INSANE!! Rocket League built in Minecraft!

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Yep you read the title right you read the title right we at crazy on Minecraft today okay yo love vs we’re gonna play Minecraft today I have this thing I want to make I think I want well we can actually like the hover Village and stuff but I want

To like literally build the rocket League field in Minecraft I think that sounds really cool and fun and if we all do it together we should do it in no time yeah I have a server set up already don’t worry don’t worry yeah we G get on

Hard yeah it’s GNA we’re going to go crazy guys we’re going to go crazy crazy right let me set up this let me post it on on Discord this time on like yesterday I was just really out of out of it yesterday anyways all right let’s see let’s see how we do this

Okay so we’re here and and let me let’s wait for people to get here the it’s only yava though I think most people are yaa so it’s okay and I I I know have to make it I’ll do that next stream and it’s I I know how to make it

So Bedrock players can also play you know this is the this is the server and it’s not up but it’s going to be up soon soon soon soon is 1.2.4 related version two let’s see I want to make it so I can actually do something else in a

Sec does it look good you’re good I was thinking we could do Minecraft music but we should actually just do normal music or like other music just [ __ ] Minecraft music bro bye music bye out of here and this the server it’s loading up second let’s see who else gets in here

If it’s only you and I loo it’s only going to be you and I then I’ll make a YouTube video out of it it’s going to get million views you and I are going to get the credit no one else my little sleeping it looks so cute dude I am in

1.2.4 what do you mean it’s fine I know it works I tested it earlier okay whatever second let me restart my game I know it works okay I know it works I know it works don’t worry about it don’t worry about it chill we got it Michael CRA don’t fail Me loading let’s see see all right let’s go where the [ __ ] is every I don’t know he sleeping bro I’m on time I’m on time they’ll get here Lo don’t worry or we’ll get new people here it is here Jo we’ll be too busy playing to busy building them Ender

Dragons bro let’s go come on ready can you join I’mma join what do you mean I’m not wir list that bro dude I just did this okay give me a second all right W list I actually oh yeah I did turn on W list my bad my

Bad okay I’m going to keep it on that way no one no one can grief us you know players white list all right and what what is your username Lev let me know what is your username username how many hours do you stream when streaming in

General um uh today I think I’m going to stream for like four hours probably so that that’s going to be it also say Hi man damn right with the questions how are we doing beri how are you doing glad to see you here we’re going to go we’re going to make a

Giant Minecraft Project it’s probably not going to going to be not that bit that much that’s a lot bro what’s a lot a lot a lot of streaming hours you think yeah well it’s Minecraft so I could play this for all day I also going to do homework though I started school

What is this spawn bro what is this what is this also look at my skin guys nugget made it for me he has a strw high in the back cuz I love one piece anyways let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see no trees just water I wish look I have my render

Distance super far yet I cannot actually see anything I don’t know why some weird ass errors where are your game I see trees now I see trees yes 1.2.4 L yes I’ve always wanted to stream Minecraft ever since I was a kid the a dream come true even though no one’s

Watching you are L your mom man you’re my wingman man never let me down we’re going to get all the credit bro we’re going to be famous I’ll sh the money with you I’ll Sho the bag not sure why it’s not working should be here let me

Check L 420 you don’t have a skin right make sure that’s your username you know that may not be your actual username oh thought I got that all right there’s a Max and brother SE server oh really oh I didn’t know that okay thank you for letting me know lo I didn’t

Know can you join join all right let me know here I’m watching this for here I don’t know let me restart the server sounds good I restart it I’m going to actually put it on screen too because that way you can see it uh give me a sec give me a sec here

Wait put this up then I need this starting up starting up should be up not sure why it wouldn’t be also this is the look I want to show you the the W listed players here this is your online see oh you joined sweet all right I’m here too also how do

I is it how do I do the render distance higher I’m not quite sure render distance should be here right or the server like does it like I can’t change it type thing that’s okay is not the biggest deal in the world just going to be a little eh whenever I’m making

Options I don’t see it man do you see it I don’t know I don’t know either man right here who knows we’re chilling is it free you can try that one too another time fine it’s fine it’s go so where you at LX I don’t see you

Man can you air Dr in Minecraft I’m not sure look at me dble just wasting my w oh my God I forgot to do a crafting table up for a sec that is not good I like to make an axe I don’t know a lot

Of people don’t but I like to make an axe and a pickaxe yo what’s up sence want to go play can you come play do you have Minecraft if you tell me yes I I’ll go do it right now the mod thing because I can do it so bedro can play

Look at that tracking man wouldn’t be a battle player for nothing look at that track look at me track need some wood wood out here let’s go oh all right do we kill this pig yes you’re dead all right you I had the you had to pay monly I

Could M I can’t use my allow for it anymore so I can’t play ah that sucks I wish it could man but I feel like Minecraft is a must have type of game you know you must have it but I mean that’s sad it’s okay you’ll watch I’m make it entertaining it’s fun

We’re going to try to make um rocket league in Minecraft I want to build an octane I don’t know what blocks yet I’m not even that good at building yet but yeah yeah right now you can install a free on PC apparently are you sure how that work let me like pirate

It a you don’t got PC fa any laptop would run this game man this game is a potato made P potatoes I like to keep I’m going to keep this Axe and I’m going to put in a framework because it’s going to be the first axe I made in this world it’s

Going to be legendary absolutely legendary oh they going do one more that’s it and now we’re going to this apple let’s see let’s get some Stone I don’t see Stone actually yeah I do it’s right in front of me I’m so silly let’s see not going to stop using this damn pickaxe

I’m so good at crafting you didn’t see that oh my god do you have stone yet little box nope no he don’t no he don’t oh yeah he does [ __ ] he did it before me how much Stone should I get I always get like I’m I’m just going to eat this

Whole thing just chilling when I’m speed running here yeah dude what do you mean you’re speed running what is that what do you mean you got iron where did you get iron from bro I’m in the surface chilling how is it night time almost that don’t seem right bro I got

Diamonds already let chill I got diamonds easy easy peasy easy work oh actually I cannot do that with my pickax I’m in a college soon meeting please help dude that’s crazy I went to the college and there was no one there and I was like what the [ __ ] yeah I I I don’t have meetings though I don’t know maybe I do I’m missing it right now but I don’t care I don’t think I do I don’t think I do I think I’m chilling I think I’m chilling power Winer I know man like

What the hell I got a power plant or something God damn yo Live come in here bro we’re doing Minecraft on rocket rocket league in Minecraft but first we got to get some materials so get yourself here actually should I save my first like Stone I’m a I’m a save bro I love

Saving my things soon bomb me that’s crazy I’m at my friend’s house just take his computer open his computer like hack it or like you know get get his power his password and then shoot up Minecraft and join the server that’s what you’re going to do okay there are no

Excuses or get it on your phone bro get it on your phone and join there you go steal it just take him kill him take his computer and then go home and play that sounds like the greatest plan ever I’m just going to take all the stone I

Can all right I need I need I need a pick cuz I’m not I’m never ever ever using a stone pickaxe ever again so I need you to get me three iron or I’m screwed okay sounds good I’m never ever using Stone again in my life for pickaxes I’m

Only ever going to make this one and this one so you better get me uh some iron actually right now yes some three iron and an iron pickaxe you hear me iron pickaxe right now right now I’m might eat this apple bro I love oh my God I love apples all

Right let’s One V one this creeper let’s One V one this creeper and I’m going to [ __ ] him up look look look I’m going to use this friend to kill the other [ __ ] two times one easy easy peasy just mine straight down but I can’t make another pickaxe because I already made

Two I cannot make him anymore I’m never using Stone again that’s for the four for the poor so you better give me three iron right Now three iron right now now hear me give me that three iron all right fine get it do not keep me waiting all right let’s let’s build our first octane okay one two all right all right this is the bar okay this is the bar

Here no no I don’t want to I don’t want to break it I don’t want to break it it’s my first a I ever made got to keep it put it on a wall such a good I’m here look at this oh my God 360 no

Scope Hey sir why do you have glasses on want an apple no all right [ __ ] B no my car my octane all right so not mess with my octane you hear me am I going to kill him all right it’s fine I use the tactic of that

Creeper get him out of my way and we’re going to keep building our octane guys we’re going to keep building our octane it’s okay all right so the oct kind of looks like this and then like this the O is kind of Blocky right so uh I think this

Works this works but I’m going to get a white octane so I’m going to throw some string on there there you go you like that octane you like AOW walks here here I’ll add some detail okay I’ll add some detail it’s it’s a oane it’s an bro why are you judging my

Art it’s a oane the notan man it’s a car room room you know what I’m saying oh my God it’s an oane man don’t judge him he can he has feelings okay where is the SE it’s inside man you can’t go inside okay all right I’m going to run

Trees cuz I hate nature actually anyway give me give me one right now give me three iron hell no I just need it for a pickaxe and I’ll give them back I’ll go mine three iron and I’ll give them back it’s like a bank I’ll give you four

Back it’s an investment oh so what am I supposed to do get another pickaxe no way no way I’m doing this the hard way I’m doing this hard way I’m getting no pickaxe bro I’m I’m a mine three iron with no pickaxe you hear me I’m determined I’m

Determined let’s do it then all right my wife is calling me so just give me a second boys give me a second yeah give me a second L walk yeah [Applause] I Ron yes anyways all right give me a second all right keep all right I’m done talking with the wife boys yo thank you L thank you thank you I got my pickaxe I got my pickaxe I got my pickaxe yeah yeah give me more give

Me more yeah that’s right that’s right I only need three I only need three I only need three and with three I’m not even going to use iron at all anymore only diamonds man only diamonds what’s up cheese we’re playing um Minecraft right now and it’s been going great I can

Commentate more and we build a OE upstairs bu on octane I will show you but we’re down here it’s the best octane ever it is an Octan man was not an yeah I was bro he was bro stop hating okay he was an he wasn’t o anyways how

Are you cheese man I hope you’re doing good this is my first ever ax I created in this world I just started like five minutes ago it’s my first ever wooden pick pickaxe and my first ever stone pickaxe we’re going to save them put him to the podium and that’s that’s what’s

Up I keep mining down I don’t really have food I got two food let let’s go give me the server details server details is Mo yeah put just put your um username on the chat okay you play Java right cheese hope you do if

You don’t I need to install a mod so you can play with us is uh that is it all let me play actually that’s the one okay woo oh shoot all right bet just uh I have a white list so we don’t get griefed

