’s I’m actually having a real issue with you with uh the banking system here in austral AUST they’re very

Strict about International transactions because you see for Australia we get our payments from Singapore apparently so I need to get a documentation saying that I’m allowed to get money from Singapore and from America which is funny it’s ridiculous so okay I found a the shadow ass and a few other funny

Creatures oh no no no no okay funny creatures have been cleared okay s+ let’s go s+ if we can if we can get s+ really if we can I’m not too bothered about s+ or S we finally have we finally have a tank I could do a slight bit of trolling

Too oh my God all you need is a tank and you start trolling I well it’s not my fault if they’re a bad tank because my trolling is only harmful if you’re tank is below 30 yeah take care of yourself uhti lawyer see you next time thank you for coming

By thank you for coming by and matter you got the rare wooden picks okay cool once I once the run is over I’ll I’ll uh you come over to my Island we can do the trade there also join for two runs yeah sure Aqua sure Aqua you’re welcome to join anytime

Um right now we’re in the in the run as you can see so once the run is over you’re welcome to join but but but why you stress let me just read okay where but check my AC all I have good things for you okay L I will

Check it out once run is over since I can’t access auction Hall while in in the runs so don’t expect him play good no it’s okay J M hey scar welcome to the stream how are you how’s it going I been quite some time since appear on my

Stream and why am I going in circles this is the fifth time I’m here why I’m trapped help wait let me just teleport to zat zat I’m free am I free yes I’m free I’m free yay I’m free I’m free oh my God you’re doing good I’m glad you are doing good Scar

And J me the oh wait no no no about that I you you haven’t played in 4 months oh why is that what happened don’t you don’t you generally like grind and all all that um should you oh LOL you’re asking should you get should you get a the

Giant sword or wait for Claymore um giant sword I wouldn’t say giant sword but I feel like Claymore may have a like Advantage I don’t know I’m I’m getting this no the thing is you need a seven completion for clay War oh that’s that oh yeah that is the part that that’s the

Thing you need M7 M7 not a normal seven you need to do it with the m yes yes which is which is a lot harder especially for someone like you you’re you’re like like one you can’t even join M7 yet and uh two you no one’s really

Going to want to do it with you until you’re cat 40 I guess so M7 is more for the hardcore guys yeah it’s like a 35 requirement to like even do it but like we all know you got to do wait wait wait wait wait wait the Trap isn’t fully

Done 45 or something to join party we’re already here never mind yeah you gota be like careful if just like qualified to be scar I’m glad you like anime again scar get off me oh and exams I hope you did I hope you did Val exams

Works I hope you did well in I really need to I really need to make coins faster do that wait car 15 the team uh yeah I think that’s a dead Stitch I think so what what enemy are you watching scar oh I what what anime that made you feel anime is good

Again look out oh my God need to get my hands on on insane amount of coins in insane amount of time hey come now J memes I also watch anime or more how good is your tank with we have we have a good tank all right

Good to know that’s good that’s good but it must have taken him I love testing our tanks if the T can survive me they can survive anything crush it crush it crush it he’s under he’s under don’t don’t all right hype Mage do the world some good okay storm

Gener be really high if I could get my hands on a Hy actually I feel I’m much faster than the clicking clicking the uh no the bow oh God he came so fast yeah that’s why you don’t really stand under the P until the countdown

Starts oh okay God I messed that up real bad yeah it’s because people try and like do very competitive completions so they don’t like tell you when they’re crushing you just have to guess yeah I guess so wait you watch the my dress up darling on the angel next door okay okay

I don’t I I’m okay with the dress up darling but you watch the angel next door oh my God that’s so cool I think comparing those two I feel like the the angel next door is by far the best like too much sugar man the angel

Next door just gives too much SU sugar for me for a guy like me who’s heavy into romance I don’t know once upon a time I love anime with the heavy action and and such holy God okay oh God oh God I’m dead I am being I

Was being stupid finally got a good shot I got a good set I’m not sure oh my God I hate this song used to be J me there’s nothing wrong with loving anime like really there’s nothing wrong with loving anime it’s just it’s just good it’s just good but you could do it

Better oh come on we all watched at least one anime when we were growing up like you know true true at least I’m I’m sure that everyone every single person in this generation definitely watch an anime uh what do I do here select all magenta

Items oh I okay that was that was fairly easy I was I was expecting something harder oh no no no no no no okay I never I’m such a silly little G I forgot to break the G what how did I die how how

How did he keep how did he catch up why why were there so many to click on that one holy God oh incoming wait Z you can’t go in oh wait you did oh my God I did it wrong I actually and then I dug too

High oh my Ling anime is called a wee okay you know back back when you know when I was still in high school that word we was actually what people nowadays refer to as you know [ __ ] at that time my high school CL schoolmates referred anyone

Who watches anime as oh who’s this guy watching anime he watches cartoons you yeah that was how people were treated back then including me and my friends which was ironic considering I was I was one of the smartest people in the the classes so I didn’t really care I just I

Love it when we actually have a tank for once oh my God yeah I no longer have to worry about my HP and I just quit that’s that’s exactly I’m missing every every of my shots where is he I can’t see thanks to all oh what’s the score I can’t see the

Score 93 because we trolled a bit too hard are you sure you you didn’t troll too hard it yeah it probably was me I TR too hard I think I CH the T okay he’s c a 24 holy God he he’s a 24 Birds that’s scary oh my

God okay what do I even check the chest okay nothing good like always oh come on there’s got to be something good at least hopefully free chest it’s a neg it’s negative 400 I don’t know I better luck with the gold chest than anything okay free chest it

Is scar what is it oh sorry I forgot your streams are family friendly no worries it’s okay scar you’re only type it in chat hopefully they don’t I mean one thing though despite me preaching no no swearing and all that I forgot a book

Here all that I am sure I am sure that people will eventually get get around to swearing and all those things what I do want expect and Hope from all of you is that you have some level of control and how much you you you swear because

Remember your mouth the way you talk the way way you do things and act and everything kind of depicts what you are and remember manners make the man that is my strongest thing hey tort how are you welcome to the stream and swearing is bad but you can’t stop it because

It’s widespread it’s it’s it’s contagious you can’t stop it the only way you can really stop it is by being Mindful and being aware and stopping yourself which is like me going blank in the head and oh mad header one moment uh can you come to my Island so you so you

So we can trade that that amazing Pi pickaxe of yours one moment let me get the money I party I think I think you can War us I want to see that amazing pickaxe why isn’t it letting me go into my Island look it’s it’s my Island are you

