Insane RL Craft Ep. 66 Live Stream with ExoBeaver

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[Applause] N N Oh Oh Oh All right all right all right all right welcome back everybody I got to get this music volume right it’s always a little bit off um I just got done having a fight with Bryson I guess I don’t know if you call it a fight I don’t know what you call it but

It was fun we had a good time doing it if you guys aren’t in the Discord you should check it out it’s a lot of fun in there uh where did we leave off man what did we do last time is that show dang dude that’s like as close as it gets

What what ready ready if only it was like a quarter inch lower you wouldn’t even be able to see the microphone but it’s not a big deal got to talk into something um so anyway well where did we leave off we let we moved that door and uh I definitely

Still have not gotten used to doing that going in and out of that doorway but so I guess this is kind of where we left off man we ripped up the house we we did all sorts of additions to the external portions uh we have a little bit of terraforming to

Do I had some ideas of what we could do with more glass like a different color glass specifically I don’t I’m thinking like orange maybe something to complement the yellow but also contrast the blue at the same time cuz you know we’ve got light blue and dark blue why

Not have like light yellow and dark yellow that’s what orange is yellow’s dark orange um I guess I still still haven’t like made up my mind on what I’d like to do Here I just had a an interesting idea we talked about bringing a bridge out this side of the building um and like connecting the bridge to this but what if what if what if what if the bridge was here okay so on the inside of the bottom floor right here there is a

Staircase that goes down to the basement um so it’s not like it’s the most practical thing in the world to put a uh a bridge like flat right here or even just so much of a pathway right we could extend the terraforming out connected to this mush it into the the the tower

But there’s also a pathway leading to it right there right it’d be silly to have an entrance right here and then just above it also have another entrance even if that oh yikes even if that entrance is basically like uh like there’s two separate entrances you have one one way to get

Into it from the outside and then this would technically be a way to get into it from the inside of the house um it doesn’t really make the most amount of sense to put the entrance there like what if sorry my nose is super itchy today

For some reason I think as you get older your nose ha nose hairs start to grow right and uh they get Itchy I’m wondering if this would be like excessive to take a bridge from this second floor right cuz if you on the inside of this well I was going to go all the way around but that’s going to waste time so on the inside of this uh

You also have a staircase that’s about right there where the Crosshair is that leads up to the second floor and then there’s bookshelves all around that contain like our enchantments and whatnot um I don’t believe this side of the building or this side of the wall

Has any books on it so it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to stick an exit right here like a door kind of like what we’ve been talking about doing on the other side but right here so stick a door here and then wrap like a floating Bridge

Around the the side of this building the side of this Tower and connect it somewhere around maybe maybe like right here maybe just like like put the entrance right here and then wrap a floating Bridge around cuz I’m starting to like more so Embrace like a uh you know a fantasy

Theme in this build right cuz we’ve got this like big old wizard tower we’ve got all these like you know like belt barrier type deals to protect the building with all this uh what is this called called Limestone I think this is limestone I can’t remember no it’s not Limestone it’s

Um something Rock I don’t know it’s a brick with rocks and stuff um and then like the glass is like to represent some like magical barrier right to protect the building and I had this like I had this idea of what we could do for the rooftop here I was going I was

Originally going to jump on this today and be like all right let’s build the rooftop here and let’s do it the same way we’ve done all the other rooftops and and then I thought about it and I was like well that’s kind of boring and I thought wouldn’t it be freaking sick

If we had a place to put our Dragon right would it be freaking awesome if we had a place to put our tier five Dragon um cuz right now he’s just living in a horn we’ve got these Dragon horns that they just it’s basically a Pokeball that

Absorbs the dragon it stays in there until you summon it and um I thought this would be a sick place to put our dragon and we could essentially like manipulate the roof and I thought like it’d be really cool on the corners to have these like like sharp slopes that

Reach up and out a little bit away from the building and instead of it being like a a roof roof it’ be more of like a den like a nest that had these like bowl-shaped Ledges that are like icy and uh sharp and icy and sharp and sharp and

Icy that would kind of like help the dragon’s neest what the heck kind of arrow shot was that um and I don’t know I thought that would be a good idea for the dragon right and it would also suit the theme of like the whole fantasy vibe

That we got going on here and the more blue we work with the more icy and cold the build tends to feel and it just so happens we have a tier five ice dragon right I think that all works together man like thematically and obviously this

Place needs a little bit of work down here um I think that I may opt to swap into blue rooftops for this as well it’s going to get very blue but if you back up if you back up a little bit the brown that looks like those

Trees right which I’m I’m not a huge fan of that and I was worried early on that it would be too much blue but I don’t think it is I think with the very dark Accents in the background with the the lanite block um it really does work and I’m also

Thinking if we turn this into a blue rooftop bits it’s not going to hurt the the build at all I think it would just help cuz this Blends in really really well with these trees especially as the season change and I I think that blue would suit it just a little bit better

Um and like I said I’m not I don’t think I’m worried about it being too much blue it doesn’t seem like it would be scram sucker uh I’ll get him yeah see like imagine if this thing was had blue accents on it too we could do that that’s pushing it that’s like an

Unnecessary amount of building but that would be cool and I think like from a distance right here this would look super cool if it had like this fractured partial bowl look that kind of stretched out and away from the building and up like ice spikes

And then like in the middle of it was just a freaking giant ice dragon I think that would be freaking sick dude we’re chilling today dude it it’s cold and snowing outside it’s Saturday we’re playing some classical music and we’re going to relax and have a good

Time today um we definitely have a little bit of terraforming to do here I I would love to stretch out the the grass itself on the edge and then smush like the well we have a bit of work here not much it won’t take long to fix that

Up but that’s not for now we we’ll worry about that Later if we’re going to rock like ice spikes spiky ice in a sense that is like kind of what’s up mafio Bill this kind of rep uh reminiscent of like this type of deal these little supports here that we we put in although they they kind of

Work I wonder if it would make a little bit more sense plot armor hey you man um I wonder if like replacing these like green little uh they were meant to be like supports like structural looks like something just to spice up the edge of it but also like not be too overwhelming

Something that’s just going to like I don’t know I don’t know what they were I just threw them down in there cuz for why not it we thought it would look cool and it looks all right I don’t mind it but wouldn’t it be cooler if it was like

These chunks of ice that like went up into the air a little bit right like like it was icy here wrapped up and around the edge and then just like shot up straight up into the air with like this like Spike of Ice We have stuff like the dragon ice Spike so we have a handful of that on us we could always make more Frozen blocks that’s not a problem quickly too we just ride our dragon and shoot stuff with it but as far as like physical spikes

And stuff like that I I think we may be kind of reaching into the spell here with these blocks um I don’t want to to get too repetitive you know I don’t want to go too crazy with it um I think that the Spells themselves could

Be far and few between and then like the regular ice the actual ice itself could be uh I think it’s going to need to be packed ice cuz like regular ice will melt right although it would be cool to have like multiple different textures of

Ice to kind of like spread in and out from one another I think that if it’s regular ice in the summertime it will melt cuz that’s how it works um but we can opt into here wait it doesn’t have to be just ice we can represent ice with other things we could do

Oops we could do blue glass we could try we could do blue concrete that even looks kind of icy but more much more solid right where are the crystals at this project has already gone crazy it looks amazing dude thank you very much we it’s

Been so much fun I know I was getting kind of burnt out uh in recent days but um I think I just got over that hump I think I’m feeling much more inspired again and and I’m kind of ready to keep rocking and rolling on it sometimes you

Sometimes that happens you know you get through these hiccups where you’re like ah I’m kind of not feeling it today you’re like you know I’m just not inspired or like I’m not creatively inclined In This Moment Like just step away from it come back it’ll come back to you

Permafrost I don’t think spello are labeled with blue Perma Perma Frost does not have a spell yam we could do some white as well slate slate and maybe some marble or diorite I think marbles probably are a better option but I don’t know I maybe stick more towards the

Blue I’m excited to to see what okay so like let’s forget about the pathway for now um there’s some good ideas up in there but let’s finish the roof of this building and by that uh I mean how are we going to do that Perma okay Perma Frost slate ice we need packed

Ice and in order to get packed ice I think instead of making it ourselves with like plain old ice we’re going to go to the I I hate to say this CU I don’t want to rip it down cuz it’s such a beautiful thing and it’s like an

Impossible find anyway we somehow happen to find it but I think we go harvest the uh the shaxi monument for its ice Jack Smithy hi there been watching your streams for a week now I really like your streams dude thank you so much man that’s awesome I really appreciate

That I’m glad you’re enjoying them as well um and I’m happy to have you here man that is so cool yeah um the so the streams are back and forth and back and forth but here we are back on Minecraft today it’s the perfect day for it I

Don’t know about the rest of you but it’s snowing here and it’s Saturday so like it’s perfect freaking Minecraft weather how could you ask for anything more I mean if it was raining I think it might be a little bit more reminiscent but this does just Fine all right let’s throw together a a pickle box a pickle ball box we’re going to run out of shulker boxes we’ve got shulker boxes spread everywhere everywhere I need to put actually sorry I’m a little backwards right now I need to put all this stuff away Yep there’s our our little mini monster working when that works I guess what is what’s that what block was that oh it’s just plain old crack rock Interesting dude I can’t get used to the door being over in this different location all right yeah yeah yeah I’m thinking oh we don’t have as much permafrost as I thought we did we’re going to probably need some more wait a second I knew we had more than that we got

Plenty I’d like to smelt some of this too what huh how do you am I am I silly oh you just turn it right into bricks that’s convenient how much more could you ask For okay so we have some rough stuff we have some plain stuff the Permafrost glass glass glass glass I think some cyan stained glass might suit this nicely or even some light blue light blue might be a little Better permafrost just chill like that it really is it really be do that though oh Boone meal and Lapis I think I can handle that there is a whole crate full of Bones somewhere yeah I believe it’s downstairs like way down here our second little Monster ah uh that’s a lot all right you know what that might be the perfect amount we’ll stick the rest on chest Somewhere and I’ve got more than enough lapis to last us the rest of our Lifetimes okay that actually makes eight times the amount of that so maybe maybe I don’t need to turn it all into light blue dye hold on a second let’s put this you know what I think this is probably better off in already in there ooh we’re going to need some more glass

What the heck it’s kind of nice that like you get this passive that lets you duplicate blocks like every now and then I think it’s like a 15 or 25% chance or something for a block to duplicate inside the smelter and uh it’s really nice cuz you get extra blocks but also

When you you kind of forget about blocks in the smelter and you’re expecting your smelter to be empty and it’s not cuz it’s got full blocks over here you’re like what the heck dude like why what I thought it was ready to go it wasn’t think that’s fine in

There man last time we uh we were getting ready to end and I found a crimson what’s his face um epon it was one of these guys but he was crimson and I I was like oh oh oh oh oh we’re going to tame it we’re going to tame it and uh

I I spent like a hundred Beast treats trying to tame it just to find out that you can’t they’re actually considered mini bosses kind of like the uh what’s it called um the verant chupaca not a verant um something chupacabra here hold on now it’s going

To Bo bother me I need to know creatures beasts yes okay so there’s a phosphorescent chupacabra you can tame the verin can’t tame the phosphorescent it’s considered a boss and uh unfortunately I didn’t realize that Crimson is also considered a boss and it just like ate like a 100

Beast treats and uh ended up having to kill it U you can get a russet one but that’s kind of like boring I don’t know I saw the crimson one I was so excited cuz that thing is sick looking like that is so cool looking compared to the normal

One the normal’s cooler looking than the russet one cuz you get the purple accents and then this is just like brown wow the Blue’s cool though I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a blue one I do like flying around with the epon though he’s becoming one of my

Favorite flying mounts if not my favorite flying Mount Boop a boop boop all right that might be plenty of glass for now I don’t really know how much excuse me got the hicups I don’t really know how much I’ll use the rest of that can smelt and

Then I’m sure we’ll need more more glass at some point in the Future yeah that’s probably like plenty of glass it’s not even that big of an area to build on but if we’re talking about using more of this stuff later on down and along the pathways and what have you we’ll need more thank you oh thank

You all right now I believe we uh we don’t really have any glass um and if we do have glass glass or sorry I don’t think we have any ice and if we do have ice it’s like the bare minimum amount it’s not going to be enough to uh

To do what we’re doing especially if we have to convert it into pack ice it’s not going to be in there I would love some cave crystals not these types of cave crystals the indigo is cool looking But blue would be freaking gorgeous dude that would be so nice to have that could be a little bit why does it say you can tame it at the Beast TRS at the top I I’m not sure sorry I did miss your chat that’s my B my B bro

Um this cre okay I think it’s referring to the base of this creature says this creature Can Be Tamed with Beast treats this creature is can be written as a mount summary blah blah blah space stats biomes drops that’s actually kind of sick it shows you like everything but as you go

Down it does say that doesn’t it it it does specify you can tame it with Beast Treats but I I looked it up like I went on the internet and read a bunch of forums and it it’s everybody specifically says that um I think it was 1.2.9 or something like that that this

Creature was uh turned into a um a boss or a mini boss um same as the the phosphorescent chupacabra like it says you can tame this with Beast Treats but you cannot tame a a phosphorescent chupacabra and then there’s a couple other ones too hang On I don’t know there’s some other creatures in the game that got yeah right here here’s one of them like you can tame these guys or well okay I guess you can’t tame them but you can summon them but either way you can’t do anything with like the uh the fourth version of It I don’t know I don’t know not a big deal I was just super excited because it looked so cool EXO random question do you like pineapple and pizza you keep this to yourself now okay this is a personal bit of information I love pineapple on Pizza I think it’s

Delicious I know that’s a big problem for some people some people love it and they’re like yes I love it why how could you hate it and other people are like how could you love it it’s disgusting I don’t I love it I think pineapple on Pizza is delicious

Um I seen no issues with it this could probably go away I got to start cleaning up a little bit here and there okay that can stay out actually cuz that’s a future pallet of uh one of the the cave things downstairs the music a smidge bit loud just a a teeny weeny

Bits I don’t know what do you guys think about pineapple on Pizza is it acceptable I’m trying to find a new way to put my Microphone does that sound stupid Like hold on a second let me run the audio back here on this real quick I just like move the microphone around people have their own opinion they do they absolutely do are you saying that you don’t like pineapple on pizza is that what you’re saying does that sound stupid

Like unacceptable you like it all right see it’s it’s a two to two right now let me run the audio back here on this real quick I just like move the microphone around people have their own opinion they do they absolutely do are you saying that you don’t like pineapple and

Pizza is that what you’re saying all right I think it sounds all right let me know if you guys like hate the audio now I just compl completely like flipped my microphone upside down I’ve been trying to work something out where like it still sounds good but is

Like not covering my monitor cuz like right now I don’t have a stand for it I actually just ordered an adapter um so that I could like put the microphone itself on the stand that I already have cuz right now it it doesn’t fit oh there’s a no door there

Um I don’t know about pineapple I like carrots on Pizza wait what all right now that’s controversial right there what the heck are you talking about dude carrots on Pizza what does that even mean where were you born that that’s Acceptable that’s not packed ice where’s the shaxi monument I think it’s this way is that pactice it is we need this I’m sorry shaxi I love you and your Monument but we need the ice and this is convenient it’s all right this is technically not part of his Monument it’s just outside of

It I didn’t even think about it but I wonder if like the mouse clicking and the keyboard clicking is going to get even louder now that I moved the microphone the way it is not picking it up on my OBS but it might come through anyway I think it comes through a lot

More when I talk though cuz like I have set to like close the the audio filters from my microphone to like close up whenever I don’t speak I don’t know how much of this we need really for what we’re working with now on the rooftop probably not that

Much but I have a feeling we’re going to want to use more ice later on there’s a ketchup on schwarma wait no okay I’ve never had like traditional official schwarma but you cannot put ketchup on schwarma it’s like putting ketchup on steak man you just some people do it but they’re like there’s

Something wrong with their brains N I think whatever makes you enjoy the meal right like it if plain old schwarma is not good to you and you’re like e schwarma but I love ketchup on it it sounds good like sure I mean whatever you know do whatever makes

You happy but don’t you put ketchup on my schwarma okay don’t put ketchup on my steak you can’t hear it good good good good good whatever floats your boat yeah exactly it’s whatever makes you happy but don’t come with my plate with that bottle of ketchup dumping ketchup on my

Food if I don’t want ketchup on my food now don’t get me wrong I love ketchup I’m a ketchup Fiend I love ketchup on just about anything you can’t put it on steak I remember dude there okay there was this uh restaurant that my family

And I went to when I was really young like really young back in the day when my family could afford to do vacations and uh we went to um this restaurant I I think it was called the Brazilian steakhouse I I was so young that I I can’t even really remember all the

Details but like this place essentially is like this super fancy restaurant where you got to dress up and it’s essentially like a buffet that comes to you there’s these waiters that are like dressed in suits and and ties and all this and they have these giant silver platter with skewers that they bring

Like all the different meat you could ever imagine around and they bring it straight to your table right and uh it was like steaks and and lamb and ve and and everything everything you can imagine and uh I was just a kid man I I didn’t really enjoy steak to begin with

And I was asking for ketchup and everybody was like offended and upset with me and uh they did not have ketchup in the restaurant it did not exist um and I never got my ketchup and I ended up like mostly eating uh fried bananas that

Night but now that I’m older and I like I love all sorts of steak um I would kill to go back to that place and like not do exactly what I did it’s a funny story to tell I’m sure my parents remember that too I’ll have to ask them next time I

Talk to them you know what my mom probably doesn’t remember I doubt she remembers that but my aunt does I know she does all right how are we sitting we’re sitting pretty let’s get out of here wait wait wait let’s look at the destruction okay it was definitely a

Part of the shivaxi monument it was clearly uh part of the shagi monument I mean it it’s it’s fine man it’s totally fine we got to check these I don’t know if I’ve ever checked these chests we’re still looking for some bobles oh look at that I love that key dude that that

Changed our entire game I thought there was another Dragon’s Nest it’ll be a real strong start to the day we just got a mimic and that mimic had like exactly what we were looking for like the the power Gauntlet The Gauntlet of power looking like a big hot no all right let’s go home who

Whoa not that one I don’t know where to put glass or ice sorry I guess it could just all go in there for now o Let’s organize this inventory just a bit I think I’ll stick to my traditional ways of building like shapes and whatnot so I’ll stick with like the shapes first and uh get the the general look of it down and then we’ll kind of move into details and staircases and slabs and blah blah blah Bird bird So I think like it comes right out about there and then starts to curl upwards oops I just want things closer from my hot bar okay wait no cuz this is going to be like a flat level this will be like the the floor level right okay

It looks rough but that I think that’s the shape we’re going for or at least the general direction that I’d like to take it we need a crafting table up here or I could just use this it’s not a big deal uh you can’t make no whoa you can

Make regular ice back out of packed Ice what the heck a bug habitat that’s cute okay so I can do slabs out of that and I think slabs out of this the permafrost itself I think is probably going to be scarce cuz it’s awfully rough Looking um if anything I’ll try to keep that low on the build um the peaks of ice that actually curve up and out I think I’d like to refren from using the the permafrost itself however the permafrost bricks they do look good what else we got staircases walls the that’s it the whole Shazam walls would be nice but I think oh we need I forgot a block did I where’ I go I keep getting lost forgot a block all right hold on going to need that slate me I was forget what’s in that for some reason slate slate slate slate slate oh boy

I know we’ve got a whole bunch in a different chest somewhere we might be getting kind of low on it okay we do have a bunch of bricks maybe I’ll stay away from the bricks cuz we’re already going to have these bricks the reason why I wanted to slate

Is specifically for the spell oams it’d be nice to be able to make permafrost spell oams I think it would suit it just a little bit better and same with the ice I really wish I could do that whoa huh that’s cool Looking oh I know it would be outr rageous I don’t think that’s how it works though cuz there’s like there’s like these weapon stands it’s like a stone here I’ll show you I’ve got a couple in the house like this wouldn’t that be freaking sick but we could flip the

Sword around so that the blade itself was facing up and like that could be the very peak of the uh the ice that we’ve got going on this glowing like emanating little uh tip of the sword but I don’t there’s no way to like flip that upside down and unfortunately I I can’t

Really like manipulate um armor stands the way that the Hermits boy do some of the hermitcraft stuff is outrageous like when they started working with like uh all all the different things that you can do with armor stands and I think there’s mods involved I’m sure it’s not

A vanilla thing um but it’s freaking awesome it’s so impressive and I I just don’t have the slightest clue on where to begin for that kind of stuff maybe one day that’s all of our slate we’re definitely flying through it that’s a lot of slate

Okay go hard or go home I think we’ll probably use all that too it’s not the worst thing in the world to collect Maybe half slabs are the way to go here as a flooring we can scatter permafrost half slabs and Ice around Think I’ll end up needing more permafrost too I mean this is like a Dragon’s Nest right so it doesn’t need to be perfectly flat in fact it would make sense if it was a bit rough we could also put some crates up here like some chests and uh

Maybe some like silver coin piles or gold coin piles stuff like that some bones that might suit the area a bit Debating on how I’d like to work in the edges Here I want like a some bit of a lip here let’s try something I know that wastes this belly oam oh that does work about Glass no big old heck no Is Thinking these Corners can curve in a little bit more gradually What I think I’ll come back with the glass Later man I wish you could do like ice slabs and Ice Staircases cuz why not Man hate to take that off my hot bar if we need to like Escape immediately Right it’s coming Together Poppy he’s coming in yeah we’ll get there don’t worry poppy is on his way eventually one of these days This is an interesting little shenanigan concept that we got going on I don’t even know what you call this tell you what let’s work at it one side at a time from the the the roster side Ey did Ro the side I don’t want it to be like too symmetrical the whole point is that it’s kind of random All right no worries Mr Jas sir get some sleep brother and uh get some good grades man I’m glad you dropped in dude all right good night to you daah you don’t want it to be like too unsymmetrical Though This is going to be a toughy to like make it unsymmetrical but not too unsymmetrical know what I mean does that not stretch out far Enough can’t count it it doesn’t does it I think it needs to go out one more Does it matter all right hold On do we want this to be symmetrical I don’t think we do I think it would blow better if it was more sporadic you don’t want it to be too unsymmetrical but you don’t want it to be truly totally symmetrical cuz that’s just going to

Like you want it to look like a Dragon made it right like for example this building perfectly symmetrical right but it it’s not like a Dragon lives in that building uh that wasn’t the the purpose of that building um the rest of these buildings symmetrical right but the dragon didn’t

Build that although the base of this building is symmetrical the roof of it the the theme the thought the the L behind that is that a Dragon lives on the roof of this building so like it would make sense if you look at any of the Dragon nests in

The game none of them are symmetrical although they tend to generally have a round shape often times they don’t even have a round shape they’re just scattered all over the place and if you get the perfectly fully developed um Dragon’s Nest it’s not symmetrical it’s round Dish man but this looking good I I’m kind of liking the way this is looking already Thor loves It it’s going to get weird right there huh it’s kind of pushing it here as well sounds like Theodore Roosevelt’s coming to town right now another random question milk before cereal or milk after cereal all right that’s no no listen Pizza pineapple reasonable question who in the right mind puts

Cereal in the bowl after the milk the whole point is that you get a full bowl of cereal and then you pour milk on top right if you put milk in the bowl first and then pour cereal in it just sits on top and you get like this much cereal in

A bowl of milk it’s you know what I mean next question move [Laughter] on Simon’s out here reporting for Fox News [Laughter] dude h asking the questions that are afraid to be asked oh no wonder this is like off by one hold on this is not correct this actually needs to be moved

Over one Is Whoa that was too Fast excuse me Mr smi’s day 20 brother all right dude as you do me do what you do me Is that a full block it is man it would be so nice hold on a second let me go grab these really cool looking blocks that we’ve got I don’t think they go on the underside of decus anyway these things n dude it’s okay you don’t have to apologize I know

You’re busy you’re a busy man you got a life you got things to do you’re going places brother it’s okay okay double not okay hold on dang it dude that bothers me so much I I like why why do you not go on the underside of a block like look how good that Is just as like a regularly detailed block this looks awful thick compared to this though this needs a little more something something here that might have done it we can make more of these bad boys these ice dragon spikes they just kind of like pop up after you’re like when you ride your

Dragon you can use his abilities and like fire ice at the ground and you can turn other blocks into icy blocks and they also create these spikes while in the same time process I mean I’m feeling decent about this right Now Ah s does not go on Staircases now not too much not too little all right yeah dude and then like just as a little test as a little taste test it’s a little bit of a teaser as to what’s coming up where do our drons be though where are the dragons fire dragon ice dragon what okay uhoh oh

Okay I can’t remember how to ride it all right oh goodness and I think he stays right there you can like set him to wander around but I’m pretty sure if you just like dang it all right hold on let’s go further to the right right that’s what I was looking for

For right there that looks sick dude with his tail flow flowing in the background he goes to sleep I didn’t know he would just go to sleep like that that’s awesome is’s gorgeous dude with this diamond armor bully made out of diamond blocks like a real G

Dude I could definitely do with a few lights up here I think like end rods on the spe the spike points sort of kind of like that maybe excuse me got the hiccups again how long’s it take for him to unload right about there sick

Dude he loves it he he loves his nest already he’s happen she I don’t know uh now that I think about it I’m not sure we never named the dragon do got K you need to come up with a name for the dragon it’s a male another random question have you

Ever been pressed clo have you ever pressed the close button button before people enter a lift actually no I’ve never like I’m people hate me all right PE like not the people that are coming into the elevator but people that are already in the elevator that that would

Like to press the close button they hate me because I’m the one that holds the elevator open with my arm I’ll I’ll physically stand in the doorway of the elevator so it can’t close just to get like to let people get on the elevator I’m one of those

And the people that are already in the elevator like just stink ey me for the whole trip up wherever we’re going it’s all right I’m proud of it I know that’s a little bit taller than the other ones but I think I kind of want it to be

Hit me Simon what’s your next question sir I need more it’s tough to get it right without like mushing it into this other building oh yeah see that gets weird right there maybe that doesn’t need a staircase or if anything it goes like right there that’s why we need lights

It’s not going to stay flat either I think I’ll uh I’ll add some like ridges and and dips and dimension to it stretch it out baby stretch it out what I’ll be honest Simon that that was actually quite a good question I’m glad you asked that one

It’s never one that I thought I would ever be asked either that’s a question that’ll tell you a lot about somebody as well you know what I mean like this is a good question so that’s Good do want like a little bit of a ledge that well didn’t really make a ledge there all right well I mean is it going to hurt no no no I think I like that I think I like having a little bit of a ledge there d Yeah what the heck Got to like create this little like miniature little bit of a bowl shape actually that’s really going to help blend this a little bit Too Whoop Sorry for the lack of commentary I’m super focused mode right now super duper well that’s what I get for concentrating get him out of Here Kind of like having this little dip here on this side but on this side it looks a little odd maybe just pulling that one block out is enough oopsies oh man I’m jacking it all up maybe some spell oams tossed in here too why not two of them side by

Side all right that side needs help right I may want more of those spikes I kind of like them I don’t want to go too crazy with them just cuz I don’t want to overdo it but it’s not too bad the way it is although it’s not too bad the way it is

I don’t know we’ll think about it I might sprinkle some more in we’ll have to take the dragon out for a spin though but that’s fun man we need to have some fun now and then you know sometimes I feel like without context my the way I move my character

Around feels so like ADHD but like I don’t know cuz I’m constantly like everywhere and like up and down and left and right and up and down like if you guys don’t know what I’m doing I’m like repositioning and getting different perspectives from like cuz

What I want is to view the build from all sorts of different angles right and just to kind of feel it from all over um and that when you do that when you get different perspectives in that way you get like a a whole different sense of

Like how’s it feel how’s it feel how’s it feel right and you know it might look really good from right here right but if you go over here you might see something in the corner that’s like oh that needs something that needs to be changed right

There cuz like yeah it might look really good for a thumbnail or or if you put it in a video it might look really good cuz you’re only showing the one perspective like like say I only showed like this perspective cuz that looked freaking sick right there but if you came like

Way over here and you looked at this it doesn’t look too bad from here but like you see this right it’s like GH I like I would you wouldn’t have to do this in like for a thumbnail you wouldn’t have to finish this part of the build but we going

Finish that part of the build okay that’s how we do things oh is it winter time no not yet whoa they stay there kind of nice it does seem a little bit flat here like right along the ridge bridge but I don’t mind it I don’t think

I mind it being flat like that it kind of gives a a bit of a differentiation between the building at the bottom and the The Nest the Dragon’s Nest at the top bro that’s a rooftop right there like we before like way before we even started working on this Tower before we started

Doing this we developed this rooftop and we came up with this really good idea that was like you know you want to have this like balcony type deal and in the center another smaller building with a rooftop above that that covers them both and I loved the idea of it I would love

To implement that in a future build someday um cuz it is a very cool concept but I just couldn’t figure out a way to make it work with this particular building and I’m really really glad that I took it down because it definitely like opened up my

Pallet again in my brain for like what can we do right sometimes like what you need is a bit of a blank slate to to just kind of like Zone back out like how do I come up with an example for this like like say for example say you’ve got

This rooftop here and you don’t like it you’re like man something’s wrong like something’s off with this rooftop and I just just can’t put my finger on it I don’t know what it is and like rather than rip it out entirely you just leave it as is cuz you’re like well I don’t

Want to redo the whole thing and then mess it up and blah blah blah cuz like it’s okay but like it’s not what I’m really looking for so you you let it there but like and and that’s exactly what we did with this building right we

Just it something feels off I it’s good I like it but it could be better and it’s not quite what I was aiming for to begin with but I don’t want to rip it out yet I don’t want to revert all the progress that we made cuz we worked hard

On it blah blah blah blah blah but what we needed to do is just rip it out just take the whole thing down get a different perspective take some time to think about it and step away for a bit we worked on a bunch of other projects

