Insane Secret House Prank on Friend’s Server! 😱

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That’s my friend der’s house and my goal is to build a super big mansion underneath his house without him ever knowing but the problem is he’s always at his house cuz you know he literally has no other friends so this is going to be kind of hard but first things first

Let’s see what derp is up to uh let me see if I can peek through the window and oh there he is what what is he doing a f for friends who do s together you is for you and me and and is for what is that

For oh my goodness is derp really singing a song right now dude his voice sounds so terrible but we have to somehow get him out of the house so we can start building underneath okay let me go ahead and knock on his door H knock knock der hi I was waiting for

Someone to come knock on my door it’s been so long what do you mean it’s been so long derp I literally saw you like yesterday I know but I missed oh I don’t miss you but I just want more friends oh my goodness well derp what are you up to

Today M well I’ve been sitting here since I woke up singing f fish for friends who do something together I heard I heard I really don’t want to hear it again but uh what do you say you go do something fun with me really you’re invited me somewhere fun yeah

Come on let me take you there and uh here you see that giant parkour course over there I built it just so you know you can hang out there and if you beat it I’ll give you a cookie no way wait I don’t want a cookie that’s lame I’m

Going home oh okay fine fine fine I’ll give you a billion dollars a wait you don’t even have a billion dollars can we do something more realistic can I get a full stack of diamonds please oh my goodness okay fine fine fine well go over and try to complete it oh okay well

You can fly there I guess I’ll be watching you from uh somewhere okay this is going to be easy peasy all right derp is terrible at parkour so that should keep him distracted for probably around like 5 billion hours cuz I know he’s never going to complete it so let’s get

Started on the house so let me dig down a bit like this and using my magic wand I’m going to cut out a giant giant room so let’s select this corner right over here that should be good and now we’re going to go all the way over here and

Select this corner and boom okay hey the base of the room is starting to get completed we got to make this thing a literal Mansion it’s going to be even bigger than der’s actual house and he’s going to be so surprised if he ever

Finds it so boom I think this is a good start to it but all of these walls are kind of lame they’re just all Stone and Co and all this weird stuff so instead we are going to set it to der’s favorite color orange concrete or wait a minute

Sorry that’s my favorite color and it’s the one that derats the most which is exactly why we’re going to be choosing it and boom all of it is done that looks amazing oh c this part going so hard uh how much have you completed so

Far I made it all the way up to the two pieces of wood that are floating I have to jump on like right before the ladder wait I did it okay I’m on the ladder and no oh my goodness derp you should really get better at doing parkour bro you are

The worst parkour person I’ve ever seen in my life oh if that’s the case then I’m coming back no no no no no no no derp don’t you want those uh don’t you want those 64 diamonds buddy not anymore because you’re making fun of me okay

Okay okay I’m kidding it’s a joke it’s a joke you’re you’re amazing you’re amazing it’s just going to take some time so come on go ahead and just keep doing it I want two stacks of diamonds or I’m coming home and going to bed the two stacks of bro oh my goodness that’s

Like my life savings okay fine I’ll give you two stacks of diamonds if you complete it yay all right this is going to be super easy oh my goodness I don’t even know if this is worth the prank anymore but we got to keep doing this so let’s continue building the house and

Right now I am placing a bunch sh sofas down and this is where it’s going to be the living room is and guys just so you know this is not the whole house this is one room of the house we are going to be making a bunch of series of rooms and

Tunnels and it’s going to be absolutely amazing so a living room has a bunch of sofas but it also needs a coffee table and we’re going to grab some orange coffee tables and just put that down right here and that should be a good amount and now the next thing a living

Room needs is obvious a giant flat screen TV I mean who doesn’t even want that and you know what actually I was going to build it on the floor just like like this but I thought of an even cooler idea let me go ahead and grab a

Fence real quick and what we are going to do is we are going to create a TV coming down from the ceiling is that not incredible I mean this is the most HD most high-tech TV of all time so let’s go ahead and build this baby real quick

Oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah and let’s go ahead and build a base of the TV to and now we’re going to put the power on button and you know what this looks incredible oh my goodness it’s going to be the coolest house ever and you know

What we are missing a very important thing we are missing the remote of this TV so let’s go ahead and put a placeholder for the remote right there and now we’re going to go ahead and grab the TV remote and put that baby down right there so now whenever watching TV