But um give me your usern so I can add you to the server kind of thing yeah you know how it works you know how it works torches don’t need to do stairs dude I’m just I’m just mining some coal man I’m just mining some Some Coal bro leave me

Alone let me be bro you’re hard hard to too try hard you’re try hard I’m just trying to got some fun look there’s some copper don’t mind that [ __ ] actually but you get the point dude bro coal is good man leave the leave the co coal call alone man is

Tr’s food all right that’s good look I got some iron can I not mind that damn what version 1.2.4 1.2.4 Minecraft mly eternal. me all right sounds good anyways let me add you trumps food so I got you here dude I look so weird in here oh

Dude do you do you drop me what do you do dude chill chill chill chill yo I’m fine I’m fine I’ll my myself I’m my myself anyways pointless Trumps what that yeah there we go there we go there we go did you drop dude you’re dead what is he how is he alive he’s dead right huh what what is he doing jeez anyways I’m going to make a crafting table again and then I’m going

To I’m going to go help him a little bit all right you okay you holding up you holding up I hope anyways I’m going to we haven’t moved from Spawn okay cha don’t move away from Spawn there’s some trees the side for some reason we spawned on like the most deserted island

That has ever been existed I’m a pro bro I’m a pro too bro but I’m just trying to enjoy myself you know I’m just trying to trying to enjoy the game you know just just chill like like we got a server you know the server goes a long way so we

Got to enjoy the beginning stages of this world of this Kingdom we going to enjoy it if we don’t enjoy it than you know it’s not going to be fun so we got to to chill I a trump you got to find my oxane oh oh I hope you find it it’s on

The surface it’s on the surface hope hopefully you find it let’s see we melted some iron what’s going on down here it’s kind of scary down there I’m going to make myself a shield forgot to make that actually something like that how do you make a shield I got to figure

It out I got to figure it out I want figure it out uh that’s not it I swear it’s one I swear it’s one bro is it like this okay it’s probably like this actually yes I figured it out I’m so smart all right my off hand where’s it mine

Diamond Jesus Christ we literally just m down I’m coming up bro I’m coming up I’m coming up I’m not doing this I’m not doing I’m coming with you Trump this guy is absolutely mentally insane I am not going down there I’m going back up no I’m doing stairs yeah that’s right I’m doing

Stairs I hope you die and like lose all your diamonds No Cap No Cap bro that’s right I know right me too I used to play on keyboard like a lot I used to not really use my controller a lot cuz I was just playing valerant and like Apex and

Then I started playing rocket league and fortnite and it’s like both games are just controller for me you know so it’s uh it’s kind kind weird yet to use key Mouse but it feels good I feel nice some more iron here what what do you mean bro what do

You guys hit on my octane man that is an octane the luer limbo dude that’s an octane man leave me alone that’s a freaking octane come up Lo jeez try hard man try hard it’s a scarum it’s a scarum oh no all right let’s go I’m mining up mining up almost

There got put torches so you guys can see coming up coming up I see your name tag trumps foot I see your name tag I’m coming I am the comer and the one who knocks all right come on I’m coming up coming up loox I’m just waiting for the

Message I’m just waiting for the loox has been assaulted by a creeper and died I’m just waiting for that message man just waiting for it he will die right there’s no way he survives right no way no way you’re Invincible bro you’re going to die like in the Pro in the in the

Next five minutes there you go probably not actually another Diamond by the way dude you’re it’s easy to find diamonds now you know is that mine and you got a shield come on you don’t have to prove a point it’s okay you’re fine we know you’re a pro come on let’s

See let’s go coming up coming up coming up coming up coming up coming up coming up coming up boom boom boom boom boom boom you’re chilling right that’s your comfort zone isn’t it that’s your comfort zone right I’ve ComEd from the Shadows you hear me I’ve ComEd from the Shadows you

Like my skin TR spit oh oh all right you like my octane you like my octane look look it even makes noises okay Scarab you like my Scarab here here and it’s like a convertible because if I do this look maybe go a Merc you like my

Merc wait wait wait I’m I’m going make it even better watch watch watch watch watch watch I’ll make it even better all right just just just stay still just your wait okay I’m going to give you some Dimension okay some death some thickness okay just watch just you

Watch is this an o in yo JD we’re playing Minecraft look JD do you like my octane bro this is a Merc actually now you like my Merc you like my Merc here I messed up here just wait just wait I’ll show you the whole thing

Right now you like my Merc you like my Merc look at it it’s so good look look look look look look look at this look at this look at this oh my God anyways look do you like my Merc bro look look look look look look look look look

Look look look look at this look at this look look look look look look look look this just for you okay the hell this is not that the [ __ ] where’s my Merc where’s my Merc I just uninstalled my Merk and I switched oh my God I see I hear I hear

Zombies I hear zombies okay wait wait anyways look mer Merc look Merc Merc Merc Merc you see that you see the resemblance now do you guys see the resemblance no dude it’s a Merc bro it’s a Merc bro come on bro get a sword nah hell no huh the

Potato car it’s the potato car oh my God talk about potatoes bro he hasn’t been here in a while remember he quit after I give him mod it’s crazy after I took mod from him he was being annoying let’s see yeah it’s okay it’s okay yeah the fake ones man fake ones

Here I’m g Get Some Coal I’m g Get Some Coal yeah D you gonna hop in here or what hop in here or what I can’t what what me I was supposed to have school and then it got cancelled because of a power outage so since IED to play

Some Minecraft and and like you know do the thing I’ve always wanted to do all my life make build Merks in Minecraft and I’m so good at it all right what it needs is some changing color right that’s what it needs okay so how do I do okay okay just watch guys just

Watch now it’s going to look like a Merc okay now it’s going to look like a Merc just wait what’s the world code I mean you can’t join though so when you stream I can’t join damn I’ll put in a little the world code

Is Moo oh look at that Merc bro it looks just like it Mo Le that anys let’s see look at this guys look at look look now it looks like a Merc now it’s starting to look like a Merc now it’s starting to look like a

Merc is it not is it not you can’t tell me it’s not bro can’t tell me it’s not it’s the head out of here bro get the hell out of here yeah that’s what you get I’m Invincible creepers are afraid of me oh sh okay well that wasn’t yours

Anyway oh look at this it’s a Wolfie God damn let me eat some food ice spawner parine dude if that worked that would be crazy beat the game you got to beat the game I’ll beat the game but first we got to build a better Merc what what you like the

Merc what’s wrong with it I got the dog nice what’s it look like bro it looks like a muddy hippo that’s a cool one yo Gillian what’s up we’re playing Minecraft do you have Minecraft potato yo the potato he dropped a potato let’s go let’s plant it right now

Boys let’s plant it right now the potato the potato of the light all right this is the ancient potato okay I need some dirt I need some dirt again all ODS this potato will arise and be the main source of food from the kingdom of the M leag

Okay going to make a bridge we’re making lore okay we’re making lore okay guys the kingdom of the mov all right the [ __ ] you want [ __ ] anyway [ __ ] out of my land get the [ __ ] out of my the kingdom of the m a rise from the potato all

Right I actually need some water so I can’t actually do this so oh gra that pretty good can I not plant it it do I need to what wait oh my God sorry I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot I forgot I forg I forg I forgot I’m

Sorry it’s not a shovel though you’re messing up you’re stupid too okay you’re stupid too it wasn’t a shovel it was a hoe that’s right that’s right nah nah n he a shovel bro he a shovel me either bro I was trying to planted on the dirt I was like what the

[ __ ] why is it not working all right now leave the dirt there and you Cann you’re you’re trapped you’re trapped bro it’s the Supreme the third Supreme it’s surrounded by the ocean it is not Mo bro and it’s some more water I need some more water bro okay oh my God no it’s

Crazy it’s like my ex-girlfriend guys just just dry against all ODS okay oh my god oh no bro it’s still it’s still [ __ ] dry bro that is insane just leave it there it dirt all right I need some food so let’s see I need a sword oh these are looking mad good bro

Look at that it’s so so sharp all right fishies call me aqua daddy now right now let’s see I can bre under water guys look get dead dead they call me the fish Overlord do [ __ ] is it moist yo it’s moist bro it got moist all

Right kill him where is the Trident Guy where you at where you where where’s he at where’s he at he wants a smoke who wants a smoke where’s the triing guy at huh where’s the triing guy where’s he at Lo where’s he at yo dance on him dance on

Him yeah I got rock left okay I don’t know I don’t even know how it goes oh [ __ ] I got I greedy on him guys why you got go every you everything is a dog fish is a water dog the water dog all right let’s see I’m going make some fish all right

I’mma make another I’mma make another car okay cuz cuz you guys don’t like that one I get it I get it it doesn’t look like a Merc sometimes from the right angle yeah it does but you know whatever whatever I’m going to make a finic fine I need a reference I need a

Reference okay here here here here video settings I need to make it so I can actually I don’t want it on full screen what is it it’s full screen where where do I change that I forgot I forgot video settings H full screen oh my God

All right now I need a fic reference okay all right all right all right we got this we got this fic okay all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right all right let’s see that is not uh that’s kind of

Working okay we need a fic reference right here that is not going to work a [ __ ] a [ __ ] that’s not going to work okay okay we got it there this is not working this is not working I’ll get it from my head it’s fine I get it from my head it’s fine

It’s fine it’s fine no worries no worries okay you guys ready for to fic all right we’re going to make him a little bigger so okay so we got is it only RL today does this look like rocket League to you I knew someone would think it was

Rocket League look at the fic is so believable right of course you would think it’s rocket League that’s right shut up I’m going make him in the air bro it’s going to be a flying a flying fic okay so look one going be a flying fic all right all right watch

Watch all right ready look at that look at that look at that I need actually I need to a here we go we got our main three tools and let’s go no stop bro bro dude let me build my fic bro let me build my

Fic God damn why you hating why is he hating guys no bro it’s not going to be a disaster look look look we’re going to make him big that’s good that’s a good hit box and the fing is like a little wider than the wheels so like right here

Right all right all right all right yes we’re going to put a cow on top all right let’s see let’s go let’s go let’s go look at that that’s already it’s already looking good it’s already looking good give me a sec look at that Jesus Christ look look bro it’s looking so

Good it’s looking so good all right is the only Minecraft today we’ll see probably I mean look look I got I got I mean I’m almost done look I could go be the Ender Dragon right now I know for a fact that the Ender Dragon is

