Insane RL Craft Fishing Adventure!

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What’s going on everybody hello mafio Bill who dude hi guy uh oh we immediately being attacked um happy freaking Thanksgiving everybody I hope everybody’s having a good day man I uh I just got back from spending some time with the family it was a good time

I ate way too much food uh as you tend to do um man it’s a good time it’s always always a good time I was going to say fishing with the family I was afraid this was going to happen uh this bad boy excuse me is

Empty uh if you missed last episode we did a whole bunch of fishing like a lot of fishing uh and we did so much fishing in fact that we fished for freaking like almost six whole hours straight non-stop we got a lot we made a lot of progress

However uh we did not finish what we started oops a little bit of lag um dude those guys are so annoying so annoying um so I’ll tell you what well you know what while while we’re um we’re kind of just chilling for a little bit waiting for this bad

Boy let’s do something let’s go somewhere else let’s go this might be risky business but let’s go to the end real quick uh just for the sake of collecting some materials I think we can fly that far all right yeah let’s rip up some materials here just collect a bunch of

Stuff uh while we’re big chilling waiting for that like fishing hole to refresh cuz it it is a little bit of a pain in the butt trying to find uh a whole bunch of underground fishing holes like that so we’ll come back to that one why not so building materials for a few

Different reasons so we’ve got a whole bunch of different quests going on at the moment more like side quests not like actual things um however the fishing thing does directly relate to the quests within rlcraft um we want to collect some materials for building we uh we’ve got this thing called a

Managerie coming up that bad boy is it’s going to take a while and it’s going to require a lot of materials um but I think it’s going to be totally worth it and a lot of fun to build um anyway and it’s going to essentially like memorialize our adventures through

Minecraft or excuse me through rlcraft here um I’m really excited to see it and uh I I really don’t have like the most in-depth plans hey s welcome buddy how you doing man Happy Thanksgiving sir I don’t really have the most in-depth planed uh but we’ve got some rough ideas

And I think that’s enough to let us just roll with the punches right you know that’s kind of how I like to build to begin with so we’re going to try it and part of those plans if you you haven’t noticed requires endstone um I like this block I don’t ever really

Build with endstone very much uh but I love it it it is a beautiful block I wish we could collect materials in peace but this is rlcraft Dude I love picking up blocks it some of the most satisfying things in the game easily just like picking up loads and loads of blocks no no no no not you I don’t like you let’s get that out of here where dude I almost crapped my pants for a

Second oh we have instability it doesn’t oh it does affect us while we’re flying don’t do it man I hate those guys I definitely hate the rats more though oh my goodness don’t do it yeah I saw you coming endstone mining yes uh endstone mining for for just a couple of

Minutes okay let’s not go that way you know what else we could do it’s not like imperative to our game uh but we could collect some ender pearls it might be useful I’m just going to going to go up here so I can box up real quick it’s a little more peaceful up

Here it’s also pitch black wonderful boom hey exoid Happy Thanksgiving to you too man dude thank you very much I hope everybody’s having themselves an absolutely fantastic day um I hope everybody’s getting to eat lots of good food I know we have a lot of people that

Watch the channel from all across the world and not every one of you guys uh actually celebrates Thanksgiving so if you’re one of those people that does not celebrate Thanksgiving uh I’ll wish you the breast anyway man every day should be just as wonderful as the last I hope

You guys are all having a good time uh but for those of you that are celebrating Thanksgiving man oh day uh I hope you didn’t eat quite as much food as I did cuz I ate way too much stinking Food Dude worth it though I guess uh we don’t really need tons of Ender Pearls but we could collect some while we’re here it’s not going to hurt was that a googly eye Can’t Touch This you suck wow that’s a lot of Ender Pearls that that’s pretty quick wa I wish I could just be left

Alone like one day I’d like to get on this game in rlcraft and just like not have to worry about like 100,000 things trying to kill you now this is a little bit better that’s more like it right here oh yeah dude I don’t know why we need it but we

Have advanced efficiency and man is it like one of the nicest things in the game you can insta mine almost every single thing imagine like insta mining uh like obsidian too that would be nice hi all right a little bit more we’ll get out of here we don’t need too much or do

We I forgot we’re uh we’re big and fat Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy Buddy I didn’t realize that those guys are three blocks tall man we’re big chilling this evening uh I I know we’re quite late to the stream uh typically we try to do things

Around 1 p.m. right uh but you know it’s some Shenanigans happening today and um we’re we’re just hanging out for a little bit I don’t know exactly how late we’re going to stream tonight but uh we’ll go for a little while I believe my buddy Zach wants to play some game

Toight too uh and now he doesn’t do Minecraft unfortunately um he’s one of those but we’re definitely going to be playing something and uh we’re going to have a good time doing it man it’s probably going to be some predecessors or Smite we’ll see one of the other U

But either way we’re going to rip it up and have a good time come On if I did something like this is that too much that’s that’s perfect I’m probably missing some blocks but it’s fine I don’t know what else the biotite is used for uh there’s been just like one or two different oops one or two different things that the bioti is used

For and I feel like it’s got to be for more than just that if you had a VR headset you should try playing Minecraft fabric uh with the vivecraft mod I don’t have a v VR headset we were actually talking about that the other day and how like there’s

Very little reason to buy a VR headset um other than a few Niche like scenarios um and I if they weren’t so expensive I would definitely consider it uh but they’re like way way way way too expensive for the value that you get out

Of it um if one day they turn around and they make like a ton of good games and I can like justify buying one absolutely absolutely I think it would be a ton of fun but uh I don’t have the money to go just like spend it on on something that

I’m only going to use now and then unfortunately can we do a 3X3 is that a little bit easier hi buddy I know I wish you guys would stop the end is quite annoying you know every dimension gets a little bit more obnoxious than the last one the

Overworld when first of all when you first start the Overworld sucks right you have no equipment you’re just getting collaps by everything and everything seems to spawn very quickly uh and then you you get some progress made and you get good gear and you feel good about yourself and you go to these

Other dimensions and the freaking spawn rate’s just fly dog you go to like the last cities man you don’t even get a chance to sit and open up a crate you just don’t and uh I know that’s part of the game but it’s annoying uh exoid if you’re still here

Uh may I ask you to explain what it is that you mentioned um what’s that game he said Minecraft fabric with the vivecraft mod uh what exactly is that if you don’t mind talking about it sir the music’s popping off for like no reason I mean we could go for a little

Bit more it’s not going to hurt us how about we put this away though Boop the mo the Mia hey what’s going on ju happy birth or happy birthday sorry Happy Thanksgiving to you too man sorry my brain’s in other places I guess I think it’s easier doing a 2 by two

Cruising all right after this run of endstone we’ll get out of here we’ll go back to fishing I know it’s so exciting I know that’s what you guys came here for us to see us fish all right I don’t know if this is any less exciting or any more

Exciting I think it’s just as boring we were actually flying on the uh the fishing achievements yesterday normally what I’d try to do is stagger like games right uh like today would have normally been like a a god of war game day but I figured since we’re

Super late and and uh we’re probably not going to be playing Minecraft for too long might as well just do some fishing some fishing and block collecting just to kind of knock it out of the way some miscellaneous stuff it is definitely going to be a big

Chilling type of afternoon uh I got to keep an eye on my phone see if we can get a hold of Zachariah because I would definitely like to play some predecessors tonight uh if you guys are down man um I don’t I think most people have not heard of predecessors yet um

But if you haven’t heard of predecessors check it out dude it is a very interesting game um very similar to Smite and that’s how I got into it to begin with cuz I was into Smite right um but it’s like Smite on steroids to a certain extent they do some things right

They do some things wrong but it is still an early development so I I’m really I was talking to Zach last night actually about it I was saying like you know we’re really falling for this game like it it’s become one of our favorites for sure very quickly especially playing

Together it’s one thing playing a game by yourself it’s a totally different thing playing it with friends um and him and I have such a good time playing we’re saying all these good things about it like man it’s got so much potential it really does and but it that doesn’t

Mean that it doesn’t have a lot of room to grow either there’s definitely room for improvement I’d love to see them Implement a whole bunch of different features in the game that would just like like chefs kiss that bad boy together um oh but uh Minecraft fabric is a different version of modded

Minecraft uh wait excuse me of modding for Minecraft vivecraft is a VR support mod for Minecraft where you can play in room scale or sitting and with room scale you can play like you act out of space Oh oh oh oh dude that actually sounds very cool um that sounds like a good

Exercise machine too uh like a good fun way to get like genuine exercise like remember back in the day when uh not necessarily VR but they started making like video games that made you move around um and they became really popular for a minute and then everybody

Realized that they were like oh this is not video games this is exercise and then it just like became unpopular again uh it happened quick oh actually in the game and less nauseating yeah yeah dude I’ve done VR before and uh I do enjoy it I think it’s

A lot of fun uh but a lot of people do get like sick and uncomfortable and and nauseous and and stuff like that and that can be oh like a make or break it type of deal right but I I don’t know I I’ve never had an issue with that personally

Fortunately let’s just drop some of these materials off let’s do like just straight up endstone in here do biotite in there this can come out that can come out this can come out too that can come out that can be Moved do we have enough elytras that we don’t touch we’ve never used an elytra in this game in fact that’s something that we could do we could uh let me check something real quick with this too okay so you can make a weather sensor you can make a redstone

Randomizer and you can make blocks blocks might look nice Shield of Honor blah blah yeah there’s not a whole lot you can do with them that’s kind of a nice block oh sweet dude okay H maybe there might be some potential there for some biotype

Blocks you’d have to collect a ton of it if you wanted to make good use of it and that might not be the most exciting thing in the world it’s not that rare though it it’s not super uncommon to find there is also a VR called uh bone

Lab that I really like so what’s bone lab is that also Minecraft or is that something totally separate the fish will leave in there but let’s put all this other stuff away we’re actually doing really well in neptunian I think we’ll take this out of here

Though and let’s move it into here cuz we were keeping all our neptunian tools and armor right here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I might uh like smelt this pickaxe maybe well let’s hold on to it for now you know what dude 15 we’re getting

Close to being able to make a full set of armor of that stuff let’s empty the rest of these crates see if we can find what we’re looking for oh and this sacrificial amulet we got to mess with that at some point I think we’re going to wait until Harry gets

Back from his little uh travels to to mess around with the The Amulet specifically because he had talked to us a lot about it and I know he has a lot of experience in the amulets themselves so it’d be nice to get some like professional thoughts and opinions on

It oh this ought to be plenty of endstone I would I would think man we’ll just fill that one up too man that’s it that’s not much biotite I thought we would have had more than that oh well oh okay we had a little bit more not much though Okay there we got a ton of glowing ingots now too um too bad they don’t go over far we freaking fly through those ingots stone cobbled stone name tags it’s a different game it’s more like physics sandbo game kind of like Gary’s Mod okay I’ve heard of Garry’s

Mod I don’t know much about it and I don’t have any experience with it personally uh but I’ve heard interesting things about it uh I it don’t from what I’ve heard though I don’t think it’s necessarily for me um but it’s very um mechanical right kind of like Sky Block

Is like farms and farms and farms and that’s about it at least I think that that’s what it’s about I could be wrong uh and I’m happy to to be proven wrong but it doesn’t have a lot of replay value without the mods the only reason

Why I play it is because it’s the only thing I have oh man that’s bro you got to spice it up a little bit if it sounds to me like you feel like it’s dry and if it’s dry then uh you got to spice

That bad boy up um but uh as long as you enjoy it though as I hope uh hope it’s not like Terrible No I’m sure it’s good I sure I’m definitely interested in VR I just U like I said I don’t think that I can justify the price tag for the value

That you get of the VR itself um at least yet I think one day VR is going to like take off flying um and it’s going to be really really popular in the future it’s just that now they there’s just not enough games for it I think we’re close though

Um they are definitely popular with a certain demographic of people and they’re fun man they really are fun they’re really enjoyable what they if they could knock the price tag down they would definitely have a lot more traction and in so being able to put out

More and more and more games um I’d love to see that happen that would be very cool okay let’s put our XP away quick excuse me meta Quest 2 is $300 to $400 depending on where you buy it yeah that’s too much for me uh I I can’t justify

That now like all right here me out if I if you if you look at my channel you can tell that I I don’t exactly like have the most traction as a YouTuber right um if I was making money on on my videos if I was able to like have a

Revenue from this or even consider this to be a job or a career then I would absolutely be like freaking heck yeah dude I I’ll justify it um but because I also have to work and do all this on top of it I’m like all right well I work a

Little bit too hard to spend $300 to $400 on something that I’ll play for like six hours um I’m sure it is a ton of fun still though uh it was designed to be a consumer level VR headset interesting yeah they definitely have some progress to make though why is that

Breaking so quickly 1,600 durability what’s that compared to a diamond pickaxe 1,600 you know what we should do let’s make a neptunium pickaxe doesn’t say how much durability it has does it no I’m not I was going to say am I just missing it should we make this a silk touch one

We might as well okay e oh okay there you go Advanced efficiency five Advanced mending Unbreaking three we don’t need Unbreaking four I want to like to save those books all these books they’re pretty hard to find so I’d like to save them for things like armor uh weapon tool enchants silk touch

Versatility where’s silk touch silk touch should we put magnetic on it is magnetic going to be annoying it might be I think magnetic is great for certain things I don’t think I want it on my Daily Miner like like my regular tool that I’m going to be using

Constantly I just don’t think I want it on there all right I guess I should have maybe not put all my XP away huh four levels we’re going to look guys I’m learning I I learned how to do this how to be efficient with our XP three

Levels so what you do okay you take the most expensive enchantment first this is how you do the most efficient oh I guess we should probably do this first though um let’s comb because we’re going to do efficiency 5 right so like if we’re going to be as efficient as possible

With our XP here uh if you don’t know come on in sit down have a lesson get learned okay you take as many tags off as you can so like if you combine a book it’s going to have two NBT tags your daily minor yeah dude that sounds like a

Podcast or something the daily minor right so like the less MPT tags the less XP it’s going to cost so if you can reduce the MPT tags and you can do that by taking the dis enchantment book off right but that only works if you have one single enchantment on a book so

Uh whoops my bad I think this is going to be 10 levels right so you’re going to take the most expensive book put that on your weapon or your tool or your armor whatever it is okay you take your next two most expensive books and you combine those books together right

And then you put those two on the pickaxe or whatever tool you got and then you take your next two and you combine them together uh and if you have more enchantments you combine uh four this time right so the first time you put one enchantment on the second time

You put two enchantments on the thir third time you put four enchantments on then eight enchantments then 16 enchantments and if you have more than that you need to stop putting enchantments on your armor because that’s too many um no but that’s that’s supposedly I I don’t I haven’t done enough testing

On it myself but that from my understanding is the most efficient way to run your XP um and we did all that we put all those enchantments on there with like 30 levels so I feel like that’s not bad I feel like it’s not that bad it’s kind of a nice pick

Dude what’s this one do I have another soak touch let’s take this out of here we don’t need a bunch of pickaxes right do I need this one too I don’t think we need all that dude we’re freaking cool right now we’re rocking uh Napoleon gear now that’s how

Cool we are we’re so cool that we’re not even going to use it we’re going to go fishing again right now um yeah cave fishing come on baby okay nothing’s biting that is quite a large pond let’s see if we could fish over here we can don’t do it

All right well this is our new home for a little bit I’ll show you our quests here in just a few minutes once we catch this fish if we catch a fish here there we go come on we’re also using a magnetic hook right now uh okay this is not how it’s

Supposed to go guys guys oh my goodness can I fish in peace dog thank you man you guys are annoying oh we got a message in a bottle enlarge your fishing rod for only $19.95 gold guaranteed all right let’s check out this Quest real quick so G fishing we’re making pretty good

Progress actually so we just need three pieces of armor and then a neptunian sword so we’re actually very close to being able to craft what we need with the extra ingots we have already um you’ve been in the car for the past 3 hours Yik oh you

Guys went and visited family huh man that’s that’s a tough part about the holidays is traveling anytime you got to um oh that’s not it is it what’s the uh Cave Critters okay we’re looking for the C no no we’re looking for cave trout let’s go stand over by the

Lava it’s not dark over here we keep getting getting like attacked by scary things in the night man I I hope you guys are driving safe uh throughout the holidays I I know that like most people don’t like cops right but the cops for one are everywhere and they’re they’re really

There for your your safety absolutely that’s what they’re that’s their job um but people drive like maniacs during the H holidays man you can’t be too careful everybody’s in a hurry everybody’s got to be where they got to be right now ain’t no time to waste you’re two hours

Late to the family dinner this and that like nobody’s got time for traffic you gotta be just take your time man there’s no rush for any of that crap be safe the last thing you want uh is some nonsense accident happening during the holidays and it’s that time of year for

Deer to come out too depending on where you live man deer are freaking everywhere I didn’t see any out tonight but sometimes sometimes you do come on fishes good old fishes hey who who a message in a bottle press alt four for free diamonds all right keep it up shaxi I see

You coming at me with those tricks huh I wish you could make like a Napoleon bow like Napoleon nunchucks I would definitely make Napoleon nunchucks freaking forget about the dragon oh Yeah yeah man traveling is definitely one of my least favorite parts of not just the holidays but anything really I’m not a fan of just like sitting in the car for hours for many different reasons I don’t know I tell you what if I can avoid

Sitting in a car for hours and hours I will avoid sitting in a car for hours and hours I was talking to this one guy he’s an older gentleman um but he is very very family oriented and he said that for the holidays him and his family he’s got

People from all around different states all over the place and uh he said they have like upwards of like 60 70 sometimes more people come together for uh for Thanksgiving you know just to cuz they never get together outside of the holidays so like Now’s the Time right so

They’ll rent like a what’s it called like they’ll rent a hotel and have like a dining space available and they’ll do Thanksgiving there like man o day is that a lot of people imagine how much I know how much food I can eat man imagine how much food 70 people put down it’s

Got to be crazy but yeah yeah I bet your back does agree man Dude you guys are actually un necessary do you have to seeds one seed that seeds seed that’s terrible it’s the worst loot ever man you know what I haven’t messed around with much is building with these like stalagtites I know they’re not actually called stag ties in the game

I’m blanking on what they’re called um but you can craft them right and and I don’t think you can just mine them and pick them up as they are I think you have to craft them if you want them and uh they look fantastic when they’re made

Out of certain materials um it’s an interesting little technique to build with cuz they get pretty thick too right they’d make an interesting pillar don’t do it I see you with your eyeballs and your hands those guys remind me of uh um a creature from oh dang it what’s that one movie

I’ll think of it later um there’s an old movie that has a d like a creature that like sits at a dinner table with like eyeballs in his hands he’s scary uh I just checked and we got an hourly yo bro you guys drove four hours

I mean good for you guys like making the trip for the family um you know cuz you’re going to somebody’s house right so like the people that host granted hosting Thanksgiving is an immense amount of work right uh but for those that have to travel like long distances to get to said host’s

House good on you guys too man it’s tough when you live far away I I feel like I’m relatively fortunate with my family most of my family is pretty darn close dirt a dirt block wonderful most of it man that that last hour EXO is going

To go fast though um it I hope it goes fast at least uh sitting here watching me fish that’s how fast it goes it’s one of the most exciting things you can do oh yeah all right fishy calm down these like enemies just don’t understand that oh nothing’s

Biting dude we can instamine in the water we can fish here right it’s been going faster since you popped into the in the Stream cool dude I’m glad I could help sir oh my gosh dude uh look I’m usually not a picky person right I I I can eat

Pretty much anything uh without with very little complaint um dude but so my sister hosted Thanksgiving this year uh for the first time right like her and her uh her boyfriend I think they’re boyfriends I I don’t think that they’re fiances yet but uh they bought this new

House and they were like yeah we’ll host Thanksgiving and dude she went so hard with the cooking this year like it was so good everything everything was so good um and I’ve always been a fan of every part of the Thanksgiving meal but one of the things that I’ve never really

Liked uh like the most has been sweet potatoes something about sweet potatoes is it’s good don’t give me I like sweet potatoes but they’re not my favorite thing dude she knocked those things so so far out of the ballpark today they were so good dude like I don’t know

Where she learned how to cook but I hope she teaches everybody else how to and that’s not to say that the rest of my family can’t cook but I I was quite impressed man I’ve never I don’t think seen her make a meal as extensive as that and she did very well

I too man pie was fantastic she made this like it’s like peanut butter pie and uh I don’t even know exactly what it was it was like a cream almost um and it had like chocolate chips in it and oh man it was so stinking good we need one type of fish

Here it’s a trout cave trout after we get the cave trout we got to go back to the ocean or no you know what well okay so we need to fish in the ocean too there’s two types of fish we need from the ocean

And then we need to go to a jungle as well so whichever one we find first I think oceans are probably a little bit more common but if we run across a jungle we’ll stop by there as well nice dude a neptunian Ingot that was weird I didn’t know I

Could hook items with a fishing pole m your grandmother made her pumpkin pie recipe for Thanksgiving and it was absolutely fire dude there’s nothing better than a grandparents cooking like that I don’t know what it is they just they get it they understand how to cook

There is an art form behind it that they comprehend better than anybody dude cuz they’ve been first of all they’ve been doing it their whole lives right uh they’ve got so much more time and experience put into cooking and it’s also it’s more than just ingredients it’s more than

Just like throwing something in the oven bro that I I this sounds cheesy and a lot of people are probably like nah that’s just a saying that’s just a saying it’s made with love dude like there’s no other way to put it um there is a ingredient that does not physically

Go into the recipe you can’t measure it but that suckers love dude like a grandparents cooking will always be some of the best however uh grandparents close your ears there is a time in an old uh a grandparents life where they cross this threshold of impeccable cooking to the cooking’s not so good

Anymore you know once they get to a certain age they start they don’t cook as well anymore um and it’s no fault of their own man but it is our job as not grandparents to make sure that they know that their is still just as good as it

Used to be even if it’s not but man I do love some pumpkin pie man we didn’t have pumpkin pie this year which I thought was odd usually pumpkin pie is like a staple of Thanksgiving but uh it’s okay as long as there’s other things in place of it

Right pumpkin pie is not always a favorite of people though yeah I feel like it’s one of the other you either love pumpkin pie or you don’t like it um I don’t know I didn’t used to like pumpkin pie when I was younger I don’t

Know why I think it was more of a mental thing like you know how when you’re young and you’re picky you’re like no I don’t like vegetables cuz of this it’s like well you have you tried them no yeah it’s one of those things you can tell if someone puts

Passion in their food easy dude easily um and I think that’s that’s something that like I don’t know when it happened but I think that’s something my sister picked up uh relatively like she’s been very good at cooking for her whole life right but uh she definitely put like her

Heart and soul into cooking this year um I mean it was the first time she hosted Thanksgiving for our whole family so she definitely put like her everything into it man it it really paid off it showed for sure and you’re right you can definitely see it it’s like apparent

When somebody like puts little effort into it a little bit of love and care man goes a long way did I not I must have missed a crate when we were emptying it okay we need to fish in lava too oh we also need to fish in the void I guess we

Were already in the end the end is going to be a weird one to fish in I think what we’ll do to to fish in the end is probably like uh hey what’s up SC hey again to you sir um sorry I was a little late to that chat

Sir to fish in the end I think we’ll probably do something similar to what we got going on right here we’ll dig a little hole in the ground and poke our little butts right out the bottom of like the the floating platform the chunk of endstone land and uh that way like

Mobs can’t get to us really um and we could just like look down into the void from the base of like the chunk of endstone hopefully that’s a a safe and secure way to do it cuz you know fishing you got to sit still you got to like

Have freedom to to breathe and the end is a little busy it’s occupied right we’ll figure it out wait wait wait hold on I don’t want to miss this fish he said he just passed a store in one of the letter lights uh were out and it said

Balls I think some of those stores do it on purpose they don’t maybe they don’t like turn off one of their lights but like if a light goes out and it conveniently spells a funny word I think they just leave like purposefully leave it like that that it’s

Hilarious I saw a collage of different store signs that had lights out that spelled funny words a while ago it was like you know 30 different words or 30 different store signs that all had like funny words made out of it it’s the little things in life man

We got that good treasure modifier dude should probably check the durability on our fishing pole too oh we’re good A little over half on the The Reel who well there’s only like three types of fish that you can catch in a cave and we have yet to catch the one type of fish

That we need you know what we should do hold on a second why don’t we go let’s try something else let’s poke around see if we can find the one that we were looking for buddy I’m trying to fish here tracking tracking Tracking not what we

Need ooh fishing in the nether would be fun we can fish in the nether it is a thing probe failed to detect any fish in this location Mr creeper buddy don’t do this politely don’t do that is it just me or does Minecraft seem a little bit

Loud it’s still in 27 we’ll leave it the way it is it it does feel just a smid bit loud man that was fun fishing in the nether sounds so weird to hear cuz you can actually fish in lava right so like this obsid or this fishing

Rod right here has an obsidian bobber and you can use that to fish in lava which we haven’t done yet we can try it right now like yeah we should be fireproof so watch this so we we take this obsidian fish tracker and we can probe the lava to

Find out which fish are in the lava midnight bream and magnetic magmatic jellyfish uh so we take this one right obsidium bobber okay we caught a bat come on Bruce what are you doing man you don’t need to fish in the nether I don’t think I I think that uh as long

As it’s lava that’s all that matters dude can you leave me alone for just like just a few minutes like I don’t think we’ve ever gotten one of those things convenience yeah this is new to me too I’ve never fished in lava bat equals best fish ever imagine

There’s like a a secret hidden achievement for catching a bad on a fishing rod oh look look at that look at it okay it’s a tough fish to catch huh what what our movement gets weird in lava what did we pick up besides it must have just been that I

Thought we got two items from that interesting oh yeah dude I don’t know if you guys could hear that crack but like I just cracked my Knuckles dude that was a good one try my neck too nope not quite nice wait a second now how much more do we

Need okay uh we need to actually go home and make another obsidian bobber first before we can actually get the achievements so we can actually so we can hold on to the fish the the two fish that we’ve caught in the lava um we’ll we’ll keep those in our

Inventory go and make a uh another obsidian bobber to unlock the quests and then it should automatically complete them good job Chupa you’re working real hard buddy nice yeah I don’t know if we just need two fish or if we need three cuz most of the

Quests seem to take three and I don’t want to sit here and spend a bunch of time fishing in lava if we don’t need to we have other things to fish all right back over here and fishing in the void too is going to be a new One guys BR off I don’t want it what where where are you guys coming from Hey space melon I like that name dude space melon Happy Thanksgiving sir I like your image too it’s actually like a melon it looks kind of like a melon my chat is incredibly small space melon void

Melon what what’s good hey guys what’s going on we’re big chilling tonight man we’re uh we’re hanging out some post Thanksgiving relaxation you guys know the movie The Grinch where like the Grinch his heart grew three sizes that day like my belt size grew three sizes this day I’m I’m

Stuffed fish where are you running don’t do it I hear you fish hey Matt welcome man what’s going on buddy 300 nice a we don’t need it just not necessary best T talk out there that’s funny holy quac man you guys are subbing to me that’s awesome man much