We came back to it and like look at this bad boy I’m I’m kind of proud of how this is coming out man it’s looking good all right I got one more side to work on yet they off the side ey I will shoot you get away from me get

Away from me you you and your friend wait a second is that all I wanted to do there and maybe some spell okay maybe not like directly on top of that other spell Oam you will say dumb jokes then okay Simon I have a slight feeling you’re behind in the Stream yo whoa whoa whoa guys they’re cool looking hold on a second I was just trying to stick him in a corner somewhere hold on is he a beast whoa whoa whoa whoa Coffee Cat it goes good how you do dude how you do Dude is this Aven what is that thing you’re doing great good good good good good I believe the proper response would be I do good though dude I do good dude I do very good Dude what is this thing dude why is it called building when it’s already been built ah it’s a good question I think probably because uh the world works on a very tight budget and we cut all the corners possible and that means the building is never done being built in fact it will

Always be building you slept like a a rock last night so I’m horribly tired like I usually am that sucks well I don’t know what the weather’s like for you today but it is perfect Minecraft weather it’s Saturday it is snowing like a freaking sleigh

Storm out there and uh I don’t know it’s perfect feel like it’s a good day for this just a chill ax hang out do our thing with the craft where is this creature right Dude for sure oh he’s no he’s not one of those what is that thing dude oh oh oh you’re not tired I got you a a remobra orora my English leaves my mind rora come come rora Come all right I hear him if laughter is the best medicine then why do we need doctor that was all right that was a bad joke Simon it was only funny because it was that bad rora rora come come I want rora I would like to tame you I

Want to feed you all sorts of treats rora uh I don’t see it I’m wondering if maybe it’s not like a capturable creature I could have sworn it was though I hear him all right hold on got to look this up cuz he’s gold I want to see if I can capture

Him oh it’s a summon it must not be yeah remra or poisonous flying dragons that spit venom oh my gosh how many times did I look over that I bet you it takes Dragon treats ra you come hi I will tame you this has been a

Problem there’s an an issue here with my armor and the fact that like every time an enemy hits me it gets yeed it’s because of my goem armor he’s not eating them I don’t think you can tame a rora you can summon a rora you cannot tame them you must die goodbye all

Right where were we I think I was kind of cool with where that went right there so let’s put some lights in the floor and maybe not on the floor too we’ll see boop boop boop boop boop boop ra rora what did I what was I looking for these these and um

Oh maybe these what about Crystal Light lamp torch fire Super Hot Fire oh that’s not a doorway Anymore oh duh why don’t we use those things they look good these that’s perfect right there Eh don’t do It stop you guys are so annoying man okay maybe like a few around the edge here oh what was that that sure I don’t know what that was I I broke a second block below that one and I think we stick something in the middle too like right about there cuz

Like well it’s mostly slabs right so it’s not really going to matter about spawns but just for the sake of lighting stuff up and then creating a little bit of depth in this place you broke us to lag Tite oh for real oh dude good eye cof wait

What no it wasn’t over here where was that good Eye Coffee Cat good freaking eye dude thank you i’ have probably stumbled across that later and been like what is wrong here something is off it’s no longer symmetric thank you very much I would have totally missed that I did totally miss

That where are you going wait whoa whoa whoa whoa I need your help to fly boop boop boop Holy crap dude there’s 1300 of them sucks to suck get bulled son gotcha all right enough messing around guys calm down is it right to have that big of a lump in the middle though I don’t think so I don’t know maybe it’s best that

There is not a lantern in the middle or like maybe if anything nope that’s a half slab anything it just goes like right there That way it block spawns just in case but yeah like that’s what I’m thinking I honestly I think that might be all it needs as well that looks freaking juicy freaking dang juicy I think you didn’t put one in the middle what do you mean like a

Light well there is a light like underneath blocks but I that looks better cool coffee cat approved good stuff now check this out coffee cat you missed this watch this this is where it gets really cool there you go that’s what I’m talking about dude Isn’t that cool

Dude I’m proud of that like if there’s anything that I’ve built that I could be like yeah I like it it’s probably that rooftop right there make sure it’s set to stay I believe it is it’s not going anywhere in fact he went to sleep

Before um I know we’ve got tools to make sure if you the want to wander off I’m pretty sure it is set to stay but we’ll double check with staff now I’ll ask you a dumb question but it makes you think for a while okay all right I like those questions that

Are like [Laughter] unnecessary that’s fine dragon is staying there you go dude this freaking sick my arms are like stiff today for some reason it’s cuz I’ve been gaming too hard excuse the aerobics will enemies attack the dragon uh I want to say no unless you’re riding it

Because like all these mounts that we have all of these guys uh they are like Untouched by enemies unless they’re set to aggressive or you’re riding them because they’re set to like passive and sit nothing ever touches them like the flying losers that are annoying that’s a good question look at

Them go to sleep dude he’s got that Spike like right in his neck but it’s hard to tell that looks so good man I love having a spot for the dragon just to say cuz like all right so one of the big challenges we ran into early on

Or not early on but like a while ago was like this hole down here that we’re turning the a into used to be a tier five Dragon Nest right but what we did was turn it into not a Dragon Nest it’s got everything but a dragon in it

Right and um we were like well where do we put the dragon and I was like well I don’t know if we need to put the dragon anywhere cuz he sits in his horn and blah blah blah and then I was thinking I was in the shower today I was like you

Know what this would be a great idea instead of doing like a traditional rooftop Dragon Nest and I like like it I’m I’m happy with how that turned out um and I think it’s time we move on to the next little bitty project and uh I think it might be

Changing these rooftops out we’ll see why do girls call let me get some beauty sleep but you wake up like a troll um I I okay I I think it’s beauty sleep not for the the outside but for the inside I don’t know if you guys have

Noticed but when I stay up late and play Ark and I get no sleep I’m a grouchy little bum and I think that’s why they call it beauty sleep I get all grouchy when I’m I’m head in a lack of sleep I don’t know that’s my assumption why what what’s the answer

Sir sick dude super sick dude all right there’s something that something that needs done that I have been putting off for quite a long time whoa dude get this torch out of here all right two steps here I think we fixed the rooftops and I think we

Connect this Pathway to this door now that’s fine right there for now nope nope Bas is coming along really well thank you very much coffee cat we’ve been working hard I’ll tell you what most because most girls have watched Sleeping Beauty I don’t get it I mean I get it but I’m also

Like your other joke was funnier [Laughter] buddy I’ll tell you what let’s hit uh it with the oldfashioned poker box treatment ice you hate sleeping b beauty her whole gimmick is that she falls asleep and how boring is that I mean it’s pretty boring isn’t it I never thought about it that Way Okay glass can go in there but cave crystals are coming out and they’re all going in a Shuler Box oh we had glass man I didn’t need to make that earlier what give me that boom boom you remember watching Sleeping Beauty for the first time and just being angry at the movie I I never felt that way about Sleeping Beauty um it was always kind of one of those like

H it’s all right type of deals to me um but now that you say that it makes a lot of sense it is kind of just like H that’s that’s dumb I don’t know I’ve had a lot of movie movies that I’ve just gotten angry at cuz I’m just like this

Is so stupid dude what are you doing like it’s so bad and then I don’t know now I feel the way about Sleeping Beauty so thank you thank you for putting that in my mind all right this has been needing done for quite a long time we got to

Organize who’s my favorite Disney princess I don’t know I uh I’m not a big Disney fan to be honest I mean I was when I was younger but not really I I don’t think I don’t know when I grew up I was not really into the whole princess side

Of thing like I didn’t care about it um I would say my favorite Disney movie growing up was probably Aladdin I loved that one and I loved all the characters in Aladdin but I don’t know your yours is Jasmine what’s Jasmine from um how do I know that one Jasmine is Jasmine from

Aladdin I think she may be what why is that not grouped over here with the rest of these my parents didn’t want me to watch uh this stuff so they always buy a DVD of Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry is better significantly better oh moana’s cool I’ve never seen that

One I haven’t seen any of the newer Mo uh like Disney stuff I mean I know the oldfashioned ones oh Jasmine is from Aladdin okay yeah I like Jasmine she’s cool uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh it’s not going to fit CRA Rock I think goes in its own

Thing now or no is it just late I don’t know Craig Rock could definitely use like its own chest or its own shulker box at least boop boop yeah my uh my mom definitely did not filter me from movies when I was younger like my grandparents didn’t or

Want me watching Stu like if I was staying to my grandparents I couldn’t even like bring Pokemon cards over um the I don’t know they just didn’t like it they were like nope that’s the devil go away I was like a but why but why and

Uh I don’t know my my mom used to watch all sorts of movies with me like like the original Alien versus Predator movies the original Jurassic Park movies crank with like freaking what’s his face in it um just like shoot them up movies Electra that was a one a good one so

Many movies man our dragons shouting are we not going to be able to keep the dragon up there you were banned from watching SpongeBob yeah that’s cuz SpongeBob’s freaking annoying chippen dals and Ducktails were good too dude those are ones that I don’t even really remember anymore like first of all that’s a

Little bit out of my age range just a little bit like I I watched him when I was younger but uh it pretty much burnt out by the time I actually got old enough to enjoy it and watch it more U but those are good ones for sure I agree with you sir

Chi and dals Ducktails man Ducktails that’s crazy wild CR was an awesome show I don’t remember that one wild crats it’s not ringing a bell um oh the old wait it was on PBS Kids old TMNT and EG X-Men back in the day dude the original Teenage Mutant

Ninja Turtles was like one of the best shows ever all right I don’t think we’re going to be able to keep the dragon up here cuz these guys are a problem unless we make a mob switch which could be done we can make a mob switch wild cats wild cats sounds

Familiar it was two brothers that went on adventures to save animals when teaching the audience about them that’s actually sounds sounds good sounds pretty interesting I like that anything educational man squeeze the information in your kids brains I love the Animal Planet that was one of my favorites I

Know it’s not a cartoon but it was one of my favorites I think the ice block box was full that’s empty empty what give me that back all right all right I get it we can’t have good things we can’t have nice things oops that’s the wrong one

It was an animated PBS kids had games and went along with the show so you could learn about animals such a good show I don’t want him to die I mean I’m not concerned about him dying like quickly but over time he’ll take a lot

Of damage and die I don’t think that the guys are attacking the dragon directly I think cuz they just stand outside of and shoot because we’re up here so I think they’re just like shooting and hitting him as collateral unfortunately man this is all just a bunch of Junk what is world girl your least favorite show is Caillou yeah I would side with you there too I don’t know if Caillou was my least favorite show but it was one of those shows that came on and I was like AB absolutely not absolutely not like I’m not watching

That I will go do anything I will play outside I will do anything but watch that show you know what I mean I hated Caillou I remember like my mom being like what’s wrong with Caillou I actually kind of like that show why don’t you like it I was like no I hate

It one of those moments ooh all right I’ll tell you what god it feels good to get a little bit organized all right it’s a little bit organized it’s not great it could be much better but it’s better than it was stuff is generally in their own chests

Oops that looks like a bit of a mess but trust me it’s fine it’s organized it makes sense to me these actually can go in here uh nope yep and then some of this can come out too we’ll definitely need some more slate in the very near future cave crystals slate crack

Rocks empty shulker box boom you don’t even what remember what world word girl was about think she was a superhero I don’t know I’ve never heard of that one I don’t think if I did I obviously didn’t care about it cuz I don’t remember it at all

Does not even ring like the slightest bell all right we’re organized we well mostly we got a whole mess downstairs too I don’t know we could do that we could fix the downstairs mess her whole thing is that she taught the audience new Words well good for the audience all right well while we’re in this like cleaning Zone might as well right yikes oh yikes dude that stuff can stay what are you doing he’s like I’m camping your Your Spawn dude I’m going to get you okay so which one has bones in it bones and granite can go away and aite I think can go away and aite granite

Bones and then I think the rest of this actually needs organized a little bit I know this sucks is so boring I know I’m sorry how do you like Whoa I don’t know what that was dude honestly oh we need the read buttons honestly the Tyra cotta can stay the bugets can stay boop boop boop leaves anything to do with leaves you’re coming with me green stuff you’re coming with me and this too Boom boom boom boom we’ll worry about the rest of that later cuz we’ll be pulling a bunch of cave Crystal stuff back out again in the near future but just to keep it a little cleaner around here this is what we’re doing used to like the Japanese cartoon too

Which one was that are you talking about Samurai Jack cuz that was one of my favorites too I might just throw that stuff in there too yeah we’re Totally Running Out of Space man just looking for stuff that I can throw away Man I used to watch that too but not uh oh as in like a a Japanese dubbed cartoon you remember Samurai Pizza Cats I don’t remember that one Samurai Pizza cats I mean I can get an idea of what it’s about I just don’t remember that one all right that’s fair

Enough we got a a better amount of space now oh my goodness Looney Tunes oh yeah dude Looney Tunes were great man what is that not needed I don’t think oops man imagine like one of those like tree things spawn out of that and just destroyed all our chests right there

That would have been so tragic I don’t know why I had to get up this close to the crate I just like invaded that crate’s personal space real bad shers going in there one two three four I think iron no no no yeah that’s fine that that works I

Guess all that stuff can go in there same with the the structural Stones I guess it’s closer to Cobblestone than Stone but it uses both of them to to create whatever it is that it’s making so it’s fine then you and your cousin used to watch cartoons like Bob the Builder a

Cartoon about an octopus with a dog I think what now Bob the Builder was something totally different right it’s about this like construction man that used to build things he used to be like can we build it yes we can Sean the Sheep what’s that about all right that can

Stay and then I think all of these blocks and go back in there oh man doesn’t that feel good as soon as these items despawn that’s going to feel real good that’s our Lost Cities crate in fact we need to move that Sean the Sheep I think that’s fine right There boom how organized is that does not that does not feel better Wallace and Gromit thank you thank you thank you thank you that I was literally trying to think of the name of that show and I just could it wouldn’t come to me and I

Was like I’m going to have to look this up I’m glad you said that Wallace and Grom it was creepy wasn’t it I agree with you what’s going on here man my arm hurts today it it’s all this exercise that I’m getting sitting here in front of my

Computer uh all right what’s next what’s next now that that is Tak Tak care of it’s an interesting little pallet we got going on here The Adventures of grim or Billy and Mandy dude that’s a good one as well I never liked that show though like

I didn’t like it until I got older I think the younger me saw that show and was kind of like uncomfortable I was like H yay yay um but as I got older I did appreciate that show a lot More and what’s that other one Ed Ed NY it’s one of those shows that I didn’t really enjoy until I got older To that sucks Coffee Cat I’m sorry to hear that I hope you feel better nobody likes to be sick it is not fun I recommend lots of vitamin D lots of vitamin C and uh also water lots of water and whenever I get sick that’s

What I do I just pump myself full of vitamins and it tends to do the trick code name Kid Next Door Ed NY yeah what is code name what is that what’s that one I think our playlist might have just ran out being young getting sick was good but

After few you age yeah you got to take care of yourself no kidding man like for real like I mean every now and then it does get serious but like generally when you’re young and you get sick it’s not that big a deal you know you get better

Fairly quickly as you get older man you got to really take care of yourself Animaniacs and Pinky in the brain I don’t remember Animaniacs but I do remember pinky in the brain that’s a good one that was one another one of those shows that I I didn’t really enjoy when

I was younger I thought it was annoying and then as I got older I was like oh it’s not that bad I don’t know Bryson loves pinky in the brain ask him if you guys are in the Discord at Bryson and be like just tell just say the words pinky in the brain

See how he reacts like it if you’re in Discord just type at like the void and then Pinky and the brain following that it’s all you need to say and I guarantee you he’ll go off on some sort of like something I don’t know what it’ll do but it’ll do

Something code name kids next door was a cartoon about oh was it was that the whole name of the show I thought code name was something separate that’s my bad I do remember Kids Next Door yeah yeah my bad dude oh is I might be getting sick one of my

Symptoms was a really sore throat wait sorry I must have misread it how do you know I might be getting sick specifically my arms and more specifically my joints just and FYI throw up and crap that sucks wait so sore joints sorry I did misread that that’s my

Bed I don’t want to get sick I don’t even go outside though how can I get sick I just remember there are Super Mario Bros and Zelda cartoons are there wait wait whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there’s tunes of Super Mario and and Zelda and then Dexter’s Laboratory that

Was a good one I love Dexter’s Laboratory that was one of my Favorites my arms were really sore and spread to everything really that sucks at least you got over it quickly right right oh Camp blow I remember that one what was um what was that other one about the teenagers on the island it was like a a TV show where they had to vote

Each other out and stuff like that if you start to feel really sore for like no reason I suggest you start to pump yourself full of vitamins all right I will I absolutely will it’s not going to take much for me to do that normally

If I get like uh I mean I’ve got bad allergy so like I’m used to having that kind of stuff but like if I notice like if if I feel a little off even for 10 minutes even if I wake up in the morning I’m like all right vitamins time for

Vitamins I don’t mess around I mean I take a good amount of vitamins on a daily basis anyway but when I’m getting sick man I I just freaking start pumping them I hope I’m not getting sick that would suck it is that time of year though oh

My gosh holy crap I’m going to look out the window for a Second it is coming down out there dude we have like it at least half a foot of snow already that’s crazy what was I looking for chisel the stream Stone thank you for the warning coffee cut I appreciate you letting me know that um it like it was an island where

Teenagers used to like it was like a game show where they were all in it for the money right and uh they used to have to like vote each other out and stuff it’s just slush where you’re at oh it’s fluffy like sleding snow right now no snow oh that

Sucks I don’t know when I was younger I loved snow but like now I hate snow unless I don’t have to go out in it like if I have the ghost somewhere and it’s snowing I’m done I hate life yeah I think that might have needed that might have been what that

Needed hold on I’ll look up this show It was called Total Drama Island it was this Total Drama Island I don’t know why that that was one of my my favorites growing up it was also one of those ones that my my mother hated she was like why why do you like the show oh sorry

Mom oh you watched that one yeah yeah yeah it was a good one I mean I felt like as the series went on and on it just got really dry and boring cuz it was basically the same thing over and over again like they would make them do

Like Wicked challenges like eat bugs and and like swim with sharks and blah blah blah um and it it just got really repetitive and there it went on forever there were so many seasons of that show that I I don’t know I I liked it in the

Beginning but started to not enjoy it at the end yeah your mother hated it too yeah all right let’s get chiseled in here we’re going to have to maybe replace the vines maybe maybe maybey baby oh baby What come on now thank you ever watched Clone High no I don’t think I did what’s that about I mean it’s probably about clones right I watched Sky High but that’s not a TV show that’s like a movie I have a feeling that this may be a little bit close to the other

Rooftop like up there it’s going to start to blend a little hard if it was like like entirely separated maybe I wouldn’t feel this way I do know we’re going to have to wait and find out I might hate this clone of politicians and celebrities in a high school that sounds

Awful that sounds like one of the worst shows that’s ever been written excuse me Butowski Kick Butowski um I I remember hearing about that show but I never actually watched it excuse me Kick Butowski I mean it’s obviously a riff on Bukowski right um and I think that my

Mother knew what Bukowski was and was like nope you’re not watching that show one of those things oh yeah Phineas and F is a really good one I don’t know what kid versus cat is I feel like I’ve heard of kid versus cat though I don’t know

Man how did I manage to make these all goofy slabs in separate blocks kickb Kowski well just a kid about skateboarding that’s all oh really dude I loved skateboarding when I was a kid like I was a freaking skateboard and fiend like I remember my one buddy

Dallas his name was Dallas uh when I was a kid he used his dad made like a ramp and stuff in his his garage and we would spend like 10 hours a day just out in the freaking uh garage skateboarding off that ramp all day every day it was so much

Fun he does like dangerous stunts and all that oh that’s not what you want to teach your kids though you guys remember Johnny uh was it Johnny Test I think that was a good one that was that might have been like one of my most watched

Shows I wouldn’t say it was one of my favorites but it was one of my most watched Johnny Test or Ben Ben 10 like I know that there was like newer seasons of Ben 10 that I never really got watched much but I loved the original like oldfashioned Ben 10

Shows bro I am busy working on something can you not tell you know Johnny Test but you mostly enjoy Johnny Bravo yeah Simon I’m I’m not sure how old you are but I believe well you said you’re in college right so I think you’re actually a bit younger than I am um or

Maybe I don’t know how long you’ve been in college for but I don’t know I’m 25 and I feel like Johnny Bravo was like slightly out of my age range like I just didn’t appreciate it when I was young enough when it was on TV H I don’t

Know then again I don’t know how like TV Trends work across the world but I don’t know if like if one show is popular now in like one part of the world if it’s popular on the other side of the world as well I think Trends kind of like flow

Separately so like maybe you guys caught shows at a different time that we did I’m not sure you’re oh yeah okay so you’re only you’re not young well I mean you we’re all young I guess but like um you’re not that much much younger you’re only 3 years younger than

Me old enough to grow up with them cartoons all right I think I’m kind of glad I did that oops that does not make it easier to see yeah man I like the way that turned Out I feel like this needs some dark blue in it though maybe just like a little bit scattered here and There what the nice cookies dude oh the ones that were most popular in the US okay I got you Maybe like a few scattered all around the edges here not much you don’t I don’t want to be like overwhelming it’s supposed to be mostly ice but like just something to kind of help blend it a little who boy hold on a second just something to help kind of

Blend it a little bit cuz it it’s very it’s a drastic change right it’s very light and very dark so like need a little something right over Here need a little something more right over here how’s he spawning there what you spawning on me what you spawning on me he got up here somehow this place is covered in lights how did you get up here like covered in light oh he might have came from Up on the

Roof we’ll have to put some lights up there all right yeah that that doesn’t do a whole lot but it definitely does enough to say like yeah it it’s a part of the other buildings it’s not just like like a Lego set plopped on top of everything

Else it’s it’s a a part of this it belongs here it’s like merged with the the roof of the other building okay get this stuff away I think I would like some of these and this might all be all that we need here you’re 23 dude I sometimes you forget

Man you really do every now then you forget no no I’m not 28 or 29 I’m know you know you’ll be there before you know it right like it’s not going to take long to get to that age um but I I am 25 actually I just turned 25 this year uh

In October or well I guess it was last year I I keep forgetting it’s 2024 now but uh yeah I’d be old I don’t think that’s right I think that’s supposed to be a slab how do I like I can’t break these apart double Slab you know what Brak off dude thank you for frigging off dude put lights there I think that fits someone asks your age you be like oh what is my age yeah you got to think about it sometimes I don’t know like my mom reminded me that I was going to be

25 this year I was like nuh-uh I’m 24 what are you talking about she’s like no you were born this year it’s like oh oops I don’t know how that one slipped my mind but it did I’m busy dude I don’t have time for your shenan is that a full block

His how many of you are there go away see EXO I got to go nowhere man dude Jack thank you for hanging out with me man I’m glad you dropped in I’m glad you’re enjoying the streams and I’m really glad you you said hello today it

Was a good chat with you I uh hopefully we’ll get to see you in the future dude have a good one to you too sir let’s get this turned into lights yeah uhoh your birthday’s in October yeah it is it is oh we got to make a flag today

All right that’s a little bit better it might be overkill on the lights looks good though I think that these should be replaced baby steps dudes baby steps yours October 25th nah-uh mine’s the 24th Cy mate we were almost bloody born on the same day lad but the same day

Mate I don’t know how I got Australian English and Irish all put together there but there you go I do like that a little bit better anything else that needs change what the heck all right cool cool cool cool in fact let’s put a couple in here too you know what I just

Realized this is supposed to be a half slab oh no it’s not it’s one block Over guys it’s enough I know you want to be participating you want to be a part of things too bad too Bad all right well it’s got to be even so that rooftop is covered this rooftop is not we’re going to need more of these things should be like right here I think yeah man all right put that junk Goa up in there up in here up in

No no we’re out of glow stone man dang it I don’t want to do This but we got St sometimes you got to do what what you got to do ouch my face I hear a Wither just blowing stuff up you prick why thanks guys thank you God dang it ouch my face dude is you’re about to say a joke but it

Contains Ragnarok spoilers dude it’s so hard to avoid spoilers on Ragnarok cuz like uh my YouTube shorts feed is like loaded with them and I I every time I see anything to do with Kratos I’m just like nope no nope skip it I no uh-uh

Like I I I can’t I I’m trying so hard to stay away from the spoilers but like it’s such a popular game right now and everybody playing it and I want to play it too but I can’t because it’s not on Steam who would have a company develops

Those games do it put it on Steam what are you waiting for I’ll give you $120 I’ll pay you double I just want to play that God of War Ragnarok man I’m just kidding don’t charge $120 for your game you freaking Savages all right last vein and then we’re out of

Here dude can you not you’re like shoving me off the platform dude cool yo all right I actually need to heal my face up a little bit cuz it is dying Diggity dying yo is that a full block what the heck I think that works uh I think it’s this

One and then this one they’re two away from it yeah I think that’s how that works and I think that needs to be flat man yeah yeah dude I I can’t even like I’m not touching anything that involves Ragnarok I’m not looking at any content

Nothing I I refuse because I I need it to not be spoiled and it’s going to take like six years for it to come out on freaking steam YouTube didn’t even open it because I know it’ll get recommended I mean I don’t mind seeing like a thumbnail of it

Like cuz I don’t have to watch it right but even a thumbnail can spoil it dude like it it really doesn’t take much to spoil the something about the game and you know how people are they like they’re like I’m going to bait really hard with this like main

Character that dies or like something ridiculous like that and you’re like dude dude don’t spoil it all right time out guys I got to use the restroom quick we’re going to heal up our face and then reassess our situation and see what’s next I’ll be right Back holy crap dude it is snowing so hard we’ve got well over 6 inches of snow out there now like I don’t know how long it’s supposed to snow but it is a snoow one that might not be the best move I was going to pull the weather up but

Then it’s going to like put a bunch of sensitive information out there that I may not want to do what’s going on weather snow for the next hour snow tonight again holy buns dude doesn’t say how much we’re supposed to get though o Harry dude Harry you want to see what

We did you want to see what we’ve done you’re going to like this first of all we moved the door all right this is your grand entrance th this is your grand entrance um we’ll work on the kitchen eventually uh but so yeah we adjusted the rooftops there

Okay right put some lights up uh-huh uhuh right yeah get out of the get out of The View right this is where we’re sitting we’re going to do something back here too all right oh looks much better I think so too man thank you we worked hard on it um here check

This out this is uh the cherry on top of everything right we even got the chests organized man even got chests organized thanks buddy this is the the cherry on top right that’s his home dude you can’t really let him live up there cuz those stupid dudes will uh throw bombs out

Automatically and end up hitting them as collateral but uh heck yeah dude that’s his nest when Ragnarok came out uh I got the 2023 that game wait that much year wait that much year I spend on Amazon TV and no YouTube no Instagram even avoid some

Okay sorry that was a tough one to piece together but I know what you meant yes good good call dude I don’t know I I don’t really watch Netflix or or any of that anymore like the most I do is like throw a YouTube video on when I’m eating my meals um and

Even then I usually don’t finish the videos unfortunately I just got a lot going on anymore man I spend more time like uh editing videos and stuff um but it’s good I like it I like doing it like that although I wish I did have a little bit more time for some anime

Um should we put some gold up there you haven’t watched TV or films in like 12 years holy crap Harry you’re not missing much the the good stuff is all coming gone like it we’re no longer in the golden years of like movies and film making you hate ads yeah that too ads

Are ridiculous I mean to be fair that’s how they make their money they don’t really have much of a choice um so I I can’t get mad at like people monetizing and and trying to make money and through ads and media and stuff um but it is

Annoying and all the ads suck if the ads were relevant and they didn’t like completely suck tush I probably wouldn’t mind them as much but I can’t I don’t think I’ve ever once in my entire ire life had an ad that was relevant to me like something that I was like oh that

Actually looks really cool I think I might get that no it’s all trash every single thing and like they say that like but the ads are supposed to be personalized uh based off of the information that we steal from you over the internet I’m like no it’s not it’s

Worthless it’s meaningless like none of it like I don’t know I I don’t think I’ve ever ever gotten a good ad and it’s not even like ad about movies nowadays ads about movies are trash I’m like no dude you want to give me an ad give me

An ad for like a product that I’ll actually buy or like a movie that I’ll actually watch and like they just can’t do it anymore I’m not uh-oh I broke OBS I think we’re good looks good now I don’t know what happened but we disconnected for a second personally I

Think uh after 2018 good games died and after 2019 movies died uh look man I would say a similar thing has happened for music you know um I think music’s kind of died too and it’s not to say that there aren’t good movies there it’s not to say that there’s not

Good music and there’s not good games but they are much less common and they get lost in a sea of trash there’s just an ocean of garbage out there because everybody’s trying to make something everybody wants to be the person that directs a film everybody wants to be the

Person that makes a game or like gets famous off of this or does that and like there’s very few truly talented like artistic individuals that are going to make it like as if it was the Golden Age of of movies and games and stuff but there are good ones out there

Man there’s phenomenal artists out there there’s fantastic directors out there you just they’re hard to find in the UK uh we have the BBC and you have to pay for a TV license if you don’t buy it and you watch TV you can get in trouble they’ve visited my house three times

Because I don’t believe uh they don’t believe that I don’t watch TV are you serious they visited your house three times because they don’t believe that you don’t watch TV and it you’re not on the record for paying that stuff that’s that’s messed up that’s weird

Dude it’s rare to get a good game or movie dude that’s actually quite sad Harry CU you know what that says about everybody else in the world is that everybody’s glued to their televisions non-stop right and if they’re not totally glued to it they still pay for it right

Like I I feel like we all know somebody that has like a family member or a family friend or somebody that um they pay for all the subscriptions they have like the fancy football stuff they’ve got everything but they never watch it like all those subscriptions just are

Like meaningless and go to waste cuz they’re just like ah like I’ve got it just I got it to get it cuz I’m cool like that but they never use it yeah it is rare to find a good movie or TV show man all right let’s let’s do this