Right under that Lake but it’s okay I just know because I’m that good at mro but you know we’re going to think it easy okay getting stuff for the colors all right here I got some colors play the front actually I can do the windows with this okay I’m going the windows with

This okay look look see see it’s like the out the the the outside of it okay all right all right all right all right it’s almost taking form it’s taking form it’s taking form looking good looking good all right all right now we’re going to fill in this box

Going fill in the spot I’m going fill in the spots look at that holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] all right we’re going to add it some details we’re going add some details we’re going to add some details all right all right all right all right all right all right all right add some

Details all right look at that dude dude dude look at that fic look at that fenic bro it’s good right it’s good it’s perfect it’s Perfection that’s the wheel that’s the wheel look at it bro that’s the cow topper on top it’s the crafting table you just use your

Imagination all you are the Boost the Boost the Boost the Boost all right I know what I’m going to do for the Boost actually look look look look look look look look just watch just watch a master use his uh artistic uh artistic skill you know what I’m

Saying honey blocks it’s going to be a green boobs going to be cash it’s going to be cash okay don’t don’t you worry don’t you worry don’t you worry I don’t have Hy blocks man what do you expect from me okay where are are you guys you guys got

Lost you guys don’t want to watch me make my my my my fenic all right let’s see look at that dude dude nasty that looks so good look at that look at that perfect all right we improving we’re improving n no no it’s it’s it’s perfect bro it’s perfect look the Boost comes

Out of here yeah here here there you go there you go it’s done it’s perfect kind of look like flying turtle anyways all right we keep going we keep going we keep going you like you like my Fini trumps you like my fic jeez come back come back Joe come back come back

Man come no dude I know you like it bro come on tell me tell me tell me your opinion man tell me your opinion tell me your opinion man it’s fine what’s wrong with it man I take some criticism it’s fine I’ll take some criticism I’m open

To dude it doesn’t look like AA bro I promise you not it doesn’t look like APPA bro guys chat this is a fic guys right this a fic right box it’s fic right what do you [Laughter] think where you turtle from it’s a fic man it’s the fic dude it’s a fing

Man where will you put it just send it to me send it to me JD on Discord okay I actually use that I I’ll make videos about this stream it’s been fun so far that looks like someone’s [ __ ] dude my shits don’t look like that bro this is pretty my shits look

Disgusting this isett ready anyways all right we’re going to build our um move so we should live in like a cow head yeah that sounds that sounds fair it’s a cow topper guys just use your imagination yeah Fair sure how do I do that all right let’s see what bro what

C yeah bro it’s like a brown cow like a brown cow okay anyways you guys just hating on me bro for no reason no reason all right thank you yeah I see it I see it thank you hi bug bug bgo we’re we’re playing rocket league in

In uh we’re playing rocket league in Minecraft tell me tell me bu burgo doesn’t this look like a fic doesn’t this look like a fenic tell me isn’t it a fic look at that now look at this now look at this now look at this look at that now look at

It and now look at this that’s a panic that’s a pic if I’ve seen one all right that’s a panic if I’ve seen one all right don’t you don’t you don’t you go against my my my this build took me a long time 24 hours to build 24 hours to build you

Cannot say it didn’t take enough time and this is a Merc okay this one is a Merc they’re saying it looks like a dying hippo but I think it looks like a Merc The Merc is this one all right I think it looks like a Merc I think it looks like a Merc

Anyway all right all right all right let’s build our house boys let’s build our house also welcome in hi SE MC what’s up um we’re going to make the algorithm think this is rocket league but how are we going to do that how we going to do that by building the most

Impressive amazing looking rocket cars in Minecraft of the world all right sounds good okay so I was thinking I was thinking we can make a cow head but how do cows look that’s it that that’s the that’s that’s the point right that that’s the thing all right let’s see

Let’s see let’s see so we need pink [ __ ] we we need like brown [ __ ] or something oh why is he shooting at me bro why is he shooting at me come here come here Co huh huh what you want where you you you want with me huh huh

Huh huh I I want some dirt some block that’s some rotten M you’re looking a little a little like like you’re missing some meat you want some meat you want my meat you don’t get my [ __ ] you going to give me your meat when a see a doggy coming all right

Where’s my you mean my my little cow my little my little cow my canival cow there’s my dog now all right all right doggy come here come here you’re so cute you’re so cute come here come here why you hitting me bro oh you you want some food right yo

Yo bro I don’t want your [ __ ] girl friend get the get [ __ ] girlfriend out of here bro she’s [ __ ] dead now all right all right all right dog calm down it’s okay you will you’ve only been dating here for two weeks it’s fine it’s fine now come

Here come here all right we’re going to kill the creepers together okay all right come here no my dog my dog oh my God trumps was hit hit by a moving pic on the Move League Road and died my mom is playing with the cat so cute it’s a dog with their

Legs yeah Panic all right let’s see let’s see let’s see boys all right let’s see let’s see look at this I need some meat I need I need it to be daytime dude it is a panic bro all right I need a house I need a house I

Need a house so but but I want to make like a like a cow head actually I kind of want to live in a boat so I’m going to make a boat uh uh okay all right that’s the base that’s the base okay don’t worry guys it’s going to turn out

Good that’s the base that’s just the base okay and now we’re going to build uh this thing right and all right you guys like that all right now we’re going to build this steering wheel wait actually let me let me let me do the outside too

Okay all right all right and now we’re going to build some walls from from a boat all right all right need some more wood and this is it look at this boat it’s so good right now we’re and we’re going to live here right for the rest of

The of the the full the whole thing this is going to be my build this is my house now this is my house now this is my house now look at it it’s like a little boat so cute so now put the crafting table and a furnace that’s not how you

Make a furnace [ __ ] anyways and a furnace I’m going to make two furnaces there’s the kitchen right here okay got to go I’ll see you bug bgo thank you for joining my stream hope you enjoyed it hope you laughed a little bit by thank

You for a green that was a fic bro thank you for a green it was a fic bug bgo knew it was a fic okay so this is my house now Lo okay now I got to get make I got to make the Mastiff the you know there you go

This the front see it you see it you see yeah right here there’s no good there no good right here right there see that see that look at that you can kind of see it I know you can I know you can no get away from a build build build

Yourself a boat over there bro are you really going to grief are you really going to Griff bro that’s not cool man that’s not cool we all spread love here we all spread love bro you got some me you want you want some food you don’t want some you don’t want some

Food no what the [ __ ] are you all here alive anyways all right let’s build the chest build the chest and we can actually just keep our Stone here we got a lot of stone stone chest and our tools or prehistoric tools all right now we’re

Going to go gather some food and then oh yeah and then once that happens oh look I got another block okay so I can I can Decor this um yo shut up yo um now now that I have some BL some more blocks I’m going to make some I’m going to change the

Floor do oh sry Milo’s hungry I I’ll put him on stream I’ll put him on stream too all right it’s like a little carpet right nice all right this is actually going to be my house the whole time and I’ll make the boat bigger too I got make the boat

Bigger I’m allowed to or can make more boats okay sounds good yes all right let’s go gather some food and see what we got let’s go all right that a b wait can I keep him I’m keeping you I’m keeping him I need some food first oh I’m going to die I’m

Back get D’s back I’m just killing some dogs it’s okay dogs are falling dude I R beating instead of eating that was a little scary that was that was scary all right let’s keep keep let me keep keeping keeping some dogs oh he dropped bone meal now crazy

All right at 12 I’ll set up the camera and we’ll feed Milo you guys can be him too what’s plot claim oh so they can’t people can’t destroy our things hey yo do you play 1.8 PVP I used to pretty good at it but uh right now we’re doing survival 1. 120.4 actually

I’m lost too I’m lost I’m lost I’m lost help help help what’s wrong with my cars man I’m not building cars right now so mean so mean so welcome in though turn cords ons cords on oh yeah I got to I got to find the the quarts of my house I’m not sure

Where it is oh okay okay okay 70 7010 I was definitely going the right way actually no I wasn’t damn it I was not going oh yeah yeah right I would have found it cu the be is right there right yeah this way is this

Way all right let’s go let’s go I make some more dogs in a little bit once I got this I’m going to go mine I’m going to get full iron and we’re going to keep building boats all right keep building boats keep them building keep it

Coming I don’t know I like boats man I like boats I like one piece I got a one pie shirt I’m going to find the one pie in my boat all right isn’t he cute isn’t it cute is it my my boat Cute Mama all right anyways let’s see my mom’s trying to

Feed the cat before his feeding time and it’s not allowed anyway I got 6 minutes before I feed the cat therefore I got to speed run this a little bit actually I got I got this i got this i got this I need one right now actually you got basically like screw be

In the game I’mma play realc Yes Man want to see me air dble want to see me air dble look look look imagine this is the ball right here look look look are you ready three two one you saw I scored and the menion net I’mma

Build a net now that way I can shoot things look look I I should need some more materials so I can build with look look look aable easy double tap dou tap F reset F reset reset reset pleas reset look look look look there’s a ball there’s the

Ball right here there’s the ball right here there’s the ball imagine imagine there’s the ball all right and I’m coming from above I’m coming from the Shadows F reset boom in the net I’m too good hey Mercy welcome in want to join want to join the RC the mo League the mo

League in Minecraft y Mercy you want to see my fenic you want to want to see my fenic hey guys give me the IP I got to I got to go I got to go um feed the feed Milo okay got to go Fe my so we’re going to

Chill right at the top of my boat all right this is this the IP but it’s WID listed so you got to send me your your address dude I don’t know why nobody likes my fic bro it’s so good all right give me a sec mil yeah I’m taking you

Leav I’m thinking with me yoink yoink uh where do I put you here all right give me a second sorry I I almost kill you all right this is Milo wait give me a sec this is Milo say hi Milo you got a thousand people watching you right now I

Know nervous right you just hungry but this is Milo you can barely see him let me turn on the flash Milo come here bro all right this is Milo that doesn’t look too bad that’s a good setup here’s the kitty cat oh he’s meow he’s hungry I’m going

Get him some food and we’re going to feed him too that’s good and I think that’s good all right give me a second all right come here all right this is Milo come here Milo oh wait oh my God I got [ __ ] food in my fingers this is Milo give me a second

I’m going wash my hands Anyways what’s up what’s up guys what’s up look come here so they can see you right here you’re so black they can’t see you that’s too much there we go that’s perfect you get dripped out for real oh you think so but you got the Milo