We can go ahead and yink up the TV remote and now we can press play whatever we want awesome after we got that done I feel like the living room should have something more uh how about playful so let’s go ahead and we are going to grab a bunch of orange

Trampolines because what’s better than a giant trampoline in the middle of your living room for everyone to walk by cuz it’s super duper inconvenient and nobody actually wants that but I’m just going to add it cuz I’m a weirdo exactly nothing’s better than that and I think we should make this trampoline

Absolutely massive so that it can handle any person even der’s mom even though like you know there’s a good chance she might break it when she jumps on it but we’ll try our best Cory I finally made it to the second ladder what do I do

What do I do wait no way you made it to the second ladder Dar you’re not that good did okay going for the third and I you’re ly you’re actually ly there’s no way you completed that yep I did it all right now let’s see what a uh der what

The Y happen did you just fail uh no I was screaming out of Joy uh wait then why what no no you just screamed that sound like your own business oh my goodness hey it’s a buy two saacks of diamonds that you get if you completed

Which you know you never are but still oh I wouldn’t be do sure about that and what derf doesn’t know is that I secretly set a trap for him at the end of the parkour course so that he’s never going to be able to complete it and know

What are these pressure PLS Cory oh uh that’s a surprise I set up for you yeah yeah yeah that just completely trust those are 100% safe oh okay I will oh my God Diamond thank you Coy I love diamonds yeah I know you love it buddy keep going keep going there’s a

Very big diamond for you at the end oh my goodness okay thank you there’s not actually a big diamond instead there’s a gravity TNT which will launch him 1 billion feet up in the air okay if it was the next one a diamond in the next

One three diamonds i r no way before four diamonds and you said there’s something bigger than this last one yep there’s something absolutely awesome derp okay see what it is is huh why is there a TNT here you’re not getting those diamonds D bye-bye it didn’t do

Anything wait wait wait wait what you’re lying what are you talking about didn’t do anything Cory I’m in Creative oh my goodness D you can’t do it in cre you cheated probably no I didn’t cheat I Bean so unfair so D you’re say later if

I look back at it I’m not going to see you in creative mode cheating why I can’t even hear anything right now I’m just I can’t even I don’t think I feel good I’ll be right back Cory oh my goodness Dar but you know what I’m not

Giving you your diamonds wait what no I’m here please give me my diamonds I didn’t cheat wait you’re you’re back at the house yeah no B I’m on my way back now oh okay okay okay uh d d d don’t come back just yet come on come on just

Just give me a second I’m coming I’m coming back to my house cuz I’m hungry okay we covered everything up but the fact that he’s coming back is bad we have to somehow get him out of here again what can we possibly make him do Cory I’m leaving now I’m here uh what’s

What’s up bud wait what what are you doing inside of my house wait uh what are you talking about what are you doing uh you know what I I was just watching you through the window you know watching you do your little parkour wait I just realized were you inside my house this

Whole entire time uh no no no I was off doing uh I was fishing I was fishing yeah that’s it fishing you never go fishing you hate fishing you’re a little girl when it comes outdoor stuff that’s not true I I love fishing 100% bro what

Are you talking about ink sack oh my goodness I don’t want your ink sack here derp this is what I think about your ink sack hey ew that was you Fu that smells so bad oh my goodness well derp derp derp how about uh we go fishing together let’s see uh

Who can catch more fish no I want to go lay down no no derp der der der no what if we go fishing uh I’ll give you I’ll give you five extra diamonds five extra D no no no no okay fine f fine how about if you catch more

Fish than me I’ll give you 300 diamonds 300 diamonds yep 300 derp come on you can’t pass him that offer I hope you understand this but I really really really have a hard time believing you because of our history oh my good der just go come on come on let’s go fishing

Come on let’s go oh fine so 300 diamonds yeah exactly exactly come here come here let’s go come on okay I have this talk about figure out how to get back to the house while derp is fishing while still tricking him that I’m fishing with him

And look derp just for our fishing trip I got us these two giant boats that we can fish on together wao these are actually sick how I drive this thing though not like this derp follow me out into the open sea wa let’s go okay derp uh but we got to fish

Separately from each other because you know we don’t want all the fish coming to one person so I’m going to sail all the way over here and fish over there and you can fish anywhere you want okay what are the rules what are we doing uh

We’re just going to see that who can 20 fish first okay uh 20 fish first is it that going to take like a really long time no no no no no it’s fine it’s fine okay stay there DP stay there that’s your area this is my area okay okay all