Appreciated look at the subscriber count dude thank you guys guys so much that’s awesome we’re very close very very close I think it just said 299 a second ago that is so freaking cool dude slowly but surely boys we’re making it come on give me a fish a fish that I

Need we’re actually going to keep this bow Unbreaking three is a good one that we don’t have a villager for so hey uh buddy no no thank you what is that we should take that I don’t think we have any of those 299 dude the other day I was uh I was

Editing some clips and I was getting ready to post a short on my channel and um I I wasn’t even streaming at the time right and I think somebody was messing with me dude cuz uh I was on the channel like looking at some stuff and I saw the

Count go from like 289 to 290 to 289 to 290 to 289 to 290 and it just kept going back and forth and uh I was like dude someone has to be screwing with me right now it was pretty funny it’s 300 now hold on I’ll check it back in a second

Here time to mine 10 million obsidian oh woo 10 million do we need to is that like is that a requirement hey Goose butter dog dog with the butter nice butter dog dog with the butter butter butter dog dog with the butter butter butter dog dog with the butter

Butter butter dog butter dog with the butter butter butter dog now with but dog let’s put this away we don’t need these obsidian things unless we’re going to fish in the lava which we’re cool right now you should make a compilation of your Clips Uh Oh you mean in like an

Extended video that’s a great idea dude I uh I actually never thought about that we could absolutely do that uh oh what day are you on in your world just past 300 I think we’re we’re coming up on 2,000 uh like Minecraft days not like real life days

Um I think this this is episode 46 right uh you just passed a 500 hello 301 nuh all right now I got to take a look after hold on Shenanigans you too buddy Shenanigans what was that what I just oh all right let me take a look

Oh my gosh you guys aren’t kidding dude we just cracked 300 Subs man that’s so cool dude thank you guys so much thank you very much man that that is awesome uh but Day 2000 is insane I know and now don’t get me wrong we’ve spent a

Lot of time doing productive things and we’ve also spent a lot of time not doing so productive stuff but we’re having a good time dude uh somebody was asking me the other day like how do you not get bored I don’t know man we do different stuff almost every single day um now

There is a few things here and there that do get a little repetitive and grindy but all in all man I have a great time and and I think a lot of that is because of you guys you guys make this incredibly enjoyable I think that if uh

If it wasn’t for being able to stream with you guys I would definitely not uh be at the progress the progression point with h whoa you haven’t even hit 10 Subs oh you haven’t hit 10 Subs yet oh dude we got to get this man some subs everybody if

You’re watching right now head on over to Space melon’s Channel give that dude some subs man he’s a nice guy he deserves it do you use a glint resource pack no I don’t actually so right now uh this is completely raw I we’re doing rlcraft

Which is a mod but uh there’s no Shader packs no no nothing installed right now now I do have where’s it at oops shaders so I’ve got complimentary Unbound installed and we could turn it on if we’d like but uh it definitely wait you know what we’re just big

Chilling right let’s slap that bad boy on oops it’s going to take a minute we’re going to have to sit here and let it load but uh most of mine is Base building I know dude I love building bases man I and I have so much fun with it and it’s crazy

Cuz like rlcraft is chaos right like it’s everything’s trying to kill you all the time everything explodes everything burns down so you got to be careful with how you build and uh We’ve definitely spent like an excessive amount of time building our base you use chroma Hills for yours too

It’s so nice I don’t know what that one is but uh I’d be interested in checking it out ooh okay the string to the the fishing pole is like invisible but the water looks incredible guys if you were new here to the channel uh I just want to plug it

Real quick there is a Discord Channel if you’d be interested in joining the link to that is in the description of the video uh it’s a good time in there man I’d be happy to have any of you guys as long as you’re as nice and kind as you

Are here cuz you guys all seem super cool uh and I would much appreciate the company we’re always looking for more beautiful people like yourselves bro I haven’t even hit 10 yet which is has been my goal forever and yeah yeah and then I see all these big subscribers

People are you wait are you see these people is like 1K and stuff oh oh like 1,000 Subs yeah man I don’t know how people do it I there’s definitely ways to to get more subs like I’ve seen a lot of people like follow like the the trends uh and what’s popular

Nowadays and like there they sub Skyrocket really quickly but then they also quickly kind of fall apart and uh there doesn’t seem to be much longevity in that kind of stuff like following the uh um the trends and and stuff like that not days but um n if your goal is to

Grow oh you joined the Discord heck yeah dude um and the flowery biome is good but yeah if your goal is to grow your channel um don’t rush it definitely don’t personally I think that the best way to do something like that is low and slow man take your time growing your

Channel uh and you’ll find like the most longevity there you’ll find like the most real people uh cuz we have met so many like really really awesome people that uh I’m incredibly happy to have join the channel and uh now we’ve met some rough some some rough individuals as well

Right um but they don’t stick around anyway and uh I I don’t know about you guys but what I’m looking for as far as like building a community is some freaking awesome people like yourselves dude and uh you can’t rush that kind of thing yeah just

Can’t you put some Photon uh some photos some photons some photos uh from your trip on Discord okay I’ll check it out here in just a second come on baby give that fish I need we’re really not getting the fish that we need a piece of gold we do not need whoa dude

Gorgeous oh dude it’s it’s been really nice out for this time of year they just some nice photos man oops but yeah dude space melon I hope it goes well for you um I’m happy to send people your way man absolutely you seem like a good dude

I’ll check out your channel myself as well another person that uh has been starting his channel up recently oh two people actually um Dad bod Rock City that man has recently bought a PS or PC and uh or I don’t think he’s actually bought it yet I think he’s in the

Process of getting it and uh you guys are very loud I got to turn them down uh so he’s going to be starting streaming soon he is an absolutely awesome person dude uh if you guys are looking for some like real genuine uh lovable content hit up Dad bod Rock City um

He is in the Discord Channel I don’t know the exact link to his Channel right now or else I would totally plug it for you guys uh but check him out uh at least once he starts streaming he hasn’t quite started yet uh but show him some

Love show space melon some love and also show Sye some love man Sye um he’s been going for a while now I know he had to take a little bit of a break recently um but that dude is really really cool man and he absolutely deserves the love too

Um so if you guys are looking for like more content that uh is just genuine and real and and like you know what you’re finding here man if you like this kind of thing you’ll love their channels too absolutely and scye scye does a lot of

Minecraft content and he does a lot of different mods as well so uh what I don’t understand the lava we like we move funny in the lava do you have any good musics um well the thing is with music is that it’s difficult to share it with you guys

Because of like copyright things right um but I am a like a music fanatic I I love all sorts of different kinds of music and uh I would be thrilled to share it with you guys in fact if you guys would be interested uh I could start a music channel on the

Discord and uh do all sorts of different like music and stuff in there right so if you guys have anything you want to share or if you’re looking for things to to grow on and learn more music that’s a good spot could definitely do that you

Should make a place on the server to plug your channels uh a place wait what do you mean by like a place on the server like like a a shrine or a monument or something um that’s a good idea we could do that we could do like a

Little like bit of like a maybe not like a little thing we could definitely make it like a a large thing and uh devote it to like all you guys and say like hey these are the people that are hanging out on the channel and uh they’re starting channels their own so like

Check them out can’t get on Discord that’s okay man um I mean you know Discord is not everything it’s just a a nice little spot that we like to to link up and chat with one another outside of the stream so uh it’s not necessary I think we could probably fish here

Right yeah yeah this is a nice little Pond we can kind of bounce back and forth as as they run out of fish but I’m starting to think that we’re not going to get the fish that we need from this area maybe you can mix a subscriber oh a

Subscriber Island dude that’d be cool to do like a floating subscriber Island right we could build something like near our base man all right you know what I need to write that down so I don’t forget about that that is a good idea hang on one second let’s catch this

Fish what’s this get that out of here that’s terrible let me write this down nice all right in the future we will definitely be looking into something like that that’s a fantastic idea heck yeah dude and then you you could have like the subscribers ask uh

In their live stream like what do you want to be built yeah that’s a good idea too man we could definely like we could take suggestions in and like have like like what if we did like an island like say we did a floating island right like

In the air above our base and then uh we had like a circular island of sorts and uh each subscriber got like this like little platform in that Island and like rotate it all around the circle and like you know they could suggest like hey I

Want something like this to be built and then we could like interpret it ourselves and and create like some sort of like miniature Shrine devoted to them and then go around the circle for each person right that would be super cool man be a lot of work but it would

Definitely be a lot of fun uh hey guys it’s me Mr boast today I shipped 100 children to Canada and the last one to die gets this Tesla wow man holy whatever uh whatever makes the numbers go I guess right I am starting to think we’re only going to get charged bullheads in

Laal I might actually look up how to find certain fish because uh there’s not like you know what is there a fishing book If there it doesn’t look like it if there was like a book devoted to fishing kind of like how there’s a beastiary for mobs like something that

Explained fishing a little bit more in depth um that would be nice what we don’t need the saddle we have tons of them is this multiplayer of the server of your uh your playing because if not you can make a multiplayer server with the mods uh with

The mods are us excuse me with the mods you are using um this world in particular no is not multiplayer um but we have discussed doing like a a an actual multiplayer server I haven’t gotten there yet and uh it’s going to maybe be a little while

Until something like that happens but I am absolutely interested in creating something like that it would be a ton of fun it really would be it’d be really cool to be able to play with you guys too we talked about doing like uh a vanilla server for the

People that like can’t or are not interested in mods and then we talked about doing other stuff like um rlcraft is a little bit excessive to do a server for but like Vault Hunters would be really cool to do a server on uh as far as mods go right um things like that

That would be a lot of fun would it work uh for a mole like mobile players mobile players and console players um play on Bedrock whereas PC players have the option for Bedrock or Java now personally I I prefer to play on Java um and that’s what this is this

Is Java here I I don’t believe I I think Bedrock only is able to have like certain types of mods um so doing a server for Bedrock would be a little bit more challenging and it would also single out the people that play on Java whereas uh if we do a

Server I would I think I’m I hate to like do it I want to be able to do it for everybody um that would be ideal but unfortunately I don’t think it’s going to work for every single person so if we do a server it’s most likely going to be

On Java at least initially uh if we do a server the first one CU if we do start making servers for Minecraft it’s not just going to end up being one server we’re probably going to end up making like multiple over the course of the

Time um but we could do Java to start out with see how it goes learn the process uh work The Kinks out get things a little bit better off and then maybe one day in the future we do multiple servers for all sorts of different

People that can join um like I said I’d love to be able to support and help everybody in that scenario but it is a little bit unfeasible at this moment uh just give me some time give me some time maybe one day if this turns into my

Job we could like do like a freaking dozen servers and do all sorts of different fun stuff do like all sorts of mods uh bedrock and Java what have you if you make a server on Java be prepared uh for me to play in VR wait is that how

That works is is it is VR compatible with like regular Java or do you need like your own thing like like say this game that I’m playing right now exactly as is if you join this world could you play it in VR is is that how that works cuz that would be freaking

Cool that would be super cool dude um I’d be really impressed as well cuz I thought that VR had to be like separate guess it on the game huh and we’re not having much luck with the fish we might bail on this place we could go back to the

Ocean you think hm if that’s the case dude that’s really cool cuz uh I was not aware I had no idea It is a CL mod so I don’t know yeah I’m not sure how all that stuff works um I’m not like super inclined when it comes to to mods and things like that uh I know the basics and um like I can get my way around curse Forge but I’m to buy no

Means like a professional at that stuff uh I rely on YouTube I I like to tutorials and things like that to to teach me how to do stuff you know what we’re going to do real quick let’s delete some of these things how do you delete this place

Gotta go by melon dude space melon thank you man for hanging out with us uh it was a pleasure to meet you and uh I’m really glad that we can we can uh chat for a little bit I hope we see you again in the future and uh absolutely anytime

I can send people your way man I hope your channel grows you seem like a good dude but yeah take it easy man enjoy the rest of your holiday sir um how do we delete I think there’s a way to delete certain things right I was going to like clean up our

Fast travel thing I don’t know that might be a question for like Lucy or or Harry one day um all right what are we going to do we got to go we’re going to keep going fishing um but okay thank you where are we going to fish though is the question let’s try

To find a jungle something a little bit more oh yeah hold on hold on time out let’s do that we got two things to do real quick while we’re at our house we need to make a void fishing rod as well as a obsidian bobber so we need

Some red wool some string some white wool some obsidian Dr uh die does that work with like excuse me it’s one die per block it’s kind of expensive man I think it was this right that’s an obsidian bobber so that should unlock our Quest there and then what was the other

One wow okay so we do have to go fishing in the nether for four different types of fish and we got these two so that’s done one fish two fish lava fish burnt hand okay they think they’re so funny oh that’s easy so same thing just ender pearls slap that right there

Dude we already had an obsidian bobber I’m a little hurt just a little Hurt so we could take the Unbreaking off of that we can drop that we can drop that and that okay so we got a void fishing rod let’s go well my phone screen protector just broke off a chip and got glass fiber or got glass in your finger yikes dude be careful man

That’s not good that’s not good at all okay we need some more wool and uh we need to make another basic bber it’s good now good good good good oops all right I think we need this some iron nuggies and iron ingots we need three diamonds how do you make a r reel

Stick string iron more string string a and then a hook should we do no let’s do like a fatty hook or something let’s do something other than oh you know what I think we actually have one do we have a regular fishing hook yeah yeah yeah yeah fatty hook all right

So that I think can go in there I think that goes in there not there and then it’s something like this I think if we want to make like a void fishing rod oh you know what we might need I think actually I goofed it I goofed it a little bit we

Need a regular hook which means we need more iron something like that and then what’s the other one a basic reel a real take string just look up void fishing rod here wait check this out so oh there’s a diamond shiny hook catch weight modifier catch rate

Modifier we should probably make a shiny hook in rather okay so we need a fatty hook for fishing in the ocean like the deep ocean but we’re going to need I think a shiny hook for fishing in the void so we’ll want oh and we need a void bobber specifically where’s the Reel

At oh we need a stick so it’s like a little bit of this action yeah yeah so that’s going to make a basic Diamond fishing rod and then what you do with this basic Diamond fishing rod well actually first we need to make a basic hook and turn it into a shiny

Hook and then we take the bobber and the L so like right then you so you make the basic fishing rod first which requires your diamond all that fun stuff uh and the basic tools so like the basic reel the basic bobber the basic hook and

Then if you want to upgrade it and put better stuff on it you can do that you slap the void bobber on a shiny hook to increase your modifier rate uh and then the long cast reel is going to extend the like the range of your your cast and

All that stuff so then that’s going to apply all that different stuff and on top of that if you really want too um you can put enchantments on it too so I think we might actually need to go buy some fishing stuff yeah we don’t need any of

This there is actually Advanced luck of the sea and advanced Lur whoa that’s got a curse of holding on it be careful we don’t need any of those um do we have advanced lur man I’m trying to think if we have an actual villager that sells Advanced lure um I know we have advanced uh what’s it called

Cuz the okay so the fishing rod we’re using now has a magnetic hook which increases our treasure modifier which is great at all but if we’re looking for whales if we’re trying to catch whales we’re not going to want the uh the magnetic hook uh so we’re going to need three of these

Uh I definitely did not think this through more string uh okay we need more wool we’re making an additional you know what dude wait a second can I just like okay we’re going to do that instead instead of making a brand new fishing rod um because we’d have to go and buy

All this other stuff right we’d have to buy uh Advanced luck of the sea Advanced lur from one of our villagers and rather than do that let’s just keep this one um and when we’re done catching treasure we can just slap the fatty hook on it um

And I think we could have probably done that with the void bobber too but ah it’s fine it it doesn’t matter it’s not a big deal so let’s put that crap away we’ll keep the fatty hook on us just in case and we can probably put this away

Too I will however make an additional void bobber and take take that with us we’re hitting a rest stop nice dude it’s always good to get out and stretch and take a little p too man dude that when I was younger that was my parents biggest pet peas

It’s like why don’t you ever pee when we’re at the restaurant like I would always wait to be like all I got to pee now like as soon as we get back in the car and we’re 10 minutes down the road from the rest stop it’s like they hated

It I didn’t mean to I didn’t know like do it on purpose but uh you know that’s how you are as kids it’s tough man when the pressure’s on it’s tough to pee on the spot all right void bobber fatty hook uh we’re going to probably end up

Replacing some other stuff so like the long cast reel we should probably make an additional one as well like how do you make this oh just a bunch of strength we’re going to need more string um what do we do with some of this stuff I don’t know let’s put this in here

I don’t I don’t know it doesn’t belong in there but it it’s there for now so we got an additional bobber additional fatty hook our bobber and our magnetic hook should be fine I think I don’t know we can always just teleport back home real quick that’s not a big

Deal let’s go catch some more treasure uh but we got to find the jungle oh wait no no no that’s not a jungle I honestly have no idea where the nearest jungle is um so we’re just going to kind of fly and whether or not we

Find a jungle or a ocean first we’ll stop it either or it’s probably going to be an ocean I don’t know what it is about Ocean or excuse me I don’t know what it is about jungles in this game but we have a very hard time finding them sir you are quite

Loud hey drop what I need a shock pendant that’s new it’s not what we need but uh I like new stuff we’ve not gotten one of those before I’m surprised we got one of those boys let’s hit the ground for a second here while we’re Mana recharges it’s

Very slow we’re probably going to have to summon them out but I do want to look at this real quick okay we’re going to to uh rainforest ocean Critters cave Critters frog legs I don’t understand that one either you got to put them down wow dude that lag was

Crazy I’m just looking for bobles here for convenience sake one Diamond wow okay which Mount do we want we don’t really use this guy very often he’s super tiny I love his ability it’s like unnecessary but it’s fun another Dragon let’s put him down baby wow dude holy health bar goes

Down our bird almost died man that’s not cool Good thing we have our handy dandy master key that unlocks every chest this is the greatest thing that’s ever existed in the game I’m looking for your fish where’s your ocean at it’s a little tempting to rip that thing up and take all the bone blocks we just don’t need it we don’t

Need it I better than Einstein because uh one number or number one I am still alive and number two I have a smartphone yeah everybody’s just as smart as Einstein now well how did we how do we end up going full circle wait we were going in the opposite

Direction of our house somehow managed to find it again um let’s just go straight this way I got turned around somehow no worries man you got to go dude uh Exo Man take care uh enjoy the rest of your trips to the best of your abilities man um you

Know be safe have fun take care of yourself brother and happy holidays Happy Thanksgiving to every one of you guys finally made it to the rest stop nice dude good luck a Zoid I hope you do well Man flying flying FL we’re probably going to hit an ocean here soon I think

I can’t remember exactly where the ocean is um but I’m pretty sure it connects soon over in this direction it would be nice just to find a jungle though not looking great kind of looks like buns actually cave Critters I wonder where what the deal is with that bass we may

Just be like really unlucky and just not catching the bass that we need um but it seems to me like uh we just are are in the wrong area like I wonder if there’s a certain biome that that bass requires to to spawn in I’m looking for mimics too side quest

One side quest baby yeah come on come get some Dragon don’t do it you’re going to get me in trouble dude our bird [Applause] [Applause] died this is the only way to loot Towers now uh I’m looking for emeralds H H not finding what we need got what you need Nice One Singular

Emerald well we weren’t supposed to be hunting dragons today oh there’s a lot of crates here come on dude give me a mimic give me a mimic that is going to drop something we need something like a Power Glove give me a Power Glove a glove of power I’ll take some

Emeralds can’t say no to those bad boys this way I got lost 30 seconds we can wait 30 seconds right see another dragon come hi don’t get rocked son good timing dude and I love these buildings here they’re simple and and nice I would have loved to have found one of these

Like way early on to use this as a starter base that would have been cool I don’t know I feel like we did okay though as far as starter base goes it was really tiny uh if you guys missed our starter base um it’s a mess now it’s

Been absolutely destroyed by events and stuff like that but uh it treated us very well man we we definitely made great use out of that like 4X two area that we lived in all the dragons got to die we got to beat Lucy’s record in in killing

Dragons um I mean we’re not killing them for no reason either it’s not just for the record uh these chests the reason why we’re opening them if you don’t know have a chance to spawn what’s called a mimic and uh the mimics every time guaranteed will drop

A uh Bobble uh now it’s dropping out of a random loot pool of bobbles but um there are certain bobbles that only drop from the loot pool in the mimics uh so we’re looking for that hey welcome back man I thought you were gone for good dude thought you were like dipping for

The rest of your journey welcome back yeah man so that’s why we’re opening those crates we’re looking for bobles and uh specifically one the one we’re really looking for right now is called a power glove and uh you combine them with a couple of other stuff to make a really good one

Where are we what is this temperate rainforest does this count as like jungle like let’s see what happens here let’s see what kind of fish we get temperate rainforest I feel like it doesn’t count a blue gill wait a second no we need an electric ill Mandarin fish and a whatever that thing

Was and this dragon’s got to die the Bow’s quick you got to get good that’s all who is it no no no smoke for you what is that oh that is trash it’s crap and Zola dude we don’t need that Harry informed us that holding up your

Map will like red or uh increase the amount of time it takes for like chunks to load so let’s not use that if we don’t have to there’s no dragon here which makes me think we’ve already searched this but it can’t hurt to be sure right it’s all of crab Anda wow

Nice I just love when awesome stuff burns down because of the Dragons Bluey you can also turn a setting on to show your map when it’s in your hot oh oh oh when it’s in your hot bar um I I don’t know how to do that myself but I

Was told about that a while back and I’d rather not do that just for the sake of uh it’s kind of annoying sometimes I I’d rather be able to like have it on and off I don’t know I like putting it on my hot bar we’ll put it that way or I like

Like scrolling to it on my hot bar I’m cool with the way it is um but that is an interesting little setting swamp land not what we’re looking for what do you have in here I don’t think I’ve ever looted these hey hey hey don’t burn it’s okay loot where is your loot

Is there no loot here I play with some stuff changed oh that’s cool man I uh I don’t know I try to change as little things as possible um but like there’s a few really nice quality of life things that like for example the hearts right here uh that is a game

Changer which way are we going we’re supposed to be going this way wait what was that I’m I thought there was supposed to be stuff in those Towers but we just decimated it and nothing came out of it I love this Napoleon pickaxe mini jungle you know

What let’s do it let’s try fish in here you know somebody taught me the other day they said that uh the frog sounds come from lily pads interesting right well it’s that easy right there a leech okay that’s nice all right good good good good uh we need what is that noise

The jungle makes some scary noises um we’re probably not going to find it in this jungle but there are a few things in jungles that we’re looking for few mobs also a vespid nest I know we could wait for a a hive to spawn um and and

Use that Nest but I’d like to get some honey for me I know that the honey from the Mead or the Mead from the honey is mostly useless uh it doesn’t really hold any value in the game but I would like to collect it just for the

Sake of collecting it and um we’re trying to do a little bit of everything here so even if we don’t have any purpose for it it’d be nice just to like set it up in the basement with the brewery and say like yeah we got me too freaking monkeys hooting and holler

And what the heck so the leech I thought the leech opened up other quests but I was wrong oh I hate the last sip of coffee for some reason uh always has coffee grounds in it no matter how hard I try and it’s not pleasant what’s that a mud skinned

Piranha I don’t think that’s part of our Quest mud skinned I like that it’s nice M skinned who the freaking heck is Zach man it’s 8:00 let me send him a text something extra huh whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa get it out of my inventory I think we’re

Cool we’re good uh the curse of POS or excuse me curse of holding uh will spread other curses to your stuff it’s gross it’s nasty we don’t want it I’m shooting Zach ATT attacks real quick he might still be with his family but uh I figured he’d be home by

Now I’m trying to play some some uh what’s it called predecessors dude man we have so much fun on that game like every now and then I get frustrated um but typically that is only because of like like crappy people in the game like dude it it’s fun to troll in that game

With okay so if you guys don’t know what predecessor is it’s um it’s like a tower defense game sort of kind of but uh it’s like three-dimensional whereas like instead of like if you know what Smite is we play a bit of smite on this channel Smite it’s like one flat plane

And that’s where you rotate uh everything from whereas this game is like has uh height variations to it and uh it makes it really interesting now there’s this one character that I’ve grown very fond of ooh an axe dude good that’s good um there’s a character that I’ve grown

Really fond of that like lets you latch on to your teammate and uh latching one of them provides a buff right but also you have this active ability that if you need to and as long as you’re close enough you can pull them towards you out of like whatever situation they’re in or

Vice versa you can pull them into a situation and it is so troll dude like it provides so much opportunity for troll and uh it’s hilarious it’s absolutely freaking hilarious uh messing with people um but only to a certain extent right you don’t want to like

Upset anybody or like you don’t want to be super mean um but every now and then I I make an oopsie I uh I definitely like not trolling on purpose but like trolling like unintentionally and dude people get so upset and like like they will just like freaking they will definitely just like

Grief you the whole game they won’t leave you alone it’s funny oh what is that a mosquito that just bit my face the jungle’s scary wonder if we could put luck magnification on our fishing rod get this thing out of here lesser flame freaking kiss my butt lesser

Flame we have to dude luck magnification do we have have any of that we could mess around with villagers a little bit try to get luck magnification another piranha I guess we could probe the water see if it’s got what we need but I know the probe’s not always 100%

Accurate uh not sure but you can hold something in your offhand with luck on it and it will work we could definitely do that we could put luck on our oh I wonder if you could put luck magnification on our Shield dude cuz that would be super

Cheesy put it on the shield that we we have I feel like it’s only for weapons though or is it for tools too I don’t know I’ve never really tried it um we might want to do that cuz I know luck does apply to fishing freak you dude no I hate those Guys stop G dude I I dude nothing bugs me more than like a bug in my ear a I’ll tell you what time out 29 minutes till you get home baby nice dude I can’t remember who’s who man I thought we had I’m pretty sure we have a luck

Magnification dude but I’m pretty sure he’s not labeled as luck magnification [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] the Googl eyes man that’s [Applause] ridiculous Rich [Applause] strike purse of [Applause] decay H we do have some fat books man oh he’s not even ranked [Applause] up checked him no we do have advanced lure [Applause]

Convenient you guys are so loud all right it doesn’t look like we do have what we’re looking for Mr Swifty okay no we don’t so let’s go home real quick super quick we’ll make this well uh as fast as you can make it trying to get luck magnification let me just check

My chests I I don’t think I have any I’m pretty sure I threw any type of luck magnification away cuz I’m a dang fool dude it wouldn’t be in here either it would be in here oh no chance luck magnification caps it too huh it’s never been more convenient you’ve never seen

Anything like it does it go no it does not go on a fishing rod does it go on a shield it does not go on a shield does it go on a pickaxe it does not go on a pickaxe does it go on a mic nope luck

Magnification isn’t there a way you can see what it goes on my sister was uh like where is my food and I was like well it’s your fault you didn’t come with this oh snap dude press you in the book oh dude you’re a freaking G Bluey

Thank you man that is awesome okay we can put it on a regular axe a sword that’s it regular a and a sword and some other unique weapons too like not oh it’s not compatible with looting either so that doesn’t work what about the Scarlet Reaver yeah okay dude thank you man EXO