Cam you got the Milo Cam and while we’re gonna what’s up verion a second L left the game what the hell the cat C don’t like your fic dude stop [ __ ] on my fic Mercy it is not cracked because if I crack it then like people can like get in my account and

Stuff like we can all just play in each other’s accounts and that’s just not that that wouldn’t go well with like you know a server a public server like this you know so the white listing wouldn’t even make sense because people can just put any name they

Want anyways let’s see let’s see how we do this all right we’re in a situation right here this uh Enderman likes my he likes my he actually really likes my my boat which is nice but yeah let’s see let’s see all right now we’re going to go mining all

Right we’re going to go mining because we need some iron don’t we don’t we don’t we need some iron dude all right I got my Fortress you got say it wasn’t it didn’t work but look look the skeletons can’t even hit me can’t even hit me

Can’t even hit me look at that actually yeah again [ __ ] all right anyways he almost didn’t hit me I’ll relaunch him see SS good yeah we take my Powers away yeah but like not right now all right [ __ ] all right going to fight him a [ __ ]

Oh yeah oh yeah I’m the one who knocks I knocked on in bro I’m knocked on him 200 pump box triple F reset double tap that’s right demo air air drible bump oh my God I ate the [ __ ] Ice Spider bro mean to cross my air psycho

All right want to see me want to see me um you guys want to see me um air dribble watch watch watch you like that air 200 pump it’s not a waste I’m I’m recollecting it all right Milo moved Milo done eating I’ll give you guys cat cam again so

Right there I don’t want to use the flash because he likes to he likes to go on top of my PC but yeah you can see my setup give me a sec trying to trying to make sure that the cat cam is good all right there we go cat cam successful

But yeah I’m right here oh oh let me pet you let me pet you come here I put this on top of this because he likes to turn off my pc if the stream ends you know why can you play come come together by oi is music there is no

Words yeah but it can still be copyrighted I wish I could I’m not I’m not sure I’ll look up if I can play it okay but not right now yeah yeah copyright is not only words it’s um like like um Rhythm and stuff too complicated you play shitty music

Although this this this music ain’t too bad give a sec got my cord from my controller here all right right can’t join try try now want to restart the server I can restart the server that’s not it I’ll are we starting then Mal jigal what oh that’s his

Name he’s going to be fat guys I’mma feed him so much he’s going to be a 30 lb cat he’s going to eat dogs I’m gonna I’m GNA feed him dogs for breakfast he didn’t get mod he only got mod because of um because he wanted to send me a clip that’s it

You know I’ll take it away it’s fine all anyways it should be up can you join now loox you join now what music do you listen to I really like like 2000’s like music or like 80s no it’s 80s 80s like I don’t know like Michael Jackson and [ __ ] you know

Or like old rock it’s cool I like that kind of music but I also like my Spanish like pop or something yeah should I kill the Enderman again here I got I got to do something I’ve been on this boat for too long I’m going

To go mine right now I’m do my staircas right here I love Queen all right base base fair fair you got to make a short out okay I will I will G send it oh well you can’t send it now here let me look at it let me look for

It it’s pretty far up it’s uh here I could play on stream but there I just sent it here let me play on stream fine all right let’s see ready not going to talk you like you like my fic trumps you like my [Laughter] fic trums cheese come

Back you like you like my fic trumps wait I’m sorry I was talking and I was muted bro Jesus Christ I was commentating and I was muted I’m so dumb Jesus I was like oh you guys don’t like the cat cam it’s because it’s black and you guys weren’t saying nothing and

I was like [ __ ] maybe I [ __ ] [Laughter] up all right let’s let’s uh let’s keep mining I love Milo bro he’s such a goofball I love him and he’s a chill too he’s still under there he likes it talk about my PC because um it’s just warm there you know it’s

Nice chilly it’s going to [ __ ] kill my PC one day actually also I need I need to find some iron my P is going to break I got a lot of stone I’ve been mining a lot of stone come on gravel right here look at that trick OG tricks never

Fail my Pico is going to break wait did I say Pico did I not say pickaxe did I not say pickaxe are you serious no it broke fine it’s fine my Pico is going to break that’s funny I’m in Spanish for sake all right let’s keep going let’s

Keep it up let’s keep it up first Iron I get first Iron I get next pick I get I don’t know what I’m saying I don’t know what I’m saying come on come on come on give me iron give me iron give me a warden I am ready for battle let’s

See what’s better Peach Sona or mango mango bro I still can’t join dude lo you gotta you gotta communicate with me a little more come on let’s try again let’s try again let’s try again I don’t know why you can’t join I’m rest starting and have Lo be the first one to

Join because otherwise this game is just it’s not good enough his game he act like the pro but he can’t even join the server like come on that’s a kill issue right there I wouldn’t get one shot I would like I would like wble combo him like

Straight up just just left left right uppercut and then bow boom dead easy you’re Bedrock theox he’s not Bedrock he was just playing with us Chez no he he was just playing dude chill damn you’re eating me up look anyways Mercy was Mercy are you Mercy still here are you still here cuz

I can I can very funny anyways Mercy Mercy wanted to join and I didn’t paint him mine and I just remembered but it’s fine I can B ban IPS bro that’s crazy okay come on oh wait this didn’t start I got to watch this okay whatever got to watch the ad right

Minimize does it still go no it doesn’t damn don’t to really watch it all right guys sign up for Google analytics hell no all right it’s opening up is the server on 24/7 I I got to open it but yeah I mean I can also give loo

Access so that multiple people can uh start it you know you got to start it up but I can give you all per like um oh my God this light I can give you all uh permission to open the server I have to go you no way I have de class dude

This is sad we got to a moment of silence for for JD all right J why am I watching here all right I gotta be here got double camera there should use mine Hut join level 247 don’t I have to pay this I don’t pay

For this one it’s free I could pay for a server but but yeah I’ll see you J have a good one all right come on uh loox I need to join like right now oh it’s not starting okay starting up it is lagging I’m not sure why

Shouldn’t be a lot of people playing right now I feel like because you know what is this oh that’s when the server will stop being open nah it’s free but there’s the daily play limit now so it’s kind of she ah see I told you this doesn’t have a play

Limit doesn’t have a play limit so it’s h better kind of I don’t know I’m there forever too so got my other servers here he ever going to load loo join it join it loo I’m losing my mind join join you’re in all right I’m in too f finally bro

Finally we can finally just play again all right let’s see I don’t have enough for a pickaxe which sucks I should have I should have made another iron pickaxe I should have made another iron pickaxe what am I doing let’s go move moving we’re moving it that’s not true that’s not true

TRS I know you all you have to do is make an account in a turnos and I can give you access really easily gives me your username yep it’s really it’s really handy oh I got I got for a pickaxe I got Pi a pickaxe boys look at this look at

This look at this boom no no no look look I can do it on the server right here I go access and I and then let’s say I had low walk right I low walk but he is to make an account in this website 420 and

Then I add him he obviously he doesn’t exist cuz he doesn’t have an account but if he did then he can also start up the server that’s how it works okay and making an account is free so yeah uh let’s see I left my co upstairs on my boat oh

All right let me let me put on the the capture capsule again so that it doesn’t um do that so if I want to alt tap I can alt tap and it stays in the game you guys don’t see what I’m doing all right all right all right all right go we’re back

We got my iron yes okay make my arm pickaxe just keep going cuz that keeps making let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go M shaft nice good job I’m making my way down right now making my way down I’m already uh deep sleep I think it’s called pretty sure it’s

Called Apple watch ringing oh it’s just a group whatever oh yeah I got an Apple Watch for Christmas it was like I was so happy I never really get anything for Christmas but it’s cool mining I am a miner I Love mining I am a miner I am a

Miner I Love mining I Love mining I Love mining my left click dumb sucks my left click on my mouse is breaking up because I love mining all right come on hurry up hurry up come on pickaxe come on pickax find me a cave find me a cave right now all

Right we’re got we’re going to cheat right here these are cheats obviously is F3 this F3 don’t don’t report me don’t report me get bam let’s see at that flick into the torch so flicky the flicky that’s right let’s see if I look at the entities I can actually so there’s

Five if I look down right here there’s four entities so I can probably there’s no so if I go forward right here oh up oh right here there’s six entities right here so if I keep going forward actually if I’m looking up if I go here I should eventually run into a mob

I think I think that’s how this works all right it’s right like down here oh mine sounds mine sounds are scary let’s go let’s go we keep going we wa what the hell H stuff I need a m mine give me a mine all I give up I just took

Screenshots by accident whatever yo Mercy are you going to join what’s up it’s a crack on oh yeah that’s right no it’s not on because if I put it on the people could yeah I know if I put it on like people can just like kick me out

And like someone can ruin the stream very very easily if I put crack on you know all it takes one person join up the stream ask for the IP and then ruin the server cuz they can literally put my name kick me out and then not let me join it’s like

Ridiculous or just join we hacked and kill us all in like two seconds you know what I’m saying let’s see I hear water I hit water water in my ear let’s see it oh here it is I found water and where water there is there is a

Cave where water there is there must be a cave oh yeah all right I need some iron quick quick quick quick I need some iron as a a a p yeah you’re going to have to get you’re going to have to get Minecraft you should get it though I

Feel like cracked Minecraft is sketchy and has viruses you know I don’t recommend playing cracked I used to when I was a kid this is not work worth it it’s is not worth it you know and if you’re grown then like just buy it not that expensive either let’s

See you’ll run a lot more risk like playing crack I think like I’m not against it if you really can’t afford it but you can just ruin your PC and then you won’t even have a PC to play anything yeah like it it’s just like it’s just really not great oh

Diamond dude how did I not see this it’s not about you doing that Mercy it’s about someone else doing it that joins the server yo diamonds look at this look at this look at look at this achievement oh diamonds all right sorry sorry guys get excited there’s diamonds on my

Screen I am a miner I am a miner I am a miner I’m a miner I’m a Miner no I’m not turning on cracked Mercy I’m not backing out on that we’ll just ruin the server sorry sorry sorry sorry I’m a miner I’m a miner no Miner Miner e Miner Min okay I am rich look at me look at me look at me all right let’s see oh oh

Oh oh my God oh my God Vietnam Vietnam okay okay remember you’re training remember you’re training that’s right let’s see I need some coal I don’t see coal I want a water bucket I’m going to make a water bucket with that anyways I don’t see anything think mine sucks but I found