Right 3 2 1 start fishing okay let’s go okay I can barely see der from here which means he can barely see me from over there so now let’s go back and sneak around to his house and we got to keep working on the Underground secret

House okay okay I’m back at the house I think derp is still has not caught on yet so so where was the hole where was the hole come on where is the secret oh wait I kind of forgot where it was uh oh no oh no come on where where’s my secret

House and oh okay here it is here it is all right the living room is done but I secretly set up a bunch of these paintings and these may look like normal paintings but they are actually leading to another room so now what we’re going

To do is we are going to build the most important room of them all the bathroom that’s right this is where we’re going to poop this is where we’re going to pee this is where we’re going to hang out with our friends um don’t ask me why I

Would hang out with my friends here but it’s just a thing oh I kind of fish going how many have you caught uh I’ve caught like uh like three derp come on now uh is your place better I need to come over to where you’re at no no derp

Stay there that is cheating if if you cheat I’m not giving you diamonds well you have three fish I only have one no derp der you got to St where you are that’s cheating oh fine that was a close one okay let’s grab our toilets

Now and we are going to need a lot of toilets because when I have guests over I’m going to want to poop with them all together so let’s go ahead and I think uh is that enough no we need more toilets more toilets more toilets and uh

I think uh this should be around good that’s a little bit less than I want but you know what it’s still okay and now what we’re going to do is we got to make sure we have enough toilet paper for everyone as well so let’s set this

Entire wall full of toilet papers oh yeah this is awesome toilet wall toilet wall toilet wall okay that is amazing and now what we should do is after we have the toilet wall I think we also need to place a line of toilet papers on the floor too because some people just

Aren’t tall enough to reach these toilet paper walls like derp cuz he’s like 3T tall in total but now that that’s done I already know that we are going to have so many clog toilet cuz derp takes giant poops after he eats his Taco Bell so now

We’re going to place a bunch of plungers down as well so anybody can grab one and get to work with them all right plunges are all done H let’s see what else do we have for the bathroom H and oh I almost forgot we need to add ourselves a

Bathtub we need to give ourselves a sink a sponge of course some soap along with some towels and some robes and some other towels as well oh yeah and we’re also going to grab a washing machine of course so now let’s go ahead and we’re

Going to line this wall up with a bunch of open washing machines and let’s Place uh let’s Place towels in front of them and these are all super clean and ready to be washed once they’re used again and now for the ultra Ultra super lit drip

We are going to put a bunch of orange bathrobes over the washing machines cuz this stuff is litty who else wouldn’t want it and over here we’re going to go ahead and put the sinks down because you know we do need to be sanitary and wipe

Our butts with the water from here and wait can I can I fill this up actually uh let me go ahead and grab a water bucket and H wait I can’t even F no oh gosh oh no oh no there’s uh there is not good that is not good at all the water’s

Leaking everywhere oh okay that was almost bad we almost destroyed the entire bathroom but now it’s one of the most important parts we need to add our golden mirrors lined up so I can look at my reflection oh my goodness I look so jacked and handsome oh yeah okay this is

Incredible but honestly if derp was in here it might give him a jump scare when he looks at me here cuz you know he is pretty scary looking Cory this fishing is boring uh no derp it’s really fun we’re having a great time you would be

Together wait wait Cory I see your bow but I don’t see you on it where are you oh um I’m just out of your render distance you know I’m I’m like kind of on the other Edge like so I’m fishing really hard right now don’t worry oh

Okay how many fish you have uh I have like four I have five oh oh you’re winning oh no I I better catch up now oh yeah you better catch up are those diamonds are mine yeah yeah definitely definitely okay the bathroom is done that looks absolutely incredible oh my

Goodness I can’t wait to live here but now we got to move on to the next room and the next room is also super important because it allows us to actually use the bathroom and that is the kitchen cuz you know obviously after we eat we got a poop so the kitchen is

What makes us all of the food so let’s go ahead and dig out another giant room real quick and boom this should be a good size now what we got to do is we got to make everything orange obviously so boom this should be absolutely perfect now let’s go ahead and grab all

Of our kitchen appliances okay what do we have to work with here let’s see we need to grab some orange kitchen drawers and then we’re going to have to also grab some orange kitchen sinks along with some kitchen counters as well and we also need some coolers too okay let’s