Serious it’s not letting me go no Hypixel aming dang it Hypixel it kicked me out one moment what head are these I guess so but the thing is when it comes to swearing it’s it starts with you the closest people that you associate with like for example family

Friends um neighbors or your other friends or your cousins your family friends I’ll I’ll buy that pick totally okay I’m I’m I’m I’m kicked out of Hypixel so I need to wait for a bit oh dang it uh anyway welcome to the stream tech support how are you today how’s it

Going how’s it going uh I need to wait for this thing to go and stop that anyway but still though still though I I have a ton of anime that I downloaded off of all sorts of things and kept and everything else and also converted from

DVD all all those things and I watch this all the time it’s it’s just that great and wor have you heard the danger in my heart the danger in my heart let me just look it up danger in my heart uh oh this I didn’t watch it I read the

Manga and I just felt the animation was a bit of a let down to be honest as car so I didn’t watch the anime the thing is if I if it has good animation I would really watch it but the manga was pretty good to or to to

Very Leist and if you if you can convert into watching like reading the light novels of this version then that that kind of like also pays off okay one I’m getting summoned by my friends macro together uh don’t get banned okay don’t get banned there’s no way this CED 24

Has a six star hype and I don’t have a onear hype all right I’m on my Island where where’s okay where’s C 24 has the hype and I don’t okay shadow that is that is fake my well we give it back well give it back to your Co-op member I don’t want

To see you with the hype give it back to them okay okay I swear if they’re at top 10 netw Worth or something I’m losing my On okay can we let me trade okay they’re pretty okay this is good this is a good looking pickaxe not going to lie H this is a goodl looking pickaxe uh gen mes he’s pretty he he’s pretty broke compared to people on my friends list imagine okay okay this is pretty good

Pickaxe I mean that’s one way of giving money I guess getting a good pickaxe for 10 m 10 mil no worries okay where is where do I put the this really really special item oh you know what I’ll put it here I’ll put it here among the other

Items that are that I consider are special uh like the hurricane bow Vis it you Aqua okay okay visit uh wait what what’s your game name again I there you go you are now ignore added for asking me when I’m getting my hype friends list page two page one wait where’s your what’s

Your I know I don’t have the hype it’s hard being broke okay there we are finally found found it and oh oh okay why why I if you donate me I’ll get a hype faster so you probably should oh wait wa I never friended you what how how how you should totally

Donate me so I can get my hype faster how did I never friend you I visit your Island like this is that this is like isn’t this like the fourth time third time how did I not friend you what I have no idea but but wow you really I

Still do more damage than you and you have ayp even sorry what what third time okay wow I must have completely forgotten to friend you jeez holy okay wow okay you’re going to watch it tonight’s car okay good luck I have fun watching it hello zero YT welcome to the

Stream how are you today how’s it going how’s it going and invite you okay uh zat can you invite Aqua gamer yeah I can just got to find her username find her no thank you okay oh this is a good decoration what is this oh okay you put

Oh you put cauldon on top of pink I don’t know why I have wait is mine pink yeah it’s it’s red not mine’s R everyone I see uses the pink plus do I have a anime recommendation um I’m not entirely sure scar um I’m not entirely

Too sure one moment let me just look up um my thingy um I don’t know if you if you guys watched any of these yeah I don’t know if you watched any of these like uh if you’re watching from the horizontal you can understand if you’re watching from vertical you

Can’t see so so among these just go just pick through and just watch any of these car I’m sure you would love some most of this but should I buy bat armor or what chat anyone recommendation for mat Hatter for what he wants to what he should

Buy so oh it depends on how far into the game they are okay so anyway this is what I consider the best the best anime to choose from scar so I mean my recommendation anyway so metal infusion worked on slime minion I agree I agree but then but the

Problem is for me my sheep minions are a lot faster because I can get them up to T12 T12 and they also work together with the you know the Lush um ber berry fruit berberry uh wheel spin wheel ow you’re really late game so you have the ultimate Mercy or

Mer um Merc mercenary armor what am I do I like I my personal favorite has always been Digimon Frontier um at that time although As I Grew Older I felt that um it switched to Dragon Ball Z at one point and then back to Digimon the first series uh you know

Digimon Adventure one and then two um currently my favorite so far is is uh A Certain Magical Index okay let me go to H wait dungeons wait is everyone with my Island I just realized yeah you guys are still at my Island okay okay wait since we got the chance

Let’s get a screenshot everyone since we got the chance let’s do a screenshot in case in case one of us has to like leave dur in mid during mid so come on over come on over since we got since everyone’s here today right right right now let’s do a

Screenshot you two mattter see if you can come over come by screenshots basically what I’m doing what I do is take up your armor guys is that we gather everyone that can join and take a screenshot like a groupy selfie and just put it up there so but but what anime do

You like zero YT what anime do you like let me join yeah come over real quick come over real quick um I think Aqua should put their armor back on why that skin is scary I mean I now have PTSD mattter can you like stand next to

Daddy Stitch so that the screeny thing could I don’t know it look a little even because yes sir everyone’s like leaning to the to the right and I just need someone to balance it out so someone go on the left side like where daddy Stitch is standing someone move over

Um move over to this yep okay move over you two you twoo um hey Mr bald welcome to the stream how are you today all right this is okay this looks good okay I’m just going to tilt it a little and screeny wait screeny and screeny and long

Screening all right there we go we got our screenshots yay okay now let’s put our armor back on yay all right that’s good that’s good we man we managed to do that and text up the Lightning McQueen screen is way better I guess so I guess so I’m not

Really saying anything bad about it like everyone has their own personal skins and all that you know mine mine is literally what mine is literally just me wearing whatever this is um I I don’t know I just put together something I found online and put together and it

Looks good and even other people who reviewed my channel said that my skin looks really good or they dig it so I I I want you to review the cake so I captured a few a few years ago you’re going to change your us it’s SC wait the funny thing

Is if I right click with my cak S it actually updates it like it has a incorrect text oh okay oh and you like Demon Slayer Zer YT cool cool actually I feel Z Demon Slayer even though the manga was H like half and half the anime got the

Got the I don’t know got the quality that it really deserves it like sits along with the Fate series it really got the quality it deserves and that carried on over to Jujitsu jiujitsu Kaizen and all that that’s but thing is I don’t watch jiujitsu Kaizen because the

Animation is over is overloaded okay the animation is overloaded I that’s the only reason I don’t watch jiujitsu kaisen not because I dislike it my eyes hurt just watching jiujitsu I mean that’s also the reason why I’m not watching so Sol solo leveling at the moment I’m waiting I’m waiting for the entire