Uh I I feel for your sister but also uh you’re right she should have came along dog she absolutely should have been there Scarlet Reaver nice dude very nice let’s try it let’s see how it feels um something like that huh feels weird having a weapon in our off hand jungle fish fishing

Baby come get some come get some fishing ooh I can’t believe we’ve been fishing this whole time and haven’t done that blue yesterday we spent almost 6 hours just fishing straight up like we just like chatted and talked the whole day uh with

The chat it was a good time we had a lot of fun uh but we did fish for almost 6 hours straight and I wish we would have put luck magnification on glad to help I enjoy rlcraft so much but I only have one friend who likes it

Oh dude you hang out around here you’ll meet many many people that love this game it it’s ridiculous how many people around here love this game you need to tell me where your house is you need to tell me where your house is whoa we’re lagging a

Chicken yo dude um if I follow him will he lead me back to his den or do they not always have dens because first of all he’s blue which is interesting he’s a merix oh he’s a royal too uh we don’t have any mmix or excuse me we don’t have any jungle

Mmix um loot literally yeah right literally he might not oh there’s two of them oh wait is that the den right there in the water all right well we were fishing oh yeah oh that’s exactly what we needed man uh we’ve been doing like uh The Menagerie

Stuff and trying to collect like all sorts of every piece of gear stuff like that this is one of the things that we’re missing now I know that you can trade with these guys and uh do interesting things with them in the future uh but as of right now so trading

With these guys I believe requires this resin so you got to kill them to get the resin and then once you have enough resin you can trade with them and uh you can like become friends with the the creatures inside of these things and you can like uh get interesting Loot and

Stuff like that so for now we’re killing them but uh eventually maybe oh there is a what is there silver and gold here I’ve never seen it like that maybe that’s something to do with this Nest I thought it was like a Dragon’s Nest merging with

This but yeah dude we we got to get the stuff get the loot Hi H not interested cool dude I mean that’s more than enough to make a set of armor and I I don’t know if they keep spawning or not I want to say it’s a big fat no but it’s okay

Cool we’re completing all sorts of side quests you need to knock spider who Do You Think You Are put that over here and a green egg toe it’s a worker egg still a Tweedle a twittle turtle soup what the heck dude oh yo hey buddy are you what I

Think you are are you a green one slow down I can’t read your thing dog oh yeah now you’re in trouble oh no he’s just a jungle vener Raptor I’ve never seen one like that I thought he was like a um what do they call it whatever the green stuff

Is who’s exploding over here I’m trying to fish me let’s check out the quest tole okay so we got to make soup next unfortunately we got to get frog legs as well which I want to say I think we caught a frog earlier if we could just

Turn the Frog frog into frog legs nice dude we need one of these we’re killing it right now luck to co yo and I think luck too like luck magnification will actually stack with like a potion luck I think so you can technically I think it caps at luck

Three for the potion like you could get luck five in total but it’s a little too expensive to maintain our our potions with wine right now so not really worried about it snagged something extra hey look at that a frog uh okay so if you take a knife to a

Frog you can turn it into frog legs easy easy enough and then after frog legs you cook them that’s one Quest two Quest three Quest I don’t know about the tin can and the drift wood I’m assuming we’ll find it eventually you know what we could do see

If you can craft them I doubt it no can’t do it I would imagine it’s something that you collect by fishing but we’ve done so much fishing that I’m kind of surprised we haven’t caught either of those yet cuz they look like junk and usually junk is common something

Extra we’ll keep death Strider why not and a name tag holy loot dude all right bring it on RNG let’s go come on all right Mr Zachariah said he’d be home around 9:00 so um I guess it’s not 9:00 for everybody but right now it’s 8:20 looking at like a little less than

An hour to play some predecessors we can chill for about 40 minutes or so big chillax and how long we’ve been going holy 2 hours and 20 minutes Vision already all right we’re making progress we’re getting things done that’s all that matters and we’re having a good time

Dude blue I’m surprised that you don’t know anybody else that likes uh rlcraft I know it’s like it’s a very particular flavor of game right like not everybody likes Minecraft to begin with but then to like turn it into rlcraft uh it’s not very popular but yeah mean we’ve definitely

Found like a little bit of a community people that love this type of game yeah I think it’s a ton of fun I really enjoy it uh even though it’s a bit of a struggle from day to day uh it is lots and lots of fun well yeah nice a regular

Piranha still not looking for any of these Mandarin fish electric eel I’d like to catch a couple of Neptune’s bounties nice how about that there’s our eel screw your gold ingot man forget about I whoa whoa I I laugh at it every time but when

I get hit by a mob and they because of our armor we’ve got like the knockback applied to us it like sends the mob flying so far away that they just diagra I don’t know why it’s so funny for me oh ask and you shall receive dude Neptune’s bount come on give me

Give me like give me a chest plate okay that’s a pair of boots I’m not going to complain we also need boots you know what we might be able to make the rest of the armor now maybe how much durability is left here 150 durability on the magnetic

Hook if we wanted to we could run home dump all our loot out and count up all our uh our NEP our I was going to say neptunium it’s uh definitely Napoleon we can count up our Napoleon ingots and stuff see if we can actually finish the gear for the quest line really

Something extra oh my gosh dude another Bounty that’s huge what is it fair enough we already have it but it’s fine we can always smelt it down try to get some ingots out of it if we must o I wonder if there’s like wait a second let me look this up uh I

Think it’s called a what is this jungle mmix it looks nice um hold on I think it’s called a madic oh my gosh another we’re actually on fire with the bounties three ingots dude the game’s trying to freaking tell me something madic oh you can’t make a neptunium madic

Man oh well as cool as that would be it’s a little unnecessary I’m still not sure what the set bonus is for the neptunium armor either so that’s going to be interesting to find that out it’s an expensive set of armor it might be next to like the sentient armor

Probably the most expensive armor in the game I guess neptunium armor is maybe not easier to get your hands on but definitely safer to get your hands on than the um than the the sentient armor but still a pain in the butt I’ll tell you what yep give me this fish

Wow a box let me guess there’s a stick inside of here or a jungle you know what dude we’re taking this jungle sapling home give me something good man another box my favorite wood wow I feel like the luck to actually is like making a difference here we’re

Getting almost double drops every single time or we’re get getting double drops almost every single time is what I meant to say it’s nice nice and convenient huh the heck does that text say a golden apple yummy let me read this text I asked Zach uh when he would be on

The game he said about 9 p.m. I said GG’s he replied with y blin f douch far scarin what um uh Dramar drum F I’m making up words drum drum PL PL PL PL Duan wait D arm whatever scaring drum for our H PL D harm how’s that uh I couldn’t tell you what it means but I can tell you that uh it’s a good vibe we’ll put it that way you sleep in EXO dude you got to be about home

Me you said a half hour like almost a half hour ago we’re close to it bro you’ll sleep like a rock tonight all that driving and all that food Woo L Dar and h b darom boom I hope he’s watching right now and he’s just like this guy he knows he gets it well the music’s picking up we’re about to get the drop of a lifetime come on fishy okay it’s a goldfish not really

The drop of a lifetime but uh I think the Goldfish can actually be skinned and turned into luck potions or not skinned uh I think you brew the gold fish into a luck potion but it’s much easier to get luck potions through like killing witches cuz witches are pretty common another leech

Wow don’t do it you’re going to regret it okay fight each other that’s fine don’t do it you don’t want to do this what’s the message say I joined a tribe of cannibals to meet new people me e a t meet new people uh what a dude that was so

PNY I forgot to laugh we got to be getting close right not this one okay uh electric eel we’re not getting the right type of eel I wonder if we’re not in the right environment it’s possible we’re not like in an official jungle this is I think called a small jungle

Or or something like that don’t do this don’t do this fight each other not me let’s put this away and probe the water quick let’s see if we can find what we’re looking for my gut’s telling me it’s a big fat no I mean we got leeches we got frogs so

It’s better than nothing Mandarin Dragon net yeah so there’s two of the fish on our list here that we could get so I guess we are in the right place we’re just not super lucky and I we’re also not using the right reel or excuse me the right hook

That would definitely make a difference but got to get that loot man hey Sye welcome brother how you doing man been a while since I was here yeah about an [Laughter] hour something extra on the hook I like name tags I feel like I don’t have enough

Name tags we we definitely when we started messing with villagers we started flying through name tags just cuz I was trying to tag them all according to whatever enchantment they were but I’d like to start naming more creatures too whoa whoa whoa whoa hey there’s our dragonet right the are very

Good electric eel huh it didn’t say there was electric eel in this water but something tells me that you can still find it oh no I wasn’t in the chat for like a few days Oh no I got you I understand we missed you buddy I’m glad you’re back T I’ll do this

Why are you coming back he don’t do this messaging a b chickens pretty sure these guys can be tamed and ridden we do not have aquatic treats on us though unfortunately or else I would totally tame him right now Message in a Bottle come on EXO’s

Home dude good press alt f4 for free diamonds good man I know you had quite a long trip EXO but I’m glad you’re home man you get to like finally relax for a minute I guess you were kind of big chilling in the car too but it’s not the same oh come on

Come something extra N come on this has to be a good one it’s got to be a good fish what hey that’s one of the ones we need right it is nice we just need the electric heel I’m wondering if like electric eels are only in the river what the

Heck Zach replied to my text saying fish in a bar smoking a cigar the fish smoke cigars nice another one of these you know what dude I wonder what the heck hey hey hey let me get that honey dude I’m going got to have bottles stay there don’t go

Anywhere going to get some empty bottles you can finally watch the stream on the TV nice dude rock and roll dude I saw a statistic the other day on my YouTube that was um it was like guess how many people like watch your videos on TV versus like on a mobile platform

Like a phone or a computer and uh I I had no idea I I didn’t know what to expect I had never really considered that um and uh apparently 133% of people watch on a TV interesting interesting little fact give me your loot dude dude going to have to ask you to back

Off dog oh the Honey’s gone Already okay we literally got a single bunny of hoddle oh a single bunny of hoddle a single bottle oh honey uh that’s a little sad but I guess it it’s fine it’s better than nothing right so we can actually turn that into me now I think because I just killed that I think

I might have killed the queen just then and that’s why the honey went away I think for the in order to have like an infinite supply of honey in one of these nests you need to have uh a queen and there is a way to befriend the queen I

Think if you feed her like if you don’t fully tame her but you feed her like a certain amount of uh like insect treats they will actually like allow you to just come in and out of the hive and take honey as you wish um which I gu this is a little

Unnecessary mini jungle River oops stop it okay let’s see what the the tracker says sparkling eel is that no we don’t need a sparkling eel right we just need a regular old electric eel I don’t know I’m looking for like something that says like jungle River or something um I don’t know sparkling

Eel you know what let’s hit this River where was it right here okay let’s hit this see what this says sparkling eel now the Trager doesn’t have to say it in order for there to be what you’re looking for right cuz like the tracker is not always going to say whale but you

Could still catch a whale in the ocean there’s two fish not feeding in these conditions I don’t exactly know what that means I wish it would specify which fish was not feeding let’s track River again no the mini jungle I think is definitely where we want to be I’d rather find like

A full regular jungle oops sparkling you I’ll tell you what let’s keep moving let’s go somewhere else real quick we might get lucky and find like uh a larger jungle or like an actual jungle rather than this mini thing or an ocean we can mess around in the

Ocean did I oh I left a way Shrine behind that’s fine holy purple dude m H or instead of flying around we could go home and see if we can finish that set of armor for the Napoleon Gear swamp PL not what you need it’s not what you want it’s not what you need uh the pharaoh’s curse what’s that what do you mean by the pharaoh’s curse ocean we could mess around with the ocean oh cinnamon challenge no thank you dude I when the cinnamon chall

Challenge became popular like years and years ago I did try it and holy crap is that regretful don’t don’t do it it is absolutely not recommended it’s not even safe it’s it’s not a good idea um but it does make for a really funny video I’ll tell you what deep ocean

Let’s take a little probe action what you got for me down here whale whale detected come on luck to give me something give me something good something tasty something like whale um if we catch a whale guys do not let me like just sit it in the

Inventory if we catch a whale we have to combine B it with a water bucket so that it lives so that we can actually like Farm it and get many many more whales because whales uh make whale Burgers which are really really valuable oh get that out of my

Inventory we’re good curse a holding dude get that out of here what was that noise can I help you you’re disturbing the peace dude it really sounded like an ocean wave like crashing it was kind of nice come let’s go come on give me loot give me good loot give be delicious

Whales in a bucket no we don’t want it I am keeping all the fish though uh I think the uh some quests not like quests in our inventory but like what are they call oh bounties I think they’re called bounties can potentially request fish um so I’ve been

Saving them all and just putting them in a chest back home now I know they die over time unless you like put them in a bucket and keep them alive but I don’t know if it makes a difference I’m hoping it does not make a difference I don’t know we got enough

Storage it’s not going to hurt us to keep them oh man if we catch a whalan that’s going to be a bit of a game changer I don’t exactly know what the whale Burger does though whale how do you spell whale man that’s a shame I should know how to spell

Whale it’s kind of funny for a single celled organism like me whale Boer okay it doesn’t specify what it does I think whale Burger gives you sinful six and sinful is a buff in the game that like provides extra damage and extra armor and stuff according to certain uh

Like requirements sinful 6 is like a really high stack of it and it’s the only way to acquire it is through the whale Burger um so it is very very valuable I think like there’s certain pendants and stuff in the game that’ll give you the sinful

Buff but you can only get like sinful one from like the the pendants right um whereas like the burger gives you freaking six you don’t want it it’s like he’s like you can’t touch this Don’t do this I hear you guys great salmon our luck’s running out man we were doing good there getting like two drops every time uh lots of treasure chests now nothing I doubt we’re going to catch a whale though without like a fatty hook without like all the good stuff

That’s going to give us the Buffs and the bonuses I know we need like the long reel which we do have equipped but I don’t think the magnetic Hook’s going to cut it for a whale or a shiny hook maybe not fatty but the shiny might be exactly what we need Maybe

Maybe maybe I’m gonna have to make another cup of coffee what would you do if we had an extra hour in the day good question an hour does not go as far as you’d like it to right so I wouldn’t say that I’d do like something extra like I wouldn’t chalk on

Like an extra activ ity to do in an hour um but I would probably just add an hour to some sort of other activity that uh I find that I don’t have enough uh time for in my day anyway and most likely that would probably be like streaming maybe not like streaming

Itself but like something to do with it like you know uh bettering the production level of the the stream or like um coming up with ideas or or even spending some more time with the family you know there’s a lot you can do with an hour even if it doesn’t go far

Don’t o 83 M has got to be a good one it’s got to be a good one come on really an an iron ingot really I don’t know what would you do with an extra hour in your day silly bird what you thinking sleep oh dud that see now you’re thinking outside the

Box an extra hour of sleep would be wonderful um man I feel like I I I wish I could sleep less you know how everybody sleeps uh different amounts of time to like get fully rested like my buddy Zach that we’re going to play the

Game with in a little bit that dude will sleep like four hours a night and he’s good and I don’t understand that dude I I need like 8 to 10 hours of sleep to be like pristine functioning condition just feel like that’s so much time in life

Wasted like man I could do so much time if I had like an extra four I could do like so much extra stuff with life if I could sleep for half the time if I could do another 4 hours of life outside of sleeping what like w baby that would be

Awesome uh imagine how much more sleep you could get with an extra hour yeah yeah you could do a lot man like if you live to be 100 years old just for like flat easy numbers and you you have an extra hour in your day uh you’re looking at what’s

365 hours a year times 100 so like 365,000 hours wait is that right I think that’s right let me use the calculat it’s 365 * 100 excuse me 36,500 hours IR math do think um it’s a lot of hours man 36,000 hours you spent half your life in sleep

I don’t know about half but pretty darn close um you know when I was young and uh I started working a full-time job like consistently right um I realize that like you spend about a third of your life sleeping a third of your life working and then you only get a third of

Your life to live for yourself you know 2third of your life is spent doing all this other crap that you don’t really even want to do um so like that concept makes life even more valuable right like you you want to really just not waste it because if you’re here for a certain

Amount of time and 2third of that amount of time is like spent doing things that you don’t really want to do or have a choice in like freaking a third of or the other third that you get to do things that you love man absolutely do that and and love it even more

Now or try to it’s not always easy all right let’s catch like one more fish and then we’ll go back home okay there we go another piece of iron all right okay all right hold on one more fish and then we’ll go back home and then uh we’ll dump all our Loot

And stuff like that and uh we’ll see if we can craft all the Napoleon stuff and I think by the time we’re done with that actually be on the game come on baby give give me something give me okay 5 m that’s not probably a

Bad fish right yeah I don’t know if this is accurate or not but it seems like the farther away the fish is the better the loot shad what the heck okay this bottle of honey can come out of there we should box up all these fish we’re going to put put the bottle

Of Honey right in here and then later on when we get more of it we can turn that into like an actual Brewing situp for the honey does that no it does not go in the hot bar it’s fine let’s pull all this stuff out and leave the fish behind real

Quick let’s put that in there that in there that and that that in there okay we should probably leave the glass bottles in our like utility chest just in case we run across like something else we need it for like more honey I don’t think we need up I think our music

Stopped oh it did ch chck ch ch When the Music Stops neptunian oh dude we could totally make all the armor I think pretty sure mhm definitely missed this it’s only been 46 episodes and like I just now am starting to learn where all the stuff goes inside the chests and in storage

Another helmet okay what does that say a oh I said a lobster that’s funny oh snap Mr Zachariah hello sir hello I hear you sir huh uh now I’m losing you I had to mess around I hear you now what’s going on man uh just playing a little Minecraft for a bit

Oh yeah yeah I am one of these days uh I’m going to ask you to to like to make a clip with me to make to make a short revolving around that response what the heck Hello you sound much better now but you were still on the call with me when you

Called me again and it it said you put me on hold and it said end call from Zach and answer call from Zach I was like huh what that is weird you st what is this did does a bear take a Duke in the woods dude oh yeah dude I’m

Down man you know the best thing about Christmas dude is not about the food it’s not about the family it’s not about anything like that it’s about getting on the game and beating up some kids in PvP that just got their game for [Laughter] Christmas no I’m just kidding that’s

Surrender that’s terrible that well for you guys what was the build was it different than what you normally see I mean I I I wouldn’t put it past people to hack on that game cuz for one it is an early access right so like it it’s definitely got room to be

Hacked um but you never know man some people just like get it some people just know how to press buttons oh oh I’m already in it okay I think we need to make a knife real quick quick with this frog oh wait we have a knife you know

What I don’t know if this works I what’s up firing the game up and I’m going to hit some more games Okay um I need a filet knife hold on I I’ll be there in just a minute man put that fet knife up and get on the game

I’m on the game I’m just not on the same game as you that’s what I’m saying got time for you to form a play KN look man you CAU me uh in the middle of my cleanup sir you streaming I am I’ll catch you little slack [Laughter]

Then just a little slack that’s all other people might not realize that I’m joking no yeah anybody watching he is joking yeah I mean if people have like watched you before when I’m on the chat though they’ll know I’m joking but oh yeah yeah definitely new people they might be like

Why is he yelling at you man why do you why are you friends with this guy why is he so mean this guy’s a doucher man doucher oh man both oh now I’m mad bro I actually screwed this up what’ you do I didn’t screw it up because there

Ain’t no way that I ordered two things of bubble gum war games dog well yeah I think they sent me two things of bubble gum war games I didn’t order who right by would order bubble gum oh not me dude sounds disgusting well you know four raw fish sometimes you just got to

Man it up no drink drink your bubble gum dog no no no I’d be throwing it out no you I would throw it I wouldn’t throw it out I hate wasting stuff like I don’t do it unless I’m playing a p PVP game and I really don’t even do it

Unless I’m gaming with you unless I know like hey man I want to sit down I’m going to grind something for like four or five hours then all right wish me luck bro here we go floride City oh I no gr man mhm not for me do with the frog legs Goblin soup

Okay so the frog legs are useful oh my God that’s bad bro yeah yeah it’s freaking bubble gum dude why would you even consider it being good but it’s like oh but it goes away quick I can deal with that I tell you what I want to do I’m going to order

Some more war games that way I can just like put that up for whenever I accidentally run out and don’t realize it cuz I don’t want to do that every day no dude yeah dude I got this you know me with my protein powder um I love way

Protein powder way protein powder call me we we’ll talk about a sponsorship oh I love ways protein powder dude and uh they have a chocolate flavor that is just not it like I love the vanilla the vanilla is my cup of tea dude um but the uh the

Chocolate is just not it and I I bought a thing of chocolate like months ago by accident I didn’t mean to and uh it’s still in my cupboard like I just I can’t I just can’t eat it I mean I I won’t throw it out I I I can’t bring myself to

Just like waste it uh but I definitely am not like trying to eat it either yeah let me see if I can find what be my war game it was actually really hard to find last time I I guess I could just search for it but I like just scrolling there it

Is all right I’ll be ready in just a minute here I’m almost done okay hold on that’s the only flavor I see no way bro come on one two three four five chests chesticles uh which means 10 of these not maybe that’s all they have in

Stocked yeah well if it’s all they have in stocked they should tell you yeah because there’s no way like change like I see other flavors like right there let me have that mango give me that mango that sounds amazing I would rock mango all day all right I’m Ready I’m getting old VY predecessors well I guess I’m just going to rock bubblegum until this website figures out how to I mean I could find something else I could find I could get like some G fuel G fuel in war games is kind of the

Same thing War Games is just easier for me to do because like that’s where I get all my other supplements so it was just dude it is so dark in my house I’ve got all my interior lights turned to like red because of my red lights outside and

My house looks little creepy not going to lie it’s like this red yeah good green accents to go with it here well I do my keyboard and my mouse pad are green all right my mouse if you don’t mind real quick I’m going to use the

Bathroom and uh while I log in because I am logging in to predecessors and I’m going to throw a cup of coffee in the microwave are you staying up tonight yeah bro all right I’ll be right back give me like two minutes not even two minutes you better get all with it son

I’m oh hope the games go good tonight I don’t know if you took your headset with you I doubt you did but I’m going to sit here and talk to myself like you do have your headset on excuse me oh I know what I need to do while I wait on you I

Need to go into a practice real quick and I need to look at a couple different twin blast uh twin blast builds because I want to look at a few items and figure out a good on hit build for him instead of a crit build I guess he does work with

Crit I wantan to I heard every word you said Zach oh I figured I figured you might Goose these Minecraft texture packs are wild we actually we were just playing Minecraft a couple minutes ago but we decided to swap over to predecessors um but if what you’re interested in is

Minecraft there’s more videos in the channel check them bad boys out so what if I go vanquisher TW or let me cook up a build real quick in case I feel like playing twin blast oright I’d like to see you do it um as much as I love when you rock Revenant

Cuz like you freaking crack with him uh I do like being able to build attack speed for you cuz I can phase feels real good when you are affected by my attack speed Buffs not only can I build items that buff your attack speed speed but I

My passives and my My ultimate also affect your attack speed which it just is uh feels clean dude oh this space melon instead of that actually I don’t even know if you go vanquisher here hold on I got I got I got a plan cooking up okay if we go Stormbreaker Stormbreaker into

Vanquisher into vanquisher King’s Bane if I need it then we wrap back into the sky splitter and now I just need a big fat pen item big fat chuning pen item oh I might even try that one physical pen where’s physical pen that sounds pretty good maybe late

Game maybe a pain Weaver they might be a better one though how much attack speed do I have I have 21% notfall oh notfall while below maximum health that’s not got any oh it does have 12 pin on it yeah last item let me see how this

Feels this might be I might have just cooked something be right back bud all right give me two I’m going to grab my coffee be back 30 second yeah yeah yeah let me let me level up all the way I want to see how hard my abilities hit okay let

Level so what is the Q hit for Q hits for 374 is that a single you doing twin blast you’re messing around with twin blast build yeah hold on is that what the heck was that let’s see seeing things I thought there was like a a rip in my chair

But it must just be like I need to take some damage I want to I see how much I’m healing let me take a couple Tower shots here take some damage in the game come on let’s go I know let me I want to see

I want to see if this healing is worth it I want to hit him with like one q and see how much I heal for H you were patient with me I’ll be patient with you oh holy crap though the Autos that’s a lot of healing man check the

Ultimate hey blue I see you in the Discord sir welcome I don’t think this is the I don’t know man I can’t tell if this is the build or not we’ll try it how do I how do I ex miss you why is PR dude I think actually

I wait wait wait wait I know what I do I put Nightfall instead of Kings bang and just run the notfall I think Z I hate to change the subject but I need to ask you if you’ve seen Bryson’s pictures of him holding his pets up in the air with his hand like

Their Simba like is it in general chat yeah well it’s in pets and animals in the the normal or in the uh island of parade um that dude every time he takes a photo of an animal he holds it the same way every time he uses his left arm to prop it up

Uh like it’s Simba and just like hold his camera like out like that I don’t know I mean all his pets are like you know pable he he’s got like all these little like Rugrat looking ankle bite and things and I don’t know why he picks them up like that it’s

Hilarious you can send me an invite by the way oh I’m sorry all right yeah I’m still cooking up the twin blast build I don’t know cuz I run him crit the other day and he was slamming but I just I didn’t really like crit on him so I was trying

To find like an on hit build uh with just attack speed and penetration and like on hit effects and Stormbreaker felt phenomenal so I guess I could run the storm breaker and just use the storm breaker pass with the crit uh got to be quick got to be

Quick dude that’s so weird sometimes my name is dark cataclysm on here andtime my name is my other name I’ve only ever seen it dark cataclysm well when I queued in today and played them two games it was uh my other name and I was like wait it was before you changed it

Um what what did you change it yesterday uh couple days ago this just happened to me like today though but now it’s changed back it’s very weird oh well as far as I’ve been able to see since you changed it cuz it used to be

The other name uh but from the day on that you changed it it’s only been dark cataclysm so it might have been just a visual bug for yourself but I mean I don’t know call good call uh what are we doing Muriel what Muriel I’m trolling I was Wonder I I

Mean I was going to say I can play Muriel but if you played Muriel I’d be like okay well we got a problem here I want to play a little bit more with twin blast he’s fun all right let give you that attack speed are we ready

Bro I played the one game I played I played against dude what skin is that that is sick is that his Mastery skin remind me to look I want to look at this guy’s Mastery skin cuz if that is I want to grind it out he looks crazy what

Level’s Mastery 10 uh I think seven oh that’s not that far I think it might be the 10 but I’m not for sure I think 10 is just like the master border D I could go for a master’s everything for FaZe she is so fun to play that’s the way I feel

About Kira twin blast and Revenant them are like my three and Sparrow but sometimes sometimes Sparrow like if I played Sparrow into steel right now it’d be it’d be annoying oh yeah you got to have some I like RoR too though I don’t

Know I I keep it nice and tight I I like RoR and FaZe and then there’s a few other ones that I’m like yeah they’re good but I I much prefer FaZe and Rector they’re probably the two top tier supports I think Steele’s up there as