Pathway um I’m I’m shenanigan I’m procrastinating holy chickens we don’t need this many eggs I don’t think we need that many eggs oh s dude why’ I do that good enough you don’t let them in your house check either that’s why they keep coming around well okay well I

Mean you’re trolling is what you’re doing cuz like I mean you could easily honestly just like let them in your house be like here look happy now blah blah blah blah blah but like it’s your right to be like no you cannot come in my house um but the fact that they just

Keep coming [Laughter] back that’s Funny I’m surprised that there’s no way for them to know for sure whether or not you’re using in it whether like if you’re not paying for it or not right they win if you let them in I mean do they win though cuz you’re still not paying them like you’re not buying their

Service so like I don’t know I would see that as one of those situations where it’s like they get confirmation that like you’re just not interested in their product and I feel like that hurts more than like assuming that you’re stealing from them right but no I wouldn’t let them in my house

Either they’re not getting past the doorstep buddy course dirt those actually kind of look nice not going to lie it is kind of funny I’m not going to lie dude it’s kind of funny why why why don’t you ever leave me alone now I got to go out of my way to

Beat your cheeks in with this bow and your friends Harry’s like yeah give me my money too [Laughter] I didn’t bring any half slabs man I don’t know why I call them half slabs I know they’re they’re just slabs um but in my mind it’s a half slab it is what it is

Me what oh Mr Bean that’s a good one I like Mr Bean I think I was just using Cobblestone slabs All right that’s all it takes man good enough for the pathway uh now I think we’re we’re looking at some bushes we talked about doing like plant life here some Greenery look at these freaking B berry bushes Dude I kind of like it I kind of want them to spread for every single block he took my flying away dude that’s crazy I didn’t know he could do all that somebody just ring my doorbell or is that the music I think it’s the music you found your new favorite

Builder of Minecraft recently who’s that if you tell me it’s bebs I’m going to like go gooo Gaga cuz I love buubs man he’s easily my favorite Builder all right I need some more leaves I think where I always lose oh they’re right there crowbar 01 he plays

2b2 T which is an anarchy server oh God so like they’re constantly destroying each other’s stuff is what you’re Saying Ah do we have any composters anywhere I’m pretty sure there is a composter in this so how’s he build the like how do you does he ever preserve anything like how does that Work sent you one of the builds all right I’ll check it out oh my gosh dude what is that what is That what the heck is that Dude all right first of all I’ve got critiques it’s two dang square around the base but good God dang that’s amazing it’s too square around the base but it’s phenomenal that is amazing dude there’s a server that looks at the builds so or that you can download so

You see the builds before they get destroyed wow Dude look at that dude like what in the world is that man that’s impressive the glass work is really impressive I mean I I can see why he’d be building like way out in the void so nobody found his stuff right it makes sense I’m getting like inspired

Dude uh the the portals on each end of that bridge is an amazing way to implement something unworldly into the end or just anywhere really like uh cuz it’s a bridge right and he’s out in the void so there’s nothing surrounding it there’s nothing to connect it to it it

Doesn’t really make a ton of sense to have a bridge out there but the portals are like it’s a great way to just like slice it off at the ends and not have to worry about blending terrain not have to worry about all this other stuff going on around it

And it suits the void theme so well that’s a phenomenal building dude that glass work has got me freaking hot and heavy I’m assuming it’s glass the purple and blue around the edges with the portals that’s quite impressive how could you destroy something like that how could you be on a server even

If it’s a server dedicated to like Anarchy and destroying each other’s stuff how could you destroy something like that dude wow yeah man that’s impressive I love the deta I love this this detail down here these little shapes and trinkets they kind of just like make give that flat wall some

Life that’s nice all these little grooves and divots that’s nice the corner of that building up here man I was just like Blended outwards and up to this like lip that’s nice dude oh I’m going to have to get on top of my game dude this

Man I’m going to have to step it up in fact you know what I’m about to delete my world we’re going to have to delete this place this sucks this place ain’t nothing dude good Lord I mean don’t give me I I’m very happy with this build I love the way

This is turning out but that image just blew me out of the freaking water Man I don’t even want to keep building I’m about to go play Ark now I’m like like how do I how do I follow up with that one huh thanks thanks Harry for for hitting me with that he couldn’t have waited till I was playing a different game that actually looks sick right

There that looks phenomenal No it’s okay I knew what you meant the aggression all that the the full caps sent more here you go feel bad about [Laughter] yourself he’s got water and how could you not right water’s a good space taker simple easy takes up a bunch of space suits the environment adds variety color

Life motion looks good opens up like ver like this type of thing where you can create like completely different unique structures because the water’s there it’s a whole different like window of opportunity when you put a river through something what in the even dude what the world is that an that’s a freaking

Beacon dog right there wow uh dude that’s really impressive I saw Scar and green do something very similar to that on their hermitcraft server they made like a like a villager breeder trading center Down Below on a boat and then above that was like this hurricane storm cloud thing that they made like

A what is it called uh a Pillager farm so it drops pillagers down and just drops emeralds down to the center of it and it’s all made out of glass that’s quite impressive that is quite impressive now like did they use mods for this kind of stuff right like do

They use building mods where they build it in creative and then they’re like all right well you’ve got this like digital pallet in front of you that tells you where to place each block and then they just collect a whole bunch of blocks and throw it down cuz it looks like that’s what

Happened here there’s no chance like not no chance but it it’s probably a lot more unlikely that that was developed in survival from the very beginning even if the idea was born from a creative world and then it was developed in survival naturally he doesn’t but they use hacked clients to

Dup items oh that’s cheating though that shape dude that’s nice I I like whatever’s going on in this core here that’s that’s nice it’s like the terrain was just like fused man that’s that’s nice that’s inspiring man these shapes and colors and the glass work it’s Anarchy so anything goes okay

I fair enough I see what you’re saying anything goes even cheating turn your render distance up Harry I’m just kidding all right we’re starting over yeah man that’s some some crazy building is what that is that’s very good I wish the tree branch has had more

Color right now but it’s the dead of winter so it’s going to look Brown and gross it’s the server it can’t load at all oh I see what you’re saying I was just kidding dog oh stop dude oh my gosh hold on I’ll show you guys what that is in a

Second let me get this Strang Like what is that dude what that puts me to shame man it’s very empty though I don’t know if I like that one quite as much as I like the other ones but it is still it is still phenomenal that shape is gorgeous if if I would to like well I

Don’t want to critique it cuz it is quite gorgeous just the way it is and I’m not saying I could do any better but it would be really cool if that shape was a little bit more round and like came up like in a a more of an arching

Shape um rather than just like straight lines out that’s the mother of all keeps I’m not quite as impressed with this one but it is still phenomenal I feel like this one’s not quite as creative as the others but it’s still very impressive it wasn’t finished before it got destroyed

Oh dude see that’s what I’m talking about I I couldn’t live with myself I I couldn’t play on an anarchy server I mean I could but I wouldn’t even like dare to attempt stuff like that you know what I mean you know Anarchy servers I don’t think are necessarily made for that but

It is incredibly impressive that they even try to to develop things such such as that it is Bonkers de I don’t even think that needs put up in back there the first one is called the interdimensional bridge they have names for the builds I don’t name my builds I need to name my

[Laughter] build the 2b2 T you wouldn’t even Escape spawn that’s miserable dude why I don’t understand why anybody would want to play like that I don’t know I just don’t find that quite enjoyable there’s an obsidian roof spawning 10,000 blocks in each Direction spanning 10,000 blocks in each Direction

Why so oh so mobs spawn constantly is what you’re saying so like it’s just like a mob spawner like Haven that doesn’t sound fun I mean it’s funny is what it is but I just can’t see that being enjoyable I don’t know withers’s everywhere oh my gosh what a joke

Dude that that honestly does sound miserable oh I need these oops uh R there you go I’ll send a video to watch of crazy exploit some people have done and honestly it’s crazy the exploits are cool Harry do you know who doc M60 doc M what’s sorry hold on I want to

Get his name right because I don’t want to goof that up doc doc M77 docm77 um it’s not like I need to blow him up on my channel he’s much much more popular than my channel is but he’s a phenomenal Builder and like he also does like some of the most

Extravagant Redstone you’ve ever seen right like and he loves exploits he loves to manipulate the system of the game and like figure out exploits it it’s quite incredible what they come up with like he’s got what do you calls a hive mod hive mind doam isn’t even on

The same level as these kids oh don’t say that dude I love doc he’s a good dude um what else do we need oh oh oh oh um composters H tight 2b2 T the oldest Anarchy server in Minecraft has just spent the past 4 weeks in complete turmoil an Infamous group of hackers has been using an exploit against the entire server for the past 3 years in secret and it’s finally been revealed to the public as someone who has covered Minecraft

Exploits for years I can safely say this is the most powerful and destructive one I have ever seene the ultimate coordinate exploit capable of tracking the realtime movements of over 300,000 players across all three of Minecraft’s Dimensions 15,000 bases were found using this exploit there was nowhere to run or hide

It was used to grief countless builds and steal over 200 million Minecraft items from stashes the group responsible was thought to have quit the server years ago but they’ve been pulling the strings from behind the scenes the entire time what’s remarkable is that this exploit shows how fundamentally

Flawed Minecraft as a game actually is one person even tried to warn the community that this was happening but they were written off as crazy and no one listened prepare yourselves for today we’ll be discussing Noom the most powerful exploit in Minecraft history explaining who discovered it how it was

POS operated attempted to take over the server through the use of hacking and social 18 the exploit did was click on blocks everywhere across the map even if they were out of render distance this forced the server to use an incredible amount of resources attempting to load

Chunks that had never been visited by players thousands upon thousands of chunks were loaded in a matter of seconds causing incredible amounts of lag and eventually the server would crash instead of abusing this new exploit right away oxen Bubba J started theorizing how it could be used to their

Advantage there was a way that they could turn this crash exploit into a coordinate exploit but they needed the proper conditions first you see the majority of multiplayer servers in the Java edition of Minecraft runs something called paper MC which fixes bugs and makes the game more stable occasionally

Though a bug fix can lead to a vulnerability that can be exploited to someone’s Advantage anytime there was a server breaking exploit fix and so was loaded by a player they now had the proper conditions for their coordinate exploit and the following day July 13th they had their first working version but

It was very primitive they would keep an AFK account in the Overworld and it would attempt to click blocks in all chunks leading away from spawn in a spiral pattern if a chunk responded it would send the coordinates privately in chat any chunks that gave a response

Were then charted on a graph Bubba Jay would begin using the exploit to find and destroy item stashes which started a panic in the community wanting to keep the exploit as low profile as possible fricken suggested a name for it Noom short for no comment this way if the

Exploit name was somehow leaked it wouldn’t raise any red flags as a member of nerds Incorporated fricken told the others in the group about the X way to differentiate between a was making far a player had gone in a specific session of Minecraft by this point AFK accounts

Were being used in all three dimensions so all player movements were being tracked lerve shared separate database out the truth anytime there was evidence of a they were used as aity about the true nature of the exploit what’s longer an option anyone able to use the Noom exploit had a major

Advantage over everyone else herb would attempt to bring these findings the exploit but far more primitive at first they used it to observe the highways but after some optimizations they were able to find base and stash coordinates just like the Nerds could but when it came to tracking players realtime movements they

Could only follow one person at a time instead of the hundreds that the Nerds could now with the ability to only follow one person at a time I want you to take a guess as to who they decided to track to absolutely no one’s surprise it was me in May of 2021

I was base hunting on my Sunday morning live streams I’d been using an I knew the exploit in the title of this video to open up a vulnerability the moral of today’s story no comment the question now is what happens next that was a long video so if you

Enjoyed you skipped the best bit where was it where where’s the best bit at is driven by real players with real motives for a group of notorious hackers to stively gave the Nerds a form of spectator mode and allowed them to see what was happening in any loaded chunks

On the server here you can see an after the fact visualization made from years old data collected on the average base this one is named electric Baloo you can see how it starts from nothing just a few random checks per chunk then it grabs and explores a that are likely to

Be part of the build it even goes back and rechecks sections periodically to see if any changes have been made with all of these adaptive programming changes lerve would combine them with the nerd’s original exploit what happened next was nothing short of incredible the no exploit was now the

Most powerful in Minecraft history they were visually tracking every single player movement on the entire server in real time at 1 second intervals every chunk Trail base location and player logout spot was now compromised heat Maps allowed them to see where the most player activity was happening at all

Times they would acquire so much data using this exploit that everything I’ve mentioned so far is just the tip of the iceberg it was the ultimate power and the Nerds had to show an incredible amount of restraint in using it because it was possible due to a paper vulnerability this meant that the

Exploit could work on other servers as well there was truly nowhere to hide the exploit had to be kept a secret and to do that the group would have to feed the community false information for years to keep them from finding out the truth truth anytime there was evidence of a

Coordinate exploit being used on the server the Nerds would brush it off as paranoia or make up a different exploit with enough believability that people would buy it what they were effectively doing was gaslighting in the English language one way to describe gaslighting is convincing a person all right I’ve seen enough that’s

Outrageous um I can’t say that’s the type of exploit that I have any interest in in in seeing like I don’t know I as in as incredible as that really is like it it is truly like a feat of Technology right like there’s so much that goes into that

Um and I can’t even begin to understand it but um I don’t know I like okay br it is very interesting it it truly is incredibly interesting um I think like the exploits that I would find more interesting are things like like when doam started uh like not necessarily duplicating blocks but essentially

Teleporting blocks from his inventory to a storage unit all the way across the the server that’s fascinating like that is something that I find really interesting um I don’t know that video that you sent me is incredible but it kind of upsets me like somebody that that has the capability and found

Something as phenomenal as that just straight up abused it that like they they did it to hurt people is what they did and like I guess that’s why I don’t like the idea of an anarchy server because the whole purpose of it is to hurt people and I’m just like no not

Interested I don’t want any part in that I don’t know it is a incredibly interesting though I’ll tell you what s dude it’s not on the same level you don’t like the idea of the server but it’s uh like watching history as it’s so old yeah yeah that’s a good

Point it it felt like a bit of a um a documentary like a historical documentary if you don’t want that you shouldn’t join that server yeah exactly that’s the point yeah that’s you you make a valid argument I I trust me I don’t intend on joining that

Server um but it is crazy though the capabilities man that kind of like goes way over my head man I can’t even begin to understand some of that stuff it doesn’t just kind of go way over my head it it goes way over my freaking head man I don’t get it for Man he got a bad aim dude you don’t miss like six in a row basically they use Bots to click chunks where players were loaded and then the in in collected wait were loaded in and collected the placed blocks in the chunks to build a one by one Recreation

Of the build on a separate Server dude I’m at a lock of words for that I don’t even know how I don’t know how to express that and how that makes me feel it is phenomenally incredible it is it’s beyond imagination right but uh the fact that they used it for malicious intentions makes me kind of

Sick wait to see if it was a big base or just a dirt Hut Yeah Chaos that yeah it is straight chaos dog all of it there’s probably not a moment without it speaking of chaos dude these guys are getting old I’ve been thinking about making a mob switch it’s been wait it’s had the same map for 13 years wo Long time that there is a long time son All right so we’ve planted growing up the side of the building no in comparison to what we just watched well I made some [Laughter] bushes I like leaves man leaves are nice leaves make me feel good I want to put something here right there I don’t know if that’s overkilling the leaves though I guess we’ll know when it changes color that’s not really going to work is it I’m a rock dude you cannot pick I am a

Rock rock you cannot pick up the rock rock all right I think I’m cool with how that turned out I don’t really care for a bush in these little areas cuz they’re a little bit too small to be putting the leaves in there and it’s nice to have some free areas all right

Terraforming right here we’re getting it all done today how long we’ve been going almost 4 hours holy buns dude today has flown by today went by quickly super duper quick I’m going to try my best to stay organized here as we continue forward cuz it’s just been a hot mess for a a

While now all right what’s the plan here with the terraforming I think we need Stone Cobblestone and a sight slabs stairs Grass we need to work on the interior at some point as well cuz now that we have swap moved things around on the outside we could definitely do with shifting some things and maybe a little bit more help over here and stuff like that um what was I going to do

Stone whoops I don’t want to lose that slabs yikes we’re running out of stone and sight Ander sight polished how do you get polished is that easy huh okay this will be easy right this will not take long right I would like to play a little bit of Arc

Today ideally I would like to play some Ark I know Zach’s not going to get on cuz he’s working but we could do it we could get on and work work on portions of the base how’s that not working there you Go I don’t think this takes too much right it doesn’t need to be too crazy just a gradual slope here that just kind of comes right out of this wall that’s already in place I hit it with like mostly Stone right now and then come back to it with some

Texture as we be doing that dude Honestly that’s not even a bad shape already slap a couple more in oops hold on that don’t not look right dude I definitely did not bring any uh like Mossy stuff with us that’s okay I don’t think we really need It oh yeah we’ll we’ll need it now what the heck thanks Dude man we are jamming Today Okay I think I’m kind of cool with the bottom half of this already we could definitely stick a couple of Mossy blocks in there but as for what we’re working with that’s not too bad the top Still looks okay sure it’s a little odd cuz it is the winter time so like our terrain is a little goofy looking at the moment But we’re all suppos also supposed to have a waterfall that comes down right in here and I’m thinking it would be kind of nice right we talked about putting this bridge in here that comes out of this portion of the building and kind of kind of wraps around and connects right

About here and enters in the base or the the tower right what if cuz that this is awfully close to right about there right so like instead of the waterfall coming from the ground itself what if we had something going on up here that the water came down from and followed that path

Straight down you might be overkilling the bushes I think it’s Overkill in the bushes it might look really good in the summertime though when everything actually changes color doesn’t look so Brown well we’ll sleep on that One I don’t know man I feel like as far as progress goes today this has been fantastic and I’d be comfortable calling it a day on Minecraft for now I don’t want to burn myself out again I don’t want to like push myself a little too far I’d rather be like ahead

Of the game call it a day early and be like yes we feel good about it and then come back even fresher the next day right so we can make even more progress I don’t want to have to like cuz before I was feeling burnt out right

I took like two or 3 days away from rlcraft and I don’t really want that to happen again um at least not until we we blow this bad boy out of the water and we finish this world I’m cool with that that’s a good spot for the dragon man it’s a shame we can’t leave him up there if we made a mob switch we could I was thinking about that a mob switch just for this area why do we have strength strength might have came from the

Dragon I think yeah though dude all right so we do need to work on the interior of this at some point in the near future so if if we’re talking right now there’s no way into it it’s I guess it’s not dark on the inside but like talking about making the entrance right

Here right what if we just did this poke a little baby hole in It this is what we’re working with it’s not a ton of space we don’t need a ton of space for what we’re going to do um we will need to flatten the walls up I don’t know how though I don’t know how we’re going to decorate the walls

The walls could use some help it’s pretty ugly in Here but I think that’s going to be a next time thing I think we’ll probably cuz I don’t know it’s not hitting me right off rib so and we should have an entrance right about here right right so we’re looking at an entrance down there at the bottom and an

Entrance right about there is somewhere is we’ll figure that out later once we build the bridge but um we’re going to flatten the walls out make it look a little bit nicer in here and more appealing and Harry this is your favorite part hold on hold on to

Your butt sir um we need to start collecting trumpet skeletons and we need lots of them we need like I’m thinking like 30 or 50 trumpet skeletons I don’t know how that’s going to happen and most of all we need a blight trumpet skeleton and that is what this Tower is

For it just feels so ridiculous saying that yeah yeah I know I knew you’d love that area I mean that time yeah I knew that one would get you all round up boulder dash rock and roll in your grave how about we just get out of here

So they don’t destroy our nice new home hold on we’ll run this out we’ll clean up our inventory and I think I’d like to play a little bit of Ark yeah so oh trumpet skeleton Timmy so yeah that’s the goal for that that Tower right we’re going to put

Uh a bunch of trumpet skeletons in there and kind of like hug them around the edge and put them in little glass enclosures and uh make like a an orchestra basically I want them to be varied in height so like they’ll scale up the wall as they go and make this

Diagonal line and they’ll stand on these little pedestals and they’ll have their little toot toot horns and uh that’ll be dedicated to the um poppy jariah that tragically died don’t worry we never have to go inside the building except for one time just to make Jah Happy I think andesite goes there right easy easy money we’re organized just like that we don’t have a single CH this is the only chest on the ground that’s unorganized and it is technically organized cuz that’s a future project pallet right there feels good man feels really good

Um I don’t know I I don’t know I would like to maybe hop off of this game and we’ll play a little bit of Arc but I don’t plan on streaming for like six hours today like we’ve been doing um we’ll play a couple hours of Arc I’d

Like to start a uh a juicy large organized clean open base um on the same island island that we’re on so that we can start moving stuff in and and have like a not like a final final base I don’t know how it’s going to go we it

It’ll likely be the final base we’ll see um it’s not going to be made out of metal I think I want to include some metal in the build but uh I don’t I don’t know if I want the entire thing to be made of metal that’s more of like a

PVP thing I want it to look nice that’s what we’re concerned about let’s get up out of This oh sorry my nose got me today maybe coffee cat’s right I might be getting sick uno momento B Yeah man I don’t know uh I have an idea of what I want to do for this base one Arc but I’m not positive yet I think we we kind of just let it flow let it roll come to us over time um but I I do have

Like a foundation like a starting point as to what I’d like to work with here I guess we got to get rid of our music here it doesn’t quite suit Arc what who not two of them calm down excuse me I think what get that crap out of

Here I’d like to reset the server quick whoa what be going on where it at though and maybe throw utilities Plus in there as well all right hold the phone here I can’t I can’t put this one up on screen cuz uh it’s got some sensitive information Config files General curse Forge mods I do want to see what utilities plus is about utilities IL if I could spell utilities pluss oh it just Auto puts it in there huh reusable tools made simple weapons rebalancing crossplay blah blah blah I wish it would give me a description of

It or like a better understanding I guess we’re just going to try it why not if it sucks we’ll get rid of it all right and I am going to restart the server use the restroom and then uh we’ll get in this I’ll be right back E Cool deal server looks cool server looks cool uh what the BAM subscribe everybody right now should be utilities Plus in there should be utilities Plus in there dude Harry I convinced Zach to uh to let me put all the dinosaurs in cryo balls last time it was worth it

All right oh I got to switch the display oh I Disappeared hang on that might be the first time I’ve ever remembered to actually fix the display before I changed games Mhm man pean peut butter protein shakes are like God’s gift to the to Earth they are the best there’s no in between and if you’re allergic to peanuts um I’m sorry you must die they’re so much better in cryopods dude we didn’t put everything away

There’s a few that we left out should we mess with Zach cuz not playing today he he ain’t getting on it’s just us should we mess with him you know what we could do we could take his bed out from underneath of them drag him outside and then pick him up with our

Bird and take him like oh he’s naked he’d die in okay he he would die in most places we could pick him up with our bird you know what we could do we could oh I’m wearing my flippers I forgot I wore my flippers to bed we could send them out into the

Middle of the ocean on a raft that would be so funny he might end up dying I don’t want him to die CU I know he’s got gear on him and I don’t believe I can access his inventory watch him like log in cuz he’s watching the

Stream oh we we could take his stuff off of him what’s all this trash dude how’s he live like that how’s he how what is this what what how does he live with all this junk in his inventory look look spoiled me I do have two fence foundations for some

Reason but the rest of it like Necessities I’m going to put the anku saddle on I’m going to put the RG saddle on my scuba gear the man’s got prap Taps on them rebuild the base on a mountain and drop them though like re rebuild the BL the base

Like block for block and then just like freaking drop them into it like on the complete oh my gosh cuz we’re on herbivore Island right dude fill them up with chunk so we can’t move yeah cuz we’re on herbivore Island what if if we recreated the BL the base

Block for Block on Carno Island and then put them in it and dude he would crap his pants and you handcuff them and put him in a [Laughter] cage we could do that should we do that I feel like he would be upset with me let’s not go too far if we’re going

To prank him we got to P prank him within reason something that we would not want or we’re not going to do something to him that we wouldn’t want done to ourselves right you know what we should do we put them in it would be hilarious that would be absolutely

Hilarious we should put him in a cage and suspend him in the air with the cage I don’t know how the cages work if you can actually suspend them from something but like if we did like two pillars to go up and a beam across and

Then a chain holding the cage so he’s hanging above the ground and just like start breeding um dodo birds yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah tame loads of dodo birds and then like surround it in like 150 dodo birds just like the cage just surrounded on the ground so that they’re

All like looking at [Laughter] him oh my gosh that would be so funny but we wouldn’t get anything done today or endless narcotic trip it’s not PVP though I don’t know if I can do that to him with the trip wires how did Sparrow get over here man

You’re supposed to be up on the roof that would be so funny dude could put him on the roof we could make a trap on the roof it wouldn’t be tough nah we shouldn’t mess with them that would be so fun though got this let’s think about this base here

Is it just me or did we not get any we not getting hide we’re not getting any hide holy spoiled meat I hope that’s not something to do with collect loads of dung and drop it on them yeah but it expires that’s the problem he’s not going to be on for a

Couple of days in the cage actually we don’t need to do that oops sure good enough dude the meat spoils like fiercely on this server you can paint him oh no way what was that what was that bro the biotoxin is not even going away interesting what if we like painted him

Like bright yellow does this go in here no let’s put the Saddles away we’ll worry about the Saddles later we got a Mastercraft Carno saddle Holy balls that’s good loot dude don’t with the Cur saddle wow we have so much hide nope trophies is there something we I can’t remember where we put

Recipes I don’t remember where we put recipes man somebody’s like stuck in this wall here yeah he is that’s going to be a pain in the butt to deal with where the freaking heck to we put recipes at recipes oh what a g dude he made his own

Chest I don’t know how that got in there okay let’s do something let’s put our uh Scoopa gear away cuz I don’t think we need that right now whoa buddy can I transfer that oh dude I didn’t know you could filter it and use the transfer all button then that’s amazing

Okay where’s my food at man oh it must have all spoiled that do be happening all right we could do with some narcotic berries to try to maybe use I don’t know it we need literally like millions of narcoberries to use all that rotten flesh I just don’t think that we need

It we already have like half a crate full of Narcotics okay let’s get loads and loads and loads of stone platforms and to do that do we have any in here not looking like it I don’t think I don’t really care to craft it all inside of here just because you

Don’t get the XP when you craft it in there but I don’t think it’s really that big of a deal the XP oh we’re almost out of stone I we have a whole bunch in here but I think we’re going to probably have to go get some more my nose is so itchy

Stone foundations one hundo could we yeah all right and while that’s cooking cuz that’s going to take a freaking minute dude why is gask Khan stuck oh he’s I thought he was stuck inside the inside the building for some reason where is Pebbles how you doing holy spoiled meat holy

Crap that’s not going to have anything in it huh not seed it either well for this to do anything and go anywhere it needs to be seated let’s just start over with the seeds is that still seed yeah it’s a mild Ling mild Ling not seated long grass seed seed can

We put a citronal citronal seed already seated already seated already SE what is that savvo rout I guess I could pull that up and out of there it’s a little counterproductive but in sake of like or in the sake of for the sake in the s for the sake of

Organizing let’s do one of these do you have anything in you you do we’re going to need some stem berries too if we’re going to get some fertilizer where’s your poop at dude I can’t reach your poop won’t let me pick it all up for some reason I’m trying to use f all

Right so this should be Rock carrots oh I think we just lost that one seed that was quick it’s fine I don’t know I mean as much as we need to grow that stuff how much of this do we have we only have seven carrots I think we used

Carrots Zach robbed them man he used them to tame something which is fine all right let’s go do some freaking farming 158 wow what a Savage dude man I know that the uh the Bronto is supposed to be much more efficient when it comes to farming berries but I don’t

Know maybe our Bronto is just too low level but I feel like he sucks I’m assuming if you like just straight up leveled his melee damage he would do a lot better boop boop boop boop boop boop boop guess I I should transfer these over yeah this guy’s cranking on melee

He’s at like 420 almost it’s pretty good give me the bush thank you man this is the kind of weather you want to be farming in right oh we should have came here immediately holy berries There’s not going to be how any wood left on the island to farm oh come on holy insta kill dude poor guy he didn’t stand a chance I don’t think we need the majo berries how am I overloaded there’s no freaking way they’re berries I guess I

Am how much does a stack of berries weigh 28 30 30 lb for a stack of berries holy crap what I’m not overweight bu dude I don’t believe it let’s get some lights cranking in here what are we doing with our lives man boom boom boom where are we out here

I think it’s in this box yeah oh my gosh we oh I was going to say good Lord what happened to all our Gasolina you’re very loud it does feel so much better when it’s lit up in here cementing paste narcotics egg I don’t think I need to carry any on

Me but why not right nope okay we got seeds now and we have some stimberries as well okay for some reason his poop has falling to the floor the turd burglar what kind of Saddle do we need for this bad mama what is he a fiomia easy dude easy

Money let’s just so we can move them around a little bit more reasonably actually what was it wood fiber and that bomia oh hide not thatch okay I do want him like in here but that’s a little bit better a that’s not where I want to be that’s better do you

Poop oops oh s dude what the heck is going on I just got off the the dude right it’s obviously the roof right I need him cranked like right here good Lord that was obnoxious we’re good we survived his poop is still falling through the floor

Though and I can’t pick it all up what the heck man it’s probably got something to do with this ceiling what a pain in the tush come on Ark get it together man cool please don’t break everything come on oh for God’s sakes oh thank you God we’re fine it’s still falling

Through the ceiling dude I don’t know I’m not sure what the deal is with him it’s not a big deal we’ll just run downstairs and pick it up it’d be nice if we could like automate the uh the fertilizer Creator thingy or like if there were hoppers in the

Game so we could pick up the poop automatically over time oh I guess he can’t keep pooping if his food is empty but he will keep eating holy turd dude you can’t pick up all nearby I don’t know why it’s got something to do with being stuck in the

Ceiling I guess we could just move him and put him somewhere else but it was kind of nice I maybe it’s got something to do with his foot falling through the ceiling like that I don’t know we’ll worry about it later not fertilized holy fertilizer man you