Series to finish and then it comes on Blu-ray and then I’ll watch it but for now I’m just leaving it on the back burner so does does T12 slime exist no Aqua yeah it does no it doesn’t what Z it it doesn’t hold on no it doesn’t if

It did I would have gotten it I would have gotten them are you sure to SN just CU you’re broke no no can’t be can’t be can’t be go check out my T12 sheep they are much better I’m not trying to rub it in but

Okay so M I can’t even I can’t even find slime minion craft in general there it is oh wait they’re actually missing tier 12 slime like yeah yeah yeah right right if if a if a T12 existed I would have gotten a T12 slime but but sheep is

Faster when you when you lump it with the berry berry wheel it’s good okay so mad is asking what he should buy B bat armor or what armor um what do you want to achieve um M madter it it’s up to you what do you want to achieve based on

That you get what you want what’s the command what for what sorry what’s the command for what I I don’t know I am unaware of what command we’re talking about here I thought we were talking about um minions for flight and riches then go go

With your original goal go byy a go buy a bat armor and a grapple and go flying off into into the sunset oh the sunset right there ouch okay is 20y slime minions good or should I spend money on 25 slot I think you should spend on 20 20y I mean slime

Minions is pretty good not going to lie wait what what is this Tex support what are you doing what is this Revenant minion you got a Revenant minion 9 wa wow that’s so cool that is so expensive like how how expensive is it let me just Revenant Revenant minion my

RG meter has not moved a single millimeter wait why is not showing nine there nine how much is it 20 mil wait that’s it 20 mil that can be though I thought it would be a lot more expensive no it’s not showing me on wait why is it showing me oh it’s

It’s showing me hypixels I’m not never mind never mind that’s good though that’s good okay so let’s let’s continue with dungeons everyone how many members we have we have four okay so we have one more person so we have one more person who can who can join

Dungeons anyone who wants will be viewer or will it be a random we’re doing floor 7 we’re doing floor 7 so come on board anyone who’s interested we have so so far we got zat me Aqua who’s also uh was also gen Meme and that is Stitch who’s

Got the who’s got the skin of Stitch I don’t have necron head oh okay that’s right you don’t have a uh how much is a nekron head by the way it’s not 3050 mil 39 okay these one’s probably 48 right like getting enchants and all that I wonder what mine is worth because

I recom it oh mine’s worth 65 mil okay like 50 mil okay okay you want me to buy it for you you want me to buy it for you you want me to buy for you Tex you did buy a lot of stuff for me in the

Past I could I could return the favor like this I mean let me just check no you can buy one are you sure are you sure I can um golden necron head it’s what’s a decent one oh one has Legion five at 72 mil forget it I can’t afford

That can someone sell Legion five there’s Legion three at 58 mil isn’t that like good decent 58 mil um Legion five oh look look Legion five at 68 mil there’s a that the cheapest one is 68 mil the cheapest one is 68 mil the cheapest one is 68 mil it has Legion 5

It has Legion five the the cheapest one let me go on to the next page yeah look see oh wait not that one this one 68 mil so so better get it better get it right now real quick SE Support also do I have

A her 10 I do I do so you want me to get it for you like support I can get it for you you did you did get me a lot of my stuff for these slime minions and they give me a lot of the armor in fact this

That the what’s that the shadow assassin stuff are you so oh part of you oh zat add a add tort please or Soul Leader too wait tort why’ you get Legion 3 oh my God tort why’d you get Legion three all I think I spell text support’s

Name wrong no no no no no it’s right Sol too you’re poor how could I could have lent you money come on Dex support I could have helped you you did help me a lot I could helped you come on are you serious I can’t find their usern didn’t

Mean okay didn’t mean to send you the trade I was looking at the head the head oh you serious it’s fine man you’re just like I don’t know uh what was that that was this was this was 58 mil you were just 10 million away I could have given the

10 million a oh this is Injustice my ocity is kicking in oh my God just oh my God it was just 10 million extra oh my god oh okay dang it I’m a I’m a emotional person okay so can we do F7 please yeah we are doing F7

Aqua uh um um Z are you like having wait I can wait can I can I just yeah you can I couldn’t find your username you have to there it is there we go I forgot I was a party moderator I forgot yeah I always forget that PR sure I

Still have to join the Run okay not ready he’s not ready sorry sorry my bad we’re all we’re off never mind I I’m I’m so used to we’re just jumping in not it’s all right it’s all right at least in a way the gang is all together even though

It’s not the usual gang it’s still the gang oh my God not this guy again ice ice guy is dead good I like he’s ice dragon um ice field ice minion ice fall ice Fork what why they wait wait Tex I do not know Tex’s not

In I’m not the leader I can’t War him in uh are you serious Tex’s not in how the heck he’s not allow in the lobby weting L all started never mind we can try again we can try again I’m we’re not leaving anyone anyone behind this is s we’re all getting benefits from

It okay let’s go all good and all goody and goody go okay so one thing to be clear is where which mob has the Wither thing hi with zero YT welcome back how are you I hope you had a one your you had or having a wonderful day earlier we were all

Talking about how anime at one point in time they called weeb although gen memes I think uh you got the you I think the the situation now is far better than it was back when I was still in high school which was let’s see the last 2010 so 14 years what is

This why are you so fast there we go 14 years so back then the the whole anime the cartoon thing was looked down upon by a lot of the my schoolmates as you he watches cartoons but but I’m all right this armor is cracked good for you good for you Mader good for

You good for you wait I just missed a turn there’s a left left left thing going straight wait how do I how do I go through the left door oh oh there it is there it is I found the door um okay there’s something here but anyway back then the anime were the

Cartoons were looked down upon by like all these things the women were like oh my God he watches cartoons on the on the boys for like only kids watch cartoon like children watch cartoon and it was just so so insane and I and I told them you’re childish to think that children

Watch cartoons and I told them mark my words one day one day everyone in the world will start watching cartoons it’ll come to it even if we don’t like it or even if we like it or not now why did I say that why does this room have so many

Secrets why did I say that well first and foremost I always pissed off at them for you know calling people who watch cartoon as weebs or children or you what why why it’s this animation that people have put their put a lot of effort into making like like one piece and the Naruto

Bleach oh my God so the fact that now people are like watching it all the time and just it’s just more tolerant people are more tolerant today than they were back then oddly enough oddly enough back then people would use the word [ __ ] GA without issues nowadays if you were use the word