Well oh yeah he’s very good he’s got a lot of potential but uh as far as like fun to use RoR and FaZe are way more fun agreed good old moist dog pajamas now it all right now your name’s changed back to the old one yeah I guess for whatever reason it

You can’t change it there that’s kind of dumb but whatever but in game it shows dark cataclysm so I don’t get it do maybe I let’s let’s look at that whenever we get out of this cuz I might have to change a setting uh what’s our team doing I am going to

Go storm Breer first a them bro what do you mean what are they doing everybody’s just chilling they’re probably buying out bro well they need to hurry up man come on get with the business that’ll be their first game ever man oh don’t say that we’re going to win this one we’re

Going to carry him to Victory too oh we’ve got the walrus bro we have the walrus don’t forget moist dog pajamas what moist dog pajamas that’s just odd but he’s on on our team I I can’t wait to see beel again one day we run into him quite a bit it’s

Been at least three times man yeah we’ll run into him tonight he’ll be gaming he’s a gamer okay oh I still rooted him somehow I felt like I was choking got to get warmed up let’s punish him just a little poke action that’s all oh they’re doing the Strat my minions my

Minions yeah I guess when I hit them and if I’m up above the front line it can definitely jack up the the lane like that why is it still chasing us these minions are right now whoa whoa whoa buddy okay sth is still here he’s in their Farm I

Miss go for the murdog lady I didn’t know he was going oh be careful that you are way up there yeah I definitely just blink I don’t think I needed to either but I did all right the sooner I get it on cool Downs the better right I mean

Not really but yeah I know but I’m trying to make myself feel better okay it’s kind of getting hard to clear dang it okay I want this Canon crate Dam I missed the cannon crate dude how was your Thanksgiving man I know it’s I already know the answer you had an awesome time

But oh gosh dude he’s actually going to kill me how’ you pull me I was going to kill him okay hold on I was using you to body block for me dang it dang it did you die oh no dude that pull man I was not want to be pulled there I’m

Sorry little misc commune I was definitely using you to body block cuz I was scared I was going to kill him he killed me he blinked we’re warming up we’re warming up yeah that’s what it is don’t pull me to body block you anymore dang you you like a

Man all right fine or you let me kill him I think I kill him there you can kill him now if you’d like uh I’m going to get my Dash because I’m playing kind of aggressive all right I need to not Farm These I need to just last

Hit let turn this music off this game I don’t think needs music it’s gold up could be unless they yeah I need to clear it Go to gold I don’t know now that they’re back if I knew that we would have cleared it earlier I don’t like that thing that he

Puts up it’s a bit of a counter for me does it block you yeah my well it blocks my two in my Autos oh that’s criminal yeah a little bit we could just push this yeah think about it I don’t really want to tank this that’s unfortunate he killed

It yeah I didn’t want to be one tanking that it’s not good for me to fight that I used all my stuff in them we’re getting ganked you are right sir oh gosh yeah I get far son no what is the missed the freaking he choked pretty bad dude oh

Bro the Camaro was one okay oh yeah we’re going to have to like do our thing here and not rely on the gank we’ll play a little bit more passive I just wanted to her just to walk up and auto attack him that’s difficult buddy I’m might to start pressure the

Murdock yeah but the Steel’s like just looking at me so all right did you see that grenade bounce yeah I don’t know where it went right grenade balances are so weird in this game they really are strange man well it’s because like them little passs have like they’re not flat surfaces yeah

They look they look flat but they are not I’m going to Ward this metal all right I I think it ganked us from low anyways though uh don’t have a blink man oh they’re just going to run at me I guess I hate Ling against a Ste bro whoa that hit

Me was so stupid I shot it to the right okay you cannot bounce grenades anywhere around the did you hit me with that grenade though does it do damage to me no maybe I just got hit by an enemy at the same time but it it felt like the

Explosion from the grenade hit me oh wow wow dude wow dude why are we being bullied there a Ste why is he in our TI two why are they both in our tier two right now where’s our jungler at dude or left lane I mean oh my gosh man

Left lane I mean they know that we don’t have teams so like or we don’t have team to help so like they’re rearming us once I get the storm breaker that will quit cuz I can actually fast clear all the Minions come’s in our left jungle okay

I’m going stick a low Ward yeah he’s there actually right where you’re about to Ward ste’s coming in okay thank you he’s looking at us for Sarah’s rotated over there I don’t have a word for Mid I don’t know where ste’s probably going to look at

Me he’s farming I don’t know where his carry went though that’s so obnoxious man Tower it’s well played though such a weird grenade yeah I’m not really a fan of the grenades in this game man um they’re they feel like they’re really difficult to control I literally can’t go anywhere or

Do anything at all Yep they’re probably going to die this Tower cuz I doubt well they don’t have a minion wave they’re going to go Fang off that though yeah they’re going there right now an enemy tower under attack yikes dude that’s not great I’m

Oh four this is like a horrible start I think our sarth is lagging oh no she just doesn’t know how to walk is that you no okay I was trying to get my storm breaker but I’m not going to have my storm breaker but let me just get some Mana bite cuz I

Used a lot in that fight to be fair I’ve been missing a lot of a lot of abilities into the Murdoch dude you do not just walk in this Tower and kill me there’s no freaking way why is the steel like having infinite health he doesn’t even have a

Tier like an item built yet and yet he’s got like an infinite amount of Health I’m chilling in the tower man I I don’t have a reason to go out there me either I’m actually biking here I know but I get my oh wait no no I miscalculated I need 100 gold

Okay I need 300 gold is this a joke oh I mean that was still ultimate uh this is not going the way out I hoped it would I need a back they might get Tower office back I can’t give them the tower kill I’m not sure what our sth is doing

He’s trying to gank but all tower under attack he’s like waiting for you to go face tank or something I don’t know I am backing now though cuz now I get my storm breaker and I might be back before they can get the tower that’ll keep them from just

Shoving it under our tower all the time decent little power Spike I don’t know we’ll see how it feels but if you got to fall back don’t die again they’re going to just take it dude our Tower’s gone it is what it is and he’s just going to kill me so annoying

Bro come on sarth land something nice good freaking kill dude we needed that so bad sth died but it’s fine sorry sarth why is everybody trying to surrender we just won the fight finally we won the fight enemy killed mini Prime Savages dude Gold’s down I’m backing buddy I got a ton of

Gold off of that man yeah I’m backing I’m just going to do on hit build man I’m going to do Sky splitter next no life Ste yet all Tower an all tow destroy do we defend left no they kill that right maybe I don’t know might we’ll see half Health

One I’m going to get a pretty low Ward because we might get rotated in behind all Tower I mean they’re clearly taking our farm I’m just dead probably am too I don’t even know why we left the tower man it feels like a 1 V4 but it’s just a 1

V2 oh he’s taking mid what’s that blue sword on my left uh I don’t know what that is I don’t know I’ve got one too they just uh going for that ain’t they what is killing me who is killing me where am I dying from what dude my health

Bar all right I’m going to I’m going to kill this I’m going to kill this Murdock I’m coming right right now we kill Murdock I’m down but man am I having a hard time living we’re killing somebody Tower we take this Tower here right kir okay I’m coming mardock I’m coming

Son I’m tanking Tower man I can’t do that all right almost out of my I don’t want this RoR get out of there that RoR I do not want okay I well I wish I’d have known that before he was already in Lane all Towery you didn’t hear me say I to hold

This RoR well as soon as you said it I ran away but he was already on my neck yeah he come in from high from solo Lane yeah why is there Solo laner in our lane and why is what how can like the solo laner make his way across the entire map without

Our solo laner even realizing what’s going on and just like s sitting there farming enemy team killed fang tooth this is not going our way buddy I’m going to try notfall we’re testing here I ain’t really worried about winning we’re testing try this we’ll try cuz that actually feels good with the the

Two items I got now I mean we got pressured out hard by the still early and the that was bad in League we come online right if we can make it to late game that’s the problem they’re going to end up with more Fang tooths than we can

Handle I just want to test the build here they’re already two up I me I’m probably going to get ganked here but we’re testing we’re testing I just got bullied I can’t I can’t live buddy I I can’t leave the tower one if I hit that freaking first

Grenade man that pacif like I’m just testing man I mean I a you tested them I’m full on an and testing like if I hit one more Auto in that fight I win on that Murdock I mean he does have crit and I don’t so maybe I’m

Playing a little bit too aggressive into his crit a little yeah I can’t go up there with you buddy I I’m going to get killed instantly every single time I’m like four levels behind same level as me we’re both like four levels behind get it together we’ll get it we’ll get

It the dude their tank is one-shotting me uh we’re going to have to have some serious XP gains if we want to have anything happen here buddy here M I’m telling you come here M we’re going to go up here and we’re both going to die again I’m telling you okay

Okay you’re right what you’re I know I’m right fool I’m testing though where is our team at oh no dude I mean she’s going to die here too I probably shouldn’t have been that far up but she died midair see where’s this Howie at where’s this Howie being he could oh you can’t

Fire through that buddy oh he knows all right all right I’ll lock it up now I’ll lock it in I’ll quit I’ll quit just running at him what you F6 him now no I have2 I’m not going to I’m just kidding I’m testing

Here oh here we go here we go here we go I’m coming in hot here yeah I’m coming in hot here baby this is where we shine this is where we shine at I okay bad me there’s five people in our lane dude I didn’t even think about the I didn’t

Realize one I could just get steel stunned out of my ultimate but the more you know I should have aled from far away sir the entire enemy team is in our L I know they’re they’re having fun dude they’re freaking bullying us dude they’re uh at least somebody is

Dude this is painful I’m 0 and N dog I mean to be fair I’m five and seven and I’ve been running at them so I mean I could probably chill out a minute and actually play some uh we farming see what all up this is about to

Be up I’m probably going to take it we got push somebody’s pushing us they got a orb I’m going to force his Phoenix never mind his Phoenix ran out got scared yo get the farm oh s is here she missed her Farm all right well don’t worry sarth I

Will kill it for you oh I thought she already got it did she just left at half health I don’t know what she’s doing she’s not having a good game or something I don’t know if we uh push up here but here we are we’re three man deep we are

Here to be fair they come here is dead oh they’re probably on the F to are they on F to sure they’re probably taking a fourth one yeah R’s here I don’t hear them on it but they’re definitely zoning yeah oh they’re going on the Sur that was so

Weird dude can I not be bounced around like a bowling pan I got I got knall this is what I was waiting for I want to see how this feels I mean if it feels halfway decent being this far behind where’s the team might be the build

Bud oh my goodness St what are you doing how he’s dead my goodness I guess I should try to help right that poor dude oh buddy no there’s no saving that there uh they was that mean was there though maybe depends on if they have blinks s

Do not go in here it is a on V4 let’s get it f to let’s get it all right I’ve got I’ve got Nightfall now changes everything if you’re going to be here kill these minions s what you doing like FL 34 here we’re just staring at

Minions I’ll kill him thank you there someone’s got to cuz that was not pleasant to be a part of waiting for the Ste Dash where did my health just go I just got freaking one shot dude oh my gosh oh never been beat so bad in my life this is probably the

Fastest I’ve ever died in any game next to into the dash into the stun it’s just just over our whole team has just been like F6 in the whole game since the five minute Mark now what do I go next is the question I Manan that’s just it that

That will make or break any game no matter what the game is like like if your teammates are fussy and crying it’s over there’s no winning like if one person does bad on your team and starts surrendering like everybody rages and I guess we could just like let waves fall and try to

Defend I think that’s what I am going to do cuz I want to see this build is feeling like it’s going to hit pretty good I’m actually going to take her redbow no she’s going to go for it I pulled her away from it oh I’m going to

Take it maybe that’s the thing I need here mine he took it okay his his like he needs it they’re definitely I clear I clear minion waves like really good so I’m going to go take the blue buff keep my Manas up excuse me

She’s a My Lan so I’m just going to take those to I guess all Tower ATT oh we kill her maybe she blink blink down good kill GRS that was actually great oh we need to be in right lane I’m going to bite for it that’s

All they might just get it before how he can do anything yep okay I mean they’re not even going to try to push into it I’m here if you want to I’m kind of with the GRS they’re four mid this is a risky business here yeah I don’t think we defend that

We defend the inhib though oh yeah for sure or we at least try right oh you’re in a bad SP yeah I’m just dead I just got one shot I was trying to help the GRS but the GRS ditched me so there’s no chance of getting out of there when I’m by

Myself a one V5 man oh day not our best warm-up game is it me you’re cranking you’re doing numbers now it’s a good kill oh how he robbed you I a that hook bro I thought I side stepped it do something howi do something Howie oh how how want to do how’s dead

Mhm what what killed me that was more all why was she5 1500 miles away I told you it’s an infinite range all as long as you have the totem on somebody you know it did n over 900 damage mhm yeah that’s uh it’s like her whole kit really I mean that’s like the

Strongest part of her kit you realize that that’s almost my entire health bar I know it’s a lot an infinite range ability that almost kills your entire health bar in one shot I mean she’s got to have the totem on you and and she can only have one totem at a

Time it’s still busted but it’s that’s what I’m I don’t care what it is it’s busted it’s not broke though it’s just it’s just busted what’s the difference I don’t think I I don’t know if I like this build or not I’m might it’s it in the game dude try it again on

The next game I can try we try to defend fang tooth but they’re probably already on it okay there there you go killing fang tooth H go for this red I just want the XP from it can we get this too uh never much it’s a little risky

They’re going to be shoving any minute now unless they wait on Prime which I don’t know why they would I’m so close to vanquisher I’m going to stick around try to get some of these last HS get right lane right lane risk it for the biscuit sure oh

They’re on or prime anyway they’re left lane okay we’re these minions are way deeper than I thought they were yeah I’m just going to inst the back me too I do get vanquisher here okay we try to hold these Prime Primal Fang too punks out I don’t like

This we got to keep an eye on the the left lane here yeah that steel has been full countering me like he doesn’t even drop that unless I start using my two they’re just going to take that they’re just going to kill us all when they come in here too an alled

Inor I have an all okay I don’t have an Al I just get insta killed every time or how he’s not playing good God man s dude S freaking aled behind him oh oh GRS you can’t just sit there and face tank it dude you got to do something you

Got to kill the minions or or like use an auto attack or something goodness yeah we got to go run that back that was not good I do like the crit better on Twin blast I I’d say try it again I think that Lobby was janked from the very beginning

I mean for dude that lady’s six levels ahead of me you know I feel like I didn’t even have a chance just get insta killed every single time the struggling everybody was yeah man I didn’t get any leftovers today and I’m a little salty I did got a whole plate of dessert

Leftovers whole plate of food left overs it might be the first time I’ve ever had a family meal where I didn’t get leftovers and I’m I’m a little sad why did you not well there wasn’t really any food left well that that’ll do it I know I

Will I didn’t get a ton of leftovers I got some turkey and some dressing that was all I got as far as food and then I got they were a lot of desserts man they were like everybody that came brought a dessert and we had a lot of desserts I

Got some some that I don’t even know what they are I just want to try them cuz I didn’t eat no dessert I just decided to take it with me n see the routine is you go in you have a chat yeah everyone hangs out has

A good time settles in grab a drink then when it’s time for the food you eat you stuff your face nobody says a word all right you just eat neat neat neat and then after you stuff your face and you’re way too full to move you sit down

On the couch and you just hang out for about a half hour and then everybody gets up starts moving around again eat a piece of pie have some more talk have some good time maybe play a card game and then uh eat some more pie

I just ate so much food that I couldn’t hold any pie oh broot I don’t care how full I am I’m eating dessert no cuz if I eat like if I’m full and I eat dessert I feel like crap they can handle us oh yeah I mean don’t get me wrong I feel

Like crap too but uh I’ll do it anyway I can’t I can’t do that I mean I I don’t do that on like a daily basis but like Thanksgiving dude uh that’s the day uh I don’t care how I feel I’m eating everything I usually wear stretchy pants

Pants all we’ll run it back one more yeah I think we’ll give that another shot I shouldn’t I mean I’m fine with twin blast and the steel but the walrus is back on our team I might though change the order the battle begins we’re fighting another steel

Yeah and a Dro this time this might be rough who did the walrus play last time I think how I think he was on midliner he did okay oh the moist dog waterers on the other of the other team now I’m going to go storm Breer though that item felt

Fine and it was my first game too dude that steel last game made me freaking sick sth is in the jungle here there s mhm none of me what if she want uh not us she went the other way but she’s close I got a deep W down in

Mid you got eyes on that Dro uhuh he up on his little poach oh Edge I got skip happy skip happy I’m not really trying to engage too hard with the steel we can try to poke him out early but that’s like the dro is going to fast clear is that a bad

Thing maybe cuz he’s probably going to out clear me right now maybe not he’s not going to Cle out clear me that much he’s going to dash he’s looking like it right he’s thinking about it he’s thinking about it okay they dropped W in mid by the way oh

No let them know they’re freaking coming for him just poking just a little poke action he lost that fight his teammate wasn’t with him get my Dash just for that same uh slow I don’t think this is the same steel it’s not going to say he’s not

Even using his wall I’m not sure if he realizes he can he probably doesn’t have it yet that too I’ve got all three of mine I just assumed so would they uh oh you done messed up steel I got AO it’s attacks baby okay I don’t have man watch her

Right sorry that’s a teammate D why is he sitting behind the tower like that I could have reached him too go go sure man we didn’t even get one gold last game when I started an once our team started like Auto surrendering and oh still might be coming to this no he’s

Not probably use a rotation I’m out of Mana I get these minions wouldn’t hurt wouldn’t hurt me either I’m out of pots that’ll be careful though cuz I don’t have Mana for a dash I got to back up I mean I have my flash but I don’t

Want to use it I’ve got my yoink watch our left I think he was just checking gold though he’s behind us yeah I got my nice freaking yo bro Tower attack I got just enough Mana for my Dash oh hold on to it I got 15 seconds of my yink

10 I don’t have a dash either so I got to be a little bit safe here y’s up I’m leaving I guess I’ll leave with you nah you’re leaving I’m leaving I just don’t have any Mana it’s going to be very hard to clear that

En I think it’s better to buy and just run back and try to I could be wrong but I’m not going to start clearing any faster with no Mana all I got you attack early game too just a little bit of the power just got silenced by somebody sorry buddy you me

Bro that was dead was he yeah i d in you y me out I I’m sorry my my gut was like he’s dying I’m sorry all right I’ll never y again I’m sorry don’t be a pansy what he doing just poking I think that

B okay I don’t know if I want to fight this now here you go oh that was a little bit sketched I’m I just try to get you to the wave faster so you don’t miss any uh creeps Watcher oh my Dash is down buddy

You better flash out get out get out of my get out of my face oh go on CA come on get up in there somehow are Howies Unstoppable wave to Gold yeah we okay came back I got to Blink this I’m just dead I don’t have any Mana for nothing

Man she’s got her Q too she can dive Tower huh she come back for the freaking back to back gang cuz she has no life other lanes you wait till I get my storm breaker if I had a slow grenade there we might might save you I don’t

Knowy tower under I mean if I had a blink ready I should have been okay but I did not I don’t either mine’s down for freaking five four and a half more minutes where’ she even come from no I’m going to Ward all over the place yeah that’s fine

Tower we got like five Wars on right I’m good with that uh I do have stor storm breaker after this wave so they’re level six might be dead oh I miss rolled into the wall there I’m so dead I’m so dead man that’s all I had for you I was

Just dead I’m freaking backe rolled into the wall I lost where thaty do we have a jungler you come over one time they went in Solo Lane pretty hard so they might be going to fang tooth they’re going to something we need to stall this

We need to stall this I’m here but dude I’m just going to die buddy we got to stall this man I don’t know if it’s worth the whole team dying over though oh Tower why you hitting me cool we got the tower enemy Tower this is not the best fight for us over

There no Murdock drongo yeah he’s here enemy Tower SI okay well I guess he doesn’t want to be attached to me anymore arima I was trying to bite with him and he was just like no I’m running away now he places it down he’s getting it he’s getting the hang of

It is that gold up by any chance it was and I didn’t get the timer on it though really thought they was about to go on me I thought so too I guess that stun kind of deterred Himes I’m just dead go oh my gosh just Dives the tower man yikes

Dude oh my God come on somebody go I don’t know they got the whole freaking enemy team in our lane that was the stupidest pathing by air jungler and air Kera I mean a jungler and a mid lane dude if they path back low I mean I guess they didn’t know

Kill it’s fine they clean up so kill and they get that Tower that’s fine long as they don’t take our gold buff toy yikes man just eat it eat our farm kill all the Minions Howie I’m going with Howie oh kimira you dead just got caught window shopping

Maybe do Som well no I wanted to try the KN soer good job dude what a shot that was a good shot I’m going to start getting some Wards for Fang Toth I got you covered buddy it’s already warded up take this to I need to attack the fang tooth come

On going to call for it so we can group on it I don’t think it’s quite up but it’s pretty close it’s very close it’s about to be up now need our jungle though 20 seconds we’re chilling do you have a ward for this corner right here

This F wall no I warded mid I have a m on M we didn’t get gold did we yeah I did great good good good good good get it good dude there it is Pokemon just a little bit make sure they know be scared okay well that was about

The dumbest freaking forfeit dude I hate that why is there even a forfeit button in the game drives me nuts I think there should be some stipulation like your team connects if your team’s not playing what else jeriah good good morning to you sir good morning what time zone he

India I don’t know what the the term for his time zone is but he’s like 10ish hours ahead of us oh you ain’t talking about Jah are no no no jiah okay okay germain’s an hour behind us giggity giggy germains from that good old meico oh is that where he’s from yeah I

Didn’t know I don’t know exactly where but he he mentioned that he’s like he lives along the the Gulf Coast somewhere okay okay dude I miss Germaine we don’t play with him enough I guess he doesn’t doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving either excuse him why yeah dude it’s been really

Interesting like with part of the whole streaming thing like meeting all sorts of people from all across the world and uh it never really occurred to me that like holidays for us are not holidays for everyone else this is true like nobody celebrates Christmas nobody celebrates like Thanksgiving

Nobody Does the 4th of July or the New Year’s I’m sure they have their own holidays today oh yeah yeah they definitely do like jariah uh he just s man jiah can you by any chance tell me the holiday that you guys just celebrated like a

Week or so ago um I’m blanking on the name of it but it’s similar to Thanksgiving but it’s more public right like there there’s like fairs and stuff and like food everywhere and just having a good time basically uh I’m probably just butchering that bro

Do not lock in face oh that’s not faze that’s shimi I was like that you are Solo laner first of all second of all I won’t play face who you playing B I don’t know oh Dali Dali is uh jiah can you give me a brief explanation of

What diali is I know it’s got a lot of food and stuff like that right I need to know who you’re playing so I can pick who I’m playing you know matter well make it matter I’ll fck all right you know what’s embarrassing I was

Going to play Kira but then I’ve got a Kira so I’m probably going to play Sparrow oh you do celebrate Christmas really I didn’t what Lucy told me he doesn’t maybe I’m making that up I hope I’m not lying I did not know that well not all countries celebrate

Christmas we’ll put it that way even if India does in America it’s not allowed to be called Christmas anymore and it’s not allowed to be called Thanksgiving uh it is not allowed to be called the 4th of July these are quote unquote holidays the battle that is the

Only word that we’re allowed to use except for uh Valentine’s Day that’s the only Valentine’s Day is the only holiday that’s allowed to retain its original name uh due to political constructs that’s like cool back or scam you should get the proficient Decker skin you should play more Decker

Thanks buddy I’ll do that I’ll get right on it you don’t like Decker Decker’s okay she’s not really a support character is she yeah definitely a support character I know I don’t I think her kit kind of sucks it’s got a stun a slow a I don’t like her wall another

Stun another slow a wall her wall feels useless you can literally trap people no it lasts one second dude it’s trash when you rank it up it lasts longer well all right maybe it’s not that bad it’s just used to set up our ultimate too you get fed by this Decker I’m going

To definitely give you crap for her K sucking I hope so I hope you do I’m terrible with Decker but and a good Decker is annoying as crap not necessarily as annoying as still though I’m glad to not be Ling against this Ste diah said that their God Ram killed

The guy who kidnapped his wife and rotha uh his his wife rotha I guess that’s the reason I don’t celebrate dwali so you don’t know that much oh I don’t know D’s English is not the hottest uh something about the reason why dwali is celebrated is because some dude

Kidnapped some other guy’s wife and he went and killed him for it okay well I’m just going to get farmed by Decker I don’t know if you witnessed what happened but it’s already over for me heard it okay I just got a strafe side to

Side TR don’t laugh at me that was my best interpretation at your English okay I felt like I did good that time because most times I’m trying to read jiah’s chats I feel like I’m having a stroke that explanation well some dude kidnapped a guy’s wife

And then he killed him for it so that’s why we eat food oh what am I doing I got a full wave here bud I got a full wave I think I’m fine not blink I’m I just ate that shot dodg and weave I didn’t realize

They out cleared us that hard I don’t know where all my minions went I was just like chilling here’s getting farmed sorry I was probably unnecessary to pull you there but your English is dead we can kill her man we could you only VI wait we only eat veg oh gosh I’m just

Dead prob what you baited me where did our Wards go dude wa where’s our jungler at I didn’t know I was about to get gank I don’t understand why every single game we play our jungler is just like screwing off and not doing anything and then like their junglers just farming every

Lane try to ball me I’m not gonna let it happen though is way behind dog yeah yeah he’s uh running through yeah I know and our jungler is still nowhere to be found look at the their health bars right now I know how easily he could just run in

Here and kill all three of them but he’s I should have back but I still think if I started channeling my back instantly he would have uh still been able to do that that’s kind of unfortunate I didn’t have any bursts I mean I had a freaking right click to

Do Jah said we’re just noobs oh maybe I agree a fat wave you better eat that whole thing too son oops okay I guess I ate one you want gold oh I missed both of them feels bad yeah we can try it cool Ward M here we got a second even

Know the C is going to come from like everywhere he’s going to come from the sky he’s just going to like that wall yeah dude I don’t know how the Chimera moves like he does like every Chimera we play against is just like an absolute ninja interesting okay ah freaking Decker

Dude EXO EXO EXO yes Jah Jah Jah oh C’s here I’m just dead me too I wish I could say I’m stalling but our freaking jungler is nowhere to be found I don’t even know he’s in the tower okay I should probably start stalling these waves out probably should have done that a

Wave or two ago about to ask you to play Smite dude our teammates are awful like I know we’re not the greatest right now we’re making mistakes for sure but our teammates are the worst possible we could ask for hi to you Jah Jia I got hit with copyright for

Putting your video on stream the song that you used is copyright claimed it didn’t have any effect on the video but they did mention that it was was copyright it was a good video though it was worth it just going to start Stallings oh God I missed that one

What the heck is that for ultimate I thought that was a minion dude a minion nice oh we’re dead cir is behind you buddy where is our jungler at I can’t take this dude this is so dumb why are we playing games with people that don’t know how to play the

Game I don’t know if gr ever comes over there man that’s what dude he if he would have just like showed his face we’ have killed all of them three times he wouldn’t have even had to hit an enemy he just needed to be present in the scenario we could have just killed