Got to poop some more man let’s go come on get that pooping to to D doop that poop dude I wish there was a better way to get fertilized like oh you know what you can make right I think there’s like this thing called ref fertilizer spread these seeds of

Concentrated nutrients around what was once harvested May yet regrow even nearby a structure or even yeah even nearby a structure what so you don’t put that in it’s kind of expensive I guess we got to get making some fertilizer oh the dong Beetle yeah all right dong Beetle dong Beetle dong

Beetle if you say his name three times he will Boop oh give me this please oh you know what we’ll worry about it later everything’s fertilized for now Caleb what’s up buddy know it grows back grows back berry bushes and such oh well what the freaking heck’s the

Point dude what’s this savvo rout so this needs to be savvo rout and this needs to be saav rout and this needs to be carrots I I don’t understand what the like is Carrot is the term carrot like copyri is it copywritten are we not allowed to say the word carrot carrot Citrus

Citrus Citrus or as Zach says it citronal long grass long grass long grass cool we’re good enough good enough this can go wake up good job booster I love him dude he’s one of my favorites in the game I think you need to make some charcoal you need some rotten

Food I guess I’ll save these seeds for now even though they’ll probably expire no big deal that too are you guys not in the booster range rank up babies please oh maybe they have to be like in the range initially you’re cooking me some stuff right H holy mama Zach doesn’t like my

Trick I like my trick he thinks this is cheating he’s like I don’t mind walking around I’m like you’re a fool dude I a walking around six times okay I don’t know why the you know I bet you cuz Arc updated I think the F button the pickup all is like

Broken uh um that can go away you got my platforms right ooh we are almost overweight that’s close all right so the plan here I guess we could remove a few of these other ones but the plan here is just to like make a very large Foundation

Like actually popcorning mats uh is the only way you can build like endgame saddles in poo because it costs too much yeah that dud I was trying to tell him that I guess like once he experiences it for himself he’ll be like oh I get it

Now but uh we haven’t quite gotten there There Yet the weight of 8,000 metal is atrocious yeah I mean that’s I don’t know how much I just moved but it wasn’t even close to 8,000 you know what I want to start a little further back I think or do

I is that too close to the beach and that’s centered on like that’s got a two block Center on Minecraft head it’s they’re blocks not foundations he’s a lifter they’re walking around over encumbered already yeah fair enough what how did you do that I didn’t know that was possible

Holy platforms dude I may have uh underestimated how much we’re going to need I don’t know what I’m anticipating here either I’m thinking like H are there like hold on a second now what if we go foundations there are triangular foundations I think I would like to back this up one

More though which is kind of unfortunate you guys are just going to be all up in the way huh I’m just going to start like freaking murdering dinosaurs all of them I don’t think this is meant to be a square either okay the way I wanted to do this was

Like lay out the interior of the building first and then build the walls up around it which is like the total opposite that I normally build things with in in games like Minecraft because some of this stuff is just so large like I want the building to have the

Capability of keeping this bad boy in it right I wish there was like a pick up all button that would be dangerous though Zach would be picking up the whole house by accident every time I could see it right now you’d be like uh uh fever we got a

Situation be like you picked up the house again didn’t you that would be so funny what the heck is going on here that’s better I want it facing this way though yeah that that’s not right what diagonal fool okay can you not go diagonally that’s perfect just like that and then like back

Here like the could this be a triangular Foundation right I definitely don’t have enough materials on me don’t even tell me what is that what is that what what what is that dude why why would I want a freaking isometric triangle as no dude I want

Half I what you doing what is that what no dude when you when I ask for a triangle I want half half of that thing that I just had what is this dude what a what what is that dude that is so dumb so like if I want this to actually

Work as a triangle I have to build like a separate platform it’s to build circular buildings yeah but like where’s my other triangle where’s my like my 50/50 triangle I mean it makes sense like cool circular buildings I get it but like what in the freaking heck is that

Dude you’re telling me that you you’re going to give me a triangle that looks like this but you’re not going to give me the other triangle cuz then my like cuz you can put walls up there dude we even have mods for building applied to the server right now

We have the ASR thing um there isn’t a half triangle cannot yeah but then you’re going to have corners sticking out like it’ll be like there’s going to be like two corners sticking out and go into the other Foundation oh you can’t though you can’t disable snapping on this thing

Well okay so you can put a wall up here watch ready I’ll show you oops right okay what is that what secret doorway what is a secret doorway okay when it snaps like that I assume discoveries are being made dude what okay that’s not what I thought it

Was I thought that was a like an angled wall um wow that’s actually awesome I could blow Zach’s mind with that dude okay I need thatch to build more all right let’s just roll with a square dude God dang it actually I have an idea that that might work Simon not opening but

Sliding O wow I have an idea that that might make this work um we’ll have to deal with this for now to drop stuff in from the outside extra face when he opened the door I know I know that just kind of blew me out of the water for a minute I

Didn’t know what was going on at first all right I’m thinking thinking something funky I need way more blocks I need stuff okay I need oh not that chest quartering we’ll worry about quartering later oh they might only stack to 16 no stone oh there one’s ASR one’s not my bad

Right got to go uh for an hour and a half an hour be back if you’re still on though yeah we’ll probably be here about an hour from now good luck Mr Harry sir I hope whatever it is that you got going on it goes well you better have a good

Time take it easy brother we’re going to need so many stone walls might as well make everything out of ASR too cuz some of the things are just not like compatible with one another they kind of like goof and don’t work the way you hope they would okay that’s how that

Goes You Done Yet nice poop buddy oh we could use giant walls instead of just regular walls and not the only place I want these walls to be massive though is like right here I I want the building to have all sorts of like odd irregular shapes to

It but because this object is so large um this is kind of how this has to go at this moment at least in this corner all right I want a bunch of glass windows as well Simon do you ever play Arc have you ever like experienced the life of an arc liver I

Don’t know we’re going to need glass right so we need loads more of that freaking screw that triangle Foundation dude that thing sucks we probably used all the stone too I’m dying of hunger all right I’ll have to go get some more Stone um actually we

Don’t no we do not have anything like that Stone Glass Walls verticali yeah it’s going to take a ton of stone so let’s put all that up for now grab our doers doors I’m cold I know just the solution baby Snoop boom yeah man pokeballs actually make

This game good like I couldn’t imagine if we did not have pokeballs uh you would you probably wouldn’t bother taming 85% of the stuff in the game you’d have no interest in it you’d be like all right I need a Stone Collector a wood collector and something to kill stuff

With right or maybe like a dude that carries heavy stuff too um oh you played arc when you were younger cool dude but yeah I just the Poke without pokeballs the game is just bad like is well not early game I don’t want to say the whole game is bad because there’s

Aspects of it that are still phenomenal without the pokeballs but the pokeballs um make late game tolerable right cuz once you get to the point where you’ve got a whole bunch of tames and like you want to go somewhere you need them you absolutely need them um or else you you

Kind of screw yourself in a way but like one other thing is that like the one update that they introduced recently that puts a limit on the range of the Pokeballs and you have to have a cryo fridge active nearby what a horrible horrible update I

Just why dude like why do it like that they ruined the game is what they did and I know that they did it in the attempt of like making the game feel a little bit more legitimate or like maybe they did it to put longevity into the game maybe

They didn’t want people like throwing pokeballs down everywhere because it speeds up the proc process of all that stuff whatever their reasoning man it was freaking wrong like they ruined it cuz if you try playing without a mod like you literally you can’t do anything anywhere you have to set up a cryo

Fridge um at every location that you need to farm stuff at or you don’t use pokeballs that’s it that’s the end of the story are you serious dude why do they do that you you’ve got a whole island you got to be up on top of me when I’m farming Stone

Dude maybe somebody exploit it yeah well it was probably easily exploitable brri off it’s for PVP servers see that makes sense we’re going to be here for a minute might as well get comfortable what are you why did all of a sudden another one just show up out of nowhere

You guys are Pricks man this is why we’re fixing the base cuz of this right here this is every five minutes that you’re trying to farm like if you want to go collect wood if you want berries if you want Stone if you want anything anywhere on this

Island this is what you deal with constantly and then they’re all up inside the base they’re constantly in your walls we might actually die nah we just don’t do any damage unfortunately dude I hate these guys like you can shut off all the Nerf in your server settings on every server

But on PVP it won’t let you do that nice real nice what if you want to develop a PVP server and everybody that plays on that server care like wants that what if everybody agrees yes let’s let’s play like this like freaking screw you Ark man that’s stupid it’s actually freaking

Dumb what are you doing what are you swinging for what are you doing God dang why did I do this why why did I do this there’s got to be a better way okay it’s actually almost empty it’s not that bad it’s not that bad I was crying for no reason

Play in PvP sorry hold on play server is PVP for murdering babies to power level and it will not let me what oh murdering like baby people is what you’re saying what are you doing get out of here you’re not welcome here it’s you know what I think we have enough

Stone they just immediately run like look at that why are you why why are they choosing like the platform that we’re building to go there they have a whole island and they like insist on being on top of everything I build they could go anywhere you could be anywhere

Drives me nuts dude I just like I just want to build in peace I want everything to be Dino free now dino babies that I breed that are unwanted oh I see what you’re saying Oh and it won’t let you kill the babies yeah you’re mutation breeding wait so so what do you

Do all right hold on I’m about to organize inventory a little bit better this is bad this is going to be much easier in just a second yes transfer all what the freaking heck did you think I wanted to do yeah transfer all what you think silly game dude all you got to

Work on some things man I’m sure there’s a setting in there to like allow you to skip that scene that like are you sure you want a transf for at all are you absolutely positive I don’t know if you’re sure but I need to make sure that you’re

Sure oh you just don’t claim them and murder him with a theory I guess that’s a way to do it huh oh and you do get mad XP oh it’s so much easier traveling in the water man look at that fast we’re fast now son this is where we get clapped cuz these

Guys have to be all up on us I guess we’re all up on them right now though and you can’t Purge The Islander like if I ran around with my Barry and started trying to kill everything it would have all immediately just spawn back I shouldn’t even be here cuz

They’re going to kill us the higher the level the creature you kill the better XP you get oh so if you’re killing 450s you’re getting mad XP interesting that’s actually freaking awesome this is the place to farm man then a a big ass shark runs up on us punches Us in the face

The way Arc is coded a kill for a 225 baby Carno is the same XP for an adult it doesn’t seem like it’s right like it’s fair enough right it’s whatever it’s not oh my bad um but it doesn’t seem like you should get the same XP for a baby um you

Know the more I learn about Ark and the more I play it the more I uh I kind of feel like they rushed it out the door like that it seems hella unfinished like don’t get me wrong like it’s a good game it’s clearly playable we have a

Wonderful time with it but there’s so many little details that I see that I’m like what like did they not play their own game did they not finish their game um cuz it oh we’re going to die we’re going to drown uh like it just seems like there’s

So many little fine details that I’m like why did they not pay any attention to that um for for example Rush AR out the door what never yeah it seems like they rushed it out the door I don’t know man like one of the biggest examples that I can say that

Would might support that argument is the fact that the world border is literally just an invisible barrier it’s just an invisible barrier and it’s nothing nothing but ocean out there that’s it there’s just a line out in the ocean where like all the growth all the the nature stops nothing spawns out there

It’s just this Barren Wasteland of sand and water flat flat desert nothing and I look at that and I’m like did you not finish your game like what what were you doing why is it like that why did you not put shrubs out there why did you not like let fish swim

Around out there why why is there this literal visible physical barrier between you and the world border like it just feels so unsurreal and uh like it it really breaks the immersion of the game when I see something like that I’m like oh well clearly this is

Like clearly I can’t go out there clearly I’m in a sandbox clearly there’s like a big ass wall that I I if I wanted to I couldn’t even fly past it you know it would just stop you I don’t know I I see that I’m just like ew gross gross

Grass I don’t like it doesn’t make me feel good doesn’t make me like it more you could have done something you could have put some bushes out there you could have put like uh you know anything really you know how many kills you would

Need to level or to 18 wait to level 18 rexes to level 80 you’d have to wipe out the entire Island three times oh my goodness that’s actually ridiculous and that’s why you like you boost some XP stuff in your settings cuz that I don’t know stuff like that I’m

Glad it’s tweakable like if it wasn’t tweakable I would be like Fury infuriated we would never ever ever beat the game you know um but I don’t know thank God it’s tweakable cuz you can adjust it to your liking you know you can multiply the XP gain by like 10

Times if you wanted to what you can’t do is up change the tether distance thanks ark or just mirror the other side yeah dude no kidding just mirror the other side now that that would take probably a lot of room like data and stuff so like

Maybe that has something to do with it like the game’s performance suffered like severely because they they had stuff out there to begin with who knows I don’t know but like the old Arc had stuff out there why can’t the new one from my understanding of code there

Is a possibility that the base code is rotten and that code affects everything from there it’s true could be true they had issues with the previous game that couldn’t be resolved in a timely manner but for God’s sakes they had six years you know how long’s the ark uh ASE

Been out oh or just breed gigas and murder them that too how much xp do you give for killing a giga probably like a freaking boatload right I think this will be our last load of stone for Now excuse me nice poot dude good job pebs I wish I did like an AOE cleave to to like resources too you know I could hit like all the rocks in front of me instead of just one at a time you collect like 8,000 stone at one time sorry

CEO 40 levels for one fresh uh oh one off a fresh hatch so like 100 Kish good Lord that’s a lot of XP dude when you say off a fresh h a freshh hatch are you referring to the dyno that you’re leveling or are you referring to the uh Giga that you’re

Killing like the fresh hat like the Giga is freshly hatched or the dinosaur that you’re leveling is freshly hatched oops I’m going to get murdered by its parents I love this this is also one of my favorite things in the game just rolling around on this dude Arc survival evolved officially released

In 17 yeah so they’ve had SE six years right I don’t know it seems like enough time to essentially copy and paste the old game into a new one right like it’s kind of what they did I don’t see why there wasn’t enough time for them to fix all of the little

Issues that they had but I don’t know I’m not a game developer I don’t know all the ins and outs of it I don’t have an understanding of that stuff so uh I’m I should probably just keep my mouth shut cuz there’s obviously a lot going

On underneath the surface that I have no understanding of so I really don’t have any room to talk but it does kind of feel like Half Baked just just a little bit I don’t mean to be like rude I’m I’m I love the game you know I’m having a load of fun

With it but when you kind of like look with a A you know a bit of a magnifying glass at some of the stuff you know you get enough time put into the game that you get to see all these little details and you’re like what is that why why do

It like that it’s probably because they rushed it out the door back in my day you couldn’t steer a doy while rolling it’s really wide turns man oh you know what I want to fill this up oh come on see like what is this why

Why why is that a thing why can’t I get off my dinosaur properly I’m stuck inside of it I feel like that is so dumb and should absolutely not happen that’s one of those details and I’m like how did you not figure that out Arc like what the heck fix

That probably cuz most of the resources are going to Ark 2 oh well there you go yeah but isn’t it supposed to be like another 14 years until ark2 comes out or something I meant I was being factious by the way that was not meant as like a serious remark

Oops cool all right we got loads of stone now uh let’s put you away I love that gun dude that is so convenient cuz you didn’t build your base high enough what what huh oh are you talking about the roof above it no no you’re right you’re yes

That is correct the roof is what’s causing me to get stuck inside the dinosaur there hands down absolutely but why can’t I put a roof on my base that this is his height I don’t need a roof any higher than this for any like I guess you really shouldn’t be

Running dinosaurs up inside your house but like the end of 2024 okay okay whatever you say tay tay I I absolutely I guarantee you right now that sucker gets delayed I don’t know about how long but I guarantee it gets delayed and I hope it does I I hope it

Gets delayed for the right reasons I hope that if the game gets delayed it’s because they are truly taking their time and trying to iron things out and make it a good game like there’s no reason why you should set a deadline for your game and be like all right it will be

Out by 2024 and then it turns out to be trash cuz it’s missing so many details and like needs fixed in a million different ways and it takes them like two years to to get it together and fix it nah dude take another couple years fix your game make it

Right that’s why you get stuck yeah you’re right that’s why I get stuck for sure we need Flint I like how the only safe place to collect resources is like in the ocean yikes we need to level up his melee damage he’s brand new unfortunately I I lost the other

Guy I guess I could have been collecting Stone and Flint at the same time with this guy I didn’t really consider it think about it from a testing aspect a male what a male what Mama a male mama oh Manta what do you mean think about it

From a testing aspect like you don’t think that they test it out getting off their dinosaurs inside their house I just don’t think they play their game no I’m just joking um I don’t mean that literally uh but there are a lot of game companies out there that do not

Play the games and they just like throw it out the door without testing it and it’s like wow you didn’t do this obviously you didn’t test your game oh he’s almost out stamina the man’s a farming f he can’t stop won’t stop oh we’re getting oil too I didn’t

Realize we could do that with this guy if you employ 300 testers um testing a game and find uh you know about 500 bugs then you release and you have 100 million or 100,000 people testing your game yeah okay look I understand that from a practice I ality point of view

Like yes in terms of like saving as much money as possible and as much time as possible that makes sense from Strictly from the point of view of your company but what you’re doing is releasing a crap product to your community having them pay money for

It and look the the job that you should be paying other people to do to test your game right that that is a job game testing is a like a true career that people do and they should be getting paid for it instead what they’re doing is releasing a half-baked game that they

Did not finish right and having their Community the community of people that support them financially by buying their game they pay for this half-baked game and have them test it for free not only for free but they pay you to test your game that’s acceptable you do not

Let your community test your game for you and then fix it later once there’s a million bugs that I look I understand the practicality of it I understand that it it’s like faster to do that but from my point of view as somebody that buys video games and plays them because I

Love them that is an unacceptable and unforgivable action and and I’m talking about like all these I’m not talking about Ark specifically because obviously Ark is is a well-made game uh in many many as aspects right but there are game companies out there that do exactly that and that is unacceptable

Like those companies absolutely do not deserve a positive reputation and they should not be continuing to make games because that’s not right you know what I like user error yeah but is the game intended for you to get stuck inside your din no it’s not you’re not look it it would

Be user error if it was intentional that you got stuck inside your dinosaur after dismounting it’s not intentional that’s just something that happens giving that specific circumstance um like I look man I’m not I make plenty of user errors but like what I’m going to show I’ll do another example right now but

Like there’s okay never mind I can’t get up there that see that’s user error I should have know KN that I couldn’t fit up there um but look the the fact that they can’t just like instead of you getting stuck inside your dinosaur there the fact that you

Can’t automatically be dismounted to the side like you are look ready Dismount to the side ready Dismount to the side there is absolutely no reason why if my dinosaur is in this location why I can’t just be dismounted to the side instead because this object

Is here and yes this object is here and it’s not necessary I could just move this object I could just Dismount a different location but you should not get stuck inside your dinosaur and that is not the only occasion where you get stuck inside your dinosaur there are

Many different times when I find myself getting stuck inside my dinosaur getting stuck inside other dinosaurs as well that is a fault of the game developers at least in my eyes and I’m happy to admit I’m wrong wrong I’d love to see some like evidence as to like this is

Why you screwed up and I would definitely admit that I’m wrong but from my perspective as of right now that feels like that is something that they just neglected to to fix and they didn’t take the time to work on um and I’m I’m harping on a very tiny

Detail right it’s not like it’s a a Make It or Break It type of deal that little detail is not going to make me rage quit or stop playing the game right I’m not that upset but speaking from a critical stand point of like how can we like make

The game better how could things be better that is one of those things that is like they should have ironed out their game the world border should have ironed out their game so instead of 40 bucks for a game you’re paying 120 and no one will buy it

What do you mean no dude no no that’s not how it works if Rockstar has it that’s not how it works no and it’s not 40 bucks for a game it’s actually like 70 bucks for a game um it so you’re first of all no game I

Mean unless it’s like a low rated game that is not very popular or it’s on sale you’re paying 70 bucks typically for a brand new game right um especially a game like ark or like Call of Duty or whatever it is they’re all 70 bucks nowadays um

And if they were to take the extra time in development for their game to iron out all those things to pay game invers to actually test their game to work out all these details like that there’s no reason why the game should have to cost $12 after

That I don’t yes it is going to be more expensive to pay the game testers yes it is going to take more time to develop your game properly but that is the process of how it used to be done why is it the only reason it’s not done that

Way now is because these corporate companies are taking shortcuts so that they can cut as many corners as possible and save as much money and then make make as much money and put billions and billions of dollars inside people’s pockets like it’s not about the quality

Of the game it’s about the money right and that at least that seems to be where it’s going and for a lot of these companies and that’s not to say that there aren’t wonderful companies out there that do things very well right you paid 40 bucks I paid 65 60 I think it

Was 65 before tax right no and I’m not trying to argue with you I’m not trying to be rude that’s not what I meant by that at all if Rockstar has anything to say about game price is going to increase uh to and above $120 Mark yeah you can

Forget that you can forget that I will not buy it and like I know that that was more so of like he’s putting his feelers out there whoever the spokesperson is for um for uh GTA or whatever what rockstar I guess um he was like and we’re going to charge 120

Bucks no like sorry but I will not buy your game I don’t care how good it is I don’t care if I would play that game every day for the next 10 years I have no interest in that game if it’s $120 and like so should be the the same

For everybody else that has a freaking like any what any selfworth right like there’s no reason why we should just be like but I love GTA I’m going to pay 120 bucks anyway no games are $60 right now okay there’s no reason why the game needs to

Be twice as much especially since you made billions and billions and billions of dollars off GTA V still making money off of GTA 5 over a decade later 12 years you’ve been making billions of dollars there’s no freaking reason like I know the budget for for GTA 6 is

Immensely high it’s like one of the highest budget games that’s ever existed but there’s no freaking reason why it needs to be $120 they’re only doing that because they’re limiting it to PlayStation and they know they’re not going to get purchase purchases from Steam they know they’re not going to get

Purchases from from all these PC users so they are trying to make up their margins in these ways because they wrote their contracts up specifically with with consoles unacceptable I don’t care I don’t want to hear any more details I’m freaking done I have no interest in your game if it’s 120 bucks

Don’t care I like you can put it on Steam for 120 bucks no not playing it I’m sorry like I love GTA but I I will not freaking bend over and let you put it right up in there there’s no freaking way not a not a chance in hell will I

Bend over and take that and I know there’s a lot of people out there there’s so many content creators that are going to like like pay as much money as possible to get on there as fast as they can because they’ll make way more money like than they will spending the

Game or spending buying the game right they’ll make so much more money developing content revolving around that game good for them I hope they’re happy with their decision but I I’m not one of those people not going to do that now I’m mad now you guys got me mad

Cuz it it’s what they’re doing is like taking full advantage of their their community we need wood I’m out of dang son I’m out of that stuff already wait Caleb I’m sorry man I’m not sure what you’re referring to are when you say steam or Microsoft I got off on this

Rant that I just I couldn’t help myself what were we talking about I am not sure what we were talking about a boot to hoot dude since when was it eight flint and four was it always eight flint and four stone to make one piece of spark powder

I thought it was one flint and two Stone no no no this used to be wait a second this used to be 8 karatin no no it used to be four keratin and eight stone what happened to the are things more expensive inside of this 20 Narco B wait a

Second okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait oh it’s making six at a time wait four six it’s making six at a time I wish it would tell you that which platform oh steam I bought it on Steam I didn’t realize that it was doing

That it’s cuz you’re in the I yeah sorry I thought it was just more expensive I was under the impression that it was the same cost but it’s making multiple yeah I got you I got you I’m with it see that’s user error right technically they’re cheaper yeah I

Got it looks like they are cheaper that makes sense I just didn’t realize what was going on right away but man um I don’t know when it comes to these game companies I feel like most of them could care less about their player base whoa whoa whoa

Whoa and what they really are after is the money in their pockets and they make it very clear by specifically making decisions like it’s going to be $120 now like I I can almost guarantee you that GTA 6 will make more money than any game that has been released in the last 20

Years there’s no reason why they need to charge $120 none absolutely zero freaking reason steam has a steam tax for any game they sell for a company which is 30% yeah it’s absolutely outrageous it’s very high it is it’s a very high tax you are correct who do we need we need wood

Um but where are we going to collect wood I don’t know if it’s going to be this island oh shoot dude I didn’t real I was on cool down for the cryo what’s where his torpidity zero oh he’s awake said he had cryo sickness I don’t know what that was

About H you know when it comes to steam and their high taxes um I don’t know enough about it to really put myself out there and give a strong opinion um I do know that the game costs a certain amount of money from the the people that

Develop the game and then steam needs to make money too because they have to buy the rights to use the games um is it worth 30% I don’t know is it is it 30% of the sale price or is it 30% of something else like when games go on sale do they

Get the full amount or do they make 30% of the sale price that you know there’s a lot of details there that you can be like well this is freaking gross why do they do it like this right but I guess the answer to why do

They do it like this is at the end of the day always going to be for the money for the money that’s what people want is for the money and that’s a shame cuz like if if money is what’s like fueling The Innovation and the creativity and the

Things that push our video games and our Technologies there we’re we’re going to like severely struggle uh when it comes to like new and creative and interesting games it’s going to be a copy and paste of fortnite it’s going to be a like look at all the Battle Royale games out there

Look at all the companies that are like I’m going to make a battle royale so I can make a bunch of money they have no interest in making a good game they’re just like let me steal this concept and and make a bunch of money um and unfortunately there’s always going to be

A strong presence of that in the world no matter what right that’s just the way the world works unfortunately there’s no way around it um what does steam really do of wait oh so it it comes off a sale price okay so if the game is on sale say it’s 50% off

Then the 30% that they collect is going to be you know worth half frig off dude I’m trying to go somewhere is there a hole in the wall did something punch a hole in the wall fortnite put him on blast yeah dude Fort I I’ve seen some interesting

Something poked a hole in our wall man dude why though how something attacked our wall and broke a hole in it and now they’re all walking through when why why no wonder we’re covered in dinosaurs I was wondering why we were so like covered in dinosaurs

Again I’m going to have to kill them all I guess I don’t know yeah what does steam do I mean steam’s service to us as consumers is they provide uh products that are safe to to purchase right you download stuff from Steam all the time right and never once am I

Worried about steam being compromised somehow um and that I think is something that I’m willing to to pay a little bit extra for right um for the the peace of mind to say that like steam has it under control like my information’s safe my my transactions are safe I I’m I’m cool

Saying like all right yeah here’s you know x amount of money because of this and that and that and this um is 30% a little steep yeah I think it is because I they make so much money like they make an ungodly amount of money just off of

Like uh tax on their transactions right what do you do what what can you do man uh because they make the rules they they have a monopoly over that that thing that there is no other company out there I mean except maybe Microsoft or you know PlayStation that is doing games as well

That they have their own situation going on right like I’m sure that they have their own contracts written up with these companies that they buy games from and have the right to sell them and make a ton of money from it um steam happens to be one of those things that you see

Upfront in and in person like you see that in broad daylight that makes me a little bit more comfortable know that like hey they’re willing to put that information out there when it like these other companies that develop these like contracts under the table and they don’t let anybody

Know the details and you can’t find that information online it’s like okay so what’s really going on behind the scenes um and at the end of the day it’s like most people aren’t going to care about that kind of information um and most people probably don’t care about the 30%

Tax that steam collects right um but the fact of the matter is that like they’re being a little bit more translucent with their information and that I can say I appreciate enough to be like all right whatever like here’s your tax and as long as they keep doing a

Good job too right like as long as they don’t as their services don’t dwindle and they don’t start struggling and they don’t start like making mistakes and like say their services get hacked and say information gets stolen and people’s identities get taken and people lose their money if that starts happening

Then we got a problem as far as I’m aware that has not happened I don’t have a problem yet oh we were talking about legalities that uh fortnite has gotten into I don’t know all the details but supposedly fortnite uh has opened up like these huge lawsuits with these gigantosaurus

Comp companies saying like hey whatever your practices are unlawful and what you were doing is unacceptable um like I said I don’t really know all the details of it but um supposedly they won the lawsuit against Apple uh whatever that lawsuit is like whatever the details are I I don’t know

But Apple’s like one of the biggest companies in the entire world of everything not just video games not just like everything they are the biggest huge like they’re they are the biggest freaking company in the like okay maybe not the biggest company but they’re up they’re one of the most well-known

Companies if you ask anybody what an Apple product is they know they’re not like oh that thing comes off the tree like they’re know they’re you’re talking about the phone right yeah um the fact they were able to start a lawsuit with them and win the lawsuit in good faith

Too right like from what I’ve heard the reason Behind These lawsuits are in good faith because these companies have a monopoly and they’re taking money from people like all willy-nilly taking money you know they’re charging an excessive amount of money for X product and they can do it

Because they run this Bish right like they can do whatever they want because they own the world um and the the company that runs fortnite turned around and said like no this is unlawful like this is unacceptable and we’re going to file a lawsuit and they freaking won

Dudee blows your mind they won that lawsuit and now they’re tackling Google too from what I’ve heard that’s the next lawsuit that they’re going to open up is if it’s already not if it’s not already opened you know they’re they’re trying to tackle like um Google wait they what do you mean they

Won against them what oh my gosh I would argue Microsoft yeah I don’t know how like I don’t ever pay much attention to Microsoft um just cuz like it’s not really in my perspective I I don’t really have much to do with Microsoft um like I you know I I don’t

Know I never really pay much attention to them so um but yes Microsoft is also one of the biggest if not the biggest company in the world um which is fascinating because I believe Microsoft and Xbox are tied together right whereas like Sony and Playstation are tied

Together and Sony like is maybe not the biggest company in the world they’re very large but PlayStation I would argue to say is the the leading candidate when it comes to consoles right it’s interesting uh I don’t uh I was a PlayStation player um for a few different reasons my brother had a

PlayStation when he was younger so I got a PlayStation so we could play together also PlayStation Services used to be free you used to didn’t have to pay for PlayStation plus obviously you do now epic is solid yeah I mean epic doesn’t do a lot of things right but the fact