Get started on this baby up on this wall we are going to line up all of the kitchen sinks and the kitchen drawers so that should be good like that we’re going to line up these ones as well and we are just going to keep going in this

Pattern until we reach the end okay that looks absolutely phenomenal now on this left side we need to actually have a place to cook so we are going to line this baby up with a bunch of kitchen counters oh yeah that looks insane now obviously we don’t have a cutting board

Or anything like that so we can’t cut up our food but instead I went to the village and I robbed these Stone Cutters from them and we can use these to cook and cut all of our food oh my goodness this is the most amazing thing ow ow ow

My butt oh my gosh my butt oh oh gosh okay that was a why did I jump on that that was a terrible idea but on either side of that we are going to place a fridge one white one black cuz that is going to have an awesome color pattern

And now we should go ahead and add some tables so that everybody can eat so let’s go ahead and over here in this corner we are going to have a coffee table and the reason why I’m putting a coffee table down even though it’s so tiny is because some people are so short

That they can’t even reach an actual table like derp cuz again he’s like uh what what did I say he’s like uh literally half an inch tall now and this is the big boy table people that are actually tall like me cuz I’m like 6’1 billion can sit in and enjoy their

Dinner so let’s go ahead do that and we’re going to go ahead and place some cooler need it in case everybody wants to go and grab a fresh drink but now let’s also go ahead and put a picket fence around this baby so that people like derp don’t come and interrupt our

Good dinner okay I think this is awesome oh my goodness is there anything else we need to add to the kitchen besides this oh yeah how can I forget I almost forgot the most important things we need to have some chefs in here to do the

Cooking for us but uh I don’t really have any but you know what does have it the village that derp always goes to so let’s go over and uh hire some of the chefs over there yeah we’re definitely not going to kidnap them oh Cory I’m at

10 fish oh that’s awesome derp I’m at like eight and oh I’m catching up oh gosh I’m getting close okay Cory says like you need help do I need to come over there and help you uh no no no no no no no no do not come here

I do not need your help are you sure DP do not come over here I promise you I just had like a really bad taco and dude these farts are devious bro you will literally die from the Grim Shake if you come over here e okay I promise I will not go over

There no worries okay okay good and uh this guy should be a perfect cook so let me go ahead and grab a boat real quick and come on come on Mr villager here hop hop inside hop hop inside the boat let me just go ahead and put oh yes we got

Both of them in okay wait how do I bring them over now uh can I connect a Le thing to them in oh yes okay they’re flying they’re flying this is awesome this is awesome oh my goodness okay come on guys come on you guys are going to be

Our new chefs okay we we brought these guys over awesome let’s set them down gently and now we just got to bring them inside of the house come on boys come on this is a start of your first newe day at work and you don’t get paid I mean

I’ll pay you like a diamond maybe every year but we got to break the floor underneath them and get inside boys oh yeah this is awesome I’m going to destroy Cory and fishing this is so easy wait why am I getting a call right now uh hello who whoa whoa relax relax what’s

Wrong Jim and Bob got kidnapped okay relax relax I can’t hear you by who some guy wearing all orange what okay relax it’s okay I got you I’ll be there soon bye Cory Cory H what what is wrong der what I’m trying to fish

Over here I just got a call from one of my villagers saying that two of them got kidnapped oh wa two villagers got kidnapped uh yeah I I don’t know I don’t know how to help you there why are you telling me this and the guy was wearing

All orange o uh wow I don’t know who would do that that’s so mean I’m just fishing right now Cory you are literally the only one wearing orange no no no derp trust me I’m fishing with you I’m literally with you you know what I’m

Going to go check your boat right now I don’t care what you say oh oh oh okay uh yeah yeah yeah I’ll yeah I’m I’m at the boat trust me trust me oh my goodness I got to get to the boat as quick as possible let’s go let’s go let’s go okay

Okay okay okay boom okay okay I’m in the boat I’m in the boat is derp anywhere nearby where’s derp where’s derp no excuses I’m coming wait what what what’s up derp what’s up uh you’re actually here uh why wouldn’t I be here I’ve been fishing this whole time seriously uh duh

What else would I be doing what are you talking about capturing villagers that’s not me okay well let’s see I have one rock card I have three salmon I have six puffer fish so I win I don’t care if I win I need to go check out my villagers

Cory I’m sorry oh wait no no but D what about the diamonds okay I I Wason so give you my diamonds wait I no it was first the 20 fish though okay well I quit oh my goodness no no derp there’s no need to go check out oh my goodness