It’s like oh what are you doing what are you doing you’re a racist and and this is me coming back act like you know I’m not like a internet guy I’m not social I’m usually L thanks you forgot everything I was uh more or less off internet Youtube

And everything since I got married in 2015 I think I got back into YouTube and all in 20149 to 20 during the co time and it’s only then that I started saying like what the hell happened in the last last five to six years what the hell’s going on why the why is

People why are people so so hote headed so hot blooded today and I have no idea what’s going on so a lot has changed a lot has changed oddly enough okay I don’t think I should be doing this fighting this this abomination of a creature but I’m trolling I’m trolling I’m

Trolling I’m good it’s good why did that do no damage does it not do any damage against this guy help how’s everyone’s Health okay I’m just going to wish okay there wish you all was 10 seconds to go wait did you die I almost did okay that’s got down to

A heart and a half oh my God that’s good I just noticed you everyone’s health oh my god oh well oh well we can only do our best like really okay so so far so good and um wait where am I I’m lost again aren’t I wait

Zat zat died once mean twice and Dy Stitch teleported no Dy Stitch d stitch teleported okay Z if we get an S it’s your fault fair enough oh oh I only died once oh no I okay yeah that’s what I mean you di that’s what I mean you you died a couple

Of times anyway hopefully we can make it up we can make it up we we got two out of four secrets that’s good I wonder where you didn’t die once good for you though Aqua even though you were worried about your skills you you did you did

Great as for me I am lost okay it’s not it’s not fair they they have a hype from their Co-op and they’re only cat at 24 well that well l or is that the other one the lck works in the most interesting of ways though can I going to Mage TP

Me how do I wait who needs a TP us okayer what you need oh he’s in the okay he’s in here okay okay he’s in the boss room I didn’t notice I was too busy figuring out where the hell I am Holy look at the map it’s mostly GRE

Green there’s only a couple of Reds I mean not yeah rights White we need bottom right room bottom right oh that’s where okay that’s where Aqua is okay oh I fell okay I’m trying to go towards that place did no one go here or did they like completely

Evade oh no no no no this way no how do I go the wait how do I go to that room oh I am so confused I’m heading in the wrong direction uh yeah I am I am definitely going in the wrong direction okay down nothing here

What okay I am so confused what the hell I I my my navigation skills are just as bad as Zoro oh finally what the what the what was that animation just now I saw daddy Stitch like it woo I’m not AFK I’m dming someone I’m never AFK in the boss forget

About AFK we I only I only AFK three boss we’re already in though and I ran out of Mana because I was instead of four how did I die I was three fours not four for it’s not my fault how did I get one like so how did

I get killed did did like did I got somehow aggro I’m getting cre I got created wait where is the Wier oh he’s finally here oh my God oh my got I got I oh God why me sorry Aqua I don’t know why he’s he targeted

Me no no no I’m not the one you’re after leave me alone I’m just killing the with with the skeleton I feel I’m more useful doing that how’s everyone’s health health is okay all right now be an annoying little hype and go that oh my God

Okay oh my god oh I’m dying dying dying stupid call stupid call it blocked my exit okay where’s my he health potion I have a health potion who really needs it um I don’t think anyone needs it God dang it I can’t believe I died because of I

Got blocked by a stupid coal yeah we’re going to get time penalty before yeah I kind of even revive thanks to the stupid thing okay good someone else I’m trying to revive myself but it’s not working I’m going to get after all right okay no forgot about that I don’t

Know why my R meter hasn’t gone up at all all right we’re going to watch the anime piece no worries car take care of yourself have a good one oh my God I got crushed oh we did so well yesterday but we’re not doing so well

Today yeah I don’t know why Yeah we actually did really well yesterday but today man get my gold door and your hot door okay oh I’m still dead I don’t know why please just just revive just get just revive just live why does it not revive me did I am I am I

Unworthy proba dang it I don’t like like this oh I’m dead oh no oh I revived only to die no I come on land okay I live I live I live thank God oh God Whoever has ever trusted me to do terms has never trust should never trust me

Again I I’m lagging so hard I take damage at I jump out oh my um okay I somehow did that I don’t know what I did but I did that that terminal activated did we get all the ter terminals oh they did keep going oh my God he’s after me

Why me can’t you find someone of your own size to bully Mr nekron oh no I hope I don’t I took too long on I took too long on M oh I just I just dodged that I just barely dodged it okay we can still make [Applause] it okay okay I’m

Doing okay did that terminal that was easy oh my God heal did I did I did I we wish yes oh I landed okay 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 all right terminal opened I think we are not getting any oh get in I just I barely got him just in

Time what is going on where is he there he is the game is so goofy today yeah it is like what I haven’t got up I haven’t got up like anything on my orang it’s not it’s not that we’ve been doing like like really Terribles today wait I don’t care about the

Horrible runs oh I’m dead J or not that’s the fact that my R meter has not moved at all yeah that’s the that’s the thing I think it’s just it’s just so bad oh no okay I I lived careful man my wish is not fully recharged please handle handle handle

Give me the handle at least it’s at least it’s an S I was I was worried for a second there okay nothing okay nothing good free chest it is then all right let’s go for another Run I’m going to check my met all right okay it went up a decimal yeah okay so another run I think I’m going to actually get off and sleep all right then so we so we should so I guess I’ll continue I guess I’ll do

One more run and okay I guess I’ll I mean let’s do one more run and then I’ll wrap up the stream everyone I wish you Lu thanks I guess uh hopefully you get a handle L Aqua thrower left okay okay okay like that’s not in the K okay

So uh right now it’s just as four uh so we can do it now we can do it just the four of us you think guys P you get handle this R you know that would have been that would have been shocking d stitch if if the worst

Case that uh he would have gotten a handle uh okay so it’s four of us should be able to do it how you F7 if F7 is indeed hard you if you have like a higher cacom level then everything would become a lot easier but who’s Berserker wait is no one

Berserker I’m healer I’m always being healer what what was that sound just now it’s not hard just bad I mean I mean the thing is though for me I don’t really look at whether it’s good or bad for me it’s more or less am I having fun and my happy meter it’s more

Or less my happy meter if I’m happy then yay then it’s all the greatest if I’m not happy then it is the pro it is the worst come on now come on Mr Mr what are you wise Dragon too bad you died you were in the middle of eating that feels unfair

For me to kill you like that but I did what I’m getting attacked while I was doing TNT uh you happy m is on the floor well time to pick it up drink some juice um some protein eat some protein um what else protein drink there are

Protein drinks out there there are stuff out there like chocolates ice cream biscuits okay I’m I’m living I’m listing all the junk okay never mind I’m not the greatest Health adviser so don’t follow me don’t follow what I said okay ignore anything I said ice cream is not the best thing out