That they uh opened up that lawsuit made it public and obviously all the lawsuits are public but it’s a very important case it it is information that is incredibly valuable uh to us as consumers so it’s very wide widely known right there’s a lot of people discussing that kind of

Stuff good good it needs talked about this kind of stuff needs to be blasted in on air cuz like if you don’t do that then it it stuff gets swept under the rug you know information gets hidden and um abused and people get away with stuff that they shouldn’t get away

With um but yeah I mean good for epic man I I’m excited to see where they take their case oh and I hope that they continue to do these things in good faith right the Xbox x is a close second is it really though cuz I I mean I mean I

Believe you I’m not trying to argue with you there cuz I don’t really know much about Xbox but I wouldn’t have guessed that that would not have been my first guess but like I said I I was a PlayStation head when I was younger right so I didn’t really pay much

Attention to Xbox anyway um although there are things about Xbox that I love like I love Halo but I’ll never play it cuz it’s on Xbox only if Halo was on Steam I would buy it right now I don’t know we’ve had this like this conversation of like what’s the

Deal with the like the console exclusives what’s the deal with this and that like I think that we’re as a as a community of like technology and Gamers and developers and all that all of us combined as a whole I think we are working our way towards like not that to

To having everything cross compatible to having everything um reasonably uh uh what’s the word distributed so everybody has a chance um and I hope so I hope that that’s the case cuz there’s I don’t think that there’s any reason why um games need to be exclusive to One console and one console

Only oh you have wait wait it really is you have both you have both what PlayStation and Xbox your hot take is that consoles at this point are just uh computer towers and limited functionality yeah no I wouldn’t even say that’s a hot take I’d call that accurate Tay I I agree with

You um like I I’ve only recently gotten on PC and now that I’m here I can’t ever ever ever ever see myself going back never ever ever ever ever ever like it is significantly better in every single way possible every single way um okay frig

Off dude oh that’s not my cooker dang it I forgot I move the cooker over there what’s up Harry welcome back we’re just talking we’re we’re uh arguing we’re yelling at each other about stuff no I’m just kidding we’re we’re having a a discussion about um like the financial

State and the the state of developing games and and blah D blah D blah um you started on PlayStation and then got all uh I got old and Rich and I have all five things oh well if I was wealthy I’d probably have them all to um but unfortunately I’m not

And I don’t have the liberty of having all the consoles um I it was for me it was pick one or the other and if I pick PC um I have to eat ramen for the next six years and I eat ramen on stream frequently uh uh yeah dude like PC is

Expensive that’s the one thing like that’s that’s the only thing that I would consider okay wait two things two things one of the the financial aspect of PC is a problem right it’s it’s much more expensive to to do BC to to to be on PC right however as the consoles grow

As time progresses and the technology advances the consoles are almost as expensive if not as expensive as the PCS the like a PlayStation 5 man is the same price of a graphics card and the graphics card is like 85% of the value of your PC like it like a couple hundred extra

Dollars into a PC and you have a bazillion other capabilities than the the PlayStation has right uh that to me outweigh all that the one thing that that console holds over PC is the simplif ific ation of gaming you you you see a game you click on it you play it

It takes your money you play it right um PC although is very similar you pretty much see a game you click it you they take your money you play it but it it is slightly more complicated there’s a few other things involved and it can be

Simple if you want it to on PC or it can be complex if you want it to you can open up the game files and tweak all the different settings you can blah D blah D blah and so on and so forth there’s a lot of capabilities that PC offers but

If you’d like it to be simple it can be I think PC is better I think PC is significantly better and will forever outpace consoles um but that’s just my opinion PC doesn’t have to be thousands of dollars though yeah absolutely not that PC gaming can be a few hundred

Dollars PC gaming has the potential to be even cheaper than like uh than console gaming you just got to buy a crappy PC but that’s not to say that crappy PCS can’t handle 90% of your games right like Lucy one of my good buddies one of

The mods in the channel Lucy plays on like a 10-year-old laptop and he plays a lot of the new games nowadays he has no issues there’s a few games that he can’t play right just because it’s like a 10-year-old’s graphic a 10-year-old graphics card but like you know the

Man’s been living pretty sweetly uh on a PC that cost a few hundred bucks like 10 years ago it’s not that expensive it it doesn’t have to be expensive I don’t like the fact now that with console you buy the disc then uh you have to download it to the console

Yeah yeah so that’s one thing is the digital download that makes a a lot of us old heads much prefer discs right um I would rather have discs however it is very convenient to have things downloaded right to your such and such but it does open up a whole different

Window of like is it mine forever like are you going to just take it from me one day or am I going to lose it somehow is the is the information going to be lost is the you know um there’s a lot of things in there

That that can be bad just pair a controller with your PC and boom you got an Xbox yeah that’s what I do well I mean I use an or a PlayStation controller for certain games don’t get me wrong I prefer keyboard and mouse for a lot of things but I absolutely play

Like a lot of games on controller I play God of War on controller I like to play all sorts of souls games on controller uh and you know the controller is like the same price of a mouse you know depending on your mouse right you can get super cheap mouses but

Mice I’m hella unproductive right now I keep uh getting super were distracted and caught up in the information or they uh I ate raw food why did I do that your graphics cards from 2014 but racing on PC sucks without a wheel or a console controller yeah I’m sure it

Does um there’s a lot of things like that like the movement on consoles or excuse me the movement on keyboard and mouse is typically a lot more rudimentary than it is on like a a controller because on the controller you have this joystick that has like all these different motions where on

Keyboard you have like a button that it’s like All or Nothing which does make it a little bit annoying I know we’re going to need all this spark powder in here at some point in the near future but oh my gosh I am going to move a whole bunch of

It out cuz we’re going to make gunpowder out of a lot of it but um just for the sake of having some space in there I’m going to do this wait but even if you don’t wa even if you have the disc you still need to download it yes that’s interesting right

When when discs were much more prevalent if not the only thing that was available and then they all of a sudden started like making you download games as well as have the disc I didn’t understand it I didn’t I didn’t comprehend what was going on um and I think what was really

Going on was it was not on the disc the disc was no nothing more than like a link to get to the downloaded version of it I think that things went digital a lot longer a lot oh like way before we thought that they went digital right cuz

Even when you bought the disc it was still digital for a long time right all right I got to go kill these things I need to kill these things or do I can I just can I live with it I think we can live with

It I play arc on controller I turn aim assist off what you play arc on controller why see anything with this anything that has this I much prefer a keyboard and mouse that’s just me though I don’t know I’ve never really I don’t think I’ve ever tried arhon controller

So maybe it is much better they didn’t have poop back in my day and it messes with me yeah yeah yeah yeah cuz it it get patches wait CU it gets patches and fixes that weren’t base game got it yeah that makes a lot of sense patches and

Fixes and updates and DLCs and blah blah blah that you can’t get on the original desk that you buy got it that makes sense I played arc on controller what the world all right right well played guys I I don’t know we need wall we need glass stone Glass

Walls Stone glass triangle roof and Corner Stone glass slope loed wall Stone glass sloped wall shallow Stone glass sloped wall what shallow Stone glass sloped wall shallow Stone glass triangle roof and Corner steep Stone glass sloped wall let’s keep it simple I also have it on Microsoft and I

Can hop between PC and Xbox wait can you use the same account or do you place like how’s that work like if you have arc on Xbox and on PC do you play the same account or is it separate steep Stone sloped wall shallow sloped wall Stone sloped wall

Greenhouse now I think the difference between greenhouse and the glass for the other stuff is that Greenhouse provides certain effects for your crops which we may want to look into excellent for growing crops and doors we could do that we could put a a greenhouse on the roof that has a ton of

Plants oh same character different platform interesting man I I did not realize that that was a possibility that brings us back to the last argument wouldn’t need to download patches if the game was shipped in a complete State PS I come from northern Canada Wilderness I have no good

Internet you want the greenhouse all right we’ll work towards that just not right now we’ll get the rest of the building set up first and then we’ll work towards Greenhouse um look I’m glad that we have the capability for patches and updates and downloads and DLCs and bonus content and

All this of course that’s a benefit right of course that’s a good thing 300% boost is what Greenhouse provides okay yeah we should definitely do that we should definitely do that um but there is a butt to this part of the conversation in saying that like

That I don’t think that it’s right that companies put out half-baked games I don’t think it’s acceptable to release a game way way early and say hey like we just needed another six months to a year maybe two and then the game will be finished like n dude I gave you my money

Now like I paid you full price for this game today where is my full game today you know um and I this is coming from somebody that lived in a generation where it’s like games were released in full at one point and although they had flaws that was the

Full game right you didn’t get 16 DLCs in the game that one game lasted 10 years with minimal content and a bunch of battle passes and cosmetics that you could purchase for $150 a piece right like that I personally I preferred when games did not have battle passes did not have all

These cosmetics and yes the these companies have a financial benefit that these s things offer right that were not offered beforehand and they can use those financials in order to benefit the company in ways that will help them produce better games in the future you would hope that would be the scenario

But a lot of these companies just take advantage of it and pocket the cash dude and like that makes you freaking sick and you can see where epic’s been going with it they’ve been putting the money to good use and like I say good for them man we need to take this junk

Out I guess the Stone’s going to have to stay in there cuz we don’t have any space for it yeah man I there’s just there’s no reason for a company to just like take advantage of their Community if that’s the intention behind it freak off dude freaking freak off dude wait Flint

Okay you tripped out when you wanted to get into World at War as a teen and found out it was a monthly subscription yeah dude and you can say the same thing for um like Elder Scrolls Online like although Elder Scrolls Online oops that was not supposed to go in there or was

It no that was right that was not bad um Elder Scrolls Online although on the surface is not a subscription based game you don’t have to pay with a subscription um you can just buy the base game and you don’t have to buy the DLCs but if you want to put any

Longevity into the game you have to buy the DLCs because you can’t get the good gear you can’t get the endgame gear without buying the DLCs you can’t experience all these dungeon raids that people are only running and like you have to buy the DLCs for so many

Different reasons right on top of that you are clearly shoehorned into buying the monthly subscription for storage purposes if you don’t buy ESO plus you will spend a solid 80% of your time managing your inventory what ESOP plus does is gives you a crafting bag where it takes millions and millions of

Different objects and places them all in it with unlimited storage if you don’t buy ASO plus you have to manage millions and millions of objects and put them inside your house that you have to pay for you have to buy a house if you want to have extra storage to play the it’s

Those it’s not just ESO I’m sorry to put them on blast but screw you ESO uh but there’s so many other games out there that shoehorn you into like these monthly subscriptions whether or not it’s upfront you have to pay for a monthly subscription or you’re wedged

Into it by the gameplay itself if you enjoy the game you have to right it that the only thing I can say with a positive aspect to that type of thing that happens to these game companies is like God hope that they freaking they take that money and put it into an even

Better game later on right you would hope that they’re going to take all the money that they’re making and and develop an even better game in the future that’s that’s the hope is that the reality not always not usually that’s why ESO hard flopped yeah ESO is dying

Dude like and I don’t mean to say that as like like ESO is dying but like from CU I used to play ESO frequently I love ESO um but the thing is uh all these aspects pushed me away from it and not only did it push me away from it

It pushed like a large portion of the community away from it and the longer time goes on where they’re just milking their community in that aspect the more people are just like freaking forget this game I’m going to go play anything else right and oops that’s not right or is it

Do I want it to be like that why not I don’t know I mean this is like I said this is coming from the perspective of of somebody that was a bit of an old head when it came games right like I prefer like a a my my stuff up front you know

Especially if like we’re talking about paying $120 for a game that we’ve waited 12 years for it to come out like that’s going to be really pushing the limits right there like if that g if GTA 6 comes out at 120 bucks and it sucks if it’s not

Why why would I ever want to place that wall inside those other walls that was so dumb um if GTA 6 sucks when it comes out you’re not going to find me playing playing it I mean we already had this conversation but if GTA 6 costs 120

Bucks when it comes out you’re still not going to find me playing it don’t worry I’ll get out of your way don’t worry yeah don’t worry take your time it’s not like I’m living here or anything dude all right Harry don’t push it buddy I like you don’t make me hate

You don’t see look I I know you say that like more so jok jingly than anything and when I say that about like God of War I say it jokingly too I will not pay $200 for your video game I don’t care man like who can afford $200 for a a single game

Dude that’s like almost half my month’s rate rent like you want me to take half my month’s rent and put it towards one game and then you want me to buy your subscription then you want me to buy your battle pass then you want me to buy your Cosmetics have

You lost your mind game developing companies no dude I’m not playing that like I love video games but I don’t know if I love them that much I want to do like Stone stuff so that it’s stronger and has more durability but I want it to look nice

Too and I think in order for that to happen I need wooden stuff what oh that’s the torch I was like where’ all my stuff go holy loot dude for that’s too much we don’t need 100 ceilings actually I I think I would like a 100 plain

Ceilings cuz we’re going to go through 100 plane ceilings but as far as rooftops go maybe we just hold off on that for now I didn’t realize how much material I was just burning right there I’m not joking I would put I would complain but I would play I would pay

It ah man I’m complaining now I’m not I’m not joking it if that game costs that much I will not play it but I mean like I said to each their own man like if you are happy paying 200 bucks for one game and buying a subscription and paying for a battle

Pass and buying a bunch of cosmetics and doing all this and buying the DLCs fine dude whatever spend your life doing that but like that’s too much man like bro you know how much money it cost to fill my gas tank like how much money I

It cost to buy like two bags of groceries at the grocery store who can afford to pay that much game that much money for all their game cuz what they’re doing they’re not just being like all right 120 bucks for my game game over that’s it it’s all said and

Done it’s over no they’re setting the Precedence for every single other game company to charge 120 bucks for their trash games too right nah dude not for me I’m not doing that I’ll stop playing video games I’ll do something else with my life man and please don’t do that CU I don’t

Want to stop playing video games I love video games I do agree yeah 200 bucks would be crazy 120 bucks would be crazy a $100 would be crazy 60 bucks also crazy but acceptable we’ve been living with the $60 price range for quite a long time um unfortunately it’s something

We’ve all gotten used to as we probably shouldn’t have gotten used to it right cuz it was everybody was upset at first when that happened now all of a sudden we’re all used to it and it’s whatever but if it happens again and these companies charge 120 bucks and they’re

Like yep 120 bucks and we’re like gosh darn it well I guess so I love GT and now all of a sudden they’re all 120 bucks you know a few years later we’re all like oh yeah dude I remember when games cost 160 bucks I remember when

Games cost 40 bucks a piece and then before you know it it’ll be like 250 bucks for a game right and like that’s how it goes that’s how they get you and I don’t think there’s any reason why that game should be that expensive I said I’ll be I never said I’ll be

Happy about it but you no pay yeah that’s the thing like it’s not that anybody’s going to be happy paying that amount of money but they will do it the that’s the issue it’s like people will roll over nice and easy and not you know and that’s what those companies want

They want you to to do that they want you to just say all right fine whatever because then they’ll make bazillions of dollars yeah yeah you just spent 250 bucks of on food for the week yeah yeah and you’re looking at a th000 bucks on food for the month

Right and if you want to play a video if you want to play a video game you’re looking at a week’s worth of groceries for that right or that’s too much man they’re they’re going what they’re going to do is make gaming for the rich right and poor

People or or Med like middle what is it called middle class individuals will not be able to play video games anymore like it’ll be a rich man’s like hobby which I don’t think is acceptable I I feel like that that is not where gaming should go

You know what I would love to work here but this man’s in the way I want to switch this I want to turn this wall around and make this a corridor that leads to something out back well look man when I moved oh I’m sorry hold on Modern Warfare 2 was 40

EUR I would pay that price for a game like GTA though you would only pay that price for a game what I’m not sure what hey Siri what’s €40 converted to dollars basically the same price $43 that’s super cheap compared to most of the stuff that you see

Right yeah that’s the direction I wanted to face What the freaking heck why why’d you do that why’d you flip um when I moved into my apartment it was 400 bucks a month for two bedrooms I currently have a two-bedroom similarities worth two cand a month yes

I know I know it’s outrageous I don’t know how people live anymore I don’t even know how I live anymore it’s crazy how expensive every single thing is um like like I said before like it was for me it was like either don’t upgrade my console or buy a

A PC and eat ramen for the next like six years so like I’m eating Ramen for the next six years you know cuz that’s how much I love games man um but oh pounds sorry not Euros pounds hey Siri what’s 40 lb converted to dollars is50 so $50 and almost $51

Dude why are you flipping around like that I didn’t ask you to do a 180 sir I don’t know who this wall thinks it is but if that’s unacceptable okay do I have any rooftops on me no okay I feel like the chemistry bench can

Go in the kitchen just cuz it it fits the kitchen Vibe but like the fabricator the Smithy the ASR bench they can go in this General area along that wall let me get some some rooftops I’m thinking my Minecraft brain is cooking right now you guys got me all heated today you

Got me all worked up I don’t think I need those yet definitely didn’t make any rooftops um ASR steep wooden stairs wonder if the stairs on these are any different than the ones on the shallow let’s compare them let’s compare them first I don’t know I me I’ve said it

Before though like I feel like there’s so much potential in the the world of gaming and technology and and all that um but to see what a lot of these companies are doing to their communities to their player base um and to their games it just it really really is

Disheartening yeah it makes you wonder like is it going to live are we going to make it through the game like is gaming just going to not be a thing one day um or like is gaming going to be only for rich people one day cuz like right

Now uh you know Gaming’s not for for it’s Gaming’s for everybody right or not for for everybody but for a lot of people I’d hate to see it go the other way oh that’s tall dude I didn’t realize that was going to be two blocks tall that’s nice wait

What this is supposed to be a roof ramp or stairs roof ramp or stairs where’s my ramp and where’s my stairs this is only a rooftop stairs they want to maximize their profits profits and if they want oh excuse me if they they want they still need to appeal to the lower classes

That’s the problem if they want they need to appeal to the lower classes but like from a a corporate point of view from a from like a big gigantic Corporation company that’s making billions of dollars a year based off of X amount of products and in this case we’re talking about video

Games why would they want to appeal to these lower classes that are not buying their their battle passes these lower classes that can’t afford to buy their Cosmetics that can’t afford to buy the dlc’s or pay for their monthly subscriptions why would they want to appeal to those people when they can

Make 10 times the amount of money off of wealthier people that’ll just spend their money willy-nilly on it right so like that’s my concern right like and I that’s where I I go to say like it’s our like responsibility to to like not stand for that crap right where is the the curvy

Staircase man what what there’s no ramp there’s no staircase the only this one has a staircase and it’s not even the staircase that I was hoping for there’s supposed to be a curvy staircase think about what a what car company makes more money border Lamborghini yeah yeah you’re right

You’re right but like that’s the thing it’s like cars are necessary for everybody you know if anybody wants to to live their life nowadays you have to drive a car right whether you’re poor or Rich you have to drive a car whether or not you have enough money to pay

Somebody to drive that car for you is up like is out of the question right everybody needs a car to get to where they’re going to do what they got to do um and yes not everybody needs a a PC not everybody needs to play video games

But it is a commodity that a lot of people love to do why should that be limited to rich people right so like as a community of people that loves video games uh there’s no reason why we should be paying $120 for for GTA 6 sorry Harry uh I guess I need the

Old-fashioned rooftop CS yeah if you want to maximize your profits you need to appeal to more people but that’s no I I I don’t know if I agree to that I think that there is a certain demographic that they can make more money off of with less people I

Think I think one rich person that’s willing to spend you know 20 bucks you know 15 20 bucks a month on a monthly subscription for their video game and has that subscription for two years is going to make that company more money than the one person that just buys their

Base game right so like um if they can isolate the two demographics and make games specifically for these rich people I say rich people lightly I I don’t mean that literally like obviously there’s all sorts of different people that buy the stuff um but if if they can make a significant

Amount of money a significantly more amount of money larger money off of these people that are going going to only buy them this way that are going to spend 120 bucks 200 bucks on their game then it’s going to it’s going to alienate the PO the the less

Financially capable people and they will not be playing the games anymore there’s more poor people than Rich there are there are but Lamborghini makes way all right hey Siri what’s the net worth of Lamborghini hey Siri what’s the value of Ford hey hey Siri what’s the value of Ford and

Euros all right hey Siri what’s the value of Ford you’re not giving me what I need hey Siri what is the stock value of Lamborghini in dollars oh my gosh oh there is no stock exchange for Lamborghini hey Siri what’s the value of Ford all right I don’t want to look at stocks

Man okay shares of Ford are 118 5 at a volume of 43.79 million whereas Lamborghini is over 180 billion so Lamborghini I mean who do you know that owns a Lamborghini right the Lamborghinis are strictly for like oh what’s what I need is the net worth hey Siri what’s the net worth of

Ford I don’t know why she won’t give me the right information hold on I got to do it myself I guess okay net worth of Ford is 46.6 billion I don’t know why Lamborghini has to be in Euros I can’t find the conversion for it um but it’s 282 million

Euros and I mean Euros to to dollars is relatively similar like that’s like $ 295 million or something like that Lambo 17 19.7 billion I don’t see that in here for some reason but I trust you okay so a about like what is that like 20 times the like 25 27 times the

Value of of Ford and Lamborghinis are strictly for rich people so if you want to compare that and say like how much money can we make off of video games if we strictly appe appeal to the rich people probably 20 times more right so like why would they not try desperately

To make way way way way way more money on the rich people and that’s that’s I guess my concern right long term hopefully video games don’t go that path that’s my final argument yeah it’s basically one to one for euros to dollars it’s very close it’s only

Like 13 cents difference I think but 13 cents per dollar adds up you know like if the bank takes a penny out of your bank account every day and they take a penny from every single bank account in the world they’re going to be trillionaires within a day or you know

What I mean well not within a day but very quickly Ford’s twice as cheap or twice wait Ford is two times richer wait where did you find that 40 billion I don’t know why I couldn’t find that information that you just found so you’re saying Lambo is 19.7 billion Ford is 40

Billion I don’t know I could be wrong sorry Taye I definitely missed your chat before if Harry wants to spend 120 bucks on a game he can buy two copies and send me one yeah that’s what I’m saying dude rich people buy us stuff [Laughter] too come on Harry send your brother a

Gift I’m just kidding I’m joking board motor company has a market cap or net worth of 46.6 billion as of January 2024 that’s yester um I run a business appealing to the rich and it’s not the move I don’t run a business I don’t know what I’m talking about all

Right I’m expressing my uneducated opinions you guys are listening to me for some reason I don’t know why you’re listening to me but I love you for it analyst value Lamborghini at 17 or excuse me 19.7 billion Eur which is very close a little bit under1 19

Billion or maybe like just over $1 19 billion oh right there that’s what I’m looking for because I like you and I’m trying to buff out some inconsistencies oh sheesh thanks buddy maybe I took that wrong I may have just taken that wrong I don’t know bottom line man I I’m

Not going to change my thoughts on on GTA 6 uh I don’t think that it should be $120 wait granted when I bid a when I bid a job for them I charge more but I charge less for a single mom and three kids yeah see so why is that kind of thing

Not an option for for other services as well right but okay wait before I I push that topic too far that’s communism so maybe we step away from that one because that’s get me in trouble cuz I mean oops I’m pushing my luck here guys I just hit twin double muted

Males and you did take it wrong uh it should have been wait it should they did uh an exclusive deal it is they are just evil okay yeah okay sorry understanding what you’re saying now I would agree I I I wouldn’t maybe Evil’s not the the appropriate term for me to use

There um maybe greedy is a more realistic term to use um fix light bulb $40 communism that’s uh quite a way to put it dude wait a second I’m trying to like build this I don’t know how I’m building this I’m not sure how I want this to go in the future

Like I was thinking like this would be kind of cool to have a deck right here maybe this should be stretched out one more just to kind of keep it symmetrical even though there I mean it doesn’t need a window right there right but it would look nice from the

Outside are these backwards no they’re the same on both sides that’s fine they look good like that does that look good though not really seven a deadly SIDS man green is one of the one and hence kind of evil well yes what the okay Jack I need you to not do

That they are all up in my biz I don’t understand why why are you no work dude this is what I’m talking about game like why why does Ark do this well I I feel like that snap shouldn’t be an issue it is super dark in here like

Anytime you bu value money over life or the quality of such is inherently evil yeah yeah it’s tough to argue against that one it really is um I guess okay maybe the reason why I said that was not was more so the fact that like the people working for these

Companies I don’t think are evil it’s the people that call the shots for these companies that make the decisions like battle pass battle pass battle pass Cosmetics Cosmetics Cosmetics that is more so the root of the issue whereas the individuals that work for the companies that are just doing a job

You know they they probably followed their dreams man they they love video games they wanted to make video games for a living so that they got themselves a career doing such and such and this and that and it turns out they got inside this company that makes these

Wicked decisions tends to be how it works for all corporate companies right uh it’s not just like it’s not just one or two it’s like all of them um but that’s how it always is like that’s the way of the world like if you don’t make the max

Amount of profit then you don’t yeah battle pass is okay if the game’s free I I would argue that I would even say that the battle pass is acceptable if it is not strictly B like if it is not beneficial to the progress of your game right like okay for example Smite Smite

Has a battle pass but the battle pass and smite has absolutely no value to your game other than cosmetics sure fine I have no issue with that in fact their Cosmetics are incredibly good they they have phenomenal cosmetics and uh I love them like I’m not going to buy them but

There’s people out there that will and if that supports the game company then by all means buy them sure I don’t have an issue with that don’t get me wrong I’m not religious like uh at all but I do believe in don’t be a piece of poop and

Life is better period yeah I couldn’t agree more I think you’re correct like don’t be a piece of poop and life will be better for everybody not just you but for everybody around you right I got to change this this is going to bug me we’re taking our sweet time here apparently

See that’ll look a little bit better cuz it’s all Stonewall on that side Stonewall Jackson You’re a sucker for Cosmetics dude the you want to talk about smite’s Cosmetics man they’re top of the line like there has never been a game ever that has developed Cosmetics of the

Quality and of the frequency as Smite they do a fantastic job like they look incredible most of them most of them some of them are poop um no offense to those that that made those poop Cosmetics but some of them are poop uh but a solid majority of smite’s Cosmetics are

Incredible and that supports the the company um and I’m all for that I don’t have an issue with that um but when you put things in there that is going to like help people get an edge over the rest of the game players like as an incentive to buy that

Stuff get out of here dog zero wait that’s why you said uh F you to the corporate world yeah yeah I mean do you ever really escape the corporate world as long as it exists and is prevalent like everywhere probably not but you can try to get as far away

From it as possible you can try to mitigate its influence on your life and unfortunately um that’s not a possibility for a lot of people um specifically the uh less wealthy individuals right but like that’s not to say that it’s impossible or fortnite zero benefits other than you

Can be a banana see I don’t feel like the the banana thing is beneficial um but there are skins in fortnite that like clearly help you blend in with the environment like clearly like it’s not even an OP like it’s not even a question it’s like this gives you a Strategic

Benefit if you buy if you spend money on this skin you will be much more likely to win the game and at the end of the day it’s like you know what is what does winning that game do for you anyway like is it really that big of a deal probably

Not um it but there are people out there that make careers off of that stuff you know and winning the game might be or losing the game might be detrimental to their careers um I don’t know man that that’s like beating the dead horse at that point

Like what is go why why are there so many dinosaurs on this side of the island I don’t understand where they’re coming from man you can say that about any game anymore just about yeah about like the whole pay to win deal just about any game

Right I don’t want to say that it it is every single game cuz it’s not every single game but it’s a a solid amount right Caleb a while ago you mentioned uh a mod to me called utilities plus um I did download it what exactly does it do cuz I’m not sure I got to bite him in his wee wee so I get more damage off that’s the goal here shouldn’t have been here shouldn’t have been here you could could have been anywhere else who else come on down here I know you want to protect your

Baby I mean I guess you’re fine up there right you’re not actually hurting anything oh it makes parachutes and grappling hooks reusable that’s actually awesome Zach mentioned something like that he was like cuz I didn’t realize that grappling hooks weren’t reusable um and I I didn’t realize that parachutes

Weren’t either but now I know but that’s actually really good to know so they make sense with like physics and such yeah that makes sense I wasn’t sure what it did I wasn’t sure if it was like when it said utilities plus I thought maybe it added more tools

To the game I don’t know but that’s cool with me um I don’t know where I want to take this build man okay I guess that’s going there I’m thinking like this can be a kitchen on this side and on this side maybe pump the storage units

It may be a little bit better to have storage in here I don’t know man and I’m thinking like maybe the generator could probably squeeze in there or even under there we could squeeze some stuff in these little corners but then like the fabricator can go in here is the fabricator going to

Fit right there you know what I may want to move this staircase oh oh wait it’s called TLC baby come on come come come on H oh oh oh oh no no that’s backwards bro is it this wall is this wall the problem is this wall the problem okay that’s the that’s the

Direction it needs to go but instead of going left it’s got to go right right oh oh oh oh all right now we’re talking yep all right now there should be like ample amount of room for a fabricator to fit in here as well I

Hope I don’t know if this needs to maybe that can go too cuz why not are there any games that you guys are looking forward to except GTA don’t tell me about that one I’m just kidding we can talk about GTA if you want just not the financial

Aspect of it because I don’t even want to think about that anymore I feel like we’ve beat that one to death okay so like how does this work does this need a wall here I feel like it does we’ll worry about that later so I’m thinking like a deck right here with a

Railing and then we can do like I don’t know I don’t know I could go on the deck Five Nights at Freddy’s Crossover with granny house wow I would be just tickled to death if that game came out buddy Harry you always had a way with words

Man okay I I was literally going to say like we should leave a hallway whoa whoa whoa I got stuck a hallway that goes straight through the house open so we can just run dinos in and out of it if we need to but then aren’t we going to

Consistently have these freaking Pricks in our house I guess we can make a big gate like a big Stone Gate I wonder if that’s too wide let’s throw these walls down so we have a little bit less weight on us first not going to lie if that happened