Diamonds that’s down L I guess come on we’re going to make a bucket oh yeah I’m the best bucket bucket water challenge you’ve ever seen look I got them too yeah what I have a shield up bro that’s cheating come on come on come on I know you guys can’t see I’m

Sorry I just need oh my M shaft melons all right bread bet I need some coal I need to find some coal call call call oh look at this yeah it’s fine yeah yeah not day then the skeleton got destroyed absolutely destroyed one more combo 200 200 200 200 box

Clipped all of the above absolutely triple reset faked into the on goal yep there’s a lot of things here all right I got to remember my way back we’re doing the Ice Bucket Challenge no not right now can do it in the future dude zombie all right I’m safe

Hopefully what is that oh I found a spawner miners I found the miners wo find miners oh I got this all right all right and more meat all right want the meat it’s a zombie spawner or no it’s a skeleton spawner all right cool actually let me take a screenshot of this all

Right and let me post it on the server all right can I do that I don’t know so we know when to join you go when you go online say in the Discord so we know when to join yeah we we’ll probably just play on stream but I can also put

It on so I can I can give you perm so you can always play Yo welcome back it’s been so long man it’s been been so long too long way too long all right let’s see got zombie creeping up creeping up zombie creeping up one more combo pleas

Reset pleas reset oh oh in theet That’s Right double reset okay I have to make a furnace think I left one outside or something what is this song bro it’s like drugs this m to go crazy I need some coal need some coal I’m having lunch right now I’m in

Dinner miners okay Bet sounds good Anya while watching your favorite streamer of course of course can’t go wrong with that huh can’t go Rong with me let’s see let’s see let’s see let’s see all right for real for real yo you should have seen the F got you would love me even

More yo mil is coming out of his hiding place I’m not going to die let me take this off oh [ __ ] dude leave my fic alone man leave my fic alone it was worse in the trash don’t call my fic trash okay don’t call my fic

Trash he was pretty okay you want to here oh oh my god oh oh my God my almost got me killed what you get how do I dance I got right foot left up I don’t know I don’t know how it goes let see oh I’m stacked now oh yeah look at that

Look at that my look at that snore look at that giant chest of mine holy [ __ ] oh all right Milo is an imposter bro I swear why am i b like this bro AR PL like the armor is crazy I want some pants I’m kind of cold

But I can’t make pants oh well what do I do have food yes you know what is there dirt here no there’s the dirt I want to I want to make a I want to make a plantation here I’m going make this dirt and then I can plant some melons here there you

Go I got two of those all right let’s see I need to what bro that look like a cinematic look at that Dude dude they’re just I feel like I’m like on RPG what the hell what oh they following me oh they are cool those zombies are actual NPCs bro they’re Milo stop oh oh easy all right look at this water bucket challenge if I miss I’m dead if I miss I’m

Dead oh mil stop messing with my pant he’s trying to eat my mouse stop it no Milo no stop the toy oh my God yes I’ll play with you fine here here Milo come come on screen jump up Milo how do you do that stop stop it Milo stop it here come

Here come here Milo come here jump up jump up Milo come here come here are you ready come here he’s going to poke my eye out I swear are you like Minecraft I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding I still have him I didn’t throw him I’mma put him down all

Right all right he wants to play but you know what I’m streaming so [ __ ] you Milo you going have to wait a little bit little Sigma that’s crazy all right I need some bread I should come actually come out to the surface I don’t think I know the

Way all right I can join now really live sweet join up I’m going get some more iron here and then I go right back up right back up to everyone joining right now man you guys got to see my f I’m going dude Milo is messing with my PC

Bro stop it come here stop it stop it dude he turned off my monitor how did he do that I don’t know how did he do that I don’t know all right all right I’m back all right what I can join now Ed I can join you can join

Sweet oh give me a sec I’m going go back up I’ll give you the IP in a little bit all version is 1.2.4 it’s the latest update all right I’m risking it for for the because I need to I don’t have the Torches to do the trick

So God I knew I wasn’t going to die I wasn’t dying today I didn’t feel like I was going to die today all right let’s see get some more iron nice we got a lot of iron actually now waiting for the I okay leag Doos do me you oh gilan Dr don’t with

The homework good [ __ ] good shoot it took so long dude you got it man good job live give me your username in Minecraft so I can add you to the so I can add you to the white list I got to cuz not everyone can join only people I I put their name

On okay oh I can actually make a pickaxe right now and get this gold oh lapis why am I why are my reactions so like delayed I don’t know why I’m like I’m like halfway mining through it and then I’m like oh lapis like wow Jesus okay I’m going to get this iron

I’m going to go back up and I’m going to be build some more cars okay that’s that’s plan that’s the plan how are you guys doing how are you love doing how are how are you doing how are you doing cheese too going build a helmet no pants I’m always

Paintless Li is just Li you actually got that name yeah that’s insane all right added you’ve been added wait I got a flex oh my God God hey Milo come here little buddy come here little buddy before you turn off my computer come here all right wait wait zombies are coming oh my

God I got to be careful here I got to be careful I got to be careful all right I got to be careful I don’t have food I don’t have food I don’t have food my sword My Sword I got to be careful I got to be

Careful cannot die here canot die oh oh that was close that was close all right all right I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive I’m actually going to just eat this thing I CH up chill up CH up WC welc all right let me let me actually make a little house

Here Milo is getting on my nerves right now it’s a little bored which I don’t blame him but I’ve been playing with him all morning I promise I don’t get know him I promise you bro come here L come here Milo come here get you get you all right

Milo you want you want attention here you go you got the attention of 10 people right now oh oh I love you all right baby come on sleep down sleep sleep sleep my laptop could only get oh you guys talking about FPS he’s biting me but then he’s licking my fingers he’s so

Cute ow you want to BN Simba this is you’re in you’re done fly my child fly I love him so much all right let’s see you see the base wow you see the octane and the finic wait you you see you saw my octane how what do you think of

It the oct look SI I know right dude it’s so good looking bro I don’t know why they don’t like it man I don’t know why I don’t like it all right let oh I’m back here here the solution shut up you build the fic bro well we’re going to make a fite

Competition all right let’s see will the best one all right I think be the best fic come back to base when I’m coming up let’s go let’s go coming up coming up wait until you see my skin dude you don’t have a skin wait is that a hog rider skin wait

Is that a h Riders no way no way there’s no way let’s see oh my what is this place dude this looks super cool to make a base down here o all right you know what I’m marking my territory here I’m making a boat mini boat a

Sec mini boat here to mark my territory make him a little longer there you go need boat I need some food bro I got to go up I only go up never down ain’t that right guys all right where the oan at oh there’s a cow here I love you I love

Cows but also I need food so oh it’s a dog now it’s a dog it’s a dog dead dead dead it’s for survival it’s for survival it’s okay it’s okay I’ll commemorate no no I don’t want to kill cops either but like it’s like it’s like cannibalism

You know like I had to I had to I was going to die mil is making me nervous oh my God no is it turning into into all right bet come get me come get me what’s up you know what you know what I’mma I’mma make war I’m G to make this

War I going make this war FPS 742 I’m killing all the cows killing all all the cows in the world they call me the they call me yamu because I’m the moon Slayer that’s right I’m the Moose Slayer what is it I could make mine more but I could make mine more

But yeah what is it 30 I’m playing with Milo too oh [ __ ] nice because I don’t I don’t play with [ __ ] you know what I’m saying that’s why I leave the [ __ ] Alone who’s this person oh nice little house cheese I like your house loow Lo L let’s let’s let’s do peace okay I’ll breede as just twice as many C as I killed okay I’ll breathe twice as many c as I killed Milo stop messing with my camera Jesus

Hi Milo my camera oh my God I caught him in there Jesus Christ oh my God oh my God a second I’ll get off your property God damn Milo Jesus Christ you guys saw that tell me you guys saw that dude I’m just playing with him oh my God

I’ll get off your property I’ll get off your property I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry all right bye bye bye my bad my here here sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry damn damn bro chill all right all right all right all right good day sir you almost SP me to

Death bro it’s not not a good day all right let me see how many FPS I can get getting 800 this as much as I can get honestly see I like I like my good graphics oh my God oh my God Jesus Christ look at this

Guys look at him play look at him play wait give me a second got to lock in got gotta play with mil a little bit got play Milo all right uh here can you even see him I don’t think so now you can come on Milo come on Milo come on

Milo get the get get get that get it get it get it yeah yeah yeah I’mma whip you I’mma whip you all right I’m too fast you can’t get it can’t get it can’t get it oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh dude you’re you’re you’re a noob Milo

You cannot get this thing and now comes the final boss now comes the final ball now comes the final ball got him dead I knock knocked some sense into him there you go there you go I knocked some S I just hit the pan I just hit the

Pan yo yo come on come on you got it you got it come on come on jump jump bro jump jump you can’t jump oh you can’t jump oh you can’t jump oh you can’t jump come on come on get it come oh oh my God oh my God give me that

Give me that thing give me that give me that thing I caught him again caught him again come anyway all right back to Minecraft yeah bro I love One V oneing my cat I love One V oneing my cat it’s a battle to the death every

Time why look at Discord what’s up in Discord oh my God everyone’s leaving bro you guys don’t like Milo bro look how cute is look how cute he is look how cute he is bro cute cute little mball you v a second add me to the white list y don’t you play

Xbox don’t you play Xbox though give me a sec I know I know give me a sec give me a sec oh my God what is that bro what is that live I don’t know oh my God so many diamonds levels I just saw we’ll use a

Tablet oh my God he’s going crazy all right I’m done with Milo for a sec I’mma call him down he really wants me right now he’s hunting me down but I’mma hunt him back all right couldn’t catch him couldn’t catch him couldn’t catch him all right let’s go next all right let’s keep

Going bring that the camera is that good kind of kind of Good all right let’s go I need food I food I need food I need food oh damn I’ll tell you how Minecraft K how dare you know how Minecraft also um Jee do you know where the spawn is or like do you know where it is it was like 70 190

Right so I’m pretty far proba like this way though super set is that diamond ones I do I do I do I want leggings I want leggings need where respawned actually here I need a boat there go I done like 20 crafting tables man at this

Point I have it on tablet you want to play on the tablet we can play but I need oh my God it’s it’s it’s a potato potato dude potato’s moist what is it bro what I planted it it’s staying there no one ever touch it no one’s allowed to touch