The whole team just to soak up a little damage anything anything at all dude like but nah he’s just sitting in the jungle not even farming camps he’s just standing there waiting for it to spawn I take it from oh so frustrating dude take his blue b Me Til him and take his

Blue I don’t care if he takes this wave I will go take his blow okay I I will go take his blue Power G you’re dying I poke harder I should have popped an ultimate my right click starting to slam I mean I don’t even know if I want to

Push up cuz I know I know what’s about to happen I know but here we are I mean I was just putting words out we him back if you’d like I mean I’m going to try to last hit at Le she’s fast clearing though so I’m just you know that’s

Fine I’m missing my last hits though I don’t like the way Decker’s playing dude that’s gross I don’t know if you see what she’s been doing but she’s just been standing there letting everything fall and then specifically just waiting for me to cast

My too so that she can stun me out of it I’m going to try to steal it uh okay they’re somehow it’s already dead I thought they went maybe they went down there to back I don’t know now he’s here go come with me can you can you come

With me what are we going to do we’re going to gank him I mean is that the best thing to do okay oh now he knows okay well I thought we had the jump on him we got baited okay he’s got how much range with

That where is our team dude the GRS is sitting in the solo Lane want to go kill the ho look at the grocs dude are you spectating right now no oh yeah I see him he’s our jungler dude I know I see that so do you want to play Smite after this

This is just not feeling it tonight I don’t care bro an enemy is legendary I’ll play whatever uh I don’t know I feel like the matchmaking is incredibly unbalanced all I want to fight them I just don’t want to I want them to press up against

Us again cuz I know when we get out here they’re going to oh you’re poking pretty good but you’re getting poked too um well I didn’t realize she was wan to fight there but K killing somebody I’m just dead y they’re focusing me buddy we all die I

Was trying to get out but I don’t have a movement guess where our freaking jungler is dude solo yeah he’s forfeiting that was him he’s the one that initiated the [Laughter] forfeit start utilizing my e man been a minute since I played Sparrow jiah said we should play Candy

Crush instead oh thanks bud I feel like it’s probably going to be better this is just not it right now I don’t even know how we lost our Tower oh that’s right there was four people in our lane they just took it take the jungle Farm he’s not coming over

Here there’s no reason why yeah oh goodness well I’m sure that they took our farm you don’t want to take the the yellow or the white here yeah we can he’s clearly not coming up here for it blue too or no yeah I’m sure I use a blue

Bu and they’re just going to stall our wave G hyper is up if we had a jungler we could freaking push this solo Decker buddy we don’t want to be here anymore why am I in my start menu oh gosh where are you you died oh I

Died oh the jungle’s coming get in there GRS is this are you joking with me see what he does uh he’s AFK oh my God this man I was waiting for him to pop off man no of course not he what did you think he was like farming

The whole time or something just trying to get strong I mean I knew he didn’t do much but I was just waiting to see something dude other than what I just with yeah we need to like get out of this Lobby or something he’s done under attack heading

Back he’s not even he’s just running away from every enemy oh what we got going on here behind us Decker I’m Coming For You Decker I’m running right at you don’t you run from me don’t you run from me deer why is she running away from

You is she scared she’s running all the way back Bro she’s coming back now fool let’s go he hit me with a St how dare you Z where did you go buddy I thought we were fighting get this minion she ran all the way to the tower buddy I thought we were

Fighting I’m coming you just bited really good where she at down left I’m AER I’m AER oh okay we’ve been outplayed we both got stunned by the same attack huh do we have teammates it it feels like it’s a one V5 or a 2v5 I think our Bell is doing fine but I

Don’t have any idea what’s happening with the rest of them I’m I’m salty I’m oh you’re done too all right I’m out well I’m not going to make you suffer if you want to surrender dud let’s get the freaking heck out it can we go play Smite this sucks tonight

Bro they Kam C here is 10 and0 how do you let that happen as a jungler like I look if it’s me jungling sure the enemy jungler is going to be 10 and0 I get it no no maybe you play Apex we could play Apex but I don’t know if that’s that either

Think I’m ready to play any Apex yeah I’m not big on Shooters I got be like specifically in the mood for that one yeah dude it’s too stressful for me I don’t like Apex very much I mean I like it but I’d rather play Apex over Call of Duty or something

Trash like that though uh I wish Destiny was good you know what I mean yeah I me I had fun playing Destiny me and Canon before it was like ruined mhm we got pretty sweaty in those trials yeah when it was fun and the game

Was good but now it’s like one of the worst games in the world yeah I didn’t realize it got broke as bad as it did dude if you if we were to go into Destiny 2 right now to try to play a game first of all the game is free

Destiny 2 itself is free but they’ve come out with like almost a dozen new DLCs and they’re all 60 bucks so like in every single DLC uh I I know I don’t need to tell you this but for the people that are watching that don’t play Destiny every

Single DLC comes out it raises the cap on the power levels of the items so you have to buy the DLC if you want to participate in any activity in the entire game so like any PVP any even PVE like the PVE scales up as the DLC is

Release so that you essentially scale down unless you pay for the DLCs that come out and like then there’s battle passes and all this other crap and it’s just it’s like unacceptable every like 3 months they come out with a brand new DLC which is essentially like asking you to buy the

Game over again but for a fraction of the amount of content they give you like one raid and then a couple guns you’re gonna go eat nudes now bye all right jiah I uh I appreciate you dropping in man I’m glad you got to see us get freaking Torn to

Pieces can we do like a regular conquest and then go into ranked since it’s just the two of us yeah know I always forget to mute you I need to change my queue all right may I go carry mid instead of carry I don’t know I go carry

Jungle I don’t really care oh crap there’s no telling what I’m want to get okay I’m G to get car oh who do I play Carrie I mean I guess a warm-up game uh guess I go see how we feel see how we feel it’s been a minute since we play

Smile I need to warm the old impel back up need to get these boosters going going to feel weird aiming for the first game y be solo I respect it I don’t know how well it work but I respect it I am changing my key binds like an absolute

Idiot what I’m making a match the uh the other game why didn’t you make the other game match this it’s too late hold on okay all right I hope that stays active actually my keyb I yeah I made predecessors match smart well I didn’t have jump bound to

Smite or else I would have kept it the same but I want to jump you need to jump him okay if we win this look at us with all of our sweaty Diamond skins or Diamond Gods other things probably definitely call them those cringe Lords

Nah how close are you to a star with bakas be getting close that’s a good question I’m not sure around 1500 worshippers with h her like 1450 somewhere in there I think that’s probably about where I’m at oh is charam where is the I don’t know who I’m Ling against

I’m assuming I would think him’s the the carry and Asar is probably their Solo or even mid lane and Morgan goes solo I don’t know don’t forget a recipe buddy oh yeah I definitely would have forgot I have no idea what what’s meta right now or what

Feels good so I’m just going to go with something similar to what I normally run see how it feels so much more to buy and smot at the start than the other game God I don’t I missed that though man that big fat juicy map yeah that is what I need

On predecessors bro there’s a lot of things predecessors could do man UI interface is 100% something they need to work with man dude if Smite just had verticality to it I would probably never play that game again predecessor that is same crazy how much muscle memory I have in SM though

Bro I don’t want to top that I’m going to feed my brains out I do have to pee really bad already which is not like the greatest way to start a match so we’ll see how this game goes dude I hit him with the cap locks too

Unintentional but I just left it because I thought it looked good oh I’ve got you muted oh I told them that all they’re talking is talk told him I was going to feed my brains out all caps basically said the same thing I don’t know if you

Got to see it or not did you yeah no I didn’t I didn’t use my wing Shar but I guess I should have I clicked it but it didn’t go off I about tried to pick that green buff up I don’t know why get it together buddy it look good

Man something about that Thanksgiving meal let’s see how the lightning Place goes oh was desperately trying to like link to you isar okay they’re going to out clear here bad uh dude I I got to be careful I was sitting here holding left shift trying to level my abilities up I know I’ve

Been doing the same thing and it consumes a freaking pot every time I do it oh is one of my abilities so we do not want to be doing that dude I just realized my my secondary consumable doesn’t have a keybind now that I freaking jacked it

Up that’s not good it’ll come back it’ll come back yeah they’re just going to out clear like until I get golden gooes and they still m oh you jump that taunt you’re freaking Savage I didn’t mean to it was just fortunate timing you’re still a

Savage I’m just going to Auto her I yeah now I’m on the wave I’m on the wave bro this Athena just does not know how to play Athena because she should be taunting me out of my burp every time beare I’m still here for this fight Dog oh okay yeah use your abilities on me you STS up I will jump in though you mind if I change key binds real quick I mean I’m going CH buff but you know you okay never mind I’ll go with you I I just can’t consume my secondary consumable it’s Unbound right now

It’s coming back yeah I don’t really care to fight her right now that would be why he does damage dud is it possible to that like shift ability to upgrade your abilities in this you’d have to hold yeah it is but I’m not for sure how that’s the way it

You oh we need to go purple cuz I’ve got mine set to my numbers 1 2 3 4 that’s what I’ve got I think I’d prefer it to be shift like or even control just shift is one of my consumables buddy that it’s yours well I

Was waiting to see see if I got that uh that purple buff that they just got oh I’m very low so careful here chilling though I can actually back after this okay there’s her taunt oh well you did back uh the most efficient way possible

Too you did back that was kind of kind of nice they’re want to they’re want to kill me they’re want to kill me all right I’m going to have to go through my keybinds after this and tweak it again cuz uh I kind of goofed things

Up the willix is no we don’t want to fight out willix I actually back in here I can get I get DeVos who’s our jungle oh yeah the M the I’m going to sell this multi and pick up two WS if only I could use warts H yeah this game might I’ve been

Trying to tell you that I jacked my keybinds up dude well good job I I know I know I dragged it up if I die for like 60 seconds I’ll try to tweak it that what the end of the game yeah we don’t W before then no we’ll be all

Right that lady just broke my ankles your left Tower is under attack okay I whiffed that bad I whiffed it bad Beaver let me get a low Ward I don’t think I need a high Ward yet I’m not really pushing out oh God messed my chair up yeah yeah yeah yeah

Yeah oh missed that that was a bad Miss M’s here willix is too I’m about to be here as well I just want my purple before Mama gets it be honest yeah she’s not coming to get it you’re good I’m just stacking I don’t know if she’s stacking or

Not I hear her she’s on her purple trying to get I can’t get to the will I was going to try to get to the willix there but okay her aim is terrible enemy everybody’s missing mid and cred we don’t need to be here I want I’m

Going to put a high W okay we didn’t they might have just backed CU they did just fight but I felt like we were getting ganked there all right hello do you feel better oh my God man she might try to she might try to

All in me I be a little careful be a little careful here my impel is definitely not on point as it should be let’s try one more time here there it is get out played hold on middle Tower is under okay she DED herself to death but I got a

Kill and that was her ultimate My ultimate everybody’s ultimate we just having a big al fast over here baby over here okay now she’s playing Thea what she doing he’s taunting me out of my burp every time oh did you not man not until the last two times I

Burped I’m saying one more wave I’m being super greedy here want these Devo stacks oh now he just back do you stop my back here that’d be really annoying if you did okay oh what’s the next item nice good kill guys oh what a bomb by

Her ex I don’t know where I’m going to go here you go my purple buff if you go for my purple buff I will kill you right now okay I start say right now I will just run you down run you down Yik dude Do you use control for anything left control definitely not it’s not that far off I might turn that into my secondary consumable oh get outplayed nice dude good job to be fair I could have had I could have done it a little cleaner but you know enemy ultimate on my

On over there we’re fighting Okay that a second Relic here oh we winning not my best sh lose my tower if I rotate she’s looking at my purple there is no purple there’s no purple for you to take trying to stall their backs they’re not really ready for a midf fight here on this Beacon oh

Yikes careful willix it’s a 3v2 up here killed each other you don’t have to worry about their uh whatchamacallit I could have probably played that better and won that fight what you building even looked same build as me I had a I had cool down over

Her but we getting that buff I see you trying I’m trying cornering cornering super hard mama don’t even know mama don’t even know I could have probably killed her but I think I’d rather have that buff yeah better play better play it feels good to play SM it does I’m glad we’re

Here I wish Germaine would come on mhm or Bron I guess it is a Thursday though usually Germaine plays on the weekends if he does the weekdays not usually I mean it Depends This star is missing where did she go her purple oh there you are there you are are mid laner sweaty didn’t reach unfortunate unfortunate you want F oh we go she cancel her Dash like that good God mama first come to the Lane and my entire health bar just went

Down what the crap is that forgot how busted she is yeah she’s still a little busted right she done almost 800 damage within a matter of like literally almost instantly dude what she building I don’t know but all she did was go power on me she’s got an

Evolv book of th she spit fire on me for literally like two seconds not even two seconds like one second bro I it done all that maybe she got her two off on me tooo I didn’t see but it was not not very long I need touch on some physical enemies for

My my thing I need stacks on my prophetic fail not here do one more W enem is missing right I forgot how to vgs holy crap yeah me too it’s been a hot minute since we’ve really played Smite huh oh no what how do you vgs V yeah

V oh my God let me back I don’t remember how to vgs your middle Tower is under attack V what is it bro oh BF yeah okay it’s coming back holy crap you didn’t think you’d forget that quick the dominance bro Z we got little situation over here and left what you doing over there there’s a 4v2 don’t ask me man I mean I don’t think they do fire

Off that or anything just What is my oh consumable 2 what consumable 2 got bound to a controller ability you got your key screwed well I was dead so I figured I’d look at it real quick because I couldn’t when I Unbound or when I bound an ability to something that I already had the

Consumable 2 ability bound to it replaced it with something and I I assumed it would replace it with another key but it replaced it with the uh the d-pad on the on the freaking controller look that baby in no it’s not the same purple buff for M purple buff for

Me I don’t know where that’s what I I guess I’m coming M Mama’s coming in but I’m I’m here I don’t know what we do uh don’t sit in the tower that’s for sure I wish you would stop taunting me ultimate is ready let’s get this Beacon yeah oh good

Damage I don’t miss baby I don’t miss get the pyro Tower FY oh God you’re okay I don’t know how you jumped over my shell dog well I’m sorry my Health’s low B no I didn’t know you could do that I thought I could still hit you with

It Go long I don’t like come kill me uh H’s coming not be I guess I’m not to afraid here I guess he’s not coming he’s scared oh wow that was really freaking dumb well they DC oh I didn’t know I guess you were killing her too hard huh

I mean they didn’t even I guess I killed her five times no four times all right let me use the bathroom quick cuz I’m literally going to pee my pants and uh if you don’t mind if I take a minute or two to tweak my controls now that I

Jacked it all up yeah bro fix your controls all right I’ll be right back for all all right J I just figured out you could put smart to a borderless window and just like scroll from screen to screen scroll from screen to screen what do you mean just like move your moue

From screen to screen you didn’t know I do that all the time dude no I didn’t know that that’s how I’ve had it s set up since day one do you play in game like that as well yeah cuz like when you’re in the game itself your cursor is locked to the

Center of your screen but if you go into a menu it allows your Mouse to free flow to the other screen and I do it cuz I run OBS at the same time right so like I’ve got all my recording stuff going on simultaneously I think when I go in game

I’m going back to pull screen I don’t dude it doesn’t hurt me whatsoever it’s actually kind of convenient cuz like if I need to get over to the other screen in a game all I do is open up like my buy menu or my if I press Escape or something to open up

Pause I don’t need to go to another screening game though and if I lose my cursor on the other side of the screen I’ll be so pissed I’ve never I I don’t I mean I’m not saying it’s impossible but I’m telling you right now I’ve never once lost my

Cursor on the other screen while playing Smite I’ve lost it in other games uh but never in Smite this is me you’re talking about though uh wonderful Point okay you cannot do shift Q shift e for your abilities just putting that out there you couldn’t do what you can’t do

Like shift q and shift e for your ability rank up why not I just tried it I don’t know why q e r I guess I’m going F for my ultimate hold there is a way give me a minute uh I don’t know man I just tried

It if you find it let me know though right click should be cancelled right where is it what cancel fire right Mouse button okay that’s good and then my consumable went to control left control I think that’s fine I just have to like stretch my pinky make it work

For me oh you want to do it ranked we ready it don’t matter me felt like that game sucked so like let’s do a rank stand up oh I bet I’m G to be sore marable from all that food huh no from the lift I went and did a big lift

Before before Thanksgiving dinner I just feel it cuz my body’s like really tired just makes me feel like I did a very quality lift and most of the Thanksgiving dinner is just like empty food like it’s not really G do too much good for you I

Guess the turkeyy is good I eat so much turkey bro it’s gonna do real good for me what you talking about man what you talking about homie y d man I want more pie I am going to eat some sweets in a little while I’ll probably eat a little bit of food

Cuz I am feeling that I’ve already kind of almost digested everything I ate I got to figure out when my other family meal is cuz my stepdad has a his side my dad’s family is Saturday but I think they’re doing it like too early for me to make it like they’re doing it

At like 5: and that’s just going to be really weird I told Mom that I might try to get down there by like 6 cuz usually my dad’s family never starts on time usually most people’s like 30 minutes late so if I show up at 6 I might but it’s also the weekend

And I’ll be working I don’t know if I want to wake up early we’ll see yeah what time do you normally get up like 5 6 7 10 no I usually start waking up at like 6:15 get up up at like 6:30 it’s crazy when I think about it

Man I’ve been on night shift for holy crap what year is it it’s 2013 I’m going on my 14th year of Night Shift oh my gosh dude my step that used to do swing shift uh which I’m sure you know what swing shift is right like the

Go back back and forth and mhm um then he went to like a day shift job and just last week started another night shift job he said it’s like it’s it’s rough getting used to yeah I know the short time well I didn’t even I wasn’t even on day shift

Long enough I feel like to get adjusted cuz I was on day shift for like five months and then I went back to night shift and I literally it was just an opportunity and it got me in the door and it got me a lot of good exposure uh

To get to the position I’m in now good that’s good though but it also let me experience it to like see if I like night shift or not or day shift or not and I did not like it I’d be interested in trying night shift I see the benefits of it

But it depends on what you’re doing man I I don’t know I I feel like I don’t I don’t even like the winter time uh I have like nasty seasonal depression and like whenever the it’s dark out all the time I’m like I need the sun back dude

So I feel like I’d probably have a hard time with night shift winners can be rough oh snap that Athena where’s Mama we’re Banning right where’s oh there she is I’m Banning her I don’t feel like dlan guess I’m going ban gasha and just deal with the

Aries I’m running the bakas back man you want to pick something up for you I don’t no whoa that’s interesting I think I respect it yeah oh no he’s picking up Carrie my bad dog I see what’s going on there for a second I was like turnab mid holy you can do

It you want something me I’m picking with you oh he I’m gonna go hebo here oh man it’s been a while since I’ve seen you do a hebo jungle I’m gonna go hebo here should I buy the diamond skin for bakas you got the credits yeah bro Ry

Man the match man we should get some MMR for that just for waste in our dang time we should get five MMR bro honestly five big juicies and negative five for you know what tell you what give everybody one additional MMR but take that MMR from the person that left the game

Honestly right so like if you’ve got a 10man Lobby the person that leaves the game loses 9 MMR everybody gains one up I feel like that’s Fair dude we took a family photo today I look like an old man now you’re a close to an old man bro you don’t understand compared to what I like looks like like two or three years ago I feel like I’ve aged 10 15 years it’s just

Mental but my grandparents man it it’s a weird thing watching Everybody grow like I don’t know no I experienced that too it’s so freaking weird bro for like I actually ask like I call them like my generation like all my first cousins cuz you know we’re all between the ages of I

Guess I’m the youngest one in my mom’s family as far as first cousin so I’m 33 and my oldest first cousin is 45 or six so we’re like in that age gap between like mine and the 45 year old like we’re within a 10 almost a 10 year

Age Gap but like to me me my sister all my first cousins like some of them yeah they we some of them’s gained a little bit of weight but overall like they to me look very similar that they did 15 20 year ago that’s crazy like to a degree but like

Seeing my parents and my aunts and uncles I can definitely see like they’re getting older and like seeing their aging and then the younger generation below me like all my second cousins dude they grow so fast dude they just like dude my little second cousin walked in

And he’s I guess turning 15 or 16 now and he has hit like this tremendous grow SP and he doesn’t even look the same that he did last year like completely different and I’ve seen him from time to time but like I don’t know man it just it’s just

Weird and like I don’t know seeing my little second cousins and my niece starting to grow up it’s just like this is weird dude it’s one of those things that it’s so hard to put a like pinpoint uh like an emot for at least I find it

Hard to right cuz like growing growing up and like living life and getting to experience all this stuff with your family and friends it it’s a beautiful absolutely like wonderful experience but at the same time it’s really sad dude cuz like you know it’s not going to last

Forever and and like you see your grandparents grow older and older and it’s like every single day you realize like well you know every day is more valuable than the last because they’re not going to be around forever and I mean people that aren’t in the picture anymore like my great

Grandparents are no longer alive and uh just seeing like the family change over time is it’s quite sad but it it’s still incredibly amazing I don’t know it’s different I it’s really weird too when like like my mom cuz she’s got so many health issues dude like seeing

Her change over the years and that’s that’s an interesting experience yeah I kind of feel that in a way with my dad he’s he’s getting some Ag and some ailments they’re definitely talking about you bud they have me muted or something I don’t hear them right tapped it in the lobby chat

Who where oh sexy ass voice I missed [Laughter] it is is it my voice I I feel like you’ve got a good accent dude you got that southern draw true this is true both a if you guys want to hear more of our voices join our Discord Channel and the YouTube at exob

Beaver had you had to just r Ru it but oh no you got to shamelessly plug it every single time what do you want give me a turn ball okay imagine I just like lock in mama or something calm down tiger Athena is open oh man okay

So all right let me think about this support rooll here just a second let’s see what they get you got almost last you got eigh pick so you got some time a Terra I’m assuming that’s their support look at those borders oh it’s hard to hover the Guardians

Yeah you got to hit me with that bakas buddy you sure you don’t want Aries Aries is banned is it oh my bad I mean Athena’s still open but I think I prefer bakas you want him I don’t know what do you think pick for me you choose either Athena or bakas surprise

Me [Applause] Athena we’re going to tear him up either way ra no border reported he is a little left out here isn’t he I didn’t realize I had one for CH I must have got it last game that I played him dude I like that Mulan skin the card art

Yeah the C Arts nice I wish they would do more stuff like that I don’t want it to get like repetitive but I I love that style of card art like an actual card yeah it’s good I I don’t know I I grew up in the the

Trading card era right so so did that buddy yeah I got over a thousand magic cards sitting on my table right now all right that’s a little too dorky for me the magic card dude my my cousin was showing me comes from I know I know Magic card I’m just

Giving you a hard time dude my cousin was showing me her dice collection today I was like this I’m into it but holy that girl’s got like 1,500 different sets of dice I don’t even understand it’s like too much recipes boys ladies and gentlemen don’t forget your recipes

Scous good luck to you we going to have some fun [Laughter] I dodged it what the I was expecting a Juke you just stood there and looked at it all right okay I walked into that one I’m in your head a little bit I dodged a few of

Them but most of those just like clapped me right in the face all right lock it up I wish we had time to go over and play with the uh the duo laners it’s a good clear man it’s all right their purple’s pretty deep they kind of struggled to kill

That I’m just going to get my Dash here play it safe hey K what’s up with you playing some game why is my what happened to shift oh bro my freaking first consumables jacked up can we let this fall by any chance that’s going do no matter what all right

They’re going to out clear me until I get my two for sure I’m going to let you handle this for a moment I’m in my settings buddy enem okay we’re good sorry about that we’ll have to let this next white crash I mean I I can help you clear it

Uh I mean she’s going to full clear it good they have a they have a little pressure on us but her Dash is down too good hot bangs son just got done eating a slice of pie kite what kind of pie my two now oh of course it was pumpkin

All right you can’t go wrong with pumpkin unless you’re Bryson then you just burn it I’m going to try to make it to the shield before it despawns okay I got your bag brother yeah I got it we’re being chased you want to pull it ah no

Backed dude kite my my sister made this like peanut butter pie today that was like more like a custard it was so like it was so good man it had like chocolate chips in it and it like a like a a custardy consistency but not really peanut butter

I don’t but it was definitely peanut butter flavored I don’t even know how to explain it fully it was just delicious that’s all I know yikes dude that hurts I saw that I got a feel for the people that are allergic to peanuts cuz I couldn’t live without peanut butter let’s go

Purple I’m here chaos Archer good Lord Miss it’s hard not to love peanut butter we have good clear dude I might pick you know no no no I was going to say I might go for my green but I think I’d rather have wave I don’t want to miss

This go Shield unless you want these bastions we’ll go Shield okay I don’t know where they went enemy missing right they may have just backed yeah yeah they’re they’re back in Tower again you can take it okay thank you mhm my ready same dang I burped him out of There they’re scared is oh they have their purple on I come back Here just stay for deos are you good if I go mid cool careful buddy you don’t have any Wards out though I don’t have eyes on the jungler I’m actually going to back here let’s he stops it there’s a ward here in mid I don’t have any freaking sentries

Though I’m just getting my stacks on my prophetic they poking him up a little Bit sorry I didn’t even think about you stacking no you’re good okay some good poke I’m going to put a deep word out left jungle D they’re Morgan struggling a bit enem oh you guys are on fire right now that’s what I’m talking about how you doing over there m I’m fine man

Farming up how you feel about a gank probably not yet okay stacking deos he’s got bees and uh ultimate up I can look to for something it’s a good fear on her part I was going to jump too you’re welcome you’re welcome Baka is coming your way I’m actually trying to stop

Him his jump is down bak’s in your jungle buddy you got three people in your jungle okay they might just be farming but can’t hurt to be safe yeah two came back Ro still missing wow dude we just ate good job guys can we go left XPS oh sure sure sure I’ll

Follow I’m a little behind but I’m coming on my way you’re lone mid lane hold on I’m behind the tower Fury okay go you don’t want to push this kill out go go go right behind you I’m being pushed by the Terra I’m silenced man that’s

Rough yeah a little bit do they pick up gold though or they just bail on it I think they’re pretty low yeah they bailed on it okay that’s fine they didn’t punish us as hard as they could have we could set back up for another ganking

Right like real soon just to throw her offmy your middle Tower is under attack nice okay terra’s coming left you’re being ganked left May kill her oh goodness hold on buddy I’m coming for you oh there’s a 3v one get out of there if you can this is a good fight for

Us take our losses that’s Morgan all down you’re I’m chasing him yeah I’m coming back around he’s kind of gone he’s very fast to pick up the Morgan though okay it’s a one for one trade it’s not too bad Morgan’s Morgan’s Al down yeah so baka

Mind if I hit this wave with you I don’t care let’s go Shield buff let’s pressure him out of this or just kill him he just wow I might be dead I am dead I didn’t have my Dash I just got Ed this is not a good spot for Me he’s trying to get over the wall he couldn’t that’s funny o that was a good try I don’t like this fight I need to back for that mid fighting the beacon cool I’m on my way all great Happy Thanksgiving by the way I I didn’t well I guess it’s implied by the