I would buy it to see how bad it would be oh man no you wouldn’t you are totally lying to me Harry not in a million years would you buy that game dude I know you I mean I don’t know you that well but I I know you well enough to say that

There’s no freaking chance I’d catch you by in that game no you wouldn’t now you’re making fun of me you would not PID $200 for that Harry I I’ve never heard you complain like you never complain about anything you’re a pretty chill dude right you you just kind of tend to go

With the flow I have heard you complain a lot about Five Nights at Freddy’s and uh and Granny remake like when we play granny remake we were there for like an hour until I gave up on it and was like this sucks I’m done and never once did you have anything

Positive to say you were so mad the whole time you were like please play anything else and the same goes for Five Nights at Freddy’s and uh I mean I I couldn’t agree more with you I hated them too you would make me buy it make it the worst game I’ve ever seen

I mean no don’t get me wrong man there’s worst games out there there are I guess that’s staying there for for a minute I can’t reach it these are not facing the correct direction it was the worst game yeah it was pretty bad dude why can’t I flip this direction weird dude name

Them dang it okay Golem Golem worst game I’ve ever seen in my life I haven’t played Golem but good luck getting me too come on man let me place the walls down I thought this Blake building mod was supposed to fix wall snaps and stuff

This ARR building mod like it adds a lot of stuff but I thought it was also supposed to like work the snaps better it does not yes that’s not the way it was supposed to Face though haven’t heard of it wait you haven’t heard of Golem that’s probably because it was that bad

Um go you know what Lords of the Lord of the Rings are is right it’s it’s basically um sneel schneble the the dude that’s like my precious my precious like that’s him um he is Golem and uh there is a game of him but it is probably one of the worst games

I’ve ever seen in my entire life hands down no arguments look it up look it up um uh I don’t know about you guys but I like Angry Joe right um so if you want to look it up I suggest you check out angry Joe’s reviews okay that does not

Work what be going on all right you got to get up out way son all right so I think where’s this window at here he not the best spot huh yeah dude I I can’t even I don’t even know where to begin to describe golum um it was like the worst in every

Single aspect any game has ever had like nothing worked it was that bad from what I’ve seen right like I mean obviously I didn’t play it for myself but uh yeah Dunkey made a video on it it must be bad yes I love donkey too he’s one of my favorites

Uh oh sorry I thought Discord was breaking or blown up I’m just going to have to turn it off sorry guys I was doing things on there earlier fixed so if this is going to be the storage room man we don’t need any windows in here at least not on this level

Good put Windows here dude I don’t know about you guys but I I like Lord of the Rings I’m not like a DieHard Lord of the Rings fan um but when I saw that game come out and how bad it was it it kind of hurt my feelings a little

Bit I mean I’m I’m sure I wasn’t as upset as a lot of other people were because like there are some seriously DieHard fans out there for Lord of the Rings dude what the world these Snaps are so bad you’re killing me game oh my gosh the tail pushed

Me brys and West the trilogy of movies the best Trilogy of movies ever Bryson do you know what the game um golum is cuz if not we’re we’re talking about it you should look it up dude it’s going to hurt your feelings you’re not going to appreciate it no you should look it

Up like if well all right maybe don’t look it up and save it for something to be mad at one day one day when you’re like all right I just need to be mad at something that then look it up oh I’m out of walls dude s

S I’m thinking storage lined up these walls DD yeah DD honestly those ASR benches are better storage than anything cuz they’ve got 300 open slots and they take up like very very little Space what the okay game be broke you’re appalled and disgusted what did you look it up that game is so bad that I can’t even be mad at it like I’ll be mad at so many games from being bad right but I think they they like crossed the line to where

The point it was it was so bad I just didn’t care I was like well uh in my mind that game does not exist like in my own brain there there is no such thing as a Golem game like that is like its own separate reality and

Uh I have nothing to do with it like one day somebody will make a different golem game or like an actual Lord of the Rings game that’s that is not that bad hopefully and uh then I’ll be like hey the first Lord of the Rings game come on dude thank you come on

Dude it’s so bad see this is the stuff that make me mad I’m like dude there’s only so many options here and I can’t do exactly what I would like to do I need a wall here first I think all right so where do we put the

Staircase does the hold on the question here does this carry across cross the entirety of this building I think the goal well that is facing the right way some of these are not though get structure plus mod dog it’s not going to be Arc anymore

I mean I will trust me I I’ll do it I’ll write it down but uh at some point we’re going to be more mods than Arc but if it’s better I don’t really have much of a complaint about that oh dude not to keep on my like my

Soap box of like complain complain complain but like another game that I was really really looking forward to what is going on here structure variance what’s this switch to planed on rotated top planed switch to planed on top one rotated top switch to log don’t rotated top dude that that nice Survival

Mod can I change them all like that I wonder if there there’s probably not like a change all button that look nice may have to mess around with that I guess you can’t place it down like that off rip oh T oh I’m learning oh wait I goofed it all right um

Huh gee thanks Bronto I’m so glad you’re my friend here planed planed planed huh why are you not planed there must be a bug cuz that’s supposed to be the plane it thinks it already is but it’s not but if I go to just the the what the freaking heck dude planed on

Top oh wait no it’s it’s planed on the bottom what is going on here okay can please stop pushing me around all right variant one what is going on okay this one is correct but still backwards get good I’m doing my best brother I don’t know what the deal

Is okay I think we’re supposed to be on variant 4 and we just change it ourselves stop it I’m going to kill him I’m so done with it I’m tired of him pushing me around I’m talking to you Bryce why is it not snapping properly it is Flip

Flip okay this is not correct that looks correct what are you doing in the house dog all right well it’s the calling season so uh Smite Smite sucks now predecessors is so much better I mean okay I didn’t literally mean that Smite does not suck um but predecessors is like just

Better all right I need a load more stone walls and probably load more ceilings too oh oh look at that I came prepared am I out a stone no I was going to say there’s no way no way no how I probably could use some more that or um fiber though

Bryson did you want to play something you actually want to play Smite right now I thought you were messing with me first rule of Beaver game playthrough Thou shalt not finish house Bryson have you seen the Minecraft world that I’ve been working on for this like ever it’s really coming together man I’m

Actually like I can say that I’m actually proud of It you dead son okay we’re making progress here it’s working now that was not supposed to go in the floor down there hey scye what’s up brother what’s that little squiggle for you threatening me what the world why switch Direction all of a sudden I’m going to have to get that structure plus

Mod anything’s got to be better that is something that I’ve been like struggling so hard with since the first day I started playing it’s like the Snaps are just unfortunate I could play if you want Smite second rule is thy files shall corrupt no no no no don’t say

That all right I was making good progress here as soon as I stopped complaining about video games and and bad companies bad video game companies bad bad okay I I wish this would just go where I needed to uh uh uh if you just Place enough walls eventually there’s no other option

For it to go all right so this is going to be the storage room this is going to be the the kitchen this is going to be the fabrication room Caleb use the cycle snap button man oh I’ve tried to but like it never ever works the way I want it

To I mean okay not never ever but a lot of the times it doesn’t work the way I want it to and I think that this this place right here it makes it suck less when look uh than just looking you’re probably right you’re saying something about

Something on your soap box yeah if you want to go back like an hour in the in the playthrough like shortly after we started playing uh Arc we definitely start talking about some heavy subjects somehow ended up on communism as you do as every good conversation goes it ends when communism

And then everybody gets uncomfortable and we stop talking about it and move on which is exactly what happened you know what I think I’d like to do [Laughter] Here I kind of want like a like a two wide porch up front so there’d be like a a ramp here you got to go deeper than communism yay where do that take you what what comes after communism I’m thinking like a two wide staircase that leads up here right into

A front door like right about here and a porch over here and then a steeply sloped wall that travels the whole way up okay let me go make some steeply sloped walls um favorite dictators of the 1900s ranked um moving on I don’t know how many dictators were in the 1900s John F Kennedy stone foundation I think I want a bunch of stone quartering but we’re going to need like loads and loads more I’ll tell you what let’s work about or well we can bring these with us cuz they’ll go down easy uh okay not that why is this I I don’t even know why

I’m running this we don’t need to run that right now o that makes us really heavy yikes s tier way to go out okay we need Stone ramp roof stairs not sloped because I think that those will turn into stairs but the other ones do not and then as far as wood

Goes maybe a metal roof would be cool looking I don’t know if I want to waste the metal on the rooftop right now we can always replace it later on shallow where’s ASR steep wood roof ramp and stairs let’s make like 30 of them I think we’ll probably need a lot more

Than that fun time Fred what’s up brother Scythe is that what that little squiggle means I will haunt your dreams wood roof rampant stairs no that’s not what I needed is that going to be overweight o all right let’s work with what we got for now we’re very

Heavy how’s there a Pokeball in my hands I don’t even have one on my hot bar hello darkness we’ll make it we’ll get there eventually guys don’t worry am I drown first or die of thirst dehydration okay so what I was thinking was this this porch in behind that porch

There is a sloped roof a steeply sloped roof that goes up and continues up this side of the wall and then it connects over here and then on this part of the building we’ have like the secondary floor that is like a greenhouse type of deal right that’s the yeah that’s what I’m

Looking for nice all right I don’t know what this room is I have no idea what this is for I guess you can’t put a railing on that like I want a diagonal railing but I guess that’s not going to happen we’ll need to come back in

Let we’ll need to come back in later with a bunch of pillars and stuff oh wait why’ I put this wall here this might end up be in the bedroom why not six ramped what is that the steeply sloped it is right and then at the top there it’s so bright it’s so

Bright see that snap never ever works I don’t know what the deal is yo but it ain’t not working yo come on man I guess maybe you can’t continue vertically lightness I don’t know what the deal is I guess if I do this though can we even put walls up in here

I think what we can do is make steeply sloped walls that are essentially like the shape on the left on the outside of the roof put it in there and then take like Stone quartering which is is like a quarter of a wall and put two of them on

Top of each other and then put another steeply sloped wall right here I think that that is how that is going to end up going what in the world are you guys talking about oh dude sorry guys I think that was loud that was probably really loud I just bumped my microphone all Right have your YouTube ads been weird lately mine think I’m a 40-year-old man who can’t do 50 push-ups and 300 lbs with dementia yeah mine do the same thing uh honest to God that’s what mine are like right now I don’t think that there’s like what are they called what do they

Call it when they say that the ads are like like aimed towards your personal self right I don’t think that that’s true I think that’s a lie I don’t have hands on YouTube nice I wish that oh sponsored by rage Shadow legends that one too actually it’s been a while since I’ve seen

Raid gfuel I never see g-fuel I think what we would need here is if we’re going to do a greenhouse we would probably want Greenhouse sloped roofs right but I don’t think Greenhouse sloped roofs go steeply sponsored by Minecraft I wish dude all right Scythe you’ve gone too

Far and I have an idea of what to do on this corner here but like it’s going to get a little weird I think that’s me sponsored by nothing I’m not sponsored at all I don’t think we can put like sloped uh Greenhouse roofs we can put you know

What I wonder if the ASR stuff provides Greenhouse effects provides greenhouse effect freaking sick dude all right we need some of them bad boys sponsored by Mountain Dew want almost smell your breath no don’t talk about lethal company in here it’s banned it’s not allowed I’m just joking

I guess this is going to just go the whole way out I really I’m I’m not sure how I want to take this we definitely need walls right here to go up I don’t know I had so many ideas of what I wanted to do and then when I

Started putting stuff down I was like that doesn’t look right that doesn’t make any sense that’s not going to work this is going to have railings on it and I guess life choice is nice that’s a good one I guess this whole thing’s going to be a greenhouse I’m wondering if like do

You need Greenhouse stuff all over the place in order to receive the green greenhous effect like does the entire room have to be Greenhouse or can I just have like a few windows in here and have it provide the greenhouse effect holy tallness dude watching that is so tall

Dude I think I might prefer it to have like just be too tall and then flat at the top that was a good one side like you don’t want the whole thing to be glass that’s Overkill right what if we chop the top two off flatten it out put Windows in the whole

Way up cuz these should provide greenhouse effect which is actually fantastic cuz I I I prefer the look of these over the other Greenhouse blocks and then we’re going to have to add some variety in here at some point so like lag nice nice actually there might not need to be a wall

Here okay my thoughts here are if we carry this wall straight back all the way we don’t have the materials on us or else I would um this wall right here can blend into it perpendicularly right and then that would essentially do a similar thing okay let’s go make this got weird

Huh that’s going to need some help just the roof oh just the roof provides wait yeah but this these in the inventory says that they provide um Whata call it who’s running scream sucker wait that is not supposed to be a tiny door I wanted that to be much larger right

Okay I didn’t want this here I just the the thing is broken the thing you broke I I’m trying to give this like some support so it looks right I didn’t really anticipate this portion looking like it was the interior though no this isn’t working hold on

Um bag it up bag it up a notch liit smell like a breath right so if this is going to be a front deck wh wh wh wait they’re not supposed to be facing a different direction man that’s a good one Scythe I like it yeah the modded stuff is kind of

Funny dang it I got to pick all these back up P pooy oh there ought to be like a key bind for picking items like that up again too I bet there is I just don’t know about it I don’t know what that word means Fred time fun time Fred Okay so we would have some like support stuff going on under here some pillars that go up and probably something like a these right that way when there’s a pillar facing or coming the whole way down it kind of like gives it something to hold on to and a pillar there as

Well and then we’ll need to put walls in there or do we would that work with a pillar like two pillars are like right there I’m just trying to clear up some inventory space but burning these materials I hate you you had to look those lyrics up too I hate you gut sponsored by sponsored by sponsored by right yeah see I think if it goes that tall then the base of the building is like overshadowed by the

Roof it may even be enough to run with like one steep wall right like this this One Singular steep wall and then take these and turn it into a regularly angled wall wall and then turn it into a shallow wall that might look really

Cool it’d be a pain in the tus to create but it would be cool who’s nor one all right let’s split these cuz I don’t think I need all of them what is that creature which what what’s what is what creature which one we got all sorts of creatures

Me stone glass slooped steep Stone glass roof provides greenhouse effect Stone glass wall provides greenhouse effect or no we want I think wood right cuz the roof is made of wood the one behind you this thing um it’s called a lystrosaurus and uh this dude every

Night if you pet it if you tame it and then you pet it it provides like an XP boost to the other dinosaurs around you wood glass triangle quarter ceiling it looks like a Jeffrey it could have been a Jeffrey ASR wood glass roof let’s make like 10 of them

ASR wood glass ceiling ASR steep glass roof P ASR shallow glass roof not 10 what are we going to run out of probably crystals what that track is broken sloped glass wall no nice poop dude I don’t think we need that or that right now we’re going to Need all of these I think excuse me and then what else do we need so we’re going to run out of probably not wood excuse me that was a little bit of a dab there I was trying to cover my I think we’re out of crystals yeah it looks like we’re out of

Crystals I got plenty more here let’s not forget the most iconic dinosaur of all time party nice everybody loved Barney dearly until he was killed by a shotgun do you guys know that song uh I don’t even remember how it goes but it’s something about like Barney getting shot by a

Shotgun we have steep roofs we don’t need more shallow Ro roofs wood roof ramp and stairs and then we need some like steep Stone sloped walls oh there’s quarter walls let’s just make one of those for now to see what it looks like and if it

If it works then we’ll Rock a whole bunch of them shallow glass ceilings I could have sworn I only made 10 of those shallow rofes glass stone sloped walls shallow roofs all right that’s enough to work with for now let the rest of that stuff Cook all right now I don’t believe did oh I freaking got it dude clutch Place well okay how did I do that did I grab dang darn it I was trying to avoid making like I don’t know this that’s probably all I need that’s not okay whatever it’s fine

Right so then I’m thinking like is that I think that’s the shallow one oh poop dude all right well that’s not going to work you guys don’t want to talk about that song about Barney huh it got real quiet in here real quick right like that dude that’s how gorgeous roof

Right I feel like that’s very oh I feel like that’s nice and green housy sorting my simulation Chambers out what you’re who’s what you do who what are you simulating for mother guia please oh oh yeah dude all right Ron I’ll catch you later me the question here is like can we get

This rooftop to blend seamlessly into this Rooftop in all the mods oh all the mods is a mod right so like in theory this would actually not go here like we would need a steeply sloped wooden roof quartered like or a triangle triangular steeply sloped wooden roof and then

I guess we don’t need one for the windows where’s my bird where’s my bird Sparrow no not Sparrow I have no idea where the bird went okay I’m not sure if that would stay or not but if it I think it might end up needing to be

Wood you sent it in Discord all right hang tight I will check how’s this working though it we probably just cut like two out of this right I doubt I can walk on this right no kind of sort of not really and then I’m thinking like somehow some

Way we we try to get these rooftops to blend together so we’ve got like one rooftop going this way another rooftop going this way and they merge and maybe this shape of that rooftop carries out through the other side of this let me check Discord quick what in the world is that thing

Dude what does that even do what’s the point that’s a lot right there all let’s try this where I lost the bird again oh uh um this is awkward it simulates killing mobs wait so does it actually like give you the loot from it or does it pretend to kill

Mobs who whoa whoa whoa wandering where is it going I don’t know okay steep sloped stone walls slop stone walls wood roof ramp and stairs shallow steep slope stone walls I didn’t make any quartering or no I wanted to try this okay hold on hold on hold on kind of looks like a

Barn what is this regular slope shallow St slope I guess I didn’t make any shall wood glass steep sloped wall oh it works it covers up the whole thing thing dude oh okay oh oh I put it on backwards what a freaking fool dude I guess it makes sense cuz it it

Would be real weird if it didn’t do what it does there all right wait actually yeah that’s okay to have a wall there right unless we want to retain this pattern time out you get predictions and and then put it in a loot fabricator I need it for wither stars as

I need 1. 1417 million nether Stars why why do you need so many nether Stars all right right so this already has one vertical wall like that so we would need a whole bunch of regularly sloped walls this would in theory be the same to make the ATM Star

I’m not familiar with that mod pack brother this thing right here going to get weird it’s going to get weird well let’s try it let’s see where it takes us and if it’s sucks we’ll fix it oh I didn’t try this though it’s not a quarter wall oh my

Gosh that is a a big wall I don’t know what that is oh it’s not a quarter wall it’s a 1×4 wall one wide four tall set The Pick of what I have to make okay oh you’re playing create is that what’s going on or is create in there I don’t

Know what the is going on in that dog that’s above me wood ramps okay so that’s the regular slope shallow slope I don’t think I need the sword or the Bas right now shallow slope steep slope plain slope not creative I me hardcore no no I I didn’t mean creative the create

Mod um that one box there that has a 55 next to it looks like it’s from create oh it is okay no worries you’re good half pillar somebody’s out there trying to walk and they can’t ASR steep wooden roof triangle wooden roof triangle shallow wooden roof triangle yes our shallow wood roof

Ramp steep roof we got plenty of those I think we’ll probably need some more crystals too what’s going on out here dog why are you following me no s all right I’ll have to make up for all this Crystal that we’ve lost or while that we’re crafting stuff with but wood glass

ASR wood glass roof triangle is that I’m wondering if that’s the same thing as these but like in roof form or excuse me in glass form wood roof ramp stairs dang it is that not the same thing oh that’s the plane that’s not ASR my be

Dude ASR wood roof ramp in stairs ASR wood roof rampid stairs hang on one second sorry I was just messaging Bryson so let’s get this let’s throw these things Down Okay so this would need what is that that’s the plane ramp right yeah I don’t think there’s any reason that needs to have glass above it oh wait a second oh this is going to get weird dude okay wait wait wait wait wait wait back it up

Let’s start with another one another one another one of these bad boys I think that’ll help us out a little bit cuz it was going to get super odd cuz that’s supposed to be a deck there oop boop boop dang darn dude can that work the way it

Is it’s crazy how that worked out to be like not symmetrical it wouldn’t be too bad to just expand it back one more okay so in theory these should all line up properly it’s not going to line up properly cuz they don’t have variations I think the vanilla has the variation that we

Need at Le well not not for these steeply sloped ones but for the regular ones you can do this sort of roof intersection cuz there’s like a variation to the triangle roof wait huh oh no chance dude why would it snap like that oh was it this I think it’s that dude

That’s okay I lied that’s it’s right it works nice okay boom right and then you take that bad boy and then well we would need two more I just wanted to make sure it worked before I actually like went and made a whole bunch of them and then the shallow one goes

Here sick dude right yeah man and I guess you can make those out of glass too but I don’t feel like we need to unless it would be cool to have this whole thing lined in glass it might actually be cool to have this whole thing lined in glass

All right let’s go make some more stuff Zach’s going to see this and be like oh my goodness that is beautiful I hope he says that okay wood glass steep glass roof triangle we would need specifically four of them if my plan is to do what it is that I

Think it might be to do same with this shallow wood glass triangle roof put them in a cage all right all right we we’ll put him in a cage shallow glass roof shallow glass roof shallow wood glass shallow shallow wait where’s it at shall wait roof roof glass wall roof glass wall roof

Glass wall am I BL am I blind roof and corner but did I make some of those shallow wood glass roof and Corner steep wood glass triangle roof and corner where do do the regular bee sh Wait not shallow oh don’t tell me dude wait ASR wood glass triangle roof and corner

I don’t think I need this right now or these right now we’re Builders please oh baby a triple o really really 11 metal water intakes but but But whatever I’ll take them it could have anything in that crate could have had a gold saddle metal water intakes 11 of them boom no no boop boop cool and I really don’t want the the like roof to be so plain and flat like that so I might I actually have an idea

Of how to help that so like oops five that there be gorgeous shallow Oh no that’s uh that’s the shell one dude that’s going to look sick right oh wait a second uh actually that’s going to stop right here that’s my B if we continue this pattern out the

Like the other side even though there’s really not much to look at on the sides it’s fine there can be a normally sloped one here and then two shallow sloped ones there come come good job cool I wish if I just did this if I just placed it there it would like straight

Up replace the other one that was on the like already placed and put that one in my inventory that would be so convenient cool dude that’s going to look good steep wooden ramps shallow oops okay not quite I don’t know if that would work

There or not like can we just get rid of this wall and put these rooftops in there and if not it probably wouldn’t kill us to just expand that by one this would make a sick little like oh that’s that’s a nice little curve kind of like that ooh I just got an

Idea a big old idea it would be kind of cool to leave this like not walled off right that way you can just fly your birds in and out of here I don’t know if that’s big enough for quetzel or not we haven’t gotten that far so like right here right

Here would begin that but it’s not going to be that we need the Triangular boomop for I don’t wait is that right no I think that is though no I’m not entirely sure oh shoot dude I don’t know steep shallows Plains oh I didn’t expect it to break it all

Right I guess that makes sense what do you mean there’s only one snap you silly game boom Chom oh Poo dude did I just start this backwards I think I did dang it all right yeah so that’s going to actually come out one more and I believe dang darn it the building itself needs to like expand it out one more block that’s not

Right where did my bird go oh my goodness all right you’re awfully close to me I think it’s three wide right it’s going to end up four wide okay I think I’m getting it down slowly I’m learning here learning how to build for yeah that’s making sense to

Me I don’t know is this making sense to you guys is it everybody like flowing with this it’s kind of flowing for me I think this one would come out though uhoh and then this would be a triangular one not that direction though hold on yes right no not

Right that looks too big to trap him in uh I wanted them to be comfortable I did want to finish this before I I went and trapped him but I’ll put him in a trap oh Poo dude that removed the whole dang thing does that mean I get quarters back

No no no no no one and two of those okay I think I’m out of the regularly ramped ones so for this I would need man it would be really cool to like mirror it perfectly on both sides but uh I don’t think it’s necessary

I think if we just hang a little bit of a lip off of here it’s going to look just fine what the heck is that who you dude right that is shallow yeah yeah and that’s the Steep ones so we need two more regularly ramped glass stone roofs or wood

Roofs and then a whole handful of the other stuff can I walk let me walk dang it you sir um should probably go somewhere else I think this will be better if it’s somewhere else I don’t know how yet not sure where but we’ll figure it out

This would be symmetrical I think right like if this back wall bumped out one more I think this back corner would be symmetrical and that would actually fit back there you know what we’re going to have to remove these anyway oh dang dude those weren’t supposed to stay up there what

How in the world oh man what a a freaking nuisance man they’ve got a gun for um what the heck they’ve got a gun for the the cryo gun right it would be so sick if they had a gun for building too cuz why not why why would why not come on man

That window could be centered now I’ll tell you what let’s just do a little something like this pull all this garbanzo out instructor plus does oh for real structure plus here I come that’s what I wanted actually I think that stays there maybe the deck gets moved around and tweaks

Later now that we’ve got some Shenanigans going on let’s get some of these action back in here seven right cuz I think that would be centered wow dude that snapped perfectly beautiful who all right Harry I’ll catch you later buddy thank you for hanging out with me tonight holy crap it’s probably hella

Late for you I hope you have a good day me okay oh come on now why you damaging 2:20 a.m. good Lord oh okay I don’t think I need those or those or those or the shallow ones but I will need the sloped ones or sorry the the

Steep ones but I will need the other ones that weighs 50 holy bazingas dude that bad boy fits up here in the garden sort of not really good Lord this thing is tall dude that’s probably going to need more ceilings at least it would make sense

Right hi buddy you having a nice time inside my house I sure hope so okay we’re going to need some foundations we’re going to need some a whole bunch of the regular wood sloped steep shallow and plain as well as the Triangular ones and then two more two more of the plainly sloped

Glass rooftops wooden good n what are you doing in my house okay that works okay wood glass wood glass roof two of these Tay Tay are those structures modded or are they vanilla the ASR structures are a mod um sorry bumped the thingy uh so yeah like anything that’s crafted inside

This bench that’s labeled ASR as a mod um like this is not okay so ASR provides like the vanilla stuff yeah the the sloped roofs are so like the Steep sloped ones that go up too high that is modded and so are the shallow ones that only go like half a

Block High um but the regularly plain ones now all this glass stuff is also modded like like all these glass roofs are modded and all these glass walls are modded I think the only glass that’s in vanilla is actually the um uh what’s it called Greenhouse by the way structure plus doesn’t exist

In ASA the de structure plus is the one who added the vanilla building for wild card who oh the one that did the vanilla building for wild card well he should have done his mod too what was he thinking okay wood glass not a ceiling we want roof we need two of these

Then one two three 4 eight 12 12 of each wood triangle Corner roof wood wait ASR steep wood triangle roof Corner ASR shallow roof triangle Corner wh That’s too many he did do a great job it it is much better I mean I’ve never used um structure

Plus I would love to but I guess if it’s not in this then then no chance right steep plane I guess like structure plus is like probably a lot going on right like Harry said they had have a gun and all that stuff so it might be a little

Excessive for vanilla although it would be freaking cool dude steep wooden roof shallow wooden roof plain wooden roof go on Amber you’ve done it you’ve done it well done I should really put a key bundle and stop following for oh yep yeah what yep oh

Um it kind of makes me wish I knew a little bit more about what ASE was like just a little bit just so I could like appreciate this stuff a little bit more did I do that right yeah that’s right wait a second that needs to be a flat One Flat one

And a shallow slope boom boom boom and boom and then what I want to do is invert this out this way right I’ll show you what I mean and I want to do it for like all the overhangs that the roof kind of like Fades out on that way it’s not just this

Like big nasty flat plane wall I’m probably going to need more stuff again uhhuh it’s getting a little Out Of Reach like that right so like essentially would have this like overhanging Arch o okay I might have to get on the roof you would appreciate it a lot more

More I think you’re right I probably would I don’t know this is a ton of fun though like in comparison to what like Minecraft offers this is incredibly different and like although there might not be the same extent of creativity and capability that Minecraft has cuz like Minecraft scales really

Well right the the larger you scale the more detail you can app apply to it right but like with this game um it does not scale quite as well as Minecraft does where’s Amber at again I need you lovely this is going to bug me here I don’t know if I like this

Window being here that’s so that’s fine it’s fine so we for sure need something hanging out here for sure need something there I think something here too yeah cool dude so like let’s take a little fly around real quick I don’t know maybe more of this should have been

Glass maybe the glass should come out further or like maybe the entire thing should be glass instead of like converting to Wood on the right hand side I’m also partly thinking that I wish the entire thing symmetrical and doing that would mean that the left hand side here would have

To work itself out three more Foundation blocks and we would likely be plopped like real close to the other mountain side there so I’m thinking maybe it’s fine the way it is cuz I really don’t plan on moving the entire thing dang dude you tell me I’m one short that sucks

Oh no we’re like three short I guess I could use these but nah yeah cuz it’s going to look funny from underneath nice flag Zach I like it claimed This Is Our Land I don’t know would that look by like would this look better with it all

Being glass the whole way out this ledge you know what what if we did something like this this is watch this you guys will like this you’ll be like dude how he do that how you come up with that that’s cool okay that wasn’t supposed to happen

This is going to look much better and I I think I can almost guarantee that please don’t break the whole thingo that was risky business okay so like this whole thing is going to be glass what I’m removing yep yeah yeah baby that going to look good dude that going to look good

Okay so we’re going to need a whole lot more stuff that’s actually going to go out one more right so that it’s perpend parallel perpendicular symmetrical I like that shape actually gives me ideas in theory you could like you could take this this shape that you’ve got going on right this like

Arch and like do this with it you can just like invert it so that instead of arching out and over it arches out and up as well how you’d integrate that with the build I don’t know but it might be kind of cool okay let’s go make a whole bunch more

Stuff probably going to need more well all right we got enough stuff for now wood wood triangle roof Corner let just make like 20 of them or not 108 that’s not what we want do like 15 your steep ones 15 about the difference between ASC and ASA really the only difference is how

Nice building works a lot of uh building an ASE was tricky excuse me was tricking the game into placing things where you wanted to go I saw a clip of uh somebody that made like a a ladder he like broke the game somehow like it was just a floating

Ladder in in the air and when you jumped on it you climbed up and you did it quickly it would teleport you into this like room that was it just locked you in right I don’t know it interesting the the game seems to have a lot of inner