It potato is potato all right light oh my [Laughter] God oh God I love that thing anyway what’s up you’re like my f think I hadn’t seen it in a while this is insane oh my God all right I got my house over here look look at it life it’s a

Boat it’s the boat on the ocean of cobblestone that’s right very poetic very very very poetic all right let’s see I to make it so they can actually jump out here probably do a carpet right that used to work I don’t know or I can just do

This there you go no zombies cannot climb on my thing only I can my new home your dirt house that’s crazy all right let’s let’s put our Stone here or not tough tough is crazy and this down Stone and my diamonds actually no I’m going to keep my diamonds on me I don’t

Trust yall and I need a boat I need to make another boat okay I’m going make another boat for I’m going to make another boat for this one so I’m going to have an army of boats have an army of boats I’m make get a better one better one this time okay

Going to make that would be the front right right right right there’s the Mastiff right I’m actually trying I’m actually going to try I’m actually going to try let’s see that’s a mini boat mini boat oh look at that look look at that boat yeah it’s getting form it’s getting

Form oh my God I want that I don’t need I don’t need food making food making food chill I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling let’s keep making our boat let’s keep Mak our boat I run out of wood gg gg well played give me a sec give me a Sec hey underwater house get it get it l you got it you can do anything your set you set your mind to just like me you know just like me and my and my fix and stuff takes a while to get to the level of uh skill artistic like skill you

Know it’s Contemporary Art you know so you wouldn’t get it you wouldn’t get it you wouldn’t get it dude leave my f alone okay my they haven’t done nothing to you they haven’t done nothing to you we got to sleep I don’t want to everyone get to

Bed every won’t get me up bed I don’t have one oh my God I don’t have a roof bro what do I do let’s see all right whatever no creeper I hurt you no [Applause] all right I’m going make an explosion here all right come on hit H hit the hit

Hit the zombies hit the zombies come on oh yeah you’re dead you’re dead kid all come here they’ve chosen blood they’ve chosen blood what Milo’s going to [ __ ] kill me oh my God Milo mil Milo stop stop stop all whatever whatever I I need I need

Some I need a break I need a break I need a break I need a break all right my acting crazy child I love you it’s okay there’s not a thought behind his eyes bro he’s just there want to commentate speak your mind Meo the whole world is listening to

You m look at me m look at me look at look at me mil look at me Milo look into my eyes I love you you’re a great dude man you’re a great dude but you got to stop whatever you’re doing you going to stop us with my cables you’re going to get

Electrocuted okay sounds good sounds good all right there you go you’re free it’s free now that should look kind of comfy I think he’s pretty comfy he just wanted attention can’t really play with one hand are you done Milo you’re done being a [Applause] baby all right he’s biting my hand now

All right all right my got stop that not going on my death all right let’s go I swear to God what I need food are they not going to die I should I shouldn’t have come out yeah die die die die all right all right I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m

Chilling prob one hand guys [ __ ] out of my long no Lo I’m no okay thank you I thought you’re going to kill me you know I’m kind of like I’m I’m the Birch of death so no I don’t want to I don’t want to die no don’t do that to

Me here here here I don’t want this anymore okay okay never mind you don’t want any I’m I’m just someone you know no okay okay okay okay I’m sorry I’m sorry okay okay okay I’m sorry I don’t want it anymore I don’t want it I don’t want I don’t I [Laughter]

Don’t okay okay I don’t need it I don’t need it it’s okay okay I won’t kill no more okay I won’t kill CS anymore I just want to play Minecraft man but Milo is not letting me he is really going out of his way to make sure I am

Don’t have a successful play through he’s making this harder than hardcore what’s wrong with the fanic what do you do no my f no no no no no pic no no no no my Panic no my Creations my Creations no this is the worst I’ve ever in griefed

This is worse than the whenever my kingdom fell in 1936 this is worse than all those times the anger I feel it’s uncomparable you know what L that’s what you get 10 100 do 100 do 100 100 fish you can’t deny that right 100 fish of diamond oh my God a

Stack of fish for a diamond that’s Crazy Jesus bro he just wall jumped on me nah can you say he’s thr in the back I don’t know I think so oh my God that guy teleported right in front of me oh he got it I wish you guys could see I won’t switch the camera anymore he’s going crazy fish

Time give me a sec let me show him who’s the dominant guy here he thinks he owns the house I’mma show him I’mma show him otherwise about to show him Helloa Agia what’s up you came at the worst time first time on AFK I’m just playing with my kitty cat want to look at him want to look at him he’s right here look let me fish one here no no come here all right he’s being a new nuisance right

Now we got AAS right now so here look this the kitty guy I got I just got him like a week ago he’s like nice the boy he’s been growing I swear he’s bigger he’s like when we got him he was like three lbs he’s like five now a little

Chunky boy the chunky boy I he love playing if he could play all day he could he would I mean he does but yeah come on man that is it that is really my name what abas I mean I’m not going to say that even if it’s your name let’s see oh oh

My oh my god look look oh oh oh oh you like per P you like pets oh my god oh you like playing oh my God you like playing I love his belly it’s so soft anyways how are you you guys my first time here dude I’m doing great want to

See my fic that it it got burned to death it got it got burned to death but it look look look look look we normally play rocket League here we normally play a lot of Rocket league but we decided to play Minecraft today but look at my fic

Look at my fic dude let let him look at my fic look look look at my look at my fic you like it you like my pic you like my Panic no I is no it’s not cool are you like my boats this is my base I’m going

To make a bunch of boats I’m going to live there all right thank you AA thank you man all right the kitty cat just absolutely destroying my my hand but that’s okay what version is this 1. 120.4 all right let me see ow he he’s biting hard now got to stop him but yeah 1.0.4 is the most recent version it’s pretty cool all right last K I’m a jum Jank him Jank him to the bed w three and two and four and five and two and

See all right he’s gone I got to White list you you can’t play that that good how the texture effect look old maybe it’s me uh eh I think they’re the normal ones no I think it’s just because of my amazing like building skills you think

It has like an old old style to it you know what I’m saying that’s that’s what I think it is all right there’s my boat my boat look at him bro it’s so pretty it’s so pretty all right wait wait oh [ __ ] all right look at it look at him how did

That end up there isn’t my boat crazy bro isn’t my boat amazing look at it look at it all right it’s not done it’s not done all right don’t don’t judge a bug by its cover okay this is my first boat got to keep building boats we love

Boats we love boats okay get some more wood don’t you dare burn my boat bro what do you mean it’s a first and last you guys got to stop bullying me for my for my um Bo going to help you make rocket League Yes Man yes right now I’m just trying to get

Materials get good and then we’re going to build the whole rocket Le field all right we can start right now too we should probably look for an era to do that yeah we’re going to we’re going to build all of Rocket League the whole rocket League World into this we’re

Going to build the cars we’re going to build the Fenix all the fix I can get we’re going to build the cars we’re going to build everything man going to build everything here’s my boat bro I even got a basement I’m going make a basement on my boat just command to make cars

Move I’m going to join do you want to join Anya see make a basement all right let me see how do I do that that yep there we go give me a M’s messing with something I’ll be right Back I was just messing with him bro I like dump scare bro he started running so far you call Matos okay I’m Matos all right all right Matos I guess you’re using your sister’s or Mom’s account I guess let’s see all right look at this do you play Java or a

Bedrock you can only join if you play Java look at his boat jump why is he chilling under my boat no no no no l here okay kill him L kill him he’s focus on me kill him L trust trust trust he want to explod he want to

Explode oh yeah team work team work baby team work team work look at this one combo combo double reset double reset triple reset come on oh yeah nice nice passing play nice nice all right this boat ain’t too bad right this boat ain’t too Bad at the very end yeah sure use coal don’t waste wood fair fair fair fair anyways you like my boat bro looking good right look at this look at that and now I need I need I need I need a bigger [Laughter] stronger whoa what what was your on his

Reaction man tell me about it the boat is missing okay don’t worry I we’ll think about that later okay we’ll make an artificial lake under my base but for now you just got to focus on the bigger picture okay got to focus on the bigger picture what’s up Lo yo

Just come here one one combo right left right left right easy oh I got to I got to get full iron actually I got a where’s my where’s my crafting table all right all right all right look look look look oh [ __ ] I fell I also train my parkkorean skills okay and the

Seal see I don’t have will man that’s going to have to be a project for another day okay yeah no I’m not building the whole thing right now we’re just messing around with the boats it’s going to take probably like a bunch of streams it’s just like a series with the subscribers you

Know 360 no scope yo let me on we ball get it get it boys all right let’s see no the these are both these are these are both my boats the built-in game boat is better than yours dude that is not bro my boat is better my boat has better details

Look look at look at this look at this now which one is better huh which one is better [Laughter] no oh I got allergies from playing with the cat all right I need to make myself some boots I need a dog I need a dog all

Right do you want to be my dog sir no okay whatever party pooper bro you’re user yeah his user is a little wild little out there all right guys let’s make a melon farm cuz we love melons right melon melons over peaches melons over peaches melons over peaches let’s see in a Second let’s make a huge melon farm right now guys come on huge m yeah I need to wide list you so what’s your what’s your Minecraft username uh MOS all right boys come here all right look look look look bro it already got wet bro un like the potato right

Here I’m going to grab melons for life dream Maki Seria all right if you grief I’ll just kick you just know that and no reason to do that all right let’s see dream myy Sir no the boat is outside man the it’s a boat inside a boat oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] get get get it get to your boat man to your boat look it’s a boat inside a boat yo yo yo oh yeah oh yeah go Lo go go Lo go oh whoa whoa

Whoa no my water give it back cute what wait you grabbed it from here dude animal that’s crazy you animal it’s okay I forgive you I’m kidding I’m kidding bro my water oh that’s not water no stop there we go all right come on let’s

Go beat the let’s go beat the the the warden all right let’s go beat the warden right now what do we say do we go we send it full send he can kill all of us right he can’t kill all of us right it doesn’t work I’m sorry I’m sorry mat I don’t

Know why it should work make sure you are on 1.2.4 I’ll add decoration to this boat what are you going to have bro what you at oh dude I kind of like that though I kind of like that looks perfect guys actually let’s do a bigger replica of the Minecraft boat let’s