Pie dang it dude they took this okay I just I guess I troll they’re strong whoa yeah they’re I don’t know what’s going on but I’m getting clapped up in mid Morgan’s not even stacked right now got people coming right I’m not going to make it there in time

But I’m on the way to left really felt like they pulled gold off that kill but good I’m glad you had a good day Kate I know the holidays can be kind of stressful too Sometimes just stacking I should put that a little bit lower but ter is a team player you got Terra coming right want to buy it get a little cool down okay oh my gosh my flop immune the minions somehow careful raw we got Shenanigans Morgan looks no no no she’s still in mid

Yeah I’m getting killed oh my gosh dude they’re not even really out leveling me well I guess a little bit huh I’m picking up my green quick guys want that Barrow terra’s kind of slipping never mind she’s Quick I don’t really want to fight here boys unless she does that yeah all right I’m backing quick Hey space melon welcome back brother oh boy oh left lane man I need to be there I’m not going to be able to the Baka is just getting fed man can I eat

This Baka is coming your way buddy baaka is yeah take that one one kind of it down there he is he’s on the oracles they’re probably going to set up on gold now that they have Oracle site where is Minecraft uh we’re playing a different game I’m going bring this back

To Mo Tower cuz Bak was around this man’s playing like somebody’s here space millon we probably won’t play Minecraft tomorrow I think Minecraft uh is the following day tomorrow is most likely going to be God of War um but that game is so fun too Man ultimate down on Morgan’s coming in B’s coming in behind you man you’re getting full man should be okay I got to flop here in a couple seconds oh my gosh dude they are out damaging the life out of me I missed B dude oh freaking terra’s going

Hard oh we just give that Beacon up man we’re not in the mood to fight This are they set up on gold or they returning to their Lanes oh enem okay they’re on it they was they still are check my items up somehow oh Sage Baron all down we kill him here it’s a good pick up dog we should you can we squeeze

Fire it’s fire too greedy Morgan’s here behind I’m eating most of it you’re eating a lot of it too good Dash his Dash should be down good pickup boys we go fire here that was fantastic or maybe mini fire all right ATT giant oh my God we’re going to go

Fire do mini fire I don’t know about big fire anymore we kind of ran out of time there just do that yeah I don’t think we maybe Terra don’t you do it cool good job guys turning left lane I might join you hell see if we can grab a pick here on that

Solo en yeah yeah he’s pretty deep too yeah I can’t flop I’m on to back here I don’t even know where their solo leaner went man you bailed he’s back in Tower right you guys are good left okay enemy Mission don’t I don’t see him or him the if I can say his

Name wow Baron is super tanky oh buddy there’s a fourman gank on left he’s in Tower bro if that Tower didn’t die good kill V all down good Dash we don’t really care to fight this do we no he yikes dude freaking gorgeous kill though what what good kill good kill you’re on

Fire good thing you’re good dude we could probably I don’t know we to fire I need to back for it but I can bak’s still around I’m getting out of here I thought Bak was dead or did we kill baka we might have killed him I

Don’t even know I got kind of lost in the chaos enemy Miss need one I don’t have space forwards unfortunately but I’m here to tank the fire for you we could drop the beacon go for fire while they’re on it or we wait and set

Up on fire afterwards I’m going to put a Sentry on it we need it cool dang my greens down bages set up on gold now that I have the uh have it warded we take this Beacon we’re kind of winning it all I don’t like this fight anymore holy out damage that’s

Unfortunate we just set up on gold I’m going to buy it all right I’ll back with you I need to buy an item got while we got a ward going get another senty just to have we got a few seconds maybe me and you pull it can what is him

Building yeah I out trade him they’re distracted in mid yeah let’s see the gold careful guys they rotate on us we got to fight them though yeah yeah I’m going to save my abilities man this is all you they’re nowhere to be found good pick them gold dude ultimate down on what’s

His face solo laner the dude with the neck we can set up on parro we go on that guy finish we’s start dpsing the power I don’t have space for a bomb good deal that right Lane’s looking like we need to push it out or we could just dive the fire giant

While we uh oh he’s dying here need a Morgan in the back oh him just teleported like behind us I’m in trouble boys weird bot it is oh that was not my finest flop oh no we just got zoned yeah that was a weird fot we could can get on their damage yikes

Dude oh Baka bro he is clapping right now isingo your right tower has destroyed h your Tower is under attack your right Phoenix is under attack is there a physical mitigation item for defense Magis or not Magis one is it robe yeah a split AUM that’s fair

Let me push this out we need to get a ward they’re probably on it and going to get it but still going to push these out ene I can all over if we want to fight it they’re on fire buddy DPS in it oh yeah it’s almost

Dead my way we killed it I don’t know who stole it but we get it B all down Baka dead beads down on Morgan oh I estimated his damage all you guys kill him I’ll take it I could have lived there though if I played it better you want to push

This left tower out I we need to push right that’s one we’re down okay fire minions are coming in I’ll just back and push out rock all right I’m coming to right I mean you’ll have to buy right for R’s almost at the Phoenix that’s fine I can finish an item

We all too close it’s fine I’m on my way all in town all right I’m going to back again real quick since we’re kind of big chilling for a moment just got to finish that item I’m back finish them that’s interesting how do you feel about that

Gold take it enemies have returned to B we got 2 minutes on fire your middle Tower is under attack we need the T though we need we can start dpsing but that’s cool Lane sure sure sure care enemis you’re Okay he’s down okay bucka beads down bucka Al down oh goodness why they clap our cheeks dude holy crap where’ my cheeks go I don’t know about that you ain’t going to get a border hitting F6 buddy I don’t think they end here they do I mean they could try to panic end

Maybe they’re looking for oh they are actually trying to panic end they’re panicing all right GG all right clean slate new game new game plus Elden ring that’s Baka melenia I mean I guess not cuz I did kill him you killed melenia too yeah this is

True God I can’t tell you that was the best feeling 127 attempts that’s crazy it’s crazy you counted I had to I had to I get to choose one of the following items to claim from the chest roll yeah they’re all like Pro Player skins like Pro thing

Skins how much currency from the gems do you get uh I’m not for sure what are you talking about them out well yeah you can pick currency instead of all the the skins and stuff oh I don’t know I would say not as many as you

Should I how’s my water looking I could use a fresh glass all right it’s either Poseidon or it’s the the gems I’m going to turn my Christmas slots off too I’m going for the gems I’m might lose you for a minute oh what a freaking mistake dude was it 50 it was 25

Oh dude that is no huh how much was it I was outside 25 yeah the Skin’s worth 1,500 dude when I went outside up at my sister’s house probably like 8:00 right like we was winding down and like putting stuff up they was the biggest

Moon not the moon like you know how the moon gets a ring around it yeah dude it was like half the sky was the ringing of the Moon it was it was the biggest one I’ve ever seen really mhm wonder what causes that has to be something to do with the

Top of clouds I think it’s the government dude I mean I don’t think that I don’t know but it was so cool dude cuz like half the sky was clear because the way the Ring made the outer edge look kind of like foggy and it was just it was wild like

I’ve seen it but usually it’s like a eighth of the sky or something something really small this thing was massive I was like holy crap and me being a night person like I told my family and none of my family were like remotely into it I was like you guys are not night

Shifters I don’t know I like the the moon I’m not like a night shifter but like I’ve got a strong fascination with the stars and the sky and stuff like that something about night shift though man you have a different connection to the Moon than other people dang it man I’m in a

Bond I want to go select my water you know what I don’t care I want to get my water oh I’m Banning that stupid Baka I don’t even care yeah that was obnoxious man but if you don’t ban Baka then play mama and if you don’t blame Mama they’ll

Play freaking alang if you don’t do that then yeah B Mama all right we’re Banning five junglers okay we got to Bam Mercury Hong Mama Loki what you b b couldn’t make up my mind I going to spice it up I think I’ll probably go with like somebody hopefully that they don’t

Ban we’ll see H who do you want brother don’t know there’s that rat dude well okay I feel like Merk’s a good push into the rat you can both K crit though which is kind of scary uh CI it’s a fair trade into ganach what s carry pad and solo I don’t think they

Pick their carry yet I mean on here is open his walls go crazy with mine right we could Corner somebody on the pillar hir got a buff been a lot of people playing him he’s honka L donka chunking lately too for some reason the third hypol game in a row what are you

Doing I wanted to see if I could break your ankles by trading with you can you imagine that game [Laughter] though yeah I could I could see it going real bad for both of us why does Merc look like he’s like scared well now he doesn’t he was in The

Stance where he was like scared just chilling man chilling Crimson cracking I think we beat the ever loving cheeks off that hem Dollar oh I didn’t check how many worshippers I have with the bakus who would just leave it to a surprise what maybe we just don’t look at our diamonds anymore just uh oh yeah just be like oh I got a star cool they look kind of be cool I can get these Stacks

Man We’d be in shape ow not through your ear hole goodbye why are you so fast I let you out no you did you got your my Mana oh my thanks you’re so cool dude Germain and I were wait come here come here uh rotate with me do this

J and I were doing this the other day but we were so tight and none of us even said anything we were just like communicating telepathically it was pretty funny like it started with us body blocking each other and just like Turned directly into that like youyang circular rotation

Fck look at me look look look look I’m jumping you didn’t even know I could do that you still couldn’t which I thought was criminal yeah dude well I was like well jumping doesn’t have a purpose so why do I need to jump my Autos are so desync bro holy crap

Smart what are you lagging just my Autos was desn I pop my wing Shard and it did not like it this time dude who are we Ling against CI thanks cab what do you do for just pull me off my grab well played good poke dude thank I’m trying not to get pulled

He can’t grab me if I pull him out of his grab right right right right oh the value off of that one was nice we got a wave no sir you have a wave I am a support player and I’m using my abilities on them but I

Don’t really mind because they kind of out clear me anyways yikes I mean yikers are they on Shield I don’t think they get this for free I’m going to jump over the wall here I’m not sure really what they were thinking rat that’s fine if he disengaged there we probably die but he

Disengaged keer was getting pretty low though I’m going to let it fall that’s fine that’s fine I’m assuming the the rat’s still close maybe I don’t see him back in mid yet I still don’t know where the rats at man he’s probably farming i’ would say

If he’s not he’s missing out a lot of farm got purple cool all right Shields almost up again I’m bringing you a chest almost took it not a pot so I do not want to get poked anymore same Shield they’re on it yeah I’m not going to jump the wall this time though

Cool I just held shift four to level up because of freaking predecessors you just autoed me through a wall dude how’s that possible hacking unless I’m tripping really don’t want to buy I need 300 I’m going not back mean if we full combo keer he dies he’s looking for the I don’t know

About he’s got his ultimate I know I’m just kind of wanting the DeVos here I’m not going to get it going have to pressure this way go for a Bastion or something all right we’re a little poke on them at least I get them now after this way

Backing does he have his DeVos nope he backed early oh my gosh your wickedness you out oh we almost out do they have a silence uh no is there a reason why I couldn’t drop an ultimate uh I’m not 100% it even made the sound effect of

Dropping it but it was like I got silenced to Mid drop oh right hold on me I think I’ll probably die anyway even if I did drop it but it just seemed odd Ally freaking Capri hold on buddy I’m coming back to you really thought I could get that I don’t want

That midle Tower I’m going to get some pots that’s some crazy damage from the coup dude missing left I think they went purple and black but I’m not 100% our crew is on fire right now your Tower is under attack you will go no further it’s a good pick up of

Course that’s very good I don’t know why keer is here oh my gosh dude just kill him never mind all right I can’t take the tower anymore an Al let’s not lose our heads here oh my goodness dude you guys are out of your freaking Minds what the

Heck oh dude I can’t help you thanks you’re welcome middle Tower man my headset’s dying release to ATT do it ke I swear grd I know you’re thinking it sorry I just ripped your Stacks dog your evil strengthens our res Brat’s coming good job brly me rat’s

Coming to you or where he’s in left chilling he might be just looking at looking around see what he can find yeah found my purple bu yeah I see it all right I’m backing with you C good pick up on left guys you guys are on fire right all

Now I got to plug this in uh all right I’m trying what you want right here just taking a little bit of farm huh okay hold on we’re just way deep in for this kill you freaking Savage middle Tower attack asid’s got ultimate ready they should all actually have Ultra up so careful

Wings Beacon’s ours oh my gosh okay rat’s coming right bid’s pretty vulnerable in mid but he he does have his Al up still rats down they dropped a lot in mid oo get that out of here cap careful left what’s happening left uh maybe a gank in the jungler

Possibly I’d love that bidon to come out of the Tower so I could hold him careful right man I’m coming to you oh not sure why he was in there there Mr Hall is if I can get a war in here bead’s down on the rat

Okay oh the UL himself though good pick up can we go pyro oh goodness that’s crazy all just buy good pick up dude holy damage from the Pyro that sucker almost killed me the farm is way tight on this side of the map dog i’

Sure how you feeling me one left uh just fting the him though he’s got level eight on me we’re chilling we’re chilling he’s got 11 is that what you said 11 levels no he’s got a two Lev I’m here for you you want to try to get a pick first

Or we fighting this no I don’t I mean he’s playing doll is here fighting his purple come on your middle Tower is under attack beads down yeah interesting gold I could kill his Tower I got a bomb in my pocket I’ll tank it man drop it drop it

That was bad for me I didn’t know PID didn’t come in there good pick up all right it’s a three for two could even be better here oh good blink on her part the rats one shot good life steal care I could blow up that Tower I got a

Bomb I just can’t take a tower shot I can take a tower shot bro what a kill get that Tower weon up I’m stuck on the minions good kill good kill all right I’m going to the beacon but I’m risking it for the biscuit here if I do it well played everybody

On my on my way your evil streng don’t do this to me pad I know he wants to Al all right I need to bag careful mid of my shoulders oh four of them want the minis I’m going for the whole thing I really thought I could get

That you want to do something about him rat’s coming to you Rats on me rats on gold I’m try to just get my purple real quick they’re not on you yeah s’s coming in I don’t like this fight right now why is my ultimate not dropping okay oh this is bad for

Me you will go no further an ally has been SL dude it’s like it’s making the sound of my ultimate dropping but it’s not dropping it your left tower has Destro don’t know sir that’s the second time that’s happened I guess I could have imp bur my L energy blaster thank

You I was kind of be embodied there I’m backing quick I’d say I wear this Tower Attack whoa holy dude Merc just went in and freaking bullied the crap out of that posid your evil streng our res was missing your wickedness stops here I don’t even know what to say did I just out play that M you got three people more left hold on new walls here

We’re just killing CI they’re new and him was thinking about turning on you guys I can Zone them down she can’t go anywhere I’m do Dash Down I definitely just ate that yeah that’s my beads yeah I didn’t that was probably bad jump in on my part my ego has been destroyed been

Slain an enemy good kill the enemy team destroyed Fury look I’ll be here for this beacon work my way down now walking fast ohy oh the rat’s going in on them rat missed the rat killed Let go to F left speed’s down dude he’s so fast on the teleport for some reason oh bro the damage holy 723 damage from the whirlpool hey look like they’re going to power over fire oh yeah yeah that’s St A Mir will do it to you I think our Anubis has something stuck

In his butt what you want is it dude the the Capri that’s on the other team was on our team last game uh what was his name uh Francis yeah yeah Ratt coming in okay didn’t get any of my actives C I don’t know I think some

People just like have an issue in life where they have to be angry at everything all the time or like like they’re compelled to be disrespectful how many anas left it’s like a mind virus or something there’s like something wrong with their brain where like they have to to say mean things to

People you will go no further don’t Fear no that wasn’t funny I’m sorry I shouldn’t laugh at that we might be able to snag that posidon but it’s Risky Business red all coming yeah I don’t know who he thinks he is the whole team’s there Bieber the whole team is there I mean I might just be dead

Here I guess I get out I don’t know wow dude behind the tower well blade your left tower has been destroyed okay this should improve our fortun the durable drumsticks wow definitely going fire right they’d be stupid not to they’re on it entry in it uh I can’t remove their wards okay

Thanks just see how the defense is I guess I’ve made this Merchant wor careful oh dude good kill you got him in the air how do you feel about picking off that rat okay I’m not even close now I really thought I could get my jump off I should have jumped before

Well I’m not going to win a 1 V3 over here the rats over here man phix is under attack this is silly open the door thank you that was nice they’re going to go Beacon are they they really want this Phoenix I feel a bad not coming oh my gosh that split pushing

Rat he alss I’m going to heal quick I’ll be right back Pho nice dude yes sir don’t fear them I’m assuming somebody’s on that Beacon ene the jle not yet you want gold M Grant wisdom from this least expected of places I’m on the beacon I’ll help good careful they’re rotating

Left rat’s jumping in he jumped out got to get these minions in left I should back here I shouldn’t get picked all right I’m with you just kidding hold on Mark I’m coming for you buddy yeah I’m I’m trying to slay too he’s backing does he get out oh my gosh

That was a risky back of the day dude I like it hey that’s was good look set back up on fire I got a sentry I’m dead that’s ridiculous be what happened to having fun that’s a waste of his ultimate but I think they just run that fire down anyway he’s not by

Himself Sid and rad are still here uh they’re bailing H I don’t think they push it to the Phoenix and we don’t push up there to to get them either Sid’s backing in the jungle oh that would have been good grant us thank you got the CER separated n enemy teamy fur well

What have they got about a minute and a half left on their fire not ly I mean it’s just a just a minion wave they’re looking like they W your Phoenix isack good kill guys mid’s walking around with three rings job we need to push this a little he going here

They’re on the beacon nice yay sure sure sure sure I’ll back too unless you want this pyro huh maybe the fire Giant uh I have no words for that right now uh going back here all right careful mid lane I’m on my way step aside and really trying to split push

Right I just shoving a minion wave NOP he’s still here no him Do’s here ID two and right oh my goodness yikes Al your wickedness stops here he down on the rat new wall still pretty deep right alss down too yeah maybe fall back into the Phoenix line again throw on the fire

Giant too we’re got to try to defend that bro if they take that they’re just going to run us right down if we’re lucky they go for gold instead of us looks like they are I mean they’re going to just come right here then Gold’s not going to stall long enough wings I’ll

What h I’m going to try to help Merc I don’t think he needs uh shoot oh hell no we’re not pausing we’re taking full advantage of this DC you’re flying through the I I am the only reason I was out there was to go help that Merc dude that’s ridiculous Me Away Little

Wings Take Me Away Little Wings Take Me Away Little Wings Take Me Away Little I’ve made this Merchant worthy we got to shove that left lane down if we do anything you’ve been ditched buddy ah I couldn’t get him go parro I want to get a stagger kill on the I have two

Bombs and I’m afraid to use them afraid man every time I step up I get bailed on and then the team just collapses and kills me I’m scared giant the enemy team has destroyed an enemy has left the G attack the Titan your EV streng our res they are

All in left yeah yeah they they should be I mean Fire’s up though yeah yeah yeah yeah M yeah yeah yeah okay like they do know Cent is on it I think we kill it before they get here yeah we do red in yeah he’s back in mid all

Down okay now we can now we can grew up yeah ATT Tower sure Pho wings are we just hard shoving this we’ve got five yeah we want to try to get this Phoenix be’s down on the what’s his face posid nice what the world Phoenix is strong yeah yeah no

Wait till the next I got I don’t want the minions to block my Autos oh she would just pop out of the little corner go left Phoenix unless you want to run it down I think y’ll end it yeah okay okay Merk’s going to shred that you just

Got to keep the new off of him and the right nice oh and the okay good job guys wow dude what a comeback what a game boys h I just got an achievement called comeback yeah that’s crazy dude I need to watch the patch notes and look what they did to him dog

Cuz I swear he freaking slams dog he’s doing something different now right he slams they Mega buffed him they had to uh who do I want don’t go for the gems dude no the wukong’s all right only Warrior Nemesis is pretty cool go I’m going to go with the padin

Skin man that Kei went pretty hard that game I mean late game he sort of kind of falls off his ultimate becomes irrelevant if he ults himself oh he did get a spectral I was wondering if he ever did just a single spectral though it was kind of late

Though dude I don’t want to but I might get off all right I’m like just so tired man I want to play and I want to freaking kick it but I sucking bad I’m not doing the hottest either tonight man I I don’t know what it is I’m just a

Little bit off I’m definitely tired as the reason man I started feeling it even when we started playing predecessors but I just I didn’t get a nap after the gym left and I’ve been up pretty early but in December I’m off like all of December so we got plenty of time to

Game okay and we can bust out some Arc if you want to I thought you sold that game dude no man no I’ve been still wanting to play it with you it’s just like one of those games that like I’ll have to commit like a like the

First time we play it I I don’t want to just play it for like an hour I’d like to commit down in like a like a midday game and just sit down and cuz I need you to like teach me a lot about that game I did not know much about

Arc I don’t really know much about it either why you played the first one well I found out that this isn’t even Arc 2 dude what is is it it’s AR want it’s just a DLC that came out something it’s not our well whatever

We got is not Arc 2 uh Arc 2 has not been released yet we were lied to well um they fck Smithy was telling me about it uh shortly after I was like I can’t wait to play it he was like you know that’s not Arc 2 right I was like

What like why is it being advertised as a new game then if it’s not Arc I and supposedly it’s just like a a re-release of Arc one with some additional stuff I’ve never played the first one either I know like I said I messed around with it for like an hour just

Trying to understand uh how to do some stuff and I never even got the build it took me forever to figure out how to manage inventory and just like make a freaking axe I was running around punching trees for I don’t know how long yeah K I’m not going to tell him that

Cuz he’ll never he’ll never want to play it what nothing tell me I would go look at the stream bro she said it’s Arc is similar to Minecraft but with Dinosaurs okay where’s my uninstall I see I told you or let’s them it’s a survival game dude it’s like

A collect a bunch of materials build a base level up get your gear AG uninstall I don’t even have it installed right now either I just uninstalled it I’m telling you uh it’s a good game it is a good game um I I was fully like completely fooled I was under the

Impression that that was like uh a different game what was dude huh you said you were too yeah man and like I watched some people play Ark one and like they they make it look really fun but then I get on it and I’m like maybe it’s just not my genre man

You got to play with friends it’s not cool by yourself I don’t I like the game but I can’t I I won’t play it by myself it’s not enjoyable uh it’s not a solo game either there’s not like a story mode to it it’s just survival you know and you’re there

To chill and have a good time with your friends build stuff and have yeah yeah all right d dog you have a good weekend I’ll catch you next week sounds good dude we’ll tear it up we’ll try to get like Germaine in here or something we’ll play some threes yeah that sounds good

Dog all right dude well take it easy Happy Thanksgiving brother Happy Thanksgiving buddy all right I’ll catch you later man later man sometimes I forget how to leave the Discord chat um you guys want to go fishing kite I don’t know what you’re doing right now

But do you want to go fishing is that what you want to do can we you want to go fishing um I don’t know whatever I got to do I got to pee right now and then uh I don’t know if I’m quite ready to go to bed yet

We can do a little goofiness a little goofy goof I’m go fishing all right I’ll be right back okay man I don’t know tonight was just not it for for Smite and predecessors like we tried um and we had some good games we had some good like battles and stuff but it

Just wasn’t like on lockdown like we tend to get it something’s off I think uh it’s got something to do with it you know being a little bit later than normal and uh just um the holidays and whatnot stuff in our faces with a bunch of food I hate when I spill coffee

And it’s the worst I do it all the time okay if we’re going to go fishing I hate because when I spill coffee man it gets in my beard and then I it doesn’t come out G fishing so we could go to the void oops wrong button we could go to the

Nether where they at though I got a lava fish in here welcome back thank you thank you thank you uh oh there’s one and there’s two yeah there it is all right holy laging saurus so oh you know what else we could try to do wait a

Second bro we could finish this set of armor here chest plate and legs I want to know what this does Swift swimming and water breathing Swift swimming too what I wonder what exactly is Swift swimming too I like the armor It looks interesting it looks freaking awesome

Actually I don’t know I’m trying to like think of something that we could do with this stuff but like well all right either way we completed the Quest for it oh we need a sword yet my bad uh we need a Ste I think it revolves around swimming at a faster Pace

Probably that would make a lot of sense right that would absolutely make sense Bo I I love the tools they look awesome okay so that’s done now I don’t know how to get seaweed how do it like I could have sworn we had some seaweed or excuse me not seaweed but actual

Sushi that would be cool if I wasn’t wearing this helmet I like my little B I don’t think that’s it that’s mocky yeah no this is something different this is just plain old sushi I guess we didn’t uh I could have sworn we had some seaweed or some sushi sorry jeez can’t

Speak so we need whale we need to cook those frogs legs uh quite rare from fishing oh quite rare we need to cook these for a quest thank you uh I’m assuming that the tin can and the Driftwood is also quite rare from fishing um now like algae is a a

Mob drop certain mobs will drop algae um we need one more cave Critter and I wish there man I wish there was a freaking like a a a book that defined certain things of fishing like and told you like the environment that they might live in and I mean I understand that you

Got to go to a cave but uh I felt like I fished in that cave forever and just never found it legs so hot woo R Who R you I I like the hats dude they’re getting good all right let’s take a look at the map real quick too

I wish there was an easier way to like Define jungle on the map I don’t know if like mini jungle is the same thing do I have wait a second let me just make sure I’ve got not that okay no I do not have Okay so we got a fatty hook we need

A a shiny hook holy buttons dude all right shiny hook and then like an extra heavy bobber and we have an extra long cast reel we’re going to have to make another Baba get some red wool some of this and some of those some of these okay

Um I forgot how to make a bobber I think it’s just iron nope watch now that we made all that neptunium stuff we’re going to turn around and like get nothing but wow dude we M so fast boom boom boom boom okay and we got this we got our

Shield we got our luck to magnification you know what we could do quick while we’re kind of just here let’s hit some of this up man come on with the 99 a little wine action oh dude kite I don’t know if you saw but we got the

Uh what’s that stinking thing called did I miss one I did um we got the antidote vessel which is a little bit of a game changer for like you know the the Lost Cities I feel like we’re still going to need more wine all right where are we going fishing

First I guess to the swamp or to to the Jungle sorry now like I I know that this isn’t like an official jungle let’s go then oh not right now nah we’ll go another day um we’ve been kind of like doing some side questing I

Mean we could go but I I feel like I’d end up dying tonight uh the last thing I want is to like end up like freaking spawn locked in that place and just salty and I’ll have to come back to it with a fresh head when it’s not so

Late I’d like to find a real jungle I feel like this it’s called mini jungle I think which doesn’t make me feel like it’s a real jungle even though we did catch most of the fish that we need from this there’s that one fish left that I can’t seem to

Find now I know we’re using the magnetic hook oops oh caught it automatically without even trying you know what we should do is if we’re done looking for Treasure well I guess we’re we’re kind of not right it I guess in theory like the can and the Driftwood is

Treasure and the seaweed I guess is technically treasure too like they’re not actually fish so is it best to use the magnetic hook for that I’m thinking yes cuz the magnetic Hook is what we have attached now now if we’re looking for fish it’s going to be