Working little bits and Bobs that you can kind of like tweak and manipulate to your liking what is that plain roof yes steep roof we need more glass as well I don’t think I need any of this right now on me at least we need more glass everything I think right wood glass

Wood glass quarters what am I going to run out of here probably crystals again holy crap I didn’t realize I was using 70 crystals per one of those things a where did it go steep triangles wait what was I making triangles steep glass wood roof shallow wood g wood glass triangle

Roof it’s getting tedious triangle wood glass oh I need eight of these too rro raggy we are out of crystals it’s an expensive house dude Okay so we’ve got the shallow triangles what what am I out of wood no really I think it’s going to be crystals

Again how many of these do we need I think it might just be two we got the shallow ones cooking what about the plain triangles wood no ASR wood glass triangle roof corner I want to say we just need two of these too okay and man yeah we are going to

Have to go farm some stuff if we want to continue but I I messaged Bryson he said he wanted to play some smiggy Smite tonight and I have not heard anything back I probably actually don’t need most of this stuff wait what are we out of out of wood what in the heck

Dude all right let’s work with what we got right now I don’t want to overcraft a bunch of stuff and then be like where did all my stuff go oh did I not make flat walls I did genius all right triangle steep please maybe maybe Bo be you can go right there

Please please please go right there yes that’s what I’ll need there is a little bit of tricking stuff to go where you want it to go not much but like I think often times if you finagle your position around you can get it to go where you’re trying to get it to

Go I’ll tell you what let’s come back hold on so we don’t have to rearrange our hot bar a bunch of times shallow shallow shallow shallow okay so that is two blocks out from the edge with the glass one two blocks out from the edge with

Zass and then I wait how did I do that did I replace the bottom one no no no no no no I’m actually going to need one more of these bad boys I think right so that goes there and then a wooden one goes below that if I could reach you know

What I think I could place things from the bird I don’t know if that was a thing in ASE but placing stuff with the bird is a thing although it’s challenging it is a thing all right I was trying real hard not to rearrange my hot bar but I was

Trying too hard I guess shallow glass roof that’s right right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh the tapara is good for building like that really I guess we’re kind of in the business of picking one of those up eventually sometime in the near future right so that goes quite like that

I think that’s something that I probably want to do with Zach t a tap Yara what in the what that’s kind of cool I like that I didn’t know that was a thing I didn’t realize it would snap like that I’m going to have to remember that

Okay I need a handful of stuff again already unfortunately excuse me dude the whole point of building the house here was so that dudes wouldn’t be all up in our Grill all the time like how why are you even hear man we’re going to have to

Put hey like they insist on being inside the house we’re going to have to do something if it means like I don’t know what it means like look at this we got a heart of dinosaurs running right to our front door why like I don’t want to put pillar and

And Foundations up all over the island I feel like that sucks Sponsored by Bagles did Zach put you up to that huh they want to get tamed so bad yeah I’m sure that’s what they want they’re about to get murdered so bad all right man like I I know you don’t want to cooperate with me but like

I want that to be flush I’m not trying to go the other way like what what see that’s the kind of snaps that I’m like what the freaking heck what is that what what is that I guess I’m glad it’s an option but why why would I care about

That I want it to go the other way and I’m not I don’t fully understand why in the world I I can’t get it to snap the proper direction like it gives you all these different options for snaps but it won’t give you all of the options for snaps like the It clearly

Goes in that direction it has the potential to go flush we’ve seen it happen firsthand all the way over here but for some reason it doesn’t want it and this freaking dude spam fence foundations all over the ground yeah but then nothing grows like none of the trees grow back none of the

Rocks come back and that like that kind of sucks I might end up doing that though unfortunately I don’t want to do that like I I want stuff to be able to spawn and wander and I want to see like Wildlife like I want trees to grow on

The island you know I want rocks to grow on the island and like the crazy part is man even if you put a fence down here in front of the house where it blocks off the land they will literally walk off the cliff into the house you can’t see

Them and they accomplish the same thing for spawns yeah that’s true you can’t really see them they do like sit pretty darn flush inside the ground but uh I don’t want to like have a naked bare Island I want stones and and rocks and trees and bushes and

Stuff and like I mind dinosaurs being all over the place I don’t have an issue with that I just don’t want them inside the house like it seems like they I know it’s a very small island right so like they don’t have many places to go but this

Sucks you know what else sucks sus hold on let’s look at it from the other side I can’t get off my bird when I have something out that won’t go down it that oh that must be the shallow one well all right I see what you’re saying

Caleb but I just I feel like you shouldn’t have to pick your battles like that like I don’t know maybe I’m asking too much but is that not the point in building a house is to like have it isolated from the rest of the environment like it makes sense for dinosaurs for

Say there was carnivores on the island right it would make sense that carnivores would want to come to your house and attack you and try to eat you but it makes absolutely no sense for herbivores to be constantly up inside your house you put them directly around your

House well they’re not spawning down here like they’re not spawning beside the house and well they might actually be spawning like over in here but maybe the ASR feeding trough says something about stopping Dino spawns well I don’t want to stop the spawns though like like okay so they’re not

Necessarily spawning down here like next to our house maybe a little bit in the corner here but they’re spawning up on the platforms and jumping off the cliffs like they’re they’re climbing down the ledges and they’re spawning on the Beach sides and like running around the corner and coming like they’re congregating in

The house and if you line the edges of the cliff they won’t cross the foundations you sure they won’t cross foundations cuz like they run all up on top of my foundations like watch we’re about to see it happen right here he’s like all up on top the foundation

Like we could put a fence up but that’s so ugly man like we could line the uh the edge of the cliff here in a just a big old fence and like it doesn’t need to be super tall it just needs to be tall enough to prevent the bronos from climbing off the

Cliff but that’s so ugly man I don’t want to see that I want it to just be like natural terrain and I don’t want to have to worry about like I feel like there’s no reason why dinosaurs should path off of cliffs like that like they’re you’re not

Seeing it right now but they do it like if a dinosaur is chasing you if a carnivore is chasing you and you jump off a cliff sure it makes sense that it would chase you off the cliff but like for these herbivores man to just like

Path off the cliff and then like migrate and congregate in our house doesn’t make any sense and like the herbivores you would think would try to avoid your structures because they’re freaking herbivores and they want like grass and stuff I might tear the house down and

Restart oh my gosh it’s 10 o00 at night I’ve been going for 5 and a half hours I was okay I was thinking it would be kind of cool if this here this little line of wood was actually made of stone instead of wood positive they don’t cross

Foundations you use them to trap him he’s walking all up on top of it right now but like even when we didn’t have the walls put up and it was just a big Stone platform we had dinosaurs walking all across our platform and those were made out of

Foundations side of a giga mountain and I don’t have anything for spawns I think the foundations prevent spawns but I don’t think they look like they’re walking all across that Foundation down there a oh the foundation fence the fence Foundation all right we could try that we could try

That I would really like to be able to like have a half block of this this glass steep glass but in a half block and then take a steep wall in a half block around that like so that this lip little lip this Edge continued horizontally across the

House it acts like an invisible fence not just One Singular Foundation I see what you’re saying so if we just drew a line of like fence Foundation blocks all around the edge here they wouldn’t cross over it and then we could essentially do the same over here we could like draw a line

Out towards the water I guess and then vice versa on the left hand side I’m really debating on uh maybe taking the house down and starting over now that I’m like a little bit more inspired and uh I have a bit more of an idea of what I’d like to do

I hate to do that CU I just spent the last like five and a half hours doing this it’s time Bryson I was literally just getting ready to stop playing dog okay wait what if instead of taking it down we mirror this side so like we need

A 3X3 on this side as well that 3×3 can house the uh the big smelting pot thing did I bring any foundations with me I think that would look fine instead of taking the whole thing down I think that’s a an excessive little bit of a

Decision there we don’t need to take the whole thing down this needs to be a 3X3 all right I’ve got plans for the future I think we are going to call it here I’ll play a couple of games of smite with you Bryson but I can’t stay up until like 2:00 in the

Morning I’ll organize later plants look good what am I doing I need to get in the bed I know I don’t actually need to get in the bed but this is what I do all right let’s play some smgy smite I’m G to suck I’m going to be so bad at

Smite you either got pickle ball all right we’ll get a couple of games in H while this opens up while Smite loads I’m going to fill up my water bottle I will be right back okay where is Smite what the heck smig what the heck thanks mey

R all right I got to remember those fence foundations and not to rip the house down as well cuz that would suck whoa Smite oh my goodness what are you doing to me advertise advertise advertise Bryson I still think that you should get the other game you should get predecessors game chat’s one

Right audio I had my headset muted I was wondering who did you see that hello Odin skin dude no fiery Frank what wait he’s a scorching lava hot hot dog wait a minute that’s wait oh they they got that other hot dog skin yeah never mind good morning B I

Uh I deleted Tik Tok for like three weeks and now you’re back and redownloaded it tonight I have missed so much okay I the first thing I opened it up right and the first thing I saw was an old man who looked like a monk with this with this long mustache goatee

Thingy playing rifting the uh Hotel California uh guitar solo with a Hello Kitty guitar just playing his heart out what a cool dude staring staring I mean I could see his soul staring into the camera I was like I’m glad to be back and then I found out the stuff

About epsc and the islands list thingy was that came out yeah I I saw it they I saw it and then next thing I saw I mean this is like backtack Tik toks the next thing I see is some dude jumping over the the judge this old lady

Judge sends this due to uh like I don’t know some amount of years for uh for domestic dis disturbance or something like that he jumped over the thing to get her and well they got him he she didn’t get any big injuries or anything like that but just memes on

That I saw like 20 memes of that that alone I’m so glad that you’re here to fill me in on all this Tik Tock news and drama that I miss I I’m filling myself in uh so Stephen Hawking was also on the fste list there’s more huh well what St

Ha there like 300 people yeah there were like 300 people on the list right and so they’ve been making jokes about Stephen Hawking on the list like people dropping him out of uh airplanes people uh him like swimming there in a wheelchair yes oh I don’t want th wow thth is

Good I don’t like thth I wanted coup peasant oh now he’s not going to trade me cuz he originally had th o oh there’s give me JB give me JB give me JB go quick come on come on I can’t cancel that give me the Jeb give me

Jeb he’s got a cool skin for Jeb I like his skin yes oh uh what else was it uh who was I surprised was on that list you you knew the big ones that were already on the list that were going to be on the list like you know Bill

Gates uh Oprah Morgan rest people oh that’s I was going to tell you no Morgan Freeman’s too full of himself uh but he’s awesome um what was oh Cat Williams had an interview that was like two hours and something long where he just talked about everything to do with the

Illuminati and people in the Illuminati and everything interesting and he went off for two and a half hours on something on that and he on everybody except for Bernie ma he did not because he was like Bernie ma the man king of comedy the king of comedy Bernie ma is

The man he is the man he is top three of all time in comedy all right how do we build this what do we play how do we game I don’t know last time we played was the last time I played uh wait what uh I’m sticking to my

Guns ew seriously need in that anti-heal dude like there’s three healers there’s four healers this game this game we come back hits with four it’s cuz y’all sweat for so long it’s cuz y’all sweat for so long yeah we get we get matchups like this get these try hard games on the

This is why I only play once a month so that redo all the stuff and it’s like man we need to give him a game I can’t remember how to okay oh and why were you going to turn tear uh tear down your house in um not Minecraft gosh Arc survival well I

Was thinking about moving like it over one block you basically that is I I was watching you earlier I was like is he ever going to place that that piece of wood down he just going to keep on like trying to get it hey you leave that you leave that man

Alone shame on you I he did oh my God shame on both of you is that a is that an early a get off of him run all right there’s Mana I can’t believe okay I might be dead just instant got Ed well you got Ed

By three people too yeah I mean I deserved it I was up there like punching them if our team was there we’ have killed him like immediately I think th just got here here who just kidding I’m just going to touch the minions who’s wait which piece of wood was I

Supposed to place down I it was in that corner towards the staircase and I was like cuz you were messing with the sets you were like what is this like where you could I shave off something or whatever it was I was like I’ve seen this somewhere before and it reminded me of

Uh decorating in Minecraft to place or not to place on the shelf that is the question is it okay if that shelf’s empty that just that that’s a Shriner’s box or whatever it is whatever his name is this man needs to not kill the minions without his team nearby no Shriner’s cat right

Schrodinger’s cat is it in the box is it not in the Box how do you say his name I called him a Shriner TR iner wait a you might have want to say that again huh oh the way that you broke it down did not sound politically correct tro

Dinger oh Dinger Dinger okay makes it better ow I got to go 2 seconds on the heal every man for himself what do you mean you’re the Healer lies told to you by the government no such thing oh man our he keeps missing get the heels I missed the freaking assassin

Dude dang it oh get these heels the other heels up go go go go I like how everybody going for walk away from it get away it’s my he we got to get this other one that’s what I’m talking what are your full health fail

Mana what do you need that for sh shut your mouth shut your mouth just watch all part plan the Healer must be healed bang beat his cheek son goodness like how we get the speed Buffs too that’s nice feeling good yeah dude I think Jeb got a buff his

Range seems a little redonkulous just a little out of hand feels the exact same as always low quality I’m telling her you said that she used to be good oh she used to be beautiful I can’t even use her passive they’re scared they won’t come

Out of their Tower I think they got some o I think that’s what yeah there it is that’s one of them he just eats everything right yeah oh my God they’re both here don’t touch me I don’t know you got you out stay asleep get oh not in the best situation we need

To go get the heal oh thth is actually going freaking ham where are you right behind you yeah heal’s almost up here I don’t remember how to Ping the map get off for them nice just go on I’ll watch you doing a beautiful job brother I do what every good thing I does

Nothing oh get him oh my gosh oh that was about beautiful back up oh s dude two seconds the one I hit her with the one tap nice two good kill I go run honestly going to rip this back up they advanage I kill all 3 seconds they’re scared dude

They’re so far behind the tower cuckoo div’s Tower one anal a playing no game cuckoo came to kill CA shoot you he’s doing it dude that we must the CL and the cuckoo must be playing together uhoh uhoh he tried I uh-oh watch out he’s here thank you I’m body blocking him

Thank you not to day sir not oh he hit me with this thing stood in front of me when I cast my Dash that sucks all right I think that was my first death yeah mine too I need to get the anti- heal on all right yeah I’ll slap some

Anti-heal on we’re going to need it yeah a little bit they might get some power damage here maybe oh beautiful go on thank God they put us with some sweat go on that was so close to level 12 oh my God you’re on top of it yeah our Mages are kind of on

Point that’s pretty Good one two SL oh hello how are you let me get this work boy nice all the work all the bodies give that man there is a heal on the right if you no you guys are all right well let’s take it ain’t nothing but freak

Oh my God what you doing getting bodied I guess why didn’t you walk back here I don’t know I’m all right yeah yeah you you fine jees he is super squishy what is he building proba crit they all build crit Hades is going for life steal yeah crit

I’ll build some anti crit next item nice Oh I thought he was going all the Minions I was like oh here we go bit of a bait huh a bit of a bait a bait the nice and space he blinks in yep he just stop he just

Got stopped oh no I’m dead never mind running never mind I did I did nooh they’ve got good push potential yeah yeah yeah but we got that defense I know we got to get zqu out of there o that’s not good get this come go

Come come I know there I got 18 seconds in the dream chill oh as fast as I can I got to be careful yeah you looking a little little uh squishy thank you I need that 3 seconds you know chunga 2 is probably one of the best moves I

Think around pretty good that’s her heal right or her dash out that’s that’s her immunity to everything oh yeah it’s busted plus you know the Mana region if you get hit wait really yeah so if I get hit at any point that’s 40 Mana per hit okay that’s actually busted busted

Chill our man’s needs that Mana son yeah uh-oh all right it’s it’s in this man’s whole career right here never mind good Odin Al though yeah all right I I’m full oh my God careful we’re split split I’m hurt I’m on my way running I’m out I’m

Out oh good one roll for roll for it I think Hades just goes down I can’t use my to I guess I did get CC but I was trying real hard to use it beforehand nice oops good Lord take I’ll take these kills I am the Assassin Bo not even close all

Right what’s the second probably a suer or a horrific maybe oh like the way the sound of a horrific right now I don’t remember what any thing is maybe less of a horrific and more wait is the cursed do an AOE I think it is I’m going to do the curse donk for

When Hades ult me he’s riding in on the Broom careful ow all right you can get off me sir oh oh oh buddy can’t believe he lived we’re fine I can’t believe he lived then I’d like to push them no we’re not we’re I got to K him real quick nice oh

Okay okay we are getting Ed by everybody oh I’m 4 seconds out on my abilities I’m waiting for that Q across the screen he didn’t get it we’re good healing the minions healing the min oh nice good job don’t die Don’t Die 3 seconds and a dream chill

Out all the Minions are getting that attack nice we’re strong dud that cuckoo is just eating all the tower shots all right uh that hurt oh I didn’t mean to do it he’s knock up IM me oh I can’t save him that’s crazy how he’s alive thank you yes

Sir I can’t do anything for you you’re fine yeah I once I was in I knew there was no coming out unless I had be you mean the closet what huh what think would if I had that be I could have hit my two and then punish him with a three nice I

Died well they’re all about dead so it’s all beautiful o I need them cool one V2 let’s see it he’s running towards the tower he’s running in the tower okay he won’t make it yeah we’re good oh the battle this look like a solo Lane right now it is let’s get it represent

Represent he’s actually freaking murdering anties right he is murdering him does he have on anti heal not yet he’s going for it next though no he does he does p steal oh yeah it oh I guess it does do like it’s a 50% is it it used to be it says 20%

Enemy gods that you hit have their healing reduced by 20% but you’re healed for 120% of the healing reduced that thing was like 50% at one point it used to be yeah brother run there’s nothing left it’s kind of crazy I guess it is a really early game source of anti my God

I was trying to to heal him I who he thinks he is he ain’t that guy K’s old is not that guy I’ll tell you what back kill all be all okay we got that good damage out all right push them all nothing’s going to be left once we’re down here hillage

Hillage poor C dude he can’t hit nothing this damage oh oh no trying to lonely right here don’t hurt me hands he these hands good pick Oh I thought two seconds I’m just going to tank this so I can die and buy a new

It nice how’d he die he got Ed holy crap nice right in time for a minion wave your doom has come okay actually instead of buying an item I think I like to keep the Bountiful bow right now go with the blade of AR uh let’s three excuse me we

Body some smiggy Smite dude mhm all right oh five of them are are about to be up there there’s four of us but what unless you guys can take that Phoenix I don’t know if it’s safe to be up there that’s why I was naked chill retreat I have a bad

Feeling I’ll see if they’ll do it they do it we could go back get the heals and the Mana get cuckoo all the way back up uh and they’re going to start the counter push Jeb and I both have on anti-kit oh no no I’m

Jeb me Jeet me Jeet me have anti CR I thought that was Oda for some reason I don’t know why I open him oh no hit him with the m nice yeah man three two keep them alive I just get a little bit closer to him I can heal that

Man K the heals boy K the heels he’s on man he’s not healing nothing not him I was healing up K or not Co who’s left just the TH or what’s his name raw raw same difference raw yeah about the same thing they both Birds everybody listen finish it be

Murderer that was a good first one back boy I like that yeah I’ll take my six and three it’s crazy our team our team wasn’t like spam laughing and talking smack who would have thought that was a thing who would have thought it who the dang thought dude they’re right they’re right

I guess I’m the host huh yep how do we do what are those all right I was about to call you Zach I all damaged you but did you all heal me that’s all that matters in the end oh I did bad no but I did do a lot of

Healing compared to everybody else yeah yeah did me what was healing my Teammates no chance that was the bladed ank or I guess the the cloak of meditation probably did well but the blighted ank actually heals it says all healing reduced by this effect is distributed to your allies within a 40 unit radius oh oh I I was wondering what you

Were talking about I was like what in the world cuz I was looking for your items it’s a relic the curon upgrades using this item reduces healing received by all enemy Gods within 55 units by a 60% decreases their Shields Effectiveness by 50% for 10 seconds and remove 75% of all

Currently applied Shields enemies that are healed by God abilities while active affected by this curse take 20% more damage from all sources that’s pretty good that that’s actually really good yeah and then it distributes that all of the healing reduced so 60% of the their healing is redistributed to

Us that is pretty good and you know it’s a shield breaker too I feel like bladed onk is Savage group fights right there’s a different ank that is uh much better for like one-on-one stuff dude there’s a new Fountain skin in the uh the store right now or it might just be for

Me choppy Waters I like save that for the summertime I bet it’s pretty good wait what what is this oh have you seen the new like whale God I have not in game he’s pretty Deon was actually telling me about it he said they added a whale an actual whale

I was like huh I’ve a lot of people been hating on them but I kind of like him afro so like if you build attack speed items it doesn’t actually increase your attack speed what it does is it applies haste right M and haste lets you move

Faster while you use your auto attacks right wait say it again haste is something that allows you to move faster while you use Auto attacks you know how when you Auto attack your speed gets reduced significantly yeah and he has that builtin no well he’s got a built in

But he also so attack speed built on him doesn’t actually affect his attack speed he always stays the same rate of attack speed but building attack speed gives him haste now his attacks his Auto attacks are AOE around him I I saw that see I watched the god reveal for him and

Whenever I first saw him I was like oh so it’s an AOE hun and and then when they said it was a guardian I was like they missed an opportunity look I’ll be it would have been cool if he was an assassin yeah I’ll Be Water Theme with

You cool dude yeah we got to represent his ultimate though is really interesting like it expands the radius of his Auto attack significantly but it debuffs the enemies and then Buffs your teammates the gay flags we got gay Morgan Lefay and gay rock rock the what

Anyway what I I thought it was funny because it rhymed gay Morgan Lefay I don’t even know we’re not politically correct past 10 okay you’re not I am not no wait I don’t do stars this is this is Arena no I’ll do a star guy morgi sounds better the more I say

It wait I don’t need pods for I know Bron does anybody ever tell you to shut up nope oh bro no sometimes you got to say something you know on the edge get people’s attention I don’t know how to play this game we need you got to think about it I

Mean you got to don’t you pick you missed it by a mile dude nobody else wanted I was going to swing back if the hunter wasn’t going to grab it what was I going to say though you got to say some edgy stuff pass P to you know give him something to think

About keep the keep the conversation spicy I’m going to need Mana real fast R here like aist yeah I need I keep on wanting to heal people but I can’t what are you doing who are you playing I’m discordia I keep on thinking that my threes my uh I’m chunga my three

Can heal People I still try oh go thanks for that uh hey honor when did they add lizo to Smite who lizo yeah um I don’t know who is it you get it I don’t know who you’re talking about look it up oh you you are lizo attack the whale

Yeah I don’t that’s why I was laughing in my head why has she gained like a massive amount of weight she was no she’s been fat but she was it was okay it became okay to call her fat after she was talking or she was treating her staff like so

Now people can call her fat for a while there you couldn’t all right found it that’s a good one thank you yeah they don’t they too strong Morgan f is doing top damage right now Morgan’s out of freaking pocket dude is that what the kid say out of pocket out of

Pocket kids you acting like you ain’t what 20 H oh I didn’t mean to do that get tossed up don’t you touch him no no I’m just going to back I’m out of Mana again I mean another thing no never mind never mind can’t say that they have shown their coward already PE

Pew pew pew PE PE should get these Buffs on the side me uh I can tell you’re not a a a uh an arena player okay we don’t pick those up no I guess we are I’m going to go after this C in the back dude I’m going go for

Janice I’ll be here to cut them off nice holy buns on a stick dude I was getting my cheeks clapped taking oh we got somehow we have two waves of M let’s try and push this in how is that possible they must have gotten held back some glitch in The Matrix government’s

Watching that they be do I’m being killed yep mhm you should know better I was just trying to push those minions shamee it’s just a shot we we did get a bunch of minions in though no we didn’t we didn’t get a single Minion in I don’t think a few of

Them just ran in oh well that’s good oh he Beed me who peasant oh uh uh key he beaded my my stun Ro like it was going to do something to do dude uh by the way I have been watching cartoons lately again we were just talking about cartoons today I was

Watching like old tunami reruns from like you know the early 2000s beautiful I mean just beautiful pure nostalgic hold him down hold him down and ruin them yes sir nice come on It ow what is this glowing r on the ground uhoh I don’t know don’t touch him you don’t know him like that nice apparently we knew him not him I was talking about our teammate good Double Take AI get the minions in watch out Janice hope he sucks Oh how’ that Miss run run they are coming for you they really are you are de wait uhoh run they building crit no they sh and life steal I don’t want I want power the power oh wait I need to get uh you know that won’t work on me there we

Go yep got you weak weak minded countered all right got you you just you’re faster than me m that’s right every time he just going to walk in there like oh knock up imune dude get out of there I’m trying where is NE stay back stay back Hunter you

Actually go back you’re a little weak actually do like a ton of damage to Buffs you don’t want it I don’t want it get away from me watch this I’m just getting a spr dude I’m running to go save Morgan if I can got it si oh I wasn’t buy I haven’t been

Buying the right stuff I forgot got to buy for burst Uh-oh hello what do uhoh yeah you might need to go ooh I was I was trying to get to you to heal you uh-oh ooh oh not a phantom shell I don’t want that I I don’t think I’ve didit anything W you can’t sell a relic once you buy it

Okay good to know you should have know I did not he will not hit any of those I’m a slippery snake a snake SN what flag are you got wearing which one are you uh I am wearing the Snowman flag he’s Ginger neutral he’s actually asexual so he don’t like nobody well

Done you just offended 90% of uh kids under 12 years old now well is what it is is what it’s going be throw everything I got stay back all right I’m going to go get some stuff give be all bro there’s so much CC Immunity on their team who’s who yeah sucks

I can’t hit anything they just too quick what’s new Qui you just mad cuz you look like little whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa he knocked me up during my ult that’s impossible imposs wa really a I tried was on him I’m going to go clear these Buffs on the left nice whale

Jle he’s actually like chunking don’t touch me all right I’ll be back back got to go grab some some Goods yay he hurts what’s he building full shred my lordy P think I want that I want to be Speedy oh my gosh I’m whatever I got hopefully that

Hits he missed bounce yes you hit yep I’m just that guy it’s okay you should have known this you should have known I almost coming you should have known I almost coming melt it I hear you just typing away what no I’m not I’m just gaming dog oh well it s

Like it sounded like you were you know going ham on them Buffs I was just the W buddy dude I just you should have double you should have W it I tried it didn’t work good push all right now get off hit that wall no I didn’t get a good

Bounce attack speed like reduction aside from the wrong one I don’t remember anything I barely remember the Mage items I think I’m just going to pick up a sovereignty weak okay I you know what enemies that successfully land a basic attack when you have their movement speed and attack speed reduced

By 8% I’m going to build that sovereignty is going to be good oh I just dodged that I oh save that man how is he alive I good Lord stunned I stunned old boy I’m just going to go heal quick yeah take these hits don’t touch me wait that’s a midgardian oh

Sovereignty is different sorry I’m building a midgardian now my bad get off them get off of there how’s he alive bro I just body blocked him to for days he didn’t have a chance got it watch this oh dang I thought he was going to just walk in for it don’t land on

Mebody child all right we’re here you what we’re here you know that 120 health I’m killing it no I don’t get J run hom my shell was up in like half a second I’m about full bu ooh you got hit Hard you stay away man I’m just going to hang out for 100 coins I’m just going to hang out for 40 [Applause] points they hurt nice I SU y still in there yeah dude come on run well done keep on running they can’t take us all he’s going to try and collect he’s

Trying to to clean up and collect take this wall collecting nothing put him down put him down where you the left minions help there’s a ball being through the wall dude well played I lived I lived I lived we one point left come on team watch they’re going to end

Up coming back and winning uh if they get that ball in there yeah that’s 50 points dog oh no it’s like good game I thought it was 50 points no it’s never been 50 well it might have been back in the day it’s like 20 I think we’re two for two

Baby all right all right all right all right all right right all right oh that reminds me who else was on that list Tom Hanks Tom Hanks was on that list but sure the real and it’s supposed to be I mean the list I mean it’s been

There’s been a bunch of fake list but this one’s supposed to be the real list I mean this was given out by I don’t even remember by tekashi 69 no tekashi Sensei uh Kashi really get it cuz never mind there was a pun in there the list was given out by

Uh C Williams world famous snitch oh c Williams Bron do you know what smelling souls are dude yep have you ever tried them no but uh my friend has they’re painful and no you just got to snort it I mean you you don’t sniff it you snort it you

Make you a nice line you take a nice credit card whatever you your skin dude no no no no no no no look look you take a nice credit card or debit card whichever one has less debt on it nice so that you can really feel the uh the enjoyment in it

You crush it up make a line and then you know make it as long as a table and just go at it double nostril two straws um oh dude Bryson I’m one sub away from 420 God shoot that’s pretty good last time I looked was uh I was showing Devin uh

What was it I think it was Christmas and it was like at 2:40 something yeah it’s been climbing pretty quick nice I’m definitely about to like smell these smelling salts real quick though yes yes wait wait wait wait I got to watch this yes go do

It did you get whiff or did you get a sniff did it give you an instant mind grain if it didn’t it didn’t work oh yeah it got me oh yeah yeah no that was nothing I’ve hit him a few times so like I’m I’m a little more used to it

Now wow do you see that AMC skin dude they’re coming out with some Jank skins right now really bad it just like I don’t know what’s going on it’s called aing Cobb and it’s him as a corn cob animated look they’re trying to get the whole bar

Barue going right they got the corn they got the hot dogs they got the burger it’s a lot of food themes lately yeah it’s needed it’s needed think about it you need the whole cookout right so we’ve got corn hot dogs hamburgers uh the world

Sub you had the sub what what what are we missing what what is brought to every cookout that you can make like a you know a skin pasta salad I was going to say potato salad but you can’t make that skin God that well it’s just a square