Okay I’ll come with you I’ll come with you no you don’t need to come with me Cory I don’t trust you no no no D they my villagers too I’m coming and uh we got to go check out Bob and Jimmy wait a minute I never told you who got kidnapped uh oh

Um it’s cuz they uh the villagers actually sent me a text as well and they said Cory please help uh some guy wearing orange thaty we both know the villagers hate you so why would they text you um you know what I’ve actually made some pretty good friends with them recently okay I’m

Not hearing all this where’s our house at okay we’re almost there oh derp this is the village oh gosh the poor villagers let’s make sure they’re safe right yep and if there’s even one villager missing I promise you we are going to go on a hunt okay okay yeah

Yeah yeah definitely I see over here okay you check those houses over there I’m going to check these houses over here okay he hey what happened uh-huh wait what do you mean Point him out wait come back I know you’re upset Viller who kidnapped him

Point him out to me okay okay I got a plan I need to turn myself into Jimmy the Villager and uh tell derp that everything is okay uh you know we just went on a hike or something so let me go ahead and grab my best villager disguise

Real quick here we go and boom I am bro are you serious this is the best disguise I got oh my goodness I do not even look close to Jimmy but you know what we got to work with it we got to work with it so let’s see where derp is

He’s probably poking around right now and oh there he is there he is oh where’s Jimmy uh hello wait huh huh D what’s up buddy how’s it hanging huh um Jimmy what happened to your face uh what’s up what do you mean what happened to my face um

How do I explain this okay come over here um okay do you do you see Todd yeah Todd I know you see him he’s weird looking right what’s up Todd okay you see how his nose and eyes are connected oh yeah yeah we’re like twins aren’t we

What’s up buddy no you look like a pigeon wait oh oh oh you know what you know what it is Der I got plastic surgery uh you know my wife left me so uh I just wanted to make myself look a little bit more handsome if you get my

Drift yeah I don’t think it worked Jimmy but wait is how everyone’s looking for you did you go get plastic surgery and everyone thought you got kidnapped yeah yeah that’s exactly what happened and Bob’s actually the one that did the surgery on me so you know he he’s over

Back there you know like helping me do it so yeah okay wait wait wait so why are they say that some orange guy kidnapped you guys oh you know what it is here let me show you what it is derp okay it’s cuz my mom got me these new

Clothes and look look look they’re all orange you see wait what yeah yeah yeah so you know they thought an orange guy kidnapped that by oh I get it now okay yeah what did you think happened I thought I thought well I have a crazy friend his name is Cory he should be

Around here somewhere I thought that he kidnapped you guys because I got a phone call saying some guy in all orange came to this Village and kidnapped Jimmy and Bob no no no Cory I love that guy yeah yeah that that that’s my slime that’s my

Gang that’s my number one in the world Jimmy all we do is talk about how much you hate Cory I mean I hate Corey uh Cory smells like poop right you’re AC really suspicious Jimmy uh uh yeah got to go got to go bye oh bye why was that

So weird something definitely wasn’t right okay okay okay now we got to change back into Cory okay there we go there we go and let’s fly back over oh wait where’s derp where’s derp derp derp buddy where you at bud sorry uh what’s up D where were you what happened to the

Villagers well I guess it was a false alarm uh my friend Jimmy he came and talked to me and apparently the orange guy was just him wearing a bunch of orange armor I don’t know it’s really weird but I’m tired and I want to go

Home oh wait wait D but you can’t go home yet you can’t go home why um because your mom actually called me and wants you to go visit her my mom wants me to visit her really yeah yeah yeah that’s exactly it and she called you to

Tell me that yeah yeah yeah yeah exactly exactly okay okay so what did she say uh she said uh my beautiful baby boy derp even though I’m very disappointed in you and never proud of you at all I need to come back and visit me no oh derp derp

Stop I’m not going oh my goodness okay fine can you do uh something else for me no I quit no derp derp derp trust me trust me trust me give me my 300 diamonds I’m not listening to you okay okay listen listen this is a billionaire

Idea okay fine what is it I recently found a treasure map that leads to gold and diamonds like never before and because you’re my friend I want to give you the treasure map and we can split the earnings what the N no no no derp derp derp trust me trust me I don’t

Believe you Cory okay F treasure map show me the treasure map okay okay I put it down at your house because you know I was bringing it to show you today actually but no derp derp stop stop stop what I put it in a safe security lock so