There although it is my favorite favorite thing so so what can I say I I just love ice cream like there’s even this song that my son like my son watches I think it’s called you scream we scam we scream we scream you scream for ice cream or something like

That I found it hilarious that that rhymes were like that okay I’m being attacked by a livid clone get off your high hus I can this I I may be healer but I can I can certainly dish out damage okay where am I I really don’t know but I found a

Place not again why why okay why are this Speedy livits chasing after me must be must be Revenge they must want revenge for what I did in floor five by the way I don’t remember what I did Floy they should probably jog my memory okay okay left this and then and ding a

Ding oh that was simple yay okay okay smack him did I okay I use my ultimate shadow assassin I have you wait forget that forget that that is Stitch headed not me it was someone else all together okay uh wait I already did that never mind uh um okay traps done okay

Most of it are done there’s some white levels white ticks what’s AA doing oh oh Aqua you’re you’re solving this okay where is what am I supposed to do next wait is this perhaps TNT it looks like TNT oh waa what was that that was a trap oh party disconnected never mind

Never mind that’s because uh zat zat was the leader wait wait was zat the leader I just realized I don’t know I don’t know but anyway let’s keep going okay I’m here okay okay Tex in the boss room does require any help no T no Tex support handle that like a

Champ okay what’s the score it doesn’t say what the score is but that’s okay lag oh careful careful oh they are L holy God oh my God why is it AG gring on me it’s it’s Agro on me oh my God oh my God stop agoing on me I’m not the one you’re

After help it’s Agro me why I didn’t do anything oh my god oh [ __ ] crying out loud it’s aggro on me okay thank God it’s gone okay oh no that just got killed okay we can still do this oh my [Applause] God I’m not capable of doing this God dang it holy God

Finally okay f fall down oh boy oops get under get under cover get under cover okay okay we we’re fine okay someone drop it drop it down drop it down nice nice nice okay uhoh and jump okay okay come on okay we we almost got it we almost got it all right peral

Activate it jump activate it okay did did we get did we get them all oh I fell okay we’re doing good we’re doing good uh I just need to parkour this safely okay I’m here at one of the terminals okay activate it oh dear oh God healing time

Um what I was so far away how did it kill me okay I have okay that termal is done oh no oh no there’s a terminal we missed guys there’s a terminal we missed it’s literally beside the the the the necron oh my God it’s fine

Okay I was trying to get it but this stupid thing stupid necron I mean not thatr sorry what what’s his name goldor got in my [Applause] way um there’s one lever activate up here up here there’s a lever that needs activating up here yes there we go okay okay I reached the oh

[Applause] No why can’t I access it please oh no you know what screw screw the bonso step it’s it’s actually not use not as useful as I hoped it to be dang it I couldn’t complete the terminal in [Applause] time okay these are are activated I’ll blame the lag oh the

Stupid bonso it it literally wasted my efforts oh my God oh God okay sh I’m Safe okay here we go the last stage what I got dang it it it pulled me okay unfortunately I don’t have a revive Stone wait what what what what just what just happened what just what did it holy what just happened I I got kicked back to my Island how did how would

I I am what the hell what the hell what the hell I got oh my God what oh my God are you for real inventory buttons maybe maybe I clicked the inventory buttons are you serious are you serious I hope I got I hope that I I got the

Catacomb thingy I hope I got the XP holy God holy God I was trying to you know take away the Bondo staff and I accidentally ended up doing something what the heck was That okay oh you died to Lava okay let me go go to HUB cleared one to three rooms oh holy God what the hell what the hell I thought I got smacked so hard I ended up going to a different place okay can’t open another chest already opened

Okay oh well oh well I don’t know what the hell happened but okay anyway you guys kind want to do one more run or do you think uh we we should take a break for today what do you guys reckon we should do one more run one more run

Because I I really don’t know what the hell happened with that run we were we were doing so close we were all we like we could have just completed and maybe got yes but okay one more run okay let’s go okay one more run just one more run guys one

More run and I also end the stream so okay oh my God let me do Mage then okay come on SO leader come on just one more run one more run we can do it one more run we can do this gohe to 312

Okay oh my God no no no not master mode jeez I almost went Master mode you need to get a rabbit mask okay wait what’s a rabbit [Applause] mask oh you you mean bonso mask all right floor seven we’re going okay wait okay wait no no no I’m going to be healing

I’m going to be healer I’m going to be healer just in case just in case even though no one’s being berserk all right wish us luck wish us luck last one well last round was just I don’t know what happened uh for for the hilarity I literally got wiped out oh

You’re doing this okay never mind okay where am I my where are my skills needed somewhere else somewhere else um is it through here yep oh looky looky I got it okay give me open um give me the what do you call a wither wither door wither

Key no no none of them had the Wither Key okay is there anything oh never mind they help for it in I was going through the normal way all I know is going through the normal way okay never mind it’s not Here okay what about here okay keep going keep going keep going this is one of the things that sucks about 1.8.9 is the FPS it drops down to 30 it it goes insanely hard it’s not like it’s like not utilizing my any of my RTX 3080 for some reason and I don’t know

What how to make it even F try to use the whole thing ouch no this is not it someone else is there okay let’s go this way okay I need to go back the way I just came I realized I realized if I need to go to that side then yeah

Minecraft is a CPU intense game not a GPU intense game I agree I agree I agree Aqua but the thing is but the thing is you know when when in the recent games like 1. 20.4 and those I get a higher FPS like 200 150 that’s that’s sort of

FPS but when I do the same thing on this on 1.8.9 I I get 30 60 maybe like if I’m lucky 100 so either 81 that the 1.8.9 is not utilizing this at all you should frame my your pickaxe in your home I will do that uh madher I will do

That maybe I’m my FPS is capped but but it’s not though look my Max frame rate is set to unlimited that’s the thing it’s it’s limited it’s went to unlimited animations minimal switch off fire animation because I can’t see for a life of me okay switch off L lava animation you

Know what switch off all animation wait no no no decrease minimal animation switch off the fire animation okay this is a lot better but yeah I don’t think 1.8.9 is utilizing the full power of the RTX 380 like like the 1.20 .4 or even the newer versions even utiliz actually because I remember

Seeing that in I’m not doing full trap I don’t die why not do full trap I can do full trap if if you if you can’t do it um how do I go to it by the way is this the where is the Trap by the