Best to use like the fatty hook or the shiny hook 20% bite rate modifier 35% catch or body wait catch weight modifier I don’t know what the catch weight modifier would be oh oh my gosh how do we get see what I mean uh I feel like that’s for whales

Right so like the fatty hook would be for whales the shiny hook would be for any other type of fish that you’re trying to find good old froggies you probably wait you probably get the fish you want without even realizing probably it’s not either of those I mean that the the quest should

Pop up is complete once we do cuz it’s the last one we need for the jungle I believe it’s an electric eel we’ve gotten one type of eel I I don’t remember what type of eel we got but it was not the one we needed dude’s so

Loud I wonder if there’s anything else we can do with Neptune’s Bounty no not really oops all right man the other day when we were fishing we had like long philosoph philosophical conversations and uh Coffee Cat would have been just devastated I think Turtles are just used for soup it’s kind of sad

There’s a Mer’s Nest nearby as well I don’t think they refresh though I think like once you kill them they’re dead man these guys are determined holy crap guys hello can I help you no turtle soup I know we had to make one turtle soup for a quest uh but we

Will not eat it hey buddy uh look it’s not that important you don’t you can stay in the water the frogs are so loud cuz there’s so many lily pads like the the frog sounds come from directly from the lily pads and because there’s so many lily pads all you hear are frogs

Constantly it’s a little bit much oh I got a bunch of lovely coconuts wow it’s a good thing it wasn’t like a chest plate I guess we could probe the water water too I don’t know how much that’s going to do for us I know when we probe the water

Sometimes it tells us it’s like there are you know x amount of fish that are not feeding in these conditions and I wonder if like you can only catch certain fish at certain times of year and like if maybe it has to be like mid summer to to catch the fish that

We’re looking for I don’t know why you coming over here no no you could have stayed anywhere anywhere but here you don’t have to be here see yeah yeah it’s fine see you’re good thanks dude cool so long there’s a lot of ambiance going on inside the jungle there’s a lot of

Noises a lot of mobs dude I thought that was something interesting it’s not I was just thinking we could go to the Lost Cities but I am kind of scared today just a little bit what is that oh it’s a fish an ashen fish that one’s super buff nice

I’m a little tempted to like keep the stream running just until Smithy like wakes up and joins again uh cuz if we if we keep it running for like another hour or so Smithy might wake up and like see that we’re on stream and be like yes I got it cuz I I

Didn’t stream at 1:00 today cuz of the Thanksgiving I was with my family and he was like today doesn’t count today’s not going to break the the streak that we have I was like you’re correct today does not count but if we’re still streaming does that also like count as a I mean

It’s oh my gosh this must be a good fish it was 60 M away stay here fishy don’t do this come on be something good please be something really good a box ready this is going to be a piece of it’s going to be a stick okay it’s an apple

I don’t know do we need 15 Shuler boxes of fish I’ve been keeping every single fish did we just what the heck that was weird can’t find anything on whale on Reddit really that’s weird I mean the whale definitely exists we’re not going to find a whale

In here you have to find the whale inside the ocean um pretty sure you need like a an extra long reel and um a fatty hook in order to catch it which maybe like I don’t know maybe we should take the the magnifier or the the magnetic

Hook off watch what if we take the magnetic Hook off we’ll get what we need in one freaking fishing trip white rate modifier catch weight it shouldn’t be a weight problem heavy bobber and our cast reel is about to break too let’s keep the fatty hook in here

Cuz we can just change this out anytime we want so shiny hook oh it gives us the freaking magnetic hook back that’s actually amazing I didn’t know it did that that’s a bit of a game changer right there I’ve been afraid to swap him in and out because I didn’t know I could

Do that I just assumed it would like void the other hook the other hook nice 73 I can feel it in my nuggets first try with the shiny hook hey w okay no no come back come back fishy what all right this one’s tricky feels like an eel it’s slippery like an

Eel it’s not those guys for some reason oh he weighs 167 that’s a lot of weight okay so it’s a zombie flesh bait heavy bobber fatty hook long cast reel wait for the whale or are you talking about for the eel zombie flesh bait huh that’s what one guy

Tried oh oh that’s a sparkling eel get the curse of holding out of here God dang it dude got to be quick about that apparently okay yeah we need an electric eel I thought that was what we needed right there dang it gosh dang darn it nah oh for the whale

Okay I haven’t messed around with bait yet how hard is it to do it can’t be that hard to do bait okay two wheels in a row automatically rebates the fishing rod with contained bait when held in the off hand after a bite so it takes a

Bucket and whatever else you want to put in there what if we use rotten flesh I’m waiting for it to roll past we’re trying it and I’m also bringing buckets for milk too you know what we still have not found a cow by the way um I’ve been trying to find a

Cow for ever forever and ever they don’t exist we flesh what how wait okay uh okay so you wait I had that backwards you have to make a fish a Bait Bucket which takes four spider eyes and four seeds and then you fill the Bait Bucket itself

Up sorry I thought it was a water bucket and you know whatever it is that you wanted to put in there for bait okay yeah so it’s an empty Bait Bucket but if we do this rotten contains one rotten flesh so what if we didn’t throw all the rotten flesh we

Had ever collected out we need all these feathers we do we need 9,000 stacks of feathers no dude one at a time all right it’s a bit of a pain in the butt I’m not going to lie I feel like there’s a better way to do this that sucked that was

Way way more ridiculous than it needed to be I I don’t know why uh it had to be like that but it was it’s fine no bait uh when held in the offand oh no then we can’t use luck why you doing this to me game all right what if dang it that’s

Rough did it refill it did all right I don’t know we’ll try it we don’t have a we have a shiny hook on not a fatty hook doesn’t seem to be anything biting okay hold on what if we bail on the shiny hook I guess I can put these buckets away too

Oh fatty hook hold on that’s sick dude I actually so I love that so man it does consume one round flesh every time too whoa buddy he’s okay he’s just a little confused I wasn’t paying any attention I’m sitting here look watching the bobber bobber I guess it is getting late in

It this fish is playing games with me don’t do this I wonder if we use like rotten flesh blocks if it would appli nine pieces of rotten flesh at a time that would be a lot nicer we’ve gotten that before he was moving just moving oops did I place

No hey what’s going on Ash and blood so this uh so is this a mod for Minecraft is there a name for the mod if so cuz it looks fun I want to play yeah this is a mod um well technically it’s multiple mods all mush together into one uh but

The pack that we’re playing is called rlcraft oops um rlcraft is in like real lifecraft um at least I believe that’s what it stands for it it’s very difficult at first um it can be pretty daunting especially like uh when you’re first starting out just because you don’t have any gear and

Everything hurts and uh but it is a ton of fun man it’s a very very good mod pack and I’d recommend it it just requires Patience what’s in here a piece of iron okay a clock even better how many days we at oh we’re at day 1,094 it’s a lot of days I think there’s like like 127 mods or something like that uh all mushed together into this one pack so I mean

There’s a lot going on and there could be a lot to learn too but um as long as you’re uh patient about it if you like Minecraft if you like a challenge I think you’ll like this mod pack too it is very very nice and very good they don’t quit rotten flesh heavy

Bobber fatty hook the fatty hook has like no durability whatsoever I get excited when I see him be like 60 plus meters away cuz I’m like it’s got to be a big fish right it’s got to be something good a gar g attached if that just means you

Have to use like the other knife for it there’s two different knives you use on fish one of them’s like a descaling knife and the other one’s just like a filet knife I don’t think it matters for us anymore cuz we’ve done the quest come on be a good

One give me something good give me the electric heel that’s all I want you know what hold on a second ah you know what oh that was weird let’s go this way let’s uh let’s take a break from that little jungle area the most exciting part of the day using a key my

Face we’re still missing a couple bobles one of them being the Power Glove or glove of power or power Gauntlet or whatever it’s called we need that bad boy I guess we don’t like need it but it would be nice check that bad boy out those guys are loud dude like deep ocean

Right I’ll get it don’t worry okay hold on we’ll get it eventually give me look ready first try whale whoa that’s cool how our shadow has the wings on it still very cool 127 M oh dude I’ve never seen anything go this slow and from that far away there got to be a

Whale probably not it moves very slow what if man what if it’s a whale first try why is this so slow man well don’t let me forget if it is a whale do not let me forget to put it in a bucket of water to keep it alive uh cuz we can Farm

It we’re going to be here for a minute dude it’d be nice if he would just like sit still oh buddy look I’m going to need you to don’t play that game with me right it’s got to be a will I remember you talking about uh Cod being

Dead uh is was 16 days and it’s already reached its peak and I’m and only going down from there H it’s so sad to see but people are catching on now wait Call of Duty Cod is in Call of Duty like um Modern Warfare 3 cuz I I haven’t kept up

With it oh 16 days since launch I’ll tell you when I was with my family today they had the football game on and I saw an ad for Call of Duty and it was like an ad just featuring like you know some of the bigger Call of Duty players

Like team or Optic and and those type of people and um I don’t know I it just looks just just as trash as it ever has yeah Call of Duty man this absolutely imagine we just like get killed by like a sea serpent right now cuz we can’t move we’re here forever yeah

Uh I’m not interested in COD I mean to each their own right like if people will enjoy playing Cod each day then like by all means play COD each day but I’m not really huh what huh where do what huh where did it go dude what where did it go I did don’t

Huh it just disappeared it like it didn’t we didn’t lose it it didn’t snap the hook uh we didn’t get smacked by nothing dude it just went away I’ve never once seen that happen I’m a little salty about that uh oh you tell me we’re going to start over with the 130 m

Dude that’s freaking dumb I don’t know wonder if that was like a bug our long cast reel is about to break with five casts left but we can replace it we have a spare one on us that was so dumb dude dud fishy ah I see what you did

There that was a good one we were I felt like we were there for like minutes I wonder if like maybe we just took too long and the the game was like well he’s clearly not fishing it it took him way too long to catch that fish bro stop playing games

Fish stop it what mozzarella I swear dude what’s going on here how much did your mic cost it’s it’s good quality and I’ve been looking for a mic uh tomorrow is Black Friday and might find a good deal um well if I might say I don’t think my mic that I’m

Using right this moment is high quality like if I if I get loud or high pitch it just it it takes a crap like it it can’t handle like the loud high pitch stuff um there are much better microphones than mine out there although for the price

That this microphone is it is pretty good um I use the one I have now is called a fine fi f i n e and uh I believe it was like $40 like 30 30 something like upper $30 um so if you’re just starting out and you want something

Fresh it is a good one uh however like uh kite recommended the Blue Yeti also very good microphone now it’s going to be much more expens not much more expensive but relatively expensive compared to this one I I was looking at Blue yetis the other day kite cuz you

Had mentioned them to me and I’m I’m curious and uh I think I saw a really nice one for about $120 now the thing with the blue yeti um if you want to get into microphones there’s two different types of mics there’s USB connected mics

And then there is uh there’s a a term that I’m blanking on but it’s not USB you got to connect it with like a an audio converter which means you’re going to need multiple connection points um and there’s different systems and setups for that too but you if you don’t

Go for a USB connection you’re probably looking at something that’s going to cost Ste something more just cuz you’re going to have to buy multiple stuff or multiple things other than just the microphone um but the Blue Yeti seems like a really good mic uh I think the

One I was looking at that was USB connection connected was like $120 um and uh supposedly the Blue Yeti is a very very good quality M mic um and I would definitely be interested in taking that one up over the one that I have now not that there’s anything like

Terribly wrong with the fight fine um but like like if I Bluetooth did I say Bluetooth no I don’t think mics are should be Bluetooth um I don’t recommend a wireless connection to your mic either whatever it is that you might be doing like it it’s never going to be as clean

Oh nice dude we got a swordfish yeah like anything that’s Wireless is always going to be like either slower or poorer quality um that’s not to say that you can’t get good stuff to be Wireless but uh you’re definitely going to get higher quality every time with a wired anything wired internet wired

Microphones wired everything um dude I’m salty about that whale dude I I know that was a whale too I’m positive okay we got a jellyfish we need an angler fish and a whale the Blue Yeti does look like quite a nice microphone um I need to do a

Little bit more research before I commit myself to it but for the price that it is and the quality that it seems to be I think it’s a good deal um but if you’re looking to go like as cheap as possible but still like you know not have like

Headset quality like the Fon is a good pickup for sure well when it comes to screaming then yeah cheap mics won’t handle it yeah you’re right I tried like tweaking settings in OBS I tried doing all sorts of stuff I even got like a plugin to for

Audio purposes just to uh to tweak my microphone to try to like balance it and help it with the the loud noises and stuff cuz sometimes I do get a little excited um it it just does not quite cut it um but for every other scenario man it it

Does pretty darn well giant squid nice uh but yeah something like a regular podcast mic when you’re just talking it it does sound good like that for sure Blue Yeti is good uh there is another mic called Focus right um one of the best mics for cheap even good pretty

Good to make some oh some yelling yeah yeah so Focus R is more than just a microphone itself um I I tested out test tested I I bought a microphone um that was like super high-end um and I loved it I loved every aspect of it however um

It needed to be connected to a a uh an audio converter right um and the audio converter that I got was a Focus right scarlet and don’t get me wrong the quality was fantastic but I had audio issues through OBS specifically um specifically just OBS never had any issues uh uh with the

Microsoft or the mic itself like outside of OBS but uh for whatever reason like not even like the developers of OBS could figure out what was going on like we tried troubleshooting for weeks and weeks and couldn’t figure it out so I just sent it

All back I I returned all that stuff so um I mean I’m not trying to discourage you and I’m not trying to like talk down the those Brands but that is my personal experience I did have some tech technical issues that seemed to be software related there was nothing wrong

With the hardware uh and it was good quality stuff man and like I said I did like the equipment I really like the microphone I liked the interface and everything about it other than the fact that like the the audio would like randomly become heavily distorted to the point where you couldn’t understand

Anything it would be fuzzy or sometimes the mic audio would just cut out entirely and the seems like the only way to fix it was specifically to just shut down OBS which requires cutting down a stream so uh and starting it back up again and it seemed to fix it R like

Just temporarily right it would happen at random times sometimes it would be 10 minutes until it happens sometimes it would be two four 6 hours uh it just seemed to be totally random um but uh granted I I talked to a bunch of different people uh about the the audio issues and

Nobody had ever seen the issue that I had before so it doesn’t seem to be a common thing um there’s no information on an online either so I wouldn’t let my story discourage you from from buying something like that Pocus R does make some really nice stuff dude quit messing fish stop it

Aduna man I want to catch a whale long cast reel got to have the long cast reel there’s two there there’s multiple types of reels there’s a long cast which lets your your range extend further then there’s like a fast reeler which helps you like pull the fish in Faster I

Thinking like it’d be cool to have the the fast reel for the whale but I think you need the extended uh reel just for the sake of like they’re like 130 M out 9.17 north 1989 East another Pro question is what program do you use to record your game

Gameplay right now or do you use Elgato I don’t use an Elgato um I’ve heard fine things about it um but I don’t think Elgato will works with streaming as far as I’m aware I don’t know enough about Elgato um but I personally use OBS

Um you can record you can stream you can do a lot of different stuff and it’s very good software um I like it I I like OBS a lot there’s other ones similar to OBS like streamlabs uh I’ve heard good things about streamlabs um one thing

That has absolutely sold me on OBS and will keep me on OBS is uh there is a Discord channel uh revolving around the OBS community and the developers and other people that are like very very well knowledgeable in the the everything through obs run that that Discord

Channel and you can go if you have any technical issues that you can’t figure out which uh I mean I wouldn’t recommend you go in there every 5 seconds but like like if there’s an issue you can’t find a fix two online or for some reason it’s

Just not working right you just can’t figure it out jump in their chat and uh ask somebody be like hey you got any idea why this is going on and dude they are so helpful like everybody’s so happy like so willing to help and um I I don’t

Know I I greatly appreciate everything that those guys have done for me um and that above all else will sell me on on the program easily um and I mean it is a good program on top of everything else I I enjoy OBS and they do bring out like

Updates constantly which um you don’t have to use Elgato to record SL streaming nah you don’t have to um I mean you can um I think Elgato is maybe more aimed towards an angler fish nice we needed that um I think Elgato might be aimed more towards people that

Don’t have PCS um cuz Elgato can be used for capture devices on like uh like Playstation or Xbox whereas like on a PC you have the capability to use software such as OBS or stream Labs um Elgato is like separate in a sense it’s kind of its own thing um I

Think I’m not positive I’m not like a pro or anything but I think Elgato is a piece of Hardware that you can collect did I not catch anything I don’t know but yeah dude um if you’re trying to get into streaming or anything like that uh OBS is complicated I I’ll

I’ll say that for sure OBS uh can take a while to learn but it’s absolutely worth dedicating your time to to understanding in fact I can show show you right now what I have set up um so like it’s going to look a little funny right here uh

Just because of the like infinite screen but like so like I’ve got my chat integrated right here and then your main stre uh screen capture and then you’ve got your scenes and your different sources and stuff like that all your statistics on how your frames are going and you’re recording and you’re

Streaming and your settings down here and and like it it’s got everything dude and and then I even have like a vertical thing so like I can capture uh like things that convert automatically to like a like a short um what’s the form whatever it is called

Like this is like 16 by9 whereas this would be like 9 by I don’t know I don’t know what the format is either way it’s like meant for a vertical screen for your phone um which is perfect for shorts and things like that um but dude it is nice twitch

Has its own little thing to screen record does YouTube have it yes YouTube does have its own thing however uh I would most I would definitely recommend some form of software on top of whatever streaming platform you’re using offers um one they’re compatible right so you

Can and this OBS is going to offer you way way way way more than what YouTube’s going to offer you or what twitch is going to offer you um I know you can find the s for yourself but I kind of want to learn so start yeah dude no I’m

Happy to help you man uh I’m happy to share any kind of knowledge I’ve I’ve learned over the the months cuz dude it’s been quite a process for me trying to learn all these things and uh it’s not always easy trying to find the information online uh cuz I I didn’t

Know what I was doing right I dove right into YouTube and I was like well I’m going just any question I have I’m going to search it up on YouTube and every now and then there’s something you can’t figure out um and uh that is one of the things that

The the OBS community in Discord has definitely helped out thoroughly with is like if there is a problem that is just not on the Internet for whatever reason if you just can’t figure it out they’re happy to help and troubleshoot with you um so that’s fantastic

And I don’t know I like OBS a lot dude uh I had some issues with OBS to the point where I was like man maybe I should try streamlabs um but uh very quickly the the issue was resolved with uh the people from the OBS community and I was like well there’s no

Point in learning a new program if uh if like anytime I have an issue that can’t be fixed they can just look at my settings and be like oh it’s this right here I’m like how did you know that like how how did you how is it that this one

Little button hidden in the settings tweaked something else that’s like 100 million miles away and me has nothing to do with it it’s very sensitive man like uh one little setting can definitely goof things up but uh it’s worth it man I think OBS although it is very complicated it’s

Absolutely worth learning cuz uh it does a lot for you can save you a lot of time um and you don’t you know you don’t have to stream and record at the same time and you can do one or the other you can record but not stream

And uh depending on your PC like uh for a while there I was like struggling to do both I just kept dropping frames and I couldn’t figure out why and they were like oh it’s just the setting right here you just got to fix that and I was like

Well that makes no sense but all right and I changed it and like all of a sudden I have no issues with dropping frames anymore um so I don’t know I’m not really a big fan of YouTube’s integration of streaming anyway um I much prefer to use the

Software my house was griefed send supplies where are the whales at w where are all the whales at man what the heck you know what I might try doing let’s try something different by the way the Blue Yeti mic is on sale for $84 oh all

Right I was waiting for my refund uh for the old the other microphone that I had the to come back that’s kind of why I was putting off like buying a new microphone right now cuz uh I mean the the sh sm7b was pretty expensive and um

But that that might be enough to convince me to go buy it ahead of Time honestly that’s uh most likely what I will start using OBS seems pretty good it is good man and OBS is free too man um like it it’s all completely free for you you can just as long as you I will say though I know I shouldn’t have to

Say this but you just never know man anytime you’re clicking things on the internet man be sure you know it’s safe cuz there are freaking scams out there and if you click the wrong download button like it can go bad pretty quickly so um I highly recommend anytime you’re trying to go

Into a piece of software like a OBS or some sort of like plugin for audio or whatever uh go into YouTube do your research about it uh figure out exactly what it is that you’re looking for and get a link directly to the website that you know you need and do not click

Anything else other than exactly what you need to download that that piece of software because these websites out there man are loaded with a bunch of crap you got to be careful win storm Death from Above yo yo yo yo you need to holy crap there’s a lot of enemies I want that white one wait where did it go oh it’s right there I want the white uh thingy oh I’m sorry come here don’t die holy my head dude I’m trying to separate them no don’t die come here come here where are you going dude come okay cool dude we just got a variation he’s a lux wait is Lux hold on a sec is he the dragon dragon dragon okay so there’s a vered one so

He’s not as cool as it could get but he’s pretty cool man cool I’m happy about that he was expensive he took a lot of dragon treats um sorry missed a couple of chats kite thank you again for for letting me know about that deal that’s a great deal uh that’s pretty good

The the newer ones only get better anyway that’s true that is very true scammers will sometimes make it obvious that it’s a scam but that’s the point is to catch really dumb people that will fall for it because we know it’s a scam so that they don’t yeah yeah that is

True morac yeah that’s a good one he’s a lux I mean I would have preferred a um what’s the other guy the verant but uh that’s cool man we get a variation come here I need your health dude why are these guys so hard to hit uh where were we we were

Uh trying to get this whale huh the white whale how old am I I just turned 25 uh at the end of this past October I wonder if whales only eat at night sweet dude I’m convinced that those two uh baits that we had hooked were whales the ones that just like freaking disappeared which is really weird man you said a picture of it on Discord wait what oh of the microphone oh sick dude

All right here’s the deal my microphone has to be on like a an adjustable Mount it’s got to be uh I don’t think I could work with the microphone on the desk so as long as it’s it mounts to something I’m cool it it does look like a very nice microphone

Uh for the price of it right um like I don’t want to break your eardrums hold on I was going to like give you an example of like what my microphone does from time to time yeah so I’ve got my limiter set um like if like if I get loud dude

Like like it cuts out right like it cuts out man and uh it just it the microphone can’t take it um so it’s not nice as this microphone is for certain things uh it wasn’t what I had hoped it was going to be I really was looking for something that was going to

Let me get loud and excited um I don’t know settings help for sure uh and by no means are you going to have like you could pay $1,000 for a microphone uh if you do not put settings and tweak the the software regarding that uh piece of equipment it’s it’s

Going to sound crap uh so like Set uh filters and settings are are everything really um it’s funny when it cuts out uh it’s good for the memes it it is a little funny uh but I mean I I still want to like let the the physical word

Or the the physical I want the words to come through I want you guys to be able to understand what I’m saying too like instead of just like be a bunch of garbled nonsense um even though most of what I say is a bunch of garbled nonsense anyway yeah my neighbors must think

There’s like something seriously wrong with me it’s 2:30 in the morning he’s just screaming by himself like in his room what’s this curse of holding you get away from me a curse of holding book we’ve gotten more cursive holding books from fishing than anything it should it’s a okay it’s

Manable to an arm now I’m down I’m down to to try it I’ve heard good things about the Blue Yeti I haven’t done like a ton of research but um if you don’t like right off the bat hear a bunch of bad stuff it’s probably

Fair cheap mic can’t handle uh SS and PS yeah so there’s different okay so there’s two different types of microphones right there’s compressor microphones and then there’s um what’s the other kind uh shoot now I’m blanking oh my my brain’s farting right now um but there’s two different types

Of microphones um there’s a microphone that’s made for like a studio environment um which uh is typically going to pick up like lots and lots of detail lots of other noises that go on around it there’s filters that can be applied to microphones to help mitigate things like that uh

However the other type of microphone a compressor microphone um is more made for like your average streamer somebody that like sets their computer up in their living room you know um you might have cars driving by your house you might have an air condition running there might be other people around uh

The compressor microphone is going to be what you want for that type of environment um it’s not going to pick up quite as much M and girth uh and stuff but it’s it’s going to be much better at like mitigating all the extra crap that goes on around your life outside of it

Um like a keyboard for example like I I like a mechanical keyboard um but oh here we go hold on Focus time don’t play this game just stay right there don’t even move you don’t have to move um but with a compressor oh Dynamic did I say compressor I meant condenser I’m

Sorry yes see you know what you’re talking about Dynamic and com uh condenser so condenser is like what I have uh whereas a dynamic is something that’s going to be much more sensitive to the the environment around it um and there’s also different microphones in the sense that like some

Microphones need to be further away and point in a specific Direction and other microphones need to be right up on you or else they’re not going to pick things up for example the shore sm7b is a very popular microphone now it’s relatively expensive but it’s very high quality and

That sucker needs to be like a fist away from your face at all times and if you turn your head it’s not going to pick it up um which is very very good for a a lot of things but if you uh like say you don’t want a microphone on your camera

Which I suggest if you shouldn’t worry about that um there’s like so there’s like a something that I’ve seen that looks really nice that uh I don’t think I’m interested in personally but definitely has uh a lot of value is a a shotgun microphone which typically sits up by

Your camera like save you face cam or something or even just up by your the top of your monitor um the shotgun camera or excuse me the shotgun microphone points and like captures a very specific area of of audio so like you can point it directly at your like

Chin or chest and it’s going to only pick up that area from a distance as well um I’m getting clapped up while we’re trying to fight or this whale um I was hoping they would just go away I think we’re okay I don’t think we have to worry about dying quite yet but

Yeah dude there is a lot going on with audio it’s a lot more complicated than than I had originally thought where is it going dude where is the whale going man why why is it just disappearing I don’t understand how are we supposed to catch it if it just disappears like

That I’m I’m looking it up that’s stupid dude that is so frustrating man you spend all that time and you don’t it just disappears clown fish ocean fish spider eye rotten flesh red grouper salmon squid jellyfish Herring or bait bait one should be put each time on the fishing rod and B

Should be put in the Bait Box Bait Box I haven’t messed around with that I wonder if it’s got something to do with our luck you know what I’m thinking we need to have luck applied to our person can y’all not can we just freaking not

Play this right now I’m trying to catch a whale man like come another time please that’s ridiculous like what if we did something like this what if we took this out oh doy it’s in my hot bar let’s just put this stuff away real quick it’s getting serious

Okay we’re taking this whale hunting thing like to the next level right now feeds fish in a local chunk when filled with bait to add fish reproduction oh okay so we’re not worried about that actually that see that’s already got bait on it we’re going to pull this out cuz this

Has luck too on it we’re going to put it in our offand when we fish and I think that should help we only have 10 durability durability on our fatty hook though gosh dang it dude I’m so salty about this fish pun intended I’m so salty about this freaking fish just disappearing

Man thanks clownish much appreciated uh trying to think of what else with audio there is is going on like it it’s not overly complicated like if you put like uh a compressor on your microphone a filter that is like through OBS offers all these different filters and stuff too which makes it a