Tub it’s it’s the the metal tub you know it’s got potato uh salad scribbled on top and Sharpie beans greens potatoes what the hell that song uh wait was Greens beans potatoes tomato lamb ham wait I was listening to it on Thanksgiving on repeat in my headphones

While I was having to like bake everything greens beans potatoes Tomatoes lamb Ram chicken turkey you n you n a social emote wow wow H oh dude you ought to see the base and how it’s turning out for r craft man it’s looking freaking sick lately thou

Shall not ever finish a base it’s taking quite a long time the first rule social I mean it it’s never happened not in ESO not in Minecraft not in any game I have never seen you with a fully complete house I mean I don’t know if a base is ever truly fully complete

Yes it is like you could just go and go and go like I had one fully complete base on what was it oh wait where are we playing oh no no no no no no no I want box no no Oh I thought that was you so oh I went to immediately pick

Afro I wasn’t fast enough Dude Looks like you’re on your own r or die where we at we’re Christmas right so do I have a new Christmas I do have one of Christmas skins huh if you have the stream pulled up you should go to like minus 8.55 hours I have mine backwards

Uh I don’t know why it’s telling me like negative time from where I’m at now yeah I have negative to minus 8.5 yeah like 8.55 wait okay it went backwards my bad uh so like so you’re building a castle something right over here oh that’s not like the best view is

It it’s still good I’m seeing the top so like are are you putting like a perch for a dragon on the top yeah yeah there’s a perch for the dragon on the top there’s actually some more progress made later on but like I don’t know I’m pretty happy with how that’s turned out

And that’s just the building itself like that doesn’t show the underground Menagerie segment and that doesn’t show like the whole back across the river fishing segment and there’s like a bunch of graveyards and stuff like that there’s been a lot done I hate this match up bless you thank you twice three Times I’m the are there I am going to buy a starter because I’m going to need that need early just it’ll take forever to do anything uh and another thing they need to make these timers a little bit longer this is kind of got get good kid get

Good kid let’s go uh I’m already here I’m at what matters oh dude my head hurts now all the adrenaline for what for the Smite yeah cuz we take J very seriously around here shoot I don’t know if we’ll be able to clear we may have to come back to Blue yeah clear

W better back up you don’t want those blue I do 100% but I feel like we’re not in a position yet they didn’t get their blue yet yeah they’ll be they’ll have to run back wow dude all right we’re going to have to eat chunks yeah we should go

Now they’re going to push us though no no no no you need to backup they are coming for you I’ll get the blue if anything that beard dude is so Dumb oh I’m lagging a little bit Hunter Hunted Oh shoot what happened I almost died our bakas is all up in there yeah he’s he’s pushing no girl my vum grows ever more potent lean greens potatoes Tomatoes good job bakas she got cut off he chased her around the corner and

Ey blue didn’t drop yet no I’m going to take it now all right I’ll be over there the minions give me you know that’s the one oh oh and there’s a uh there’s another thing I don’t I’ve heard mix stories I heard that it was either in Florida or in

Vegas there were sightings of 8 to 10 foot aliens just walking about and about 50 cops showed up and just started it was Florida it was it Florida it was Florida it one of the two it probably was Florida you know Florida Mana made contact he sent out a Signal Mountain Dew signal

He’s got nice get off of him die Red’s up buddy we need that what is UN we can they’re not oh grow back though take it quick got wait did you get it you go all right get ready going to try and do soon as he

Jumps I suck you suck more you walk right into it I’m going to go back so I can finish Transcendence and then I will be stacking and I know I know you want to have fun no man is safe I know good will don’t be surprised I would kindly

Request that you allow me to have some Stacks please there’s no I freaking hate your guns dude good I’m going to let you die so I take the stacks brao you need to stop I love it he wants the purple but I want this wave down there

With please don’t okay Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready Get Ready there it is see that see that time oh hella bad huh he missed me I don’t he hit you me I am just above beyond what is unseen we should go get our blue yeah maybe after the

Wave I want to kill her she pushes up I’m going to kill her she ain’t going to push up she’s just baiting want to go get let’s get I’m here Fus is honestly kind of with it dude yeah you bastard he’s not on top of it he’s a

Dick what he take that he said oops Yeah I mean all was forgiven cuz he said okay I just did oops two 9 seconds I’m waiting on the jump for the beat the uh Whatchamacallit I want door why is that like half a minion wave Greens Greens Tomatoes

Potatoes you name it you name it oh he might be in trouble he’s not he is box yeah he is BX and he does have a te dude there is a character in uh in uh what’s it it called predecessors that’s basically afro but her tether actually

Allows you to yoink the teammate towards you and over your head as long as you’re not cced if the enemy if your teammate that you’re Tethered to is cced you can y him out of it oh okay it’s busted lean green I’m waiting for that Thor all to come

Around the corner there it is oh were you ready for it though I mean not really cuz I was like looking for him in the air and I couldn’t see him you’re not going to do much good lady you ain’t either Thor don’t even try and touch me 4 seconds H he’s dead that was gorgeous I am the Assassin one second fre I’m quite low and I could really do the back in yeah you can I’m actually going to do that now I don’t even know how to say I’m building stacks I wish I did grows more

Potent I don’t even remember my Blue’s up I don’t even know how voice chat I think it’s V thank you thank you for actually letting me get some steps that was not in or just come here M I do have four and a half you back up a little bit a little

Little I want you get caught by that hammer and then when I’m up I’ve got full Al R and everything okay struggle busing oh uh oh boy he sucks he’s not great is alting he’s kind of just dead I wanted to help him there was not much we could do for around that

Corner watch out he sucks get off of me I’m going let him hit you a few times that’s fine try and keep here oh my gosh they’re here I got to maybe not be here actually I think I’m okay I’ve got Soul Leader

Oh I’ll get you in I say now I got to go get some items here full health again get off me get off of them oh my good peasants come on three two I’m just going to rip this tower all right we could even go for their blue if

It’s not down I’m not sure put a Daner on girl we can both stun can’t we oh oh buddy you are so dead me get off me Oh I thought I was dodging weaving for a good while oh I did not mean to buy that don’t worry I’m going to get strong

Here about 2.4 seconds just not have been there I hope he runs yeah good job what are they building anti-heal freck yeah oh let’s get it that means I’m doing my job I mean I’m building life steal too so it kind of sucks for

Me can I make it to him where is he going which way which way come on pick and pick and choose brother I’m on my way an ally SL an enemy has enemy hey mafio Bill welcome back buddy sorry Mr chat I don’t know how long you’ve been here but hello

Hello to you my main main main main main main main man Max where they they were I got them k purple too what is unseen I’ll take this since Red’s Downy rocking everywhere it’s everywhere I’m still trying to stack this Transcendence or sorry not not Transcendence um Soul Leader oh we are so

Scared o ooh get hit watch out he’s going to hold behind us oh wow dude my oh my wow dude uh I was doing nine healing he needs to run half a tank item one and he’s super tanky if I can make it to you brother yens has pen on it now

Dude what’s going on me what a star dog that to shot well played thank you you’re alive somehow I’m the Man M Legend as I’m coughing up blood all right you’re back good peace Shield would be better there we go on my way I’m on my way I’m On I have hemorrhoids I have hemorrhoids is that what you said no I was quot SpongeBob destroyed yeah honestly mission complete might have to get zag back on this game but I thought was so it is it honestly is better crash P wow you need to run

Nice bro get freaking bent dog for two for two get get B I need this healings oh my gosh I’m full health again mhm good power the power I the man to me leg the Le oh that’s another thing I have a that is uh a Legends paddle what your Legends Fenix is

Down middle enemy we need to go let’s take blue we don’t need to go we’re fine big guy’s gone oh yeah that gu nothing they have no power yet I’d love to get that purple instead instead of fighting them my goodness you are fighting them holy crap I be I am very very

Strong I am the strong man D I came online I’m chunking now you ready you going need to he I’m going try and save him never mind he’s dead ooh that one suck buddy you are uh I’m fine by yourself mhm oh my gosh if I could have got off my

Two I killed her what is unseen crap what was the plan I I didn’t know where I was and he would miss oh that’s funny I was like I put the grass down and I wanted to hide in the farthest Corner away from like my

Home base I was like no chance he knows I’m in this corner that is hilarious I was wondering I was like what are you doing I I know what else to do besides just Wai in the grass dude all my relics were down oh my gosh

It’s so funny should I sell my S I think I am well yeah I’ll sell it rid of it get another staff online one More the Shadows dude the freaking music’s jamming it’s the first time I’ve listened to Smite music in a long time it’s always purple down never mind he picked it up fire minions just kill who said I won them boy I want you good try H you been oh Phoenix up Phoenix up it’s

Down it don’t look like it’s down is it not down it’s down now it’s down but it took a second he’s dead too good good place in the air oh he ran back like a all right if he jumps on him he’s dead so go Aussie or executioner you get off of

Me enem has been Aussie’s more life steel for me I think executioner is better but Aussie can’t get a glyph maybe it’s a heartseeker woman I think it’s a heartseeker right now okay you guys just okay well I didn’t want to participate don’t worry about me top kill let’s get it top

Damage Top Gold I did my best had to put it had to put in that afro work real quick did been a while had to make sure that I was still on top hey man I had 16 177,000 damage wait let me get in here you you

Out damaged me let’s get it you did you did very good but I didn’t how damag their team dang it that Morgan’s a nasty dude her and her uh her fear that she’s got is ridiculous yeah they’re nasty but that one wasn’t that she couldn’t hit her two

I mean no her one she couldn’t hit her one well that was 66 worshippers that game was it really is it double wor triple wow it is a triple right now well to bad Z got to work this weekend M how far 208 levels of the battle pass tonight oh my God I’m on 22 wow you know I’m at 7,639 word Trippers if I play tomorrow I can get another star with yeah but do you have a crown on predecessors buddy I didn’t think so pathetic weak

Disgusting shall never be as much as a star I feel like you would really enjoy predecessors if you got used to the pacing of the game cuz it the early game pacing is quite slow um it’s a lot of cuz you know how in Smite you get XP and gold for being near

Minions when they die well in predecessors you have to get the last hit on the Minion or else you don’t get the gold you get the XP um now support uh in Duo Lane support has a like a a starter item that allows them to gain a percentage of the Gold without killing

Them right um but that’s the tricky part is getting the last hit on the minions to get your gold but once you hit like mid the late game dude uh you would really enjoy mid lane o ooh Hunter yeah uh welcome to the 11 the year 11

Celebration yeah have you done this no I haven’t either I’m only on the three games played 11 bonus chest 11 day account booster pick any unlimited skin in the mar whatever that say CH The Limited Skins are kind of pooy though they’re not that bad but some are better receive

A free battle pass or season of world’s chest if you own it this battle pass the one that we’re in now probably with 16 days left I should have tried a little bit harder I’m not too concerned more rewards for celebrating swc Smite World Cup World World Championship with us on

Twitch January 12th to 14th what are these what what are these new anime skins that they have added oh well the ones with the big Honkers the big old bites oh so uh we were watching there’s this thing that comes on that’s called the toughman competition it’s a bunch of

Rednecks from West Virginia fighting each other right and it’s it’s like it’s set up like UFC kind of but they box and stuff and it’s shot in a strip club like you could tell the background it’s a strip club and the ring girls are definitely strippers there’s no doubt in my mind

They are they’re definitely strippers and they have a ring girl contest I it’s weird it sounds but they I was watching tonight the first time watching the ring girl contest and this chick got out there and she started dancing around teddy fell right out live on camera oop

And the and she got done dancing and she because they called him to the middle of the stage and she did this little like cheering jumping up and down dance and then went back and the other girl had to help her she was like girl put your tiedes

Away but it was she won she she won I think she won $1,000 in a coat so get it all right I think I’m going to call it here man cuz it’s almost 12:00 and I got to finish editing this video before I get to sleep I got editing the

Video yeah I do I actually need to cuz I don’t have anything rendered for tomorrow and uh it’s been a hot minute since I got a Minecraft video out so I got to do that oh my God wait wait H before you go yes go to the Odyssey

Immortal Immortal thingy oh no no not that sorry the color Forge I just got eight free chest they’re not what you think they are they’re just like colors for the skins that have color change color changeability I already have them actually pretty sure I do so like oh I I got

Them I guess I didn’t have those guys um there’s certain skins in the game like I think the one it’s ref or referencing right now is Cupid and it just changes the color of that skin that he’s got on but it’s only that skin I

Think dang he’s out he’s out of here he left I don’t think he meant to leave though I don’t think he meant to leave maybe he did maybe he’s out of 5 th I don’t know man oh well welcome back you’re muted we’re going to pretend like this never happened okay you’re still

Muted we’re still pretending like this is not happening PR this guy he’ll figure it out give him some time Bry on hello welcome back there we go finally no it was something was going up I mean I accepted it but nothing loaded in for a good solid two

Minutes oh oh I see what you’re saying yeah I blue screen and I was wondering I was like how long is it going to take him to realiz PL bye sir good night buddy huh sorry I was talking to somebody oh I was dude all I could think was Lord this is

Hilarious all right am I I’m gonna SPL that are you good yeah I’m collecting these dyes I’m not too impressed with the dyes I mean they ain’t bad they’re all right I don’t know how they would what skins do they go on it’s I I think it’s

Just that one Cupid skin that’s like advertised that’s why I’m like yeah wait which I have you wait I don’t see the this skin you talking about like if you go into the color Forge World Collide thing yeah it’s a I see uh a him doll skin oh you

Know what oh there’s a baron okay look oh it’s chick you’ve got wait where do you see hll it’s a him doll balloon skin it’s a oh is that who that is yeah it’s a baron uh chick skin and a Thanos pretty cooling skin yeah and then

I guess you get all the color variants for each of them H that’s actually kind of cool I do like that you can change the colors yeah isn’t that an old posan skin though it is they’re just bringing it back yeah I guess so I I’m not too like overwhelmed

By some of these color combos I think I got the best looking one which is that teal dream or well I I can’t I don’t know how to scroll down from oh here we go PlayStation kill dream the Mystic Meadow o midnight doesn’t look half bad as gray Haze doesn’t look half bad

Either where do you see teal dream Mystic meta uh let’s see Mystic Meadow Mystic Meadow yeah and then scroll down and what was it I see midnights yeah gray Haze is too below that one I like that what about the other one which one I don’t know the first one you said

The uh te dream yeah where’s at the very top oh I missed it okay H they’re okay I guess they might like a really good on skin you can’t $150 it’s actually $125 right now well you see but if you buy the whole bundle with all you know

$237 of it and 54 Cent you get that limited skin too and old limited or really it was limited but I don’t know why it’s back we offer a 30-day payment plan but at the cost of a $30 tax it’s actually nine payments of $9.99 999999 yes no refunds no refunds yeah no

Kidding no jokes either no yeah that one was the most for real one all right dude I’m going to split that out of here because it’s quite late and I’ve been going for a while and uh have to get some stuff done before I get to sleep tonight but what’s today Sunday

Today’s today Saturday tomorrow Sunday Sunday Sunday I thought today was Friday for some reason I don’t know where it goes all right well uh I don’t know if I’ll catch you tomorrow but if so let me know all right cool man good night peace and as for the rest of you as for

The rest of your faces oh this is awkward I can still hear you all right I think I think I’m out I’ve got a little bit of fan art for you guys this one’s like coffee cat and uh I think this is her excuse me this is coffee cat’s interpretation of Lucifer

Um not just like Lucifer Lucifer but like the Lucy that joins the chat every now and then and the man’s that has the big blue wrench next to his name watch out for him he’ll put you in lockdown I’m just kidding now is a great

Guy and so is coffee cat so thank you so much coffee cat for the wonderful artwork and uh if you guys have any artwork to share please by all means check out our Discord channel the link to that’s down below um and if you just

Want to hang out and have a good time discord’s a good place to do that man it’s a lot of fun in there we have a good like goofy mess in there uh yeah I guess I will catch you guys tomorrow 1 pm EST don’t forget to subscribe to the

Channel we’re very close to 500 Subs in fact we were talking about maybe doing like a 500 sub special for you guys and uh I think it’s probably going to be a hot ones challenge where I eat a bunch of really really really spicy hot wings

Um I don’t do Hot Stuff very well so we’ll see how that goes or if you have any suggestions as to what we can do let me know there’s also going to be something similar to that uh for the Thousand subscriber Mark if we ever get there so if you got any ideas

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft Ep. 66 Live Stream’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2024-01-07 05:32:17. It has garnered 58 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 11:19:23 or 40763 seconds.

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    Surviving 9200 Days in Minecraft Hardcore Bertahan Hidup 9200 Hari di Minecraft Hardcore 1.21 Imagine surviving 9200 days in the unforgiving world of Minecraft Hardcore 1.21. This incredible feat achieved by a dedicated player showcases the true essence of perseverance and skill in the game. The Ultimate Survival Challenge Surviving in Minecraft Hardcore mode is no easy task. With limited resources, heightened difficulty, and the risk of permanent death, every decision counts. The player’s ability to strategize, adapt, and overcome challenges is truly commendable. Exploring the Vast World Throughout the 9200 days, the player must have explored countless biomes, encountered various mobs, and discovered hidden… Read More

  • Day 2: Pillar Chaos – 1K Days in Better Minecraft

    Day 2: Pillar Chaos - 1K Days in Better Minecraft Day 2 – Mixed Pillars Galore – 1,000 Days in Better Minecraft [Creative] Embark on a journey through the pixelated world of Minecraft with our dedicated player as they craft their way through 1,000 days of adventure. On Day 2, our builder focuses on creating stunning pillars to enhance their virtual abode. Materials Used: Echo Log Maple Log Acacia Log Purple Terracotta Bricks Purple Terracotta With a mix of logs and terracotta, our player is set to transform their house into a masterpiece. The choice of materials adds depth and character to the structure, making it stand out in… Read More

  • Bob’s Papa, Jackbhaiya – Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts

    Bob's Papa, Jackbhaiya - Gaming Laughs Galore! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are king, Jackbhaiya and Bob, their adventures bring. PvP training, lucky blocks, and more, Their gameplay in Hindi, a gaming lore. Bob Ka PAPA, Jack’s rival in the game, Their battles and challenges, never the same. With Anshu Bisht and GamerFleet in tow, Their Minecraft journey, a thrilling show. So join the fun, in this virtual land, Where creativity and skills go hand in hand. Jack vs Bob, the ultimate test, In Minecraft world, they give their best. Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft 1.20.1: No Commentary

    Surviving Minecraft 1.20.1: No Commentary Minecraft Survival Series 1.20.1 Version #2: Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft Survival Series 1.20.1 Version #2! Join the journey to discover new lands, face challenges, and unleash your creativity in this popular sandbox game. Survival Mode Unleashed In this version of Minecraft, survival mode is at the forefront. Players must gather resources, build shelters, and fend off dangerous mobs to survive the harsh environment. With limited supplies and looming threats, every decision counts in this intense survival experience. Challenging Gameplay Survival Series 1.20.1 introduces new challenges and obstacles… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)

    Unbelievable! Analyzing Insane Minecraft World Record (11:57)Video Information This video, titled ‘Analyzing The New CLASSIC Minecraft World Record By Zylenox (11:57)’, was uploaded by Classic on 2024-06-15 15:25:42. It has garnered 60 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:42 or 822 seconds. The analysis. Go follow Zylenox’s main and alt Twitch accounts: Join the Classic Discord Server: Read More

  • Gidthekid450’s CRAZY secret revealed – Why he hasn’t uploaded #minecraft

    Gidthekid450's CRAZY secret revealed - Why he hasn't uploaded #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Sorry for not uploading… #minecraft’, was uploaded by Gidthekid450 on 2024-01-09 22:38:32. It has garnered 275 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. super sorry for not uploading im not really up to the work to upload i mean making videos the first week was one but doing it over and over again gets pretty hard (ignore tags) #gaming #sorry #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minemen #minemenclub #club #fireball #fighting #pvp #1v1 #sword #swordfight #apologize #upload #uploads #more #happy #sad #newyears #newyear #christmas #nothingood #lunarclient #client #badlionclient #badlion #lunar #gamingshorts Read More

  • “EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net’s Minecraft Adventure” #gaming

    "EPIC MINESHAFT DISCOVERY! Adam Net's Minecraft Adventure" #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming’, was uploaded by ADAM NET on 2024-05-30 12:29:00. It has garnered 39 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:51 or 411 seconds. Uncovering Hidden Treasures: Exploring a Mineshaft in Minecraft Survival Series Episode 3! #gaming ———————————————————– guys this is my new Minecraft survival video and first series in Minecraft please support me and comment if you like my video and not _____________________________ Tags(ignore)- #minecraft #minecraftpesurvivalseries #minecraftpe #gamerfleet #anshubisht #technogamerz #ujjwal #minecraftsurvival f/minecraftinhindi #minecrafthardcore #minecraft100days #inhindi #minecraftfunnygameplay #trending #viral #Minecraftpocketeditionsurvivalseriesinhindi… Read More

  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

    Dominion Server Welcome to Dominion Server Dominion is a community of like-minded adult players who want to experience vanilla Minecraft without limitations like land claiming or RPG elements. With a focus on community and player interaction, we offer a true “hermitcraft-like” experience. Join our community of kind-hearted individuals for weekly events, monthly competitions, group projects, and more. Our whitelist process keeps the server safe from trolls and griefers. To apply, click HERE Learn more on our website: Our Founding Philosophies: The Vanilla Experience Dominion preserves the vanilla Minecraft experience without plugins like mcMMO or Jobs. Donators receive no in-game… Read More

  • Minevita Survival – CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!

    Minevita Survival - CLAIMS | COSMETICS | FURNITURE and MORE!Minevita is the go-to spot for a chill and community-driven Minecraft Survival server! 🌟 We listen to our community and update very often! 🎉 Join us at, and let’s make some memories together! 🕹️✨IP:→ 🛠️ Survival→ 📜 Claims→ 🪑 Furniture→ 🏘️ Towns→ 😊 Friendly community→ 🎩 CosmeticsJoin our Discord for frequent updates and exclusive rewards! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Epic Minecraft Failures

    Minecraft Memes - Epic Minecraft FailuresWell, I guess you could say it’s really “mining” for those upvotes! Read More

  • The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale

    The Hindi Minecraft Conspiracy: A Blocky Tale In the world of Minecraft, secrets abound, Conspiracy theories, mysteries profound. Herobrine lurking, in the shadows he hides, Players beware, as the truth collides. Dark secrets unravel, in blocks and in code, Unsolved mysteries, on a treacherous road. Conspiracy theories, part of the game, Intriguing and thrilling, never the same. So dive into the lore, with a curious mind, Explore the unknown, what will you find? Minecraft’s depths, endless and vast, Conspiracy theories, a spell they cast. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Minecraft’s mysteries, like ticking clocks. Conspiracy theory in Hindi, a tale to tell,… Read More

  • Minecraft Herobrine’s Lit AF Base 🔥

    Minecraft Herobrine's Lit AF Base 🔥 Why does Herobrine need a base in Minecraft? Doesn’t he already have the whole world to haunt and scare players? #ghostlyproblems Read More

  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

    50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 50 HOURS as a NECROMANCER in Medieval Minecraft’, was uploaded by Doublesal on 2024-06-16 15:00:27. It has garnered 4075 views and 263 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:26 or 2246 seconds. I Survived 50 HOURS in Medieval Minecraft! Join me as we explore dungeons, battle bosses, and cast a few spells along the way! Patreon: Discord: Twitch: —————————————————————————————- 🔵BISECT HOSTING🔵 👉Code “Doublesal” for 25% OFF Modded server! 🎮 —————————————————————————————- 100 days in minecraft,minecraft 100 days,100 days in minecraft modded,100 days,minecraft hardcore,minecraft,i survived 100 days in hardcore minecraft,i survived… Read More

  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

    Uncovering Ghost in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found ghost in Minecraft #minecraft #shortfeed #short #viral’, was uploaded by MiniMiners on 2024-04-04 02:13:09. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

    Nolik's Insane PVP Moments on 2b2t.questVideo Information This video, titled ‘Пвп моменты на’, was uploaded by Канал нолика. on 2024-05-03 15:57:35. It has garnered 1101 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:44 or 764 seconds. Support me by liking and subscribing! ds:nolikezka006. 2b2t, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, 2b2t, server, vulture, Russian 2b2t, server without rules, bettez 13, bettez 13, survival, analogue of 2b2t, tubituti, Ukrainian 2b2t, better beast, server IP 2b2t, bettez13, Russian 2b2t, tubetube , 2b2t cheats, anarchy minecraft, 2b2t history, construction, anarchy, 2b2t history, history 2b2t, base, minecraft 2b2t, new 2b2t, 2b2z, 2b2t how to enter, anarchy 2b2t,… Read More

  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

    ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge - Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 Hari Di Minecraft Hardcore Fear Nightfall (Part 2)’, was uploaded by Jumper id on 2024-03-31 08:24:25. It has garnered 309303 views and 17972 likes. The duration of the video is 01:13:12 or 4392 seconds. 100 Days In Minecraft Hardcore But Using The SCARIEST Modpack Ever – want to know how the story and excitement is, how my brother and I defeated all those scary monsters? And did I succeed or not in completing the 100 day challenge? let’s just watch the video.. hope you all enjoy it, see you next video 🙂 Download Link:… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

    Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java TricksVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to make your minecraft clean and smooth??(pojav+java)’, was uploaded by Thunder_Warrior on 2024-05-16 11:03:02. It has garnered 396 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:10 or 250 seconds. Subscribe pack link:- @ArenaPlayzZ @TufaniGamerOP @pubixd @SpunkyInsaan20 #minecraft #texturepack #minecraftmods #viralvideo #fpsboost #viral #trending my DC:- mod minecraft java texture pack minecraft texture pack best texture pack for pvp pojav launcher pvp best texture pack texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for minecraft best texture pack for pojavlauncher texture pack pvp pvp texture pack Minecraft… Read More

  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

    Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!Video Information This video, titled ‘CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME)’, was uploaded by Baba on 2024-06-21 16:00:11. It has garnered 11478 views and 339 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:25 or 1465 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story CAUGHT IN THE ALL GIRLS SCHOOL (FULL STORYTIME) Me in the ALL GIRLS SCHOOL! (STORYTIME) I WENT INTO THE ALL-GIRLS SCHOOL (STORYTIME) LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: KICK: DISCORD JOIN! HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: ●Twitter: ●Instagram: ●TikTok: ●Discord: ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

    Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5’, was uploaded by Atom Guy on 2024-02-28 10:30:21. It has garnered 169474 views and 17127 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Minecraft ലെ ആർക്കും അറിയാത്ത Island 🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi #comedy #funny #games #gta5 seed 1 = 28000016 seed 2 = 6942694259176815774 1.19 only minecraft Malayalam Games Explanation In Malayalam atom guy NFS heat GTA gamer Malayalam shorts facts mallu game shorts game facts gaming shorts gaming facts game shorts Malayalam gaming facts Malayalam gaming… Read More

  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

    Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘💀 #pubg #freefire #minecraft #bloger #igrog_uzb’, was uploaded by Igrog_uzb on 2024-04-08 02:04:03. It has garnered 422 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More

  • Back in the Scary German Underground

    Back in the Scary German Underground Exploring the Depths of Minecraft in German Learning German Through Minecraft Adventures Embark on a linguistic journey with Monday Morning as they delve into the world of Minecraft to teach German through comprehensible input. By merging language learning with gaming, Monday Morning creates an engaging and immersive experience for learners. Through observation and interaction, players can absorb new vocabulary and phrases while having fun. Join the Discord Community for Practice For additional practice and support, Monday Morning offers a Discord server where learners can interact with fellow German enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or advanced learner, the community provides… Read More

  • Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3

    Rat Infestation in Minecraft Bedrock Realm S3 Welcome to the New Minecraft Bedrock Realm Series! Embark on an exciting journey in the latest 1.21 Minecraft Bedrock Realm series, where players dive into a realm filled with adventures and challenges. Join the fun as friends come together to explore this captivating world, creating unforgettable memories along the way. Introducing “Back to Rats” Realm The realm, intriguingly named “Back to Rats,” offers a unique setting for players to immerse themselves in. While the name may seem random, it adds a touch of mystery and excitement to the gameplay. Get ready to uncover the secrets hidden within this enigmatic… Read More

  • Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k – Watch Now!

    Minecraft Art Revealed! Trending #1k - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Art #shorts #satisfying #mrbeast #minecraft #art #trending #1k please’, was uploaded by White Gamerz_7 on 2024-03-07 15:30:05. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Credit:Pete Shorts #shorthair, #shorthairdontcare, #pixiecut, #shorthairstyle, #shorthairideas, #shorthaircut, #pixiehaircut, … Read More

  • Mind Control Golem Strikes Mikey

    Mind Control Golem Strikes MikeyVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Boopee on 2024-03-14 16:30:09. It has garnered 2519 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:21 or 2181 seconds. JJ Control Golem MIND to KIDNAP Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos…. Read More

  • Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt’s Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀

    Join Now: Mr Gamerz Lytt's Insane Discord Server2024! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘best discord server2024 in Minecraft mcpe’, was uploaded by Mr Gamerz Lytt on 2024-06-15 18:13:36. It has garnered 14 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:26 or 146 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftserver #dicord #feathersmp #mrgamerzLytt #minecraftsmpserverstojoinbedrock #lapata SMP #lawless MP #ujala SMP Read More

  • INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViral

    INSANE MCPE Elevator Cheat! 😱 #MinecraftViralVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft knockback elevator 🤣 #minecraft #gaming #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Mysterious MCPE on 2024-01-30 03:35:01. It has garnered 2624 views and 71 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. **Description:** Join the fun in this video! My friend and I activated the slow-falling command (255) and equipped knockback 2 swords. In a 2×2 hole, we playfully spammed hits on each other, using the knockback to launch ourselves out of the hole. The excitement builds as, finally, we ignite a TNT cube, bringing a spectacular end to our playful antics. 🚀… Read More