Way I don’t I know where the Trap is oh it’s right here okay oh it’s this one okay it’s this one okay okay I can do this one okay I can do this one okay I can do this I can do this just you don’t need to I mean why not

Though we can get extra score right oh I did all that that was cool oh curses I landed back down okay nearly there okay going back to where I came also flying is amazing that’s good for you madter good for you I’m glad that I’m glad that’s working out uh got

Across okay I made it okay okay wee what what the bad okay how do I go back down oh no oh oh my God that was close okay oh God oh my God I almost risked it okay let’s AR for Arrow okay oh it’s already been clicked how

The okay this s been clicked I have no idea how it got clicked but okay I’m out safe and sound I also activated wish so so it’s up to you guys um Are we almost done where what’s the score it’s not showing me the score oh wait score is only 30

Four go go 3 10 okay 306 okay there’s still one room that needs to be done for Secrets I think how do I go to that that Room wait why did I wait hold on I I run out of pearls I got more pearls down don’t know how to do this room wait where this is the room though Aqua oh oh okay this one I have no idea either okay the

Bat um did we just go I’m not too I’m not too sure but the bat’s not here I don’t know if we killed it or not but okay all right it’s already 8 minutes all right let’s okay wish us luck ah ah live live oh God oh God okay it’s chasing after

Me the wi’s after me okay it’s not after me anymore thank God okay Max and rage oh my God it’s after me I didn’t mean to Agro it God okay so far so good killing killing all the withers with the skeleton s in where oh he’s up there oh

Lag okay what fire animation looks like that that’s terrible okay okay okay okay oh oh oh get under get under get under holy God okay here he [Applause] comes lag lag lag yes Aqua what is it look out look out holy God holy God oh I just got out

Yes I’ll take like five minutes okay man I oh oh lightning okay where is he oh my God not again why are we not able to kill this guy why is it taking so long okay drop it oh oh oh oh God he’s launching it again hello garbage clar welcome to the stream

How are you today I don’t I don’t really know I’m doing my best I am doing my utmost oh God he he missed oh oh oh God oh my God he he’s doing it again oh my God I hope you’re having a wonderful day garbage far better than

Me oh which I’m struggling with all [Applause] this yes got him oh I just missed oh my God not again oh oh are you freaking kidding me oh this is so frustrating PR transfer to okay I can you are reconnected okay okay at least I managed to get back

In okay make it make it oh okay I didn’t make it it’s okay okay what okay it’s finally activated make it okay parkour skills I don’t have any parkour skills what I do have is lava jumping oh that’s all have been done okay never mind oh God oh God

Okay there’s one terminal here that’s not done all right that’s done okay sorry for the cough everyone okay are they open I mean are they the are the buttons okay activated the second one I don’t see it all right I’m waiting I’m waiting oh god oh the gate has been destroyed okay let’s

Go oh never mind oh my God I can barely see thanks to this oh okay at least I managed to get on top if your pce is actually what if so your p is actually crazy are you you playing with shaders in dungeons while streaming I am I am

Oh I am I did we miss one did we miss one I get the feeling we did we miss this one activated activated oh wait activated okay okay okay keep going keep going that’s a dub oh thank you oh my God okay okay can I do this one z z undone

Okay okay got one terminal done let’s go go quick I don’t have great parkour skills by the way oh I just make do with what I have um did we miss anything oh oh God how is this door why is this door not opening are you

Kidding oh my God are you serious did we miss a door can’t get up what do you mean uh did we miss one like where is oh oh god oh it’s open it’s open it’s open it’s open come on hey flaming phoenix welcome to the stream how are

You today and thank you for sub describing garbage client although that’s a quite a interesting name to have nonetheless okay finally we’re at the last stage still 302 okay we still got this we still got this we still got it we still got it oh my God he’s so far away what

Come on come on come on come on hit him hit him hit him oh forgot it was 18 minutes it took us that long to to kill to do the second stage unfort unfortunately oh at least we managed to get complete one run at least we completed one

Run I guess that I have to be satisfied with that at least I mean yeah I guess I guess P2 was sort of like my fault I mean sorry guys I I mean in my panic I literally quit myself I I had no idea what the hell I

Was even doing I was such a I was in such a panic oh but hey I got I got a wi catalyst so that’s something the moment he disconnect we did it oh God dang it I’m sorry guys I’ll make sure to be careful next time you

Kept moving away from the pillar oh I was doing that okay fine okay in that case I W I don’t want to interfere with you guys jeez I thought I was helping but I didn’t realize I was I was being a nuisance uh never mind never mind I’ll

Be I’ll be more careful next time I haven’t done F7 in a long time so so I guess I really didn’t understand full well how how is how all that works so anyway thank you all for coming today it was great it was a nice stream

Though we didn’t really manage to do all that well today compared to yesterday but hey but hey it was a good journey so it was a good stream and I had fun and I hope that you guys had fun too with with my chaos and with me messing up and just

Just a wonderful day so you usually do F5 to M6 oh okay thank you mher and D is Stitch oh you usually do F5 or M6 I usually do M F5 actually F5 is like my sweet spot to doing uh uh runs so oh okay okay you

Do F5 and the m6 okay that’s good that’s good though mher that’s good that’s good uh the the thing is though if if m1 if Master mode is anything like M1 then there’s no way I can do it so uh so yeah anyway thank you guys for

Coming in it’s been great remember to frame the pick I will I will don’t worry I will definitely frame it it’s it’s sitting there in my base in the important chest so don’t worry so thank you guys for coming in it’s been great I hope to see you all again the next time

And Okay wait what that is it M1 is easier than F7 are you are you kidding me I feel like seven is I don’t know maybe maybe they’re the same I think we just need to be in a big group and all that and take support he’s trying to get into the camera so

Yeah so yeah make sure you guys take care of yourself you know take care of yourself you guys have a great time and and have a wonderful weekend it’ll be weekend for me tomorrow anyway so maybe Fridays for you tomorrow but regardless I wish you all have a

Wonderful weekend and I’ll see you next time so until then make sure you guys always are having fun have a great time and Breezy too I’ll get there eventually I’ll get there you can solo with no secrets than support don’t rub it in I’m I’m nowhere

Near you guys level in skill I have bad skill okay I admit it I admit I have bad skill so what can I say what can I really really say so anyway thank you for coming in everyone thank you for tuning in it was great it was nice

Hanging out with you and you made 15 mil that’s nice that’s nice I got to get a Terminator but but you need to complete all right I need Eman Slayer oh that’s going to be one something else all right then all right all right I won’t hold