Only I can get it and it doesn’t open if you’re around so you got to stay here I’ll bring it to you fine go and hurry okay okay I’m going I’m going oh my goodness okay I got to hurry up and make the treasure map really quick really

Quick okay I need to paint a treasure bath real quick so let me go ahead and put the canvas down and uh how are we going to make this okay first I got to try this house oh my goodness this is looking so bad but I’m just going to

Draw it as quick as possible okay here is der’s house uh let me go ahead and draw the little window so it’s a little bit more convincing and now we’re going to uh draw a line over here to the giant X okay that’s all we can do for now and

Now we’re going to call this treasure map let’s grab this baby real quick and we got to go make the X somewhere so let’s just put it uh let’s put it all the way over here super duper far and we’re going to go ahead and put the Red

X down all right now let’s dig down over here let’s just hurry up and dig a bunch out oh my goodness he’s definitely getting suspicious Cory where are you it should not be taking this long uh der derp der just just calm down just calm

Down I’m working on it okay uh I just forgot where I placed it a okay can I come over there now oh no no no no no no no it’s not open yet and oh look I found it okay okay I’m coming to you now I’m

Coming okay fine one two SK boo said a one and two and a Skiby Boo and a one two Skiby Boo and a one and a two and a Skiby Boo and okay okay I’m back please stop singing that hurts my ears but here is this here’s the treasure map oh my

Goodness it’s real wait what this is the lamest treasure map I’ve ever seen it’s a house and then in a little curve shaped line there’s an X yeah yeah yeah that’s your house and that’s that’s the path to the treasure map okay what’s in the Treasure uh like

Gold diamond blocks so much riches that you can’t even imagine okay let me ask you this is it more than 300 diamonds cuz if it’s not then you’re going to give me my diamonds I’m going to go to my house I’m going to go to bed and

You’re going to leave me alone sir I’m about to blow your mind you ready you want to know how many diamonds there are how many are in there 301 wait 301 are you serious do you promise I promise Go For It Go I take three I take one more and 300 wait that’s

Like uh okay I don’t know what you just said but go ahead and have fun buddy okay think should be over here okay okay he’s working on it okay thank gosh thank gosh now let’s go back into this the secret house we got to keep working on

This where did my villagers go where did they go uh wait I think I hear them over here come on yes okay they’re right here they are right here guys this is the wrong place this is not where you should be you guys should be in the you know

What it doesn’t even matter we’ll just leave them in here for now they can hopefully migrate to the kitchen later but now we got to work on our next room as well and uh you know what let me go ahead and cover this room with a

Painting too just to be safe for our final room what we’re going to make is we are going to make a derp hate room and a Corey fan club room because I mean come on now everybody loves Cory and uh derp is everybody thinks derp is is just

So weird so let’s go ahead and place these signs and make a painting over it awesome and now let’s begin this room and this has to be the most fabulous room of all time in this house and boom I cut the room out and now for this one

We’re going to make it a little bit different half the room is going to be in Orange and half the room is going to be in light blue but if you go into light blue we’re going to make it so you instantly die so let’s make all of this

Orange concrete real quick and this side we are going to make into light blue concrete so let’s go ahead and finish this baby up real quick and boom that is perfect perfect oh oh it hurts me even seeing the blue in this room oh my goodness but here is where it starts let

Me go ahead and I need to give myself the head of derp real quick boom there we go and we are going to line this entire side up with a bunch of derp faces let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go and we are going to put so many here

That it’s going to absolutely freak derp out I mean he doesn’t even know how I got all these heads but that’s a secret only for me so there we go we did all of that and now what we’re going to do is we’re going to put a bunch of sides here

And put these down so on this side we’re just going to say d stinks on this side we’re going to say derp smells like poop over here we’re going to say derp is short and now we’re just going to copy these and just put them everywhere

Around the room oh my y this is so hilarious he’s going to get actually so bad at me but boom that’s good and now over here we are going to place a bunch of wet floor signs to show that you know D peed all over the floor and if you go

Over here you’re going to slip and fall into his pee so there is that one and on this side we’re going to go ahead and grab some diamonds and we are going to make a giant Throne just for Corey the king of This Server so let’s go ahead

And make that and now we’re going to grab another side and right here we’re going to say Cory’s Throne boom that is perfect and you know what I think this should be pretty good but uh wait has derp found the treasure yet I feel like