Go what do you guys think doesn’t look that hard to make H but we would need a lot of wood so let’s leave that for later see all right little boat medium boat and now we got to build a big bow all right you guys ready I’m going to go get

A lot of wood I’m going to go wood farming I’m the wood Farm of the farm okay I’m even going to get some light wood I’m going to go crazy with this wait guys what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up beginning of the journey what’s up what what’s

Up what do you mean what do you mean by that oh you want to do a screenshot all right bet all right what is that bro what are you doing dude oh my God all right let’s stack more let’s stack some more all right let me make some more bats

Though wait wait wait let me make a staircase there all right let’s make more let’s make more let’s make more let’s make more more boats more boats I love it bro I love it absolute Madness absolute genius [ __ ] [ __ ] we got a f turn it that good no it’s not lined up it’s

Not lined up I got to go got to go flip around flip around oh yeah look at that look at that all right four is enough four is enough that is I’m absolutely perfect all right now I’m going to kill cheese don’t hit me my actually dude that is

It dude it’s kind of C it’s kind of curved it’s kind of curved like like this like the wind you know like the wind is sitting in you know actually artistic best boat couldn’t be it couldn’t be another boat couldn’t be a better boat mat try try um try restarting your game

Let’s see all right we’re going to add some water here yo that looks sick that looks sick not going to lie not going to lie that looks amazing what’s up we should we should have done this by the fic all right let me take a screenshot

All right let’s go not the pic going to help for better dude I need food bro let’s make a farm let’s make a wheat farm on a boat oh my God wheat farm on a boat that sounds incredible let’s make a giant boat an actual good

Boat we’re never making a cow Farm never making a cow Farm all right let’s go we got 10 minutes whoever comes back with mo more uh food wins let’s go let’s go chcken chcken chcken on come on come on come on come on this the scavenger scavenger hun hope there’s no

Here let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let go we got fish kill the dogs more dogs at the bottom of the ocean be careful while wearing your headphones if you get a head me I just another if I get a head that’ be

Crazy think I already got one man think I already got one I’m playing I don’t know if I do do I Li of drown that is crazy what the All right you ready I got a whole 14 fish see but you died anyways I don’t see your logic I don’t see your logic all I’m coming back coming back with 14 food I’m the better I’m the better Fisher man I am the better fish man getting irritated bro just

Heal no man not man I don’t take damage why would I he I got to cook it I got to cook it I will never heal healing is for the week I only eat because I need I want to not because I need to that’s

Right I love my boat bro look at it is even getting some oh my God look at it woo yeah exactly you said it man you said it too good for HP only EA it because um you know I like fish that’s it oh me hearts are

Regenerating but not because uh I need them that’s right all right let’s see how about we build a mini boat actually no a diant boat let me go get let me go more materials I want to build an actual decent thing for once a fenic redeem myself it’s just to make things look

Good you got to make them really big that’s the problem dude I’m going to make the best fanic you’ve ever seen in your life in game I swear it’s going to be better than the rock leag one I might add like four wheels to it going to be a six whe

Finck that’s right double the Speed Triple the speed 10 times of speed got to think big man I got to get up there I got to get up there all right now look at this TR woo oh no I scraped one of them I need to I need to get this tree

I’m going get it you’re still streaming what a Chad yo JD what’s up can you play now anybody for glass no way no way glass is part the weak use leaves are how how was St class how was class no like actually you got fun you learn anything did you sit

There it was mid that’s funny fair enough today guys I I got canceled class I already told you but I drove 40 minutes class and then uh there was a power outage we don’t have glass today because I work with like cameras and stuff that we need power so they’re

Like eh no no no no no no school today and I’m just like okay so I just drove an hour and a half for nothing just for fun I learn more of how to build a dead hippo dude don’t call it a a dead hippo bro come

On it was a little better than that bro come on bro he was at least alive all right I’mma build you a boat okay loox so you don’t build like alone oh actually all the all these boats are ours okay what do you mean you don’t know who to

Watch kind of question is that anyways look oh fair enough fair enough fair enough fair enough fair enough just set up two accounts man two monitors one here one here and one one over here just put five streams at the time and then watch Tik Tok at the same time just absolute

Madness Okay look look look look look I’mma build you a boat JD tell me how you want the boat all right and then you you can go to their stream and then come back to see how you your boat is turning out and it’s going to be a surprise okay

This what we’re going to do okay so go come back in 20 minutes I’m going to make you a boat right here all right now go I’m going to start with the Mastiff right here all right all right ready get a little shorter a little

Shorter I kind of need I kind of need I kind of need um going to need uh this an axe I am afraid of the boat dude oh it’s going to turn out good I promise I promise I’m actually going to try I’m actually going to try I’m actually going to

Try actually going to try I’m actually going to try going to be the best Bo you’ve seen in your life okay going to be the best boat in existence of boats let’s go all right turning out good good good see I’m even planning it see I know man I want to sleep so

Bad thankfully they’re only bothering you right now though not sure why dude what do mean your back bro you didn’t give me time I told you 20 minutes all right bet sounds good thank you JD I’m making a boat anyway what’s with you what’s you what’s with you with those

Dude my boats are this boat’s going to look crazy good okay this boat is going to look crazy good actually take this off too much wood too much wood there we go all right looking good looking good looking good looking good looking good yo leave my boat alone bro leave my

Boat alone I swear it’s your boat it’s your boat making your boat okay I’m missing wood this too much this too much are you on Bedrock Edition no but I can make it so so bedro can join we can play together bed again Java we can play it’s okay we can still play

Don’t worry I know but a bedro can still play with Java with a mod don’t worry about it what did I do here what did I do bro I’m confused what did I do with my boat bro why does it look like that all right it’s fine come on wait give a second

Guys h I know I know got I do need to accept your fortnite your fortnite request when can you play when Can you play oh that’s what I need to do I need to curve it all right miss this B is looking great this Bo looking

Good this Bo looking good bro but was look good hey just give me a second just give me a second now what did I do here I don’t know what I did here but I did some it’s not even [ __ ] okay got switch it up we got we got to do some

Right looking good right yeah yeah it’s looking [Laughter] good what you mean had a stroke bro I’m was strong man I promise you did it man I promise I didn’t have a stroke dude I promise you man look look look look look look I’m I’m unst stroking it okay wait that’s

Not bad I’m un whatever I’m un I’m unin stroking the boat okay fair fair fair what do you think what do you think turning out good right turning out good huh no the boat it’s it’s un stroking okay no no I’m taking the stroke away okay that’s what I’m going to

Say it’s not a symmetrical it’s not man [Laughter] okay okay okay he was he was he was there you go there you go there you go there you go there D see turning out good is C I need food did I mess them up wait I’m taking this off no

Right what am I trying to do here here there you go look at this boat all right now we’re not done we’re not done we’re not done we’re not done all right now we’re going to make my might want to play all right there we

Go yeah that looks good now huh that is good huh that is good JD look at the boat you like it you like it JD looking good right look at it that’s good man that’s centered that’s symmetrical dude you like it you like my boat what do you mean to symmetrical all

Right all right let’s switch it up let’s switch up cuz it needs to have a front right so let’s do this back more let’s do this back down all right we’re we’re the both Builders there you go there you go do an engine there you go D I don’t have iron

Block I’m have to use something like this all right wait sec this thing needs to come from the bottom like that oh my god look look look look look D it looks good bro look did it look good it looks good bro what do you mean yeah

No okay we’ll change it we’ll change it we’ll change there we go there we go all right now there you go oh live yeah live Dead die that don’t look good there you go there you go that’s good there you go that’s that’s good that’s good yeah bro it looks

Good okay okay my my the iron bro get the [ __ ] out of here [Laughter] why is there iron [Laughter] F the TNT that is Hilarious all right all right I don’t have a lot of wool but here look guys look I made the seal come here Lo look look l oh my god did the other guys oh De Jesus Christ I’m rolling my eye all are thinking over you like the boat guys

You miss like oh I need to blow my nose my eyes are killing me I’m g go blind with this eye mil’s like right here waiting for me come here hey guys what do you guys say we go play rocket League we’ll play we’ll keep playing m League tomorrow

Okay or you guys can play M league and I can go play rocket League I want to play rocket League oh my God my eye really itches it’s finished man it’s finished boat is the finished let me put his toy up bro it’s going great baroin what’s up welcome in here

Oh my God I put my headphones backwards want to look at my fic we’re playing Mo league and well my cat is biting my fingers and this is the boat I made look at it it’s so cute right it’s so cute I made it on land but I’ll take it

I’ll seal it at some point but now it’s rocket leag time it’s rocket Leake time for sure my cat is biting my fingers he might end Stream the one block flag I only had one man we got to do what we can you know got to do what we can all right let’s see let me look at stream what happened to wait I closed chat by AC ACD oh my God second second where’s rocket Le here

Dude you got to stop all that Milo my cat is being an nois there you go I got you finally to come out why do you leave yaa why do you leave I want to play rocket League that’s why oh my God Milo stop yeah rocket League we want to play

Rocket League let’s go I’m fighting Milo right now all right did it open yes staying here forever I got him in a Chuck hold I’m playing let’s see it’s gone I’m open the window maybe without like make him how’s that like the window good all right let’s see what up rocket

League look at this oh my God I feel so good really rocket League after playing Minecraft is like the ultimate hack you’re guaranteed to play 20 times faster what is it in rocket League I am uh easy2 you going to play rank or no you guys want to play together no let’s play

Casual I don’t to play rank I was playing rank yesterday the Casual privates whatever or we can I want to play with you guys oh look you want me to play rank I guess I could I really want to anyways get on here guys come here yeah no one more cro let’s

Go look at this double reset though I got one I mean I can always get one so I don’t know what I’m celebrating about it’s like I’m not sure how the there I got two that not good you know I crashed bro it’s okay you buy me bed Che look at

This oh see I’m getting hang of those B me again sure got kick you first oh my God and then cheese where you at cheese cheese I don’t remember your name can I join yeah physics we’re going to do casual we’ll do this since we want to

Play casual um it’s only three right unless there is chaos I don’t think there is right now oh there is okay let’s play chaos then come here let’s go yeah for we’re doing 44 just crazy oh nice musty there let’s do 44 very funny look at the 22’s after too as well

Don’t worry guys mil is like what in oh yeah you want to do Europe right all right F let’s do it too Europe hey Milo I’m such a good boy I’m going try to to do cool cool shots guys try to clip on you TR