You guys for too long hey hello hello M header support madeus 15 mil well at least you got your helmet although nekron you should have you should have like I could have just given you 10 mil extra and you could have got a legion five helmet nekron head oh that

Is the only thing that I’m like like down down from this stream but oh well when I guide hype and I can carry you maybe I guess so but like but like really anyway thank you guys for tuning in thank you guys for coming in I wish

You all a wonderful weekend and a wonderful day make sure you take care of yourselves all of you make sure you take care of yourselves make sure you all have a wonderful time and all that go Legion five golden head is useless but doesn’t it like overall affect your stats though

Right anyhow anyhow I’ll learn about those things in the future so for now I’m going to be leav you all for the weekend so just get a get a legion fight Diamond Head okay save it for the diamond then all right then take care of yourselves everyone make sure you take

Care of yourselves be safe out there and bye see you all next week and a wonderful weekend Bye

This video, titled ‘Risking My Neck Again In F7 Dungeons on Minecraft Hypixel Skyblock’, was uploaded by xVertrexDx on 2024-03-01 04:46:21. It has garnered 53 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:04:12 or 11052 seconds.

Hello, everyone! Welcome to my let’s play minecraft smp gaming livestream. I’m currently gaming on the Hypixel Skyblock. I hope you’ll enjoy your stay~! =D

Welcome to my minecraft hypixel skyblock livestream! Today, I’ll be playing on the Hypixel Skyblock and bringing you along for the ride. Join me as I tackle this new twist and turns that exists on the Hypixel Skyblock.

Throughout the livestream, I’ll be interacting with viewers and answering any questions you may have about Minecraft, Minecraft Hypixel, Hypixel Skyblock, and more. It’s always fun to play Minecraft multiplayer and I’m excited to have you all join me.

So grab some snacks, sit back, and enjoy the livestream. Don’t forget to hit that like and subscribe button, and turn on notifications so you never miss a Minecraft Livestream. Let’s go!

👇 I’m usually joined and moderated by: 💠 @floody6492 💠 @Fxber0Vx 💠 @solarvoid7749 💠 @bonnie0000 💠 @LizzyGaming2005 💠 @thespeaks3292 💠 @Rollypolly1064 💠 @thescargaurd 💠 @Ima_whip

⏰ Livestreams From Monday To Friday at 9:30 AM AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

👑 If you wish to show me your support, then please become a Channel Member 🔗

📲 Social Media Links 🔗 Twitter: 🔗 Discord:

🎧 Music 💠🍓 Starting Stream: {Feels Like Winning & Hi-Fi } by StreamBeats 💠🍓 Be Right Back: { Bedrock & Hi-Fi } by StreamBeats 💠🍓 Ending Stream: { Riverside Cottage & Hi-Fi } by StreamBeats 💠❤️ StreamBeats by Harris Heller (and his team) 💠🎵 Gameplay Relax: { Ambient, Low-key, LO-FI } by StreamBeats 💠🎵 Gameplay Energy: { EDM } by StreamBeats 💠🔗 💠🎵 Music courtesy of Mojang Studios 💠🎵 Music courtesy of C418 💠🎵 Music courtesy of Lena Raine 💠🎵 Music courtesy of Kumi Tanioka 💠🎵 Music courtesy of Aaron Cherof 💠🎵 Music courtesy of Minecraft

🌟 Server Details 💠 Platform: Minecraft Java Edition 💠 Mode: Minecraft Skyblock / Skyblock / Hypixel Skyblock / Skyblock Multiplayer

✨ Minecraft Skyblock Series Playlist 🔗

💖 Special thanks to these resource pack and their creators 💖 🔗

💖 Supreme thanks to the many of these java client mods and their amazing creators 💖 🔗

#minecraft #hypixelskyblock #livestream #xvertrexdx #minecraftjava

🧑 About Me

Hi. I am Vertrex and welcome to my Minecraft YouTube Gaming Channel! 😊

The goal is share my minecraft survival / minecraft builds / minecraft gameplay / minecraft fun with everyone. My play style is casual / family friendly / funny by entertaining everyone and making you laugh when you watch my videos / shorts / streams / livestreams since some of them are hilarious! 😂

I currently am playing on the Hypixel Skyblock, so come watch me bumble my way around this interesting new playing style! 😊

I also upload YouTube Shorts with snippets / clips / skits from my minecraft livestreams / vods / stream / challenges that I do. Some of the challenges include Subs Specials which I do whenever I reach 100 or 1000 subscribers range. Their difficult usually range from Very Easy to Insanely Hard depending on my imagination! 😆

Join me for an epic Minecraft livestream as I dive into a brand new survival world on Minecraft Java 1.19! In this thrilling Minecraft survival series, we’ll be facing new challenges and pushing our skills to the limit. With exciting new features such as the dropper and dispenser, we’ll need to stay on our toes and think fast in order to survive. This is a Minecraft survival let’s play like you’ve never seen before, as we explore the depths of the world and uncover new resources while building up our base. We’ll be live streaming on the Minecraft SMP, so don’t miss out on the chance to join in on the multiplayer fun! Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or a newbie looking for tips and tricks, there’s something for everyone in this Minecraft 1.20.1 survival livestream. So grab your pickaxe and get ready to play – it’s time to take on the ultimate Minecraft survival challenge!

Anyway, if you like my content, subscribe and hit that 🔔 icon to stay tuned for more! 😇

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  • “Steve seeks revenge in herobrine form – Prateek Gaming” #clickbait

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    NEW CRAFTRISE UPDATE - SECRET REVEALEDVideo Information This video, titled ‘CRAFTRİSE MÜJDELİ HABER’, was uploaded by darknesse69 on 2024-04-23 15:00:59. It has garnered 4952 views and 236 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:03 or 303 seconds. sonoyuncu, I’m darknesse69, we played bedwars on sonoyuncu server in minecraft, don’t be ridiculous, sonoyuncu was a nice video with fun, enjoy watching #sonoyuncu #bedwars #minecraft Server ip: Play.Ravenrise.Net Ravenrise Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Discord Sunucum: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Lonca link:… TAGS: keyboard and mouse sounds, hypixel sonoyuncu bedwars, keyboard and mouse sounds bedwars, bedwars keyboard and mouse sounds, mouse and keyboard sounds, hypixel, bedwars, keyboard and mouse, keyboard… Read More

  • Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic Gaming

    Uncover Secret Mini Village Biome in Minecraft Aesthetic GamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘mini village biome #minecraft #gaming #youtube #shorts #minivillage #music #song #cover’, was uploaded by Bundle Gaming on 2024-04-25 10:12:28. It has garnered 409 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Read More