I can’t find I found it I found it I found it EG and wait I probably shouldn’t tell Cory this cuz I feel like he’s not going to give me whatever inside of this so let’s just start opening it myself let me dig down and let’s see

Oh my goodness there really is diamond and gold everywhere yes okay let me finish breaking the rest of these and I’m going to have all these diamonds and then I’m going to go back to Cory’s house and I’m going to surprise them with all these diamonds I got okay let’s

Go back okay honestly I think this looks pretty awesome for now but I think that’s a good day is hard work we just need to cover this up before derp ends up coming real quick and he still hasn’t found the treasure so he should take a while now let me just start covering

This baby up hey Cory uh uh derp what what what what are you doing here Cory what is this um this is a dream this is a wa wake up derp wake up it’s a dream wake up wake up stop Cory I’m not I’m not a child okay

So I went to go find the X like you asked and I found a full sack of diamond which by the way actually you’re not going to get at all and second of all I only came here to show you cuz I was happy and there’s a hole in my fly

Okay fine I’ll show you what I’ve been working on I made a secret underground house under your house so you can check it out this is massive wait bro uh oh that’s awkward um this is a friend I met um yeah no he’s not your friend this is

Jimmy yeah I kidnapped him I’m sorry oh my goodness Jimmy are you okay wait what’s wrong with him what is you are you okay no you’re not okay oh my goodness he’s so mad at you and so am I uh okay well let me give you a tour that

This is by a giant TV flat screen TV and uh here’s a remote you can come and watch you know TV how did you even afford all of this uh I’m a billion there anyways come over here this is a giant orange trampoline that I made uh I

Mean it’s kind of cool but okay that’s besides the point Cory why would you do all of this under my house because I thought it was funny look look look you think these are regular paintings here come here come here take a look at this

If you find your P wait why is it why is oh there we go okay there we go now hop in W and this a of them bom Johnny yeah he’s here too but look look at all the toilets is it awesome I mean it looks

Nice in here but the amount of toilets is kind of nasty why would you do this under in my house Cory tell me right now because I told you I thought it was funny look look look look look you’re going to enjoy the rest of it okay come

Right over here this is my uh my kitchen area and oh my goodness I really got to do something about these paintings you literally can’t get inside but check this baby out look look look at all of this stuff what the heck are these up here oh yeah I didn’t have cutting

Boards so I I got these thingies uh don’t step on them they hurt your butt what the heck is this a restaurant yeah it’s a restaurant and why is there a difference between this short one and this big one oh um because this one’s for like the big boys like you know

People that are tall like me and that was for like babies like for you so I I gave it to you so you can reach it Cory we’re the same exact height stop with that that’s that’s not true that’s not true but yeah that that’s the end of the

Tour that’s all there is definitely no other rooms oh what’s over here uh nothing nothing we don’t have to we don’t have to go over that no no I want to see no no no der we should not we should not we should not go in go in

Here what the heck is that uh nothing we should we should not we don’t don’t look at the signs don’t smells like a poop a derp smells like a poop a derp stinks derp is short wait what how did you get all these clones on

My head uh don’t don’t look at that der don’t don’t don’t do that yeah yeah yeah wait what is this over here oh uh Cory’s Throne um nothing it’s it’s it’s a little chair I made for myself cuz you know I I was feeling okay Cory you know

What uh what you are a psychopath get this down right now I want to see this oh my goodness are you serious but I spent so much time on this for what the why and why did you kid out my villagers what do they have to do with this oh

They were supposed to be my chefs but they’re not really doing any work um so we might have to get rid of them oh duh they don’t like you well you know what okay fine fine fine I I’ll clean this up right now I’ll clean it up wait what do

You mean you’re going to clean this up no no no don’t worry I’ll clean this up I I will clean this up Cory yeah okay Cory what was that oh oh this is uh this is the self-destruct button self stru button wait but what about my house is

My house going to be okay I’m sure it’ll be fine somehow uh wait just just give it one second why are you looking up Cory uh no it whatsoever um okay I cleaned it up derp just for you oh my God this my house

Don’t worry der I told you I clean it up and I did so if you guys enjoyed make sure to subscribe and if you want to watch more videos click any of them on the screen right now subscribe but that’s it for me and your boy is out

This video, titled ‘I Built a SECRET House on My Friend’s Server! *he had no idea*’, was uploaded by Kory on 2023-10-14 19:21:37. It has garnered 44134 views and 666 likes. The duration of the video is 00:33:13 or 1993 seconds.