Lot easier if you could put a a compressor on that’s going to help uh with all sorts of different issues with the the audio from your microphone and snag something extra a l pad wow I’ll tell you what so I use a Noise Gate a noise suppressor a compressor and a limiter um

The Noise Gate is going to keep things like your keyboard and stuff like that out of the background uh the noise suppression does something similar um they work together kind of the compressor uh the compressor is more for like uh picking up like certain frequencies

Of your voice so like I don’t know I I wish I I could explain them a little bit better but you can apply gain and stuff like that to it through the compressor as well and then the limiter would like prevent your your audio from going to a

Certain distance but the excuse me the compressor is like used to keep your microphone from peing and also like ring up up the lower volumes right so like if you’re say you’re Whispering or something like that it’s going to like make the whisper a little bit more uh

Balanced and the the louder sounds a little bit less loud um but it it’s super easy dude what the heck was that whatever it was is gone oh it doesn’t have bait on it anymore so can you not like what the heck dude you can’t put bait

I don’t understand the bait so you have to catch a fish with the Bait Bucket in your hand first and then if you I don’t know it’s a lot but it’s worth it once you figure it all that all out yeah absolutely man it is definitely

Worth it when you figure it all out um and I mean I don’t even know if you really ever figure it all out like you could just keep learning and learning and even if you you like seem to master something there will absolutely be Innovation and and stuff like that in

The future uh I mean OBS is constantly coming out with updates and stuff um and I mean as technology gets crazier and crazier uh the so will like the software that we use and stuff right um but I never would have saw myself like learning all this stuff I’ve never been like super

Inclined when it comes to like technology and whatnot but I don’t know I feel like if I can pick it up so can freaking anybody else dude we’re never going to catch a whale dude wonder if like I can switch out the Bait Bucket in the middle of fighting a

Whale to put the luck on right come on dude just one more let me fight the whale one more time we’re learning we’re we’re like learning the mechanics of a boss fight here H yeah dude good audio is important though like nobody wants to listen to crappy

Audio camera quality on the other hand uh I would say is not quite as important it’s important but the uh the audio is definitely more valuable at least in my opinion especially since most times like I guess it depends on what you’re trying to to to make videos of and stream with

Um but like most cases you’re recording a screen um now if you’re like only recording yourself that’s a little bit different of a story but oh one thing I kind of learned the hard way though uh that I I don’t know I could try to share some more information for

You that’s it’s not really related to audio um but I originally intended on putting a green screen behind me um just because it seemed like a lot of fun right you can mess around with a green screen in the Cent do whatever you want but uh I found that green screens

Are a little bit more complicated than uh I had thought they would do would be um a lot of it has to do with your lighting right um if you want a full green screen in your in behind you you need to make sure that the green screen

Itself is Thoroughly lit up and evenly lit up with light uh all across it and that includes like lighting yourself up and and any other objects on your person or something like that can’t even remotely represent green um or there’s more than just green screens you can

Make green screens any color you want but like bright green is typically one that uh is not super common you don’t see a ton of bright green uh in the world at least in like you know equipment and and furnature and stuff like that and clothing

Um but uh it’s AAR in the butt dude green screens are like really difficult to nail uh to get a green screen look real tight it’s a lot more work than you would think it would be um you got to set up like you need like overhead lighting and everything like

You you can’t just like expect to turn your the light in your living room on and like let that work for you it it’s definitely a lot more demanding than that which is a little unfortunate it it does it’s kind of a pain in the butt if

I’m being honest uh but it’s definitely easier to roll with like without a green screen but uh I mean I ended up buying a green screen anyway cuz I I didn’t realize what I was getting into until it was too late um but I’ve got plans for a green screen in the future

Too all right we’re going to go back and make a fatty hook real quick I think the fatty Hook is just like oh it it takes a nugget all right hold on And then the heavy bobber is about to break let Fun oh we’re going to dang it our freaking bait ran out The Bait Bucket sucks dude I don’t like having to put every single one of them on like individually like what if I do this doesn’t work like That huh I should take Fish what the heck it wants vegetables now no fish rotten flesh dang it we need more loot that’s so dumb dude oh like why Why ah different types of bait you can surround it that’s better that’s so much better so you can do up to eight at a time I mean I’m cool with that that’s a lot easier still sucks but just not as Bad all right oops okay what did I do for Thanksgiving I went visited my family my uh my sister hosted Thanksgiving this year for the first time and uh it was a blast man we had a good time um she freaking killed it dude on the food cuz she cooked everything normally

We all kind of like bring some food uh and feed each other right everybody brings a dish and and that works out but she insisted she was like this year I’m cooking everything and we were like okay no complaints here you want to cook everything short easy on us get the

Bucket ready yeah okay that’s a good call that is a good call I’m just not convinced that we’re going to be able to catch it so that has rotten flesh on it right and then if I do that that applies luck right says luck too up behind my face

Cam no longer has any bait but if I do that still has no bait good for her man uh it’s good she’s bringing the the family together like that love it yeah dude absolutely I love it too man I feel like um I don’t know personally man I’m very fortunate not

Everybody’s got like close family that uh that is willing to spend a lot of time together like that and it is wonderful I think family is incredibly important man and I mean family is not always related to you by Blood either you know um sometimes family is like

Just the people that that do you right in life and uh yeah dude it I it sucks though in a way cuz like I feel like it shouldn’t take a holiday or a funeral or something like that to bring people together um but we all have lives everybody’s

Busy each day so um it’s nice we need holidays I wish we had more of them and the food was delicious you can’t complain about uh the freaking phenomenal food what is crawling around in the water over there oh it’s a it’s one of those guys the watch

Whale man I was kind of determined to catch a whale tonight but I’m not sure sure if it’s going to happen come on come on swordfish if I give you a diamond will you frig off please yeah I hate it when family or or people don’t get together from one day

And sit and eat and enjoy each other I know dude it’s tough it I mean not everybody gets along though unfortunately sometimes families just don’t get get along like that and if that’s the case then maybe it is a little bit better than they don’t you know spend time with one another some

People are better off separated it’s sad to say something like that but it’s really somewhat true in certain cases um but no you got to you got to get together with somebody you you got to like share your time and life with with somebody whether it’s like some freaking

Awesome people on stream or or your family at a dinner table oh jeez all right watch this don’t push me off this ledge bird I swear please don’t do this to me bird I I freaking swear please stop guys leave me alone while I’m fishing for the

Whale I’m just not having it don’t stop it we’re under a 100 we’re a third of the way there I’m trying to keep an eye on my health bar too just talking with you or anyone is just as good yeah dude that’s what I’m saying like um you might not have to sit

Down around the dinner table to to share the same sort of love and experience you have at like Thanksgiving with your family um even like a simple conversation with somebody at the grocery store can can kind of like give you the same sort of bill in life

Um where is it going dude I don’t understand where it’s going I I don’t understand where it’s literally just disappearing we’re not the the line’s not breaking it’s not getting too far away we’re not like running out of time or anything we have plenty of durability with have bait we

Have we’re not like switching off our fishing rod it’s just disappearing I don’t Understand um I’m trying to read a Reddit post on this whales real quick I’m not seeing anything K I know you said you looked it up earlier but uh fishing mod not working most rare fish completely most rare fish completely uncatchable if this is a bug with a

Particular mod reported on the mods issue page not here please provide the following before submitting what version of craft if it’s a crash BL blah take for instance the whale a common fish to see asked for in bounties and is even the ingredient in Beast treats it is completely and utterly uncatchable no

Matter what stage of the game you are at due to the fact that fish Escape quote unquote Escape it if you don’t reel them in with any certain time the minimum range of a whale can spawn at 120 M due to the max range of the fast reel being

75 you must use a heavy reel which is 50% slower uh to reel in uh 50% slower Reelin rate which is what we’re using if the fish isn’t moving I will reel in the whale at 4 m/ second generous estimate probably more like 0.25 or3 the whales Max Escape time is

3,200 ticks meaning I have 160 seconds to reel it in before it escapes at this rate if the whale never moves I am constantly reeling it in I can catch the whale in 300 seconds nearly doubling the time that it escap uh nearly doubling the time that it Escapes in even with

The most generous estimate of the real speed I have not tested on other rare fish but the whale specifically is easy to get a bite with uh wait whale specifically is easy to get a bite with easy bait so it’s easiest to test on there is an easy solution to this

However simply change the Min all fish time and Max Fish time in configs uh to minus one or whatever the number uh is the max so fish never escape and unless you let them Reach the max length of your lur the most complicated solution will be to add enchantments that increase The Reeling

Speed tension bar size that would allow this fish to be caught in more greed players okay configs it is did I miss it oops the heck was that freaking stupid News Channel get that crap out of here we ain’t got time for that we’re trying to catch some fish tracking time simple bait

Wait base fishing time to bobber how many ticks should the time to bobber take before applying modifiers tracking time time at takes to Pro for fish now what the heck dude aquaculture recipe no fishing regeneration time I’m not seeing the setting here that we’re looking for do

The easy solution to this however simply change all mini fish excuse me Min fish time and Max Fish time in configs Min fish time Max Fish time what am I messing here h fishing made better slash wait config SL fishing made better SL fish data SL agricult aquaculture fishing oops fishing made better

Slash fish data it’s not here aquaculture aquaculture recipe override replace remove override add aquaculture recipes to work better with this mod No let’s read them all it’s not that one we read that replace remove override add aquaculture recipes Noe when the distance left is 0o M you can catch the fish automatically Force the player to right click to reel in nope how often uh a Bait Box checks for Hungry

Fish how many ticks should the time to bobber take before applying modifiers how many ticks should the time to bobber take before applying modifiers what if we just like Max that out I don’t understand what this is though how many ticks should the time to bobber take before for applying

Modifiers I’m assuming if that is relevant to what is going on here with the fish like timing out and disappearing that the modifier would be the fish disappearing base chance for a fishing rod to get extra treasure attempt to patch a dupe bug caused by charm Savage

Skips the mini game when a fish bites the hook and just reels it in instead well we don’t necessarily want to do that enable the fish bucket after chunk is emptied how long reproduction time attempt to patch level up reloaded using the wrong event for fishing

Loot do fish drop on your player when you successfully reel them in in when populating trunks is increased decreased attempt to regenerate fish if a chunk is empty no tool tip to find all bait list of the conf works for tracking time it’s for the probe we can try this one

I got like one more attempt for the whale in me and then I’m done for the night for the night we we’re not going to just give up we’ll come back to it another time but it is it’s like 10 after 3 in the morning and uh if this whale gets away this

Time I don’t know we’ll consult the professionals Lucy definitely not Harry Harry will be like no no no we don’t talk about fishing around here buddy we don’t talk about it um but I think Lucy might have an idea we’ll see time to bobber did I just do what I think I did

Are we going to sit here for 99,999 ticks until the bobber gets I think what we did uh dang didn’t realize how late it was it’s getting late it is I think uh I think I increase the amount of time it takes for a fish to get to the

Bobber let’s I’ll tell you what I hate to do this but what if we skip the mini game you didn’t think you could do that wait I didn’t think that yeah uh apparently configs are capable of a lot of different things um like in configs you can go

Into enchantments and you can set like sharpness to be like 99,999 million or whatever okay it it definitely works to skip the mini game so maybe this will work for the for the whale I hate to do it like that it feels cheating but if there’s no physical way to catch the

Whale then I I don’t know what how else to do it um cuz the way it’s defined in that Reddit post is that a fish has a certain amount of time until until it runs away and because the whale is so slow to reel in uh and it takes such a long time

To reel it in entirely it it just runs away every time before you can actually reel it in and if there’s no config setting to increase the amount of time it takes for the fish to run away to like a million or whatever then we can’t like do I don’t

Know I don’t see any other way to to fix this one it feels like I’m cheating I like it configs feel like you’re cheating for sure like before you go all I want to say is Flat Earth look into it I’m not saying I believe it but if I find a video that

You that really explains it I promise it will be so hard to look at Earth the same again uh that is a conversation for another day brother uh but I am more than willing to have it I there’s a podcast that I really like that is called those conspiracy

Guys and they do a phenomenal podcast on Flat Earth um it’s interesting I’m not going to say that I agree to it at all either but there’s some interesting arguments involved um okay so like look oh that’s true wait hold on I’m just I’m not going to actually change

Anything yeah so here look for example Advanced power caps typically at level five but if you want to I don’t want to keep it like that that’s cheating like you can straight up just like put your power to like anything you you can change almost anything in the the configs

Um like where is it at where is it at where’s it at where’s it at like life steal life steal can cap way higher luck magnification can cap way higher like it’s kind of ridiculous configs I feel like are unnecessarily cheaty um and I didn’t know that until

After I had already messed with them Lucy told me one day he was like The Invasion enchantment for your legs will make you dodge right uh it physically makes you dodge away so like this enchantment uh evasion uh has a chance to essentially Dodge whenever you get

Attacked by something and in the configs you can disable the physicality of it so like um It’ll like literally Yeet your character in a a Direction and can potentially throw you off a Cliffs and stuff or if you’re in the end it can throw you like way off into the void um

So you can disable the the Yeet mechanic in the config and retain the aspect of dodging it even without moving um and evasion actually even specifies so like if you look at the description for evasion says grants the user a chance to evade attacks if the attack is evaded the user performs a

Jump like action can be disabled in the config so like that one specifically is basically telling you to ditch the the action of jumping through the configs um but you can do a lot more than that one broke our bobber come on Wales quit playing games with me it’s got inner berserk on

It too bad we have a a villager that sells it man it’s not going to be nearly as satisfying um catching a whale like this I’m I’m going to just not feel good about it we’ll get a whale and I’ll be like oh great yeah we got a whale I don’t know

Get that out of here we are baiting right yeah rotten flesh fatty hook I guess if if we’re going this far into it we could probably just decrease the amount of time it takes for a fish to get to the bobber is that too cheaty I feel like that’s too

Cheating is that now I feel even more gross about it that that was unnecessary I didn’t have to do it like that still feels like it’s taking a while though probably an idea if you ask Lucy about it yeah should probably ask Lucy like what if we just this I don’t

Know uh I feel gross I feel disgusting I don’t want to die all right hold on I I just for experimental purposes here we go does it seem to be any faster it sure is not 900 times faster it is faster this is experimental purposes that’s what this

Is okay yeah it for sure is fast but is it like cheating faster it’s not like we’re just like spamming the right click button trying to catch our or cast our rail out faster than we can catch fish it’s funny now that we’re look we’ll never get a whale

Now we’re we’ll be here all night trying to fish stuff up and never ever get a whale all right well um it doesn’t feel good it didn’t I’m glad we have a whale now but it doesn’t it did not feel good at all I I don’t

Feel accomplished I don’t feel like I I don’t know feels bad off topic but I’m downloading GTA 5 right now on my PC and it’s so fast uh I’m so used to consoles being really slow I’m already halfway yeah dude um P PCS are different they’re just

Better they’re just better uh I was a PlayStation gamer for a very long time and uh I only recently swapped to to PC and it has changed my life as far as gaming goes man that’s a clip for sure we can clip it can we clip it why is my clip not

Working hang on vertical backtrack Mouse button four why is that not working why is that not working uh uhoh well that’s something else to look into in the morning that’s weird I guess we’re not clipping that one it’s all right I’ll I’ll put it together somehow do we have another bucket

Somewhere cuz Okay so to to breed whales together in the same like little Pond you have to have uh more than one whale you got to have two whales and a Bait Bucket and then it’ll start breeding so do we sit here for another way is it’s obviously a lot easier than

I thought it was going to be so do we sit here for another whale oh I got one more thing to test I don’t know if this works or not I I just I’m curious do it another time okay negativ doesn’t seem to affect it all right let’s do it another time

Let’s wrap her up let me change the config back uh so I don’t forget about it cuz I will end up forgetting about it oops okay so well yeah that’s fishing you you you caught one you caught them all excuse me except the whale apparently but uh check this bad boy out

Man we got a little bit of art a little bit of art this is another one from Coffee Cat um dude Coffee Cat draws a lot of art um and I’d like some other people to draw art too cuz I kind of sort of feel bad

Only sharing a lot of coffee cats art but like it’s most of what I have right now um it’s very good man this I think is um Bryson somehow being like quite tiny and also quite tall at the same time um I don’t know how exactly that works

But uh it’s wonderful man uh I I believe Bryson’s nickname on the pickle ball court is the tree because he is like 6′ n um it’s crazy uh what else do we got we got one more and that’s him in his demon squawking call form uh yeah man thank

You guys so much for hanging out um it’s always a blast man even if we’re just sitting here chilling and fishing um I have a good time with it I hope you guys too if you’re new here uh Ash and I don’t know if you’re still here or not

But uh check out our Discord channel the link to that is in the description uh of the video and the channel too and it’s a good time in there if you have any art you can share it there if you just want to chill and have a good time and talk

With all these awesome people that we have joined in the chat do that too man uh and any type of like updates and things like that regarding the stream will be uh you know given through that Discord Channel as well uh if I’ve got any like big changes or updates I’ll

Definitely do like a post on the YouTube channel but uh like if I’m just like delayed for something or like if I have to change the like change like one thing if I’m going to be like an hour later or whatever I’ll uh I’ll hit you guys in

The Discord for that bad boy uh that’s about it man uh except for the fact that like happy freaking Thanksgiving everybody I know it’s not Thanksgiving anymore considering it’s so late but uh I I hope everybody had an absolutely fantastic day and uh I guess a good

Weekend too cuz I think most people are kind of big chilling for a couple of days so enjoy your time off man if you are if you are working please be safe have or you know have a good time to the to the best of your abilities and uh you

Know spread some love man be be kind of so hold the door for an old lady or something like that do do something nice for somebody uh make somebody smile or try to at least it’s the thought that counts right but yeah man anyway guys if you want to catch us uh

In the next one I believe tomorrow as well as every other day 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time so it’s a great place to catch us um and if you have any suggestions on streams things like that if you have any game suggestions mod suggestions on Minecraft hit me that too

I’m always interested I want to hear you guys’ feedback um and as well as tomorrow I believe it’s not going to be Minecraft uh I do love play Minecraft but I think tomorrow’s God of War so tune in for that or wait till the next day for some more Minecraft so yeah man

Ashen good night to you sir and good night to you as well kite and anybody else out there big chilling uh I hope you you have a good evening good night everybody

This video, titled ‘Minecraft – RL Craft Ep. 46 More Fishing’, was uploaded by ExoBeaver on 2023-11-24 09:17:39. It has garnered 200 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 09:28:45 or 34125 seconds.

Join us on our first adventure into RL Craft where we play on the hardest difficulty and attempt to complete just about everything. This will be a series played over a long period of time, yes we will die but that will not stop us from continuing our journey!

Join our Discord Channel for all the off-time shenanigans and great conversation with our community!

  • Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Discover the Excitement of Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “マインクラフトでマイクイズ!なにがかわったかわかる?” which showcases a fun spot-the-difference quiz in the world of Minecraft. The video challenges viewers to identify subtle changes in the environment, providing a brain-teasing experience that is both entertaining and engaging. While this video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it highlights the creativity and ingenuity that players bring to the game. At Minewind, players have the opportunity to immerse themselves in a unique and dynamic Minecraft experience unlike any… Read More

  • Tommy’s Minecraft Horror Mod Mishaps

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  • 365-Day Wood Challenge: Day 10

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  • Piggy Portal Prank in Minecraft

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  • Dockside Digs & Mineshaft Mischief | HC Survival S2 Ep4

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  • Minecraft HorrorPlay Season 3 – Episode 1

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  • Sigma Golem: The Hottest Block in Town

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  • Insane Minecraft Seed Finds

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  • Unbelievable editing skills by JB Films

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  • Testing YouTuber Minecraft Fake Videos

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  • I broke my computer playing Minecraft at 165 fps!!!

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  • Shadow Despot’s Twisted Revenge! 😱 #glavstroy #sigma

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  • Epic 30 Day Minecraft Mod Challenge! #shorts

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  • Unbelievable Country Guessing Challenge! Subscribe Now!

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  • 💥 Ultimate Terror Texture Pack Revealed by MRYTwasTaken!

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  • Missed the Bus in Minecraft 😱 #MinecraftCrafts

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  • Anarchy For Life

    Anarchy For LifeGo to and enter then join the server! IP: This is also lifesteal! You can join on any version! Read More

  • V For Vanilla | Vanilla SMP Semi-Anarchy 1.20.4 No Map Resets

    Server Information Server IP: Server Discord: Version: Java 1.20.4 V For Vanilla is a vanilla SMP started on the 4th of December, 2021. Our goal is to provide players with a true vanilla, unaltered gameplay experience. We have minimal admin intervention, giving players the freedom to play the game how they like, while keeping things fair for everyone by banning cheaters. To keep the vanilla experience authentic there are no game-changing plugins or commands. We have a small community with players from all over the world. If you are looking for a true vanilla experience, we welcome you… Read More

  • Cobble Valley

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  • Minecraft Memes – “Modern art vs Minecraft graphics”

    “Why did the creeper become an artist? Because he had a blast creating his masterpieces!” Read More

  • I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue

    I rescue my epic dog in Minecraft #minecraftdogrescue When you’re more concerned about saving your virtual dog in Minecraft than your real-life responsibilities. Priorities, am I right? #MinecraftProblems #DogLover #GamerLife Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for an Epic Adventure! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fantastic LEGO Minecraft stop motion video titled “Foxes and Zombies” created by Bozbet Productions. The story follows a man building a house for himself and his foxes, only to be interrupted by the sudden appearance of zombies. It’s a thrilling tale brought to life through the magic of LEGO animation. While watching this captivating video, we couldn’t help but think about the endless possibilities and adventures that await you on the Minewind Minecraft Server. Imagine building your own… Read More

  • EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3

    EPIC Showdown! Secret Roleplays in Fairy Tail Rebirth Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘Dramatic Showdown // Fairy Tail Rebirth Episode 3 (Minecraft Roleplay)’, was uploaded by Secret Roleplays on 2024-04-19 19:00:08. It has garnered 495 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 01:03:29 or 3809 seconds. Hey! Thanks for checking out this video! If you enjoyed it, please leave a like and or subscribe to keep up to date with future uploads! ^^ ——————————————————————————————————— = THUMBNAIL ARTIST = Secret: = EDITOR = Secret: = SKIN ARTIST = Secret: = CAST = (Kiruh) Secret: (Kai-o) See: (?) Sander: (Amaris) Ace:… Read More

  • Jiri Mokaro’s Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!

    Jiri Mokaro's Epic Axolotl Hunt in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘【 MINECRAFT 】adventure to find axolotl startoo !!!!’, was uploaded by Jiri Mokaro || ENVTUBER on 2024-03-25 03:48:33. It has garnered 278 views and 49 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:26 or 9506 seconds. I can I can SOCIALS ✿ twt : fan discord : RULES be kind and respectful to everyone no harmful words to anyone if anyone says anything bad report them or ignore it do not talk about other vtubers or guests from past streams respect the mods no backseating!! only make decisions when I ask chat about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won’t Believe #shorts)

    Insane Minecraft Bases Over The Years! 😱 (You Won't Believe #shorts)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bases At Different Ages😱 Wait For It. (World’s Smallest Violin) #shorts’, was uploaded by Fradinus on 2024-05-03 13:18:30. It has garnered 39757 views and 960 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. Like and Subscribe❤️ Fradinus creates ,Shorts and Long Form Videos related to Minecraft, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Challange, Minecraft Parkour, Minecraft Trends, Minecraft But, Minecraft Memes, Minecraft Skits, Minecraft Funny, Minecraft Build, Minecraft Tutorial, Minecraft Satisfying, Minecraft Bases at different ages, Normal vs Realistic Minecraft, IQ Tests and many other topics. Videos aimed to inform and entertain views about… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Hack – GO VIRAL NOW! 🔥🤯 #shizo #shortfeed

    Insane Minecraft Build Hack - GO VIRAL NOW! 🔥🤯 #shizo #shortfeedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft build hack pocket edition 🤩🤩 #minecraft #viral #shots #shortfeed’, was uploaded by Text Tile gaming #4786 on 2024-04-10 11:24:29. It has garnered 9637 views and 285 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • “EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars” #minecraft #skywars

    "EPIC FAIL! Trying to Kill 2 Players at Once in Skywars" #minecraft #skywarsVideo Information This video, titled ‘TENTEI MATAR 2 AO MESMO TEMPO, MAIS NÃO DEU CERTO ! #minecraft #mushmc #skywars #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Stompeyyy PvP on 2024-02-19 23:00:30. It has garnered 469 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. ✨Open the description ✨ 👇More information below! 🧭 Righetto Discord: 🏷️ Yuri Righetto: 🏷️ Danyloww: 🎮 Game: Minecraft 🎲 Version: 1.8.9 🍃 LIKE GOAL= [QUANTIDADE] ➡️ SERVER IP: 📩 Professional Contact: Discord: Stompeyyy_ __________Recorders/Editors__________ Recorder: Action Editors: VEGAS 18 Pro ____PC Settings____ Processor: AMD RYZEN 5 2400G Ram: 16 GB… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft TikTok Hacks! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft tik tok hacks #shorts’, was uploaded by DARK DEVIL YT 1M on 2024-05-08 06:13:52. It has garnered 12731 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:52 or 52 seconds. #minecraft #viral #trending minecraft tik tok hacks,minecraft tik tok,minecraft tik tok hacks photo,minecraft tik tok hacks download,minecraft hacks,minecraft tik toks,tik tok hacks,real minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition,minecraft tiktok hacks 2022,minecraft,minecraft viral hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.19,tik tok minecraft hacks,trying viral minecraft hacks,minecraft tiktok hacks pocket edition 1.18minecraft build hacks,minecraft hacks,minecraft,minecraft tik toks,build hacks minecraft,minecraft tiktok hacks,minecraft tiktok build hacks,minecraft… Read More

  • Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #roblox

    Alien encounter in Minecraft gone wrong?! 😱 #robloxVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pov: Minecraft 👽 / #roblox’, was uploaded by ClaraPlays on 2024-02-09 15:33:17. It has garnered 2438 views and 77 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Read More

  • CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge – I Cheat?!

    CREEPY POPPY PLAYTIME Building Challenge - I Cheat?!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Cheate mit //GRUSELIG in POPPY PLAYTIME Bau Challenge in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-03-24 18:00:30. It has garnered 6126 views and 267 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:45 or 1305 seconds. I cheat with //CREEPY in POPPY PLAYTIME construction challenge in Minecraft! with: @Alphastein ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is… Read More


    PIGGY vs CREEPER EXPLOSION SHOWDOWN!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CREEPER PRO WAS EXPLOSIVE MY HOUSE!!! | CREEPER PRO VS PIGGY NOOB’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-23 17:58:59. It has garnered 2 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:06 or 66 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song,… Read More

  • Ultra Hard Anarchy

    Ultra Hard AnarchyThe goal of this server is to go back to the roots of anarchy. Admins don’t interfere unless it directly impacts the server’s performance. We wanted to keep the experience as clean as possible. We’re still a small server, just getting started. Don’t forget to join the discord to chat with other players as well! Read More