  • Project Parabellum

    Project Parabellum> Self-made guns and uniforms (ever expanding) > Different iterations with brand new guns, uniforms and vehicles > Heavy emphasis on community demands (including iteration suggestions) > Player-led units that can be created by anyone. Different unit types offer different perks for the unit as well > Historically accurate classes !! Modpack link on discord !! Read More

  • LSVanilla MK3 – SMP Semi-Vanilla Lifesteal Economy 1.20.4 Whitelist

    Are you tired of starting over on servers? If you’re looking for a new Minecraft experience, join our SMP server with unique features: • Custom currency system for trading • Lifesteal mechanic adds intensity • Discord team system to build civilizations Basic Rules: – No hacked clients or xraying – No alt-farming IP (whitelist): Read More

  • LMP MC

    LMP MCRediscover the Minecraft universe in LMP MC reborn and more captivating than ever. Immerse yourself in a unique experience in our Survival world, where every corner hides secrets and adventures. Challenge your bravery by exploring and find your way through chaos and destruction.For those with an adventurous spirit, it offers an unparalleled journey to a magical world, where every decision brings you closer to becoming a true legend. Discover the magic, master the mysteries and leave your mark on history.Explore this modality that awaits you at LMP MC. Connect and be part of our growing community of enthusiastic and brave… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Legend”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Legend"Wow, this meme is more legendary than my Minecraft building skills! Read More

  • Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18

    Crafty Creations: Minecraft Survival House Guide #18 In Minecraft’s world, where creativity thrives, We craft survival houses to survive. From wooden planks to stone and glass, Each block placed with care, a structure to amass. In tutorial #18, we learn the art, Of building a home that’s close to heart. With FugoCraft as our guide, we’ll surely find, The perfect design to leave our worries behind. So grab your tools, let’s start the construction, In Minecraft’s world, there’s no obstruction. A survival house, sturdy and strong, A place to call home, where we belong. Subscribe to KimizukaRentaro for more inspiration, In Minecraft’s world, there’s endless creation…. Read More

  • Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Fire Mixtape Mace 🔥 #lit #minecraft #meme When you accidentally make a crafting mace in Minecraft and suddenly become the most feared player in the game because no one wants to mess with the person who can literally craft weapons out of thin air. #WatchOutEnderDragon #CraftingMaceMaster Read More

  • Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes

    Explaining Every Minecraft Version in 8 Minutes The Diverse World of Minecraft Versions Explained In its 15-year history, Minecraft has seen dozens of different versions, allowing players on various platforms to unleash their creativity in this unique, blocky world. While many are familiar with editions like Java Edition, Bedrock Edition, and Pocket Edition, there are some truly peculiar versions out there. Have you heard of all of them? Exploring the Unusual Versions Aside from the well-known editions of Minecraft, there are some lesser-known versions that offer unique gameplay experiences. From educational versions used in schools to specialized editions for virtual reality, Minecraft has evolved beyond its… Read More

  • Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: CeeGeeGaming Masters Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Can Do Everything in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by CeeGeeGaming on 2024-05-01 23:15:01. It has garnered 44654 views and 1222 likes. The duration of the video is 02:51:46 or 10306 seconds. Today, Today , Due to CeeGee and JeyJey’s guardian’s absence due to work, JeyJey was given the responsibility of caring for and watching over CeeGee. However, CeeGee is such a mischievous and playful child that he refuses to comply with his elder brother’s orders. If you want to find out if CeeGee would get beat up by his brother Jeyjey, watch the complete video… Read More

  • Unraveling Minecraft’s Darkest Secrets

    Unraveling Minecraft's Darkest SecretsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hiring Minecraft’s Scariest Myths’, was uploaded by Checkpoint on 2024-06-15 19:00:12. It has garnered 693514 views and 6631 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:47 or 1367 seconds. Check out the CHECKPOINT WEBSITE and make YOUR OWN Character!: This is Minecraft, but you can hire SCARY MYTHS! When Herobrine steals Steve’s body and soul, he needs to find a way to hire all the other Scary myths such as Giant Alex, Null, the Screaming Sheep, Entity 303, the Headless Villager, That Thing, and the Black Ghast, and use them to get his body… Read More

  • Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!

    Respawn Ender Dragon tutorial with Sibia Jas!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to Respawn Ender Dragon !!!’, was uploaded by Sibia Jas on 2024-03-31 06:30:37. It has garnered 11669 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. Tags :- #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftpe #mcpe #sibiajas ———- 📌Your Queries :- 👉🏻How to Respawn Ender Dragon 👉🏻Respawn Ender Dragon Back!! All about me given below 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼 ——————- 🙏 ●WELCOME● ꜱɪʙɪᴀ ᴊᴀꜱ is HERE ●——————————————————● ★★———————————————–★★ Link :- Available on Channel About Section ●———————————————————————————————————————-● 📌★★★ Business Enquiries ★★★📌 Email – [email protected] ● ——————————————————● *Keywords* Sibia Jas ●———————————————————————————————————————-● Background Music 🎵{ No Copyright trap } ●… Read More

  • Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #Minecraft

    Greatest MCPE Decor Tips for Survival! 😱 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Amazing decoration lighting ideas for survival. #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-02-17 04:10:00. It has garnered 2919 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. *Description:* Discover brilliant decoration lighting ideas for survival mode in this enlightening shorts video! Join me as I guide you through the step-by-step process of creating stunning lighting setups to elevate your Minecraft survival experience. From cozy interiors to enchanting outdoor spaces, learn how to craft and place various light sources to add warmth and ambiance to your world…. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥

    UNBELIEVABLE! Lonny Goes INSANE Playing Minecraft Lifesteal 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE🔴 Playing Minecraft Lifesteal (New Season 6!)’, was uploaded by Lonny on 2024-03-15 19:12:09. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Playing Gorilla Tag Live Ignore These Keywords: minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft… Read More

  • NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM – DARKOMODE

    NEVER play Minecraft at 3AM - DARKOMODEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Why You Should NEVER Play Minecraft at 3:00 AM…’, was uploaded by Darkomode on 2024-06-14 11:00:03. It has garnered 26638 views and 959 likes. The duration of the video is 00:56:21 or 3381 seconds. We Survived Minecraft’s Scariest Seed at 3:00 AM… w/ @RageElixirMinecraft 👍 FOLLOW ME! ► TikTok – ► Instagram – ► Twitter – 📺 MY OTHER CHANNELS ► Dark Corners (Horror) – ► DarkoBlox (Roblox) – Music by Kevin MacLeod (… Music: Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More