I Built a SECRET House on My Friend’s Server! *he had no idea*

#minecraft #kory #minecraftmod

I Built a SECRET House on My Friend’s Server! *he had no idea*

Inspired by Cash, Nico, Omz, Maizen!

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  • Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Me Rifan

    Unbelievable Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Me RifanVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Gabut Guys😁😁’, was uploaded by It’s Me Rifan! on 2024-03-07 06:18:43. It has garnered 77 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:01 or 721 seconds. Assalamualaikum guys!!!!! _________________________________________________ Yok Gas 4000k Showtimes! Intro Template From: Application : AM Intro Template Link ________________________________________________ Link Port: 19202 Skin Ku Donate link 🤑💰 (Buy a cool quality headset because it’s damaged) Rules: ⛔No copying of descriptions! ⛔ No Reupload 📷Instagram ☎️Discord: Mohd Rifan GTR R35 NISMO #1992 Device: Realme 8 Chipset:Mediatek Helio G95 Ram: 8GB Memori:128GB Gpu:Mali G76… Read More

  • Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!

    Ultimate Survival House with 100 Nextbots! Coffin Meme Madness!Video Information hello like And [Applause] subscribe nice hey [Music] okay oh my oh [Music] no no God go go go okay let’s [Music] go what wow yeah boy Yahoo oh my God yeah boy go go go yes yes yes [Music] yes [Music] Yahoo [Music] nice [Music] okay here we [Music] go [Music] M nice a few moments later [Music] nice go go go not bad not [Music] bad yeah boy yeah boy m [Music] m [Music] [Laughter] [Music] wow go go go hey what what the oh my God yeah boy [Music] no God not bad not [Music]… Read More

  • Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️

    Uncover The Secret of Aquamirae Mod in Minecraft ⛏️Video Information if you install aquam maray into your Minecraft world you will experience a Bethesda style Quest and storyline to begin you need to visit the ice maze this location is filled with ships owned by pillagers that are trapped in the ice one of the ships will host the captain who drops to Shell horn which summons Captain Cornelia a ghostly boss with Unique Mechanics That Make Her difficult to defeat once you defeat her you can obtain items like the three bolt helmet and frozen keys the keys can be used to open Frozen chests found within… Read More

  • 10x World’s Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!

    10x World's Tallest Pool Build in Minecraft!Video Information and boom our swimming pool is officially done are you guys ready to have some fun in the sun Alexa you could have dibs on jumping in the pool first oh no I’m not jumping in that disgusting dirty umy pool what but it’s like a bajillion degre outside I am so hot and I spent a lot of time making this pool look at how big it is we can all fit inside no um this pool is too small and it’s dirty I hate it what it’s not that dirty there’s just a little bit of… Read More

  • Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid – Minecraft Tutorial Dance

    Save the Princess with Hermain & Hamid - Minecraft Tutorial DanceVideo Information en [Musique] haut en bas à gauche à droite allez maintenant tous ensemble en bas à gauche à droite This video, titled ‘#tutorial #minecraft #dance #15april #princesspuzzle #savetheprincess #funny’, was uploaded by Hermain. Hamid on 2024-05-24 18:50:44. It has garnered 1 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:11 or 11 seconds. Read More

  • 🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft Server

    🤯 THE BEST MONEY FARM in Skyblock! 🤑 | 1.8-1.20+ Minecraft ServerVideo Information yo everybody what is going on and welcome back to another episode of Sky Block ladies and gentlemen this is the brand new Sky Block series that we are going to be recording here on the channel I just released my brand new Sky Block server Venture MC yesterday so if you guys want to hop on and support the server it is absolutely crazy this this is going to be my best Sky Block series I’ve ever posted and this is truly the best Sky Block server I have ever been a part of so the IP… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle – Graidgaming Episode #2

    Insane Minecraft Battle - Graidgaming Episode #2Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT character vs Animation | Graidgaming. episode #2’, was uploaded by Graid gaming on 2024-02-26 18:16:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Thanks for watching! Please subscribe to my channel: @Graidgaming Like and write a comment under this video. It makes me … Read More

  • Ahrne MC

    Ahrne MCWelcome to the pixelmon region of Ahrne! We hope you have a great time and stick around for a while. We have many exciting challenges and hope you are ready to Catch em’ all Read More