Clip come on get it get it get it get it cheese oh I couldn’t score that that would have been good ni save oh my God bro jeez we went crazy look I got to do it from you my cat is going wild my cat is going

Ballistic my cat is it’s like messing with my mouse pad pull you out no no no Jesus Christ sorry come here come on top Dam this is my mouse oh my God no Milo stop it stop it stop it stop it Jesus Christ he’s a mad man bro come want cheese

Oh my God this bch is crazy that’s a m that was decent that was a decent shot what do you guys think you guys like that or not I’m ready thing yeah it sucks it sucks this is the best region for everyone though right like that we this

Average got to save those Gos in the goal line oh bro I think I I challenge you I think I challenged let’s go do what where you from cheese are you Europe no you’re yeah that’s Europe oh he on go that’s okay that’s okay that’s wild all right come on come on

Chees you got it you lagging no more for a sec oh no way chees just did that where fck are you cheese you went crazy there damn all right I got this bad it’s really really really bad let’s see C myself oh that did not

Work yo long time no see Ninja what’s up how are you I know the title is confusing but we were playing Minecraft earlier that’s why that’s why the title what it is I made a finic in Minecraft it was super sick yeah you look exactly like the one Rocky yeah get a cheese

No what do you want to try I I’m up I’m up into a lot of things yesterday there were just in Fall Guys I think that’ be fun to play fall guys with you guys you got to go for five minutes okay oh yeah you want to play Battle

Right dude I’m I’m done for B it’s fun that’s crazy I know they did it’s like insane like a double barrel yeah yeah I know I saw I I was playing Valor yesterday actually no I missed yeah where’s the FL sets oh you want to see one or

What I’m on a Europe right now fair enough fair enough fair enough here you go you know oh no I’ve been starved the whole time I thought I was low enough all right here we go ready no I missed oh nice nice nice what a ner

Ral I’m back once again time to play rocket League yes sir CU your routine right kitty cat is just sleeping now finally I think he just just got tired of trying to play I’m sorry I’ll play with him after stream any of you are going to hit it

D I can’t believe I score that that was pretty quick yeah you can join live but you got to train your training do you got to do your training first remember there we go thank you what were you covering hi okay all right bet love no I got scored on for messing

Around that’s what I get that’s what I get I guess we’re going to have 33 now Nice Shot let’s see why is he live down for the aid let’s see got it what thank you thank you let’s go boys come on one more no thought get the pop all right so

We’re probably going to do 3 v3s right yeah or 2 v3s that’s fine who should I go with I don’t know worth dat I go with uh yeah there you go I’m first Jo join up guys Jo up Jo up go go go go go go go go go go go go

Oh yeah you got to join ninja that was a terrible F but it worked I guess let’s go all right all right all right hit it left hit it left yeah I got you now passing to you there you go what the hell was that got sink careful behind

You hey nice nice nice nice all right pass all right now we play serious let’s go serious you got it thank you thank you thank you oh if you back flip there that’s it if you’re that close though you can back clip into the challenge usually doesn’t end pretty bad too

Bad oh nice save pass pass again M Nice Shot we’re good then we’ll switch teammates too I want to play with you guys to not just try to score myself let’s see nice try ni I like the defense look that’s clear we got to get that that was a accidental

Whoops keep going I’ll instinct godamn one more one more one more one more or you get score someone score ah close GG’s guys how many saves did level top I want to know I’m curious three okay swear he saved more than that all right now I I’ll play with LX

Now or whoever I don’t know we get to my team first okay there you go that my team first all right let’s go guys that’s that’s try ni shots going to pass to you all right we I can’t score by the way so so make make it fair

Those other team other team a I lag it’s cuz ninja was switching teams maybe not nice shot let’s go left right left right mid that a love what oh you definitely saved that you definitely saved that to me it look like look at the stream it looked like

You saved it yeah look look at the stream oh oh my God look at that replay too so weird he hit that he definitely hit that oh I I bumped them I bumped uh L I’m hungry why are you guys hungry not really eating much I’ve been a PA

Today oh get it l I’m across did it hit me there you go I see you get a l go get a l read that well come on hit the here fast no boost dude I almost get there somehow I use I use uh Lo momentum to make may be getting me

There not really I wasn’t even that close let’s see all right we got to wait we got to I got to lock in I got to lock in we’re going to lose definitely messed up there Lord no I messed up too many cars okay okay okay what do

You guys give us if we win you all got to like this you you all got to like like the live we win all right let’s see low we’re going to we’re going to serious here no I can’t get there there I go dude I definitely hit that

Boost come on L you got it there’s no way come on Lo score right there nice hook shot stopped it no way loo come on one more oh come on okay okay okay said two more two more two more two more two more we

Got it we got it we got it got to lock in got to lock in all right come on L come on no I don’t think that’s going nowh low up no good try GG’s guys I’m hungry oh 4our Mark let’s do one more game all right I got to end

Stream let’s go last game who wants to be with me oh she left the party what that’s okay probably going to be a 2v2 no 3v2 right right no 2v2 my bad okay I haven’t played with Ninja come here ninja come here ninja there you go all right just score one of

All no it’s fine just just suck it up whoa oh what the hell sorry sorry nja damn nice shot nice shot oh my God the challenges are crazy dude these passes are insane let’s see oh it was a fake no fake that was to you but pass pass

Oh Live join Jo the other team live Nice Shot ninja I’m so hungry my St my hurts stupid I didn’t mean to bump you Ultra I was Landing how was it there look charge it up oh come on ninja got to go faster L there go boom boom boom boom there you

Go oh it was a pass I was trying to do the it musty it’s not working why am I trying pogos I’ve never done a pogo in my life look okay come on kick off oh look at this shot look at this shot called it called

It I wish it was a little harder but that’s good so good that was that was it I’m sorry too far up I’m being aggressive God damn oh stop no he missed that was nice pass all right guys I gotta go I gotta go I’m hungry got to cook there’s

Nothing really to do do and yeah hope you guys have fun I really had a lot of fun playing Minecraft and thank you all insting for joining us in the last little bit to play some rocket League later tonight I’ll probably play some more Minecraft it was fun

And probably make an actual house and stuff but yeah you guys can keep playing I got to go best of luck to you all I’ll stream tomorrow not tomorrow Friday I’ll stream Friday he yeah I see you love you guys

This video, titled ‘Making Rocket League In Minecraft Survival.’, was uploaded by YigaMooo on 2024-01-10 20:12:16. It has garnered 95 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 04:11:17 or 15077 seconds.

we go crazy today. discord:

  • Aqua Adventures: Efe, Ali, and Kamil Make a Splash!

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  • DOMINION – Semi-vanilla 1.20, Whitelist, Hermit-Like, 18+, SMP

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  • Ultimate Tatooine Cantina Build | Minecraft

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  • 50-Hour Survival Challenge as Necromancer in Minecraft!

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  • Uncovering Ghost in Minecraft

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  • Nolik’s Insane PVP Moments on

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  • ULTIMATE Minecraft Hardcore Challenge – Surviving 100 Nights in Fear!

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Performance Boost! Pojav+Java Tricks

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  • Baba CAUGHT in All Girls School?! Storytime!

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  • Discover the Secret Island in Minecraft 🔥| #shorts #minecraft #mrzthoppi

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  • Insane Player dominates #PUBG #Freefire #Minecraft

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  • Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!

    Insane Minecraft Gameplay from Spunky Playz!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘! Minecraft???’, was uploaded by spunky playz on 2024-01-13 14:05:43. It has garnered 45 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #life #spunky #memes stay safe ! keep Smiling ! Todays Minecraft memes is minecraft! Minecraft traps in different times !!!!!!!!! and also very useful for you and you can try it in your minecraft world and yet keep subscribing Love you guys #share #support #subscribe #minecraft #viral #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #meme #shortsviral #viralshorts #smartypie #pewdiepie #dream #mrbeast #technogamerz #anshubisht #GEvids #casetoo #pigpong funny memes, unusual memes, memes for… Read More

  • Fox Geopolitics

    Fox GeopoliticsHello and welcome to Fox Geopolitics! We are an inclusive and small friendly server of people from many walks of life who have come together to form a new modded 1.19.2 Java server focused on worldbuilding on a vanilla minecraft world! Our theme is set in the 1860s-70s, and we are constantly improving things based on community feedback. We offer mods such as Create, Valkyrien skies & Eureka, Immersive Engineering, and a regulated and period appropriate mod for basic guns. Our server has been released for almost a week now, and we are looking for more fun people to join… Read More

  • SolarionSMP – SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focused

    SolarionSMP - SMP Whitelisted | Java 1.20.4 | Adult | Community-focusedWelcome to Solarion SMP Join Us: Discord About Us We are a whitelisted SMP server inspired by Hermitcraft. Our goal is to create a welcoming and diverse community for all players. Our Vision At Solarion, we use plugins like Drop Heads, SinglePlayerSleep, and more to enhance gameplay while keeping the Vanilla Minecraft experience. Community We welcome players of all playstyles and host various projects and events to keep everyone engaged. Commitment to The Vanilla Experience While we use quality-of-life plugins, we avoid game-altering features like teleportation or virtual currency systems. Application Process Join our community by following our whitelist process…. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – I’m not a smart man, but math ain’t my game

    Minecraft Memes - I'm not a smart man, but math ain't my gameWell, at least he knows his priorities – getting that high score in memes! Read More

  • Glid DOP Twitch Stream Highlights

    Glid DOP Twitch Stream HighlightsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Подписывайтесь на твич #necoyume #Глид #Glidingtheo #minecraft #twitch #stream #майншилд #mineshield’, was uploaded by Глид DOP on 2024-06-21 19:35:10. It has garnered 413 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. @GlidingtheoW Read More

  • Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card

    Crafty Ways to Cash in Your Minecraft Gift Card In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Redeeming your gift card is how you’ll arrive. To start the process, follow these steps with care, And soon you’ll be building, exploring everywhere. First, scratch off the code, it’s your key to the game, Then head to the website, where you’ll enter your claim. Input the digits, make sure they’re all right, And soon you’ll be playing, day and night. If you encounter issues, don’t fret or despair, There are tips and tricks to help you repair. Check your connection, your account, and more, Soon you’ll be back in the… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Creeper Got Me Again 😭😭 When you accidentally fall into a pit of lava in Minecraft and all you can do is cry emoji 😭😭 #minecraftstruggles #gamerproblems #memesfordays Read More